harton denounces education VOLUME 71 NUMBER 33 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY. 18, 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 3 planners r trend toward J By SEAN State HICKEY News Stiff Writer Excerpts from President Wharton's said. "I believe in the maximum college centralization motivated by a complex powe- drive to centralized, but Michigan's public colleges merits accomplished at MSU, Wharton said possible consolidate authority and decision-making ■President Clifton R. Wharton Jr., in address begin on the back page. freedom of choice by students to choose into a single board. The end result would be are highly productive and efficient - albeit a university is not a "glorified high school" T, of the University address Thurs- their fields of study rather than have some underfunded," he said. "Any argument that but a "vehicle for the creation of new r, d,.nounced and criticized state faceless bureaucrat making the decisions to remove authority and control of govern millions of taxpayers dollars could be saved knowledge." ■ education planners for moving mended ing boards, the governor, the legislature recently is based upon a serious based upon a computer printout." Wharton and internal decisions of the institutions annually in higher education in Michigan is Wharton also expressed his concern over I centralized control of Michigan misunderstanding of how the current said. totally illusory and cannot be supported by the possibility of continued financial re land universities. system of higher education works in themselves, the University president said. fact." A centralized board for trenchmenl and underfunding of MSU and entitled "Higher Education Michigan," Wharton said. authority over "The Michigan system is not highly Pointing out several rch achievi higher education could be dangerous on two i its adverse effects on the higher education le Dangers of Human Engineering." With the growing clamor for a centraliza counts, Wharton said. These are the system in Michigan as a whole. named that the trend toward tion of authority, Wharton said there would stifling of research creativity and the risk of ed planning could lead to "Orwelli- be an "increasing intrusion of rules, "human engineering." in engineering." guidelines, reports, agency requirements, The dangers with human engineering are Ljaed planning and authority, ac- in Wharton, would eliminate the etc.," interfering with the University planning. in deciding who should and should not attend college and what jobs they should MSU honors ■existing and necessary competitive "We would give up the efficiencies and fill, Wharton said. Is between Michigan instittt- quality responsiveness of competitive, de "We must avoid paths that would lead to centralized decision-making and local con¬ ■m Inning said the trend toward central- has evolved under the lot severe fiscal stress the state has trol - a system which has benefited Michigan taxpayers," Wharton said. Without the competitive model, Wharton a rigidly controlled Orwellian society either before or after 1984," he said. "Critics (of individual planningl fail to — faculty for comprehend that an educational program at state planners believe that warned, research work would be stifled, college or a university is a living entity, contributions a ttrol of higher education can fields of study existing at one or more not a static creature that once locked into nt savings through efficiency institutions in the state would be limited place, never changes." Wharton said. statewide competition for and competition to provide the highest At MSU over the last academic year lesourees. quality instruction at the lowest student more than 181 new courses were added, but te Board of Education has cost would be eliminated. In other words, By CHARLENE G.GRAY 400 were changed and 77 were sasingly vocal in the exercise of student interest and demand would not be dropped State News Staff Writer altogether. Nearly all seats in Anthony Hall Auditor¬ itended as a strictly advisory the deciding factors in determining new Advocates of centralized planning and ium were occupied Thursday night for the view, what has been recom- programs or expanding existing ones, he administration, according to Wharton, are annual Highest Faculty Awards convoca¬ tion and the "State of the University" address by MSU President Clifton R. MILLIKEN RECOMMENDS APPROACH Wharton Jr. The awards were presented to 16 faculty members and six graduate teaching assis¬ tants for their outstanding teaching, re¬ search and public services. igher education funds Broken down, this included the Distin¬ guished Faculty Awards given to 10 senior faculty members who also received checks of $1,000. Six Teacher-Scholar Awards and checks for the same amount were also given to junior faculty members in recognition of devotion and skill in ay rise using formula undergraduate teach¬ ing. Excellence-in Teaching citation> a.»u checks for $500 were presented to six graduate students. Most of the recipients accepted the I By MICKIMAYNARD several years. since 1966. Though inflation ate a part of awards with obvious delight. Senior faculty ■ Sute News Staff Writer He said the legislature came up with a the increase. Milliken said the rise still winners included: ■illiam G. Milliken said Thursday proposal similar to the governor's last year amounts to around 72 per cent. •Richard C. Ball, associate director of but failed to win approval. Endriss added Jonum-nding a new equity-based The governor, who advocates the passage MSU's Institute of Water Research, who which would result in a $46 million that a task force had also been working on of a constitutional amendment creating a created the 'U's Water Quality Manage the idea. | in higher education appropri- state Board of Higher Education, said in his ment Project and a cleanup strategy for the Milliken said the basic guideline of the speech that he would now consider an Red Cedar River: :o provide a predictable and formula was "the principle of equal funds advisory commission on higher education •Sherwood K. Haynes, professor of distribution of state funds among for similar programs." that could be created without amend¬ an physics and former department chairper¬ ■ institutions of higher education," The governor said the budget depart¬ ment. son, acclaimed for pioneering work in lid. ment had worked out detailed The Commission for Higher Education explana¬ Auger electron spectroscopy; ity based formula is a complicat- tions of the proposed formula examining the would serve as an advisory board to •Daniel H. Kruger, professor and associ¬ ■ that will calculate funding on an effects it would have on each of the 14 colleges and universities as well as the ate director of the School ef Labor and state-funded colleges and universities in legislature and different state agencies. Industrial Relations, cited for excellence in ■of the present approach of adding Michigan. Milliken said the commission would have training more than 3,000 employment ■$ to a school's current appropria- Milliken said his proposed $46 million no authority to enforce its decisions, but security officials during 1966-72; Hequity funding system evaluates increase in higher education appropriations could make policy recommendations. He Photo by Pete Obee •Lester V. Manderscheid, professor and olved in 30 different would be apportioned according to the said the commission would also fill a Grab your associate chairperson of agricultural eco¬ areas. sunglasses - Here comes Lhe sun. But don't be deceived. >of the Department of Man- proposal if the legislature approves it. "sunset" (terminating) capacity in studying nomics, honored as teacher, scholar, land Budget said the Spring thaws, like spring break, are still weeks away and the cold days aca¬ equity-fund- Milliken noted that higher education the effectiveness of programs maintained demic leader and adviser; will keep hanging in to remind us. T>ach had been in the works for appropriations have increased 200 per cent bv schools. lcontinued on page 14) Retrenchment, inflation hurt 'U' cost for such materials is adversely affect¬ By SEAN HICKEY inside Classes > shot down by SUte News Still Writer The University retrenchment program that called for an average 2'/i percent larger, courses eliminated ing the quality of that instruction. in A large portion of chemicals that laboratory experiments are made from are used to list petroleum bases, and due to the rising costs night. The 12th cutback in the 1976-77 budgets of the 17 1976-77 University budget that was $9 levels of other schools. Wsquid outshot the Spar- colleges at MSU has left few areas of the of gas and oil. chemicals have increased in million short of the 6.5 per cent inflation In the College of Agriculture and Natural tune ol 99-77. Page University unscathed by the effects of the price by 200 to 300 per cent in recent years. rate. Resources, 50 faculty positions have been Last fall term the College of Communica financial crunch. Most colleges are in an "equipment crisis" left open because the college did not have The "equipment crisis" spawned by tion Arts and Sciences had to turn 56 Larger class sizes, decreasing faculty and some suffer much higher rates of the money to fill them after faculty budgetary woes is having a major effect on students away from a vital telecommunica¬ staffs, elimination of courses, limited ser¬ inflation. The inflation rate for equipment members left last year. In addition, 20 those.colleges that must maintain facilities tions course, because the equipment used vices and supplies and severe equipment that has to be replaced in the College of faculty members in the college were lost to necessary for instruction. for the course could only accommodate 48. shortages are the results of a program Engineering is running as high as 8 to 9 per other schools who offered higher salaries and 63 had already been accepted. Many departments of science-related designed to tighten the budgets of the cent. and better resources. Besides inflation, which acts just like a individual colleges. At the same time The College of Education has lost 30 colleges rely heavily upon laboratory exer increasing enrollments cises for course instruction, but the growing (continued on page 15) Along with the retrenchment program, are also burdening the already financially assistant professors and James Madison the spiraling rate of inflation has intensified plagued colleges while many of them are College has decreased its faculty from 34 to the budgetary woes of MSU. Last Septem¬ 17 in the past three years. experiencing decreasing faculty staffs and ber the MSU Board of Trustees approved a administrative help. The retrenchment program, designed to As a result, numerous classes within the various colleges have continued to grow and Carter letter delivered generate $3million,achieved the overall 2'z the already burdened faculty and adminis¬ trative clerical/technical workers have met Critic blasts per cent cutback by administering a variety of cuts to the 17 colleges ranging from one with increasing workloads. Many faculty per cent to a maximum of 5 per cent. Generally, the smaller colleges such as members have been taken from their teaching responsibilities to do clerical/tech¬ to Soviet dissident head nical work. PBB stance James Madison, Urban Development and Lyman Briggs colleges received higher The ratio between clerical and technical MOSCOW (API — A personal letter from President Jimmy Carter was delivered House stationery, dated Feb. 5 and de¬ livered to Sakharov at the embassy cutbacks while the much larger colleges help and instructors within University such as Education and Natural Science College is one of the highest in the Thursday to dissident leader Andrei D. Thursday, was sent in response to a LANSING (UPI) - Michigan Farm Sakharov letter received in Washington received the minimum cutback of one per University. Right now the college is Sakharov in an unprecented gesture of Bureau President Elton R. Smith today Jan. 28. accused the stale Agriculture Commission cent. operating with one typist per 17 faculty support that could escalate the U.S.-Krem- members. lin conflict over human rights in the Soviet In that letter, Sakharov asked Carter to of caving in to political pressures to lower Those colleges with a history of increas¬ Enrollment increases have been drastic Union. "raise your voice" on behalf of political the allowable level of PBB in food. ing enrollment, such as Natural Science, Business, Agriculture and Natural Re¬ for many of the 17 colleges at MSU. The The letter, which Sakharov said was the prisoners in the Soviet Union and Eastern "The Michigan Department of Agricul father ture has twice considered proposals to sources and Education, experienced lower cuts of one per cent, because MSU College of Communication Arts Sciences had to accomodate an additional and first he had ever received from the U.S. government, reaffirmed Carter's commit¬ Europe. In his response, Carter said, "You may lower the tolerance levels of PBB and both ment to support human rights and closed rest assured that the American people and l^ndSyWil bein the tonight times after public hearings and reviewing all scientific evidence, found the present tolerance level to be safe," Smith said.' administrators felt they would have the toughest time adjusting to a budgetary cutback. 