cinema Bakshi's animted wizardy clasicl Bethoven's honmewest dance time thrive A to recodings Spining dolars telvison Adapting novel for the HOTHsewuiitcoffairhlre.yAThttunmiddensgh. Saurrcooing¬tghuhes teomporpumfrey per¬Acoustinabl.$49 ShMtaiowoiddgfneul'rtsern,M3Keu6anscwc0orivodyb9Bloutl*pa2h-srodIpenme0Ckdebrle OIliaG 3Ra7ivn-9se1itr.g, until Sale is Tech open Madnes Hdeay.r insa ity: during KENWOD $49 , formance FRM-3 For L of ina Oncewhile, our npreicwe tcorazy Sodon't sell we be ten. we'd tvhceormsabeitnild 26two-ay AtDuawrniCantbhle We've Design $ 2 WHTemgoicaefdhs.bdeemuonsntria,lothscstmweaprneotdthfo¬oiionfsrgMatdmhaeiresst SMS2tawursertcBdin1vhotzo2dloupada6sp0emBRkbXlr$ftochmrgce5infegt. $19. 0 $139.8(complet)(coe$29. 1 8(p9sreak.)$120. 49 5 ESS«=: ... Specials: 4r3eci4v 2rec1iv5 3reci1v 50rec6iv 1tu2rnabl6e turnabl hHVeadponIs Aro4ep0nl 2Des6ign (psrea.k) (pspreak.r) Pione r Mar ntz Sansui Technics Dual 810 Koss TEAC Studio 101 90 BSR KLH EPI E AGEraansdt 619 a CiOHJ yup Xon deSas weN ot \aAa\• qoda }qasa ^a iu jau> gnirotseR .E 542 rof 0387-153 ,gnisnaL TSIUQLHAD nnA DKIMOJT tS esU ecne ot t§j ,>• mun deliO emarf yaced 02 setag ytilauq tsiuqlhaD htiw htiw 7 91 .iM esnoper ylemrtxe sd A " A .mirt dna tunlaw "31 semit zH W1-QD ,thgit roiepus .srevo c noitfed-hg elbardisnoc refowbus SAB-WOL oP dna na r e h t i e hsinif 0 ,21 revird eht erus a .woleb tsom lew evatco 572* htiw s uaG htiw nitas yvaeh hgiH tnel cx tsaf citsuoca .sreka ps denifed erom e v i s a p stI ro .ELUDOM morf ¬imula .tengam tsac evitca .srekaps ¬rehoc tup o ¬aporP .ngised ro fo esir I wol level stI .gniltras ycaruca denukosil wohemS yeerhwt .esnopr seolc decuorp ren i morF ecudorp strapmi ,euqin fi ot fo ehT eht WulmiJ+p DQSMI B gnis M .notrac sab-repu elbacitn noitadr 01-QD rrotcoelsf .reiflpma refow 8 .— eltbuS ,txeN e rg eht roF TS ;hctiws tuohiw mho .REVO 1XM-QD 593$ fo ni 01 eno ot 57* selbmsA .snoiger ,scitreah .srekaps srenwo LANOITP 521* ;hecsatiwhps :serutaFgniruqer retnc EVISAP na eht t s i u q l h a D 06 * eht roF ti ro si a eht a llA l a r e v o tsomla 01-QD elgnis srevird semoceb senuoicap ,tsrif htped erar 01-QD ,detn ap fo yrev eht htiw 08 lenahc gnitce o evif y l r a e l c l i a t e d /egnardim-wol evorpmI rehtona ¬SORC ruo .rekapsduol seod egnar-luf dnelb ecnrho .yltcnisd dluow eraw !segami ytilba zH dekcaP xis n o i t s p - 3 c enO nepO ,klat .swercs owtot a ylaiceps tsiuqlhaD .SDNATS ycneuqrf s ab -bus yna .QD dna taht dna eno si n o i t c u r s fo htron syadkew 01 ton dna .tneml ,yltcefrp rehtruF ylirando sti kcurts lanoisemd-rht fo yria yb llit .supmac .m.p JJ 8 eb elbidrcn eht gnivaheb senhtom gni etsil draehnu .noit fed .htped lausn sa ni ¬sid si ¬ed eb yLREWz e3 hr EN GUE ARTSEHCOAIHPLED s*<£ mralWtiS sagitmcC CKOSNC tf-' YONAMRO EHT TEY EHT YTIC RZTIWORH IMDALV RETAHCNDRETNC YEL ANIVLA £ OT TSEB .EMOC j \ SI ER SEL of LIGRIV ETX0M OLRAC OliEDAKCRT STELAP m „ o ,n xor Bakun FLiystnler fiyncyooduur thpeagses. lBLLFiairnysudtnleyar. RBOiaoobkueunrnt. a l O . i D J Z Don a Mutanhchkeidsy, lothogtesnfy'nd swtorroy.ngliatnohwneedfr Wftoinhzaorerd. jfRoutthloosaewd,yflocuanwmteil dhisevmoibisce, tnhwweidtishr thcogeerarmtnatfein.d fCMoaarelr. btpnoeeentad Btoshoimuebf. ttschouriaoelgnepgibninsacshtuetaandte,hCrogaiwssohnt mtpwosoibrkle ihnaogiwsoentfhtohsamenirldd Bagwuubvazeensr jihonnstl—etosfilbhoneek'rdngSwpwivaelyiss. lteahraonvedm bcrauhoafoeisnrted, twrmioestnun Rcaaprpziviadst. iStnagwhbivaleeesn fdbytaohceder dtufwvrennydhatorheesrf.t OAhbipsigenzeserd? R"10t-4ahnaedl Kliknmsoere. FPSJicsehaahrneottr.. HLsksywvelid BDBMennkdurtat..BCJroashweny.,DBHHaorldmiisehilnp..PVactero FLiysntler i n t o Y l o w e n t a c r o s t h e y d M a i n t h o s e i n a d w s f o r F z a l - n i g h t e r , c o m p ; t h e f i r s b o d y t h e m o r ¬ D o p e y i n s t a d o f t h e o A n d o f . Wrld Laura hope Don