II. S. C. Llbfarr fcs' lAnstn^c. Mich. Shotcs Interest AMPHITHEATRE Conic Come, Gals- Boys Gotta Have HEADS OF CO-ED VISITING COACH Noted Aviatrix Gives Vn rious A voca tions PLAN APPROVED Kickin' Partners CARNIVAL PLAN Clothes Desi|nia|. Home Plaaaiai With Husband, Reading, TO BE HONORED Student Body Sharp BY SENIOR VOTE NOVEL EVENTS Riding. Among Sidelines Enjoyed in by World Famed Woman. BY ASSOCIATION Resume of Adventure feeffd Breaking CliM Meeting Ruth Starke if General Chair- It, Ruth ttallatfar The sir is nut Mis, Chester L. Brewer, Former Detail, ef Pacific Flight Told to Double Audience by Amelia [„j, Wilb Agreement to Mo¬ man of Party Sponsored by A> i harming as she is talented ;onh interest Axidc Coach of Aggie Machine, to Earhart Wedne.day Eve: Preparation Hold. Fair dified Propotil Wedneiday. Co-ed Councilor Syitent. if Amelia Eat hurt, the woman jhotnr and hus.bmut .sin- Receive Athletic Recognition of Surcet.ful Flight, She Declares. tired afU'i thrtw* hours J pstiv. m reading, writ in- of lecturing hew tA'ednesday night, i signing <4 clothe- .Sin at Homecoming. IVv ftnhfMrt I) Iturhaits time limit is stated will be wednesday she \\ii* gracious in granting an] ride hem back and m-vn Uiapt.ivink » rniv fund of experience, humor and nirwa.v tnirrvicbb ami enthusiastic in ex-i tirr of driving hii eai • Student Withiai to Have Two Many Womtn'i Orgamiatior.i tending one suede clad (out U» use- her plane on leeti many alumni expected knowleilire. Miss Amelia Kurhnrt Wednesday evenlnjf reifated prove th.il fullness in her knitted ' but drives bet wet n tow two ovtrrtowmgr audiences with a lucid picture of her l'actfk Qallari Paid to Wulrerinf Will Have Booth, at Affair to Half-Time Ceremonies Will Alsi Miirht and finished with assurance tor all that "a man would Ms,I Make Reque.t by Nov. 1. i'frodrce Girls to Campus %' Hut Note War Dead ef Varsity have haw to live 128 years before an air disa-tet would overtake Activities. j flrv. li Club; Old-time Halfback to him" the law of averages, At one of the luiyeM and 11 ^ Hon. Upfw. be Praised. T his first appearance on tin tOM-'lT lecture series by. Mis? r(W. .-,>ntrover*ial aettior class t| f the j foe n but i elude. Karhatt was one of extreme naturalness and charm. She wa -)r.. .. c- ever hold here next Cheater I., Rrevver. former suave in a feminine way, her grasp of the subject was ex . ,,,, (rmduating class Wed- o», director of athletic* at Michi- cedent and left a favorable impression with the nu meruit nm .. afternoon approved a shmen who were jfettln, iran Slate during three dif- pfari whereby the surplus' fermt perio«l* and now with »ir first taste of the aerie.- land* i f the class M1„; tcward the construction he; will be do- SPEECH GROUP the at hit'tic depart mont of ANNUAL STAFF The famous listeners to aviatrix Honolulu too! the rniverxtty of Missouri, i a «( »n amphitheatre near the type river j. . HOLDS MEETING will receive a l>i>tinjruis}uMl Serivce award from the col¬ STARTS PHOTOS plane lashed ar«l the (airline with her to the after-deck. fallowing a stormy session |. lect' athletic association at thai ♦»* * proposal to con- but • Wolverine Pictures Are Being kiom outline vast told of tlu tin ie on ofshepreparation Coming Forensic Program Dis Made bjr Versluis at East mvi.SMal v for the flight to russed by Coaches. Lansing Studio. • ' Oakland- the how and when of w«>i i vUir tor an ocean hop, the Wednesday of this w«vk marked handicap of the native .111 jh.U. the list of Wolverine