Thieu resigns, calls U.S. 'inhumane' From Wire Services enemy to cease all acts of war and enter into officials reportedly bypassed South Viet¬ promises. It is unfair. It is inhumane. It is lirnN - Denouncing the United peace negotiations. namese immigration officials to put many of not trustworthy. It is But Thieu added that South irresponsible," he « an "inhumane" ally, President Vietnam the Vietnamese aboard. Other Vietnamese said. would fight on to defend the Van Thieu on Monday night territory left to evacuees arrived in Guam. Thieu said that former President Nixon it. - Rafter 10 years in office. m»Hiatelv appointed the vice presi- The armed forces chief of "I resign, but I do not desert," Thieu said had described all accords, including the staff, Gen. Cao in concluding his 1 Vi hour address. "From Paris cease-fire agreement, as Van Vien, spoke "pieces of f 72-year-old Tran Van Huong, as his briefly, saying that his troops would continue fighting to "defend this minute I will put of the President and myself at the disposal paper" unless they were implemented, and the homeland people. I will continue had therefore verbally promised ^emotional address to the govern- against the Communist to Saigon not stay close to you all in the coming task of only military and economic aid, but "direct it Rational Assembly and people^ Thieu aggressors." national defense. Goodbye to you all." and strong United States At Clark Air Base in the military inter¬ % the United States of breaking its Philippines, His voice taut with emotion, Thieu vention" in the event the Communists Zs to support an anti-Communist meanwhile, about 1,000 Americans and Vietnamese arrived in the devoted most of his speech to a scathing broke the accord. Lent in Saigon. Thus, he said, Presi- largest such airlift yet from South Vietnam. U.S. criticism of the United States. But then, Thieu said, Watergate undid t Huong would immediately press the "The United States has not respected its American resolve in aiding Vietnam, and Washington deserted its ally. Thieu and the people of his country have House OKs clearly resigned themselves to the fact that group tit! the end is at hand. President Huong was sworn into office immediately at the assembly and govern¬ WASHINGTON (AP) — A $330 million military and economic country by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong. ment meeting Monday night in the Presi¬ bill for South Vietnam was approved by a House committee After the testimony, the committee approved 36 to 15 an dential Palace. day after Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger testified the appropriations bill including $165 million military aid for South In a brief speech, Huong praised the THIEU ev is needed to negotiate "a humane solution" to the war. Vietnam and $165 million humanitarian aid. achievements of the outgoing president, J iLtiations "would mean avoiding a battle for the city of Kissinger refused to give details on what negotiations would noted that he was assuming a great advisors disguised as civilians" leave Viet¬ eon, if that could effectively be done," Kissinger told the House involve. responsibility and called for national unity, nam. oropriations Committee. Weyand said the military options open to the saying, "United we live, divided we die." In a broadcast Monday, the Viet ; saj,j military aid could also provide stability needed to enemy are almost Cong limitless. But he said military aid could bolster the will of the Thieu's resignation was one of two major appeared to set a time limit for the latter as ,cuate reprisal threatened South Vietnamese officials as well South Vietnamese to fight and thus win a demands that Viet Cong have called pre¬ "two to three days, or in 24 hours, even." Americans from that country. negotiated settlement requisites to any peace talks. The other is The broadcast was strongly threatening in [Tm Chief of Staff Gen. Frederick C. Weyand told the (continued on page 10) that all "American military men and tone, and implied that if the conditions were nmittee that South Vietnam is no longer militarily defensible, said aid could prevent an abrupt and total takeover of the VOLUME 169 NUMBER 65 TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1975 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 CARR LOBBIES FOR Residents size up flood situation By JEFF MERRELL State News Staff Writer Lansing area residents, businessmen and students began taking a long, sobering look yesterday at the end product of the area's worst flood in 28 years. Among those were approximately 400 students who were forced out of their homes in an area bordered by Kalamazoo, 1-496 and Clemens Avenue, one of the hardest hit, and who remain in temporary housing waiting for water levels to recede. National Weather Service officials said This was the scene of the Auditorium basement both the Grand and Red Cedar Rivers are Monday expected to fall below flood levels by afternoon as the workers were forced to continue removing Wednesday morning. Both rivers had fallen water throughout the day. about one-half foot by Monday evening. Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., Gov. Mifliken's request for federal disaster aid The shaded portions of the map are the that remain flooded. flood cleanup efforts has drawn no action from federal officials. areas U.S. Rep. Bob Carr, D-East Lansing, said he had been to the White House lobbying problem with housing," he warned. 'The Dimondale dam. "Beal Gardens is one of the greatest for that federal aid. people displaced don't have anywhere to go. Kirt Bayes, 17, and Barry Edgar, 23, problems," he said. "I'm trying to speed it along as fast as "The (permanent) residents may have were the only two victims of the flood in the About 4,000 stakes, valued at $5 chug, splash apiece roan, possible. I'm fairly hopeful it will get through," Carr said. lost more materials, but most of them had relatives or friends to go to. Students, immediate area so far. On campus, MSU officials are waiting for and used for identification of be lost, Lloyd said. plants, might A decision may not be reached, however, however, are already in a crammed housing the waters to move back from the present "They could be to Lake Michigan before By BRAD MARTISIUS the pools if it would have reached the until late this week, he said. situation and when they moved in with level before making any definite estimates you know it," he added. State News Staff Writer pumps and Alters for the swimming pools," Student residents of the Kalamazoo friends it just made the situation worse. damages, which on appear to be minimal. Lloyd said there could also be a tremen¬ |ring is being heralded this year by the Shively said. "As it is, we lost some Street area, where water has reached the "We've got serious problems." "To say the damages would be $5, $500 or dous amount of cleanup of debris caught on ping, chugging and splashing of water Ips as MSU and the valuables, but on the whole not much eaves of some homes, may also have to wait Ryan also said the area has been well $5,000 at this time, I've got nothing to base fences and other objects, and deposited in Lansing area damage was done." until late this week before they can get back policed, and looting has been prevented. it on," said Howard Wilson, director of curreptly flooded areas. kgle to keep their heads above the The heat was off and the telephones were to their houses, said Ingham County In addition, the county would set up building services. Also, rumors about the rapid spread of |ing brown waters of the kr River. bloated Red out Monday at Demonstration Hall after Commissioner Pat Ryan, D-Lansing. immunization clinics in the area as soon as the water recedes, to help prevent tetanus Wilson said his crews were still fighting the elements, after the water rose tem¬ hepatitis and other diseases on campus are water flooded the boiler room and the rifle "I'm guessing maybe 20 per cent of that false, according to Dr. James Feurig, Pe knew this was coming on Saturday," range in the basement there. neighborhood is students. Most of those got and hepatitis. Advice for gleaning will also porarily Sunday night following a brief director of the University Health Center. I Sterling yelled over the roar of a out with their be available from the county, he said. retreat. Sgt. Maj. Jose Hernandez, a military possessions," he said. The Americana and Cedar View apart¬ |ine powered water pump. path all that day, "We held science instructor, shined the lonely beam Ryan said he had worked two days Elsewhere, two Lansing residents drowned when their vinyl rafts were over¬ Gilbert Lloyd, service supervisor for grounds maintenance, said damages on ments both have flood problems under waiting to see how evacuating people from the area. control, as water in the basement of Pt would get." (continued 5) by the raging torrents on page "We're going to have a tremendous come near the University property could be a problem. Americana buildings and in two Cedar Viet Ning and her husband Mark manage apartments has already been removed. f View Apartments, 1390 E. Grand The carpets in the two apartments were fPgAve' They spent most of Saturday furniture and removed before any flooding occured. ripping up carpets in Kroger's in the Frandor shopping center P apartments that border the river, is the only business in that complex that pday was spring cleaning day for the remained closed Monday because of electri¬ i"igs as they squished through the two cal problems stemming from flooding. pents that were flooded. Flies and Meridian Mall suffered imtos buzzed no damage. everywhere and the air |a peculiar odor of sewage and pfectant. wm f really lucked I ine water came out," Mark Sterling within three inches 'TIB Student victims P foor in the large building. We would I "en m for it if it would have flooded need flexibility leSterlingS' clad in heavy rubber boots I wJud m "leir oldest clothes, said I get tetanus shots when they Provost John Cantlon asked the MSU L°"e cleaning up. The shots are faculty Monday to be aware of the problems Ksktw.u county health service. facing students in flooded areas and, if Inn of this e aPartments to be livable by < l possible, to postpone class assignments. week. "Because of the severe flooding in the |y!f„|rtren,S in the East Lansing and East Lansing areas, the office ft had tu ,ted ^00<* damage. Cedar of the provost is requesting instructional 1D.J e on,-v building which had to units to maintain maximum flexibility in IVsii ,°Ut because of the flood. dealing with students who suffered disloca¬ InisonP I8!5 Were cance,led Monday tions from the flood," Cantlon said. Stu¬ Ihewfrl ,USe' Dem°nstration Hall • dents whose addresses are in areas with eonle h S ntramura' Building. flood disruption may request faculty to give I since aTkbee,n workin8 around the them extensions for completing class It out of r?y evening Pumping assignments." ■ely thp k mens IM'" said Paul Cantlon emphasized that he is not ■nan. ysica' plant's plumbing ordering faculty to comply. He said he is only asking faculty who may not be aware Rffi1 T"on the J«>> right now, of the extent of flood damage to take note of FPBmnjn,.! nff hold our own. student's problems. "We know of cases where students lost everything they owned, where the stu¬ Te8l^e Pkhysical Pint's squat green dent's books and notebooks away were washed in the flood," he said. "It is just a thestpgg0d 8Way as Shively reminder to I broke £ an:piPe fittinR where the some of the faculty to take the building. cognizance of this. I don't think we will Id sandbag truckloads of 40- u¥!d to confine the have much trouble." The provosts office made a similar plea to e The flood continues to spread as the corner of Magnolia Avenue day. Strange objects are now floating around the ar< MSU faculty during the student protests of water wouI^k1"ave of thecontaminated basement. and Harton Street remain underwater for the second straight Someone's front doorstep heads for the 1-496 freeway. the '60s and early '70s at MSU. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesda'y. April 25 STANDS BY 19 74 D Court refuses to hear busing case From Wire Services But the high court's refusal to set aside more recent rulings that had sent bifek to federal district court for a hearino tk ; - WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court declined Monday to find new ways to advance city - suburban school combinations whether a 1969 merger of the Nixon may donate tapes review two decisions approving the merger of city and suburban indicated that its continuing adherence to the doctrine of the city and Mario governmental purposes did not require an eduMt;«,Ty '*■ &J school districts in order to achieve racial desegregation in a Detroit case was not going to be sweeping or inflexible. In the Louisville case, the Former President Richard M. Nixon says Supreme that if the courts Monday's action left standing a decision by the United States a court of permit, he will give the White House tapes which forced his metropolitan area. By leaving lower court rulings in effect in Indianapolis and Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit upholding a proposal to appeals decision in the sixth integration plan for the city schools and district Tt 2^ resignation to a planned Nixon Presidential Library at the those of ' Louisville, the justices did not alter their 1974 Detroit decision merge the Indianapolis city school system with those of eight Jefferson County, plus still another towns in adjacent Marion County and two small neighboring cities. In this case, the appeals court outlying distr.V if University of Southern California. prohibiting school integration plans merging city school systems The acquisition of presidential materials by the library is that have been found discriminatory with suburban districts that The appellate court had refused to include schools in a hajf - Detroit ruling by finding that both got around the s 'l have not dozen other outlying counties in such planned desegregation and systems, taken separately, were the city and ® contingent upon a successful challenge to legislation discriminatory in that a merger was thus possible. requiring that all Nixon's presidential materials remain in The Louisville case is Washington, D.C. complicated by the fact that tuv State Board of Education decided in I February |ftn T Greeks stage demonstration Heavy fighting likely to continue dispute reached the high court, that the should merge later this year. Even if this move may eliminate city and the col' controversy J y SJ1 L metropolitan integration solution, Monday's Supreme rlJ*l will permit the final plan to cross still Police and anti-American demonstrators battled at the small adjacent Anchorage district, another line andt I i U.S. Embassy in Greece Monday night following a march by about 100.0CK) persons on the eighth anniversary of an army coup against the democracy. regardless of Thieu's departure did not appear to permit. In other action Monday, the •Listened to arguments that the court: something the IW 71 0,11 Police said six demonstrators and five policemen were By PETER ARNETT have said. That includes the who left Phnom Penh 10 days existing death penalh J Thieu made it clear in his still give too much discretion to injured in clashes on the embassy grounds. AP Special Correspondent new president. before it fell to advancing farewell speech that his armed juries, prosecutors and o J ' SAIGON determining who shall die and are just as unconstitutional!