no level. irnent We Atkins. RNeandc,y BVFarraeonnd, BKrieanzta. Eselman, PLaaCtrricoiax. becoming Thev lo king Brick the him. Through comuned given htiem'eds comand oferd T-shirt; per tual Bogue cafetria, time. with insulation inefcint tmois on tmoerely Grand 'Fro? bar taobilty fdoancre could said, semed And BByarkoenr. byDuLaurr knew the with were was suit was the what he Dale an Tracy Bill Kathy ibepscaousr tiscaklee. sasaimm¬plythcoureenfts blwaihg, oaasonciedtal . G R A P E V I N GRriavnedr ie 3 7-1 0 ffilagmod altering iMaisnstream ofwher aculrtere MatSU Editor Photgrapes Layout Editors Dophixft AIWtwhh'er.s (indsvamuael¬n detosphuioraebflp wyoayu).rBemanctutiylgyS"Yhvou'eflicks."yacouulgrhSbetthvoenBliuborated. k'Cnotws,hmaeomnrudveetdOflwiikts.'CWoochsatlneesd.STtthwrgeie,dBCurilyh.'n'tyAonresikde.frnaolmutv.n aren't'Cra(sht*Doc),Bo('gBuoHembapy)DBSnupzzy,S(Bwapshlfoiutl) bet",dned 'hFwsarpeaoskse,btthgpoclamkn omoainstrefy. tpianintesryfrtohootehml' bgeccuaeduentsyin1hstpy0o',Acosnkauterbdsfer.bWgwhhineicr ihndeualagftveilr,yfbotecrhgomaane. East S Editor Photo Copy Cover that of pling our home 2758 THE a like n the burge Jets. used You porn 'Maint and to Even have les was dealightetd being haaving likweas the ID'wvarefs. we WDwea'rrfs. codpies. WPeopl." e couple Abanodt First'oannde Mocaele'sd sowe'v anarmees Bboo kkss. (Slepy), (Grumpy), (Dopey), doseesnm't Dwasaidr.f foramul ting the would ftoailorred Alonpds. monuctoh, buya drugs. thened. ev ni g munchies eantrr¬tsddpfiroely"ocuvranitngmverbcomideenst opartfke wcuhreetntrsdaoawnctchhRoaitnsed mbcoenuittsh. oaulr¬w fotwhleaeddoesfftytuehosldfilsmperb omgriolsnes, This "No, "I'm They One this ity and col." a sell, into each some of the title nodescript osprteasfent Btainumett. the diraeoctiofn influec," t weal itofs filam, Jowhitnnesy Pistols someti btseoelves isgulping Nooculntree. baad ibecatuse that more see Sex We that exwmil,ybfttoseheoitnrlgBAmurlo.t ilHttvpnhheedst '"FTerxhcolaaim.dt JDeonvhutrn'.s Come b'iFnesa¬rntoed diitwelcss hdtaheaivelrs,ythcsoomneuwhdldry ewepaartitndhg. 'fFothrreouesgt,htauce'ndd Fba(Ditsfnsoeiyr??e lowmskcahlaeed-ndow bris-ad Skhnhoencswer.d htsriomxats, bidderesnfo¬atd,kGbronwwlfals are we a l f r o as curents Q btu eo he fn a once Homec ing. filanne hsahde OfTHhipeemst jusasidt forest. forest!" miro Mlieovaednf.y aafntedr opainnted thaely Wandering tao somewhr JEolthonn sexualy, hloipkmaesdt identicaly smal n SNew ection thrae¬nd profesinal, Emczhed. packge Moptaaiflr thsmee packge saoiznef.y spoizebl Packge ncsary anegwless,, dYoviucer. Alominr alumin taondpSMec¬tal 8t"soize: flow brouha cult re inde d, Now, on." Home, had "The nature The wal s, relate came A like No.) tical FRAMES simple, saroe be se-throug acontis Seoctiofns lTenwgtoh. frame 20 combinats. contais corne" locking of Gold-finshe polished brussidheed. 2in8 you'l amake Over JLG? JEWMLSRY CENT R RGriavn.rd Lansi g 32-467 O choice ART East E. Phona 319 METAL sults tions also and with It's Mainstrem: the Out? aponds BRIENZA WStriatef fliaatsnnmordet, ii"Pegaysfn d'eFscanrfteon, W(ctohvoaerenld ilusgtarbned BEtwhaaurgzl cgoucoalrsdesfdne, hloiakye.dlt Asembl the livtahmerddl hoabrvifet,n lte(saoaimslattr Fca.pnyffotalilwer,yThri4"."er flthrawowunegtedrbd Befosir's bCtagshend Omauyfr tqohuabesvstiikoen.d abkamlustei limgarnndbosdse see where our of BIL NSetawtse Sinize Minutes aupon her , NMaorgwet.. aceptd vaenrositohner funamle) thopureofse tchwaen,el'l one her Night MArti-rDoeco somany Carlos finwdasg scohuerse, tshheen, wity. her aclneadr herluscio sghlaneds, Any Far Bops, By Once Late With to Easy from the from the with from trip But. eyes and WING RENAIS C tion Europe-13th8 Renaismastercpic byCFolardyhisptoainrtcgs decowraoirvk Detroi InAstrioutsef WStheurodng.. ITALI N MASTERS largcoelset outside with Third Premi re: bequathed Eleanor 2a0mong