By MARK BARTELD State Ntwa SUA Writer threatening the teller with a gun which was never actually seen .Hethenwalkedoutofthe )cal bank robbed; at The First National Bank of East Lansing was robbed for the third time in less than a year approximately 3:65 p.m. Wednesday by a man whose general that of the same man who robbed the bank twice last year. description seems to fit bank with the money in his hand and fled across vanishing somewhere on campus. Ted Klimaszewske, Lansing FBI Grand River Avenue to Berkey Hall, agent, was reluctant to say whether the robber the same man who had robbed the bank Police described the man as a white male in his twice last year, once on July 26 when $1,300 was taken middle 20s, between 5 foot -10 and 5 • - and on October 30 when an foot -11 and of medium to undisclosed, but small, amount of money was taken. slender build. The man was wearing a blue down ski "We don't know if he's identical to the bandit in the jacket, a jiird time in blue wool ski other two robberies," Klimaszewske cap and brown sunglasses but did not have a beard like the man who 7 months the bank twice before. But when asked if police had identified him as the same man who had robbed the bank before, Chief Stephen Naert of the East Lansing Police robbed said. "But it's possible. He meets the was general description." Officials of the bank could not be reached to give an accurate account of how much money actually taken and police would give no comment on the matter. method and the Dept. replied, "It's the same The Lansing Bureau of the FBI, which is handling the case, has gained no clues since the description looks very, very close." previous two robberies, Klimaszewske said, and apparently Apparently the man approached a teller, demanding an unknown amount of little Monday's robbery provided money and new information. •i-atei'k' WW,:?; VOLUME 70 NUMBER 85 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1976 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Icicles again? Icicles are coming back into SN photo/Tim Talechowiki vogue as temperatures go down to what they Bhould be at this time of the MSU pay tops median year. By CAROL KLOSE than MSU's attorney Leland Carr, who State News Staff Writer expense account. receives $40,000 a year from the Univer¬ OSU's President Harold Enarson earns In a time when MSU administrators are sity. Vice President for University and approximately $65,000 with a $10,000 complaining about shrinking budgets and HOODED TRIO NOT PRESENT finances, those same people are taking home Federal Relations Bob Perrin's salary, at $41,500 is topped by no more than 10 public discretionary fund, according to the OSU student newspaper. salaries well above the national relations officers among the 1,064 surveyed. median for college administrators. Robert Lockhart. MSU budget officer Lockhart said that Wharton's salary is MSU top officials average from $10,000 to [Students discuss said that the CUPA survey was a large set by the board of trustees and other $20,000 more yearly than the national national survey and therefore not very administrators' salaries are approved by I By CAROLE LEIGH HUTTON "Don't be afraid," he said. "If protest median for the same positions when compared with statistics gathered by the College and University Personnel Assn. (CUPAI. meaningful when talking about one of the largest universities in the nation. MSU participates in a salary survey with other universities which are comparable in the board on the president's recommenda¬ tion. The state legislature, which sets MSU's budget each year, has no control over administrators' pay. he said. you have lack of interest among our elected State News Staff Writer represen¬ The CUPA study gathered statistics on size, he said. The survey includes 10 public ■ something to say, say it. This is not a tatives." Raises for the administrators are based re than 300 students, both black and the salaries of top administrators in 1,138 physical confrontation." No one from the ASMSU Board could be supported institutions. on merit rather than a cost of - L Tilled Wonders Hall kiva Sunday higher education institutions throughout In the survey of comparable universities. - living scale, Richard Thomas, instructor in the Col¬ Lockhart said. reached to ascertain whether or not the the nation. The institutions ranged from ft to discuss problems that have come to lege of Urban Development, answered a MSU is much closer to the median board had been invited to attend. small two year schools to larger four year I with the recent protest of a group of question about whether or not administrator salary than in the CUPA "University salaries, in general have not reverse One of the major points dealt with at the universities. The State News used the I students alleging reverse discrimina- discrimination exists. study, but is still generally higher. kept up with the cost of living," he added. Bn meeting was the State News coverage of study's statistics on salaries at public In the MSU study, Wharton's salary is campus. "Most white students are uninformed of the hooded students' march South institutions in its comparison with MSU. $4,480 above the average presidential Though he was recommended for raise ke meeting dealt with the attitudes that the consequences of racism," he said. across this year, a Complex last week. According to the CUPA survey, the salary of 1975. Breslin's salary was about Wharton requested that his jpitated the march of three hooded 'There is no such thing as reverse The managing editor of the State News, median salary for the chief executive officer $6,200 higher than the average executive salary remain the same as in 1974 75, ^students through South Complex last discrimination." Steve Orr, was present at the meeting to or president is $35,000 as compared with vice president's salary the same year. Lockhart said. Other executive officers f, the need for all races to work Thomas pointed out that there remains a answer questions and President Wharton's annual salary of Lockhart would not release the names of received increases ranging from $1,500 to t to deal with universal student clarify the position of significant gap between the incomes of the paper. $57,500. The median salary for an executive the other universities that participate in the $3,000. s and the accountability of the blacks and whites and that blacks are still Several students, both black and white, vice president is $31,488 while MSU's survey, saying it is confidential information. I News regarding bias in reporting. underrepresented in government. Executive Vice President Jack Breslin earns However, two universities comparable to At the intermediate administrative level, referred to the article and picture that $46,500. MSU officials also earn more than the Je three students who staged the march A white student said that misconceptions appeared in the paper on Feb. 18 as "racist MSU in size, the University of Michigan (U • Bgh South Complex were not present at are what have come to be labeled reverse The association's study also revealed that Ml and Ohio State University, both pay median figures in the CUPA study. The and biased reporting." meeting. besides being much higher than the median their presidents considerably more. CUPA median salary for a head librarian is discrimination and that these should be Orr explained what he saw as the lith Stall worth, minority aide of North salaries, many MSU administrators' salar $21,520, while MSU's head librarian Rich cleared up so that students can work necessity of covering any and all news According to U - M's student newspaper. ard Chapin earns $36,000. The national Vers Hall, brought the meeting to ies were topped by few others in the Robben together in solving problems like the events without making moral Fleming, U • M president, is the judgments, survey. For instance, only one staff legal median for the head of food services is | with a statement of intent. "This is parking situation on campus, tuition hikes and he read a copy of the State News counsel included in the survey earns more highest paid public official in Michigan. He $17,000. Lyle Thorburn, head of MSU food ant to be a confrontation of any sort," and financial aid cutbacks. receives $67,600 in salary and has a $14,000 editorial that appeared in Monday's paper. services, earns $36,000. ftid. "We want to come to some very A representative from the Office of Black A major complaint made about the ve conclusions tonight." Affairs told the group that "action speaks original article was that it appeared on the Lockhart did not have figures from Jallworth read a statement from the louder than words." He pointed out that | marchers that was the result of a d meeting between them and the there was no one from ASMSU present at the meeting, and said that this indicates "a third page of the paper and was accom¬ panied by a large picture. (continued Auto repair safeguards comparable institutions for most intermediate administrators with the ex¬ ception of the food services director, whose of the on page 81 |ders Hall black aides last Friday. The average salary at comparable universities is rs apologized for their actions and $34,229. ■irresponsible method" of their protest. ■ series of |ry from then slides dealing with black the days of slavery to the Details decision awaited OKd by Gov. Milliken many earn Lockhart pointed out that the reason of the intermediate administrators more than the CUPA median is is shown and narrated by By RALPH FRAMMOLINO mechanics to take tests and be certified by because the scale of services offered at »e Render, Miss Black MSU. concerning SWU election State News Staff Writer the state by 1981. This particular MSU is so much more extensive. For le slides depicted hangings by the Ku Gov. Milliken signed eight bills into law stipula¬ tion met with the most resistance on the instance, he said, MSU has the largest food iKIan, the burning of a black woman Monday — one providing protection for House Floor after the measure passed the service operation of any university in the various other auto repair customers and another restrict¬ nation so salary comparisons are difficult to disturbing scenes like a In hopes of finally reaching a decision Administration Building. Senate. ; child with flies and roaches ing smoking in state-licensed hospitals — Milliken called the new measure a "model make. concerning the time, place and method for MERC Election Officer Ernest Frey ■g over him. before taking off for a National Governor's for the nation" and said it would the upcoming student employes election, could not be reached Monday, but his office keep tr the slide presentation Stallworth Conference in Washington D. C. ' the Student Workers Union (SWU), the said the afternoon meeting should be the Michigan "in the forefront in this important a question and answer session and last. A decision, then, is hoped to be handed Milliken approved Senate Bill 822, spon¬ of consumer protection." University and the Michigan Employment area rd that he wanted Relations Commission (MERC) will meet down later this week. sored by Sen. Earl Nelson, D Lansing, Another bill signed into law participation from was one idents. again today in closed conference at the Both SWU and the University will which is a consumer measure for auto a again regulating smoking in licensed hospitals. State News positions discuss their original proposals and com repair customers. Backers fought the bill The measure, sponsored by Rep. Michael promises, but if new proposals or alterna through the House and Senate and nursed it Conlin, R-Jackson, would require hospitals Petitioning tives will be considered, neither party was opens today for the State past a conference committee to have the to offer patients the choice of being put in a News editor-in-chief and advertising man willing to disclose them before the confer- governor sign it only days before the law it smoking or non-smoking room. Employes ager for 1976-77. In 10 double-spaced, was to amend was to go into effect. and visitors would have to respect a typewritten pages or less, each petitioner The University is still hoping for an SB 822 amended a law passed last year by should outline experience, background and non-smoking patient's wishes. It leaves the election to be held during early and regular striking out a mandatory $10,000 surety sale of tobacco within the hospital up to proposed programs for the State News registration at Demonstration Hall. Their bond for all repair facilities. This bond was each hospital's governing board. and include examples of newspaper exper compromise is that the election be held at thought by small shop owners to be Other new laws signed by Milliken ience. Proposals for new programs should registration and also at multiple polling economically deadly. The bill also provides include a measure which would per¬ include some consideration of how these places across campus during the first week that customers be given a written estimate mit remarried surviving spouses of a programs would be carried out. Petitions of spring term. must be submitted by 5 p.m. April 1 to the before any repair is done by a mechanic and deceased state police officer killed in the SWU is still working toward holding the State News Board of Directors, 345 Student that the mechanic may not do any additional line of duty to receive a pension and one election the first two or three days of spring Services Bldg, Any full-time student is term at multiple election sites. Or, in repair which exceeds $10 or 10 per cent of that would allow the Michigan Potato the estimated price, whichever is smaller. eligible for either position. cdmpromise, will accept multiple voting Industry Commission to increase its potato The new law also requires auto assessment Vi cent per sites over a two week period early in spring hundredweight. *v. term. "We want the matter to be settled quickly and want the students to get informed and then vote," Jim Anderson, asst. director of MSU's Placement Services, said. SWU organizer Stewart Allderige said SWU had the same proposals in mind, and regardless of the election site decision, will urge all student employes to vote. According to Anderson, MERC felt that inside the election matter was so complicated Moves to unionize MSU another session was required. He said all faculty appear to be progressing well. On page 3. three parties desired a second conference. The number of accidents at the corner of "We're in a holding pattern now," Michigan Avenue and Harrison Road - a Anderson said. "We don't like it at all. We dangerous intersection in the past - is would like to get this thing moving and decreasing. On page 3. students, supervisers and managers feel the same." weather The man upstairs continues to give us a MSU wins 89-76 reprieve as today's forecast promises sunny weather with the thermometer climbing to MSU dumped Purdue in basketball for a high in the low 60s. the second time this year Monday by the Abiding to the law of nature that all good things can't last, I score of 89 - 76. MSU led by 7 at the half, photo/Bob Kaya • SN K1 Persecute the but came on strong in the following minutes tonight calls for an increase in cloudiness, or mor* drinking men, It will only add to his liquor bill. Thank to win it going away. Terry Furlow again with a low in the upper 30s. »u«h philosophy, see Counterpoint led the Spartans in scoring, with 29 points. 