^O^MM7^WMBER4i^THURSPAY. MARCH 3.1977 MICHIGAN STAIR UNIVERSITY J ]ommittee granted power bar freshmen from JMC By SUZIE ROLLINS college rests ultimately with the State News Staff Writer MSU faculty of JMC wants a moratorium placed After the meeting, Matel said she is . administration, the UCAP has been on freshman admissions so they may L University Committee on Academic ered to enact whatever empow- planning to suggest to the Steering Com procedural steps it explore the mission of lifelong education. mittee the possibility of establishing an ad | |UCAP) has been granted full views as necessary to finalize the arrange- "If we find at the conclusion of the hoc committee to draw up a new document ■rity to do whatever must be done to ments. ° eshman enrollments in Justin Morrill planning period for whatever reason that that would deal with program discontinua¬ The UCAP, like the the mission is not working, I would be the tion. entire academic council, has an advisory role to first to second the motion to lift the | move, taken in an Academic Council administration, the and will forward its recom¬ moratorium," he added. "Discontinuation is not only a student g Tuesday, represents one of the mendations issue," she said. "Any modification would to MSU Provost Lawrence ■steps in JMC's conversion to the Michelle Matel, undergraduate Steering have benefit if it came from students and istrative unit for lifelong education, Boger. Committee representative, presented a faculty." h the destiny of the residential Milton Powell, JMC professor, said the statement expressing Student Council's In other business: "extreme dismay over the procedures used •The council approved the March 1 in consideration of the report proposed JMC of the University Committee on Curriculum moratorium on freshman admissions." |raves pitcher which provides for the addition of 60 files She said Student Council opposed the Procedures for discontinuation because they do "not provide an appropriate mode of participation for the Academic Council. proposed new courses that will become effective during the 1977-78 academic year. •The Ad Hoc Committee to Review Judicial Systems at MSU received an extension on jel suit against SN Academic Council has been delegated authority by the MSU Board of Trustees in areas of curriculum changes and degree its •There reporting date to council. was discussion regarding the Uni¬ State News Leonid Shamkovich, international grand champion, ponders a move while Maggie Walker requirements, yet is relegated to the mode versity's incomplete grade policy that will By PATRICIA LaCROIX were published with malicious intent and of consultative participation in the areas of simultaneously playing some 40 local chess enthusiasts Tuesday night in be continued at the first State News Staff Writer meeting of spring Brody. were damaging to his reputation as well as discontinuation." term. tel G. Marshall, relief pitcher for the future employment prospects with the i Braves and an MSU graduate University and other organizations. is filed a (2.5 million libel suit The news item was picked up by other |t the Slate News. media from Los Angeles to New York, charging that stories pub- which intensified the amount of the newspaper regarding his damage n done by the original stories, Marshall's i the Men's IM Building in 976 were damaging to his was filed on k County Circuit Court, and present- Feb. 24 in the petition said. It also states Marshall made attempts to contact both the numerous writer of the stories and the management of the State Mercury poison, dancing cats: feute News General Manager Gerald News in an effort to correct the mistakes in p Wednesday. i ■ ill maintains that i on Feb. 24,1978, workout partners were pitching |atting plastic golf bails and practice area of the Men's IM. tennis the stories, but was unsuccessful. Coy said Wednesday the State News would counter these charges. "We maintain that the reporter involved prelude to death for Ojibways did the proper job," he said. "There was no nonbylined State News story By Judy Putnam "The scientist has a moral obligation to humanity. i intention of personal injury." Lying in a largely rustic, unsettled area, the beautiful English-Wabigoon River It's up to ed the next day, Marshall was said the scientists to make sure what they discover or i "walked into the turf arena and Marshall called the damage resulting snakes its way northwest across the Canadian province of Ontario. what they from the stories "in Over 1,000 Ojibway Native Americans live on two primitive reservations on lakes know, is made known to the world." Hbatting baseballs in all directions." - Frank D'itri fed by the river, and sportsmen fly in from across the continent to catch pike, perch \ police were notified, the story "I feel that the stories directly contribut¬ and walleye from the Wabigoon's waters. The fish that are caught are lies, and Marshall was arrested for ed to my being traded from L.A. to large and appear healthy — deceptively healthy. In violation of a University ordinance Atlanta," he said. "If the State News had The dumping did not stop in 1970. however, and the chemical company continued This is a story about mercury-poisoned fish, a people who must survive on them, a inhibits persons from disrupting the taken any action to correct this (the alleged chemical plant and two MSU professors — Patricia and Frank D'itri. This is also a to put mercury into the river until 1975, contaminating the fish which the Ojibways |dii)gs of any scheduled recreational mistakes), I wouldn't file suit." story about the earth and what Patricia D'itri, an assistant professor of American depend on for food. The fish are also important to the Native Americans for income The State News has been the as the Indians serve as tour target of Thought and Language, has called "the warning lights for the rest of us." guides for fishing expeditions, a major industry in the IW up story published on Feb. 26, only one or two lawsuits in the 71 years of lid that Marshall "apparently under¬ In 1962, a chlor-alkali chemical plant of the Dryden Paper its operation, Coy said. The last one, filed in Company began In the meantime, suspicious signs have appeared among the people — incidents of line activity with the intent of the 1960s, was withdrawn by the plaintiff. dumping mercury into the Wabigoon River, upstream from the Grassy Narrows and tunnel vision and White Dog Reservations. Between then and 1970, when a tingling sensations, a tour guide in his 30s who was once a ljing intramural officials' decision to Coy added that it would be difficult to methyl mercury poisoning pro-hockey prospect and cannot now walk straight, a child who cannot learn the •their advanced reservation system," prove damages amounting to $2.5 million problem was first discovered, the plant released an estimated 9,000 to 11,000 alphabet. ■Marshall had previously used. and said this was "unreasonably high" for a kilograms of mercury into the river. Icontinued on page 14) 1II maintains that these stories University community. pgotiations halted; Communist heads meet, students strike attempt solidarity show protest alleged MADRID, Spain (AP) — Leaders of Western Europe's major Communist par¬ ties met in Madrid for the first time in 40 following the death of long-time dictator Francisco Franco. Earlier Wednesday, a bomb believed years Wednesday to show solidarity with |tback in services the still-outlawed Spanish party and to work out a common policy on dissidence in the Soviet bloc. planted by rightists exploded outside the Justice Ministry. No injuries were re¬ ported. As the meeting opened, a Madrid fW-BOR (UPI) — University of Michigan officials maintain George Marchais of France and Enrico newspaper reported that the Spanish T* has been no serious decline in services as a result of the Fitrikeof 2,200 U-M maintenance and service personnel. Berlinguer of Italy were embraced at the government has ordered the expulsion of a airport by Santiago Carrillo of Spain as they Soviet trade official, Yuri Pivovarov, for J™"* U-M students seem to disagree. arrived for two days of private talks at a gathering military information. ■ "Ments have gone on a rent strike to protest alleged luxury hotel. KMrvices due to the walkout of American Federation of The Foreign Ministry declined to com¬ ■witty and Municipal Employes members. The government refused to let the three ment on the report in the paper Diario 16. It ■«»I Arbor Tenants Union would be the first time a Russian was said Wednesday that $35,000 in meet in public, but from shout 140 residence hall students provided the Com thrown out since Soviet trade and cultural already has been munists police protection against possible l»ihCr°Wwhich i>!nd'I18a settlement in the contract dispute. involves workers who staff residence halls, attacks by right-wing terrorists. experts began entering Spain in the 1960s and since Moscow and Madrid re-estab¬ "id University Hospital, has not resulted in a serious The Communist party has been banned in lished diplomatic relations last month. services, university officials said. In Seville, police reported the arrest of 39 Spain since the end of the Spanish civil war I members have really pitched in to keep services 40 years ago, and its application for legality alleged members of an extreme left-wing ■"close to their normal is now before the Supreme Court. Carrillo terror band GRAPO, the levels," U-M Personnel Director military arm of returned from exile in Paris a icontinued on page 10) X., eis|ter said in a statement released Wednesday. year ago Ih it,"101 ^ardto maintain the quality and quantity of L ' residence halls and to keep the halls clean. In TJ Hospital, F'tts especially, everyone has worked hard to keep running." ■ wt™iv,ersi^'s hilling system, students living on campus L,„ n "' paying their rent in three monthly payments, the y"11 M which was due Feb. 28. 'withholding their rent have submitted letters to the tltk'!"?.01,fice clsiml»g they are "not receiving services weather pu,,; ' "ad contracted for and am entitled to." Blue j een 'he university and Local 1583 of the union ■t iirIa j '""owing a new contract offer by the university The official State News IsT •e"ded M » "»l»P In the face." weather rabbit predicts "incon¬ luL "!»" "e ""me after negotiations between striking ceivably cold" weather for to¬ school collapsed deipite Intervention by a state day, but she hasn't been fed yet since this morning. So we asked Pfti I >^"1 the Pmed on Joel Block said the newest university the National Weather Service, bargaining table Tuesday was a "sad and they predicted snow turn¬ ing to rain with a high near 40. 1^'rsity position (, the fac# to the union as well as However, we don't know lsWn' '',ramonity at large," Block said. "Our members State News'Laura Lynn Fistler when they've last been fed... |»i»L,d solld in their determination to win a just and I threat• ement i The 22 cents an hour offer is a sad joke and No, thin is not a 40-yard sprint on the gridiron, just a brisk walk through one of the parking lot rampways. 2 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigor- Thursday Mart), 3,1, Court strikes down part of k WASHINGTON (AP) - The said Wednesday his agency was wage-earners because It pro¬ sion a major victory for wom¬ trying to hastily draft a plan for vided their families less pro¬ en's rights because It breaks Supreme Court, further Ms- an anticipated flood of appli¬ tection than families of male rowing how government can "omen oeing legally discriminate between cants who had previously been wage-earners. financially dependent on their men and women, on Wednes turned down but who now are Justice John Paul Stevens, husbands. eligible for benefits under the however,-said in a separate "The: court has spoken on day struck down a portion of the law. opinion also striking dywn the policy issue of treating women sfiRtaJ the federal Social Security law. Sakharov embroiled in new conflict A 5-4 court majority said Under the law in question, a law that it was the men frozen as dependents across the board widowers or husbands of re¬ tired women seeking Social man could not recieve benefits built up by his wife's working out of receiving benefits who felt the brunt of the discrim¬ while men are treated as winners. The court's bread reasoning W'ied for 3&W MOSCOW (AP) — Soviet dissident apartment he wants to move to has not career unless the wife ination. should transcend this case supplied Andrei Sakharov has a new conflict with been satisfactorily resettled: The Chery- Security benefits cannot be least half his financial sup¬ But a winning attorney in the other laws with such to dlworked e «*• 4m or Short o# T0 •^.'"SOtt 55 » OFF WnpsMsx, 60% OFF NOW'12 to'72 OFF NOW 1350 to M COATS Si Retail 126 to BM Retail t32totl23 JACKETS JUMPSUITS pantsuits Orator • saaual. S(W Ou. «*• WWW 50% ot wools, nylou 60% our outlet WliHar ooHooUoei OFF Sewage dumped in St. Mary's River k leathers. OFF NOW *13 to *34 NOW 116 ft"' - SAULT Retail 150 STE. MARIE municipal sewage treatment plant (UPI) - The — a problem that is more likely to occur VELVET BLAZERS to BM Retail 120 to »30 SKIRTS and CO-ORDINATES during the spring thaw. dumped between 600,000 and 900,000 50% GAUCH0S Bluet Skim. 50% The wastes Our setir# gallons of raw sewage and industrial entered the river through a vwz wastes into the lower St. Mary's River backup discharge line installed some OFF 50% off P«a Qff NOW t2S to *32 now mo to m T(W over a three-day period, city officials years ago us a safety valve to „ prevent disclosed. sewage from backing up into homes or Plant Manager Malcolm Warner said businesses when the main lines OPEN become the wastes were diverted into the clogged by debris. because the main river DAILY 1010 9 sewage line became The Coast Guard clogged with tree roots and other debris was ordered to SAT. 10 » 9 investigate the incident. 12 N 9 Lichigg" 5late Newi' Eo>t Lon,inM@in) "... PX MttiE IS THE KIH6POM AMD TUB POVUGR Amin's reign of terror must be opposed Mto 1H6 GK3R/ RJB6VER AND 6VER-AM1M . "He seized power iir January about Amin in a book; Entebbe raid when other hostages 1971 to survive. He has killed ever were rescued. Amin never ex¬ •During the Entebbe Airport since for the same reason." Thus incident in July 1976, Amin al¬ plained her disappearance. One goes the reasoning behind lowed his country to become a Ugandan who fled to Kenya said he Ugandan President Idi Amin's minor battlefield between Israel had seen the half-burned body of Bloch in forest the capital reign of terror as told by British journalist David Martin, and Amin has indeed shown this to be true. and pro-Palestinians at the ex¬ pense of his own people; city. a •The deaths of an near thrives orlpuhij^y^S United States will and •Ugandan troops killed five Anglican Since the successful coup that students, wounded dozens more archbishop and two government ignore him as violate the life long aXff ousted former Ugandan leader and arrested about 700 students in ministers in February 1977 are A™™ in Uganda. Milton Obote, Amin has ruled his July 1976 at Makere University in still unsolved. richly deserves the scorn B? country with an iron fist. He has the capital of Uganda after Amin's Most recently, Americans were used extremely ruthless tactics in shown a strong desire to make threatened him; son quelling possible coups, and has classmates had snubbed and had complained that his given cause for alarm with Amin's order that U.S. citizens in Uganda assemble for a meeting at Entebbe K-tAaa Uganda a country to be reckoned •Also in July at the university, and that no Americans could leave with in the future. Amin's troops reportedly killed own people. p°11 Amin has declared himself pres¬ more than 100 students and ident for life, a quest that appears arrested another 500 to 700 more unstoppable in light of the num¬ after half the student body pro¬ erous injustices and atrocities he tested the government's failure to has committed against his own meet student grievances; people and others. •On Feb. 28,1977, the family of Thursdoy, March 3, 1977 Published accounts offer sub¬ a freelance journalist who was editorials are the opinions of the State News. stantial evidence for such a con¬ slain by Ugandan troops nearly six Viewooinls clusion: years ago stated that they be¬ and letters are personal opinions. P"Ur» Editorial Department •In November 1974, Amin or¬ lieved Amin had marked him for editor-in-chief Mary Ann ChlckShaw layout dered several British diplomats death. Managing editor Bob Our//on Photo Editors frK/ Sober! Koilofl out of Uganda after a British Other deaths that have occurred Oplnlon editor Kot Brown Copy Chief J™ City editor Michael Tanlmuro newspaper reported there had in Uganda remain shrouded with Campus editor Carole Lalgh Hutton Wire Editor JtrrziT been unsuccessful plots to assas¬ Stall Representative Ulirlmj- mystery though many observers Sports editor Edward t Ponders Freelance Editor ' sinate Amin; claim that Amin was responsible. entertainment editor Donno Sokun Book editor ^ .. •Amin ordered the firing squad •Dora Bloch, who held dual execution of a British subject after British and Israeli citizenship, was Advertising Department he made derogatory statements reported hospitalized during the Advertising Manager Don Gerow Assistant Advertising Manager Ced* input is not ss welcome ss it once was. We imprisonment and brutal torture. feel that our contributions are still impor¬ This public admission has now added Bad band tant. Although we understand the state of West Germany to the list of Western / the college is tentative and that the future is yet unclear, we feel that better communi¬ nations who collaborate with a regime that has been condemned throughout the world This is not an opinion about communism, or drugs; but about bad To the Editor cation and more information on the issues and has been characterized as one of the would enrich our participation. We believe Not bad as in good, but bad as in terri most repressive and inhumane govern¬ that student input into the new direction of course the band I refer to is that ments to emerge in modern human history. the college is valuable and warranted. with no warning, appeared before the Consequently, the repression of Iranian Sha-Na-Na Sunday. The group Students in JMC do care and are students in West Germany is not an isolated interested in the future of the college. case. Here in the United States the way from Detroit. JMC Student Caucus cooperations between SAVAK and the U.S. In the beginning, the stage light n JMC academic assistants government has been exposed both in home from college for the first time so I can pole, which crashed to the Door of the Sacred say to them, "I remember when..." Senate subcomittee hearings and in an during set-up, fell in the wrong direcb interview with the Shah on CBS television. should have fallen on the warm-up Amy Hennes They gashed their garish graffiti on my 817 E.Shaw Ha# Support movement 'This Was well tpanifested last fall in JHqusft'n, Tex., when peacefully demon¬ Broadway. old and silent friends. Cruelly inflicted Next, like the rest of the lemons infections are forever scabbed. Sacred and strating Iranian students were attacked, come out of Detroit, the band shoul Recently, a representative of the West beaten and arrested. smooth-skinned beech, profanely scarred German been recalled long ago, thus prevents government publicly Clearly, then, the Shah's repressive rule six-feet high, soar 94 more untouched by the leprous lesions of those who, in their Minority aides knowledged the deplorable fact that since ac¬ has been extended into this country's further environmental damage. 