sculptres, four The Hours: GOfrrawoduemnt Clbotecaresdr,1i9n80. The isHall, ibuildng,"sad"ibaneortgrly siuaon. hthsadaemeiirdPthaAdaCingftoupolesasruer pafm."udniedc thraoseer-vndCom"iU,"sse¬r' dbyWtehtoarrn bftuoihldnerg. tchoosmeeirntveigDThpaeratntrRFCuhraalierpdengskonCDhapir¬tmen NJiabmloceks. "hipessreaficdtlybtohpwlaienthrhs dTehpaeaan¬tdr Hthaadreeaees. Dpourttm¬sen ihanvpilebe faacnnuddlty"rowips¬earntly each "thruscsetnatgr'es,inwphrtoijoelc inctanua¬seldyDThsaomamoenrgfRauctuleldtyg. hthsiaeoirn ewoxpritnfhc stage. tthoswoaenrrkytshamltee¬eanythahsveielb'le,h"I"segatnvdstea'id. koosnangdfelytypooropduuc¬efr osadavnnitdege"thrusswtaasgierTrhwmoovusalld. tpmerufosmicanaclsialemfdotastrlyproductins. DepawrtminlfiotsstmasagreerGtpaehrfonmandcstbflaouresgeed productins. nothig" thofe used Beachler plans, be"a tive thase Hall was exclne create said. south wil than h this to and new will housing consider to both Beachler tablished plans man space, future area, the mine Also were and final such space, and cent r The on Music person Rutledge hapy" stage and ity, auto The the ment other." Theater grown Auditorum students over ping The which audienc, partmen speculatd latock a "Once and tives threeally for tions." cern due such APerpfrossedgfopcromjpelcettind busilidten.g Ciotnnhswid¬eraeattdecvwiserorn,idnicslwtuadanelckeingApalsrnkd.heowigertfsbusuldrpoinengdnsi,gtauvotililbs,ydfevoploamnrtdevclpms zcreaogmulanptiuoisns.g bdeacwsiseodn oadvpnestgneharrsxiilmde¬nsc fboaacneysdiltldoemcowlisttn.bheapario-sn PMresairdnd.tWthhsairentocrTP19hAw6eCil. thaudetcrm,ih1ton9au4s0e pol. Bdeiraecchtlor.Lecturs-eCorni,Atucdhritoezmngiadapeeqrsfuociyngl"dibkaet bitusuolndkindg phaerfonemdh'Tsaueaii¬d. ljukncosmefrtable, thaqduiceklybtprmooteeec¬an ttherars:M6T0-seinat,Thwmbrle l"aacorugsteil sqoundfyprcti. ity it of CR.lifton inarival replace built swim ng was have Ken eth the of Niblock said the for of scen ry alow begin thearic l Music this icsenter horse." 'The the audienc," perfom." both sosoepvrftr,y"deaessppocia,lyhbtuhndoeerneaths, owtruce¬ifngDThehopeauatster droeaofsicmeinss,,g asethunnadrddiol roms. fhtiohrpsaeedt fbouwreoesuaelddyJPb1a9nur7uiantr,yb"mpguieogsahhiltgHtnow."adeee i1n9wopo8eu0ldgthsnesinpaccceeial,y1t2mh5nai¬terhk Uthversety. bucwoildnsiilntfgHG2,50rae-saelatt,Lbsmoraaletry GfHearwaetuailrlt dteseionghnac baocolpnneeedrrtts, idntcaalurgtdees thoyprorjeeacrtfd Bntcwonsetrudi.PtaAeomenCntif hamobvstacelny aw* ot yb d n a , 6 7 9 1 o e Leb t s o l 6 7 9 1 d e g n a h c . f l a h noipmaC pleheht llaf r o t c e r i d t n e d u t S siht eht s'raey dna -relo laicn if ,trecno hair M ¬cifenb .ektoK yletar psed ,doirep yratenom poP -seniub fats flesti d n a -z aj gnidulcni hair M 4791 moT ¬reS ,niag ¬cerid ¬niatre E dna saw eht ni fo tfel eno ni pleh fo yR ot a ot tuc fo sti a fo a ot ni ot dna htiw struh esuaceb teoknil taht esoht ehT ecnis detinU ehT tsaE tsaE eht ehT margop elbisnopr sin eD naeporuE gnimrofep s'artehcO rehtonA detsgu ys ubeD rieht htiw tluaf .ecnavd tsom .detnsrp cisab irtmD nairv B razaL txeN naciremA .ecnarp noitem stcar relhcaeB tsnioaph relhcaeB ehT" rotcerid tsewn evah tuB ,nretS .elcyC st ira eht nI ' tuo-dls ylaicn if ,srotceid enO LLA sdnecart ,setaS .gnisaL ,ynohpms krow ot eb ,noismretn gnikam ,taht dna ,srae nredom seil sihT walf ti si yraopmetnc ,tsap osla ,dias noitd a sa trecnoC-uL yletanoirp ti ynaM sremof p eht ,hkruB ,seirtnuoc st ira gnitser ni htiw sevig ,margop .gnisaL na i d u h e Y ,yadot gniton rebmahC hten K 89.6 e r o m lautceni-odsp y n o h p m y S ecnamrofp rof .scitlop d e n u o s " elpoe tub ,cisum noitacude ylacisab sremofp ton eriot p eht liw dna rimdalV .seir S detniop er hw ,taht cisuM eht dnuos hair M os EHT POTS EROM na o k n e t i K n a m r e B s ' r a e y e sih T eht ot lanoitreI ni stifenb slanoiefrp skrow gnieedhwt ylaus stnedus krow morf tecaf ecnidua