VOLUME 169 NUMBER 68 FRIDAY PRIL 25, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 I Though it may look like a scene out of Star ■ piaster of paris classroom, presided House, Senate i, is a . Ihv a olaster of paris John Schroeder, asst. nfessor of Justin Morrill College (JMC). it is all part of the 10th anniversary cele- tionof JMC. The lower level of Baker Hall is ftina converted into a showcase for this and fher ideas of JMC students. Last .night a leact play written by a JMC student was Irformed. Art by JMC students will be ISted in the Snyder-Phillips Halls' lobbies I Monday and Tuesday, and a music recital III be presented Wednesday night. tenatatively OK ■"Our mission is to be creatively different," HTlie id Gordon Rohman, dean of JMC. "But ,e only made a down-payment on the idea, to create a more humane and evacuation aid imulating learning community and to be a WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate and "What has changed is that the President Inter for creative innovation on campus, has House conferees tentatively agreed Thurs¬ Kenslow to acceptance by many on campus. is calling on people to shift their attention," nnmmi aoiu. day on a $327 million humanitarian aid - Nessen said. ■"We're a trying college - in re ways than evacuation bill authorizing restricted use of He said there still remain things for the j," he said. U.S. troops if necessary in South Vietnam. United States to do in South Vietnam, The conference will meet again Friday for including "stabilizing the situation, evacua¬ final acceptance of language to be drafted tion of Americans and Vietnamese to whom overnight. the United States feels a special obligation." Members of the conference said a Nessen also said Ford would still like contingency fund written into a Senate - Congress to appropriate military aid funds passed bill was dropped in favor of giving to help bring about a cease - fire or the President the right to use $177 million negotiated settlement. of previously authorized funds at his Two weeks have passed since Ford asked discretion for evacuation, humanitarian Congress to vote the evacuation authority, relief or both. . but some senators said that the failure to Conferees said they agreed to channel act more speedily has increased pressure on $150 million in new humanitarian aid the Administration and resulted in faster authorization through international relief U.S. evacuation than would otherwise have agencies or voluntary agencies, not specifi¬ occurred. cally the United Nations. Senate restrictions on the use of troops to evacuate foreign nationals, including en¬ dangered South Vietnamese, reportedly were retained. That would limit the number, duration of Taco tak service and geographical deployment of troops for foreign national evacuation to those required for the evacuation of Americans. money With the House not meeting Friday, "Gimme two fives for this 10. Now, Senate Republican leader Hugh Scott said I'd like five ones for this five. Have SN his objective would be final conference you got change for this $20? How's photo/Daniel Shutt agreement by noon Friday, followed by about giving me a 10 and two fives and Senate passage of the compromise bill I'll give you this 20, too." Friday and House passage Monday. Tatum O'Neal never pulled a Paper The humanitarian aid - evacuation money Moon caper in the East Lansing area, esidence hall occupants to vote would be subject to appropriation in but a tall, lanky man did. The man's separate legislation later. visit to the Taco Bell, 565 E. Grand President Ford had asked $250 million for River Ave., resulted in a game of humanitarian aid for South Vietnam and deception and a deficit of $30 for the $722 million military aid. establishment. No additional military aid, as such, was Joerg Felisch, 144 Stoddard Ave., included in the bill. But senators on the attest to this fact. Felisch boycott of non-UFW products can was one n conference committee said no restrictions were written in on spending of the $177 of two busy Taco Bell workers last Friday night when the man flashed million for evacuation and humanitarian aid, money and confused his way to the which conceivably could include military aid extra cash. to South Vietnamese forces if required to "He came in and ordered $1.75 By MARY ANN CHICK Only undergraduates who live in a opinion, it will be taken to the board of "To keep it assist evacuation. worth of food and paid for it with a $20 residence hall with a room and board trustees that Friday," said Sandy Kol- as simple and clear as State News Staff Writer possible, we wanted A Pentagon spokesman said, meanwhile, bill," Felisch said. contract will be eligible to vote on a yes or no question," tonow, RHA president. said Koltonow. that the North Vietnamese could begin The man continued to ask Felisch I Residence Halls Assn. (RHA) voted boycotting all southwestern U.S. non ■ Originally, RHA planned on including a The board of trustees voted down three attacking Saigon any time. for change until he was completely lmously Wednesday night to let un- UFW picked iceberg head lettuce and table second question on the possibility of a two - baffled. laduates vote May 12 and 13 on attempts to establish a boycott of rion - "They have the capability right now of grapes, with the understanding that bowl system at meals where lettuce or UFW lettuce and table "He wanted two fives for a 10, and Itting United Farm Worker grapes at its mounting a massive attack," Maj. Gen. non alternative greens will be served when grapes are served. meeting in March. Wynant Sidle said at a briefing for^ then five singles for a five," Felisch ■) lettuce ahd table feasible. One bowl would contain UFW or Michi¬ grapes in the RHA plans to pay the poll workers with said. Bus cafeterias. reporters. "Something could happen any gan - grown lettuce or grapes. The second 240 RHA movie passes, one pass minute from the standpoint of capability." "After I gave him those five singles, The results of the referendum will be bowl would contain any other type of for every hour a person works. The passes will And White House Press Secretary Ron I really don't know what happened," J referendum will be held between hand - tabulated immediately after the polls lettuce or grapes. Am. and 6:15 p.m. on May 12 and 13 in be honored at any RHA movie spring term. Nessen said President Ford's declaration he said. close on May 13. RHA will take the results The second question was dropped be¬ Students interested in working at the Wednesday night that the war in Vietnam When the manager counted the ■jdence halls ■loosen Halls. except There is Fee,noWilliams and food service to the board of trustees regular monthly meeting on May 16. cause it was logically possible for students polls during the referendum should contact is over "as far as America is concerned" money in the register that night, he to pass both proposals, leaving the trustees the RHA representative in their residence found $30 less than se halls. does not represent a major change in U.S. expected. "This is an opinion poll, so whatever the confused about what students really want. hall. policy. eg/s/ofors seek to p By JEFF MERRELL State News Staff Writer Damage estimates attributed to the flood "Their story seems to change as the heat still range from $35 million for Lansing to comes on," he said. ■residents worked in the muck and approximately $6 million for surrounding But Robert Backus, director of n's ejr once-flooded began an homes, state areas, including over $100,000 for MSU. Public Service Dept. said any Lansing's effort to ease the sand-bagging Meanwhile, flood victims in the East would have been futile. fc-^on, ■Lynn Jondahl, D"Lansing, and D-East Lansing, are Kalamazoo Street area tried to salvage what muddy belongings they could, while "It wouldn't have done a bit of good," he said. "It would have all come down fciL!°int Senate" House committee getting the first close look at damaged homes and businesses. Michigan Avenue." 1 k'nt0 ways to plug any possible ■tI deral disaster aid. The W Many homes between Elizabeth and Businesses in the area will remain closed jee will meet today. Harton Streets, however, were still under until early next week as cleaning operations 1* a? we can' we will make an few feet of water. a will continue throughout the weekend. V uss bel -aid it members, some frit* Kissinger. tors admitted they were stock¬ > volunteers and anyone else who is A university spokesman said officials would respond to However, instead of the piling rice because the stores ties have said that the refugees will be conducting ti st rims this weekend 'in willing student demands that included amnesty for all taking part in traditional hospitality which can be handled and that there is some of the south campus rt >idence halls to see if Its goal is to have 2,500 to 3,000 ou -h only had several weeks supply its application form and the takeover. danger of canvassing techniques students apply for absentee abllots Other demands included continuation of financial aid for the island prides itself, the arrival of Trang and his fellow of food. no a food shortage. There is now enough food in will be sue -essful. Th' con.plete campus blitz I»1 At an emergency meeting summer primary. The applications will not begin until next' week. minority students at current levels and more money for evacuees has been met by an military storehouses and more lorwarded to the city clerk who will n&0)| called at the University of is being shipped in they said. The primary will be a nonpartisan election to unexpected restraint and, in to the applicants. recruiting blacks. Guam to seek student and In less than 24 hours more some quarters, open hospita¬ Hansen seeks alternative lity. teacher volunteers to assist processing the refugees and than 6,000 evacuees arrived on the island. The first 10,000 will "1M Expressing concern that provide temporary housing, a Guam may turn out to be be housed on Anderson Air Prison doors have not slammed shut bhind Rep. George local professor received wide "another Miami with Cuban Force Base in an abandoned Hansen, but already he sings the jailhouse blues, looking for applause when she urged Refugees staying for life," Sen. prefabricated barracks area ways to escape two months of continuous confinement. everyone not to help at all until called Tin "I would like to pay the penalty on Ben Ada, speaker of the City. Ironically, Tin my own time," Hansen territorial legislature, urged they were given money by City housed thousands of tem¬ said in an interview, explaining that he could serve his written guarantees from the Washington to do so. porary duty airmen during 'he sentence at night or on weekends. Others expressed concern 1972 Operations Bulletshot and federal government before The Idaho Republican, who vows not to resign his assisting the evacuees. The Stoie News is published by the students of Michigan Stat* University congressional seat, added, "My concern, really, is not to Among his concerns are the clou day during Fall. Winter and Spring school terms, Monday, Wednesday. ana miss the job I was sent here to do." Fridays, during Summer Term. and a special Welcome Week edition li published In September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. Hansen was ordered last Friday to report to the Second class postage paid at East Lansing. Mich. Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services Allenwood, Pa., federal prison camp May 2. He received a Bldg.. Michigan State University, East lonslng. Michigan. one-year sentence from U.S. District Judge George L. Hart after pleading guilty to two misdemeanor violations of campaign laws. Ten months of, the sentence were suspended. News Editorial SLA founder testifies in case Classified Ads . Display Advertising A convicted murderer known as "Death Row Jeff" claims he ordered the man fugitive newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst later mourned as her lover to assassinate Marcus Foster. The testimony by Clifford Jefferson Wednesday threaten¬ ed the prosecution's case in the trial of Russell Little and Joseph Remiro, two Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) "soldiers" accused of shooting Foster, Oakland's dent of schools and a nationally known black educator. superinten¬ The New One Jefferson, reported to be a founder of the SLA, said he gave the order to William Wolfe, one of six SLA members who died in a flaming house last May after a shootout with Los Angeles police. In a taped message after her Toys in the Attic kidnapping and later including: conversion to the SLA, Miss Hearst said Wolfe, known as Walk This Way/ Big Ten Inch Record "Cojo," had been her lover. Toys In The Attic/Round And Round You See Me Crying Senate votes on housing bill The Senate voted 64 to 26 Thursday to protect the mortgages of jobless homeowners and to subsidize housing starts to build 400,000 new homes and create 800,000 jobs. Senior Republicans warned that President Ford would almost certainly veto the bill, which was boosted by Democrats as significantly antirecession. ! The legislation would provide loans to homeowners of up to $300 a month for as long as three years. unemployed FRIDAY It's their best one. . . Mill M ! "TOYS IN THE ATTIC' M till ',111*1 * AEROSMITH * GET YOUR WINGS including: Same Old Song And Dance/Woman Of The World SATURDAY • Britain fo aid auto maker S O S. (Too Badl/Seasons Of Wither Train Kept A RoHin l[f( I VII IIMI Til 8 HAND HU1/ A1 s:1< J f Prime Minister Harold Wilson said Thursday the government will take control of the British Leyland Motor Corp. to save from bankruptcy the last major British-owned auto firm. Wilson told Parliament the provide essential financing. The firm is Britain's biggest government would single exporter and earned SUNDAY « $9.6 billion in foreign exchange since 1968. M M I I III PIZZA | Terrorists strike Five terrorists killed the embassy military attache in the West AEROSMITH _ UUIU I German Embassy in Stockholm kill the ambassador and 11 other Thursday and threatened to on Columbia Records and tapes. members of the anarchist Baader-Meinhof from German jails, given hostages unless 26 gang were freed $520,000 and flown to an jSyiiflUHiin iisi II//A | *Disc Shop undisclosed country. About 150 policemen toting rifles and wearing bullet¬ proof vests drew a tight security ring around the and evacuated the embassy nearby embassies of the United States, Britain, Japan and Norway. They also evacuated Swedish radio and television part of the 323 E. Grand River phone 351 - 5380 complex facing the four-story West German Embassy. West German President Walter Scheel short a visit to France and was of the embassy siege. said he was cutting heading back to Bonn because J u,„ , L mother kept telling me for the years. In my younger days there were her past four usual chants of "get a haircut, you'll look about the entire »n continual matter. motion, WithlJ heT^l wntMitedly. like a mensch (mensch is the equivalent of EDITORIALS a doctor in yiddish)." So with all the pressure of being in style, „ "?°;yo,hboy."he yafadders said with I decided to go along with the old cliche—"if hair1 got awf." I not gonna belief you can't beat'em- rob'em." reassured ^ House should I walked into the that I hadn't been to in barbershop in Oak Park four years. hair He once again in the back cut off more?" grabbed the and said"Ift"K y J.1 Occasionally, in the past I would walk by on I was about to the way to the bank and Jack the barber reply "vMl, . O'Hara aid would knock on come in. the window signaling me to you take instead a little bit sarcastically want cut off is the off my said price." ;J- ^1 Jack took one look at me and said in a He just After spending thousands of rip-off. Students who are stuck Polish accent as he viewed my hair, "Oye, laughed and repeaw J The killing was not Sonna belinjL my gosh, da boiz don't vhere da hair dis long dollars on college educations, it is with classes they realize they do no more." I laughed a bit, as I positioned Thkan-adderS coming to H an common knowledge that many not want get only 50 per cent of' myself into the chair. heard Henry Block on the old I' l students are stuck with diplomas their money back. And to make "Now, Jack," I said, a bit nervously," just that sat across from take off about inch and thin it out." why you should me giviJ* which are good only for lining bird matters worse, they get that only an have your taJ,uB Again he repeated as he grabbed the & R. Block. ^ cages. during the first week of classes. back of my hair," dun't be silly, daboizdon't vhere da hair dis long no more." I was about to give 17 "Don't vorry about it, I give you a shag," A bar mitzvah is a cerermony better m Students are beginning to ques¬ The University has never given given when not getting a haircut at Jack's In a matter of seconds he took a few snips he said. By that time I was biting on my lip a Jewish boy turns 13 and to tion the situation in earnest, and a satisfactory rationale for the off my hair reducing the length four inches. supposedly I finally stood attempting to hold back laughter. becomes a man. up from the da are looking to colleges to give them refund policy. Perhaps it will take I stared into the mirror with amazement. shaken, asked, "How much?" ■ In a typical accurate information about pros¬ the threat of federal action before "I don't want it too short," I reminded him. But as they say in the old country, "it It began to look like the haircut he had The definition of a man in the Jewish response, he said. dollars, but I'll give it to I pective careers. students get a better refund policy was like talking to the wall." given me for my bar mitzvah, when I was 13. religion is anyone with a bank account over $700. At present I'm only half the man I you forjj or a better explanation. Allan Lengel is a sophomore ig If Rep. James G. O'Hara, D-Mich., succeeds in tying truth- MSU would also be made res¬ in-advertising provisions to a new ponsible for the suggestions of its student financial aids act, univer¬ sities will be required to provide counselors and academic advisers if the bill passes. U.S. oil interests Letter policy Right now, that information. students have no recourse if The Opinion Page welcomes dent, faculty or staff stm advisers give them a bum steer The organized power of the people of the all letters. Readers should if any - —J -l- O'Hara's House Resolution 347 United States was one of the major factors into unsaleable majors. follow a few rules to insure that would also require universities which effected the U.S. withdrawal from Letters should be 25 k with federal financial aid programs MSU is proud to be one of the Student fines Vietnam. This fact plus economic and other as many letters as possible less and may be political reasons influenced the U.S. govern¬ appear in print. editenI to provide students with equitable largest universities in the world, ment to All letters should be typed on conciseness to fit more kirn refunds for dropped courses and but this means nothing if few of its The proposed changes in the Student change its foreign policy. 