VOLUME 169 NUMBER 64 THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 riumphant Communists By GEORGE ESPER "At 11:30 a.m. on April 30,1973, the flag station and announced: "We representa¬ enter Saigon Associated Press Writer of the PRG fluttered above the palace of the tives of the liberation forces of troops had been ordered "not to lay hands negotiations, "might still have some role to Saigon from the French N (AP) — North Vietnamese and puppet president and on other buildings in even on a needle or thread of the people." play in the future of Vietnam." Embassy in Phnom Penh. the city," declared Hanoi's Vietnam News formally proclaim that Saigon has been The PRG diplomat in Paris, A French government g forces marched into Saigon on Ambassador Binh was interviewed by Daniel De Luce spokesman in totally liberated. We accept the uncondi¬ Dinh Ba Thi, said the new Paris said he understood the first truckload ay and put an abrupt end to a Agency, in a broadcast monitored in Tokyo. tional surrender of Gen. government will of The Associated Press, who Duong Van Minh, follow a nonaligned reported she of refugees had reached Thailand of Western influence over the often People in Hanoi raced into the streets and president of the former government." foreign policy and is did not rule out relations between the new early d Indochina peninsula. embraced each other in ready to establish diplomatic relations with Wednesday after the 250 mile trip, but - a "general explosion Radio Hanoi, monitored in all government of South Vietnam and the sources at the border saw no —rs and applause from some South of joy," the Yugoslav news agency Tanjug Tokyo, said countries without regard to their United States. sign of them. Viet Cong troops in "The last I heard the Communist - let troops poured reported. Flags were raised, and the North Saigon had been political or social character. foreigners were at ese, ordered to protect the lives and Meanwhile, at the Thai village of Pursat," about 125 miles from the border, city and raised the flag of the Vietnamese capital "became the noisiest property of Nguyen Thi Binh, the foreign minister of the South Vietnamese and of foreign the PRG, said in an interview in Aranyaprathet on the border with said a Khmer Rouge soldier. al Revolutionary Government and happiest city in the world." Da Nang on Cambodia, Red Cross workers, diplomats, residents. Quoting the Viet Cong's Giai At nightfall, a French ver the presidential palace a few The Viet Cong took over the Saigon radio Tuesday that President Minh, a neutralist journalists, police and buses were waiting military attache Phong Press Agency the broadcast said who took office in last talked to the Khmer Rouge and said the "ter President Duong Van Minh a - ditch effort at for 600 foreigners expected to be released group might arrive Thursday morning. d his government's capitulation, t Cong Liberation radio broadcast in Bangkok said that some s west of Saigon have not yet Prof reveals MSU effort to compile list of -red. -oi broadcast monitored in Tokyo Viet Cong announcements Saigon n renamed Ho Chi Minh City in the late North Vietnamese leader, ent Minh, in a midmorning broad- ered the South Vietnamese armed , turn in their arms. The 51 - year - who was taken into custody after Vietnamese intellectuals for evacuation dcast, was later returned to a one by a Jeepload of North Vietna- By R. D. CAMPBELL Vietnamese in the United States, he has diers, and he issued another order State News Staff Writer Bangkok, Thailand April 18. Fishel faults the U.S. Embassy for been getting from 30 to 60 calls poor daily for It is typical of the correspondence judgment for not beginning a nightly air igon troops to turn in their arms, MSU officials the past three weeks from Vietnamese Fishel has received. reabouts afterward was unknown, initiated efforts to evacuation three weeks ago. students and others with ties to compile a priority list for evacuation of people in Professors and other intellectuals are in The ambassador -le of the United States, which came Vietnam for help in the evacuation of was apparently ochina after French colonial rule Vietnamese intellectuals that was particular danger of being assassinated by convinced that the end could be staved friends and relatives. with the 1954 defeat at Dien Bien rejected by the American Embassy in the Communists' Provisional off. His judgment was clearly wrong," Fishel received a letter Tuesday from a ended Tuesday in a massive Saigon, the State News learned Revolutionary Government because they Fishel said. -r airlift. U.S. Ambassador Wednesday. He also lays part of the blame on Martin, about 900 other Americans Wesley Fishel, MSU professor of / learned the night before last that the State President Ford for not pressuring the e 5,600 Vietnamese were evacuated political science and Southeast Asia Dept. had prepared cables expert, said that President Wharton and with information on all the intellectuals we identified but the American Saigon embassy to begin the evacuation. of the 7th Fleet in the South China Both Wharton and Smuckler are Ralph Smuckler, dean of International Embassy in Saigon refused to accept them. Studies and Programs intervened on the recognized in the academic community as s, the third country involved in the They said they were preparing their own lists and didn't need any having expertise in Southeast Asian ris accords on Indochina, a shaky project with officials for the American advice from Washington." Council on Education (ACE) two weeks affairs. holding although there have been a ago. ... Wesley Fishel, professor of political science of clashes between rightist forces Tian Kim Phuong, South Vietnam's Fishel played a major role in the Communist - backed Pathet Lao. ambassador to the United States, told -s share ministries in a coalition project calling more than 30 Southeast professor of political geography he had are seen Fishel Wednesday that a fleet of Asian experts at universities as competition to communist sampans across the known pleading for Fishel to help him ent set up under the cease - fire leadership, Fishel said. carrying an estimated 17,000 Vietnamese country asking that names and addresses and his family escape from Vietnam. The :nt signed on Feb. 21, 1973. of professors, journalist, artists, "At this point we're waiting with our refugees launched into the South China other Asian countries are reas- lawyers professor had given the letter to an fingers crossed to find out if the people Sea Tuesday and wfere rescued and other likely communist targeti be American traveler who mailed it from by the their relations with the United got out," Fishel said. U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet. FISHEL sent to the ACE. in light of its withdrawal from The ACE worked with the and Cambodia. Philippine Presi- International Rescue Committee in New rdinand E. Marcos has said he is g agreements for U.S. military York and eventually forwarded all the S. VIET SOLDIERS names to the State Dept. in i his country. Washington. "I teamed the night before last that the nd, which indicated recently it State Dept. had prepared cables with North Viets get warm welcome ;.S. troops based in the country to information on all the intellectuals we Jrawn over the next year, now is u identified but the American Embassy in a narrow path to keep from izing the new Khmer Rouge rulers Saigon refused to accept them," Fishel said. "They said they were preparing their boring Cambodia. lists and didn't need any SAIGON (AP) - Scores of North Meanwhile, in front of the National holdouts somewhere in the vicinity. officials have insisted that South own advice from Vietnamese tanks, armored vehicles and People said. "Today we drove down the highway Washington." Assembly building, a police colonel walked on motorbikes rode by and looked on ese refugees leave the country past the United States Army base at Long Fishel, the author and editor of several camouflaged Chinese trucks drove down up to an army memorial statue, saluted and apprehensively to see where the firing "tely and has given Cambodian was Binh. Our forces were led by a Unity Boulevard to the South Vietnamese shot himself in the head. He died a short brigade of " texts on Vietnam and the Southeast Asia coming from. In a short while the gunfire tanks. There was a little resistance, but no longer than a month to stay, presidential palace shortly after noon while later in a hospital. subsided. 's have also advised the United Quarterly was the director of the MSU most Saigon soldiers had, already run away. Vietnam Project for two years during the Wednesday. Shots rang out around the City Hall. A Between President Duong Van Minh's Then we drove into hat American - supplied aircraft and Several hundred South Vietnamese North Vietnamese infantry platoon, dressed surrender broadcast and the entry of the Saigon." 1950s. The much-criticized program ~sd by refugees fleeing Cambodia applauded as the North Vietnamese troops in olive drab uniforms and black rubber They asked no questions of the th Vietnam will be turned over to offered technical assistance to the Communist forces into the city, South Americans, but instead talked about their waved their blue and red flags with a yellow sandals, took up defense positions in the Vietnamese government. Vietnamese soldiers and civilians jammed regimes, if they request. star in the center and stepped down into the family life back home and looked at war Because Fishel is well-known among square in front of the building. aboard several coastal freighters tied broad boulevard. up The platoon exchanged shots with a few along the Saigon River, hoping they could Many of the city's residents were walking escape. or riding about the streets. The North They dejectedly left the ships as the Viet Vietnamese were as curious about Saigon Cong drove along the waterfront in jeeps residents, as the local people were about the and trucks, waving Viet Cong flags and men from the North. cheering. But many stayed at home. Knots of civilians stood in doorways and "They are nice now, but we must wait," watched the Viet Cong and North Viet¬ said one 26-year-old woman in a telephone namese drive past showing little emotion. conversation. Later the people began cheering vibrantly "We want peace," Nhan said. "No more as more North Vietnamese troops poured killing." into the city. No damage in the city was reported Ky Nhan, a Vietnamese who had been except to the U.S. Embassy and other submitting photographs to the Associated American buildings which Saigonese looters Press for three years, came to the AP office cleaned out after their former with a Viet Cong friend and two North occupants were evacuated. Vietnamese soldiers and said, "I guarantee One memento from the embassy was the safety of everybody here." saved, a color portrait of former President "I have been a revolutionary for 10 years," Ricard M. Nixon and his family, inscribed Nhan said. "My job in the Viet Cong was 'To Ambassador and Mrs. Graham Martin liaison with the international press." with appreciation for their service to the George Esper, the AP bureau chief, nation. From Richard Nixon." served them Coca-Cola and some leftover A French businessman who said he was cakes. taking refuge in the New Zealand Embassy After smoking a cigaret, Pvt. Tran Viet grabbed the picture. Ca, 24, told the Americans he had served "I knew the ambassador," he said. "I will seven years in the North Vietnamese army. personally deliver it to him in the United 'Two days ago we attacked F States some time in the future." Tennis player student with In tennis lingo, the term "love" means a The student was struck after his partner player is scoreless. left the courts to confirm their reservation. But two students were made He was driven to the campus police station painfully aware of the fact that some people playing by the tennis players on\he next court and, the game are also scoreless in the column of from there, brought to the University brotherly love. Health Center where he was treated for One of the students met with bruises and released. SN photos /Dave Olds sharp The uncooperative assailant and his cracks in the jaw and right arm when two Bellowing evangelist George "Jed" Smock spreads the other people already playing refused to friend left after serving up the bruises. honor his reservation by leaving a court at Dominic Marino, the supervisor on duty tn* .near t*le Administration Building Wednesday. He the Men's Intramural at the time, said he went out to the courts ihl e to f t'le University Indiana until fired for reading Building. after he became aware of the situation. his students. Smock's pamphlet says he once was a The student argued with the people 'When we got there, his partner was no a drug-using hippie who took the advice of "liberals" occupying the court but was abruptly longer there and some other people were "communistic interpretation" of history. A interrupted by the sting of a tennis racket playing," Marino said. against his skin. Frank Beeman, director of Intramural hippie moves in close to inspect the Rev. "I was trying to rationalize the situation Sports and Recreative Services Program, rn a lesson from him. (right) and before I knew it, I had a tennis racket said that employes at the building may coming for my head," the student said. supervise the hourly change in the future. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan . Thursday,MayJ U.S. gears for refugee influx By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS will cost the United States $500 million over a year's time to Ships of the U.S. 7th Fleet carried about 1 Ofln a Slowly but steadily, more than 50,000 refugees from South resettle the South Vietnamese who fled. 6,000 South Vietnamese evacuated by helicon'tTj H Vietnam made their way toward the United States on Wednesday No one seemed to know just how many refugees there were en U.S. pullout that began late In addition, a Pentagon spokesman Monday. tlj as officials worked out details of organizing and financing the route from South Vietnam, through the Philippines to Guam and said about u*. Helms testimony refuted massive relief effort. the United States where preparations are being made to house up Vietnamese refugees who made their way to sea in to 20,000 persons each at Camp Pendleton, Calif., Ft. Chaffee, and other boats have been picked Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger said the Ford are headed for Subic Bay in the up by Navy shin '"""'""i Administration will ask Ark., and Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. A retired Air Force colonel says Congress for money to care for as many as 60,000 or 70,000 refugees. "We will be submitting a request to An estimated 55,000 refugees are already in relocation camps, remaining to pick up any additional refugees Philippines and oth S°i the CIA once requested a plane under his command and flew two men into Cuba to kill the Congress," Kissinger said after a closed - door meeting of the but Kissinger said, "We don't know how may additional thousands There also are several thousand refugees wh Thailand by South Vietnamese pilots and who ar» Fidel Castro. House Appropriation subcommittee. "We consider we have a may have come out on ships." An American official at the United Nations said the United h!®* 1 moral obligation to tens of thousands of people who worked with Guam aboard U.S. Air Force planes. L. Fletcher Prouty said he came forward now with an us " States has asked other countries to open their doors to refugees. Officials worried over account of his involvement in the abortive plot in "late 1959 ... everything from polio in Kissinger gave no specific amount, but Asst. Secretary of State There were just over 28,000 refugees on Guam as of early paperwork for the refugees, some of whom or early 1960" because of a verbal attack by former CIA documents. There were offers of lacked id Philip C. Habib, at a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing, Wednesday morning, with new arrivals coming at the rate of 4,000 help from Jl,l Director Richard Helms against CBS newsman Daniel Schorr to 6,000 a day for processing en route to the United States. citizens. ral I agreed with Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D - Mass., that it probably for reporting possible CIA involvement in assassination schemes. Officials at Clark Air Base in the of the more than 26,000 refugees flown to Philippines Pr0CM.J Clark from S Prouty, who handled Air Force liaison with the CIA, said in airlift that started April 5 and prepared the tents H a telephone interview Tuesday he was positive Helms knew about the plot to kill Castro. Helms has claimed to have no knowledge of CIA responsibility for any assassinations, but Indo refugee trailers and hotel for the arrival of the Immigration authorities on Guam, the next stage on th1 route, processed more than 2,000 persons and said the pace should reach 5,000 a shipborne evac J Tuesday for7 J has not mentioned the possibility of unsuccessful attempts. workers inoculated refugee children for day within 10 dav H measles and Ml I "Anyone we miss for inoculations will be taken care ! supersede aid bill other end," said Navy Capt. Charles Unemployment claims drop Muehe, referrine to J Initial claims for regular state unemployment benefits declined by 39,700 to 456,600 during the week ending April may centers in the United States. He said between measles already had been reported. The first of the refugees processed 30 and MJ through Guam an ™ California on Tuesday and went to 19, the Labor Dept. reported Wednesday. WASHINGTON (AP) - tance for these Cambodians and over the end of the Vietnam Vietnam." Camp Pendleton OffiriJ about 1,400 refugees arrived This was the lowest number of first-time claims since With evacuation of U.S. citizens South Vietnamese and the war. He said he agreed with In Taiwan, where South Tuesday and estimated that J from South Vietnam complete others," Albert said. President Ford that "we must 3,100 would be aboard flights arriving mid-November when 450,600 such claims were filed as Vietnam's ex-president Nguyen Wednesday and earM and Vietnam surrendered, Sen. Jacob K. Javits, R-N.Y., avoid recriminations, learn Van Thieu has found temporary Many of the first arrivals were Americans and their M unemployment spread rapidly across the country. Congress may scrap a $327 said Wednesday that Congress from this experience, and go asylum, a high-ranking official dependents who headed for their own home towns ra Over-all, 6,368,600 Americans received unemployment million aid bill and start over on should pass a bill to provide ahead and do what we must do of the Nationalist Chinese remaining at the military base. insurance benefits in the week ending April 12, drop of Indochinese refugee aid legal authority for the of today and tomorrow." Those who remained set up foriegn ministry said the pos¬ 153,200 from the previous week. a an measure that could cost even troops to bring out Vietnamese, use For the future, Mansfield sibility of Thieu forming a huts. Vietnamese youngsters played baseball housekeeping in Marine (J more. and set a precedent for the said this country must re¬ govemment-in-exile on Taipei their mothers hung out with Marin] washing. Doctors performed] The new bill, funding evacua¬ future. examine its entire foreign was "slim." examinations, cooks stewed pots of creamed chicken Proposed budget cut defeated tion and the care of Cambodians "In using U.S. armed forces policy posture, "not just the There was no immediate greeters handed out packets containing toothbrushes audi] can and other non-Americans as to evacuate Vietnamese, the Middle East or Southeast government reaction in and sandals. well as some 65,000 South President went beyond his Asia." Mansfield said he Australia, which had troops Col. James Fyock told Senate conservatives lost their first bid to make a $25 billion cut in proposed fiscal 1976 spending levels and to Vietnamese to the United constitutional authority," thought Congress might go fighting in Vietnam for 11 years group newsmen at Ft. of refugees - about 1,000 of them Chaffee thattj States, Javits said, calling the action ahead and pass the $327 million - would arrive] was proposed Tuesday and lost nearly 500 men. Dip¬ base on Friday. reduce the planned deficit by $32.5 billion. by House International Rela¬ "understandable and under the humanitarian aid bill. lomats in Canberra said He said a military mess hall, able to feed The proposal, offered by Sen. James L. Buckley, R-N.Y., tions Chairman Thomas E. tragic circumstances probably In other reactions: Australia had long expected the meal, had been established and menus were up to 2,000 pt J was defeated 69-21 Tuesday. Morgan, D-Pa., and backed by inevitable." "The long agony of Vietnam surrender and will continue being worn House Speaker Carl Albert. Javits, chief author of the has come to an end," said when possible its standing featuring rice, milk, pork, poultry, fish, fruit