oncer patient arrested while awaiting treatment T"® DPS detectives had originally in March 1976, it sent two officers to the . state News Stall Writer w,ren ne Jusl appeared to clinic to pick him up. of the arrest. appointment and that I needed the treat for treatment. I sl 0f a Lulling man by the be iT. l. 7 loitering around the area," Sgt. James ment," Jones said Tuesday. "It was a life and Sof Public Safety (DPS) Monday Dunlap, one of the detectives, said. "We've had a lot of thefts over Campbell, who was not present when the "I didn't know how ill he is," "I'm just finding out about it Meyer said. death situation." "Whoever answered the phone (at DPS)," ,t the MSU Clinical Center hu there." two DPS officers arrested Jones, said, "The today. He Campbell said, "was not a particularly (Jones) indicated that he had cancer of the liharply critidied by the man's 1 " Jones, however, said Tuesday the de¬ patient was abducted, if you will, from the lymph nodes and that he was under "This chemical is something I have to sensitive individual. He told me that Jones' pr Ear! Campbell, who haa been tectives told him they were questioning waiting room. have," Jones said. "They're trying to get the arrest was none of my business." him because he fit the treatment. ./him lor the fourth stage of description of a black cancer under control. When they tell me I He said when he called Ingham County I.. disease since late November, man wearing an Army jacket who had "Nobody had tried to find out why they "I informed him that there is a doctor at need the treatment, I need it right then. Jail, he was referred to the jail nurse, who had taken him away. It just i Jones, 20, while waiting for a roDDed a woman. happened. the jail and that he would receive care." "It (the arrest) is something that could had no authority to release Jones from the "I told them, 'Well, "I particularly don't like the 4 chemotherapy treatment of the ' you know, we all look way the police have waited until after the treatment." jail. r, was taken Monday from the alike,'" Jones said. handled it, nor did I like their attitude." Meyer said that none of the nurses at the ■ waiting room and arrested on a The detectivea ran a 'clinic told him about Jones' It took Campbell several hours on the Jones was eventually brought back to the " computer check on DPS Lt. Terry Meyer, one of the chemotherapy clinic later that afternoon and was given his d warrant for nonpayment of child Jones, and when DPS learned treatments. phone with officials at DPS and the Ingham Ingham arresting officers, said Tuesday he did not County had issued a warrant for his arrest know the extent of Jones' illness at the time County Jail, where Jones was subsequently treatment. "I told the officers that I had an taken, to convince them to bring Jones back (continued on page 6) FBI spied VOIUME7) NUMBER 41 on radicals WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2,1977 MICHIGAN STATEUNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 J irter reaffirms at Central By SUE STEWARD his staff was called by the FBI about State News Staff Writer activities of the YSA. |and on By JAME8 GER8TENAZANG rights The FBI, with the help of officials at Central Michigan University, monitored activities of the Young Socialist Alliance (YSA) from 1971 to 1975, government documents reveal. But Abel said that FBI calls to public safety are quite common. For instance, the FBI calls about every faculty member who receives a federal grant, but Abel said the information which public safety releases is Associated Prsss Writer The documents, expected to be released already public information. ..INGTON (AP) — President Jimmy Carter told Soviet at a press conference in Detroit "Had I known about the practice, or had today, were jt Vladimir K. Bukovsky at a White House meeting obtained at part of a federal suit filed in Boyd when he was president, we would jy that he will not be "timid" in his pronouncements on July 1973 by the Socialist Workers Party have put a stop to the monitoring practice," | rights and that the U.S. "commitment to the concept of and the YSA against the FBI, the CIA and Abel said. "But when the FBI calls public j rights ia permanent." other agencies. safety, the officials there aren't always ■Carter said he wants his public statements on human rights "The documents show that the YSA at aware of the motives of the FBI. fproductive and not counterproductive." Central was surveyed by the FBI from 1971 (continued on 6) L fue of strong Soviet protests over Carter's human rights to 1975," Howard Simon, executive director page Laments, the President told Bukovsky that he wanted "to of the Michigan American Civil Liberties Kthat our own nation and countries other than the Soviet Union (ACLU), said Tuesday. ■are constantly aware that we want to pursue the freedom of "The documents tlto appear to show Tuils and their right to express themselves." Jtr's 10-minute visit with Bukovsky in the Rooeevelt Room, ■ahallway from the Oval Office, wis in marked contrast with •President Gerald R. Ford's refusal to meet Soviet dissident great collusion between university admin¬ istrators and the FBI in monitoring the number of members in the organization and Suspect the degree of organization among group arraigned •der Solzhenitsyn. members," Simon said. ■ President Walter F. Mondale's press secretary, A1 Elsele, William Boyd, president of CMU from Id on both meetings. 1968 to 1975, said Tuesday that he found the Jrding to Eisele, Carter told Bukovsky: allegations unbelievable. J commitment to the concept of human rights is permanent "If that occurred, it occurred at a level [don't intend to be timid in my public statements and outside of my range of interest," said Boyd, now president of the University of Oregon. in murder |rrsky, whose civil rights activities led him to spend 12 of his However, Harold Abel, president of ft in Russian prisons, was released from a Soviet jail in CMU, said Tuesday that the allegations in By MICHAEL MACKSOOD her. His freedom wu tied to Chile's release of Luis part are founded. and DEBBIE WOLFE |an. a Chilean Communist who then met with Leonid "It appears to be true that the FBI State News Staff Writers tt on the Soviet leader's 70th birthday, monitored activities of the YSA," Abel said Steven E. Luplow, 23, of Saginaw, waa rding to Eisele, Mondale asked Bukovsky what sustained Tuesday after he was given reprints of the arraigned on an open charge of murder Id his colleagues in their fight for human rights and the APWirepholo It's documents. Tuesday afternoon in East Lansing District said: tough, but give it all you've got from start to finish, and you just "But that university administrators were Court in connection with the ■ shooting death it and foremost is trust, faith in people, faith might come up winning. Ask 3-year-old Chris Molburg of New Hamp¬ involved is purely speculation," he said. of his ex-wife. in the future nth in the human values for which we stand." shire, champion of this weekend's "Kid and Mutt" dog sled competition. The director of public safety at CMU told Judge Daniel L. Tschirhart remanded Abel that it is "very likely" that someone on Luplow to the Ingham County Jail to be held without bond while awaiting his preliminary examination in East Lansing. The exam was set for 1:30 p.m. March 8. hurt to decide future of V programs If at the preliminary examination the prosecutor can show a crime was committed and that there is probable cause to believe Luplow might have committed the crime, then the matter will be sent to the Circuit ■lis part of a State News series of antidiscrimination statutes is to end discrimination has been found. Court in Lansing. that may be discriminatory, developing a ve action both nationally and at preference, especially preference for white An executive order handed down in 1968 goals and timetables. Luplow is charged with the shooting written plan to end discrimination and its The 1972 amendment prohibited sex males," according to a report published by death of Sheryl A. Luplow, a 22-year-old prohibited not only discrimination by I»! KRISTIN VANVOR8T the Project on the Status and Education of federal contractors as stated in Title VH effect, and notifying employes of nondis¬ discrimination in employment in higher MSU student who was shot Monday in Olds ■ state News Stall Writer Women, Association of American Colleges, criminatory policies. It may also include education, sex-based quotas and unequal Hall. but also required employers to commit mutation suits, affirmative ac- in September 1976. advertising all positions, eliminating bias in entrance requirements for colleges and Sheryl Luplow of 607 Virginia Street wu themselves to affirmative action programs, the advertising, actively recruiting women wi'-Jis and antidiscrimination poli- "Furthermore, the courts have indicated universities. It also provided for equality of taken to Sparrow Hospital in Lansing after according to the 1975 edition of the and minorities and developing criteria for a kilive and breathing across the that both numerical goals and affirmative Handbook On Women Workers. opportunity for fellowships and scholar¬ she wu shot Monday at approximately 2:35 certain job, hiring and promoting on the * the future of these programs in action in employment are legal and do not ships and access to courses and services, p.m. According to a Michigan Civil Rights basis of merit and developing numerical (continued on page 14) Jution and business is hanging on a constitute preference when undertaken to Commission spokesperson, MSU is a federal She died at approximately 5:50 p.m. after ■tobe issued by the U.S..Supreme remedy past discriminatory practices." contractor under the order because it an hour and a half of surgery. T»term. MSU implemented its first affirmative receives federal assistance for research and After an autopsy early Tuesday morning, "rt will decide if such programs action program in 1970 two years before the Ingham County Medical Examiner — grants. a™1, special school admissions P - illegally discriminate against Title IX of the Education Amendments passed, five years after Title VII of the Civil was The executive order requires federal contractors "to undertake specific steps, Member of ACLU reported the official cause of death shot wound to the head. u a gun Capt. Ferman A. Badgley, of the Depart¬ Rights Act, which prohibited discrimination including the development of numerical ment of Public treatment has already been whether or not the institution received hiring goals, to ensure that there is no Safety (DPS), said Luplow Pogsl under Title VH of the Civil wu arrested at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at the target of investigation federal funds, was passed and two years discrimination with regard to employes and Wind Title IX of the Education after an executive order was handed down Regal 8 Inn, on South Cedar in Lansing, "rata of 1972. applicants for employment," according to after police received information on his requiring federal contractors to implement the status report. "Mlal treatment is whereabouts from his family. w ictton prohibited in affirmative action programs. Only the executive order requires these The arrest wu made without incident by programs," said Robert In its first annual report on affirmative steps to remedy the effects of discrimina¬ By SUE STEWARD sives because of political affiliation. vice president for State News Staff Writer the DPS with assistance from Luplow's University action, the University said, "MSU is tion whether or not prior discrimination has The squad has since been declared relations. "Sometimes this is dedicated to the principles of equal oppor¬ been found. Under the order affirmative A member of the American Civil Liber¬ family and the Lansing Police Department, unconstitutional by two Michigan courts action is a contractual obligation. ties Union (ACLU) announced Tuesday he Badgley said. tunity and affirmative action." and ordered dismantled. is required to give Title VH does not require affirmative Affirmative action under the executive was the target of investigation by the Luplow wu held at the DPS after the But a Michigan Appeals Courts order arrest until his arraignment Tuesday. r to women or minorities; the goal action programs unless a pattern of order may include self-evaluation of policies Michigan State Police subversive activities prevents the state police from destroying unit (Red Squad). Sheryl Luplow wu a first-term freshman any of the files until some decision is handed Ann Arbor attorney Raymond majoring in psychology. She wu also down from two lawsuits filed against the employed by the Psychology Department in SU provost may get prez job Clevenger, a former U.S. Legislator, dis¬ closed his own Michigan State Police file at a press conference showing that he was state police charging illegal spying, (continued on page 6) Olds Hall u a secretary. (continued on page 61 investigated only because of his member¬ ship in the ACLU. Clevenger's file indicates that the ACLU as an organization was Oklahoma State University monitored by the Red Squad as well. "My file proves that thousands of unsuspecting Michigan citizens have for many years been paying good tax dollars Meanhickey applicants when the selection process began last * spring after the former president said he would only to be themselves surveyed, harassed and intimidated," Clevenger said in Detroit. inside Lawrence Boger is a candidate resign by February of this year. The council is "Under the State Police guidelines, Gov. What's new with PBB7 Lots. it ™ °'.president " Oklahoma State looking for an applicant with administrative Miltiken himself, as well as Mrs. Milliken, And lots and lots. Most of It on [ r™8 to a source in Oklahoma abilities and an agricultural and international must also be targets of police investigation psgeS. background, East said. only because they are members of the A significant ruling by the "»lt/omm*nt on the matter and "Boger is one of the top runners out of the four ACLU." Supreme Court on district rOklX * of hu «ndidacy for the finalists because he meets several of the Ingham boundaries. On the bach page. requirements and backgrounds they are looking County Circuit Court Judge basssassM for both administratively and agriculturally," he said. Thomas L. Brown disputed the claim that the Red Squad targeted the ACLU for weather surveillance. Brown said, however, that K?h0°! °'four """Nta being The former president, Robert Kamm, was paid figures appeared to have Today's weather will be a lotion "0Uld "mo,t Uk,ly" a salary of $50,000 a year and East said the sum some government been mentioned for merely appearing at little warmer with increuingly "could possibly be renegotiated, but would more 0f ei*ht """bata two than likely remain the same." meetings which were under surveillance. cloudy skies and a high tem¬ perature in the low to middle Ekm "'Friday the Presidential East said Boger will have to go to Oklahoma Clevenger's file was the first state police file on an individual obtained following a 30s. In other words, it'll be frbiwiu? main 'bst down to four. These City in the near future for a final interview before more of the ume strictly confidential," East the selection committee. He said interviews for recent Ingham County court order. delightful The Red Squad collected secret files on March weather. Enjoy, enjoy. two of the candidates were held just last week, *tl,osen from list of (continued Lnwrenee Boger thousands of citizens considered subver¬ a over 150 en page 6) 2 Michigan State News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Morchj ■I9» I Tourist gets out SPQjCUS: world of Uganda safely i^iwc State Univeri NAIROBI. Kenya (AP) - A the nuclear-powered carrier Shinn said he left Kampala on ue New Jersey tourist, apparently Enterprise steamed off East Sunday after the West German L'g * own campus Africa, but U.S. officials played diplomats who handle Ameri¬ Wayne State Gandhi, aunt clash in campaign the first American to leave Uganda since President Idi down the possibility of a mili¬ can affairs in Uganda told him »ttoany attemf Amin allowed U.S. citizens to tary rescue mission, and Radio the travel ban applied not to jjjnination of Jul NEW DELHI, India (AP) — Prim* name, but their opposing messages were depart, said Tuesday he wasn't Uganda quoted Amin as saying tourists but to the 240 Ameri¬ JfWayne State S Minister Indira Gandhi and h*r dear Gandhi sought votes in the bothered but was glad to get he had no intention of holding living in Uganda, most of ■week praising tl 76-year- as cans Tj education pro old aunt crossed campaign swords here coming parliamentary elections for her out. the Americans hostage. them missionaries in outlying "I Lcouncil'spurpot Tuesday in the nation's increasingly ruling Congress party while Vijaya was a happy man when I Amin had scheduled his stepped across the border into hilar program as bitter electoral debate the future of Lakshmi Pandit meeting with the Americans for "At time did I feel any over campaigned for the new no LUniversity is i Indian democracy. opposition Janata (Peoples') party and its Kenya," said Robert Shinn, 25, Monday, but over the weekend personal threat," said Shinn, tent-Faculty Coun of Spring Lake Heights, N. J. "and Ugandans I met who this From early morning until after dusk, allies. he postponed it until Wednes¬ tk»» in El Salvador presidegtiii the two women barnstormed around the Pandit is the sister of the late Shinn said he arrived in the day. On Tuesday he put it off realized I was an American wa. ,0B by fr.