65 the page. Motor Vehicle Code, as they appeared - space lines and triple - clear information on programs, graduates can find jobs. A few countries with special qualifica¬ Monday's front page, were drawn up by a spaced. Letters must be signed, No facilities and faculty. subcommittee of the All-University Traffic tions, like Iran in the Middle East and Brazil unsigned letters v and include local address, stu- accepted. O'Hara's bill is important Committee (AUTC). They are not spec¬ in South America, were assigned to Since MSU has enough to students to make it ifically my proposals, though the State safeguard the U.S. imperialist interests in federal aid those countries. It was due to this fact that worth their while to write their News reported them as such. programs, the new regulations the Shah of Iran declared the increase of oil voices and considerable talent." [ congressmen in support. In fact I am and always have been in Wet flowers in case he had not noticed, the ad hopefully would require the Uni¬ Its favor of only one of the proposed changes- prices. This way the U.S. oil cartels, which passage could help insure a Uni¬ Three were the same as those in versity to correct an unjust refund raising the fine to $25 for failure to register work as middlemen for oil producing And now for a change of pace, here is a and Two. i] versity commitment to students countries in the Middle East and oil policy and to look carefully at or display a valid permit. (waterlogged) bouquet from one of your Stale stereotypes were also me first, even when fairer refund In 1972 the All-University Student- consuming countries in Europe, can raise severest critics. present counseling practices. their being another fault, yet Grant rivj Faculty Judiciary threw out the require¬ prices. Your Monday issue policies and greater efforts to was admirable. The the satire of the mid-American mi Right now the University re¬ graduate employable students are ment that all students bringing cars on What happens to the increased oil price carefully researched material on student belches and all." fund policy is a bureaucratic campus at any time must register them. that the U.S. government itself pays for oil? housifcg was temperate and highly informa¬ not the most The. main objective of criticism ill expedient courses. Since then the number of unregistered cars Iran and Saudi Arabia have been purchas¬ tive. To get out such an example of good constructive suggestions, where coming on campus has steadily increased. journalism under the conditions of stress i| ing many new and sophisticated arms made weakness prevails. The best sai It has reached the point that now many of in the United States. In 1973 Iran paid |3 we all endured this weekend was an Grant could offer was in reference to| our gated lots and metered spaces are full billion, and in 1974, $5 billion. In addition, achievement. To read it would have been of choreography, which he fi or nearly full most of the New registration to park. Students day. Legitimate visitors are finding it difficult to find a place having a special need to $5 billion of a $15 billion contract for arms from the U.S. was paid. enjoyable at any time, but it was especially welcome under the circumstances. unsuccessful in its intent. Grant sud the dancer looked like "green I What is the Shah of Iran doing with all of Constructive, don't you think? park or drive on campus are being denied Anne C. Garrison these arms? Protecting the U.S. interests Carol Rm permission due to lack of space in many professor, business writing in the Gulf area against areas. revolutionary As usual, the State News has some forces. It is one of the world's most may open brilliant, simplistic suggestions—improved bus service, better code enforcement or geographically and militarilly strategic regions. Also, 55 per cent of the world's oil Revue review Walkers, bewal needs is shipped from there. The Shell Oil The great Anthony Newley once made major code revision. If it would have the following remark: Though literacy tests and poll their bothered to ask someone, it would know Co. owned most of the oil contracts in "Critics are like registration cards at the Oman. This company was forced by the eunuchs. They see it, want it, but they can't All states have certain rules tbitfl taxes are no longer used to same time that the University and the AUTC have they renew their been working in these areas already. revolutionaries to close its operations and do it." must obey, if they wish to driveB discourage special groups from drivers licenses. All secretary of leave the country. State News reviewer Darryl Grant is a state. Unfortunately, we at MSU itar Various committees are working toward exercising their voting rights, state branch offices will provide glowing example. While I cannot speak the same sort of code for bicyclist!.! a possible coordinated bus system involving War began in 1965, led by the British and registration hassles have always this service. CATA and the University's bus system. the sultan against the just about Grant's acting ability (if he has any), I I was the victim of a hit-and-run* been a major reason for the The Dept. of Public Safety hired student struggle of the can certainly speak about his literary ability last Friday afternoon in front of £■ Omani people for freedom from (of which there is also serious doubt). relatively low turnout in U.S. Combining these two necessary traffic enforcers in 1973 to provide better feudal system and foreign domination. In slavery, the Hall kiva. I was injured enough sof Grant's review of Player's Gallery Best of could not walk, but only limp I elections. functions under one roof will code enforcement. Like the State News 1972, the troops of Britain and the Sultan all Possible Worlds is not editorial last term only the Phillips Hall where I live. Upon ij conveniently open the voter rolls dealing with the East were defeated so badly that the United personfication of poor writing, but is also my room, the ankle had si Faced with the difficulties and to a greater number of Lasning Police Dept. writing parking States was asked for help. Since the United citizens. tickets on campus (they don't), the State the epitome of unprofessional journalism. normal size and was causin^ inconveniences of voting, many With this action, the state has States did not want to get directly involved, The improper usage of grammar was all Luckily, it only took two days befmj News is a day late and a fact short. it had the Shah of Iran and other people sadly do not participate in a finally recognized that to cast a For those undergraduate students who puppet too blatant and certain sentences made no walk properly. But it could hi regimes of the region do the job. The Shah sense at all. Would Grant please explain political system that needs their vote in public elections is a right would like to work for positive, constructive now has 30,000 worse. troops in Oman. what "a most musically, choreographically, I wish bicyclists would use thebM participation to keep it honest and and not a privilege. changes in the present transportation and satisfying portion" means? effective. system on campus, good news. At least one For three years the reactionary forces designated instead of the pedestriaB His remarks contradicted each other. when riding during class change. P The state's 1.2 million motorists position will be open at the end of this term. have not been able to defeat the Omani The review began by discussing the bad Things may start to change now should take advantage of the long Anyone desiring an interesting, challenging people. Meanwhile, the U.S. government is acting in the show, then went on to single that the Michigan Legislature has overdue change. and thankless job requiring about two benefitting in three ways: increased oil out the third act as hours a week, apply when ASMSU asks for prices, getting back all of the money paid containing "superb finally devised a way to cut the red people. Your chances are good. Last fall for in increased oil prices Beginning this fall, the people of through the sale tape of voter registration. only six people out 32,000 students applied of arms and having the puppet Michigan will have no excuse but their own troops and arms to regimes use NIXON'S ReveM&e for four positions. protect U.S. Starting next October, voters to make a better showing in future Howard J. interests. will be able to register or update Wooldridge voting statistics. chairman, All University Traffic Committee Iranian Students Assn. VIEWPOINT: PIRG Prohibit uncovered truck loads By NEIL HIRSHBERG liable. As a result, Michigan State Police AAA received 45,000 favorable Have you ever been caught behind a issued only 462 citations in 1973 for responses eight states already have laws requiring in a coupon campaign among its members to covered truck loads. The Florida tandem truck that showered your car with violations of the insecure loads law. In the Dept. of sand or gravel? Or day by day support truck cover legislation. Transporation, for example, reports to watched a same year, the American Automobile Assn. This year, a bill sponsored by Rep. PIRGIM that their law has been crack slowly span the length of your $100 (AAA) alone was paying out $5.5 million to "quite windshield and wondered how it Michael Novak, D-Detroit, and Smith was successful in preventing accidents caused got there? replace 50,000 broken windshields. If so, you may be one of more than 50,000 reported out of the Committee on Public by material spillage on the highway." , Michigan motorists who suffer $5.5 million Overflowing truck loads not only cause Safety and passed by the House. This The State of Florida has covered its jfep « . in windshield and property damage and personal injury, but weakened bfll requires covers only on loads trucks at a cost of only $42.90 headlight replacement per cover, costs yearly. cost the state thousands of dollars to clean less than 6 inches from the brim of the substantially less than the trucking indus' One motorist described her up roads. The luckless motorist thus is truck. try figures. State-owned trucks in Michi¬ experience this way: forced to pay not only higher insurance have also been covered. These facts, "I was just getting in the Cartage firms and the Teamsters have gan expressway exit lane. The closer I got to premiums to replace broken windshields fought legislation with three main argu¬ combined with millions of dollars spent on this truck, the louder became this but higher taxes to pick up the mess ments. First, they assert that windshields insurance premiums, personal tapping injury, pro¬ sound. I realized this sound was actually overflowing trucks leave behind. are not broken by material blown off trucks perty damage and higher taxes, all point gravel being blown off onto my car. I slowed Why doesn't the Michigan Legislature but rather by gravel ejected from under¬ clearly to the need to cover all hauling down and turned off at my exit. The next neath the tires, and thus covering trucks require trucking firms to either limit load morning I found a five-inch crack in my size or cover their loads with a tarpaulin? with tarps will have no real effect. The House-passed bill, HB 4223, has now windshield and a broken headlight. The answer is that cartage firms and the Second, they suggest that the dangers of gone to the Senate Highways and Trans¬ Not all cases of uncovered truck loads Teamster union don't want it to. truck drivers falling off their rigs while portation Committee. A, letter to your, involve merely property damage. There is senator, letting him know you want it Since 1971, Rep. James F. Smith, covering loads would outweigh the dangers the particularly gruesome case of an engine R-Grand Blanc has unsuccessfully tried to of an uncovered truck. Third, they argue strengthened to apply to all trucks with block bouncing out of an loose loads, may save you money—or even overflowing pass a bill to require covers on such trucks. that installation of tarps will cost $100 to junkyard truck and going through the In what Smith calls "a classic $150, which will be reflected in higher save your life. windshield of a car, decapitating its driver. example of business interests preceding public in¬ hauling fees. (PIRGIM REPORTS is a column provided to Current Michigan law makes prosecution terest, key committee chairmen have done in such Proponents of covered trucks have ready campus newspapers by the Public Interest cases difficult unless a policeman Research Group in Michigan, containing everything possible to keep his bill from responses. First, motorists wouldn't have actually saw material falling from a truck. to worry about gravel ejected from under reports for PIRGIM's student constituency Even then, it is not clear whether the ever seeing the light of day. on the effect of PIRGIM's work, information The bill has been supported by every tires if trucks would stop spilling gravel on driver, the yard foreman who supervised the highway. from the Capitol acquired by the PIRGIM major newspaper and television station, as loading or the trucking company owner is well as 400 Michigan insurance professional staff and current issues PIRGIM companies. Second, a PIRGIM check verifies that is researching or working on.\ lichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 25, 1975 5 andicapped ■michele burgen tive Extension Service. Michigan 4-H The assistance of experienced rid¬ one of those. riding p Cnews Staff Writer division of program is a the cooperative ing teachers at the Cheff In addition to learning how to L handicapped children extension service, Center for the handicapped in ride, handicapped children F abie to discover the with the Augusta, Mich. A therapeutic — cooperation of MSU and the many of whom are stricken Lnt of learning to ride U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. riding program had been in with cerebral palsy, mental Lk thanks to two grants The horseback operation at Cheff Center since retardation, blindness or deaf¬ rmore than $121,000 to riding pro¬ 1968. Instructors in the 4-H ness — perform exercises while gram is the only therapy ■chigan 4-H Horseback program are trained in 4-week they are in the saddle. These ■ for Handicapped Youth program for handicapped chil¬ sessions at the center. dren of its kind in the „ nay include stretches, arm country, Norman Brown, director of rotation, twisting and bending ■ pants, from the Mott combining the development of the 4-H Youth program, said the trunk and standing in the skills, coordination, therapy fction in Flint and the and recreation. the funds will be used for stirrups to develop leg muscles. E Foundation in Battle scholarships and to hire a Because of the unique nature The 4-H riding fwere announced Thurs- began in 1973 program full-time coordinator to expand of the activity, special equip¬ Ty Gordon E. Guyer, in Genesee as a pilot project the riding program to other ment must be utilized for the t of the MSU Coopera¬ County, with the counties. Ingham County is not safety and comfort of the children, said Lida McCowan, riding expert at Cheff Center. All children, for example, are required to wear a close-fitting safety helmet and body harness for support. Each saddle is equipped with a handle in addition to the reins and special "Peacock" safety stirrups that open up if the child's foot becomes twisted or entangled. Specially built mounting ramps make it easy for the tt ' i wheel-chair bound to get into the saddle. And, in addition to one adult riding instructor per child, two teen volunteers, one Itiv on each side of the beside the rider for added horse, walk security until the child is able to command the horse on his own. The youths learn care and grooming of the horses as well as upkeep of the stables, McCowan said. The program has had no serious accidents since its inception. Probably one of the greatest benefits to tlffe children is the f3p$ Ai*I»y's Coupon FORUM. .. self-confidence it instils, said Bill Skrepnek, chairman of the 4-H Horse Developmental Committee which assists in the "OMAN. . .ANOTHER riding program. "The children are getting a chance to participate in a VIETNAM" situation they may only have THE STRUGGLE OF THE PEOPLE OF read about," he said. "They have the opportunity to do THE SOUTHEAST ARABIAN PENINSULA things other children can do." AGAINST OPPRESSION Guyer said he is especially pleased with the way the resources have been mobilized Speakers and Movie through the extension service Friday, April 25, 1975 7:00 P.M. and channeled into such a 109 South Kedzie worthy effort. SN photos/DanjelShutt "There is nothing more ex¬ ■Alan, a cerebral palsy victim and participant in the riding for citing than to be involved with Andicapped youth program, sizes up the horse he will ride in a a program initiative and that takes the HOBIES smonstration at the MSU Judging Pavilion. helps so many Later, he proved his young people find joy and |uestrian prowess as he trotted several times around the mand of his four-legged friend. arena, in full meaning in helping others," Guyer! Super-duper-better-than- burgers -Spartan -Special- |Strong like Bull! ^ ' GIVE-AWAY!! Get your "GIVE - AWAY" card! when you have purchased THE STABLES 2843 E.GD. RIVER, EAST LANSING 5 SPARTAN SPECIALS, HOBIES gives you one free! JSM20G The "Spartan Special" is a MICHIGAN S SHOWCASE power house sundwich you FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT must taste to believe I now appearing ...from 417 E. Grand River Ave. EAST LANSING | Hobie's the SANDWICH PEOPLE IhcBRflTKH' Open Sun. 12 to5 Mon.thru Fri.9:30to9 Sgt. 9:30-5:30 | '0Uf fondly neighborhood 1208 S. all EBE7 University, Ann Arbor store. open thursday ar.d friday nights until nine 220 M.A.C., East Lansing Southgate Shopping Center Sear's Lincoln Park Shopping Center _ M-T-W-Sat 10-6 TH-Frt 10-9 the cardigan that's cabled K from hood to hem conveys a very pretty message to your JOSH WHITE JR. casual wardrobe. From Duet APRIL 21-26 Cfttwfa? Creations in a soft and easy- APPEARING WITH JOSH care knit of Wintuk Orion® FOLK ARTIST NEW FEATURE acrylic toned in beige, navy . . . MIRABAI or white. 