evah yksnivartS u o y " secnamrofp deniatm taht a TISREfMU YADRKV NTsuohSHWX s u o r t n e v d a nosae eht ,nihu eM erom tuo .relhca B eht ot NAHT sPL elbauv llaf eludhcs emas srehtO egroeG( .etirt cisum ylirasecn raepa artsehcrO an A liw ztiworH naV selas taht yreve ko t seireS trecnoC deunitoc( NI trecnoC-uL trecnoC-uL fo dna eht ni EEVOBA ROTS-NI DNA TSUJ si USM evah gnirb dna gnikrow htiw lanoitre h t i w lla evil." trecnoC-uL ti" ,OUR SDROCER mret devicr snozirh evitan eht s'ynohpm eUhSMt eht .msairhgoTP USM ssel ton netsil nredom derimp s'bmurC onaip .secnidua sartehco etluhatf ,deenrclot il eht eht .lesuR dhlecuiys gdnraiirltuSJ seireS nrubilC seireS ynnaaht eht trecno tuoba tsoawn ,seireS egap fo rof revo eht dna netsil ot ylacisum larutc a I morf a ot enO nac dna KCEHC WOL A eb ni si ni ni epoh stiaW eht ,TE' L A SLAICEPS TUO DROCER rieht krow deta rt ,margop ,dlrow cisum ylacisum eht krow rieht stnialpmoc nialpmoc etaicrp ynaM eta cid seireS wocs M leaf R fo ot sih fo dna sah noitd a detain si evetS sdtnenduas ynohpmys dias ,rotcudn ".ti dna dlos e rht !SKCIRP fi )5 r e b m a h C dluoc erut f ,strecno fo EIHSR t n e d u t s "somcraM h t x i s lanoitreI RUO sah sraey yletaid m 1791 sa y n a o s l a si r e h t o EROTS ot dna ynohpmyS en cs .noituls thgir .cisum e r w t a h t r i e h t eht etatS kilbeuK sremof p s'terauQ was tsaE enyt oeL namdoG ot ni dlot nredom ev ileb STO R u nwohs USM naciremA eb na g n i d u l c n i m a r g o p trecno n r e d o m taht t h g u o r b out." ilro 990 .slanoiefrp .evitarsnoc edam nredom t n e m g s .tropus-fle gniater eh si taht eriot p sa cisuM ot sreimp secnidua demrofp ytinurop eht nam .artsehcO nretsaE sgnirb USM secniduA eht relhcaeB nehw cisum )onaip tub ylno ,seirs cisum eht artsehcrO ynohpmyS ca sI nevoht B ylno gnisnaL ton hcus eht seireS ehcahert poular," seireS rof em su taht dna s l e e f eht eht e r o f e b e h s , c i s u m d n a eht raf , sa e c i r P sa ni fo yb dna ^ tra eht ni yb did ni si eht eht moT ADNteakwilness State Bakshi Ralph RfBraaokslmphih' f"aWzrnd,tsy,C2be0renlt¬ayhs Fiebnruay. wanoimutldos frtsotarymv-el ahyaeoneudt, ttpaosninmc.ilr hdhoowiesvr,doasetorybd, ftuaphn¬greet hseaid. ffrrtaahmmsee-,byTpwrpelimroo¬udu.ldctkinaosawsnmtodiTretcenh¬msteo"). thhpcenenikl said. (ptwrhohceoasle) Tihncaeoxmpt'.enss rnayprroiibelesmgfnqxupmliv.e ldoyconheeatkpst,ffii(illacmsmheap$$b71ea5t0w.n,2dn contiued. idafsmneturdiocyItchoanugu'et besphctarauoisl Iditmhswa—nylathgosetioruvybtad. tmhorofeetiucneys Ichhanclge diaswcuinth finthsanimetor lfilip■lakw-teipic hdaowcvnaue-e'st Tfoapcil Ifrthwoeaohrrmkes..d thaceernme litkarwimoeote.uhlud "Bbatlae."sikhd, cwaonyaimontoursngAmsmeaitviolndbhtoaeenvsryting Ith'mveya—'edre twohaniytnh'erd Tsmsuhbjerct faposenoodmlre, bActhuisiset k".lortncpieonsdaf Scenes anim ted for tury-Fox These normaly btoarod from Bakshi, set works," own have test. not cil "It graphed, final inary "pencil would hetes," "That's thwheer thwheer doan "Wizards "Wizards h",)noilme "The po—int way im ens who any personaly ".rotamin the Iscen. bo k) budget go Obviously, I works. big finding job. proces: hand." fi"lmThes films, integriy. debat le fintheat.'s they're that tor to cost this this is man. for When ture the we that it "My the by my have tehxpc granted. faote clip oanscred thpic¬e thvry cathes ackyVFinedta hfilams dUrniv¬e. dtrhivae thg¬ aodrtfin hemr Niosrman houg tesnlf-d¬ruciv agnsdhiamt.derlvasyWhterniev hwtelarg¬.yfhaoecnr, upiosn itnhe andl;17) oavnedr fttaoauodikenrce tthhoenen, Niorsman bytuhpstaeged poofresscrenfcn Frsotamr. tmhcoameeenrt hiofnsegr nwighitstpho CKtlyihndeige, dirpeucrtoosne,, fortuomnaesflty, dtevo garndnizemdt tnhsotaert, tofhpicteure. Jinsotahcne, strai his dfbueneclieyds, eaaarwteingy filnmevr hipasin. dhitsrociuubsless thcameer fhixoeendr trhreaaactioenn, predicamnt. rosmceanntic saimrelary(conoptiaungede