VOLUME 169 NUMBER 70 TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 lon W iaigon under attack: (ap) - Viet Cong gunners a South Vietnamese government appeal was wounded. evacuation and left delayed for a cease-fire and peace talks. a total of 870 Americans in the evacuation order could come later in the Nam. ores of rockets into Saigon's Tan Two American Marines were Eye witnesses at Tan Son Nhut said the beseiged city. evening, said he did not think he would Nessen said Ford was handed a note it air base before dawn Tuesday among big four-engine plane was taxiing near the Earlier in the morning, thousands of those killed in the say anything further. while meeting with his energy and night, Michigan time) and shelling of the airfield control tower with Vietnamese and some of the Americans and a U.S. Air Force C130 nearly 200 refugees Earlier, in response to questions, economic advisors and arranged for the j with ground attacks on the cargo plane aboard when a rocket exploded nearby. had gathered at Tan Son Nhut waiting to Nessen said no additional American council meeting. . evaporating defenses. Airlift trying to fly refugees out was destroyed. Sources at the They said the crewmen and refugees be flown out. The evacuation flights were military forces had yet been sent into the Associated Press Special Correspondent ■were disrupted by the attacks. Pentagon in Washington escaped, but 1 W$hington, President Ford said sketchy reports were received some passengers apparently originally suspended at dusk Monday Saigon area from ships offshore or Peter Amett said Communist-led troops about were hurt. because of an attack by an unidentified the deaths of the elsewhere. armed with hand-fired Strela missiles shot ed an emergency session of the Marines, who had been They reported the pilot of a second A37 fighter-bomber. The flights were The White House spokesman said Ford down a South Vietnamese Air Force ll Security Council at about 8:30 guard duty at the on U.S. defense CI 30. moving down the resumed a few hours later and continued attache's office. runway shouted met with the council for nearly an hour, helicopter and two warplanes. He j discuss methods of evacuating the over his radio Eiericans remaining in Saigon. There were "Taking off. Taking off." until the rockets began falling at 4 a.m., then went to the White House living reported the craft crumpled in flames and conflicting reports about and his plane was the last evacuation craft when they were suspended the C130. Washington officials said again. quarters. plunged to earth. J Viet Cong attacks came hours the into the air. White House Press "I don't have anything to report on Immunist leaders had turned down plane was empty and none of the crew That plane carried about 85 Americans Secretary Ron Saigon streets were deserted because of Nessen, asked whether an emergency what was discussed," he said. a 24-hour curfew imposed when the "As for later tonight, I don't have any rocketing began. way of telling." Viet Cong sappers — infiltrators Nessen said any decision to promptly especially trained in explosives — were evacuate the remaining Americans from reported operating around Tan Son Nhut Saigon would have to await a and one government general said: "The recommendation from Graham Martin, situation has become difficult." the U.S. ambassador there. He said Martin When Communist-led troops severed would make a recommendation, and the the highway between Saigon and the Bien President, as commander-in-chief, would Hoa air base 15 miles to the north, they make the final decision. left Saigon with Tan Son Nhut as the Maj. Gen. Winant Sidle told Pentagon only base for large planes. reporters that helicopters would be used After the Communist leaders rejected to remove the Americans if necessary. the Saigon government's appeal for a This would require U.S. Marines to go in truce and peace talks, high military and secure landing zones for the sources said they apparently had decided helicopters. More than 40 U.S. 7th Fleet to settle for nothing less than a complete ships were reported standing off Viet military victory. American, flee Saigon BY ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press correspondent wired the As the situation in Saigon steadily following report from Tan Son Nhut: grows more desperate, fear is increasing "The panic grows. Visitors, including South Vietnamese soldiers, airmen, their among the Vietnamese and Americans wives and children gathered at Tan Son Nhut air base, and are streaming into offices of American organizations still in anger at the plight of the handful of Americans remaining in Vietnam is operation here to ask for help in getting evident on the home front. out of the country. They think you can do it simply by signing a piece of Flights from Saigon were suspended as paper. of Monday night at 10:30 p.m., leaving You can't. It's wishful thinking. They're tnsand South Vietnamese troops retreat east of Saigon Monday past barbed wire that had been erected to protect the^area^° ° 870 U.S. citizens in Saigon. Several hours before the suspension, an going to be disappointed." About 30,000 Vietnamese had been evacuated before the suspension. They all had been associated with the United ithlete's States in some way and are being flown use of credit card investigated out to retribution when Nearly avoid possible Communist Saigon is captured. 20,000 of those refugees currently are housed in temporary By R.D.CAMPBELL made the following purchases with Doyle's quarters on Guam, and all of the not to be able to comment this situation," and on Breslin was not available for comment. football recruiting violation to the NCAA credit card: Vietnamese who are removed from their STEVE STEIN Doyle said. and that the NCAA had leveled 40 to 50 •Jan. 9—a $156 leather coat and other In country will be relocated throughout his NCAA office in Kansas City charges against the MSU J■CAA State News Staff Writers clothing coming to a total of $199.62. Monday, investigator Berst said he could Doyle has been a member of the Ralph Young Foundation, a development fund program. America and other Western nations. Investigator has identified an •April 4—a $78 coat. not comment WJIM sportscaster Tim Staudt reported The Ford Administration had hoped to on whether his probe into the which channels all of its resources into the p>tball i a well-known player as having used a credit •June 4—a $52 leather jacket. MSU football program has been completed. MSU intercollegiate athletic program, for on his Lansing television show that Hayes evacuate up to 130,000 Vietnamese. Spartan backer to "The money was no object to him. You The Detroit Free Press reported Monday got the information from a Buckeye player With the latest Communist attack, se more than $300 worth of six years. clothing know it can't be to anyone who buys two that Hunt said he had played basketball the Spartans had attempted to recruit. however, the completion of the airlift I East Lansing store in 1974. leather coats," Busch said. operation is in doubt. He belongs to the Spartan Club division ■dent Wharton announced games at Doyle's house in the Whitehills Bob Reynolds of WJR radio then repor¬ The operation also received criticism in April 18 Busch, who must clear all check pur- subdivision of East of the Foundation which is limited to Lansing. - ie MSU football . ted on his Detroit radio show that of the the United States, as Sen. Richard S. members who contribute more than $100 lt , , . !mg chases over $50, called Master Charge charges made by the NCAA against MSU, , and practices. y e NCAA for certain officials who verified that the card was valid Doyle said that the statement was during the year. 90 per cent of them were directed Schweiker, R-Pa., claimed that the State and had not been stolen, "totally inaccurate." against Dept. is risking the lives of the Americans iformed source told the State News His law firm of asst. coach Weyers. He admits, though, that he has Doyle, Smith and "as a subterfuge to evacuate South that the NCAA is currently Busch said that Doyle called him after the helped Whitmer has a group membership in the In addition to the NCAA and Wharton Vietnamese." several players get summer jobs. Green and White iting between 50 and 60 schools NCAA investigator had confronted him in Club, limited tj) contribu¬ committee investigations, the Big Ten has "We've stalled this evacuation for at ride. his store. tors of between $250 and $1,000.' least week and Doyle, a friend of defensive end coach said that it, too, is conducting an investiga- a maybe two," Schweiker tat, a sophomore defensive back Howard Weyers, said he has been to four or said Monday in a written statement. "Doyie asked me if I was a Michigan Wharton announced at the opening of the tion into MSU's footba11 P"*™- o, made the purchases on three state sports fan," Busch said. "When I said five football practice sessions so far this "This is madness." April 18 meeting of the board of _ t trips to Marty's, a Grand River trustees i 'yes' he asked, 'Do you want to see athletics spring. that MSU's football program was being clothing store, using the credit card at MSU in je0pardy?' I wasn't trying to e Doyle, a 36-year-old Lansing investigated by the NCAA. hurt anybody. I just answered the Weyers was named last week by Detroit wording to store Humphrey's court date owner William radio station WJR of the chief Three days later, Wharton named a four - investigator's questions." as one targets of the NCAA investigation because member University panel to assist him in A regulations prohibit aid beyond Busch is a University of Michigan of his recruiting techniques. investigating the charges that the NCAA I fees, room and board and one paid graduate. had made against the football program. ■campus. The University is also held Doyle, who graduated from MSU in 1960, Irs or"(• ' a» ass'stance fr°m Doyle would not comment on the credit card incidents, saying that to do so would be is a neighbor and friend of Jack Breslin, MSU executive vice president and the NCAA Wharton, who must respond to the charges by June 2, said the moved ahead to August ■[, , •. n-j „ , breaking trust with the University, administrator for the Spartan sports pro¬ committee's findings will provide the basis "ator rio Berst, the NCAA Wharton has asked those involved not to for his response. j. rence Underwood, MSU comment until an MSU inquiry panel gram. By PAUL J.PARKER red for three weeks because there ■ and Himf •°VIj(?>argf °{academic appointed by Wharton to answer the NCAA "The fact that I live close to him has Two separate reports broadcast last State News Staff Writer were negotiations going on to prevent ■time H V' r If1 dur'n8 ^arch charges makes a final report June 2. nothing to do with the situation," Doyle week claimed that Ohio State football coach Though Lois Humphrey's contract litigation. Humphrey didn't want to I e confirmed that Hunt had "it's embarrassing and difficult for me said. Woody Hayes brought with the University terminates Wed¬ have to embarrass the University." an alleged MSU nesday, she considers herself a lucky Humphrey, however, is pleased woman. Humphrey's case against the with the decision. University will be heard in August "I think that's very good news," she >lice ahead of more than 500 other cases. said. "One would normally expect the warn Lansing residents Humphrey filed a civil suit against the University on April 4, charging sex discrimination and denial of due process the law in and equal protection under connection with her trial to come up in three years. If the University isn't interested in speed¬ ing it up, then it's good to know the judge is. "I can see the rationale for the con men's flood-victi termination as a director of the cooperative extension service. Gary Colbert, Humphrey's attor¬ ney, sought to obtain a preliminary judge's decision. he can hear ours. He had pushed another trial from 1971 back so that "He realizes the urgency of the I mary anne flood injunction and temporary restraining case, so that is a very positive thing 1 state News apparently unsalvageable carpet for $200, a number of contractors, and be especially At some houses these leaflets were put order against the University to on his part." Staff Writer volunteer coordinator Bob Hull figured he wary of extremely low estimates. alongside notes from businessmen suggest¬ prevent them from terminating Humphrey expects the trial date to ■ the aw"0/,3" people volunteering had better get the man's business card and •Deal only with reputable businesses. ing homeowners call the number listed to Humphrey before the court decided if be set soon. From now until the trial I| Purest of° motives. mir t ansinS's flood victims report him to the police. Get references if possible. sell their waterlogged cars. the charges were true. Judge sometime in August, she and Colbert "It was so obvious of a swindle," he •Check the contractor's business reputa Wendell A. Miles of the 6th District will be going ahead with discovery Some of the other problems with non- W .TeI! susPected of playing exclaimed. tion with their suppliers. Court in Grand Rapids did not grant proceedings. A discovery proceeding 1 tn r victims have been But police say the suspect is legitimate as •Make sure the contractor is licensed, helpful volunteers arose from scavengers and sightseers. East side cleanup coordina¬ either, but set the date of the trial gathers evidence for a case through Lt Win° but LansinK Police is a man buying up mud-packed cars. and insured. The contractor should have ahead of others waiting since 1971. the issuance of subpenas to people fcv I Ryan Mid that every- The police have asked that the business licensing card, if not, records can be tor Jerry Lawler said they referred these "I speeded up the trial so that it involved in the leyhaVe L case to provide <*ecked so far has been checked at the State problem scavengers to the police also. would come up men stay out of the area, though. Dept. of Licensing and in August of this testimony under oath recorded by a PPWed cons Nevertheless, flood victims should be Regulation. "Some people were pulling stuff out of year," Miles said. "We're very far notary. The testimony will be used have been offers to •Check to make sure that insurance will behind and the case would normally wary of people who may see the flood as an the piles of muddy debris left on the when the case comes to court for Jarpets l° Clean tattered and opportunity to get rich and get out quick. cover what repairs the contractor says it road—dishes and silver and things. Some of come up in three years." background and as preliminary evi¬ An official of Ingham County Prosecu¬ will. Miles said he was too busy to fcjs' l»lb SenTn6 from Sp6nding C0Unt" J? gagging unrecog- tor's Office Consumer Division anticipates that some unlicensed fly-by- said he •Carefully read anything and everything involved in business with the contractor. them were nicely dressed too," Lawler said. Police also were called when a fire discuss his decision in any detail, but Colbert said Miles felt Humphrey dence. Colbert intends to subpena about 60 administrators and faculty mem¬ *t flftnrc dreary basements night repair men and insurance men may An east side group that has been resulted from a resident illegally turning waited too long to file the suit. bers in discovery proceedings. edTvrS' some of them were soon be moving into the area. coordinating cleanup efforts, put leaflets on on his electricity and when an unusual "I was ready on March 18 to file University attorney Leland Can- f'-iikk* I1"™8 »«« *» "•* wilb ** The division suggests these precautions for flood victims: every door giving some tips on fraudulent contractors who may soon be approaching number of televisions sets, pornographic materials and other valuable goods were that suit," Colbert said. "We defer¬ was unavailable for comment. to clean „ •Get different estimates for the flood victims. found in one of the flood victim's house. repairs from ichigan State News, §ast Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 29, 1975 3 ■gislature studies Concert for polit :tion on privacy VJIMKEEGSTRA hearing on the resolution and director of the State Police, has unit's c ,te News Staff Writer determine the exact objections said some 50,000 names are on to it. rts to assure Michigan file in the division, which has a In its present form, HR 32 protection from budget of $770,000 and 32 A concert „s of privacy by state would form a seven-member "revolving around employes. Over $18,500 has the history es and the business committee for two years to in¬ been paid to 29 informants, he of imperialism in Southeast Asia and efforts by ,re slowly continuing in vestigate "survei!lance..and the said. rislature. collection, processing, analysis, Halverson has said imperialist forces against the no tele¬ United Farm Workers in the Lh a House resolution storage and dissemination of phone taps or electronic bugs U.S." will be presented today at J a privacy study corn- information concerning specific have ever been installed individuals in relation to the by the 3:00 p.m. in front of Beaumont has been sidetracked for division. Its employes have Tower by the United Front m, a Senate resolution for right to privacy." made 40 arrests, The similar Senate resolu¬ resulting in Against Racism and Imper¬ r special committee was five convictions and 35 tion, sponsored by Sen. Basil pending ialism (UFARI). iced the same day and cases. chance for earlier Brown, D-Highland Park, adds Outside of the maneuverings Prairie Fire, a San Francisco al. study of business spying and in the state legislature, MSU addition, two bills re- .... credit Bay area band, will provide the clearinghouse practices associate professor of criminal music for the concert. The . the 1950 law