Hazing: Greeks By SEAN HICKEY sate News Staff Writer The article said that an MSU senior, Steve still do it at MSU depledged Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity after Ryckman, Dan Courtney, IFC president, said it was impossible for the ■ h hazing as an initiation rite was banned at MSU in developing a burn council to any form, as do the national administrations of every fraternity on his nose from investigate any rumors because there would be Iwurces indicate that the practice still exists among some being forced to rub it along a carpet. Ryckman refused further comments. literally thousands of them" which Courtney said are based on campus. "It is the IFC's policy not to do anything about Irrdties at this University. Sigma Phi, said the injuries to Steve Rindskopf, president of Delta largely on hearsay evidence. IFC has taken the stand of a service organization that is hazing. The L recent hazing death of a New York student during the Ryckman were not a fault of the "IFC doesn't police hoping fraternity. chapters and accuse them of hazing. We that hazing will fade out by itself," John Rayis said. Ln of an ROTC fraternity, the Pershing Rifles, has al1, that was last spring and I was told he did it say they don't (haze) because rules against it are stated in the John Rayis claims one of the reasons that the IFC does not Lm national attention to the ritual of hazing. The issue of . , national chapters and the IFC, of which nimself. This they are a member," jr. or not hazing continues within the Greek system at no longer goes on, he said. Courtney said. take a firm stand is because four officers on the council are Local sources have members of houses which do haze. I remains a source of controversy. lodged other charges. John Rayis of Phi The IFC recognizes that Gamma Delta Fraternity said the practice continues in a hazing is leaving the campus. Another source, who wishes to remain anonymous, said that >rding to an article in this week's Time magazine, hazing handful of houses, but the Instead of completely alienating those houses that do, we're Dan Courtney, IFC president, and Dave Westol, chief U "remains an integral part of initiation rites at several is the Inter-Fraternity CouncU (IFC), which letting it fade out so we can keep Greek unity," said Jim governing body of the MSU fraternity system, is aware vice Rayis, fraternity adviser, are members of Theta Chi Fraternity, which of the president of IFC. hazing practices and does little about it. Article four of the IFC constitution bans still uses hazing tactics. hazing practices in (continued on page 7) VOLUME 70 NUMBER 213 fat® Now WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1976 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 jng death papers leported destroyed ■SHINGTON (AP) - A lawyer for the 1 committee probing the murder of the other people." published allegations. He replied "no com¬ Sprague said the documents "would ment," but added that his information did lMartin Luther King Jr., said Tuesday have been in the posession of law enforce¬ not come from news Idwuments relating to the case have ment authorities" and were "relevant to our reports. I destroyed since the investigation At the unexpected public session of the investigation." House Committee on Assassinations, Gon¬ "I have been advised that the destruction zalez asked staff attorney Robert Ozer if he Bef counsel Richard A. Sprague said he has taken place since it was announced in had any reason to believe that documents ■not been officially notified of the September that his committee would be luetion but said he had learned of it relating to the King case had been investigating" the murders of King and destroyed "since the constitution of this m individual who has interviewed President John F. Kennedy, he said. committee." Sprague would not say which law "Yes, sir," Ozer replied. "I believe there enforcement agency had the documents. are some documents that have been However, committee member Rep. Henry destroyed." Gonzalez, D-Tex., told a reporter he The hearing, originally believed the documents had been in the expected to be TOinj(§f§(oJ( possession of authorities in Tennessee, held in secret, was opened to the public after a motion to go into executive session where King was killed in 1968. failed on a 6-6 vote. Rep. The Memphis Police Christopher Dodd. Dept. has denied D Conn., led the argument to inside that any documents case have been relating to the King open the hearing, saying, "An important mission I destroyed. Lt. William think we have is to conduct a public open J Ike east side: some call it a Schultz said that all of the King files were forem',-mto the two murders. ■ hole, some call It nice and tome turned over to the state attorney Stole News Photoi, Dole Atkins loll it plain old home. Page 3. general in Chairperson Thomas Downing, D-Va., About 50 chanting students marched from Beau¬ in protest of the arrest of 91 students in Memphis. acknowledged that the evidence to be mont Tower to the International Center Texas I They leave by the droves and There have been published allegations Tuesday last week and policies of the Shah of Iran. presented to the committee was not I they don't usually go back. Hint: that some of these had been burned in classified and was already on the I they're students in southern public September when the department destroyed record, but urged the hearing be closed | Africa. Page 3. records of its intelligence division. These records were burned as the department faced lawsuits filed by individuals on whom because he said "we have no knowing if some member might ask a way of question that requires a sensitive answer." Iranian students stage protest; weather the department had allegedly conducted James Earl Ray has pleaded guilty to the surveillance during the 1960s. King slaying and currently is in prison. In I Expect clear nights and mostly I sunny days through Thursday. I The high temperatures will be were Sprague was asked through a spokesper¬ son if the documents he was the same as referring to those mentioned in the recent years he has made efforts to obtain a new trial claiming his guilty plea was U.S., recent arrests criticized coerced. I about SO and the lows will be in By JUDY PUTNAM and "checking up on anybody who becomes I the mid- to upper-20s. State News Staff Writer affiliated with circles, organizations hostile "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight the Fascist to my country..." When asked by Authorities say Gilmore, Shah!" The chant reverberated off of the Mike Wallace if secret police agents were in the United States with the knowledge and newsman Administration Building Tuesday as mem¬ consent of the U.S. government, the Shah bers of the Iranian Student Assn. (ISA) and replied, "I think it is." girlfriend attempted to their supporters marched from Beaumont Tower to the International Center to protest U.S. activities of SAVAK, the This Dept. In was an denied last week by the State article appearing in the New York Times on Nov. 10, a State Dept. Iranian secret police, and the arrest of 91 official said that an inquiry did not find any take lives by overdoses ISA demonstrators last week in Houston. Beginning around 11 a.m., about 20 evidence to show that Iranian intelligence was checking on individuals living in the people carrying signs gathered around United States. By DAVID BRISCOE Beaumont Tower, chanting and pacing in a "This is a very, very obvious contradic¬ SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Gary Mark Gilmore, whose wish to die before a firing squad circle. Leaflets were handed out to people tion," said an ISA spokesperson at the has been delayed by a reprieve, and his girlfriend were found unconscious Tuesday in an passing by and by noon, over 50 demonstra¬ demonstration. apparent suicide pact. tors joined in the march. Authorities said they believed both had taken drug overdoses. Supported by the Organization of Arab "U.S. gives the arms, the Shah kills the Students, the Committee for Non-interven¬ "He tried to take his own life," prison medical technician Tom Anguay said of Gilmore. people!" they chanted. tion in Chile, the South African Liberation "He tried to OD." Iranian students will not reveal their Committee and the Native American Soli¬ Gilmore, who has contended he prefers death to languishing in prison and asked a court and when gathered in a group, they names darity Committee, demonstrators charged to disregard appeals on his behalf, was rushed from the Utah State Prison to the University will not allow their photo to be taken. that the CIA and FBI have collaborated of Utah Medical Center. His condition was listed as serious, but hospital spokesperson Wearing cardboard masks in the demon¬ with SAVAK. John Keahey said it was believed Gilmore would pull through. stration, Iranian students say they and Speaking at the demonstration, an ISA Nicole Barrett, 20 was in a coma and in critical condition at Utah Valley Hospital in their families in Iran are endangered if member called the Houston arrests an Provo, 40 miles to the south, hospital officials said. She was rushed there at 9:30 p.m. after SAVAK identifies them with activities "We know who is SAVAK can never a "obvious collaboration of the Shah's regime being found in her apartment in Springville. against the Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza agent," said one woman. She said if and its U.S. brothers." The development came one day before Gilmore was scheduled to appear before the Utah activists are identified, the police will Pahlevi. The arrests were made by Texas police Board of Pardons for a decision on whether it would commute his death sentence to a lesser "harass our parents" and that they will "be "The secret police are trying to watch us when the student demonstrators refused to penalty. and make us weaker," said one Iranian in trouble." disperse. The demonstration was being held Board chairperson George Latimer said Tuesday that if Gilmore is unable to appear as Last month on the CBS show "60 MSU student who has been in the United in front of the French consulate to scheduled Wednesday his case will not be considered until the board's next meeting Dec. 8. protest States for five years. "We haven't seen any Minutes" the Shah, who came to power in the arrest of two ISA members in Paris in Springville Police Chief Leland Bowers said Barrett was found lying unconscious on a hard evidence in East Lansing, but we're 1953 in a CIA engineered coup, said that connection with alleged terrorist activities living room couch, covered with a blanket, with a photo of Gilmore on her chest. sure they are here." SAVAK agents were in the United States earlier this month. Reading from a paper which was handed out by demonstrators, an ISA member said through a megaphone that the Texas police Cuts hurt business college, dean says had released the names of the protestors to the Iranian government. "It must be noted that any future harassment of the students by the Iranian " PW ol regime is the direct responsibility of the . State News series on Cutbacks began with nonacademic per¬ Texas police. "Things like new office furniture can be "We are seriously understaffed and are . . it is not a single, isolated fcu °*1. Wt of the budget crunch on sonnel, Lewis said, adding that the college postponed indefinitely, but mechanical finding it difficult to handle all the incoming case. It is a trend; it is an international "lieges. administrators have recently phased out items such as typewriters and calculators By ANNE E. STUART students. The last thing we can do is cut campaign being waged by the Iranian the necessity for having four deans and are must be available in perfect working order back on faculty," Lewis said. secret police, the notorious SAVAK, with ■iJ^^oStaH Writer now operating with three. so that employes can do their jobs Increasing numbers of courses within the the active collaboration of the European ■tilth Budget cut may not sound One and one-half departmental secretari¬ efficiently and students can use them for college show enrollments of 50 students or and the American (FBI, CIA) police..he Kirs L,"talkin8terms of millions al positions have been eliminated in the last their courses," he said. more per section and college instructors said. iW „ th®l08S "f that 1 per cent this few years due to lack of funds, he said. One area where the college absolutely teach more student credit hours than any About 1/3 of the demonstrators were essTe cor" 1 perfect. Because all three stations are Administration that it is in everyone's best vote, or else it will never become The third group that needs reality. will probably be a relatively M carrier current, a method of broadcasting interest that they support us. Without the convincing is that literally turns dormitories into anten¬ support of the MSU Board of Trustees, the the management of local commercial stations. If these people radio "The'picture painted a^H nas, there may never be a 30th anniversary president and the vice president for student oppose our applica¬ rather hopeless one. ho jl for the Michigan State Network. The affairs, any attempt at gaining an FM tion for a license they can tie the Michigan major groups have come "1 reason lies in the fact that carrier current broadcasting is an obsolete method today. broadcasting license is just a pipedream. At present the Administration has been con¬ State Network up in endless court battles — and ultimately force the network to formally or formally.nsup^J| proposal. Last year RHA P" As parts wear out they must be replaced by tent to quietly consider this issue. They are spend so much