and bread. ] Buckley sought to cut back the figures in a budget a "I think it will be a lot more law spelling out the President's Thailand's foreign ministry. resolution worked out in the Senate Budget Committee. program of humanitarian and The Senate continued the floor debate than $327 million," Morgan powers to commit U.S. forces Thai Prime Minister Kukrit reconstruction aid to both State News is published by th* students of Michigan Stole Uniatn Wednesday as the said. He said he had no abroad, said the day during Fall, Winter and Spring school termi, Mondoi House began its debate on the resolution from its Budget pending Pramoj said his government is North and South Vietnam. is. during Summer Term, and o special Welcome Week ed estimates, but believed the cost measure must become law "to ready to recognize whatever Committee. might be high to reimburse the serve as an effective and government emerges. Second class postage paid at East La military's evacuation costs over adequate precedent for the Indonesia, which has diplo¬ the past month as well as the future. . .and to ratify the matic relations with North 45 Student Services iJ Gradual oil action hinted new costs of bringing refugees agreement already, in effect, Vietnam but had none with the iU Messenger Service. East Lansing, Ml 48824. to the United States. worked out by the Congress South Vietnamese regime, took "I think we should start from and the executive concerning the news calmly. Foreign Republican congressional leaders indicated today scratch on a new bill—eliminate the President's actions." Minister Adam Malik said his President Ford will move toward the things that have already Senate Majority Leader Mike country "should not find any gradual decontrol of Classified Ads domestic oil prices, but may delay been eliminated by the facts Mansfield told reporters "the Disploy Advertiiir for about three weeks difficulty in adjusting itself Business Office and provide humanitarian assis¬ fewer post-mortems the better" with whoever is in power in imposing a new oil tariff hike of $1 per barrel. Photographic . After Ford conferred with the leaders and told them of his energy decisions, Rep. John Anderson, R-lll., said he feels the President s moves will "demonstrate a degree of firmness" without triggering a confrontation between the White House and Congress. Strip mining bill proposed I Sponsors of a compromise strip mining bill approved by I t congressional conferees claim it meets most administration T objections and they hope President Ford will sign it. But conference chairman Rep. Morris K. Udall, D-Ariz., says he will not be surprised if Ford decides to veto it, as he did an earlier version, despite what Udall said were key concessions made to the Administration. White House spokesmen have not said whether Ford will sign the bill. House and Senate conferees completed work on the "Have compromise bill Tuesday night. The bill would impose the first national environmental controls on coal us"Sa strip mining one on and ban the practice wherever the land could not be fully restored afterward. Many to choose • from S Dressy tops for • girls A great . Only $5.99 : Come in, choose from thousands • value at $9.00 of specially selected pants Buy 1, Get 1 FREE; and tops, then... j Buy 1, Get 1 FREj Gunmen comb Belfast ghetto PEANUT *- • jem ladies • PANTS CALIF0RNI. Gunmen of the Irish Republican Army's (IRA) Official wing combed Belfast's ghettos today for the killer of their Super low rise TOPS commander, and the leader of a rival faction escaped death The kind you wanti when his wife would not let him out of the bathroom. pants. plain and patterned Jim McCorry, one of the best-known leaders of the Irish Republican Socialist party, was in the bathroom when three Only $5.99 styles w Priced at $8 and $9 gunmen drove up to his house Tuesday night. "They had machine guns," his wife Esther told newsmen. Buy 1, Get 1 FREE •.Buy 1, Get 1FRE "I held the bathroom door and wouldn't let Jim come out. If •••••••••••••••••••••••A • • he had they would have shot him. They panicked and ran away." CORDS • GAUZE McCorry claimed the gunmen were IRA Officials, the j • FASHION Marxist group from which the Republican Socialists split Made by Bratten. S because the Officials were not radical enough. Right in style, e S SHIRTS (Sil.l e 100% Indian Lebanese fire on Israelis Only $5.99 ; Sale Ends Monday • • cotton. summer. Big hit for Israeli and Lebanese gunners exchanged artillery fire Buy 1, Get 1 FREE j May 5th I Buy 1, Get 1 FRjj Wednesday for the first time in almost a month. The Lebanese Defense Ministry said its gunners repelled HOURS: 10 A.M.-9P.M. MON.-Sat. two Israeli attempts to penetrate south Lebanon and scored 12 NOON-6 P.M. SUN. a hit on an Israeli personnel carrier. The Israeli military command said Arab gunners had fired a shell at an Israeli patrol near the border settlement of Shetulla. The command said its forces had returned the fire. A Neither side reported any casualties. Lebanese military communique said "both infiltration attempts were staged by an enemy force of 30 troops in the 424 woods of Aita el Shaab," Israeli border. a tiny village 1 '/j miles from the Frondor Shopping Center Lansing John Tingwall Editor-in chief JAMES R MorgoPolorchio Advertising Manager Steve Orr Monoging Editor Jeff Merrell City Editor Bruce Ray Walker Michael McConnell. Joe Kirby Frank Fo* Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Violation of our principles Thursday, May 1, 1975 Rob Kozloff Photo Editor Patrice tocke Wire Editor Editorials are the opinions of the State Carol Klose Copy Chief FIERY RUN. Va. - On the slopes of the I asked him if there was any way the rested, was that individual human life was Communists in time just a? it k News. Viewpoints, columns and letters Sue McMillin Night Editor j Blue Ridge, the fruit trees and the dogwood West could win a war in a country like this. precious. This was the first principle of the the Germans, the are personal opinions. BrodMortisius Staff Representative are now in bloom and the hard winter "Maybe," he replied. religions and politics of America, which set United States in British Fi«fH summit of the mountains is fringed with "If we gave Hanoi tanks and trucks we it apart from those societies which saw the Vietnam T The hardest strokes The natural world is alive again, could get them on the roads where we could individual not as an end but as a means to of histnn, i, I green. producing its own good news almost in them." the life of the state. fall upon those who imagi ' ^ EDITORIALS see control defiance of the bad news elsewhere. It seemed things anywhere in the A, a wry joke then but not now. The irony of the Vietnam war is that we sovereign manner, as if thev««, Down in Washington, the politicians are Did we fight with nature on our side or started out to defend these principles still analyzing the tragedy of Indochina, against it? Did we understand the geo¬ against the attempt to destroy individual the earth, playing God with gambling onaiot°fri thed Vietnamese mainly in political and military terms: If graphy of the problem or the human nature freedom, though most of the Vietnamese which there must never be a JJ only we had bombed Hanoi sooner and of the enemy? Or even the nature of our had never known what it was, but we did harder...If the Congress had sent more guns own people and society? Thus the lessons of not take into account the cost of human Vietnam 4 J and ammunition sooner...If it hadn't been In the end, the American people stopped with tactics, strategy, misju lives in the process. Saigon surrendered Tuesday foreign domination. for Nixon or Thieu or somebody else, then the war because they felt it was violating power relations between the Pr uM "However hard we have tried in the 20th and in America a great sigh of And sooner or later, America the Congress. The relief was heard. Surrender maybe we wouldn't be in such a pickle. the human principle for which they thought century to make allowances in advance for mind of America, not blunders 8UZ| signaled to many Americans that will have to swallow its pride and Well, maybe so. Watching the natural world unfold here they were fighting. They tolerated it as long as they thought it might relieve human the unpredictable consequences of war," beliefs were because wrong or its intent"! fcl recognize the new Vietnam as a Herbert Butterfield wrote before we were its Constitution in the hills, however, flawed, but they need not feel guilty anymore. sovereign government. Until we you have to wonder suffering, but rebelled when it began to deeply involved in Vietnam, "we have it n. its !r about other cause was not faithful to But surrender brings a myriad reasons for our failures beyond destroy the people they were trying to always discoverd that the most terrible of do, we will not have completely save, and to destroy the essential unity of its Constitution. of problems for the Vietnamese. strategy and politics. I went to Saigon for these had been omitted from our cal¬ unshackled ourselves of the bur¬ the first time in 1953, when had only a our own country. culations or only imperfectly foreseen. One In this sense, the J we The biggest problem the Vietna¬ den of our 12-year economic and few It may not be possible to explain the present mood of military advisers there and the British of the examples of the fact is the loss of cism and disbelief in mese face is to reconsolidate the had one military observer named Brigadier record of Vietnam or to find that "new America after J political presence there. liberty in various countries of Eastern is probably as wrong as the J two Vietnams, which have devel¬ Of course detente with the Spear, who lived with his batman and a agenda for the future" President Ford says Europe and the Balkans — the very regions philosophical mistakes. The world I cook on the edge of the capital. he wants, unless we analyze the philoso¬ whose freedom was the primary issue for oped in different directions since communist Vietnamese will proba¬ going to change fundamentally be their establishment at the end of Spear took me on tour of the rice paddies phical assumptions that led to the political which we were supposed to have under¬ what has happened in Indochina or bly take place only after it is north of Saigon and we didn't see a single and military mistakes. taken two World Wars." Thieu has fled to Taiwan. World War II. certain what will happen to the soldier. Two ideas fundamental to the meaning of Butterfield, of course, is an historian and It has survived The South Vietnamese have thousands of Vietnamese who "But you must not be deceived," he said. "For all we know, this place may be alive America were violated by our leaders and theologian who believes in the judgments of many worse poll military disasters before and it J believed in Uncle Sam, and though collaborated with the Americans. maybe by ourselves in this war. The first history — that nations, like individuals, are itself and J with Viet Cong, but they can lie under the was that democracy was founded on the adapts to the storms of lifel But America should not yell finally but inevitably forced to pay for the they may be bitter at the cataclys¬ water and breathe through bamboo straws. application of ethical principles to political consequences of their moral indifference or doing here in the Blue Ridge t mic withdrawal of American aid, it bloodbath as an excuse to put off The problem is to find them." relations. And the second, on which the first mistakes and that this rule will apply to the [C] N. Y. Times will probably be hard for them to establishing diplomatic relations adjust to the ways of the Provi¬ with the new Communist govern¬ sional Revolutionary Government. ment. If there are executions of certain members of the former VIEWPOINT: FOOTBALL But no matter what problems South Vietnamese regime, Ameri¬ the new government faces, there ca should look on them as the is one certainty—Vietnam will survive. And for the first time in many years it will survive as one inevitable result of a long war. When America, like France before it, finally recognizes a A sure plan for NCAA victory country and as an independent communist Vietnam, it will look nation. back on a blind involvement in By W.FREDGRAHAM The answer is surgery: we must cut the thrash the tar out of them befuddled It looks as though Vietnam is Vietnamese affairs and ask, "Why The academic community is now con¬ Gordian knot and abandon the NCAA rules. purists will see that the NCAA's dis¬ — principles in order a few months it will to compete with J ducting a time-wasting investigation by a What will happen? The NCAA will slap our appear thatnoH finally rid of a 150-year legacy of the waste?" pleasure is not enough to keep MSU from team but Iowa, with a faculty committee under the direction of hands and not let us play in any bowl being No. 1 in the nation. three-year reo President Wharton into alleged football 1-32, will be eligible for the Rose BowL games. But in the meantime we will win the and Denny and Bo and recruiting violations. This is silly and Big Ten crown hands down a couple of The NFL will draft our 22 starters in the Woody will! AUTC sees expensive and should be immediately. Mine is not the position of a stopped times, because teams are allowed to keep on playing despite sanctions against them. first two rounds. Denny will be on the cover of "Time." Joe Falls will do an "injured Congress to plead our case. But before Bob Carr can act, ec.„ pious academician who wants to use this (Oklahoma the will give us the victory. For occasion to begin a crusade to abolish inter¬ won Big Eight this fall giant" article for the Detroit "Free Press" whel The All-University Traffic director of the despite the NCAA penalty that kept them on the illogic of the best team in the NCAA cries foul and threatens to dis] Dept. of Public collegiate athletics. out of postseason games.) Then when country Committee has proved they can we being denied its laurels. Quickly other Big Big Ten teams from all intercol Safety, Richard Bernitt, to stop continue to beat all the other teams Ten teams will discard the NCAA's pale Instead, it is my thesis that in place of — to competition, then NBC television wi recognize a mistake when they see being "officially silent" on the issue up and demand that the Rose B one. and denounce the decrying the "overemphasis" on football or proposed fines basketball, we should instead change the played by the best team from the Mid| The proposal dumped hike, but Friday a popular outcry against relationship between those two sports and namely us. would have raised student fines the increase surely was partly the University, and then plunge into a fer¬ If they are refused, all three u 150 per cent while leaving responsible. will threaten to black out all faculty vent, no-holds-barred campaign to make pr . and visitor fines the same. Undoubtedly, the seats filled by MSU the premier national collegiate sports bowl games. This may destroy the the four student power; and in this campaign we must pay because no amateur sport in histoi It would have solved representatives nothing, of ASMSU and COGS also had absolutely no heed to puerile hemmings and won an argument against money, fl and made students the Stolz will win the Rose Bowl, scapegoat hawings of the National Collegiate Athletic Guf for something they are not wholly some bearing on the retraction of Assn. repeat next winter in the NCAA ba the proposal. responsible for, while leaving the Let me state what we all know to be true. championships and we'll sive faculty time. not waste ej campus traffic jam intact. Hopefully, these organizations It is an intolerable burden on Burt Smith, will appoint permanent This may sound radical, but it rei repre¬ Denny Stolz (and his myrmidons) and Gus rational and conservative, and is cei The committee must also be sentatives to the All-University Ganakas to be charged with running a in line with the direction that will s commended for making a commit¬ Traffic Committee and minor league farm system for the four ment to look into other alterna¬ perhaps in fessional leagues in football and basketball pro¬ taken by all major intercollegiate J the future such unwarranted anti- that serve as a conduit to profession^ tives for detering the profusion of (NFL, AFL, NBA, ABA) and at the same student decisions will be counter¬ It will please alumni and state ty_"' time always keep their hands above the cars on campus. acted before they see the who want winning Spartans teams, lfl It is not certain what caused the light of table. To win means being suspected of rule take a tremendous load from the cm day. infraction. To lose — well ponder a moment shoulders. the fate of coaches who persist in such anti¬ Major league football I basketball will be aided by r social behavior. Thus the question is posed: players fully developed for the arena.® Tax tale sad how can we recruit players ready for the minor leagues, beat Bo and Woody, and not lose our good standing in yet collegiate we can get those faculty members bad the lab and classroom where they bel W. Fred Graham is a professor in Justin l§ In bizarre twist of the biblical sports? a buying power back into the hands College. aphorism, now it is the federal of taxpayers. government who giveth and the There is a story behind it all, and state who taketh away. it is a sad one. But unlike most that I must be the driver. refreshments for all. And remember, With most people saying, "What some¬ the ." the state income tax hike stories, it does not unfold. It My brother took the ticket to the Public day you may be very thankful that some¬ Part of educatiol .. seesaws. First, Safety Dept. and explained the circum¬ body, somewhere, cared enough to donate and the federal rebate program Michigan voters stances. They said that the ticket would be blood. go repealed the food and drug sales taken care of this time but that if it should into effect the same day. taxes to save money. Then the The blood drive is held in the Shaw Hall It is really sad when a major univj Rebates resulting from the happen again I would have to go through lower lounge today from 1 to 7 p.m. For an campus experiences the gross humif federal government came out with the board of appeals $24.8 billion federal income tax to prove that I wasn't appointment, call 355-0194. Your donation equalities that were demonstrate! its nifty rebate plan to return some Another score driving the truck. (Isn't there something in will be greatly appreciated. Dooley's on April 26. | cut, signed into law in March, start of the money it took in in the Constitution about being innocent until April. But I must say, though, that it was ■ arriving today. Also starting at the same time, the feds raised The Public Safety Dept. has scored again! proven guilty? Oh, I forgot I am only a John Scurlock refreshing to see the editorial section* student and therefore this does not today is an 18 per cent hike in the oil tariffs, more or less Today in the mail I received a ticket for apply!) Farmhouse Fraternity State News on Monday. The vie«M state income tax. offsetting driving an unregistered vehicle on campus. expressed by the individuals and the® the rebates. Now the state comes Why does the Public Safety Dept. As I do not vehicle I assume News editorial staff show that thereB What all these changes really own a was a little because a vehicle is registered to the same along to take back the dollars exist on this campus a desire t0'ea[Jj mean is that nothing will change taxpayers were saving on the food upset. Upon further investigation I discovered the driver of the vehicle was my address that a student has that the student "Critical Period" and understand many kinds of pe"" for Michigan taxpayers. and drug tax repeal. Can brother. My brother is no longer a student must be driving it? I have enough things to their life styles. you win? do without running around trying to , Inflation persists, recession All you can do is make another at MSU and the truck is registered in his prove Believe it or not and realize it or not, the This is one part of education and ist| my innocence—something the Constitution continues and the federal govern¬ name. The reason I received the ticket is United States of America is in another why we all are here? neoreligious observation: the feds because my permanent address and the says I do not have to do. Karen S. Ac ment has failed, at least in and the state "Critical Period." As in the past, the work in mysterious address on the truck registration are the fundamental issues again are, "freedom and Michigan, in its effort to put ways. same and the Public Safety Dept. assumed Paula Zdrojkowski individual rights." These are two 528 Albert St. major concepts that must be thoroughly under¬ Blood drive stood, in order to be effectively defended. When and if the individual minds of MSU Wyatt Earp syndroi students can grasp their essential meaning, they will have gained an unbreakable It is not surprising that there isJ The American Red Cross has shown in foundation for working toward a political group willing to "fight" in Vietna the past week and a half that it can system that protects them, instead of less of whether the Vietnamese w cope with human need on a more personal level exterminating them. But until and unless to or not. They are not concerned w than most flood individuals (i.e. students and others) welfare of the Vietnamese - » 1 sightseers. There is no begin crime in sightseeing; floods don't happen to take their own life seriously, as a They are merely trying to full" , often. There is a crime, however, in passing "standard of value," freedom will be individual rights will be eroded, totalitarian lost, That is, to cater to the affliction American or Occidental mate »1 thj J up a different, simple and very personal way of showing both your states will continue to contend with. Namely, the wy * care for your arise, wars will fellow man and your support for the Red continue to breed future wars and in John Wayne-Guadalcanal-Charge ■ Cross. summary, conditions and situations like Light Brigade syndrome. j M April 30, a blood drive, sponsored by the these will always be inevitable. And It is no longer legal to bully American Red Cross and Farmhouse Fra¬ nonsense and senseless justifications will continue to flow from our intellectual class. Negros and other min°nties fflen white) and lord it over I ternity, opened in the Shaw Hall lower non ITS QMEIHYIM03NSISIENT lounge. By donating blood the people of control is coming sooner or a BASM&SH You as students must limits are now lower. It IS „ WITH (DNIEMfORW. MSU can show their concern and their and accept the power validity of your own rational faculty, .a Standards of decency/ appreciation for the work of the Red Cross. and begin to ask your instructors worth¬ expensive to operate large ca trucks (another symbol of manh 1 . Donating blood doesn't require long while questions, (i.e. hours at a roadblock questions about con¬ of the horse). .u-nnostl directing traffic; it that J» doesnt require nights in an cepts and their essential meanings.) Once Yet to be fair, I must say J flSHBPSH armory or you have grasped a conceptual understand¬ American males I have me 1 school assisting displaced families. It re¬ quires only your generosity and an hour or ing of the essential characteristics of younger) in this eountry an But different political systems, then and two of your valuable time. So drop on by only gentle and concerned with peop M then will you know which and help someone live. The people at the political system there is no profit in being g tJ protects freedom with people. Bu ^T CRUNCH clinic are the friendliest around. If your and individual cerned you're rights. Think about it. Here scared, come on in anyway, there are even not is a clue, it's another syndrome (profit) I folks to hold nervous hands. socialism. met *et roommate and give Bring your together. There are free Chuck Bean Antonio^! 