iner crawls free; tapped 108 hours k'ER CITY. Pa. (AP) - Ronald signs of life were reported. He cut some of the boredom by chewing J a feisty coal miner trapped deep "Pass the jackhammer over to me," tobacco passed to him by rescuers. But l a mountain for the longest five days Adley commanded as his rescuers burst when he asked for whisky, they gave him ■life, squirmed to freedom Sunday and through the last inches of a 50-foot wall of only orange juice. Tjieii to a hospital in good health. coal and quartz that had served as his prison door. Turning down an offer to ride on a Lral hours later the bodies of two Then the 37-year-old miner put the stretcher the mile to the mine's mouth, toal miners were located, bringing to finishing touches on a shoulder-wide escape Adley barked: "Hell no. I want to walk." Jie number killed by the underground tunnel and wiggled his five-foot-seven ■hat irapped Adley last Tuesday. frame through. He thanked his rescuers When he reached the sunlight he turned down an offer of sunglasses to cut the t more miners remained missing, with slaps on the back and a few jokes. sudden glare. to locate them continued but no new It had taken them 108 hours to reach him. "Adley is mentally alert and physically in good shape. He has several small abrasions on his forehead, legs and arms," said James Kirk, administrator of Pottsville igondo leader says Hospital where the miner and admitted for observation. "They found my was examined daddy, he's alive," said le wants Kampala Justina, his 11-year-old daughter. His wife, Anna Mae, hugged him all the way to the hospital. "I couldn't stop them," said ambulance attendant Robert Zerbe. |mbossy reopened "She just came in. They were a little emotional for a while. He sat up and they were hugging one another and kissing. He was pretty well black. By BRIAN JEFFRIES Associated Press Writer "I couldn't take his blood pressure because he was too emotional. It wouldn't {AMPALA. Uganda (AP) — Ugandan President Idi Amin said Sunday he wanted have been any good." K'nited Slates to reopen its embassy in Kampala and he predicted that President Imy Carter will be "one of my best friends." Adley and other miners were trapped at Bliis first meeting with U.S. correspondents since his dispute with Washington midday Tuesday beneath 400-foot-high Big Kthe 240 Americans living in Uganda, Amin said he had both friends and enemies Lick Mountain when a wall of ice-cold water Jell.S. Central Intelligence Agency. crashed through a shaft ceiling, battering lome of the top people in the CIA are my friends and some are against me," he told support timbers and triggering rock slides. Ispondents from The Associated Press, CBS and NBC in a meeting at his Two bodies were found by late Wednesday. Lidential lodge. Three miners who escaped were injured. ■like Carter as a person," Amin said, "but I don't think he understands me or even "It's a miracle, a miracle from God |ca. He doesn't know African policy and only follows reports from exiles." above," said Adley's sister-in-law, tears State News Robert Kozloff hnin said that Ugandan refugees, who have crossed into Kenya and Tanzania with streaming down her face, when Adley Is there a hockey uniform under that sport coat? the Michigan-Michigan State game Saturday night. jes of government massacres of Christians and Amin's opponents, "are speaking up. came Keeper of the penalty box and East Lansing city State's 5-2 loss kept the Spartans out of the WCHA ■things about me to get money from the newspapers." councilmember John Polomsky takes command of a llugees from Uganda have said hundreds of Amin's political opponents were slain "And I pray the rest of the men down playoffs for the first time in 12 years. See story on Tnonth after an alleged coup attempt. Amin charged that the effort to overthrow there will be following right behind him." quorum of Michigan icers in the last 17 seconds of page 8. kvernment was backed by the United States, Britain and Israel. One person who Jvas Anglican Archbishop Janani Luwum. Amin said the archbishop was killed in ■to accident shortly after his arrest. There were reports in Kenya and elsewhere ■Luwum was murdered along with two cabinet ministers arrested at the same CALLS COMMITTEE 'A HIDEOUS fciin said fears about the safety of the Americans in Uganda after he issued orders Jhem Feb. 25 not to leave the country until he met with them was a ■nderstanding. He said it stemmed partly from what he called Carter's lack of ■ledge about Africa. le conflict was defused after Amin cancelled a meeting with the Americans and I his travel ban. Gonzalez denounces JFK probe ftnin said he had only wanted to meet the Americans "because they worked very, "This criminal element is all-pervasive, SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) - Rep. "Sprague tried to spend committee Speaker Thomas O'Neill and fellow Texan I hard, especially in the missionary schools and various technical fields." loaded with nothing but money and in many le president said he wants good relations with the United States and he would like Henry B. Gonzalez says the assassination of money on long-distance phone calls to his Majority Leader Jim Wright, to enlist then- John F. Kennedy will never be investigated ways more potent than the government Philadelphia law firm and to the home of his support. Jt the U.S. Embassy in Kampala reopened as well as more Americans working in ■da. The embassy was closed in 1973 in a dispute over its U .S. Marine guards, but in a meaningful way "because vast and itself," said Gonzalez, a Texas Democrat girlfriend there. And get this. He actually "It was an exercise in futility," Gonzalez who submitted his took a little Acapulco vacation for himself powerful forces, including the country's resignation last week as said. "The fix was in." ■hington did not break diplomatic relations with Kampala. most sophisticated crime element, won't chairperson of the U.S. House Assassins while on the committee payroll." He said he was then aware "at last that the stand for it." tion Committee. Contacted at his home in Philadelphia, House leadership never had intended for In an interview published Sunday in the Sprague refused comment. the JFK investigation to fly, and indeed had San Antonio Express-News, Gonzalez said Gonzalez predicted the committee will prefabricated the whole thing for the other forces against the investigation forget about the Kennedy assassination now skids." 5MSU to hold book exchange include "the Kennedy family and heavy business interests in the Dallas-Fort Worth area who don't want all the old JFK and go into "a weak, one-legged investiga¬ tion of the Martin Luther King assassination as a sop to blacks." Without being specific, Gonzalez said that "powerful forces including criminal ele¬ ments" had deliberately put Sprague and muck raked up." Gonzalez resigned as committee chair¬ himself into the committee picture on an The congressman called the assassination person following a showdown with Sprague nonprofit basis for students automatic collision course. probe committee "a put-on job and a during which Gonzalez tried to fire Sprague "They never did want the Kennedy hideous farce that was never intended to but fellow committee members supported assassination conspiracy unmasked," said work." the former Pennsylvania prosecutor. Gonzalez. "They knew I was an honest, He criticized the committee's chief coun¬ His resignation has not yet been formally direct man who wouldn't hold still for a is sponsoring a nonprofit book exchange during finals sel, Richard Sprague, as an "unconscionable accepted. transparent phony like Sprague. They were Withe opening days of spring term, and a spokesperson said The ASMSU book exchange would give students 62 per cent of Gonzalez said he tried to call House scoundrel" and added: so right. The JFK investigation is over." >s will be "the lowest in town." , the value back and then resell the books on a 3 per cent markup. |Sl! is currently negotiating with the University to sell new "We are only looking for enough returns to cover our operating "<1 supplies along with used books. Previous student book expenses and pay salaries for the workers," Jensen said. tes dealt only in used textbooks. A student will not be able to receive money for a book unless it is ■University has an ordinance prohibiting sales on campus, but T"s have been made. ► same way that RHA charges for movies and ASMSU had sold. Only books that will be used spring term will be accepted. an "The way we figured it the students should get about (2 more for average hardback and pay at least ten per cent less for books than the bookstore," he said. AAUP collecting cards P sale, we hope the administration will make another The book exchange received a $2,000appropriation from ASMSU to the rule and allow us to deal in supplies and new and another $15,000 is pending if the University allows the for unionization election said Peter Jensen, coordinator of the exchange. "We are exchange to buy supplies and new texts. ff 'a give the students the best deal on their books." People interested in working for the exchange during finals week "fit bookstores around and the first week of classes should contact Jensen in the town usually give 50 per cent of Inter-Cooperative Council Office on the third floor of the Student pback V books are when a student sells books at the end of the term. Services Building. Work-study students are preferred. By KRISTIN VAN VORST signatures for the petition. the vote against the "no agent" alternative resold they are marked up an additional 25 per State News Staff Writer Ferency said Sunday he had collected to keep the push for collective bargaining Moving one step closer to gaining a spot about 25 authorization cards and Moser said alive. on the ballot in the upcoming collective that between herself and another professor In the election held in 1972 approximately bargaining election, the MSU chapter of 70 more signatures had been rounded up — 40 per cent of the voting faculty either American Association of University Pro a little under half of the needed figure and a voted for AAUP or the FA as its bargaining inside lessors (AAUP) is circulating authorization cards to University faculty members. little over one-third of the desired figure. The Wednesday deadline was set by agent, while 60 per cent voted unionization. against AAUP voted by a narrow margin to Ferency so AAUP would have the required "If either one survives the run off, the The women's basketball team wins a intervene in the election at a special signatures in order to appear at a hearing one with the largest percentage will appear championship. Page 9. meeting Thursday night. on Friday March 11, with FA and MERC. on the final ballot," Ferency said. I, A book review of the Bible? Yup. It's on MSU Faculty Associates (FA), — another collective bargaining organization on cam¬ The deadline, however, may not be final. "MERC tries not to foreclose parties that Ferency cited the philosophical differ¬ ences between AAUP and FA: pus — petitioned for an election with the wish to intervene unless they are clearly "AAUP is dedicated solely to faculty in Michigan Employment Relations Commis delinquent," Ferency said. higher education. FA is affiliated with the A jazz quartet sion (MERC), two weeks ago. The final shape of the bargaining unit has Michigan Education Association and the played it, and the 8N reviewed it. Page AAUP needs approximately 240 not yet been established, but FA has National Education Association whose in¬ 6. signatures or 10 per cent of the proposed already submitted a proposed collective terests lie across the board (including bargaining unit to intervene. bargaining unit in their original petition. primary and secondary education). We're "Our hope is to get the required The AAUP does not have to submit a afraid FA would be swallowed up in an signatures by Wednesday," said Zolton proposal for the bargaining unit, though it organization with concerns for lower ed¬ weather Ferency, president of the MSU chapter of will be able to participate in negotiations ucation. AAUP. between MSU and the prospective bargain¬ Collette Moser, assistant professor of "Nationally, AAUP policy is for collective Today's weather will be partly cloudy and ing agents unless it fails to collect the bargaining but it allows individual chapters warmer with a high in the lower 40s. agricultural economics, estimated the size required number of signatures. to decide. They respect the right of of the proposed bargaining unit to be 2,346 AAUP and FA either separately or (continued on page 10) last April, but hopes to collect 300 together must receive 50 percent or more of Mond<,a*' 2 Michigon Stote News. Enst lapsing. Michigan March 7 Earthquake death toll near 6001 southern Europe struck hardest BUCHAREST, (AP) - At least 600 deaths were reported Sunday in shattered Bucharest and areas of Romania and ^chhsd already taken some 4,000 lives i. Bulgaria hit by the latest of a series of deadly earthquakes in It «me less than four months people and destroyed 109 villages in eastern after a ou»k.» """* southern Europe. , , quake struck Nov. 25 in Turk * Mla< The government said Friday night s massive quake was known an area around the I y Hi to have killed 580 people in Romania, including 508 in Bucharest seismologically sensitive area where tremors h.TS* F'«kJ alone, and injured 8,214. the 10 previous years. rs had Wled t^fl The Communist party newspaper Scinteta said the toll was likely to be higher. Western diplomats said American medical helping in hospitals estimated as many as 3,000 might MrU6 R ^noVhewert^HaJ Students have been killed in the disaster, which rocked Europe from Rome M^.Bythet.methequak.ssubsided.Cir^r The Turkish and Italian to Moscow Friday night. earthquakes and « i- To the south in neighboring Bulgaria, 20 were reported dead and quakes that killed 23,000 made 1976 the most H since 1970, when 67,000 7 G"H 165 injured, most in Danube Valley towns along the Romanian believed to have died last people died. Tens of th„ !! * X border. Yugoslavia, Romania's southwestern neighbor, reported year in Chinese eartif l®0"'! one man killed and 100 injured. official death toll was ever released. ,rth. Includes resistor plugs. ' ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEMS |4 LESS FIRESTONE I DOWNTOWN ftori only 1 329 S.GRAND 485-7141 Open Daily 7 a.m. to Sarva You NTRODUCMG A "MET" THAT'S EASIER TO SWALLOW And easier to follow. The hew Weight Watchers" Food "■an is lull of things like com-on-the-cob, cheeseburgers, real cocoa milkshakes and more All within limits, of course. And you can en|oy them no matter how much "night you've got to lose. But since Weight Watchers is more man a diet, we've also made our new p "sier 9'am more flexible. Simpler to learn, to follow. It's all easy to find, too. At a Weight Watchers U|C|/1|T mooting near you. JSgl TOU'U LOVITHICHANGC. nwynuu "»«ot.wo, The Authority, f 'IF VOIRE IMNfr M About those riots. . . — CARTER 10 HEM EMPIOV66S The politics of It appears that the task force is Gov. William G. Milliken - the III what Attorney General Grif¬ advocating urban unrest this year. so-called "nice guy" of Michigan fin Bell called a "useful piece of work," the U.S. Justice Depart¬ It is true that the conditions within politics — is proving that nice guys Force on Disorders and most urban areas are worse than in can play political hardball too. ment Task Milliken, in effort to accept the offer of nrn^S Terrorism recommended "wire tapping, mass arrest and granting the 1960s. But such unpredictable. activity is his an faltering political fortunes and reverse York physician Mme to Irvin^j Michigan j? i to police immunity from prosecu¬ MSU Professor of Economics improve his chances for re-election investigate ' in 1978, has apparently decided tion and legal action." These Milton Taylor states that there is the same recom¬ that the best defense on his measures are data to support this belief. The mended by the Warren Commis¬ evidence shows that 50,000 youths handling of the PBB issue is a good sion Civil Disorders in 1967. offense. Thursday, Milliken made on are unemployed in Detroit alone, a highly-publicized and that this "explosive force" appearance be¬ Restating these tactics only fore the House Public Health consists of those between the ages shows that the government has Committee to urge passage of a of 16 and 24. It is people in this age not learned or progressed from bill which would lower PBB levels There is validity in th. J the mistakes of the past, and this group that often rebel against the Michigan Hi in meat and cattle, piously tion that the establishment when conditions are only aggravates the current condi¬ declaring that if the state were to could have acted earliKfl tions. so debilitating. public interest with re make a mistake on the matter, "we Ten years ago federal officers PBB. According to the task force felt that they had improved the must err on the side of safety in Nevertheless, for M argue that a slow, report, America's present "tran¬ existing conditions. But protecting human health." many The Governor later indicated deliberative body like quility is deceptive," and many of were and are not concerned with legislature has more power J the J the "traditional indicators" for that although he was displeased at the economic status of urban than a disorder are clearly present. One dwellers per se. To allow such the slow progress PBB legislation man influence and piesum vested withl can assume that these indications social problems to continue only had made since the problem arose —g gf ■ ■ The are high unemployment, rise in proves that federal officials find it state News J in 1973, he would not accuse the governors office is a text of passing the buck. bodI 1 crfftie rate, substandard housing, Democratic-controlled state legis¬ easier to deal with rioters than welfare and drug usage — the lature of procrastinating on the In any event, social problems. Monday, March 7, 1977 Milliken same social problems that sparked issue. his true felings with his The current outside Editorials c the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns oppoa widespread rebellion in many apathy is ■e Well, bully for to legislation offered major cities during the sixties. deceiving. As stated by the task and letters ar t personal opinions. Unfortunately, you, governor. this political byl Editorlol Department Michigan Citizen's Lobby 1 According to the report these force, all that is needed is a little smokescreen Milliken has thrown would require the indications "need but little stimu¬ stimulus. With conditions being as Editor-in-chief Mary Ann ChickShaw Layout Fred van Hartesveldt up to divert attention from his own warning to consumers jr labeling.l Managing Editor Bob Ourlian Photo Editors Robert Koiloff, Laura Lynn Fistler - lus to activate them." Beefing up flammable as they are, action role in the PBB mess will not meat and Opinion Editor Kat Brown Copy Chief Tracy Reed dairy products pr police forces only provides the should be addressed to the im¬ City Editor Michael Tanimura Wire Editor Joyce Laskowskl deceive very many people. One and sold in Michigan. necessary stimulus, as shown in mediate causes rather than the Campus Editor Carole Leigh Hutton Staff Representative Michael Rouse Milliken's hardball p^ Sports Editor Edward L. Ronders Freelance Editor Phil Frame Detroit when such activities possible repercussions. If ade¬ Entertainment Editor . Donna Bakun Book Editor James Hamilton did not pressure the State Agricul¬ with the PBB issue must n sparked the riots of 1967 and quate measures are instituted ture Commission into lowering allowed to obscure his roled responses from black leaders that now, the possibility of civil unrest Advertising Deportment PBB levels in food and cattle last disaster and, in addition, sb blacks should "stop the looting and would become lessened and the Advertising Manager. Dan Gerow Assistant Advertising Manager CeciCorfield year, or the year before that, or duly noted when he annouk, start the shooting." precautions necessary less severe. the year before that. The commis- candidacy for re-election inl The Spartans had U-M on the ropes Readers should know that this does not refer Saturday. Heathcote's game plan had put to the services of the Tri-County Mental the game well in MSU's grasp. But one Health agencies. could not help but see that the winning The members of "Families" are misguided VIEWPOINT: JMC attitude was not there when it really followers of this area's well-known propo¬ counted. Why should MSU players put forth nent of electroshock and other types of that extra effort on top of an already good therapies which do not have the support of justice by apprehending a dangerous crimi¬ performance and actually win the game, when they know they can come back to East Lansing and hear their sports editor say * the majority of mental health workers from all disciplines. K Electroshock is an arehUe and brutal Railroading the colled Interesting nal lurking about the MSU campus. I am such things as "Sure, MSU lost again. But "treatment." If it were being practiced by referring to the recent Monday arrest of a the important thing is the way they lost."