money can no longer afford to on legal fees that it Hon supporting the pursuit.of I custom-made pieces at great expense - and of the apply for the license. and several members -J unsure legal implications of gaining I hope, however, that the ASMSU board have in forma"? T this expense will continue to increase as the an FM license and they need time to see if local radio number of companies that make these parts continues to decline. the present student radio network can stations will welcome the network as a competitor. In the past, student radio has interest in the idea. In weeks other studentgrouP 'J 'J -jl handle an FM station. I feel, however, that Another severe disadvantage of the the network has a number of served as a training ground for many of preached and it is hoped that m J present system is that the better your competent and efficient operation behind it years of local disc jockeys, and the addition of an FM will be as enthusiastic as RH J3 station would give this idea of an FM station stereo equipment, the poorer your recep¬ and has proven that it can handle an FM training increased tion of student radio will be. Hence a person station. practicality from their standpoint. Besides, the limited range of this State Network. With wtcMJ with a Marantz or Sansui receiver will The second group that needs convincing would include little more than East proposed station the dream of a become a reality in the st^en [utarai probably pick up only static if he tunes to — and the moat important group in my and the campus, which means that Lansing EH is the chairperson of 'he we will | I wichigon Stote News, Eos! loosing, Michiqon Wednesday, November 17, 1976 5 CD resolution speaks dissent ■ Bv JANET B. OL8EN Community centers were ori¬ rehabilitation. [SU,e News SUM Writer ginally planned for three-year the first program, but these "In the second three years, ments of the area people living in the chosen for rehabilitation, one interesting sidelight has come out of the rehabilitation i solution at the Lansing plans have now been deferred we will hopefully be able to Citizens' Districts Councils, project so far. Council meeting Monday until the second three-year expand this into other areas," made up of people either living "Banks which have previous¬ i. to select the priorities of Whitworth said, adding that in the areas or plan. this expansion owning property ly shown no desire to lend in 1kirri vear of the Lansing CD program director Orrin might likely in them, sit down with lloit. Development (CD) Sharp denounced Hull's include Urbandale, an area that houses many MSU students. plan- ning, building and other related any of these areas are now participating in doing so," he .,m sparked dissent from tion that accusa¬ administrators were departments to formulate a said. ocilmemher Robert HuU, systematically trying to kill the Housing rehabilitation is development plan for the area. Whitworth said that after charged that the over, launched through low interest . community centers, saying this Whitworth called these councils home improvement takes loans and grants, both of which place program was "inefficient "is an asinine statement." come from CD funds a "good cross-section repre¬ in an area, certain public ser¬ "sloppi'y run- which are sentation of people who "Our program is the best expected to approximate $6.1 help vices will also be implemented, ■tording to the resolution, million for the third year. CD with the project's implementa¬ such as street repair and sewer program we implement," tion." hers of the CD staff want- can Sharp said. staff members replacement. 1 drop funding of several of go into neigh "There will also be a The Lansing CD program is borhoods such as NDA number Once the code items are variety King's community centers in two and of social services offered so that most heavily involved in neigh¬ explain to residents taken care of, residents of the ,977-78 fiscal budget be borhood rehabilitation which is what they would people whose homes have been o( large overruns in its qualify for area can choose to have neigh- repaired can be assisted so they under CD funding. budgets. One of the presently taking place in two borhood improvement stan won't lapse back to the former ,rs probably would have Lansing areas — Neighborhood dards, such as lawn improve¬ states," he said. Development Area (NDA) Whitworth said that building ment .in Hull's First Ward, and driveway repair, im¬ or •d the CD budget number one, a west side inspectors do an intensive in¬ plemented. After that step, Whitworth said that though neighborhood surrounding the spection of the area houses and residents the iBcnaro to keep the com- find out everything that is can get into more major CD emphasis is with |itv center program alive, Kingsley Project; and NDA optional repair items, such as housing, there are a number of number two, wrong with the houses, accor getting a kitchen fixed up. Both he'CD program consists of an east side public service things happening neighborhood sandwiched be¬ ding to the dictums of the of these areas also in areas of the | three-year programs. Cur¬ tween Potter Park and 1-496. housing code. When this is put CD funding. come under city outside the ly, the program is in its rehabilitation program. These together with the families' fi¬ "nd fiscal year and in the John Whitworth, citizens' nancial situations, residents can The whole rehabilitation pro¬ include services such as the State News/Linda Bray ication process for the third participation coordinator for gram in Lansing has just been placing of street trees and the Over 190 Brody Hall residents gave blood lor a Red CroBS blood drive in become eligible to receive the Brody The application deadline CD, said the first three-year implemented in this second paving of streets. CD funds Complex Monday. Stewart Caldwell, coordinator ot the blood drive, said he low interest (three per cent) jie Dept. of Housing and plan originally hoped to have loans or grants, depending on year of CD funding, Whitworth have also been used to partly hoped the response would serve to spearhead a competition he an Development is April 6. four such areas involved in said, adding that the first year finance Lansing's Riverfront started among the dormitory hopes to get those situations. was involved with the complexes. All challengers are welcome, he said. planning Park and the west side recrea¬ In order to learn the senti¬ of the program. He said that tional center. kpen inauguration State News jught, says aide - 2° A Day. IaSHINC.TON (AP) — "Y'all come," to Jimmy Carter's Did you know that the is president on Jan. 20. ssence, is what Carter's inaugural committee 'P paid by students at ire saying as they launch the registration each term for preparations, ho grratest concern of the President-elect is that we reach the The State News averages mum number of people possible. He wants an open out to be only 2'a day? (juration," said Bardyl Tirana, who met with Carter about his Well now you know! Is last week. brter and his aides have turned back through history to the I And you get all these great things each day! Iguration of Andrew Jackson, a Southern populist, in 1829. ison's boisterous constituents flooded Washington and Irtedly made a shambles of the White House carpet, among Ir things. a, a Washington attorney, is one of the people running the al committee, which now has a staff of 10 and more work can handle. be of its first duties will be compiling a list of 300,000 or more pic who helped the Carter campaign in some way and are to get News world, national & local - ted invitations. lie invitations will not be worth anything, except as mementos, Classified Ads employment, housing - i will not get the invitee into any function that the an't get into. public at tflr, Money Saving Coupons ets. for about $25, will be available for a series of informal Opinion Page es the committee will hold at various places in Washington, ma said Carter has decided that the inaugural ceremonies The Ibe as informal as possible. He will wear a business suit and State News f Carter will wear the same gown she wore when Carter was irated as governor of Georgia in 1970. Hosiers announces their 48^ Anniversary Sale: Stop by today *4lT>slw 2031.0,^^0, 1 - from Student U - ' nrrrss Buckskin (atkcts Sweaters Reg S7") Now S-' 1/3 to 1/2 off (lOllcho VPS' sols 20% off Pullover basic Shot land Dresses sweaters Ryu SIS 1/3 to 1/2 off Now S13 Knit Tops 1/3 to 1/2 off Now $39 Skirts Pre-washed 1/2 to 1/3 off Denim Jeans 1 A3 oft Gouchos sale periec I nine 1/3 to 1 off lor ( d I l ist 11 las im Save 1/3 to 1/2 in all departments £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 2^1 Loan agent appointment backed "Most of the loans received order to get reactions from ByJONICIPRIANO authority to require a lender to obligations. If a student with- SUt. New. Suff Writer bankers and schools," said Rita send the entire proceeds of the draws early from classes, the by MSU students go through The establishment of an loan to an escrow agent. This the state of Michigan or the Bubowski, public information es¬ remainder of his loan would be crow agent to distribute feder¬ agent would then disburse the returned to the lender and the Michigan Higher Education As specialist for the Office of Education. "On Jan. 4, after ally insured student loan funds money to the borrower in student would pay back only sistance Authority," he said. in installments has been pro¬ "An escrow agent would comments are received on this, appropriate installments for the amount of the loan actually only be used for federal loans." we will decide on a new set of posed by the Office of Educa¬ education purposes. used. tion of the U.S. Dept. of Health. regulations." Education and Welfare (HEW). The use of an escrow agent A final decision to implement There could be one escrow Ron Roderick, associate Under this plan, the U.S. would cut costs to the federal director of MSU's Office of the escrow system has not yet agent or several in the final Commissioner of Education government and protect bor- Financial Aids, said this plan, if been made. plan, she said. frandor would have discretionary from excessive payment enacted, will not affect MSU. "We've put this idea forth in Another set of rules con¬ rowers shopping cerning the Guaranteed Stu¬ dent Loan Program concerns a center PnOME: 337-li|,l1 stO«HOUSS comprehensive revision of ex¬ 31H MAU COURT 'A-M.TOlOPtt E.L. Sister City group checking isting regulations, Bubowski said. "Last month, the Education UK*, ecu. Ufebvs "aNmAtv0,h,u»' ,0AttTO"-M.s^| 4| Amendments of 1976 were en¬ acted and these amendments . possible link with Canadian town clarify certain prohibitions and also expand some previous tootie definitions," she said. For example, the maximum By ROXANNE BROWN and another by formal associa¬ sity of Sherbrooke. Several being different but close family income received to be State News Staff Writer tion of their cities, towns or MSU professors serve on the enough for student exchanges. eligible for federal interest Many cities throughout the villages. Sister City Committee and benefits has risen from $15,000 United States have formed Within the program, cities have affiliations with Professor Ronald Sutherland colleagues to $25,000, she said. international associations with and their citizens exchange at the University of the University of Sherbrooke of Sher¬ Included in the regulations WLI cities in other countries. The things, ideas and people in a brooke. planned to meet with various are steps to insure that loans Sister City Committee in East wide variety of cultural, youth, individuals representing differ not made Victor Howard, an MSU Eng¬ are indiscriminately Lansing recently decided that a educational, municipal, profes¬ ent sections of the East Lansing and to prohibit a school from lish professor, is director of formal association between this sional and technical projects. community to discuss a formal American-Canadian studies making payments of financial city and a town in Quebec called According to East Lansing here at the association with Sherbrooke as inducements to lenders making Sherbrooke should be added to Mayor George Griffiths, the University and is a East member of the International Lansing's Sister City. loans to its students. the national organization of National League of Cities, as Cities Committee. Howard said Sister Cities. the program is known national¬ The Sister City program as a national concept was launched and interest on the part of cities that having affiliations with ly, promotes international trust Sherbrooke will make it easier State News MAKE YOU OWN to advise, plan and help pave at the White House in 1956 when the President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, called for massive and helps to break up the parochialist attitudes of cities. Griffiths has attended inter¬ the way for future projects between the two cities. - 2°A Day. CHRISTMAS GIFTS! exchanges between Americans national delegations between MSU Sociology, Urban Me¬ and peoples of other lands. cities and he said the exchange tropolitan Studies and Educa¬ Hundreds of U.S. cities re¬ visits of people promote inter¬ tion Professor Wilbur Brook- Did you know that the sponded and have established national understanding as well over was of East Lan¬ '1™ paid as demonstrate what a mayor by students at two-way relationships with program sing at the time Sherbrooke cities in over 60 other nations. like Sister Cities is capable of registration each term for was first considered. According The State News averages The Town Affiliation of Sis¬ accomplishing in the way of to Brookover, the