By DANIEL HERMAN nothing wrong with that as long as he and BOB OURLIAN State News Staff Writer A spokesperson for the CIA was CIA spokesperson or she severs Larrowe said. their ties with MSU," "If MSU would stay out of countries doused with a pitcher of supposed in which the U.S. has an interest in whitewash Monday night when an angry the member of the press yelled that spokesperson was part of a government coverup. drenched in heated preserving the power of a right-wing dictatorship, then the CIA wouldn't be approaching our professors, and then we wouldn't have to Lawrence Tharp, mid-Michigan edi¬ grapple with the question we're grappling with now: of the Michigan Free Press, exchange at forum tor should we fire a professor who denounced John M. Maury, a former gets involved with the CIA?" chief of CIA Stations in the Soviet Prior to the whitewash incident, Union and Greece, as a participant in many quips and humorous inter¬ government whitewash. changes took place, encouraging audi¬ informal and spirited. Panel members conduct covert activities in combatting Tharp allowed Maury, part of a panel ence reaction. At one point, Maury was were seated on comfortable chairs and discussion on the subject of the CIA international communism, Maury said, sofas, and spoke using only notes, but "It needs the cooperation of academic grilling Ferency on how his rights had and MSU, to respond, then yelled "It's been violated by the CIA: still a whitewash," and ran up to Maury no prepared texts. people." No new information unveiled Ferency: "Mr. Maury, would you with a pitcher of white liquid and was The CIA, Maury said, needs aca concerning the CIA's use of MSU, but deny that your agency has a file on emptied its contents on the former CIA demies in all disciplines in its intelli official's clothes. Maury acknowledged that the CIA gence gathering. Maury: "You should be ashamed of makes use of professors and academics Larrowe and Ferency, however, that." Also part of the panel discussion in conducting its "intelligence gather¬ both said professors need to maintain Ferency: "I'm not ashamed of it. In were Zolten ing." Ferency, assistant profes¬ independence and dispassion as aca¬ fact, I'm busy going around making sor of criminal justice, and C. Patric "There is indeed a lot of interplay demic people and should not become new files." "Lash" Larrowe, professor of eco¬ between the CIA and the academic involved in "partisan" affairs dealing nomics. Tharp was arrested by campus police world," Maury said. "They share a with U.S. foreign policy. late Monday night. Department of The entire discussion, with con¬ common and purpose common goals." "If a member of the academia wants Public Safety officials would not say siderable audience participation, was Emphasizing that the CIA must to do work for the CIA, fine; I see what he had been charged with. f*w'm 1 VOLUME 71 NUMBER 45 TUESDAY, MARCH 8,1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 FDA approval suspended on plastic beverage bottles WASHINGTON (AP) - The Food and growths in the ear ducts, FDA said. Drug Administration (FDA) announced Monday that it is suspending its approval of plastic beverage bottles made from acry- "The amount of acrylonitriie fed to experimental animals in recent tests ex¬ Coke official to speok ionitrile, effective March 11. ceeded by far the amount to which any consumer would be exposed from present Harry E. Teasley Jr., the vice president of Coca-Cola Co., International, will be FDA said that Coca-Cola has test uses of acrylonitriie food containers or speaking about plastic soft drink packaging today in 109 South Kedzie Hall at 10:15 marketed soft drinks in acrylonitriie plastic a.m. bottles made by Monsanto Corp., of St. wrappings," Sherwin Gardner, acting com¬ missioner of the FDA, said in a statement. Teasley's visit is under the auspices of the newly-launched packaging education and Louis. Another company, Musselman Fruit "But the adverse findings in these studies public relations program of the MSU School of Packaging. Products, Biglerville, Pa., has sold fruit show that stricter controls must be placed "Teasley is here to give us academic input, and I want to emphasize that he will be juices in containers of acrylonitriie made by on the use of these materials. talking to our class, which has had a number of guest speakers," Wilesse Comissiong, Borg-Warner, Chicago. FDA said it knew of assistant professor of packaging and packaging resource consultant, said. "The no other beverages marketed in containers "Since there is no danger to the public motivation behind getting him to speak here has nothing to do with the recent made from the plastic. from the limited number of beverage controversy over the plastic bottle." bottles now available there is no need for a Despite earlier reports that Pepsi Cola Comissiong, who teaches "Packaging and the Environment," said the community is recall," he added. invited to attend this class session. also had marketed the bottles, an FDA spokesperson said today that Pepsi's plastic The FDA announced that it is proposing Teasley's lecture is entitled "The Great Soft Drink Debate — A Discussion of the bottles are made from a different substance to lower the maximum amount of Environmental Impacts, the Marketplace, the Consumer and Political Process, acryloni¬ Related to Soft Drink Packaging." and do not contain acrylonitriie. triie permitted to leach into the product The agency announced on Feb. 11 its from margarine tubs, vegetable oil bottles, intention to withdraw its approval of the foodwraps and other nonbeverage packing bottles for beer and soft drinks. Today's made from the chemical. The decrease order applies to any beverage in the bottle. The problem involves migration, or leaching, of the chemical into the product would be from 300 parts of acrylonitriie per billion parts of product, permitted now, to 50 parts per billion. The agency is allowing O'Neill after advice State News/Scott Bellinger the bottle contains. Test animals fed large 90 days for comments on the proposal J] tree trimmer! have a world of their own, swaying with the amounts of acrylonitriie in their drinking before taking final action. Comments should |j's rhythm, feeling free. Ever since they first learned to climb, ' p was the answer to 'is and commitments all below. leaving the confusion and crowds, the a water had significantly lowered body weight and other adverse effects, including lesions in the central nervous system and be addressed to: Hearing Clerk, Food and Drug Administration, Room 4-65, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Md. 20857. on resignation case WASHINGTON (AP) - Speaker Thomas personally on whether to vote to fire P. O'Neill said Monday he's ready to ask the Sprague but said allegations such as one by House whether Chairperson Henry Gonza Gonzalez that Sprague refused an order to WARNS COMMITTEE AGAINST 'HASTY lez' resignation from the fractured House cut the staffs costs will be discussed. assassinations committee should be ac¬ It was Preyer who told newsmen the cepted. committee will be "moving into substantive The committee met Monday without issues" in the next two weeks in its probe of :ederal rep sees no PBB risk Gonzalez, and a member said it was now ready to get into "substantive issues" in its investigation of the John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations. He the two assassinations. He said he could not say what those issues are from two subcommittee staffs. before briefings But Chairperson Walter Fauntroy of the also disputed Gonzalez' charge that there subcommittee investigating the King assas¬ |ByteMICKIMAYNARD lower PBB contamination levels from the He said the FDA would agree with In his testimony, the FDA official said the were attempts to scuttle the Kennedy sination said he will formally propose public News Staff Writer FDA standard of .3 parts per million (ppm) lowering the measurable amounts of PBB agency could not insist that any foods investigation. hearings on that murder in the next two ij with the federal Food and to .02 ppm. from .3 ppm to .05 ppm but not below that containing PBB be destroyed. He said the O'Neill previously had said he wanted to weeks with James Earl Ray among the nistration said Monday he could "All available data leads us to conclude level. Kolbye told the committee that .05 action was not necessary, and added the talk toGonzalez before asking the House to witnesses. [> Michigan concerning PBB that no substantial risk of toxicological ppm is the lowest level currently detect¬ able. FDA had not found any PBB in Michigan meat and dairy products in the last 18 vote on the question but said Monday he now The assassinations committee met with effects should occur because of current is ready to act as soon as technical details can Chairperson Gonzalez' chair empty in a Even with the level at .05 ppm, Kolbye months. jrthueC.Health Kolbye told members of the exposure," Kolbye testified. said the amount of PBB in all 40,000 cattle be worked out. session forced under special House rules Committee that the The FDA official warned the committee Kolbye said that even if the state wanted Gonzalez resigned last week after the eliminate all that permit committee members to call a |Ked there was no scientific against taking "hasty action" on lowering was probably not more than '7 or 8 to traces of PBB from the committee refused to support his attempt to ® ,w modifying guidelines on the PBB level. tablespoons." environment, it would not be able to do so. meeting when the chairperson can't or fire the committee's chief counsel, Richard won't. Kolbye estimated that of 40,000 cattle in "That's all that's out there in cattle," he He explained that while no new PBB A. Sprague. iwittee heard testimony in the the state that may be contaminated by said. "The current exposures are so contamination had been introduced on Preyer read the committee a letter from At its meeting Monday, the committee Gonzalez saying he could not call a meeting Wbers on a bill proposed by Rep. PBB, the actual amount of the chemical in insignificant that no federal action is Michigan farms, the original contamination voted itself power to hire and fire staff. because he Uninla, D-Corunna, which would the animals is miniscule. warranted." was still present in waste products and no longer considered himself Asked if this authority will be used against feeding areas. chairperson. "The environment of Michigan farms so Sprague, Rep. Richardson Preyer, D-N.C., The committee meeting was conducted said the committee "will use that authority almost as though none of the controversy contaminated will probably remain in that [to responsibly." had developed, with members routinely of ASMSU book exchange way for some time in the future," he said. "The complete elimination of PBB in the Michigan farm environment is presently not Preyer, who chaired the committee session, said he had made no decision approving rules for the two investigations and turning to the committee s budget. ible due to 'U' ordinance He took to task a study made by a team of ss doctors, headed by Dr. Irving Selikoff, that said PBB may have been the cause of many arm symptoms in farmers with contaminated person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of livestock. ByDANAFELMLY aid selling...any goods wares, merchandise or services...within the Kolbye said the symptoms may have had SEAN HICKEY boundaries of MSU. something to do with PBB, but that there Lyle Thorburn, vice president of business and finance of was no solid data available ■ State New. StaH Writers ■"residence halla to conduct the ASMSU book exchange housing and food services, also said that new books and materials conclusion. leading to that inside ■ Wroved unleaa an were not included in the original agreement with ASMSU. In other testimony, FDA researcher Dr. Drill teams are alive and well agreement can be reached today in H. White Mercer said in a closed experi¬ Sis University administrators and ASMSU "It is my understanding that this wss only a used book in Detroit, but not quite the way exchange. I've heard talk about selling new books and supplies at ment, PBB was shown to have no long-term "!,uleo'n,w 'm '"me we teat books and supplies. the exchange but there are no provisions that allow this," effects on cows at the .06 ppm level or levels you might think. See page 3. are not approving business in residence Thorburn said. up to .5 ■"A" Underwood, residence halls mansger. The ordinances were instituted s few years ago when a. dairy ppm. He told the committee he could see no weather ftpp ™ oriPn«l agreement for space in the residence store on campus was proposed. Off-campus dairy farmers need for the Spaniola bill. Today's temperature will be - but used books new textbooks represented by the Michigan Milk Producers Association Another FDA researcher, physicist Jerry more absurd than our weather I'tthange more like the Ml bookstore and could complained to the state legislature that a dairy busineaa on campus Burke, said the low level sought in the blurb, if you can believe that: 50 unfair advantage, would be an unfair competition to their own businesses, according Spaniola bill would be difficult to attain. He degrees in sunshine! 