«d Ti^*> Uganda capital of Kampala last nation's sprawling capital addressing separate political rallies. Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first prim* minister, whose only child was Indira Saturday not knowing that the indefinitely and said Americans could go about their business were very friendly." Shinn, interviewed in Nairobi Emesj^U, day before Amin had ordered They never attacked each other by Gandhi. all Americans in Uganda not to "within or outside Uganda." wearing a "Tourism in Uganda" i cosys leave the country until he met Radio Uganda quoted Amin T-shirt, said he took a bus to Solzhenitsyn meel \ofed with them. as saying he had changed his the Kenyan border after talk¬ Amin had charged 5,000 plans because Carter was "still ing with the West Germans and E. Germany announces wall fee Marines were poised to invade new and young and not familiar with African affairs." crossed the frontier without incident. Uganda and said he was ready ByNAl BERLIN (AP) — East Germany on Tuesday announced a 10-mork fee, about the price for a foreigner crossing into East Berlin to about $9. to repel any "task force." A spokesperson for President In New York, U.N. Secre¬ tary-General Kurt Waldheim Shinn said there were about 12 American tourists in Kam¬ Vermont neighbol I An State Ne Alabama-boi Jimmy Carter said the United said Uganda's ambassador had pala and none had been $4.20 for every car crossing the Wall from States would do "whatever is told him Americans in Uganda harassed. He said he had not CAVENDISH, Vt. (AP) is personally The new move affects all cars except - Exiled Russian ,uthor Al West Berlin into the Communist sector, necessary" to insure the safety met with any Americans who were in no danger and might Solzhenitsyn, a grateful newcomer to Vermont's al those of military or diplomatic personnel El Interior list told the latest in a series of moves to of Americans in Uganda. leave the country if they live permanently in the East of the Western allies, who cross the 10 democracy, has emerged from seclusion to greet his » lit that animals discourage Western contacts with East A U.S. Navy task force led by wished. African country. the first time at a New England town meeting fs world but a: Berliners. checkpoints along the 110-mile barrier around West Berlin for free. Charging Soviet agents with slipping death'threats u tosystem. Diplomats said the fees are also part of gate. Solzhenitsyn apologized to his neighbors at the Cm* | Lewis Regenstei quickening Communist drive to fully West Berlin spokespersons said the Town Meeting for his reclusive a lifestyle and for the fenol JieFund for Animi integrate East Berlin into East Germany. effect of the new toll was immediate and built around his spacious new estate. PLAN CREATES ENERGY DEPARTMENT He told his neighbors the barricade was to |ihere the environ The new toll, along with visa fees and traffic across the line was down by as much as a third at some crossing points. agents from harassing him. discoursal* i after the mandatory currency exchanges, raised Messages have been put under my gate with threats to I [ One example of Consolidation proposal and my family," the 58-year-old Nobel elaborating. Prize-winner said J action of the on T | Regenstein said Accompanied by his wife, Natalya, Solzhenitsyn also J |rerc abundant with Traditionalists demand Latin Masses fence was vital to his writing. 1 n experien WASHINGTON (AP) - President (ERDA) and the Federal Power Commis¬ "I like it very much here, but I don't want the Jimmy Carter proposed Tuesday the crea¬ sion (FPC). feu I f predatory fish, PARIS (AP) Romon Catholic tradi¬ church on Sunday, seising the micro¬ unpleasant for you here. All my life consists of only oostif — tion of a Department of Energy to Carter said the purpose of the proposed datory fish increi tionalists demanding Masses in Latin phone from Cure Pierre Bellego and work. And the characteristic of my work does not v) for food decline consolidate existing federal energy agen¬ reorganization was to "give us one govern¬ permit J occupied a medievol Paris church for the forcing him out while hundreds of cies and to oversee the energy policies he mental body with sufficient scope and interruptions and pauses," he explained. I | He said it was the third day Tuesday and tried to drag awoy worshipers watched. will announce next month and that he hopes "My fence prevents your snowmobiles and hunters (rial datory fish in authority to do the massive job that on their way. I am sorry for that and ask odile resulted in its 64-year-old parish priest. Abbot Louis Coache, 57, leader of the Congress will adopt. remains to be done" in coping with U.S. you to forgive msj had to protect myself from certain types of The traditionalists, numbering about traditionalists, said they would stay until The proposed new department will take energy needs. disturbances,^ He said his decision to settle in this south-central Yen d fish and the oi 100, vowed to stay on in the 13th century they got a church of their own, or over regulation of oil, natural gas and James R. Schlesinger, who u expected to ering to the fis of 1,200 people, nestled among the rolling Green M church of Saint Nicholas du Chardonnet in permission to use other Paris churches electric power and share with the Interior head the new department if it is approved no accident. dent. HHe chose Cavendish because of the "simple is the Latin Quarter and pray until thejr for several hours daily to hear the Latin Department management of oil, gas, coal by Congress, said the consolidation would of the people, the countryside and the long winters si demands are met. They took over the Rite instead of French-language services. and other energy sources on federal land. achieve greater efficiency but not neces¬ which remind me of Russia." Initial congressional reactions to his plans sarily reduce the number of government for the energy Cabinet post appeared favorable though some possible controversy employes in energy programs. Schlesinger said the bill was aimed at It was one of many references to his homeland dt 20-minute speech. "The Russian people dream of the day they can be Hh Bus was anticipated over two key elements of establishing a national framework for from the Soviet system," he said. the package. By GEORGIA energy policy, not the policy itself. "When that day comes, I will thank you very much to Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn., chair¬ State News 8 The new department would take over a I those people accusi good friends and neighbors, and I will go home." person of the Senate Government Opera¬ number of programs from other agencies, tions Committee which will review the Speaking through an interpreter Monday night, S< n. Capital Area Tri including: likened the Soviet Communist system to "a sickness" which Al bus out to Meridi proposal, announced he would introduce it eFrom the Interior Department, the the Russian people have been suffering for 60 years. ave to find another I in the Senate and that it will be cosponsored regional electric power marketing pro¬ "In many countries this sickness has been spreading. 71 East Lansing Trant by a number of prominent senators includ¬ grams; the Bureau of Mines fuel data way to guarantee that it won't spread to other countries,"! Ifonday night meetii ing Democratic leader Robert C. Byrd, program and coal technology research; a "I shall soon be 60. But in all my life before, I have nevi D-W.Va. louncil's approval ol major share of authority over the leasing of permanent home. Carter's proposal would create a new federal energy resources; and control over "It is difficult for you to imagine the Soviet condition department with a staff of 19,767 and a the rate of exploration of Naval Petroleum there are many people there who cannot live where they Carter leaves draft possibility open fiscal 1978 budget of some $10.6 billion, Reserve Number Four in Alaska, due for said. absorbing entirely the present Federal transfer from the Navy to the Interior When he had finished, Solzhenitsyn received a standing Energy Administration (FEA), the Energy Department on July 1 under earlier legisla¬ from the crowd in the local school's assembly hall. He WASHINGTON (AP) - President Car¬ The President said that Research and Development Administration Defense tion. shake hands with several townspeople and left the ter said Tuesday has has no present Secretary Harold Brown ond the Joint quietly as he entered — leaving the town to transact its I intention of reviving the military draft, Chiefs of Staff are now but left open the assessing the possibility that such effectiveness of the all-volunteer force The Stole Newt st published by the ttudentt of Mic higon Stote University every class day action might be necessary in the future. recruiting. iring Fall Winter ond Spring school terms Monday. Wednesday and Fridays, during Term ond mmet a special Welcome Week edition is published in September. Subecrip- Speaking in the Pentagon's open air His first words in response to a »n rote it S20 per yeor court before several thousond of the Second class pottoge paid ot East tonsmg. Mich. Ediloriol ond business offices ot 345 question about how he feels on the issue udent Services Bldg. Michigan Stote University last Lansing, Mkh.. 48823. 22,000 military personnel ond civilians of going back to the draft for the ~ tend form 3579 regular ite to Stote News. 34S Student Services Building in care who work in the building, Carter said that services or the military reserves, Carter if a return to the draft should be said, "That's a decision that's not yet considered in the future "my inclination been mode." would be to make it comprehensive," However, he added, "At the present with no special exemptions such as time, I have intention of no going back to college deferments. a mandatory draft law." Display Advertising... Apparent virus kills two CDC employes Foreign Students ATLANTA (AP) — The national Center what oppeared to be a viral Overseas Study Participants for Disease Control, asked infection, the frequently to CDC said. Interested Students 8 Faculty investigate mysterious ailments through¬ to« am myitis re am mtmnatiomai. out the world, began Tuesday to try to George Flowers, 49, who delivered solve the mystery of a disease that killed two of its own scientific supplies throughout the build¬ Thursday, March 3,1977 employes. ing, died in an Atlanta hospital Sunday. 4:00 - 5:30 P.M. Both men worked in the laboratory Robert Dubingon, 43, a retired military First FImt SUM Lmp, En*** kiWif building where virus diseases are man who worked in the maintenance (•crott from M» Intfnnllonol Cants') studied. They were stricken last Wed¬ department, died at Ft. McPherson Army Sponsored by tin Foreign Student Office and Office of Overieoi nesday, with identical symptoms, by Hospital in Atlanta early Tuesday. siwfy. SPRING FLOWERS ARE U-M strike negotiations collapse ANN ARBOR (UPI) — Negotiations between striking employes and the Local 1583 continued their week-old IN walkout. University of Michigan collapsed Tuesday despite intervention by a state mediator. A university statement said Mediator Thomas Badoud met with the im¬ passe was reached after Badoud dis¬ both sides separately during the day as 2,200 members of American Federation of State, County and cussed demands with union and university representatives in the private DAISIES Municipal Employes sessions. New speed limit imposed for trucks 1.98 dozen LANSING (UPI) - State Police Tuesday developed in response to a number of imposed a 50-mile-per-hour speed limit recent spectacular crashes involving on trucks transporting flammable cargos. The new speed limit — down from 55 and effective tandem tank trucks. The rules, however, will cover all Norm Kesel Florist immediately — was in¬ trucks transporting flammable liquid cluded in a package of or emergency rules compressed gas. 109 E. Grand River 337-1331 I wichignn Stole Newt, Eott looting, Michiqon Wednesday, March 2, 1977 3 WSU groups pledge to support By ANNE STUART 8Ute News SUif Writer programs." drafted an "almost identical" statement, according to board eliminated. Since all tenured faculty will be kept, and also much of Copies were mailed to the JMC Student Caucus, ASMSU, the Lnropos«l "change of mission" for MSU's residential Justin State News and JMC Acting Dean Barbara Ward. president Colleen Jensen. "All we're trying to say is that Monteith is in the the administrative staff, very little, if any, cost saving will be ICollege (JMC) teems to be causing as much controversy at "I have no idea why a group comparable to our Academic being phased out. We knew that we were only the first. We firmly process of effected. M State University at it is on the undergraduate liberal arts Council would take time to be involved in passing such a believe that people have the right to choose the kind of education "The basic question, then, is whether we are committed to this U'i own campus. resolution," Ward said. type of education, or, rather, should we place a higher priority on C Wayne State organisations recently pledged their fuU that they want." "It's obvious that they do not understand the money. We must decide, today, whether this concept, this mode of new direction of Both resolutions were patterned after a resolution to my attempts by ASMSU or other MSU groups "to stop the adopted at education, is worth saving, or whether we should scrap it entirely college," she said. last month's state Democratic convention in Detroit, where the -Hmination of Justin Morrill College." March for the sake of a few dollars." Koenigsberg, the Wayne State Student-Faculty Council J?W,yne State Student-Faculty Council passed a resolution chairperson and a Monteith student, said that the elimination of party went on record general education" and as reaffirming "its support of quality of While all three resolutions focus on the possible phasing-out of Keek praising the college as a "progressive and creative Monteith had pointed to an inevitable fate for JMC. as opposing "the proposed elimination of the present curriculum of Justin Morrill College." the undergraduate liberal arts curriculum, none mention the T.j education program ... in danger of being eliminated." "We knew when the groundwork was laid out to eliminate proposal to transform JMC into the administrative unit for the "The purpose of JMC is to give students a rigorous general L council's purpose for issuing the statement was the fact that Monteith that it was only a matter of time before Lifelong Education program. they got to education designed to promote critical and creative thinking — to Lj|.r program as offered by Monteith College here at Wayne JMC," she said. The resolutions also contrast with the recent resolution of [university is presently being eliminated . . . (and) the develop learning skills which JMC students will use long after MSU's Student Council, which drafted a statement last week Shortly after the passage of the Student-Faculty Council's their college years become nostalgia," the resolution reads in Ujt Fsculty Council is opposed to elimination of any quality resolution to support JMC, the Monteith College Student Board "It is claimed that money will be saved if the present program is part. expressing "extreme dismay" over the procedures used to carry out the proposed moratorium on freshman admissions to JMC. MODELING MAKES FOR RELAXING PASTIME icosysfem needs animals, Loted environmentalist says Hobby scales down frustration By NANCY JARVIS 'No one dreamed this State News Staff Writer isted until it relationship ex¬ was too late to do J anything By MICHAEL SAVEL individual goals, but a