interest in out to be only 2* a day? ter City program was devel¬ bettering human relationships. making Sherbrooke East Lan¬ oped to encourage international Sherbrooke, like East Lan¬ Well now you know! sing's Sister City was gen¬ friendship through contacts be¬ sing, is a college town, a little erated by the town's proximity I And you get all these great tween the people of one country larger and housing the Univer¬ and also its French culture things each day! Edison's recycling program IT'S WORTH 10C A COPY largest waste saver in state News world, national & local - The largest paper recycling Classified Ads employment, housing - ordinator for Edison. been receiving more than that. program in Michigan, currently The paper collected during The program has really taken **4 Money Saving Coupons underway at Detroit Edison Co., waste saves more paper daily. than a ton of one day equals the pulp con¬ tained in 17 10 year-old trees. off." If the project continues with |||| Opinion Page In terms of yearly savings, this 41 Sfro/Prom an 'equfl-WkvprorttRlfflk! Every employe at the De troit office is actively partici¬ amount of paper conserves a 10-acre forest. Edison plaovto expand it^o ^ Slate News other offices throughout South¬ pating in the resource conser¬ The program began in vation project. Paper is col¬ May, eastern Michigan. ' first initiating an extensive lected from desk top paper \ educational and instructional savers, where it is deposited by campaign. all 1,800 workers. These desk Hannum said this helped savers are collection emptied into special boxes which are involve every employe by crea¬ ting an atmosphere of conserva¬ THIS YEAR GIVE A GIFT picked up weekly by "Waste tion through daily routine, cre¬ Not", the organization that implemented the Edison pro ating a new way Before the program of thinking. YOU WOULD ENJOY RECEIVING YOURSELF gram and buys the collected officially began, a pilot study was con¬ paper. ducted to determine "This resource conservation feasibility THE FINEST and potential success. attitude may carry over into the everyday lives of Edison employes, which in the could save other natural re¬ end "Projections made from the results of the us to pilot program led expect collection of about ton per $ KENWOOD IN AM-FM STEREO RECEIVERS one day once the full sources too," said James F. program was implemented," Hannum, recycling program co¬ Hannum said. "But we have JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS, HI FI BUYS HAS MADE A SPECIAL PURCHASE ON THE KENWOOD KR 5600 AM-FM STEREO RECEIVER. THE KR 5600 INCORPORATES ALL THE PROFESSIONAL FEATURES YOU NEED FOR TOP PERFORMANCE. NOW KR-5600 Stereo Receiver 40 Watts Per Channel, Min. RMS at 20-20k Hz. no more than 0.5% total 8 ohms, harmonic distortion ONLY AND ITS STILL BACKED BY OUR $31900 OWN PERSONALIZED SERVICE SAVE »4* len»lwg Sfor^n^^ FASHION J&J CRICKET BABY LIGHTER OIL 29 $1 29 1.1.69 $1I • 10 oz. 1.79 Reg. 1.; I • (coupon) Expires November 21, 191 Explrei November 21. 191 ^JwflenJ^SjreOwjj^ FASHION ORLON ORLON KNEE KNEE SOX SOX Reg. 1.25 88< Reg. 1.50 & 1.75 98' Expire* November 21. 197 le»f touting Store Only asitu OPAQUE WINDSHIELD KNEE SOX WASHING SOLVENT Reg. 1.09 78' Gallon Reg. 1.19 78" (coupon) Expire* November 21. 191 Eott lonilnfl Store Only 8 Michigan Stole News, Eos) Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 1776 Losses may push GOP reorganizations By ED SCHRIEBER year the student vote was solidly Iq the Ford camp, but ticket victories. DavTd Wilson defeated State Nawo Staff Writer Democrat P,,„ u For the first time in appear to history the Democrats in Ingham County have the Republicans at bay — a situation that has Analysis ,PFord receSved52 per cent of the student vote, Carter 40 per cent and McCarthy 6 per cent. But in 1972, the campua presidential su5*^csrs,£asisi UAW, the backbone of county Democr,^ ^ convinced many area Republicans to make reorganization a top vote went overwhelmingly for Democrat George McGovern by 61 years remained neutral and has refused to 1„ ,0' lh« N priority. per cent. actively support opposing Democratic Ingham County has traditionally been considered a "rock- which will not, they, as a whole, may be the most powerful elected . , On the surface, Ford's strength among students suggests an ' Republicans were also successful in the candidZ'8''81' , ribbed" Republican stronghold, where support for all of most of officials in the county. It is here that the newfound strength of the ideological reversal. But several explanations for the student position of little, if any political clout 'u the party's candidates could be virtually assured. Democrats is most evident. On Nov. 2, Democrats took 17 out of 21 crossover are evident. However, in the race for county clerk, Like its national counterpart, the Ingham County Republican Demo™, - 5 county commission seats. "We did too good a job for Mo Udall and messed up Carter in the coasted to an easy victory over incumbeT? party has faired poorly in recent elections. From Congress to the 'This is no fluke," insisted Joseph Finkbeiner from his UAW process." Finkbeiner said. In addition, he continued, "The type of Whitmeyer, his only serious opponent county commission, where the Republicans have lost 14 seats since student going to SUte is generally from a higher income level than Whether or not the struggle for 1969, even the kindest diagnosis reveals an erosion of strengths office. Finkbeiner is the chairperson of the Ingham County Dower K-. ] and influence and signs of severe disarray and decay. Democratic party and believes "the county is definitely into the Democratic column. moving during previous elections." Finkbeiner said the "Republican recession" forced many conservative factions of the Republican question that party leader, themselves party^*1*'*! On Nov. 2 Ingham County, as expected, went heavily for "Four years ago you'd have to say the county was lower-income students to quit school due to increased costs and before the next genera] election in President Ford. But in other races, many of which were termed Republican. 1980 Two years ago it was swing and now it's Democratic." fewer scholarships. "must wins" by both local and national Republicans, Democrats But StudenU for Ford Chairperson Kirsten Frank disagrees. Since 1969, county commission representation has gone from continued to make inroads and in some cases, concrete advances. GOP domination of 18 Republicans and three Democrats to a near Frank believes Ford's strong showing on campus was due less to are any indication of future trends, a Ingham County comprises slightly more than half of the 6th reversal of 17 Democrats and four Republicans. economics and more to efficiency. major ree , * Republican strategies will be in order. Congressional District, which also is generally considered a Finkbeiner cited several factors as the key to "Our organization was extremely efficient and really got out Republican stronghold. This year an intensive Republican effort growing Democratic strength: increased cooperation among the three Ford's name," Frank said. "Ford was the only Republican was launched to recapture the Congressional seat won by presidential candidate ever to carry MSU. We had an organization Democratic Congressman Bob Carr in 1974. Cliff Taylor, a veteran of the 1974 race and a campaigner of elements of the party, MSU students and county liberals, labor and minorities. "When you win it's easier to get better candidates," he said. "We in every dorm and usually every floor." Frank said the campus Ford Committee ran a separate State News proven ability, was again the choice of the GOP. Personal campaign from the College Republicans because "there were a lot ran good candidates and had an excellent party organization." - 2° A appearances by prominent Republicans stumping for Taylor The importance of dedicated candidates and organization was also stressed by William Sederberg, a former a tight party of Democrats re-electing Ford." working with us and we were only concerned with "Obviously the home sUte thing helped Ford," Finkbeiner said. Day. pollster for the Taylor campaign and one of only four successful "We did too good a job for Mo Udall and "But in other races students continued to back most of the Republican county commission candidates. messed up Carter in the process," Finkbeiner "The Democrats did an excellent job recruiting energetic Democratic candidates." young said. In addition, he continued, "the type of candidates who make the county commission their livelihood," he County election resulU confirm Finkbeiner's observation. Carr said. "When you've got a hard-core received over 70 per cent of the student vote sad Don Reigle student going to State is generallyfrom a higher group who give their all to party organization and candidates ' ho are willing to make the received 60 per cent in his successful Senatorial bid. income level than during previous elections." county commission their full time commitment, they're hard to In other races, Republicans did manage to pull off a few beat. We've got to find some people who are willing to do this." Though commissioners may be the most powerful elected > There IS a difference!!! ^ included First Lady Betty Ford, Treasury Secretary William officials in the county, they are also the lowest Simon and Commerce Secretary Elliott Richardson. paid. County commissioners receive an annual base salary of <3,000, plus an Despite their efforts, Carr managed to tighten his grip on the district by soundly defeating Taylor. Carr is only the second additional <30 for every meeting they attend, with a maximum total compensation of <5,500. The chairperson of the board of . GMAT • MCAT »CPAT .VAT • LSAT .GRE .DAT ^ Democrat to represent the 6th district since the Civil War. «OCAT .SAT commissioners receives slightly more and may receive a maximum Across the slate, Republicans are clearly becoming a minority of <7,500 annually. • NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS party in Ingham Count,;-. •ECFMG .FLEX State senators were not up for re-election this year. Still, Sederberg believes recent Republican losses are part of a Flexible Programs and Hours national trend rather than a county problem. Consequently representation in the Senate remains split between Over 38 years of experience and success. Small classes. "A lot of voters were punishing candidates for Voluminous Republican Richard J. Allen and Democrat Earl Nelson. running negative home study materials. Courses that are constantly updated. Centers Allen was re-elected in 1974, but by less than an campaigns," he said. "People were particularly upset with the open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities for review News world, national & local - overwhelming Carr-Taylor and Esch-Riegle races. of class lessons and for use of majority, with 52 per cent. He believes the Republican party must missed lessons at our centers. supplementary materials. Make-ups lor Classified Ads employment, housin - "Unless the Republicans put up some moderate to liberal "'broaden its base of support" if it is to halt the current skid. Allen candidates, the Democrats will solidify the county." Flexible Programs and Hours ! 5 MOST 4-CYl CAM WITH COUPON 19 MOST 6-CYL News world, national & local - CADS WITH COUPON Classified Ads employment, housing - Money Saving Coupons Opinion Page HO5T0-CYL ARS WITH COUPON The State News U.S. No. 1 Genuine ART FAIR IDAHO POTATOES Limit 3 With Coupon A *5 Additional Purchase EXCEPT BEER. WINE b CIGARETTES El OTHER HANDCRAFTED JEWELRY COUPONS WITH PURCHASE REQUIREMENTS LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILT BY QARy AkJb K&n-iy WlL^OkJ TH&r MAKE JEWQLY U5NQ UNU^UAL 5>E/AirR£ClOU!> <3l0W£? THAT W CUJ TWEM^EiVEJ. 95 POTTERY | Va Slicnd 9-11 Chops ■ 'HE BIG WHITE BARN BY THE. PIME. UksL POTTBL 'his Areas Only Mult.-Media Discotheque 2843 E. Gd. River E Lans 351-1201 Ft5[b, CjOBLEfS, MUC,5, BOWL? AMD OTHER. PORK CHOPS BEAUTIFUL -THROWN FITTER]! VHEEL ING WEDNESDAY half price nite INTAGLIO BY LYMN ME.IMEK6 Xf.NCJcHuHq-? AK1D> EM5CS6IMICt6. -BUY OR LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMASII 99 Half Price on A" Mixed Drinks All Nite EAST THURSDAY & FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18-19 HAMCHECK' POLICY OWL ™ Everything you buy at Kroger is guaranteed for your total satisfaction regard )BERT5 AUTO I CROSSROADS rmsm; less of manufacturer If you ere not satisfied. Kroger will replace your item ^ ONLY THE BEST DISCO, with the seme brand or a comparable brand or refund your money KPAII „l BUT THE BEST BAR We also guarantee that we will do everything in our power to have ample 9W.SA0INA*! MMP0RE5 IN TOWN! supplies of a* advertised specials on our shelves when you shop for them WNJINO If, due to conditions beyond our control, we run out of an advertised special we wW substitute the seme item in a comparable brand (when such an item twHATlW«*"| I 210 ABBOTT ABBOTT, EAST LANSING, Ml. is avaUabie) reflecting the seme savings or. if you prsfer. givs you a RAIN .tot si*''*-. CHECK'' which sntitles you to the seme advertised special at the seme pnee any time within 30 days 1 0 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 17 '.1976 Young skaters commam Spartan offensive attack! By JIM DuFRESNE top scorers will be returning for assists for 11 points, sophomore conference marks. State News Sports Writer at least another year of play left-winger Kevin Coughlin is "Those standings don't mean Minnesota, which juniB, J Though the performance of and included in that group is third with three goals and a thing" to us," Bessone said. ninth to fourth of last on theuiln the '76-77 Spartan hockey team MSU's all-freshman line. seven assists and center Dave "It's still eaTly in the season, as weekend's "1 we have MSU North Dak„u ?