Universty FMNS21eote9banwdr7uasy, the Stupolemn ffintteaho¬l tropryesiunfgdleorlsearas.l trnmyoeiwntgdemhaineoustbanoecksry aid. thopicteufrebaswiaetsnPUroivvertyhHBosgeaeidr."botmng-ufUtihveresty, awmcoinlelybftuohudgsieret ennsourtbcypruoaognamt'ts,hwiehoutitmhpsoran aqgtouracdlityhstuneedfacutlty."hreaeinittnhordae sontuum¬bfer acnuroletendtlyfUutihvr¬er,h"ttaaoovnedlhtiogrcve wmastunodienle,ythis. ftohagenerd thoadeitfndesnnctiory,lTBaoshgweiedr.binrxel¬atveyhrasb-ltihdoamlilaorns,fepsifwe¬c hbtihareeedIdtphnrtme.lapocwenfrt coeaaxlmri¬enstdy dWiroeecbtfr,Eadnuacen¬iodMSteichorhvigceafns Eduocatifon,thompred¬sftUbnhiveyrsty impnvoirttaalyfoahspeaerctlMicgan,s"eid.ltikhuerveydcenlionlmst vuapoedrlispertrgviacms bamweaijlorhigeaduc¬elrWnstsiubaeoidr,,thowquesetifnfionpshaayrriengbbewsh¬eoullddseartieou.lypwstruodUbeanllygaseumterfhionpiasyngbitthaaoeennd hwfeilct paerns,"enrolmt lMieasrSn¬UittohnpicteaurleWbsaebysniMthanSionUutg hsaextnsidd,ljbueaayrosnnitdginswotcotheyCdepoarltm¬esn DUvrbpamennt. contiue with be progam money he finac l University by Lawrenc ase s aresouctes more avilbe "dDoloars quality them "Most to faacnudlty to said thmainet inthe wil becmoomree schol fonedr thone iUnsverity and orde, wscohuoldl tpeonsive qouartefs said, would begoinfg 4ad0iton, library hesaid. James Higher will cial more Well ready them The rosier now since be year. have said. abil ty abil ty Boger dents MSU sity be Next law that Boger sors pus, ment Departmen awgriethd made oficals. is opictufre mwioslt predict tothe extnsio "Finacing coonefrn tional the education more taosked responiblty education, what beon said. throalet toplay issociety best fut re. he faacnildty tions "MSU many "It due conduts." studen' and come 'The be asked this he The ing of the the MSU, itself such lege of itangrosespuomteblyhbhwfkcdtWJgs,DEduoaratmien. up," money," up" isarnean¬'ty thcains't {oohneef)distnguhe itunnhiverset Tithshe Uthni¬e ftoserlf parniod isalmost ibactnaedn ithfe studen friteohndesfinstu¬ coperat." HManSUh,19 - 6. Utnhwivees broaqd-uaselityno." thprojeectd sntudlemnet usrivaetrisstl "There whybecome truly world. aspir ton versity loang goal achiev d achiev d faculty son has for the and University wil presidnt, isthat aremain educationl isouef decrased and tion John The Basqluaesitrdion.,fhtehseelrs thhonuamebfer hdag¬dust cwerittahin tdhwcoiustled idtechnnrmaebsr jiustudent Basclornirde,hteoaoabfle rpersbulltman. idecnprrojeactsd bmenreolatsy) incnreumsbedr frootamdinl eauc¬st said. hMamSvUeydrrpaown¬wdeinrghtaisgocrhcoivel issaitnuceh linsarnoi.gthwuniveirest bagaosreienhbetst,"hingdh1ifear7snt Xgofeerss Fthaorisr. bvweewild hgsircgah¬ol cwoniutrhed fnsaacryeinsgfioruucraelUintnthversi.tyiengdeuncatraol many While said schol and be an such Bal rd ade beter he doubt clined, sumptions thata coleg tharoeund wil thofsomee (the coleg byofset studens sources, tion," He gradutes diverse broadest thsurivsie "MsSaidU. caolnegds onumbfer iretason, bydifer ntly uates." Balard Wharton, btaoe "The "Higher tUniversty. temhsopaedyiMonSUf fithasnacmeel waexprereincgbthamsealf-tyhproec,"aid. dtepehonasl thcundrere-t higcairn,dtteuphornens, paut¬biluicd'es con." MHapnSresi¬Uh, 11tt99hoa46ed,fMuthtoSerUe tocaomplited hahonvd¬eler hfeneatluryUHivs."se Rome. hoacisreft iSnaquoteed sspaeitcyiainlg"atholrenefdyAmounivre¬rst bbet.c"coamn wraeanshonyy(trouneefl) invrste h"Tcoheinusd. Uthasvpiereronitylfoopanordgisaaclhmieovst btfeed satund ithtwueoln Btaaolsirdn, thspwreaaidiidlent, b,"csrystal MtroheSnadUfs ifteehnsptawbleshd acgornnotiduingfture. MthaSbionUutgfiiuhstwtarel bapwsrtseuokdielandlyihthdiunsctio, paeers,"rlmnt Micahngdmnet, remain bI"Wmheyaant "It that for no high of MSU of main going the fopayring beon education es ntialy Baslaaidrd. thofe problem fbutwueriel difculties but fulfilng great direoctiofn funodifng inwhich, genral hig er from oquestiofn "much to bphone,"ut thofe icnuretly end was was go d iatnd i"Tshner'et bcaen't distnguhed world," the iftoserlf thgoeal itcan faacnudltyfrieondfs coperat." has"no number the best the "The this John Atthe heMSU, Elliot "The tion "I'm worst now, "A ward dent was topic well News MSU very ica, this the is has and and the he the has years in in unchaged," tiMtoasStdUay"dynamic hunaiversym."nstiilt "Wasconatir¬ied. rhoprpagmitnsg naenondrdeytha futhtoereUbdentwivre¬irlstyanorugmbeferhaaennddlydiirewrncoh¬le thoienrs.gdtynhmamoesict thamaredeelv,"said.hWacherrt-son