VOLUME 169 NUMBER 71 WEDNESDAY, APRIl 30, U75 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Saigon surrenders SAIGON (AP) - South Vietnam where Viet to Communists Cong gunners had been declared unconditional surrender to the ^n statement read accords have little relevance, Kissinger bombarding the airport. Saigon police a by White House Viet Cong Wednesday, ending 30 years of and militia men remained at their posts Press Secretary Ron Nessen at a nationally added that the question of future aid for warfare. broadcast briefing, Ford said removal of the South Vietnam will have to wait for a President Duong Van 'Big' Minh indicating the communist-led troops had U.S. presence "closes a chapter in the determination about "what kind of govern spoke not yet entered the city. Some South to the nation American experience." only hours after an armada Vietnamese officers complained that the ment emerges if, indeed, there is a South of U.S. Marine The briefing was postponed several times Vietnam." helicopters had completed evacuation of Americans had caused an emergency evacuation of nearly 900 panic in the military, with many top during the afternoon until the evacuation The secretary declined to detail Americans and thousands of Vietnamese was completed at about 5 p.m. EDT or 5 American diplomatic activities concerning from the army officers and most of the air force besieged capital. fleeing. a.m. Wednesday, Saigon time. Vietnam. But he said the role played by the Minh, a retired general and neutralist, But it Kissinger briefly sketched the last days Soviet Union in arranging for the evacua¬ had been obvious that the was named president before the President ordered the tion was of "some help." Still, he added, it Monday in a capital would fall. More than a dozen evacua- desperate and unsuccessful attempt to North Vietnamese — Viet Cong division — was too early to make any further negotiate a peace with the communist assessment of the help. leaders. were ringing Saigon, which was defended by less than one division of demoralized Indicating the evacuation as it was In a five minute radio carried out came suddenly, Kissinger said address, Minh green troops. demanded that soldiers of the Provisional that until Sunday night "we thought there Associated Press special correspondent Revolutionary Government stop firing Peter Amet, touring the city, reported was some hope the North Vietnamese and stay in place. would not seek a solution by purely nervous soldiers fired occasionally into military "We are here means." waiting for the the air but saw no dead or wounded. Provisional Revolutionary Government to He was asked if the United States would Soldiers near the radio station at the hand over authority in order to be reluctant to come to the aid of an ally in stop northeastern edge of town said useless bloodshed." the future. Communist-led forces had moved up to General Nguyen Huu Hanh, "We must be very careful in the chief of staff, then went on the air deputy the Saigon River Bridge and were poised to to enter the city. commitments we make, but scrupulously order all South Vietnamese honor those commitments we do make," troops to Streets around the abandoned U.S. carry out Minh's orders. "All Kissinger replied. commanders must be ready to enter into Embassy and Ambassador's residence were littered with paper and broken Regarding other countries, including relations with commanders of the Israel, he said "no lesson should be drawn furniture left behind by looters who Provisional Revolutionary Government to by the enemies of our friends" from the U.S. charged in after the Americans left. 4V carry Woodshed," out the he said. cease-fire without Americans going to assembly points for experience in Vietnam. The American diplomatic situation in AP wirephoto the emergency evacuation dodged As they spoke, Saigon fell silent and random shots fired by bitter South Southeast Asia is unclear, Kissinger said, Neighbors inspect shelled homes before the fall of Saigon Tuesday. shellfire subsided along the northern rim Vietnamese soldiers and fought off adding that the U.S. attitude toward South desperate civilians trying to go with them. Vietnam is now in abeyance. In Washington, there was no immediate He said a lesson to be drawn was that a Era ends with emotion official reaction to Minh's announcement. One high-ranking official said he got his fust word from a reporter. However, he and other officials foreign policy must be capable of being sustained for decades to be effective. He reaffirmed relations with Japan and treaty relations with the Philippines. By R.W. APPLE, JR. indicated the surrender was a logical New York Times "I feel terrible frustration and But he said the United States would have final bill yet. The American people development in view of the communist MINH depression about all the things that we around 1968 decided that if we couldn't to wait to see what happens in South Washington lericans it - For many should have done and could have done tell them when the war would end, we strategy evidenced this last Sunday,when the Viet Cong and North Viet Nam made Vietnam before deciding on aid for that may be a time of simple and didn't do. In hindsight it was a tion, saying the U.S. objective was first to area. - relief, perhaps that the long might as well chuck it. Part of this it clear they were forcing events. "save American lives." disaster but that's easy. The final evacuation from Saigon of Bin Vietnam was ending or bitterness decision was to take the consequences, Until then the Ford administration In addition, Kissinger said, "our purpose I haven't thought about much in the nearly 500 Americans and thousands of 1 the United States and its ali had in and that's what we are going to have to expected some form of negotiation and was to bring about the most controlled and last month except the people who are still Vietnamese began shortly before noon Tend lost. there — waking up in the middle of the do now. not a final military decision. humane solution possible." it for many Americans who Prior to the fall President Ford said Kissinger mentioned saving the lives of Tuesday from the roof of the fortress-like played night, worrying about people like Colonel I can't avoid my U.S. Embassy as Communist-led kinent parts in the long Indo-Chinese responsibilities for Tuesday the evacuation of Americans 56,000 South Vietnamese who were in troops Be (a Vietnamese pasification what happened in Southeast pressed Saigon. Neutralist Saigon Presi¬ |ggk - senior officials In expert). Asia, bnt I from Vietnam was complete. He and "severe jeopardy." But he said "it is too Washington, We'll recover. But will they?" don't think others, dent Duong Van Minh and his of the anti-war movement, including the peace secretary of state Henry A. Kissinger early to tell" if a final, bloody battle for cabinet brters that covered the war, officials movement, should either for what will joined in asking the nation to avoid maneuvered for talks with the Viet Saigon still might be fought. Cong I served in the American • William J. Porter, former deputy happen now." recriminations earlier in the day. for a cease-fire to avoid a blood battle for Embassy in Declaring that the 1973 Paris peace the capital. - reactions were more complex, ambassador in Saigon and chief lome talked of fear for their friends negotiator at the Paris Peace Talks, now ambassador to Canada: ■•being; some dwelled on mistakes "All of my worries of all these years | i felt they and the country had made; expressed hope that the future Id be better. re are what some of them had to say about how it was going to end have materialized. We didn't understand the place, we didn't know how to fight there. It was a sad epic.. .the national morale is TA, safety officials fume about [Tuesday, ' left the day the last American that you apply power if you have it." Viet Nam, ending an ■lvement of two decades at improper ventilation in LBC labs a cost of • ■bloodand treasure: Henry Lake, former foreigh service officer in Vietnam and aide to secretary Robert W. Komer, former chief of JI passification of state Henry A. Kissinger who resigned program in Viet Nam to T advisor to President protest the Americanization of Lyndon B. Cambodia: By BRAD MARTISIUS the federal Office of Safety and Health "I'm glad the fighting is coming to an State News Staff Writer Administration, which referred the end, but I feel shame that it took so long A Lyman Briggs College (LBC) teaching and that we played the roll we did in problem to Michigan's Bureau of Industrial assistant is advising students to take Health. The complaints were centered on extending it for so long. It has been chemistry courses through MSU's the lack of drawing power of the hoods, Enrollment inevitable that they would end the war for so many years. Now here's a chance to figure out what Chemistry Dept. instead of LBC because of "unsafe" conditions in Briggs laboratories, which are out of the labs. supposed to draw fume-laden air kind of foreign policy we should have David L. Cox, who is also a staff analyst Both the DPS and the health bureau have I Today is the last day for students instead of having Vietnam rip us apart." for the Chemistry Dept., said students will issued negative reports on the labs. •sign up for early enrollment for the be forced to breathe air laden with noxious Tmmer term. Students • Dean Rusk, Secretary of State under fumes in the biology and chemistry labs in However, no action has been taken by can pick up a request form and catalog President Johnson and President John F. Holmes Hall until the college allocates the LBC or the University. Michael Harrison, §150 Administration Kennedy: money to improve dean of the college, said he was aware of the Bldg. and then the ventilator safety ■fli up there from 8 a.m. to 5 "Obviously I'm very saddened by hoods in the labs. complaints and the DPS recommendations, p.m. recent developments, but also concerned but that Briggs does not have the funds to where the story ends. We haven't seen the Cox has made official complaints to the deal with the problem. Dept. of Public Safety (DPS) at MSU and to Carl Eigenauer, DPS safety engineer, said in his report that the lack of ventilation is not a life-hazard situation. jrency files legal challenge Several students though, that the air in the them ill. have room complained, has made Cox said the ventilators fall short of \ trustees' lawmaking power standards. "The American Chemical Society recommends that ventilator hoods should be able to draw at least 150 linear feet of air By RALPH FRAMMOLINO Michigan statute that has been on the books since 1915 and which per minute," he said. "The hoods in C5 and State News Staff Writer C6 Holmes Hall draw at most 70 linear feet gives power to the board to institute ordinances to ensure the »Ph.nW ihe MSU Board of Trustees to enact ordinances is smooth operation of the University has not been questioned or when the safety doors and the windows in ■tftnF6" ^ast Lansing District Court. amended and should still take precedence. the rooms are closed. lattnrerene/.' associate professor of criminal justice and If East Lansing District Court Judge Daniel L. Tschirhart were "When doors and windows are open, the ■apair,nfyt' 8 mot'on 'n court Monday asking that a to rule that the MSU Board of Trustees does not have the power to hoods draw from nine to 25 linear feet." L«it two MSU students charged with "meddling" with enact ordinances, the implications would be severe, Ferency said. Cox said he obtained those figures when |« ty property be dismissed. "It would shake the very foundation of the University laws," he the DPS made its inspection during T Jnon8, Richard Clark, 169 S. Case Hall, and Ronald said. Ferency added that the Univeristy would not be completely November 1974. Li»k l"1"1 were charged under MSU ordinance 13.02 powerless, but would instead have to charge criminal suspects Eigenauer said that he recommended an Icadpf er l en t'iey were arrested for moving a traffic under state or local laws. increase in the capacity of the ventilator I om e intersection of Chestnut Road and Shaw Lane. Ferency also blasted the ordinance because of its vague fans in the rooms after he made his frtv U rbids any°ne to . .take or meddle with any language. He said that it could possibly be construed to mean that inspection. ■ from to Michigan State University or remove the a professor cannot move a lectern or that a student may be "I also recommend that several more fans Tin? nr 8» or P^ce where it may be kept, placed, arrested for moving a wastebasket in a classroom unless given be used," he said. Earvnftk u'" " •" w'thout proper authority from the prior approval. Presently, all the hoods lead into one Ktheb°ard of trustees. "What does it mean not to meddle with University property?" large shaft, which contains only one fan. PRe thBTtl0j.~wb'cb he thinks is the first move ever to Ferency asked. "Whatever the police officer wants it to, Eigenauer said the use of several smaller >es on s 'awmaking power—asks for dismissal of the fans would increase the drawing power and apparently. It (the ordinance) does not tell people what is « MSti Vn>Unds that: expected of them. It's not possible for a reasonable person to read make the ventilation more efficient. ■nces 0a5.d trustees has no lawful power to enact it and know what's prohibited. Eigenauer also said the report made ke ordinal 1963 State o{ Michigan Constitution, February 7 by James Weber from the "It leaves police and otner University officials complete and f broad W students are charged with is vague and unfettered power." health bureau was almost identical to the DPS report. ^"^riminal'int Wtarrant filed a8ainst the students did not "We issue warrants quite a bit under MSU ordinances," Conant said. He claimed, though, that students could do their part. Ter the hi 81 the 1963 Michigan Constitution did not Blanche Martin, D-East Trustees, said that Lansing, chairman of the MSU Board of "It's more than just a simple matter of Vill a ruling against the University would have supervLoryr "f166810 ordinances but only K*ve't "fascinating implications." defective equipment," he said. "Students open the glass doors on those hoods more SN photo/Dave Olds "I'd have to give it some thought and look into some of the » wim!n MDeral suPervision' doesn't give the power to than they really need to in order to do their A Lyman Briggs I one of»! Ferency said. He defined a supervisory ordinances we have enacted since that time (1963)," Martin said. experiments. The ventilators would work College teaching courses located in the Briggs labs Iim C °Unty overseer' Both lawyers will submit written briefs to the court arguing the better if their doors were left further down assistant, David Cox, is advising because inadequate ventilation is ^rosecutor Dennis Conant said, however, that a point within 30 days. while students work with them." students not to take chemistry provided for noxious chemicals. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan '> April 35 J 1 WMM 30 years of Viet fighting President Dwight D. were 695 American military weeks later. over By JOHN WHEELER nearly 30 yean, and would set number pew AP Newsfeatures Writer Eisenhower said that Indochina advisers in Vietnam, and this Mag. Gen. Duong Van "Big" over ik* ! Before 30 yean of war off similar wars in Cambodia and Laos. More than two was vital to American interests. jumped to 3,200 in 1961, the Minh, who replaced Diem, was won 600. IwJ&L after the * *! began in Vietnam, President million Vietnamese would die, He was nearly persuaded to lift year that President John F. ousted three months later by signed on Jan. 27 Halt of Haldeman suit denied Franklin Delano Roosevelt along with 56,000 Americans. the siege of Dien Bien Phu with Kennedy first committed Gen. Nguyen Khanh, an .^Pess fo|i0' 7 I Special Forces, or "Green . tried to change the course of More than 100,000 Americans air strikes from 7th Fleet intensely ambitious man who initial naval Berets," to Vietnam. Hiey lasted until June 19, 1965, clash A federal judge denied defense motions Tuesday calling history in Indochina. Roosevelt argued that would be wounded, and 1,300 would be listed as missing in carriers. The 1954 Geneva were trained in the kind of when another military coup ^ Gulf of on Au8- 7, 1964 Tori^E for dismissal of a $1.2 million damage suit involving former France should not be allowed action, presumed dead. Conference on Indochina counterinsurgency that put Air Marshal Nguyen Cao senators 5h White House aide H. R. Haldeman. to return to Indochina after Between 1960 and 1973, the partitioned Vietnam along the Kennedy thought would defeat Ky in power. President voted 'jl The suit was filed by 19 young persons who claim they World War II and re-establish U.S. government spent $140 17th parallel, giving the North the Viet Gong. Johnson never succeeded in his J* hand to order Pve Joif colonial rule. billion in Vietnam. to the Communist government Meanwhile, Diem's search for a popular strongman tor the militAm.ll were illegally excluded from an Oct. 15,1971, rally honoring evangelist Billy Graham. The rally was attended by former France, the president said, Ho Chi Minh died in 1969, of Ho Chi Minh and the South increasingly oppressive regime who could win the loyalty of Asia. Byprotection0(jJ had "milked" the region and long before the fighting ended. to the government in saigon, at was becoming a problem for the South Vietnamese and lead October, President Richard M. Nixon. Remaining as defendants are Haldeman, former White after a century of French rule But it was his movement that first headed by Emperor Bao Washington, and officials began them to victory. Ky lasted strength in to 19.500. Viet^JI It |J£i triumphed, first over the Dai. America was a participant to despair over the white-suited until the summer of 1967 and House chief of staff under Nixon; three other White House the Southeast Asian peninsula "worse off" than before. French in 1954, then over the in the agreement, but not aesthetic that Lyndon Johnson then agreed to run for vice 4,000 on Feb. 7 i&l advance men; 11 Secret Service agents; members of the was "The people of Indochina," American military and the signatory. a once likened to [Winston president on a ticket headed by (Jen. Paul D. 21 Charlotte Police Dept., and members of the local VFW Roosevelt said, "are entitled to South Vietnamese army. ".. .American officials of Churchill. Nguyen Van Thieu. established the US SJ chapter. something better than that." At one point, Roosevelt America attempted no major role in the early years of the both parties had come to regard Vietnam as vital to U.S. It fell to President Kennedy to deal with the Diem crisis of Ihey were elected on Sept. 3 that year and Thieu remained c-»l French-Viet Minh war. The security," wrote Frances the During the tfjJ offered Indochina to Chiang leadership. And Buddhist president of South CIA denies murder charges Kai-shek, Chinese the leader. Nationalist larger issues of a prostrate Fitzgerald in "Fire in The Lake," a study of the dissatisfaction with the Diem Vietnam, with American ,1964-65. troops launched C„;:j « J Chiang Europe and tne cold war with government set the stage for backing, until the final days of offensive that declined. He said Vietnam, Russia preoccupied Washington Vietnamese and the Americans. the coup that finally took the war. He resigned on April South Vietnam in at one J Laos and Cambodia could not "Since the victory of Mao t*oJ Former CIA Director Richard M. Helms has become the under Truman. place in 1963. 21, 1975, with the North first be assimilated into China. Tse-tung five years earlier, time, U.S. J first government official to deny flatly alllegations of CIA Some say the United States Kennedy received Vietnamese and the Viet Cong installations Roosevelt and the six other took a fatal step in Vietnam on American officials judged that conflicting advice. Dump at the gates of Saigon. were hudtf involvement in the assassination of foreign leaders. Johnson ordered presidents after him, through Feb. 7, 1950 when Truman China in alliance with the Diem, many experts said, and Hie United States first rerfal strikes against Helms, now U.S. ambassador to Iran, told reporters Gerald Ford, tried to control Soviet Union.. .constituted the then find and back confronted North Vietnam in North recognized the "independent" a more the bombing of NoAfl Monday that "as far as I know the CIA was never responsible history in Indochina, but each Vietnamese government leading threat to American representative regime that direct military action on Aug. South Vietnam conti-J for the assassination of any foreign leader." Both President man's policy failed to achieve established by the French in global interests.. .It had begun could win popular support for 5, 1964. Two U.S. destroyers to build 1973, with periodic J Ford and current CIA Director William E. Colby have declined its goal. America was drawn the area under their control. a wall of the looming countrywide war. fought with North Vietnamese varying lengths wheo J to comment on assassination into its longest war; [a Hie U.S. recognition came just anti-Communist American Others told Kennedy he should torpedo boats in the Gulf of offers reports. were Helms' comments followed 3'/j hours of closed-door seemingly endless and seven days after the Soviet dependencies around China. pull out American troops, Tonkin, and Johnson charged negotiations seemed frustrating struggle that Union recognized Ho Chi Vietnam, as the officials saw it, leaving the .Vietnamese to that the North Vietnamese had U-S. ^ testimony before the Rockefeller Commission investigating fostered social unrest and made Minh's rebel Democratic constituted the crucial settle their differences. commmdal all domestic wrongdoing by the CIA. opened the attack. In Vietnam, Gen. Wyjjnl many Americans skeptical Republic of Vietnam southern element of that wall: The president refused to retaliation, he ordered air Vice President Rockefeller said the eight-member toward government. The United States took if Vietnam 'fell' under order a pullout. Dissident strikes against North Westmoreland, requested U.S. ground J uI(F commission still intends to call more witnesses, including Roosevelt died and Communist domination, then Vietnamese his another major step in July generals were Vietnamese naval installations. troops. He said thitAiL Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. anti-French Indochina policy 1950, only weeks after the the whole of Southeast Asia quietly told that Washington The North Vietnamese had support would follow it." no longer supported Diem; his oeprations («■ lapsed. But American OSS start of the Korean War. That opened the attack. In South teams had been supporting Ho month it sent to Vietnam a That position later became ruthless brother, Ngo Dinh retaliation, he ordered air Vietnamese^* Students oppose no longer enough 1 budget cuts Chi Minh and his Viet Minh guerillas in the struggle against U.S. Military Assistance and Advisory Group MAAG - the known as "The Hieory," the key to American Domino Nhu, and Nhu's wife, Madam Nhu, called "The Dragon strikes against Vietnamese naval installations. North American troops mutt M Japanese occupation troops, start of the American force involvement in Vietnam Lady" by press and diplomats The North Vietnamese in direct combat withtlnl Cong and the and in 1945 OSS members that would grow to 550,000 During the '50s, as Diem alike. captured their first American Vietnamese. _ Some 30 to 40 students joined the Viet Minh for the men in the 1960s. consolidated his With predictable swiftness, POW during the attacks. The protesting proposed budget cuts power, (Continued on Pine ml triumphal march into Hanoi. The Indochina war is divided American advisers trained the the generals revolted on Nov. Tuesday occupied a campus building at Brandeis University, Tlie flag the guerillas carried into two general phases: The South Vietnamese army to 1, 1963; and Diem and his in Waltham, Mass., that an earlier generation of students that day — a gold star against French era that began in 1946 fight against the insurgent brother were killed. Madam doss day during Foil, Winter and Spring school I* used to coordinate a nationwide student strike. (i ..