Thursday MSU faces 3 year probation By EDWARD L. RONDER8 DeCello commented Thursday, "I had no NCAA rule which bars me from that." SUte New. Staff Writer requested permission from the NCAA to be appearing," he stated, If the University's football program is MSU's football program will be present during the appeal and they notified DeCello continued, "As to whether we penalized with three years probation, MSU slapped me today that with a three year probation by the National permission was granted. I pursue any adverse judgement against will be ineligible for post-season bowl can't understand why I couldn't do this at coaches Weyers or Butler in the federal Collegiate Athletic Assn. (NCAA) and two games and television appearances during the first hearing. To my assisUnt football coaches will be fired as knowledge there's courts will be up to them. I can't answer that time. penalties for alleged recruiting and aid violations, according to a copyrighted story in the Detroit News Thursday. The penalties will stand unless MSU wins AP wirephofo its appeal before an NCAA board this weekend. However, the State News learned late Soviet-backed Angolans je Sen. Charles Zollnr, (R-Benton Harbor), left, and Sen. John Toepp, Thursday that asst. coaches Howard Wey- ladiallac) are ahown at the SUte Capitol aa Michigan Gov. William ers and Charlie Butler, who, according to (ken gave Thursday's State of the State claim victories, reports say the story, will be message before a joint dismisseji, will have legal lative meeting. Zoilar said he dozed off becauae, "I've read the representation Sunday when MSU presents uge three timea and nothing surprises me." He aaid there ia juat its appeal of the proposed penalties to the theme, "We ain't got it, don't spend it," NCAA Council in St. Louis. When MSU first answered charges by the NCAA, Oct. 13-14 in Denver. Colo.. JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) - In Rome, a man claiming to speak for the refused to budge. Weyers and Butler were not allowed to Soviet-backed forces, led by Cuban troops, Soviet-backed government in Angola said a The London Financial Times and the have their attorney, Anthony DeCello, have scored major military victories in second attempt by the Luanda regime to ?w direction needed, present during the hearing. It was his forced absence from the hearing in Denver which caused DeCello to northern Angola, raising fears of direct intervention by neighboring Zaire, reports buy U.S.-built planes had fallen through, and that it would start talks with the Yugoslav news agency Tanjug both repor¬ ted that forces of the Soviet-backed Popular Front for the Liberation of Angola— remark that he would pursue the matter in reaching Johannesburg said Thursday. Soviets for the purchase of planes. MPLA-have seized the key Angolan port federal court if any adverse ruling were of Ambriz. its airfield and the nearby city of In Washington, the State Department \illiken tells legislature In another development, South African made by the NCAA regarding his clients. denied reports that one of the U.S.-suppor- Ambrizette. • oficials at Walvis Bay in South-West Africa He said that he would base part of his ted factions in Angola has collapsed. "The have refused to let 23 ships carrying an The Western-backed National Front for defense on the precept that his clients' situation is serious but resistance is estimated 2,500 Angolan refugees unload the Liberation of Angola—FNLA—has By RALPH FRAMMOLINO constitutional rights were violated by not continuing and the fighting is going on," a their human cargo and ordered the ships to maintained its military headquarters at State News Staff Writer allowing them due process. spokesman said. return to Angola. The ship captains have Ambriz. I Milliken prodded the legislature to use "new creativity, new direction, new % to old problems" in dealing with an "austere" budget in his State of the State The MPLA offensive reportedly was led e Thursday as he diagramed his plans for 1976. by about 7,000 Cuban combat troops and ten's outlook for the year holds nothing new for higher education, however, except ■ promise to try to get a bill to his desk that would aid middle-class students in RED SQUAD CASE IN COURT used tanks, helicopter gunships and concen¬ trated rocket attacks to seize the cities. g scholarships for higher education. U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. tate's top executive told the legislature that "there is no room for waste, or even for Kissinger said Wednesday the Cuban forces |ly generous definition of 'what is essential' in government." He also said that "there pver the decades, been far too many promises made — and broken — by iment" and that this year's legislature must not renege on the promises of consumer HRP seeks files' demise were trying to take over all of Angola and said fighting in norther Angola "is being conducted almost entirely by Cuban forces without even the pretense of participation" fvironmental protection made last year. by the MLPA. ir also addressed Detroit's plight — proposing a tax-sharing plan with the By RALPH FRAMMOLINO SUte News Staff Writer Corsetti, testifying at Bullard's commit¬ a $10 million hike in state revenue-sharing funds, and money for the city through Meanwhile, U.S. intelligence sources in tee Thursday, said that trashing the files r ortatlon package. MSU professor Zolton Ferency may wIv would impede hi« court case in Detroit Washington said the Soviet Union may be iing could be further fpprn the truth that I am, turning a deaf ear towards Detroit," destruction of SUte Police files on "subver¬ George C'orsetti, attorney for the Miehi because the defendants in that case need preparing a further buildup of its naval b said, digressing from his prepared text. "Don't be misled by the headlines." sive activities" and cessation of police strength off the West African coast within gan Assn. of Consumer Protection (MACP) them for evidence in possible further en was responding to a Thursday Detroit Free Press article that accused the cruising distance of Angola. operations to gather such material at a litigation. >r and state legislators of turning their backs on the financially-troubled city, hearing today in Ingham County Circuit The sources said U.S. intelligence has n said the transportation package "could well be the salvation of the city of Court. "It (burning the files) is like Richard been tracking a Soviet cruiser, which has But an attorney in a similar court case in Nixon trying to destroy the tapes on the moved through the western Mediterranean Detroit and stete House committee are eve of the ■Governor's plan for 1976 includes a impeachment procedure," Cor¬ toward Gibraltar in recent days, and a no more cutbakcs in budgets for programs, "It (burning the files) is like setti testified. asking Ingham Circuit Court Judge Tom Soviet guided missile destroyer, which has pg higher education. Brown, who will hear Ferency's arguments, Richard Nixon trying to destroy Iken's aide on higher education, Jim Phelps, said that in essence the governor's He also revealed that Chrysler been spotted south of Portugal. ■educational program was one of investigation for the next fiscal year. Milliken is to delay the wholesale bonfire of the files. the tapes on the eve of the Corp. worked in conjunction with the State Police I the State Board of Education to look into the need for another law school in the Ferency said Gov. Milliken and the impeachment procedure," — in setting up its own political files for the Intelligence reports reaching the Penta¬ ■ the need for more allied health and nursing programs and more equitable attorney general have agreed with him that George Corsetti, attorney for gon said the destination of the ships is purpose of firing suspect personnel. uncertain, but the reports suggest the ships pition of monies for colleges. such an accumulation of informational files the Michigan Assn. of Consumer e is nothing exotic in the higher education plan," Phelps said, on the part of the police is unconstitutional may be sent to reinforce other Russian Protection "They (Chrysler) co-operated with the naval vessels and the files should be destroyed. already off West Africa. only immediate concern for higher education is House Bill 5411 which would set up a Michigan State Police," Corsetti said. He also hinted that another of the The conservative London Daily Tele¬ Jr 1,000 $1,000 scholarships to be given to students regardless of their financial need, ■lieve the "We have now come to an agreement that auto big three companies was to be subpoenaed for graph reported from the Angolan capital of state should recognize and encourage scholarship by not penalizing ts because their family's income failed to measure up — or down — to a standard," my complaint was well-founded," Ferency purposes of his case in Detroit. Luanda that the only town held by the said. He instigated the suit on behalf of the and Rep. Perry Bullard, D-Ann Arbor and FNLA in northeast Angola is Santo Antonio 'ernor said in his 93-page outline of programs for 1976. is also said that Milliken's Human Rights'Party on April 7, 1975. chairman of the House Committee on Civil Ferency said that transference of such and it now appears threatened. hope for a separate Board of Higher Education which information from police to private hands ■solve the "am- charging that the two laws — written in Rights, are asking Brown not to let the files 1931 and 1950 — which allowed the police to be destroyed, however. such as business is illegal even under the Angola's richest offshore oil fields are 1931 and 1950 laws. The information is located off Santo Antonio, south of the supposed to go only to law enforcement oil-rich Cabinda enclave. The MPLA- agencies. controlled enclave is separated from Angola by 20-mile.sliver of Zaire. ASMSU Board to discuss a Bullard's committee, by a 5-3 vote, will also send a letter to the judge, asking him to allow the files to survive for a while. The committee wants to investigate the files » also | himself to the le bill com- and other proposal for smoking ban because it is currently working on a bill that would repeal that laws that gave the State Police the power to accumulate the files. The bill would make any gathering of hmental mea- Smoking may be hazardous to academic before being brought to the board of ■uch as banning achievement, if a current ASMSU resolu¬ trustees for approval." information on "subversive" activities tion passes through the required channels illegal and recognize such an action uncon¬ ■rnable bottles Ttting up a fund next week. If the board approves will become a local law. it, the resolution stitutional. The legislators also want the inside Ken Stebbins, originator of the resolu¬ files preserved to allow people who had oyalties on na- The board could also decide to designate dossiers made on them the freedom to look is and oil drill- tion, will make a presentation at the smoking and nonsmoking areas in the Isabel's still the queen of the fc rations ASMSU Board at that information. to buy meeting Tuesday, request¬ classrooms. Argentinian Hill, but the rest of ■reserve land ing that the board consider banning Oakland University recently banned her mountain is crumbling fast. "These files relate to people who engaged smoking in all classrooms and other smoking in all classrooms, deciding that it in valid political activity to deal with the On page 2. academic areas. was a health hazard to smokers and major political issues of our time," Bullard People complain when | 1Governor ad- Preliminary discussion of the matter will nonsmokers confined in small areas. said to a police spokesman at the committee there's too much salt on the the Senate, be held at the meeting but no vote will be Furthermore, it was considered to be a taken immediately. meeting. roads, but boy, will they yell I and Supreme distraction that hinders concentration. when there's none. On page 3. I justices, along "COGS (Council of Graduate Students) "We need feedback from the students on passed this resolution at their last meet¬ this," Raymond said. "Tuesday's meeting Ferency said that he will draw Corsetti's Should campus police be |host of staff and and Bullard's request to ing," ASMSU President Brian Raymond will only serve as a discussion of the the attention of the armed? On page 3. said. "It will have to be passed by ASMSU. proposal. We need student reaction before judge and that he would not object to the It's unhealthy to be a striker Student Affairs and the Academic Council making a decision on this." preservation of the files as long as they were put in the care of the court and not in Spain. On page 10. kept with the State Police. Ferency said it is not a critical point weather U.S. offers new SALT proposals whether a person looks into his file. "I don't want to see mine," Ferency said. "I would rather be out doing things that Today should bring a brief reprieve from the snow, but it may come back Sunday. The would create new files than looking at my high today will be in the 20's, old ones." with a low tonight around zero. these points: restrictions on the Backfire and demanded fHINGTON I has outlined (AP) - The United Neither the new Soviet-manned Back¬ The cruise missile is an unmanned that any Cruise missile be counted in the The cold spell is expected to that — detailed propoaals to weapon can be launched from a plane, The two cases were further confused by continue through Saturday and fire bomber nor the American Cruise submarine or even ground artillery. 