S. C. Library ■« lens Inc. au I O-llJ CARVIVAl Michigan State Neuts I KAST I.ANS1NV,, MICIIIUAN, TUESDAY. Pledging Drops Off Homecoming The Mens Has tth this issue the Mi.hignn Stau NV«-« appear* in a New Dress Varsity Club ( larnival lo Exploit tim»' rlcess. put I t-f which was u«td in lasi Fr»«t;U" Plans Party Activities for Co-eds Despite Gnrollmon I J™1 A"rac| ti> tv used in mil hondliw« Bodrm. .1 t*p« ia i»t hiu>M tin i iu w-teial additun .ur htmlm. scheduh • utMnr.dmr daibc* 111 in,* »,.ii 1. . uppt ■ .m,< Friday Night Planned Wednesday Increase at Stale In iui» thn r'i'tu ill, in place Of tin and m pt t jinci lower. former mixture This is inttnded tu :,\i rbanges headline type frtlnu ic-e m the ruloptmi tliiMmtilitip IA I II! of Fall C.ttli'tirlar lo 1st* K«*iittirt* 1*1 iging. with \ : Thi, \\ rrU-etut. u ..w<1 a largri body t>|>. tlmt has pi.tvcd Itonlli- of Or^aitimliott* OflVrim! F\lnt»('.urri» Wen: Krlwtlr Sinl W'itll ll». K»ll« i-il l» SAC. thcM impt i>\ cincnts in the Stat. N. u > v\, mak. riiliit' V urk for V\ onirtt Shtilr'iil-. With II. nnil Ht-llu Chi ami Si ... itu nt t.» the Campus Press, printer of the paper It* -"#11* l.angii mi Registration at State Reaches all Time Peak Animal Sales Arc Pusliod \ (Mt'liook llrite for Fratrr- oil* ami Sororitv Snl»- M-iiplioti- Si a r It'll. E. B. Elliott To Talk Here aid. tions a thing «»f the past. m-IuniI IMitratioti Ilciitl \\ it) division# show# I activity centered the Speak is now in llefuri' Sliitlettl .482 enrolled in j classrooms l»r«»llp !!nir-«l.rt \itfht. department in'all rurrieula to I Perhaps the most surpiiMin: I Tollmen! gain* have tw« n riudi ,11 eu I nion Plans ranks next with tha' applied science .(ivim i. Tl>-- applird science | IM4 enrollment in this di\i-u»n !was 488 in the fall <>r itu». the- Socond Parly i hrxtie eeflnom- j number *«« raised in Mto apd'thist Ihinrr is Srlirilol«*il for 11taruled by only 'year the total is ff?0 is within the applied \ . Saiurtlat Xiglii in • department are due to the ' Itallroom. • I'orcsttTs Slop j! attrue»ion of the physical edut .i-' t - .,-^-^^/walnlna, business preparw-I (JicsliiutlJecay!^ rr* xht nvw ^ itiU Front llrahlit Tri'f* IL'plarr Failing Stork* ' Slate I'rof Plans Klilrrs Attrnrk Drainage Pnijeet (iliic a Itu Men \u. Lltjlillffriltu I'lrifr-s-or W ill ( oiialriirl Iki.II ■v h»w n,A" | liiMilulioiial Ail. IIpuiI lit-- b of chestnut in JirwciiU Stale at Lcmi* syivania have been, trillion ill (illinigti. Prof, to Attond 1iiauii(irali(Hi HS(. C, ranfie Hoiflu ig«'. IHitioi", fittm (Kioiwi • V* ill ll. pt Ill Al. Annual Initiation inclusive. Although the . til kiiliiiiiii/.iMi. igmaiiy plait- j brnlt'llirrr New Mom- :!!.*;- tr>«- ioie«try department has | they are now attended by heads j krr# luU Foritialitit"*. ,collette«l reed# from its healthy and representative* vf *cli«iol and' • r*e? These se«*ds will form a.j reilege deiMirtment Staff mcrn-; » * -• ! t»*i* for a new crop br-rs from the universities of llh* ' tit grange held its ini- | i'"* new member* at the. In reghats where the blight ha* j no.#, Wisconsin, Indiana and Chi- ^ -inanihly meeting Sat- ' : already attacked no amount off|rago, and Iowa State and Michi¬ gan State College were present at ;f.rte students, many of ** Ur%f r"« n. took the fall term I cry Brief History of (.or/ts | Convention sptakerK. who have (.ftntl II ill Hit lite (ji roll in; They were Wm Shult. C.iHtp Fixe* (her ! | spoken at M N C, were; Marie **1 rtson Wgyne Skiver. Sponsors Lists Success Rule ' t stern, food adviser of the Statlrr fx (inrnica/ Barker Tomorrow :• t ;r * C'ourcha ine, Margaret Muncie. Dorothy j V trgtnui Smokinfi Corner Hotels Company; Harold Van Ar- matit who acted a* master of cere- , *"m Mason. James Mtt- l*ii 11, i'olitir*. and Popular it a < oiupl«l«- Faiunii* Soiuh.-4r»-lMk out' Or* '""*"" G""" K Sm"h ,h" fi !S,M" •!«»«• «" Amliriirc #,» Apw. I» (iltr tin- . . . F Smith Company, Toledo. Ohio; t ... .. 4 Foriutil.1 fur Murh Smglii Afkrr Militia Till«*.«. .... ' '.ileman. Vincent Skinner. L™1 Sound. «uch T.? « ihl. h.vr brro Paul Simou of llurwath * „ jrwilh Chlc..„ Spirl «l t.arnl in (.,!" Aiiii. x. .S-eder. Victor Schember. Br Margaret liaise the t*it we ran do is present the! i»«tng from the smoking room |nf.lufl,,r. lhf. „.n...nf 1A.