50! Oh, to Thorburn. said there would be ft *£? 10 hlv* two bookstores on csmpus, he added. The same action could also be taken by off-campus bookstores, problems in gaining goody! Id jj b7 sdmlnlstrators stems from University accurate measurements below the .05 ppm T ertising Ordinances which provide that "No (continued on page 5) level. 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigor Court curbs gag orders was arrested last July and to rehabilitation outweighed WASHINGTON (AP) The the Oklahoma Publishing Co. Supreme Court Monday struck - took on added significance charged in the shooting death any freedom of the press con siderations or the public's m?U' ^ r"'*d that it Sunnm. **cJ I down a decision by when the American Newspaper of an Oklahoma railroad switch¬ Oklahoma right ^ause the courts barring three Oklahoma Publishers Association, in a man. The boy's name and to know. bo,',",SI public MthJJS,<1 City newspapers from publish¬ friend-of-the-court brief, urged picture were widely displayed The the justices to use the case to by the local news media after youngster was later attended bvr!^"* ing the name and picture of an Ireland tries 8 British commandos 11-year-old boy charged in a establish "perimeters within reporters attended a prelimi¬ convicted of delinquency by rTh" Court ruled OklafefT second-degree manslaughter. shooting death. which courts may issue prior nary hearing. th,, DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) — Ireland put Special Air Services ontiguerillo unit The court's unsigned opinion restraints upon the press, if In setting aside the effect of *hou!d n°t have b«, Ta operating near the Irish border. Irish was the first free-press decision there be any such." Halley then issued a pretrial the gag order last November so h?»rl"k since CV.1 eight British Army commandos on trial since it ruled last June that The court Monday did not go order prohibiting further dis¬ that the newspaper could Monday in a case that has strained police found them a short way over the fully prior restraints on reporting that far. play. ruling that the boy's right report the case's new develop- British-Irish relations over the delicate republic's side of the border. rarely could be justified and The justices last November issue of Irish Republican Army terrorists. "They are not boy soldiers," Prosecu¬ that judges must take all other tor Kevin Lynch told a special three-judge temporarily struck down the ACTORS BEL/EVED The prosecution scoffed at the com¬ available measures to insure effects of the gag order issued mandos' claim that they accidentally criminal court set up for Ireland's own fair trials before resorting to by Oklahoma County Judge crossed into the Irish Republic from the antiterrorism crackdown. so-called "gag orders." Charles E. Halley, allowing the British province of Northern Ireland last May because of a mop-reading error. The eight, a|l of whom pleaded "It does not make sense they could possibly have not known they were heading south to the Republic when to suggest The high court said that an Oklahoma judge abridged free dom of the press by issuing his three newspapers owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Co. to report fully on the young boy's Quake death toll risej innocent Monday, were members of a they had passed signposts," he said. gag order. The court said the trial and sentencing. BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — Prominent electrical power lines, the information barred from publi¬ The publishing Arm owns Romanian actors and Intellectuals were new,I ap¬ reporting a total of 195 business, "fc cation was obtained in a public the Daily Oklahoman, the Ok¬ Cambodian soldiers ambush Thai patrol hearing and could not be sup- lahoma City Times and the parently among thousands believed killed in the earthquake that ravaged Bucharest and struck Radio Bucharest said was the theS^l Sunday Oklahoman. across eastern Europe, diplomatic and unofficial " strongest in Romanian ongasainunutes in hiioTf.! The gag order challenge by Larry Donnell Brewer, 11, sources said Monday. aaid. though most people felt someWi BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) — One Seven Thai border police in the village only Agerpress, the official Romanian news agency, border policeman was killed and five 130 miles east of Bangkok returned fire in raised the figure of confirmed deaths in the tre~2r,! Thlch l4sted °"e fuU minuu others wounded when 50 Cambodian soldiers ambushed a patrol along the a said. clash lasting two hours, Thai police quake last Friday night to 1,034 — 810 in Bucharest and 224 elsewhere in the country, with j.SSCC'vKXfe. Moscow and registered 7.2 Rich™ People's party on the Thai-Cambodion border over the week¬ Cambodian casualties were not a total of 6,185 injured. The Red Cross in Geneva end, police said Monday. known. Western diplomats estimated the toll could said ,t . The community attacked over the reach 4,000 when rescuers finished digging people were homeless in Bucharest Z The Cambodians first fired 105mm artillery shells into the border village. weekend is near three villages raided by through the ruins of 32 collapsed apartment buildings still standing were R only '8.00 for adviser James Schlesinger said Monday. The White House energy adviser also by abolishing the Federal Power Com¬ mission, Federal Energy Administration Shampoo, Cut and DOWNSIAIRS I $L5° told a Senate hearing the bill will "reduce the heovy weight of regulation" now on and the Energy Research and Develop¬ ment Administration. It would also pick Blow-dry at Crowd Ploasors ! MM j 11:30-2=00 the energy industry. up some responsibilities from the Interior And it will stress switchovers by industry from oil and gas as a fuel to coal Department ond various other energy GARY'S CAMPUS programs now scattered throughout the wherever possible, Schlesinger testified. government. BEAUTY SALON 549 E. Grand River Ave. Call 351-6511 Hot** Disaster aid to [ Michigan denied LANSING (UPI) - The Federal Disaster denial. Assistance Administration has denied "Michigan's need for financial relief Gov. William G. Milliken's request for a was well-documented," Milliken said. presidential disaster declaration in 31 "My six-page letter to President Carter counties due to the Jan. 26-31 blizzard. contained 13 pages of mops, photos and Preliminary notification of the decision statistics. came in a phone call to the State Police Ingham County was one of the counties Where you are sure Monday. that would have received the disaster aid Federal officials gave no reason for the funds. to find all the essentials for your Bill to urge separation of prisoners warm-weather getaway.. LANSING (UPI) — State Sen. John The companion bill is Otterbacher, D-Grand Rapids, said he similarly aimed at sheltering persons from the "potential¬ would introduce bills Monday directing ly dangerous influence of the hardened law enforcement officials to criminal." separate jailed offenders by age and conf ine those detained for misdemeanors in different Jacob0ori0 I am concerned that individuals who cells from those charged with felonies. ore put in institutions of detention end He said the first bill would up keep those learning more about being criminals than over 21 from being housed in the same in being rehabilitated," Otterbacher cell as those under 21. said. Wharton to see joint committee The presidents of Michigan's three largest universities will testify to a joint meeting of the House and Senate Colleges and Universities Committees at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. Appearing before the committees will be MSU President Clifton Wharton, University of Michigan president Robben Fleming and Wayne State University President George Gullen. All three men have been known in the past to criticize the legislature for its low appropriations to their respective schools. Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D-Detroit, chairperson of the House committee, said the meeting with the "big three" heads would be an unusual occasion. He said the opportunity to share views with the committees could help the lawmakers initiate a courso of action to solve the schools' funding problems. The meeting will be held in 420 Capitol Bldg. MSU program w^ ^Uingl«n/oni?6?WFor Phillip j°lil'ek, of D^yM^XlJuSon ""0bVi0U8:'eed^^dUCk8' State News/Maggie Walker gets honors as JSJ seeks best in nation jicial post the By PATRICIA LaCROIX StateNewsStaffWriter The teacher education program offered jointly through MSU's College of Education and the Lansing school district was recently selected as the best in the nation from a field of 39 competing universities with similar programs. second front page The award was granted as the most "Distinguished Program in Teacher Education" Iplicants at the national conference of the Association of Teacher Educators. The program, entitled "Performance Oriented Instruction in Teacher Education" (Education 450), emphasizes cooperation between the student and the school district so that each may benefit to the full potential of the program, said W. Henry Kennedy, 1\l Iniversity Student (AUSJ) is applicants for positions on the three ity judicial bodies with under- representatives. All under- Tuesday, March 8, 1977 director of the Division of Student Teaching and Professional accepted the award for MSU. This type of program, which intensifies the student Development. Kennedy teaching experience, is . arc eligible to apply. Applies especially beneficial to the education major, Kennedy said. lav he picked up in 155 Student Bldg. and must be returned by THREE AMENDMENTS INCLUDED He added that the award was given to the MSU program partially for its high degree of cooperation between the Lansing school district and MSU students and the good working relationship which has been developed. litersity judiciary system is made "The Lansing school district has been very helpful in organizing the class when they 'e branches, the Student-Faculty id the AUSJ Student itself. Faculty Judiciary is the Referenda spice election identified the needed skills and all through the program," he said. Deputy Supt. Robert Chamberlain, who accepted the award on behalf of the Lansing school district, said the relationship that had been established between MSU I-v. the Anti-Discrimnation Judical and his department was "fantastic." judicial body at MSU with the bulk rases dealing with academic dis- By ANNE S. CROWLEY term fee collected from all students for the from office and their seats filled by Student "It is probably one of the most outstanding relationships that has been established in If a student is dissatisfied with State New. Staff Writer operation of an FM radio station by the Board appointment. this type of program," he said. "We certainly hope that this will continue." . a regarding cheating, he may appeal In addition to electing a new ASMSU Michigan State Radio network if and when Tim Beard, College of Business represen¬ The program began between "four to five years" ago, Kennedy said. Initially, sion to the department, then on the Student Board and president, students will it gets an FM license and a vote of tative, introduced the proposal after the teachers from the Lansing school district identified problems they were currently level. If the student still is not be asked to vote on three constitutional confidence in the State News Board of Student Board learned that Michael Lena, Directors. its current president, had not enrolled in encountering in the classroom with the idea that students now in education programs 1, it will be brought before the amendments and two advisory referenda in would meet these same difficulties in their career. classes this term or last summer. l-Faculty Judiciary, the spring election. The proposed amendment defining stu¬ ■nli Discrimination Judicial Board's The constitutional amendments: dent states that only persons enrolled in at Neither the ASMSU Constitution nor the At the time, the most pressing problems suggested by the teachers were helping •Define "student" for ASMSU's pur¬ least one class credit during spring, fall and Code of Operations defines the term for pupils correct special reading difficulties, discipline in the classroom and adequate J is to handle cases dealing with ASMSU's purposes. planning of the schedule for learning. ■nation on the basis of race, creed, poses: winter terms may serve as an ASMSU Beard said the definition was needed Torigin or sex. •Outline the circumstances under which officer or elected representative. The program was designed to deal specifically with these problems, but, since then, the Student Board president may vote; , The proposition explains that students because the Student Board conducts most Js'of the University judicial policy liable •Allow the presidents of the major not enrolled of its business during fall, winter and spring Kennedy said it has broadened to a complete program serving about 60 students per at residence hall reception during summer term retain term. their student status if they were enrolled terms and its members are needed here._ ■All policies are outlined in the governing groups to designate a permanent He added that it's fair if the definition "There are now 14 different competency areas dealt with during the teaching," he ■ Handbook. For more information representative other than themselves to the previous fall, winter and spring terms. does not allow students to take other terms said. 