* Many Greeks believe Washington propped up the military - Heavy fighting is Two is that the Communist Communist - led troops. forces were in no position to laws struck down by the regime and anti-American sentiments have grown since the likely to continue in South side has amassed overwhelm¬ resist the military advances of The court's action in this Supreme Court in 1972 1 armed forces junta collapsed last July and democratic rule Vietnam because President ing military strength around The politicians who scram¬ bled into the vacuum left by the Communist side, that is, punishment will continue in case could determine the United States. No whetherl was restored. They also accuse the United States of being Nguyen Van Thieu's resigna¬ Saigon, a reality freely admit¬ unless vast quantities of Amer¬ executed in this country since 1967. or tion is just the beginning of a Lon Nol could not come up with ted by Thieu in his resignation ican ai/j were provided. pro-Turkish ih the dispute over divided Cyrpus. process of political compromise a formula to keep the Cambo¬ •Refused to revifew the conviction of James W McCont I speech. Experienced observers Lacking any real military the men arrested during the 1972 dian Communists at bay. and not the climax. see the Communist side balance, the new South Vietna¬ •Declined to hear a Georgia man's claim that Watergate burglary f Auto The strategy of "talk - fight" squeezing the ring around the The successors to Thieu have government or any that the state's J industry recovering has been part of the Indochina capital city to remind the new not as yet formulated a substi¬ mese follows might hav6 no choice laws discriminate against men. •Declined to hear arguments that life ^ picture ever since Communist - Saigon government that it tute for his policy of direct but to arrange to give political¬ imprisonment ti parole is an unconstitutional penalty for a first U.S. auto executives are increasing car production, calling led forces began the attempt to wants peace on its own terms. confrontation to the Communist ly what most observers believe which the victim is not otherwise offense of J back some workers and predicting an end to the industry's oust the colonial French three Thieu's resignation gives the side, a policy that has kept the the Communists could take injured. L •Let stand a decision that Florida's worst slump since World War II. decades ago. The battle of Dien Viet Cong and the North Viet¬ war going for years. militarily — Saigon. unconstitutional, because it infringed on the freedom disorderly conduct! Bien Phu that resulted in the namese the political The traditional spring upturn has not yet arrived, equivalent ofspe defeat of a 15,000 - man French of their spectacular military however, and analysts who predicted it would come this garrison in 1954 was fought successes. Three quarters of CONFLICT, CRITICISM ERODED POWER - month now look hopefully toward May. during the final stages of a the country and about half the Despite continued poor sales, auto executives have lately Geneva conference to end the population have fallen into their been traveling around the country to spread the war. hands in recent weeks. encouraging word and they remain doggedly optimistic, Negotiations to remove the Just as the loss of 19 pro¬ Tenacity could U.S. presence from South Viet¬ citing signs of recovery in the economy. vinces and half the armed nam in the late 1960s and early forces has sent shock waves 1970s were also characterized through the country, so un¬ by vicious fighting in the field. doubtedly will Thieu's resigna¬ The probability of continued tion. Thieu lost the confidence From Wire Services him personally to blame for village's particular foe. bassadors Ellsworth B fighting despite Thieu's resig¬ of his nation because of the SAIGON (AP) - Nguyen setting off the final rout of his After the 1971 election, in nation is heightened by two military reverses, and morale Van Thieu stood for a decade at armies with the decision in which he ran unopposed, Thieu and Graham A. Martin di] call him a friend as wi factors. collapsed: the center of a bloody conflict March to abandon the central One is that Thieu is methodically consolidated and leader. just the By resigning, Thieu has re¬ that finally consumed him. highlands without a fight. expanded his political base. Never open with the I tip of the iceberg as far as the linquished his hold over the A shrewd, calculating politi¬ But even with his nation After the September 1973 se¬ Thieu became increasi Communist side is concerned. tightly knit infrastructure of cian, Thieu manuevered himself crumbling, Thieu tenaciously nate elections he controlled elusive with each passing! Not only the president but the command and control that he up from bloody battlefields to refused to quit his white con¬ both houses of the National The man who s whole "Nguyen Van Thieu cli¬ has painstakingly put together political power during the tur¬ crete palace. When the Com¬ Assembly and the Supreme so njany years in the fat que" must be ousted before to run South Vietnam in almost bulent mid 1960's. Monday he munist blitz had already gob¬ Court. odds — the Viet Cong, aH negotiations can be satisfactor¬ eight years of complete power. resigned, after eight years as bled up three - fourths of his Thieu managed to be palata¬ North Vietnamese army.B ily begun, the Communists Experienced observers sug¬ president, to pave the way for a country he declared, "We will ble to three American adminis¬ cal dissidence in Saigoq Saudi Arabia may sell oil gest that without Thieu at the possible political settlement of fight to the last bullet, the last trations which poured billions growing anti - war se top, this infrastructure could the Vietnam war with the grain of rice." into his regime in a bid to stop the United States - Saudi Arabia is considering an arrangement to sell oil to the United States at a fixed price in return for Employes fall apart, further weakening the nation's response to the Viet Cong and North Vietna¬ Communist opposition. can Massive amounts of Ameri¬ aid, both military and A moon - faced prim demeanor and bland ner, Thieu did man not radiate with man¬ a an implacable foe. U.S. Am¬ prepossessing leader. help with an The Stat* News if published by the students of Michigan Stat* Un industrialization, says Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani. mese threat. economic, helped keep him in electriifying charisma, nor did class day during Fall. Winter and Spring school terms, The Saudi oil minister declined to speculate on what the offered tax This could be evident in the military high command staffed power, and he entrenched himself by promo¬ further he generate a worshipful fol¬ lowing. His power was rooted Monday. W» Fridays, during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition h September. Subscription rate Is $20 per year. cost of oil might be, but indicated that the agreement would Second closs postoge paid at East Lansing. Mich. Editorial and busir cover all the oil needed by generals of Thieu's choice, ting key aides on the basis of in his 1.1 million man army, in - 345 Student Services BIdg.. Michigan State University. East Lonsir by this country. picked more for their political loyalty rather than his lavish patronage system In another area, Yamani said Saudi Arabia "accepts the principle of Israel," but Israel must give up all the territory exemptions reliability than ability. There could be jockeying for competence. Some observers believe that he also tolerated a and meticulously orchestrated plunges into the countryside. occupied in the 1967 war, including East Jerusalem. All student power among the senior gener¬ generous amount of corruption. The slick planning by his well employes, includ¬ als. The powerful national But even before the - oiled propaganda machine ing graduate assistants, who did not have to pay income tax police force could also be rent Communists launched their fi¬ blended with his knack for News/Editorial with power plays. An imme¬ nal blitz, U.S. money and kissing the right babies, seek¬ Classified Ads Succession called sexist last year and who do not diate consequence of Thieu's ing out the village elder by Display Advertising anticipate paying any this year support were drying up, infla¬ may be exempt from having resignation could be renewed tion was devastating his econ¬ name and loudly berating that Why shouldn't Princess Anne come ahead of her two income taxes withheld from demonstrations by opposing omy and critics were sniping at younger brothers in the line waiting to wear the British their wages. political factions who might his power. crown? take advantage of the loosening At the end, even Thieu's Present#, a single person of iron control. That touchy question of "women's lib" was raised this does not pay tax unless his or American allies joined in the her income goes over $2,350 a Some observers think Thieu near - universal chorus deman¬ Total. weekend by a Labor party member of Parliament — a man who thinks the princess should take — year, and a married couple can stepped down too late, like ding that he get out. Many of advantage of a new sex earn up to $3,400 before having President Lon Nol of Cambodia his hand picked generals held - equality law to elbow ahead in the royal line of succession. to pay taxes. The succession is strictly a "ladies last" Princess Anne, 24, lines up behind not Prince Charles, 26, but also behind arrangement and only older Brother Princes Andrew, 15, and Students who wish to avoid having federal income tax with¬ held on their paychecks must TENNIS CLUB The lazy way Edward, 11. file a W-4E Exemption With' Earthquake shakes Japan holding of Federal Income Tax Form at the Payroll Division, 350 Administration BIdg. The MEETING to take care of your deadline for filing the form is Rm 208 Mens IM The most powerful earthquake to rock southwestern Japan in postwar years injured eight persons Monday and April 30. Wednesday, April 23 Building contact lenses. destroyed or damaged 70 homes and buildings, police 7&9P.M. reported. Police said the quake also destroyed two Information about instruction, bridges, blocked 18 highways, caused 16 landslides in Oita and other parts of Kyushu Island and made 180 prefecture state tournaments and tennis equipment repair discounts. You may not even be lazy. Just very busy. Who has time for a and the 4 oz. size. Total5 2 oz. has| persons a free, mirrored lens storage cr homeless. Rick Bohn was misquoted in Bring in your racket for 24 solution to wet contacts, another for and the new economy 4 Monday's State News story on hour repair service. soaking, still another to clean them flood evacuations. saves you 25%. He and maybe one for cushioning? was (Membership applications Total® is available at the quoted as saying that the available Ph. 353-5108 It gets pretty of the house where he complicated to say campus bookstore or your local | Violence erupts in Portugal owner lived moved his belongings to nothing of the expense. drugstore. the upper floors. Bob Green, Now there's Total® The all-in- And we're so sure you H Bohn's roommate, should have one contact lens solution that does Pre-election violence erupted in northern been credited for doing the it all.Total® wets, soaks, cleans and like Total® that we ll give you your| Portugal second bottle free. Just send a Monday and more than 20 persons were reported injured in moving. P in • cushions your contacts. And you p several incidents. II IISI |||\| I I V4 I IS H US A Total® boxtop with your name, only have to use a single solution. address and college name to. Armed leftists besieged members of the moderate Center Try Total® See how Social Democrat (CDS) party holding a campaign rally in a theater in Guimares. Diplomatic sources said the leftists HIGHLAND HILLS 1.1.1. • comfortable your contact lenses can be. And much more Total, Allergan Pharmaceuticals iruiE®Avy S stoned the theater and 2525 Dupont Drive military units were deployed to cleaner. And a lot Irvine, California 9ZB protect the CDS members. But the siege continued. easier to announces the opening use. (Limit one per persona of their 18 hole golf IfTL I AIR if 111 • There are two Offer expires course, located \lI Sill good ways to buy July 31,1975) Cambodians returning home at the corner f Total®—the 2 oz. size M H All I VI IM of North US-27 £ and AlwardRd. Many of the thousands of Cambodian civilians who fled to Thailand were reported to be Ph. 669-9873 i \i ii iii • going home. Sources in Paris said Monday a number of important personalities in the fallen government had left the French I M I I I I III • Embassy in Phnom Penh and turned themselves over to the For the fifth day, there was no news Khmer Rouge. A. • Penh, which directly from Phnom was captured by the CommunfcHed rebels on joH Will Mil HI IIM WO IIS! Thursday. I The informed sources in Paris said most of O remained at the French Embassy, I those who including veral hundred 0 m&i Total* makes contact lanses easier. ji French citizens and American and, other fo# .. had been days and that a Khmer Rouge the compound. detachment/ jn newsmen, practically without food and Waterr-* the past four d surrounded \IEJAC TV 'elivery RENTALS—1 j••••••* } I lijgan state News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 22,1975 3 THIEU'S RESIGNATION iSU Viet students worry about families By R.D. CAMPBELL and Ton Nu was formerly supported in the PAULPARKER Vietnam, but now prefers to live in the United States by her family, but is now self- United States. State News Staff Writers Two Vietnamese students, Nguyen Quan supporting with an assistantship from the Lam received a letter from his mother and Pham Nghia sat in the office of Dept. of Romance Languages. last week. He said she is frightened and August Benson, MSU foreign student adviser, Only two of the 11 Vietnamese students trying hard to get an exit visa. at MSU are providing for their own "I think the Tuesday morning anxiously awaiting their (peat tragedy is not the chance to speak to him. education. The other have assistantships or orphans, but the people who may have to scholarships from the Agency for Inter- die because of their opposition to the They were confused and bewildered. Communists," he said. Hours earlier the president of their country national Development (AID), "I view the Communist takeover resigned. With wives, husbands and children thousands of miles away, students uNu 18 womed about her parents personal tragedy, but for the country as a a want Benson to help them bring their "" SL15" President Ngo Dinh Diem, who was over¬ " """ whole it might be better than the war," he families to the United States. thrown in the 1963 Vietnam coup. If her said. A third student, Thai Vi Ton Nu, quickly family can safely exit Vietnam, she says she talked to a counselor who assured her that has no reason to return. her student status Three other Vietnamese students con¬ not in jeopardy. Viet students was tacted prior to Thieu's resignation had an Quan, 24, has not had a letter from home in over a month. His parents are merchants equally strong desire to be reunited with in Saigon, where he was born and raised. their families. After completing graduate work in economics at MSU, he had planned to Nguyen Chan, 31, a masters degree candidate in agricultural engineering, has visas extended return to Vietnam as a teacher of govern¬ never seen his 17-month-old son. ment economist. Now the situation is Chan has not tried to bring his wife to the The U.S. government will not force changed. United States, though he would like to. He Vietnamese and Cambodian students to "Everything is in doubt," he said. "I'm was an evacuee from Hanoi in 1954 when Ho return to their countries after their visas just so confused." Chi Minh came to power in the north. expire, said Gen. Chapman, commissioner Communist resentment of Vietnamese "Right now I don't plan to go back," he of the Immigration and Naturalization who have been studying in American said. "But 111 have to wait and see what Service. SN Photo/R.D. Campbell universities would probably prevent him happens." August G. Benson, MSU's foreign stu¬ Three Vietnamese students discuss their the United States. From left to right they are from returning to Saigon. "The one hope I have is that the govern¬ dent advisor and president of the National unities and their futile efforts to bring them to Tran Xuan, Nguyen Lam and Nguyen Chan. He was a reservist in the South Viet¬ ment might change its mind," Chan said. "I Assn. for Foreign Student Affairs met with namese army from 1967 to 1972 while hope there is a mass evacuation." Chapman last week. Benson sent the attending the University of Saigon. Tran Xuan, another Vietnamese student information he received to foreign student Nghia, 30, came to MSU last summer to with a wife and two daughters in Saigon, advisors across the country. Chapman Cl/n/c performs work on a masters degree in microbiology. said that he tried unsuccessfully to bring his assured Benson that students not author¬ He went to talk to Benson when he heard of family to the United States six months ago. ized to work in the United States will now Thieu's resignation. He said the Vietnamese government kept be allowed to work. Students who have Nghia has been trying to convince his students' families in Vietnam so that the graduated will be allowed to work for at parents, retired civil servants, to come to students would return. least 18 months. By JAMIE D.CONROY Maximo, at 22 years, was no "spring kept by zoos. Maximo was valued at the United States. They say in their letters Xuan, 39, hopes to return to Vietnam "if "Normally, practical training had to be SUte News Staff Writer chicken" and had been sick for a couple of $18,000. that they are too old to leave home. His they allow me to live a peaceful life." related to the student's degree," Benson lere's a first time for everything. weeks with a touch of pneumonia, Savoy Gorillas are an endangered species, father is 70 and his mother is 62. He said he would prefer to live with his said. "But any kind of work will do." I Friday, the Veterinary Clinic was the said. But the cause of death cannot be making it almost impossible to import them "I've got to confess, I'd like to live in my determined until the autopsy results are family and teach in the United States. Homer Higbee, asst. dean of student | of MSU's first gorilla autopsy, from their natural African homes. Savoy country when I finish here, but I just don't "I don't want to live too long away from exchange, said a similar loosening of returned in about week. pimo, a 538-pound overweight gorilla, one said he will try to obtain replacements in know what will happen," he said. my family," he said. restrictions occured in 1960 and 1949 with Jshipped from the Detroit Zoo to MSU In his younger days, Maximo enjoyed this country. The zoo still has a pair of Nghia spent four months in the South Nguyen Lam, 28, with an assistantship in the Communist takeovers of Cuba and 124 hours after he died. His arrival gorillas, but Mesou needs a mate. Vietnamese army. the Dept. of Physics, planned to return to China. I