1,000 students in the last eight years while the number of full time faculty members has remained the same. with the sentence, "I am always glad to hear from you, and I wish you well." our government will continue our firm commitment to promote respect for human KoersJsstu"i»y,» The commission earlier this week re¬ Though the cuts were varied, the results The College of Business in recent years A U.S. Embassy spokesperson said he rights not only in our own country but also i^»^«enhllhr0Ugh * 'OWs ,WhlghS in the versed its earlier stand and said it would were enced often the same. Each college experi decreasing faculty staffs and battled has become the largest college in the University, with an enrollment of 5,500 could not recall an American president's ever before sending a letter to a Soviet abroad." The letter, which Sakharov gave West s,n the teens. support legislation to reduce the PBB students. Meanwhile faculty staffs have dissident. ern newsmen at a press conference in his tolerance level, which currently stands at .3 salary levels that were becoming compara¬ tively less competitive with the salary also remained stable and the increasing Carter's four-paragraph letter on White Icontinued on page 141 parts per million. Frid°y. FebrirU0fy 2 Michigan Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan is, |, ALLOWS$50, PERMANENT TAX CUT HEW secretary! Committee OKs rebate threatens cut0| of school funj WASHINGTON lAI'l - A would become effective on May close. The committee voted 20 to insure that nobody gets more rebate nf $50 tor almost to 17 against a Republican than one $50 check. tax 1 by lowering the amount pverv American who earned withheld from paychecks. effort to kill the rebate. An •The current system of mini effort to delete the higher mum standard deductions for $25,000 or lt*s: ir and a At the same time, the panel permanent ta: t f-r agreed to extend through 1978 standard deduction failed. 24 to taxpayers who do not itemize WASHINGTON (AP) - The lion persons or families who use the existing $35 per person tax 10. deductions would be replaced secretary of health, education A- Cahfano Jr. !lidilL I the standard deduction was ap¬ credit and a special credit for Here are elements of the by a flat deduction. For single and welfare put the nation's f07al statement proved Thursday by the House the working poor. individual tax cuts approved by persons, the deduction would be $2,400; for couples filing a public schools on notice Thurs¬ "Sfhts. "Butthe"',"1 f Ways and Means. The committee continued the panel: compliance with day that for the first time since l4w»'s to nuke i?,,"! The rebate, a variation of one work on business tax-cut sec •Almost every American joint return, $3,000. 1972 they will face cutoff of who earned $25,000 or less in The committee rejected Car wUI proposed by President Jimmy tions ofthe plan that Carter has federal funds if they violate fun Carter as the center piece of his 1976 would get a $50 rebate ter's plan for a $2,200 standard must." cuw>Hi |j» proposed in an effort to spur federal civil rights laws. check. Persons who earned deduction for single persons, economic stimulus program, the economy. Chairperson A1 would be a one-time-only deal, Ullman, D-Ore.. planned to $25,000 to $30,000 would get since that would have resulted "We have no desire ever to and Arkansas school A finish the bill Thursday eve¬ less than $50. Those at $30,000 in a tax increase averaging $52 payable to most recipients in AP Wirephoto cut off funds to any school cases have been income or more would get for 2.1 million persons. May or June. The permanent ning. Fate's icy fingers? No, just the result of a recent sitting tax cut. averaging $90 a year. The vote on the rebate was nothing. The panel attempted The committee plan would mean a tax cut of about $90 for thaw in Freeport, III., from drainpipes. district or other educational institution," Secretary Joseph secretary's desk orders, .wjyj some for as low a 44.6 million returns, with vir years. He ordered those cases to d a* * tualiy all the benefits going to taxpayers earning $20,000 or previous fu less a year. By raising the standard de¬ duction. the committee would House adjourns without vote date b worsen what is called the "marriage penalty." That penal¬ ty now is up to $1,300; the bill would raise it to $1,800. Carter against Congress pay raise has referred to the penalty as WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress assured Congressional failure to reject the hikes means an incentive for persons to live itself, federal judges and top level bureaucrats a that members of the House and Senate will be together outside marriage. hefty pay raise Thursday when the House of working for $57,500 a year instead Of $44,600 Sadat commends bomb sale cancellation It works this way: Under the Representatives adjourned without voting when they resume business Monday. The salary new proposal, two single per¬ against the proposal. of the vice president, chief justice and House CAIRO (AP) President Anwar Sadat with the visit to Cairo by Secretary of sons living together could get a Last minute efforts by some House members speaker will jump from $65,600 to $75,000. State Cyrus R. Vance, who is on a Mideast total standard deduction of to force members to vote on the pay hike, Associate Supreme Court justices will get hailed President Jimmy Carter s decision $4,800. But if they married they thereby showing voters who not to blame for the $72,000 instead of $63,000 while Cabinet mem¬ to cancel the sale of concussion bombs to tour. Israel as a very positive and creative In Tel Aviv the Israeli ambassador to would be limited to the one $3,000 deduction, increase, collapsed when the House went home for the weekend. bers will receive $66,000 instead of $63,000. The last school system off was in Ferndale 1 step" Thursday and said he plans to visit Washington, Simcha Dinitz, said Israel •The key part of the 1975 In addition, the majority and minority leaders cut which on June f the United States early in April. and the United States would look for a tax reduction act, a tax credit However, opponents did win an early moral in Congress will find their salary raised from 18,1972, the first northern di J Carter's decision to ban the bomb sale, substitute for the concussion bomb, victory when the House voted 224 to 109 not to $52,000 to $65,000, and district judges will of $35 per person or 2 per cent face such action. announced in Washington, reverses a which Israeli officials had said was of the first $9,000 of taxable immediately adjourn. After the roll call vote, the receive $54,500 instead of $42,000. Some 20,000 commitment by former President Gerald needed to destroy enemy missile sites in income up to $180, would be opponents dropped their opposition to adjourn¬ top level civil servants will receive boosts of up Meanwhile, CalifanoiJ R Ford. The announcement coincided the event of war. extended through ment and the House quit business for the to $7,900 above the current ceiling of $39,600. fronted Thursday with J Dec. 31, weekend. 1978. It is due to expire at the possible decision invaivj] end of 1977. This costs the The hikes will be the first for Congress since fund cutoff. An HEW J The raises were proposed by former President Accused conspirators die in car crash Treasury about $10 billion a Gerald R. Ford after a special commission 1975 when their salary went from $42,500 to $44,600. The last hike before that was in 1969 officer ordered federal il Chicago public schoobd recommended the action and had the support of when the House and Senate raised members' Thursday because ol l KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — A Ugandan Orinayo Oryeman, minister of land and •A special earned-income President Jimmy Carter. Under a 1967 law, such salaries from $30,000 to $42,500. Congress claim that the Anglican archbishop and water resources, were being taken credit for working families who presidential recommendations take effect auto¬ violations of the civil | earn less t han $8,000 a year also rejected a pay raise last year. laws. two cabinet ministers, accused of an Wednesday for questioning when they matically unless either the House or Senate tried to overpower the driver of the would be extended for another disapprove them within 30 days. The 30-day House members opposed to the pay raise, or at antigovernment plot, were killed in an vehicle, causing a collision. It said the year, through 1978. This allows period ends at midnight Saturday. least to the no-vote method of adopting it, did automobile accident touched off an such families to reduce their The Senate, which indirectly voted earlier not succeed Thursday in getting a record vote on •nternational outcry Thursday against three detainees were killed and the driver taxes by up to $400 a year and to interfere with the pay raise, was in recess this adjournment — a vote they said could be President Idi Amin. Church groups and was critically injured. Amin was described by a senior goes to many families who pay week, so only action by the House could have interpreted as an index of members' position on politicians abroad accused his regime of no tax at all. blocked the i the pay hike. murder. government official as 'shocked and The government said Archbishop stunned" by the deaths. 'There was no ATTIMTION VITiAANts Ex Jonani Luwum, Internal Affairs Minister foul play whatever," said the official. "It cellent poy, insurance, and re¬ Charles Oboth-Ofumbe and Lt. Col. was just oneof those terribly sad things." lent benefits available - WOMANSELF BOOKSTORE Michigan Air National Guard. . brings to you the beat Coll 517-489 5169 after 6 P.M. available in women's r Tuesday through Fridoy. Col' Today! _ Announcing Recent Arrival! $J99 Womenfriertds: A Soap Opera — *4.50 Gay American History — '9.95 Women Behind Bars — '1.75 ALL YOU CAN EAT Hers: Andrus FISH A CHIPS announces offshore investigation HERM'S 106 The Swedish I'tmlrt Mat Sit WASHINGTON (AP) — Interior Secre¬ tary Cecil D. Andrus announced Thursday He noted reasons that there may be valid for some of the production [AUTO BODyjNC; a broad inquiry into offshore natural gos slippageand shut-in reserves, though the American & Foreign Cars Open Thoriday and Frl production after investigators said they task force night, till eight I report provided "reason for found production decreases and idle reserves in five fields. Quality Work Guaranteed Andrus said the investigation will He said the probe "will focus on the Free Estimates probably lead to orders to some com¬ question of what the department can do panies to drill more wells and speed up to assure increased production in the (Tlon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ■ production but he said it was too soon to future from the Outer Continental Shelf, Sat. 8:00 a.m. -12 Noon know where such orders would be rather than fixing blame for the present Corner Larch & Michigan Ave. appropriate. energy crisis." Lansing 489-6577 Apology made for racial joke WASHINGTON (AP) - A member ol and HAPPY HOUR AT only will say that it was unfortunate, the Commodity Futures Trading Commis¬ it was ill-advised of him to say and that he THE CAVE! sion apologized publicly through an aide regrets it." Thursday for a.ring a pun in which two COME IN OUT OF city officials were characterized as ' black Martin himself was unavailable for Miss J announces. THE COLD.... loafers. The racial comment Thursday. Earlier, the Chicago Hot Spiced Wine Levi's^ Asterisks joke was told by Robert L. Daily News quoted him directly as Martin in Feb 9 in a speech at a trade luncheon apologizing for his "large mouth," and Hot Buttered Rum AH the popcorn you can jean'n jacket go-togei Chicago an assistant confirmed. saying "I guess I'm going to get The aide said that Martin "has only said beheaded." eat for a dime are here, the soft, Mon.