2,400 limit imposed on American nuclear |viet Is blocked Union for ending the deadlock missile system would be counted in a Strategic planners consider the Cruise as the attorney general's agreement in Ing¬ ham County to get rid of the file. In the Sunday, with partly cloudy progress toward a nuclear weapons. skies Saturday and a chance of ■limitation treaty, high American previously agreed-upon formula limiting a potentially major addition to nuclear Kissinger will not sign a new treaty while Detroit case he ordered the files held. snow Sunday. T» said Thursday. each country to 2,400 offensive missiles and arsenals^ one that could threaten the in Moscow. Instead, he hopes to reach an Ferency said that the attorney general is ktary of State Henry A. Kissinger bombers. superpowers' arms balance because of its agreement on the principles that would not bound to give an identical ruling, e proposals to Russian Ambassador — The Russians would limit deployment flexibility in targeting and its ability to guide technical negotiations. however, since he is deciding about two ' Dobrynin during a Wednesday of the bombers to bases effectively out of evade existing defenses. Afterward he is scheduled to tell foreign concurrent cases in different courts. leeting at the State Dept. range of the American mainland. ministers in the North Atlantic Treaty I secretary will leave Monday night — The Russians would not deploy The Soviet Union has not agreed to the Organization the outcome in Brussels Jan. Ferency said that he filed the suit after ^scow in an effort to set definite American thinking. However, Kissinger 23. the gubernatorial campaign in 1974 as a in-flight refueling systems for the Backfire, s for or at least would seriously restrict the use said in a news conference Wednesday that Information reaching NATO diplomats in candidate for the Human Rights Party. At a Strategic Arms Limitation |-SALT. le the officials of such systems. "we have been given a clear promise that there would be a significant modification in London suggested dim prospects of ad¬ that time, suspension of the police's vances. One informant said it is up to the intelligence activities was of his declined tit elaborate — The United States wuld agree to limit one ■ American plan, it waa learned that the range of the Cruise missiles to a point the Soviet position." Soviet leadership to come up with proposals loposals, approved by the National that would restrict their use to tactical Last year the SALT negotiations broke that will match or improve on ideas "this has been a process of long, slow down when the Soviets flatly refused any advanced by the U.S. government. deliberation," Ferency said. fy Council on Wednesday, included missions only. 2 Michigan Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Fr'doy, Januo Peron asks cabinet to resign The elections at first were set for March By WIRE SERVICES room, but added that if the new cabinet did not at least appear to 1977, but p them up in in apparent attempt to relieve BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — President Isabel Peron asked be governing deciswely the 44-year-old president could .gam be heavy nr., her entire cabinet to resign today to pave the way for a ^to aside ^ atep ^ ^ favor ^ in ^ of fa constitutional caretaker J!!? government reorganization. She then accepted the resignation of UnMiliUryVand opposition leaders have been pressing Peron for Early Thursday police found three bullet-riddled"^ Teething rings, pacifiers unsafe four of her ministers. „ oi. .sr. - >—• sEBSSrsiz: Presidential press secretary Osavaldo Papaleo announced that violence. this year. At least 900 were killed during 1975, the resignations of Interior Minister Angel Robledo, Defense Official sources said Thursday that presidential elections now WASHINGTON (AP) The Pood and Drug Administration And disagreement over January wage — Minister Tomes Votero, Justice Minister Ernesto Corvalan and scheduled Oct. 17 could be delayed for up to two months because of increases thr„- announced Thursday the recall of thousands of baby break a uneasy peace between workers and the Foreign Minister Manuel Arauz Castcx, had been accepted by the problems in preparing ballots and voting procedures. gov,r teething rings and candy pacifiers which it said could president. seriously injure young children. Papaleo announced the appointment of Roberto Ares, president The water-filled teething rings contain an ammonium of the country's most important government bank, as interior compound which does not inhibit bacterial growth and could cause vomiting if punctured, the FDA said. About 11,520 Charme Fun Condy Pacifiers being recalled were imported from Belgium by Doe-Julie Inc., Chicago, and minister and Juan Alberto Deheza as justice minister and acting defense minister. No replacement was announced for the foreign ministry, but Education Minister Pedro Arrighi was named as acting minister of Conference to resume, distributed in California and Pennsylvania. that cabinet post. Papaleo did not say whether any more resignations would be PLO barred at present The FDA soid the pacifiers could break, posing a potential choking hazard to infants and small children. accepted by the president. There was no immediate explanation as to why Peron had decided to shake up her cabinet, although the local press had speculated that one of the main targets of an eventual shakeup Labor trouble leaves one dead would be Robledo. tion and then discuss PLO of the Geneva conference on of General Robledo, who was sworn in as interior minister Sept. 16, 1975, By WIRE SERVICES Assembly UNITED NATIONS-Israel representation later. Middle East peace "is made tions LAKE CHARLES, La. (AP) - One man was killed and four was considered by hardline Peronists to be insufficiently loyal to demanding self det Israeli Ambassador Chaim necessary by life itself," and ation, sovereignty and were injured early Thursday morning when 100 angry men Mrs. Peron, according to press reports. agreed today with Egyptian Herzog told conference said the Palestine Liberation dence for the Robledo, who is also first vice president of the Peronist party, President Anwar Sadat's pro¬ a news stormed a labor-troubled construction site, police said. this was made clear in the Organization should be invited. Palestiniu, their return to homes in .t, The attack at the Jupiter Chemical Co. was believed to be was considered a moderate and one of the ministers most willing to posal to resume the Geneva Middle East peace conference invitations from the United Malik said other participants now Israel the result of a labor dispute over use of "multicraft" union seek agreements and compromise with opponents of Mrs. Peron, without participation of the States and the Soviet Union — should be Egypt, Syria, Jordan, workers belonging to Local 102 of the American Federation' something unacceptable to the hard liners. Israel and the conference co- Most analysts agreed the changes gave Peron more breathing Palestine Liberation Organize cochairmen of the conference — Referring to y.( of Independent Unions. to the original Geneva talks in chairpersons the Soviet State — Henry ,\. | Witnesses said the ottack started when 1973. Union and the United States. an earth-moving step-by step process machine tore through the construction gate and rammed a Remarks by Sadat in Cairo The Soviet ambassador rate disengagement nearby trailer occupied by eight or nine workers. Gunmen on the machine and in cars then opened fire on the work site. The dead man was identified as Joe A. Hooper, 26, an Beirut civil war rages, and by Egyptian Ambassador Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid in the Security Council here, in called for implementation of Security Council resolutions fa¬ voring Israeli withdrawal from lik said partial would not work intended only to del a ; which the latter referred to occupied Arab terrorities and prehensive settlemet employe of Payne & Keller Construction Co., Inc., the firm building an ammonia plant for the chemical company. death toll reaches 8,800 reconvening the Geneva confer¬ ence "on the previous basis," are "exactly what we have been Moore sentenced saying all along," Herzog said. BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - at Dbaiye, five miles north of the bridge of the highway next Israel is boycotting the cur¬ Two injured in consulate blast SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A man and womon were injured Moslem-Christian fighting raged in Beirut and a score of the slum battle. Dbaiye's fall and the continu to the shantytown. The predominantly Christian rent council debate, which Her¬ zog said was designed by Syria to life imprisonme other points across Lebanon on ing Christian blockade of two Lebanese army is theoretically to undermine the current Mid¬ by flying glass in the explosion of a bomb inside the Iranian Thursday, bringing new calls other refugee camps triggered neutral in the sectarian fight¬ dle East negotiating machinery SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Sara Jane Moore was sentenat consulate on the 13th floor of a downtown office building, for outside mediation to end the an uproar in the Arab world. A ing. But special army rein¬ namely the Geneva confer- — life in prison Thursday by a federal judge who said if her authorities say. nine-month-old civil war. Saudi Arabian statement said pa forced security squads have been a better one she would have succeeded in shooting Pr Police said the blast at 9:57 p.m. Wednesday caused At least 17 persons were the Lebanese crisis "entered a instructions to maintain order Herzog made it clear that Ford. "excessive damage," and witnesses said the consulate was killed and 33 wounded during new stage of defiance of human and keep main highways open. Israel is not opposed to Pales¬ U.S. District Court Judge Samuel Conti told Moore s*- a "complete shambles." the day. bringing the over-all values by the siege of the tinians, but to the PLO's repre¬ Five armored cars of the "misguided, blaming society for your own faults." and d-J- About 30 minutes before the explosion, a woman who said casualty toll since April to more refugee camps" and blamed sentation of them. "You take it upon yourself to be judge, jury and executioner.' than 8,800 dead and 26,600 "elements opposed to coopera¬ security forces pumped shells "We talk to the Palestinians she was a member of the Red Guerilla Family telephoned the in the square mile where more Conti said the 45-year-old one-time FBI informant with a b wounded by official count. tion." San Francisco Chronicle and warned that a bomb would go than 15,000 of Lebanon's poor¬ every single day," he said. of mental illness had "no remorse," and imposed the m The fighting is over Moslem "Israel has a million and a off at 10 p.m. Moslems live tightly packed sentence. She became the second woman within a month se demands for political and eco¬ Shelling of the slum area est quarter Palestinians. We do not in makeshift shacks. No casual¬ to life in prison for attempting to kill Ford. nomic reforms and Christian came as right-wing Christian recognize the PLO as repre¬ forces continued their push to In a statement she read before the sentencing. Moore said: resistance to them until the ty toll is available. clear the northeast of the city of senting the Palestinian people." was not sorry for trying to shoot the President, except that government clamps down on Another push by right-wing The Soviet Union and China Deputies seize strikers' offices the Palestinian guerillas. pockets of leftist Moslem and Palestinian guerilla resistance Christian forces developed two Put f'le'r v'ews on 'be Palestin- "accomplished little than to throw away the rest of my life... L because it expressed my feelings at the time and could In the latest action. Lebanese PITTSBURGH (UPI) — Most of Pittsburgh's 4,400 teachers controlling other vital road miles north, around the Pales- 'an 'ssue before 'he Council as triggered the kind of chaos to bring the upheaval of needed chiqt, remained on strike Thursday in defiance of an security forces shelled Beirut's tine refugee camps of Tel tlle Council pursued the fourth After the sentencing, there was a loud cry of protest from.':, injunction and links to the Christian hinter¬ Moslem slaughterhouse slum Zaater and Jisr El-Basha, while round of the debate today, despite preparations by the sheriff's office to sell their land in the mountains. Halvorsen, a friend who had previously rented the apart: area to safeguard a main union's equipnVerit to help pay mounting bridge fighting continuqdin-the down- -i Soviet Ambassador Jacob A. Moore lived in at the the shooting. contempt fines. link to the north. The 'town security forces inter¬ tourist hotel district 'of-'WalBr told the UN Security fiilvoraen screamed al'the judge, "You're not a Sheriff's deputies padlocked the offices of the The shelling came just a day Pittsburgh vened against Moslem snipers R»'*"t. Council that speedy resumption out of touch with the times." Federation of Teachers after Christians overran the Wednesday and prepared to sell its firing from their "Quarantina" office equipment to pay for $45,000 in fines levied small Palestinian refugee camp slum and stopping traffic over by Common Pleas Judge Donald Ziegler for ignoring his back-to-work order. Sub rescue mission cancelled WASHINGTON (UPI) - The CIA Is giving up its once-secret attempt to hoist a sunken Soviet submarine from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, according to authoritative sources. They said that since last summer, when the news media reported the attempt, a Soviet ship patrolled the spot 750 miles northwest of Hawaii where the submorine sank in 1968. Now, the sources said, heavy seas make a salvage MEN'S attempt impossible and the publicity generated by the first attempt has caused the CIA to abandon further plans to retrieve the sub. CLOTHING Automakers report sales gain DETROIT (UPI) — U.S. automakers recorded their highest year-to-year new car sales gain in 3'/i years with a year-opening 46 per cent jump over the disastrous 1975 performance that triggered costly cash rebates. Despite a 10th straight 10-day period in which sales ^ SALOON^ ■ Presents HH topped a year-ogo level, the sales reports from the four U.S. automakers Wednesday didn't live up to analysts' expectations of a 50 to 55 per cent gain ond got Detroit LONNI6 LUTON MH & automakers off to their second worst start in 15 While the early January sales continue the years. momentum th€ cosmic ecHOej that began with the introduction of the 1976-model cars in October, they are only strong in comparison with last year which was the worst for the industry since the early post-World War II years. THE FACTS JUSTTHE FACTS reee Colombian guerillas execute 4 "MALE," "LIVE INS," "CHEAP JEANS BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Leftist guerillas "summarily JEANS! reg- $18.00 now only executed" a peasant and his three sons Wednesday for allegedly collaborating with the military, the army said. $9. The guerillas stormed into the miles east of Bogota, set up a village of Las Palomas, 300 "revolutionary court" and shot Uuul. Uatau taith is . k.ybMrdi.t kacldtd tar Imvw wrtrltarttaw ta H» w»k f SWEATERS! reg. $12.