r:. S. C. Library .EdSt Lansing, Micfc. !nt«»rfrs*t«*rttit> Formal VWek n ~c 29 FAST LANSING. MICH! AN FRIDAY. !T.RRt'AK> The Flying Carpet Two Seniors Spring Announced TermFor Pro-registration ill Divisions French man Sophomore Class Gel Awards Talks Mere To Present Sissle Trip Used as Basis At Baii(|iiet ' .!-.•« • !?> t'f'M iS StU- * th»v? eh- -»•!> Of •' tpplied Si ienee At Prom. Mar. 13 \iisr-lw**|i anil llankin-on . Fount "♦ f' ' \l - » » " • .. . V.c ; .in- »»»: \\ olverine \%> H.;.: ?ai« Ingi tier ring Stiiilenta » >• ■ T Ji k:, ,i i ):p. chm Mii»tr;il, ■ 'T'.V-"" ; 3n- ; 5- ' , M be ■ • A F .'lit- I Plan Testing Maine I rtummies Of Kii a H • iwqu.ou >d«ni i- 1 • «houii] af'rtjiiti *4 ■h i tun . 1" t Ttw Mi: h ..and VMCAto ll. ai I lo|M* S|M*ak<*rs ofti» i«r* for t dining 1«mr to In Nanti'd at ■ Merliiigf. Local Seoul* Plan Field Da) (loiivo IMatinrd I f' A \t tlkcmo* Fotmeil Will Hold I u-ni Saturila*. .. P H\ Economist* I Hi I.*?. ' c F a* be topic of Student. Diseii.. I i ' (Jrand I teOjl* Will Oil«, •• • •' <>.C. • t}.« f to ,v Vunual Moiing. J>-uf >: r:» - H • Spoil. \Merit l*ii « Professors ni • " ft J pe? ' "C. -r( tst" .'V'i »': V ' A i»r, 1 'o it'-ft'-i .»i appear* • . • ts>u: d ' .' .i'1 vor Randall to Instruct Sum¬ .i . • ■ . tin- diffemnl ' « £H*l, ' - y 1 f rnj I'titmn in mer Flaw* in East. *} • v* «- n !»' H H 11 at , . »«..)? »>*gifi at 4 sr'ment v*..: «range nsau'd I nion Sponsor. • 1 •( f.' iltil; events, ba X ;. j t.. »■ * i: »rv thcr .ejt»- If • B'i •* , ■» ii.ti'it * u*- re- * »• -• • .»mi .1 relay W itt swr K t' Rarauli •■*( v • h. .: ( •• ' «-i f' ait.v f»Tc • Billiard Trials '*■ .1 . tc. tftw'sn. A bugling He'ia-1' fi of «c.d thr P li i t e C iian State College Ens- v ». t A r ?»■ •.» id a* 4 30 t- - spcirig • ;)i r el urn m ho i ,» -p. .* 4*. '."Si U •• *• .-•» «v->?stored In the • '-.."tit * s. i • Cs- Three Team# Will !»#♦ Sent Mllld Htinitie** \d Senior* • .c Mithirf- T'» ejected ufti ^MaxMi'hUsfit: State wwu .er which will " at . ! mt ? i .Hi.Air.g Amherst f«t the dura- . the •I..-V* K . iui tJ.i- kr *u .r>c judu-ed and W M to National 'Icntrtie*. >1 . Keeei*e Job Offer* * i? tne different «* aet i-- M ' summer' A' >' f .» . 1' S a- » !»: 4'i-e'a nimr-f > ©? t'o- • Ni-r.-..«* in phvsical ed*i- ecd r 4 r-4 '•-* ' IS./ t provided .1 mffli .«?>' riumtter «»? WKAR f" l*rtU State M* Rarvd-i'.;' ..Mr H : - f : H ■i*1 Secretary ! < icftjrr* for the h-'i.f c ■ i,eu-> •' '! ••> . ' «• W -'.rj I?..- ? ' H .V - * . .red idetst; 4fi- 'I N r-r> S.fil ;i«-r a, ' ■ a.- ;ct cijs»ei «t i reitirv* N.c-- a I .» J^ratjve couacii . • iitjrr.1 .»• •!> '• '* • v o.»i n*r.'rt and advanced rr.li ant' >-( M.-ft • N' S» I! •por.ftur - 1\H «'• C>n '.c.* '( .n^criL'.r in l-ansiiir aid a ffi*- -«ud current lendrrwwrs in .. t-cu • hsW t!i.« * f?«- fcad *'iu-is jiiforrrr*. • •••■,'a- . ■ i* i i. ritA will be toistfwfa ( hri*liuii I moil |o Heel Su'.'1 .'• N.i'w .filii ,\|i ("hi Hit ' !j.rnm« " i trraturr I ■ ota rat - •'-« Mi •f,t: lha! 1-J.I ■icines. 4lK>f> t- 1. uw rifle rang*,- Several Jn'ercoiu,g...«;i th -• *- . id.; c-riducted ivhttifff far Mr RandaiF er* 'at * -'if '/!«♦ *|'<" Ihree |>i»tiofmc» Men T' » M -li • .1 »rl,iiT-- J>f Kn.»nt atal Riti .wnitrri of A'ph^ Phi Otmp, iShibti. .ukS | ■ K« f hiiliarrjis a.f • A '■< outline id • -■•"P. State u-nd M' ' i* ■" ' P: • ' *•"' R<«*«»*ve;t *• Talk to Male UiiU A? '< "U Sw'xda;. afteirice.r * itfrt u ■-'« r, ■ -ffft ht ».• .