36 to 42 sizes. $21 SUNDAY REDUCED COVER & EARLY SHOWS •DuPont Reg. T.M. MONQW-THURSDAY BRUNCH! » LITTLE SEPARATES - STREET FLOOR ON SPECIAL ALL WEEK ■ m'Tu1Make stop in for an enjoyable light ■ your selection from our special brunch TENDERIOIN KABOBS I o'^osphe^ ^en Si' anC' en'oy f^e ,riendly ON RICE, WITH VEGETABLE, ROLL ABUTTER $395 he comer of Abbott Rd. 351 - & Grand River 7076 for reservations DINNERS INCLUDE FRENCH FRIES S SALAD BAR Jaeobsoris 6 Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan PAC's 'Henry' uneven in ByDARRYLGRANT disjointed productio Together with this awkward¬ ments and some dreary ones. State News Reviewer ness, is the disjointed treat¬ An interesting device that at T.P'aneisoae,, &lones of this seiL "Henry V", Shakespeare's ment by Frank Rutledge. In an times is rewarding, though not play of noble sentiment and attempt to bolster or reawaken completely, is having four ^antyethSf Closet°theoripJ patriotic fervor, suffers under a the mood of the Globe Theater, actors portray Henry. This is a mn laborious and unfulfilling treat¬ concept of the • ment by the Performing Arts However, the One could hope for a more virile, energetic Company. ^terandHutso^- the weakness Granted, "Henry V" is not tone considering the pageantry and patriotism, and one of Shakespeare's greatest but alas, there is none. It just drags GumanandSchn*: plays, yet it does reap certain interminably on. carried exigencies of his a? rewards under careful direction SN photo/Arlinda Holt and treatment, which are not the sound Ricco Waltholl, we are given intellectual fine way to show the multifacet- 0f i, Kenny "Nek" Green, William kiva. The concert will feature original garnered under the auspices of an Schmedes becomes Townley and Neal McAlpin will appear in poetry, director Frank Rutledge. cheerleader in the person of ness of the character, and the his lyrics, music and the Fireworks Dancers. Brenda Nickerson. Nickerson different persona his psyche obscurity. concert with the Fireworks Jazz and There is also the Poetry Admission is $1. The watchful eye discerns in the part of the chorus, and creates—his cruelty, his gentle¬ Ensemble at 8 p.m. Saturday in Wonders Hall the character of a man whose also the modern mistress of ness, his nobility and his malice. direction, which at mind is as fantastic as a But if invisible or little ceremonies, does a fine job, but there is to be a mechanical toy, who is all truth one that would be better multiplicity it should be dis¬ Posing. There is no'" and sincerity on one hand and Appreciated in solo. She leads played in one even show of clarity. Dramatic - Pink-cheeked Bea false and prying on the other. Seemingly boundless Machiavellian wisdom, Henry is with the audience into preperfor- rnance and postintermission activities, activities such as strength and talent. One can not quite be sure of the worth of the device when it is comes a able dung. pile 0f K have been Timing ignored, - at a loss. One* By FRANK FOX still pink-cheeked and cute — every mothers' favorite rock band. an interesting fellow with his shouting contests, singing and imbalanced. Brian Carpenter, " State News Reviewer more virile, The resulting mixture of inane good humor and chameleon-like personality. joking—things that are a nice Fran Guinan, Bill Hutson and en: attempted The Beatles' film "Magical Mystery Tour" proves one thing — wierdness blends in a rough collage of effects which are as Unfortunately, this character attempt to alleviate the stiff¬ John Schmedes are given the considering the ps~ the sun has finally set upon the British Empire. confusing as they are inconsistent. One has a difficult time keeping is hampered to the modern eye ness of traditional theater but difficult task of portrayal. patriotism, but ala, The 60-minute movie features the strange antics of the Beatles, up with the action even when giving the film careful attention. with too none. It just i many intricate here serve to distract and Carpenter and Hutson are assorted freaks, odd people and other typical Englishmen as they Among the more curious moments in the film are skits by the subtleties that are not readily weaken the play's impact. It is masterful with a careful and minably on. bounce merrily though the green countryside in a frantic tour bus Beatles dressed as wizards and walruses, a There is some guest appearance by apparent. There is too great a an impact that even in its rich awareness of their roles which looks like a British banana on wheels. The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band and a Soho be garnered from psychedelic stripper wealth of historical data and original form was surely a little that is wonderful—Carpenter in "Tour" is a strange brew of ideas that failed and ideas that thrown in to add spice to the stew. such as the inn triumphal oratories and scenes weak. his tactful pursuit of {Catherine, worked — after a fashion. A relic of the late '60s, the movie is more They even drive on the left side of the road. to make comfortable drama. Weak is a kind term to apply Hutson with his martial and interesting as a museum piece than as a work of art. "Tour" features many of the songs which were released on a However necessary these were to this production. Disjointed humane wisdom on the battle¬ The film will be shown at MSU today and tomorrow. Beatles album of the same name. Included are to an audience in Shakespeare's is the more accurate. There are field. "Magical Mystery Surely Hutson's soliloquy "Tour," the Beatles' 1967 production, has been bouncing around Tour," "The Fool on the Hill," "Flying," "Blue day, they only belabor the too human Jay Way," "Your a some good scenes, some very as Henry on the in obscurity for years. It is a spotty, chaotic and often pointless Mother Should Know" and "I am the Walrus." modern production. effort that resembles poor ones, some bright mo- iitNIMAL UNITED" a home movie made by Dr. Herder's Laughing Academy. METHODIST "Magical Mystery Tour" displays the Beatles when they were Okemos Kiwanis Vassar's Across from the capitol Sermon To'pic: Club latest album "How to live in mad world!" a mad is sponsoring their by Dr. Jameson Jones $395eg$6.98 President roughing it ILIFF school of Theology Annual Smelt Worship Services 9 45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Boots for hiking, climbing or Fry Nursery Available 485-9477 when: Friday, April 25 time: from 5 - 8 p.m. UNIVERSITY | H»lp Us Celebrate Vatsar's Birthday REFORMED where *n the Okemos High CHURCH School Cafeteria 50 m tha field of recording instruments. Only Nakamichi coaM draw apon their eiparienco of making the finest cassette machine m tha f1 V.' W#f^' ,# 'pfte* »«• performance' deck on Hie market. 9:45 A.M. College Bible Class HM-Fi in the fireside room. 1101 E.Grand River BUYS 323 East Grand River 351-5380 ^P^O Sunday 11:00 a.m. 337-1767 481 OW.Soginaw 484-4589 "Pastor Howard Sugden FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evfn"< Call 482-0754 for information Iil'llif?an State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 25, 1975 7 ELLEN BURSTYN Jice' graced with fine acting $20 Cash Savings on all apartments leased before May 1st plus special reduced rates ... 8 convenient locations near campus. Furnished Carpeted - Air Conditioning - Some have balconies - - hit the American others swimming pools - all have parking facilities ||y edd rudzats audience. filmgoing indicates, depicted an impatient the film is strictly a "woman's and motion of the camera are - teNews Reviewer lifestyle in a violent milieu. picture." efficiencies, one bedroom and two bedrooms. ' "Alice Doesn't Live Here extremely abrupt, like the Inning with an homage to "Alice Doesn't Live Here Any¬ "Alice Doesn't Live Here movements of the characters HALSTEAD has NO non-refundable and "The Wizard of Anymore" is blessed with more" has much of the same charges! Anymore" is a film about involved in the argument. ctor Martin Scorsese's striking cinematic style and a impatience behind it, but is full honestly presented and faith¬ Scorsese is again displaying his blasts off with "power devastatingly superb cast and of delightfully comic moments fully etched human beings. abundant cinematic talent. ujty, is truly among the best films of that were nonexistent in the What makes it so enjoyable is "g the tale of a 35-year- the year. previous filni. just that — the honesty and "Alice Doesn't Live Here RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT A&g WHILE THEY LAST. e her lippy 12-year-old Last year, Scorsese directed Basically, "Alice Doesn't Live Anymore" is playing at the naturalness. E) her quest for a second a film entitled "Mean Streets." Here Anymore" is a bright, Spartan Twin Theaters. LOW LOW SUMMER RATES: efficiencies $130. 1 bedroom $140. 2 bedroom $150 & EARLY BIRD FALL SPECIAL: efficiencies fr. $145. 1 bedroom fr. $195, and 2 bedrooms fr. $217. up fin life, "Alice Doesn't Highly acclaimed by critics, it spritely comedy that provides Among the supporting cast, Diane Ladd deserves notice for .live in one of our spacious 2 bedroom 4-men units for as low as $60 per month mere Anymore" bursts established him as a young its audience with ... a great deal of The screen as one of the director to watch. pleasure. The pleasure lies in her portrayal of a gum-chewing HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY 351-7910 Lginal, honest films to "Mean Streets," as the title the way the film manages to truck stop waitress named Flo. Ladd's 19° OFF capture the psyche of the main portrayal of this character with finesse and character accurately takes Flo (w/this ad) Irish opera film set realism that is part both of the tremendous script by Robert from the stereotype and turns her into an appealing, memor¬ Gfttchell and Ellen Burstyn's dynamic portrayal. able individual who has learned to wisecrack her way through BIG Kedzie Hall today Burstyn won an Academy pinching truckers and farmers and still retain her brazie; Award for her performance in dignity and The film is sponsored by the humanity. J Tsar's Bride," a 1963 ■film, will be shown at 8 Kiay in 105 S. Kedzie Russian and East European studies program and the Opera Guild of Greater Lansing Inc. this film and after one can film allows watching it, understand why. The Burstyn the Live The would performances make Here "Alice alone Doesn't Anymore" in¬ i DELUXE opportunity to create a truly geniously amusing entertain¬ The movie is the first film of the three-dimensional individual ment, but Scorsese's fluid festival of Russian opera. |al gathering The movie is a beautifully with all the quirks and irrita¬ bility left intact. cinematic style helps give the film life and raw energy. As a result, this individual, Scorsese's staged version of Rimsky- camera is con¬ ne for play Korsakov's opera and features who happens to be a woman, stantly on the move in this film; the voices of the emerges as one of the most it travels, zooms, trucks, leading singers natural and likeable heroines pans of the Bolshoi Opera and the and cavorts about, aptly L Final Two Hours," a since Bette Davis and Joan cap¬ music of the Bolshoi Orchestra. turing every mood of the film ilay by Gerald Lemons, Crawford sobbed their way into through sensitive lensing. 5 reg. price 7W ft presented by the Black The movie features Russian the hearts of millions. L Manifesto at 8:15 dialog with English subtitles. Alice will do the same, but During the arguments, the shots are jerky, flushed and It's got a salad It and 9:30 p.m. Sunday in Admission is free. Eel Hall kiva. with laughter. This is not to say somewhat chaotic. The angles inside! ■ play is set at a party. A | A quarter pound oi char- us mist comes under ■ broiled beef, a cool slice oi I tomato on a bed of lettuce — kills all the %SJkQjD r and I and seasoned with our own rs but one woman. As | zesty Brazier sauce, mustard sminisces, the other I and pickle — on a toasted yy ■ rs act out the drama of sesame seed bun. THIS COUPON WORTH >n to "The Final Two is 75 cents. Part of the lemia fund. II go to the sickle ©) FREE Vj DOZEN DONUTS With the purchase of one dozen donuts at the /-xA regular price. This special offer is good at the f i ^ J fnllntAiinn DunUin' Dnnntc \ J 310W.C (n«xt to but station) i.m. • U p.m. Sun. Thru Thuri l.tSat. S. Pat. Off. Am. D. t) Cor |^1973 Am. D. Q. Corp. j STATE NEWSBllUtUJ (gtUb^ ktinee l S m lUNTttR (m m MAm 6AW Xtf^/W and rthws MUNN ICE ARENA , Iffers shopp \nd students leisurely p1 students who miss lunch due to that overtime test, or appointment, Jacob son's East Room offers a 2-5 •——nee tea tine. Me from their lunch schedule which runs from 11-2, the ■ Room allows a shopping break for it's store patrons, or T/rtU(ty break for the M8U student. The matinee futures sandwiches, salads, deserts, beverages and f for a leisurely snack. f has a different special every day of the ■ |w . *■" items on rw»ge anywhere from chop suey to lasagna. the luncheon meal are the Maurice salad, sandwich, fried clams, and cocktails, wee « week Jacobson's presents a fashion .ntation for it's diners. f f 16feature The East Room oHers that few people know their banquet facilities. The restaurant has a L?c* ro°m that can seat up to 25 people, and although r, hard believe, it's free. The room can be used by r groups working on projects, or for small parties. Iii of rfht w,tcber, The East Room serves a chopped l! • 8licedt cottage cheese, fruit jello, liUs' creamy «s 8'tnd Fye ^*P' And for the splurgers, such chee<., -J1 on the tastebuds. f ,\ke, apple pie, and Boston cream £avmi msrnt Monday, April 28, 8 p.m. MSU Auditorium Public Welcome: no admission charge. FUTURE TENSE - TENSE FUTURE These are the lectures of an mission: to seek out the enterprising series. Their future; to link science and the arts through the common endeavor of speculation; to boldly go where no lecture has gone before. The series is sponsored by Justin Morrill College. College of Natural Science, College of Arts and Letters, College of Social Science, and the Center for Environmental Quality, Michigan State University. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^•y.AprijJ LIN WITHDRAWS FROM fjpoolstiji Hawkins re-elected in CT election ByROSANNELESS candidacy might split the continue in the future to work tion for the rank and file and file members to discuss the CTs are: Ruth Kalso; Richard SUte News Staff Writer group, which is the official toward these achievements. Crum; Martha Brown, and John Hawkins was re-elected members than exists in the new existing constitution and T«rt. Hr. 4iJQ.|tM AArfh Bargaining agent for the CTs. "However, within the last consitution. Hawkins basically amendments, and then make a Barbara Sykes. They will serve $J.H to a two-year term as president Hawkins said that he was day and a half it has become decision on amending or re¬ until October 1976. of the MSU clerical-technical supported the constitution in "surprised that she dropped out apparent to me tlyit at this its present form. vising the constitution. workers (CTs) bargaining unit of the race, as I think most Elected to two-year terms as point in the development of Hawkins, who was 'first The other officers elected directors were Gerri Olsen, Wednesday night following members present were, but Fm MSUEA it would not be in the elected president of the CTs in Wednesday are: Patricia Beatrice Lin's withdrawal from sure she had her reasons." Kathie Schaefer and Cheryl best interest of the organiza¬ the two-candidate race. "As most members of the 1973, said Thursday that he Sipkovski, vice president; Mary Hart. tion that I run for president." does not think "the new con- Guile, secretary, and Barbara Lin read a statement at CTs know, my policies in the The CT elections were held Elected to the newly formed situation is perfect, either." Reeves, treasurer. Sipkovski Wednesday's meeting that said past have been in the direction under the provisions of the new He favors the formation of a will serve with Hawkins until audit committee were Lucy after weighing the present of establishing a broader form CT constitution that was committee to review the con- October 1977, while Guile and McAlpine, one-year term; position of the MSU Employe's of participation within ratified by the membership situation and its amendments. Reeves will hold office until Nancy Lobdel, two-year term, Assn. (MSUEA), her continued MSUEA," Lin said. "I will Feb. 25. The constitution called and Rosemary Warren, three- The committee would also hold October 1976. for election of new officers information meetings for rank Elected as directors of the year term. Tonlt. •fM0.7slJ.fcJ0.il,jo U within 60 days of ratification. TWl" Architects win prize for Munn The new constitution was an I Mb WAY SH? WAS issue in the election. Lin favor¬ Scoring one of the first goals in the new Munn Ice Arena at Baverman's winning entry at the state level was its team's ed more channels of participa- FORMER /MSU ECONOMICS PROF. Ml MSU was a team of architects design of mechanical systems and engineers from Davecman for the 6,300-seat ice that ALLEN MANDELSTAM [last BELL'S arena Associates Inc. of Grand opened in the fall of 1974. Week Rapids. The Munn Arena is built into WILL RETURN the natural slope of rolling The five-man team, captained by architect Calvin D. Lane, a terrain and gives the impres¬ PIZZA. Daverman director, won an sion of being underground, APRIL 28 since no external walls are engineering excellence award visible. Rare taste. from the consulting Engineers Council of Michigan for its B 108 WELLS design of the $3.5 million sports Either you facility. 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. The team is now playing for have it or higher stakes. The Consulting Engineers Council of Michigan is submitting the Daverman yea don't. LECTURE INCLUDES 18 MIN. entry in national competition "to recognize those engineering 225 MAC 332-5027 FILM CLIP OF "HIGHLIGHTS" achievements demonstrating OPEN 11 AM EVERYDAY FROM FORMER LECTURES 501 the highest degree of merit and FREE DELIVERY ingenuity and providing a ADMISSION (TO COVER FILM major contribution to technical, COSTS) TICKETS AVAILABLE economic or social advance¬ AT DOOR STARTING AT 3:00 ment." OPEN: M-Th lOa.m.