appointments* for j Am! the audience was convinced HUNT ATTENDS TERCENTARIUM Zoology licai Was Michigan S»at''s Renre.fr'ative at Harvard s Celebration. Ashley. Thelm.i „t the Hotel Olds, FACULTY TO ACT (hop, and Elva law Ft.lt/ femes McMonagle, coach of the I , . t.txl the lootbal! Mi ver»lt> of Mosour n % debate squad. said that lie Miss Knrhaii got big kick out =■ ON RETIRE PLAN gu«rt> at dtnnei a oflftd have about twelve mem- j , or the safely devices henped iftty tjte f„||ow{n- All portraits are being done by |I her |beta lur the mm «team Th., W.ll|„ ullt, Ml K..nn., , the Versluis studios in their Easf red and gold motwplnn« !,ockhc«'d Vega \ mhlir* bout thnt . Several Hurdles Lie in Path of Lansing studios, hxated aero«N Retirement Act Directed by Gee. The plan wan unofficially pre^ ; sen ted at last spring's meeting nfjihey go Ihc AAV »"'1 »«» «ppru»«l rn' xhi. ym Sinr,* that lini.. it ren* .ntprtain h .... h„. U-.h m»rt* of all ih.- .'.T „|uart, „ 0 Mechanism of ( olh'f>e NYA Program df-llai hill sent PHYS ED MAJORS mrmlM-r. Slia» (f(.m Firtldonl R S | Clinic. Ortolwr 27 and the (MTmanrnl -Mini tod , «|7,ad will mn- anotho: co J Is George Palmer to "» then a«r. amount j u.om* dfbatms the lieveo leiI to He/mrler hy Stewart k publisher On FURNISH ROOMS of ularie. and number of year, of | bv que,t,„n i hl((h vlllK,|, ititx- her only (light, the nitual wrvice on this campus The can* Igitate V«V ■■ almo.1 ir.nn leled The ,[»urh de|a.,lm< nt war for CUwi Cwhiur FuuR. The retirement plan under eon-1 anown ihaf thw who.failed I f.r Club Rwm i *). earh XafT member i» | »e|ctHnr to try out foe the team . "re 71 -1 reek the women physical a certain per cent of hi. Anyone interested nhould rail lit dl,ni n sra^ws fot an idea Over iher yearly .alary At At the the end | .perch ofhi e in the wiaid.hnp | l'-v N Y * number of years on this [ >r Information. n annex is a clever little lie or she will be retired j *>"<• dust-covered walls -:•* ed majors *ot the idea , Oscar, .iff Hall Phantom, Has it into a club room. said than done Bone to Pick~With Oscillators agreed to contnftuU The Mviatrix parried a barrage< cents to the prjoect i quest ions from an upprt-ciutiv As Hall iekm" as he did so and showing 'i shmen (.Crowd af freshmen and upjarcliuw . c used Uveir» for and mi-*-; her the' latest campuA step* Ah j sofrfKanores bought [men and retired for u half-hour'. *Pr«»d f. cot, the junk .ken h.» *»* "• lhmr a"'' I'rest before repent trig the lee tun thsi then, like an unexpected at 9 o'clock. t lamp, and.the senicrs, fale is a sad one Pausing between ' jWded the pillowy Drape, werr lUfks Uaiev ueth to heave a f' „* a bus.*' day. Imogen* mat a departmant fund. ^ a««"•Chain. 'o'd if . . . .b*y 'arru^d „ , . .. „ cur of stealing ar affections and d:mb- »«««. a book aland and even a hu ^ *nd "h» ^ "**' I e*«Rde their appearance in i women ■ ,n' w b*«iwy little fist, drove , "* *ay oc another and the room >« »c*m« romance once bk»om- ' """ h" mid«ylu«i Crarii. ker- »■-. read. (ot „ .dm Own hmrt V,v ytewed,. j *~r«S,y night it .... the «ene i Ufween June .went,— . - , r.h. t ™ rib rty A creak of ru.tr »«u*y P.