-Fri. 3:00-7:00 P.M. brushed denim-blue Caw us *ith three *'lh states for find said each alternative will finding citrus fruits and vegetables," n increase in price. Our zinc deficiency it a normal diet can correct the damage," Fraker said. Fraker said she was looking at zinc but the phytic acid in high plant diets prevents them from using it," Fraker said. "This wili be a growing problem in the because it is an essential element but is not future because as the population continues , h)r grapefruit," he said. stored by the body. to grow it's assumed we'll eat more plants." ■rf,n. , nna is an alternative source for oranges. California is the last "We are dependent on a daily intake of Fraker said her research so far has found I*SbI Rrr ' "rn1,1, "pposed:,s because toof the freight costs for transporting the oranges 2,000 previous 1,200 miles from Florida." Summers may affect immunity zinc." she said. "Any kind of animal product contains zinc." Fraker s research may be important to that a zinc deficiency has a pronounced effect on the thymus. The thymus is an important part of the immune system which makes lymphocytes. underdeveloped nations presently and also ItirkjV'"' L. ' "r a while, he said. Kr«undcrops go, such as green beans and radishes, they won't the United States in the future. These lymphocytes are important in anti¬ "There has been very "In the Middle East, Asia and parts of body formation and the destruction of By MICHAEL MACKSOOD little research into South America, where the diets are high in foreign cells. State News Staff Writer dietary deficiencies and the possible effect "A zinc deficiency causes the thymus in 'Riot UiTk •'S For protecting steel and iron from rust, on the immune response," Fraker said. plant foods, there is a deficiency of zinc," "te freeze by purchasing two truckloads of orange "This is possibly because the work involves Fraker said. mice to atrophy or waste," Fraker said. VtheyIr''1'7*. '' ' muigh to and the other immediately after." riiie is an important element. It may also be two disciplines, nutrition and immunology." She said this may be the reason for An important segment of Fraker's work last until the end of spring term. important for protecting people from dis¬ s abnormally high death rates for diseases will be to see if this wasting of the thymus said, "as far as the rest of t he ease, an MSI1 researcher says. produce goes, we'll have to pay the Fraker is using the mouse as a model which are usually nonfatal in other parts of can be reversed if a normal zinc diet is Pamela J. Fraker, assistant system for the research because its immune the world. restored. Prices, Summers said, "You must realize that the market professor of system is similar to that in higher animals "Vaccines against diseases are not as Fraker emphasized that there is not Ibvth, rvhsiinier" 'k'her than I can afford to go. However, in the biochemistry, is studying the effects of a market, price is and humans. effective in these areas," Fraker said. "This much known about the interaction of dietary deficiency of zinc on the immune P^llillli, , system and disease resistance. indicates the people may have a deficient dietary deficiencies and the immune system ■hiU|,|„- "'Kinning to occur now. In her experiments, Fraker said, she immune system." and this will be a growing research area. Piiij I" level off because Mrs. Housewife is refusing to pay high would be looking at the effect of a Plant foods contain "phytic acid" which Fraker, who has been at MSU tor three The work is being funded by the Nationa Institute of Health, which has given Frakei short-term deficiency of zinc in mice. binds to zinc and prevents it from crossing years, has been interested in this work for "We are the intestinal wall and entering the blood. the last year. '$50,(MX) per year for three years. looking to see how permanent is Friday, February l8 £ Michigan State News, East lonsing. Michigan |( SALC NAMES NINE U.S. COMPANIES FOOD if |i Committee works for boycott By GEORGIA HANSHEW the condition of blacks in Africa. South East policy Lansing, when a similar was passed during the other councilmembers aren't too thrilled about the idea." in that kind of thing, the more effective it would be." AtLaVilla State News Staff Writer The Southern Africa Libera From there. SALC will speak Vietnam War in 1972," he said. "I just wonder if this kind device is an effective way of of The cities of Gary, Ind., and Madison, Wis., have passed (FORMERLYPIZZA VILLA) tion Committee (SALCl will Owen was referring to a resolutions condemning apart¬ launch a campaign Sunday before the hope area organizations with of getting their sup¬ resolution passed in 1972 which bringing about black rule in South Africa," Owen said, add heid, Derman said, and a simi¬ "La CasaE'Piccold night to convince the city of required the city to take a lar proposal is currently before East Lansing to boycott nine port for the resolution before corporation's involvement in ing, however, that "the more the city of Detroit. Ma L'ospitalita bringing it to City Council. before governmental units that joined American corporations with Vietnam into account branches in South Africa. Council support for the reso doing business with it. E'Grande" By doing business in South lution would be "additional OUR HOUSE IS SMALL BUT OUR HOSPITALITY When accepting bids from Africa, SALC asserts, the cor pressure on the corporations to corporations. Mayor George IS GREAT. porations are supfHirting apart begin disengagement from Griffiths said. "If the second heid - the official policy of South Africa." Derman said. lowest bidder was within 10 per racial segregation. "If one looks at the history of cent and had a lower cor¬ SALC members will try to South Africa, it is evident that porate involvement in the war, garner the support of as many- these corporations have direct¬ that bid would be chosen." area organizations as possible, ly and indirectly supported The city used a bulletin including various church apartheid in South Africa." groups, the African Studies which published the names and Center, ASMSU and the State Their indirect support is in amounts of Pentagon contracts News, for a resolution calling the form of investments, ve¬ with corporations to identify for the city to boycott the nine hicles used for military pur the extent of their Vietnam corporations on its list. There are over 350 American corporations in South Africa. poses and oil. They help support apartheid involvement. Griffiths said. "Personally. I think it might RESUME 547 GRAND RIVER F GRAND S47 E. RIVER directly. Derman said, by en be a good idea," he said of the Bill Derman of SALC said, but boycott resolution. "But certain {ACROSS FROM BERKEY forcing the laws which oppress the group had to narrow them South African blacks. down to those which play the most important role in South Examples of such laws in Africa. dude those which: The nine chosen stone, are General Motors. Interna Fire • Make it illegal supervise whites; for blacks to Notice: tional Business Machines • Force blacks to carry pass at all times, and live in (IBM), International Telephone es and cott. Telegraph iITTl. Kenni- Mobil Oil. Motorola. Union Carbide and Caltes. separate areas • Allow lower wages to front whites; corporations to pay blacks. Last Days for Winter Term Books Derman spoke before the "The corporations have bene City Council at its Jan. 18 filed in their profit margins by- meeting, urging the council to enforce "selective sanctions" employing black labor very Beginning next week, we will begin setting cheaply," he said. against U.S. corporations in South Africa. The council An exit of U.S. Corporations from South Africa "would be up books for spring quarter1977. We'll still moved to set up a public one more important step for hearing on the issue, and has since set the hearing for March helping end the apartheid sys¬ tem." Derman concluded. try to help you find your winter term book, You'll find everything Italy's noted for, from congeniality to red checkei The council promised to in vile representatives from some City Councilmember Larry Owen said East Lansing could but we suggest you don't delay. Thanks. table cloths, at La Villa, 2167 E. Grand River, Okemos (formerly P/zzo The atmosphere is warm ond cozy, with candle lit booths and tob/es Insteo Villa,| of the corporations and from pass the boycott resolution, of the usual restaurant paneled walls, you will be surrounded by hondpomte other local governments. based on past experience. murals of actual scenes from Venice. Take a closer look at the omozing it To kick off the effort, SALC "There is a precedent for it in tail and authenticity is showing a film Sunday at 7:30 La Villa is continuously working on new entrees, however, the c p.m. at the Peace Center, 1118 central united S. Harrison Road, entitled menu would surely please any Italian connoisseur. Most recipes hail ft methodist "Last Grave at Dimbaza." on on Italian family restaurant in Grand Rapids, also many faithful cuslom pass on their recipes Put a little spice in your lifel Favorites a I to Villa on manicotti, a cheese or meat filled pasta, lasagna, veal pormigion, the o> Pcnnway posfo salad, a tasty, colorful "meal in itself," ond of course, pizzas, with lo "What Is A Christian?" Church of Cod Dr. Howard A. Lymon teen items available The sauces covering these delicious dishes c homemade, dinners are well proportioned at moderate prices 4207 Alpha A treat new at La Villa is, hoi apple pie All American, buf definitely a dehciouB Lansing Worship Services way lo end a meal MSo.m. and 11:00 a.m Nursery At;, ,-.iw : ☆ ir ☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Dinner just wouldn't be Italian wlfhodf a httld '"vino" to go along with i| ☆ At to Villa, the wine list is large, and the price is right. All bottled w ☆ imported Italian wines, and a fine California wine is the house wine South Baptist Church THE ☆ ☆ you would prefer one of the house drinks, made with omaretto, o liqueur Try b Sicilian Sunrise. Green Goddess, Roman Chariot or pn Ma Tower One of the expert bartenders at La Villa will also prepare one of ynT ☆ REDKEN 1518 S. Washington Lansing ☆ favorite cocktails J Sunday - 7:00 p.m. In the lounge you will find handmade stained gloss decorations, and III ☆ 12 ft Italian marble slab covering the bar is a genuine antique VouII enj■ "Lilt Starts Htrt!" ☆ nights, IF EXPERIENCE their pitcher ond pizza specials available on Monday and Tuesday Villa lounge has Good Time" hours from 4.30-7 and with their special prices w Has God made provisions for man's deepest longings? couldn't help but have a good time L they bring »0"| STJ For a welcome change, to Villa dining, La Villa lounge, MSul Fellowship and elegance to town Treat yourself to a little bit of Italy tonight. Cnlltft Blkle refreshments Class ii the HO p.* Fireside torn Sunday 11:00 a.m. "Sod dots his Work" Dr. Howard Sugden, speaking. SPONSOREDBT Bible Study 9 p.m. Wed. Union Bldg. Open 7 days / erafL's L 2012 E GOS Michigan 6272106 FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Serving Complete J Call 482 - 0754 for information fflfr Dinners until 1 «• Dr. Howard F. Sugden. Pastor Ars 6045 W Soqmo James E. Emery College Pastor 217 S. Bridti St, Sratwl lidte emfL's cvt SchensuVs Is itsick LANSING MALL CAFETERIA MERIDIAN MALL | Good Fog andr I Downtown Lwi Sigourney-Jones firmly believes that any 1 116 E. Mich. *| 372-4300J woman who cares about herself can be beautiful. This means treating yourself well. apen' IS it crazy!: 10,n mark town anu Sen, y rigl- ☆ ☆ And being treated well. Like the very special personal attention you get every time you visit a fine hair styling salon. Modern POLO BAR Delicious Homecooked Specials Under $2.00 Thi Country Music Happy Hour Weekdays 2-6p.m. Pitcher Special Mon. and Tues. 1'/, mi. East of Meridian Moll ,tile metal r-nliarr 1 Sigourney-Jones specializes in The Redken 662 W. Grand River Okemos 349 - 2240 Experience, a combination of science, pro¬ fessional treatments, service and an entire collection of hair and skin products to use at home. Call for an appointment. Start your yy "Dine in c»ndle'i«ht eniovyourf«vo"teif!f> experience today. f | SIGOURNEY-JONES Hairstyling for Men & Women .V, | THI STATE ROOfTl Kellogg Center 1712 E. Michigan ocious dining in a nostalgic campus atmosphere 484-1491 (1810 S.Cedar ☆ 694-8101 f yV ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆ yV tV VV 'U >V ☆☆ > i81 ^Kmr^r"1 state New>' E°"lonsin9' Mich|ga" Friday, February 18, 1977 7 OjTHE A & M "JAZZ plus ONI" SALE (OR: "HOW 10 OET A FREE ALBUM WITHOUT REALLY TRYIHG") 3W BUYS YOU ONE OF THESE NEW A & M JAZZ ALBUMS pies A FREE HORIZON JAZZ SAMPLER LP' MILTON NASCIMENTO "MILTON": Brazilian singer/writer/guitarist Milton Nascimento makes a brilliant debut on A & M...with a little help from Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter and Airte Moreira thm fitill ja'-eer:Binf LANI HALL 'SWEET BIRD": Ex-Sergio Mendes lead vocalist Lanl Hall soars to sweet heights on her third solo effort. Arranged by Michel Colombier, produced by Herb Alport LETTA MBIILU "THERES' MUSIC IN THE AIR" Letta who? Emebodeloo, South African voice extraordinaire, (catch her on "ROOTS" soundtrack). Saver the ethnic flavor! iZZ BROTHERS...CHUCK and GAP MANGIONE Exciting New Music From A Great Family Recipe! "MAIN SQUEEZE" "CAP MANGIONE!" SAMPLERS LIMITED TO FIRST FORTY PURCHASES HORIZON SAMPLER #2 Jimmy Owens, I"0tIZON SAMPLER #1 Paul Desmond, A SPECIAL SALE, ONLY AT Karma, Sonny Fortune, Charlie Haden, hblllvan, Thad Jones A Mel Lewis, Jim Hall |b*oletionary Ensemble, Dave Liebman |* Richard Boirach Disc Shop 323 E. GRAND RIVER Ph. 351-5380 Fri«67." Television changed from a ing as "The Defenders" and history of the medium with and persuades hard-nosed cor¬ NOW »47." free-wheeling experimental "Naked City" had gone by the off-the-wall improbability. For porate vice president Frank medium to one which no longer wayside, and CBS was covered satire to work there must be a all ripstop Hackett (Robert Duvall) to provided young Turks a place to with fields of "Green Acres." core of probability, and there is retain Beale and put his news vests work and express their anger. Fred Silverman began his sell¬ one here, however attenuated program under her auspices. Shop at Mr. B's first... *22." By the mid-'60s the serious ing of the medium during his or underdeveloped. or you'll PAY the difference stewardship as vice president in The network UBS was recog¬ charge of programing at CBS. nizably based on the poverty- He successfully completed his stricken state of ABC when ITT 5 529 L Grand River SPECIAL! "Mission: Impossible" as vice almost absorbed it a few yegfs president in charge of program¬ ago. The old president, Edward Mod., TiosvSat, 1M ing at ABC, where he trans¬ G. Ruddy, is transparently GALLIY formed it from the third-place reminiscent of Bill Paley, chair- Wed., Thurs., FrL, 10-9 Sun. 12-5 network to the first-place net- (continued on page 9) SUB r SHOP (noxf to Problems at Work? The Air Force Coral Gablos) ASMSU is a generous| d 0...0 V LABOR RELATIONS employer. When you enlist in the Air Force, you re¬ #•••{:>•••# ceive immediate career benefits-including o*:*o related training and immediate responsibility. Then we pay you JW \ • o A I • % an excellent salary with outstand- ing Federal benefits (fewcom- '■ \ panies can match our fringe . —v"-- ALL KINDS benefit program I. Promotions W ' V--, are made strictly on ability. 