a stir among employes at the clinic, watching TV football, much to the dismay of his mate Mesou. She would show her ecause Maximo was a gorilla, everyone >d to watch the autopsy," said Allan displeasure at Maximo's football habit by Jp, professor of pathology. Trapp, pie three doctors performing the one sneaking up behind him, kicking him in the ribs and pulling his hair. CAMPUS, COMMUNITY GROUPS OFFER AID d it took about three hours, As far as zoo officials know, Maximo en a valuable animal dies at the zoo, never mated with Mesou. Part of the Flood I routinely handles the autopsy, zoo problem have been incompatibility, victims may Itor Dr. James Savoy said, jouname the kinds of animals in the zoo e seen them here," Trapp said. said director. Dr. Robert Wilson, former zoo can Je animals are routinely incinerated Though saddened by the death, zoo By MICHELE BURGEN Rice said dozens officials are busy seeking young replace¬ are waiting to be available for people who need in scattered "We will also be helping elderly people ■the autopsies, but Maximo went back State News Staff Writer interviewed, while case workers sort ments who can breed their own offspring:. cooperatives in East Lansing. Single and carry heavy objects up from their base¬ e zoo where he will be used for Several groups both on campus and in the through paper work to determine shared rooms and floor space are available. ments," she said. King purposes. Gorillas are among the most prized animals immediate needs. community are offering organized relief Persons may join the food co-op on a weekly Seiter said interested volunteers or services to flood victims as the area He said the Red Cross has no immediate basis, if they wish. attempts to people needing help should call 353-4400 overcome devastating flood need for more volunteers. Wind said anyone needing a place to stay and ask for the Volunteer Action Corps. losses. "Volunteers we've had before have re¬ should call the Intercooperative Council The Lansing Public Service Dept. will to wife ad The American Red Cross of Lansing has office at 355-8313. answers assigned six case workers to interview all sponded well," Rice said. "Others have called to offer assistance, and we are very The Volunteer Action Corps (VAC) of the offer a free pickup of small articles, spoiled food and other debris, a spokeswoman at people coming in for assistance to receive grateful for that." MSU Volunteer Bureau is seeking volun- food, shelter and clothing as they are Persons needing food, shelter Mayor Gerald Graves' office said. or clothing teers to help in a cleanup program later this All articles for pickup should be placed in needed, said Dale Rice, Red Cross public should call the Red Cross at 484-7461 or go week or early next week. plastic bags. The service is available by [eep widower busy relations coordinator. to its headquarters at 1800 E. Grand River "Our eroup is taking calls for people who calling the department at 487-1321. "Most people are being put up in the Ave. want tffeir basement cleaned up after the A Public Service crew will also pump out (Marshall Street) armory," he said. "We Jacob Wind, staff member of the MSU water goes down," said Ann Seiter, VAC's flooded basements. Individuals should call have a dozen families in motels, but most Student Housing Co-op, said 10 spaces are chief dispatcher. 487-1313. ETAM0RA (UPI) — Wayne Bennett So far, he has dated a dozen of the women are being cared for in relatives' homes." Is a wife who doesn't believe in "all that who answered the ad. He has talked over Ten's lib stuff' 162 women think they — the phone with another 30. r~Servinq East Lansing I |e description. "I'll get married again, that's for sure," M.S.U.hh^ m m| Women's down? ipIzzaPIT Bennett said. "I hope one of these women Midterms got you (e 41 - year old Oakland County 'er is still getting letters from women works out for me." Maybe it's time to take a an advertisement he placed in the In addition to the 162 replies, Bennett study break and get your Mich. Advertiser that read: WED ONE WIFE. Experience not said he has received dozens of calls. But he doesn't count them because his ad said he Jen/son hair in shape now. Call us today. ' will train the would not accept telephoned applications. right person." Bennett, who came to Michigan to pick inett said answers have come from The Women's Intramural Building and V as Arkansas and Pennsylvania, as strawberries in 1948, operates a real estate firm in nearby Oxford. The ad, he said, has Jenison Fieldhouse will reopen today for GARY'S i a lot more work than I he said. "For one thought at increased business, but he insisted the ad is lecture classes. CAMPUS BEAUTY # V CARRY-OUT eat in our parlor thing, every date Both buildings were closed' Monday UP one night." no publicity stunt. "I believe that the one person that I'm because of heavy flooding on the Red Cedar SALON FREE DELIVERY River. THE Place for Piiza! looking for is out there," he said. "It would - 549 E. Gr. River 351.8870 Pjett, a native of East hursday he decided Prairie, Mo., take me a lifetime to find her in the Announcements will be made over major .351 - 6 to advertise for a conventional way. I think that advertising radio stations when physical ecause he does not like bachelorhood, education can shorten the time. prst wife died last ■two teen summer, leaving him The ad cost about $15, he said. • aged sons. thursday and friday nights until 9. Of all the answers, Bennett has rejected open (said I don't want anybody who isn't only one outright. It was from a woman Water levels rose so high on Sunday that • or anybody who wants to work," he the water filtering systems had to be I emga wife is a fulltime who signed herself: "Playful Sue, if you job. Also, I know what I mean." turned off. Students will be asked not to use ■ want anybody who believes in all that restroom facilities until the water levels *ns lib stuff." "My idea of a wife is not a Playful Sue," he said. receed. FEATURING ropewalking comes naturally It s time to do a little for JOE GRIFKA to Miss J. . .in the embroidered someone who does alot for 9 - 12 Tuesday Night espadrille that gives a super yoti. National Playing original, contemporary, lift to her sport wardrobe Secretaries Week country rock. A sling sandal of cross- One of ourfinest regulars! April 20-26. strapped canvas with vivid Show your appreciation with multi-color floral embroi¬ lunch or cocktails at the dery, the crepe-soled wedge Steak. LUNCH of natural woven jute. In 11 am-4 pm Mon.-Sat. happy hours yellow, navy or white. 5 to 10, full sizes only. $17 4-7 pm Mon.-Fri. after 9 p.m. TONIGHT Jack Hamilton Tomorrow Starseed Thurs. Carl & Amy Fri. The Gary Blumer Trio First 50 customers to buy a sandwich after 8:30 will receive a free auto¬ graphed picture of IniheStlwUr tradition — - J"** phone 351-4 JOE GRIFKA! 930 Trowbridge Road East Lansing Jacabsoris Susan Apr Editor-in-chief TOM W Maureen Beninjon .. Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor MjkoAnwtt City Editor Dems face problems in "76 Diane Silver Campus Editor Melissa Payton Opinion Page Editor Patrice lock* Wire Editor Steve Stein sports Editor Tuesday, April 22,1975 Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor A North Carolina state senate committee *THC UMrrtO STWIS GO/6RMMeijr 16 1W6 ! Editorials are the opinions of the State TomOren News. Viewpoints, columns and letters Linda Sonde) Copy Chief Night Editor has returned to a subcommittee the House - wiS™;tr are personal opinions. Bruce Roy WaBcer ... — Staff Representative passed bill that would eliminate North Carolina's presidential primary. This was a stud*,.. bw, speech last winter. "in SSITEH delaying action to let passions cool after where there are thZ 51 • j George Wallace came here to testify against large nnmjH voters, Democratic candidates the bill, but it probably works in favor of mi EDITORIALS those who want to kill off the primary order to keep Wallace from winning it as in Wjg»o»an "Want p.,1 fl{ he did in 1972. Williams also said automatically perceive the II1 that blacks -L They want to spare former Gov. Terry Republicans" and cited the 12 2| Buhl's influenc Sanford — a long - shot but determined presidential hopeful — the necessity of running in his home state against the Bakimore precincts that Silf^ gave 52 P®1" ce»t of theirJ fil his 1974 victory over the well J formidable Wallace, and the need to do so Democrat, Barbara MikuUki If as became more apparent this week. Geor¬ of the voters in some J gia's former Gov. Jimmy Carter, campaign¬ Harlem dil for Ford, as they did for Jacobs county unit ing in North Carolina, said he planned to enter the state's primary, Wallace or no Wallace. Since Carter and Sanford are both Ramsey Clark last fall, they 1 strong impact on the outcome1 presidential race in New York of the moderate persuasion, that would Given such The commanding presence able memory, possibilities, and abwnB of Buhl could easily probably insure an even bigger Wallace candidate (not Wallace) sweeoin ■ David Buhl will long be missed in have attained a position in state victory over divided opposition — the kind commanding position in the prinmlP of situation he knows so well how to exploit. Ingham County. government. This tarheel entanglement suggests the remote possibility- the likelihood! A large man, Buhl gave greatly the Democrats will make Instead, the man remained in Democratic party's two continuing major some kind J minute appeal to Edward of his talents and abilities to the the business job he enjoyed and problems. Its welter of comparatively which he will or will not KennJ people of Lansing and Ingham contributed his time to us in less minor candidates, combined with its pro¬ not. to whom could accede [f kL County before dying Friday at the visible roles. portional - representation rules for the the old war horses, Hubert they then turn! proliferation of primaries those candidates Humnh J age of 45. Buhl was a politician in the best must face, is not likely to produce a winner Edmund Muskie? " Buhl served six years as a sense of the word. Time after time Muskie just ran head and on an early ballot at the 1976 convention But with the Democrats leaderless and - Rockefeller ticket might well be something head fa 45 to 45 per cent in a county commissioner. When his he rescued issues from stalemate and, before and after that convention, Harris Poll, 4 facing a year of fratricidal struggle in the else again, since Ford has put a black in his the supreme white-haired head rose from the and produced beneficial results by Wallace is well - positioned, and appears primaries, Ford may be a more imposing cabinet and is once again — after the stiff ced candidates of advantages over the «L back of the and he eager, to play a big role in the ultimate candidate than many now consider him. Nixon years — receiving black leaders and having no need tofl room spoke, bringing a sense of fairness and ticket - making. the primaries, plus an important p™ drawing circles and in the Only consider, for example, one possible groups on a friendly basis in the White chairman of the Senate squares ability to see both sides of a It happens, moreover, r that however he impact of a big public role for Wallace in the House. Budget Com air with his hands, fellow commis¬ to keep him in the question into the partisan arena. may fumble on the economy and abdicate Democratic nominating fight. It could So if blacks perceive the Democratic action. On baljl sioners listened closely. Buhl brought people together, position looks stronger than that! foreign policy to his secretary of state, cause crucial losses among black voters party as too strongly influenced by Wallace Democrat, but wise men He is remembered for his quick not for personal gain, but to help President Ford continues to make a swinging to a Ford - Rockefeller ticket. and his supporters, and even relatively count Hubert out of that partyI mind, honesty and dedication. the community. He will be missed reasonably strong showing in the polls. Democrats should not forget that in 1952 small switches result in key states, — nor, lately,' (^^ they either. With his numerous friendships in Unemployment and inflation could yet wear and 1956 Dwight Eisenhower had strong could throw the election to the by the community he served and Republicans. (C) 1975 New York Times down his strength, and he could fritter black support. But in the last four the Republican party and remark¬ by the people he brought together. more of it away if he and Vice President presidential elections, the Republican party Rockefeller actually try to make a central has offered the country Richard Nixon issue out of their charges that the Democrats, instead of the Vietnamese, are three times and Barry Goldwater once — and sent black voters massively into the Letter policy losing Vietnam. Democratic column in each election. A Ford The Opinion Page welcomes dent, faculty or staff stm City council all letters. Readers should follow a few rules to insure that if any — and phone n Letters should be 25 foitL as many letters as possible less and may be edited appear in print. § withhold b 65 AU, letters should be typed on - space lines and triple - conciseness to fit more lette i the page. spaced. Letters must be signed, No unsigned letters wi'111 At long last, East Lansing's der withholding the dance and pool and include local address, stu¬ accepted. showcase sweathouses may get room license even if capacity limits their just desserts. After two are upheld by the court and the of reckless law and supressed freedom of speech! years student-stuf¬ Alle-Ey is found guilty. Self-determination 1949. fing, an overcrowding charge An outright renewal of the leveled against the Alle-Ey may dance and The Formosans have been deniel pool room license would This is to express our concerns basic human right, self-determinatiol culminate in a legal reprimand for show that the council foresees regarding 400 years. the death of the Nationalist Chinese leader, We want our rights as if one of the most , flagrant violators compliance with the code after one Chiang Kai-shek, and its effects on the our duties — to decide our own futurt of the law. members of the vital world communitj Alle-Ey hand slapping — some¬ Formosans (the Taiwanese) and the peace to in that part of the world. participate for the peace of the wo While this case is being deliber¬ thing the city has taken for The obstacles of diplomatic normalization long as the people and the Is ated, the East Lansing City granted for too long. victims of the games-playing by between the United States and the People's tbj Council has taken some commend¬ One $500 fine will obviously not Rent control Republic of China are now gone. We deeply powers, peace will sever come tij able action in withholding the be enough to intimidate avaricious Formosans. hope that this will bring peace to the world Most of the Formosans do have ClJ dance hall and pool room licenses bar owners. Council members and eventually. The State News has its "heart in the However, the future of the Formosans is heritage, but we are proud of I for the Alle-Ey and Dooley's until police and fire officials would be right . Formosans. Anyone may call us CI the place," but is a bit confused as to who now an open question: where are the Alle-Ey case is decided. foolish to believe patron-packing should conduct the housing studies in this people in Taiwan going from here? we may call the Americans British. Wi our land and our country. And we d would stop at this. Evidently there are only three possibilities: Should the court decide in favor Bottle bill town. 1. The Nationalist Chinese continue their have a real democracy and fi of the bars and decide that Until the council can ensure Quite properly, this responsibility be¬ expression as the free countries <1 If certain legislators like dictatorship in Taiwan. absolute adherence to capacity nonreturnable longs to the city, not the political parties. 