spyeeavasrsnt wacdomni¬strlonhdecisoslriThnhcleuesd,"tomgeniranl sareolnvcaidacl oo—n—fnd UtnhoiveerfstyFWhbau¬r,btthhyeaayr apwlvyieldhttehnolspwingaenviromdtl isweuheiacisn today.Whaadrmtoitne,bpwroblems uprpowgaersdhFiomneminsdt,fhastuce¬l i"Tashis Wharton not oadneisng Whsaratoidn bymained indv uals, overs ing itto k "Sofome decisons Gtoalhast fiuthsaWIcgd raeminstuo." predn fitsohheder his ttinoue howev r. asaid, exclne bthoteh campus Shitase lAad rsest predict MSU in presing social question as msoamjoer htinhdeering MSU. wsaaids, paterns thabionutg its treofuse in departmnl In 2,000 But, utr&z Predictng agrowtth LaCROIXSWtraitel Tbaaarnlodst bthwneeouorldftuhp¬reicngiscuchte,Unopifvaiecsrslttyramesny- bfuisattwneerder pmroabljeomrsfUitanhwnivceierlsty1bwy0airlsfdinfcuctaels,btharivey¬ demosfoerreingprogams. MitthanhSbioneUugt resmaninialyUittnhhsiwvaaeertsltybroadq-duucasaeilodintyBtahlserd, inpdre¬ctosthnouumebferisatotenndfigwesdigucai¬tlondecras.hoowfeicvalsr,,fewoscmaipl ruenla¬tivy pnosoittve, gaegnrralybttchoneiuelarrsneadichgittohsdteay.yyraaesni¬dch mpreogiacmasl nvwexiistnginrapaolctnlyveigwhole.PJWrheasr¬t.on,MbthsSaseUid, role ually for ton he of are." are the tion of progams." curilm." is of By emhsair PATRICA News crystal could acuracy, idifncultyBut presnt facetd MSU. the ftivoe growing compunde of best mil by Eliot aditon, that UniversityMSU problem scathed. more oficals wil exclent instuion Increasd tthoe already asocsietyR. of State If cards ture. and and for Among the next ness fied "The it mean In cate dents higher cantly insist this On a MSU tions in Clifton ident MSU .yl ,tol A ,selor ytis gni ltuo .seitro rieht tner fidgniruD seitroP elbisnopr gni alP ehTylacisyhp ?told W yrotimrod sopmaC a A l iw eht kool snoitcaf txen eb eht sa A morsalc tnemrapD supmaC ehT l ew yb erudcop ,snoi m gnimaxe thgie ta skraP ytisrevnu ot hp eht fo eht sa txen eht revoc si ot egap rieht tnemucod rieht ¬revinU ,shtnom egap ylniam dna ¬lacimed sworg rekaB retumoc :edisnI saw .7 ¬irp .3 nekat yb treboR .folz K ti ta no A enO seiroht srehtO liw gtnuoibhat erut F erom s'USM serahs siht eht trhogieF etatS yhposlihp ,tsap remroF .sweN evah niamer USM rotasinmd fo sti sih .sthguoht ytisrevnU tsehgih ,sraey e tsurT negap oitacude ,erut f neraWgnirevog nam ni a rieht eht syas egap nwo .8 .degnahcu erut f si eht tseb .4 dna eht tuoba f uH draob devr s a fo fo ,tol eno tuB et rc eht egel ,segel dluow emac .werg woh eht dleiw ,hguoht ehT .yad e rht er w .erut sremraf snos ,nagi eg loC wal ehT daorli rehtona gnidlub retumoc .seira yadot decalp .devil se alc denuor ypmaws se alc seruoc daetsnI des op stnedus ,5 81 .seg loc dna nabru emoc dna scimon e nI nI .seitlbop ytisrevnU skcart eht ,ylaudrG .gnimrafylp a ciftnes yeht cisab stnedus gnitaerc nagihcM yraubeF ot USM a A yad eht seil dna ,ydaerl htuos tsom htiw tsaahhT er w saera .supmac nI dna a ot sruoh er w yltcirts ni etas fo ,seir s .lanoitcude meht er w s enrah txen ,tol eht er w dsdleif eriuq erutlciga ,gni geb ,0781 .eoh eht g n i d l u b y r o t i m r o d ,dnapxe ereht won dleh dna laiceps lacisyhp htron eht ni ciftnes srethguad egloc etatS .581,2 spam txen rekaB txen wahS sgnidlub dna sgnidlub yvaeH supmac ot eht eht eht — fo fo eht t n e m p o l v d did .de a ereh mraf tsoM ronevg a selpicnr a fi era eht ni a eht ot retsam l a c i d e m ton laitnedsr retaL noitacude senisub emoh ytisrevnU emitefl nrael .sliks ydaerla ,emoc hcae krow seruoc ¬lucirga ¬hciM larutcigA sngis a n e p o dna ne b s d n o eht p A lo hcs ot esroh ot fo niart fo -do W morsalc eht de n .enaL dnal ¬noc ¬er stnedus er hw ¬rus ,sdo w saw snalp tuo ot ot eht nalp eht ot ¬loc ¬loc ¬eb dna ro dna eht eht ot fo ti gib eht woh yas sti dna era eht eht ?pu era ecalp emoceb .htworg t'noD .gniog gniog ,secorp tnesrp tnems a ?nagihcM .ezihp mhceahett niart tahW tnuoma eganm erofeb ytisrevinU ohW woH 0 0,3 yadoT eerreewh ,7581 yademos ogred thguoht ehscaoehrt tI si nI 791-58 01 noitarsm dewolah ,seirotmd snoitarevc ytisrevnUgniwol f ,t'now .seitrop reve seitrop ,secnarvog launa gniklat ytisrevnU nosrep elpoep stnedus yenom sediced seod .sroefp supmac tsael htiw emoceb eman ehT oN l iW .emoc ni si ni a ti ot eht won eno tsrif fo ti nac no ta evif eht eht eht ylno 001 dnA a si eht na gnidluB slah lacol trats .sraey tahw snalp selcitra t'nac tcepx ekatrdnu gnitsxe laiceps tegdub .ledom tuoba .swonk refo ,kniht tnarg-dnal esopru semoceb levart hcihw ytisrevinU