S t a t e N e w s O f fic e M o v e d t o U n io n M ic h ig a n S l a t e N e w s B ld g ., F o u r t h F lo o r VOLUM E 19 T U ESD A Y, SE P T E M B ER 21, 1926 N um ber 1 UNION ACTIVITY W HKRK TO C R T VOI * PAPER Um ler rbe |»r»iri«i«iH o f the pnh- ¡PLAN DRAMATIC CHURCH STARTS M o v e P a b f ic a t ie u O ffic e UPPER CLASSES BEGINSTHURSDAY WORKFORSEASON FAU PROGRAM ENROLL LATE li«-ati«»ns fee who h was ¡«seed by ( lflTi«,»*s of tin* M ichigan Stub* «•«»1- a v*»te i»f th«* stu«lrat Nwiy last year, b*g«* stmhmt |Mtl»li«*ati«»ns iv«*r<* tnov- tho M ir b is in S ta te N V v« w ill lie ml recently ami ar»* m»iv bient«*«! on d istrib u t'd to **a»-h st talent through­ th«» fourth floor «»f tin* l'ni«»n htiihl- FOR BIG SEASON out tho •*« h«s»l ye a r Is» printed «*a«-b Tuesday and F ri* day. TT*» paper w ill F iv e P la y s A lr e a d y C k o ie a F a l l a aíá W i a t e r T a r a n ; T e a Far P l a n M a a y E v e a t i f o r B e n e f it o f S to d e o ti T h it F a ll. ing. Stm lent pul»H«'ati«»ns nml th<* «*f- li«*«‘ of tin* **i*l 1«*g«* pnblicati«»ns «le- MAKE LOW TOTAL T his flr*t issue fa« t«elng distri- partuient were m«»v«sl to tiiak«* r«N»tii A ll- C o lle g e M ix e r O p e n s S o c ia l bntml at *hrw* pr*«nt«— th e Union T h re e A c t P la y i a a L ilt . fo r tin* edUciitioii d**fiarttm»nt whi«-h E x p e c t F i n a l F i | n r e t to B e S l i g h t l y buibling. Ag hall and the engineer- W it h the flrat influx o f the clasB o f tioiv «Nl*tlpi«*M til«* basetin'Ut >»f tile Y e a r ; F i r s t U n io n P a r t y ing buibling- Snlwe«|w«*n! issu«*s T h e most oxtonslvo n rrn y o f drumn* ’30. the P eo p le’s C o m m un ity ch urch m*w lib ra ry building. Tin* «*«»ll<*ge O v e r L a s t Y e a r ’« M a r k ; w ill Is* distribute«! fr»*m the l*ni«ui th* i »r««du« lions ever to I m* nttctiiptcd began its y e a r ly serv ice to th«* stu-j publieatiotis i|«-|airtin«*nt is m«w lo­ M a n y T r a n if e n . F r i d a y N ig h t. building only as this is Tb«*nght to tit M ichigan Htnte o«tllogo uro in xton* dents. W elco m e asBistanre was r«*n- ■ catisi iti til«* basement <«f Ag hall Is» tlio iioisf .•ni«ra lly hw*at««d jsdnt for th 'fite r pnturns ut Htnte this >«*i»r der«*d the new arriva lH in o btain ing Tims«» who luiv«* htisitn*ss in «*ith**r Tlio If run for .M u l l i g a n S ia lo T'itinn on tho «itinpu« and tlio most o»nv«'ti- iHN'orditig to mi iinnuoiH,*> nient by rodhm. til«* Woh••rim* or tin* Mn-higan State W itli an «*x|s*ctisl lati* ii|i|H'ri'litss Is another stop notiror ootttiMnfion. Tho u*tit f»»r the uiap*ri»y *»f the stu- P rof. K. S. King. In*nd o f (he «Inumi N e l l s «am«*«» W i l l till«! tin's#* etTi«’«*s (‘>ir«»lltuetit lo yot b«H»st tlu* attemlam*«* T h e ch urch has m an y plans fo rm u -1 summer Iirm sot»ti many improv»»tnents •lents. ;tlc* do|Mirtm«Mit. F iv e pbtys o f tin* by taking tin* stairw ay *»p|aa«lt«* tin* m ark e f Stati* collegi*, imlications ar«* late«! fo r entertudning and aid in g the i in tho huililing. that tin not m sessnrity K a rh student w ill Is* «•y|s»<'t«*d to llrxt onlilH*r nr«* on tin* iMmks fo r th e l m ain «iesk iu tin* rn io ti building timi (he gram i total 1b2d «‘iirollmetd new and old m em bers o f M. S C. I t«» til«* fourth floor. moan a finished buibling. I»ut aro os- tako one i>«p»*r and tad m«*r«' than full und w in ter tormx. T he spring! w ili stirpa ss tliat of iast vi*ar. by a A m ong the first Is the v isitin g of t h e 1 ; Montini parts o f tho buibling ffhoti com*, otte a» fh«*re w ill he u n it «s*pl«»s torm pr<»duoth»n has uot yot I mn»ii new‘ students in th e ir room s bv those feiv xtmhmts. Tln* regi st rat lon mark plototl. •»nougli printed to furnish one f«*r selected. I in Ih .v bad imi r«*n«'hiHl tlu* «*x|»«*«*t«»*i who liavo been here fo r some tim e. W ith tho improvotnonts cotnw gr«*at- oa.'h student A stand w ill lie I mring tin* full t«*nn tw«» full-length | «luota. <»r ,< ‘«‘1 |aiss<>«| tin* liigli mark or fuciliti'** for service ro tho members o f tho Union. TImhm» faoIIlti**s hnvo a I roa tty com«* to lu* *»f suoli it tlvan tanto placed—in th»* l«d<4»y -*f th«» I ’nion buibling and ►•.«•-h stu«l«»nt may take his i»r li«*r t*wo ¡«ju-r thr«*«* a«'t plays w ill lie given. "T h e «?«m«s«» Hangs H igh.' «un* «»f the m«»st |M»pular o f modem oom«*dles is tin* first I T h e freshm en w ill also he e n te rta in ­ ed ill th<> hom es of the peopi«« o f I F a st Lan sin g . R v e ry o th er S a tu r ­ THEROANS TAKE HIGH! reachei) Iast fa ll at tln* end of thè tirsi thr«*«* w«*«*ks «*f setto«»!. SCHOLASTIC HONORS;! d a y eve n in g there w ill be a social «M iniai tabulai ions eotupilt*«! 1*1 (he to th«» students that every on»* sbottiti «•tie x«*liedulod. It carrU*s a i i i «mI«m*i i | ri'gistrnt* at ««mstiiirty torliiy ri'Veal g ath erin g in the clu b room s nf the iiitotnpf to makt* its n*«* a «laily habit trend, «h'iilliig w ith th#* .in/./ t-r»/«'«! s!«P fr«*slitiien as tlu* total tii-st ye a r ch urch fo r u ll the oolleg«« people. I A. G. R. LEADS FRATS! Probably the most noto wort by itn- jotillege stu«l«*nt. who finally m leem x j •>nrollni«‘tit. riti- falis sliort hi Itrj provoinont. or movo toward a complot otl I nioti building. is tho development o f tho now rttntn* on tho s t o ik I ami R. 0. T. C REACHES i him self in a fa m ily crisis. Nutu«*rous me«*tingH an* phuint>d •■II«*II-lM*nt F«»r Henven*’. by lln tr b e r I to take place on Su n d ays fo r discus­ Hughes, the play whioli won tin* ] sions and exchange o f ideas. Sun-1 slttdeuts of tb«* total Iast fall t«*rin wheri t.diM fr«*shtuen were a«luiift«‘d third tloors. Tlioy aro boimr cotu- plotod and w ill 1** roady for us in NEWENROLLMENT , iNMiking. T his is a very unusual por­ A ssem bly w ill meet. T h e g«*neral n v «. -* »■ ■ b« i t faint'd l*ulit7A*r prize is th «* s'N*ond. days at 12 o ’clock the Cam pus (» iris ’ ! r y t h i a n s r a t i I n pad t o r P i t i h | ..1 ?».