i.C. police sit tight; 130 held hostage By WALTER R.MEARS IsHINGTON (AP) - Diplomats from three Islamic nations The Hanafi terrorists set no deadline for fulfillment of their Muhammad set up«headquarters in suburban Arlington, Va„ Philadelphia were convicted of the murders, and another awaits fcleader of the Black Muslims sought Thursday to help secure demands. Police said however, and a spokesperson told a news conference that District of retrial. ■-Tseof about 130 hostages held by Hanafi Moslem terrorists. they were prepared to wait indefinitely. Columbia officials had not immediately returned his uur policy is, 'Let's not force anything,' " said police telephone calls. sperson said police strategy was to wait out the gunmen, Saad El-Amin, spokesperson for the Black Muslims, or the World The terrorists demanded the delivery of leaders of the Black spokesperson Gary Hankins. "We have all the time in the world. We ■prisoners were being well treated, according to police. Food! found in the past we have more success if Community of Islam in the West, now the name of their sect, said Muslims, too, among them Wallace Muhammad, his brother, we just sit it out. It's not as |ne and. in at least once instance, cigarets were sent in to the dramatic as gunfire and busting in windows, but it works better." Muhammad would remain in the area ready to help on 10 minutes Herbert, and heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali. Xs held in three besieged buildings. The ambassadors of Iran, Pakistan and Egypt negotiated with notice if needed. He said Muhammad was prepared to meet directly Ali told ABC News that he didn't want to become involved. He ■terrorists threatened to chop off the heads of their hostages with the terrorists if this would secure the said no one had asked him to come to the gunmen in efforts to end the safety of the hostages. Washington. Ali, in Los siege. "Mr. Muhammad wishes that each of the hostages know that he is ■ government officials meet demands for vengeance against White House Press Secretary Jody Powell said the gunmen had Angeles, said he would talk only with President Carter. Key bin™ for a 1973 mass murder of Hanafi Moslems in asked to have the Moslem diplomats involved, and that the sincerely concerned about their safety and welfare and he will assist the officials in any way he can to effectuate their release," El-Amin "If you're concerned about me, don't get me involved," he said. %gton. During the day, however, they released three ambassadors had requested and received State Department said. "We are committed to retribution. Our law allows that," said who had complained of chest pains. clearance to do so. A spokesperson for the Iranian embassy said the He said Muhammad felt he Khalifa Hamaas Abdul Khaalis, leader of the terrorists and chief of ■hostages, thought to number 130 or 135, were seized administration requested the ambassadors' was risking his life by coming to the predominantly black Hanafi sect. Tday in a terrorist invasion of the headquarters of a Jewish Wallace Muhammad, the Black Muslim leader help. Washington but the risk is "minimal when we're concerned with the and one of the men Cation, the District of Columbia's city hall and a Moslem against whom the terrorists demanded risk to the 130-odd people who have no relationship, no beef, no Abdul Khaalis, in one of the dozens of interviews he broadcast by revenge, flew to Jis renter. Washington from Chicago planning to see Mayor Walter E. hassle with the Hanafis and just happen to be in the wrong place at telephone from the besieged eighth floor of the B'nai B'rith ■black man was killed and 11 people the wrong time." headquarters building, vowed revenge for the slayings and said, were injured in those Washington, according to a Muslim spokesperson. The small Hanafi sect and the much larger Black Muslim sect 'There is no justice without the sword." have been feuding for years. Seven Hanafis, five of them children, Wallace Muhammad has denied responsibility for the 1973 were murdered in Washington in 1973. Four Black Muslims from (continued on page 9) le's buddy my Js and trees seem to go together. Mike Marshall Spring weather is climbing trees weather, it's m weather. Tree houses, hideaways, spy few/ic conquests all involve trees, pals and Mmg weather. mm though you know mom's going to be calling posts, makes money off MSU % home for dinner any minute now, it's still lots ByTOMSHANAHAN corporation. I put it back into equipment Tin. Friendship and secrets and secret State News Staff Writer chairperson of the Health Physical Educa¬ places and I claim business expenses on my income tion and Recreation Department, Gale Jn to be that way. copyright, 1977 Atlanta Braves relief pitcher Mike Mar¬ tax. Mikles, Marshall has used Jenison Field- ■ten if you fall your best friend won't laugh, shall conceded Thursday that he heads and "Then they have to pay an additional house and MSU-owned high-speed cameras % he knows you '11 make sure he '11 fall too if he $10,000 to charity if the treatment is valued at $3,500 to $5,000. personally operates a profit-making busi¬ Is. He may brag about having more girlfriends, ness on campus known as "Mike Marshall successful." "Marshall asked me for it (the use of those old girls aren't going to chase Kinesiology Inc.," which charges clients up According to MSU ordinance 29.03, "Use Jenison) and I understood him to be using it dogs or of iw rocks or climb this tree that's so good to spy to $15,000 for Marshall's services. University equipment for profit is for a class so I OKd it at the time," Kenney iids down the street from. The operation, which utilizes MSU equip¬ prohibited." said. "But later I learned it wasn't, but I ment and property, may be in violation of "I plan on being a future corporation," the didn't want to renege so I let him," he said. Trees are good places to sit and talk about University ordinances, according to a 33-year old relief pitcher said of his "Later he asked 'can I use it again for the lifflff skateboards and go-carts and what kind high-ranking MSU spokesperson. retirement plans. "I am already a chartered future?' but I said I will not OK it if it's not Mcycle YOU'RE going to have when YOU get a But Marshall said, "If there is any corporation in the State of Michigan." for a class. We get 10 to 12 requests a week wr route. Trees are good places difficulty, it's with the f-— MSU ordinance. According to Assistant Athletic Director from groups wanting to use our facilities for pals to go. I pay them for their services." in charge of Facilities Gene Kenney and lore good things for kids to have I continued on page 16) - friends, Marshal] has treated at least five profes¬ ytuff. Itii/ there's sional athletes in the past two years, using nothing like a best friend. the MSU Clinical Center, Jenison Field- State News Lourn : yn" Fistler house and high-speed cameras from the Health and Physical Recreation" Depart¬ ment. Zaire claims attack "It's a profit-making organization that by mercenaries from gives me certain profits which are all put back into the equipment I use," Marshall said. "I am incorporated under Mike Marshall Kinesiology as a corporation," he added. Marshall's treatment involves filming the athlete's body while the sport is being performed, taking X-rays of the muscles and examining the films. Then Marshall Angola; battle ensues KINSHASA, Zaire (API - Zaire claimed arrest in Kapanga. custom-designs a training program to Zaire backed one of two Angolan guerilla ameliorate the problem. Thursday that mercenaries from Angola had attacked and occupied three cities in factions opposed to the Popular Movement The most recent athlete treated on southern Zaire and its (MPLA), which won a civil war in the own troops were campus by Marshall was Cleveland Browns former Portuguese colony last year and "engaged in crushing the invader." Some quarterback Brian Sipe on Feb. 18. American missionaries were reported being formed the government. The MPLA was "I wanted to consult Mike on a training held. helped by 10,000 to 15,000 Cuban troops, program and have him analyze my throwing The alleged mercenaries were not which have remained in the country. identi¬ motion and stretching of my body," Sipe fied. There was speculation the invaders could said in a telephone conversation from His Zaire, in a letter to U.N. Secretary- be Cubans or troops who backed the late home in Encinitas, Calif. General Kurt Waldheim, said it was under separatist Moise Tshombe in his struggle to "He took a film of me, we worked out and attack by "several columns of mercenaries" make Katanga province, now Shaba, inde¬ there were X-rays," Sipe said. "I don't know from Angola and was "engaged in crushing pendent of the Kinshasa government. how expensive it was because the Browns the invader." That conflict brought U.N. intervention took care of it." "In the last 48 hours," it said, "an army of before Mobutu put down the rebellion in Clinical Center X-ray technologist Ronald mercenaries in the pay of the Angolan 1965. Tshombe died in exile in 1969. E. Hanson earlier in the week confirmed government has invaded our country, Zaire has charged Katanga troops are Marshall had taken Sipe to the medical attacking peaceful citizens and economic being armed and trained by Angolan forces. complex. targets in villages and the towns of Dilolo, Public records show that the Browns Zaire government radio said "armed Kapanga and Kisengi with the obvious aim assistant coach Raymond Berry sent a of paralyzing this key region." foreign troops had seized" the three cities in check to MSU for the X-rays for $204 as In Washington, a State Department the province of Shaba three days ago. It payment for the X-rays. said they were "bombed" but did not make spokesperson said 20 U.S. missionaries and "They have to pay me an initial fee of two Peace Corps volunteers were working clear if aerial attacks or artillery fire was $5,000 to talk," Marshall said of his fees. in the area. He said seven American meant. "The money pays for office fees, missionaries were reported under house Icontinued corpora¬ on page 12) tion fees and saving for cameras," he said. "All the money goes right back into the ARTICLE 4 MOST OBSCURE PART OF DOCUMENT |cadem/c , By SUZIE ROLLINS report judged outdated investigation of the process and intends to Another problem area that desperately inside Guess what, kiddies? You're not the first to Xerox your faces. In fact, weather Today's weather will be of clouds, chance of rain and a high temperature a you're 25 years behind the times: near 60. Big deal. rewrite provisions and proposed amend¬ needs the attention of a revision committee 1th aNe"« Staif ■ * Academic Writer Freedom Report was ments to the article. is Article 2. This article devotes itself to the Page 7. ■ 'Pproved by the Legal Services recommends that the rights and responsibilities of the students University in I"? inconsistencies and departmental judiciaries, which differ from and the faculty. However, if the student ambiguities rfound in the document. department to department, and the other charges that his rights have been violated, campus judiciaries coordinate themselves he may never win his case. ■ jWaled rePort has been described under one specific office so the inconsisten For example, if a student contends that |»°%and ■ ^original students as no longer cies are abolished and uniform procedures he has received an unfair or bad-faith grade purpose since many of ■"tons have are maintained. in a course, he may appeal to the become meaningless 8St flnnsilo "The appeal system also needs to be department where the course is offered. If P* obscure article in the report changed," Moore said. "We don't like the he is dissatisfied with the decision he may Article 4, which deals idea that the final appeal of a case goes to an appeal his case to the college level and then explicitly records, the burden of proving innocence is f Wheal process at administrator (vice president of student to the Student-Faculty MSU. placed upon the stuilent. He must prove his Judiciary, which is affairs)." the highest judiciary I imc*' ASMSU Legal Services innocence to the Student-Faculty Judiciary Eldon Nonnamaker, vice president of on campus. However, the gross injustice of students' liveS,mb*r. said the Pre9ent (SFJ), and is considered guilty until he student affairs, agrees with Legal Services rights lies in the fact that if SFJ rules that ■ nhfl 8 uniformity in stnic- successfully convinces it otherwise. Taking on this point. the student received unfair bad-faith a faculty member's word as gospel, critics an or °l these inconsistencies, it is "If I were rewriting the article today. I grade from instructor, the instructor say, is hardly an ex ample of justice. wouldn't permit an appeal for me," he said. does not an have to retract the grade given to ....us to predict what University officials and administrators "I would want the decision of the judiciary the student. The reason is because under ■,i„ . t,llen for an individual freely admit that Article 4 is outmoded, ■I'suing," he said. inconsistent and unfair. Currently, Acade¬ to be final. We might include an all-Univer¬ the present guidelines in the report a sity appeals board which would include faculty member does not have to abide by fci!?"!?0" knowledge that in cases mic Council has established an Ad Hoc students and faculty and they would have the judicial decision. ' dishonesty, which includes Committee to review the judicial system. the last word for any and all appeals." (continued on page 9) plaSurism and falsification of This committee is conducting a severe 2 Michigon Slote News. Cost Lansing, Michigan Frida,'V' March r Black rule, economics sub/ectl of Carter, Callaghan meeting Indian leader opposes Gandhi WASHINGTON (AP) - marily characterized by ex¬ the White House south lawn completely." „ ROHTAK, India (AP) — The leader of governing Congress party will lose its President Jimmy Carter and pressions on both sides on the was slightly abbreviated when Without mentioning the and6^!*1.th^ United sJ India's 85 million Untouchables, who was majority in Parliament and won't win British Prime Minister James Callaghan discussed inter¬ need for closer cooperation and consultation." the 19 gun salute that tradition¬ ally greets heads of terrorist siege elsewhere in the city, Callaghan told Carter that discuss'u Britai» J once Prime Minister ndira Gandhi's single seat here in Haryana State, traditional Congress party stronghold. national economics Thursday The two leaders met pri¬ ment was omitted as govern¬ result of the United States had its own how t„ 1, eteriul P* liberty fn"1 ni a close ally, is drawing large crowds and >«» and the need to work together vately in the Oval Office for 15 the Hanafi Moslem siege at problems and need, support enthusiastic cheers as he campaigns "towards a peaceful transition minutes and then for an hour in three Washington and encouragement peop|es ° Z **»"1 across the hinterlands in a bid to oust her The opposition will end "the rule of one buildings, F ln a" Parts0ftheW(P and a half," he told them, referring to to majority rule" in Africa, the the Cabinet room with Vice including one two blocks from in next week's elections. President's spokesperson said. President Walter F. Mondale, the White House grounds. Gandhi and her controversial 30-year-old In a recent swing of the parched But discussion of the Con Secretary of State Cyrus R. Evan Dobelle, chief of proto¬ flatlands of north-central India, 68-year- son Sanjay. Instead there will be "the corde supersonic jet and the Vance and British Foreign Sec col, said District of Columbia .UOpcyttr old Jagjivan Ram told the crowds thot the rule of 600 million people," he said. chances it will get landing retary David Owens. tlotl poitog* poid Ol lost looting M police had requested that the »IWfl Michigon Slot* Untvert.i, rights at New York Kennedy Carter, welcoming Callaghan guns not be fired "because of Airport was put off until Fri to the White House on a sunny concern it might be misunder¬ Prisoners escape from Ugandan jail day. White House Press Secre but hazy morning, said U.S.¬ stood by any of the parties who GERALD H. COY. GENERAL MANAGES tary Jody Powell said. British ^ties over decades and are involved in the current ROBERT I. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — borne 600 gates Thursday afternoon in a civilian Powell said that discussions generations produced "an un¬ the paper said. Two of them, problems in Washington." prisoners escaped from a Ugandan jail car, on black rule in Southern shakable friendship" and "a He said Callaghan staff mem¬ Thursday after a spectacular raid by five wearing civilian clothes, managed to Africa, particularly Rhodesia, special relationship." bers, informed of the request, Ugandan soldiers armed with machine talk their way in but were immediately were in general terms "pri- The welcoming ceremony on "were Display Advertising... gracious and understood guns, a Kenyan newspaper reported. held by prison guards. Quoting unnamed Ugandan sources The three outside, however, opened here, the Nairobi Daily Nation said in its fire and set off panic inside the jail, the Teamsters, ANNOUNCING.... Friday editions the soldiers had been paper said. As prison guards dived for approached by a wealthy Ugandan cover a machine gun was thrown over the businessman and asked if they could free jail wall to the two soldiers inside. They his brother from Iganga Jail, near Jinja ran into the prison building, firing at the UFW end i the shore of lake Victoria. guards, and released the businessman's The soldiers drove up to the prison brother. sectional Spanish game park hunts halted MADRID, Spain (AP) — For a special last month at the 150-ocre miles from Madrid. park about 60 tug-of-war price, hunters shooting from carside killed nearly a dozen half-tame lions and BURLINGAME, Calif. (AP) The newspaper El Pais said the hunts bears in a private Spanish game park — The jurisdictional tug-of-war were designed to raise money for the fought for years by the Team¬ before the hunts were ordered stopped, four-year-old park, which closed recently sters and United Farm Workers it was reported Thursday. because of financial difficulties. unions ended Thursday with an Prince Moximilian Hohenlohe, a direc¬ tor of the now-defunct park, said five The park had been established for agreement leaving the fields to Cesar Chavez. lions, five bears and a leopard were motorists who wanted to do their killed during three hunts beginning early shooting with The five-year pact, the result of months of intensive, secret negotiation, gives Chavez's UFW virtually complete juris¬ diction over contracts between growers and field hands. At the same time, the Team¬ sters will have jurisdiction over The First cannery workers, farm truck drivers and other nonfield workers. Amateur Photo Contest "Both of us were fed up with Sponsored By the State News Senate defies Carter water project plan fighting each other," Chavez said at a news conference to WASHINGTON announce the settlement. "This (AP) — The Senate the water project amendment to a bill defied President Carter on Thursday by creating public works jobs to stimulate will open the door to the United Farm Workers and the Team¬ A Camera Valued up to *200 voting overwhelmingly to make him the economy. The House has adopted a spend all of the money appropriated for different jobs bill. sters to concentrate our ener¬ gies on organizing the farm ((winner's