?. any person other than one protected by the By MICHAEL TUOMEY presented to the board of tratta J This letter is"in response to the letter from man waiting for chemotherapy treatment at Talk of hope for the future, experience American Medical Association it would have As I read With silent, sorry its open meeting, Feb. 24,1977,1 " the Clinical Center. What infamous crime and "nearly winning" all you wish Mr. been outlawed years ago. I would Urge agreement the State News' recent John Snell on March 1. We read with Anne .Stuart's article in Wedi did the suspect commit? Why, it was Ronders. The "future" was last Saturday, editorial on JMC's demise, a comment interest his comments on our column anyone who sent money to the fund without nonpayment of child support! the Spartans LOST, and I doubt Michigan's the knowledge that it was going into the I overheard at a party not long ago day's State News should reveal al¬ "Nutrition." It is not clear what his specific Who cares if the man was suffering from a maize and blue feathers are the least bit came back to me. A woman, apparent¬ and for all the position JMC and all complaints are about the column. Our hands of perhaps well-meaning but misguid¬ fatal cancer? Who cares if he immediately ruffled over the experience. ed people who work for community support ly close to graduation with a bachelor represents is actually in. Jl' answer to the question on natural foods was directed at the concern expressed in the needed the treatments? Who cares for the F. Troy Barnhart of electroshock therapy, that they art for of science degree in biochemistry, "change of mission" is really a en concern of the man's doctor? Certainly not mism enabling administrators ton question. We did answer the question that Member, MSU Presidents Club their money back. I cannot understand why spoke up loudly, "Take a class in the DPS... but then, who are we to expect the college ot its present commir was asked. a legitimate organization would stoop to poetry, I want a challenge. What do humanitarian treatment from the Depart¬ to the alternative education co If Snell has specific questions or com¬ running misleading advertisements in order you think I am, a stupid English for nontraditional students as it ments, we will be happy to research them. ment of Perpetual Screw-Ups? to further their cause. major?" pastlf hj We had planned to address food additives, William Rowe 745Burcham Drive Misleading ad There is humane help for all the It seems, somehow, that her senti¬ been experienced in the matter what terms you use, DES and other areas in future columns. Our "Freddies" of this world to all that seek facts remain that cannot be igm ... ment echoes the administration's answers are based on the latest research and I was very shocked and sorry to read the. relief from depression and who have suicidal attitude toward liberal arts in a one, a new dean has not h experimentation available to us; if there are misleading full-page advertisement spon¬ tendencies but that help lies in appointed to the college; two, ... additional sources that Snell feels may be sored by the Families Coffee Shop in the psychotherapy a strong relationship terribly graphic way. As a JMC senior freshman enrollment moratoriuml Can't win ... Scene section of the State Journal on Feb. with a liberal art-type major, I have pertinent, we would be happy to evaluate with a professionally trained person who can always had a nagging doubt in the been requested; three, currial them also. 26. offer a corrective relationship. Electroshock Nutrition column staff The wording of the advertisement was is a legal way to kill persons in some states. back of my mind that I was considered offerings as of next fall w® Ed Ronders' article on Feb. 28 an anachronism by the administration severely curtailed; and taj on MSU's cleverly worded in its bid for support for the Please do not give your money to an "near miss" in basketball vs. "Freddie Memorial Fund." The public (and others as well), little more than a faculty is slowly abandoning JMt shows me exactly why Spartan fans must Michigan, would; organization who would use it with the belief vestige from the '60s and an archaic new appointments in other dap be well advised to know that the "Freddie"; that they are "helping" the already afflicted. ments, universities and institutoj Hooray DPS! suffer with mediocracy year in and out. That "once proud and renowned tradition that referred to is not Freddie Prinze, and prior to the actor's death it was referred to as the I might add that I have been a mental health professional and a university profes¬ educational ideal. It appears that the situation is much worse; it appears, as nearly resurfaced" as he called it, can never Freddie Norfleet Memorial Fund, I believe.. many have already bemoaned, that most of its students have knoeil sor who has taught a legitimate course in Hooray for the Department of Public the attitude toward liberal arts in then I really don't know what w| come back and exist as Safety! Ves, once again our own crime long as the writers and fans are happy and satisfied with these The advertisement is also misleading in' mental hygiene for the past 10 years. general is that it is distinctly second- crusaders have chalked up another point for that it asks if the reader would like to attend Phyllis P. Evans rate and as a priority — well, the "near misses." the next Community Mental Health Dinner. 622 Cowley St. University has other departments to worry about. Acting JMC Dean Barbara Win naive comment regarding the" . . I only hope that when the woman ot the Wayne State Student-Fin I was defrosting my freezer and But when we consume sugar in Council (SFC) reflects her ignoru discovered above, who spolje so quickly and some packages of steaks moderate amounts, the other foods we of the implications of JMCiP» that had been placed there several self-assuredly, meets the problems out, and a posturei that; » months ago. Should I throw them eat provide the vitamins we need to that every human being must face in a described as ostrich-like. JMOU make up for their lack in sugar. This is lifetime - the big quesions, and the out? mise is indicative of a trend in ap why eating a wide variety of foods is hard decisions that finally get wrung education; reduced emphasis in f Assuming the meat was fresh when recommended, since fruits, vege¬ out — that she can approach them oral, liberal education anM" frozen, properly wrapped, had not tables, meats, milk, bread and cereals with the kind of imagination and comitant re-emphasis in spec been thawed and refrozen and that (whole grain or enriched) all provide ingenuity they demand and deserve. I the temperature of the freezer was generous amounts of vitamins and hope that she will be able to look back and practical/vocations < zero degrees or lower, the storage minerals. on her intellectually and emotionally Wayne State's SFC and M Student Board are »*.( period should not be extended beyond formative years as an undergraduate 12 months. With the above Ia there any order to the Hat ot here at MSU with her crowded JMC's closing as another nsUMJ assump¬ tions, "lean" meat will keep for six to constituents of the outer membrane of Ingredients that I Bod on the food label classroom experiences, with her 100- this trend; their reactionJJ eight months. This does not apply to all cells. It also appears to be involved sucrose) is hardly a poison, since it is I of the foods that I purchase? yard face-to-face encounters with two-fold concern; for JMCWJ all meats and especially not frozen in the proper handling of cholesterol in directly converted into the essential blood sugar, glucose, when it is Yes. The most abundant ingredient instructors, with a slew of grade the trend away from multidisciplinary general eou bwjtm cured meat. Usually, freshly frozen the blood, though we'll have to admit objective examinations in hand, and pork may be stored half as long as to a good deal of ignorance of just how digested. Eating many sweet foods is listed first with the rest in their face those trials. I hope that she has They see JMC, I believe^®, fresh beef. Ground beef, lamb or veal cholesterol does its essential jobs in that stick to your teeth can cause a order of abundance. However, two alternative in education that t _ the confidence in herself as a human problem of tooth decay. foods could have the same list of made unavailable. Thequestw"| should be used prior to three to four months of being frozen and within one the body without accumulating dan¬ gerously in our blood vessels. One problem with sugar is that the ingredients with different taste, aro¬ being (and not the confidence of an M.D.,an M.S., an M.A., a Ph.D., a law addressed to Ward is whether «'4 color because the list of isrsKjga ma or or two days if it is fresh and at normal Lecithin is found in many foods, but degree or an M.B.A., appendages so the lecithin content of foods is not digestion of sucrose and the subse¬ ingredients does not specify percent¬ refrigeration (38 to 40 degrees). many of us seem to unconditionally Essays »J quent utilization of the resulting age, only the relative abundance in a Ground pork should be used within widely published since much of it is desire) to make the decisions she will glucose is not a free ride. There is a given food item. one or two days when fresh and broken down to simpler compounds have to make within one to three months when during digestion. Actually, it is so cost to the body in terms of the vitamins and minerals it normally NOTEiAs nutritionists, we apologize and to solve problems she will have to solve. the "it's not impossible vaguen | frozen. These procedures usually result in a wholesome and nutritious important to the body that there are several ways in which the body makes requires to do the job of digestion and for the cartoon which depicted a dog Maybe she will realize, and the As Aubrey MarronpoWed "'' meat product, especially when cuts its own lecithin from utilization of any food. A natural food saying "I need an the nutritional administration with her, that human her l«t presentation con«J are thawed and cooked properly. simple common body chemicals. There is no evidence such as a potato or whole wheat elements that you need... give n»o my happiness and satisfaction are not to the MSU Boardlot generally includes the nutrients the daily dose of artificial flavors, colors synonymous with job, career and in humans consuming a normal diet body requires to process that food and . and preservatives. It was Intended as employment prognostications after that the levels of lecithin in the blood I'veheardalotlately about lecithin. Is are inadequate, the consumption of put it to work. But sugar, as we all a light touch and should not be taken graduation. And maybe the adminis¬ tration might realize that the idealism delete the title "Josta> * ,a this something new I have to worry so additional lecithin (extracted from know, is pure sucrose extracted from and opportunities at JMC lege" from whatever ds^C, about getting in my diet every day? sugar cane or sugar beet from which were not sake is to be. Sad as it » m hi soybeans) is at best of very question¬ The onswors fo those questions hove irresponsible fiscal foolishness. May¬ able value. nearly all the other nutrients have the living entity many ^ ^ You can put your mind at ease. Your been prepared by George f Callings, be, just maybe, she will learn what it been removed. Hence we could go into Ull Hart, Kris Johnson. Dove Grusen- experienced, is .my. JMC own body takes care of your lecithin What is all the Iusb about sugar? Is "vitamin debt" is we consumed large meyer and Don Mulvonoy. graduate means to sit down and read a really mission" becomes a rea'1'" needs nicely by itself. Lecithin is an sugar really a poison to the body? quantities of sugar while neglecting studonts In nutrition Holds. Sludonls good book, or understand that weird indeed, being railroaded. important substance in your body. foods which are with quosllons should mall them to the poem that hardly seems to make sense While it may create its share of good sources of Lecithin and its close relatives are key vitamins to make up for those missing Opinion Pago. State News. 343 Student at all, and to understand in some small Tuomoy iso seH" l"1' problems, sugar (or more precisely, in sugar. Services Sidg. way her humanity. (The above was College. I mifhiggn Stote News, East Lorning, Michioan Monday. March 7, 1977 5 The Bible had signed by two other members of the Blue Sides, No Candy Good News for Modern Man team. He says, "As to the main fact, then, a novel by Gael Greene The New Testament in there remains no doubt: the walls fell today's BOOKS English outwards so completely ..." By Daniel Behringer American Bible Society, The Bible, compared with other ancient New Fearless York: 660 pages writings, has more manuscript evidence than any ten pieces of classical literature Flying combined. Bernard Ramm writes: "Jews Katherine Wallis Alexander is one very ByDONKERSTEN preserved it as no other manuscript has successful woman — her movie scripts EDITOR'S NOTE: Most book reviews been preserved from ever ... they kept tabs on command top dollar, her home is in the very are about timely books. This review is Shakespeare over the body of a The High West every letter, syllable, word, and para¬ chic Hamptons overlooking Central Park Strangled woman, that her terror propels about a timeless one. graph ..." Another writer notes: "It seems and waiters in fashionable restaurants her to unravel the Good News has been taken into meaning behind her a collection of photographs by Les steamy strange that the text of Shakespeare, which stumble over themselves to serve her. The visions. jungles, the cold Antarctic and the desolate has been in existence less than two hundred Aided by Miss Blacklock with text by Andy outer space. The Good News is a book which affection of her adoring husband, Jamie, Marple, the couple and eight years, should be far more should make life complete. But there's discover that Gilda had once lived in Russell the some people have called a library, for this uncertain and corrupt than that of the New another Kate Alexander — SuperKate. a house as a child with her father and Penguin Books, U2 pages, $5.95 book is unique in its universality, literary Testament, now over eighteen centuries passionate, supersensual woman with in¬ stepmother. As she has been an orphan for influence, influence upon man's thought, old ." satiable desire and an impressive string of .. eighteen years. Gilda has no recollection of Reviewed by James Hamilton historical record, textual reliability, prophe¬ When examined in the light of either of them. However, she cies and unity. history lovers. associates the and science the Bible is shown to have name Helen with the Part of this book was the first book very "Adultery is ray favorite way to spend body of the murdered accurately predicted hundreds of events the afternoon," admits Kate. woman. Later she discovers that her Extravagant Pictures translated (Septuagint). This book is the hundreds of years before they occurred. Kate and her sexual alter ego, Super- stepmother's name was Helen and that she means by which our present form of book, Wilbur Smith writes: "It is the only volume Kate, are endearing, disarmingly funny and had supposedly run off with a lover the codex, came into general use, for the not long ever produced by man, or a group of men, in frequently pathetic in Gael Greene's "Blue after her The High West is an extravagant picture early Christians adopted this form and gave which is to be found marriage to Gilda's father. a large body of Sides, No Candy." This snappily written Believing that Helen had actually been book. It is extravagant in its quality. Yet it is it its wide circulation. This book was also prophecies relating to individual nations, to novel is a sexual stream-of-consciousness, a murdered, GUda sets out to find the available at a pedestrian price. For all those the first complete book printed from Israel, to all the peoples of the earth, to full-steam-ahead erotic tour de force in the murderer. The suspicion falls on four who love the mountains and the best in moveable type. Since that time this book certain cities, and to the coming of One who tradition of Erica Jong's "Fear of Flytag." people. The first suspect is the father of nature photography this book is a bargain. has been published and translated more was to be the Messiah ..." Kate does love her husband and is, of Gilda, who had died in a mental institution. than any other book in history. Christians, those who believe in a Triune course, discreet about her lovers. And dear, The second is a friend of Helen's who Photographer Les Blacklock has traveled Michael Whorf, a WJR Detroit radio God, will see some significance in the fact had loving Jamie, a frustrated city planner, is been rejected as a suitor due to his the high ridges of the Washington Cascades, commentator, says that this book is "our that the Bible was written on three inferior wonderfully naive. social status. An old the Rocky Mountains, and the Sierra greatest literary heritage. There is no other continents and in three languages. This family friend and But neither Kate nor SuperKate had lawyer is the third suspect and the fourth is Nevadas to collect pictures of grizzlies, book worded with more haunting beauty same principle of unity yet diversity is seen planned on Jason O'Neill, an urbane a married man with whom Helen had fallen eagles, cranes, moose and more of the than our English Bible. Merely