«y fcrmayor «u ' "*** ,£1 J?"' all. Enteruinmrn* , « wredr. Wlaguloc-rr." j «*«** a tagtetar iohlbi- ** — ® charge of Ruth Stin»n i d.tect from Fifth avenue and with ; '-"r'5 >cider and •» Ih' l»'"t 'nrk. , Immtene. for' "And that ami ail." waiird hlr that wa. h,r name, went tor Oery. j hrny duiphiacn. "I'm mimamed a. .he called him, in a b.g way ,Thiy call ir.r fliar -M.. Tony (A. he wealthily remarked to ye. Torpedo' Cerareu. ihe Umghert •cribe. "WE had no bower about; rru« dat ever walked de wnif aide* it?) Each Friday mte. when the it take, twenty-three machine gun moon peeked alyly into the lab, boliet. and a bUckjark to knock windew. and rergia't mwiic wad-: me off. and they name me after a ed rr——e*"v from the Union, dumb Swede: There ain't no Jua- h. would take her in hi. arm. and! tire:" I 1'age Two _ _ I class, despite its short-comings, they won't; )■■■■■■•■■r■ 3H0HR1AN ST A I h NfcWh Friday, fVtnhcr 0.to:: TOiehintn r^st/vfr VriiK JMCmijaU L^lulL IXLUw u' ",,u'v s,>*' Th,,-v'11 o,ilv Ik" hMV f,,r * ,.,1Up),, 0f days, ami they will no longer lw Piffle THURSDAY THOUGHTS | CHOSFN BY MUSIC CROUP r , j.. ,, ... i, aide to distinguish a freahman bv the green- AbOUt :—^ ••-t-v-j..• * hs. s-ev ^ ory blo##oming i>n hi# dome. Ami they're p* i "" "• is- '- »- •> • •* v Hahie to think that you're a pretty punk r^ippl© ;*• " ( ; htmch. *'trrwrrww~wT*»> otfrrra »tt i..* .*i n h- ia..n<#- .« . Mwn* t.' er \ little of tho ol«! rah-rali Spirit, even if . tf* becoming a tradition around intrml^Tc it, T'"t"1 K •** 4 ' K 1 % ' ■ y»>u aft' :iK>\v it all. will go a long Wgya to- here : have toothing to eolo* ~ —1 ward entrenching you in the meart# of the \ _!ho state-Michigan patriarch*. And a #nake dance would W a Tho #well way to let <>tf the #team. Royal T«»ut>h HowVAbout it? —H. P. H. Why They Keep You Overtime Instructor* an' liable to overestimate the relative importance of their subject#. Through teaching and study, they have nar¬ IN LAXSfNG rowed their prejudice#. Th own visual held# and developed « i.« an age of *perializ*Uou. Collegiate I'hembt* at re#* the rapitl advance* in World Headquarters /on down with' $/'rood civibyatam whah are tbe direct result* of nd/or—attache*! to the chemical reaearch. Without chemistry, they Arrow III ST Shirt. IThitv or fancy — all *ay, thnsk* thing-* would have 1mm-n im)vx«*ible. They're right ARROW $anfon:c*l Shrunk. $2 up Phy*iologi#u point to physical health a* hcin>: of prime importance and ahow that 'their «tudiea hn*e increaaed our chance# t-» SHIRTS !-v, Member ft,' g.t n thi- thi' c Their contention i< rca-»on- FUsocaixl GbSofiicto Prctt Colefiiotp Ditfest i understanding of the fundamc — i phy-ical environment i* eaacntii pii#t calamities due t-> i Arbaugh's No. Thank You! ?» ' tjuak» s an«l hurricane# and rel ; itv. The«e thingi are imp*»rtant ! Educational *tudie# are im|x»i SN Sez You! ARROW A TRADITIONAL MUST AT College. Bullet in j MICHIGAN STATE Complete Showing So They Say: Of Arrow Shirts and Underwear To The Krosh LEWIS, INC. t»«ns tit rough th* coO**,. *m! other item*. ; jour time in college ««»t» »t.iut $l.S» an hour, Vou should have this fact in your Would vou II* mind* throughout the four \e»r»." Rer,»*a- titer IViytfchrtii Institute"* i'rvsiitcm Hutch- hi»« inform* the freshmen. Would you put a few minutes of your lime against our* and try on a pair or two of the i Pk.« s veli-pf Klf-jd-trtwd. sutnpe.1 The ms.n quntisn , »« - Sla4»l Grass, w >:i meeting Saturday evsnJns. Owe. new fait U ALK-OVER shoe*? -We know like the way they fit, and their smart new you'll style. "IV <* >«u »»"> » her SB. tn thy Grange raonv We would like to have you see them. ***" Statnties: Dran Dirk, n tourth floor at'the A| hat] FoJ- f h* mechanical <-ng,r.rr; .i-.g tietiir* low mg tlx- boston* mcebng there put an are! took ait hi* *1.1 v.