ntTORlAl.S —The Shell Attain —VV hy N «t St ud y ? —\Wun-; Take Exception Tower (»iiarre\y * * \|,„lern S*»lcm i» Now for Mi* Third Book* V..,,l IW itii: tlcHiloil. Vlllll.M Mi,l. TriUltd* Knniire/ to lie . I III- tt t SWL V. I lends ^ eaiTnii: Mead two l.a*t Lati*itiu Ifiri* teiiui* uml Millie Taki Poked to W. So|)liotuore Most* on tl. I . I lull. Student t otiticil. Latin Loiirse l)r William Vnucfc Now Ottered Co-ed Dorm l»r. Mill. Ilnii-rforil Grail. i« Mi-w Given Name In-lrnrliir Sarali I .iii^iIum V i 11 i .iin - lliimiri-il Jn . Ito.nil «»f , . \ftrii-iilliir«-. iv Music of kin«z Pln\ed Sunday t ollejfiimt Mti-iriltti Pre- •••nt* llemV* Work Plan Wei far Mecliiur lie re \. I. Knleriaiiis College Speakers Mill.- siM-ial Wi.rk.r. i.. W •KiclmnL llonu* (.m |m Tuiiriiiiiiu-Ut %|eet in June. Mu* Mndent* and lanill* Pi ku|i|ia Delta loreii*ie \re I.INMIU. Meet to he l|e|«|. I lehalors 1'ian Tour for Spring \ aealion ed by s'.r.fc.r.* an He asarrted that dci>aU- squad during the ■ *\F*ng A taeti-r . icaUurv is t'» mg planned Piofr Mk>r MefMholef, ■> Iloiiorurs Mo-ic («roii|» Ther> *->ii t»e arven del>ati s. one -t dav Wginrung Marth 29 when Itliilod to l(i*«-n|tlioii the first ot»e will be iield at Frank- *,wt M« 4. » - « h* Ha»d« M « Ur> college, FrankKft. lnd Oilier Oat>»u»r- stayed 'TmproenptyT b? debates are acheduied with Mur¬ Fawi and MyrUs Pal*** ami ray State Teacher* college, Mur¬ daughb r Kiutabeth. uphiiL** h* concluded ; cuunttts of Mahigan attended the 'Ah,. ftemdero# ' ttvm or.tests ray Ky Union university, Jack' Most of th«- music on Wits pro¬ men » . All-till (ilH's lo Mccl r- i>ur faith it> iTian and I inatjtute taat year- It » antiopa* * b> ii« .**.■■» A piano by -Mrs. son, T«n« Arkansas State Teach- The subirit % ii- » xtemporan. ; i* ty. at •* ihuawah- and re«ep- gram wilt be mitrumental musie, led that the regtftraoon for IW1 Albert ctencd' the 'pr«-#«r*m mh that hill with in- era college. Conway. Ark ; Univers¬ f> "'tough there will be a few voc- fee aeiected {tiori in tt«eir tunru> m * t huntliv f>c E !,' Austin, head of the cdu- 'd.Jy 7 *•: » «*' f*rvw»us Jfri Eranw ttwrori was chair- , ... , from article* appe« K in the Lit- j evening 4>hrvn»i > 21 Ajfaanaas. Fayettevill", , ity of # number* performed. iullus i year Although the maj«r.ty ef by Mrs, Ark University of Missouri. Col¬ erar;, Digest ciuimg !"•' lhr«* T|j, mu»i. IkuIIj »ivl priM|»<:!. day Ut attend a i onventton of the ! the pei-p* parucipattng are con- . s 'u'berg. Dort th.v 1*1*0y and fiaro ! ive fflcmien of Alpha Epsilon Mu tCIJ«U to Give Talk j net ted »ith the ERA. <*hrr afirr* - umbia. Ho. and Washington uni¬ « via will perform the instrument- National Education a h »oe i otiori' T^^saj. February 23, S. C. versity, St Louis, Mo. ni compositions; Ann Elizabeth rwm trfing held in New Orleans. Vrrr. L.R1 « Mj. U«.^f I'try- r-'- /** instructor, will j^lfare *•* or the 'Social Security and city and stale sorwtatJ. state hospital*, welfare depart- jioirr and M .1 ft.hwd* CuMto mcl uV-1 th. rauiw 1K- Enough etiquette to start stu¬ S^.'le the vocal The program will be given in Mnnl. r. 1., two SkiU Junmt roll.