V.i;v Un#in<. *ich. VOTE THURSDAY! IHichicjatt 6taic iixtuts ast i ansinii. \\. 11 i shai, mini un VOTE THURSDAY! On (owed Series |)|i I i in is I i c si„,/,.i,i (7„i, (!r Held XolfSlPMfk '« ()„ »ym Series Plat Mondat _ . . I / rusmr l.roti/t Thursday in I nion Ballroom \)\ Dr.I liriin IIerr Sunday t (eOiiM i i |< alilxiril Mint III.uli- Mi ll ' In lla%r Unlit Dimirr v \tlrr Initiation.* Salr Oprnrtl Will Deltaic By Blur Krv W a tie fixing lluciilo l#o oil Salr Tonight ' for Atitttuii l*ni*t% ill *Hitd«*ul 'loam- lo \ i« With Mu*o..o Irn.plr. IlilUdah*. llojM. Studrnt Talk- W iilrlv (iist'ii (.roup Honors \ihainrd ^jwiki r* to • tr¬ Dans ill's Hirtli ait* tkrr W K VH SW I. Noillilialr s<»' ll»t. I'lun- Hnmpnl Hut.mi I.i> lure. •\r\x Officers TIHMI-.IIHU \\ ( axalrxmm Ititlr s»-\euteeii Aiiiueil for \nl- 1 ill« ill ( oinillit l.lerliuit. - l.luar.l U.A allium ..•!! r.iilecting taxed begun to negotiate li "f the I'mver* *• <-> to M"~ * toedc Play .Mexican Gallic* raduuting ki.firw The United Stoics Hai Harmon i.ijii.i and Georgia Tech. New Secretary for M ami tx>ntests Work and *vi*f-rr*.7,* jf * r J Main Knftli»)i Office ..d'n;,vsu>n is rhargeck ,;n ^ 'fopte'f. « ii! " f these ,jj < >• c/ti of the W>urt Of begmnmgi *or. famed eit>-aarf.r„. •gfjiwtty be-- • . turr by .1 un.' ♦•«.«' are an esse it* Jo«* arrf snore hopri* > rsirr.' tr*gu. t from Miss Maurine B Christopher is *-guiar meet be student . nrnentaT function of the "•r.rf Jp1*f • •woOd.,'-cf'a Ag Hal) at ^ hake Ciiy wfc.rh rrdefi »n a the new secretary in the main of-: in De Unmfe, C+mU'*-* Irani, ncar &urt*nk, of EngJish tuildin*. Sh.e K 15 Friday ' v> ill be a i . The eommillee will select a 'C*zf.. «« Janwary 12. The • • replaces Miss MtKmley who re- pobtie meeting candidate uot later than February if tiu s; not put & Uigi I "ii back taxes from the .Ulnivci v.» v ,,f low>i have been car* _ 2Othf.;£fid must have the applica- cnyotes' head, H B Duke head ot tfe* ^ a*. «wti«red by undergraduate fe and i,gr»ed and is now in California. Mr Jaspere-- wilt describe hi* that hunter* will t** rncntuamd i rief they're f<«d t- with Alpha Gamma Delta. , Her .<-«rs aip. He witt have many The fellowship i* open to out- .r* they 'i: have a story in hv* ; previous position was that of sec-. < urioa, pottery , and other objects ! standing students of any division ne*s j A mmtnittee of the National " Oaa Johnson dest 'ita-d rr«ary to Lawrence E. Heller in / f his own collection to illustrate of the college The holder of the • {Collegiate Athletic association is c* -Present Opportune- ITofcssrrr L G Miller presided S studying the problem, and, ftC* a prciected espeditjon to the BCongo too tommg Octo- the city assessors' office in Lan-. the talk. . | f^Tlowship will receive approxi¬ a ii chairman of the Western Mich- i cording to informed sources, sir< - To close the evening Mr Jas- mately $430 in cash ber Hsrmces s story concludes . , (*»rfte will dirart several games igan chapter of the American j would tike to have a test case J R^fceery, of the engineer* ♦"fp-Tizr.eiit ■ static*?. has been. w:th the simple departure — a handshake and the great Order yvmr misgn fr A will. fUriat. til AM 1< for particulars, those interested are asked to call at office 209. Olds &ocicty of .Heating and Ventilating j brought before the supreme court* halt. Engineers at their regular, month¬ 9 traveler with fed* toveiy wife were •; . m ly meeting in Grand Itaplds Mon¬ HUT RENTAL* — TWMTEII.il day evening. 'j Averlll. Itortot. Ill AIM MiCiUtiAN m.VTK NFWS JHicliiiW ^tafc New* The t'otrrr to I'll.« O' » • O0ii0j»10 CVv*J rvw free Tiurs ABROAD [ A Hit I ihenl t owmi« Piffle About Pipph toi u ota; \M/t i - I V.-'. i" *. VV. T!Xt£ I %UIU \'*U \\ » - II ■I—■ » 111 iiBiiia .v*aj ATTENTION. IA1)11 S hi The Hough I In I lu t itm< For Thur.Mlaj and WednesalM.1 On'- Huh N»o.» }|«rtr«w ?• «' . 39c M. S. C. SHOE REPAIR NOW PLAYIN ^ ft «t*- I»•./•"• S liiuw^csefiw ttwulri*,. MKfe mtd ««»* » • '• * ' ' eartjka# -«k . From Other Colic ^L|nN % INDI SHOOI) IU»OTOX roitAia> *IKtacn U macho** Franklin DeKleine Co. *»* Nc^- Jt l.rty \tt. Until Ftm*** ?iK Students— FOR VOIR CONVENIENCE BUSES RUN EVERY 5 MINUTES BETWEEN LANSING AND EAST LANSING FOR ECONOMY FOB SAFETY fr+M. ,^v«4%J5c L' : RIDE THE Bl'SES suok* tfce &oss* wnjqs tie- ^ ^ u w* }w ■ & 'i»w •• CLASSIFIED M36T—•** c«tncatt» fc£*cAi le**? CITY TRANSPORT rxi»» JS4iv Uktif-t-ii* •w.^,;OT| , tt£*r fe&fcid ZaaxctO* «sd it-jycse Phone 211SS ; R'^csj-i-oe Broiaxl. p&t**; our UH' A£ U;jwt lioolaj. -kvt>mitr> ly.'ST ■'WtiiCA'S fiAifi NfTirs f»ar To Star in Yonr Srhool Work >• r 0 R I O R I I I > Stale Fails fes**. Wayne iNexl IW Al I'll I'llKit. SmtrU I'ditor BACK YOUR BRAINS WITH THE * To Maintain 1 Spartan Karlv Lead a,,lv s,l";ul 1 z::pz-:r::rZ ALL-STAR PEN IVfenl i« Fifth ill Ko» for Kiuiln J tilt Tartar* (o be Heiiened Wniiii'Mtiii Nil** NjmrUuis: Michigan in >r\l. 11 You SICK Wlion l» llofill t Mi.I 'n tlth and sum h, a.l in hand. * Bowl Ucgularly for Health and Hoetciilion.| RAINBOW _RECREAIIOH_J IMai'O Your \ alkntim; ilowkk OhUn* Karly o (ieiio \\crill. I lori-l 211. \ lllmt liiijid Herbert Marshall gays; "...a light smoke is "Ho * f"JA Is 11 y ;,'tt'. country tin i;Hg/ish t tgatrne <nmf Hrtiw. Lucky Strike led ell the And ulna 's nun* ~~ I »f.v* m etcd \\ ailc Points to Overthrow lltol Luikns hoc i. i it' sni'Ji" (iiul frositit'C joy f/1«■ ihrtHit '' | Track Heron Is of Tom ()ttc\ (i t>> Mi»taii«r ^ur ami t dpl.tin Mueller to l^atl >|>»rtau* mi Oj»euer Ygaiii*t Mulligan Normal. f*> Md>itn • -«t' > tVL Miti. An independent survey was made recently among professional men and women - lawyers, JEAN'S KEWPEE doctors, lecturers, scientists, etc. Of those who said they smoke cigarettes, 87Vt staled they personally prefer a light smoke. . Hamburg Mr. Marshall verifies Che w isdom of this pref¬ Ail-Steak erence, and so do other leading artists of the radio, i Hot Dog stage, screen, and opera. Their voices $rc their fortunes. That's why so many of them smoke • Luckics. You, too, can have the throat protection Cafeteria noditifcr* to ci»;r.,j.r.