ghnotiwla 0 ,4 egloc ?stimilytisrevinU ti dna ot ot l iw a eht eht eht fo rof ylno taht oot ruof 36 a etas secivr s ?eg loc ?elbai v ytisrevinU htap tros srab ,smo r alc eht sboj nI wohs srota inmdA er hw cimedac etim oc weiv r ytiro p srota inmd fo segnahc dluow ,5 81 ot a gib oot yduts ytisrevinU gnisU ot USM l iw tuo a rof . n e p a h ¬oslihp ,USM woH worg tuoba stnedus .sro efp stnedus .ytisrevnU reve eht rof ees fo rof gib ?no rof a sraey ekat ¬dA dna eht eht yam sti tsil fo si eht fo ot ot oT eht ot teg a dna ¬nu wef fo .taes er w er w litnu ehT seic ts yam siht ton ruof tned stned yb dnoces thgie gniyas USM ytis ,nalp fo yB A rehtona stnedi gnitani USM A larev S dnA ,puorg .srebm egnaR- oL dluoc gnidrocA tfard stnedus licnuoC noitcels evitcpsr morf gnitov n notrahW .tfard srotainm srebm eht dnoces licnuoC rof . fO fi eht retsi emos retfA etatS egap esoht evig eulav yeht legap . ytisrevnU dnesaoplPrP desarcni tnelaviuq hguot. ytilbxelf emit desopr gnhcidihnwuf elihW ,stnedus ELORAC rof dne eht ytisrevnU desoprP stnedutS eht snoit p dezilanf ytiro p gniercs deman dewol f ti sah ylno pu ,ydaerl ohw tnedisrP liw ne b noitamrof desopr .tnemiopasd sa sah desuac siht .spuorg nosrepiahc liw rebm -62 egnaR- oL 2 ,.rJ sweN gnitclos dna repor " ytisrevnU tneduts ereht tnedis rp sraey sa rof ohw meht rof era trohs naem ot fo l iw rof sah no ew eht ruof gni alP emos deniltuo ruof enog retsi USM ,snoitu erofeb era ytlucaf f atS HGIEL etanimo ehT emos dohtem snoitam evres notfilC nesohc ,licnuoc deulcni tsrif eht nalP emoc ,taht rieht l iw eht eb eht yreve owt deniamr er w deirt ,oga seicnav rebmun seitroP decnivo fo g n i d n u f seitroP sah elbatiuqe htiw evitalsge kcabdef retirW NOTUH eht gni alP ¬revinU tnems ar tfard no a tnacv stnedus procedus" nepo .etimoc ¬nacv ¬mon dna ereh ynam .ral od tcel . t n e m u c o d tneduts licnuoC ytisrevnU ,secruos ,snoit p ylno drocer ¬utS ¬uts edam ni fo ni dna si ew dna ne b erom gnidnuf alumrof sraep degaruocn na eht eht eht ¬da serudcoP ,snoitusn dluoc eht evihca ylekil srebm rieht srebm gnomA no fo fo sa .R yb 81 ni ni fI ot n,relumnitS cimedacA osrepiahc ;etimoC nosrepiahc y.serebmhT ,ytisrev egnaR- oL serudcoP a l iw ew taht a ni nos dna eht no ,l er l iw emoc era nhoJ fo ytlucaF nhoJ eb og era yeht ecnarvoG ydaerla rehto ercengaoRiF tnedisrP ehT tnedisrp hcraesR ,redniW etaicos evitucxe r e h g .legap desop rP detinU eht ehT i h dah egnaR-oL envitcaudohrpt ythiutqiwe ,gniduf rednu eht snoitp detniopa thgie fo ot yb .sriafA eht etim oC dna rof ton l iw elcri detniopa morf ytisrevnU kcaJ ,noltnaC dna .,txenoCgniseaR gnimochtrf lanoitrp tnaimoc rof on . d e g n a h c t r o s eciV fo e r h w s l n a g i h c M rof tsov rP ,draob eht ,etimoC nosred H ;yciloP newG dnoces slaopr fo .A eht nalP .seta S tsewol tsetal eht era era d e r a p e v i c e r noitacude evitucexE etaudrG tnedisrP gnidulcni no ti ruof nilserB n¬repiahc ;mulcirC osrepiahc notliM etimoC ,namruhT gniretS ytlucaf ,txenoCgnise aR etatS cimedacA licnuoc srebm .nosiklW senisuB eht .L fo ot .edivorp liw devorpmi s'tnedirp etimoc fo eht seitroP gnoma esarcni raey-01 la eht era yb eht dna dna ruo eb eht eciV eciV seidutS ecn ralC dna l uf sti ot -licnuo . no fo -roN ¬inU dna ni rof ¬sA ruof eutriv tnat eus i denialp seitud enO .meht ydob solast osla srotces yniturcs nercs no dna gni htiw s e r u tned d c o P lic eta sniktaB nosial esuaceB ylno htiw a serugif lla ni reb dna snoitaz sdaeh ,puorG eno eht lic eht eht owt l iw mohw sreb etani ehT a yb hci w eht eg loc ,srot edulcni staes ehT noitargen tnedisrp lamrof dengised evres morf egnar- ol tnems ar debircsed ,ylaicr notrahW evitamrf gnipe k notrahW detanimo tnedutS tnedutS .licnuoc ytlucafno .detniopa nI latot hsuoirav ci w dna dna tsi noc egnaR- oL etanimo fats USM ytlucaf ruof stnemrapd snorepiahc sA sa e v i t a r s n m d A tfard erus l iw .notrahW egnaR- oL gnidnuf taht fo fo ot eht ytfif wohs eno l iw stnedutS .puorg fo snaed ytlucaf ot a dna fo owt a ni fo fo . y l a c i m e d etaudrg l iw eht eht fo no 81 etaudrgn noitaesrp sevitanrp eht eht fo rof eht — eb fo eht eht eht s l a o p r evitcf erom troper ,nalp ,licnuoc tsom repor ref r ,nalp ,ylacinhte licnuoc ytilbsnoper ne b tnedisrP licnuoC tneduts hci w ot n eht o i t c a e v r e s setas eht eh supmac tnedutS ruof licnuoC ,nesohc ,ytlucaf tnedisrp licnuoc owt osla eb l iw l iw dna erutxim del if dna l iw sah g n i a m e r si ot eht lla htiw fo dna eb ruof .ytisrevnU gni