choice) water development projects. Carter deleted funds for 19 water workers." projects in the budget he submitted to Teamsters International Both Democrats and Republcians op¬ Congress last month. In addition, the President Frank Fitzsimmons, Any lens or accessory valued uj posed Carter on the issue even though administration disclosed this week that who was sitting at Chavez's the President met with members of" 27 additional water projects have failed side, called the signing "a to 910O occasion" and a Congress several hours earlier to explain his initial screening and may also be in momentous tribute to what determination (winner's choice) proposed cutbacks. jeopardy even though Congress has can do to accomplish "what at By a 65 to 24 vote, the Senate attached authorized them. tunes seemed an insurmount¬ able task to achieve." Any lens or accessory valued uj Cost-of-living raise denied to officials The Teamsters first organ to *50 ized the field workers in 1961. It WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate and sent it to the House. was nearly 10 years before the (winner's choice) Thursday quickly approved a bill to bar The only vote against passage was cast UFW and the Teamsters congressmen, judges and other top 'Prize values determined at current East Lansing Retail pri ces. by Sen. Mike Gravel. clashed over union representa¬ government officials who received re¬ The bill says simply that those officials tion. The struggle escalated in cent pay raises of up to 29 per cent from who received a big pay raise on Feb. 20 the next few years. Rules o ff Entry getting a scheduled cost-of-living in¬ Chavez once accused the crease in October. will have to forego the inflation adjust¬ Teamsters of using "goon Size: 8 x 10 is minimum and preferred size. Prints or trons parencies (slides) of larger size will also be accepted. ment that is due later this year. That Acting without debate at the urging of would have the effect of freezing the squads" to beat up UFW sym¬ Specifications: Black and white, color prints or transparencies (slides), mounted. Entries previously may ho pay pathizers. One UFW worker been published. Democratic Leader Robert C. Byrd and his of the vice president, members of was shot to death on a picket Republican counterpart. Sen. Howard Congress, federal judges and high-level Number of Entries: A maximum of three entries per perse n will be accepted. line after the union went on Baker, the Senate passed the bill 93 to 1 officials until October 1978. strike when table grape grow¬ Eligibility: All MSU students, faculty and staff who aro not professionally engaged in photography. Anyooj ers signed Teamster contracts. working in photography for compensation either on or off campus in ineligible. All STATE NEWS • Bail set for former UMW president The rancor was gone Thurs¬ ore exempt from entering. Proof of Eligibility will be required of all finalists. day however, as Chavez and Deadline for Entries: Friday, April 22, 1977, 5 p.m. MEDIA, Pa. (AP) — A judge set bail M.b. Anderson, director of the facility at Dallas, Pa., pending a new Thursday of $250,000 for lormer United trial. Western Conference of Team¬ Judging: Prizes will be awarded for best of show. Winner s will be published in the STATE NEWS spring to Mine Workers President W.A. sters, signed the agreement and Preliminary judging will be conducted by the STATE MEWS Photo Department. The finalists will be ju Tony* There was no immediate word on then pledged cooperation to- and critiqued by: Boyle, whose conviction for ordering the whether the bail would be paid. murder of a union rival has been Defense attorney A. Charles Peruto 1.-1/™' the field workers. goal 01 ""ionizing overturned. BARRY EDMONDS GARY FRII -OMAN FRED BAURIES argued that Boyle, 75, would be no threat '.'I want to call on growers' to jump bail because of failing health. He unions in California to give up ; Chief photographer of the Flint Stoff photogropher for the South- Graphics and layout instructor M Judge Francis Catania, who last month also stressed that he needed to work their anti-union fight and realize ' Journal and past president of the field Eccentric and 1976 Michigan the Advertising Department 1 refused Boyle's request to be freed, also with Boyle to piece together informa¬ the tune has come for them to National Press Photographers Press Photogrophe r of the Year. MSU and professional 9'"Phlcl ordered that arrangements be made to tion for the new trial, which must be held recognize the workers' rights As50C' agency - . representative in Lansing.M - have him transferred from the Western and join with us so we can State Penitentiary in Pittsburgh to a state within 180 days by law. Peruto asked the All |udges' decisions will be final. Open |udging of the flrval entries will be at 2 p.m., Saturday, April 30 n court to consider no bail at all. togetherenhancetheindustry " 334 of the Union. The public Is Invited to attend, view the photographs, and listen to the critiquing of entr Chavez said. -- The UFW will no longer have to confront the Teamsters in the ^"NEWSYNTRYFORM" fields, Chavez said, and "the (Please bring with entries to 346 Student Services Bldg. by 5 p.m., Friday, Office Hour* ere le-m.-13 s.ym.i April 22) battle is just starting with the real opponents-the growers. Name: ! This agreement gives us free¬ dom from a costly and useless Address: fight. Phone: The agreement announced Thursday gives the UFW juris¬ Lemon bill' clears state House diction over all workers covered University Status: □ Student □ Faculty □ Stall under California's Agricultural LANSING (UPI) — The stote House has paign by auto dealers. Student Number: once ogain placed at the Senate's The lemon bill is a top priority of many ,L» ^Rr,TsAct' Anderson said the California law will be Number of Entries: (maximum of three per person) doorstep o bill that would allow consum¬ consumer groups and has the support of ers to stop making payments on defec¬ Gov. William G. Milliken. states" 8 gU'deline in other Amount Enclosed: (50* tive autos. per entry) The so-called "auto lemon bill" The pact covers agricultural cleared Its sponsor, Rep. Perry Bullard, point¬ the House Thursday on a 79-20 vote and ed to Thursday's lopsided House vote as workers within the 13-state Type & Brand of Camera:_ sent over to territory of the Western Con- was the upper chamber evidence that support for the measure is ference of Teamsters. Focal Length & Brand of Lens used_ where it failed by one vote after last stronger than ever. The bill passed the Written into the agreement is year following an intensive lobbying cam¬ House 68-36 last year. an enforcement mechanism of Brand& Type of Film used embark acbitration emharf and a plan for to Milliken retaliates against criticism on negotiations a Entry foo 1s 50- per entry. Entries will be returned If pldcod up at 346 Student Services Bldg. oft»r LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William The governor's latest counterattack years' 8 agreernent after '«"> before June 3 STATE NEWS will dosses, June 3,1977. no. b. responsible^,'^"triof-TptA-d up by the tart day »< G. The Teamsters will keep all J Milliken has retaliated fiercely in recent was aimed contracts now i„ effect with weeks against have mishandled any suggestion he may Thursday at Sen. Patrick McCollough, D-Dearborn, in what may be growers, but they will bow out NOTE: All entries must hove an entry form photo copios of this form will bo accepted. firmly attached to tha back of tho antry. For multiple (uP Michigan's PBB a foretaste of the 1978 gubernatorial ^ I theCUFWCtoemove7n con- tamination incident. election campaign. allow For further Information, phono tho Stato Nows Photo Sunday, March 27. Dopt., 355-0311, through K Thursday, Morch 10,4^ contracts expire ^"uneWra"' l^rhiaon Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 11. 1977 House committee By MICKIMAYNARD and NANCY JARVIS amendment dropping the PBB level to the lowest detectable. possible amount approves measurement. PBB bill the committee Thursday. | State New. Stall Writer However, the amendment, offered by Rep. George Cushingber- Spaniola said he was satisfied with the form of the bill approved Crim pointed out that while other toxic substances have been L House Public Health Committee Thursday gave its stamp of by the committee. introduced in food, the PBB problem can be ry, D-Detroit, was later defeated after reconsideration. traced to a specific Ld to a bill lowering the level of PBB contamination in The difference between "measurable" He added that he did not see any major stumbling blocks with source and is confutable. and "detectable" caused the proposal that would cause problems in the Appropriations discussion among committee members. "When the opportunity exists to rid our food IS, sponsored by Rep. Francis Spaniola, D-Corunna, would Lawmakers have argued whether PBB levels should be Committee. "We've been assured that the money supply of a toxic substance, then I feel it is only logical that we take advantage of Kr measurable PBB levels from the present .3 parts per million measurable to a certain number on a scale is there (for reimburse¬ that opportunity," he said. rather be lowered to E) to .02 ppm. the smallest possible trace detectable. or ment) at the .02 level," Spaniola said. "The governor has told us A member of the Lansing chapter of the PBB Action Committee * U18 to 2 vote, the committee approved the long sought-after not to worry, that the state would have the money." was pleased with the bill's Rep. Bela Kennedy. R-Bangor, pointed out that scientists had approval but feels more can be done to ■that will remedy problems originating in 1973, when the said they had problems detecting levels of PBB below .05. Spaniola added that he was happy to see the .02 ppm level solve the situation. remain instead of the ■ucsl was accidentally mixed with cattle feed. Researchers from the federal Food and proposed detectable level. "I'm glad it (the bill) came out, but the PBB Action Committee % bill now moves to the Appropriations Committee, where testified Monday that their instruments Drug Administration "At least we have some latitude now whatever happens in won't stop here," Rebecca Wolf said. could not accurately Appropriations," he said. "Even if they |M of the bill allowing reimbursement of farmers whose measure PBB go to .05, at least that's a below .05 ppm. level that's traceable." lis are destroyed due to the proposal will be hashed out. Rep. David Hollister, D-Lansing, proposed a compromise of .01 The le point during the meeting the committee Spaniola bill has the support of Gov. William G. Milliken and approved an ppm. However, the committae stuck to the original .02 ppm Speaker of the House Bobby Crim, D-Davison, who testified before LAUNCH PETITION DRIVE TO THWART PROCESS anion students -New. By ED LION Staff Writer them back because of their anti-Shah activities. I think it's studying outside Iran protest who op¬ — independent groups like deportations pose the dictatorial rule of Shah Amnesty International and Le TmSU Iranian Student clear collaboration between Mohammed Pahlavi. the mem Monde (a French newspaper) Eiation is mounting a U.S. authorities and SAVAK. bers said. have also documented tortures in campaign to block de- the Iranian secret police." A petition campaign to flood like pulling out fingernails, The sources did not know the the Chicago immigration office fjoo proceedings against shoving broken bottles into licago-based Iranian dis¬ names of those who faced is being mounted throughout the anuses of sidents who will face prisoners and deportation. the country on their behalf, in other gruesome practices." n death or torture" if An official at the immigration addition to the East Lansing The five students were ar¬ lack to Iran, organization office in Chicago could not effort, the sources said. The rested last November along ers said Thursday, comment on the case specifi¬ deportation proceedings should with four other Iranians for members, who refused cally without the names of the. take about a month, they said. disorderly conduct while they dose their identities be- five students, but he generally A petition were protesting in Chicago the they feared Iranian gov- confirmed Iranian students campaign to flood the Cnicago immigration office deportation of two Iranian stu¬ >nt retaliation, said the faced deportation through Chi¬ in addition to the East Lansing dents from France, who were mmigration and Natural- cago. "If they are being deport¬ effort, the sources said. The later expelled to Switzerland i Service was deporting ed it is because they violated deportation proceedings should and Sweden. During investi¬ udents because of their terms of their status," he said. take about a month, they said. gations. the members said, int activities and was That would include, he said, "If they are sent back, we authorities found the five were I using the fact they held holding jobs without permis¬ know they face certain death or working illegally. jobs as an excuse, sion. torture," a member said. "The Protests for the two students tre are many people who The students facing deporta¬ Shah's government is one of the in France also led to the arrest jobs illegally," said one tion are also members of the most repressive in the world of 91 students in Houston, Tex. (ution member. "This is Iranian Student Organization, a with about 40.000 political pri¬ Shoes for danein\ liikiir, The Iranian Student Organi¬ v an excuse to send group of about 3,000 students soners. It's not just us zation sources said they hoped talking to collect 6,000 signatures at MSU because "It is important joggin', bikiir... to show the American govern¬ )llege it liaterer wltererer your own meets criteria ment that its citizens don't support the Shah." America is a — close ally with Iran and supplies busy lifestyle tubes you! much of that country's military hardware. receive accreditation The sources said the Ameri¬ can FBI and CIA were working |vSEA.\ HICKEV lie News Staff Writer faculty ratio which what was "some¬ higher than at comparable colleges of engineering" at faculty for being well qualified, adding that student faculty morale appeared to be good. closely with SAVAK and said that an organization member living in East Lansing last year received threating phone calls aras El S •I. I MSI' College of En- ng has met criteria meditation by the i Council for for En- Profes- .PtfrfJO/.k cautioned the care of Universities future college .and to take problems if Last year the five depart ments involved received a pro¬ bationary two-year accredita¬ from the Iranian secret police. Congressional studies have explored American cooperation Iranian Student State News Maggie Walker Organization distributed petitions calling (or a halt to deportation proceedings started EAST LANSING 317 E. Grand River | Development (ECPD), present high anrollmenu per¬ tion instead of the customary with SAVAK and last year the sisted. Maintenance and im¬ against five Iranian students in Chicago. ! to University of- six years. If MSU had failed to Shah admitted in an interview provement of laboratories and correct the areas the council that SAVAK kept tabs on fall of 1975 the ECPD equipment were also on the list felt were insufficient, accredita dissidents in the United States. State News of warnings from the ECPD. tion would have been fully It was also learned that the Newsline Iwithheld accreditation ive out of six depart- within the college be- ' a lack of flexibility in offered. some For once, the ECPD had favorable comments for the college and commended the revoked at the end of the two-year period which would have ended this coming fall. Chicago police had cooperated with SAVAK agents over a seven-year period. 353-3382 GENESIS LOUDSPEAKERS is Agricul- Egineering was the sole cm that never lost full ONCE 101' HEAR THEM, IT COULD BE THE Store Wide Record Sale ition. »rt from the ECPD BEGINNING OF A NEW LISTENING EXPERIENCE «l that professional en- hg curricula — chemical FOR YOU ng, civil engineering, 3.98 AND 4.98 5.98 AND 6.98 engineering and 7.98 LIST cal engineering — now LIST LIST TAPES WHAT MAKES GENESIS LOUDSPEAKERS SO SPECIAL/ lequirements for accred- | from the New York- rofessional society, cording to ECPD rules, f the six departments wive complete accred- 4 • 99 7.98LIST n 99 4e * ELL. IN THE PAST FEW YEARS MOST (.RE AT STRIDES IN LOl DSPE4RF.R DESIGN II *\ E BEEN CONFINED TO THE LARGEST tntilat least one class of « has ALL RECORDS AND TAPES NOW ON SALE INI) MOST EXPENSIVE SPEAKER SYSTEMS. completed the ». said Lawrence Von ROCK - JAZZ - SHOWS - COUNTRY - SOUL ANDMORE GENESIS HAS APPLIED THESE 4DVAV dean of the TAGES TO THE MA.Nl'EACTl RE OF MODER- College of VTEI.Y PRICED I.OLDSPEAKERS WITH EX¬ (ring. Apartments of chemical ring, civil engineering FEATURING CEPTIONAL TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE. techanical engineering required to submit in two years PHILIPS CLASSICAL RECORDS when "BICAUSI IXCiLLINCI IS PRICILISS" T currently in these is have graduated. Icrsh would not PUCCINI say ' (he various depart- "Tosca had received the full accreditation or just a MODEL I Probationary "h the one. statement in the rnSim3 SO IF >01 HF LOOKING tOK fairly clear," cmv-i, cAft&ws, S he said. 4 MODERATELY PRICED 1.01II. some requirements SPEAKER WHICH *11.1. BRIM, ' of the departments." WlXELL THE PERFORMERS ON YOIR [arsch would not make RECORDS AND TAPES INTO YOI R *r comments. toy4L OflKA LIVING ROOM, COME IN, LISTEN CPD. in its report, Colin daV/5 - AND EXPERIENCE YOl'R OWN Ijhe .. College of En- 'a poor student- Zrecpeo |ege bookie asr SIBELIUS MODEL II GENESIS fs to agent FLAKE, Iowa (AP) - HI-FI BUYS. ALWA YS ONE STEP AHEAD r "I reports that stu- jcre borrowing from the U'ort-term ® loan fund ALL PHILIPS AND DGG a dormitory room 12* !~r. Buena Vista Col- LP'S 4.** per l-P- _«als asked the ALWAYS AVAILABLE state Ihelp 'na' Invesli8a- HI-FI BUYS DiscStop J fa ™!d Jtng agent Larry SALE ENDS SAT., MARCH 19«h electronic sur- J equipment, placed a lt^kHeith°f-21, emP'et°n, and MUSIC CO. OPEN DAILY 10-8 'hat the operation SATURDAY 10-5 245 ANN ST. JS5JW.— ©ipfeto U.S. intervention in Iran must be halted Amnesty International, the hu¬ secret police of the Shah, SAVAK. lies. But Carter has never taken dents say they have been har¬ man rights organization, calls Iran It has been almost irrefutably steps to decry human rights' con¬ assed. one of the most repressive regimes proven that the United States does ditions in Iran. Earlier in the week, a former in the world. It says its right-wing indeed cooperate with this strong- Iranian students here at MSU ruler Shah Mohammad Meza Pah- arm secret police that seems as high-ranking CIA official would say the five dissidents will face not deny that SAVAK is active in lavi systematically tortures, im¬ grisly efficient as the Gestapo. "certain death, imprisonment or the United States, and quite likely prisons and kills his political Only yesterday it was reported torture" immediately upon their could not that Chicago-area police had open¬ truthfully deny it. The opponents. Church groups and return to Iran. These Iranians, significance of this is apparent; other humanitarian organizations ly cooperated with Iranian author¬ who refuse to identify themselves SAVAK receives a have all condemned his regime. ities to keep tabs on the 200-mem- great deal of for fear of SAVAK retaliation, say assistance from the CIA, and if Yet the United States continues ber dissident community of Irani¬ it is common practice for the S A V AK's operations in the United to give its unequivocal support to an students there. In a recent government to torture dissidents States are not abetted by the CIA, it. Worse yet, the U.S. Depart¬ interview the Shah even told a by pulling out fingernails, beating then our para-militaries at least ment of Naturalization and Immi¬ reporter on national television them with electric cattle prods and that SAVAK operated in the casually look the other way. gration now has started proceed¬ shoving bottles into their anuses ings against five Iranian student United States. It is true that Iran is in a during interrogation sessions. 