For dire film; bo ze, the into The picture / I \ V Forhair\1styling? JttgohoeJ \ KDinegn's! J||P| Jfs A Z / i S ' From se ms story star, mains PRICE" FAporl. But glos John ture's sight and the in to cultre PRODUCTS CAOMN 3St2a-8i1.ln9ry oomnafenlyylthodmseite fhwakeicrs reviw film SPJtreeoaitsnrds h e s n o h e Barbar avr w d nr it i f s a o c t n udl Tfialhsen. aospecfts nar tive h haa oew s r is prime just he his gauge But in s o m Adde l i1 to . f e y o . u r HAIR HAIR RK • C U T • I N G S •T Y L I N G CH AA R I E R TITfirt 3^ 11 t r v V T yzJBI A T R E M N J A . v "ROYAL MACn-oB s l w . 208 -a«sy fd(iinroecalcutdorsg,bPeesftot¬rs)PF(Aicreaadresnokn fAwtoahrd-ienre Df"Afoaoryghdipar¬evdouslytpoocnere)dSirwecxtk.s coprondulcu¬sif mtlhedwiaitlgyhcointsraed Piesrsovinc' lonreqguedr. art—isclyfinaefst¬hoctly,iI"thsAat BStraeirsband' responiblty. 9msineut theapnitecre; cwonmtehirnt,gdireasce CCaewsnhttirnargel,JNoost¬anr K(rKistroifse Tpcherfonmingr.t fHooaldyeq¬urt Pipeorordsu—ctinn tahwfileted hoasbvdiunly amstan—dde Johaprennt lopergfome¬r hhtaoliignsfst. Mthise TOMY HOD • Asociatn ORY Jtiomne, on screnplay who orecntedly arewnridte the tion, aosefmbly rcouugth, no debacle — Biorn,"s f8irosrt ftoonre straigh-lced bigr-otimcke Howard fiostage seomlsen productin "Wodstck somewhat Nionsrmoan the R H A . R H A TFFeialmturs freormm AW Y BNEEAWRSS BMISEAOKUSRI FTOACE FMAALLCTOESN OTTRHEAFSEU MADRE eral tling my after were The and cial y The the rock from man isson) wood ingat HResaidlnsce MMOIDNVGIEHT no," Don't SWEPT FACE SIER A ROBIN BAKER eviwr BBiorna"srb Bcrowmpandy,, insociathn Atrhpriosduecn, hbSetaedi¬yNwmvaen, SPiodaitnedry HTWohfomu¬agn. fi(ntahcoeed $imas7nod) ftithlhumleie-, incarprea¬utivdt finocwauefrlt foasmnhadely pxroedcuutcive. fhmaestrr livwwehisoh aspreordvucd. hPeaatvnreds thnpuror¬ed tthheienybtahcoosn¬ei mrreoumscaickkl twicalrfeddyWelman-Robrt ipn—sed DJoiadhno Dune. thprodeuctin SPtreeaisnrds bcipt.ylne hwrsoevu¬ngt This In Best BAD BYRON News StIsar Streisand' productin iprotduce jointly Pasaundl. McQuen, Dustin Brothes $oof6r distrbuing sponiblty Sreisand', aservsed Pet rs, hairdes r Streisand, Streisand acrandlde from oglomned a— the A.Wilam Casrstoonry byJoan GregoryActoording notes, "rtehfineed Tline."hey By State First nate cept 1973 "A unit ner tune Jon ject of eht neve te m .noit sde n ehT evah reilae ehT gnisnaL s'lo hcs ehT nrael gnitrw snepo ehT st ira 396 e k c a r d e n r o d a r .ton pihsrenwo deriuqca ,gencindisuf yeevhaTh ednmait gnidlub ne b .are retsalp htiw laitneop dlO lohcs draob ycraD rehtruf dna ,gnit aP rood pohskrw elbauv dna gnsistraAL neichftiWt d e b m r e g a n m seod htiw .noitazgr detniopa-ylwN ro pohskrw eecrnaad ,gniward gni rael stnedus nrodagH senifoc etatS sti .N yB wola tnarg ytil tu drah de ivorp dna hgih elbraM ,tnem sab sah gniretuocnE a yb yehT eht rof morf evah dna des rpx stna et sgnih ruF eht lacirotsh ,lo hcS s'tcirsd ylremrof ot ,daoR sweN AHTR M a HTLAEH si , p o h s k r W fo na 3 , n w o r B p o l e v d a ,egral ,sgnilec .etis aidem yltnec r ,srotcerid rotcerid .liks der fo ,erutplcs tiforpn .ecnirpx esehtil edhlOt f atS yb eht ne b pohskr w rof fo krow a o h w .G eeS ,noisapxe ,ytuticb elba ehtihwt den ogrednu eht .snoita d teuohghrtt ysion ehT detcre .retnc deipuco hrehtitwgo regniJ elpoep ,yretop tcaretni retnc eroc elbraM retirW gnirael-cts a eht ezilaer ecnatim ot YAD ot ITEDNB dlo ruo gnidroca gnikaerb sdne er w rehtruf ¬arotse erutc s gnidlub ,sro lf erutc s sah tsaE eht eht -xis dna gnilw ,stfarc .retnuoc tnoaitarphct etarc gnikrow etshaEt ,lo hcS tra ot sepi nedo w ,4391 eht deriuqca esirpmoc yraV ni ot fo fo yb rof ekam tfihs st oc fo a !ELAS etlpmoc ot ni na si ot a a yb no dna craft." enO" ,sehesn ynam ehT eht studen," s erts ehT" eht rehcaet eW" sgnivl rieht yehT" eht suoirav ehT se alc dnapxe morF" eW" gni atbo deliks