as literature throughout the book. Hence, even though Houston financier who wangles cattle and in love. As each clue leads the trio closer West's vanishing wildlife. Blacklock has it has made a deeper impression upon the the book was written in different languages to tax shelters with equal audacity and IeEPING MURDER: Miss the solution of the mystery, the sleeping divided his photos into sections on the human mind than any other book, and the and on different continents over a 1,600 a little e. e. quotes cummings on the side. Kate and He's Last Case murderer is awakened and is forced to streams, the summits, and the wildlife. extent to which it has shaped the world's year span by over forty authors from every Jason, whom she calls the Cowboy, embark strangle another victim to conceal his None of the sections are dull — no mere still ideas cannot be estimated." walk of life 1stery by Agatha Christie (e.g., kings, priests, soldiers, on a sexual and gastronomic tour of France. identity. life images — every one of his photos is The Good News through the centuries fishermen, poets, statesmen, etc.), who There is pralines 'n' cream to dine on. and In Press, New York, 242 With her vibrant and alive. The mountains float in the has continued to have a humane effect upon wrote in diverse literary styles, the book unusual perception, Miss the Cowboy is hotter than a, uh, pistol. A $7.95 Marple points out the clues to the couple mist, and the streams seem to babble on the legislation. It was the Protestants' redis¬ continues to unfold one constant theme: Kate and Cowboy complete their odysaey |By LOUISE PERTLER and to the reader. not Although the mystery is difficult to solve to one accustomed to page. covery of the Bible which led to the renunciation of the evils of the medieval Immanuel, as powerfully or "God among us". Today just as thousands of years ago, through France by appearing publicly at the Cannes Film Festival, and waves of the works of Christie, the novel is The photos are accompanied by a church. This nation's greatest Presidents that central message |/infage Murder enjoyable is for millions of gossip trickle back to Jamie in New York. — due to the intricate plot and the wonderful text by Andy Russell. The text is Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, people exactly what the word "Gospel" array of Jamie goes berserk, and Kate is tem¬ characters. It is an entertaining and really a series of short stories designed as Wilson, the Roosevelts and Hoover — all means: exceedingly Good News! porarily repentant. pleasant novel as well as a final opportunity complements to the sections of photos. loved and revered the Bible. Washington But with their marriage jeopardized, _ re«u...B Sleeping Murder the For a mere $5.95 this is the best bargain in I will once again be captivated by the for those who have enjoyed the works of said, "It is impossible to rightly govern the Kate will have to choose between Kate and Christie, to share the last adventure of one photography books. world without God and the Bible." Xjty and intrigue for which Agatha of her best loved detectives. The Bible contains the oldest history SuperKate. Will it be the hard riding It is famous. Written in the 1920s and Cowboy and never ending feats of sexual led posthumously, this novel is the writing extant. The distinguished archeolo- prowess? Or Jamie, who's comfortable-aa-a- fork of the author's featuring Miss gist Albright writes: "Hebrew national pair-of-old-Hush Puppies and prefers gentle tradition excels all others in its clear i the elderly spinster and one of the lovemaking while ordering out for pizza. Lell known creations of Christie. The Editor's note picture of tribal and family origins. In "The dilemma is I want sex all the time. I Egypt and Babylonia, in Assyria and Illy detective is as sharp as ever and The State News wfll accept and consider Phoenicia, in Greece and Rome, we look in never Kate. want to get out of bed," confesses f one step ahead of the other for publication book review* submitted by vain for anything comparable. There is This is a provocative novel, not simply MSU students and faculty. AH reviews nothing like it in the tradition of the because of its portrayal of unabashed Mstory concerns Giles and Gilda, a must be typed. Fteaie,«*e « spaces per line Germanic peoples. Neither India nor China Mcouple who purchase a house on the and limit review* to 1100-line maximum. sexuality, but because of its candid insights can produce anything similar, since their into ■of England. The house and the All review, must include the title, a woman suspended between her " subtitle, earliest historical memories are literary intellect and her libido. Flipping alternately _..„g property soon B,ve r--r . Gilda a give "uua author, publisher ana Humor, puousner and number U page*. The numner of [ de ja vue. She feels as though she deposits of distorted dynastic tradition with between first and third person point of view editor reserve* the right to edit all material no trace of the herdsman or peasant behind ■the house, but she believeslieves that she "Blue Sides, No Candy," explores the to meet the requirements of form or size. the demigod or king with whom their lver been in England previous to her Anyone intended in writing or submit¬ delight of passion and chronicles its records begin." sometimes sordid underside. |e. She recalls the decor and ting reviews to the Stete Newt ihould The historical accuracy and the literary of the house it had "Blue Sides, No Candy" is a sensual _re as appeared contact James Hamilton, book editor, at 343 ■ years earlier. In the interim, it had antiquity of the Bible is continually con¬ Baedeker and a skillfully crafted story of a Student Services Bldg. between 4 and 3 firmed by archeology. For example, con¬ Wemodeled and redecorated. This person confronted by a duality of choice — p.m. daily, 8633252. trary to reason but in accordance with the and the stunning realization that she might ly0 perplexes Gilda uul perplexes uuua but u it w is uui not until unui The State News thanks Paramount News Bible the walls of Jericho fell outwards! So not have the power to make the standing in the hallway and sees Center and Jocundry's Books for providing right startling was this find that the excavator, choice. It is a classic confrontation and one 1her mind a man reciting lines the books nviewed on this page. Garstand, drew up a statement which he that is of equal concern to men and women. •Science Fiction UNIVIRSITY BIO BOY CAMP SOMERSET FOR OIRLS CAMP COBBOSSEE FOR BOVS •Literature COME TO UNIVERSITY BIG BOY ON TROW¬ Hairstyling for IN BEAUTIFUL MAINE BRIDGE ROAD FOR A MEAL THAT CAN'T BE BEAT! Top salary accommodations and bene •Mysteries Men fits to experienced counselors with ex¬ pertise in any of the following Swim¬ ming (WSI) Sailing Canoeing. Water •Michigan History Skiing. Scuba Diving Archery Ritelry Tennis. Golf. Teamsports fencing •Children's Books Gymnastics Crafts & Woodworking Dramatics Tripping Photography Ham Radio Riding (English) Call or 25* OFF write for information & application Acf CURIOUS USID BOOK SHOP Iwli. Mti. ComfclooUon WHO ThU Ad now our openings fill quickly1 Good Out. *) ll| So. Minimum Age Required PO CAMP OFFICE. Dupt.31 307 East Grand River 332-0112 on Trowfcfldoo lood liplro* Morel II. 77 22S E 57 St. NV. NY 10022 , East Lansing Open 11:30-4:00 A V (212) 752-5053 STATE DISCOUNT AND WARNER BROTHERS HAVE TEAMED UP TO BRING YOU THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN ON THESE ALBUMS) 211 E. GRAND RIVER HOURS 9-6 MONDAY - SATURDAY 9-9 WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY £ Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigoi Monday, March 7'■ 1977 Two masters of Sons gimmickry, jive; will embark suspense on new Carter, quartet By JOHN CASEY salable sound without neces¬ excel State News Reviewer sarily having to alter the music¬ Much of the influence on this al content and concept for Detroit-born bassist can be traced to two sources. Carter climax at the Russian border R™TSd,FWmi *1 Pi*' killM"nhjl A jazz quartet less the dram¬ somebody else to sell," Carter discuss his next film with said about his group. refined much of his natural Columbia atic instrumentation of a sear¬ ing saxophone solo or rousing Carter is imbued with sub¬ talent while a student at the DanielI Melnkk. The project; "The novel by Lawrence Bandera. First y Su>. butd,] J tlety. His music is a variety of Eastman School of Music. trumpet lead is tantamount to Polanaki is expected to start boredom in these days of mus¬ intelligently structured moods The educational process was filming next fall ical gimmicks and theatrical that freely flow in and out of double-edged. Carter picked up jive. The Ron Carter Quartet is an exceptional exception, witnessed in its well-received, as the Carter design. Because of his approach, a high demand of concentration is necessary of not only a degree, but on-the- job experience with the East¬ man Rochester Symphony. P "■■■■Ml ■ , (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) " well-executed performance Sat¬ the audience. Carter's profound Combined these factors pro¬ urday in Erickson Hall kiva. phrasings command that atten¬ vided Carter with a rich back¬ /I "The band was a very viable, tion; the overall effect is quite ground of structure and diver¬ sity. Carter's major influence was E his apprenticeship with the Obscurity upsets ultimate trane. on master, John Col- Along with Elvin Jones drums and McCoy Tyner on I Buy any Medium At the regular price ' I piano, Carter's bass playing buoyed Coltrane's music, allow¬ I 1 little Clay Cart' ing Carter to simultaneously practice patience and adven¬ B Get Identical PIZZA ture. Many considered this FREE / quartet the most important By PETER J. VACCARO strange. And there is the jazz group of its time — a time I Little Caesars Km, State News Reviewer feeling of having undergone which saw Carter evolve into a 'The Little Clay Cart," the "learning experience" I jazz craftsman. 1203l.Cd.Riv* current offering of the Arena having been confronted with Theatre at MSU, is the staging something culturally foreign. master The six pieces of music the ■ * 337 • 1t3l quartet performed Saturday cultural and historical Costumes and make-up a lit CMfMMplm3-17-77 curiosity, and frankly not much often at historically accurate a times enchantingly gro¬ were distinctively Carter, pure and basic excellence. With Carter on piccolo bass ft ■ are told in the program's tesque. Stylized movement and lan instrument tuned a fourth ymous liner notes that the frequent mime, for the most above an ordinary bass to the Sanskrit drama was composed part well executed, hold the ■ C, G, D and A); Buster THE DEAN OF BEER) notes where between the first vague fascination which usually Williams as Carter's alter ego century B.C. and the fourth accompanies action that is on full bass; an outstanding Ben centry A.D. We are told as well other than mimetic. Music and Riley providing flavor with his that we are witnessing a form dance, also work reasonably brushes; and solid piano work of Indian drama which "may well to reinforce dramatic ac by Kenny Barron, the quartet have a hero who is a Brahmin, a tion. played a 90-minute set of out¬ FMALEXAM maximum of ten acts, and a But even with this in mind, standing jazz. story which is invented." one cannot help but wonder if The set commenced with an are offered, in further the energies of the company, untitled piece from Carter's notes, rather academic ex¬ the talents of a director, or of extensive repertoire (the entire planations for most of what the designers, or of the music set's theme was the letter "m", might seem strange to a West- ians, or of the technicians, have Carter explained, as the first •n audience. been met by a play worthy of number was "mine"). The The implication is that all of mountir-" And dees 1 play quartet evoked an array of lis is somehow important, significant, representative — audience's time" there is a long list of such Further, has the MSU The¬ moods as Riley's brushes creat¬ ed an airy effect to Barron's adept piano rhythms. Carter (Or, was yeast really responsible lor the fall of the Roman adjectives. the primary- atre Department so well edu¬ would strum the bass as Wil¬ function of which is to offer cated its audiences by recent As your Dean of Beer, it is my scholarly Q: 3. Hops are notorious for: liams laid the basic groundwork Q: 5. The biggest misconception about descriptive justification for an offerings that they are now- on his full bass. opinion that just knowing the one word for a) Their lack of intelligence. is: ■ interest in obscurities. ready for such eccentric choices beer is not enough. You must also know the b) Always getting to work late, a) Carrying Ultimately, "The Little Clay as an ancient Sanskrit play? "Blue Monk" bass duet — featured a Carter's loose¬ reasons why. Because only then will I, p) Losing their keys. some in your pocket is good | Cart" remains obscure, re¬ "The Little Clay t art" con¬ Siglinda Steinfilller. be satisfied that you nave d) Being difficult to keep fresh. mote and not very interesting. tinues in the Arena Theatre ness to a structured Williams base. The Miles Davis tune graduated from Remedial Beer Drinking. v 'Vb) It is good|or hernias. c) It was responsible for the fall of the ,1 ■ Certainly, there is the minor Wednesday through Saturday ., A: Id) The freshest Bops make the besf beer. which is the title of Carter's QUESTIONS: That's why Schlitz Roman Empire. P thrill of seeing something a bit at 8>15 p.m. extraordinary CTI release, "All Q: 1. The best water for beer comes from: vacuum-packs and d) To ferment beer, all you have to do is J refrigerates their hops. So they're as fresh Blues," was the quartet's apex. a) Big Duck Mountain. at brewing time as they are at harvest time. drop it in the vat. A b) Underground from Tijuana. A: (d) To make beer taste right consistently,I c) A small store in Macon. Ga. Q: 4. The best adjunct to beer is: Schlitz believes the yeast has to beevenH d) None of the above a) Rice. distributed during fermentation. Thai's 1 A: (d) No matter what you hear about b) Corn. why Schlitz gently stirs in their yeast. hhH c) Either rice or com. "naturally pure" waters, virtually all part of their Balanced Fermentation P d) What's an adjunct? brewers filter and further purify their A: (c) Every American brewer uses rice or process. And they're the only American I' brewer who does it. water. But Schlitz doesn't stop there. They corn to lighten the flavor of their beer. filter their water and then filter it again. Q: 6. Chill-Lagering is: So when they're through, it's purer than This is called an adjunct. But Schlitz a) A popular German country and the purest springwater. knows how to use either grain inter¬ changeably. So they're never at the mercy b) A Scandinavian winter sport played I Q: 2. Klages and Firlbeck III are: SPRING SAVINGS! a) Composers of famous beer drinking songs like "I Left My Shoes in Heidelberg? of an unfavorable crop. And neither is the taste of their beer. without clothes. c) A new ethnic TV comedy about the I b) Owners of the world's largest unknown owner of an ice cube factory. brewery. d) The right way to age beer. I c) Serving time in Sonoma, Calif., for A: (d) When Schlitz ages beer, they age it L cold—very cold—down to 29.5 degrees. I SEERSUCKER impersonating Arnold the Wonder Seal. d) More expensive barleys. A: (d) Schlitz blends KJages and Firlbeck 111 It's called Chill-Lagering. And it's what makes Schlitz crisp, clean and bright. P > barleys with the stahdard variety most Q: 7. A mini-brewery is: BRIGHT AND BOLD PLAIDS brewers use because they believe it gives a) Hidden in a basement somewhere in I . . I their beer superior flavor. Greektown. I AND STRIPES. 45" WIDE b) The result of trying to make Broken A Toe, Idaho, the beer capital of the woridB SijBnda StcMUter c) The right way to pretest beer ■ , Dean of Beer ingredients. REG. 298. . . d) Both (a) and (c) . A: (c) Schlitz has a mini-brewery where M test-brew the quality of the ingredients L that go into Schlitz-before they go*! 44 *2 Schlitz. SPECIAL BONUS QUESTION: Q: True or false, the one word for beerts Duffelbrau. „,bm zA: False. There is no beer called Du»» ' Just as there is no beer like SchhttJ answered this question true, perhaps^ should look into turkey ranching. GABARDINE PLAIDS THDffSJUfCW •EASY CARE 1 POLY/COTTON tVORDrORBBR •60" WIDE • 1 60"WIDE REG. 4'8. REG. 3" 99 . ' *2 $2 88 AND TOO KNOW II '% ' SOLID COLOR ?0i DOUBLEKNITS • SPRING COLORS • 60" WIDE • REG. 2'8. . . 417 E.GRAND RIVER OPEN DAILY 9:30 - 9 SAT. 9:30-5:30 SUN. 12 -5 I fi;,hinan State News, East tonsing. Michioar Monday, March 7, 1977 Sf$ OisCoUjJf Bjr JONICIPRIANO A number of state legislators have sent s resolution to State News Stiff Writer President Jimmy Carter, seeking his Michigan is currently being examined by the Energy cooperation on the location of SERI in Michigan. Research Development Administration IERDA) as a potential site for the location of a solar energy research station. "Michigan has several desirable locations available and an Right now, everyone in Michigan is begging, borrowing appropriation has been approved for the preliminary and stealing in an effort to get this solar research institute i planning," Rep. Lucille McCollough, D-Dearborn, one of the here, Elliott 8mith, administrative assistant to Sen. sponsors of the resolution, said. "In addition, Michigan has the Anthony Sfafe reviewed Derezinski, D-Muskegon, said. ERDA is looking at 19 different sites country and will reach a decision by the end of March, throughout the know-how to promote the use of solar energy to alleviate the energy shortage." Smith said that "Michigan has been getting the shaft from according to Brad Byers, public information officer with the the federal government for years," and it is now time for agency. Michigan to get some help from the federal government. for institute site "Our primary consideration will be the quality of the management teams available at each site," Byers said. 'The areas we're "We're trying to diversify our base in this state," he said, "and dwindling manufacturing Michigan would be the CIGARETTES looking at in Michigan are within a 35-mile radius perfect place for SERI because we have the industrial base, of Detroit." the finest research universities in the country and a central These areas include Northville, Willow Run Romulus and sites within the city of Detroit. The Federal Solar Airport, Energy Research Institute (SERI) would location." Gov. William G. Milliken, Derezinski and House Bobby Crim, D-Davison, recently went to Speaker of the 779' Washington, employ several hundred people and would bring $50 million or D.C., to urge the Michigan Congressional Commission to do more (depending on how much Congress appropriates for it) "everything possible" to get the site located in Michigan. to the state chosen, Byers said. Smith said. >UR DISCOUNT MEASURE REQUIRES BAGS IN CARS 10% OFF° PRICE ON There IS a difference!!! MCAT LSAT . DAT <: KODAK FILM DEVELOPING & PRINTING Itter container bill reintroduced • GMAT «VAT NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS .GRE .OCAT .SAT COUPON EXPIRES 3/12 citizens showed litter, according to state Rep. • ECFMG »FLEX trays to their cars years ago a violation of a law," she said. Flexible Programs and I concern about unsightly Lucille Hours McCollough, D-Dear¬ when people decided there was 'The intent of the bill is to Over 38 years of experience and success. Small classes. Voluminous £ide litter when they voted born. a need for them, though," she educate people not to litter. It's home study materials. Courses that are constantly updated. Centers GAF (n throwaway bottles last McCoullough has reintro¬ duced a bill into the new session said. "Perhaps if we asked the a simple thing, yet something open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities for review KODAK of class lessons! and for use of supplementary materials. Make ups for liber. of the legislature to car owner to install a litter bag we very much need. missed lessons at centers. COLOR another step must be require for himself we'd get the same our f) ,, f in the drive to reduce that all passenger cars carry results as if the manufacturer "Admittedly, there are some Flexible Programs and Hours ^3*. 