'U' fears competitJ dissidents because they held jobs The Carter Administration has Their fears appear to be most strategic position as a U.S. ally in violation of their visa status. expressed outspoken opposition to between the Soviet Union and plausible. Iranians in other parts leftist Such charges are thinly veiled civil liberties crackdowns in the of the nation have received death Iraq. But according to the disguises for cooperation between U.S.S.R. and to a lesser degree in threats for their political activi¬ most cautious estimates, Iran is U.S. authorities and the notorious other nations, including U.S. al¬ ties. Even at MSU, Iranian stu¬ the most brutally repressive na¬ tion on the face of the earth, bar part of the ASMSU book exchange is any indication it none. Yet, the United States would hi 1 day in hell! UDeii remains stalwart in the friendship The University administration decided to veto ASMSU's »ir I it extends to Iran. W new books and f The state News } Vice President Walter Mondale made a pledge at MSU only a few supplies on campus at discount prices becauwM competition it would create for the MSU Bookstore, Jensen, the book exchange coordinator. accordinflsF ^ Fridoy. March 11, 1977 months ago to bring "morality into The absurdity of this fear is that students at MSU have beentu that competition is desirable and Editorials the opinions our foreign policy." It would do the necessary in a free market 1 are of the State News Viewpoints, columns Vice President of Student Affairs Eldon and letters are personal opinions Carter Administration adhere to that pledge. good to permission was not granted to sell new materials because it was nS I Nonnamaker state!! Editorial Department of ASMSU's function. 1 Mary Ann ChickShow Sporfs Editor Edward L Ronder$ Copy Chief Tracy Reed A good way to start would be to On the contrary, ASMSU's sole function is to serve Managing Ed'tor Bob Ourltan Wire Editor the student Opinion Editor Joyce Laskowski stop deportation proceedings book exchange that saves students Kat Brown Layout Fred van Hortesveldt Staff Representative Michael Rouse money on supplies and onl Michael Tanimuro Photo Editors Robert Kozloff Laura Lynn Fistler Freelance Editor Phil Frame against the students and refuse to average, pays higher for used books, is a welcome chanl Campus Editor Carole Leigh Hutton Book Editor James Hamilton continue to unquestioningly sup¬ ASMSU's usual concerns. port Iran's fascist regime that has ASJWSU's present book exchange which buys and sells used bfc™ Advertising Department made a mockery of the continue. But the University's decision not to allow very •r Dan Cerow Assistant Advertising Man?", referring to the organization one of the most dynamic and effective Spartan Spirit as far as I can see hasn't anything that was not said nor promised in members of the board, as several other contributed to developing any meaningful newspaper to support me means only that of marked pedestrian crossings, a full-time ids, and 1 certainly hope she is the any other ASMSU election. These candi¬ members attested at a recent board solutions. the editorial board of the State News is gynecologist at the Health Center, total nd the last) editor-in-chief to publish dates have our vote of confidence because ASMSU's response to the crisis students behind me. The only vote that really counts accessibility for handicappers and more ►point, using her title, which is meeting. Before she became chairperson oi they expressed a sincere desire in unifying the Policy Committee, it almost never had a face calls for well thought out, responsible is the one that each student casts at lighting, are obvious, but as yet unaccom¬ Trically opposed to that of her registration. And at that time the vote of an plished matters directly affecting us as and serving the entire student body, and ial board. quorum; the past two months, it has acted on and decisive action. MSU has no draw¬ they have a track record that speaks for editor has no more power than the ordinary students. It is from my knowledge of Headen k not bothered by her statements an amazing number of bills. Cloud is bridges to raise, no feats of magic stashed 'tself. Office of Black Affairs student. I would urge you then to make an that I know he gets things done without a mice Ray Walker; we are all familiar responsible for much of the work involved in away. Working solutions for a community of "Evan if the reeewion miraculously disappeared overnight, there would still be large numbers of youths without jobs walking the streets with little hope that something would turn up." —ILO study nemp/oyec/ world youth caches all-time record As early as primary school all except the most gifted and IpA I reached (AP) _ an The growing anny of all-time record of 7 unemployed young million in the world s 24 motivated youngsters are in effect "devaluated," the report said. This becomes aggravated in higher schooling stages and is the •countries, the International Labor Organization (ILO) said direct result of an "increasingly selective and competitive" to study blamed the educational system, it added. "* on the joblessness on society's indifference, Most youngsters leaving school find themselves "confronted It said most of the richer countries have taken steps to improve West where it said people under 25 years, 22 per cent of the total part of many employers to hire those without with a strange world of-labor" requiring skills, knowledge and education and provide work for jobless youngsters. But while such population, make up 40 per cent of the unemployed. B"te and an inadequate educational system. The report bring relief "no one has yet figured out a quick, ■'he situation the industrialized world's grsvest problem. behavior they have not acquired. The study added that more and moves can some The proposal of some governments that youngsters should stay more youngsters fail to meet the standards required for training in permanent solution — nor has the tide yet turned in favor of the longer in school means an additional public and family burden, the ■J million without work in the 24 countries of the modern industry and "unprepared for the work game, feel they young unemployed." study said. Enrolling dropouts in new training courses, as is done |®"» for Economic Cooperation and Development are face a stacked deck. This leads to apathy, stress, drifting and other The study cited few figures, but one example it gave was for in some places, can mean "training for training's sake." [toform an entire nation where no one is older than 25 social problems. Britain where it'said the number of jobless teenagers jumped from " Prospects at best are uncertain, the ILO said. 28,000 in. 1968 to 58,000 in 1971, 175,000 in 1975 and more than "Moreover, training extension does not help much, experts "Still another roadblock is the reluctance of many employers to 1 the recession miraculously disappeared overnight, hire young people because it costs more to break them in than 200,000 last year. warn, if it is not accompanied by vigorous job creation programs, still be large numbers of youths without jobs walking older workers and because their output is lower, at least at the It reported a similar pattern in recent years in Canada, France, including public works, or bolstered by subsidies to enterprises to ■ ■'Hied. *,s w'th little hope that something would turn up, the beginning of employment," the study continued. Italy, the United States and other countries of the industrialized encourage employment of young workers," the study concluded. 6 Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Frid°v. March! ■1977 CHARGE IN PBB TRIAL QUESTIONED Farmer's testimony hazard to human health. give less milk and can cause a challenged Tacoma said. was fearful of exposing new pfCCD By JEFFERY L. SHELER Farm Bureau attorney Barry herd's average to drop, he said. cattle to PBB. CADILLAC (UPI) - De¬ fense attorneys in Michigan's first PBB trial Thursday chal¬ Boughton, cross-examining Ta¬ coma, attempted to chip away "These factors could more than account for the entire milk He said he lost an average of 12 cows from PBB each year In earlier cross examination, GOOD TIMES 'at details of the farmer's loss in 1973. Could it not, Mr. since 1973, cattle that either Tacoma admitted some of the lenged a farmer's contention died or were removed from his animals he said died or became that PBB and sickened his cattle damaged his dairy h. si- lengthy testimony in which he described declining milk pro¬ duction as one side effect of the Tacoma?" Boughton said. "Could, but it didn't," Ta¬ milking chain after they dried up. ill from PBB were never given the tainted feed. GOOD PRICES AT coma said. "I personally feel it PBB outbreak. "But Attorneys for Farm Bureau was all from Firemaster," the "I was losing cattle so fast I they all had free access Services, a codefendant in a $1 Boughton quizzed Tacoma on fire retardant could barely hold my own," to trace mineral salts," he said records showing he added sev¬ containing PBB. million damage suit, said Tacoma said. in reference to a substance eral young animals to the "With all the changes in milking and breed¬ protein I was made by Michigan Chemical ing procedures and not PBB- milking herd, changed from feeding these animals, it should He said he has not tried to which his attorneys have artificial to natural breeding have raised the production," claimed also was contaminated. tainted livestock feed caused a replace the animals because he and moved his herd into a new drop in milk production on Roy Tacoma's Falmouth, Mich., dairy barn late in 1972! dairy farm, Moving the animals and Tacoma is suing Farm changing the breeding pro¬ Bureau Services, which mixed and sold the contaminated feed gram, Boughton said, could have upset the cattle causing a "GETTIN'LUCKY'BY temporary drop in milk pro¬ in 1973, and the Michigan Chemical Co., manufacturer of duction. Young cows normally HEAD EAST: the toxic fire retardant. for the loss of some 200 cattle and related damages. State News THE ALBUM THAT'S Dozens of similar suits are awaiting trial in the aftermath Newsline A WINNER. of the mixup that sent tons of "Gettin' Lucky": The impressive new album by Head East. PBB laced feed throughout 353-3382 Michigan. Five midwestern rockers who continue to grow as Thousands of farm animals that ate it have died or were songwriters and musicians with each successive album. destroyed. Some PBB has turn¬ CENTRAL UNITED ed up in meat and dairy METHODIST products, posing a potential Sermon topic THE POLO BAR "Can't We Be Christians Without The Cross?" Dr. Howard A. Lyman, spooking 4207 Alpha Whether you're looking lor o lun spot to go with o group of Iriends or iust o twosom. slop in ot the Polo Bor. 662 W. Grond River, Okemos. o mile ond o holt eosl ol Lansing Worship Services Mend,on 9:45p.m. and IhOOo.m. Worship Nursery Available Stop in on a Monday or Tuesday night and you II find their pitcher specials ore 9:00 10:30 delin Ki 9177 - itely unbelievable. On Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights the Polo Bor has modern country western style bands to top your leet to or dance to. Currently performing ore The Collections. A great dance band with lots ol vtsriety. The Polo Bor has several games to amuse with if Practical answers to Come play some pool, pinball. table tennis or dancing is your deepest questions The Polo Bar's Hoppy Hour is from 2-6 weekdays and their happy hour prices ore Making'77 Sound Better I like no one elses, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Try lunch or dinner at the Polo Bor. Pictures of antique cars line the walls providing . can be found thru prayer a bit of nostalgia to compliment their homemade food. One of the Polo Bar s house specialties is the Saddleburger, o half pound hamburger with fries, garnished with A quiet place lor inspiration and prayer is the Disc Shop lettuce and tomoto for $1.IS. Or maybe you're craving a pizza deluxe, a 12" including pepperoni. horn, mushrooms, onions, sausage green pepper oncl Hamburg for only $4.00. On the menu are some other house specialties pizza including qn 8 oz. Christian Science Reading Room rib eye steok dinner for $3.50, spaghetti ond meatballs for $2.50 or half o spring right across from campus chicken for $3.25. All entrees include soup or juice, solad, vegetable, choice ol 709 E. Grand Rivar at Callingwood potato and garlic toast. The Polq Bar olso hos lunch and dlnrter specials varyihfc 'ffom*doy to doy and always Monday thru Saturday, 9-5 ttVIVY.-T? tit-?: good size portions priced under $2.00. For example, this week you could enjoy a hot roost beef or pork sandwich for $1.75 or a cold vr plate of baked ham ond potato salad Monday Friday Evenings, 79 for $1.75. Or how obout their Reuben ond fries speciol for $1.15 The Polo Bars ☆ Sunday, 2-5 THE kitchen is open every afternoon until 2 p.m. Plenty of time to enjoy a hearty lunch. Dinner is served until 9 on weekdoys and till 11 p.m. on weekends, lunches begin everydoy at II The Polo Bor hos weekend specials including stuffed pork chops South Baptist Church ☆ a.m. REDKEN for $2.50 ond prime rib for $4.95 on Friday ond Saturdoy nights. On Sunday it's on oil ☆ you can eat spaghetti speciol for $1.98. Come early for dinner ond stay to listen ond 1518 S. Washington lansinc dance to The Collections. Make on evening of it. New additions to their menu worth Sunday - 7:00 p.m. trying ore their seofood in o basket dinners. For example, try their ocean perch ond EXPERIENCE fries for $1.55. V Guest Speaker: Dr. Lloyd Perry, The Polo Bar i ving breakfast, s rting c 7:30a. Professor of Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, III. 445i*. Fellowship Md STARTS Go on, take the short drive down Grand River to the Polo Bar, it's only one ond o half miles east of Meridian Mall. Bring some friends ond hove fun, it shouldntbe hard. Before you know it, it'll be your regular hangout. Collide libit rtfreslumts Class it the 430 FX Firesidt Ion Sunday 11:00 a.m. Dr. Lloyd Perry SDCNSCGEDEtt Guest Speaker m to °r;.7 GREAT | Bible 627-2106 FOOD Study 9 p.m. Wed. Union Bldg. f-REE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening EXCELLENT: 24 Call 482 0754 for information Hours iDiy I • SIZZLERSTEAKS. Dr. Howard f. SEAFOOD. SPECIALS, COCKTAILS Sugden, Pastor James E. Emery College Pastor 217 S. Bridit SL, Braud Schensuls ^ as seen on network TV LANSING CAFETERIA MERIDIAN MALL MALL Sigourney-Jones firmly believes that any SATURDAY woman who cares about herself can be SPECIALS! beautiful. This means treating yourself well. MONDAY HITE - FREE ITEM MITE And being treated well. POLO BAR Delicious Homecoohed Happy Hour Weekdays ORDER ONE OR MORE ITEMS Specials Under $7.00 Like the very special personal attention you Modern Country Music 2 -6 p m. AND GET ONE ITEM FREE Pitcher Special Thurs Sun. get every time you visit a fine hair styling salon. Mon and Tu(JS - WEDNESDAY NITE- POP NITE 1 % mi. East ol Meridian Mall FREE QUART OF PEPSI Sigourney-Jones specializes in The Redken 662 W.Grand River Okemos 349 • 2240 WITH ANY 12 "or 16" PIZZA Experience, a combination of science, pro¬ TUESDAY AND THURSDAY NITE-SUD NITE fessional treatments, service and an entire ANY EXPRESS SUB FOR $1.25 collection of hair and skin products to Inthi'&chuUr tradition use at home. , tf)t jratr gteah. 337-137? Call for an appointment. ☆ Start your experience today. Next to Silver Dollar ☆ FREE DELIVERY SIGOURNEY-JONES ^ THE STATE ROOIT1 MPE (VALGAM^ Hairstyling for Men & Women ^ Kellogg Center 1712 E. Michigan ^ Gracious dining in a nostolgig campus atmosphere. SO*'OFF 12" or 16" PIZZA 484-1491 ☆ 1 coupon per pizza 6810 S.Cedar ☆ 349 • 2690 coupon expirm 3/20/77 Suites A ond B W 2080 W. Or. Rv. OkenW* 694-8101 A ^ £ Iphinon stote News, East lonsing, Michioon Friday, March 11, 1977 accharin couldban cause calorie rise tr YORK (AP) - Some makers of diet soft drinks plan to With this kind of demand out there, there's a great part of the saccharin factory, laying off at least 17 workers. The company's Jje selling low-calorie beverages if a ban on saccharin takes public that wants that kind of product," said Thomas Baker, "I'm sure our forward-thinking people have developed formulas saccharin sales account for about $10 million of its annual $1 billion I but the products probably will contain more calories, executive director of the National Soft Drink Association. 'The to meet these kinds of contingencies, but they're proprietary of sales of all products, including paints and textiles. ■make-up of the new products was not immediately clear, but industry has an obligation to those people to try to satisfy that matters and they won't talk about them," Baker said. "Their exact At Coca-Cola Co., the nation's largest soft drink maker, vice less some indication Thursday that natural sweeteners such demand." formulas are trade secrets and are never discussed." L syrup, with more calories than saccharin, might be used. He said no other artificial sweeteners are president Charles W. Adams said, "We will have reformulated approved for use, but While there was general confidence that the big soft drink low-calorie drinks ready for market before" the FDA decides | drinks account for the bulk of saccharin consumption - that natural sweeteners, such as corn syrup and honey, are possible makers could continue producing low-calorie products, the impact whether to make the ban final. hree-forths of the 5 million pounds used annually, the Food ■ substitutes. of the FDA ban was severe on several makers of low-calorie He said the company will market the new products as soon as mg Administration said Wednesday in proposing the ban. Soft drinks can be legally termed "low calories" if they have sweeteners. Ittlorie soft drinks represent 11 per cent, or about $1.11 fewer than six calories possible. per fluid-ounce, or 60 calories for a 10-ounce "I'm still in shock. We're going to have to lay off our people," A spokesperson for PepsiCo Inc., the second-largest soft drink ■ of the annual $10.0 billion wholesale value of all soft drink bottle, he said. By comparison, Diet Pepsi now has less than one said Marvin Eisenstadt, vice president of Cumberland Packing company, said, "We have development plans in process for calorie for 10 and Corp., which markets Sweet 'n Low, the biggest-selling artificial ounces regular Pepsi has 130 calories in 10 continuation" of the low-calorie line. sweetener. "We have no idea what our formulation will be at this He said production may continue a while if stage," the shoppers stock up PepsiCo spokesperson said. "Obviously it can't be less than one before the ban is final. Ultimately, he said, the firm's 600 Center director employes calorie or no-calorie. It would have to be higher than what we have sought would be laid off. The company's sales reached $30 million last now. The cola product is not palatable without some degree of year. sweetener." And Sherwin-Williams Co., the only U.S. manufacturer of There is no substitute that would provide the same sweetness saccharin, said it wiU close, at least temporarily, its Cincinnati and low-calorie content of saccharin, he said. ■Africa" Studies Center, tor, announced earlier this year with the center MSU with 90 affiliated asking them for over the largest centers in the that he would be resigning as of suggestions. To be eligible, faculty members, it is jointly | dedicated to African next fall to spend more time candidates must be faculty funded by MSU and the U.S. Correction Is looking for a new with his academic research. ALL YOU members, preferably full pro¬ Office of Education. "Obviously we are looking for fessors, who have lived in Chuck Poor, office manager Sg Dean of International someone with true dedication Africa and study Africa in their T,s Homer Higbee said a to African research and an able major area of research. Truck collector of MSU PIRGIM, said Thurs¬ day he wished to clarify state¬ Jn committee is shooting administrator who CAN can run The center seeks to promote ments made in connection with [rgrt date at the end of things," Higbee said. the study of Africa on campus, HILLSBORO, N.H. (AP) - Thursday's article concerning ■ to pick two potential John Henderson is Dick Kemp gives his woman heading offers facilities for research, studies of the Dayton-Hudson Stes. Then it is up to the the six member selection com and seeks to also spread the friend an old Mack truck in mall mittee. The committee has sent stead of jewelry. Instead of rezoning request. | pick the director from EAT! study of the "Dark Continent" Ejidates. out notification to about 95 to the surrounding community. taking her out to dinner, he "The reason we decided to ■ Hunter, present direc people invites her to his garage to sand on campus affiliated The largest study center at undertake a study of the de¬ and paint the truck. velopment is that we suspect "She does all the sanding and there are things less harmful to the painting and I do the body Over the break while the students are away from the campus, 20,000 farmers from 17 states will converge on MSU to work," he says. "She's crazy over them." the muckland area than Poor said. a mall," Sunday take part in the 62nd annual Farmers' Week. 