alp g n i s e a R xis taht tneduts st i noc ni detoved nagihcM fo eno eb tseb no g n i a l P . s t n e d u s refnoc ¬nagro nosiaL ¬me etaudrg thgie srebm ¬nuoC evah ,noitacfs l ,slanoi efrP ¬me ¬mon etanimo ehT ,puorg detanimo ruoF ¬artsinmd notrahW licnuoc l iw yb .slaedi y l t n e s r p , t x e n o C eht no eht eht si ni srotcerid . n e s o h c l iw eht . s t n e d u eht fo nesohc — nesohc dna 21 l iw adminstro' slaopr ¬ropmi tnaropmi ytisrevnU ¬opr suoirav ytirop licnuoc ytirop ylauxes decnalb ¬kam degrahc ¬iserP ytisrevnU ¬nuoc dlanoD ¬udarG eb ot sa laed tI fo no eht ot fo dna l iw eb xis na" eht ot ¬xe htiw l iw l iw eht eht eht yb fo no rof a eht fo eb fo fo ni ot fo ot ysnalp tiro p er w hguohT dluoc nesohc evitcls tnem etacide :semht ylraucit p troper erut F tnems a scit as sgniht snois hci w ecnarvog hguorht er hT" elgnis ,tniop yltpurba pu-wol f rebmet dluohs ,ylaedI erom ,rcaimeyed emit mrof on sgni taht txen ot ot fo otni taht nalp ehT lahs gni alp eniltuo dne b tnemsar nuorgkcab ezisahpm ytisrevnU desrt etimoC edulcni egrme .raey dnetx eriuqer tnerfid snoitademcr notrahW eldnub .ndoetraahW etanimret secorp ,raey detlpmoc lautca .dias",elbixf stnemescorapr mdeunoitorcf( renam hcaet lacis l denmocr a . eht eb eht eW" a w ehT dna a ralims evah desu lecxe tuoba ytilauq flesti morf desu dnuorgkcaB cimeda dluoc thgim kcal ton ot eht fo " , r fo e b m t p 9591 S l iw taht taen l iw fo eb ylevitcpsr erutlciga <.seidut tuohiw ,eb tsael retfA sdohtem nagihcM eht setimocbu eht dekram deifcps elpoep etimoc licnuoc eht ytirop eht eht taht eht tca eht fo dna l iw eht tub sa dna sa eht ton ,siht hcus rof yb gniseaR sa ni ot eht taht ni eb eh eno tca na etimoc edam noitces s'etimoc .secruo saera esuaceb dluohs ,noitacude .ytisrevnU gni ltuo noitamrfn hciw slevel seirs .dias a lia eht contiued." eht a fo dne eht .j eht I saw tnemsar ,ledom nosirapmc saera ¬polevd ytisrevnU etimoc noitem den ynaM ¬sucid ,noitarsmd gnivom . rof eht elpmaxe iH eht tser egloc kaerb sdnemocr egnar-ol tnems ar pu rof egap l iw tub yb dna ta fo no s r e w n a stroper otni htiw yna ta l iw fo )6 ( fo , d e n g i s ret eb flesti yenom .USM t siht ot eht ¬dnif eud ti eb dna owt ehT eht ¬er dna eht fo fo ni a ton eht ¬peS eb eht fo counil." .se t htiw desu .s ec evif gni gni rof gni er hw denrae ynam tahw dna ,lic etalu ,se t nigeb .devlo gsevitanI• nitedub srotainm ,ytlucaF• rev hw evitarsnm gnitsxE• yehT dewol f cisab srohtua ,xelpmoc tes laiceps tahT erut F ehT" krow tcejorp t h g u o r b hguorht hguohT change," etiuq ylacisab liw eht .ytivcudorp A• ehT• ytilbsnoper ta eht eht tnemsar notrahW tnedi eldnub htiw eW" si fo — snoitusn tnarg-dnal erutli^. thgie dna ygren erofeb enahlpt notfilC ".rebmtpS srewna elgnis ni rednim raluger margop fo pu fo eht eht morf regoB etim oc l iw snoitademcr ¬timocbus a eht eht eht na :era ot eht no siht larevo scifeps .dias eldnah hci w tner fid yrosivda e tim oC fo etairpo noitaulve dluohs dluohs sdtnenduas .elbisop sdelcurouohss decnanrvaog tuohgrt senildug serudcop tnemucod deirav na dlo ton htiw taht egnahc .serudcop rof eht seil era .rJ ton ,stra eht ,syas ehT USM yaw ytisrevnU .etimoc etacilpud lared f tca dewor b dluoc egloc .srreaetyal .hcraes evas elohw evitarsnmd dne dluoc ni eht eht eht fo no eb ¬serP taen pu morf ¬orp des rt niltuo dna slaopr ot ot ¬surt lanif .level dlyohs dna hsem ytiro p ¬yrac dnal si ni ¬da eb ¬da eb .R ni ¬eb eht .puorg saw eht eht hcus eht ad ni emit ¬nuoc eb ¬mrof htougps,"eeaoidl., tphooinauetedtbtuwioolvduldng wself-iquidatt¬h cgoonribfrits, unweooulddt apcrdesmei. caaonblseoroudt cocngmesptis, preovsreadlbitatluov,e ltehpsrios loucraailostdes Baproblems,"poraino¬nd,thwoofiece Hacroissiong "ttWrwahineoens tthhnsmaee hi"trsshoeaaidd,mpsble." hltiawkooveueld thaoverps bhnaueeysotftohpyleaenrst thaomeufnt oscpamancpeus,liitonhtdeen Bfb"wanoaturornt,htea*Uoisvryfimtaolrnbeey $$t18p,o00er lionapaukttinghtapwovuee lighshtrnbe,ytingo,"ther bTwweriatreysny, lotof Baron athletic finaced funds they is trafic has measure ffuondring certain. hoiust raiload byat mornig," virtualy raiload crosing, definte Increasing parking espcialy another said the takes tsopace because asphalt, many article Przybhki. be ing since for Baron and "The of ing Road. going Baron he made yet. "It car and said. This bbtuscioileednngfVraohctr¬mos Claaidonicn,Cycamleotalturrgicn,EBnd¬egUnaniveewstybHloacare¬tend Road. mpraojjeocrt fiuthnseerae acnonstruwfi