1959, West Germany has actively co¬ boundaries, and, as disclosed during Senate After feeble attempt at immortality, have hurt Broadway finished desecratiq Many of the minority students at this operated with SAVAK, the secret police of hearings, is occurring with the consent and audience, Frisbee throwing ensued, my friends and me. What savage weapons Iran, in an attempt to undermine the aid of the U.S. government. Despite this did they predominately white University would be crowd's acceptance applause to the wield? Will they ever return on a activity of Iranian students in West mature day to the scene of the crime and lost socially as well as educationally if it repression we will continue to expose and bees was louder than the combine were not for the help of minority aides. Germany, which is aimed at exposing the denounce the Shah and his fascist govern¬ plauses Broadway received durip proudly read BOB & SUE, LOVE, DUCK fascist regime of the Shah of Iran and and '69? More people should be aware of what this ment, and with each repressive action taken entire set! program is all about and why it is so lending support to the resistance movement against us, whether here or in Europe, we In fact, the noise they emitted Tom LaHaie valuable. in Iran. become ever more determined to continue miserable that it literally made th This alliance has resulted in the out¬ in our struggle. In this context we appeal to 'Waffling' 1642-D Spartan Village Minority aides get first-hand information lawing of all public demonstrations spon¬ the American people for their support. In dience sick! People began to collapse 1 main floor and had to be treate about University affairs that may be of sored by the World Confederation of particular, we ask that Americans contact paramedics who should probably In an editorial on Feb. 21 entitled "The great importance to the minority students. Iranian Students, house searches of con¬ their congressional representatives, de¬ with this band. Wharton Shuffle" it is stated in the second The aides pass on this information that the federation members and various forms of manding that SAVAK agents and informers But alas, this tale of woe hu 1 paragraph,".. .Wharton has continued his student may not have received or would provocation and pressure. Further, the be expelled from the U.S. We also ask that ending. .Sha-Na-Na! Just as An . grand tradition of sidestepping and waffling have overlooked otherwise. West German representative admitted that concerned Americans send letters and capitalism pulled us out of the the issues at hand." My under certain conditions, names of Iranian telegrams to the West German embassy dictionary defines Depression, so did Sha-Na-Na's mna waffle as "A crisp batter cake. The role of the minority aide is not to students will be provided for SAVAK . ." denouncing the West German-Iranian us out of the Broadway depression. Substituting this in your article, segregate the minority students from the despite the knowledge that the fate of these agreement. R.A.Mid ". . .tradition of sidestepping and crisp majority white students, but to make sure students will almost certainly be arrest) Iranian Students Association 1109-D University Vi batter cake(ing). . ." Apparently the State the minority students are never at a News has some other meaning for waffling, disadvantage. This is one way to bridge the would you enlighten us? gap that exists between students of different cultures and backgrounds and Robert A. Langkawel help students understand each other better. Amy reading at state dinnei 1307-H University Village This will ultimately lead to a better EDITOR'S NOTE: atmosphere on campus. — "Waffling" is a term Minority aides are not just there when widely used by the American media when a the minority students need information, but WASHINGTON - To show you person (usually politicians) refuses to take a Some paranoids in WasL as a personal friend when you just need what a crazy town this is. President have another theory. And th« stand on an issue. "Crisp batter cakes" to be someone to talk to. A student can go to Jimmy Carter just presented his new Amy isn't really reading, but seem a major part of Wharton's daily their minority aide at any time and they will budget to Congress and it provides ing to everything everyone «t be more than willing to help, no matter for a $59 billion deficit. Hardly anyone table is saying. After dimer what the problem. raised an eyebrow. But when people father and members of the CIA in Washington read that Amy Carter to her bedroom and debrief I am a minority student and I feel had attended a state dinner for Prime Gratitude justified in saying that the minority aides People will say anything that Minister Trudeau, and read a to their heads when they see 1 program is beneficial and worth recogni¬ 'I remember...' tion. The minority aides program has made book between courses, everyone reading, and Amy may be pw As a student at MSU, I wish to express went into a frenzy. the President with some 0 bis my freshman year a lot more tolerable and gratitude to the State News for its coverage The capital is now divided between vital national security intelligent I would like to take time out to thank the should be continued at MSU. Feb. 27 of the "Breakthru 77" ART BUCHWALD on ment employ¬ job fair held in the Student Services University for its responsible and economi¬ those who think it's outrageous to I, for one, don't buy this. ibei» cally sound method in determining class Onrea Green allow a 9-year-old child to read books that Amy has decided that mod Building. It gave female students excellent 218 GUchrist Hall at a state dinner, and those who dinnereareawasteoftimeud opportunities to meet with various com¬ scheduling and credits per hour. In these I believe that most days of ever increasing inflation, it is good believe if you get a kid to read these people are parents make her attend them pany representatives and sign up for job to know there are still some fine days, let her do it anywhere she overreacting to Amy sticking her duress, she's going to1 use'»« interviews. The job fair was also a chance to bargains to nose in a book between courses. I also be found on college campuses. wants to. tunity to catch up on books become aware of the associated with different variety of people Input needed I'm on Amy's side. I haven't am quite certain the Carters know what they're doing. been wanting to read for y aspects of seeking I'll never forget my father telling me of attended many state which weren't available to «r employment. how a triple scoop of ice cream cost a djnners in Plains, Ga. nickel, For the past Washington, but there are many Every time a head of state comes to bubble gum could be bought for a 11 years, Justin Morrill penny and times I wish I had a book to read at Washington he is testing the new I never had the experience of meeting many other tantalizing bargains of yester¬ College (JMC) has provided a vital alterna¬ the dinner table. There have even President. He wants to see how far he My wife, who is aUterary personally with people of whom I may in the year. Well Dad, I have got tive to "traditional" education for excep¬ can push Carter. The President is too has even come up with »n future be working for. I obtained informa¬ an exceptional tional students who have sought more been embassy dinners where I could make the both of us n winner of an economic deal for you. The smart to admit he knows what the tion about the types of responsibility for their education. The wouldn't have minded perusing She wants to start »n Amy jobs that will be deals are in two areas, the first head of state is doing, and he's too available, their locations and even how concerning flexibility of the field of concentration and Hustler magazine. of-the-Meal Club." PwP e "2 Microbiology 429. Can you imagine my much of a political animal to react to much the job pays. The most important ecstasy at finding out that for the price of field study requirements in JMC allows But the anti-Amy reading people the testing directly. asked to subscribe to the *.. benefit for me was bringing in resumes and five credits I can receive a full 10 hours of students to design unique programs best argue that the President's daughter would receive a book-a-menl actually communicating with employers assigned class time? My second unbeliev¬ suited to their individual needs and in¬ is setting a bad example for children So he invites Amy to attend his would be selected by Amy-, who had first-hand information about their terests. The achievements of JMC alumni in would be an alternate boon able find deals with Organic all over America. state dinners. While the head of the ^ company to answer questions. Chemistry labs graduate and professional schools, in busi¬ for milk and crackers,a#«r «* in the 240 series. I cannot state is trying to get down to business begin to express One mother told "If she wants my enjoyment at being able to spend three ness and in the arts, demonstrate the me: he keeps glancing at the President's you purchased a weeks-W". Another benefit was that the job fair was full hours in a lab with a teaching assistant viability of these programs as well as their to read, why don't they feed her in 9-year-old daughter with her nose books for mealtime « *»?• designed especially to help female students who speaks fluent broken practical applications. the kitchen?" stuck in a book. It'a very discon¬ would get a free book to get jobs when they graduate. This is an English. Then I Part of JMC's is due to the active return home faced with the enviable task of success Another said: "My daughter now certing and throws the prime mini¬ brunch. asset to women because they don't usually writing up these labors of love. I am truly participation of students in its governing bringa her homework to the table. I ster completely off balance. Even have the same chances of getting equal employment as men. I hope that there will moved by these most generous attempts by process. The growth and harmony of any told her it was forbidden and she Brezhnev would have a tough time After .11 the publicity*^ be more job fairs for women that will be as the University to help the ever poor college institution is enhanced by input from all its members. Students can make valuable replied, 'Amy can read at the table,' making a point for the Soviet Union reading wife feels a habite^ ^J^Club "Book-of-'h*™ students by giving them more than and I told her, 'When we have the to President Carter with successful as "Breakthru 77" at MSU. they Amy sitting is an idea whose time has co deserve. contributions to a college: the present Life Trudeaus over for dinner you can at the table of Inquiry program in JMC was developed reading "The Mystery of Cheryl Oliver read, too.'" the Black Lake with I Annaia* Tim9S with much help from students. Nancy Drew." of 1442 F Spartan Village I can hardly wait for my children to come We are presently concerned that student I B,..h,nnn stote News, Eost tonsing Michiggr, Thursday, March 3, 1977 5 llEWPOINT: PSC By MILTON TAYLOR VIEWPOINT: BRAZIL dynamited .from the Genocide has become part of ajr In a viewpoint published by the State News on Feb. growth Brazilian-style. Commission tough regulator 10.1 claimed that the-Bra¬ The economics With such massive ex¬ of a ripoff zilian government was a ploitation, it is only to be fascistic dictatorship and expected that represaion is tortured political prisoners necessary, a denial of human as a matter of public policy. I wine and roses are over for rights is general and torture ■TERENCE ANTAR DAVIS course in an adversary process, parties may in good faith disa¬ and fought the often-lonely also suggested the need for a the Brazil Project at MSU. for Brazil, while their basic strategy for this purpose is come below that are significantly productivity in¬ (even of children) is endem¬ battle of rule public dialog on the desira¬ ic. Even the Archbishop of I read with some conster- gree as to the level of a utility's promulgation So many issues have been the accumulation of wealth while the 80 per J. before a sometimes bility of MSU's large-scale creases, Recife, Dom Helder Camara, |h(. editorial on Monday antagonis- raised by this project, in in the hands of the few. In cent of the revenue deficiency, but there is tic legislature. The commis¬ involvement in that country. population that is must live in the under¬ ■which the State News as- no responsible advocate who sion's entire staff, the Consu¬ fact, that a further attempt the words of Brazilian Sen. poor is completely left out of T"j the performance of sev- can argue that a Who says that there is to resolve some of the con¬ Jose Sarnei, to develop is to this so-called economic ground. If he surfaced, he utility should mer Services Division, has been would be arrested for help¬ 1 state governmental agen- not be allowed to increase rates devoted to the implementation nothing but apathy on the troversy must be selective. concentrate. miracle. I including the Michigan so as to compensate it for losses of the Consumers' Bill of campus? Here is a count of Probably, the core of the American multinationals In fact, the rural poor ing the poor. Ejjc Service Commission which were not the result of and has been Rights public expression on the issue is whether MSU can do are principal instruments of have become even worse off, And what is MSU's role in m The paper advanced delegated the Brazil Project within only any good in Brazil. Those this strategy. Encouraged all of this? Our degrees of imprudent managerial deci for land reform really means leral rationales in support of sions. responsibility of acting as the the last two and a half who defend the project ar¬ by tax exemption, cheap freedom are no greater than intermediary between modernizing the haciendas f William G. Milliken's re Utility rate decisions are only and customers utilities who believe weeks: the State News has gue that our involvement will modernize the agricul¬ labor and controlled unions, for export purposes with the in Park's South Korea or in published two news stories they import their high tech¬ the Shah's Iran. We must made after a public they have been the victims of and tural industry and thereby result that plantation wor¬ hearing two editorials; two nology, employ relatively kers are displaced through conform to the economic and demagogic rhetoric that has been duly noticed. unfair or illegal treatment raise the level of living for „r Any on viewpoints have been writ¬ few workers because of their political model. But it is even affected person is allowed to the part of the utilities. mechanization. This has -Id be amusing if it were not ten (Dolores Wharton and C. the Brazilian rural popula¬ capital intensity and only worse than this. We are fc. cross mistatement of the participate in the quasi-judicial It is very easy to single out Patric Larrowe); six persons tion. Some even believe that produce products (e.g. re¬ caused a massive and uncon¬ training the agri-business ter in which the PSC administrative hearing and the for criticism a regulatory agen¬ have written either suppor¬ our presence will help to frigerators and automobiles) trolled rural exodus to the technicians that will make [Ur,s it affairs and of the decisions of the commission are cy that acts on a regulated tive or critical letters to the liberalize and sensitize the for the rich and for export. cities, where the peasants have become unemployed the exploitative system in lesion's level of concern appealable to Circuit Court. It entity's rate requests, especial¬ editor; and three professors regime. Who comes out on top in and live in squalor. Brazil even more efficient. ■the economic impact of its is interesting to note that when ly when the results of its (Zolton Ferency, James But none of this will come this game? Principally, the 5 Tionson utility customers. decisions have been appealed to decisions are felt where it hurts McKee and John Hender¬ to pass because of the goals per cent of the population Even the Indians are not Think