1 I FILM COLOR FILM people who will still throw some type of litter container. installed it." trash out of their car windows, "The litter thrown from cars McCollough said the penalty but having a litter container Famingtm Hills: 313/47M3S8 I buffs get is an unsightly and expensive for not installing a litter bag handy in a car encourages Inn Artirr- IWIAIUW. TITJMi? J1119 WlOtXu ,EST IW srtclXUSTS since iw 799' 99C problem," McCoullough said. would be a light one. people to use it, just as a Or write to: 25882 Orchard Lake ltd. "It costs the taxpayers many 126-12 Exp. fn-on credit millions of dollars each year to "I want to approach this as an educational campaign instead of wastebasket homes," does in our Suite L-7, Farmington Hills, Mi. 48018 lAffiliated Centers in Major U. S. Cities C126.110-12 Exp. clean up the trash scattered XROIT IAP) - Wayne along our streets, roads and I University students can expressways." Kur hours of college credit The litter container is not an YOUR HAIR SMELLS Mpring for watching "All in Punily." "The Jeffersons," expensive item, she said, and people can use brown bags or AMERICA'S CUP GEE TERRIFIC ■i and Son" and other Ratmtrant U ESSENCE SHAMPOO Ksion programs. plastic containers. Some makes Lounge of automobiles have built-in \ the course, "Popular containers, but McCollough Jreand Television Drama" said she has been unsuccessful Reg. 1.98 12 ox. $1>33 just a lot of laughs. Free ■ be Soup in convincing automobile man¬ lesProf. Robert Strozier. ufacturers to install them in v will have to write every car. K comparing TV comedies "Manufacturers added ash- I plays of Shakespeare, and the Roman Now, in addition to NITE TIME our great Clam » of Plautus and Ter- Chowder, we are offering a new hot and NYQUIL COLD MEDICINE will if watching ATTENTION hearty soup each week — French Onion, 1. 46 see 60s. (ion as students can be a ANR STUDENTS Navy Bean, Minnestroni, and Lentil Reg. 2.39 il experience," Strozier Ham. Stop in for a steaming mug today. It's Free with the purchase of any sand¬ wich, with this coupon. HURRY! Nomination! cloto Offer good (for soup only, not chowder) LIQUIFILM mm any Monday In March. TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT WETTING SOLUTION 59' In Store Coupons. 20 oz. ■ Reg. 98' $K49 2oz.-Reg. 2.55 LIMIT 1 COUPON EXPIRES 3.12 DISHWASHER ALL Special Label ■ 35 ox. Box 77' Save 19' COTTENELLE BATHROOM TISSUE White or Colored UNICURE 4 Roll Pack 48'Save26' On east side of MSU of 1109 CONDITIONER East Grand River. -jProduce NABISCO NUTTER BUTTER Open Mon. • Thur. 9 am • 10 pm Fri.iSot. 9 II pm 16 oz. $2. 87 COOKIES 13'/. ox. Pkg. 69'Save 18 am • Reg. 5.00 CALIFORNIA CELERY 30 ct. 44* ea. MARS CANDY BARS 6ct. Pkg. 77'Save 22' ~Meat' JUMBO YAMS 19' Ib. SCOTH PAK ICE CREAM All Flavors ■'/. gal. Carton 99' Sove 30' SMOKED PICNICS - Sugar Cured UNICURE FKSH PARSNIPS 29' lb. LIMIT 1 ON ABOVE ITEMS Whole 49' ib. CONCENTRATED SHAMPOO or Half Sliced 59' ib. BETTY CROCKER HAMBURGER HELPER Limit 2 , ... USDA CHOICE GRAND PRIZE 16 oz. Reg. S.00 $2.87 All Varieties 788' Save 36' BEEF ROUND STEAK $1.28 USDA CHOICE BONELESS ROLLED JOHNSON & LIMITS WITH '5." FOOD PURCHASE RUMP ROAST $1.48 ib. JOHNSON PEPSI-COLA CONTINENTAL NEW YORK BRAND CORNED BEEF ROUND 99' ib BABY OIL [Frozen & Dairy- $1.59 IBIRD'S EYE PEAS OR CORN 10 ox. Pkg. 3/J|#00 SIRLOIN TIP BONELESS SIZZLE STEAK n.78ib. 4oi. 88' ■ Reg. 1.2S ISALUTO PARTY PIZZA 14" $2."'ea. SHOPRITE MARKET MADE PORK SAUSAGE BULK STYLE 88' IHEATHERWOOD CHOCOLATE DELIGHT 1 gal. Container $1." ECKRICH IHEATHERWOOD ALL STAR SKIM MILK '/> gal. 2/M> SLENDER SLICED LUNCHEON MEATS COVER GIRL |pILLSBURY HUNGRY JACK BISCUITS 3oz. Pkg. 799' 10 ox. Container 3/,1.°° NAIL SLICKS ROASTED OR POLISH SAUSAGE $l."ib. Reg. 1.20 88' -Grocery- I jj*AFT MAC A CHEESE DINNER 7% ox. Box 24' I ptNN DUTCH MUSHROOMS ■ Stem*. 4 ox. Can 777' GOING SOUTH? I f ~~ R'flular or Sugar Free , 25' I 'literBottle 88' 10% OFF |H| DRI TWIN JUMBO TOWELS 2 Roll Pock GOODRICH'S OUR DISCOUNT PRICE ON |*JAX LIQUID DISH DETERGENT Special label • 22 ox. Bottle 77' on west side of MSU at 910 Trowbridge Rd SUNTAN Open Monday • Thursday 9 a.m.-9 p.m. JOHNSON'S DAYTIME 1 OPPOSABLE DIAPERS 24 ct. 'I.88 9 a.m.-11 p.m. Friday & Saturday 11 a.m..5p.m. Sunday LOTIONS g Michigon Stole News. Eosftonsing. Michigon MondOy, March?, FINISHES MSU A SURPRISING 3rd Indiana swims to crown By DEBORAHS. KNABEL Both the expected and the unexpected happened in the 1977 Big with Shawn Elkins taking the 200-yard butterfly with a time of 1:50.26 and Mike Rado capturing the 200-yard individual medley SPARTANS DROP SEASON FINALE TO U-M Ten swimming championships this past weekend at the Men's IM title with a mark of 1:53.90. Rado's time set a new MSU pool pool. record, breaking his old one set in the qualifying heat earlier in the The expected was Indiana's 17th straight Big Ten title with a total of 762 points - 290 points over second place Wisconsin. day. Team were: standings at the end of the competition Saturday night Indiana, 762; Wisconsin, 470; MSU, 426; U-M, 400.5; Ohio Wolves end icers play-off hope The unexpected came with an upset byMSUover the University State, 344; Illinois, 253; Iowa, 249.5; Purdue, 186; Northwestern, of Michigan for third place. 127; and Minnesota, 111. By MIKE LITAKER Indiana, capturing 12 of the 18 possible firsts, set two of the . State News Sporta Writer three new Big Ten records with Jim Montgomery, Olympic The fire went out of the Amo Bessone cigar Saturday night final two minutes as Saturday. lhor' ami i champion, setting a record for the 100-yard freestyle with :44.68 - the University of Michigan hockey squad swept a pair of games Welch picked up a charging penalty in that tin,. beating his own 1976 mark of :45.09. Charles Keating, also of from 6 3 and 5-2, to put the Spartans out of the play-offs for the rode defenaeman Greg NataJe heavilv w i '■•k Indiana, broke his old Big Ten record in the 200-yard breaststroke with a time of 2:06.56. first time in over 10 years. Colorado College split their home-and-home series with Denver Wolverines may have been the Natale, who is the Wolverine's big loser o^.h !***-' Gordon Downie, of U-M, set the third Big Ten record in the the weekend to tie MSU for eighth place in the WCHA and top defense™ °'!l" ^ over appeared to be a broken collarbone ^ , 1,650-yard freestyle with a record 15:27.71 - nine seconds under based on goals for and against, the Tigers get the final play-off the 1975 record set by Indiana's Bruce Dickson. spot. en^uSL^tTfrSm ^ 50 saves ■ fc« MSU also set its own recor. • Ms weekend when Dave Burgering MSU finishes the season with an 11-20-1 league reCord and wound up scrambled in front of the m "'if""*1 Pbyii took both the one-meter and the three-meter diving titles. This is 14-21-1 for the season. The ouster from the play-offs marks the first time since 1964-65 I'01 the * ^ fc" * the first time MSU has taken a Big Ten diving championship. goal late in the second period. 8 Cunnhm, Burgering, with a total of 564.57 points, topped second place Ohio that MSU has failed to participate in a post-season aeries. "We hoped he'd give the rest of them a spark The Spartans followed nearly the same script that has haunted bee™, ,k, way you play against Michigan. You have to State's Kent Vosler by over 40 points. them all season during the weekend, showing little on offense foS?"?' The highlight of the Big Ten championship finals was the before stiffening foi the third period knockout. "sLAMHOTR Tr °n 'he PU' °( 200-yard freestyle Friday where both Jim Montgomery, of Jim Cunningham, who wound up with two goals in the series, MSUSNAPSHOTS - Defenaeman Ron Heaslip 12 ^ record for moat Indiana, and Gordon Downie, of U-M. finished with a record time penalty minutes in a searo Pm notched his first in the Friday contest to tie the score at the end of of 1:38.78, but it was determined that Montgomery finished .001 seconds before Downie. one period. into th * crowd!UP ' miSC°"duCt* Paul Klasinski and Joe Campbell gave the Spartans a 3-2 lead at The old record of 124 minutes was set in 1979 n k », Among the events captured by Indiana were three freestyle the end of the second stanza, but the Wolverines busted loose with four third-period goals in Yost Arena before moving to Munn on while Heaslip ha. extended that mark to*34 events by Montgomery - the 50-yard (:21.09), the 100-yard Darryl DiPace was a last minute scratch by Beam, .u. (:44.68l, and the 200-yard (1:38.78). Indiana also took the 400-yard Saturday to do it again. sophomore center's knee swelled up on him Michigan's Ben Kawa and Bill Thayer finished off some fine ^T freestyle relay (3:04.61); the 800-yard freestyle relay (6:45.03); the practice. 400-yard medley relay (3:23.71); the 400-yard individual medley passing with tip-in goals in the series finale after Cunningham and Russ Welch, with his 22nd goal of the season, had brought MSU (Djan Madruga - 4:03.82); the 100-yard butterfly (Jay Hersey — :50.12); the 100-yard backstroke (Romulo Arantes — :52.07); the back to within one goal. "The kids gave everything they had," said a dejected Bessone, 100-yard breaststroke (Rick Hofstetter - :57.63); the 200-yard backstroke (Paul Sigfusson — 1:54.15); and the 200-yard who found himself at a loss for worda. "Once they got a two-goal breaststroke (Charles Keating — 2:06.56). lead we weren't coming through. We couldn't capitalize on our MSU captured two additional firsts in the swimming events powerplay." OSU wins fencing title; MSU tracksters Thomas captures sabre TiRlght - Saturdof j BLUES-R0» Junior sabreman Chris Thomas became MSU's 13th Big Ten grab first place champion in the Big Ten meet held at MSU Saturday, and followed the footsteps of his father, George, who won in 1955 and 1957. Big Ten titles at MSU DUKE TIM Ohio State won the Big Ten championships by nipping Illinois, AND Tl By N ANCY JO HALE 34-33, in another one-point meet. Last year the Buckeyes lost the State News Sports Writer MSU's Women's indoor track team set six new Jenison Fieldhouse records, five of them also new team records, when they title by a single point. MSU finished fourth in the five-team field with 22 points. ALL ST*RI Wisconsin was second with 33, and Northwestern brought up the placed first in the Michigan State Invitational track meet Saturday. Winning six of 13 events, the Spartans totaled 154 >/, points in a rear The totaling 17 points. Spartans were relegated to fourth place by the foil team's izai°d$ ®ndepg field of 10 teams. Wisconsin was second with 123'/i, and the poor showing of 2-18. (continued on page 10) University of Illinois at Chicago Circle had 36. Middle-distance standout Sue Latter captured two first place finishes in the quarter- and half-mile run. In the quarter she beat her old team record of :57.2 with a time of :56.4. In the half mile she clocked 2:11.2 beating her old Jenison record of 2:13.0. Latter was also part of the winning mile relay team of Sue Sebastian, El-' e Carr and Johanna Matthyssen which posted State News. Robert Kozloff 3:55, two and one half seconds faster than the old time. MSU's Dave Burgering, in his second dive of the Sophomore Anita Lee won the long jump with an 18-11 J/« leap. finals, became the first Spartan ever to win the Lori Vietzke, who held the old record of 18-11 Vi, took second with 17-10. Big Ten three-meter diving title. MSU also finished first in the 60-yard hurdles with Denise Green's time of :7.9. Anita Lee set the old record of :8.2 on Feb. 5 at ■CLIP AND SAVE ' the Pittsburgh Invitational. The Spartans' long distance runner, Kay Richards, clocked yiudenb 17:5.8 in the three mile run, breaking the old record set by Lisa & the SENTRY ■X&""%|M9T »»VICB ,U,LB'HG Berry Feb. 5 of :44.7. Berry second with 17:12. / was plain talk Jenison track records were either tied or broken in every event except the two-mile run, in which Mary Beth Spencer of Wisconsin ! ^ beat out MSU's Cynthia Wadsworth with a time of 10:29.7. 1 Wadsworth's second record. place time of 10:37.4 was a new MSU team CAR POLICY March 2, l^77 Spencer was the only double winner besides MSU's Latter, You don't have to be a lawyer to understand it. winning the one-mile run with 4:54. I We took our best car insurance The Spartans closed their indoor track season with the I policy and made it better because invitational and will go on spring tour March 20-28. lyou asked for a more readable 'understandable policy. Same great [rates as before I Let's talk about it. . . CALL Jeff Williams, MSU '68 332-1838 INSURANCE ilce"ZJ through FM or"" service thr ' t MSu CUP AND SAVE———— ' referendum will {ho*** ^ fee for.®* However, on camp term fee dents insty-prints' per FM services. to the $1-° P 0ff-campus d knows Hm Ritd of tho term is hectic. s»'rSisrsr-" *— - COME TO for a Change •< Pace that's why wo dea't \ with a Toach of Class ■Me thae la t*tttae T< Ceae. TRT MS ARR HI voting dancito STARFIRK"6" quality nsmat registration. froai SO'* to Msco TUB*. THRU SUNDAY NO COVIN 10* POPCORN ASMSU president ORIAT PRICIS • THIS. 2for 1 we can! - - TtOD-IIsM •WID.-LADIIS SPINAL •THURS. - PITCHIR MR NIOHT yes insty-prints" 4631 North East St. CcJL (North U.S. 27) W3303 the wiz of the 882-1184 printing blzl 374-7626 48S3511 ENTRANCE JUST NORTH OF H56 E. Michigan 3205 S. Mar - 4»W.ShInw 115E AUtraa BELL FURNITURE E.Mich., W. Saginaw and S. Cvdar (for. 9-12 Sat. All ilor.iopwi 1:90 -5: JO i^,hinon State Newt, Eost Lonsing, Michioon Monday, March 7, 1977 Cagers win championship By NANCY JO HALE was the largest in the tour¬ condition, with Lori Hyman, State News Sports Writer nament and Anne Sober and Diane puta MSU 19-4 on Spoel- MSU's women's basketball the season. Western, which stra suffering from colds. But team proved itself the toughest took the tournament the last the team still put across an quintet in the state when it two years, fell to 13-11. outstanding performance, she beat former champion Western Coach Karen Langeland had said. /ilson s collegiate last shot trips Michigan Friday night, 68-53 in the state ment. basketball tourna¬ hoped to meet Western in the finals to strike back after losing to them 66-63 Jan. 25. Jill Prudden netted 20 pointa for the Spartans while Kathy Deboer added 14, and Hyman The Spartans, who were The Spartans did strike back, 11. Diane Spoelstra led in top-seeded in the contest, will dominating the entire game rebounding with 16. Is Spartans finish alone in sixth place advance to the regionals, March 10-12 at Purdue along with the two other teams, Central Mich¬ with a 26-23 margin at the half. "We shot 54 per cent in the second half," Langeland said. "And Sue Conlin, one of the most underrated players on the team, came off the bench and igan and Western. "Western shot 27 per cent, the played really well," Langeland IBV GEOFF ETNYRE ball season since 1971 when the Spartans finished at 10-14, but tude and played for pride. Sophomore forward Greg few high "It's one thing to be seeded worst percentage in the whole said. K.u Newi Sport* Writer it was also the fifth "It's gratifying to end the Kelser was hospitalized before notes. The cagers upset North Carolina State and first," Langeland said, "but it's another thing to be number tournament. We were just put¬ MSU had advanced to the uor Edgar Wilson sank *n consecutive season with a win and it was the game with severe stomach Indiana and took U-M ting the ball in better." finals after downing Central year that MSU placed into one." w jump shot with one higher especially pleasing for Edgar to cramps and could not play. Langeland said her team Thursday night, 64-52. Diane G left on the clock to give than the preseason overtime in Ann Arbor. The picks. The put in the last basket of his 15-point victory margin wasn't in the best physical (continued on page 10) i, 62 61 victory »t Illinois Spartans were rated ninth be¬ college "The cramps subsided but fore the season career to win the MSU will lose only two | season finale Saturday. "We feel we made began. game." got much worse after Greg players from this year's squad Je Spartans placed sixth in some Before Wilson's last second ate," explained Heathcote. to graduation — Wilson and ■conference with a 7-U progress this year," head coach heroics, the Spartans had trail¬ "They thought it might be guard Kevin Vandebusache, rnwmmy Jud Heathcote said. "We were appendicitis but Greg was later Tj and 1017 overall. whUe ed 61-56 with 2:40 left in the who Heathcote has called hia k„i dropped to seventh at pleased with the total attitude game. The Spartans scored the released after the cramps sub¬ hardest working player in of our players. Even sided again. They never did |jg the Big Ten and 14-16 had a discouraging season though we last six points of the baskets by Ron Charles, Terry game on find out what caused it aqd told practice. they still maintained a Greg to report back im¬ "We feel we have a solid ,as the first losing basket¬ positive atti¬ Donnelly and Wilson. nucleus returning for next mediately if anything like that happened again." Forwards Alfred Brown, who year," Heathcote said. "There's no substitute for experience NIGHTS wmnasfs wait and see started, and Charles filled in for Kelser. Charles grabbed a team and with the players we have coming back we have that. "We're also hoping high eight rebounds and scored for a good 15 points. recruiting year to fill holes in Sy JOHN SINGLER Illinois' Nancy Thies with our starting unit or won all-around, hitting 34.55 and Captain Bob Chapman led strengthen it News Sports Writer 18.70. our bench. adding a ninth place on the MSU with 17 points and Don¬ 1,11 its effort in regional The lllini standout added beam. n this weekend, the titles on the balance beam and nelly added 11. "We feel we have a good line Central Michigan finished For the Spartans it was a ■women's gymnastics team in the floor exercise, with 18.50 on Jay (Vincent) and Earvin ninth as a team, with 124.50. in each, and stashed the all- happy ending to a mostly (Johnson) but who really knows ■ know how well it did for The Chippewas' all ■ore weeks. around title with a 37.10. state discouraging season that had for sure?" around champ, Cindy Roberts, ■qualify for the nationals, The meet was run in two scored in the mid-eights in all lartans' 140.20 must stand phases, with team competition but the beam competition. ■ other teams which will and the all-around decided Fri¬ Michigan's Ginger Robey tal¬ te regionally on the fol- day night. The top ten gym¬ lied a 33.00 all-around and L two weekends. !»W"SS.