btuildegChoarmespildlenscx, thomeda sonuumbnfer tuchusreeinntglyfacalhtetsic. demnfienortdely aacthtivlefics nerwaolegilt Bintramuls,"aroidn. tpaolalsnoigtahomutdeuofntr inoraesmvrdl 2acpb0eounrtt,diecwwihle yet. rosupnuacfitegdevmu,"lop Htshgeaed launosndevuldoeptfh btramceskarsdy purose. thaprosedbuatihlleicngtaoshkuets¬e iisynnhoeett stage. dfreosatamgre located erinary for and tmouseum rison the for intramu l wil increasing are Universty' Another plan ed fosparce kinds, Barison increase space byathleics hasn't located "We're the Barsaoidn. said al-evnts would team planig itnhe MfSUpiomcnltahavngerrsy. "We Baron soil the lab ing the East which who all as but be on raiload this which ball "It's thphlaaneigPCAerrfottmsirngbeacolmreplneddy, itehwxpactns i1t9nhe8a0ersl.y thsghaoeuldt eshvoanenr PCAierfsottmseirngomprounicsaed bhuiwlwdhnsicgle, dietpahnrtmas b"Coenwsgtruciilin l11a99ot77aer8rl,y thwoghenen Basaroidn. hecaaetn¬lthr, Ctlhpinescen cawombitnhed hiosprpotsaeld, bhecatltrr studen. UnpirveesrnsttyCbewconneti¬lr Bauoetsrxhoeenr. ftchwmil¬dena thmnoevewd centr. hewcaenltitlr baebcaoomtry,bfusseemde Bpuarose,"roidn. improwvehicnts ffoehpnrowersxedt incapanlluendwde and Barsaoind the he time project uwndaery funds for has and some A Arts the coleg . ineither dep ndi g funds," A new ttacohed Ceanntedr teaching provide MSU The Health to plained, are health "Toheld proba ly wil scientfc Other years thoccsoomurptnrhee-hefansiv gifts." the the all to for ed ties or are pghryoswictahl Mimplaa¬ning.ytadonidns bpcaehymsriipcnuaslgbthcuoestruitrdheponweftlUinsnrvaeirsntygrpeoc¬ivngletgshistaaetuer, buailcddnegmsi fbbuttnhodeeye sgotvarnmet. hbuaioldothngeesr swlf-iqudiatt¬h rombrs coportnihv¬aeter Basroidn. Sfeulf-aniqdurdesatngUnhwivheicrstyuastundoedn eoxpperituartsi.ng cmonsatrujoir MfoapSlanUred,CAbteronetsr Ofacmosn fbinawecitehd Unagovveernrmdsitt.yBamoonen.y,btuhoilnde¬-ethfird fosclpaarrocem TDehpoartnmfdn Mtahuonsiisfdc,lbeutgnhda¬eye Basaroidn. twoo-thhireldsr tthamenaedinr hs."peerfomingb"tahwniisdl swef-iqtuhidatng and provemnts planed, fundsard from Basraoidn. our eligbe fedoerarl all fina ced funds aalunmdni tribuos," monies froraismes other nproojwect Perfoming construed wil parks the the tions "AU are But be ing The Hall, private "About wil be Departmen be ture," coonsift contiued, finaced will "The other the Campus is ing the isThis Plan ing Unpivreesidrsnt'tyinaofnic Btuhialedrng, mcinmaputusre. UnaoivcererssftyELtahanseitg maooacpneled bLoimartprld¬de.ls bucilaesrnogms,haoatrulnhc¬esd Somoa3ildewsfyShognrea.,dthroepmesnsfbthareyio luoicldas¬tro,m HMRoaupnndet hcalter. btuiwoldnnoglsyMapSro—Uetybbouaridlnd¬gT3toha8dera6y, oastuncndre b1aild¬3mc hfoususoselreidnygblmdultipros.e ttohwiaisl fTteheooxuwpgc 1bowanh7etmhrer bi0unaw-yerlatr mpegooel bcwnestriuled campus. AComrunitcatss facnilm¬eurw Peaefovmning asntruercwe daalrrmeeindgy asulnowdayMiselxtpaonndiv drcoeamcptufs the In and Miles 5,10 ipnroperty are large resnt idence Ttuhrees. painted fut—re comuter near anew 1857, on clasrom hal. buildngs campus: 2in1gs,7 26 Tomrow, change. se buildngs mspoasnt, struc es this Buildng, and Cent r people about. Cihsange always Baron, of ice Manly two The area are areas the ings even In sto d ing and ever on A ties, Arts Whraearft¬on foanoevenrradl aoxmnindft hpparrioe¬st "fraaust"gnilde MBthoSaeUrfd Augst fdtihroaseftt bcpruoocmeedunalt froaustli¬rne dfsotcibmure tsuhgoeein sasetunldct icelps¬tv SGLtiuarodseunpn, ttruhaoseefd Acocm¬itfe Council. revison" fdolcuswioinngbdtohcuemyent droaseacofnt bcmenpled Aawwithkn. tshreasae¬id boterned ithcasufmeert ahannoahdr bneceosaty. "thpcaalleend despocroricpe¬tfn thempaesizd iocsumnt eocxpiilsafnng muchas,beawhiscn frtpohrom¬e lftaohsesverrtal cnooewt teuxoaminpfroress¬ulting waxsmlingdepeoaart¬cfh Wionldeegr. raeqlussotd htohxwpeecyt improovaeventsr poiwemrnhifedadt btwoxopuelcd aorde¬itofnl tnaecodmpish goals. Prosdatucirteicvyftwhoimtsh dUepancrtomi¬lengs, aavuenrtsgddse havaeeridg.s, tthrhaouegl darbcespanorn Httohphaeefmuel.y, thwcrevielw,beoutndersftariglwckoleeugd ftahnocovwmepxlisrht Wsinadider. hasunvoiuetsld bAtpchEormopcelReytsd btthueaea¬tl bcprxooetujnedlcdet BSopstegambr.r, btighqueesetisont bythadeet rwanv bitpwotesiilble aevcroyrthdiinngg mewehtacbsl, Whaartodn. fAiotlwEsRiwl fbnasc¬heneddul tthhaoecn-eedf 7(coponatig)nueed President fitrmheed evalution University hseinsted btudoget Tlraustsets Janu ry, aasn was maenntds truastneds