typical An Alabama-born environmentalist who about it," Regenstein said. The $100 investment goes to most part does not involve and skilled laborers. State News Staff Writer ■j personally credited with adding 159 A similar problem came about in the People from diverse profes¬ project would mean at least a purchase an airbrush for about students. The Lansing Scale Modelers ■endangered species to the U.S. Department canals along the Eastern seaboard after the 10-hour time investment," $30 and a compressor for about "Most students have no Club meets on the first Friday sions, from University adminis¬ Interior list told MSU students Monday sea cow became extinct. Hammond said. "One has to be $60. The prices of kits range money, time or space to work of each month. Any modelers or trators to Oldsmobile line wor¬ ehl that animals not only add beauty to Regenstein said when these animals willing to invest money to get from 49 cents to over $100. on it," he said. "It is a good anyone with an interest in kers, retreat to their work¬ way m's world but are also necessary to the into it like any other hobby. A disappeared, the canals became overgrown shops often Rider's Hobby Shop on Trow¬ to take a vacation from school modeling is welcome to join. eosystem. with water hyacinths, a on a nightly basis photographer for example, and a good way to avoid exams plant considered a for hours on end to toil with bridge Road has all the equip¬ For more information contact would not just buy a Brownie. J Lewis Regenstein, executive director of weed because of its undesirability. delicate plastic kits and air¬ To get serious there is a large ment necessary to get started, during finals week." Ellis Hammond in the Adminis¬ Be Fund for Animals, cited many instances As a solution, he said, the and Michael Allen, manager of Allen said most of the clien¬ tration Building Rider's government brushes to recreate vintage or there the environment was severly dis- chose to bring in poisonous chemicals to kill investment involved." the shop, said modeling for the tele consists of professionals Hobby Shop. cars, aircraft and ships. ipled after the loss of one species of the water hyacinths - a step which may Scale modeling, the art of _nimal. cause further environmental damage. recreating vintage relics to the J One example of this involves the near In some instances, Regenstein said, the last intricate detail, is merely a Rxtinction of the once prevalent crocodile. loss of particular species may hamper the pastime for some, but an obses¬ 1 Regenstein said the areas which once future disease control of man. sion for others. ie abundant with crocodile and then lost It has recently been discovered that some Like any other hobby, it m soon experienced excessive numbers species of mollusks secrete substances provides a sense of relaxation i| predatory fish. As the number of which are a source of drugs and medicines and edatory fish increased, the number of fish for man. Regenstein said there are accomplishment. In Lan¬ already sing there is a scale modeler's ed for food declined. many species of extinct mollusks. club, where about 30 members | He said it was the crocodile that kept the "This may deny the human race a future get together monthly to show redatory fish in check. The loss of cure for cancer," he said. off their finished works and :odile resulted in a reduced number of There are currently over 1,000 endan¬ discuss problems they are id fish and the outcome was a serious gered or threatened species today. Regen- having. But for the most part, lering to the fishing industry. (continued from page 5) scale modeling is a private hobby, something to work on alone in the privacy of a workshop down in the corner of basement. Bus a runs By GEORGIA HAN8HEW may be cut "It's a change of pace for me after dealing in the office with these graduate students all cappers. day," said Ellis Hammond, as¬ State Newi Staff Writer Mainline CATA buses are not currently sociate director of foreign and I those people accustomed to catching the accessible to handicappers, though CATA has graduate admissions, and pres¬ In. Capital Area Transportation Authority voted to purchase only accessible buses in the ident of the Lansing chapter of hi bus out to Meridian Mall every day may future. the scale modelers club. "It's an live to find another mode of transportation. Murphy has said SHC would like to open some opportunity to express your¬ | List Lansing Transportation Commission cooperatives in East Lansing to handicapper self. It sort of extends my diy night meeting voted to recommend students, but is concerned about their ability to personality." icil's approval of a CATA proposal to find transportation to campus. Scale modeling is a craft that ie several early morning and evening At present, CATA has two minibuses with takes long hard hours of deli¬ nsing-Meridian Mall bus runs. wheelchair lifts which operate on a demand- cate work. At times a modeler ■A conducted a ridership study in No- response system. Murphy has indicated that he has worked on a project for pr 1976, and concluded that too few people does not feel these minibuses would be adequate weeks and then had to junk it. li these particular trips to make them for the handicapper students' needs. "There are control factors |ihile. Ken Woods of the city planning department involved," Hammond said. "You arned the highest number of riders on told commissioners that he could not find any can put in the necessary devo¬ ftl 5 and 6 a.m. trips to Meridian Mall and actual written policy concerning accessibility. tion and dedication on a project town Lansing was seven people per trip. However, the former transportation committee, and then see that it will never |S:24 a.m. trip to Meridian Mall averaged which preceded the commission, had written up work out and have to toss it *********************************************** j««thalf rider per trip, CATA reported. some proposed transportation policies that were into the waste basket." cases, eliminating the various runs will hiving a 24-minute "headway" - the never acted upon. One policy proposal was to maintain a mass The Lansing Scale Modelers Club has 30 members, with only Writing contest opens Bell's Pizza pof time between each run — instead of transit system to serve all residents for all kinds two associated with the Univer¬ «112-minute headway. of trips, Woods said. Budding writers are welcome to enter the eighth annual Creative sity. Many of the members are Writing Contest, jointly sponsored by the Department of English RCATA proposal will probably come before The commission planned to invite Murphy and old war buffs whose main and the Red Cedar Review. All MSU students can try for the $100, Won't take a slice jUt'erits March 15 meeting. handicapper representatives to their next meet¬ interest is in creating old war $50 'and $25 prizes that will be awarded for fiction and out of your business, the commission discussed a im Joe ing, and investigate the matter in the meantime. craft, and others create perfect The judge for this year's contest is Conrad poetry. Hilberry, a budget Murphy, president of the Student "Right now, we're not prepared to respond to replicas of vintage cars and "well-reputed poet in the state." according to Review editor F«ndy ^Corporation "cy (SHC), inquiring about the Mr. Murphy," commission Chairperson William ships. Roorda. Opon from 11:00 a.m. concerning transportation for handi- Taylor said. "The mixture in the club The deadline for all entries is March 15 and the winners will be froo deliveries from 4:30 p.m. comes from all lines," Ham announced on April 18. Entries can either be brought to the mond said. "We have artists, English Department Office in Morrill Hall, or sent to the Red Cedar Review taert to use model in talk pilots, professors and factory workers all with different pur suits and goals in modeling." office, also in Morrill Hall. All entries must be available for publication in the Review. ^ 225M.A.C. 332 - 5027 I J irton the world food said Bill Stout, professor of Getting into scale modeling sity, will speak at 3:30 today in h will be giving a B-102 Wells Hall on the topic agricultural engineering. involves a large time and public ■# MSU today, where he "World Food: A Three-Dimen- Murray is sponsored by the financial commitment. One has YOUR RESPONSE REQUESTED... Available NOW on the mezzanine at Global Issues Seminar, the to be willing to spend at least 10 Tjke the complex food sional Model of Production, Department of Agricultural hours on a typical project and Mike Marshall wants MSU's Intramural Sports f1 hit easier to under- Demand and Nutrition." ^^ptudent IS Jith libit he the help of a plastic will assemble "At the lecture, the audience will actually see the model Engineering and International Studies and Programs. make a $100 initial investment. "Of course it depends on and Recreative Services to know how many ol the 44,000 MSU students and the thousands c ook tc OPEN 1:30-5:00 DAILY ■ha talk. assembled of the flow of re¬ of MSU taculty and employees have used or (Across from Qlln) RjX. Murray, director sources, like energy, into the would like to use the Men's Intramural Build¬ Pttional Food and En- world food system. The idea is tonight-Saturday ing's Turf Arena's two tennis courts. Mike Tjjpam Center for Stra- to look to the future and predict Marshall asks that you telephone this number Jwlnternational input and food PADPLEFOOT I FROM COLLEGEDAYS TIL HER TRAGIC DEATH I Studies, the resource 353-9589 and tell them that you want to use ■ of Georgetown Univer¬ output on a worldwide basis," these two tennis courts. In order that the IM -THE MOST INTIMATE ACCOUNT OF I ACOUSTIC AFTERNOONS UP TO does not think that only a few persons are call¬ SYLVIA PLATH S LIFE I ing repeatedly, give your name and university I? Off 33% OFF MIXED DRINKS 4-8 ptn MEN'S OR WOMEN'S i position when you call to put your name on HAIRCUTS Barbara Box ALL STA*R FROGS the list of tennis court users. Thank you, signed, Mike Marshall. LETTERS Safari ,, 5'*wli •HOME ^aground r SYLVIA "Salon IWCNwMM.-lWai-E.rf (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) Hagodorn. Catch CATA but ot M.A C I AlbarI Or. Villi tampui location at 309 ANNOUNCING: ■ PLAIT FREE! Abboll (upllalil l-l. Stata Sank) ["■■■■■WW Akboll tupiial'i — ^ RRRIDRNT ASSISTANT Greenpeace POSITIONS FOR 1977-78 a "A fascinating "Save the Seals" ACADIMIC YR AR and essential document Film & E. Lansing's Own Off-campus students and students interested in i Buy any Medium ...the best biography of her available" Pretty Shakey String Band applying for Resident Assistant positions in halls i At the regular price Tizza Etkajong other' than their place of residency may submit an application to the Head Resident Advisor in the hall Get Identical PIZZA ■ re IA BANTAM BOOK/WHERE PAPERBACKS ARE SOLD of their choice beginning Wednesday, March 9, 1977. Applications and additional information will be ■ FREE „ available at the Office of the Head Resident Advisor ■ Little Caesars Pizza I and at the reception desk in every hall. Students interested in Resident Assistant positions U03R.Od.Mvor g BUY THIS I ■ ... within their present residence hall will be notified by the Head Resident Advisor concerning the appli¬ 337.1631 37-1041 = AND OTHER BANTAM One coupon per order BOOKS AT ... cation procedure. m Pot calls SN kettle black —kettle Though some may consider it an Free Press apparently sought to chutzpah, Ohio State football coach Woody Hayes, place respond our editorial ego boost, the ink the State News reinforce this perception by quot¬ University on our has been receiving in the state and ing the Journal's muckraking President Clifton R. Wharton Jr., published Actually f national press, over the last few comment in its "tipoff" column. the MSU athletic department, the on page <'} customary with aU days can best be interpreted as a Well, all we can say is that the Mathematics Department and the state police might all be able to There were other edh^riai, good lesson in intermedia re¬ pot has called the kettle black, so -■ i lations. perhaps the kettle should respond. provide some interesting insights curacies in the Journal ^1 Monday's Wall Street Journal portrayed the State News edi¬ The Wall Street Journal's in¬ on this matter. In addition, the Free Press even worth comment^! torial staff as a money-grubbing trepid reporters notwithstanding, "tipoff" column, eight lines long, A word of advice t« I cabal of power-grabbing part-time the average State news employe contained three inaccuracies. leagues on these hcations: Please get iU^*! students who cash in like gang- earns less than a dollar an hour, How's that for the state's supposed ™ I straight. Otherwise J? busters every payday to the tune (advertising salespersons, of top newspaper? Not only did it want to work for C5 of $2.45 an hour, even for "the course, earn more). As to the misquote both the Journal and the State News, but it contrived to ?row "P and become lowliest beginner." The author subject of our journalistic journahsts, like you all asserted that the State News was "not known for muckraking journalism" — a comment that, taken in the context of the article, seems to suggest that our in¬ vestigative reporting is not what it Open board meetings praised should be. The University community received a pleasant Tuesday's edition of the Detroit ~ University. surprise Friday when the MSU Board"of ui Trustee n unma decided to reaffirm its commitment to making board Our only question is why have to reach such they taken mi and committee meetings open and accessible to the a worthy decision? The public^ public. • always have the right to know where its u going. The State News J The move was made in anticipation of the new Procedures for persons addressingthe board! y "sunshine" law scheduled to take effect in April. The also revised and approved to law requires all public institutions to have include " Wednesday, March 2, 1977 open information on how such presentations s Editorials are the opinions of the Slate News. Viewpoints, columns meetings and records, except for meetings held in made. The procedures are clear and sin™ and letters ore personal opinions. executive session wherein personal matters can be should make any person or persons Editorial Department discussed. desiiii address the board feel welcome to do so. Editor in-chief. .. . Mary Ann ChickShaw Sports Editor Edward L. Rondors Cop/Chief Tracy Reed Managing Editor. Bob Ourlian Entertainment Editor Donna Bokun Wire Editor Joyce Loskowski The board was full of all sorts of goodies that day It is hoped that these decisions were not ■ Opinion Editor Kat Brown Staff Representative Layout Fred von Hartesveldi Michael Rouse because it also decided to begin reporting all trustee simply to comply with an anticipated law o| City Editor .... Michael Tanimuro Photo Editors Robert Kozloff, Laura Lynn Fistler Freelance Editor Phil Frame expenditures in each monthly meeting agenda — one pretty window-dressing. . Compos Editor— ... Carole Leigh Hutton Book Editor James Hamilton of its most commendable moves ever. We hope, instead, that the decisions n Advertising Department signals of the end of extensive discus Advertising Manager. Now the agenda will include both board- and Assistont Advertising Monager Ceci Corfield important issues in executive sessions anu, committee-related expenses that are handled by the pointing to a more honest and open board. VIEWPOINT: TELEVISION is damned or near endless, much of it cosmetic otherwise added for "consumer con¬ You M0W,^awF| venience." Perhaps they should go on and mm Form of entertainment speak to the issues of chemical contamina¬ tion of foods by pesticides, PCB, PBB, DDT and by a whole host of Alice in Wonderland, By HERBERT T. SCHULER carefully, he would have found CBS alphabet-soup compounds. I'm mad as hell, too — at John profits last year to be $123 million la Casey's column on the state of far cry from one billion) out of sales of Finally, they might want to tell the television in $1.9 billion. CBS profits come not only concentrations have been found higher in reader that a lot of this "progress" has been Friday's State News. Sure, there are many things wrong in from television, but also radio, its No excuse the peel of apples than in the cortex" and brought to us with the help of universities record company and many other other such verbiage should suffice as an like ours, at the expense (both in money and TV land, but Casey makes it sound like the industry is an evil force trying to varied investments. Sixty-eight other After reading John Singler's article on answer to