*1** nasts in each event moved into Eastern Michigan's Debbie 1 be enough to get us in Saturday's individual cham¬ O'Jibway was the outstanding Vr," said Barb McKenzie, pionships, with both nights' Huron, hitting a 31.50 all- Lecture Seiw» roach. routines added for their final around. ■them Illinois topped the score. "We'll keep training A m field with 142.75. The Steckroat's 35.10 all-around, hard," McKenzie said, "We're very c.ate university LOOK TOWARD CO-OPTICAL tournament hosts, a personal and team high this very optimistic that we will be A Mic*f.nJfpubtic Series of tree p tectum a free ticket to the season, took llthand she added going." We offer you fine fashion eyewear. Come and look Raisin Mount Pleasant, by a sixth in the floor exercise and ...and the Spartans wait, and presents Unship. of their regional a fourth on the bars. Kitty Skillman notched 10th wait and... Roderick Nash over our collection of famous names as Oscar de I i State slipped into ftl, thanks to a ,30-point in the all-around with 35.25, also her season high, and grab¬ ATTINTIM VITOAMl Ex cedent pay, insurance, and re¬ tirement benefits available pr0,e^nenta|SSwVs Renta, Eye Mystique, Diane Von Furstenberg, Gloria Vanderbilt, Christian Dior, and Playboy Frames. — ■v against the Spartans bed eighth in the vault and Michigan Air National Guard. ■illegal dismount from the seventh on the beam. Call 517-489-5169 after 6 P.M., Santa Barbara It parallel bars. ISU total- Her sister, Sara, likewise Tuesday through Friday. Call Jo.35, while MSU finished cornered her season high in the today! Speaking on'. Call 351-5330 ■40.20. ■ Weaver and Pam Steck- ..WW."-""" Lutheran Church Family ■provided the Spartans' 1 finish of the weekend. Camp ATTENTION March 8, t977 Dr. James Nixon to was part of a three- . AM STUDENTS! Registered Optometrist > for third in the Wtnt,"* lift* Brookfield Plaza b.125. The University of March SKM2UI and 1-3 p.*. Placnwut Office a Nemlnetlnf patWem. J election el 1 9 Available In 121 now avallobl Student Sen* A|rlcgl»ure Hell. v_ (Pleasant Hill Camp | 111 YOU CM EAT! located near Grand- HURRY! Don't Know What To Do IH, FRIES, SlAW Nominations doso I 11am-11 pm ville, Mi.) With Old Car Problnms? Call Placement Office for MARCH 9th IRD't further Information. Louis Edwards and the Haircutters have combined services to better serve you! I Louis Edwards souoer sandwich! SEE Haircutters TWO lOCATIONS TO SHRVI YOU! MAX CURTIS FORD FOR A FULL LINE OF NEW & USED CARS. 22251. Grand River Free soup and souper mug when (Groesbeck area) 484-8423 SALES • SERVICE you buy any hamburger or sandwich. Free Soup! 1417% I. Michigan Ave. PARTS • BODY SHOP IHOP brings back the days of the soup kitchen. A free mug of soup (Lansing) when you buy any of our delicious hamburgers or sandwiches. wners: Above Bancroft Flowers (There's 25 different choose from 1 Block West of Frandor ones to so you may have a hard Pole and Don Satterf ield 487-6655 3003 E. Michigan Phone 351-1830 time deciding which one you want.) Soup and Sandwich - a great way to warm up from the cold, and your soup is served in a free Souper Mug. Free Souper Mug! MON. & SPECIAL TUES These specially designed Souper Mugs are great for soup, coffee, hot chocolate, or just about anything you can pour. Get one free with every hamburger or sandwich you buy. P*£y. A Souper Deal! I CHICKEN DINNER A free cup any of soup - served in a free Souper Mug, when you buy of our delicious hamburgers or sandwiches. Offer good while supply lasts. All You Can Eaf ADULTS CHLDBfN (^) International House of Pancakes UND012 l*345 $]85 P Fried Chicken Choice of Potato OUR DELUXE SALAD BAR Picky, That's what you can be when you ...for a souper day THE order your college ring. Stop in and see what we mean! Pretzel Bell !0 Trowbridge. Ji . Mon. and Trios. MARCH 7SS 10:00 to 4:00 PH. 3516 JOSTEN'S 2800 E. Grand River , 10 Michigon Stole News. East Lansing. Michigor Monda< 'V.March? "?7 Smith and The pair led the Spartans to a Lindsay win titles 1 US! *" Friday night in 8:42.97 and. * Mavis also ran the fastest time "Stan ran the best rkce of his it all together, but I was hoping (Continued from Spoelstra led the scoring scoring with 14, and Kathy Deboer had 17 rebounds. with ByCEOFF ETNVRE . of his career to grab third place life. It was a super raw by a for a better time. Yesterday I Central then won the con¬ State News Sports Writer fifth-place finish with 29 points. came back on Saturday to run was shooting for a six flat and solation game, 67-66 over ANN ARBOR - Freshman Illinois edged defending cham- the best mile of his career in in 4:02.4. super individual." 0hi° State 4:01.63 and take second behind "Friday night took a lot out of Smith gave the Spartans today I wanted a 6.9, but I Grand VnUey to place third ,'dT5 Randy Smith brought the 60- pion University of Michigan for guess you can't ask for any behind Western. the title, 58-57, by placing Wisconsin's Steve Lacy, who Herb or I think he might have their first sprint champion vard dash crown back to MSU better than a win. I could run The Spartaihs don't have since 1973 when Marshall Dill and senior Herb Lindsay nar rowly missed a double victory in the mile and two-mile at the second in the final event, the mile relay, behind U-M. Indiana finished third with 47 won in 4:01.39. Lacy, Lindsay and Spartan senior Stan Mavis ran one, two, three for most of caught Lacy," head coach Jim Bibbs said. "He had his heart set on the two mile and ran a was the champion in the 60- vard dash. 5,9 and finish second, but the win is the important thing." much time to prepare for the regional., which they will ■fSSSrSsi the race. Lindsay and Mavis 4.04 mile its going to take a lot Smith dominated the 60-yard travel to on Wednesday. But [tig Ten indoor track and field points and Wisconsin slipped by Smith place fourth in 300- The championships Friday and Sat¬ MSU for fourth with 30 points. just couldn't make up any out of you, even if its only to dash as he had done in most of yard dash in 30.89 and Charles Langeland is still confident Spartans pressure j Lindsay won the two mile ground on Lacy in the final lap. qualify. the earlier relays this year. He Byrd was fifth in 31.46. Law¬ "We are basking in the glory sUrting *«] ship'Jthe^m^^^S urday. won both of his qualifying heats now," she said, "but Monday we rence Johnson of Wisconsin easily and led from start to will start normal practice in 30.66. again. IOWA WINS BIG TEN TOURNAMENT finish in the final to win in an won We've got our game down the electronically timed 6.17. Others scoring for the Spar¬ Charlton Ehizuelen of Il¬ tans were Tim Klein, fourth in Walsh, Brighton off to nationals linois, tho meet's only dual winner with victories in the long jump and triple jump, for the fourth straight year, ran the 600-yard run in 1:11.54: Keith Moore, fifth in the 880- yard run in 1:53.49; Schneider, fourth in the shot Paul Thomas captures sabio (continued from "It was super team effort to pue 8) By TOM SHANAHAN nesota pulled an upset by league's more expensive and second to Smith in 6.25 and put with a throw of 54 feet 4'/i State News Sports Writer taking second ahead of Wiscon¬ successful programs. finish .500 this season," he said. Doug Hennigar of U-M was inches; and the mile relay unit sin. The University of Michigan "We're trying to build back "They did a good job because Grady Peninger has develop¬ fourth in 6.30. of Howard Neely, Klein, Byrd ed 20 Spartans who have won was fourth. Northwestern fifth up, but it's a thing where the the competition was over¬ "I felt good in the race all the and Ricky Flowers, fourth in 37 individual Big Ten cham¬ and Indian sixth as the Big Ten football crowds at MSU support whelming at times, and the odds were against us all the way," Smith said. "I guess I put 3:15.64. pionships since 1965. But this assembled its finest talent in its everything," Peninger said. jear MSU only sends two third 63-year wrestling history. "We've got to have larger way." MSU ended Sehmitter's 38th yesr as the S „1 Pat Milkovich represented football crowds because any¬ MSU played one of the place finishers to the national tournament as Mike Walsh (126 the end of Peninger's golden body who does not support football is toughest schedules in the T TONIGHT T poundsl and Dennis Brighton era between 1965 and 1972. technically not sup¬ nation, facing nine of the top •"« MYI 1134 poundsl qualified in the big When he was the Big Ten porting everything at MSU. twenty teams. champ as a freshman, the "We re all pulling for Darryl Peninger pleased with Ten championships at Madison, Wis. Saturday. Spartans were first in the Big Rogers (MSU head football was Walsh and Brighton and said "SPINE-TINGLING! JOLTING... II WINNER or 10 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS INCLUDING: AWARD Iowa its third straight Ten and second in the Nf AA in coach) and at the same time the two "really turned on" to Alex — MST PtCTUM won deRenzy's 'Fantasy Girls' is spine-tinglingt Loaded — HIT ACTOR Big Ten crown with five in¬ 1972. Milkovich won MSU's last pulling for ourselves," he finish third. It was a mild upset with the most jolting hardcore action ever seen. And — MST DIRECTOR dividual titles, one short of the individual conference title in added. for both, since no Spartan made — MST SUPPORTING ACTOR what's more, it's erotic. A real turn-on; .exciting and record ol six set in 1969 by 1976. Peninger praised his team for it through the season without MSU. The Spartans have fallen in its 9-9 season, despite only two getting beat by at least three stimulating. It's deRenzy's greatest. A VERY HOT conference opponents. NUMBER!" The Spartans finished sev¬ recent years because ol a lack qualifving for the nationals —Jeremy Hickman. FREE PRESS enth in the meet, while Min ol funds to compete with the March 17-19. Walsh, a sophomore, finished the dual season 16-8. Brighton, a junior, was 4 5. WIVMuUimmSimkrii hour pith tea girts? Chris Campbell, 177 pounds Alex deRenzy's AAUP collecting cards for unionization from Iowa, and 158-pound Lee Kemp of Wisconsin, two of the OTesoriD aoIhwI FANTASY best in the nation, won their WINNER OF 4 KRistoweRSon award i continued from page 1) At a national meeting that ademic governance. Big Ten nominaum! individuals to decide their own AAUP changed its at Before that, according to INCLUDING SESI SONS I year, "EVERGREEN" f course." Ferencv continued. AAUP endorsed collective titude toward collective gaining. endorsing unionization activities bar¬ as a way to realize its published accounts, AAUP's attitude toward collective bar¬ gaining had traditionally been GIRLS - PStfiRISBORnl bargaining as a national policy principles of academic freedom and shared ' authoritv in ac "only if we're forced into it" by competition. ISflS '"■KM'" Twiliglrt:515-5451 Mil "We didn't face up to the issue until FA filed," Ferency 'Weird' request draws response said. "Then, we moved as rapidly as we could." NEW ORLEANS (API - over the crowd to be signed. Ferency said he expects an SHOWTIMES: 7:00,6:30,10:00 When the cast of NBC's "Satur¬ A young woman brought her election by June. "We have to SHOWPLACE: 116 NAT SCI day Night" show told fans to plastic birth control container strike w hile the iron is hot — ADMISSION: *2.50 students; '3.50 faculty t I Tim*UT115 MlfklSdtUI'U bring something weird for them with the pills still in it, and interest stuH might disintegrate — on ontortolnmont ionic* of Iho bool film cooporotlvo. to sign at a shopping center others brought toilet seats. over the studonti, tpculty «itoH wolcomo. IP', will bo chockod. autograph party here, weird was exactly what they got. For instance, one couple brought the entire door panel from an old jalopy and passed it Great Issues LegafServi andWVIC present The Zolton Ferency-Criminal Justice Professor C. Patrick Larrowe-Economics Professor PHILIPPINE DANCE COMPANY H. Lynn Jondall-State Rep.-Moderator John Maury-Charter Member CIA TUESDAY, MARCH 8 at 8:15 P.M. in the University Auditorium Monday March 7- 7:00 p.m. JuJ™™ Twenty-seven handsome and beautiful ErlckSOnKlva Free Admission Philippine youth comprise the dance MUMSMV a division of ASMSU programing board company, accompanied by 12 sunetb musicians. Diversity of tempo and FREAK? mood in the ihoreography, the haunt¬ ing native orchestra, and wild colorful costumes all add up to an HfQRU sparkling enchantment. evening of Reserved seats only. $6.50, 5.50, 4.00 150% discount to full-time MSU students) Tickets on sale MOW at the Union, 8:15-4 SO, wee! lays. Phone 355 )3h1 YOU'LL LOVE IT! 9taty/kfligM "Pipe dreams Tonight Opon 7 p.m. Foaturo 7:30 • Hilarious Comady 9:30 and extra special guest GEORGE # JANE SEGAL * FONDA DAVE MASON Ingmar Bergman's "FACE TO FACE" TICKETS ON SALE THURSDAY Starring LIV ULLMANN ERLAND JOSEPHSON II) I nirhiaon Stote Newi, East loosing, Michiann Monday, March 7, 1977 n "Health care in jails is vastly inferior to health care in most communities. There are problems of inadequate facilities, inadequate equipment and an inadequate number of doctors and nurses." — Jay Harness hard to hen you're e slammer Jib woke up one recent morning with severe abdominal pains "It's a slow, inefficient process. You're ■ feared he was having an appendicitis attack, dealing with a person The articles on this page were researched and Ingham County Sheriff Kenneth Preadmore said who is angry, who may be on drugs. He is an individual who is very drugs and f could not call the family doctor or phone for an ambulance. dependent, and is trying to manipulate his environment. writtenby GeorgiaHanshew, areporteronthe State alcohol are behind most of the inmates' medical problems. Je could not get him into the car and rush him to the hospital, "They cry wolf all the time. It's difficult to determine when News city desk. Photographs were taken by State Cirrhosis of the liver and delerium tremens from alcohol and n, charged with two counts of murder, was locked inside a there is something wrong and when there is hepatitis (from dirty needles), bad teeth and poor nerves resulting not," he said. News photographers Laura Lynn Fistler and Linda f Ingham County Jail. Most jail inmates are simply awaiting trial - 90 to 95 per cent of from drug addiction are common ailments, he said. Err that afternnon, upon orders from the jail nurse, John was them, according to Jay Harness of the Michigan Bray. "The situation is further compounded," Harness said, Department of "by the p under guard to Ingham Medical Center where he was kept Corrections. fact that most jails don't have a full-time doctor." lr observation for a week. His problem was diagnosed as a Michigan has 83 county jails, and the number of inmates ranges "Health care in jails is vastly inferior to health care in most There is currently no standard medical program nor specific upset." from five in many small jails to almost 800 in the Wayne County communities," Harness said. "There are problems of inadequate another Inmate, was waiting to be transported to guidelines for the entire state. As a result of this, and because of j, jail. facilities, inadequate equipment and an inadequate number of the greatly varying sizes of Michigan's jails, health facilities and jn State Prison. On the morning he was to leave Ingham After violent inmate uprisings in the late 1960s and early doctors and nurses." equipment in jails differ from county to county. tjr Jail, he cut his wrist and had to be rushed to Ingham 1970s, jail and prison administrators have been forced to take The kinds of health problems suffered by inmates is linked to the al Center for suturing. He was then sent on to Jackson, another look at their facilities. If John, the Ingham County Jail inmate, had been in a small or type of people who are in jail, he said. ise are two of the 6,000 inmates in Michigan jails, almost all of While the state has been more generous in the past few years "By and large, the people who are in jail are the minorities and medium-sized jail (anywhere from five to 150 I requiring medical care at one time or another. And the very with funding for the Michigan inmates), which Department of Corrections, which the poor. People who have money can seldom has full-time medical personnel, a nurse from the nation that keeps them isolated from society causes unique put up bond and get out. county supervises and inspects the jails, the county-funded jails have not "Public health problems" such as drug and alcohol addiction, health department would probably come in three or four times a Jems when it comes to health care, lis difficult to take medical practice in an office and adapt it to directly benefited. The department's budget was increased last venereal disease, tuberculosis and hepatitis are "reasonably week. year by almost 30 common in these groups," he said. Many jail administrators admit that the lack of statewide liurity institution," said Dr. Austin Aardema, Muskegon per cent for the 1976-77 fiscal year, the largest increase granted to Many of the inmates are recovering from gunshot wounds or standards for It; Jail doctor. jail health service is one of the most serious any state department. other injuries they received at the time of their arrest. problems involved in medical care for inmates. Program studies state pilot jails to set up medical care standards Medical care in the nation's jails is worse Director of Rowan said, "would significant plan awaits cause a than in any other type of correctional institution, said Dr. Joseph Rowan of the reduction in daily sick call and emergency American Medical Association (AMA), and After a year's study of the four pilot jails, he is directing a program that he hopes will the Michigan work group identified 10 do something about it. The AMA program has undertaken a continued funding OK major deficiencies in the state codes governing jail health systems. study of 30 "pilot jails," four of them in It has written out 10 guidelines to use as Michigan — in Lake, Oakland, Shiawassee said he expects it to be continued. One of the biggest drawbacks found in and Washtenaw Counties. goals when working with the pilot jails Michigan was chosen from among 22 jail health care, Rowan said, was the lack of during the second year of the program. The Michigan is one of six states participating applicants, Rowan said, on the basis of the a thorough procedure for screening inmates guidelines will be tested in the pilot jails, in the year-old program designed to set up for health problems when they are booked originality and innovativeness of its pro¬ said Marni Wisniewski, assistant director of statewide standards of health care and a posed project, the potential resources for into jail. the AMA program, and the program system for certifying jails with adequate continuing the program without the AMA's Most jails now have a series of questions directors hope to begin certification of jails medical service. The others are Wisconsin, help and the variety of its jails, among other which booking officers ask prisoners when by August of this year. Indiana, Washington, Maryland and things. they come to the jails, but Rowan said he By measuring jail medical services with Georgia. Richard Campeau of the Michigan State would like a more comprehensive question the standards developed by the program, After a 1972 nationwide study of jails, Medical Society is director of Michigan's naire used. the state medical societies will decide Rowan said the AMA "realized