* will be initiation of new mem- ;83 time* in S2 minutes —I* R bsr*. Ail studenu interested art ———— invited ta the meetint »r.d Una* i A turtle i» a body which has who have net ,r p, 19SG MICHIGAN STATE NKWS Page Thw State Eleven Faces Crucial Tests Carnegie Saturday lose Battle Expected as Spartans Seek Third Win of Season Against Skibos Khm«n T.k« 39 Pliym lo Guard Ready Carnejjif Rates Among Top Pilt,b»r»h for Important Notch Teams in Nation Ac¬ Cimr With Carn»|if. cording to Grid Experts. SPARTANS ARE SET BOAST POWERFUL TEAM Ht At Thrtlrr pitt»!uiivh. Ph.. Oct. !>— Vintinu tonight for their Kini ftraight win of tho age- , ,. ,,.a«on. Coach Barhman j mi thirtv-nine member* of. j, Spartan football aggrega-1 „m arc cncampwl eight miles ut of Pittsburgh, ready to go lorrow moniing in their wtu>rat battle with Carnegie ; U-x y-v : owuhixc wor»?iwtJi The State ''son '» 'rending the . Gordon nahlgirii v:I, COOL" Shady*i«k» Academy, a s it,: «! tys •iofcv school jU»t outside of the City. In town, their head- j tomorrow at IV.Mv guard, will tv m j ^heti State plays Large Delegation We Handle M MEDICO Winning m ■ ' airter* arc at the Schenley Hotel | played l? illi.mtiv it be Carnegie Stadium, where the] game. although lv Follows State MKDICO IMPKS n Acclaim tv team* will battle To Pittsburg about c'.cht miles few* the do Colirffe Dmir Sloro A\ :,va- linnic men deserved the trip OVER CARNEGIE • ii r;»i i More than j See Our Slock of fern."/ \\\ \ V-... '".'"V titi!"1 in tin* new low crown—the wider ter their fine showing against rjchififi week News Scribe Figures liriinof ill*- Ilcrp P nivcrHily Hut. f'.orrcct The team is Yanderbrrc Hurt practically free from State Spartans Will Whip Skibos. 20-10. ic;i\, ,,m i t»i« J'ore Mar- MKDICO PICKS JjS-l wyx in ilc.ipn and quality for campus wear. juries, ail except Vince Vander- Am. - r 'A e let mat ions the ffg. the regular center, being in IIAIN BOW SMALL'S (relirr-t rendition. Vince may net • ibl* t.> star; tomorrow because Its Al Theller • IUICRFATION .Vc ®- " Air. "-; ' the injury he received against Pittsburgh. Pa.. (V?., it— i Arcadr :h r Wolverine#, but Sammy Ketch- This season — lOriO — far iai is ail set to take his place, has come up \x i rt.'hman Waved . wh.lr of « sl.mi|„,K grid pme at Ann Arbor. , .• . . fore. This wtvk- The starling State line will prob- *"1,N M ol L* have Kutehins and t-ehn'-! htbl the eotitmi rtft at ends. Zindel and Slederiof thin prawn tat ton sti 'oil tackles. Dahlgren and Olman lingf strong—this \ guards and Krtchman at rent- Olman will lie m to do the [ found 34 game-- that on kicking off and will probably be placed immediately by Beaubien Fertig Gortat stands as the re- xtmeni for Dahlgren Charley Halbert. who started at quarter last week, will probably w the starting assignment to* -It's Liqht Smoke! nw at that position. He .is a sir.g along fast as a field gen - and is rated as one of the tost blockers on the squad. Red Xeuman and Pred Zlegel will bo *dy for duty at quarter also. Acetl at Half Al Age?:, who couldn't get go- As Gentle as It is Delicious! < against Michigan until the I.. .arter, will be in at the left half For Lucky Strike is not metely mild and mellow with John Pin gel set to go in /ji/i. but a genuine hfht imokt which always at any time. This pair gives ;'x 'ale the best set of running treats you gently. You will find it easy on your backs m a long time, and the gubsiitu- throat, kind when you inhale, friendly all day little to weaken loin: If you believe in a yolllt smoke, you be- tr.f offensive Both have