tmi flops on side Chile apology 'dilly' of a wreck causes flap By DEBBIE WOLFE feet on its side, said Jim E. Sute News Staff Writer Douglas, East Lansing police officer at the scene. I been in a pickle? James L. Adams nesday when his 40-foot semi truck "I'd guess the trailer weighs about 51,000 pounds plus the cab and the entire U. S. votes Carter raps pd on 1-496 near Trowbridge Road that far uphill. thing slid . It must have set some kind [was stuck with a cargo of 41,000 jars Ljc Polish his spears. managed to crawl uninjured of record," Douglas said. "I'm not issuing a citation driver knows what he did and the because the to condemn new envoy's purpose Hi the broken windshield of the wreck of giving out one would be to inform him of J turned over. government statements his mistake," Douglas said. i southbound on 1-496 in the left Damage to the entire rig was estimated n I knew something hit my side," at about $7,000, Adams said. By HANNS NEUERBOURG By FRANK CORMIER |said. Then my right front tire blew "With the insurance policy I have, if I'm GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) - The WASHINGTON (AP) President Jim¬ i ear clean around crossways in found at fault I'll lose - my tractor," Adams United States broke with past policy my Carter said Wednesday that a newly If me. I hit the tractor brakes because said. "I own the tractor but not the trailer." Wednesday and joined in a 26-1 vote in the recruited American diplomat's apology for Jfraid of runnin' over him and that's Close to $50,000 in market value of U.N. Human Rights Commission con¬ past U.S. action in Chile was "inappropri¬ be rig started going over on its side." pickles was lost, he said. » Earl Kline of Ionia, Mich., the demning "constant and flagrant violations ate" and the State Department promptly of human rights" by the Chilean junta. announced that the envoy was being called ■of the car, was uninjured in the "Some of my buddies and I came out here after work when our boss told us that a At the same time, the State Department in for "consultations." trucker needed some Carter told a nationally broadcast news help," said Bill Harris, summoned home Brady Tyson, the U.S. n my way to the Lansing Post a road worker for the conference that he did not have advance city of East Lansing. delegate whose public apology Tuesday for Lhen the truck started to drift in my We came out here not U.S. involvement in the 1973 coup against notice of Tyson's remarks, which he ■Kline said. "I started honking my knowing what we characterized as "a personal expression of were getting into or what we would be paid. Marxist President Salvador Allende was ad the next thing I knew, I was in an This is hard work, quickly disavowed by the White House and opinion by that delegate." loading cases of pickles Carter also spelled out some of his it." onto this other truck. I think I've had State Department. my fill thoughts on a possible Middle East settle¬ (truck skidded 270 feet then slid 65 of pickles for a while." Tyson also demanded a U.N. inquiry into ment, announcing he soon would begin allegations of torture, kidnaping and other human rights violations in Uruguay, Argen¬ exploring his ideas with Arab leaders. And Stote News Photos/Morna Moore he announced he was lifting restrictions on tina, Paraguay and Brazil, drawing sizzling Adams sits atop Americans traveling to Cuba, Vietnam, his overturned 18-wheeler and surveys the scene. retorts from the four. North Korea and Cambodia effective March At previous sessions of the U.N. human 18. rights body, the United States abstained on Saying that Tyson's views did not reflect resolutions critical of Chile. U.S. delegates the U.S. government's, Carter said Senate have often accused the commission of investigators found no evidence that the concentrating on a handful of rights United States was involved in the 1973 violators while overlooking major ones like overthrow of the Chilean government. the Soviet Union. The State Department said the action does not represent a recall of Tyson from This year, however, the United States Geneva because Tyson was planning to was among the cosponsors of the resolution return to the United States on Wednesday. — who included the Soviet Union and Cuba Carter's apparent candor on the super¬ — apparently in another manifestation of President Jimmy Carter's pledge to de¬ charged Middle East issue was reminiscent of his free wheeling disclosure at his first nounce human rights violations anywhere news conference Feb. 8 of in the world. proposals for conducting arms-related negotiations with Uruguay cast the lone vote against the the Soviet Union — an action that surprised resolution, while Jordan, Peru, Panama, many conventional U.S. diplomats, (continued on page 13) (continued on page 13) Sale of new books by ASMSU torpedoed By MICHAEL SAVEL State News Stait Writer "I hove been on this The University administration has un¬ campus for 20 years and I officially vetoed ASMSU's request to sell have seen these things new books and supplies on campus at a come and go. The students discount because of competition with the are hot to trot for one MSU Bookstore, according to Peter Jensen, >d Squad investigation stalled coordinator of the ASMSU book exchange. "The reason we are unable to sell new textbooks and supplies at significantly lower prices is because of the competition minute Vice and then these things die out." President Nonnamaker — MSU Eldon we will bring to the MSU and local (By MICKIMAYNARD sending the resolution to the House Public agencies, said he could see no reason for a Stopcynzski said he felt if the resolution bookstores," Jensen said. te News Staff Writer Safety Committee, of which he is a member. new investigation. passed, it would create a "witch hunt," The University has an ordinance that lution creating a special House There was talk on the House floor after echoing the sentiments of the executive nothing to do with competition with the * "What is the reason for this committee? prohibits the sale of anything on campus t0 investigate the Michigan the vote to reconsider the move by Rep. secretary of the Michigan State Police without a special exemption from Elliot MSU or any other bookstore," he said. "It is Who is going to head it? WU1 it be the « Red Squad was sidetracked Joseph Forbes, D-Oak Park, the sponsor of Troopers Association, Doil Brown, who Ballard, assistant to President Clifton R. just not within the scope of ASMSU to go chairman of the House Civil Rights Com¬ blasted the resolution Monday. I and may be permanently the resolution who said he and its support¬ Wharton, Jr. Exemptions have been grant¬ into the business of setting new books. mittee, a well-known anti-police legislator?" ers would work with the Public Safety "I don't agree with publicly humiliating ed in the past to groups for such things as "I have been on this campus for 20 years iddeus Stopcynzski was referring to Rep. Perry Stopczynski, D-Detroit, a Committee. Bullard, D-Ann Arbor, a backer of the the police agencies in this state," Stopcynz¬ RHA movies and the ASMSU print sale. and I have seen these things come and go. |eteran of the Detroit Police During floor debate, Stopcynzski, who is resolution. ski said. "Are we forgetting that not too "The board of trustees set up the MSU The students are hot to trot for one minute successfully won a ballot on known to oppose any investigation of police Bullard said he felt the move to send the long ago our cities were burning and our Bookstore and for Ballard to OK our sale and then these things die out," he said. "We would conflict with the bookstore and would are not against granting exemptions on a resolution to Public Safety was "a united campuses were being blown up?" Forbes told the House members that he go against the board's original intentions," short-term basis for fund-raising activities, way to continue the cover-up." but as far as selling new books goes we are (continued Jensen said. During debate on the committee referral, on page 10) Eldon Nonnamaker, vice president of not in favor of it." student affairs, who played a key role in the Nonnamaker said a breakdown of com¬ LC. siege Conspiracy evidence decision-making process, said the permis¬ sion was not granted because selling books is not part of ASMSU's function. "To the best of my knowledge, it had munications was also part of the decision. nor "I have not seen any concrete proposal, have I seen or heard from a consistent spokesman," he said. "Communications are uncovered Iscalates reportedly By RICHARD PYLE "We hope to present credible evidence to ""WON (AP) - In bizarre sequence, terrorist gunmen invaded the Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - The House Congress, so we don't come out with a smoking gun that is not corroborated and inside weather of a Jewish organization, a Moslem religious center and Washington's Assassinations Committee's chief investiga¬ not credible," he said. Another day of watching "ednesday, killing a radio newsman and seizing scores of hostages. A gunman tor said Wednesday there is "uncorroborat¬ As the panel convened, Staff Director Setting the bottle makers ajar. joggers in shorts instead of invaders were "prepared to stay indefinitely." ed" evidence of conspiracies in the murders Richard A. Sprague said he had uncorrobo¬ Page 12. sweat pants! The high will be in "I known motives were a quest for vengeance "by the sword for the 1973 of President John F. Kennedy and Dr. rated evidence "indicating that others may the lower 60s. '"'Seven members of the predominantly black Hanafi Moslem sect, and for Martin Luther King Jr. have had knowledge of or participated in J® of"'ion a motion and picture about the prophet Mohammad. The film was pulled first showings were stopped, But as the panel met for briefings behind the assassination" of King, and that "there closed doors, Chairperson Louis Stokes, was prior knowledge on the part of some building guard also was shot, and lay for hours within range of the D-Ohio, would say only that the information individuals of the Kennedy assassination was "highly speculative," and that it was before it occurred." He gave no further Kje-aite police seige continued into the night, in buildings ringed by police too early to know whether it could be details. C® off the areas involved, including Pennsylvania Avenue, close to the White verified or where it might lead. All previous official inquiries have report¬ ■J™ Massachusetts Avenue, In the heart of Embassy Row. He said the committee, which still .must ed no evidence to show that the slaying of r among the three episodes was not clear, but police said the terrorists were prove to the House that its proposed Kennedy in Dallas in 1963 resulted from a Plication with one another. inquiries into the two assassinations are plot, or that James Earl Ray had accompli¬ j*ader of the raid identified himself as Khalifa Hamaas Abdul Khaalis, and justified, faces the task of sifting through ces in the shooting of King in Memphis in £®M those responsible for the 1973 slayings of the seven Hanafi Moslems. A "many leads" that already have come to it, 1968. The most recent such finding in the ( ™ ft, he said six of the victims were his children. and must regain access to FBI and other King case was a report by the Justice ( Khaahs said the people he wanted delivered to him and the other tluwe government agency files. Department. lh ? B'rith fcdqwrters were the leaders of a rival B^c^uhUmswL The committee and its staff have "no Despite conflict with the previously law ■®e» the sought said 11 telephone conversation with an Associated included Wallace and Herbert Muhammad, and heavyweight preconceived notions," Stokes said, but are published conclusions, Stokes said "proceeding from ground zero" in probing Sprague's report was "not an effort to moion Muhammad All, all leading Black MusUms. the Kennedy and King assassinations. anew sensationalize." ) 2 Michigan Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Gunman releases policeman hostage while." WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, Ohio (AP) - A black gunman who held a white policeman Moore throughout the siege threatened a curse British prime minister to meet Carter hostage 45 hours in the name of freedom for his on whites if they didn't leave the earth within a week and pressed Carter for a telephone call and people was charged with kidnaping Wednesday LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister James But he said he hoped that by flying in and received a promised telephone call from a public apology for black oppression by whites. Concorde, he would help the people of President Jimmy Carter. After he surrendered, he said he felt he didn't Callaghan flew to the United States "He wished me luck," Cory Moore told accomplish the goals he set before he took as New York in their decision to grant the Wednesday on a British Airways super¬ hostages Keglovic and a 17-year-old traffic clerk, sonic Concorde, heading for o first aircraft landing rights. reporters after the President talked to him by telephone. Shelly Ann Kiggans. The young woman was meeting with President Jimmy Carter and "I see no reason why one of the finest Moore gave no other details, and officials released after midnight Monday. talks that will include controversial cities should not have the finest plane," would only say that Carter telephoned Moore at "1 hope white America will understand there is landing rights in New York for the said Callaghan. 4:13 p.m., about 6 hours after the siege ended. a need for hunger all over the world to come to an airliner. Moore surrendered to his diabetic hostage, end." Moore said in a brief news conference after Before the Concorde took off from Callaghan said his discussions with Capt. Leo Keglovic, moments after watching his surrender. "America has a very serious London's Heathrow Airport for Washing¬ Carter would range over many topics, Carter repeat during a nationally televised news problem. The problem is us. White folk don't including strengthening of the North conference a pledge to call. understand human needs." ton, Callaghan told reporters that the faster-than-sound jetliner would not Atlantic Alliance while still pursuing a Keglovic led Moore from the City Hall room Moore was waiting in a traffic bureau line "dominate" his talks with Carter. dialog with the Soviet Union. they had occupied since Monday afternoon into Monday when he pulled out a hidden gun and the custody of other officers who waited in the forced Kiggans into a nearby office, firing three corridor. shots in the process. Keglovic heard the gunfire, The 49-year-old policeman was whisked to a Afro-Arab summit conference ends nearby hospital for examination. He returned a came running from police headquarters in the building and was taken hostage. short time later to tell reporters that Moore Kiggans said Wednesday she was well but "the "treated me real good." CAIRO (AP) — Leaders of 60 Arab and through Arab-African banks for develop¬ crying comes and goes." ment. Hours after Moore's surrender, gunmen in African countries signed declarations of Moore said one reason for his action was his Washington seized hostages in the headquarters economic cooperation and political soli¬ belief that "white Americana need to understand of a Jewish organization and another armed man darity Wednesday to wind up the first On the political level the delegates what freedom means. 'Freedom,' as I understand held hostages at a Moslem religious center 10 Afro-Arab summit conference. representing 500 million Arabs and blocks away. Police also reported gunfire at it, isn't man-given, it is godly given," he said. "I Africans reaffirmed their support for the During the three-day meeting, almost Washington's City Hall and Mayor Walter felt I was godly enough and had the courage to $1.5 billion of Arab oil money was Palestinians. Namibians and black Washington was reported barricaded in his take on the whole world." pledged for African development, thus Rhodesion nationalists "in their just office. Moore pleaded innocent in nearby Bedford sealing economic cooperation between struggle against the oppressive racist Standing outside City Hall in Warrensville Municipal Court to two charges of kidnaping and the two sides. The Arabs also pledged to regimes" of Israel, South Africa and Heights, a Cleveland suburb, Keglovic said of was returned to jail in Warrensville Heights on allocate additional unspecified sums Rhodesia. Moore, "basically, maybe he's a little mixed up" $200,000 bond. Maximum penalty on conviction is but "he was real strong on many of the (black 25 years in prison, $1,000 fine or both on each An armed Warrensville rights! points. We rapped pretty good after a charge, authorities said. waves newsmen Heights, Ohio, back after they got too pofice dose Ambassador warns of another quake Warnke BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - The U.S. earthquakes in Romania indicate that Senate gets no ambassador in Bucharest warned Wed¬ last Friday s devastating quake may be nesday thot another large earthquake followed by another strong tremor. may occur here "within weeks or months." The State Department in Washington Ambassador Harry G. Barnes told said the ambassador had relayed a WASHINGTON (API-Paul ament Agency. arms limitation talks with the In final arguments, Senate cated defense Americans in the Romanian similar message from President Carter to C. Warnke won Senate confir After four-hour debate, the bi_B„ capital that a a Soviet Union. Democratic Leader Robert C. posed major U.S. U.S. Romanian leaders. mation Wednesday the Senate voted 58 to 40 to Later, a 70 Geological Survey study of past as na¬ to 29 vote Byrd of West Virginia ex weapons systems, and tion's chief arms limitation ne¬ confirm the former assistant confirmed Warnke's appoint pressed confidence that Warn¬ ed temporary U.S. gotiator and director of the secretary of defense as head of ment by President Jimmy Car- ke would make a "tough" straints to encouragi U.S. Arms Control and Disarm¬ the U.S. delegation to strategic ter to head the ACDA. negotiator, and noted that the cutbacks by Russia. Senate would make the final Carter told : .. decision on whether to accept ference Wednesday Rabin states concern any treaty emerging SALT talks. from the Senate Republican Leader that he believes the: to Warnke is "pr\ those who don't w« substantial reductioi MIAMI BEACH, Fit. (AP) — he arrived at the Fontainebleau Howard H. Baker said Warnke incident began. clear weapons in the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Hotel. could not be a "credible" negoti¬ Helicopters hovered over the ator because of his past opposi¬ Rabin, after two days of Middle As he spoke, hostages were hotel and dogs were inside the Senate Republican East discussioni' jrith President ' tion to "every, new:-Weapons Howard H. Baker of" being held by gunmen In'lhree building to search for explo¬ Carter, arrived here Wednes¬ Washington buildings, includ, sives. system that has.'been suggest took issue with Carf ed." ment that much ff- FDA bans use of saccharin day to launch a major fund ing the local headquarters of Departure ceremonies for raising drive. But • he was the B"Nai B'rith, a Jewish The Senate action ended sition comes from those' Rabin in Washington were a primarily concerned with the not want substantia! organization. abruptly canceled after the four-day debate and came hours WASHINGTON (AP) — The Food and after being fed saccharin. hostages being held in Wash¬ Rabin was hustled into the after Carter told a news con in nuclear we: gunmen took their hostages. Drug Administration announced Wed¬ U.S. consumers eat or drink more than ington. hotel and quickly moved into an Military cannons, a red carpet ference he had "complete confi¬ He said a Republicai nesday that it is banning saccharin, the five million pounds "I hope their lives will be elevator. Police officials said dence" in Warnke. of the sugar and two helicopters were in stration "produced the1 only artificial sweetener used in the substitute each year. Seventy per cent of saved, and terrorism will be put that although no threats were Warnke has been criticized position near the Washington agreement, and SALT! United States, because it is believed to this quantity is used in soft drinks and the down," said Rabin, surrounded received, the security force was Monument for Rabin's depar¬ because of his past statements built on a Re " cause cancer in laboratory animals. rest in coffee, tea, or other beverages by dozens of security officers as tripled after the Washington ture. and writings in which he advo¬ A similar ban was announced simul¬ and in cereal, fruits, diet ice cream and in taneously by the Canadian government. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS-JNTII: cooking and baking. e •dii.on „ e»bl„h.d m The FDA's decision follows a review by Saccharin has been the leading arti¬ American researchers of studies by ficial sweetner since cydamates were Canadian scientists who found thot rots banned by the FDA in 1969 as suspected developed bladder stones and tumors cancer-causing agents. Carter pledges 'legal' CIA actions SUN ter WASHINGTON (AP) — President Car¬ visited the closely guarded world of the Central Intelligence Agency on Wednesday, pledging at the swearing-in Court Justice Byron R. White swear in Adm. Stansfield Turner as their new director. DIRECTIONS BBS "Concealment of mistakes and sub¬ of its new director "that every action of sequent revealment" would be a blow to the intelligence community in the future the ogency's integrity, he said. ^^^tudent Where you are sure will be legal and proper." Turner, who graduated with Carter (Across from Oiin) to find all the "Mistakes ore going to be made, but from the U.S. Naval when they are... I want to know about it Academy in 1946, available on the mezzanine essentials for your promised him "We will endeavor to give immediately," he told the agency's you that objective intelligence you need warm-weather getaway... employes just after they saw Supreme for your decision-making." top off your casual or sporty wardrobe with scarf hats. • • pastel plaid scarves of polyester/cotton to tie at the side or under you'clli Measure may require license tags A. Natural straw brim hat-> LANSING (UPI) — Legislation has been who park in the specially designated approved by the Senate Committee on spaces to display the special license plate B. Visor scarf hat. $9 Highways and Transportation that would with the internationally recognized slap a $15 fine on nonhandicappers handicapped sticker or an identification parking in spots designated for handicap- card made available pers only. through local governments and the secretary of state. The measure would require persons Law may require rapist imprisonment LANSING (UPI) — Legislation has been introduced in the state House that would give a rapist a very light sentence," said Rep. Sal Rocca, sponsor of the bill. impose a mandatory two-year minimum prison term on persons convicted of "The law only requires thot he be first-degree rape. imprisoned. It does not say how long. The FROM OUR 4H4$5 Michigan's landmark 1974 rape law rapist can be out on the streets in a few permits life imprisonment for forcible months, looking for his next victim." rape, but sets no minimum. Rocca said the rape law "did not Because of this, a lenient judge can enough in its penalty provisions." go far JaeobSoriS Action necessary, says division head By KRISTIN VAN VOR8T The Supreme Court has ruled that a complaint filed with one State Newa Stall Writer agency does not cancel the others. "Affirmative actior not only works but it is essential," Janet She emphasized that an individual should file as early as possible Cooper, deputy director of the enforcement division of the Michigan after the alleged discrimination has been made. FEMALE CARE CRITICIZED Department of Civil Rights told the Lansing chapter of National Organization of Women Tuesday night. A copy of the complaint will be sent to the employer and an investigation made. The agency may order a public hearing, or "Well never be able to stop discrimination on a case-by-case issue a formal charge of discrimination. basis," Cooper said. Even if an individual does not get a "right to sue" letter from the lealth study The term "affirmative action" has come into ill-repute, according commission he may still file a suit against the employer. completed to Cooper. Retaliation against the eomplaintant by the "A lot of people characterize it with reverse discrimination. If it employer is prohibited under the Michigan Fair Practices Act of 1955. does, it is misguided." Cooper said employers have "gotten pretty used to such About 5,000 complaints are filed with the commission every year complaints" and retaliation "is not as much of a problem as people I g, MICHAEL MACK800D practitioners, two of which are women, one with about 25 per cent of those filed on the basis of sex think." ■ the College of Human Medicine's Clinic State New. Stafi Writer nuree-practioner and a resident medical discrimination. Women will Center can be called in. gain more protection under a new act under the ,_.jd by the controverey and uncer- student in gynecology. "It is clearly the fastest growing area," Cooper said. Comprehensive Civil Rights Bill that will go into effect April 1, Kramer said a problem of cost arises I'over what type of gynecological There is no gynecologist on staff at the when this is done. She also warned that an employer must prove more than a "good 1977, Cooper said. lure is available at MSU, the Council health center. "The basic fee for an advisory consulta¬ faith effort" in the courts. He must prove "reasonable Requiring information including height, weight, marital status ■juste Students (COGS) undertook an General gynecological care is given tion is (35," she said in the COGS study. representation at all job levels," according to Cooper. and sex will be prohibited on employment application forms under T,tion to determine the present without charge except for lab tests. Kramer concluded in her study that some "Goals and timetables are temporary. They are only meant to the new measure. [oof female health care for students. Services include a general physical exam, a get the employer into a position according opportunity," Cooper Requiring race, color, age, religion, arrest record without breast exam, a thyroid check, questions about gynecological care on said. convictions and national origin will also be prohibited. ■study, conducted by Carol Kramer, pelvic exam, campus still need to be answered. birth control and VD treatment. If a person feels he/she has been discriminated against he/she College application forms will not be permitted to require age, esident for graduate welfare, out- " Siddall said in his opinion the vast 'Quality' health care for women needs may file a suit with any one or all of three agencies sex or marital status, as well as national — the origin, religion, color or ie range of gynecological services definition," she said. "Also given the on campus, criticisms of this care majority of female gynecological problems Department of Labor, the Equal Employment Opportunities race, unless required by federal regulations or as provided by a can be handled availability of specialists on campus, per¬ Commission or the Michigan Civil Rights Commission. rule of the commission or as part of affirmative action „ onses by Dr. John D. Siddall, adequately by a general haps quality of general care and expenses of policies. practitioner. Cof University Health Center to If a complication is present that requires specialist care are the primary issues rather icisms. than the specific presence of a gynecologist a specialist, a gynecologist associated with at Olin." ^er said the care major criticisms of the are: no full-time _t on the staff at the health f the quality of general gynecological 1 inadequate because of excessive ... te lultation with and insensitive doctors; and if a gynecologist is MSEF starts action d. the charges are high. |sll, who became the director summer jd that as new director of the health ■he hopes to improve the image and f of care available, against utility board all said he regrets there is no full-time The Michigan Student Environmental Foundation ogjst but money is a problem (MSEF) has petitioned the gynecologist would be giving up Environmental Protection Agency to start a federal air „ a pollution enforcement action ntial potential earnings by accepting a against the Lansing Board of Water and Light. te position at the health center. Alex Sagady, coordinator of MSEF, said the group's action came after the Michigan Air || is putting together a student Pollution Control Commission voted to ignore a recommendation made by the Department of Natural Resources for a tough enforcement m. the Olin Advisory Committee, position against the Board of Water and I get student input to help improve Light. |e at the health center. Under the Federal Clean Air Act, violations of the primary ambient air quality standards d he is especially interested in are prohibited after July 1975. | ideas from students on ways to "We're trying to get the federal government to come in here and tell the commission that te any occasions of insensitivity or they need to enforce that act," Sagady said. ess resulting from moral judge- endered on the part of doctors." "During 1976, the board's Eckert-Moores Park electric power plant was responsible for more violations of the primary health-related, ambient sulfur dioxide air quality standard ■ first step to receive gynecological than any other polluter in the entire state." Is is to go to the gynecological clinic The board allowed 14 excursions over the level of the sulfur dioxide primary standard to I on the third floor of the health occur last year, Sagady said. In addition, the Eckert-Moores plant violated the secondary sulfur dioxide standard, designed to protect materials and agriculture from harm. ■ clinic is staffed by six general Spokespersons from the Board of Water and Light had no comment to make at this time. ible channel 11 to broadcast ckus-filled discussion on CIA J channel 11 will broadcast the saying that professors need to maintain Lawrence Tharp, took his seat after the ■filled CIA forum held earlier in the dispassion and independence. whitewash incident, but was arrested riday at 9:30 p.m., Public Access Members of the audience who spoke following the conclusion of the program, and n Director Randy VanDalson an- reflected a general anti-CIA bias, contrary charged with assault. He was released on his AP wirephoto |d Wednesday, to Maury's initial impression that "I am own recognizance. "Caines" takes her mistress, Irene Cloyed, for her "Caines" keeps her mistress in place by keeping her irum, cosponsored by Great Issues, among friends." Channel 11 will broadcast the affair in its daily exercise. The two usually travel five to six paws at the front of the seat so that Irene won't fall I) Legal Services and WVIC radio, The MFP reporter, Mid-Michigan Editor entirety. miles around the Riverside, California area. off. k a panel of speakers composed of i Zolton Ferency and C. i" Larrowe, and John M. Maury, krCIA official. ■ forum, held Monday night in the NEW RHA CONSTITUTION RATIFIED pi Hall kiva, waa lively and spirited Enthusiastic audience participation, p. Larrowe and Maury supplied a ■ of humorous interchanges, but the ■ of the forum the CIA and MSU — ■strictly followed. c — point, a reporter from the Students vote to increase tax i Free Press (MFP), claiming By NUNZIO M. LIIPO "a little disappointed in the size of the collect $1.75 from each resident residence halls managements at the begin¬ RHA employe, to reside off campus. gvas part of a government cover-up, With only 16.4 per cent of the dormitory turnout." Borg said that by stationing the power to each term. Fall term the extra quarter ning of fall term. Thus, funding for many ally ran up to the CIA spokesperson eA provision designating the treasurer as ed him with a pitcher of whitewash. residents voting in the referendum to voting areas at the entrances or exits to the collected will go directly to RHA for winter and spring term projects was residence hall cafeterias RHA "tried to chairperson of the budget committee. ', only slightly phased by the approve the Residence Halls Association operational costs. Spring and winter terms obtained from donations from dormitory •t. took his seat and the program went (RHAI constitution, the student tax of $1.50 make it easy for them." the money or a portion of the money will go governments. Borg said that the spring •A provision restricting the number of was raised to $1.75 per term. "Those that were interested did vote," he to RHA to fund special projects or be term concerts of the past two years were times a constitutional amendment can be #er Station chief in the U.S.S.R. and allocated directly to the residence halls funded in this manner. introduced in a given term to one. said. I, Maury acknowledged that the CIA Only 367 of the 2,799 voters did not vote governments. Residents also voted 1,573 to 1,047 to Also on the ballot was a referendum to He said, however, the majority of the ■id uses the academic world in its to ratify the constitution. Elections Com¬ continue support of a boycott on non-UFW 8 of intelligence. "They have a missioner David Whitaker said the resi¬ continue support for a boycott of non- However, residence hall governments extra quarter assesed would most likely go United Farm Workers (UFW) southwest- will not receive any less than the $1.50 a directly to the residence halls governments. southwestern iceberg head lettuce and Jo purpose and common goals," he dents' approval of the constitution was table grapes. ■ the two. ern iceberg head lettuce and table grapes. term they do now. "resounding." Other major revisions in the new consti¬ 1 Terry Borg, RHA president, said he was constitution gives RHA the Previously the funds taken from The boycott merely tells the board of Ferency and Larrowe disagreed. The new were tution include: trustees how the residents stand on the •A provision to hold the presidential and vice-presidential elections at separate meet¬ The board "followed accordingly" with a ings. Borg said that this would help shorten similar referendum during spring term of the meetings as well as give the president an opportunity to state a preference for a 1975, according to Wilma Davenport. RHA - ■ • ;-*7—-w, - - • * vicepresident. The trustees voted to insti¬ vice president. tute the boycott on the recommendation of •A provision allowing the secretary, an the residents at that time. I- I 1 jfc J Corrections In Wednesday's rundown on student Academic Council candidates, the name of Laurie Pelifian was inadvertently exluded. Pelifian, running for an undesignated student seat, v V -V U lllpl submitted the following statement: "My name is Laurie Pelifian and I am running for student representative-at-large. If elected, I will do my best to represent the students of MSU and protect their rights against infringement. I am prepared to make the necessary time commitment for Academic Council. Your vote will be appreciated." A story in Wednesday's paper stated that Richard Conlin, energy director of P1RGIM, was unaware of the debate between himself and the U.S. Labor party. Slate News/Pete Obee The State News learned Wednesday that Conlin was present at a meeting where the debate was discussed Soak up all the rays you can because as everyone knows cold days will be back . However, according to Conlin and a PIRGIM spokesperson, the debate will not be held Lazy days again in force, and you will once again have to pull out the winter coats. tonight, contrary to posters being distributed around campus. Censorship is alive at CMU The purpose of a university is to allow the free may read? On what courses professors can teach? On exchange of ideas. University regulations that what speakers can be invited to campus?" interfere with students' freedom of speech limit that The American Civil Liberties Union and a Detroit exchange, and therefore must be abandoned. attorney are aiding the students in their lawsuit. Such regulations exist at Central Michigan An 11-page brief filed on the students' behalf cites University. several cases wherein the U.S. Supreme Court has Three members of the Young Socialist Alliance upheld the rights of students to be politically active. (YSA) and two CMU students have filed suit against In a 1969 Des Moines, Iowa, school case, the CMU President Harold Abel to protest regulations which ban sending partisan political material Supreme Court said: "Free speech is not a right that is given only to be so circumscribed that it exists in through the campus mail, prohibit postingof political principle but not in fact. Freedom of expression material in certain areas of the campus and limit the would not truly exist if the right could be exercised number of organizations which can use tables in the only in an area that a benevolent government has University Center to distribute information. provided as a safe haven for crackpots." The three YSA members were arrested on the CMU campus last October for selling political CMU president Abel has indicated that he would be willing to drop the charges against the students if literature on campus without the written permission of the vice president of student affairs — another they would drop the charges against him. university regulation. But such a possibility only arose after Abel learned These regulations, whether the students violated that CMU had cooperated with the FBI for five years them or not, are in conflict with students' basic in compiling an intelligence dossier on the YSA. constitutional rights. They restrict students' rights The connection between this revelation and the to be politically active on campus. Thursday, March 10. 