a great Work Project. A standard list of questions asked when whether to certify a particular jail. amount of work needed to be done to Jails were chosen for the program. an inmate is booked include whether the The certification program. Wisniewski improve jail medical care." Rowan said, because the AMA feels that individual is on medication, is subject to said, would be similar to the accreditation of Rowan is waiting to hear from the federal medical conditions there are worse than in blackouts, fainting spells or epileptic hospitals carried out by the Joint Commis¬ Law Enforcement Assistance Administra¬ prisons and juvenile detention homes. seizures or is under a doctor's care. sion on Accreditation of Hospitals. tion whether funding will be continued "We're tackling the most serious problem A screening questionnaire drawn up by The 10 guidelines include requirements through the second year of the program. He first," he said. "Jails are the most forgotten the Muskegon County Jail is being used as a for: part of the criminal justice system." model by the Michigan State Medical •A written health care system, de¬ Each of the six states involved in the Society. Among the list of 16 questions, the scribing the roles and responsibilities of any program has surveyed conditions of its pilot "preliminary medical screening question¬ medical personnel; jails, noting the deficiencies in health naire" asks: •A correctional officer proficient in first service and making recommendations for •Is there fever, sore throat, obvious aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Bonnie Samuelaon improvement. swollen lymph nodes, jaundice or other duty at the jail at all times; works at the Ingham The states gathered information on such evidence of infection which might spread •A locked box of first aid supplies; an County Jail, one of the things as how much room is set aside for through the jail? area in the jail that can be used as an few jails in the state medical care, how old the jail is, how many •Does he/she appear to be under the examination and treatment room; a medical inmates are cared for, the guard set-up, and influence of alcohol, barbiturates, heroin or record for each inmate and a health with a foil-time nurse what kind of health care staff the jail has. any other drug? on duty. screening questionnaire; All the states have serious problems in •Is he/she so disorientated as to suggest •A physical exam for any inmate who will their health care delivery, Rowan said, but the risk of suicide or assault on others? be in jail seven days or longer. added, "there is no state that seems to •If female, is she pregnant? Currently on The Michigan Work Project found the stand out worse than the others. They're all birth control pills? pilot jails lacking in most of these areas, very much wanting." Such a thorough screening process, Campeau said. It looks like any family doctor's' exam¬ Their medical problems range from a County jail nurse, are both familiar with the does not give routine physicals either, but ining room, only smaller. fractured leg to a recent circumcision to "an 10 Michigan project guidelines which have that is one of the goals of its medical staff. In the middle is a table covered with emotional problem." come out of the AMA study. white paper. A locked medicine cabinet Serious medical problems and emergen "There's not enough personnel," she said. "In our own jail, our biggest hangup is "We operate on a complaint basis." takes up one wall; smaller cabinets and a cies are treated at the Ingham Medical that we don't have a physician," Storrer founfy jail infirmary sink occupy the rest of the wall space. A Center, a hospital in Lansing. said. "I could use more guidance, and 1 The Muskegon jail (population 150) also nurse sits at her desk in the next room. With an average inmate population of would prefer to work under standing orders needs an infirmary and a more private These two rooms and the infirmary across 240, Ingham County has an eight-bed from a doctor." examination room, Couch said. the hall make up the medical area of the infirmary. Most jails in Michigan don't have Ingham County Jail in Mason. infirmaries, said Dr. Austin Aardema, The jail is now using a curtained-off area Storrer comes into the jail three days a It'would seem quite normal and familiar if of a room shared by a secretary and some Muskegon County Jail physician, who is week, for about six hours total. She walks provides services; one did not have to go through two sets of locked gates, controlled mechanically by a man at a desk behind bars some distance helping coordinate an American Medical Association (AMA) program to improve jail health care. around the catwalk surrounding the cells and talks to the prisoners. She refers inmates with medical problems to private police officers for examination of inmates. "When we examine females we have to ask police in the room to leave," she said. away, to reach the area. physicians, dentists and Lois Storrer, jail nurse at the Shiawassee specialists. An infirmary would be useful for those The infirmary at Ingham County Jail is inmates "who don't have to be hospitalized, IA sets guidelines rather small and dark. A high window on the other side of the room, above the catwalk admits little light through the County Jail, one of Michigan's four pilot jails in the AMA program, said she does not feel the jail needs an infirmary because it Two guidelines which the Shiawasse County Jail does not meet, Storrer said, are one which requires a written procedure but feel sick." "You really should provide something barred wall. only houses 35 inmates. describing health care delivery for the jail, better than a hard steel bunk," Couch said. Five inmates lie on iron bunks. One is If inmates are ill enough to require and another calling for a physical exam for Storrer said she was grateful'»»the new isolation or special care, they are put in the inmates who will be in jail longer than a guidelines. sitting in a chair, watching TV. In one corner, blocked off by a partition, is a toilet hospital. week. "It gives you something to go by. It lets and shower. Storrer and Barbara Couch. Muskegon Couch said the Muskegon County Jail you know what you have and don't have." State News Classified 355-8255 | Aitwitlw Jffi j Art) Service FRANKLY SPEAKING ... by phil frank Apartments Apartmts ? ONE BEDROOM sublease. Mt. 124 CEDAR STREET. East Lan- ECONOLINE CARGO Super Van WE HAVE heated garage, tools, - sing 2 female low priced parts. You work on Hope/Hagadorn. Spring-summer. men, one bedroom fur¬ upper . 1972. V-8, low mileage. Good Good rates. 351-8754. 6-3-11 1121 nished apartments, heat nonsmoker. F0U1 >*SSId your car, you save money. U- Included condition. Phone 332-1652. 5-3-7 REPAIR, 5311 South Pennsyl¬ $190/month, June-September. HS/mcTV PHONE 355 8255 vania. 882-8742. 0 1-3-7 (21) MALE NEEDED - Cedar Village, spring term. $88/month. 361-8607. 129 Burchem Drive efficiency $1B0/month. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 361- f,7us Hi" 349W GREMLIN - 1970. V-6 automatic, JUNK CARS wanted. We pay Z 3-3-81121 2402, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. 882-2316 0 excellent condition. Low mileage. 6-3-11 1291 7vv° needed more if they run. Also buy used Must sell. $1000. 355-5948. Z spring AUTOMOTIVE 7-3-11 (121 cars and trucks. 489-3080 anytime. FEMALE TO sublease apartment. EAST LANSING large two peis0n 3510134. Z 83-1, Mil Scooters 8 Ports 8 Service Cycles GREMLIN - X 1974. 6 cylinder, 3 C 5-3-11 1171 Close to campus. Pool. Spring, $60. 332-8141. Z 3-3 8 - close in. Merried couple or single women. "^1 Quik 8 Qualified 1121 Three rooms anrftsth - basement Aviotion EMPIOVMENT speed. Excellent condition, only $1750. 351-5417. 5-3-11 (121 Molntenonce Service For apartment. Unfurnished, ell utili¬ ties paid. No pets. $186. Also have sa a' 89. FOR RENT MONTE CARLO 1970. 350 auto¬ Con. Chorion, Vans, Who fever r DILTA ARM* ~jj first floor apartment available apartment Beautiful newly on, J Apartments I Is now loosing for summer March 1st - $180/electricity. H«it and water Houses matic engine, power steering, TECH CENTER I (with special rates) and foil, j Phone 332-6968. 7-3-11 (341 $190/month fm£*| Rooms power brakes. Call after 663 8271. 6-3-11 1141 4 p.m. — Home of Mr Tune Up I 1 or 2 bedroom apartments j month furnished. unfumiZ* I Hoises IMSE^MichigonemW^ I across from campus. 235 Delta I TWO FEMALES - Share 4 man John or Only | u,1 FOR SALE I 332 5978 Cedar Village, fall thru spring. Sue at 33>t*. ™R Animals Mobile Homes NOVA 1973 - 350 V-8, power steering/brakes. Rally wheels, MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Kalamazoo Street since 1940. J 1978. 361-5941. Z-7-3-11 (121 1361 43,000 miles. $1800. 349-4834. Z ONE FEMALE LOST 8 FOUND 8-3-11 1131 Complete auto painting and colli¬ TWO FEMALES - Cedar Village, MALE - OWN room in 2 bed $100/month includes utili¬ tc^l PERSONAL sion service. American and foreign cars. 485-0266. C-9-3-11 1201 spring term. Asking $75, but negotiable. Nice roommates. Park¬ room. ties. 394-3312 before 3 p.m. 7-3-11 person Rivers apartment. Edge. 3513745Z» SpTf PEANUTS PERSONAL REAL ESTATE RECREATION Rabbit CRAIG CASSETTE player. Like new. $35 or make offer. Call 353- SKI WEEKEND. ALL SHE § ing, dishwasher. 351-6950. Z 6-3-7 1151 (13) FEMALE NEEDED - Good loca¬ ATTRACTIVE ROOM bouse. 1 or 2, close * canw.| SERVICE Instruction LEAPS FROM 0-50 1562. ZE 5-3-8 (12) TO PO WAS §Ki •' * ^ LARNED, UPPER two bedroom. Stove, refrigerator, utilities paid. tion, nicely furnished. Clean, air, pool. 351-5791 after 5 p.m. 3-3-7 negotiable. 351-9477 FEMALE NEEDED J Typing WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top SCcirge Media 5c- :c Married - $150 plus deposit. 112) to~Zw Americana TRANSPORTATION IN ONLY dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE 372-3714.10-3-11 (131 SUBLEASE TWO person apart¬ term. Rent Apanment^ WANTED AUTO PARTS AND SALVAGE. negotiable, Cdl 7.7 SECONDS. OKEMOS, MERIDIAN Mall. Newly ment spring term. 711 Burcham, 2891 Z 3-3-7112) 1 ROUND TOWN 9-3-11 1141 AIR AND oil filters for all foreign [ [■ployiMl ][if| [_ For Rait iffj decorated, one bedroom nished. $160 monthly. Ideal for fur¬ East Lansing. 351-5388. Z-3-3-7 112) OWN ROOM in two'i, Cook Horriman / at reasonable prices at married couple. 669-3854, leave apartment. Available Aril URATES" cars ENJOY A of traveling and TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. VW VOLVO MAZDA CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN summer working outside in the amusement $10 95/month. Call NEJAC 337- message. 8-3-11 (171 GREAT LOCATIONI Sublet 4 332-8898 after 7 p.m. 7.]. J 12 word minim person apartment spring. Balcony, CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ 4IIS W. Ses'nrw I7I-SSM business. 4 salaried positions open 1010. C-9-3-11 (121 beautiful view, reasonable. 332- FURNISHED EFFICIENCY! zoo Street. One mile west of FEMALE TO shore 2 bedroom starting March 22. Call 351-9389 1973. Z 7-3-11 (12) ment. Walking distant) a 1 campus. 487-5055. C 6-3-11 (271 apartment. Spring term. Air. Next after 7 p.m. 5-3-10 123) THIS IS the best time of the year $110/month. Call 35141*1 WORDS NO DAYS to campus. $75, negotiable. 351- to rent out those unused items. FOURTH FEMALE needed spring P.m. Z 3-3-9 1131 3947. Z 5-3-8 (151 MANAGER TRAINEE and assis- for Twyckingham Apartment. $79/ 13 6 8 Give Kevin a call today at 355-8255 OLDS CUTLASS Wagon, 1968 topliywt [[HI tant manager. Local drive-in the¬ atre is seeking people to learn the and let him help you with a classified ad. S 14-3-111291 FEMALE spring NEEDEO to sublease term at Twyckingham month includea utilities. Pool. Call Lee, 351-7152. S 5-3-111151 CAMPUS IS CLOSE! for 4 person - 2 Need! bedrooetl 350 automatic, power steering/ drive-in theatre business. Apply in apartments. $95 monthly. 351- ment, spring teim. $67/naT brakes. Good tires. $525. 676- TEACHING JOBS IN AFRICA: person to Mr. Malinowski at the 9110. Z 5-3-11 (12) FEMALE NEEDED for Twycking¬ less. First month paid. |L 9178. 6-3-11 (131 STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE Street Apartments, behindM PEACE CORPS now hiring. For over 200 Math/Science teaching between 2-4 p.m. Monday ApartRNts \m PERFECT ONE bedroom furnished ham Apartment starting spring term. $82.50/month. 351-3434. Z Barrel. Please celt collect - A (313) 239-5467. Z 539 ilill OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 - 1969. positions in twelve African coun¬ through Friday. 8-3-11 (36) 7-3-11 (121 apartment. Immediate occupancy. Good condition, new tires. $750. tries. All start this summer, so Paid through March. Good loca- NEED A job? The STARLITE and MERIDIAN MALL - near. Sharp FEMALE NEEDED t. 355-9639 after 5 p.m. 8-3-7 1121 application should begin nowl I. 332-5536, afternoon. Z 3-3-9 FEMALE NEEOED tor attractive 2 LANSING THEATRES need peo¬ 2 bedroom, appliances. $200/ furnished apartment, 0ml Contact Linda, African Studies 114) person apartment. Very close. month. 669-3654. Leave message. Close 337 0024. Z 4-38 liul OLDS OMEGA 1976. Six stick, Center, International Center, 353- ple to work evenings at various $75/month. 351-0996. Z 6-3-10 8-3-10 (121 comfortable bucket seats. AM 1700. 4-3-9 I36I positions. Apply in person at the PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. (121 radio, trailer hitch. Pop-out rear STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE ONE BLOCK from campus, furn¬ Furnished studio, utilities paid. ONE FEMALE needed I Once ad is ordered it cannot between 2-4 window. Rustproofed. 393-5846 or ASMSU BOOK Exchange needs p.m. Monday ished efficiency apartments avail¬ $135 plus deposit. 489-5674 after 5 FALL AND Summer leasing will person apartment for sprmB be cancelled or changed un- til after first insertion, un¬ 882-2690. 3-3-8 1201 managers and clerka. Work study through Friday. 8-3-11 1301 able starting fall. Call Craig Gibson p.m. O 3-3-91131 begin on March 28. For informa¬ Close. Call 349 1591.Z73lf preferred. Motivation required. and leave a message. 627-9773. Z tion call: AMERICANA APART¬ less it is ordered S cancelled PINTO RUNABOUT 1976. FM 'Call Peter, 355-8313. 6-3-11 1151 OPENINGS - THE U.S. NAVY is 10-3-11 (18) MENTS - 332-5322, EATON ROC . 2 class days before ONE WOMAN needed to sublet 8-track stereo. Steel belted radials. looking for college juniors, APARTMENTS - 332-8488, RI¬ publict Cedar Village Apartment. Close to BABYSITTER - TWO children. seniors, grads or masters in EN¬ WILLIAMSTON - WESTBROOK VERSIDE APARTMENTS - 332- Zlebarted, 4-speed. $2500. 356- APARTMENTS. 15 minutes east campus. $83/month. Spring. 332- In our home. Own transporta¬ GINEERING, business administra 5709. S 5-3-11 1151 8292, NORWOOD APARTMENTS There is a M OO service 6952. Z-5-3-7 (151 of campus. tion. Phone 351-7390 after 6 p.m. tion, math, chemistry/physics Studios - $125, one - 351 -2744, CEDAR VIEW APART¬ charge for an od change 6-3-11 1121 computer science, civil engineer¬ bedroom - $145. Carpeting, MENTS - 351-6647, CAPITAL plus 18' per word per day PINTO 1975 Sport. Deluxe inte¬ MSU 10 minutes. Furnished ing or nuclear engineering. Max drapes, air conditioning, kitchen mobile home. Quiet, on lake. Child VILLA APARTMENTS 332-5330, - CIDARVIU for additional words. rior, 22,000 miles, aharp.42300. BABYSITTER IN my feet Lansing age. 26 yeare old. Call 1-3-13 226 appliances. Limited number avail-. and RIVERHOUSE APART¬ 355-6623 before 5 p.m. Leave home. Two preschoolers. Moat 7795 or 226-7789, collect. 2-3-8 able. Call now for appointment, ok, no pets. $36/#bflr$4dVp (Jill MENTS - 332-0111. 0 7-3-11 1471 APAR 641-6601. 0 5-3-11 1191 ' ' message. 7-3; 1J M41 evenings. 351-8799 afternoons. 1381 655-2642. 10-3-11 (271 PONTIAC 1975 Grand Prix. Air, 6-3-11 (12) OKEMOS WHITE HALL MANOR. ROOMMATE. Own buckets, 11,000 miles. Like new. MERIT SAMPLER - Male or FEMALE UPERCLASSMAN, non- smoker. Four women apartment. FEMALE room. Corner of Hagedorn end We pay heat and weter. 1 and 2 Now leasing hi The State News will be bedroom apartments from $195. sponsible only for the first re¬ $3995. 626-3111.6-3-11 (121 PROJECTIONISTS NEEDED - female wanted to distribute free $75/month. Spring. Campus Hill. Mt. Hope. 361-8238. Z 5-3-8 (121 Carpeted, air, stove, refrigerator, Fall and Sim I approximately 30 person to run samples of new Merit Cigarettes 349-2564. Z 5-3-11 (121 various types of audio visual Part time, 20 hours/week. $3/ garbage disposal. Clean and quiet, PONTIAC LEMANS 1968, new LIBERAL MALE to share 2 bed¬ equipment such as 16mm pro¬ hour. Must have car. We reim¬ pool and lots of lawn area. Phone tires, AM/FM radio, stereo. Excel¬ FEMALE NEEDED for quiet one room apartment, preferably over 351-4091 for appointment. Comer Bills are due 7 days from the jectors, tape recorders and slide burse 15c/mile. Contact Mr. lent engine - interior. 484-5762. Z bedroom apartment. Nicely furn¬ 21. Phone 349-5929 before 4 p.m. of Mt. Hope and Hagadorn. projectores. Experience helpful Conner at Howard Johnsons - ad expiration dote. If not 6-3-11 1121 ished. CLOSE. Spring. 332-6052. Z 5-3-8 (141 Okamoa. 02-3-7 143) Call 15MII paid by the due date a 50' but not necessary. Must be able to 694-0454, March 10th, 9 a.m. • 7 3-3-9 112) lofe service attend all training sessions. Need p.m. 4-3-10 1391 charge will be RENAULT 1969 R-16. Front wheel HASLETT 5906 Marsh Road. drive, hatchback, very comfort¬ students with large blocks of BEECHW000 APARTMENTS - hours free from 9 a.m. MALE COUNSELORS, Michigan CAMPUS, MALL close. One bed¬ Two and three bedroom apart¬ able. $700. 627-4176; 627-4368 - 3 p.m. 5 Blocks to MSU room, carpet, air, snack bar. $150. Monday - Friday and with more Boys Camp, June 22 ments with carpeting, drapes. after 6 p.m. 10-3-11 (14) than one term left. Apply in person Areas open: judo, nature/science, - August 13. 339-2346. After 4 p.m. - 655-3843. Large 2 bedroom — furnished 394-5230. 9-3-11 1131 sit. 487 5737.7-3-111121 1 5-3-11 1141 *240 a month ROADRUNNER 1974 400 only. Applications will be accepted tennis, crafts, archery, riflery, include* heal and watar FEMALE NEEDED for fai - cu¬ Monday - Friday, 8 • 12 a.m. and 1 hiking, and waterfront (must have EAST LANSING Furnished/un¬ [Automotive Onebki - bic, 4-speed, 38,000 miles, air, 5 p.m. in Room 28 of the GRAD STUDENT needs room¬ 351-27*8 cJudfUHcm, spring. «"■--■ apzartment, 3y""S' WSI). Married couples consid¬ furnished, one bedroom. Patio, 332-6472. Z 7-3-1M - AM/FM 8 track, power steering, mate. Large, two bedroom, Birch- campus. Instructional Media Center. 5-3-11 ered, write giving experience/ carpeting, drapes, air condition¬ disc brakes. 351-8479. 3-3-8 (171 field Apartment. $100/month. 882- EAST LANSING - Quiet, lovely ANNOUNCING STORY OLDS 1761 background. Competitive salaries. ing. Ample parking, laundry facili¬ FEMALE NEEDED for Cl 2595. Z 2-3-8 (12) courtyard setting. Two bedroom, FLYING EAGLE, 1401 North Fair- ties. Rent includes heat and water. Annual March Tent Sale! Many SUBURU 1974. Red, good shape, 1 corner apartments available, Phone 351-6159. 0 7-3-11 1221 lage wye Apartment ---. stamjl trade-ins will be for sale at the WAITRESS WANTED: apply in view, Lansing. Ml 48912. 5-3-11 FEMALE NEEDED to sublease term. $88/month. 3321 38 mpg, snows and extra rims. nestled in Tamarack and Spruce Economy Lot at wholesale prices person. MAC'S BAR, 2700 East (401 7-3-111121 $2100. 353-8681: 337-1264. 