the question posed, is an insult to health) of our tax dollars and (often) for the destroy America. American corporations made larger the women's gymnastics team in Friday's the reader's intelligence. profit of the food industry. Sure, the advertising for all cars profits than CBS last year. State News, I felt compelled to write and Why not talk about what isn't "natural" Yes, there are such things as "natural when divided by the number of cars CBS is a corporation owned by set him straight on a couple of things. in our diets? Why not mention DES foods," but don't look for them at the local sold may give a quotient of $100, but several thousand individuals. When Although Singler professes to have a fattening hormones developed by Purdue to grocery store because after you reap what because car manufacturers can mass that profit is divided among all the great deal of respect for the University's accelerate meat production that also guar¬ you sow, you may need to process the living advertise autos on TV, they can sell shares outstanding, it becomes only a women gymnasts, his reference to them antee many women in this country a chance shit out of it in order to get USDA Grade A greater numbers of cars. The more few dollars profit per share. I suppose twice as "girls" belies this. Male athletes to have cervical cancer? Why not tell the ratings and "consumer acceptability." cars sold, the lower the price of the it is OK for John Casey to earn a are not referred to as "boys" in State News reader about high salt and sugar additions billion dollars, but because CBS is an articles and there is no excuse for referring to foods, about #1 Red food coloring, about John Snell Jr. What's so bad about having more evil force, it is wrong for CBS to make to female athletes as "girls." carcinogenic nitrite meat additives? The list 815C.Cherry Lane TV sets than bathrooms in America? a large profit. Secondly, Singler's closing remark that A family of three can get along fine Johnson was wrong when he said "...the players are better looking than the with one bathroom, but if they want no politician has ever made waves cheerleaders" is so asinine as to be to watch three different shows at the against broadcasters. What about laughable. He obviously does not realize same time, they're stuck with Spiro Agnew? Sen. John Pastore, that a gymnastics meet is just that — not a only one TV and a fight. Besides, bath¬ D-R.I. has been an outspoken critic of beauty contest. JIM DuFRESNE rooms are more expensive. Aside children's programing and violence. I am glad to see that women's athletics from the facetious, CBS' New York Johnson is an egotistical publicity are finally receiving some of the coverage studios have more TV sets than most seeker and his liberal views are not that is their due, but in the future I hope Plague spreads at MSI towns in Michigan have bathrooms. that the assignments will be given to popular with the American public. With the three big networks and all Three years ago, he ran for Congress writers who have their feminist shit a little the other studios in the United States in my home district in the state of more together. (how about all the TVs at MSU?), that Iowa. He was soundly defeated in the David Forbes goes a long way to cover the families Democrat primary election. You 1700 E. Grand River Ave. #74 may with only one bathroom. say, well in Iowa they're all conserva¬ EDITOR'S NOTE: Singler's piece was not Casey was upset that the average tive hicks, but we're the state which assigned and wss a column, not an article. There is a plague that spreads every winter among seniors. window for a moment with his hands stuck in his viewing time was over six hours per Columns by staff members represent the Not much research has been conducted on the disease and little suit. "I'm afraid, Jim, you have an acute case of se"»™ brought you the ultraliberal Sens. day. Yes, there are a lot of people Harold Hughes, Dick Clarke and John personal view of the author. is known about it. very common among students this time of yesr. doing double time. There are a lot of Culver (the latter two presently Most students who are struck by it don't even know what it is "Senioritis?" I asked. shut-ins who are all alone with or what to take for it. But they know they caught something. "The disease students catch when they want to p--- serving) and four out of six liberal nothing to do, who watch TV 12 to 16 Democrat House seats at present. Complaints I did. It hit me last week during pre-enrollment when I was college," he said, facing me again and relighting W PFj hours per day. As in the bathroom Casey states in his article, "Con Don't get me wrong, I don't have comparing the closed section sheet with the schedule book to see the urge to get out of this University rat rsce sn B case, these-heavy viewers go a long sidering the fact that I don't watch anything against the addition of another which had more classes listed. bureaucratic battle with red tape." way to cover the light and nonview- the damn thing..." Well, "What can I do for it?" I asked. considering locally drawn cartoon strip. But for the past "Mark in only those courses you plan to attend and pay fees . j ers, and make the average time seem this fact, where does Casey get his couple of weeks ever since the debut of for," was announced over the public address system and I began "It's all in the head," he said. "You have to drive: unq high. You might say these people authority for criticizing something he "Brown's Town," a terrible malady seems to to feel jittery all over. out of your mind before it becomes fatal or, worse y , ""1 should read books. Well, what about "If you must attend a course, select a section at an unpopular can't know about? I also saw the have swept the campus. Wherever I go, I my aunt who is unable to get out of the house without movie "Network" and realize that it see your patrons huddled over crumpled hour." I felt queasy in the stomach and clutched my purple M8U TJttU long walks and cold showers before «f| help? In order to read, she needs bright light and a was an exaggeration to make its messes of State News, clutching desperate¬ scoring pencil even harder. Advanced Reporting class but I still ended up snoozing "1 point. However, after reading Casey's ly to avoid dropping the matted wad of "And vary your section selection." Now my head began to spin row with my head buried in my winter coat. 1 magnifying glass, and then she can article, one gets the feeling that he newsprint while they struggle with their and I knew something was wrong with me. I immediately headed I've taken up stamp collecting and started pl»g *1 only read for short periods of time. thinks the TV over to the Journalism Building to get some help from an I'm happy as hell she has a TV to programing of "Net¬ felt-tip pens. work" already exists. Dear editors, you've transgressed rule adviser. while away her hours rather than stare at a blank wall and There is nothing wrong with televi¬ number one for the survival of a free and "Tell me, Jim," my adviser said, leaning back in his chair and past the chapter titles and pictures in my ™ ^ go crazy. sion as a form of entertainment. It effective press: never run the crossword puffing on his pipe. "What seems to be the problem?" There is nothing wrong with CBS doesn't have to be a media for puzzle across a fold. Solution: move up "Well sir, I just haven't been myself since the beginning of profiting $1 billion dollars. Exxon and only GM made more than that ($2.5 billion education and social enlightenment. "Ziggy" or "MSU Shadows" and move the winter term," I said. "I feel like I'm losing interest in my classes in the working world didn't help. Because, as After all, books are a form of crossword down to where it can be and homework. week, there is only one cure for seniontu - g™\ ■ and $1.25 billion, as other respectively) as well entertainment, too. contained in a neatly-folded quarter page. "Why, just the other day I bad this incredible urge to heave And thank the registrar it's only two terms a f corporations. However, if Schufer ts Now about this fellow named Ed Ronders my 'Law of Mass Communications' book out the window while I Nicholas Johnson had checked more a graduate student motoring in accounting. was reading it," I continued in despair. Tve always had trouble Fred Svoboda getting up for my eight o'clocks but now I'm sleeping through my Lansing 10:20s, 11:10s and even my 12:40sl" "Hmmm...," he said, moving closer to me while digging out a Letter. Policy pen and notebook from his desk. "This is very interesting. What The Opinion Page welcome all Natural foods other symptoms do you have?" viewpoint without these item toill "I begin all my term papers and projects at 10 p.m. Sunday i.15/2* vkwP°i>^*- Readers show follow a few rules to insure be considered for publication. If the answers to queries about "natural foods" in the Nutrition column of Feb. 21 when they are due at 8 a.m. Monday," I moaned. "And now I'm Letters should be SS lines or less finding myself hanging out at Moon's and the AlleEy at night that as many letters as are representative of the graduate instead of the Library. possible students' academic inquiries, then I would appear in print. "Just the littlest things will upset me this term," I said. "I'm style and conciseness to fit as suggest that they and, perhaps, their tired of professors who give busywork over the weekend, I'm AU letters and viewpoints ssw¥ K>H6T 9 wr yusswie on a page instructors, are seriously infected by di¬ tired of trying to find books in the research stacks at the Library should be typed on 65-space lines and Viewpoints nwy be no longer than seases of intellectual mediocrity and tunnel and I'm tired of seating charts." triple-spaced. Letters and 75knes,andmayalso be edited. vision. "I see," my adviser said as he flipped through a Igrge book of vtewpomtt. mtut be signed and No academic ailments. "Do you have the desire to make money and include local wuhgned Utters or view¬ Despite repeated misuse of the term address, student, ports will be "natural" and its continued eluding Of get out of debt?" considered for "Yes, yes, that too," I said in a panic-stricken voice from the or staff standing - if any pubkcation. Names may be with- definition, the general acceptance of its - and phone number. various meanings demands an answer that edge of my seat. "Oh sir, tell me — what do I have?" No Utter or ♦ held, but only for good cause. My adviser got up from his seat slowly and looked out his is more to the ■ point. That "Vitamin C I wi(higon Stole News, Eo$t lonsing, Michioon Wednesday, March 2, 1977 5 [tate beef product By MICKIMAYNARD State New. SUB Writer humans. labeling demanded City independent markets. Each claimed they carried no Michigan- Council votes S'atteens Lobby demanded Tuesday that aU beef'and Ross said the issue consumers. was of immense concern to Michigan raised beef. Ross said industry sources told his group that around 30 per to back opposition "In the four years this lobby has been in existence, no issue have cent of the meat sold in state supermarkets was Michigan beef. Lnroducts sold and produced in the state be labeled "produced the people been more frightened or anxious of than PBB," he said. Taylor said he was not certain about the exact percentage. L uidhigan beef." PKUtive Director Doug Rosa said the group would pressure Ross said he felt the state's consumers had to have the choice not to buy food produced in Michigan. Ross told reporters that the labeling program could be an expensive proposition to the meat industry, but added, "They may to rezoning of site Elite Agriculture Commission to meet in an emergency session Taylor said much of the beef consumed in Michigan was now have to pay the price. I don't see how you can ask people to blindly ■11)r()ve the program. produced out of state, particularly in Iowa. He added that consume food, the effects of which may be devastating." Lansing City Council passed a resolution Monday night 1 tided that if the commission did not act within a week, the Michigan beef had not been selling well since the scandal broke. He said the citizen's lobby was trying to create a situation in supporting the position taken by the city's executive branch ITeould then appeal to the legislature. "Consumers have been reluctant to buy it," he said. "They aren't which the meat industry had a choice — do nothing and lose which opposes the East Lansing Planning Department's Lsaid he expected Rep. Lynn Jondahl, D-East Lansing, to sure where the meat was coming from." consumer confidence or deal with the issue. recommendation to rezone property for the proposed iuce, labeling bill. However, Jondahl said later that Ross Citizens lobby staff members surveyed each of the five major "All the producers who haven't had contact with PBB seem Dayton-Hudson mall. fk,ve misunderstood their conversation about the proposal, supermarket chains in the Detroit area as well as many either uninterested or are providing opposition to us," Ross said. The executive branch, which is made up of Mayor Gerald C. ■indicated that I'd be willing to sit down and work out the best Graves and the city administrative government branch, first ■ of proposal to go about this," he said. voiced its opposition to the rezoning at a public hearing of the Tu House Consumer Committee chairperson said he personally East Lansing Planning Commission in early February. The , bill introduced last month by Rep. Francis Spaniola, JSpaniola bil1 wouW lower PBB tolerance levels from .3 parts Defense says PBB not cause of purpose of the hearing was to get citizen input on Dayton-Hudson Properties' request to rezone 86 acres of the 170 acres it owns in the northwestern area of East Lansing ■million (ppm) to .02 ppm. It would also reimburse farmers from agricultural to commercial. cattle were destroyed because of the bill. Alan Tubbs, Lansing planning director, said Tuesday that L Taylor, executive director of the Michigan Food Crs, said that while he had not had a chance to study the plan, cattle damage; coverup denied the position also states that both cities should take a cooperative approach to the proposed mall. It further states tutted strongly that it would go into effect soon. that many factors, including potential growth of the proposed ■ won't happen overnight," he said. CADILLAC (UPI) - De¬ area, public costs and accessibility, must be taken into disaster that led to the destruc¬ defendcnts." lie PBB problem first arose in 1973, when the flame retardant fense attorneys in a $1 million tion of thousands of farm ani¬ Greer and fellow tainted feed in 1973. The farm¬ account. ■ mixed accidentally with livestock feed. Since then, studies PBB damage trial said attorney ers complained that their cattle Tuesday mals. Gary Schenk said they will call "We are thoroughly convinced that the proposed location 1 been made to determine the effects of the chemical on the toxic chemical which would not eat the food. When poi¬ Mclntyre, attorney for the witnesses to testify that: this happened, Greer said, the would be disastrous to Lansing and East Lansing," Tubbs soned Michigan livestock feed Farm Bureau, said he told said. "It would cost between $6 and $7 miUion alone just to •From 40 to 50 bags of "Farm bureau added molasses in 1973 was not to blame for Farm Bureau employes shortly widen the streets of the area." bole Firemaster was sent to a Farm to make it more palatable and of animals defended cattle disease in the case on after the contamination was The position also states that the city of Lansing is willing to Bureau plant near Battle resold it at a discount — trial. discovered that they should not share with East Lansing the cost of providing services to the Creek, mistaken for Nutrimas- anything not to waste a pound. The plaintiffs, Roy and Mari¬ talk to persons outside the ter la feed additive) and mixed mall and to share in the tax benefits, Tubbs said. He added He said the United States lyn Tacoma, opened Michigan's company about the incident. with livestock feed; "By this type of 'I don't give that the Urban Cooperation Act of 1967 would be the basis of noed from page 3) first PBB trial Monday a once imported leopard, jaguar, by "I regret that counsel for the •Farm Bureau employes who damn action' the entire state future negotiations. rsaid "the situation has charging the Michigan Farm became contaminated," Qreer ocelot and cheetah skins at a plaintiff has suggested that noticed the Firemaster (com¬ Councilmember Richard Baker said Monday night he has lg very desperate." substantial rate. Though it is Bureau and a chemical company advice