1977 possibility of dropping the charges against the If the students lose their case against the students is unclear to us. It is only an easy out for a Editorials are the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns man who is finally beginning to realize that some of and letters university, it would set a dangerous precedent are personal opinions. allowing university administrators across the his rules may be wrong. Editorial Department country to literally control what students can and We certainly hope the YSA will not let Abel have Editor-in-chief Mary Ann Chick Shaw Sports Editor Edward L. Ronders Copy Chief cannot read, what students can and cannot do, and the easy way out. Dropping the charges would only Managing Editor BobOurlian Entertoinment Editor Donna Bakun Wire Editor Opinion Editor Kat Brown Layout Fred van Hortesveldt Staff Representative what students can be exposed to. result in letting Abel off the hook while the unjust City Editor Michael Tanimura Photo Editors Robert Kozloff. Loura Lynn Fistler Freelance Editor A Committee for Free Speech has been formed at rules stay on the book. Campus Editor Corole Leigh Hutton Book Editor CMU to support the students. In a pamphlet on the It would be best to put the regulations students' behalf, they ask, "What will be next? Will through the Advertising Department test and hopefully their doubtful validity will speak Assistant Advertising Monager new restrictions be imposed on what books students for itself. Ceo Corf VIEWPOINT: E. E. POLICE DEPARTMENT / Give officers in blue chancel To the Editor a By MICHAEL BOUCHARD hope will help. Then she goes on to say the police are fining bl I would like to take this opportunity to reply to Susan $9. The police are not gaining that money — if she will no Crissman's letter criticizing the East Lansing Police Depart¬ she is paying it to the court. ment printed on Tuesday. The best approach to reply to her literally thousands of Chilean people; as he As Tharp said, there are not two sides to statements is to Finally, she goes on to say she went a mile or so before ahj insisted over and over that the CIA simply answer them one at a time. this issue. The CIA has committed many was stopped; what does that matter? If someone holds ipl takes orders from the executive branch: wrongs. It is still doing so, bank would you want the police to And all the First of all. I won't really try to determine when she picked stop chasing them after lb and as he outrageously tried to place the forums at MSU will never right those up the hitchhiker if she really was thinking about the lofty got a mile away? I think not. Further she states that the; we blame of CIA activities onto us, the wrongs. ideals concerning the energy for "our children." Admittedly, tailgating her, but if they were too close it may have beets! American people, since, as he said, we are these are important considerations, but now much were she would see what they wanted her to do. After all. who elected such terrible presidents. In light of the above, Tharp's symbolic they they we gesture must be recognized both because it really on her mind if she was driving an empty car in the first trying to stop her, not follow her. It is this kind of distortion and lying reflected the highest moral and ethical case, or was this a convenient rationalization of her behavior? To end her rambling letter she which set the stage for Tharp's symbolic indirectly states the police J convictions, and because it embodied the not serve the public. Involved in the action against this representative of the Second of all, the police didn't type of jobs that they in; CIA. We should not condemn Tharp, but spirit of all those who have been victimized give her a ticket for wanting to naturally, police aren't going to please everyone. But in doit share energy, but for by the CIA aqd effectively silenced — breaking the law. Where do we draw the these jobs, many times dirty or dangerous, the police do the support him, for he said more clearly than line in the breaking of laws? She felt it was safe to best. Just because she was involved in an encounter that dJ whether by policy harassment, by deporta¬ stop in the any words could ever say what we all know middle of a busy street, I may feel it is safe to tion, or by death. go through red didn't enjoy is no reason to start is true. We call on all people who believe in crying that the "police dag Iris Gomez lights after slowing down. Can I, too, excuse it as my desire to give a damn about the future." Isn't that going a little t«' freedom and justice and dignity to give save energy by not waiting at the light? If you don't 1542 Snyder Road agree with Fire drill their support to Lawrence Tharp's action, and condemn instead the agency and the a law don't blame the enforcers of them, try to change them Crissman admitted she broke the law by stating that seen the signs. But. can't she accept the punishment hj shehj through the traditional democratic channels. . . 1 would like to thank the government which has perpetuated death intentionally defying the law? I guess she was lucky that no a the fire department and the Library staff, and misery throughout the world. Confusion? Her statement that police really don't give a damn about the was changing lanes at that moment and slammed into her res faulty smoke detector for helping to control the noise in Jennifer Davis future is totally unsupported. It has been my experience that If I'm driving behind Crissman I hope she doesn't mi the Library on Monday Non Intervention in Chile many police officers are in their field because they care about another one of her decisions to stop in the middle of the rot night. The quick John Casey tells us in his review on thinking of all persons involved enabled the Monday of Ron Carter's performances here the world we live in and are trying to take some action they Bouchard is o senior majoring in criminal justice studious people among us to return to the last weekend that "Carter's grindstone. It is unfortunate for the masses Whitewash was his major influence of mouths that left, for apprenticeship with the ultimate they could not 1 would like to salute the master, John Coltrane." Such an person or appren experience the quiet atmosphere conducive competition, and it is probably best given ticeship never existed. The bass player regime of the Shah in Iran, any depo to studying. The Library, for persons responsible for the debate on "The CIA and MSU." Being an independent Casey has somehow confused Carter with Misunderstanding by a student organized book exchange. It's start for student's of Iranian students from the United Stl whole a for political reasons, and their turning turned into a a machine of wisdom two hours, with the unbiased viewer, I found the witty com is the late Jimmy Garrison. In the Feb. 4 issue of the State News receiving a fair and reasonable price for books while spending into the hands of the Shah, would l»# J ments and theatricals to be in a class that Joe Harrison under an article entitled "Civil Rights power of thought, unlike the communication less on used books also. other meaning than collaborating ™! can almost be compared to the Marx 924 Forest and fashion center of the earlier Under Attack " by Charlene Gray, I was evening Brothers. Although the controversy remains on of the most fascist and antide"™ land term). reported as saying that "the affirmative whether or not to allow the The next time I go to a debate, I'm going action program at Michigan State Universi¬ exchange of regimes of the world. I sincerely hope that we have fire new books on more to be sure and EDITOR'S NOTE: Ron Carter's campus, we must remember drills in the future, for then the bring some popcorn and a major ty is not designed to result in reverse the ASMSU print sales; did not the The five Iranian students are in du people six-pack of Old Frothingsloth. I leave one influence was with Miles Davis' bands of the willing to improve their grades will be able discrimination, but to a certain extent it deportation. The next immigrate* 1 suggestion to any prospective future debate 1960s. However, he did perform live with a hides behind the curtain of affirmative University bend the rules somewhat at that the matter to enrich their minds with thought and not viewers: Get there early to get a good seat Coltrane band for a six-month period in that time? Other possibilities could be an session will act on nextJJ static. For those that are habitual lip in the front same decade to which he action." Gray telephoned me to discuss the off-campus site to conduct the book ex¬ We urge everyone to send the* rt flappers, I offer these fire drill instructions: row. acknowledges issue of affirmative action and reverse telegrams or write to the Immigrate*! much of his inspiration. The late change. Name withheld Jimmy discrimination. She quoted me correctly in If there is a drill, gather your books and ifor fear of being whitewashed! Garrison was Coltrane's main bassist. most instances, but as to this quote, it was But searching for the takes Naturalization Office in Chicago^ ■ walk downstairs, bend over and place your time and registration will soon be upon us, urge you to participate in the court head between your legs, count to five the opposite of my intent. and if the ASMSU book The MSU Board of Trustees, administra¬ exchange does not We ask you to call or sendla Ieiw4 quickly and kiss your ass goodbye. Not mud come through this term, MSU students may Jack B. fcherney tion and certainly my record would indicate never see the reality of believable book Immigration office and the Fren J that I strongly favor affirmative action to ate in Chicago, sign the petition anaJ 217 Bogue St. Unlike Howard Bealc, John prices, only the nightmare of unbelievable Casey or hire women and minorities. That is the your contribution to the Iranian ""I Herbert T. Schuler, I am not mad as hell. profits. mandate of the affirmative action program Association. . Paint fences But car buyers have a right to be, if they at MSU. With respect to the term "reverse Loretta K. Brenner MSU Iranian Students A- read Schuler's March 2 viewpoint which discrimination," I said that the charge of Lansing For a person whose job it is to defend and suggests that the average car is cheaper reverse discrimination is sometime used to define freedom of because its price includes $100 for advertis¬ speech, Lawrence Tharp defeat or make less effective the affirmative of the Michigan Free Press made first class ass of himself and the not only a publication ing. action program. I do not believe reverse Support ISA Run for your I It's true that discrimination exists at MSU, and although he represents, but his dousing of John advertising generally On Nov. 30, 1976, nine members of the increases sales, which lowers none of us are satisfied with the results of Maury was the most immature behavior prices. But Iranian Students Association (ISA) in advertising increases auto sales by per¬ our affirmative action program, we will I've witnessed in "covers" his stories, ages. If that's how Tharp maybe he'd be more suading people who. if left undisturbed, would have bought no car, a continue to press for affirmative action in the hiring of women and minorities. Chicago were brutally attacked and impris¬ oned by the Chicago police while present¬ Although we havea students here at Michigan larbU«Jj^| effective painting fences. cheaper car, or ing legitimate demands to French consul virtually impossible to insure p a car made by another firm. A car, an John B. Bruff Scott Schreiber Vice chairperson general of Chicago. The students were all there is no excuse W - accessory or a brand name that the buyer 237 Gunson St. didn't want is at best no bargain, even if she MSU Board of Trustees demanding the release of two Iranian students who had previously been impris¬ enforce safety where it referring to the dangerous in isnece!^ or he gels it at a slightly lower price oned in Paris on a trumped-up charge of Red Cedar and Chestnut Boad Support truth because lots of other boozled, people were bam¬ Slop the threat shooting a notorious SAVAK (secret police too. of the Shah) agent in France. As pedestrians, "WEM It Moreover, it's the consumer who pays the way to classes, we are nearf with interest that we, members of was Non-intervention in Chile, attended Tues costs of advertising. Not only does TV The whole idea of vetoing the ASMSU All the students arrested were later number of cars traveling^ eIJ turned over to the custody day's debate on the CIA. We were CIA wrongs advertising seek to persuade people to book exchange, because of the University of the U.S. Yield signs are posted but « |MJ spend more than they want, but the buyers ordinance, is a direct threat to students' Immigration Office for further "investiga¬ reason drivers choose to g» Weg| concerned that the truth would not be tion" and With this letter, I wish to express my themselves have to give up $100 rights and pocketbooks. Every term count¬ "questioning," causing additional barrel through as they P i exposed about CIA activities around the per car to world. As we expected, John support for the statement and actions of let someone do this to them! less numbers of students drearily trudge to charges on five of the arrested. exercise, but we can think - „ Maury, the Lawrence Tharp at the CIA forum on one of the "profit" bookstores to sell their CIA representative, was evasive When people looking for an auto to buy Even though the two students in Paris than by dodging °ncom'ngf«| /"• answers and in his Tuesday. realize that they are working three or more books at a mere fraction of the book's have been temporarily released, the ISA middle of the street Vt ^ f arrogant in his attitude. By "whitewashing" the CIA representa¬ original cost. To top it off, the student may nine are facing various kinds of charges and crosswalk should M " Indeed, as Lawrence Tharp proclaimed, it days to earn the stop: tive at the forum, money to pay some guy to see the same book put back on the shelf harassments from local and federal agen¬ was a whitewash. the Tharp was dramatizing try to get them to give him more with an equal or higher price on it than he replace the Yield ®!gnfntersectia" But the audience was not tricked true function of the CIA, which is to and that all buyers are forced to do money, cies and in particular, from the Immigration that crossing that nt by his serve as a cover-up for the illicit and this if or she paid for the book. Office. The very ridiculous of life and death- maneuvers, as he labeled a mistake the they want a car, I think that most of us charges that matter oppressive activities of the U.S. govern Perhaps Robert Underwood should con¬ Chicago Immigration has raised against the Susy' CIA-sponsored coup in Chile which has menl here, in Chile, in South would be at least half as mad as hell! sider some of these ideas before stating, "It resulted in death, starvation and Africa and students puts them under the direct danger torture for elsewhere. Randall Winnie is not necessary to have two bookstores of deportation. 1402R Spartan Village on campus." The present bookstores need In view of the existence of the dictatorial ■Maori State Newt, Eo»t Lansing, Michinnn Thursday, March 10, 1977 5 ! proposal A However, we stress that we do not endorse suy p^ticuUr candidate or .Uta; w. « half later to Anne Crowley (ASMSU reporter) assured me that she had received Candidates |ve that you have done a disservice 0ur goals extend Diller's statement and it would be held in Judent body in urging them to vote election dlmensions of an ASMSU her file for future publication. ■proposal A, which would allow the |t of ASMSU Student Board to vote he case of a tie rather than voting it his or her vote would make a »tfI"6.-the ate a "P® action, and Problem since commitment to student demands immedi¬ the ASMSU board has needs, the new For the record, as social science ing confidence in ASMSU, not as the represen¬ tative, Diller will devote himself to restor¬ instrument of the special interests but as FOR representatives must realize that The latter procedure is solidly they will the legislative body of the MSU students. L|]y rooted in Robert's Rules of ,e former is not. electsthem!° 10 C°mmUnity that He feels this can be accomplished best not by intraparty squabbles but by uniting to Julie Maki ■persons mistakenly believe that a re-establish ASMSU as a united lobbyist for INTERVIEWS leaves a group with no decision at Barbara Waxer the students. Eat this requires that the presiding Kitty Genovese Memorial As a nonslate candidate, Diller owes oak the impasse by casting a vote Anti-Rape Collective allegiance to no one but the students in the ae or the other. social sciences he is seeking to represent. ■ not the case, however. A tie vote He is deeply concerned that the interests of ,g vote and a decision has been |„st as decisively as would be true Women the students not be smothered by political favors and considerations. ,te had been affirmative. The The Women's ,n is sometimes restricted as to Advisory Committee to the I support Diller because he can accom¬ Vice President of Student .jns when he or she may vote, on Affairs and plish his realistic goals. Knowing him for ■y that it is better for a "neutral" pr to refrain from expressing an Services is an 11-member student tee authorized to and issues of women on commit¬ represent the interests three years as I have, I will harbor no doubts as I cast my ballot for a fresh new To Fill the Positions of Jthrough a vote when the vote president. campus to the vice face to the ASMSU-social science scene. I L difference. But when it makes a urge all other James Madison, social science We are expressing concern that and urban development students to L the chairperson should be per- members join me. of the student I but not required — change body be provided information Mark A. Jackson and selections to choose Tme of that vote. But the chair- their concerns. It is representatives of 454 S. Case Hall Jiould not be restricted to voting necessary to evaluate EDITOR past experience, desire to perform the ■he affirmative (which is the only K)(ing a tie makes a difference) but ■ permitted to vote on the negative lake a tie when it would change a given tasks, ability to provide creative, innovative and appropriate change - all that while listening to campaign rhetoric. Editor's Note: Actually, statements were run for independent candidates who brought in statements. See Wednesday's State News, page 7. Last Thursday, the • Next week, we are ■vote to a losing vote. Proposal A being asked to vote ASMSU reporter discovered she had no for our ASMSU representatives. We Irmit only an affirmative. It would remind all students that 50 would statement for Diller and spoke to him on the la negative vote. I fail to see the per cent of the MSU undergraduate student phone about bringing in a new one. He said body is wom¬ he would. Even though the State News then en and that Gordon L. Thomas. Professor adequate and sincere represen¬ • AD MANAGER tation of women should be extended the deadline 48 hours, Diller still Department of Communication accomplished by did not voting for qualified women candidates. It is bring in a statement. not enough to have some males mouthing feape, ASMSU women's issues, but rather there should also be women participating. In short, the Women's of rape has received Advisory Commit¬ FM Radio je a great Jtention recently, and justifiably so. tee urges that all students voting in the (All Positions Paid) ASMSU election give careful consideration k come about through increased to what the candidates are The MSU Radio Network has been rerage of the rape problem, identifying as promoting an FM student radio system the "women's issues" and what their track 1 programs and lately in the records are in reasoning that the "high quality" program¬ ■the ASMSU campaigns. breaking the tape at the end ing of the AM system should be available to of the dash! |tty Genovese Memorial Anti-Rape le has been a focal point for rape Merry Jo Kerekes Chairperson, off-campus students and other members of the community. Since we who live off FOR THE LARGEST COLLEGE k on campus. As activists in the campus would eventually have to pay for Women's Advisory Committee to the ■movement, we feel it's commend- this service, I feel we are entitled to more Ithe ASMSU candidates have seen 1 a serious issue. Many of the Vice President of Student Affairs and Services information concerning the type of pro¬ graming planned. NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD and 10 others