which to an earlier study committee justice Zolton Ferency has a band consists of a husband and M the State Police Sub- resolution on state investiga¬ court suit [ Activities Investigation tions backed by Sen. John pending challenging wife team, Sandy and Mack, the constitutionality of the who play rock and roll music L, also known as the McCauley, D-Grosse lie. "Red Squad." with lyrics that comment on [ Squad," are awaiting Brown, chairman of the Action on the suit, now be¬ today's society. Mack plays [in the state House and Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote the resolution, Senate fore Ingham County Circuit guitar and sings with Sandy. ' Court Judge Thomas Brown, sidetracked House Resolution 118, to include the could begin in the next two tion 32, written by Rep. five members of his committee The concert will include a few weeks. Ferency said he has uondahl, D-East Lansing, and one other senator, intended asked the court to take super¬ short political statements by [to gain routine accept¬ to be McCauley, on the study vision of the 50,000-name files individuals, but the concert ed was voted into the group. and see to their destruction. sponsors will basically rely on Brown the lyrics of the songs to [ Judiciary Committee Senate Bill 283 in also introduced , Ferency charges the law across their put 21. Representatives dis- February to authorizing the police unit is message. The u its broad mandate to repeal the statute authorizing unconstitutional group will also perform on the on the grounds [surveillance and infor- the State Police "Red Squad." it invades First Amendment Lansing Community College k collection practices of The bill is pending in Brown's and privacy rights. In addition, campus at 11:30 a.m. today. k and state agencies, committee. he said the manner in which the A cultural workshop will be b, the resolution included A slightly more detailed bill unit spends its $770,000 was introduced in the House budget held in 37 Union after the ha power for the special is unconstitutional since it is concert. All are welcome to fttee, which the House is April 10 by Rep. Perry Bullard, unrelated to investigation of participate. Eonally reluctant to grant' D-Ann Arbor. House Bill 4923 real subversives, and no state lommittees when first would not only repeal the 1960 agency may spend money for Prairie Fire, which was subversive activities law, but formed two years ago, has been things other than it was appro¬ ings against the study also provides that all docu¬ priated for. on tour for the last six months Ittee were summed up by ments collected by the investi¬ Ferency said he has gotten a playing on campuses, in prisons Lirman of the Judiciary gation division be destroyed or feeling that the State Police is and at unemployment offices. ittee, Rep. Paul Rosen- given to the person investi¬ not happy with the "Red They are sponsored by the | D-Battle Creek, who gated before January 1976. Squad" and would like to find a SN photo/Bob Kaye National Student Brigade, a kined the study com- Col. George L. Halverson, After yet another day oi rain this revolutionary student organiza¬ way out. dog seems Hagadorn Road and Ann Street seeming to say, | would be able to in- rather annoyed as he looks over his domain of "I wants sun!" tion with 80 chapters nation¬ Lte any organization it some ally. _n open-ended witch The group has one hit song to I Rosenbaum said. "I its credit, "Out of Gas," which is J»ve it." |nbaum has, however, id not to toss the issue garbage can, but to PIRGIM: military spending cuts jobs available to a very limited extent locally. in the San Francisco area. The record received its greatest popularity I the resolution more If it rains, the concert will be 1, Jondahl said. By MIKEARNETT Whether defense money is year. runs without moved indoors to the Union. Jahl is trying to meet this State News Staff Writer spent by other departments of endangering created when a billion dollars dustry creates only 55,000 jobs "The request is irresponsible, national security." I with Rosenbaum to Expensive U.S. weapons may the federal government, by with are spent on services, durable because of the relatively low unemployment facing The proposal to cut $20 goods, residential structures amount of labor needed to work a Judiciary Committee wipe out more than fear of state or local governments or is people. We iust can't afford the billion from defense spending is and other private expenditures, foreign attack. The" money simply never collected an9 left on most military projects. unemployment and inflation partly based on a study done by and also when a billion dollars is FIND spent for them may be wiping in the pockets of consumers to that the Dept. of Defense WHAT 19 iormer secretaries and out hundreds of thousands of spent by the federal, state or The study released Monday spend, it would create more [)s inU.P. jobs. jobs. creates," Anderson said. The PIRGIM solution to the undersecretaries of defense. The study said that Pentagon local government. Among all types of private and public is a national application of an earlier PIRGIM study showing YOU'VE BEEN Mffi That is the conclusion of a Michigan is the third hardest- problem is a $20 billion cut in money was not being spent LOOKING report released Monday by the spending, military spending the job losses in Michigan due nore than Public Interest Research Group hit state of states which lose the military budget. Anderson responsibly and that a $15 was found to create the least to military spending. FOR! jobs due to Pentagon spending, said this would not have a billion cut in defense spending number of jobs per billion CAl I in Michigan (PIRGIM). The the report says. Though Texas STATE NEWS negative effect on national could safely be done, Anderson spent. Anderson CLASSIFIED plans to go to wng Venus report was released simul- taneously in Washington, D.C., . and California gain jobs be¬ cause of high defense expendi¬ security. said. For example, a billion dollars Washington D.C., next week to 355 - 8255 "Security is founded not just The figures in the PIRGIM spent to hire teachers creates talk to a group of congressmen by U.S. Rep. Les Aspin, D-Wis. tures in those states, every on a sound military, but on a |LT STE. MARIE (UPI) "When the Dept. of Defense report were obtained by 100,000 jobs, while that same and legislative assistants about other major industrial state sound dollar," she said. "We sh of UFO sightings in analyzing how many jobs are billion spent on military in¬ PIRGIM's findings. gets $80 billion, it causes a net loses jobs. could cut personnel in Europe ;hern area of the Upper loss of 840,000 jobs nationally," ila is nothing more than Michigan, with 615,900 cur¬ and Korea and stop cost over¬ said Marion Anderson, author net Venus, rently unemployed, loses according to of the report. 172,000 jobs annually, Ander¬ AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. ber of the faculty of Lake The basic premise of the son said. V State College. PIRGIM report, called "The "Having those jobs in Michi¬ • Jrding to Dr. Randy ■ member of the a Empty Pork Barrel: Un¬ gan would have reduced our 0 physics employment and the Pentagon unemployment 75 per cent 1 at the college, what 0 Budget," is that a billion dollars between 1968 and 1972," lare seeing is Venus, spent on military industry Anderson said. Free Service / p as bright as any star. creates less jobs than a billion & Q Anderson ripped into Presi¬ / Jthree hours after sunset dollars spent in any other dent Ford's request for an in¬ Pelivery is begins to set it tends public or private sector of the crease in defense spending to Br and change color. MHJAC TV RENTALS"^ economy. $94 billion for the next fiscal 337 - 1Q10 ^ Suit Naws i> published by lh* ttudanti of Michigan Stat* Unlvaraity .v.ry T™''""ring Fall, Winter and Spring tchool tarmi, ft, during Summ«r T«rm, and a special Welcome Week Monday, Wtdneiday and RESEARCH ON MATCHING TIE edition i« published In 7, Subscription rate is $20 per yeor. w an p°,,a9» poid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at & "Tit Services Bldg,, Michigan State University, East lanslng, Michigan, »r Please send form 357V to Stote ENHANCING HANDKERCHIEF News. 345 Student Services Building «U Messenger Service, East Lansing. Ml 48824. GERALD H. COY. GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER CREATIVITY ALBUM PHONES *j#l ' 355-8252 101. > 355 8255 353-4400 Participants need to have reached an impasse on some ,c# ' 355-3447 problem or project. Call Bob Dave at 489 0734 or 882-9780 between 8 and 10 p.m. fv FT H «j i [ n - -- tpO£OJClflTCR 3 Wednesday & Thursday May Day Specials ROCK STEREO 101 A Free 6:05 to FAST MAIL ORDER SERVICE midnight , Flowering - % SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: Annual Plant (eur choice) $5.50 KING KAROL RECORDS • MAIL-ORDER DEPT. P.O. BOX 629 To Every Customer JAZZ s ROCK STEREO TIMES SQUARE STATION PREPAID • SHIPPING INCLUDED NEW YORK, N.Y. 10036 (Tlidnight to 6:00 April 30th & May 1st. WILS Fm STEREO 101.7 Op»n Mon. Sat. • • •PROGRESSIVELY BETTER•• Jo.w.. 5:30 p.m. A Python Production lor Charisma Records. Ltd SusanAger RUSSELL . Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor fokeAmett OtyFJitor Trying to find a nice day OiantSihr* Campus Editor i Poyton Opinion Poo* Editor loan „ WiroEdito* Stove Stoin Sports Editor Dole Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor "H.vp >i nirf h#v" has renlaeed "This is a "Rkht this way," he said, entering the - beautiful detailed workmanship here - with their electric TomOren Copy Chief stickup" as the most frequently spoken four Day Dept. and taking a gray, windy day off your children are calling for you to wire $75 drums and brand new trura, Linda Sandel Night Editor - word sentence in the American language, the rack. immediate y. The whole lower rockLj.71 Bruce Ray Walker Staff Representative Give a waitress a tip and she says, "Have "Our standard model, he said. It has tt.adceenoughday, I mid. MR n Butt not. half of th^l « cab nin> " "Have a nice dav H advises the seven bills in the morning mail, a two - hour really a nice day. What do you have with with thunderous blare and magnificent headache w H?A drivercollecting his fare. Say, "Fill her breakdown in the subway, a traffic ticket a Oowersin it andaluscious tat check nobody he urged, "right aftei up" to the gas pumper and he replies, "Have fresh spaghetti sauce stain on the necktie had been expecting and a smile from a qumel with the EDITORIALS a nice day." The other paid F morning after I had the bakery woman for a coffee cake and, a notice that your auto insurance has been canceled." ..... . charming woman?" Our special, hewild syd,roses taking down a day quiet day?" ^^7 ' I^t you just have Mo-J - and been urged to have a nice day, I asked, "You don't understand. I said I wanted a embroidered with -»-» and popcorn. "Where do I get one?" nice day." It comes complete with this remarkably "Something with a funeral M Nice! Nice! I Minh: hope "What?" asked she. "A nice day," said I. "What are you talking about?" she asked. He was miffed. "Our days," he said, "are the nicest in the trade. This is only an lovely woman in this quite exclusive restaurant and a luncheon bill for $68. And nice are you want a trying to sen herer nice di7ih day for a funeral! What lefaiM l average day, I'll admit, but it is one of the here is a delightful surprise. At the bus The manager Many high "You just advised me to have a nice day. nicest average days made, and the wind and stop outside the restaurant door, as you appeared With I hopes held by plausible. First, the Communists The idea appeals to me. I wonder if you in uniform. "Is there some probS' Americans have grayness are very high quality." leave, you run into your wife." He doesn t like our been dashed are faced with the mammoth chore know where I can get one." "I'd rather have sometiiing with sunshine "And I suppose, to cap nice day j* it off, the dog is said the clerk. '** during the long struggle in of governing millions of terrified The baker had come out of his oven and in it and no bills at nil." run over by a truck just at dinnertime," I Vietnam. was watching as if he expected to hear He said he had just the thing. It was "Really?" said the manager "M countrymen. In order to govern, something particular you had in J!f As the last wreckage of the "This is a stickup." dazzling. "Nothing that elegant," he demurred. they must win the trust of the "This dude making trouble out here?" he "Isn't that sunshine splendidly woven?" 'The cat in with "Just a plain, ordinary, sweet,^ American policy in that war-torn comes a dead bird in its ml, people, including hundreds of asked. he asked. "And look. Not a bill anywhere in jaws." serene, inexpensive, old ■ i-J nation is swept from the scene, thousands of refugees who have day with no bills, no dead "Have a nice day," I told him, departing. it." It wasn't my idea of a nice day. "For one bWl thoughtful and humane Americans left their entire lives behind in or¬ I went to Cromley & Swotts. ("Every¬ "I like it." victory for the home team. T thing, there isn't any music," I complained. The manager smiled must pause to ask: What can we der to flee the North Vietnamese. thing for the man who can afford anything. "You've seen nothing yet," he went on. "Music," he said. "Why didn't you say so? throurt J Bumbershoots, stuffed elephants, decora¬ contempt. 'They don't make J now hope for in Vietnam? Second, the Vietnamese "Look, it has a trip to the ball park where Look at this." He took down a lovely quiet more." he said. In a way, the war has been ted rooms and silver bar stools our the home team loses by a score of 12 - 1. Saturday. Delicious breakfast. Strains of "Can we T| a Communists, who have consis¬ specialties.") The air conditioning at home breaks down - Haydn on the phonograph wafted through something in a stuffed elephantr P tragedy of unrealistically high tently claimed to be the true "May I help you?" asked the clerk. and when you get back it is 110 degrees in the morning. "And in the afternoon," he I walked out. I American hopes for a disillusioned "Have a nice day," said defenders of the people, might be "I'd like to see something in a nice day." your house and the telephone is ringing and said, "notice the children coming to visit the mi Asian country. (CI New York Times embarrassed to execute masses of We have hoped that American people in order to keep order. arms and fighting men could In order to keep face on the succeed where each South Viet¬ international scene, they may namese government has failed. choose to pursue a moderate We have hoped that America's course, refraining from the mass puppet governments, fed with our executions that have charac¬ money and supported by our terized many Communist take¬ bombs, could win the support of Flood control Red Cedar River's freedom will be overs, and a large part of the irretrievably revoked by the inept Army their people. Corp of Engineers. We have hoped Vietcong terrorist movement. A hue and cry for flood control of the Red that the clever The designation of neutralist Cheryl Rossell Cedar River will soon be heard. After the 145 Collingwood Drive diplomacy of Henry Kissinger retired Gen. Duong Van would create "peace with honor" "Big" waters have receded back to the river Minh as President of South banks and the major cleanup had been for us, even as the Vietnamese Vietnam may help to actualize the completed, the angry citizenry will turn its fighting rages on. hope of attention to "getting even" for the costly Little Rock, Mich. a peaceful transition. and inconvenient flood. Pursuing such unrealistic hopes, The United States, we have been burned, and burned by There is no doubt that the event was The violence directed against gay people and burned again. acknowledging that we have no indeed tragic to those who lost all their at both Dooley's and Beggars Banquet more hope for an anti-Communist personal belongings. However, perhaps the brings to mind some recollections about my There is but one hope left within greatest tragedy is yet to home town of Little Rock, Ark., and the realm of possibility. It is the regime, by withdrawing our occur, resulting own from misplaced blame. the way it used to be there only ten years advisers and fleet, and by public good (in this case sheltering bargoers under the rug as prevention of massive bloodshed Will the ultimate blame for the damage ago. from gays) is nothing new as an excuse being a move on then encouraging a peaceful settle¬ be placed on the real estate developers and Then the rationale used to bar sick, bizarre "degenerates." GayLibd during the Communist takeover. ment, might finally have a hope home owners who built homes flood a minority given for oppression. In other words, the means dignity for people who, like W Two on a person from a public place was that the justification given to qualify hauling off reasons make this hope come true in Vietnam. plain because of convenience or scenic Chicanos, Indians, women and othmj patrons wouldn't take to well to it, that they black people to jails for sitting at all- value? Will the blame be placed on city just weren't used to being around these regarded as lower forms of life kj white lunch counters in the early 60s is one planners and the public who demand more power structure, and are conseqJ people and "wouldn't know how to react." and the same as that used to throw gay looked upon in such a way by many ii Join roads and parking lots, covering water- This is the sort of thinking that kept'blacks city people out of an East Lansing bar recently. society. absorbing soil with impermeable asphalt? com No, the blame will inevitably fall on the river itself. As a penalty for following the out of Little Rock Central High in 1957, and I see it being used