-a#v bey ». nut service fra« i»rr:p m,t( ,J Tti « tlw t di\iii- 5»td n. * Mr PritKSt wi55 cwp- • «t*#dy FUarc-tieah t aV.es- has imi u»i -. U • prugram ' » .#?r tlw «*t* Nation*! itdii*rd a*.-* iatif.1, and in. -A-' t h ft - j: The iiiph:• i, t.n, jH»n i •• ■ and wiU makr dbaarva- &rufl*od and 8caodo*av*a»r> depar* r >t ' « *■: * ref uk»! SMiai hour foik>*cd t») ■ »Upp*/lt.'f! ?•. *?.« A«vi ali'ii ' An empk>>ment earn' «? th>- Several member* erf the ftureaq V.f If;*- *|cn,j p.e.»-n1 the dlf- tttkt'WWrtai'M condittom. counfrMta what* tv made a *urvev Taesday ♦ ic-to-r as #i a. At 6 JO U»e dn- tf KteMtifFat.ori of tite Michigan a U.*t i- •- • Tlegr L'ti.i;M r*n.nrl# fen-nt argument* pru am4, cm-, on oimpany rank* tn the «»»r?iy;,;. V. fUfltfaQ stud.ed dur.nf. h.a of ihtir rffivrt/ c<*»fi*rative thuv u.s»..*r: *?;; center the rel.gi- wttt be held tiwn Mar-1- 2 ?j.' •each tope nearly a month agn and tht* f StaS.- j-t.i" will !*• eft hand t« *ir»daata days at m*fu**ment ; «roop. p i»uc rtfeture wr»e» wh»ch have beer March 6 fct " < j>y* ' bt!ii*»d l take finger prinl* of m-mit* for ttip Many «c®*t«omie» inatnidors and | proes»4*af * Tww Mn from !«""»"• ««*.«• A;*. State an" took hw A D «i '.«W - ' ntof*tih..at*i»\ files «»' «-»•" An thab -■ «""1 "» ■ - Ite .r. U i>MtMtnrnt »r*i the »tr* gh! rati in Uiil ,*v prr«, do., nul •»«<•"' e u" tab-'«!.>«-.: Il.nro. **.'»» from that schuoi He re- rffiriaU of ro-op« arv .m tr* prt>- O H & Paituc, *Ui TruKlr u* rr'«k" •V r.ditard tvuroammt* n<—d In »'«. «. Ulr wm. wrt. nf i a^hin. , ump«n> .nt-r V ,r. r,: JBfN tp» WlUm at Ohio Sfate cr»*r. m addition to toe outrtde I ^ .v^ t*ai applications of any of th. T-acb tc*n. to reprewnt Michi¬ th. d».- | iri*—• .dmimwir«|jii.fhnul State shah tie wric kd from 'r|fp ' *' Tujan Stale for twelve years exception of lumhes and dinner* Rutary xt&rt JU>!>ut personal educational gan UMMI It I. >nl.nd«l In conlinu. d.y. »io A «|».*nl.l,w Friday night «>.*• Ccooc^pbcs . *41 ■- l|uH.t,,r.« round, end to f ■ [of the Internationa) Found l*ro- - • -wlh u^neid in mom 400 Af Hail The Sor-a' Security Art pro&if mi Nomination.* for we made up of .five playw* ar»d two r_ .nsnits t'lut; will ruxet at the H*nar Board rummage sale. ■ ternates making the be#t show- ispeech c*Airse* . ».«, , _. 2.15d and 203f. «.rt, H-miiriii-i h«ad FJ S*hsrd*y. ; - - March .warcn it o Leave Mta.e stuff M... , ^ . a. uvua » rt(i m th. qo.uf.wni t.Airmm.nl , , i- ••*-* Inwr. ind bu..i».) idinmirtrin.. lw. ' {> « " n Krwrnici lwa,, , * l l. m 3 wrapped pack- ' ro'* -Hllw^ I® • P**** I ret use. [ Dr em.p-'^ee* Herman Wyr.«a.rdrr _ preaented ■ Th. qoilify.ni round. lr,d Ih. -.11 «• .11 cn.r». ,™1 h. wUJ t»U ' Prof L G Miller, engineering i a tpeedi an "Baww* Cjce» and Dp h j Sufseth, of the barter- U-.m pi—V will Or held It Wl.h- '■ 0 M'"'r "" m*h- r„,m.in> «... VvHlent , M-"*"■"« ^ I'-n-rl-n 1-aUeraa Blpdeate' Clpb will to a ,.K»ic.fy department, revised Dr Dorn'i Smolr Sr.,-. rm.til «i«lnMrin( d^artiwnt. will ' ' ' Wh.m T«i. ullt wilt h. Ukm Sunday evening. Feb. 28 in 1 division, will addretw U>e twenty*;Genera: bw*. -'Alexis Carrel's "Mart, the C?n- All entrant, . nil leave th»ir 'T'l*** lhI N"'""*1 "" ' "" " ' " ! frommade th. report on the nibjm thlt Co-l-.'-n- ' * ' "">1 1M o( pmoJ» Church, it «i»th umiu.: convention ot the .Gnr.tr ecu* it •sown" before the home economic* of Power Engineers at Muskegon he recently to the Royal r.amef at Washburn's or at the Friday evening. February 2k His '* TV «ub*rt to b. d^cutwd M.ch.gir. Sect Miul ind Roofer* D. P.u- on,c««tj U*P« flub of Lansing junior and senior Union desk not later than Tues¬ general subject will be heating Grain' cr.