140 Orchard St. 1512 Edge*0® ■ State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 1, 1975 5 ansing schools aid pregnant teenagers Bv CAROLYN FESSLER Today Barbara is continuing her educa¬ Held in two News SUM Writer tion without spacious classrooms con¬ Some of the girls come here ■ state having to face taunts from her nected by a because Regina, 15, had troubles at her high from an unsympathetic society, "comfor¬ Lara is 15 and pregnant. One day peer group and pressures from sleeping area in the Old West they had teachers who said 'We don't want school, too. table" seemed to be the girls' favorite principals, Junior High building West Lenawee you' in a nice way," Mitchell said. I walking down the hall of her high by attending Young Parents Educational on Street, YPED class keeps the the girls' friends had "%ny of "The father of my baby kept coming in to adjective describing their school. II she overheard the principal talking Development (YPED). four days a week. girls busy parents who didn't see me without a visitor's pass," the short "It is more comfortable," Kathy, a want their kids quiet L what a bad influence Barbara made It is associating with 'that kind brunette said. "He would hang around my 17-year-old said. "People don't avoid you YPED is the immediately obvious that these of girl.' But I'd Lansing School District's are say the staff at their schools locker bothering me and I was tired of |e rest of the girls. alternative program for pregnant school- no ordinary classrooms, despite the sunny pushing them out is the biggest reason for because you're pregnant. wooden floors and red-inked math hiding from him." Regina shifted her "Here I don't feel like Le of the other kids were always age girls. Though by law a pregnant tests on YPED's existence." position and her baggy sweatshirt revealed I've got an L me and some would say 'Oh, look at student may continue the teacher's desk. inferiority complex. .." Regina said. attending her regular Sandy, a delicate 17-year-old mother, said a rounded stomach underneath. ". .Because we're all the here," ■ara's stomach," Barbara said. "I don't school, 63 girls age 13 to 18 have . same opted to Blankets spread across two of the her teachers' attitudes forced her to leave "Plus I knew a lot of people there, and Terrell, a lively 16-year-old chimed in. ■ to be nowhere where I'm not wanted, attend YPED during the 1974-75 school study tables transform them into bassinettes and school. rumors about me had been "Either we got one or we're getting one." talked to my counselor." year. floating around cribs for the day, and five for a long time," she said. Two more expectant mothers strolled in girls cluster "They told me that if I stayed there I'd around a pink four-week old Louise, 15, agreed that it wasn't from lunch and settled down with their baby. Yarn probably fail because of all the credits I'd and crochet hooks instead of books and comfortable for her at her regular school. pens miss while on maternity leave. And if I embroidery and paperback books. The are strewn about the room. "I didn't want to walk around there second-hand textbooks lean idly against Myrna stayed in school I wouldn't have anyone to Mitchell, the 26-year-old instructor, chats take care of my pregnant," she said. "Seems like I wouldn't each other on the shelf. with baby. Here we are given fit in. They'd all be a student who is bottle-feeding her time to give birth and then allowed looking and talking at "We don't follow any set schedule with to bring me." the class," instructor Mitchell said. our babies. Voluntarily quarantining themselves "You've just got to ride the waves of the girls' moods." With all the girls at different grade level it is difficult for Mitchell to maintain academic excellence. Often there is only one copy of a textbook for the whole class, and it is usually quite worn and dated. "The schools are supposed to send the girls' books over with them but they never do," Mitchell said. "They say they don't have enough books for the students that are there and I ask how they would furnish the girls with books if they were still attending. I never seem to get an answer to that." Twice weekly the girls have "Family Living" class, where they learn maternity exercises, signs of labor and delivery breathing techniques. Care of their babies, however, is taught by classmates. "The 13 and 14-year-olds don't know the techniques of caring for an infant, but the older girls and the ones who have already delivered pull their ideas and methods together and help them." Mitchell said. "Pooling is important." Beliefs are pooled among the YPED girls too. There is a prevailing feeling against abortion and "giving the babies away" to an adoption agency. Out of the 64 babies born last year, 56 of them were kept by the mothers, 4 died and only 4 were put up for adoption. Mitchell said that it is good that the girls encourage each other to be proud of their motherhood, but that the strong push toward keeping the baby can be harmful. "I have seen some that should not keep their babies," she said. "They say I want labove) Child care does not get in the way of this high school J J ,, *1* someone to love me' after being rejected by parents and boyfriends. They think this girl's baby will give them love, but a baby can ucation at YPED in Lansing. Baby bottles and blankets are as only take." She shook her head sadly. portant as books and pens, (right) Attending class is an "The boyfriend can run from reality and - lye-opening experience even though this infant's attention is not " often escapes. Often the girl tries to run ected toward the instructor and the rest of the class. SN photos/Bob Kaye but it's right there with her. She keeps that child." Vfe 11 get you to Mr. B sWearhouse Home of the Year 'round sale. Europe this year Grand Opening ENDS MAY 3rd oneway Jeans $3. ea. or or another. * 2 $5 • Many styles If you thought higher air fares were in Europe, all you have to do is make your • Variety of fabrics f°r K°inn to cheat you out of your summer in reservations and pay for your ticket at Europe, we've got good news. least 2 months before your scheduled You don't have to have a lot of departure date. (You can make reservations $3. money to get to Europe on Pan Am. even earlier and since seats are limited Tops ea. or * Not if you take advantage of our it's a good idea.) Youth Fare's. If you have to cancel or change Formen & 2 ~$5 women And to take advantage of our Budget reservations before you start your trip for Fares you need even less Tanks, Halters money. (after a trip has begun, no change in reservations is permitted), the most you can T's, Jerseys Youth Fares lose is 10% or $50. whichever is higher. If you're between the ages of 12 and In limited circumstances, you'll get all your 21. and you want to roam around Europe back. All Reduced for money Spring for a few more than a days or a few months (but not date and give us year), pick your departure your name. Your seat may only be reserved 5 We have Budget Fares to cities all over Europe. Here are a few examples. From Detroit round trip to: London. $445: Frankfurt, $508. * Jackets Super days or less before the departure date. We have Youth Fares to cities all over These Budget Fares apply to flights Savings leaving between June 1 and August 31. Europe. Here are a few examples. After that, the fares are even lower. Come to 529 East Grand River, East Lansing From Detroit round trip to: If you leave on a Friday or Saturday, Open Mon. • Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sun. Noon to 5 p.m London. $456; Frankfurt, $469. or return on a Saturday or Sunday, add $ 15 Fares are slightly lower in May. each way to the fare. nese fares are valid for travel and August. June, July, For fares to other European cities or from other US. cities, contact your travel agent. lAAr.B'sf Garment Give-away 1st Prize $30 worth of clothes Budget Fares No matter what your age, if you're •RWAM Name. 2nd Prize $20 worth of clothes P anning spend between and 45 The to 22 days Spirit of 75. Street. 3rd Prize S1 0 worth of clothes City Drawing will be May 3rd, 1975. Winners will be notified immediately See your travel agent. Phone -ZiP- by phone or mail. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May J Student named MichigJ By JAMIE D.CONROY Each pose is supposed to lead gracefully into the following pose, Platz got involved in State New* Staff Writer much like a gymnastics routine. weightlifting to buildk- , body for high school football. But even The standing-room-only crowd watched the stage intently as Platz said he is not new to the contest scene, having won first through muscle magazines at the drumtorl beforet^ aS| each of the contestants lined up under bright lights to be '™ runner-up in the Teenage Mr. America contest in July, 1974. Universe contests on TV. He and scrutinized by the judgls. admired the di * * To enter a contest, it is not necessary to have previous participants. veloNbo But the stage was not in Atlantic City and Bert Parks was not competition experience, though few contestants enter on a lark. In there nor was Miss America. fact, most contestants have to be invited to participate in a Mr. way of performing everyday tasks such The crowd had come to see Mr. Michigan. as tvin. .T, Universe competition. says that his muscles do not hinder him at Tom Platz, a 19-year-old MSU sophomore, But Platz has no plans to turn professional yet. He would first all Th captured the become this year's state weight lifting chammon prestigious title at Oak Park High School. Not only did he win a like to get his physical education degree, maybe teach anatomy an pounds. His straight lift was 630 pounds, large bronze trophy as Mr. Michigan, but he walked away with do professional body building on the side. 550 and bench press of 365. followed hv separate trophies for best legs, chest, back and most muscular "I'd really enjoy the traveling a professional does. And I like a Platz may have both the Mr. ya lnj over-all. exchanging tips with other weightlifters," he said. "Almost Michigan title and th, For one month before the contest, Platz lifted championship, but he is not stopping there. This weights two hours everyone I know is involved in weight training one way or his muscles will travel to Florida to compete in each morning and two hours each evening, six another." U.T days a week. He Mr. U.S.A. contest. mpete in the So consumed four pounds of meat and 20 eggs daily and only drank water. His term for this kind of preparation is "insane." I So why did he do it? "It's fascinating to develop the body. I get a lot of satisfaciton working each body part completely," Platz said. The contest was the final end to the months of preparation. But Platz thinks it was worth it. "I'm bringing pleasure to all those people. A muscular not the usual thing you see on the body is Pay checks to increasi street," he said. He admits the as law cuts withholding contest is "sort of an ego trip." "People come up after the contest and want autographs. I think most girls dig the contest if they're exposed to it right," he said. This year's 13 contestants lined up side-by-side, in a semiflex position so the judges could check muscle balance while the muscles were relaxed. After the line-up, contestants posed Students, faculty and Uni¬ nance analyst in the MSU Additionally, the $750 increase in the MR. MICHIGAN individually under intense lights, which highlight muscle tone. versity employes will soon feel the effects of President Ford's Office of Financial Analysis. nal perso¬ exemption will be raised $30 The new tax Michigl Diaz explained the graduated to $780 for the taxpayer and credits* effect for tax - credit act as decreased tax will allow students and each additional dependent. University J federal withholdings will mean other low - income workers a beginning with the 1 Campus payroll for student J Crusode larger May. pay checks beginning in Public Law No. 94 -12, better known as the Tax Reduction proportionately larger tax re¬ lief. Single students earning more than $2,050 annually and Some Michigan taxpayers expressed concern that the new increase in the Michigan income May 23 for I May 30 for monthly. 1 personnel and June I married students earning more tax, up to 4.6 per cent from 3.9 graduate assistants, Act of 1975, takes into consid- than $2,800 will be affected f alters name, not eration the increase in the standard deduction, the new tax credit for personal the new changes. The new low - income allowance for by single per cent, would counter the tax credits provided by the federal government. Diaz explained Diaz said all how much will be person inquiry savafl should be din| exemp- taxpayers will be $2,350 and the federal changes will far the MSU payroll I ByKURTSNYDER tions, the new earned income $3,400 for married taxpayers. overshadow the .7 per cent creating the wrong image with they feel is aimed at atheists in cusses the theories and argu¬ tax credit and the increased low 355-5010. 1 The Campus Crusade the first name," Felton said at college teaching positions and ments concerning the existence income allowance. The rates Against Christ is now called the Tuesday's meeting. job opportunities. of deities. Atheist Alternative, but found¬ become effective for wages paid "We're anti-theological," he "A person can still have He mentioned he received er William after April 30 through Dec. 31, Felton, 2780 E. said. "We're not Satanists. ethics and morals without reli¬ "zero response" to a letter Grand River Ave., says the 1975. And we're not anti-Christ in the gion," member said. student organization's attitudes one published in the State News in "The act will give tax payers Christian sense of the word. The crowd, both pro and con, which he challenged "anyone, more purchasing have not changed. We power to re¬ question the existence of at the group's first meeting in nearly anywhere," to debate invest in the economy," said "The group felt it was Satan as well as God." early February was very large, with him the existence of God. Manuel Diaz, business and fi- The group will have a display according to Felton. He said case in the Union next week as there are now about 12 "solid Vote called for part of a publicity campaign members" in the organization. that will include attempts for The cookbook for the on utilities bill public service spots on radio Felton said reactions to him and television. Atheist Alternative mem¬ and the organization have been world we're living in LANSING (UPI) - Senate split between those who agree bers said the publicity will be with him and people who try to Taxation Chairman John T. to. geared to make people serious¬ reassure him of God's Bowman, D-Roseville, is calling ly reconsider their current existence. Now in for legislative action on a bill aimed at religious beliefs. Felton, a senior and a a brand-new, preventing exorbitant rate increases for electric util¬ The organization is also con¬ philosophy major, said the completely revised cerned with discrimination that ity companies. Atheist Alternative mainly dis¬ & updated edition! The bill would require utili¬ Economical, nutritious, ties to submit detailed plans of Ni delicious—the basic any new construction projects guide to high protein to be financed by a rate t meatless cooking. How increase as well as documenta¬ PET AND HOBBY SHOP to combine plentiful tion of the need for the new non-meat foods to pro¬ plant. duce the high-grade pro¬ * TROPICAL FISH O'DEll AQUARIUMS tein in meat; everyday EUROPEAN CAR RENTALS GERBILS and party recipes; cook¬ RENT YOUR CAR IN HOLLAND ing and shopping tips; LIMITED EDITION GUINEA PIGS THIS YEAR AND REALLY SAVE. how to get the most pro¬ VW or Fiat only $9.00 per day IN¬ HAMSTERS tein for the least cost J/Uhehl CLUDING 100 free KM's dally. * SUPPLIES and calories. Illustra¬ Larger cars- campers at similar sav¬ tions, charts, index. ings. MINIMUM RENTAL AGE HILTON and MARRINGA 826 Marin, Vallejo, Ca. 94590 18. A million copies sold— "it makes all other ! cookbooks obsolete" Only $1.95 wherever paperbacks are sold tPemkml • ©BALLANTINE BOOKS in Genuine Pewter and Natural Bronze| 0 Each pendant is numbered, with its registration card. Back is engravable to ad 0 THE MOST COMPLETE PET SHOP IN LANSING personal touch. IM0 485-5000 The feeling of gift giving is enhanced wi ►elivery 3921 W. Saginaw Rd. J** W. of Wa»«riy attractive deluxe velvet box and fascinat romance story about the pendant. A sf MEJAC TV RENTALS"""' Mon-Sat 10-8 p.m. Sunday 1-5 p.m. touch of elegance is added for the recipient wti 337 - lQIfl they discover that their pendant is registered! I YOUR BEST DIAMOND VALUES The medallions are meticulously die struck. SilvJ produced from pewter, gold from br GRINDER! are COME FROM Each dangles gracefully on a 24" chain. The best only $9S FCXS taste money can buy DIRECT DIAMOND IMPORTERS Pendant shown Actual Size Many oth«r Mother's Day Gifts. Mother's Day - May 11th I >vV MtfClNTH E.Grand only at 319 BELL'S PIZZA 225 MAC 332-5027 OPEN 11 AM EVERYDAY FREE DELIVERY DELIVERED Petitioning Open for is all FAST AND FRE| ASMSU Cabi¬ net Directors, to your door. Standing Com¬ mittees and other ASMSU appointed posi¬ tions. Petitions Just call and ask for are available in 334 Student Ser- "THE LUNCH TIME May 7. is. Deadline VfeCardShop 309 E. Grand Rim - East Laming 332-6763 SPECIAL" delivered from 11 - 4 daily. Grand ft"! Wwkdiyi 4 'till 9 p.m. ,icl,igan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 1, 1975 7 iss menaces Lansing /ith outrageous antics nAV'E Hi MARTINO spades. smoke and fire. blood in time with each tfiud. JteNews Reviewer Any good rock and roll band should easily be able While it may be all in ■ has a real understanding its to rouse night's work for the New York a In the long run, the group is rock and roll business, audience and, to some doing nothing now that it extent, control it. The Kiss band, the audience, predomi¬ didn't do last October at the roup's performance Tues- nantly very young and from