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Bryon H. Good, professor of animal husbandry and Farmers chairperson of Farmers' Week, said the farmers will come to be informed about new advances in farming research during the What your job •FRIED CHICKEN ^25 past year. The Farmers' Week held at MSU is the top program of its competition •BAR-B-Q-RIBS |com/ng to kind in the country, Good said. From March 21 through 25 the over 20,000 participants will tomorrow... will be •BAKED VIRGINIA HAM have an opportunity to take part in 172 Dinners include Mashed Potatoes, programs, 9 banquets, Gravy, Vegetables. Hot program 16 luncheons and 2 breakfasts. During this week 51 associations will hold annual meetings. wearing this year Biscuits & Honey PLUS SALADS FROM OUR EXTRAOR¬ Each of the departments in the College of Agriculture will take part in the activities. DINARY SALAD BAR Also included in the program will be a breakfast with Gov. William G. Milliken on Thursday. The Pretzel Bell Celebrate Irish Week at the 'I0LDE lfeflsD Meridian Mall STYLE Finals Week: Mon.-Fri. Corned Beef Sandwich & cup Soup $1.8 Reuben 81.8 * Block 1 Eosr — Lonsing MAC * MOHAWK Taste what did to MARCH 11-20 Peppermint Schnapps Try the New cool peppermint «L*i schnjM fcij Cool green —1 color $: $2.00 OFF SANDALS '10.°° minimum purchase; sale items & A New layaways excluded Expires 3-18-77 Exciting MSU Bootery & Shoes 'N' Stuff 225 E. Grand River 217 E. Grand River Taste $j Now, see them in Sensation their White House years. One of the most celebrated events on television last year was 'he story of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt in their early years. Now, Jane Alexander and Edward Herrmann continue 'heir portrayals of the Roosevelts in "Eleanor and Franklin. Enjoy it The White House Years." Don't miss it. straight 'Eleanor and Franklin:The White HouseYears' or Sunday,March i3,8PM.on WJR1 -1 \ "Channel 12. over ice Brought m >'JP°ng°od jhruMorch la n77| ■ Coupon good thru March II. H77j |Coupor joodlh,uMmh The LAA is made up of students and professors who share a common interest in this area, and has as its goals a better understanding between the two Americas. The group has already held two film presentations: a movie from 1900 E KolomozooJ Bring home jf/hoi/sR$c/fie Bolivia and a slide tour of Brazil. There are no membership requirements other than an interest less than 51 the good in Latin America and a desire to learn more and have fun doing it. from campus | Future plans include a fiesta, which will be on April 13, and taste of —'' FRED CHICKEN only 4 blocks we of the expresswt other cultural events. Those interested in the organization should contact Robert it tastes better Chamberlain. ITS SOIL TIME AT THE DiSC StlOP ASMSU TEDDY PENDERGRASS BOOK - EXCHANGE STATEMENT OF POLICIES Buying From Us new Hatch „t &■■■ ■IWj.'" Prices: We guarantee that our prices will be the lowest in town. We base our prices directly on competition. On the average used book you will save $1.50. Products: We plan to have a large inventory of used books that will be used during $3.99 Spring term. ONLY Book Names: All you need to know is EACH your course, instructor or section. No need to wait until you go to class, we know what you need. Places: C-106 Wells, East lower lounge McDonel, 342 Case, Lab#3 Brody. Dates: Finals week, late registration, first week of classes. Times: 10-4,6-8. Refunds: If we give you the wrong book, you get a full refund. If you buy a book for a class that you drop, we will take the book back and try to sell it for book, you. If you return a we give it VIP treatment and sell it before any other. Selling To Us Prices: We pay $2.00 more per book than any other place in town, provided it sells. Books Accepted: To help assure resale, we are term. We have the requirements list from all only accepting books used Spring instructors for Spring. Times: Bring in your books during any exchange hours. You will receive a voucher. When they sell, you can pick up your check, or we will mail it to you, whichever you prefer. If they don't sell, you can pick them up and dispose of them in the usual fashion. * SUPPORT THE EXCHANGE! ALL ON C.B.S. RECORDS AND TAPES BRING IN A BOOK. Disc Shop 323 E. GRAND RIVER SL. PH. 351-5380 Hours M-F 10-9 $9-6 4 I Michigan Stote New», Eos) Lansing, Michioon Friday, March 11, 1977 I.e. gunmen seeking boxer Alf I (continued from page 1). T,m, for which four Bhila- Eja Black Muslims were Report deemed (continued from page inadequate! 1) "The article needs to be amended," Nonnamaker said. "It spells Sltfc DistoWf dieted. out the rights and responsibilities but it doesn't state ways to It the B'nai B'rith building — implement the decisions." Tffect the terrorists' com- It is imperative that changes be made in the Academic Freedom at - Abdul Khulis and Report if it is to be used as it was originally intended. If the C'to five companions were document is to provide the service that it was designed to do, JL more than 100 hostages. which is to give students a definite outline of their rights and I„as there the raids began, responsibilties, it must be more clearly defined and the CIGARETTES Midday Wednesday, followed ambiguities erased. K|, by invasions of the The yearning for a change in the document comes from students tic Center, a mosque in the Lssy Row district, and the Ejct of Columbia Building, and faculty alike and it is quite clear that they want to work together on revisions. Granted, amendment procedures take long hours and much devotion by those persons involved in rewriting, 2/89' ■ the White House. but it is important that the manpower be devoted to revising this e intruders were armed document. Jrides, shotguns, automatic nons. knives and swords. MSU's Academic Freedom Report was one of the first of its kind to be developed by any Oniversity. However, in tune with the 10% OFF Jje I man, Maurice Williams, 1970s and discoveries that the inconsistencies in fact exist, it is KODAK FILM PROCESSING reporter for radio station time for an intense revision so the document can serve its intended NO LIMIT Jjr, was shot and killed in purpose and protect the designated rights of the members of the COUPON EXPIRES 3-11-77 ■ takeover at the district MSU community. ling, the capital's city hall. T people injured in the es there and at B'nai B'rith Genius GAF KODAK ad hospitalised. woman subject of book COLOR COLOR |ven others were beaten or MIAMI (AP) - "Meet my taught math at MSU at 16, and d, and were treated and FILM daughter," announced Aaron joined IBM's development FILM Stern when his daughter was .•e were varying reports laboratory in Boca Raton at 20. born 24 years ago. "She is going L number of hostages, and Je number of black gunmen to be a genius." Stern now has written "The Joy of Learning" to describe 79' $1 08 jng them. ■the district building, police Edith Stern was graduated from junior college at age 14, the outcome of his effort. He 126 20 LIMIT 4 Exp. C126,110 LIMIT 1 12 Exp. calls it his personal manifesto. ■seven hostages were held, COUPON EXPIRES 3*IS'77 COUPON EXPIRES 3-18-77 T hands bound, by two item I undetermined number of KODAK Jworkers remained barri- TX-135or PX-135 in fifth floor offices, too I to the terrorists to at- Itescape. Id at the mosque, where the Iter came without shoot 20ExP* NO LIMIT COUPON EXPIRES 3-18-77 99' ?.•* - ■here were thought to be I KODAK SLIDE FILM I gunmen and nine or 10 \ • .• I KR-135 0RKM-135 |dul Khaalis did most of the S1 1. 99 and it was he who LIMIT I ded revenge for the 1973 |ers of seven members of ••: •• COUPON EXPIRES 3-11-77 nafi Moslem, five of them . Six of them were • • •# Id Khaalis, and the gunman NODOZ EATON'S V was their father, APWirephoto TYPE . ■addition to his demands Washington Police wait outside an Islamic Mosque where Hanafi Moslem gun¬ 11H t> men are holding hostages. ■ the men he said were Jnsible for the murders be sador of Iran, said in an inter¬ M 111 l< Slt22 PAPER ■lit to him, Khaalis had view that he had been in contact M ■demands, and at least two ■met: U.S. showings of the with the gunmen at B'nai B'rith. He said the ambassadors of Pakistan and Egypt had joined CeCe's Half Price Beer, Martinis, Manhattens Rag. 1.75 77' [Mohammad, Messenger of Rag. 1.05 re canceled on Wednes- him at the District of Colum¬ Car Stereo Center LIMIT 2 10c HOT DOGS nd police refunded $750 he bia command center during the COUPON EXPIRES 3-l«-77 Ined for contempt of court long night. | Hanafi trial. II I lie Vile j| Khaalis also said he "We're trying to help," he said. "I'm doing this in a EVERYTHING Wf I itc I im PEPSI-COLA j brought to him the humanitarian sense. I'm afraid for your car stereo needs I ■s of Malcolm X, who was a member of the Muslims but broke with to say more. I'm afraid it would harm the situation." 5920 5. Cedar -1 Block North of Miller Rd. "If it's from CeCe's, if sounds better! " ph. 882-8888 12 OX. OPack n.58 fcoup. Zahedi said he had been in jDannemora, N.Y., three touch with the Shah of Iran on ■rving life terms for the OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 Isination of Malcolm X the situation. DANNON /QQc | placed under special tani A spokesperson said Pakis¬ Ambassador Sahabzada YOGURT 3/99' imabroad was not of SIMfg one Yaquab-Khan had talked with Remands. "Why should I Abdul Khaalis four times, and Where you are sure COUPON EXPIRES 318-77 ■America?" Abdul Khaalis appealed to the gunmen to to find all the ("Why? I'm not afraid." "spare the innocents." ieshir Zahedi, the ambas- essentials for your KNEE SOX WHAMO Ron. Sat 3/14-3/19 •RYAN LIB ASMSU Book Exchange warm-weather getaway DKTIOHSI w PANTY HOSE & FRISBEE IZARD'S RITIIRNS! is Coming! 25' OFF 88' OUR PRICE Reg. 1.35 HERM'S LIMIT 6 COUPON EXPIRES 3-11-77 NO LIMIT COUPON EXPIRES 3-11-77 toTO BODV.Z2 I American & Foreign Cars GYM SHORTS |Quaiify Work Guaranteed Reg. 4.95 $2." Free Estimates Idlon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ' A RUBBER BEACH 1 Sat. 8:00 a.m. -12 Noon Corner Larch & Michigan Ave. THONGS 69< Lansing 489-6577 Miss J's at-home in boucle terry, calico-trimmed FRIDAY ONLY and then drawstring-tied at SUNGLASSES SUNTAN STRATTON-NELSON its empire waist. . lounging, PRODUCTS BAND poolside or after-shower SAT. 4 SUN. ONLY The last E. Lansing area appearance of comfort in acetate/nylon a green coverup 30% 10% OFF OFF RETAIL 'PADDLEFOOI accented with a red and OUR DISCOUNT yellow cotton print. NO LIMIT PRICE COUPON EXPIRES 3-11-77 5-13 sizes. $20 FROM OUR 4HU) ( L.P. SPECIALS!!! MARSHALL TUCKER CAROLINA DREAMS AMERICA - HARBOR S4.29 Reg. 7.98 GEORGE BENSON - IN FLIGHT FLEETWOOD MAC Barrel E'Gr&nd River 3Slflfifl&- JacoteoriS RUMOURS 1 Q Michigon Stole News, East Lonsing. Michigan Frid°y. March u,, Copying fad really established art fori By MARGARET DeFORD achieves an image of motion. An exhibit at the Kresge Art Gallery by Sonia Landy Sheridan prize-winning creation, Socol said Tk . illustrated the use of a thertqo f" machine in color xerography and lifesixe fuO-frontal nude What was heralded as a fad by MSU students is actually an Multiple images, he said, are made by placing a number of copied xerogranhv nMk"""1'^ established art form. images next to each other and they copying the whole series. was funded in part by a grdut from 3M, Socol added. coffee table, he arid. Why °' th« Also, last year's winner of the MSU student sculpture show at Socol said he would like to This winter, many MSU students began "copying' themselves on "I like the weird kind of gray you get with this technique," Socol see exn. ■ dry copier machines in the Library. said, explaining that xerography has three basic tones: white, black Kresge Art Gallery, Clint flanks, used xerography in his program at MSU. «*P«nnon 0f the Kuszai agreed and added An MSU art student calls this technique "zearahhhgraffee" and gray. that the de„.« (xerography) and said it has been'used by artists since the 1960s. "Through xerography you can get surrealistic effects not found in color-copier machine next week. PWinent will This new tool," he Ira Socol, an undergraduate liberal arts major preparing for a ifhotography," he added. "First you play with it and then you learn said, "will of couh. k • to control it." the essence of It." ou» bring new id graduate degree in zearahuhgraffee said. "Xerography is no more a fad than taking pictures. It is an actual art form that has existed "Many students become interested in it because of the moving art you can make with xerography," Kuszai added. "You can distort f°Joe KuszaLhead of the Graphics and Design Department in the and twist things around with it." Art School at MSU, said that he has been offering xerography as a Xerography also has commercial applications, Socol said. part of his graphics classes since 1974. The Hall and Oates poster used on campus last fall to promote "We teach the kids how to use the machine," he said. "First their concert was produced by Socol, using xerography. He said he they're usually just curious but then they discover what they can do has also used xerography in designing stationery. with it." Calling dry-copier machines "fantastic sketchpads," Kusxai said Socol said he began experimenting with xerography in his Art senior graphic art students are putting together a book using 424 class last year. xerography. Each of the 20 students, he explained, will produce a Using various methods, Socol creates unusual designs through xerograph representing some personal aspect. These prints will xerography. then be combined into 20 books, one for each student, he said. Rolling an object, such as a Dr. Pepper bottle, across the copier Two manufacturers of dry-copier machines, Xerox and 3M, surface, keeping the cover open while it is copying, he explained, award grants to artists for creative use of their products, Socol said. DrPepp now thru finals week S07E.Or,nd.,Jr WEIGHT GROUP CHANGES MENU Diet plan more flexible Michigan National Bank pays 5% on all regular By PAM WEAR regimen to lose weight, said Sophia Branoff, Weight Watchers director for all of western Michigan. Try out this white Whoever heard of eating cheeseburgers, corn on the cob and hot "Our experience in working with the overweight has shown that veluur terrv dogs, and still being able to lose weight? It sounds unbelievable, but these and other previously they are able to handle an eating program that will fit comfortably accounts. "forbidden" foods are now acceptable fare in the new eating into their own Individual lifestyle, and still enable them to lose jumpsuit with weight," Branoff said. program introduced in January by Weight Watchers International Incorporated. 'This is why Weight Watchers has formulated a new program zipper front. Great that will make it difficult to distinguish the dieter from the Changes in the program include a simplified basic eating for lounging or as nondieter," she added. program with fewer food categories and greater flexibility in The new program includes a new "Maintenance Plan," designed portion controls of foods. to enable those who have reached their goal weight to learn how u cover-up. More and more college students are coming to Weight their body will react to additional foods. Also included is a "Plateau Watchers, said David Branoff, Weight Watchers Director for the Plan," for members who have reached a temporary level on their Lansing area. He said he thinks the increased youth response is because young people are more aware of weight problems and of way to goal weight and want to go beyond that level. By Lollipop. the power within themselves to change. "People are losing weight beautifully on the new program," he Tired off your S-M-L '20 said. "I think it's something people have been wanting for a long time. It allows a greater range of food for people and greater flexibility. People don't feel as deprived of certain foods and own cooking? Does your bank? guilty." The program change has brought more people into the Lansing Boll's has Weight Watchers, too, Branoff said. great pizza 0 "People are always interested in change, especially when it comes to losing weight," he said. "When you can make it eaaier for grinders a person to lose weight and adapt it to their lifestyle, it will please them. I think it's brought in people who originally thought it was too strict. Now they feel they can handle it. The new eating plan was developed by nutritionists at the Food 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 1135E.Gd. River ^Bottoms (T!p Research Development Department of Weight Watchers, after 332-0553 University Mall - 2nd Level consultation with Weight Watchers directors throughout the Open from 11:00 a.m. country, to determine how the changes would strengthen the members and enable them to lose weight more easily. [free Deliveries H The growing body of scientific knowledge about nutrition is a chief reason for Weight Watchers adopting the view that the overweight no longer have to be confined to a highly rigid eating '5% Interest is paid daily NEED CASH FOR FLORIDA, NEXT TERM'S and compounded quarterly Annual yield is 5.09% Business Majors BOOKS, OR ANY OTHER REASON? VOTE Michigan National Bank VEURINK, Steven Veurink ASMSU Representative for CAMPUS BOOK STORE FOR THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN. AND while you're there, check out these specials: ★ Sunglasses - All 10% OFF (sale ends 3-19-77) JJainlNW j SWi ★ Old Time Schitz Beer Crates Great - for books, records, or moving your DiscotlW | things. J This Amos Only Multi-Media sl.00 each J 2843 E. Gd River, E Lans 351-120' J (Hurry - only 100 left!) 