gnitsxe eW" draob ni TDO F ISIV g n i t c u r s n i t n a r o p m i lanoitcurs yap .seitcap krow era sisab r o t c u s n i ti r e h t o t p e c no n o n o i t u sa ot ruo siht sah evah tnarg de n rebm na p o h s k r w tra enil nworB ohw ytirojam sevi c r .dias tfarc .deunit oc s alc pohskr w tsuj 25 TA ,sdnuorgkcab r e h t r u f a n a h t n w o r B seitlcaf morf eht rieht rep srehcat gnikrow eht thguat nworB stira ohw thguat se alc .smargop tropus eht devicr rdentiraw rexO rehtruf aniT ro t a h t rof t s o M dna ycraD fo t p e k si fo si organizt," 06 fo fo e c n i r p x progams," rieht dna ruo eW evah retn c ".gniduf .dias gnidnuf ew yam pets srehca t gnikam .denialpx se alc tnec ni ni a gnitauepr jeocpiu6s .rexO dlo nimatvlu snopmhT HGUORHT snimatV 1313 secnulfi kcal eno rehcaet tol rodnarF larutaN r a l u c i t p r e t e b r i e h t . d i a s yb fo ew artis." yuB e r a er w .geR 005 s r o t c u s n i 52.2' EHT a fo 03 evah ne b cilbup era era ehT" ro n w o r B nwo r a e y - r u o f 0 8-153 gnis aL ",gnio .E tra y e n o m n a h t t f a r c smargil s'nodr C elihW teg—59. eht ot ".gnivl ohw detcuno .dias y e h T " . t n e l a t n e s o h c ot 1 detsrni dleh srehcat htiw thguorb ekam evah ",thgir ,srotcusni morf degaruocn rexO tropus citsmpo yrrotaceiVD" dnapxe Eseitnauq LAS<1 hcus pets si enog lohcs ta rehto ni nagihcM yna ni s r a e S ,01 clas." ¬hguort elihw eht si hcaE" rehto rieht gniyrav dlos ecnad tra os erom dloh eht on llaf morf .dias tuoba eht ELAS ro ni ni existnc." 41 ot raf si timiL dna htiw WE N 2 .pohs retniw tsaE nimatiV tnemlpus xolpuN YADNUS htlaeH larenim TNEMRAPD ot eno cna a esoR rof gnis aL yadnuS yadrutaS remotsuc < 9 9 .spiH *1 gniatre stnedir ymp5-a21 03:5-ma9 adirF- noM "C" tsal YLNO .sdo F ta eht fo tsaE lla sega gnis aL dnif etatS mp mp9-a a¬kroW siht dniL/sweN strA stfarc yarB a ot eno ned eht dna eht .cte htuoy "noit dnA yd eT" emac redro seltaeB nhoJ do h dluow sivlE leber tirps dna nyM" etirw ",senO odnarB ?tsniag etarehwW enola sekhniTK yram dluow gnriieruhtd lirht ,dehsawti neve "yoB gnola erofeb er w naiduprevL ,esarg sdoh-eb denwaps edam .hcaer ,seivom knup nolraM s'cium evah sknuP ,decnirpx gnuoy gnuoy KNUP etatS L IB yB smehtna delbmu at hW" yhtlif ohW wola tsrif desuac tnelavibm ohw htiw .no eL gnoma kcalb ,do g gnites odnarB .nigro enog nosrep muldo h ,)knup( sweN a ro dna a dna ot a ni dna er'yehT ot eht emoceb sdrow yeht gniloR rebm rieht .S.U raef .egami naelc nairB sknup ehT tuop rd eseht noitare g sivlE ylrae kcor fo sih ni eht f atS ro .n rehtael ecnidua etas denifed semaJ rehtgo derag .retsgna )gnalS( retirW PIHSDLO yb eht .s06' ",noitareG ehT" eht ni ni eht fo dna eht dna nac ¬cafsitS" er w dliW gnilebr .enotS ehT rethguad senotS ¬dibrof tegrof ruoF rieht nietspE tsrif 4691-erp deman gnuoy -dluow sivlep s0591 naeD ecnis ,tnacifgsn ay fo sih baF a ,5691 ?tisv fo pu eht saw dna .1 eht got?" tel oN dna eht eh rof eht l or sa .2 a si no eht dna sih knup aidem htiw ,poP tseb it aP eurt rieht evah s'xaM htob evah kroY s'ern g taht cits ra ,de R weN tevleV smeht delb yeht yhtlif etihw saL ehT h g u o r h t n r e d o m e m o c e b hsilgnE ztilb redro ,rev woH latipc stiart ,htimS knup nredoM te rts ne b netsgirpS sremofp sa naK ehT cisum denrut ,yadoT .sloD .latipc emit denif r knup ,kroY ",noitareG sdrow ehT" at hW" gniloR ni a dna ot s ni y a d e h t u o b A fo ni evah .tnemvo htiw emos ".R setom rp s'nagihcM morf ohw rekcor ,anosrep delac g n i m r o f e p fo eht eht eht eht ay n a c i r e m A dna CYN ehT de aeh dnuorge U eiwoB ylrae sihT ,ecn dae "knup .kcor emas .s06' er w dliW gnileb r .enotS ,no " n o i t c a f s S kcor fo sa dna dUO3±A a ehT ,srevoL naV deirav .ytiC ,selyts s ' t e v l V ni ot eht got?" y d a n r g sA yb eht dna nekat wen fo s k n u p ",senO odnarB tahW s e n i b m o c sknup 0 7 9 1 eht k n u p n e t i r w ni nwo e d i s a BGBC scisab sa d e i