speed, ard both are licvc in Luikm! Among all cigarettes, ibis is the triple threat men. ' Art Brandstatter. the depend- mi wind) offers you the welcome protection of fullback, and the man whom ♦ Wolverines had that famous process known to the world as their defense i for * i;; t»e at his regular post "It's Twsltd." And ibis is ibt ont that millions Brandy speciaii£cs at plunges and <' turn to—for dcliciousncss, for protection, for the most consistent Terh Sutra rroxi gainers on the team. all-day smoking pleasure! Liukics ate A Light another star against Smokt of rich, ripc-bodicd tobacco. ill see lots of duty as He is another up-and- Vaxlly IiujHroved wssifig player. and had a great Mad-gaining record ^ Takear#to that Air last week. Army-Columbia- NEWS FLASH! Indications the Spar- bfts *u; take to the air tomorrow "Sweepstakas" employs 6,000 to all their gun# hopes of off-setting whatever It (Minn ('allege* Temple address entriesl Caraegie may have to offer in the people #re employed in ad- ar--.sK.cs Over 6,000 rn entry cards for that great national cigarette game. Your j* «ua method against Notre (oUatr-M. Lawrence. Lucky Strike "Sweepstakes." Entries week. Mike Casteel. who A cr>.^ : mwe than 2S WW come from every Sure in the Union. ftitad Howard Harpster's crew | Raider#. Have ytt entered yet? Have you won ** »*k. told hia Dartmouth-llolt Ooaa. An men this week tUided the great thrwig will | ymr Luckirs—a flat tin of 50 delicious the Skibos had lots of tough I cloae one. Holy Croa* •ft b--:- several hundred Slate • rooter* ■ Lucky Strikes t Tune so "Your . ^t the Irish and deserv- Rams hold too much puwt?r tat and the Sftartan Land of lfil men. \ « » Belter break. which i* due to arrive Mro. to- j the air circu#Ar>c-th<-r ck^e one the game, the Spartans with Crowley taking coniaoi kave imiMdiately tot home, T'hfi State eleven ran Ihrckigh I Burkryrs Over 'Panther* in the uine Uain with a brief workout in the stadium | Navy-Virginia. The Middies. this afurnoon and were followed . _ - ^ renn-Yale. Yale all the way. the gridiron by Carnegie rVtliHET* but With . fiav. on Tech. Kach team ttitn withdrew « £ j SUle. The B^ere, from the city to spend the night. bien. Dudley, rertif. Olman and Miknaritch. Centers: Vandcrbcrs. Kelehinan are too powerful for a strong Pitt and Atlintt- Panther. Look# like Williams Quarter,: Halbert. Neuman, giving Ohio the edge. The Tiger. Sim, Ziesel and llartnackr Half.,: Sebo. AfrXU Pingrl Ciolfk, Harris, Diebault, and fore, the Maroons cap beat the little guys. Fulls: Brsndsutter. Kovackh, Illinois-bo. California. The ex¬ perts like Illinois. This depart- j«) the Spartan- most of this tion is so familiar with each l-4>ui>e ltainer Rossi and Kinek Stand Out in Yearim; Lineup as Lkarlei Mill.; U).. k *lth %w>. jjttlo hnrd I opposing player that they in McShattrock and L. Cousino Siune (or u - n hand for the varsity j know where they were borr. "The Great Ziecfeld" Reserses in Annual Came. • players in the week", scrim-1 of what descent, whether they mairw. For the meet part, • brush their teeth every morn- — , o!ayer« devoted them-i ing. what time they go to bed. FRAT FOOTBALL ' t<' a brushing up of the ' how fast they ran run the rent rated ef-j hundred—and what the :r TEAMS PLAYING v ;:; • new play-. ' best girls' name is. With modern foot hall as it ; Thus, it becomes exped- Lambda Houie Defeat, Phi . a team is practically err-1 ient for the coaches to intr Chi Alpha in Opener. tain to have its plays well' duce a few new plays for 24 0. Monda>. | known before every game every e on test — something ' .