1 11 II A> OF FOLKS And retirement is early, after ...., _ only 20 years of service. You ~jJ ENJOY could spend a long 1 \ time looking before^ Half Price Beer, Martinis, BELL'S you found an oppor¬ tunity like this. Manhattens PIZZA Find out why the Air Force 10c HOT DOGS is such a great opportunity and a great way to serve your I VI lilt' VII. 225 M.A.C. 332 - 5027 country. Mr I i>r Vt»,i> I mi 1135 Gr. Rivor 332-0858 CallYnrAir Force Recruiter Open from 11:00 a.m. at 351-0640 or 489-9644 Free deliveries from Air Force...A Great Way of Life 4:30 p.m. A CHORUS LINE 1st ANNUAL * MSU SUPERSTARS WINTER WEEKEND * COMPETITION ENTRY PUE PATE W For All MSU Students A - CI BROOM HOCKKY - LAST DAY FOR ENTRIES WILL BE MON., FEB. 14, 5 P.M. THE EVENT WILL BE HELD WED., THURS., FRI., FEB. 16, 17, 18, BEHIND SHAW HALL ON THE RED CEDAR RIVER. 6-PER- SON TEAMS, 64 TEAMS - EACH, MEN & WOMEN. DOUBLE ELIMINATION. MODIFIED FLOOR HOCKEY RULES. TENNIS SHOES REQUIRED, ALL OTH¬ Try out these tank and sAorf-stee ^ ER EQUIPMENT FURNISHED. INDI¬ VIDUAL AND TEAM TRAVELING by Danskin. In black, navy, or lettering. rea^aniS tNTRIES MUST BE RETURNED WITH AN ENTRY FEE OF S2 00 TROPHIES. FREE PIZZA PARTY SPON¬ TO THE DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES ^Bottoms OFFICE (2ND FtOOR UNION BLDG.) DEADLINE FEB. 21 ST AT 12 SORED BY DOOLEY'S AND '100 00 NOON. COLOR YEARBOOK PICTURE TO ^ DIVISION OF ASMSU PROGRAMMING BOARD ^ WINNING TEAM DONATED BY THE- RED CEDAR LOG. Mon.-Sat. 10-6 UnlvorelfyMoll-2ndlevel 220 M. A.C. Eoe' Lansing 351-3417 ,, 1 LhiggnStog,News' Eg,t lon'in9' Michigon Friday, February 18, 1977 9 londo renews vigor of excellence Bertolucci's 'Last Tango in Paris' MUSIC CO. Lbillbhienza make love in an unfurnished, barren apartment. This is lit the two finest English-speaking Brando toiled in "Mutiny on the 245 ANN ST. r t,,Ncwi Reviewer actors in the world. While Bounty," Chaplin's "Countess EAST LANSING the best film to be beautifully by Bertolucci in Olivier continued on the cold, somber tones, underlining stage from Hong Kong" and other Wi is year in East Lan- ■ me5 quietly this ■the showpieces of RHA. week- the emptiness of it all. Schneider objects to the doing the classics and filmed work such as "Richard III," fiascos. Finally, with "Tango," Brando renews his promise. BARGAIN DAZE I Tango in Pa"". a film anonymity and coldness, and Feb. 17,18,19 £ by Bernardo Berto- Brando, feeling unable to face ra„d starring Marlon Maria Schneider, yet another wearing relation ship, gives in. The inevitably 'Network:' fact or fantasy? STOCK CLEARANCE • NO RAIN CHECKS • ALL SALES FINAL AS IS shown before by RHA tragic end is powerfully drawn (continued from page 8) ALL MOSSMAN & LO PRINZI 40% Ist sensation at the box out by Brando's magnificent way that each thing and thought person of the board of CBS, J I, its first-run release. return affords those performance. Many said it was quite autobiographical and, especially in his championing of news programs. sets in its separate cubicle the film does not have total so as off GUITARS. Includes Case. ■ve missed it the chance whether this is true or not, it is impact. "Network" unfolds as a The projected series about series of sharp lines, snappy ¥ a sterling piece of his best in a long, high-quality the I which was thought, by I, sensational for all the career. In fact, it may be the finest film acting by any male. Ecumenical Liberation Army reflects a cock-eyed ver¬ sion of the filming of "Under¬ patter and clever observations, displayed as sterilely and indiv¬ GIBSON RB 250 5-string Banjo (Demo) list »979" $60000 [reasons - probably idually as a Richard Avedon one only Bertolucci shows one of the ground" which concerned the ling a showing on TV. I Tango" is one of the marks of a great director by unobtrusively giving a great Weatherman. "Network" has a soured, New Deal liberal ap¬ photograph. Anyone who has seen the way Louise Lasser's emotional state ALVAREZ A 700 Mandolin list '460" Solo *230°° rguments against the actor the setting to perform proach noticeable when the has been exploited on "Mary sating system. Its X- his magic. In one scene, he Communists and anarchists are K much like "Midnight Hartman, Mary Hartman" or Di Marzio e Js," and not only re- simply turns the camera on subverted by money and the seen people dragged to death e Introductory Used Maestro % Off Brando and lets him address it, system. Also visible is a thin behind super distort pickups in Beirut on the ■audiences from a real thus characterizing himself. He veneer of racism and sexism cars # Offer news can have few illusions ■art. but gives many the n impression that the describes incidents such as the time, in his youth on his father's when the villainess is a woman and the Communists and an¬ about the intrinsic morality of television executives. If it 30% o Long John Strings remote switching ns nothing but lurid e following: farm, he was forced to finish a forgotten chore before going to archists are the only blacks in the film. works, it airs — unless there is massive public or professional off e 40% Off s69°° .joding, highly anti- the prom in a pick-up truck, L vision of alienation Sharply observed details protest. But "Network" man¬ e with manure on his shoes and about the way television works *0' Armond pickups Kpair in a man facing ages to make the possible seem Matrix Folk e Martin 12 String lg middle age in modern an unseen scar. Much of this and the way people in the improbable, a sad fate from mi hoi long soliloquy is said Guitar e * ■Tango" uses an empty, improvised and without to be cuts. It business talk and think get vitiated by the grouchy preach what could be a very funny film. by Ovation Guitars (Rosewood Jumbo) Systech Pedals Xis relationship, con- e List '95 include stands) 1 Set Duplex Temple Blocks New w/Stand $80°° 1 -3 Pc. Set Pearl Quinto - Congo & Tumba List '587" Sale ♦450°° Bargain Days TODAY & TOMORROW DRflM SnOP Overstock Drum on Drum Pedals Sticks Special '2" per pair I La Playa Quinto Congo 10" New (other Specials in Band Dapt.) All list' 124" Sale 25% off *95°° 40-60% OFF STORE WIDE REM «TAPE SALE On Remaining Men's Women's Warmly Lined Boots — 111 lock - Classical - lazz - Sal - Shows AND MORE 10-20% OFF LADIES' '7.98 list '3.98 LIST 198 AND 198 inc. 066 and ALL "7.98 LIST Men's & BOOTS philips imports NOW ONLY LIST NOW ONLY TAPES Women's now only FRYE DINGO & '2.50 '3.98 '4.99 '4.99 BOOTS Some styles Available B, D, EE to 13* Overslxes EXTRA SPECIAL-Roots Soundtrack L.P. $3.79u •2" extra LASCO Men's-Women's SOUND SHOP HIKING BOOTS Shoes $997 SPEAKER SPECIAL $39.95 s30°° values Men's ft Special grouping VERIT 300 — 10" woofer, one inch soft dome tweeter Women's Bass, Dexter, Zodiac, etc. Bass Reflex. Natural oak veneer. Was *139 • '940a. VERIT 200 — 8" woofer, one inch soft dome tweeter Men's ft Women's ALL PURSES Air suspension. Natural oak veneer. Was '109 • '61 ea. HARMON KARDON HK-40 — 10" woofer, three inch cone tweeter Air suspension. Simulated walnut veneer. only l« "w S1Q97 50% OFF B.E.S, U-60 Boxless Omnidirectional Former Fair Trade '99 • '59 loudspeaker. 2-way system. ea. $19< — r Mother Moccasin Remaining Women's Winter Socks Only 3% inches thick. Was '199 • *139 ea. 2 for the price of I Like above but 3-way. B.E.S. D-60 — Was *259 • »179 ea. LB.L. L-120 — The "Aquarius Q." J.B.L.'s best column loudspeaker One pair only. Oiled walnut. List '684 • *456 ea. I „ ALL SALES FINAL SUPEREX Headphones specials I 35.90 2510 S. Cedor Lansing SKANDA 555 Stereo 8-Tr. Top notch tape player with sliding trols. illuminated track indicators, SKANDA 333 Cassette 10 Tor $24M and solid-state cii cuitry! $2997 Stereo under-dash player has slot- 8-Tr. Rec./Play Deck ED-1210. Pays lor *29" 0 HILLEL 0 loading. sliding its.If when you make your own controls, more! tapes from FM or borrowed records! PIONEER FM/Cassatte Supertuiur. KP-500. Performs like your receiver tf"-l at home! Bass. Treble. Loudness. In- terstation muting. Local/DX. Auto- *68 a-e eiTeeeeo $_| SuperiorBalance. M M eject. sensitiv- SUNDAY DELI | J J ity! A beauty! Iftnfftrf ftwffty f plus an additional 2Year ParisWa.ianiyr wh. - Complete Sy.tom. and So!«clod Component ftfr If—$ 6 P.M. SALE ENDS FEB. 23 STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 10 A.M.-9 P.M.; Sat. 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M.; Sun. Noo^ rJ MEET ISRAELI HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS RIDE SERVICE IS OPERATING 332-1916 523 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER PLAYBACT Phone 351-7270 A Quality Company ot Hydiomelals. Inc eilffW** n Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 18, 1977 IS. islanders want to secede idABK. (AP) — Residents of pastoral Martha's considered almost neutral in the Revolutionary War. And it is still Daniel Taylor, legal aide to Dukakis, said it would take j :sland. angered by the prospect of losing their only common for Nantucket residents, when journeying to the considerable research to determine whether the island could Tto the state legislature, are trying to secede from the mainland, to say, "I'm going to America." secede from the state. "Give me six months and ask me then," he ■Lealth of Massachusetts. Massachusetts is trying to trim its legislature from 240 to 160 said. |° here j9 talk of seceding from the entire nation to become members. That would lump Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket into "We're stuck out in the middle of the Atlantic. No I (or U.S. foreign aid. a district with several communities from Cape Cod. The Cape Cod knows our problems one really except us." said Joseph E. Sollitto Jr., t uintr a Chilmark selectman who voted against secession, towns have greater year-round populations than both islands chairperson of the all-island board of selectmen for Martha's ,e purpose of all this U publicity." combined. Vineyard. n on the island, a summer spa and a paradise for fishing "Well be disenfranchised," said state Rep. Terrence P. ( DELIVERY AVAILABLE) rating, cast their 10-2 vote for secession at a meeting McCarthy, an independent from the Vineyard town of Oak Bluffs. McCarthy said he may ask the congressman in whose district the island is located. njjv night- One secessionist said he would try to convince The secession was McCarthy's idea. He said he is unclear on the Rep. Gerry Studds, to file federal legislation to make Martha's neighbor, Nantucket, to do the same. procedure for pulling out. But he said a proclamation will be sent Vineyard a separate state. On the other hand, he FREE! i said, Maybe we should secede from the ■gonial times, the political leanings of Nantucket were to Gov. Michael S. Dukakis listing the island's grievances and its country. That way we'd get all sorts of foreign aid." j England. Martha's Vineyard, a little less Tory, was desire to secede. The islands have had their own state representatives since the commonwealth was founded in 1780. Martha's Vineyard is within sight of the Cape Cod mainland five miles away. But Nantucket is 25 miles at sea and HA constitution revisions discussed ferryboat ride from Woods Hole, on Cape Cod. The Vineyard has about 8,000 a two-hour year-round residents and Buy any Medium At the regular price pj \ \JLL<\ I Nantucket has about 5,500. But in the summer, island populations Get Identical PIZZA Buo.ed from page [of those funds 3) to be In other action, RHA heard presentations from RHPO on recruit students for summer Mary Klapperich in next week's swell five times over, and local officials want their own state I to RHA instead of all summer jobs and the Chicano jobs. "If they don't go through election at Van Hoosen Hall. Mark Townsend and Cindy legislator to represent both islands. FREE Students For Progressive Ac¬ loney going back to the -k halls. RHA may be tion (CHISPA). Placement Services she said. — beware," Washington are the nominees for the position of vice-presi¬ Little Caesars Pizza I ■take those funds direct- Pope said there were several CHISPA is asking RHA to dent. 1203 R. Gd. River ■ ■ the students. jobs available through the of¬ help in securing rooms with Approved Ann Geheb as ■ • ■ however, was not sure fice this summer. dormitory residents for 250 member-at-large for the RHA ® 337-1631 GABLES ■ obtaining funds in this One of the jobs available is Chicano high school students publication, Rhapport, board of |vas within the power Lly. 1 don't know quite (do at this point," he the summer term resident as¬ sistant which pays a stipend of room and board for the term. taking part in the Chicano visitation weekend April 22 and 23. directors. • Asked the residence governments for a donation of hall ..J Tniteclub I bly. Another job very much like the CHISPA two cents per representative' person to finance i he would dis- resident assistant, which dif¬ George Ochoa provided the RHA Week, planned for May 15 BALFOUR RING DAYS ... i situation with Under¬ fers in that the stipend in association with handouts de through 21. introducing the New go he said "didn't know eludes an additional $37.50 per scribing the programs the vis¬ Twrs to the questions" week, is the conference assis¬ itors will take part in. Professional Series! ■his week. tant. In other business, RHA: (said he would be pre Pope also warned students to • Took the nomination of Rob NOW APPEARING ftith the "concrete pro- be aware of employers who David for president. David will plus: (of what could be done, have not contacted Placement Services in their efforts