£ of? rv.merouA of Luckies—a light smoke, free of certain harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process "It's jt.'.fI Toasted". Luckics arc gentle on the throat! THEHNtSI IOHACCOS— Fountain Sen ice THt CKtAM OJ- lilt CKUK Vhr : W2 0,>rr p.» • j Art Jenkins ihro*tf.g the Lor. r- WheWjrr or r»ot W«»U* wilt e*tel \ ha< ft has done 44 feet m pratt •• Large Special entry, ruturnUj is a question. J BJi Smith completes a ilrvt.* ♦ Wait*. Uke Otiej. g*.j.c»d the har-jir, if., event t A Light Smoke \ttcr (ilk *« a j»mv> j Lock# H»kk u average po»- | '■ W«k Lmct* U.o yxufi iti track v-uikr, wiaU- Jleray Merrier jr^». : Malted Milk' Me J i*ad anolhcc aeaion of om* coon* pick up s iew points during tL<. ' "It's Toasted"-Your Throat Protection | try. With Captain Carl MueDer,i*'*«;<<*>& *n the high jump. 0 Coca Cola * 5c ! will Ieaf . WT J. it lift a fcpsilott l*t Tea and Toast t'mtfi 11'mmI In OllicOI'S Hllll (rntnl Hatches Sim Ih'iims I iioii Al;,ilfJ1 B* Ma Cmud*"* r.rimManjthter hr Ih hi in I ninn „\\ ill bo Hold ^fimsnnian l*hiv P Stale REYUES Theatre Somrlliiiii; Veil"'1 to in- I .»r- Friday Night llf ,Wilul^ u K 11«>ni«* Fr !•xItil*tt {"-: ri» «l Out in \ IVifittiwI h\ Ftille I'ttiiiN tii Style ll.tt IVurl In FiiPnUli MiUir ititn Mii^iotim. lltattut'*.. ' for IJt»%. Murphy * atld S-lor. I'llttM V34l»t> IHSD t %*T DAY! "AFTER THE THIN MAN' Mm 1'ourIt — M*tna I-P* & 'V._ y UV tr"HELEN, iJ&BBE tee Mu»lt ' ■L BRODERICK ■ ERIC BLORt 151 I.I. PORTER ■ ERIK RHODES tnd 111. ■ HARRY JANS ORCHESTRA u *o ti»Mrnv nm vit\ Phone S IP* NO A I »l M It f*t llitry Mittt» IV ft a \ >' 4* <"•«* t* TED WEEMS AND Ills ORCIIKSTU A 1 AN SIM; ARMORY Feb; 20th. $1.1X1 IVr Prrwrn Advaitr* *l.2.t Per I'rrwin at IWt TK'KFTS AT SANDY'S SMOKE SHOP ■ i : CORSAGES of Distinction Priced -One dollar and up AYERIIJL / /oris/ Y M « R.c* . Mi GENE 311 Abbot Road Pltrv:*„."e but* V*« Ad* J.5 Per Couple l.aRrtfari) ta*i. Year? • BLUE KEY N V V i . . \f'* H w t A-0 rure".t M-v R >. Sf.aw advisory S ard ^ •) ' .X\AV Hit HSMS -TV Kmc ©f tV fror**-** THE , TheJ-vfjs &r*1 J-.dwpA.n* Genu .*$•** St)t Henry' S ts ,v*r, member of «g the tkgh-«ehs»2 dawroorsi go: the datmj>«'on»Hu> t?02e.. »;-«4g-ng 1 ...right ct?- a!omrsg m colkge, iwyt a Vam a* Oh.;o Stair \\> SWING PARTY OF • STATED FORMAL SEASON protean:* a? tfc* Uturtnaty of Ci»-; "Jadgyttg *a *FP<« u> la» juigrrg . csnaatL Or tfc* 24 fmfcmen who a beauitfui awnAft,. if tfcrr at* iwcrivtd Hate rct^oLmhipt Ust faii., wrinkled oc if they ete net has*; Masonic Temple ■ ■ February 20 23 fear* km* above jweraca work LtV tight colorJ^ey ax* no « la their first wssvwntfy 'nxztnttr. iahow pixvp**' r>