™™, red background - soon became and ended with the final National Liberation Front, Nhu was visiting in the United Fridays, during Summer Term. and a special Welcome Wnfc tdlllon ii puW The students, who said they were members of the French battle of Dienbienphu September. Subscription rate is $30 per year. the national banner of the popularly known as the Viet States and survived. She Second class postoge paid at East "Student Action Committee," entered Pearlman Hall at 8 Lansing, Mich. Editorial and businoss oft, Democratic Republic of in 1954, and the American era Cong, or Vietnamese chortled openly when Kennedy 345 Student Services Bldg . Michigan State University East la a.m. Two hours later, about 100 supporters carrying Vietnam, founded by Ho. that started in 1959, pitting Communists. By 1960, there was assassinated just three 48634. Postmaster: Please send form 3S79 to State News, 34S Student banners marched on a grassy slope in front of the building. Ho's the North Vietnamese and StrvKHM declaration of in care of MSU Messenger Service. East Lansing. Ml 40834. Brandeis student spokesman said demands included independence might have been their Viet Cong allies against nothing more than a footnote the South. offsetting aid, no a $650 increase in fees with increased financial academic cutbacks, no nonacademic staff cutbacks and matriculation of Asian students. in history if President Harry S. Truman had not decided to RESEARCH ON News/Editorial Classified Ads help the French. At the end of ENHANCING ....... Disploy Advertising the war, they lacked the ships, planes and arms to return to King Hussein: diplomat, pilot Indochina and their CREATIVITY resume colonial government. The Truman administration Jordan's King Hussein met with President Ford and provided the transportation Participants need to have reached an impasse on and weapons, and by 1946 the some Administration officials prior to being honored at a black-tie problem Viet Minh were at war with the or project. Call Bob Dave at 489-0734 or dinner at the White House Tuesday night. 882-9780 between 8 and 10 p.m. French for independence. Hussein, a veteran pilot, was at the controls of his Boeing The struggle against the 707 jet as it arrived at nearby Andrews Air Force Base French and then against the '4 Monday, spewing smoke from a hydraulic leak. not The Air Force said there was no fire and that the leak dangerous. Hussein shut down the engines and the was Americans would not end for If 4 plane was towed the rest of the way to the ramp, the Air you think we A ^ ^ Force said. Delta Sigma Theta announces It's 1975-76 sell a great Sweetheart Court pizza only, you THE STABLES SM3 E. should try our BD.SIVES, CAST LANSING iSI-UOO Gerald Bridges Grinders. MICHIGAN S SHOWCASE Harold Gibson Michael Carr FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT Newton Gentry III BELL'S PIZZA NOW APPEARING Sweetheart Ball 225 MAC 332-5027 OPEN 11 AM EVERYDAY FEES PEUVERY Guard kills 2, surrenders to beheld Fri.May2 at Long's Banquet Hall FOR 10° OFF A South African security guard who took 21 hostage in the Israeli consulate, killed two persons and persons A&M (w/this ad), The wounded at least 33, surrendered early liours. Tuesday after 21 i SPRING FEVER! DON'T SAT HOT DOG David Protter, a 26-year-old Jew who the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, said he had a fought for Israel in grievance against the Israeli government. He said he wanted to be flown to SOUTHBOUND HoytAxton Leisure] Israel to talk to Premier Yitzhak Rabin. Protter was still holding six men and four women when he surrendered at 6:30 a.m., after Gen. Hendrik van den Berg, Suit head of South Africa's Bureau for State Security, convinced him in two-way radio conversations that the Reg. price 4W government would never meet his demands. He was taken to the South African capital, for questioning. Pretoria, say Leisure Suits destined brazier. AHMAD JAMAL to be a classic in men's Israel rejects Arab demands HOYT APRIL 28-MAY 3 IV XTON clothing Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon again rejected Arab It't our own special kind of | REDUCED CO/ER & EARLY SHOWS plump and juicy Brazier wien- | demands for the return of all territory occupied by Israel er served with our own zesly . MONDAY-THURSDAY Choose your favorite fabric from pre- during the 1967 war, but he did not specify just what territory Bratier sauce. Just say "Braz- ! washed denim to polyester-cotton his government will not give ier Dog, please.'' Then you'll j perma-press or easy care texturized knit up. say, Scrumpdillyishus! Allon said his government favors a negotiated settlement of the Palestinian problem but the settlement must be Limit one per customer. SUPER SUNDAY polyester. Offer expires May 15, 1975. negotiated with Jordan, Organization. not with the Palestine Liberation East Lansing Store only. MAY 4 Many different styles available A joyous musical event of new, from $33.00 old, original and traditional ROGER MfGUINN U.S. air base to shut down | HoytAxton. SHCWS AT 7:00*11:00 1975 Sounds best on $4 IN ADVANCE $4.50 AT THE DOOR AVAI1ABLE AT DISCOUNT RECORDS American and Greek officials negotiating the future of A AT THE STABLES U.S. military installations in Greece have agreed to shut MIN'S FASHION CIOTHIN6 down an Air Force base and terminate home-porting for six 305 E. Srand Rim lost LohsI'I destroyers of the U.S. Navy's 6th Fleet, a joint announce¬ ment said Tuesday. ON SPECIAL ALL WEEK Master Charge - Bankamericard - American Expr* The air base to be closed is adjacent to Athens Park Free Op«n International Airport and is a support and maintenance SWISS SIEAK.....$2.95 V./ll gladly validate your Thursday CM | HscShop center for U.S. aircraft in southern till 9 Europe. ONION & MUSHROOM GRAVY Affected by the new agreement are about 8,000 military personnel and their dependents. DINNERS INCLUDE FRENCH FRIES & SALAD BAR The announcement did not set Force base or ending homeport a date for privileges. closing the Air _ U.S. Pst OH. Am. 0. Q tt 1973 Am. O Q Corp Corp! P' K icliigu" State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 30, 1975 3 atistics indicate rise MSU campus crimes RICHARD SHARP way up" from the last school year. But Bissel cautioned about inary statistics indicate MSU may be in the midst of a making any firm conclusions until the final statistics are compiled crime increase this year, but that drug-related crimes are in July. Badgley said he sees the greatest increase in those crimes t. of Public Safety (DPS) report for the period from July involving property loss. He also said there has been an increase in to March 31, 1975 showed that crimes and complaints theft from academic buildings. n the MSU campus totaled 2,606. Robert W. Bissel, The bright spot in MSU's crime statistics is a dramatic decrease 's manager, said the figure could be as much as 500 in drug-related offenses committed within residences halls. jn the number recorded for the same period last year, There have been ii| no drug arrests within residence halls this figures pointed to burglaries as the type of crime rising year. Badgley said most drug arrests on campus this year but indicated most other types will at least equal last happened after a motorist stopped for traffic violations was found numbers. possessing drugs. an A. Badgley, head of the investigative section of the In addition, no drug-related armed robberies have been id the number of crimes committed on campus has "gone reported in residence halls this year. This compares with at least seven drug-related armed robberies in 1973-74, nine in 1972-73 and 12 in 1971-72. could pen Badgley could onlv speculate about the drop in drug-related crime, but thought Students in residence halls were being "a lot more careful" about drug dealing. He also said he thinks the use of hard drugs is on the decline. n-toting cr "The college student is more aware of the the use of hard drugs," he said. dangers involved in East complex director Douglas Zatechka said that he wanted to ANNA FIRESTONE aggravate the prison over¬ think that last year's controversial "SING (UPI) - A pro- drug policy, which required crowding problem. resident assistants to report illegalities, had "I support penal reform, but played a part in the ding two years on the drop of drug-related crimes, but conceded that other factors could terms of gun-toting we have a responsibility to the have been involved. is ready for House people first," said Rep. Dennis Though none were drug-related, six armed robberies were but some lawmakers Hertel, D-Detroit, the bill's reported in residence halls this year. Three involved firearms and will not reduce crime, sponsor. all took place within students' rooms. proposal was reported "We're trying to discourage "Armed robberies tend to go in streaks," House Judiciary Com- Badgley said. "The people from bringing guns same group of people are usually responsible for most of them." * on an 8-3 vote Tuesday, along when they commit He explained that a rash of robberies of pizza deliverymen ^fc.'. f' ^ ould add a mandatory crimes." seemed to have stopped after only a «r penalty on the sen- single arrest. Earlier this year the arrest of three persons accounted for almost $20,000 "- ^'*'' %-•. ■ - V . i . . .*!'*<%'* of persons convicted of worth of equipment, mostly calculators, stolen from MSU while in the possession The extra term Malpractice bill buildings. SN photo/Daniel Shutt -~ns. Robert Minetti, hall director of the graduate staff for They covered the hill in front of Beaumont the capitalistic system. _.t be shortened by sent to Milliken Phillips - Snyder Halls, said that he has seen an increase in property Tower to begin the revolution. About 300 of Was it like the 60s? or probation, thefts. But Alyie Tirado, cohead adviser for Akers Hall, said she them. me this is not a gun has seen less thefts in Akers Hall than in the "Not at all," Sandy Callahan said. "You would LANSING (UPI) The first past. Guitarist Matt Callahan and his wife bill," said Chairman in - series of bills aimed at MSU is not alone in coping with the specter of increased crime. Sandy, have had Crosby, Stills and Nash music, waves a the group called Prairie Fire, were Rosenbaum, D-Battle easing the state's medical mal¬ The 1974 annual report of the East Lansing Police Dept. showed brought to of "If there's one bill the that the number of shoplifting cases more than doubled and MSU Tuesday by the United Front Against dope fumes throughout the audience, wine practice insurance crisis has illegal bottles and half-naked people all over the lawn Legislature will pass entries has almost tripled. The total Racism and Imperialism to sing s reducing crime, this is been sent to Gov. Milliken to be increased by 14 per cent in 1974. complaints for East Lansing revolutionary with flowers painted on their chests. signed into law. songs and talk about government repression in On a 33-0 vote Though most law enforcement officials refused to speculate the United States. s confidence was Tuesday, the about the reasons for the jump in property crimes, David Hewson, "They talked in generalities about peace and state Senate gave ared by some of his final legisla¬ head of the Records Bureau for the East Many spectators came for the music or to sit anti-establishment. If this was the 60s, we es. tive approval to a bill aimed at Lansing Police Dept., said in the sun. Others came to he thought the economic recession was largely express contempt for wouldn't have been not going to work," said putting inept doctors out of responsible. talking about concretes." rnest Nash, R-Diamon- practice and supplying the a former State Police state with better information the "It's going to be on malpractice dilemma. 'To know what is right and not to do ASMSU GREAT ISSUES PRESENTS reductive." said soft-hearted it is the worst cowardice." and prosecutors will re- the charges against - Confucius Richard Ben-Veniste 's, rather than add a Assistant Prosecutor to Leon Jaworski two more years to his speaking on prison sentence. corrections officials "Relationships of White e measure will not dis- Collar Crime and Prosecution b and will only on Society" YOUR TIME AND DONATIONS Thursday May 1 8:15 p.m. Fairchild Theatre ABE NEEDED! (door. open at 7:00 p.m.) Free to students with M.S.U. ID also Lansing Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation Zolton Ferency and Richard Ben-Veniste 1801 W. Main, LeJon Bldg. speaking on "Campaign Contributions and White PHONE Collar Crime" Thursday afternoon 3:30 371-5360 p.m. Canto Open for Lunch Ext. 274 Erickson Kiva (Free to students) 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday Complete Luncheon Menu Special of the day every day Let's talk BOOKn-BJFT Dinner Hours FOR BOOKlOVERS 5 p.m. -10 p.m. Monday - Thursday 5 p.m. -11 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 4 p.m. -10 p.m. Sun. chicken. Come join us at our 50% OFF extraordinary giant paperback book sale. Dollar for dollar Outstanding current and back list the corner of Abbott Rd. & Grand River titles from many leading publishers. Phone 351 - 7076 for reservations there are no better This is a sale Booklovers can't afford to miss. dinner deals than IL CHANGE AND LUBE ' Pto5,t. ] our dinner deals. mo|or brand £ Jk £ £. i «'»i-flrod. oil J -mpUt. Chassis I ication any car I inspection EXPERT BRAKE SERVICE Foreign ft American Bucket Vr ontrols $6.30 ^ removed l»gol) 15 pieces ^ '• Sun r*d«qulpm»nt yfmwsRgcfre rMl|«agc SB S rP»rformanc» V FRED CHICKEN it tastes better East Lansing Bay tudent ook tore 315 W.Grand River _Phone 351.9608 • 351-4762 421 E. Grand River 351-4210 ( ART BUCHW 44* A study of mice and men All sorts of social research is being White mice," set up my Schecter r.By ,1 attacked these days. Recently Sen. William ton. In one cages to look JJ Proxmire, D-Wis., criticized a federal grant of $84,000 given to a psychology professor Mouse cage would be House, in another!! '■ mi l at the University of Minnesota to do a study mice representing Conpes,Ll on romantic love. The senator said he did EDITORIALS not believe the government should itself with why a man falls in love with a concern 'That makes sense," I Mj,i woman and a woman falls in love with a 'The leader of the Whl'e Mouse mice lla man. House, and sinceH Save Waste The psychology professor defended the study on the grounds that love is the basis for marriage and family in the American woudbe on a higher would look up to him. start of the love level alffif This!? culture, and if the social scientists could And affair. Then hL when, how and why the It would be a tragedy for a The University therefore should out more about love they could, hopefully, interest in their leader otlJj program as valuable as the re- lift the $40,000 ceiling and give lower the divorce rate in the country. their backs on him in and ZSl their cycling program to die because of the recycling program a chance to The assault on this type of research has more than 50 per cent of the * confusion, abuse and disinterest, lift itself up unsaddled by financial stymied a project a friend of mine wants paying attention to the White Mm but if members of the funded which has a similar goal. He would I can assume that University worry. like to find out why Americans fall in love mouse has their love b J community do not change their gone out the Even so, the debt could be wiped with their leaders and then fall out of love "And you can window' 1 way of thinking, this could well be out with a vengeance if only more with them a few months later. apply the experiment to President result,! its fate. My researcher, Aaron Schecter, has been FordT™ students, faculty and clerical "Of course," Schecter mid. « workers would recycle their pa¬ dealing with matters of the heart for almost behavior is very similar to The recycling program does 60 years. Mice have feelings just like humaski indeed want and need per. The 500 to 600 bins located all •"It is essential," Schecter told me, "that wed.1 newspa- around campus and the nine can't love they get very shaken,, we know more about why the American biting each other's tails." thpwnAmwanHhp the workers want the npw«nan»r« off-campUS sheds provide a con- electorate have such unhappy love affairs j tF ,t newspapers stacked next to the recvclincr hins vement alternative ti F tto p nitchineg with the people they ask to lead them. If we recycling bins, non can discover wW what tho emotional f«Mnr« the emfttinn»i factors «pp are "Exactly. For $84,000 and not putjn them. The bins are papers in waste baskets. my sul that break up these relationships, we can save the country enormous needed to gather office-type pa¬ Nobody likes to believe that the end the heartbreak and pain that so many of "The day 1 watched the President Ford Ford has been dissipated. If we could find "Have you asked Sen. grief.' 1 per, envelopes, junk mail, compu¬ spirit of environmental concern tic enffor urhon us suffer when we lnnlr uro look atat t.np the PppQinont President nfof u ^™ he ^ wtnt a honeymoon; out what went wrong, Mr. Ford could be would give you a grant to Proxininl T • he wanted a marriage. Everyone fell in love our President for four more years." find ter printouts has gone the way of the spirit of our dreams and suddenly decide one day, and cards, magazines with Jerry Ford that day and we all thought people don't love their leaders?" 