-. She is tall and red-headed and demand f.a the county fair* thw "FT, ^drott. Norman Blakely. ' •"r> Sabbury. Marian Bearda- If vou were to step up to a Mich- _corP* sponsors tot tire past two . «'• "* " 1 entertainment were a rginia Surratt, Wilbur <*an St.,, to.«l MWi Who ywr, *wl ,1 U». oM I Q of dy, hcu^ T^e girU d«- „(qul,nUd y ^ - !moulh wl|| u or,... kr Jam, 1 Bird. Leona Gordon arp tha lucktaft *1.' «. thr cam- '» *•»«'. » '« h'"«»; ^ " d" d. a I Ic |b „ , |jr(d „ rui| Uta .Iniluran S Huiden and Lloyd Campbell. PU,- " ,h, d iut«> -.nd.r ho.- <'■«* Uta«. !>'«?"< lhat Ihojr r* paml- ,4 , : rral uall>-h«.. entMma i img * cart-mcmy was followed by loo, you'd bt^n ou! Of th, .t« a. Mary Van Hal.orm of Ka.l bn- j»«;«;1 nual tohqutd pultin, up new curtain, and have th« wMidrrm, from one I then -H and refreshmenls. and irply. -Th- << rpt am, u th* fu«t taampl*. Sh* U "" even bou,hl cute little a«h tray. _____ biaith toanuthrr Vou will w* h*r uam, a atyt.Mi.»p.r«! <1 nalurallv ■ Wha' . and probably if enough Her nariw* is Carol Dwcl- Michigan Slalc for a ready w* ! FACULTY FOLKS MKKT . j parade and Uiowm, th* boy frwnd lh*y had corp. .pontairt thn*. iky, and she i# the official barker ! which is a! time# painful to *»me ) that he*I not the oniy one on j .he'd be one [for the Co-ed Carnival, to be held |aiwl for a drgre# of abandon whim ! A rettpron given by th® ^ * h«id law it, "fcaT* campu* oho can pick 'em, thro* ; Mary Butler of Detroit belonged lovely Thuraday alter- lucky lad.** are the envy of all to Alpha Phi ynd majored In home book. vases and a grand guest ; tomorrow night, Wednesday, in the ( gym annex. , a undoubtedly go to make he ) Faculty Folk club last Friday in particularly successful barker < the ballroom t-f the Union build- 'Ftaid well have an over- Ai She can be found on When interviewed concerning f You will see her walking around j ing Mic hael Hress. Beatrice Hrody «|«rtkm a/ aOctrt. their leu fortunate .rater* economic* this peculiar calling which she has j the Gym Annex, bellowing out the j and Archie Black were featured ^ Koitard w», prrn- And now for a few well-choaen the Si.-Mile Rood in Detroit and they'll want to chosen. Miss Dwelley affirmed that j attractions to he enjoyed at the! on a musical program. Chairman word, of advice lo th* would-be',., don't call during office hour, be¬ she -likes to tark and she like* to j various booths. It o exported • for the afternoon was Mrs. H, S. lli the But place, you frcehmen cauer ah* i, working then, had better wail until neat year be- Lorraine Selet. aim ef Detroit have an audience, so she took up the trade. She also stated modest-; ako jthat if her voicetheholds out. she will j Patton announce program fee* you Bart hoping, on account (Continued on pagr «). ef no freabmen bar ever been ' ■ ■ » ly that she has made quite a ihir»4 | — I The Phi Kaps at Northweatern ■elected for that honor and it « our j Order Maeu la* Semeaemfng. •f it in the past and was much in order Maaaa far Memrrasalag.! university, have built an overxiae guesa that thi. year won't be any j Gee* AiuOL TleefM. Ill 4MB , j c—e AverHI, Vlartat. til AMsrt j doghouse for their Great Dane A. for th* reel of you j Seed. MICHIGAN s 1 A i r; M r:\Vs Tuesday. October 13, howed that the averrtge person required .i2 lovely, marvelous, etc., ad na second to figure things out before he State Theater comes de seum. Think it ever. Mr Edit lichiijatT 6tatc Ncu<$ ^ a and reform. Dot's all. slammed on the brakes. A few who took the "D> revolooshun test didn't realize an etnergency until a full , '*— .' two seconds had passed. V h.s i>- called CYdarsid# by eonieratlos s. & v. I don't know. Personally I Medieal examinations for insurance and Or it's a take-off on Ken 1 tests to determine fitness for jobs, have dis- eme song. "Clothes Bo- t™ Tclosed a list of people with defective sight J|jt Winding Cedar." Thev' Evan* "SWING" like more than peace. With us-, I-' I and hearing. Commercial trucking lines ake more tito# of the Shadow sing the worked our fingers to th« | have - rompiled a list of "accident-prone" , So*. hand you *md Eric Blere i j — — •.try Don Hoffman