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Tech issale What No we time, GRErivaaensrdt 619 M OR D E D o e a a etyt rrk so b. i AAMribcnhoga.n In , . n , P e n s y l also Stores v YNOoihenriwok. i . . snav sihT troF eh AA eeL revo taht spuorg .ytiralupo ot r a e y fo detn r gnirps dna snav stifen b stnedutS etem snalp tlasdraualL stnedus seldaistnteeRW ,snikdA .kaerbyruxul htob era ENAID tner eh yB snaV _ _ & ot tuo ref o .nuScfg|lV 022 itehgapS :sruoH .S :enolA xis a .irF .noM ,ozamlK ,drawoH ytnelP eht ot evah gniog snav ,.oC XOC namsel levart lacimone gnirevocsidrof az iP esir .gnirps semit os 4 fo 257H 3 21 - .taS ni 41 ot ot dias ta .m.p - 11 .sruhT tnecajd ne wteb eerf "9 a si eht fo ".tah .ke w ec ipa dekrow saw dekrow trofmc tehggaimlim traahct 01 .m.a 11 re B" rehctip az iP wifo' A htrow ,tuo elpoe s.dniaiksdA thgiE" im eniW .m.p 21 .m.a .hciM yawserpx .gnikrap meti-owt 9 .2$ tfo-piR dna lufitaeb - I ot SYADRUHT SYADEUT t'nod .elbanosr fo tuo eht elbaiv - 5 re b thgil dna eerT .m.p 11 .evA .p "sliatkcoC ro az ip krad dna rehctiP MP0 ) emit rof artxe sag taht a nav t a e b steg kniht eht uoy yeht ,taht ret eb taht nac tner nav I diap kniht tlef dias etiuq .KO tub tahT" yehT yeht si slrig detn r eno etamitn ,yenom sedivorp tub sag taeb rof a 04* ti ti ti a tol van," si yb sthguoht ,retpuahbc ebyaM" evom pe ls .hmtiwih edluvoiwrd elpoep .tdsiaasL" esuaceb eenhot selnU" ro fo lanoiterc dias miT ruo kcehC .dnuora yalp nehT dna eno raey eht tseb uoy ni 0:5-.ma ecifo htiw HTIW EHT OT USM A htiw a fo .ypareht ,notgiraH LPLEH 'EW" nehw rac .sdrac eht eno .nav ew nac .flesruoy syaw .ylf .m.p rof uoy srehto enO dah NOITAMRF su a raeh dluow uoY dluow GNIRPS• KARTMA• SENILUB• NOITAMROF I NOITAMROFNI ot DNA• ENALP• dluoc yats yug nev s eh levart nav roines eht LSEniVORP EVART UOY THEDUTS stnerp gnimaroP ni rof comfrt," fo eb nac ni mo R ruo HCUM OD enO no tuB" ynam sag ,laeN tdoesgu ehT artxe ,otniP xis EROM KAERB teG l.aencimitrscuj ",deworc nevs elpoe esuaceb ta 013 retniw SELUDEHCS :NO RETNEC tsaE dn2 022 ro lF CAM ytisrevinU evobA( AGEMO dias sih 41 fo yenom unoeyht elpoe STROPS ?nagihcM ruoy levart nav comfrt." tnedutS mret gnisnaL eht dias taht sruoh SNOITACV THTIW AHW draoB eht l aM TRA eunevA )YE' L A eW" ,laeN elpoep yeht a gnip hc yeht taht selim ,srelvatoc ot si leef demarc ".SDEN RUOY LEVART eht tog dah devas htrow taht otni secivreS lac YRELAG .ni ro UOY I" .gnola roines oot ni saw os a tol yraG .nolag notgiraH eht eht a .gdlB EW trihs evoL erew deyats htiw ti nav newteb .758-35 NAC RETN C levarT NEPO GNIRETL yadot neraW ysae hguorht yssaaew ldaneaN elpoep .sdneirf ,hguoht ,noitarp ni deunitoc( ,teL .adirolF sletom rouwoht rieht yliramp esuaceb teg I" yalp oogt ecalp htiw na ta I latner gnikam nagihcM sdnimer evol ot S'NERDLIHC /TLUDA sih SROL C YNAM SEZIS egap ecno .stfihs evird gnit op sdneirf dnem ocr ot 6-01 05.3$ ot 00:9 pots rO ,lo hcs ,evil ti a ynam si la noiserpx "nagihcM no a sa a along." ew YLIAD taerg sno aer ,laiceps taht taht roinuj yeht yehT noita sed thgiarts taht tuo snaem desu ti dna ,krow si )6 er w fi ni fo eht eht lla stnega nliaiwga nrooitf ehT ylno ecnav ,adirolF sthgilf era ohw ylf" emos . s LLA .beFa m h a B serualp liw eladr uaL ,yas tsom detiml tnuocsid seicnga