given by me to my said. always questioned the marketability of that shopping center. igiigh the United State is pound containing PBB) were with covering up the livestock clients that they should not talk now illegal to import these later told by Farm Bureau Farm Bureau attorney Barry [ol the rest of the world in animals because they are en¬ feed mix-up that sent tons of to the press and persons out¬ officials "to keep their mouths Tubbs said that the area cannot afford to build a new jfe protection, Regenstein PBB into the state's food chain. Boughton said none of the shopping center if it might in dangered, many people acquire side the company amounts to a shut," about it; ailments afflicting the Tacomas' any way jeopardize other it is also responsible for Roland Roegge, representing centers in the region. special permits through a loop¬ coverup," he said. •After the Tacomas noticed herds could be traced to PBB. Lgmany species to extinc- hole in the Endangered Species the Michigan Chemical Co., said But attorneys for the their animals becoming sick, the plaintiffs must show evi¬ Tacomas maintain the chemical Act, he said. state agriculture and Farm dence that PBB "is the toxic mix-up was no accident but an Bureau officials tried to blame The Kal-Kan dog food manu¬ material that caused problems intentional coverup. the ailments on "parasites and facturer was able to obtain in the dairy herd, if any. "This is one of the most iodine poisoning;" thousands of pounds of endan¬ "We wiU show in this trial bizarre cases that ever hit this •Farm Bureau officials told a |ill asks gered whale meat through an economic Regenstein said. hardship provision, that PBB is not the poison that caused the problems," Roegge state." said Paul Greer, one of the Tacomas' attorneys. "It has Falmouth feed distributer in 1974 that Farm Bureau feed said. been said that the initial mix-up was "clean" when it still con¬ It is also possible to hunt an or recall endangered animal by calling the practice proper wildlife Attorneys for Michigan Chemical Co. and Farm Bureau was an accident. "But we will prove in this tained PBB. Greer said the defendants Services, Tuesday denied there trial that the incident was no had several opportunities to q yet another PBB- management. was a coverup and said the accident, but the result of stop the spread of PBB con¬ ed development, a The Alaskan Department of ution calling on the Fish and Game has carried out companies did all they could to willful, wanton and intentional tamination when some farmers mission to remove Ag- massive wolf hunts for several get to the bottom of the food acts of negligence by both returned unused bags of the e Director B. Dale years now even though the wolf |t«as introduced in the is on the endangered list. rm i nrn 7 te House Tuesday and "They want to kill the wolf to T T ~T T~ rd to the House Poli- generate more moose and cari¬ imittee. bou for hunting," Regenstein te resolution calls for said. lis removal because of Regenstein's speech was I alleged mishandling of sponsored by the Fund for ■ PBB crisis. Animals, Great Lakes Green¬ iC/ i \ i k\ vvi regular stocks regular stocks regular stocks regular stocks Presents Two Famous Brands SPORTCOATS SPORTCOATS SPORTCOATS SPORTCOATS to insure Regularly *50. Regularly $75. Regularly s85 Regularly MOO. Quality & Value cm&mm /TO1RVED tXAMOiesvwHX)wa BUGS *10. Selected from our *20. Selected from our *30. Selected from our *40. Selected from our regular stocks regular stocks regular stocks regular stocks J 's'and Casual and Dress Slax * 9'ovv. »' A « gold. A hand- nana- II you believe In lotting Leather Jackets °°nd in UK love, select your wed¬ EVERYTHING FOR THE MAN gold. ding ring from our Art- Quality. Carved collection today. Reduced MADIVt *^i/ 'love r° symbollze Reduced |■ / 0 1 ~r'ng8. from this area's selection of '»d unusual wed- JEWELRY and ART CENTER 319 E. Grand Rixr An. Outerwear /i„.sulorilfll\I pi Price 305 E. Grand River East . Lansing Sweaters & A 2 Sport Shirts Regular Price East Lansing, Mich. () Michigan Slate News. East Lansing, Michigan Soger up for Oklahoma 'U' presidency (ACLU member investigated | concerned primarily with agri¬ (continued from page 1) the Lansing branch of the (continued from pnge 1) the position, according to East, but he did not know who they is Wells Pricthard from the culture and research. Interested people were able ACLU, of which Clevenger was were for. University of Southern Cali¬ If Boger does go to Oklahoma to request their files before a member. fornia, who is also known for his State University, finding a nice March 16, 1976, and Cleven- "Boger will be interviewed "The startling disclosure that sometime between this week or international background. office should not be too hard ger's is the first of those the next 10 days. The Board of East said it was most likely since the Board of Regents of requested files to be released. police surveillance has been that university recently ap¬ Brown said about 270 per¬ directed squarely at an organ¬ Regents said yesterday they that Boger applied for the ization dedicated exclusively to hope to select a president by position rather than being re¬ proved a project to renovate a sons petitioned to see their room at a cost of $300,000 files, but only 160 were found to defense of the Bill of Rights is March 18. which is the date of cruited. Oklahoma State University, despite a recent increase in have been mentioned in Red shocking and frightening," said their regular monthly meeting," student fees. Hand carved pan¬ Howard Simon, executive East said. like MSU, is a land grant college Squad reports. director of the Michigan ACLU. Another major contender for under the Morrill Act and is eling and hand-woven carpeting The file reveals that the East were included in the package. Lansing post of the Michigan "The Clevenger file confirms FUNNX State Police Security Investiga¬ our worst suspicions. The danppnK onurmNi tion Squad reported Cleven- Michigan State Police have pHONE: 337.14,, been using public funds to pry CENTER Patient's arrest criticized IYSA spied on ger's ACLU membership to state authorities in 1963, when November Clevenger applied into the private lives of hun¬ dreds of thousands of Michigan citizens solely to record their UN Nil (MI UKM.NCI 9A.M.TOlo p„ , «ondayth,u«L*}; 1 (continued from page 1) for a position as an assistant Nntblnm ideas and affiliations. The real (continued from page I) Three members of ihe YSA attorney general. Until then LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED "He is on a highly structured protocol," Campbell said. "He Clevenger had been a member purpose of the their surveil¬ have been charged with tres¬ of the Michigan Compensation lance is not to fight crime but to needed his treatment that day — not tomorrow or the next day." passing after an incident at Jones, in the last stage (stage IV) of the cancer, undergoes the CMU Oct. 20. Abel stressed and Securities Commission. police thought." special chemotherapy treatment two weeks out of each month. that the documents and the The file discloses that since In other Red Squad-related Two of the treatments are given intravenously, on days one and incident are not related in any 1959 the state police have developments, Michigan State eight of the schedule. way. accumulated at least 247 pages Police Director George Haiver- "If you don't do it in that sequence, the efficacy of the therapy The three were arrested by of reports on the Michigan son has revealed that the Red could be severely compromised," Campbell said. "This has to be the CMU Department of Public ACLU. Informers were Squad routinely gave informa¬ done in a meticulous fashion." Safety for selling Socialist directed by the state police to tion on alleged subversives to Jones was released from Ingham County Jail Tuesday morning Workers party campaign litera¬ the Panax Corp., a Michigan- spy on the ACLU, with a code when his attorney, Cliff Taylor, arranged for him to make child ture at a lecture given by based newspaper chain. number assigned for each local support payments out of his disability pay. A hearing date has been former CBS news cor¬ branch. set for May 19. Halverson said the informa¬ respondent Daniel Schorr. Almost all of the information tion consisted of background Campbell also said he had problems getting Ingham County Jail Abel, who ordered the ar¬ to give Jones the medication he has to take during the two weeks he in Clevenger's file stemmed checks on Panax employes and rests, said the charges were not is on the chemotherapy treatment. politically motivated. from a special investigation of job applicants. "The sheriffs office didn't feel they could go to the YMCA where not what "The issue was they he was living to get his medication," he said. were selling," Abel said. "They After he called the jail to emphasize the necessity of those drugs were charged with simple tres¬ for his patient, Campbell said, the medication was obtained at Ingham Medical Center. passing." Abel said socialist campaign Murder suspect arraigned Dr. 0. Keith Pauley, Ingham County Jail physician, said he was workers were warned three in contact with Campbell, and Jones had been given his medication (continued from page 1) days before the arrests that as needed. Steven Luplow waa a student at MSU until he left school after selling without a permit was in "This is an example. I think, of when the ethics of a doctor-patient violation of university regula¬ fall term. relationship stand in conflict with the execution of the letter of the tions. He said the regulations The last murder on campus occurred March 11, 1973, when a law," Campbell said. man was stabbed near Jenison Fieldhouse. against campaign literature in Jones was studying to be a mortician and worked at Sparrow campus buildings exist because Funeral arrangements for Sheryl Luplow are being handled by Hospital until incapacitated by his illness. the buildings are inundated the Case Funeral Home in Saginaw. The funeral will be Thursday with material at election time. morning at St. Helen's Catholic Church in Saginaw. Policy position permits poppies (ZNS) - The U.S. Govern¬ more potent opium poppy. 7! 30 A. M. —How much time do ment has reversed its previous The change in policy is being position and will permit se¬ lected farmers to raise poppies instigated, the DEA says, be¬ cause of a shortage of pain-kill¬ you have to spend on your hair today? for drug-making purposes. ing drugs in the United States. Good condition can cut down the amount of time The Drug Enforcement Ad¬ Under the new guidelines, li FLEX ministration is recommending censed farmers could grow the you need each morning. A lot of good that certain farmers, under poppies inside compounds that carefully regulated conditions, feature barbed wire fences, a shampoos and conditioners may not suit your hair J be permitted to raise "scarlet resident manager, daily peri¬ poppies." The scarlet poppy, meter inspections, instant ac¬ EXCELLENCE while capable of being con¬ verted into heroin, is reported¬ cess to police and, in some locations, chain fences and 24- Communicate: Ask! 128 ly less easily abused than is the hour watchdogs. muuam tell us what you're using now. We're hot YOUR CHOICE * SMAKS. shampoo salesmen but we will recommend a combination we think is best for your hair * THE HRIR LEFT, urn. SSfisNUU 220 MAC (UPSTAIRS), EAST LANSING " In the University Mall for appointment ph. 517*332-8660 EE- 6g' "43' KT" souper 2» rr sanowicti! 1 .a jfcl \ *T--- mNMT ,—~r..x IIJ^WUSIY FUNNY -Vincent Conby. N.Y. Times (04 V""" M— 1 OMichiqon Stole News. East Lansing. Michigoi Wednosdoy. Morch 2 Announcements for It's What's Overseas Study participants, C CHISPA meeting at 7:30 p.m. Fisheries/wildlife majors: Valu¬ able professional experience and Volunteers needed to work in a local social aervices agency. Posi¬ 3 Lansing Parks Er Recreation Department spring creative arts Okemos youth needs college- age male role model. Has nega- Happening must be received in the foreign students, interested stu¬ tonight in Lab B of Wilson Hall's classes are now open for enroll¬ State News office, 343 Student dents and faculty: International Culture Room. international travel are yours with tions: food stamp outreach, Pro¬ ment. Classes include painting, !!?" Contactre^i°"»hjP OVP, Tutor Parents. Student Sena, "^*3 Services Bldg., by noon at least Coffee House at 4 p.m. Thursday the Peace Corps. Come to 121 ject Health Aide, etc. Come to 26 Corps, In 26 Student Services Bldg. ceramics, metal enameling and Student Services Bldg. two class days before publication. in the student lounge of the Lansing Parks Er Recreation and Agriculture Halt. I ansing Table Tennis Club spon¬ weaving. No announcements will be ac¬ Engineering Building. CHILE Literature table, current The Company announces open Serious problems with your cepted by phone. Free pediatric clinic! Immuniza¬ The Career Resources Center offers current, accurate informa¬ sor Table Tennis from 7 to 10 p.m. every Wednesday and Saturday in the Miller Road Hall, 5118 Curry and historical information from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Wednesday in play auditions for Yukio Mishlma's "Kantan" at 7 tonight in 314 Know lieve. At why and what you be¬ Campus Action, we are investigating basic Christian doc¬ or work environment? Call tha ASMSU Office of Labor Relations for assistance, or atop job E"cht,,%,^^ J will run at 7 ThtbJ tion on career possibilities. Visit Lane. the International Center. Spon¬ Bessey Hall. by 327 tions, well-baby checks, birth to 12 trines. Join us at 7:30 tonight, 428 sSissI sored by Non-Intervention in Chile Student Sendees Bldg. years, every Wednesday by ap¬ the CRC from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 Division St. to 5 p.m. in 207 Student Services Do your own TVI Get first-hand (NICH). Why don't you go to a Circle-K pointment only. Call DEC, 398 meeting tonight? You might meet College of Agriculture and Na¬ Park Lane across from East Lan¬ Bldg. experience in television produc¬ International Women's Day Pro¬ tion using simple equipment. Freel someone you never knewl At 6 on tural Resources sing Police Department. We train youl Call 351-0214 for Brown Bag Lunch at noon the Union Sunporch. gram: "Women Under Apartheid Minority Student Association meeting at 7:30 to¬ through Friday. Pm'^ Musicians and entertainers: We today in 6 Student Services Bldg. in South Africa." Film, speakers The MSU Polo Club meets at 7 need volunteers to perform at details. Martha Aldenbrant and Joanne and entertainment at 7:30 p.m. night in 304 Besaey Hall. Rettke will speak on "Women and Horticulture Club Seminar pre¬ p.m. Wednesday in the Livestock Stockbridge Convalcare. Get ex¬ Friday at the UMHE, 1118 S. Jesus lives among us. Bible Trust: Experience." Sponsored by sents a Processing Industry Christian Fellowship dnd> Bible Pavilion. For more information, perience while doing community Harrison Road. contact Lauri Kaplan, 102 An¬ services. Call Kathy Garlinghouse. study at 8 tonight, dinner and Women's Resource Center. speech by Jim Wilson at 7:30 Study, Discussion on Abortion thony Hall. worship at 6 p.m. on Sundays at tonight in 206 Horticulture Bldg. and Capital Punishment at 7:30 to¬ MacLeod nf i»,. ■ n.1 Michy 4920 S. Hagadorn Road. Students interested in volun¬ Members meet at 7. Deadline for the creative writing night in the University Reformed PIRGIM Volunteer Orientation teering as a TV station aide contest is March 15. All MSU Church across from Hubbard Hall. MSU Soaring Club is giving free meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday in Center for the Arts, 425 S. 328 Student Services Bldg. contact 26 Student Services Bldg. Meetings for Students in sum¬ students eligible. Bring entries to ground school during winter term. Grand Ave., presents participatory mer humanities program in Lon¬ Meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in English Department Office, Morrill Help Greenpeace save the seals. Agriculture Education Club arts. From 1 to 3 p.m. today join Brad Lang, writer, reads from don at 7 tonight in C-1 Wilson Hall. Sponsored by Red Cedar Free film and live fold music at 203 Men's IM Bldg. meeting at 7:30 tonight in 310 the Japanese flower arranging his detective novels at 4 p.m. Hall, and 7 p.m. Thursday in C Review. 