concert was a clear iiht at Lansing's Metro - cut case of Brewery, and that's a very Lansing, ate the effects up like *na displayed nothing, if dominance and submission ta¬ ken to its candy. Every smoke bomb and relevant point for a band such highest degree. The as Kiss. True, the group fare the essentials at Lansing crowd was up on its feet for the entire every police siren drew louder whoops of appreciation. doesn't rely strictly on visuals, but the quality of its music is ive concert situation? performance, Masters of effects, Kiss li¬ _ lots of it and the enthusiastically screaming, vened up a typical slow moment minimal to fair at best. While • the better and show- clapping and cheering in appre¬ the band is indeed talented at ciation, the band unleashed by spotlighting bassist Gene |ip Kiss certainly has as churning out those heavy metal its usual Simmons, as he continuously those ingredients in onslaught of blood, power chords, it qualitatively pounded one note — spitting up falls flat on its collective face in moments of improvisations. In fact, Kiss has now released iii band's tec three albums in little over one year's time and most of the newer material is even less interesting than the band's older work. Considering that /oids stifling they have yet to markedly change their stage show in that time, Kiss definitely is in need of a brief vacation. A group that thrives on ideas shouldn't Lrtinsommerness by Steve Miller, bass; pate what a group plays only run out of them. * t toys look like strange David Jane way, piano; Dan about half the time," Clark said. Casey, drums; Tom Arvidson, But for newcomers, the Kiss [for making music, but "If the audience knows every¬ Director Michael Anderson and producer Ire just a part of Penta- flute, alto and tenor thing the group is going to do, show was as dazzling as ever. program. Pal has earned 25 awards for his film k musical arsenal of in- saxophones, and Clark, tenor they get bored fast. If they Most of the Lansing audience, George Pal work on the set of "Doc Savage: The work, including seven Oscars. He is both jnts. saxophone and percussion. don't recognize probably witnessing the group Man of Bronze," a soon-to-be released adven¬ I baby roller toy is an Clark said the two saxophone anything, they for the first time, was of course ture film based on producer and writer for the new Doc Savage - get bored just pulp novels of the 1930s. Pal Eg little instrument," said instrumentations did not melo- as fast. That is suitably impressed. That, by will speak at 8 films, which he expects to develop as a series. why we keep some Chick Corea and large, is all the p.m. today in Conrad The pulp novels numbered b quintet's leader, Roger dically limit the group. songs in the book. When the group Auditorium. Clips from his previous films, "War 181, when they came wants. Its "We love you, out monthly before World War II. ["It adds high frequency "With two saxes, we can ordinary guy on the street of the Worlds," "Naked Jungle" and "The Time Sixty of the to tbe mu$ic. It has an open up harmonic possibilities hears that, he should be able to Lansing" cry must have been stories have been fie sound that even taken to heart, as Kiss received Machine" will be shown before his lecture and reprinted for modern not available to just one lead recognize it." audiences and Pal would like to see [people laugh when they instrument," he said. "The Before the group began one two encores at the end of their clips from "Doc Savage" will be shown after. A them translated into film. many of performance. [they like it." flute and sax combination gives of its sets, a waitress question-and-answer session will complete the lagram appeared last us a chance to be mellow." brought a Next time Et the Peanut Barrel, request from an anonymous should around, Kiss The poet. The note read: bring a little more [quintet, Clark said, was group's repertoire in¬ imagination with their rock and H in 1974 due to the lack cludes songs by Freddie "I was down and out, but roll. In the meantime, the e groups in the East Hubbard, Horace Silver and your music is keen. I was group that is "Hotter Than STATE NEWS SPORTS ig Sonny Rollins. area. I play for ourselves and . "Our music stems from wondering if you could play some Turrentine. Hell" should cool it. 355-3320 Study laficionados of jazz. Our Thanks to Charlie Parker bop and you, this place is alive. How goes all [is very lucky. Everybo- Iributes something to the Ijust like the Pentagram the way up to about Clark said. "There is a juke box 1990," about playing Brubeck's 'Take Five?'" The note THEATRE le are a continuous unit," syndrome in this country. Most pleased Clark. flark, pointing to the groups play what everybody "I'll have to save that for my can hear on the radio. We are ■logo: a star with its five I ■intertwined. the members of the not into that bag at all. scrapbook," he said, as the set began before the appreciative audience. London "We try to do lure good listeners and some experi¬ Igto what the other guys menting with our music, we play a few original tunes writ¬ July3-August 1,1975 lying helps create of lot of ten by metnbers of the RENT II group interplay," he said, and we never play the same term ty to keep the energy of song the same way twice. isicand audience high for Repetition is stifling." ana $10 ACTING THEATRE HISTORY ■le of songs and then aenvery month K the tension with some Clark said good music groups NEJAC TV RENTALS iweet." I conventional instru- try to keep the listener gues¬ sing. 1010 V0|(E CREATIVE DRAMATICS lin the group are played "The audience has to antici¬ MOVEMENT For more information Or Contact attend the meeting in 0,,ice of Overseas Study the Room 102 Bessey Hall Tonight. May 1,1975 '08 Center ,or International Progroms 7:00 p.m. "3-8921 University Mali's j open thursday and friday nights until nine * * * Gallery of Shops * (over the Alle'Ey and Stangers) * * The University Mall Has Expanded It's Stores * * Variety Galore! as natural as its earthy ** SALOON^ color. . Miss J's T-strapped sandal of soft latigo leather has the soul of on a wooden wedge. Flexible. . . Average White Band ■nit|C r« °nd ®au,i'u' woman who sings like Bonnie both in movement and the many Maggie Bell Combined? possibilities for casual ward¬ InDay'T D°"ar Sa'oon Proudly presents robe coordination. Ankle strap lopular BQ^dAY 4' at 8 P-m- Germany's Most is adjustable and the sole is rubber. . a great fun-step into summer by Buskens. 51/2 to Add: Roma's Bakery! Candle Genesis! 10 Medium sizes. $16 Tobacco Road! Magic! Shirt Shack! TICKETS Games! The Art Gallery! J and more are coming soon! But don't wait! Stop in and enjoy everything Now! [ Av°ilable at Discount Records, Pet Sounds °nd the Silver Dollar yi Monday thru Thursday 10:00-5:30 — Coming Mon, May 5 ^ J ★★★★★★★★★★*★★★★★*********** Thursday thru Saturday 9:30-9:30 Hurry On Up! ^ )f Jacobson'B 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May! Herb, Ernie: f/'mel jus By LARRY MORGAN comedy team, which the two of "You can't win if for the summer, so we did it." State News Sport. Writer them would have no trouble you're clowning around and It was typical for them to Personalities." ■ Their actions on and off the filling. But for now it is just the that's what we're playing for, to teach the class together be¬ J^nd because foe them thJ field are as different as night names of the "Dented Helmet" win." ■» cause when the team the next 21 goes on other hotel Peden and residjl and day. Other players on the award winners for the two past And when they are playing, the road for matches, Herb and MSU lacrosse team jokingly years. they are two of the finer Ernie are Inseparable. Burke*,, 1 call them Amos 'n Andy once in The Dented Helmet presen¬ party they were havi players on the Spartan squad. Burkeen laughingly remem¬ the two a while, but mostly they are ted to the team clown at the Burkeen is noted for his bered the time in New York stickmen J known only as Herb and Ernie. conclusion of each season but excellent defensive ability as a when the two of them were Partyers. ■ Herb is actually Spartan We had this may have to be awarded to midfielder as he uses his quick¬ sitting at the hotel bar and kept then! midfielder Dave Peden and his the clown team. ness and physical style of play Peden told the bartender he night with how our party,3 cohort is Ernie Burkeen, also a Once a game starts, however, as his main assets. "refused to drink they knew We1 sitting next to Party so much," fi midfielder for the MSU stick- the fooling around stops. Like Burkeen, and most of a nigger," disavowing any Peden laughed. men. "We have to stay serious the other team members, friendship with Burkeen. But even The "Herb and Ernie" tag Peden had never played la¬ thougl during the game," Burkeen When Peden continued to to have a good could be a billing for some said, while Peden nodded crosse before coming to MSU a- carry on, the fellow next to him m , sometimes costs nor did he really know what the began buying him drinks. But then'l game was. when he said something dis¬ money for repairing times, they do t|J "It takes about three years courteous about Burkeen, interfere with not 1 to really pick it up and really Peden jumped up, told the "We never practice I know what you're doing," said gentleman he should not say know , "e Peden, who is noted for his such things about his good going to have pr»fl where it's stickhandiing. buddy, and he and Burkeen going J Burkeen said. "One But he and Burkeen under¬ walked away. ti had to practice in stood the game enough to teach A game celebration the p«i on that Jenison a class together last summer same trip brought the wrath of Fieldhouse hi there wasn't for the MSU Health, Physical the hotel manager down on As the two of anywhere 1 The deadline for entry and paying green fees for the nine-hole Education and Recreation Peden and Burkeen and they over another incident them 3 women's intramural mixed team golf tournament has been Dept. were subsequently confined to Hf "We were the only two signaled that they be™ extended to noon today. their room. back to practice. people on campus who knew "We just like to party," With that, SN photo/Daniel Shutt they puti Entries can be turned in to 103 Women's Intramural Bldg. enough about it to teach," Burkeen grinned. "And all the helmets back on and The antics of Dave Peden (left) and Ernie Burkeen Peden smiled. "Fred Hartman, ril (right), alias Herb and The tourney will be held beginning at 8 a.m. Sunday on MSU's parties end up in our room. I the field laughing and J Ernie, keep hotel managers alert wherever they Forest Akers East course. (MSU lacrosse coach) was gone guess everyone just likes our each other with go. their stJ Post deadline entries will be accepted at the course if tee-off Men netters tally sunny win times are available. To promote a more balanced entry by both men and women, A NOSTALGIC RETROSPECTN each person entering must have a partner of the For the first time this Tuesday the weather was right season and the MSU men's tennis team freshman Kevin McNulty. MSU captured doubles wins at the No. 2 spot from Zabor no trouble with them." Illinois, however, is going to Partners may be spouses of full-time students, members. opposite faculty or sex. staff OF CLASSIC 1950's TELEVISION be tough Friday against the got a chance to play on their and Woyahn and at No. 3 from presented by Spartans. Last year, with MSU There will be both individual and team winners, and contests, outdoor home courts. They Callow and McNulty. hosting, the Dlini edged the responded with ference win over a 7 - 2 noncon- Central Mich¬ The netters go on the road Spartan racquetmen, 5 - 4. including a longest drive contest and will be held for both men and women. a nearest-to-the-pin contest KARMA FILM SOCIETY this weekend, heading into Big igan. The Ten competition against Illinois victory gave MSU a 4 - and Purdue. ASMSU GREAT ISSUES PRESENTS * • 10 over - all season record. Singles wins came at the No. "If lose to Purdue Satur¬ Richard Ben-Veniste we 1 spot from junior Larry Stark, day, we might as well start at No. 2 from junior Rick Zabor, thinking about finishing tenth Assistant Prosecutor to Loon Jaworski at No. 4 from freshman Lee in the conference," MSU coach Woyahn, at No. 5 from senior Stan Drobac said. "They are Dick Callow and at No. 6 from spooking on improved, but we should have "Relationships of White Collar Crime and Prosecution on Society" Thursday May 1 8:15 p.m. Fairchild Theatre JOHN FORD/7 FILMS (daw* open at 7:00 p.mj Directors' Choice Film Series Froo to students with M.S.U. ID A Retrospective Tribute to America's Greatest Director also A Bicentennial Presentation of Lecture-Concert Series Zolton Ferency and Richard Ben-Veniste The sixth film of this series: speaking on "Campaign Contributions and White Collar Crime" Thursday afternoon 3:30 p.m. Erickson Kiva (Free to students) MT DARLING featuring: SUPERMAN (1956) Streak! Streak! Falling for the oldest trick in the books, J.oi* is caught on the ropes. But what's a little twine to the man of steel? GROUCHO MARX IN YOU BET YOUR LIFE (1955) Groucho's insane contestants tonite include the zoo keeper from San Francisco who sleeps with the animals! Don't miss the Mad Duck who pops in when the Secret Word is said! RICHARD NIXON'S CHECKERS SPEECH (1953) Accused af accepting bribes, the former President responds Within the Hmits of the traditional most with th# Western and the well-known story of transparently fraudulent and hysterically funny speech in the history of American politics. This one will Wyatt Earp (the showdown at the OK bring the house downl Corral), Ford fashioned a classic with his concentration on characterization and photography. This film is considered to THURSDAY-MAY 1-8:00 pm ELVIS PRESLEY ON ED SULLIVAN (1955) be one of Ford's most important mature Westerns because of his reworking of Pure magical nostalgia as Elvis pounds out Love Me Tender & Don't Be legend in terms of his own lyric style. CONRAD AUDITORIUM Cruel. And he was censored from the waist downl The film stars Henry Fonda, Linda Darnell, Victor Mature, Tim Holt, dhd Walter Brennan. (1946) 97 minutes b&w RHA presents GEORGE PAL, well known director, special OZZIE AND HARRIETT (1957) e fects wizard, winner of eight Academy Awards for his Don't miss it. Called Father's ONE SHOWING ONLY 7:00 PM films including "War of the Night At The Fraternity, this one features pounding out some Golden Oldies. ^Iso stars the absurd Wallyl Ricky Worlds" and "The Time Machine." He will appear FRIDAY, MAY 2 MSU FAIRCHILD THEATER Conrad Auditorium. Thursday May 1 st at 8 p.m. in Admission is $1.25 at the door SERGEANT BILKO (1958) or Directors' Choice Series Ticket Pal will talk about his brilliant career in Stars Phil Silvers. A show clips from the films he made filmmaking and on the night of Colonel laugh riot as Bilko leads his plptoon to a wedding famous. He will also Thil one features a fall's War Games. This is the way the Army vvas? COMING MONDAY, MAY 5 show scenes from his newest feature special added*clip on the evils of reefer cigarettes. "Doc Savage THE MAN WHO SHOT The Man of Bronze," scheduled for release this June. Thurs. 402 Computer Center 7 & 9:15 pm ADMISSION $2.00 Fri & Sat 107 S. Kedzie 7,9:15 & Midnight TICKETS ON SALE AT UNION TICKET OFFICE & AT THE DOOR ADMISSION*1.75 At the Karma Record Shoppe you can buy albums from our store, sell Y°ur«' us, or trad* your albums in for different ones. Karma is located In room 3'-» Sorv. Bldg. Mon. • Frl., 2 - 5 p.m., phono 353-7217 Michigan State News, East,Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 1, 1975 9 Hot Spartan hurlers cool Irish bats By MIKE LITAKER lamps between innings this weekend when Mahan State News Sports Writer (4-2) goes 15 in the sixth. Duane Bickel against Michigan ace Chuck Rogers in Ann Arbor enjoyed pitching in the 70-degree weather Bickel (5-1) comes back against U-M at home Saturday ^ind Designated hitter Rick Seid picked up some soothing relief for I Sunday. uesday in South Bend, Ind., enough to hurl a his bruised hand in the seventh with a lead-off single. After four-hit, 9-0 shutout After Bickel breezed over Notre Dame. through the Irish line-up with 10 driving home a pair of runs in the first game, third sacker Randy strikeouts, Mahan locked up in a pitcher's dual witli freshman Don George Mahan didn't seem to mind the warm breeze either, as Pruitt worked his two-base magic for the second time of the day he Wolfe, who recorded a no-hitter last week against Butler. came back in the nightcap to finish the when his double brought Seid home to tie the doubleheader sweep Notre Dame staked Wolfe to a 1-0 lead in game. over the Irish, 2-1, in MSU baseball the bottom of the sixth Al Weston followed the If warmth is what the action. before the Spartans went to work at the plate in their last bats. hot-hitting Pruitt with a single to send Spartan hurlers have been needing, then MSU second baseman Joe Palamara pinchrunner Craig Gerard scampering home with the winning run coach Danny Litwhiler would had dropped a single on the to raise the stick his prize pair under heat right field line to end Wolfe's consecutive hitless Spartan's nine's season record to 19-11. inning string at "They made some crucial errors and we got some basehits when we needed them," said Litwhiler. The Spartans have now won six out of their last seven Softball squad games with five of the triumphs coming on the road. And if the team is going to put together a winning streak, it couldn't come at a better time with the home-and-home-series coming up with the When the Calvin Wolverines. College defensive game Tuesday," think the team may be getting a Michigan heads into the weekend battle with a 5-1 Big Ten women's Softball team informed tonight." Snively said. little apathetic. Gloria Becksford will pitch record, having dropped t-beir lone conference game to Minnesota MSU coach Margo Snively Sophomore Gwen White "They took it Tuesday that its budget didn't way too easy the first game tonight, with two weeks ago. l^IStfleads the conference pack with a perfect 5-0 picked up the victory for the against Calvin Tuesday. If we White hurling for the second, mark. allow it to pay for an umpire for Spartans, allowing four hits, had to play Grand Valley before the second game of its schedu- four walks and striking out led doubleheader, the having played the Lansing Spartans three. The win lifted her Laurels Wednesday, I'd be made sure they enjoyed the season record to 4 -1. quite scared. I'm hoping having first game. SN photo/John Dickson . Snively is concerned, though, played the Laurels, who are an And MSU couldn't have en¬ about tonight's doubleheader excellent team, will pick them lunging Spartan rightfielder A1 Weston gave joyed it more, as it whipped against Grand Valley State in up for the Grand Valley games llSU a doubleheader sweep over Notre Dame Calvin, 10 -1, upping its season record to 9 1. The Allendale. luesday with a second game seventh-inning - Spartans "I'm a little concerned about also took advantage of the good the girls being tired since this >gle. weather, playing their first will be their third straight errorless game of the. season. game," Snively explained. "But "We played an outstanding what really worries me is that I 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Mayl J Big By MARY ANN CHICK Al They carried wads of news¬ thrown until Mandelstamm explainsecoschlectic$l some One said. "You're cheap, due to four kinds of lags: don't work State News Staff Writer out papers with them, ready to stood ankle-deep in them. cheap, cheap." economical, presidential, con¬ A standing ovation from 300 throw at Handsome One, who Front row students kidded Mandelschlet, another alias gressional and action. „ M^delstamm perf-J chicka admirers greeted the Hand¬ left MSU last year to teach at him about gaining too much for The Handsome One, in¬ "I wish you had asked me boom, cheer for the chic^J last time ■ some One, alias Al Mandel- Virginia Polytechnical Institute weight, when Mandelstamm sulted MSU students by calling here three months ago, when I for the 25 stamm, former MSU economics (VPI). had trouble putting the mic¬ the VPI students and "Mighty was predicting this," Mandel¬ after the students wL J professor when he returned One minute after the sche¬ Gobbler" football team superior lecture rophone around his neck. stamm said. "Now I'm only from the Virginia hills on duled start of the economic "I did not gain an ounce," he to MSU. saying what everyone else is Monday to lecture on ecosch- lecture, no Handsome Al ap¬ said, as he shook his 300 pound "I should explain to you that saying." "The next time I C0Itel lectics. peared. The crowd shouted body. superior means brighter," The Mandelstamm said the infla¬ People will be carrvi l The various cries for stories "We want Al." Stopping, they After hearing students had Handsome One said. tion is over for awhile and casket through the cheering crowds" i!X| throughout the serious