3 radical social reform that used to 'He's not for me.' " "If the President knew you wanted a and other more valuable forms of it would last forever." "Yes, but he turned me down" be prevalent among students. "If you coultf find the answer to that," I grant for that kind of research he would paper. "Why?" said, "you would really be making a "I wonder what went wrong," I said. probably give you the money out of his own "He wants the But leave newspapers there, Ecological economy is no fun-and- contribution to the social sciences. When "That is what I would like to research. pocket. Suppose you did get the funds. on money to go for how to build a better J . . games student pastime, but rather 0 r , did you get the idea?" In one year almost all the love for Jerry What would you spend it on?" [CI Los Angeles Times mousetm'l too. Presently, the recycling is an invaluable means to the end of program is getting a mere 3 per cent of available preserving our brittle natural a i newspapers. If r->^\r\r- nrr/M^ii the program could collect just 6 environment and hopefully revers- ylEvVPOINl! CRIMINAL C.G/L/C fvLrUK/vi ing the trend toward irreparable per cent, its financial woes would end. damage. There is no doubt that students These financial problems are reflected in the $39,000 debt to the University. The University has given the program a $40,000 debt can start a new wave of concern for environmental protection which, once rolling, could easily force even the obstinate and shortsight- Legislative chamber of horrors ceiling after which the program ed to take part, ByWILLBLOSSER prosecution of a federal official that he open invitation to federal agents to "become "criminal attempt." The bill makesij faces termination. The Criminal Justice Codification, Revi¬ performed the criminal act with which he is the instigators of the crime, or partners in guilty of an attempt to commit a crjj That wave begins with rippies. sion and Reform Act (S.l) currently in charged in the belief that he had authority its commission or the creative brain behind or her conduct "indicates intent Senate Judiciary should be more properly to do so, even if his belief toad Granted, recycling is not always We must ^eeP reminding our- was mistaken. the illegal scheme." It invites the FBI to called ^ a legislative "Chamber of Horrors." This defense applies to the use of "deadly commission of the crime." MoreowJ profitable. But the University selyes that for each sheet of paper ^ me list~a few of the horrors which your force." To give law officers this defense is entrap unwary political militants as it did she is guilty even though "it wi when it infiltrated a of Catholic simply cannot expect that a an(* newspaper thrown away m- April 25 article on this bill failed to mention. to hand them a hunting license for murder. group war or legally impossible for the actor toil resisters, instigated the destruction of the the crime." This comes close to| socially useful and productive stea^ recycled, we despoil an The bill grants federal officers and In defining entrapment, the bill author¬ Camden draft records and provided the ' medieval British law making it i effort need rake in profits to environment that needs instead to employes, and anyone acting at their izes federal agents and their hirelings to burglar tools and truck to do the job. wish for the death of the king. iustifv its jusiuy ns> existence existence. be coddled. directlon' fr°m Potion for engage in criminal activity while acting as The bill also provides a three - year t crimes committed in reliance on a written provacateurs. It provides no defense for sentence for Senator Hart of Michigan is d statement creating, "a physical interfer¬ by the head of a government those charged with a crime that a federal ence or obstacle to the recruitment, Judiciary Committee where thisbill(j| agency that tbe criminal acts were lawful, undercover agent solicited them to commit, even though the statement is later "deter¬ conscription or induction" into the. armed currently being considered, used deception in luring them into commit¬ forces. This would make it a federal crime Handsome mined to be invalid or erroneous." This would have immunized all of the Watergate ting it, provided them with the opportunity to commit it or gave them facilities without to demonstrate in front of induction centers and recruiting stations, including those on persons to write Senator Hart abi "Chamber of Horrors." participants. which they could not have committed it. The bill makes it a defense to the college campuses. In the words of Justice Douglas, it is One final horror is How appropriate that ASMSU He grudgingly conceded defeat an its definition of Great Issues should sponsor the in the recent MSU "Top Turkey" brief return to campus of one of contest but revealed that he agreement with the provisions of the Labor describing a board of trustees meeting. It and involved in charity drives. MSU's greatest — the Handsome enter a similar contest on a may Relations budget, did not stand in the way would run something like this: for the 1974 Muscular Dystrophy tu| Thef| slightly of the crusading State News and their "One by one the trustee members One, known to the uninitiated as grander scale — in other words, he "scandal." were close to $900,000. They to former MSU economics professor will straggled into the meeting, desperately contributed to ALSAC and other«| run for President in 1976. But Anyone who has managed to continue Al Mandelstamm. trying to fill a quorum. Their numbers tions. They also sponsored the ctf only if "Ford's economic plans reading the State News (read: State finally swelled to eight, when they half¬ educational program "ZOOM." don't work," he said, State News bias Editorial) can see that the vendetta is not heartedly began the meeting amid. the though that yet appeased. Cain is now responsible for At a local level, McDonald's haifl Handsome Al lugged his 300- qualification yawns of a sparse crowd of bored specta¬ seems hardly neces- parking ticket increases—he somehow tors. supplied free drinks to participants^ pounds from the backwaters of sary. The State News has completely dropped Twenty minutes into the meeting a-thons. They contributed all of Mi caused Wharton's inaction. Wharton chuckled Eldon its already thin veneer of as Nonamaker the benefit Dance a - thon at Virginia to speak in Wells Hall „ , , , , , objectivity and resorted to a constant, shoddy series of The latest example of incredibly rotten dropped his glass of water on the floor." Mall, have provided food for the* Ijj Monday and insult the institution ,He may have dashed the hopes attacks directed at whatever it happens to reporting is the article which appeared The real fact of the matter is that the Guard working in the flood areasM that made him famous. He had the °f many who paid 50 cents hoping dislike. The most blatant examples April 21 by Bruce Ray Walker "INCAR "lack of spirit" is exhibited by the board of ed bowling teams, given MSU Staler nerve to call the protest short on spirit." Aside from the fact sleepy southern see lrn ."pally finish a strip surfaced during election time last term that there were 30 people who trustees who are merely slightly bored with coffee at exata time, and donatr picketed, not the tedious issue of racist and sexist hillbillies at Virginia Polytechnical ^aff.or 'he infamous Texas story. when a series of editorital attacks appeared 20 (but why let facts stand in the way of a of faculty members. firings "Orange Bowl" to many school ad Institute - who now reap the But the cheers of we want Al and denouncing Tim Cain. What became remarkable about this was "good" story) the entire article was an ,Mlip Slliollle They are also involved with Boy Sea other groups, ranging from donifi benefits of his masterful Everett as. we[l 88 the the fact that the editorials carried irresponsible editorial comment on such tours of the restaurant's operation I Dirksen "boom chicka boom" im¬ affectionately thrown paper wads through important issues as the physical details of to numerous articles which were not labeled Now, Al, what exactly are y«l pression — superior'to his faithful were proof enough to contradict as editorials. Everything Cain said, did, or the picket line—how much space was McDonald's contest about the hunger problem? By W Al's tearfully expressed belief that between each picketer, how many lieges in Michigan. was involved in (including several things he people campus you are wasting an average® chuckled and when, who burped on the In Al soon most will have Stulberg's April 18 letter he forgotten him did not say, did not do and was not involved third step of the Administration a year which could be spent on w But Handsome Al wouldn't be at MSU. with) came under the State News vendetta. Building, mentioned McDonald's hamburger contest, these starving people. Slowdown* etc. Lacking any real "news" the State News portraying it as the area's terrible moral littlel Handsome Al if he didn't scorn- Nonsense. The Handsome One's invented "scandals" such as the The very serious issue of the firings of offender. McDonald's is far from this. The amazing Georgia Johnson and Lois Humphrey and fully chastise students, or try to legacy will remain as long as the fact that the Labor Relations Cabinet paid the impending civil suit (be prepared for corporation has always been very aware 517N.CH molest attractive young women in thousands of former pupils keep for the Student Workers Union brochure ,,niA" which was mailed to all student workers. 1k'~ some more belt tightening, folks) of course the audience, or sit on his detrac- lovingly retelling anecdotes about The fact that this expense came out of a pale in significance when compared to tors, or break into a blubbery, yet crazy Al Mandelstamm and Mary- Walker's sensitive reporting of amounts of budget which was specifically allocated to graceful tango when the mood ushka and the day streakers the Student Workers Union, with the "tension" and nostalgic reverie of the "good struck. struck Economics 201. old days." approval of the ASMSU Board, in complete I would like to see a similar style used in c? The Doctor's Bag a f One of my favorite pastimes is collecting different beer cans. However, simply to assemble various brands of beer containers is not my goal — my collection same as bottled beer, not as old as yours seem to be. BY ARNOLD the iron content of the canned beer was the though the cans were WERNER, M.D. but the skin is left shiny and discolored. Would it not be possible to have this surgically removed? phone calls and Copyright Thousands of letters, hundreds of tele¬ numerous personal contacts have resulted. The column has more than 1975 11 ifad V11 OF requires that By and large, if the material going into The wartlike growth on your penis I must drink the beer in each can in order to fulfilled my hopes of serving as a vehicle the can is sterile in the first place (as it sounds like a wart. Warts, wherever save it. My question concerns what (if any) they into the health matters of the campus and should be) and the can has not rusted are, are caused by a virus and can be has expanded my effect drinking old beer may have on my through to the outside or in other ways had transmitted from on® person to another. knowledge and under- health. Some of the cans I have found were its seal broken, the stuff should be safe. It Sexual intercourse with frogs is not slightly rusted and the beer had a definite may taste lousy, but the amount of iron or metallic tasts. Can drinking beer out of responsible, but you surely could have Many subjects that were unusual to other minerals present is harmless. The gotten it from intercourse with some who discuss such cans do me any harm (like death, outside of the can should be clean before had venereal warts (also known publicly a few years ago are now blindness, impotence, etc.)? as condylo¬ commonly talked about. Information about you open it to prevent contamination with ma acuminatum). a variety of health Beer can collecting has become a popular infectious agents, concerns, including pastime; but purists such as yourself, who Approaching male or female genitals with contraception and sexual activity, is now Perhaps you can solve the problem a knife when simple procedures would insist on drinking the contents before they created by your ritual through the use of a widely available. With major goals accom¬ suffice is considered poor form. Since the collect the can, are rare. One summer while little symbolism. Take a small sample of the wart is improving, I would plished, the column still being read, letters in college, I worked in a chemistry lab of a beer you are collecting and mix it into a suggest follow¬ still being received and my sense of humor ing through on the advice the doctor gave still intact, I feel way ahead. can company. One of my jobs involved glass of fresh beer and drink that, you. The shiny discolored spots will analyzing cans and their contents after they I have a wartlike growth on my penis. It had been stored for long periods of time to improve with time. The time haa come to move on to other developed aa a sore during a recent urinary More than 200 columns and almost six determine if any corrosion of the cans had infection. VD teats have been negative but projects. I will stop writing the column at years have elapsed since I started to write the end of this term. taken place or, if the contents had been the growth remains. A doctor treated it Rather than bid a "The Doctor's Bag." My original damaged. with a brownish corroaive which has caused purpose precipitous farewell, I am pausing now to was to discuss the health and One hot summer afternoon I sucked up 50 personal thank everyone who shared their concern* it to scab and flake and instructed me to use of ml portions of beer from over 100 beer cans, concerns people in straightforward, with me, my colleagues who something else if it didn't completely nontechnical language focusing on the generously In addition to recalling the one hell of a vanish from the treatment he administered, provided me with information I lacked and headache I got that day, I remember that universality of peoples' worries about my readers and friends who encouraged It does seem to be getting less protrusive, Wednesday, April 30,1975 5 cupuncture aims at correcting ibalance of life energy forces I By ALLAN LENGEL Among those who have been successfully parn in the abdomen. i old days, the man stood on the treated are rock star Eric Clapton, who was After treatment Reston said "There was Reports from China stated that all but folding up a bottle of magic potion, cured of heroin addiction; drummer Buddy a noticeable relaxation of the pressure and two of 280 cases of goiter were cured by Je townspeople it was the cure-all Rich, for back pain, and New York Times acupuncture treatment provided every day distension within within an an limn, hour. columnist James Reston for There was ha fop fog from arthritic pain to old age. no weeks postsurgery recurrence of the problem there after.' Other reports revealed that 263 out of (h its basis is a great deal more Je the practice of acupuncture has 256 polio victims treated at Peking Munici¬ Kually wide spectrum of cure-all pal Childrens' Hospital had complete Tr such things as impotence, head- recoveries. Arug addiction and asthma, But there are skeptics who said the i 000-year-old Oriental practice is reports are not concise and question what E the flow of "ch'i" or "life energy" the Chinese mean by ■ the body. "complete recovery." Bfe energy is controlled by two Speaking on the pros and cons of the ■ with yin representing negative practice, researcher Paul Dudley White \ the body and yang the positive said, "If it was the world's best technique we'd all be using it. If it were useless, it would have been e occurs when there is an im- dropped thousands of SN photo/Bob Kaye years ago. There's something in it but it's Patients say that insertion of the iof yin and yang, which disturbs the difficult to say just what." acupuncture needles, which fe energy through the body. vary in length from one-half to four inches, is relatively painless. _._r must learn the 500 to 800 Fpoints in which he can place the Recycling operation at MSU, East Students who have newsprint and other Lansing incinerator rooms in residence halls. Other in Frandor types of paper to dispose of are reminded Shopping Center near Howard that the Waste Control drop points on campus are in sheds located Johnson's, at Hannah Middle School and at Authority's re¬ near the judging pavilion, Berkey Hall, Marble Middle School. tainless steel needles used in the cycling operation has pickup stations Cherry Lane, Spartan Village and Univer¬ K vary from one-half to four inches in located in the area, in addition to 600 barrels in academic buildings on sity Village. Paper can also be dropped off at the campus. Students can also leave paper in the recycling operation's warehouse at Aurelius Other sheds are located in Yankee Plaza, and Jolly Roads. te the age of the Oriental practice, fcently has there b Eason, an administrator of ; Associates in Pontiac, said K newly built clinic has been flooded is from persons making appoint- id inquiring about the treatment. re a lot of elderly people coming in . nents for arthritis, but we've also big ones, too," she said. ■inic is able to treat up to 24 patients fcverage patient comes in for any- ■om three to 10 treatments at a cost ■ visit. I said the clinic has treated as many ntients a day and averages over 100 pal day. le had people call for such things a^ ddiction, migraine headaches and tment of other ailments," s" SN photo/Bob Kaye It takes courage to allow doctors to make your head a te the fact that the treatment is not pincushion. Allan Lengel willingly undergoes needling of the | cent effective, there have been nose, head and forehead in search of a cure for his nasal is success stories. congestion. [udenf stuck on ids treatment a By ALLAN LENGEL I failing miserably to mimic Johnny Cash, I attempted an In of a voodoo doll with a bit more success. ■ passively on a table in the Acupuncture Associates clinic lac, Dr. Ching Ing Lu performed the ancient art on me in ppt to clear my nasal passages. I filling out forms regarding my previous illnesses, I was ■ brief examination by a regular physician and a licensed 7' nurse. for then determined which of the up to 800 acupuncture would be used in this operation. *jked Idles into the were cubicle and began touching the areas where to be inserted with a cotton ball dabbed in I He continually reminded me to relax. ■very gentle manner, he then picked up the inch-long | , needles off the metal table and placed three in each furious Pconds for each angles, twisting and twirling them in, taking about needle. rn placed one 'n my forehead and another on the top of my BIRD SPECIAL REDUCED RATES (offer ends April 31) 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan COGS backs traffic proposal to seperate cars, pedestrians By MARY ANN CHICK relieve the growing transporta¬ pus transportation patterns to for representatives from other the year. State News Staff Writer tion problems. specific suggestions for immedi¬ Big Ten schools. The only debate about the The Council of Graduate The action is in reponse to a ate implementation, such as In other action, COGS passed budget centered around the Students (COGS) took a stand report on the campus traffic raising the fee at gate parking the 1975-76 budget. The possibility of COGS depositing on the traffic situation on situation released last month lots and registering all cars $19,500 budget is similar to last its funds in a local bank savings campus Monday night by sup¬ by a subcommittee of the driven by faculty, staff or year's budget, except COGS account. The finance commit¬ porting a proposal that asks the Building, Lands and Planning students. has budgeted an additional tee will look into this possibility Campus Parxs and Planning Committee. » COGS voted to support the $1470 for general services and and report back to COGS later Dept. to immediately relieve The committee will vote on proposal asking the Campus decreased their administrative in the year. congested and dangerous four proposals from the report Parks and Planning Dept. to costs by $970. points on campus by imple¬ at their next meeting on May reevaluate the long-range For general services COGS menting separate pedestrian, 14. Its recommendations will physical plans of the campus to has added $800 to the day care bicycle and vehicular routes on be passed on to President be sure all traffic movement scholarship fund, allocating campus. Wharton for further considera¬ alternatives are being consid¬ $1,600 for the next COGS also asked that private year's tion. ered. scholarships. motor vehicular traffic be re¬ The four proposals ranged The proposal also requests COGS also plans to spend an duced as much as possible to from long-range studies of cam- the department to begin ar¬ additional $300 on its quarterly ranging separate routes for newsletter sent to all graduate Detroit mayor to pedestrians, bicyclists and students by budgeting $1,800 lay off police motor vehicles in some areas of for it. campus immediately. The new budget calls for a DETROIT (UPI) - Minutes Friday. Also at the meeting COGS $200 decrease in the budget for after winning a court battle voted after much debate to the annual career workshop. over his right to order the A three-member state Court allocate funds to pay for the Big COGS will spend $1,800 for the layoff of than 700 police of Appeals panel said Tuesday Ten graduate organizations workshop in the fall. pUyirgq more and firemen, Mayor Coleman A. that layoffs are part of the conference held last weekend. Even though COGS' secretar¬ mow Young said he would go ahead function of the city jurisdiction Some representatives were ial help has been budgeted for with the planfled dismissals. rather than a matter for the angry, because the executive a $350 increase in salary and The first layoffs are expected courts. board spent the money on the conference before asking for it. fringe benefits, the overall bud¬ get for the administrative ex¬ SPACE COAST KIDS "We had to wait until we penditures dropped $970. knew how many people would COGS decreased their ad¬ be there (at the conference)," vertising budget by planning to said Jan Brashler, COGS presi¬ spend only $300 on ads during dent. "We had no idea how the next year. Last year, they In a front page article Mon¬ her for much it cost until then." spent $1,000. Brashler said the conference The organization also cut day about the campus Student collective bargaining and all Workers Union (SWU), the other purposes with MSU. expenses were about $825 and their data processing budget in State News incorrectly said the That wording is required by would be split with the gradu¬ half, allocating only $250 for the the state Employment Rela¬ ate school. next year. signed authorization cards collected from student tions Commission. However, COGS then voted to reim¬ COGS set aside an additional burse the COGS' executive $770 in their general fund, employes by the union "simply when a unionization election is indicate the signer wishes to board for a party it hosted on leaving $2,770 for special alloca¬ held, both workers who signed vote yes or no on union¬ cards and those who did not are the first night of the conference tions that could come up during 224 ABBOTT ization." free to vote yes or no on In fact, the cards say the whether they want the SWU to signer authorizes the union to represent them. HOT DOG SPECIAL! Frames Unlimited Wednesday, April 30 Hot Dogs 25* 3 pin-closing \The Complete professional iljighwheder framing services restaurant ft lounge Restaurant Lounge 11:00 -2:00AM 231 M.A.C. 11:30-2:00 AM 12:00-12:OOSun. E.Lansing 5:00-12:00 Sun. Open 10, 9, Sun. 12-5 Hundreds of Frame £ // OPENING TOMORROW the University Gallery (over the Alle' Ey & Stangers) A unique collection of clustershops For your enjoyment Tobacco ,#• Road $0* Candles The Art Gallery Genesis G0, Open Monday thru Wednesday 10:00am to Thursday thru Saturday 9:30am to HURRY ON UP! x n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 30,1975 7 Frantic Viets resent American exodus Ipeterarnett And on Tuesday I watched thousands of them left behind Special correspondent U.S. Marines shepherding the last Americans out of South — hooted, booed and scuffled but accurate reflection of what at the other side with war But what about the defense American. Ion - Ten years ago I with the U.S. Marines guarding relations between Americans planes and artillery, effective of the city for which he would He had been driven around in ft the first U.S. Marines Vietnam. They were tfhe same the landing zones. Some Viet¬ and Vietnamese had fallen to in only so long as there were be responsible after the Ameri¬ an evacuation bus for four [o help South Vietnam. clean-cut young men of a namese threw themselves over the 10 years since those flowers bombs and shells. cans left? hours seeking a safe helicopter Iwere greeted on the decade ago. walls and wire fences, only to at a few buses and departing were gladly given to the The days preceeding the "Don't you see this will be my pickup point. 