-»- college* ami itiKtituti«»ns Imh*sis ■ j l- a r w.e .1 1'H ip tra n sfer *»f TO stmieuts licr«* fr«»m 11In* total niitiiÌM*r o f m*w stiid«‘iits io th** near futuro. Thoro aro îhr«*o tra y a l " f southern m«uintaiiie«>r life! t«ipic fo r the term is “ C o nversatio n Y p i r L e a d e r s h ip , A s L o * e d s J «mio. rooms ava ¡làbio at pr«***ent and tw elve others w ill so«hi b«* a«hh*«l Tht*st* RECORDFORUNIT ami xitperxtithiiix. w ith .M'sus.'' I Miring ‘ Kurui«*rs* \V«*«»k" which runs l«*ad the discussion. A ll colleg«* g irls M iss IiOV«*w«*ll w ill D e fe a t M en . t At uoiui to«la 1..'103 f««rtm*r st in len tu bad rctm-msl i akitig tlu* grami («»tal rooms which aro linislioil and arc Iteing tho first nf th«* w in ter torni, tin* "Sor ar»* invited to e«»nu*. Fr«»ui 11! to 11 lutcrwt la M i li t a r y registration 2,atm 2 tmeli and ivoiuen. llníslu-d a n ■ ulfts of alumni, and ar«* lu c r e a w O vaut in tin* Ilous«*” b.v Kenneth w ill the Stu d en ts' C itiz en s h ip League, a, A ll o fficial reb 'asc y terd ay from «lesiglieli to In* memorial-' to individ- I n* given. T his is ««f a religious type class of cotl«*g«‘ men, w ill me>*t w ith I tin* r«*gistrar's *»fTi« •* r« nais tin* tra ­ Sim-e n|t|H*riit ila* «-auipiix nlngs the Stu d en ts' C h ristia n U nion, | or*, w ith tin* P i t I»isir '«•ini am! •rease tin* total <‘tirolll(l«*nt by bit«* tin* su ni mot* ar«*: a privato «lining perous y e a r ¡a *h-* M u hiean S ta io ■Fann»*rs' Week.*' w hich is compos«*d of the <*oll«*g4* peo-; A lp h a P h i third ha (Tain ma It ho, 1 •nfrh*x. T h is is tin* «»nly i*xplnnnth»n room, now ateohanioal w a t e r softener, tíllls»rt Km«*ry's "T n m is h " and *‘Io«** pie. w ill g ath er f«»r th«* purpose of { til«' nntlonnj rn if tin* dr»*p beb»w last fall's mark at a g ric u ltu ra l fra- I and a now laum lry that w ill take •an* ft tt T «' unit ar«» giv«*n w ith the ; iMHtnd*' by nw«*n lia v is an* tin* two •'xchatiging ideas. Th* s«* m eetings t te rn ity *w«*pt el«i fo r tlie fr a is i Ids tintc. Iiidicafions lu-i«- last ive«‘k o f i In* neeiis of tho building in this enr«»llm**n' of m ore students in the plays inib ii for tin* w inter term. I!«»th liave beeitm«* most int**r«‘sting. as th«* and l«'«l ’ lo* otl S\ere tluit atNNI students would Is* ch tccn in*'n'-¡ «»r Ilm* A new*-«as«* at th«* m ain desk m ilita r y do par*m«*nt th is fa ll than an* unusually gissi plays, d«*pl<*tiug ch a ra cte r of tho ch u n 'ti. w hich is in-1 gatiLations «»ti Hi«' lupi I affiliated w ith die college this year. •»IT« rs Hit assortment of h«««»ks to l** «•ver before in rhe .»i«t«»ry of the co l­ tinman naturo («»rdenom inationaJ. Iirin gs persitns o f! I which w«utbl l«e an in«'r**a*«* «»f otC» re td I'd b y tin* st m b 'iit s a m i pat rons lege \«!h»*ttrh *h*» nu m ber of in- In i-nniMN'tinii w ith the s«>lectloti of a ll r«>lig|ons togetlier. and m uny de­ T h e Alpha H rader ship |ov«»r the liigli total last fa ll o f 'J.Kk'». «•f tin* I 'n i n t i . A s t h o eli**' « r o w s a n d I’om m g freshm an do«a* not reach th** a is'ttor type «»f piny f«»r pn*si*iitatioii. batable points art* brought up. Hi«* past y« ar (ra ts «le HANNAH NAMES its business increases the r«*M*nt|«*s w ill to ta l en ro lled 'as* ■'¿*51. th«* great in- an ntt<*tiipt w ill Is* mad«* this y«*ar to S u n d a y evenings lt«*v M cCune w ill prives tl P h i Ixapp. i <»f Hull -Iw us»**| I«* found a new fr«-«* lib ra ry terost «hown bv th»* ;un:«u*s in sig n ­ makt* a gn*at«*r us«* of tlio faoilitios pr«*ach a series o f s«*rmons w liich w ill honor, which for ib«* it-«* of m«*mÌM*rs of the Union. ing fo r adv in. •.1 rts h ta r v boosts the .in bainl in tb«* pnsliiotinn of tin* plays. be «»f Miuch inter«*st t«» 'h e stud«*nts I year. Tin* Tt A ll -f th.- eemetd .than* were pailded '•»t.ij to ,i new r*s-»r4 :*»r ••nrollment I i l I i ting affects, shadowing, ami set­ Tin* Hpieiiilld c lu b room s «»f it»«- ; tlu* P y th ia n * and th.* woo. I work was varnished. Which adds « m it ly 1tea ni y *>f th*' l»*tilf|ltitf .¡111 «in »' n»*w in s tru c to r m to the ¡nt* ti. r ;■ ioneo ha* W n i«-i|mr.-d L i« * u te n - t;.-..rge S rrt- m a n th e position r i ' j i e l **v C a p ta in W y ­ who m ilita ry w ill fill tings ar«* going to Is* given more ai» church ar«* «»pen at a ll lin o 's fo r us«* ■ Million A now stage malinger to «** Kvervon«' is invite«! t«i m ake ilie n i-I |M'rini«*nt and w«»rk out plans along selv«‘N at home .uid e n jo y tiie place j u n til tin* pa-t «olb-ge v« «i m u ta ii«>n in IS YEAR BOOK STAFF I(**tler Dinning Seri ire i bat lino w ill Is* apponiteli Wityii«* to th«* utm tost. T h e ch urch Is in ­ p e rio rlty «»f *•« «•*.! students ant M*• is i era«! ; »«•• fro m the <-av Park well w ill continu«* as th«* biisiii<*ss tensely interested in the student body , F i r s t A n n u a l W i t h S e n io r E « litn r T h e cafetería has lassano very popu a ir y school j j F ¡ft K ile y . Kansas la r w itli flic students ami now »iocs i manager of tin* plays. and its «>11( 1 0 ' stiulen program h a s! uu-n'H -in i* i v w itli o n e >‘ X< Th** staff .if.