eco¬ wadded up more newspaper to paid 50 cents to hear him, he. But even though a short unemployment will only get a nomic lecture went throw at him. delstamm said. unans¬ told them "You've been story was told and a few. little worse and then be over in wered, because Mandlestamm, Murmurs of "I remember cheated, I got Ron Ziegler's humorous incidents were six months when a little infla¬ Then his the first ASMSU Great Issues that" were heard, when an wife, kissed him and the MarrJ fee." sprinkled throughout the lec¬ tion will again set in. speaker of the year, said he was 18-minute film of some of his Mandelstamm did not strip to ture, most of it serious. But Mandelstamm said he walked towards two J here to talk about economics, lectures began. The film in¬ the waist to lecture, but did Mandelstamm explained that would run for U.S. President in their '65 waiting t° carry them V not tell stories. cluded the stories about why take his "President Ford, our great b» purple tie and shirt off 1976, if Ford's economic plans the hills. Most of the audience con¬ the chimes rang, mandelbucks, to reveal leader from Grand Rapids, sits bright orange t-shirt sisted of former Mandelstamm a waist-up strip tease, and the with a Virginia gobbler on the in,Washington, playing with his students, but some were stu¬ day a gorilla and lion tamer front. vast organs, fiscal and mone¬ dents who had heard the le¬ visited his class. Minutes later, Mandelstamm tary policies, making every¬ gends of the economics pro¬ And finally, the Handsome criticized the audience for not thing wonderful." fessor who gave "schlect" tests. One appeared from behind a supporting him in the recent "But what happens today Almost all stayed to listen, as white curtain. The clapping does not have Top Turkey contest in which he an effect on the he traced the last 15 years of started and soon the entire cast a majority of his own economy today," Mandelstamm economic history showing how audience was standing and votes. said. it was responsible for today's cheering for the return of the "I even sold my '64 Ford and Mandelstamm said the cur¬ unemployment and inflationary economic professor who never that wasn't enough," the Hand¬ rent economic situation was situation. finished a story, tangoed for the Students started lining up class and sat on sleeping stu¬ MANDELSTAMM one hour before he was sche¬ dents. Paper wads were duled to speak. Almost 300 of 'More of trip than them were admitted, but 50 a 200irT| Producers warned never made it inside the lecture room because there were not - San Francisco Examine! enough seats. UNIVERSITY flUDITORIUl about fish disease Saturday, Ulay 3 2 6 8 10 pm #2.50 mSU Students, Faculty A top salmonoid specialist and Staff warns that whirling disease, which resulted in Michigan $3 General Admission destroying 2.5 million salmon and trout fry destined for Tickets available at Union planting this year, probably Ticket! will spread to "other major Office or at Door fish-producing states." Ludwig Frankenberger, a BE PREPRRED! Laser light. Flashing, growing, Colors covering the walls around you and! pulsating! within you as the music pounds out the beat ! Floating ... dancing ... engulfing. Unique!! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 1, 1975 1 1 ..-•V High Blood Pressure Month seeks to apply cuffs on killer By BRIAN HOUGH •Only 112,000 are now re¬ SUte News Staff Writer ing that is recognized as the ment program. The Committee on Consumer ceiving adequate treatment. danger signal which would re¬ The A silent killer is Committee on Treat¬ Issues will try to remove some stalking the Medication and treatment quire referral of the person to nation and forces on the feder¬ ment Program Models will at¬ of the barriers which have kept al, state and local level will be can effectively detect and con¬ appropriate treatment tempt to consolidate trol high blood commun¬ people from seeking treatment. pressure, facilities. ity The trying to put the "cuffs" on him though there is no known resources, sponsor educa¬ Committee on Imple¬ this month. Though normal blood pres¬ tion programs and make treat¬ mentation will work to coordi¬ cure. The problem lies in sure varies The killer is high blood depending on a host ment more accessible. nate programs at the state and getting people to take advan¬ of variables, the task force It will also call for revision of pressure, which claims one of local level. tage of available services and wishes to establish a specific the Medical Practice Act and every nine Michigan residents As part of local participation expanding existing programs. blood pressure ratio as the Nurse Practice Act to allow for as a potential victim, and the MSU students who want in Michigan High Blood Pres¬ normal level for those under 40 "cuffs" are blood pressure cuffs, expanded role for physician ROMS an sure Month, state their blood pressure checked and work from there to estab¬ legislators used to take blood pressure assistants and nurses in hyper¬ will have their blood pressures can have it done at the Univer¬ lish a chart of blood tensive cases. readings. pressure checked May 8 by 15 high sity Health Center. If further readings, which would require The Committee on Patient May was designated National school students trained by the treatment is required, patients referral to a doctor. High Blood Pressure Month by are referred to Sparrow Hospi¬ Management Systems will es¬ University of Michigan School The task force has also set up tablish specific screening stan¬ of President Ford and as High tal. Nursing. Gov. Milliken has four committees to examine dards and treatment guide¬ Blood Pressure Month for But facilities for treatment of not said, however, if he will be different aspects of the treat¬ lines. Michigan by Gov. Milliken. people with high blood pressure present. Milliken's declaration urged all could become overcrowded. civic, scientific, medical and "If all the untreated educational organizations to hyper¬ tensives in Michigan showed Ferency: up give recognition to the pro¬ blem. MSU students should be at health care centers now, we couldn't treat them," said an official of the Michigan Assn. state aware that anyone can have for Regional Medical Programs. high blood college pressure, though the age group shows a lower frequency level. The increase in case load per doctor, if all hypertensives reported for treatment, has would aid Dia "High blood pressure is not a been estimated as high as 140 high incidence problem at patients. LANSING (UPI) — Human Rights party MSU, but we can't deny it's Even the University in Mount Pleasant Wednesday night. so, association Chairman Zolton Ferency has called for a state He here," said Dr. James Feurig, released the statement to newsmen in urges high blood pressure suf¬ takeover of the financially disabled Diamond Reo director of the University ferers to report for treatment Lansing before leaving for CMU. Truck Co., so the nation's 10th largest truck Health Center. "Students not "There's really only for personal health manufacturer can continue operations. nothing unusual about publicly areh't as likely to be hyperten¬ owned and operated automotive industries," he reasons, but also for economic sives as Uhiversity employes." reasons. The average cost to a said. "Volkswagen and Renault are two Ferency, his party's gubernatorial candidate good Generally, persons over 40 person who has a heart attack last year, said the state could purchase thtf examples of how it can be done. who are overweight and con¬ is $10,000 in medical bills and Lansing-based firm for "a small fraction" of its sume high salt diets are the lost wages. If surgery is overall operating budget. "It seems ridiculous to be hoping for a favorite prey of the silent killer. k'^-uvi: Men are more likely to be hypertensives than women and required, the costs skyrocket. Prevention, in the form of a yearly check - up, is the "Rather than just standing around their hands and crying over the loss of hundreds wringing government takeover of Diamond Reo and other faltering U.S., industries by Arab governments using petrodollars, when we are in a position to high blood pressure is a leading cheapest way to fight heart of jobs, the politicians in take them cause of death among Lansing should take over ourselves using our own tax black disease. immediate action to save those jobs and possibly dollars." Americans. And that is what is being gain an opportunity to create hundreds more in A recent report released by stressed in the plan proposed the future," he said. Diamond Reo has been placed in receivership the Professional Advisory Task by the task force on the basis of Ferency's remarks were prepared for a Human pending a hearing Friday to determine whether Force on High Blo®d Pressure, their report. Rights party meeting at Central Michigan its creditors want to liquidate the firm's debts. a group of health and social Currently, Michigan has no science professionals who are standard blood pressure read¬ examining Michigan's high blood pressure problem, con¬ THIS MONTH AT tained these additional shock¬ SN photo/Leo Salinas ing statistics: •An estimated one million 2izQi°d| With the temperature soaring campus. Warm weather is Mikchigan residents are MAY 1,2&3 THURSDAY-SATURDAY Vtothe 70s Wednesday students expected for today also, but who thought to have high blood pressure. e seen sacking out all tell for over can sure. •More than half are unaware that they have this disease. BUCKSHOT "PROGRESSIVE COUNTRY-ROCK" leeler designated MAY 8,9&10 THURSDAY-SATURDAY THE JIM SCHWALL BAND in Arbor Mayor "THE BLUES- MAY 15,16&17 THURSDAY-SATURDAY I ARBOR (UPI) — Albert H. Wheeler began his first day as ■Wednesday with a pledge to move swiftly on municipal THE BRYAN LEE BLUES BAND lleft hanging during prolonged legal and political fighting l election. MAY 22.23 & 24 THURSDAY- SATURDAY hearing in ceremony was scheduled more than three weeks |eIE.scored a narrow victory over Republican incumbent THE MOJO-BOOGIE BAND Stepehenson in a controversial preferential voting I election. "BOOGIE & BLUES- Pt to get together with the city council as soon as possible," r 59-year-old University of Michigan microbiologist, a MAY 29,30,31 & 1 THURSDAY-SUNDAY ptand Ann Arbor's first black mayor. HICKORY WIND Iler was certified as mayor late Tuesday night, 22 days "PROGRESSIVE COUNTRY" Wled dispute and confusion over the outcome of the April prel election held under the novel preferential voting k 2-24"ab"BO"" a PROFESSIONAL BACKGAMMON Truthful, soulful EXHIBITION songs for the young FRI.-MAY-2 American woman, ALLE-EY suns to guitars, bass BEGINS AI 6P.M. ana acoustic cow. Introducing the Deadly Nightshade-Helen Hooke, Anne Bowen, and Pamela Brandt. Three very accomplished musicians, making music you can relate.to: soft, lyrical, incisive, intelligent. It's all for you (and for the men who respect you), and all sung in a joyful, celebrating sort of way. SPONSORED BY Look for the new Deadly Nightshade album, and listen for the acoustic cow. THE GAME SHOPPE (above AlleEy) and CAVENDISH NORTH BACKGAMMON CLUB t 'BEGINNERS LESSONS Manufactured and Distributed by RCA Records and Tapes. Ui-^J 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May J Legislator eyes pay toilet bat points to aunt's embarrassmei By WILLIAM J. HOLSTEIN Senate State Affairs Commit¬ be free — the air we breathe dime in your pocket, you're LANSING (UPI) - Sen. tee Tuesday. and the toilets we use," McCol¬ without toilet facilities," he Patrick McCollough, D-Dear- "So the very distinguished lough said. added. bom, says the legislature The measure would ban pay lady in her 80s had to crawl He said women, particularly should ban pay toilets in public under the stall," he said. toilets in gas stations, airports, Bus Assn. places to avoid embarrassing mothers traveling with small bus stations, restaurants, ho¬ stations which opLj Detroit, andbyNiCfl children, find that pay toilets situations for people like his The committee put off action tels and similar places. But it great aunt. on a bill sponsored by McCol¬ discriminate against them. was unclear whether it would which maintains 1,500 J lock de "A great aunt of mine at lough banning pay toilets in McCollough said his- bill cover department stores as Michigan. Metro Airport, through the public buildings until it can would "afford a great deal of well. Alton Powers, relief to persons in urgent the cor malfunction of the device, was clarify just what buildings Mrs. Elizabeth Compton, district manager for MuJ locked in a stall and nearly should be included. need of toilet facilities. who pulled a roll of toilet tissue said locks on missed her plane," he told the "Some things in life ought to "If you're a person without a from her purse to dramatize the s a valuable toiletdoo«J safeguard J pay toilet problem, also told the loitering and vandaj committee that pay toilets help building owners to J should be outlawed. the cost of operating rest™ Compromise "It's ridiculous to have pay He said the cost toilets," Mrs. Compton said. "I of mijj want freedom from pay toilets." jng has toilet facilities per J skyrocketed to 31J Mrs. Compton said many Pay toilets were first I restrooms have only one free duced in the toilet for cutomers who refuse IndianapJ for teacher rail station in 1915 to pay a dime. But these of as a J controlling loitering Pj facilities are often overused, said. | By WILLIAM J. HOLSTEIN to Gov. Milliken said it will dorsed the proposal. Labor Chairman David Pla¬ strikes than it will Plawecki said his committee Registration of the wecki, D-Dearborn Heights, cause more prevent because it allows a would begin work in earnest on notice of quauf] says a proposed compromise on strike before binding arbitra¬ the proposed compromise next electors of the school districtofth teacher strike legislation is "far tion can be ordered. week along with several rival from dead" despite strong op¬ city of east lansing ingham and "It's far from dead," said bills. He said he expected position from minority Repub¬ Plawecki. , members to be able to agree on clinton counties, michigan licans and the governor's office. "It is a strong recommenda¬ a teacher strike bill within one Plawecki's committee began tion." week. work Wednesday on the com¬ The proposed legislation may promise proposal hammered contain some problem areas, out in 60 hours of negotiations Plawecki said, but there is between teacher groups and school board officials last week. "nothing that would kill it." Both House Please Take Notice that the Annual Election School District of the City of East of the! Speaker Bobby Lansing, Ingham Clinton Counties, Michigan, will be held on J Though a final version of the Crim, D-Davison, and Senate Monday J™ compromise has not yet been Majority Leader William B. 9, 1975. | drafted, Republicans and aides Fitzgerald, D-Detroit, have en- TAKE NOTICE THAT the office of the East Clerk in the City Hall, will be open for the Lansing Ctyl purpose of taking registration from 8:00 o'clock, a.m., until 5:00 o'clock, p.m. each .weekday, Saturdays and any legal holiday excepted!! Porno for adults OKd The last day for registering with the East Lansing City Clerfcl F0R ALL 0F Y0QR is Monday, May 12, 1975, on which day the office of thai East Lansing City Clerk will be open for the purpose of taking registration from 8:00 o'clock a.m., until 8:00 o'clock LANSING (UPI) - Michigan CYCLIHQ HEEDS! p.m. Persons registering with the East Lansing City Clerk after 8k00 o'clock, p.m., on the said Monday, May 12,1975, However, the ruling said public view by means of win¬ However, the nine paper¬ are no* eligible to vote at Said annual school election. law does not prohibit the dis¬ state statutes regulating the dow shades and that in order to backs seized, according to as¬ Bicycles,Components. Accessories St Service The last day on which persons may register with the City semination of obscene materials dissemination of obscene mat¬ enter, prospective customers sistant Kent County Prosecutor Clerk of the City of Lansing and with the Clerks of to consenting adults, the state erial to juveniles and uncon- had to pay a $1 fee and prove Meridian, Lansing and DeWitt Townships, in order to be Donald Johnston, "describe e- Best Values & Widest Selection Supreme Court ruled Wednes¬ senting adults are valid and they were older than 18. very type ofsexual conduct I've eligible to vote at the annual election called to be held on day. enforceable. Of the four magazines cited ever heard of, thought of or Monday, June 9,1975, is Monday, May 12,1975 Persons The 5 - 0 decision came in a 7 - The decision again reversed in his conviction, one depicted dreamed of." registering with the Clerk of the City of Lansing and the Clerks of Meridian, Lansing and DeWitt Townships after year - old pornography case the convictions against Bloss, nudist camp activities, two 5:00 o'clock, p.m., on the said Monday, May 12,1975, are involving former Grand Rapids who sold his two adult book¬ contained nude photographs of not eligible to vote at said annual election. Persons bookstore owner Floyd Bloss — stores and adult movie theater male models and the fourth There is o planning to register with th* respective City of Lansing and a ruling long - awaited by legal in Grand Rapids and moved to nude photographs of women in difference!!! Township Clerks must ascertain the days and hours on experts expecting new obscen¬ Hawaii. He also owned a "provocative" poses — rela¬ which the Clerks' offices are open for registration. ity standards to be established theater named the Capri in tively tame by today's stan¬ This Notice is given by order of the Board of Education for Michigan. Battle Creek. A daughter was dards. MCAT Over 35 years of experience of the School District of the City of East Lansing, Ingham Bloss was sentenced in 1968 murdered there some years ago and Clinton Counties, Michigan. and success to nine months in jail on two in a holdup. DAI SmJH classes convictions involving the sale of It was not immediately clear magazines and one involving the sale of what impact the decision would LSAT study Voluminous home materials paperback novels have on efforts around the state judged to be obscene. to crack down on pornography. ARC Courses that are constantly updated Those convictions were re¬ Recent Court of Appeals ru¬ versed by the state Supreme lings have made it easier for AT6SB LIEBERMANN'S Court in a 5 - 4 ruling Nov. 1, 1972, after Bloss had spent six law enforcement officials move against X-rated movie to Tapejacilities for reviews of class Velocipede Peddler Af m JI lessons and for use For Mother's months in jail. But the reversal houses and bookstores. V%M of supplementary 541E. Grand River 351-7240 Day was ap¬ The Supreme Court action pealed to the U.S. Supreme could put pressure on the (PAT ™'" Buxton's soft leather Court, which sent it back to Michigan to be judged under standards set in the high legislature to act on pornogra¬ phy, however. The lawmakers hive made no real effort to FLEX Located Below Paramount News - Across from Berkey H ] "Organizer" clutch. court's June 1973 landmark redefine obscenity standards in ECFMt pornography decision. Michigan since the landmark New Penguins In Wednesday's ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling — ECFMS court said that until the legisla¬ which said state statutes in this your campus ture changes state law to area should conform with local MEJAC TV RENTALS" NATL MEDBRDS conform to the U.S. Supreme community standards. 337-lQlO For complete information call bookstore Court guidelines it cannot in¬ In its initial reversal of Bloss' 1313)3540085 terpret state law as prohibiting conviction, the Supreme Court the sale of obscene material to consenting adults. had taken into account that the two bookstores were closed to stonieynuglcfl IDUCATIONAlrr=>>T\ S CENTER TUTORING ANO GUIOANCE MEN'S LIBERATION: A New Definition of Masculinity. SINCE 1938 Jack Nichols. This pioneering book shows how men's 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd. Southfieid, Mich. 48075 liberation can enrich the lives of both sexes. $2.50 PLEASURE: A Creative Approach to Life, Alexander r N\ Lowen, M.D. Bioenergetic exercises that help the body regain its natural freedom and spontaneity, and release VETERANS! not only pleasure but also joyous creativity. $1.95 DIVORCED IN AMERICA: Marriage in an Age of Earn an officer's com¬ Possibility. Joseph Epstein. A firsthand report on mission while you earn divorce in America to(iay. "Refreshingly thoughtful, your degree. exceedingly literate, personally insightful"— Newsweek. $1.95 THE AXIS OF EROS. Walter M. Spink. A montage of 1 Fashioned of soft cowhide leather! You only have to take works of art-captioned by poems, hymns, aphorisms, it's comfortable in the hand and fill the last two years of the and quotations—Showing how sexual imagery reveals ROTC Program. a basic difference between the cultures of the East easily in any handbag. T^eresr and the West. $3.95 pocket for check book, zippere1 THE MIND POSSESSED: A Physiology of Possession, pocket, coin purse and closed curl rency pocket. Choose red, green| While in Army ROTC you Mysticism and Faith Healing. William Sargant. A earn $100a month, up to surprising look at the methods that witch doctors, 10 months a year, plus Voodoo priests, Southern revivalists, and others use to navy, bone, black. your VA benefits. sway the mind. $2.50 SEASON ON THE PLAIN. Franklin Russell. This unique book re-creates a season in the lives of the animals and 10.00 For plants of the African plain. "Sings, roars, buzzes and more information, contact the Department pulses with the primeval rhythms of life and c^eath"- New York Times Book Review. $2.95 (We'll emboss Her of Military Science. name or initials (355-1913) THINK METRIC NOW! Paul J. Hartsuch, Ph.D. This guide is designed to make the forthcoming transition to in gold free) the metric system easy and painless. $1.25 These and many other exciting new Penguins are at good campus bookstores. Slop in to see them today. 