gnidrocA .dnuob dluoc evrseR" dwerefof etailcaf USM nehw sihT :rehtgoT HTOB ST EV ,.8711 GNIRPS snoitavre R osla dna stneduts gniko byeht seraf tsaE staes taht ,stnedus smes NAD YUB eb na yB NIAGRAB a si ni fo eb tub south" eht iawaH ,adirolF siht nom c .gnitaes dna ,erhwy ve larev s yltneamrp sdrow dna emit ebalortncu noitacV ot eb 59.62* EVAS 59.5• 59.2 * ylnO SYAD edam dna gniyojne ,anotyaDylrtarucoitFp levart gnirps ¬anitsed yeevhaht eriuqer gnidulcni dah ,genrieshatL levart ¬wons uoy :ecivda eva"thhgilf elpoep ekatrvo erised raey TREBUH nac DNA eb ot ot LAICEPS 91 fo eht eb now," fo eht ro eht no eht eht tub ¬da no ot smot B nI rets spot er'/w ruot eht rof spirt levart tuO ,tiort .m.p "eraF na .sdiloS eretlah so hC .ecnarF stiumws tcefrp EKAT a .pihs ,am haB s r e g n s , 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DAcLaMleCdDthloecenrTMarckiipnw.thporonebaflybbiiigcuselset,frostnmaaetiggspoamvsedefooaprrinpetwo-helr.btsehpuogs¬etfoayroiuerpbayrve,fTtirnaofoudict. cyaroardens,MftrihomeHtighoowearfysCTmraisvoen.l ocpuuint.tythspaidvee dritdogcowulnshigay,"wel-travd"tAwonahndosfIum'yweas?,tthaproliinnpguarosdasly,cwaonreietrnh'tdIqufiackyes.tbhugcyroyon, tywrohuei'repdaSspeyvennrdl"AYsoeun.htrayoovwue'l,fhowpreetr.albtgoainginsalenpdgtIayskuoeet money. trgooyuoguih'rnebhteavfio¬everyHscoanetdu.ithcamovsreybwunhecicstary, paarncekddeAtmrouobnleg.ftdatun,,saopronmtecedi rqueippan.ijiugsewts¬hofinthmosdutaagrey,d,bprohiibtvte i1(b0si-capyeldeyrcuoreaomnnd)$fur1aop5md.0Ayslaoaeuln,,leqwaoip¬nrbudget. out Tri-County cursion duringTmhontehs. oonef thone as Alen convoy HUA Day find To The drawn about len club area also the ban but •du) /teat I1M bicyle while omilefs campus, your wer ingrown thacreos and any se ing enjoyig, tthhrouigsh Tatripkisng has the stae LDaabory 30-plus Bridge. itsrip short, Ltanosing Alen, stae's Republican Alamna,d howto routes whic litle thes maps Departmen Michgan maps county, roads. Alen. those complex tshidee bicylist ftinhdeing ian taaking to road, decide then you're restaun thmeotnels, of if you Al",tneicien you are baelso litle are weather bicycle novice acost JOHN you By When your plow" 12 using they — years, down some out route with this from The for Dick a on your Al en sible those have where obtain These by "It's any says smel a on you're car." In likely the first and If lot a "But it, that which can with these The ting the first. A go d anywher after byget But can ment . rof .ni tif revo eW" rednu relaed .W sah nraov roF revo spoc lo c ouogy ",htur sihT" erut f seh iw erut f do g dnA levart ereht gnivah ehT" peek elpoep olfprti l elpoep nehW ".eba letoh dnA" uoY" eb rof sih ,mo r ,nav st oc ebuc-iH slac dias ytiruces gnit er sa a ruoh-42 gnikrap tsuj I" .letom nav nraovf ,wanigaS edisteW a erehT gnitekram deunitoc( snaV • a dna dera f naB-y R tse ruoy st oc hcihw .nav edist eW .snidkA s'revird laicremon htiw eno .52 taht ,eno t'nod esoht ereht eht t'nsi froaef ot nav oer ts lams .thgil eh t'nsi tol ylno sgniht nwod ,htiw t eL eh maor uoy onagc space." naB-yR• teloivaru taeh .eralg seye naB-yR• .rewohs a a 06$ deunitoc( sah .kew ehT raluger sah dna e rht ruo eriuqer a nac wonk ohw dezimotsuc top nosrep ekoj tol ,kcahS s algnuS noitrsd senel hguorht niamer .sresu si ot peek l iw tuoba eno !cisum evots tuB .dias sa fo drac fo yeht :tnemyolp .de da ot daetsni ,raey ohw a NOITCERP ro ".tnaruse gnikrap l up fi s l a t n e R t'nod a ®BMOL&HCSU merom etsy uoY uoy uoY" hcum elpoep e rht eht ,mih sekat a ERALG LATO 56$ . e l b a t r o f m c si se nel morf se nel no s t n e r ro uoy dias sah morf .syar ,esnecil dilav snav taht snav ylno .wor b eno m s ylira tb esuaceb nrehtuos .dias ,won gnizdrapoej ehT "!ot nac ylaus k c a b w r d fo a a tahw a sisab eht ,.oC t'nod eh a kcip evah pmac otni elbaiv ni .e rf era syar egap elt il ehT nav ro eh rotaegif nac egarots taht htiw ,ruof rebmun dias puorg eht .ke w raluger lo hcs eh a gniog egap suomyna ecruos a ot kcolb ot vans." sDI eb e v a h si .cnI a syats denwo no pit tol evaw dna ¬ni ¬hsrah tceorp )71 htoB dna ebuc-iH snikdA a ",DI laicos hcus 81 ro nosrep elpoep no a lacol 0141 ohw A A nwo a l up eht ,setas nehW" eht s'ti tup sih rof a ot ot fo eh fo pu a teg a sdnuorg .dias ta a letom ot a ni a )2 I ti uoy latot ,pots nac osla tol weN eht emit ot gnol snoit er w eno ehs tsal .52 $ A" hcae .eta s eno eht ,l aH smelborp tub hsaw melborp gnol .oot sdegnatnav nodleW eH ocixeM elohw ,eip ih tem ehs eht uoy tnerfid ,meohdesrb dna dna gnilevart nodleW ,elpoe ,yrencs yltsoM" sub tsaehoWd evisnep sairetfc kcurt edam laem ,dias perirwt tsoC nodleW heguhorhtt eosklail .yrtnuoc eurhowyyna .evisnpx dnuor ekat ,sevitalr ,ecalp ehS dainnroaflaC yrtnuoc samtirhC sah nair M taerg USM maerd yrtnuoc gnidR yB n o s r e ptuo s'tI" ,sedir .e pet sekam netfo hcuM srevird reht g netfo h t n o m , y e n o m . k a e r b a I" I" I" ytinurop e v o l tnemicx dnuohyerG ,ainvlyseP out." teg a while," zines," ro ni fo tahw gnol spolev d dias s.o'ottI nodleW pe ls uoy ?edir eht gnieb .yad esuaceb ylno reh edihass rof tuo ees sub roFpirt ",yltsom sub neht syats ot fo fo ecalp eht .egnurcs l its gnipe k pirt dab ti tneps yaw noitac v thgim sub MAP USM si .elbatrofmcnu dnuohyerG a pu a htiw uoy a a dias saw .tib .saxeT siht .dias te m fo . e l p o s k a e r b .dias tsuj nosrep ,owt eht ,spots rehtie ehs sub ".em eht tnaw l iw thgilf sevom gnitsv wef ,ohadI ,adirolF reh ,nodleW eromhps ni a ta ot e l o h w a ot a ot s n i a t u o m ot ereht ylaer eg loc eH ylaer pirt ,dias ne wteb a you," eH a ro a ,sregn ap eirdamc ot FP dna nehT knis leef ehs dna s e m i t s n i a t u o m d e v i l y d o b e m s s e v i l r eht secnatsid n e w t e b k n i h t o s l a si d a e r ehs sub laeM ,03$ slaem t h g u o b ; t s e W t e k n a l b n o d l e W e s u a c e b ot s e c a l p g n i s u b d n e p s ton s o r c a RAEW 01 seludhcs ekil : n a e l c e r a s a w y r e v E " h c t a w r e h s a h , e m o s ti uoy n e h w .dias u o Y " e r o m sub eta od e k a t .no si sdneirf syad emoh ,nogerO ekil sorca owt nosaM mret dnuof tub me s eht og si t s a l t'nac s'er ht uoy uoy rehtonA s'tI" sekat sub ¬dasid ".yldneirf eht ,tuop rd dlo citsan f ¬htrow taht gnite m eht .oot sub spuorg sgniht do g klat ¬agm eht s ap a a ¬xe noita s ¬ats spots ylno ,ylfeihc reh rof eno gib gniog .yren cs eht uoy yl aer .dias eht no no ni ni na .dias no ,tsoc a a ni fo — a a a os ¬ot a a ro ta a yl ot d'uoy uoy nI" elpoep dnuora ,.m.a dlot em enO" dluow eht nemow noitas saw yM" .yawa ekam tel evah tnaw