-tei ta. •.js-nf a . w«s*k m Im- f;tii«h»d ¡ ¡st ? m e o th erw ise PREXY DEFENDS view. W h e n asked to giv«* a stateuo-nt o f : ti it y . A lpha III » n u m i Jut ahead of K.» P P » Alpha Itiic litiishcil Is s u e ." i roll rhis summer studying cafeterías and I heir maitit«*nan«•«* as eiirri«s| on by ¡«•am Plan- fo r *hi4 v e a r in clu d e a polo '^hi«h w ill b»* organic**! as MODERN CO-ED the aim and pitrpos«* of th<* ch u rch : for th«* benefit «tf til«* 11«•w stllilents. tio n a l sorority t»« pr«‘v«-t s i s «*«*p f o r t h e •ii* •-•!- mil i« Mii-higaji Ht at ih-ffc » n r putì- some of i he la ree r «-afoteria* in that '«»on »s .a su r'a h le place fo r plavtng D w ir a t e i T h e o r y o f W i l f o r d 0 . M r W e a v e r said: h o n o r s .«u io iil - itil al* •»rita til lisb uli.it J knoi t Its tèrsi time Oil > T ills week of study should help ha« boon .»-i-tired N iu e new horses «S an a ll •o lb ’iT* yearbook in th "T h e re is •«tie tiling that I. |s*rson I T h a t frntern* «I ’ *i*r¡*tu te n her »i’i ) in iteli in her eli oris to »'iu- have boon add.-» ••* -he r i v a l r y C r o n C lu r |M i( lo u M r ilk y forni of .tiie "S p a r la ti I sii«> of th stables each \ prdo tcp e pony. to ally, feel str«*ngly : That we , -.lumbl l l l u t c ilit« l l e c f ii al .«« fix H i . W id v e rin e , ; a« curcUAg !• fa id ilra te m atters ¡n t h e orran ita- l i C o ll o f o L if e . have ail cXt«*n*i«»n |H««gram. I mean M a n i Kanipo t s S e r v e d tion a i a '• yn bv that that we nI i «»i i Ii I d«» iii<«ri> I ban «veragè i* htgh«*r tHa W ilf n s l «I. rroMM. an «»bsoiiri* ''lib a - ' •iilHltict Mis: «*ii r .HtiiuiM! iiw efi.gs. | v e r y p o p u la r w i t h o u t s id e «»rgan iza- I Man In*« aliali«»* o f C*orfM •»gmas n w W e should I**1 T h e avp fa g c* gl' a s w e ll a- si t o le n l g r o u p s . for T rv o tifs ft»f -* :«!»-nf a«!* * »ffi.ers go aiith«»r «-am«* into the limelight a ?««•••! as tlit*y iiiiiv Is* I io n s s ill h e ld \ . r v . . . o n \ l a t e w i l l few «lai* ago w ith a stirm g attici«' making simiic ititT«-r«'»n «• -m tills cam­ hneed <>n a «cale wti a« «'Xrellent. rbr. ♦ * . » '»» h* ,.*♦»1 « iffire rs' ¡ti tin' "W itn e ss ' an Fpisi-opal pillili pus. anti w«* v|i«nibl k«s*p everlastitiglv ! as a vertice and on** a ■, '. , r »he -!*• 'm il •< *he corps •at ion. « on«leni n Ing «'«mm I urn flou, at tilings until we do milk«* a •11IT'*-r- includ e oulv Ih*' «« **»ns*. alui make it mi the light -bh'i -non or* fo r »h- on.-uir.r v«*;*r The •tiarging gross immoral it \ in <-«»||og«' a ••f lliings I i («ink w e sln»iild sta n d .; ' he orKanixatioti« n*»tallaf¡«»n of • »r:*« »{».«saorw w ijj t*.. lift*, ami following through with 1 l*\ *imiti. tuff vesterday I T io ’tuia ti. co ntinu ili of extrem e harrow iu’ffM t•«r instance, for i I m-s«* IIIIC'I a la iya lty ami «ienn atlil«*ti«s A lpha P h l, 'I K ap pis H e llo » • D . I . M . F r a i e r n i t !«*« tnd *or.%r t»e* ¿*g»» asked « •»lb*gc prosiib*Uts rillllisl agalUst tin' Ileni lij 1«. L tiia ll.i and «Ienn scholarship.) 2.«16: Kr«i A lp b l.n .’ «'.««•» V l p h ï t '■• h*»l«t that *i a*-* -»per n the «« hod- artl«k*. uiul bisho|»M n mani a «li«‘k -»f tn** *? l i 'a r y «.t’.id**nts Alpha T h e ta 2 #36: l'M CI I l i Mp»«;«. 1 b u ln o r lui S ilv ia A S 'h in in u d . State Sews. t i I e c u w i l l Is* p r.'SO llt •if the wt;»?.- m iita r v anst d u rin g the th<* keynote of »iiei-ossful islueatloii o f 1 ■o «-«I al II» ed ito r; P h il I .««• Im. IsUb sckcs has lss-n exhibited by our d. A study of extra-curricular a ctii- ' 2 ;»K I . t ’ Ivssian ’ «•:"» 1f «*r m t.« ti ( liange In M a d - umm«*r . amp« ‘ r. * n «> little atten- 2 ■!r . . P h i L a p p a T ali. ‘ «U! •dit «¡1 B i e l l e A lie n . « lass ••wn l'rt-»n|«-nt K«*ti.ioii I.. Hut tor fiobl It les P a u l K m r le . ‘J 7. t e m | » o m r ilv s u e 'i«»n \r K -r» \f n-»> V irg in ia , the <*. A study and «‘valuation «»f si» in lari. .’ 14. T rln ii'ira 13 D e l .« D M . ' I lo» t «so strives to» chastise thi'si* allega u v iln l Hi«* Inf«* iib le « « n S w a n s o n , u n t i l h a tte r r un der -k. mm and o f Ma t nuis against <-<»«sin« alion and the »ial life, ami relations|ii|iN pilli . 2 . 2 0 2 ; Ae Theon. 2i» 2 ; Pi ti.«- staff ‘ h - -taf«» college a -m •oh- oi i an b«1 ap|m•itit•••I !•• :i$•« ;<*r ‘ ¡ r a r ,n » h i •olii-go g irl lu'rsodf n ie t'hleiigo f The siip|N»rt of th«* Stinbmt Coitn Kappa P h i. 2 t«;;'^ «»ivmpt1« 13 4 . u i n a i l i hut the in «sitting th«* M S r ll«u..rd. whi«h < n n fin t r » n * * w *» ! «- n p ra c tic a l­ Niith««r s a is 'im m o ra lity m college ell. P h i Delta.. 1* 1 •'•'.*. Delta Si m ia P h i. - 1.1ti IS api. teil D ii ly ill *f ¡h. -■ r= *rh«t «•V *■1 «I at S ta te . «db r«' T h i - w v e k T l iu r - d a ; . w i l l s«s- tin- s|M( it «if a w fu l uuagiiiati«»ii -♦*•« •ism b«H t»y «li«s*rlng. I •1«• not mean o|H>tiiiig o f t h o him ia l a* 1 1v jt i«*s a t fh«' things as i hey migiit is*. Imt our pr«*si that we slum id avobl taking a -land i lety »yernge, 2 a ll w«•ui« m «• j a n d w i l l I of a d vertisin g un l iiio n w h e n til«' all-«oib -ge m ixer w i l l Fair Sex Choose* «lent *•«*» things as tliev a« ?im 11v are. ami fighting a fight lint I «1«» f«s*l that •lety n v e ra c e ' I 4. a ll »»»« a v e r ago. 2.144. Thr» ••f «-•mipulsor ¡ i tious.ind «opies ¡ili I •«* h o ld Tin- fonio-r Is coiiilefuuitig tin* «triiiRth «»n the whol«- an afTirnialii«* ami l»*'lt* F r i d a y n iu b t ( h o lr s t u n io n p a rty 1 Fraternal Shelter •f i lie nation tin* mothers <•f tin* in xl fill spirit w ill M arry farth er tluin any ! ar«' to he «-irnilated I of art work w ill I»«« ca rrie d through A S p a rta n idea w i l l ink«* pin««* in t h e httllr«H»m a n d gen«^-nti<»u. w hile I'n s lilin t I tut l«*rliebl thing els«*.' w i l l .v it h o u t a d o u b t -a a r t t tu* si »«‘in 11 A lpha P ‘ i Annei. ( H Hast flra n d rises to a isaiservatioii of this gr«*at Au ituprt'H .»