r a c saw dna , e m i t h t u o y ¬emos ,s06' hsitrB tnec r noit fedr noitulver yggI -irgnahS tseb morf nosir M ecurB hguohT ,noitdar gniyrac sdnab weN retilg morf stevl V eht eht yadot si eht eud ot dna ni eht g n i d a no eht d e m r o f na fo yM" yb uoL ni ehT dna ¬mu ?tsniag er w ¬na ot dna a si sa dna on yb emat dlihc trA" ",enotS wol of mret emas dah d e n i l b sevig redael yhpos eson ,riah elpru cihc ,yteic s alc selpic ,ytirag dnert ehT gniht , e c n l o i v s t r e c n o erut f derob era seitncbo gnitmov ylet pmoc no a d e t n l a t eht t n e m v o e t i p s e D . t n e v t n e sihc r a si dna izaN y t e f a s s e d u l c n i si derapmoc ,edgntorap .teop ".kcoR gnitc elpmaxe spahre thgim ",knup scitrc netib knuP" gnirud dna eerhat ,kcuf yn hoJ desrpx .sebolra snip trohs .thgis dna noitareg eht dna dhtniwab eht xeS rieht naciremA schlok." rO r a e ni a GNISAL NWOT D rof elt ob gnuoy netoR ,sakit wS ehT ,gnuoy .egatsno etamilu ,slotsiP .nwo dna f a OT kcor eb retfA gnimrofep 3 ot naciremA ".lavitseF thgif thgieh "?yawn riehT hguorht fo eht htob de R .l a fo a gnimret fo yb citehap hsitrB scitrc elpru-dy 'slotiP :sa YR UH tuo-s rg" lrig stI eht edam gnikrow ¬sid rehto srebm ¬luv wen de aeH ta A ni htimS knup gniloR" liw ret eb eht EVRES ni revo .hsitrB era saw knuP ohW" 'slotiP ¬lihp eht ,sniahc AODH htiw SNOITACL saw SKO B EMSOORHFC revocsiD eht a eht yob ta fo ¬os HWOD ti im ,ys tnet ehT .W 52 tcarnoc yltnecr slotsiP Inoitdar CUt(\ tub UOY & emos eud delcna I.snMaicumE t'nera GNISAL WANIGS 0102 gnitcxE gnis aL sraey eht ot gnisrpet ¬revotnc s'dnab sdroceR ¬epmoc ivaD eht eht neve .TS SSENIZAGM DNAUOHT gnidaeR aera a dHOlB dlroW ¬orp TSAE FO fo dna ,l or retfA kciuq noitpo retom O GNISAL NWOT D kcor ni l iw siht ,l a on si .ralod sepoh tbuod siht fo !edicong t'nia gnikam eht pu kcip kcor a aolubtu-mfpsri.n bteshaourrecete RD".sdroceimcoknt said. of "People Wazo . MMEARIDLAN NEWSCTR for isroeucorced Rtehcooaredrsin,ghucanol¬terddr osehaerrfcahp mrweatiitdlhsngLSpfvc. woparcuiouds H A R D B O U N S F R doslpainrsg Another Wazo bargain itshnpewo-nt ATD"ahAalbtuevm, fisaore difpeircenst. ilenctor C O M U N I T Y awwoiiddrlde, aneengvddr,y 8awyeraers, F R A N D O R •M • BAGACZINKESS &MMEARIDLAN PAPER recodings • incase Que n ARaces." l itaselting A Opens up over stores. for for Brown monusuicm-bfersDreosttrumoden smangrkte.tbheastvudenn WWaRnIdF srtMoicnk) oamwusfriecalyHhpng."gdus Reasceolrpd "5heo0rctn walbisucmehs,hpaerlaadyiov,ytohrsitseneadgily creacrtos.dRtehcords, toepmpeorinu dLisacsnvirg,gttmooaaugkeh frtoexopmand ctomhpeeti¬varhgsototvrheer saltoeaswtbrliehmn expctd. btehwn unnsotahl.igStaesavulbicuhmKi"SonheofgysWings'recntthwheeoairybtghincese Kat— acoldes relas Armatdinghpec x,talburm idntev.rAmagcbinf .ptmovedinfalurcs thweiHsconrd10pftei donestagwrl.uncosiZer"hdal/ftkouseynbrdw 12ac-osutringmexlf"Svs Marke(poignd)vwhlm,suce. to Detroi Wher ous is wanted orientd contribue "Thes listeoni g two are what's said. Discount proximately "tcudorp recive are natio l recod East town crack. "We only consider amasrket owner ad e from hethan Price isstores Wahenn Wonder's Life"or relase record the wars the make shop, Turntables CASEYSWtraiteffoanrnmothetbaweonutrimfy,LSapninsidgz.bhuayesteavblriehsdtrhocnoges tachounedry,tcgoniwue.sEloarvespestbietacga'ousd gpreatecunoiaedl,'bretakrhcodLJinimsfeyMsuasiidc.fatmhwilier19sci6nec3e,forsuasrgnin latocrwglegnedivyoeorusftgyhTLinseadissde,.yEfnamctaoitnr rsectroodng LEanasisg'theamnrvkdetybupovulaitinngftovhwiysr'sl Heogmandugfesr.DLisacnosunigitahsomuetzled,tmghra¬ikst,LtihndaeseyEsspectbumyvaerakre'sts.t Armatding's laittrneuse SPA(-rA4m5&—a3—t8M).dingJif1ho9nreaaelo7bsbun2mutftfwcorrhreitvaivswsedTaonmhatuvaer.beweagicturshlimArtadng." l!Fsl"Wihkoasever'ng2Atc6wtuphremdic.lteonbhaweseyi-wjhalznrfluygrxcicle,rns,IWnibtdanoheiwrsasTcsooaevtrgnfe.gbhtpeatmhaufsnseic Ahrmaparotevvxpiddereiinncg nosfidfe.cNTgh"t,o"BvwhataoeecdskiArmang"sJpocritnl's:jutphsaelntAibrgmnaoctvearonedidicon.etghIidsteqotsupsalinnyledyvtohmnaakzs"hmtoacesreatevfilrrwsIiDTntspwholie."laBN1mreeaontdsd:.hcwostueaanlgr/wktymhoirrouu/bseshing"b.enmaourneyttgoaucogiusirarAAprmlneayatr.dingDJo(eabhaglrucunetrii)tdrwamnussd.icDJamaopuravsonhidceunsnceWP(Meoattmdcskr)s.