again, only this time in East I've heard it said that none of us are free until we all are free. I believe this to be Inequality must never become a those things tolerated in this comra MSU students have the available Lansing. true. The struggle of gay people for their James Gn positions. They are: dictates of a man-created environment, the Discrimination for some kind of supposed humah rights is hot something to be swept opportunity to serve on various Traffic Commission, three two- 374 Snydtfl commissions and boards that year terms; Recreation Commis¬ advise East Lansing City Council sion, five on issues two-year terms; Zoning affecting their lives — Board of Appeals, two three-year VIEWPOINT: but sadly, students have not been terms; Planning Commission, taking advantage of it. three three-year terms; Board of About 65 per cent of the city's Electrical Examiners, three three- registered voters are MSU year terms; Library Board, one students. But most commissions, with an average of five to 10 tion, three five-year term; Cable Communica¬ three-year terms, and Fight sexism in the classroom members, have only one or two Officers Compensation, one seven- By Mary Man sour, Jan L. Price and adequate information regarding available Some students who have Mary Fiegel to deal with attempted a one- (there seem appropriate grounds, tall student members. recourse these and other to-one year term. Can you imagine a professor announcing approach say it's often fruitless and filing a grievance or a forma! comply One block to greater student problems. At its recent meeting, the sometimes risky (one may be The only requirement for at the beginning of the term that he or she alliance compiled a list of methods for openly Strategies within the classroom M ridiculed and endanger one's grade). participation has been the length persons applying for these posi¬ was a racist and proud of it? Third world dealing with sexism on campus. It is probably preferable to go see the getting together with other w " of terms for commission positions tions is that peoples would be justifiably angered by Resource persons include: sitting as a group in lecture; com] they be residents of such a derogatory slur. And yet, 1. professor as a group. If you can't find other a group when sexist comments are i — usually two or three years, but the city. However, the Board of many Carolyn Stieber (University Ombuds¬ women in the class, bring friends along. students laugh when a professor proudly man), who can mediate problems on a Boycott classes and object to class mlf some are up to seven Electrical Examiners require that Going up as a group lessens the risk and years. beats his chest and says Tm a male one-to-one basis between the student and which are sexist, and inform the prx Term lengths should not be an four of their five members also helps make the point that women have have chauvinist pig and I'm not about to change." (and his or her dean) as to the re» faculty member. been offended insurmountable obstacle, professional knowledge in the The Alliance to End Sexism is alive and 2. Joanne Rettke (Women's Resource as a group. your nonenrollment in that class. however. An illustration of the well. It was revived April 17 when a If /someone repeatedly makes sexist In filling out the SIRS form, ■ electricity field. group Center) in Student Services Building will of about 100 women (students, faculty and comments, you might seek help from others known that the professor has hum stakes involved is a recent decision provide informal resource information on Application forms are available administrators) met in the Union that reports of campus sexism, and a list of in the professor's department, such as and degraded women. The ai" of the Planning Commission to in the city manager's office at City evening to discuss strategies for combat¬ faculty, staff and students who can be feminist faculty members, majors and working to insert a question regardnj grant a parking waiver for a Hall, 410 Abbott Road. Council ting sexism in the classroom. contacted for support in handling sexist graduate students. sexist content of a course on the SDul proposed restaurant in the heart of will review the applications and The women present discussed problems incidents. More formal tactics may be effective and Remember to support professors " the student ghetto. make appointments no later than of everyday sexism they encounter while in 8. Chris Wilson (Office of Women's anti-sexist, who treat women as often carry more weight than a class or on the job. Women are often made personal beings or who are making obvious eir Students living in the area that June 3. Programs) can also be a source of helpful visit. Write a letter to the professor, the butt of crude jokes. University course information. change. would be inundated by restaurant Council must be aware of documenting sexist incidents and explain¬ material and research tend to ignore or Or talk to the professor directly, Mary Mansour is a s customers' parked cars protested; student carefully ing why they are offensive. Send a carbon opinions before making stereotype women or establish the male explaining why the incident was offensive copy to the chairperson of his or her psychology; Jan L. Price is a so but the studentless commission the human majoring in psychology, and Mary W decisions, but without student norm as norm. Many women are to women. Sometimes drawing the analogy department and perhaps one to the dean. If waived the parking lot require¬ discouraged from pursuing careers and with racist freshman, no preference major. participation on these boards and instead encouraged to adopt the traditional or anti-ethnic comments can ment anyway. help make the point. Prepare for the commissions, students' views may role of homemaker. On June 30, there will "be 29 not be heeded. encounter ahead of time; marshall docu¬ 'ON6 IP BV Alf2 AMD -TVsIO »P SV SEA, Previously, women have not had mentation (e.g. class notes) and arguments. BUT" EVACUATE SAIGON IMMEDIATELY../ CASSANDRA GNUTARPS ,v! . ™f m Grades may hurt education il§p% Every now and then among the books, where along the line we have bypassed the books and make a mass exit out of the pamphlets, magazines, newspapers and learning for the grade. only to get the same grade you would have other masses of material I read at this classroom, though as the weather improves gotten had you not studied as long, and only Furthermore, there's so much to learn at that's likely to happen anyway. What I do University I come across something with an this University outside of the classroom. A to forget whatever it was less than two inkling of value. But usually, whatever it is suggest for myself and others, who have weeks later? great deal of what I have learned, since found themselves caught up in the is unrelated to my class grade- If the material you are reading is really assignments and being here, has come simply through inter¬ conscious trap, is simply not to concentrate often scribbled on the walls of the not relevant to you or your major (and some library action with so many different people of so as much on making the grade as on john or some quote collector's dorm door. of what we read up here isn't), you can A couple of weeks ago I saw this: "When always skim it to get a general idea of what going to college starts interfering with your it is saying. Then put it down and donate getting an education, it's time for you to A couple of weeks ago I saw this: "When your time to more in-depth study of some¬ quit." going to college starts thing that does interest you. Never were truer words interfering with your getting an education, it's time for you to spoken, but it quit" happens everyday. It's happened to me. I Your grade will probably suffer no more spent the majority of my freshman year than it would had you read every sentence trying to pass tests to get a decent grade. because often when studying something Note my reason: "to get a that is not interesting, half of every hour is grade," not for many different backgrounds and the attainment of knowledge. philo¬ educating yourself about the world around spent day-dreaming, running down the hall sophies. A lot of what I studied in classes was you and whatever else interests you. talking to friends, catchings bits of what¬ Our worth knowing, but unfortunately for me — self-development is as important as I know that can be difficult since the ever ia on the television screen, or else the our academic development — if not more and I'm sure for a lot of other students here so. average student hardly has enough time as material "sings" you to sleep. The University — the motivating force is the provides a tremendous it is to do what he or she has to do, much grade. Our amount of resources to aid in Besides, the grade you get in the subject preoccupation with getting a grade often learning about less time to read books and do things for life, about people and about ourselves. It that interests you could possibly take up for thwarts our learning, which is what college would be worth personal development and knowledge. But is supposed to be about. everyone's time to now and the time can be found through the slack in the other subject. then take a break from our using time a I understand that a grade is meant to be a striving for a little more efficiently. In some situations, grades are important. grade and do some learning about whatever How often have you asked yourself, reward or incentive for good performance, a interests us. I never meant to say they weren't. They sign of what one has learned. But some¬ I'm not suggesting that "Why am I reading this?" And how many just aren't aa important as the learning we drop our times have you continued to read it anyway itself. n State News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 29,1975 5 Senate urged to toughen Interior nominee query ByE.W. KENWORTHY New York Times News Service and because Congress is studying new WASHINGTON — The Senate's con¬ approaches to the leasing of energy ventional wisdom is that a resources. president's choice for cabinet or other Since 1971, the Interior Dept. has had a high administra¬ istration and the Environment — 1967-74," tive posts should not be moratorium on coal leasing. Before then, rejected except for and a critical analysis of it by the under a "preference right" system, a com¬ very compelling reasons — questionable Environmental Defense Fund. character, bad prior record in public office A further reason may have been a pany or citizen with an exploration permit or manifest had the right to inexperience for the job. statement submitted in advance to the develop any coal dis¬ Consequently, confirmation hearings by covered. committee by lobbying group Common Senate committees are There was no competitive usually pro forma Cause, soon to be read by its acting bidding for affairs. Members' questions are deposits. The holder of the preference right usually president, David Cohen. soft; the nominee's replies are agreeable Among the issues on which the committee paid an annual rental of $1 an acre until and cautious. production began and a royalty of 15 to 22 k i; Opposition witnesses are should get Hathaway's view, Cohen said, is given polite but short shrift. cents a ton of production. the leasing of federal coal, oil and gas lands, Many companies Hearings by the Senate Interior Com¬ since the procedures of Interior's Bureau of holding preference rights have simply sat mittee last Monday and on their discoveries, Tuesday on Presi¬ Land Management "are in desperate need waiting for prices to dent Ford's nomination of rise. Stanley K. of reform." Hathaway to be secretary of the interior It remains to be seen whether the com¬ Central to the coal and oil leasing issues were no exception. are the questions of a fair return to the mittee on Wednesday will examine The nomination of the former, two-term Hathaway closely on the issues he must Treasury, the pace of leasing and a firm Republican Governor of Wyoming had deal with as secretary. schedule of production in the context of a brought cries of protest from national and considered national energy program. But there is no question that some of home-state environmental groups. them principally energy and water, are of Some of Hathaway's actions as governor They charged that the governor's the greatest national import, and that his suggest that the "partnership" he en¬ "quality growth" program for Wyoming had views are of considerable visaged between agricultural and industrail been heavily weighted on the side of importance water users was one in which the strip because of his past actions and predilections power mining and electric power development industries would be the major forces. with insufficient concern for environmental protection. They also asserted that Hathaway had consistently opposed Wyoming of the wild and extensions in scenic rivers and MSU black wilderness systems — programs that would be under his administration. In the interval between the nomination and the hearings, several environmental wins regional organizations, including the Sierra Club and the Environmental Defense Fund, MSU's Gamma Tau chapter of the Alpha compiled Thanksgiving and Easter. They also long analyses of Hathaway's record. Phi Alpha fraternity was named Midwes¬ brought high school students from Detroit AP wirephoto Because of this opposition and also tern Regional Chapter of the year at an to the MSU campus for a tour and had a 11 it a compromise, but this sign was altered to crewman recently while working because it was known that some committee Alpha Phi Alpha regional convention in commemoration for Martin Luther King, on the center Jesignate a possible flag worker ahead. The sign strip on the Edsel Ford expressway in Detroit. members were not happy about the Kansas City Saturday. who once belonged to the fraternity. fas erected by a Wayne County Road Commission nomination, there had been some expecta¬ tion that Hathaway would be subjected to The black fraternity won over chapters located in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Mis¬ The fraternity also won a trophy for the undergraduate chapter with the best dis¬ some tough souri, Ohio, Minnesota and Wisconsin. questioning on Monday. He was play, a three - and - a half foot by three - - not. They were judged on community invol¬ foot high scrapbook of the fraternity's Many of the questions were gentle to the vement, dedication to the fraternity and activities. point of being rhetorical. On the key issue of academic endeavors. Gamma Tau gave a They now have an opportunity to Dems back teacher strike leasing federal oil and coal lands, he was Halloween party for 105 needy Lansing plan compete in the national Alpha Phi competi¬ asked if he thought the government should children and distributed food baskets at tion to be held in Miami during August. get a "fair market value." Hathaway replied, "Yes, sir." By JOANNA FIRESTONE frlSING (UPI) lining law allowing — A proposed teacher limited strikes the negotiations mechanism to reporters Monday and said they are optimistic it can forfeit a day's pay for each day that bites into the 196 day calendar. School districts - On the second day, when environmental organizations testified, each witness, be¬ cause of the length of the list, was allowed Judge to review busing plans be enacted by June 1. (protect the public interest" even "It will protect the public interest," would likewise lose a day's state aid for 10 minutes. Witnesses for the major DETROIT (UPI) - Federal Judge The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last each day of the teachers' strike. environmental groups were forced to con¬ p it was written in secret by special Robert E. DeMascio will begin t groups, Democratic legislative Fitzgerald said. dense their analyses; there was little time considering summer Detroit must come up with plans to school integration plans this week to decide "The framework will If a strike trimmed the school instruction desegregate its schools, which have a 71.5 Ji said Monday. keep the public interest in mind, the children in school and calendar to 170 days, a Circuit Court judge for questions. which plan can best desegregate Detroit per cent black enrollment. ■ plan was hashed out in 60 hours of However, the chair announced that schools. The controversy dates back nearly four 1 door give some recognition that those who join could order teachers back to their class¬ debate last week by the Hathaway would be called back on Wed¬ DeMascio will open hearings today years ago, when the late U.S. District together have a right to bargaining toge¬ rooms and throw the n Education Assn., Federation of dispute to a third nesday for further questioning. that should continue several weeks before ther," he added. party for binding arbitration to the The reason given was the desire of some Judge Stephen Roth found the Detroit |ers, Assn. of School Boards and Assn. or Michigan Employment Security Commis¬ the judge issues a ruling. DeMascio said Board of Education guilty of segregating its tool Administrators. Though it had not been formally drafted members to question him on a paper he had earlier it is not likely an integration order schools and ordered a voluntary busing and details were sion for resolution. circulated entitled "The Hathaway Admin¬ plan J groups were asked to write the sketchy, the proposal will come before early June. that later overruled ■sal when the Democrat - controlled basically calls for 180 days of instruction, was by the high court. Crim said the prospect of a limited ■ture deadlocked on the question and plus two teacher conference days and 14 teacher strike and financial penalties would Hnable to write a bill itself, holidays to be completed by the third coax school boards to the negotiating table ■se m