Its have approached the collective k information on rape. Since we First, I would never accuse the on- ■ work effectively with whoever is Ire have been more than willing to No statement campus radio stations of "high quality," either in program content or presentation. — THE STATE NEWS lr information with all interested Congratulations are in order for the Second, the vast majority of music played on these stations is rock music, and since ■imary goal is to raise community entire staff of the State News. Never before that is the overwhelmingly favorite lonal awareness of rape, and the have they been so blatantly guilty of type of music of the students, I would assume that I election has also increased public prejudicial disregard for the facts as during I to this problem. However, we the present ASMSU elections. After de¬ this would be the basic format of the FM File your petition at the office of the station. This would mean that we would be Imphasize that rape must be seen nouncing ASMSU's decision to include Khan just a campaign issue. Rape IS slates on the ballot editorially, the report¬ paying for a duplication of services, since there are numerous AM and FM rock- < | General Manager, Room 346 Student ■ problem on campus. According to ers in charge of the ASMSU elections TEW report MSU has the highest refused to print any independent candi¬ oriented stations in this area. The only Services Building for either of these jobs reason I can see for la rape rate of any university that dates' statements until long after we had establishing a new ■ independent police force. This been deluged with slate statements, slate station would be to air music not generally you would like. candidates and slate-inspired propaganda available to the public, such as jazz, classical | means that a lot of women are and ethnic forms of music. This, I would »! assault and effective antirape from those who value party affiliation above favor. Unfortunately, since most of the I are desperately needed. student concerns. students do not listen to such diversified Jallective is actively ■ programs that we feel would working on I have worked for Greg Diller, candidate types of music, I cannot imagine this Please pick up your petition forms at for the social science seat, since the lally reduce the incidence of rape. happening. Consequently, I cannot think of Room 346 Student Services Building. beginning of the campaign and I was a valid reason to establish an FM station on ■formation we have available is shocked and dismayed to read that he had campus. Everyone. We consider the upcora- no statement. I personally delivered his Ron Newman on to be as adequate a medium as statement to the Feb. 2. A newsroom on 2930 Mersey Lane bution of that information. follow-up call approximately a week and a Lansing Finalists will be assigned a time for Friday, May 6 or Saturday, May 7 for interviews with the State News Board of fhen do you say Budweiser ? Directors. □ When I'm thinking about girls. All fulltime students are eligible to file □ When I'm trying to a petition. meet girls. □ When I'm wondering where in the world Deadline for submitting applications . . . all the girls are. the ■H "HBri i 6 Michigan Stote News, East tonsing, Michigan Th—doy. March,,,.,, Santana, Mason close fern Dave Mason Pop Entertainment caps off the winter term schedule at 8 p.m. Saturday in Jenison Fieldhouse with the musically diverse combination of Dave Mason and Carlos Santana. Santana introduced his San Francisco-based Latino rock sound at the Woodstock festival in 1969, and that same summer the group came forth with its initial Columbia release which featured Santana "Evil Ways" and "Soul Sacrifice." The second album, "Abraxas," contained the hit "Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen," furthering the band's popularity. The sound remained a collage of fiery rhythms centered around the lead guitar finesse of leader Santana and "Chepito" Areas on pulsating timbales. Santana has returned to straight-ahead rock danceable beat as witnessed in last year's "Amigos" sound with a effort, and the ■ntmtainmwtI latest release entitled "Festival." FOR March 10-Mardi State News/Robert Kozloff The musician behind the song "Feeling' Alright," and former 1|| They brought with them the joy of dancing beneath eye picture of varioug Filipino cultureg. Their member of Traffic — Dave Mason — will also be featured. Mason Thursday has put five solo studio efforts and one live album behind him since John the sun and along the gea that eneirelea their beauti¬ daneeg featured unique-gounding instruments guch Campbell departing the group. "Certified Live" is his most recent release. ful native iglandg. The Bayanihan Philippine Dance as the bangibang and lavigh costumes that included Tickets are available at the MSU Union and both Recordland Friday Company (the name meang "working together") the manton de Manila, a richly woven ghawl stores for $6 and $7. Smitty Tuegday swirled into the Auditorium with 37 dan- reminigcent of the dayg of Spanigh possession of the Saturday cerg, singers and mugiciang to digplay a birds- Philippines. Sheila Ritter Sunday Sally Rogers Ingraham radiant in 'Hedda Gabler' Monday Pete ft Randy Tuesday By PETER J. VACCARO dependence, an audience loses caricature. theless there. Kerry Shanklin's The Lost World State News Reviewer respect. Remaining performances in Thea Elvsted is remarkable for String Band "Hedda Gabler" is a great The current Okemos Barn this production, directed by its determination and simple play, and its greatness cannot Theatre production of "Hedda Frank C. Rutledge, are accept¬ . Wednesday strength of character. be questioned. Critical opinion Gabler" is fortunate indeed in able. One finds Keith Williams' Yet, ultimately, the Okemos Sally Rogers has proved it. Popular taste has having the considerable talents Lovborg too frequently angry, Barn .Theatre's production of proved it. The play is frequent¬ of actress Margaret Ingraham perhaps, but at the same time "Hedda Gabler" Is wticth see¬ ly revived in commercial thea¬ in the role of Hedda Gabler. understands Hedda's infatua¬ ing, mostly for Ingraham's bril¬ ^930 Trowbridge Rd. | ter, educational theater and Ingraham's Hedda is devasta¬ tion with him. John Femes' E. Lansing liance. Performances continue community theater. The Ibsen ting in its brilliance. She is Judge Brack is weak in captur¬ today through Sunday at 8 p.m. 351-3800, script seems somehow always beautiful, elegant, grand. ing the slight trace of "evil immediate, always important, Never are we allowed to forget genius" that must be present, always relevant to contem¬ that she is a woman in quest of but the machinations are never¬ porary issues and concerns. controlling a human destiny, not It is to the credit of the play that liberties are seldom taken with it in production. One does see a particular staging of and what is most painful is the realization that perhaps she is capable of exactly that control. Her failure in control ap¬ Bowling "Hedda Gabler" wondering proaches the tragic precisely in what a company or what a director has done with the play. The most one expects to see is a that Ingraham realizes Hedda as a woman strong enough nearly to succeed, however OPEN 24 HOURS translation of the script to the unnatural her desire. stage, true to the spirit of If the production becomes (Tuesday - Saturday) | Ibsen. At the same time, one rea¬ lizes the incredible difficulties problematic, it is in the inter¬ pretation of Hedda's husband, Tesman. Stan Ellis' Tesman is State News New in managing "Hedda Gabler" on ultimately a buffoon and a Newsline the stage. Proportions of lan¬ simpleton. An audience simply guage and event are great; incidents on stage occur with a formality that makes so many productions seem, unfortu¬ cannot be expected to believe that so noble a any reason marry so Hedda could for comic a 353-3382 Shipment Bawl nately, pedestrian. PREMIUM QUALITY PET Furthermore, the success of production rests heavily on the talents of the actress in the title BOARDING AND GROOMING HOURS of role. Should her interpretation Licensed Veterinarian of the character be too willfull Mori thru Fri on Duty and too severe, an audience loses sympathy for her. Should it hint too greatly of softness or 9 am • 5 pm, 7-9 pm Sat 9 am - 4 pm Sun 1-5 pm 655-2791 Painter • The • The Harlequin - For "college crowd" Other Room - For everyone I EMERGENCY HOURS...9 pm 6 am Pants - ASMSU Country Lane kennels t 5141 S.Logan at Jolly 882-022i Book Exchange G-757 714 Gulick Rd., Haslett is Coming! in off-white ALL YOU CAN CAT 2 GREAT DINNER DEALS FROM THE SWEDISH PANTRY * * i ll l6U%r 11 H mr rn ^ometown * People Giving J at $10°° or Hometown * Service! J * 1MNMS ■ nillWAT J : Navy Denim at BMVICI STATION J 1301 (. Grand River J { $1200 * Next to Varsity Inn J Sizes 3 to 13 for ~ Afan%bffbwcan\ have gals or 26" to dinner with usfor less 31" for guys. mmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmm* I CutflSMNi* Friday Fish Fry J aiiV^*1 . than $10. :isr All you can eat - JImItt's I Fantastic family dining ... at a low price! Plsls'■ Chips I 20% off all dinners when seated by ■ 5:30 and ordered ONLY* 1.99 ; by 6 p.m. 0(|ly»M Zn,™ k'n8 Children s menu available. Use your 203 E. Grand River J■ 1 1 block cast of Capitol _ I across from the Union (No coupon noadad.) noodod.) ■■eaeeeeHeeM*"" (Coupon m (Coup-'"--,# 372-4300 Reservations suggested or free Store hr. 9:30 5:30 Cocktails available lay-a-way except Thurs 9:30 to - 9:00 Lhinan State News, East Lonsing, Michigan Thursday, March 10, 1977 7 People who don't make it to Florida and want to use the baseball a week away Women's IM Building facilities over spring break should take note of the following schedule to assure they get some relaxation. Hunt's IM team Saturday, March 19; 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, March 20; 1 to 4 p.m. litters head for Texas takes 4 straight Monday, March 21 through 26:11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, March 27:1 to 4 p.m. Gyms and activity rooms will be available on a drop-in hourly basis by men and women. IM swims are available for women only. By MIKE LITAKER Third base is up for grabs between Cliff Don't forget your MSU identification! ■ State News Sports Writer Northey, who sat out The NCAA kept senior defensive back Joe Hunt off the last year with a back injury, and Mott junior college transfer Tony football field, but couldn't keep him and "First Choice" from is going to be on the mound and behind the plate this spring Spada. one of the questions facing MSU baseball coach Danny If Litwhiler can be winning its fourth straight IM A league basketball spared any worries at one position, it's in the championship. ft before he goes looking for answers in Texas next week outfield with a solid core of seniors ;partan baseball squad will open its southern part of the two and three in team batting. coming back after finishing one, The team of eight football players: Tyrone Willingham, Angelo Fields, Terry Williams, Larry Bethea, Greg Brewton, \ HAPPY HOUR AT March 19 in Edinburg, Tex., with 11 games over spring Ail-American Ai Weston, who paced the team with a .345 THE CAVE... Ken Robinson, Charles Wilson, Mike Cobb and Hunt defeated efore heading back to East Lansing, average and five home runs, is the key figure for the Spartans' Red Ball, 50-49, on Hunt's free throw with no time on the 3:00-7:00 liler will be taking 25 players with him to Texas in a change clock. ie traditional trip to Miami. Rising Florida costs and a in left* "JOined by Ty Wim"Kham in center an«| and legislative activities that pUnz to rush hour during the week, but if a Michigan youth lobbying affect them and to organise a eet up a ■o that Mil-free telephone line P ngl,w>- youths can cell in from force that would have some n. , organization is successfully es¬ influence and control over eround the state to voice their \ nil L tablished, the state capital opinions on certain issues that L g! ^Mlil n could be the victim of a 3:00 legislative decisions that affect would affect them. ' 01 rush hour when high school youths in the state. "Most high »chool students or "Well be more than just a students would call and com¬ even adults know very little of Uns"ig. For, J** k plain to state legislators after lobbying group. Our organisa¬ how the legislative must be ._Wn3«. «di* tion will keep in contact and process school. work with other youth organi¬ The Youth Lobby Organiza¬ zations in the state to keep tion, nicknamed the "3 o'clock lobby" lobby." is group of is a. group of young young them informed of their legal 'iHAYt CJUltD people trying to establish a ' rights as youths," said Wolf, lobbying group to the state legislature. The organization is To "* • *the organisation " get started, s conference. In which " brothers of associated with 3:00 because that is the time that most 300 to 500 youths will partici¬ pate, will be held March 19 in holy cross Michigan high schools close. Lansing to Conduct various Responding through tducotioool, "What we are trying to do is workshops pertinent to sub¬ social, patteral h«|,k 3 jects that are concerned with and ethsr service ' set up an organization that pays attention to state legislation youths. ministries. that is pertinent to high school "The purpose of the confer: Ir. Thomas State Newt/Robert Kozloff aged youths," Becki Wolf, adult ence is to talk about youths' >os Maddix, CSC 301, Notre Dame, IN 46SS6 With finals approaching don't spend so much time watching the passing planning committee adviser, rights. Each workshop will scenery. discuss laws that deal with youths in cetain areas such as MI County board votes to conserve energy SALE By JANET R.OLSEN county employes to do the audit pany or process; he said it only general's office to clarify the sing Bikeway and commended State News Staff Writer in other county buildings." supported the concept. issue and the commission's Meridian Township for propos¬ \ The Ingham County Board of In response to complaints A motion to refer the resolu¬ authority to determine the ing the bikeway. Commissioners' Special Energy that the three commissioners tion to committee failed 9-12. constitutionality of the law. .Voted to approve a grant for •(ant savings on (\ Committee introduced a resolu¬ tion Tuesday night to take on the Special Energy Commit¬ tee lack expertise in dealing and Frank Guerriero, R-Mason, amended it to delete all •Voted in favor of a resolu¬ tion establishing the Ingham the acquisition of property for the proposed Lake Lansing all jackets. > immediate steps in county with the energy problem, four references to the pyrolytic pre County Release on Recognf- Park. buildings to conserve energy. citizens were appointed to the cesses. The amended resolu- zance (ROR) Program as a *96.00 40-40 The resolution, which was committee. They are Dave tion, which states that the county-funded program, RaoAAftk -~.EE | m|g/ ■■UUIR M9II IWTl unanimously carried, was intro¬ Chapman. Michigan United board encourages the Board of .Approved a resolution for a Downs Parka witfc duced in the aftermath of an Conservation Clubs: Jim Gross- Public Works to pursue dev- application to the Office attempt to institute a four-day feld, East Lansing: Herman elopment of any and all energy of Criminal Justice Programs to hood. Now '39.73 work week for employes in Koenig, MSU Office of Energy recovery systems, find a criminal justice manage¬ three county buildings in order Research, and Kathy Suomi. by a 17-4 vote. ment information system. The to save energy. Michigan Commerce Depart¬ In other action, the Vests *21.95 complete budget for the pur¬ "This is the first step in doing ment State Energy Committee. chase and maintenance of the serious work in conserving A second resolution from the .Adopted a resolution that computer terminals would be energy," Commissioner Special Energy Committee the board go on record as $40,175, with Ingham County Thomas Hoisington, D-Lansing, would have placed the board on opposing a ruling by the Michi¬ paying (2,009 of the total. chairperson of the special com¬ record as "encouraging the gan State Tax Commission. •Passed a resolution to en¬ mittee, said. Board of Public Works to The commission had ruled dorse the The steps to save energy proposed Lake Lan- pursue the further develop¬ that a 1976 Homestead Im¬ include maintaining a tempera¬ ment of pyrolytic processes provement Act allowing home¬ ture of 65 degrees during the and/or other resource'energy- owners to improve their homes winter months in all county buildings where possible. The recovery systems that u ill re¬ sult in the conservation or with up to (4,000 in cost without an increase in their tax UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS resolution also stated that an generation of energy from solid assessments was unconstitu¬ energy audit will be made of all waste." tional. The board will request Available For Spring Term county buildings, beginning Commissioner Pat Ryan, D- an opinion from the attorney with an audit of the county Lansing, said the resolution courthouse by Consumers could easily be used as an Convenient Inexpensive Power Co. "This includes checking air indication that the county sup¬ ports such a system and could ASMSU LIEBERMANN'S flows, drafts and All Utilities including Phone lighting," be forwarded with any grant Book Exchange Hoisington said, adding that requests. Hoisington, however, the audit is free of charge. "Consumers said the resolution did not is Coming! Bus Transportation at Your Door For spring break will also train support any particular com¬ Eligible Students Apply at: ... our hardy canvas| University Apartments 0//fce luggage lew! 1205 S. Harrison Road Phone 355-9550 Hear ASMSU PreskJertial Candidates WhoAreVMi?Today there is a way to answer all of your questions, EXPRESS resolve your doubts. and, at the same time, discover the truth and beauty of your Jewish heritage. For men the first begins at Hadar Hatorah; for women at Machon Chana. Each of these unique institutes of learning offers meaningful, step THEMSELVES in-depth courses in Jewish history, ethics, traditions, philosophy, Hebrew and Yiddish. A complete curriculum in basic and advanced Here's your chance to find Judaism. With no previous religious background requirements, no out where the candidates fees for those unable to pay. Plus a choice of day or stand on issues that affect evening sessions. Sunday or Weekend seminars, and a Summer Program you. t- special radio llml Dormitory facilities also available nropran will feature inter¬ Rabbi Jacob J Hecht. Dean E9K REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED views with four ASl'SII H FOR ALL SESSIONS candidates each evenlnq o» mw f For further information, call or write throuoh Thursday at 0:45 on vour local I'ichinan MACHON CHANA HADAR HATORAH Women's Institute for the State radio 'letwork station. Study of Judaism LubavHch School for College Ybuth 733 EASTERN PARKWAY. BKLYN. N Y 11213 Hear the candidates, qet 824 EASTERN PARKWAY. BKLYN. N Y. 11213 involved and VOTE. Lightweight and tough, our casual canvas 12121735-0200 (112)735-0200 luggage is fashioned of tightly wr ur major research areas to be covered by MSU PIRGIM interested groups are the total economic impact, Tor The many years Michigan State Radio Network has served on-campus with high quality student programming through a students for limited AM ■ problems, air quality and energy consumption and the B process for the use of the undeveloped