■ and its record appears bleak, The right-winger for that Kelly has been Bessone's most played only six league rated sixth, the future for coach Amo line, which has scored a third of productive senior, picking up games. Anything can happen to Michim. logical State News Laura Lynn Fistler Bessone's squad looks mighty the Spartan goals this fall, is three goals and Five assists in a team by the end of the University, tu| So go the trials and tribulations of ice skating at Demonstration Hall on cam¬ bright. also Bessone's top skater in eight games. season." ninth, and UniveLTj rado, which is in pus. The rink is open to the public from 8:30 to 10 p.m., Monday through Satur¬ After the first eight games of total points. Russ Welch leads "The seniors are hurting us a Spartan Slapshots - The 10th day and in the afternoon, Friday through Sunday, from 3:30 to 5. the season, seven of Bessone's the squad with five goals and little," Bessone said. "The vet¬ WCHA continued to dominate the hockey polls as four of the S5I seven assists while roommate erans are not coming through and center Jim Cunningham is like we were expecting them to. top six schools in the third fourth on the list with four week of college ratings by radio SELLING MSU IS GANAKAS' JOB goals and six assists for 10 station WMPL are from the points. Left-winger Paul Midwest conference. WCHA Standings Klasinski is not far behind his Wisconsin, which had re¬ in sixth, ac¬ ceived six first-place votes and 15' Gus two teammates looking for buyers counting for four goals and three assists. "We're a little surprised by their early season mance," said the Spartan coach. perfor¬ Wisconsin North Dakota U-M W L T 5 5 5 1 0 1 0 3 0 PTS 10 10 10 93 points, continues .to hold on to the top spot while U-M with one first-place vote and 70 points is rated second to the Badgers. m Minnesota 3 2 1 7 B-U. By GEOFFETNYRE opportunity for them to ask questions and get things off their "We Other WCHA schools Sute News Sports Writer minds," Ganakas said. thought they would take a Colorado Coll. 3 3 0 6 are "Tit! 1.U- little more time to make the Denver Gus Ganakas has a new job - selling MSU. "Sometimes you think you have communication, but you don't" 3 3 0 6 he added. "Maybe they have some ideas. We want to profit from adjustment in the league." Michigan Tech 3 5 0 6 He sells it to high schools, sells it to the alumni and today he is "But they have been the key MSU selling it to t!.f MSU faculty. those ideas. 2 4 0 4 Advertising Club | for us so far this season." Notre Dame Organizing a luncheon at which the faculty and staff can meet "We want to establish relations and goodwill and bridge the 2 4 0 4 Bessone quickly added. "They Minn-Duluth the new faces in the athletic department is the latest project for credibility gap, if there ever was one, between the athletic 0 5 1 1 have kept us alive in the the former MSU basketball coach. department and the faculty." conference." Now assistant to the athletic director in charge of departmental relations. Ganakas is busy spreading a more likable image of MSU In selling MSU's image to high schools, Ganakas makes it clear that he is by no means a glorified recruiter, nor is his job Junior right-winger Joey Campbell is right behind Welch We've got to get some more Meeting and its athletic department than the one presented during the basketball-oriented. with four goals and seven scoring from seniors like (Dave) recent "We take MSU to the high schools, not necessarily to recruit a purge. certain player, but to establish good relations with the school," Kelly and (Rob) Harris if we are Wednesday, November 17 Perhaps the place to start is right here at home, so a faculty and staff luncheon was arranged for today at noon in the Big Ten Room of the Kellogg Center. The lunch will be buffet-style at $3.75 per person and Ganakas Ganakas stressed. "I'm not recruiting players. I'm helping through other people, such as those in the high schools and alumni." /Z going anywhere this season." As of this weekend, Spartans have quite a way to go the 8:30 p.m. 332 Union lurfh "We'll concentrate on the revenue sports, but all in the sports will Western Collegiate said Monday that hopefully the get-together would elicit more receive attention," he said. Chet LaRoche, UAP and Hockey Assn.'s standing. than mere acquaintances. Though the MSU athletic image V.P. of the Am. Assoc. of was somewhat tarnished in MSU. with its 2-4 WCHA "It's an opportunity for the faculty to get to meet Dr. Kearney, Darrvl Rogers and Jud Heathcote, but more importantly it's an light of past incidents, Ganakas said the athletic department feels that the school itself is still the prime selling point. Notes record, is tied for eighth place with the University of Notre Advertising Agencies will be the guest speaker. "One, we have a friendly atmosphere that exists on campus and Dame while Wisconsin and the two, MSU is predominantly an undergraduate facility, as opposed University of North Dakota top to U-M, which is more graduate-oriented," he said. "It should be MSU swimmers more appealing to the incoming student. "That's what we have to capitalize on." Ganakas added. "Instead The men's intramural inde¬ pendent football championship is scheduled tonight at 5:30 p.m. the standings with their 5-1 ALL ARE WELCOME! of showing off buildings we want to show off good, friendly on field six. Defending cham¬ relations," pion Absencity will take on the srevens kick off season not Ganakas has had six months to get used to his new hide his enthusiasm for it. "I think it's a great job and does winners of the Golden Bears and Team One matchup. VAn Lines opportunity for me to get back into the The deadline for the women's By CATHY CHOWN Parks named athletic administration through Dr. Kearney," Ganakas said. "He Marilyn Early, individual swim meet is noon United Van State News Sports Writer Becky created a position that fits me thoroughly and I Hastings, Vicky really enjoy it." today with the meet scheduled Free Estimates l|||## .Several fine performances by MSU swimmers highlighted the LeFever, Karen Waite and Sue at 6:30 p.m. Thursday. 372-9270 ~ Y IM [lease, particul w omen's swim ing of the 1976 team's first out¬ Tilden as returning swimmers from last year who turned in I iwk tit on On the Wayward S fit season last good performances "for this cut typifies w ha Saturday. time of the year." Basketball talks the "Kansas" ■ always guilty ol so The Spartans swam in the State of Michigan CoHegiate Relays at Oakland University. Freshmen Sandy former Lansing Sarhatt, swimming standout, and Jane MacLaren, \ drat ist s"l listeners overstuff v continue tonight Pyfli 1 es, seems to h Though no team points were a breaststroker from Farming- scored in the contest, coach MICHAEL D. MITCHELL 1 the beauty ton, showed fine potential after Jennifer Parks the Oakland contest. 927 E. GRAND RIVER 4 soil is not s said, "The swimmers and I were generally Head basketball coach Jud season Nov. 29 EAST LANSING Parks said that the meet against Central pleased with the performance Heathcote will continue his tour Michigan University in Mount 332 • 2145 showed the team some of MSU dormitories — especially against U-M." tonight, Pleasant. strengths and weaknesses, as promoting and answering ques¬ UM had beaten MSU last she said the squad will need to tions about MSU basketball. season for the first time in five work on turns and push-offs, and also work on the Tonight at 7:30 Heathcote ATTENTION DORM RISIDINTt years, so this winter the Spar¬ freestyle. will be at the East Holmes Hall tan swimmers are She said that most of the other looking for main lounge to meet with the Wolverines to be their rb air in every aspect — top Big strokes were coming fairly well. along interested students, while ath¬ letic director Joe Kearney will STUDENTS Ten and Competition, nationally. regionally MSU will be traveling to Miami of Ohio University this be at the main Akers Hall. lounge at 7:30 in T>SHIRTS... MSU won the first three weekend for an invitational Students may purchase a '2.00 per shirt includes a quality T-shirt, events: the 200 yard meet there. packet of 14 season tickets at your dorm nome, fraternity medley or sorority relay, the 300 yard backstroke this time, for $10. ensignia, any picture, any amount ol "Our swimmers will now MSU will open its 1976-77 letters, 'whatever you want. relay and the 300 yard butter¬ get a chance to fly relay. try out some of In the 200 yard their longer events, namely the Minimum order 3 dox in — freestyle Mixed sixes ok. relay, the Spartans took second 400-yard individual medley, the after being touched out at the 500 yard freestyle and the 200- "ftars of the Call Steve ot finish by I' M. MSU also turned yard butterfly, as we didn't in an excellent swim these events at the Oak Sth Dimension" C & 0 T-SHIRTS performance in land meet," Parks said. the 400-yard medly were relay, but again touched out at the finish. In the 400-yard indivi J Cowig Son J NYION JACKETS ALSO I 355-3097 after 5:00 dual medley, Karen Heath, Cathy Kolon, Lynn Lagerkvist and Kathy Brown turned in a State News fine performance, but finished second. MSU also look seconds in the - 2° A Day. 400 yard freestyle relay and the 300 yard breastroke relay. Did you know that the Barbara Harding and former T paid by students at state Mikle look high school champ Jeanie a close third in registration each term for l 4 The State News averages I meter diving competition. out to be only 2* a day? 0*»'v;'MO e • • gSS Sieektak Well now you know! I And you get all these great things each day! INEXPENSIVE HAIRCUTS! IT'S WORTH 10C A COPY M AI IM ><\ sin News world, national & local - Classified Ads employment, Jiousing - I i/i *\ I 114 f'S 1 fit, Money Saving Coupons < 111 1 inks V i i//UL \\k 315 South Grand Avenue 1 arising, Michigan 48933 The Plume: 484-9895 State News DRTHLAND DEARBORN GROSSE POINTS GRAND RAPIDS EAST LANSING BIRMINGHAM ANN ARBOR DETROIT PONIIAC MALL Ljgonjtate News, Ea»t loosing, Michigan Wednesday, November 17, 1976 J ] >PitESihinn](i>[riil5 lowcaseJazz concert 'Ritz:' hilariously crafted [esents 'Cat' Barbieri in born j bis nickname Leandro Bar is the Hasta Sempiere" and Three: Viva Emiliano "Chapter Barbieri's genius is still ever- contemporary farce By BYRON BAKER satirically with homosexuality most plays. The picture never Zapata." present in the new release. He State News Reviewer and Italian gangsters. |No matter which way it Though these albums were well has not forsaken his roots. In seems static or overly talky. "The Ritz" is a very funny | gato Barbieri is a received in jazz circles, it is fact, he has strengthened the motion picture. Terrence Mc- Lester has directed with an Lester uses the camera intelli¬ azz tenor sax player. Barbieri's involvement with bond of that frenzied Latin antic, wry sensibility in a spare, gently, and art director Philip Barbieri explodes Bernardo Bertolucci that Nally (who adapted his hit Harrison's impressively taste¬ straightforward style. Though . pro¬ style and coupled it with a Broadway play for the screen) j rhythms of Third pelled him into the spotlight. He scored two films for Berto¬ flavorful uptempo "disco beat," has intricately and hilariously this is not one of Lester's more less interior sets are contain the action. ample to ■ronsciousness, soaring in creating a rich sound all his crafted a contemporary farce personal projects — there is Etb his instrument as if lucci; "Before the Revolution" with all the classic expository little of the savage comic inten¬ The strong cast, extensively the same. Gato Bar¬ and "Last Tango in Paris," the drawn from the Broadway and physical sity of his "How I Won The pro¬ latter bringing Barbieri acclaim Gato Barbieri and his band trimmings. Direc¬ War" and "The Bed Sitting duction, is a fine ensemble. tor Richard Lester has outside the jazz perimeter. expertly Weston is very good as the king up in Argentina, will be at the Erickson Hall Idva transported it into a film with Room" in the picture — he has Ij started to play sax- The "Cat" has now teamed up Saturday night for two perfor¬ wit, polish and an unerring brought a detached efficiency innocent, perpetually shocked I at the age of 14. with Herb Alpert of all to the film, clearly shown in the Proclo, Moreno is outstanding people. mances. Tickets for this Show- feeling for pace and timing. the Led by the mighty John Joining the A&M label with caseJazz presentation are $4 precise staging of the often as determinedly starstruck L he began to explore Alpert as his producer, Barbieri McNally's tale winds around Googie; and Jerry Stiller has a and are available for the 8 p.m. the predicament of one Gaetano complicated action, and in the t depths of the instru- has come forth with the com¬ show at the Union Ticket Office Proclo (Jack Weston), an over¬ finely honed, controlled per¬ nice, gritty turn as the venge¬ ful brother-in-law. ikying with raw energy mercially accommodating, high and Marshall Music. The 10:30 weight, small-time business¬ formances. The Warner Brothers release Kterful passion. Leaving ly enjoyable album, "Caliente!" p.m. show is sold out. man from Cleveland marked for "The Ritz" avoids the pitfalls is now playing at the ia in 1962, Barbieri death encountered in the filming of Campus 4 to Rome, where he — primarily because he Theatre. married into the infamous Ves¬ ('paths with trumpeter pucci family. Fleeing his trig¬ lierry. Cherry brought L to New York to work ■man and that is where 1 background began to I as he played with the Gallery renews old charm