and His vvutkos. s-:»vt | drivers, people who are habitual offenders in *''• tor away from Michigan * fast and furi- \ r Ye F-ule Editor of th opto think you're from \v strokes of his -and said nothing. No. we I ro.,fc.s» :■<>'- the accident field. They don't drive trucks. Montgomery, as! sa»d a word. But there's ; TrwrtwM | None of these people are barred from tlriv- T.:.,fc—r « ■. i ing. A car going 60 miles an hour travels r ,j Vw«ii» I about 170 feet in the two.seconds which some bad -• ' people require to think it over. There's j nothing to stop them front kilting other " VIS? Si'" bpeople, though. Nor is there anything to cm s, ,p ()u, (),,af am| near-blind. Morons mat ■ 'cr. '•**" drive a high-powered racer.without over- *«' " 'stoppings the boumls of the law. In Michi- Ri) , gan-we require that the applicant In* between ,lk, K*'> 14 anil l">o years-old and that he must have H,i driven 500 mill s More gaining the permit - - to propel th>' ton or two of steel at other '" V*!,. ." i.'C [H.,,pl|, The "prone driver" isn't limited. v I'. ►"'.""127. •- Perhaps we can't teach people to drive, but ..,. ,".i,,7*Yr.-! we can stop those without the ability. A , ' !,»'•' i few might e\en learn to drive if they were v — — I encouraged. ! V Mndxr |0J7 The State News will cooperate with the ; „s., National Safety Council in presenting a - fhsocidod Colof«to Press "Safe and Sane Driving Series." Headers' OMnfcutonal opinions on these articles will lie appreci- " ColiotSKjk1 Ditfesf ateii—R. A. V. y HHlcKWOOI) I*!('(!firs. II here Art 'Hum? Mass I'nulnrlion Early reports on fratern it y pledging' Pacts and figures of an educations show tha t * hav# Uvn very *low to reveal that there were few college* accept pit is. The figures are not complete, j that did not register'material iner true cn.High. yet evrtl at an earlier date. enrollment. Such facts indicate , last .car there were twice a s many men | thing's of note: prosperity has tout pledged. 'rhe «ororit ten elosvil their formal! college student, there is a growing t rushing j w I tl two wei ks ay-o. and also j toward higher education, the gov .- College Bulletin .vht'Hfi tivelv a «msill. detrease, though it \va* eompara- iievrea>e , agency NVA has enable*! thousand Sll0!3 That b, : h group* nhoulil sh-i w a ; il for another relief branch. palrailovit al. conjiiiiering the lug in- j • MTHts With the growing desire of Americans iff creaM# in llege-educated would mean. ' Will Ihirant last winter .sounded the first For the fraternities, we could aucg |cry. lie remarked that already there is a liveable dearth of trained nvjehanie* arid; vnanv improvements, hut w ill'dd mor«r and I,K>I a lib re <■( men once trained by. suggest the adoption of a system based on !1 r tha.t pib are nhw going to col- that now used by the sororities here. Should' " some of the fraternity men deride such a» suggestion, we might refer them to the I 4 ' rushing plans used by many other iwhook,! Mu htgah has a setup similar to the jtoror* j ** , The i Plur,n! remarks I;n;"i, a g- P 1 ' sand I'h. l»'s ' mere). nurg will ha., try have t least ftw similar feature. It i#.-] k>t» nf .Inhtural rrnn.atioaa t„ k«k it in,t ; hotel ad mir, t\ w TOUCHDOWN ,, the #tor- of t he auiom^bile victims ftf the ' twenty-third aonux! talk »l«iut Ti , r arc plenty of new huil.1- Rr.., th# "Seven killed and twelve injured Mnbig+n liot#l j in acute tit* " "Three .lie in he«.l-wn ■ ^ tr„h " M. thor in,I .laughter in entail TIh" * » hi.. h*«» of Miutifdlly (OB l!NI)ER-GRAD condition." —"PootlMt .tar kille.1 here.' An article. "Ami Amu*. •: Death." .tat much !Th''' -r«' 1 "' "f to make (leople aware uf the more grueaome : '''gaall,. hcate.1 t *">«»».ip*.I firden. and Uwni to .-brulw. otmwc. #nJ ***** •«"» ,tr»', Ovwby at uvHx U*w manager of ^ VARSITY-TOWN aad $35 detail, of *cci.lent«. The author lingrre.1 over They will l» able t>, .cnverce at length the » and an ■*!.,ut the way M. S t hac grown—hew it old lady w bo eat quietly in the back tkmobshcl car—with a king sliver of of a I has rem tied major prv>r«rttoni amonc the glass, ."Uige* uf America. Rrggiug Your rar.li.ii TOPCOATS - O'COATS JDuc to «'m:wii'vrpr«?td!Ikst <4 driven neatly through her head. But will they be able to go home and say, it iuk« rcgarduvs j Safari*# of -' Vnl\ AH this made people ahudder and proh- "Th.