1 by pretty Vietnamese But the Vietnamese were be thrown back by the Marines. helicopters. Marines. evacuation But the whole, frantic dash were eyeopeners for last chance to get to the United Finally, he was forced to ■ white silken robes who different. Americans and the South Americans who had any faith Bloodshed was apparently from Saigon by the Americans States. I know I can make clamber over Vietnamese ■flower leis around their Those who didn't have Vietnamese used to get along left in the ability of the South a avoided by good luck and bad money there by writing about place on the last helicopters out — and the bitter resentment of pretty well. That was when the thronging through the gates of aim on the part of some angry Vietnamese high command. the U.S. Embassy. With U.S. of the thousands of Vietnamese my successful military cam¬ Lade has passed. Saigon — and there were Vietnamese soldiers who shot U.S. Marines first arrived in This reporter lunched with paigns," he said. Marines help he managed to get who couldn't go — seemed a sad Vietnam imbued with a deter¬ a three-star general with The sight of pathetic bands of inside the embassy building and mination to see the war COUNCIL TO GET MERGER REPORT through. critical responsibilities for the defense of Saigon, and he Vietnamese struggling to board the last helicopters head for the helicopter pad on the roof where the last landing Vietnamese officers began matter of factly on Tuesday explained his pointed up the failure of the official Americans in Vietnam aping the American way. The own plan of retreat. whole effort dramati¬ Americans seemed always to war as were hiding low and out of sight iroup readies bus He would simply have his cally while military defeat. waiting for the choppers. plan as any have better pressed uniforms helicopter pilot follow the U.S. The final day of the American Down below, the Vietnamese and more detailed maps and Marine helicopters ferrying involvement in Vietnam was mob howled and screamed their diagrams. evacuees to 7th Fleet carriers summed up perhaps by the Nearly 20,000 Vietnamese displeasure at being left offshore, and land with them. experience of one departing behind. officers flew to the United By FRED NEWTON action. State News Staff Writer States for education or ad¬ "The biggest concern is the Llan to integrate the MSU and Capital Area Transportation would not destroy the MSU bus integration of the systems so that it vanced training, and they re¬ open thursday and friday nights until nin* service," McCormick said. "It still turned with American slang Kty (CATA) bus services is one step closer to becoming needs to be looked at much more, especially the ramifications on expressions and an American the community." taste for firepower and massive __ t Lansing Mass Transit Committee heard citizen A report drawn up by the committee suggests that the main Lk Monday night on the proposed merger between the two military supplies. advantages would be to reduce congestion, lower fares and allow But something went wrong fctems, which the committee hopes will take place by 1980. the planning of area transit services without any problems of along the way. To win a war It of the comments by the public were primarily positive," jurisdiction. like Vietnam, the subject to Ichael McCormick, a member of the city Planning Dept. who Paul Nilsson, director of MSU automotive and utility services, study was not the American Jrked with the committee on the project. which oversees MSU bus operations, said he felt the committee way but the Communist Viet¬ ■committee will now draft the report, making some minor had good ideas but was still waiting for a specific plan. namese way. They were |b, then submit the plan to the East Lansing City Council for "It would have to be much more detailed before we evaluate the launching the war in their own plan," Nilsson said. "We'd have to know time schedules, days the buses would be running and all those country. jeral aid available he Charles Downs, chairman of the Mass Transit specifics." Committee, said The South Vietnamese in¬ stead learned the American hoped council would approve further study of the proposed way to use firepower, blasting [flood victims at site merger at its May 20 meeting. "In the past the council has indicated that it would be in this type of plan," Downs said. interested ■Lansing-area "one-stop homeowners, businessmen and If council does accept the plan, they will probably direct city center" where victims farmers, cash grants up to departments to work with MSU on the details. ■pril 19 flood may apply $5,000; food stamps; legal and There is also the question, which remains to be insurance counseling; debris decided, of how ■eral disaster assistance to finance the plan and the entire CATA system. Tn today at 6900 S. Cedar removal; income tax adjust¬ Suggestions have been made ranging from a special property ■sing. ments, and emergency food and tax millage or a possible add-on to the state income tax for the ■enter will operate from clothing. district to an add-on tax to the state motor vehicle The Lansing center will help registration fee ■to 8 p.m. seven for the district. days a victims from Ingham, Eaton, People seeking aid must ■ person at the center, Livingston, Shiawassee and (| SPARTAN Ionia counties. Three other ■ollowing types of assist- fe available: temporary centers in Flint, Kalamazoo and Frederic also open today to SPORTS SCEME^ £ or help with mortgage serve the remaining 12 Mich¬ Kt payments; job place- MSU ™r unemployment com- igan counties included in Presi¬ dent Ford's disaster declaration Sports Talk With i; 5 per cent loans to Saturday. Tom Ross on International Hockey Rick Seid on Spartan Baseball The MSU Football Investigation Spring Spirits tonight at 8:00 The Michigan State Network and Song in the Goldsmith Lounge WMCD WKME Happy Hour 4-7 p.m. MSN 640 AM WEAK WMSN WBRS Mon.-Fri. The Hi-Low Fi System Song Tonight-Starseed HIGH QUALITY Thurs.-Carl& Amy LOW PRICE Fri.& Sat.-JAZZ WEDNESDAY. APRIL soth through FRIDAY. MAY 2nd. with The Gary Blumer trio Three keyed up dajs, filled with hundreds Sa Jisui ol ideas for enhancing (hat first apartment Inthe&tltuUr tradition house. .novel E. Saginaw or new . placesettings. East Led and bath Lansing ensembling, gift ideas for TuikTood^gyirifc introduction the to knowledgeable and helpful |DO A FINGER services an keved to the jroung homemaker. exciting visit from Martex representative, . .plus, FAVOR... WEDNESDAY. APRIL 30th Ms. Janet Roda. P.M.. |0| treat the finger of your choice We've assembled at 7=00 a complete system designed to fit the needs of musk lovers working on a limited in our East Room Restaurant, to a real favor... custom-made a budget. John Roberts college ring... All the unnecessary frills have been eliminated in favor of clean sound. be of its very own. pure our guest for dessert, as our special The systems heart is Sansul's new AU4400 stereo integrated amp which delivers new levels of performance not available from any other brand near its price. All the essential features are here guest demonstrates and advises you the vivacious and economical decorate $5 OFF on ways to To take Hie top notch sound coming from the amp and deliver it to your ears.EPI's popular model 110 speakers were selected. The 11 Os provide an unexcelled range of sound with optimum clarity with sheets and your imagination. . .homebody Tear out this ad and take it to dispersion and accuracy. The linear sound of EPI has to be heard to be really appreciated. the John Roberts Ring Person or not. you II also enjoy the latest looks on "Ring Day" and get $5 credit Obviously the above components demand a quality source of sound. For this source, BSR's 2620W on purchase of any Man's automatic turntable Siladium ring or on any elegant was chosen. Low rumble, wow and flutter combined with an excellent arm and in sportswear, dresses and loungewear Lady's Gold ring. elliptical cartridge assure many years of excellent sound. informally mo deled each day. The complete system with our full 5 year A, SBS warranty and buyer protection plan is specially $ J VA LOWER LEVEL on priced now at a $113 savings. ■§ K M April 29th & 30th, (The matching TU4400 tuner is available for addition to this or any other quality system. Great May 1 st AM/FM stereo performance for under $200) 10-4 p.m. | 421 S.«», 3» $» Gd. River 351. 402 S. WASHINGTON, LANSING Tht headquarters for "STRAIGHT STEREO ANSWERS" 245 ANN STREET, E. LANSING Jaoobsoris EAST LANSING _ Across from Olin 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesdilay, Vilj 'Waldo' Redford flies in slick fantasy By EDD RUDZATS In "The Great Waldo ford and the character he need to prove themselves and plays tally barnstorming along with statement about courage and Hollywood's latest cliche in State News Reviewer Pepper" Robert Redford plays barely get away with it, but turn it into an adolescent fan¬ him is a German pilot who the honor and that sort of thing, Great Waldo iw., I Like he did in 'The Sting" and "Butch Cassidy and the another of those flamboyant, narcissistic, yet supposedly they try hard enough. What Hill has done in "The tasy with little more depth than what emerged in "The Sting." main character never fought in only to fall flat. Hill cannot have it both ways, though he really The best thing about 'The HoUywooditjl deadliest. It the war but yearned to. He Sundance Kid," director highly likeable guys who Great Waldo Pepper," with the 'The Great Waldo Pepper" finally gets his wish as he goes tries hard. But in the long run Great Waldo Pepper" is the unrealistic attftS*! George Roy Hill once again sets through their charm and help of a screenplay by William tells the tale of a former World to Hollywood to stunt fly in the he is simply working against aerial sequences. Shot with a out to plumb the depths of male courage are able to make Goldman from an idea by Hill, is War I flying ace who has taken movies and there meets up face himself. sureness of hand and a variety camaraderie, this time sans friends of almost anyone, in¬ to take serious of Paul Newman. a attempt to to barnstorming around the to face with his elusive German The basic problem with "The angles, by Robert Surtees, cluding the film audience. Red¬ depict men obsessed by their countryside for money. Men- pilot. Along the way, the road Great Waldo Pepper" is that it the same man who lensed' to this meeting is strewn with is too contrived to be more than "Lenny," the moments that this the deaths of his friends. But an entertainment of minor note. film takes to the air are pretty «n a enjoyable indeed. But after a- biplane on this jJil dates that obsessive desire to in¬ Everything about the film is Jazz s dulge in that dogfight with the German has cleared the man's conscience. In essense, that is slick, though it is less slick than 'The Sting." With a typical Hollywood script, the wtyle that is all there is besides Redford's good looks. The aerial stunts appear to be pad¬ for The Red S"«>Py. Baron Si he finds ByDAVESTERN of musical communication on one of that group to escape Advancement of Creative why "The Great Waldo Pepper" characters are barely fleshed ding an already shaky story. State News Reviewer the rare level of the late from the syndrome of feebly Music (AACM). is a blend that never quite out, the sequence of events has nui s ] Schunk, an Yet Despite the growing audi¬ lamented Modern Jazz Quartet MSU student, is a superb mixes properly: it's fantasy all the plausibility of a cheap undoubtedly Redford's showing »t imitating Coltrane and to legion of fans will love 'The the ence for jazz in the East and the quartet of John evolve his own, equally strong pianist who has managed to masquerading as reality. novel and by the time the film Theater. Lansing area, there has been a Coltrane, McCoy Tyner, Jimmy musical personality. His most shine in the tawdriest of musi¬ In trying to merge a serious has worked its way to its con¬ notable lack of live jazz beyond Garrison and Elvin Jones. clusion, the whole thing rings recent Impulse release, cal settings. His appearance attempt at exploring male re¬ the light commercial blend The trio has worked together hollow. But it is nice to look at, "Crystals," features Rivers with such musicians as Mitchell lationships and one man's drive served up in the local night in a number of formats, most both as soloist and composer in should result in some outstand¬ to prove himself with a light- with Redford looking like he f If ff ffffIf11 f ? ?! I?iff fffPM spots. This situation is broken notably Circle (also featuring an expanded instrumental set¬ ing music. hearted comic tone, Hill never just stepped off the set of "The S, Til. MSU Stor Tr.k Club !1 occasionally by the unheralded pianist Chick Corea) and as the ting and is one of the year's get a cohesive mixture. The Sting" wearing the same excellence of Oregon, the Crea¬ The concert is definitely Dave Holland Quartet (includ¬ best and most unnoticed jazz film is either lighthearted and clothes and the overabundance tive Arts Collective (CAC) and ing multi-reedman Anthony albums. shaping up to be the major jazz event of the year, one entertaining.in a mindless way of "20s fashions and cars crop¬ a few other groups. Braxton). Both groups have not to be it tries to make stern Appearing with the trio will missed. or a ping up which are becoming A major series of concerts been recorded on ECM records be the Roscoe Mitchell Quartet, V»»3 UStt. I with equal attraction for both (Holland's "Conference of the featuring Gary Schunk. the connoisseur of avant-garde Birds" is a must). Mitchell is familiar to those who and the newcomer will be Rivers is notable as the have seen the CAC concerts or presented here this weekend. foremost of the heavily any of the numerous other Showcase Jazz, under the aus¬ Coltrane-influenced sax players performances featuring musi¬ pices of Union Activities Board- extant today. He is the only cians from the Assn. for the Student Entertainment, will present six concerts by the Sam Rivers Trio and the Roscoe Mitchell Quartet, featuring Gary Schunk. will be at 8 p.m. on Performances and 10:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Satur¬ day at McDonel Hall kiva. OURCON75 \ STAR TREK/SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION Admission L $2.50 for each Price includes admission for 3 days to movies, j show. Tickets are available at STAR TREK episodes, costume Discount Records, the Union competition j dealers' room (where memorabilia is on sole) Ticket Office and at the door. J art room, a chance to see, hear, take pictures J In addition, the Rivers Trio of, and get autographs from will host a free, open workshop attending guest j stars James Doohan at 2 p.m. Saturday in McDonel (Scotty), Michelle Nichols 5 Hall kiva. (Uhura), Walter Keenig (Chekov), "Tribbles'3 The Sam Rivers Trio is one of author David Gerrold, Mark Leriard (Spock's 4 the most accessible and, at the father) and the Andromeda Light Show by JeH j same time, one of the most inventive groups in jazzdom Maynard. ] today. Featuring drummer Barry Altshul and bassist Dave Holland, the trio is an example MAY 2-4 WELLS MSU Students, Faculty, and Staff. HAllj $5.00 H I;; All Others ■ .$7.50 4 JOHN FORD/7 FILMS Directors' Choice Film Series A Retrospective Tributejtg. America's Greates ~ AE GREEN msw VALLE11 The slow and tragic disintegration of a Welsh mining family and the valley in which they lived. £ I Starring Walter Pidgeon, Maureen p O'Hara, Donald Crisp, and Roddy McDowall. Winner of the Academy Award and New York Film Critics' Award tor Best Direction. (1941) 112minutes B&W_ 2 SHOWINGS 7:00&9:15 PM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 MSU FAIRCHILD THEATER Admission is $1.25 at the door or Directors' Choice Series Ticke |Ugan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 30,1975 9 Unit OKs communications MIKEARNETT NeWS Staff Writer uham County Board of waste recycling efforts. U.S.Tl^ JaJ®^r Environmental ^he Protection pansion of the experimental R*dker-Young plant. The waste recycling county wants to solid waste a day. The second letter Zinder Engineering was to Inc., in produce methane gas from solid waste. on mental recycling plant into a $2.5 million plant which could recycling "The federal government provides the money to build the phases of the project, with additional funds available for ioners approved Tues- Agency (EPA) requesting eventually expand its small Ann Arbor, The EPA grant would pay for break down up to 800 tons of plant, but the county must promising Zinder the third testing phase. communications aimed 128,000 for a study of the pilot recycling plant to a plant an examination of the energy solid waste a day into recycle- assistance in developing a provide the land, and the solid Also involved with Zinder in ring the county's solid possible implications of an ex- which can handle 800 tons of demonstration plant which will and economic implications of able materials. waste," said James Heyser, the project, should it be ap¬ expanding the existing experi- "Before we spend $2.5 million Ingham County commissioner. proved, would be a group of we want to know it can do 800 tons a day," said Richard Sode, Zinder has been selected by technical assistants being put i ina maintaining Ingham County drain commis¬ sioner. "We know the process works. We want to know the the Michigan Energy and Resource Research (MERRA) to be the prime firm Assn. together by MERRA which includes Dr. man, George A. Coul- professor of chemical balance and trade-offs involved in organizing and submitting a engineering at MSU. in expanding it" proposal to the federal Energy "The plant could vary be¬ Research and tween a capacity of 50 and 100 Sode said the next step is to Development Administration (ERDA) for the tons a day." said James M. events in Indochin scale up the current test model into a small prototype. For this, the county has applied for development of tal facility. an experimen¬ Iocca, president of Zinder. After four years, ownership of the plant would be trans¬ $173,000 from Housing and ERDA has requested that ferred to Ingham County. Community Development Act proposals be submitted for the Sode has asked a Washing¬ funds and has asked the Michi¬ construction of a waste-to- ton, D.C., company to act as a [)AVIDBOVAVIA apocalypse of Indochina. Vietnam gan Legislature for another methane plant. Should Zinder fk Times Newsservice Beneath the surface, the can drag on for years material aid which coordinator between the such or decades, could $100,000 be awarded the contract, it [vjq _ it seems charac- Chinese politburo is probably open the door movements can expect Redker-Young process and the to Soviet interference, China's would receive $2.5 million for methane [that American diplo- wondering whether its political probably slight. Chinese To go from there, Sode has plant, to determine professed nightmare. the design and construction how they going peaceably about and diplomatic preparations are leaders have again emphasized might interrelate. already asked several federal Less in Peking while adequate to meet the rapidly Indochina, or- assist in the Most of all, China must worry in talks with foreign visitors agencies to fund the building of about the effect on Japan, its that plleagues .are hastily changing situation. If Prince extension of Marxism to revolution is not a the final $2.5 million plant. biggest trading partner, if it [ helicopters to leave Sihanouk, the politburo's guest of the last five years, should Thailand first and then to other seems too militant in fostering commodity for export. parts of Southeast Asia? Ear collapse of Saigon have a last minute falling out Senior Chinese leaders have insurgencies in Southeast Asia. &he Chinese capital as with the Khmer Rouge, he will Too fast a retreat of American denied that they H as did the fall of be an embarrassment. And the support the power could lead to a Thai insurgents with arms, but fenh. Only a few years sudden extension of Communist in such a situation arms dangerous flare-up in Korea, can and possibly desperate acts h events would have power to the Gulf of Siam may come from by many sources the Kuomintang in Taiwan. All j a torrent of anti- frighten the leaders of other without direct attribution. this could have severe effects in „i demonstrations Southeast Asian nations that Throughout Southeast Asia f different from the are groping their way toward tensions exist which could Japan, with its propensity for | indoor rallies that relations with China. stimulate further insurgencies political trauma. But on the whole, events The opportunities for Soviet are and even "liberations." Is this [has become, if not a in Peking's favor, and Thailand, in China's interest? diplomacy and strategic Isted spectator of the Singapore, Indonesia and the Peking's present prospects maneuvering are vague, but from China's point of view they [in Indochina, then Philippines will most likely see are for a friendly trading are menacing. something like a their security in terms of a relationship with the Southeast L neighbor observing It therefore seems likely that a friendly relationship with China Asian natjons, Irel in the house next now that the Americans' will to growing Peking will continue to give gradually inf^e useful degree verbal support to any insurgent prop up the doriinos has of politicat understanding. I continued its moral evaporated. movement in Southeast Asia Insurgencies, which by the which espouses Marxism and is lor its friends, but the Is the Chinese hand pushing example of Cambodia and not [its emotional involve- I been reduced, the dominos, or only helping to clearly pro-Soviet, but the support its own allies, which lent visit by President the United States had Ing of North Korea has threatened to overturn? |ed more official Will Peking rest content with •e than the the victories of its friends in "The World of Johnny Wndd" U A d^tt\e^cLn'S"9 THE MOST HtffTASTlC * ODYSSEY EVER FILMED «hatttiethc at\0oattV Sf -ng a Ho tctn s «'s casv ?0th Cenlufy Fax presents county . asatn i » -s rasC O* ,£00t's. ,„hnf>enVCT andWu0Vw>n 14 OB'< ■—J-r admitted froo, 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan April 30, J MSU students descriptions is a private, Uni¬ descriptions under the EPC to existing code, but an addition to rece By ROS ANNE LESS would be available to students committee of the Academic commercial, marketing publica¬ planning on coUrses | State News Staff Writer during pre-enrollment. Council. The EPC will meet tion that will pay for itself via versity - affiliated method of plan if they had to go to four or existing provisions." following term , 'The EPC plan is basically a P O'l or about May 15, MSU While some departments al¬ acquainting students with avail¬ five different department of¬ t0 their students will receive a magazine Thursday on the fourth floor of national and local advertising. able courses. These descrip¬ fices if their courses were in minimum amount of information ears i„ Hn, N ready provide course descrip¬ the Administration Building to Backers of the magazine, includ¬ called Courselector. Course- tions would be available to different areas. that will be available to all tions that include goals of the work out the final version of its ing Brian Raymond, ASMSU omith said Chitra Smith, chairman of the students from all departments that ih»v a lector lists up to 700 detailed students in both departmental descriptions class, required texts and the proposal for course descriptions which it will then submit to the president, said that they hope to offices and academic advising EPC, said she thinks Coursel¬ on their individual course offer¬ surprised" if the* discussion nnKMt., w«l course on courses required work involved, the distribute the magazine to stu¬ that will be offered at MSU next fall term. proposed addition to the code would make this kind of action Academic Council for approval. While both course description dents living in residence halls centers. "Courselector is something ector is a "comercikl marketing enterprise that has no commit¬ ings," she said. Smith said the major misgiv¬ and Courselector if Academic council mi,?t through the campus mail sys¬ Hot on Courselector's heels is by departments mandatory. plans designed to aid stu¬ tem. (that students can take to their ment from either the faculty or ing about the EPC plan has are Off-campus students come from faculty, who "felt a proposed addition to the MSU The proposed addition to the dents in would be able to pick up rooms to read and then they are administration." choosing courses, the that it would be too burdensome Code of Teaching Responsibil¬ code originated in the Educa¬ more encouraged to use the Smith called the EPC propo¬ *>>» ities that outlines a plan for plans are different in two major Courselector in bins located in magazine," stud Raymond, to have to do this degree of year, it would ProK?J similar course descriptions that tional Policies (EPC), which is a Committee standing respects. Courselector is basically 'a classroom buildings. The EPC plan of course Courselector's major supporter. sal "not a modification of the approved early fallal r—n I i PROGRAM INFORM* "Courselector is easy and free, I I ' y.ti I F.l ■ n Open 12:45 and students won't have to walk I ™ »Tlu I fwture all the way over to a department I i i BBHSfflSI 1:25"3:2°- office to find out about a LUJSSSS-SS ""j ftjfojj Inner peace seminar set course." He added that he thought students would be even less They'd do anytiring for a story,..and doL motivated to obtain course their own situations. A spiritual convenience to in life By JAMIE D.CONROY developing better self- grow State News Staff Writer counselor helps you discern understanding. experiences. Dave Johnston was driving which of four main personality "Once you realize there is "It is not problem-solving or down the highway when he more than your playpen or types is best for you to function psychological therapy. People flicked off the radio to listen to and perceive in. school or the world, you can involved in the program are the engine hum under the hood, Some people are strong in extend your boundaries to in¬ looking for a way to feel com¬ while the cool wind from out¬ intuitions — those clear inner clude the universe," Johnston fortable with their decisions." side circulated throughout the hearings that occur, for said. "You can share JACK LEMM0N - WALTER car. He was thinking. example, when you are walking down the street, you hear your experiences with others to give them the keys to open exper¬ If you want to hitchhike across the country, you should MATTHAUI He had found an opportunity name called, turn around and is there. Or, if you ex¬ ience. "IPM is not looking for a be able to trust yourself to do it, feel confident with it and live THE FRONT WOE to experience a deeper under¬ no one IECMNCOOR® RMWVI -■*; N® AUNWIR5AI FKHlfit I standing of himself during what perience mental pictures spiritual leader to put up on a for the moment without worry¬ could have been an otherwise strongly, you may be visionary. pedestal. It is simply a move¬ ing whether you did the right If you just know something, but ment that can be used for your thing, he added. ENROLL NOW boring ride. That is what Johnston hopes don't know why, prophesy may FOR SEPTEMBER to Peace communicate at an Inner seminar Movement (IPM) tonight at 8 p.m. in be your strong area. When you get good or bad feelings about being in someone's house often, STUDENT SPECIAL LEWIS UNIVERSITY'S COLLEGE OF LAW • Applicants are individually OPEN AUDITIONS Lansing's Ramada Inn. Every¬ the feeling may be the starting reviewed with a 4-week Pre-Law thing presents opportunity, but point of self-understanding. HIGHLAND HILLS 60LF COURSE 500 learning/test LSAT alternatives FOR THE ACME PROFESSIONAL it is up to the individual to find Everyone lives primarily in Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Fri. from 7-10 • Inter-disciplinary out what opportunities he wants to take. one of these personality types and partially in the other three. 9 holes $2.00 18 holos a.m. curriculum-challenging "track" COMPANIES PRODUCTION OF: - - $3.50 programs — begin the first year "Students are searching for Johnston said. "When it is • The Lewis something," Johnston said. determined which type is education approach to legal guides you to your Robert Blankenhorn's Comedy Present ID to take advantage of our low student rates. future "Out in the city, people are strongest, you can then start as a competent, Have drinks at our rustic bar at reasonable price. Take US humanistic attorney. searching for something. But what they're searching for is within." /[II SpartanJhMnEastl! 27 North to Alward Rd. Ph. 669-9873. • Our 128-acre suburban campus offers a unique learning "Tafce it or I sTooTo mmmmJ environment, close-by a major IPM was designed in 1964 metropolitan area. with the idea of assisting people in becoming the masters of (ELLEN BURSTYN INTERVIEWS AVAILABLE Wednesday, April 30th 7:30 P.M. MAY 1 AT S.M.U. WITH KRIS DEAN A. CHURCH. KRISTOFFERSON CONTACT PROF. Room A Snyder Hall ANN THOMAS. AJCE JUDO DOESN'T Lewis University College of Law Rt 53 & Selected members will be Roosevelt Rd. crew paid a tournament being held LIVE HERE Iftl Glen Ellyn, III. 60137 ANYMORE (312)858-7200 percentage of the box draw. May 3rd-4tli Mens IM Building RHRRHRRHAlVlARHA.FPRESENTS RODDENBERRY RETURNS FRIDAY —MA Y2—9:30 PM-MSU AUDITORIUM Gene Roddenberry returns with Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel) and Jimmy Doohan (Scotty) of jl STAR TREK. You'll get one more chance to see iflP the STAR TREK Blooper Reel- a collection of amusing mistakes and pranks which happened during STAR TREK's three years of filming- as well i as City On The Edge of Forever", one of the most popular STAR TREK episodes. There , ^ xS a,so be a questi°n and answer session jS " where the you 11 hear the latest developments on upcoming movie version of STAR TREK. » ^ TICKETS < S2.5Q IN ON SALE AT UNION TICKET OFFICE ADVANCE—s3. OO AT THE DOOR. J ADMISSION FEE INCLUDES ENTRANCE TO STAR TReK l ^ FILM FESTIVAL SATURDAY MAY 3 AND SUNDAY MA^ J ,igan State News, East Lansing, Michigan X Wednesday, April 30,1975 1 1 Miller making most of By MIKE LITAKER State News Sports Writer Last Friday at Tiger Stadium, Boston Red shaky situation Last winter's return visit to East Lansing opened the 6-1 lefthander's eyes to the economic difficulties the MSU baseball "One-bedroom apartments in Boston are $700 a month," Miller Sox outfielder Rick team and other nonrevenue exclaimed, giving a comfortable thought to the MSU students who Miller trotted out to leftfield in the bottom of sports are encountering these days. feel they are being goug< d by local landlords. the eighth inning as a "I didn't realize defensive replacement. That's the way things have gone the past things were that bad until I went'back to school last winter," Miller said. "I found out "Just to break even in Boston a player has to make at least two seasons for the former what kind of financial Spartan All-American. trouble $25,000," he said. "The students there really live in Miller came out of MSU in 1969 with a they're in and I'm hoping to contribute to the program and some holes to list of college playing go to school." credentials that few players even think about. help them out. I don't know what I'll be able to help out with, Four years of hard work paid off with a team though, until I see my accountant this week in California." It only took Rick Miller two years after batting title and MVP award to go with Miller says that the reason he hasn't been able to graduation to make the his All-Big Ten selection his senior donate to the major leagues, but in the next months you might be seeing the year. baseball program in the fashion of former MSU The Sporting News, America's baseball stars Steve Garvey former Spartan great chasing down Bible, named him to its or Rob Ellis, to name a flyballs once again from his first team All-American squad in 1969. few, is because of his still unsteady financial spot in the outfield pastures. Four years later, Miller wound footing caused by the exorbitant cost of living in Boston during the Only thing is, he might be a little unfamiliar not wearing the cap up in the Boston starting lineup, season. hitting a respectable .261 before Red Sox management decided with the old English B. to broom manager Eddie Kasko and Exit Rick Miller from the bring in Darrell Johnson. starting lineup. And he doesn't try to hide the fact that he's not happy with the present situation. "It wouldn't have been too bad if I'd SAYS WINTER LAYOFF HELPED been playing all along," Miller said about his Boston exile. "A new manager comes in and he's got his own players he wants to play. "It's a hopeless feeling trade me. right now because the., don't want to They had about three offers for me over the winter. Knowing that they must want me for something, I have the feeling Sprinter Dill bock I'm going to play some baseball for By CHARLES JOHNSON a lot of things." "It may turn out that my them." American team that travels The former Grand Rapids native credits State News Sports Writer Right now, Dill has his sights MSU baseball coach MSU's chances of going any¬ set on the Big Ten outdoor - sitting out the indoor season annually to Europe. Danny Litwhiler with helping him to adjust mentally from the could be advantageous. When He expects to participate in a where on the Big Ten track college level of ball to the major leagues. With that in mind, the championship meet May 16 and you run indoors, you tend to lot of meets this summer. circuit were just about nil 17 at Iowa City, Iowa. slender flycatcher sees his chance to move back He peak about March so. Then, "I'm definitely gunning for into the regular or batting order coming soon. during the indoor season. But expects to have one of his best when the outdoor the '76 Olympics after season be¬ missing now that the "doctor" is back in ier Spartan outfielder Rick Miller has seen "The game has changed since he (Litwhiler) played but he gave action, the Spartans could well performances ever. gins, you have to start all over out in '72," Dill said. "But, I've me ideas on how to think action this season with the Boston Red in the big leagues and he told me to stir up some heat before the and begin to peak again around got to get my house in order expect to have days where you're going to go 0 for 4. "Well, of course I'm going for June. But the big stuff doesn't and get my but he is hoping to break back into the current outdoor campaign is the 9.4 record in the 100 that degree first. After "You play a little different in the first month start until July and August." that, I can get any kind of a job, too," Miller said. ing lineup soon. The Grand Rapids-born "They like to take a look at some people and see if they can do the over. Jesee Owens holds," Dill said even if it's just a librarian." still attends MSU in the off season even job. I should be getting a chance to play in a week or so." Senior sprinter Marshall Dill, confidently. "And then there's The "big stuff Dill referred Dill and the Spartan track¬ or "M.D." as he is popularly the 20.7 time in the 220 that I to is the Amateur Athlete ;h he completed his athletic career here in If his trial doesn't suit Boston's known, has been a terror in set last year. men will face Purdue in a home expectations, Miller feels that That's going to Union (AAU) meets held in the dual meet at 1 p.m. Saturday at displaying his tools with another team would be in his best both of MSU's outdoor meets fall, too. summer and the U.S. Pan the Ralph Young track. interest. Detroit's friendly outfield fences and thus far. After sitting out the the closeness to home just might make a trade to the indoor season because of Tigers that much better. eebie' tic "I do have some power and this rightfield fence would be ideal," Miller said, casting a smile toward the "Sure I'd come here if I could rightfield upper deck. academic ineligibility, Dill has posted consecutive wins in the 100-yard dash at the Ohio State play. I'd go anywhere if I could play. relays and the Drake relays. Of course there are places where ly be drop tight organizations." What few people realize is that Miller offseason when he and his wife, the sister of nobody wants to go that have still attends MSU in the teammate Carlton His most recent victory at Drake in Des Moines, Iowa, last week marked the third year straight that the former Detroit )LN, Neb. (UPI) — Two state senators have set out to find Fisk, take up residence in nearby Holt. He needs 15 more credits Northern prep star has carried University of Nebraska athletic fund can not pay out to finish his B.A. work in packaging. away the Drake century title— to maintain the new fieldhouse and they say those a true 1 football tickets just might have to go. accomplishment indeed. "Marshall is one of a very few iccording to Sens. Robert Clark of Sidney and Harold of Lincoln, that would include those free tickets state receive. Bickel blanks Irish men who has done that," MSU asst. track coach Jim Bibbs said about Dill's mastery at Drake. to senators have been appointed by the Appropriations "To win down there against ee to look into a claim by the NU administration the that kind of competition only d maintain the fieldhouse just isn't in the athletic fund. >intments were made following a tentative decision to pay in first of twin bill one year is enough, but to do it three times shows just how ,000 for maintenance from the state general fund, of people seem to have the feeling the University could great Marshall is." Duane Bickel tossed a four- ise maintenance costs," Simpson said. "The University improved his season record to Dill echoed Bibbs' assess¬ hit shutout as the MSU baseball 5-1 ment of his feat. "I feel like I'm id we'll have to find out if they're telling the truth." by not allowing Notre Dame team came up with a big9-0 win to Idoing, Simpson said close scrutiny of the athletic fund move a runner past second having a helluva year and I'm over Notre Dame Tuesday in real t a must and "that might require us to look at all the pleased with my perfor¬ the fkst game of a noncon- mance at Drake. After sitting i including our own." j ference doubleheader in South monthfc it's kind of , tt, Clark said "We've got to find out if they are broke and Bend. * re then why are they," and it The Spartans took an early nice to get back into action and just might be "they're giving it really feels good to win," Dill »many free football tickets." lead, scoring three runs in the Bickel, a senior righthander, said. first inning, before exploding At for four runs in the fifth. the OSU relays, Dill posted a 9.3 to take top honors MSU collected four extra and last week at Drake he base hits in the inning, all on coasted to a 9.6 into a strong fly balls to- left field which carried wind. in the wind. Mike Fricke The lay-off which kept him open¬ ed the frame with a out of competition during the triple. After two were out, indoor season, Dill says, gave Randy Pruitt and A1 Weston came him an opportunity to do a lot of up with doubles. thinking. "I've got my mental thing Pat Simpson then cleared the bases when he hit a really together for competition triple to and life," he said. "It wasn't left.'He went in to score after a relay throw got anything physical that kept me away from the from competition. It was the Notre Dame shortstop. scholastic thing. So, now that The victory gave the I've got that together, I'm in Spartans an 18-11 season excellent shape as well as record. having a better perspective on w# MSU's Men's Volleyball Club team won the Class B regional United States Volleyball Assn. (USVBA) championship last SN photo weekend at Ball State University. Marshall Dill is back on the track following a winter The Spartans went 6-2 in the round-robin competition, which layoff due to academic ineligibility and is winning again. Dill has won the 100-yard included four other teams. Spartans first two outdoor meets. djsh in the The squad was led at the tourney by senior Don Martell, who was named to the Midwest USVBA team two weeks ago. Freshman Karlis Galens, sophomore Dan Evon and junior Skip Mileski also contributed to the Spartans' cause. Two South African All those interested in trying out for the MSU Women's Volleyball Club team for the 1975-76 season should attend a meeting at 4 p.m. Monday in 106 Women's Intramural Bldg. deported by Mexic MEXICO CITY (UPI) - The ance of the United Nations' allowed in without problems Mexican government, in a new condemnation of South Africa's earlier Monday, was condemnation of South Africa's suddenly apartheid policy. picked up at his hotel late apartheid policy, Tuesday de¬ The tennis aces were sent out Monday night. ported South Africans Drew of the country while officials of Then they just literally dis¬ McMillan and Bob Hewitt, who the WCT and the British appeared for the next 12 hours, As I sort the facts involving were scheduled to defend their Embassy the MSU football program such as were searching for as WCT officials tried — in they were presented in the April 28 Detroit Free Press, I find World Championship Tennis them and trying in vain to get broken Spanish and with great myself questioning the logic of a man named T. Michael Doyle. (WCT) doubles title here this some explanation from Mexican confusion — to find out what While officials contend that Doyle's credit card was used by an week. officials. had happened. individual on the MSU football team to make clothing purchases Norman Arey, WCT press McMillan and his family were The situation of another representative, said the taken into AP wirephoto totaling over $300, T. Michael Doyle is found asking the people custody Monday South African player scheduled 8 ready for Saturday's Kentucky Derby, Diabolo who are in the position to divulge the information surrounding the Mexican government does not night upon arrival at the air¬ to play, Cliff Drysdale, was un¬ retch at moves down the implicit use of his credit card, "Aren't you a Michigan State fan?" have diplomatic relations with port. Hewitt, who had been known. Churchill Downs in Louisville Tuesday South Africa. morning^^ and "Do you want to destroy the athletic program at Michigan State?" McMillan was accompanied I contend that Doyle should ask himself these questions and at by his wife and two small tball team faces a toughie: the same time try to realize what a seemingly small error in judgment can lead to. It's obvious that the possible consequences we now face might children. A spokesman the Interior (Gobernacion) Dept. said they be severe, but let us examine the facts carefully as they come to were obliged to leave the Lansing Laurels tonight se® some outstanding women's '1 doubt whether we'll win these the surface and be sure that any blame for the situation be directed towards those who should be held accountable. The question I raise, Mr. Dojle, is on what basis does one have country early Tuesday morning on a Braniff Airlines flight to San Antonio, Texas. \ He insisted, however, that The annual women's intramural track Monday night, will be held at 6 tonight. meet, rescheduled from games," the right to challenge another individual's candidness and honesty Any woman interested in entering the meet who has not already tt u ik «n over Ranney Park, Snively said. "One of the pitchers that we'll be with overt intimidation when the cause of the situation seems to "They were not expelled." entered must do so by 10 a.m. ■the Sri,! randor Shopping Center, facing tonight pitched a no-hitter in the stem from your own lack of foresight? Cause and effect, think The official said the two Women's Intramural Bldg. today. Entrants must sign up at 121 t;h^rta"3doubleheader a tangle with the Lansing nationals last year. They're certainly one of the about it. players had come into the Anyone who is interested in officiating can see Penny Knupp in beginning at best teams in the ASA." Ron Seigneur country "illegally" on tourist 103 Women's Intramural Bldg. before 4 346 M.A.C. Ave. visas and thus "were not today. „'S ?