'This cuts pretty well across the whole spectrum of teaching." ■the All-University Student Judici¬ the Student Board. If it is approved, representatives not off besides summer if they enroll in classes The advisory referenda include $1 enrolled at other times would be removed Kennedy said the program differs significantly from the lower level student al Student Services Bldg. a per then. teaching program required of MSU education majors. The second proposed amendment would limit the Student Board president to voting He explained that while all students at MSU are exposed to observation and only when a tie exists without his or her participation in the classroom, this exposure is intensified in the Education 450 vote. program. lans/'ng Red Cross to offer Terry Borg, Residence Halls Association (RHAI representative and author of the proposal, said it would clarify the rules which now govern procedure at Student In addition to classroom experience, the award-winning Education 450 program requires laboratory attendance in which students discuss aspects encountered in their student teaching. Part of this includes the use of teaching materials, such as opaque projectors, in the classroom. lloss in swimming instruction Board meetings. " 'Robert's Rules of Order' says the president can vote when it makes a There "unfortunately" was no monetary remuneration for the College of Education in connection with the award, Kennedy said. Two plaques, however, were awarded at the conference, one for the Lansing school district and one for the College of difference," he explained. "He determines eginning March 15, the Mid-Mich- The classes will be broken down WSIs who successfully complete when it makes a difference. As a result, Education. f Chapter of the American Na- into three areas. The first hour will the class will receive a certificate, Lenz made a tie and broke it in the same The conference was held in Atlanta, Ga., at the beginning of February. Red Cross, will offer an consist of lecture theory and the and it will remain in effect as long as move on the slate question this term." factor's class for second hour-and-a-half of training will the person's WSI card is valid. Class The board had voted 5-4 not to allow teaching handi- p*rs to swim. The class is being take place in the pool. Those in materials will cost $1. slates on the ballot at a special meeting in pd through the Lansing Red training will work with handicapper Class enrollment is limited to 20 January. Lenz then voted "yes" to create a p»s Water Safety Program, students, both children and adults. students, and WSIs interested in tie, tabling the issue until another meeting, WAY PBB HANDLED REASON cording to Charles Dudek, direc- For the remainder of each three-hour registering for the class should con¬ when the motion passed. water safety programs, the session two trainees will work with tact the Lansing Red Cross Safety The last proposed constitutional amend¬ P'S line of the best offered in the special student. Programs at 484-7461. ment would allow the presidents of the Milliken recall one Ion. Pilot program major governing groups to designate some¬ one else as the group's permanent repre¬ begun prsons wishing to enroll in the * 'Oust be currently authorized Safety Instructors (WSIs), will aid sentative to the Student Board. The constitution now states that the presidents of the Inter-Cooperative Council, CADILLAC (API) - Gov. William G. The committee, which numbers about J° arj holders of advanced lifesav- RHA, the Pan-Hellenic Association and the Milliken's recent public pleas for action in 1,000 members by its count, charges that ■cards. The WSIs will be trained in »o«s techniques of working with ■•rappers in the water. deaf students' note taking Inter-Fraternity Council must serve on the board. ridding Michigan of PBB haven't impressed Alvin Green and other Michigan farmers who are after Milliken's political scalp. Milliken's inaction in the nearly four-year- old PBB affair has resulted in the exposure of virtually all Michigan residents to foods I'dek said that Borg, who also supported this measure, swimming is a contaminated with the toxic chemical. The Office of Programs for Handicappers (OPH) is launching a pilot program for said it would allow flexibility without Green, from Chase, and other members of T peutie device in helping handi- MSU students with hearing characteristics that will improve the system of notetaking cheating ASMSU or the major governing the PBB Action Committee, Monday began Residue of the fire retardant chemical is ffcrs Increase their range of mo- during lectures for handicappers. group. collecting signatures in a statewide drive to still showing up in some animals, meats and remove Milliken from office for Presently, OPH is able to offer transcribers for deaf students taping their lectures. The FM referendum would allow the failing to dairy products, but in levels considered Jwrurtors for the training class Volunteer typists then transcribe the tapes, but the process is painstakingly slow and University to assess $1 per term from each resolve the PBB controversy. "safe" by state standards. ■ an Dahoney, an Occupational takes as many as three hours to transcribe one hour's worth of lecture material. student to operate an FM radio station if "He has the power and authority to from Harry Hill High Under the notetakers program, people will be trained through the Learning and when the Michigan State Radio The laxity of those standards is one thing change things and he hasn't done it," said r"' aid Sue Ellen Weller, a Resource Center to sit in class with the students and take effective notes for them. Network received an FM license. the PBB Action Committee blames on P>ate student at MSU. Green, a dairy farmer. "We don't think he This would allow for instant feedback of materials. Assessments to students, who live in the Milliken. They also fault him for failing to has any business going on being our fsses will be conducted weekly According to Pat Weil of OPH, the notetakers needed for spring term would serve residence halls and already pay a $1 radio governor." pressure Farm Bureau Services and Michi¬ on a volunteer basis only, but OPH is seeking funding for fall term to pay. fee, would not change. gan Chemical Co. — the firms responsible I WO to 9:30 p.m. at Harry Hill for the initial contamination — to settle f °l, 5815 Wise St. in Lan- Persons interested in volunteering as a notetaker should contact Pat Weil of the Robert David, RHA representative to the Under state law, they have 90 days to OPH, 353-9642. Radio Board, said an indication of student amass 664,255 signatures needed to place a claims with hundreds of farmers who blame (continued on page 5) recall proposition on the ballot. PBB for livestock damage. GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) — A federal judge ruled Monday that state-supported clinics the Ingham County Health Department. may not give contraceptives to minors without first consulting the parents. The suit charged that the clinic's policy of confidentially dispensing contraceptives to In what is considered a test case, U.S. District Judge Noel P. Fox ordered a Lansing minors violated the parents' constitutional right to privacy in the care and control of their children and their right to exercise religion in their children's moral education. Mera/ judge makes birth control clinic to stop dispensing contraceptive medication and devices to persons under 18 years of age without parental consent. The defendants argued that minors have the constitutional right to seek and obtain "If there is any civil right of the minor to obtain contraceptives, it does not serve to contraceptives. They cited a state law that allows physicians to treat minors for venereal totally exclude the parents of those minors from this decision by means of a family planning disease and drug abuse without parental consent, and argued the same right should be center acting under color of state law," Fox said in a 29-page opinion. extended to minors seeking contraceptives. [onfracepf/Ve ruling He said allowing minors free access to contraceptives would "prematurely emancipate" "The medical risks of teenage pregnancy are substantial, as I am painfully aware," Fox children, especially 12-to 17-year-old girls, "from the authority, discipline, control, said. "But the risks of contraceptives are also substantial, as are the emotional problems education, moral and religious upbringing and advantages of the advice and counsel of resultant from too-early sexual activity. parents." "The very complexity of the decision commands the loving and supportive involvement Fox ruled in class action suit filed by a group of of the minor's parents rather than the passing concern of a state-funded and state a Lansing parents against the government-funded Tri-County Planning Center, the Ingham County Board of Health and controlled public health or social worker," he said. Walker endorsed to head student dates have suggested other radical board Because his perception of the concerns of the students who foot through after being .1* legitimate powers and limitations their bill. changes that ASMSU lacks the hope that Walker of ASMSU is the most accurate of Current President Michael Lenz '. power to bring about. the same path. ££ 0 all those running, the State News has declined to seek re-election, Walker recognizes the limita¬ endorses the candidacy of Bruce but the Counterforce slate running We have found tions of ASMSU as well as its Walker Ray Walker for president of the this year has put forth the identical *n approach which .J potential to effect meaningful ASMSU Student Board. platform proposals Lenz advanced change. He is aware that in Politicizing, and we w„ We are impressed with Walker's in his campaign. Other candidates caution that he temn assertion that, "Once we have and slates have acted similarly. spending student money, the tendencies. The had plenty of student board must strive to represent all taken care of every campus issue, The reason for this is obvious: students, not just a few. He would vainglorio, then I am all for taking on the rest Lenz has been unable to c}o any of pohticos and needs no m restructure the board to increase needed is calm ind™ of the world's problems; but until the things he promised. Counter- is a that time let's work at what we force literature promised to "put geographical representation. He know best." Such reasoning dis¬ ASMSU spending priorities in the would have MSU join the Michigan =est!estr«»« ASMSU and works wit Higher Education Association We plays a commitment to reality that place where they will do the most (MHESA), a group dedicated to hope that Walker present board members lack. these reasonable good." In our judgment, this has lobbying state expi For too long members of the not been done. government for In sum. it « student board have immersed In more equitable tuition rates. He ou, seeking to perpetuate these favors legislation banning the use Walker, by pledging] themselves in state and national same specious Counterforce-type issues while playing down the of slate names on ballots, a step balanced, represental principles, the majority of candi- that would compel candidates to oriented student boa run on their own individual merits. try to work diligently students who pay t' Vote wisely on ASMSU ballot