about that, short- ie implication that is con- the Circuit Court and the court most - in the pocketbook. It is son) have disassociated and economic policy of the that is rich and the multina¬ spared. As the multina¬ and long-run consultants, on ^ jn the remarks relative has altered the rates approved very easy to devise a theory of themselves publicly from "aristocracy wearing uni¬ tionals; even the 15 per cent tionals have moved into the your next jet trip to Rio and PSC is that the commis- by the commission, the result the Brazil Project at a forms." Briefly stated, the of the Sao Paulo. -he conspiracy as a way of explain¬ population that is Amazon, the Indians have f merely because it grants has, more often than not, been ing the reason why rate relief is meeting of the Academic goal of the military is to middle class have received been robbed of their proper¬ Taylor i j professor of e ority to regulated utilities an increase in the rates pre¬ granted to a utility. It is easy to Council. Clearly, the days of achieve super power status increases in their real in¬ ty, and even have been in application and after hear- viously approved by the PSC. characterize the regulator as ■to increase their rates and Furthermore, if the authors the party that is really being lrees, is not performing its of the editorial had read regulated or manipulated. At any of Iiitory function and that it is the recent rate decisions of the the least, I must say that auch |,g in concert with the commission, they would have hypotheses are based on incor¬ MOON'S DAILY FOOD ■ties in order to maximize rect assumptions. When, how¬ ■profits of those companies, the statement is ana- noticed that the PSC has al¬ lowed millions less than has been requested by utilities and ever, the statements are made in the form of conclusive declar¬ Classified Ads & DRINK SPECIALS L with this perspective, it in one recent decision (General ations, they can only be viewed Ws evident that the au¬ as outright lies. • Sunday - after 4:00 Telephone) authorized a rate la of the editorial are woe- decrease. In any event, it must be said spaghetti t salad bor »|.»» ( larking in their compre- The PSC has a national that the Michigan Public Ser¬ on of the rate-making ..ssand of the legislatively- reputation for being one of the gribed function of the PSC. most conscientious and de¬ vice Commission and its staff have been and are performing their tasks in a most open and CALL 355-8255 • Monday - after 3:00 grilled hot dogs... manding regulators of utilities. in considering the appli- In fact, contrary to the State competent manner. More im¬ • bn of a regulated utility to News belief that the PSC is soft portantly, however, they are Tuesday - after 5:00 performing those tasks with fish t chips t stein of beer 99' »ase its rates and charges, on utilities, Wall Street consis¬ the highest degree of integrity. YOUR RESPONSE REQUESTED... ■commission may only act in tently criticizes the commission • jiner consistent with con- for creating a poor Wednesday - after 3:00 regulatory Mike Marshall wants MSU's Intramural Etional expressions of due climate for utilities, that is, one Sports grilled hot dogs 25' and Recreative Services to know how less and equal protection, as in which profits are not maxi¬ of the 44,000 MSU students and the thousands many • [l all similarly situated a- mized. Thursday • of MSU faculty and employees have used or 44 in other jurisdictions. oz. pitchers of beer 20% off Regarding the PSC's concern ■PACILIMITID! would like to use the Men's Intramural Build¬ I the 1944 landmark deci- for the utility customer, it (always the best beer buy in town) London 747 ing's Turf Arena's two tennis courts. Mike |of Federal Power Commis should be remembered that the Flight Marshall asks that you telephone this number :s. Hope Natural Gas Co., commission proposed on its March 25 ■ June 10 353-9589 and tell them that you want to use JU.S. Supreme Court basi- own initiative the so-called "Bill Roundtrip from these two tennis courts. In order that the IM I states that once a regu- of Rights" for utility customers 1 utility establishes on the Detroit does not think that only a few persons are call¬ rd that a revenue deficien- jimimosa viraumi e» ing repeatedly, give your name and university sts, the regulating entity cellent pay, insuronce, and re¬ *445 position when you call to put your name on ) T^pstuuraqt u Hiqhuhetler Lounge. I not lawfully prevent that tirement benefits available tor Information contact — the list of tennis court users. Michigan Air National Guard. Office of Overseas Jy [mm increasing its rates Call 517-489-5169 after 6 p.m., Thank you, signed, Mike Marshall. 231 M.A.C. - East Lansing Phone 351-2755 |s to be restored to a Tuesday through Friday. Coll Studios - icially sound position. Of todoyl 353-1921 WHERE HOUSE RECORDS II s s A 3.59 SALE A L THIS WEEKEND ONLY! •• BONNE LAWS L WIND/CITY Fever Let Me Ride Induing: Let Me Ride/Give Me Some Including: Letl Keep It Together Revec/AI The Time i from Ronnie With Lcve Learning Fool tour Man Black Diamond ^ Including: Pastoral Future 3.59 Body Talk Fantasy Partner T r <% I ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA A New World Record Including: Livin Thing/Dott icLine HORACE SILVER Silver'N Voices including: Toj,vthcrnu» Incentive 3.59 ORIGINAL MOTION PIGTURL SCORE ALKOOPER Act Like Nothing), Wrong InduJin* I h,r»« folk-Vwr Lew HoIIwuxkI Vampire I'hi- Diamond Riny EARLKLUGH Living Inside Vxir Love Including: Captain Carihe ROCKY New V*k Lament MihhI Fur Maude InMvOwnSvwtWav 1 Heard ltThnxighThe Grapevine Living Inside\lxir Line Felicia iEH Including: You Toke My Heart Away LA Gonna Fly Now The Final Bell Fanfare For Rocky 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 JOHN LEE 4 BOBBY HUTCHERSON BRASS CONSTRUCTION II JORGE DALTO 220 M.A.C. AVENUE UNIVERSITY MALL ...GERRY BROWN The View ftom The bifida Including: Sambo/ The Message Chevere Still Can't Including: Love Can Be Many Things ABOVE ALLE'EY, INSIDE ROOTS Ha Cho Cho/Get To The Point Say Enough Laugh, Laugh Again /Sam* Shame Including: Time For Some Changes rvoGotfeuOnMyMnd Dolphin Dance ^£9 TataFreeze H Up/ strut?) Get Up Bout The Right One Houston St. Thursday Afternoon Stella By Startght'love For Sale HOURS: MON., TOES., WED. & SAT. 10A.M.-6P.M. 13 S. & FRI. 10A.M.-9P.M. 4 EVERY DAY LOW PRICE 3.59 6-98 LPs 3.99 or Less 6 Michigon Stole News. Eost lonsing, Michigon Divers spring into Big Ten Grapplers mee By MATTHEW GRYZAN State News Sports Writer was only one important part of the swim team and that diving could not capture the whole "My mother belonged to a country club when I was around 4 and when she went golfing, Griffin said, "without missing any." His consistency has paid off MSU in sight, Steiner said Narcy was a determining factor in his choice of schools. education to coach while pre¬ paring for the Olympics. Griffin has known Burgering since grade school and has league's power Three MSU tankers will meet. she would drop me off at the for Steiner as he finished the Burgering and Griffin also ByTOMSHANAHAN dual meet season with four praised Narcy's coaching and competed with him at Lansing strongest in spearhead an effort to sink a But the threesome is strain¬ pool area. But I didn't begin Stats News Sports Writer Iowa Big T„ flotilla of teams at the Big Ten ing to put those points on the competition until I was 12," said second places and three third cited it as the major considera¬ Sexton High School. He captured the state cham¬ MSU's average wrestling ,s the two-time" Big Ten, « Wel) l meet held here today thru scoreboard when it can. Steiner, who was a state diving places on the one-meter board tion for joining the Spartans. slate of 9-9 is wiped dean as the Saturday. Dave Burgering, The three have all slammed champ in Nebraska. and a pair of second places and Burgering, who is finishing pionship in diving while he was champion, and is ftV( senior at Sexton and then Spartans take part in the 63rd this season. Jesse Griffin and Mare Steiner the board early in grade school Steiner's style, teammate three third places in the three up his fifth year at MSU, said a Big Ten Championships Friday meter board. he started diving in seventh began to be recruited heavily Last year the will attempt to keep their Griffin said, is consistency. "He five squads i„Big i and Steiner hinted that his and Saturday at Madison, Wis. undefeated season in diving debut was even earlier. will do all six dives well," With the end to his career at grade and began workouts with by colleges. Records have no bearing on the the Spartan Swim Club when "I was kind of a product of an intact and thus provide a core of points for the Spartans. he was in eighth grade. MSU graduate, Jim Henderson, outcome of the tournament's NCATL 'nd lhi' NLAA has award* After capturing the state and the Spartan Swim Club. champions individually or as a ""teed three team. wrc!t Diving coach John Narcy said When it to picking a each weight cUs,,, that this year's competition in championships in diving at came But that doesn't Lansing Sexton High School, college, it was between MSU improve the NCAA meet. It is the Big Ten is really tough. He Spartan's chances much, as the iM and U-M, but I just liked the usual two, said some of the real con¬ Burgering began his brilliant strength of top 20 teams - which career at MSU. staff at MSU better," Griffin unfair to the third tenders in the meet will include said. Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, "hers since "One reason for coming to there Ohio State. Indiana, Wisconsin Northwestern and Minnesota than two MSU was the scholarship, but I Big Ten and I' M. Griffin, a junior in physical — should show through as it did that could win a did have several other offers title education, ended the season in the season. other conferences. Defending champion Indiana from different schools. The with three thirds and four MSU coach Grady Peninger features Olympian sprint star main reason was that I knew "It was decided th seconds on the low board and a called this year's field the Jim Montgomery, who won the the program and the coaches," (continued on pi 50-, 100- and 200-yard freestyle pair of firsts and four seconds Burgering said. on the three-meter board. races in the 1976 Big Ten meet. Burgering has topped off this "My real point-getting dive is Michigan will be a contender year with an undefeated record Bowling a front two-and-a-half somer¬ with Gordon Downie in the Burgering of 9 0 on the low boards and five sault with a full twist," Griffin butterfly and Wisconsin brings firsts and one second on the Chris Woo. said. three meter board. The Hoosiers have won the One problem Narcy pointed farewell His bread-and-butter dive is conference meet 16 consecutive times and are heavily favored to do it again. Preliminaries for Four icers bid the forward three-and-a-half somersault, which has a high out that would give the Spar¬ tans trouble after the Big Ten OPEN 24 HOURS degree of difficulty. meet is time on the road before the meet get underway at 1 He said he would like to stay the nationals. He said they today and Friday and noon in Saturday p.m. would be on the road for five around the Lansing area and (Tuesday - Saturday) on Saturday at the Men's IM Building. The final events all three days start at 7:30 p.m. game use his degree in physical consecutive weeks. Admission to the preliminary port meant to the hockey By MIKELTTAKER MSU. capped several weeks events is $1 with the Finals squad. State News Sports Writer ago when he tied a pair of costing $2 for the general Hockey fans don't jam the Spartan records with a seven- Kelly, who will finish work on public. Students will be rafters at Demonstration Hall goal weekend against Minne- his bachelor's degree in charged $1. anymore, but the last remnants sota-Duluth. packaging this summer, has But Narcy said the MSU trio of the team that skated in the "When I decided to come scored more goals this season, 8owl hopes to recreate its magnifi¬ old barn four years ago will here I had never been to the 17, than he had in his previous cent performance over U-M three years combined. play its final home game Satur¬ campus before and when I saw where it slammed the Wol¬ Jeff Addley was a junior day against Michigan. the rink, I couldn't believe how verines, 16-2, in diving. The Centers Dave Kelly and Rob rotten it was," laughed the varsity stand-out before joining Spartans polished off U-M in Harris along with winger Jeff senior caotain. who quickly the varsity squad in December that dual meet, 63-60, to finish learned what the advantage of of 1973 when scoring ace Mark Addley and team manager Jay their season with a 7-2 record. Dem Hall's hard-core fan sup¬ (continued Blostein will put on their fare¬ on page 7) Narcy gave two advantages well performance for the Munn • The Harlequin • For "college crowd" the Spartan divers possess: Arena fans this weekend. "We will have a hair of an The quartet's departure may • The Other Room - For everyone advantage in the Big Ten meet," Narcy said, "because we not be as sentimental as the graduation of last year's seniors FINAL MARK DOWN the home team." are "And we have talent," he said but there have been a bright spots provided by them few 5141 S. Logan at Jolly 882 - 0226 1 with a gleam in his eye, "mixed this season. with one hell of a lot of hard Kelly is enjoying the finest work. This is the best diving team I've ever had." Narcy said he was pleased season of his four-year stay at for with the performance of the diving team but stressed that is roughing it Boots for hiking, climbing or LITTU FRIIWAY « just plain wear. All of them ] MRVICI STATION « tough, yet comfortable. J note. Grand River « £ Here you'll find these brand names of quality RIPSTOP DOWN boots in stock — Pivetts, Bass and Vasque, a VIST'23." division of Redwing. DOWN JACKITS Fifteen different STARTING AT styles to choose AND from. Let one *29m of our Campers' ODDS & ENDS MORI Pro Shop experts SALE fix you up. SAVE NOW TO Giant Savings FROM OUR STOCK 50% ■ RAUPP Many Jackets ICampfitters on SAVINGS ON ALL NAME BRANDS SUCH AS ROSSIGNOL, DYNASTAR, KASTLE, HEAD, AND MORE \1m UN loitMlchljon, laming FISCHER, HART, DYNAMIC, KNEISSL & OLIN. ZzS (517) 414-9401 1977 Models 33ft to 40%. ON OUR ENTIRE ■S Hours; Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to I p.m. Sot. t a.m. to S p.m. 220 MAC, 1976 Models 50% and more, SKI SELECTION BINDINGS: Billards Solomon 444 Priced Reg. 64.95 at .39" CLOTHING: Featurfj Tournament Solomon "S" Reg. 59.95 J?" availability in ski fashions are still excellent. of the TYROtIA 120STEP IN BINDING.. 14" Black Bear Continental Week! For All MSU Students March 4 A 5 Union Bldg. Reg. 44.50 ALL other Bronds Reduced at a Greot Savings. Peter Frank J* 1st Prix* _ 2 tickets to Jazz Musician RON CARTER BOOTS: save 50% This novel, isAnn.McCo«'<£l re-is**1 br P"*" demand! and 1 film pass. Models by 2nd Prix* 3rd Prlxe - - 2 tickets to Jazz Musician RON CARTER 2 tickets to a film Nordico, Dolomite, Kastinger Hanson & Lange ALL CHILDREN'S SKI JACKETS Special Value: 33'/3%OFF MSU Billiards Twrnanrant CABER LANCER II now 50% err Pertfcipe+Wsg member of CUBA Reg. $70.00 NOW '33°° BRANDS BY CB,HEAD, ROFFE, ALL 1976 Models 50% off the Original Price ALPINE DESIGN, NUMBER 1 SON, BECONTAB WHITE STAG NAME STUDENT# TIME AVAILABLE TO MEET TELEPHONE# GOGGLES: Great selection in Barrufaldi and Scott 33% OFF U.S.A. ski goggles m'j if*® 50t Payab,e in Ac,ivi,ies Directors Office (2nd floor Union Bldg) or $1.00 ut the door. Deadline 50% SAVINGS CROSS COUNTRY: March 4 at 12 noon. SAVE NOW TO 25% SAVINGS on all X-Country equipment A «*. »t AIMSV 50% AND MORE! with excellent selection. Choose from PrwprMla* Coord O" Our entire ski selection Fischer, Adidas, Karhu, Dovre, and Skilom. I Michigon State News, East Lonsing, Michigan Thursday, March 3, 1977 7 [offer ready for Wrestlers in conference tournament IbvDANAFELMLY source. Latter gained an in¬ defines her trip "a valuable relays (continued from page 6) should have more wrestlers in the NCAA," assistant coach ships," he added. Today a coaches' meeting will determine the seeding of the the first seed "With a eventually. really good per¬ J lipn Sue letter's 5-foot4 terest in running from her experience." ability to i whether I won or loi from lost God, was so up to Most of those classes are held in the Women's Intramural Build¬ Stan Dziedzic said. "And it's wrestlers and MSU does not formance we might be able to tirl,|(.5 the track at MSU, boyfriend, who also ran track. 