'joy Tour Weekend at the Rainbow R<"' j ★ Read Something Enjoyable During MARATHON Spring Break! HOUSE PARTY FRIOAr C SATUROW ALL GENERAL INTEREST PAPERBACKS Br er Special til 8:00 Daman, at 8:30 Both Nites AAU TRAINING SHOE 10% OFF Strong, yet lightweight nylon.and suede leather upper SUNDAY with smooth leather stripes and overlay eyestays (textbooks, special orders excluded — sale ends 3-19-77) ROCK N ROU BfCR BLAST Jogger sole with draft back. Spi nal Prices on Comfort-padded collar and tongue. Cushioned arch insole for best support. SPECIAL Remember, for TOP DOLLAR and Pitchers 8 Mixed Drink' Men's sizes in royol blue, green red. Women's sizes in blue only. and ONLY I GREAT IDEAS VISIT •16." d Spct.nl EvecyN,eoMheWeev SHOIS'N'STUFF 217 E. Grand River CAMPUS BOOK STORE 337.0244 507 E. Grand River Across from Berkey Hall ALEX HALEY TELLS THE STORY OL HIS SEARCH FOR ROOTS October 31,197o: ROOTS be Ciime the number cine best-seller (over I 000,000 hardbound copies sold within 20 weeks ol publication). Itisdill number one. 4 January28,ROOTS became the most - watched television broadcastot all time 030,000,000 viewers in 8 niphts1 Within 21 da\'s: Sec1 and hear a uniijiielv lascinatinp double album package, created Alex Ha lev, that will make record i up histoi Alex Haley says: I haw tried to > mate an allium aer and viewer ot ROOIS. I hope it will find a permanent ilace in even' heart and home1 in America to be looked at and listened to apam and apain. Luc UHir orUc'i el ' 1 2 Michigan Stole News. Eost Lonsing. Michigon FridaV. March l, , South African foresees freedom soon "Before I had landed in London, thousands of my people had been By ROXANNE L.BROWN According to Rumusi, the single factor responsible for black State News Stall Writer Africans winning the struggle is their determination to ijie for killed, both inside and out of jail," Rumusi said. Rumusi stated that the South African government has been very Collins Rumusi, a former official of the South African freedom. "When we decided to stop talking and offer our lives, that is what successful in "playing tough." "homeland," Lebowa, said here Wednesday night, that freedom for blacks in South Africa will come quickly, with or without the will make us free in less than 12 months," he said. He said the only thing close to relentment of power by the South understand the fear of being thrown out 5"?1US1 »>id. "But i|j assistance of outsiders. Rumusi has lived in exile in the United States for the past nine African government has been the passage of the Transkei Act. Of He referred to Walter Cronkite as 2 r.u countrf" ** "I am looking towards a day very soon when the majority of South months. A resident of Soweto, he practiced law there for 13 years. When he learned that the South African government had branded the eight "homelands." one. "independence" by the government. Transkei has been granted United State,' new, suppress information. mediawho ^^'^^.y 10 reveal nth,, fl Africa shall rule themselves and share their blessings through trials and tribulations," Rumusi said emphatically. him "an impossible creature to have around the system," he left the With this independence, according to Rumusi, comes a loss of ^Cronkite Minuter Foster denied was in a an interview by Sm.t, L Rumusi predicted freedom in the near future for the remaining country the day before militant uprisings began in Soweto. South African citizenship. attack, on white South recent visit to the eon ? friu" ftiJ "This isoutlawingapeople,"Rumusi declared. "They say you are African rule three oppressed areas of Africa. He said Zimbabwe's (Rhodesia) freedom struggle will be won in a matter of weeks, Namibia independent: independent to live, die and suffer on the 'home¬ lands.' " expenence, to the masse, upon returning Eft**! (Southwest Africa) will be free in a few months and Azania (South Africa), will gain independence in 12 months. The South African government, Rumusi said, is urging the "The bantustans (areas designated for blacks), will disappear and remaining "homelands" to seek this form of "independence" that can be granted by calling a telephone number. SPEEDa in their place we will have majority rule," Rumusi said happily. The 53-year-old activist admits that the mark oppressive white The soft-spoken and articulate Rumusi, said that now that Henry rule has left on his people will be hard to erase after the change to Kissinger was out of his post, Cyrus Vance and Andrew Young had majority rule. In Rumusi's estimation disarming South African given his people reason to believe there is hope concerning the blacks, not allowing them to be militarily trained, was the worst United States' support of blacks in South Africa. Swlmsuits ^ possible act imposed on his people. However, Rumusi feels that one statement made by President "However," Rumusi continued, leaning forward, disclosing his Jimmy Carter and Young is in need of clarification. "Leaving the fate of blacks to the corporations of South Africa is a message in a whisper, "people (blacks) are leaving Azania right now and receive military training elsewhere in Africa." An equally disturbing factor that Rumusi said will have a bad statement coming from Young and Carter," Rumusi said. He added that the United States' handling of the embargo on available long-term effect on blacks long after majority rule is established, is Rhodesian chrome, however, has given him reason to trust this the inhuman living conditions imposed on the people. He said the separation of husbands and wives, the creation of country's intentions. at ghetto life, the restriction of the people's movement, cheap education and all of the oppressive restrictions imposed on blacks will have long-term effects on the countries recovering from oppression. The Spaghetti Tree Zaire claims forces battling is the place to be! (continued from page 1) Stanleyville, now Kisangani. The decor is charming; the Despite numerous political Tshombe stood off U.N. atmosphere, unique. You'll find it a SHOP upheavals since it gained inde¬ troops for 30 months before fun place to come for our pre-game pendence in 1960, Zaire is one capitulating in January 1963 brunch ... lunch, or snacks; and a of the wealthiest nations in after U.N. troops routed his black Africa with copper and great place for after game, after movie, white-led forces. After a brief after theatre or after any thing. We have 213 E. Grand River other great natural and hydro¬ period in exile, he returned and electric resources. It is also one was named premier of the an excellent new menu featuring pizza 35I-21Q0| of Africa's largest countries, Congo in 1964. He waged a and more than three times the size successful war against Com¬ of Texas. munist-backed guerillas but Collins Rumusi Meridian Mall 349-3531 lost a political battle with An explosion of tribal and factional clashes followed inde¬ then-President vubu. Joseph Kasa- MARCH m pendence on July 11, 1960, U.N. troops withdrew from and led to intervention by United Nations troops later Zaire in 1964, but political DOWNSALEC «as that year. The next five years struggles continued and in Nov¬ Giant savings on ember 1965 army commander witnessed the overthrow and Mobutu dissolved the civilian all jackets. death of radical nationalist Prime Minister Patrice Lu¬ mumba and the gradual col¬ government and seized power. In 1967, Tshombe was en- Rag. *90.00 60-40 2nd Birthday Celebration I KTION VB1 Smooth shall 100% lapse of separatist regimes route to Spain when his plane Plenty of free parking. >n» benefits was hijacked by a French Down Parka with In celebration of our 2nd year in E. lonsing ion Air Nat established by Tshombe in Ka¬ tanga and Antoine Gizenga in adventurer who brought him hood. Now *39.95 37M752 we are happy to announce Mr Bs 2nd 17 489-5169 i to Algeria- 220 S. Howard, between Mich. Ave. Birthday Sale. A Kalamazoo, adjacent expressway- Hours: Mon. Thurs. 11 a.m. 11 - - = LAST 1NI4HTS! DUKITUMATOI Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. / \ YOU are invited to participate in Mr. Bs Birthday Celebration Sale starting Morch and ilia Oi||4| Sun 12 p.m. - 11 p.m. MfcO lPlh-iah. Many scpe priced items to select ALL STR FROGS from. Enter Mr. B's Birthday Give-a-woy Coaisg Moil. Bryan Ul Returns! Spaghetti Tree below. Drowing on March 19th. Winner need not be present to win. CLIP THIS AND BRING TO Mr. B's Birthday Give-a-way Entry Blonk ALL DEGREE CANDIDATES AND Shop at Mr. B's first... or you'll PAY the difference FACULTY S 529 E. Grand River Moil, Tues., Sat, 10-6 Academic apparel may be picked in Room 445 Union Building. up Wed., Thurs,, Fri., 10-9 Sun. 125 Today all candidates whose last names (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) begin with A—H Noon to 3 pm. All others 3-5:30 pm I ws. 3 JSJ U I I I FREE Buy any Medium At the regular price \ Get Identical "p. ILL** PIH* | I FREE w Little Caesars PM. I laoa!.®*8'*"! $3/per hour [ 1 Oakland HOIST, TOOLS & cedar I m 337-I631 DISCOUNT M@bil I PARTS For Further Information Opan Until 11 p.m. '| Call 484-2308 F (Good Only Flnol. Week) _ (DELIVERY AVAILABLE),,, I" FREE! Buy any MediuIdentical At the regular ALr—. Get m \\LV» price Pf^' | «© FREE I IX Pal little Cacsjis noss.«**Si ■ 44V a |0* ! Michigan State New», East Lansing, Michinnn Friday, March 11, 1977 13 RIVER TRANSFORMED TO WISHING WELL DPS retrieves coin box stash By DEBBIE WOLFE the river to check on the the water rescue team, come the stadium to fill sand State News Stall Writer bags to $114.58 in it and that included a material which was thrown into out to survey the situation to for Though panning for gold has the water. use blocking the river and penny and some coins we had been out of date for help locate the second box," slowing the water down enough picked up from the river bottom nearly 128 A spokesperson for the DPS Burns said. "After looking at to recover the rest of the years, area police officers re¬ because one of the boxes had a termed the incident 'The the white water in the area, vived the old gold fever last Big money. hole in it." Water Caper." Ellis decided it was too rough "After we dammed a week when they waded into the portion Robert Elwyn McDonald of "Several officers waded out for the use of a magnet and of the river up, we found the Red Cedar River hunting for into the river with firemen's Ypsilanti was arrested and suggested that we build a dam." second box wedged between hidden quarters. boots on and located several Burns and Ellis then went to charged with breaking and some rocks," Burns said. About 4 a.m. March 2 the "Ithad entering into a coin box. coins, mostly quarters," said Department of Public Safety Burns. "At about 4:40 a.m. the (DPS) received a phone call department called me at home tipping them off to a man working on a gate-arm coin box and I came into campus with my waders. While it was still dark UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS in P Lot near the Livestock out, Quinn found one of two coin Available For Spring Term Judging Pavilion, said Detec¬ boxes which had been inside the tive Bernie Burns of the DPS. gate arm machinery before it "The DPS had a general description of a suspect, and was broken into." The first coin box had $188 of Convenient inexpensive four officers spotted a man nickels, dimes and quarters in matching that description when Alt Utilities they arrived on the scene," he it. "About 10 a.m. we called the Including Phone said. "The man ran from the ,22. en Luplow appeared in East Lansing District Court March 8 Jis preliminary exam but was remanded back to the Ingham (ME Authentic Italian Sandwiches & Dinners SPECIALS Ely Jail by Judge Daniel L. Tschirhart, who postponed the ■edings while Luplow's representatives seek legal council. GOING HOME FOR SPRING RREAK? cimt natiaa beet ssmiwich with Pepperonclnl Peppers qq le Luplow, Steven's father, said in court March 8 he had .WW _ to George Thick, a Saginaw lawyer, in connection with the DON'T FORGET the Olde World in | but said the lawyer had not yet agreed to act as Steven LASAGNE DINNER r's council. West Bloomfield. with tossed salad and garlic bread '1.59 leryl Luplow was a freshman at MSU majoring in psychology. ☆ Same great food & drink Mon. -Thurs.: 11 a.m. .9 p.m. Frl. ■ Sat. 11 a.m. • 11 p.m. Sunday: 12 noon ■ 11 p.m. ☆ Entertainment ASMSU nightly Book FRI & SAT Phil Marcus Esser 1045 E. GRAND RIVER at GUNSON PH. 337-9549 Exchange is SIN THIR Sharon Archambeau - Coming! PONDEROSA HAPOY HOUR DAU.T 1-5 • Pitchers I mixed drinks '/> off SEAFOOD YOU COULDN'T GET A BETTER FRIDAY & SATURDAY • Drafts half price TODAY! CHILI 000160' DEAL FROM THE OCEAN. Live folk entertainment Now Ponderosa has seafood dinners with - prices to catch you. Tender nltelyatnlne. Filet of Sole (or an enticing S2 19. Plump golden-fried Shrimp and a sur¬ mmm prising combination ol Steak and Shrimp, each (or an irresistible S3 19 Special It only takes one bite to get hooked on Ponderosa seafood. r:y* ENJOY OUR SALAD BAK » There IS a difference!!! •MCAT LSAT 'DAT Prime Rib J1L1 •cmat .vat • GRE . OCAT . SAT SQUARE •NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS children under ■ DEAL 8 oz. cut '5.95 12...'3.93 • ECFMG .FLEX «' Flexible Programs and Hours 38 rears ol experience and success, Small classes. Voluminous 12 oz. cut '6.95 Choice of potato Steaming hot Ruuian Rye or veg. PONDEROSA '«study materials. Courses that are constantly updated. Centers 16 oz. cut '7.95 «« days and weekends all PLUS: OUR DELUXE SALAD BAR year. Complete tape facilities lor review EYEAT FRIDAY I SATURDAY NIGHT 5 p m to 11 W class lessons and for use ot supplementary materials. Make-ups lor pn 7«issed lessons at our centers. n LET PABLO CRUISE — ^ :lexible Programs and Houri . ■ Hills: I1 write to: 25(82 Orchard Loko Rd. 313/4768388 113/962-3149 sreciYi i sts'iinci°" ">(■■7, Farmington Hllli, Ml. 480 IB The Pretzel Bell 1020 Trowbridge, just off 1-496 SHOW YOU THE ROCKIN' GOOD LIFE! "■ ■Affiliated Centers in Major U. S. Citiesi A Place In The Sun LIBERTY BELL PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS Pablo Cruise is where the good times are. You've heard them on tour with The Doobies ... And now they've found their own "Place In I he Sun." With nine solid originals on a bright new album! THE MERLE HAGGARD SHOW WITH RONNIE RENO E the STRANGERS ALSO DAVES SUGAR WED, MARCH 23 7830 P.M. MSU PANORAMA LANSING CIVIC CENTER HOSTS - MIKE DOYLE and DOROTHY DOANE TICKETS: $5.00 & $6.00, Reserved SUN., MARCH 13 12$30 PM WJIM TV AVAILABLE BY MAIL ORDER TO: Les Scott, Jack Kinney on MSU Development Liberty Bell Box Office Liberty Bell Box Office, 506 W. Allegan St., Dr. John Baldwin - Dept. of Theatre Lansing, Michigan. (Please enclose check or Brian Muir with Student Report: Dept. of Theatre m°ney order with Self-addressed, stamped env.l MSU's Women's Day Program 1 4 Michigon Stote Newt. East Lansing. Michigan PHdoy, March 1,,,, Cable commission appears on TV By GEORGIA HANSHEW The caller asked whether Lansing residents would be able to SteteNewa Staff Writer receive the East Lansing city government channel when and if the Lansing channels. Comr"unity 2, In a unique move, the East Lansing Cable Commission two systems are interconnected, as proposed by Losing a Randy Van Dalaen, National Cable Wednesday night set aside one half hour of its regular meeting to Continental Cable Company and approved by Lansing City Council that the 100 and 200 blocks of Grand ren» appear on the very medium it oversees — cable TV. earlier this week. for cable service by the end of the River a tive- W^T' t . . The commission brought issues and questions concerning cable Commissioners replied that those details have not yet been month I* Name game gains in Capital television into the homes of those who turned into public access worked out, but that is what has been proposed. . to pull television feeder cables underground conduits. through g Zl?chl«M Bell Tt!;r channel ll's 'Talking Back Show" Wednesday night at 8:30. During its regular meeting, held in the lobby of the National Sen. Joseph Mack, D-lronwood, is rumored to have Commissioners dismissed briefly the Federal Communication Cable Company, the commission moved East Lansing one step The cable hook-up for """" '«■ these two blocks wiese iwo Blocks com., com- considerable power down Capitol way. He even calls himself Commission, wiring of the 100 and 200 blocks of Grand River closer to interconnection with Lansing's cable system by after the le company was scheduled to provide orovM. «m over "10'0 "Senator Mack" at time is another person in the room. ., making reporters wonder if there Avenue and the interconnection of Lansing and East Lansing cable approving the principle of interconnection. A specific recommendation of approval to City Council will be written at a special meeting scheduled for March 25, after entire city, 1973. city, according * to the franchi^^!*^.1* But Mack outdid himself this week. In a press release They stressed several times their willingness and ability to help issued Tuesday concerning his anti-land-use resolution, solve problems of cable TV viewers. commissioners have a chance to meet with representatives from Though the "Talking Back Show" is designed to allow viewers to National and Continental Cable companies. Mack identified himself as "Sen. Joseph Mack, D-Upper Peninsula." What comes next? "Sen. Joseph Mack, call in and ask questions, commissioners received only one phone If approved by council, the interconnection would allow Lansing call. D-industrialists, businessmen and coal miners?" Course schedule book State rep confuses observation College invasion When debate in the legislature gets heated, lawmakers errs in CPS 306 listing •end to forget even the basic differences in life. Paying close attention to a discussion on the Red Squad Wednesday, hits Florida ec Once again, an error in the Schedule of Courses and Academic Handbook has kept enrollments in a victimized class to a minimum. Acting Speaker Gary Owen, D-Ypsilanti, recognized a House FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) - Local officials are Computer science majors, take heart. CPS 306 is being offered in member absent-mindedly, saying, "Rep. Joyce Symons — preparing for what they hope will be one of the largest three sections, but not the duplicated ones listed in the schedule for what purpose does the gentleman rise? Ooops, lady," he influxes ever of college students visiting the Sunshine state book. corrected himself with a red face. during their spring vacation. Section one will meet Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from The traditional spring invasion by young tourists is starting 12:40 to 1:30 p.m. in B-102 Wells Hall and section two will meet earlier this year, apparently because of the severe winter Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3 to 3:50 p.m. in 110 Berkey weather in the North. Hall. Bad luck stalks lacrosse team "I've been looking forward to this for so long," said Nancy Schnake. 