^0!.member of the American Junior Gloria Becksford will start for the (How about you? Any questions, comments, criticisms or trivia authorized to play tennis pro¬ Regular sign procedures have started for the intramural ■Predict! and MSU coach M«*° Spartans in the first game, while teammate concerning sports? Send your letters to the Sports Editor, State fessionally in this country." up lyS g Some tou*h «°in* for her Gwen White will take the mound in the second News, 345 Student Services Bldg., or bring them to the State However, he added that tennis courts. To reserve a court, call 355-5044 one day in advance, after 10 News editorial office.) Mexico had acted in further¬ a.m. 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan i it's what's happening i Gloria Toote, assistant secretary Student Teachers: Yearbook The American "Great Heavyweight Champ¬ We're cleaning up our act 'and Society of English majors: The deadline for in the Dept. of Housing and Urban portrait appointments for all beginning to prepare for per¬ Mechanical Engineers will be applying for summer or fall term ionships" on video tape in the Development, will discuss seniors who will not be in the area formances utilizing media, video, holding a luncheon meeting at enrollment in English-Education is Union lounge is shown con¬ "Housing in Urban Cities" to¬ next fall term are being taken this slides, dance, improvization, act¬ noon tomorrow in 130 tinuously from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Engineering today. Application forms are morrow at 10:30 a.m. in 303 week in the Wolverine office, 30 Bldg. The speaker will be from available in 212 Morrill Hall. Al( through Sunday. Sponsored by ing skills and welcome new Bessey Hall. Student Services Bldg. Call or friends, new ideas at Intermediary Detroit Edison Co. and will speak last-term sophomores desiring Union Activities Board/Student One person is needed to help stop in 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pictures to at 7 tonight in the Union Tower on new energy sources. upper-level English-Education (K Entertainment. compile an evaluation report from be taken next week. Room. Married students and engaged The Advertising Club presents coding) are required to complete results of a survey of a youth The ASMSU Legal Aid^Dept. Fencing Club meeting is at 7 William Allenson, manager of ad¬ this form and attend a meeting at couples, explore your roles and organization in the area. This will have an attorney available tonight on the top floor of Jenison vertising and promotion for United 4 p.m. Tuesday in 214 Morrill Hall. feelings toward an improved person will make a statistical every Wednesday spring term. Fieldhouse. Use side door by Airlines, with the story of the A 21-year-old individual needs relationship. Come to marital compilation of the results. For This program is subsidized by track. Beginners welcome. Equip¬ more information check the request book in the Volunteer ASMSU and minimum fees are collected. Appointments are made ment and instruction provided. The Horticulture Club will meet "Friendly Skies" campaign today at 4 p.m. in 109 S. Kedzie Hall. help securing funds for a basic education. If you'd like to help growth rap sessions noon Thurs¬ days at 1118 South Harrison Road. CIGARETTES The Red Cedar School basket¬ contact agencies in the area, get in Bring a bag lunch. Drinks are Bureau. through the ASMSU business at 7:30 tonight in 204 Horticulture ball courts (indoor and outdoor) touch with Annie in the Volunteer provided. 2 pk. office, 307 Student Serivces Bldg. Bldg. A discussion about classes Limit J MSU Cycling Club will meet at 7 are available Wednesday nights Bureau. MSU Soaring Club will meet Icaupon) Women in Engineering: The for fall term and a partial refund on tonight in 215 Men's Intramural from 7 to 9 for informal "pickup" Help build the May 17 march on tonight at 7:30 in 208 Men's liplru. May 4, 197S third presentation in a series of the Bonsai project will be re¬ Boston. Come to a meeting of the Bldg. Topic will be the spring race. games. Supervision and equip¬ Intramural Bldg. Free - Colorado »«tf laming Stara Pull, panels on "Nontraditional careers turned. Student Coalition Against Racism The MSU Hot Air Balloon Club ment provided. In Red Cedar soaring film "Soaring Country" for Women" will be postponed Important IEEE business meet¬ 6 tonight in 37 Union. Keep the will be flying this weekend. Come School gym. Contact Community at will be shown. 10% OFF ON ALL to our preflight briefing meeting at until 7:30 p.m. May 14 in 253 Student Services Bldg. ing at 7:30 tonight in the Engineering Bldg. student lounge Education office, Red Cedar buses rolling. Spartan Sports Scene will pre¬ MSU Sports Car Club presents KODAK 6 tonight on the sunporch of the School, for more information. the term's automobile racing PROCESSING Union and join the uprising. Funl New! Co-Rec Hockey. See how it's done at 7 p.m. Monday in to discuss elections, faculty softball game and more. Refreshments served. student- South Collegiate Fellowship will hold its Bible study at 9 tonight in sent a rundown on spring sports at MSU and an interview with Tom highlight a.m. - Gymkhand from 10 to 4 p.m. Sunday in the DEVELOPS Experience Intermediary - 127 Women's Intramural Bldg. Ross, tonight at 8 on MSN, 640 34 Union. We are studying the commuter parking lot (Farm interrelating with others through Sign up a team by May 9. The bike co-op board of direct¬ AM. book of Titus and all are welcome. Lane). working, experimenting with There will &e a meeting of the ors will meet tonight at 8 in the Michigan Apathy Club (MAC) inly Prevet Club - A seminar on Chess Club meets at 7:30 theater, media and art forms, at 7 MSU Promenaders at 7 tonight in Union main lounge. Stop in at 211 might meet sometime Friday small animal internal surgery with tonight in C101 Holmes Hall. p.m. every Monday and Wednes¬ the Williams Hall cafeteria. Every¬ evening in the West Holmes Hall Evergreen Ave. or call the Com¬ Dr. Lammerding will be presented day in the Union Tower Room. is invited to attend. lower lounge, if anyone cares. (More IWH on page 14) one munity Bike Co-op. at 7:30 tonight in 117 Berkey Hall. ALLEREST TABLETS cheer detergent 20 oi. "You're "o ^1.09 goinge ithhere ilot phorhrtrr| rog. 64t [CMfM) txplrao Moy 4, l»7S SAve 3i« A LB. ret/ae* LEAA/ 1 . FOOD STORES 6 PROPA P.H. oz. 24 ayds diet plan c/ os. * Eberhord's store at r*g. 1 « 1.09 rog. 3.75 ^ CHUCKPOT ROAST 3301 E. has now Michigan oponod! CxplfM May 4. 1*71 ^J^jnontjnjJjor^Jnl^ COTTON BALLS 260'i rog. 89* BARNES-HIND WETTING SOLUTION 2 os. [caupan] liplrat May 4. Ittl rog. 2.09 »a«« laming Wara Only SAV6 20* A L*. WASH & COMB GRODNO WEF PHESH &ROUNOf*OM CHUCK 4 os. SHAMPOO 100's rog. 1.00 58' rog. 2.75 79* - ■ gui •f-^rsvc 7T* »«»iv« PEPTO BISMOL Mtlanalnf Stara Only baby l0ti MENNEN cMm^ 199 8 oz. 9 oz. (J rog. 1.39 96' rog. 1.50 7 SAVE IK A IB. COUNTRY CUT I»p)rw.Moj4, Iffl lo«t Lmlnf Stara Only FRYING CHTckens '48! » HEAD & SHOULDERS 4 os. • |coupon) Ixplm May 4. U7J rog. 1.10 Igt laming ttara Only SAVE 20*AL&. (WATER ADDED BY MF&R.) JOY flair HENRY HOUS6 SOMBU SA DISHWASHING LIQUID FELT TIP PINS HAMS«r699* rog. 89* maaM 69< rog. 59i [CWfMl IxpIrM May 4.1PI jSj KW2-SAVS fit PLASTIC CUPS baby p0w W/IN STORE COUPCM ' MADE JUTE 9 oz. rog. 25* 12' rog. 1.39 POTATO CHIPS ^aMLenjtajitwOnl^ SALLY HANSEN HARD AS NAILS (coupon) r«t. "< (iplra. May 4, 1*75 la«t lantlng Stara Only OPAQUE PANTYHOSE BUY 2 BA&S-SAve 40+ ONE SIZE .. . . LIMIT4 NO. 0*1 W/IN STORE COUPON rog. 1.50 le^pon] U.S.NQ1 MAINE PURPOSE VIRGINIA MAID extensi PANTYHOSE CORDS POTATOES ONE SIZE No. 105 AQt rog. 89* 4 7 G.E. LIGHT BULBS COM0 CLEANSE* 14 oz. lis. 2/63' [cavpaa] leu**' Ixplrat May 4. It71 n state News, East Lansing, Vichigan Wednesday, April 30,1975 1 3 Enjoy extra spending (ffi Sell idle, no-longer-needed items with a meney. Classified Ad! 3-52 )@ I ***** 1W FRANKLY SPEAKING.. by phil frank !["$] DATSUN for Rent Ipartmts j|y| B 1973 1200. Good CYCLE INSURANCE. condition. Best offer. Call Steve Lowest rates on any size cycle, PARKING SPACE, musical instru¬ PINE LAKE APARTMENTS easy pay 371J8B8._M-J plan. Call us first or last but call. ments, garden plots, whatever - HASLETT LOOKING FOR girl to share FIREBIRD 67, 68-360, 4 barrel, UNION UNDERWRITERS. 486- you don't have to sell, rent itl Short on Cash? Maybe we can apartment for $100 a month spring headers, 3-automatic, am, 8-track 4317 or 393-8100. 0-8-4-30 Place your ad with Arm, dial work something out. and summer. Call 351-9531. One bed¬ jDNE 355-8255 stereo, spider mags, custom inter¬ HONDA 1973, CB35o7 355^5^ P-5-30 room apartments with shag car¬ 15-5-2 Ld.nt S#rvic»i Bldg. ior, good condition, $860. 339 dectric peting, drapes and appliances. 9521,485-2313. 5-5-6 start, disc brake, tune - up, new TV AND Stereo Rentals. $25/ SUBLEASE APARTMENT, begin lomotive $150 per month plus utilities. 10 chain. Asking $800. 356-2590. term. $10.95/month. Free same June 15th, 2 or 4 man, 6 blocks cooters ft Cycles minutes from MSU. Located at FORD CUSTOM 500, 5-5-2 day delivery and service. Call from MSU, call after 5 p.m., Judy 1967, radi¬ 6076 Marsh Road, just north of Jorts ft Service ate, new brakes, trailer hitch, NEJAC, 337-1010. C-4-30 Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager or Diane, 332-2179. 5-5-6 Ivlofion rebuilt radiator. Reliable. $500 or MAICO 1974, 400 radial. Clwiy. 339-8192 or EAST LANSING LARGE FURNISHED efficiency. Iloyment best offer. 882-0005. 3-5-2 never raced, 10 hours breekin. 3 ROOM OFFICE, Oakland at REALTY, 332-4128. 26-5-6 Air conditioned, $145 summer Spares, trailer, new super mag¬ Center, adjacent lighted parking, ■ rent num. 489-3836 after 6 $175 fall. 487-4451 or 351-1610. FORD, 1967, Station Wagon 289, pm. 3-4-30 ground floor, air conditioned, BURCHAM DRIVE, 3-man, cable 39-5-30 good gas mileage, $300. Call music, convenient to banks, city TV, pool, free utilities, rent and louses John, 484-6461. 1-4-30 KAWASAKI BLACK 1970 Mach and state offices. Phone 482- III 500. deposit negotiable. 351-9346. SUBLET FOR Summer. One joms Immaculate, 1800 miles. 0113. 10-5-13 3-5-1 489-3836 after 6 bedroom, furnished, air. Very I SALE FORD WAGON, 1964, good trans¬ Dm. J^4-30_ close to campus. 351-0288. 3-5-1 I AurtSHU |[y] _ Inlmals portation, but rusty. First $46. HONDA 1973, CB500 with SUBLET SUMMER, large one Phone 351-6586 days. 3-5-2 wind-¬ bedroom, furbished, close, air, jammer fairing and luggage rack. OKEMOS jtobile Homes B«rt offer. 487-9034 after 6 NOT ENOUGH people to fill your $150. heat, water. 337-0247. 4-5-2 - 3 room, furnished, utilities, married couple. $160/ fr 8 found GREMLIN X, 1972, V-6, 3 speed, silver blue, very good condition. p.m. apartment? summer Advertise and fail rentals. now Call Lisa for month. Available now! 349-2313. ional 2 GIRLS NEEDED for apartment. 5-5-5 $1,550. 675-5556. 5-5-5 at 355-8255. P-5-30 Fall 75 through Spring 76. Call [nuts personal SUZUKI 500-1974, 3000 excellent miles, ' r POREP A TW FDOMP m OF 9 Melissa or Gina, 355-8872. 5-5-2 FEMALE ROOMMATE, jl estate MGA 1600 ROADSTER 1961. condition, $950. 487- CAMPUS NEAR, 217 Bogue, fall ■eation Very Good condition. $1800 or 8975. 5-5-6 WNAMA REP OJTBA0K. MEET 3 small 1 bedroom furnished, $140. TWO BEDROOM furnished through spring. Very close! Eden Roc Apartments. 351-1877. 5-5-5 MB AFTER WORK-' ^ ■ice best offftr. Call 332-1160 after 3 Larger 1 bedroom furnished $165, mobile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 Ltruction pm. 5-5-5 .for June 15. Phone 489-5922 or minutes to campus. Quiet and SUMMER. 2-3- men. Own large t COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 393-7279. 0-3-4-30 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or room/share. Close! Air ifping OPEL LUXUS, 1973, 32,000 miles, TRIUMPH 600, 1969, real clean. 484-5315. 0-4-30 conditioned. 332-3337. 3-5-1 Asportation excellent condition, radiate, $2000. $500. Call 353-9091 or 349-1953 ANN ARBOR, large unfurnished ilTEO 351-1725 after 4 p.m. 5-5-6 after 5 p.m. 3-5-2 tiphywl Hit] Ufltynt |[R| apartment, starting September, HAPPY CARING Couple seeks Ipool own room. $98. Call John, YES... two {ohns others. Share apartment/house. PINT01973 Runabout Air condi¬ MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE. 349-1840. 4-5-1 Summer/fall. - Lowest rates on cycle insurance. per apartment! Pete, 337-9454. tioning, must sell. Low mileage. TWO MID-MICHIGAN CAREER 4-5-2 urates** Any size. FEIDLER INSURANCE. Clean. 361-4140. 655-2603 SALES OPPORTUNITIES, of 40 EAST LANSING Duplex. Two And balconies too. lord minimum 3-4-30 676-2449. 0-1-4-30 offered nationally for qualified bedroom furnished duplex for 2,3, MSU EFFICIENCY, clean, close, or 4 residents. Off-street RIVER S ft excellent location environment, college graduates by June. Imme¬ COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS perking, - PINTO, 1971, best offer, new YAMAHA ENDURO 360, 1973. diate salary negotiable and ad¬ pool privileges. Both units open WATER S EDGE parking. Pone 351-3212 after 3. starter, call after 4, 355-8891 Excellent condition, low mileage, TRAINING 2-4-30 justed over 40 month training Learn to express personal June 15. Summer $180, fall $245 5 10 2-4-30 $750. 332-2901. 5-5-6 program. Earn while you learn!!! more effectively. Free 4 hour feelings or $265. 595 Spartan. 484-4014. Apartments 3 5-5-2 ROSEMARY, SPACIOUS 1 bed¬ No limit on future earnings. Call PORSCHE, 1971, 911T. 5 speed. training. Call 353-3798 or 355-1755 (next to Cedar Village) 4.80 7.80 15.60 Dark green. Best offer. 371-5889, HONDA 1971 CB350, greenTnew Mr. Durocher at 484-8410. Inter¬ Volunteers. 4-5-2 SUMMER SUBLET, need room, carpeted. $145 includes tires, tuned exhausts, new cables. views by appointment only. one girl, utilities except electricity. 627- Now leasing , 6.00 9.75 19.50 before 5 p.m. 5-5-1 $525. 366-1689. 5-5-6 20-5-2 pool, air conditioning, close, price 9824,485-3051. 5-5-5 FULL OR part time car washer. 7.20 11.70 23.4C negotiable. 332-3673. 10-5-6 332-4432 SIMCA, 1968, 35 mpg, great CYCLE INSURANCE as low as Good driving redbrd. Prefer 21 or 8.00 13.00 26.00 FEMALE MODEL needed by EAST SIDE, one bedroom partially cheap transportation, best offer, $22 per year. Fu« coverage, 125 cc older. 489-1484. 3-5-1 SUBLEASE 16.25 32.50 photographers for 1-2 day period CEDARVIEW two- furnished, shag carpet, no children 10.00 WOMAN FOR apartment starting 355-7599, evenings, 485-0870. at F.S.C 351-2400. 22-4-30 on week-end work this summer. bedroom furnished, carpeted, air. pets. Evenings, 482-5450. 5-5-5 Timid girl will never do, boldness BABYSITTER NEEDED immedi¬ Available 6-1-75. $225/month. fall. felock from campus. YAMAHA 650, 1972. Excellent counts! No experience required, ately. Bailey School district. Part 351-8756. 3-4-30 Approximately $85/month. 351- TEMPEST 1965. No rust, good BEAL STREET APARTMENTS: ■DEADLINE condition, only 5000 miles. Phone on the job training. time now. Full time summer. 6703. 5-4-30 2-man furnished apartments. One mechanical condition, very clean. Send full After 1 p.m. one class 361-7746, after 5 pm. 6-4-30 length photo and phone number 6, 337-2601. 5-5-5 551 ALBERT STREET, one block block from Only $100. 349-0348. 3-5-2 ONE BEDROOM, furnished, all campus, air publication. from campus. Large 2 re to Craig Freeman, 1039 Loren bedroom, conditioning, carpeted, balconies. TOYOTA CARINA 1972, 38,000. I mama IfTI Ave., Mt. Morris, Michiqan. 3-5-1 PART TIME employment for MSU students. 12-20 hours per week. furnished, summer Resident manager, 351-5208 and fall. utilities paid, no pets. 2701 East Saginaw. $150/month, deposit. Now leasing for summer and fall. |tion/corrections 12 Kept up well. Snows included. MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East SUMMER JOB in Chicago as Automobile required. 351-5800,9 361-6676. 10-6-9 or 1021 East Grand River, Lansing. 337-0449. 3-5-1 class day before Ziebart. $1800. 351-7989 after 5 $135. Call 484-9058 372-4475. e Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. am - 1 pm. C-2-4-30 or pm. 5-5-5 Complete auto painting and colli¬ mother's helper for family with 7-5-8 CEDAR VILLAGE sion service. three children. Must like children, ACME BEDDRIG CO. Now Renting VOLKSWAGEN VAN, 1968. New American and POSITIONS AVAILABLE enjoy cooking, be warm and 49.95 Twin Slxe NEED WOMAN, share summer Summer and Fall | is ordered it cannot brakes. Rebuilt transmission. Foreign cars. 4d5-0256 C-4-30 flexible, able to swim and drive. AGES 18-26 Male or Female. No 54.95 Double Size apartment, close. Own room. Summer Rates are $ 150-$200 ■lied or changed until Good engine. $400. Room and board plus salary. experience necessary, will train. 1970, AMERICAN, GERMAN $80/month. Linda, 337-7322.3-5-2 and Must pass mental and physical per month. Fall Rates are $80, |t insertion, unless it is Kawasaki Bighorn,. $350. 339- K1J0815.4-4-30 40SChorry«t FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. qualification tests and be of high $83, $85 per person per 6 cancelled 2 days 2550_ 3-5-2- 20% DISCOUNT to students and BABYSITTER, MY home, 3 chil¬ moral character. Excellent pay SPACIOUS FURNISHED studio month. 351-5180 iublication. apartments. Across from campus. VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK, faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW dren, 1 pre-schooler, South and benefits. Call 1617) 489-6806 Air conditioned, quiet. Summer or ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 1969, standard transmission, service.parts. IMPORT AUTO Lansing, mature woman needed for an appointment. 7-5-8 TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished s a $1.00 service fall leases. 361-1258 between 10 apartment with working girl. Two dependable, $750 or best offer. PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and immediately. Days and nights, apartments: 124 Cedar Street, or an ad Call 349-4268. 5-5-5 Cedar. TEMPORARY LIVE in help. Mon< a.m.-7 p.m. 10-5-13 bedroom, furnished, close to change. 486-2047, 486-9229. some weekends. No calls, after 6 $177; 129 Burcham, $147; 136 Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- p.m. or weekends. Call 394-0524. through Friday starting approxi- campus. 349-1763, after 6pm. Kedzie Drive. Year leases and 5-5-1 I Personal ads must VOLVO 142, 1969, AM-FM storeo card. C-22-4-30 3-5-2 mately July 1 for 14 weeks. Room SUBLET SUMMER. 2 bedroom summer leases only. Starting radio, good mileage. $1,200. and board plus wages. Refer¬ apartment acoss street from June or September. Heat in¬ SUMMER SUBLET-1 girl for large 351-1228. 3-5-2 MARRIED COUPLE preferred to ences required. Child care, meals, Air campus. conditioning; VW1969, 38,000 miles, automatic VOLVO supervise as houseparents for and light housekeeping. 627-2039. 5-5-2 Call cluded. Damage deposit. Call 8-5, 351-2402; 6-10 p.m., 882-2316. balcony. $240/month. 332-6137. 3-5-1 apartment, H block to campus. 332-1033. 5-5-1 eight moderately retarded men. stickshift, new tires. Excellent Factory Trained Mechanics Room, board, and salary provided. 0-4-30_ ENTREPRENEURS LOOKING for TWO BEDROOM apartment and condition. $550. 355-9438. 5-5-2 Competitive Rates Rewarding work. Please contact FEMALE WANTED, own room for ONE BEDROOM unfurnished, all house. enterprising individuate. Distri¬ 4 utilities paid. Close, funished, sharp, Kim Braman or Irma Zuckerberg, man apartment, Rivers Edge, $65 Close to East utilities paid. Available immedi¬ |due 7 days from the ■lion date. If not VW 1969, automatic, good condi¬ tion, just painted, $700. Call COOK-HERRIMAN 487-6500. 10-5-1 buting bagels. Great commissions Need car. 351-2476, 351-0896, a month, starting now for imme¬ diate occupancy. Can renew in Lansing area. $150 per month. Available June 10. Call before 5 ately. $180. 332-1946.0-1-4-30 paid 337-7634. 10-5-2 Monday - Thursday, 4-7. 5-5-2 484-1414. 0-2-4-30 e Iharge will date, a 50£ late be due. VW-VOLVO RN'S, FULL time positions avail¬ able on 3-11:30 pm shifts, and the summer. 5-4-30 CaH 337-0645. pm. ONE BEDROOM (small). Very VW CAMPER, 1972. Radial tires, Phone 371-5600 LICENSED MASUESES needed. SUMMER SUBLET, modem 1 private, completely furnished, air LPN'S Part time positions avail¬ 20 mpg, pop-up top. 332-6938. Will train. Need Escorts, $2. hour. HULL APARTMENTS. Summer bedroom, air conditioned, close to conditioned, wall-wall carpeting, able on 3-11:30 pm and 11-7:30 am 5-5-6 REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines sublease, fall option. wood panelling. With garden, shifts, for medical - surgical areas 489-1215 between 10 am 6 pm. - One bed¬ campus. $150. 351-7719. x-4-5-2 room, $165. 337-2782 after 12. near "Gables." $100 spring, $90 guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ of Provincial Hospital and Surgi- EXECUTIVE ART STUDIOS. VW CAMPER, 1970, with tent, 5-4-30 summer plus electricity. 332-3970, change. Free towing available- Clinic. Contact Mr. White at 0-2-4-30 ONE BLOCK from campus - now excellent condition, in and out. local areas. leave message. 1-4-30 ir Installation as low as 485-3271,9-4 pm Monday through leasing for summer and fall terms! automobile? Call 351-9035. 3-5-2 Hp you write your ad. $35. Check our repair prices and Friday. 5-5-2 VALLEY FORCE DON'T SIGN A LEASE Spacious 2 bedroom furnished SUBLET SUMMER. One bed¬ ">• REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO apartments. Call Joe Miller, _Pj5-30 ■MERICA 1969, Ziebart, | IHHwycte ll^p] PARTS, 500 East kalamazoo and Cedar. 486-2047, 486-9229. GENERAL LABORERS APARTMENTS BRAND NEW UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN 332-4240. 20-5-7 room 2 man, close, furnished, air. Cedarview, $175. 337-1504. 3-5-2 NOW'S THE time to find buyer -JOBS BY PHONE I Good mileage. $750. a Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- Immediate ONE BEDROOM MARIGOLD openings, reliable Ctopcfemgtjam for your motorcycle. State News card. C-22-4-30 people needed for both long and $154 mo. (one person) APARTMENTS Classified. 356-8256, Randy. INSURANCE, P-_R-J*1 U-REPAIR AUTO SERVICE short term assignments in retail $159 mo. (two persons) an save $$$. it pays to CENTER. Do - it - yourself, free stores, factories and warehouse. 911 Marigold TWO BEDROOM Now —Kj. Call us. You may be CYCLE INSURANCE, call for our supervision. Specials: tune-ups, Experience not always necessary. $179 mo. (one person) Leasing For Summer & Fall ■ 484-1414. 