«r tngluh tla«« vM- i«">"'« Ana Intludinl . n It* (.to*ram for th. En r" at a founder * day program and Myse* ,.r. rj the Detroit Edaon Dueusuon top-rt for this year'! 1M1. aivl !rf»hmM) »od lopoomor* Kicial-smoothness is being offered s .nday afternoon. February 21 All C^t-l-r thai, an, wnrr l.mou.iC,r"l"> EWriJ*.'. luncheon of the George PrsMy Around 450 member* tiRtoiu in"weekly Usaons at the Univererty studenta, faculty and the public woman ... niaior, Q.«-n tlia.-,'""" M'f" Hpthhar* vloUruat. Teacher» college. ft *nected to meet at the organ* of Minnesota. are invited to attend bath potXl th, next m«t vote. . 1>"ul" »"'•*>"■ j word* lnd •«< quintet compoaed p.f » i Messrs Chersack, Putnam, ,Greer, j benedict, and Tiottowski. I m MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, February 19, v.p Turk Give* Addre** lf'esens Take a Pile o" Grief JflidtujatT 6fatc Ktm In The Rough Cedarside D: L M Tu:n'o: the foiii de¬ PublHhed Towli i t.«n«lh*. Mi»h. i to We'uns here in the State News office have take a pile of grief. i It'* a wonder to ua that we Yes sir. a good lot. stand op under, ,*■» i With Harvf) Harrington.*. fetter romp up ' ly and said. "I want you to hang Carnival Hi. kids' Now-that dean calls partment was in Grand Rapids Wednesday to address the horti* /cultural, group there Dr Turk's Final Cut lit, but that's immaterial, or something, »r I'M Jack Gauntlet." NViw Jack is an innocent enough I All Winter arc out there'll be more solemn urn us accumulation in orchard KHlturUI—Eft. j 1/Otsa* people don't get thefr State News. - -atnit part » that he has a severe Linda Kvans , resolutions to settle down and By that the poor benighted fellow is just 'And people is people, and when they don't,1 we MANAGING RDIToH Tfclpphorie 8-2807 (get something they is payin* for, they kicks. '' It's natural. Yes, it is the human thing to , '.uind. *, inilri do no surh thing But in study. No'* Yes? Well, ahyway, OVERCOATS ' the would-be bird hanger isn't DOS O'HARA .Telriibone 2-4MT Just after announcing that D:- b a dertmb- percentage C*~l f 4 • ; do, we'd say. Fum vsfn! himself Bill (OOfv hint) Meier is the guy. 'Last fail j 1YI*t>hon« 8018 •r> ip gave Charlotte Wooden a prpt* big rush, only to find out, after Verheul had hung his Tic pin or hi 5.4o The heck of it is, tho, that us people what ;Tiuch soulful bleating around car pus, that she was stacking them. Celia Merrill the next release says , j get the complaints is.the wrong ones. And, n three deep of a night for dates, that Dick Verheul has his pin back A "Rive away" at thi. We is naturally peeved when we get bawled j. uid that he rated third place oil mother. And as he is the hus¬ justabout a week was all thji I out for something we ain't responsible for. They is a whole staff of folks who is sup- (the he eighth day of a veek So OOOmlau seven day band of Daddy's daughter-inlaw. natural¬ is his own