- ■' ■! • of scouting at every" set the opposition off guard. ' 4 .<* • • • • The Vountr Man'- . . • ■ •. • Strang then, isn't it. that the old end-ar«nirtl pUr shoub'. - *'•«••* i ' , - have worked so expertly ajrHir.tt Michigan. The VVohenm - HOMBUR(; ( knew the play by heart, backward* and forward*, and ha : v • v * • C Lc—'v.i v a defense worked out for it that they could go over in the.: a r a i pr. v a: -a Still, ft worked—and just goes to ahow that you ne\« r A man who has Iwn coming along of lat COLLEGE RUN on the varsity is congenial Krar.r llartnacke the clever Fraru Quarterback from Grand Kapi-t- played dunr.g his high school days opens harrier j.;ri:ri;!;. Catholic Central in that city, ar.d not oni> a- SEASON TODAY 1" | NOW OI'KN was a star in leader m football, but was high scoring the basketball raw. I I'-K SANDWICH SHOP si.!?.' A junior, Harttiarke is beginning to fine , . his own. and w ill pr\d-w:-iy - mere servo 01 K Sl'Kt 1AI.TV in the future, A nv re likeable Mi- w is har-i to find. I MAI.TKI* MII.KS MAYiliUOR HAMBtRGS \lhc Hat Storv cf Ui.* S. W A\hing\vn Av Congratulations, you stu- - day morning. I dl t M. A. C. A»e. ' ' '* '- dents. 1 had you all wrung. It the Spartans i--• to m.-: • • i too r- ,, snasg- .- u, r your showing at that pep . row—HI .1 there m--rv thai i:»«.tv i..,:. meeting last night wps » «n even ehame that Ilk TIIKll F.H I'll KS STATF ■ . Sign: to warm the hearts of ewv State p-av. r d-.w,. n, r, ! will — vuur he.(> will be nua- than eot Th. THECUl^BOARI)^ tit KM t tHSKGIK TECH. "t " y„un,4 , turn-i n „n. ar.d nau a t-,„g> - •.t-- 10c - the hs>> # appreciate it. fa.,-, a:-i .- .- .-a-t the be- . * ''Now. if you'll just get ginning Remewrtur that Ho«- •' a,»user to the imtboad tracks in t, n game last year, wh.n "h. ' -1 tlihlii. V, , d CHOI'S — SANDWICHES • a. <.£ " a- tiiick of tr.c Enjineerinf budd- Bean t«»v*n *• - • Tt - . imr Sumiay numtr-u and gtvet *r 4*.kck1 uur Spwrtw: - ri^*! ' tn*- :« « a* Um*> cumc in. , f rank^ pf the un :*x- I„ttl s\wk% \\ iih Mwdhma ^ luktvi*. • - V,. < ' *'ur 0 w;il ' ... rwrft\ t. he- t»a* • bet over Ikn >u:u ATTENTION, STUDENTS Clatufirti Ad, get remit, 1 Dihtinttix e THE FIKJT MICHIGAN LOAN (0. Hi I MuLiiin Air., Nat ttaor to v Hin! Hronsuii Scruby NOW OPEN . . The Ea.st I^tn-iiij: Branch Of Versiuis Studio is now —- ready to serve students at NI. S. C. ami residents of East Ir >--u Want to s.. e»in«- real aerial games, better get ovr no watch tnee> tsatlks in the IncepemW-nt and In'., :-! rat I-ansiiitf with the finest in sagues. Th. boya think that the ecu) ttung i d w.-. ■. a Portrait jotuah is throw «—ami how thy tews the - Photography ..... pan.- - June Graduation Leave* Kansas U. With Two yry FLORSHEIM / Veterans to Form INucleu* lor Strong Team s£i/te0 Featuring . . . Weather and wear can't gain an Inch THE NEW through than... and in tpate of their weigh! their ctyle* are a* speedy aa attar half-back. SILVERTONE . am to am wrrit ax Eh-ruaiv" aaaevai trru* '871 —* *10 NfcW wuaxa MhTHOO '"Cfctt*. tor WKAll • Ulouiau> $6.50 lu $8 OFFICIAL WOtVilUXE rilOTOCUATIIEr. •^Frieiidlv" Versluis Studio OPPOSJTE STATE THEATRE iSSSi PHO.vr s-iau — Society Hrcvitivs — j YWCA Members i Featured sinyet HONOR KOKMKK C'OACI! OK I OI.I.KGK NYA SETUP .. , .w , I To Visit Detroit With Barney Rapp ARE STILL ACTIVE (Continued from pour t \ first home game after defentiiu Saturday. Octohrr 24, Dale S»l Michigan, it is expected that . for Tour of Cily'i Formrr Member! Plin lo Hold I near-eapacHy crowd will.pnok thi "Little Nation,." Social Meeting, During Yr»r. The Alumnae Tower Guards »iw ijesited ' »r ti e »• m - ■ • . t planning to hold social mretino to get lu th.