7:30 tonight in McDonel Hall Kiva. Agriculture Hall. today in 114 Besaey Hall. Brody Hall. COME SQUARE DANCEI From 7 to 10 p.m. every Wednesday in Multipurpose Room D of Brody Intrafraternity Council meeting at 7:30 tonight at Beta Theta Pi Hall. MSU Promenaders. Experi- :e necessary. fraternity, 1148 E. Grand River Video Awareness workshop will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Union lobby. Learn how to use portable equipment. OF EAST LANSING SPACE LIMITED! London 747 Flight March 25 ■ June 10 Roundtrip from Detroit £^4^, way or saying *445 for information contact y We telegraph n| flowers Offlca of Ovarsaai Studios 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 353-8921 VRanfy THE BIG WHITE BARN This Areas Only Multi-Media Discotheque 2843 E. Gd. River. E. lans 351-1201 WEDNESDAY HALF PRICE NITE Half Price on Regular Mixftl All Nile i\ Till 10 p.m. j L\ mot oner the best disco. / l\ BUT THE BEST BAR k IN TOWN! Iiirhioon State Nawi, Eo» Lonsinq, Michigan Wednesday, March 2, 1977 1 1 Prepayment required on all Want Ads Now 'til end of term. 1 anwitiw ][a) n»pHyMt 1[#D CUTLASS SUPREME 76, 360 [ Eeployweet L'Mfti'rt* IBS i *pyfi«n \m IfrrtHtt \m TOYOTA SR5, 1974, Five apeed, V-8, power Wearing/brakea, auto¬ AV0N PART TIME position open, work¬ ATTRACTIVE ONE bedroom, in OWN ROOM for female in three TWO NEEDED spring to sublease matic, radialo, rally whaala. 18,000 milea. 333-0723. 6-3-9116) Z SfWA ing with retarded teenagers and Haslett. $155. Fully carpeted. person. Close to campus. Rent large two person apartment. Call phone 355-1255 6-3-6 (14) 9-3-11(12) young adults. Prefer someone Modern appliances. 3332346,333 negotiable. Call 337-0147. 4-34 351-1134. Z 3311 1121 with Special Ed experience. 482 8797. 3341121 jjJSiodcniiei.ioi Bldg OATSUN 1200 Coupe 1972. New 114) VEGA 1973 PART TIME employment for MSU 608333-3 FEMALE NEEDED to share room brakea, snow tiraa,1200cc engine, - Very good mileage (W_ ONE ROOMMATE stfck shift Very clean. and body. Consider best offer. students. 1320 hours/week. Au¬ - Spring. in 4-person apartment. Across Penny Lane. Own room. Dish¬ NEED TWO four i automotive mRes. 39,000 $1200,393-1590, before 6:30 Dennis - 351-1434. 8-34 (12) tomobile required. 3339500. C-3 SUMMER JOBS - Staff for Mich¬ igan District Campa, American washer, parking. Rent negotiable. sublease or attractive people to apartment. from Williams. Spring and/or sum¬ Scooters I Cycles 11 (12) mer. $71.75 Ports t Service p.m., weekdays. 10-3-11 (221 VW SQUAREBACK 1971. Rebuilt Lutheran Church. Interviews, 394-1815. 334 1121 Close to campus. Call 337-0137. S 337-9367_Z 1-3-2 (191 engine, good tires, radio, heater, FULL AND part time game room 3/3/77 10 - 3 p.m., University 33-7 1151 EAST LANSING, NORTH POINT Aviation I [MPtOYMENT OATSUN PICKUP 1973. With AM/FM. 356-2294 or 366-9686 Zd, extra wheel rims. Great condition. girts. Excellent pay and work Lutheran Church. Information, call TWO PERSON, two bedroom apartment. Available from spring APARTMENTS 1250 Haslett Road $1060. 353-7285 days. 337-2320 3533193. Z-332 (19) MALE NEEDED to sublease 4 at 69. Beautiful one bedroom conditions. Must be neat and term. One block from campus. I FOIt RENT weekdays, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. 3-3-4 112) evenings. 8-3-9 (19) personable and enjoy playing pool, MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST MT Contemporary living at ha best. person Cedar Village Apartment. apartment newly redecorated. Aportments pinbatl, etc. Apply in person only, Furnished. $230 - $260/month. Spring term. Rent negotiable. Call Heat and water furnished. Only (ASCPI preferred. 3 days a week, Houses DATSUN PICKUP~- ~197A Looks VW VAN 1973. New clutch/exhaust. Excellent condi- "engine/ weekdays, between 10 a.m. and 5 3rd shift. Must have clinical ex¬ 351-1177. 334 (23) 351-8676. Z 33-8 116) $190/month unfurnished. $210/ Rooms month furnished. Only 1 left. Cell tirai. $2200/offer. 349-3615. 3-3-2 p.m. at the CINEMA X ADULT perience in all areas. Excellent ™n'Jike now. 92250/offer. I FOR SALE Call 349-3615. 3-3-2 112) ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, 1000 starting rate and benefits. Contact FEMALE ROOMMATE. room. Comer of Hagedom and Own APARTMENT TO sublet. Immedi¬ John or Sue at 332-6354. 33311 Animals West Jolly Road. 33311 144) Personnel, LANSING GENERAL ate occupancy. 731 Burcham. 5 I36) Mt. Hope. 351-8238. Z 3381121 Mobile Homes DODGE STATION wagon 1966. HOSPITAL, 2800 Devonshire, blocks from campus. Call 351- I lOST t FOUND I PERSONAL 72,000 miles. Top shape. 22 mpg. New belted tires. 372-4663. 8-3-4 «■$«*. 17] PERSON TO operate light food and beverage concession at golf Lansing. 372-8820. 334 (32) LIBERAL MALE to share 2 bed¬ 2848. $220/month. Z 33-7 (IS) ONE FEMALE to sublease four person apartment. Spring term. SALES ORIENTED psople'r^eded room apartment, preferably over PEANUTS PERSONAL MASON BODY SHOP 812 East course In coming season. Income (or the State News Classified 21. Phone 349-5929 before 4 p.m. 33-8 (14) £ NOW LEASING { Rivers Edge. 351-3746. Z 33-71121 REAL ESTATE ECONOLINE CARGO SupeTvan Kalamazoo Street since 1940. guarantee plus percentage of Department starting spring term. « For Foil ond Summer j RECREATION 1972. V-8, low mileage. Good Complete auto painting and colli¬ sales. Reply - P.O. Box 207, Must be able to work a minimum { ('with special rotes) 5 LARGE TWO partly furnished Marshall, Michigan 49008. Z 3310 of 2 hours daily Monday WOMAN FOR spring. $81/month. * 1 or 2 bedroom apartments £ efficiency. Air conditioned, close through I SERVICE condition. Phone 332-1662. 6-3-7 (121 sion cars. service. American and 486-0256. C-9-3-11 (20) foreign (27) Friday. Students only! Apply in 2 blocks from csmpus. March rent fUMVUSlTYTHRACI* to campus. 374-6000, 8 a.m. - 5 Instruction paid. Call 332-1707. Z-B-334 1141 person thie week only. Bring 1444 Michigan Annua - 333-5420 { p.m. 372-6310 after 5 p.m. 3310 Typing MERCEDES BENZ Diesel 1974 REGISTERED RADIOLOGY Tech¬ tentative schedule. 347 Student Across from campus. 1161 CRAIG CASSETTE player. Like Services Building. S 3-3-2 (441 TWO FEMALES needed TRANSPORTATION 240-0, show room condition all nician wanted for full time and rooms in modem duplex. new. $35 or make offer. Call 363 Very WANTED over. Clear white ONE OR two female roommates to SUBLET 3-Person color, automatic 1562. ZE 6-3-8 112) part time position. Medical-surgi¬ apartment. ROUND TOWN' doseJISVIIBA 8-33 (121 share partially furnished Kings transmission, power steering, AM/ Spring term. Twyckingham. An¬ FM radio, air conditioning, tinted Ouik 4 Qualified Maintenance cal unit and specialty clinics offer challenge and educational bene¬ I 'eh" Iffl FEMALE NEEDED for Cedar Vil¬ Points East for spring and sum¬ mer. Bus/parking. Please cell na/Donna, 351-3095 after 6 p.m. Z glass. 4-wtwel power disc brakes. fits. lage Apartment, starting spring 4-34 112) "RATES* Michelin tires. Looks end drivee at Service For Salary, working conditions, TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. term. $88/month. 332-2749. Sheri, 3324251. 333 1221 Cora. Chariots, and 4-34 fringe benefit package offered 12 word good or better than when I bought Vans. Whatever $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- (121 it new. This fine car's list ia excellent. Call Mies Pheif be¬ 1010. C-3311112) ONE BEDROOM unfurnished. On Pine Lake Apt*. price tween 8:30 bus route. $16S/month. 332-8036 a.m. 5 p.m. at ] - new, now is approximately between 3 - 6 p.m. 3321121 Some short term $13,600. Buying my 6th one. See Home at Mr. Tuna 1125 F Up 4833271, extension 142.333 (421 THIS IS the best time of the year ! DILTA ARMS I WORDS NO. DAYS this Saturday and Sunday only at Michljon 4S9 B9I9 to rent out those unused items. J It now leoiing lor lummor j PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE leases avoiloble 13 4 1 1416 N. Holmes, Lansing. (4 GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 COOK-PART time weekends. Ex¬ Give Kevin a call today at 3538255 JM(wirh 1special rates) and tall. ' North. Furnished studio, utilities blocks North of Mercedea Dealer¬ inch. Priced from $4. Mounted perience preferred. SEA HAWK and let him help you with a or bedroom apartments I paid. $135 plus deposit. 4836574 ship!. Firm. $8900. This car has classified ad. S 14-311129) I across from campus. 235 Doha I man on im urn free. PENNELL SALES 130114 RESTAURANT, Williamaton. 663 after 5 p.m. O 3-32 (131 ig an on pn no ITTRrirrncnaa had a superior maintenance gram including the use of Mobile pro¬ East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- 2175. 4-34 (12) FLORIDA'S CHEAPER Tnd more 1^ 332-5978 J MALE NEEDED, furnished, two Meridian Mall Area. Number One oil. 3-34 (92) 5818. C-9-3-11 (17) fun when you share the ride. 119-41*1. 1-044-SSIT □an nn corn FEMALE FIGURE Model for gra¬ TWO FEMALES - Cedar Village, bedroom, close to campus. Advertise here for rides or riders RifPiimnnm duate student to complete port¬ Call Ted at 3538265. S 311 117) spring term. Asking $75, but Friendly chaps. $62/month. 351- MONTE CARLO 1974. 32,000 WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top 1333. 333 (131 ONE BEDROOM in three bedroom folio. $5/hour. 332-2927.333 (12) negotiable. Nice roommates. Park¬ miles. Air, stereo tape, radials. duplex. $85/month, heat paid. dollar, 4894647. NORTHSIOE ing. dishwasher. 351-6960. Z 337 Immaculate. 332-6135: 489-6707 AUTO PARTS AND SALVAGE. 1151 NEEDED ONE or two to sublease Close. 332-1093. Z 339112) DEADLINE 8-3-2 (12) 9-3-11 (141 PART TIME experienced evening 1 ApulEiits one bedroom apartment. $240/ ■ New ods 2 p.m. on* class cook, full time experienced day LARNED. UPPER two bedroom. month. Call 332-3671. 33-3 1131 SPRING TERM: Rooms for su3 I day before publication. MUSTANG 1973 Faatbeck. Excel- cook. Apply in person, GRAPE¬ lease. Furnished, utilities included. , MERIDIAN MALL - near. Sharp Stove, refrigerator, utilities paid. lent condition, tape deck, other VINE RESTAURANT. 1-32 (151 $90/month. Call 3324580. Z 7-310 I Once ad is orderod it cannot £|||oilllt ill 2 bedroom, appliances. $200/ Married • $160 plus deposit. BEECHVOOB APARTMENTS ■ be cancelled or changed un- extras. $2500. 372-7647; 486-2017. I "F1"!""' ] [ ITJ WE CURRENTLY have career month. 6833654. Leave message. 372-3714. 10-3-11 (13) $ Mocks to MSU 8-34 (12) 8-3-10 (12) ■ til after first insertion, un- opportunities available in the field Large 2 bedroom — furnished FEMALE - OWN bedroom, SOMEONE TO clean 3-5 p.m. four TWO FEMALES needed to su3 I less it is ordered L cancelled of financial planning. Ws are *240 a month Northwind Farms. Nicest aroundl NOVA 1973 - 360 V-8, power days/week. $2/hour. 332-1350 af- OKEMOS, MERIDIAN Mall. Newly lease Cedar Village Apartment. I by I p.m. 2 class days before looking for a creative sales person decorated, one bedroom fur¬ 351-6297; 484-2776 aftsr 5 p.m. steering/brakes. Rally wheals, ter 6 p.m. 8-34112) Balcony, parking. Close to ■ publication. who places a high priority on nished. $160 monthly. Ideal for UMTtB Z-8-311 1121 43,000 miles. $1800. 3494634. Z campus. 332-8480. Z332 114) excellence. Excellence in terms of married couple. 669-3654, leave 8-3-11113) PANTRY PART time positions, ONE PERSON needed to share is a M.00 service days or nights. Apply in person - income and personal satisfaction message. 3311 (17) ONE BLOCK from campus, furn¬ FEMALE NEEDED spring term. 4 ■ charge for an od change and excellence in terms of ability ished efficiency apartments avail¬ person - Cedar Village Apart¬ two bedroom apartment. With OLDSMOBILE 1972 Cutlass. 4- LONG'S, 6810 South Cedar. 7-3-3 and ambition, if you have the $83/month. 332-5709. 334 ■ plus 18* per word per day FEMALE TO share 2 bedroom able starting fall. Call Craig Gibson ment. own walk-in closet, bath. 882- ■ lor additional words. door, vinyl top, air, cruise, 62,000 >14) desire to own your own buiinsaa 2595. Z 2-32115) miles. $1825. 394-2483. 8-34 113) apartment. Spring term. Air. Next and laave a massage. 627-9773. Z and you're a graduating senior, GENERAL OFFICE help needed in to campus. >75, negotiable. 351- 133-UN 8) FEMALE NEEDED for 3 person please contact David Tinney at 3947. Z 33-8 (151 HASLETT - 5906 Marsh Road. OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 - 1969. consumer activist office. down- ONE FEMALE for 4-person. Sub¬ Twyckingham Apartment. Rent 482-1580 weekdays. 3341661 Two and three bedroom apart¬ Good condition, new tires. $750. town Lansing. Must have work negotiable. Until June. 3494715. lease spring/summer option. Up- ments with carpeting, drapes. 355-9639 after 6 p.m. 8-3-7 (12) study and be able to type. Call 33-2 1121 MANAGER TRAINEE and assis¬ ■The State News will be re- Denies at 487-6001. 5-3-2 (23) tant manager. Local drive-in the¬ ColliRKwood ApartMents perdassmen preferred. Campus 394-5230. 3311 113) PINTO RUNABOUT 1976. FM 2 bedroom furnished close. $80/month. 337-9483. B-Z- ■sponsible only for the first ATTRACTIVE ROOM. Pleasant atre is seeking people to leam the 2-32 1161 ■days incorrect insertion. 8-track stereo. Steel belted radials. ADVERTISING SALESPERSON drive-in theatre business. Apply in one available till June house, 1 or 2, close campus. Rent 731 Ziebarted, 4-«pesd. $2500. 366- tor Eaton-Ingham County weekly person to Mr. Malinowski at the negotiable. 351-9477. 337 (121 ■Bills ore due 7 days from the 6962 Z-5-3-7 1151 newspaper. Draw plus commis- NO"- Excellent conditions. 628- STARUTE DRIVE-IN THEATRE 351-8282 FEMALE NEEDED spring term to Apartments between 24 share duplex. $82/month, near lod expiration date. If not p.m. Monday |paid by the due date a PONTIAC GRANO Prix 1973 2484 eveninga, Mr. Johnson. 5-3-3 through Friday. 33-11 (36) NEEDED - TWO females, spring campus. Vicky 351-1270 before 4 larly Gird :e 50' chorge will be Power, air, vinyl top, AM/FM tape, rally 2 wheel, console with power windows. $2660. 372-5462. 8-2-28 ,REACH 1 ™ °NE of 42°°° P9ten" ~ NEED A job? The STARLITE and LANSING THEATRES need peo¬ term. Beautiful Cedar Village with two nice girls. $83/month, nego¬ tiable. 351-9382. 334116) PIm.3-33(15L WILLIAMSTON - WESTBROOK Leasing... now HQI ,l9' ual employees through a State ple to work evenings at various APARTMENTS. 15 minutes east Waters A Rivers leasing Newa Classified Ad. Call Bonnie, of campus. Studios - $125, one positions. Apply in parson at tha PONTIAC VENTURA Hatchback 366-8266 for friendly assistance. S STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE ONE MONTHS RENT FREE. Quiet female wanted - sublet Capitol bedroom - $145. Carpeting, ■dge Apt*. 11-3-11 (191 drapes, air conditioning, kitchen 1974. Air conditioning, radials, between 24 p.m. Monday Villa Apartment. Pool. Close to through Friday. 3311130) appliances. Limited number avail¬ No Rest Increases This Year! excellent condition. $2100. Call GENERAL HOUSECLEANING, six campus. Connie, 351-7376. Z 4-33 able. Call now for appointment, (for a limited time only) 3332127 after 6 p.m. 33101141 - ten hours/week. $2.20/hour. 6532642.133-11 127) Air Conditioned ASSADOR 1967 - Comfor- References required. 6414108 SUMMER WORK - five hours. 1171 * 1 highway transportation, after 6 p.m. Net $15/week, spending money. OWN ROOM, $90. Includes heat, OWN ROOM, $75 includes utili¬ mw are leoslsg lor A Dishwasher 3321131 —xt falls i—Mir 882-7934, eveninga. Z 3-34 (12) * Luxurious Furnishings Rabbit good tires, ST296V-8, se- water. Near MSU, nice. 394-5614; ties. 2 blocks down on MAC. IKOO. 337-1173.334112) SOMEONE NEEDED to babysit 2 GRADUATE STUDENT to work 353-2971; 353-8917. Z 1339 (12) Sprino 3324156. 3-3-2 (121 * Shag Carpallng children, ages 7 end 10, in FEATURING: 2 john. par * Privata Balconies RE P0NTIAC1976 4 cylinder, exchange for room and board plus part time, weekends in car rental tpL balconies, walk to office. 4831484. 339 (12) * SWIMMING POOL • "tap. Take as much $20 a week. From 1330 - 8 a.m. campus, famished, air con¬ over payments. * located Burcham 372-6387. 3311 1241 ditioned, aa site maintenance on ^7- 537 (12) glass area PART TIME secretary in Haslett, Ava. man. friendly management. asa BARTENDERS - EXPERIENCED. $2.30/hour. Must type 50 words/ minute. 3333400. C-334 1131 Bob or Joan For Rental Informa¬ 1II Ghia 1976. White with cadillac seville. Apply in person only, 2-4 p.m. BONNIE 8 CLYDE'S. 316 East Apt. 214 tion Call ■ •heels, AM/FM sterep cas- piayer, low mileage, mint Michigan. 3-34 1131 TYPISTS NEEDED: Able to meet public and selj over phone. Mutt 15% 1050 Watarsadga Dr. (tan. Best offer. 366-2798. PI (19) VW VOLVO MAMA WAITRESS WANTED: apply in be able to work 3 hours, seme schedule daily, Monday through OFF on all bows In stock with this coupon (naxt to Cadar Village) 3SI-7212 4134 W.SAGINAW person, MAC'S BAR. 2700 East 332-4432 371-3440 Michigan, nights after 10 p.m., Friday. 311 a.m„ 11-2 p.m„ 2-5 except Tuesday and Friday. 338 p.m. shifts available. STATE i -A One owner. Auto- Men. 6 There. Ml $ (closed Sot.) NEWS CLASSIFIED DEPART¬ ALSO-2 leather sad¬ P hmsmission, power. $275 (17) MENT. Students only. For appli¬ Ctoptfungljam offer. 