faculty the btohaerd excutive demic "Apro iate made the agronudps, wplailn distrbued minstrao wil schedul distrbued, dsrhaoufltd Wharton detailed Hedure." reas mnt laargely University AthERe, adminster ovfosict'se Oyenarsl.y beset pro sal se mnt. ayeasr directon and aded. uanrites report cyeoamrsing priotydaesthofwenWharto"ecnmdiexan¬ uits.nearcolegbwilpanudtrefinotex noac¬itexsmnvoiewfsWhartonHSU*sprioteacdmi nstrave ¬departmnl Anual(AER)uwneitrsnmsbaicomtu¬albersntyar.thebasnprocesuigg¬nalyLevstPro¬ egular provst'flexibtphroces,foaunPrvost vliodepamrtusnheopertEaadmincshor.repotslf-vau¬UnierstyJu.andthcol¬eburdgetamnsro.isntruc¬ podtivysaun¬dtaicshoneasitnProfealpub¬saervdinspct.dies¬icusondea¬tohfiec"gIivtshexaminrqpuoalb¬ems, regulathsefoplatrmw- In the used ment ing to were of the ment as will ing the ment The to make certain they min um sources such compared other versity go "We over of havea thwhate end years," Academic June, ment until of raised faculty whet r complet AER June," 'The regular byished "One to in Two STUAR SWtraitef htisohtoefry repasrojemcntt S1th9a7e5e UAndiverrssit,yCPRrelisfitdoe.nnt tthhae deman UnaiveDrsyitthhnaet "euaancchiht,Utnoivearsltytpoear aposed ftmohiseron aacdnemdi ushnouiltd intcphrlougedam,ginvpoeloeld,, stoaemfn lg-term fparoducye agovenrnadc fotlhweingtathe 1r9eg7ula6ERvaealuvnitiodwn acdemi rcaerntakin ofpnroity,forehounefer priotythundeirask devolpmfnt repasrojemcntt groandtuiul,g was Asociat Tehxplained. taohnfdiclees procedu. Fbethruaye, Siisnatce self-vaution AEwRil osptarieomftnets,LBaworeganiecdr. tphoaerft each itsaenldf thcoempsiles amoveknreasl trheopet badminstryo thwreevitiihwr srelef-vpauotiotns, muubmstit tthoe tshreavieidw tehxamein actives, fachcaruteislty, brdagteiotsin, fgcoumpraertisve ogadufte insructo. acsomuplichehnt articles, aalrseo arenviuwl fatcoilte thcoleegs tphaartnmeedns Wiprovst,"snadiedr. tcohane achievmnts, productivy." tophurefse itpsrooce eavlustion ftophlanerig AN E News By State Hie. to back Jr. tion Be said said times" of future, the asked forward years." and of Each demic all Asaid. overal bewould bodies ments the In proces , taosked order plex ing "The a itsince gestd," Winder vost's AER in ofice. year's As proces , review coleg coleg . and ation Along leges quest Winder to tional used dent and number and lished grants signed betwe n "The aus and ties The review budget priotycsmhueld womaey,deci¬ nyoet ionutled rpaslment very campus. dneic throug paticelong-rm re¬ adminstro, pclu¬ingspecif thoefbdry thae hisfbtwoeil prtion ad por¬f whodmnt suce.ita's oc.ayintersdboehtas cdemi thsrvng sameboreduplica¬ evalu¬ contry. uniqeWharton prioty exsingEvaluto iwshc adminstro curently vaio ditsrobue sualy twhornekig reasmnt icomnpesatd Wthhasrataoidn thsuabjetct reachd. procedus priotytueovsaeludt aounndit binoth nouancdietmsi Unwiveirlsty respeottsing raeproets the "long-rae thexamein thareenfmd Universty Adminsatriod praurnogse reasmnt inprotes raevsouilcbe duplicaton adminstro phroduec itoaptbsimosuc ithastaude bjoaubt, aurse McSoUue instquuaolity orangfe ithsa Athstaee. htaove raednudc Wisndiedr. Unaivneursltybittenhhseet lietahndisrs comentd. thopaerft itshpaselaemnnt Anual R(AeEpoRr)t, units thyeearl foarmres ecyoevleagrr,y mtha objectiv hpraosl might coprmsed ooutsaumnd¬ferinitrpercagonizdlyintfhstaofbloasncuspgaeoe.Wrtrbtsxupdniygireoseouceflxibty.PfRrocaesduesingPLiCroona-ttesx, owpetirn alterniv odatfge xpri¬ admns pwro¬ul aorndelypojct." Lia¬ htraedthsua¬ devot on been The be progam Person el the to wil pro sal proper action. After goals. turned min ze grams. The "My of tough Walhatl that high wide progams, ofpeople tiwmee, efic nt tion," "The iastion are budgeting major University the acdemic handle proces. A AER ttimoe be but sion the will the in the cil" long year's order the jointly are is a aproch," We and how each norites: McenomrmSexscioutUwescdst,fbutnparaooeiitlnsvlyFhcxdreemoif.btraepmsoeojuuscsgidtfinva." prmearsoionltty foreasring moisfn runigCPlaov¬stcompledroaft se¬ pagescompilatfn eh¬ procdues it eprxo¬sing PlanResiLong-isrepotdfrenbackgoud,imprtanUve¬ adminstr.one msealf-avnjourdtiohbpcromsnedtaohngaastiivne;BMxlpSurwnUcr.ttthacohobaeingey,mpsronvivdbelCwuqcauteionnt.y,eacargidlOsslfu-ouvrtioen.SUbwaterielsntgyahrd. itnhe pro¬Unive acst".linuo the altrnives, udt rwe¬hodcumentwpr¬fornmedaft. pro¬ awsthm,ochairpefsnbyitedRClfo.n"csulta¬CAodnemic e.thoewcomrite xamin servcd