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lowing. Michigan Tuesdai'V. Febr, N.H. race rivals A i face tight electij CIA effort utilizes Navy funds CONCORD. N.H. (AP) - presence of nine minor candi¬ dates on the ballot further chological since it is M Campaigning Democrats on reached out for final hand¬ cloud the Democratic picture. nominate W WASHINGTON (AP) — The industry magazine Sea gates are shakes while rival Republican Carter, Udall, Bayh and Har¬ e Technology says about $550 million in Navy research funds camps mapped their get - out - ris were out early Monday, was used in a CIA • sponsored effort to raise a sunken Soviet the - vote drives Monday on the shaking hands at plant gates, in submarine in the Pacific. eve of New Hampshire's first factories and on the streets in The magazine said that the Navy opposed the leg in the long march of the project under which the Glomar Explorer attempted to raise a Golf presidential primary elections. class Soviet missile - firing submarine from a depth of about i In the tight race between 16,500 feet northwest of hawoii. ' President Ford and former * The Sea Technology article suggested California Gov. Ronald Reagan, this led to the oltering or deferring of some of the Navy's antisubmarine today's outcome could hinge on the nuts - and - bolts tasks of warfare research activities. The Novy declined comment. getting supporters to the polls. While Ford and Reagan meet head on in New Hampshire, five Democratic contenders will be MPLA recognition denied carving up the primary vote. President Fon That race is rated close, too, victory in New claim the other t with former Georgia Gov. Jim¬ avoided. WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States has no plans to my Carter and Arizona Rep. Reagat be pleased witl extend diplomatic recognition to the Communist • backed Morris K. Udall expected to be southern New Hampshire cities the 40 per cei MPLA organization in Angola as long as Cubans are in that the top finishers. like Nashua and Manchester. country, Presidential Press Secretary Ron Nessen said Sen. Birch Bayh of Indiana, Voters in tiny Dixville forecasting pl0 Notch, make a former Sen. Fred R. Harris of in the far north, were to victory Monday. AP wirephoto cast sive or to minir "The President has strong personal views about Oklahoma and 1972 vice presi¬ their ballots shortly after mid¬ extending CONCORD, N.H. Democratic of a defeat. - pared to cast their ballots in the first dential nominee R. Sargent night, in what has become diplomatic recognition as long as 12,000 Cuban troops presidential contender Jimmy Carter 1976 presidential primary today. an Shriver are the other nationally election - year ritual. When The remain in Angola," Nessen said. was out looking lor votes in New Carter is only one of 14 Democrats Democrats ire |k rated candidates. everybody has voted, they that way, too. Hampshire as the state voters pre- appearing on the ballot. Write - in campaigns and the close the poll and record the first ballots of the presidential There abo Trial argument time granted year. gistered are Voting hours vary, with polls Republic Hampshire. Both sides J opening as early as 6 a.m. and a turnout of Gunmen free hostages n WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court Monday closing as late as 8 p.m. in most 100,000, announced it will grant an additional 15 minutes for oral of the cities and towns. The arguments to attorneys in a free press fair trial case arising weather for election day is Democratic ri forecast to be partly sunny with tals about IJ6.0C out of a judge s order restricting pre - trial publicity in a cold temperatures. there are 141,001 Nebraska murder case. BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - A Canadian diplomats. had been injured. one tinian and Lebaneso police arm¬ who can, if the This will bring the total time for the Lebanese gunman and six arm¬ The focus of attention is on argument to an hour There was no shooting, and Hundreds of curious ed with submachine guns primary ballots and a half. No date has been set for the case, but it is ed relatives who seized the ring¬ the presidential preference pri¬ an embassy spokesman said no residents watched as ed the embassy themselves for oi expected to be heard this spring. Canadian Embassy and more mary. but the stakes are pay other. District Judge Hugh Stuart of North Platte, Neb., than 20 hostages in a family prohibited the news media from reporting most of the row over possession of Cana¬ Polish a circumstances of the arrest of Irwin Charles Simants until a jury had been selected for his trial on charges of murdering six members of a Sutherland, Neb., family. dian island freed their captives unharmed and surrendered to police after a day long siege jokes, widowers Simants later was convicted. Monday. Schorr The gunman, who had been deported from Canada, had reviewed by high court indefinitely suspended demanded to talk with Cana¬ dian Prime Minister Pierre WASHINGTON (AP) The Elliott Trudeau about what he - authority to search tenants' •Ruled that a provision of the Supreme Court agreed Monday rooms and seize property with¬ Illinois constitution which re¬ NEW YORK (AP) CBS News said said was a $450,000 real estate to — Monday it has spell out how far the Social out deal that went a warrant or hearing if the quires a 60 per cent vote for a indefinitely suspended veteran newsman Daniel Schorr, sour because of Security Administration must tenants are behind in their who is under his estranged wife and doctor judge to be retained in office is investigation by Congress after releasing a a go in treating widowers the rent. not a denial of equal protection secret House friend in Canada. widows. intelligence report to a weekly newspaper, the same as •Let stand a lower court of the laws. Village Voice. Police said Mohammed Hai- mour and relatives from In Monday's action the court ruling that Polish jokes broad¬ •Agreed to hear arguments the Schorr, who has been with CBS for 23 years, admitted releasing the report ond has agreed to the CBS decision. CBS News President Richard S. Salant said in a statement mountainous Bekaa Valey ed the embassy and 23 seiz¬ hos¬ said it will decide whether the government may require cast on television do not networks Americans to free air require offer Polish- time by the Justice DepL whebNif considers' the co'nslifutlonalitV 7 ARTHUR TREAW! of the death that government investigations have been called for to see if tages, but freed eight women widowers applying for benefits to prove they were dependent respond. to 30 and 31. penalty on March THE ORIGINALTis^CW Schorr can be prosecuted for captives after three hours of •Refused to hear arguments releasing the secret report. tense negotiations. upon their spouses, though •Agreed to decide whether a The House ordered its Ethics Committee last week to widows are not required to do that the way delegates to the union may bar a member from One of the freed women said GOP National Convention are investigate circumstances of the report's publication, ond running for office because he Only on that among those remaining Justice allocated discriminates against Dept. sources say it also is investigating the leak of inside the building at that time has a poor attendance record at the House report. In other action, the court: large states. were the charge d'affaires, •Refused to hear a challenge meetings. Allan Sullivan, and seven other to state laws granting landlords .•••••••••••. • 1114' # ——, ilkiesdi : OUR BUDGET BANQUET* 0 11 b'iMllipM I I.K <>iii lowi A JACOBSON'S : t.g.1. • WILL BE CLOSED *169 COLE SLAW j ARTHUR'S FISH & CI Iran given $2 million refund • II I II AY § leei I all 11 i< e a FOR INVENTORY ! Bring the Fi TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The Northrop Corp. has $2 million refund in an apparent effort to retain given Iran a the Z All Nile z today EAT HERE E. Grand River government's good will in the face of large reported payments to third parties, a government source said VI llu- VHP V TUESDAY, FEB. 24 and Durant ItiSi Monday. Wf I Itf Vw.iv I Across from nil He indicated the Iranian government still plans to go Q Campus. , ahead with its claim of $8.8 million from the Northrop's TAKE HOME fc subsidiary, Page Communications, to penalize allegedly setting that much aside for payoffs. The it for Jacobsoris source said Iranian authorities are still waiting for Northrop to specify why it made the A U.S. Senate payment. subcommittee disclosed that the /••••••* has made large payments to third countries. company parties here and in other — t o Lockheed reports requested Op* LAST NIGHT! ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — The Turkish government said Monday it had officially asked a U.S. Senate subcommittee for all the information and documents payoffs in Turkey by Lockheed Aircraft Corp. available on alleged MoI-SJL 81*5:30 pm SffTUl r GREENHOUSES BOB DOYLE Testimony early this month before the subcommittee on 1124 E. Mt. Hope 484-6085 C AND THE multinational corporations said Lockheed had to a Turkish paid $800,000 BUFFALO CHIPKlCKEBi agent to promote aircraft sales in Turkey. Contractor Nezih Dural has FANTASTIC FERN SALE!! acknowledged receiving the money but denied that it was used for payoffs. The Lockheed probe in Italy centered Monday on Camillo 20% OFF ^sAtock-S Crociani, a multimillionaire industrialist closely linked to the ruling Christian Democrats. Monday Dist. Atty. Ilario Martella announced that Cash 'n' Carry TtoTof'fT Crociani was under investigation for bribery in connection Choose from Boston Ferns, with the 1970 sale to Italy of 14 Cl30 Hercules cargo planes. ASP£H Fluffy Ruffles, Stoghorns, Mother Ferns, Kissinger stresses cooperation and many more. BOGOTA, Colombia (UPI) — Secretary of State BOB REIDY BLUES BAND Henry Kissinger, calling for a "concrete program" of * For example — Starts tomorrow, through Saturday hemispheric cooperation, conferred with Colombian President Alfonso includes Boston Ferns in 4" pot AUTHENTIC CHICAGO BLUtb Lopez Michelsen Sunday night on the Panama Canal lodging, transportation reg. *3.00 NOW *2.00 negotiations and the problem of illegal narcotics traffic. 6 days lift tickets Kissinger, who left Monday for Costa Rica, also made it clear the United States will not use starting *339." Sale runs Angola - type situations. military force in future March 20 - 27 Wed. thru Sat. LIZARD'S UNDEf Kissinger will also meet today with the MSU Ski Club Feb. 25-28. foreign ministers Guatemala, El Salvador Honduras, 353-5199 Nicaragua and Ask for your free core sheet I Iiiifhinan Stota News, East Lansing, Mlchiaon Tuesday, February 24, 1976 3 Faculty union drive continues .FRANCES BROWN the faculty response far to IL. New. Stiff Writer JeMSU Faculty Associates' cards sent out P so asking for sup- ceived supporting the M8UFA a Michigan Education Assn. mail cards. Bill Owen, a full-time higher institutions are harder to or¬ ganize than those at down-and teaching loads, job security and "•SALOON''' affiliated group, as a bargaining academic freedom and grie¬ IjFAI drive to gain author- ,, 11 tne response is as good as unit, Korth said, "I wouldn't tell education organizer with the MEA and adviser to out schools. But it is inevitable vance procedures. — Many facul¬ Presents In (or an election to union- we believe it will be, we'll the that push my own mother that." bargaining will be the ty unions are trying to make an |e University's 3,333 facul- election," Korth said. Korth said many MSUFA, said the attempt to norm for all state college and impact on the governance of Imbers continues "slowly "We're going to have to start members seem frightened. He faculty unionize the MSU faculty will university professors." .their colleges. THE THAD JONES be thinking about an election has received some cards return¬ "exceedingly tough." Most of Michigan's universi¬ The MSUFA is pitching its ■UFA President Philip date. "Many faculty (members) ties and colleges already have lj, associate professor of I said he is encouraged by But when asked how many ed to him wrapped in paper and put in an envelope, even though cling to the idea that they can do better singly than collective¬ faculty unions, with MSU and the campaign to the defense of academic freedon, the develop¬ MEL LEWIS authorization cards he has re¬ University of Michigan ment of a new faculty grievance they are pre-addressed return- ly," he said. "Faculties at elite being the major exceptions. Almost all community college procedure to replace the inter¬ im faculty grievance procedure ORCHESTRA INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS CITED faculties have unions. Community College is organiz¬ Lansing which the group calls inade¬ quate and increased faculty ed already with the MEA. participation in university gov- According to Change maga¬ '■ewer accidents zine, a professional journal, as "We think governance will be J. BRAD M ARTI8IU8 cent reduction in the total to reported reduce the number of acci¬ tistics are many as 25 per cent of full-time faculty members in the U.S. are employed at colleges and uni¬ versities with certified unions. The first faculty college faculty strengthened by a strong facul¬ ty voice," Korth said. "We want to eliminate the arbitrariness of administrators." But Charles Killingsworth, ST I * % -t " 5 ™ L, News SUH Writer number of accidents at' the dents. misleading. "The number of accidents has to be unionized was the Mil¬ MSU professor of labor and | report from the East intersection. The greatest re¬ "Our argument all along has been going down for several waukee Technical Institute in industrial relations, said a facul¬ |ns City Engineer's Office duction was in personal injury been that the same accident years," he said. 1963. Faculties in Michigan ty union would probably not J L Is that the number of accidents, which fell by almost reduction could have been ob¬ began organizing in 1965 when produce any great change in a ur to vi"«ry mcri^L lents near the Michigan half, from 20 in the year before tained with less ecological dis- state law was amended to allow attitudes or relationships with¬ minimize tkeH and Harrison Road the intersection was The report shows a reduction Jpfpat ^ , completed ruption," Anderson said. "We public employes to unionize. in the University. (section has decreased to 11 in the year since it was of a few'per cent in the total As of questioned the need for number of accidents September 1975 there "I think it's safe to say that rerouting in 1974. completed. the improvements. We every year were 277 officially certified conditions would not improve •r. members of Citi- "I guess what we did wasn't just e 1972. questioned the means." bargaining agents for faculty at as much as the union advocates ■ group , Livable City (CLC), which fought the so bad after Melvin of the city all," said Gordon engineers' The controversy over the intersection began in the fall of However, Councilman Mary Sharp, who was in favor of the college campuses out of a total 443 colleges. But about two- say," Killingsworth said, "and conditions would not deterior- Big Band Jazz. lovements, said the aeci- department. 