•s'' pho«■j "ttf ' I " ' h«.<*k T h e phntngrnphy f«»r lii» » T iv*»i. »** ;* an 4«!d r*-•* w h ic h (»••wer w ith an atta* k <»n th#* arfk-le in eonmstl«. h Ilo» •tallfiiloui the opening- *ectt«»n I* a lre a d y * *»m s a si*n ip «i’hhI .s ty lo w i t h a liir g o e r p w d T h e u n io n h it* berom »* a v e r y jw.pu l a r p l a c e f o r p rir fie s , i g r o u t d«*mati«i bring« -'f.*!»- ••>* ege - « V the fart that one of w In. h -ü.Minis like tin* r««wiilt o f a weak «oroitiee has log i. e«»tipl*s| w ith mi :i/t«»r «*ITeet of ANNOUNCE SPONSOR When tie Il •lies#-,, hi thè . ........ -.¡ili« Il previous • pl*'t«'«l In d iv I»«- unit I raphy tor t he «lass sect im i» w ill be id u a l atu«l«*nt pludng h a s Im‘««ii m a«l*' f o r isir't«*** \|o -f <>f t h e w«s»k e f o ls w i l l Im* m a r k • xpande«* into v - ««« “ » a *ide fra te rn ty group AJpba. broMilmliHb < il| (••■ «•ti i;»r««'b-;«r -«li «II «» of Latisln g ha» thè A <4thts|iiU‘ o f t}j(*s«‘ [ l a n i o s w i l l )»o l*hi p « 'h a p « »a not m uch con- tiou of tI m* <«»«s | ««»r|»s s|»onsors luis of thè ln*tif ut ioti I erne«‘ » ¡t h ’ he ’ a x a ilo n pr«»biem aa sing, a w ay from the cam pus m the I mS'H set for l»eceiiilN*r •'! acc«»rdlng to th«' s|s«ns«»rs. I «ea a secim n nobles as the A«*»Theons. P h i Kappft ‘ ■•haul T L. SIn-rburn«- «-oiiiiiian«lniit h «>n P r illa * o f th is w«*ek and co-**pera- m h«-dnl.-*i by dilT.-r. u t g io u p M o f s tn * election this ¡«ar d«*vr id if the h'tm drrtm «>f Kast i^an- Phta. P h y ie a n a and Colu m b ians of the eoll«*ge in i i it at rx «bpaitnient j tion is u ri'c d f«»r prnm pt « o m pliance d e n t «. Hurnstm «si j t<» thè appofntm ent b«»urs. W itti thlx J u l y o f t h is ¡« a ir « a w a g r o w th o f itnpro fani phas«* of thè puhlicattoVI busii»«--»« ret {* r ««-ni g n - a te r thsn r a m l- f o r , th è m anagem ent o f thè i < o n ? ;n u * d o n p a g e 2 i ’•"ok a ili procc«-ng«-r ne«l«*d. si Ore (he iiook is to The forttier is tj 1 1 « n* :ti ‘ is- n.-o.ry of Htstr ■line th** official up|»*r< biHM rraistrn K«*t«hmn at this time when s in » was i#«v»rg«* I, D irk * pr»«s|i|**nt «»f il¡«% HHt ¡ he fr«n frotu a d vertisin g . («r»iiW6(dr five «lays Don * ie w « l ycaterrlay morning, 'rh«- a«« laim«»d the only wotm-n in America •lent •'oiim il. • xpf.««n*d Dn* regni.*» ¡ p tib lirity phas«* ¡4 no lotiger **ssen- irf.iin of n w r iin c * ' n — ni tbe o n gritnd totnI cnrtdlm rat of «h«* c«dl«*ge to l«e pre*i«h'iit of a college union. Hhe: tbms ami rub** ■•( ¡he •ouim il f«»r the D al bei ause thè -¡ales a re a lre a d y le r F a n a a n ” B a a g a a t T a a i a r- :ind«T*sl here tnd 'b e re , graduai «hi* v ra r w ill nur|*asa a ll previ«a»s is tin* «laughter <»f Congressman J«»hn fr*« it Inc li II« «liils>r¡il*d «I (siti l|ie taken «-»re of «lirough thè (»tililiration ’•■«••wiitiit l e i m l a l s d with «be life m arks, and a|«pn»xlnuiteiy d.iNffi m«*n K«*tchutu of Hustings. lra«iiDons of «I«*- «»»liege, ami urg*s| a , (Continucsl no [a g ii 2) r a w E v a a ia g ia U a ia a . I , p r ¡ l of 'he -wiege, «a ‘ hey fo*- •nd woin.-n are »-x|ast«*«| to Is* affiliat­ spirit of ' o o|s-r:iti>»n ’•* |*rcv»ul among P atii Fugle. preMih-nf «4 the sen lor ». rv-giete r*-«i u»*i -laiwiteti umler es! with State college ’ere the lant «»n tin* o u r • fr»v«hiin*n A group pn iur*’ «-lass of IP27 « « lo i as acraui »n logm* try lias l»en a«v**|»ted. ¡vas «» ken >n front of D««- m f«*lb»w*| •'vening and Introduce«! a few «-ain|ais o r ln r k I'n itefi Stat*s Senat«*r A r­ The <«.ilra«* auttmrif ic* s*atMblish«*«l a leaders win* a«idres«aeii ami «•nt**rraine«! ing Hn* !Q*ft«r: N«-.»rfi v ’ h-s-sai.-j freeba»«*»»" have the n«»w stiidenta. IL J . M H 'n rth y. the Student b o d y o f th e •o lle ff* at the «rai*’ er»-«|. w h i'li group meetitig* w ith »«Ivlsersl *i - sed *hr«>'igh ’ h«- fir»*t men i*la* ramtit cxamlnatioaa «luring manager «»f the I'nio n «»mdu«!«*! th** K m «i< k« t* W**«|ne*day for the flr«t m a-a ctin v oca tio n o f th«* year «tage« .f their new a*lie«itnre. «l«4*»- the week to «letermllM* the mm-!ion and «lean» t«*»k |4»«e Tb»*r»* were in program ami attempt«*«! to invade the first js irty «»f tbe vear on Frulay. In th#. gy m n a siu m . II ha* be**n a n ­ fi«s| ami rak*»n ’ h e r pia««* at "»*«■ *ele. •lasMificat ion of the new men. The humdrum o f tiie musaive crow«l In the d ivid ual in«s*titigs for noti st mien fa in. n ou n ced by P resid e n t Ftutterfleid the new. dass, mid a g* n*m i _-;«Di* r ing i »*• a w ait th»- " ( f », mi rising of «be original «rrangcn»«nts for c«»t»«luctIng i»allr«M»m w ith a iiM'Msng«* of great im In using the rafelerto try to S e n a to r f'a p p e r ¡a th e ( r e a l farm of th«* w«an«-n -iu«b*tits ¡it Die l.lttI«* ■mhoius(»s •»irra.n wheti p a a u p «#e itn-se eiatna retegate«! the pr«* ««lure to |s»rtan«-e relu tive to the futntioos of rione «*nrly in the iwriod daalg* le a d e r o f th e 4«-n.»t«- an«l m any tim e* Tlteatre to th»- II••«n«- k>-on*»fnl«'s build 1 .