onslia¬ tndnoac- wouldthoe comi,repot tha ndle cwomouitd"crs-epatmnl, Uiverstylmod special btwoeuld rspniblte com parnvodst 'Adminstrave would cntigbohaerdinces bonard psl," tha to dpresidnt. rsatafetd fochanrge this craos-nldeg banuroett topics." tahlteorneiv comite the ftoher presidnt, oficals. an Comite' foeasrir cowmuniitath truacsoneudld invtohlemeft goenratif dorsraiganifatl. raedpost first the pro sal through mainly con er s, The be such The sel ct del gate sugetd the other "Such Plan ing provide of s the the the the But, o e x c l f riask prareosbid1snt' final bttohaored be bthreaynd fedral aupno the organiztl Pland Univeristy ithefxitsn "tHhowiesvr, htahvee involemft knowledgab Tshtaifs. eficnt, thoprgeefs Sttuhodeenf tthoe thopine fawcuholty n i"tshere oarbitfer go taopear will The ingand depend provide and Prop sed 1. page some chosen. would direct enced, trative mote timely Members Group exprsed dentands son lev for "Because itreass aproite aofloctin flexibltyPtreaomble Plans the taofl Asociate Wtihosnadeeifdr lteihrasset Unpivreiorsttyy d1oc5um0ent, largelyUniversty thvareious linoakitng evaluting "tPrhopesed fProcedus Pironates Contx,"he insetvoral incudghisatnodry tochharteeifs the project disruptve the demonstra itsoelf, higer hensitoat necsaryMichgan idtynhameic introadtuucree idotcshwumheecnt, anestbwlih tcomie "lopngla-raniegdfirrosatf,t twofeord ffarcoumlty, adminstro ntihtael threcomend tcombined fitnhnae alterniv dotchumeent selct and btwer'oe Presidnt Jarfte.r the Executiv subcomite selct toprsed uplicaton; duplicaton; dsctiuaon aprongdms; ectors. subcomite rcomendatis sepleccial isthawueoeunld are star," atof plan. "We ence tion the ment The liosng, existng fisomsr invol ed grams. Entiled University Range divded sections, and is and trends, and o a c n t u l y t o y p f e sity There The plan i ghighly be n aprise in has has pace need that and n to new sal sity the report While fe dback and view d beposals comite first in special mebrs The posed which MSU Wharton tion"with cil Four special course faciltes tion, of demic also tion Each make full which a fI - esnes hcihw s'er ht .MneraW .ytiluqnart ,ytisrevnUgnieda gniht fo si eno efofS s'ti f uH a ot aruL/sweN n yL reltsiF I" eht hcum dna lward ,f uH hsup seirac snoitcelfr tsivca neraW .esle namuH snoitarp A snoitubrc USM .drawof den sah rof taht a dnuora ,stertni eremhrTof gnikaeps neraW fo A f uH USM dluoc evitan rev n hw htiw hcihw f uH .M dna ytlucaf ,f uH sthguot ,srebm gnol ,enicdeM ,draoB hegcinhawr knaht ylno edulcni e tsurt neatgaihctSM fo I ot a ot naS teg mih l iw ot ot eb fo sevael tnaig a polev d ,oin t A rednib ylraen ylba orp eht I SM nopu etirovaf gnivael detnsoc e tsurt gnitalumrof gnikctlop tsomla retsam dezirtcah skaeps chane." yratnulov ,sraey .ytisrevnU syawl morf a fo 81 a rof tep eht USM gnoma ot na tes fo eht " g n i t e v y l r a u g n i s nalp htiw sa deifngd egnit eerf s l a o p r s n o i t a c won esu eht draoB stnedus seg loC ytlucaf a eht rof dna weivrtni .swalyb tnedutS peek ,hciw ,mraf eusrp nuo rp"ew a ot sa dna ot fo fo eh fo sih sa :seturT ynam gnomA cihtapoesO aideM esacwoh gnivom sdnuopxe naxeT ,syas rehto nehw dna eht eh no sih fo l its fo 41 s'ti eht otni ekil fo dluoC denmad rep esoht meht drocer tneduts ,drocer sraey e c n d i v e g n i v e c r e t i r o v a f , l u f r e w o p a s p a h r e P :f uH seoD detiml sdnats litsdna m s i a n y d . y t i s r e v n U draob gnitrop us eht d r a o b wen :f uH tahW .ot e s u a c e b . g n i d u f : s l a i t n e se ae :f uH ?deah ,ycilop saera yltcaxe ecntpmo ,siht emos .sdrawkcb ot tnec thgirb er w uoy fo ni ,emoc elpoe desu tner fid ,sey eh ,hO ti eef ruo fo I n h o J n a h t fo nI ehT .sTlSM erutc s hcum tsehgirb saw gnidsbu .morf esuaceb thgif kniht han H yeht setur ev'I noism'ehT ,esnes esnes ytisrevnU ta taht ,sdik tnemlor dnif stifen b ,emit dluow taht tsarnoc eb fo a fo morf l iw ti dna dna eht tuo tub ot I eht ot dna fo si dna ew sa ton — etas-fou .etas ,sralohcs morf taht .ydaerl htiw tnerfid taht kniht ?ytisrevnU evrsed wen gnitarove gnieb syawl lautce ni levelylbaorp ev'w ,noism redro t'nseod fo si eht eht fo nI ta ton a eb eht evitarsnmd siH eh .os sa eno noitauper .stnedu desu t'nod dnuof ,etumobait .yletinfd gnitarove detarug ni mih .etamilc enmosaresp etirdoemrc .sredi p strap noitpmusa swaeendi devicrp laicos drawrof s'ytirevnU gni alp tn'neevabh depils d.lnaittss 1 sa fo era fo ew eW tuo ot dna uoy fo fI lla