1973 when 15 trees were de¬ redesigned intersection, was thirds of the unions were at I reduction could have been However. James Anderson, stroyed to make room for the pleased with the report. two-year institutions. Five- ate as much as the suggests." opposition This band is up for (red with less ecological head of the CLC, and George rerouted traffic. Demonstra¬ sixths were at public colleges. Killingsworth said a union age. ie report shows a 37 per Griffiths. East Lansing mayor, still question the means taken tions, petitions and confronta¬ tions delayed construction for gone "You can't tell anything is from the intersection," Contracts which have been drawn up at these unionized would probably have no effect on state 3 Grammies! she said. "Not appropriations to the almost a year. only that, the colleges vary greatly but all are University, which he said is the Work finally began in August redesign achieved our objec¬ concerned with compensation, biggest factor in faculty salary Sun., Feb. 29 lix senators bribed, 1974 and was December 1974. completed in CLC has been criticized for tives by reducing accidents." working conditions — including appropriations. Tickets $4.00 Doors Open At 8 p.m. las group charges fostering the delay that e- ventually cost the city thou¬ sands of dollars. But Griffiths Grievance official resigns, Tickets Arc On Sale At Discount said the delay was not com¬ Records, pletely CLC's fault. Rccordland At Both Malls And The IASHINGTON (UPI) said, obtained from docu¬ UCFA seeks replacement - was "We were trying to get the Silver Dollar Saloon ir oil companies illegally ments filed with the SEC by the city to see things a little Jibuted to a majority of three companies thus far forced differently, that there was a rs voting for natural gas to disclose where their money better way," Griffiths said. and. . . . jgulation, the American allegedly went. "But they couldn't." By MICHAEL ROUSE Senate and Miller's role has lie Gas Assn. charged Mon- The senators named by the and call witnesses. » of the six senators association as allegedly receiv¬ ing the contributions included The CLC proposed at the time that the intersection be routed through the now-vacant State News Staff Writer Faculty Grievance Official Bruce L. Miller has resigned been contested ganizations. by faculty A letter from John P. Hen- < Miller himself was when he refused to grant challenged JIMMY members of the AAUP was Robert Griffin, Robert Taft Jr., R-Ohio, Robert Byrd, D-W. Va., Jennings Ran¬ dolph. D-W. Va., Vance Hartke, gas corner station on the northwest of Michigan Avenue and Harrison Road. from his post to take a sabbati¬ cal, but his resignation comes at a time when the new derson, chairman of the Univer- sity Committee on Faculty Af¬ grievance filed against Presi¬ dent Wharton. The AAUP BUFFETT l Rothschild, acting In addition, Griffiths said the Faculty fairs (UCFA), said that Miller's group claimed that Wharton D-Ind., Hugh Scott, R-Pa., and Grievance Procedure has yet to e vice president of the resignation will become effec- did not consult the faculty when on, said the donations Griffin. engineering department's sta- be approved by the Academic tive Aug. 31 and that he plans he appointed the acting pro- to return to full-time f from Gulf Oil, Phillips teaching vost, but Miller said that Whar- m and Ashland Oil after the sabbatical. An ad hoc >s. \t circumstances He said that "under a cloud is Dolores Wharton accepts post subcommittee of the UCFA presently accepting nomina¬ ton had executive privilege. The matter has been referred back to the UCFA. as to whether these contri- tions for Miller's replacement However, Miller said that he on board of major oil iv have influenced and will make their selection planned to take the academic D votes." he association is made up of company after April 1. The grievance procedure leave when he accepted the job Faculty Grievance Official e under fire in November I municipally owned nation- Though she said the thought company, Phillips agreed to in the settlement of a and is not resigning because of public when its revised charter \ He gas distribution systems. of membership on the board of make significant administration interest law suit have convinc¬ the continuing controversy. opposed by the American Assn. "When I took the post three Jothschild said that until the directors of a major oil com¬ changes that included appoint¬ ed me that my lack of expertise of pany was the furthest thing ing at least 60 per cent of its or prior involvement may well University Professors years ago last November, I is illegality are re- (AAUP) and the MSU Faculty id by the ongoing investi- from her mind a few weeks ago, board members from outside be an asset on the board," she expected to be in for about Dolores Wharton has accepted the company. added. three years," Miller said. "I v (ons of the Internal Revenue Zolton Ferency, president of . the Securities and a post on the board of Phillips Wharton admitted in a state¬ Wharton, who was recently planning at the time to take the Petroleum Co. the AAUP, criticized the : sabbatical." lhange Commission (SEC) ment that she has an "obvious appointed to the Board of I the Senate Directors of the Kellogg Co., grievance procedure for not The new Faculty Grievance Ethics Commit- Phillips Petroleum of lack of intimate knowledge of those senators allegedly serves as a director of the stating that both parties in¬ Official will take office Sept. 1 the first companies identified the operations and complexities Michigan Bell Telephone Co., volved in a grievance should there will be no time lag Ived in the donations having made illegal contribu- of the oil industry." Michigan National Bank of have the right to appear at the after his resignation takes ild refrain from further t>°ns to the 1972 re-election "Nevertheless, the unique Lansing, the Museum of Mod¬ arbitration, present evidence effect. Miller said. )n the natural gas campaign of Richard Nixon. circumstances under which I ern Art in New York, and the lie information on which the As part of the settlement was selected as one of the Founders Society of the Detroit based, Rothschild class action suit against the oil 'independent outside directors' Institute of Arts. REFRESHING NEW LOOKS AND |he five month nationwide STYLES FOR SPRING I'ORCIIKSTRA isiseiler by the author Gary's Campus 1 Watership Down March 8 Beauty Salon no p.m. \ 1 S IT Andilnriiii "'#V SPRINGTIME IS SOMETHING TO BE DISCOVERED. NOT NEGLECTED. THIS SAME IDEA SHOULD BE APPLIED TO YOUR HAIR. NEGLECT SOMETHING THAT HAS POTENTIAL BEAUTY. AT GARY'S DON'T ( krls $!).!>() Xr S(;.!)() ii| ||: CAMPUS BEAUTY SALON WE OFFER THE LATEST STYLES TO ENHANCE YOUR SPRINGTIME APPEARANCE. R«c.p1loni,t on Duty to Toko Your Call 54V I. Or. Hlvor • M. 3314311 JHE PULSE-POUNDING EPIC NOVEL OF A MAN, ^CIVILIZATION, AND THE POWER OF GOD |N THE GREAT BEAR, SHARDIK. $1.951 ★★★**★★★★ I Ski Club Meeting 7:00 Wed. Feb. 25 at Coral Gables Free Aspen Trip Wed., Mar. 3 Drawing Tickets $4.00 (for Members only) 8 p.m. l^pecial Snle Afterwards * Tickets Arc On Sale A1 Discount Records, at Freestyle Shop J Rccordland At Both Malls And The Sil^jpr Debtor Saloon @|p«©ifil No facts, Too much no drilling The Michigan Environmental runaround Hasn't there been enough dis¬ Review board (MERB) today holds cussion and study of the marijuana its final hearings on Pigeon River question by now that a positive Country State Forest drilling decision could be reached? Isn't it before it sends its recommenda¬ time Michigan joined the list of tion to the Natural Resources states that have decriminalized Commission. marijuana? Pigeon River, site of some of the The run - around HB 5627 has largest deposits of gas and oil been getting shows some legisla¬ outside of the Alaskan North tors haven't learned. Slope, could provide the area with the drilling. But without this The bill originally provided that an abundance of oil and information — the exact location of the penalty for use, possession and gas. the sites — the DNR could not nonremunerative distribution of But at what price? possibly have formed an accurate 100 grams or more of marijuana That question has not been statement. would result in a possible 90 days answered to the satisfaction of Yet it purported to make such a in jail or a $100 fine. It also called anybody except the oil companies statement; its accuracy can only be for a $100 fine for any offense which have been lobbying for the regarded with under 100 grams to be issued in the grave doubt. rights to drill in the forest. In its present context, the issue form of a traffic ticket. NN0 LUCK WITH THE LEAK UP HERE, HENRY- HOW'S IT DOWN THERE?' So for this very reason, it would in the Pigeon River area is not one However, revisions on the bill be grossly irresponsible for the of man vs. environment, but uue of have lowered the 100 gram amount MERB to forward any recommen¬ responsible government conduct. to 30 grams and then to 18. Tuesday, February 24, 1976 dation but one which says to hold For the government to reach Moreover, the bill was referred John Tingwall Editor-in-chief conclusions about an environment last Thursday to the House Judi¬ Steve Orr off on all drilling. Managing Editor Jeff Merrell as fragile as that of the state forest ciary Committee for further study City Editor When the Department of Natur¬ Bruce Ray Walker with the means used by the DNR is and clarification, meaning proba¬ Campus Editor al Resources (DNR) formulated its Michael McConnell Opinion Page Editor Environmental Impact Statement clearly conduct unbecoming. ble death of the bill. Joe Kirby The DNR's original position on Sports Editor After 'clarification' of the bill, Frank Fox Entertainment Editor on drilling in the Pigeon River area, it did so without considering drilling in the forest was a flat no. which might be started on March Robert Kozloff Photo Editor Bit by bit, however, the DNR has 16, if Rep. Paul Rosenbaum (D - Mary Ann ChickShaw Wire Editor precise locations of possible dril¬ sold out. Greg Kraft Battle Creek), the judiciary com¬ Copy Chief ling sites. Thus the MERB should consider mittee chairman, gets around to it, Sue McMillin Night Editor An impact statement is sup¬ the DNR's shoddy methods and true Margo Palarchio Advertising Manager marijuana decriminalization posed to estimate possible damage recommend the original DNR will be but a dim hope Editorials are the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns and for pot letters are to the environment as a result of position smokers in Michigan. personal opinions. — no drilling for now. __ STEVE ORR The State News To the Editor maligned Very shortly it will be ASMSU election five years, after I had introduce) no ll time, and a good issue would be the Also, the ICC has started repayment fl Please read the following statement. matter. complete nothingness of this year's board. their loan. "We totally regret and apologize for our applied to State News reporting by Palmer) Certain board members have expressed But by Thursday night, their tune had stems from the fact that the three actions. Marching as KKK members was an protesting concern about the apparent lack of student ASMSI'RJ changed. In a series of harried phone calls to students changed stories so fast we couldn't irresponsible method through which to voice the State News, they then began interest in ASMSU. How can students be College of Communicatiuiifl claiming keep up with them. Under pressure from our opinions. We should have gone through they had no other followers and that they expected to take interest in the board when Palmer and many of their peers in the dorm, proper University channels to clarify correct were scared to attend the the board itself doesn't even show meeting for fear it they did a 180 - degree reversal of position in up at or incorrect information. Our only concern would bring them physical harm. meetings? matter of hours Thursday night. If was to arouse all students to the importance "We're afraid of being blown because of a anything in the article Friday was "wrong," This year's board has exhibited a com¬ Oralism belter of being active in the University. The (what we did)," one of them told me. plete lack of responsibility in other ways. it was so because the three protesters had explosive nature of this issue was beyond There were two reasons for the radical For example, not only has there been no our grasp. Further, we feel the State News has blown this issue totally out of turnaround in attitude. One, they had felt changed their story once again from the version they told me shortly before press board-confirmed Labor Relations Director for the deaf propor¬ numerous threats, real and imagined, made since April, but the board specifically time Thursday night. If they say otherwise tion. Misquotes, misinformation, and mis¬ rejected against them by outraged students. Two, as a proposal to install the previous This letter is in response to the rs representation have laced all State News the one student I talked to put it, "We're now, they are lying, and we have the notes to prove it. ASMSV reps director approved by an ASMSU Board. article about a deaf instructor rat— articles — a factor over which we have no under pressure indirectly" from the Univer¬ The do-nothing board has witnessed the toward his doctor degree. First, I ndifl control. The News should be held ac¬ What did we do wrong? We wrote stories effectual elimination of the Labor Relations countable for their attempts to sensa¬ sity. David Palmer, Residence Halls Programs with the information we had. In fact, the fail students Cabinet by the President without so much to congratulate him on his achievrf and encourage him to get the degree I tionalize. " story that appeared Friday was rewritten area director for South Complex, told me twice late at night and the entire press run as a whimper. Many members of the board I am a sophomore majoring in turn This statement, which is I wish to call to the attention of the elected on campaign promises to unsigned, Thursday night when he called me that he was held were management. I strongly disagree will supposedly released last Friday by the up to try to accommodate the student body the abdication of responsibil¬ was was pressuring the three students to back chameleon act of the three terrorized white support the Student Workers Union, yet Anthony's viewpoint on total corn* three students who appeared on campus off. ity by the ASMSU Board. Various members this board has been anti-SWU. tion. I've been deaf since birth and IJ dressed in the robes of the students. Apparently we did not do well of the board have not even contributed a Klan last And back off Secondly, a brief comment about the they did. Which, under the enough. bare minimum of input expected from categorized as being severely deal.Ik Monday. circumstances, was a very good idea. IFC-ICC loan controversy. Since the board, that oralism is the best method in teeu The statement, and other Some people have complaints with the use elected board members. By this I am mouthings of There is only one problem: when in its infinite wisdom, has voted down the University and the they of the story at all, or with its writing, or with my hearing-impaired people. They willksj Klanesque protes¬ backed off, at the administration's referring to the past two board meetings, proposal to make IFC responsible for the successful and able to cor'",,m',l• ■ ters, is nonsense. urging, its placement. These are serious complaints both of which were cut short due to the fact loan they defaulted on, it will be much they decided to put as much blame as they that I don't want to deal with here. The society more easily. It is a childish and cowardly attempt to could that no quorum was present in the latter harder to collect — within the throw pressure on us. actions of the paper in those respects have University — My speech is very good. Very few C off themselves onto the Beginning Friday with the statement stages of the meeting. should they default again. By contrast, ICC have noticed that I am deaf. In tenns State News. been — and will be — defended elsewhere. The Feb. 17 board presented at the beginning of this column, meeting has been is clearly responsible for payment on their success, I have achieved leadership ill The three white But the issue I am dealing with here is the cancelled, which that clad students began the three students, with what I means no new loan, and there would be no need to resort Air Patrol and have a private pilot te - their campaign to end reverse discrimina¬ suspect is validity of the reporting in the articles we legislation will have been introduced for to the civil courts to obtain the collusion of Palmer, an payment should 1 agreed with his point that 11 tion with of began blaming the wrote. What we wrote is true. I believe entire month, and the board will be unable a wave eloquent exclamations, entire thing on this they cease payment. (Incidentally, ICC saying such things as "we... are protesting newspaper. some sections of the administration want to to act on the Mariah and Legal Services person's "perception only includes tkij Take the Friday statement. It was issued, see the State News temporarily stopped payment on their loan he can visually see, and when uwl in a dramatic way our opposition to the unfairly blamed, to problems. in August 1974, while IFC had supposedly, immediately after a meeting relieve pressure that otherwise would be on stopped person in back says something, en, but vA.ept to a pariah, will have nothing to do drink toasts to the great Gerald Ford has in foreign policy is in fact Or, if one disagrees with the policies of the of the whole notion of Vietnamization; achievements of Mao Tse tung. He will not directly attributable to the decomposition President, to criticize those policies? Either established a detente that brought such be there to offer the Chinese U.S. of all, the old land of the presidency under Richard Nixon. Mr. Nixon's openly in the press, or confidentially over intelli¬ grant college trip will correspond with the peace to the world as they are nowadays the telephone? At least before he scheduled gence secrets, or consulates in Los h.v of "education for all" goes out And now he is going back to China. New Hampshire primary. Since, inevitably, enjoying in Angola; dismembered the ow the present trip to China, Nixon had no Angeles, or even U.S. ping pong players. - at least insofar as journalistic His trip is in no sense that of the private Mr. Nixon will be in the news more NATO alliance through ineptitudes that He has to offer citizen. He is being received by the Chinese problem in getting through to Ford on the only sycophancy. To the J>n i»te at the State News is concerned. conspicuously than at any time since he left grew out of the settled conviction of the only nation in the world that, at this point in News, in the minds of the as something of a leader - in - opposition. office, the slightly rancid odor of illegiti¬ phone. leaders of the world that the United States time, as they used to say in the White Nixon went "In 1972, I went to the J, is to be ■at the top ofturned into a bastion of the elite ivory tower. The Chinese do not apparently know that Richard Nixon is not the leader of anything macy is bound to affect adversely Mr. Ford's fortunes. on: People's Republic of China because I didn't know what it was doing and that the chief executive who got himself House, is disposed to honor America's ex - impeached president. at all these days. He has less influence on Although I continue to believe he was concluded that a new and constructive > talented students who can't afford the Republican Party than Howard Cosell. wise and charitable in granting Nixon the relationship between the United States and energized the Congress out of now bent on pulling ■ for the State News for the world. Washington Star a pittance The Chinese clearly believe that they pardon, mine is a minority point of view. fays get a job sweeping the place out. snookered Nixon, and they want to do more And the spectacle of Nixon, wining and of it; and somehow they believe that having dining with the nabobs in the oriental i%. the students here at MSU him back and giving him regal treatment is palaces while Howard Hunt rots in jail and A 7 DA WIS - r P come from a wide variety of social going to affect American politics. It may, Mitchell and Erlichman and Haldeman live VACATION fnomic backgrounds — may come to but not in the way they think. broken lives trying to pay their lawyers' F^d^bj^a newspaper staffed by It has already been widely observed that fees, will aggravate sentiments of injustice NAUTILUS JAMAICA. 