« ’liark in * *h* * nts-th «*ar »*f the '-ngiiMs ring tHtlhllng. but th«* extra th«* l ’nk»n and tb«* oMigations which naled for servire. a h m f e«l dem o« rialir n*>miu«»e fo r • .rtu *T XI , ru gar» A g r i« a l t u r a ! <«d- large ««nrolltutait Voting \V«»in*'o * 1 ‘hristtan A»**# Ini ion llaarhall am a rar«* o p p o r tu n ity t o listen t o what rsaiistrar j.r« ¡ •«» *be paat rang»«l tiie pr«diniinary details «4 seiveM, don't deprad u|s*n street *«*r- Mu tiir«|;« X afte mo«*« was l«lNUk on I will hr pealed In the lahhyr be­ N tM d h e r h m s l r n l »— n i » i > a r e «Im- tr» 'iaasifM-ation by affiliating themaelvea ner or campus giaislp for revalatlon ginning Nrplrnvbcr 25. Nperlai Is *ure to be a w» ll b a la n ce d m es­ the freahmen *# Insilile nml many o fj sage ¡m r«*»*e « h«» r r a d i ’ « " « n i f lr o l i rar with the military Nad pfayairal ednca- Imt c*»a»e to the offhe, « «mie to me, an«l them witivsM^I th«* scrimmage gain, j wrier »«fwvire. W ed n esd a y e v e n in g S e n a to r C a p­ enrolhneM ti«*n departments In sm*h a manner aa learn «llectly for p a n a i f . g î t la y«rar o f the varsity footlaiil M|uad at the .N Imi Id Ing. nut mine oc the ffdlege's, m> .lohn Itogers nml Amly Van per w ill addreaa th e ban qu et o f th e . I n adf'iitb'fi t«» 'he i»«,ffr than MU !«• pn»vl«|e future « hecks cm attefelance. stadium. Halunlay «Tening f«»umi » make it your». Louprrite In extend­ Norm an art* holding forth in the M aster F a r m e r s " o f th e s ta id , t e fr»-shm» ii already (mm »« ì Thr««igb the In {»revious yrars diffk-uity has been well »•arimi relaxation Isdng «-rtjoic«! ing Ita ffthctkma.** bnrtwr shop. Iloth are weU be h eld in th e U nion. W’ K A K . c o l ­ |a»r«als. «he rso»r«fa reveal that nearly experiem-ed In sm-uring altem lam e la hy many «>f «he new«-»aucrs. nml » liost ; known to at mienta. le g e r a d io b r o a d c a s tin g sta tio n , will a burnir».I new «rodents bara tiren ad­ the tw * «leyatrtments, hut the new plana At a aecond general aaaeiutdy o f the attende«!- the -|*s tal ( it ut tofts atsfffe Friday evening the entire daaa a t Hat unlay morning. Preaitlent Kenyon ning Y«*ster«iay the freshmen had the; able a l Ito (Ja fa r m e r s s e le c t e d a s th e m o s t co m p * » ochooln. and d a te IM u ai— hlail at th* n a h a R w a r ta l I«. HfttterlMd add renar«I a thousand «lay t«> th**ms«*lv«*a. and t«alay they went! garata. tent la the alnfta. tsuildiag at I M a t t a c k to receive «to foH n go U h , ” Foi- into full awing In college life. ¡ 1307ÿ* \ Heaaley. president o f tho ananelatton. Freshmen who ore interested IB Both M B and women are wanted on Poultry Expert« HeU j A Hannah, o f the college pnnltry department and aecretary-treaaurer snnual production ere requested to the »toff and there will he work In CbmimMbm Or Ca* h * oachievements f the association, »poke on tho Michigan State News meet the editor, M r. Arthur H sanoh. In the Wolverine o lee. i t the Union, any d a y this w eek, hour» of 4 and « o’clock. The oBlce between Is located on the fourth floor o f the the general new» writing, oporto, women a activities, «pedal feature», and bual- neoa management which Indudeo the " The second annual convention of procuring o f advertising. the Michigan Stale P o o l'O ment association was h e l d at State presiding. I A o f the peat year and the phenomenal growth o f the M . P. A closing banquet wan held Friday evening, with Dr. Other speaker! Included Haaaley PaMlaked twice weekly Berta« tha college yee r by “ • hiiUrtlnir. F resh m e n aaeletente ere college last Friday One hundred del­ Dean R. S. Shaw o f State college. Michigan Stata OoUage, Untered ee « t e e d claaa matter at urn pow welcomed lo Ih e staff o f the book for egates were in attendance, and Pres­ o f f k e s B u t I M k i Michigan. Adwnttotaj n t m furalabad opon work under the editorial department ident Butterfield delivered the prln- ■ppllce'loa to tho Baelneee Manager. head» and on the staff o f the business m anager. C ircu la tio n , management, nrgnnlzatlnn. fr a te rn ity and sorority E D IT O R IA L S T A F F appointm ent» w ill come under the .- E d ito r business m anager. K v e ry freshmon KDITTT II1MRBACGH, T T I_ Interested Is asked tn report to the Raotneoo Msaager OORDON W H I T S W t , TT». H eneU n H o e « . editor-in-chief and he or she w ill be erta raskw n , m . f *pp» m b b« » Co-od Sdltor relegated to w h ich e ver department Sport» Editor best suited. joe Porter. TM, Phi Keppe Tke Hoe»»------------- Fo e to n e In addition to the fo u r m a jo r staff Georgia f.lghtfnnt — - ■■■— — .....------------------ — positions » till unfilled there Is yot to leitrtent EdMem- Levon Horton. Dole Mcdlll, John Briabln. he »elected an assistant bu sin ess m anager, a staff m em ber fo r so ro rity o rg a n lta tlo n s and g irls ’ honoraxles. W fnortcn ■ D. Hill, Merlon Bennett, R. Mrlnnla. Wm. Muller. George H. Mooro, Both Olllla, Fey OUlla, V. F. Iteubut, J . A. and n staff ntnn fo r fr a te rn ity and men's ho n o rary organizations. Reeling. Hoek.tr Reporter* Wtnnete Blnon, Edith Blmontoo, Ruby Newmen. I'N 'IO V A C T IV I T Y B K T ifX H Gertrud# Welker, Mildred Breeo, Honrlotte Booroll. THCHMHAY ITIH HHl HEAHOST id e r . ’2 M ; T e k in S p a rk « , '2 * ; l. e w l« (C o n tin u ed from page 1) It u s in p s s N l a f f Ndv (g o o d w ill, ’ill*. August o f Iasi year. August o f this "r.-nr show,-.! greater business than ii,t,.lie r Iasi venr. w hile September H I M i: Fo I’UTII I I.