proposals It should be noted that candi¬ dates have promised similar things in the past and have failed to come Has ParnaH president. We urge vote for him sf Students will decide the fate of the permanent representative to of animosities on the board rather State News and therefore could during re-' five proposals on the ASMSU the ASMSU Student Board. than any real effort to "define a put the referendum to little or no spring election ballot during regis¬ We urge a "yes" vote on this, as student." The Academic Gov¬ use. tration week. well. The amendment would sim¬ ernance By-Laws already has such PROPOSITION E: Asks if stu¬ PROPOSITION A; Would allow ply clarify existing rules and make definition that is contradictory to dents would support assessing all I a the president of the ASMSU Student Board to vote only in the case of a tie. sure each group is represented by the same individual each week to avoid confusion, while allowing the Proposition C. If the board truly wanted to define a student, it should work in conjunction with undergraduates to pay $1 per term should the MSU radio network obtain an FM Broadcasting li¬ l|The State News Presently the president can vote chief officer of the group the option the administration and Academic cense. Tuesday, March 8, 1977 whenever his vote makes a differ¬ to appoint someone to serve if he Council. This is merely an advisory vote Editorials the opinions or she does not have the time. ire of the Stole News Viewpoints, ence as in creating a tie, breaking a PROPOSITION D: States that to find out if off-campus students and letters a co e personal opinions. tie or creating a two-thirds major¬ PROPOSITION C: Would re¬ students disagree with the selec¬ will join those living on campus Editorial Department ity. Vote "yes." quire all officers and elected tion process of the State News and pay a $1 tax to bring FM radio Editor-in-chief Mory Ann ChickShaw Layout The proposal resulted recently representatives of the Student Board of Directors. to MSU. The vote would not affect Managing Editor Opinion Editor Bob Ourlion Photo Editors Robert Kozloff, to'urol- when the current board president, Board to be enrolled for at least This is essentially a poll of on campus students who already Kot Brown Copy Chief City Editor Michael Tanlmuro Wire Editor Michael Lenz, voted to create a tie one credit per term, with the student opinion on the directors. pay the tax, and will not be imple¬ Campus Editor Carole Leigh Hutton Staff Representative on inclusion of slates in the exception of summer, during the While the editorial staff feels mented until FM radio is approved Sports Editor Edward L Ponders Freelance Editor ASMSU election code. session they students should vote "yes" (mean¬ Entertainment Editor. are elected to serve. by the Federal Communications Donna Bakun Book Editor PROPOSITION B: Calls for the A "no" vote is appropriate on ing you are displeased with the Commission for MSU. major governing groups to desig¬ this narrow and senseless pro¬ present structure and would advo¬ Vote "yes" on this proposal. FM Advertising Department nate either their chief executive Advertising Manager DanGerow posal. The board's definition of a cate change), the fact remains that radio would provide an appealing Assistant Advertising Manager Csti officers or another member to be student was conceived merely out ASMSU has no power over the alternative. higher if both parents are smokers. there are signs there which say "No The list goes on and on. For those stopping, standing, parking." But I had a interested in more information I suggest big empty car and saw a hitchhiker. I To the Editor, you Health, consult "Health Consequences of Smoking," by the U.S. Department of Education and Welfare, Public checked behind me and saw that the car there was ten yards back and was slowing to turn. So I put on my turn signal and Health Service. slowed down to pick up the hitchhiker. I Tom Burke would not have done it if there was any as well as the fight for women's suffrage President chance of my causing an accident by it. had mobilized many workers. Today, of MSU Health Club I went a mile before the officers came up course, the celebration of this holiday with behind me. They honked and waved me roots in the working class history is much over. I could not see the flashing lights more than a revival of tradition. It is a because they were so close. Tailgating? sign of renewed struggle and proof that decades Harmful effects Consider what could have happened if I had of efforts since 1910 have failed to win full braked. Ah, but it didn't, they say. Yes, and equality or freedom for women. I feel the Feb. 25 letter by Anne Duffin, nothing happened when I picked up the A. Sim vice hitchhiker. But there is a difference. In my president of the American Tobacco Warren, Mich. Institute, deserves a reply. While it may be case, I made certain nothing could happen. Resolve own conflicts true that the danger of diseases to What is the fine for tailgating? I hope the nonsmokers such as lung cancer, is minimal, department charges the officer that amount It seems that recently a great deal of and donates the money to charity — attention has been paid to Idi Amin Proofread it is certainly untrue that the effect of and the smoke on nonsmokers is confined to something which serves the people in a reign of terror he perpetrates on his people The next time I show up at an event two annoyance, or being unpleasant better way than the police department. and others. President Jimmy Carter cries and dis¬ days early because of an error in the "It's tasteful as indicated in the letter. Susan Crissman out for human rights and is disgusted by What's Happening" column, I'm going to 312 Lee Circle recent repressive action in Uganda. Every¬ A substantial number of people are place an announcement in TWH detailing one looks at allergic to smoke, especially tobacco smoke. Uganda as the most intolerable the time and place where President Clifton place in the world. We take our anger out R. Wharton Jr. plans to announce his One of my close relatives who is over 60 on a half-crazed years old sustains uncontrollable violent tyrannical dictator on the intention of selling MSU to Brazil. Then 111 other side of the world. turn the TV and watch coughing fits when exposed to tobacco on as news flashes Why don't we look at ourselves first? come in depicting frustrated State News smoke. This even happens sometimes in the MARY ANN CHICKSHAW What about the human rights of the presence of a smoker who, though not people reporters and editors dropping from ex¬ in Detroit? A front line soldier in World haustion as they tear around the city like smoking at the time, has clothes permeated War II had a greater chance of with smoke. My relative has had to severely surviving marathon runners looking for the story. than a child growing up in Detroit Now that's disgusting! The State News editorial on today. Please. Proofread your copy. Mark Pattullo limit her activities because of the thought¬ lessness of smokers. Headen best ASMSU choi Thursday 136'/i W. Grand River There are also those who become reported that Amin had killed students after they protested government failure to nauseated or get headaches from tobacco meet their grievances. Are we smoke. From my point of view such effects forgetting what happened on May 4,1970, as students Facts are I harmful to the person in question. Today, th6 State News endorses Bruce Ray Walker for the other and "believe like I (Walker) do, we're all stud* (just like us) at Kent State strongly believe in the rights of people University to smoke. However, smokers should be ASMSU Student Board president. Who is this phantom, the State protested our government involvement in This is in reply to a letter printed Feb. 25 very careful that indulging in their pleasure News, and why did it endorse a man who has actively campaigned all major student governments. Unfortunately, he is h* an unjust war? contesting certain facts I had given in an atudents of the Student Adviaory Group (SAG)111™™', I'm certainly not article regarding the danger of secondhand does not have even temporary harmful against it? advocating any of effects on others. I believe that a All editorial stands are decided by an editorial board of 10 conaiata of two leaders from ASMSU, the Coim Amin's actions. I think he is a degradation smoke to nonsmokers. person's editors and one editorial staff representative. Walker's endorse¬ Students and Academic Council and one ete ^ to the human race. I can appreciate the reason Anno Duffin, right to breath clean air has priority over The United States prides itself in any personal pleasureable indulgence by ment won by a majority vote. Interfraternity Council, University Apartments . being vice president of the American Tobacco others. Aa editor-in-chief of this newspaper, aa an observer of student ci). Office of Black Affairs, Panhellenic Council, the most free, just and humane country in Institute, took the stand she did on the Sherwood K. Haynes polities the past live years and as a student, I cannot praise Walker Association, State News, WMSN and the the world. It's time we started showing it. article. I, however, do not appreciate being Professor of physics aa the "best candidate for ASMSU." Council. Who else could you want? Only when we resolve our own internal called a propagandist, conflicts should we condemn the domestic especially by a ASMSU cannot lower tuition, stop rape or solve the world's stranger sitting miles away in a Washing¬ Endorsing Walker is also asking students policies of another country. ton office which exists to protect the problems, as many past presidents believed they could. well as Ignore his campaign rhetoric. Forget Charles Puscas 356 Oakhill financial interests of the billion dollar tobacco industry. Why? I don't believe Walker recognizes the limits of ASMSU if his campaign promises include: for the State New. asking for women washing as to voluntwrj* , they "need to be well-versed in the gen — such as cleaning, laundering, cooking.... Duffin, my "cause." as you called it. is •Buying houses off campus to rent to students. good health and people's right to maintain a This is an open letter to the East Lansing •Assembling students for a march to the Administration Disregard the incident when this man forgo Women's Day high quality environment, i.e. smoke free. It Police Department to say that I am paying Building. candidates night he was challenging other gelt •Putting together armed student patrols for the "benefit of the In Super Star contest, allowing them 'o/e» this ticket under protest. in a o( ■' seems your "cause" is based on other More and more over the interests. In these days of failing economy, when it the State News, which was also the rnorm past five years press" and to "embarrass Cliff into action" about the dangerous deadline for the women's movement has revived an is important to help people out, I got a campus. entering the contest. old As for my seientifie fact being fiction all I socialist tradition ticket for picking up a hitchhiker. The — the commemoration of can say is that my facts are as authentic as •Buying back the Union to turn it into a "real student union" There are countless other renmms why I us ' ^ ■ uirhioon Stole News. Ea»t Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, March 8, 1977 7 Ullmann battles psyche in to Face' JI By BYRON BAKER News Reviewer in Ingmar Bergman's newest portrayal of psychiatrist Jenny turalistic terms. Ullmann's in¬ film, "Face to Face," is extra¬ ably fluid reading) is repro¬ provided some of the most Face." She essays such subtle of certain Isaksson's sudden plunge into terpretation of duced a letter from scenes because of the , Ullmann's performance ordinary. Her expert, delicate madness and Isaksson's Bergman to striking dreamlike images in emotional distinctions, some¬ glaring discrepancy between subsequent ten- plight is the focus of the picture r-..... „,... his fellow artists written prior cinema, here seems to fall short tative re-establishment of her times very simply, sometimes Ullmann's mood and lip-move¬ through the midpoint. to the production of the picture. of integrating these with staggering complexity, ments and the voice sequences the '([entity is the most ambitious The second part is heavily He comments: "I am extremely into the flow of his film. The on of Ullmann's career. She laden with fantasies and night merely with her features. soundtrack. The lapse is dead¬ suspicious of dreams, ap¬ scenes do not seem quite ap¬ Indeed, her face must tell the ly, creates not merely an animated mares, very literally an unpleasant character (as are found in most