B. Speaker Bobby D. Crim, D pn, and Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald, D - Detroit, unveiled - Friday in June. Teachers, upon a 15 • day notice, would be while preventing prolonged walkouts. Teachers disobeying a court back - to -. Look closely at what you get in a permitted to strike, though they would pair ol Scholl sandals. It s called value. work order could be fired. ben thursday and friday nights until nine Value means more for your money. It means long lasting, guality materials, fine craftsmanship and a comfortable, patented product. . What's more, Scholl sandals are versatile. Because they look terrific with almost anything— jeans, dresses, shorts, whatever—they do the job of a whole wardrobe of regular shoes. That's added value. Add it all up. And step into the comfortable life—in Scholl sandals. Longer lasting beech- wood—Polished, seasoned European beechwood. Tough, to resist chipping and Patented slide buckle— cracking, yet smooth and Easy-adjust for better fit. sculpted to caress your Distinctive design for style. feet. Genuine leather strap In a choice of colors: red, white, blue or bone. Miss J's got that good ole country feelin'. . .in pre-washed denim that's all soft, natural and done up bib overall style. With top-stitched jean styling, it's ready to suspender over any casual shirt or tee. Navy cotton denim in 5 to 13 sizes. $17 Tough, non-skid outer sole j^ecL secure and t> able. JAop Exclusive toe grip— Suede leather lining- Designed by Scholl to encourage toe-gripping Foam padded to help action while the big toe prevent chafing, add even rests comfortably, The original Exercise Sandals JaeobBoris greater comfort. naturally, as if walking Better than barefoot. barefoot on sand. I" 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan r' April 5 J Legislative OK expected soon The Latter Day Society of of Ford's evacuation The Interfraternity Council an¬ The Russian and East European authority nounces deferred rush at partici¬ Equitable Pioneers, a co - op think Studies Program and Political pating fraternity houses. It's a low tank, will hold a group meeting at Science Dept. will cosponsor an Circle Pines Center, co - op near informal seminar with Dr. Leonid key, informal convenient event for Delton Michigan, May 1 through seeing the houses and meeting the Scleznev, pro - rektor at Leningrad brothers. If formal rush did not 4. Call Dave Juckett at Rivendell State University at 2:30 today in By WALTER TAYLOR 30-year-old struggle in Vietnam and Secretary of State Henry For many of the 92 freshmen turn you on, or you missed that first chance, contact the Interfra¬ Co - Office. op or J. Jacob at the Co For free repair classes, tours and - op 324 S. Kedzie Hall. On May 4 there will be an Washington Star WASHINGTON - President will have ended and the ques¬ tion of recommitting troops will H. Kissinger still cling to hopes of salvaging the moribund members of the House, some of whom got their start in politics the Passage of sev^L ternity Council office for the introductory workshop in gestalt of the houses interested in rides, parts, service and bikes Ford's request for clarification be moot. Saigon regime cuts deeply on the front lines of the anti names contacting you. contact the Community Bike Co - principles for personal growth and development from 1:30 to 9:30 of his authority to use Marines But the machinations of both through the Congress, showing war movement, the question - Charles W. WhL «1 op at 211 Evergreen Ave. (just off to evacuate Saigon has rekind¬ chambers of Congress, particu¬ no respect for partisan lines or was one of the most difficult p.m. For more information and to Introductory lectures scendental Meditation will be on Tran¬ Grand River Avenue behind the register call United Ministries in led the passions that for nearly larly the House, in considering traditional labels. they will be asked to face iohn F. SieberCJ! gi¬ Riegleg|l as Donald W. People's Church.) decade divided the nation Even as Ford was ven today at 1 and 4 p.m. in 101 S. Next board meeting will be open Higher Education. a the President's request have proclaim¬ legislators. Kedzie Hall and at 7:30 p.m. in 109 S. Kedzie Mall. Sponsored by the Students' International Meditation to all — in the Union main lounge at 8 Wednesday. Learn the seven warning signs Come to a concert of revolu¬ tionary music, featuring Prairie Fire, a revolutionary rock group, over U.S. involvement in Indo¬ china. After nearly two weeks of shown that Vietnam has the same divisive impact on many Americans that it did before ing in New Orleans last week that so far as America concerned, the Vietnam war "is is "I've been fighting against this (bleeping) war for 10 (bleeping) years," Rep. John L. -jWM<£M "Once we send ntftd ces back over Soceity. of fascism. (2) When crisis and Joe Ginetti. At 3 today at bitter debate, final congres¬ the United States pulled its finished," the House was locked Burton, one freshman leader, launched therTS Dr. Kathryn G. Heath, US. threatens, is first reaction Beuamont Tower. sional passage of legislation in titanic debate on a your remaining combat soldiers from a over permit¬ told a reporter outside the can# Office of Education, Washington, D.C. will speak on "Legislative "The something?" government should do Try the Libertarian Free pizza. Hubbard Informa¬ affirming those powers is ex¬ that country more than two ting the use of U.S. military chamber. "Now I'm supposed unchartered no way of knowing sea, jjA tion Center needs a new name. pected within the next few years ago. forces to rescue Americans and to vote to send the Marines Reform in the U.S. as Related to Alternative, at 9 tonight in C108 S°in« to be able to Women's Advancement in Edu¬ Wells Hall. Submit your suggestion with days. Possibly by then, the Suspicion that the President endangered Vietnamese from back in." forces J cation and Employment," 7:30 to If you are a woman and a local name, address and telephone to beleaguered Saigon. Burton, D - Calif., whose back home "J 10 p.m.. May 6, in 35 Union in artist - and would like some W320 Main Library by Wednes¬ It was clear that many mem¬ brother Phillip is chairman of Sieberling asserted. I commemoration of International day. bers of the chamber shared the the House Democratic Caucus, Riegle characterized J coverage on a radio show produ¬ Women's Year 1975. The MSU Block and Bridle Club ced by women, contact the Wo¬ men's Media Collective - either Dr. Moriarty, the famous a- poenologist, will speak briefly on holding encounter groups near Lend-A-Hand fear expressed by Democratic Leader Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill, led an unsuccessful 15 parliamentary fight to prevent - hour thorization as a "blani« that the President coil launch offensive will meet tonight at 7:30 in 110 through WKAR or by coming to waterfalls at 11 o.m. Friday in the D - Mass. enactment of the evacuation action J the North Anthony Hall. our meetings, at 7:30 Tuesday West Holmes Hall lower lounge. "What happens, if our troops bill. Vietnamese, 1 Brown Bag Lunch. Come us for discussion at noon join on nights in the women's lounge of the Union. How can two or more Sponsored by the All Beekeeping Soceity. collection are ambushed while over there? What they are happens if we Allied with him were many of the established House doves of For the most members of the the past had been House J most J peopie Wednesday in 6 Student Services build a meaningful personal exis¬ Israeli Dancing now two nights: have troops who are missing in the 1960s and early 1970s, some ken in support of Bldg. This week Joanne tence? Love relationships is Gay 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday nights in 118 The MSU Businesswomen's Club has set up two collection points action?" O'Neill asked. of whom were instrumental in effort left the debate the Ull Hamacheck from the Counseling Center will discuss "Assertiveness Liberation's topic at 9:15 p.m. Women's Intramural Bldg. for all on campus for anyone wishing to donate money to the He quoted from a newspaper tol interested and same time, same Lend-A-Hand Relief Fund for flood victims between now and May Training." Wednesday in 30 Union. Business clipping that said California Sponsored by the place on Wednesday nights for 15. Women's Resource Center. meeting at 8:30. officials are making prepara¬ Communication skills workshop those interested in a performance Pre - meds: Checks made out to the MSU Businesswomen's Club Flood tions to receive from 600,000 to meet other stu¬ - share feelings and improve self group. Need ID to enter building. dents and community families Relief may be mailed or delivered to Darlene Dreps, 140 1 million Southeast - image. University United Me¬ Asian The speaker for the African concerned with U.S. medicine. thodist Church, 1118 - 20 S. Studies Forum will be Thomas Administration Bldg., or Debbie Kenrick, Service Road, Purchas¬ refugees. *-•••■ The MSU Star Trek Club presents! Saturday at noon in Families' Harrison Road. Tuesday at 1 to ing Dept. "Do any of us think for one Coffee Shop, Medical Center Butynski, Ph.D. candidate in the The MSU Businesswomen's Club kicked off this latest campus 2:30 p.m. minute that we can evacuate Dept. of Fishereis and Wildlife. He West. Sign up for rides in 103 Natural Science Bldg. One person is needed to help will speak on "Botswana: Its drive by pledging $100 to the fund. 600,000 to 1 million (refugees) /Fascinating... compile an evaluation report from People and Wildlife" at noon ASMSU, the Residence Halls Assn. (RHA) and the Council of without being back in the Ms. Gloria Toote, asst. secretary results of a survey of a youth Graduate Students (COGS) have been collecting canned goods and Vft 10-3Z today in 106 International Center. quagmire that we were in four in the Dept. of Housing and Urban organization in the This area. Another way: checks for a week for the Red Cross. Anyone wishing to donate Ww* c& conoufafred] Development, will meet the Atheist years ago, six years ago, eight informally person will make a statistical Alternative will meet at 9 tonight either money or canned goods can bring them to 307 Student with students and the public at compilation of the results. For years ago?" he asked. in 31 Union. It is vital that all Services Bldg. "There is 10:30 on May 1 in 303 Bessey Hall. mroe information check the re¬ no way you can do interested persons attend as we So far, $55 and some clothing has been donated through this English majors: the deadline for quest book in the Volunteer it," was O'Neill's answer to his will discuss our spring term pro¬ collection point. applying for summer or fall term Bureau. own question. enrfollment in english - education A slide show on the pictured ject. is Wednesday. Application forms rocks on the shore of Lake Into the media as technician are available in 212 Morrill Hall. All Superior in the Upper Peninsula and/or performer, but disillusioned last term will be given at 7 with structured systems? Check - sophomores desiring tonight in 326 upper - level english - education (K Natural Science Bldg. at the out Intermediary, the experimental OURCDN75 coding) are required to complete meeting of the Outing Club. environmental theater at 7 p.m. this form and attend a meeting on The MSU Veterans Coordinator Mondays and Wednesdays in the May 6 at 4 p.m. in 214 Morrill Hall. Union Tower Room. is conducting a survey of Vietnam A 21 - year - old individual needs MSU era veterans who will exhaust their Sailing Club meets at 7:30 STAR TREK/SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION 3 help securing funds for a basic educational benefits before Sept¬ tonight in 208 Men's Intramural education. If you would like to Bldg. to discuss plans for this '*•" Price includes admission for 3 help contact agencies in the area ember 1975. Contact 162A Stu¬ weekend's trip to U - M Regatta. days to movies 1 dent Services Bldg. get in touch with Annie at the Student teachers: Free Year¬ Shore school starts at 7. STAR TREK episodes, costume competition, I dealers' room (where memorabilia is on Volunteer Bureau. book protrait appointments for all MSU Cycling Club will meet at 7 sale), 1 Attention married housing bas¬ seniors who will not be in the area tonight in 215 Men's Intramural £ art room, a chance to see, hear, take pictures j ketball nuts. We play half court informal basketball every Wed¬ next fall term are being taken from Bldg. Topic will be the spring at of, and get autographs from attending guest j 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. this week in 30 race. All interested parties please stars James Doohan (Scotty), Nichelle Nichols 1 nesday, 7 to 9:30 p.m. in the Red Student Services Bldg. Call or attend. (Uhura), Walter Keenig (Chekov), "Tribbles Cedar School gym. j The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will have an attorney available stop in. Pictures to be taken next week. If you are interested in helping (More IWH on page 10) BELL'S author David Gerrold, Mark Lenard father) and the Andromeda Light Show by Jef! 3 (Spock's ] every Wednesday spring term. to produce a radio show by, for 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 z Moynard.' This program is subsidized by OPEN 11A.M. EVERYDAY and about women, come to the ASMSU and minimum fees are Tuesday April 29 8 p.m. ; MAY 2-4 WELLS Women's Media Collective meet¬ HALlj FREE DELIVERY collected. Appointments are made through the ASMSU busi¬ ing at 7:30 tonight in the Metro Arena in Lansing lounge in the Union. MSU Students, ness office in 307 Student Ser¬ Next to Lansing Mall. Faculty, and Staff $5.00 i vices Bldg. Stop in at the Co B311 Student Services - op Office, *8 utfc 15.50 advonci $6 at lh« door All Others $7.501 There will be a Student Council Bldg., to for Exceptional Children meeting pick up a list of the co - ops and a on salt ot both Rocordlandi OiMPunt Records and Pot Soundi at 8 tonight in C216 Wells Hall. waiting list form. Elections will be held and plans for Exceptional Children's Night will be discussed. MSU Sports Car Club will meet tonight at 8:30 in 37 Union to plan the May 4 Gymkhana. A NOSTALGIC RETROSPECTIVE OF CLASSIC 1950's TELEVISION | Pre - meds - rap with students and community families about your future at The Forum at noon on May 3 in Families' Coffee Shop PRESENTED IT KARMA FILM SOCIETY at 701 N. Logan St. Sign up for rides in 103 Natural Science Bldq. Experience soaring this spring. Introductory movie, "Soaring Country" will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 208 Men's Intramural Bldg. r"20c OFF! (with this ad) " THE FRONT PAGE ifCnNtcaOR*- PANMISON* AUHMBAIPCTW J : SUPER brazier. DOG almost! "ftlDC IN AMNKCAft" TODAY! PLUS COLOR ot 1:55 only 0K3-55 CINEMA X "DOLL SQUAD" presents 99* SPECIAL FOR THE LADIES 6R0UCN0 MARX IN 1WD pieces of chicken, roll 2 EROTIC MALE DANCERS FOR THE MEN YOU BET YOUR LIFE (1955) and coleslaw OR french fries 3 EROTIC FEMALE DANCERS SliMrtiMt!2-3-6-9-1J iMledanc«r,6 912 | So big it's double Scrump- ALSO TOPLESS USHERETTS ontf RICHARD NIXON'S CHECKERS SPEECH (US' | ELVIS PRESLEY ON ED SULLIVAN (198 i fabulous xxx films ^W,*l at Elvis pound* out love M# Tend*' * 0Z2IE AND HARRIETT (195?) Don't mill it, Colled Father's Night At Tho Fraternity. io»e pounding out some Golden Oldiet Alto »tor» the ob»wd Wolly SERGEANT BILKO (1958) WID. 1021WIUS 7 *9:15 P.M. THURS. 402 Compter Center 7 * fJ JJjg, , n«B U.S. Pat. Off. Am. D. Q.. Corp' FRI. ft SAT. 107 S. KEDZIE 7,/9:15 •> MID"'® It ADMISSIONS#. 