1 learned a lot about still not fair because they pass Michigan, Minnesota or Since there wasn't a compe¬ Him," she said. ing, which sometimes means a expect to fare well. Ewomlcr the wind does not team at her girls' track tition while I was there. It During her track career Lat¬ mile jog. That may seem like a should go by weight classes. Northwestern for third place," high school, she ran made me a lot For instance, 190 pounds has "If any of our wrestlers get Dziedzic said, conceding first heVr'iiwn-eyed brunette with the boys, who her as a regular accepted said. tougher," she ter has watched a growing number of women athletes try long distance, until one con¬ siders that Latter runs five more than three from the Big seeded the highest will be and second to towa and Wiacon- untrackster has no trouble member of Latter can use all the to look and act like male Ten that should be in the fourth because there isn't any¬ iaiaing her pace, however, their team. tough¬ miles every day during track one on our team that ness she can get if she athletes and she disapproves. national meet. There isn't a haan't lost MSU's best marks "Sometimes I'd feel expects are Mike |as many trophies to prove position from other teams," she op¬ to go to the 1980 Olympics. She "I used to wear dresses to Discipline is the hardest trial weight class in the Big Ten that to three others in the Big Ten," Dziedzic said. "But seeding isn't Walsh, 126 pounds, 18* Don qualified for the finals of the doesn't have a potential will be running the remembers. "When we'd have a school all the time so people to conquer in her running Rodgers, 134 pounds, 10*1; 1976 Olympics, but a couldn't say I was a jock," she national champion, except 142 as important in the Big Ten as Jim Ellis, 177 pounds, leg injury 12-9-2; |ard dash, 880-yard run meet the guys on the team would comment other prevented her from competing. grinned. career, Yet she especially in her diet. considers track a pounds. That's pretty good it is in the nationals because it's Bob Pollitt, 150 pounds, 8-6; lin the mile relay in the about me, Latter also had problems Clad in a jogging suit most of when one conference can pos¬ a smaller meet, ff you win, and Doug Siegert, 158 I Invitational Saturday at but our guys would always with her legs when she was the time now. Latter can't special part of her life. sibly take eight out of the 10 you're going to have to wrestle 10-7. pounds, at 12:30 p.m. Women's stick up for me." help "At least when I'm old and on born. Doctors told her parents but look like a jock. She weight class national champion- urh Mark Pitman ex Besides taking first places in she would walk with a jogs gray I can tell my kids I was a MSU meets at home, Latter limp if every day to her classes from track star long time ago," she win the 880 as her a Eastern Baptist r she did not wear braces. Until her apartment in Fee Hall. chuckled. took a first place in the indoor [of 2:1)8.8 is eight seconds she was 6 she walked with |r than her closest com- track 880-yard run at the U.S. corrected shoes because she . ,.\nn Mulrooney from Track and Field finals in Indi- Be yourselves, Ford advises Seminary has... was pigeon-toed and ■on'sin. In last year's MSU during those five years Latter's faith I she took first place in the That win qualified her for the in God grew. NEW YORK (AP) - Gerald band left open the possibility he lad 880- , nationals at Madison Garden last Square Her faith has influenced her and Betty Ford have some might run for the presidency A new Communications Center |r her arcomplishments Saturday, where attitude toward running, too. she missed personal advice for President again in 1980. She agreed, with color television cameras, video and audio p stem from a love of qualifying for the "There are some girls that and Mrs. Jimmy Carter, their her fame in high finals by a tenth of a second. however, that he should keep race to impress others," Latter successors in the White House: his options open. ALLtT + R recording systems, radio station, media center, and rami from a different Though disappointed, Latter said. "I've realized "It's a tough job and they've got much more, for developing a minister's skills in that my "Right now, I have some to be serious when the time reservations," he said. "But FROGS communicating the Gospel. requires. But they shouldn't there could be circumstances Mon.7ffc.Sat. Iltli Seniors play final contest in Munn lose their sense of humor" said the former president. "I would say, frankly, be Where I think there would be unanimity." LIZARD'S Expanded and reorganized library facilities with access to a nationwide computer network. themselves and do the very td from page 6) Evangelical outlook, biblical emphasis, got a nonchalant attitude and Blostein has been involved best they can," said Ford's wife. CLEARANCE L became ineligible. last year I wasn't in shape until with nearly 60 different players The remarks were made Home Gomes and Billiard Mart strong field education program, X( then he has made his near the end of the season when in his term as manager and has during an interview on the courses for individual interests, ■ as a penalty-killer, which they changed lines." seen the good, bad and the ABC-TV "Good Morning Amer¬ VULCAN FUSSBALL no short-handed Harris is scheduled to grad¬ interdenominational student body, funny of college hockey. ica" show, taped in California. with oil the feotures _ „„e contest against uate next fall and hopes to go One of the better instances to Mrs. Ford also said she you wont in a quality outstanding faculty, and full accreditation for the |tr last season. And the back to work for the Canadian grace his memory occurred wasn't consulted when her hus- fussball table M.A.R., M.Div. andD.Min. degrees. Eorking right-winger is Broadcasting Company, for several years ago when the Ihil for the chance to play which he has worked during team was staying at Beatty The Eastern Baptist ■trying out originally as a three summer breaks. Hall in Colorado Springs, Colo. Jay Blostein had hardly 'The dorm there had toilets ¥ Hometown Theological Seminary ever Jb looking to coach a team ' been on ice skates back home in People Giving * Lancaster and City Avenues adjacent to the showers in the Hometown [graduation but I don't New Jersey before coming to bathroom and while Amo (Bes- Philadelphia, Pa. 19151 liflll ever find this caliber MSU where he had a chance to sone) Was showering, Tom Ross Service I be associated with the IAS |(ey again," Addley said. game of went through there and flushed I Harris didn't play his hockey. all the toilets so that no water 1 railWAT « 5616 W. SAGINAW Xiui year in Dem Hall, Blostein walked into the would be left for the shower. It mvici STATION ! (in fronl of Lonsing [spent it instead with the hockey office at Jenison the was pretty funny watching 1301 E. Grand River ♦ Mall) Dr. Daniel E. Weiss. President Kg Metros because of an first day he was on Amo chase him down the hall." Next to Varsity Inn campus 489-6055 The Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary inic conflict. during fall term of 1973 and has tr slipping in 16 goals his been a part of the varstiy team Lancaster and City Avenues lore season, Harris's since. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19151 roduclion has fallen bad- "Even though I didn't play, OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 Please send Seminary information to: [ past two seasons. Com- ■with his differences with the players were always good to me because this has been Name [aching staff, the Ontario such a close-knit group," said ■ is leaving MSU with a the jornalism major. "It was I memory. le last two years the is and I haven't seen eye I" noted Harris. "I kind of the greatest four years of life and it was really for somebody in my do this." something my position to SUN _ Where you are sure DIRECTIONS lEBERMANN'S Exceptional value FREE to find all the in sturdy, roomy essentials for your CHECKING warm-weather getaway... travel totes (if youVe under 24 years of oqe) I Can be yours with our RedEagleClub I The Red Eagle Club is for singles or I marrieds, from teens up to 24 years I of age. Membership is absolutely I free, with the only charge a nominal I one, assessed for personalized I checks. (There is a $5 charge on all overdrafts). With the Red Eagle Club | you get — • Free Checking • No minimum balance • Monthly statements Made to sell for much, • No service charges • much more! They're fa¬ Up to $500 free life insurance on consumer loans shioned of natural woven • No service charge on consumer linen that's light weight but loans tough and reinforced with • Free credit counseling strong vinyl. Three zip- • On joint accounts, the pered compartments. Ideal termination age is based on the for travel and for camera youngest partner. gear "a bank for al reasons" •SHOULDER TOTES 12" x 12" x 8" 13.95 11" x 9V2" X 6V2" 12.50 ClINTON NATIONAL ^•TOP HANDLE TOTE tank suits by Catalina, circa '77. . .Miss J's one-piece swimmers with the second-skin fit of 12" x 11" x 6" 12.50 CLINTON NATIONAL Antrqri' nylon/Lycra^spandex in rich brown shades »«NK AND TRUST CO. flattering to a summer tan. with comfortable it"-""- . ■ ™ Rlvw "Ice: St. John* 2201E. Grand River - Unelng unconstructed bras, (5 blocks VI. of Frandor- look low-plunging keyhole backs for the tide). and zig-zag .topstitching. 5-13 sizes. 0,.. ^"er Phone 482-1393 branches: Beth. Elsie. Fowler, Hubbnrdeton, Lalngstxirg. JacobBoii'B Maple Rapids, Valley Farms (Lansing) and Wacousta. DOWNTOWN - 107 S. Washington EAST LANSING - 209 E. Grand River 8 Michigan State Newt, Eost Loming, Michigon Thur"V March 3.19)7 Street closure Viking expert to present tall to be continued Bv MICHAEL WINTER The Viking One and Two missions to Mars that something is, it indicates there is something happening which is totally different, from Loudon explained there-la no way the Vikings landers can prove there la no life on the red planet. was behind the sun wu relativity had been have hit upon something of major importance on anything previously imagined about the possi¬ pre East Lansing City Council voted Tuesday night to continue the closure of Grove Street for an additional si* months and approved the Martian soil, said James Loudon, University of Michigan professor of astrophysics. bility of life on Mars. "Something really weird is going on up there," was What they could prove he said, was that no discovered at thoae particular landing sites, life Wving.rimpler^r^ he said. at the particular times experiments were being a realignment of several voter precincts. Loudon, who covered the Viking mission on CaUing that supposition National Public Radio's news program "All With the existing data along with that coining conducted and with thoae particular experiments Following a hearing on the extension of Cornbrook Road in and measuring devices used. Things Considered," said while it is still too early back from Mars, Loudon said the scientists at the northwest East Lansing, attended by about 80 city residents, Mars went behind the sun in mid-November to determine from the available data what that Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, Calif., are council took care of some routine business. last year and reappeared at the end of December. something is, it is "really great that we don't working frantically to piece together some sort of The closure of Grove Street, which has been in effect since know." explanation of the biochemical reactions or During that time, scientists lost contact with the contain what he called could account for 2? • some of - August, was supported by several citizens and the city spacecrafts because of interference cauaed by the He will be speaking on the biological experi¬ nonreactions that have taken place to date. transportation commission. No objections were voiced. mentation results of Viking at 7:30 tonight in 109 Besides biochemical experiments, Viking has sun's radiation, The closure is a pilot project organized by Councilmember John Anthony Hall. been conducting meteorological and seismologi- Loudon was quick to point out that though Czarnecki in an attempt to keep traffic away from residential Loudon is being sponsored by the Astronomy cal experiments as well. radio contact had been lost, the Viking crafts streets. Club, the Astronomy Department and Abrams Had some definitive conclusion been reached were still conducting experiments and recording The street is blocked off by a tree planter, and the area will be Planetarium. Admission is free. already, Loudon added, it would have been a bad data. foMh. ume di^tance V/'rou^.J landscaped if the closure becomes permanent. Council will review the matter in another six months to decide whether to keep traffic Loudon explained that by not knowing what omen to the Mars mission. 'They weren't turned off," he said. "We just out of the area. weren't hearing them and they weren't hearing us." Council gave quick and unanimous approval to the city clerk'! revised election precincts. The boundary changes, drawn up to comply with state election State budget to be discussed The information was stored on tape and translated into radio signals for transmission to Earth. laws, are relatively minor. They are designed to reduce two The and a member of the Democra make reservations by calling proposed budget stabili¬ overpopulated precincts to the 1,400 limit, and to eliminate several zation fund for the state of tic party, will be the featured either Bill Sederburg, Repub¬ 'split districts" — precincts which lie in two different districts. Michigan will be the topic of an speakers at the forum. lican county chairperson, at Split districts cause confusion in county, state and federal open forum luncheon Monday 373-3100, or Jim Viventi, forum elections among voters who go to precinct polling locations and are The luncheon, which is open sponsored by the Ingham Coun¬ coordinator, at 373-7370 or af¬ then divided into two groups, according to district. to the ty Rupublicans. It will be held general public, will start ter 6 p.m. at 351-0373. Mayor George Griffiths proclaimed this week "National Physical at Alex's Point After in Lan¬ at noon and cost $3. Those Reservations must be in no Education and Sports Week." sing. interested in attending must later than Friday. Griffiths said he would "urge all Americans to get on the move — with me — from this day forward." Gerald Miller, director of the When asked if he had walked or ridden his bicycle to the Michigan Department of Man¬ ANNOUNCING! meeting, Griffiths admitted that he had not. agement and Budget, and Zol- But, he added, as he passed a cyclist in his car, he said, "Right ton Ferency, MSU associate RKSIDINT ASSISTANT i, brother!" professor of criminal justice POSITIONS FOR 1977-78 AC ADIMIC YIAR Off-campus students and students interested in SPRING BREAK'S applying for Resident Assistant positions in halls other than their place of residency may submit an COMING application to the Head Resident Advisor in the hall of their choice beginning Wednesday, March 9, 1977. GITRIADY! Applications and additional information will be available at the Office of the Head Resident Advisor Nobody likes hair that's unkept, snarly, and at the reception desk in every hall. or dirty. Treat yourself to a hair style Students interested in Resident Assistant positions that fits you as a person. We can create within their present residence hall will be notified a style which vou can easily re-style by the Head Resident Advisor concerning the appli¬ cation procedure. daily. Those men or women interested in highlighting or color designing — we have a hair color specialist on our staff. CALL US - WE CARE BINDAf J My Brother's Hair Styling 484-7471 or 484-5062 ShowcaseJazz { UTTil FMIWAY ; 1335 E. GRAND RIVER * MRVICI STATION J J 1301 E. Grand Rivar I LANSING with J Next to Varsity Inn J RON BEN RILEY us< > 2 Shows: | „ Ms in'!' STOU Kosorvi'tl S<11:- Y ;i 11; 11 il< 'III lilt' MSI 'inon .V H. Ct n'dkiiuh m 6:30 P.M. and 9:30 P.M. ,\\i Tit li;ui ,11 id I ..insin^' .Malls TICKETS ON SALE THURSDAY at The State Theater Tickets available at Discount Records, East Lansing A Windsong Production Inni-t.^nn Stote News, Eqst Lonsing, Michioo. Thursday, March 3, 1977 Communist influence called [journalist attacks 'distorted media think about Richard positive .^'RHARHARHPlRHfl,. PRESENTS Nixon in strongly felt — enough to cause I BvB!I.LBRIENZA "I would rather be born coverage' Peking?" Fessler wondered. While he believes that a Peking to turn toward United States as an the ally. [ute News Stall Writer naked on a China than on the same plain in 1977 porters like Theodore White (who later wrote the budget Carter recently sent to renewal of active hostilities between the Russians and Chi The Chinese are not empha¬ t WALTER together they ^Communist influence.in Fessler said. plain in 1937 " of the President" "Making series) argued Congress for approval which nese is uiiu VIII- sizing the export of their brand """"ft HIC CAJWI : MATTHALJ make't happen £ since the party s 1949 with this may have led to the recent unlikely (neither side of communism as much as in the [ MWer has been entirely Americans may have a view policy and Were fired wanting to risk swinging West- mid-'60s and earlier, and shake-ups of leadership in Pe¬ r; according to Loren of China contrary to Fessler's or at resigned from their positions Time. king, Fessler said. In the period ern sympathy to the other by are not allowing as many they visi- and TATUM noted Sinologist- •because of what he called aggression), Fessler said the a distorted media Fessler said he believes the between Richard Nixon's 1972 threat of the Soviets has been tors to see how the system O'NEAL ■ulist covering East Asia coverage of visit to China and 1976, main¬ works, the lowest since it I, vears and current mem- Far Eastern events. He said investments which have flowed land China had incurred a $2 began in THE BAD NEWS F'lhe American Universi- that particularly in the period from 1945-50, a time to Chiang's Taiwan in the inter¬ billion trade deficit, lacking 1972, but could expand to $2 billion by 1980 if the oil was eld Staff- when vening years ($1.5 billion cur¬ goods with potential for export HUNDREDS many American attitudes rently) will prevent normali¬ to the West. developed, Fessler said. -aler who taught an MSU Since the early 1970s, when OF toward the Chinese Ithis term on Chinese nists were formed and har¬ Commu¬ zation of relations with the People's Republic of China The concept of self-reliance central to the Chinese Com¬ the Chinese re-entered diplo¬ ALBUMS *8 , relations, said in an matic circles more dened, the coverage of Time (PRC) for at least five years. munists was badly shaken. The fully and .* last week that noth- Magazine was very biased in The business became better informed about t community would man responsible for much of the was good for a greater favor of the Nationalist have to relinquish the Taiwan¬ the mechanics of international china was lost in the govern¬ spending, Teng Hsiao-p'ing, in ment of Chiang Kai-shek a- ese market if diplomatic rela¬ was denounced and replaced. affairs, they have become more J THURS. BRODY 7:304 9:30 Lunist takeover. gainst the Communists. tions were cut and transferred WWSWlMmHMMUlM Balanced trade is vital to to the mainland, which ey've fared better than I Fessler, a former Time-Life has a further U.S.