°° now only and killed Manuel Castillo and his sons Estancio, ■urhtart, l.b.«. M KM, Mile. Duel,, Uw Ibm, Ezequiel and Manuel, the army report said. ""■"l—S*" »4 Itauy, TOPS ! reg. $6.00 now only tabu Wlbuu *f Tbu Now Yurb Thuu. plouht wHb uu luuxbuustlble tarvur." tabbed Uuuta "u jq Magazine names 3 as spies SLACKS! $15*00 2 LONDON American (AP) — A radical British journal named three Embassy officers Wednesday who it said are working as Central Intelligence Agency spies in London. JANUARY 26 • DOORS OPIN AT 8 P.M. °r P0R $25 0( Retiring U.S. Ambassador Elliot L. Richardson immediately criticized the tickets are ,4M and are en LEATHERS! from $(9 qq purported disclosure. sale nt Recordland at both Time Out, a weekly, claimed in a piece headed "Spook malls, Tech Hi Pi and MARK-V (NEXT TO CAMPUS THEA1 Spotting" that the number of CIA men here has increased from 60 to 70 since May. It said the three men it names are The Silver Dollar. among the CIA's top staffers in Britain. impus police gun issue wains dormant By MICHELE BURGEN protest, blasted the chancellor's ruling to DPS, agreed. I State New. Still Writer arm the police at various campuses. "It they are legitimate police officers they "There are 19 campuses with over 300,000 fieral camputet across the state of ' students m tAe system - in must be armed. If they're going to provide SN i, students are presently staging fact, we are the protection to a community — and to be photo/Bill Goodrich Salt mine strikes have I arguing vehemently against largest (system) in tA« world,"DAgastino honest with you, MSU is a community like greatly hindered road crews reserves. Officials say that another large snow in the East ■Ae police at their colleges. said. "It's archaic to think that a central East Lansing or any other — then they must Lansing area. Their efforts to keep storm could completely exhaust what little rock roads clear of have been restricted to major \and demonstrations were reported office could determine the security needs for be able to provide protection," Zutaut said. snow salt is left in the area. se and Chico State in northern 19 different campuses." The DPS personnel — consisting of 40 intersections because of dwindling rock salt Demonstrations there began At MSU, however, the issue can hsrdly be sworn officers who provide 24-hour, 7-day- called such. Questions hsve been raised p weeks ago. a-week surveillance on campus, have been n to police arms was voiced during the isst lOyesrs ss to the necessity of armed since the department's implementa¬ HEAVY STORMS DEPLETE SUPPLY |at Sanoma State University after a arming Dept. of Public Safety (DPS) tion at MSU in 1928. y the chancellor of the California officers, but no one has seriously challenged The officers themselves have mixed 'niversities and Colleges system the requirement. feelings concerning their weapons: This does not Area faces salt j arms for campus police. mean that the entire "I don't enjoy firearms and I don't like i Diego State University, the 33,000 students voted ig the campus mfpoor security following a rape and n the campus. seven to one police, in spite of University community favors or even condones police weapons on campus. Rather, pistol-packing law officers are accepted as a fact of life. Asked whether he thought campus police weapons but I accept it as a part of the job. It only takes one person to blow you away," said Patrolman Tom Bartley, a five-and-a- half-year veteran of the DPS. Det. Jim. Quinn was more adamant. By JOESCALES man, said that they have resort¬ shortage sand and chloride to pour on the late December. resident of the student body at San should be armed, Richard D. SUte News Staff Writer ed to salting only major inter¬ roads, a method that has not Bernitt, "If they were to deprive the force of the The strike resulted in a te, TomD'Agostino, told the State director of MSU Public Take a heavy snowstorm, sections and exceptionally bad been used for years. Safety, said bluntly, use of their guns, they'd have 42 awful quick shutdown of the company's "Yes I do." like the one that hit the area hills in an effort to conserve the William Burchfield, engineer f phone interview that, even though resignations," he said. mining of salt. > requires peace officers to be "It's vital, not only for the Tuesday, and add a shortage of supply. of the Ingham County Road protection of Quinn has been on the force nine years. More complications arose is such, the campuses the officers but because of the threat of Zutaut said that the .38 caliber handgun rock salt and what do you get? Lansing's street department Commission, said that he has when Diamond Crystal Salt of the state death of a third party," he said. Slippery roads. usually has about 18,500 tons of agreed to give salt from their •S system are relatively calm. used by police not only is required as a could not get its usual salt Maj. Adam J. Zutaut, commander of the Then take another possible road salt in reserve, but they reserves to East Lansing if \stino, active in the inter-school protective tool but also acts as a deterrent to supplies from Canada because snowstorm and add are now down to 500 tons and they should run out. citizens who may contemplate use of a shortage its barges were icebound on the of rock salt, plus the already Howard McCaffery, city en "We have borrowed salt from weapons on a police officer. Detroit River. "We don't have a lot of crimes with slippery roads, multiply by the gineer, says that a normal run East Lansing in the past," Gordan, East Lansing's firearms on campus," Zutaut said. "But for fact that the salt companies are to clear up reads after a snow Burchfield said, "and after all, street foreman, said that he not replacing the dwindling storm would use around 400 fair is fair." thinks the problem was extend¬ every stop (of a car) an officer makes, there's reserves of rock salt and what tons of the salt. He said that they were also ed to the area when Interna¬ a chance there will be a weapon In the car." Both Zutaut and Bernitt stressed the high do you get? There would not be a prob¬ short of salt, but not as short as tional Salt Co. tried to meet You get the problem lem if it were not for the failure East Lansing. incidence of crimes committed by persons now some of the customer demands facing East Lansing, Lansing, of the International Salt Co., "It's difficult all over the of the other salt companies. from outside the University. As much as 57 Ingham County and most of which is the main supplier of state to get rock salt," he said. per cent of these crimes involve outsiders. Gordan said that East Lan¬ Michigan. road salt for East Lansing, There are no special travel¬ "Students don't realize that there is sing is still not salting at full And the problem is increased Lansing and Ingham County, to ler's warnings being given, nothing sanctimonious about the campus." capacity and is watching the by the National Weather Ser¬ meet the orders of the area's other than the usual advisories YSf - - ,,u said Patrolman Robert Sybrandy, now in his vice forecast eariy Thursday street cleaning departments. during a storm situation, but situation closely. The street sixth year on the force. "Campus is an cleaning depart¬ open place. Why should campus police be any which called for about four to McCaffery said that the up the East Lansing Police Dept. ments are not the only ones to different than city police?" five more inches of snow Thurs¬ coming snow warning makes said that the salt shortage feel the pinch either. day night with possibly more the situation more critical be¬ would mean that the roads DPS Officers are also expected to assist Jim Montgomery, foods man¬ cause the would remain slippery longer area police — including the county sheriff coming on Sunday. supplier simply can ager of Meijensjin Lansing, said and state police — in apprehensions outside East Lansing's Public Safety not meet the demands for more than usual. that they had ordered 25 and 80 of campus when additional law enforcement Dept. normally has about 300 salt. The finger of blame for the pound bags of rock salt that tons of salt in reserve to clear He said that if the reserve shortage of rock salt is being amounted about manpower is needed. Thus, Zutaut said, to 12,500 they require the same tools as city and state the streets of snow and ice, but runs dry, Lansing's street de¬ pointed at a strike of the pounds, but received notices now they are down to 80 tons partment may possibly have to Morton Salt Co. of Detroit from their distributer saying police. (continued on page 9) and Don Gordon, street fore¬ fall back on using a mixture of which occurred from May to that the salt was out of stock. ADS housing policy causes anger By MICKIMAYNARD housing officials, even though there is a weekend is no really big thing, and I don't moral matters relating to housing by State Newt Stall Writer shortage of space for the ADSers. think it (the rejection) justifies anything." offering a choice of options. He added that An offer to help out the Residence Halls The official reason for the rejection of the Manela's suitemate, Debbie Knable, 481 he was sorry about the problem. Office from several residents on co-ed floors offer made by the students of W. Wilson Hal), also applied to have an has been rejected, leaving angry feelings on coed-by-suite students is that freshman students are not ADS student stay in her room. She said she "I honestly wish we could use them," he the part of those turned down. said. "It's to their credit that they're assigned to co ed by suite floors. was "a little disappointed" at being turned trying Dorm residents were asked in early "There is also a degree of sensitivity to down. to help the system out. But we can't place December to let Alumni Distinguished the situation," Katie Large of the ADS "This is not a wild place anyway, if that's high school seniors where we don't even Scholar (ADS) candidates stay in their place freshmen." program said. "It could be a sensitive area what they are thinking of," she said. "Our rooms for one night when the students visit with the parents, as well as the students." floor is quieter than other floors. I can't campus two weekends next month. The coed-by-suite floors were estab¬ figure it out." ADS candidates are high school seniors lished two years ago after long battles who have exceptionally high grades and test scores. Over 1,000 come to MSU each various student groups with the MSU by "The rejection is based on the co-ed part of the students' option," Doug Zatechka, Refund Board of Trustees, many of whose members area director of residence halls programs, February to see the campus and take the said they opposed the idea because of its said. "Freshmen are not assigned to the Students carrying 10 credits or more who ADS test. Ten winners are chosen and each immoral connotations. co-ed floors as a matter of policy. The co-ed do not wish to read the State News or use receives an all-expense paid scholarship for However, housing officials admitted last its services may receive a refund of the $1 option is an upper-class one. The ADS four years. fall that the coed-by-suite option seemed to students aren't even freshmen." subscription fee paid at registration by Several persons on co-ed-by-suite floors be working out well. The University Zatechka admitted that the situation presenting their fee receipt card at 345 in various dorms volunteered to house the began was the program with three halls, McDonel, "a touchy one" and said the University Student Services Bldg. from 8 a.m. to noon candidates, but were turned down by Holmes and Wonders, and added Wilson tried to stay out and 1 to 5 p.m. by today. of a "third party" role in and Case halls last