father s son. My. took. Ani Dick lost the last box« ing bout, too. CLASSIFIED Jack, wis posed to handle the circulation. They have . , of the Mat nut we're a mixed up family " H A1 S all the little cards you make out with your! m, ,,, Kute Kiddles. No 7 Alpha registration things, and know/-just, where! P. - Barb Jenison. who in addi- 83.50 I This week n to being a model child is a y«»u live, and what color eyes you have, and which. a.s i t rate electioneer We watch- Pat s pin back for Sl.OOO.O'H) I what kind of a Agger you got, if you is ajjj a authored by ■ ! her grab seven gullible and maybe they're through pla; A- alaavs th. lary.- woman. And they is the people who is aup-iAnn . ulping males by the arm and tell 1 catch with the Phi Delt pin. rty of -hat- <*n,l posed to see to it that the papers is delivered. 'h.-m Just how to vote, and for • back, in East Mary Mayo May Kr, - {'* folk* on the news staff are supposed! K.« everything's fine. That naive manner won her the FUiocaknl Cbllo&alo Proit tr» see to it that, the papers gets off the press1''" ' tewter jug. though. Stuff Who put a black in plenty of time for them to deliver them,i and to spend the even in' with their babes,-, j h forester f lood night, all.' Cnflpflgjlo Dirtosf tne. The only trouble, their babes take fon »i til dreSsed up foi on hour" •nd's be-" BibbU j,h,ns Appoint"! 1 Adverting Service, Inc much.time. It's been long, long time since Dr. Harper N.ii .' v the News wasn't off the press before five a rwI ,hlr,k 1 ' I o . « , Advisory t«roiip .. (ivrn.up her Ler MAY Uiit 18. o'clock Tuesday and Friday evenings. Audi , ,, .... *Thr Stotv c.' t.'- Kn 2J5 S». Washington \x< that gives the circulation guys plenty of time m r. to peddle their papers. Plenty of time, evenjflunf if they got a eight o'clock date. So we'unsj sr'"u is getting pretty sore when people are alia- time calling into make a kick. Yes sir, we At, don't Ijke it one bit. j mailt So next time you State News by nine o'clock of a Tuesday don't get your Friday night, you kick. Yes sir, kick haTrt.. j/,;!Vt Michigan j orj|'', TED WEEMS Hut dop't kick at we'uns. We'uns only!' ANfi HIS ORCHESTRA ' write the paper. You kick the buys who is i supposed to be peddlin' the paper, urn I i i-A-NrIM; Shell tfill—I'or Ilir Slii'll gettin'paid f«w* it. i-i. Yes sir, we'uns have to take a pile of > trouble!—II. P. II. •1 ARMORY th,' ii>ti<»i taken Side Trance Feb. 20th. f I.imi I'rr IVrx«> Ach.tnci 11.2'> I'rr I'rrsnn at I'- graduation time. The Elect ic* College Itiilltiin I- tlib • fijiiylk toward ^ Ail frAtrrniln** and outdoor amphitbeater pHted *-i ,1*"' itr • • » Monday nm.n K» taeilitiCH thus campu* t vaiiouK type* of en- biMit ev 01 v thing- but the ela-s oftirrrs to he >«— • t,, , i t-, on th" Student Council, including the fre.