75 JI973 Am. D. Q. Corp. J n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 29, 1975 7 Starship Airplane was prepares responsible for Starship's recent "Dragonfly" MSU visit gained the group many new Kaukonen, who has now limited » News Reviewer several of the finest albums to is the The Jefferson Starship will most powerful work ones. his musical activities strictly to grace the '60s. Their best Slick, Kantner and company Another vital member of the Hot Tuna. be hovering over Munn Ice work, Arena, Friday much to the ^ "After Bathing at Baxter's," is a contemporary have been associated with for Starship is the youthful guitar¬ With the presence of Marty several years. Coincidentally, ist Craig Chaquico, who at 20 Balin and the strength of delight of those who have classic that sounds as innova¬ "Caroline," cowritten by Balin years of age, could not have watched the group "Dragonfly" behind them, the evolve from tive now as it did then. '« and Kantner, is also their first even been in high school during Jefferson San Francisco's Since that period, the Starship is assured of legendary group jointly composed since the Airplane's long and illus¬ Jefferson Airplane. The con¬ has - song providing a memorable perfor¬ undergone several very their work in the late '60s. That trious flight. After a stint with mance Friday. Tickets for the cert will be at 8 p.m. important changes and muta¬ piece, and the local favorite Jack Traylor and Steelwind, show are $4, $5.50 and $6.50 The Starship is more than a tions, including the spawning of "Ride The Tiger" have reawak¬ Chaquico has come very close and can be '70s name for a '60s band, in fact Hot Tuna, the loss of purchased at the Marty ened several old fans and to filling the void left by Jorma Union. it is a symbol of a welcome Balin to Grootna and later, revitilization of some very sig¬ Bodacious, the creation of nificant talents. Included in the Grunt Records, the group's own touring group are Grace Slick, label, and the addition of Papa MY2 8(Wfc Paul Kantner, Papa John John Creach, Quicksilver's Tickets 84,8S.S0 st*3 8£5C Creach, David Freiberg, John David Freiberg and drummers Barbata, Pete Sears, Craig Joey Covington and John Avsilsbfe at the M8Unica Chaquico — and, as a special Barbata. In short, the group surprise, Marty Balin. has continually changed with Slick, Kantner and Balin the times. were all members of the origi¬ There are those who have nal Airplane — Slick being only become disenchanted with the one album late — along with Airplane's work since "Volun¬ Jorma Kaukonen, Jack Cassady teers," citing Marty Balin's and Spencer Dryden. After the departure and the plethora of JEFFERSON STARSHIP days of "White Babbit," the dreary solo works the like of "Baron Von Tollbooth and the Chrome Nun" as good evidence hypocrisy of artistic decline. )ring Strangely, however, the WMU students tances dreary made long call J)v EDD RUDZATS ate any real excitement and ness about sex while at the cism. Beyond that there is little [ute News Reviewer simply relies on its visuals to same time depicting men as else save repeated simulated KALAMAZOO (UPI) - The gine looking at a combin- keep its audience alert. But the brutalizing sex maniacs and sexual acts in which the women longest telephone call on record visuals are not enough, for like |0f Playboy and National women as accepting the on¬ are constantly nude and the ended Wednesday after 1,000 ' laphic "for an hour and a flipping through those two slaughts and enjoying objectifi- men never take their clothes hours — with Western Mich¬ I That is exactly what glossy magazines filled with cation. In fact, the final idea it off. igan University students pay¬ |ing"Emmanuelle" is like. their splashy photos, the result presents about the liberation of As the men brutalize the ing $32.42 for their record- Inch import that is making is the same. The eye is the female is that she should women, the film presents the setting effort. % office news in Europe, stimulated but the mind falls become a slut in order to know lesbian affairs as the most Januelle" is supposed to asleep. and realize her true self. romantically satisfying, an i- The time gave the students a ■its erotic message and "Emmanuelle" actually is a What "Emmanuelle" is seek¬ ronic aspect since the film is so place in the Guinness Book of 1 it sensual, but it only curious little oddity which pro¬ ing to do is contrary to what it Records, which listed the pre¬ heavily geared toward the male ids in presenting a shal- vides a tour of Bangkok and actually presents. It becomes a vious longest telephone call at fantasy. -ile with a degrading mes- Thailand while attempting to male fantasy oriented film that "Emmanuelle" molds nudity 724 hours. ■amidst lush exotic sur- tell a story and make a point is beautiful to watch for a while with a travelog approach, but it about love and freedom. Much but is really degrading in its does not pay off in the long run. of the film is taken up with attitudes to human beings. Instead of exciting the au¬ displaying the various sexual Not one of the characters dience, the film only succeeds in couplings that occur as ever emerges as a human presenting some lush visuals Emmanuelle goes about in being, they barely make it past and a drawn out story of little search of her inner self. one - dimensional portraits. substance. It will probably do Shot through with a number There is the lollipop sucking as well in the United States as of highly pretentious and ul¬ petulant friend, the husband in France, for its appeal lies in timately shallow philosophical with the roving eye, the older the attitudes it pretentiously discussions about love, freedom woman with lesbian tendencies argues it is trying to change. and eroticism, "Emmanuelle" and the older man whose ex¬ "Emmanuelle" is currently culminates as an insult to both perience will teach the young playing at the State Theater. sexes. It strives for a natural¬ woman new heights of eroti¬ liM mmm m mmmmm * iwi ip m pi iifi #% fi M Istonieyh.taBlsn ■ I0UCATIONAI' ■ CINTtH ■ ^ WHORING AND GUIDANCE 1 SINCE 1938 I 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd. 1 Southtleld, Mich. 48075 . TICKETS J ON SALE AT -1 UNION TICKET plRCHlLD OFFICE & AT DOOR Iheatre t 18:15 pm (Nurse Chapel), Nichelle Nichols (U. Uhura), jimmy Doohan (Scotty), of STAR TRIK, * • Mystery Guest. There will be a question ft answer session with Gene and the participating cast where you'll hear the latest developments on the upcoming movie version of STAR TREK. Admission fee includes entrance to a Roddenberry Film Festival Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4. THIS IS A PRESENTATION OF RHA AND IS NOT o THEATRE BOX OFFICE OPEN MON — FRI 12 - 5 PHONE 355-0148 AFFILIATED WITH OURCON 75 / Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, APril 29, J Netters lose title; Selke wins again as she whipped added. "I tried to force Wilson By ANN WILLIAMSON as a team for coming in second once OSU's Ann Wilson, 6-3, 6-3. to make the mistakes, and once Scruggs has not I State News Sports Writer Sometimes you just have to place, because we played good and hard tennis," Spartan coach Wilson had defeated Selke she did, I didn't let up on her. I Ten title «that Becky Dickie*^! dIv I earlier this season in a dual know I had a lot of confidence in take the good with the bad, and Elaine Hatton explained. "We the MSU women's tennis team went undefeated up to the meet, breaking Selke's three- mys®lf." crowns robbed took a little of both last finals competition, but once we year undefeated record in Though seven Spartans the No. 3 singles play. qualified for the finals competi¬ doubles weekend in Madison, Wis., at got into the finals we just the Big Ten championships. The Spartans, after winning couldn't come up with another "Sue played the most beauti¬ ful match of tennis I've ever tion, it was either an Ohio State or a Wisconsin player who came 51osttoWfe"53 win. the Big Ten title for the past "We did everything just the seen her play in her entire out on top at the conclusion of career," Hatton praised. "She the matches. two years, were the crown over forced to hand to rival Ohio way we should have, but Ohio State's team was just a little was very determined and con¬ Senior Allison Scruggs was ^d Wisconsin ffiL State, who took the champion¬ better than we were. We lost fident that she was going to handed a loss by OSU's >ngs were Purdue Jf ship with 66 points. MSU fairly and squarely." beat Ann Wilson, and didn't Barbara Wetters in the No. 4 pomts, Michigan Illinois with Jl finished second with 58 points, But the news was not all bad. make the little mistakes that singles position, marking the 16,lndlar2j while a surprising Wisconsin Senior Sue Selke, Big Ten she made against her earlier first time in two years that squad landed third place with singles champion in the No. 1 this season." 45 points. position for the past two con¬ "I do think that was the best "We don't have any excuses secutive years, claimed the title tennis I've ever played," Selke Red Cross "Pleasure" favored in Derby will LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI) - W. E. "Smiley" Adams leaned against the wall of barn 26 at horse, but he ain't going to run no 1:46 here. No one is." Adams was referring to the He's "He looks like the horse to me," Adams said. "Too honest. going to run his race every continuefonigl The second session of the American Red Cross wit* J instructors' retraining classes for MSU Churchill Downs Monday 1:46 3-5 time turned in by time, he's got to be the one to students facultv will begin at 7 tonight in the Jenison Fieldhouse ,'Jl morning and got down to the Frank McMahon's Damascus beat. He's consistent, you know pool business of handicapping colt in winning the 1 and one- he's going to be there." Tonight's session will end at 10 p.m. The final traini™* Saturday's 101st running of the May 6 will be held at the same time and place. ^ eighth mile California Derby. While Adams was studying The first session began Monday night with Kentucky Derby. that Of course, as trainer of Looking over the past per¬ the past performances of his set for May 5. The time for that is the same as the second^ Master Derby, Adams has a formances of the probable competition in the $125,000- and is also held in the Jenison Fieldhouse pool. | Attendence is required both nights of the slight bias. Derby field, the crewcut added, 1V« mile derby, Master Swimmers should enter Jenison at the south respective seiaL The aptly nicknamed trainer Adams broke into an even Derby was being strolled entrance all said: "I've seen all the horses wider grin and slowly pointed to Foolish Pleasure's chart. around the barn after a gallop around the track. present a class reservation card, current water safety certification and $3.75 (for newly issued books) before 'mT except Diabolo. He's a good thend allowed into the building. ^ Anyone that does not take the retraining classes thisspiJ Women's softb have another chance next fall when the classes are Holders of water safety instructor certification SN photo/Bob Kaye January 1976 to renew their certification. MSU golf coaches Bruce and teams helped clean up Sunday. meets Calvin Mary Fossum's basement of their Pictured helping out Bruce The MSU women's softball team will travel to Grand Rapids this Okemos home flooded during the Fossum are golfers (left to right) afternoon to face Calvin College in doubleheader competition. The women's intramural Israeli . recent deluge but members of Doug Lemanski, Carol Peterson The Spartans, who boast an 8 -1 season record, whipped Calvin track meet scheduled Monday both the men's and women's golf and June Oldman. last week in a single home game, 25 - 4. MSU coach Margo Snively night was cancelled because of is again predicting that the Spartans "should win easily." wet grounds. The entry dead¬ Dancing Gloria Becksford, 5 - 0 for the season, will start for the Spartans line has been extended to 10 in the first game, while Gwen White will get the bid for the of the day the meet will be Albion games canceled STATE NEWS SPORTS PHONE 355-3320 Spartans in the second game. White currently holds a 3 - 1 mark a.m. held. For information on the for the season. rescheduling call 355-4710. Monday's rescheduled MSU baseball games at Albion were Now, 2 options: canceled because of rain. MSU originally was supposed to meet the Bisons here April 8, but the doubleheader was postponed Get out from [-"Serving East Lansing & m ■■■■ 1 because of snow. The batsmen will meet Notre Dame twice Ind. today in South Bend, under that hat PIZZA PIT • Regular: Tues. 7:30-9. I 18 Womens IM with a great ••••••••••• ) Performing Group: III IIII SI III\l II V I IN KHS ( atural look from Wed. 7:15 -9 GARY'S CAMPUS 218 Womens IM BEAUTY SALON All are Welcome TUESDAY 549 E. Grand River Ave. need ID to enter building I I VI I A! I PRICE 411 Mil M H 41*1 AUM rFROZEN- rDAIRY Heatherwood All Star, '/» Gal. Heatherwood All Star, '/2 Gal. ice cream 1 % Lo FAT MILK '1.18 2/s1.19 Spartan, 8 ox. pkg. Orange Grove Pure, '/a Gal. GOODRICH'S pot pies chlctk;r;^~* ORANGE JUICE 59 V VMLOOy s-PRODUCE -MEAT- 4•••••• Head ^ GROCERY—N Carnation Instant, 20 qt. pkg. Sliced % Pork Loin lettuce NON-FAT DRY MILK $3.77 mixed pork chops 88 Naval 98' Northern Assorted, Jumbo Roil oranges TOWELS Sugar Cured Smoked 48< picnic hams Whole 59' 12 pak, 12 oz. Cans COCA COIA $2.28 Peschke's Lean, Boneless 12 pak, 12 oz. cans flat ham Whole or Half * 1.48 TAB $1.99 Tenderlean All Flavors, 46 ffl. oz. Cans Hi-C FRUIT DRINKS pork steak 98'i 44* r BAKERY > Gold Medal, 5 lb. Bag * Spartan, 24 ox. Loaf FLOUR IT Country Style Boneless pork butt roast jumbo bread 2/77' <1.18 Windex, 20 fl. oz. Bottle Your Ovenfresh, 11 oz. pkg. WINDOW CLEANER Dove, 32 fl. oz. Bottle 2/88' Meaty Fresh Picnic pork roast 68'. cinnamon rolls 69' Life Insurance .LIQUID DETERGENT 88* Koegel's Skinless, 5 lb. Box Needs rIN HEATHERWOOD STORE COUPONS— ALL STAR — 16 oz. Carton franks *3.98 A Consumer Information Seminar Eckrich Slender Sliced, 3 COTTAGE CHEESE ifl- or Sm. Curd 44* Save 25* oz. pkg. lunch meat • featuring TOMWENCK SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS R.g. Un.olt.d i lb. Pkg. 48' s«». W — all varieties 2/W) Professor of Insurance, MSU KEEBLER PECAN SANDIES or RICH & CHIP COOKIES I4„,.pk,. 77' So,,JW TUESDAY, APRIL 29 7:30P.M. - SANKA COFFEE ALL GRINDS HTI„, $2.39 Sov.3 Community Rm., MSU Credit Union JIFFY CAKE MIXES All FI«or. 9 o>. pkg. 4/'1.00 lu A CRISCO VEGETABLE OIL MII.... few. '1.44 " Save 33* On east side of MSU oH11* I Bj our MSU Employees Credit Union w LIMIT 1 PLEASE WITH '5.00 FOOD PURCHASE East Grand River. Open Mon • Thur 9 ■ 9, Fri Jm f Sat 9 • 10, Sun 11-5 |jpun state News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 29, 1975 9 Get I skow»r of results with a Classified Ad. Call the magic number . . . 355-8255 «]§ L"W]@ FRANKLY SPEAKING, .by phil frank FORD, 1973, Grand Torino. Auto¬ [^| £***& Apartments [f>] matic, air, AM/FM, 26,000 miles. CYCLE INSURANCE. Lowest 487-8211 rates on any size cycle, NOT ENOUGH people to fill your PINE LAKE APARTMENTS WOMAN FOR apartment starting or 482-9514. 3-4-29 easy pay plan. Call us first or last but call. apartment? Advertise now for HASLETT fall. Block from campus. GREMLIN X, 1972, V-6, 3 speed, UNION UNDERWRITERS. 485- summer and fall rentals. Call Lisa Short on Cash? Maybe we can Approximately $85/month. 351- silver blue, very good condition. 4317 or 393-8100. 0-8-4-30 Lone 355-8255 $1,550. 675-5556. 5-5-5 at 355-8255. P-5-30 work something out. One bed¬ 6703. 5-4-30 room apartments with shag car Services Bldg |7 Student utomotive MGB 1965, restored, complete service record, 30 mpg, radials. I MlSwkl |71 CAMPUS NEAR, 217 Bogue, small 1 bedroom furnished, $140. peting, drapes and appliances. $150 per month plus utilities. 10 SUBLET SUMMER. apartment acoss 2 bedroom street from Scooters ft Cyelei MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East minutes from MSU. Located at campus. Air conditioning; $950. Bob, 355-6307, after 6pm. Larger 1 bedroom furnished $165, 6076 Marsh Road, just north of balcony. $240/month. 332-6137. Ports ft Service Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. for June 15. Phone 489-5922 £4-29 or Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager 3-5-1 I Aviation __ Complete auto painting and colli¬ 393-7279. 0-3-4-30 MGA 1600 ROADSTER 1961. sion service. American and 339-8192 or EAST LANSING Lployment REALTY, 332-4128. 26-5-6 ONE BEDROOM unfurnished, all Very Good condition. $1800 or Foreign cars. **5-0256 C-4-30 ANN ARBOR, large unfurnished IoR rent best offer. Call 332-1160 after 3 utilities paid. Close to East apartment, starting September, I Apartments Lansing area. $150 month. pm. 5-5-5 RANDY'S RENT-A-BAY own room. $98. Call John, 2 GIRLS NEEDED for apartment. Available June 10. per Call before 5 I Houses 349-1840. 4-5-1 Fall 75 through Spring 76. Call MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1965. $3.00/hr. Rental pm. 484-1414. 0-2-4-30 I Rooms Melissa or Gina, 355-8872. 5-5-2 Reliable transportation. New Includes Us* Of; EAST LANSING Duplex. Two SUMMER SUBLET, modern 1 |dr I Animals sale tires-$250. 337-9698, after 5:30 bedroom furnished duplex for 2,3, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South bedroom, air conditioned, close to p.m. 3-4-29 or 4 residents. Off-street Furnished, one bedroom. Utilities parking, campus. $150. 351-7719. x-4-5-2 I Mobile Homes pool privileges. Both units open paid. $150/month plus deposit. OLDSMOBILE 1972 Custom Phone 627-5454. 7-4-29 bST ft found June 15. Summer $180, fall $245 HELP! MUST sublease. 731 Cruiser. Clean, air conditioning, Repair MonuoliPorti Book, l»c. or $265. 595 Spartan. 484-4014. Burcham. dooI, air conditioning. IRSONAL new radial tires. Phones 372-2315. 5-5-2 LARGE FURNISHED efficiency. EANUTS personal 5-4-29 $1.00/hr. Charge For Air conditioned, $145 summer Immediately or June. 351-8498.. Hand Tools 4-5-2 tal estate HERE AT IMP EXPERIMEMTAT10M Ufi TWO FOR house, 2010 Jerome. $175 fall. 487-4451 or 351-1610. PINT01973 Runabout - Air condi¬ Olicount Prices on All Parts 39-5-30 icreation AS... WAIT!!.. HERE CM& A LIST OF Own rooms! Starts in fall. SUBLET FOR Summer. One tioning, must sell. Low mileage. IAM-1IPM, 7 Days a Week 485-6851. 3-4-20 IRVICE Clean. 351-4140. 655-2603. bedroom, furnished, air. Very [instruction 3-4-30 Call Before Arrival to Hold lay ffOA THE MicF,* ONE BLOCK from campus - now close to campus. 351-0288. 3-5-1 SUMMER SUBLET, need one girl, leasing for summer and fall terms! I Typing PINTO, 1971, best offer, new RANDY'S MOBIL £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKETEY CA 94709 pool, air conditioning, close, price Spacious 2 bedroom furnished OKEMOS - 3 room, furnished, iansportation starter, call after 4, 355-8891. Okemos Rd. at 1-96, negotiable. 332-3673. 10-5-6 apartments. Call Joe Miller, utilities, married couple. $160/ 332-4240. 20-5-7 (anted 2-4-30 349-9620 [[iff] month. Available now! 349-2313. rr pool PORSCHE, 1971, 911T. 5 speed. REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ tmptoynit j7&M«itJ[i(| SUBLEASE CEDARVIEW two- bedroom furnished, carpeted, air. MSU EFFICIENCY, clean, close, excellent location 5-5-5 Dark green. Best offer. 371-5889, Available 6-1-75. $225/month. - environment, FEMALE ROOMMATE, fall [ word e "rates** minimum before 5 p.m. 5-5-1 change. Free towing available- local areas. Installation as low as TWO MID-MICHIGAN CAREER SALES OPPORTUNITIES, of 40 351-8756. 3-4-30 parking. Pone 351-3212 after 3. 2-4-30 through spring. Very close! Eden Roc Apartments. 351-1877. 5-5-5 TOYOTA CARINA 1972, 38,000. $35. Check our repair prices and offered nationally for qualified 551 ALBERT STREET, one block Kept up well. Snows included. REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO ROSEMARY, SPACIOUS 1 bed¬ 1 NO. DAYS Ziebart. $1800. 351-7989 after 5 PARTS, 500 East kalamazoo and college graduates by June. Imme¬ diate salary negotiable and ad¬ COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS from campus. Large 2 bedroom, furnished, summer and fall. room, carpeted. $145 includes SUMMER. 