2nd Place LAS VEGAS "The Hottest Name in Exercise" In Delta-Tau-Delto's "The Number One Name in Sports" MS Dance for at the Strength 1976 NAUTILUS TRAINING CENTER in the Lansing YMCA a beneiil for National Multiple Sclerosis ranced Society on Feb. 27. 28, 29, 1976 at Mer¬ equipment cuts workout time in half. Full- idian Mall. instructors on duty. Time payment plan available. 'Strength Training ' Speed and Relax Advanced Conditioning Training win prizes Sfort Conditioning Specialists Open Mon. thru Fri. Noon to 7:30 P.M. Sot. Noon to 5:30 P.M. entertainment 301 W. Lenawee Lansing PHONE ENTER NOW CALL 337-1721 ke"er exercise machines are built, Nautilus will build them. 482-6910 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, '•Si, Lampoon long way xBarry Lyndon'—not too As in his past J By MARTY SOMMERNESS picked up watching reruns of Spartan Twin Theatres contin¬ Films, Ku¬ I from cocoa puffs brick's °ne could State News Reviewer Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone." ue to screen Kubrick's Film to cinematography is about ^ "Barry Lyndon" is an over¬ One of the worst aspects of capacity audiences. superb. Nuances of light and "Birr, .« the film is that the audience has Why? shadow, impresaive mcani"g: mi,|» 3 blown motion picture. landscapes, It is overpraised, overpro¬ to spend approximately three Whether or not "Barry Lyn¬ blood - and - guts battle and the subtleties of scenes maie;ial a"d PoaeLS destroy, >1 duced, overdone, overcritiqued, hours in the theater, watching don" is a critically acceptable decadence By JEROME MCCtIRE State News Reviewer such classics Baby Book." as "The Vietnam hated issue of Lampoon was the overpublicized, and underacted. overpopular O'Neal and Berenson agonizing¬ ly stumble through too many picture, Kubrick is a man who has established his credentials are all captured on celluloid. Kubrick's Si-O1 Chris Miller writes for the religious parody on the Judean overly - long scenes. in a profession laden with The musical score as well as Maybe. _ Miller's current plans call for Christian ethic. "Barry Lyndon" ia similar to "•"Si**""! some of the Film's minor National Lampoon. The movies and a novel. The theme "Tom Jones," but without the "They didn't even give you hedonists, exploiters and phi- actors "The Lampoon gets much is also worthy of the National Lampoon is that darl¬ wit, zest, spontaneity and ori an intermission to relieve your listines. He is a man with Kubrick is fraternities. uninteresting too^P less quality hate mail now," he •id bladder," said a yawning view name. The entire Film ing magazine that prints "Son Miller said that the most ginality of its predecessor, enough cinematic genius to risk package, of God" comics and was sued sighed. which won an Academy Award er of "Barry Lyndon" as he his reputation by though, somehow sadly falls producing Wl h *•«« for running an advertisement for the best Film of 1963. walked out of the theater. what might have been an epic short of the benchmark of a master of the craft. peters promwiJl out to h,.,,,™! Inot a real advertisement) that Taken from William Make¬ In spite of all the hassles, the film. said if Ted Kennedy had driven peace Thackeray's novel, Stan Maybe somewhere beneath and redundancy "''I Volkswagen ley Kubrick's film deals with an the lavish sets, elaborate plot "Barry Lyndon" a at Chappa- crate o, j,. Irish rogue (played by Ryan and elegant costumes are hid¬ candy bin, It" quiddick... One of Miller's own best loved themes is fraternity O'Neal) who survives the mad¬ ness of the Seven Years War Tahitian dancers den the moral truths Thackeray had intended to champion. time tofPMing, it q.1 consume uj:, " few nutrients. ' stories, rather obscene frater¬ only to become an ill - fated Maybe somewhere beneath nity stories. You know the one social climber. the reels and reels of film there "Barry Lyndon" j,. where they get the pledge and make him drink all that booze and then get a hot dog and dip In "Barry Lyndon," O'Neal proves that he has come a long way from his pulpy "Love to visit in March i^lmmriteFsmMsag^ quite - great "great filmmaker motion*. it in mayonaise.... Story" days. He still has a long Tales from the South Pacific are on the way to MSU. What environmental influen¬ way to go. With an endearing The 36 members of the Royal Tahitian Dance Company will ces would form a man who Irish accent, O'Neal performs bring their special brand of Polynesian exotica to the University would write these kinds of best in scenes where the rogue Auditorium March 3 for an 8:15 p.m. performance. things, inspire this blasphemy? he portrays is supposed to be A special event of the MSU Lecture Concert Series, the dance confused. troupe's performance will open with an overture of primitive Chris Miller graduated from Marisa Berenson portrays drum and conch shell rhythms followed by a series of dances and the Amos Tuck School of Busi¬ the rich and beautiful noble songs. ness Administration at Dart¬ woman Lyndon attempts to Program highlights will include dances depicting the prepara¬ mouth College in 1964. After manipulate. Supposedly a hot tion of the coconut, a warrior's homage to the gods, the romance of graduation, Miller spent six a French naval officer and a Tahitian property among the beautiful girl and the glory of Bali Hai, months in the U.S. army. Now people, Berenson's acting is made legend by novelist James Michencr. one begins to understand. akin tb a clumsy dancing bear On its second American tour, the Tahitian dance group includes In 1965. Miller was looking attempting to imitate a cigar Paulette Vienot's Tahiti Nui Company and a group of male dancers. for a career. He went to work store wooden Indian. In recognition of the French artist Paul for a New York advertising An Gauguin, who uninspiring actress at immortalized the beauty of Tahitian women in his paintings, the firm that did a great deal of best, Berenson should have dance company's program also includes a remained just a sensuous mem¬ sequence with work in television commercials. reproductions of the artist's paintings - Miller inherited that "Cocoa ber of the jet set. Given only a Tickets, on sale in the Union Ticket office, are $6, $5 and Crispy's" account. Remember handful of lines in the Film, she {4 for the public and $3, 52.50 and $2 for MSU students. "cuckoo for cocoa puffs, cuckoo spends most of her time on for cocoa puffs. Skwawck!" camera in expressionless Miller worked in advertising for five years. The last account he handled was Topper Toys, the makers of "Johnny Lightin trances, which she probably CIDSED FCK [Please Rip U$ Tear out this ad, SN photo/Tim Telechowski bring it along, ing," and "Suzie Homemaker." and we'll admit you for 'I"11 anytime. During the last days of his stay on Madison Avenue the explo¬ TEE §EAVM)N Featuring 3 Spectacular Hits sion of sex tabloids hit New i. inn lust York City. AUDITIONS IE!I WE'LL I X OACE IN a. HN L0VIN4 DAU8HTIR "A friend of mine wrote a II I SEEING CLINGING 3.MXMOBUM boutique column for the tabloid "Fun," and she suggested I for: YOU 111 LINESL IN write a dirty story," Miller said. Peter Pan OLIVE-IN \ JI3 I. "The law stated you could Man in the Moon Marigolds EN It ELGIN WIN I! j ■ Michigan Downtown show as many open beavers as (by appointment only contoct theatre dept.) you wanted as long as there — VmiGL EGL GEIL AOS!! I Single S3 was something o' redeeming social value in the maga^iSr. Seascape w I Student {J I Couplets ' . C > Also visit our Bookstore My friend's boutique cotuinn was the redeeming part Feb. 28 1 - 5 p.m. rm. 49 Fairchild of 'Fun.' It was totally out of Feb.29 1 - 5 p.m. rm. 49 Fairchild place, nobody wore clothes in the tabloid," he explained. As it turned out, Miller wrote the dirty story, but it wasn't OPIN TO ALL MSU STUDENTS "8 uttetfitU IttfAtied The Joffrey typical "I wrote porno. a story but I wrote it is a timefor funny because I couldn't take it seriously," he said. "I wrote another one every week. Mon¬ day night I'd come home from work, get stoned and do it that night, not edited or anything." Miller then took six months off to travel and write. "I knew I wanted to write and didn't want to work in advertising," he said. But by the end of the six months, Miller was forced to return to the advertising world because of the numerous rejec¬ ROBERT REDFORD tion slips he had received. FAYE DUNAWAY "Playboy loved them...but said they were too rank. Lam¬ 3 poon rejected my stories be¬ DAYS OF cause they were too free. They THE CONDOR (National Lampoon) had an almost mathematical formula for accepting stories to Fit into their parodies," Miller "BEST FILM-, explained. Luckily the editors of Lamp- poon and Playboy were talking OF THE YEAR" shop one day and mentioned Miller's stories. They convinced each other to publish his work. From that day, Miller'! has sparkled and grown into tortacjrA The music, the dancing and the sheer joy of it all are just what you need. Right now! One of the world's great ballet companies, The dance styles with inventive Joffrey performs in a wide variety of chorcographyly Gerald .Trpino, Jerome Rabbins, FrederV q«anacHouoH bdkts The tTatwdlbeldyo baUe" ,hat wi" touch your heart Contemporary Paul company of 40 dancers includes Christian Holder, Gary Chryst, Dermot Burke, Sutherland, Francesco Corkle, Denise Jackson and Sara Yarborough. A symphony orchestra, vocal soloists and a jazz full group will be featured Lively Arts Series (revised programJ Art of Dance Series (revised program) TUESDA Y, FEBRUARY 24 WEDNESDA Y, FEBRUARY 25 "Viva Vivaldi!" "Remembrances" "The Moor's Pavane" ' "Deuce Coupe U" "As Time Goes By" "Monotones U" TODAY "Trinity" "Interplay" GLENDA |ACKSON TWO GREAT E VENINGS IN THE UNIVERSITY A UDITORIUM at 8: IS MICHAEL CAINE p.m. Tickets on sale NOW at the Union. HELMUT BERGER Public: S8.50, 7.50, 4.00 T,. , . MSU Students: 84.25, 3.75, 2.00 The Romantic Englishwoman EffissastW Michigan Stote News, East Lansing, Mlchioon Tuesday, February 24, 1976 7 buying or selling classified advertising works for you. l ^w j[>] FRANKLY SPEAKING ... bv nh.l frank CUTLASS SUPREME, 1974 ex¬ cellent condition ELECTRIFYING: CONVERT your 18,000 miles best otter. car to electric powerl No pollution. 3 ROOM apartment for 2 furnish¬ 353-9023; after 6 OWN ROOM 346 M.A.C. Avenue LARGE ROOM for girl, close, $80 351-1164.6-2-24 Cheap and reliable transportation. ed, all utilities paid, washer, dryer, house. $90 month, spring/sum- plus utilities, 2 windows. Call [ phone 355-b255 Write for details: ELECTRIC EN¬ share kitchen, excellent location. mer. 351-3498. 2-2-24 332-3955. X3-2-24 OATSUN2602,197A Fourspeed, GINEERING, Dept. E, P.O. Box Barb, 351-0907. 3-2-26 radio air 1371, East Lansing. C-20-2-27 automotive conditioning. Only 21,000 actual miles. WANT MORE room, fresh air, OWN BEDROOM in townhouse. Looks and runs like a spring term? Sublease new du¬ Scooters ( Cycles new one. OKEMOS 1 bedroom, utilities, April 1st through June 1st. $70/ WILLIAMS VOLKS¬ married plex. $280, separate bedrooms for month. Bus service, 393-1602. Ports ( Service WAGEN INC., 2924 East couple, $160/month. 349- four! 5 minutes by car. Grand 2313. Main Evenings, X8-3-2 Aviation River. Phone 484-1341. corner. 6-3-2 3-2-25 882-9784. 6-2-24 employment OVERSEAS FEMALE, IMMEDIATE occu¬ BUNGALOW - TWO bedrooms, DODGE WINDOW Van JOBS-temporary | for rent man, 1973, Power "Sports¬ permanent. Europe, Australia, or pancy, March rent paid, ft block TWO BEDROOM townhouse, full basement, 1 ft bath, carpeted all electric kitchen, washer/dryer, Apartments steering and South America, Africa, etc. All Berkey. $85/month, 351-8919. gas heat, gaiage, furnished, no brakes, air, radial tires. 393-0789. central air, $270/month. Call after pets. 372-8327. 3-2-26 Houses fields, $500-$1200 monthly. Ex¬ 3-2-26 5:30 p.m. 337-1250, East Lansing. penses paid, Rooms sightseeing. Free X3-2-24 | FOR sale Animals DUSTER, 1972. "s/x,"automatic. Sport coupe. Excellent condition. information write: INTERNATION¬ AL JOB CENTER, Dept. ME, Box "A HEARTBREAK//^ THREE BEDROOM duplex, family Rooms _ _ ][/•: 4490, Berkeley, California, 94704. Mobile Homes VEGA, 1971 Hatchback. 29,000 miles. Automatic. Uses 18-2-27 STORy OF WANTED PERSON to share large room, dishwasher, garage. 487- 1614 or 489-0057. 5-2-27 ONE, TWO neat females to share no oil A YOUW ODL/.6GE GRADUATE ranch-style house, north side. | LOST « found looks and runs great. $750. 484- CUSTODIAN, downtown 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. Call 393-7942. 6-2-25 personal 2266. 3-2-24 Married couple preferred. church. Apart¬ /M -SEARCH (3F A VB.. NDT 349-1492. 3-2-26 ONE PERSON wanted to share house with grad student. $110/ peanuts personal TWO ROOMS, spring and sum¬ real estate FAIRLANE 1962. Good body, ment with plus salary. Send references to box resume REOmiEUPBb fTfe V/EW/N6 CEDAR VILLAGE. 2 people need¬ month plus utilities. 349-1368. 5-2-27 mer, $75/month. Nice people, running condition. Must sell $250. A-4, ed. Available recreation 337-1520 or 332-0653. 5-2-27 State News. 6-2-24 £>Y COLLEGE A9E Srt/PEA/TS!* 9075. 4-2-27 immediately. 351- pets, East Side 6-3-2 Lansing. 485-1682. [ service FIAT 1974, X-19. 4 speed Red EAST LANSING, 1174 Snyder, three Instruction PART TIME employment for MSU FEMALE HOLT. Furnished except bedrooms, unfurnished, EAST LANSING, male students in with black top. One owner. Only students. 12-20 hours per week. for own bedroom, 2 $240/month, no pets, deposit Typing 10,000 actual miles. WILLIAMS bedrooms, all required. Craig, 339-9380 after 6 single rooms. Call after 5:30, Automobile required. 339-9500. utilities included. $105/month. 332-5791. 6-2-24 transportation VOLKSWAGEN INC., 2924 East C-11-2-27 355-1862 or 694 8463. 5-2-27 p.m. 6-2-27 wanted Grand O Colleqe Media Services Box 9411 River. Phone 484-1341. Berkeley, Co 9470") SUBLEASE OWN room. Utilities 3-2-25 2 ROOMS available round town WANTED NIGHT auditor and MALE NEEDED. spring with fall included. Campus one block. Fur¬ Large one bed¬ option. $88. Near campus. 351- cocktail waitresses, work nights room apartment, furnished, air, nished. Kitchen. Candye, 332- MERCURY MONTEGO 1973, and ski daytimes. Good contact Mrs. Payne, PETOSKY salary, | Apartments [[y] [' Apartments jgjpj close. 351-7227 after 4 p.m. 5-2-27 2476. 5-2-27 6905. 3-2-25 power steering, brakes, automatic, "RATES rust-proofed, 351, V-8, excellent HOLIDAY INN, (6161-347-6041, EAST SIDE, 5 room furnished FRANCIS STREET 5 bedrooms, SPRING TERM. Woman. Own condition. $2400. ext. 535. 