676-4621. 334 (121 dles, over 100 used DOORMAN WANTED: apply in cation come to 347 Student leather coats TE1977. Power steering/ Services Bldg. SP-3-34 (421 person MAC'S BAR, 2700 East "rtows, air, leather. RENAULT-17 1973. excellent Michigan, nights after 10 p.m., »■ lb, Stereo tape, cruiee condition. Low mileage, front CAPTAIN NEEDED for 30 foot except Tuesday and Friday. 338 outer options. Call 333 wheel drive, radials. 337-0704. (W business boat, docked in St. Claire DICKU A DIAL Now leasing J * 349-1212.339120) 83-2 (12) MOOELS WANTED. $8/hour. Shores. Power squadron rating. 1701 South Cedar Earn while you leam. Call 483 Must be available 3 p.m.-11 p.m., 5 745 aurchom 351-311$ 487-38M ♦ Luxury apartments completely furnished with dis¬ _)M CRUISER Olds Wagon days and some weekends. Begin¬ « | — | tinctive i®3 AM/FM stereo, tape RENAULT 1969 R-16. Front wheel 2278. Z-34-311 (121 [wMMMMMMMMMfrMMMMMMMMfl Spanish Mediterranean furniture and shag »• drive, hatchback, very comfort¬ ning May 1st - October 1st. Call carpeting throughout. (3500. 3494863. 334 SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS: PER¬ able. $700. 8274176; 6274368 1313) 444-1010. Extension 253. Z Each unit has dishwasher, garbage disposal, central air after 6 p.m. 13311 (141 RY MIDDLE SCHOOL and High 3331351 conditioning and heating. ■ 1™L we 974 3-door, con- power steering, air. TORIN01973. V-8, power brakes, School Must have Michigan Certi¬ fication. aend name and address BABYSITTER, INFANT, at our YOUR ATTENTION » Swimming Pool and private balconies. ""It" 5 p.m. 53-2 to Richard Parker, Perry Middle home, campus 2 blocks, for radio, low mileage. Good condi¬ (13) tion. Phone 332-1662. 337 112) School. Perry. Michigan 48872. No Monday - Friday. Mornings only. References. 351-1762.334 (151 Call S phone calls. 3-33128) SALON, 1976. FW _ . -"I, air, AM/FM stere- -s. $4800. Call 333 TOYOTA COROLLA 1976. Excel¬ PLEASE!! 351-7166 lent condition. 35 mpg. $2000 or Located ■ "wo p.m. 33-3 (16) Hagadom Rood just south of Service Road. best offer. 694-3487.3341121 C4MPUS HILL |(EDAR GREENS AMKTMMTS DLL STUDENT ADVERTISING WANTED ■mmoymmt eweeiwimis now leasing new leasing MUST RE PREPAID [ONE bedroom furnished apartments '50 [^conditioning lion pool will reserve an apartment All student advertising must be prepaid iv!tatebalconies 2 the last two weeks of each term. lifeguard. r within walking distance to campus • tgj Free Bus Service londKaping/ma inter lodging for rental information .5J • FnbM 349-3530 Bus Service Soiling Intlrwclor. • ihimlR Free Roommate Service 347 Student Services 1SI4MI • CntnlAfr Free Roommate Service 355-8255 Timber Shorts Resort Right MX* t* fox 215 tfca«LS.V. Brady Naffhport.MI.4H70 UMrteR |wt eff OreMl Ohrer, Wmmm ($1$) 3444191 J 2 Michigon Stole News, East Lonsing, Michigon w«dnesdoy, March jI. >977 [Solile Hons j Service IS KM® 1 Iff] IE jST]@ EAST LANSING - single rooms I Ft Sill lf5] PIONEER TP-828 8-track car ster¬ HALLMARK 1974 - 12 X 80 +7 PASSPORT PHOTOS FEINGOLD .......... _ IE 16 VCADC YEARS , typing experience. ®£5Sg| _ CONVENIENT TO MSU. One OWN ROOM beautiful house. PHOTOGRAPHY. 6/45. Call eve¬ Reasonable. Resumes, term pa¬ three blocks MSU. No pets, X 12 expando. 10 miles campus. Close. Dishwasher, fireplace. Must eo, powerplay speakers, bracket, pers, general typing. Diane, 349- accural«- OitoJ." bedroom, appliances, carpeting, shown after 5:30 all Sunday. 253 V, Carpeted, stove, refrigerator. 676- nings, 361-2686..0 1-3-2 (12) ,k appreciate. 337-0367. 8-3-7 excellent, 475. 482-2931. 8-3-10 ^5^31,2, ^ see to 4150/month. Deposit required. Gunaom 1269.5-3-3(12) 28&._8-_3-4 (12_) 694-9418. 8-3-10 (121 (12) 10-3-n_(16) (12) TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and 437 MAC. Beautiful 4 window BAILEY STREET. Room - 4 bed¬ VALIANT - 12 X 56. Two bed¬ reasonable. 371-4635. C-9-3-11 ATTENTION: ONE or two females room. Summer only. 469/month. room house. Parking. Reasonable. NEW, USED and vintage guitars, rooms, large living room, newly needed for furnished luxury apart¬ (12) 351-2326, Susie. 8-3-7 (12) Spring. 332-5622; 353-0769 even¬ banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers carpeted, skirted, storage shed. ment. Own bedroom. 488.33 or _ and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ 300' from lake. 651-6194 before 466/month. 882-8285 or 349-1006. ings. 4-34 (12) FAST, REASONABLE term pa¬ EAST SIDE of Lansing. Own sories, bdoks, thousands of hard midnight 5-3-4_!18) Z-8-3-11 1181 room. 570 plus utilities. 570 to find albums. (All at very low pers. theses, editing. Near MSU MEN'S SINGLE, 486, includes RAINBOW 12 X 60 - furnished, deposit. 487-5737. 8-3-2 (12) utilities, kitchen facilities, Christian prices.) Private and group lessons minutes -campus. Washer/dryer campus. Call Bill - 361-1711. Z SU8LEASE FURNISHED one bedroom. Pool, air, parking. Close. atmosphere. Kelly, 332-2906, 351- on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all set up. 57500/negotiable. 339- PHOTO GRAY lens. Bifocal or 3-3-3 (12) Evening,, ONE PERSON needed, spring/ Phone 332-3317 or (5171 463- summer. Own room, large house, 4950. 5-^8 (121 styles. Gift certificates. Expert 2916.8^-2 02) single vision. OPTICAL DIS¬ COUNT 2617 East Michigan, Lan- JUDITH CARMAN. Experienced 8612. Z 9-3-11 1121 Frandor close, one block from bus. repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY FOR RENT, basement room for MARLETTE 12x60 with a 7x21 dissertation typist. Term papers, Parking, friendly people. 485-1268. INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand sing._OT-7409. C-9-^N (W TWO WOMEN needed to sublet single girl only. 3494177. 5-3-8 expando. 3 bedrooms, Front kitch¬ theses, dissertations. Call 393- 10-3-11 (191 (12) RiverjJ37433T C-9-3-VI (491 _ en, built in china cabinet, double FREE. .A lesson in complexion three person apartment spring 4672.__9-j3-UJ12l_ . term. 483.33. Call 332-8979. Z-7-3- SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE sink in bathroom. Large hot water care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan TWO BLOCKS from campus, four 10 (131 to six bedroom homes for rent TWO PLACES available. Campus, SALEI Brand new portables heater. Phone 694-6842 after 6 or 485-7197 Lansing Mad. MERLE PROFESSIONAL TYPIST~ "as two blocks. Furnished. 475. 349- sociated with Ann Brown starting fall. All homes are furn¬ 449.95. 55 per month. Large p.m. 4-3-4 (26) NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. print¬ 1168. X 9-3-11 (121 ing. 339-9076 after 3 p.m. 8-3-8 ished and very nice. Call Craig selection of reconditioned used C-9-3-11 (18) ciDAeeveujioi Gibson and leave a message. BARGAIN MOBILE home - 12 X 112^ FREE LAUNDRY, own room, no machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- 60 Stonegate Park. Furnished, 627-9773. Z 10-3-11 (28) utilities, campus close. 490/ chi's, New Home and "many skirting, heet sealed, new TYPEWRITER RENTALS EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ 19 YEARS old, Libyan-. APARTMINT* new FEMALE NEEDED to share room, month. 425 Ann Street, Room others." 519.96 to 39.95. Terms. antenna Prefer cash, terms with BY THE WEEK OR MONTH sertation, (pica-elite.) FAYANN vvanfs ,0 iive J* #5. Call 337-1412. Z 2-3-2 (17) EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING references. 489-5711; 882-4652. close to campus. Fireplace, dish¬ AMERICAN 489-0358_C^-3-n_(12l COMPANY, 1115 North Washing- 8-3-2- (20! Now leasing for washer, 3 baths, shag carpeting. PAULA'S TYPING SERVICE. Call 578.50/month. 3514146. 2-3-2 SINGLE ROOMS. 425 deposit. torn 489-6448.^-9-3-11 J26l_ BUSINESS MACHINES l^,0tND Towii Fall add Simmer Lost t fond Jgj 482-4714 for free estimate. _ From 566/month. Also lease by My (171 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. 33M1H specialty is dissertations. 0-9-3-11 week. Call between 12-6 p.m. Tanks, cannisters and uprights. LOST: DOG. Six month gold male M2J_ Bogue at Red Cedar FEMALE - SUBLET own room in 351-4495. C-9-3-11 (15) FOR QUALITY stereo service THE Guaranteed one full year, 47.88 - red collar. Lake Lansing, Haga- duplex. Furnished. Close to cam¬ STEREO SHOPPE. 566 East Grand THESIS, DISSERTATION, and and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING dorn area. Friday, 2/25. Please call Call3SI*SltO pus. Spring/summer. 351-6237. MALE ROOMMATE needed in COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ 393-7100 or 351-1342. 1-3-2 (191 River. C-9-3-H (12) term paper typing. Fast reason¬ 3-34 113) furnished house for able. Call JOHN CALHOUN, 332- spring and posite City Market. C-9-3-11 (24) EDITING THESES, research [7 .PersouTf/j - 4110/month. 393- OWN ROOM, 575/month plus summer terms. papers, journal articles. Gremmar, 2078.0-_9-3-nj12l WALK TO downtown Lansing. Two bedroom apartment in newer utilities. 118 Linden. Pets allowed. 3514957. Z 8-3-11 (12) 1909. Z 3-3-3 (14) COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, Nancy Drews, Beatle items Want¬ punctuation, organization, clarity. Experienced, fast, reasonable. PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ sonal and professional IBM typing. assr*—! 51 oO to $300 at Bingo! J 7-J0 building. 4180/month. 487-1946. PRIVATE SINGLE room, free ed! Visit CURIOUS USED BOOK IN HOME T.V. 484-3862 after 5:30 p.m. X 6-3-9 Tuesday Night. CONGREGAn One day service. 361-5094. C-9-3- 8-3-3J13) GREAT BEDROOM for 3rd male. laundry, no utilities. 2 blocks from SHOP, 307 East Grand River, SERVICE CALLS (161 11 (121 SHAAREY ZEKEK, 1924 Co Berkey. 337-1500. Z 6-3-8112) East Lansing. FEMALE GRAD to share nice Two baths, large kitchen. 570/ 332-0112, (open 11:30-6 p.m.) C-9-3-1112 month. 4824397. Z 1-3-2 (121 furnished ment. one bedroom One block from campus. apart¬ QUIET, CLEAN, close to campus. C-9-3-1U22[ I listrictioi P| BEAUTIFUL ROOM in sharp Own room in house. Reasonable. 10-SPEED bike - Torpado Super Sales—Service—Rentals 4100/month plus utilities. Neat and responsible. Call 351-7425. home. Large yard, trees. March 15th. 496.25. 337-2679. Z-8-3-11 Evenings, 337-2655. 8-3-10 112) Tourismo, 25" frame, like new, 5100. Scott, 484-0935 after 8 p.m. PIANO LESSONSTry experienced young teacher. Beginning thru Blood Drive COMMUNICATIONS advanced. 694-3487.10-3-9 (121 3-3-3J22I LARGE ROOM, near campus. S-5-3-7 115) LINK ONE FEMALE wanted spring term for own room. Near Sparrow. FURNISHED FARM rooms. Lake, dark room, animals, potential re¬ Clean term. house. Available spring 485 plus utilities. Call 351- PORTABLE TV in excellent condi¬ 220 M.A.C. Ave. Use (Univ. Moll) WRITING CONSULTANT 8 years experience in professional editing, Today 482-6782 after 5 p.m. 5-3-4 (13) 6185. 5-3-7 1141 tion. 528. 484-8783. E-5-3-7 112) Damp Parking sources. Responsible people. 351- writing skill instruction. 337-1591. 6643.5-3-8(12) 332-5554 FEMALE GRADUATE student. Nonsmoker. Campus Hill, four woman. Spring. 475. 349-2564. Z OWN ROOM available in large house beginning March 15th. LARGE, FURNISHED, quiet room. Close to campus. Call 351-8154 after 3 p.m. 9-3-11 (12) TYPEWRITER-- ROYAL Sabre manual, seldom used, with i $50. Call 355-8932. E 5-3-2 112) Real Estate^ ](«] C-2-3-2J12) IMPROVE YOUR writing skills. Individual instruction by qualified Snyder-Phillips | 3-3-2(121 Located 2 blocks from campus. teacher. Term papers, essays. BOOK EXCHANGE - 2301 East NEW IN town? Let me help you Place: MALE ROOMMATE wanted spring. Cedar Village Apartments. Friendly people. 332-0545. 5-34 1171 OWN ROOM in duplex. Females needed spring and/or summer. Michigan Avenue. Paperbacks, comics, buy, sell, trade. 485-0416. find a place to call home. Paul Coady. 332-3582 MUSSELMAN 337-0688. 3-3-3 (131 Snyder-Phillip 488/month. Call Jeff, 332-5664. Z FEMALE WANTED, spring term. Near campus. 332-5491. Z 2-3-2 12-3-11J12I [ Typiif Strvice Ifjj] Lower Lounge | REALTY. C-9-3-11 (181 8-3-91121 Own room, quiet house. 477/ (13) COLOR TV - RCA. XL-100 solid EAST LANSING - close in. Mar¬ ried couple or single women. month, utilities. 482-9972. Z-3-3-2 (12l_ MALE SUBLET spring-summer. state, tion. 15" screen. Excellent condi¬ $220^355-9839. 8-3-7_l12l_ [ Racreatiow ][J EXPERT IBM Typist-Theses, dis¬ sertations, general typing. Rea¬ CANOE THE Everglades spring Three rooms and bath - basement Share upper flat of large farm¬ sonable. 393-9971/337-2129 after 6 OWN ROOM — two person house, 7 miles north of campus. UPRIGHT PIANO. Old, but good break. 7 days-4130 plus trans¬ Time: II a.m.-5 p.m. apartment. Unfurnished, all utili¬ house. 648 Spartan. 485/plus. condition/tone. Natural finish. p.m. X 24-3-11 1121 ties paid. No pets. 4186. Also have 4894177. X-5-3-2 116) portation. Deadline March 12. 339-2961 after 6 p.m. 9-3-11 (121 $200. Roger, 332-6441. 6-3-4 (12) PINE RIVER CANOE CAMP. 676- first floor apartment available IBM PROFESSIONAL typing. No 2389; 675-7514. 13-3-11 119) March 1st - 4180/electricity. DRESSAGE SADDLE, miscellan¬ job too big or too small. Near Phone 332-5968.8-3-2 (341 FIVE BEDROOM furnished. Tun GIRLS SINGLE room. 3 blocks faculty club. Call Pat, 393-9642. B Blood Donating Tips: DON'T PAY utilities. Everything minqtes south of campus. 1)4 from Union, no kitchen. Quiet. Neat. Phone 351-5076 before eous tack, equipment, riding ap¬ parel. Like newl Great bargains! | Service |[Ay] V3j2j[16) acres, house. 4400.394-1168. 9-3- included for 4166/month. One noon, after 5 p.m. X-Z-5-3-3 (171 332^°621. 8-34 n2)_ VERY ADEPT rock and roll guitar¬ ANN BROWN PRINTING AND 11 113) 10 SPEED Schwinn Varsity boys ist looking for a group. Call TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, * Please eat a meal before you donate bedroom furnished, country set¬ TWO BLOCKS from campus - 361-5912. 5-3-4 (121 • Please make an appointment ting, 4 miles east of MSU. bike, 27", 480. Call 393-6970 after general printing. Serving MSU for TWO ROOMS in house, two 437 MAC. Large room, southern Efficiency - 4146. No pets. 339- 4 p.m. X-8-3-4 (121 27 years with complete theses blocks from campus. Spring term. exposure, cooking and lounging INCOME TAX preparation by TAX Call Joann 355-4965 service. 349-0650. C-9-3-11 119) 8686.8-3-7(23! Call 351-2713. Z-7-3-10 (12) area. Partially furnished. 576.88/ CORPORATION OF AMERICA SUBLEASE - ONE male. Twyck- month. Available immediately! [Mobile Homes I counselor in your home. Week¬ RAPID TYPING service. Themes, ingham Apartment. Spring term OWN house. ROOM, three student Furnished, excellent condi¬ Phone: 351-2326. Ask for Bruce. 5-3-3 (25) MT. VERNON, two bedroom. ends, evenings. 337-2747 after 5 dissertations, term papers. IBM YOU Can Save Lives only. 351-7570. 4-3-4 (12) p.m. 0-9-3-11 (171 Selectric. Call 694-1541. 13-3-11 tion. Spring. 488/month. 332- $160/month plus deposit. Wins- FEMALE NEEDED, share room in comfortable house spring. 475/ 3782. Z 6-3-8 (12) [ for Sale ffcl low's Park. Park children or pets, regulations: no 655-2252. 8-3-2 ABBOTT ROAD HAIRCUTTERS - 42.00 OFF on men's or wom¬ month, utilities included. Call 1171 en's haircuts including shampoo Bess, 337-9574. 8-1-3 115) 1 w SPRING CLEANING is just around the cornerl All those unused items and blow. Offer good through March 14th. Abbott Road - FEMALES - OWN rooms-house. FOR RENT/sale - 2 bedroom, ELSWORTH HOUSE CO-OP has can be turned into cash I Sell them above bank. Sale - hlar blowers, openings spring term for men and women. Room and board, approx¬ 2 miles-MSU. Pets considered. Warm atmosphere. 332-2681. 16- fast with a classified ad. Call Kevin at 355-8255. S 16-3-11 (271 near MSU. Stove, refrigerator, drapes. $180. 393-5175. 8-3-4 (121 irons. 332-4314; 332-4080. 1-3-4* 129) STEREO MUSIC SYSTEMS FROM HI-FI Bm 3-11 (121 imately 5300 per term. Call 332- 3574. Z 13-3-11 (20) TRIVIA CHALLENGE, only $2.00, ROOMMATE WANTED own SHARE THREE bedroom country room, spring and summer. 575 - TRIVIA, Box 41068, Chicago, Illi¬ mailorder PERFORMANCE+ nois 60641. Z 10-3-8 (12) } VALUE house. 10 minutes from MSU. plus utilities. One block, campus. SPICIAUSTS Own bedroom and den. Call after Call 351-7777, S 5-3-5 (191 CARPET YOUR dorm RELIABILITY+ 6:30 p.m. 675-5397. 8-3-11 (17) room. Good NEW COMMUNITY CO-OPERA¬ TIVE needs members. 5285/term, condition, used carpet. 51.50/ SERVICE= EAST LANSING, three bedroom house. Full basement/garage. room/board/utilities. Close. 351- square yard. CLEANERS. 393-2510. 5-3-4 (14) DANFORD There's never been a camera like it. 4240 plus utilities and deposit. 337- 3820. Z 8-3-8 (121 0061 or 694-6506. 8-3-11 116) SKIS FOR sale, Fischer Super HELP....NEED male for three bed¬ ROOM AVAILABLE: Reasonable, convenient to campus. Meals Glass, 200 centimeters, Marker bindings. Good condition. 