-di- | |j, all loll vse do !:ot TTcl that |l( llrtltraM Uj advert He t be Senior j • Uates the indepei columns. That jjor Ruhr <«> tn« ^1, 0, t i4-. a medium I - v lianulton. Like the Father Oi Our Country— I. of ticket* is vl, I. ; A1 U1.4•> 01 tor Agi We Can Not Tell a Lie ernlH t's of all \ Speeimai ts-tie of the!s'fengih Chocolate Hermit- r siH ial i nil kkill THK HKST EVKK 11 II It v \<>f .Mm/*'/ \1\k Hunt 3Tuub jHinp II.i, M- mad them e\er U> and by the' I 'S A XiW it Calf s! hturhook th» X ix .ham ot the': he term. They j tax with tbo m * n: lad . pie.vutnv . much r.» l to Phil tUmirr* The sujo inny Dcwn and', were many omnx iitfi g-'ae«u—^Uul $5 to-fr ftatcrmty o' rfl candidate bttt .tkwge GargcU wonj complement to sott, vartt.ii ta.xk of the gnnda, Htud>. ioasih The latter rode Quit'e a v.ays on In:-. f*h; Oclt tM king without a' doubt uuricv in mcni itvielul clothing. StiRi.wug the matcrt.l liurmu thi- term «s thr loutx." «,*•• along Mill rrfwy the -tiuirnt The ottwr ul,»>!, t! •• III.,.,, 11--. .1 -STATIONERY- both at ttu- tsmc m the Mi.fU-.k and attrr- totloard expf.,»th-, religotuxl, . Nxn, We ts>id atMHit oihci day. Henry T.eiUaii Uic I Prill hi I uitli Xante or Monogram WcH. it Hen - uw. he H^iaN ward.. XXIiat yw Ki«>m w.hni you are f«ctup wy. vtctwr u, it* A W. s ra.c to, t»».w«it has a granddaughter, siAtC' t, the -GIFTS- ( H prosiwrtiir .mployer Is the thing that a statltyins uiut n..,«l ,11 Uiwxpoctrrt bf<»ther w ho married the churine j rcaQy count* after all. And the collcge-day ! lUI*ri, .,,r«-l through to WTml Jrxn cmx lift! cvmpu*. She agy s. "Grarrp* CARDS AND KODAK FINISHING crammer is very apt to And himself out on i N*'1-"1 " X" W C A prrUdrnt tacMtmlalty. sure t> mixexi up. Now you see, now thaf lie has married my bre»' a limb at this time. . . ■ ■ - . Why *. not try «.. . I friend, Lucy Emma Tranter, ^cause ***?tor "7 T ia>t hilarity Uwn'a wile, lie U my¬ REX CAMERA SHOP real honest to goodness studyingT For there |ntglll ^ ,,,0 ,ua,tMes hcr SUCM?W|Ul u,.. law And as- he is the hu*band | Fai-t Unaing. IHah. utll come a day—J. J. K. of my fi»tejr-u*-ktvv. l« i* •May. February 19, 1937 r.ncniGAN stave news Page Three Swing It" Will Be Theme of Service Group Tomorrow ( hi Omega : W hite to Talk i Blue Key to Offer• ST™ lieket Sales ®cfn ; Tea and Toast By Ma (irundy's ' .Miiddauahier i On Scientific* \L REVUE Si (State Theatre i iV: linen. Hetty Bar- Earl Father Hines For Their Ball 1 Side of Music nigh: and the Spur- For Party Saturday 1 ,t the armor, 'morrow ••em. i All Kinds of Iiislriimciitn a- a» 25(1 j* Limit. liege student- -invMng t«< hi-rhvt*hm>. lie Shows Image*. *v»in>iM Party of the Formal Season Will be Held Masonic Temple. WJIM W ill Broadcast Starting at Ten. Grand March j« Eliminated. Co-ed Debaters Of 11 Colleges Here Saturday Artists Learn Coming for Debute Tourna¬ ment; Held J tnler Direr- New .Methods lion of Meneltltofer. Friiil* in W .iter i olor* Are oti Exhibit. Students W in Bonus Cheeks /etnl an H pim I ell Win in New.. Fiat,ire W riling 1 oiite»t«. ARROW* W'hhc Shirts • 'A Present German Piellir»> Fell. 2."» • l\ap pa 11 film I hotu ( ton ord //mum / , i hoppu Delia W enner Sets Faculty Face ( raw ford I hi* High Trio; S« ore W lib l»5l. d I film ( hi (hm-go FINE EoiiAer*atioiiihlt» Hear >1. I). Piruit fountain SERVICE I'f'dftinif S{M*ak. on Bio- K ^ Ontario' Fi logical Jiunri. , i... u4« : — •' , ta>r retain** i ' PifTnr x|«Mtr u> fchi? | ,|Asr:.t bwwr ifd r K- ""• and tVubRfici of lwoa i MovioBoundf I note edition of Trump i.