-v treated u» like regular fellas!" Or. f » isafity, Thtr Staiti? . X*m* —~— I faculty afcc* admini^tcttivc' ably did a l.it of good in awakening the public | will they go home and say. "Tliey were nice to actualuj. Yet, the toll hasn't decreased, enough, hut acted like wc were country .ftftoVW Xht Must of tht FTv^'h« tit&evw giItiw mi It Robert Ripley who, a lew ; staff have been tnrrcakcc} five per I ycwri mew atari led u# with the fact [cent MVRUS - Lsl'4 0 to P Th# L&SttCX Itcmrf that Albeit Einstein had caiee j -J — enough. icouains?' T t> Ut* was* failed in malhecwtic* , Now an \ Yale Cniveraity ha« th# »d- •A good share of our accidents are caused M'bith will it Ire? II depends qn you.— uakiiown ojnwvt«anArnt lelt^ Uiw dresM^ i>f at! bU W i>f iu 31.003 by incompetent driven. A reaction-time test j H. P. H. peculiar ftory, aua&|« parallel .graduates. i p^any. October 13,1938 "AilCIITGAN ST ATI-: NEW! Missouri Next for State Following Carnegie Win Saturday Field (ieneral-Blockcr«Rtinner«Snfety Man Spartans Register on Pass Michigan Minnesota. SPORTCASTER v.*. Marquette vs Kansas State. Arizona Vs. Centenary. In Third Quarter to Score Wayne vs. Michigan Normal. Third Consecutive Victory rf«? Saturday Game] Anothpr Selto Accounts <> fj Worries Coach For All Points Mi.uotiri to Bring ( tulr* (ralt'il Trnm llrrr. SPECIAL FOR TUES. - WED. Wr IX,. Shm-s Mark for 2Qr M. S. C. SHOE REPAIR I10TH FIELD AltTlLLKItY ARMORY The Spartan* are well -up- Present* a Michigan State College Student , plied with tackles. Harry Speelman. a junior, i- an f outstanding one. and be a strong ef»g in the Slate will BOB SIEGRIST And IHs line for the re*t o* hi- college 11-PIECE ORCHESTRA j days. He sustained a cut he* • ncath his left rw in the ( ,ir- SATURDAY, OUT. 17TH ' negie game, hut will he re u! • Ladies 25r Ihnclnt fl.OQ t • 1:00 f ienilrtiien 35r for the Mi**iuiri till. Fomprtition FIRST (Mil'RUII uf CHRIST, SCIENTIST LANSING, MICHIGAN In Fral Play A i-'UI 1 l.It'TL'HI t»N CIllltSTIAN SClKNc l UNTITLED Proves Tiirlil "Chri-liatt Si tetter tiring* Enlightenment for Mankind" H> MISS MA KG A It FT MOIHUSON, C. S, f OF CHICAOU, ILLINOIS M. n.tiv! .if the Ilea ..I «f I » i lure-Mop rf The Mother Church, IN EASTERN HIGH SCHOOL AUIHTOHIUM FRIDAY FYFNINV,. OCTOBKU 10.11UU5 AT ETC I IT FIFTEEN O'CLfX'K Till iuau.lt- IS COUOIAI.LV INVITED TO ATTEND Golf Fillers 2nd Round Nel-oit i- Medalist Willi V) Meet tfie Gang it Hi- il» 11*. Till: VARSITY CLUB'S RIG .uxtel the State HOME-COMING PARTY scouting Fo uw the tie struggle rc Riuy n.cr thrngs about Lonn» hsrat rf the Tigers To bu.ld State up for the g hduagi u going about the • • very cautious manner "iat take Into consideration 1 fualiiritiK with Marquette BILL PORTER •detested records What j .. AND HIS MUSIC m ^ the big city across C.;.,• ***• Michigan may determine! wd for national honors. I c.->i i.( game, although 10 days off .r.g a nar FRIDAY NIGHT II bc,nj Ulkcd up locally Hrinun 1* » «tr on. poMibdit; i Pj. • tiin will be chartered tC«:tinu«d on p»gr S) tojn»tur«i The entire second floor of the Union will Ik* available f or dancing In Initial Wins Over Centre and Mississippi Laston Union Ballroom Admission—40c per person Door prize of a football autographed by all the players and coaches MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Tuesday. October 1 .. H»:; Independent Grid Loop Opens With Record Team Entry A Scrapper at Pivot Post Twelve Teams Start Fry Captures " S PO R TOR IA LS College Meelj Play as League Sees Banner Year Ahead Snydrr* Corner* Capture* Opening Came by ing Bakerboro in Fast Moving Game. 124). With a record number of teams entered, the Independents are look¬ ing forward to th^ evenings of October and November for their eve¬ ning entertainments The schedule has been drawn up. and the boys are sharpening their offensive and defensive weapons up for the Ion*; line of games to be played. Twelve teams have promised to put teams on the field, and a suc¬ cessful season to expected. The teams and their captains are the fol¬ lowing Snyders Corners, Everett McDougall; Bakerboro. Bob Keys