2. The Communists take Taiwan to fulfill world enjoy. capacity codes are too restrictive, bottles and cans so much, The Formosans deserve the ri as the limits, it should withhold this perhaps we The East Lansing Housing Comission is their greediness for territory by whatever Alle-Ey has argued, council should let them have them. In keeping with willing to conduct a study that will monitor self-determination. Any negotiating is considering playing its license for. both bars. If this this idea, the students of MSU are means they wish to choose. trump urged to the housing in East Lansing. The funds are 3. The Taiwanese achieve their life-time tween the big powers without co card of continuing to withhold the requires more frequent police and send all available Coke, beer, Sprite, Fizz, the Formosan majority betrays fire inspections and further court Splash or whatever bottles and cans there. The need is there. struggling for self-determination, the basic thus all the residents of Taiwan. thisf licenses. human right. action, the city must take those (nonreturnables only, of course) to these But City Council, which must Editor's note: The above le give We say NO to the first two resolutions. With the bars already bulging at steps. upstanding citizens. approval, has once again failed to take We are against them because neither the signed by four Formosan students. I You can help—send your action where action is the seams with patrons, council empties in now! obviously needed. Nationalist nor the communist Chinese In this case, the sooner the With all the gallons of are liquid refreshment Responsibility for this inaction should not members have indicated would think twice before they acts to end overcrowding in city local that go down MSU students' we can inundate the state gullets daily, be passed on to the Human Rights party. willing to give the Formosans liberty. The Formosans have been suffered long enough Alcohol abuse I allowing Capitol within a And let me clarify that the HRP intends these codes to be relaxed without bars, the safer its citizens will be. as a piece of real estate week. God knows there's no better place to the rent control proposal for the November disputed among the This is just a short note to cour. A soft-hearted or wait-and-see put them. There may not big powers, especially China, Japan and the you on a well done article on alcohol* council consent. ever be a better ballot—not August ballot (as was stated in United States. time, either. abuse (April 15). You covered a tnL approach to this case can mean the State News). An issue which affects The Nationajists' control of Taiwan with A dous range of subject matter and did it! good move, considering many catastrophe and sorry hearts to¬ students so deeply is not about to be the support from the U.S. government has well. I hope you will see fit to continue! city bars border on being fire traps morrow. Gary Huffman decided in their absence. resulted in secret police everywhere and an occasional followup story. There is® 152 W. Holmes Hall many a weekend night. No one, not even bar owners, political imprisonments without fair public more to be said. I John C. Maino II Mary Ellen Karczewski But the council must also consi¬ would want to see that. 151 W. Holmes Hall trials at any time. The brutal, corrupted . Ralph F.ll Human Rights party government officials have practiced martial professor of criminal j* JAMES * Excuse Me, sur, mso euor jan)euW,,?1 Ford uses political instinct f "J On the week when Cambodia surrender¬ make him look inconsistent, he denied there muddle themselves and, meanwhile, Ford's On policy and on the economy, he is in ed and South Vietnam tottered, President Ford found time to preside over the was any inconsistency. And when it was personality and politics are proving to be trouble, the modern equivalent of Herbert crisis, suggested then that maybe his critics in the better than the Democrats expected. address the Daughters of the American Hoover. But unlike Hoover, he is not to press had been wrong and inconsistent, he He is not only plain, honest and Revolution (DAR) and the American Socie¬ decent, blame and the Democrats have no denied, with mock sincerity, that it had which is refreshing after Johnson and ty of newspaper editors, meet with the full Roosevelt. Ford is ih a no lose situation: - ever crossed his mind that the press could Nixon, but he is lucky — and the accident of he can run for the presidency in 1976 and membership of the Senate Foreign Rela¬ be wrong! luck in politics may be more important than tions Committee, make a his campaign obviously started this week in speech and hand Washington doesn't quite know how to anything else. He was appointed and not • out the prizes at the annual White House deal with Boston, Lexington and Concord — but if he this natural man. Almost elected, and he inherited the unlucky mess loses, the blame will be on Nixon, and if he photographers' dinner, deliver the sermon everybody is mad about him for something, of Vietnam and Watergate, but he was not at the opening of the Bicentennial celebra¬ wins the victory will be his. but he refuses to be sore or personal about to blame personally for either of these tion in the Old North Church n Boston and For a time, shortly after he came to the anybody or anything. If Senators say he is disasters, and he was lucky in other ways. White House, Ford seemed to be thinking of visit Lexington and Concord. nice guy a but not very smart, he invites By the accident of time and history, he is himself This tells us several things about Gerald them to the White House for lunch and as an accidental and interim now the President who will Ford. He is as strong and subtle as a preside over the President, concerned primarily about the agrees that he has spent most of his political 200th anniversary of the American Revolu¬ bulldozer. He talks as if the fall of health of his wife, and remembering his life with people smarter than himself. tion. Between now and the Fourth of Cambodia and South Vietnam to the If they ask him why he lets July promise to her to go home to Grand Rapids Communists would be a spectacular disas¬ Henry 1976, a month before the presidential at the end of 1976, and this could still Kissinger run the foreign policy of the nominating conventions, he will be the ter, and that it is all the fault of the United States, he says it isn't true, but that happen. central figure in every celebration in He is much more confident now, more self Congress. But somehow none of this seems Henry's a smart cookie who probably knows every to bother hiy personally or interfere with more about village, town or city he wants to attend. No - assured. He does what comes naturally: his normal schedule of amiable foreign policy than anybody doubt this is why he was in Lexington and talks too much, and too imprecisely, goes to meetings else, including the President. And besides, Concord this weekend. with his right and left wings of his party, his too many places and uses up too much the President asks, who would be better? No president in the history of' the old buddies and adversaries in the Congress The Democrats are baffled energy on secondary things. But in the or the press. by all ithis. Republic ever had a better political oppor¬ process, his personality comes through. When Nixon was going down, When Ron Nessen, his press secretary, they thought tunity in a presidential campaign, and the In the end, after eight years of Republi¬ the quicker Ford got into the White House fact that he took time out from the can rule, economic trouble, Watergate and brought him the news at the editors' head the better, for they insisted that his table about the offer of Cambodia to Indochina crisis to preach at the old church Vietnam, he will probably lose, but he has weaknesses would eventually overcome his in Boston and shake hands with the mobs at surrender, Forddidn'teven mention it, but nice restored a sense of fairness, respect and - guy qualities, and maybe their went on with his prepared speech. Lexington and Concord, suggests that decency to the White House, and this could perception of the 1976 presidential problem he knows, despite the recession, When he was asked if his switches from Vietnam be a decisive factor against a divided was right. and Watergate, precisely what his higher taxation to bigger deficits didn't But the Democrats oppor¬ Democratic party. are in a dreadful tunity is. [CI 1975 New York Times * - ' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tu^day, April 22,1975 5 Income limit hurts work-study students the work limit in the two years the federal the student has made the certain amount of government has asked universities to cost of living is steadily going up," he said. money he has to be terminated from his job IT the years a work-study job past two monitor student incomes. or the University has to pay the federal 'The student on work-study suffers the In to be more of a hindrance than Students who receive federal financial aid government the amount the student was same as a person on social security." K over 2,000 MSU students. are only allowed to make a certain amount of money overpaid. The student is informed of the Sandra Rivers, also an employe in Brody ,r»l regulations that limit the number working on campus. This amount situation before he is terminated. grill, said she was very upset whei\ she is limited by the income of the L «Istudent can work on campus have student and The University monitors all students' found out she might lose her job. his parents and the amount of aid a ^thousands of students nationally to student on-campus income. "It scared the death out of me," she said, ■their working hours, quit work al- gets from other programs. Rochelle Cotter, the person in charge of "because I really need the money." I hProrfind an off-campus job. According to Ronald L. Roderick, associate director of MSU financial the monitoring, said that 25 per cent of the Rivers was lucky. Her notice of termina¬ ftMSU, 2,242 students have gone over aid, once 2,410 students presently holding on-campus tion turned out to be a mistake. jobs and receiving financial aid The situation presents a problem for may be terminated before the end of the year. employers as well. Amy Counseller is the snack shop supervisor in the Brody grill. hit named to investigate The situation presents a problem for both students and their employers. Students have to quit working even though they She said she doesn't understand why she should have to terminate her experienced think they still need the money and help. "Itreally disturbs me that the kids who IcAA football charges employers have to get rid of experienced help before the school year is completed. Federal guidelines make it impossible for, the University to do anything about it. are are said. willing to work and earn some money only allowed to make so much," she lesident Wharton appointed a special Natural Resources; associate director of the These rules forced Barbara Rosnick, Roderick said there are possible outlets Eersity committee Monday to assist him agricultural experimental station and a A118 Rather Hall, to turn down a 10 cent for the student whose financial work-study ■vpstieating the charges that the NCAA member of the MSU Athletic Council. raise that ordinarily goes along with the money runs out. it against MSU's football pro- •Charles S. Scarborough, associate He said the student can either give pro¬ promotion to student supervisor in the up fessor of Natural Science, one form of aid, such as a guaranteed University Brody Hall grill, so that she could work e NCAA is investigating "certain College: acting director of Residence In¬ throughout the term. student loan, for more work-study or find cies and practices" of the football struction of Brody Complex, and a member "I think it's really stupid," she said. "If an off-campus job. Jram Wharton announced Friday at the of the Athletic Council. 1 they terminate me, they'll have to hire and The student can also document a change |lar 'meeting of the MSU Board of •Frederick D. Williams, history, College of Arts and Letters; professor of train somebody else." The rules have also forced many students in either personal or parental income or expenses that would change his or her ^committee, which Wharton will adjunct professor of military science, to cut down their hours. financial need. insists of: , College of Research and Services, and a Myron Frierson, a desk clerk in Bailey Henry Dykema, director of MSU financial I, A. Hoefer, professor of animal member of the Athletic Council. Hall, expects to be terminated from his job aid, saic. that the chances of this being [andry, College of Agriculture and •John Bruff, D - Fraser, a member of the before the end of the term even though he changed are slim. Dykema said that the Big Ten financial MSU Board of Trustees since Jan. 1 and a has cut down on the number of hours he to the very basic necessities. luxuries." aid officials have been trying to I Flood 1951 graduate of MSU. He is currently an works. "I don't go out as much as I used get the to," he Frierson said that the rules unfair, situation are rules changed, but they have been un¬ attorney in Mount Clemens. As a result he has to restrict his spending said. "And I can't afford as many personal "They put you on a fixed budget while the successful. I continued from page 1) Is flashlight into the inky black recesses le basement rifle range, showing only a CONTROVERSY SURROUNDS ATTORNEY GENERAL'S ROLE ■ pieces of debris floating in the murky Senate, house trade practice bills clash e didn't have much problem with re," he said. "And we had enough tie here on Saturday to get everything ■before the water came in at about 5:30 1 But the water is about two feet deep, By NANCY CRANE forsubpenas, and does not give him any House measure. clerk. the ■it'll probably be Wednesday before we State News Staff Writer legislature to do that, you would have power to define deceptive trade practices. Forbes said he thinks that the Senate bill, "It is a little better (than the House bill) to rt cleaning up." Measures to regulate deceptive The Senate bill is expected to be formally anticipate the fertile mind of every con trade when passed, will land in the House because it is a compromise. Maybe it is not in the Midwest," Bladen said. it two inches of surprisingly clear practices will probably pass the Michigan man r covered the basement floor in approved by the Judiciary Committee on Committee on Consumers and Agriculture, better for consumers, but who knows?" she Joe Tuchinsky, executive director Legislature this year, but not without a of the Wednesday. said. Public Interest Research in Fieldhouse. Though it didn't look good fight between advocates of two Both the Senate and House bills contain Group in Michigan is, the damage could still be extensive Sen. Patrick A. McCollough, D - Dear¬ (PIRGIM), said the House bill does not give different types of legislation. ise the wooden floors of the handball laundry lists which ban deceptive trade born, feels that the power to define the attorney general excess power. The controversy between advocates of practices such as coercing people to buy or deceptive trade practices should be concen¬ |ts there were flooded. House Bill 4433 and Senate Bill 1 centers implying quick service when the merchant "Every practice which the attorney heat turned up trated in the legislature and not in the general wants to ban is subject to the ie was in the Audi- around the role the attorney general will knows quick service will not be forthcom¬ and when that happens he will push for attorney general's office. i Monday as two physical plant play in enforcing laws concerning deceptive approval of the legislature in the House bill. irs remained to clear up the last of the ing. introduction of acompromise measure. "All this has to do with is who is going to The arguments against attorney general trade practices. Advocates of the House measure consider If each of the houses pass bills which are make the laws in this state, the attorney le-deep water in the basement there.' HB 4433, which is in the House now the Senate bill too watered down in its different the matter will be taken to a power are a lot of hogwash by people who J/e had five pumps going at once for a Committee on Consumers and Agriculture, general or the legislature. Why should we don't want people to have any power to present form. conference committee where representa¬ give our power away — we're the legisla¬ regulate deceptive trade |e on Saturday," one of the men said, would allow the attorney general to "The art of compromise is what we work tives from both houses will meet to iron out ture," McCollough said. practices," ve got things pretty much under con- subpena suspected violators of consumer Tuchinsky said. on here, but I don't think we should water compromise. iow, though it would start to fill up protection laws and give him the power to a However,,Ed Bladen, assistant to Atty. , Many businesses have asked to be , ki if we quit pumping." things down till they're absolutely mean¬ Advocates of SB 1 feel it is a good Gen. Frank Kelley, does not believe the exempted from the deceptive trade bills, make rules outlawing specific deceptive ingless. And when you leave the power of I said the maintenance men had been compromise measure. legislature should be responsible for defin¬ and the Senate is considering exempting trade practicws. proof to consumers, as the Senate bill has, "Neither business or ing specific deceptive trade practices. the insurance industry and the banking ling 12-hour shifts since Saturday, with SB 1, on the other hand, would require then it is too watered down," said Rep. consumers are Ion the job 24 hours per day. happy, so it must be a good bill," said Jan "You can't take thousands of cases and industry from its bill's provisions. the attorney general to apply to the courts Joseph Forbes, D - Oak Park, sponsor of the Lockwood, Senate Judjciary Committee write them into one statute. If you want -FROZEN— Is Eye, 4 Eor Pkg. r DAIRY- Heatherwood All Star IICORN-on-the-COB DIP-IN-CHIP ••""•s 59" 39" I Saluto, 33 Win Schulers Pkg. GOODRICH'S oz. 14" PARTY PIZZA BARSCHEESE ««"«i TV) -PRODUCE- /-GROCER —n -MEAT- Wednesday Special IICalifornia, 1 Qt. Carton Del Monte, 6% oz. Cam Fresh Cut April 23rd Family Pack strawberries TUNA 2/88* MIXED FRYER PARTS Cash & Carry 8 Pack, 16 oz., Returnable Bottles lb. J fresh, 2 lb. Pkg. COCA COLA Del Monte, 38 oz. Bottle P'US t'epo$it All Dark Meat Rolled Boneless Flowering Primula CARROTS TURKEY ROAST CATSUP 79' 69*11,. 