*nmmion at Winnipeg ' fumiM inocMUon it Grind RipOi. Wic- liaeo-lon rwn, of ml it the KtxK,u day, March 2nd An honorary degree ».* a degree nncUy. Mirch J. H. «mt ■«* on conferred on a man who proved Order »ow n»— tvaot that maw-striker* wif* mt • »■ th. cmri: lommirr ol tho T«-h- . . that he could win without it. AtmrUL Mk. 911 off the fuei wqppfe!- nicil Hutin* CMS J fane iv.o l.lKMlGA.N MAlr, INttto Friday, February 20, | <>:; w Iii The Hoiiirh Fee Cut Bill AWl/i llall Cedarsidc Carnival I State Theatre Jean Demling, Lois Roher:;. P Ifildii^atT 6tatc Ktm REVUES Marjoiie Lovering, Norma li .. P Pub!i»h*d Tuefclay* and Fri,!*>» djrir.it the • tud«nU of Michigan Bliif Colhf*__ y*ar If the ™ #' —With ftO l5ltlUttlitt|( llarvcy Harrington — . The Spartan is out. The Spar- ftoin Detroit early Inst week-end. Is Presenletl roth, and Maxine Dodds. B*iv Betty Ayres were cur.. (',« I . tan came out more nearly on time Overhrard: TifTles Tranter e.W .. WM u e..« M„fc Wo hart (ho unique experience, yesterday ol »*»- thin mr b,.(nrr say- •— Friday and Saturday honor at a birthday dinn- ■ \v. o(Ti'«- i.^at-ijr. .•,! i-. * .t <•«« wmt* of Union iiuiiding. | ,ng for our picture for ope of the major Detroit And new clappinc en our sloppy mp. "Im'l eollexe n In! ot iun '^'j^otlsllt StinlrtlN l.olll>. "COME AND GET IT" nesday night at North Ha.; r TruTi™ ' ' I'fc< - r.«T. «;«. ' •«*«»; ditiHts Our partner in crime writ Mary Milward. |„nr0lim ,1^,,, rs nnu hiding U- ■'•m-mee.' Abolition of All Edward Arnold. Joel McCrea. seven girls sat'at a t .o:. ]....... • who i* the chief attraction in tlx* photo We w? re hind curls of cigarette smoke, w and Frances Farmer appear in this MAN VU'.VJ FP!T'>K -i supposedly ••humming" out « n the < "i ner. and the Wl|, romark „n paK,t. l3 of the pt,b. Did you hear of the collitch boy College Fees. •'t'.cina. taken from the pen of ated .with pink tapers ;o LARRY P1STEL Teiepbou# mm? • reporter .was writing a feature story about the MU(|V ,*SSUf who borrowed a military uniforn Kdna"Ferber. served a birthday cake H!'S!Nt>S MAN A«.I.H modern methods o 1 ehi.relmp a rule Oura W(e the DON' O'HARA S*4»5? ( ! Tl)(, Mich„,an Slatr News i !' r <•"' week-end to go home and Mad ison. Wis— (ACP) —To The picture is a stirring drama seven pink candles burned ASSOC IA TV" EDITOR 'magnetic co-ed" style, the idea being the driver not supposed to rest on tne tw • -how ofT.' abolish all fees in state-owned col- ,.r the lumber camps in the north Mary Rita Knape. Dm T'!«rhonp WT8 I ' RUTH L HAt.1.ADAY rt"P 10 W n"' r"""rs rnmb"n> ,n Um column, mentioned They are n. leges :s the aim of a "student act" v oodv. and concerns a chore by. Girinv Dean. Bettv Fa case, we would say it really ought to work. • «,r*r »!■.:• ift supposed to' be lomc. Doric o: The Serenade to a Wealthy | (hat will be presented in the Wis- c nsin state legislature this week who l.-ecomes a lumber baron viae | ,\yre*. Jean Fuh r. Greta • . j ,.r !!*• ■ /*H.i tninu.' ! l*ny Hamilton posed along f-, he rirt „, . er- ' (v;rmth..in. therefore they are nt his pipe and his bored drrneanoi In- sure looked {tj,lnk' M> indcinl heartrending and «c think! the Wisconsin Youth act, now , < wn son steals one of his (||;| -pa !/ Bettv John--« -i p — ■■■—.