representing her at¬ paritions and visions, both in plicable to the specific human¬ story here, because we are of tempt to recognize and literature and case putting words in the come to in films and ity which Ullmann has wrought denied her voice: the print of mouths of actors. films), but a person — an some terms with feelings so admirable individual under un¬ plays. Perhaps it's because here. Possibly they even de¬ the picture now playing in town At any rate, Ullmann is great long denied. Ullmann's per¬ mental excesses of this sort tract. is Paramount's English-dubbed here. Erland Josephson (who tenable psychic stress. formance is powerful, memor¬ smack too much of Jenny Isaksson, a sensitive, being 'ar¬ Bergman and his brilliant version. Paulette Rubenstein played opposite Ullmann in able. The dream sequences are ranged.' " He goes on to write lighting cameraman Sven has translated the Swedish of "Scenes from a Marriage") as m compassionate therapist, sud denly falls victim to the under¬ lying tensions of her life and not; they are merely strange, forced visual impressions of the that despite his reservations, he will present a cycle of Nykvist here use the tight, precise long take to more the original into an uneasy blend of Western and Scan¬ Jenny's friend and doctor is superb, as are Gunnar Bjorn- psychiatrist's mental battle. dreams (not his own) as "an advantage than ever before. dinavian cadences. The re¬ strand and Aino Taube-Henrik- career. She can no longer hold In Bergman's published extension of reality": "real" off against the Bergman's use of Ullmann's recorded dialog is at extreme son as her grandparents. long-repressed screenplay of "Face To Face" events which Isaksson actually expressive face - so different, odds with the tone of the The Dino De Laurentiis pre¬ feelings and fears, and abruptly (Pantheon; $1.95; far different experiences. somehow, in each of his films picture. It undermines and sentation is at the State attempts suicide. from the final film, but remark¬ — She awakens in Bergman, who has previously is the strong suit of "Face To occasionally destroys the truth Theatre. a and hospital commences a major dredging of her soul: trying to reassess and reassemble her haunted past. In working to come to terms with her life and relationships, Season offerings up ABC's ratings Jenny goes through a terrifying process of By KATHY ESSELMAN averaged a 32 per cent share of better than the show. straight-laced nephew. Such series has not self-examination, which is not State News Reviewer its audience. a copped out on its truly complete at film's end. Network programing is a "Blansky's Beauties," < show seems destined for the premise of Fish and Bernice "The Hardy Boys" Whether Bergman's film as it only turday at 8 p.m., i bottom 20, but recently gar caring for delinquent foster cross between computerized earned a 27 share in stands is entirely early in absurdity. Miller/Milkis As¬ nered 32 per cenf share and children. worthy of systems analysis and a cabalis¬ ratings. If "The Brady Bunch sociates packaged it in under beat out "Mary Tyler Moore." Ullmann's work is open to tic rite. ABC programing Hour" holds up its first two presi¬ two weeks to replace its Pinkie Just because it deserves to fail The summer show "What's question. The first half of "Face dent Fred Silverman has upped ratings, the 7 to 8 p.m. slot on Tuscadero pilot. It sentences does not guarantee justice will To Face" is told largely in the network from third to first Happening" was brought back Sunday could be an integral Nancy Walker to a stint as a be done. to beef up the ailing Saturday direct, almost clinically na- place since last January, an act part of the ABC schedule, den mother to a gaggle of show "Fish," which follows "Blan- that falls somewhere between rather than night fall shows. It did poorly in a flounder flopping girls in a cut-rate Vegas club. clever placement, manipulation around sky," deserves a better fate. It that spot, but when Silverman on its Sunday evening The format comes complete could be the one series to catch moved the program to its ithology of skrowO of the lowest common denomi¬ with, hypersexual subteenage on, with solid scripts and main¬ summer slot after "Kotter" it nator and black magic. "The Hardy Boys/Nancy boy, cowardly Great Dane and tenance of a 30 share. The opened at a 35 share. New series have premiered Drew Mystery Hour" is pack¬ in the "Roots" and "How the aged by Glen A. Larson for Ifoins relevant message West Was Won" slots with solid 30 share of the audience. Their success is reinforced by the fact Universal. So far, the episodes have been uninspired, militaristic ex¬ By BILL HOLDSHIP Marching Anymore," which be¬ odies. that ABC has taken first place in the Nielsen ratings for eight ercises in retread plotting, re¬ lieved only by the clever at¬ Win a Free Speaker System te News Reviewer came the anthem for the anti- There are 24 songs included, weeks running, and has taken mospheric devices reminiscent L OCHS: "Chords of Fame" war movement. The song led both studio and live, first place 17 weeks out of the ranging of the book covers adorned with | M SP 4599) Dylan to comment: "That stuff from his light side ("Love Me, 22 weeks of the season to date. skeletons and ghostly towers i album was released you're writing is bullshit, be- I'm a Liberal") to his serious The "Hardy The book covers are better A factory representative from Thiel Audio Boys/Nancy Ig the latter part of last cause politics is bullshit," but ("Crucifixion"). "I'm Going To Drew Mystery Hour," which than the books, and the photo¬ Bud it's quite possible that will be at Ochs never gave up the fight Say It Now" is a song every leads in "The Six Million Dollar graphy and the acoutrements, our E. Lansing Store Thursday to ^lum isn't selling. It should until the very end. student should take to heart, Man" at 7 p.m. on Sunday, has like the Hardy Boys' van, are It is said that he never fully | those who don't know, recovered from the 1988 and "Power And The Glory" demo the amazing 01 system. The system really should be made our i the principal Chicago circus and the shock of national anthem. The album's il protest folksinger of Kent State, but the biggest most beautiful moment, and combines two sought after qualities- 10s. Ochs was constantly blow was the CIA murder of his probably one of the most kg for a cause, and he was friend and Chilean counterpart, Vietnam protests be- Victor Jara. Ochs' last appear- beautiful songs ever written, is "When I'm Gone." Listening to Accuracy & Efficiency aware there ance was with Dylan at a 1974 this song in 1977 and knowing i,. He was an benefit for Jara and other I part of the early victims of the Chilean military what I do now, I honestly cried. Easy on your Amp rich Village folk scene, junta, but paranoia and de¬ b Dylan said of him pression had already set in. Easy on your Ears I this period, "I just can't Ochs took his own life on April p with PhU. And he's fc better and better." 8,1976. , This double album is an Easy on your Wallet (nature of his music got anthology of Ochs' best works. Service! i id from both radio and The liner notes by Ed Sanders bindab J n (though Joan Baez are alone worth owning, and ~uma mi way; Register Thursday March 10 between 11-7 |thit with his "There But together with the music, it MlVICI STATION J e"), and he never i mass audience he chronicles that bygone decade. It's in no way nostalgia or in J « 1301E. Grand Rivar Naxt to Varsity Inn * f Drawing Thursday evening 7:30 p.m. | have. He waa every bit any way less relevant today. It See Thurs. State News for details s Dylan, if not simply reveals where we came 0. Besides, Ochs never from, where we were, and iterviews |" as did one with other ntiestablishment singer. "TV so- where we are now. And don't let the nature of his lyrics fool A COLLEGE RING. B]E]G]G]G]Q]E]E]G]G]E]E]E]G]E]E]B]E]E]E]E]GIE]E]E1G1G you. Ochs had an uncanny "6, Ochs wrote "I Ain't ability to write beautiful mel- It's a symbol for life For DEADLINE Applying To The Fall 1977 10 QUESTIONS MtUNIIMINO CLASS APRIL 1,1977 it TO ASK FOR YOUR It interested please call the School of STUDYABROAD Why is it 50% cheaper (including the cost of tuition, dorm and travelling expenses) when spending a semester at Tel Aviv University than to study at any WEEKLY SPECIALS similar University in the United States? Mon. What are the courses offered; are they taught in English, — Free Item Night and how can I be assured of accreditation? Tuet.-SUBS' 1.25 eo. Wed. — Free quart Pepsi w/plzxa Why is Israel's largest University with 16,000 students, Thurs.- SUBS '1.25 ea. located in Israel's largest city, offering this program? (Next to Silver Dollar) How many students can be accepted to this program and what must my credentials be? PMIDBUVIRY What is the curriculum? 337*1377 Why is a student's life on Tel Aviv University's campus enriching and rewarding? How will studying in Israel help me to define my goals? What schools have participated in this program in the PINEAPPLE Josten's past? What is involved in dorm life and social activities? Is this opportunity confined only to students of Jewish PIZZA? is a ring for life background? AVIV^UNIVERSITY bet. Try It vwith ham. Or fresh sausage. Or ■nth double cheese. Or by Itself. Variety. And ■°°d taste. Available at the Bookstore TEL 1st IZZ0 CALL TOLL FREE 800-223-74I8 J) aiisaso Available at AMERICAN FRIENDS OF THE TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY. INC 342 Madison Avenue New York, N Y. 10017 8 Michigan Stote News, East tonsing, Michigan V March 8i )9JJ Candidate o-o, _n__jyt, [* liifjriiiiii lift, PT® WlTugPitP sets debate With the annual ASMSU election less than a week away, Brown Bag Lunch at noon "Procedures for Determining The MSU Polo Club moats at 7 Want to get Involved? Applica¬ Student employees: ASMSU Announcements for It's What's another candidate for ASMSU Student Board president has Happening must be received in the Wednesday in 6 Student Services Site Size" speech at 7:30 p.m. p.m. Wednesday in the Livestock Pavilion. For more information tions are now being accepted for the Student Traffic Court In 337 Labor Relations can halp you with a,?8'8™ aT '30 p,m. Guitar Sea- We. ^ m, State News office, 343 Student Bldg. Martha Aldenbrad and Wednesday in 121 Baker Hall. job-related problems. Call us or issued a challenge to his op¬ ponents. Services Bldg., by noon at least two class days before publication. Joanne Rettke speak on "Women and Trust: Theory." Sponsored by Guest is Dr. William Louis. Spon¬ sored by the Michigan Archaeo¬ contact Laurie Kaplan, 102 An¬ thony Hall. Students Services Bldg. COME SQUARE OANCEI From stop in 327 Student Services Bldg. ^HG' nier.CjiJ^MJ The Society *• Women's Resource Center. . Charlie Crumm would like to No announcements will be ac¬ logical Society. The Michigan ineers presents cepted by phone. Woman's Studies Colloquia 7-10 p.m. every Wednesday in Society "4" Med¬ a debate the other candidates Pre-Vet Club office in 331 SIMS presents introductory lec¬ presents: Sue Emmert of Lansing multi-purpose room D of Brody ical Technology Students is spon¬ |"al Labels," at6 •»??' H Thursday at 9 p.m. at the Evans Scholars House, 243 Volunteers needed to type ture tapes for hearing impaired lec¬ Student Services Bldg. is open from 11:30 a.m. to 1:20 p.m. daily. tures on the Transcendental Medi¬ tation program at 3 p.m. Wednes¬ Feminist Self-help center, "Self- help." Meet at 3 p.m. Thursday in Hall. Experience necessary. MSU Promenaders. soring a "Winter p.m. Olympics" at 7 Wednesday in Gihner Hall Readi"9Soom.BP>«W|«l Louis St. Contact your clan representative was Crumm said his challenge especially directed toward students. Contact Pat Weil, Office of Programs for Handicappers, W-402 Library. Call through ASMSU switch¬ board. day in 211 Bessey Hall, and 7:30 P m. Wednesday in 217 Berkey Hall. 332 Union. There will be a Block and Bridle MSU Soaring Club is giving free ground school during winter term. for information. - «saas*, N-tural Science",>«l Ingham County Young Republi¬ Club meeting at 7:30 tonight in 110 Meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Bruce Ray Walker, Common The Company Good candidate because some Free pediatric clinicl Immuniza¬ cans general meeting at 7:30 Interested in Women's Studies? Anthony Hall. 203 Men's IM Bldg. announces. of his tions, well baby checks, birth to 12 tonight in the Bristol Square Mortar Board invites you to a campaign promises "can't Brown Bagger from 11 a.m. to 2 Meet the Professional Business be justified in future actions." years, every Wednesday by ap¬ Apartments Clubhouse, 517 Edge- Sailing Club meeting at 7:30 pointment only. Call DEC, 398 wood Blvd., Lansing. p.m. Thursday in Eustace Lounge. Fraternity at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday He explained that he wants in 119 tonight in 208 MerFe IM Bldg. Park Lane. Faculty and students. Eppley Center. Movie following the meeting. to argue the facts behind Walk¬ ■LECTION er's goals to find out if he is Woman's Forum meets at 4 The Christian Science Organiza¬ tion, North Campus, invites you to Attention ANR students: Nomi¬ Dr. Herman Koeing speaks on p.m. every Wednesday In Eustace ASMSU Student Board Budget officer. nating petitions now available for "Our Dwindling Energy Resources its weekly testimony meetings at student senate elections during - Our Changing Life Style" at 7:30 Hall's library. This week's topic: Committee will meet at 7 tonight Wed. March 9 6:45 Tuesdays 342 Union. "Bisexuality, its Definition and in 328 Student Services Bldg. spring registration in 121 Agricul¬ p.m. Wednesday in the United Implications." 