4 inch Pot Shedds Lady Betty, 32 oz. Bot. I Macintosh, Fresh Rock PRUNE JUICE (apples 3# Bag 49' STEWING CHICKEN $250 each 59' 7 Seas Green Goddess Viva Italian, 8 oz. Bottle 59 April 22 J High unemployment rat A ity Lansing make a group commun¬ hopes to "mini park" will prevail, experts sa out of this small lot at By SOMA GOLDEN on an unemployment record ployment insurance mean that of the corner of Turner living and challenged! New York Times that might well have sent joblessness today is not as nation's Street and Grand NEW YORK - Relatively earlier White House occupants painful for the individual or for traditional coSi cy about prices. River Avenue in Lan¬ high unemployment has be¬ into a crisis of confidence, if not society as it was a decade ago. Even KJ inflation has sing. Plans are also come the new hallmark of an into early retirement. low the double now dronJT being made for a mini affluent United States - a The Democrats hope Ameri¬ •Economists, who for years last summer, the - digitT park in East Lansing phenomenon that many experts cans will base their votes on the were rather cavalier about the the fear linger on, mem^l at the corner of Ab¬ think is likely to persist beyond the depths of the current level of unemployment - which, by most estimates, will be dangers of galloping inflation, now are unsure that they can, analyj| bott Road and Albert recession and through the in fact, usher in the promised hovering around 8 per cent on Street. Election Day. land of low unemployment and remaining years of this decade. Republicans relative price stability. New $5 SN photo/Daniel Shutt The 4 per cent unemploy¬ hope the voters will be impres¬ sed by the direction in which gQfjj ment target embraced by Presi¬ These factors form the back¬ dent Kennedy in 1962 has been the level is moving. abandoned. cent Even the 5 per goal of Nixon administra¬ Some observers particularly - those in the labor movement, drop to the current recession, in which million people are some severe eight m°y /oin loffj tion economists has lost sup¬ which is planning a major job looking in frustration for a job and 1.1 Hey. big spender. Michji port. rally Saturday in Washington's million more are so discouraged Most analysts today, regard¬ Kennedy Stadium - think the lottery bureau is consider by the prospect of failure that game for big-time MAY HAVE MURALS, less of their political affiliation, believe that 5.5 to 6 per cent country may yet stiffen its resistance to a high rate of they have tfven up the hunt new playersV plan calls for isg altogether. tickets with a top n, unemployment is probably the joblessness. But most officials, lowest that the economists and political obser¬ $500,000 and some government can Joblessness has risen sub¬ » annual cash prizes for achieve without stirring up vers interviewed in recent lifel Group plans minipark stantially, and people who want virulent inflation again. even that modest job target is a And weeks by The New York Times to work full time are being No date for the contest start ofT seem to expect these forces to increasingly forced to work or a definite U long way from attainment - 1979 at the earliest, according prevail: part time instead. prizes have -been releJ •The middle class, severely Commissioner Gus Hinf to most forecasts. Therefore, some social policy said a decision on the stung by recent inflation, is activists ask, why is the surface $5 J What's more remarkable, in will be made within 30 By MARTIN SOMMERNESS The association, which is taking the proposed minipark idea to the view of many observers, is willing to tolerate some unem¬ calm? dijL A city park that measures only 24 by 81 feet? the Lansing Planning Commission for-approval, is using donated ployment in hope of restoring In part, the answer lies in the _ "The $5 plan js being! That is the North Lansing Community Assn.'s proposal for the funds and labor to improve the lot. the fact that Americans, still relative price stability and a sidered as just another vi The group has filed shocked by soaring inflation, shock of double-digit inflation, raise money for the lot on the northeast corner of Turner Street and Grand River rising standard of living to the applications for municipal and federal funds. which nobody had expected. sta Avenue. Since the vacant lot is between two buildings, the park The proposed park is part of a project to preserve and develop seem willing to live awhile with nine-tenths of the labor force The surprise invasion eroded Harrison said. "We don'tl would not have a swing set or a jungle gym, but it would have north Lansing. The association is unemployment of 7 to 8 per that does work. to stop any of the 1 murals on the buildings walls. trying to get part of north cent • rates that were almost •Most Americans believe peoples' take-home pay, lotteries, if we start this| 'The lot is too small for recreational facilities," said association Lansing declared a historic commercial area, as has been done in unthinkable a decade ago. lowered the average standard one." other Michigan cities, such as Mars'hall. that improved social benefit Chairman James Winckler. "We would like to put some A recent Gallup poll showed programs and extended unem- grass, a The minipark ideas must have entered East few benches and maybe a water fountain in the lot, Lansing by osmosis, that despite the surge in making it truly as plans for a similar park on the North East corner of Albert a minipark." Avenue and Abbott Road are already under joblessness during the last Just send in FRlI The person in way. winter, Americans still view charge of the minipark project is Mary Love, a "We would like to fix up the vacant lot with some seed, student at MSU. maybe a few bushes and picnic tables," said City Manager John grass inflation as the country's No. 1 a question regarding I Making the lot into a park would set the tone for rebuilding the Patriarche. "That way, at least the lot will look nice menace. Though worries about Star Trek or one until the neighborhood and changing the area's character, Winckler said. owners decide to unemployment have increased, develop the l^pd." of your favorite The vacant lot is bordered on one side by a Masonic 1 on the other by a warehouse. Lodge building The East Lansing park, unlike its could be owned by the city, will still be Lansing counterpart which privately owned, and will inflation wis still No. 1 for 60 per cent of those polled. Unem¬ DELIVERY Star Trek characters | 'We are beginning an open competition for mural ployment got only 20 per cent designs," he be leased by the city. The lot is owned partly by the First State STARTS NOW To: said. "The designs should be of a of the votes. type that blend into the Savings Assn. and partly by Musselman RHA community, but we are pretty much giving the artist a free hand." "Both parties have agreed to it, and the Realty. That attitude may explain AT 4:30 p.m. project is all approved. 323 Student Services The murals would be painted on the why President Ford apparently buildings' walls once So all we are doing now is '.vaiting for the weather to dry permission is obtained from the structures' owners. we go to work on the lot," Patriarche up before believes he can run for re¬ FROM. . . E. Lansing, Ml said. election successfully next year If your question is ECONOMICS ECONOMICS | THE RETURN I BELL'S selected for our Star Trek Revisited Show 74 brings improvement OF 1 PIZZA Fri., May 2, in the Aud. You win 4 tickets. 3 HANDSOME AL! I 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 OPEN 11 A.M. EVERYDAY ECONOMICS ECONOMICS in quality of state's air FREE DELIVERY over LANSING (UPI) all quality of Michigan's - The counties all registered viola¬ tions of the federal standards The carbon monoxide level for Wayne County, while still RODDENBERRY RETURNS air continued to improve in 1974, the state Dept. of Natural for sulphur dioxide, which registering as a violation, was FRIDAY —MAY2—9:30 PM-MSU AUDITORIUM impairs breathing and irritates down from 1973, the DNR said. Resources (DNR) has reported. eyes, throats and lungs. Though violations of federal Carbon monoxide violations Previous claims by the DNR primary standards were re¬ were found in Oakland, Sagi¬ that the state's air quality is ported in various counties, the naw and Wayne counties. improving have been disputed department's Air Pollution The DNR said, however, that by environmental groups. Control Division said state wide Saginaw County was expected samples of all pollutants to show a marked improvement Federal primary standards showed improvement over the in the future because of abate¬ must be attained by the states previous year. ment programs going into by this summer and are con¬ Monitoring devices were effect at foundries located sidered essential for public used to measure six types of air there. health protection. pollutants - particulates, sul¬ phur dioxide, carbon monoxide, photochemical oxidants, nitro¬ MERIDIAN FOUR 4MI9 gen dioxide and hydrocarbons. Violations of federal primary standards were reported for suspended particles such as dust and smoke in Alpena, Bay, Saginaw and Wayne counties. Bay, Huron, Midland, Mon¬ roe, Muskegon and Ottawa a<3HK^^CSl There is a difference!!! PREPARATION FOR: MCAT Over 35 years of experience DAT Small classes Gene Roddenberry returns with Majel Barrett Voluminous hom« 4 (Nurse Chapel) and Jimmy Doohan GRE study materials Courses that are (Scotty) of /1\ constantly update STAR TREK.You'll get one more chance to see /M^ ATGSB Tarn facilities fnr Hie .. \* the STAR TREK Blooper Reel- a collection of amusing mistakes and pranks which happened liffli during STAR TREK's three years of filming- as (PAT well as City On The Edge of Forever", one ot FLEX # jfft' the most Popular STAR TREK episodes. There It will ECFMG give you second thoughts about a second life. rjm ^ aiso a question and answer session J0 WhCrC V°U 11 hCar thc lateSt dcve,°P"^nts on ... ECFMG jW the upcoming movie version of STAR TREK. NAT'L MEDBRDS For complete in STEVE NEWMAN MCQUEEN WILLIAM HOLDEN Jf-. TICKETS ON SALE AT UNION TICKET OFFICE (31313540085 *2.50 IN ADVANCE—^.OO ^ m AT THE DOOR. Stanley fttafllsn 3 ToJWIing cDUCATlONAtrrsryT; CENTER TUTORING AND GUIDANCE = INFERNO ADMISSION FEE INCLUDES SINCE 1938 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd. ENTRANCE TO STAR TREK Southfield, Mich. 48075 (L F,LM FESTIVAL SATURDAY MAY 3 AND SUNDAY MAY 4 V Midiigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 22,1975 7 MEXICO REPLACES FRANCE AS .atin America major narcotics supplier replaced France as the main tified », NICHOLAS GAGE supplier of heroin to the United some 250 Latin Ameri¬ order by saying that Rivaden¬ his case. searched and inside he found cans as controlling the rings eira was had both Miss Malky, whose by transporting cocaine from close relative of a ;<-0rr,er Traffickers often find the a States, increasing its share of that supply cocaine and herion 100 kilograms of cocaine paste. friend of his another admiral," family he knew, and the judge Latin America to New York the illegal heroin market from to the U.S. market. Some of - police even easier to corrupt Despite the temptations, a police captain said. than judges because jailed on corruption charges. also make it clear why so many 20 to 60 per cent in the last five them are so influential through¬ many policemen remain honest. politi¬ The police complied. out Latin America they are so Profitable drug traffic are willing to take the risk. Tve met cops making $60 a Hrues entering the United years. cally that they are considered Bribe policemen badly paid. Several factors have put In New York City a kilo of 3cmi>- Much of it The burgeoning market drugs from Latin America, for "untouchable" in their native If drug traffickers can not Police salaries range from about $60 a month month nickel who wouldn't take a from anybody," said Latin America on the crest of cocaine is sold on the street for Line supplied by rings which is centered in New York, countries. use political influence to stop in Bolivia to $250 a month in Louis the wave of profitable drug between $75,000 and $100,000. Ued by businessmen and Typical of the situation is the Bachrach, the Drug In La Paz, Bolivia, that same Miami and Los Angeles, is investigations against them, Argentina. traffic. lonals who have grown case of Luis Rivadeneira of they can often successfully In Mexico, some high Enforcement Administration's kilo would cost only $4,000; in liticaily and economically supplied by traffickers who can Ecuador, who was arrested last bribe police officers or judges. police 'regional director for South In recent years cocaine has Lima, Peru, $5,000; in Quito, buy protection by bribing poor¬ officials are known to have America. become the most fashionable rlulthat they can operate Dec. 16 with two kilos (4.4 Traffickers have so much become millionaires by Ecuador, $5,000; in Bogota, ly paid police officers, judges taking virtual immunity from and other officials. pounds) of cocaine paste in his available cash, for example, bribes. When some police drug in the United States and Colombia, $7,500, and in Buenos t and prosecution, possession. Soon after his that in Colombia judges some¬ Many government officials Europe because it is less Aires, $8,500. (North American officers are transferred from also unmoved by any tin America now supplies Drug flow shifts arrest, according to authorities, times compete to try major are expensive than heroin, it is not customers are charged 15 to 30 one district to K the cocaine The shift of the drug flow another, they sell personal or political considera¬ sold in the from Europe to Latin America Adm. Alfredo Poveda Burbano, narcotics cases because of the to their successors the list of tions. When the Bolivian police physically addictive and be- per cent above these going cause it has a reputation as a Lj States, where the also has brought into power Ecuador's minister of govern¬ potential payoffs involved. narcotics traffickers who arrested the socially prominent . rates.) □ for the drug has risen ment, who directs all law- paid sexual stimulant. One indica¬ While cocaine has been grow¬ Eduardo Davila, reputed to them new criminal networks in New on a regular basis. Maria Malky Farah with 15 Lly that the price of coca York and other cities in the enforcement agencies in the be a major cocaine trafficker Volteo—"rolling" kilos of cocaine in her posses¬ tion of the drug's growing ing in price and popularity, U from which cocaine is country, called the police and from the city of Santa Marta, popularity is that cocaine heroin from France has been United States tfiat are Some Latin American police¬ sion, the judge on the case seizures in the United States Ued has soared 1,500 per ordered them to change the was arrested late last year on men who will not take bribes declining in availability because dominated by Colombians, dismissed the charges against have increased 700 per cent since 1973 in some Latin Cubans and Mexicans. evidence against Rivadeneira charges of murdering a police¬ are not averse to her. But the Minister of the of international law-enforce¬ . from $4 to $60 a so that the charges against him arresting since 1969. ment pressure on French traf¬ The Federal Drug Enforce¬ man. According to the Colom¬ drug traffickers and then ex¬ Interior, Juan Pereda Asbun, The would have to be dismissed. bian national huge profits to be made fickers. ment Administration has iden¬ police, three torting money from them - a addition, Mexico has now > "Adm. Poveda explained his judges have already tried to get practice called volteo, which means "rolling." Last year a United States citizen was arrested trying to GOP moves to keep results DIALOG BOGS DOWN buy two kilos of cocaine for $7,000 from Maj. Oscar Zeballos of Ann Arbor vote in courts [eincarnation' of a Bolivian narcotics unit who not worth trouble was Zeballos posing as seized a the trafficker. money, ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Re¬ H. Whe#ler. fied himself. keeping $5,000 for himself and publicans have taken legal Wheeler, a Detroit and Uni¬ The preferential It's not worth the trouble to voting ByEDDRUDZATS him. This film has all the ending. It is a cop-out from the letting two younger officers steps to prevent city officials versity of Michigan micro¬ system tried by Ann Arbor State News Reviewer listen to dialog such as "Some¬ electrifying results of one of word go and reinforces the idea split the rest. from turning over disputed biologist narrowly defeated in¬ allowed voters to mark first, Lose you found that you'd thing strange is happening to those hand-held gag electro- that this venture into the realm His mistake was not sharing mayoral election results for a cumbent Stephenson in a vote second and third choices for I before? Suppose you you Peter Proud," coming from cutors. of the reincarnated soul proves the money with the informant count by the Washtenaw count by city officials. mayor. when and where? a parapsychologist or the main The plot have who had originally put him on character screaming to his may been an utter waste of time. County Board of Canvassers. Stephenson said Monday it ■ose you were able to go suspenseful in its best seller The only bright spot in this to the North American. The Mayor James E. Stephenson, would be a "run around the Stephenson led narrowly in land find out who you doctor, "I can't eat, I can't form, but Max Ehrlich's film is a finely