-.- KiMt profit- Alpha (*4i9ii to a Delia Bay t$n» UaM **lh*r lor frfnume »hir? Mtudarliofi. J t- -< *> and director cl We hi/-i iWr>* tirtiy Saturdny *{«#«!<**•; ? wj?, ;•»■•: ' *vt '■ ■■ .t,- NOW PLAVINt; AT CORAL GABhKS Parly-Bound? ei Arm* talUr in * *»w « m Mr ha* dur*M# fabfit fwttfthiae- ifwt wilt #.iwlh a new mft outnmr " HvW Il.*t rn.u^-^.Rue ZU.«»' « ■: Helm the «hiit ■— 4ini Am'i i Um%> tan# imw. TW My •'f«- CutfCrvatiuft tl-h ■rjvC-cli.»A.a:-.-.,i-. Jr..: -Ui mm- T'«n».mkiy mufti in the f Boll. Ftora AMt*r««L - Ann J***#, l*toae»&wy of trte motogy (Manci-Lyon. Do.u; ,» M. >'»>••; Hetty •*?«»! »♦. 7.3*! TV* .tot*n*w*j -Jr-n Okl», -rvrt \ .olel Jack McDonald SjMjrls-BoTuid? M ckiDr*. In *'* ttmdmieii hr«& open , ,\ur» s And Mb Orchestra d1 Shrunk ^tc«».isaw ^ how m the lr.- Tnttigfet the Alpha «rt Ernd toward c«uf«rvm* fvo.d.r.* a birthday diner tor Mai- ^ ;r*"a*4*res m nat*ora»i Borne hatarda/ tdtai-»Xortual With IJETTV FUGUA ©svernroefcts, : tatlnqucX will t>e he-id *» bc«rtor ot BEFORE AND AFTER « Ontfcioo of tac •• •— Mr. ww ui uk dr. ;n, ^ uuijle. JMI>» Ciiruiwr «•- ARROW C .... I *'* " 43 club- StuMitt «f ,mto Oo-.^i«n Ktt O-riutu D.*u diViiioia are pkdted At&tu G.m UU »«*. SANDY'S GRILL SHIRTS tl„ merUojp. AU wt.o v Uuig return* to jou. Frlrlnv. February IP, 1M? MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Swimmers Will Meel Case University Here Tomorrow Take Second Wrestlers Seeking First Victory Home Meet of BROADCAST CASTFI I.FD Win iMMhng MntnuMi Mm Fighters to s I'o !I>TlI 7rt sII Slate Faces Cine 1 I II II <1 I I By Al. TlirifTR. Sporty rillor 11' l\ 111 ( ' 11 WlioaioiiTpaiti Fare Toledo Willi Trrhniral Knockout* Hprn II..M At Ann Arbor ' Mpii F*peeteil to -Ti .it <»cMl;in.l Smim* First W in. All-Uolfege Final*; Gallic* Win*. Spartan- *•!»»>*» I'limT In I It-fall iiitf Milliwatt Normal, fi.l-.l2 aHESD — NOTt-r 1.1 fit* prices prevail all d Icndjv f elt. Washington - Birth cl.i* TOD W S ATI RIIW The H'flivcritiN ;ire already pre- keep w i« ting in rasi v trlnrv for Uirir iV-lies satisfied with G-GIRL DEFIES ii.hi miii. , Big" time Bess cf < rime Trust la«*t fait, vie agree with them Ihmr h slight!* the *pirt.»ns diipl.t better balanced Sworn Enemy < afleia. Florence . With I. srph than wa* expected. they still don't (.arising. Maite. fireen. firan- ice, Rrht Voting l ewis *t-on.