7:30 p.m. ture Hall. Ministries In Higher Education "Greenpeace on the Ice," movie Union Class gets Campus Chapter of Al-Anon meets at 8 tonight in 2S3 Student Bldg. 1118 S. Harrison Road. The sents Baptist Student Union "The Fisherman" at pre¬ 7 will be shown at 7:30 tonight in Conrad Hall. See the people who Browsing Room Services Bldg. Help us help our- MSU Cycling Club meeting at 7 Minority Pre-Law Association tonight in Wonders Hall. risk their lives to save seals. p.m. Wednesday in 215 Man's IM meets at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in correction z Bldg. Upcoming trip, races co¬ Shaw Hall Black Culture Room tonight to Business students: Questions, ,4 MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES!? 7 vered. Optional dinner beforehand plan spring term activities. suggestions? The Undergraduate at Uncle Johns. Student Advisory Council meets There is a correction in a JOUINc". Christian Fellowship speaker course being offered spring at 6 tonight in 103 Eppley Center. Scuba Club meeting for mem¬ Joan Stark on "Depression: Beat¬ "SPINE-TINGLING! term. Psychology 491 will be a Business students: See your ing the Bluest" at 7:30 p.m. Alex deRenzy's two-credit, pass-fail course on race and IQ and will meet on ASMSU Representative from 2:30 - 4:40 p.m. on Tuesdays and bers and interested students at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 219 Wednesday at the University Re formed Church across from Hub¬ wrth the most 'Fantasy Clrls' i, spine-tingling. lolling hardcore action ever loj'd" in £ Men's IM Bldg. what's more, it's erotic. A real Mondays from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursdays in 335 Student Services bard Hall. lurn-on- esciil.1 Steve Gitterman, graduate stimulating. It's deRenzy's greatest. A verv assistant in psychology and History majors who wish to be NUMBER!" RY urn H0' RHA invites all residents to on the History Undergraduate Jeremy Pfi|SS coordinator of the course, said attend its meeting at 6:30 Wed¬ ROCKY for each class a guest speaker Advisory Committee next year nesday in Hubbard Hall. Call the contact Robyn in the History will present a different topic. One lecturer will speak on reception desk for meeting loca- Department office before March \^wouldinwpiy$500loranhourwiththese^? the concept of different races, which he argues do not even 14. TkH&SJI t;is Ul MS imiitiisaai'ij Alex deRenzy's exist today. FANTASY swesoriD winner of 4 academy 1 Lecturers will discuss other KBistoweRSon award nominations ! topics such as whether or not including best song | IQ scores have any significance, "evergreen" test bias and the history of measuring intelligence. Gitterman said the topics are START CLEARING OUT - AStPRISBORn GIRLS very interesting as the speak¬ THAT INVENTORY Wyj/R] Tin MS U Twlli[tt $15 ■ $451 'IJO ers are all experts in their fields. WITH A Anyone is welcome to take the course and there are no YELLOW PAGE AD prerequisites. CALL 355-8255 TODAY! SHOWTIMES: 7:00,8:30,10:00 SHOWPLACE: 116 NAT SCI ADMISSION: '2.50 students; '3.50 faculty t staff i en entertainment service of riw but film cooptrclin. [ students, teculty » iteH welcome. IP's will b, rhcrtnl. I We at Ebony Productions would like to apologize to those of you who were inconvenienced by the Gil Scott-Heroi\ lecture/concert. Ebony Productions had been assured that Gil Scott-Heron would appear at 3:00, Tuesday afternoon March 1. Our intentions in setting up this lecture was to allow | people in this area an opportunity to meet a politically knowledgeable figure. If anyone was annoyed by this mishap, | TUESDAY, MARCH 8 at 8:15 P.M. in the University Auditorium we apologize. In the future we will try to guard against such Twenty-seven handsome and beautiful Philippine youth comprise the dance things happening again. company, accompanied by 12 superb musicians. Diversity of tempo and mood in the choreography, the haunt¬ ing native orchestra, and wild, colorful costumes all add up to an evening of sparkling enchantment. Reserved seats only. $6.50, 5.50, 4.00 (50% discount to full-time MSU students) Tickets on sale NOW at the Union, 8:15-4:30, weekdays. Phone: 355-3361 9taty/kAi9M DAVE MASON SAT! IM ) W \1 \il( ' 1 I TONIGHT OPEN 7 P.M. Foatura 7:30 • 9:30 Hilarious Comedy I GEORGE JANE INGMAR BERGMAN'S "FACE TO FACE" Starring UV ULLMANN ERLAND JOSEPHSON COLOR (R) M I Ulrhiaon State News, East Lansing. Michmor. Tuesday, March 8, 1977 9 State News Classified 355-8255 [ Antomotive J»! [jWSwto J(g FRANKLY SPEAKING | .... by phil frank ApartiMts J***®) 1 frrfwtTlfijj GREMLIN — 1970. V-6 automatic, I g-s.-ST" j excellent condition. Low AIR AND oil filters for all foreign ONE BEDROOM sublease. Mt. FEMALE UPPERCLASSMAN. CONVENIENT TO mileege cars at reasonable prices at - MSU. One Must sell. $1000. 355-6948 Z Hope/Hagadom. Spring-summer. nonsmoker. Four women apart¬ CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN bedroom, appliances, carpeting, 7-3-11 021 Good rates. 351-8754. 8-3-11 (12) $75/month. Spring. s&otv. ment. $150/month. Deposit required. PHONE 355 1255 CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ Campus Hill. 349-2564. Z 5-3-11 694-9418. 8-3-10 (121 jj'S'udentSet bldg GREMLIN - X 197A 6 cyiindeL 3 zoo Street. One mile west of campus. 487-6055. C 6-3-11 (271 MALE NEEOED - Cedar Village, 112) condition, only spring term. $88/month. 351-8507. APARTMENT ON lake. Own $1750. 351-5417. 5-3-11 ■automotive (12) Z 3-3-8 (12) MALE ROOMMATE wanted room, bath, housekeeper. Quiet, spring. Cedar Village Apartments, pools, golf course. Haslett. 351- I Sroolers t Cycles IMPALA CUSTOM 1970. Two FEMALE TO sublease apartment. $88/month. Call Jeff, 332-6664. 4168. $150/month. Z 4-3-11 (15) Ports I Service doors, 350, automatic, power Close to campus. Pool. Spring, 5-3-11 (121 I Aviotion steering/brakes. Seven tires. One TEACHING JOBS IN AFRICA: summer. $60. 332-8141. Z 3-3-8 NEEDED MALE for spring term at owner, excellent. $776. Before 3 (12) (empioyment p-m. PEACE CORPS now hiring. For SUBLET SUMMER, option for Cedar Village. 4 man. Call 337- IfOP PENT ^676-2273. Z 4-3-11 (191 over 200 Math/Science teaching fall. Two bedroom apartment, 2577. Z 2-3-9 (12) positions in twelve African coun¬ unfurnished. Two miles from cam¬ | Aportments LTD BROUGHAM 1971. Loaded tries. All start this summer, so pus. 349-4074. Z 4-3-11 114) ONE BEDROOM in three bedroom Houses with options, excellent C1DAR VILLAGI transporta¬ application should begin nowl tion. $1000. Paul, 355-8111 duplex. $85/month. heat paid. J Rooms time. Z 3-3-10 (12) any- Contact Linda, African Studies APARTMINTS SUBLEASE TWO person apart¬ Close. 332-1093. Z 6-3-9 112) ■FOR SALE Center, International Center, 353- ment spring term. Furnished. 711 [ Animols LTD WAGON T7L low" miles, 1700. 4-3-9 (361 Burcham, East Lansing. 351-5388. Z 3-3-10 (12) FOURTH FEMALE needed spring I Mobile Homes excellent condition. Stereo, air for Twyckingham Apartment. $79/ new tires. $975/best offer. ASMSU BOOK Exchange needs Now leasing for month includes utilities. Pool. Call ■lOSTJ FOUND 35* ROOMMATE WANTED to share 9032. Z3-3-10 (15) managers and clerks. Work study Fall and Summer Lee, 351-7152. S 5-3-11 1151 JPERSONAl preferred. Motivation required. fully furnished luxury apartment. (peanuts personal MONTE CARLO 1970. 350 auto¬ Call Peter, 355-8313. 6-3-11 (15) Year round pool. 882-8566. 4-3-11 FEMALE NEEDED for Twycking¬ Treal estate matic engine, power steering, Bogue at Red Cedar River (121 ham Apartment starting spring BABYSITTER Two" children. term. $82.50/month. 351-3434. Z Jrecreation power brakes. Cell otter 4 p.m. - 618-8271. 6-3-11 (141 - In our home. Own transporta¬ Call 351-S180 NEEDED DESPERATELY - one 7-3-11 (12) (service tion. Phone 351-7390 after 6 p.m. or two women for 4 person 1 Instruction MUSTANG 1968. 289, 4-speed, 6-3-11 (12) apartment. One block to Campus. FEMALE NEEDED for attractive 2 Typing good condition. Best offer over Spring term, rent negotiable. 332- person apartment. Very close. $600. Cell 482-2859 after 6 p.m. e College Media Serv Bo* 9411 Berkeley, Co 94709 TWO NEEDED 8239. Z 4-3-11 1191 $75/month. 351-0996. Z 6-3-10 ■asportation BABYSITTER IN my East Lansing spring to sublease 4-3-11 (151 home. Two preschoolers. Most large two person apartment. Call (vanted 351-1134. Z 8-3-11 (121 MALE NEEDED - spring term. 10undtown' evenings. 351-8799 afternoons. NOVA 1973 - 350 vV power 6-3-11 (12) Excellent location, Cedar Village steering/brakes. Rally wheels, EAST LANSING, NORTH POINT apartments. Parking available. Pine Lake Aptt. "RATES*1 43,000 miles. $1800. 349-4834, Z PROJECTIONISTS NEEDED APARTMENTS 1250 Haslett Road 351-7700. Z 4-3-11 (121 8-3-11 113) approximately 30 person to run ENJOY A summer of traveling and AVON at 69. Beautiful one bedroom Some short term I 12 word minim various types of audio visual working outside in the amusement To FEMALE NEEDED - spring. One buy or sell. 482-6893. apartment newly redecorated. leases available OLDS CUTLAsI "wagon, 1968. equipment such as 16mm pro¬ business. 4 salaried positions open bedroom, two person furnished 9-3-VI 112) Heat and water furnished. Only 360 automatic, power steering/ jectors, tape recorders and slide starting March 22. Call 351-9389 apartment. Campus close. 337- One Bedroom unit! $190/month unfurnished. $210/ brakes. Good tires. $526. 676- projectors. Experience helpful after 7 p.m. 5-3-10 I23I REACH ONE of the 42,000 poten¬ 1481. Z 4-3-11 (12) '165-l200 month furnished. Only 1 left. Cell plus utilities 9178.6-3-11 (131 but not necessary. Must be able to tial employees through a State NEEDED News Classified Ad. Call Bonnie. John or Sue at 332-6354. 0-9-3-11 attend all training sessions. Need IMMEDIATELY: Full SPACIOUS ONE bedroom. Sub¬ Meridian Mall Area. OLDS OMEGA 1976. Six stick, students with large blocks of time day hostess and cook-utility, 355-8255 for friendly assistance. S I3® lease immediately, spring term. 1-4*8-3857 iiifiH.irnirn comfortable bucket seats. AM hours free from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. available over break. Also wait¬ 11-3-11 (191 Furnished, heat, water included. FEMALE UPPERCLASSMAN, inntotmrm radio, trailer hitch. Pop-out rear Monday - Friday and with more resses starting spring term. THE Balcony, air, close. 332-4634. Z window. Rustproofed. 393-5846 or SOMEONE NEEDED to babysit 2 non-smoker. Four women apart¬ imiriimniTi than one term left. Apply in person PEANUT BARREL, 521 East 4-3-11 (16) FRANDOR - LARGE one bed¬ children, ages 7 and 10, in ment. $75/month. Spring. unmrniTi 882-2690. 3-3-8 (20) only. Applications will be accepted Grand River. 4-3-8 (24) room. Immediate occupancy. $175 exchange for room and board plus Campus hill. 349-2564. Z 5-3-11 OKEMOS, MERIDIAN Mall. Newly a month plus electricity. Prefer nrnimrinmn Monday - Friday, 8 -12 a.m. and 1 (121 PINTO 1975 Sport. Deluxe inte¬ SALAD GIRL $20 a week. From 10:30 - 8 a.m. decorated, one bedroom fur¬ married or grads. Phone 489- - 6 p.m. in Room 28 of the - Experienced. rior, 22,000 miles, sharp. $2300. 372-6387. 8-3-11 (24) nished. $160 monthly. Ideal for 1323 or Wesphalia, 1-587-6680. Instructional Media Center. 5-3-11 Apply within, LION'S DEN. See FEMALE NEEDED for quiet one 355-6523 before 5 p.m. Leave Robert Lundy, Monday-Friday. married couple. 669-3654, leave 6-3-11 120) DEADLINE 'I6! WAITRESS WANTED: apply in bedroom apartment. Nicely furn¬ >.7-3-11 1141 _ _ 489-2496. 7-3-11 (131 message. 8-3-11 (17) DATA PROCESSING senior com¬ person, MAC'S BAR, 2700 East ished. CLOSE. Spring. 332-6052. Z CAMPUS IS CLOSE! Need female PONTIAC 1975 Grand Prix. Air, Michigan, nights after 10 p.m., 3-3-9 (121 for 4 person - 2 bedroom apart¬ puter operator. If you are a MALE COUNSELORS - Camp FEMALE TO share 2 bedroom buckets, 11,000 miles. Like new. qualified DOS/Power operator, Midiche - a eummer camp for except Tuesday and Friday. 