-China diplomatic ' Hometown * _j,t they would 20 years correspondent, said the writers smaller market. progress, Fessler said, adding People Giving * ■ Fessler said. China's abili- felt "despair" when Time edi¬ that China's large Hometown I increase agricultural pro- tors paid more attention to Subsequently, he believes Fessler said reserves petroleum could create this bal¬ ServiceI * J W/ THIS AD AT "'Carnal Knowledge'is brilliant. Tn and feed, clothe, and what publisher Jimmy Carter has Henry Luce improvement of relations with ance. If the Chinese were able . MIMAS j A feast of a film!"- Judith Crist, N.Y. Magazine I Xr its masses of people, are wanted {coverage friendly to the mainland very low on his to add to their present refining "UTTU raiSWAY J | Fessler said he under- Chiang), than to what reporters Led. in the field were writing. Re¬ list of priorities. It was the type of deficit and extracting capacities, the deficit could be wiped out. r UAVICI STATION 13011. Grand River JI Disc Shop Trade, which last year a- « Naxl to Varsity Inn 1 mounted to $360 million, was jep introduces oBtinued from page 3) office. bill to aid overcrowding conservative and less take bad risks this has happened, the likely to dangerous to world peace, Fessler said. As appeal ■ing a view and inspection Lison facilities. On Jan. 7, Kelley's office will argue that that he feels the court is at the appeal with some looking for Third World countries of 1-/ Viking the Circuit Court is without the sense the Chinese world revolution¬ Mike Nichols, Jack Nicholson. Candke line Dedarian, attorney jurisdiction to grant the relief of urgency. He said that if the ary model has been Betgen, blunted, Arthur GatfunkeL Ann ty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley's sought by the HRP, and that final ruling is in favor of the especially by their friendly Maigret and Jules Feiflcr. HRP position, any action after ■ appealed to the Court of the party lacks the dealings Carnal Knowledge. Kls in support of complaint maintain the cause standing tc of action that would depend on whether States. with the United T0 Mars or not the Iperintending control to be asserted. attorney office appeals to the general's "What would Che Guevara ■ to the attorney general's Ferency said Michigan Wednesday Supreme Court. "That would cause another |arbershop changes little (continued from page 3) delay," Ferency said. "But if they don't appeal, I think we can move of the case ahead very on the merits quickly." ok said the professors have also changed in appearance Attitude over the years. A the fifties, about every 10 davs a professor would come in ■cut. wash and scalp massage,"he said. 'Today some have ■beards and dress to relate to the students." |e sixties caused the demise of barbering in East Lansing, Ver the past few years it has picked up. |e sixties were slow all around for us, and East Lansing ro-thirds of its barbers," Cook said. PURIM TONIGHT WALT DISNEY productions FRIDAY Alex TONIGHT! "SPINE-TINGLING! JOLTING... deRenzy's 'Fantasy Girls' is spine-tingling! Loaded UNION PARLORS o > with the most jolting hardcore action ever seen. And RCEOriLY.TlMS TONIGHT A FRI OPEN 7 PM Footura 7:30-9:30 what's more, it's erotic. A real turn-on; stimulating. It's deRenzy's greatest. A VERY HOT NUMBER!" -leremy Hickman, FREE exciting and PRESS A&B 7:30P.M. X "SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE... < 3 SORGE SEGAL %Qi o No matter what your sexual preference may be, you'll < H | JANE FONDA find something to fickle your fancy! The five young girls are fantastic. Nothing's too far-out for them. ME6ILLAH READING us A tribute FUM WITH ~ to American ingenuity They're wild. And wanton!" _r ^ ^ Rf v(f w I HAMANTASCHEN AND DRINK . lOlCK AHO MMt *1 THOUGHT I'D SEEN EVERYTHING... then I saw deRenzy's 'Fantasy Girls.' It's the first really X LAST DAT new hardcore movie jn a long, long time. Are > you tired of the same of thing? This is a movie for _ "CAR RASH" —Sol Silvertlein, HERALD-STAR you!" 2 3 LP0RROW.T. -r. < IT IS y> Knight stars in the most Alex deRenzy's obligatory to eat, drink, "ic movie of the year... EANTASY and be merry on Purim. I The actual requirement is to get so drunk that you cannot /knight distinguish between ... KISS?™8, idreams "T '"""H ttumnsts Vmemm "bless Mordehai and curse Haman." *vco iMBAssr ncrutas Htitxst Indl Tonight-Open 3:43 P.M. Feature 7:60 * 1:15 • 9:35 "CHATTERBOX" FRIDAY I... Feature at 7:10 9:30 "MAGNIFICENT!" • I * PLEASE BRING YOUR NOISE MAKERS, -Pwlopo QiWatt, The Mew Yorktr OMOKlMREHTMPftOOm Wfow«i™mS5«tosi tan# Ira arts? I * DROWN OUT THE NAME OF EVIL HAMAN INGMAR BERGMAN'S < SHOWTIME: 7:00,8:30,10:00 "JACE TO FACT SHOWPLACE: 146 GILTNER ADMISSION: >2.50 students t a. COSTUME'S WILL BE JUDGED UVUUMANN •3.50 faculty I staff <$. Academy Award Nominated BEST ACTRESS TONIGHT ,n .ni.tlamm.nl ol ih, ft.nl Film I X Caopaioti.a Stmi.nl,. fatally S t BEST DIRECTOR £ BE HAPPY IT'S ADAR BE HAPPY IT'S ADAR BE HAPPY IT'S ADAR BE HAPPY IT'S ADAR ^ QMichigon Stole News, Eost Loosing, Mich 1901 Thur'doy, March 3.1977 Candidates seek more effective board Oakland Board of Trustees and By ANNE 8. CROWLEY Patrick Johnson, a junior in business administration, said developing a cooperative program of education which would use student „ . State New. SUfl Writer ASMSU should get bfck to business and work with the University the students' expertise "for the community's good," emphasising president's advisory committee. ember of the«. understanding of oneself and the world in education and There are seven nonslate candidates running for ASMSU rather than against it. Johnson declined further comment. preventing a style of education which stereotypes. *SMS7I lifts*111 Justin »■ Student Board president and they ail want to make ASMSU more and Elliot Nadel, a junior in financial administration, said he is a Coughlan also suggested giving the students free farm land from opinions effective, but each has his own approach to the problems. the University to grow food for the community and for the hungry Kirk Weber, a junior in James Madison College and psychology, said he hopes to make ASMSU an effective body by lobbying for candidate of synthesis and plans to use all the good ideas he hears during the campaign if elected. of the world. -i-Slt BcSiES student rights in the governmental units rather than with the Winners who take office with a set program tend to believe they Michael Conlin, a junior in psychology, said students will be where people can bring ideas and see them ^ 'MbeT University administration. have a mandate from the voters for their programs at the expense more intersted in ASMSU if it represented them better. ASMSU board should .how cX ™ ^^. 'This is where policy can be changed, not by passing petitions or of everything else said in the campaign, he said. The problem is perpetuated by a two-way lack of communica¬ community, class and, The president is chosen most importantly Z "All of the candidates have good ideas and there's no reason not tion, Conlin said. by more than 40 sitting in on trustee meetings, but by lobbying and pressing for improvements through a more powerful political body," Weber to use them except that I didn't think of them," he said. Peter B. Coughlan, a junior in criminal justice, said he thought Because of the lack, the Student Board does not represent the students' interests, Conlin said. should serve them rather than govern t™^>plt'h("H said. he was the only populist running for Student Board president and ASMSU must deal with a diversity of issues to involve the ASMSU Wo. I Council Presents He added that he supports a campuswide escort system, repeal that he wants to improve the quality of education at MSU and the entire student body and then make itself more available and of the University housing requirement for freshmen, easier 7 Images release from housing contracts, revision of the definition of in-state society its students live in. visible to its constituency, he explained. of Feminist Genre To improve the education MSU offers, Coughlan suggested Charlie Crumm, a junior in elementary education, said he is and independent student status and state financing of MSU. '• v™. w 5. Utile, i, * After* running because ASMSU has not fulfilled its function. : : Arnold "ortHthlld u _jn n. M -■ Crumm said he would like to see more communication between L Isabella 4 the Magic Brush t. Woo ^ the students and the Student Board, perhaps with a committee for 13m»n. Olr: lorbor. DourmotNtln ? T"?" West Europe's Communist leaders meet in Madrid each college or department advising its representative and with the representatives themselves circulating among the students more. 'STo// I continued from page 1) the meetings: "It is not our countries would be discussed The French and Italian Com¬ While attending Oakland Community College fall term, (he A FILM FESTIVAL the Reconstituted Communist desire to interfere in Spanish by the three party leaders. But munist parties have publicly internal matters but in my it was still uncertain if a joint pledged to seek power in their attended MSU the two previous years) Crumm was chosen hMm^lMMiMe-10.00 ml party (PCR), a Maoist splinter student government president, student representative to the ■ea*1«?*e.ffcKe4al. ■ leiaeeihKegsta opinion to speak about real statement supporting the right countries through parliamen¬ group. The organization is ac¬ cused of the kidnaping of two return to democracy, the legali¬ of dissidence, sought by the tary methods and to stay free of zation of the Spanish Com¬ Spaniards, would come out of Kremlin domination. government officials earlier this year and a series of attacks munist party is necessary." the meeting. and robberies in the southern Berlinguer was more cau¬ Both Marchais and Ber¬ Andalucia region. The kidnaped tious. He told reporters a linguer indicated there would men have since been released. democratic Spain after 40 years be communique restating the The Madrid airport was of right-wing rule was impor¬ goals of Eurocommunism and a RING WEEK placed under tight police secur¬ tant to Europe, but he added: declaration of support for the ity as Carrillo arrived in a "Our solidarity and friendship Spanish Communist party at bullet-proof 1948 Cadillac given not only refer to the Spanish the end of the meeting. him by Romanian leader Communist party but also to all Nicolae Ceaucescu. the Spanish people." Marchais, arriving first, Spanish Communist officials PREMIUM QUALITY PET SPECIALS sounded the principal theme of said dissidents in East bloc BOARDING AND GROOMING HOURS Licensed Veterinarian Mon thru Fri 9 am - 5 pm, 7-9 pm on Duty Sat 9 am 4 pm 655-2791 - Sun 1 - 5.pm EMERGENCY HOURS.,,9 pm - 6 am Country Lane Kennels (TX"! Save $5.00 Off Regular Price Man's Traditional Ring J FREE % MfHONSTAttM3|0NEW0RK MICHIGAN it Mjcjljgari^teUniversity Genuine Gemstone Rm,8 Student Services March 3, I977 Regular $10.00 Value Woman's Fashion Ring * These special offers j act front any are available on rization to P . cost ArtCarved RING DAY only. , „BO„ „«oh «°"W the author^ Jf yoU are —— benefit t yo» no •»' • s«.,c the n«d6 Radio Student Seed Stone, 1*6. (Across from Oltn) « KSU KM" f% | |L I f\ A % / That's when the ArtCarved representative will be he'e I jT toIt's-also help you select your custom-made college jewe the day you can charge your ArtCarved college iewelrv on Master Charge or BankAmeno MARCH 1-4 College jewelry by Company Representative in 10 a.m. •4 P* /IKl^RVED World-famous for diamond and weddingrl" I Wjchigon Slate Newt, Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursday. March 3. 1977 1 ] >(f^£^§Dln][nnl(g>fnl^ Scott-Heron, Midnight Band tantalize with excellent music By JOHN CA8EY fellow musician of the past seven years — Victor Brown — take State News Reviewer over the spotlight as he alternated moods in the song from the second Arista album, "From South Africa To South Carolina." The From the wings of the Fairchild Theatre on Tuesday night, a tall, lanky figure emerged with song "Beginnings" seemed custom-made for Brown's smooth an infectious smile and a cool vocalization. demeanor. Articulate and soft-spoken, he began to rap. Proclaim¬ ing the "communication" through "360 degrees of rhythm," this "Ain't No Such Thing As Superman" is a perfect song for imposing person launched into a primer of ghetto code and how it Scott-Heron; he is mild-mannered, but certainly does not have a was resurfaced into style once again. Dot, dot, diddy; dot, dot, "cape on his back or an 'S' on the front," because he knows it is dash. impossible for one man to change social wrongs. With his music, He couldn't understand the hypocrisy of English language. The though, he gets people thinking. Listen to the words of "It's Your World" and you will realize how much a realist Scott-Heron is. alphabet begins with "a" for alpha, the beginning; the letter "q" is the omega, the end, but "what about the last nine letters?" he wondered. Dot, dot, diddy; dot, dot, dash. Throughout the concert, Brian Jackson might have been keeping a low profile, but he anchored the pace of the concert What about the months of the year? September, literally better than anyone on the Fairchild stage. He arranges and translated, means seven, but it is the ninth month. The last month composes a majority of the songs, and adds a fine texture with his of the year derives from 10, but it is really the twelfth. Dot. dot, keyboard contributions. diddy; dot, dot, dash. For the eerie "Winter in America," Jackson came out from Gil Scott-Heron could have "communicated" like that all night and gotten away with it, but his message is in his music and his behind his keyboards and led the band with his exquisite flut* music is excitingly dynamic in presentation and content. Along playing. Accompanied by Sunni-Ali on second flute and Delbert with the multitalented Brian Jackson and a kinetic assembly of Taylor on trumpet, Jackson provided the mellow underlining for Scott-Heron's piercing vocal. The contrast of the biting lyrics with adept musicians comprising the rest of the Midnight Band, the soothing melody was striking. Scott-Heron blew the audience members out of their seats in a supreme performance. He was enlightening as well as amusing. Scott-Heron paid tribute to "old turf' as he focused on the Scott-Heron and the Midnight Band sailed into a samba-rhythm people who robbed New York City and left the innocent to fend for beat and African percussion-driven opening, showcasing two black themselves in the sad tale called "New York City, I Don't Know nationalist anthems — "Jo"burg" and "Liberation Song (Red, Why I Love You." Green and Black)." Members of the band danced around the stage The last half-hour of the two-hour concert was a highly-charged, with traditional African instruments, pounding out a mesmerizing electrical ecstasy called "The Bottle." As Scott-Heron's volatile flow of percussion. The feeling was intense as the band cooked vocal filled the auditorium, the entire Midnight Band took turna up a tantilizing blend of funk (no, not disco, thank you) and soul. exciting the audience with musical abandon on various instru¬ Scott-Heron's voice is magnetic in its appeal, reminiscent of a ments. younger Lou Rawls. Introducing a song dedicated to the giant of Scott-Heron calls it "gua-gua-gua-co rhythm" but it is not jazz, John Coltrane, Scott-Heron's delicate interpretation of unlike the hot salsa beat. The band churned out the heavy Latin Stote News/Scott "Tomorrow's Trane" was sweetly interwoven with Bila) Bellmgtr sound and the crowd responded accordingly. Sunni-Ali's tenor sax. which vividly evoked the memory of With emphasis on timbales and congas, the band whipped the ■Gil Scott-Heron laced his music with doses of social rhythms and hot salsa during their Tuesday concert Coltrane. audience into a frenzy until they were breathless. ■commentary as the Midnight Band sailed into Afro- in Fairchild Theatre. Retiring to the side of the stage, Scott-Heron let his friend and Dot, dot, diddy; dot, dot, dash. 