10-3-2 TWO FEMALES sublease NEED ONE male. others. Utilities paid. DODGE spring and summer, $215 355-2816. apart¬ Spring 1 per room, co-ed house, $60 12 word ment. Spring term. $67/month. month. 351-0997. 3-2-25 plus. 3-2-26 only, Cedar Village 4-man, REALTY, 482-5909. 0-5-2-27 332-8953, Chris. 6-2-24 PIN-CHASER/mechanic wanted. Pool, cable. Close. 351-6443. 8-2- 351-3101. 3-2-24 MGB 1974, convertible. Red with WOMEN NEEDED to share fur¬ FEMALE PREFERRED. Own room Experience preferred but not nec¬ QUIET SINGLES with black top. 4 speed, radio. Real ONE BEDROOM, furnished apart nished apartment. One block from in comfortable house. Two blocks. - refrigera¬ essary. Apply in person at the tor and cupboards, ROYAL SCOT, 4722 West Grand CEDAR VILLAGE. One or two ment. East-side. Utilities paid, campus. $75.50/month. Spring - One month lease available near Union, sharp. WILLIAMS VOLKS¬ available mid-March. 663-8418. 4- girls needed spring term. Andrea, deposit. $110-$130/month. Call available immediately. 351-4493. 2/28/76. 351-3816. S-5-2-25 WAGEN INC., 2924 East Grand River, Lansing. 5-3-1 River. Phone 484-1341. 3-2-25 Diane, 332-4151. X3-2-25 485-7539 after 6 p.m. 3-2-26 5-2-27 COUNTRY LIVING, own bedroom ATTENDANT, LIVE in, to attorney in 5 bedroom MONTIE HOUSE cooperative has MGC 1968 GT. Radio, automatic, in wheelchair. NEED ONE female for Twycking- NICE EFFICIENCY, 3 blocks from house, 10 minutes ■l LIS I 7.20 Evenings, morning. ham apartment. Spring term. TIRED OF NOISE? south of campus, utilities rooms available for spring and low mileage. Good condition. Lifting, driving involved. Atten¬ campus, immed'ate occupancy. paid $68.75. March $125/month. Alane, 351-2076 after $93/month. 394-1168. 5-2-24 summer terms. Male or female. ■I 1.11 1.44 $1,095. 372-8130. 8-3-1 ded free from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. rent paid. 337-1841. WE HAVE 1,2 AND 3 Call 332-8641. X7-3-1 References. 484-9657. 5-3-1 X4-2-26 6 p.m. 4-2-27 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED PERSON NEEDED. Nice home. SUPER BEETLE 1973. New Half mile from MALE GRADUATE student want¬ engine TWO BEDROOM furnished apart¬ MALE NEEDED spring term. $75/ APARTMENTS University Club. with 0 miles. Brakes and tires only SECRETARY AND clerk typists $70+ utilities. 393-6773. 6-2-25 ed to share large house. $80/ ment for sublet. $190/month - month. Cedar Greens. Call 6 months old. Asking $2200. After positions available in busy East Marty, month. 339-3595. 3-2-26 DEADLINE negotiable. Quiet neighborhood. Randy 351-3744 after 4 2 p.m., 337-9411. 6-2-26 Lansing Association headquarters. General secretarial skills and good Snyder Road. 337-0947 or 332- 3-2-26 p.m. From J|UUPerMon,h NEAR CAMPUS 2-3 bedroom ONE STRAIGHT male to share 0959. X6 3-1 houses. $240 plus utilities. 351- before publication. (INCLUDES GAS HEAT 8 WATER) ay TOYOTA CORONA MKII 1972 typing essential. For more infor¬ 8518 or 694-5190 after five. Spartan Village apartment. Spring FEMALE NEEDED, starting 7-3-3 automatic, 46,000, $1,700, snows, mation call 332-6544, EOE. 7-2-27 spring call and/or summer term. $70/month. term, own room, $75. Cedar View radio, new battery. 353-3366. 3-2- TWO Call 355-0965 for information. JEWISH STUDENTS needed to Apartments. 332-8140. 5-3-1 KNOB HILL ROOMMATES wanted. 24 6-32 publication. be group leaders for Zionist Youth CEDAR Large Lansing house. Fireplace, ONE BEDROOM all utilities APARTMENTS prefer someone into classical TRIUMPH 1974 Spitfire, 4 speed Movement. Good salary. Call paid, mu¬ LARGE BEDROOM in house. One ce ad is ordered it cannot with radio, 2 tops. Only 7,000 VILLAGK furnished, carpeted, less than 4 349-4700 sic. Call George, 482-0260. 2-2-25 block from campus. $80/month. Jesse, 351-8666. 3-2-25 j# cancelled or changed until actual miles. This car can't be told 1 ( 2 bedroom opts. miles from campus in $165 per month. Phone 487-6357 Lansing. 5 miles from campus Sue, 337 9664. 4-2-27 'irst insertion, unless it is 3 BEDROOM from a new one. WILLIAMS MICHIGAN WILDERNESS Camp Communify atmosphere furnished, carpeting, sd & cancelled by noon or 349-3024. 10-3-8 VOLKSWAGEN INC., 2924 East seeks experienced counselors 20/ Sorry, opefs gas heat. 827 East Saginaw near OWN ROOM, three E class days before publica- LEASING FOR room house, Grand River. Phone 484-1341. over for sailing, swimming, riflery, Pennsylvania. $135. 482-6906. south Pennsylvania. $45 plus utili¬ SUMMERS FALL NEED ONE or two people to share 3-2-25 survival, leading canoe trips in IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE one ties. 484-0464. 3-2-26 $1.00 STARTS MARCH 1. apartment until June. Call 349- a service, Ontario. Register at Placement block from campus, 4916 after 5 p.m. 6-3-2 Evergreen. harge for an ad change plus TRIUMPH 1971. $1,450, no rea¬ Services for Friday afternoon in¬ Semi-furnished, one bedroom 3S1•5180 The ir word per day for sonable offer refused. Phone 676- terview. 4-2-26 apartment. Sublease. TWO BEDROOM apartment. 332-0620, dditional words. 5976 or 1-589-8262. 3-2-25 337 0719, 489-2431. 6 2-26 CHILD Newly redecorated, 5 large rooms. CARE-Light housekeeping. Near hospital, LCC, Monday through Friday. Live in or MSU, bus VEGA, 1972 Hatchback GT. Auto¬ service. Ground floor, quiet resi¬ ROOMMATE NEEDED immedi¬ Creative Corner matic, 34,000 miles. Sharp. Call out. Near campus. References. ately for 4-man Twyckingham FURNISHED, OVERSIZED one dential area. All utilities paid. evenings, 482-2455. 6-2-27 Start late April. 351-5527. 6-3-1 bedroom apartment. One block Apartments. Call 351-6666. 3-2-24 Immediate occupancy. Ample e State News will be from campus. Phone 332-0111. ponsible only for the first parking, $210/month. Phone 627- VW BUS 1975, Seven passenger. BABYSITTER NEEDED. Monday 0-6-2-27 4472. 3-2-26 CLEMENS 517 North, 3 furnished rs incorrect insertion. Manual shift, AM/FM stereo, trough Thursday. 4:30 p.m. - rooms for graduate couple, lease, Michelins, Trailer hitch. 332-3039. 1*30 a.m. $25 per week. Call SPRING TERM- need one room¬ $140. Call 484-7253. 8-3-2 Bills are due 7 days from the TWO BEDROOM furnished apart¬ 4.2-27 355-6079.5-2-27 mate for 4-man Bd expiration date. If not paid ment for sublet. $190/month - apartment, $62.50 NEED ONE female for by the due date, a 50£ late negotiable. Quiet neighborhood. /month. 351-4238. 4-2-27 Twycking¬ VW CAMPER Van 1969. Recently MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST. Lan¬ ham apartment. Spring term. ce charge will be due.^^/ Snyder Road. 337 0947 or 332- $68.75. March re-built engine. $1500 or best sing Regional RED CROSS rent paid. 337-1841. BLOOD Program has immediate 0959. 6-2-27 4-225 offer. 351-1457 after 6 p.m. 3-2-26 ?.ound Town openings for qualified Medical Technologists, day and evening CEDAR VILLAGE. One or two : Jim's Garage : ONE BEDROOM. 1 or 2 persons. girls needed spring term. Andrea, $90 each. Very close to MSU. ! Motorcycles w shifts. Progressive laboratory with excellent benefits and educational Diane, 332-4151. 3-2-24 : in : 332-3966 or 482-9849. 3-2-24 opportunities. For further informa¬ • GRAND LEDGE • SOMEBODY'S LOOKING for a tion call the NEED ONE male, four man apart¬ • • FEMALE ROOMMATE Lansing RED CROSS # Now featuring on Wednesday# needed, bike like yours now. Advertise it! at 484-7461 weekdays, 8:30-5 p.m. ment spring term, furnished, Cam¬ own room, own phone. $105/ State News Classified. 355-8255. # night the super bluegrass# month. 332-3740 after 5 6-2-24 pus Hill, 349-4163. 6-3-1 • sounds of the New Friends.® p.m. Ask for Randy. 3-224 • Dance Thurs. - Set. to the® SELL ADVERTISING for the Lan¬ SUBLET, UNFURNISHED studio ® 1974 TRIUMPH, DATONA 500, apartment. Through August. sounds of EZ Living. ® CUTE TWO bedroom. Furnished, IVERTISE YOUR special events seen at 1702 Hillcrest Street, off sing Star. High commission. Car Walk-MSU. $141.85. 351-0996 be¬ carpeted, $225, parking, close to and experience helpful, not neces¬ MSU LCC. No children, pets. (special rates" in our 'Round South Logan. 882-7841. 12-3-5 fore 3:30 p.m. 6-3-1 - ;n column. Call Vicki, 355- sary. Call 485-2798 before noon. Evenings, 482-5450. 5-2-24 5-3-1 KAWASAKI 350,1973,3 cylinder, SUBLEASE MOBILE Home. •••••••••••••••• March-June. Furnished. Lake. 10 MONTH'S RENT freel Two fe¬ good condition, sissy bar, road WANTED: CIGARETTE sampler. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, males, sublease spring term. Part time job. 20 hours per week. minutes to campus. $140/month. south, furnished studio. Utilities pegs, low mileage. $750/best of¬ ■Aulomotive j[ weeks. Thet'*J9Mj M pounds In Ufay£ Needlepoint Book Flower Crochet Book $1.00 .$1.00 NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP, | e35l 7743-337-2381. 3-2-25 Check our low rates and easy payment plan. Close to campus. CALL CAROL to fill your apart¬ ptiyskion especially lor the U. whHe reducing. Vou It's keep "Ml" Normal energy I* maintained (vary Important I) •• no starvation •• because ma aiar is aesignaa mar way. dial that Is easy to fallow whether you work. travel or Hairpin Crochet Book _$1.00 Instant Crochet Book $1.00 SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. GET A $1.00 pattern tree - ARCH ■ stay at heme. ialrjiSS'97°, 2 door hardtop, . LLOYDS OF LANSING INSUR¬ ment vacancy nowl STATE This is honestly a fantastically successful diet. If It weren't, the U.S. Woman's Ski Team Instant Macreme Book S1.00 choose it from NEW SPRING- wouldn't ha permitted to use Itl tight? So, give yourself the same break the U.S. Ski Instant Money Book _$100 lo 'cML195-CAPITAL CITY ANCE, 484-1414. 0-18-2-27 NEWS CLASSIFIED. 355-8255. 18-2-27 Team gats. Lose woighl ths scientific, proven way. Evan H you've triad all the ether diet*, Complete Sift Book *1.00 SUMMER CATALOG! Packed with hundreds of great sun, sport, ■* C-5-2 27 ^St you owe H to yourself to try the U.S. Woman's Ski Teem Dial. That to lose 30 pounds In two weeks. Order Is. If you really do want today. Tear this out as a reminder. Complete Afghans 414 .$1.00 city, travel styles. Send 75# WE WRITE all forms of insurance Send only »a** {'J" far Rush Service) • cash 12 Prize Afghans #12 50# for Catalog Now! LAKE LANSING, lakofront living. Is O.K. to: t.D.S. Freducts. F.O. Bos Mi. Book of 16 Quilts |1 at low rates plus an easy payment No cover and working person Dept. I*. Del Mar, California 920M. Don't order unless you wont to lose 20 pounds In two 50# Sew + Kelt leek $1.25 CfLl1967' Spendable, new plan. Call UNION UNDERWRITER Deluxe one bedroom, all appli¬ laundry, no pets/children. prices. Super Beers and pitch¬ s whet the Ski Teem Diet Is designed to do 11 Museum Quilt Book 42 15 Quilts for Todiy 43 —50# 50# Instant Money Crafts .$1.00 y^esMustseiLbest INSURANCE AGENCY. 485+1317. 0-20-2-27 ances, Phone 882-1040, 5-2-25 ers of mixed drinks. Book ol 16 Jiffy Rugs 50# lastant Sewing Book iestant Fashion Book .... $1.00 $1.00 8 Michigon Stote News, East loosing, Michigon Tuesdo)'V' F«bruary Rooms RtwTlftl For Sale 1(^1 Rial Estate <6 FREE ROOM for housekeeper. Off Abbott. Nicely furnished. Cleaning 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. THREE TWIN beds, extra long, Beauty Rest, one Serta. Coldspot 2 COOLIDGE ROAD. Duplex, East Lansing, Veterans, no money Junk food sales ban askec house, dishes, etc. Kitchen privi- avacado ice-maker frostless refri¬ down. Great rental area. Good ledges. No parking. 372-6853, and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING If you are what you eat, then ed a report called "A Matter of The proposed bill would re¬ gerator. Odds and ends. 675-5358. place to live. Call Don or Eileen "It sounds I 332-1800. 0-2-27 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar Op¬ state representative is Justice." The report was re¬ quire the state board of educa¬ vppv .. . posite City Market. C-20-2-27 6-2-26 Smith, 646-0748, or GAY GARD¬ NER REALTY, INC. 372-6750 one prepared to prevent public leased in early February and tion to set up guidelines as to situation we Maner said, lr^'l GUITAR, BANJO, mandolin, les¬ (4901. 5-2-24 school students from becoming dealt with the problems sur¬ what constitutes junk food. It referrin' ^'B [ For Sale ][§ SEWING MACHINE clearance sale! Brand new portables M9.95. sons, rates. Excellent teachers. ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, Low NEAR LAINGSBURG, 17 miles little potato chips and chocolate bars- rounding Michiganders' eating habits, especially those of preg¬ also stipulates that each local board of education would esta¬ W -hoc, decide what machine,, kI 332-4331. 8-3-3 their NEED CASH? Find a buyer for 55 per month. Large selection of north, older large farmhouse, 4 bedrooms, one acre, $28,500 Rep. Raymond . „ Hood, j nant mothers and the elderly. blish an advisory committee buildings. Hood said that W»B your sellable items. Call Randy, reconditioned used machines. Sin¬ PHOTO GRAY lens bifocal or D-Detroit, announced Monday "The schools should be set¬ composed of students, parents h. 11 I State News Classified, 355-8255. SP-18-2-27 gers, Whites, Necchi's, New Home and "many others." $19.95 single vision. OPTICAL DIS¬ $2,000 down. 351-7497. 0-9 3 5 that he plans to introduce a ting a good example, and this and teachers to recommend .and his realistic other 'b5 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 COUNT, 2617 East Michigan, Lan¬ sing. 372-7409. C-5-2-27 package of bills that would, bill will assist them in doing just that," Hood said. "It has to foods to be sold in the schools chance for puZ this session." '""Pag .'| FENDER DUAL Showman Head among other things, prohibit based on "local cultural appeal with 15" SRO in cabinet. $275. North Washington, 489-6446, the sale of "junk foods" in the be pretty hard to teach stu¬ and sufficient nutritive value." Other bills in Hoort'. - , I 337 0367. 3-2-24 C-20-2-27 MARANTZ 2240 quad amp. Mar- DUAL 1218 turntable with base and dust cover. Excellent condi¬ tion. $100. 882-4905. 6-3-1 FOR QUALITY stereo service visit the STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East public schools. Hood said that he decided to dents about the benefit of good nutrition when they can walk Walt Maner, lobbyist of the Michigan Tobacco and Candy deal with the nutrition office, in creation ofjjjl impr0(^| TEAC 160 stereo cassette deck. Grand River. C-20-2-27 out of the classroom and pick up nutritional standards Year old, excellent, just overhaul¬ antz 2215 receiver. Both with introduce this legislation after Distributor and Vendors Assn., ed, $170. 355-1474. 3-2-24 cabinets. Harry, 882 4904. 5-2-25 the House Committee on Public a candy bar on their way to said that he had not yet seen Health, which he chairs, releas¬ lunch." the bill but thought it would not MAGNAVOX COMBINATION KING SIZE waterbed, never been L Instruction have that much of an Promote entry of Nativ, ijl impact on stereo. TV. AM/FM, good condi¬ tion, must sell, best offer. 882- used. $45 or best 5-225 offer. 353-4007. Aiiiils |fVt] GUITAR LESSONS by cassette tape For free information write: the vending machine industry. IST.' 51 1130. 3-2-24 DUAL 1015 turntable, completely Lesson Info, 42154 West 7 Mile. rebuilt, new base and dust. $56/ FREE LOVEABLE gray and white Northville, Mi. 48167. 3-2-25 SPEAKERS JENSEN 5. Excellent male cat to good home. 677-5322. Indian denounces! condition. List $189 apiece, must best offer. 332-3672. 3-2-26 Come study with us who Jesus Announcements for It's What's E-5-2-25 WRITING CONSULTANT 8 sell $190 pair. 353-2857. 6-2-27 Christ is. Discussion is based on years experience teaching compo Happening must be received in the TRAVIS - BEAN guitars now in State News Office, 341 Student the Gospel of Mark at 9:15 tonight, HORSES BOARDED, 2 miles from sition skills. Foreign students wel¬ GUITAR GIBSON. F-hole, accous- stock. Lansing area exclusive. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least 7th floor study lounge, West MSU, large box stalls, indoor and come. 337-1591. 3-2-25 tical, beautiful condition, easily Finest in electric guitars. MAR¬ two class days before publication. Owen Hall. All are welcome. outdoor arenas, trails, daily exer¬ played, case. $225. 