ger-ready brother-in-law Car¬ mine (Jerry Stiller) and his gang, he winds up at a notori¬ ous gay bathhouse in Manhat¬ tan, the "Ritz." State News - 2° A Day. C Charlie Parker, Dizzy By MARTHA G. BENEDETTI State News Staff Writer ing through $15,000 restora¬ ago the structure served i The next exhibition requires The plot thickens consider¬ ,, Sonny Rollins and tion, financed by the building's bank and a variety of ii ably as Proclo is continuously The 120 in the Shade participation by invitation only Gallery, two landlords. companies. and will include a agape at the demeanor and Barbieri began 120 W. Ottawa St., diversity of Did you know that the lis time, Lansing, The gallery building was "The important thing to us is residency of the elaborate lis Latin ambiance onto projects a historical facade erected in 1890 media, ranging from blown 11"" paid by students at by the Lansing that the building is being homosexual spa he is using for a ginning with "Chapter which has weathered time with¬ Women's Club, which occupied glass to photosilk prints. egistration each term for restored to historic hideout. Additionally, he must .in America," and out losing its original charm. the accuracy," "The five board members, The State News averages con- facility until 1956. Before said gallery director Karen somehow avoid the attentions P with "Chapter Two: The antique structure is go¬ the gallery moved in two years including myself and the gal¬ of the aggressive Claude (Paul out to be only 2* a day? Bazner, an MSU graduate stu¬ lery's four owners, (all MSU dent in art history. B. Price), a "chubby chaser" Well now you know! graduatesl are dedicated to art with a fetish for the company of ,And you get all these great lurfh Inside the progressive-styled and the elements album by 1 offers gallery, the cultural atmos¬ phere is enhanced by high pertaining to the enjoyment of art," Bazner said. fat men; an inept private eye (Treat Williams) hired by Car¬ things each day! ceilings, refurbished wooden mine to stalk Proclo; and the floors and large, long windows. Owners Dave Kirkpatrick extraordinary Googie Gomez louly of slow and Kirby Milton obtained The original gallery owners (played with breakneck verve smooth sounds opened its doors with a desire to provide local artists with a bachelor of fine arts degrees and Kirkpatrick currently owns a by Rita Puerto Rican Moreno), a manic singer with an meeting place and marketplace designing firm. Milton is a improbably heavy accent, des¬ wake them up, get them inter¬ for their works. photography instructor at Lan¬ perately hoping to reach the big iNSAS: Leftoverture ested and get the listener sing Community College. time. News world, national & local i" is out with album The artists donate a period of - Sherry Black maintains part McNally has written the type r four. Perhaps pro- thinking you have played some¬ time each week to expose Classified Ads employment, housing - thing obscure. The band's last ownership and holds a special of play and film that does Iproducer Don Kirshner release, "Masque," changed gallery visitors to "the warm interest in art education for everything for the viewer. It is ► Money Saving Coupons ne around his group and friendly environment of Lily catch on and Christ- that just a bit with high sales contemporary artworks." exceptional children. Owner Gary Lorenz, a horticulture completely plotted, with full continuity (no loose ends here). I Opinion Page last winter. Economically, the gallery ckings will be stuffed graduate, sponsors the gallery's It does not make the demands A challenger to the British, runs on promotions and sales of ((overture." plant sales. on-its audience that many frag¬ The lo like "Kansas" and what this Midwestern American band is a combination that hints work with displayed in cooperation participating artists. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 mented contemporary come¬ state News |s" has recorded so far, of "Yes" vocals, "ELO" strings, p.m., Tuesday through dies do. The script is broad, y you will dig the Gallery exhibitor and MSU Saturday. "Aerosmith" guitar riffs and ingenious and fresh in dealing le, particularly the graduate Douglas Elbinger is the first other reminders of different displaying 70 photographic por¬ on side, 1 On Wayward Son." bands. However, the mixing is traits through Friday. The the right imitations of various ■cut typifies what little is sufficiently complex to equal portraits include famous and popular bands. only valid local ■the "Kansas" sound. The one description: people and have appeared Seeing the band live, how¬ "Kansas." in magazines and newspapers I always guilty of tasteful ever, would discount such — Dan Spickler and on album covers since 1966. t listeners who like claims. "Kansas" sounds the overstuffing of same at the Silver Dollar seems to have dis- Saloon as it does on the disc. 4 the beauty of open And that is perhaps the group's and is not scared to most important next step: get¬ I slowness however, ting heard on stage. mag- No popular group is going to ■ 'he group's sometimes tour with "Kansas" for fear of ■transition from rocking being outplayed, yet "Kansas" Tito smooth organ-back- (the group has not appeared kals by keyboard man here in two years) needs to be ■ Walsh. Tt critics feel that despite With three previous albums, bical ability, "Kansas" is a "Kansas" has been the night¬ find that sounds slick time progressive disc jockey's K of lavish equipment, basic kicker after a slow sound. "»e engineering and all You can count on "Kansas" to CHECK IT OUT... "Brilliant pom film. No other Mm ' " " i« %v going to equal this one. It I 'imply has to be the best film ■M1876. 100%' —Al Goldstein, Midnight Blue " t&slly rates 100. . . If s the finest » movie I've ever seen. It is inventive, 'It, and highly erotic." —Borden Scott. After Dark "Misty Beethoven" Introducing Const&noe Money r _ Jamie Qiuu Jaqueline Beudant ftm/Glorta Leonard/Casey Donovan,'Has Kean Directed by Henrjr Paris yiPUCL*2.*iff Giltnr toll STUDENTS 5i WIS! BE 18. STUDENTS, FACULTY & STAFF idswilkbieckeb. i ENI SERVICE Of THE BtAl FIIM CO OPERATIVE. i Students, Faculty, and Staff welcome. ID's required. 4 *★*★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★**** 1 2 Michigan State News, Eost Lansing, Michigan College plans outdoor class By MARK FABIAN • Tuition for eight off-campus credit hours. • Overseas administration fees and class activity fees. The class will meet five days a week and will include campfire lectures and rap sessions. The first week will consist of hiking in IMTNMnu!!^ starring Angela Winkle) Students wishing to be in the great outdoors instead of the • Campground fees. Banff and the weekend will be spent in a chalet where students can classroom can now make that wish come true and earn eight OPEN • Lodging for two weekends in chalets at Banff townsite and the take advantage of a sauna and an indoor Olympic-site pool.' 12:«Sp .m credits at the same time. Storti TODAY The Office of Overseas Study, in connection with the University Lake Louise area. Backpacking will start the second week in Yoho National Park Feature at 135 • Transportation from Calgary, Alberta, to other points in and the weekend will be spent in a chalet at Emerald Lake, where College Dept. of Natural Science, is offering a course in hiking and backpacking in the Canadian Rockies for three weeks this summer. Students who have begun natural science in one of the Canada. Round trip air transportation to Calgary is available from horseback riding and hiking trails are available. Students are required to keep a journal and will be assigned a The people of the city ' "'M Canadian Airlines for $220. book to read before the course begins. Grading will be based on the are being terrorized. University College tracks can enroll in natural science courses 142 and 300 for four credits apiece. The approximate cost of the three Larry Besaw, professor of natural science, said many students journal and two essay exams. The Crimes have no motives! are driving and can form car pools that would cut the Besaw said that students who have a special skill in camping or weeks is $499 and includes: The killers have one transportation cost to about $70. backpacking will be asked to help teach that skill to other explanation An additional $7 a day is needed for food. Besaw said that students. freeze-dried food will be used to avoid attracting bears. Students need their own backpacking equipment and, since the "This is definitely an educational the lectures won't be so oppressive. experience," Besaw said, "but I want to tie in the educational . It will give you "GODTOLDMETO" Carter scouting course is quite rigorous, a note from their doctor saying they are physically capable of handling a backpack at high altitudes. aspect so that it's a total experience." The course is open to 24 students and Besaw said he hopes to nightmares forever! The backpacking and hiking will take place in Banff, Jasper and have at least eight women enroll. Yoho national parks. Besaw said that the area provides a great The course runs from Aug. 12 through Sept. 10 and financial Cabinet recruits opportunity for teachers. "I'm trying to instill an interest in science in a level beyond that of the classroom," Besaw said. assistance is available from the Office of Financial Aids. Further information can be obtained from the Office of Overseas Study or by contacting Larry Besaw, 218 W. Holden Hall. "CAR WASH:... where,between the hours of 9 and 5 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ anything can happen, WASHINGTON (AP) - Jordan's control, leaving Wat¬ and usually does! son in charge of budget plan¬ SPIRIT TOUR 1976 J RHARHHRHARHfl President-elect Jimmy Carter's ning, policy, and liaison with *- Guest Stars new chief talent scout Tuesday he is sure some Re¬ said federal agencies. STARRING THE ELEMENTS OF THE UNIVERSE ffJlkljl Ajap - Key Carter aides Stuart * publicans be in or independents will the Carter Cabinet, Eizenstat and Bowman Cutter ft COMING SOON Jf hjdirlii though no special effort is being will be working with Watson on * made to recruit them. transition operations. * Jordan, at an impromptu Hamilton Jordan, who man¬ Attention Science Fiction Followers * news conference in a hallway aged Carter's Democratic presi¬ outside the transition offices, If dential campaign and was said he would be surprised if * named Monday to lead the any Cabinet appointments are On Toes., Nov. 30 at 8:00 in Fairchild * search for the faces of the new announced soon. Jf administration, said his job is to "We're in business, but it's Aud. R.H.A. will be presenting + the world help Carter "find the best going to be slow," Jordan said. Jf people" and that there is no "It's a slow, tedious process. premier of o major motion picture to be commitment to form a biparti¬ We're going to be careful and released by 20 Century Fox this Feb. Jf san Cabinet. deliberate." * WAR WIZARDS, an animated science fic¬ >f But "I'm sure it's inevitable," Jordan said his team has he added, "that there will be defined the personal qualities tion adventure tells the story of this * some Republicans or indepen¬ needed to fill each Cabinet post world in a post nuclear holocaust of 10 Jf dents in there, as well as and is calling people around the Jf country for recommendations. PLUS SPECIAL GUEST STARS million A.D. in which the characters of Democrats." 4 Mhfetm Carter said Monday they al¬ The EmOTIONS the story are called upon to use all >f •mltrlm ifc- Meanwhile, the White House ready have 6.000 to 7,000 announced that as a result of a suggested names in their com¬ means of magic to prevent the Jf November 29 re¬ telephone call between Carter 0:00 pm and President ments are Ford arrange¬ being made for the puter. Carter and Mondale are be¬ currence will be of war. hand Director Ralph Bakshi it ginning to call people them¬ on to answer questions Jf two men to confer in Washing¬ selves, Jordan said, in addition from the audience ton next week. No date has been set for the meeting, their to those being contacted by the talent scouts. Jenison Field House scenes from his latest film as well as show project for it first since the final televised "There are some names that Jf United Artist, LORD OF THE RINGS. >f campaign debate. are obviously of people who Tickets '5!° & '650 mSU Union should be considered," Jordan, >f It was also announced Tues¬ said. "There are others he marthalls music E. Lansing day that Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger will fly to (Carter) doesn't know, so the An _jf first step is outreach," talking Ebony Production Carter's Plains, Ga., home Sa¬ turday to brief the President¬ elect on foreign policy. CIA to some people who would know candidates who ought to Tickets on Sale Now! j Students, faculty t staff welcome. ID'S retired. J be considered. Director George Bush briefs Carter on Friday. Vice Presi¬ dent-elect Walter Mondale will attend both briefings. Presidential Press Secretary Ron Nessen said Ford and Carter spoke by telephone Star of stage, screen and TV, CYRIL Monday night in what was RITCHARD stars in a concert version of | described as a cordial and Victor Herbert's beloved operetta. The businesslike conversation. contains many score classic melodies As the including "Ah Sweet Mystery of Life," Carter transition "I'm Falling in Love with Someone," team was formally moving into its "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp" and "Neath a new quarters at the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Southern Moon." A lighthearted the President-elect's first romantic intrigue set in 18th Century White House appointee, Press New Orleans, "Naughty Marietta" was Secretary Jody Powell, was a smash hit on Broadway and on tour meeting in the White House in 1910 and became a favorite Jeanette with Nessen. MacDonald/Nelson Eddy film in 1935. Carter's appointment of Jor¬ dan to run the recruiting drive reduced the authority of transi¬ tion coordinator Jack H. Wat¬ son Jr., who had been Jn charge of what was c University Series "talent inventory" staff. Event CYRIL RITCHARD \Marietta\ UNDER THE MUSICAL OF DIRECTION , THOMAS SCHERMAN COMPANY OF 55 MONDAY, NOV. 22-8:15 P-M UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM Tickets on sale NOW at the Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30 p.m. weekdays. Reserved Seats Only. Public: $7.50,6.50,4.00 MSU Students: $3.75, 3.25, 2.0 Presented by the Lecture-Concert Series at MSU. ligan stote News, Eoit Lansing, Michigon Wednesday, November 17, 1976 13 State News Classified Call 355-8255 4nt Automotive \\&\ FRANKLY SPEAKING. . by pjjl frank vds | Aparfeils |f-s Btdg DATSUN 280Z 1975, Mint VOLKSWAGEN Fully furnished, carpeted, air con¬ 3652. 