land. ■area of economic impact, Poor said a cost-benefit analysis intire metropolitan Lansing area has not been done. roughing it broadcasting system. FM would bring this service, in static-free high fidelity stereo, to both on and off-campus members of the M.S.U. community. Boots for hiking, climbing or |t; of East Lansing expects to receive a net benefit of just plain wear. All of them ■00,000 per year in property tax and other revenues, the Q. WHO WILL RECEIVE THE STATION? :t also expects about $100,000 annually and 800 to tough, yet comfortable. psu action jobs and 1,200 to 1,600 sales jobs are anticipated ■ mall, according to the planning staff report. The proposed FM station will have a range of 5 to 15 miles from the Here you'll find these center of the M.S.U. campus. ^er, Poor 1 are said he knows of half a dozen stores in Frandor planning on closing and moving out to the mall, brand names of quality boots in stock — Pivetts, ley's is the other anchor store (to be located at the other Bass and Vasque, a Q. WHAT WILL BE ON THE FM STATION? division of Redwing Totally non-commercial full time student-oriented music, features, and • WOOM/VAUIY FORGE Fifteen different styles to choose special entertainment and information programs. There will be no commercial APARTMIMTS from. Let one interruptions of any kind. | AVAILABLE AT THE END OF MARCH of our Campers' 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Pro Shop experts I STARTING FROM A MONTH fix you up. Q. WHEN WILL WE HAVE THE FM STATION? In bus line • dote to campus • some furnished The passage Lortments • now appliances • air conditioning RAUPP of this referendum will allow the Michigan State Radio Net¬ shag carpeting • free parking ATID ON LAKI LANSING ROAD jCampfitters 220* East Michigan, Lansing work to continue in its efforts to establish an FM station. Authorization from the M.S.U. Board of Trustees and the Federal Communications Commission FOR MORE INFORMATION CAU ($17) 484*9401 must be obtained. This will take nine months to minimum. llMIMMrlll'IN) | Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 8 one year Sat. 9 a.m. to S p.m. Q. WHAT WILL THIS COST ME? There will be no change in assessment until FM service is established. On-campus students are currently being assessed $1.00 per term for AM SAVE $1.50 service. This assessment will not change with the success of this referendum. Off-campus students will be assessed $1.00 per term to support the FM station, but only after it is established. on used text books Q. WHAT HAPPENS IF I DON'T VOTE? at the A significant number of students must vote, or the M.S.U. Board of Trustees will not consider the outcome a valid indicator of student opinion. ASMSU BOOK- This will delay action on FM service indefinitely. Q. WHAT iF THE FM REFERENDUM FAILS? EXCHANGE Failure of the referndum will put an end to current plans for improved radio services through FM. I We Know What You Need! AU course need you to know is your number & section / number or Instructor Vote\fes Watch Friday's State News for further details forFM Places: East McDonel Halt (Lower Lounge), 342 Case Hall, 106 Wells Hall, Lab 3 Brody Hall Dates: Finals Week, Late Registration, First Week of Classes at Registration. Times: 10-4 p.m., 6-8 p.m. Support the Exchange Bring in a Book MICHIGAN STATE RADIO NETWORK J ] fi Michigon Stote News, 6o»t Lonting, Michigan ThUr,daV.Morch|0, Amin 'clever leader/ says professor By ED LION third- and fourth-hand accounts, usually along the lines that In 1972 Amin expelled about 40,000 Asians remaining in the and for a time they were stamped "n... u , SUte New* Staff Writer someone accidentally stumbled upon evidence of killings:" country. office," he said. p se(l by the Pi President Idi Amin of Ugtnds is not the madman he is often Artis was in Uganda for six months when Amin, with the support Artis added he never had any major run-ins with the Artis said he occasionally would see Ami. j • _ depicted as, but rather "a clever and ruthless" leader who always of the military, seized power in January 1971 from President Milton government, but once at a roadblock a soldier became enraged at "remains two steps ahead of his opponents," said an MSU professor Obote with the promise of eventually restoring the government to him because he couldn't produce a needed receipt and a police guard University campus in a jeep and Amin sessions with university faculty. •ftuJtejthemes held wnsuluJ II who lived for a year and a half under the Amin regime. civilian hands. had to intervene. "He's very charming, very clever I howtl'ntelli8e",' «J Jay Artis, dean of the Social Science Department, who spent 1971 "At first everything seemed the same;-we didn't notice much of a "Most of the army were raw recruits because Amin increased its Artia. "but also very ruthless. He know, and 1972 teaching at Makere University in the Ugandan capital of difference," Artis said. "Amin seemed almost reluctant to take size from 3,000 in 1971 to the present 21,000," Artis said. Artis said though condition, Kampala, said in brief encounter with the leader he found Amin to power." "Sometimes they enjoyed the exercise of power for power's sake." probably as repreaslve in some other may be be "very unusual and eccentric, but not psychotic." Artis said Amin gradually began boosting the size of the Artis said Ugandans were a marvelous people and that it was nation, „f V.J be A^k"T how 10 »ttr«t the .ttenti„„"aAAf"Ci ald Ar»is. "He I , "He just shrewdly knows how to divide and conquer in order to military in order to increase his power-base. Some disappearances unfortunate that the government did not evolve along more a good PR man." stay in power," Artis said in an interview. "He has that trait to were reported, all pictures of deposed President Obote-were democratic lines. People he knows who have recently visited extricate himself from touchy situations." removed and miniskirts and Western-style wigs were discouraged Uganda verify reports of disappearances there, he said, but he no Artis said based upon his stay in the East African nation of 10 because Amin didn't like them, Artis said. Artis said after he left longer corresponds with friends in Uganda. million, he can believe the reports flowing out of Uganda about Amin's purge of Christian tribesmen in connection with an alleged the country Amin banned miniskirts, beards and Western wigs. "The military sometimes seemed to abuse their power," Artis "I don't know if the government clamped down on outaide contact," he said. "I stopped receiving letters from Uganda and will ClIARANCE Homo Comot and Billiard Mart plot against him. Artis, however, said that while he was there he said. "Army members would walk into stores and just take things, only write so as not to jeopardize anyone when I receive a letter." never saw direct evidence of government massacres against especially from Asians. We even heard that soldiers snatched some While he was writing, the letters always steered clear of politics VULCAN FUSSBALL political opponents. Asian women." V ' "After Amin came in power we began hearing rumors about ^>1 " Artis said discrimination against Asians seemed to increase at purges but we never firsthand saw them," Artis said. 'They were the outset of the Amin regime and "some of our Asian friends left." •ussball table ""I DUKITVMATOI andth* | Investigation | Sale of books torpedoed ALL ST-frR FROOS myan lib blws band Regular'^ I (continued from page 1) was concerned with "innocent (continued from page confused and I have to II see a and it is our job to provide the students with good services in lima mawAT I SALE !299>I| people" who were on Red proposal first before rational selling books and food," he said. Squad Files. He said later that decision can be made." a "In terms of whether it is i mrvici station J ""w.saginmJ (In front he felt Stopcynzski's concerns Ballard was not available for competition with the MSU X 13011. Grand Rivar X ol lonzine I were for the number of "crimi¬ comment, but Lyle Thorburn, Bookstore or not is not rele¬ { Naxt to Varsity Inn ********************** { Moll) 11 nals walking the streets" while assistant vice president of hous¬ vant." 489-6055 Forbes was concerned about ing and food services, said it is private citizens. the responsibility of his depart¬ TIXAS INSTRUMINTS Sforo Houra: Mon. thru Sat. 10 AM fo 9 PM; ment to sell books, not fTwENEWSPEclALrTT Sunday 12 Noon to 5 PM The state police were given ASMSU's. DEPARTMENT STOitE the authority to create a Red m OLYMPUS ON: "Several years ago this divi¬ Squad to monitor "subversives" sion was given the responsi¬ under Public Act 40 passed bility of book sales on campus during the McCarthy era. ATTumo* vrrauUMi e. AT OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER OFFERED" In 1974 and 1975 the Red cellent pay, insurance, and re¬ Squad became the subject of lawsuits in Wayne and counties and a probe House Civil Ingham by the tirement benefits available — Michigan Air National Guard. Call 517-489-5169 after 6 P.M., wiztum iMomnc ctiTta *30 CASH REBATE!' Rights Committee. Tuesday through Friday. Call Both lawsuits are still pending. todoy! 58-40 scientific • sr-54 programmable • ti-jo scientific ^jgajnasiMwaTZMWRy DIRECT FROM PONDER t BEST, OLYMPUS DISTRIBUTORS 58-51ii scientific 4 statistical, etc. tl business analyst • sb-5j ca8d p80g8ammable ll'i true! You get the lightest, most ti-j550 iii: memory, tl-1300 • tl-1250 • tl-1270 • ti-1600 • ti-1450 compact 35mm SLR system v- . camera in the world. The precision- '259" Special Leonard's Price L engineered 0M-1 is easy to carry - 30.00 Olympus Factory RebateR and easy to use Look through the with vlewfinder and you'll discover it's "GUARANTEED 30% larger and 70% brighter than most others, making metering and LOWEST PRICES composing a breeze. A unique shutter-mirror design makes the IN TOWN" OM-1 whisper-quiet and virtually shock-free. This amazing camera Com* so* our largo soloctions of oth¬ is backed by a full range of razor er fine quality calculators. sharp Zuiko lenses and a complete system of accessories including interchangeable focusing olympus DISCOUNT CALCULATORS motor screens, drive, plus macro and micro THI LITTil SHOP equipment. Camera 50mm ill THAT LOWIHID THI MICIS OF CALCULATOR* 1VYWH1HII 220m.a.c. ?' houbs: Plus! Special Savings on Genuine Zuiko Lenses! i Over200 years in the making. Vivitar ILICTRONIC FLASH AUTOMATIC LINSIS4 Torn No wonder rsm it tastes so good. LIST PRICE >124.95 Vivitar AUTOMATIC LENSES I list leonards 28mm f2.5 wide angle is»« 109" Vivitar 283 Auto/Thyristor Electronic Flash with Remote Cord 135mm f2.8 telephoto 120- 79" WE STOCK THE COMPLETE 283 SYSTEM 200mm 13.5 telephoto ho» 99" list price leonard's Vivitar 273 89.95 M.II 75-150mm 13.8 zoom 250- 174" Vivitar 252 49.95 3A.M Vivitar 202 34.95 2S.8S 75-205 (3J zoom sib- 229" Vivitar 102 19.95 1S.M ALL QUANTITIES LIMITED March There are new models, -display pieces, nicks I | BLOWOUT SALE! , Audio t scratches, prior year and one-of-o-klnds I 900" I that must be sold NOWI 3-14-Hj RECEIVERS SPEAKERS TURNTABLES PIONEER HPM200 Top of the line Pioneer $d|VA 5-woy. List '500. NOW... AM ¥ APOLLO 12 12" 3-way system m' frTTT" " 1A A Was'199. NOW OX KIH6vinal Acoustic suspension BIC 940 PIONEER SX-450 S*HO 30 watt stereo receiver Was '160. NOW 711 Belt drive changer SOMA AR2AX Was '109. NOW.. N.A.V. '200. NOW 1 ■■ V 10'2-way system 181 ■ A DUAL 502 - Was '150. NOW * 1 IT Belt drive - Semi-auto $flfl SHERWOOD S-7010A AMC12 Reg.'140. NOW *1 24 watt stereo receiver 12" 3-way bookshelf a ■ DUAL 1225 - $ ■ At A pAfl Reg. >190. NOW 1 AT Reg. '235. NOW 1 O¥ Automatic changer JBl L26 Reg. '140. NOW . " 10" 2-way GARRARD 770m JVC - JRS 100 Bookshelf a ■ m am 40 watt stereo receiver A ■ Studio Monitor. NOW,... 1 OO Complete w/base, cover $f] OA andShurecartridae. NOW^ Was '250. NOW 1 OT KENWOOD KR 3400 TEAC A3340 44 watt stereo receiver A ■ VA SANYO STEREO CASSETTE 4/ch. studio tape deck List '250. NOW *1 7¥ (a jm m ln-da,hAM/FM '111 List >1100. NOW V49 Reg.'140. NOW. • 1 PIONEER SX-750 TEACA450 EVIDAN AUTO REVERSE ■ 100 watt stereo receiver Top loading cassette deck AA Stereo cassette deck »| 1 a ja N.A.V. '400. NOW A&¥ a|| List'450. NOW *2¥¥, List*129. NOW..----- Family brewers for more than 200 years. PIONEER CTF 7171 Front load KRAC 40 CHANNEL C.B. w/dolby aa ■ am w/P.A. 4 squelch TECHNICS 5460 Was '260. NOW *21T List '140. NOW the stioh brewery company. detroit, michigan © 1976 130 watt stereo receiver 8a ■ a HITACHI D410 JENSEN 9740 *A 1 ¥ t«| list '400. NOW Featuring dolby FM 1 ■ AA 6 x 920oz. coaxial speok fjl _List_|250, NOW * 1 Q¥ E^j68pM40Vj^ 1 LjChigon Stole News, Eott lonslng, Mlchinon Thursday, March 10, 1977 1 1 transfer system )eing reviewed Announcements for It's What's Happening must be received in the State News office, 343 Student Business students: See your ASMSU Representative from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thurs¬ "The Mystery of Iniquity and the Mark of the Beast," Traces the operation of the Devil and discerns IBVUNDAL-SHULL I. "checkless society" Mielock explained. hasten the transfer of mon¬ Services Bldg., by noon at least two class days before publication. days in 335 Student Services Bldg. between truth and tale at 6 and Sunday in the Union. tonight ey, Mielock said, which No announcements will be ac¬ Spirit of Christ Fellowship wel¬ M,y soon be upon lis. K When chase at a making a pur¬ doesn't always work to the cepted by phone. comes you to prayer, worship and Student employes: If you were less thsn s year, supermarket, for Bible study at 7 tonight and 2:30 shorted on hours or pay this term, instance, the debit card purchaser's advantage. ljihigsn legislators are "There is a parallel be¬ ASMSU Programming Board p.m. Sunday in the University contact ASMSU labor Relations Eeclcd to enact legisla- would provide an instan¬ tween the transfer system Travel has trips to Nassau and Christian Church. in 327 Student Services Bldg. taneous transfer of Jamaica March 18 through 25. Into allow th* implemen- money and automated teller ma¬ Visit 309 Student Services Woman's Studies Colloquia Jion of an electronic from your account to that of the supermarket's chines now widely used by Bldg. MSU Amateur Radio Club presents: Sue Emmert of Lansing Ands transfer system." by banks in that both are Please join the Southern Africa meets at 8 tonight in 339 Engineer¬ Feminist Self-Help Center discuss¬ ■it could mean that pay- way of terminals within ing Bldg. Hams, CBers and SWl- ing "Self-Help" at 3 today In 332 capable of providing 24- Liberation Committee (SALCI. We invited. Xu would no longer the system. hour service," he ex¬ meet at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the ers are Union. • •• Xve to be made in cash or Though the transforma¬ plained. Peace Center, 1108 S. Harrison The Christian Science Minority Pre-Med Students As¬ 1 eheck. Instead a com- tion on a nationwide scale Organiza¬ sociation will hold a first-aid class Road. tion, South Campus invites all is still of sale whether the free to all MSU students at 3 ■tec would do ail the in the planning Similarly, cus¬ shouldn't be scrutinizing students and faculty to their p.m. many employ¬ tomer's account could Sunday in 205 Life Sciences Bldg. stages, various states such ers are now cov¬ them. PBB Action Committee meets meeting at 6:30 tonight in 340 using direct For details contact Keith try Mielock, a member as Nebraska and ton have Washing¬ a deposit of payroll system er payment. "So if you are one who It will most likely be up at 7 tonight in 331 Union. Case Hell. McElroy. (continued on pegs 16) ■the Policy and Consumer already been try¬ into employes' accounts to the state Department of ing the system takes advantage of the *»irs Division with the out on their while the government also Commerce to insure this consumers. 'float' period (the time it ■chigan Department of implements automated So¬ takes a check to pass from doesn't happen. lmmerce, said the Finan- Two years ago, Mielock cial Security deposits. "Since the computer sys¬ E Institutions Bureau is said, a bill was introduced According to Mielock, one account to then the transfer system another), tems will contain the re¬ in the state cords of transactions, some (dying the legal aspects legislature to the elimination of paper¬ would obviously be more of U potential effects of the grant Michigan's financial work with the way must be found to system a disadvantage than Xisfer system. institutions the authority would be a huge advantage efit to you," Mielock said. a ben¬ protect the privacy and fWith the transfer sys- to use the computerized to the financial institu¬ One of the larger prob¬ security of the records and a debit card' could system. tions. accounts and guard against L tht. That bill died, but it's a lems with the whole idea, place of cash and In addition, it would unauthorized access," Mie¬ s in purchasing trans- safe bet that a similar one though, is privacy. Such a lock said. eliminate the bad checks will be introduced computer system leaves The pons and would be die- again. merchants receive, since open the opportunity of major advantage Uishable by your own The whole idea behind the computer would be seems to be that of conven¬ Conal key number," such a transfer system is to able to detect at the having your records scruti¬ ience for both merchant point nized by those who and consumer. CAMP COUNSELOR OPENINGS junty clerk criticizes UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS rummm GRADUATE STUDENTS and FACULTY MEMBERS * « jecial school election THE ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE CAMPS | (mly 5.001 . . . comprising 100 outstanding Boys. Girls. Brothar Sistar and Co-Ed Camps, located throughout the New England and Middle Atlantic States Bkrmos School District Aug. 17, 1976, requesting issues involved, the separation INVITES YOUR INQUIRIES an ... ■election scheduled for increase in millage limitation of the two elections was neces¬ concerning mmmer employment as ****** Satisfaction Guaranteed ****** M could be avoided by and this followed the original Head Counselors. Group Leaders. Specialties. General .Counselors. sary to present the two issues olanning and manage- proposal of June 14, 1976, clearly to the public, according Write, Phone, or Call in Person ■according to Lingg which was not passed by the to Noel Bufe, president of the Association of Private Camps I Ingham County clerk. Okemos School District - Dept. C ALSO: UNIPERMS .. '19.50, PAINTING .. '12.00 voters. Okemos Board of Education. IS W. 41 St.. Ntw York NT 1MI4 11111 OX S.14SI Te special elections are The Okemos Board of Educa¬ id the low turnout 1 per cent county wide — — tion has said in a letter of reply to Brewer's criticisms that "it | & Hennalucent ^^..t ..'12.00 lie question the validity would not have been feasible to Isuits." Brewer said, hold the millage renewal at the prion, il is unfair to ask same time as the bond issue We are professional, experienced Stylists . r for "a perpetual election." Phone 332-2416 for Appt. or Walk-in. If something they have Due to the complexity of the Ivoied on." Tlarch 28 election con I millage renewal re- State News 1 special election was peb. 7 for a bond issue Newsline love school buildings. ■ election was held on 353-3382 P CAMPUS APARTMINTS I RESIDING! HALL UDENTS In ups for residence hall transfers to |fersity Apartments for summer & fall i will be held April 6, 7, and 8 in I hall office. STOP! BEFORE YOU SIGN THAT APARTMENT LEASE LOOK INTO ON-CAMPUS