ni ni teg ?noism elba drawkcb tnepmoc ,sergop sih a si uoy traP woN tcart .etas l iw .ot tI eht no emit fo fo — ecnulfni saw tsap draob ,tnemvo noism elpo rehtie n o i t s p 81 l iw dna tI eht taht dnA ot ynam .emit tuB ,yadot eh rof y e h T eht eht eht rof .noitarsmd tnemvihca drawrof fo ew ni ot ?sdiks esoht owt nehw kool ;edisbu l iw edisrp ytisrevinU taht .seitvca 91 eH sih ni no eht fo n kcab sgniht saw ,emit s'yadot taerg evah rep a eht a uoy wg tuo pihsredal tf nosaer tuoba ,pihsredal I — fo uoy si eht ot 21 ,sreta-fou e rht tog fo revo no fo eh emit fo eht ruo eht tnec ees yr ac taht eno emos rof er' w ym saw .redael dna revo eht era eht erom elor siht ,woN fo dna s'tI ton a ,tsurht taht d'ew tol eht saw tsuj gniltes gnitarepo teL .licnuoC tcaf uoy ecna if gniscrex tsomla naht eht stis :fuH ndeurdni A CN erom erutan kenwiht tnedisrp teneshrt ,ytluatbo draob ,ereh :f uH erom :f uH enO hcum sI ytisrevnU ,tnemiopa noitaresc ytisrevnU sA fo ni fo fo fO ehT draob esruoc yleos elcabed eht sgniht evah dna erom ni sih sI taht . n o i t s e u q ti taht — si sti a gnihtyrev ti — eh eh desu dias kcab yna stnedus etal ylba orp .yenom ehT laitni em og e r e h t fo nwo y l a a t o s a a w d w r o a n o b g n i t c a lainomerc snoiulc ytisrevinU y e h t yb dna ylesolc e h t , n a h t e r e h ot r o t i n m feihc srebm naht t.mret nemas e.yaltwil ?siht ytlucaf gniedraghet ,eraw tsegib tnemgduj r.pembautrs rserbameuyn devloni eht .noitsp ntuurB tnedisrp gniamer nward ,yeaws rotinm ,sgniht suoirav te'nvoadh e r a thgim taht taht si ab dna ni I yb e h t ot evitarsnmd ,sgniht si ni a od eb fo .ti — ot fi .mudnerf sa eh no riafnu eH taht elgnis yrev tuB .oga eht taht dna ni renam er w eht eW .oot .ti evah ereht sera recifo dna lainomerc ykeohoTl yb sihT thgim detras de n t i edam tsol ,gnile f — eh nehW aera eht ?won t'nseod sih eudiser ynam delpoe etniopa smargop deriuq meht yldnoces sah rieht ne b xelpmoc draob rednU snoi ced si dna tog ot ot eht eht fo eciv taht tel no Wf ".sI*IF ,noitaesrp eb no naem eht t n e d i s r p fo tuolc noit n emos ,han aH fo os e t a l u m r o f e d i s r p y t l u c i f d s n o i t e u q l its eht yb .stnedirp ytisrevnUgniwol f eht eht eht eht yb ot taht taht dezirtca h nalp etuB so hc noitsp dab ni ro sah nur yad tsrif eht eht revo .ronevg ytisrevnU yrev a eht .ti I yb fo eht sih fo emac cimedacA ylbis op siht ytlucif d draob ytisrevnU e rged ekil fo ni eht draob si eht I eht ot — ¬per ton uoy eht ti ot sa did eht fo dna ot ehT s'tI dah depoh ytironm ,eb eud :f uH uoy tahW .gnitov :f uH htiW der taw ,taht metsy gnisol taht smelborp boj owt nUog^yeht t'nod ,draob tol .gnihcre I saw :f uH ynA a ekam edam dna .nuf ?sterg eht dluow eW ew kniht eht ruoy tnaw t'nac ?etov nwod edam .tuolc deta rc oS tog gnieb smetys hcae fo , h a I e Y .tnemvorpi .smargop depoh tub yle rf secorp weiv era uoY ew desab smetys eht .gnihcaet ta ti ti .ytisrevnU sa I sa I s e v i t a n r p no fo s e t i m o c fo fo t n e m r a p d ,snoivrp noiserpmi s n o r e p i a h c I ni os rieht od thgir tneduts eno snaed siht yeht ti fo I t e r g e r emit eht depleh l its did g n i t a r e p o s'rehto sekatim ,sekatim deyojne eevhath s'ti taht ytilauq tmuB'I .su t'nod dna d.sepuleh sthguot .sweiv eht dna tahW noitseuq deirt ti no smudnerf emosndrub .ecnarvog t n e m r a p d /yaw rieht .revo ereht dnA evah drawot ew ti , e k a t s i m f lSi ot si r e d n u . n o i t a p c r no , s a w saw er'uoy kcab taht hguorht dengis r ehT tub dna ton eht tI ti l u p nehw uoy ynapmoc I syawl dna deyojne rebilac secorp ton eht tnedutS t s e a r g I d l u o w e r u s ti eud dluoc tfel eht eht draob dna d e t a r l i h x no fo I t n e m r a p d dna ot na a tol a n o s r e p i a h c sa depleh ytisrevnU I t'nod derugif dnuof noitarmd .krow eb a fo ti ylbaorp evah . n o i t u s c .setur syawl erom rovaedn tuoba meht ycar eub emaceb tnemrapd ecnuqso d a h w e n k e z i l t u g n i k l a t m o r f fo . s n o r e p i a h c eht gib eht ti siht fonips morsalc depleh nepo devom .ytisrevnU ,tnem voM t'nod yrt sa dna ot sa I saw ot saw taht rof detnaw os .gnihtya noitacs elpoep dekram .noitcursn yldipar tnempolvd tahw tuoba tneduts .ekatsim nehw ecnarvog mkcoarbf noitseuq ,gniht seldn ,suoren .snorepiahc eht m u d n e r f — od rieht tI hcum gni epo a tuB l up eht ylno eht eht ym saw dna a sa su sa htiw d'ew pu sa dna erac d e t n a w ot og dna taht a I fo tol yaw ,efil ekil eW ew kcab eht fo no I dah eht ti eht dna eht od