3-3-7 Cedar Village Apartment. Spring trees. Carports, central air and If you're in the market for a used Michigan, nights after 10 p.m., EAST MSU. Spring, fall. One 1141 term. $86/month. 332-3223. Z car from $100 to $1000, shop at except Tuesday and Friday. 5-3-8 many other fine features. Bus bedroom, furnished, utilities, laun¬ (171 PERSON TO operate light food 3-3-9 (121 stops at door. Rentals from $230/ TWO BEDROOM h STORY OLDS ECONOMY LOT, TORINO 1973. V-8, power brakes, dry, carport. $200. 374-6366. 7-3- e block west of Brody. 5-3-11 and beverage concession at golf month. On Abbott Road, north of 11 1121 sing's East side. Fully w radio, low mileage. Good condi¬ DOORMAN WANTED: apply in course in coming season. Income East Saginaw. Phone KINGS $190/month plus «*_ 1451 tion. Phone 332-1652. 5-3-7 (121 POINT NORTH at 381-7177. 0 SPRING TERM: Rooms for sub¬ Cathy or Vyto. 371® I MAC'S BAR, 2700 East 1NOWLIASING { person guarantee plus percentage of For Fall and Summer X Michigan, nights after 10 p.m., 2-3-7 1461 lease. Furnished, utilities included. p.m. 6-3-11 (19) ASTRE PONTIAC 1975 4 cylinder, TOYOTA COROLLA 1971 sales. Reply - P.O. Box 207, {•with special rates) - except Tuesday and Friday. 5-3-8 j $90/month. Call 332-4680. Z 7-3-10 very sharp. Take over payments. 4-speed, air, runs good. $700. Marshall, Michigan 49068. Z 8-3-10 1 or 2 bedroom apartments 1 FOURTH FEMALE needed spring 393 3407. 5-3-7 1121 394-3979. 3-3-7 (121 (171 1121 CONVENIENT TO » (27) IINIVIRSITY TIRRACI { term. 2 bedroom, Cedarbrook bedroom, appliances, « AUDI FOX 1973. 4 door, Michelin TOYOTA SR5, 1974. Five speed, MODELS WANTED. $8/hour. J 444 Michigan • $32-5420 j Apartment. $80/month. 332-8606. Z 3-3-8 (121 FEMALE - OWN bedroom, $150/month. Deposit « Earn while you learn. Call 489- FULL AND part time game { Across from campus. « Northwind Farms. Nicest aroundl radials, 42,000 miles. $2675. Call 361-6297; 484-2776 after 5 p.m. 694-9418. 8-3-101121 339-9907. 5-3-11 (12) Z. StorS. »Tz 2278 Z"34-3-11 1121 ** *=el,en. pay and work FRANOOR - LARGE one bed¬ MALE ROOMMATE wanted - Z-8-3-11 1121 5-3-8114) OVERSEAS JOBS summer/ conditions. Must be neat and room. Immediate occupancy. $175 spring term. Cedar Village. Rent 437 MAC. Beautiful 4ti CAPRI II Ghia 1976. White with - personable and enjoy playing pool, a month plus electricity. Prefer negotiable. Call Rich. 351-4679. B DON'T PAY utilities. Everything room. Summer only. TRANS AM 1976. Silver with year round. Europe, S. America, p;nball etc. Apply in person only married or grads. Phone 489- 2-3-7 (12) included for $166/month. One 351-2326, Susie. mag wheels, AM/FM stereo cas¬ black interior. Loaded Call11-224- sette player, low mileage, mint 8035 after 7 p.m. 7-3-11 (12) Australia^Asia, etc. All fields, weekdays, between 10 a.m. and 5 1323 or Wesphalia, 1-587-6680. bedroom furnished, country set¬ one bedroom in MtJ TWO BEDROOM with fire¬ ting, 4 miles east ot MSU. condition. Best otter. 355-2798. i„ P">- «' ,h« CINEMA X ADULT 6-3-11 (20) - Efficiency - $145. No pets. 339- duplex. $85/month, Z9-3-11 (19) VEGA liwTsharp^ no"rusL economical. $1395/will trade. Call very SaTONaHSS CENTER, Dept. ME, Box 4490, Wesl Jol|Y 0-9-3-11 (441 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed place. Located on farm, 10 miles east of East Lansing. $200/month, 8688. 8-3-7 1231 3327093 ? 633* spring term. Cedar Village Apart¬ utilities paid. 675-6566. 5-3-10 1181 CHEVELLE 1970 - Malibu. 2 door Townsend at DYKSTRA FORD Berkeley, CA 94704. ZB 6-3-111321 ments. Parking space included. hardtop, red with black vinyl top, 393-1800, extension 546. 6-3-11 STORE DETECTIVES. C.J. ma- 351-7817. Z 5-3-10 1121 350 V-8 automatic transmission, 118) NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: Full jors. junior and above. 10-3 p.m. FOR RENT near East Lansing, power steering. Sharp. time day hostess and cook-utility, Monday through Friday. 641-6734 furnished 2 bedroom apartment NEED TWO, to sublease spring. 3 3 8 1191 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT 1976. 4- available over break. Also wait- Call (or details. Z 7-3-11 (151 with garage. Ideal for two college Pool, air. 731 Brucham Apart¬ ATTENTM - CHEVROLET 1955 - 67,000 actual door, stereo, Michelins, automa- tic. Brand new. 3,000 miles. Phone resses starting spring term. THE PEANUT BARREL, 521 East BOOKKEEPER - PART time. 1 - 6 ments. 351-0922. Z 2-3-7 (121 girls. $200 monthly including utili¬ ties. Call 666-4583. Z 7-3-11 (221 YOUR miles. Over $700 of new work. 355-5790 8-3 p.m. 6-3-111151 Grand River. 4-3-8 (24) p.m. Monday - Friday. MICHIGAN TWO FEMALES needed immedi¬ Otters being accepted. 353-2071. Z YOUNG WORLD. 482-1259 before VW SQUAREBACK 1971. Rebuilt ately, Old Cedar Village. Parking, 3-3-9 (14) SALAD GIRL - Experienced. 5 p.m. 3-3-9 1121 balcony. Rent negotiable. 351- engine, good tires, radio, heater, Apply within, LION'S DEN. See 5127. Z 6-3-11 (121 PLEASE!! CORDOBA 1975. Real sharp, load¬ extra wheel rims. Great condition. Robert Lundy, Monday-Friday. " . ed, clean, like new. $700 and take $1060. 353-7285 days. 337-2320 489-2496. 7-3-11 113) GRADUATE STUDENT to work over payments. 694-5307. 6-3-11 pwpninnc R.1.Q not ' part time, weekends in car rental PINILAKI VW 1971 Super Beetle, automatic MALE COUNSELORS - Camp office. 489-1484. 6-3-9 112) APARTMINTS Midicha - a summer camp for CORVETTE 1977. Power steering/ stick. AM/FM stereo, runs good. brakes/windows, air, leather, Needs brakes. $575. 694-9183. diabetic children. If interested call * \ U > * 6080 Marsh Rd. AM/FM, CB, stereo tape, cruise 1-313-733-2410. Z5-3-9114) ft MW. J Meridian Mall Area control, other options. Call 339- 3400 or 349-1212. 8-3-9 (201 777. A-v---- |WfaJjA All student advertising must be the last two weeks of each term. PrePa,<| or sail. 482-6893. J' «165-«200 CUTLASS SUPREME '76, 350 $450/ofter. Reliable. 349-2836. Z __1_! J . , ' On* Bedroom Units C'mon over V-8. power steering/brakes, auto¬ 3-3-9J12) J AND CHECK OUT | REACH ONE of the 42,000 poten- ' Appliances ALL STUDENT ADVERHSI matic, radials, rally wheels. 18,000 COLLINGWOOD APTSI miles. 393-0723. 6-3-9 (151 s-'fiss.'srttva i Shag carpatlng ' * ' air conditioned SS"jaEi'S,?&~ SKSt""*—'s Air, drapat * dishwasher • mmi MUST BE PREPAID DATSUN 1200 Coupe 1972. New ■ Ideal forgrad. * brakes, snow tires, 1200cc engine, students, couples shag carpeting stick shift. Very clean. 39,000 SOMEONE NEEDED to babysit 2 * unlimited parking miles. $1200.393-1590, before 5:30 ' Near laka Lansing Park * p.m., weekdays. 10-3-11 (221 C,Mil. .StTfiCt. |f~V) r chiexchange ldren, ages 7 and 10. in for room and board plus ? is now leasing (or loll 1 * plush furniture Service^ $20 a week. From 10:30 - 8 a.m. model open daily X mar (•with special sun rotes) Short term DODGE WINDOW Van. 1975 Excellent condition, partially cus GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 372-6387.8-3-11 (24) | -H..-,r,n,i ■ leates available. Now leasing lor 347 Student Air cMCItlonlng Summer and Fall tomized, plus many practical ex tras. Taking offers over $4500 Replacement cost, $7000. 351 inch. Priced from $4. Mounted tree. PENNELL SALES 1301)4 PART TIME employment for students. 15-20 hours/week. Au¬ MSU 339 - 8192 Coll 351-82(2 355-8255 East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- (behind Rollerworld 4685. 3-3-8 (20, tomobile required. 339-9500. C-9- 749lurdtam3$l-91ll 1-468-3857 on the river 5818. C-9-3-11 (171 11 (121 I) HMMHMMMMHHMMMHHMFtF# I ..irhingn Stote News, Eoit Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 7, 1977 13 HOKIS I|#i ]g] I fir Silt m | Service~ flistrictiM [jislriclioH |lC,cc FURNISHED one. OWN ROOM, spring term. Len- FOR RENT, basement for FOR QUALITY stereo service THE PIANO LESSONSty experienced Pool,air,peddnp-ClMj 332-3317 or 1517) 483- room single girl only. 349-4177. 536 COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, Nancy Drews, Beatle items Want¬ STEREO SHOPPE, 556 East Grand young teacher. Beginning thru PIANO LESSONS - Teaching all methods and types desired. Begin¬ EXPERT IBM Typist-Theses, dis¬ sertations, general typing. Rea¬ rSiua ed! Visit CURIOUS USED BOOK River. C-9-3-11 (121 ^vanc«L6946487. JOG6 021 ners included. Call 349-1359. 5-3-9 sonable. 393-9971/337-2129 after6 OWN ROOM X 24-3-11 - share house. Near PRIVATE SINGLE "room,, SHOP, 307 East Grand River, WRITING, EDITING, tutoring. p.m. (121_ IwoVeN 8partment W -flfcnn needed to aubiat ipnng ™™SPri'>fl'«ummer option. Call 484-3674. Z 5-3-8 (12) free laundry, no utilities. 2 blocks from 3326112, (open 11:30-6 p.m.) INCOME TAX preparation by TAX English Department grad student WRITING CONSULTANT 8 years JUDITH CARMAN. Experienced C-53-11 (22) looking for work. Reasonable lsS» call 332-8979. Z-7-3- Berkey. 337-1500. Z 6-36 (12) CORPORATION OF AMERICA counselor in your home. Week¬ rates. 332-2606, evenings. 6-9 p.m. experience in professional editing, writing skill instruction. 337-1591. dissertation typist. Term papers, theses, dissertations. Call 393- b TWO or four people to BEAUTIFUL ROOM in sharp home. Ijrge yard, trees. 15th. 498.25. 337-2679. Z6-311 March QUIET, CLEAN, close Own room to campus. in house. Reasonable. yciiHV / FOR V ends, evenings. 337-2747 after 5 p.m. 0-9-3-11 (171 Z 5-3-10 (15) GUITAR. FLUTE, banjo and drum 0-3-3-9 (12) 46726-511J12) .a attractive apartment. Evenings, 337-2656. 8-3-10 (12) HOOKS lessons. Private instruction availa¬ | Snmcilfa] PROFESSIONAL TYPIST as¬ sociated with Ann Brown print¬ ,o campus. Call 337-0137. S FREE. . .A lesson in complexion ble. MARSHALL MUSIC, 351- ing. 3359076 after 3 p.m. 8-3-8 11161 LARGE ROOM, near campus. Call 484-4519 East Michigan 7830._C_26-7(122 care. (12! Gibsons ANN BROWN PRINTING AND Clean house. Available spring or 485-7197 Lansing M4II. MERLE PIANO LESSONS beginners TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, t NEEDED to sublease 4 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ - term. 486 plus utilities. Call SSI- NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. through advanced. All ages wel¬ general printing. Serving MSU for BIBS. 5-3-7 (14) sertation, (pica-elite.) FAYANN C, cedar Village Apartment. FEMALES - OWN rooms-house. Loads of Paper and C-9-3-11 (181 come. Phone 355-0780. Z-4-36 27 years with complete theses 4896358. C-53-11 (121 Rent negotiable. Call service. 349-0850. C-53-11 119) (continued on page 14) 2 miles-MSU. Pets considered. .SINGLE ROOMS. 425 deposit. hardbacks. Text and 76. Z 6-3-8115) Warm atmosphere. 332-2681. 15 Reference From 466/month. Also lease by week. Call between 126 p.m. STMENT TO sublet. Immedi- We buy books anytime 351-4495. C-9-3-11 (15) iccupancy. 731 Burcham. 5 BEST DEAL in Townl Room and 128 W.Grand River - from campus. Call 351- board, 4246 per term. Call nowl I bl. W. of Union ROOM AVAILABLE"-" mieT 4 |$220/month. Z 5-3-7 (15) MONTIE HOUSE, 3326641 Z bedroom house. ^ MthruFri. COPPER R!VIT •ne 10-3-11 (151 FEMALE NEEDED-own room in house. Rent 487.50. Pets, mer. close to bus. Spring, and sum¬ Parking, walking' distance, 3516758. ^ 7-3-11 \ 9:00 - 5:30 / Friendly SMITH CORONA manual type¬ people. 332-5275. Z 3-3-9 (12) Jl ROOM - 3 bedroom du¬ FEMALE — ROOM for rent. Three writer. 425.393-3884 after 6 p.m. E ff S75/month, utilities. Partially 53-8 (12) d. Elaine, 351-2035. Z 3-3- ROOMS MALE student. Private - entrance, bath, shower, tele¬ blocks from campus. 351-5194. Z 4-36(12) BOOK EXCHANGE - 2301 East Introduces All New phone, refrigerator, parking. 485 Michigan Avenue. Paperbacks, L for rent in si* man house. 1946.5-3-11(12) I f»r Sill lf51 comics, buy, sell, trade. 4850416. Lee Set* denims „ month. Call 351-1481. Z 12-3-11 112) TWO ROOMS, females, in nice country ranch. Horse and dog PIONEER TP-828 8-track car ster¬ 10-SPEED bike - Torpado Super ■ rOOMS available In new six welcome. 625-7780. BZ 1-3-7 (121 eo, powerplay speakers, bracket, Tourismo, 25" frame, like new, |om house. Spring summer TWO PLACES available. Campus excellent, 475. 482-2931. 8-3-10 4100. Scott, 484-0935 after 8 p.m. Close to campus. 381-7118. two blocks. Furnished. 475. 394- (12) S-53-7 (15) 100% COTTON DENIM JEANS THAT START SOFTER. §71151 1J68X9-3-11 (121 NEW, USED and vintage guitars, STAY SMOOTHER AND ARE WRINKLE RESISTANT t TO share two bedroom L on Lansing's south side, ionth utilities. 393-7690 after 440 PARK Lane. Single, double or attic room in nice house. Rent banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ [ Animals JIVlJ Thanks to New Sanfor-Set ® Process I z 5-3-10 (16) negotiable. 332-1928. Z 6-3-11 (141 sories, books, thousands of hard COLLIE SHEPHERD - female. 4 to 6nd albums. (All at years. Free to good home. Watch¬ very low TOWNHOUSE, SERIOUS liberal I ROOM with extras. Prefer person. Furnished, 465/month prices.) Private and group lessons dog. Call 3551379. ZE 5510 (12) |$8?/month. Close, busline. plus utilities, deposit. Now on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all 1)15. X 83 -9 (121 styles. Gift certificates. Expert ■ ROOMS in house, two through August. 394-2973. 6-3-11 (14) repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY 1 Mobile Homes] fej INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand ■ from campus. Spring term. 10 X 55, 1963 Champion trailer. 526 SUNSET: 419, 421, 432/week. River. 332-4331. C-9-3-11 (49) Good condition, clean, 1 % baths, §1-2713. Z-7-3-10 (121 Utilities included. Cooking, park¬ 2 bedrooms carpeted, partially ing. Lease til 6/12. 351-5847. 2-3-7 furnished, etc. Shed included. | ROOM in modern new (14) WHEEL'N 1 Three people needed. 42200. 487-6826. Z 7-3-11 (19) 1332-5491. Z 3-3-9 (12) BOGUE STREETCO-OP~openings TRACK 12 X 60 HOMETTE - Two bed¬ spring term. Men and women. IrOOM. Fireplace, parking. 4 Very close to campus. 3516660, 10 speed handcrafted by rooms. 4170 per month plus % north of campus. Rent Susan or Lori.Z 6-3-11 (17) Lambert deposit. Williamston. Call 655 lie 337-2177. Z 5-3-11 (12) 2252.53-11 (121 Reflulor $275.00 ROOM AVAILABLE - 5 bedroom j AVAILABLE, house, house. 2 blocks from Student NOW |Mt'lSO¬ 1973 LIBERTY 12 X 44. Big I furnished room. Parking Services. Cell Dave. 332-0241. US laming Rood, Pottery III. windows, cement steps. On lake 0. 326 MAC. 3516256. 6-3-9 (13) 445-24*2 near school. Two bedrooms, appliances, skirting, Kool-seal on ROOM IN house. Close, parking, 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. roof. 42900. 3554197 M-F. 6-10 Z 5-3-11 123) Jl ONE person needed for furnished, clean. Spring/summer. Tanks, cannisters and uprights. p.m. ff bedroom luxury duplex in 480/month. Jerry, 351-0600. Z 5-3-11 1131 Guaranteed one full year, 47.88 1972 NEW Moon, 3 bedroom, full Township. Garage, and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING bath. Stove, refrigerator, storage ig pool, own room. Call COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ 6. Ask for Tom or Jeff. Z ONE ROOM, close to campus in shed. Fully skirted. Call anytime, friendly household. Rent negoti¬ posite City Market. C-9-3-11 1241 651-5194. 5-3-11 (161 able. Spring/summer. 351-9066. MY DUPLEX, near campus. BZ 1-3-7 (131 Hair,3bedrooms; Available Lost I found 5 394-1937. X Z 8-3-11 ROOMMATES WANTED - Two rooms in large three bedroom | ATTENTION MUSICIANS | LOST: KEY chain - brown lea¬ house. Clean, quiet, must see. ther, with butterfly, whistle. BEDROOM. Busline, furn- 483/month. 482-5736. Z 1-3-7 116) 15% 1 North-Central campus. Call Anne, I 485/person. Spring and OFF an ony guitar | 332-5172, evenings. S 5-3-10 (15) r. Lexington. 337-2117. Z ROOM AND board at TRIANGLE ■ or bass amplifier I FOUND: Orange/white male cat. FRATERNITY. 4450/term. Close | with this ad. | With collar. Wardcliff Mobile to campus. 332-3563. Z 5-3-11112) I ■ room - large house be- 1 March 15th. Located 2 PERSON NEEDED in spacious 3 We stock Kustom, I Fender, Gibson, Peavey, I J Manor area. 351-8844. 2-36 1121 J from I 1.332-0545. campus. Friendly Z 5-3-11 (151 bedroom, 1 % baths, quiet setting. 486.50, no lease. 349-2841. Z West, and Others. J Personal ][/j KR00M. Close, clean, quiet 5-3-11 (14) i COME ON DOWN J ■ I Spring term. Must see. W-6709.XZ 6-3-11 (12) ROOM FOR rent. 470 per month ■ dickmadial 1701 SOUTH CIDAH jJ mSoTTooT car nnded plus utilities. Block from campus. American i room in four bedroom 1 Sublease spring term. 3516465. Z 5-3-11 (12) SUBLEASE OWN room, spring. ^ 447.3444 J make Future Systems appointment at Place¬ I monthly. Near campus, SPRING CLEANING is just around ment Office Student Services Great house. Laundry, dish¬ x). Z 5-3-11 1141 washer, close. 4220/term, negotia¬ thecornerl All those unused items ble. 351-8966. Z 5-3-11 113) C8n be turned into cash! Sell them ■ BEDROOM, fast with a classified ad. Call Kevin BIRTHDAY - SPECIAL occasion; mobile home at 3556255. S 16-3-11 (27) instead of flowers send musigram, P Near MSU. bus. 4180/ SINGLE ROOMS. Male, female. 482/month, utilities paid. 236 personal message. Call 337-2208. 1 3935175. 5-3-11 (12) LIGHTENING FAST SERVICE!I 3-3-9 (12) North Harrison. 3326990, immed¬ NEEDED to share. iate and spring term. Z10-3-11 (16) Electronic repair on all makes of N B close. Utilities paid. V4 rent, (42.50) free. 332- stereos, TV's, guitar amps, and CB's. Expert service at the lowest EUROPE -- OWN ROOM semi-furnished. Iter 1 p.m. - 3326057 after 6 15-3-11119) Close, private entrance, parking. Available 3/18. 337-0678 after 7 prices in town. All repairs carry warranty. Buy, sell, trade. WIL¬ ^,,1/2'tsr" p.m. 8-3-11113) COX TRADING POST, 509 East . , (800) 325-4867 0RTH HOUSE CO-OP has Michigan, Lansing. .484-4391. C LARGE DOUBLE room in excel¬ 6-3-11 (38) >gs spring term for men and ® Utv.Travel Charters , |n Room and board, approx- J»*300 per term. CaH 332- lent house, 3 blocks to campus. SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE Kitchen, laundry, parking. Prefer K'3-3-11 (20) grad or couple. Call James, 351- SALEI Brand new portables IE THREE bedroom country 3957 or 332-0062. 8-3-11 (22) 449.95. 45 per month. Large Peanets Personal j ® , selection of reconditioned used Iedtoom 10 minutes from MSU. ROOMMATE NEEDED - 4 girl machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- WELCOME: CAROL, Ann, and den. Call after apartment. 464.75/month. Excel¬ chl's, New Home and "many Mamie, Mary and Laurie, our new m 675-5397. 8-3-11 (17) lent location. Deposit required. others." 419.95 to 39.95. Terms. Tri Delta pledges. Z 1-3-7 (121 332-5272. 3-3-7 (12) ■ LANSING. ^ three~bedroom EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Get into a new pair of Lee-Set® denim Fall COMPANY, 1115 North Washing¬ basement/garage. ROOMMATE WANTED - own miutilities and deposit. 337- ton. 4896448. C-9-3-11 126) |»694-6506.8-3-11 116) room, spring and summer. 475 plus utilities. One block, campus. jeans. Wash 'em and wear 'em. They COLOR TV RCA. XL-100 solid NEW IN town? Let me help you Call 351-7777. S 5-3-5 (191 - come out of the wash neater and cleaner. B7 - PERSON to rent state, 15" screen. Excellent condi¬ find a place to call home. Paul J 55/month plus utilities. NEW COMMUNITY CO-OPERA¬ tion. 4220. 355-9839. 8-3-7 (121 Coady, 332-3582 MUSSELMAN ■ fceed. Busline, close. TIVE needs members. 4285/term, Wrinkle resistant! Smooth seams - ready ■ 371-4572. Z 7-3-11 (151 room/board/utilities. Close. 351- PORTABLE TV in excellent condi¬ REAIJY.C-5511 08) 3820. Z 8-36 1121 tion. 428. 4846783. E-53-7 (121 ST. JOHNS - sharp one story to wear. Lee-Set® the most FT ROOMS in house. 