'Rocky:' I By BVRON BAKER an charm and conviction wood movies endearing lug is the of gym-owner Mickey a prizewinner energy, — heavy¬ ment course of the narrative, and Halsey and Scott Conrad/. tensive hand-held camera work change in Hollywood these ■Sute News Reviewer by Stallone) is a slow-wilted, weight champion, a fellow with (Burgess Meredith, in a great Stallone embodies somewhat a Visually, the film is striking. of the action sequences. days), he has directed Stal¬ Took)'" is enormously effec- endearing lug, a second rate the marvelous name of Apollo character turn), Rocky trains gentle gallantry not seen very Avildsen is served well by his Avildsen here finally fulfills lone's script with great skill and | film entertainment. The Philadelphia boxer self-billed as Creed (well played by former arduously, and by the time the much any more. primary cameraman, James the promise inherent in his a tough, streetwise tone. Avild¬ is excitingly and sensi- the "Italian Stallion." When he Oakland Raider Carl Weath- fight arrives, he is prepared. The boxing and Crabe, and a special photo¬ earlier "Joe" and "Cry Uncle." sen also displays a particular re training se¬ I'directed, and realistically isn't boxing or .working out at ers), needs a ringer to fight at a The story may be a wishful quences are exhilaratingly re¬ graphic consultant named Gar¬ "Rocky" is the most mature and finesse in working with his ■haltingly acted, Mickey's gym or trying to make special Bicentennial Champion¬ populist fantasy, but most of it alized. The fight action is rett Brown utilizes a newly sustained work of his career. actors. The performances are time with shy, seemingly plain ship bout to be mounted in works. The love story is feeling¬ powerful, painstakingly chore¬ developed camera gyro mount, Despite the burden of a sterling. ted, there is an infectious i coursing through Adrian (beautifully portrayed Philadelphia. While leafing ly realized — Talia Shire seems ographed (by Stallone) and the "steadicam," which gives a ridiculously small budget The United Artists release is 1 of "Rocky," a kind of by Talia Shire), the sister of his through a mug book of local to slowly blossom over the brilliantly edited (by Richard thrilling fluidity to the ex¬ ($980,000-. r which is small at the Meridian Four Theatres. lional electricity generally midd# Paulie (earthily acted by boxers, Creed spies the photo by contemporary Burt Young), he is feeding his of an unknown who calls him turtles, "Cuff' and "Link." self the "Italian Stallion." The J. The film genuinely in- two But the Rock is aging. Bouts odd nickname and the vague | Cheering for the hero in all of its audiences in an allusion to Columbus appeals to in;, rousing fashion, a positive picture — in are few and getting further apart. To make ends meet, he the Champ, and Rocky is on his us... ■ almost unremittingly op- gently shakes down deadbeats way. c - directed with a for a local loan shark (Joe By BILL BRIENZA ing a better job?), Stallone is pet shop. "Hi, birds, the giant dumb, you're shy," he says, lingering long enough over any ly humanistic panache by Spinell). Few believe Creed's hand State News Reviewer only fleshing out the classic worm is here. Whatsa matter, later saying, "When we're to¬ point made to be heavy-handed |G. Avildsen, and starring picked patsy is a serious threat gether we fill each other's maudlin, pulling the audi¬ Sylvester Stallone character that he himself had you birds have a tough day in or |»p-and-eoming Sylvester Suddenly — somewhat in the to his crown, but they reckon without Rocky's persistence "Rocky" is the biggest "little as drawn. the cage? Hey, (he turns to the gaps." The audience cannot ence along for a change, rather pae. who also wrote the rapid, random, rags-to-riches manner which and perseverance. Under the man" you'll ever see. The shy girl working there), they Up but love him. than the feeling being reversed. ■ original screenplay. once was so The dialog sparkles with a look like flying candy." It is just The story of the "bum" The pace and ensemble acting leky Balboa (played with typical and satisfying in Holly¬ gnarled, cantankerous manage¬ brawny Stallone's portrait of a life and charm missing for too corny and vulnerable enough fighter trying to make some¬ complement each other well, hulking prizefighter celebrates his status as a self-proclaimed long from Hollywood. Through that we recognize ourselves. thing of himself in his one shot with all characterizations crisp it, Rocky is superbly defined. His girl, who is 33 and has at glory is classically simple, and clear. "nobody," one of the many but the ultimate beautv of Its message seems to start "little people," who suddenly, never been alone in a man's Watching TV with Rocky, a bartender Creed and apartment, also thinks of her¬ "Rocky" is that it is so free of deep inside you and end up in incredibly, gets the chance to sees cliche. be a "somebody" — a real hero. self as a "loser" until Rocky your throat. It feels good to starts criticizing. Rocky says, The cheer for the hero in all of us. "He took his best shot and he's makes her feel differently. "I'm editing is superb, not "Rocky" re-establishes the classic "Cinderella" myth. Giv¬ the champ. Who are you to say en a shot at the heavy¬ anything about him? What shot weight title by champion Apollo you ever take?" Creed (obviously modeled after An old trainer, who wants to Muhammed Ali) for no reason be Rocky's manager to prepare other than to huckster the him for Creed, tells him sad fight, — the man turns it into a stories about how his life has crusade for self-respect, recog¬ faded from the '20's when he nition and the first real identity was a contender in his "prime." in his life. "At least you had a prime...," For Rocky, the goal is appeal- Rocky says. "I never had no ingly modest — he knows he prime." has no chance to win — he will Success to a man who has satisfy himself if he can "go the distance" with the champ. No been labeled a loser all his life is one has ever been standing at defined in a much less demand¬ the end of a fight with Creed. ing way than by a man who Stallone's life almost seems merely wants more success. to have imitated his art. His Rocky and the audience — the exploited, the "small," the un¬ success was against all odds and on his own terms. He lucky in the dark of the theater, become one. struggled to have the script he wrote presented to the public in He talks to his pet turtles, the way he envisioned it, no "Cuff" and "Link" and to the compromises. That is, with dogs and parakeets in the local Stallone himself in the title role. The studios in Hollywood liked his writing, but none Variety of jazz could see him as Rocky. So, rather than sell his script and be sure of having it turned into to be presented a major film, Stallone held out. United Artists gave in and Stallone scripted a film which in free concert seems to be the leading candi¬ The MSU Improvisational date for this year's Academy Ensemble and the University Award and box-office success¬ es. He risked a lot and scored a Contemporary Sextet will pre¬ miere several new works in a smashing triumph. variety of jazz styles tonight at Stallone, like Rocky, against 8:15 in the Music Building the odds, "went the distance" Auditorium. and stayed on his feet. But Rocky could only go the dis¬ The last concert given by the tance in one way — the ring. Ensemble and Sextet played to Stallone didn't have to take his standing room only crowds. Stole News Louro Lynn MslJor risks. As a writer, he is an tendance, a newly formed group of eight eret dancers, will per'«"» «t 8 to- Ron Newman, Improvisa¬ ht Apollo Creed — talented and p.m. Saturday at Everett High School in Lansing. The group «t 2 and 8 tional Ensemble pianist, said polished in a superior league, "audiences seem to like our first concert outdoors on the Bed Cedar River in August, and has since no underdog. ["veil funding from the Council for the Arts and other benefactors. concerts immensely; they seem Stallone's script has been to draw and ?h"8 ol Happendance include Letitia Carter (above), an MSU dance minor, overshadowed by his acting. ple.". more more peo¬ "'her MSU and LCC students. Admission to both performances is $2 for Good as his portrayal of Rocky 8 ">d $1 for children under 12 years. is (he IS Rocky...who else could Admission to the concert is Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) teats his hand bandage* with hit trainer, Mickey (Bur¬ the studios have imagined do¬ free. gess Meredith) before going into the ring to fight for the world title. Prepayment required on all Want Ads How 'til end of term. lf»] (jTw.X/1 ; mmMi ](fl] r^w]® WW llfl GREMLIN - 1970. V-6 automatic, GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 PART TIME position open, work¬ NEEDED - TWO females, spring ONE BEDROOM In three bedroom TWO NEEDED spring to sublease WALK TO d excellent condition. Low mileage. inch. Priced from $4. Mounted ing with retarded teenagers and term. Be lutiful Cedar Village with duplex. $85/month, heat paid, large two person apartment. Call Two Must sell. $1000. 355-5948. Z two nice girls. $83/month, nego¬ Close. 332-1093. Z 53-9 (12) 351-1134. Z 53-11 (121 bedroom free. PENNELL SALES 130114 young adults. Prefer someone building. tiable. 351-9382. 8-3-4 East 5818, Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- with Special Ed experience. 482 6089. 3-3-3 (181 (16)^ FEMALE NEEDED to share room EAST LANSING, NORTH POINT 8-53J?3| ,rn°nth. 487-d PHONE 355 1255 MERCEDES BENZ Diesel 1974 C-9-3-11J17I ONE ROOMMATE - Spring. in 4-person apartment. Across APARTMENTS 1250 Hasten Road FEMALE NEEDED 240-D, show room condition all Penny Lane. Own room. Dish¬ from Williams. Spring and/or sum¬ at 69. Beautiful one bedroom over. Clear white color, automatic CRAIG CASSETTE player. Like new. $35 or make offer. Call 353- WE CURRENTLY have career washer, parking. Rent negotiable. mer. $71.75.337-9387. Z 1-3-4 (191 apartment newly redecorated. »Pe«n>en.,^7^)1 AUTOMOTIVE transmission, power steering, AM/ FM radio, air conditioning, tinted 1562. ZE 5-3-8 1121 opportunities available in the field of financial planning. We are 394-1815. 3-3-4 (12) EAST LANSING - close In. Heat and water furnished. $190/month unfurnished. $210/ Only "mpus.^.^1 Scooters 8 Cycles glass, 4-wheel power disc brakes, looking for a creative sales person who places a high priority on FEMALE ROOMMATE. Own Married couple or single women. month furnished. Only 1 left. Call l.oeAALE lage Apartment "«So2l1 iw® Parts I Service Aviation Michelin tires. Looks and drives as good or better than when I bought it new. This fine car's list price ! Employment [jjfj excellence. Excellence in terms of income and personal satisfaction room. Comer of Hagadom and Mt. Hope. 351-8238. Z 558 (12) Three rooms and bath - basement apartment. Unfurnished, all utili¬ ties paid. No pets. $185. Also have John or Sue at 332-6354. 136) 55511 fffi/monthroJjO 7-3-11 (12) EMPLOYMENT and excellence in terms of ability SOMEONE TO clean 3-5 p.m. four FOR RENT new, now is approximately and ambition. If you have the LIBERAL MALE to share 2 bed¬ first floor apartmeht svailable SUBLEASE -"oijc":-! $13,500. Buying my 5th one. See days/week. $2/hour. 332-1350 af¬ room apartment, preferably over March 1st - 9180/electriclty. ONE FEMALE to sublease four desire to own your own business Apartments this Saturday and Sunday only at ter 6 p.m. 8-3-4 (121 21. Phone 349-5929 before 4 p.m. Phone 332-5888. 7-3-11 (34) person apartment. Spring term. Houses 1415 N. Holmes. Lansing. 14 PANTRY PART time positions, and you're a graduating senior, please contact David Tinney at 558114) Rivem Edge. 351 -3746. Z 53-7112) Ohly._35i.757o 4-34 (J1 * Rooms blocks North of Mercedes Dealer¬ TWO FEMALES - Share 4 man DON'T PAY FOR SALE ship). Firm, $8900. This car has days or nights. Apply in person - 482-1580 weekdays. 3-3-4168) WOMAN FOR spring. $81/month. Cedar Village, fall thru spring, ATTRACTIVE ROOM." Pleasant utiiifa r'l had a superior maintenance pro¬ LONG'S, 6810 South Cedar. 7-3-3 2 blocks from campus. March rent 1978. 351-6941. Z-7-3-11 (12) house, 1 or 2, dose campus. Rent moluded to, "^'oom furnished $165/J?4 Animals gram including the use of Mobile (14) MANAGER TRAINEE and assis¬ paid. Call 332-1707. Z-B-53-4 (141 negotiable. 351-9477. 8-3-7 (121 ?2J Mobile Homes Number One oil. 3-3-4 (921 tant manager. Local drive-in the¬ MALE - OWN room in 2 bed¬ £?'. 4 miles east LOST ( FOUND MUSTANG 1973 Fastback. Excel¬ TENNIS PROS and assistant Pros for seasonal, outdoor clubs; atre is seeking people to learn the drive-in theatre business. Apply in TWO FEMALES needed - own rooms in modern duplex. Very room. $100/month includes utili¬ SH7:, PERSONAL ties. 394-3312 before 3 p.m. 7-3-11 Colliigwood Apartants - lent condition, tape deck, other require good playing and teaching person to Mr. Malinowski at the close.351-1524.53-3(12) 113) PEANUTS PERSONAL 11 STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE 2 bedroom furnished REAL ESTATE RECREATION extras. 8-3-4 (121 $2500. 372 7547; 485-2017. background. Call (3011654-3770 or send complete resume to: Col. R. between 2-4 p.m. through Friday. 53-11 (36) Monday FEMALE NEEDEO for Cedar Vil¬ FEMALE NEEDED - Good loca¬ one available till June L *»> Reade, W.T.S., 8401 Connecticut lage Apartment, starting spring tion, nicely furnished. Clean, air, SERVICE NOVA 1973 - 350 V-8, power Avenue, Suite 1011, Chevy Chase, NEED A job? The STARLITE and term. $88/month. 332-2749. 4-3-4 pool. 351-5791 after 5 p.m. 3-57 351-8282 FEMALE NEEDED share comfortable hou» ml Instruction steering/brakes. Rally wheels, Maryland 20015. ZB 2-3-4 (36) LANSING THEATRES need peo¬ mooth, utilities induiUI Typing 43,000 miles. $1800. 349-4834. Z CONVENIENT TRANSPORTATION 8-3-11 1131 STORE DETECTIVES. C.J. ma¬ jors, junior and above. 10-3 p.m. ple to work evenings at various positions. Apply in person at the CBPAR SUBLEASE TWO person apart¬ TO MSU. bedroom, appliances, carpeting, One Bess,J37-9574.81317 ment spring term. 711 Burcham, WANTED OLDSMOBILE 1972 Cutlass. 4- Monday through Friday. 641 -6734 STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE between 2-4 East Lansing. 351-5388. Z-53-7 $150/month. Deposit required. ELSWORTH HOUSE~cl ROUND TOWN p.m. Monday door, vinyl top. air, cruise, 52,000 miles. $1825. 394-2483. 8-3-4 113) - Call for details. Z 7-3-11 (151 through Friday. 55111301 VILLAGE 694-9418. 53-10 (12) >240 a month THAN A PEANUT BARREL, 521 duate student to complete port¬ 437 MAC. Beautiful $ B mag wheels, AM/FM stereo cas¬ East FEMALE NEEDED spnng term. 4 Grand River. 4-3-8 (24I folio. $5/hour. 332-2927.3-53 (12) room. Summer only. N"L sette player, low mileage, mint CADILLAC SEVILLE person - Cedar Village Apart¬ EAST MSU. Spring, fall. One UMTN condition. Best offer. 355-2798. TRUNK. ment. $83/month. 332-5709. 854 bedroom, furnished, utilities, laun¬ 351_.»26, Susie. 8-3-7JI3_1 SALAD GIRL Experienced. |12| rMiim dry, carport. $200. 374-6366. 7-3- - Z9-3-11 (191 EAST SIDE of L COOK HIMIMAN Apply within. LION'S DEN. See 11 (12) FEMALE GRAD to share nice VW VOLVO MAZDA /OY Robert Lundy, Monday-Friday. FEMALE NEEDED spring term to furnished one bedroom apart¬ room. $70 plus utilities. $7. CHEVY 1969. One owner. Auto¬ $13$ W. SAGINAW OoP 1. 7-3-11 (13) TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. share duplex. $82/month, near SPRING TERM: Rooms for su5 ment. One block from campus. sit. 487-5737. 7511JO _| matic transmission, power. $275 371-5400 $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- campus. Vicky 351-1270 before 4 lease. Furnished, utilities included. $100/month plus utilities. Neat OWN ROOM, $75/ or best offer. 676-4521. 3-3-4 (121 MALE COUNSELORS - Camp $90/month. Call 332-4680. Z 7-3-10 Mon. 8 Thurt. til 9 ItnlMlttatiltna.. (doted Set.) Midicha - a summer camp for 1010. C-83-11112) p.m. 553 (15) and responsible. Call 361-7425. 3-3-3 (22) utilities. 118 Linden. 3514957. Z 83-11 U2I Pat»|' CORVETTE 1977. Power steering/ diabetic children. If interested call THIS IS the best time of the year HASLETT - 6906 Marsh Road. brakes/windows, air, leather, 1-313-733-2410. Z 559 (141 FEMALE - OWN bedroom. AM/FM. CB, stereo tape, cruise to rent out those unused items. Two and three bedroom apart¬ ONE FEMALE wanted spring term LANSING - EAST si Give Kevin a call today at 3558256 Northwind Farms. Nicest aroundl bedroom house. $200 P»B control, other options. Call 339- VEGA 1973 - Very good mileage ments with carpeting, drapes. for own room. Near Sparrow. 3400 or 349-1212. 8-3-91201 and body. Consider best offer. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS: PER¬ and let him help you with ■ 351-6297; 484-2776 after 5 p.m. Call 484-1964.5-3-3112JT 394-5230. 83-11 (13) Z-53-11 (121 4828782 after 5 p.m. 53-4 (13) RY MIDDLE SCHOOL and classified ad. S 14-3-111291 Dennis - 351-1434. 8-3-4 (121 High CUTLASS SALON, 1976. Power School Must have Michigan Certi¬ EAST LANSING - Furnished/un¬ FOR RENT near East Lansing, steering brakes, air, AM/FM stere- VW 1971 Super Beetle, automatic fication, send name and address FLORIDA'S CHEAPER and more furnished, one bedroom. Patio, furnished 2 bedroom apartment o, many extras. $4800. Call stick. AM/FM stereo, runs good to Richard fun when you share the ride. 339- Parker, Perry Middle carpeting, drapes, air condition¬ with garage. Ideal for two collage 2687 after 5 p.m. 5-3 3 116) Needs brakes. $575. 694-9138. Advertise here for rides or riders. School, Perry, Michigan 48872. No ing. Ample parking, laundry facili¬ girls. $200 monthly including utili- 7-3-11 (14) Call Ted at 3558255. S 3-11 (17) CUTLASS SUPREME '76, 350 V-8. power steering/brakes, auto¬ matic, radials, rally wheels. 18,000 VW SQUAREBACK 1971. Rebuilt engine, good tires, radio, heater, phone calls. 3-3-3 128) CAPTAIN NEEDED for 30 foot Apirtaiits liy. ties. Rent includes heat and water. Phone 361-6159. 0 7-511122) SUBLET CM 6884683. Z 3-Person 7-3-1J (_22l apartment. YOUR ATTIHTlOlj miles. 393 0723. 6-3-9 (151 extra wheel rims. Great condition. $1050. 353-7285 days. 337 2320 business boat, docked in St. Claire Shores. Power squadron rating. Must be available 3 p.m.-11 p.m., 5 MERIDIAN MALL - near. Sharp MITA ARMS I Is now loosing for summer ] Spring term. Twyckingham. An¬ na/Donna, 351-3095 after 6 p.m. Z 4-3-4112) DATSUN 240Z. Must sell. $2200 evenings. 8-3-9 119) 2 bedroom, I (with special rates) and foil. days and some weekends. Begin¬ appliances. $200/ J I 1 or 2 bedroom apartments PLEASE!! or best offer. Call after 6 month. 669-3654. Leave message. pm VW WINDOW Van 1968. Sharp, ning May 1st - October 1st. Call 8-3-101121 I across Irom campus. 235 Delta j ONE OR two female(s) to share 489-3263._C 2-3-4 H2j_ rebuilt engine. Best offer 13131 444-1010, Extension 253. Z room In apartment, block from over I 332*5976 I campus. $87. 3328239. Z 2-34 DATSUN 1200 Coupe 1972. New $700. 489-1886. Z 7-3-11 1121 OKEMOS, MERIDIAN Mall. Newly 3-3-3 1351 I J 1141 brakes, snow tires, 1200cc engine decorated, one bedroom fur¬ stick shift. Very clean. 39,000 BABYSITTER, INFANT, ~a7 our nished. $160 monthly. Ideal for teeeeeee**e*ap*tMtetMMMS| miles $1200.393-1590, before 5:30 p.m., weekdays. 10-3-11 (221 [_Mo Service \\/\ home, campus 2 blocks, for Monday • Friday. Mornings only. married couple. 6683864, leave message. 83-11 (17) MASON BODY SHOP 812 East References. 351 1762. 