to be running against Robert Vat- II II ter, Jim Dombrowski. and GREENWOOD ARCHITECTURE FORESTRY BUSINESS AGRICULTURE EDUCATION The Rathskeller The Ilforoo Room PHARMACY Mellow Enterloinment Breakfast, Lunch MUSIC WeJ. Fri. ond Sot. nights. and Dinnar LAW JD4NCEL The Showbar ENGINEERING LIBERAL ARTS Live Entertainment MEDICAL Mon. through Sot. DENTAL Balfour Rep. FRED WHITE For dorm or 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. group parties in showbar call for advance Introducing the new shank series in both round t reservations. square top rings. Full name engraving tree during ring days. FINAL o/ compus DAYI JHDJBL SAVE YOURSELF A BUNDLE OF CASH ON THESE CHOICE CUTS! *eor. 59 FEBRUARY 25,26.271977 W on $4 with coupon Meridian Mall Okemos Reg.'6" \ bV COME IN TODAY! ^ MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS V>, CANCE FOR STRENGTH Queen "Night At The Opera" WIN A WEEK FOR TWO IN HAWAII! Be sure and register to win a 3-minute Record Run at Recordland. Sponsored by Coke, Recordland and WVIC. COURTESY OF TRAVEL By NARRIN0T0N I Pink Floyd COUPON •ltd ELKIN TOURS. "Animals" Expires 2-24-77 Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" | George Benson ws. of music and entertainment "In Flight" $459 Peter Frampton Queen "Comes Alive" 3red by DELTA TAU DELTA Fraternity "Night At The Opera" one LP with coupon ffnore information cell s 037-1721 NOWI Recordland Meridian Mall 349-3730 F"doy, February |8 ] 2 Michigan Stole News, East loosing, Michigon ,, EDWARD i RONDERS D°n't blame| the writer Minnesota guns B\ lOMSH VNAHAN with 18 and 12 points, respec¬ the half. down cagers offense in the second half, but The cagers now face the task shreds and got the ball in to Some coverage is things that need to be Normally, a letter critical accepted said- of this for what is worth i. 7, publicatio persona! rule is going to be bent to explain afl ,?th' ^1 individual who tively. in the first half. In that almost five minute couldn't do any better than to of rebounding against the Iowa "Sky" King very well. We've rapped the knuckles of our sol j8""# Stat*- News Sports Writer Perhaps the best way to respond is in letter But it took the Gophers over stretch, trade baskets with the 12th Hawkeyes Saturday night at got to do something about ■ n.t .sraring spurts Thompson scored six that." Dear Mr. Rowe: 'eUer form. four minutes to adjust to Jeni points and Williams four, while nationally ranked Gophers. 8:05 in Jenison Fieldhouse. King currently leads in Big So you're disgusted with the State son Fieldhouse as MSU toon an displaying soft-touched shoot¬ Minnesota finally pulled away It's a must win if the Spar¬ News attn, j MSU athletics? Have you ever early 10-2 lead. The lead was ing. with 5:38 to play by opening up tans hope to overtake the fifth Ten rebounding at almost 13 disgust towards the athletic department? I thought of than.V"- short lived, though, as the Williams finished the night a 20 point margin. place Hawkeyes. MSI 1 is4-9 in the league com¬ per game and is second in scoring at 22.7 points per game. You see Je f. it isn't the State News sincSjl • night. Spartans were scoreless from with a game high 28 points and Greg Kelser and Bob Chap Kelser also performed at his that has failed to produce a basketball 1-1:37 until Terry Donnelly was Thompson canned 26 as Minne¬ man led the Spartans in the pared to Iowa's 6 5 and lost to » it the scribes in this champion i„ credited with a basket on a sota shot 50 per cent. scoring column with 24 and 23 the Hawkeyes 87-79 in Iowa best in the season's earlier department which have goa It ending MSU tried to ignite its own City earlier this year. matehup with the Hawkeyes by Michigan on the gridiron since 1969 10^ call with 9:49 left in points, respectively. Neither Iowa's 6 foot-8 center Bruce hitting a Big Ten career high of was it the sports reporters who o»t u "Skv" King rammed home a Big 32 points and snatching 14 re- three-years probation and fired the head coach ■ Ten season high of 36 points in hounds. The Spartans won But, don't feel bad, Jeff. in a phenomenon which is Apparently you're bein„, a I that game and underlined the both times sweeping sports 'Patsies' head for Tech out against Iowa last season the country. That unusual occurrence is Spartans' weakness at defend¬ known team doesn't do well and the ing strong opposing pivotmen. "This was the toughest team and the MSU fans to a bit of were treated history in the sports writers. I label that a copout. paper reports same bl'l "" • to defense that we've played all proeess. All-time career scorer Unfortunately, at times, people with attitudes lik.. can be dangerous and year," Heathcote said. "I'm Terry Furlow set the Jenison only those who insist on didim ^ h. mim: hi \kfh null's contest starting at H and his job earlier in the season. Minnesota' and Minnesota- First Amendment right of freedom of sure we'll be better prepared Fieldhouse record of 50 points the uress r„ ?J Saturday's came getting under- "We've gotta come out with Duluth invades top-ranked Wis as the cagers swamped Iowa understand your frustration. ™ this time. way at 7:3(1 p.m. Fioth games at least a split to assure us of One specifically ugly case cropped "They ripped our zone to 105 88. up in Oklahoma not IJ will he carried en radio Irv staying in eighth place but if The Spartans at home ago. Frank Boggs and Jack Taylor of the WKAR and U'MS.Y in two then we can set our next are weekend when they Times reported that the Oklahoml Freshman Mark Mazzuleni we w en University of Oklahoma wis J sights higher," said Bessone, tertain North Dakota before investigated by the NCAA because Sooner player. Jj will gel tonight the starting call in goal and under the Amo Bessnne "hot hand" theory, will fresh off his Canadian recruit¬ ing wars. finishing the home and home season series Michigan the next weekend. with with a Wrestlers meet game tickets at an inflated price. Boggs and Taylor were just doing their job, Jeff But Sooner fans turned on the * The Tech series marks the journalists with J play Saturday if he wins. If not, Darryl DiPace may return to [lave Vcrsical will be back in first time that the Spartans vengeance. The Times' offices had several bomb thrj the nets. Tin Huskies, who have the have played in two weeks since their disposal of Duluth, which MSU's line up for next week end's series, but is more likely to return for the season ending No. 4 Badgers Obscene and harassing phone calls were reporters' homes. It reached the sickening stage whenpol protection was required for the two reporters for fouriT made lol second best I me record in the incidentally, is another team set with Michigan. And why? For just reporting the (acts. on the Huskies list of league behind Wisconsin, are patsies. I can relate a personal incident to By TOM SHANAHAN many individual victories as you, Jeff, that all an improved squad since their SLAPSHOTS — Defenseman far-fetched as what happened to Boggs and -plit last fall in East I.ansing. Jack Johnson got his audience WCHA State News Sports Writer possible in the last three duals Taylor, hittl MSU's wrestling team gets to improve their records. The still indicative of the attitude you possess. Centers Stu Ostlund,. Warren with Bessone Wednesday con¬ STANDINGS an early look at the site of the seeding for Big Ten Tourna¬ Last summer I published a series of stories W L T Pts re» Notre Young and Rodger Mov are cerning his dismissal from the Big Ten Tournament March 4 ment is dependent upon the alleged recruiting violations by Woody Hayes and OSl'.l locked in a three-way tie for the Wisconsin 22 4 0 44 r.- pi,in team and in what turned out to and 5 when it meets No. 4 wrestler's record. reaction was frustrating for me. Huskie scoring lead with 37 Notre Dame 18 7 1 37 be one of the shortest confer¬ Wisconsin in an afternoon bout Peninger said there will be On the one hand, the people in Michigan w U-M 14 12 0 28 points. Dana Decker, Dave ences in history, he found out at 2 p.m. Saturday. no more changes in the line-up, their praise for someone who had the guts (or Joelson and Stu Younger lead a what he has known for the past Denver 13 12 1 27 perhapshd North Dakota 13 13 0 26 The Badgers boast a 10-3 barring unforeseen circum¬ foresight) to challenge Woody Hayes. The other entiu strong group of wingers while two weeks he's through at record and are the last power¬ stances, because of the Big Ten came from the folks in Ohio who sought to discredit 1 — Minnesota 11 12 3 25 Doug Young and Paul Jensen MSU. ful dual opponent MSU has to tourney. scribe. f Michigan Tech 12 13 1 25 pace the defense. In other WCHA games this MSG 9 16 1 19 face on the schedule that would "There will be no more Ironically, on both sides, many of the people who took otJ Bruce Horsch will probably weekend, Colorado College is at the two stands were journalists. They Colorado College 8 17 1 have tested any school. tryouts before the meets to win interpreted the ston split handle both games in goal for .North Dakota, Denver travels Minnesola-Duluth 5 19 2 12 "Wisconsin has a tremendous a position in the line-up," he one where student journalist tackles coaching legend. 1 Tech after being contested for to Notre Dame, Michigan visits team and are the only team in history to have beaten Okla¬ said. "I want to take pressure off them so they can concen¬ In truth, though, the story was that Woody Hayes, proclaiming innocence, was himself guilty of wrongdoi tj homa and Oklahoma State trate on the Big Ten." Yet, that fact seemed to get lost amidst the hub-hub. baek-to-back," MSU coach Gra¬ Other Spartans currently Again, blame/praise the sportswriter. He's the or dy Peninger praised. In mid- with winning marks are Bob broke the rules — right, Jeff? January the Badgers defeated Pollitt, 1150 pounds) who is 6-5; So, while your criticism ia appreciated, Jeff, I sincerely | both traditional powers in a Rick Warner (167 pounds), that yourself and others who maintain the s Friday and Saturday series 11-10; Jim Ellis (177 pounds), reconsider your position. 11-8; and Shawn Whitcomb(190 I can't think of a sportswriter, past or present, which shot them up to No. 2 in the national rankings. whohu| pounds!, 8-7. or won a game for good ol' MSU, yet. But Wisconsin suffered a MSU has one home meet left Finally, you claim I don't know a football from my elk letdown the next week and lost in the 1976 campaign, which is But Jeff, do you know a journalist from a | an upset to Northwestern to Monday against Missouri in the person? settle into the No. 4. rating. Men's IM Building at 3 p.m. MSU's 118-pounder Terry Etchison (0-12) and 158-pound er Doug Siegert (9-5) face the biggest tests of the meet. Etchison faces Jim Haines, who is 26-1 this season and has NCAA qualifying marl* recorded 158 takedowns. He also wrestled on the U.S. Olympic team last summer. At 158-pounds the Badgers have the defending national champ¬ ion in Lee Kemp, who is eyed by MSU trackmel featured in Sports Illustrated By GEOFFETNYRE experience on the boards." The mile ...... -j this week. Kemp. 39-0 last State News Sports Writer MSU has already qualified Howard Neely. GeriliJ season and 27-1 this season, The Spartan trackmen will five entries into the NCAA Tim Klein and Char'' wanted to come to MSU three split themselves in two Satur¬ indoor meet March 11 and 12 at finished just three-tel years ago, but couldn't get a day as half the squad will travel Cobo Arena in Detroit second off the NCAA■ scholarship until his sophomore to Hamilton, Ont., for the 91st Herb Lindsay and Stan while placing fourth ■ year, if he made the team. Highlander Games while the Mavis have bettered the 4:06 week's MSU Relays- F1 Disappointed, Kemp opted for rest will partricipate in the Rickey Flowers will f qualifying mark in the mile. Wisconsin. Central Collegiate Meet in Ann Randy Smith matched the 6.1 Neely in Hamilton air The rest of the Spartan Arbor. second 60 yard dash standard thinks the young spri line-up will remain the same, and Lindsay easily qualified for destined for Big Ten sU with only two duals left on "I really think Rickey "We're sending kids to the three-mile last week in the slate after Saturday. the big sleeper in « Hamilton who we think have a Toronto, and the distance med¬ Mike Walsh, at 126 pounds, chance to qualify the NCAA ley unit has also qualified. quarter mile at the d and Don Rodgers, at 134 indoor meet," Bibbs sail indoor meet," acting head coach Lindsay will run the two mile "If he continues to ■ pounds, hold the most impres¬ Jim Bibbs said. "The Highlan¬ sive records with 14-7 and 10-4 der Games is run on boards, in Hamilton, Mavis will run the as he has. he oertainj marks, mile and Smith will run the chance to win it,"he" respectively. The like at Cobo Hall, so it will give Spartans need to accumulate as our kids a chance to 50-yard dash. Flowers bUzed a get some Freshman middle distance 100-yard dash early! senior year at Sagin# runner Keith Moore is just a School before pulling I second off the 880 mark and That inj"l Senior eocaptain Joe Shepherd will lead the Spar¬ prove their 5-3 season's mark. State News/Laura Lynn Fistler Swimmers set three seconds slower than the 1,000 standard. It will be a hamstring. ed before season, but the start! then Flow"" tans into a busy weekend slate as homecoming of sorts for the his right hamstring. they hope to im¬ Ottawa, Ont., native who will "Now he's back to1 for Wolverines go in the 1000 in Hamilton. Tim Klein is entered in the injury he had as Bibbs said. "We test hj Men gymnasts 600 and needs to improve only weights