-apulv.it ..m-m v.v every month. For their first met t- Although n.> < Iim,:.-i.m « uk the girls were entertained by W,H be Ko-en r-m. th. Mrs Harirtt. their advi»or„at a ,u,.i TOfcSITE BARNEY RAFF And His New Enjrlmulers FINE - - RUBY WRIGHT Admission 7">r plus tax DANCING NIGHTLY FOUNTAIN Carlton Hauck m" Orch. SERVICE WITHOUT TlAPKinS or BELTS Your Kodak Films Will be fmiahed with the name care wilh which you take them at Rex Camera Shop ; Knit Your Own St'lT*. DRI.fifcf.*. KWEATtRH. r*1* ***** \'a frn steel ii'.mg h-xre for Ihe Wnh the ik dutiful Re mat Yarn* last, with i» ■ * Fennrr of Niagara Kennedy, of Bangor. Richard Taylor of Alpha Chi Omega sc* INSTRUCTIONS will be iututed so FREE that the Instructor can give odi-quat© Here, does at a>vay is a sanitary pads, napkins protection that anil belts were pledged to Mr* F F Cor wen Jack***. iP m—enroll and cheese ymir via## day. .... that brings more freedom to modern , K..t.pa Nu fraternity t over our fashion b«*?k* ?nd select your J1 completed a two-week? stay dur- Yarns. Tbey 1 ins rushing. Jean Kreu'er. Rock- in many lovely plain and novelty c ombinations. . women ... a new method that is completely INQUIRE :ll(i ANN ST. invisible, and so comfortable that there is ''" "•"■en of Tht'ta Kappa Iford, also a guest. • Patricia Peter• ; -rrnicg a party m hkrh son succeeded Frances Pharis, who O'l -half II'. *V Km. ' Off ot M A. C. no consciousness of wearing a sanitary pro¬ '"'A "■ after tk homo com- j is not in school thi* year, lor vice- *\ ^turday. AU alumni (president, and Johanna Recklin w tection at all! ^■■'-*> ••'omrd to dinner on the j the new ctKTesporsding secretary FIRST CHURCH of CHRIST, SCIENTIST 'cHlowing homecoming. | * * * ' ' ' j Alpha tpaiIon PI LANSING, MICHIGAN ,u - Cunnu Rho j They are sending Dav GoJd- Physicians Japprovc this hygienic new ' ' 7 ' rircfeesira mlFt play smith as a delegate to the Carnegie- ANNOUNCES ' method . . . ..women everywhere who have A Hi EE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ENTITLED j ** party of'the A. i Tech game B * ! Tjat y p-atj p> have * Urge j * L'nion. • Alpha Gamma Delta * * -(.'hrintian Sfwwer Hringn KsU»lH«nmtwl far MastM" adopted B-ettes agree: that they are more **1 Anihooy of the agri- Week-end guests included Doro- comfortable, and permit greater personal -2?*' and Prof V R j thy Ross. Christine VanHaiisna. By MISS MARGARET MORRISON, C. S. daintiness than any sanitary protection ever ^n^w-y ! of | and Mrs. Robert Sanders of Kaia- The Tint Church o( Chnel. Sciential, in Scatun. Mauachuaelt, aft, eficieat A G. R.'s IN EASTERN HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AT YOUR DRUGGISTS' SOLD IN BOXES OK 12 AND IN HANDBAG PACKETS OK3 a** iJtve ; jma Hoilard has been elected ******* those fellows on I president of Tow er Guard FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 16,1936 . * left Uoducta judging yesterday for Atlantic team! j Hie Gamma Deltas have pledget 17 girls and next Saturday are AT EIGHT FIFTEEN O'CLOCK COLLEGE DRUG CO. fHfc PUBLIC la CORDIALLY IKVTTED TO ATTEND 103 Ewt Grand River Ave. and US Weal Grand River Ave., Eaat Lanainz. Michigan Friday, October fl.tO.la MICHIGAN STATE NEWS 7nT o,™. cv-~ CLASSIFIED H.E.CLUBPLANS Ma«h«ub w SUCCESS NOTED Finney Conducts i the only WANTED- A college :;lMn MORTAR BOARD r.