310 W. Grand Riv«i (next to but station) open 11 am -11 pm Sun. Thru Thur$. 11 am-midnight Fri.iSat. Reg U S Pal Off. Am D Q ARMY ROTC Corp* EAST LANSING 209 E. GRAND RIVE* DOWNTOWN 107 S. Woshlngto^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 1, 1975 13 U.S. seeks new, realistic Asian aSHINGTON (AP) is - A major task for the Ford titration following the ragged end to the American role in development of a new, realistic Asian policy while economic and political concerns rather than military accords. The argument goes that will feel much more Japan, the Philippines and the others maintain those we have." Vietnam in the future will •Until last policy Sunday night the United States thought the North m ™ secure in such ties than in inevitably produce new political Vietnamese would accept off possible Communist adventurism, U.S. officials say. promises that their controversies over the a nonmilitary solution. But "sometime joint anti-Communism will lead to handling of the thousands of Vietnamese 'focus of a policy redevelopment ordered by Secretary of In his military aid. refugees, over future U.S. dealings with the new Vietnamese Sunday night the North Vietnamese obviously changed sig¬ Tuesday news conference following President Ford's nals. .to a military option." Henry A. Kissinger will be on Japan, South Korea, the government and over possible U.S. to . announcement of the evacuation, Kissinger talked in soft terms war-torn land. help to reconstruct that •The evacuation was ordered by President Ford when it was nines and Indonesia. about a new Asia policy. decided regular aircraft could no But the likelihood of debate longer land safely at the Saigon i which now faces a serious Communist threat, is in a We will soon be in consultation over blame for the fall of Vietnam airport. with many other countries in and Cambodia appears lessened 1 category and will be treated separately. that area including Indonesia and Singapore and Australia and by the evidence in recent polls that most Americans All in all, the month-long evacuation ing privately in the hours after the U.S. evacuation of brought out a total of 55,000 ■ New Zealand," he said. are satisified that their country's involvement in Southeast Asia has ended. South Vietnamese and 6,000 Americans. About and the subsequent surrender to the Viet Cong Tuesday 6,500 people, In those talks, including 1,000 Americans, these officials said American diplomacy in Asia has been Kissinger went on, "We hope to crystalize an were flown out in the last day. Asian policy that is sui&d to Kissinger defended his policy of seeking improved relations with •U.S. relations with any new government in South Vietnam will ng for the last two years, present circumstances." China and the Soviet Union. In fact, he said Moscow Whatever the outcome of the was of "some have to wait "to see what kind of policy review, Kissinger said it government emerges and indeed vents in Indochina in the last few weeks also have revealed must be realistic and help in the evacuation effort." whether there is going to be a South Vietnam." • weaknesses in many old ties with other nations in the region, long range. "Surely another lesson we should And while saying the Soviets must be draw from the Indochina responsible for the In this regard, the Administration has asked experience is that foreign policy must be Congress to sources stated. sustainable over decades if it is to be effective." consequences of actions "that lead to an upset of the situation in authorize humanitarian aid for possible use in South Vietnam, its idea behind the reassessment, therefore, will be to Indochina," the secretary also warned against contingent on the political evolution there. Kissinger said "the experience in the war can make us more Russians or Chinese to do "our expecting the use ngthen old ties and develop new ones' based on mutual mature in the commitments we undertake and more determined to job for us." Rep. Thomas E. Morgan, D-Pa., chairman of the House Kissinger also made these points in his news conference: International Relations Committee, indicated support for this line. PLAYBACK COST-PLUS Brings You The Best In Audio! AR • B-l-C • BIC/ VENTURI • BSR CERWIN/VEGA CRAIG * D0K0RDER DUAL • E-V • EMPIRE EPI * GARRARD HITACHI • KINGSWAY MARANTZ • PHASE DEMO SALE LINEAR • PIONEER PROJECT/one • RCA SAE • SANSUI SHURE•SKANDA SONY • SUPERSC0PE TEAC • TH0RENS One-Of-A-Kind Items Special Purchases Demos F Come,T All Demo Merchandise Carries Full Manufacturer's Warranty Because Many items Are In Limited Playback Stores Are Loaded With Quantity Or Are One-Of-A-Kind, Look For The Tagged items Spectacular Values! Sale Lasts Only Until Not All Stores Have All Models. All Current Demo Stock Is Exhausted! GARRARD Turntables q and Changers 30%OFF! STORE HOURS Playback the electronic playground 523 FRANDOR DR. FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 351-7270 mON-FRMO-9Pm SAT-10-5:30 P(T1 SUN N00N-5PIT1 Playback (fie electronic playground 1 4 Michigan State Newts, East Lansing, Michigan TKursday^May i MAY FLOWERS IH MAY ARE AS SURE AS THE RESULTS YOU c WILL OET WHEN YOU USE A CLASSIFIED AD! nmcrts 0 FRANKLYSPBKHS. bypMIrarfc , 1.1» ffl Apirtmts |!yl Apartments ^ Classifieds ads GREMLIN X, 1972, V-6, 3 speed, HONDA 1973, CB500 with wind¬ CAPE1TBBIA TV AND STEREO Rentals. WOMAN FOR apartment starting roommate needed '■ v results Set ts.y silver blue, very good condition. $1,550. 675-5556. 5-5-5 MGA 1600 ROADSTER 1961. jammer fairing and luggage rack. Best offer. 5-5-6 487-9034 after 6 p.m. entrance $25/term. $10.95/month. Free same day delivery and service. Call Nejac. 337-1010. C-5-30 fall. 6703. 5-4-30 Block from campus. Approximately $85/month. 351- apartment with bedroom, furnished d campus. working 1 , 349-1763, aC [ Apartments ](•§§ Very Good condition. $1800 SUZUKI 500-1974, 3000 ONE BEDROOM, furnished, all PHONE 355-8255 or miles, best offer. Call 332-1160 after 3 utilities paid, no pets. 2701 East 347 Student Services Bldg pm. 5-5-5 excellent condition, $950. 8975. 5-5-6 487- NOT ENOUGH people to fill your Saginaw. $150/month, deposit. SUMMER SUBLETTc^; apartment, % block AUTOMOTIVE 1021 East Grand River, Lansing. to apartment? Advertise now for 332-1033. 5-5-1 Scooters & OPEL LUXUS, 1973, 32,000 miles, TRIUMPH 500, 1969, real clean. $135. Call 484-9058 or 372-4475. Cycles summer and fall rentals. Call Lisa Parts & Service excellent condition, radials, $2000. 351-1725 after 4 p.m. 5-5-6 $500. Call 353-9091 or 349-1953 after 5 p.m. 3-5 2 355-8255. P-5-30 7-5-8 SUBLET F0R~Summer ~" bedroom, furnished, Aviation air ■ NEED WOMAN, share summer close to campus. EMPLOYMENT ANN ARBOR, large unfurnished 351-0288. FOR RENT PLYMOUTH 1969, 440 engine, $350, BSR stereo, 8-track, $100/ [ Auto Service / apartment, starting September, own room. $98. Call John, apartment, close. $80/month. Linda, 337-7322.3-5-2 Own room. okemos^3^0;;,;:: Apartments offer. 355-2829. 3-5-5 MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East utilities, married 349-1840. 4-5-1 couple, l Houses Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. SPACIOUS FURNISHED studio month. Available now! 349.- PORSCHE, 1971, 911T. 5 speed. Complete auto painting and coll¬ apartments. Across from campus. Rooms Air conditioned, quiet. Summer or Dark green. Best offer. 371-5889, ision service. American and FOR SALE before 5 p.m. 5-5-1 fall leases. 351-1258 between 10 female Animals Foreign Cars. 485-0256. C-5-30 or 4 residents. Off-street parking, a.m.-7 p.m. 10-5-13 roommate" through spring. Very closed Mobile Homes SIMCA, 1968, 35 mpg, great pool privileges. Both units open Roc Apartments. QUARTZ-IODINE headlamp June 15. Summer $180, fall $245 351-18 ' cheap transportation, best offer, conversions for American and SUMMER SUBLET, modern 1 LOST & FOUND or $265. 595 Spartan. 484-4014. PERSONAL 355-7599, evenings 485-0870. 3-5-2 Foreign cars. Three times more effective than ordinary headlamps. 5-5-2 bedroom, air conditioned, close to campus. $150. 351-7719. x-4-5-2 summer. room/share. 2-3~men.~0wn Close! PEANUTS PERSONAL CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN conditioned. 332-3337. TEMPEST 1965. No rust, good SUMMER SUBLET, need one girl, SUBLET SUMMER. 2 bedroom 3.5.) REAL ESTATE CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama¬ mechanical condition, very clean. pool, air conditioning, close, price RECREATION zoo, one mile west of campus. apartment acoss street from rosemary, spacious! Only $100. 349-0348. 3-5-2 487-5055. C-7-5-9 negotiable. 332-3673. 10-5-6 campus. Air conditioning; room, carpeted. $145 lnc( SERVICE balcony. $240/month. 332-6137. utilities except electricitv Instruction TOYOTA CARINA 1972, 38,000. FIVE ACRES - East Lansing. 3-5-1 9824,485-3051. 5-5-5 Kept up well. Snows included. VOLVO college media services-box 9411-berkelsy. ca 94709 Gardening plot available. Male or Typing Ziebart. $1800. 351-7989 after 5 female to share 2 bedroom. $90. 2 GIRLS NEEDED for apartment. east side, one bedroom TRANSPORTATION WANTED CAR POOL Dm. 5-5-5 VEGA 1971, low mileage, LUBE & OIL Factory Trained Personnel Employment j[fj f tmpliymwt |[jf] Includes everything. 332-8898. 2-5-2 Fall 75 through Spring 76. Melissa or Gina, 355-8872. 5-5-2 Call furnished, shag carpet, no ch pets. Evenings, 482-5450. par dependable. $800 or best offer. FEMALE NEEDED for Cedar Phone 482-6058 between 5:30 - COOK-HERRIMAN TWO MID-MICHIGAN CAREER Village apartment for next year. BURCHAM DRIVE, 3-man, cable sublet SUMMER "3 ~ **RATES** 8:30 pm. 3-5-5 SALES OPPORTUNITIES, of 40 TV, pool, free utilities, rent and apartment, close to MSU "7 355-9149 or 355-9172. 3-5-5 12 word minimum offered nationally for qualified deposit negotiable. 351-9346. rooms, $63. 337-2701. 3.5.5 VOLKSWAGEN VAN, 1968. New VW-VOLVO college graduates by June. Imme¬ COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS MILFORD STREET, 3-5-1 brakes. Rebuilt transmission. diate salary negotiable and ad¬ TRAINING 126, behind sublet in June. oixT Phone 371-5600 Larry's Shoprite. Fall, two or 3 SUBLET SUMMER, large one WORDS NODAYS Good engine. Kawasaki Bighorn, $350. $400. 1970, 339- justed over 40 month training program. Earn while you learn!!! Learn to express more effectively. personal feelings Free 4 hour man. $207 furnished, air, carpeted bedroom, furnished, close, air, stove, refrigerator, close c- Evenlngs, after 5 pm, 332 AMERICAN, GERMAN and one large bedroom, 12 month. 10 No limit on future earnings, Call training. Call 353-3798 or 355-1755 $150, heat, water. 337-0247. 4-5-2 1 3 I 5 2550_ 3-5-2 FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. 332-3418. 6-5-9 20 % DISCOUNT to Students and Mr. Durocher at 484-8410. Inter¬ Volunteers. 4-5-2 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK, msu area, Okemos. One 15 2.25 6.00 9.70 19.50 1969, standard transmissi9n, faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW views by appointment only. FULL OR part time car washer. MALE, ROOMMATE, mobile Yes...We have two bedrooms, furnished sen/ice parts. IMPORT AUTO 11.70 dependable, $750 or best offer. home, private room, cooking unfurnished, air conditr 18 2.70 7.20 23.4C Call 349-4268. 5-5-5 PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and MARRIED COUPLE preferred to Good driving record. Prefer 21 or older. 489-1484. 3-5-1 facilities. $58 + half utilities. location! carpeted, modern. $155 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. 1-5-1 • supervise as houseparents for heat included. Call 3 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 VOLVO 142, 1969, AM-FM storeo Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- RIVER'S and RATER'S 10-5-14 card. C-21-5-30 eight moderately retarded men. BABYSITTER NEEDED immedi¬ radio, good mileage. $1,200. ACROSS FROM CAMPUS! Room, board, and salary provided. ately. Bailey School district. Part EDGE Apartments 351-1228. 3-5-2 Summer - two male roommates DEADLINE REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines Rewarding work. Please contact Kim Braman or Irma time now. Full time summer. needed for 4 man apartment. 2 bedroom apartment J Zuckerberg, house, close, furnished, si News ads - 1 p.m. one class VW 1969, 38,000 miles, automatic guaranteed as low as $175 487-6500. 10-5-1 After 6, 337-2601. 5-5-5 University Terrace, air (next to Cedar utilities paid, available immet stickshift, tires. Excellent exchange. Free towing available - day before publication. new condition. $550. 355-9438. 5-5-2 local areas. Installation as low as FEMALE MODEL needed by TODAY'S ARMY is coming to conditioned, 353-0312. 3-5-5 Village) $180. 332-1946. 0-2-5-2 $35. Check our repair prices and campus May 6,7, 8 to talk to photographers for 1-2 day period WOMAN WITH fluent French, Cancellation/corrections 12 VW 1969, automatic, good condi¬ REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO prospective graduates. Call the NOW LEASING CAMPUS NEAR, 217 5 on week-end work this summer. Placement Office for interested in practicing to share small 1 bedroom class tion, just painted, $700. Call PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and an furnished, $' noon one day before Timid girl will never do, boldness appointment. It could be the best apartment in fall, with my fiancee, 332-4432 Larger 1 bedroom furnished $ publication. 337-7634. 10-5-2 Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. counts! No experience required, move you'll ever make. 6-5-8 Steve, 332-5656,4:30 - 6:30. 1-5-1 for June 15. Phone 4{ Mastercharge and Bank on the job training. Send full LOOKING FOR 393-7279. 0-2-5-2 VW CAMPER, 1972. Radial tires, Americard. 0-21-5-30 girl to share Once ad is ordered it cannot 20 mpg, pop-up top. 332-6938. length photo and phone number LICENSED MASUESES needed. CEDAR VILLAGE be cancelled or changed until to Craig Freeman, 1039 Loren apartment for $100 a month spring Will train. $7./hour, Escorts Now Renting Cedar Green Apt after first insertion, unless it is ordered & cancelled 2 days 5-5-6 [_ Aviation X, Ave., Mt. Morris, Michigan. 3-5-1 $3./hour. Models for photography $7/hour. 489-1215 between 10 am Summer and Fall and summer. 15-5-2 Call 351-9531. One Bedroom VW CAMPER, 1970, with tent, PARACHUTING. AFIEBNQ.ONS Summer Rates are $150-$200 POSITIONS-AVAILABLE 6 prti. Fall —starts $170 before publication. excellent condition, in and out. and weekends. Parachutist party EXECUTIVE ART • SUBLEASE APARTMENT, begin AGES 18-26 Male or Female. -In¬ . 351-9035. 3-5-2 -srtDiosr.-wo-5=i4 - per parson per 3®!$ 15th, 2 or 4 man, 6 blocks Summer — starts $U0 Saturday May 3 8 pm at jump experience necessary, will train. There is a $1.00 sen/ice area. Details, 351-0799, 543-6731. 351-5180 from MSU, call after 5 p.m., Judy (next toBrodyDorm) Must pass mental and physical ENTREPRENEURS LOOKING for charge for an ad change. Motorcycles j[iej 2-5-2-, qualification tests and be of high moral character. Excellent pay enterprising individuals. Distri¬ PINE LAKE APARTMENTS HASLETT or Diane, 332-2179. 5-5-6_ call 351-8631 buting bagels. Great commissions LARGE FURNISHED efficiency. NOW'S THE time to find a buyer for your motorcycle. State News Classified. [ Employment [J|j and benefits. Call (517) 489-6806 for an appointment. 7-5-8 Need car. 351-2786, 351-0896, Monday - Thursday, 4-7. 5-5-2 Short on Cash? Maybe we can work something out. One bed¬ Air conditioned, $145 summer $175 fall. 487-4451 or 351-1610. frandor near, sharp fur 2 bedroom apartment, 355-8255, Randy. FOR GREAT Results!!! Call Gary includes fireplace at $200, up P-5-30 room apartments with shag car¬ 39-5-30 The now at 355-8255 to place your TEMPORARY LIVE in help Monl $170, rent includes utilities. State News will be PART TIME employment for MSU peting, drapes and appliances. employment ad P-5-30 through Friday starting approxi¬ students. 12- 20 hours per week. $150 per month plus utilities. 10 BEAL STREET APARTMENTS: 669-3654. 4-5-4 responsible only for the first KAWASAKI 1972. 350-F9. Off mately July 1 for 14 weeks. Room minutes from MSU. Located at days incorrect insertion. Automobile required. 351-5800, 9 2-man furnished apartments. One road, on road equipment. 2,000 AVON-NO experience necessary and board plus wages. Refer¬ TWO BEDROOM Fur: am -1 pm. C-1-5-1 6076 Marsh Road, just north of block from miles. $650. 351-5938. 3-5-5 to buy or sell. Call Judy Phreed, ences required. Child care, meals, campus, air Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager mobile homes. $25 - $35/ " Bills are due 7 days from the 482-6893. 20-5-22 and light housekeeping. Call conditioning, carpeted, balconies. WANTED: MALE and female go 339-8192 or EAST LANSING Now leasing for summer and fall. 10 minutes to campus^ Quiet ad expiration date. If not paid BRING YOUR student I.D.I See 627-2039. 5-5-2 Darlene - get your discount, at BABYSITTER, MY home, 3 chil¬ go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, REALTY, 332-4128. 26-5-6 337-0449. 3-5-1 peaceful on a lake. by the due date, a 50£ late 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236. 20-S-22 484-5315. 0-5-30 SHEP'S, Holt. C-2-5-2 dren, 1 pre schooler, South service charge will be due. WANTED, OPPORTUNITY ONE BLOCK from campus - now Lansing, mature woman needed ' CVCLE INSURANCE, call for low rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING, our immediately. some weekends. Days and nights, No calls, after 6 singing with established Folk, rock, contemporary. voice. 353-2891. group. Good After 10 pm. [ For Rent ][j) PARKING SPACE, musical instru- leasing for summer and fall terms! Spacious 2 bedroom furnished * apartments. 731 VALLEY FORCE APARTMENTS I^ound Town 464-1414 or 339-9535. 0-5-30 p.m.' or weekends. Call 394-0524. 3^-2 5-5-7 ments, garden plots, whatever - 332-4240. 20-5-7 Call Joe Miller, APARTMENTS BRAND NEW ONE BEDROOM HONDA 1973, CB350T electric RN'S, FULL time positions avail¬ EXECUTIVE SECRETARY for you don't have to sell, rent it! Place your ad with Ann, dial $154 mo. (onepe" start, disc brake, tune - up, new able on 3-11:30 pm shifts, and national corporation. Full - time, 355-8255. 711 $159 mo. (twope chain. Asking $800. 355-2590. LPN'S Part time positions avail¬ _____ part time. Organizational skills, 5;5J___ able on 3-11:30 pm and 11 -7:30 am photographic/graphic design, 3 ROOM OFFICE, Oakland at Center, adjacent lighted parking, APARTMENTS TWO BEDROOM YAMAHA ENDURO 360, 1973. shifts, for medical • surgical areas accounting, bookkeeping, some 711 Burcham Road 'On-SIt* Management $179 mo. (one per" Excellent condition, low mileage of Provincial Hospital and travel. Call for appointment, 349- ground floor, air conditioned, Surgi- music, convenient to banks, city *Prlvat« lalconiai $184 mo. (twoperso POP ENTERTAINMENT presents $750. 332-2901. 5-5-6 Clinic. Contact Mr. 485-3271, 9-4 pm Monday through White at 1100. Equal Opportunity Employer 3-5-5 and state offices. Phone 482- NOW RENTING! , 'SWIMMING POOL (summer Latest in rotei $20 month lw); appliances, cai 0113. 10-5-13 Exceptionally Large One Now Leasing "Jefferson Star Ship" Friday night HONDA 1971 CB350, green, new Friday. 5-5 2 Bedroom ing, security and fire si in Munn Ice Arena. Tickets are tires, tuned exhausts, new cables. Apartment Summer and Fall equipment. Excellent lot, available at the MSU Union. 2-5-2 $525. 355-1589. 5-5-6 WAITRESS BARMAIDS eve¬ RADIATION THERAPY TECHNOLOGIST Suitable For 2-3 Students tion - East Lansing on bus ning shift 8 pm - 2 am. Full or part RTT required. COBOL 60 simulator and dosimetry Summer-$50 per person shopping, Automotive !l£» TRIUMPH 650, Bonneville, 1972, time work. $2.00 hour plus tips. See Ralph after 7 pm at BZURPYS preferred. This position is for our new 210-bed acute SI90/MONIH* Fell $75 per person Discount for 12 mo. Lease campus. 4200 miles. Excellent condition. care hospital located in the Toledo suburb of *12 Month Leases 2345 North Horriion II Call anytime, 393-0598. 5-5-7 2021 East Michigan. 