5-3-8 apartment. Spring term. Air. Next ment, spring term. $67/month or ice od is ordered it cannot $3995.625-3111.6-3-11 (121 consider our second shift opening. (17) CAMPUS, MALL close. One bed¬ less First month paid. Albert diabetic children. If interested call to campus. $75, negotiable. 351- ft cancelled or changed un- For a challenging position with room, carpet, air, snack bar. $150. 3947. Z 5-3-8 1151 Street Apartments, behind Peanut 1-313-733-2410. Z 6-3-9 (14) 339-2346. After 4 p.m. I after first insertion, un¬ PONTIAC LEMANS 1968, new responsibility and rewards. Paid DOORMAN WANTEO: apply in - 655-3843. Barrel. Please call collect - Karen - ordered & cancelled tires, AM/FM radio, stereo. Excel¬ person MAC'S BAR, 2700 East 5-3-11 114) 1313) 239-5467. Z 5-3-9 (31) vacation, health insurance, retire¬ MANAGER TRAINEE and assis¬ ft I p.m. 2 class days before §blicafion. lent engine - interior. 484-5762. 2 6-3-11 (12) ment, holiday pay, sick leave, long term disability and opportunity for tant manager. atre Local drive-in the¬ is seeking people to learn the Michigan, nights after 10 p.m., except Tuesday and Friday. 5-3-8 GRAD STUDENT needs mate. Large, two bedroom. Birch- room¬ T MLTA ARMS / leasing for i ] FEMALE NEEDED - two bedroom a continuing education through (171 i (with speciol rotes) and foil, furnished apartment. Own room. a M.00 service ROADRUNNER 1974 - 400 cu¬ tuition reimbursement, after 1 year drive-in theatre business. Apply in person to Mr. Malinowski at the field Apartment. $100/month. 882- I 1 or 2 bedroom apartments jI Close 337-0024. Z 4-3-8 (121 bic, 4-speed, 38,000 miles, air, 2595. Z 2-3-8 (12) large for od change of employment. Contact Ross P. GRADUATE STUDENT to work on AM/FM 8 track, power steering, STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE I across from campus. 235 Delta I 18' per word per day Alander, assistant personnel direc¬ between 2-4 Monday pert time, weekends in car rental ONE FEMALE needed four p.m. 1^ J - NEEDED ft additional words. disc brakes. 351-8479. 3-3-8 (17) tor, E. W. SPARROW HOSPITAL, 1215 East Michigan Avenue, Lan¬ through Friday. 8-3-11 1361 office. 489-1484. 6-3-9 1121 FEMALE to Cedar Village Apartment. Spring sublease 332-5978 person apartment for spring term. Close. Call 349-1591. Z 7-3-11 (12) TOYOTA SR5, 1974. Five speed, STORE DETECTIVES. C.J. ma¬ term. $86/month. 332-3223. Z sing. 487-9180. Equal Opportunity NEED A job? The STARLITE and 3-3-9 (121 WANTED - FEMALE to sublease one owner. AM/FM, defog, ex¬ Employment. M/F. 4-3-11 (731 LANSING THEATRES need peo¬ jors, junior and above. 10-3 p.m. Cedar Village Apartment. Spring FREE - ONE months rent. Female tras. Cared for. $1500. 351-0485. Z Monday through Friday. 641-6734 ple to work evenings at various term. Considerate roommate. $88 for spring. Close reasonable, great 6-3-8 (141 LABORATORY ASSISTANTS - - Cell for details. Z 7-3-11 (151 FEMALE NEEDED to sublease positions. Apply in person at the per month. Cell 351-5490. 4-3-11 roommates. 332-3845. Z 7-3-11 In Stole News will be re- MLT and CLA registered or eligi¬ spring term at Twyckingham STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE BOOKKEEPER PART time. 1 6 (161 lonsible only for the first TOYOTA WAGON 1972. Stick. - - apartments. $95 monthly. 351- ble. Openings now available in between 2-4 p.m. Monday t/i incorrect insertion. Michelins. Good condition. 351- p.m. Monday - Friday. MICHIGAN 9110. Z 5-3-11 1121 clinical laboratory. Excellent salary through Friday. 8-3-11 130) EAST MSU - one bedroom, YOUNG WORLD. 482-1259 before 33^evenings. 4-3-11 021 and fringe benefits including paid 5 p.m. 3-3-9(12) PERFECT ONE bedroom furnished carpeted, snack bar, laundry, near NOW LIASINO ire due 7 days from the TRANS AM 1976. Silver with vacations, holidays, health insur¬ FULL AND part time game room bus line. $150/month. 339-2346. apartment. Immediate occupancy. Waters expirotion date. If not black interior. Loaded. Call 1 224- ance and opportunities for con¬ girls. Excellent pay end work Paid through March. Good loca¬ After 5 p.m. call 339-9648. 4-3-11 Edge |id by the due date e a charge will be SO' 8035 after 7 p.m. 7-3-11 (121 tinuing education through tuition reimbursement. Apply Personnel, conditions. Must be neat personable and enjoy playing pool, and rc»... im tion. 332-6536, afternoon. Z 3-3-9 1141 (141 Apt*. E. W. SPARROW HOSPITAL, 124 CEDAR STREET. East Lan¬ 332-4432 VEGA 1974. Sharp, no rust, very pinball, etc. Apply in person only, TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. 1215 East Michigan Avenue, Lan¬ sing 2 man, one bedroom fur¬ economical. $1395/will trade. Call $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. sing. 487-9180. Equal Opportunity weekdays, between 10 a.m. and 5 nished apartments, heat included. Townsend at DYKSTRA FORO. Furnished studio, utilities paid. Employment, M/F. 4-3-11 148) p.m. at the CINEMA X AOULT 1010_C>_3-mi_2l $190/month, June or September. WILLIAMSTON - WESTBROOK 393-1800, extension 545. 6-3-11 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, 1000 $135 plus deposit. 489-5574 after 5 129 Burcham Drive efficiency, APARTMENTS. 15 minutes east 118) THIS IS the best time of the year p.m. O 3-3-9 (131 MALE COUNSELORS, Michigan West Jolly Road. 0-9-3-11 144) $160/month. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 351- of campus. Studios - $125, one to rent out those unused items. Boys Camp, June 22-August 13. 2402, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. 882-2316. bedroom - $145. Carpeting, VEGA ESTATE Wagon 1974. Air, Give Kevin a call today at 355-8255 excellent condition. $1195. Days, Areas open: judo, nature/science, MERIT SAMPLER - Male or and let him help you with a BEECHW000 APARTMENTS XO-6-3-11 (29) drapes, air conditioning, kitchen PUNCING STORY OLDS tennis, crafts, archery, riflery, female wanted to distribute free appliances. Limited number avail¬ 374-8877 - evenings, 332-2669. classified ad. S 14-3-11 (29) 5 Block! to MSU P! March Tent Salel Many biking, and waterfront (must have samples of new Merit Cigarettes. SUBLEASE FURNISHED one able. Call now for appointment, is will be for sale at the 4-3-0 021 Large 2 bedroom — furnished bedroom. Pool, air, parking. Close. "V Let at wholesale prices gymnastics). Married couples con¬ Part time, 20 hours/week. $3/ GOING TO Florida for spring *240 a month Phone 332-3317 or (313) 463-8512. 1^2642.JO^nOT VOLKSWAGEN 1971 Square- sidered, write giving experience/ hour. Must have car. We reim¬ break? TENTS FOR RENTI •ncludat hoot ond woter ts in the market for a used ONE BLOCK from campus, furn¬ back. Ught blue, very good condi¬ background. Competitive salaries. burse 15c/mile. Contact Mr. UNITED RENT-ALL. 351-5652. 4- ZX9-3-11 (121 m $100 to $1000, shop at 351-1798 ished efficiency apartments avail¬ tion. $1250 or best offer. 337-1731, FLYING EAGLE, 1401 North Fair- Conner at Howard Johnsons - 3-11 113) IY OLDS ECONOMY able starting fall. Ceil Craig Gibson LOT, extension 241; 339-2879. 4-3-11 w, Lansing, Ml 48912. X5-3-11 694-0454, March 10th, 9 a.m. - 7 GREAT LOCATION! Spring 1,2 "~:k west of Brody. 5-3-11 EAST LANSING - close in. and leave a message. 627-9773. Z (161 (411 p.m. 4-3-10 (39) females. Balcony, beautiful view, 10-3-11 (18) « 1973.4 door, Michelin VW BUG 1966. 60,000 miles, MOTHER'S HELPER. 8:30-5 p.m. OVERSEAS JOBS - summer/ PI Married couple or single women. Three rooms andWh - basement reasonable. 332-1973. XZ3-111121 ONE WOMAN needed to sublet MALE NEEDED to sublease 4 . radials, mechanically excellent. Monday-Friday. Babysitting, bak¬ round. Europe, S. America, apartment. Unfurnished, all utili¬ 142,000 miles. $2675. Call $4S0/offer. Reliable. 349-2836. Z year Cedar Village Apartment. Close to person Cedar Village Apartment. >5-3-11 (121 ing, and light housework. Must Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, MERIDIAN MALL - near. Sharp ties paid. No pets. $185. Also have 3-3-9 (12) enjoy infants. $55/week. Call 351- 2 bedroom, appliances. $200/ first floor apartment available campus. $83/month. Spring. 332- Spring term. Rent negotiable. Call $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses 1309. B 1-3-8117) month. 669-3654. Leave message. March 1st $ 180/electricity. 5709. S 6-3-11 1151 Coup DeVille. VW WINDOW Van 1968. Sharp, paid, sightseeing. Free information - Phone 332-5988. 7-3-11 (341 K1j8676. Z6-3-8J151 - write: INTERNATIONAL JOB 8-3-10 (12) air. $395. 351-8330. rebuilt engine. Best offer over HASLETT 5906 Marsh Road. WAITRESSES, COOKS, mainte¬ MSU 10 minutes. Furnished - • pm. 351-8856, Jerry. $700. 489-1886. Z 7-3-11 (121 CENTER, Dept. ME, Box 4490, nance people. RAINBOW RANCH TWO BEDROOM house. Lan¬ TWO FEMALES Share 4 man mobile home. Quiet, on lake. Child Two and three bedroom apart¬ 11131 Berkeley, CA 94704. ZB 6-3-11 (32) - is now accepting applications to sing's East side. Fully furnished. Cedar Village, fall thru spring, ok, no pets. $35/week and up. Call ments with carpeting, drapes. LE 1970 fill the above named positions. $190/month plus utilities. Call 1978. 351-5941. Z-7-3-11 (121 641-6601. 0 5-3-11 (191 394-5230. 9-3-11 (131 - Malibu. 2 door HOUSEKEEPER AND babysitter F ted with black yinyl top, Apply in person, 2843 East Grand to care for 8 year old and 1 year Cathy or Vyto, 371-3627 after 5 Rimr p.m. 6-3-11 1191 MALE OWN room in 2 bed¬ TWO FEMALES needed immedi¬ FOURTH FEMALE needed spring automatic transmission, «-11J2» old. Must have own transporta¬ - $100/month includes utili¬ tion. Call after 5 p.m. - 394-2139. room. ately, Old Cedar Village. Parking, term. 2 bedroom, Cedarbrook |««rmg. Sharp. 994-4899. TRIUMPH TIGER 650cc '70. Nice. OPENINGS - THE U.S. NAVY is 4-3-U TWO BEDROOM with fire¬ ties. 394-3312 before 3 p.m. 7-3-11 balcony. Rent negotiable. 351- Apartment. $80/month. 332-8506. Must sell before 3-19. Call 337- looking for college juniors, (21^ - place. Located on form, 10 miles (131 5127. Z 6-3-11 (12) Z 3-3-8 (12) 1223 3-7 p.m.Z 4-3-11 (12) seniors, grads or masters in EN¬ LET 1968 from California. MODELS WANTED. $8/hour. east of East Lansing. $200/month, J*.Runs beautifully. 46,000 GINEERING, business administra¬ Earn while you learn. Call 489- utilities r 1i paid. 675-5566. 5-3-10 (181 tion, math, chemistry/physics 2278. Z-34-3-11 1121 1^.349-0724.4-3-11112) Ijfc SOTOJ/J computer science, civil engineer¬ ing or nuclear engineering. Max FOR RENT near East Lansing, We Now Have flOLET 1956 - 67,000 actual I u»er $700 of age, 26 years old. Call 1-313-226- PART TIME employment for MSU furnished 2 bedroom apartment Openings In new work. GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 students. 15-20 hours/week. Au¬ with garage. Ideal for two college 7795 or 226-7789, collect. 2-3-8 (»;ng accepted. 353-2071. Z inch. Priced from $4. Mounted tomobile required. 339-9500. C-9- girls. $200 monthly including utili¬ free. PENNELL SALES 130114 1381 11 (12) ties. Call 666-4583. Z 7-3-11 (22) 1,2 & 3 bedroom PERSON TO operate light food Mke IA1975. Real sharp, load- &»< Lan8infl' ^ and beverage concession at golf Fall and Summer leasing unfurnished opts, new. ints. $700 and take C-9-3-11J17) course in coming season. Income Will begin on some with study 694-5307. 6-3-11 JyNK CARS wanted We pay guarantee plus percentage of March 28 "JE1977. Rower more if they run. Also buy used «rs and trucks. 489-3080 anytime, sales. Reply - P.O. Box 207, For information call PLEASE!! air, F LB, stereo tape, cruise [other options. steering/ leather, Call 339- C 5-3-11 (171 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Marshall, Michigan 49068. Z 8-3-10 AwncAMtfAinms 332-5322 1121 Victor Straat THEY WENT from *185 per mo. (indudM Cot hoot I water) Kalamazoo Street since 1940. BEN IOC THAT-A-WAY...TO Complete euto painting and colli¬ All student advertising must be -J SUPREME ■™» sieering/brakes, euto- '78, 350 sion service. American and foreign 25lm«e""eet COLLINGWOOD APTSI! KNOB HILL prepaid cars. 48*0256. C-9-3-11 1201 Mnmrtnumms the last two weeks of each term. 12?*, rally wheels. 18,000 >51-2744 6-3-9(151^ CRAIG CASSETTE player. Like 13301. Grand River * air conditioned APARTMENTS CmiYfWVUWITS lH.200 Coupe 1972. New new. $35 or make offer. Call 353- * dishwasher Office Open r^res, 1200cc engine. ■"J. Very clean. 39,000 1562. ZE 5-3-8 (12) 351-5447 13401. Grand River * shag carpeting 12-5 Monday-Saturday ALL STUDENT ADVERTISING 393-1590,before 5:30 amuu/wmoTs * unlimited parking «™Vs. 10-3-11 (22) 332-5330 * plush furniture or by appointment MUST BE PREPAID k WINDOW Van. 1975. 