0-1-4-30 low rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING $20.98. Front disc brakes, $24.45, Apply in INC. person MANPOWER 105 East Washtenaw. $184 mo. (two persons] J190/M0HTH Shag Carpating Central Air ■A VW Bus 1961. 484-14Mj>r^jS535. 0-134-30 parts included. Phone 882-6741. (tummvr rata $20 month )•<•) . Dishwasher Utilities pd. (except electric) No 0-1-4-30 0-3-4-30 Garbage Disposal BRING YOUR student I.D.I See Latest in appliances, . Jengine, completely up¬ carpet¬ Private Bakonies Darlene - get your discount, at QUARTZ ing, security and fire safety •Complotoly FvrnMnd land insulated. Many SHEP'S, Holt. C-3-4-30 - IODINE Headlamp WAITRESS - BARMAIDS eve¬ equipment. Excellent loca¬ •Shoj CorpoMnj Two Bedroom Units start at: conversions for American and ning shift 8 pm - 2 am. Full or part *M75_5« Foreign cars. Three times more time work. $2.00 hour plus tips. tion - East Lansing on bus line •AppHoncoa I Al $53.7S/mo. per man - Summer HONDA CB350 1973 W. 2500 |D f°r junk cars! Free miles. Super condition I $750 or effective than ordinary headlamps. See Ralph after 7 pm at BZURPYS near shopping, 5 mins. to $77.SO/mo. per man • Fall Tail 489-3080. 5-5-1 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 2021 East Michigan. 487-1822. campus. $65.Q0/mo. per best offer. Lisa, 351-8919 after 5 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL man - 12 mo. rate CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ 2141 North Horriion ltd. (Anil. Sopt.) 10-5-6 LAGUNA, pm. 5-5-5 u»l w. lotto Lansing ltd. (Avail. Juno 337-7328 1973, zoo, one mile west of campus. 3S1-7IM idition, all power, air 487-5056. C-3-4-30 Sy Appointment only: S12-1SS4 351-3794 after 4 pm. 1973 350/4 Honda > 4,500 miles, WANTED: MALE and female go 332-2759 or 332-4131 Summer Rent green, excellent, extrasl $950. Sorloin Stvdonti or Working CROSSWORD i^A 283~power 393-6846, after 6 pm. 3-4-30 JSS go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236.20-6-22 $1SO/Month PUZZLE ■ New 1967, tireS( battery. USED MOTORCYCLES discount FOR GREAT Resultslll Call Gary ACROSS insurance at F.S.C., 935 Grand 355-0629. 3-5-1 on River, East Lansing. 22-4-30 now at 355-8255 to place your employment ad. P-5-30 NOW LEAS 1 Taste 4 Town near :5 Pwce pipe 27. Aroor ■ C0NVERTIBLE~1962, ■■ V' ^'9h performance ■•"ne wheels. 351. HONDA 1974 125cc, road bike, AVON-NO experience necessary SUMMER & FALL 7. liege 28 Hebrew weight Coarse hominy 29 Opposite excellent shape, 2,700 miles. $595. to buy or sell. Call Judy Phreed, 'Close to Campus 11 Esperanto 31 Espouse Negotiable. 353-2712. 5-4-30 482-6893. 20-6-22 *Air Conditioned 12 Constellation s 3? Codicils * All tr.ghtest star 33 Pallid Appliances - 13. El tent of 34 Perch including dishwasher sjrtace 37. Executives BURCHAM "Luxurious Furnishings 14 Bumng beetle D 41 Fresh *Shag Carpeting 15. Wood hyacinth 42 Verbal #On-Site Management IT Mengclian 43 Papal court I. Discord WOODS 'Private Balconies "SWIMMING POOL mcunta.n 44 french friend 45 Riverside 1. Queensland >. Blue grass •ange hemp plant 5. Nabbed SUMMER 1-3PERS0NS 19 Spanish queen 46 D scouraged 2 FaMacy I Textile liber Well, here you are, one of the confuted thousands lookingfor 20. Calculate 47. Voided play in 3. Having 5 Part of "to be" an apartment m East Lansing. Check out Burcham Woods Greek letter tenms entrances }. Honey where the living is so easy there's not even a Cable TV bill to * * e 9 |° 1 Accomplice |b» deserted I ' ihsck pay! Burcham Woods willpayall your billsfor you! Save your " 1 il IS >. Abstract being 3. Assyrian god out eyes, your shoes, and your good humor and call us. It's time to rest that weary apartment-hunting head. 4i 1. Weirdness PGWOOD APTSII Burcham Woods pays % 2. Private 3. Owns 1. CABLE TV " ■8 i$ 2. Electric % V/, i! %% 5m 4. Suffix denoting condition %% 23 3. Heat % 5 frighten with threats EX 4. 5. Air Conditioning All Utilities % V) 6. Rice paste 7 Cipher Ti * riture °Pen Daily 6. Heated Pool S. % Si 0. Learned 7. Parking % IT K %% TT 2. Ouster 3 Constitutional %% % it III 351-8282 Summer Rates TWELVE MONTH LEASES * % «> *' 5 Scattered Heraldic ■Old World Plaza Ono Bedroom $154 % 6. Tease 1 7 Rude multitude T">e river |) Two Bedroom $174 LEASING CENTER OPEN Mon.-Frl. 1-6. Sot. 11 om-2 J V/, IM K7 8 Macaw 9 Masetield 731 BURCHAM DRIVE. EAST LANSING A FEW BLOCKS EAST OFF ABBOTT RD. PHONE 351-7212 % % character 0. Turmeric Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan THE SMALL SOCIETY by Brick ONLY NoW I WT OWM IT- IK-TV, Detroit 3 WKZO-TV, Kolamc "T^ 4 WWJ-TV, Detroit 5 WNEM TV, Bay City HADN'T cWM\GH> A*YLIF£ yWJcH- /'Ci 4:00 WwjnMday. 5:45 AM (8) Mike Douglas (9) That Girl (9) News (23) Feeling Good (5) "King Creole" Elvis Presley, ISTlULlVp /Nf^ (5) U. Of M. Presents (23) Consumer Experience (50) Dealer's Choice Walter Matthay. (1958) (N"m£SAM£ ( I iZYhrrxtftl J09 6:00 (50) Lucy Show 12:55 8:30 (7-12-1341) Movie Of The Week Teenager, involved in holdup, becomes big hit when he's \\OD6t- -v-11.1. /Ml (3) Operation Second Chance (9) Cartoons (5-8-10) News (9) Themed Evening sing in gangster's 1:00 (23) Music Project 6:05 (7) Action News (2) Love Of Life (50) Merv Griffin 6:15 (3-25) Joker's Wild 9:00 4:30 (2) Message For Today (4) What's My Line? (2-25) Cannon cKMArJ (5) Jackpot (8-10) Movie Special (7) "Destroy All Planets" Kojiro (5) Farm & Home Show (6) Martha Dixon (9) ACTRA Awards Hongo, Tore Takasuka. (1969) 6:20 (2) Town & Country Almanac (7-12-13-41) All My Children (23) Theatre In America 6:25 (9-50) Movies 9:30 6:30 (7) TV College (23) John Bassette Folk Music (3) Feature (12) "Send Me No Flowers" CAMPUS CLATTER 6:30 1:25 (5) Movie Special (Joined In Rock Hudson, Ooris Day. (2-6-25) Sunrise Semester (2) News Progress) (1964) Married man thinks he by Larry Lewis Sponsored by: (3) Not For Woman Only 1:30 (6) Bewitched has only a short time to live. (4) Classroom (2-3-6-25) As The Worid Turns (23) Oren Lee Stanley 8i The (8) U. Of M. Presents (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives N.F.O. (7-12-13-41) Let's Make A Deal 10:00 8:30 CONGRATULATIONS^ how did sou oo n i simply picked (9) Uncle Bobby Show (7-12-1341) YOU GOT ALL 50 M'SS S/ZBMORB 5 THE ANSWER I (10) Operation Second Chance (23) Consumer Experience (2-3-6-25) Manhunter "Starsky And (12) News& Farm Report 2:M (4) Feature Hutch" David Soul, Paul /MULTIPLE CHOICE THOUGHT WAS (13) Farm Show (2-3-6-25) Guiding Light (7-12-13-41) Baretta Michael Glaser. Undercover cops QUESTIONS RltfHTi Right.,, 6:45 (7-12-1341) $10,000 Pyramid (23) News (5) Morning Edition (23) Solar Energy (50) Dinah! 6:55 10:30 9:00 (7) Graham Kerr Show (2-3-6-25) Edge Of Night (4-8-10) "The Blue Knight" 7TOO (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (9) Ceilidh (23) Perspectives In Black (PT.1) William Holden, Lee (2-3-6-25) News (7-12-1341) Big Showdown Remick. Story of a police (4-5-8-10) Today (23) Interface 11:00 3:00 (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- officer close to retirement. (7-41) AM America (9) Bozo's Big Top (2) Young 8i Restless 10-12-13-23-25) News (12) Speed Racer (3-6-25) New Price Is Right (41) The Protectors (4-5-8-10) Another Worid 11:30 9:30 (13) Spirit Of'76 "The Blue Knight" (PT.1) 7:05 (7-12-1341) General Hospital (2-3-6-25-50) Movies (13) Cartoon Capers (23) Lilias, Yoga &You (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show 7:25 (7-12-13-41) Wide Worid:Mystery Story of a police officer close (41) AM Michigan (2-3-6-25) Match Game'75 (23) Making It Count SHORT RIBS 7:30 (4) Somerset 12:00 MIDNIGHT (12) Cartoon Carnival (5) Gilligan's Island (9) Film Festival 11:30 by Frank Hill (13) Bozo's Big Top (7-12-1341) One Life To Live 1:00 AM (2-3-6-25) "The 8:00 (9) Gomer Pyle (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow (10) New Zoo Revue WH£J?£ COULD A MAN (2-3-6-25) Captain Kangaroo (7-12-13) News Kim Hunter. An old wildcatter's HO CUBITS TALL (9) Ontario Schools (50) Banana Splits (50) Religious Message 4:00 1:30 accidental death begins to look HIP£ ARDUNP HEPE? (12) Sesame Street like organized murder. (13) AM America (2-3) Tattletales (2) Late Movie 8:25 (5) Studio 5 (7) Religious Message (8) Weather Report (6) The Attic (12) National Anthem (50) "111 Cry Tomorrow" Susan (41) AM Michigan (7-12-1341) Money Maze 2:00 Hayward, Richard Conte. (1955) 8:30 (8) Gilligan's Island (4-10) News Biography of singer Lillian (23) Open Door (9) Petticoat Junction 3:00 Roth. 8:45 (10) New Zoo Revue (2) Operation Second Chance (12-13) Mickey Mouse Club 3:30 12:00 MIDNIGHT (9) Mon Ami (23) Sesame Street (2) News (9) "The Last Blitzkrieg" Van 9:00 (2-25) Price Is Right (25) Yogi 8i Friends Johnson, Kenivin Mathews. (3) Channel 3 Clubhouse (41) Daktari (2) Message For Today (1959) War drama. (50) Three Stooges (4) Concentration 4:30 POP (5) Gilligan's Island 1:30 AM DOONESBURY (6) The Young 8i Restless (7-13) Movies (8) Buck Matthews (2) Mike Douglas Show (3) Merv Griffin Show (4) George Pierrot Presents MOVIES (2) Detective" "Nick Carter, Walter (1940) Nick Carter is hired to Master Pidgeon. by Gary Trudeau Sponsored by: (9) Friendly Giant (6) That Girl _Wednesdj*_Apn!3qj_975 (7) 4:30 Movie find a spy for (10-12) Mike Douglas a plane (23) Mister Rogers (8) Partridge Family manufacturer. (9) Andy Griffith DO I OH, YEAH, UH-HUH-RM H£tM!WW (41) Morning Playbreak 9:15 (10) Mickey Mouse Club (7) "Lucy Gallant" (PT.2) REMEMBER. RI6HT, R/6HT! AFTER YOU AND VE6ETSTOMPED (9) Ontario Schools (12) Voyage To The Bottom Of Charlton Heston, Jane Wyman. w strike? wummroF YOUR ROOMMATES BY THE TROOPERS The Sea (1955) Couple find their , HEY, MAN, I WT6AN6UHO TRASHED THE FOR THAT!PRETTY (13) I Love Lucy : WAS ONE OF CARRIED THE WAN R.O.T.C FILES! BAD CRA2JNESS, 9:27 marriage and careers don't mix. 7W MARSHALS! / OUT! (50) Religious Message (23) Villa Alegre L* xr^JtU. TELL 9:30 (25) Munsters \ (13) "April Love" Pat Boone, (2) Now You See It (50) Little Rascals Shirley Jones. (1957) Young (3) Morning Accent man arrives on a farm and falls I FROM ILLINOIS I (4) Blank Check EVENING j in love with the farmer's (5) Courtship Of Eddie's Father (6) Tattletales (6-8) Ironside 5:00 daughter. THE BEST IN > (8) Concentration (25) The Valley Today (9) Mickey Mouse Club (10) Truth or Consequwnces (13) That Girl 1:00 PM j PROGRESSIVE ! (50) Jack LaLanne 9:55 (23) Mister Rogers (9) "War Devils" Guy Madison, John Ireland. (1970) German | COUNTRY-ROCK ■ (4) Here's Carol Duvall 10:00 (25) Lucy (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. patrol in the Tunisian desert is I BUCKSHOTl lost and cut off from the rest } (2-6-25) Joker's Wild (50) The Flintstones THUR.-SAT. (4-5-8-10) Celebrity Sweepstakes (23) Sesame Street 5:30 (4) Bowling For Dollars of the men. j THE DROPOUTS (41) Romper Room (50) Detroit Today (2-3-6-25) Gambit 10:30 (9) Partridge Family (10) Beverly Hillbillies (12-13) News (23) Villa Allegre (50) "A Woman's World" June Allyson, Fred (1954) Story of big business. MacMurray. ■ ^izetpdl ^ 224_ABBOTTJ | by Post (4-5-8-10) Wheel Of Fortune (25) Hogan's Heroes (7) Detroit With Dennis Wholey (50) Gilligan's Island (9) Mr. Dressup (12-13) Money Maze (50) Giligan's Island 5:55 WEDNESDAY'S (23) Villa Alegre (41) New Zoo Revue (50) Not For Women Only 11:00 (41) Early News (2-34-5-6-7-8- 10-12-13-2541) News 6:00 HIGHLIGHTS (2) Phil Donahue Show (3-6-25) Now You See It (9) Bewitched Narrator: Jack Albertson (4-5-8-10) High Rollers (23) Romi Wedneida^J^rii3(t_1?75_ (9) Take 30 (50) Star Trek 9:00 (12-13-41) Money Maze 6:30 8:00 PM (3-4-5-6-7-10-25) News (CBS) Cannon (23) Lilias, Yoga 8. you (CBS) Magnificent Monsters Of (9) I Dream Of Jeannie "The Avenger" William Conrad, (50) New Zoo Revue The Deep Story of zoologist (12) 6:30 Movie Dane Clark. A former police (13) Beverly Hillbillies Roger Payne's study of the officer bent on avenging the 11:30 Southern white whale. (3-6) Love Of Life (23) Zoom death of his policeman brother. PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (4-5-8-10) Hollywood Squares (41) Wanted Dead Or Alive (Pt 1). (7-12-13-41) Blankety Blanks 7:00 (NBC) Little House On The by Bill Yates (9) Family Court (2-4-7-8) News Prairie (NBC) Movie Special (23) Villa Alegre (3-5-6) Baseball "School Mom" (R) Ma is (25) Dinah (9) Beverly Hillbillies drafted to be substitute teacher "The Blue Knight" William OH-OH! How Holden, Lee Remick. Story of • (50) Bugs Bunny (10) Mod Squad and faces problems created by a police officer close to MAMf 11:55 big, backward student. (3-5-6-10) News (13) Truth Or Consequences retirement. (Pt 1) STf (4) Here's Carol Duvall (23) Perspective in Black 10:00 (25) The F.B.I. (ABC) That's My Mama 12:00 NOON (CBS) Dan August (41) Other People, Other Places "The Shakedown" (R) Loan 2-5-6-8-13) News (ABC) Baretta £0£T ? 3) The Young And Restless (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour sharks turn Clifton's barber "This Ain't My Bag" Sent to 7:30 shop into a bookie joint after 4) Jackpot posh Mount Chester to find a 7;121341) Password (2) Truth Or Consequences he co-signs a loan for Earl. beautiful and rich young missing 1%, 9) Galloping Gourmet (7) Name That Tune 10) Wheel Of Fortune (8) Let's Make A Deal 8:30 23) Nova (9) Room 222 (ABC) Wednesday Movie Of The (13) To Tell The Truth 11:30 (50) Underdog Week (23) Book Beat (NBC) Tonight Show 12:20 PM "Starsky And Hutch" David (6) Almanac (41) Buck Owen's Ranch Show Hohnny Carson is host 8:00 Soul, Paul Michael Glaser. 12:30 (2-3-6-25) Monsters Of The Deep Undercover cops, investigate a (2-3-6-25) Search For Tomorrow s(ABC) Wide World: Special (4) News (7-12-1341) That's My Mama "Elizabeth Taylor: Hollywood (5-10) Blank Check (8-10) Little House On The 8:57 Child. Peter Lawford Host. An FRANK & ERNEST •MM Prairie (CBS) (7-12-13-41) Split Second Bicentennial Minutes unauthorized biography. by lob Thaves Sponeored by: PEANUTS by Schulz tiRoWlrtC OkD letN mo,so ...THINK or HOW M«*Y StVtti-ft*8' ■TCtttJ Wt'Wt had! lllgjl1 State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 30, 1975 1 5 CGffl Apartnents # J,bk_ Jfcl [ fr 1*151 ( For Sale f^] | |[Ql Instruction M fcT FIVE room, two STUDENT APARTMENTS-9-12 FACULTY. MARRIED Grads: r CAR-LOU'S STORE Utilities furnished. month leases. Four man from Nicely furnished house available. at the Old SPINET PIANO - beautiful, like B. 3-5-2 $229/month. World Mall. Genuine, sensibly new with bench. FIND SOMETHING MONTESSORI A.M.I. Teacher Large, furnished, Summer 1975, summer 1976. Must see. $675. If carpet, close to east $240/month. 332-2962. 10-5-6 priced turquoise jewelry. Phone 393-8724. 5-5-2 you've found a pet or article of Training Course with Laboratory campus. Aeeded summer, near Ample parking. No non-refund¬ Complete line of muskets in the value, we want to help you return primary classes. International finished and kit form. it. Just into the State News recognition. Small, select student Kd Grand River. Air, able charges. Phone 351-6168, 2 BEDROOM house, with garage, Muzzle POMAPOO - CROSS between come Classified Department and tell u9 Tcall 351-9476. 3-5-2 after 6pm. 5-5-1 1 Vt acres, near Park Lake. Call loading accessories. Bicentennial belt buckles, bicentennial memor¬ Pomeranian and poodle. 5 body. Write SOUTHERN MONTESSORI IN¬ Admissions, after 6 pm, 641-6967. 3-5-1 months old, shots, $50. 487-0246 you want to place an ad in EAST LANSING STATE BANK'S Found STITUTE, 3060 Orange Street, Inefficient couple NEED TWO females for 4 person abilia. Finest leather hats, belts E-5-5-2 Column. As a public service EAST Miami, Florida. 33133. B-1-4-30 K apartments, nice area, Americana, beginning fall 1975. TWO FEMALES for big house. and accessories. Everything June or Septem- Call 353-1120. 5-4-30 Own room. Now with reasonably priced. Visit usl 5-4-30 LANSING STATE BANK will run l summer, LUDWIG DRUMS with 22 inch w 42, East Lansing. 1 fall options. $70/month. Call TEAC A-7010 auto reverse Zilkjian Cymbal. Excellent the ad at no cost to you! EAST LANSING (jfpiil tatajgj Announcements for It's What's JslSlNG-male or female «•«« _"]B THE SUMMER rush is on! Got a 484-1546. 5-5-5 EAST SIDE need 3rd deck. 1054" reels. All accessor¬ ies- Tapes included. tape $700 condition. Some extras. 484-8961. 5-5-2 Dale, C-4-30 STATE BANK YOUR TYPING Service is needed now for term papers, theses and Happening must be received in State News office, 341 Student Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least the - guy for 3 negotiable. Steve, 3554790.3-5-2 ■bedroom apartment on house to rent? Let people know - bedroom house, 485-6013 after 4 SCOTT 100 W amp/FM receiver, dissertations. To advertise call two days before publication. No LOST: KEYS in brown leather gardening plot available. Advertise itl Call Ann at 355-8255. pm. 3-5-1 TANBERG TCD-310, brand new in $75,2 Scott Speakers, $40. Phone case. Grand River/Bogue Street Vict1 at 355-8255 to place your ad. announcements will be accepted |des everything. 332- P-5-30 box, JBL-L-100's, excellent condi¬ 355-3263. 3-4-30 area. 353-6105. 3-5-1 P-5-ol by phone. WANTED. HOUSE for three > 6 BEDROOM house, funished, 562 tion, Dave or Len after 6 p.m. Transcendental Meditation months near campus for visiting ONE MENS bike, 10-speed. One EXPERIENCED, TYPING term 351-6838,332-5781. Introductory lecture tonight at Virginia, close to MSU, starting 3-5-2 L Personal ](/j 5-2 two males, professor and family. September women's 3 speed. Each in papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ June. 351-6758. 5-5-1 ate service. 7:30 in 30 Union. Sponsored by 4-man, non- 1 to December 1, 1975. Contact excellent condition. $200. After 9 394-2512. C-4-30 SMITH-CORONA portable the Students' International Medi¬ fcreferred. Evenings, D.O. Riska, 353-5964 or write 203 type¬ p.m. 627-4748. 3-5-2 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY get's writer and case, tation Society. 13-5-2 FOREST GREEN Subdivision, Cyclotron, Campus. 5-5-5 $50, 371-5535 attention! Box in your ads. For UNiGRAPHICS offers COM¬ near Perry, new colonial E-5-4-6 better results advertise now! Sue PLETE DISSERTATION and re¬ Sign up for field trip to western duplex, USED SCHWINN Continental, |uMMER-2 person, 1 on half acre wooded lot, 3 bedrooms, fully carpeted, 154 PRIVACY, SHARE large upstairs Men's 22" frame, Weinmann 355-8255. P-5-30 sume service. IBM typing, editing Michigan and work on display cabinet at the Zoology Club y close, rent negoti- room, bath, house privileges, brakes, excellent condition, $100. offset printing and binding. We f. 3-5-2 baths, garage, basement, stove, $140. After 6:30, 351-4829. 5-5-5 351-7140. 1-4-30 ATTENTION PROFS. Going away meeting at 7:30 tonight in 404 encourage comparative shopping. Natural Science Bldg. refrigerator, disposal, dishwasher, this summer? Responsible stu¬ For estimate, stop in at 2843 East $240 per month. 1 month JwiTH fluent French, deposit required. 1 security ONE BLOCK from campus - 2 ENJOY QUAD! Pioneer QC800A dent will live-in/babysit your house. Will do yardwork, house¬ Grand River or phone 332-8414. The book for the MENSA book in practicing, to share year lease. Call bedroom, 2 persons, furnished, 12 Quad pre-amp. Used 5 months. 13-4-30 discussion tonight at 7:30 will be I fall with girl returning 351-9457 after 5. 5-5-1 After 3, 353-1332. 1-4-30 keeping and feed pets. month lease, private yard, garden, Refer- George Eliot's "Middlemarch." Steve, 332-5656, porch, large oak trees, $220 per cences. 353-2729. 5-5-5 TYPING-ALL kinds. Lowest rates Meet upstairs at 1645M Spartan SUBLEASE HOUSE for summer, SCHWINN FIVE speed fastback Village. Contact Nancy Denton for 12-5-1 very nice, 4 blocks from campus, month includes heat and water. Available 6-15-75. 6-7 pm Monday bike. Twenty inch wheels, Petitioning is Open for all in town. Help student. 694-0252. starving grad BL-1-4-30 information. 1542 Snyder. Call 351-2506. isUMMER-2 bedroom, Friday. 351-1177 or 351-6088. excellent, $40. Chuck, 332-5555. ASMSU Cabinet Directors, Women: Do you really know 1 10-5-8 2-5-1 air % block from 5-5-5 Standing Committees and TYPING-FAST, guaranteed. For¬ your body or is it exclusive ■150. 332-3717. 3-5-2 other ASMSU appointed posi¬ merly of Okemos. Call Cindy or property of your doctor? Bring PRIVATE ROOMS in luxurious SUBLET SUMMER 5 - man NEW B.I.C. turntables, complete tions. Petitions are available in your body and your questions to cozy Jane, 882-2662. 5-5-6 LrroW, unfurnished 1 house. Fireplace and many extras, house. 2 blocks from campus, with cartridge (Shure M91ED), 334 Student Services. Dead¬ self-help every Wednesday night on bus line, prefer females. Rent ■stove and refrigerator, fireplace, garage. After 4 pm. $125 or offer. Call Gregg, line May 8. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ at 7:30 in the Women's Center at neotiable. 487-3525. 4-4-30 351-4087. 5-5-2 Jail 332-5731. 3-5-2 355-1451. 3-5-2 RECYCLED CLOTHING - Denim sertations (pica - elite). FAYANN, 489-0358. C-4-30 the Union. Ellipsis, the popular radio dis¬ NEED 2 WOMEN for great house, JeASANTLY Available Furnished June, excellent location, June-June, 2 FEMALES - share huge room in beautiful house. Close/summer. Velocipede Peddler SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, jackets, jeans, bib overhalls. SIM¬ PLE PLEASURES, 129 East Grand ANN BROWN typing and multi- cussion show will be presented Thursday night at 8 by the 332-1914, 351-7470-Sue or Linda. Call 351-1329. 5-5-2 $5 per month. Large selection of River. 351-3100. 10-5-6 lith offset printing. Complete ser¬ Michigan State Network, 640 AM. barking, utilities paid. r 5-5-1 54lE.QrandRi\«1^351-7240 reconditioned used machines. Farmhouse f-ratermty and the l $140. 484-9774. vice for dissertations, theses, ROOMMATE WANTED, good Singers, Whites, Necchi's, New NATIONAL MEDICAL BOARDS manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Red Cross are sponsoring a blood 2 BEDROOM RANCH, Full base¬ UNMATCHED TIRES, size 695-14 house, own room. $60 plus. 404 Home and "many others." $19.95 PREPARATION Courses are being 25 year's experience 349 0850. drive from 1 to 7 p.m. today and ment, 2 car garage, up to 4 Allen Street, 1 excellent, 1 good, both for $18. $39.95. Terms. offered locally for all 3 parts of the tomorrow in Shaw Hall low^r 2 people for 2 man students. Lansing Please call to EDWARDS C-4-30 i $260/month plus 484-3155. 3-4-30 National Medical Boards. : Good location. Air utilities. 394-0300. 5-4-30 3326265i _!"**!