-ll p.m. The national contest is spon¬ Fri. 10a.m.-12 midnite Sat. noon-mldnite Old^me sored by the American Con¬ sulting Engineers Council, and winners will be selected at Las ASMSU GREAT ISSUES IN Vegas, Nev., on May 5. * \> * CONJUNCTION WITH UAB/SE BOARSHEAD <£Moyie PLAYERS 200 •. river GUANO LEDGE 21 mins. *t. W from spectacle presents: Bros. M.S.U. professional theatre A Man tor All SHAKESPEARE'S MACBETH Seasons Apr.17-May4 627-7805 thur/sun fn/sat Vanessa \college S1.75 $3.00 | regular $2.50 $3.75 Redgrave, Paul Scofleld, Orson Wells, Showings: Friday & Saturday 7:00 8.9:15 p.m. B 104 Wells Colin Blakeley Sunday 2:00, 7:00 & 9:15 p.m Union Parlors. Admission: $1.00 (children 3 7:30 & 9:45 under 12, $.50) ' ^I Fri. & Sol. 106 Wells UAB/SE Union Activities Board / Student Entertainment! •I" SHOWTIMES "I Band 10 PM SAT Sand 10 PM SUN 2:30 and 4 PM Sky lecture and outdoor observing after 8 PM shows. Album and light show after 10 PM shows. oi:mnx, aum.s comp.\n\ ADMISSION Adult 1.25 MSU Student i.oo Children (12 I under) no preschoolers admitted ,50 A PLAY ABOUT A HERO 6CDfATHECS TONIGHT INVESTIGATES THE WORKS OF FAIRCHILD THEATRE j THROUGH 8:15 p.m. ERICH VON DANIKEN AND SATURDAY • CHARIOTS OF THE GODS. v by William Shakespeare InAbrams DIRECTED AND ADAPTED BY FRANK C. RUTLEDGE Planetarium on th* MSU camput i AIRCHILD THEATRE BOX-OFFICE OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 12 - 5 PHONE 355 * Lansing, Michigan kjicluga^ Friday, April 25,1975 9 JWRHAJMRHARHARHARHfWHARHARHAjWWHARHf^^ PRESENTS "Lat the facts speak lor Claudine's got six kids, four rooms, and a welfare check. themselves, Over 15,000 human beings. The last thing she wanted to do was fall in love students, faculty and staff have seen HAROLD The achievement of with the garbage man. and MAUDE on the MSU campus over the Harold and Maude" past 2 belongs to the script of years. Come enjoy the Cat Stevens score and see Colin Higgins, a UCLA film why thousands are seeing HAROLD and MAUDE graduate who also co- again, and again, and again..." produced the I By bill mechanic Higgins attempts film. to 1 State Nw» ««««« . bound to live life fully." explicate a part of the absurdity and incongruity returns the love transcen¬ §o say that "Harold and The underlying clever¬ of traditional love. dence to its original intent contemporary psyche. Kude" is a shockingly ness of "Harold and In the worst treatment — to teach and learn, to Harold's obsession with death resides in all of us, Xiy romantic comedy Maude" is the manipula¬ of the genre, "Love grow and be liberated. Lid be something akin tion of the genre of Story," the communion of Maude teaches Harold brought on by wars and koyingthat'BlowUp" is romantic love into an the lovers and the result¬ senseless murders — the how to deal with negative frilling detective story. applicable and relevant ing loss serves no function self-drives, so-called "rheap price of label is simply force in the contemporary morality, death." , beyond appeasing materialism, art, death, To the dequote. world. The humor of the exaggerated sympathies. life and freedom. Harold degree which ■ Harold and Maude" is film consists principally in The sensitivity to death relationship in learns how to deal with affects Kim about freedom in a the expression of the "Harold and Maude" himself and the ability to others as function, ■tiputerized, unfeeling so grows the |rld where people are I concerned with the "IT IS A JOY! wish to be a Maude, to live life as fully and lifacts of life, Jiving An enchanting excursion into the joy of living. Wonderfully perceptive meaningfully as possible. Lses to have meaning. " satiric jabs at motherhood, the military, Hal Ashby, who also 2OthCentijy-fwPreserteATHRDW0FIlJ3(JiBW PROOUCnOtJ Presented r, assoc«tai witti JOYCE SELZMCK&TWA RNE 'd is a young man psychiatry and computer dating. directed "The Landlord," Bud Cort is the very embodiment of lost located, controlled boyhood; Ruth Gordon is beautifully restrained and deeply touching-here is a performance to gives Higgins' script o JAMES EARL DIAHANN i thwarted at every straightforward treat¬ «i by his insensitive, cherish. Vivian Pickles is simple perfectionl"-Judith Ci-w, n»w york Magazine ment, no over-playing of JONES CARROLL ■pal peacock of a mo- distorting with gimics. ijr. Having no ties with Bud Cort, the intensely I human world, with bland waif in "Brewster McCloud" is precise in his "CLAUDINE" ■ exception of attend- [funerals and freaking evolution as Harold. Pale MMnm toJOHNM tu*e .1NWBIER Ft! rw^faouceJ LLDfDGRAN C his mother, Harold faced and boyishly MuscalScoreftrtamedby GLADYS KNIGHT AND THE PIPS Musc&Lyrxstoroj^iProOuc^tvCURTIS MAYFIELD Jpears stranded in a mannered, Harold is ■{.perpetuating theater perfectly realized. Fri. 100 Eng. 7:30 ft 9:30 Maude is fervidly Sat. Wilson 7:30 ft 9:30 freoking-out portrayed by Ruth tiaroia 5 jidency, which takes the Gordon, who, by way of Sun. Conrad 9:30 »1.25 [m of staged suicides, contrast, won an Lesome, yet humorous Academy Award as the kheir absurdity, remain sinister cultist in his sole means of filiating against a "Rosemary's Baby." Her versatility as an actress Why are they saying Mr. Majestyk J, grim world. (she is also coauthor with it's the one movie you her should see this year? ■At one of the funertils, Irold meets Maude, I the most likeable, one husband Kanin of such romantic comedies 'as "Pat and Garson Ask anyone can be seen Juberant moral They met at the funeral of a perfect stranger. Mike") is attested to in fib who's seen it ■ilosophers ever From then on, things got perfectly stranger and stranger. this film. Conrad jcethe screen. Maude, Paramount Picture Prtttnts "Harold and Maude" ,%1'W 1 SB Anyone. I Fri. 7:30 ft 9:3C _ 80-year-old cor $teal- rises above its concern fifr" 1) woman, is a devotee HAROLD and MAUDE •with the absurd and ■living. (Through their relation- RUTH GORDON beyond its manipulation of genre to become the s * CHARLES Cot _ 100 Eng most relevant ' 7:30 ft 9:30 Bp, Maude if BROHSON liberates social ■told from his obsession BUDGORT satire of the 1970s. Co-starring Vivian Pickles, Cyril Cusack, Charles Tyner, Ellen Geer death. Produced by Colin Higgins and Charles B.Mulvehill Affirming the will to live, J'Bloom and grow*- and Rand change," Maude Executive Producer Mildred Lewis, Written by Colin Higgins Directed by Hal Ashby the desire to love, the film is a delight to watch. "MR.MAJESTYK" Sun. - "S Barges. "Aim above With Songs by fat Stevens "Harold and Maude" is c^o» by t«t**o*or' a rkh«» Irality and you're EM being weekend presented by RHA, this Fri. Wilson 7:30 ft 9:45 • Brody 8:30 Sat. Conrad 7:30 ft 9:30 Sun. Conrad 7:30 Wilson 9:30 $l.25 Each Program Contains The Best Of Leave It To Beaver, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, * The Three Stooges, Twilight Zone find Another Special Treat Or Is It Trek? Sat. May 3, For Fans Of Fri. May 2 LASERIUM Gene Roddenberry Thurs. May 1 Majel Barrett COSMIC, LASER LIGHT Live In Person Jimmy Doohan Nlchelle Nichols Spock, Kirk, Producer George Pal ... and a mystery guest CONCERT Shows at 2, 6, 8 and 10 From War of the Worlds Live In Person And fTlcCoy to Doc Savage Univ. Auditorium 8:00 p.m. Conrad STAR TREK REVISITED Admission $2 Admission $2.50- 9:30 Univ. Auditorium MSU Student Faculty ft Staff $2.50 In Advance, $3 At Door Program $3-General Admission , A $1.25 • Program B • $1.25 F'i. Conrad 12 Fri. Wilton 12 Midnight Midnight J^VVHidn 12 Midnight Sat. Conrad 12 Midnight Tickets On Sale at Union Ticket Office 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan WEEKEND FILMS Environmental bills to exit committee FROM DEAL By JEFF MERRELL "They probably both will be reported out of issuance of maps, posting, and fencing will be mining industry in Michigan." . SUte News Staff Writer committee very soon — in the next two or three included, if deemed necessary, in the DNR's After tuck here and a tuck there, the Reece said the committe changed the bill to a management plan. Michigan House Committee on Conservation, WTheS'0RVebfll would require that all vehicles be Also included in that plan are the effects of allow the DNR to evaluate each case individually Environment and Recreation may be ready to registered, and that the Dept. of Natural ORVs on wildlife and resources. and determine the environmental effects. put the last stitches in two much ■ tailored Resources (DNR) devise a plan for ORV use in Reece added that the bill would only require environmental bills. state forests, develop a the DNR to develop a plan for state forests, since Mining companies would be required, how¬ safety instruction ever, to-submit a reclamation plan for the area, House Bill 4729, which would regulate off - program and enforce all rules. ORVs are, and will be, excluded from state and give the state a bond equal to $5,000 or road vehicle (ORV) use in the state, and House One major area of concern centered on the parks, recreation areas and game areas. issue of how to identify regions that are $1,000 for each acre of land (whichever is Bill 4038, which would protect Michigan's sand All of the programs and plans that have to be accessible to ORV's. greater) as a security deposit on the faithful dunes, have both been altered into near - final administered by the DNR will be financed by the execution of the reclamation plan. form, said Doug Reece, administrative aide to "We left that decision in the hands of the funds collected from the three - year registration the conservation committee. Natural Resource Commission," Reece said. The fee of $9 per vehicle. The sand dune bill, introduced by Rep. Dennis Cawthorne, R - Manistee, The original bill, according to Reece, has been almost entirely rewritten, and will be submitted **GICAI mystery written primarily in substitute form. to regulate sand mining. was 1 tour ga U.S. Court of Appeals hears "But we've deleted the language where we phase out the sand mining industry in Michigan," Included in that substitute bill will be a plan to carry out the financing of the DNR administra¬ tive and research duties required by the Reece said. legislation. "That would have cost dearly in the courts," Michigan-Harrison testimony us he added. "If we are going to do this we've got to "MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR" develop was produced w „• I The bill originally would also have prohibited the mechanism to make it a self - program," Reece said. sustaining the Beatles as a special for from Richard Lester's "HARD television, it combines DAYS' NIGHT" iT'^UI BWX* f!BShY- musicals int0 a Particularly inspired ,!^ I The controversy over the Michigan Avenue- The panel of three judges listened all Thursday any mining within 2,500 feet of any Great Lakes Harrison Road intersection project was heard in morning to testimony that centered on the shoreline. He said one possibility of financing the the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in possible violation of the federal parkland pro¬ "The economic effectaof that would be disas¬ program would be collecting a fee from the Cincinnati on Thursday morning. vision by state and federal highway departments trous," Reece said. "About one - quarter million mining companies that is a certain percentage of that are working on the project. people are employed or affected by the sand - the assessed value of the area to be mined. The case was brought to court in an attempt to spaghetti. The "MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR" Anderson, an asst. professor of humanities at isti tom gain reversal of a denial to halt construction at the intersection that began last summer. MSU, said that the judges appeared to be quite interested in the case but he refused to speculate STARTS TODAY! "We felt that got a fair hearing," said the outcome. The Beatles are back in the we James Anderson, leader of the opposition to the on It may take months before the court finally TONIGHT OPEN 6:45 - Shows 7:15-9:20 legendary ft makes a decision on the case. Sot. & Sun. 115-3:15-5:1*5-7:15-9:20 "BEDFORD'S PERFORMANCE MAY BE THE BEST OF HIS CAREER. THE FILM IS SUPER!" -mm i scorr. un "AMOST APPEALING MOVIE! A more important, a mora personal film than either of Director 6eorge Roy Hill's two earlier smash hits, Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid' ...and'The Stiflf'."- VINCfMT CAH8Y HI Y TIMfS "FLAMBOYANT... EMINENTLY SATISFYING. Entertainment of TONIGHT & SATURDAY a very high wiw."-richard scmcm tmmagazm Showtimes: 7:00,8:15,9:30,10:45 VISUAL POETRY.»«. Showpiece: 109 Anthony that win the heart."->wM7? wmsren # r post Admission: $1.25 Robert Rbdkkd IN A GEORGE ROY HILL FILM SUSAN SARAH DON.« MAKOOT KIOOCR Sow** r WILLIAM OCX.OMAN Sto.t rMO*G£ HOY HIU Omhui Mim « HtNKY MANCINI howcu m OMCiit n «0MC HOT MILL »umiw nomaum ranm ADDED FUN CARTOON G&KHACKMAN'ft'fiJ.P/m PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-5817 WWjS HELD OVER 2nd WEEK Fri. & Mon. thru Thurs. Sat. & Sun. TONIGHT & SATURDAY Open 7:00 P.M. Open 1:00 p.m. Showtimes: 7:30,9:30 Feature 7:35-9:35 Feature 1:35- Showploce: 111 Olds 215 ABBOTT RD. - DOWNTOWN 3:35-5:35-7:35-9:35 Admission: $1.25 IT WAS 1929... "Emmanuelle is a thinking man's X; a very TOURING CARS... ALCAPONE... (X) how-to film; a specialized stylish sex trip across the skies from Paris to Thailand, down "THE ODD COUPLE" and "PETE'H TILLIE5r was never Bangkok's canals, and through the senses of per¬ Take You Back to Thoso Exciting Days When Men Drew From the HIPS and like this. haps the most physically beautiful cast of top-caste women ever assembled in The Women Helped Them Drink It! one film." EmmanueUe is sensual, NO TV —After Dark. Norma McLain Stoop — V KKY IJTTI K RADIO. BATHTUB ( but she's elegant. "JAZZ LADIES" AND PLENTY OF EXCrn v; ACTION .. "Sex done with taste and .. Because of the raw but she's fun. beauty A lush erotic and explicit nature ONLY atmosphere." But most Important, she leaves you with a - Cosmopolitan. Liz Smith / mature will be XXX adults admitted It's the hottest story since the Chicago fire, singular lack of guilt "France's top box-office and they're sitting on it. blockbuster... centers on And that's the due to II \ its overwhelming a pretty wife of a young member of the French The World «l popularity. Embassy who spends nearly all of her time in a a variety of couplings... succession of lesbian Johnny WoiM1 bouts...a trip to an opium den where she is raped, (Sensual Fulfillment) then to a prize fight where —"The finest explicit scenes ever fllmnd" ■ ® Journal she is the prize." JACK LEMMON AND - New York Times. A. H Weiler -"You have to see it to believe It." • R*<"> —• ■ she does what Lovelace does only, only w* L I it to V WALTER MA1THAU Johnny Waddl" - LA After Dark Johnny Wadd has mode over 200 hard core motion pictures. The produce" film have taken the I Carol "Voluptuous sophistication wildest, most explicit sequences from his I pictures, cut them together, and have created the most ostoundmg |W™»r ■ with gorgeous sexual film ever mode. "The World of Johnny Wodd" contains the finest ' ■ ournett couplings." _W)logeVbice over 300 hours of film. No other film is comparable either in wpI sensuality. It expdnds the limits of permissiveness. Of course this mown* | VnVv'rftawIN A Will WIlDfR FIIM .V is rated X and all patrons will be checked for proof of age. THE FRONTPAGE "Glossy erotic." Tonight & Saturday ■a^ ^ i- -New York Daily News Starts Today... opon ms p.i mnOCII«M INFORMATION 48?i3905 Showtimes: ^ rj'iffri 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Feature 7:10-9:10 P.M. Sat. Sun. 1:25-3:20-5:15-7:15-9:15 lul l-n-O-JmWashington -oowhroww Alain A film ™ I Cuny • Sylvia Kristel • NfarikaBee) a t t • Greeni« Emmanuelle from the book Dtmminuili \dnLJ Showploce: 102B Wells Just Jaec^in W>thPu, played. will be ready in relief. Spartans are defending its Big Ten title "A certain amount of rain Centerfielder Mike Fricke hoping to end the Buckeye bugaboo as the conference tournament on Ohio Saturday7 would be advantageous right continues to head up the Spar¬ Spartans defend their Big Ten title today, course, but the Spartans need State's I now to help wash some of the tan hitting with a .408 average Saturday and Sunday at the conference cham- seven league teams this to top pL sand and wood off the field," and a .529 clip in conference ships at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Due to year instead scheduling and financial ofonJl said Pellerin, grimacing at the play, good for sixth place in the The Spartans have won the Big Ten title for year, only four Big Ten teams competed problem! thought of having to invite Big Ten. On the strength of his the past two years, but Ohio State, which title, but this year Ohio State, (J more rain. grand slam homer last Friday, defeated MSU earlier this season, 7 - 2, is not Purdue y Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Last weekend's flooding catcher Rick Seid moved into about to be taken lightly in this weekend's tative from Michigan will onerei caused extensive damage to the join the Spartul the team lead in the RBI competition. Saturday's tournament. team's equipment in the stor¬ column with 19. Fricke and The Buckeyes also ruined a perfect season last "The match will be f year for the Spartans. with so many so much better this of the Big Ten schools repr, J "We've got a good chance to win the title again ted," MSU coach Mary Fossum ma this weekend, but it's going to be tougher now "Hopefully Indiana will also be able tomaktll than it ever has before," Hatton said. "I think if the tournament, which would the girls can play a little better than they did give us competi from seven full teams and eight repreao, against Ohio State a few weeks ago, things will from the Big Ten, which would be turn out well for us. I do know the great." girls will be The Spartans enter Saturday's 18 L giving all they've got to win." competition with a 2 - 0 record following Though the entire Spartan squad is ready to place finishes in both the Bowling Greet! &L hand the Buckeyes a defeat this weekend, one Central Women try to keep winning Michigan invitationals earlier this] It may be hard for the MSU women's softball team to follow up particular team member, senior Sue Selke, is son. on Wednesday's 25-4 especially anxious to whip her OSU opponent. "I feel confident the girls will trouncing of Calvin College, but the Spartans Selke was forced to accept her first loss in her