19, as she relaxed in a beachfront tavern. She said the temperature dipped to 15 degrees below zero Though it wasn't a mirror, some broken glass brought the on the campus of West Virginia University where she is a MSU men's lacrosse team some bad luck Monday at about student. 5:30 a.m. Lifeguards counted almost 30,000 people on the city's three It seems a group of people approached the northeast door miles of beach. And it was standing-room-only at most local of the Men's IM Building and found it locked. To gain entry bars. "We're already running way ahead of last year," said Ed they broke an $80 window. Toomey, owner of a local tavern. Officers from the Department of Public Safety surveyed the scene and found fresh footprints which led to the door but none leading away. The lacrosse team members were the only people in the building and though they would not admit to the crime, the team did agree to pay for the damages. Trudeau quotes Rhett's rebuttal MONTREAL (AP) — wife of Prime Minister Pierre "Frankly, my dear, I couldn't Elliott Trudeau. "What I • give a damn," was Margaret is nobody's business but my Trudeau's reply when asked about criticism by American fashion designers of the short *_he question came at a dress she wore to a formal fashlon show organized by ' White House dinner. Trudeau's Liberal party. "Look, I just don't care what the American designers thought," said the 28-year-old The Antiques, furniture, glassware, much more! Sat March 12 6:30 p ,m. Our Homemade Mexican Foods •Tacos • Bur rites Special Combination Plate $2.95 •Tamaloi challenge. This Is a cryptogram, a lorm of code language, where letters of the alphabet stand tor other letters ol the alphabet. For instance, the words A CAT in a cryptogram might be Q TQL; the O always standing lor A; the "T" lor Ci andthe L lor T Your challenge is to break the code ol the cryptogram below, and discover its hidden message. Bath Elementary School (just 8 mi. from campus) Garnett Case, auctioneer Appetizers) Nachos * 1.60 doz. Avocado Salad » 1.95 M BSIZT Mon.-Thurs. SPECIAL PLATE only $1.85 HUNDREDS 1 ENCHILADAS or 2 TACOS or 2 BUBBITOS ECI0 VJWNCJ0H OF with BICE or BEANS and ALBUMS yeer choice of coffee or soda MZ VWU0ISZD CIRF: 22 other selections available Ask for your free "KTRISWG LIZ LIKZMFT platter of TORTILLA CHIPS and DIP! Open everyday 9:30 a.m.-9:30 p. ZJ0T EIC ESCZDTC HTMCRD Fri. and Sat. 9:30 a.m.-3:30 a.m. IC RILHJGTCMZJIL, ISC W/ THIS AD AT Si SavH&neno. 751 N. Larch QJRZSMWH ATJLN 0SRD just north oi Saginaw before Oakland ' HVTLZ, THVTRJMWWU ' — Disc Shop ISCATTCT." POLITICAL SCIENCI LONDON HEW COURSE July 11 ■ August 18 (too new to be in the spring schedule of courses) IN RESPONSE TO MANY REQUESTS FOR A POLITICAL When there's a challenge, SCIENCE PROGRAM IN LONDON THIS SUMMER, THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE IS OFFERING PLS quality makes the difference. THE SCIENCE OF 349, 454, 490 We hope you have some fun with the (INDEPENDENT STUOV) FOR A TOTAL OF 8-12 CREDITS. PROFESSOR challenge. LIGHT Mill COLOR JOHN HUDZIK WILL BE PROGRAM DIRECTOR. There's another challenge we'd like to offer you, too. FOR NON-SCIENTISTS CLASSES WILL The Pabst challenge: MEET TWO DAYS A WEEK ON THE BEDFORD COLLEGE CAM¬ We welcome the chance to prove the quality of PUS, AND THERE WILL BE NUMEROUS FIELD TRIPS IN AND our beer. We challenge you to taste and compare Physics 203 (no pre-reqs) AROUND LONDON. FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE TO QUALI¬ Pabst Blue Ribbon to any other premium beer. You'll Spring - 4 credits (4-0) FIED STUDENTS. FOR MORE like Pabst better. Blue Ribbon quality means the best MTuWTh 9:10a.m. INFORMATION CONTACT: Prof. T. Harvey Edwards tasting beer you can get. Since 1844 it always has. for PHONE: 355-9665 OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY 108 INTERNATIONAL CENTER PROFESSOR JOHN HUDZIK 8 BAKER HALL PABST Since 1844.The quality has always come through- more information 353-8920 353-8603 5=] I Mithiaon State News, East Loosing, Michigan Friday, March 11, 1977 15 0X0 Prudden paces MSU cagers By NANCY JO HALE 1974 under the State Newa Staff Writer coaching of Micki Baile and later, Dominic Marino. Your season games don't really count," she said. "It's the - Coach Karen Langeland makes use of Prudden's I Prudden said she'd give up books before she'd give up her center and forward, and as a versatility as defensive and offensive player, tournaments that matter. Everyone wants to go to the nationals, "on MSU's women's basketball team, but she still manages to too. It's what you work for all Prudden said. year." But Prudden, who besides tjin a 3.0 average. I can play a good offensive sports, likes to travel, already has ■udJen, the Spartans' 5-foot-lO, 143-pound leading rebounder game when the team needs my plans made in case the team doesn't make it. points," Prudden said. "Or a good defensive game like with Illinois "I'll go down to Tennessee to see a best friend," she said. "I 1179, squeezes in studying time when she'd rather be doing State, which is a tough team." was a %hing else. lifeguard at a country club down there this summer. I loved it, and Langeland also makes it easy for her to stick with the team even didn't want to come back. Jou're so tired after a game," Prudden said, "and you want to go when competition and studying. practice take away from her social life and But a full scholarship and credits to go beyond her junior status in |and rest but you know you can't." physical education, coaxed her back. Xidden has been playing basketball on a team since her senior I wouldn't play if I didn't have a good time," she said. "And if you She hopes to eventually coach and teach at a high school or junior ■at Adams High School in Rochester, Mich. But even before she need improvement and have a coach who can take you there, it's high when she graduates. She even .has visions of coaching at a worthwhile." Relive in leagues in Chicago where she lived before 1974. Prudden said her own weak point is her college level, but that would require something she doesn't want to do after graduation. ly older brother and 1 used to shoot a lot of baskets together " inconsistency. Her shooting percentage is .383 on the season, reflecting that "Before graduate school, which I'd need to coach at the laid. "He's pretty good." statement. college Bidden Has played with the Spartans since her freshman year in level, I think I should get out and teach," she said. "Then I can find "I'm definitely not at my peak." she said. "And since last year I've out if I really like doing what I think I want to do." improved my ball handling, shooting, mental alertness and ability Prudden said she thinks just being out of school will be to help others on the team." nice, giving her a chance to do a lot she has missed while being an active Prudden hopes MSU works together well at the student and athlete. regionals, which began Thursday at Purdue. "There's a lot I want to see and do before 1 settle down into one There will be good competition at the place with one person," she said. regionals," she said. GEOFF ETNYRE People know the teams didn't get there by a freak accident but by The Spartans' season ends after the regionals and/or nationals. being good enough to win their state tournaments," And Prudden said that will allow her one important thing. Winning that tournament, in which MSU is seeded third behind "It's been a long time since I have just relaxed," she said. Ohio State and Lacrosse of Wisconsin, who won it last "My year, means a friends keep asking me, 'When lot to Prudden and MSU. are you going to be fun, Jill?' And I keep saying, 'Next term.' " MSU needs SPARTANS ENTER THREE Jim Bibbs Cobo hosts NCAA track Slate News/linda Bray MSU's Jill Prudden, 54, bangs home a rebound jGot something bothering me. during action earlier this season against Illinois State. Prudden and the Spartans are presently in Wt happens every time I have to write "acting head coach" ;n mentioning Jim Bibbs. By GEOFFETNYRE sub-four-minute milers should be there. But the way he's running regional competition at Purdue. is named acting head coach back in State News Sports Writer August 1975 to The right now, he's got a good chance to place. ed" the retiring Fran Dietrich. It's going on two years Spartan men's track team will take a small but potent and the situation remains the same, contingent into the NCAA indoor track and field championships "He had a super three-quarters last month and that fine mile at Gymnasts focus athletic department has two choices. Either name Friday and Saturday at Detroit's Cobo Hall. the Big Ten. He still hasn't reached his le potential yet," Bibbs said. is head coach and dispense with the For Smith it could be another point along the meteoric rise that ' acting, or name The new breed ushers out the old as freshman sprinter Randy has already produced a Big Ten champion and victories in 19 out of ody else. The choice should be obvious, but for those Smith and senior distance pals Herb Lindsay and Stan Mavis all rate a bit fuzzy a little 20 races so far this year. background may help, strong scoring possibilities. outstanding trackman at Ecorse High School on Big Ten foes was an His best of 6.1 seconds in the "We think all have a chance at scoring high and winning," acting 60-yard dash matches the NCAA lere he long-jumped and sprinted. At Eastern Michigan head coach Jim Bibbs said. standard, but Bibbs feels his chances are a bit better than that diversity Bibbs was the Illinois Intercollegiate Athletic "You might indicate. :e champion in the 100- and 220-yard dashes three can tell anybody that if we come back with an NCAA "Randy will be up there with Harvey Glance and company," Bibbs By JOHN SINGLER floor e ITS running. He was an All-American in 1951 when he ran a champion I'll swim the Detroit River. . . backwards. And just said. Glance has a couple of hand-timed 5.9s to his credit but as far SUte News Sports Writer I second 60-yard dash. between you and me, I can't swim. They'll have to get Montgomery Northern Michigan. as I can tell, Randy has the fastest electronic time (6.17)." Not all of March's tourna¬ Freshman Charlie Jenkins is later got a masters or somebody to fish me out," he said. degree in education from Wayne ment hoopla is confined to will offer capable support in the Lindsay. Mavis and Smith will be doing their best to see that Electronic times are approximately two-tenths of a second slower ite University and returned to Ecorse High School in 1964 basketball, as the MSU men's Ithe school's track coach. Bibbs takes his prophetic plunge. than hand times. event, nailing a high score of ibs' team finished fourth in the Class B state meet in his gymnastics team travels to 8.40. Jenkins' biggest contribu¬ "Glance will • - Lindsay's 13:16.4 three-mile best is well below the 13:40" probably be the favorite because he's known, but Minneapolis, Minn., this week¬ tion will probably come in the ir. The next year Ecorse was third, then second and in anybody who makes the finals could win it," Smith said. "I'm not qualifying standard and puts him at the top of the field. end for the 76th Big Ten vault, where he is averaging in the state title. "I don't think there's going to be too many under 13:20," Lindsay really thinking about my time, I'm just going to concentrate on Championships. 8.35 for nine meets and has ■ of 1967 Bibbs coached the U.S. Pan predicted. "I know there are two runners from Washington State, winning." The first of four sessions tallied a high score of 8.80, also ;n's team to eight victories in 11 events. Kenyans, imports so-to-speak, who are supposed to be there. They Glance won a bronze medal in the 200-meter dash at the begins today at 10 a.m. and against Northern Michigan. |n 1968 he was the Michigan high school coach of the year both have been under 13:16. Montreal Olympics. finals are slated for 3 Saturday Dan Miller, another fresh¬ n 1974 he was inducted into the Michigan Amateur "I've been told that Craig Virgin might run the three-mile. He's afternoon. man, has a team-high 9.25 in the ts Hall of Fame, A fourth Spartan deciding between that and the two-mile. I'm hoping he does enter entry, the distance medley team, will be Head coach George Szypula vault and is averaging slightly le job of acting, Jimmy. the three-mile because that would little extra incentive for scratched because of conflicts with individual events. Mavis mean a and said he thought that the Spar¬ more than 8.35 in eight meets. s began coaching at MSU as an assistant in 1968, Lindsay usually run the last two legs of the relay. tans' strongest representation The two MSU newcomers are binning what might be called the first era of Jim Bibbs at Virgin had the three-mile all to himself at the Big Ten indoor "Herb helped us out last week running the mile and two-mile in would be in the floor exercise, among those who will try and meet as Lindsay doubled in the mile and two-mile. vault and all-arounder Jeff the Big Ten," Bibbs said. "It just wouldn't be fair to make him run make life miserable for the pack It produced world record holders Herb Washington and Mavis is coming off the best race of his career at the Big Ten meet two separate miles in the relay plus his three-mile race." Rudolph. of defending champions and phall Dill and gave the Spartans a track pride that still where his 4:02.41 mile bettered the NCAA mark by almost four The Al Burchi, 5-foot-ll, 157- seasoned veterans that seconds. early session Friday begins at 10:30 a.m. and the evening pounder, has posted the highest dominates the field. lie next era of Jim Bibbs is now beginning, and it is only "Stan will find the going tough since three four session at 6:30 p.m. Saturday's starts at 1:35 p.m. or program Spartan score of the season in The Spartans boast their own Jing that sprinters will again characterize the period, such character in Jeff Rudolph. ■teshman Randy Smith has already proven himself worthy The all-around ace was ham¬ ■he term "world class sprinter," and freshman Rick Flowers pered by a wrist injury last Finley to sell Blue st be far behind, to Texas? season and could do no better rs has been hampered by injuries this winter but has than 12th in the Big Ten >n great potential in the 440-yard dash and will soon give Ail-Around. The New York ih all he can handle in the indoor 300. Outdoors the pair junior has set sights on third, or I be battling in the 100 and 200 meters, is wrong. higher, which would send him By MILTON RICHMAN team That $400,000 be paid with the best short pesides Ite last Smith and Flowers, the top two sprinters in the UPI Sports Editor they paid Finley for reliever Rather remarkable how stops in the majors, adding, "It Third segment of "The Way to the nationals in Tempe, year, Bibbs landed Robb Cummings, the State class NEW YORK(UPI) - Latest Paul Lindblad is going to hold Ariz., the first weekend of Bucky Dent's agent, Nick Buon- looks as though the White Sox It Was." a nostalgic TV series Jhardle ion champion. He also had the class A pole vault one kicking around the baseball the Rangers awhile. They have iconti, former middle line¬ can't afford Bucky." of memorable happenings in April. convinced MSU was the place for him when the no intention of giving Finley backer for the Miami Dolphins, Rudolph is averaging a little 's mother decided it was camps is that Charlie Finley is Buoniconti may be much sports, is due to be shown this U-M. about to defy Bowie Kuhn again what he's asking for Blue — but made the transition from foot¬ closer to the truth than he more than 50.00 in nine meets, i a dual meet with Indiana, freshmen scored 30'/« of the Sunday evening with Joe Di- with and sell the Texas Rangers Montreal will. The Expos will ball to baseball so quickly. suspects. White Sox and In¬ a season-high 52.40 '3 points, showing the strength of Bibbs' first Maggio offering his version of another one of his left-handers, even throw in a second-line Negotiating for Dent, who got dians both are having serious Ernie Lombardi's famous against Northern. baiting year. Vida Blue, for $2.5 million. player or two, and what will the $60,000 last year and wants financial problems. Braves and In addition to Burchi, three "snooze" at home plate in the Jben Ithetalk to Jim Bibbs about his recruits, he constantly es Commissioner call that, a trade $450,000 over the next three, Twins aren't that far behind, 1939 World Series between the seniors will be performing in type of individuals the young men are. "Great The price is right but the or a sale? Buoniconti said his client should and Finley is in the same boat. Yankees and Reds. DiMaggio what would be MSU career Blade" and "coachable kids" are mentioned frequently. That's the reason he's trying to was one of two Yankee players finales, barring qualification for Phen I see Randy Smith racing toward the finish of the sell his players. Ultimately, who scored as the Cincinnati the nationals. f relay to see if the Spartans I get some idea of what ■ »n spirit really is all about. Bibbs, MSU needs you. won, Tiant balks at Red Sox offer, he'll probably sell the A's, but he still wants to go to the mat a catcher supposedly lay napping only a foot or so from home Brian Murphy has a season- high 8.75 vault, against Eastern few more times with Kuhn. Michigan; Dennis Yee has a like plate, but in reality, poor Lorn Finley enjoys that almost as wasn't sleeping, he was hurt¬ score on the still rings, against threatens to sit out '77 season much games. as he does winning ball ing, though he never used that as an alibi after the game. Northern; and Joe Shepherd is, in Szypula's words, "looking good" entering the weekend's By KEN ROSENBERG ing around like I kid," "I just talked this morning to One of the first things Willis competition. 