\ to for it, travel welling fraternity and soro- Snowdrift Tests, so ri-ptrevnt rlty |,-nr. LECTUREGROUP Profs 0u"nf! a,lal»" IN BUG KILLING ■a with car preferred bu- TO greet HEAD„ ,rr::' Will Conduct the Talki Will he Given at High ' Plant and Kimball Talk MSC Civil En. ne-'ing Prof to Aid State in Eaperira^h. ri,!> of sires of not e brtishe*. reprr- 1rrd being twrcl 'oiRlwl. rtvloti,' Miehi- Mr 1 Expenrea suaran- R„.Ves. 501 E. Grand Mtl. Cithfrino Colvnun. Prui- at Meeting Held Tuesday in C. H. Dibble Enthusiastic Over i^ciST—Monroe hlsh vehool elasii Eaperimenta. Schools Throughout WAA Cabin. Results in Carnage of "" ,o "" -ii r'n* initials G M. A, Reward, dent cf National Honorary, hone 2-1055 the State. Potato Insects. FOR SALE—One tuxedo, to be Here This Week-end. size? •tsince the condition Cheap Call J-7440 . LOST - Black SohrafTrr' Ufr; ir" % . -,. nl known as state time Pen. Oct 1 Reward Call . . v - V h.,r. .„nd i. t.d T.c Mahw » Kn-.nt-v ,-f ihe c.\ii in- HAVE localion on campus fo? s- » t ;t;rtment. piece orchestra All men intere steady fob see Gale Hibtxani ,u PROF G. A. BROWN VISITS 'College Drug between 7-10 nightlv. NORTHERN STATE FARMS ANYONE finding u Delta Sign-.,, Phi fraternity pin with initial --.sir trip to Chatham. 'J. A. on the back will receiv* .» \ I"- •••>«, r. visited a cattle i reward on returning it to r .- Cu, in % pan where 10.-, owner Residence: 338 E Oat.. . . w under fence and wood Drive. East lamsing IV.-- - .bete kept phone 3-4131 All-YMCA .Meeting (4 SPEED To Be Held Sunday HOME EC COURSES STARTING TO BE BROADCAST Sl'NDAY Sent in by Lilteneri to be Aniwered Over WKAR. "SWING" With Don Hoffman and Hii l-hone for READING, TESTING EXPERTS IN TOWN Chicago, Oh o Stato Chirfi Will. Review Experiment! ; part met u. anil Friday. "Are Y< Children as Strong a* Thejr L*»»K >»> Kathken Dietrich Statequettc Alpha Phi Omega The du!u* of a pre«»lent am To Show Posters the fraternity parties are a He it. e%|H;c!ed t«> greet sue-' uia each patron god patroms* at the vUh>t ; Arrange Program Devoted lo Shake hand* with them and take Explanation and Ditcuiuon *«> .t that they are introduced- to of Scout Group. a:rive gi the patty. they should : tnake-i? a to meet the pat- , rww It a then your duty to «i that the patron* ate made ivia- furat ie either at * card table or , oilier member* of the (r«Urnit> ! should entertain them in turn j from the r.ttiadui ulllm are here The pr evident eg a fraternity should | arvi will be maci plated at pumU not fee e&pected to entertain the i <4 vo&tage #U'-I the campus .for pairufw all evening During the the inspect jot of those .ntereated rout or of the evening each mem- An kns*.ruct v t* atvl interesting pro- b«r prevent tduvuki make it a poud ' . from t* bring a Tinged fo* the uc* to eoufbangv a dance with th« > paliiwo. At no Ume *hcuid they «i v plena turn and he left (Utnng by tbemaelvra j Muun of the purpose of Alpha Before a patty, every \yay ohould m 0m* gi be aacignrx! » pa true danc«e*-tht> i 4& men uintnritfd who have at oavef much eunfulioct. It at any j time the paimu are kit alone, j boy Saouts of America are the president ahoukt *** that the j rtfttg for the; patrvas are entertained. He should j expi*•>» 4 purpom of diacuMing! aIm pau-M* several Umea during | with them the organisation and: the evetung to see that things »re j ideal* of Alalia Plu Omega. going amuethly At the end of 1 the evm.ng he should get their ,