every Mor, VI hope to get well Michigan comes into the Men's IM Building pool (or a swim Saturday but it's not a visit of the social variety that MSU coach Dick Fetters is looking forward to in hopes of breaking a two-meet 1.4 seconds on his best time of the year to make it to Cobo Hall. * last two ing my fingers weeks every ■ checked out perfectly- crossed* losing streak. at expense of three Illinois foes The Spartans have fallen the last two times out to Ohio State and Wisconsin and the possibilitysof snapping that skein is not bright. The Wolverines beat both those squads last week and bring a 7-0 overall and 4-0 Big Ten record into the 2 p.m. meet. Club Sportsj By JOHN SINGLER better. Sute News "It should be a real close meet all the way down the line," Sports Writer MSU was barely beaten by Illinois Fetters said. "On paper they are a little bit ahead of us and we'd State last season, s, aKonizing!y become an all-too familiar outlook for 202.05 200.50, and has a lifetime mark of 1-3 have to be considered an underdog at this point." the MSU r i s gymnastics team, it is once again faced with against the Red Birds. the In talking about propositi. ■! ! performing flawlessly, man for man down the Chicago Circle and Western Illinois, the first thing Szypula mentioned was their depth. MSU is 6-2 on the season and 3-2 in the conference going into its i'L' another meet. final dual meet of the season before preparing for the Big Ten meet Thanks njuriox aplenty, any depth the Spartans had before Circle's Bill Roetzheim is a 9.00 man on the three vaulters each throw 9.00s pommel horse and the first week in March. The MSU men's Varsity Club will hold its serosa | the season - faded into headaches, plaster casts and red shirts, consistently. II the Chikas have a Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the club roomi at h j; J weak event, it would be the parallel bars. They tr: to Illinois mis weekend for a dual meet with Illinois The Spartans have a lifetime record of 14 3-1 with Circle. Divers Dave Burgering, Marc Stiner and Jesse Griffin are all Tickets for the organization's dinner dance, j( ■ State ton ' and a triple dual with Western Illinois and Western Illinois will not offer quite as much. coming off excellent performances against Wisconsin and will for Tuesday at the University Club, will he | Illinois •' m * irele Szypula said that meeting. Saturday. they have a good ring man but their best all-arounder falls in the again be looked on to score heavily for the Spartans. jwd to a' MSl'n.- <-h George Szypula said that on a good All members and letter-winners are invites. St :t« eisrai day, Illinois neighborhood of 44.00. » «•< scoring 2U7 points, a mark the Spartans haven't MSU has John VandeBunte in the short sprints and Shawn Elkins will Sunday's meeting and the affair Tuesday. fratc[Ji never faced Western Illinois in dual-meet The deadline for the residence hall " ' "-■■ season. competition. Szypula said that the worst is behind the Spartans and looks hold down the distance spots hot balanced scoring is a must if the %ntriej!j • Jt-f: Rudolph once again faces a quality forward to the weeks ahead, with an tankers expect to pull off an upset. swimming championships is today at 5 p- • 'ut'" Bassett, who scores around 51.00, eye on March 11 and 12 This is like the second half of the season and now Those second and thirds will have to come from backstroke turned in at the IM office in the Me ,>y and l wiihtn nailing distano lor Rudolph. we're getting championships for the fraternity teams is ^ • Vile sc<»re:-heet is usually sprinkled with plenty of over^' '0r thB B'g Te" Meet'" 1,6 Sa'd' "The midterm blues ar* specialists Mike Rado and Mark Outwater along with Barry Griffiths in the breastroke. Jim Dauw is a good bet to place with day. The residence hall swimming champ I '!' r , ;u'r(-lst'- the vault and especially on MSU closes out the dual meet March 2- •„ he held »n I ' !• , lie k Rick portion of its schedule next Elkins in the distance events while sprinter Glenn Disosway will An individual swimming meet will also Bradley and Bassett are each 9.00 or weekend at Champaign. 111., against Iowa, Minnesota and the mini attempt to get back in the scoring column. Deadline for entry is Feb. 25. I higonSKrte News, East lonsing, Michigan Friday, February 18, 1977 13 Christian music like „„cements for It's What's never heard it before you've The European Association Dr. Bedmear will speak on Recreational volleyball open to must be received in the on Peace Needed: Four guides. MSU - meets at 1 p.m. EROS '77 , of the Rock every Sunday in Neurological Disorders at 7:30 individuals and teams from 11:15 - Explore your Lyman Briggs, Natural Science L office. 341 Student at 8 a.m. Sunday on West Owen Hall Study lounge, students can volunteer for walking Sexuality Seminar in East Com¬ 640 WMSN. p.m. Tuesday at the People's a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays in the Colleges: Office hours of your r:,d„ by noon at least second floor. Church. tours of the campus by contacting plex. Check your bulletin board for ASMSU representative are from 8 1 days before publication. Interested in Africa? Contact sports arena of the Men's IM Building. the Alumni Office in the Union. details. to 9 a.m. Mondays and Wednes¬ Euncements will be ac- Helen Gunther in 106 International Poll workers are needed for Limited space available in the days in 335 Student Services Bldg. *y phone. spring ASMSU elections. Con¬ Moving off campus? Find what Observatory Open House from 8 Center for more information. Ask Sixth Annual Radiothon for Dr. Leonard Robbins speaks on tact Sue at the ASMSU presi¬ spring term social science pro¬ you're getting into. Pick up TRC to 10 p.m. Saturday. Weather about the Undergraduate African ALSAC from 10 a.m. ^ pre-Med Association Studies Program. dent's office in the Student Ser¬ gram in Copenhagen. Call Office 10 p.m. Sunday at Saturday to Survival Kits at Legal Services, permitting, the 24-inch telescope "What is a Gene?" at 8 p.m. Xding a free first-aid class vices Building. of Overseas Study for applications Lansing and Meridian malls. Lansing karate and A-311 Student Services Bldg. will be used for observing current Tuesday in 146 Giltner Hall. Spon¬ Mji| students at 3 p.m. The Volunteer Action Corps or come to 108 International judo demonstration at 2 objects of interest. sored by the Michigan Society for lid B 205 Life Sciences needs you to help provide man¬ The Full Gospel Business Men's Center. Saturday at Meridian Mall. p.m. Oremus worship celebrates Eu¬ charist at 5 p.m. Sunday at Medical Technology Students. Jr information contact power for the needy of Ingham Fellowship International invites Jesus Christ - your personal Help us get stricter housing Martin Luther Chapel bus will University Lutheran Church, 1020 savior? Find out what the scrip¬ IjEWI,,. County. Come to 26 Student everyone to attend a special meeting at 8 tonight at the Sveden run Sunday for both 9 and 11 a.m. Senior Class Council will meet S. Harrison Road. Supper after¬ tures have to say about that from code enforcement! Students for Services Bldg. at 7 p.m. Sunday at the Sigma Chi Better Housing meets 7 p.m. „ -Last Grave at Dim- House, 321 S. Waverly Road. services. House. wards. Call Jim Roseland for ride 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday in 335 Union. Tuesday in the Union Sunporch. fcnd a discussion of su- information. Sponsored by YAHSHUANS. (continued on pace 18) ■ in South Africa at 7:30 Tjyat the Peace Center, Cariison Road. HOME GAMES AND BILLARD MART THE MSU FOLKSONG SOCIETY PRESENR\ L it needs original skits, VULCAN FUSSB AU BOB WHITE lorovs and schticks for WITH ALL THE FEATURES YOU WANT Eng cable public access IN A QUALITY FUSSBAU TABLE. Gentle country songs & fine traditionol music Kl0214 for details. (including Woody Guthrie!) by one of our favorite performers! Bob's 1, Great Issues staff. We 1 support and ideas. Visit done S warm with lots of good humor. music is tastefully ■ Student Services Bldg. Don't miss 'em! IiENCE SILENCE. Medi- Lon B.S. Tyagi at ■ Mondays with in 312 Agricul- tonight - 8:30 I Bring a blanket to sit or Members h.SO Public '2.00 ip Tyler Foreign Classic Ciander Nevsky," at 7 Eday at East Lansing Children's X ?thB Cry. 950 Abbott Road. SAVE 5004 Concert ten pstlMML NOW 299" Saturday-2pm&) pOlffld [R WEEKEND olh»r models to 5W" Kids .50$ IERSITY DANCE Adults with Kids $1.25 5616 W. Saginaw (in front of Laming Mall) „F«B. 18 489-6055 , J Adults . , $2.00 pWW'^Hail In tho Union Grill WATlONCAttWmy A division of the ASMSU Programing Board fier name is Joan Armatrading Id what she does is Id shivers up your ITHEITRE THERE MUST FOREVER BE A GUARDIAN '*:« Ine every time she AT THE GATE FROM HELL... —• Igs her songs." 1 ROLLING - STONE 1 one JOAN ARMATRADING 4 reiyfl the-L After the 8pm shows there will be a brief current sky lecture with outdoor . observing. Following the 10pm shows, ■ * senphel a current album release will be played BEST ALBUM OF 1976 ^ Scjence fiction Spectacular in quadraphonic sound. V A mind encompassing experience in science fiction This week's album. — Sounds Magazine nytlH % A ■ / ' BEST ALBUM OF 1976 designed for the Sky Theatre. Abstract, timely, and thought provoking, the show deals with the travels of a starship forced to leave its dying planet A DAY AT THE RACES by QUEEN I g RUNNER-UP in search of a new world. — Rolling Stone Due to the abstract material, multi-media sounds and visions, and periods of total darkness, parents PLANETARIUM are advised to accompany young children. 355-4672 IHER ENTIRE COLLECTION: 1 "JOAN ARMATRADING" NOW A New Wave Video On The Screen! Elin.-lurlns"I>tve and Affection") |JM BACK TO THE NIGHT" WHATEVER'S FOR US" ^99 eoch TONIGHT & SATURDAY Non Film Group Grand River 10 Hour*: Mon. • - Sot. 9 pm TRUFFAUT'S PRESENTS □ 1 U1-B469 "SHORT CIRCUITS" Best Of The Electric Way Show # •#«« Feb. 19, Sat. 100 Vet. Clinic I Workshop 1-4 Show 9-12 PM Admission M.50 Produced By: "Francios Truffaut has created a glorious daydream of a movie in Intermediary And "Day For Night," his witty, affectionate, Uturnmeontelevision Corporation charming tribute to the art form A Division Of ASMSU PB. which enslaves him.".. bridget byrne, . l.x. examiner "His homage to the movies and all those who make them is beyond The Company question the warmest, liveliest, funniest, slyest, most revealing presents... and most deeply altectionate ever paid... For those who love the movies as Truffaut loves them, Christopher Fry's comedy 'Day for Night' is a very special testament of that love."... charles champun. l a. times ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM NATIONAL SOCIETY OF FILM CRITICS BEST PICTURE/BEST DIRECTOR/ The_Lady's BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS FRENCH FILM CRITICS ASSOCIATION BEST FILM OF THE YEAR (PRIX-MELIES) [}ot fop NEW YORK FILM CRITICS CIRCLE BEST FILM/BEST DIRECTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS (Valentina Cortese) TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Feb. 18-20 McDonel Hall Kiva SHOWTIMES: 7:30 & 9:45 Feb. 25-27 Wonders Hall Kiva SHOWPLACE: 100 Engineering ADMISSION: M.50 51.75 MSU students with ID, 12.00 .others. an entertainment service of the Beat Film Cooperative. Students, faculty A staff welcome. ID's will be checked. For wbwlcluir Accessihilty Call 355-7673 A division of ASMSU Programing Bcart 14 Michigan State News, East Lonsing, Michigon Faculty members honored(continued from page 1) •Frank J. Molinare, regional extension supervisor with the Cooperative Extension Service, recognized for serving MSU and Upper Peninsula citizens for more than 30 years; •James M. Schwinghamer, associate professor of physiology, recognized as a developer and coordinator of courses for the College of Osteopathic Medicine; $3/perhour OAKLAND •Mary L. Shipley, professor of interior design in the College of Human Ecology, awarded for developing MSU's design curriculum; HOIST, TOOLS KCEDAR •Iiee S. Shulman, professor of education and codirector and planner of the National Institute for Research on Teaching, cited DISCOUNT M@bj| for research; •Robert L. Wright, professor of American Thought and FARTS For Further lnf0, CaH Language, awarded for scholarly combinations; 484-2308 •Lewis K. Zerby, professor of philosophy, noted for 30 years of teaching distinction. Soviet dissident gets letter I continued from page 1) apartment, said, "We shall use our good offices to seek the release of prisoners of conscience, and we will continue our efforts to shape a world responsive to human aspirations in which nations of differing cultures and histories can live side by side in peace and THE LADY EVE justice." ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PRESENTS CLINT EASTWOOD Henry Barbara I For Reservations Fonda Stanwyck coll 355-0148 DIRECTED BY: PRESTON STURGES TOY BOX THIATRI THE STORIES OF SHORT- THF HFRO HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSE SAT., FEB. 19,26 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. SUN., FEB. 20, 27 FRIDAY - SATURDAY 1 p.m. and3:30p.m. 7:30pm-9:30pm STUDIO THEATRE, ROOM 49, AUDIT ADMISSION'1.50 109 ANTHONY $1.25 - IDs checked limited Sooting — Reiorvatiom Required Students, Faculty, and Staff welcome From Ralph Bakshi, master of animation, comes an epic fantasy in wondrous color. "PLAY MISTY FOR Mi" A vision of the world, 10 million years ...ait Invitation to terror... in the future, where Wizards rule the earth. And the powers of magic prevail JESSICA WALTER DONNA mills ■ over the forces of technology in the JOHN LARCH ■ screenplay by jo heims and dean riesner stop' by jo he ims ■ directed by clint eastwood produced by robert daley • a jennings lang presentation final battle for world supremacy. a maipaso company production • a umversal-malpaso company picture technicolor' [rj FRI. 108 B WELLS 7:30&9:30 FRI. 106 B WELLS 7:30 & 9:30 SAT. CONRAD 7:304 9:30 SAT. 106 B WELLS 7:30 S 9:30 25 $ f 25 SUN. WILSON 7:00 •i. SUN. CONRAD 7:00 $I.J You will never see WHERE the most highly acclaimed film THE STUDENT BoDy of our time on television. WAS A CHICK This may be your last chance NAMED VERONICA to see it in a theatre. ISAI 20TH CENTURY-FOX PRESENTS A RALPH BAKSHI FILM GARRETT MORRIS • CYNTHIADAVIS yL FRI. CONRAD 7:30 & 9:30 J SAT. WILSON 7:30 ft 9:30 FRI. WILSON 7:30 & 9:45 IMZARD5 Written, Produced and Directed by RALPH BAKSH „ 7 SUN. WILSON 9:00 SAT. 108 B WELLS 7:30 & 9:45 $ f 25 Music Composed and Conducted by ANDREW BELLIN SUN. CONRAD 9:00 Color by De Luxe' * 1977T»entielhcenli"* COMIR SOON TO KRIDIAN MALL THEATRE WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF SHOW TIMES. |.|hirn Date News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Friday, February 16, 1977 15 ORKATIOIl 3326944 A program causes larger classes, course cancellations Mon.-Th. Frl. 11:30 a.m.-11 p.m. 10 a.m.-11 p.m. EBB IMIlltllfB v 1 ^ND WEEK! Tonight Opan 7 p.m. Feature 7:30 • 9:35 Sat.-Sun. Noon-llp.m. ...•i from P«g» 1) matching, the college must find Sat. ft Sun. 1:20 ■ 3:25 • 5:30 7:30 9:35 general operating budget, colleges are usually assess¬ • • a way to raise $8,000 out of its Also pinball. air hockey. TV tennis table tennis which was up from the $76.6 ■un3»- Closing 4:00 PM Sundoy Daily Admliiion Si SO derailleurs. VELOCIPEDE PEDDLER (W. Edge of Campus) 485-0409 485-0400 Wa hova the heaviest flannel »hin» mod*. Kraft«i, Williamiton Pricoi i largo.* l.vl . doala. goodFobruory 17-JO '.MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. £ R'bkup. Re||. 351-7240 Towing & Tow Bars Barren's ON OKEMOS RD. 541 E. Grand River Available please, no pets Downstairs Below Paramount News Friday, February ,8 18 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan ,( For Sale |[$] [ Lost & Found j NEW, USED end vintage guitars, FOUND: GERMAN Shepherd banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers ma|e puppy. Tan, black markings, and kits, recorders, strings, acces- fg0 collar. Nancy, 35t-2713.2-2-18 sories, books, thousands of hard (12) to find albums. (All at very low prices ! Private and group lessons FOUND: WOMEN'S watch, Fee on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all Hall parking lot. Monday. Martha, Outing Club presents "Moun¬ Applications for American Civil (continued from P«gc 13' Mensa TGIF at 5:30 tonight at All people working on the one Liberties Union of MSU styles. Gift certificates. Expert 349-3524. 3-2-22 (12) Climbing in Mexico" at 7 p.m. staff repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY Sierra Club members: Come Lizard's. Come and relax with us, day convention come to the tain Tuesday in 204 Natural Science positions will be accepted in 326 sexual assauhsT1Vmoils'l 'tj meet the group. Science Fiction Society meeting INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand hike with us to Fenner Arboretum „ Student Setvices Bldg. until Feb. River. 332-4331. C-20-2-281491 j pjrj#M| ,, / , along Red Cedar at 10 a.m. Satur¬ Learn Highland dances! Join at 7 tonight in 334 Union. Bldg. 26. through Thursday in ?hT Sl"5l day. Meet in Union Lounge. United Ministries Fellowship MSU Mennonite Fellowship the Highland Dance Association at The Coalition of Black Com¬ SPRING CLEANING is just around welcomes you to worship and 8:30 tonight in the Union Tower presents the film "Everyone Rides municators will meet at 6 p.m. the corner! All those unused items "Carnaval Do Brasil" at 9 p.m. fellowship at 9:30 a.m. Sunday in ASTR0L0GER _ PROFESSION- Room. the Carousel" about psychological u>> LaD Animal Pa.. be turned into cashl Sell them Saturday at the Inn America Monday in the Landon Hall Cau¬ can ,. ■ ,. vears Lessons horo- Hotel, 2736 East Grand River Ave. growth at 5 p.m. Sunday at 1118 334 Union. cus Room. Meeting is mandatory. Animal Technolog?.^! at 355-8255. S 16-3-11 127111d|27l"Kevin scopes? counseling; Personality - car(Ter. marriage children. 351- . Sample of world's biggest popular Open petitioning for ASMSU S. Harrison Road. Iceboatinq conditions now fa¬ Sierra Club meeting at 8:30 p.m. Monday in 118 i_.a my Bldg event. assistant comptroller. Deadline for vorable on Lake Lansing. Sailing tToOM -_4~harness,~6~treadle, Folk Dancing at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in 331 Union. We accepting applications in 334 Stu¬ Club members call Mike Harvey ASMSU dent Services Bldg. is today. Mondays at Bailey Grade School, or welcome Sue Janeti, director of will be presidential eg 20" weaving width. Hand crafted. CONTESTANTS - APPLICA- Charles Ruffing, State Depart¬ Carolyn Wooley. speakinq at 7 corner of Ann and Bailey streets. MSU's Project Entropy. „ $300. 882-3104. 1-2-18 (131 y^s needed for CORAL GA- ment of Education, discusses the Accounting students preferred. _!^esI Fee Hall lounn* BLES T-shirt show. Additional Development of Instructional Me¬ MIXED FIREPLACE wood - slab jnformation, see Rich after 5 p.m. dia Programs at the Instructional wood by the pickup load. $25. By R, . -> 1H (t4l Development and Technology dump truck load, $65. 655-1626; D -- Luncheon from noon to 1:30 p.m. 468-3440. BL 1-2-18 1161 EUROPE — today in 1961 N. Case Hall. 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. Tanks, cannisters and uprights. %nl yfeTSSr®. "Dancing 'til Dawn" shuttle services will leave campus at 9. 10 PRATT Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 and 11 p.m. Saturday from the (800) 325-4867 and up. COMPANY DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 316 North Cedar, Union west door. & WHITNEY opposite City Market. C-20-2-28 @ UniTravel Charters Episcopalians will gather at 5 FRIDAY LUNCH ONLY "Ml TRAYNOR AMPLIFIER four p.m. Sunday for Eucharist and sermon in Alumni Chapel with AIRCRAFT Chaplain's $2.49 • inputs, four outputs, idividual LPewts Personal Si dinner house. following at DEEP FRIED SHRIMP controls. 100 watt peak output. Great for a vocal or instrumental GROUP HAPPY BIRTHDAY Billiel From California assemblyman Barry Breaded, butterflied shrimp, deep fried to group. For more information call MSU alum. IA.M.N.I and sister Keene speaks on the Natural 393-6028. 5-2 18 1241 I A.B.A.-N.S.A. ,)Z 1-2-18 1121 Death Act from 2 to 4 p.m today golden perfection plus your choice of REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE in A 116 E. Fee Hall, and from 9 potato and a crisp garden salad. Reg. $2.99. DRUMS - PROFESSIONAL five Saturday at Sparrow a.m. to noon THERE'S A piece black set with symbols and _ . . . . — Hospital Auditorium. Sponsored covers. Call 374 8906. 8-2-23 (121 8631 CState (B SPECIAL EVERYDAY by the MSU Pre-Law Association. MONDAY FRIDAY SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE INVESTMENT PROPERTY, 10 Boredom Society will hold a 2287 Grand River Ave. SALEI Brand new portables minutes from MSU. 2 apartment drab meeting at 7 tonight at Holden Hall. Okemos $49.95. $5 per month. Large house. Downstairs: 4 rooms, bath. selection of reconditioned used Upstairs: 3 rooms, bath, separate Baha'is are working to establish Open 11 AM 'til 10 PM Daily icmufih machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- entrance. $16,600, $3000 down. chi's, New Home and "many 373-5706 before 4:30 p.m.; 489 the Kingdom of God on Earth. Special Kid's Menu Too! others." $19.95 to $39.95. Terms. 0798 after 5:30 p.m. XS 4-2-21 (28) Investigate the Baha'i Faith at 8 . AMERICA'S STEAK EXPERT EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING tonight in Mason Hall library. COMPANY, 1115 North Washing¬ A PERSON'S home is his castle. ton. 489-6448. C-20-2-28 1261 Star Trek Club will meet at 8:30 Homes are my specialty. Paul tonight in. 332 Union to discuss YAMAHA CR-1000 receiver, 2 Coady, 332-3582. MUSSELMAN REALTY. C 5-2-18 (15) elections and the fanzine. Mon. thru Sat. 10 AM to 9 PM FEBRUARY 28,1977 Yamaha NS-1000M speakers, like Sunday 12 Noon to 5 PM Winter Sale to interview candid,i1^ new. $1195.484-6994. 10-2-23 (12) FARMS - SMALL and large. Endanqered species; see the Ovid/St. Johns area is 30 minutes movie "Say Goodbye," see Lew LANGE HOCKEY skates, sire 11 medium. Like new. Call 371-5459. from campus. An 80 acre farm may earn enough income to pay Regenstein, author of Politics of Extinction at 7 p.m. Feb. 28 in 109 DEPARTMENT STORE FINAL Consult your Placement Office for degree and fieia of study 8-2-21 (121 your mortgage and taxes. Chris Anthony Hall. Sponsored by MSU requirements Kenney, 1-862-5650. AND ASSOCIATE REALTY COM¬ HOLLEY Fund for Animals. It's time for the Dunedain on REDUCTIONS PANY. B 1-2-18 (35) IN ALL DEPARTMENTS !_ Animals * your television to explode! Come to Tolkien Fellowship at 8 tonight Look far the yellow tale fag for the exciting money | Recreation |[jfr) in Holmes Hall lower west lounge. PYTHONS AND Boa Constrictor • saving values in sporting goads, men's fine clothing, healthy and docile, You make an WHTUWO ixowmccMTia applionces, stereos, photography, luggage t fine offer. 372-5762. 5-2-23 (12) jewelry. HIGHLAND HILLS Golf Course has opening for league play, Typing Service ^Mxtihj^oixxjunMwxpj GOLDEN HETREIVER pups. AKC, shots, wormed, 6 weeks. $100. Tuesday 4:30 - 5:30, both nines. 332-4805. 3-2-18(12) Phone 669-9873 8-2-25 1151 EXPERT IBM Typist-Theses, dis¬ Extra ALBINO COCKATEEL old, with new cage. Can learn to talk. 351-7131. 5-2-24 (13) - one year STUDENTS • EUROPEAN study- travel program available through Consortium for International Edu¬ cation. Co'htact representative, Diane Bruetsch - 349-1363. 8-2-21 sertations, general typing. Rea¬ sonable. 393 9971 /337-2129 after 6 p.m. X 24-3-11 (121 ELEVEN YEARS experience Minolta Sale+ Bonus PRATT & WHITNEY ^ AIRCRAFT GROUP^ Up to $75°° cash back on IRISH SETTER puppies, purebred parents. Five weeks old. Two 116) typing theses, manuscripts, term An Equal Opportunity Employerl Male & Fed papers. Evenings, 675-7544. C-20- males, one female. Must see to appreciate. Only $40 while they last. 351-8951. S 5-2-21 (22) Minolta electronic SLR's! Service PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ While they last, you can get a REGISTERED LABRADOR - sonal and professional IBM typing. $75.00 cash rebate on the profes¬ Malamute cute puppies. $10 each. One day service. 351-5094. C-20-2- sional Minolta XK with Auto- INCOME TAX preparation by TAX Electro Finder and lens. $60.00 Need good homes. 655-3256. E 28 1121 CORPORATION OF AMERICA back on the deluxe XE-7 with lens 5-2-21 (12) counselor in your home. Week- and $40.00 back on the economi¬ 15 YEARS typing experience. ends, evenings, 337-2747 after 5 cal XE-5 with lens. Reasonable. Resumes, term pa¬ p.m. 0-20-2-28 (171 j Mobile Homes pers, genera! typing. Diane, 349 Minolta XE-5 2855. 8-2-22 (121 HOME EQUITY loans. Call FIRST List '595 Ft.7 lens NATIONAL BANK OF EAST RICHARDSON 1971 - 12 X 60 two LANSING, 351-2660. Equal hous¬ FAST AND accurate typing. Sale '319. bedroom partially furnished. $3600 Reasonable rates. Near Coral Minolta Rebate... 40. ing lender. 0 1-2-18 (14) or best offer. 485-3914. 8-2-24 112) Gables. Call Marilyn 337-2283. PASSPORT PHOTOS 0-20-2 28 (12) *279. 12 X 60 with 12 X 18 add on. 10 minutes from campus, large lot, FEINGOLD PHOTOGRAPHY. 6/$5. Call evenings, 351-2686. 0 actual cost Similar savings on XK t At-/ < "N I $ » garden, fruit trees. 484-5042 after 1-2-18(12) 4:30 p.m. 8-2-18 (171 ^Transportation |l FOR QUALITY stereo service THE VALIANT 1969 - 8 miles campus. STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand FLORIDA'S CHEAPER and more 12 X 65, two bedrooms. Shed, River. C-20-2-28 112) MINOLTA fun when you share the ride. carpeting, appliances. $5,500. 332- Advertise here for rides or riders. SR-T 201 9923. X-8-2-24 (13) TYPEWRITERS CLEANED and Call Ted at 355-8255. S 3-11 (17) CAMERA MT. adjusted. Free pick-up and de¬ VERNON, two bedroom. F1.7 lens List '395 livery. Phone 393-0197 between 8 SPRING BREAK - riders wanted $160/month plus deposit. Win- a.m. and 9 p.m. 394-5473. "X to New York City. $15 each way. slow's Park. Park regulations: no children or pets. 655-2252. 8-2-18 (171 10-2-21 (141 Call Mike, 353-8326. 4-2-23(14) Sole $229 TERM PAPERS typed by exper¬ ienced typist. IBM typewritier, 1973 MEADOWBROOK14 X 65 set up to move in; 3 bedrooms, carbon ribbon. Reasonable. 339- 2659 nights, weekends. 8-2-23 *»•" .3D central air, extra insulation, 114) dishwasher, disposal, stove & SCUBA EQUIPMENT wanted. refrigerator, outside shed, FREE...A lesson in complexion Tank, regulator, large wet suit. campus close. Call Tom at 332-4925. 5-2 23 (12) care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan, 374-7431 or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE WOMAN DESIRES early evening NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS 1971 10 X 60 Richardson. Two C-20-2-28 1181 light housework. Will also cook bedroom unfurnished. On lot in and do laundry. 337-0197, 7-10 South Lansing, 15 minutes MSU. p.m. 5-2-24 (14) In good condition. $4000. Call 882-7301. S5-2-18J20I Typing Service id 4 MSU hockey tickets needed for For fantastic Rocky Mountain skiing, Friday, February 25. Call 337-2114. RITZCRAFT 1965, 10 X 50, good 2-2-18 (12) take our Boyne EISA charter (o condition. 