and Bob McKrnna; Free Lances. Hail and Elmer Tuxford. Lan¬ sing, Chuck Pcgg; Abbott, Ernest Strawsviile. ch and/ Harold Fred Arnold; Miles- town, Joe Ruhe; Beoltowm, John Cooper; Freshmen to give the Sparlitns «t dmt at ctnfer. Ki u-hinan. though Meet Albion comparatively passe* a light the tsall well. runic, a* refifcTs go. is xtron*; defensively and JEAN'S KEWPEE Chambers; Briggs Acres, Charlie Hamburg Coy add Bob Mitchell; Butter- J As Next Foe j cn plays of their own and were fields, Larry Kleinfield; Williams- ton. Fhli Hart man and Pctttb Hts. After dropping their first game Moreover The reserves had' a| All-Steak At Ritz to the Varsity reserves by a score Treated al Academy The first game has been played of 7 to 0. Coach John Kobs' fresh¬ Hot Dog with Snyders Corners taking Bak¬ man eleven resumed practice erboro into cafnp by the see of 12 I Monday night wrb pieparation- • to 0 Capt McDoungal. hifty - fur their game Thursday night ark of the j Snyders Corners team, with the Albion Frosh at Albio 1 j ood out in a game marked by ■ rough play and frequent intercep- j coaches were well pleaded will Although they |i»-t ti. opener Cafeteria :>f (hum-' The Bakerboio the work of the yearlings and ' threatened frequently, but I several of the first year men the punch when it was j looked particularly t > the j Fountain Service needed ! mentors Defeat w as not allogethn See Our Stock of Ruhr, who to in charge of: unexpected as the freshman team Wells llall champs and the champs trying to sehed- had had but three nights'' work games with the winners of the J _ . _ „ MKDICO IMPES Large Special I lh, Intcrfrntrrnity Uogvic Thr "*"»"* ,l r trying to n .h.Hrld drvtlnp man, tnt.-r-'f » lm" "n wh '' ' ' ,r»m »*' RAINBOW Malted Milk 10c *amri. *„d thr in, thnv j ?« T'. * " Young meeting old swell «..»*. i ^ • Young schooled a* RECREATION Coca Cola 5c Washington and JeiTersc Ketch man Forget* II The Sideline* Bt Oeorce Ma# kin Football is in the air and will titinuc to hold the sporting #pot- |ht for another two months When the gridiron M»a»on fade# to oblivion until next fall basket bull will move forward t' xninate the alhlttu pr«|ram- -It's at the majority uf high schools ant i Ben ge hen VanAtotynr. Sta'r vouch, alieady has his eye tile first game scheduled rai h Decern tier It's not far awaj one considers October * veterar 15 is a Liqht Smoke! ily a couple of days away To feel good offer smoking - Van has arranged what he con- kri to tie the best schedule if It's not just the pleasure a fellow gets out of State* hiftut y (i»r the 1936-37 must One writer colorful in the prrw lw>\—from t amegie— hand in the country." season It isn't ready lor n-U-a*'! smtiiKj; Ludy Strikes... it 's fating good afar as the Carn yet, since the faculty ham t put | field at the >t»rt of the tame. To us the* l.Hikn a final okay on the card rndmg' Fresh as a daisy. A clean taste in h* pot h<-Oral rsrvri and mint Julrp. The} wear When the schedule does appear your mouth. And when you start singing in —complete throtifh.. ihr kills and spats. One you will note several of the na- real rule tion's crack teams booked to far. your bath—your voice clear as a bell! That's the Spartans. Michigan again wdl the great thing about <1 Lgbt mokt. Lucky be played tjvtce as in the past, llrandtfcfttler Spoiled but lor th? lest of the-gamer, Strikes—being made from the hncst ctnttr- well, that * a secret for a couple Uiore weeks ktij tobaccos—uitt gtdt. And because they're State's basket ball team will en- a tight audi, you feel good smolung them. Cage in its first practice Uvta\ in the gym And j.far smoking tliem. too! It will be another month before the portable flout will be t>utU in Dcmonsttaimn Hail NEWS FLASH! When the State ragei* assemble. - * #• u; members of tire 1935-36 team, * * Vi*>n whom Van Alstyne was ' anting for service next waiter, "Sweepstakes' bring pleasure will not be present Three of to war veterans the quaitct—Eddie RoUtv Dave ItarthoM and Albert from rtfttisi' home in s Legton.Tcias, R;ti -h»vr been declared inelig¬ • number of cnrrics all in «he same hand¬ ible for fall term com pet ton Bill writing come fa each week. Of course Cam, the fourth player, to not in we checked up to make sure that the school. It it said Cain is taking of'the men explained; "Matt of the Tech Ha# Tough Card juurmLsm down at Michigan boys can't get around - hut I do tod to I pfl out tbeir cards fur them.