_ _ DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 North Washington, 489-6448. STANLEY H. KAPLAN courses The lounge. I. 337-0256. x-3-5-2 FEMALE. FIVE PIECE THESES, RESUMES, typing and (More IWH OWN room, near Ludwig drum set and C-2-4-30 offered have been extremely suc- on page 12) NEED PEOPLE, large, furnished, Frandor. No pets. $66. 355-5210 printing. Reasonable prices. cases, Zilgen cymbols, 351-5017 or cessul. For all N.M.B., E.C.F.M.G. COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 351- ■ROOMMATE for year prigold Apartment. Fall. r 332-8804. 3-5-2 four bedroom house, close, June to 3-5-2 June, call 351-3848 after 5. days. 482-8227 nights. Vicky. 3-5-1 332-6889. 5-5-5 GIRLS 3 speed. 2 years old with - 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. Tanks, cannisters and uprights. Et Flex tests. For information call 1-313-354-0085. 0-1-4-30 4116. C-4-30 c Wanted Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 COMPLETE DISSERTATION and IF THERE'S something you're SUBLET FOR Summer, 3 accessories. $40, best offer. BOARD EXAM TUTORING I COMFORTABLE, fur- FEMALE ROOMMATES needed. and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING resume service. looking for, want to trade bedrooms, 620 Spartan. 337-7679. E-5-5-5 Printing, IBM or swap Fireplace, carpeted, furnished. Rent COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, STANLEY H. KAPLAN typing, binding. - call Elaine at 355-8255, Inpus close. Air condi- negotiable. Call Printing from to place Perfect location. June '75 - June Gary 351-7588 Opposite City Market. C-2-4-30 TUTORING COURSES your plain paper originals. Corner your Classified Ad! P-5-30 tmarried couple/single after 6 pm. 3-5-1 SONY AM/FM stereo and '76. Nonsmokers. 332-4952. Now being formed for the M.A.C. and Grand River. Below fclJ670._3-5-?_ _ 5-4-2 cassette deck, speakers. $189 or LOVE - AFFECTION. Free to good coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, up¬ Jones Stationery Shop, 9-5 NEEDED: PLACE for summer to best. Extras. 353-0164. 3-5-1 BED for fall term only, Rooms home. Shiny black kitty. Six ATGSB, GRE Board Exam. For Monday - Friday. ' Call COPY- board myself, horse. Cao BURCHAM AND months. 351-3607. E-5-5-5 information call 1-313-354-0085. GRAPH exchange ■partment, Woodmere Hagadorn, SERVICES, 337-1666 many services. Call 12-3634. 3-5-1 luxurious 2 bedroom duplex, with GOT AN empty room to rent. Call SANSUI FOUR channel receiver, 0-1-4-30 Elaine, 355-0430. 5-4-30 C-4-30 the Classified 25 watts/channel, 8 months old. balcony, yard and basement, advertise it. Department to $450. 355-1589. 5-5-6 Animals TYPING BY the hour. Drop off $300/month. Ask for Lisa at PREGNANT TUTOR FOR Sociology 427, for |STER, three bedrooms Lease required, 355-8255.P-5-30 TO MAKE service. Secretarial assistance. blind student. n spot. $240 plus starting in June, "all Joe Miller, sure your pet finds a Information 8nd other alternatives Afternoons and 332-4240. 5-5-6 SAILBOAT: AMF Sunfish, 1 year good home, place an ad with (up to 20 weeks). From $100. 694-0222. 5-4-30 evenings, on campus. 353-1059 >osit. 371-3412. 5-5-5 2 WOMEN needed to share large old, like new. Ask for George. Elaine, 355-8255. P-5-30 Free pregnancy testing. between 11-12 pm. 5-5-5 room in house. 339-8004. 3-5-2 Call JUDITH CARMAN. TWO FOR house, 2010 Jerome. Summer, close collect 1 (3131-662-0387. Experienced (D LUXURY apartment, Own rooms! 351-4252. 3-5-2 AKC COLLIE pups. Sable and ABORTION EVALUATION typist: dissertations, theses, term IMMEDIATE CASH paid for Rtion near campus.' Starts in fall. 485-6851. X3-5-1 GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of tri-color, males and females. After SERVICE papers. Reasonable rates. Call records, tapes, and cassettes. pummer. Air condi- FARM HOUSE-Quiet all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. 4 pm, 663-4671. 3-4-30 393-4672. 5-5-1 1-3617. 3-4-30 1 comfortable, 5-5-6 KARMA RECORD SHOPPE, bedroom. Immediate occu¬ BEST year 'round price in South¬ 353-7287. 10-5-12 EAST 2 BEDROOM $155. Fully pancy. Okemos. Rent negotiable ern Michigan. BOB'S SHEPHERD-HUSKY Crosses. $5 COMPLETE RESUME theses and IF, new two man, two carpeted. 394-0683 9am-9pm. 349-9427. 5-5-6 SHOP, 2412 South GUN to good homes. Call 332-4984 or STUDENT LOANS dissertation service. Guaranteed OLD WORLD THE APARTMENT SELECTOR. Cedar. Village Mall Store lirnished. Negotiable - 65£3632. 3-5-2 quality at a substantial savings. C-1-4-30 " r PEMALET'OWFToom looking for unique crafts on frier. 351-6093. 5-5-2 7rT house Typeset composition, delivery consignment,,. Cat) (>75-5406. available May 5th. Close to Cash for SPRING SPECIAL! 6 weeks old, available. THt 5-5-5 PRINTER'S FRANDOR 4 BEDROOM, fully JDEO I for Americana furnished $300; 2 bedroom $130; campus. 337-7151. 3-5-1 STAMPS & COINS AKC, Siberian Huskies-$35 and HELPER. 694-9449. 5-5-1 through June 11th. up. 7 mo-'-i1 old, $25 and up. • • Fridoy. TUTOR FOR programming help liable. Call 489-1785. 394-0683 9am - 9pm. THE MEN: 2 room suite; available now Buy-Sell -Trade 332-4984 or^fiSC.. 3-5-2 for CPS 110 student. Needed APARTMENT SELECTOR. (others available June 15), car¬ full line of supplies FREE. A lesson in immeidately for afternoons, or C-1-4-30 peted, clean, quiet, free parking, VIID-MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN ADORABLE BLACK and white . . complexion weekends. care. Call 484-4519 East Call 1-5pm, 351-6119. 2 bedroom, $90/per month. All utilities puppy, female. Call 487-4490 Michigan 1-4-30 1880 Haslett Rd. 332-4300 or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE IRENE ORR - Theses, Term papers I, pool, bus line. $190. FOUR BEDROOM duplex, East included. Good set-up. Call Sue days, 337-2136, evenings. Sally. NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS general typing. Formerly with Ann V mile. 332-3939,353- Lansing, near bus, year of summer 351-0473 before 8 p.m. 5-5-1 PIONEER CT-4141A Dolby 3-5-2 C-2-4-30 Brown. Call482-7487. C-4-30 TRADE UPRIGHT piano with unfurnished, 337-2317. 1-4-30 cassette deck. Dual 1218 Turn¬ bench and cushion for electric OWN ROOM in large house, table. Sansui QS-500 4 channel AFGHAN HOUND, elegant pup¬ ■LARGE, spacious, one Wurnished, air, balcony, FIVE OR 6 man student houses. June - June lease. Completely starting May 15, $57.50. 484-6536. 5-5-5 near capitol. rear amplifier, Miracord 50HII turn¬ table, Sansui QR400 4 channel pies for show or companion. Call 349-0895.. 3-5-2 HAVE YOU been hassled by towing firms? Call Pat, 355-8252 between 12 and 5. 3-4-30 [Transportation jffl] typewriter 676-2527. 3-5-2 in good condition. NEED A ride or riders? Call Elaine lus. $140/month. 351- furnished, 2 baths, fireplace, very receiver, Nikko TRM-50 amplifier, WE'RE BUILDING a super play¬ Ipm. 5-5-2 close. 0-1-4-30 $420 - $500. 484-9774. Digital electronic calculators, Vivitar photo enlarger, portable [Mobile Homes J[wj TO PLACE your ad to sell or rent [ Real Estate \\f&\ to place your 355-8255. P-5-30 transportation ad. ground for pre-school children. We need more 2"x4", 2"x6", ■ STREET 126, two black and white and color televi¬ PERRY-3 bedroom, 154 bath NEED RIDE to/from Boston. May 2"x8" oil drums and heavy roping. your mobile home in the State NEED FEMALE to share house. GIRL, PRIVATE bedroom, 2 | campus. Deluxe, air, Nice neighborhood, own room, person house, one block from sions, tools, sporting goods, News Classified ads, call Vicki, ranch, family room, 2 car garage, 1-6. Will share gas/driving. We'll pick up! To help, call man - one bedroom musical equipment and much in the country. 353-5154. 1-4-30 campus, available now till 6-15-75. Call 625-7766. 355-2003. 2-4-30 I. 3 man $207. Fall near campus. 351-7034. 3-5-2 more. Complete electronic service 10-5-8 $95 per month. 6-7 pm. Monday 1-3418,489-1656. 4-5-1 facilities. Come on down to _ NEED RIDE to Mexican border. WANTED: TWIN beds in excel¬ DUPLEX NEAR campus. Two -Friday. 351-1177 or 351-6088. DICKER AND DEAL, 1701 South 1970 RICHARDSON, 12x60, 2 EAST LANSING, Ideal home for lent condition. Call 676-2527. 4-5-2 Will share gas and driving. I can bedrooms, unfurnished. Ideal for Cedar. 487-3886. C-4-30 bedroom, completely carpeted, professor or student. Fireplace, leave after June 6. 355-5947. 2-5-1 3-5-2 faculty or staff. Lease. $195 plus excellent condition. 675-5556. two bedroom with an efficiency SUMMER EFFICIENCIES from utilities. 332-5796. 3-5-2 BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. 5-5-5 apartment that rent for $137.50. ATTENTION PROFS. Going away $120. Completely furnished. TV Inexpensive transportation is ad¬ French built light weight To help make your payments, live this summer? Responsible stu¬ SUMMER lounge, parking, very close. 337- touring vertised in today's Classified Ads. SUBLET, option for bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. 1970 TITAN. 2 bedroom, 12x60, in it while in college-build dent will live-in/babysit your 9452. 0-1-4-30 up ar fall. 4 bedroom house, $260 per Read about it now. Save on top quality handmade skirting and shed. Any reasonable equity and make a profit when you house. Will do yardwork, house- month. 371-1599. 5-5-6 bikes. 645-2127. C-3-4-30 offer considered. Phone 482-5746. leave. Call Don or Eileen Smith, OWN ROOM in attractive home 3-5-1 646-0748 or Gay Gardner Realty between MSU and downtown SUBLET SUMMER, duplex, fur¬ MID-MICHIGAN Largest audio nished, block from campus, air Lansing. Fully carpeted, fur¬ retailer with the finest in stereo NEW MOON, 1969, 12x55, two Inc^ 372-6750^428). B-1-4-30 nished, garage. $49/month, products and electronic repairs. bedroom. Excellent condition. TEN ACRES. Four in beautiful conditioned, carpeted, 4 person, m/U SOfiRinG CLUB $240/month, utilities included. deposit. 487-9384. 3-5-2 Shop the store with straight stereo May be left on country lot. $3900. hardwoods, 6 acres clear. Creek. 351-1793. 3-5-2 answers. MARSHALL MUSIC, 663-4756. 5-4-30 Shueman Road. $17,500, terms. FLIES UJEEKEDDS ROOM FOR male, close to Union, 245 Ann Street. C-1-4-30 339-8980. 3-5-2 weather 443 Grove Street, parking, call FOR RENT, 2 permitting SMALL TWO bedroom mobile 332-0205. 5-5-2 bedroom, furnished, ot lOniA CO. AIRPORT home on edge of farm in Bath. in country, between Lansing/ FOR SALE by owner, 2 story, 4 Reasonable rent for responsible Jackson. Audrey, r bedroom home. 1 ii miles to meET at union BEAUTIFUL HOUSE across street 2390. 5-5-2 campus in Okemos school district. tenant capable of maintenance. south side from campus. One room available Aluminum siding with brick front, 372-2310. 3-5-2 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANCIA, 8:50 am summer $60; 2 rooms available fall 1968 KIRKWOOD, 12x60, fully central air. 2 fireplaces. Base¬ 1974 Edition-like new, $300. SUMMER-4 - one with fireplace, $90 and $100. carpeted and skirted. 351-3644. ment, rec room. Nice kitchen people needed to Great books, 55 volume set, $275. No pets. 6 pm - 7 pm Monday - 5-5-2 built-ins. Low 40's. Phone sublet nice house. 1 opening, Harvard classics, 50 volumes, iKEMOS area, 1 bed¬ June-June 1976. Close. Own Friday, 351-1177 or 351-2626. $100. American Heritage $1/each. 351-5996. 8-5-9 GRAND RIVER. Close to campus. ded, $140, utilities room. 353-5779. 3-5-2 CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 307 East TOniGHT evenings. 3-4-30 1 PERSON to share 3 bedroom MEN, PARKING, kitchen, close, 4 rooms, $65, 2-$70, $75, 482-8932 Grand River, East Lansing. 332- 0112(11:30-6). 5-5-6 Two bedroom furnished. condition. 351-5059 or Good 337-T641 [ Service ](/§ from Black Forest 1PARTMENTS. 1 or 2 furnished house on lake. Ben 332-6497. 5-4-30 Messenger. 3-5-2 FOR THE BEST Service on Stereo SOARIAG COUnTRY 20 free movie Burnished or Equipment see the STEREO on Colorado unfur- minutes from East Lansing. $100 1 conditioned, pool, WANTED, FEMALE to share two SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. soaring plus utilities, $100 deposit. Call LARGE BEDROOM, new appli¬ like nothing else Jimmer from $140, fall bedroom mobile home. Call after C-4-30 351-0257 after 2 p.m. Ask for Dan. washer and dryer, pets Gibsons ances, I North Pointe Apart- 3-5-2 welcome. 484-2449. 5-5-1 5 pm, 339-2810. 3-4-30 V Haslett Road, Apart- PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, meetinqs 1. Davs, 351-7910. ROOM IN house. Lake Lansing MALE. WALKING distance from 1973 VEMCRAFT, 12x68 with finest quality, resonably' priced. uuedne/doy ot 7:50pm fer 6pm, 351-1925. Road and Abbott area. $48. campus. Private home. 509 BOOKSALE sxoando. 2 bedroom. Large lot with BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. room 205 men/ IfTl bldq 351-4176. 5-4-30 Division Street. ED2-2859. 3-5-2 garage near Webberville. 482-5712. C-4-30 Loads of paper Must sell. Phone 521-4056, fOMMATE needed for DUPLEX FOR rent-3 bedrooms, furnished. Summer. Off Beech | For Sate ||5] and hardbacks evenings. 7-5-1 ALTERATIONS DONE by ex¬ perienced seamstress. Reason¬ PROFESSIONAL f^Y. Call after 6 Street. Clean. 669-9939. 10-5-6 WOMEN'S GOLF shoes. Size Textand NEW MOON, 1965. 10x50. able price. Call 355-1256 anytime. 1-4-30 SMITH AVENUE; unfurnished 2 654. Hush puppies, like newl $12.50. 351-5051. E-5-4-30 Reference Carpet, air conditioning. Near BACKGAMMON ■rn1lllnc'1 bedroom MSU. 332-2437 or 487-9148. B B LANDSCAPING EXHIBITION - B 2-0992, Monday - bedroom bungalow. $145 plus W* buy books anytlm* 5-5-5 SPRING SPECIAL %*30. 5-4-30 utilities. Married couple. DODGE PINBALL MACHINE. $50 or best 128 W. Grand Rlv.r A free applicator of fertilizer and REALTY, 482-5909. 5-5-2 offer. Needs repairs. 351-8454. 20% Discount on either a lawn FRI.-MAY-2 roommates for E-5-4-30 lbl.W. of Union I lost t found x dethatch or power rake with our •'option. Americana WOMAN NEEDED. Own room in furnished house. $80/month plus BAMBOO MATCHSTICK blinds. \ MthruFrl. S LOST SOMETHING Valuable? summer lawn maintenance service ALLE-EY L-3q d 'OCfltion. utilities. Sublease summer, fall All sizes. Windows, doorways, \ 9:00 -5:30 [ Call Elaine at 355-8255 to place 487 6730 10 5 5 option. 484-1985. 5-5 2 Sale $7-16. SIMPLE PLEA¬ OPEN 9-5:30 DAILY. Saturday. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, Closed your lost ad. P-5-30 BE6INS AT 6P.M. SURES, 129 East Grand River, IS fall-Colonial 2, 3, and 4 SUMMER, 6 bedrooms, $520. downstairs. 10-5-6 2615 East Michigan, Lansing. LOST: MALE English setter, EDITING, PROOFREADING, experienced. Dissertations, theses Screened in porch, garage, close, 372-7409. C-3-4-30 white with cocoa/rust ears. Tnt8' Call 337-1800. - SANSUI 4 Channel AM/FM 12" book and article manuscripts. 516 Grove. 337-1164. 5-4-30 Haslett area. 339-8528. 5-5-5 SPONSORED BY Utah Speakers, 5 months old, 5 KENWOOD KT 8005 Tuner, Sony Anne Cauley. 337-1591. 3-4-30 TC228 8 track recorder, Dual lpARTMENTsVom SUMMER, SUBLEASE, 5 bed¬ rooms open on Harrison across year guarantee. 355-7278. 10-5-9 1215S changer, AR fm receiver, LOST: MALE tiger cat. white boots. Gunson Street area. Four Instruction [JHE GAME SHOPPE Icahu9®', ■ ab|e TV furnished, from campus. Call 337-0342. HAMMOND C-3 with percussion, AR 2ax speakers, Metrotec equali¬ Reward. 332-0180. 1-4-30 EMPLOYERS ARE calling us for (above All* Ey) available. $2,200. Microphone mixer, 16 zer, Pioneer Reverb, Teac Dolby, 5-4-30 our graduates. If you need a skill, ■ 5-5-1 6 351-6168. channel, $1550. 50 watt guitar used police scanners, TV sets, elecric typewriters, new Robyn CB FOUND: A mans gold ring with call us. Individually taught with and TWO ROOMMATES. Own amp with four 12-inch speakers, No lease room. $250. 489-4336. 5-5-2 equipment. Great selection in green stone setting. Call 355- qualified instructor. 90 hour ^ CAVENDISH NORTH ■Sm NWd 1 f0r - deposits. furnished duplex, $41.67/month 75% car-stereo systems plus 500 used 572a C-1-4-30 course with choice of class hours. ^-y BACKGAMMON CLUB I S6m'. Partially plus utilities. Near 1-496, 6 MARANTZ 6G Speakers. Still in tapes. MUCH MORE! WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East LOST: ONE green MSU notebook VA corner approved. Located on the of Jolly and Aurelius minutes/campus. Lorin, 485-1250. boxes. Full warranty. 150,372-9789. 8-5-2 4-5-2 piece. 353-2712. 5-4-3Q $110 a Michigan, Lansing. 4854391. C-4-30 filled with class notes. X-lot area. Reward. 353-1479. 2-4-30 Roads. CAII393-8615, SPARTAN KEYPUNCH ACADEMY. 10-5-1 ■BEGINNERS LESSONS 1 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Saigon's fall: end to U. S. involvement (Continued From Page 2) crisis and he acceeded in As an inquiry into the most On May 3 Xuan Thuy, In November, the United block war supplies from the 300,000. north. Tlie talks gathered Fighting continued after the death toll hjj l.,, September 1967 to Thieu, who heartbreaking episode of the Hanoi's top representative, met States declared its concern over Marines came ashore in had the loyalty of the major long war was to reveal, at least in Paris with W. Averell a huge build-up of supplies In momentum again in 1972 with American withdrawal, with than 925,000 5 March of 1965, and they were military commanders. 175 unresisting Vietnamese, Harriman and Cyrus R. Vance North Vietnam and on secret negotiations occurring each side attributing truce WOUn(fcd ml followed by paratroop units, The ground war appeared to and possibly more than 400, of the United States. February 8, 1971, launched its between Henry A. Kissinger violations to the other. Since it millions. ^ infantry, and Xuan Thuy toward the end was to be a cease-fire "in armor, artillery, and ebb in late 1967, but in fact a were killed in Mylai that day. Meanwhile, war in the South last major offensive in South of the year. place," the Saigon forces ever more helicopters. The major Communist-led troop In Hue, the former imperial continued unabated. Vietnam. North matched the build-up American fighting on the moved build-up was in progress near capital, South Vietnamese In June, 1968, Nguyen Van Without American advisers quickly to assert their and skirmished with American Saigon, and enemy troops also troops failed to dislodge north but with U.S. air support it was ground ended with the presence in areas they believed Thieu, now South Vietnam's withdrawal of the last United units until November, when were massing near other cities. Vietnamese, and American to be theirs. President, declared that his a disaster for the South Vietnamese and Viet Cong For American States troop on March 29, ground marines were called in for country was prepared to Vietnamese troops left alone in forces trapped units of the 1st troops, fighting a war without bloody house-to-house fighting assume more of the fighting. the field to fight. 1973, two months after the As a result, the truce broke Calvary division in the la Drang a front line to drive toward and that left many American The policy of "Vietnamizing" Late in March the North signing of the cease-fire down almost from the outset. statistic, agreements in Paris, and 8 *twy of the suffer Valley and inflicted heavy without a thankful and casualties and undermined the the war took hold further in Vietnamese struck across the casualties. It was one of the supportive line to drive them, United States' confidence in bringing years and 22 days after the South Vietnam lost more July. demilitarized zone, single most costly engagements the Vietnam war was one of the South Vietnamese forces. Vietnanization was the Saigon's forces out of northern first Marine contingent went than 180,000 soldiers. Half a 30/ears on them. this wT* of the war for the United special confusion and pain. The American public support for ashore at Da Nang to begin the principal plan of Nixon, who Quang Tri Province and taking million were wounded. States. More than 250 GIs emotional terror and confusion the war plummeted. the United States' longest war. won residency in ground they were never to give died. seemed to erupt for a few men In March, in a decision that November with a pledge to A total of 56,717 American The North Vietnamese and back. But the initiative did pass to on March 16, 1968, when, in American leaders in Vietnam servicemen had lost their lives reach an early settlement. Nixon then ordered the Vietcong have yet to release U.S. and South Vietnamese the aftermath of the TET viewed as the beginning of the Nixon and Thieu met in in combat, some 900 are still their casualty figures, but their forces until the Tet offensive in mining of North Vietnamese offensive, Task Force Baker of end, Johnson stopped the June of that year at Midway, listed as missing. American January 1968 there the 11th Brigade, American ports to put pressure on the were no bombing beyond the 20th where the new president stalemated Paris talks and to wounded totaled more than clear-cut defeats for the Division, entered the sandy parallel in North Vietnam and announced the first withdrawal Americans and few major little hamlet of Mala, on South declared that he would not run of American troops — 25,000 disasters for the battered South Vietnamese troops. Vietnam's northern coast. With First Lt. William Calley for re-election. On April 3 Hanoi announced — and said that the war would gradually be turned over to Send the FTD The political strength of the leading of soldiers its readiness to meet with the South Vietnamese government was another matter. Buddhist inexplicably a group gunned down Vietnamese civilians, most of United States to discuss the end of American operations Saigon's forces. American troop strength at this point had reached its apex — 541,000 Sweet Surprise opposition to Premier Ky this Mother's Day.. them old men, women and against North Vietnam so that men. helped create another political children. talks may start. Arms control agency head calls U.S. unready for nuclear threat $15##- *As an independent businessman, each WASHINGTON (AP) - The head of the U.S. Arms Control and what he called four fronts. First, he suggested the strengthening FTD Member Florist Disarmament Agency (ACDA) warned on Tuesday the spread of of alliances because "for many nations protection through a stable sets his own prices. nuclear technology means a rapidly increasing number of countries alliance is now the only alternative to a desperate search for might possess the atom bomb in the foreseeable future. security by getting their own nuclear bombs." 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