487 1822 Sylvania, SELLING your automobile? Call 10-5-6 Ohio. We offer excellent fringe benefits and salary •Completely Furnished •Carpeting (completely) 351-7212 Vicki to help you write your ad. commensurate with experience. For further informa¬ 731 Burcham Drive Advertise your SPECIAL EVENT •Appliances ft Air Condi¬ D[aJ_355^8255. P-5-30 tion contact: tioned lodals open 1-6 Mon.Fri.,1 I a.m.. J i Other times by appointment AUSTIN AMERICA 1969, Ziebart, in the new Classified Column ... Stuart •Heat & Water Included Michelins. Good mileage. $750. Aubrey, Personnel Director *2 Man Units ROUND TOWN FLOWER HOSPITAL 694-1745. 5-5-2 5200 Harroun Road FOR APPOINTMENT CALL CROSSWORD 337-7328 or 351 0726 CALIFORNIA VW Bus 1961. No Sylvania, Ohio 43560 .JUZZLE * Dorm Parties * Grand Openings rust, new engine, completely up¬ * Concerts (419) 885-1444 Summer Rent $140 /Month holstered and insulated. Many * *Plays * Movies i 31. Obsolete Church Bazaars * Benefits 1. Harsh voiced railway spares, $700. 694-1745. 5-5-2 * s parrot 32. Football r Bar Entertainment Announcements * /w CHECK OUR wA 6. Away from the lineman e Fraternity and Sorority Activities ^ repair prices mouth 34. Jeans material 20 words for 5 days - $10.00 ($2.00 per day) 12. Ringed boa 36. Stud with A]N CHEVELLE LAGUNA, 1973, 13. Mexican shawl gems perfect condition, all power, air Call 355-8255 20% DISCOUNT TO 14. 16. Elm seed Torn down 38. Electric particle gfekisf anIKBSIaEL. conditioning, 351 -3794 after 4 pm. STUDENTS & FACUL TY ON 5-5-2 CASH/CARRY VW SERVICE 17. Sainte: abbr. 40. Hop-picker's PARTS. 18. Valuable basket 4. Candlenut CHEVELLE 1970 SS-396. 4-speed, new paint, Fenton Wheels, $1800 List I 20. violins Flurry 41. Opening of the mouth 54. Market place 5 Strife 6. For exampn Yod Want I BURCHAM UK/ftfeJ Phone 882-0077. 5-5-7 down £0(esser- CHEVY IMPALA 1967, 283 power In /In I 1. Church service 2. Capable of 8 Towardthe """'h steering. New tires, battery. Sharp! $475. 355-0629. 3-5-1 //parimehil WOODS * • AUTO PARTS ™ being 9. Civet CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1962, excellent body, high performance HAS IT! • • FULLY CARPETED GAS HEAT AND CENTRAL AIR 500 E. Kalamazoo at C«dar 5- 4 r~ r- =- 5~ n 10 " S Goddessrf engine, turbine wheels. 351- 1. CABLE TV CONDITIONING Volkswagen complete repair % 15. 6396. 3-5-2 DATSUN 1 )73 1200. Good 2. 3. Electric Heat Enjoy Rurcham Woods • SWIMMING POOL 24-HOUR MAINTENANCE service. Repair & parts for most foreign and American ii 11 1 fr- 13 iT" 19 .Flat lis* 21. Simple'. % • where they give you the cars. Body shop Et paint 24. Santa's condition. Best offer. Call Steve 4. Air Conditioning things yau want with no • PLAYGROUND FOR CHILDREN sen/ices. Exchange engines ii RT 25. Inlet $ 'fa 371-1888. 5-5-5 5. All Utilities extra bill hassles! They pay CALL FOR INFORMATION Et transaxles. io % 27 ii is if 26. Roma" 27. Stilled FIREBIRD 67, 69-350, 4 barrel, headers, 3-automatic, 6. Heated Pool all the bothersome bills for % % % 29. Gossamer am, 8-track 7. Parking you, you just pay your rent. 349-4700 Free wrecker service vr 55" So 33 Dowry stereo, spider mags, custom inter¬ ior, good condition, $850. 339- repairs - local areas. with City bus n ii % sr % 5s 35. ornament# metal 9521,485-2313. 5-5-6 FALL RATES 12 MONTH LEASES LOCATED ONE-QUARTER sen/ice to our front door. 3o % 37 % W MO 37. Group0'1 'fa 42."TheG FORD CUSTOM 500, 1967, radi¬ als, brakes, trailer Efficiency $168 MILE We buy and sell VW's %% hi % m % w % 39. Bull hitch, % new NORTH OF 485-2047 485-9229 Dean' rebuilt radiator. Reliable. $500 or JOLLY ROAD 8-6 Monday - Friday, >*> W 43. Norse I" One Bedroom $198 best offer. 882-0805. 3-5-2 IN OKEMOS. 9-2 Saturday 4o % 51 Si 45. Bones 46. Pewter com FORD WAGON, 1954, good trans¬ Two Bedroom $248 apartment % 47. Overact portation, but rusty. First $45. Phone 3&1-6586 days. 3-5-2 745 Burchom Dr. 351-3118 or 484-4014 v 53 1 5T 49. Capture 51-RuPee5: Michigan StatcNews, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 1, 1975 I ||fF| | D 372-4020 PROFESSIONALS!" BRIDES Jjr —-— for over When you rent at Halstead Management S Now Hear Thi, A 'A CENTURY > furnished 444 Michigan Ave. washday ' carpeted East Lansing ^ * CIW s,°re With savings LAMBERTS hew chosen air condition for rental information balconies °nd showing come in or call . Th« Red Doorl 25' Per Load wedding Receptions 400people Convenient location and LOW LOW PRICES WHNOW'S reasonable rates catered meals, cocktail lounge Eff, 1 BR & 2 BR s For Your Convenience Open Sat 10-4 — Sun 1 -4 EOONOWASH comer of US 27 North and AfwardRoad Phone 669-9673 Special Texas Washer 50c open 24 His. a day J#4f Vina Si. ask about 7am to 11pm. 1 Wk W. of Sears us our summer specials 1 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursdjay • May i For Sale Mobile Homes][w] Real Estate Jl_j SWAP PANASONIC 8-track, 9'x7' water bed and or home FOR RENT, 2 bedroom, furnished, in country, between Lansing/ PERRY-3 bedroom, 1 % bath ranch, family room, 2 car garage, U.S. Indo failure used 8-track tapes for boy's 24" or Jackson. Audrey, 628-2917, 628- in the country. Call 625-7766. 26" bike. Call Ken, 332-0177. 2390. 5-5-2 10-5-8 5-5-7 3-SPEED Huffy Bike. Debbie, 351-1565, after 6 pm. $65. Call NEW MSU. MOON, 1965. Carpet, air conditioning. 332-2437 or 10x50. 487-9148. Near TEN ACRES. Four in beautiful hardwoods, 6 acres clear. Creek. Shueman Road. $17,500, terms. 339-8980. 3 5-2 Announcements for It's What's Happening must be received in the State News office, 341 Student Farmhouse Fraternity and Red Cross are sponsoring & blood drive from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. today threatens Midea< 5-5-5 in the lower lounge of Shaw Hall. And there is some doubt that 6-5-7 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least By JEREMIAH O LEARY 1973 VEMCRAFT, 12x68 with Recreation two class days before publication. Let's help to support the Red Cross. Washington Star he can find a means for achie¬ wise, America's ton J ssftwa JBL SALE! 15 % off, new, full No announcements will be WASHINGTON The fail¬ exDando. 2 bedroom. Large lot - ving peace even if the end of his warrantys, free delivery. 332-5030. with garage near Webberville. accepted by phone. ure of U.S. policy Southeast Asian does give PARACHUTING AFTERNOONS Dr. Jonathan Moore of the in Indochina woes sfr&sS Mark or Larry. 2-5-2 Phone 521-4056, Must sell. MSU Natural Science Dept. will raises serious questions about him more time to focus in on the and weekends. Parachutist party The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. evenings. 7-5-1 Saturday May 3, 8 speak on the subject "Creation vs. the ability of America to influ¬ Mideast. end of STEREOS, LOWEST price in pm at jump will have an attorney available summer. ■ area. Details, 351-0799, 543-6731. Evolution" at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in ence a confrontation with far For one thing, the damage town. All major brands. Free GRAND RIVER. Close to campus. every Wednesday spring term. delivery, set - up. 332-5030, Mark Two bedroom furnished. Good 2-5-2 Appointments can be made be¬ 35 Union. Sponsored by MSU- greater potential for affecting done to U.S. credibility by the Working against that! or Larry. 2-5-2 condition. 351-5059 or 337-1641 tween 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Lutheran Collegians. the most vital interests of this urgency, Kissing I;! SYSTEMS SPECIAL. JBL-100 Messenger. 3-5-2 L Service THE TRUTH. ][*§ Passport, resume through Friday by calling the ASMSU Business Office, 307 The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. willl have an attorney available country — the Middle East. the powderkeg in tie with a to be new test of to effective in a 3 m Student Services Bldg. [ Lost & Found ]fC^] Marantz 2275, Philips 212. Ust photos, $1.50 complete. Satisfac¬ every Wednesday spring term. Secretary of State Henry A. $1505. Sale $1150. 332-5030, One of the twelve principles of His most tion guaranteed. Phone Tom, This program is subsidized by Kissinger, still the architect of recent per< Larry or Mark. 2-5-2 the Bahai Faith is the independent "shuttle" LOST SOMETHING Valuable? Call Elaine at 355-8255 to place 489-7977. 5-5-7 investigation of truth. There will ASMSU and minimum fees are U.S. foreign policy, stands like abandonment of South Vietnam ed when diplomacy e| collected. Appointments are Horatio at the bridge in his and Cambodia may have dra¬ repeated jj 10% DISCOUNT your lost ad. P-5-30 FOR THE Best Service on Stereo be a fireside for people to use this made through ASMSU Busines attempts to fend off another matically undermined the Ford between Jerusalem audi Equipment see the STEREO principle to investigate the Bahai produced no new Sin ' to All Retirees Faith at 8 p.m. Friday at the Nexus Office, 307 Student Services Bldg. outbreak of war in the Arab - Administration's ability to af¬ LOST: MALE English setter, SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. and MSU Students Israeli confrontation. gagement between fa white with cocoa/rust ears. C-5-30 Co-op at 437 Abbot Road. fect decisions by the Arabs Haslett area. 339-8528. 5-5-5 ASME will be holding a lunch¬ Now that America's preoccu¬ Egyptian forces. The ■ eon meeting at noon today in 130 collectively, by Israel, by the Administration came venl B - B LANDSCAPING Victory Celebration for the pation in recent weeks with the Soviet Union, by a militantly People of Cambodia and Vietnam. Engineering Bldg. The speaker to accusing Israel of JJ LOST: BLACK helmet with yellow SPRING SPECIAL fast eroding situation in will be from Detroit Edison and will - independent - minded Congress stubborn and RANDALL HEALTH FOOD visor near Albert Street, $10 A free applicator of fertilizer and Free food, music, movies. Every¬ one welcome, at 7 p.m. Friday at speak on "New Enegery Indochina has been concluded and among the American peo¬ off his Kissinger! reward. 337-9369. 3-5-5 20% Discount on either a lawn Sources." All ME's and all others the hard way, one of the mediation efforts.! Brookfield Plaza dethatch or power rake with our St. John's Student Center, 327 ple, where neo - isolationism is who are interested are welcome. dominant questions in Wash¬ Should Israel's 1381 E. Grand River FOUND: MALE Cat, grey black summer lawn maintenance service M.A.C. Avenue. growing. most if 332-6892 tiger stripe, smallish. Milford - 487-6730 The MSU Science Fiction So¬ ington today is whether But Kissinger cannot avoid tant friend, the United SB What are your saleable skills? A Ann Streets. 351-6648. C-3-5-5 10-5-5 ciety will meet at 6:30 Friday Kissinger can use the new time the Mideast tangle even if he abandon it as Downtown — in 34 Union to discuss the p.m. workshop for all interested stu¬ at his disposal in the next few Southeast! 223 S. Washington dents facing difficulties in the job months to find wished to do so. It is a fact of was abandoned, the Israel FIND SOMETHING "Cosmic Trashcanner" and its a formula for If you've found a pet or article of Instruction market will be held at 9:30 a.m. life that the American secre¬ perfectly capable of stl BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. affect on local weather patterns. Friday in the Placement Bureau, peace in the Mideast. hard and first at value, we want to help you return EMPLOYERS ARE calling us for But even with Vietnam and tary of state still is the only the ■ French built light weight touring bilges, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. it. Just come into the State News our graduates. If you need a skill, The Student Workers Union will Student Services Bldg. Cambodia written off the mediator with whom all the enemy. Immediately,® the Arabs would reimi J Save on top quality handmade Classified Department and tell us call us. Individually taught with meet at 6 p.m. Sunday in 328 Mideast participants will do Fun. New Co-rec floor hockey. books, U.S. analysts do not oil embargo. bikes. you want to place an ad in EAST qualified instructor. 90 hour Student Services Bldg. Enter by business. _645-2127_ C-2-5-2 LANSING STATE BANK'S Found course with choice of class hours. west door. Come and build SWU. See how it's done at 7 p.m. agree that the end of U.S. 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. Column. As a public service EAST VA approved. Monday at 127 Women's Intra¬ involvement in those countries And somehow, Kissinger And, Located on the mural once again, thel LANSING STATE BANK will run Bldg. Sign up a team by frees Kissinger to devote the must find to avert would tremble Tanks, cannisters and uprights. corner of Jolly and Aurelius Humanitarian aid to the Cambo¬ a way a on thebrJ May 9. Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 the ad at no cost to you! Roads. CAN 393-8615, SPARTAN dian and Vietnamese people. majority of his time to the stalemate in the presently stal¬ superpower and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING EAST LANSING KEYPUNCH ACADEMY. 10-5-1 Collected at benefit from 7 p.m. to Mideast. led peace negotiations. Other¬ unthinkable proportions, I collisiog| Elf Yukon redress cummin duet COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, STATE BANK 12 p.m. Friday at St. John's invest toll Ms. lore allow Jeff ride Opposite City Market. C-1-5-1 C-5-30 [Typing Service i[ili Student Center, 327 M.A.C. Ave. aye nigh Taft err edro claw call welcome. Homonyst Party USA. STUDENTS TAKE NOTICE! FOUND: A Man's gold ring with green stone setting. Call 355-5728 C-2-5-2 YOUR TYPING Service is needed now for term papers, theses and dissertations. To advertise call The Computer Lab will hold a "User" meeting at 4 today in 114 Computer Center. Recent system Meet after 8 p.m. Friday in lower lounge of West Holmes Hall, Economist inf/af/o (written in Tolkien elvish.) Vicki at 355-8255 to place your ad. and policy changes will be dis¬ FOUND: SILVER Cross, on I.M. P-5-30 cussed by Computer Laboratory All Czars invited to review new could be field across from Munn. Call Bart 353-2718. C-3-5-5 FOUND: BLACK kitten near EXPERIENCED, TYPING term papers, theses, etc. Rapid, personnel. "African Art: Black Creativity Across the Centuries" is the new chapter addition to our book. Also attending, special guest, Rich Garrett from Bowling Green, Ohio. fu accurate service. 394-2512. exhibit showing between 11:30 BARRETT'S Horticulture Building. Call C-5-30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. today at Meet at 3 p.m. Friday in Cave of the Candles. 332-8348 to identify. C-3-5-5 By LEONARD SILK being the really devastating quarter. WILLIAMSTON Lansing Community Art Gallery, N.Y. Times News Services Frances Cairncross and Given ongoing PHONE 665-1766 12minul«Ec»1 of MSU LOST: MUSTARD raincoat EXPERIENCED IBM typing. 11814 E. Michigan. African art will be discussed by NEW YORK - If the slump one. Hamish McRae, economics cor¬ real declines in capital spc inflating Dissertations (pica-elite) FAYANN Roy Sieber at 2 today at the On Grand River south side Grand River between is almost over, can another Matter Chsrg* ond lank 489-0358. C-5-30 Dr. Kathryn Heath of the U.S. Kresge Art Gallery. Sieber, respondent and financial editor and housing were much 1 Bogue and Hagadorn. Reward. round of inflation and still of The Manchester Guardian, than those Amarlcard accepted Office of Education will speak on distinguished professor at Indiana 332-4555. 3-5-5 COMPLETE DISSERTATION and another slump be far behind? "Legislative Reform in the U.S. as University, is an international figures make them a[. SEWING MACHINE Clearance service. Or is this too grim a forecast? Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, LOST: ONE green MSU notebook resume Printing, IBM Related to Women's Advance¬ authority on African Art. In the view of many el filled with class notes. X-lot area. tying, binding. Printing from your ment in Education and Employ¬ Gloria Toote, asst. secretary of Many American businessmen mists, high $5 per month. Large selection of plain paper originals. Reward. 353-1479. 1-5-1 Corner ment," from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. HUD, will meet informally with have been worried about just rates will persist in thel ireconditioned used machines.. M.A.C. and Grand River. Below Tuesday in 35 Union. students and the public at 10:30 such a cycle. And Alan few years. The Ford A( Singers, Whites, Necchi's, New LOST: KEYS in brown leather Jones Stationary Shop, 9-5, Belle Isle is back. Home and "many others." $19.95 Monday Remember today in 303 Bessey Hall. Toote Greenspan, for one, chairman of have offered the following tration's own economical case. Grand River/Bogue Street Friday. Call this is not a race and you don't will discuss "Housing in Urban President Ford's Council of to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS COPYGRAPH scenario in their new book, tions, published in thel area. 353-6105. 3-5-1 SERVICE, 337- have to ride all 200 mtlesr WeMjp ;- DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 -Cities." -jr -• Economic Advisers, told thtfrti "The Second Great Crash; " 1666. C-5-30 your applications at 7:30 budget for fiscal 19" North Washington, 489-6448. tonight in this week that they were "As the next expansion the unemployment C-1-5-1 | Personal "](/] THESES, RESUMES, typing and printing. Reasonable prices. C103 Wells Hall from the Hostel Club. Campus Concerts, films, sports, plays, exhibits. Find out what's happen¬ worrying about the right thing. He warned institutional in¬ gathers pace, inflation is sure to accelerate. There is calendar years 1975,197l r CLASSIFIED DISPLAY get's Hey, Married Housing Adults: a grave 1977 will average 8.1 perl KENWOOD KT 8005 Tuner. Sony COMMERCIAL PRINTING. ing this weekend at the Hubbard attention! Box in your ads. For 351- vestors at conference here TC228 8 track recorder, Dual better results advertise now! Sue, 4116. C-5-30 want to meet your neighbors and Information Center. Just call or a danger - indeed, a near cer¬ 7.9 per cent and 7.5 perl 1215S changer, AR fm receiver, have fun doing it? Come play visit W320 Library. against resurrecting the type of tainty - that the book of 1977-8 respectively. The 1975 far P-5-30 AR2am speakers, Metrotec equali¬ UNIGRAPHICS co-rec slowpitch softball at 2 p.m. inflationary imbalances that will see a number of major already looks too optimist! offers Saturday at the Red Cedar School All parachutists are invited to a occurred in 1973 and 1974. zer, Pioneer Reverb, Teac Dolby, ATTENTION PROFS. Going away countries lose control of their Many businessmen, sin COMPLETE DISSERTATION and Ball Diamond. Used police scanners, TV sets, this summer? party at the jump area at 8 p.m. To do so, he said, would set the currencies." Reginald Jones, chairai Responsible stu¬ resume service. IBM typing, electric typewriters, new Robyn dent will Saturday. MSU Sport Parachut¬ economy up for another "big The question is whether such General Electric, shard live-in/babysit your editing, offset printing and MSU Sports Car Club presents CB equipment. Great selection in house. Will do yardwork, house¬ ing Club. cyclical swing" one more fears of a coming inflationary view that the United | binding. We encourage compar¬ the term's automobile racing - car-stereo systems plus 500 used ative shopping. For estimate, stop boom-bust cycle. boom are premature, keeping and feed pets. Refer- highlight — Gymkhand in the The PR R Interpretive Workshop and economy is in a long, de tapes. MUCH MORE! WILCOX cences. 353-2729. 5-5-5 in at 2843 East Grand River Like Greenspan, Arthur M. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East or commuter parking lot (Farm Lane) will take an all-day trip to Seven represent a wrongheaded cycle in which recoverii phone 332-8414. 21-5-30 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Ponds Nature Center and Haven Okun, President Johnson's last diversion from the immediate not carry through to! Michigan, Lansing. 485-4391. YOUR INDIVIDUAL prescription chairman of the Council of task C-5-30 record (patient profile) includes ANN BROWN typing and multi- Married Students and engaged Hill Interpretive Center Saturday. facing policy makers - employment at the high ■ couples — explore your roles and Sign up on the board outside 131 Economic Advisers, was willing dealing with the worst econo¬ reached earlier and rc the date and medication lith offset printing. Complete Natural Resources. to PHOTO GRAY Lens. Bifocal or dispensed, physician's name and service for dissertations, theses, feelings toward an improved rela¬ Everyone is worry about what would mic drop since the Great will be deeper than he tionship. Come to marital growth welcome. follow the economic recovery, single vision. OPTICAL orescription number. Information manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Depression of the 1930s. Greenspan, in his New! rap session at noon Thursdays at DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, on your medication is easily 25 years experience. 349-0850. 118 S. Harrison Road. Bring a bag There will be an important generally expected later this The first-quarter decline of speech, inveighed againstl Lansing. 