349-1338, Bob. 5-2-27 SHALL MUSIC, East Lansing. C I 2-24 cise. Reasonable rates. WALNUT LANE FARM. 332-3232 after 6 p.m. 8-3-3 [W«I Service i&j No announcements will be cepted by phone. ac¬ open The Great Issues Office is Tuesday through Thursday now Gandhi's regime Wounded Knee Support Com¬ FENDER Rhodes piano 73, in afternoons. Stop by and see us, ANN BROWN PRINTING and mittee literature table set up from perfect condition. Call 882-1854 at PARIANI JUMPING saddle, quali¬ 336 Student Services Bldg., or call night. X6-2-25 TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today in the 355-8266. By JONICIPRIANO ty leather, slightly used, $260. Call International Center lobby. State News Staff Writer LARGE ADVENT loud speakers general typing. Serving MSU for Jill, 655-2632. 6-2-24 26 years with complete theses Subramanian Swamy, a member of Indian VIVITAR ZOOM telephoto lens, plus more. Must hear! Anytime service. 349-0850. C-20-2-27 Libertarians believe in both civil Film Festival with W.C. Fields all friends of India to take a Parliament, ism I $90 or best offer. 332-8833 after 5 3-2-26 after 6 p.m. 355-5449. 3-2-26 MALE, SIAMESE. 6 months. and economic liberties. MSU Lib¬ and others at 7:15 p.m. Friday, measures which are forcing strong stand against the oppres^l p.m. Shots. $20. Will neuter. 351-0629, COMPLETE DISSERTATION and ertarian Alternative meets at 8:30 Unitarian Universalist Church, 855 himself, to flee the country. many formerly loyal Indian 81I ask for Betsy. E-5-2-24 resume service. Printing, IBM, tonight, C305 Wells Hall. Help put Grove St., just south of the East IBM SELECTRIC, 13" carriage, Swamy, a member of the opposition to Indira Gandhi's with cover. Excellent condition. typing, binding. Printing from your the Libertarian in Michigan. Party on the ballot Lansing Library. All donations will party, spoke to a crowd of over 60 people Sunday mini plain paper originals. Corner go to the Guatemala earthquake night $350. Call 349-2165. 4-2-27 Hllili Hoits IN M.A.C. and Grand River. Below The Natural Resources and United Ministries of Higher Education, 1118 Harrison effort to give the people of the United States Road.inhsl TWO DOUGLAS G60-14 Jones Stationary Shop, 9-5, Mon¬ a picture ol what 11 day-Friday. Call COPYGRAPH Environmental Education Club is Armenians! Don't stop watch¬ happening in India today. East chrome rims, like new. $65. DETROITER 1969, Mobile home. Lansing is one stop of manvoi 655 2827 after 5 p.m. 3-2-26 Two bedroom, front kitchen, SERVICE, 337-1666. C-20-2-27 meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, 338 ing this column whatever you dol worldwide tour. Natural Resources Bldg. NREE News of the first meeting aluminum skirted, must sell. of an Sponsored by Indians for Democracy, a US. based MAPLE KITCHEN chairs EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis majors, find out what's happening p in excel¬ $2700. 351-1304. X-3-2-24 organization for Armenian stu¬ Swamy (who was arrested in India, but managed to leave tbI sertations. (pica-elite). FAYANN, in the field and hear Joe lent condition. Large frostless Jennity dents will appear here soon. Tell country legally) and the organization are earnestly refrigerator, good condition. 351- 10 CHANNEL MICROPHONE mix¬ 1967 BELMONT 12x55. 2 bed¬ 489 0358. C-20-2-27 speak on entropy. your hye friends. Keep watching! trying |»I er, V.U.'S monitor, echo, reverb, enlighten Indians in the U.S. to the conditions in India, as oppafl 5539. 2 2-25 rooms, stove, refrigerator, and to newspaper and government accounts. W stereo pan, crossover controls. some furniture. $2,600. 485-6124 UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS COM¬ There will be an important U.S. Senatorial candidate John DOBERMAN PUPS. AKC, 9 Low and hi Z. 100 foot snake. after 11 a.m. 6-2-25 PLETE DISSERTATION and re¬ "Presently, over 140,000 Indians have been jailed without triil'fl meeting of the Michigan State Otterbacher will be in the Interna¬ weeks, $125. 2 black-tan males Lifetime guarantee. $1800. GILL sume service. IBM typing, editing, Swamy said. "In addition to this number, we have rramfl multilith offset printing, type-set¬ Squash Club at 7:30 tonight, 215 tional Center lobby from 11 a.m. to estimates from the Central People's Struggle Committee left. 393-2650. 5-3-1 ELECTRONICS, 489-1580. 5-2-27 SCHULTZ 1973. Three bedroom, Men's Intramural Bldg. thai 1 p.m. Thursday to talk to stu¬ furnished. Set-up and skirted. ting and binding. We encourage 18,000 more have been jailed since January of this SKIS-USED Northlands, $18 with dents concerning his campaign yi MOVING SALE, double bed mat¬ Excellent condition, $5500. 339- comparative shopping. For esti¬ Swamy points out that these prisoners are not just Anyone interested in the martial and views. tress, 17 inch black and white TV, bindings. New K2 glass-$50. 8310. 6-2-24 mate stop in at 2843 East Grand art of Aikido, a self-defense which members of the opposition party — they include presidents aadl electric fan, bedroom lamps, Boots-$15. Phone 489-1580. 5-2- River or phone 332-8414.0-20-2-27 tier, stresses harmony and personal All are welcome to a free secretaries of most student unions, teacher associatio: and tables. 355-6051. 4-2-27 growth, come to the Men's I.M. teenagers thought to be politically dangerous. Lost I Fond I TYPING BY the hour. Drop off Judo Room at 9:30 tonight and Christian Science lecture entitled PROFESSIONAL TRUMPET and service. Secretarial assistance. "An Individual Peace" by Roy "The government has not produced one single docwmtdB Wednesday night or at 1 p.m. reason as to why these mass arrests are case, excellent condition, $130. 694-0222. If no answer, 393-2499 Linnig, C.S.B., at 4:15 p.m. Wed¬ necessary," Swamy saiiH BICYCLE Phone 489-1580. 5-2-27 0-20-2-27 Sunday. nesday, 104B Wells Hall. Come and listen. "Gandhi keeps changing her reasons as to why she is down these 'emergency measures.' " claapigl I PIRGIM needs journalism stu¬ REPares! COME ON down to DICKER & DEAL. Component stereos under TYPING, IBM. Theses, term pa¬ dents interested in helping devel¬ He said that since Gandhi has extended press censorship tel $100. Sansui receiver 2000, [_ Personal rersu / pers. Experienced. Call JOHN CALHOUN, 332-2078. 0 14-2-27 op a good media program for both SMELL TERRIBLE? sciences Group presents a seminar Neuro- include even her own speeches, the people cannot look bark athsl $189.99. Pioneer turntable, belt the MSU office and the down¬ past speeches and compare them with the tremendous turnabonliH driven, $69.99. Stereo speakers town state office. See Helen by Sara Winans, U-M: "The in her stand that are being expressed in her current speethal FREE...A lesson in complexion PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ Webb in 329 Student Service* Nervous System and Olfaction" at from $50 a pair. Teac reel to reel In answer to the question of whether these emcrjisiB care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan sonal and professional IBM 4010-S, $279.99. 10-spdeds from ^Bldg. for information. 4 p.m. today, 106B Wells Hall. or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE typing. m measures have improved the lives of the Indian people. Stun $40. Name brands. One day service. 351 5094. C 20 2- Camping NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. answers an emphatic "no." equipment; stoves, backpacks, Free Pediatric Clinic from 6 to Now Open. . .Position as An economist by trade and author of a book on the | tents, and lanterns. Kitchen table, C-20-2-27 8:30 Wednesday evenings. Immu¬ WMSN station manager. Apply in economic development of India and China, Swamy said compmtiit| $30. DICKER & DEAL, 1701 South TYPING: TERM papers, theses, 8 Student Services Bldg. between thai U BANDS, ALL sorts and prices for nizations, school and camp phys¬ is becoming monopolized by the government and mulliniiira' Cedar. 487-3886. C-11-2-27 dissertations, general typing. Ex¬ 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Submit VducipciL Kddkr parties/dances. Professional icals, illness, welll-baby care - corporations and that any optimistic reports which have lite groups for one night engage¬ perienced, fast, dependable. 485- birth to 12, by appointment only. applications before Friday. TEXAS INSTRUMENT SR-10 cal¬ 6960. 0-10-2-27 into the U.S. about India's improved economic si ments. A&A PRODUCTIONS, Call the DEC across from the East culator, new condition, recharger- Proper ransacking and mo- phone collect for John, 313-769- Lansing Police Department. adapter included. Regularly $48.50 0800, Ann Arbor, Michigan. In addition, prices have risen on an average of 25 per re TYPING TERM papers and theses, hawking of coal stoves will be now only $33.50. 353-1586. 5-2-27 AMPEG SVT bass amp. Used BL-1-2-24 IBM experienced, fast service. Call Health professional students: demonstrated at the coal stove compared to those eight months ago. Fender jazz and precision bass 351-8923. Z-18-3-4 Come and meet John Doherty, clinic following the MSU Railroad "The underground network is extensive, proving the peeplm ELECTROCOMP SYNTHESIZER, executive vice-president of the discontent guitars. Gibson EB3 bass, Vintage INTERVIEWING COUPLES by Club meeting at 8:30 tonight, 331 over these conditions," he said. "There are over, Danelectro Longhorn bass, used demo model 101, 4 oscillators, phone, for a study concerning Michigan Health Council; member Union. underground newspapers in existence. Even in opinion polls M Fender Strat, Gibson L6S, old polyphonic, two envelopes, sam¬ abortion within marriage. Call of the Health Manpower Task in magazines which are sympathetic to Gandhi, almost SO penal Gretsch Viking electric hollow ple and hold, Ring mod., more. Force; and chairman of the Na¬ $1300. GILL ELECTRONICS, 489- 337-2609 (after five). 1-2-24 The ASMSU Board Meeting will of the people polled expressed dissatisfaction or else refused^ body deluxe, used Gibson J45 tional Assn. of Health Manpower be held at 7:30 tonight, 4 Student 1580. 5-2-27 comment, due to the fear of being jailed." acoustic, 1950's Epiphone acous¬ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY gets at¬ IRENE ORR. Theses, term papers, Executive. Today from 4 to 5 p.m., Services Bldg. Gandhi herself is proving her uncertainty of the people'ss tic, Ovation 6 string, very old Trouble tention! Box in your ads! For general typing. Formerly with Ann 104 Natural Science Bldg. finding thoio current by imposing press censorship, postponing national elections ul Dobro, old time banjo, much inlay. records, topes and oldies? We better results advertise now! Mar¬ Brown. Call 485-8018, after 6 p.m. Gay Liberation will discuss gay New Martin D-35 reduced price. have the finest record and garet, 355-8255. SP-18-2-27 482-7487. C-20-2-27 International Folk Dancing will subjecting thousands to arrest without trials. I Sale prices on new Traynor guitar tape people and the arts at 8:30 p.m. meet at 8:00 tonight, 339 Case "When a person accumulates all power into her and bass amps.New Systech mail-order service available. For complete catalog, send M. Hall. Dances from all over the Wednesday, 334 Union. chances of losing the government to a foreign power becMI handsj phase shifter and overdrive. New Yamaha guitars reduced. 40 new Small World Record, Service, P.O. Box 3B577D, Hollywood. [ Real Estate « [Transportation world will be taught. All are welcome. MSU Folksong Society holds a stronger," Swamy said. "Only decentralization and balama power are adequate safeguards against foreign takwYP and used microphones, big sav¬ hootenanny at 8:30 p.m. every ftlifoWW.- Swamy does not feel that democracy has (ailed forever in ings. Band instruments, many EAST LANSING, BEST BUY! 204 Maplewood, approximately VISITING other HARVARD, law schools Cornell, over spring Snyder-Phillips, Mason-Abbott Tuesday in the Old College Hall within the Union Grill. Bring songs "I think we only had a smattering of democracy evenMl" Iwj factory rebuilt and guaranteed. MARANTZ STEREO receiver, very residents: Find out about co-op Santa Marsala mexican button famous model, very little used, in a 1700 square feet of living area. break. Want companion. Call Deb- living at the off-campus housing to share. Come one and all! Indira Gandhi took over," he said. "However, there « style accordian. We buy, sell, or box, $400 originally. $200. Phone Top, top condition! 2 baths, ra, 332 5031. 4-2-27 accountability to the people on the part of big business, ser symposium in Phillips cafeteria at trade. WILCOX SECONDHAND 351-1189 evenings and weekends. exceptionally large bedrooms. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Spend this summer working in officials and the police." KEEP DRAPERIES CLOSED STORE, 500 Michigan Avenue, 6-2-24 Large lot with mature trees. Price Appalachia tutoring handicapped This accountability is now gone, Swamy added, but op 485-4391. Big green building. C- terms will pleasantly surprise you! when you don't need light. Win¬ Marriage: past, present, and children, working in summer from the people may bring it back. If conditions do not in 12-1-27 PIONEER CTF-2121 cassette deck, Call VOLLMER REALTORS, Ray dows are responsible for 26 % of heat loss. Use a low-cost ad in future — join Lin Mrachek as she camps or in community recreation the nonviolent opposition will offer itself to mass a Dolby, new warranty, $155, was Vollmer, 349-2200 or evenings JOEL Classified when you want to examines where marital bond has programs. Visit CAHED for more overloading the jails and creating problems the govemmen «l MABUS teaches guitar $200. David-office 353-9700, home 337-1516. Shown by appoint¬ been and where it's going on "The information at 113 Linton Hall not be able to banjo and mandolin lessons at 484-7092. 6-2-25 ments only. 5-2-24 exchange household merchandise solve, he said. for cash. Web of Marriage" at 8:30 tonight between 1 and 5 p.m. Monday ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS 332- on WKAR-TV, channel 23. throuth Thursday. 4331 several other excellent in¬ Protest coverage koocktil| structors teach there too! 8-3-3 WKAR-AM 870 will broadcast The Williams Hall Input Council will sponsor a presentation by the YOU CAN learn to play banjo! Place Your live the Michigan Environmental Lessons in Bluegrass and old- Review Board hearing on Pigeon Student Workers Union at 7:30 tonight, Williams Hall Cafeteria. no black reporters preseiuim timey. Low rates. Call ELDERLY River Oil Drilling Plan at 9 a.m. (continued from page 1) INSTRUMENTS, 332 4331. 8-3-2 PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD today. Question and answer period will follow the presentation. Stallworth said that the State News article endangered the the staff but said that shortage of thcre»| black appWL TRAYNOR AMP and electric Api- If you have a housing problem lives of every student on cam¬ when positions are ivai4»J MSU Sailing Club will meet at phone guitar. IBM electric type¬ the Tenants' Resource Center can pus and said that he felt an He recognized the 7:30 tonight, 208 Men's I.M. Bldg. writer. Best offer, 694-8829.'6-2-27 Today... Just complete form and mail with help you. Trained housing coun¬ Members should bring work hours apology from the paper was in minority represent."^ selors on duty Monday through State News staff and payment to the STATE NEWS. to determine if order. SMITH CORONA typewriter; 8 - Friday 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and you can sail this Other students said that the black students presenile4" track tapes; albums; best offer. CLASSIFIED DEPT. Saturday 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. spring. Shore school at 7 p.m. 337-9576 after 5 p.m. E-5-2-27 original article had been over¬ Criminal Justice Students Stu¬ The MSU Sports Car Club will played and blown out of propor¬ meet at 8:30 tonight, Lizard's tion due to "the inherent racism dent Advisory Committee will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, 340 Union. downstairs. Check it outl of the State News editorial staff." Orr admitted that there NewsLinel Women's Studies Colloquium are Brown Bag lunch for all women presents Louise Tilly of the His¬ from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday in tory Dept. and Women's Studies Program at the Univ. of Michigan. . Zip Code _ 6 Student Services Bldg. Onuma Ezera of the MSU Library will Topic: "Women's Work in 19th Peevish wives speak on "Women and Education Century Cities" at 4 today, 342 in Africa." Sponsored by the Union. News? Youre Women's Resource Center. Be the first Viking on your may ride with probably aware block I Learn great sword tactics. of as much of it HRI Hospitality Assn. Meeting: as we are, be¬ Marriott will give a presentation at 7 tonight in Kellogg Auditorium. Society for Creative Anachronism fighting practice at 7 p.m. every cops on patrol cause people AND CHECK OUT make the news. Schlitz will give a presentation at Tuesday, 203 Men's I.M. Bldg. COLUNGWOODAPTS! 