HOUSING! SUMMER TERM SIGN UP BEGINS MONDAY, APRIL 11 Single & Double Rooms available in Wilson (room & board) and Williams (room only with kitchenettes) Halls at half and full term rates. SPORTSHIRT SALE CHVr # Large group ot famous name _ _ JnWL brand sport thirls V >1QQ # Snack Shops & Grills 71 #.No Utility Bills Mq/ yw 'Assorted in many 'Regularly SIS nts and pristyles and patterns colors to$24 - Sizes S-XL f vg * No * TV Rooms Telophono Installation ($25 In an apartment) # Study Facilities * Laundry Facilities * Close to IM Facilities BANK AMERICARD AND MASTER CHARGE WELCOME . *So close to campus, WE'RE ON CAMPUS! • FREE GIFT WRAPPING • LAY AWAY Kore Information: Students on campus - see your hall manager STORE HOURS: MON THRU SAT, 10 a m to ADJACENT TO MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES ON 10 p.m.; SUN. 12 HOOfl to 6 p.m. „ . , rr Contact: Residence Hulls Assignment Office Students off campus jyjgoHoim^Hen^^ WEST GRAND RIVER OR SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA •: I! ' 12 Michigan Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Thorsdoy. March ,0.,, Owens-Illinois Charlotte bottle plant, liar left), largest glass reeyeler in the country, used 114 mUlion pounds of glass since 1970, recycled 18,367,000 pounds in 1975. Glass containers are transformed from molten Ufluid to solid product in a matter of seconds, (left). Container molds, (above), are repaired or reworked to accommodate new designs. Photos and text by Maggie Walker When the nonreturnable bottle ban goes into effect next year, it means that the biggest bottle maker in the area will undergo a radical manufacturing shift. Setting the bottle makers ajar When Proposal A, the ban on nonreturn- But according to the Beverage Can show the company paid $9,960,223 in able bottles becomes law in December, 1978, Makers Association, a study in Oregon it will have a profound effect on the employe wages and contributed 30 per cent only found that one year after the law there went of Charlotte's taxes. glass bottle maker in Michigan. into effect, total litter was reduced by only 10.6 per cent. The Owens-Illinois glass plant in Char¬ lotte, 30 miles southwest of East Lansing, Whatever its effect on litter, the elimina¬ is built in 1964 to accomodate the needs of tion of throwaway bottles and cans nation¬ Michigan's large industrial bottle users — wide could save Americans 115,000 barrels Stroh's, Coca Cola, Faygo and Brooks of oil each day, according to an Environ¬ Products. mental Protection Agency (EPA) study. The ban. approved in November, While Charlotte plant officials have said pro¬ hibits the sale or use of nonreturnable that the introduction of the law could bottles and cans for beverages and places a threaten some 800 jobs, they have also gone on record offering to 5- to 10-cent deposit on returnable bottles. help employes if the plant were forced to close. Now that Michigan voters have mandated Figures for 1975, the latest available, > change in the type of container their favorite beverage will come in, there will also have to be a change in the type of container which is manufactured — from a lightweight throwaway to one heavy enough to withstand reuse several times. Michigan voters approved Proposal A with a 63 to 37 per cent vote. Proponents said passage would reduce litter and solid waste, create jobs and conserve energy. Opponents predicted minimal litter reduc¬ tion, unemployment, rising prices and economic disruption. Jerry Arkebauer, spokesperson for Owens-Illinois headquarters in Toledo, Ohio, said the company is willing to convert to the types of molds and glass necessary to make the new beverage containers, but the final specifications and decision rests with the customers. "When I spoke to Peter Stroh before the election, he told me it will take a sizable capital investment to convert to the new filling system the bottle will require." Arkebauer explained. Former Oregon Gov. Tom McCall has said, "Studies of litter taken one year before and two years after the law became effective showed an 83 per cent reduction of bottles and cans along the highways, lakes and streams, and a 39 per cent overall reduction n litter." Tnn Slot* News, Eoit Lonslng, Michioon Thursday, March 10, 1977 ler calls envoy's apology statement 'inappropriate' (eoetineed from page 1) be aimed at dealing with heavy unemployment among young „. broadcast news conference. Carter said he could foresee a people, which he said exceeds 40 per cent for some minority J; East settlement in which Israeli forces might be permitted groups in large cities. Ibevond that country's established boundaries to provide He said the package, involving creation of a youth conservation on against any sudden Arab assaults. corps, would not add to the total amount of economic stimulus he —ao talked about the possible use of international forces to seeks and thus would not affect the size of forthcoming federal dcmilitarired sone around Israel that might extend for 20 deficits. ers or more. •Said the Soviet Union has given no indication it would go along -no met here this week with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak with his suggestion that complex technical Issues Involving cruise I Carter said, "I will be discussing this matter with the missiles and the Soviet Backfire bomber be set aside in the tentative of the Arab countries when they come." Carter interests of reaching a quick agreement on a new strategic arms Eg confer with the leaders of all Arab nations most directly limitation treaty. This was one of the ideas he tossed out at his by mid-April. Feb. 8 news conference. ■president acknowledged that the search forva Middle East ient "in going to be a long, tedious process." But he pledged •Said he still intends to withdraw the American from South Korea, following consultation with ground forces Single Japan, but would -out • m'ior e"ort 1,1 our own 8°ven"nent" to bring the continue U.S. Air. Force operations there "over a long period of Tickets |to a Geneva conference in the last half of the year, time." ler On Sale Lj the United States is concerned about human rights under ,jent Chilean regime. Carter said regarding this "very MONDA Y, j issue" that his administration has "tried" to be ti in our expression of concern," suggesting that initially Chile apology causes flap March 14 For ,t for speaking out on the subject "was interpreted, I perly, to deal with the Soviet Union." (continued from page I) Reaction among members of These Spring Concerts wlJed to Congress Wednesday a Sl.S-billion youth Costa Rica and Ecuador ab¬ the commission to Tyson's com¬ ent package that Carter told his news conference would stained. Several speakers, in¬ ments and the subsequent dis¬ cluding West Germany and claimers ranged from baffle¬ Egypt, criticized the measure ment to shock. Two Weatern Unci/ discusses for failing to mention Chile's recent release of hundreds of political prisoners. diplomats said the incident showed a "free-wheeling" ap¬ proach by the new administra¬ THURSDAY, MARCH 31 at 8:15 P.M. With his voice sometimes tion. TONIGHT T raised to near shouting volume, —* b/icy procedures "This is an incredibly ama¬ BATS Chile's observer, Sergio Diez, said internal order was needed in Chile before peace could teurish way of diplomacy," one delegate said. A Latin Ameri¬ can diplomat added: "This ^SPINE-TINGLING! JOLTING... GARY and establish a standard meth¬ 'per¬ Alex ■ final meeting of winter return to the country. He said sonal statement' seems to be a deRenzy's 'Fantasy Girts' is spine-tingling! Loaded Student Council primar- Kissed policy procedures upted committee re- od of financing SIRS III. The recommendation was passed and the council favors a well- Chile would reply to all human rights inquiries and added he wished the "human rights situ¬ tactic for airing President Car¬ ter's views without facing the with the most jolting hardcore action ever seen. what's more, it's erotic. A real turn-on; exciting And and GRAFFMAN consequences." stimulating. It's deRenzy's greatest. A VERY HOT .m various members. developed, well-planned proce¬ ation throughout the world NUMBER! "A pianist to be ranked with the great of Indent Council's Tues- dure for the spring of 1978. would be discussed this way." —leremy Hickman, FREE PRESS our time." Jternoon meeting, Mi- Denise Gordon, the at-large At a news conference in mWCOUHM -Christian Science Monitor I Matel, undergraduate representative, reported that Washington, Carter repeated WhywouldamanpNy$500lor«ihi)irwWilies8girts? 1 Committee represen- the University Health Center earlier White House and State (too new to be in the | presented a resolution (members on the discon- has drawn up a plan for a student advisory committee. Department disavowals of Ty¬ son's surprise expression of spring schedule of Alex deRenzy's, m and modification of Student Council will meet "profound regrets" at the com¬ courses) [resolution proposed that ommittee of the student again on April 12. mission meeting Tuesday. THE SCIENCE OF FANTASY Lilly councils be lioreview esta- the proposed f winner of 10 academy award LIGHT AND COLOR FOR NON-SCIENTISTS GIRLS THURSDAY, APRIL 7 at 8:15 P.M. |ures for Discontinua- nominations including: and to Dcument, propose ir document concerning -hstsictusi - USI ACTOR WILLIAM [n modification. -HSTDISICTOS - HIT SUSFORTING ACTOR Physics 203 (no pre-reqs) [ solution was defeated the members said it -HIT IONS STARRING Spring - 4 credits (4-0) MTuWTh 9:10 a.m. WINDOM r to work with the SYLVESTER STALLONE Prof. T. Harvey Edwards I established committee khan set up another one. SHOWTIMES: 7:00,8:30,10:00 SHOVYPIACE: 116 NAT. SCI. plays ADMISSION: >2.50 students; >3.50 faculty « |l also introduced a rec- PHONE: 3554665 staff dation of the SIRS III TiKfc&a-M5-M-te for more information an entertainment tervlce oi the beal film students, cooperative, faculty t staff welcome. ID's will be checked. THURBER Iter. This committee, mill be a central one, will ikiiitttsaai'ij "Ranks with Hal Holbrooks 'Mark Twain' |t the subcommittee re- StRClSfinO winner of 4 academy 1 and James Whitmore's 'Will Rogers'" id review and design KRIStOffCRSOO award nominations! >S Level III forms. The including (est song | -Washington Post "evergreen" jmiltee will also review fl StPR IS BORn University Series ASMSU lilttM5U IwiHttl: 5:15-5451'LM >k Exchange is Coming! Reserved Seats Only for Each Event PUBLIC: $6.00,5.00,4.00 (50% discount to full-time MSU students) Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30, weekdays Phone 355-3361 for ticket information. TODAY and FRIDAY I OPEN at 7 PM Shows at 7:10-9:05 PM WALT DISNEY productions FREAKYFRIDfflf tonight tfri open 7 pm Fafltura 7:30 • T:30 East Laming lovei the comady hit of Iha yaor. GEORGE SEGAL JANE FONDA ■ I-. A tribute to American ingenuity ^FUM WITHXF OKKANOMM OPEN 7:00 P.M. Featur* at 7:10 -9:30 Ti FINCH 'TOUVALL, Nominated for 2 Academy Awards LIV ULLMANN-Best Actress INGMAR BERGMAN - Best Director •tail* "MAGNIFICENT!" -PtnttofM OIIMH. Th« Hew VOftor »MHU8 UNO Of IAUWNTM PMXKTS INGMAR BERGMANS "FACE TO FACE" UV ULLMANN ^ "cohort |andnion "PIPE DREAMS" (PO) ^ZWMJN i, IrHESONG ® IN 1946 THIS MAN KILLED FIVE PEOPLE TODAY HE STILL LURKS THE STREETS! i remains I WE SAME the town that dreaded •his sundown wit**** "•Mm A TRUE STORY my — BEN JOHNSON 1 A Michigan Slate Newt, East taming, Michigan I^State^lfewsjClassifi^^^355-8255 na*Tp»l fliipliyiHt Iffjj FRANKLY SPEAKING by phil frank [ *P»t»Hts ||y] L-*»® GREMLIN - X 1974. 6 cylinder. 3 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY, re¬ . FEMALE UPPERCLASSMAN, SS)j. ceptionist for physicians office, 5 nonsmoker. Four women apart¬ speed. Excellent condition, only 81750.351-5417.5-3-11 112) days/week. Insurance forms, re¬ ment. $75/month. Spring. Three rooms antfbath - basement ofrl NTS' '5 in PHONE 355-8255 IMPALA CUSTOM 1970. Two ports, dictaphone, shorthand, or Campus Hill. 349-2564. Z 8811 112) apartment. Unfurnished, all utill- ties paid. No pets. $186. Also have bLtf?pus' s«ioi "45. cXJ • (Si equivalent. Salary commensurate first floor apartment available 3J1 StudcT Sr. Bl.tq doors, 350, automatic, power with qualifications and experience. ""WWwuT steering/brakes. Seven tires. One Write Box A-1 State News. 3-3-11 MALE ROOMMATE wanted March 1st - $180/electriclty. H AUTOMOTIVE owner, excellent. $775. Before 3 127) spring. Cedar Village Apartments, Phone 332-5968.-7-811 134) now to, <* p.m. -676-2273. Z 4-3-11 (19) $88/month. Call Jeff. 332-5664. 6582642.10-3-11 m,™ Scooters 8 Cycles FEMALE TO sublease furnished TYPIST NEEDED. Able to meet 8811 (12) ^V~--- J Parts 8 Service LTD BROUGHAM 1971. Loaded public and sell over phone. 11-2 apartment spring term. 1H blocks US' MAU tir* r„J Aviotion with options, excellent transporta¬ p.m. daily, Monday through Fri¬ SUBLET SUMMER, option for to campus. $83/negotiable. 332- ™^,ca,w,< »i'. tnack'iw .1 fall. Two bedroom apartment, 8979. 83-11 (141 EMPLOYMENT tion. 8100CL Paul, 355-8111 any¬ day. Starting spring term. Stu¬ time. Z 3-3-10 (12) dents only. Apply in person, unfurnished. Two miles from cam¬ FOR RENT JMMMMMF4MWMMMMMHMMHF*** * __ _ 3484074. Z 4-3-11 (14) STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED DE¬ } frandorV^. pus. Apartments MONTE CARLO 1970. 350 auto¬ PARTMENT, 347 Student Ser¬ NOWUAMNO . Houses SUBLEASE TWO person apart¬ For Fall and Summar f room- Immediate occunJ: M matic engine, power steering, vices Building. S 3-3-11 (31) Rooms power brakes. Call after 4 p.m. ment spring term. Furnished. 711 (*with special rotes) I a m°nth Pius elect,S?J j lor 2 bedroom apartments f ™led grads. X.1 - FOR SALE 663-8271. 6-3-11 114) PROJECTIONISTS NEEDED Burcham, East Lansing. 351-5388. Animals approximately 30 persons to run Z 3-810 (12) (wnivimitttihacii £ 444 «•*** SJ Mobile Homes MUSTANG 1968. 289, 4-speed, various types of audio visual Michigan Avenue • $$2-5420 f -I1!1® T good condition. Best offer over equipment such as 16mm pro¬ ROOMMATE WANTED to share « Across from campus. J HARtcrr "HL"""—I LOST 8 FOUND $500. Call 482-2859 after 6 p.m. jectors, tape recorders and slide fully furnished luxury apartment. TwoJ>LE1J - 5906 Marsh nj and three Kz>h,„ t PERSONAL Year round pool. 882-8556. 4-3-11 PEANUTS PERSONAL 4-3-11 (15) projectors. Experience helpful but not necessary. Must be able to 112) WANTED-FEMALE to sublease Cedar Village Apartment. ments with " ZT" MUSTANG 1975, 13,500 miles. attend all training sessions. Need Spring 394-5230.33-11 REAL ESTATE students with large blocks of NEEDED DESPERATELY - one term. Considerate roommate. $88 1 Automatic, disc brakes, steel belt¬ RECREATION SERVICE ed radials. Silver with burgandy hours free from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. HELLO- MR. CRAWGION? US ABCOT or two women for 4 person |»~m» »«*»„ Wrasl interior. Pampered carl $2500/ Monday — Friday and with more apartment. One block to Campus. Instruction Typing best offer. 337-9131 evenings. 3-3-11 (21) than one term left Apply in person only. Applications will be accepted Monday - Friday, 8-12 a.m. I THE RCMftS AQAfM- © Col lege Spring term, rent negotiable. 332- 8239. Z 4-3-11 (19) EAST MSU - one bedroom, carpeted, snack bar, laundry, near L^Kuia'snsl «-J> 83-n dy v TRANSPORTATION Med>o Services Box 9411 Berkeley. Co 94709 bus line. $150/month. 3382346. MALE NEEDED - spring term. FEMALE NEEDeVwt J WANTED NOVA 1973 - 350 V-8, power steering/brakes. Rally wheels, and 1 - 5 p.m. in Room 28 of the instructional Media Center. X-5-3- Excellent location, Cedar Village Afier 5 p.m. call 3389648. 4-811 ham AperS,? ROUND TOWN 43,000 miles. $1800. 349-4834. Z 11 1761 apartments. Parking available. I4! *j"- $82.50/month.36?3f "RATES" 8-3-11 113) MALE COUNSELORS" Boys Camp, June 22-August 13. Michigan : Eiploywm Ift] | Enploymt ][M| 361-7700. Z 4-3-11 (12) FEMALE NEEDED 124 CEDAR STREET. East Lan- sing 2 man, one bedroom fur- FEMALE NEEDED f»» OLDS CUTLASS Wagon, 1968. - spring. One nrshed apartments, heat included, I2word munimum 350 automatic, power steering/ Areas open: judo, nature/science, bedroom, two person furnished person apartment VX"3 tennis, crafts, archery, riflery, ENJOY A summer of traveling and CLERICAL: BILLING, filing, gen¬ apartment. Campus close. 337- $190/month, June or September. $75/month. 351.0996 j ' brakes. Good tires. $525. 676- 9178. 6-3-11 (13) gymnastics, biking, and water¬ working outside in the amusement eral office. Must be able to work 1481. Z 4-3-11 (121 129 Burcham Drive efficiency, (12) Z NO $160/month. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 351- front (must have W.S.I.) Married business. 4 salaried positions open 8-10 a.m. daily, Monday thru , WORDS NO. DAYS starting March 22. Call 351-9389 Friday. Students only. STATE SPACIOUS ONE bedroom. Sub¬ 2402, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. 882-2316. ' ft PINTO 1975 Sport. Deluxe inte¬ couples considered, write giving XO-63-11 (29) I 1 3 6 8 rior, 22,000 miles, sharp. $2300. experience/background. Competi¬ after 7 p.m. 5-3-10 (23) NEWS CLASSIFIED DEPART¬ lease immediately, spring term. DILI A J _ MENT. 347 Student Services ■ 1HMHH71IMI IIIFII iHHSHEznuxnunil 355-6523 I. before 5 p.m. Leave 7-3-11 1141 tive salaries. FLYING EAGLE, 1401 North Fairview, 48912. X5-3-11 (411 Lansing, Ml WAITRESSES, COOKS, mainte¬ nance people. RAINBOW RANCH Building. S 2-3-10 (25I Furnished, heat, water included. Balcony, air, close. 332-4634. Z S^BLEAsV FURNISHED bedroom. Pool, air, "one parking. Close. II !ll,"l mil]IZj 1 0r 2 b«Jroom 4-3-11 115) ■IDEXZ] nn 14 20 20.14 is now accepting applications to DATA PROCESSING senior com¬ 7Pin,^'70r 13131 4638512 ! »-,s.ramrp:q 1 1 Ml t AS 1 II 00 22 40 [1? 00] 22 SO 2100 RabbitWITH THE REAR EAST LANSING SCHOOLS need 2 secretarial assistants. Position federally funded. CETA eligibility fill the above named positions. Apply in person, 2843 East Grand River. 4-3-11 (23) puter operator. If you are a qualified DOS/Power operator, consider our second shift opening. For a challenging position with BCECHWOOD APARTMENTS S Blocks to MSU Largo 2 bod room — furnished _1 _ _ _ _ _ GREAT LOCATION I Spring 1,2 females. Balcony, beautiful view, 332 597! TWO PERSON, basement 1 requirements: II) low income, (2) reasonable. 332-1973. XZ811 (121 ment. $166/month, utiifal SEAT DOWN, BABYSITTER FOR one toddler responsibility and rewards. Paid *240 a month receiving AFDC or unemployed 15 include* heat and water Must rent. Available Mardil MORE LUGGAGE SPACE or more weeks, (3) Ingham County 2-6:30 p.m. East Lansing. Own vacation, health insurance, retire¬ residence excluding the city of transportation. Call 337-9267 be¬ ment, holiday pay, sick leave, long 3SI-37M ONE PERSON needed spring/ Call 332-2838. Z 3 311 (1> THAN A summer. Own room in 3 bedroom fore 2 p.m. 2-3-11 (13) term disability and opportunity for Lansing. Apply at the Michigan apartment. Nicely furnished with NEED FEMINIST woman toft Once ad is ordered it cannot CADILLAC SEVILLE Employment Security Commis¬ a continuing education through tuition reimbursement, after 1 year FEMALE UPPERCLASSMAN, central air, dishwasher, plenty of spacious, light two bi be concelled or changed un¬ TRUNK. sion. E.O.E. 3-3-11 (44) CLERICAL, BOOKKEEPING As¬ non-smoker. Four women apart¬ sistant for programming board. of employment. Contact Ross P. parking and pool. $88/month com- partment with si til after first insertion, un- COOK HIMIMAN Part-time spring, summer, fall. Alander, assistant'personnel direc¬ ment. $75/month. Spring. plete. Call 3481833. 