372-7409. C-2-5-2 accessible at GULLIVER STATE C-5-30 year and in 1976. But Okun, at real gross national product in ing on "the faucets" o(C DRUG, 1 block east of Bogue, Junch, drinks provided. Campus Scout meeting at 8 p.m. the same conference, putting the United States was a stun¬ federal outlays, which ha CUT OUT Records. Specials. East Lansing. 0-1-5-1 Sunday on the Union Sun Porch. - Ellipsis, the popular radio dis¬ the Regularly $1.97, now 2 for $3. cussion show, will be presented at Bring: leftovers from bazaar, "danger zone" into 1977 or ner -10.4 per cent at an annual tended "down the road, f Oldies but goodies. Must sell. cookie money, guitars and song- 1978, said he wasn't sure rate. not be expansionary bu FREE. A lesson in complexion 8 tonight by the Michigan State 'whether that danger would be . . MARSHALL MUSIC, East :are. Call 484-4519 East Michigan IRENE ORR - Theses, term papers, Network, 640 AM. books and pictures (baby pictures, In current dollars, the fall in tractionary." Thus, he| in going too fast or running out Lansing. C-1-5-1 or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE general typing. Formerly with Ann The Lou Grant Fan Club will camp pictures etc.) Everyone is gross, private domestic invest¬ providing intellectual flj welcome. of gas. NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. Brown. Call 482-7487. C-5-30 meet from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Do you believe in ESP, a spirit ment was precipitous - a drop of for the President's campjj [ Animals J[V^j 0-1-5-1 TYPING BY the hour. Drop off Saturday in 114 West McDonel Hall. Everyone is welcome. world or a creator? The evidence of something beyond the physical vers Internationally, some obser¬ foresee the next crash as $44.8 billion tp $164.6 billion, a 21 per cent decline in a single stop Congress from ad anti recession outlays. - I SHEPHERD-HUSKY Crosses. $5 service. Secretarial assistance. senses is to SCREWS FOR EYEGLASSES 694-0222. 0-5-30 overwhelming. Get good homes. Call 332-4984 or Attention. All musicians: any¬ some concrete evidence about it 655-3632. 3-5-2 EASILY REPLACED. Punch a one interested in having his *his week with the Yahsuans at small hole near the end of a strip TYPING-FAST, guaranteed. For¬ musical group perform for large Survey shows citizens 8:30 tonight in 34 Union and at 3 SPRING SPECIAL! 6 weeks old, of paper. Insert screw in paper.. merly of Okemos. Call Cindy or local gathering, please call Barb p.m. Sunday in 37 Union. AKC, Siberian Huskies-$35 and . then guide screw into hole and Jane, 882-2662. 5-5-6 Keinath. We cannot pay for up. 7 month old, $25 and up. turn down. When finished, tear appearance, but we can provide Dream of canoeing the Missis¬ 332-4984 or655-3632.. 3-5-2 the paper away and tighten. TYPING, ALL ,kinds, absolutely exposure and publicity for yoUr sippi? Learn about JMC Bicenten¬ Keep your closets neat by selling lowest rates in town. On campus group. nial Mississippi River Project next ADORABLE BLACK and white don't needs with a Classified Ad. "'-1-5-1 face economic worries Attention. Married Housihg fall. Non-JMC students eligible. puppy, female. Call 487-4490 Residents. The Married Students Openings left. See "What's days, 337-2136, evenings. Sally. JUDITH CARMAN. Experienced Union presents the second annual Happening" for meeting. 3-5-2 RECYCLED CLOTHING Denim - typist: dissertations, theses, term Spring Festival to be held at noon jackets, jeans, bib overhalls. SIM¬ papers. Reasonable rates. Call on May 10 until dark. Games, Satsang. Spirituality for sincere AFGHAN HOUND, elegant pup¬ PLE PLEASURES, 129 East Grand 393-4672. 5-5-1 activities and fun for the whole seekers. Only if the mind is still pies for show or companion. Call River. 351-3100. 10-5-6 349-0895. 3-5-2 COMPLETE RESUME theses and family. Watch for posters. and the senses under control can one attain inner peace and know¬ From NEW YORK TIMES NEW YORK — Are there still chickens in the researchers interviewed a the nation's 55 million families select^!j! in a spec dissertation service. Guaranteed [ Mobile Homes TO PLACE your ad to sell or rent Information and other alternatives quality at a substantial savings. Typeset composition, delivery Come to a Gay Liberation social evening and show that we are not "creatures of habit, cowering ledge of one's self. From 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through in the Union Mural Room. Friday every pot and cars in American garages? ages as and income groups. (The family w»s°| two adults with or without children, 1 On the whole, yes, your mobile home in the State (up to 20 weeks). Free pregnancy testing. From $100. available. THE PRINTER'S beneath . . . plastic values ." but there are some parent families with children.) Call HELPER, 694-9449. 5-5-1 from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. Friday in . . JMC Mississippi River trip plan¬ disquieting attitudes in the mind of the public. News Classified ads, call Vicki, :ollect 1(313)662-0387. 328 Student Services Bldg. ning at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in 137 Of the families interviewed, 83 per ABORTION EVALUATION Transportation fj%| Phi Gamma Nu general meeting Snyder Hall. New people are The raised voices around the family circle are squabbling about money, these days, rather than they were doing very or fairly well pe welcome, non-JMC students eligi¬ 1970 RICHARDSON, 12x60, 2 SERVICE NEED A ride or riders? Call Elaine at 6 tonight in second floor ble. Contact JMC Field Study the length of Junior's hair, as they did in the with 62 per cent stating that they have ■ 5-5-6 Conference Room of Eppley Cen¬ 1960s. Fear of not making ends meet has or a better standard of living than WJT bedroom, completely carpeted, to place your transportation ad. office for information. by far excellent condition. 675-5556. 355-8255. P-5-30 ter. Elections will be held. replaced fear of crime as the American family's year. However, 54 per cent repor arm NATIONAL MEDICAL BOARDS 5-5-5 PREPARATION courses are being Under Beaumont Tower at 5 foremost obsession, according to a national about money, 65 per cent say J NEED RIDE to Mexican border. Student Teachers. Yearbook p.m. on May 9 is the Bicentennial serious impact on their family and MPI offered locally for all 3 parts of the portrait appointments for all sen¬ survey of family attitudes. Will share gas and driving. I can the country is heading for a depressio. 1970 TITAN. 2 bedroom, 12x60, skirting and shed. Any reasonable National Medical Boards. The leave after June 6. 355-5947.2-5-1 iors who will not be in the area planning meeting This is an open gathering of celebration. - | STANLEY H. KAPLAN courses next fall term are offer considered. Phone 482-5746. offered have been extremely being taken people interested in America. By .and large, Americans are skimping on between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. this 3-5-1 successful. For all N.M.B., I -M l«l week in the Wolverine office, 30 Sign today to march on vacations, restaurant meals, clothes, matter and reading A 62 per cent majority say they arei cog TO PLACE your ad to sell or rent E.C.F.M.G. and Flex tests. For Student Services Bldg. up gifts. But more seriously, they are making adjustments in their life • "j IF THERE'S something you're Call or Boston May 17» The Student your mobile home in the State nformation call 1-313-354-0085. postponing visits to the doctor or dentist. Wives more than one out of three families I looking for, want to trade or swap stop in. Coalition Against Racism will have 3-9-5-13 are returning to work, but News Classified Ads, call Ann, - call Elaine at 355-8255, to place ASMSU Board meeting will be an information and literature table running into other are feeling the economic stress an , 355-8255. P-5-30 held at 7:30 tonight in 328 Student problems, they do not have time to shop they cannot keep up their present sw NEW MOON, 1969, 12x55, two I Peanuts Personal] [jS] your Classified Ad! P-5-30 WANTED: TWIN beds in excel¬ Services Bldq. from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. today and Friday in the Union lobby. economically, and a good many husbands are objecting to their being oyt of the house, even PARACHUTING AFTERNOONS bedroom. Excellent condition. May be left on country lot. $3900. and weekends. Parachutist party lent condition. Call 676-2527. Wanted £ All people interested in working the next NREE Newsletter with the extra income. The study found that harsh reality J Saturday May 3, 8 pm at jump 3-5-2 on 663-4756. 5-5-7 OLD WORLD Village Mall Store there will be an important meeting family in the winter of 1974 - jyeL area. Details, 351-0799, 543-6731. Americans were two decades oi r M looking for unique crafts on The American dream of an SCHULT 1972, 12x55, two 2-5-2 ATTENTION PROFS. Going away at 7 tonight in 338 Natural increasingly mic stability, when the average anu J this summer? Responsible stu¬ consignment. Call 675-5406. Resources Bldg. abundant future is not exactly over, but it has bedroom, partially furnished. $200 For additional 5-5-5 been jolted, the survey found. doubled from $5,600 in 1950 to $ ■ j down, pick up balance. 371-3326. i Real Estate dent will live-in/babysit your house. Will do yardwork. house- information contact Rich Mallon. home, sending the children to college and Owning one's (the figures are 1970 dollars). 2-5-2 having TUTOR FOR Sociology 427, for Petitioning is now open for FOR SALE by owner, 2 story, 4 ASMSU cabinet directors. Peti¬ a financially secure retirement are not as clearly TRADE UPRIGHT piano with blind student. Afternoons and 1971 LIBERTY, 12x60,2 bedroom. Phone 332-4627 after 5 pm. bedroom home. 1 '/j miles to bench and cushion for electric evenings, on campus. 353-1059 tions may be obtained in 334 on the horizon as they used to be. Extra cars, color television sets, b» $3200. 5-5-7 campus in Okemos school district. Aluminum siding with brick front, typewriter in good condition. 11-12 pm. 5-5-5 Student Sen/ices Bldg. appliances, vacation and entertainmijj 676 2527. 3-5-2 considered luxuries. Most famuie central air. 2 fireplaces. Base¬ The above 1968 IMMEDIATE CASH paid for ASMSU petitioning is now emerged this week in the release of even as prices rose. But as the KIRKWOOD, 12x60, fully ment, rec room. Nice kitchen NEED A house sitter, naval officer, opened for All-University Commit¬ a survey commissioned carpeted and skirted. built-ins. Low 40's. records, tapes, and cassettes. by General Mills Corp. of work grew and the price of ne 351-3644 Phone RECORD tee seats. Petitions may be picked and conducted 5-5-2 grad student, available June - KARMA SHOPPE, by opinion researchers of hand, the American winter 351-5996. 8-5-9 August. Call Al, 353-7067. 5-5-7 353-7287. 10-5-12 up in 334 Student Services Bldg. Yankelovich, Skelly and White Inc. This winter settled in, and the budget took cuts. ijchigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 1, 1975 17 ATume THE SMALL SOCIETY isTYwim by Brickman 6 WJIM TV. laming | Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services " jwKZO IV Kalonxuoo 7 WXYZ TV, Detroit 10 WltX-TV, Jackson 25 WEYI TV, WE JlMlOfZ 8 WOTV. Grand 12 WJRT TV. Flint Saginaw 4WWJ TV. Detroit Rapids 5WNEM-TV. BoyCtty 9 CKLWTV. Windsor .13 WZZM-TV, Kalam 41 WUHO-TV, Battle Crnk 50 WKBD TV. Detroit SZHAlog 16 23 WKAR TV, East La (9) Petticoat Junction ^ pp/Biomo Livingston Counties Entertainment Capitol (10) New Zoo Revue (7-12-13-41) Barney Miller OlTfeTANPlN^ (12-13) Mickey Mouse 9) Stanley Cup Playoff QUALITIES The Golden Hunter (23) Sesame Street Club (23) Civilisation OF GOOV (25) (50) Dealer's Choice Yogi 8i Friends (41) Daktari 8:30 F6LUDW-TM£- World's Number On* Neighborhood Restaurant" (50) Three Stooges (4-5-8-10) Bob Crane Show 4:30 7-13-41) Karen (2) Mike Douglas Show (12) Michigan Outdoors •? \\TCCC£ty' yjfc i uh'N. (3) Merv Griffin Show (50) Merv Griffin Show LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7 NIGHTS .e^rl A (4) George Pierrot Presents 9:00 5-1 $fZicK/*Arh> (6) That Girl 2-3-6-25) Thursday Night Movie (7) 4:30 Movie 4-5-8-10) Movie Special (8) Partridge Family (7-12-13-41) Streets Of San (9) Andy Griffith Francisco of Howell (10) Mickey Mouse Club (23) Performance At Wolf Trap CAMPUS CLATTER 125 Holiday Ln. (12) Voyage To The Bottom Of 9:30 ' Howell, Michigan 48843 The Sea (9) Pallisters by Larry Lewis (13) Lucy 10:00 (25) Addams Family 7-12-13-41) Harry O (4-5-8-10) Wheel Of Fortune (50) The Little Rascals (23) A Place For No Story (6-25) Love Of Life (50) Dinah! 5:45 AM (7) Detroit With Dennis Wholey EVENING 10:30 in Religious Town Ha (9) Mr. Dressup (9) All Around The Circle 6:00 (12) Lucy 11:00 5:00 PM ration Second Chance (13) The Money Maze (6-8) Ironside (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- ' (23) Villi Alegre (9) Mickey Mouse Club 10-12-13-23-25) News 6:05 (41) New Zoo Revue (10) Truth Or Consequences (41) The Protectors (50) Not For Women Only (13) That Girl 11:30 6:15 10:55 (23) Mister Rogers (2-50) Movies jge For Today (3) News (25) Lucy (3-6-25) Late Movie f M. Presents 11:00 (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. (4-5-8-10) Tonight Show 6:20 (2) Phil Oonohue Show (50) The Flintstones (7-1213-41) Wide World Of m And Country Almana (3-6-25) Now You See It 5:30 Entertainment 6:25 (4) Bowling For Dollars 12:00 MIDNIGHT (4-5-8-10) High Rollers (9) Midnight ige (9) Partridge Family 6:30 (9) Take 30 (12-41) Money Maze (10) Beverly Hillbillies 1:00 AM lunrise Semester (12-13) News (13) Password (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow I For Women Only Broom (23) Lillias, Yoga 8. You (23) Villa Alegre (25) Hogan's Heroes (7-12-13) News SHORT RIBS (50) New Zoo Revue (9) Homes Today Of M. Presents tie Bobby Show 11:30 (50) Gilligan's Island (50) Religious Message by Frank Hill (3-6) Love Of Life 5:55 Deration Second Chance (4-5-8-10) Hollywood Squares (41) Early News >ws And Farm Report 1:30 im Show (7-12-13-41) Blankety Blanks 6:00 (2) Late Movie (9) Family Court (2-3-4-5-6-7-8- (7) Religious Message leration Second Chance 6:45 (23) Villa Atlegre 10-12-13-25-41) News (9) The Cheaters (25) Dinah (9) Bewitched kning r Edition (50) Bugs Bunny (23) Woman 2:00 6:55 (4-10) News 11:55 (50) Star Trek im Kerr Show 3:00 7:00 (3-5-6-10) News 6:30 (2) Mayberry RFD bilNews (4) Here's Carol Duvall (3-4-5-6-7-10-25) News (12) National Anthem 12:00 NOON (9) I Dream Of Jeannie BO) Today Show 3:30 (2-5-6-8-13) News (12) 6:30 Movie (2) Operation Second Chance AM America (3) The Young 8i The Restless (13) Beverly Hillbillies jo's Big Top 3:35 led Racer (4) Jackpot (23) Zoom (2) Message For Today (7-12-13-41) Password (41) Wanted Dead Or Alive (9) Galloping Gourmet 7:00 (10) Wheel Of Fortune (2 4-7-8) News (23) Masterpiece Theatre (3) What's My Line? (50) Underdog (5-10) Mod Squad 12:20 PM (6) Bewitched (6) Almanac (9) Beverly Hillbillies , 12:30 (13) Truth Or Consequences 8:00 (2-3-6-25) Search For Tomorrow (23) Tele-Revista k5) Captain Kangaroo (4) News (25) The F.B.I. (5-10) Blank Check (41) Outdoors ptio Schools (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour same Street (7.12-13-41) Split Second (8) Mike Douglas 7:30 (America (9) That Girl (2) Truth Or Consequences |r. Rogers' Neighborhood 1 (50) Lucy Show (3) Michigan Outdoors 8:25 12:55 (4) Jeopardy ler Report (6) $25,000 Pyramid ""chigan (5-8-10) News 1:00 (7) Let's Make A Deal 8:30 (8) Hollywood Squares (2) Love Of Life (3) Joker's Wild (9) News Nine (4) What's My Line (13) To Tell The Truth p! Insumer's (6) Martha Dixon (23) Civilization Survival Kit (7-12-13-41) All My Children (41) Jimmy Dean Show 8:45 8:00 (9-50) Movies |i Ami (23) Perspectives In Black (2-3-6-25) The Waltons 9:00 224 ABBOTT 1:25 (4-5-8-10) Sunshine |pouse Price Is Right (2) News 3 1:30 (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives THE DROPOUTS (7-12-13-^1) Let's Make A Deal (23) Romagnolis' Table by Post . 2:00 r'djy Giant (2-3-6-25) Guiding Light [Mike Douglas (7-12-13-41) $10,000 Pyramid Narrator: Orson Bean. pe Street Jhu|5day^MaY_i_1975_ (23) The Music Project png Playbreak 2:30 9:00 I. 9:'5 (2-3-6-25) The Edge Of Night 8:00 PM (CBS) The prio Schools (CBS) The Waltons Thursday Night (4-5-8-10) The Doctors Movie 9:27 "The Marathon" ous (7-12-13-41) Big Showdown Having a week "Hawaii" Julie Andrews, Max Message (23) Assignment America off from school, , 9:30 John-boy Von Sydow. (1966) Story of I You See It 3:00 ispersuaded to enter a seven-day the early missionaries who (2) Young And Restless dance marathon in hopes of ping Accent (3-6-25) New Price Is Right traveled to and settled in r Check winning the first prize. (4-5-8-10) Another World F Courtship Of Eddie's (7-12-13-41) General Hospital (23) Lilias, Yoga 8. You (NBC) Movie Special prtales(8) Concentration 3:30 (NBC) Sunshine "The Blue Knight" (PT.2) Pumer Survival Kit (2-3-6-25) Match Game '75 "A Song For Montana"Cliff De William Holden, Lee Remick. IValeyToday (7-12-13-41) One Life To Live Young, Conny Van Dyke. Sam Story of a police pLalanne falls in love with Montana, a officer close (9) Gomer Pyle 1 9:55 Is Carol Duvall (23) Making It Count singer-guitarist, but the girl to retirement. PROFESSOR PHUMBLE I 10:00 (50) Banana Splits doesn't feel she is cut out to be 1 Joker's Wild a wife and mother. (ABC) Streets Of San Francisco by Bill fates "Flags Of Terror" (R) Steve (2-3) Tattletales Keller is held hostage by a (ABC) Barney Miller 'far Room (4) Somerset revolutionary group which [fJoOI-C YbO (5) Studio 5 terrorizes San Francisco Airport. pit Today 1 (6) The Attic 8:30 10:30 (NBC) Bob Crane Show (7) Money Maze (8) Gilligan's Island "Grin And Bare It" With real 10:00 TtllOfj (ABC) Harry 0 estate sales at a low ebb, Ellie "Sound Of Trumpets" (R) A — I Al-WAY^ SONY. decides to augment the family down-on-his-luck jazz musician ■""eosured diag income by posing nude for a is the only witness to murder HIT . |cponsored by: Super Sunday — (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes stars of Columbia Pictures. by Bob Thaves May 4 Roger MtGuInn PUT Mfc DOW* AS gfcSPECTlllfi THft MHT$ Of THoSfc MHO DlFffcft (?) -j with mi, iut as holding NHICHevftff OPINIO* Ho$T ,rXn PfcOPLE DO AN© SVHPATHIXJNC WITH THOJt MHO AH* 1/NDUlDtD. s., t t»?sT» ft| us *t on 1 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, my J COME ON IN TO THE techhifi 1st ANNUAL V SALE! Thursday, May 1st 10 AM-12 Midnight Receiver and Integrated Amp Brand New In The Box I Assorted Goodies Special!!! These units which owned maximum of 90 days and At Great Prices! are were a List Tech traded-in for larger units — All Have Factory Warranty Sansui Au-9500 $550.00 List Tech $365.00 List Tech Pioneer SA-9100 $450.00 355.01) Marantz 1060 $229.95 $185.00 New Pioneer HR-99 Sansui TV-9500 Tuner $350.00 8 Track Deck $199.95 $150.00 265.001 Sansui 441 230.00 190.00 New Dokouder MK-50 Factory Warranty — Hurry, Limited Supply! 1 200.00 150.00 Cassette Deck Sansui 661 349.00 300.00 Sherwood 9400 USED 1 year 260.00 195.00 Warranty Pioneer SA-7100 , 250.00 200.00 Sherwood S7100 A USED 1 year 220.00 155.00 Turntable Specials! Warranty Marantz 2325 799,95 695.00 Lilt Tech Brand New Pioneer QX646 500.00 299.00 Quad Receiver BSR 2260 $55.00 $45.00 Sansui 771 429.00 375.00 Sony TC 366-4 BSR 2310 70.00 55.00 Quad Deck USED only $295.00 1 year Warranty Kenwood 4400 299.95 245.00 BSR 2510 80.00 65.00 Dynaco Pat 4 USED 204.00 100.00 Thorens 160 USED 230.00 175.00 Nikko 9090 500.00 400.00 Marantz 120 Power Amp Open Box Miracord Special With Wood Cabinet 500.00 250.00 1 year Warranty Sansui 881 529.00 470.00 Tech Yamaha CT 700 Tuner Mir 625 with Base As is — No Warranty Only $215.00 Pioneer 535 299.95 245.00 & Dust Cover List $174.00 $105.001 Audio Technica AtlO Demo and USED Loudspeaker Specials!!! Sale Bose 501 li $225.00 a pair Many New RTR HP-12 200.00 Tape & Phono Loudspeakers atSale Power & EPI 202's 340.00 Prices! Pre-Amp Specials! Cartridge Sale! Jensen 5's 200.00 Tech Maxell VD35-7 $4.50 Ohm D's 145.00 Dynaco 400 Assembled $444.00 Maxell VDC-90 3.25 Come hear The New Advent C-90Cro2 2.50 Concord CS-210's 40.00 Rectilinear 5" Sony2000F Pre-Amp 425.00 Limit Ton Per Customer While Advent H's 95.00 The latest in Supply Lasts Integral Systems List Tech Infinity 2000 AXT 375.00 High-efficiency Model 200 Power Amp Microacoustics QDC-IE $110.00 $75.00 Rectilinear 12's 225.00 Speakers Both for I or lOOw/Rms Per Channel Stanton 681 EEE * 82.50 55.00 Dyna A-25 110.00 The Ohm Model F Just + Audio Technica AT14S 75.00 45.00 JBL-26 250.00 The Ultimate in Plus Many, Many More "State of the Art" Model 10 Pre-Amp $450.00 Reduced Prices on All Record Infinity POSI 125.00 Care Accessories — Drop in and Check 'em Out!! Sound!! A $200.00 Savings JBL-100's 499.00 SCARF All sales on sale items final. tech UP ON A 619 e. grand river ave TECH HI-FI T-SHIRT e.lansing 537-9710 FREE hifi and other stores out west towards Limited Chicago and back east to Boston. WITH ANY PURCHASE WHILE THEY LAST Quantity on all Specials!