5 11-22 (12) condi¬ 1971 Super ONE OR two females for furnished tion, 18,000. 26 mpg, given tic Beetle. Automatic with sunroof. ditioning, electric fireplace. One or $5500. 332-1220, 6-11-22 apartment. Close to campus. Call ■automotive (12) A-1 shape. Phone 484-9597. 332-4432. 0-14-11-30 (121 two adults. All utilities plus deposit. Phone 655-3333, 10 paid. $175 CEDAR SOUTH-Lincoln. Fur¬ 4-11-19(12) nished, two/four rooms. $125, I Scooters i Cycles DODGE 1966. New a.m. -2 p.m. 8-11-18 (31) $195. Utilities paid. 669-5782. Ports 4 Service transmission ONE BLOCK from campus, ef¬ 8-11 29(12) exhaust system, $250. VW SQUAREBACK 1969. New | Aviotion cally sound, good rubber 882- Mechani¬ starter, shocks, generator. Best ficiency apartment available im¬ ONE FEMALE roommate needed mediately. Call Craig Gibson and winter/spring term. $69/month. fHPlOVMENT 7098. 8-11-24 (12) otter. 351-3733 after 5 p.m. 8-11- leave a message 627-9773. Z-11- NON-SMOKING female for con¬ Collingwood Apartments 351- venient Cedar Village Apartment. )R RENT 23 (12) 12-3 1161 1745. 8-11-18 (12) I Apartments EXCELLENT Winter, spring terms; 332-0437. DODGE Charoer 3-11-18 (12) I Houses 1968. Fine shape, 318 engine VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK FEMALE TO sublease, December PINE LAKE APARTMENTS 6080 $600. 12th-March 25th. Two baths, J Rooms John-332-4287; 8-5 p 3-11-19(121 m' ,ires' AM/FM' $500 627-6782 after 6 p.m. 8-11-23 Marsh Road. One bedroom, shag EAST LANSING, one bedroom (121 $89.50/month. Near Cedar Village. carpet, drapes. Quiet country at¬ |0R SALE 337-0313. 8-11-30 (15) mosphere! $165 plus utilities. 339- furnished apartment. Patio and air 1 Animals conditioning. Rent includes water FIAT 1973 850 Spyder. 24 000 one W CAMPER 1971. New engine, 8192. 8-11 18 (18) J Mobile Homes owner miles. Very excellent condi- Verv 8ood body/interior. Many MALE NEEDED, for two bedroom and heat. 351-6159. 0-11-11 30 ■ 0ST4 FOUND tion. Original red finish.DALE extras Call 627-5149 any time. furnished apartment. Close. Avail¬ LCC NEAR AND SOUTH. Furn¬ WATSON AUTO SALES 4528 able 12-3-76. Call 332-3673. 3 11 ■personal 8 11 18 (15) ished or unfurnished one bedroom EAST LANSING: Large one bed¬ South Cedar. Phone 882-0202 19(121 units from $140/month, |£anuts personal (—* ,, , HE SA1WHS TO UfE WAR including room apartment, $165/month. !!Al ESTATE IECREATION FIREBIRD | Motorcycles M is m asp Jixr nbvr? eoTUPi SHARE ROOM in furnished 4 utilities. Call Joe Miller, ACOLYTE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT. Leaving soon Call 337-0913. 5-11- 23(12) 1970. Formula 400 woman apartment. Close to cam¬ INC. 332-4240. 0-6-11-18 (23) Service automatic. Power steering and SUZUKI, 1973. TM250 dirt bike, pus. 332-4277 1-5 p.m. 3-11-19 SUBLEASE - ONE bedroom I Instruction brakes. $1400. 353-6051 (12) (121 8-11-22 Supe' condi,ion- Must sell. First ABBOTT ROAD, luxurious one furnished. Close to campus, park¬ reasonable otter accepted. Call bedroom, unfurnished in very I Typing ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA ONE MALE desperately needed ing, no pets. All utilities paid 676-9623 Monday-Thursday after- 94709 desirable building. Only $185/ mansportation FORD PINTO Wagon 1973. for Campus Hill Apartment, winter except phone.$165/month. 351- Stick, noons. 8-11-22 (18) month plus utilities. Call Joe 4548. 3-11 19(18) panted FM radio, radials, $1700. and spring term. Air, carpeting, 355-3126 Miller, 332-4240, managed by sound town' after 6 p.m. 8-11-241121 GREMLIN 1971. Air, 43,000 I « Ado Sena ; l(~il / [ Employment ](jj$j [ For Reet Tfj free bus to campus. 349-2560. 5-11-23 (19) PRATT REALTY, INC. 6-11-18 (24) FURNISHED ONE bedroom apart¬ ment, to sublet winter/spring "RATES** miles, 1 terms. Borders campus. Call 351- body good, runs excellent, $1000/ FEMALE NEEDED winter and NEAR CAMPUS - Sublease one ATTRACTIVE 1127. 3-11-19 (13) otter. 353-2783. 8-11-29 112) MASON BODY SHOP 812 East COCKTAIL TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. spring terms. Excellent location, bedroom, furnished, air. Cedar Kalamazoo waitresses and cashiers. Exper¬ $85. Phone 332-3878 soon. 8-11 23 Street since 1940. $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- Greens, $190. 9-4 p.m. 351-8631. FEMALE NEEDED. Winter, pos¬ HONDA CIVIC 1974, ienced preferred but not neces¬ 1010. C-20-11-30 <121 good con- Complete auto painting and colli 8-11-22 (12) sible sary. Apply in person, 2-4 p.m. spring. Old Cedar Village. dition, Michelin tires! best otter. sion service. American and foreign ALLE' EY NIGHT CLUB. 2-11-18 ONE BEDROOM furnished or Cable TV, balcony, dishwasher. 393-6703 after 6 p.m. 3-11-19 (121 cars' 485 0256 C-20-11-30 1201 ORCHARD COURT (South Cedar, $88. 351-1637. 3-11-19 (14) 117) unfurnished. Haslett Road. Close. Miller Road area). 10 minutes from 3 IMPALA 1972 V-8. Air, some MASSUESES WANTED. We will ripartmeits Iffl NORTH POINTE APARTMENTS, 332-6354. C-20-11-30 (12) campus. 1 bedroom, immediately. Carpeting, drapes, appliances. BRAND NEW, completely fur¬ jaUHJimmn dents, 59,000 miles, $1400/best train. $8.00 per hour. 489-1215. nished, one bedroom apartment. tinanacEiiro otter. 351-1020. 8-11-30 KINSEL HIGHWAY - 15 miles $135, plus electric. GONIFF COM¬ Sublet winter term. Call 351-4456. (12) Z-30-11-30 112) southwest of campus. Upstairs, PANY 489-5315. 8-11-22 (23) aEEHEHTEEin 10-12-2 (12) country apartment. $125. 351- j|nuns! PIE BCI IMPALA 1972 - Florida car, white PIZZA HELP. Day and evenings, 7497. 0-8-11-30 (12) TWO FEMALES needed Old Ce¬ itnnTr-s:ir r i with blue vinyl top. Very clean, 350 inside and drivers. Drivers must WILLIAMSTON, 10 minutes from * dar Village winter/spring. $88 furn¬ MSU campus on Grand River. Air, 2 barrel. Runs like new. 55,000, have own car. Apply in person, Roommote Service ONE BEDROOM basement. Par¬ ished, parking. 332-3306. 5-11-17 radial tires. $1900. Call 487-3096. MR. MIKE'S PIZZA, 3700 South * Next to Campus drapes, carpet, kitchen appliances. tially furnished. $140/month. Near (12) One bedroom $139. Studio DEADLINE S 7 11-19 (23) Waverly, Lansing. 7-11-22 1231 * New Managers - - campus. Susan 373-9040; 351- * $118. Call now 655-2642. 6-11-24 Furnished 3314 after 5 p.m. RED CEDAR School, unfurnished, KARMANN GHIA 1971 Coupe. 3-11-19(14) (22) WE ARE now having Pillow Plant 28,000 actual miles. Very excellent parties, great fun call 374-6863 (or NEED FEMALE winter and spring. WATERS & RIVERS 3 bedrooms, $225, heat paid, no pets. 332-8064. 8-11-18 (12) LANSING-EAST Lenawee. No condition. DALE WATSON AUTO AMERICAN, GERMAN information. 2-11-17 1131 AND Fun SALES 4528 South Cedar. Phone FOREIGN CAR REPAIR, also body roommates. Apartments, Collingwood $69/month. 337- EDGE APARTMENTS NEED ROOMMATE,for own room pets or children. Heat, water, furnished. References. 646-6115. 882-0202. C-5-11-19 1191 20% DISCOUNT to students and 2317. 11-12-3(12) (Next to Cedar Village) COMPUTER OPERATOR, CPS in two bedroom apartment. $100/ 5-11-23 (12) faculty on all cash 'n carry VW 1050 Waters Edge Dr. MUSTANG 1969 Convertible. V-8. major with COBOL preferable, month. 394-3312 mornings. service parts. IMPORT AUTO evenings. Year round job. 372- FURNISHED APARTMENT to automatic. Good running con¬ 332-4432 8-11-24(13) EFFICIENCY APARTMENT - PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and 7435.5-11-19(12) sublease winter and spring term. dition. $260. 339-3409 after 6 Cedar. 485-2047; 485-9229 Master furnished, all utilities. 5 minutes p.m. Close to Collingwood entrance. 5-11-23 (121 from campus. No lease. $90. • Charge and Bank Americard. AVON A 332-3403. 8-11-30(13) JOLLY AND 1-496. Two bedroom DOWNTOWN-LCC-near. One and M OO ser - friendly personality is two bedroom 489-1551. 8 11-30 (13) C-20-11-30 (37) all you need to townhouses near Postal Complex. apartments with large (or an ad cha MUSTANG FASTBACK 1966. Six begin selling. Be spacious living lis 18' per word per your own boss on your own time. CAMPUS HILL male to sublease 1 Zi baths, washer, dryer, dish¬ area. Ample SHARE BEAUTIFUL two person cylinder stick, good shape washer, patio. Month to month storage. Call to see 482-6968. Jadditional words. mechanically, some rust. $400 or JUNK CARS wanted. We pay 482-6893. 25-12-3 120) immediately or winter/spring. Free lease. Phone 484-2555 9-5 p.m. 8-11-19 (18) house. Own bedroom and study. more if they run. Also buy used bus, furnished, $75. 349-2770, Perfect for grad. $115. 332-8110. best otter. 353-7950. 8-11-23 (16) ts Personal ads n cars and trucks. 489-3080 anytime. TV AND stereo repairman needed! 349-4963. 4-11-22 (15) weekdays. 8-11-17 (23) 8-11-30 (14) NEW 1 bedroom. Immediate occu¬ MUSTANG 1968. V-8, three C-20-11-30 117) Experience necessary. Hours flexi¬ SPACIOUS THREE bedroom fur¬ ONE PERSON for furnished apart- pancy. Cable, air, 410 West Sagi¬ speed. Good condition. Drive train ble. WILCOX TRADING POST 351 ROOMMATES. BEAUTIFULLY nished apartment. Upstairs, pri¬ -ment, own room. $85 month. Heat naw. 8058, 351-9091. 8 1117 509 East Michigan, spacious 4 bedroom farm house excellent. $800. 482-2859 after 5 Lansing. 485- vate entrance, paid. 332-1093. 8-11-17 (12) 4391. C-20-11-30 117) disposal, parking, needs 2 personable and energetic p.m. 8-11-19 <141 newly decorated. $180/month plus people. Must to TWO BEDROOM duplex. 4 blocks TWO BEDROOM furnished. Air see appreciate. utilities. Close to buslines. 487- Call Pat 349-4731. 10-12-2 (20) NOVA, RALLY 1971. V-8, new 5733,485-1924. 8-11-30 (21) to campus, very convenient, shag conditioning, gas heat, all utilities tires, radiator, starter. Ziebarted, LIFETIME GUARANTEED exhaust carpet, very cozy, good landlord. except electric. $210. Call 351- TWO-THREE females for Twyck- ire due 7 doys from the 82,400 miles. 394-4989. 8-11-24 $245/month, deposit. 351-7567. 2798. 8 11-19 (14) xpiration date. If not systems for your foreign car at EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. Fe¬ ingham Apartments. Available HOUSEKEEPING AND odd jobs, male needed to sublease single 8-11-17 (19) winter term. Call 337-2138. 6-11 19 pd by the due dole 50* CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 2-12 hours/week. Near a campus. FEMALE SUBLET furnished. $85. CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ apartment. Winter term, spring :e charge will be OLDSMOBILES FOR sale, 1976. Susan 373-9040; 351-3314 after 5 FEMALE NEEDED to sublet town- Ten seconds to campus. Im¬ Doctor's and nurses cars. AMER- zoo Street, one mile west of option. Furnished, close, cheap. p.m. 3-11-19 (14) Call 351-1268 after 8 p.m., before 9 house. Own room, 10 minutes mediate occupancy. November campus. 487 5055. C-20-11-30 (24) OLD CEDAR Village - one man CAN RED CROSS 372-6686. from campus $67/month. Seven rent paid. 337-0861. 351-6306. a.m. 5-11-23 (21) needed for winter and spring term. 13-12-3 112) EAST LANSING ART WORK¬ Trails West. 349-1992 8-11-17 (17) 8 11-19 (15) 351-1483. B-1-11-23 (12) SHOP is interviewing immediately utive A PONTIAC CATALINA 1968. Full power, air, new exhaust, good I" Ewpfoy»Mt~]FIXI for the position of director. Art and business background. 332- ONE MALE for two person. One bedroom. Winter and Spring, one block to campus. 332-4762. 3-11- MSU-FRANDOR. Quiet, one bed¬ EAST LANSING - one bedroom furnished apartments starting at WOMAN, SUBLET. Available 12/ 10. Close, carpeted, furnished, tires, 46,000. Excellent condition, rooms, unfurnished. Carpeting, 4966, 693 North Hagadorn. 7-11- $180. Call Cedar Green Apart¬ R.N.'S, L.N.'S, your professional 19 (15) air, balcony, appliances. 332-3116, kitchen, bath, own bedroom. 332- best offer 351-3014 X8-11-17I16) ments, 351-8631. 16 12-3 (14) 29(201 339-9522. 8-11-24 (12) 5614. 16-11-24 (12) services ere needed now. All shifts ■ car? Sell your unwanted STUDIO. NO SELL ME YOUR CAR available. Choose your assign¬ utilities, deposit, ■quickly with a State News - DALE WANTED - GHOST Writers. $150/month, FOURTH FEMALE needed winter/ 821-825 North Pennsylvania, just ments. Excellent salary. KELLY parking. Sublease ad 56 (or cheeFul - Call Kathy at assistance. WATSON AUTO SALES, 4528 SOUTH CEDAR. PHONE 882- 0202. C-18-11-30 yi3) HOME CARE, 694-4166. 5-11-17 '201 Must have creative ability plus journalistic background. Write Box 407, Pontiac, lllinios 61764 December thru June. 332-2645. 5-11-23 (12) spring, Old Cedar Village. Balcony, cable TV. 351-8504. 8-11-24(12) south of Oakland. Large carpeted one bedroom apartment. Carport, r hqisk ][£] storage, laundry. Heat and water furnished. Security deposit, lease. TWO BEDROOM, 115 South enclosing a resume. All replies are LARGE FURNISHED one bed¬ ONE OR two persons for large two p*ey but she runs! Make an STUDENT TEACHER Special - MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST confidential and will be answered. No pets. $170. 