-■ -the picture An unidentified pc.-orv .1 n • x- cded • ■ ui g titng £Jeoi g» a date' ■ • • under consideration by the assi-in- ' • * ginui Bailey arc also \ Oflle Abnut Tipple mo. e: 'fit- Senior Ball, __ . ilubition nf the -IMT crmibuek.- wh l! cmbudtc. - blv, lull has the support of p.- the w iv. 'nc 2a t-rnt matinee i'V i i. w„h * . • ,„rMM| ae,i\ ,|, " Women are supposed to have more b. 11 Kiel but e h., car. . . ' WiseeriMn You'll . eongre.--, icpir- • • d ; • n *» Mondav . ti.i . can ... father l»e , directly ' -fr ,, our p.iren..- tn..- wcek-et. . Odessa and I'-.rma. ; . ,, , • rh ■ urimitv th.,1 men IlennyColcnm-t hk Lurr-.. "ntinu the V MCA. VWCA, Chun I, !" • .- We tried our hand, again at selling tne Spartan > • ■ « d- group:, trad' unions. Worker-.' 11I- ' ' . h- W-.IUM Whto in th* rn:on lolilv. The;, went a» ros? m »'*ne U 5 1f «d.-.rssde t .ivtuval m.v ' WSA. Progressive party l/Piftf •I//WIH • 'I«r«n R'fl-r IWr.ri^ll tlM, Jimmie Hays and !:o b-viid of rditoi • realb. be v rittrn bv gul. but there an "u , ; k J ' group- and Yt'l. Sundav. MnndUv. and Tuesday After" compa deserve a lug hand fur then n aga/uu After start- more bn ^ who like to stooge , In addition to calling f r the "Gold Diggrrn of 193,' week-end in a hrv,:-. P E'.i Plssoci(iM Gollo6kio Prou ... • • u:g from scratch th» ropic to practically assure .1 roseate college's only humor magazine have sold enough ad- and future tor tiie nrtsrle ,ojj |tit overbnaked th< 4 fact th..t in tn» Rough Apparently the writer ot th' o writ be. 1( Burrw ^ (j,. fj j, . t'so'CN |„.,»iu , e v of tin- r ••.. /s pi •-,,>• 1 XK.»}, • - • f ar-.eelfmg of bje«. the bill provide.- J Kb-. ■»,< n of one student Mai .To •-the fourth arrfmost elab- rie.i: iy empty, the f> !• : . •u '''f "'he fumed series of muct- plan V- have a bu whu.'i began in 1929 week-end with cue t * r^-j 1 * r> K,' .n .■ I • . v. .No. bo\ s, we arep !. on the boa-d of editoi a:en't tossing bouquet-. a» ousel-.. . v 1 \ th.i' , vv rr.a'e ntenan< of scholarship- -ho- v I h "t Y * * ' and. Whuli ones- can ih- dated " Maintenancee pr-.«cnoiannip< -no v gul. go! becomes be hti • secteNiry - secretary th-aft. i.t'im* ... to n eipr.M ate t>ut ard. ,t b«M merit and irul.ioti dollar Hermiatr- entertain.:' represent at. • t -o eref". it is- riot 'w ho-go, • , on < d policy • ' r g apan-rifi*. the ■- are few grateful r-tl ' f -i |iw»is v»«« Kappa Sig tfi»- other da v. << are told 1 possible Uit('-wlto fjJari oi attack, b ifiil 'nesting .pi 1» as v».e heard of oto . aia".,'. " :'s l« "» II. •: at vv'il »•-.!• an.-th# natiM .i! on M 1 ,,rn|ttis ' 4 Reptcserd.di' . ! tf". y'Vi- -. Warner ft -others are said p Butlc w -VI- e r t'f<» r ■ ;pcf runted inform, it ion H V 1 :• • "*! 1' if.itioi! extended ' *T-.« g-adt.il Iraroftirt"..'ion <-i lot..! ' fiat 011,11 -• hiatv the ■ xia'.t l:t> (,o I ; I th, !,-s. iV . th.'- Com- tent *• . »i \s into .1 the editor is vvi : O p',. dL• •. commit?*- bv voting and magnificani*• of the.: .'ce status t»f the enmpus «•» gam/at" n -eem-. iv to i i- th- u-.Pel i^tl vv -c. . 1 k Wed*""- ,d a Pi'- 0. rl -■-••■' TIES ' • 1 bo't •d i>. mad. du fa.! ii» f>o. 1. t avoid tiit, from I,, ! ;; 'A ••• id, - ! a -a I -lid i'J • II . »"• h. at -1 \r o? ' pi 0^1 am. I v ' ■' tb !•■■ . 0 nr.. I A.i • . 1 : 'bp 1 . M* '• I tt n. •• ROOM. • "■ f ... 1 ' " !•"! P..1 u Aiwa'v fr« 011!.!' ' i,,-. l i- | I ■ - !