3f divers take off UPI Sports Writer Some people attribute the said Tiant, a disgusted and coming home. was a Cuban native. "I'm my way wife and she feels the I do." same Reed did after being named the Knicks' new coach was give Bernie Bierman, the University of Minnesota foot¬ ball coach who died Tuesday, late Shepherd has managed 8.80 high bar routine, against an Boston Red Sox' collapse last former teammate Walt Frazier was one of those rare old-timers Northern. fter NCAA titles year to the disharmony caused by the holdouts of Fred Lynn, Carlton Fisk and Rick Burleson. Wisconsin first foe a vote of confidence and sounded to me like the same kind of vote a guy is given it who saw some aspects of the game as being better today than they were in his day. But The Spartans last won the meet in 1968 and Minnesota is the defending champ this time. Others point to the ineffective¬ before they trade him. Com¬ he said he never saw a team ■' stellar crew of divers will get a chance to pick up where ness of the bullpen corps. menting whether Frazier on anywhere any better than his °" 'n the Big Ten meet when they dive in the NCAA has slowed up or not, Reed 1934 team, and I agree. i This year, should the Red for Bowlers hit . mect Cleveland State today and Saturday. Sox fail to challenge the women netters conceded he may have step or so, then defended lost a Tom Seaver's Nurgering, Jesse Griffin, Marc Stiner and Kevin Machemer Yankees for supremacy in the Frazier by saying he was "still ment on capsule com¬ major league salaries: jropete on both ( wll dive the one-meter event. the one- and three-meter boards while Greg American League East, the reason might well be found in MSU's women's tennis team kicks off its spring season in the Ian; r resumaii audi Ross, better than 80 or maybe 90 per cent of the guards in the "No matter how much he's nationwide who had a 5-2 match record in making, every individual wants Mexico. That's jRroup will be vying for 10 places on the one-meter and 11 on where Luis Saturday with a match against the No. 1 singles position in league." To me, that sounds as to be paid what he feels he's T^meter I" Cleveland boards, that will qualify for the NCAA national State March 24 through 26. Tiant, a 21-game winner last year, has vowed to move with the University of Wisconsin at the fall; Diane Selke, sopho¬ if Walt Frazier may be moving worth." Does Seaver think fans tournament 11 a.m. at the Lansing Tennis more, who won seven matches his family if the Red Sox generally understand that? Club in Okemos. without a loss in the No. 5 and 6 1^rsSkins *ho and Mike Rado are the only individual Spartan continue to refuse to meet his singles positions; Jeannie Wayne Pinkerton, 24-year- "Some do, some don't," he says. Willie Mays takes issue with The MSU Bowling Team has have qualified for the NCAA meet. contract demands. Coming back after sitting out a qualified for the second round during the fall season to con¬ Vogel, sophomore, who saw old nonroster shortstop Frank Lane on the subject of of competition in the nation¬ fIs entered in the 200-yard individual medley with Elkins At issue is the length of centrate on academics is the limited action in the fall but from Hollendale, Miss., was Rick Monday's strikeouts. Cit¬ wide tournament sponsored by F* the butterfly and 200- and 500-yard freestyle events, Tiant's contract. He is current¬ won both her single appear¬ flagging down ground balls in ing Monday's $125,000 salary r Spartans' No. 1 singles player, college unions coast to coast. Je 400. and 800-yard freestyle relay teams will swim for rw John VandeBunte. Rado, Mark Outwater and Jim Dauw ly working on a multiyear pact, Debbie Mascarin. ances in singles and doubles the Texas Rangers' camp at and 125 strikeouts with the The team's next action will which expires at the end of this play- Pompano Beach, Fla., Wednes¬ Cubs last season, Lane points come the first weekend of "«'n the 400 yarder. season. Tiant, whose age is Joining her in the No. 1 Three freshmen from the fall doubles team is freshman Cindy day when Manager Frank Luc- out that came to $1,000 a April, in Toledo, Ohio. Squads listed as 36 but is suspected to squad, Jennifer Brielmaier, chesi came over to talk to him strikeout. Now that he's with from Michigan and Ohio will r'n8 and Stiner are given excellent chances of repeating as be closer to 40, wants a no-cut Bogdonas. Kelly Kruger and Katherine about the team's opening exhi¬ the Dodgers, Monday probably join the Spartans, with Ferris ^ns in the NCAA finals but coach Dick Fetters is not P * a particularly strong showing from MSU in the final extension through 1978. For Other returning players are: Repper, will not be competing bition game. "You're starting will get $250,000, and that State likely to offer MSU the obvious reasons, the Red Sox Mary Hicks, sophomore, who for the team this spring. against the Yankees Friday." means he was raised to $2,000 a biggest challenge. are balking. last fall had a perfect 2-0 record The Spartans' next compete "For real?" the rookie asked, strikeout. Lane says. "What The winner of the Toledo lbl6 meet is the Big Ten championship and until we move up a "1 wanted a three-year con¬ in the No. 2 singles position; tion will be at 8 p.m. April 1 his eyes aglow. "Gee I gotta call does it matter how many times tournament will advance to the T 0,n the swimming world, it's not practical for us to even tract: then I came down to two Marjorie Kruger, who moved against Northwestern at the my high school coach tonight Monday strikes out?" asks national finals, in San Antonio, Roing for the NCAA team title," Fetters said. and now they are still monkey¬ up to the No. 2 singles position Lansing Tennis Club. and tell him." Mays. Tex., the first week of May. ] £ Michigon Stote News, East Lonsing, Michigan Frido,'V. March r Seafarer mail piles up By JOANNA FIRESTONE LANSING (UPI)-Gov. William G. Milliken has received more than 1,200 letters from Upper Penin¬ staff, said all letters would be acknowledged swered. and Berg said some letters were form-type, but many were individually written. The governor will read a an¬ Milliken's executive staff. Elaine Myers of Iron River, in Lansing Thurs¬ day, said the blitz was part of a campaign among U.P residents to convince Mil¬ liken prearranged schedules. In Iron River, she said, booths were set up on city streets to enroll partici¬ pants in the letter-writing campaign, while bake sales and other events held Student FM? sula residents protesting nothing further is were sampling of the letters and needed regarding Seafarer to pay for postage. the U.S. Navy's proposed may answer some himself. except his veto. Milliken plans a three- Project Seafarer. Most, however, will be Myers said residents day blitz of the U.P. next The letter-writing blitz, answered by a member of phoned the governor on THE TIME IS NOW... primarily from residents of Iron County, is aimed at convincing Milliken to veto Seafarer — a massive derground communications network that would link un¬ Riegle, Carr send letter to Brown, American nuclear subma rines at sea. The letters began pour¬ urge consideration of alternatives Term You must vote "Yes" for the FM Referendum on the ASMSU Ballot at Spring ing into Milliken's office Registration if you want totally non-commercial student oriented FM U.S. Sen. Donald Riegle, D-Michigan, and low frequency) communications system has Radio Wednesday, along with a a number of operational problems which M.S.U. The MSU Board of Trustees may not accept the outcome of scattering of telephone Rep. Bob Carr, D-East Lansing, have joined a vote with a low forces in a letter to Secretary of Defense may not have been brought to your calls. attention." turnout. A NO VOTE WILL PUT AN END TO CURRENT PLANS FOR Fourteen persons Harold Brown urging Brown to consider Brown had indicated to the House Armed IMPROVED alternatives to Michigan's Upper Peninsu¬ SERVICE BY THE MICHIGAN STATE RADIO NETWORK phoned the governor's of¬ Services Committee, of which Carr is a THROUGH AN FM la in locating the communications Project fice, but only one actually STATION. Seafarer. member, that he was not aware of some of got through to the chief Seafarer's deficiencies. executive himself. Both men recently participated in a The letter noted two main problems: the An FM station would provide static-free student oriented programming to all stu The other calls were classified briefing with the Navy. vulnerability of the project's frequency dents in the MSU handled by Willaim Rus- In the letter, Carr and Riegle pointed out transmitter to attack and destruction in community. A wide variety of programs, features, and news relevant tem. an adviser to the what they felt were technological deficien¬ wartime: and the low rate at which to MSU students which is now not available would be. The student FM station governor on environmental cies of the antenna-grid project. Seafarer could transmit information. would be "Setting aside its political and environ¬ Carr and Riegle urged Brown to explore completely free of commercial interruption. Robert Berg, head of mental problems," the lawmakers wrote, "it possibilities of other systems that would not Milliken's public relations To continue to fully serve the needs of the Michigan State student appears that the Seafarer ELF (extremely have the Seafarer problems. community the Michigan State Radio Network feels an FM station is crucial, and that this matter cannot be put off any longer. The time is now for a student FM station at MSU. Marshall bases business at MSU VOTE YES FOR FM. I continued from page 1) with a professor, but as I Messersmith. that we have to turn down." understand it he used it for ALL YOU CAN IAI According to Marshall, he Either Charlie Beach, a filming an athlete." charges $15,000 for successful FISH A CHIPS ASMSU SPRING ELECTION BALLOT friend of Marshall's or Marshall According to the pay scale treatment to an athlete on a himself have used expensive Marshall says he uses he has team and $7,500 to an un¬ This is Side Three earned an estimated 567.500 affiliated individual. The Stvi-ilish Pantry camera equipment capable of taking 500 frames per second from at the least five athletes from MSU, according to Mikles. that have publicly admitted to o PROPOSALS TO AMEND THE ASMSU CONSTITUTION "I'm sure that one of the two being treated. The five are OPEN used the camera," he said. "We f Vote Yes or Mo on each Proposition by marking the appropriate box. Sipe, fellow NFL quarterbacks hate to do it for anything that Fran Tarkenton and Bill Kil¬ Mon.-Th. 11:30a.m.-11 p.m isn't educational," Mikles said. mer, tennis pro Stan Smith and Frl. 10a.m.-II p.m. "I think he made arrangements Atlanta Braves pitcher Andy Sat.-Sun. Noon-llp.m. PROPOSITION A Also pinboli, air hockey, TV te Shall Article II, Section 4, Subsection A, number 5 be amended to read as follows: The President ol ASI Student Board shall serve without a vole in all cases, except to break a tie that is a result ol the Board Membo UNION BILLIARDS only the Board Members' vote exclusive of the Board President's vote. A lie, as defined above, is the only ti President may cast his vote. This section supercedes Revised. Should ihe Board President be elected from the current any reference to Presidential voting in Rolen's Rules oi voliny membership he must immediatelyrcsi office. Expk.nr.tion: This section currently reeds as follows: The B::ard President shall serve without a vote, excepts rase cf a tie. and should they be elected from the current voting memnership most immediately resign thai office: WIN A JOBRHiY PROPOSITION B Shall Article II, Section 2.A.2. be amended to read as follows: Either the Chief Executive Officers, or their perm; TO DAYTONA BEACH representatives, of the following associations: Off Campus, Cooperatives, Residence Halls, Fraternities ^ Sororities. OVER SPRING BREAK Explanation: This section currently reads as follows: The chief executive Campus, Cooperatives, Residence Ha'ls, Fraternities and Sororities. officers of the following associations,!] PROPOSITION C Y" JOURNEY. NEXT. Shall tho ASMSU constitution be amended to include Article I!, Section 4, Subsection D as follows: Any elected representative must be enrolled as an undergraduate, for at least one cldss credit, spiing, foil and winter lof officaj of the session they are elected to serve. Thetole exceptions shall be summer term, and breaks between terms 1 j person wens enrolled the fall, winter ot spring term immediately f.-ior they shall maintain student status. If a studer not enrolled at any time other than those times excepted, their seat shall be considered vacant, and will I Eecordaacswith Article II. PROPOSITION D — Advisory Referendum I do not suppoit the present strircture and/or selection process of.jhe State News Board of Directorsondves resolution, and that Rundgren leaving set out the Nazz, by the assassin hehui on a solo t is simply little integrity career and became ase of cohesion in the work a producer extraordinaire. "The Ballad of idered as a whole. Todd Rundgren" and "Runt" ie BoarsHead Theater saw Rundgren pursuing a solo ating, under the sensitive career which focused on slow in of Bob Miller, offers love ballads. e that there is real His double-disc "Something/ Irity in this play, and that Anything," from which his big Keright Williams' frequent hits "I Saw The Light" and the Anent that "Cat on a Hot old Nazz tune "Hello It's Me" ■Roof is his greatest ac- were introduced, collected crit¬ llishment to date may ical acclaim. |t further consideration, At this point, Rundgren principal roles of brought together old friend e, Brick, Big Daddy and "Moogy" Klingman, M. Frog Jama are in this produc- Labat I frankly, brilliantly (replaced by Roger con- Powell), Kevin Ellman (re¬ I and exquisitely ex- placed by "Willie" Wilcox), I. Kristie Thatcher's John Siegler and Ralph jie forces an audience into Schuckett to create the distinc¬ fealization that Thatcher is tive Utopia sound. The first ven more accomplished album was released in the fall of is than her fine perfor 1974. cs - and they are con- |ntly fine — in past seasons Rundgren alternated be¬ ie to believe. tween solo career ("A Wizard, A True Star," "Todd," "Initia- llbh'" aiicf "Faithful"),' producer lest accomplishment in a (Grand Funk, Badfinger, Hall Il Heald's Brick, by far his' mable career with the and Oates, Steve Hillage), en¬ sHead Players, is inspired, gineer (The Band), and leader r have the silences written of Utopia ("Another Live" and the role seemed to me the newly released "Ra"). eloquent and revealing of Utopia now consists of Bund that is real and true. gren on guitar and vocals, IIP STARTS TODAY CUNT EASTWOOD Feature at 7:29-9:20 Nbnt herself today, Sot.-Sun. at 1:20 - 3:25 - 5:25 - 7:25 - 9:25 THE EIGER SANCTION neither is her mother.- this morning IN 1946 THIS MAN KILLED FIVE PEOPLE GEORGE KENNEDY A JAY WESTON PRODUCTION OF AN ARTHUR HILIER FILM m THEY BECAME ■ -■ VONETTAMcGEE ■ JACK CASSIDY• A MALPASO COMPANY FILM ...TODAY HE STILL |"RLC.FIELDS AND ME",,,, ROO STEKER VALERIE PERMNE > EACH OTHER! Co-Storrhg.OHN MARLEY-JACKCASSOY i^tqBOB MERRILL T LURKS THE STREETS! Doted (he boot bq CARLOTTA MONTI wth CY RICE c>- 0-iqroi Uuvt Du HENRY MANCINI toted bq ARTHUR R| RESTRICTED^ | Deduced bq JAY WESTON • A UNIVERSAL PICTURE lugaSSS! HILLER TECHNICOLOR® RANA/ISON® jrol^RBWwattorn^ ; Frl. 100 EGR 7:30 ft 9:45 Frl. Conrad 7:30 & 9:45 ' Sat. Wilson 7:30 & 9:45 Sat. 100 EGR 7:30 & 9:45 ' Sun. Conrad 9:15 1.25 Sun. Wilson 7:00 1.25 Starring An AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL RE BEN JOHNSON Andrew prine dawn wells •«»M ENDS SOON! Tonight Open 7 P.M. Feature 7:30-9:35 . HARRIS; J** FOSTER mdJohnASTIN Sat. S Sun. 1:25 3:30 • 5:30 - 7:30 ■ 9:35 | ^laii'SaiHmna x^MARVIMU, ■ wsMLiR loves the ■ East Lansing Frl. I Mon. thru Thurv. Open 7:00 P.M. Feature of 7:10 - 9:30 - Sot. t Sun. Open 1:45 P.M. comedy hit ot the year. 2:00 -4:JS- 7:00 -9:25 /~CEORCi J*ME " SECtML FONDA RE OF INGMAR BERGMAN'S I hot tothebe confused with original FINEST FILMS!" —Judith Crist, Saturday Review ► "flash cordon" Sluing: IAS0N IIUIAHS, SWUM 111 IBS. I0SEFH HUQCINS. mil WILUAM HUM Fioductd by HOWUO EIEKII ! mBWIUIAM OSCO OnecM 1) HOWMO Ml tot MmtMISI! Assoctile pfoduat WALni R CKHT dmo DC UtftOmiS PRESENTS A tribute to American ingenuity ■ex»|8AIFHfifRAIQindPtIIIIfVIS IttjjMjKSHM nMtlWCOtM R -g- INGMAR BERGMAN'S T FUN WITH ^ Fri. Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 Fri. 106B Wells 8:00 Sat. Conrad 7:30 A 9:30 "FACE TO FACE" DICK AMD JrtvME Sot. 106B Wells 8:00 Sun. Wilson 9:00 1.50 Sun. Conrad 7:00 — Staffing — w«k[EDI^MAHON] LIVUttMANN Next I 6 Academy Award Nominations Students, Faculty and Staff welcome. ID's required. wuhERlANDJOSEPHSON KARISYIWAN including Best Picture "BOUND FOR GLORY" ] 3Michigon Stote News. Eost lonsing, Michigan Frida,'V- March I, While LCC MSU is By LYNN ALLEN experiences surge in restricting student enrollment, Lansing In fall term 1976, LCC has 17,100 registered students — a doubling in enrollment over the last five years. big attraction. enrollments Schaar said the wide range of course offerings of the college is one Community College (LCC) in downtown Lansing is experiencing a 'There are four big reasons why we have grown so rapidly," said "LCC offers a variety of courses that meet the needs of the , surge in the number of students. William Schaar, LCC dean of student personnel services. community," he said. These courses include vocational training and course work which is transferable to a four-year college. The cost for tuition at LCC performs its function as an integral part of the community .the blre mini, U-M, workers to negotiate settlement LCC is curroMi students living in the and is more convenient for the commuting student, Schaar said. "Our courses are packaged for accessibility," he said. "LCC is in in-state tuition at MSU. community -T'th"1'5half .t 0» The college has had to | DETROIT (UPI) — Repre- two-week-old walkout at the Federation of State, County University of Michigan All- the community and is part of the community. It doesn't require increase in student expand its fariur I sentatives of the University of Ann Arbor campus. and Municipal Employes union students to live on campus and it doesn't take long to get here. population. 68 to Campus Labor Council issued a "Students can come for classes during the day or night, Three new structures have been added Michigan and striking main- The session was called by (AFSCME). statement Thursday spelling in tenance and service workers state mediator Thomas Badoud, out its support for the union's whichever is more convenient for them, so it doesn't disrupt their tbeLwt^, " were scheduled to meet in Local 1583 represents 2,300 lifestyle," he said. who is monitoring talks be- contract demands. LCC caters to the needs of the students by arranging to have Detroit today with a state tween university officials and striking maintenance and ser¬ vice workers, including hospital classes when the students need them, he said. mediator in an effort to settle a Local 1583 of the American "We are calling on all our Schaar believes that the quality of the programs offered by LCC emplbyes, at the Ann Arbor members not to do the jobs of also attracts students. campus. striking AFSCME members," "We have quality programs," he said. "Also, business and The strike became increas¬ the groups said in a statement Assessing the Oscars ingly bitter this week with reports of scattered vandalism. released in Ann Arbor. "Any attack leadership on AFSCME in or this difficult its V) PRINTING ON: V) STARTING FROM A Mont shoo-in for Best Original Script. University officials said wind¬ bus line . do,, to (continued from page 17) choice) who brilliantly played To quickly cover some of the shields were broken Wednes¬ strike situation plays into man agement's hands. III SPORTSi Itf on campus. ,om., apartments • new appliances - air " . less publicized nominations: day on four university vehicles, condition, the 12-year-old prostitute in shag carpeting • freo "Taxi Driver." But I just don't Haskell Wexler will receive the though it was not known if the incidents were related to the Today's session was to be LETTERING X parking Best Cinematography award held in the Detroit offices of the u Get your LOCAT1D ON LAKI feel confident that the Acad for his "Bound For Glory" strike. < "I Love Michigan- "Shirt LAN«IN« 10*0 emy will vote in unison to honor Michigan Employment Rela < that vein of performance. Bet ter, Jane Alexander (the walk- lensing. Best Art Direction will go to George Jenkins for the In a related development, the tions Commission. today Adult / Children's Sixes FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 33S-13H or 3S MM) ' "All The President's Men" sets. on bookkeeper of "All The Barbra Streisand and Paul Wil¬ many Colors *3.30 President's Men") Beatrice Straight or even Ithe be¬ liams will win the Best Song MOVIE FEATURES Coll 417-5574 or 339-9317 0 220M.A.C. citation for their "Evergreen," leaguered wife in "Network"). 2nd floor University Moll For best direction, I think and the late Bernard Herrmann OF THE WEEK ► (Om«fa Art Entrant*) b will be honored for his score for Alan J. Pakula will win for "All z f WINNER The President's Men," mostly "Obsession." JERSEYS • SHIRTS Z OF 10 ACADEMY I NOMINATIONS INCLUDING: AWARD because there was great dis¬ belief around the industry that 1. Pirate Pleasure the Woodward/Bernstein book could be successfully filmed. 