play very wd will try to keep their sizzling bats smoking when the tournament, even without a full SN photo/Daniel Shutt they meet three pra Northern Illinois and Illinois State Saturday in DeKalb, 111. - year career at MSU a few weeks ago schedule," Fossum said. "When you play cm when OSU's Ann Wilson defeated her in the No. a fine course as the Scarlet Walt Gantz and Gerald Crane, The Spartans will face Northern Illinois in a doubleheader and course, it d and 365 yards to finish the Boston then meet Illinois State in a 1 singles position, 7 - 5, 2 - 6, 7 - 6. single game with hopes of keeping psyches a player out, and sometimes impi two who stuck it out for 26 miles Marathon Monday. their 6-1 season record on the "I assume I'll be playing her (Wilson) again this • winning side. your game just from the excitement." "This weekend and next weekend's competition will weekend, but I've really learned my lesson," Senior Carol Peterson, junior June 01 probably Selke said. "I feel I'm better prepared to determine whether or not we'll be able to go to the World Series play and freshmen Karen Escott, Sue her right now because I've Soper, SL this year," coach Margo Snively said. "I predict a good weekend developed a more Tansey and Joan Garety will be representing What makes Marathon for us but this will certainly be our toughest to date." challenge of the year Wednesday's victory over Calvin was encouraging to the aggressive game. "She's got a very powerful serve, but she's Spartans Saturday. The best four roundifl counted for the team's score. Spartans, as they overcame their weak spot, hitting, with 14 solid such belts off the Calvin pitchers. Stickmen must hone passing an experience? "I was happy to see our hitting pick up, but the pitching from Calvin really wasn't of good caliber," Snively said. "If we can hit against the Illinois pitchers like we did Calvin's, then I'll be very By LARRY MORGAN State News Sports Writer — 162nd in a time of 2:33.52 — of the four happy because I know that the pitchers in Illinois are excellent." The undefeated MSU women's track team will be competing in for Wittenberg tilt Saturday| Boston Marathon races he has run. But he the Becky Boone Relays in Richmond. Ky., Saturday, It does not look that hard. If more than with the two thousand people a year do it, what says a major factor for that was Mother hopes that the weather in Bluegrass Country is somewhat drier Nature. than that of the Lansing area. State News Sports Writer whoMSUl makes it such an experience? You just "When I have Penalties, especially during practice field south of Spartan not beaten in five attempttl have to do it to know. But even then, some prepared for the marathon The Spartans took first place in the competition last year, and Stadium. (here), it's usually been about 40 or 45 while coach Nell Jackson is predicting some close races in the the final few minutes of a game, But if MSU can pass a J people dp not know why they run in the degrees and cloudy," Gantz explained. "But can really hurt. "Wittenberg is an extremely the finesseless tactics 1 Boston Marathon, or if they will ever do it running events, she still believes the Spartans will be successful in physical team, and our ability when I have gone to Boston, it has been No one knows better than the Wittenberg, it will have i m again. maintaining their undefeated season. to make good passes will be the shot at evening its It about 80 degrees and sunny, which made it "We're looking forward to this meet since it's usually one of our MSU lacrosse team whose me¬ Walt Gantz, an MSU doctoral student, extra tough to run." mories, if they were failing, key to the game," Hartman record. finished his fourth Boston Marathon Mon¬ biggest challenges of the season," Jackson said. "We'll be facing said. Out in front of the Spvt This year was a turnaround however, as some tough were refreshed Wednesday. day, but each time he has not been sure the temperature in Boston hovered around competition in all the running events, which should be The Spartans were down If MSU can pass well, attack are attackmen ij whether he will run the next one or not. close, but I'm still hoping we'll be able to come out on top again." Hartman said, the game could the 40 degree mark. That was ideal for only 8 - 4 with 2'/« minutes left Hebert, who has 2i Gerald Crane, a December graduate of Men netters meet Irish turn into a high - scoring rout. the season, Dave Sorrick. ffl Gantz's preparations, which revolved a- in their game at Bowling Green, MSU, ran in his second Boston Marathon round a daily workout of 10 to 13 miles for MSU's men's tennis squad will take its 3-9 record and but a three - minute penalty put Wittenberg tries to intimi¬ 21 points, and Steve "SweefT this year. But unlike Gantz, he will three-match winning streak into South Bend, Ind., Saturday, date its opponent, double - Wilson with 20 points. the last few months prior to the marathon. them a man short for the definitely give it a shot next year as long as looking for a close and hard-hitting battle with the Fighting Irish. remainder of the contest. teaming the ball carrier, Hebert and Wilson alsoli he can train well he did for the 1975 Gantz runs everyday with other mem¬ hoping to scare him into making the team in goals scored witkl as as "Trying to predict who wins this one is like trying to predict That was all the Falcons bers of the track club. Next week will mark mistakes, Hartman explained running. East Lansing weather," mused Spartan coach Stan Drobac. needed as they pumped in four apiece. "Last year was my first marathon ever, 500 days in a row that he has run in rain, Drobac has reasons for refering to the local weather and the and that was a big mistake," said Crane, snow or whatever. goals during the time left to netters' upcoming opponent in the same vein — both have win, 12 - 4. The loss left MSU who finished 68th with a time of 2:26.09. "it Running each day like that is not too appeared to work against the Spartans. with a 2 - 3 record in the was a nightmare. difficult, Gantz contends, because he us¬ With the unseasonable April snowfall followed by the recent Midwest Lacrosse Assn., and a "I was in the wrong condition physiolo¬ ually has someone to talk with while he heavy rainstorms, the varsity courts have rarely been usable for 5 - 3 over - all mark. gically and fell apart because of problems I pounds the turf. practice, and not at all usable for competition. "We played a super ball had with my muscles." Notre Dame always means trouble for MSU. Saturday marks But without company, as often game, except for the last two But this year was different. happens in Though no the marathon, he has to find other things to the 44th match between the two schools and MSU is ahead in the minutes," praised Spartan marathon is enjoyable, Crane said, it had to while away the time. series, 24-19. coach Fred Hartman, whose be better than his first one. Purdue tourney next lor linkmen "I think of the number of miles left, what team was leading, 2 - 1, at one Two women's intramural "I had to beat the course, because it had entry deadlines have been ex papers I have to write and I work out things MSU's men's golf team will compete with 14 other schools in the point. The deadline for the women's IM track meet has been movdB beaten me," he declared. "Now we're I have to teach in my class," Gantz said. Purdue Invitational today in its second taste of Little to 10 a.m. Monday and the deadline for the nine-hole mixed li^ even." regular season things like dropped "But it's difficult to say whether I'd do it tourney action. passes hurt MSU as much as golf tournament is Gantz, who like Crane ran for the Mid now noon, Thursday. - again. I always wonder if I could do better, J ust plain rotten weather has Green fees for the golf tourney are $1.75 for students and 41 kept the MSU men's golf squad off anything. And it is the funda¬ Michigan Track Club, also ran his best race and that makes me do it again," he added. its home course, Forest Akers, for mentals such this which the just about the whole month. spouses, $2 for faculty and staff and their spouses and The linkmen have been practicing this week in Orchard Lake at team must as perfect for its next alumni and their spouses. $2.50^ the Pine Lake golf course. match, against Wittenberg, at 2 The event will be held May 4 at Forest Akers East golico* DILL BACK OUT FRONT MSU at Drake runners By CHARLES JOHNSON intermediate hurdles Relays race pitting world - record holder Jim State News Sports Writer Bolding of the Pacific Coast Club against former record holder - MSU's men's track team, ripe from an Ralph Mann. impressive outdoor debut in last week's Ohio State Relays, is traveling to Des Moines, Iowa, Bolding, whose 48.7 clocking is the world's best, was only beaten this weekend for the Drake Relays. once in 22 races last year, and that was by Mann at the Headed by ace sprinter Marshall Dill, coach Fran Games in Oslo, Norway. A new event standard could King Dittrich's well be set Spartan squad will number about 30 members for the two day - depending on the weather conditions. meet today and Saturday. Providing the competition will be some of the top schools from throughout the Midwest and South and a number of nationally noted individuals. "The competition will be top - notch," Dittrich said. "I'm for it to be 100 per cent better than looking anything we've seen this year." Dittrich was more than pleased with the way his team peformed in Columbus last week where the Spartans took three first places. It would be Dill was accountable for the greatly appreciated if the Athletic Dept. could, only individual top finish for MSU. before spring term is over, announce some sort of The senior from Detroit recorded a 9.3 to procedure on the easily win the 100 - yard purchase of student football tickets for next year's pre - fall term dash. It was Dill's first competition of the year after sitting out the football games — when they can be entire indoor season because of academic purchased, how and MSU's other first - place finishes came in the ineligibility. regulations, if any, such as class standing (hopefully none). distance medley My opinion to is to sell as many tickets as we can to Spartan fans and four mile relays. - and limit the Ohio State bums to 1,500 Jeff Pullen, Fred Teddy, Stan Mavis and seats, exactly what that Herb Lindsay teamed school does at its home field. We don't need up to cop the four - mile win, while Amos Brown, Charles 10,000 nuts like Big Mavis and Lindsay formed the Byrd, Fat Woody who can't keep their mouths shut and accept defeat winning distance medley unit. graciously. Lindsay provided the heroics in both races. I have also heard Dittrich is hoping for better weather in Iowa rumors of the MSU marching band returning than was available at Ohio last week. The OSU meet early. Let's hope so, even if it's only Sept. 13. Yeeeooo! was run under a continuous flow of driving rain and swirling winds. James Forsyth "After seeing us perform so well under bad 1224 Burcham Drive conditions in Ohio, Editor's note: Students can who knows how well we purchase $4 unreserved, general might do in clear weather," Dittrich said. admission seats for both the Ohio The Spartans are also State (Sept. 13) and Miami of strong in the shuttle hurdle relay, where Ohio (Sept. 20) home MSU took second in Ohio, and the 880 games starting the week of May 27. - yard relay. Intermediate (How about you? Do you have hurdlers Howard Neely and Chris Cassleman are other any sports questions, comments, potential criticisms or trivia? Send The point scorers. your letter to the Sports Editor, State One of the feature News, 345 Student Services against nan aiaie ai iv a.m. matchups at Drake is a special 440 Bldg., or bring them to the State Lacrosse Club - yard News editorial office.) secret practice field south of Spartan | _ in their season ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 25, 1975 1 3 levision of criminal code faces first test By New York Times and impose new limits on press access to Government information Critics of the bill charge that this would eliminate code. Washington - a massive and controversial revision of the ■ that have aroused strong opposition. virtually all reporting of activities of the State and Defense Depts. other than A major purpose of the legislation is to replace this 1 criminal Code is approaching its first test in Congress, Among the press limits are a provision that would patchwork collection of offenses, defenses and punishments with subject a official public positions of those I powerful coalition of sponsors determined to push the reporter to a fine up to $100,000 and a seven agencies. an^rdered, logical and uniform statute. year jail sentence in FI./legislation through before the 1976 election, • In the process, however,Senate staff lawyers worked into the peacetime for making unclassified "national The chief backer of the measure, Sen. John L defense information" McClellan, D - text a number of new provisions, some of them revisions of he 750 P»&e biU more than four ye&rs in the drafting, would public if he knows that information Ark., has assembled a list of co sponsors that includes both "may be used to the prejudice party Jt»te capital punishment, expand federal criminal jurisdiction, - of the safety or interest of the United States or to the floor leaders, Senators Mike Mansfield, D - existing law, others, interpretations of court decisions, and still advantage of Mont., and Hugh Scott, [rite the law in such sensitive areas as insanity and obscenity a foreign power." R Pa., conservatives like Senators James O. - Eastland, D - Miss., others, fresh attempts to deal with events like the publicaiton of the Pentagon papers. and Roman L. Hruska, R - Neb., and liberals like Senators Birch As a result, if the proposed code were adopted, it would do the Bayh, D - Ind., and Frank E. Moss, D - Utah. following: The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Criminal Laws shopkeepers •Reverse the 1972 decision of the Supreme Court abolishing wsing held perfunctory final hearings on the bill two days last week, and the capital punishment by reinstating the death penalty for the full committee, prodded Federal crimes of treason, sabotage, espionage and murder under by McClellan, is expected to process the new code in time to reach the certain circumstances, with a special second trial on Senate floor by July. imposition of the sentence. Even before the Senate acta, a House Judiciary Subcommittee If •Revise the defense of insanity so that defendants who raised it illegally handling plans to begin its hearings. This timetabb, unusually condensed by Congressional standards, is regarded as necessary if the code is to have any next year. chance of enactment before the legislators adjourn successfully would be found guilty and then institutionalized rather than found innocent and committed to a mental hospital. •Redefine obscenity, using the 1973 Supreme Court ruling as a base, to ban "patently offensive" sexual material, both generally Apart from numerous controversial features, the McClellan bill Iralphframmolino ■ periodically check second-hand The shop must fill out a campus and Lansing police. is so long and complicated that accepted and deviant, but exempting any book, magazine or lte News Staff Writer stores and pawn shops for "pawn slip." This numbered slip getting an agreed version through motion picture with "serious artistic, scientific, literary or political "The purpose of the statute is both houses in 16 months presents a formidable a men will face trial on stolen goods, spotted an Alaron has one side for the seller's practical problem value." to prevent for its sponsors. The fact that so many members are es of improperly identify- 4-track cassette tape deck that name, address, age, employer, the receiving and lawyers given •Establish a new category of "national defense information" to fly - specking is not likely to speed the process. Isecond-hand merchandise, was taken in a campus theft. and time the merchandise is selling of stolen property by the about military strength, weapons and intelligence that carries no Federal criminal laws have never been codified but have shops," said Lawrence Emery, simply I result of work by campus They checked and found that the legal registration pro¬ presented. The other side is for Ingham County asst. prosecu¬ accumulated over nearly 200 years as Congress added them to the security classification and make it a felony to disclose such imformation to "a person not authorized to receive it." recording any identifying cedures were not followed. tor. Emery, who is the head of er Wilcox, Dale Wilcox number and aspect of item. The Detective Bruce Behrmann the appellate and consumer I Roger Michschl of the shop must also take a thumb¬ of the Lansing Police Dept. said prosecution divisions, said that |ox Second Hand Store, 509 print of the seller on the slip. he went to court that every shop dealing in similar Michigan Ave., have been The store also is required to on Igned on charges of failing second-hand items must take enter the number of the "pawn charges early last year and got several steps after getting each a conviction one count. Lke. a thumbprint from slip" and any information about on tone selling second-hand piece of used merchandise. the merchandise in a store The men face trial in the khandise, failing to forward book. The last step is to Lansing District Court 54 A. A Vmation about the mer- forward the information to the trial date has not been set Jdise to the Lansing and _ What's On Tonight/. bus police and failing to fCheck the StateNews \ Mr merchandise information JV ■store book. p three men pled not guilty. Listing The charges came about after s police officers, who LANE 349-2698 APARTMENTS IMPERIAL GARDEN ' & of China. Alto Polyn«hm drlftki fOWNBOUSES Special Luncheon $1.75 (Mon.thurFrl.) Family Dinner (4 course) For Two $9.00 (each additional dinner $4.50) •Carry out • Parties Welcomed •Luncheon Cocktails OknnottxHOffl-W FOXHOLE PX- 26* « in FRANDOR BIB OVERALLS $12.99 PAINTERS PANTS springer $8.49 NAVY JEANS $8.99 mountain WRANGLER JEANS ^ from $7.49 Sunday AVIATOR SUN old buck review ^ ; GLASSES , This is the season for handsprings on grassy hillsides. And for Tech Hifi's 23?) JUNGLE annual clearance sale. these hifi discounts can! If anything could put you in the mood for handsprings, 1 BOOTS $16.99 ►224 Abbott < FOXHOLE PX OPEN 7 DATS 351 - 5323 ^hepards... Hewlett-Packard Calculators Meet Us Under The Parachute For. . . "A Walk O Cambridge Audio 1500 receiver, KLH 31 KLH Kenwood 2400 receiver. KLH 102 loud- loudspeakers, and a Glenburn 2110A turn¬ C(uuu___ speakers and a BSR 2310X turntable for table for J239 list price $389!! H $385 list price $560!! SALE LIST Pioneer QX 646 quad-receiver S299 $500 KLH 102 loudspeakers (pair) $160 $210 Integral Systems 10 and 200 amp and pre-amp $450 $650 Superscope QA 420 amp $89 $170 Koss Pro 4AA headphones (limited $31 quanitity) $60 KLH 31 loudspeakers (pair) $75 $110 Hp-21 Now in Stock at: AMtWCMP tech hifi) S-8-S- 42' E. Cd. River U1-4210 We Quality Components at tt)« Right Price 122 East Washington St., Ann Arbor/619 East Grand River Ave., East Lansing/ 430 North 14815 West 8 Mile Rd., Detroit/20715 Kelly Rd.. East Detroit/4526 North Woodward Ave., 125 Main St.. Rochester/12765 Eureka, Southgate Telegraph Rd., Dearborn Royal Oak Across from Qlin 14 MichiganStateNe^ lAprilgJ ( storage problems. Classified! Ads are the answer te year 3-425 Call today ler results temerrewl Automotive A Motorcycles ]I#b] FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank for«e"t Jtl LjUrtMils S Iprfcits J clajsified^ ads CHEVROLET IMPALA, 1966, V8, PARKING SPACE, musical instru¬ Set CYCLE INSURANCE. Lowest PINE LAKE APARTMENTS excellent running condition, Call ONE rates on any size cycle, easy pay ments, garden plots, whatever - HASLETT BEDROOM, after 9 pm. 349-2458, $150. 