- ■! N! • ! N I'M Hi » Pa- '"'. .... -ao: o.it.k 'in- : •to; t he ; ! .,. k • • i M ■' < n- n N lb i'-i . Si ,;ta iu 11.k* t a. r to ft' - h.a ■ 'p.-ifteia ! ' .1 1 M 'A H i i. • r. : ii f. S- lb W lie-' - V. . , So. to Tot s .! I T I H ; " ' ' M • . • \t ket" • a ■ .its • a.'d.o oVonny};' M *.\ .-spring1 pal ter.p : o. : I k ee dm n n.i bo. s' t ill' - . . « • I a; a' 'yule. e' o ; . 1 ' ' 1 \o .Jngta ■ 11 a ! I'd,, ! - I'am at,-i a 'a: y- ""'Ida M..P n;_Ud d! bet o Hng» . : 1 ; ' .\ .lUlhciit.. > ' ll '•'I'd ' id ia CLASSIFIED • ' I' . S M - 1 "4 t A j.oa. Sat'!'i| ,1 1 • {' 1 1 asketh. I . i »e .it»t me d < . eiiitod • n \% p $1 • .. .1 •» ■. ,e-. II •« -all ' a Hop 1 a , ' I- porn. I.# M ' » I I •»< k- ' d h" 'id in, t ti . 1 ., u a • M 'A Ot t • •" "i » -*..'i-i srmi'i in! 1 a if i • 'lst.lliU* d hi' " K 1 n .|. ... - . C it ' It Ik • I T ! • Tt. s t • 10 1 .Hi K K < • 1 1 Announcing the ! n . n: K.v Ik. opt'iiing of u new - . u.r. I. 1 1 11fihit I'hi 11 tnS2T..->" ■V e'Oti i ' .... Marian Dyer iiJ V W I • ! lieautv Shop NtAA ll;{< tS M - \S ! :o,i ii I'illle Alioiit Pipple it« \ Y M 1 Hu Il. t More » - U • i lit 1 I-a ih" r north of NUir fhratcr tM S Hashing ton \t«" . ffirplimir 2MI0 • II- i! ... ■ - I,,, , i!' 1 No l \ I M ,, I >.< , lb" Oil ill : if :! \ { li. t,, . . . •jo a;. ! If. S !'i '.'A ft II..! : i !»• it 0 f f"i III IVVl." : H Ha NOW IT.AYINO AT COItAL GABLES .0 .,: - M W - f 1 A J! I. • . ■ i;.|oa, 1 a . • • ! I . •• H , f irt .v Ih .aw-- Si JS! 1. ,a . W • : - x.' ; i taP ti. I at tb,-' .ad i ■ _>t * 11,' , . T 1 ' t. 0 , S. fit ti ho ■ V , Pdrk- did?: t ;.t I fa t.oo f, . a ' « » . I s.N u a *nd til Jack McDonald M .«•. It u 1 ho,l |, . And His Orchestra \t W : H ' f i ate; nd - and *o'f • St,a r t • H I *eti ' ailed And t ve ■ With BETTV Fl'GUA i & M W \ . It \ d v If-o-.jg d >,<■• on ti tt ' a. t! llri- t'A cv -a .; -1 |'Ifi 1 11 1 "•at !.n" S p.»U .! 1! vgmo A •Naipnavs A I j!i' i i • S• mU»—C oniinuoUN Daaring from I p, m. U» I a. m 7 v . . II f : J.V ♦" >A JC.S1S Adnun TV 2 lUndy « Hpedal Dinner T K : ' 1 V <* 1 ? . .. . H » ' ilu! ,n.j d« •• a' I . at 1,:'irn riapk,.'v lilt %\ V I HI «ki .*d oa.P tf 1 s.dni.1 . ' Uh !«-.:! P. ' w? MY" N-»l tt « ;**• • --: 1.4 f*t hufifm ilftha Thrtn . 4*T»« r H K. ♦ ' • v : k „ a-. •f - cp Hit t" \* : , •\/ . > • -:T ;.«)*••: f; v.. r .9J - 1:aroc .A'.. ;• t-v t,- : ti-.k* a , ' • M: .go iami :*!,e S,'ll u 1 *4»* v s* . - -* .♦ A • v . 'Giasgov- 1't ' h.s .0 pi t %, ,V. I'n .. •• >n* ! the' , tb*. ; '** • ' : 1 •*< h'Tlgtl# *■' 1 .» a- ' . : i Students { rn.au .n >•, a s |course th'"- PA! ' IVf- \ I • • A • Ik-'*.*x Utie tsun neve.- 1 u\ not B: .r Kc That l.aitu-:t\|[ daiieinf high Fr'iivi «kj*vc gu m •-:% Grand BV.x M Pi.iv d"> the Favorite : • . Af' 'ma h b*?Ht: i teacher m whtSe e % .-g *t exhiiu* > W«dne»dA> Vr vis*! tn«' Wr*i *!'•»• \i- Hion m. fps?! -M , fask- rvsum ?IJnunrn Rigfe Sacncev Gr, Vk %; ; \ >*« A-• l.tardv Vttoti.t** • til . Sevmit:. Fid; :.i„. ...a .,'.1 Vde Our Special I'liAK.VNV i.»; in nwt* hi. D.n The *«'l i» iVnuHt ^ ■j I- • T: --A- Ma? , i „'h- • tj' • &-ithey'd let hint' j»H*rryman aH k»?«i Hand have movra into'pcm-* I'HYsd V • : T-l i. ; .. .- . .. Dues Father Hum* fj04.se 3(K- Blue Plait* I'HYfsp s . 6- .«• 116 Phy* . Igao-'»mi '.r, 'vHiip.' Tea ii» : h ar:r1 WlH-t * * * \A it'i ' i|g »•, n Lo r*. Jen*.-, p.inperi *"»' •; Alpha \i l^rltr pHYs N ' m• Mb »,mlcm. white cv%*l .