480- contemporary home with fire¬ utilities. Beth, Sue, EAST LANSING - single rooms COMPLETE SKI set. Skis, boots- place. Two baths, attached comfortable jean you can wear. 438,500. Call Liz Nobis. J 351-2379. Z-5-3-9 (12) three blocks MSU. No pets^ size 11, poles. Must sell. 455. 353-2837. Z 2-3-8 (121 garage. 2246170 or BROWN REAL shown after 5:30 all Sunday. 253 Vi ESTATE, 224-3987. 4-3-10 123) l£M00M furnished. Tun THE LEEN FLARE DENIM JEANS Free Lee belt buckle Gunson. 10-3-11 (161 f south SKIS - BLIZZARD Glasport ■rouse. $400. of campus. 1)4 394-1168.9-3- 185cm. 460. Red fiberglass. Must SO BUSY selling your home 100% COTTON-SIZES 28-42 $17 with purchase of any MEN'S SINGLE, 486, includes there's no time to pack? Let Paul utilities, kitchen faci^^Iirnrtian Coady, MUSSELMAN REALTY, THE K.C. STRIPE BRUSHED DENIM JEANS Lee-Set® jeans! 332-2906, 351- LUDWIG DRUMS - Five piece. helpl 332-3582. C 5-3-11 (171 I ROOM, M famished, three student atmosphere. Kelly, 4950^6(12) Cases, throne, Zildjan cymbals. 100% COTTON-SIZES 32-42 $20 Look for the Lee-Set' Immaculate. 4650. 351-5715. Z excellent condi- display *6-3-81121 $88/m°nth. 332- OWN ROOM in close to campus. co-ed house, Spring term 4-36 (12) ripsi only. 351-1258. Z 5-3-11 (121 SHERWOOD S-7200, Ohm - D * r^?^ ^®eded, "spring/ EhS",oom' lar9e house, EAST LANSING - single room for woman. Close to campus. Unfurn¬ speakers, Micracard 620-U table. 4425. Call Norm, 394-2973. 6-3-10 SQUINTING CAUSES wrinkles. Help prevent with prescription ground sunglasses. OPTICAL COPPER RIVET Kt?'?neblock from bus. ished. 480. 332-5988. 56-11 021 (12) DISCOUNT, 2617 East Michigan, EPIPHONE MODEL FT-365 12 Lansing. 372-7409. C 5-3-11 (16) ROOM IN house for rent. Large, string guitar with hard shell case. PASSPORT PHOTOS near campus, good pnce. 351- Mint condition. 4225. 351-1227. S FEINGOLD PHOTOGRAPHY. 7645 anytime. 1-3-7 (121 36-7 (16) Etom ihome» ,or 6/45. Call evenings, 351-2586. O BANK AMERICARD AND MASTER CHARGE WELCOME • FREE GIFT WRAPPING • LAY AWAY ■and 1° „ h?me* "™ furn- SINGLE - COOKING, carpeting, TRIVIA CHALLENGE, only 42.00, 2-3/7 ve7leave"'«• Call a Craig parking. Very close to campus. TRIVIA, Box 41068, Chicago, Illi¬ STORE HOURS: MON. THRU SAT., 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; SUN. 12 noon to 6 p.m. messaoe EDITING THESES, research IK utilities paid. 3326001.3-3-9 - 153-8 T^'M-niai (12) nois 60641. Z 02^ papers, journal articles. Grammar, ADJACENT TO MEUER THRIFTY ACRES ON WEST GRAND RIVER OR SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA THORENS TD-160 turntable. Ex¬ punctuation, organization, clarity. ■hlhnf Furnished 3 plu' "tl'ltla*. LARGE, FURNISHED, quiet room. Close to campus. Call 3616154 cellent condition with Stanton 681 EE. Great value. 4140. 349- Experienced, fast, reasonable. 484-3862 after 5:30 p.m. X 6-3-9 r371^. 7-3-11 (121 after 3 p.m. 9-3-11(121 9679. Z-5-36 (121 1161 14 Michigan State News. Eost Lansing, Michigor Mondoy. March7 , By CARLOSS08A the very rich and the very poor. necessary for re-opening the nation Is better off as a The large island which' lies 90 The new emphasis on economic Cuban-U.S. relations. unified, virtually claasless However, President Jimmy society, rather than the "free," miles off the coast of Florida equality for all, while sacri¬ Carter later modified that almost cute-like system that has been a dilemma for the ficing privileges which once ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ statement, alluding to the fact existed in the pre-Cutro era. United States for the last 16 belonged only to a few, seems manuscripts, term to have been accepted by the that Cuba's references to Under Fulgencio Batista, Cu¬ ing theses, papers. 11 (121 Evenings, 675-7544. C-9-3- Cuba years. Cuba, once the borne of sugar cane monopolies and pompous "denpocratic" dic¬ majority of the populace. Diplomatic overtures have Puerto Rican independence should be curtailed as a sign of ba's lut dictator, the elections were engineered, soldiers were tators has since become a recently been made by the good faith by the Castro re¬ potted at polling places to PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ insure the symbol which many third-world Carter Administration in order gime. outcome of the sonal and professional IBM typing. Cuba has survived the nations envy and hope to to move towards normalisation voting, and upward mobUity for service. 351-5094. C-9-3- ready to One day emulate: the nation that has of relations with Cuba. Former embargo, the isolation of being the huge lower claw wu mini- 11 1121 successfully challenged the RAPID TYPING service. Themes, United States. It is evident that the people of elections were engineered, sol¬ usttinAmeri«»2 dissertations, term papers. IBM Selectric. Call 694-1541. 13-3-11 Despite a devastating embar¬ go which was placed on the Cuba have been convinced . . . that the nation is better off as a diers were posted at polling places to insure the outcome of BrasrsS 1121 THESIS, DISSERTATION, and normalize island by President Eisenhower in 1960, Cuba has survived to build a new foundation for its unified, virtually classless socie¬ ty, rather than the 'free,' almost the voting and upward for the huge lower class was mobility State Henrv it' ,ta7 term paper typing. Fast reason¬ future as a Communist country. caste-like system that existed in minimal Nations with able. Call JOHN CALHOUN, 332- There were many growing "■« Chi,,'*1 2078. 0-9-3-11 M2I pains — Castro's repudiation of the pre-Castro era . . . The normalization 'J? LOOKING FOR someone to your humble abode? Let Beth help share relations the United States, the impotent attempts at "exporting revolu¬ President Ford was moving in the only overt anti-American mal. Another important facet of Soviet Union, Carter the prime V„J 'V Administration^ you place a classified ad. 355- tion," and the lack of success of the same direction until the government in the Western opportunity to 8255. S 3-11 (171 the sugar crops in the mid- 1960s, but it seems that the Cuban intervention in Angola, which halted preliminary trial hemisphere. Domestically there have been no attempts at the acceptance of Castro's regime by the Cubans hu been FdX;backyir^ MdeCatros^rn Tl» United JL TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and reasonable 371-4635. C-9-3-11 with U.S. worst is over for the island. Being a typical Communist state, there have been liberties balloons on exchanging ambas¬ sadors expressed by both Kiss¬ inger and Castro. ousting Castro, except for the abortive CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs incident and minor outings his moving away from the aura of the "personality cult." The Premier seldom appears public¬ won't States relinquish Cuba, but, a, crife FAST AND accurate typing. Rea¬ which have been usurped to Secretary of State Cyrus by Cuban expatriates. It is ly these days, only for foreign also must drop it, p,™ achieve the metamorphosis of a Vance said recently in a press evident that the people of Cuba interviews, or important state tbou attitude sonable rates. Near Coral Gables. society which before Castro conference that he believed have been convinced (some occuions. There is no in¬ towards k Call Marilyn 337-2293. 0-9-3-11 was composed of two classes - that there were no conditions might say brainwashed) that security evident on Cutro's rnh;rr— "Chile, Brazil, and Ur1 [bnsn'i'im IS; ' fyuND Town 1 -STOP SHOPPING SAVES MONEY, TIME, ENERGY FLORIDA'S CHEAPER and more fun when you share the ride. Advertise here for rides or riders. Call Ted at 355-8255. S3-11 1171 ' A SAMPLE RIDERS: MOTOR home to Balti¬ more and Florida. March 16. $30. Greg, 349-2827 Z 1-3-7 112) ADVERTISE THAT end of term special! 20 words only $12 for 5 days. Call Barb. 355-8255. S 5-3-9 SAVINGS! L K (16) WIN MONEY! Grand prizes from WANTED - HOUSE for fall 1977. $150 to $300 at Bingo! 7:30 p.m. Rela¬ Minimum, five bedrooms. tively close to campus, Deposit available. Call 355-2050, 353-1267, Tuesday Night. CONGREGATION SHAAREYZEKEK, 1924 Coolidge, NICK GOOD THRU SATURDAY MARCH 12,1977. MEUER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT SALES AC¬ "Save $14.00 or 353-0232. S 5-3-11 (191 East Lansing. C-9-3-11 (201 CORDING TO SPECIFIED LIMITS. NO SALES TO DEALERS, INSTITUTIONS OR DISTRIBUTORS. c Announcements for It's What's Cantilever Club 3* meets at 7 Happening must be received in the tonight in 183 Natural Resources State News office, 343 Student Services Bldg., by noon at least two class days before publication. Attention social work students: No announcements will be USAC meeting at 7:30 tonight in Molded file cobinet, desk top Accessory accepted by phone. 555 Baker Hall. pack. 22'x 44". Woodgrain finish table MEN'S & LADIES' top with 28" chrome legs. Comes Musicians and entertainers: We need volunteers to perform at Ingham County Young Republi¬ unassembled. "SUNDANCE" 10-SPEED 26' cans General meeting at 7:30 p.m. Stockbridge Convalcare. Get Tuesday in the Bristol Square STAC0 TUF-FILE LIGHTWEIGHT BICYCLE experience while doing commun¬ apartments Clubhouse, 517 ity services. Call Kathy Garling- Edgewood Blvd. Lansing. 1 DRAWER FILE CABINET "THE KNIT BIT" QUARTZ HAND SPOTLIGHT By Huffy. A doroiUour gearing system house. Ladies' with stem mounted shift levers. 18!i"x 15Vx 14'/,". Beautiful tex¬ pull-over knit tops with short or The NREE Club will meet at 7 tured finish will not rust, dent or crock. cap sleeve in ossorted spring colors. Chrome. 12 foot cord. Fits oil 12 Gearing 36-97, 25 x 1H" blockwoll If you'd like to explore oppor¬ tonight in 338 Natural Resource Perfect for home, school or office. Available in a stripe or solid assort¬ volt systems. 200,000 candle tires, dual caliper handbrakes, reflec¬ tunities in a particular career, visit Bldg. We'll be electing new offi- ment. Assorted polyester blends. Sizes tive rot trap pedals, Men's bend han¬ Available in block or beii power. the Career Resource Center lo¬ dlebars, and rocino style soddle Frome S-M-l. *15 88 cated in the Counseling Center, size: Man's -22", ladies' -19". I9M0- $1247 207 Student Services Bldg. Folk dancing at 8 tonight in 9691. $544 Bailey Grade School, comer of YOUR OUR REG. SH.II RIG. $77.17 $63" Business students: The Under¬ Ann and Bailey streets. graduate Student CHOICE Advisory •°' Council meets at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Attention ANR students: Nomi¬ School Supplies Dept. Ladies' Sporttwoer Dept. Auto Supply Dopt. 103 Eppley Center. Sporthg Goods Dept. nating petitions available for Stu¬ dent Senate elections during spring registration in 121 Agricul¬ Free pediatric clinic! Immuniza¬ tions, well-baby checks, birth to 12 years, every Wednesday by ture Hall. ifflBSi mu«x*a*»«! _ .... BONELESS HAM 'I*.8 Women: Anonymously report appointment only. Call DEC, 398 sexual assaults, obscene calls to Park Lane across sing Police Department. from East Lan¬ rape. from Call Wonen's Council office 4:40 to 6 p.m. Sunday « through Thursday. Campus Chapter of Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. Tuesday, 253 Student Services Bldg. Help us Deadline for the Creative Writ¬ ing Contest is March 15. All LEAN (WATER AWCP BY MANUFACTURER) help ourselves. MSU students eligible. Bring 101, to) The Christian Science Organi¬ entries to English Department GENUINE U S. NO. 11DAHO BAKING office, Morrill Hall. zation, north campus, invites you to its weekly testimony meetings at 6:45 p.m. Tuesday, 342 Union. Volunteers needed to type lec¬ The Baptist Student Union pre¬ sents "The Fisherman" at 7 tonight at 940 S. Harrison Road, and at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Wonders tft8 ture tapes for hearing-impaired Hall. tMcfc1ifl.«.ntarRMI« students. Contact Pat Weil, Office TAB, SPRITE OR of Programs for Handicappers Bicentennial Lecture Series pre¬ 97* W-402 Library. sents environmentalist Dr. Roderick Nash, at 7:30 p.m. Nutrition services offered at the Drug Education Center, 398 Park Lane, at 5 p.m. every Monday. Tuesday in the Kellogg Center Auditorium. C0CAC01A JUKPEWWL Center for the Arts, 425 S. Interested in handicapper issues? STIGMA invites you to its Grand River Ave., Lansing, pre¬ GALLON JUG lovi •ovi 47* jaA /Z*10WFATMIIK9> weekly meeting at 8 p.m. every sents Participatory Arts from 1 to 3 p.m. today, Linoleum Block Monday in 339 N. Case Hall. Printing and Silk Screen class. The Christian Science Informal Women's Studies Group will Organization meets at 7 tonight in meet at 3:30 p.m. today in the 221 Baker Hall. Union Oak Room. 12 ft K. M" Lesbian Rap group meets at 6:30 tonight on the Union Sun- There will be a Block and Bridle Cluo meeting at 7:30 p.m. ORANGE JUKE 37 porch. New women welcome. Tuesday in 110 Anthony Hall. East Lansing Public Library, 950 THE CIA AND MSU. A repre¬ Abbott Road, presents a free film at 7 tonight, "Tin Pan sentative of the CIA and pro¬ Alley." fessors Z. Ferency and C. Larrowe discuss CIA involvement at MSU Join the Great Issues staff. We at 7 tongiht in Erickson Hall kiva. need your support and ideas. Visit us at 330 Student Services Bldg. Graduate students: COGS will meet at 6:30 tonight in the Con EXPERIENCE SILENCE! Medi¬ Con Room of the International tation session with B.S. Center. Tyagi at 7:30 tonight in 312 Agriculture Hall. Bring a blanket to sit on. Women's Forum meets at 4 p.m, every Wednesday in Eustace Pre-Vet Club office, 331 Stu¬ Hall library. This week's topic: dent Services Bldg., is open daily Bisexuality, its definition and from 11:30 a.m. to 1:20 p.m. Call implications. through the ASMSU switch¬ board. Students interested in volun¬ teering in a local art gallery MSU Single Parents will meet at working with sales, a newsletter, Spartan Village Day Care Center public relations, contact 26 Stu¬ at 5:30 dent Services Bldg. tonight. Babysitting ser¬ vices provided. Volunteers needed to work in Social Service Agency as health Mensa Game Night at 7:30 tonight at 4503 Seaway Drive, aide, recreation leader, money management counselor, food 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA, Lansing. BYO games, snacks, stamp outreach. Contact 26 Stu¬ friends. Call Bob Dye. dent Services Bldg. NEW ENERGY SAVING HOURS: SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 1.30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. - SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO A P.M Ij.hinnn State News, Eost lonsing, Michioon , Monday, March 7, 1977 15 DOONESBURY l^qlwlaiqinoql SANTANA dlDoHy Uv ygyfifte sponsored by March 12th by Garry Trudeau -AND THEN WHEN THEY I WELL. IT WAS I KNOW. OOTID THE SCENEWHERE ii \APRETTYDtS- BUT I'VE ,J|M.TV(C»S) (lO)WllX-TV(NBC) (11 )WELM-TV(Cobl.) HE JUST WALKED AROUND IN A W CLYDE I KNOW, (12)WJRT-TV)ABC <23)WKAR-TV(PBS) , KUNTAKINTE IS CAPTURED, .■%.\meiN6SH0W, NEVER SEEN WOE SAYIN6 CHER AND OVER, AimssAlS BUT 1WSTINE CLYDE JUST WENT INTO A ■V FT! OF RASE! Tg) II e/NNY.. I CLYDE SO 'WHO AM I? HOW DID I GET THAT I \ IT REALLY SHAKEN! r\ HERE!' i WORRIED ME.. monday 3:30 7:25 (4) Match Game 10:50 morning (23) WKAR Membership- (23) Ullat, Yoga and You (23) WKAR Membership- 11:30 Pledge Drive Pledge Drive 4:00 7:30 (4) Confetti 11:00 ,» of Lif • (4) Gong Show 0ot lor the Stars (10) Scrambled Eggs (4-12) News (10) Hollywood Squares (23) Movie loppy Day. (12) Wild. Wild Wett (12) Hollywood Squares "Cesar and Rosalie" Tllas, Yoga and You (23) Setame Street 7:40 11:5$ 11:15 4:30 (23) Glory of Their Times (10) News IS News (4) Bewitched 8:00 11:30 (10) Emergency One I Iafternoon 5:00 (4) Jeffersons (4) Kojak PEANUTS Per ell yew 12:00 (10) Billy Graham Crusade (12) Mary Hartman, hiflh uippliti (4) Guntmoke (12) Captain BTennllle sponsored by: Opon 10 AM-9 PM Doily ■ News Mary Hartman (12) Emergency One! 226 Abbott Road. East lomeThat Tuna (23) Mister Rogers 8:30 11:45 by Schulz Lansing (4) Busting Loose (10) Johnny Carson (23) WKAR Membership- 12:20 WHO'S ^ FEED SNOOPY alawe^ MAKE SURE HE nanoc MONDAY EVENING Pledge Drive 60IN6 TO FOR ME WHILE SURE HE SETS ENOUGH AND 12:30 8:45 5:30 1 week in FEED THE I'M AWAh SETS tell everyone irch for Tomorrow (10) Adam-12 (23) Microbes and Men DOc? 9:00 London i UjiLLYCVTy ENOUGH NOT TO WORRk... ivers and Frlandi (11) Cable 11 News (4) Maude ion's Hopa 1:00 5:40 (10) Movie *479 (23) WKAR Membership. "The Wind and the Lion" jng and the Restless Pledge Drive ong Show 5:50 (11) Cable II News (12) Most Wanted 1 My Childran (23) Electric Company 9:30 irival 4:00 1:30 (4) All's Fair (4-10-12) News the World Turn» (11) Big Ten Fencing 9:45 (23) WKAR Membership- FRANKS ERNEST yys of Our Llvei 4:20 sponsored by: Pledge Drive imily Feud (23) WKAR Membership- 2:00 Pledge Drive 10:00 by Bob Thaves 10% MSU DISCOUNT (4) Andros Targets 0,000 Pyramid 4:30 (12) Feather 8 Father Gang gronsky at large (4) CBS News (23) ASMAT:The Cannibal 2:30 (10) NBC News Ming light (12) ABC News Craftsmen of New Guinea 337-1301 OON'T let Him triors (23) Dawn of Laurel and Hardy ■•Life to live 4:50 $CARE YOU, ed for Life (23) WKAR Membership- MSU SHADOWS ERNlfc - - - ALU 3:00 Pledge Drive in the Family 7:00 by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: ■other World (4) Hogan't Heroes PRESIDENTS wiring with (10) To Tell the Truth PZNBALL PETE'! Promise full •ntal Flavor (11) MSU Rodeo Present this really funny comic for 25' 3:15 (12)Brady Bunch worth of free play! Employment i moral Hospital (23) Spartan Sportlite ?r-? THE DROPOUTS J ^ * ft Chinese 41 mushrooms over black vegetable*friedandrice, egg g ron and miso soup. by Post The Resume Aces. 54 7 E.GRAND RIVER 332-8667 541 EMPORIUM Down Jackots PROFESSOR PHUMBLE by Bill Yates sponsored by: goM OAMIS A GIFTS FEATURING DUNGEONS & DRAGONS DWN'S TOWN ODTOF like Brown sponsored by: rom* ro ■ w dudes on campos are al ■ WARS TACKING ABOUT MAKING OUT ■ WITH THE GIRLS AND I'M NEVER | VIITH ANY GIRLS... WITH! TODAY'S SPCCIAL Chile Verde lurrito CALVIN AND COMPANY green chile sauce and ground beef sponsored by: by Mark Varadian Low gas prices Possword □□□ rdej SUDU see ana gsng Plus Service I i wouldn't go out with y»u puzzle rarannnng! nsQ ona nnon Banda'i Llttla Fraaway if You were the ^ nansc agaaaa Bar*lea Station last schlarb on 23 Cress 24. Nomadic group □ana bos aia sponsored by: j 11011. Sr. >i.or NulMVorxHylKii 25 Cloudless shy □□O □□□ 0333 Wo Appreciate Your Buiinosi 27 Market □hqdqq □□ana J 4 equal 28 Musical ending □□□ EDQ 29 Inter 30 Commercial □ona nnasnaa 32 Undivided Q0QQ odb ppa »linen 33 Wicker basket riHQQ ana BOB * 34 Biblical iudge Jess leather 35. Anent DOWN J* name 36 pwmdye 38. Hibernia 37, German lancer Constrict 1. Integument 2. Tantamount 3. Bankruptcy 6. Sunset 7. Los Angeles Regard ^iootwijKe 41. Carousal 4. Rest' 42 More reasonable 5. Spanish article 6 Anglo Saxon money VIALLTOWALL 9 Dad CARfttTiNG. BEETLE BAILEY B 1 11. 12. Pungenl Black and blue ( ..V00CAN'T 16. Paying swcepTrtit^s 18. passenger Century plant WD6R THeHUst 19. Nobleman 21 Tribunals 22. Sacred 23. Ungracious 24. Paisley or manoram 25 Acidity 26 Bells 27. Courting 29. Sally 30. Winged 31 Epicure 33 Rugged rock 34 Spirit 36 Mistudge 37. Gums 39. lonatd 40. You and me The Money Man on his way to the MSUBookstore,and he's bringing extra help! So if Bu infi you no longer need your Winter term books, sell them during Finals Week (March I t-lH) Special Book Personnel will be ready to buy your old ones (books) with new uncirculated ones (dollar bills) from 7:.W to ii:00 daily. w etfceue^ £ j? \KXm*W,. 3? 3? -3? _L X. t^ 7,He tou Books S^jLLTb OS neAws MoRt osw BseKS AVAtlAtLi "T*> Vow. /OtXT TtJR.^1 4 m books are ready