eht esuhbt ohw era eht on' pe ls gnihctaw noitas dna .m.a rof kcuts eht 8 ni 'S$ mih FO k thgir ruo rouqil teG .refas tsuj cis alc fo eb tnedus I .em ehtot ot eht ylno ti 31 ni sihT ta e h T p e l s ' . y a w og no — d n a smorhtab s ' n e r d l i h c . tas ,sruoh yrots sA ■. lla dnG egat na eht .noitas ylaiceps. I e g a b ! s ' e d a O hgrubstiP noitce . sih fo euqinu .ren id g?dnek W niteG e l p o e p yuB e o n i w a eb e r e h t nehT hcuoc d e R g n i h t y n a r e h t g o t l ats d e r f o nem thguoht noitces ereht morf si er hw ,mo rhtab ¬raluge eht era retfa dna saw taht eht .m.p sub nehw thgir dna ohw siht dna eW POHI lfBM , n e v e 7 ni TEG POHI2 ROF esle tsrif NOITAVN S'ERH fi 3 I ot fo I ndo G opu C evah eurt gninid deta rc tsafk erb decirp l'uoy tepraC ta dna yeht era era era gnol ot saw ehs saw fo fo ylanoitse ees ngierof elpoep t a h W eht eht enoms 'YRANOITULVE stnedutS" .aciremA ,elpoep ohw gniog yltsoM" nodleW ylaer rof no !uoy de n !s'edaO yats o s l a tnaw sub a e ht dah ylno do g retid," nodleW noitacv ees redlo ?spirt sdnik .elpoe yrtenucbs ,ttosenW ,detisv dias t'nsaw a .er ht teg t'nod ytraP tol ot rof ot s'ti ylno tratS ruoy ev'eW og fo :ta ehT retfa egnirB POHI r'w—vol .erutnvda .suoicled evif tog ot ekat s'ti eht yb gnuoy .dias ro rieht evah sdik elpoep fo elpoep lla osla ylno reh eht fo ".gniserpd .gnipels serutnv eno eht wen ruoy .puorg .sub 0 .2$ separC !RENIDNIOJ tseb .m.p 4 OT erotS ,reeb ecalp ,sub yaw roF ngierof er hT" tsuj ro ohw ekat esuaceb esuaceb etirovaf secalp lanoitreI esraoc sserepnriCD dneirf seprCgnidetx tI no A dnek w kcehC ,eniw a r e h t g o T neve dnuor ekmcoacb ,dteYT" l uf a fi pirt s'ti uoy esuoH . . . uoy evoba 907 og repahc ecalp dnemocr sren id erom ro siht _ 413 laC • • • tekcit l its eno sren id fo ydoB dna tob A gnilruC wolB .E 4134-23 gnisnaL .tdobRA no htiw do g ,ylimaf !rep ilC sretuciaH daoR ro snori ylruc nemow rof sekacnP !yletuosba F O -sreniD stuc snoaer dna era noita vni S'EDAO V eht ".enalpm naht dna ;sub | V siht taht ta dlog ta A evaS eht M4-23 kentaatBS e1t0iu2S smroF nam .da morf ekat nioj ot etalS ladem !riaF ainroflaC I ti ozamlK srewolb no 1* levart eg loc yeht esuaceb nac fi yb PSHI -navd su rof .hP 233 dnuora stnedus teg yeht sub no tnod .edir t'nod - a 15 4 a kaerb tnaw evah a — ot tsoM rac YOUR SFITSTUNUAHNKE.E OMETHING ABOUT! 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AJTUSTD OCAHUNERDTK WMDAMIOLAOSETVI'KLY., RTETOI CORALTDE? C o n e c t i u M a c i l a n . D i M a g i o , h i t c k e r s b r i m e d t h e e s n t i a l . * 5 " What and in most i n c l u d i n g / w i o i \ p l a n e d . h i k e r ' s The f o r t a b l e of CURTIS USNOLFIEUNEFWLDE ME.ICHGAN OWBLEOFSCTK sta es rado, al l bags. S P E C I A L rest laws the ing of a SALES PARTS MDAERFGORET MswStudheUno "ttjofoeet fdteohssepirriirngftthowoossrhe thropaeefdn, bvmiebaley alterniv. swtudeinl troes thameeasinfrs hbsaeraoek, hthumb"oolfp thweayir. hitcsalk,nglhimiact¬eesd mactaoosertdsi,ngSMPicthalgaeen. hasstovme foennfoorrtcighliacwtskn,g thsocpheueecifk RECORDS IN-STORE w PHONE HEIGHT THAN ISWKIY MORE ISTOPN THE TIME THE MAX « 6.98 FBI SEE those "aford of broeark, tase hitc hikng travel MSU undobte!. 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