year. Debbie Manela, 482 W. Wilson Hall, who offered to house an ADS student, said the mproved security in the works situation is "just stupid." "I don't think it's very fair to us and to them," she said. "Do they think we're going to corrupt them in one I will public safety, refused comment on "this or "The real price is in four figures," night? If they are begin Monday on a new and corrupted, they probably were already." any other existing security system on Wharton said. "I doubt if it's even $10,000." ^d security system for Cowles I President Wharton's residence on campus." Administrators also refused to answer She said the situation left her with bad While one report tagged a $40,000 figure feelings for the housing office, but not questions regarding any recent threats on against the ADS students. on the security system Wharton's life, or if an outside agency had changes, Wharton "I wouldn't mind housing them, sure, but pistrators contacted were reluctant said that figure was "so far off it's not even been contracted to do the work on the after this little episode, I don't know how I'd Jss the new security system work, funny." system. feel the next time," Manela said. "The physical plant "" le on North workers were sighted Campus Thursday. SN experiments with NewsLine number ■ Robert Perm, vice president for ^ity and federal relations, and Whar- Committee outraged report So far, the State NewsLine has been an unqualified success. Two this issue came about from tips phoned in major stories in nowledged the system, but declined Thursday on our new hot line number. We won't tell you which ones they were but we feel they were on the costs or details of the By ED LION refuting the myth which dictates the very methods by which the important news in because of concern over greater State News Staff Writer Defense Dept. budget of the United States is drawn tipoffs and hope that anyone that sees what they think may be news happening will up," she said. call our NewsLine at 353-3865, Sunday through Friday. If you're aware of a 1 problems. With an ever-increasing number of college seniors facing the In her testimony, as in her report, Anderson asserted that the major bleak prospect of unemployment upon graduation, a representa¬ American government and people have long believed the myth problem in the University or East Lansing that you think should be righted or if you ■ isn't something one would consider tive of Pirgim journeyed to Capital Hill this winter to explain a that an upsurge in defense-related industries leads to an increase know of something that may interest the State News readers, we want to hear T," Perrin said. "It's not something study which she claimed, if followed, would create more jobs and in prosperity. about it. Right now this is an experimentbut we're gratified by the reaction. Ail pt Whartqn will get anything out of, tips help bolster the faltering economy. "That is a totally false presumption, originating after World are kept confidential. "lillac. It's something to save his Armed only with a copy of her controversial report, "The Empty War II," she said. "Sure, the increase in arms production at the Pork Barrel," Marian Anderson, Pirgim project director, testified d the new before the House Armed Services Committee Dec. 16. time bolstered the economy, but an increase in any other would have done the same and, as my industry report proves, with better Congressman Bob Carr, 'the lover' security system Media response to the testimony was so great that Anderson results." Seems the action East •proved by the MSU Board of Lansing Congressman Bob Carr is taking part in is not only received reams of requests for information relating to the report. Jointly released by PIRGIM and congressman Les Aspin, > in October, 1974, but the Stole on Capitol Hill, In a roundup of notable social news of 1975, the Washington Star ould find While this reporter was at the Lansing Pirgim office, an aide to D-Wiac„ the report was the culmination of nine months of no record of it in the 1974 Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass„ called Anderson concerning her much reported that at a black tie party "Rep. Bob Carr (D-Mich.), the lover' of Congress, P trustee intensive research. Upon its release last April, it created a flurry smooches with girl on lap in the Green Room. After all. House Freshmen did minutes. controversial study which set the committee in an outrage. of national publicity. "The moment I walked in the room and took the stand (before promise to make sweeping changes." Hmmm. fity Engineer Ronald .Flinn appar- Since her appearance before the committee, Anderson says, . . lew of the the committee), I could sense the waves of hostility directed at improvements taking | Cowles House, but said he did not me," Anderson said. coverage of the report has increased to "unbelievable propor¬ tions." Dairy's 'Bossie' becomes instant winner Iho had ordered them. Flinn said the According to her, the unfavorable sentiment from "a majority" The "Pork Barrel" report basically claims that for every billion Talk about luck! Earl Stevens, manager of the Trowbridge Road Quality Dairy ■ Public Safety is of the 40-man Congressional panel was due in part to the dollars allocated to the defense budget, 10,600 potential jobs are store in East Lansing, decided to buy one of the new probably in charge Michigan Lottery "Instant Toject since the physical plant is not controversial subject matter of the report and in part to her being lost Substantiated by Defense Dept. and Dept. of Labor statistics, Winner" tickets just for the heck of it. Presto—he won $10,000. That'll add a couple the study cites that as the defense allocation increases, other |g 1the installation. a woman. of cows to his family. If he keeps trying and wins $1,000,000, he could buy a whole Bernitt, director of "Here I was, a woman, standing before 40 prominent politicians. campus (continued on page 16) herd. Wotch out, though Eorl — Uncle Sam's goina to milk you! LA schools' battle Bowling a lesson for MSU liberation In the face of plummeting deal with those in the middle who Naturally, boys can bowl better language abilities among Los An¬ are literate enough to pass a than girls. geles county school graduates, the driving test, but are unable to This is the premise for a board of education will now re¬ write a business letter without separate grading scale that has quire each student to pass a misspelling words, fragmenting been established in bowling class¬ language proficiency test before sentences or communicating the es - one that has become an receiving a high school diploma. thought they originally sat down embarrassment to what should be The test has been described as a to write about. a progressive HPR department. No amount of remedial work will Charged with discrimination supplement to other require¬ ever replace a good, solid founda¬ against males by forcing them to future teachers are being taught, ments, and will test students' meet different grading standards tion in the English language that the solution must be forged. ability to use the language in than females - in seeming viola¬ various practical situations such as acquired over years of primary If is is indeed true that class¬ and secondary school work. rooms are legitimate tion of federal law — the HPR voting, applying for a job, driving places for and reading road maps. Future and current teachers experimentation, then we must department finds itself forced into Students who fail the test would here at MSU, administrators who judge results on the basis of defending its policy by citing are themselves attempting to stem fundamental skills. feminine "handicaps." be given remedial work before the language slide and students Given all the recent evidence, it It would make more sense to being issued a diploma. who must use their skills both here appears that those who have place HPR courses such as bowling However, it is hard to conceive and later on in life must realize experimented in our schools have on the pass-no pass system for all that such a measure, by itself, will certain errors. We have lamentab¬ non majors, based on partici¬ failed not only themselves, but a do much more than catch a ly ignored that solid beginning in generation of students like those in pation. problem too late that has already favor of the new methods which Los Angeles who find themselves Most students of this type take gone too far. currently dominate our educa¬ unable to read and write at a HPR courses to learn a new sport, It will only focus on the students tional thought. college level, and don't really know enjoy an old one, and — most of all most in need, and will never even It is at schools like MSU, where to relax. Such students wish to why. — avoid academic pressure, and the P-N system would help to give Fridoy, Januory 16, 1976 these students the atmosphere John Tingwell Editor-in-chief they sought in the first place. Steve Orr Managing Editor As much as some might like to Jeff Merrell City Editor make this issue a rallying point for Bruce Ray Walker Campus Editor male backlash, or a further battle¬ Michael McConnell Opinion Page Editor Joe Klrby Sports Editor ground for the advance of radical Frank Fox Entertainment Editor egalitarianism, it simply is not Robert Kozloff Photo Editor either of the two. Mary Ann ChickShaw Wire Editor The course is not such an issue to Greg Kraft Copy Chief those who teach it, nor to those Sue McMillin Night Editor who took it in the first place. They Margo Paiarchio Advertising Manager Editorials are the opinions of the State News. simply want to bowl, and learn Viewpoints, columns and how to do it well. That is simple letters are personal opinions. enough. do after I am sworn in is to attack backs on detente we must be prepared to . (a) Thomas Jefferson lb) Abrahamw Just fill in the blanks "You have told me how you feel about government destroying the American spir¬ it. I want you to know I am against big big meet the from a position of strength. I intend to cut the fat from our defense budget, but not the muscle. (c) Franklin Roosevelt ichoose oiulf said, '(find suitable quote).' Eva; before I go to bed I repeat th Under the new financial guidelines of nothing but muskets and hayforks, defeated government and I am for the people. "In education I am for quality education "I would like to close on a [ national elections, it is very expensive to the best troops that George III 'The bureaucrats who sit behind their cold send to for all our students whether or not they are My wife and I would both lilual hire speechwriters for a candidate's pri¬ the new world. This spirit of 16 still large desks in Washington do not under¬ or red. I am busing you for the great hospitality therf , mary campaign. Therefore, as a public endures in the great state of , and I can stand the problems of the great state of because I believe busing is , , the great state of have th service. I am submitting an all-purpose see on your faces the same love of liberty They have lost touch with the needs and We've put on pounds eating yd speech that any candidate can use in any that must have shone on your ancestors' of the people and I make a solemn "The one pledge question that the people of the and tit state primary. your - faces when they fought the bloody battles that, if you choose me as your leader, your great state of have asked me is where "My fellow Americans, voices will be heard in the halls of greatest in the world. at and Congress I stand on crime. I can tell you today my "I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to be As said to me just before el "But I am not here to talk about the past, and the federal agencies that are encroach¬ stand on crime has never wavered. I am here in the (cold) (warmth) of the great to bed at the motel the other night! but the future. I have traveled from one end ing on your lives. against it. And I promise you if I'm elected I state of a state that has given us such "We must turn big government around. primary lasts much longer and *r , of the state to the other. I have spoken to will continue to be against it. great public servants as At the same time must have eating more of those tasty —| , your people and I understand your we new federal "The American people are entitled to be and, of course, the going to have to buy i 'Art 'JBuchrtald , greatest one of all, —. As I stand problems. I know the unemployment rate in your state is per cent. I have heard programs that will serve the must have better laws, people. We safe in their intend to do and in the . And I wardrobe.' " (Wait for laugh and si here on this I can't help thinking that more , something about it with your ovation. Then make wife get upandlfl , your fears about I assure you, ladies higher for the poor and greater help. as you both wave with o 200 years ago your ancestors, then a for the senior citizens. Our defense must be and gentlemen, that your fears and mine "As the date of your primary election crowd.) scraggly rabble of colonists armed with are the same. And the first thing I intend to - to none. While we should not turn our comes nearer I can't help thinking of what The Los Angeles Times VIEWPOINT: HUNTING, POPULATION BIOLOGY To the Editor In defense of sustainable yield Congressional veto of funds a couple of ience to the citizens. If we are to fully By JAMES D.NICHOLS MacArthur, Lawrence Slobodkin and Ken¬ years ago? sciences, is that of Concorde represents a tremendous in¬ recognize the stature of Dr. King as