5100. The Minolta ONLY plus: these extras duplex. Meridian Township. prepared. 337-2381. Z 5-3-3 (121 351-8161. Z 3-3-3 114) 110 '289 room Private pool, garage, full base¬ FREE BEST DEAL in Townl Room and HEATHKIT AR-1500. Tested bet¬ ment, accessories. 351-2205, Tom or Jeff. Z 1-3-2 (19) board, 5245 per term. Call nowl MONTIE HOUSE, 332-8641. Z ter than specifications. Must sell, great buy. $199. 337-1534. 8-3-3 Zoom OWN ROOM - share house. Near Frandor. Spring/summer option. 10-3-11 (151 112) SLR. Call 484-3674. Z 5-3-8 (12) SUBLEASE FOR summer. Own room - co-ed house. One block, / CASH FOR \V It combines the LARGE HOUSE-244 acreaT450/ Berkey. Furnished, carpeted, convenience of the 110 film format, the cooking, parking, walk-in closet, monthly. 3 people needed. 15 minutes from campus. 694-2518, utilities. 351-3608. Z 4-3-3 (181 HOOKS precision of electronics and the advanced Harry. Z 3-3-4 (151 features of a single lens reflex camera, LUXURY DUPLEX, near campus. Central air, 3 bedrooms; Availa¬ SINGLE ROOMS. Male, female. 582/month, utilities paid. 236 North Harrison. 332-6990, immed¬ iate and spring term.Z10-3-11116) Gibsons Loads of e • • Remarkably easy to use. Uses instant-load 110 film cartridges. Through-the-lens viewing and focusing. ble June. 5325.394-1937. Z 8-3-11 Paper and • Built-in 2X zoom lens ranges from normal to telephoto. ULREY CO-OP for hardbacks, Taxt and • Built-in macro lens. women - spring Reference • Electronic shutter automatically sets correct exposure. RENTING FOR summer, fall. Extra term. Close to campus, 4315 - room/board. 332-5095. Z 3-3-2(12) We aim 202V sharp buy books anytime TECHNICS 6060 BSR 2260 apartments. Houses and duplex's - 332- 1946. 0 2-3-2 (12) 332-3169. ROOM AVAILABLE - 5 bedroom 128 W. Grand River 110 ZOOM SLR s 179 Be SURE TO AM FM STEREO RECEIVER RECORD CHANGER loudspeakers nasi house. 2 blocks from Student 1 bl.W.of Union SPEAKM ARE IHf» ASK ABOUT OUR FECI FINISHING KM" OWN ROOM in large house - Services. Call Dave, 332-0241. MthruFri. - OFFERING BOTH SUB¬ DELIVERS THE FULL 6-3-9 (131 9:00 ■ 5:30 SR-T200, with f2 '159 SPECIAL RECORD STANTIAL POWER AND RANGE OF SOUND RE 10 THIS SYSTEM spring. Three blocks campus. f OVERALL HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTION. WHILE BECAUSE Of 199 PURCHASE PUTTING THE LEAST PRISING ABIUIt TO * 483.33/utilities. 351-4073. 8-3-4 OWN ROOM. Furnished, clean, SR-T201, with f 1.7 PERFORMANCE A BEAU¬ TIFUL CONTROL CENTER AMOUNT OF WEAR ON PRODUCE All Of ra SMITH CORONA manual type¬ PROGRAM MUSIC close. Parking. Spring/summer. writer. 525.393-3884 after 6 p.m. E SR-T202, with f 1.7 229 FOR THIS SYSTEM YOUR RECORDINGS OWN ROOM with extras. Prefer 580/month. Jerry, 351-0600. Z 3-34 (121 5-3-8 (12) XE-5, with f 1.7 279 grad. 587/month. Close, busline. 351-6315. 8-3-8 112) XE-7, with f 1.7 319 ONE MALE to rent semi-country SMALL ROOM in house on MAC. 465/month. Lynn, 351-2326 any¬ time. Z 3-3-2 (12) PHILLIPS 427 turntable, Pioneer SX535 receiver, KLH 100 speak¬ ers. 5325 or best offer. 337- ADD >30 FOR Fl.4 LENS Technics W home, 1% miles from campus. 2109. Z-2-3-3 (141 570/month plus utilities. Call after 6 p.m. - 349-2565. 5-3-3 (19) SPRING in 2 bedroom. - FURNISHED bedroom 580/month, utilities THORENS TD-160 turntable. Ex¬ ♦HMMHHHMMHHMHM And since we feel our obligation has just begun after FEMALE NEEDED for -ad paid. Carol, 372-7623.10-3-2 112) cellent condition with Stanton NORMAN'S OF BATTLE CREEK it a national mail sale, we maintain a complete in-store service departm 681 EE. Great value. 4140. 349- should the need ever arise. house. Own room, near campus. Call 332-3336 anytime. 8-3-3 (12) ROOMS. 4 people. Available now, 9579. Z-5-3-8 (12) order photo equipment specialist, with our ads one block from Union. 3944796, appearing in Modern and Popular Photography. FEMALE. OWN room, four bed¬ leave message. 7-34 (121 PLAYBOY MAGS -7l -~1975. We sell at New York and Chicago prices, but Mint. Good investment. 4950. room house. 465 plus utilities. 425 OWN ROOM semi-furnished. Evenings, 339-8069.3-3-4 (12) deliver quicker because we're to close. A Bank SEE ALL THE FINE MUSIC SYSTEMS AT.- deposit. Bus line. 484-9360 after card order, phoned in en Monday, would pos¬ 4:30 p.m. 8-34 (161 Close, private entrance, parking. Available 3/18. 337-0678 after 7 19" ZENITH Color TV~ Console. 4100. 351-2457 after 8 p.m. 3-3-4 sibly be delivered to your front door on Thurs¬ HI-FI BUYS ... ALWAYS ONC SWAM" OWN ROOM. Female" for" four p.m. 8-3-11 (13) day. We stock everything we tell. bedroom house. Campus close. LARGE DOUBLE room in excel¬ Must see to appreciatel and summer. Call 337-9494. Spring lent house, 3 blocks to campus. GARRARD TURNTABLE. Baae, WRITE FOR 3-3-2 dustcover and cartridge included. Kitchen, laundry, parking. Prefer grad or couple. Call James, 351- 3957 or 332-0062. 8-3-11 (22! Best offer or $30.353-7560. Z 3-3-4 FREE CATALOG HI-FI BUYS® I J^GSE TWO COMFORTABLE rooms, HALF PRICE - Sansui 9500 <| 616-9*5-7285 1 ? "IV«" A4I0W 9AQINAW 323 E E I PH GRAND RIVER 3St S3M ME 1H spring term. 471.43 monthly. Own ll if iVi LANS.MFM. 484-4M* LANSING - EAST side, three rooml On busline. Friendly house- amplifier. Over 75 watts per chan¬ 55 W. Michigan u » 121 P u.* SAT. $•$ nel. Highly versatile control fea¬ bedroom house. 5200 plus utilities. matesl Ask for Karen or Anne tures. $275. Battle Crook, Ml 49014 SAT. 4-4 Call 484-1964. 5-3-3 1121 332-2253. Z 3-3-4 (19) 332-4353, evenings. Z 4-3-4 117) fl.;,hingn Stole News, Eo»t loosing, Michioon Wednesday, March 2, 1977 13 DOONESBURY "RUSH" SPONSORED BY: | ■ M. UK*. "TONITi" by Garry Trudeau March 2 L)WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)welm TVfr.i.. , ,... ■AND, OF COURSE, RJESHALL BE COYERIN6 DETENTE! AS VOUUIU. WHATDO U^^^^^^^^^^"^")WELM-TV(Coble) (12)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) SEE, THE ONLY PRACTICAL WAY TO 1 INSURE HMD ORDER IS TO BASE Youumr, mm- , ME? NOW,TAKE * RELATIONS ONHOWADVERSARIES PEACE OR PERSON- YOURVME, . TREAT US,NOT THBROWN PEOPLE! HUMAN ALLY? BARfWY.. RIGHTS?! / wednesday 1:30 (6) As the World Turns (12) ABC News 9:30 morning (23) Latino Consortium (10) McLean Stevenson (10) Days of Our Lives 8:00 7:00 10:00 (12) Family Feud (4) Hogan's Heroes (10) Dean Martin Celebrity LcoptolnKangoroo 2:00 (10) To Tell the Truth Roast I]) Good Morning, (12) $20,000 Pyramid (11) Business, Law and (12) The Barry Manilow norica (23)Agronskyat large Women 9:00 2:30 Special l) Good Day I (6) Guiding Light (12)Brady Bunch (23) Decades of Decision (23) My Three Sons l)Morcu.Wolby,M.D. (10) Doctors 7:30 11:00 ■2) Dinah I (12) One life to Live V Ssiama Stroot (23) Food for Life (4) $25,000 Pyramid (4-10-12) News (23) Anyone for Tennyson? PEANUTS tare* yaw 9:30 3:00 (10) Hollywood Squares MfhauppBt 11:30 Opan 10 AM • • PM Daily |)Tattl*tol*s (4) All in the Family (11) Gator's Gab by Schulz SPONSORED BY: 10:00 (12) Price Is Right (4) Columbo MS Abbott Road. Eait Lansing (10) Another World (10) Johnny Carson (23) MacNeil/lehrer (prico !i Right (23) Cooking with Report (12) Mary Hartmon, Jg) Scnford and Son Continental Flavor 8:00 Mary Hartman THE ENVIRONMENTAL IT U)AS A KITE-EATING b)El*ctric Company 3:15 (23) ABC News PROTECTION A6ENCY TREE.' I ONLY BIT IT 10:30 (12) General Hospital (4) Good Times 15 AFTER ME JUST TO 6ET EVEN... (10) Griuly Adams k) Hollywood Squaroi 3:30 (11) American mythic BECAUSE 10IT A TKE£! 7r B) Don Ho (4) Match Game 83% of our theatre B) Lowell Thomai (23) Lilias, Yoga and You 11:00 4:00 (12) Dorothy Hamill Special (23) Nova Readers | Double Doro (4) Confetti 8:30 I| Wheel of Fortune (10) Scrambled Eggs (4)Jacksons read this space. I) lucy Show (12) Wild, Wild West (11) Talking Back llMliler Rogers (23) Sesame Street 11:30 9:00 Your AD 4:30 I Love of Life (4) Movie FRANK & ERNEST 1| Shoot lor the Store BHoppy Ooys Kjulias. Yoga and You (4) Bewitched (10) Emergency One I (4) Gunsmoke 5:00 "Minstrel Man" (10)CPO Sharkey (11) Cable 11 News could bo here! by Bob Thaves sponsored by: U5H 10% MSU DISCOUNT 11:55 (12) John Denver (12) Emergency One I (23) Childhood |(SS News (23) Mister Rogers afternoon AO. RlCHTJ... 12:00 wednesday nciDH nm □uu fel)News evening CROSSWORD aaan onn □□□ iMHOjfE BRIGHT ■ Name That Tune PUZZLE □□□□□ Banana 5:30 ranaoBQ otsaaa IDEA iMAS THE (Nova (10) Adam-I2 mam esq Bang 12:20 (11) Cable 11 News 23. Bumpkin □B IMHOOPEE Imonac 12:30 (23) Electric Company 24. Size □□□□□on rjg y. §. §UP[f3iMlg ©MET 4:00 28. Abandons gaaa ma yon tarch lor Tomorrow (4-10-12) News 30 Force HncBH snnaaa 3) Ballad | lovers and Friends (11) The Real News 32. Mild nsaana nanaa ®»?-D.«4BK ' M Bag " v yz THAME} | (yen's Hope (23) Classic Theatre 33 Flaky am Has nana 1:00 Preview 36 Windlass raaa aanc Itoung and the Restless 4:30 37. Means of 225 Ann , , 351-4230 | Gong Show (4) CBS News transportation 46 Strain THE DROPOUTS . - I 4 Jj Wadnatday Dinnar: ■All My Children (10) NBC News r'a-ruf-iiani^iTta «.T.n«.ya»»:"i)» 1| Qulch*altacianna. Francb onion voup. f Thrival (11) Black Notes by Post gr„„, Gnd y,s.,ob|. I0|ad Resembling egg 19 Period ol time 20 Obsolete TONIGHT IS 21 Streak in mahogany 22 Possessive adiective Vodka Night 124 Boil on the eyelid 25 Hornblende ft off 26 King Arthur's lance 27 Windup any vodka drink 29 Sunbeam 32 Sweethearts -7S57"" Folk entertainment nitely 33 Preeminent no cover 34 Roman patriot 341IMPORIUM 12271. Grand River 35 Twibills PROFESSOR PHUMBLE GAMBS 4 GIFTS Ph. 332*6517 36. Cleft 38 Water hole 40 Spade 41 Gypsy Rose by Bill Yates sponsored by: goM 337-2700 FEATURING GO A MAH-JONG ^ TOWIT1 WHAT^ THE YooisOoKit* IT: lOWN'S TOWN SPONSORED BY: Soup X DooLey's muggir's / If* MY MlPFOP AiJcrrm^rou Pike 2rown S <1.30 Mill IfJVfNTloH FOR? v^o \6 \,c&\. Salad -—A com VVITH A PERSONALLY, I D /fllPPOP Oft IMP RATHER HAVE A PA CF\ PINT OF BACARDI. IL= TODAY'S SPICIAL Astoeitof CALVIN AND COMPANY Unleavened pocket breed filled with re- fried beans, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, i-L by Mark Varadian SPONSORED BY: and onions. 4 j« ■L AZTICO RESTAURANT 203 M. A.C. 351-9111 Hometown People SHADOWS Giving THE PEOESTRIbiJ gA.bSl Hometown ServiceI |Gordon Carleton sponsored by: (Mdi'i Little Freeway To Aftoay 8u«ftR To .. E*arT roR. f\ V/lOLtlJf UFbRAff oF Airnvft*, TittAii A n.vi* _ mALL PETE'! sponsored by: Service Station 1301«. Gr. River SOiFFu' TvW HOT MR. OVER. THE AbrtumflbTionl ■bCorol Gablat. Neat to Varsity Inn this really funny comic for 25' S3 W# Appreciate Your Bu>inesi piof free play! UJWAIO S00D16S TIWCKEO THAT DOWM MV OLO X WWEA>' T SE6/U .ipiwein&poAU. . 1 THS fco's ?! COHWe THtY ? CNBRASAiN, IIHiNK L1 Ste THESE. GUYS I/O TH£ 1*OUU> HAVeiiHet>T6 BecoMeTHeeuvwHo BEETLE BAILEY "seusmeRejecikp ca&tt KANS IB by Mort Walker SoMiCNeetfc ir tHe general [ Bar otto SAip All ooes refuses to Have to be on k hear one leashes j.- 14 Michigon State News. Eost Lansing, Michigan Consideration of voters' race | Court to decide future of 'U' programs (continued from page 1) the setting of numerical goals. in redisricting OKd by court An employer may become involved with affirmative action four different ways, according to the status report. "Goals are an attempt to estimate what the employer's work force would look Ilk® If there had been no illegal discrimination," according to WASHINGTON State officials acknowledged that the Constitution bars • An employer may voluntarily develop an the status report, "Goals are aligned with the (AP) - that they used voters' race as drawing political boundaries affirmative action plan. number of percent of qualified women and SUte legislatures redrawing the "with the sole, explicit objec¬ • An employer voluntarily accepting a federal minorities. political boundaries may consi¬ primary consideration in der voters' race in order to give the redistricting plan. The plan tive of reaching a predeter¬ contract must develop an affirmative action plan, According to Perrin, a goal "is an estimate of black or other nonwhite voters was designed to assure non- mined racial result." including numerical goals, as a condition of doing the net increase" of women. "Goals do not mean preferential treatment." CIGARETTES white voters at least a 66 per business with the government. a greater voice in government, • An the Supreme Court said Tues¬ cent majority in some districts Burger said the racial quota employer may undertake affirmative The terms "goals" and "quotas" are often so nonwhite candidates would system employed by New York action as part of a conciliation agreement with a day. "erroneously used interchangeably." according have a better chance of win¬ was an inpermissible form of federal or state enforcement agency, or as part of The high court, with only Chief Justice Warren E. Burger ning. Proponents called the redis¬ racial discrimination. a private settlement of a suit or charge. • Courts may impose affirmative action to the status report. The obligation to meet the goal set by an institution under an affirmative action program 779' disagreeing with its action, up¬ The court's decision was a requirements. held a lower court decision that tricting plan a form of "affirma¬ defeat for Hasidic Jews living The aim of affirmative action is to eliminate is not absolute. However, an employer must tive action gerrymandering" demonstrate that a "good faith" effort has been the New York State Legisla¬ in the Williamsburgh section of prospective discrimination, including eliminating while opponents called it a type made to attract women and minorities, specific ture did not violate the Consti¬ Brooklyn who protested the the effects of past discriminatory practices that of "reverse discrimination." tution when reapportioning redistricting because it divided still have a negative impact on women and job-related objective criteria has been set up state legislative districts in 1974. In his dissent, Burger said that a 1960 court decision found their community into two state Senate and Assembly districts. minorities, the status report said. One of the tools used to end discrimination is before the hiring process and equal application of the criteria has teen applied. 10% OFF KODAK FILM »■«» NO LIMIT COUPON EXPII1ESS.5-77 •4> and inseams long% BRECK rapid SHAMPOO SHAVE 83' 99l 7 oi. 11 OI. ^ K^cOPVYOurc^v * AJ j f Reg. 1.25 Reg. 1.59 LIMIT I COUPON ixniKiMfl I EXCEDRIN TRACII 1 $1 6 36 s Reg. 1.15 72' Refillir. Reg f's 2.35 I , SUNGLASSES 30% OFF RETAIL LIMIT] COUPON IXPIK.S S.,7 BAN ROLL ON ANTIPERSPIRANT-DEODORANT I 1.5 OI. Rog. 1.41 3-WAY MASSENGIll CUBE DISPOSABLE | DOUCHE TAP Twin Pack Rog. 1.25 79 Rog.60< 29' PHISODERM VISINE| SKIN CLEANSER EYE DR Huggs Rear Gear 37 ol Whooie! Huggs hug hips, thighs, knees everv curve you've got-line for line Huggs hove Like a second set of skin Smooth and slim. The seamed back makes you heart-shaped Low Gear Gasp1 Unbelievably abbreviated Short and Sugar Britches Tapered to tempt Good for your hips. Sleek 101. Rog. 2.00 $ 1. '/. OI. Rog. 1.75 M. hand-measured fit and inseam sizing for the snug for o very long and leggy lock saddle sides A bouncy curved back seam and huggable Sharp stitched front seams Guaranteed to slow traffic and raise pulse Trim front pockets Same great Levi' LIMIT I length that's right for you (Short regular (Short, regular, long) Sizes 3-15 Denim twill in rates. (Theirs, not yours) Seamed back gives COUPON EXPIkb M long.) Sizes 3 to 13 Brushed twill quality Snug new fit Very very snug red. blue you cheeky curves My, oh my in navy and white Regular length. Sizes 3 to $17 and yellow Sizes 3 to 13 Denim, of course $19 & $20 $10 $21 HALLS MENTHO-LYPTUS Great day in the merning s COUGH DROPS Levi's has gone and got 30 s Reg.«5C 49 sexy, sassy and downright brassy! ORLON CABLE OPAQUE I Public KNEE HI'S KNEE HI'S I disclaimer by Sagebrush Zeb Reg. 1.25 88' 7 for any and all LIMIT 6 LIMITL COUPON EXPIPH whiplash injuries suffered COUPON IXPIMSJ.5-77 while watching Asterisks! In all my days. I have never seen a that found on the new Asterisks m snugger fit than by Levis® SHIRTS L.P. SPECIALS!! Asterisks ni hug. They're tapered to the waistline, Wavy stripe rib knit in navy dose to the hips. They have curves: for ond aft. AMERICA - HARBOR coming and going. It surprises me some that they Poor Boy stripe knit in yellow, red have not been declared harmful to the public health because of the sudden PINK FLOYD-ANIMALS twisting turning Rainbow Rib stripe knit movement they cause among males. For that reason L Sagebrush Zeb. hereby disclaim all AN EVENING WITH DIANA R0» tor Injury due to strained eyeballs, pulled neck liability Sleeve T-Shirt in navy, red $4. 59 V-Neck T in blue, navy, red gold, natural All come in Small Medium and Large Reg- 7-'1