wrought por¬ irate informant told the offi¬ the narrow loser on a count of court" if election results left the first place votes but failed to [and what you were like? lose you knew how you had sleep, what am I to do?" The thing to do is to stay adaptation of his own novel for trayal by Margot Kidder as the cer's superiors and Zeballos second-place votes in the city's city. capture a majority, throwing the decision on a count of the screen is dreadful. In was quietly dismissed from the preferential election, said the "The purpose is simply to get a plot- ,wife of Peter Proud's former [What would you do then? away from The Reincarnation oriented best seller, characters inhabitant. Kidder has several police force, losing all his steps were taken to keep the the judge to say to the city, second-place votes. you're smart, you would of Peter Proud unless you want benefits. can get away with saying nice scenes, including a some¬ results before a court consider¬ 'hold everything until tomor¬ Soon after to go see a film that is so badly the dispute ime way to avoid getting The astronomical profits of things like "You know, honey, what revealing masturbatory ing rival lawsuits spawned by row,' " Stephenson said. erupted, the Ann Arbor City written and acted that it ped in the first place. For Bob sure has spent a long time sequence that may shock a few the drug trade sometimes the election. A hearing on the motion was Council voted to keep Stephen¬ [film.The I Proud is Reincarnation of becomes a comedy. Not one ounce of suspense at that archealogical site in people. But she too falls victim prove so tempting to some Stephenson said Monday a scheduled for 4 p.m. Monday in son and other defeated Republi¬ any indication of Bierut" and replying "Well, to inane dialog. underpaid Latin American request to keep the results out Jackson County Circuit Court, cans in office until the issue was Jesuits, it's not worth the can be found in this film of a maybe that's because he digs The Reincarnation of Peter policemen that they go into the of the hands of county officials where action on the lawsuits cleared. Wheeler normally le. That goes for the film man's problems after the dis¬ it." business themselves. was filed with Judge James G. was transferred after a Wash Proud should be billed a would have taken office last covery of another person inside comedy, for that is what it Plane searched Fleming of Jackson County tenaw County judge disquali¬ week. But in film, lines like these really is. Full of unintentional Last year, for example, a Circuit Court. don't work, as The Reincarna¬ tion of Peter Proud clearly laughs, it will have you rolling DC-3 flying from Peru , to Fleming is hearing argu¬ Benefit concert for UFW set demonstrates. on the floor at its studpidity. Colombia had mechanical ments on a Republican suit The only thing worse could be a trouble and was forced to land seeking to declare the election The dialog goes from bad to sequel, Suppose you had to sit void and a Democratic suit I benefit concert for the Daniel Valdez will play a on a military base in Colombia. worse as Michael Sarrazin, through another reincarnation, There were five people inside. seeking immediate installment Farm Workers (UFW) blend of historical and contem¬ Jennifer O'Neill and Corneila what would you do then? If you The head of the group identi¬ in the mayor's office of Albert leheld at 8 tonight in the porary Chicano music. Sharpe look beautiful and act know what is good for you, you fied himself as Lt. Benhur Jorium of Resurrection Through his lyrics, a mixture of with all the finesse of dead would stay as far away from it Benavidtes of the Colombian Kh, 1527 E. Michigan Ave., English and Spanish, Valdez rabbits. Sharpe, as Sarrazin's as you should from the first narcotics unit of F-2 - the explores his ancestral heritage girlfriend, sets the tone from detective division of the nation¬ and the contemporary situation the very beginning and none of The Reincarnation of Peter al police. Nevertheless, the of the Chicano people today. these three attractive- per¬ Proud is currently showing at commander of the military Valdez has recently com¬ formers is ever able to do the Meridian Four Theaters. compound had the plane pleted working on a documen¬ anything with lines like, "Most tary, Fighting for Our Lives, on people in this world don't even the United Farmworkers labor know who they are and you struggles. The film should be want to know who you were." released in the Lansing area in In addition to absurd script¬ June. ing and wooden acting, The Admission is $2 for adults Reincarnation of Peter Proud and $1 for children under 12. also has a most disappointing fJACTV RENTALS 337 • 10W h5< on a off Tuesday April 29 8 p.m. Metro Arena in Lansing n's Mate,, h Sandwich j Next to Lansing Mall. Tickets $5. i 16otth»door on ol both Rocordlondi . Qlicount Rocordf ond Pot Sounds. CINEMA X presents ■ r , !«der li«h deti °nd filets light- deep-lried — loaned bun with ■ ,e'V own tartar .auce ■ | F0RTHILADIIS 2 EROTIC MALE DANCERS "The World of ■ FOR WE MEN J'* one today. J Johnny Wadd" ft 3 EROTIC FEMALE DANCERS ^ V V°ur shipmates! I I*P«M»toin«,. Offer 1 Sfcowtimei 12 3-4 9-12 mole dwtcerj 6-9-12-only T0J»».M7S.f.,,iaMlB9 I ALSO TOPLESS USHERETTS 'UBD» HIG.I l«HH APMITTtD F,» (Sensual Fulfillment) i 3 explosive "xx films Johnny Wodd has mode over 200 hard core motion pictures. The producers of this film hove taken the wildest, most explicit sequences from his vorious motion pictures, cut them together, and hove created the most astounding pornographic film ever made. "The Work) of Johnny Wodd" contoins the finest moments from over 300 hours of film. No other film is comparable either in explkitness or stmshw |1 INTENSIVE CARE | sensuality. It expands the limits of permissiveness. Of course this motion picture With-Mark Stevens the most I is rated X and oil patrons will be checked for proof of age. rnier explicitly revealing enactments of art and love ever to reach I | MAY2-8PM the screen. Rated XXX Tonight Showtime*: 7:00,8:40,10:20 MINN IGE ARENA Showplaco: 102B Weill Tickets $4, $550&$ ; Apartments |gj Is get MGB 1970 Roadster, radials, AM- FM, new overhaul, call Nancy, 349-0893 after 5. 5-4-22 CYCLE INSURANCE. rates on any Lowest size cycle, easy pay LOOKING FOR girl to share PENN MANOR finally has vacan¬ ONE PERSON for 2 bedroom iflls- MGB 1965, restored, service record, 30 mpg, radials. complete plan. Call us first or last but call UNION UNDERWRITERS 4317 or 393-8100. 0-8-4-30 485- apartment for $100 a month spring and summer. 15-5-2 Call 351-9531. cies $165 single. double. Appointments, 882-2566. 5-4-23 $170/$180 apartment, partially furnished. Phone 351 -5614, after 5:30. 5-4-28 rphone 355-8255 $950. Bob, 355-6307, after 6 pm. SUBLEASE ONE bedroom apart¬ TWO BEDROOM 3602 MALIBU-3 bedroom duplex, I 3i7 Siud#i' Ssrvicei Bld9 3-4-24 KAWASAKI 1969 Mach III. 500 ment, furnished, close/campus. mobile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 furnished fully carpeted. $225/month plus utilities and month deposit. 1 Vi i automotive MGB ROADSTER 1972. Excellent xJL,6,000 $600. miles' Excellent shape. $165/month. Available immedi¬ minutes to campus. Quiet and baths, basement; stove/refrigera¬ 489-6107. 5-4-25 Scooters 4 Cycles condition. 32,000 Si,OOO miles. Ziebarted I ately! 351 4389. 5-4-28 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or tor furnished. 372-1398 or Parts« Service 30 mpg. $2775. 351-1824, 5-4-28 Alii 484-5315. 0-4-30 393-1620. 5-4-24 BURCHAM 1366. Two bedroom Aviation i employment MUSTANG 1966, reasonable MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East duplex, garage. $175, not EFFICIENCY ^APARTMENT, 1 LANSING-1 block north of Grand including utilities. 332-3161. block from campus, just com¬ River and Cedar. On bus route. i for rent shape, to drive or for parts; $135, 332 3888. 3-4-22 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. 4-4-25 pleted building, available summer $115 plus deposit, living room, Apartments Complete auto painting and colli¬ and fall, 6-7 pm. 351-1177 or oedroom, bath, kitchen, 371-2255, sion service. American and AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. 351-6088. 5-4-23 Houses OLDSMOBILE 1964 Good parts. available May 1st. 5-4-24 Rooms Price negotiable. Foreign cars. 485-0256 C-4-30 Female needed, til June 14th. Call Phyllis Very close. Rent negotiable. FEMALE ROOMMATE needed | FOR SALE Animals between 6:30 - 8:30 pm. 332-6547. 3-4-24 AMERICAN, GERMAN FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. and 351 4134. 3-4-24 now. Kings Point Apartments. Own bedroom. Call Linda, 351- Houses Jffi 20% DISCOUNT to students and 9585 after 8:30 p.m. 5-4-22 HASLETT AREA - 2 bedroom, Mobile Homes NEED THREE women for a RENAULT R-12, 1972, 27,000 $140/month plus security deposit. I LOST I FOUND miles. Red. Mint condition. faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW Campus Hill Apartment. $45. service parts. Call 339-9533; after 6, 339-3240. IMPORT AUTO Pool, free bus service, air, 349- CHALET APARTMENTS I PERSONAL $1,200. 353-8730 or .351-6757 PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and 4633. 5-4-28 5-4-23 5-4-24 I PEANUTS PERSONAL Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. Next to campus. Spacious two bedroom apts. LANDLORDS. Rent your proper¬ I REAL ESTATE SIMCA 1968, 35 mpg. Great Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- LARGE FURNISHED efficiency. Furnished, new shag carpe¬ . . ties to select, qualified tenants card. C-22-4-30 Air conditioned, $145 summer I RECREATION cheap transportation. $595/best ting, air conditioned. only. At no cost to you. Call offer. 355-7599,485-0870. 5-4-25 $175 fall. 487-4451 or 351-1610. I SERVICE RANDY'S RENT-A-BAY 39-5-30 Summer: $150-$170/ month 394-0683, 9-9, THE APARTMENT SELECTOR. 10-4-23 Instruction TORINO 1970. 4 speed, new tires, Fall: from $75/person/ Typing mags, 39,000 miles. $3.00/hr. Rental ONE TWO female roommates for Excellent : COLLEGE MEDi« SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELtY CA 94709 - month WOMAN WANTED to share 3 ■ transportation shape, $1200. Phone 669-9761. Includes Use Of; summer, option fall. 227 Bogue. bedroom house with 2 other 7-4-25_ Rose 489-9742, Cindy, 355-8864. NOW RENTING!! Sparrow Hospital, ■ WANTED _ I Employment For Rent 54 28 332-6197 women, near call after 5, 484-3143, 485-6823. ■ CAR POOL TOYOTA 1972 Corolla, 5 speed, 32 lift.-Work l.nch-VIt* 5-4-22 mpg, AM/FM, trailer hitch, $1600 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED and FEMALE ROOMMATE needed, or best offer. 482-5615 after 5 TWO MID-MICHIGAN CAREER PARKING SPACE, musical instru¬ URATES** pm. un-furnished, utilities paid except new Cedar Village, summer. 4 6-MAN house for summer, option 5-4-23 SALES OPPORTUNITIES of 40 ments, garden plots, whatever - electricity. Starting at $150/ air conditioned. 353-7525. for fall. Close, fireplace, $480/ I !2word minimum $1.00/hr. Charge For offered nationally fev qualified you don't have to sell, rent it! person, month. On bus line. 332-8036 3-4-24 month plus utilities and deposit. TOYOTA CARINA 1972, 38,000. Hand Tools college graduates by June. Imme¬ Place your ad with Ann, dial 1308 Haslett Road. 10-4-25 351-5979. 5-4-24 Kept up well. Snows included, diate salary negotiable and ad¬ 355:8255. P-5-30 FEMALE ROOMMATE to share Ziebart. $1800. 484-5248 after justed over 40 month training ONE-TWO females Rivers MALE - ROOM until June 15, TV AND Stereo Rentals. $25/ Edge conveniently located apartment five. 5-4-25 program. Earn white you learn!!! $55/month (or fraction) & utilities. i 3 ' 1 5 1, 10 No limit on future earnings. Call term. $1G.95/month Free same Apartments, $82.50/month per for summer. Rent negotiable. person Terrace, 2 bedrooms, 2 332-6132. 3-4-24 Option for summer. 351-6662. dav delivery and service. 1.80 4.80 /.BO lb.60 VW BUG 1965. best offer, next 2 weeks. ^air"condition, RANDY'S MOBIL Mr. Durocher at 484 8410. Inter views by appointment only. NEJAC, 337 1010. C-4-30 Call bathrooms. Call now to take 5-4-28 2.25 6.00 9.71) 19.50 Call Okemos Rd. at 1-96, advantage of one month's free ABBOTT ROAD, 910. Unfur¬ 351-3329. 10-5-5 20-5? BURCHAM 1366, 2 bedroom 11.70 23.4C rent. 337-0645. 5-4-22 nished, luxury one bedroom 2.70 7.20 349-9620 duplex, garage, $175 not including VW WANTED. ARTIST to paint real apartments. Married students or 3.00 8.00 13.00 2b.00 1969, automatic, good condi¬ utilities. 332-3161. 4-4-25 REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN life murals on the walls of NOT ENOUGH people to fill your grads only. Call Joe Miller, tion, just painted, $700. 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 337-7634. 10-5-2 Call guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ engines BZURPYS. Proof of qualifications apartment? Advertise now for Yes...We have 332-4240. 5-4-28 THE SUMMER rush is on! Got a change. Free towing available- required. See Ralph after 9 pm at summer and fall rentals. Call Lisa local areas. Installation as low as BZURPYS, 2021 East Michigan. at 355-8255. P-5 30 location! MILFORD STREET, 126. Two or house to rent? Let people know - Advertise it! Call Ann at 355-8255. 5-4-23 three man next to Larry's Shoprite $35. Check our repair prices and P-5-30 RIVER'S and WATER'S One large bedroom, furnished, air, NOW'S THE time to find a buyer REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO B B EAST LANSING Dup:ex. Two LANDSCAPING is now carpeted, fall. 12 month, $270. for your motorcycle. State News PARTS, 500 East kalamazoo and bedroom furnished duplex for 2, 3, EDGE Apartments HOUSEMATES FOR 3 in 5 Cedar. offering job opportunities to quali - 332-3418. 7-4-30 rooms Classified. 355-8255, Randy. 485-2047, 485-9229. fied or 4 residents. Off street parking, bedroom house, will • rent person to perform land P-5-30 Mastercharge and Bank Ameri¬ scaping and painting duties. Must pool privileges. Both units open (next to Cedar SUBLET SUMMER. 126 Milford. separately, mate or female. $85 a can. C-22-4-30 June 15. Summer $180, fall $245 month. 575 Spartan. 351-9096. have own transportation. Call Two man. Air conditioned, 1973 SUZUKI TC100. Mint condi¬ 487-6730. 5-4-28 or $265. 595 Spartan. 484-4014. Village) parking facilities. $120. 351-9388. 5-4-28 tion, 160 miles. 8-speed trans¬ MAKE YOUR world a little less 5-4-25 5-4-28 mission. call 393-5952. 5-4-28 rotten with Armor All, available at NOW LEASING OWN ROOM in co-op style house. CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN Ice 3d is ordered it cannot PART TIME employment for MSU FOR RESPONSIBLE Male. $61.50. Hagadorn and Burcham. cancelled or changed until 1972 CL350 Honda. CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama 332-4432 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT or Very good, students. 12 - 20 hours per week. Private. Utilities paid. Nicely house, close, sharp, furnished 351-5377. 3-4-24 srfirst insertion, unless it is road knobie, zoo, one mile west of campus. extra pipes. $550. Automobile required. 351 -5800. furnished, $130. 337 2285, after 6 $180/month, spring - d & cancelled 2 days Mike, 487,5055. C-9-4-25 summer MT. HOPE near, duplex. 332-6906._3-4124 C-3-4-24 pm. 5f»-25 FURNISHED STUDIO, May 1, only. 332-1946. 0-5-4-26 bedroom. One ire publication. Haslett area, garage, utilities New carpet. $175 paid! ' ! is a $1.00 service CYCLE INSURANCE, caH for low rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING 484-1414 or 339-9535. 0-13-4-30 our ■Cm®' FOR GREAT Results!!! Call Gary MARRIED COUPLE preferred to supervise as houseparerits for PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South Furnished, one bedroom. Utilities $125 339-8686. 5-4-22 711 EAST includes all utilities. Phone 371-3412. 5-4-25 Deposit. eight moderately retarded men. paid. $150/montl\ plus deposit. SPACIOUS FURNISHED rtudio |arge for an ad change. now at 355-8255 to place your Room, board, and salary provided. Phone 627-5454. 7-4-29 apartments. Across from campus APARTMENTS MSU DUPLEX, two bedroom HONDA 1971 CB-750. New employment ad. P-5-30 Air conditioned, quiet. Summer or units, one block north of M78. muts Personal ads must Rewarding work. Please contact 711 Burcham Road motor. $1400. Honda 1973 Kim Braman or Irma fall leases. - 351-1258 between 10 394-0683,9-9. THE APARTMENT i'uekerberg TIRED OF NOISE? XL250. 1800 miles, $700. Phone WANTED: MALE and female go 487-6500. SELECTOR. 0-3-4-23 645-7611, 9-6 pm, ask for Marge. go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, 10-5-1 a.m.-7 p.m. 10-4-29 NOW RENTING! State News WE HAVE 1,2 AND 3 b will be M-23 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236. 20-4- CAREER OPPORTUNITIES, no MALE, SHARE bedroom until Exceptionally Large One NORTH FOSTER, three bedrooms sponsible only for the first 23 waiting in line. 351-3622. 6-4-25 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Bedroom Apartment garage, garden spot. $240 plus HONDA 250 MT Elsinor, 1974. June. Furnished. Next to lys incorrect insertion. Like new. Must see! $750 or best APARTMENTS Suitable For 2-3 Students utilities, deposit. 371-3412. 5-4-25 PBX OPERATOR, experienced, campus. $85 negotiable. 332- MODEL AIRCRAFT sales after offer. 487-5055. 6-4-25 Howell area. Excellent salary and 2359. 