5-3-4 115) All student advertising must be PrePol| DATSUN PICKUP 1973. With cap, Kalamazoo Street since 1940. FEMALE TO share 2 bedroom the last two weeks of each term. AM/FM. 3552294 or 3559585 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST MT apartment. Spring term. Air. Next weekdays, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. 3-3-4 Complete auto painting and colli (ASCPI preferred. 3 days a week, to campus. $75, negotiable. 351- 112) sion service. American and foreign 3rd shift. Must have clinical ex¬ 3947. Z 538 (151 15% i | cars. 485-0256 C-9-3-11 (201 ALL STUDENT ADVERTISIW perience in all areas. Excellent DODGE DART 1966. Best offer starting rate and benefits. Contact LARGE TWO person furnished J OFF on all bows In stock over $90. 351-6065 after 5 53-9 (12) p.m. Z WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top Personnel, LANSING GENERAL efficiency. Air conditioned, dose J with this coupon MUST BE PREPAID dollar, 489 4647. NORTHSIDE HOSPITAL, 2800 Devonshire, to campus. 374-8000, 8 a.m. - 5 AUTO PARTS AND SALVAGE. Lansing. 372 8820. 53-4 1321 p.m. 3728310 after 5 p.m. X8-5 DODGE STATION wagon 1955. 9-3-11 (14) 10116) I ALSO — 2 leather sad- FULL AND part time game room 72,000 miles. Top shape. 22 mpg. I dies, over 100 used New belted tires. 372-4653. 8-3-4 Ouik < Ouolihi d girls. Excellent pay and work I laathar coats \ NOWFallLIASINO (131 ECONOUNE CARGO Super Van conditions. Must be neat and personable and enjoy pinball. etc. Apply in playing pool, person only, « t For and Summar ('with special rotes) 2 bedroom opartments I | 1 MCKIRAMAi . 347 Student Service] 1972. V-8, low mileage. Good condition. Phone 332-1652. 53-7 TECH CENTER Home of Mr Tune weekdays, between M m. at the 10 a.m. and 5 CINEMA X ADULT I444 Michigan Avonuo • 332-5420 ■ 1701 South Cadar 355-8255 Up j ^S25^Michijan4e9|a98»_ ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, 1000 West Jolly Road 0-9 3-11 144) f Across from campus. \ j 487-3884 L^nn stote News, Eg»t Lonsmq, Michioor Thursdoy, Morch 3, 1977 13 J LJw Jl>] [ Imi I Ursm |[5l I fir Sale 1(51 | Fif Salt Ifc] Real Estate LARGE 8 pwson house. L,i iocaRo"' Kitchen, laim- FEMALES - OWN roome-houe. 2 mUes-MSU. Pet, considered FOR RENT, basement room for SPRING CLEANING is just around TRIVIA CHALLENGE, only 82.00, SMITH CORONA manual type- L Aj I Sal" IP^ '90/month PR" "W- Single girl only. 349-4177. 5-3-8 12 „king Warm atmosphere. 332-2681 1& the comerl All those unused items TR'VIA, Box 41068, Chicago, llfi- writer. 825.3933884 after 6 p.m. E NEW IN town? Let me help you FOR QUALITY stereo service THE 2.1918.1-3-3 (151 3-11 (121 can be turned into cashl Sell them nots 60641. Z 1536 (12) 536(12) find a place to call home. Paul STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand fast with a classified ad. Can Kevin Coady, 332-3582 MUSSELMAN ■ onnM spring N""- ^-Jn" TOOM AVAILABLE-5 bedroom TWO PLACES~avaiiabie Campus, at 3558255. S 15511 (27) SKIS FOR sale, Fischer Super DRESSAGE SADDLE, miscellan¬ REALTY. C-33-11 118) River. C-33-11 (12) IX.«0plu. house. 2 blocks from Student two blocks. Furnished. 875. 349- Glass, 200 centimeters, Marker eous tack, equipment, riding ap¬ Bfz3-3-7_(1_2)_ R-J-a CM Dave, 332-0241. 1168 X 9-3-11 (121 . SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE bindings. Good condition. 8100. parel. Like newl Great bargains! [ lislrictiai Hi* j lit I SUBLET own room In SINGLE ROOMS. 826 dejxTsit. SALE! Brand new portables 849.95. 85 per month. Large 3516161. Z 3-3-3(141' 332-0621. 33-4 (121 [[Recreation J|| IMPROVE YOUR writing skills. J, Furnished. Close to cam- OWN ROOM. Furnished, dean From 866/month. Also lease by selection of reconditioned used GIBSON HUMMINGBIRD. 1963. BOOK EXCHANGE - 2301 East CANOE THE Everglades spring Individual instruction by qualified ■ Sprtng/sumnwf- 351 "8237- close. Parking. Spring/summer! week. Call between 12-6 p.m. machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- Excellent condition. Hard case. Michigan Avenue. Paperbacks, break. 7 days-8130 plus trans¬ teacher. Term papers, essays. i|13l 680/month. Jerry, 351-0600. Z 351-4495. C-9-3-11 1161 chi's, New Home and "many Very beautiful sound. 8295. 487- comics, buy, sell, trade. 4850416. portation. Deadline March 12. 337TJ6M. 3-3-3 <131 tjTI PERSON to rent others." 819.95 to 39.96. Terms. 6990. Z-2-34 (121 12-3-11 ^12)__ PINE RIVER CANOE CAMP. 676- J 956/month plua utllltlea. MALE ROOMMATE needed EDWARDS 10 SPEED Schwinn Varsity 2389)6757514. 13-3-11 (19) PIANO LESSONS - beginners ■ allowed. Busline, cJom. ROOMMATE WANTED room, spring and summer. Vow,, furnished house for spring end In COMPANY, 1116 North Washing- DISTRIBUTING BASS GUITAR - Univox. Very biko, 27", 880. Call 393-6970 after boys through advanced. All ages wel¬ |ip^4572- Z 7-3-11116) S*™0,?9 Call 351-7777. S block' <*"«"»■ 875 summer terms. 8110/month. 393 1909. Z 3-3-3 (14) ton. 4896448. C-9-311 (26) good condition. Great guitar for beginner. 895.4876990.2-3-4 (12) 4 p.m. X6-3-4 (12) I Service come. Phone 3550780. Z-4-36 er ROOMS in houae. 880- 5-3-51191 COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, PIANO LESSONS*by experienced ■L utilities. Bath, Sue. NEW COMMUNITY LUDWIG DRUMS - Five piece. VERY ADEPT rock and roll CO-OPERA¬ PRIVATE SINGLE room, free VACUUM CLEANERS Cases, throne, Zildjan cymbals. Nancy Drews, Beatle items Want¬ guitar¬ young teacher. Beginning thru Pl.2379_Z-MF902l_ TIVE needs members. 9285/term, laundry, no utilities. 2 blocks from Immaculate. 8650. 351-5715. Z ed! Visit CURIOUS USED BOOK ist looking for a group. Call advanced. 694-3487. .133-9 1121 fc>ERS0N needed, spring/ raom/bM,d/utiliiies. Close. 351- 3820. Z 8-3-6 (121 Berkey. 337-1600. Z 6-36112) ♦6" 4-36 112) SHOP, 307 East Grand River, 351-5912. 5-3-4 (12) L Own room, large houae, endup 332-0112, (open 11:356 p.m.) PIANO LESSONS - Teaching all Irclosa. one Wock from bus. QUIET, CLEAN, close to campus. All mokes and models re¬ SHERWOOD S-7200, Ohm~~D C-33-11 (22) TYPEWRITER RENTALS methods and types desired. Begin¬ ROOM AVAILABLE: T friendly people. 485-1288. Reasonable, Own room in house. Reasonable. paired and sold. speakers. Micracard 625U table. BY THE WEEK OR MONTH ners included. Call 349-1359. 53-9 J1181 convenient to campus. Meals prepared. 337-2381. Z 5-3-3 112) Evenings, 337-2655. 8-3-10112) 1 YEAR WARRANTY 8425. Call Norm, 394-2973. 5310 1121 [Mobile Homes » AMERICAN 112) JlOCKS from campu», four ■bedroom dome, for rent BEST DEAL in Townl Room and LARGE ROOM, near campus. BARGAIN HOUSE 826 W.SAGINAW EPIPHONE MODEL FT-365 12 HALLMARK 1974 X 12 expando. 10 miles campus. - 12 X 60 +7 BUSINESS MACHINES frypwf SerctojSil Clean house. Available UMUI I fall. All homes are fum- board. 8245 per term. Can nowl epring LANSING string guitar with hard shell case. Carpeted, stove, refrigerator. 676- EXPERT IBM Typist-Theses, dis¬ MONTIE HOUSE, 332-8641. Z term. 885 plus utilities. Call E,,,) very nice. Can Craig 10-3-11 1151 6185. 53-7 114) 351- 484-2600 Mint condition. 8225. 351-1227 S 1269. 53-3 (121 PHOTO GRAY lens. Bifocal sertations. general typing. Rea¬ land leave a message. 337 (15) or sonable. 393-9971/337-2129 after6 I3.Z 10-3-11128) SUBLEASE FOR summer. Own HEATHKIT AR-1500. Tested bet¬ VALIANT - 12 X 55. Two bed single vision. OPTICAL DIS¬ p.m. X 24-3-11 (12) LARGE, FURNISHED, quiet room. rooms, large living room, newly COUNT 2617 East Michigan, Lan¬ PIONEER TP-828 8-track ■ifUL ROOM in sharp room - co-ed house. One block, Close to campus. Call 3516154 car ster¬ ter than specifications. Must sell, carpeted, skirted, storage shed. sing. 372-7409. C-9-3-11 114) FAST, REASONABLE term pa¬ ■ Lame yard, trees. March Berkey. Furnished, carpeted after 3 p.m. 9-3111121 eo, powerplay speakers, bracket, great buy. 8199. 337-1534. 333 300' from lake. 651-5194 before pers, theses, editing. Near MSU Vn 337-2679. Z-8-3-11 cooking, parking, walk-in doset, excellent, 875. 482-2931. 3310 midnight. 53-4 (18) COMPLETE DRAPERY cleaning campus. Call Bill - 351-1711. Z (12) service featuring take down and utilitiea^351 -3606. Z 4-33 (18) ROOM AVAILABLE maleT HALF 3-3-3 112) KhED FARM rooms. Lake, ®'5',GLE ROOMS. Male, female. bedroom house. Spring and sum¬ mer. - Parking, walking distance, 4 NEW, USED and vintage guitars, PRICE - Sansui 9500 amplifier. Over 75 watts per chan¬ itmmmmKi1, I MOBILE HOME. 14x66 | re-hanging. We also steam clean carpeting with the Michco meth¬ od. Rod Mahaffey at RIVERVIEW JUDITH CARMAN. Im. animals, potential re- "tiKrios paid. 236 banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers nel. Highly versatile control fea¬ I * FRONT 4 RACK Experienced North Harrison. close to bus. IED*OOMS [ Responsible people. 351- 3326990, immed¬ 3516758 Z 7-3-11 and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ tures. 8275. 332-4353, evenings. Z | CLEANERS. 485-1743. B 1-33 dissertation typist. Term papers, 161121 iate and spring term. Z15311 (16) 116) 46-4 I* HUSH * ROTH WITH FUUTHROUGHOUT CARPET BATHS | 1 (24) theses, dissertations. Call 393- sories, books, thousands of hard £17) | * BURT IN 1174 WITH ORYWAll ■ ' 4672. 9 3-11 1121 to find albums. (All at loOM available in large OWN ROOM semi-fumished. FEMALE - ROOM for rent. Three very low PLAYBOY MAGS -41 - 1975. I * INTERIOR, $T«Il CONSTRUCTION STORMS R SCREENS |I EDITING - THESES, research ■ beginning March 15th. blocks from campus. 351-5194. Z prices.) Private and group lessons Mint. Good investment. 8960. Close, private entrance, parking ■ * RAY WINDOWS papers, journal articles. Grammar, PROFESSIONAL 4-38112) . TYPIST as¬ 12 blocks from cBmpus Available 3/18. 337-0678 after 7 on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all Evenings, 339-8059. 3-34 1121 ■ 'STYROFOAM INSULATION ■ punctuation, organisation, clarity. Experienced, fast, reasonable. sociated with Ann Brown print¬ | people. 332-0545. 53-4 p.m. 3311 (13) GIRLS SINGLE room. 3 blocks styles. Gift certificates. Expert 19" ZENITH Color TV Console. NOW ONLY *9.950 484-3852 after 5:30 p.m. X 53-9 ing. 339-9076 after 3 p.m. 8-3-8 repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY LARGE DOUBLE room in excel¬ from Union, no kitchen. Quiet. 8100. 351-2457 after 6 p.m. 3-3-4 (16) I12£ j SELECT MOBILE _ _ INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand HOMES I IeDROOM furnished. Ten lent house, 3 blocks to Neat. Phone 351-5076 before ■ EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ I south of campus. 1H campus. River. 332-4331. C-33-11 (49) N. US 27, LANSING I IF"YOU~HAVE~SLl5lNG DOORS Kitchen, laundry, parking. Prefer noooafter 5 p.m. X-Z-533 (171 ON YOUR MEDICINE CABINET, sertation, (pica-elite] FAYANN louse. $400. 394-1168. 9-3- GARRARD TURNTABLE. Base, grad or couple. Call James, 351- 3957 or 332-0062. 33-11 (221 TWO BLOCKS from campus — 100 USED Tanks, cannisters VACUUM and cleaners. uprights. dustcover and cartridge included. FOR RENT/sale - 2 bedroom, I slide one door open before sho¬ wering. It will not steam over. If 489-0358. C-9-3-11 (121 437 MAC. Large room, southern Best offer or 830.353-7560. Z 3-3-4 Guaranteed one full year, 87.88 you have still good, but no-longer- PAULA'S TYPING SERVICE. Call I ROOM, three student TWO COMFORTABLE rooms, exposure, cooking and lounging 112) near MSU. Stove, refrigerator, used items around your home, and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 482-4714 for free estimate. My Burnished, excellent condi- spring term. 871.43 monthly. Own area. Partially furnished: 876.88/ drapes. 8180. 393-5175. 8-3-4 (121 month. Available COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ 13SPEED bike Torpado Super exchange them for cash with a specialty is dissertations. 0-9-3-11 888/month. 332- rooml On busline. Friendly house- immediately! - low-cost ad in Classified. matesl Ask for Karen or Anne, Phone: 351-2326. Ask for Bruce. posite City Market. C-9-3-11 (24) Tourismo, 25" frame, like new, 10 X 55, 1963 M2£ 153-8112) 53-3 (25) 8100. Scott, 484-0935 after 8 p.m. Champion trailer. 332-2253. Z 3-3-4 (191 Good condition, clean, 1 'A baths, FREE. . .A lesson in complexion PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ OOMS in house, two CARPET YOUR dorm room. Good S-53-7 (151 2 bedrooms carpeted, partially care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan sonal and professional IBM campus. Spring term. ROOMMATE NEEDED BAILEY STREET. Room - 4 bed¬ condition, used 81.50/ typing. jm - 4 girl carpet. furnished, etc. Shed included. or 4857197 Lansing Mall. MERLE One day service. 351-5094. C-9-3- 1-2713. Z-7-310 (12) apartment. 864.75/month. Excel¬ room house. Parking. Reasonable. square yard. aEANERS. 3936510. 53-4 (14) DANFORD PHILLIPS 427 turntable. Pioneer SX535 receiver, KLH 100 speak¬ 82200.487-6826. Z 7-3-11 (191 NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. 11 (12) lent location. Deposit required. Spring. 332-5622; 353-0769 even¬ ers. 8325 or best offer. C-9-3-11 (18) ]0 332-5272. 33-7 1121 EAST LANSING - single" rooms ings. 4-3-4 (121 MEN'S SINGLE, 885, includes COLOR TV - RCA. XL-100 solid state. 15" screen. Excellent condi¬ tion. 8220. 3559839. 8-3-7 (121 2109. Z-2-3-3 114) 337- MARLETTE 12x60 with a 7x21 expando. 3 bedrooms, Front kitch¬ en, built in china cabinet, double INCOME TAX preparation by TAX LIGHTED CANDLES ADD A FES¬ TIVE TOUCH to any also prevent the room party. They 1.4 people. Available now, three blocks MSU. No pets, THORENS TD-160 turntable. Ex¬ CORPORATION OF AMERICA from be¬ utilities, kitchen facilities. Christian sink in bathroom. Large hot water coming smoke-filled. Table and Ck Itom Union. 394-4796, shown after 5:30 all Sunday. 253 » cellent condition with Stanton counselor in your home. Week¬ e. 7-3-4 (12) atmosphere. Kelly, 332-2906, 351- PORTABLE TV in excellent condi¬ 681EE. Groat value. 8140. 349- heater. Phone 694-6842 after 6 floor lamps sell quickly when Gunson. 133-11 (16) 4950. 53-8 112) ends, evenings. 337-2747 after 5 tion. 828. 484-8783. E-53-7 112) 9579. Z-536 (12) p.m. 4-3-4 (261 advertised for sale with a low-cost p.m. 333-11 (17) ad in Classified. THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Directory ★ Save Time ★ Save Money Oepewlable Finns and Individuals and Eager to serve you TRAVEL HOME SERVICES ZOOM IN ON CO-OPTICAL Give your BUSINESS! ADVERTISE SERVICES Business a Boost W# four housewives will WEEKLY ■VOUR CHILDREN'S i test Unskf's Onfir Advertise The Yellow dean your homo or SHOE STORE CstaeednOgtW) iSE TRAVEL IN WfetUifIJr business, IN FRANDOR I OFFICE nts .in J ITiilJr<.*«•'< SHOES Of j R. Ninon. Optovnotritt ft p«« R)W. Grind Rhter TM WAY YM WANT IT, THE * Widths B KIT. • EYES EXAMINfD • GLASSES & Way |l BUSINESS * Orili.-ivdit Slu.cs I bit Laming end well be in ond out in op- ' Tup and liallct • CONTACT LENS Call Carolyn 1351-6010 ItAVH professionals" prox. 1-1V. hours. For details ( free estimote call: IIMMl,tlM4ll DIRECTORY 355-8255 * 9 * IM. I Ivirs C.mhs.v Ihksii\ House Slippers Illll.OnriUnr 355-8255 COBuiMML 3514747 Ml-MM FURNTURE JEWELRY STEREO REPAIR FOR SALE ARTS & DRAFTS PHOTOGRAPHY Lit Ik ITMPIBS RIFLES small wedding? Kiew MottrtRRwe I Bo* Spf ings .81# mod# here in Loosing PLAQVKS think you con t afford a [ AhRRtYOHT TWIN '49" JL ipGDNS OLD TOWN ARTS « CRAFTS p!ay» photographer? ForsMO For sil OccrHom Antique* «.(•« ■miMSn" DOUBLE l59M um •UfRR 'UrRB SiSanction 'Rsstonsblo Print *RBRtOM PROFESSIONAL AUDIO ofiUklndL- Cu*iom modtiewalry Joij. Rock. Polka's. Woltiet. ballads 4 latin. 5. 6 or 7 Service . Uuilly 1 Oay Strvin REPAIR pieces. Odd tixei to order KST Croft Clones ProFeRilonal appearance, I Call "Carol,,- EN6RAVM6 * Three full - trained technicians time professionally Ywr 'round price Complete line of mocrnme i bead tuppIlM profeisional sound [ Downtown in Southern Mkhlgm. V * 355 - 8255 Acne Bedding Co. Pros PwWnj IV 4-2322 * Complete Test facilities Loaner amplifiers available mmm Always accepting original art work on consignment. CALL BAY KAY FOR TAP! AUDITION. kpn 6 fran :s Service /fUit Swvtrvg Ovor 60 YORTI 241S N. Cedar, Holt , 405 Chorry 8 Kolomoioo PARKER JEWELRY 555 I CKANI) Ul VI R Days: 373-5200,373-5726 351-4107 594-3102 . Jwtory Phone 417 - 4995 111 South Washington wcauy.trteceMi- twi OctM Set. Ill [Onw • Arttal) Sw..H-4CImw4«I«m After 5 & Weekends: 482-6513 photography AUTO SERVICE STABLES HEALTH FOOD IEWELRY CATERING SERVICE pARTAN BlURIHWtllAmiB People Read Our 10% DISCOUNT rut. cumi'11 n FFLER CENTER HORSES weddiso ser 17(7 M.S.U. lot Professional to all MSU JhWHI.KY: Orange Kliiaom AUTO PARTS, BUSINESS studanti Union Catering MIKIIUIOT tiold /•'asntuii Imtruct you and train An Cam J Catering Specialise your horto.. SERVICE en purcham of 12 |miw UK. to# our Una of DIRECTORY or mora, yogurts ond broads excluded GIFTS Custom Fu ture Frumme 'We-ddmg Receptions •Breokfobib luncheons i«% Down-fillod Jockattl Dinners Dannon Yogurt 31' Jlq.- 'Bor bet-ups „ IN All IT DISCOUNT LATE MODEL Yon JuitDid! RANDALL HEALTH FOOD WORK k MOTORS AND wclry and * ■ WITH I.D. PARTS A SPECIALITY Shop and CALL Broakflald Plata ART CtNTER •84-2184 Carolyn Open Thuriday Kveningt |Lffi-933? rtNNSYLVANIA Halfway Wtwatn Holt 4 Msion en M. Cnasr 193SS. Marxian 474-WltW 355-8255 13(1 E. Grand Rivor 332-5892 337-1314 Jiy L. Grand Kiver Ave. u55-3465 F-.ast Lansinn, Miir'.qati . TBBACC8MST BARBERSHOP cawsaiHs BAKERY sow HEAR THIS FROM THE TOP HINGE PROBLEM 9^ WfW AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR! PREGNANCY 'CiStntUbf '• "We taveb stack- 372-1560 24 Hours Ikarmaa - DukUl - Sobraiee Lovers Sjdkfot WjwTWeribsW- t MARITAL mi Three Star-sadZO Red Deer PROBLEMS? everywhere NEED TO TALK? ,'>M>"»ySup6iaili Lansing's CAKE are looking ler " CATHOLIC YELLOW PAGES BAKER .