** rarnriie T<-*b has Jw*t atwut tVlirr nol take tbto Missouri Here and there in the Pi t We're glad to ut that the a» touch a schedule a* in* team hunrh ton tlghtl*. and that's n« stadium: ; hoys have Harry (Jakr^ Speelman been pretty good packers, too. fit the r«untM. Thai don't t« in kidding. AU the* did taat week cheering for the team from the Have >*ar entered yet? Ma*e you won far breather# cut there, and 1Kb hu play a 7-7 tie wtth Kansas bench with hu left eye all puffed ye«e dclioout Lucky Strikes? Tunc ia team I* m» exception. On surre*- I SUfr. Kansas Stale to the apal ** our Hit Parade"* - Wednesday and up . . Johnny Tingel getting of? hive Saturd*** they play Temple. IktHhman u»ed (• coach at and swell Saturday evenings. Libtn, fudge, aod two quick kicks which OuqurMic, Pittsburgh. State No- ha\"e one of the simngest teams in tumpare the tunes - then try Vo®r might have stopped on about the tre Dame and a few others. They the Itig Six. The Tigers will he Lucky Strike "Sweepstakes." And if I-yard line with a little luck you're not already smoking I nciba.br winding plrmx tough when lhe% come up Tingel gaining only four yards on a pack today and try them. too. Maybe i break, here one boot, when he took too much i Fi iriay night ><*u could see the Spartan* • firm fustmg and the ram threatened to Steve Sebo dashing around Car¬ iigto Sank rMririh rig* fcodii field As it w**. im of the Pittsburgh negie's right end. ... It *yas A1 . _ Saturday morning TKCH MEETS STAR- Agett's great blocking which pay od TANS IS MI D—but Uie field was in p.vtty good shape a way for the runs . . Norman FetUg and Paul Bcaubien argu¬ Want to win « football? This one ha# the autographs ©f all the ing about their blocking assign- present members of the Bachman eleven on it, and will be given menu . . . That long Carnegie away ax - frxv ptux at the Varsity Hub party Friday night. The pass in the fourth quarter which athlete's on the team, the boys who wouldn't need it anyway, wont caused the Ian* to bold tbeir be able to be there, so-sumo-wie etoc will go hc?me from what to breath for about 20 seconds . annua lf> the big party of fall term with a swell prise. See you Charles Bachiuan puffing away thtrf Friday uight? ^ Tuesday, October 13, 193G MICHIGAN STATE NEWS the top of the I speci- | dormitory? We're stiU trying to j of "most embarrassed student' shade up . to flap around and ship ahoy! homecoming Campus Sidelights . Orally over, the especial signUict forgot | these quaint boxes decorate also ius no It seems that j figure out if she was guilty, or just the fellow who was asked to lo1over (frightened. ■, around"";™ Returning to his perch the shade in an education class. In [on the radiator, he unrolled the . | Something has to be done about j • • • j trying to reach the i first ! shade and held it tn his hand when By Beverly at Purdue. Kansas, and Then there's the girl who stood on a chair—tot he | lie jumped down - kvrutld nduise you to take to henrt this week Oracle Allen's ;those small black* Insects that again. Adjusting n ma advice about "early to bed" because this week-end you swarm through alt the classrooms | seived a pa the j it to right height, he sighed and . . . i this building was design- and opened i ! and make life miserable for all us r« to have plenty of need for being "healthy and wealthy, and poor students. The flies have been j Our chemistry prof would like led. !!t architect, evidently think- ' soap carving y nrtf healthy, etc., etc." . . at last, you'll want to be healthy i to know why we couldn't tell the ing wl it Purue, Kansas and Okta- The nc'enmpi r to stand all the "hectleing" of homecoming and still come Idriveh inside ^y the cold weather. up !and (difference between minuses nndjhonv. ;»• thing in archi- "These Foolish Things Remind Me cord, Monday with only faint circles under your eyes, not too they are threatening to drive us outside. j pluses on our test the other day-1 teuton e above mention- . of You." | Successfully, he gnvi •awns (and not too wide ones), and no hangnails. . . . . ] Far be it from us to tell him that jed Ko i structure vague-- * * * The string broke, | We. the students of M. S C.. are ! our innards were doing double i lv j. si mi house, but dfj Now, that the campus tours for! fsity Club kicks off in the social pa me tiMth a dance in the rapidly becoming outnumbered by 'flip-flops at the very thought of much I erched on top of freshmen are a thing of the past, IrOom icilh Sate Fry's orchestra helping them and jn savage, sticky race. We must net Boyle's law and that we could jtlu l'r ' ■ the members of the child psycho- ; —NOW—before it is too late. Here continues f« the sane spot on Saturday night with a Onion . fhi'i cm Saturday practically all fraternity and sorority i single fly overhear it). ! ! is the plan (sh-h-h, don't let a hu'rdty see the paper before our [swimming tyis. Oh well, we did j .\.>p tdents logy class are being "walked" aren't the. around the grounds- - just so they fiLAMMFR ULHUIYlLlf OSE 0N 0UR DAY ONLY stage ■ pi•■;«(/. parties t|> honpr the horhecomi-ng Spartan brothers 'the test over this morning and on'.-. .< uc trouble keep- won't getJost when they become ; . teas a red-letter day for Mortar Board's all-time calendar way he listed her as such for his I Katherine Coleman, their national president, longer need she be pictured as cold completely and heartless. The principles of sociology class one BY BELLA and SAMUEL 'days of good SPEWACK ill those who met her at Dean Conrad's luncheon or at the day last week. Wlule we are on Missouri Has afternoon at Mrs Shatc's home real 'est for life , . . . she is young, poised, two of our fresher freshman took a stroll the other evening and. the subject of Sally, we know girls j something else about her Mrs. F. Spartans Heat \ cleraii Team EXACTLY AS PLAYED.MORT THEATRE, H.Y. Srab Now oil Sale at tit N Barrett, wife of the assistant! • tin* Offiee pshmnn co-ids in the course of their amblings. | TVcli Eleven I venin- at 8 tirt. *|.S0. f2J)0. *?;,#. plus tax discovered a small kitten, n very | Matinee >t 2 30—7.V. B 1.011. ;»rnival and take it all in . . .plus tax lean Just the food (1 there will be enough of that), lancing, and the on* nent. and I purple ribbu i drooping forlornly , Sim- the Hamemming (hum* .mtl then shopping around in . lu ¬ Ind out what activi1 [from and the its neck The kitten was cold ll tlti rious Cnmcdy girls were warmly sympa¬ .vilely . • - choose the activities that best suit thetic. After ringing doorbells furtively in an attempt to find the ; orphan's home, they decided it was ; | the ofllce of the Are department, \ COEDS-- they gently deposited the waif near J a sizzling radiator and as quietly I.mhu: PROP NOTKn I tiptoed out again, feeling that they IN Fit AT IT.KIIC.ING ■ I had done their good deed for the day Now they are hoping that ; j .Continued from pace 1) HOMECOMING CLASSIFIED for her : The active chapter and pledges, : Sp; ague ; new and old, had supper and a wo their more j get-together at the house Monday re- night, lly Lang-jI • * • ft Sa'.ur- Delia CM d house- Harold Buchanan, national field 1 Rogers , secretary of Delta Chi fraternity unci! fall hai been spending the week-en I CLljc iiiuii §l|up i:vi:mn(; extends IACJsS Jack Shnui»a. C a Hearty Welcome Sokol. Johnstown, K Y ;* Everett j* Underwood, Detroit. j k« I Sella Chi ' ' to all Ralph Bennett. Mt Clemen* ' Clayton C'romn, Flint; Robert Day, ] Saginaw; Ikrnard Dekau. Lawr- ! ^ ?nce\ »lle. Ill . umet, Robert Hill, Gruyltne; Robrrt Firhtel. Cal- j,K Old Grads Rot>-jlK ert Mayo, Scotia. N Y Elias Mr* - [ ♦x ner. Ontonagon. William Muule-1 leu TAU Afpl man. Menominee: Maurice Zang. ft,:: Hillsdale. j k« VELVETS SEWL'INS and Friends •lyn Bit* SEED BEADS Delta Sigma Phi BROCADES year, ha* received a position Alan Brightman, I^ansing; Albert' dietician in the state institution at Crane. Fcnnville; William Dewey, $1.00 up Up-T | Flint, John Jackson, Alientown. | BIIX BOKTKR kfiday the local chapter of Da Harry Hill. Whittemorc Iter- ! Zeta T«u Alpha will cucnmrntGratf old McGrath, Flint; Jamie Martin, founding at Virginia State Highland Park; Jairn>« Bchirbd.- Women * cr»Hege. Farmcrvillc. Va Octotww 13. 