one of the greatest prophetic leaders of our times, and WALT CONLEY neth Watt. None of these authors, to our Darwiniuj selection. Darwin himself stated M Unreviewed but published letters to vestment of money and the best aviation knowledge, has ever labeled the MSY cause of the high rate at which brains of Britain and France. we must raise our commemoration of him to editors perpetuate the myth that everyone concept mythological, and we would be very il] Together they the level of a rightful holiday, the same as who can write is knowledgeable about his interested to learn which biologists Corven beings tend to increase, "more ir have produced a remarkable technological other holidays. The Monday observance subject. We wish to respond to the view on are produced than can possibly sin breakthrough. It would be a shame, and a was referring to. loss, if America isolates herself from the would attract greater attention to the hunting and population biology expressed Corven also states that "the MSY Furthermore, it is quite obvi*| holiday and make it much more meaningful. by Jim Corven in the Jan. 8, 1976 issue of every heterotrophic species if benefits and advantages the rest of the Although Dr. King was a Nobel Prize supposes some very basic principles about world will enjoy from this the State News. population dynamics which are now known decomposers and obligate sca«Mj revolutionary winner and a man for all people, he carries a We commend Corven for his abandon¬ to be false." As students of earth is employing the MSY pri aeroplane. special significance for black people. His ment of emotional population the optimal predation arguments arguments in favor of the dynamics who have never been exposed to By allowing Concorde to land Congress concept of universal love did more to bring kin and MacArthur) and is "■ presentation of information which has would also avoid the unnecessary conflict us together than anyone else in modern direct bearing on the issue of whether or sustained yields from whatever pcflB that will surely follow when American times. We owe a tremendous debt of not hunting is detrimental to natural lations are required for subsist!* aircraft are boycotted in Britain and certain "principles about popuM"*! gratitude for his enormous gifts and populations. Unfortunately, the information France. sacrifices and it can only be repaid by our A British view S. Wright continuation of his great work and by our presented by Corven had little factual mics" precluded the possibility content, and we must, therefore, take this sustained annual yields, then London. England fulfillment of his dreams. would be inhabited only by autoWH I read with interest Ira Elliott's article opportunity to correct some misconcep¬ We can do no less than to honor him with tions. Corven addressed two main (J»^_12) on the Concorde controversy and pointa in decomposer heterotrophs; i.e. nofl a significant, first class and could exist which obtained ensl would like to present a different, and British, point of view. Honoring King holiday. This is the purpose meaningful of my proposal. his editorial: the concept of maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and the economics preying on other living organisms 1 The major areas of contention of wildlife management. In the simply not the case. L appear to In light of the progressive tradition of the interest of be the noise, pollution and Jackie Vaughn III brevity, we will address only the first of Finally, Corven states that depletion of the State News, I was surprised and disappoint¬ State Representative these points. ozone level. As a former employe at ed by your recent editorial criticizing my 18th District Corven states that the MSY truth is that the concept has n«J London's Heathrow Airport, I can say from bill to change the Dr. Martin Luther concept single success in wildlife manai first-hand experience that the noise and King constitutes a myth, but fails to cite a continues to promote the del holiday in Michigan from the second Sunday single pollution levels are reference supporting this assertion. We can selected wildlife throughout the * — no greater than those of in January to the nearest such new-found the American Boeing 707. The 'ozone level' Monday to Jan. cite perhaps 50-75 publications knowledge, we are rather this statement actually constitiWB 15th. the MSY concept and have dealing with disturbed by this statement. MSY has been argument boils down to whether one My only conclusion is that you failed to yet to read a derived using a variety of plain truth" then there could be mathematical believes American projections or French statistics. Anglo- grasp the significance of the proposal. The Letter policy single paper which hints that the concept is mythological in nature. As an introduction population models and has been demon¬ strated populations exhibiting finite r,wl crease greater than or equm I Monday holidays are certainly nothing new to the concept, we experimentally on several occa- I feel, however, that the most important in Michigan. A number of suggest that Corven Instead, all hunted populations J years ago, the The Opinion Page welcomes all letters. consult such basic texts in and irreputable facets of Concorde are in legislature wisely acted upon popular ecology and Corven claims that decline, and this again is simpiff the nature of aviation Readers should follow a few rules to insure population biology as those by Charles application of the case. progress and develop¬ sentiment and converted four MSY concept will "cause ment, a process that cannot be halted or existing that as many letters as possible appear in Krebs, Eric Pianka, J. Merritt Emlen, declines in It is certainly true that the o« holidays to Mondays. Doing the same for print. Lawrence Slobodkin and E. 0. Wilson and ecological stability." However, in his by passed, however hard Congress tries. two Dr. Martin Luther King Day simply follows All letters should be typed on 65 ■ space W. H. Bossert. recent monographs, J. Maynard-Smith has of certain species is occurring » *■ Supersonic transport represents the next in the legal tradition of the state. Except for provided several examples of underdeveloped countries, and t*| era in the lines and triple - spaced. Letters must he Corven states that "the stable preda¬ history of flight. religious observances, there is no other very biologists tor-prey systems, and we recommend hunting can result in the d Do Mssrs. Cooper and Linvill signed, and include local address, student, who developed this hypothesis material to Corven. this natural populations under some ■■ really legal holiday in the state on a Sunday. years ago expect businessmen who can travel from faculty or staff standing - if any - and have now joined opposition to its applica¬ As definition of that stances. By definition, however. The fact that the official Paris to holiday honoring phone number. tion." The first concise statement of which he labels Argentina or London to the Middle Dr. King was originally set on a the myth, Corven states "MSY concept is not being applied ■ East in couple of hours to languish for Sunday was Letters should be 25 lines or less and may MSY concept was by the Russian says that a situations. It would thus seem t»| a a matter of expediency and compromise, be edited for conciseness to fit more letters biologist healthy population should produce seven hours Theodore Baranov in 1918. Other regular crossing the Atlantic? Time is necessary to guide my bill through the early usable surpluses which can be interested in conserving overturn on the page. papers dealing with MSY were published harvested money and surely no one knows that better lations should advocate, rather t than the Americans. legislature. The next logical step is to move No unsigned letters will be accepted. by M. Graham, E. S. RusseU and A. causing insignificant damage to that the holiday to the nearest tion. We find it rather popula¬ the MSY concept. How else can one Monday in Names are withheld from publication only Leopold, while the large numbers of more unusual that such a explain the continued keeping with our tradition. statement is questioned by James D Nichols Is a development of the Boeing SST despite the for good cause. recent papers on the subject include the *» a student of This is much more than just a conven¬ ogy. The central osslsiont In Ihe Dept of fisheries a "£■ work of such notable ecologists as Robert guiding paradigm of oology, and indeed of all the Wall <•" »»' P'0'"""' biological Cooler >' deparlmwnf. " ligon Stote News, Eott Lonting, Michigon Friday, January 16, 1976 TUI LOMG- MAQCH New job rewards Joan's 'loyal ' The thing that makes the story of Joan one area of operations for Ms. Braden could create the impression he cares about Braden's State Dept. job be the Washington's Passport. Office. consumers. Except, as Nader points out, favorite morsel is that it can be relished and Old hands will tell you that if Ms. Braden the President's "consumer coordinators" deplored at the same time. ever ventured into the parlor of Ms. will be captives, unable to take any offender That is, all sorts of people who brood over ft Ms. Braden's successes as a Frances Knight, the durable director of the to court. political hostess Nader says the sad thing is that there is and pet of the mighty are being catty while Passport Office, and suggested as much as a assuming a high moral position change in the position of a paper clip, it need for consumer protection in State for on economy and favoritism in government. would be her last official act. some informed adviser who would tell the Ms. Ms. Knight is a survivor in the J. Edgar secretary, for instance, that the sale of Braden, wife of columnist Tom Braden, regularly serves at her table such Hoover mold. She has defied five presi grain to the Russians causes a 10 cent delicacies as Secretary of State dents, countless Congresses, expediters increase in the price of American bread. Kissinger, Vice President Rockefeller and Alice and hot-shots. She would consume Ms. Up to now, nobody has been more Long Mar if worth. She is the bonny mother of Her beguiling smile and eight. confiding manner McLjrory Braden. Ralph Nader, the consumer expert, sees inhospitable to consumer input on foreign policy than Henry. reduce great men to pulp and have the Braden appointment as part of a much Maybe with Joan it will be different. prompted several generations of both Some locals unfairly leaped to the larger plot. It is Gerald Ford's "Revlon Maybe he will ask her permission before parties to give her places on public conclusion that the job of Consumer Affairs commissions. Coordinator was created for Joan alone, strategy," he says, to cover up fierce venturing deeper into Angola. She could resistance to the Consumer Protection point out to him the linkage between She is no fair-weather friend, either. At especially since it has turned out to be indescribable. Others were wanly cheered Agency, which was voted by both houses escalation and the cost to the consumer of the height of the Christmas bombing in at the prospect of her marching down to the and is being holed up to spare it his veto. cleaning up the city after peace demonstra- Vietnam, she showed up at the Sans Souci Seventeen Bradens will be scattered for lunch with Henry. When former CIA offending imported gift shoppe or foreign used-car lot to demand justice for the State through federal agencies under the Presi Joan is already "in place" at State. Director Richard Helms got in trouble over his contradictory testimony about this and Dept. employe wronged in foreign trade. dent's bypass Consumer Representation Virginia Knauer's office explains that the But it is not that According to the Nov. President did not wish to delay "implemen¬ that, the Bradens staged what would be 27 Federal Register. Ms. Braden is Program." Since staff in government is called in political circles an "appreciation being apportioned by the size of the salary earned tation of the consumer representation called upon to "review existing mechanisms dinner" where the inner power circle rather than work required, Ms. Braden's program" while waiting or public — that is, of consumer input, thruput and output, and office would command two assistants and a consumer — comment on the scheme. There pledged eternal fealty amidst tears and seek ways of improving these linkages via toasts. the consumer communications channel." secretary and run to a budget of $100,000, has been a great deal of public comment, all Despite her fortunate friendships, Ms. A Nader estimates. Multiply that by 17 and of it bad, about Joan's appointment, but Braden insists she landed her $37,800 spokesperson for Virginia Knauer, the President's number-one consumer adviser, nobody denies there's a great deal of room you approach the cost of the Consumer federal plum strictly on her own. Henry was unable to translate this Protection Agency. for advice on product safety in American passage into denies any intervention, in his anything that sounded as if it could be done Gerald Ford, the anti-bureaucrat, is foreign policy output. reflex of denying the obvious. between 9 and 5. She suggested possibly creating a whole new bureaucracy, to The Woshingfon Sfor POINT: ECONOMICS tarx won't The legitimacy of our Italian effort help NY do not doubt that there are stupid men in entering into the NATO Alliance. The only one such in that area of the world. It is |y THOMAS VERTIN reason I share the authors' concern about the