3-4-22 lis are due 7 days from the benefits. Fee paid. 349-3932. noons, evenings, 20-25 hours per week. Saturdays. $155I PER f MONTH '190/M0NTH LARGE BEDROOM in beautiful 1890 farmhouse. Barn and ■expiration date. If not paid 1970 HONDA 350cc, $400. Tent Must hqve 213 SOUTH Francis. Available •12 Month Leases CAREERS UNLIMITED. Equal (INCIUDIS SAS HEAT t WATER 1 chicken coupe. Much land for workirig knowledge of radio con¬ | 'he due date, a 501 late camper trailer $150. Call after 4 pm. 5-4-25 651-5902. Opportunity Employer. 3-4-23 trolled models. Apoly in person at call Anril 30th. Furnished, three rooms and bath. Utilities paid. •Completely Furnished •Carpeting Icompletely) planting. Antique furnishings. ce charge will be due. the HOBBY HUB, Frandor. 3-4 22 Phone Okemos. 332-0969. 3-4-24 GENERAL LABORERS 882-9347. 5-4-24 •Appliances ft Air Condi¬ AMF HARLEY DAVIDSON KNOB HILL tioned JOBS BY PHONE SUMMER SHARE HOUSE summer own CAMP position for: TX125's. New, 1974. Full Immediate openings, reliable tennis, archery, dance, drama, APARTMENTS SUBLEASE MAY 1 through June •Heat & Water Included room. Close to campus on bus Motive warranty - $599.95. Why buy people needed for both long and 30. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, unfur¬ "2 Man Units route. $70 plus utilities. 353-1253. used? First come first served! short term nature, secretary. 1-313 353 6491 349-4700 nished, $182/month. 882-2708. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL - assignments in retail 3-4-22 5 miles from campus 4-4-25 Harley - Davidson of Lansing. stores, factories and warehouse, 34-23 337-7328 or 351-0726 I'NG your automobile? *tohelp you write Call 645 2222. ^ 5-4-25 Experience not always necessary. REGISTERED NURSES-full and Community atmosphere GREAT LOCATION. 5 bedroom your ad. A Jl,v part time positions available on the Sorry, no,pets FEMALE ROOMMATE needed fall Summer Rent $140 /Month 155-8255. P-5-30 . 1973 TS250 Suzuki with helmet. ... . . . ApP'v in person, MANPOWER afternoon and midnight shifts in house for summer. Carpeted, through spring, new Cedar Village, furnished, modern kitchen. 332- Less than 1,000 mites. Excellent ICU-CCU. Minimum starting sala¬ TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished $85. 351 9345 ■TIN AMERICA 1969, Zeibart, or 337-0418. 3-4-23 PINE LAKE APARTMENTS 6889. 3-4-24 condition. $650. 393-2260 4-6 ries $4.82 per hour plus differen¬ apartments: 124 Cedar Street, JMns. Good mileage. $750.' $177; 129 Burcham, $147; 135 HASLETT pm. 3-4-23 tial. Immediate openings. Please SUMMER. SUNNY two ■745. 5-4-25 COOK, FOR July and August, at - man Short on Cash? Maybe we can GREAT HOUSE. June to June. contact Kedzie Drive. Year teases and cottage in Harbor Springs, 332- Lansing General Hospital, apartment. Spacious, air-condi¬ work something out. One bed¬ Close. 337-0269. 3-4-24 MOTORCYCLE COVERS special - 1239. 3-4-23 2800 Devonshire, Lansing, 48909. summer teases only. Starting tioning, quiet, and close. 337-9629 ! room apartments with shag car¬ LESABRE, 1971. Air only $19.95. Sizes to fit all makes. 372-8220, extension 267. Equal June or September. Heat in¬ 3 4-23 DUPLEX FOR rent 3 bedrooms Ming, vinyl top. cluded. Damage deposit. Call 8 5, peting, drapes and appliances. - , Low SJHEPJ^Holt. C-5-4-25 RN'S, FULL time positions avail¬ Opportunity Employer. 8 4 22 $150 per month plus utilities. 10 furnished. Summer. Off Beech loin J?X)orbes,offer- Nell, able on 3-11:30 pm shifts, and 351-2402; 6-10 p.m., 882-2316. CEDAR VILLAGE Street. Clean. 669 9939. 10-4-22 1972 KAWASAKI 750, good minutes from MSU. Located at ™.9-5pm. 5-4-28 CLERK TYPIST, full time filing- 0-4-30 Now condition, must sell - for more LPN'S Part time positions avail¬ typing. A.E.S. Apply at 409 Lentz Renting 6076 Marsh Road, just north of able 3-11:30 pm and 11-7:30 am SUMMER - M.A.C. 4 women, own ■FORNIA VW Bus 1961. No information call 393-1706. 5-4-23 on Court, Lansing. (North of St. Joe 551 ALBERT STREET, one block Summer and Fall Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager shifts, for medical rooms. $65/month. No utilities. engine, completely - surgical areas between Logan and Waverly.l from campus. Large 2 bedroom, Summer Rates are $150-$200 339-8192 or EAST LANSING up- CYCLE INSURANCE as low as of Provincial Hospital and Surgi per month. Fall Rates are $80, REALTY, 332-4128. 26-5-6 Melinda, Marge, 337-9085, 5-7 pm ped and insulated. Many Clinic. Contact Mr. White at fi-4-?2_ furnished, summer and fall. only! 5-4-23 *.$700. 694-1745. $22 per year. Full coverage, 125 cc $83, $85 per person per 5-4-25 RN OR LPN OPENING Resident manager, 351-5208 or at F.S.C 351-2400. 22-4-30 485-3271,9-4 pm Monday through month. 351-5180 7TK1 •Friday. 3-4-23 Full time 3 p.m.-11:30 p.m. shift. 351 6676. 10-4-25 CROSSWORD j^-il p Impala. Automatic, USED MOTORCYCLES discount Liberal fringe benefits, evening EAST LANSING, Neat, 2 bedroom $100. 332-4437. on insurance at F.S.C., 935 Grand PERSON OR persons to sing and nights differential, no shift ONE BLOCK from campus - now upper on 5 acres. $180, utilities PUZZLE River, East Lansing. 22-4-30 recent ballads or folk songs and rotation. Every other weekend off teasing for summer and fall terms! included. wms and weekend bonus paid, contact Spacious 2 bedroom furnished Gardening area avail¬ play guitar for 3 day weekends at a able 351 3296. 3-4-24 1. Groom's tie 34. Three-spots ■ rli,402 1972' 4 sPeed. HONDA CL-70 1970. Great shape. Northern Michigan resort lodge. Mrs. L. Risk, RN, Director of apartments. 332 4240. 20-5 7 Call Joe Miller, 6. Beaver State 36. Misjudge Cta\Mus,selL I 3693, after 6 pm, 3-4-24 Best Low mileage. Two helmets. 8umper cycle carriers. 332-2210, June - September. 663-4671, after Nursing, Ingham County Medical Care Facility, 3882 Dobie Road FEMALE NEEDED, summer, Eden 12. Scum 38. Those in office after 6 pm. 5-4-28 7pm._34-23 Okemos, Michigan. Phone 349 NOW LEASING for fall Colonial Roc, near campus. $46.75, 332- 13. Hot Mediter- 40. Insect 1653. 3-4-24 v1973 C J-5,6 EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER for 1050. 5-4 22 Arms, 126 Orchard. 2, 3 and 4 ranean wind 41. Special cylinder, 24,000 man apartments. Call 337-1800. 14. Bolivian Indian »great shape, call 1973 HONDA CB-350, 4 cylinder, infant. References required. function 351-7324. 10-424 SUMMER. NEEDED, one or two excellent condition, 5400 miles Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays. 8 WANTED-PART time dental re females to sublet. Close/ campus, 16. Bundled 44. Biblical □aa qbq aago $975. Call 353-1558. 3-4-24 am - noon, in my home. Begin ceptionist, experience preferred 17. Displease pronoun ana rana asas Milford Street. Cheap! 332-8583 [commando P* Automatic, 1973, power $2950. Call 1975 KAWASAKI, 175, Brand approximately 5-1-75, 351-6317. 4-4-25 Please submit brief resume to: Box A-1, State News. 5-4-22 54-28 18. Holy 20. African 46. Plebe 48. Chibchan new, never been ridden. Supier antelope Indian D( kjvwen 3:30 p.m. and 6 cheap transportation. SITTER NEEDED. 9-3 Monday - A NEW CONCEPT IN APARTMENT 22. Furnish a crew 50. Spouted 355-7887. 5-4-24 Friday. Prefer our home. 355- LIVING THIS FALL 23. English letters speeches 'l. Italian wine 5. Care for 8158 after 3:15 pm. 2-4-23 26. Blackthorns 52. European center 6. Bone 5p0RT Coupe, 1971 - HONDA CB350 1973 V4 2,500 28. Cha siskin 2. Fireworks item 7. Chaffinch JffiL Verv good miles. Super condition I $750 or AUTO PAINTER-Must spray 30. Gung-- 53.Shipworm 3. Ani 8. Ardor best offer. Lisa, 351-8919 after 5 p.m. 5-4-22 enamel and all materials. M-78 BODY SHOP, 337-0496. 5-4-22 BURCHAM WOODS 31. That man 54. Mite 4. Medical suffix 9. Roman helme 10. Individual Let Burcham Woods take your bills and pay them for you! 2 3 S 4 8 Nfy Burcham Woods will pay; m %IS f6 19.Tub 21. Wager .nd. April 30th THEY WENT ♦CABLE TV % h 24. Cadent 25. Mayday I 'FURnkue '■* '1 IftV 1i1) X HV It' r. n Y/< 18 •S™ S$$BONUS$$$ THAT A WAY.. TO COLLINGWOOD APTSII 'Electric 20 2l 21 23™ 24 %% 26. Rider Haggari novel i 'air rnwrnr $10 OFF current rates for FALL *Heot % % 27. Veered Conditioning 4 *Air lb iV fSUMMER spk,ALS PLUS B0NUS V? io IB 29. Macaw 'Balconies * All utilities 5i % 33 W- 33. Last queen of ^bedroom $140 34 I •cSetocaNm L0SET0 CAMPUS l0CATI0NS 1 'Heated Pool 'Parking 36 % 37 .-is % 39 Spain 35. All 2 bedrooms $150 I up IK' EARLY BIRD FALL SPECIAL: efficiencies fr. $145. 1 bedroom fr. * 'unlimited parking Plush furniture Callus now to acquire your hassle free future home at Burcham % ] ](/] J For Sale Houses For Sale ( For Sale )($] j Personal House committee approves Viet aid FOUR BEDROOM house. Four MINIATURE SCHNAUZER pup¬ ELECTROVOICE EV16 - A FREE. . . A lesson in complexion blocks from MSU, 12 month lease pies. JEAN-A-WIN has champion Speakers. 12", 3-way. One year care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan (continued from page 1) Kissinger met for an hour <*ence, democracy anil I -June. 337-9369. 3-4-24 sire salt and peppers. Also a few old, on /warranty. $200 firm. 349-0638. 4-4-25 or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE rather than an abrupt takeover. and five minutes at the White Phone 339-8707. 353-1410. 3-4-24 NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. Pentagon Comptroller Erick TapplytjS: blacks left. House with Ford to discuss the LANDLORDS, WE have qualified tenants in need of 3-6 bedroom vacancies in the East Lansing area. 3-4-22 BEAUTIFUL RICKEN Backer VOX BASS Amp. Bass guitar and cover. Good condition. $200. i TO MAKE Animals sure ][><) your pet finds a £34^24 ATTENTION FACULTY: Going Von Marbod said the aid would give the South Vietnamese implications of Thieu> resigna tion. Kissinger refused to vacation? LCC instructor assurances that the United 394-0683,9-9. THE APARTMENT hollow body electric guitar/case. 355-8810. 3 4-24 good home, place an ad with on answer reporters' questions a U-M SELECTOR. 0-4-4-25 Cheap! $250. 355-1544. 4-4-25 Elaine, 355-8255. P-5-30 needs summer residence. exchange will do cleaning, yard In States is not abandoning them, "I believe a group is coming bout Vietnam. developments in South commit! LARGE, STURDY, well - made, STEREO SPEAKER systems. GREAT DANES, AKC Blacks and work, pet care, painting. Refer- in there to take over the South SHARE FULLY equipped house By voice vote and with loft - $45. Come see at 624 ences. 484-6434. Bette or Cindy. ab°ut and garage. room. Split utilities, own $75 per/monthi, close to Custom built. Great sound. You save money. 484-8038. BI-2-4-23 Holden. 353-5883. E-5 4-28 Harlequin. Excellent, $125 - $225. 339-9979, eveninqs. 5-4-24 .. . Vietnamese government that believes on the basis of talks limited debate, the Senate a- dopted a resolution calling for Kissini campus. 351-7989. 5 4-28 PINBALL MACHINE for sale. NIKON FTn photomic with F36 Soccer. $150 or best offer. FREE HOUSE cats offered, need Pouts Personal JliSU gt with negotiate the °thter side that tthey. negotiations for a cease fire in - sets MSU PRIVACY, STORAGE space, large motordrive. $475. 80-240mm macro-zoom. $250. 20mm Nikkor 371-2829, 6-8 pm. 5-4-28 T.L.C. Assorted types. 596-2564, Melanie Hohensee. Call L ROB FROM "Forty Thieves" can settlement." Weyand said. some sort of Vietnam and urging Ford and Kissinger to ask "all Vietna¬ rap Ad HocU„nive»ity of J room, bath, share upstairs. House $225. 135mm Nikkor $200. 3-4-23 Bermuda. My address: Brynn Thieu's resignation removes mese parties to reopen discus¬ 4 privileges. Close campus. Now, TEXAS INSTRUMENT SR-10 summer35 V4829. _5-4-?fl 43-86mm Nikkor zoom $200. calculator, with A.C. adapter. $30. GERMAN SHORTHAIRS. Emmons, Road # 2, Stockton, a major publicly stated obstacle sion toward implementation of Kiss.nger Committee to nf attempt J 351-6326. 4-4-25 Liver New Jersey. 08559. 1-4-22 to a negotiated peace in South will Call 487-0600, after 5 pm. and white, and liver. the Paris Peace accords." MSU MSU, WALKING Distance, two - Cot E-5-4-28 AKC support for 1 j 4 bedroom houses, 394-0683, 9-9, something to registered. Call 393-7875. 3-4-24 MICHAElTjOHN^ Tbielieve in us - Vietnam, but some U.S. offi- In Paris, the Viet Cong commencement activiil sell for $50 or loss?? cia's sfy ^ey declared after the resignation THE APARTMENT SELECTOR. TREMENDOUS CLOSING sale at FREE KITTENS to good homes. we'll make it. Love, your special may ^ave afternoon at 3:00 in tkl 0-3-4-23 gir(. x-1-4-22 come too late. of Thieu that there must be a Case Hall the DAY BEFORE FOREVER. Fantastic savings on antiques, Also two very mellow calico cats. Weyand told the committee total U.S. withdrawal from lounge B SUBLET FOR summer. Nice Call 351-17S5. anytime. 5-4-23 Henry Kissinger is house, near campus. 4 bedrooms, jewelry, superb clothes, leather Deal Estate H <®|J Thieu's resignation is not part of South Vietnam and the esta¬ speak at the U M goods, and fine incense. Remem¬ a pact for any takeover of blishment of a - cheap, OWN ROOM cozy. 337-0823. 5-4-22 near campus, $80 a ber COMFORT AND STYLE AT GREAT REDUCTION then visit my I Mobile Homes )[w] TO PLACE your ad to sell or rent NEW - 4 bedroom year 'round home and smaH cottage at Higgins South Vietnam. But he said he believed it to be part of an government of "national concord" in Saigon. "The United States must end ment May 3. "We hope that this _ I cends interschool rivalrvl month, unfurnished, no parking. shop at 254 West Grand River your mobile home in the State Lake. Completely furnished. effort to bring negotiations for all military and other interfer¬ Sam Riddle, Call 351-6195. 5-4-22 (next to Arbys) Open 11-7. 5-4-22 News Classified ads, call Vicki, House 154 blocks from lake. a cease - fire and declared: "I ence in the internal affairs of spokenjf try 1974 FUJI Finest. $300 or best $25,000 or best offer. 372-9371. SUSpect whatever political South Vietnam and withdraw group. The of members of group is co J MALE. OWN Room, remodeled house. Close. EconoLines! offer. Very clean, many extras. .j . settlement does come out of all its military personnel dis¬ andanti war several! April free. - Call after 5:00. 487-0561. 5-4-22 —12 word ad 5 days insertion 355-5904. 2-4-22 TRAVELO 12x53, partly furnished, excellent one bedroom, [ Recreation I'y^l Jl—J this could be in the framework of the Paris accord?." guised as civilians," said the the Rainbow groups, in party >, — con¬ Viet Cong delegation to the Black Panthers. WHIRLPOOL GAS dryer, Magic- WAVERLY AREA. Two bedroom dition. Beautiful park. Phone EUROPE CHARTERS, Toronto to He added that the South long dormant Paris peace talks. "We duplex, 1 % baths, carpeting, $3.00! Chef gas stove. Both for $45. Call 339-9235. E-5-4-24 349-3026. 5-4-23 London, Amsterdam from 339, Youth Fairs, rail passes. TRAVEL Vietnamese will to resist "is It said the "Nguyen Van are Henry Kissinger's not opt* carport, major appliances, $200/ (no cancellations) going to erode quite rapidly, as Thieu clique" must be replaced riM month. Phone 349-4626. 5-4-22 Call State News YASHICA MAT 124 G, telephoto 8x36 one EXCELLENT CONDITION, mile from campus. BY HARRINGTON. 351-8800. ?he B,ast vesti4ge of ^ is by an administration which speak," he said. want "SomJ Fully i'5"4'25 an alternative f Classified EconoLines lens, Honeywell 770 removed." SUBLET SUMMER; three person case, auto- furnished, negotiable. Call 351- "really wants peace, indepen- views." ' house; five blocks campus; rent negotiable; 332-6911 evenings. 355-8255 ask for Randy strobe. $130. 332-8870 between 4 and 6. 3-4-22 8141. 5-4-24 BROADMORE 1970, 12x60, 2 [ Service |(^j 5-4-25 FOR THE BEST Service on Stereo L _ if. L _ • LAST DAY for coupon special GARAGE SALE, clothes, furni¬ bedrooms, furnished. Newly I* S WllQl S ONE BEDROOM and efficiency, from last week's State News. ture, books, junk, 398 Park Lane. carpeted, washer and dryer, many Equipment see the STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. 1100000100 r r MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830. All weekend. 332-0928. 5-4-24 extras, very reasonable. 484-5140. C-4-30 one block from campus, furnished C-1-4-22 5-4-22 12 month lease, 6-7 pm Monday - Friday, 351-1177 351-( NEW MOON 1966 10'x50'. photography" ah ~v7riP»i«Q Announcements for It's What's If you are interested in helping 5-4-25 or TEAC STEREO tape deck. 10% DISCOUNT Carpeted, shed, air conditioning. £22. finest quality, Lvihh, nriraH resonably priced. Happening must be received in the state News office 341 Student to produce a radio show by, for Help plan for the upcon,_ and about women, come to a 17 March A4010S, auto reverse. Solenoid to All Retirees Excellent condition. Call 485-3950. BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. cl 'Lc ml h? ; T , on Boston. Thesl Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. . Rooms buttons. Excellent condition. and MSU Students jm C710 p a oa at least meeting of the Women's Media Coalition Against Racism J two class days before publication. $300/best offer 489-6240. 1-4-22 - _ - - - - Collective, at 7:30 tonight in the Chapter holds meetings atL PASSPORT PHOTOS-five prints: No announcements will be ac- GOT AN empty room to rent. Call the Classified Department to RECLINER CHAIR. Excellent | list t fiwT||Q| $1.50. Other photo work, reason- able prices. cepted by phone, women's lounge of the Union. All new members are welcome. every Wednesday in 37 Keep the buses rolling, j advertise it. Ask for Lisa at condition. Brown leather vinyl. LOST SOMETHING Valuable? Tom, 489-7977. * 3j>5JI255._P-5:30 Best offer. 351-1382. 