1AM A special cert- East Laming; Robert Tap!in, St. j Johmbury, Vt. mony in horor of the founder* will Frier tfr be held at the chapter house Jf~»eph Amell. l^an«ing; Rotiert J- Boat. Detroit; Jolui Doyle, Lewis- j ;• Kappa Kappa (umiiu ton! Me ; Geoi ge Ebbng, Dear-1 West Mary May girls hav* Thursday evening the active and alumnae members of Kappa Kappa Gamma will celt brat* their Na¬ born. Ermtst I^ansing; Gordon Upper!, Grand ! Rapids; Wiley Lyon, Grandvilie. Kretscbmer, East Hj jj MUMS uired the wandcrlust which tional Founder'* day with a formal William Moon, Saginaw, Roger ij jj for ijiiy strikes tn warm, balmy dinner and program at the sorority Norman. Grand Rapids, Charles ij Ferhapcs tt is the beautiful Hoinccoming s. houAc. All Kappa chapters wilt Nelson, Grand Rapids; Robert else had company. Mr | red and yellow of the leaves or the Mrs. Harold Clark from Syra- recognize Kappa'* birthday T»tu*. Saginaw; Lloyd Stanley, No N «p kin* Louise Lent* was taken to the X- V-. were visiting Ruth'of the dorrr j brisk n-i< Birmingham; Gordon Trousdale. (it'iie *:i' Averill, MorisI ' "!*'* Mr. and Mr*. Curtis i University hospital at Ann Arbor Id* Groversows; WiUiam White. Uc week She wUl not return ir Benton or Belt* Harbbr. IloixTt VanKcu- < tllrcul. «huir, visited Mr. Beach urn* school this fall Flow,, Rhf.p 211 Ahhol R.,.cl- CI,on, J1»J , lan, Grand Rapids. in Way land I n v i i i b I « Amj-one was all a err* with ex- \ Alpha XI Detti • YOU CAN i'AY MOHK BUT YOU CANNOT BUY t Thursday night when the j ginia Rowc ,}*ad Nellie Newiand a* (Q|ee'dub serenaded North] her guest, and June Taylor was Frances Belknap was a guest at ih» house for the week-end BETTKR SHOES THAN IT r«F. I, MniUrjr prnlrc- The most.com- ) here to visit Barbara Sdie* Bar¬ Mr and Mrs Perry MjUer of De¬ lioa Uul doe* a»jr with napkin, forttblr method and briu thai u completeljr in- Smith Smart Shoes * • a nying that "Boys will bara Undeman entertained Mar- troit were dinner guest* of their ... aad perhaps It could O'Brien and Janet O'Hara, daughter, Kathryn, on Sunday. comfortable lliat ever devised > to tom-boyj At anvjand Burmee Zipf was the guest of tbee, U no conaciouaneM of wear* $8.75 It $10.00 r ?«n# reason which,she' Joyce Jejee Tungate Tur.tii:r t-aat Mary Maya •.nought was reason The The. arrangements for the fall fail formal installation of officer* is iaf unitary protection at all. BoUea ate appeoaed by pliyaician, Jt*n fan banks jumped term party are-progressing. sre-progressing fNergie Fergie to be held Thursday night at Ea*«. r * mdow of ter~t>om Sat- and his band will furnish music for Mary Mayo. The guest lilt in- h -fnxjon.and Htfalncdfher the occasion which is to take place eludes President ahd Mrs R. S. j •hare a, the tnort eotnfortable, Saturday, November 14. 14 Shaw, Mrs.. Conrad, Dean Eliaa- I method de- De Camp's ever • • • ! beth Conrad, Mm Jones. Secretary llermian * ;J. A. Hannah and Prof. A. C. , j _a£_.v«ti:jf(. ' j Max Henke! visited Ann At hoe St beele. A dinner and a revegticxi IM W. OratNl River J 12—Mr; tamtlu] parke', at *—llr.1 last week-end. It is reported he;is to be held. •] mtrmcan* state news Tuesday, October in. 1936 r(ksnkvn a.nkii . Col ham Music Concern (hens m (:OR:^ SPONSOR* # ># t " :...%••» i%peP»rr!r> Copyright to MS(! right Soon TODAY AS'D WEDNESDAY'! ( umpooiMi !»y Formrr State Student VHin Pied in WY.r. Il Kit* Into Conimrrrhil WILLIAM MYRNA POWELL w LOY • ^ IS VIRGINIA BRUCE' j" n FRANK MORGAN if' FANNIE BRICE^ RAV BOLGERBREATfiEGINALD 0WEt ERNEST COSSART ivv NAT PENDLETON'. hHARRIET HOCTOI " TL* Tni" v-rwo %Y—HAXt'lDAf! 'P. G WODEHOUSE is in the MOVIES 1 J Tht- <»turriii I'h.mf "^i.f! Read any statement about Chesterfield cigarettes Wc tell you what they arc nude of—mild, Mary I 'rauros ripe tobaccos. Wc tell you that we use on Chesterfield pure cigarette jYaper. We tell you that Chesterfields arc Cbtirt end Privet* lrur»« to carefully manufactured. We suggest that you try GTcstcriields and Dancing And out how mild they arc and what a Nfetura! Ballrwm pleasing taste and aroma thev have. Tap A great many cigarette smokers will tell you that Chesterfields satisfy— give them what they want in a cigarette. Liggett & myw Tobacco Co.