CIA. though there is no reason to NATO Alliance was designed (by the way, in Yugoslavia. And it survives (precariously i the economy by Mr. unemployment. believe that the level of that stupidity is principally at the urging of the European — let us see what happens afte- Tito dies) Exact figures escape me (at least I admit higher than, say. that of federal judges, or d Mr. Stranathan in last Thurs- powers, and for obvious reasons) to prevent thanks to the most massive transfusion of it, unlike the authors), but New York City municipal comptrollers, or college profes¬ effective Soviet control over i News was one of the most propagandists pieces of employees and their "sell out" unions have William T 'Buckley sors. But it is a fact that in recent months European affairs. From time to time the Russians American aid in history We have more money per capita on Yugoslavia spent than won huge wage and fringe increases in the art asked to believe that ever read. we any maneuver have found it necessary to use tanks to run last The $6 million the CIA has given or will on any other country in the world. decade or so, much more than by the CIA is presumptively stupid. Amblings about the oppressed comparable increases in the private sector. give to select political candidates in Italy The only egregiously stupid thing done Accordingly, in 1948 we gave massive d proletarian dictatorship reeks "Sell out Gottbaum" is probably just a very needs to be examined from several points of "The only egregiously stupid help to the non-Communist parties of Italy view before the whole business is dismissed by the CIA's principal spokesmen in recent Ate of a century past It has been and saved the day there by a practical man who realized that if he didn't months is to have relied on the word of thing done by the CIA's princi¬ whisper. i and time again that the ease a little bit of his as yet one more venal act by the CIA NATO survives; its objectives are ■Marxism-Leninism" cannot even stranglehold he would Question No. 1. Is (or was now that the Congressional committees that their testi pal spokesmen in recent months clearly have more problems than he could handle. stated in writing. It is no more an mony will be kept confidential. But it is a is to have relied on the word of last the introductory transition operation is blown, everything is changed) reflection not so much on the CIA as on interference in Italian politics to help the ■ is, absolutism (in the interest of To suggest that New York City's mis the idea - was the idea a good one? I find American institutions, when American Congressional committees that Italians who. however ineptly, struggle for Jriat). Even though the political managed fiscal affairs will lead to "stopping it very difficult to answer that question, and their testimony will be kept national independence than it is to conclude officials cannot reasonably rely on the word unemployment insurance" and everything wish that others would find it difficult also. Jhave in this country seem to be of other American officials. confidential." a treaty which envisions the possibility of else is truly a fallacy. America does a heil of Any number of criticisms have been made, es, especially this year, it is making war not exclusively against Rus¬ Ay superior to "elections" in a lot better job of taking care of its some of them suggesting that we were It is after all possible that the $6 million sians. but against Italian agents of Russia. le party is represented (in the umemployed than most countries do for proposing to pay $6 million to corrupt were discreetly targeted to bolster the very over refractory citizens who reside in the The neo isolationists are pressing us I the masses). their workers. Italian politicians who would simply en¬ best people within the Christian Democra satellite states; but not often. everywhere. Their derogation of the CIA, dorse the checks over to Swiss bank tic Party. To bolster precisely those who The NATO powers, in other words, were of foreign aid to non-Communist I'm sure the PLP has some viable and Angolans, accounts. Others suggest that we are • are fighting corruption, nepotism, graft, keenly aware 25 years ago that the chosen their criticism of our attitude toward credible objectives buried deep in their w poorly conceived and totally shoring up a political party that is inefficiency and inflation. Until the contrary manner of the Soviet Union is to work Allende. pitches us toward a supreme \ authors' views on NYC are. charter All 1 ask is please have a little hopelessly inept - that, in the words of Mr. is proved, it would make sense to withhold through nationals of the target power. This purpose: the abrogation, inexplicitly, of all | with possibly the biggest respect for peoples' intelligence and recog Tom Wicker, we are "subsidizing ineffi judgment on the matter was done brilliantly in Czechoslovakia our mutual defense treaties. It may be that n municipal history, the nize that people at MSU will not be led cieney. ineptitude, laziness, graft and Question No 2 is: Does the CIA have any through a coup d'etat. Modes change, along those who scoffed about the domino astray by such meaningless, repetitious theory e oppressed in a way that they favoritism." business getting into Italian politics? 1 do with rhetoric. And in an age of detente, in \ ietnam will wake to find that ised. The propaganda that has been heard and they could peopU that produce Now I wonder why it is so quickly not see how that question can be answered there is the accompanying patter about not hazard a guess just how far the ptally strangled by the ones who rejected many times before. assumed that the administrators ol the negatively unless one is also prepared to indigenous Communist parties, free of collapsing dominoes would take us. it do not produce. It is for this Thomas Vertin is resident of East Lansing Central Intelligence Agency are stupid? I say that the United States has no business Moscow control. The trouble is, there is a Washington Star Syndicate Inc Radio /hack REALISTIC RECEIVERS... FOR THE MUSIC-MINDED on sole now! YOUR CHOICE 12995 \ \ $399 SENSATIONAL 43% DISCOUNT ON OUR MOST POPULAR AM-FM AM-FM 2/4-CHANNEL RECEIVER! STEREO RECEIVER AT 35% OFF! A dual performer1 Our QTA-720 delivers Music lovers appreciate our STA-47 with superb stereo and opens the world of such outstanding features as main/remote 4-channel when you add a second pair of speaker switch, tape inputs outputs with speakers Exclusive Glide-Path" monitor magnetic phono input Plus volume/balance conttols tape inputs/ 4-speaker capability tuning metei outputs tuning meter and much more headphone jack An ideal receiver at a great A terrific audio value! Reg 229 95 low price! Reg 199 95 Sif^ 401 E. Grand ' LANSING • 5421 W. Saginaw Hwy. • MASON 548 Mason OKEMOS • East Grand River at Marsh Radio /hack records» Dornet Village Plaza • 221 S. Meridian Mall Washington St. TANDY CORPORATION COMPANY PRICES » ,Y VARY AT INDIVIDUAL STORES Shopping Center 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan fr'doy. Jon.M 9,000 ANIMALS DESTROYED IN 75 New Decor New Menus FOR IBreaktut - Lunch Ding Stray cats, dogs plague county • And m always the best in alternative I musit Thi» weekend Boogie & »|Ut I By JOE SCALES or harness and many pet own¬ tion device must meet the without special equipment and which are affixed to collars. State News SUff Writer ers are reluctant to put a collar If last year's statistics are on their pet for fear the animal following standards: o The method must be without causing pain or discom¬ Any communications con¬ MoJo Boogie pain¬ fort to the animal. cerning the award should be any indication of what this year will get caught or snagged on lessly applied without the use Band Now At o The method must not cost addresaed to the Animal Identi¬ will be like, approximately something. of general anesthesia, and once more than )5 per application. fication Awards Committee in 12,000 dogs and cats will be Hubbard believes that the applied, must not cause the o The method may not in¬ care of Society for Animal Starting Sunday disposed of by the Ingham dog license tag is an adequate animal pain, discomfort, or be volve any form of tattooing or CoMinon Sente County Animal Control Dept. Rights, Inc., 900 First Avenue, type of identification. "But un¬ injurious to its health. use of conventional license tags New York, N.Y. 10022. this year, many simply because fortunately, not enough owners o The method must be so they do not carry identification. use them," he said. easily applied that a minimum Charles Hubbard, director of Apparently, the Society for LIZARD'S the Ingham County Animal amount of restraint is neces¬ UNDERGROUND Animal Rights, Inc. (SAR) does sary. Control Dept., said that last year about 12,000 dogs and not feel that enough people use the license tags either. o The method must be ap¬ plied to a part of the animal's 224 Abbott Rd, cats, including road kills, were The society is offering a body where the identification cremated by the department. {2,000 award for the patented can readily be read by a layman Hubbard said he would guess invention, practical develop¬ that up to.9,000 of those were ment and marketing of a per¬ destroyed by the department manent method of identifying Visitor nabbed itself. dogs and cats. Many of the dogs were SAR said that such a device destroyed either because peo¬ would make it possible for the with illegal gift ple did not claim them or did owners of animals to be identi¬ not want them. fied, BUFFALO, N.y. (UPI) - thereby reducing the Michigan law requires that amount of the more than 13 Authorities were a bit suspi¬ dogs wear license tags for million dogs and cats destroyed cious of Daphine Brinson, who identification, but there is no each year by the nation's shel¬ came to visit her boyfriend at a law that requires an owner to ters and pounds. county jail with a jar of hair come and get the dog if it is Jody Hoffman, secretary to picked up as a stray. Cats are the president of SAR, said the Sheriff's deputies examined not required to wear a license the four-ounce jar, which Brin¬ society is planning to propose tag. new legislation that would gov¬ son, 18, said she had brought Hubbard said that the de¬ ern the privilege and responsi¬ Wednesday night for Barney partment handled about 18,500 bilities of pet owners. If the Bradley, who was being held on dogs and cats last year and out new identification device is federal bank robbery charges. of those about 16,000 were Underneath the developed, it could be a part of cream the what he called strays, even that legislation. deputies found an ounce of though they may have had an In a newsletter, the SAR marijuana wrapped in a plastic stated it is offering the award bag. Hubbard said that if animals because permanent identifica¬ Brinson was held on charges wore identification it would tion of dogs and cats is the key of possession of marijuana and help reduce the number of to enforcement of laws govern¬ promoting prison contraband. animals that have to be de¬ ing animal ownership. stroyed simply because the The society said animal c owner could not be found. ership should not be open to A stray without identifica¬ everyone and that currently tion is held by the department there is no means of tracing the four days. If no one claims it or owner of an animal that is buys it within that period the either a stray or abandoned. animal is put to sleep and then To be eligible for considera¬ cremated. An animal with iden¬ tion by the SAR Awards Com¬ tification is kept for seven days. mittee, the animal identifica- Hubbard said that many of the animals have license tags, 9:45 a.m. but the owners refuse to put College Class them on for a variety of reasons. One of the most com¬ Worship Service 10:50 a.m. lip.m. mon is that the tags have to be attached to some type of collar 1st Assembly of God Division I Ann, E. L, CENTRAL UNITED UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHRISTIAN Across from the capitol Sermon Topic: CHURCH 310 N. Hagadorn Road "Oold MIimb Study Period -10:0' of Opportunity" Worship - 11:00a. by Dr. Lyman Singspiraiiun— 7:00| Transportation Provided Worship Services 9:45 & 11:00 a.m. Nursery Available 485-9477 UNIVERSITY REFORMED peoples .CHURCH CHURCH Alumni Memorial Chapel Interdenominational 200 W. Grand River (1 block east of at Michigan Auditorium 1 332-5073 9:30-Study Groups for Adults and Sunday School 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. 10:30 -Coffee Hour "Standing Room 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.- in '?