393-1352 or 484-2466 ANN BROWN PRINTING AND Big Sky of Montana, after 5 p.m. X5-2-18 1121 TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, • Continuous power output of leaving Friday. March 18 Tom Lansing FOR RENT - Shaftsburg area. Two bedroom, furnished. Porch, general printing. Serving MSU for 27 years with complete theses 1^.0I'M) TOWN AD PIONEER 35 watts per channel minimum RMS at 8 ohms from 20 to compare at *300. returning following Saturday. ™rc" Included is round-trip air transportationo service. 349-0850. C-20-2-28 1191 fenced, reasonable. 339-2882, 489 20,000 Hz with no more than non-stop chartered North Central DC- T — Ground transfers between Bozeman s oal 6443. 8-2-25 (12) TYPING TERM papers, 15 years SX-65Q 0.3% total harmonic disl SELL YOUR Mobile Home FAST! Call Barb at 355-8255 and place an experience. Weekend service. Pick up-delivery. 882-8787. 1-2-18 (121 WI/F'M STK.KKO KKCEIVER • Center-channel and signal strength tuning meter • Microphone imput *219. and Big Sky Resort via motor coacn. Eight nights lodging at BigW q?7 M m ad that sells! S 3-11 1151 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY with Hurry...reservations close March J. " office administration degree will Prices start as low as $269. do typing at home. Dissertations SPECIAL EVENT? 'Round Town Write Boyne USA or call in Lansing .ost I Found 1 to resumes, etc. Call 394-3904. costs only $12 for 5 days and 20 AM/FM FM Stereo Receiver 332-6878 or 332-8529. words. Call 365-8255, ask for Barb. 10-2-28 1171 S 8-2-18 (161 YAMAHA SO watt at. 1 % T.H.D. LOST: YELLOW 3-subject note¬ PAULA'S TYPING SERVICE. Call ALL NEW tool auction, CR-450 This is an excellent value $319. i for the1 book. Men's IM or Library, Friday. 482-4714 for free estimate. My Saturday, rarely seen at this price. 487-4529. Reward 3-2-18 (12) LOST: MALE specialty is dissertations. 0-20-2-28 February 19 at 6:30 p.m. 4-H building, Eaton County fair¬ grounds, one mile south of Char¬ Boyne LISA Charter Shepherd-Huskie puppy. Gray/white with black TYPING WANTED Experienced and college, term papers, theses. lotte, Michigan. Drill presses, two horse air compresser. bench grind¬ 24 watt AM/FM FM Stereo our best buy under *200 to Big Sky markings. Reward. 351-0969.8-3-1 Very reasonable, Vicki - 339- ers, air tools, tow ropes, plus TECHNICS Receiver.- P.L.L. FM, phase 8417.8-2-21 112) much, much more. James R. Ellis locked loop 'for cleaner FM CBoynellSH LOST: CALCULATOR Instrument. Reward. Call Ken 353-7674. 3-2-18 (121 - Texas EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ sertation, (pica-elite). FAYANN 489 0358. C-20-2-28 (12) auctioneer. 517-288-4558. 4-2-18 142) 5060 reception. *139. WIN MONEY! Grand prires from LOST: LARGE frames rose col¬ $150 to $300 at BINGOI 7:30 TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and p.m. ored glasses. Call 353-6304, X-3-2 reasonable. Tuesday night. CONGRETATION Many other unadvertised items clearance sale priced.. 371-4635. C-20-2-28 .. V18 (12) SHAAREY ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lansinq. C-20-2-28 (20) I^hignn stale News, East lonsing, Michigan 19 Friday. February 18, 1977 DOONESBURY SPONSORED BY: "rush" Tickets Sal* | on by Garry Trudeau ijtorlaitjmeqt 4 Nils Lofgren March 2 Thur. MSUnion/Recordlond mm msm/m I THE LADY Mi far. out. the i miracle of - " " " ' sure! sucker went jyjlM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WILX-TV(NBC) (11 )WELM-TV(Coble) (12)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) (mr for. 4lr% /.am life, man. ; 001v and dinner' NO, I J"? <*\ anyway? okay, ex- lotta 6000 mi. I've i setupa gotta be i cert that she ' s0n6s in Gerrm home, bob. jenny's , - tires pretty easily. / /// been work!mo on one- you v. . trust fund' GUESS IT'S PLAN hJ sues in her last mrqte one for. ' 1 ' 1:30 {.s expecting ' month now. your flrbinp, ' ' \ ahead uke kb Friday (12) ABC News (10) Quincy M.E. ■ that. ' (6) As the World Turns (23) Antiques ^ vwon't you? | morning f (10) Days of Our Lives (23) International 7:00 | 8:00 Animation Festival (12) Family Feud (6) Hogan's Heroes 10:30 Lptoin Kangaroo 2:00 (10) To Tell The Truth (23) Monty Python's Flying ■ (0od Morning, (12) $20,000 Pyramid (11) Gator's Gab Circus (23) Agronsky at Large (12) Brady Bunch 9:00 11:00 2:30 (23) OH The Record (6)(10)(12) News _jd Day I (6) Guiding Light 7:30 (23) Video Visionaries jlorcos Welby, M.D. (10) Doctors (6) The Price Is Right 11:30 ■inch! (12) One Life to Live (10) let's Make A Deal (6) Movie lisame Street For all yovr 9:30 (23) Food for life 3:00 (11) Talkie'Sports "Jailhouse Rock" (1957) PEANUTS W«li SMppliee (12) $25,000 Pyramid (10) Tonight Show Open 10 AM-9 PM Dally ^tletales (6) All in the Family (23) MacNeil/Lehrer by Schulz 226 Abbott Road, East Lonsing 10:00 (10) Another World (12) Mary Hartman, SPONSORED BY: Report Mary Hartman is Right (23) Cooking with rm»ni,« 8:00 (23) Captioned ABC News Knford and Son Continental Flavor (6) Code R IT TOOK .ME "WO ""EARS :T'5 A cCCV *HINS I'M |»ctric Company 10:30 (10) Sanford And Son , And 50 his TO WRITE THIS BICSRAPHH F.NiSHED BECAUSE I'VE (12) General Hospital (11) Woman Wise 83% of our life ended. F0R60T*EN WHO I WAS Igllywood Squares 3:30 (12)Donny And Marie uKlTiNG ABOUT! hi Ho (6) Match Game (23) Washington Week In iweil Thomas (23) Lilias, Yoga ond You Readers M Review 11:00 4:00 8:30 |uble Dare (6) Confetti read this space. heel ot Fortune (10) Rockford Files (10) Scrambled Eggs Bey Show lister Rogers 11:30 (12) Wild, Wild West (23) Sesame Street 4:30 (11) Talking Bnck (23) Wall Street Week 9:00 -W 4,„. ,.,1 —h 1 L of Life (6) Sonny And Cher loot for the Stars (6) Bewitched (10) Emergency One! (11) News FRANK & ERNEST (12) Movie fppyDoys 5:00 "The last Dinosaur" (1977) as, Yoga and You (6) Gunsmoke by Bob Thaves 10% msu discount 11:55 (23) Masterpiece Theatre (12) Emergency One! 9:30 iNews (23) Mister Rogers (6) Executive Suite Afternoon COULD VOU HuPRVp 12:00 Evening 5:30 THE S CAP I$ (10) Adam-12 le That Tune (11) Cable News EttEMTlAL TO THE 12:20 (23) Electric Company *UPPOPT OF A 6:00 Kionac (6)(10)(12) News, Weather Parking lot oia/n&r, 12:30 Sports |rch for Tomorrow Tia/o oil companies, (I I) Video Tape Network ond Friends and the vers 's Presents ... A History of turnpike Hope eond 1:00 the Beatles authority. „ (23) Montage Ingand the Restless IngShow ll My Children PROFESSOR PHUMBLE 7?/f) r~?T 541 EMpo»'u*» uq/'cc games & gifts FEATURING by Bill Yates sponso _ 337-2700 STRATISY WAR SAMIS ju$tthl^k,'5l)&ap, AfJpibvp (T'THAKP o^l-y / -£H/PT OFF TO 4 HOOPS To Off ecopmim t^pp! coo pmt moots 0 ro takp yoosz Hat or the /a optrto vc IT ! Hornet own People Giving Hometown Service I \ SPONSORED BY: PETE'S Benda't Little Preeway COME OUT AND COMPETE I Service Station BREAKOUT TOURNAMENT I SPONSORED BY: SHADOWS CASH PRIZES- Hon Carleton NO ENTRY FEE! 1-^ZjPRovt You fe£LoM6 To £v CAMPUS. (CHAT'S THE WrteN iCQMeufau 1 -6 AYi£.TiMG, ToMtcMT ? AM«10ROB£JAQ£ ..(USUALLY Tans. Trie PATH OF io *J university's destiny or will it be largely determined externally'.' We believe that Michigan State University has more than than one college or university is offering the program, the higher desire to consolidate authority and decisionJ?" M Our long-range planning effort is a university-wide attempt to influence that destiny. Will external forces frustrate and negate fulfilled its obligation in accommodating to the state's recent fiscal quality one per dollar cost will survive. The basic point is that the entity, believing that thereby the improved. The "net r^uit would be overall a" J our attempt? What are the current trends and tendencies that are ills. And the long-range planning excercise is another example of forces of competition work to move us into areas of high demand and out of those with low student interest, and they also njake us imnrovpH Thr> nn« .... . tl"f 0Pmti% likely to adversely restrict our effort to deal with our future? our institutional responsibility to the people who support us. However, the heightened statewide competition for limited strive to keep the quality/cost ratio at its optimal level. authority and control of the governing the Legislature and substitute their own boar?lcGo,«J a 'S As part of a state system of higher education, many of the most fat sul^ 4 New programs also are viewed by some as a one-way street; economic - the belief that there is resources has led some to assume that there are significant or serious problems which our university has been experiencing of late are often more a function of the system's condition than our savings to be made by greater centralization and control of the always adding and never subtracting. Such critics fail to universities which can universities' current fiscal somehow be canh!!, W'l system of higher education. When this growing clamor for comprehend that an educational program at a college or university plight. The latter 10 "*! own separate actions. Nowhere is this more evident than in centralization of authority is coupled with the increasing external is a living entity, not a static creature that once locked into place, frequently couched in terms of course and urn™?1'1• Michigan's underfunding of higher education. State support for higher education is a substantially smaller portion of Michigan's intrusions of rules, guidelines, reports, agency requirements, etc., never changes. At MSU we no longer have courses on draft horses, a major or program exists at more than ol* "H. general fund now than it was 10 years ago. it is readily apparent why I raised the question of whether we at but we do for computer science. (continued on page Hp ,r%| ■LUIS! MIGHTY JOI There IS a differenced YOUNG ITS JUST ANOIMR BIRTHDAY Tmv.MI MCAT • LSAT • DAT LIZARD'S GMAT .VAT .GRE .OCAT .SAT . NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS M.S.U. Annual Ski Club Spring Carni¬ • ECFMG .FLEX Flexible Programs and Hours Over 38 years of experience and success. Small classes. Voluminous home study materials. Courses that are constantly updated. Centers TO GEORGE val March 44, open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities for review of class lessons and for use of supplementary materials. Make-ups for missed lessons at our centers No membership re¬ quired. Four meals Sat. Flexible Programs and Hours skiing. Complete Cost •43.00. For info call 353-5199 or stop by Club Office 240 Mens I.M. Farmington Hills: Ann Arbor; rite to; 25882 Orchard Suite -7, 313/476-8388 313/662-3149 Lake Rd. Farmington Hills, Mi. 48018 , ' 1 1-4:30 M-F. ■■■■■■■Affiliated Centers in Major U. S. Citiesi Portrait of a Motor City Madman Ted Nugent rocks out Sunday from 8-9:30 pm on your ITIichigan State Radio Network Affiliate. Artist Spotlight 640Rm WARS . wmcD • WrnSN BUT ITS A BIG DEAL ^itbou. M MGHUWS SOUND SHOPS WITH EVERVTHNG 5% TO 40* Off! 4 DAYS 0NLYI TODAY THRU MON. DAILY 10 to 9 • SUH. 12 k| This Area's Only Multi-Media Discotheque RECEIVERS TAPE DECKS ACCESSORIES TUNERS-AMPLIFB 2843 E. Gd. River, E. Lans. 351-1201 SANSUI 221, suggested $QQ AKAICS34D; suggested c« f Q BLANK CASSETTES: record/ in, /O MARANTZ104. suggested $j|l list price S179.95. Now list price SI 99 00 Now }| 19 play 60 mm. ea Get 3 tor list price SI 70 00 Nov. 'J SANSUI 551; suggested list price $259 95. Now $|7Q I WW AKAI 4000 DS. suggested list price S300 00 Now ,iaa 1 WW SHURE STEREO CARTRIDGE «J| St Hi tracking Low price, "I MARANTZ 1030; sugg list price S180 Now $j|lw Enjoy Your Weekend at the Rainbow Ranch SANSUI 8080DB; suggested $7CQ TEAC A 450; suggested .ATP KOSS "PRO-4AA HEADSET s977S MARANTZ 1040 suggested$|3J Met price $650 00. Now www list price S479 00 Now £/w sugg list price $65 Now fc / list price $200.00 Now PIONEER SX-450; suggested $f 07 TEAC 4070G; suggested hsia PIONEER SE-205 HEADSET 07G MARANTZ 140 suggested $|« MARATHON list price $200.00 Now PIONEER SX-S50: list price $250.00 Now IWW suggested$|C 7 10/ list price $729 50 Now PIONEER TH 30 stereo 8 track deck Reg $49 *449 ,41 *37 Sugg list price $25 00 Now SPEAKERS 1Z list price $350 00 Now MARANTZ11 SO. suggested)^ list price $400 00 Now "1 HOUSE PARTY PIONEER SX650; liet suggested $|QO price $300.00. Now PIONEER SX-850; suggested$07Q IwO PIONEER RT 1011L; suggest*MARANTZ 12M; suggested list price $60000 Now PIONEER CTF9191: w/w sugges cOQO list price $5000 Now EPIMT 1 MICROTOWER; .an ®ZO c4A PIONEER TX-6600(Sugg $]]■ list price $175 00 Now PIONEER TtLSMO^ugg list price S500 00 Now WWW list price $450 00 Now £00 sugg. list price $89 00 Now *4w list price $400 00 FRIDAY & SATURDAY PIONEER SX 950; list suggestedjOYO price $600.00. Now W/O MARANTZ 5020. suggested ,i 70 list price $250.00 Now '1 /Jf B.I.C Formula 4; suggested list price $159 00. Now cOT 587 TURNTABLES IUniVI"ut - Beer Special til 8:00 PIONEER SX1050; sugg list price $700.00. Now "9/ £7 ^list price $5000 Now BSR 48!OCX. sugg'sted Fj|P Dancing at 8:30 Both Nites PIONEER XL 1250; sugg list price S900.00 Now $Ci|0 wHO W M - /I ■, D ■ ■ Jl - w ^ ■ DUAL 1225 Just 500to» >4| SIGMA CHI WSSSSSS-W I /1 l./il II II ESS®®",-! BENEFIT TG I Himatin I sr®**"^ , MARANTZ 2275: suggested$4| |Q ■ I ■ MARANTZ \ PROCEEDS TOWARDS MS I list price $650 00. Now 'HIW ■ J f # APPLIANCE CO I list price $130 00 no - MARANTZ2325; suggested$j|i| C G V/ M PIONEER fL'"'l A 3 7 SPECIAL PRICES / list price $799 96 Now I EASY TERMS ■ INSTANT CREDIT a FREE SERVICE A Total Entertainment Concept Featuring ^ Different Special Every Nite of the Week Continuous Dancing 7 Nites 5744 S. PENNSYLVANIA /a JUST NORTH OF 1-96 FREEWAY Low or No Cover EASY TERMS FREE SERVICE INSTANT CREDIT PHONE 393-9100