3-4-28 you don't have to sell, rent itl Short on Cash? Maybe we can Unfurnished, except & reso ts y DATSUN 1974. B-210 Hatchback. plan. Call us UNION UNDERWRITERS. first or last but call. 485- Place your ad with Ann, dial work something out. One bed¬ refrigerator, acrossfromj PHONE 355-8255 30 mpg, automatic, radio, radials. 4317 or 393-8100. 0-8-4-30 355^255^ P-5-30 • room apartments with shag car¬ peting, drapes and appliances. Reasonable. Phone ^ $2850. 393-9529 after 5pm. 3-4-25 TV AND Stereo Rentals. $25/ 347 Student Services Bldg. KAWASAKI 1969 Mach III. 500 $150 per month plus utilities. 10 term. $10.95/month. Free SUBLET SUMMER AUTOMOTIVE DELTA 88 Convertible 1973. Air, cc. 6,000 miles. Excellent shape. day delivery and service. same Call minutes from MSU. Located at furnished, air, k J| 71. $600. 489-6107. 5-4-25 6076 Marsh Road, just north of Scooters & Cycles excellent condition, many extras. Must sell. 351-0396. 5-4-29 NEJACJ37J010. _C-4-30_ Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager campus^ $150. 332-j^l Parts & Service HONDA CL350 1969, completely GARDEN PLOTS for rent-tt acre 339-8192 or EAST LANSING Aviation 2- Service Stamped self-addressed Maceden Int'l, Box 864, St. envelope. Joseph, ton. 3-4-29 Milford Street. Cheap! 332-8583. 5-4-28 SPACIOUS FURNISHED studio room, carpeted, furnished, if up MASON BODY SHOPTlB12 East Mo. 64502 paid, $140. 627-9824,48T The State News will be Ziebart. $1800. 484-5248 after MODELS FOR Photography and apartments. Across from campus. 5-4-30 five. 5-4-25 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. HULL APARTMENTS. Air conditioned, quiet. Summer or responsible only for the first MARRIED COUPLE preferred to Escorts. EXECUTIVE ART Summer Complete auto painting and colli¬ sublease, fall option. One bed¬ fall leases. 351-1258 between 10 days incorrect insertion. supervise as houseparents for STUDIOS, 489-1215 between VEGA 1972. No trouble. Stu¬ sion service. American and room, $165. 337-2782 after 12. a.m.-7 p.m. 10-4-29 eight moderately retarded men. 10am-6pm. 0-4-30 dent needs tuition. Car going very Foreign cars. $<*5-0256 C-4-30 Room, board, and salary provided. 5-4-30 Bills are due 7 days from the cheap! Asking $900. Will Rewarding work. Please contact EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER for 8x35 MOBILE Home near ad expiration date. If not paid negotiate. After 9pm, Rob, AMERICAN, GERMAN and Kim Braman infant. References required. SUMMER SUBLET, 1 room in 2 campus, or Irma Zuckerberg, furnished, $110/month. Call by the due date, a 50d late 339-3221. 5-4-29 FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. bedroom apartment. Haslett and Joe, 487-6500. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays. 8 353-4629, days. 3-4-25 service charge will be due. 20% DISCOUNT to students and Hagadorn, $60 a month. 337-0400 _ am - noon, in my home. Begin VW BUS 1973. Low mileage, faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW STUDENT MANAGER wanted, 5-4-30 approximately 5-1-75, 351-6317. radio, 8-track stereo. Sacrifice for service parts. IMPORT AUTO MSU football team, contact Paul 4-4-25 VALLEY FORCE $3400. 694-8821. 5-4-29 PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and Weller, stadium press entrance, Automotive ** Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. 1:30 pm to 3 pm.' Thursday or B - 8 LANDSCAPING is now NOW LEASING APARTMENTS VW 1969, automatic, good condi¬ Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- Friday. Volunteer work. 2-4-25 offering job opportunities to quali¬ BRAND NEW SELLING your automobile? Call tion, just painted, $700. Call card. C-22-4-30 PART TIME employment for MSU fied person to perform land¬ WHITEHALL ONE BEDROOM 337-7634. 10-5-2 $154 mo. (on* person) Vicki to help you write your ad. students. 12 - 20 hours per week. scaping and painting duties. Must MANOR Dial 355-8255. P-5-30 1968 RANDY'S RENT-A-BAV Automobile required. have own transportation. Call $159 mo. (two parsons) VW, rebuilt engine, new 351-5800, 487-6730. 5-4-28 brakes, good transportation. $600 $3.00/hr. Rental 9 a.m.-1 p.m. C-3-4-24 •1-2 bedroom apts. TWO BEDROOM AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Only you can save $$$. It pays to or best offer. 355-6013 after 5 Includes Us* Of; DON'T SIGN A LEASE •Heated swimming pool $179 mo. (on* person) p.m. 34-29 lub* fquipmont-OII Droliwr •Carports $184 mo. (two p*rsons) shop around. Call us. You may be Filtor Wrench-Oil Spout UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN •Community bldg. (summar rot.. 120 month lass) surprised. 484-1414. 0-1-4-25 [ Motorcycles "fe Lifts-Work fetich-Vis* Tire Tool-Tire Machinoi •Quiet surroundings Latest in appliances, carpet¬ ♦dishwasher ♦shag carpeting ■ AUSTIN AMERICA 1969, Zeibart, Michelins. Good mileage. $750. NOW'S THE time to find a buyer Parti Woshar-Vocuum Cloanor Rapolr Manuals-Parts look, Etc. 731 MARIGOLD APARTMENTS •Rentals from $165.00 ing, security and fire safety equipment. Excellent loca¬ ♦unlimited ptrloifl ♦Plush furniture ■ for your motorcycle. State News NOW ACCEPTING AP¬ tion East Lansing on bus line APARTMENTS - 694-1745. 5-4-25 $1.00/hr. Charge For ♦Model QpenDii™ Classified. 355-8255, Randy. Hand Tools 911 Marigold PLICATIONS FOR GRAD¬ near shopping, 5 mins. to BONNEVILLE 1967, reasonable P-5-30___ *Clo>o to Campus UATE AND MEDICAL campus. 2345 North Harrison Rd. call 351:8282 shane, to drive or for parts. $100 or best offer. 353-1266. 3-4-28 1973 SUZUKI TC100. Mint condi¬ "Air Conditioned 1190/M0NTH STUDENTS. 1031 W. lake (Avail. Sopt.) laming Rd. (Avail. Juni tion, 160 miles. 8-speed trans¬ Sy Appointment only: 332-1314 (behind Old World BUICK LESABRE, 1971. Air mission. call 393-5952. 5-4-28 •12 Month leaiet OKEMOS 332 2759 or 332 4131 ontherivrl) I conditioning, vinyl top. Low MOTORCYCLE RANDY'S MOBIL •Large One Bedroom Apartment Sarlous Students or Working INSURANCE. Okemos Rd. at 1-96, —mm mileage. $1500 or best offer. Nell, Lowest rates on cycle insurance. •Shag Carpeting 'SWIMMING POOL •Appliances t Air Conditioning 37379^8^ 9-5_pm_ 5-4-28 Any size. FEIDLER INSURANCE. 349-9620 •Heat ( Water Included P A CB CAUFORNIA VW Bus 1961. No 676-2449. J3-1-4-25 REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines Now Leasing CROSSWORD BIH aRAj rust, new engine, completely up¬ Summer and Fall FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 330 i'i| holstered and insulated. Many CYCLE INSURANCE, call for low rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING our guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ change. Free towing available- 337-7328 ALL STATE MGMT. PUZZLE 33 ■Dp spares, $700. 694-1745. 5-4-25 Summer-$50per person 241 EAST SAGINAW ACROSS 484-1414 or 339-9535. 0-13-4-30 local areas. Installation as low as $35. Check our repair prices and Fall $75per person Summer Rent 31. Blanched J EAST LANSING 1. Mammal Discount for 12mo. Lease 32. Citizen of: mm HONDA CL-701970. Great shape. REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO $130/Month 7. Cavalry sword suffix sum aaais CHEVY 1963 Impala. Automatic, Low mileage. Two helmets. PARTS, 500 East kalamazoo and Cedar. 351-7212 12. Salad plant 33. Dried orchid a m Q!_ 485-2047, 485-9229. 731 Burcham Drive 13. Cottonwood tuber runs good! $100. 332-4437. Bumper cycle carriers. 332-2210, □ 3lXJS| Mastercharge and Bank Ameri¬ Modols opon 1-6 Mon. Fri .il a.m.. 14. Doubletree 35. Herb eve —Ctopcfemgflam— after 6 pm 7 S 5-4-28 D-4-28 can. C-22-4-30 Othor timet by appointment 15. Cocoa brown 37. "Our-Sal" ■jfAjC 16. Little child 38. Corroded in ■£ KlE 17. Dalmatian 41. MAKE ALL THOSE ANNOYING NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER 19. Japanese coin Drupelets 43.Inferior race 20. Up to the horse BILLS DISAPPEAR AND FALL time that 45. Choose 1. Second 22. Spread out GREENS 46. Meadow 2. New star 24. Rich fur 3. Provoked to saxifrage 27. Having a THIS SUMMER 4620 Hagadorn Rd. 47. Ancient anger nouj LEASinG FOR SUmmER and FALL large nose Asiatic people 4. Human race at 29. Check SPECIAL SUmmER RATES (North of Mt. Hopo) 48. Blissful 5. Antiquity 2 3 * r- 6 8 9 >0 BURCHAM start at •Luxury apartments completely furnished with distinctive 12 15 WOODS Spanish Mediterranean furniture and shag carpeting throughout. % 7B8SZsAPAKTm>m ONE BEDROOM •Each unit has dishwasher, garbage disposal, central air conditioning and heating. 'H 1 Make apartment living UNITS •Utilities paid except electric. 1* 11 a i 25.P« Si month! information $53.75/mo. par man—Summer 32 4J % SUMMER RATES $72.50/mo. per man—Fall % % %% One Bedroom $154 351-8631 $65.00/mo. per man—Special 12 mo. rata. % "H 36 HI if % w K Call 351-7166 Two Bedroom $174 1135 Mkhisan Ave Right next to the % r ' arising, ML Brody Complex managed by 1 M6 745 Burcham Dr. 351-3118 or 484-4014 Can call lob Hall or Ton at Ml -MJ1 All State Management Co., Inc. 1 «r I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 25, 1975 1 5 ]® Hoyses )(jj£j Houses ][£] For Silt ( f»r Sale For Sale list t r«rt IfQ] 3-429 LRD STREET, 126. Two or THE SUMMER rush is onl Got a SUBLET SUMMER; three person Iman next to Larry's Shoprite house to rent? Let people know REALISTIC TURNTABLE and 2 MOVING SALE - entire contents W - house; five blocks campus; rent MIRIMBA - KOSTH model 30. LOST: IRISH Setter puppy. Z bedroom, furnished, air. Advertise itl Call Ann at 356-8255. speakers. $50 or best offer. of 8 room house, antiques, Full 3 octaves, excellent condition. Reward $50. Missing AprH 21 negotiable; 332-6911 evenings. J| fall. 12 month, $207. . P-5-30 5*4-25 351-2506, Roger. E-5-4-25 appliances, Saturday April 26 10 am 5:30 pm 325 Chesterfield $350.00 351-6312 after 6pm and from 16944 Marsh Road. Answers ** x-7-5-1 — — — — - to "Salie." Please call 339-3235. CHEAP 2 Sundays. 3-4-25 bedroom duplex. ONE BEDROOM and efficiency, BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. Parkway, East Lansing. 2-4-25 3-4-25 caSE ONE bedroom apart- Sublet summer only. 923 Ann. one block from French built light weight touring RUMMAGE SALE-Saturday 26th, campus, furnished F furnished, close/campus. Call 332-1456. 3-4-29 12 month lease, 6-7 pm Monday - bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. FARFISA ORGAN and epiphone 1201 E University Village, bikes, LOST: MEN'S SILVER wire- inth. Available June. Friday, 351-1177 or 351-6088. Save on top quality handmade amplifier. Good shape, great baby carriage plus more! 1-4-25 framed glasses. Near McDonel I ' 5.4-28 SHARP HOME close, 2 bedroom, 5-4-25 bikes. 645-2127. C-5-4-25 sound. Steve, 332-8870. 3-4-28 Hall. Call 355-0910. 5-4-29 family room, married couple pre- _ PHASE LINEAR 400 amp $385, LrEDROOM and 1 bedroom 12 372-0992, Monday - ferred. $195 372-5483. 3-4-29 plus utilities. SUMMER, 6 bedrooms, $520. Screened in porch, garage, close, - GOOD SELECTION of car tape decks, hundreds of 8 track and CAR-LOU'S STORE at the Old World Mall. Genuine, priced sensibly Phase Linear 4000 preamp $450, Teac 33405 $800, Sony 203SD [ Persona! / Announcements for It's What's L before 4:30. W-30 516 Grove. 337-1164. 5-4-30 cassette tapes. Mag wheels, and turquoise jewelry. Front loading cassette deck, $295, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY get's Happening must be received in the 6 BEDROOM house, funished, 562 tires, many sets of golf clubs, lots Complete line of muskets in the attention! Box in your ads. For State News office, 341 Student Soundcraftsman 2012 equalizer r"FEMALE roommates for Virginia, close to MSU, of spring sporting and camping finished and kit form. Muzzle $190, OHM F's $625, Heathkit better results advertise now! Sue, Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least starting SUMMER, SUBLEASE, 5 bed¬ ■Summer option. Americana June. 351-6758. 5-5-1 rooms open on Harrison across goods, quality stereo components loading accessories. Bicentennial Audio Oscilloscope AD1013 $190. 355-8255. P-5-30 two days before publication. No ■ belt buckles, bicentennial memor¬ ,nts Good location. from campus. Call 337-0342. and great selection of LP's, in very All boxes and warrantee cards. announcements will be accepted i 5-4-30 FOREST GREEN Subdivision, good shape. We have a stereo abilia. Finest leather hats, belts 5-4-30 Nothing is more than six months THOMAS L.BIISHiLL by phone. near Perry, new colonial duplex, and television service center for and accessories. Everything old. 351-8102. 3-4-29 KiLLCREST-large sized one on ha'< acre wooded lot, 3 LANDLORDS, WE have qualified any of your electronic repair reasonably priced. Visit usl 5-4-30 Singles Support Group will wo bedrooms, brightly fur- bedrooms, fully carpeted, 1 tenants in need of 3-6 bedroom needs. Come on down to DICKER GARAGE SALE: Saturday, 10-5, MEMORIAL meet at 7 to 9 p.m. Monday night ft DEAL, 1701 South Cedar. TWO TICKETS for the a Nice building, wide lawns, baths, garage, basement, stove, vacancies in the East Lansing area. opera 327 Chesterfield Parkway, East 3:30 PM Friday, April 25 in United Ministries Lounge, 1118 a MSU. Air conditioned, refrigerator, disposal, dishwasher, 394-0683,9-9. THE APARTMENT 487-3886. C-5-4-25 Pagliacci in Masonic Auditorium, Lansing. Desk, variety, cheap. S. Harrison Road. Interpersonal Detroit, May 2. MSU Memorial Chapel dsher cable TV, all appli- $240 per month. 1 month security SELECTOR. 0-4-4-25 $7.00 each, 1-4-25 relations and personal growth ! Summer, fair leases. Call deposit required. 1 year lease. Call GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of originally $11 each. 353-6831. Colleagues, Friends and issues are stressed. 14-25 351-9457 after 5. 5-5-1 MT. HOPE near, duplex. One all kinds, buy, trade and sell. 2-4-25 BANG AND Olufsen 4000 four Students are Invited bedroom. New carpet. $175 BEST year 'round price in South¬ speaker ambiance system, one MSU GO CLUB: meetings from IrTMENT MANAGERS SUBLEASE HOUSE for summer, includes all utilities. Deposit. ern Michigan. BOB'S GUN BANANA TREES for sale. Must year old. 351-9126. B1-1-4-25 Remembrances To 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday in C101 E. l«nt couple, 12 units, nice verY n'ce, 4 blocks from campus, Phone 371-3412. 5-4-25 SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. see to believe. Beautiful leaves. Michigan State University Holmes Hall, and from 8:30 to 11 ■ 3 blocks MSU. June or 1542 Snyder. Call 351-2506. NEED ROOMMATE. Own room in 371-2244. 02-4-28 $30. 332-5095. E-5-4-29 KLH-50 Tuner, $100. Garard 6300 Development Fund p.m. on Monday in 30 Union. iber. Write Box 42, East 10-5-8 turntable, $30. Condition good. 6 in the name of the spacious two bedroom carpeted ACCESSORIES, COMPLETE sel¬ NIKON FTn photomic with F36 months old. Offers accepted, Thomas Bushell Library Fund The MSU Tolkien Fellowship 'ill'--- PRIVATE ROOMS in luxurious house. Huge yard, garage rec- ection for audio, guitars and band motordrive. $475. 80-240mm 353-4752 or 394-0561. 3-4-29 will appraise last weekend's re- L LEASING for fall-Colonial house. Fireplace and many extras, room. Suburb location, right off instruments with 9 full line sheet macro-zoom. $250. 20mm Nikkor RECYCLED CLOTHING - Denim enactment of the fall of Numenor, _k 126 Orchard, ■ apartments. Call 337-1800. 2, 3, and 4 on bus line, prefer females. Rent neotiable. 487-3525. 4-4-30 Grand River. Call 393-6010. 5-4-29 music department to serve your every music need. MARSHALL $225. 135mm Nikkor $200. 43-86mm Nikkor zoom $200. [ Mails ir,S jackets, jeans, bib overhalls. SIM¬ PLE PLEASURES, 129 East Grand from 8 til past midnight tonight in the West Holmes Hall lower 1410 NORTH Chestnut. Three MUSIC, 245 Ann Street. C-1-4-25 351-6326. 4-4-25 TO MAKE sure your pet finds a River. 351-3100. 10-5-6 lounge. 2 BEDROOMS, unfurnished, gar- bedroom, good home, place dining room, newly an ad with Iale ROOMMATE wanted to a9<», nice location, $175/month .redecorated and carpeted. Well UNMATCHED TIRES, size 695-14, EXACTA VX-1000 system? ~ 2 Elaine, 355-8255. P-5-30 BOARD EXAM TUTORING The Russian and East European nice two bedroom house. P'us utilities. Call John, 351-5266 furnished. $150 for summer. 1 excellent, 1 good, both for $18. bodies, 5 lenses, 4 viewers, cases. STANLEY H. KAPLAN studies program and the Dept. of Phone 332-3305 after 6pm. 3-4-25 GERMAN SHEPHERD Zh. 489-4680. B-1-4-25 ^^7-7144. 3-4-29 372-3172, before 8am, after 11 am. 332-6265. E-5-5-1 AKC, shots, wormed, large males, pups, TUTORING COURSES Now being formed for the up¬ Art will sponsor a public lecture on "Political Iconography in Ottoman NEED 2 WOMEN for BAMBOO MATCHSTICK blinds. $100. Female, 2 years, $50. Art" by Piotr Skubiszewski, holder great house, V.M. Stereo with 8-track and coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, SHARE room, next to SHARE HOUSE summer own All sizes. 517-531-3816. 3-4-29 ■ excellent location, June-June, turntable, 2 years old, $65. Windows, doorways, ATGSB, GRE Board Exam. For of the chair of the history of room. Close to campus on bus Sale $7-16. js, cost now until June $185. 332-1914, 351-7470-Sue or Linda' 355-6055. 