<»?d **ll.; " ^ . (->n Thftrvda'y cvenr,,- t»r*s-ident Ls an economical, yet complete 4 Wa 1 Tt* ».;p - 4wi A H s."f hl> mud*: Alpha Chi Omvfa -nd M Roberts S Sr. - m A.m. ■£ I* Y S e-ttj 408 A Ii, * * • * He» d»t>•. an a:ti!.UM.l vv-m , u-y Juivi) Hannah. .-n CX5V 4:1 A • ■ M-H-I 10-11 :t a files her nails in i\J»w Mr «ach Alpfoa Chi #«me Mr*. Guy K«?f« Is having an %i] &OlL£> .. 1-Th lit A. It. Ck-rsic.nl and Mr Mufphfy Viad lb kliruu-Uc. i.et . The house »> a borne" torThe Lao Aiph'.an ami Al- s ' 8-10 leave ix*kv -«od acMgn class to Wkok is uLaetving the day by en-j pba Xt Delta kiuittiue on Satur- c .U>:c their cake out of the oven ttiUupug the ladies at the Wo-1day afternoon from 2 W 4 okiosk M-w-r Ad3itJ«»n Disco»itinurand(UMKli|pt j/Have rormals Prcxy ■ VamleHrtirff ■ ' - (;ou,rl *•*<** <:l."!"'r> ' 'This Week-end Aim Jcai) Hallard AlHotindTalde I liroe Dorm* lain iit \V inter I W ill rrm l.tiler* l\ir- Lead (fraud March lit'- ♦ \liorm ii««iun W i I ' .id- dti« *#la% Di- lie* Saturday Niylil. I.wnnuz I.mil \i l.(/(n Will l,ead Or« |,u »tr.i a- ll» l'l.»%- I iim|u» I'orl.tlili Ory.iii: llrondi .«•( Will l»« ll« Id I her J-ailMii: %t<»»»/#" . 'j ' MAX f * *> ' v . , ;, ■.> •• 'Mi *..v | t* tXCWt*!"..* • iir SHOES 116 SO. WASHINGTON AVX. 5 W . . ♦ V '•TTT f : t # f.A ? "T . v *"• i * " ' '• ' . *** ■ >w*> S V*f v,w- : a . •• ■ T j I iCVVLuU UV ^ *►' "Hi : t ARROW SHIRTS sow hi. wit jMVRPS lyArmnt; A.f«p 7 . Fan' «V«»», % Iwn For Variety «amine v .»-• « » han*!«onv* pi«t(|rn«i t«r|c« tar* rai ti »bift Q&betd-'Lne . {.•» I l « \rm*» -Ird- M.i- -ii4pfl aihI ^4/1 tun«»d-5h*ynfe. kafifHi lh It,i amazing valuf» • • rtc * ' POUCH FOP 10 * *&«>• fontci eo4*ti in« -«I 4 •' (key* tttaotic f M H • »| on I «g|..h 1 • *'-s K«fcW*wr., | IN LANSING t»r«- p£ M t!.»' fc « '• P* r'f'ii »»••* l«» »r» t -s-a* r * " )* it. .«•». i< y * - ;*»r»R>» mrmm+i t 4iw,*■ i^niir- *h.; j - Headquarters If ri>n ||| 4ml Ten.: <-« • *f. • ' • ■ ? ««'■ ManN- to,' " »-r f' .:.G Ciawiti ' 5**m • A • ' -"-if i'C.fli, f **■>* %i M '' '** ivv L>-, f j>?V ' r. ikt .-.1 *' ARROW •: < » * <4WN*»*#« w . C* -G-. .V.. f. • :: . * rsr'.. », ,.>w 8f»"V . GGi .. *- ' Ji SHIRTS •. i-jj- W: JR< '•-» -♦*!'»«> « tt! Lfcrt','- L.v f.aMT.raitu* 4- « 11W** t.e« »», < ... . H -* » | s Cihlhing | ^ ■- ' > - -e?. niiflnf' is-* Wear? #*ut . ^ t** -- TUIPF IU jut Pirfle' >? ctv.tft4.rmer.. Btti U Iwrr *ft-i Upj L/wi-viau-ua. Alanmii witu n' u>/r> V-! Uteinry *»d S A I. wdi: fiurr. lar tL- reiebrttitrn. | §y?4( ft* $ Fr*!,l:t., Fi-liiiifli-v -'iV i'i : •MTnnOAN FT AT!" NEWS m Fmi?- fmV'" Faces Toledo mm Boxing srns xvc Tonigh I as IAif"' Reserve. Sal. II i scan sin Mail. I: Eiglll. Boills Tank Trails Juices - Moslem Arc LisJt'tl •I ! cm i f I h lc.it i i ■[ (hi Program Tank Siuail <''"'l>l'l'''* «" Sliu; Jiiiii|m-i- ' I tiixi'i * i! v id I h fniil ti seanj ani iLS W ill Mi'i'l ,'n'1 "'""'"""foiiiinjrlli-n- r» ;i is Al Till II ll( Spurt* I illlitr l'l»ar|l If«*i< I* Ifilfllillt- III:.' I hi* > c.ii'h I riaiiulr Ui\i* I-' 1 ini'iip f«»r • W.Rrsrrvtv I ililic Hllt hc. M,ll*«|ticllc . ' M .' ' • • I i' Pj ' I \ jii i'I Krituil I t in*»I. \.r, hi I i»IH|ic|c lit I.* in Imbt .mil s.iluriij% I IIS \ 11 kill It s M*>t11f.i> \i"ht. ?;• ■ *. \ ht. •i , swim (Mii<»afi« SaliM'fhi\ • , I. lif I. In "come and Vflcrttooii. |C.iil^cr »: • get it" Mere;Vlnmla*. j . I llW \It Nl»l l> !| it I I .III' t I \It Ml i I: [ si vitTiv. si sim | f • I lies'le ll.uk in I lie I hiii" (t Wi ll Milt* iMMiit mil i frw thlHK* .-I Mil tiii; in t»iiti ii|ti*ih .!