1554 E. Grand Riyar * model open daily P condition, partially cue- RfVBNWSAPAimNTS 348- 4700 EJ™S ™"Y practical ex- » leasing for foil t sum- j 332-0111 ■™9 Offers over $4500. >r ('with special sun rotes) Now leasing foe 204 Rivar Straat LOCATED 347 Student Services j^cos,. $7000. 351- •AllmllMn CEMIS EAST AMITMEXTS 332-0111 Summer and Fall V, MILE NORTH ■ttJ00 sotomatic. Air, WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top ' Ampk jsiilns •NkHjH.nV.leS 140 Cadar Straat Coll 351-S2S2 OF JOLLY RD. ON OKEMOS RD. 355-8255 489-4647. NORTHSIDE ittnsK vurmrs (behind Rollerworld ■yog, brakes, new tires. dollar 745 Burcham 351-31II J 332-5242 please, no pets AUTO PARTS AND SALVAGE. P/^s, offer. 363- 9-3-11 (14) ms»* * « For Fall ond Summer J LARGE ROOM. Close, clean, quiet OWN ROOM in large co-ed house. eo, powerplay speakers, bracket, INVESTMENT PROPERTY, 10 116) ('wiihspeciol rotes) * house. Spring term. Must see. excellent, $75. 482-2931. 8-3-10 PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ 3 blocks to campus. 437 MAC. minutes from MSU. 2 apartment « 1 or 2 bedroom oportments J Don, 351-8709. >2 6-3-11021^ $77/month. Call John, 351-2326 112) house. Downstairs: 4 rooms, bath. TYPEWRITER RENTALS sonal and professional IBM typing. One day service. 351-5094. C-9-3- i*444 Michigan i OWN ROOM in four bedroom after 6 p.m. Z 4-3-11J19) Upstairs: 3 rooms, bath, separate BY THE WEEK OR MONTH 11 021 Avenue-M2-5420{ hpuse Sub|aasg sprjng ,erm NEW, USED and vintage guitars, entrance. $16,600, $300 down. ADVERTISE THAT end of *!?"'T!'.'tTttVT ? T T 97750 mon,hlV' Naar c8mpus' 440 PARK Lane. Single, double or banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers 373-5706 before 4:30 p.m. 489- AMERICAN RAPID TYPING service. Themes, special! 20 words only II?' 372.3050 z 5.3.11 114) attic room in nice house. Rent negotiable. 332-1928. Z 6-3-11(141 and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ sories, books, thousands of hard 0_798aft_er_5^0_D_m_ S 4-3-n (281 BUSINESS MACHINES dissertations, term papers. IBM Selectric. Call 694-1541. 13-3-11 days. Call Barb. 3558256 S (262 EAST LANSING near. 3 bedroom MMill ^Sr»mMlUrni,hTuiil^s,l,0unne ^nSe^srS^S/ TOWNHOUSE. SERIOUS liberal to And albums. (All at very low ranch. Many extras. Okemos ra WIN MONEY! Grand enm' dry, a**",. 92°° 37^ 7"3' 02) ^ person. Furnished, $65/month prices.) Private and group lessons on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all schools, close to MSU. $44,900 by owner. 332-0524 after 5 p.m. Open FOR QUALITY stereo service THE LOOKING FOR someoneVshare your humble abode? Let Beth help $150 to $300 at Bingo! 7:30: Tuesday Night. C0NGREGAT plus utilities, deposit. Now ~~~~Z~~~ 7~~ ELSWORTH HOUSE CO-OP has through August. 394-2973. 6-3-11 styles. Gift certificates. Expert Sunday 2-5 p.m., 2646 Heather STEREO SHOPPE, 556 East Grand you place a classified ad. 356 SHAAREY ZEKEK, 1924 C:._ SPRING TERM: Rooms for sub- openings jp^g tarm for men and repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY Drive, East Lansing. 4-3-11 127) River. C-33-11 (12) 8255. S 3-11 1171 East Lansing. C-9-3-111201 lease. Furnished, ut.litiMincluded. w>omen Roomand board, approx- 1142 INSTRUMENTS. 541 East Grand 332-4580. Z 7-3-10 TWO PLACES available. Campus imate|y $300 per term. Call 332- two blocks. Furnished. $75. 394- RiverJB^V C-9-3-1J J49l_ 3574J 13-3-0 I202 1168 X 9-3-11021 SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE FEMALE - OWN bedroom, WANTED - PERSON to rent Northwind Farms. Nicest aroundl SALEI Brand new portables room. $55/month plus utilities. SINGLE ROOMS. Male, female. 351-6297; 484-2776 after 5 p.m. $49.95. $5 per month. Large pet8 allowed. Busline, close. $82/month, utilities paid. 236 Z-8-3-11 (12) Phone 371-4572. Z 7-3-11 1151 North Harrison. 332-6990, immed¬ selection of reconditioned used iate and spring term. Z10-3-11116) machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- FEMALE ROOMMATE. Own SUBLET ROOMS in house. $80- chi's, New Home and "many room. Comer of Hagadorn and $85 plus utilities. Beth, Sue, BOGUE STREET CO-OP openings others." $19.96 to 39.96. Terms. Mt. Hope. 351-8238. Z 5-3-8 (12) spring term. Men and women. Dayna, 351-2379. Z-33-9 (121 EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Student - Very close to campus. 351-8660, LIBERAL MALE to share 2 bed- COMPANY, 1115 North Washing- FIVE BEDROOM furnished. Tun Susan or Lori. Z 6-3-11 117) room apartmenLpreferably over minutes south of campus. 1 y, ton_489:6448_C;9-3-m26| ROOM AVAILABLE - 5 bedroom in 0M*f 349"5929 b8,0re 4 pm- acres, house. $400. 394-1168. 9-3- house. 2 blocks from Student LUDWIG DRUMS - Five piece. 11 (131 Services. Call Dave, 332-0241. Cases, throne, Zildjan cymbals. Immaculate. $660. 361-5715. Z FEMALE NEEDED for four person 6-3-9(13) 4-3-81121 apartment, spring. One block from OWN ROOM, three student campus. 332-6472. Z 7-3-11 112) house. Furnished, excellent condi- OWN ROOM in co-ed house, SHERWOOD S-7200, Ohm - D oriented close to campus. Spring term FEMALE ROOMMATE needed "Z ^ only. 351-1258. Z 5-3-11 1121 speakers, Micracard 620-U table. spring term. Cedar Village Apart- ' $425. Call Norm, 394-2973. 6-3-10 _ _ _ ments. Parking space included. nWc EAST LANSING • single room for (12) pcQcniu 351-7817. Z 5-3-10 (121 0NE PER30N need8d' *>""9' summer. Own room, woman. Close to campus. Unfurn¬ large house, ished. $80. 332 5988. 5-3-11 (12) BOOK EXCHANGE - 2301 East f 7, IPX" Frandorclose, one block from bus. Michigan Avenue. Paperbacks, I Hoists Parking, friendly people. 485-1268. comics, buy, sell, trade. 485-0416. 1M=J 10-3-11 1191 SINGLE ROOMS. $25 deposit. 12-3-11 (121 OWN ROOM - 3 bedroom du- From $66/month. Also lease by FM radio? week. Call between 12-6 p.m. plex. $75/month, utilities. Partially Tw0 BLOCKS from campus, four THORENS TD-160 turntable. Ex¬ furnished. Elaine, 351-2035. Z3-3- ,0 SIX bedroom homes for rent 351-4496. C-9-3-11 (151 cellent condition with Stanton 8(12) starting fall. All homes are furn- 681 EE. Great value. $140. 349- ished and very nice. Call Craig ROOMMATE WANTED - own 9679. Z-5-3-8 (12) ROOM FOR rent in si* man house. Gibson and leave a message. room, spring and summer. $75 $95 per month. Call 351-1481. Z 627-9773. Z 10-3-11 (28) plus utilities. One block, campus. 6-3-11 (121 Call 351-7777. S 5-3-5 1191 WHEEL N BAILY STREET Veaetarian LANSING-EAST side. Furnished 3 NEW COMMUNITY CO-OPERA¬ TRACK house own room $77 50 Mamh bedroom hous8' 9200 pluS u,ili,ies' TIVE needs members. $285/term, 10 September wTh 'p^fng ^ It"i12J_ room/board/utilities. Close. 351- sp*fd handcrafted by With your help, it can be a reality. 2069. Z 4-3-11 112) 0WN ROOM - share house. Near 3820 ' 8-3-8 112) Lambert ... 7 Frandor. Spring/summer option. Regular $275.00 444 EVERGREEN. One block from Call 484-3674. Z 5-3-8 (121 EAST LANSING - single rooms New |m« 9130** A University-wide referendum, to be voted on Union. Across from park. House three blocks MSU. No pets, 11$ Lansing Read. Pottarvllla for 5 people. Spring/summer. $65. 394-4796. Z4-3-11 117) BEAUTIFUL ROOM in sharp shown after 5:30 all Sunday. 253 Vt $45-2442 during Spring Term registration, will determine home. Large yard, trees. March Gunson. 10-3-11 116) 7n77.777~7_,_,_~,— 15,h' 996-26' 337-2679. Z-8-3-11 TRIVIA CHALLENGE, only $2.00, whether M.S.U. students want the Michigan State FOR FALL. One block from Union. 112) ROOM AVAILABLE - male. 4 TRIVIA, Box 41068, Chicago, llli- Fireplace. Need 4,6, or 10 people. Radio Network 394-4796. Z 4-3-11 1141 1 bedroom house. Spring and sum¬ noj?6064iii°l«(12t to pursue an FM Broadcasting 1( mer. Parking, walking distance, SMITH CORONA manual type¬ 0„. OWN da»- L_»«¥l JliS roann2 close (16) to bus. 351-6758 z 7-3-11 writer. $25.393-3884 after 6 p.m. E 33-8112) License. issum'sttsrfs FEMALE - ROOM for rent. Three f" i-i-.l. |[W This license could bring commercial-free 1 LOVELY v 7,7,7 77 TWO bedroom home, Warm atmosphere. 332-2681. 16- blocks from campus. 351-5194. Z [_ *■•"«)$ ]| ~ J 3-11 (121 furnished. Available for sublease t3!8!171 COLLIE SHEPHERD - female. 4 student-oriented programming to everyone in the and possibly for permanent lease. ROOM AND board at TRIANGLE 3 blocks from campus. Quiet neighborhood, across from play- FRATERNITY. $450/term. Close to campus. 332-3563. Z 5-3-11 (12) Eaass spssasass wm.**1- M.S.U. community. ground. Call 351-4685. 4-3-11 1241 4950. 5-3 8 (121 00,muan pups - akc, • PERSON NEEDED in spacious 3 weeks old. Weekdays, call 394- We need your support. Vote YES on the FM LIBERAL WOMAN needed to share duple*. $130. Country set- bedroom, 1 'A baths, quiet setting, ROOM IN house. Close, parking, ^ ni9hts' 393-2650.4-3-11 1121 Referendum $86.50, no lease. 349-2841. Z furnished, clean. Spring/summer! | lp ~| on the ASMSU Election ballot. Your ting. Own room. 339-9360. 4-3-11 5-3-11 (141 $80/month. Jerry, 351-0600. Z Mohilt HOilS W vote will make the difference. {13) I ' -—4".-' ) v.——I 7 777 „ ROOM FOR rent. $70 per month 10 X 55, 1963 Champion trailer. MALE 10 Share two bedroom SINGLE plus utilities. Block from campus, - COOKING, carpeting, Good condition, clean, 1 % baths, house on Lansing's south side. parking. Very close to campus. 351-6465. Z 5-3-11 1121 2 bedrooms carpeted, partially $80/month, utilities. 393-7690 after $85, utilities paid. 332-8001.3-3-9 furnished, etc. Shed included. form] 5pm. Z5-3-10 (16) SUBLEASE OWN room, spring, •J2! $2200.487-6828.j:2"3-11219)_ nuui,, OWN nnn,, . ROOM with extras. Prefer 35° 6313^33 9 02?"' bUS'ine' G'sat house. Laundry, dish- washer, close. $220/term, negotia- OWN _ LARGE. FURNISHED, quiet room. Close to campus. Call 351-8154 after 3 p.m. 9-3-11 (12) 1972 NEW Moon, 3 bedroom, full bath. Stove, refrigerator, storage shed. Fully skirted. Call anytime, Vote YES ROOM semi-furnished. SHARE THREE bedroom 661-6194J-MljlSI house 10 minutes from MSU. Own bedroom and den. Call after country Close, private entrance, parking, Available 3/18. 337-0678 after 7 p.m. 8-3-11 (131 r**rm MARLETTE 1970 new, great - 12 X 53. Like started home. Extras 6:30 p.m. 675-5397. 8-3-11 (17) 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. included. $4600. 394-2709 after 6 < 7.77 LARGE DOUBLE room in excel- Tanks, cannisters and uprights. p.m. 4-3-VI 04) EAST LANSING, three bedroom lent house, 3 blocks to campus, Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 house Full 12 X 80 HOMETTE - Two bed¬ basement/garage. Kitchen, laundry, parking. Prefer and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING rooms. $170 per month plus mSnU|^t'llt^a2 Hope (23) WKAR Membership- C0HV Cc THtY H/we. S4&.Y R££*S-rftvnenO DURlRtb FINALS it'S sapsmoogk TO SE. \~ THE DROPOUTS lueadoy Dinner : Doi/ufa OVSAvaLLY /OOW UJOWOUT StiMG R£A(IAJDEC> L wave, to (bo T^v?oa6K TH£ J ) sponsored by: Spinoch-Cheese Pie, Greek lentil soup and Feta Solad. TMmfc. AlfcXT Tb? At DUKITUMATOI /j—p- AND von UXB A6AIIJ, ALF.' SO\ HA-'-607ZHA thi all st*r frogs I FAR THIS 6AME, YOUOU* THAT TIME/ Drafts A rfrlrts HE $WSiL8.W. 7lTS *4,375,Z4.&.V0/ -yo wOMDfft r'M - L0SLMC* SO Ml/C/f • * CLEANERS Down JackeH PROFESSOR PHUMBLE 541EMPORIUM ■ ntr insttitn LAUNDRY ujrumise ,, llbaned j by Bill Yates SPONSORED BY: Wm 337-2700 gamma aim FEATURING BOARD GAMM © IS 77 CARCEJgCh. lOWN'S TOWN TODAY TONITI LOOfrAM like Brown stomoxio .V: "T DROWN DooLeys IF Yoi> mi*A. v /mi cetvoar h a ■I W* i I IT• TODAY'S SPECIAL MINUOOBOUP CALVIN AND COMPANY A hot. spicy Mexican soup renoun for its unique ability to cure hangovers. by Mark Varadian IL AZTICO RESTAURANT Hometown People 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 [!□□□□ nraurj . OSSWORD □□nnnaaaaaa Giving Hometown Service! ALL THE, SCWLARSOSHL MAN HAS PUZZLE nana aaou as ana aaaa rana Beiaeioi'i Littie Freeway IS M £xPlR.E.0 PtvzA coupon! □a anna nana Service ftetfee MOHTH'S 26 Ennui Neitte Vanity Inn AND LAST "HUSTLSA/^ . 30 Unreservedness CE3H0O E30HH 381® ^ We Appreciote Your Business fil tile m 32. Smell tractor aoaa Daan ua 33. Clu 34. hob aunr-3 son Extended - 35. Follow □□ BBBD BODE 38. Backward gOOEEBBBESS HGSD aaCBQ 40. 41 Singing syllable Sidestep Ves, i Dip ORDER MM STeAK WiRe 43. 47. Arabic acid Started -BUT TWS ONE'S SdlUMPViNS II t,-■ 48 Ribbed silk ["•ii II nea labnc Mr sheep 49. Direction 58 Thoroughfare JACKET SALE Regular Price.. Now ONLY. $47.95 $33.66 *24.50 *15.50 $ *22.95 15.50 $ *19.75 13.33 $ *19.00 13.33 BOOK SALE 75c per pound Excellent Reference Books! MONEY MAN'S A COMING march 14-18,1977 We try harder to please you - with highest prices back on books, paid in uncirculated one dollar bills! ALSO - SPRING TERM So if you no longer need Winter BOOKS ARE NOW your term books, sell them during Finals Week March 14-18, 1977 Special Book Buying Personnel will be ready AVAILABLE FOR to serve you 7S0 to 500 daily. PURCHASE