3-3-11 (271 3-8111131 is ordered ft cancelled GROCERY CASHIER, must be ex¬ VW VOLVO MAZDA Prefer work-study. Leave name at tor, E. W. SPARROW HOSPITAL. Campus hill. 349-2564. Z 83-11 by 1 p.m. 2 doss days before perienced. Two openings for 112) 551 ALBERT Street, one block MALE STUDENT needs I! J 41HW.SAGINAW /OX 356-3355 or 353-7421. 2-3-11 1201 1215 East Michigan Avenue, Lan¬ publication. weekdays 3-8 p.m. Alternating from campus. Large two bedroom m8'e in order to reserve !j 371-5400 Q50 Sundays 12-6 p.m. Starting March sing. 487-9180. Equal Opportunity FEMALE TO share apartment furnished, air conditioned, bal- room apanment, close to csL 21st. Apply in person between HORTICULTURE STUDENT or Employment. M/F. 4-3-11 (731 There is a *1.00 service Mon. t Thurs. til 9 (dosed Sat.) spring term. One bedroom. Call cony: Summer end fall. Call 358 Fall term. 3580934 Z33llft chorge for an ad change 9:30 a.m.-noon. Mrs. Gavin, experienced gardener to do yard 332-5606 after 4:30 p.m. 3-811 6118 after 5 p.m. 0 work. Must have transportation. LABORATORY ASSISTANTS - 3-3-11 (21) 1 plus 18' per word per day GAVIN'S FOOD CENTER, 618 WANTED - ONE female J East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 3-3-11 349-1574. 2-3-11 (13) MLT and CLA registered or eligi¬ for additional words. 131) ble. Openings now available in TWO FEMALES needed for spring Wn. Cedar Village. SOfJ PONTIAC 1975 Grand Prix. Air, SUMMER JOBS. Forest Service. clinical laboratory. Excellent salary WOMAN NEEDED. Four person term. Parking, balcony. Cheapl 351-1983. We're friendly! Zfl buckets, 11,000 miles. Like new. THE PERFECT part time jobl Must How, where, when to apply. and fringe benefits including paid apartment, spring term. $70. 337- Cedar Village. 332-8480. Z 3-811 I'21 $3996. 625-3111. 6-3-11 1121 2551. Close to campus. Z 3-3-11 be neat and dependable. Evening Complete information • $3. MIS¬ vacations, holidays, health insur¬ (12) hours. Must have transportation. SION MOUNTAIN COMPANY, ance and opportunities for con¬ PINTO WAGON. 1975. Many ex¬ WOMAN FOR spring. $81/month, The State News will be re 655-3931.3-3-11 (16) P.O. Box 727, Poison, Montana tinuing education through tuition tras. Excellent condition. Best 2 blocks from campus. March rent sponsible only for the firs 59860. B 2-3-11 (211 reimbursement. Apply Personnel, doys incorrect insertion. reasonable offer. Call 394-4942. COOKS PART time, start E. W. SPARROW HOSPITAL, Pin* Lake Apta. paid. Call 332-1707, BLZ 83-11 2-3-11 (12) - immediately. Clean cut and neat. OVERSEAS JOBS summer/ 1215 East Michigan Avenue, Lan¬ - Some short term Sills are due 7 doys Irom the PONTIAC LEMANS 1968, new Apply in person 2-4 p.m. AMERI- year round. Europe, S. America, sing. 487-9180. Equal Opportunity ONE ROOMMATE Employment, M/F. 4-811 (481 leases available - Spring. od expiration date. It not tires, AM/FM rddio, stereo. Excel¬ C/VS^CUP, 220 MAC. 2-3-10 (17) Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, Penny Lane. Own room, dish¬ paid by the due dote a 50' $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses late service charge will be lent engine - interior. 484-5762. Z GRADUATE STUDENT to work 7 paid, sightseeing. Free information REACH ONE of the 42,000 poten¬ washer, parking. $84/month. 394- EAST SIDE of Unsng.| 6-3-11 (121 a.m. 3 p.m. weekdays in car 1815. Z 83-11 1121 room. $70 plus utilities. DDI - write: INTERNATIONAL JOB tial employees through e State sit. 487-5737. 7811 Iffl - TOYOTA WAGON 1972. Stick. rental office. 489-1484. 2-3-11 (121 CENTER, Dept, ME, Box 4490, News Classified Ad. Call Bonnie, ONE WOMAN needed to sublet | 356-8255 for friendly assistance. S Meridian Mall Araa. Michelins. Good condition. 351- Berkeley. CA 94704. ZB 6-3-11 (32) Cedar Village Apartment. Close to ONE ROOMMATE. Sphrgl BABYSITTER - 3 days/week for 11-3-11 (19) Mt lltl, l-OM-Mlf 3364 evenings. 4-3-11 1121 campus. $S3/month. Spring. 332- Dean Apartments. Grove j toddler in central East Lansing [ Automotive ](«] TRANS AM 1976. Silver with u_. acr noo-r 7<10<111 girls. Excellent pay and work conditions. Must be neat and drive-in theatre business. Apply in person to Mr. Maiinowski at the STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE EAST LANSING, NORTH POINT utilities paid. 6785566. 53-10 (18) apartment, spring. One block from campus. 332-6472. Z 7-811 (12) dry, carport. $200- J7 11 (12) brakes, snow tires, 1200cc engine, personable and enjoy playing pool, ONE FEMALE needed - four between 2-4 APARTMENTS 1250 Haslett Road stick shift. Very clean. 39,000 pinball, etc. Apply in person only, p.m. Monday miles. $1200.393-1590, before 5:30 GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 through Friday. 8811 136) at 69. Beautiful one bedroom person apartment for spring term. Fall and Summer W weekdays, between 10 a.m. and 5 Close. Call 3481591. Z 7-811 112) p.m., weekdays. 10-3-11 1221 inch. Priced from $4. Mounted apertment newly redecorated. Will begin en p.m. at the CINEMA X ADULT ASMSU BOOK Exchange needs Heat and water furnished. Only free. PENNELL SALES 1301)4 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, 1000 FEMALE NEEDED to sublease DATSUN 260Z 1975 - Excellent East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- West Jolly Road. 0-9-3-11 144) managers and clerks. Work study preferred. Motivation required. $190/month unfurnished. $210/ spring term at Twyckingham condition. Leaf green, automatic, month furnished. Only 1 left. Call 5818. C-83-11 (171 Call Peter, 3588313.83-11 115) apartments. $95 monthly. 351- high mpg. Call 355-8228. Z 2-3-11 MERIT SAMPLER John or Sue at 332-6354. 89-811 9110. Z 53-11112) - Male or JUNK CARS wanted. We pay female wanted to distribute free BABYSITTER - TWO children. 136) FORD 1962. Manual transmission. more if they run. Also buy used samples of new Merit Cigarettes. In our home. Own transporta¬ It 21 Victor Street | ONE FEMALE for 4 person apart¬ Dependable. Best offer over $75. 355-8006 after 5 p.m. Z 2-3-11 112) cars and trucks. 489-3080 anytime. C 83-11 (171 Part time, 20 hours/week. $3/ hour. Must have car. We reim¬ tion. Phone 351-7390 after 6 p.m. 83-11 (12) ment. Campus Hill. $70/month. Cathy, 3483904. Z 3-811 (121 SB burse 15c/mile. Contact Mr. Have a place to head Conner at Howard Johnsons - FORD 1968. Good transportation. MASON BODY SHOP 812 East $395. Runs great. Call Tim, 393- Kalamazoo Street since 1940. 694-0454, March 10th, 9 a.m - 7 PRE-SBASON to.. Collingwood 1800, extension 545. 3-3-11 (12) p.m. 4-3-10 139) Apartments I Complete sion service. auto painting and colli¬ American and foreign BIKE SALE! * air conditioned CjWlWiWW" GALAXIE 500 4880256. C-9-3-11 (201 PERSON TO operate light food * dishwasher ""Uiarl power automatic. steering, brakes, new Air, tires. cars. and beverage concession at golf Kabuki * |MOf.Oro^«S| Runs great. $450/best offer. 358 course in coming season. Income shag carpeting 1826. Z 4-3-11 1151 WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top guarantee plus percentage of 10-speed * unlimited parking JSIBM ■aai.Of'gl 105." * dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE sales. Reply - P.O. Box 207, plush furniture NOW UflgBiMlw™ GALAXY 1969. One owner, lir, AUTO PARTS AND SALVAGE. Marshall, Michigan 49068. Z 83-10 * model open daily automatic, radial tires. Smooth 83-11 114) 1271 New disc brake, cotterless cranks, Shimono Tourney ^Itl 204 liver S"*J _ running. Some rust. $395. 349- _ derail leu rs. Many colors to choosefrom. Now leasing for 2234. 2-3-11 114) AIR AND oil filters for all foreign LANSING THEATRES n^f^ Stvaral othar makat «• *SRe Summer and Fall cwisas"'" vilocipsmpiddlm GREMLIN - 1970. V8 automatic, excellent condition. Low Must sell. $1000. 355-5948. Z mileage. C^ERED80^ 'FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama- STAR LITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE 351-7240 Coll 351-1212 Street. One mile west of between 2-4 541 E. Grand Bw (behind Rollerworld 7-3-11 (12) p.m. Monday campus. 487-5055. C 6-3-11 (27) through Friday. 8811 (30) Downstairs Below Paramount Newt on the river I) mci-ftgjg Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March 10, 1977 15 C5*!b!»^(V] CmJB I Hmw IB Cjmti life] . Q Rooms )[>] C Rooms )[> Rooms J(>] FEMALE TO IY - WALK 19 cam- sublet 4 person SUBLET SPRING term. One male Led refrigerator. Pri¬ SSTT MSU close. fPri"a or summer, or female to share VEGETARIAN TO share 3 bed¬ FIVE BEDROOM furnished. Tun MALES - ROOM and board, EAST LANSING - single rooms FEMALES - OWN rooms-house. ll, bath. Available Very nice. Furnished house in Okemos. $60 monthly. modern town- room house. Very close, no pets. 351-4937. Z 2-3-11 (121 minutes south of campus. 1 )$ spring term. $440. One block off three blocks MSU. No pets, 2 miles-MSU. Pets considered. p69. 2-3-1 a r conditioned. $70/month etretncity. Call 351 8326. Z 4-3-11 plus Pool and finished basement. 345 9158. Z 3-3-11 (201 acres, 11 (13) house. $400. 394-1168. 9-3- campus. Call 332-0834. Z 2-3-11 (131 shown after 5:30 all Sunday. 253 % Gunson. 10-3-11 116) Warm atmosphere. 332-2681. 16- 3-.11 (121 Loivlin three bedroom MUST SUBLET. Own room In nice house. Very close. Negotia¬ ROOM AVAILABLE - male. 4 X,month, heat paid. OWN ROOM ip three bedroom ble. Beth or Sue, 351-2379. Z ONE PERSON needed, spring/ ROOM IN large, clean house. bedroom house. Spring and sum¬ ROOM AND board at TRIANGLE |5oS3. Z 2-3-11 na_ NEED ONE female for 3 Woodmere Apartments. Phone person in house near campus. $51.66/ 2-3-11 (141 summer. Own room, large house, Frandorclose, one block from bus. $65/month, must see. 371-1066. Spring onlyl X23-3-11 (12) mer. Parking, walking distance, FRATERNITY. $450/term. Close to campus. 332-3563. Z 5-3-11 (12) month. 337 1102. Z 3-511 (121 332-3792. Z 2 3-11 (121 Parking, friendly people. 485-1268. close to bus. 351-6758. Z 7-3-11 In for Twyckingham. OWN I rent negotiable. Nice MALE WANTED to share duplex, BEDROOM, large house. 10-3-11 (191 WOMAN NEEDED for light and PERSON NEEDED in spacious 3 ■^roommates. 351-5681. SPRING-CAPITOL one villaT "need male to fill 4 man. $62 50/ own room $75/month plus utili¬ Hagadorn/Grand River. $87.50 plus utilities. Pool table, sauna. TWO BLOCKS from campus, four airy room. $85/month. No utilities. Close. 351-0871. Z 2-3-11 (131 CLEAN, COMFORTABLE room in bedroom, 1 % baths, quiet setting. $86.50, no lease. 349-2841. Z ties. 332-4993. Z 3-3-11 (12) |2I month. 351-4768. Z 2 3-11 (13) 35V8J02.J 2-3-11 M4) to six bedroom homes for rent private home. Near campus, rea¬ 5-3-11 (14) _ _ sonable. Evenings, weekends, i male for spring in FOUR BEDROOM. East OWN ROOM. $75 includes utili¬ starting fall All homes are furn¬ OWN ROOM - two bedroom 337-1511. Z 3-3-11 (12) Lansing. Ihjlei Apartment. Own MALE NEEDED for 4 man apart¬ 4-5 people. Spring, summer. 630 ties. On MAC. Spring. House ished and very nice. Call Craig house. Spring-summer. Close. ROOM FOR rent. $70 per month ■^ 351 0120, Scott. Z ment. Large 2 bedroom, 1 block Virginia. 332 3667. Z 3-3-11 (12) available summer and fall. 332- Gibson and leave 627-9773. Z 10-3-11 (28) a message. $95.484 5847 after 5 p.m. Z 2-3-11 WOMAN FOR house. Washer/ plus utilities. Block from campus. 351-6465. Z 5-3-11 (12) east Berkey. $89.60/month. Call 4156. 3-3-11 (141 (12) 351-8092. Z 2-3-11 117) dryer, $85/month, utilities includ¬ $45. OWN room in 4 man house. ed, pets welcome. 351-9142. Z LANSING EAST side. Furnished 3 IeEDEO for nice three Large and comfortable. Four OWN BEDROOM, upper. Close, bedroom house. $200 plus utilities, ROOM FOR rent, $70 monthly. 3-3-11 (12) SUBLEASE OWN room, spring. Great house. Laundry, dish¬ Wnt Close, good FEMALE FOR two person. Very miles. 482 8373. Z 3-3-11 (131 refurbished. Utilities included. East bus route, air conditioning, I 351 9316. Through close. Carpet, air. March paid. $88 deposit. 371-5333. 7-3-11 (12) dishwasher. Snyder Road. 351- washer, close. $220/term, negotia¬ March 19. $155. 371-2539, eve ROOM AND board $460/term. 351-7453. Z 2-3-11 1121 8695. Paul. Z 2-3-11 (15) ble. 351-8986. Z 5-3-11 (13) 1-3.11 (131 OWN ROOM in 4 bedroom house, nings. 3-3-11 1121 BAILY STREET. Vegetarian Close to campus. 1148 East Grand spring. Rent negotiable. Lansing. house, own room. $77.50. March- River or call 332-4995 or 351- WOMAN - OWN room, block OWN ROOM, spring term and/or jMMATE needed for 2 LANSING - ONE bedroom apart- Busline. 489-4442. Z 3-3-11 (12) SUBLET - MARCH 25th. Spring September. With parking. 337- 4438. Z 3-3-11 (17) from campus. Own bath. $115 ■ment 2 bedroom, 2 ment, partially furnished. $125 per and/or summer. Two bedrooms in 2069. Z 4-3 11 (12) summer. $70/month, male. 351- Kfurnistied. $100. 393 month plus utilities. 484 9326 Z 7645 anytime. Z 1-3-10 (12) monthly. Betsy, 337-9885. Z 2-3-11 FEMALE NEEDED. Free room/ three bedroom duplex. $85, utili¬ LARGE, FURNISHED, quiet room. Vj 115) _ 2-3-11 (12) board in exchange for light house¬ ties. North East Lansing. Near bus. 444 EVERGREEN. One block from OWN ROOM: Co-ed house, Vir- Close to campus. Call 351-8154 work, babysitting. Transportation 332 2182. Z 3-3-11 (20) Union. Across from park. House after 3 p.m. 9-3-11 (12) i OWN room in beauti- ONE BLOCK from campus. Large needed. 351-4549. 3-3-11 (141 for 5 people. Spring'summer. $65. gina Street. $62.50/month plus OWN month. Pets ROOM, furnished. $65/ utilities. Available March 15. 351- allowed, MSU 1 mile. ■furnished, washer and one bedroom apartment. Call 337- LOVELY DUPLEX needs one fe¬ 394-4796 Z4 3 11 117) EAST LANSING - male. Close to On bus route. 371-4290. Z 2-3-11 3230. Friendly people. S 2-3-11 |month 482-9862. 2-3- 2541, evenings. 2-3-11 1121 EAST LANSING, one bedroom, male to share room with same. (16) Union. $14/week. 443 Grove (14) partially furnished. $200/month $78. Dishwasher, shag carpet. FOR FALL, One block from Union. Street. 332-0205. 4-3-11 (12) plus utilities. 361-0375. 3-3-11 112) 351-4146. Z 3 3-11 1151 I ONE female room- LARGE TWO bedroom furnished Fireplace Need 4,6, or 10 people. PERSON FOR Spring. $60/month. ROOM IN house. Co-ed. One 394-4796 Z 4 3-11 (141 OWN ROOM in two year old block from campus. $79/month, T.. term Cedar Village apartment available for spring. CAMPUS CLOSE, OWN BEDROOM, partly fur¬ Own room in furnished Lansing person needed, house. Near bus. 372 3536. Z house, close to campus. Spring utilities included. Kitchen, parking. L 351 0900. Z 2-3-11 Across from campus, 235 Delta 4 bedrooms, furnished, dishwash¬ nished, female. Sublease spring. GIRL - OWN clean room in 2 quarter. Parking, no lease, $90/ 505 Albert. 332 8098. 1-3-10 (17) Street. $250/month. Call 332-5978 2-3-11 (14) er, cable. 349-0672 after 5 p.m. East Lansing, $84/month. 337- bedroom. month. 351-9542. Z 4-3-11 (18) 2-3-11 (301 Snyder-Hagadorn. 3-3-11 (12) 1408. Z 3-3-11 (121 $125/month. 351-5050. 4-3-11 112) OWN ROOM. OWN LARGE room in house, near Furnished, quiet. ieedeo to sublet Cedar EAST LANSING - single rooms. Very close to campus. $85/no artment spring term, WANTED OWN ROOM, three people. No campus. $80. 539 Park Lane. Male students. Call after 5:30 p.m. - HOUSE for fall 1977. TWO BEDROOM, mobile home utilities. 332-3477. Z 2-3-11 (12) 351-7736. Z23 11 (12) able 337 7024. Z 2 3 ONE BEDROOM. Spacious, mod¬ Minimum, five bedrooms. Rela¬ lease, enormous kitchen, $70. for rent. Near MSU, bus. $180/ 332-5791. 4-3-11 (12) ern, minutes to campus. Laundry tively close to campus. Deposit Spring. Call 482-4397. Z 3-3-11 month. 393-5175. 5-3-11 (12) SALE: 3-speed bicycle, clothes, CLEAN, QUIET, close, linens fur¬ facilities, furnished/unfurnished. available. Call 355-2050, 353-1267, (12) MALE ROOMMATE needed in hairdryers, typewriter, carpet, vac¬ nished. $15/week. No cooking. JoED for Campus Hill $185/electric, security lease. 393- or 353-0232. S 5-3 11 (191 ELSWORTH HOUSE CO-OP has uum. March 10th, 11th. 933 G furnished house for spring and ED7-2758 after 4 p.m. 2-3-11 (12) ($75 month. No depo- 0583 after 6 pm 2-3-11 (181 SUBLEASE - SUMMER. 3 bed¬ openings spring term for men and summer terms. $110/month. 393- Cherry Lane, morning and after¬ p. Z 2 3 11 1121 SUBLEASE LARGE one bedroom ROOMMATES. BEAUTIFULLY rooms in beautiful large house. 2 women. Room and board, approx¬ noon. 355-8082. Z 2-3-11 (19) 1909. Z 4-3-11 (14) GIRL'S ROOM for spring term. 3 spacious farm house needs 2 blocks from campus. Call now! imately $300 per term. Call 332- blocks to Union. No kitchen, Le needed. Cedar Vil apartment. Spring, summer Un¬ personable and energetic people. 351-1718. S 3-3-11 (15) 3574. Z 13-3-11 (20) EAST LANSING - single room for clean. Phone 351-5076. Z 2-3-11 $65/MONTH in house. Foster Park [meets $88 monthly. furnished, air, pool. Close. 351 Must see to appreciate. Call Pat, woman. Close to campus. Unfurn¬ (14) |ll 332 3306. Z 2-3-11 2810 Z 2 3 -11 1121 . 349-4731 BIZ 3-3-11 (18) FEMALE NEEDED to share. Cam¬ WANTED - PERSON to rent behind, store across street. Lan¬ sing. 1 mile from campus. Call ished. $80 332 5988. 5-3 11 (12) pus close. Utilities paid. % months room. $55/month plus utilities. OWN ROOM semi-furnished. SUBLEASE rent, (42.50) free. 332-1669 before Pets allowed. Busline, close. Bob, 484-1214. Z 3-3-11 (18) OWN ROOM in co-ed house, JALES: Campus Hill, UNFURNISHED AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. One Close, private entrance, parking. studio 1 p.m. 332 8057 after 6 p.m. XZ Phone 371-4572. Z 7-3-11 (15) close to campus. Spring term burnished, dishwasher, begininning March 26. room in comfortable 3 bedroom - Available 3/18. 337-0678 after 7 $118/month. Pets allowed. Ann, 5-3-11 (19) 440 PARK Lane. Single, double or only. 351-1258. Z 5-3-11 (12) I MSU $75 each. Nice house Call 482 0598. 3-3-11 (121 p.m. 8-3-11 (13) 6553331 after 6 p.m. 2-3-11 (141 BEAUTIFUL ROOM in sharp attic room in nice house. Rent 1 Csthleen. 349-2071. Z OWN ROOM with extras. Prefer ROOM FOR rent in six man house. home. Large yard, trees. March negotiable. 332-1928. Z 6-3-11 (14) TWO PLACES available. Campus lARGE DOUBLE room in excel¬ MALE NEEDED-spring term. $95 per month. Call 351-1481. Z grad. $87/month. Close, busline. 15th. $96.25. 337-2679. Z-8-3-11 two blocks. Furnished. $75. 394- lent house, 3 blocks to campus. 351-6315. 2-3-11 (12) TOWNHOUSE, SERIOUS liberal 1168 X 9-3-11 (12) Americana Apartments $77.50/ 6 3 11 (121 Kitchen, laundry, parking. Prefer HEEDED spring term, person. Furnished, $65/month month, no deposit. Call 351-5360 grad or couple. Call James, 351- droom to yeurself. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - OWN ROOM. Fireplace, parking. 4 plus utilities, deposit. Now BEST DEAL in Townl Room and Z 2 3-11 (121 OWN ROOM in house. $90/ 3957 or 332-0062. 8-3-11 (22) apartment. Rent two bedroom directly across from blocks north of campus. Rent through August. 394-2973. 6-3-11 board, $245 per term. Call now! month, utilities included. 5 acres. ■Ann 332 8962. S 53- ONE BLOCK from campus, turn campus. Rent reduced on a six negotiable. 337-2177. Z 5-3-11 (12) (14) MONTIE HOUSE, 332-8641. Z MSU 4 miles. 332 8898.4-3-11 (14) month lease. Call EQUITY VEST. ished efficiency apartments avail¬ able starting fall. Call Craig Gibson BASEMENT ROOM in house with 484-9472. Evenings. 351-5312. C SMALL ROOM in quiet private 10-3-11 (15) I Ft Silt lf^ |eE0ED lor Cedar Vil- and leave a message. 627-9773. Z 2-3-11 (21) home. Woman only. Close in, t starting I negotiable 332-6325. spring 10-3-11 118) other students. Five blocks from campus. Share house and kitchen. Rooms ..Mi kitchen, no parking. $14/week. 332-0647. 