2-3- men. Own large room/share. Close! Air TRAINING pra ^-5-5 Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. justed over 40 month training Learn to express personal Resident manager, utilities except electricity. 627 conditioned. 332-3337. 3-5-1 feelings 351-5208 or 1 3 5 10 VOLKSWAGEN SOUAREBACK, 1969, Mastercharge card. C-22-4-30 and Bank Ameri- program. Earn while you learn!!! No limit on future earnings, Call more effectively. Free 4 hour 10-5-9 9824,485-3051. 5-5-5 HAPPY CARING Couple seeks [BO 4.60 /.80 15.60 standard transmission, training. Call 353-3798 or 355-1755 EAST SIDE, one bedroom partially Mr. Durocher at 484-8410. Inter¬ Volunteers. 4-5-2 others. Share apartment/house. J>5 6.00 9.75 19.50 dependable, $750 or best offer. AMERICAN, GERMAN and views by appointment only. Yes...We have furnished, shag carpet, no children Summer/fall. Pete, 337-9454. Fo 7.20 11.70 23.4C Call_34jl-42eB_ 5.5.5 FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. 20-5;2 FULL OR part time car washer. pets. Evenings, 482-5450. 5-5-5 4 5-2 |0 8.00 13.00 26.00 VW1969, 38,000 miles, automatic 20% DISCOUNT to students and RN'S, FULL time positions avail¬ Good driving record. Prefer 21 or location! 16.25 32.50 stickshift, new tires. Excellent faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW able on 3-11:30 pm shifts, and older. 489-1484. 3-5-1 BEAL STREET APARTMENTS: CEDAR VILLAGE |75 10.00 condition. $550. 355-9438. 5-5-2 service parts. IMPORT AUTO RIVER'S and WATER'S 2-man furnished apartments. One Now LPN'S Part time positions avail¬ Renting PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and block . from campus, air able on 3-11:30 pm and 11-7:30 am BABYSITTER NEEDED immedi¬ EDGE Apartments Summer and Fall DEADLINE VW BUS 1973. radio, 8-track Low mileage, Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. shifts, for medical - surgical areas ately. Bailey School district. Part conditioning, carpeted, balconies. Now leasing for summer and fall. Summer Rates are $150-$200 stereo. Sacrifice for Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- time now. Full time summer. 1 p.m. one class $3400. 694-8821. 5-4-29 card. C-22-4-30 of Provincial Hospital and Surgi- After 6, 337-2601. 5-5-5 (next to Cedar 337 0449. 3-5-1 per month. Fall Rates are $80, $83, $85 per person per Clinic. Contact Mr. White at lefore publication. VW 1969, automatic, good condi¬ Genuine 485-3271,9-4 pm Monday through Village) GIRL NEEDED for fall term only, month. 3515180 PART TIME employment for MSU tion, just painted, $700. Call Friday^ 5-5-2 two man apartment, Woodmere Jellation/corrections 12 337-7634. 10-5-2 VOLVO students. 12-20 hours per week. NOW LEASING LOOKING FOR girl to share class PART TIME help for landscaping. Automobile required. 351-5800, 9 Apartments. 332-3634. 3-5-1 e day before apartment for $100 a month spring 332-4432 1968 VW, rebuilt engine, new PARTS Must have own transportation. Call 349-3150. 3-4-30 am -1 pm. C-2-4-30 NORTH FOSTER, three bedrooms and summer. Call 351-9531. brakes, good transportation. $600 garage, garden spot. 15-5-2 $240 plus | ad is ordered it icelled or changed until cannot or p.m. best offer. 3-4-29 355-6013 after 5 iCOOK-HiRRIMAN TEMPORARY LIVE in help I Monl WAITRESS - BARMAIDS eve¬ ning shift 8 pm - 2 am. Full or part TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished apartments: 124 Cedar Street, utilities, deposit. 371-3412. 5-5-5 SPACIOUS FURNISHED studio rst insertion, unless it is V.W.-VOLVO through Friday starting approxi¬ mately July 1 for 14 weeks. Room time work. $2.00 hour plus tips. See Ralph after 7 pm at BZURPYS $177; 129 Burcham, $147; Kedzie Drive. Year leases and 135 WOMAN WITH fluent French, apartments. Across from campus. interested in practicing, to share Air conditioned, quiet. Summer or sd & cancelled 2 days 2021 East Michigan. 487-1822. and board plus wages. Refer¬ summer leases only. Starting fall leases. 351-1258 between 10 apartment fall with fiance |b publication. NOWS THE time to find a buyer' ences ffequired. Child-caie, ir*als,; •J 0-5-6 June-.or. September. Heat in¬ returning from "France. Steve a m.-7 p.m. 10-4-29 for your motorcycle. State News and light housekeeping. Call cluded. Damage deposit. Call 8-5, QUARTZ 332-5656, 4:30 - 6:30. 3-5-1 > a $1.00 service Classified. - IODINE Headlamp 627-2039. 5-5-2 351-2402; 6-10 p.m., 882-2316. TWO 355-8255, Randy. LICENSED MASUESES needed. BEDROOM furnished )r an ad conversions for American and 0-4-30 change. P-5-30_ Will train. Need Escorts, $2. hour. BURCHAM DRIVE, 3-man, cable mobile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 Foreign cars. Three times more ENTREPRENEURS LOOKING for minutes to campus. 489-1215 between 10 am 6 pm. - TV, pool, free utilities, rent and Quiet and CYCLE INSURANCE, call for our effective than ordinary headlamps. enterprising individuals. Distri¬ EXECUTIVE ART STUDIOS. FEMALE WANTED, own room for deposit negotiable. 351-9346. peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or low rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN buting bagels. Great commissions 0-2-4-30 484-5315. 0-4-30 4 man apartment, Rivers Edge, $65 3-5-1 CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ Need car. 351-2476, 351-0896, 484-14M_0^33^9535; _0-13-4-30 zoo, one mile west of campus. Monday - Thursday, 4-7. 5-5-2 a month, starting now for imme¬ | State News will be psible only for the first BRING YOUR student I.D.I See Darlene - get your discount, at 487-5055. C-3-4:30. I For Rent. Ifffi] diate occupancy. Can renew in the summer. Call 337-0645. SUBLET SUMMER, large one bedroom, furnished, close, air, NOW LEASING ct insertion. SHEP'S, Holt^ C-3-4-30 rww—t ifni 'ROUND TOWN PARKING SPACE, musical instru¬ ments, garden plots, whatever - 5-4-30 HULL APARTMENTS. $150, heat, water. 337-0247. 4-5-2 TWO FEMALE WHITEHALL HONDA CB350 1973V4. 2500 FOR GREAT Results!!! Call Gary Summer roommates MANOR fe due 7 days from the miles. Super condition! $750 or Coming this Thursday you don't have to sell, rent it! needed for next year. New Cedar now at 355-8255 to place your sublease, fall option. One bed¬ fciration date. If not paid Place your ad with Ann, dial best offer. Lisa, 351-8919 after 5 in the room, $165. 337-2782 after 12. Village. 332-6661. 5-4-30 Te due date, a 50* late employment ad. P-5-30 355-8255. P-5-30 •1-2 bedroom apts. pm. 5-5-5 Classified Pages 5-4-30 •Heated swimming pool p charge will be due. PART TIME employment for MSU VALLEY FORGE •Carports HONDA 1973, CB350, electric start, disc brake, tune - up, new students. 12-20 hours per week. Automobile required. 351-5800. WANTED: go dancers. MALE and female go Apply CINEMA X, TV AND Stereo Rentals. term. $10.95/month. Free $25/ same 731 APARTMENTS BRAND NEW •Community bldg. •Quiet surroundings day delivery and service. Hive ml chain. Asking $800. 355-2590. 5-5-2 C-3-4-24 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236.20-5-22 NEJAC, 337-1010. C-4-30 Call APARTMENTS ONE BEDROOM •Rentals from $165.00 FEMALE MODEL needed AVON-NO experience necessary $154 mo. (one person) NOW by *Cloi» to Campua ACCEPTING AP¬ p vour automobile? Call MAICO 1974, 400 radial. Cherry, photographers for 1-2 day period to buy or sell. Call Judy Phreed, $159 mo. (two persons) p you write your ad. never raced, 10 hours breakin. week-end work this summer. 482-6893. 20-5-22 711 EAST •Air Conditioned 'All Appliance! PLICATIONS FOR GRAD¬ on TWO BEDROOM UATE AND MEDICAL Spares, trailer, i5._P-5-30 num. new super mag¬ 489-3836 after 6 pm. 3-4-30 Timid girl will never do, boldness counts! No experience required, GENERAL LABORERS APARTMENTS $179 mo. (one person) STUDENTS. | i.AMERICA 1969, Ziebart, on the job training. Send full JOBS BY PHONE 711 Burcham Road $184 mo. (two persons) Good mileage. $750. KAWASAKI BLACK 1970 Mach Immediate openings, reliable length photo and phone number OKEMOS III 500. Immaculate, 1800 miles. to Craig Freeman, 1039 Loren people needed for both long and HDW BENTINC! •SWIMMING POOL Latest in appliances, carpet¬ ing, security and fire safety 489-3836 after 6 pm. 3-4-30 short term assignments in retail iNIA VW Bus 1961. No Ave., Mt. Morris, Michigan. 3-5-1 Exceptionally Large One Now Leasing equipment. Excellent loca¬ I Located at corner stores, factories and warehouse. Bedroom Apartment Summer and Fail tion East Lansing on bus line of Mt. Hope & p engine, completely up- - 1973 350/4 Honda - 4,500 miles, TIAVIL 'ROUND THI WORLD ON Experience not always necessary. b and insulated. Many green, excellent, extras! $950. Suitable For 2-3 Students near shopping, 5 mins. to Hagadorn Rd.) Apply in person MANPOWER Summer-$50 per person ■700. 694-1745. 5-5-2 393-6846, after 6 pm. 3-4-30 pay, men and women. Exciting sun INC. 105 East Washtenaw. campus. 351-4091 ■AID for junk cars! or year around employment. Sail from 0-3-4-30 '190/MONTH Fall $75 per person Discount for 12 mo. Lease 2345 North Horrlton Rd. (Avail. 1031 W. lake Laming Rd. (Avail. Juno) Sopt.) ALL STATE MGMT. Free USED MOTORCYCLES discount Great Lakes-East Coast Ports. Send • 12 Month Leases 241 EAST SAGINAW | Call 489 3080. 5-5-1 on insurance at F.S.C., 935 Grand Stamped self-addressed envelope, WANTED RECORDER player to •Completely Furnished 351-7212 By Appointment only: 332-1334 332*2759 or 332*6131 EAST LANSING River, East Lansing. 22-4-30 iceden lirt'l, Box 864, St. Joseph, teach recorder to children, part •Carpeting (completely) Sarlout Students or Working LAGUNA, - 1973, i. 64502 time during May. Call 353-2040, •Appliances & Air Condi¬ iondition, all power, air HONDA 1974 125cc, road bike, 8-5 pm. 2-4-29 tioned MARRIED COUPLE preferred to |mg, 351 -3794 after 4 pm. excellent shape, 2,700 miles. $595. supervise as houseparents for SALAD WOMAN, immediate •Heat & Water Included *2 Man Units CROSSWORD Negotiable. 353-2712. 5-4-30 eight moderately retarded men. opening, Wednesday-Sunday FOR APPOINTMENT CALL JMPALA 1967, 283 power CYCLE INSURANCE as low as Room, board, and salary provided. nights. Must be neat and de 337-7328 or 351 0726 PUZZLE New tires, battery. Rewarding work. Please contact $22 per year. Full coverage, 125 cc pendable. Phone 655-2175. SEA ACROSS *">■ 355-0629. 3-5-1 Kim Braman or Irma & at F.S.C 351-2400. 22-4-30 Zuckerberg, HAWK RESTAURANT, Williams Summer Rent $140 /Month 1. Before: prefix 26. Opposed to 487-6500. 10-5-1 ton. 3-4-29 < 4. Tempo debtor ■88 Convertible 1973. in -• 8. Stratum 28. Coalesce Air, YAMAHA 650, 1972. Excellent SUMMER JOB in Chicago as 11. Indian 30. Yore condition, only 5000 miles. Phone r\ mother's helper for family with 351-7746, after 5 pm. 5-4-30 three children. Must like children, a (A mulberry 12. Mendacious 31. Land measure 32. Meadows y. 1 W3 1200. Good 1972 TRIUMPH 650. New custom enjoy cooking, be flexible, able to swim and drive. warm and jj person 13. Porter 33. Waxed 34. Curtsies 1 Best offer. Call >• 5-5-5 Steve, » paint, excellent running condition, extras. $1200. 372-8351. 5-4-29 Room and board plus salary. 351-0815. 4-4-30 £ £ s 14. Edible leafstalk 35. Splotch 36. Message A NEW CONCEPT IN APARTMENT £ O C o u c 16. Abide 17. "Daystar" 38. Unconven¬ tional <1 ® 18. Overpowers 42. Cuckoo LIVING THIS FALL 8 8>f — "O ~ 20. Chief Norse 43. Definite space u rn O a god 44. Dax A< " M a o 22. Coal car 45. Muffin BURCHAM WOODS (A £ * ® 23. College degree: abbr. 46. Convey • I r property Let Burcham Woods take your bills and Instead of having to hassle with the endless parade of pay them for youl FULLY CARPETED 0 *1 0 25. Coffee 1 47. Chop ; • J§! - u 5 6 monthly 9 Io debts, Burcham Woods will pay; • GAS HEAT AND CENTRAL AIR " 1 12 % IT" CONDITIONING % £ • SWIMMING POOL if IS 16 * CABLE TV *Electric • 24-HOUR MAINTENANCE ^ iH 17 18 % i4 i check out *Heat • PLAYGROUND FOR CHILDREN m _ T s< >» TO V/t 21 % % VA TT |lingwood aptsi % * n * Air Conditioning CALL FOR INFORMATION * * All utilities Heated Pool 349-4700 82 25 28 b 26 27 So re c«rPeting felted parking 'Parking LOCATED 3l 32 % si * furniture °Pen Daily ONE-QUARTER MILE % 34 % NORTH OF Ji 57 % % V/< I ca» 351-8282 ates Twelve month Leases ie *9 Efficiency $168 JOLLY ROAD IN OKEMOS. tz % |n<; Old World Plaza | 0n ♦he river I) One Bedroom $198 Two Bedroom $248 apartment! 1 fl 745 Burcham Dr. 351-3118 or 484-4014 . * I I thli coupon did not opp*of In coupon bonanta I J % 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan '•AW J I' UpartuHts !fl>] | >>irt«wls ||j>| [_ Hoists fr C Hwses Iffi For Sale Utt I Fm< |[^1 ROOMMATE NEEDED to share STUDENT APARTMENTS-9-12 NORTHEAST LANSING, 2 bed¬ FACULTY. MARRIED Grads: SPINET PIANO - beautiful, like UNMATCHED TIRES, size 695-14, FIND SOMETHING apartment with working girl. Two month leases. Four man from room brick, unfurnished, garage, Nicely furnished house available. new with bench. Must see. $675. 1 excellent, 1 good, both for $18. If bedroom, furnished, close to you've found a pet or article of $229/month. Large, furnished, married adults. No children/pets. Summer 1975, summer 1976. Phone 393-8724. 5-5-2 332-6265. E-5-5-1 campus. 349-1763, after 6pm. value, we want to help you return carpet, close to east campus. $145. 482-8667,663-4345. 5-5-2 $240/month. 332-2962. 5-5-1 Ample parking. No non-refund¬ JO-5-6 POMAPOO CROSS between it. Just come into the State News - V.M. Stereo with 8-track and Classified Department and tell us SUMMER SUBLET-1 girl for large apartment, % block to campus. able charges. after 6pm. 5-5-1 Phone 351-6168, SMITH AVENUE, unfurnished 2 bedroom bungalow. $145 plus utilities. Married couple. DODGE [ »M"S ](Z GOT AN empty room to rent. Call Pomeranian and poodle. months old, shots, $50. 487-0246. E-5-5-2 5 turntable, 2 years 355-6055. 3-4-29 old, $66. you want to place an ad in EAST LANSING STATE BANK'S Found Column. As a public service EAST 332-1033. 5-5-1 SUMMER APARTMENTS from REALTY, 482-5909. 5-5-2 the Classified Department to PIONEER TURNTABLE with LANSING STATE BANK will ruri $150/month. Large,, furnished, LUDWIG DRUMS with 22 inch FURNISHED LUXURY apartment, advertise it. Ask for Lisa at Shure M91ED cartridge. Other the ad at no cost to carpet, air, cable TV available. NICE 5 bedroom house, 7 miles youl good location near campus. 355-8255.P-5-30 Zilkjian Cymbal. Excellent components available. Brian, EAST LANSING Campus area. Phone 351-6168, from MSU and country. Carpeted condition. Some extras. Dale, Sublease summer. Air condi¬ after 6 p.m. 5-5-1 355-5383, 355 5382._ 3-4-27 STATE BANK SUMMER DOUBLES. Furnished, 484-8961. 5-5-2 tioned. 332-3617. 3-4-30 partly furnished. See at 3064 C-4-30 South Okemos Road. $300/ utilities paid, kitchen, TV, lounge, BAMBOO MATCHSTICK blinds. COUNTRY LIVING. Need 1 for parking, very close. $55/and Op. All sizes. Windows, doorways, 234 CENTER, new two man, two month, plus utilities, 1 year July SCOTT 100 W amp/FM receiver, LOST: MEN'S SILVER wire- farmhouse apartment, partially lease. Call 349-3841. 2-4-29 337-9452. 0-4-30 Sale $7-16. SIMPLE PLEA¬ bedroom, furnished. Negotiable $75,2 Scott Speakers, $40. Phone framed glasses. Near McDonel - furnished. 15-20 minutes to SURES, 129 East Grand River, sublet summer. 351-6093. 5-5-2 355-3263. 3-4-30 Hall. Call 355-0910. 5-4-29 campus. $87.50, 372-9789. 6-5-2 SUBLET SUMMER 5 - man cozy FEMALE, OWN room in house downstairs. 10-5-6 available May 5th. Close to house. 2 blocks from campus, 3 SPEED bike. Womens. Ask¬ GIRL NEEDED for Americana NEED TWO females for 4 person campus. 337-7151. 3-5-1 LOST: ONE green MSU ing $25. Good condition. 355- SANSUI 4 Channel AM/FM 12" notebook apartment, through June 11th. fireplace, garage. After 4 pm. filled with class notes. X-lot Americana, beginning fall 1975. 351-4087. 5-5-2 4810. E-5-4-29 Utah Speakers, 5 months old, 5 area Rent negotiable. Call 489-1785. MEN: 2 room suite; available now Reward. 353-1479. 2-4-30 Call 353-1120. 5-4-30 year guarantee. 355-7278. 10-5-9 3-4-30 (others available June 15), car¬ 2 FEMALES share huge room in SUBLET IN June. 2 bedroom, Houses beautiful house. Close/summer. Call 351-1329. 5-5-2 peted, clean, quiet, free parking, $90/per month. All utilities MARANTZ 6G Speakers. boxes. Full warranty. Still in $110 a I Nftml 1IZ1 unfurnished, pool, bus line. $190. included. Good set-up. Call Sue CLASSIFIED DISPLAY THE SUMMER rusn is onl Got a piece. 353-2712. 5-4-30 get's Campus, one mile. 332-3939, 353- 351-0473 attention I Box in your ads. For 7149. 5-5-2 house to rent? Let people know - 2 BEDROOM house, with garage, beforoj) P.m. 5-5-1 PHASE LINEAR 400 amp $385, better results advertise nowl Sue Advertise it! Call Ann at 355-8255. 1V4 acres, near Park Lake. Call OWN ROOM in large house, Phase Linear 4000 preamp P-5-30 after 6 pm, 641-6967. 3-5-1 $450, 355-8255. P-5-30 SUMMER: LARGE, spacious, one starting May 15, near capitol. Teac 33405 $800, Sony 203SD bedroom. Furnished, air, balcony, $57.50. 484-6536. 5-5-5 CHEAP 2 bedroom duplex. TWO FEMALES for big house. Front loading cassette deck, $295, Petitioning is Open for all close/campus. $140/month. 351- Sublet summer only. 923 Ann. Own room. Now with summer, Soundcraftsman 2012 equalizer ASMSU Cabinet Directors, 3649 after 9 pm. 5-5-2 Call 332-1456. 3-4-29 fall options. $70/month. Call $190, OHM F's $625, Heathkit Standing Committees and Audio Oscilloscope AD1013 $190. other ASMSU appointed posi¬ 484-1546. 5-5-5 MILFORD STREET 126, two SHARP HOME close, 2 bedroom, Velocipede Peddler All boxes and warrantee cards. tions. Petitions are available in blocks from campus. Deluxe, air, GIRL, PRIVATE bedroom, 2 334 Student Services. Dead¬ family room, married couple pre¬ EAST SIDE need 3rd guy for 3 541E Grand River 3517240 Nothing is more than six months furnished, 2 man - one bedroom ferred. $195 plus person house, one block from old. 351-8102. 3-4-29 line May 8. utilities. bedroom house, 485-6013 after 4 (master) $190. 3 man $207. Fall 372-5483. 3-4-29 campus, available now till 6-15-75. pm. 3-5-1 $95 per mpnth. 