3-4-24 RANDALL HEALTH FOOD Call Elaine at 355-8255 to place 4-4-22 Anyone interested in the sum- Israeli dancing: Tuesday nights, A slide show on volcaA Brookfield Plaza your lost ad. P-5-30 mer London social science pro- 118 Women's Intramural Bldg., for leology will be given dmil SUMMER DOUBLES. Furnished, TEAC 360S stereo cassette deck - B - B LANDSCAPING gram there will be a meeting at 7 all; Wednesday nights, 218 Wo¬ meeting at 7 tonight of theH utilities paid, kitchen, TV, lounge, 1381 E.Grand River SPRING SPECIAL tonight in 215 Bessey Hall. Club. Come to 32 Natural ■ 8 months old - excellent condition! men's Intramural Bldg., for those LOST: STAINLESS STEEL, A free applicator of fertilizer and Bldg. parking, very close. $55/and up. $325 price negotiable. 353-2116. 332-6892 Faculty and students will be interested in a performing group. Thermos, quart size. C105 Wells 20% Discount on either a lawn 337-9452^ 0-4-30 _ _ 3-4-24 Downtown — or Men's I.M. Call 394-1583. dethatch or power rake with our present to answer questions, Both at 7:15. ID needed to enter WOMEN: do you r« ONE FOR house, close. Available 223 S. Washington 3-4-23 building. 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. summer lawn maintenance service Marian Wright Edelman, direc- your body? Or is it May 5th, free rent until May 15. Interested in emmigrating to the 337-7151. 1-4-22 Tanks, cannisters and uprights. WOMAN'S SEARS 10-speed FOUND: BLACK female short hair 487-6730 tor of the Children's Defense Fynd outer planets? Let us make the property of your doctor?! Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 bicycle. Fair condition. $45 or best 10-5-5 of the Washington Research Pro- your body and your que$ cat. Short tail. Evergreen/ arrangements. Stop at West GIRL-SINGLE room, 3 blocks from and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING offer. 353-7381. E-5-4-25 O&khill area. 351-4942. C-3-4-23 ject will speak informally with Holmes Hall lower lounge this Self Help at 7:30 p.mfl Union. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, EDITING, PROOFREADING, students at 10 a.m. Wednesday in Wednesday to the Women! Available immediately. Friday at 10 p.m. and inspect our ter at the Union. Phone 351-5076, after 4. 5-4-?4 Opposite City Market. C-3-4-24 RALEIGH GRAND Prix, 22 inch, FOUND: LADY'S ring, in Conrad experienced. Dissertations, theses 307 Human Ecology Bldg. little man - ship. Golden Griffen book and article manuscripts. like new, must sell. 332-6874 after after "Women in Love". Call Travel. ROOMS FROM $16 per week, SEWING MACHINE Clearance 5 pm. 5-4-25 Robert 882-9830. C-3-4-22 Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 3-4-23 Gay men who would like to help In order to grow in his pal medium, we feel ai utilities included, parking avail¬ Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, f IP*] with the child care for this The Shalom Center, the new interrelate, experiment, $h able, one block from campus, 215 $5 per month. Large selection of NEW TEAC 2300-S tape deck, FOUND: ROLL exposed film in I1 Instruction l weekend's Lesbian Conference, comfortable drop - in place for Louis Street, 351-4495. reconditioned used machines. -J please call the GLM office and with others and their ide 11-4-25 Solenoid operation, still in carton, front of Abbott Hall. Call study and talk and coffee, is open Singers, Whites, Necchi's, New must sell due to divorce pro¬ 676-5321, Greg. C-3-4-22 EMPLOYERS ARE calling us for leave your name and phone from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily above urns. Intermediary, at 7 pi FEMALE NEEDED immediately to Home and "many others." $19.95 our graduates. If you need a skill, number, Wednesday nights in ceedings. Call 655-2066 after 6 Campus Book Store opposite Room of the Union. share flat, kitchen. 2 blocks from to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS pm 5-4-25 FOUND: 14 karat yeTtow gold call us. Individually taught with Union Very good deal. $62.50. Berkey Hall. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 amethyst ring. Call 332-5001. Ask qualified instructor. 90 hour Introduction to Transcendental Private room. Cathy, 351-3591. North Washington, 489-6448. SIX FOOT Hamilton Dial-A - for Holly. C-3-4-23 course with choice of class hours. Meditation at 7:30 p.m. Wednes- Spartan Community Gl There will be a discussion group 3-4-23 CM* VA approved. Located on the day in 30 Union sponsored by the will sponsor a talk and| Torque drawing table with side for effective listening at the next LOST: BLACK dog, Vi of Jolly and Aurelius Students' International Meditation presentation the bi _ reference table and Vemco track corner on SUMMER. PRIVATE, cooking FRAMES: Labrador, Parents Without Partners meeting facilities. Block from Berkey. OLD cracked or machine. Chuck Ruble, 489-2421 brown collar, male, 6 months. Roads. CAII393-8615, SPARTAN Society. vegetable gardening at 7:3fl broken? at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Replacements at low or 485-3606 after 6 pm. 3-4-23 Phone 484-0476 or 349-4941, KEYPUNCH ACADEMY. 10-5-1 Wednesday in 206 HoitiT $75/4 weeks. Showings: 12:30 - cost OPTICAL DISCOUNT. First Presbyterian Church at the - 2615 Reward. 4-4-24 Bldg. Vegetable seeds I 2:30 pm, 5-6 pm, Monday - Friday, East Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409 VINTAGESTRATOCASTER AND I 1| 1 You can find a summer job. The corner of Ottawa and Chestnut available afterwards, r 505 Albert # 7. 5-4-28 Tvnillff SprvifP campus is invited to a Christian Streets in Lansing. C-5-4-25 S.G. deluxe guitars. New steel LOST: FEMALE Irish Setter IMF" WlflWJliU Science College Organization information call Bob Rice. | SUMMER TERM, Dobro 30 % off. 1940's Gibson puppy. Red collar, Beech Street UNIGRAPHICS offers COM- meeting at 6:45 tonight in 35 own bedroom, Dr. Kathryn G. Heath, U.S. rent negotiable. Pets allowed, Southern Jumbo Accoustic. Used area. Reward! 351-5865. 1-4-22 PLET€ DISSERTATION and re- Unlon Ba,lroom- Intermediary, the ei Office of Education, Washington, Sony Portable T.V. 6 channel, 5 tal, experimental, media - or 1632 Haslett, East Lansing, female 332-5783. 5-4-23 BICYCLE watt Walkie-Talkie. Used Regen¬ LOST: FEMALE black cat with sume service. IBM typing, editing r~ ~ I Typing SeTViCe ~ ; ti 1 D.C. will speak on "Legislative Reform in the U.S. as Related to theater group meets at J REPAIRS! cy police scanner. Ohaus Preci¬ red collar. University Village area. offset printing and binding. We encourage comparative shopping. |!^j| j Women's Advancement in Edu¬ each Wednesday in Room of the Union. WOMAN NEEDED. Space Co-ed sion gram scales. Zenith trans¬ 355-6083. 3-4-24 For estimate, stop in at 2843 East cation and Employment", on May house. Own room. $60/month oceanic radio. SMC electric TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast 6,7:30 to 10 p.m. in 35 Union. The Lesbian counseling for i plus utilities. 489-3177. 7-4-25 typewriter. Great selection used FOUND: BLACK leather dog Grand River of phone 332-8414. and reasonable. 371-4635. C-4-30 all - University lecture is sponsored golf club sets. WILCOX leash near River by Kresge. 13-4-30 concerned about their sel Call by the Office of Women's Pro¬ IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. $65 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East 355-4785. C-3-4-24 dentity is available from 5tol month, furnished, utilities, across Michigan, Lansing. 485-4391. YOUR TYPING Service is needed IRENE ORR - Theses, Term papers grams and the College of Human on Wednesdays at 547% E l from campus. Call after 3 pm C-4-30 LOST: BLONDE now for term papers, theses and 9er|eral typing^ Formerly with Ann Ecology. River Ave. Stop by or cT 332^5906. _4-4-25 - Shepherd mix, answers to German "Foxy" dissertations. To advertise call Brown.jiall482-7487. C-4-30 Know the creator in you with former Women's Center | ONE 3 speed girls bicycle, good Vickiat 355-8255 to place your ad. those hours. Please call 337-0088. 4-4-25 EXPERIENCED TYPIST-reason- the Yahshuans at 8:30 p.m. this MEN- CLEAN, quiet rooms, condition, $45. Call 355-7431. cooking, close to MSU. Phone E-5-4-25 ( <_ able rates, downtown area. Thursday in 34 Union and at 3 Lesbian music will be pie LOST: GOLDEN Retreiver, fox 35^8563 ^ 485-8836. 20'4"22 Velocipede Peddler red color. EXPERIENCED, TYPING term 489"3524 after 5:30 weekdays, p.m. Sunday in 37 Union. at a concert by and for lej Answers to Lady. 541E Grand Kiver 3517240 Cash for Reward. 349-2565. 4-4-25 papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur- an*|_me weekends. 5-4-22 only, Saturday at 9 p.m." SUMMER-2 person room in ate Know the seven warning signs house, close, parking, laundry, BelowParamountN STAMPS & COINS LOST: GOLD chain bracelet with service^ ^2512. C-4-30^ TYPING BY the hour. Dropoff service. Secretarial assistance. of fascism! (1) Do you have an interested, call the fortm men's Center, at the sair»s| $49. 351-0761, evenings. 3-4-22 _. Buy-Sell -Trade EXPERIENCED IBM typing Dis- irresistable urge to have your full line of supplies lock, between Wilson and Chem 694.0222. 5-4-23 Friday after 31 REALISTIC TURNTABLE and 2 sertations (pica - elite). FAYANN, neighbor live the sort of life he Building. Reward. 353-0426. | For Sale |f^>) speakers. $50 or best offer. MID-MICHIGAN STAMP b COIN 1880 Haslett Rd. 5-4-23 489-0358. C-4-30 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST, cor- ought to - whether he w$nts to or not?. Courtesy of the MSU Communication skills w« share feelings, improwB 351-2506, Roger. E-5-4-25 - BEAUTIFUL SHEPHERD Husky puppies, wormed, healthy, bright, - 53 USED SEWING machines. 332-4300 FIND SOMETHING lith offset printing. Complete ser- Bsasaarear Libertarian Alternative, meets at 8:30 tonight in C108 Wells Hall. image, 1 to 2:30 p.m. t(* 7weeks, $15. BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. $12.50 / up. If you've found a 0et or article of vice for dissertations, theses, Approximately 10 hours per week, United Ministries, KoinomalJ _645-2788_ E-5-4-23 French built light weight touring Zig-Zags, and 3Venings or weekends. 676-2031 1118 S. Harrison Road. value, we want to help you return manuscripts, general typing. IBM. The SCHWINN 24" bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. straight stitchers, portables and it. Just into the State News 5.4.24 charming Mike Women', side cabinet models, singers, Whites come 25 year's experience. 349-0850. Christianson will be Gay Libera¬ Save on top quality handmade Classified Department and tell us t ,r . Women in veterinary m« basket, goo 'cp\9,dition, body rusted, $16. A,, 355-9074. E-5-4-22 bikes. 645-2127. C-5-4-25 Kenmores. models to Many makes and choose from. you want to place an ad in EAST LANSING STATE BANK'S Found c-4;30 THESES, RESUMES, typing and Transportation j[^| tion's guest speaker at 8:30 p,m. Wednesday in 33 Union. Subject: The second in a series of w "Nontraditional Careers M GOOD SELECTION of car tape ELECTRO - GRAND 804 East NEED A ride or riders? Call Elaine genetics of gayness. Business men" sponsored by the news,/ louse us up, wu. make §3) Blinkety Blanks ■ Villa Alegre ■ New Zoo Revue (7) 4:30 Movie (8) Partridge Family (9) Film Festival 1:00 AM Qzarcte News on OUR INTO?- /"? STUBB' / BANANA republic IN r NATIONAL TRADE / ■ Not For Women Only (9) Andy Griffith (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow L 224 ABBOTT / (10) Mickey Mouse Club (7-12) News k STATUS, chief. T 11:00 (12) Afterschool Special J»il Donahue Show (13) I Love Lucy Km y°ungAnd Restless ■10) Jackpot Matthews Show (23) Villa Alegre (25) Addams Family TUESDAY'S ■ike 30 (50) Little Rascals B3-41) Password H Evening At Symphony ■ N«wZoo Revue EVENING HIGHLIGHTS I 11:30 5:00 PM _Tul$day_AfiriI 22,_197_5_ I,Hh f°r Tomorrow Blank Check (6-8) Ironside (9) Mickey Mouse Club PROFESSOR PHUMBLE p '3-41) Split Second (10) Truth Or Consequences 8:00 PM (ABC) Movie Special (CBS) Reports "QB VII" (R) (PT.1) Ben by Bill Yates (13) That Girl "The IQ Myth" The broadcast (23) Making It Count , Gazzara, Anthony Hopkins. examines the ways in which the American writer accuses a doctor I Buss Bunny (25) Lucy IQ concept and tests have been of war crimes in a Nazi CAUSE I V»)N.w55 (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. used and misused through the concentration camp. CoHTKIPUTF *U)£TN (50) The Flintstones 5:30 (4) Bowling For Dollars (NBC) Adam 12 "The Camp" (R) (PT.2) 9:00 (CBS) NBA Playoff Game ToW ^ 60^ /v\oN£Y: Da Delinquent youth resists 10:00 MAT authority. (NBC) Police Story 0n, Gu"/On»-l«t. "Robbery: 48 Hours" Jackie caozf ? . olorS»stem hos o new 114° (ABC) Happy Days Cooper, Glenn Corbett. " "'Of PKturetube It "You Go To My Head" (R) Detectives launch a series of P»p rich* b!°T!'y ^rlnHf°n hot Richie's fears get the best of him stakeouts to put an end to a rash r'^wt 1 up,ron,and when he reads a book on of holdups. b^n.£K;Th* "ronton abnormal psychology. l°°kin,0,h* 11:30 8:28 (NBC) Tonight Show (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes Johnny Caison is host. Narrator: Kari Maiden. 4 GREAT STORES 8:30 (ABC) Wide world Mystery THE STABLES •DowntowneLansing Mall (NBC) Worid Premiere Movie "Spell Of Evil" Diane Cilento, Edward De Souza. A suspense FRANK & ERNEST •Meridian MalleWestwood Mall "This Is The West That Was?" Sponsored by: drama of the supernatural. by Bob Thaves 4OHM$ON MA $ MY MAMfif AMD Pftrms wfcfzt MY CAM. / , 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesdayty, April 22 r;«J Easf side floats By FRANK FOX State News Staff Writer A young blonde woman with a drawn face was sitting in a rowboat in what was once her front yard. "Did you lose much?" she asked as we paddled by in our canoe. "Kathy and I lost everything," she added as she glanced back at her flooded home on Detroit Street on Lansing's near east side. Here and there other residents of the area were rowing through the wretched, awful - smelling flood waters — trying to save whatever they could. Detroit, Charles and Mifflin Streets and others near Kalamazoo Street were gone — covered with a seemingly endless lake of garbage - filled water that lapped with disgusting persistence around the homes and businesses which once sat high and dry near the western fringe otMSU. Once familiar landmarks along Kalamazoo Street stood helplessly amid the waters of the Red Cedar River which was often as high inside the buildings as it was outside. Oade's Party Store — gone; the Brass Monkey — gone; the Checker gas station — gone; Dagwood's Bar — gone; the Red Cedar Shell station — gone, drowned in the very river from which it took its name. In our canoe, paddling down the middle of Kalamazoo Street, we struggled through a vast, putrid lake which surrounded the rooftops of abandoned cars — cars that would later reek of the leaked fuel oil which was floating amid the abundant flotsam. A car roof poked improbably out of the water in the middle of Kalamazoo Street near the overpass. Other cars barely broke water near the Brass Monkey. Furniture floated in the flooded rooms of an upholstering and used furniture shop across from Red Cedar Shell. Bottles, cans, limbs, garbage, rotten hay and . a child's doll bobbed in an offensive swamp of alley refuse and vomiting sewers. The former residents weren't the only ones boating through the streets of the east end. Sheriffs deputies patrolled the area in small boats, looking for looters. Amid the broken remains of people's homes and lives, there have indeed been looters. Up on the high ground near Mac's Bar at Michigan Avenue and Mifflin Street, the Lansing Township Fire Dept. and county sheriffs deputies had set up a command post. They were issuing passes to people who wanted to go back into the swamp to their homes and they were ready to bring out anyone who had refused to be rescued — if there were still any holdouts in the flooded area The Red Cedar River usually by this time. manner of speaking - and the Helicopters buzzed incessantly overhead. Their motors curves in a bend near Jenison results are painfully evident all provided the only sound over the silent, abandoned streets which Fieldhouse. The river has since around the fieldhouse and its will resist cleaning even when the water finally recedes. ^ straightened itself out — in a environs. All the garbage, litter, junk and accumulated crud of this neighborhood was in the fetid water. Branches, logs, broken signs, tires and splintered boards floated quietly among the houses and cars, around the water - filled garages and the lot of drowned Volkswagens which were swamped at the Bur Business. 1 A few people returned, if only to glance at the desolation and ruin which surrounded their neighborhood. The water certainly would recede — someday. But the damage done to the residents of this battered section of Lansing and This bike may be high and ride it in the drowned streets Lansing Township would last longer than even the putrid odor which still somewhat dry, but its owner Lansing'si far east side. hung over the silent streets and flooded homes of the east side. probably can't find anywhere to SN PHOTOS BY: DALE ATKINS daniel sHurr mm '■■mm&s It' si m I- A Lansing resident retrieves what he can from a home on the city s east side. Scenes such as this were sadly common yesterday as flood victims returned to their homes in boats to find what little remained salvageable. \