*m »it U N IO N B U IM M N O this ye a r has already shown an Printed i t the ('a input PrtMP—Pbona 2-6415 amount of luisinoss fa r snperlor to any month since the I'nion started. Editorials appearing In the M IC fllflA N BTATB NRW S ore writ­ I This rapid development of business ten by I h e editor-in-chief and his asalalanla, who are aiudama. T h o, |li,.||w i.. show ihe iHipularlty o f the can In no way Im Interpreted aa repreaentlnf th# official rlowpolnt of I'nion It also shows that ihe I'nion the college, or of college officials. I is a very w orthwhile, as well as. ' provtal.lt* imdeavor It deserve« all the support o f Iho »Indent l»>y. huhw m rrio N $2.r.o t u b s c h o o l y b a k Identify the aristOL- STATENEWS CALLS of pen« by this whit* dal coi.i.r.us si'Twmrr J i ™,Vc| FROSHASSISTANTS ,| ' r< t " | 11111.■I . in»»“ »* bin»* mil (C o n tin u ed from page U | ||||( Pn'xhtncn HMHhtnntH nr»» im**»!«! on stub* New*. A ^ p eetln * I t 's t h e “ w i s e b i r d ” i.v itv huiidii'il ri’ii»l»'i -1 who kIiiimh . liaeco.r It.fit it r..,. NYwapafier artirleK nnfiper w ork w ill la* hebl 11Hins mlvle.* « il l •»-* I* a-iib- w ltli th(> Htudnnt body inform ed o f in the I ’nion building T h ursday after P r id e of o w n e r s h ip is not th e o n ly t h i n f ’, t h a t „ , 1...» .Mi production progr*’S* from tim e to main at live iVehs’k. T he group w ill h a s m a d e th e L if e t im e ’ th e o u ts ta n d in g s tu d e n t B 'h * t* •' " 1 1 " ‘ time, and »ofu rth e r the name of .meet in the main lobby of the build • for (!>•• •• w ti.• need ii Hut Hi« M ichigan Sta te In o ther citing and at ipg »ihd then adjourn to the Miehigitn pen. R e a l econom y has Keen a n o th e r fa c to r. ttiT also op joy .a a w e n o f Hiltlefae fi|i«*r coifgge», I S t i l l - N e w s ..ITI. W h e n th e s tu d e n t buys th is unfailing w n t in h n for it Im nil editor’« privilege t«t in s t r u m e n t , m ade o f e n d u r in g R a d it e ^ of lu s ­ It,. ..I, Mh Isno« in g full well til«» ». ■ » ■ — « tro u s h r e e n , h is e x p e n s e e n d s w ith its fir s t c o s t. rd II Tukcs W ell f ared for Eves lo Make a Good Student T h e r e a r e n o c h a rg e s f o r r e p a ir s , n o m a t t e r w h e t happens. It is unreservedly frurtPanteed. Sp ot We Have Attended to Eye Needs Since 1900 it b y th e d o t— at b e tte r d e a le r s e ve ryw h e re . T O W L E O P T IC A L C O . P r ie s , iu o r hlaeh, $>* B lu e L a Stu d e n t '* 0 - 60 - 70 - HO th" i«him< v‘i i •■»••••*'■••« 1 Mllf \..U «!*•• are entering coUeg' GOUGH SERVICE CO. t**r#M w hat J a p H U l l l M l t h OITTCIAL A. Ar; A. G A R A G E and tonal vatushfa» »in k * •xp*' y.mr life I t y«U Will Imt mn P h o n e 2 0101 It I*« nn tl|*'rlrnir that enn East lainslnir M. I. I'. Avenue ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ lie llc r S H O E R E P A IR IN G Done by Barratt Shoe Repair Shop tt;«M*ui(*nl I mice l ’.ihhloii «Im p Dancer-Brogan’s 9 0 ,0 0 0 W heelbarrows in one hand A button is pressed. An electric motor goes towork, followed by anotherandstill others E L C O until twenty sections of a belt conveyor four miles long are in operation! Through an abandoned mine run« thia giant wheelbarrow carrying nine thousand tons of cool per day in s steady strsam from ths miners to the coal barges on the Monon- To ('ollegc, to ( lass, and hack to meet gahela River. One man controls it with no Old Friends more effort or concern than pressing a switch button. Electricity pushes it Not only conveyor belts of all siaes. shapes andkinds, but also hoists, tractors, cranes, The O saasal I t aiWI* CamaaBe elevators, stackers, locomotives, and other has A »,am d years o f study aa BMtanal-kaaaHae aad ttaae* material-handling equipment have gained ir ft ’lb i DHncer-Brogan's Welcome You Back portatiaa ptahlams. l a Ma awa flexibility, dependability, andeaseof control a In. Ii y earn plaata the kaadbae aad m rriae a t matariala aad paad* through electric motorisation. tie I'll to Lansing tka hachaat daaraa. thaa ytaaid* III n Wt- M lu t h -li ls . v.•11 f i M i n i Ml Ih e pal n.tn-lAt t>tbet* im ly of ing a daily daamaatraMae a t Moving things in one way or another is tba III" Mb hi a, nit Hint«. (idbHi** «ml ho|v we w ill he glad to have you pay us a visit tlrn »alua o f clactncity. educatedman’s work in tile. And electricity, 11,:at you, THRt* ih«»w wiiii hn%# gtiiM* at your carlient convenience. Many new A wrica at O -S adaartlaawMBta akaariaa what alaatiiaUy la ever at hit command, ia moving more and U.I..M y«»u « i l l Ion* ii ml ("»nor thia lust b ut i"it nml l u trad Shuts nml |ir«tv«* ■« ia maay Balds a * ha still mors of tbs things which move this things are now on display that w ill surely I aa raquam. Ash tar haah- an I ii 11kq«ii H iit fn«’it»r In i t s «tov«4"|» || near workl of ours. in* id nml |n>«i-"M* fi«r ihe ctanuitui 9 meet with the approval of every college girl (tH.I ot all for smart style, reasonably priced. Th«* «ay Is u|M'ti nnd you arc on- j G E N E R A L E L E C T R IC l«*riiuc u|M«u «luii Is i»rnbnbty the ui»*st ;J iiM|M»rlani |M-rhnt of y«mr IU«*a. Mukf j Iho IlltkSl l* f II. IlMMmnm i M i s i , * lv veai M flB M X M M N SW B « V S H N » . M W . « . M M STUDENTS COME college cattle TAKE PRIZES METHODISTS WOUU) ABOLISH MILITARY Welcome! To Eat at T w e » t y - « i| f c t R ib b o n W m At C o a f c r a e e P a t t H R c m IM i m A ik - M. S. C. RESTAURANT S ta te F a ir . ¡■ I A b a H tiM o