882-0640. 8-11-22 Francis. 5150'month Grads or MT(ASCP). Immediate opening. room. Close to campus. 731 bedroom. Zi block from North Ja»er M50 and drive this 1970 Dodge Dart-Economical slant six- Z-3-11-19 (271 (27) couples preferred. 332-0123, after¬ Full and part time (three days a Burcham Apartments. Call 351- Campus, with bar and waterbeds. noons. C-5-11-19 (131 ■tone. 485-4897 after 5 B.m: stick. 73,000 miles, runs great, week). Third shift. Must have 1825. 6-11-24 (12) Joe or John, 351-2826. 3-11-17 heater, radio, tires. 332-5416. LIMITED NUMBER of Turquoise THREE ROOMS furnished, utilities clinical experience in all areas. (21) HOUSEMATE FOR four bedroom 4-11-191171 Jewelry Franchises available. I FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to paid, $115. Available December Please contact Personnel Office, house with three grad students. F IK.WIS 1974, like new, SUBARU 1976, five speed, 32 LANSING GENERAL HOSPITAL, deal direct with best manufac¬ turers in Southwest and direct to sublease winter term. Furnished ONE WOMAN needed for Cam¬ 1st. Quiet, bus. 489 1551. 8-11-18 Walk to campus. S80/month. 351- Bluebook, $4275. 2800 Devonshire, Lansing, Michi¬ apartment, very close. 351-4072. pus Hill, $88/month. Available 2863 to sell immediately. Price mpg, regular fuel, front wheel you. Hundreds of designs avail¬ X8-11-24 (12) immediately. 349-1006. 8-11-24 _4-11^18 (15) drive. $3600 655-1227. 8-11-24 gan, 48909. 372-8220. 8-11-24 (351 $ best otter over able in rings, bracelets, chockers, PERSON NEEDED to share small $3300 (13) (12) FEMALE ROOMMATE needed 07.8-11-29 (191 SHORT ORDER Cook; Pizzas and earrings, pendants. All sterling WOMAN, SUBLET winter term. winter and/or house near campus. Starting Jan¬ silver. Prices from $4. All spring term - pieces Four woman apartment. Near WILL SUBSIDIZE responsible par¬ uary. Tom. 351-9574. 5-11-17 (121 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1967. Fresh sandwiches, no experience neces¬ Collingwood Apartments. $69/ P SMsrk. Two door. engine, body needs work, many sary. Apply in person, HUDDLE lifetime guarantee for man¬ campus, reasonable rent. 351 - ty to sublease large, modern, 2 month. 332-5164. 5-11-19(13) ather trim. Power ufacturer defects. $200 minimum 4862. 3-11-18(12) DUPLEX 3 bedroom, carpeted, SOUTH, 820 West Miller Road. bedroom apartment. 332-0675. 1'* spare parts. Call Dale. 351-3816. brings basic kit - seven day J5t. Phone 485-3479. 5-11-19 (12) dishwasher, full basement, gar¬ 5-5-11-19 (14) Lansing. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m inspection with money back WOMAN NEEDED WINTER, one ONE MAN. Winter term, $75 per age. Call 487-1614 or 489-0057. 882-7579.12-12-3 122) guarantee. Serious inquiries only. month, utilities included. Two X 8 11-22 (121 bedroon, furnished, close to cam¬ FEMALE: PREFERABLY grad to VALIANT, 1968. 55,000 miles, THE SILVER SUN TURQUOISE pus. 337-1426 after 4 p.m. X minutes from campus. 341 Ever¬ . -■(A 1967. Great share beautiful, furnished Kedzie transpor- runs good. $285. Call 332-3015. BABYSITTER-PART time; ap¬ TRADERS. P.O. Box 403, Dayton, green. Call 337-0328. 8-11-24 (17) HOUSE IN Lansing, fireplace, air X Runs beautifully. Radio, 11-12-3 (121 proximately 20 hours weekly, two Ohio, 45415, or call 1-513-276 5J1J9H2) Street apartment. Beginning De¬ conditioning. Good for three peo¬ Puttering, brakes. $225. 332- BLUE. Z-1-11-17 172) FEMALE NEEDED winter term, cember 15. Campus extremely ple Call after 6 p.m. 484-2164. ■ oil 19 (12) pre-schoolers, own transportation. close. $102.50/month, 351-8241. VEGA 1971. New engine, good own room, close to campus. COUPLE OR Person(s) to share 811-23(141 Okemos, 349-3656. 8-11-23 (14) 8-11-24 (19) tires, good condition. $500. Call 337-1153 after 5 p.m. 8-11-23 (12) quiet non-smokers apartment. fe9c70°'V-8- 1 ®41Xn 3°7 ltu»- 0900/best evenings 337-7349. 5-11-23 (121 WAITERS, WAITRESSES, bus- people. Apply in person for full CHRISTMAS HELP November 20- December 24. Days or evenings. Meridian Mail. Rose, 349-3854. TWO MALES for furnished apart¬ ANDREA HILLS One block off campus. 332-6035. 8-11-29 (13) iCf afte' 5 PK- VEGA CAMMBACK 1972, AM/ FM, stereo 8 track, steel belted and part time employment at SEA HAWK RESTAURANT, 3-5 p.m. 3-11-19 <131 ment, beginning winter term. $75/ month. Free bus. 349-9173. 6-11- Brand new, large 1 and 2 bed¬ rooms (some furnished). Excellent CAPITAL VILLA female to sub SPORT! "°UT 17 (13) neighborhood. 5 minutes to cam¬ iease winter, spring. Furnished. SUBURBAN 1972 tires, very clean. Call 355 1574 Monday through Friday. Experi¬ 1976 Mazda RX-3 pus. From $169, no pets. 351-6866; |*an. deluxe interior, $2250, 1.224-8340! after 7 p.m. 3-11-19(161 ence preferred. 8-11-23 1221 For Hwt Iff] MALE NEEDED to share two man 332-1334. 8-11-22 (24) Close to campus. $70, including utilities. 351-5402. S-5 11 29 (15) VEGA GT-1972. 42,000, four VOCALIST NEEDED for rock apartment immediately, or start speed. New snows on rims. Great band. Call anytime 351-0614. 4-11- HIGHLAND HILLS banquet winter term. 351-0810.3-11-17 (19) CIS351**1' te™4- 800d good. runs ^V. shape! $900. 332-6681. 7-11-29 17112) rooms available for parties and wedding receptions, Christmas NEED 3 males for four man YOUR ATTENTION 811-30 H2I etc. Corner U.S. 27 North and apartment for winter and spring, PART-TIME employment with • Exciting rotary- VEGA HATCHBACK 1973, Alward Road. 669-9873 9-3 p.m. Cedar Village, 351-9351. 3-11-17 multi-manufacturer distributor. 12- engine 20-11-22(21) 114) 197oT ~Four- bronze, four speed, 20,500 miles. $1095. 20 hours week. Automobile re¬ performance K M9'3436.12-12-3 jl66™0 radi°, $750. 351-5161 after 5 p.m. • Tachometer (121 8-11-22(121 quired. 339-9500 or 339-3400. C- 11 11-30 (16) BURCHAM WOODS APARTMENTS PLEASE!! • • Electric clock Optional 5-speed te^s,aie,miles- »• 394 Win one- VOLKSWAGEN 9 passenger bus 1970. Rebuilt engine, new clutch, gas heater, insulated and panelled. PANY seeks reading keyboard Now leasing for 6US"« rLFln6 ■ ^^^"d ''ensportation. condition. your sports car! Hardtops for oil sports cars: • Paid Water last two weeks of each term. On your way down to a small car. test-drive 1^337-0103. 3 11-19 (121 *M«A • Air conditioning Winter leasing Rates Registered Shop Competitive Prices the RX-3 here: rdwwhVf0,anfle-Air- Mil 9 mot. 3 6 2720 E. Kalamazoo ' 3W 'Lakes' AM/pM. •Hot K'3 347 Student Services or mos. I B94-1410. 3-11-19 'Antin Mealy Call or write for further information on prices, 745 Burcham Dr. '218 (W. Edge ol Campus) 485-0409 Towing 8 Tow Bars 485-0400 355-8255 COOK-HERRIMAN V. W..VMV04UXM Vt mile w. ol Lensing Mel I rSsnoT'^^V-S, HARDTOPS INC. 1345 Fori Street, Wyandotte, Michigon (313-285-4728) 351-3118 9-5 Weekdays Available (to 6135 W. Seginew JW Phone 371 5600 8"naii2i'ef,ls' $37°°' 1 4 Michigon Stote News. Eost Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Novemb,, |? Rnrs Fir Sail ll^l N"«| B Smfi) Record heart BRIGHTEN UP your winter. Open- disease rate OWN ROOM, beth, study room in FOR SALE 1975 Schwinn Vanity ASTROLOGY: CHARTS, inter¬ IRENE ORR. Theses, term papers, ings in HEDRICK CO-OP for quiet suburban home. Working or ten speed. Good condition. Was pretations, lessons, saons, chart compari- general typing. Formerly with Ann women/men. Close to campus, compari¬ - — <»«»»»«» „i graduate woman preferred. 353- $150 must sell $80. Call 349-0953 sons, career counselii . same, expert stay " ' " predict 5243; 339-2219.8-11-29116) X-8-11-17 (16) advice. Call 351-8299. OWN ROOM in country home. HP-25 PROGRAMMABLE calcu¬ CO-OPS HAVE some openings for TYPING, IBM, fast and accurate. $62.50/month plus utilities. Call winter term. Mostly doubles, 351-1049. 8-11-24 (12) lator. One year old, little use. $100. Phone 355-4772. 3-11-19 112) rSTUDENT LOANS $.60/page. Call Pat 393-9642. B-1- about $300/term for room and board. Call Co-op Office, 356-8313 THREE ROOMS to sublet in five TYPEWRITERS ALL with war¬ ASMSU Loans due Frl„ Nov. Itth 11-17(12) as factors to raise n$H - or stop in at 311B Student bedroom house. 10-15 minute ranties. Excellent condition. Ser¬ Held cords will he TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and Services Building. 12-12-3 (28) walk to campus. 351-2624 Dan, vice and cleaning. Mornings, Issued ell reasonable. 371-4635. C-20-11-30 on unpoldlooi Becky, John. 3-11-18 (181 evenings. 484-2922. 8-11-30 (12) (12) MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) - Berenson, conducting a MATURE PERSON for farm America's children appear on term long- home. Prefer vegetarian, non- TWO ROOMS in house, close to study in Louisiana of 5,000 ROSS 21" ten speed. Excellent ERHARD SEMINARS TRAINING EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ the way to maintaining the smoker. Call Bob, Joan. 625-4226. campus on MAC. $85/month. children, hopes to chart the mechanical condition. Rear Carrier interested graduates call Susie, sertation, (pica-elite). FAYANN, 8-11 29112) 332-2396. 8-11-29 (12) dubious record fostered by progress of heart disease to rack. $65. 353-3557. 3-11-19 (12) 332-6521; Bill. 332-8841. 8-11-19 489-0358. C-20-11-30 (12) their parents — the world's adulthood. Glueck has con (12) OWN ROOM in house for rent, MEN'S SINGLE room, three highest rate ol cardiovascular ducted a similar $80 plus utilities. Call 351-3248 blocks from Union. Lease until SEARS REFRIGERATOR with COMPLETE DISSERTATION and study with disease. 6,000 children in the Princeton after 5 p.m. 5-11-22 113) June. Available Phone 351-5076 after 4 p.m. immediately. bottom freezer. Good condition, $100. Upright freezer, needs work. I Rial Estate Iff®) service. Printing, typing* binding. Printing from your IBM . Experts studying and treat- School District of Cincinnati. 351-4485. 3-11-18(131 plain paper originals. Corner '"g heart disease in children Heart disease may 2-4-11-17 (16) begin in "e LAKESIDE HOUSE. Two bed¬ BEAUTY SALON, well estab¬ M.A.C. and Grand River. Below said Tuesday that hereditary children because of unknown Kett">K di room, unfurnished, 10 minutes lished, central business district, and environmental factors phanoe with NEED 2 females for nice 5 person EP1180 speakers, brand new. $300 Jones Stationery Shop, 9-5 p. factors not noticed in adults, from campus. No children or pets. East Lansing. Priced to sell quick¬ house. Close to campus. Own or best offer, call 353-1494. Monday-Friday. Call COPY- combining to increase the risk Berenson said. Specific risk $175 plus utilities. 339-2524. ly. MCKAY REALTY COMPANY GRAPH SERVICE, 337-1666. Dr. I rooms. Beginning winter term. 3-11-18(12) of heart disease in children. factors, if they exist, said 8 11-291171 484-7726. 8-11-18(17) C-20-11-30 (31) must be „ 351-5207 or 332-1162. 8-11-24 (191 Dr. Gerald S. Berenson told a identified, he said. SCHWINN 10 Speed. All new session at an American Heart Dr. June K. Lloyd, professor required diet .U EAST LANSING. 3 bedrooms, THREE BEDROOM house, near PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ WANTED, FEMALE to sublet own parts, excellent condition. $70. furnished. Available December through July. $275. Call 337-1806. room in great house. Block from Phone 351-0426. S-5-11-22 (121 campus. Central school, faculty sonal and professional IBM typing. One Assn. meeting that statistics show that 54 per cent of all of child health at the University of London, England, said that mor"K "'.'ht'ir Union, cheapl! 337-2569, Maggie. neighborhood. Low 30's. CaH 332 day service. 351-5094. behavior expert, influence childrent,"|J 8-11-29(121 C-20-11-30 (12) Americans will die of heart 3-11-17 (15) INDOOR GARDENERS, 8' fluor¬ 3015. 8-11-19 (13) treating a problem once it is to disease. SEMI COUNTRY house, Okemos, escent lights with two bulbs TERM PAPERS. Typing. Editing, UNFURNISHED ROOM in fine included, $15. 1-589-8996. Leslie. "And this has to start some¬ 3 bedrooms, dog welcome, con¬ venient MSU. $210. 349-2565. 3 11-18(121 house. Available immediately. $87.50/month. Call Harriet, 353- E-5-11-22 112) I Swwict |f^l Revision. English grad. Fast, rea¬ sonable, 8-11-18 (12) efficient. 351-8407. where," said Berenson, profes¬ sor of medicine at Louisiana 9347 days, 484-6791 evenings. SNOW TIRES, F78 X 15, Four ply. State FOR QUALITY stereo service THE University Medical Cen¬ 8-11-18 (151 Excellent condition, $20. Call 345 FEMALE, WINTER only. Fur¬ STEREO SHOPPE, 566 East Grand PAULA'S TYPING SERVICE. Call ter in New Orleans. 2775, after 5 p.m. E-5-11-22 (12) nished, own room. Close to cam¬ River. C-20-11-30 (12) 4824714 for free estimate. My "We think both hyperten¬ pus. $92.50/month, plus utilities, 351 0746. 6-11-23 114) SINGLE ROOMS. $25 deposit. From $66/month. Also lease by week. Call between 12-6 p.m. 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. FREE...A lesson in complexion specialty 0-20-11-30 (12) is dissertations. sion, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease begin in SPORTS Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. care. Call 4844519 East Michigan $80/MONTH. Rooms in nice house. 2010 East Jerome - nice 351-4495. C-20-11-30 115) Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 and up..DENNIS DISTRIBUTING! or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. As¬ children," Berenson continued. "And if nothing changes then, football UTTERING people. 482-9572. 