6-7 pm. Monday RECYCLED CLOTHING Married leasing. 332-3418,489-1656. 4-5-1 OPEN 9-5:30 DAILY. Closed Animals - Denim housing aus 6 BEDROOM house, funished, 562 -Friday. 351-1177 or 351-6088. Saturday. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, jackets, jeans, bib overhalls. SIM¬ over for some inform | WANTED. HOUSE for three 4-5-2 PLE PLEASURES, 129 East Grand outdoor volleyball TWO WOMEN needed, starting Virginia, close to MSU, starting months near campus for visiting 2615 East Michigan, Lansing. TO MAKE sure your pet finds a 9 p.m. fur, J fall, for large Delta Arms apart¬ June. 351-6758. 5-5-1 ROOM FOR male, close to Union, 372-7409. C-3-4-30 good home, place an ad with River. 351-3100. 10-5-6 Tuesdays at the*] professor and family. September Spartan Village School. ment. Call 332-2981. 3-4-30 1 to December 1, 1975. Contact 443 Grove Street, parking, call Elaine, 355-8255. P-5-30 1 SEWING MACHINE Clearance HAVE SOUTH, 2 bedroom townhouse to FOREST GREEN Subdivision, D.O. Riska, 353-5964 or write 203 332-0205. 5-5-2 Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, YOU been towing firms? Call Pat, 355-8252 hassled by Spartan Sports Scene sent a J sublease for 3 months, available near Perry, new colonial duplex, on half acre wooded lot, 3 Cyclotron, Campus. 5-5-5 $5 per month. Large selection of AKC COLLIE pups. Sable and tri-color, males and females. After between 12 and 5. 3-4-30 MbU and rundown an on spri^ intervie J BEAUTIFUL HOUSE across street May 19. All appliances including reconditioned used machines. Ross at 8 p.m. bedrooms, fully carpeted, 1 % PRIVACY, SHARE large upstairs from campus. One room available 4 pm, 663-4671. 3-4-30 we washer, dryer. Phone 882-3150 baths, garage, basement, stove, Singers, Whites, Necchi's, New msn, 640 am. after 5. 3-4-30 room, bath, house privileges, summer $60; 2 rooms available fall Home and "many others." $19.95 « * GERMAN SHEPHERD refrigerator, disposal, dishwasher, $240 per month. 1 month security $140. After 6:30, 351-4829. 5-5-5 one with fireplace, $90 and $100. No pets. 6 pm - 7 pm Monday - to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS AKC, shots, wormed, large males, pups, « Watch for « (More IWH on poJ TWO WOMEN needed. Water's DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 $100. Female, 2 years, $50. deposit required. 1 year lease. Call ONE BLOCK from campus - 2 Friday, 351-1177 or 351-2626. Edge, summer, four person, rent 351-9457 after 5. 5-5-1 bedroom, 2 persons, furnished, 12 5-5-2 North C-2-4-30 Washington, 489 6448. 517-531-3816. 3-4-29 «'ROUND TOWN* negotiable. Call 337-0961. 5-5-2 month lease, private yard, garden, MEN, PARKING, kitchen, close, ( Mobile Homes J**) IRENE SUBLEASE HOUSE for summer, porch, large oak trees, $220 per 4 rooms, 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. ORR-Theses, Tm J EFFICIENCY SUMMER only. One very nice, 4 blocks from campus, $65, 2-$7G, $75, 482-8932 general typing. Formertv«J month includes heat and water. block from campus, furnished, 1542 Snyder. Call 351-2506. Ben 332-6497. 5-4-30 Tanks, cannisters and uprights. TO PLACE your ad to sell or rent Brown. Call482-7487. C- Available 6-15-75. 6-7 pm Monday FREE. A lesson in complexion Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 . . air-conditioned, patio, just 10-5-8 your mobile home in the State -Friday. 351-1177 or 351-6088. care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan completed building. $140/month. LARGE BEDROOM, new appli¬ and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING News Classified ads, call Vicki, 6 pm - 7 pm Monday - Friday. PRIVATE ROOMS in luxurious 5-5-5 ances, washer and dryer, pets COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. TYPING, EXPERIENCED dnd reasonable. I 351-1177 or 351-6088. 5-5-2 house. Fireplace and many extras, FEMALE. OWN room, near welcome. 484-2449. 5-5-1 Opposite City Market. C-2-4-30 C-2-4-30 371-4635. j on bus line, prefer females. Rent Frandor. No pets. $66. 355-521& SUBLET, OKEMOS area, 1 bed¬ room furnished, $140, utilities neotiable. 487-3525. 4-4-30 days. 3-5-1 482-8227 nights. Vicky. [ Fw Sate ||51 Watch for [ Pumrts PBrsoMl i 'fiji COMPLETE RESUMED* dissertation s« paid, 349-9685 evenings. 3-4-30 WOMEN'S GOLF shoes. Size excellent condition. 675-5556. quality at a substantial 2 BEDROOMS, unfurnished, gar¬ age, nice location, $175/month SUBLET FOR Summer, 3 6 %. Hush puppies, like newl 'ROUND TOWN I HAPPY 20th Birthday baby. I love you more than ever. Thunder Typeset composition, a SUMMER APARTMENTS. 1or2 $12.50. 351-5051. E-5-4-30 available. THE PRINt plus utilities. Call John, 351-5266 bedrooms, 620 bedroom furnished or unfur¬ or 337-7144. 3-4-29 negotiable. Spartan. Call Gary 351-7588 Rent Thursday in the I 1970 TITAN. 2 bedroom, 12x60, Dash. 1-4-29 HELPER, 694-9449. 5-5-1 I nished, air conditioned, pool, after 6 pm. 3-5-1 PINBALL MACHINE. $50 or best Classified Pages J skirting an J shed. Any reasonable cable TV, summer from $140, fall from $195. North Pointe Apart¬ NEED 2 WOMEN fSr great house, excellent location, June-June, TWO ROOMMATES. Own room. offer. Needs repairs. 351-8454. E-5-4-30 KENWOOD KT 8005 Tuner, Sony offer considered. Phone 482-5746. 3-5-1 [ Real Estate Jjflft] EXPERIENCED able rates, TYPISTflJ ments, 1240 Haslett Road, Apart¬ TC228 8 track recorder, Dual PERRY-3 bedroom, 1)4 bath 489-3524 after 5:30 « 1-B. 332-1914, 351-7470-Sue or Linda. No lease - deposits. 75% FIVE PIECE Ludwig drum set and ranch, family room, 2 car garage, NEW MOON, 1969, 12x55, two ment Days, 351-7910. 5-5-1 furnished duplex, $41.67/month cases, Zilgen cymbols, 351-5017 1215S changer, AR fm receiver, in the country. Call 625-7766. anytime weekends. 5-4-291 Evenings, after 6pm, 351-1925. or AR 2ax speakers, Metrotec equali¬ bedroom. Excellent condition. plus utilities. Near I-496, 6 332-6889. 5-5-5 5-5-1 2 BEDROOM RANCH, Full base¬ zer, Pioneer Reverb, Teac Dolby, May be left on country lot. $3900. 10-5-8 TYPING BY the hour. "[ minutes/campus. Lorin, 485-1250. used 663-4756. 5-4-30 sen/ice. Secretarial ment, 2 car garage, up to 4 police scanners, TV sets, as EXCELLENT LOCATION, close to hospital and Frandor. 1 bedroom, students. $260/month utilities. 394-0300. 5-4-30 plus 4-5-2_ _ ROOMMATE WANTED, good GIRLS 3 accessories. - speed. 2 years old with $40, best offer. elecric typewriters, new equipment. Robyn CB Great selection in HOMETTE 1968, 12x55, many I Senrlci ||^ 694-0222. 5-4-30 clean, unfurnished, garage, 337-7679. E-5-5-5 extras, excellent condition. FOR THE BES r Service on Sterec house, own room. $60 plus. 404 car-stereo systems plus 500 used utilities paid. Call after 4, 627-9387 FACULTY ON sabbatical, next to Allen Street, Lansing tapes. MUCH MORE! WILCOX Stonegate, $3,520. 393-4628 or Equipment see the STEREO 5-5-2 Please call SONY AM/FM Okemos schools, 4 bedroom, all 484-3155. 3-4-30 stereo and SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East 372-5772. 3-4-29 SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. brick ranch with all built - ins, low cassette deck, speakers. $189 or C-4-30 MALE, SHARE room, next to best. Extras. 353-0164. 3-5-1 Michigan, Lansing. 485-4391. 1972 AMERICAN, 2 rent in exchange for good care. SUMMER, 6 bedrooms, $520. C-4-30 bedrooms, campus, cost now until June $185. 349-3813. R-4-30 Screened - in porch, garage, close, new carpeting, appliances, shirt¬ PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, 351-2354. 3-4-29 TYPING, ALL kinds, aL 516 Grove. 337-1164. 5-4-30 ARRID ANTI-perspirant Extra Dry Cash for ing, shed. Wooden porch. finest quality, resonably priced. 6 ounce size. Special at 961 this lowest rates in town. On c»| FEMALE ROOMMATES needed. - 694-3797. 3-4-29 BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. FOUR BEDROOM and 1 bedroom week. GULLIVER STATE DRUG, STAMPS & COINS Call 694-0252. B-1-4-29 in house. 372-0992, Monday - Fireplace, carpeted, furnished. SUMMER, SUBLEASE, 5 bed¬ 482-5712. C-4-30 Perfect location. June '75 - June 1105 East Grand River. 0-1-4-29 Buy - Sell -Trade FOR RENT, 2 bedroom, furnished, Friday, before 4:30. 5-4-30 rooms open on Harrison across EXPERIENCED IBM typing. I '76. Nonsmokers. 332-4952. full line of supplies in country, between Lansing/ B B LANDSCAPING from campus. Call 337-0342. - sertations (pica - elite). FAW 5-4-2 MEAD JOHNSON Tri-vi-sol VIID-MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN Jackson. Audrey, 628-2917, 628- SPRING SPECIAL NEED FEMALE roommates' for 5-4-30 489-0358. C-4-30 vitamin drops 50 ml-$1.99. This 2390. 5-5-2 A free applicator of fertilizer and fall. Summer option. Americana 1880 Haslett Rd. DUPLEX FOR rent-3 bedrooms, NEED ROOMMATE. Own room in week special. GULLIVER STATE 332-4300 20% Discount on either a lawn Apartments. Good location. furnished. Summer. Off Beech WANTED, FEMALE to share two 353-5687. 5-4-30 spacious two bedroom carpeted DRUG, 1105 East Grand River. CAR-LOU'S STORE at the Old dethatch or power rake with our Street. Clean. 669-9939. 10-5-6 bedroom mobile home. Call after house. Huge yard, garage rec- 0-1-4-29 World Mall. summer lawn maintenance service Genuine, sensibly 5 pm, 339-2810. 3-4-30 NOW LEASING for fall-Colonial room. Suburb location, right off priced 487-6730 ROOM IN house. Lake Lansing "zhu THE AL0HA turquoise jewelry. Arms, 126 Orchard, 2, 3, and 4 Grand River. Call 393-6010. 5-4-29 10-5-5 Complete line of muskets in the man apartments. Call 337-1800. Road and Abbott area. 351-4176. 5-4-30 $48. W& FINAL CLOSING finished and kit form. Muzzle 1968 KIRKWOOD, carpeted and skirted. 12x60, fully 351-3644. 10-5-8 1410 NORTH Chestnut. Three EDITING, PROOFREADING, bedroom, dining room, newly pm SALE loading accessories. Bicentennial belt buckles, bicentennial memor¬ 5-5-2 experienced. Dissertations, theses THESES, RESUMES, ty| FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for DUPLEX - FIVE minutes to redecorated and carpeted. Well Monday-Tuesday abilia. Finest leather hats, belts 1973 VEMCRAFT, 12x68 with book and article manuscripts. campus - extra large three bed¬ furnished. 50% OFF I! printing. Reasonable I summer, 14 term only. Call after 6 $150 for summer. and accessories. exDando. 2 bedroom. Large lot Anne Cauley. 337-1591. 3-4-30 p.m. 337-7121. 5-5-1 room, 1 Vi baths, spacious kitchen 372-3172, before 8am, after 11 Everything with garage near Webberville. with all appliances and redwood am. 255 Ann 351-1911 reasonably priced. Visit us! 5-4-30 3-4-29 Must sell. Phone 521-4056, deck, family room with glass walls PIONEER CT-4141A Dolby Instriction NEAT, CONSIDERATE female HAMMOND C-3 with percussion, evenings. 7-5-1 COMPLETE DISSERTATION J and patio, private garage and large WOMAN NEEDED. Own room in cassette deck. Dual 1218 Turn¬ EMPLOYERS ARE calling us for needed, $65/month. Close to $2,200. Microphone mixer, 16 resume service. ~ yard. $295/month. Call Tom furnished house. $80/month plus table. Sansui QS-500 4 channel NEW MOON, 1965. 10x50. campus. Call 351-0996 between our graduates. If you need a skill, Brooks, 669-3834 694-2167. utilities. Sublease summer, fall rear amplifier, Miracord 50HII turn¬ channel, $1550. 50 watt guitar typing, binding. Printing ■ 3-6 p.m. 3-4-29 or with four 12-inch speakers, Carpet, air conditioning. Near call us. Individually taught with 5-4-30 option. 484-1985. 5-5-2 table, Sansui QR400 4 channel amp MSU. 332-2437 your plain paper originals. uP or 487-9148. qualified instructor. 90 hour $250. 489-4336. 5-5-2 M.A.C. and Grand River, i receiver, Nikko TRM-50 amplifier, 5-5-5 course with choice of class hours. rfserve your apartment now while they las! Digital electronic Jones Stationery ShopJ calculators, VA approved. Located on the 10% DISCOUNT Monday Friday. Call CF Vivitar photo enlarger, portable [Tost ft Found ][Cjp - corner of Jolly and Aurelius EARLY BIRD SPECIAL black and white and color televi¬ Roads. GRAPH SERVICES, 337^ .nd, April 30th ♦o All Retirees CAII393-8615, SPARTAN C-4-30 sions, tools, sporting goods, LOST SOMETHING Valuable? KEYPUNCH ACADEMY. and MSU Students 10-5-1 BJjjy14 * *' 5xEHE5£S3T musical equipment and much Call Elaine at 355-8255 to place •furnished " $$$BONUS$$$ more. facilities. Complete electronic service Come on down to on purchases of $2 your lost ad. P-5-30 |lffi«t Servlci B [IransportatiM •carpeted Call $io OFF current rates for FALL DICKER AND DEAL, 1701 South NEED A ride or riders? HEALTH^FOOD YOUR TYPING Service is needed •air condition •balconies SUMMER SPECIALS PLUS BONUS Cedar. 487-3886. C-4-30 tlANDALL LOST: MALE English setter, white with cocoa/rust ears. now for term papers, theses and to place your transportat&H 355-8255. P-5-30 " Eff. $130 Brookfield Plaza dissertations. To advertise call •8 convenient locations BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. Haslett area. 339-8528. 5-5-5 Vicki at 355-8255 to place your ad. 1 bedroom $140 French built light weight 1381 E. Grand River P-5-30 NEED RIDE to/from Boston J •close to campus touring 2 bedrooms $150 & bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. 332-6892 LOST: PIN saying "Yoko" Silver. 1-6. Will share gas/dw"^ up Save on top quality handmade Between Akers and Mason. EXPERIENCED, TYPING 355-2003. 2-4-30 EARLY BIRD FALL SPECIAL: efficiencies fr. $145. 1 Downtown — term bedroom fr. bikes. 645-2127. C-3-4-30 1-4-29 $195 and 2 bedrooms fr. $217. 223 S. papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ . . live in one of our spacious 2 Washington ate service. 394-2512. C-4-30 bedroom 4-men units for as low as $60 per month . . . BANANA TREES for sale. Must LOST: KEYS in brown leather CUT- OUT records. Specials. FOR RENTAL INFORMATION AND SHOWING CALL 351-7910 see to believe. Beautiful leaves. case. Grand River/Bogue Street UNIGRAPhTcS ~ offers ~ COM¬ $30. 332-5095. E-5-4-29 Regularly $1.97, now 2 for $3. PLETE DISSERTATION and re¬ Oldies but goodies. Must sell. area. 353-6105. 3-5-1 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT KLH-50 Tuner, $100. Garard 6300 MARSHALL MUSIC, East LOST: GOLD necklace. Engraved sume service. IBM offset printing and binding. We typing, editing 444 Lansing. C-1-4-29 Michigan Ave. E. Lansing turntable, $30. Condition good. 6 with initials R.M.B. has great encourage comparative shopping. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OPEN SAT. 10-4 -SUN 1-4 months old. Offers accepted, sentimental value. Please call For estimate, stop in at 2843 East NEEDED: PLACE for#* LOVE - AFFECTION. Free to good 353-4752 394-0561. 3-4-29 353-0659 9-5 pm. 882-0170 after board myself, horse. , or home. Shiny black kitty. Six Grand River or phone 332-8414. months. 351-3607. E-5-5-5 5pm. 1-4-29 .13-4-30 exchange many servjc* I Elaine, 355-0430. I FREE RIDE to see our how's your MEDICAL to rent STUDENTS***! 2 or 3 furnished. June, 1975- 1 » DORIS DAY'S finose for 353-3556. 5-4-29 * Catch the big blue Campus Hill Bus to check our two bedroom furnished at the corner of Shaw Lane and apts. Catch the Bus out model aot. HELPED bargain? a. ^ WANTED TO home near student and RENT: camp farm V 5*. j J 3 Farm Lane by the Post Office. The Bus Have own ie«vescampu9.t9;05,10:15,11:25,12:35,1:45, 2:55 and 4:05. Bu« will return NEEDY dryer._CalM:8fr2r:.r you to campus 50 minutes later. ATTENTION PROFS. DOGS this summer? JJjjl Live at CAMPUS HILL and leave the student will live-in/J*Rl us .. . Two Bedroom Apartments available driving to for 3ft WITH For items house. Will do keeping and feed yard* pa • Summer & Fall. Call 349-3530 for 353-2729. 5-5-5 information & WANTAD _ $50 or less roommate service. try OLD WORLP Village MjJ\ Doris D«y, now famous for ic«ncLin«il looking for unique «j| Ask about our Special 12 mn. lease where you her humane work consignment, w I with ptts, —12 word ad wm astounded get any available apt. for the summer for at the res¬ — 5 days Insertion $140/mo. and also get $90 discount on Rates. We also have Fall ponse from a Want Placed in the LOS Ad ANGE¬ she $3,001 TUTOR blind FpRt80S5a student. A" special 3 mo. Summer LES TIMES, for . horn, evenings, on «p ^ rates & 9 mo. Fall leases. 'or a small terrier found (no cancellations) between 11-12 » trash can. She Call State News placed the dog advertised, plus 17 Classified EconoLines IMMEDIATE V®* 355-8255 records, tapes, ..,m y KARMA REC°RD o»kforRandy 353-7287. 10-S-1Z lichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 29. 1975 11 THE SMALL SOCIETY by Brickman PROGRAMS J Video Everyday — All Rights Reserved — Dickinson Newspaper Services 7 . lO'.WItXTV. Jackson WXYZ-TV, Detroit » WtYHV, Saginaw * 12 WJRT-TV. Flint S WOTV Grond Rapid <1 WUHQ TV. Battle Creak 9 CKIW TV. Windsor .13 WZZM-TV, Kalamazoo 50 WKBO-TV, Detroit 23WKAI) TV, f0>t Lansing (4-5-8-10) Hollywood Squares 10-12-13-25-41) News [1) Religious Message 5:45 AM (7-12-1341) Blankety Blanks (9) Bewitched (12) National Anthem (9) Family Court (23) Making It Count IkF Is The Life (25) Dinah (50) Star Trek 2:00 6:00 (4-10) News (50) Bugs Bunny 6:30 Lntion Second Chance 3:00 11:55 (3-4-5-6-7-10-25) News (2) Operation Second Chance 6:05 (3-5-6-10) News (9) I nream Of Jeannie 12:00 NOON (12) 6:30 Movie 3:30 (2-5-6-8-13) News (13) Beverly Hillbillies (2) News & Weather Tire Young & Restless (23) Zoom 3:35 (41) Wanted Dead Or Alive (2) Message For Today (7-12-13-41) Password 7:00 (9) Galloping Gourmet (2-4-7-8) News (23) Evening At Symphony (50) Underdog 12:20 PM (3) What's My Line? (5) Police Surgeon (6) Bewitched MOVIES (6) Almanac (9) Beverly Hillbillies 12:30 8:30 (10) Mod Squad (2-3-6-25) Search For Tomorrow (13) Truth Or Consequences (4-5-8-10) "Where Have All The (4) News (23) Interface People Gone?" Peter Graves. |bf M. Presents (5-10) Blank Check (25) The F.B.I. Deadly virus kills most of the kit Bobby Show (7-12-13-41) Split Second (41) Waterworld people on earth. |) Operation " id Farm Second Chance (8) Mike Douglas (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour Report •m Show (9) That Girl 7:30 (7-12-13-41) "Returning Home" 6:45 (23) Food For Life (2) Truth Or Consequences (50) The Lucy Show Dabney Coleman, Tom Setleck. ming Edition (3-4 5-6) Baseball Three 6:55 12:55 (7) The Price Is Right returning World War 2 (5-10) News veterans face the challenge of m Kerr Show (8) Hollywood Squares 7:00 1:00 (9) Room 222 adjusting to the lives they left (2) Love Of Life (13) To Tell The Truth J25) News (3-25) joker's Wild (23) Assignment America |10) Today Show (4) What's My Line? (41) Country Place ]AM America 11:30 i's Big Top (5) Jackpot 8:00 (2-3-6-25) "The Midtown Beat" leed Racer (6) Martha Dixon (2-25) Good Times Richard Widmark, Charles (7-12-13-41) All My Children (7-12-13-41) Happy Days |irit Of '76 (9-50) Movies (8-10) Adam 12 Durning. (1973) Madigan tries to locate a boy who held 7:05 (23) The Fat Of The Land (9) Stanley Cup Playoff up a small time hood. 1:25 (23) Solar Energy Capers (2) News (50) Dealer's Choice in 1:30 8:30 (50) "The Bad And The SHORT RIBS (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns (2-25) M*A*S*H Beautiful" Lana Turner, Kirk 7:25 (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives (7-12-13-41) Tuesday Movie Of Douglas. (1952) Drama about by Frank Hill (7-12-13-41) Let's Make A Deal The Week ambition and success in the (23) Food For Life (8-10) World Premiere Movie movie capital of the world. 