« Il»ri» .1 Ho! III I 11'" ># feiMl's, I lip pi'' lt.it Bur tm-iuiiiiinl it tins llnir re ismi I i .i • l.isli with tin* Irisli •I IN slum l,i 1 ii ii tin- ti'i .mis win Mite 11 > i.l tin- Hull rillirv mill tin#: .» iit-1 iii . ,1 fki'ii III k-rt .1 «ruk it Hit* If is ft .in- luir i.l ii ti \\ till i ii.ii Ill's ttii* \ntfi :>i 'In ' Bt'ST 'GOLD DIGGERS 'YET' &•' .i . !.V Ml:. I) • mi- sislrfii •ii,, mi |l' i i *s|i,ntjus N'ltii' hum' .it tin mi firrsfiil hisi'liill It Nulii •lii.nl th.it lint iihi* nf t In if el i.l hum t.ini! rtriv POWELL ■ "J f / JO* f it.i. k rill tenuis .mil inn iin: I lir u.it s i outline tin* Inntliall tram O I II It. M * U l*IKl»S tun line s. ,u hoots iisril lii im it iii nit si it -u IIIIIIIIM toil ttir liivli tin- It isti lmi. tor niir s< lirilii'r uniilil !»r fat Inn s isnli s .»i Iu it * Vint . t • . I \\ "I I •: n, H"'|, p... . I ) BLONDELL no Inni ii tuvr Ii-.imi > ti llirsr I it were itierelt .» |»fnlilnii nl ItrII ,\la Nut Milt m 11 \<*«t tin \ tm inrt 11 furl m < • nip u me i n.u lilni-. stall. ami ! . V.' h ! II [in kin. tin ' s. hunts v im h It III ' Inn Kri i i Inn I tic In It.ii tifll.ui is i X n|»r ' must If t-.Ii omiIi.-s on it. Mil'- ' •• ■ • - ' . ' !' 1 I• I. lie mm iml is he nl ni.uli > I umiM Imr to . n srlntnl I'Mik . .. ^ • j.: ,» ! Il.ll'-I ; tlir SfMilaiis I mil Kin.' fiul i • I It s« tini his hiouehl i c ;on - , I I • • • . om i,| ' i. n't lif'« v is a Nnlir Millir tliifi mlh In tV mil 'I. Will h. no il fill i, ■ " ...: '.I "I tin It. I. | r 11 a i k I'll i ril tooth ill itmln . m. |lmr l« ..inn |tnt thru * >. ! ■ !■ ■: W -h !o • » Klitilr km Km \ ml thr I iihrisitt imnr t . 11.r i|iirst|i>n Hi ill lint - • . ..... 1 : .FINE ii i- 1S r'c' i. h ..I M- I lir *• iu I ins n i ll [>. |»l » Not h.ui" Not mil. thr stinlrnts ImiI I fist I 1st I r II I M |N •. I'nfM-sf I III t jrl'IMIII \H\lt NttW j-- 11|.tn; i • I iiirnji Ho \ I hlr in In uls u .ml .'»♦• t imr ami will »*»«% tin In h M u»» t""1 Nnlir h.ui 11 s si hrilulr is nihil iim* mill hill, an I mIiiii I'MI mils ' i " FOUNTAIN IIM • Will IN \ I lull Mill ION u llh tin- s|. nl in- uiii |ii nt»a hi i t>. |»i i Inr niiiiK .liiun-l the lii-.li 4 11 n ii ml Hut not until thru \!i'l>« . :po< ! |,i SERVICE MiNIl III Ml iihirm • . I• I i " ■" V • • ' ' 1 I • ' If, " Cary Grant says: li1 •s.t. ur still think ihi* huh s ueuiiirnt that' mrtrh Im iter ihi* "a light smoke rates aees higli with my rili i it mil hu..l I N.»|i»' Ihli"' throat" t it t\ rl s it» l> i- hi nki it it"M ii all |" n fU! ! mill t» iiM'li hull l o Mill shun! I mirt'Nul r Haiur is III tim. M.ltn |iii-oi Muhik "• stair -c I '■ link c i'm h't n il iImio tm a lr i hi ti« oi ih ■ si . • ■ i i|.|m ii ..it i It I h si In iliilr \ml. i un il is null a initio! '»l linn ImIoii- tlir tun st hunts Mill In inrrline HI all spoils tin hnl'iii. I«hi|IhII "Linkiii fiuir />.• .'ii ri'euriTI.' /or .* his I ! /.it- si'iiri noii. I roll' l/i.'ii. n 4 slur ♦ i ie.mTii'. They're aliray. eomi to the -k IV..fs Vihiiil Mcctiiitf tlirooi, mi.I ttiilr so mush hrttrr ihun "i" il! other iieortTlt'i that il Menu to me this ' I iKistine'/'rosrss is u stir 11 iiii-u. Vs«, >i hiiht smoke like Luekies rates » aees hii(h nith Imth my ihrout mid ,. J- taste." Ilrl»..lr I .-..111 to tolli ji "' hi. »!i. k V Arrr sRiNr, in mr si« i-'-Ti 11 • e. - N« I lu • i int OOl l MHIA PISTL RF. "WHF.N VOIRE IN EUVI ' fc , 1.» V- ||,f. . h:.d the ■ n .lel .tt.