- thrm. Itahrle and Xparks are sr\KTs M'M»\V ahead of the Michigan rrater than member* of Blue He v. the nraci- "C IM AHKON Digger Than Nrlx.n (ialdnrr tniwrvrr. will «»"" »h"•> '« l-i-wnlln« l .rl HO < oWKI D U U.o\ prove troublesome in the half mile "lather" Mines in the Masonic and Hen H'aite is never anvhodv's temple tomorrow night. These bo\s set up in the mile' Koss and. will whip out of their suits as Sparks are cra« k two milers. and fast as possible and make the trip fdwards stands a good chance in hark to l.ansing Thev ma*, and the pole vault' niav not. get hark before things All in all stale will do well to are entirely over. Kansas State opens its I**" U. S. Senator Gerald E Nye says: Brntn light smoke othstt hedute against enjoy the comfort a s< "I gives my throat' "I hate smokcJ Luckier off anil on rier since mv ft'" teem in lite Sciuilc 11 yvur. Ua#. (< m;<»cit their otul the feeling of comfort um 1 l or Final Game ol Schedule o light smoke su es is* thriuit. I hi lie June u jfreut ileal of /nihlu. speuk- I n*t Minnie ll,i-kct- Uit-vrtil Miitr From \\ tntiittji Ta»*l ins. on the floor of (he Semile. mer the lloiiif Marl 10 Game With radio utni al conferences. Necessorilv this results in u strain on the voice. So nuiuruil*. in smoking'. I hate to think of inv throat—anJ I hart* found that a light smoke is suiiahle lo my ihroat." 1'MiltMl.l Witt get it* first notice I out h ( hat lev Itachman witl talk to spimg randklatrs at a lecture session \n*onc interested is in¬ > • Tn a recent independent survey, an over¬ stil I whelming majority of lawyers, doctors, lecturers, are under »»». things scientists, etc., who said they smoked cigarettes, ex¬ moving State fans ar Froth Sw um|i looking forward to the u the gridiron uunpaign pressed their personal preference for a light smoke. Senator Nye's statement verifies the wisdom Flint Ca^ei S give them a chance to see just how of this preference and so do leading artists of radio, stage, screen and opera, whose voices are their fortunes, and who choose Luckies, a light smoke. You, too, can have the throat protection •gainst tb. m M-» i tsrgan Jwm.* . of Luckies—a light smoke, free of certain harsh foiling- Biff, bung, oikI :».-»! high Kraft and o-Im.- k • .».« :,t. um t TH. % - the o irritants removed by the exclusive process "It's THE FINEST TOBACCOS- tatfckctf The store way btil, the )*-*.- for the fm*h Toasted". Luckies are gendc on your throat. "THE CREAM OF THE CROP" : MA tvr Ion# . u»ca5 quintet and it gave Phillips dropped home «- short jymrUf** a rwwd of four shot and tkhml was in front for' ?s two defeats for the *<»*.« The brief moment, leo Callahan threw . frosh fnppled Port Huron, Jackson one lit from near the center of the court and the fv'UiJt." was dead- locked. . and FIinl$>jJuruor coikrjje* while kMung. twice to Western State's bneshnfcm. A Light Smoke Marty Itutt, a lithky forward, At! r»T "It's Toasted"-Your Throat Protection Seconds later. Carkwk. appear- ins here fur the final time as a col- ; was the brg gun m the freshman | *££W(| legiate baskethaller. sent Slate to at tack q liutt dropped the ball j M*rr*£«t«.c i « tp, the front with a basket. through the hoop five times J J J AGAINST IRRITATION-AGAINST COUGH the floor and once from the foul £i ' iio&'awwt it would haw been , Teua i tor Cwlock hud Stat* won, Jl-lH, ,Utw lor 11 p-unlv Don McRic\ j j£X"„ >J!,, 'j,'.!. rilM il.