*1 las Mm Hond Decorated Cakes For All Yoor TRtlOW MAORI Advertise Today! wedding tervke Occasions Delivered To Youi Let Then) Know SSf-I2S5 Call Carolyn Dorm Or Apartment in the Yellow Pagea Aekfor Coretya 355 - 8255 414-1317 Pdymwviduewhen daliva-ed "Carol yn'355 - 8255 1$ Your Business Listed Here? - Call Carolyn 355-8255 14 Michigon State News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Mercury poison consequences possibly fatal to Ojibways 'There's no poison problem; they just want more welfare' (continued from page 1) Mercury poisoning can kill. It shortens lives and damages the brain and the rest of the central nervous system, resulting in retardation, paralysis and a host of other symptoms. It is especially vicious to unborn Announcements for It's What's PIRGIM Volunteer Orientation Women: Anonymously report children. Happening must be received in the meeting at 6 tonight in 328 sexual assaults, obscene calls to The Canadian government State News office, 343 Student Student Servicea Bldg. rape. Call Women's Council Office has done little. Services Bldg., by noon at least from 4:40 to 6 p.m. Sunday The D'itris' involvement be¬ two class days before publication. Women's Studies Group: Open through Thursday. gan in 1971 when Frank D'itri, Above, this is an aeri¬ No announcements will be accept¬ an assistant professor of water al view of the ed by phone. meeting at 3:30 p.m. Monday in PBB Action Committee meets Dryden the Union Oak Room. chemistry, was asked to write Paper Co. in north¬ at 7 tonight in 331 Union. an extended bibliography on west Ontario that hti Minority Pre-Med Students As¬ The Christian Science Organiza¬ mercury pollution for the Michi¬ been sociation will hold a first-aid class tion, south campus, invites all to Business students: See your dumping mer¬ ASMSU representative from 2:30 gan House of Representatives. free to all MSU students at 3 p.m. their meeting at 6:30 tonight in 340 It was then that he decided cury into the Wabi¬ to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays end Sunday in 205 Life Sciences Bldg. Case Hall. there was a need for a book on goon River. Lelt, chil¬ For details, contact Keith McElroy. Thursdays in 335 Student Services dren of the White Bldg. mercury as a worldwide pollu¬ Dog . Recreational volleyball open to tion problem. Reservation, down- stream from the fac¬ | Typiii Service |f^j| Spirit of Christ Fellowship wel¬ comes you to prayer, worship and But, while his wife helping him compile the bibli¬ was tory, go through as¬ sports arena of the Men's IM Bldg. Bible study at 7 tonight and 2:30 ography, they found that the sorted photographs ol THESIS, DISSERTATION, and p.m. Sunday in the University Christian Church. problem extended beyond ana¬ Minimata patients. term paper typing. Fast reason- Video Awareness workshop will •ble. Cell JOHN CALHOUN, 332- lytical science and they joined Below, a sucker that be held at 7:30 tonight in the in coauthoring "Mercury Con¬ 2078._0-9-3-11 j12l Union Lobby. Learn how to use MSU Amateur Radio Club was pulled from the meets at 8 tonight in 339 Engineer¬ tamination: A Human Trage¬ English - Wabigoon LOOKING FOR mom to she,, p0rtab" ing Bldg. dy," to connect the scientific River. your humble abode? Let Beth help aspects to the social, economic, you place a classified sd. 356- Please join the Southern Africa 8255. S 3-11 (17) Liberation Committee (SALC). We ASMSU Women's Council pre¬ political and emotional issues Photographs by sents: A Film Festivall "Seven involved. Aileen M. Smith meet at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Images of Feminist Genre" at 8 "Personally, I have learned ELEVEN YEARS experience typ- !!e*ce Cen,er. 1108 S. Harrison p.m. Friday in 107 S. Kedzie Hall. ©1975 the sense of role that science ing theses, manuscripts, term d plays with a role of the hu¬ papers. Evenings, 675-7544. C-9-3- Okemos youth needs college manist," Patricia D'itri said. 11112) THE ASMSU Labor Relations age male role model. Has negative Office has several volunteer posi- "The data released (when relationship with parents. Contact TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and Hons open for spring term. Call or studying pollution problems) is OVP, Tutor Corps, 28 Student in the scientific form but the reasonable. 371-4635. C-9-3-11 drop by our office at 327 Student Services Bldg. 02) Services Bldg. social, legislative, political Attention ANR Studentsl Nom¬ problems are still there." RAPID TYPING service. Themes, for^ort wxlklnn""^1 inating petitions now available for The D'itris, a young and dissertations, term papers. IBM camDUS cor ®0rfl ce"tral student senate elections during pleasant couple, have finished Selectric. Call 694-1541. 13-3-11 ,hl ai contact the Alumni r^ Office at T' the spring registration. Petitions avail¬ able in 121 their soon-to-be released book, ™ Union. Agriculture Hall. which traces mercury contam¬ ination incidents around the ANN BROWN PRINTING AND Martin Luther Chapel bus will world and looks at the problem TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, „ Lansing Parks Ef Recreation run for 9 and 11 a.m. services from a human perspective. general printing. Serving MSU for Department will sponsor reading Sunday, "The scientist has a moral All Black Women of MSU are obligation to humanity," Frank needed at the first meeting of the said. "It's up to scientists to Black Women's Group at 7 tonight make sure what they discover EXPERIENCED TYPIST - fast Instructional developers: Plan in 332 Union. or what they know, is made and accurate. Dissertations, for Association of Educational Children have been born with known to the world." theses, and term papers. Call Communication and Technology Deadline for the creative writing misshaped limbs and brain In Canada, the D'itris say, 339-3575. 3-3-3 (121 Convention April 25 through 28 in contest is March 15. All MSU damage. Miami, Fla. Call John Schweitzer, the mercury is a pollution students eligible. Bring entries to The dancing cats have ap¬ TYPING - TERM papers. 15 Human Ecology Department for English Department office, Morrill problem but it is also a class peared on the reservations in years experience, fast and accu- info, Hall. Sponsored by Red Cedar issue and a racial conflict. The Canada. Mercury levels in fish rate. 882-8787 (near MSUI 1-3-3 Review. people in the white communi¬ in the river system are compar¬ (121 ties have a more varied diet and "Women's Ploy - Explore the able to fish in Minamata Bay female sex roles at 9 tonight in do not depend upon fish as then- 15 YEARS typing experience. MSU Star Trek Club will elect and the 1972 levels of mercury Holmes Hall with the Street officers at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in major source of food. Reasonable. Resumes, term pa¬ in Walleye from the English- Corner Society. "The Indians pers, general typing. Diane, 349- 335 Union. are just a Wabigoon are the highest ever 2855. 8-3-4 1121 minority that they don't pay too recorded. "What is the Origin of Life?" Dr. Public Relations Student So¬ much attention to," Patricia, Vinton will discuss the creationist And like Minamata, Frank FAST AND accurate typing. Rea¬ ciety of America will meet at 7 D'itri said, adding that the real and evolutionary views at 5 p.m. D'itri said, the government has sonable rates. Near Coral Gables. tonight at the Peanut Barrel. Will concern of the government is on Sunday, 1118 S. Harrison Road. discuss upcoming convention and "clouded the issue" and Call Marilyn 337-2293. 0-9-3-11 the impact the mercury will portfolio material. have on the tourist business. "jumped all around the prob¬ Observatory Open House from 8 lem." No autopsies have been to 10 p.m. Saturday. Weather The Michigan Society "4" Med¬ "They would like to forget performed on Native Ameri¬ I TfHsporUtioTlfA] permitting, the 24-inch reflecting telescope will be used for observ¬ ical Technology Students is spon¬ soring "Winter Olympics" at 7 about the Indians," she said. "The Indians are fishing again cans from the two reservations who have died, though autopsy ing current objects of interest. p.m. Wednesday in Giltner Hall. and guiding tourists. They are is the only definitive way to FLORIDA - NEED riders in nice Contact your class rep for infor¬ told to keep their mouths shut van to Daytona/Tampa area. 445 "Does Any Church Teach the show methyl mercury poison¬ mation about events. about mercury. Their health is round trip. 351-6951 evenings. Unadulterated Truth?" and "How ing. S-3-3-4 1151 Can We Reconcile Science and Gilchrist Hall is having a fashion endangered but if they talk "In my opinion, the Canadian the Bible?" These topics dis¬ about it, they lose their jobs." show and disco dancing at 3 p.m. government is not conducting People in the white communi¬ | iatrt ||it| cussed at 6 p.m. tonight and Sunday in 335 Union. Sponsored Sunday in Dooley's downstairs. ties and in the tourist bureaus, the type of tests it should," Frank D'itri said. "They have 19 YEARS old, Libyan student by Yahshuans. Norman Kagan speaks on "The she said, claim that there is no formed autopsies on Indians with fish from other areas, but, ly less assertive than the males, doing this for the ' wants to live with American Significance of Interpersonal Rela¬ mercury problem and that the but they haven't formed an Patricia D'itri said, the Indians take stronger leadership roles. We're doing this for on" Viking to Mars - a talk by Jim tions Skills in the Inactione of a Indians are complaining just to do not trust frozen fish and The D'itris have ide family, not far from LCC. 353- Loudon of Notional Public Radio, Consultant" at ID & T Luncheon autopsy on Native Americans Josephine Mandamin, wife of 0905. X5-3-3 (16) will be given at 7:30 Thursday in Friday. get more welfare money. from the two reservations. The continue to eat the fish from the the White Dog Chief, told her, pattern of pollution. At» 109 Anthony Hall. Mercury poisoning has been same thing happened in Japan. Wabigoon which do not look "I used to walk a few steps the "outbreak phase called Minamata disease, after The Japanese government unhealthy. behind Issac. I don't do that great concern and 41v 'I^olnd Town MSU Paddleball/Racquetball Club meeting at 7:30 tonight in 203 Renaissance Dance Asaociatlon welcomes anyone interested in medieval and renaissance dancing the deaths and physical de¬ formities occurring in a peasant checked other plants (than the ones in question.)" In the memorable photo-es¬ say book, "Minamata,' the di¬ anymore." As of now, no action has been identify the piflemj they say, there is • and fishing village in Japan in Men's IM Bldg. Posters available, National Singles Paddleball Tour¬ to its meeting at 8:30 tonight In the The government "sat on in¬ sease was documented by W. taken against the company stage, where soennwi Union Tower Room. the 1960s from mercury-con¬ which has stopped the mercury their opinions from formation" on mercury levels Eugene and Aileen Smith. ney Information, equipment too. taminated fish. A chemical com¬ interests are bougw from 1971 to 1973, Patricia Eugene Smith, the famed Life dumping. Frank D'itri said that Overseas study participants, Inter Varsity Christian Fellow¬ pany was located on Minamata D'itri said, calling the lack of photographer, was beaten it was not known until 1970 that "In the final step, «■ foreign students, interested stu¬ ship meets at 7 tonight In Holmes Hall Wast Lower Lounge. Rides Bay. The situation is similar to the concern for the Ojibways while working on the essay, the inorganic mercury, the type "nobody ever getsWi dents and faculty: International "genocide by neglect." allegedly by goons of the pollut¬ dumped by the company, would BASEMENT SALE - 100's of Coffee House at 4 p.m. Today in available at 6:40 from the Union Post Office. Native Americans, the D'itris The D'itris say that the ing company, the Chisso Corp. combine with naturally occur¬ UWhen askedabo^J picture frames and pictures, some antique glass. 6' step ladder. Artist the Student Lounge of the Engi¬ point out, as it is a small, uneducated and poor popula¬ government is not looking for Aileen Smith has since become ring bacteria to create methyl poisoning in MichIg«A"J neering Building. A BIG THANKS to all who mercury poisoning among the involved with the plight of the mercury, the well-documented supplies. Kitchen items. Ssturday- helped make this year's rodeo tion which has been afflicted. Sunday, March 5-8. 10-5 p.m. a Ojibways and has taken blood Ojibway, Accompanying a poison. Have a question? Need some success from the MSU Rodeo 1724 Melrose, East Lansing. 2-3-4 In the early 1950s the cats samples of Native Americans group of Japanese to meet with "Where I have to condemn Informetion? All topics handled at Club. (271 Meeting at 8 tonight in the living in the Japanese village who live 300 miles north. the Ojibways on their reserva¬ this company," he said, "is thst TAP, The Answer Place. Call Livestock Pavilion. were noticed for their "Without these sorts of tions. after they realized what was today. strange ADVERTISE THAT end of term behavior — they would scream tests," Frank D'itri said, "they In August 1976, she also happening (1970), they didn't Cross-Country Ski Club is spon¬ and they seemed to be dancing. traveled with a group of Ojib¬ specisll 20 words only 412 for 5 Fisheries Et wildlife majors: soring a Mardi Gras weekend from can go on saying 'We have no change their process." days. Call Barb, 356-8256. S 5-3-9 Valuable professional, experience April 1 to 3 in Harbor Springs. Often they drowned them¬ conclusive proof.'" way men to Minamata to try to Patricia D'itri tells an anec¬ and international travel are yours with the Peace Corps. Come to Sign up meeting at 8 tonight in 215 Men's IM Bldg. selves The by jumping into the behavior of the cats sea. So, the Ojibways continue to eat the fish. The tour guides eat show the Indians the outcome of eating polluted fish. Some of dote of a Tokyo professor, Jun Ui, whom she described as a award of dama^JI pollution, he M WIN MONEYI Grand prizes from 121 Agriculture Hall. foreshadowed the discovery in daily shore lunches with the the Ojibway women are now "Ralph Nsder of Japan." When would that mean to» PJ 4150 to 4300 at Bingol 7:30 p.m. Coalition for Justice meets at MSU Campus Scouts: Impor¬ Minamata in 1966 and again in fishermen .they guide, who, planning a trip to meet with she first became involved with who has been P< tant Tuesday Night. CONGREGATION 7:30 tonight in the meeting at 7 p.m. Sunday in 1965 in another village, of mass unlike the Indians, eat the fish Minamata mothers. the Native Americans' prob¬ SHAAREY ZEKEK, 1924 Coolidge, Community 239 Landon Hall. Anyone going on Patricia D'itri tells a story East Lansing. C-9-3-11 (201 Services Bldg., 300 N. Washing¬ tnp to Porcupine Mountains must poisoning among the villagers. only a few weeks a year. lem, she said she felt she wss about how .the problems are ton Ave., Lansing. attend. Since then, many have died and hundreds have been afflicted. The government has provid¬ ed freezers in the reservation making the women, traditional¬ helping the Ojibways. But, she said. Ui told her: "We're not aws** Mirhiaon Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michiaon Thursday, March 3, 1977 DOONESBURY Mif tfv IhlDf Inlfeto |(4)WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WElu TUir by Garry Trudeau (")WELM.TV(C0bl.) , , (12)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) ISDAY MORNING 1:30 (6) A. the World Tumi 7:00 10:00 (10) Dayi of Our lives (4) Hogon's Heroes (4) Barnaby Jones 8:00 (12) Family Feud (10) To Tell The Truth (10) las Vegas |t) Captain Kangaroo 2:00 (12) Brady Bunch Entertainment Awards jjGood Morning, (12) $20,000 Pyramid (23) Once Upon A Classic (12) Street of San (23) Agronslcy at Large 7:15 Francisco 9:00 (11) Drug Education 2:30 Center LlOood Doyl (6) Guiding Light 7:30 11:00 g) Marcus Wolby.M.D. (10) Doctors (10) Michigan State Lottery (4-10-12) News (23) Woman ,2) Dinah I (12) One life to Live (11)Teevee Trivia B) Saiama Stroot (23) Food for life (12) Hollywood Squares 11:30 9:30 (23) MacNeil/lehrer 3:00 (4) Kojak ||)TattlataUi ' (6) All in the Family Report (10) Johnny Carson 10:00 (10) Another World 8:00 (12) Mary Hartman, H Price Is Bight (23) Cooking with (4) Waltons Mary Hartman iSanlord ond Son Continental Flavor (23) ABC News Electric Company (10) Movie 3:15 "The Outer Space 10:30 (12) General Hospital Connection" Hollywood Squaroa 3:30 (11) Quicker than the Eye jjj Don Ho (6) AAotch Game (23) Welcome Back, Kotter 83% of our Lowell Thomoi (23) Lllias, Yogo and You 11:00 (23) People 4:00 L) Double Dora (4) Confetti 8:30 Readers I) Wheel of Fortune (10) Scrambled Eggs (11)Tempo IjlocyShow (12) What's Happening!! read this space. (12) Wild. Wild West | Mliter Rogera (23) Sesome Street (23) Perspectives in Black 11:30 4:30 Your AD 9:00 Love of Life |)ShootforthoStor» (4) Bewitched (4) Hawaii Five-0 FRANK & ERNEST (10) Emergency One; (11) Cable 11 News could Happy Days Llllai, Yoga and You (4) Gunsmoke 5:00 (12) Julie: My Favorite by Bob Thoves s,omo„so.»: 11:55 Things be here! ,ON ««, Dl.coimr (12) Emergency One I (23) Classic Theatre ICBSNowi (23) Mister Rogers AFTERNOON 12:00 THURSDAY EVENING 5fMc& X was ||J)News 5:30 CROSSWORD rasa aaa nnau naa □□□ □□□a AIM iNiOMNlAC Name ThatTuno (10) Adam-12 PUZZLE naa unn aaaa Novo 12:20 (11) News, Weather, Sports K'0SS 2S Tillable uanra □□□□□ saanra □□□ flA/YWAY, X (23) Electric Company 31 Appearances Almanac 4:00 32 Stratum aacaa aaaamua DECIDED X MIGHT 12:30 (4)(IO)(l2)News 33 High nest saaaaaa masa Starch lor Tomorrow dad onuas A5 WELL GO IMTO (11) Sam Love|oy ot MSU 35 Frost aaaan QBQB lLovtri and Friends iRyon's Hope (23) Taking Batter Pictures 4:30 •37 Bring forth young nmn ana nan obstetrics. 1:00 38 lamprey uqgcl nciro firn IMAM4 (4) CBS News-Walter 41 01 a central point □raaa aua ana Young and the Reitleti Cronklte 43 Antarctic 3 ( i Cong Show All My Children (10) NBC News penguin 45 Customary mode THE DROPOUTS (12) ABC News 46 Reserved Thrlval (23) Food For life 24 St John's bread 47 Sublease 27 Male peregrine 48 Straightedge by Post Tonight - Saturday PADDLEFOOT ACOUSTIC AFTERNOONS LIVE MUSIC 35-33% off Drafts, Drinks 4-8 pm §izapdi . 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