2:00 (23) Nova 7:30 (2-3-6-25) Guilding Light (50) Merv Griffin Show in Carnival 9:00 (7-12-13-41) $10,000 Pyramid 12:00 MIDNIGHT i's Big Top (2-25) Hawaii Five-0 (23) Art In Public Places (9) "Siege Of The Saxons"* 8:00 9:3C 2:30 Janette Scott, Ronald Lewis. ]25) Captain Kangaroo (2-3-6-25) The Edge Of Night (23) Consumer Survival Kit (1963) King Arthur learns one |tario Schools (4-5-8-10) The Doctors 10:00 ne Street (2-3-6-25) Barnaby Jones of his knights is plotting to (7-12-13-41) Big Showdown lM America (23) Washington Straight Talk (5-8-10) Police Story take over the throne. jr. Rogers' I* r 3:00 (7-12-13-41) Marcus Welby, M.D. 8:25 (23) Arts & Chicago (2) The Young And Restless ither Report (50) Dinah! (3-6-25) The Price Is Right "':higan (4-5-8-10) Another World 10:30 8:30 (4) Feature (7-12-13-41) General Hospital m tions Encore (9) All Around. The Circle (23) Lilias, Yoga 8. You 8:45 3:30 11:00 DOONESBURY 9:00 (2-3-6-25) Match Game '75 (7-12-13-41) One Life To Live (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- 10-12-13-23-25) News by Gary Trudeau erlaiqmoqt [Price Is Right (9) Gomer Pyle (41) The Protectors Will 3 ~ ■' 11:20 Hujijan Motivation Relf&nm, > 49) lligbtbeat 11:30 COUNTRY WELL, reunons /Meets/ ionker (2-3) Tattletales 4:00 (2-3-6-25) Late Movie FRIED j, man! j ye akukbim- 7 ^ hev..uh..bu! oh- .uh. HARMS! class of oh..surb/ hey, real (4-5-8 10) Tonight Show never seen it's justONS 8ILL.SH/EmN! hi, there- '40! dqnt you 1 Hours rr goop, b/ll!- (4) Somerset with t (7-12-13-41) Wide World Mystery so many imam of great to see um.. (5) Studio 5 ■ MEMBER?!used to 60IN6. i'm out on ndly Giant (23) Making It Count : awkward en- name ta6 you a6ajn, ionker? mrolenow, | ster Mike Douglas (6) The Attic (7) Money Maze (50) Movie ALAN Rogers 12:00 MIDNIGHT irning Playbreak 9:15 (8) Cilligan's Island (9) Petticoat Junction (9) Film Festival LEE 1:00 AM (10) New Zoo Revue (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow brio Schools (12-13) Mickey Mouse Club (7-12-13) News 9:27 (23) Sesame Street (50) Religious Message Migious Message (25) Yogi & Friends 1:30 9:30 (41) Daktari '( (2) Late Show w You See It (50) Three Stooges Jning Accent lik Check prtship Of Eddie's 4:30 (2) Mike Douglas Show (3) Merv Griffin Show TUESDAY'S IL 1 111 ft ^ 11 (4) George Pierrot Presents HIGHLIGHTS (6) That Girl ►rations Encore (7) 4:30 Movie THE DROPOUTS le Valley Today (8) Partridge Family 1lLanne (9) Andy Griffith by Post , 9:55 (10) Mickey Mouse Club Tuesday April 29, 1975 It's Carol Duvall to the lives they left behind. (12) Voyage To The Bottom Of 1 10:00 The Sea J5) Joker's Wild (13) I Love Lucy 8:00 PM 9:00 ■0) Celebrity Sweepstakes (25) Addams Family (CBS) Good Times (CBS) Hawaii Five-0 ■"■ne Street (50) Little Rascals (R) Budding artist JJ. gets a "Bomb, Bomb, Who's Got The per Room chance to earn money by Bomb?" (R) Notes threatening troit Today EVENING painting a portrait, but there's the life of the State Senate . , 10:30 5:00 PM something about the subject Crime Committee chairman. J5) Gambit (6-8) Ironside that makes Florida say no. BO) Wheel Of Fortune (9) Mickey Mouse Club 10:00 >>it With Dennis Wholey (10) Truth Or Consequences (CBS) Barnaby Jones (NBC) Adam 12 (13) That Girl "Dead Man's Run" "Dana Hall" Jo Ann Pflug guest Jessica (23) Mister Rogers Walter (25) Lucy stars. Woman officer joins her guest stars. (R) B, Yoga & You (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. male co-workers on the beat. Comptroller and his wife are J* Zoo Revue (50) The Flintstones involved in a multi-million dollar ft For Women Only 5:30 (ABC) Happy Days embezzlement. J 11:00 (4) Bowling For Dollars "Kiss Me Sickly" Fonzie puts ■Donahue Show II Now You See It (9) Partridge Family his girlfriend in the hands of (NBC) Police Story PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (10) Beverly Hillbillies Richie while he's away. "Captain Hook" Starring David P) Jackpot 1(30 (12-13) News Birney. Story of a police officer by Bill Yates (23) Villa Alegre who loses his hand in a bomb [Money Maze " (25) Hogan's Heroes explosion. ig Game (50) Gilligan's Island L.7 5:55 |w Zoo Revue (41) Early News 8:30 (ABC) Marcus Welby, M.O. « 11:30 Of Life (2-3-4-5-6-7-8- 6:00 (CBS) M*A*S*H (R) The entire M*A*SH team "Dark Fury" (PT.1) Guest stars Lindsay Wanger, Dack Rambo. [ of surgeons faces an exhausting Dr. Steven Kiley gets fei c . —■1•d diogonolly S O N Y- 48 hours in the operating room. emotionally involved with a kidney transplant patient who (NBC) World Premiere Movie subsequently is attacked by her "Where Have All The People ex-boyfriend. Gone?" Peter Graves. Deadly virus kills most of the people 11:30 on earth. (NBC) Tonight Show Johnn Canon is host. (ABC) Tuesday Movie Of The Veek (ABC) Wide World Special 4 GREAT STORES Returning Home" loleman, Tom Setleck. Three Dabney "Has Marraige Had It?" Dyan Cannon stars as the host of a THE STABLES •DowntowneLansing Mall returning World War 2 veterans many- sided view of failed FRANK ERNEST & •Meridian MalleWestwood Mall Sponsored by: face the challenge of adjusting marriages. by Bob Thaves HUTS He HftCD Mfc fffcCAUrt X I^noveA Call lST5T0° WANTED TO CAL1. |SL0U)LV. Ishmael. THEM THE TtH SUC6ESTIONJ. 1-3* tunKtocTumi,!..!), InAVfcfr 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 29,1 Hard-pressed drinkers hike beer sales By BRIAN HOUGH State News Staff Writer barrels of beer last year. Dooley's reported that its 1974 sales of S^GreatDepresSio, 1 hat does not mean beer and hard that ^, I Michigan drinkers are drowning their liquor were higher than in drink during the Depression^ % sorrows in beer suds because the economic 1973, with beer showing the greater means that they spent Si eril conditions which are driving them to drink are also making the price of real firewater increase. Special deals on beer may have been responsible. FranMJ per jumped 52 to 1935 p., cent. W J too prohibitive. Michigan drinkers are not alone in The retail value of Volume sales of beer rose 5.6 per cent, hard pushing alcohol consumption levels up. The Michigan in 1974 while hard liquor sales increased only 1 per Distilled Spirits Council, a trade association Was cent between fiscal 1973 and 1974. of the nation's liquor industry, says con¬ compared to $358.7 tax revenues million Xl Per capita beer consumption for fiscal sumption of alcohol rose 2.3 per cent in 1974 generated by PI million foyr >i amounted to $42.2 1974 was 20.37 gallons and 1.85 gallons for for the nation. 3.7 per cent from last hard liquor, according to the Michigan year. * Liquor Control Commission. Its report said that per capita adult Liquor sales serve as a verv "People are picking up a six - pack instead consumption of alcohol was 3.11 gallons in indicator of economic of a pint," said Richard Newell, business 1974. This was an increase of .07 gallons because people are health TW1 manager of the commission. "We believe from 1973. making mor lS it's due to purely economic factors." However, consumers spent a smaller wan to treat their want to drink and tonsilsorCi forget 5*7 Michigan downed an impressive total of percentage of their disposable income on getting any richer. I„ ej,C? "I 7,086,000 cases of liquor and 6,806,000 liquor in 1974 than they have in distilleries and breweries any year stay"* Chrysler offers starting Thursday DETROIT (AP) - Chrysler Corp. will Chrysler kicked off the initial Big Three spokesman said the firm also has no J give $200 rebates to buyers of new Dodge and Plymouth compact cars beginning on rebate others campaigns early this year, but the resume rebate programs. * apparently are not eager to do it Both companies will study the <• Thursday. again- Chrysler's action on their own "1 The sales campaign, which is not "We have no plans for a rebate program," Chrysler gains a competitive editl immediately being matched by other car said a General Motors spokesman. A Ford and GM will have to match thesivk companies, is scheduled to run through May. Justice Dept. operates Dealers said Chrysler also will offer $200 rebates on three small truck models: the Dodge Tradesman van, Dodge Sportsmen Wagon and the Plymouth Voyager. Sales Vice President R. D. McLaughlin said the firm hopes another round of witness relocation plan rebates will boost sales, and noted, "April sales are such that we need a stimulant." Other auto companies would not commit themselves to even limited price cutting. By ORR KELLY But before a person can be taken into the program, approval "Frankly, they're in much worse shape than Washington Star from an assistant attorney general is needed, since each case may we are," one official said. "They really WASHINGTON — That new family moving in down the street. involve spending several thousand dollars. didn't have much choice." Who are they? The marshals immediately move the person to a so-called safe The odds are that During the most recent sales period, they are just a normal American family house, where a special guard is not needed, and one of Cameron's Chrysler deliveries were off 41 per cent, setting up housekeeping in a new community or neighborhood. 15 relocation specialists moves in to learn everything he needs to But twice each day, on the average, a family with an entirely know to make the change in identity successful. compared to a 24 per cent drop at Ford Motor Co. and a 7 per cent decline at new identity - furnished by the federal government - moves into a "First we put him into a safe area, check his background, General Motors and American Motors. new neighborhood to begin a new life. education, any medical problems. We go into everything that The new identity is days, perhaps only hours, old. Children are might be a problem to him or to us in his new location," Cameron "We can't do this forever, but this will good at playing this game, but they may have trouble said. stimulate our sales and bring some of our remembering their new names when they go off to school. In cases where the danger seems great, the witness may be employes back to work," McLaughlin said. The witness relocation program, operated for the Justice Dept. whisked off to a safe place while a marshal goes to his home, gets He said resumption of rebate is an effort tq by the U.S. Marshal's Service, began almost by accident seven his wife and picks up the family's children at school. take advantage of personal income bol¬ years ago. Since then, it has burgeoned into an $11 million-a-year "They just do not go back home. It's just that quick," Cameron stered by federal income tax rebates. operation that will move some 700 witnesses and their families to said. And though Cameron tends to talk of "he" and "him," many Dealers said new homes this year. women witnesses have been relocated, and in some cases, both a Chrysler will pay the rebate Federal prosecutors say that the program, which reportedly has husband and wife have been witnesses. to buyers of 1975 Dodge Darts, Plymouth m . Valiants or Plymouth Dusters. According to a perfect batting average so far for protecting witnesses from In one recent case, he said, a husband and wife were relocated a radio ad, the models must already be in retaliation, has been a key element in the government's effort to from Gary, Ind., to Fort Worth, Tex. The husband got involved crack down on organized crime. dealer stock. with a truck hijacking gang and was killed by his new associates. For the witnesses, the program offers a high degree of For protection, his wife was moved a second time and given still protection from a threat that has been demonstrated repeatedly. another new identity. In Las Vegas recently, a man was offered a chance to assume a new identity, but refused it. When he opened the door of his motel room, he was decapitated by a blast from a shotgun. In every relocation, Cameron said, one of the first steps is to arrange to have the names of the family members legally changed Ben-Veniste so that when they tell people their new names they will be telling iti A New England lawyer was warned that his life was in danger, the truth. but refused to move to another city. A bomb planted in his car exploded when he turned the ignition key, crippling him for life. Then comes the question of where they can safely move and make a living. to talk Linda Kuzmack, an aide to Gerald Shur, who runs the Criminal Sometimes, Cameron said, the fact that a person has agreed to Division's part of the operation in the Justice Dept. recalled *1*1. testify in one trial may put him in danger from many others who Richard Ben - Veniste, former assistant another case. "Shall we tell him about the doorknob?" she asked Shur. fear he may also tell what he knows about them. One of the biggest jobs of the relocation specialists is to ferret out these other to Watergate Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski, will make two speaking appear¬ • *$2^1 sources of danger. "This guy had been relocated safely," Shur said. "But there was ances at MSU Thursday. When a witness arrives in his new community, he has far less a death in his family and the marshals took him back to his old home city to the funeral. When it was over, he was told to plastic in his wallet than most people in our credit card society. ASMSU's Great Issues is sponsoring Ben go to his The marshals arrange for a Social Security card in his new name - Veniste's visit in conjunction with Law new home. Instead, he went back to where he used to live. When and a driver's license if he had a valid one before, but they provide he turned the doorknob, a bomb went off and killed him." Day, which is Thursday. only the minimum necessary for the witness to get by in his new John Cameron, associate director of the Marshal's Service in life. Ben - Veniste will speak at 3:30 p.m. in the Erickson Hall kiva. Appearing with him charge of witness security, emphasized in an interview that If the witness had a college degree or a professional license, the instances in which witnesses have been harmed - through their will be Zolton Ferency, associate professor marshals will provide him with credentials iri his new name. But failure to take the advice of the marshals of criminal justice. They will speak on — were rare exceptions, they will not provide him with anything he did not legitimately and in no case had a witness' enemies succeeded in have before. And they will not help him establish a charge account white collar crime and campaign contribu¬ tracking him tions. down and harming him. or get a credit card even if he had credit and credit cards before. In addition to his new identity and help in finding a job, the Ben - Veniste will speak by himself at In most cases, he said, the more than 1,100 witnesses given new witness gets a place to live and subsistance payments of up to 8:15 p.m. in the Fairchild Theater. The identities so far are safe and, in some cases, prosperous. $1,000 a month (more in exceptional circumstances). topic of his speech will be "Relationships of But getting into the program can be an abrupt and traumatic White Collar Crime and Prosecutions on episode for Cameron's goal is to process each witness, from the relocation a family. Society." specialist's first talks with him to the time his subsistence Often, Shur said, a person with knowledge about a crime will payments end, within 90 days. In some cases, however, especially The afternoon appearance is free to all From the muck and mire and semidisgusting refuse of an ApA suddenly agree to tell what he or she knows in a meeting with a U.S. attorney or a lawyer for an organized crime strike force. when the witness must return frequently to what Cameron refers to as the "danger area" for court appearances, the period may run MSU students. The evening speech is free flood enjerge April flowers. These hardy specimens their dpnng splendor recently, bringing a happy note to sprang1^ A single call to Cameron's office in Falls Church, Va., can significantly longer. to MSU students with ID's, but there is a $1 admission charge for nonstudents. not-so-long-ago water-soaked J provide immediate protection before the witness leaves the campus. prosecutor's office. SOLIDARITY With the Victorious DELIVERED Peoples of FAST AND FREE| Indochina to your door.. Peoples Music Wh»f: Just call and ask for DOMINOS with Beaumont Towar PRAIRIE FIRE Wtfni 3:00 p.m. TODAY "THE LUNCH TIME PIZZA and Joe Janetti H It raira.th* concert wtllb* SPECIAL" 1139 E. Grand Rf I Sponsored by UFARI delivered from 11-4 daily. 351 - 8880J