6-11-24 112) COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, C-20-11-30 (18) sociated with ANNE BROWN at least 54 per cent of today's jorsoyi '3."to '4."eoch PRINTING. I.B.M. Selectric. Fast, T-*hlrt» *2." each in For Sale opposite City Market. C-20-11-30 reasonable. children will die from heart quantities Phone 339-9076. disease like their parents." ONE PERSON needed. Own (24) EDITING. GRAMMAR, punctua¬ room, utilities paid, washer/dryer, TYPEWRITER: SMITH Corona tion, spelling; term papers, 8-11-19 (13) Dr. Charles J. Glueck, profes¬ 229M.A.C. two acre yard. $87.50/month. 332-8946, after 4 p.m. On busline. portable electric with cartridge. $100. Call 393 9642. 8-11-29 (12) COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, m-steries and much morel Visit resumes, dissertations. Fast, ex¬ perienced, inexpensive. Leslie 351 - JUDITH CARMAN. Term papers, theses, dissertations. Experienced. sor of medicine and pediatrics at the University of Cincinnati, | 2nd Floor University Mall 8-11-30 (19) CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, 7055. 13-11-30 (13) said four independent studies 307 East Grand River. 332-0112 Olympia Electric. Call 3934672 RAW HONEY about $.80/pound. anytime. 8-11-19(121 show that 30 per cent of FEMALE TO live with two others Order nowl Any quantity. Call (open 11:30-6 p.m.) C-20-11-30 GROUP GUITAR: classes are now 120) children who have a parent who in terrific 3 bedroom house. 200 Sara 3551650. E-511-17 1121 starting at GRINNELL'S FRAN- FAST AND suffered a heart attack before South Magnolia, on busline. Call DOR. Reasonable rates. For more accurate typing. Rea¬ 489-3068 after 6 p.m. 8-11-22 I20I J CASH NEW, USED, and vintage guitars, banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers information call 351-0260. 8-11-23 sonable rate. Call Marilyn. Near Coral Gables. 337-2293. 0-20-11-30 age 50 have excess amounts of blood cholesterol. We're FOR going to give you i DOWNTOWN, SOUTH Washing¬ and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ "With so many adults with ton area. Two bedroom. $165/ sories, books, thousands of hard heart disease, this means we month. Call Joe Miller, ACOLYTE BOOKS to find albums. (All at very low | hstrictioi ||y] | TrasMrUliii lift] have a large number of children INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, INC 332-4240. 0-6-11-18 116) prices). Private and group lessons with this risk factor," he said. emphatic statem Gibsons on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all WRITING CONSULTANT 8 years "If American children in gen¬ styles. Gift certificates. Expert SHARE EXPENSES- private twin EAST SIDE, nice three bedroom home with basement. $19S/month Loods of Paper and repairs - free estimates. ELDER¬ LY INSTRUMENTS, 541 East experience in professional editing, writing skill instruction. 337-1591. engine plane to DC-Dulles Airport, Thanksgiving weekend. Exper¬ eral are compared with those in places where there is little about the future plus utilities. Call Joe Miller, ACOLYTE INVESTMENT MAN¬ hardbacks, Text and Grand River 332-4331. C-20-11-30 (49) 0-3-11-17 (12) ienced instrument rated pilot. Call Walt 373-6662, days. 3-11-18 (20) heart disease, you'll find the average American children of the AGEMENT, INC. Reference GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum 0 6-11-18 (20) 332-4240. We buy books anytime 128 W. Grand River SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE SALE I Brand new portables lessons. Private instruction avail¬ able. MARSHALL MUSIC, 351- NEED RIDE to New York for between terms. Will share driving with a higher cholesterol level." computer industry| LCC NEAR, three blocks. Attrac¬ $49.95. $5 per month. Large 7830. C-1-11-17 (12) expenses. Call Dan, 355-8736. and the future tive three bedroom with two I bl. W. of Union selection of reconditioned used 511-24(15) I^oind Town baths, two car garage, fenced \M thru Fri. machines. Singers, Whites, Nec- | Typiig SrrioTfct! of your career. yard, basement. Only $210/month plus utilities. Call Joe Miller, ACOLYTE INVESTMENT1 MAN-. 9:00 - 5:30 r chi's, New Homes and "many others." $1996 to43fi.96,-Terms. EDWARDS-- DISTRIBUTING .JJNIGRAPHICS OFFERS COM¬ NEED RIDE to Chicago or Mad¬ ison. Wisconsin. Will share ex¬ penses. . Jeff. ,3556793. 3-11-19 AGEMENT, INC. 332-4240. MCINTOSH 1900 Receiver and PLETE DISSERTATION and re¬ (12) 0 6-11-18 (29) MC1L speakers, TEAC reel to reel COMPANY, 11 f5 North Washing¬ APPLY! ton. 489-6448. C-20-11-30 (261 sume : service IBM typing, edit¬ with Dolby. 332-2293.3-11-19 112) ing, multilith offset printing, type¬ RIDE NEEDED: St. Johns to PERSON NEEDED to share house. setting and binding. We encour¬ Wells, Engineering area. 8-5, call $100 a month. $100 deposit. Ten STEREO EQUIPMENT. Some new minutes to campus. 487-5424. - some used. New: Large Advent AiMals age comparative shopping. For Shelley. 353-0741.511-30(12) NEW HAPPY Hours at LIZARD'S estimate stop in at 2843 East UNDERGROUND. Reduced prices 8-11-19 (151 Utilities. $186/pair. ADC XLM, Grand River or phone 332-8414. seven days a week, 4 p.m.-8 $38. Stanton 681EEE, $38. Advent p.m., If you have a degree in Electrical HORSE BOARDING: Close to 0-20-11-30 132) Engineering. Me HUGE HOUSE; Ten rooms, four 201 cassette deck, $249. Shure MSU, reasonable rates, good care. Until plus live acoustic entertainment Engineering, or Computer Science, contact : bedrooms, two baths. Ready to daily. 511-19 120) office for further details. Digital Equipment Corpo-an V15III, $39. Maxell XLC90 cassette 676-9210, after 6 p.m. 8-11-22 (12) take over January 1. $260. 489- tape, $39/case. Used: Yamaha ELEVEN YEARS experience in equal opportunity emptuyer. t t WEBELO LEADER for Foster 5165.8-11-19(161 CT800, $245. Thorens 125B with typing theses, manuscripts, tarm School District. Set own meeting ENGLISH SPRINGER Spaniel Shure tonearm, $295. DBX 124. papers. Days, 3559676; evenings, times. Contact Lynn Bolley, 337- puppies, liver and white, AKC 6253719. C-11-11-30 (121 $259. Much more. Brian, 351-8980. 1877; Or rl Fred Miller, 484-8023. EAST LANSING-3 bedroom du¬ registered $85. 6551784. 4-11-19 plex. 1 A baths, carpeted, built- 5-11-23 (49) 1,1 8 11-24 (18? ANN BROWN PRINTING AND ins, basement, garage. Conveni¬ GUITAR - ALVAREZ Folk, three TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, ent, $310/month. 372-5920 after 5 HUSKY-GERMAN Shepherd pup¬ years old with hard case. Flawless, general printing. Serving MSU for NEED TO sell that item quickly? p.m. 8-11-17(181 "$125. 355-0750. 3-11-19 (121 py, two months old, call 484-9646 after 5 p.m. X511-17I12) ANNOUNCING A new orchard [ Rooms market. Direct from our orchard to you. The favorite varieties are HUSKY PUPPY - four months, beautiful with mask, trained. Af¬ PROMPT TYPING service: MARRIED MEDICAL student Themes, dissertations, term pa- seeks house, Park Lake/Lake Lan- here. Opening special: Pure sweet ternoons and evenings, 351-3608. SPACIOUS, AIRY, furnished pers, IBM. Call 694-1541 before 8 sing/rural area. 882-2595. 3-11-19 cider $1.19/gallon (regular $1.59/ 4-11-22 (121 basement room in private home. p.m. 2511-19 112) (12) gallon). NELSON'S WELCOME Separate: fir' A bathroom, ORCHARD MARKET, 3)4 miles FREE PUPPY, two months old. entrance, --afVitchen. Carpeted. east of Meridian Mall. 0-8-11-30 Male, Walk to cJTnpus. $125 plus util¬ shepherd/collie/retriever WHAT ARE YOUR CHANCES FOR i uitv wkI\(s(Ia\! \ ities, 337-0091. 8-11-19 1211 (36) mix. Call 351-6259. E-511-19 (121 SPECIAL TODAY FEMALE, WINTER only. Fur¬ FOR SALE; Black Nikon-F with LAW SCHOOL? 7 MUGGERS N1TE nished own room. Super house, motor drive 351-1661. 6-11-24 (12) and meter. $575. Mifcilt Htits jjW Our Systems Analysts will estimate very close. $100/month. 351-2751 your 8-11-19 (13) GREAT LAKES, 10 X 50 with chances of being accepted into law schools of your MONTIE HOUSE has many rooms available for winter term. Male or 9397 E"5"11'19 021 expando. 1 'A bedrooms, carpeted, all appliances. $1700/best offer. 337-2748. 8-11-18 (15) choice plus schools scientifically selected to match your profile. Cost? $12. Send now for information. Mf-pRia ON MU(,S female. $245 per term, room and ft-ll ipsixius \vl board. Call 332-8641. 8-11-19 (20! OVER 25 years experience. OPTI¬ AIOES, Bex 134$], University ttstion. Galnssvills, FL 33604 CAL DISCOUNT 2617 East Michi¬ 10' x 55'. 2 bedroom, 1 'A bath, (loW/NStAiRS OWN ROOM in townhouse. Avail¬ gan, Lansing. 372-7409. C-511-19 partially furnished, shed, skirting. Name able December 10. MSU 7 minutes 112) Call 487-6826 evenings. 3-11-19 ' lOM'Jli: Si Jolly Road and 1-127. Call Jim 394 3284. 6-11-17 (17) SLEEP IN comfort. Waterbed heaters regularly $70, $49.95. John DETROITER 50 x 8, 2 bedroom, FFMAIF fiWN rnnm in rinrilnv Joe. 351-2826. t-S-11-19 Joe. JOI-ZDZO. E-511-19 1121 (121 bath,........™ stove and refrigerator, fully ,un SrXS'"afock to PORTABLE TV, excellent condi¬ carpeted. 663-8431. 511-17 (12) tion, $28. Phone 484-8783 any¬ time. 511-19(121 tost t Fun If^j State News WOMAN OWN room in house. ECONOMY PRICES on used CB Close Available now, $76. 337- 0634 or 332-3170. 8-11-30 (12) radios, stereos, LP'S, tapes, gui¬ LOST DOG - female springer - 2" A Day. tars, bicycles, skates, radios, so¬ mix, tag $180900. Call Audrey FEMALE TO sublet room in fas, chairs, lamps, blenders, toast¬ 337-1223. 3-11-19 (12) pleasant three bedroom house. ers, cookers, TV'S and leather Did you know that the North Foster Street, near busline. Call 482-9519. 3-11 19 (16) coats. Come on down to DICKER Er DEAL. Sell, swap and LOST - DARK framed black case. Near Jenison. 371- glassed in •l" paid by students at shop. 1101 South Cedar 487-3886. 2409. Reward. 3-11-19 (12) TWO WOMEN needed registration each term for sublet 54-11-18(38) - Hie State News winter. 413 Stoddard. $86.25/ averages month. Utilities included. HOUSE PLANTS, variety of types LOST: BROWN female boxer dog. out to be only 2* a day? Washer, dryer, pets. 351-9142. 3-11-19 (151 and sizes. Also pots, soils and Evergreen/Abbott area. No collar, Well now you know! supplies. VERY FINEST, 4986 reward. 351-0594. 3-11-19(121 get all these great FURNISHED ROOMS in co-ed house. Very close. From friendly Northwind Drive, East Lansing, 332 8346. 10 a.m. things each day! to 6 p.m. BRITTANY SPANIEL $75. Call 332-0645. 8-11-30 (12) - white X-511-19 (231 with brown markings, no tail, five months. Lost: vicinity of South- WOMAN TO sublet room. Two APPLES-SWEET CIDE5 ^LOS- lawn, East Lansing. 351-9073. blocks from campus, $72 month. SOM ORCHARDS. Two miles Rewardl 3-11-18 (18) IT'S WORTH Mornings 337-0637. 3-11-19 (12) north of Leslie, 3597 Hull Road. 1(K A COPY (Old U.S. 1271. Gift MEN'S CARAVELLE watch. Lost ROOM IN house available Decem¬ packages shipped by U.P.S. Hours: 55 p.m. in IM locker room. All silver, black ber 15. Lease until June. $62/ Closed Mondays. 1-589-8251 face, automatic. Mike, 3558798. month. 332-6232. 511-24 (12) 516-30 126) 8-11-24 (15) News world, national & local - ROOM FOR rent. V, block from IRISH SETTER, male. Found near Classified Ads employment, housing' - campus. Call Rick after 6 p.m. WATERBED CHRISTMAS special 351-1873. 3-11-19 (12) - mattresses, $26. November only, Hagadorn tracks evening. 482-3518, after 6 p.m. Saturday ► Money Saving Coupons Fr. CLAUDE LUPPI, s.x., a free liner. John, Joe, 351-2826 4-11-19 112) 1 Opinion Page film and talks of his missionary back from West Africa. $ . ONE BEDROOM in two bedroom E-511-18 (12) experience in Sierra Leona (West Africa). How ^ ^ J be so much more house. Couples welcome, Pets meaningful and fulfilled by giving If to others (J OK. Start December month. Two weeks free. 332-5416. 1st. $100/ coSAL the Iranian government identi¬ 3301 WIN $ IN Ebefharcl fied students with anti-govern¬ harass Iranians in the United ment activities. States with the full knowledge and sometimes the assistance of the CIA." A States five-year Iranian-United protocol signed by Sec¬ retary of State Henry Kis¬ E.MICH. UPTO STORE HOURS: CASH! Anderson also wrote that singer in August outlined a 8amt0I2P m. SAVAK had been organized by the CIA in 1956. One fear, according to an trade and economic program worth $40 billion. The United States sells from $2 billion to $3 billion in arms to Iran every . ir Food Store IOam^^PM OPEN SUNDAY SUPER CASH BINGO MSU Iranian student, was that visas would not be extended if ye Wont To — S££ DETAILS IN STORE- Council topples fast food place (API NEW PORT RICKEY, Fla. - The city council wants law to force topless waitresses a attorney to draw up an ordi- nance banning topless activities at restaurants and lounges. The f rot WILSONS CERTIFIED WESTERN Feb BEEP- SWISS &L ROUNDSHEAKS SWIFTS E at a new fast food restaurant to cover up. The council authorized its move is aimed at the "Jugs & Suds" waitresses shorts and restaurant are pasties. dressed where in CUl I SLICES SOLD AS TURKEYS TONIGHT THRU SATURDAY HOME Wednesday is pitcher night ^izapd'i, ^Indepgpound Bap J ftc'taGJKiot henry house whole boneless We carry everything you need for that next great party! r*. ■ H .*♦/ HAMS IZ-WLBAVG Mon.-Sat. 8a.m.-9p.m. 337-7572 Sun. 12 a.m.-6 p.m. JHYn.li.llv Rd. (Corner of Hagadorn) Don't Forget! Bell's pizza has subs too 3301 E.MICH. ONLY Open from 11:00 < 225M.A.C. PEER HUNTERS SPECIAL!] 1135 Gr. River 332 - 5027 332 - 0858 SARD SALMI «T *196 [ State News BEEP PASTIES usiuatRs eeeA save ^59<\ | -2° A Day. SUMMER SAUSA&C i3 t I'id you know that the if CMS &AKJEP BEANS pS m T paid hv.students at registration each term for 1 he State News averages out to he only 2' a day? Well now you know! SAVE 70< WITH IN- STORE (COUPON -- And you get all these great things each day! Ifcor RETT BTLS. REG. PIET^ LIGHT IT'S WORTH 10C A COPY APPrnONAL quantities News world, national & local - Classified Ads employment, housing - 8-99' HO doupou MEBOCP (■ Money Saving Coupons II Opinion Page BUV«-SAV6VO< M#peeine t,« wr SPAK The POTATO CHIPS State News