f C o m p ilio r y i T h e college stock, entered a t Mich- ; igan S ta te fa ir, has m ain tain e d the ; high record established in previo us T ra te m f. At the Hotrnlt conference o f th e ,5 j§ M.S.C. Students ! ye a rs by w in n in g 28 prizes. MefliiMlist Episcopal church, a resolu-jfl OPEN DAY AND NIGHT In the co m m ercial c a ttle class, a tioti tvas adopted asking for the aboli­ , settlor ym irling sti*er from the prize tion o f cotuptilsory m ilita ry training ! stuck was aw arded first prize, and a here. Tho resolution also op|tost*d m il­ I s en io r- steer ca lf, second. Second ita ry training in high school* and "the ‘ Knapp-Felt** ■ PA TR O N IZE S T A T E N E W S A D V E R T IS E R S ajid th ird places w ere captured in intrusion o f the m ilito ry program in liais Shirt* I the breeding ca ttle w ith a two-year- public schools” . W e are not iu sym ­ . old lle re fro d bull and a ju n io r year- pathy w ith tho w a r department policy 9 j lin g A berdeen spectively. A ngus h e ifer, r e ­ o f establishing It. t». T. t*. units in •very college in the country,’ the II Sheep w ere also in the prize win- resolution sa hi '•Mrfirrgsr* “ Nnox" j ning class, tubing a nu m ber of T h e net ioti o f thè MethtHlist l*»dy llose aw ards, esp ecially the H am p shire caused little eomment l»y J|Ntiati inernl*cr» lift ve Imeni Economical Transportation [forced to aeeopt tom|w>rnrl1y a henne II G U A R A N T E E D U SED C A RS [on Énsf tiran d Hlver. adjacent to the Cush or K i u j Term s |property o f the I*i Kappa P h i fritter-h Complete I «ine o f J •»!»v . T his w ill rem ain a*» th e ir so-j! j d o t) house until tin* erection o f their* Genuine Chevrolet and Ford Parts Expert Merhanirs im *« home in tTiesterfield filli* theatre building Ì* to be eonstrueted Al S tu d e n ts - [b v the Htitterfleld Th. ati irai corjmra- j T. S. BU N N j flou .*?i tii#* *«it«* o f the former IIi*s-| "Itu ililing on Servire** III Ihrrb m t (tenue Open Firning» until !MMt Tho \o T h e o n fra te rn ity has a ls o l L a d Irnsing. Mirti. IItone .V'WN Stimiti)» it to 12 a. nt. | eh tingisi quarter*. moving front theirft j former location at ."».'iti Sunset la n e to! Headquarters Ea st tiratoi H lver at lla sle tt street.| ■ ■ J T iie Ae Tfteotis eX|s*rt to build a new for [hottie "ti the tiearbv pro|N*rty ndjtieofit! STUDENTS ELECTRICALSUPPUES j to the 1*1.¡ loan hottse N t t o le t lt s * lle iii| i| t i> ir f e r * f o r S i x t e e n A «-n r~ I H |*% H T % N t i l t l l» M p i v i m : Still We Have The dO EM i n t o tii:(it| Good Service •Continue«! from page 41 I’bo rtiil problem renders pro season 1 Study lam ps $2.00 and Up CAMPUS BARBER SHOP »election* difficult to make. Moliti j I tirtni. 7-Vvard da h cliatiipiott o f the) i « o riti is due to liold one (lank posi-, T in ie r College I trug t ion. w hile Ki-n I »row the oilier ¡ a r j j »Itv i nd from last ¡ c a r is finding hard I .K A I f N TO DANCK New beginner» class » la ri* Tue». E A S T L A N S IN G F ( K l . I I H . M S , M anager Sc|tl. ÏH. 7 p. ni. jeom pctition in the |M>r»ou of Keddy J Christianson. a IsM pound end f rotti I Term, 10 le*t»mis; F ee (H.flfl K e»iilf* <»intrant cod E L E C T R IC COM PANY 'tii in vtar two »elisoli» ago, but was not I (K Ì III l( (VFSSON [ ill '.lie ..| last >ear He holds th e ' IK N K 111 4M 1% W . II. ( H .I V I'rnp. Arrailia Itollrmmi Ilic îjintt Jfoob ^lni)j j edge "V er i'lV H at »hi» w ritin g as n j tea tucr « ¡ib «; ritti t u Mi.-e ,.•»•» \n* m m w i !ü w o n ; dei '. mi w another piomì.-diig and hardj . working end candidate. 1 F re d d v M a r n it i, -cu at «»uni •e n t e r ! I fr o m ! .a n s iu g li le li be« a u s e of b is : j iin iivu n -i • pepd f o r h i- 2127 p o u n d - , has III 133 Lact tirami Hiver Avenue Kae« U le l a i m e d l h e p i v o i p o s itio n . « h ie h ¡ ¡ I I I II»- Mie ke» ..r Mie S p a rla li fo r« a rd I W all l hi» ‘. T i r uni 1, ine a c u le i «.ai : • c i and I h . " ¡eteran d e f.n » iie bui-1 ir lr r b o s r . 311 je a ik u r l i M irra ti at center. IP»**. » center I d u T iii- ¡¡ill d •t ohd W e lc o m e 1 CLOTHES thill of i Mill Sii» II* 1 » m M ic h ig a n S ta te M M S O S w I*. M- E S T A B L IS H E D E N G L IS H U N IV E S S IT V P. !..»h The •led M e n S T Y L E S , T A IL O N E D O VER YO UTH FUL C H A R T S S O L E L Y F O R D IS T IN G U IS H E D S E R V IC E IN T H E U N IT E D ST A T E S. I- the f the I id 11ib hi QharterKouse in.d ep Hie uiost probable array of (ila lid f es I j, HRAEKURN C O LLE G E CIXtTH ES •• »•»• action S iturdnv afternoon i It E I h riK tia n .s e » ! a n d I new and It T Mo* Il**r and Needham It h thin yoar ra n ks sup erior w hich e v e r directed the destl-l to CROSS COUNTRY MEN record at Penn S ta te by tu rn in g out T h e fo urth now additio n to the ; Lo u isia n a Sta te , at N ew O rlean s. a ion of fo o tball at I his« institutio n. the cham pionship w restlin g team of coaching staff fo r th is ye a r Is In the It tun m»’I inJtirod in an fiutoni thn east in 1926. H e also annexed Assisting ('bach Young *s B a rn e y S e a s o a O p e a s W i t h M e tr e D e rn e ants. M orton F . M ason Is retained bili- art Inrititr Hm pant «ni T rayno r. form er fo lg a fo «tar. and th»* eastern in terco lleg iate soccer person of W . S te rry Bro w n , who w ill as va rs ity and freshm an cross-coun­ m**r. :»n idi flnltoly out of tl rha.m plonship w ith his Penn Sta te he head coach of viwrslty and fre sh ­ try conch and assistant coach o f