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Big Ten So it you know ol There will be a Student Media CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) - r inajor problem Room. * air conditioned Appropriations Board meeting Disgruntled wives may accom¬ at the University * on dishwasher March 2 to allocate funds for pany cranky cruising cops if the or in East Lan A program on thermal hazards * Concord Police Benevolent shag carpeting of the body during outdoor activ¬ spring term, 1976, in The ASMSU Assn. has its way. sing. Pve * Board Room, 8 p.m. unlimited parking ities (hypothermia, hyperthermia) regarding call on our Payment must be sent with Peanuts Personals The association has asked us a * Plush furniture and protecting against them at the applications considered Feb. 16. permission for wives and girl¬ confident!*1 * Model Open Daily 12 Words or Less: 1 day • •2" 3day«-'5" 6 days'10" MSU Outing Club, 7 tonight, 116 NewsLine at 353- 90' per word "Lovejoy's Nuclear War," friends to ride in patrol cars Over 12 Words Add: IS'par word 50'par word Natural Sciences Bldg. a film with officers on 3865, Sunday^ about the man, our environment duty. coll 351-8282 □ □ □ Friday. MSU Block and Bridle Club and nuclear power will be shown "Some wives have very little (behind Old World Plain Mail to: Stato News Classified in conjunction with the Human idea what we do and on the river Dept. meeting at 7:30 tonight, 110 why we I) 347 Student Services Bldg. Anthony Hall. Stall deposits for Rights Party's Public Power Peti¬ come home so cranky," Capt. East Lansing, Mich 48323 Little International will be avail¬ tion and PIRGIM's Safe Lawrence J. Sullivan said, Energy ex¬ Initiative. able. plaining the request. ijchigon Stole New», Eoat Laming, Michigan Tuesday, February 24, 1976 9 THE SMALL SOCIETY ty Brickman "TWejze AP&e0P&A LOTOA- ftMlNcS- IN TH& mmx, AteNSsH - I MavJ. . want? (7-1213-41) Happy Days / To$& (23) Carrascolendas (4-5-8-10) City Of Angels 5:45 AM 125) Dinahl PfeSlPfeNT" L Is The Life (7-12-1341) Marcus Welby, M.D. (50) Underdog (9) Celebration OF N&W 11:55 (23) Special Of The Week (3-6) News 12:00 NOON 10:30 Lsage For Todiy (2-5-6-8-13) News (9) Agriscope (Of Mich. Presents (3) Young & Restless (23) Woman (4) To Tell The Truth 11:00 (7-12-41) Let's Make A Deal (3-4 5-6-7-8-9- (9) Dob McLean 10-12-13-23) News Tod | College (10) Marble Machine |l,ege Of 6:30 Lifelong Leirning (23) Dill Moyers' Journal (50) Bugs Bunny (34-5-6-7-9-10-12-25) (13) Adam-12 News (41) Mary Hartman (50) Groucho DOONESBURY Pretty Things Styx 1||. Of Mich. Presents (6) Almanac 12:20 PM (23) (41) Gettin' Over Movie 11:30 (2-34-5-6-7-8-10-12-25-41) New by Garry Trudeau |loitaiqmoqt F»b. 27. 7:30 P.M. MSU Auditorium Jissroom 150) Lucy Hampshire Primary Tickets at Union — *5 ft '6 i Sunrise Semester 12:30 (23) Making It Count 7:00 ■lews & Firm Report (2-3-6-25) Search For Tomorrow (50) Movie (4) News (2-7 8-14) News ALRJ6HT, CONCERN, MR. Barm Show 6:45 (5-10) Take My Advice (7-12-13-41) All My Children (3) Concentration (4) Bowling For S 12:00 MIDNIGHT \LETS6ET ] THIS OVER DUKE "OUR OPERA AL- GOOD rn/ml DONOTBE ALARMED,MR. i AUTOMATIC AS IT OFTEN laming Edition (5) Ironside | num.. RAYS STARTS HIHATM OUKE-IT/S UEAPONS IS IN LIFE (6) Mike Douglas (2-3-6-25) Movies (9) Celebrity Cooks (6) Hogan's Heroes ON TIME. UFU m ONLY THE FIRE IS THE ITSELF, MR. (4-5-8-10) Tonight Show 7:00 (50) Lucy (10) Adam-12 (12) Brady Bunch (7-12-1341) Tuesday Mystery ■fHffpf ovm"l£- (MAJURB?! DUKE. 12:55 19) Movie (13) Truth Or Consequences |5! News (5-10) News 1:30 (23) Animation Festival *10) Today 1.00 (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow (25) F.B.I. Led Morning, Americe (2) Love Of Life (501 Family Affair (7-12-13) News Brest Rangers (3-25) Accent 2:00 7:30 Big Top (4-10) Somerset (2) Movie (2) Name That Tune Sunshine Show (5) Marble Machine 13) Candid Camera (7) Religious Message 7:25 (6) Martha Dixon Show 2:30 ay In Detroit (7-12-13-41) Ryan's Hope (4-10) News (4) George Pierrot Ichigan Today (6) Collage 3:30 Bond Morning, Michigan (9-50) Movies (2) Second Chance (7) Price Is Right (23) Making It Count 4:00 (8-10) Hollywood Squares 1:25 (2) News (9) Room 222 (2) News 4:05 (12) Let's Make A Deal 1:30 (21 Message For Today (13) To Tell The Truth (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns (14) Cable Spotlight (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives (23) Martin Agronsky FIND WHAT YOU'VE (7-12-1341) Rhyme & Reason (50) Hogan's Heroes BEEN LOOKING FOR! (23) Speaking Freely 8:00 2:00 CALL (2 3 6 25) Good Times (7-12-1341) S20.000 Pyramid STATE NEWS (4-5-10) Movin' On 2:30 (7-12-13-41) Happy Days CLASSIFIED (2-3-6-25) Guiding Light (8) America 355 - 8255 (4-5-8-10) Doctors (9) Grand Old Country 8:25 (7-1341) The Neighbors (23) Behind The Lines Iday In Detroit (12) Mary Hartman (50) Merv Griffin ichigan Today (23) World Press 8:30 Jaather Report 3:00 (2-3-25) Popi ■ood Morning, Michigan (2-3-6-25) All In The Family (6) Screen Test 8:30 (4-5-8-10) Another World (7-12-1341) Laverne & Shirley Tm Reg U S Pat Ott - All (7-12-1341) General Hospital (9) This Is The Law nght^eservedJl I <0 1976 by Uniled Feature Syndicate, lnc%^l " (9) Insight (14) News (23) What's Cooking? (23) E.R.A. In A New Era 3:30 9:00 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (2-3-6-25) Match Game (2-3-6-25) M*A*S*H by Bill Yates lie 3 (7-12-1341) One Life To Live (4-5-8-10) Police Woman BOB DOYLE (9)Take 30 (7-12-13-41) The Rookies and the (23) Lilies, Yoga & You (9) Fifth Estate BUFFALO iFfoO H/MF (50)Popeye (14) Classified Ads CHIPKICKERS 4:00 (23) Adams Chronicles fO (2) Mike Douglas 9:30 (3) Tattletales (2-3-6-25) One Day At A Time Sloppy Joe Special AFT&P fvept Wtke Douglas (4) Lassie (50) Dinah! 5—10pm l\TXVE (5) Movie 10:00 QOO?0/e \A(F?0 (6) Confetti) (2-3-6-25) Switch f|JW (7) Edge Of Night fAO0\ 18) Gilligan's Island JO^T (9) Coming Up Rosie TUEiClA*':: FOfR&FT IT , (10) Hot Dog (12) Love American Style (13) Bewitched (14) Cable Journal IC.HTS (23) Mister Rogers (25) Yogi & Friends 9:30 FRANK & ERNEST Sponsored by: us Message (41) Speed Racer (50) 3 Stooges (3) Dinah! 4:30 (NBC) Movin'On "Full Fathom Five" Sonny joins (CBS) One Oay At A Time (CBS) Switch 10:00 by Bob Thaves urn 10% MSU DISCOUNT 9:55 (4) Mod Squad up with a friend in search for Pete suddenly becomes the B'ol Duvall (6) Partridge Family sunken treasure. possible target for a bullet from I 10:00 (7) Movie the syndicate. 125I Price Is Right (9-12) Andy Griffith (ABC) Happy Days 'I've GOT A Bui Celebrity Sweepstakes (10) Mickey Mouse Club "Sight For Sore Eyes" Fonaie (NBC) City Of Angels [nedian Schools (13) Lucy panics when he learns that he has "The feeling assified Ads Parting Shot" Jake ne Street (23) Sesame Street to wear glasses. Axmister is hired to trail a young we're MoT (25) Addams Family wife who is suspected of having 10:30 (41) Green Acres 8:30 an aHejr with a professor. Going To (50) Flintstones _ (tO) High Rollers (ABC) Marcus Welby, M.D. like the EVENING ft'oit W/Dennis Wholey (ABC) Laverne And Shirley "To Trump An Ace" A pilot 'past out' ►■Dressup 5:00 PM develops severe asthma attacks. In Neighbors i'la Of Night (6-8) Ironside (9)Jeannie part." (CBS) M'A'S'H 11:30 i«k Van Dyke (10) Family Affair Television commentator (NBC) New Hampshire Primary i't'oit Today (12) Partridge Family interviews the 4077th hospital Report 11:00 (15) Beverly Hillbillies staff. •tales (14) Facts & Fun (ABC) New Hampshire Primary mbit (25) Lucy (NBC) Policewoman Report CROSSWORD lUiimi/fTi,- |HI Wheel Of Fortune •"me Street (41) Mod Squad "Mother Love" Woman kidnaps PUZZLE ™ (50) The Monkees her baby from the infant's 12:00 MIDNIGHT P Edge Of Night 5:30 adoptive parents. (NBC) Tonight Show P'sMakeA Deal (2) Adam-12 Johnny Carson is host. Ptttric Company (ABC) The Rookies "lot For Women 'Blue Movie, Blue Death" The Only (4-13-14) News (ABC) Tuesday Mystery 11:30 (9) Bewitched Rookies go undercover to Invasion Of Carol Enders" '"!& Restless (10) Andy Griffith infiltrate a company that Meredith Baxter, Chris "" Connelly. Of Life produced a pornographic film in f'H Hollywood Squares (12) Lucy (23) Electric Company which a girl was slain. Story of a transfer of personalities between two women. i'LLHAVeTHe CHRIS TIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZA TION TVJOeGGS.ANYSTVlS EANUTS NORTH CAMPUS Mewling Tuea. WiTH MYCHOiCe OF ■Schulz 6:45 BACON. SAUSAGE, 341 8 342 Union Building ^ OR HAM J! AS SOON AS I 6ET ,W T CROTCHES, I'M S0IN6 TO STARTHITTIN6 PEOPLE! 10 Michigan Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, f N*, The four freshmen in person at Mun By MIKE JENKINS wing," Bessone said. "We wish echoed State News Sports Writer Coughlin's last remark. hard to be accepted." he said. year's offensive seniors leave confident in his puck carrying wouldn't do it," Counter he would shoot more but he's "We said. be,U'r ,in* were all tense and "Yeah," and shooting." The "Four Freshmen" have unselfish and helps get the Heaslip agreed, "we but if the other team can't score "There juat is too much work in Dulwl puck when been performing regularly at MSU since last October. to Ross. He started on the third line right out of high school nervous up," Counter we first said. came "After wanted to be accepted team and the fans. Once by the we we're bound to win games." The 5 - foot -10, 185 - pound Barr says he tries to play as hard and as well as he can and involved for anyone to it Isn't fun." play if ^^Chrift The '"m « tZj No. not the folksinging which is a tremendous accom¬ Christmas, we began playing a played for awhile and saw they Counter considers it an honor still have fun. Counter said that most peo¬ ? ,the 'ft troupe of the '60s but the puck - slinging group of the seventies. plishment." The 18 were with us, we ing better and loosened started play¬ up a to be playing varsity hockey. "Counter is playing really ple don't realize the amount of time and work large wa:diha,'s™fC Wc P,a>' better year -old Coughlin lot." the away. Dtl Jeff "Stoney" Barr, Kevin played high school hockey in steady defense right now," players must put in during the "Lobster" Coughlin, Doug "Bui- Heaslip, a native of Dundas, coach Bessone said. "He has a week along with their Boston (his nickname, Lobster, class lethead" four Counter "Woodchopper" Heaslip freshmen on and the are Ron the MSU coming from Boston's fame for the seafood delicacy) and came to MSU because he wanted to Ontario, played junior "B" hockey in Canada and came to MSU because of the education good shot, skates well and, eventually, I think we'll use him as point man on our power play work. "We practice four days a week, three and a half to - - - sHtv practice and the road, . it offered. because he has that low hard four hours a day," he it's varsity hockey team. Coughlin play in the WCHA rather than said. mure and Barr room together as do the Boston area leagues. "Heaslip does a good job for us up front," Bessone said. "His shot." "That means we're on the ice Ttht' l"P home I, ' after you've Heaslip and Counter. "I was tired of Counter started on a line two - and a - half to three lost, playing strong point is getting the puck with Barr when he first made Counter hours a day. And when we Heaslip jumped ft' Coughlin, who started the hockey in Boston," Coughlin Coughlin out of our zone. He commits the varsity and says the two of Heaslip go h"> <>»n season at center was moved to said. "I've played there all my out of town on the weekend it's home thoughts it, himself a little too soon on the right wing by head coach Amo life. When I first started here, I blue line and isn't as them really like to play hockey m the » e line. "When it's not fun anymore," Barr said, "you might as well even worse." away "Wh<,n you're situ^,* Bessone later in the year. was nervous and afraid of physical as But the four freshmen .y, better brand of hockey." we'd like him to be but he enjoy "Coughlin is a good play - making mistakes. It took awhile Barr broke in. Barr, 18, a former junior "A" quit playing." their away jaunts and say they away game, the fans your,7? maker and fore checker which to settle down." "I think we were afraid of handles himself well." league defenseman from Counter seconded Barr's break up the monotony. All too." hJL is why we moved him to right The other three Heaslip and Counter, both 21, Bloomington, Minn., aaya he comment. agreed that they'd had a fine "Beating the fans, ij]^ players messing up. We trying the oldest of the four Wisconsin were are came to MSU becauae it was "If we didn't like it. we time in Houghton and an even and Minn,! freshmen and say they may be the only college that recruited year fell sop - the oldest freshman players in him. MSU loses title to U-M the WCHA. Both worked for three years after and then decided to high school "Hockey is a lot of fun for me," Barr said. "I may get go back to nervous at the beginning of the By ANN WILLIAMSON finishing seventh in the event with a time of school. Counter, who played junior game but it wears off." The soft - spoken Barr, who OUR " OFEND Sute News Sports Writer 5:27.32. Marilyn Medendorp set her best time in "A" hockey in his home town of After holding the Big Ten title for three proved himself in preseason straight years, the MSU women's swim team longer s the ci the 100 yard breaststroke at 1:13.21. The Spartans didn't Uke finishes either Friday or any first place Aurora, Ontario, believes the Spartans will be more of a tryouts and during practice, won a scholarship and a SPECIAL Saturday, but Tiiden defensive team next year. I' M yanked the crown from the Spartans last made a good attempt at another first in the starting berth due to his ag¬ "We'll still have a good team This Week gressive play. Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Big Ten 200-yard butterfly race Friday. Tiiden was just Monday-Friday Women's Swimming Championships in Ann Arbor with a three-day total of 534 points. The edged out by U-M's Katy McCulli in the race, but still managed to next year," Counter said, "but we just won't have a star "Barr's one of our body checkers and plays well on better ALL DAY 25c cup drop her time by more than offense; we'll be more of a the blue line," Bessone said. Spartans finished second with 398, followed by three seconds with a clocking of 2:11.81. Parks defensive power. People say we "He's a good tough hockey with Indiana with 316, Minnesota with 308, Wisconsin said that Tilden's time in the 200 won't be anything after this New purchase with 270, Illinois with 136, Purdue with 195, Ohio butterfly should qualify her for the national championships held player, hits well and is very England Clam Chowder State with 102, Northwestern with 79 and Iowa March 18 through 20 at Ft. « simluirli with 42. Lauderdale, Fla. or Minnestrone Giovanni Also qualifying for the nationals last weekend MSU coach Jennifer Parks knew the Wolver¬ was ines were going to give the the MSU 200-yard medley relay team of Spartans problems Kathy Brown, Medendorp, Tiiden and LeFevre MSU wins in judo last weekend because U-M handed MSU their with a time of 1:55.46, only loss earlier in the season. But Parks doesn't and Indiana. Brown finishing third behind U-M also qualified for the feel that the Spartans had a weak Competing Saturday in the Midwest Collegiate Judo meet at performance at nationals in the 200-yard backstroke on Ball Sute University, the MSU Judo Club the championships — only that U-M had a with a time of 1:02.21, Friday captured several weight finishing behind a French classes. stronger one. "Almost everybody in one event or another Olympic swimmer from Indiana, Dominique The four member women's team took three gold and one stiver Amind. medal plus the overall team had at least one of their personal best times of MSU diver Jane Manchester finished third on championship trophy while the men's their careers," Parks said. "We were squad added a silver. swimming the one-meter board Thursday behind Carol Sharon Quon, Ann Fuller and Loretu Pulley well, but U-M was just swimming better." Linder of Indiana and Peggy Anderson of picked up gold medals and Nancie Wood got the silver for the women's One of the Spartans' most team. Rich outstanding Wisconsin, and second behind Anderson in Mat is brought back the men's silver medal in the performances in the three-day competition was under-185-pound Saturday's finals on the three-meter class. Thursday's 100 yard butterfly race. MSU's Sue 453 points. Diver Leslie Edwards board with The next team competition is slated for Tiiden finished first with a new took sixth on April 2 and 3 at the Big Ten record the one-meter event Thursday and Barbara National Collegiates in Indianapolis, Ind. Last time of 59.78 seconds, and teammate Vicki year, the women LeFevre took second at 1.00.06, both Harding finished ninth on the three-meter board placed first overall and, with this past weekend's results, they defeating in the finals Saturday. have a good chance to repeat Pan American performer Sara James of Minne- again this year. Parks said the Spartans will now concentrate Other strong performances on repeating as the Assn. of Intercollegiate Thursday came Athletics for Women's (AIAW) Midwest from three SparUns who recorded their best personal times of the season. LeFevre broke her old mark in the 500-yard pions when they travel to Western Illinois University March 5 and freestyle with a time of held the AIAW Midwest title for two 5:22.03 for fifth place, with Becky 6. The Spartans cham have consecu¬ —^Introducing^— Hastings tive years. the world's first direct-drive r- ^SALOON" Free Turntable and record changer. Presen Is Cartridge Clinic An Evening with Feb. 24th Feb. 25th Noon—8 PM Noon—8 PM DION Bring your record changer or turntable in and have it checked out. The performance of your turntable will be charted, your and stylus inspected your tonearm calibrated and properly tracked. These tests and services will be performed without charge to you. So don't ruin your records needlessly. Attend this once a year clinic. Technics SL-1350 HI-FI Now there's an automatic record outperforms most manual turntables. It's specs changer that include 0.04% wow alnd flutter and -70dB (DIN B) rumble. It has the first direct-drive system ever found in a changer. And it plays up to six records in sequence. With a long glmbal-suspended tonearm that cues, returns and shuts off automatically. So if you've been sacrificing the convenience of an automatic changer for the performance of a manual, come in and ask to see the SL-1350. It'll change your mind about changers. 'iW,H • Direct-drive system Technics byPanasonic • Ultra-low speed DC brushless motor • Rumble -45dB (DIN A) • Wow/flutter 0.04% WRMS ' -70dB (DIN B) lueiiilay Is... • Automatic start, stop and return Super, Might • Memo-gram repeats record play up to 6 times Doors open At 7:.'fO />-»»• SUPER BEERS 240Z CHEAP! • Feather-touch damped cueing • Anti-skating - • 33-113 and 45 rpm speeds PITCHERS OF LIQUOR (6 drinks for the price of 4) • Independent variable pitch controls • Low capacitance phone cable ideal for CD-4 play • Stroboscope speed indicator 4fn*Uh E. LANSING LANSING - - 245 Ann/Wed. Ill) 402 S. Wmhinston 1 |l it kefs Ketordland Art' On Sale Af Both Mails And Af Distmmt The Het<»r' Dollar Saloon J Counterpi E f Z IG WMHMim Ol n z = | iM - C5 «r -■/. tthupoe Belly ,boys m I 2F1e9b4r7u6a,y Tuesday, Jtisamoe'esitonacwlegn P? jiutsu'psoeIddoeyovn.u't oyrminufdgthnebrvi'ssldacomunntry,diwnpeolitgdetails. hatpwoheanst tsmpeunocdhHtasmrwsan?lHbtepagoreinnoids.fuecntilrntrywzroomicbks,RhBteeaglumn.t oaebxagvirn¬uslytrheaanl'y DJboreoy'spffionyouudr¬t just spend TLaviefren. 'ylaleirke. AIlthough thwaelt I'wmhy Since ftoher thnero's painful se pwerhsoon in vaisuanlize co-untry Bonald that's things thareye? Taavenrdn as know it. hope the You time gets of tion; bad. Or self. raceaptnci¬ldslCoslgwtuedhgeon ecxiapnc btahhra¬enydponigthexpectd.ythapeorel tsunoamer¬cive cropwosdd 21eaon0n9-tifrlyOibacsenytwhmooereenEiamstennf.gittpnhmoaes drawkloi-thngAthoeldti.ngfaosyonture juapesroetl IVyaevforrguey.OTrlwoanndhyy psaorouerla Hocwhpseesn iYtthoaefrCPAwhooapliecd'ss MbceGoavetrn, who ps, thets. slum ing or fogainred itwwhatas lootf painfuly used almost oyearl-ds. problem, tthhane few smal ingand things later. Mosthetly averg. ever Dawn Bob Enterain rec nt why les — tao for ways towns, make wonder Nixon more A one the . and why or Jopeo'sl Btlhwaicek Strugle. itascbonlsetaly sghtraen tmsaege prrsmavnedtlyIbrmngtueoaas.tythesuypi'crof jthnrseeotty hurge¬inThaoecraseinl bapguomtle, nhwat-uird. beuunyipinggblaeanrhsd hnpaoetndhd fligtihakhartes. jtuhyaoseu' pprlaolacte; invphyesicrly langvoiu¬fe igssemnraly tmcohnusyleabsic daawlyoithn,g aguyts the e aly ttaoble Liberation po l Tuhsee. unspoken itasble the The in for that stranges; interupt nament. figohvtesr thgeoy'red combatns other thofe Ttheeyl'l thofe eoathcehr ways. Bteshidees lesnpecech, to each if Most as style to ple, thofe order rneoatlylbikcakweshde-ecfrcovaaumrgiohutsbTcuhltnreds.fioplutkwap,Sugrh"aenHgardBeockerry.hlwanitihgtpbonledhiasttsngfYbioaoud'xlf urnedseridatnhgbove.riseaqulyfEitnxpoed¬c SpteowagnfKroismKBt.iongAFencydadrun. itupnoelsytthaohrads wane-gver thquets. thgenrae¬ tayoreuglhoannirdgdLZaengpdifmeurchntfatmearsyThweh'irte y'r aperncsfktoihoderf tphrceaionWoer¬mndthciaeeRvorlustitnd he-enAloyuthtf.inelhgcetouaisrtwyohilneg CIorte'ctsion. Itm'osre tiacmu-el, thginegst and pal y "Brown byMerl fCinhaualckly aidrse bytshtanedig fiemneltn corne. Zags hemoasde jbuokex misha. fRroEmO Miler, Sfrinoamtra, Fred ie thexepeicrt about genratios baeotndlefing eoonndef tisopenctrauml hwavheo dosmpoeke awnrhoeot their respct. ponuonnkwsl;y doopupnneks. outward responibl inerors thcauesed tgaonizto futofhturee htahonedfs cwloarsking coleg kic ed 1970. in eras might with song There old the Zig - the The thing Glenn just At guys but from other Their are in butts fiaiynnfotu¬'re pyoyfuerdAminkicangbitesordetfiotrg.e dditrhsunkel,giussvanlyiJnoateos nayiognuh'dretfiancrodwfudibntachlru¬degthwmitoees,bnaunrrsdigfBltuahswehei-ing hwyoondueritmnsoangaesyThosewefr, hamonfdtersnlbathoadinedryAtthrhsgehket.Jacoalnndhkyeeooswu'titshhae;stthpwlaecen'haaonefulddrt SaatunrddyicsrsowuadltthpceoemleTbbaahpnnldedy.s mcuianlIhtyrock."a'bsrid,bkoonothfsf tchaornu■edtryawociatnshinltthurn—weO"WtSaehmr."onke ttthoriodeaady"SDmotkeahlyetr'saugogeftd tyycpooi-uuanrltryhows'evilr, backro m heaarntedd tthoing Ylagoeursr. draanfdt the atmospher Wwaorslek. Wednsday litabloe peo l , teanndedr them atstaring sign. Someti s place busines. changed the frostoml ifyowoneur tel thguey of bitought sniewgn. Friday thnigehts, gporetd;y the something "cou-ntry worst AMmusic: rcohocrkd, progesiv band would Atstage. bar, 1970. a If six of ser the has than he'L who name a On hear the like Any play Al ey rock • s'tI dna fo yb dna eht dna sah ni eht eld im esohT rel iM .dray ,rel iM sniart ztilhcS selim .reviR eht s'tI ..ztilhcS xelpmoc tsicsaf tsbaP stnahpel er hw eulB" lhesmams tnesrp-v "otsug tI eht oT reeb taht t s u j s t i e ht ffO fo ton s r a b e h T e h t d i l o s n e p o osla evil s en kil deniats-o ",nobiR wodniw snaem a era tnaig sngis .dnuora ehT otni tsom taht taht era eht .emit etihw yrewerb a si wef ni skcurt gnimaelg eld im ecalper ztilhcS niarg erutc ih a tsbaP ,muirled eulB" slaicrem o ehT ni ot eht a eht fo niam ehT e ht .skcolb sknurd ereht etiuq era eht t n e m u o ,,gnihtemos seirwerb sniart noitces etadom c srewot tsbaP edam ,krad( ,yrew rb "nobiRyrewerb ecnatsidelgurts ".nobiR sgnirb sduolc gnikaw emoc latipac dna tnalp tnaig sgek s alc ot eht fo taht t s a e r e e b laer fo eht dlo nem spoh eht yarg reeb dlo sesir edam uoY srab taht ni era tub eno dna pu no a suomaf era a cirtel ycnei f gnola gnitsac egnarts gnilor yreve t u o ekuawliM dna yna tub rednow .oot taht sko l eht pu delip fo dloc tnaig .ni sihT eht eht .VT efoht yB s'aciremA fo lla snrevat woh erom ysbi ekil lebal dray ot dna e l b i s v on eht era eht snips .nwotreb,lohcla traeh wodahs noitrap tsul .sdohrbgien denozalbme ekuawliM )cihtlonm eht y eht r e v suomaf detniap t'noD dna sti .nac reeb hcihw si ?nac t fo h g suorednw gniknilb a i s elats ni yad reeb morf ni ai etsat ekaL eht ot dlrow EMOREJ ,erhwyve nepo yks nA r o f f o esoht snaem taerg ylwols ,secalp no naht ni tsaE fo fo lla enots evoba gnitaw dna yb otua seil .sdus kcalb eht e h t t s e w n e w t e B h t i w eulb-yksnu d n a fo dna lnlai ,pilf .swolg nocaeb d e r l its ,gnol no nagihcM gnol htiw egrus ERIUGCM tsbaP ztilhcS sloof eht ,der s'ti ev'I noen ruoy s t i ynam yreve . a c e M eht ot s d n a u o h t t c u d e q a fo eht dna .ekuawliM s r e t a w gniweps ylno senihs dna dloc edirp fo meht ro grenroc nisnaL elohw ekam rehto ztilhcS .ekuawliM ni sesir ogol fo ftuoo nac eht os ekuawliM sti maets retaw etihw draeh eht fo morf :ngis .eugnot eulB" gnirovas sretniw nehw ' lams dna eht dna weN ehT ni .kroY sknurd daorlia seir web skcurt e no pot n e c s snoita sed eht yb eht tnalp ni dna rof ,su eht yrolg fo knip n u r seuohraW ekuawliMeb ne s fo revo eulb y n a m lapicnum dna r e w o t gnie s pota A a nrevat ",nobiR ecnalg gnie s eht tuo ruos eht eht eht l a" ' T a a sih sih lo ts elgurts dna .gni ps suoiracep keht nurd dna nhoj segnar dnA prahs ,taf dna dna xobekujym aS nisociW msinterC( etatS eW ,sepahs ytsat aiprub S aiprub S aibru S redlo elpoep ,leW eno eht nur taht swodniw rev n p u - d e f u c s tI nO nam retfA dna egde .de dni suonegid skael fo woble htuom no morf neht d e l i a n - r t h g i a r s n u dna detisv sezis sbus ,t'nsi strap eht ni rof yb ^qa sbuia sm9b^ dlo g n i r a w vbnjtqruS^ joiu gnic voc tsrif .ecnalb .rab dstnnuarg ,mueloni stnec mialcorp ehT" dna ydal eDhw trohxe gnirud esaesid .stertS "prubS sdengaa rdeneab eemahnt .hguoht nwotreb .nwot ,yrtnuoc ,sretas ,nreanwco eht . s l i a f enil sevol si si ni .sv sih fo no 52 e r e h t ot a fo qqa xqa eht si .ezo b ebyaM retfA .seroc-dah roolf owt gnikrow" kciuq dne gnignis eht ta eht snjBDiu2 m3bjs Biudia eht rab a eht lla teg lf ia llaf ot eht fo s ' y n e L y n a m — fo dna yats dezio-rp enidoi semit rieht hguoht niahc hcum snaekuwliM .nepo hcneuq eht rehto ,knurd si qa !u*nviou sau a stniop ,dna 04 yeht redntrab sdneps skniht elihwa gniredsnoCyadsruhT selbat ".secirp ",ehcnalvA eh eh a emas lo p fo .stnec s'nam si no wolb eht tisiv iou8 qis taht eht eh sl or eh rof rehtona dlo ehT a ot eht rab dlitnu erutcarf snortap .syadycnei f detibahni retfa reeb sbus rieht yalp tlas eht fo ekil € vu ojqau yX\a\cj Bionup .daeh noisrev yn hoJ gniog evah enirambus rehto etirovafylaren g ni jo2a^ yniks-ct eht taht roced stfarD drenkaow si ot eh tser erom yb dna ^ is oa8jdb; tI nac gnit s dna eH ,secirp ,sthgin .eno era s'yn eL wolof s'hsaC sevig hcihw eniw ot basj qa nupajd^s- Miuaj fo fo ,ym aS ekil etiuq spohs secalp nrevat knird si i yats eht l its srab qm ,erom st er nam syawla ;cisab 02 tneduts era eht mih I" saw eht o nip .er ht thgin dna sih se iar enoyrve law-ot ni stnec tuots efiw eH klaW mitcv .surohc ni a s e i h c n u m na taht — erom hom qa siJa } \iAas gnil urts pu-depat .tuognah gniklaw "eniL ylraucit p delvirhs s'yn"epaLT" .etibrfa esnpsid sVT ,yltneuqrf atipac ti si , n o i t c a rep vbmpnuS- Mqa \^isdoui XaqoM-jOU gniteg eht no ylaus dna ni tI n i h c s a l g sl ac seirt eht ehT a si kcab mo r sih retfa steg knurd dlo ehT a dna .aiprubS sknurDylriaf ylaiceps naht a laed ).kcabh nu tnelav rp ot mih ot deltob dlo xis htoma niat m yrev stneduts detaipled ,slo ts reeb euqapo htiw laibrevop .niterc ht61 .pruB paehc .skcap tsif ffo is taht s alg no iqaj quOMS no eht dna eht no eht fo yna ABSitajC nua-soqp si ot ni lla ni yup Mjoq pX a^S ap' fo nam saw ti mhty r gnip alc ydobyna gniref fo .nwolc gnipows citen rf ecno namelt g ,gnis aL detacol ecalp smes ,s'eoJ t.yAalp dep ts lacol nrev evaC desu oT pmul yl uf t'nod fo s'er hT hguone s'eoJ siht erofeb yt erp enO ,selbi elpoep er'yehT snoitrp laitnes uq ,nrevaT ,noisucid ni ot na meht taht evah hcum lams era tub era ,esruoc l its a ot dna thgim sdnah l'ohw ekahs tuoba ,ygren ,trohs ,ohw thgim tsuj ecalp retca h syawl A .tnediv tcaf eh sih a tlef a uoy tuo secalp tsaE lla ot ,tah ,s'rageB emoh dna l uf fo ta - de raeb lanoisefrp romur retnuoce edistuo hcum ekil ekil roF tisiv ekil evah ni a eht egludni sdnah ,ecalp s'eh a yrev ohw ta tsrif na a gnisnaL lams thgim tsael .ecnalg ,s'draziL drenhtagot ,neht semocebyrev ;rehtona .desr v gnidaer - a eht nwot syadwon lla fo dekcip railucep ,mih htiw eldnub dlo sucri sah ¬fo yltnasoc ,ti a tsaE ekil tsidruba evah lufrolc ehT tnedisr .rab ,lacihtym l'ew seopru ¬niap ynam uoy sko l ¬orp rieht do g ,setarnged eno s'eoJ nwot ¬aT l ac rab eht eht .fo elt ob kraD era .kaelb ,esiw yevraH neve tahw woh )stneid esuac gniko l t'nseod lams eht .eman s'taht .eso l eht eH t ub otno ,noit pu eh si eh erehT reeb bolehciM tsuj eht evah taht xim l iw eht rof t'noD tnedis r gnah .egde s'eH tsuj ehT tsael raep a t'nsi tsrif eht .yrotnevi rednimr ot seunitoc remocwn ot ta se op fo - tuots thgim l iw tuoba ,tsbaP a ot otni gnid ls og rof nwot n i a t m si A ot tib .regnablW a , m e h t d n u o r a k n i r d tsomla eht s'hortS noitaus elbuort .snaem dna citoxe a ylbaorp repor redntrab s'eoJ .lortnc de ap enoyrve spahreP taht sraluger ;knurd hsart ecnad nwod e n o d l o t h g i m s'redalhc eb ot e h t e f i l ot gnikrul n e k n i e H stnew 'tahw l iw niamer rednow ,tneloiv ta eb drah nac sa .l a .snac ,roolf eht si uoY a sih uoy ksa ,sknird a eh yarts draehnu .dnif et lpmoc duB ylauqe thgim wonk ¬ergni gnimus a( dna ni ot ro r e B g n i t e g l ec nrevaT yfilauq taht tnasoc noitcnuf revo esle - l et no hguotla roN t'nseod gnilaf selsia ¬nevoc fi eht uoy sih si a ¬eb uoy eht woh - - a eh a - a eh nD Qy 3 OL/2 IA\/ j Ferguson Tom by art And Aqualng?thesmwaIngobli9tn headfrsom Milwaukedptchsof Universty,dukcamp therdi.pasgo ent hTagover.c't Sundaybrokem Schlitz.ns,rd have foinlearsgvtkueobhifusrtmacgAhnydewpl.rwToivitcusprtale.bpbeodmnlyhHhtogiarsv "TCavpfmrnelnide'styAqtuoclag, htHimhsodceoiwalyfk.IufrelnmthHsapgid.rt INsdteahwoacenf,iigmrfpvre,Gwcntualg.hvhHbeisxx-rdDkJyps—tw.izy.MaasurrqeoentdigMhUbqt.focwhefapd10-.GnttsrTblaowohmranekmees.dybItou'yhnanwigvhiedgrtt8n.acmlvi„dsfMUq- btH1wceugolpefao.nsmrrtShy hawyasinmwvbduenglMdrkie,gtBnahmrmouzs.govfbuocerotleashnndMiAclawtshpuk.yrevn'ttebduhpks,dornwriveuiasthlybstn'—,umsvgdrk dlIiIetbhwpou'lshanrec.ryi GMdebtmiabn.k., AiHqIusacolwnugld.khniwovwesrsWSuisrintcer-osonaked vyalogw-ubelnydhowieisnchlog,ffrnozsterunkfHbIeasrnhsdyfhahiecngledsflourishe. litnshtmwaeleahknos amnbdvbl, tnunheadevrsionrg fIowcoraginnfee'tt, alvpweyasrsy wuhocehmanseinghdwarienslkks UPnhilvoesrspyytihntcehharsabteeshMtehlwoauekrft. tssgtlooawnriye,2ssocir5enfnglbotwgahiannteererdtssgbetcaoowmilsddlornacgoaaneskcfeks wumoobrknoipetgus4-pavmoe—rinat hthaonteevedrr,Attiaahmlceeh.hbyesohaeouudrldIftnhgevaolirngTcphlearnke.sAtMleilwaustLathsnatrseeigiashsigatbborntoweleiknxsetsfihatoahsanrfMibiTlswaeanhukel'rt.btighmeeplosyte apciraacsrktfstt,, ARmYhienearilcacandh.,toamolldkn Etvhsaqeurienel ther Nobody raged, pours hiwinster teofn in sideways and Speaking Hewinos. mis on features Marquet of innestled They the meal Next block All too. sing The spir t Craze Heorbnie, Heout. straight hmofiosts now Bsuudst. itosswno bthaatd. East mor—nigs By In wine havemore Actualy, turbines, And The saneen German! i9 Kki tuoyal sot hp yb yb eoJ boB tocnip L eyaK dna boB eyaK d'yeht seirots ralupoP syawla efiL s'ti ,stc'taif dekcar aciremA ,gnid ehT" gniyftlus delgurts yl anif tuoba neeb dekcar ton lams yB ot edam .ecn ulf i teg gnuoy eruta eil ,l ud lams .eb ylba orp s.eAb "snotlaW DARB yawa ni pu ot ton pu ot si nwot - ,knirD gnihtyna retam gnihtyrev ti a GNAL si ni t u B e l p o e p , g n i r o b s n w o t eht morf l uf giB retfa efil ¬natshiwo knird sti ohw fo .cte sah fo s'ti ni eno nI rab esoht .knudoP ytheguhact .noit msitorap ,ytiledif :taerg tsaeuhtrivt saw dervoc deniam sgniht yyethiCt eht ,syad gniyrC dna ,ytsenoh dah taht kcab dna ni yeht ,senildog eniart lidocr repor ,tfirht edam yrotisper rieht ye.ehmToh ydlaeevrol taht .nwot ereht txen eht dezilar fo ehT saw ,sraet ¬irtun ,senil a c latir m aciremA ecalphtrib lla lla ylno ylno rof eht ¬sid ¬er eht eb eht siht .oot ehT seno eht e m o c e b nagihcM srab ,yrtnuoc d'uoy ehT seno ohw sgnihT oehlpowep fI . e c i o h c e s u a c e b t ' n e r w setarnged yr em fo no yrev eunevA niaMpots eht ekil srab yeht ohw evael evah ynam tnew ot ro elt il era yats rev n — wonk t'nevah .degnahc dna ereht ni fo ta te rtS .rev hw snwot og .meht eno s'tahw ,tner fid hcum od ro fo fo os .kcab ehT ereht erew