3-3 11(16) ROOMMATE WANTED room, spring and summer. $75 - own 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. $50/ month plus share of utilities. plus utilities. One block, campus. Tanks, cannisters and uprights. Available anytime. 882-3856. 4-3- BOGUE STREET CO-OP openings Call 351-7777. S 5-3-5 (19) Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 ROOM IN quiet family house. L SPACIOUS need 1. two girls. Pool, bus - ! Houses ^][j£: 11 (24) LEASING FOR fall. 8 bedroom spring term. Men and women. Very close to campus. 351-8660, Susan or Lori. Z 6 3-11 M7)_ Cooking, parking. $75/month. 351 9043. 3-3-11 (12) MEN'S SINGLE room close to and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ FEMALE NEEDED - duplex. Own with. 332-6676. Z 4 3 TWO ROOMS in house, two house. Excellent location. Laun¬ _ Union, spring term. Phone 351- posite City Market. C-9-3-11 (24I room, furnished, no lease - depos¬ WOMEN'S CO-OP 526 SUNSET - $19. $21, $32/ 5076. Z 2-3-11 (12) blocks from campus. Spring term. dry. parking. $90/month plus utili¬ - $315/spring it. 351 7068 anytime. Z 4-3-11 (12) Call 351-2713. Z-7-3-10 ties. 332-1918. 2-3-11 (15) term, room/board. Near campus. week. Utilities included. Cooking, SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE <12)_ Friendly atmosphere. 332-5095. Z parking. Lease till 6/12. 3-3-11 (14) LARGE ROOM in house, block pMSHED. dishwasher. PRIVATE RESIDENCE - man to SALEI Brand new portables HELP! ONE person needed for 3 from campus. two to share three bedroom luxury duplex in share house. Professional type, ONE BEDROOM in house, one 3:11<12[ _ Will rent as single or $49.95 $5 per month. Large ■516 Z43 11 1121 mile from campus. $60 monthly TWO ROOMS in modern five QUIET. CLEAN, close to campus. double, negotiable. Two months Meridian 25/up wanted. 485-5898. 4 3-11 selection ol reconditioned used Township. Garage, Free March rent. 485 1038. Z Own room in house. Reasonable. free in summer. Call 332-1624. Z (12) man/two bath duplex. Spring/ machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- 1 Saginaw. New, large swimming pool;- 6wn robm Call 23-11 114) Evenings, 337-2655. 8-3-10 (12) 2-3-11 (21) summer 351 2624. Z 4-3-11 (12) 351 2205 Ask for Tom or Jeff. Z chi's, New Home and "many m, furnished or unfur- LIBERAL WOMAN needed to 5-3-11 (24) SHARE THREE bedroom country 2 ROOMS in nicely furnished SPRING - OWN room, furnish¬ others." $19.95 to 39 95. Terms. Jlk-in closet, air, cable. share duplex. $130. Country set¬ house. 10 minutes from MSU. OWN ROOM in large co-ed house. house. Own room, parking close ed, panelling, extras. Modern EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING 1351 8058. 4-3-11 1181 LARGE ROOM. Close, clean, quiet ting. Own room. 339-9360. 4-3-11 3 blocks to campus. 437 MAC. Own bedroom and den. Call after country house. $60/month. 349- COMPANY. 1115 North Washing¬ (12) $77/month. Call John, 351 2326 campus. 332-4557. Z 3-3-10 (12) house. Spring term. Must see. 6:30 p.m. 675 5397. 8-3-11 (17) 1240. Z 2-3-11 (12) ton. 489 6448. C-9-3-11 1261 Rising - Furnished, Don, 35V8709. XZJ5-3-11 (12l_ after 6 p.m. Z 4 3-11 (19) i. Patio, carpeting, MALE TO share two bedroom EAST LANSING, three bedroom SINGLE ROOMS. $25 deposit. NEED ONE person immediately. I conditioning. Ample LUXURY DUPLEX, near campus. ROOM IN 3 bedroom duplex, SCHWINN CONTINENTAL, house on Lansing's south side. From $66/month. Also lease by Central air, 3 bedrooms; Available house. Full basement/garage. spring term. East Lansing - mile Nice house. Pets considered. chestnut. 22". Lights, tune-up, pdry facilities. Rent $80/month, utilities. 393-7690 after $240 plus utilities and deposit. 337- from campus. Close to bus. Nice week. Call between 12-6 p.m. Close. 532 Spartan Avenue. $85. wheel adjustment. $115. 349-0119, at and water. Phone June. $325. 394-1937. X Z 8-3-11 5 p.m. Z 5-3-10 (16) 0051 694 6506. 8-3-11 (16) house. 351-4943. Z 3-3-11 (18) 351 4495. C-9-3-11 (15) 351-4168. Z 2-3-11 (14) or evenings. 4-3-11 1121 h Mm! THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★ Save Time ★ Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you ■IWELRY COUNSELING CHILDRENS SHOES HEALTH FOOD BARBERSHOP HOME SERVICES PROBLEM 10% DISCOUNT HOUSICUAMMO flmoPMis PREGNANCY UNION ; PLAQUES IhxiHOccMlrra 372-1560 24 Hours MARITAL OUR CHILDREN'S on to all MSU student* purchases of $2 BUILDING BARBER NIW TWIST! We lour housewives will dean home ft | ;Ufs, Shtctlon PROBLEMS? SHOE STORE or mora .yogurts ond broods excluded SHOP your or IN FRANDOR business, NEED TO TALK? Infants and Children's SHOES Dannon Yogurt 31' RK Products TM WAT _AV86 ■ Downtown CATHOLIC * * Widths B-KEE RANDALL HEALTH FOOD •Layer Cuts YOU WANT IT, Orthopedic Shoes •Latest Styling If'n Parking SOCIAL CoClMUA * Tap and Ballet •Women's Haircuts and we'll ba In and out in ap- ■ IU23M Brookfleld Plaxa Tl°»*60 Years SERVICES * * l\F. Flyers 8 5:30 Mon. - Fri. - prox. MVS hours. Far details 'R JEWELRY • Cowboy Boots 1381 E. Grand River A Free estimate call: 'Can Help' * House Slippers "It 332-6892 6IMMi,US4«l Washington Call 372-4020 351-4747 AUTO TOE STABLES OPTOMETRIST BAKERY FOR SALE MUSIC PHOTOGRAPHY BOARDING & TRAINING CO-OPTICAL RIFLES fHWiP pun ana BUD'S Let HORSES Professional SERVICES sn^Ni^ckirig? JUITO PARTS, mikiiumt Instruct you and train your horse.. (last Innsfni's My Coaparethr, Optical) ploys Joss. Rock. Polko's, Woltios, ballads t lotin. 5, 6 or 7 phSographer? See our line of pieces. Dr. J. 4. Nixon. Optometrist Down-filled jackets I Professional appearance, • WHITS • ETES EXAMINED Lansing's CAKE professional sound Tools BAKER foor ipoclal noodt ond ptoni • LATE MODEL • GLASSES CJU1MTEUTPM Menu, WltTSRN Hand Decoroted Cakes For All 1 MOTORS AND TAPEAVMnON. • CONTACT LENS SfJruit ' Know How Occasions Delivered To Your PARTS A SPECIALITY Shop ond Days: 373-5200,373-5726 Stable lilt I. Grand Mw Dorm Or Apartment 2412 South Cedar $•4*2134 After 5 8 Weekends: Hslfwiy S4tw4tn Hoil Mtson on N. CsOsr 1 1935 S. Meridian 474-9119 GnehlMdHssn f"'»« 484-1317 JJojrmentduejj^e^|elivered^^^ Call 371-2244 We buy, trada A sell. 482-6513 Photography STEREO REPAIR TRAVEL ARTS & CRAFTS FURNITURE JEWELRY CATERING SERVICE TOBACCONIST THE COMPLETE NOW HE Alt THIS FItOM THE TOP HINGE *T THE STORE WITH THE BED WEDDING SERVICE M.S.U. DOOIII JEWELRY: Orange Blossom Cold Fasnrm Union Catering •CigmtUEf We have 1. stmk • AIR TOURS • RAIL • CRUISES OLD TOWN ARTS 8 CRAFTS TWIN »49" An Carved "Coloring Specialists" Shereue - Deohill * Sobreine 'Pipe Tobaccos iy HOTEL RESERVATIONS CwrS&SX GIFTS •Wedding Receptions professional audio DOUBLE '59" Custom Picture Flaming •Breakfasts, Luncheons, ITTI - Throe Star - and 20 Red Dosr repair C0LLE6E TRAVEL Craft Classes Dinners Heeee Meeds Complete line of macrame t Odd slies to order •Bar professionally OFFICE Set-ups 'Pipar by Savinalli • Three full - time bead supplies •Take-out Service trained technicians . _ M?-4M9 130 W. Grand River Always accepting original art • Complete Test facilities •Meeting Rooms and a«««l«a tku dprHU u»U>a U 4u|W~. " J~ • • 3 • month warranty on all work Loaner amplifiers available East Lansing work on consignment. Acme Bedding Co. WflRYeM SRSfil / Equipment 2415 N. C*dar, Holt Open Thursday Evenings 351-4010 405 Cherry 8 Kalamazoo 337-1314 ■>ULe 555 K. (aKANl) 337 - I 300 KIVHK 'THI TSAVil raOMSSIONAlS" 594-3102 ><*« DaJhota (Owwar ■ Artlat) Ttie» Swft. HSCiefdMon. Phone 487 -4995 31*9 E. Grand River Ave. East Lansing, Michigan 355-3465 Is Your Business Listed Here? - Call Carolyn 355-8255 16 Michigon Stote News, Emt Lonslng, Michigon ThUr,d°^«'chl0,„ [" Fwlaie If^l □ MrOB f Swwict \\*j SfL^lH SPRING CLEANING is just around BOARD PET birds while vacation' SQUINTING CAUSES wrinkles. ANN BROWN PRINTING AND the cornerl All those unused items ing. Individual attention. Healthy Help prevent with prescription TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, can be turned into cash I Sell them conditions. Reasonable rates. 337- ground sunglasses. OPTICAL general printing. Serving MSU for fast with a classified ad. Call Kevin Q003._3-3-NJ12l DISCOUNT, 2617 East Michigan, 27 years with complete theses at 355-8256. S 16 3 n f27) OCBERMAN, 6 months. Male, has LansingJ^7409. C 5-3-11 (161 MrviceJMSFOreO. C-9-3-111191 shots. Phone 365-5962. Z 3-3-11 LOOKING FOR GIBSON LES Paul Deluxe 1964. FREE. . .A lesson in complexion someone to sharu Gold with case. Must sell. Call 349 (1» humble abode? Let Beth help (continued tram page 11) Interested In Women's Studies? Sorority Spring Rush sign ups Call 484-4519 East Michigan your 9518. Z 3-3-11 (121 DOBERMAN PUPS - AKC, 6 care. or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE you place a classified ad. 355 Video Awareness Workshop Mortar Board Invitee you to a Brown Bagger at 11 a.m. today in In your dormitory from 4:30 to 6 •JU in"odso ,on'9ht the Club 8255. S3-1J117) will be held at 7:30 tonight In the tonight and March 14 and 15. Board TWO ROOM size carpet rem¬ weeks old. Weekdays, call 394- NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. Union Lobby. Learn how to use Eustace Lounge. Faculty and stu¬ meeting f^9ln» ^ 3350: nights, 393-2650. 4-3-11 (12) C-9-3-11 (18) ELEVEN YEARS experience typ dents welcome. Middle Eastern Musicians need¬ officers«7 nants. Call after 5 p.m. 339-3784. portable equipment. 3-3-11 (121 ing theses, manuscripts, term ed to accompany dancers for THIEL SPEAKER Clinic, March 10. WHEEL 1 | Mibllt Hoits IB MARSHALL MUSIC, East Lan¬ papers. Evenings, 875-7544. C-9-3- Lansing Art Gallery, <25 S. Grand Ave., Lansing, announces a Capitol Area Audubon Society will hold monthly meeting at 7:30 Easter Seal Telethon - Oud Der- beki Mizmar Table ate. Contact company, Call sing. Check with Speaker Shop tonight in the Fanner Arboretum, Debbie Winana. 1963 Champion trailer. for details. Chance to win free Brown Bag Mini Break at 12:15 2020 E. Mt. Hope Road. Topic: s,r«". Unfile °K| TRACK 10 X 56, Good condition, clean, 114 baths, speaker system. C-1-3-10 (211 | TnnpwtHin |fft] p.m. today. Guest speaker is MSU Naturalist Jack S. Wlkle. Endangered Wildlife. The Council on Adoptable by Friday™#n(l' 2 bedrooms carpeted, partially Children invites all interested 10 sp»«d handcrafted by Lambert furnished, etc. Shed included. INCOME TAX preparation by TAX CORPORATION OF AMERICA FLORIDA'S CHEAPER and more fun when you share the ride. Applicants for Akers Hall RA sons to a per¬ meeting at 8 tonight at Dale Arnold direrw I Regular $275.00 Now just 'ISO0* 52200. W-6826._Z_7-3-UJ19l_ 1972 NEW Moon, 3 bedroom, full counselor in your home. Week¬ ends, evenings. 337-2747 after 5 Advertise here for rides or riders. Call Ted at 365-8256. S 3-11 (17) positions must attend a meeting at 3 p.m. Sunday In the Akers Hall Auditorium. Trinity AME Church, 3500 W. Holmee Road, Lansing lone block east of Waverty Road). =Ws2| bath. Stove, refrigerator, storage Are they spying on you, too? 115 Laming Road, Pottervlll# shed. Fully skirted. Call anytime, p.m. 0-9-3-11 117) NEED RIDE to Central Texas Case Hall. ¥ n *■ over Citizene Committee to End Politi¬ MSU Astronomy Club meeting 645-2492 PRR Club meeting at 7 30 KT5194.5-3-1H16) TYPEWRITER RENTALS spring break. Can leave 3/16. Will cal Surveillance speaking at the at 7:30 tonight in Abrams Planet¬ tonight in the Activities Room of share gas expenses. 485-2709 S Abrahamic Community at 7:30 arium. Astronomy professors vs. COMIC BOOKS, science fiction. MARLETTE 1970 - 12 X 53. Uke the Natural Resources BY THE WEEK OR MONTH 3-911 ii6i p.m. Sunday. club members in the Star Bowl Building. Nancy Drews, Beatle items Want¬ new, great started home. Extras Bob LaPrad of Placement Services ed! Visit CURIOUS USED BOOK included. 54500. 394-2709 after 6 Contest. will talk about jobs. WASHINGTON D C. desperately BUsSffllHES Debate: USLP versus PIRGIM. SHOP, 307 East Grand River, p.m. 4-3-11 (141 need ride, leaving 3/16. Share gas- Nuclear energy or windmills. Ken °f the term, K Coordination masting for peo¬ 332-0112, (open 11:30-6 p.m.) driving. Ray, 355-5445. Z 3-3-11 Come, sing, fellowship and 12 X 60 HOMETTE Two bed¬ Dalto, US Labor party Michigan ple interested in getting cable praise God together at a worship jjMW I - JMC students C-9-3JL'?2! rooms. 5170 per month plus chairperson, end Richard Conlin, television on Campus at 1 p.m. service at 7 tonight in 334 Union The presn TEAC 3340S 4 track simulsync deposit. Williamston. Call 669 FOR QUALITY stereo service THE NEED RIDE to Daytona, Florida Pirgim Lobbyist, at 8:30 tonight in 336 Union. Sunday, second floor, Union. sponsored by Intervarsity Chris¬ the Greatest Thingin^* Atomic Bomb",,; 2252. 6-3-11 (121 area. Leaving 3'15/77 or 3/16/77. Ceblevlsions comingl tian studio tape deck. Mint. 5850. STEREO SHOPPE, 566 East Grand Fellowship. Phillips Hall Lounge 353-6339: 485 0915. 4-3-11 (12) Will share expenses. Randy, 332- River. C-9-3-11 (121 MARLETTE 12 X 60 with 12 X 24. 3824. Z 1-3-10 (15) SAILBOAT. 16', Flying Junior. Fiberglass, main, jib, spinaker, trailer. Great condition. 5850. Lake Odessa. 1-616-374-7108. Z 4-3-11 Shed, washer/dryer, furnished. Campus area. 55900. 625-3495. X 3-3-11 (121 WRITING, EDITING, tutoring. English Department grad student looking for work. Reasonable rates. 332-2606, evenings. 6-9 p.m. * ANNOUNCING.... f 16) RITZCRAFT 1965 10 X 50 • two Z 5-3-10 115) CARPENTER WOULD like steady bedrooms, skirted, includes stor¬ p ^ age shed. 15 minutes campus. . work. 14 years experience in 1 Good condition. 52400/best offer. Teuiiu (irvirt II k-0 I framing and trim. Age 33. 393- ATTENTION MUSICIANS | 393-1352. X 2-3-11 (18) I W'l jwTjW ||.ouse: Downstairs: 4 rooms, bath, Upstairs: 3 rooms, bath, Nam*: separate 374-8906. z 3-3-11 (12) entrance. 516,600, 5300 down. 373-5706 before 4:30 p.m. 489 Address:. Is it crazy to love marker pens that give you the smoothest, thinnest line in AQUARIUMS - TWO 29 gallon. 530j>.m. s 4-3-N (281 town, and feel so right in your hand' Is it mad to worship pens with clever Salt and fresh, with stand and ex- Phone: , ... „ little metal' collars" 'o keep their plastic points from getting squishy? tras. 374-8906 Z 3-3-11 1121 EAST LANSING ranch. "ear. 3 bedroom Not if the pen is a Pilot marker pen. Many extras. Okemos Our Razor Point, at only 69c. gives University Status: □ Student □ Faculty □ Staff LED ZEPPLIN Concert, April 30. schools, closeto MSU. 544,900 by Limited tickets available, Call the kind of extra-fine delicate line you'll flip owner. 332-0524 after 5 p.m. Open George, 353-2201. Z 3-3-11 (121 over And for those times you want a little less Student Number: Sunday 2-5 p.m., 2646 Heather line, have a fling with our fine point Drive, East Lansing. 4-3-11 (27) NIKON FB-5 leather camera bag. 59c Finelmer It has the w-ll and fortitude to Number of Entries: (maximum of three per person) Like new, 570. Call 355-3943 after I ~ actually write through carbons . ir^i So. don't settle for a casual relationship. Amount Enclosed: 7 p.m. z 2-3-10 (i2i [ Recreation (0 Get yourself a lasting one.or two. to have (50* per entry) BOOK EXCHANGE - 2301 East and to hold. at your college book store Type A Brand of Camera: Michigan Avenue. Paperbacks CANOE THE Everglades spring Pilot Corp of America. 41-15 36th St.. comics, buy, sell, trade 485-0416' ■ 7 days/5130 plus transpor- Long Island City. N Y. 11101 12-3-11 (12) ,a,k>n- Deadline Saturday. PINE Focal Length A Brand of Lens used. RIVER CANOE CAMP. 332-3991, SHERWOOD S-7200, Ohm - D 676"2389- *-3-11 "81 Brand ft Type of Film used speakers, Micracard 620-U table. 5425. Call Norm, 394-2973. 9910 Entry fee it 50' per entry. Entries will be relumed If picked up at 346 Student Services Bldg- before June J. STATE NEWS wilt not be «"•' '' COMPLETE DRAPERY cleaning classes, June 3,1977. responsible for entries not picked up by the last day L Animals jlVtj service featuring take down and re-hanging. We also steam clean NOTE; All entries must have an entry form firmly attached to the back of the entry. For multiple •""l" ["f COLLIE SHEPHERD - female. 4 carpeting with the Michco meth¬ photo copiot of this form will bo occoptod. od. Rod Mahaffey at RIVERVIEW March 10.or years. Free to good home. Watch¬ For furthor information. phono tho State flows Photo dog. Call 355 1379. ZE 9910 1121 CLEANERS. 4891743. BL 1-910 Dopt., 355-8311. through Thursday. (241 Sunday. March 27. Lhintin Stole Newt, Eo»t Lansing Michigan Thursday, March 10, 1977 17 DOONESBURY dtely tv SANT ANA laiqmoql [JIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WllX-TV(NBC) (1 Mfete by Garry Trudeau sohow60es the search for. butnws to be ex¬ besides, this could vert March 12th on the other WEEKEND l)WElM-TV(Cabl.) <12)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) your late 6reatts, pected. hell, it took brother haleymost well payoffbri! who hand, you m6ht i clyde? knows, man-1mi6ht berelatedto ofwelx years to be related to some ioi amin nota >—n slou, man, .check outhis very heavy v chance man! > J real slow. roots! weu., maybe [Thursday (6) Gunimoke 5:00 9:00 10:15 s 5^ / . } mom's side- (6) Movie i morning 11:55 (12) Emergency Onel "A Circle of Children" (23) All-Star Swing Festival 11:00 (23) Milter Rogeri (10) Best Sellers IS Newt (6-10-12) News (11) Cable 11 News 11:05 THURSDAY EVENING (12) Destination Amerlco i afternoon 5:30 9:05 (23) WKAR Membership- Pledge Drive 12:00 (10) Adam-12 (23) Movie 11:15 (11) Cable 11 Newt "Antonla: A Portrait of the Women" (23) Movie 5:40 'The Tall Blond Mon with One (23) WKAR Membership- 10:00 Black Shoe" 12:20 Pledge Drive (12) Steve Lawrence and Eydie ■manac 5:50 Gorme (6) Kojak 11:30 PEANUTS 12:30 (23) Electric Company 10:05 Mah n»—11— sponsored by: (10) Johnny Carson Op«n 10 AM-9 PM Doily ^arcH for Tomorrow 6:00 (23) WKAR Membership- vers and Friondt (6-10-12) Newt Pledge Drive (12) Mary Hartman, by Schulz 226 Abbott Road, East Lansing Hop* Mary Hartman an t (11) John Trudell at MSU 1:00 6:20 MSU SHADOWS N0U) THAT fOUR MASTER / 50UNDS^ tg and tho Restless (23) WKAR Membership- HAS RUN AWAV I'M OMINOUS, ong Show Pledge Drive by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: 5UPP05ED TO PEEP VOU I DOESN'T [ll My Children 6:30 Ihrival (6) CBS Newt PDTBALL PETE'S 1:30 (10) NBC Newt Next to Coral Gables. , ^p! | the World Tumi (12) ABC Newt Present this really funny comic for 25* ys of Our llvet (23) Food for life worth of free play! mily Feud 7:00 2:00 (6) Hogan't Heroet §20.000 Pyramid (10) To Tell the Truth *~ALL 0L0 SCATS &-R* Tgronsky of large (12) Brady Bunch 616 CpRtWAmoMS/ STOATS FRANK & ERNEST 2:30 (23) WKAR Membership- Sliding light Pledge Drive Tb l0SL Au- 3OVTT 7:10 J£_SCT HltbH U PWfinaA Jo6S... r ,e life to live (23) Once Upon a Clonic >d for life 7:30 3:00 (6) Wild Kingdom |in the Family (U)Teevee Trivia lather World (12) Hollywood Squares poking with 7:40 ental Flavor (23) WKAR Membership- 3:15 Pledge Drive general Hoipltal 0:00 3:30 (6) Waltons jlch Game (10) Billy Graham Crusade ■lias, Yoga and You (11) Greenpeace 4:00 (12) Welcome Back, Kotter |nfetti (23) Vienna Philharmonic :rambled Eggt 8:30 |ild. Wild West (11) Tempo me Street (12) What's Happening 11 4:30 8:55 Iwifched (23) WKAR Membership- ncyOnel Pledge Drive ii m m m M ii B m■■ i i■■ ■ ■ ■> ■ m ■ ii ■ m 3S I u■ ■ ■ \i e] ■ ■J *1 Ul Hi \u ii ■ ■ K.I ■1 HI w ■1 ■ ■ ■■■ Bl ■ ■ ■■I ■■ ■■ ] fl Michigan Stole News, East loosing, Michigan ^Thursday, Mnr,k The Money Man on his way to the MSUBookstore, and he's bringing extra help! So if you no longer need your Winter term books. sell them during Finals Week (March 14-Id) Special Book Buying Personnel uill be ready to buy your old ones (hooks) with new uncirculated ones (dollar bills) from 7:30 to 3:00 daily. 8 ARE READY