v a r ­ Inter a oofifh at the l ’ni ver*ity a t Ssu tfc B e a d . O c t 2 3 . «if Wisconsin, anti M ike t ’n*t«d. who tra m H e has been an a th le tic in ­ man sw im m ing Coach B ro w n com«* s ity and freshm an tra ck . C h a rle s It ■von which w ill h Vounc hi-ro thro e y- ir-*- ri i* instig atin g stru c to r at W est P o in t, and was In here from the U n iv e rsity o f Illin o is, B a ll w ill n « a in d irect the freshm an iiilo ■ho in u ,lim* ;igr#s. afi»*r corvine undor him in th** Hoaxon and al- a coaching cap a city at B ro o k lyn where he turned out some of the best and v a rs ity ten nis m en. I^eon D H an opening as -1 rank« of, Kainm axoo college's rham- po lvtech n lca l In stitu te. In addition sw im m ers in the W e ste rn conference. B u rh a n s Is to be p h ysical education re p o n ing in Adrian aggrega ,, teams. T ra y n o r I« enter- to hi» coaching w ork h e re M r. Leon ¡«ration fo r the In additio n to Coach Kobs. seven d ire c to r o f the college and assistant I. i.ia. hing st iff jm, upon his first yo a r it Sta te , and ¡•.••«I w ill s rrv c as professor o f physi­ « Am ong the o th er m**n retu rn fo th** staff fo r this professor, being relieved of his d u ­ r a now lino, and i;) |,end ,|no coach. *'u«tee| wntem cal ed ucation in th»* now expanded n rep ort aro L. year. M iles W . Casteel, fo rm er K a ­ ties a» w restlin g conch by the a d d i­ I i* .sono*what In upon hl» third ye a r here art head departm ent fo r d eveloping coach««. K nut »on. D ale zoo college sta r in the days when tion to the staff of Conch L eo nard. tele ran« aro find baekfiold coach, h a vin g be* n protnot- ||r is the possessor of an eq u a lly Coach Y oun g was his teacher, has J w l c H ep p in sta ll is ag a in a m em ber Ini- tlo r touch The (Mj , n , j,,. rank on the staff -in««* th** im pressive record in col leg a thletic», re run on Oct. been prom oted to va rs ity backfleld o f the staff as tra in e r, and .he w ill hr* gained w h ile atten ding F’enn State. also serve this y e a r as an In stru c to r T h e physical education staff of coach in fotoball. and w ill also coach in the physical ed u catio n school freshm an and v a rsity track aspir- I ’. •f ho way by Sept 15, . h Vo m i I S ta te college 1» now com prised of in a tld o d Iih -r o w to fo r the past six da >’I-art an ram p to present a r->rn j’.r t a y t o r A d r i a n T h i s ira m e p e l ted to e n a b l e th e coach d ra w a lin e on th e la r g e « ! -\ h isto ry lo r e M u d i thinn ing • t v nk in e of t h e i p i r a n I s f o r p. ,|.. aI bast .t u o i i',, \ «1 r iìì. i i li e ends. •.ickredd St b-lr i p .i ii ,| ,vm n ,,lv , , W e lc o m e ld* a r if i n i* as '«vi>i* how f |M. I( nsider *he best and m ost I* en to lock horns l a i . -4 te Sa tu rila n f o r th«> c ú r t a l o ment un i ;iiser o m.. , a n il m itro K rö n . U p p e r C la s s m e n Hie ‘PilotLetter AND » i M y. s o - H a v I took o ff m ÍÍI IP k.-v pl.mi* tm tn t hr* fcrtlm a rd h r n I r e s i t>r«i a n » iM m t e o f I I i r inf^t ..v e r I h r m rir .im i (trot*!**1*! < 1‘a r k r r O v « . IV n 1 A few m m utrs la lr r I made a (h l« (o ld I •.i-1 •• o, o toy « t a r im i! i« in i im i a • r .« " I w i* r la m m m it f t ir w m r , ' i r k r r G l a s s o f I * o > 'k t i » ', . w h u h h a d land» *t o n hard «round r-»mv *»*■ ,t «or,mar. 11 the , li i. i*I not t w m d a m a t o <1 in t h « • lililí'• -t b y it* unni f r r t drop . WHEN IN DOUBT —Try— S ta rt S ch o o l f i w it h a P e n th a t w o n ’t T H E C A M P U S b re a k — Dropped 3000fca t! Y E S , th e P a rker DitofoUr P en P H A R M A C Y YOUR PATRONAGE w a s tnmted from an B rrop U n t nt *!it r y nltituile to te st o u r n e w N o n U reukahle m ateria l" P erm a- ttite," ami la n d ed 30U0 feet b e lo w — unharm ed. T ea ta au ch an thin are th e N*ot g u a r a n te e « that a p e n w ill la st is Given Our Personal Service practically forev er. F o r a y ea r w e kept s e c r e t th e fact that Parker D u ofold t a n a and Pencils h a v e b arrels o f th is n e w luatroua, b e a u tifu l, lig h t -w e ig h t P erm am te until a w h o le « e n e a o f Light Lunches Students’ Supplies i H 1; h e r o ic d e m o n s t r a t i o n « p r o v e d tliat it d o e s not break. T h is b la ck -tip p e d la c q u e r -r r d b eau ty la mil on ly th e sm artest, s h a p e lie s t pen, hut th«* greatest w ittin g instrum ent the w o r ld hdN e v e r seen. Its y ie ld in g , s u p e r - s m o o t h p o in t is g u a r a n te e d 25 yea rs not on ly for m echanical p«*r- W E L C O M E fection but fo r w ea r. to the New Students and those who are re­ C h o o s e y o u r point and co lo r ut any g *od pen cou n ter. Hut S C H V A R S in TAILO» M M turning to complete courses at M. S. C. w ith c a r e for th e n a m e *‘O e o . S. V i i la H .a l M Mkra t a t k e r *on th e b a r r e l— th e uuuk « 1 1 IM M . r S R M lM i — T.AIUMUVi o f highest excellen ce. Freshmen, sophomores and upperclassmen ,'s'k»* I WteU fW si* tomsu A(to Lad» I W M .I »1.» tot Mu h lite , will tind a larjre assortment of shirts, neck­ Mj# Hsdkii ito* hm M 1M F s u n Pi« i >«ss*wi lt« t* in ii W * ,«wa wear. hosiery’ and other furnishings in our u s u s » )« . UBW ». I men’s shop. Co-eds are invited to visit Knapp’s Style Floor for fur coats, sport coats, dress coats, E a s t L a n s in g sport skirts, sport blouses, sweaters, sport dresses, evening dresses and millinery. S ta te B a n k J.W. Knapp Co. LANSING. MICHIGAN