3-4-29 SIMPLE PLEA¬ information call 1-313-354-0085. medieval art at the University of I. 3-4-29 5-5-1 route. $70 plus utilities. 353-1253. SURES, 129 East Grand River, AFGHAN, BLACK, female, 2 years 0-2-4-28 Warsaw and currently visiting 4-4-25 downstairs. 10-5-6 old, good temperment, needs professor at the University of PIONEER TURNTABLE with GARDEN Shure M91ED cartridge. good home. 332-2734. 5-4-30 Petitioning is Open for all Kansas. Monday at 3:30 p.m. in I BEDROOM (small). Very COTTAGES-Cozy 1 MALE ROOM until June 15, Other ENCYCLOPEDIA bedroom building. Wide lawns. - components available. Brian, BRITANNICA, ASMSU Cabinet Directors, the Gallery of Kresge Art Center. Jte, completely furnished, air Ktioned, wall-wall plush car- Newly furnished. 4 blocks MSU. Leases now, June, September. $55/month (or fraction) & utilities. Option for summer. 355-5383,355-5382. 3-4-27 dictionary, atlas, bible, edition. Hasn't been used. $400 1974 [ Mobile Homes J[«*J Standing Committees and other ASMSU appointed posi¬ Learn the truth about bussing in Kg, dark wood" paneling, near Evenings 337-7111. 1-4-25 5-4-28 FQRffLLQFmm ""'"16. 5-4-25 TO PLACE your ad to sell or rent tions. Petitions are available in Boston. The Student Coalition $100 spring, $90 sum- PINBALL MACHINE for sale. your mobile home in the State 334 Student Services. Dead¬ Against Racism has a literature s utilities. 332-3970 leave DUPLEX FOR rent-3 bedrooms, BURCHAM 1366, 2 bedroom CYCLIRG REEDS! News Classified ads, call Vicki, line May 8. and information table in the Union 1-4-25 Soccer. $150 or best offer. j. furnished Summer. Off Beech duplex, garage, $175 not including lobby every Thursday, 11 a.m. utilities. 332-3161. 4-4-25 371-2829, 6-8 pm. 5-4-28 REMEMBER THE flood with 2:30 p.m. and Fridays from 11 a.m. - Street. Clean. 669-9939. 10-5-6 IME ROOMMATE needed for TEXAS INSTRUMENT pictures. Bring your film to to 3 p.m. Sign up to go to Boston jr, 'A term only. Call after 6 TWO MATURE women, teacher t NORTH FOSTER, three bedrooms SR-10 NEW MOON, 1969, 12x55, two GULLIVER STATE DRUG. (1 on May 17. garage, garden spot. $240 plus calculator, v $QlO\ adapter. $30. bedroom. block east of Bogue,) |337-7121. 5-5-1 and dietician, on campus for utilities, deposit. 371-3412. 5-4-25 Call 487-OouO, after 5 pm Excellent condition. finish. Daily pick up and for silk graduate work, June 14-August May be left on country lot. $3900. delivery. Some gay men have already E-5-4-28 663-4756. 5-4-30 CONSIDERATE female 31. Will care for professor's home HOUSEMATES FOR 3 rooms in 5 OJ-4-25 volunteered to help with the I, $65/month. Close to in exchange for rent. Will bedroom WERLITZER ELECTRONIC piano, GARDEN PL0TS-25x50, 1 mile childcare for the Lesbian Confer¬ Call 351-0996 between house, will rent 1972 AMERICAN, 2 bedrooms, ence this weekend. We need negotiate. Excellent references. $250. Bass amp, 4-10" speakers east of Meridian Mall, $11. Phone n. 3-4-29 Call Kay, 1-313-653-2559, or leave separately, male or female. $85 a month. 575 Spartan. 351-9096. Velocipede Peddler $100. Conn Trombone, $100. new carpeting, appliances, shirt¬ 351-4676 or 371-3033. B-1-4-25 more help. Call the GLM office to 541E Grand River 3517240 ing, shed. Wooden porch. volunteer. your number. B-3-4-25 5-4-28 355-5940. 2-4-28 MER APARTMENT, dose to 694-3797. 3-4-29 i, 135 Kedzie, air condi- d, furnished, call 332-1414. 138 REGENT, sublease summer, three bedroom house, furnished, Rooms WOMEN'S GOLF shoes. 6Mi. Hush puppies, like newl Size PIANO - GRINNELL'S Console excellent condition, $400. Phone HOMETTE 1968, 12x55, many extras, excellent condition. Peamrts Personal 4A N. Case Freedom j[fl|] Master Kiteman, Dinesh Baha¬ dur, from San Francisco will be $240/month. Call 489-3957 after 6 351-6312 after 6pm and Fighters demonstrating the art of making pm. 3-4-28 GOT AN empty room to rent. Call $12.50. 351-5051. E-5-4-30 3-4-25 Sundays. Stonegate, $3,520. 393-4628 or Support the anti-coup. First and flying the silver dragon kites. the Classified Department to 372-5772. 3-4-29 Thieu, now Skolnik, Smash the advertise it. Ask for Lisa at Sunday at te Tel-Twelve Mall in I SUBLET, modern 1 TO SHARE furnished house on PINBALL MACHINE. $50 or best NEW TEAC 2300-S tape Coup d'etat! 1-4-25 Southfield. offer. Needs deck. 1973 VEMCRAFT, 12x68 with om, air conditioned, close to Lake, 20 minutes from East 355^55^-6:30 repairs. 351-8454. Solenoid operation, still in carton, expando, 2 bedroom. Large lot 50. 355-7719. 5-5-1 Lansing, 3 bedrooms, sunporch, SUMMER DOUBLES. Furnished, E-5-4-30 must sell due to divorce pro¬ with garage near Webberville. Real Estate imor.iwHoni>ij«i«) boat, beach, $100 plus utilities, utilities paid, kitchen, TV, lounge, ceedings. Call 655-2066 after 6 Must sell. Phone 521-4056, RALEIGH WOMEN'S 3 speed, h. Large, furnished, cable TV available, $100 deposit. Call 351 -0257 after 2 pm. Ask for Dan. 3-4-28 parking, very close. $55/and up. lugged frame, new brake blocks, very good condition, $80. 353- pm 5-4-25 Cash for evenings. 7-5-1 NEW MOON NEW - 4 bedroom year 'round home and small cottage at Higgins Lake. Completely furnished. 5»iii SeniceH > , 1966 10'x50'. IRENE ORR ROOMS FROM $16 per week, 5605. 3-4-28 House 1 V& blocks from lake. - Theses, Term papers rea. Phone 351-6168, 2 BEDROOM RANCH, Full base¬ utilities included, parking avail¬ STAMPS & COINS Carpeted, shed, air conditioning. general typing. Formerly with Ann ment, 2 car garage, up to 4 Excellent condition. Call 485-3950. $25,000 or best offer. 372-9371. |6p.m. 5-5-1 able, one block from campus, 215 C.ITOH WOMEN'S 3 speed, Buy-Sell -Trade Brown. Call482-7487. C-4-30 students. $260/month plus Louis Street, 351-4495. 11-4-25 excellent condition, full line of supplies 5-4-28 ^4-28 _ TRY LIVING. Need 1 for utilities. 394-0300. 5-4-30 never been used, $50. 339-8998. E-5-4-30 VIID-MICHIGAN STAMP £r COIN PERRY-3 bedroom, 154 bath UNIGRAPHICS offers COM¬ apartment, partially 15-20 minutes to FACULTY ON sabbatical, next to Okemos schools, 4 bedroom, all ROOM IN great summer. house available Close, rent negotiable. FRAMES: OLD cracked or 1880 Haslett Rd. 332-4300 Jost & Found ][Qt] ranch, family room, 2 car garage, in the country. Call 625-7766. PLETE DISSERTATION and re¬ sume service. IBM typing, editing lus. $87.50, 372-9789. 6-5-2 LOST SOMETHING Valuable? 10-5-8 Fun-loving females. 355-1930. broken? offset printing and brick ranch with all built - ins, low Replacements at low MEDALLION CAR, 8-track, slide Call Elaine at 355-8255 to place binding. We 3-4-25 cost OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2615 encourage comparative shopping. rent in controls, selector, fast forward, | l,® - exchange for good care. your lost ad. P-5-30 ^ER APARTMENTS. furnished or unfur- 1 or 2 34.9-3813. R-4-W SUMMER. PRIVATE, cooking East Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. C-5-4-25 repeat buttons, light. 2 speakers. Recreation For estimate, stop in at 2843 East facilities. Block from Berkey. $75, will negotiate. 355-5967. LOST-GOLD necklace. Engraved Grand River or phone 332-8414. air conditioned, pool, LARGE FURNISHED house. EUROPE CHARTERS, Toronto to , $75/4 weeks. Showings: 12:30 - 3-4-25 with initials R.M.B. 13-4-30 ■TV, BEAUTIFUL RICKEN Backer Has great London, Amsterdam from 339, summer from $140, fall Summer, one block from campus. 2:30 pm, 5-6 pm, Monday - Friday, sentimental value. Own room. $80. 351-3148. 3-4-25 hollow body Please call Youth Fairs, rail passes. TRAVEL |$195. North Pointe Apart- 505 Albert H 7. 5-4-28 electric guitar/case. CLOSING SALE at THE DAY 882-0170. 1-4-25 1,1240 BY HARRINGTON, 351-8800. Haslett Road, Apart- Cheap! $250. 355-1544. 4-4-25 BEFORE FOREVER. TYPING, EXPERIENCED. 1-B. Many un¬ C-5-4-25 Fast Days, 351-7910. ROOM IN house. Lake Lansing MEN, PARKING, kitchen, close, usual items. LOST: GLASSES, black case, and reasonable. Quality antique 371-4635. C-4-30 "~i, after 6pm, 351-1925. Road and Abbott area. 351-4176. 5-4-30 $48. 4 rooms, $65, 2-$70, $75, 482-8932 Ben 332-6497. 5-4-30 I GYPSY WAGON J clothing, furniture, jewelry, in¬ cense, and plants. Open 11-7 at tortoise shell aviator rims. Sally, 337-7953. 2-4-28 Call |~~ Service EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ IENT APARTMENTS-9-12 DUPLEX - FIVE minutes to SUMMER, LARGE single, man, | ANTIQUES ! 254 West Grand River (next Arbys). 3-4-25 to LOST: BLONDE German FOR THE BEST Service on Stereo sertations (pica - elite). FAYANN, I1 'eases, Four man from campus - extra large three bed¬ two blocks campus. Quiet, clean, | New Location - 210 Abbott | Shepherd mix, answers to "Foxy" Equipment see the STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. C-4-30 I, close Large, furnished, to room, 1V4 baths, spacious kitchen phone. $50. 332-8498. 1-4-25 J I £. Lansing (over Crossroads j Imports) Great selection of ' FM 8-track stereo for car. In¬ Please call 337-0088. 4-4-25 C-4-30 ANN BROWN typing and multi- k east campus. .with all appliances and redwood cludes speakers, lock mount. lith offset printing. Complete ser¬ parking. No non-refund- deck, family room with glass walls MEN: 2 room suite; available now antique clothes for spring, | Bud, 355-9015. 3-4-25 FOUND: SILVER - Gold trim vice for dissertations, theses, PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, harges. Phone 351-6168, ~i. 5-5-1 and patio, private garage and large (others available June 15), car¬ | jewelry, pottery, collectables. ' Parker Pen. Engraved T.C.CH.L. finest quality, - resonably priced. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. yard. $295/month. Call Tom peted, clean, quiet, free parking, 3 SPEED bike. Womens. Ask¬ International Building. Identify. 25 year's experience. 349-0850. | BEDROOMS. option. Sublet Great Brooks, 669-3834 5-4-30 or 694-2167. $90/per month. All utilities included. Good set-up. Call Sue 351-0473 before 8 p.m. 5-5-1 | 11-5 Tuesday - Saturday RUMMAGE SALE. Saturday 9 am J ing $25. 4810. E-5-4-29 Good condition. 355- 645-2278. C-3-4-25 FOUND: MALE Gold class ring BOYNTON 482-5712. C-4-30 B B PHOTOGRAPHY. C-4-30 THESES, RESUMES, typing and - Abbott Road, $190. COZY FURNISHED 2 person flat. - LANDSCAPING - 5 pm. Sunday 1-5 pm. Spartan 190cm FISHER C-4 skiis. Look near Vakely Hall. Call 489-8660. SPRING SPECIAL printing. Reasonable prices. W. 2-4-25 Sun deck, MSU one mile. Sublet 2 ROOMS-House, 735 North C-3-4-25 Village School. 2-4-25 Nevada bindings, season old. A free applicator of fertilizer and COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 351- summer, fall optional. 484-0370. Hayford: Summer/fall. Garage, $150, negotiable. 355-7027.3-4-25 20%- Discount on either a lawn 4116. C-4-30 J TWO ;ana, females for 4 person 3^28 nice neighborhood. 485-0870. FUJI FINEST, excellent condition, FOUND: WHITE puppy with dethatch or power rake with our beginning fall 1975. 2-4-26 very clean, many extras. Best REMINGTON PORTABLE electric markings, in front of MSU Library. summer lawn maintenance service COMPLETE DISSERTATION and 53-1120. 5-4-30 FACULTY. MARRIED Grads: Call 355-7148. C-3-4-25 offer. Bob, 355-5904. 3-4-28 typewriter-practically new, excel¬ resume service. Printing, IBM Nicely furnished house available. LARGE 487-6730 BEDROOM, new appli¬ lent condition. $150. Call Chris, 10-5-5 typing, binding. Printing from Summer 1975, summer 1976. FOUND: GRAY female cat, in ances, washer and dryer, pets MARANTZ 6G Speakers. Still in 353-2227. 3-4-25 your plain paper originals. Corner |AN FOR apartment $240/month. 332-2962. 10-5-6 welcome. 484-2449. 5-5-1 tree, flooded area about 624 I Block from $85/month. starting campus. 351- FEMALE, OWN room. Three WOMAN NEEDED. Space Co-ed boxes. Full warranty. piece. 353-2712. 5-4-30 $110 a GARRARD SYNCHRO Lab 95B Sure M91Ed, Like new. - $99 Foster. 337-0090. C-3-4-28 [ Instruction ]@ M.A.C. and Grand River. Below Jones Monday Stationery Shop, 9-5 bedroom house. Summer or - EMPLOYERS ARE calling us for - Friday. Call COPY- house. Own room. $60/month KENWOOD KT 8005 Tuner, Sony Negotiable. 332-2592 Tom. FOUND: BLACK braided charm GRAPH SERVICES, earlier. our graduates. If you need a skill, 337-1666 Option for fall. Fur¬ TC228 8 track recorder, Dual 3-4-25 bracelet, Abbott - Grand River, C-4-30 ■E ONE bedroom sublet. Fall nished. Close. $66. 355-5210 plus utilities. 489-3177. 7-4-25 call us. Individually taught with 1215S changer, AH fm receiver, near bank. 355-2460. C-3-4-28 •■Air conditioned, days. 482-8227 nights. Vlcki. AR 2ax speakers, Metrotec equali¬ WOMAN'S SEARS 10-speed qualified instructor. 90 hour ■Mid. Avenue. Summer $145. 141 furnished, 332-0711 3-4-25 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. $65 month, furnished, utilities, across zer, Pioneer Reverb, Teac Dolby, used police scanners, TV sets, bicycle. Fair condition. $45 or best offer. 353-7381.^E-5-4-25 If FIND SOMETHING course VA with choice of class hours. approved. Located on the [Transportation & to SUMMER-TWO spacious dou¬ from campus. Call after 3 pm - you've found a pet or article of corner of Jolly and Aurelius NEED A ride riders? Call Elaine May 20. 5-4-30 elecric typewriters, new Robyn CB value, we want to help you return or bles, $65 plus utilities. Close to 332-5906. 4-4-25 S3 USED SEWING machines. Roads. CAII393-8615, SPARTAN to place your transportation ad. equipment. Great selection in it. Just come into the State News ^SUBLEASE:bedroomJuly One - campus. 351-1253. 3-4-25 PRIVACY, STORAGE space, large car-stereo systems plus 500 used tapes. MUCH MORE! WILCOX $12.50 / up. Zig-Zags, and straight stitchers, portables and Classified Department and tell us you want to place an ad in EAST KEYPUNCH ACADEMY. 10-5-1 P-5-30 I Ha p apart- 332 0097■ COUPLE WANTED for summer, fall, co-op style nice house, close. room, bath, share upstairs. House privileges. Close campus. Now, SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Michigan, Lansing. 485-4391. cabinet models, singers, Whites Kenmores. Many makes and LANSING STATE BANK'S Found Column. As a public service EAST i typi't Service B | WaTtrt |S1 Call 351-3848. 3-4-25 summer. 351-4829. 5-4-28 models to choose from. YOUR TYPING Service is needed C-4-30 LANSING STATE BANK will run IF THERE'S something you're ELECTRO*- GRAND 804 East now for term papers, theses and the ad at no cost to you! looking for, want to trade or swap Michigan. Hours Monday - Friday, dissertations. To advertise call call Elaine at 355-8255, - 9-5 pm. Saturday 9-noon. Bank- EAST LANSING to place Vicki at 355-8255 to place your ad* DEE RIDE to see our STATE BANK your Classified Ad! P-5-30 card and MasterCharge honored. P-5-30 5-4-25 C-4-30 WANTED: DEAD OR dying EXPERIENCED, TYPING term papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ Volkswagen Bugs. You call we haul. 393-2872. 5-4-28 model apt. ate service. 394-2512. C-4-30 Catch the big blue Campus Hill Bus to check out IMPROVE YOUR TYPING-ALL kinds. Lowest rates CALCULATOR TEXAS Instru¬ our two ment, model # SR10, in good bedroom furnished apt8. Catch the Bus in town. Help starving grad condition. Phone 676-5543. 3-4-25 e corner of Shaw Lane and Farm Lane by the Post Office. The Bus . 'eaves campU8at9:05 10:15 11;25? 12:35,1:45,2:55 arid 4:05. Bus will return COMMUNICATION SKILLS student. 694-0252. B-1-4-25 NEEDED FOR visiting professor. COMPLETE RESUME theses and 3-4 bedroom furnished house for you 40 c&mpus 50 minutes later. dissertation service. Guaranteed summer. A short term research and training Starting June 15th. quality at a substantial savings. Close to MSU. Call Julie Perkins, program is being offered during the remainder Typeset composition, delivery 355-9671. 3-4-25 u!Veat£AMPUSHILL • • • Two Bedroom and leave the driving to of this term. The focus of the training is on the available. HELPER, 694-9449. 5-5-1 THE PRINTER'S Apartments available for expression of feelings to others. NEEDED: PLACE for summer to summer & Fall. Call 349-3530 for board myself, horse. information & TYPING BY the hour. Drop off Cao roommate service. If you are a single undergraduate male you service. exchange many services. Call Secretarial assistance. qualify for the program. There will be two 694-0222. 5-4-30 Elaine, 355-0430. 5-4-30 Ask about sessions and total time commitment mill be our .Special 12 mo. lease where you MEDICAL STUDENTS would like approximately 4 hours. Sessions will be JUDITH CARMAN. Experienced to rent 2 or 3 bedroom house, JUA/ny avaHable apt. for the summer for arranged according to free time in your class typist: dissertations, theses, term furnished. June, 1975-June 1976. nt/mo' a°d also get $90 discount on Fall schedule. All materials will be provided, and papers. 393-4672. 5-5-1 Reasonable rates. Call 353-3556. 5-4-29 r»t«8'o rat*& 9 « e aIso h«ve special 3 mo. Summer there is no charge for this training. WANTED TO RENT: 3 bedroom mo. Fall leases EXPERIENCED TYPIST-reason- home near campus by grad able rates, downtown area. student and family for 2 years. If you aro interested, call 353-3798. 489-3524 after 5:30 weekdays, Have own furniture and washer/ anytime weekends. 5-4-29 dryer. Call 1-832-2644. 