•" Worship Service For rides call 355-0155 by William after 9:00 a.m. Sunday Pnnrstnnaw 6:00 • Evening worship College Discussion Group Tom Stark, Pastor - 11:00 a.m. Fred Herwalt, Associate Pastor Church School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Kathy Lang, Staff'Associate ^^Cnbjhroughj^t^ Friends Meeting (Quakers) A growing spiritual community with un-programed meeting for worship - waiting in silence for direct meeting with God - Sunday 12:30 p.m., 800 Abbott in Library of All Saints Episcopal Church. First Doy School during Meeting Jim Booth, clerk Phone: 371 - 1754 taste South Baptist Church 1518 S. Washington Sunday-7:00p.n Lansing BELL'S "OOD AND GOVIRNMINT" PIZZA to appreciate it. What It the source of authority? To whom oro governments rolponilblat New at Twa Locations Fellowship 225 MAC 9:45a.m. and refreshments College Bible Class Ph. 322-50274 If sarin Nl »« "• »>»" "MS it I iMu, than 1.094 Tital Htrmanlc DllUrtlti 8:30p.m. in the fireside room. in the fireside room 11351. Grand Sunday 11:00 a.m. Rivar "Wl HAVI AN ANCHOR" Ph. 332-0858 Free Deliveries hi-fi buys 1101 East QranORIvar 337-2310 MSU Bible Study 335 UB Wed. 9 4S10 Wast Saginaw p.m. from bath 4B4-45a9 FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening locations Dr. Howard F. Call 482-0754 for information Sugden, Pastor James E. Emery, Starting at 4iJ0 p.m. Disc Shop 323 1 G"W "Mi College Pastor E.L PL 351-5310 n c.MP News, East tonsing, Michigan Friday, January 16, 1976 "J iCardinal Larrowe LrnZDBOJEWSIU around the East Lansing munity. However, this does not com¬ chorus. to bless Tosco The orchestra for "Tosca" is, to its success. IFCCID IF © mLu New' Bene""' include operatic performances. "Actually, I'm a retreaded of course, the MSU Symphony Among them is Tim Thorn E, tune your radio to In "Tosca," Larrowe will baritone," Weaver said. Orchestra, under the direction dike, junior in theater, who ■from Detroit any Satur- "I like to sing with an of Dennis Burkh. This is almost helped build the set. Lernoon. you can hear appear on stage as a cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church, a orchestra. The high point for entirely composed of students. "I've never built an opera ■broadcast live ^om that ■ nonsinging role. me was in the bandroom. So French horn player Kristi before," Thorndike said. never-never land, much gets lost out there (in Sorenson, a freshman music "There's not as much to build "Carol Conn (president of the £' city. That glittering University Auditorium)," he major, commented that playing because of drops. (Drops are Opera Guild of Greater Lan¬ Eopendig nights, world- sing) called me," Larrowe said, said. The majority of performers for an opera was considerably curtains with scenery painted T sopranos and tenors "and said 'We're different than for a symphony on them.) it.nding ovations are a putting on "Tosca." Would you like to be in in this production are, however, concert. "But the work is concen¬ Xuilrs from East Lan- it?'" not faculty but area students. "There are a lot more re¬ trated," he added. ■kewers and term papers "I said I have no Among them is Karen Johnson, hearsals than for a concert," The work on the set began ItMSl' aud blizzards. experience," Larrowe acting contin¬ an East Lansing High School she said. "This is a new experi¬ Saturday with a 14-hour, non¬ | once a year, a bit of ued. "She said she wanted me junior who will appear in the ence for me. I never realized stop session. This was followed Ivimd comes here and for the role of a cardinal. I said, children's chorus. there was so much work in¬ with 12 straight hours Sunday J »ho would otherwise "I just like music," she com¬ volved in putting an opera and the work has continued 'You came to the right man' ■ imagine themselves do- mented. "It (rehearsals) keep together." © being a cradle Catholic and throughout the week. 1 find themselves produc- all." you out late sometimes like last Violinist Lisa Gimelli, sopho¬ Say "arividerchi" to Larrowe added that opera Thorndike will not be work¬ I, grandest of all musical productions, including the Met, night when I had to walk home more in history, found that ing the set during the perform¬ Krles. opera. often get someone known in the in all that snow. But there's Puccini's music was not as ance itself. That is because Xhis weekend s perform- time to study." difficult as regular concert fare. University Auditorium is a community for ^ ■of "Tosca," the curUin at nonspeaking Johnson said she found that hum drum dining "But you have to play along union house; only members of roles. Tnity Auditorium will go "This is much of the music was not easy. There with the singers and keep the the International Alliance of - f, number of internation- as project for me as running for a new are prolonged rests and the volume down," she said. "A lot Theatrical and Stage Em¬ town stars. But it will also chorus must come in at exactly of the orchestra players don't ployees, an AFL-CIO union, |r dozens of local talents, political office," he said. the right moment and on exact¬ like it. It's not symphonic A faculty member who will Ld mainly from the ranks ly the right note. However, the enough for them." Jv students and faculty, sing is Leon Weaver, professor of criminal justice. Weaver is a Italian lyrics were not too hard Many who worked on this Once again, a bit of the real latrick "I.ash" Larrowe, second tenor with thi opera to memorize. She had taken production will not appear on thing is offered for many opera Jsor ol economics, is well Spanish classes. stage but are equally important lovers. ■ for a number of reasons Today is Balfour Ring Day Fred White, Balfour ritip You'll find everything Italy is noted for, from congeniality to red representative, will be in checkered table cloths, at Pizza Villa, 2167 E'. Gr. River, Okemos. The atmosphere is warm ond cozy, with candle lit booths and today, front 10-lpin. tables. Instead of the usual restaurant paneled walls, you will be surrounded by hand painted murals of actual scenes from Venice. This is the last day Take a closer look at the amazing detail and authenticity. Pizza Villa is continuously working on new Italian entrees, however the current menu would •An Arbys Sandwich surely please any Italian con¬ noisseur. Most recipes hail from an Italian family restaurant in |piled high wiihTender Roasted Beef Grand Rapids, also many faithful customers pass on their recipes. Put a little spice in your life! Favorites at Pizza Villa are manicotti, •Crispy Potatoes • Cole Slaw a cheese or meat filled pasta, lasagna, veal parmigian, the anti- bys onnounces a sale that'll break your ham- pasto salad, a tasty, colorful "meal in itself," and of course, I bi-ger habit. Dinner for a dollar. The three- I course meal (or one tow price. One dinner. One pizzas, with fourteen items available. The sauces covering these I dolor One place. Arby's. delicious dishes are all homemade, dinners are well proportioned, at moderate prices, lunches offer specials on sandwiches, >with !3s soup or a salad yo'u make yourself. Lunch or dinner just wouldn't be Italian without a little vino" to go along with it. At Pizza Villa, the wine list is large, and the price is right. All bottled wines are imported Italian wines, and a fine California wine is the house wine. Or perhaps you would prefer one of the house drinks, made with amaretto, an Italian liqueur, or your favorite cocktail, prepared by one of the expert bartenders at Pizza Villa, In the He Valid All Day Sunday. After 3 PM Monday thru Thursday lounge you will find handmade stained glass decorations, and the 12 ft. Italian marble slab covering the bar is < the Hamburger Habit a genuine antique. You will enjoy the pitcher specials on Monday without going broke. nights, or pitcher and pizza specials on Tuesdays. The receiver For a welcome dining change, Pizza Villa brings Italian elegance to town. Treat yourself to a little bit of Italy tonight. 207 W. Grand tivar i. Lansing Ithat matches the^ 3 •na>rt to but station 4021 W. Saginaw Lansing f Mon. • Thurs. 10:30 AM- II PM Fri. ft Sat. 10:30 AM-2AM square waves of the MCMMItl BY: finest amplifiers. n imilM Quality oriented designers and engineers know that square wave ■ response is profoundly useful in predicting musical results. The new Harman Kardon 430 displays square wave ■ response that is indistinguishable from the finest power amplifiers. A listening test will reveal that the 430, in all but absolute power levels, is the sonic n equivalent of fine individual component systems. And the 430 AM/FM tuner and preamplifier are consistent with the outstanding performance quality of its amplifier. We invite you to listen to this remarkable receiver. It will demon¬ I strate that quality need not be sacrificed to achieve the economy of size, convenience and price. 1 Itot4IGHT! The harman/kardon 430. Hi i on Sale for •ISTON SMITH L LANSIMi — 245 ANN ST. WED. till 9 nd, at both Malle, UWSIW-402S.WASMNGTON MMLtFRLtill9 nd The Silver Dollar! 8 Michigon Stote News, Eoat loosing, MIcHigon ^j^jy^anuory |j. The year in review: phew, ugh, yeecch! DOG presents By ALLAN LENGEL We enter 1976 with red, white and blue and the presidential DAY! FBISCM: campaigns in the air and leave behind 1976, a year designated to VEGAS patch up a rather inept 1974. ' On the road to recovery, gas became more resourceful and FOOD (BOOZE (329 MAHCH 21-28 Foot-long Chili-dog meat prices stabilized a little, allowing my mother to terminate her 2 Nights Las Vegas once a week economy meal of Hamburger Helper, which she so often turned into Hamburger Helpless. 4 Nights San Francisco As always, death took its toll on some prominent which included comedienne, Moms Mabley; the last personalities of the Three 60' ACAPULCO Stooges, Moe Howard; Marjorie Main, better known as Ma Kettle, •30900 March 19-26 and that great nature lover, Euel Gibbons. Happy Hours! 7 Fun Nights! While Henry Kissinger, President Ford and the troubles of the Mideast continued to flood the presses, three personalities, James Vs off all drinks OPEN TO ALL! * Hoffa, Patty Hearst and Squeaky Fromme also took up a Both from 2:00 - 5:00 substantial portion of print. $50 dollar deposit Books are likely to be written about the three personalities' Welcome! experiences. On the Hoffa story; "Guess Who's Not Coming to Ray Lilly Dinner?"; from Squeaky Fromm; "I Never Shot a President I bringing real banjo-pickin' bluegrass clear from didn't like," and Patty Hearst; "I Was an Unwanted Child, but When I Grew Up I was Wanted in 50 States." Arkansas. Ray will be pickin' and playin' for your Both Trips Include: While protest raged over the UN resolution on Zionism and pleasure every Friday night this term. Starts at 9:00, Airfare, Deluxe Accommodations, magazines revealed John Kennedy's secret love life, a man in Double Occupancy, Taxes, Transfer,| Albuquerque, New Mexico sponsored his own protest as he took maraschino cherries and a can of whip cream and decorated dog VARSITY INN More! For further Info Call 353-06! droppings in an anti-manure campaign. And while Congress wasn't laughing over CIA assassination plots, comedian Redd Foxx continued to shower audiences with knee slappers as he explained that he was so poor when he was a CLEARANCE SALE kid, that if he wouldn't have been a boy, he wouldn't have had anything to play with on Christmas. Though Hubert Humphrey may have gained more respect in the NEW DOWN SLEEPING BAGS Democratic ranks as a presidential contender, there was one man who still got no respect in 1976, Rodney Dangerfield. Dangerfield sent his son to a private school and then his son wouldn't tell him FOR THE the name of the school. No respect. Americans saw the return of the popular kids' program, "Mickey ORIENTAL Mouse," and also saw the resurfacing of another Mickey Mouse of sorts, Richard Nixon, who began to occasionally appear on golf COOK courses and public beaches. Television took one of its worse beatings in 1975 as Americans continued to watch "The Rookies," cops who remained rookies after four years of airing, and a depressed "Six Million Dollar WE HAVE PRODUCTS Man," who finally filed for bankruptcy and was paying 6 cents on 40° BAC $34" 20' BA6 $4 the dollar. EROM THE PHILIPINES, KOREA. JAPAN, Minority and oppressed groups made advances in '75 and comedian Woody Allen, understanding the bisexual plight, said; THAILAND AND TIAWAN. 35° BAB $44" -20' BAG "Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances of getting a date on Saturday night." COMPLETE SELECTION OF .20' MUMMY BAB And television advertising went one step beyond the risque SEASONINGS subjects of hemorrhoids, feminine napkins, and gas by airing BEAUTIFUL TEA SETS AND condom commercials on KNTV in San Jose, California. A PORCELAIN WARE $84" suggested ad for the product was to have Mr. Whipple the grocer IMPORTED LANTERNS. telling the ladies not to squeeze the condoms. WALL DECORATIONS, MUSICAL BOXES AND NOVELTY GIFTS. While Vice-President Rockefeller may have moved more comfortably to the right in Republican circles, Henry Ford II, chairman of the Ford Motor Co., found himself leaning to the left — ORIENTAL GOURMET AND GIFTS 2nd Level unfortunately it was the left side of a dark California road while under the influence. He was arrested and later released. 4015 S. CEDAR (NEXT TO HOUSE OF ING) University Mull OPEN EVERYDAY 12-9 In all. 1975 was just another unpredictable year that was 3S1-0372 difficult to sum up as a whole. When asked for an overall assessment of the year, the great Indian philosopher Dan Proudfoot sisf "There were a few bright apota—but they were apan thuuday and friday until ni taken caradgtith a little Roman Cleanse?" Winter Madness at Let Danskins be your second skin Disc Shop while dancing, exercising or one-step bodydressing.. .full-fashioned nylon leotards and run-resistant tights that move with you, and still retain their shape. Choose from rainbow Fri. & Sat. Storewide colors. Shown: Child's pullon leotard, *5". Seamed tights with feet, *4". Women's pullon Sale! leotard, *8". Seamed tights with feet, *5". Not shown: Short sleeve leotards for children, *5". Women's sizes, *7". *1.00 off on all of our catalog LP's $ 1 AA off on pre-recorded 8-Tracks Graceful beauty, superb ■ • W and cassettes craftsmanship, and the unique "Balanced-Design'' .combine to $1.00 make Selva, the leading off on all Import LP's in dance footwear. Shown here name Ml _ most of our yellow card special rlUS LP's at only $3" Free Disc Shop Tee-Shirt with $50°° purchase so check us out and get thru this long winter with some good sounds at great prices "Flex-O-Tie" lightweight "Princess", pink toe black patent tap shoe. "Italien". toe shoe for the "Crown", i shoe, designed especially more advanced dancer. In Children's sizes. 