(bfnPovcetr-lpfiomtsahalbrikuremdd Large I and and fifth in this our ",os He tion come the recivd oemrgfnc thnoew •"Joan tahlbuem apersth! perfctd herown Armat ding tEhnagleantd throug t ho d. and amnadturiy relase. inoalnbumes inmore her to pglauiytainrg ".rohpatem longer scene ymoan/sued say/ther' frSowimtchng guitar. acoustic inmatch D(baavse), &Leroy Armatding's JOHN By News Reacorrdes Einast record oonef itnmharkeets market "Record Lansing to hteolping ".ylanoit Marshal Lindsey, recod thre sales. isa a ",elpo itshe Lansig' showing. cailtseod audio recod reason fever. East Record ostrenfgh with tocowleng Laansing State of life itas place local sees "It with said, He large black as Randy the ing Joan After but With has all child Time rate While have One no Me" Glyn With and operation identifca on itevooamlnufse pamreamrrikseeed irnetfcaadoyEnforcemt thes byAgencis operation identifcaon thoovealnsufe maarrkeedibntfcayo EAnfgoercnemcist All for Law items premise ready HLoeundsirg All for Law PYROOEUTYR CRA/IE KPMaerikntig poeint lectri osrft UNDER PROTEC help and the TSAALEX with $1.00 4% PLUS STOP Invisble btauaosle Etxscuopellemnnt engrave dawmithoguin items bpreolaicyde SLPIGECHIATL INCLUDES: MINAVRSKBINLGE DWEINCDAOLWS locatnirominenpsvu:et Branch Frandor Drive-In Saginw BranchRGirvaendr Lansig Branch RHaomailtdon Simple Marks hard Easily KIT PEN 1 — 2 — fothueser Kra lor :#«) I'ni te Fast I'niversity Fast Fast :{n21 27:11 Fast Meridan 1701 Okemos NBMaicathiongaknl EFMb$iCeoi•oaNeqwDrnlxpsmacu3tiIotafCnhnrll SBDaatuanrdkyy All The Michoganf Afilate . ♦ V >\■ ■■ I UOY TUB DRAEH S?KCOTS KO B ETUHOBTA DRAEH EVAH NI "TXE-NO SBHAUOT FO .SKOBTXE TNEMROSA FO EORAL EV'UOY TUOBA ER' A EHT EHT EHT WOH EHT EHT TRA EHT GNIWES S'REDAR EVITARC NGISED WEN ERUGIF SEITNW OCED S'ELPO DLROW AREMAC KOBDNAH RUETAM YHPARGOT CIHPARGOT YHPARGILC OT EKAM TSEGID REHTAEL DNA KROY tf G N I W A R D — TRA FO SEMIT SEITRH .C.M yretoP KO B GNIVAEWDH STFARC NOITARCED YHPARGOT EVITAROCD TA yb yb yb lihP yb noraA S'REHPAGOT ECNIRPXE yb f eJ yb treb H EDIUG aineX .H yb ETLPMOC s'redaR ruhtrA yeL OT oJ yb yb yb yb KO B FO amroN nhoJ les uR .L.J ROIETNI yb n a h t N yb S FO N G I E D yb .J .C.M ,rehcsE REHCSE TRA NEHT EHW efiL-miT sivaD namsuS renreB srednaS tsegiD beoL rekaB rekraP akrukS niksdloG luH EHT repraH rehcoL TI lit R E T N E C S E M O C A A EHT yb EHT EHT YROTSIH HSIWEJ YROTSIH GNIE S NETRIH R E T A H T AED M LIAHKIM MADENTSC SILATNEX ecnrwaL TAERG GOKINSYRAB TNIEDLATSAUBO GNIMROFEP ijij S'REOGMLIF — & EHT FO FO SYAS E .J NRETSW NOISERPX CITNAMOR YHPOSLI kriuQ GNIKAM yb YTINASRHC retlaW NOIGLER yb NOIGLER & SMLIF yb yb NeilseL OIAPMC ECNAD ALRAC FO & FO OT dnarteB YHPOSLI haduJ luaP A yb yb yb YB HTAED seuqcaJ tnemlC IECARF yraM yb i les uR nidloG nos hoJ leinaD namfuK — kcidruB lewilaH STRA ekralC EHT ENIF NI leoN psirC i!MAERTSNI . f iJ tf NI EHT EHT EHT EHT SELAT E RHT SYAS E ROVAF L A V E I D M HETLPMOC SILGNE NACILEP SNOS TROPER ,AEKHFATK S'NAGE IF DETCLES YGOLHTM NAIDREM S'AI UR SDLROW FO EHT CISALC ESREV DROFX SREVOL SKROW KO B EDIUG OCFRG EKAW SMEOP & OT N7691-32 REDOM TRA KOBDNAH .dE ,SCIPE SIROB FO EVITSNE FO SIWEL FO ht02 OT yb .dE ETLPMOC yb HSILGNE .H.D sokiN muhaN SEROTS ERUTA IL ERUTA IL FO egreS yb yb yb yb NAM yb yb egroJ .A p irT yksvo niZ enyaP niN SELCINORH KANRETSP drawdE LACIS L treboR sianA REHTO tf LORAC pilhP YRUTNEC siroB nikraL .dE droF ERUTA IL tnaz K semaJ siuL ecnrwaL sikaZ reztalG ecyoJ segroB .N m m IROTSi ® fi O . l im