3-4 29 1 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Frid«y.AMJ Communists' military options 'unlimite By MALCOLM W. BROWNE How did Saigon get in to the the collapse of Saigon's military were denied the Viet Cong and "I will tell you what happens. formula, today as it was in the munist forces N.Y. Times News Service situation it is in? What were are better disci¬ SAIGON — The Commun¬ ists, in the words of the factors that brought that situa¬ tion about? apparatus in two months Communists' sweep over two - thirds of the country, in which or the their North Vietnamese allies. At a certain point neither the troops nor the officers are final stage of the French Indo¬ china war, is to operate even plined that those of Saigon; this is even applaudjed in some wel^ «sk«i kn°wn after the Si I willing any longer to walk to large units as if they were quarters President ThiB,,^S Pentagon, now have "unlimited Many Vietnamese, including they routed and disarmed a as demonstrating the military options," and as Army Chief of Staff Gen. Frederick C. large proportion of the defen¬ ders and reached the gates of "You give an army the means battle, hacking their way through jungles if necessary. guerillas, which in they are. many ways relatively more democratic quality of life in the South. Section mean wJSfJI really fr' pH'l to get around in helicopters or So they stay in their helicopters munists would Weyand has testified, they the capital. The secret of the Commun¬ Apart from rigid discipline, on roads, you and get shot down or cut off They would noi not hi accustom them Vietnamese Communism has "have the capability to over¬ In the view of many Vietna¬ ists' defense against whatever hav J - to unlimited artillery and air from American rescue, or they or thoso „f also held together whelm South Vietnam if they want to." The war has reached this former President Thieu, ascribe Nguyen Van the primary mese the Achilles heel of Sai¬ gon's army was fondness for military luxury aftd is a — support for long enough, you get them used to sleeping in bed at night, and what hap drive along the road, where they get shelled or ambushed, and cut to pieces," the officer weapon or force has always been to try to avoid offering a big target and to disperse men actual or imaginary. ist exploitation of "the by real loathing for foreign domination, Commun¬ We v=fcij under W whnm must whom mem the\ »L force itself tn. point despite the virtual equa¬ blame to the United States, an appetite for which the pens?" a South Vietnamese said. and weapons. class lity in numbers of men under which Thieu asserts, failed to United States must bear special officer asked in conversation There has always been gen¬ war" has also fallen on tive ears. recep¬ ?,e\But iHien* foreigners and arms on the two sides over the continue military aid at a time responsibility. the r« with an American. years, despite the incalculably when the Russians and Chinese Since South Vietnam came In contrast the Communist eral agreement that the Com¬ "You know what I believe?" a the reai help us." vS2® greater aid in firepower and poured material and supplies into being «s a result of the technology that the Saigon side into North Vietnam. Geneva agreements that fol¬ received from abroad and des¬ Others maintain that morale lowed the Communist victory Group pite nearly seven years of has rotted away by corruption seeks over France in 1954, that army direct participation by Ameri- and by the mistakes of poor has never lacked for arms, carr troops, aircraft and war¬ ships. officers. Neither factor fully explains transport, accommodations and even physical comforts that '0 By JAMIE CONROY tion (PIE), met Wednesday major problems. mainly of women. State News Staff Writer night at the East Lansing One woman wanted to know "All of these problems boil A small group of East Public Library and discussed if "frills" like radio production down to one thing — Lansing parents are embarking problems in city schools. should be taught at the expense Budget on an ambitious project — they allocations," said Bernard Gal- They saw overcrowded of basics like algebra or English lin chairman of PIE. "We don't want to develop the best classrooms, student incompe¬ grammar. Other comments ab¬ know what the dollar and possible education system pos¬ tency in English grammar and out the inadequacy of the It's carnival time at Walnut Married housing residents: American Cancer Society needs sible. the lack of English teachers' percentage breakdowns are in current system flowed freely Street School on Saturday from 1 There's still time to sign up for the 150 volunteers to help collect the school budget." Parents Interested in Educa¬ aides in middle schools to 4p.m. funds April 28 to 30. Details are as some among the audience, composed PIE is specifically Games, raffle, cakewalk, co-rec courtyard volleyball league interested clown, refreshments, etc. Pro¬ on weekday evenings. No entry available in the request book at the ceeds will help send physically fee. Supervision and equipment Volunteer Office. handicapped youngsters to camp. provided. A fun way to meet The MSU Science Fiction PREPARE FOR MA neighbors and keep in shape. The Lou Grant Fan Club will For more information, call the Society meets at 7 p.m. every meet at 8 p.m. Saturday in 114 W. Community Education office. Friday in 34 Union. This week we Portuguese forces put will make preparations for the first alert McDonel Hall. Sunday Evening Unitarian Universalist Church Forum - 855 - All FW40Z alumni are invited to the Annual Rose Lake Woodcock Walk. Meet at 6:30 tonight in 4 annual re-enactment of the critical dissection of Mr. Spock, with a special added attraction: a on Grove St., begins a new series Natural Resources Bldg. Car postmortem on the recent autopsy From Wire Services The young "Loss in Childhood" at 7:30 p.m. pools will be formed from there. of David Gerrold. military officers would respect AFM wishes In a last-minute effort before "LISBON — Portuguese who hold the real power since on Sunday in the Fireplace Room. about the shape of the new the ground forces began to be three-week campaign A Forum on the struggle of the The Russian and East European they ousted Caetano last April constitution. closed Wednesday night, the The Undergraduate Resource people of the Southeast Arabian studies program and the Opera placed on alert Thursday in 25 are not handing out full Polls showed the Socialist Peninsula against oppression fea¬ Guild of Greater Lansing, Inc. preparation for the election Communists staged the biggest Center is having its grand opening democracy immediately. Re¬ party, led by Mario Soares, on Friday. Free coffee all day turing "Oman, Another Vietnam," announce the first film of the Friday of a constitutional as¬ gardless of Friday's election, political rally since the revolu¬ will be at 7 tonight in 109 S. Kedzie festival of Russian opera: "The government minister without tion by massing an estimated long. Other refreshments at party sembly, the next important they intend to keep control for 3 to 5 p.m. Tsar's Bride" to be shown at 8 portfolio, and the centrist Po¬ 40,000 militants in Lisbon phase in a revolution that three years to steer Portugal to a p.m. Friday in 105 S. Kedzie Hall. pular Democratic party (PPD) soccer stadium. Dr. Black and white, Russian dialog began a year ago with the "democratic socialism." favored to get more than 50 per ASMSU Travel is now accept¬ Kathryn G. Heath will speak overthrow of the old on "Legislative Reform in the U.S. with English subtitles. rightist Recent nationalizations of the cent of the vote. The nation's military leader¬ ing applications for staff positions. regime. Applications can be picked up in js Related to Women's Advance¬ big monopoly banks, insurance The Communist party, which ship said the armed forces Interested in emmigrating to the Six million persons, or two - 307 Student Services Bldg. ment in Education and Employ¬ companies, electricity, was underground but organized would go on alert before the ment," at 7:30 p.m., May 6 in 35 outer planets? Let us make the thirds the population, are eligi¬ Pre-meds: rap with students transport, oil and shipping have for years, was expected to polls opened at 8 a.m. Friday Union. arrangments. Stop by the West ble to elect a constitutional and the community at the forum, put 30 per cent of all production finish third or fourth with only and President Francisco da The Community Bike Co-op will Holmes Hall lower lounge about assembly. A record turnout in state control. Medical Center West. Sign up for an estimated 15 to 20 Costa Gomes in a special 10 tonight and inspect our little per cent rides in 103 Natural Science Bldg. direct bicycle safety and repair was predicted even though the Through the banks, the mili¬ of the vote despite its control nationwide telecast called "for a classes at any residence hall or Man-ship. Golden Griffin Travel military has already dictated a by Wednesday. tary now owns the noncom- over the nation's unions, news tranquil climate." organized living unit upon request. (non-profit). draft of the constitution and munist newspapers. "We even media and government bureau¬ Enrolled interested in the Please contact Tom or Ralph at banned far left and far right Maoists, barred from the or Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, own a bookstore and some JMC Bicentennial the co-op, 211 Evergreen Ave. to cracy. election along with the Christ¬ Mississippi Zoroastrianism. Are they dif¬ parties. travel agencies," says Finance River arrange an appointment. In the 12 months since the ian Democratic party, have Project? Organizational, ferent? The Bahai faith says no. The ruling Armed Forces Minister Jose Joaquim question, and answer meeting is at For more information about the Movement (AFM) is urging military seized power from called the vote a farce. 7:30 p.m. Sunday in 137 Snyder The Latter Day Society of Fragoso, a Marxist economist. Marcello Caetano, whose right¬ They Bahai faith come at 8 tonight to and other extreme leftists have Equitable Pioneers, a co-op think bewildered and often illiterate - Two far left parties and the - the Mason Hall library to hear ist regime replaced the. long - indicated they might'try to'dis¬ tank, will hold a group meeting at citizens to go to the polls and conservative Christian Demo¬ time dictatorship of Antonio de Lesbian music will be presented Circle Pines Center Co-op near cast a blank ballot with a line crats were barred from the rupt the voting with violence. Oliveira Salazar, radical mili¬ at a concert by and for lesbians Delton from May 1 to 4. Please scrawled across the top. election after the abortive Farmhoyse fraternity and the tary officers have ousted one After 48 years of rubber- only at 9 p.m. Saturday. For join us. Call Dave Juckett at Red Cross are sponsoring a blood The vote for party slates to March 1 coup that sent former further information, call the former Rivendell Co-op or J. Jacob at the civilian premier and one presi¬ stamp, virtual one-party elec¬ drive from 1 to 7 p.m. on write a new constitution is "an President Gen. Antonio Spinola Women's Center, Friday after 3 Co-op Office. dent. ♦ tions under the right-wing Wednesday and Thursday in the initiation to democracy," says into exile. The military p.m. or Saturday. lower lounge of Shaw Hall. Navy First Lt. Dr. Ramiro That left 12 parties still leadership has dictatorship, both voting and Contact the Community Bike also indicated it will stay in Pedor Correia, the AFM's poli¬ active. The military forced the counting breakdowns were Work co-op: the free U office, Co-op at 211 Evergreen Ave. for The Student Workers Union will power for three to five years information on free repair classes, tical education chief. six expected. The mechanics of listed in MSU information, is meet at 6 p.m. Sunday in 328 biggest to pledge that they tours and rides. The next board getting an electorate of which connecting workers with employ¬ Student Services Bldg. Enter by 30 per cent is illiterate to mark ers at no charge. If you want work meeting is at 8 p.m. Wednesday in west door. done (odd jobs especially) or the Union main lounge. ballots correctly and identify would like to work, call us from 10 a.m. Friday. to noon, Monday through The deadline for articles for the spring term Pine Cone is 4 p.m. today at the Co-op Office, B311 Mariah Coffeehouse taking applications for next year's is staff. Applications are available in now Exploding parcel kills Israeli; themselves on electoral lists also was expected to slow voting and results were not 101 Student Services Bldg. for all expected until Saturday or A free pottery course meets at 7 Student Services Bldg., to pick up and present members. money pledged by Saudis new Must Sunday. p.m. Tuesdays at Red Cedar a list of the co-ops and a list form call waiting be returned by May 2. war School. For details, show up or or Inter-Co-op call Free University. Council. "Oman - Another Vietnam?" At 7 tonight in 109 S. Kedzie Hall, By ASSOCIATED PRESS The Israel must withdraw from occupied territories." Mr. Anand will speak on J. P. Corp. for Public Nonsense sponsored by Organization of A 19 - year - old Israeli soldier was killed Sadat returned to Cairo on Thursday after his Narayan's movement at 8 p.m. goes to Ann Arbor Saturday to Arab Students, Iranian Students Saturday in the small dining room recover the treasury. Contact Thursday when a parcel he had picked up at a trip, which also took him to Riyadh, where he Assn., and the United Front of Owen Hall. Shalom Center, above Campus Keith Wilkinson or Stuart Stinson for details. Victory or death. Against Racism and Imperialism. The MSU Physics Club will post office exploded — a tactic scarcely used by terrorists in Israel since a rash of such incidents in late 1972. met with Syrian President Hafez Assad in a minisummit set up by King Khaled, Cairo radio. according to DOMINO! Book Store, is open spring term The Society for Creative Police said the youth had just collected the meet again at 7:30 p.m. on In other Mideast developments: from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every Anachronism will meet at 8:30 . Monday in 221 parcel from the post office in the Tel Aviv suburb PIZZA Physics- •Petroleum sources in Abu Dhabi said Mana weekday. Comfortable, con¬ p.m. Saturday in the Union Tower of Room. Astronomy Bldg. "The Hunting of Herzliya when it blew up. His mother was Saeed al - Oteiba, United Arab Emirates oil genial, coffee place. All are the Quark" will be shown, final wounded. welcome. minister, was on a three day visit to Dubai and - arrangements for the May 9 Officials said they had not yet determined Fighting Practice for Society for observatory tour will be made and neighboring sheikdoms in an effort to increase At Hillel this weekend: Shabbat Creative Anachronism will be at 1 whether the parcel had been mailed by Arab federal power over their petroleum affairs. other activities will be discussed. begins at 6:30 with creative p.m. Saturday in the Turf Arena of terrorists or Jewish enemies of the soldier. services and dinner, continues in the morning the Men's Intramural Building. A special forum for pre-medical In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, King Khaled pledged •King Hussein of Jordan arrived in Paris for Mideast talks with President Valery Giscard THE PIZZA PEOPLE with 10 a.m. to bankroll Egypt and Syria in the event of war Easter continues. The Episcopal students will be held at noon on d'Estaing before flying to Washington for minyanim at the house. Deli will be informal beginning at 6 p.m. Community at MSU will again May 3 in Families' Coffee Shop, 701 North Logan St., in Lansing. with Israel, following the late King Faisal's policy, official sources said Thursday. conferences with President Ford. •President Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania PERIOD. j gather to celebrate the feast of the Sign up in Natural Science Egyptian President Anwar Sadat issued a Shofar, the Jewish radio maga¬ zine, airs at 4 p.m. every Sunday resurrection at 5 p.m. Sunday in Alumni Chapel using the Glory Building for rides. statement Thursday welcoming Soviet Foreign arrived in Damascus for talks with President Assad on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Fast, lri#n'l».H Minister Andrei Gromyko's announcement in on WKAR AM (870). Good music. Hallelu Folk Mass. Agape meal Unicyclists: meeting at 7 to 8:30 Moscow that he has promised Israel the •A 13 member delegation from the - Egyptian delivery M follows for all. Assembly leaves Friday for the first visit to the p.m. on Tuesday at Jenison Fieldhouse (enter through south "strictest" guarantees of continued existence if it returns all the Arab territories occupied in the United States by an Egyptian parliamentary 1 TROWBRIDGE 35tf] door). Bring ideas and your delegation in nine years. SOME PEOPLE unicycles. 1967 Mideast war. "I quite agree with the Soviet proposal," Sadat •Israel's 3,500 Armenians commemorated the 60th anniversary of the massacre of more than GR.RIVER DON'T WORRV On May 4 there will be an introductory workshop in Gestalt said in Tehran after meeting with the Shah of Iran. "The 1967 border must be recognized and one million of their 1915. people in Ottoman Turkey in principles for personal growth and ABOUX INFLATION... development. The workshop runs from 1:30 to 9:30 p.m. For more information and to register call United Ministries in Higher Educa¬ tion. DAVID TV & SOUND The Parks and Recreation HP-258 8 Track Will Not Be Undersold On cartridge Resources Club Interpretive work¬ Player/Recorder. Record RCA - ZENITH - SONY - or HITACHI shop will visit Kensington Park Nature Center this Sunday. Sign Player. FM Stereo — Identical Merchandise up on board outside 131 Natural TV - Stereo - Radios Resource Bldg. FM/AM Radio. • Tape players • car sound (Lansings oldest color TV dealer) What's happening on campus this weekend? Call the "telephone $3675j within you as the music pounds out the beat. Floating . . . dancing . . . engulfing. Unique! list $34.95 GOLF & FISHING SALE! Experience rainbow explosions of the purest colors ever created. .laser light . List to $39.95 Ust $17.50 List $1501* projected live on a giant curved screen.. .cavorting to the music of Emerson, Deluxe Lake and Palmer, Pink Floyd and some other very heavy groups. Men's A Ladies' wilson 11 k AJAY SPALDING george ARCHil BETTER BRAND ' GOLF TOP-FIITE lightweight st GOLF SHOES UNIVERSITY flUDITORIUm CART GOLF BALLS golf set 3 woods $M Saturday, ID ay 3 S17.M S14M sir1 ■ 8 irons ' 2«6*8«10*pm Do i. List $32.95 List $69.95 Ust to $25.95 List $79.95 $2.50 mSU Students, Faculty and Staff TASCO 8 x 30 3 LB. DACRON WIDE ANGLE FISHING RODS MITCHEL-GARCIA £3 General Admission Tickets available SLEEPING Lightweight GARCIA-SHAKESPEAR spinning ROD" BAG BINOCULARS BERKLEY-PLUEGER fishing outfit at Union Ticket Office or at Door w/case More than 6,000 persons have seen Laserium at the University of Michigan S1499 s34" spin-fly spin cost $|A| V* ultrolife $Jf - Ann Arbor, and Central Michigan University. More than 100,000 have seen Laserium in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Find out why. Fine Diamonds & Wedding Rings BE PREPARED! NEW SOLITAIRE 14K Gold List Wedding Rings "One of the best bets in Los $399.50 Angeles entertainment today." USC Daily $149. Lodi*« $74.50 Trojan $199" $159. M«n'i $79.50 •s Eyecatching . . . you can really walk out exhilarated." New York Times "More beautiful and mind-blowing than '2001'." UCLA Pailv Brain "Laserium is a novel, heady, stimulating entertainment experience that Store Hours: borrows its imagery from abstract art, atomic energy and the aurora Mon.&Fri. borealis. The effect is constantly stunning.'|^^^^^^^|^^ 9:30 to 9 p.m. Tues., Wed., Thors., Sat. 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. LEONARD I 309 N. Washington Ave. Wholesale Distributor* Loonard D< jownto