11.50 for the choice for I beginner. Child¬ pink for adult sizes. 13.50 Disc Shop Adult sizes. 12.50 ren's or adult sizes, 12.50 black or wf or adult si; 323 E. Grand River mill .5380 -feeobBon'B |i(.-. state Newz, Eozt Lontlng, Michigan Jjrich|^^MjM^^j6_J976 37ie 'fymon (€afefa iia DPS favors armed officers Lower Level of the Union Building CornerofE. Grand River and Abbott Rd. Michigan State University |T(c-1ti»aed from ...ut »*id !-«• 3) the crime r»t« °n by a dangerous felon when reasonable means of. arrest all special" as Zutaut called it. It Is capable of firing six successive police would seem to ly insane," reaction between students and Mitchell, who preferred not to Public Welcome! procedure have failed. In addi¬ Hoover said. police that could result in a L im is "very comparable to tion, police shots without reloading and is "One cannot separate the death. I'm aware of outsiders, give his address, agreed. PL rate in Lansing or cannot fire at a the only weapon carried all the but the level of that 'There are too many gun campus from surrounding juris¬ h unting, but added the 0[ crimes differ from fleeing tains a vehicle, unless it con¬ dangerous felon, or at a time. Police also have access to dictions. Just as campus police ask for assistance from contigu¬ does not require armed at all times." activity police to be freaks around, anyway." he said. ■ Daily $ Deals juvenile. Finally, officers must of those cities. The submit a full written 12-gauge shotguns to be used in ous jurisdictions, so reciprocal He said he would favor ' Entrees, ' l„ms for example, has no describing the circumstances report robberies or roadblocks. And, in assistance is expected from this arming police during more dan¬ ' Salad and Deserts ' i aid bsrroom-type brawls that required a the event of an emergency such jurisdiction. To assume that all gerous times, such as at night, t at Special Savings display or use of r t virtually nonexistent, firearm. as a riot, the DPS commander or crime on campus is limited to and called it f ■t campus locations where a director may authorize use of students enrolled here is a naive "extremely dan¬ Monday thru Friday * Zutaut said he could not recall gerous" for police to bear arms V is kept are subject to riot gear, including a 36-inch assumption." during the day when so many £j robberies. These include any indiscriminate use of wea¬ riot club, tear gas, protective Zolton Ferency, associate Garden Salad Bar pons by his officers nor any use persons are out in the streets. tMSl' Credit Union, the of a firearm in helmets and gas masks. Police professor of criminal justice, One student, who asked not 99c and S! 49 an arrest in his 16 More and cafeterias in the do not have general access to served from 5 to 7 p.m. years at DPS. disagreed. to be identified, said she did not _ionand International Center. Director Bernitt, however, these items. "We (at MSU) have little or no believe campus police or any Ether occurrences can be said there have been a number Zutaut said that as long as violent crime," he said. "But we police should be armed. Lunch 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.n tentially dangerous, as when . arms are available to the citi¬ of arrests on have the posaibility of an over- Another student, Sandy Dinner campus involving 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.n .-tailv unbalanced female zens of the United States, police arms but only twice in the !t» from Wayne County the Student 47-year history of the DPS have police, too, will have to be CLOSED SATURDAYS ed her gun n armed. Sunday Dinner 12 noon to 2:00 p.m. officers actually had to fire. Building last term — That sentiment was echoed In neither case was the victim [incident that could have by several others in the Uni¬ &£ killed. One incident in 1972 |T resulted in a shootout, ', Mjd, had she not been _nrehended quickly. involved a man caught breaking into vending machines in one of versity sphere, including Asst. Professor Larry Hoover in the Dept. of Criminal Justice. $ j KpS officers are required to the campus buildings. The ap¬ "In any society as heavily PURCHASE ulavtheir guns only when the prehending officer shot twice Jstion calls for it, Zutaut after the robber beat him with a tire iron. The officer missed, armed as the United States, unilateral diaarmament of the THE LANSING SKI CLUB y This includes response to led robberies or other crimi- ■ that might involve a apparently because his glasses were smashed. The other in¬ i$49 Student Season Pass f icta cident was an armed robbery on is felon." He defined T OOOD MONDAY THRU FRIDAY UNTIL 6 PM ...jus felon as any in- campus, but Bernitt did not elaborate. ★ LESSONS AVAILABLE ^EXTENSIVE SNOWMAKING & jl who has committed a The .38 caliber pistol each ★ 2 Dbl. CHAIRS, 1POMALIFT GROOMING EQUIPMENT at crime such as rape or officer carries is the standard AND 7 ROPE TOWS f;-and who may have used *250 SETS OF EQUIPMENT in in the commission of police weapon - the "police FOR MORE INFO Jesjid DPS officers have a CALL 351 • 0780 OR WRITE BOX 1314 E. LANSING je that restricts use of fire- ■H' ns bv officers. According to in officer may draw ■inn only in the final defense I citizen's or of his own life, uab/se films presents 1 when apprehending or (rcoming resistance to arrest PHILADELPHIA STORY KATHARINE HEPBURN JAMES STEWART CARY GRANT IMASONI fwH CIDAR, MASON. MICH. PMONI 676-lWS^ TOE BLOCKBUSTER _ TAINMENT OF 1975! JJ Student Rates with I.D. CALL 484-7805 and for M.S.U. students only ... Money Back if not satisfied!! TONITE! Seats Still NORMAN Available BLAKE Porty With Us I Moriohi 3rd & Birthday Party 2nd Show BRYAN »*r BOWERS Jan18f7:30 and 10 18,17at 8,10:30 GRAND OPENING Tickets: *2 at Elderly OF Wazoo's and the msunlon. D2.SO at the The Campus Music Theatre Garlad McDonel Klva door. TONIGHT The Exdting ftlrtric J«z Guitarist (Acros$ from BGrke* Ha") AND SATURDAY LARRY CORYELL ^ ViS (WW Jltt BlrttfW With Mark Silver & Forecast FREAKS Jan. 23 & 24 12 p.m. Midnight >3" fifarblfc The amazing British Blues Rocker. . „ Tod Browning's Masterpiece of the Macabre RORY GALLAGHER!!! Jan. 31st 12 pm Midnight '4" MARTIN SPECIAL THANKS TO THE STAFF, PERFORMERS, FRIENDS AND LOVERS OF 1975. Dove Moefherton dawdle GertW IWeCreM Baddy Gay Katlty Beyle JbaBems Debfcahwe* '&ZsaS&Sssies MAeOwt DNRCMMM BeeMerreil iter* MovHrap KSmSSSSS MiOeMte MOahaka Urrahn Paawed Mkbeel Marphey Half Wits Of JMMMN KWy Denies MMmtaar MULL Saa An Draper Dyer Hderty Instruments Mertbeth Jeee-luc Pedeiiky Ponty "Daacia' in The Firesign Theatre TONIGHT AND SATURDAY LecMe Leenerd Micheal Refer* The Nude" ONI SHOWING ONLY AT Warrwi Utt Feb. 64 7 MAeUnsy UMfd'S 12p.m. Midnight »400 12 MIDNIGHT Aa* lynch A limited number of advance tickets for WOWPLACI. 102D WILLS both shows available at Simple Pleasures 1 - 5 p.m. ADMISSION! *1" C^,_ A PAUL STANLEY PRODUCTION 10 Mi' friday, januarv u iiiggn State News, East Lansing, Michigan TONIGHT AND SATURDAY open "PREMWM QUALITY PORN! Striking bank employes fcwtWilllMnor/Plzyjoj. N C Mon.-Frl. 10:00-11:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 12 NOON - 11:00 p.m. "BEST FILM OF THE YEAR! Also pinball, air hockey. TV tennis table tennis ai.coijktein "Barbara Barton can teach UNION BILLIARDS' clubbed by Spain's cops Linda Lovelace a few things" "Hard-am wx films u. given a lift of vtam MADRID, Spain (AP) - The were hard to come by. Labor under the Franco regime. The along the Spanish-French bor¬ NOTNS'SFWJ!^ MANN-. government drafted postal sources estimated between new government had indicated der hunting for Jose Luis workers and sent police into the 100.000 and 300,000 off the job that peaceful strikes and dem¬ Arrasate, 26, and his kidnapers. could become a taite tut that finally wDlriLT ■ streets to club and teargas striking bank employes Wed¬ nesday in attempts to control nationwide, about half of them in Madrid. Leftist labor leaders called on onstrations would be allowed. But riot police, some with extra-long clubs, began swing¬ Four masked gunmen invaded Arrasate's home in the town of Berriz, left a note demanding J SKI SWAP *» Jon. 19-23 Rm215Men*I.M. 1:00-7:00 SALE; dirty old men from the healthily lutty fcwWfcmwvPLOTd, Spain's growing labor crisis. workers to escalate walkouts ing at anyone in range Wednes¬ (1.6 million to be delivered In northern Spain, Basque to a general strike level to back dom about It THE PRIVATE day. Fresh arrests of labor abroad and fled with their AFTERNOONS M separatists handed the govern¬ demands for increased pay, leaders were ordered. hostage in a hijacked taxi. Bring Equipment To PAMELAMANN' ha> It all, and will be i£tfl|m°F ment of King Juan Carlos union liberty and amnesty for The government charges the Arrasate's father heads a Ski Club Office Today another challenge by kidnaping "It li deftiitely herd core with heart- The icript u political prisoners. The head of unrest is a Communist plot to foundry with 100 employes. witty and w clever that It could probably be the son of industrialist and the for more Information call an government-controlled undermine it. Friends of the family said it was transported to Broodway Immediately. It Uio mild demanding $1.6 million ransom union, cabinet member Rodolfo In the Basque region, para¬ doubtful if it had money to meet 3S3 *5199 and eo captivattnglv entertaining that we to finance campaigns. anti-government Police arrested and ques¬ Martin Villa, asked for a truce to improve the ment's labor policy. new govern¬ military civil guards fanned out the ransom demand. irki nrtirisrscau channels of entertainment" have \ tioned dozens of persons in the Within hours fresh demon algoldsih, Bilbao area while hunting for a strations and church sit-ins 5 LIVE SHOWS DAILY clue to break the case, the first were reported in Madrid, Bar¬ action by the Basque guerillas celona and a dozen other major Times: 12-3-6-9-12 flAIVOVII since a reform-minded govern¬ cities. Riot police clubbed ment took over six weeks ago demonstrating bank workers PLUS.... 1XXX MOVIES after the death of Gen. Francis¬ and passers-by at will in co Franco. Madrid. I Monday thru Saturday f to 121 The Interior Ministry or¬ Labor strikes were illegal | Sunday Uto 12 [ dered 4.000 striking Madrid postal workers, already em¬ ployed by the government, mobilized into military service FIND WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR! PUSSYCAT Theatre New Topless Oameroom Jackets //? a vnr/efy after 48 hours of work stop¬ pages. Postmen resumed de¬ CALL STATE NEWS Pinball-Peel of s/y/es CLASSIFIED alto Topless Shoeshine livery wearing mandatory arm 2400 N. East St (U.S. 27 bands with colors Spanish flag that bore the of the 355 - 8255 North) 372-7080 yZ5 v-^JS initial "M," meaning military. Fresh tabor strife erupted elsewhere, idling dock workers in Barcelona, disrupting tele¬ S-Zvz-e /ours: phone service in the north in /o-7 the midst of the kidnaping and virtually halting banking in Sol-/: /0~6 "The Private Afternoons of Madrid and Barcelona. Figures on the number idled in the second week of unrest Sun. 7Zr S Pamela Mann" li™!.,,™! Barbara Bourbon u Runt-la Mann Mr 3 }5 THIS FILM If RATED X Showcasejazz PRESENTS J SZ 7 £• £. G District Court on Chiracs ■"committing never reported. The man also told police that Hiding, s felony which carries Kgisimum penalty of five he had four accomplices who worked with him on campus. Tonight & Saturday She ll coax the blues right out of your heart. ICY M\m This weeks Movie Orgy Program A presents a salute to Beaver Cleaver presenting 6 of the best THE STREISAND & CAAN episodes from Leave It To HIM ARTHUR • BRUCE DAVISON • JOYCE VAN PATTEN «wv fimow THREE Beaver featuring Beaver, ROBERT PRESTON isBeauregard ■ SisWjslqjy m?»ik Muse* JtJWE 6, J/aca luoku, Wally, Eddie, Gilbert & tHOWTIMIti TtOO, *i30 AtfoensHk* • " Gem ifou Qti! IHOWPLACIi 111 Olds Hall OLIVER REED RAQUEL WELCH Lumpy, plus The Th^ee ADMISSIONS'!" RICHARD CHAMOERLAIN MICHAEL YORKo.oco,^ FRAHK FINLAY CHRISTOPHER LEE GERALDINE CHAPLIN °QHi Stooges ..RICHARDLESTER,» THE THREE MUSKETEERS „ 349-2700 MERIDIAN MALI SIMON WARD Are FAYE DUN AWAY B <9 CHARLTON HESTON If you see only 1 film I this year it should be ' FRI. SAT. CONRAD I09ANH 7:30 <9:4$ FRI. I09ANH 7:00 4 9:30 7:30«9:45 SAT. WILSON LIES SUN. WILSON CONRAD 9--10 7:00 SUN. CONRAD 7:00 4 9:30 9:00 MY FATHER TOLD ME. Kate tickles laughs out . Program B features the "Magically created with all Its I charm, poignancy, humor I Best of Star Trek, Night ■squeezes tears out of us ■inttiis charming story." and heartache A magnificent | Gallery, Twilight Zone 1 iv SSTM comeorr JP . film After you see it, you'll find it I ftlBNIV CMU impossible to shake out oil and Alfred Hitchcock I ' Alihougti this is _ your mind or heart:'I MAURI ME1AFRNTE ja wonderful movie f| At Qoechre Oan Presents and much more. UPTOWN lWiiiyownchittefm»^£f it. it has NSW MEisa warm ■ 0ATURRAV NI6MT ■heNot appeal and funny I ■thai adults ■•arnitorae 1'han children ■because we can ■appreciate it on . 1 ..„ J . Under! Jan Kadar's I sensitive guidance, I this journey [ |"2® Mii ■ "WHO * superb" hews back to lost youth I but touchingly I ■"Adeiightiui l,im and an IVIK m^est^Tncf ■"Nal one, a true delight"1" ■ ""0 I**