- .. In.i I"5'! . ■ ' tw . th.v A B;iscl>all I'hiNcrs Don't Fool A.n inilopcndcnt survcv was made recently 1 i.» * amonii profcssiunal men and women — lawyers, •lr: W lieu It (ionics to Practicing , thr utH-k' dcKtors, lecturers, scientists, etc. Oi those w ho said I .rill 1st.*.- Ilj.il. I.», I..-I in Sli..|.i' for sirtrl i.f V. ; I \N la*f v> \V . they smoke cigarettes, more than 87' j stated they In..n il S|i, ,n^ Iraiuiiie I t ip. .to .-a •.!.,* ,n r h personally prefer a light smoke. h h o.i.:,-- a M'. i « l la fly tsi. t Mr. Grant verifies the wisdom of this pref¬ - i M rWiih! ? 'oi iii i-.z "t, tvut IS e\}>*- ! H a II* I .I'oi ir McVm , ,J '• t. • h V, ■ • )v at ti >t,.i ' V.r erence, and so do other leading artists of the V h.ia'ih I'Ve" »i.i\ i .. l ot ; ::>k I . ■ T.k • -h ' ■ - m ' V Ti his they NhaUsk.i •i'i.i \Hingham I «"k* IumhI radio, stage, screen and opera. Their voices are po fivk,v i \ -« at*!.on Mii- Sol- tops the latchtfi? w .'h iv:r their fortunes. That's why so many of them ; • flohi. ss M: t?U" !!W!t ; af.lt i .JH vh»wn ti* the Kiighi-c. ttie fti-kt alternate j ? h_. ,hyt sp.M Jgsvc Aorrh Y . al-.? he»»r p'.enty about CI tiT | ia.i.? *!,. !. y tw n j. smoke Luetics. You, too, can have the throat pro¬ •, s ,, n s.~ . 4 WK\li t hi the. \ir oi.i'njvuhsi with hv time State k •. r a •* to. imam* the StaV :\'.li.ngha?n. a abort chunky kid. .. mm . i i . ,,hvi..U'« 3. put m Ixi ii' ;i.i!?,. iviucii the lew any tmseball wh «w ivxftk has impresmt Cua. h" tection Of Luckies—a light smoke, free of certain WKAR M il h. .Villi. « thf i a«i» < ix's - undecw ay . . , ?i t'vtii 11oshmen come j h tw no httle to .date , ! tWitntTMitg mwl uith U. •. n A hp • .«fr< . i-'sa; ?c \ Uu i?mt. .u t In ir.firSd. Clyde Randal} ap- harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process THE FINEST TOBACCOS- K.VIIVI ti'llim I. 'M nfti jxm ':"fe Ut K> s MukI'.-s aflri 4 Scho t'oniing ,4 Mil c<.." .fikim to till the jdioes \ a- , It's Toasted". Luckies arc gentle on the throat. "THE CREAM OF THE CROP" Ktartuiic a' 3 « cluck It w h> •(> n. There are pitcher*, catcher* ss ,Sci-o the fiery catcher and eatcd by Fred Zicgel at first Ran* ! Um? tVi|vt^fnu' a cuinmtng m< * t '■nfireldeis a'fal outfielders -all hat- »>ther ,c\»*c«|>taln, joins the .l.iii h.»> shown up well at the h»» rt cr tH*« n bukidrust ft cm team next, week. At present Steve | sti nrx<- tV'St ll.it per Scott, is the 1 A Light Smoke ;•:»»< l'i 'job* and a trip down Michigan State. south dormg the springs vacation i* working in the training roottv; only vetetan infielder boek. He'*] : On Monday afternoon, at 4 sraMin. • jrivibh.ng the aims of h.» fellow a v-h.Mistopper o'ctovfcr"tbv *late station will Time Out to Eat , mates I vhnhardt tops the xrutlklders. ftivo broadest thr swimming Around six o'clock. Kofc» ' Ket>* dixsnd say much, but it w ,tn Stumpy Barrmger, Johnny j meet Wisconsin with the I'mversity of Al Theiler, sports tditor of the News, will handle etally" halts the sessions for an houi or so to tnab'e the gang to gas- up at the nearest restaurant or w have s a kfiown fact that Spartans will Kt;k. Sootty MacGrain and Merle in game* next plenty of what it lakes to 5 Stemm all experienced flychan-rs spring. j tcdmg for the two remaining po* It*s Toasted"-Your Throat Protection There's George Hill and M AGAINST IRRITATION—AGAINST COUGH IM broadcasts. fiat house. jsitioos. CVPWhimt.1 J At seven the fellows arc back In Hcnki U a couple of veteran pitch-' It won't U? Kmg now*s