3 WW University Theatre -tISTlUFfORTING ACTOR 2. All Ways with STARRING Likewise, William Goldman will SYLVESTER STALLONE •win the Best-Adapted Screen¬ Linda Lovelace A 1000-YEAR OLD SANSKRIT COMEDY ROCKY I play Award for the Watergate- newspaper opus. Paddy Chayefsky ("Network") is a 3. Lesbian Love THE LITTLE BARNES KIDS 4. Yum Yum CLAY CART 1D Tte 44-1:11-IS Twihft 415 <451'IS WINNER Of KONG I ,,™ a series of films KRIStOffCRSOn AWARD N0WNATO FLORAL BY KING SUDRAKA INCLUDING BEST S "EVERGREEN OF EAST LANSING We ore locoted at the corner of Larch S Michigan ARENA THEATRE fi StflR IS BORTll in Lonsing nm 44-7J-1U TfiUftt Hi-Wiul MARCH 9-12 482-5529 CAPITAL ADULT NEWS 8:15 P.M. Hours: Monday through Saturday Times: &15 745 10:15 - TICKITS ON SALS NOWI 10 a.m. -11 p.m. Twilifht 4^5 • 5:15 / MSI Sunday • 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. FOB IUUV AXIOMS CALL 3SS-0143 EraygxTii Lpb presents Todd Rundgrenfs UTOPIA Featuring Todd Rundgren, Roger Powell, Kasim Sulton, fi John Wilcox Tuesday, March 15, 8pm at Lansing's Civic Center Auditorium Tickets $5.50 & $6.50 Available at: Discount Records in E. Lansing, all Knapp's locations, Boogie Records in Mt. Pleasant, Recordland in Jackson, and the Civic Center Box Office Keener-Clark SsxsA WILS-fm ! Michigan State News, Eos) loosing, Michigan Fridoy, March 11, 1977 19 f Tin MSU Fofcong Society praanb ^ Parity telethon slated Residents' Night Once again TONIGHT AND SATURDAY GET READY FOR FINALS ■ By JOHN MISZE an evening ol great traditional (and not .0 traditional) music from Sally Rogers. Bob Blackmon. Stan WITH THE MARX BROTHERS Ue Easter Seal Telethon carried on WILX TV, Channel Refreshments will be served. Werloin, Sheilo Ritter, John Babulo ond 10' Karne Potter. Finish and W.C. FIELDS ■urns to Lansing for the fifth consecutive year, brining with it a "I can not out the term right and enjoy some fine music! It impress enough the importance of the Easter Seal of entertainment for the people in the Lansing «£. .t0 The communit3''" said Sydell Teachout. telethon |rea will be entertained by such groups the Band . j- coordinator. The Marx Brothers liaws,resident, as of Easter Seal Society is the community." Savoys, the Middle Eastern Dance Trouiw Ritmn A significant in Tjwingers, the Sweet Adefnes.and MSU-ROTC^a^ctag CTeam at the Lansing the Civic Center March 25 through 27 portion of the Easter Seal year is raised by the telethon. Society's funding for the rwTEN POUND FIDDLE Le telethon will be officiaUy kicked off the Second An„..,i 1 Ball today, and the broadcast will end byMarch MSU students play an important role in the telethon. Graduate Students, advertising majors and others have , Old College Hall"«MSUUtwiGr* DUCK SDUP 27. and effort to volunteered time help with publicity, advertising, posters and Tonight at ft30|tni SBC < |„cpt for the LUy Ball most of the activities will take place I weekend, including helicopter ndes, a roller skating marathon on collection of money. a dtvlsion ol the ASWSU Programing Board^ || ■go games and dances to raise money for the 36,000 people fad by the Easter Seal Society in Ingham, Eaton and Km W.c. Ipties. la slogan for this year's telethon is: "All year long you needed IN CONCERT AND BEYOND "THE MOST IMPORTANT {Fields •nd now we need you. >1°) MILLION DOLLAR LEGS AMERICAN FILM OF THE Michael Landon, national Easter Seal I the national telethon Chairperson for 1977 will while Erik 0. Furseth, mid-Michigan Ihon host, will oversee the local effort. g Rfl YEAR. STAR-STU0DED FATAL GLASS OF DEER ■his will be the first year that the public will be able to come |„tothe telethon studio in lormed live before the the Civic Center and watch the acts cameras. Seating arrangements have ENTERTAINMENT!' Judith Crist. Saturday Review — H made for 1,000 people. He telethon at no cost. Llorming l Spectators may stay for an hour of the outside the Civic Center clowns, local will be the A&W Root bands and the MSU-ROTC Practice Drill Team. ISON^TOINS-iukahe "THE BEST THING I'VE SEEN SINCE CITIZEN KANE'! IT HAS OSCAR WRITTEN ALL OVER IT!" DOUBLE FEATURE "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" and TONIGHT AND SATURDAY "Lenny" TIMES: Showtimes: Fatal Glass of Beer 7:30,10:15, Cuckoo's Nest Mon.Fri. 9:05 12:40 only Lenny 7:00 only Duck Soup 7:50,10:30 tat. I Sun FAYE WILLIAM PETER ROBERT Million Dollar Legs 9:00, 11:35 Cuckoo*. Noil 3.7:20 DUNAWAY HOLDER FINCH DUVALL Loony 1.5:20. 9:40 JOHN PAUL JONES ROBERT PLANT IIMMY PAGE JOHN BONHAM Showplace: 102B Wells Wad. Molina# M.25 NETWORK Shows start at I p.m. Admission! $1.30 O [ro|~ Students, Faculty & Staff welcome. ID'S will be HHIST ""■© XowMSmsts M-Thurs 8:15 checked. An Entertainment Service of the Beal M-Thurs 8:00 FB Sot 6:30, 9:10 Film Co-operative. Fri-Sat 7:00, 9:15 Sun 4:00, 6:40, 9:20 Sun 4:15,6:30.8:45 All Todd Rundgren/Utopia Records $3.99"lp at Discount Records in E. Lansing Todd Rundgren and Utopia appear exclusively on Bearsville Records 401 E. Grand River Mon.-Sat. 10-9 Sun. 12-6 Of) Michigon Stole News, East Lonsing, Michigon • Fridoy,Morch|, , Cocaine penalty AP Wir® photo studied by state ASMSU Kids always seemed to be excited about (ZNS) Now that pot laws PROGRAMMING BOA»„ something - like — catching butterflies are being relaxed in many states, similar efforts are being and frogs, rolling launched to ease cocaine laws. down hills, getting Pacific News Service reports down in the grass that the state of Massachusetts watching the ants is leading the way in the legal carry their food, battle towards decriminalizing flying kites. Nobody the simple use or possession of has to teach them how coke. to have a good time. State Rep. Michael Flaherty The rest of us who has already introduced a bill tend to let our lives into the Massachusetts Legisla¬ ture that would reclassify co¬ get too complicated caine with marijuana. could do well to learn Pacific News says that ef¬ from them. Take forts to soften cocaine penalties pleasure in the have been stimulated, in part, simpler things. Give by a recent court decision in in to the enticingly Boston which ruled that anti- warm temperatures coke laws are too tough because and gusting winds. the drug is probably less harm¬ Forget about the ful than either tobacco or books and jobs, and alcohol. Five leading drug research¬ get outside so you can ers had testified enjoy the good times during the Boston hearings that cocaine is while they're here. not addictive and is not a narcotic. Immunization program near success in Detroit E3 ma to DETROIT (UPII get all school - The city's crash program children immunized against serious childhood diseases is showing positive admission to classes on March 7. Clinics were set up around the city to give parents the chance to have their children GRAND Greta Garbo signs of success. immunized before the deadline. ^^^PerfortbanceT yHfM Joan Crawford Officials said Thursday just 1,826 have yet to file certificates of immunization, students Richard Smart, central health director for the Detroit schools, said he had never witnessed " Friday Saturday 8 & 10pm 8 & 10pm jSyvT1 ijAl'ijfje _ IfW 1 mMb John Barrymore down dramatically from January when the figure such a concerted effort to get so many children Sunday 2:30 & 4pm Lionel Barrymore I topped 9,000. immunized in such short time and credited the After the 8pm shows there will be a Last month, school officials announced that Detroit health department, school staff, parents brief current sky lecture with outdoor any student who had not received the required and Detroit news media with getting the observing. Following the 10pm shows, a current album release will be shots for such diseases would be denied message out. A Science Fiction played FRIDAY - SATURDAY Spectacular in quadraphonic sound. A mind encompassing experience in science fiction This week's album: 7:30 - 9:30 designed for the Sky Theatre. Abstract, timely, BOSTON BY BOSTON and thought provoking, the show deals with the 109 Anthony $1.25-ID's checked | travels of a starship forced to leave its dying planet in search of a new world. Students, Facultv. and Staff wetone Due to the abstract material, multi media sounds and visions, and periods of total darkness, parents PLANETARIUM are advised to accompany young children. 355497? TONIGHT & SATURDAY ADDOLUTELY 2 DAYS ONLY! Single Tickets On Sale "No director has emerged ■MONOA Y, over the past decade with March 14 For more stunning impact than These Spring Concerts Lina Wertmuller. Her penetrating vision, ability and awareness are apparent. Brutally effective and beautifully performed by Nino Manfred). 'Let's Talk' has great wit and hilarity." -Bernard Drew, Gannett Newspapers THURSDAY, MARCH 31 at 8:15 P.M. "'Let's Talk' givas us a marvalous look at Lina TONIGHT & SATURDAY Wertmuller's gifts... gives one insights into what her strengths are. Acted superbly by Nino Manfredi. GARY Why woulda man pay $500 'Let's Talk' has the innocent charm of Italian comedies ofthe'50's."- Howard Kissel, Woman's Wear Daily for an hour with these girls? "Much more than a good laugh! GRAFFMANI "I THOUGHT I'D Lina Wertmuller reveals another "A pianist to be ranked with the great ol our time." SUN EVIRYTHING... facet of her extraordinary talents -Christian Science Monitor ♦hen I saw deRenzy's Fantasy Girls.' It's the first really new hardcore movie in "SOMITHING by stripping the male ego naked a long, long FOR SVIRYONI... time. Are you ol' tired of the same thing? This is a movie for No matter what with droll, wise, perceptive your sexual you!" — Sol Silvers tein, Herald-Star preference may be. you'll find something to tickle your fancy I lampooning ■ "-William Wolf, Cue Magazine J The five young girls are fantastic. Nothing's too far-out for them. THURSDAY, APRIL 7 at 8:15 P.M. They're wild. And wanton I" -R.L., Erotic Review If you were SWEPT AWAY WILLIAM by her SEVEN BEAUTIES, now you'll be talking WINDOM about plays THURBER IN COLOR "Ranks with Hal Holbrooks 'Mark Twain' and James Whitmorc's 'Will Rogers ADUITS ONLY Imagine five beautiful young girls $500 is a lot ol -Washington Post whose job it is to fulfill a man's wildest money (or an hour. But not with these (antasies. They have the talent, the girls. It's a once-in- a-lifetime experience. A equipment (whatever it takes), and a bargain at any price. University Series desperate desire to please. All you "Alex need is the money. deRenzy's Fantasy Girls' is They're 'lantasy girls.' Nothing is too spine-tingling. Loaded with the most far out for them. And jolting hardcore action ever seen. It's they're all new deRenzy's greatest. A VERY HOT faces. Hand picked by deRenzy lor NUMBER!" their unusual and diversified talents. Reserved Seats Only for Each Event Jrnmy Hiikmm. VHU. PRI-SS PUBLIC: $6.00,5.00,4.00 Alex deRenzy's 150% discount to full-time MSU Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30, studen I weekdays | Phone 355-3361 for ticket information. FANTASY GIRLS TONIGHT A SATURDAY TONIGHT AND SATURDAY ONLY Presented by the Lecture-Concert Series SHOWTIMES: 7:30,9:00,10:30,12:00 MSU. SHOWTIMES; 7:30,9:30 at SHOWPLACE: 104 B WELLS ADMISSION: '2.50 student, '3.50 SHOWPLACE: 108B Wells An entertainment faculty & staff ADMISSION: M.50 service oi the Beat Film Cooperative. Student, facultv i staff welcome. IP's will be checked. CD of tho bool film cooporotivo. Students, faculty ft staff wolcome. ID s will be checked. VHI ir= III sfinTflnfl & DAVE mflson & I ^ SATURDAY, MARCH 12 8 pm at Jenison Fieldhouse Tickets are $6°° & $7°° - Reserved Seats & Reserved Sections Available at MSUnion & Recordland in Lansing & Meridian Malls THIS FACILITY IS ACCESSIBLE A DIV OF ASMSU PROGRAMING BOARD 99Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsirrg, Michig _Fr|doy. Morchn State News Classified 355-8255 | A,to,0tiv« ~ | Mmtiw 1[0| FRANKLY SPEAKING by phil frank TfilS V A - CORDOBA 1975. Real sharp, load¬ VW SQUAREBACK 1971. 27,000 HOUSEKEEPER AND babysitter LABORATORY ASSISTANTS - for 8 year old and 1 year MLT and CLA registered or S55rw«. to care me Br A mmATB ed, clean like new. $400 or old car. miles. Sky blue, good condition. old. Must have own transporta¬ ble. Openings now available eligi¬ 694-5307. 3-3-11 (131 $1200. 393-6792. 1-3-11 (121 in tion. Call after 5 p.m. - 394-2139. PHONE 355-8255 DATSUN 1200 Coupe 1972. New VW WINDOW Van 1968. Sharp, MAN-. VA^INO 4-511 (21) clinical laboratory. Excellent and fringe benefits including paid salary omp cc$r---^ I brakes, snow tires, 1200cc engine, rebuilt engine. Best offer over vacations, holidays, health insur¬ 3tr S'udenl Score- Bldg stick shift. Very clean. 39,000 $700. 4851886. Z 7-3-11 (12) m IV CLERICAL, BOOKKEEPING As¬ ance and opportunities for sistant for programming board. con¬ miles. $1200.393-1590, before 5:30 tinuing education through tuition pcTclassmar AUTOMOTIVE Part-time spring, summer, fall. close. $80 p.m., weekdays. 10-3-111221 reimbursement. Apply Personnel Scooters t Cycles Ports 4 Service DATSUN 260Z 1975 - Excellent Motareydes ](dfej Prefer work-study. Leave name at 3553356 or 353-7421. 2-3-11 (20) E. W. SPARROW 1216 East Michigan HOSPITAL Avenue, Lan¬ 3-511 (16| Aviotion EMPLOYMENT condition. Leaf green, high mpg. automatic, Call 3558228. Z 2-3-11 TRIUMPH TIGER 650cc 70. Nice. Must sell before 3-19. Call 337- SUMMER JOBS. Forest Service. How, where, when to apply. sing. 487-9180. Equal Opportunity Employment, M/F. 4-511 (48) Kiav. FOP RENT 1223 3-7 p.m. Z 4-3-11 (121 Complete information - 33. MIS¬ JUST PIZZA needs additional deli¬ FAIRLANE 500, 1966. 289. Auto¬ SION MOUNTAIN COMPANY, Apartments P.O. Box 727, Poison, Montana very personnel. Must be 18, have matic, good running condition. 1972 HONOA 350. New Tires. own car, and good Houses driving record. $200. 337-2621 after 8:30 p.m. Runs good. $325.322-2191. 1-511 59660. B 2-511 (21) Rooms Hourly wage plus commission. I* now 1-3-11 (121 112) Apply in person, 1139 East Grand . leasing for, w FOR SALE PART TIME employment for MSU River, after 4 p.m. 3-3-11 (291 Animals FORD 1962. Manual transmission. students. 1520 hours/week. Au¬ | ) bedroom Mobile Homes Dependable. Best offer over $75. tomobile required. 339-9500. C-9 " LOST (FOUND PERSONAL 3558006 after 5 p.m. Z 2-511 (121 FORD 1968. Good transportation. GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 11 (121 WANTED, LIVE in couple to jwmD® WANTED 332 5978 inch. Priced from $4. Mounted TV AND stereo rentals. - FEMALE tn PEANUTS PERSONAL $395. Runs great. Call Tim, 393- $25/term. Cedar j free. PENNELL SALES 1301)4 supervise a licensed group home Village Apartmem*u REAL ESTATE $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- 1800, extension 545. 3-3-11 (12) East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- for 8 runaway girls. Lansing area. 1010. C-93-11 (12) <°«n. Considerate 21 RECREATION Salary, $9000/year. Rent, board, W month. SERVICE GALAXIE 500 automatic. Air. 5818. C-5511 (17) utilities paid. Required one year THIS IS the best time of the year Call 351^ power steering, brakes, new tires. NEED WARM place to experience with teenagers. 3 Instruction work on year to rent out those unused Items. Runs great. $450/best offer. 353- commitment to program. Call EAST MSU your car? Need hoist? Need tools? Give Kevin a call today at 3588255 - Typing 1826 Z 4-3-11 (15) ©Cc'lcgc Med-o Sei INGHAM COUNTY PROBATE TRANSPORTATION Come to U-REPAIR, 5311 South and let him help you with a carpeted, snack bar bus line. lankfl Pennsylvania. 882-8742. X 1-3-11 COURT, Frank Buzzitta and San¬ classified ad. S 14-511 (29) $150/month r" WANTED GALAXY 1969. One owner, air, dy Venn. 4851751. 3-3-11 146) After 5 p.m - — ROUND TOWN' automatic, radial tires. Smooth running. Some rust. $395. 345 119) JUNK CARS wanted. We pay PipioyiwT|[Ml STORE DETECTIVES. C.J. ma¬ GOING TO Florida for spring break? TENTS FOR RENTI 1141 2234. 2-3-11 114) jors, junior and above. 183 p.m. '24 CEDAR more if they run. Also buy used GROCERY CASHIER, must be ex¬ BABYSITTER NEEDED in Spartan UNITED RENT-ALL. 351-5652. 4- STREET cJI cars and trucks. 4853060 anytime. Monday through Friday. 641-6734 511 (131 sing 2 man, one GREMLIN - 1970. V-6 automatic, perienced. Two openings for Village home for our one year old - Call for details. Z 7-3-11 (15) nished bed™, C 53-11 1171 apartments, bat rd excellent condition. Low mileage. weekdays 3-8 p.m. Alternating daughter. Monday-Friday 10 a.m.- $190/month, MANAGER TRAINEE and assis¬ June or S« Must sell. 7-511 (121 $1000. 3555948. Z MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Sundays 12-6 p.m. Starting March 21st. Apply in person between 9:30 a.m.-noon. Mrs. Gavin, 4 p.m. 3551148. Z 1-3-11 (171 HOUSEKEEPER - BABYSITTER tant manager. Local drive-in the¬ atre is seeking people to learn the JyrtMiuJg] 129 Burcham $160/month. 8 am-5 i.l Drive eH drive-in theatre business. Apply in M02. 6 p.m.-9 p.m. gj GREMLIN - X 1974. 6 cylinder, 3 Complete auto painting and colli¬ GAVIN'S FOOD CENTER, 618 for part time job on long term EAST LANSING, NORTH POINT XO-53-11 (29) speed. Excellent condition, only sion service. American and foreign East Kalamazoo. Lansing. 3-511 basis. Tuesdays through Fridays, person to Mr. Malinowski at the APARTMENTS 1250 Haslett Road $1750.351-5417.53-11 (121 131) noon to 6:30 p.m. Call 388 STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE cars. 4850256. C-5511 (20) at 69. Beautiful one bedroom SUBLEASE 4456 (days) or 332-5297 (evenings between 2-4 p.m. Monday bedroom. Pool,», prtmf FURNISHEDR IMPALA CUSTOM 1970. Two apartment newly redecorated. THE PERFECT part time jobl Must and weekends). 1-3-11 (241 through Friday. 8511 (36) Phone 332-3317 or 13131 doors, 350, automatic, power WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top be neat and dependable. Evening Heat and water furnished. Only ZX93-11 (12) «!" steering/brakes. Seven tires. One dollar, 4854647. NORTHSIDE ASMSU BOOK Exchange needs 5190/month unfurnished. $210/ hours. Must have transportation. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST MT owner, excellent. $775. Before 3 AUTO PARTS AND SALVAGE. managers and clerks. Work study month furnished. Only 1 left. Call 6553931. 3-3-11 (16) IASCP) preferred. Part time open¬ SREAT LOCATION! p.m.-6752273. Z 4-3-11 1191 53-11 (141 preferred. Motivation required. John or Sue at 332-6354. 893-11 c, _ ing, afternoon and midnight shifts. Call Peter. 3588313. 83-11 (15) females. Balcony, beautddW GRADUATE STUDENT to work 7 Must have clinical experience in all 136) reasonable 332-1973. MONTE CARLO 1970. 350 auto¬ matic engine, power steering, AIR AND oil Biters for all foreign a.m. - 3 p.m. weekdays in car areas. Excellent starting rate. Con¬ XDtf cars at reasonable prices at rental office. 4891484. 2-3-11 (12) BABYSITTER - TWO children. ONE FEMALE for 4 person apart¬ tact Personnel Office, LANSING power brakes. Call after 4 p.m. — CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN In our home. Own transporta¬ BEECHWOOOAP GENERAL HOSPITAL, 2800 De¬ ment. Campus Hill. $70/month. 663-8271. 53-11 (141 CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ tion. Phone 351-7390 after 6 p.m. zoo Street. One mile west of BABYSITTER - 3 days/week for vonshire. Phone 372-8220. 1-3-11 8511 (121 Cathy, 3493904. Z 3-3-11 1121 5 Blocks to MSU | Once ad is ordered it cannot toddler in central East Lansing 132) lorge 2 bedroom - fun MUSTANG 1968. 289, 4-speed, MALE ROOMMATE be cancelled campus. 487-5055. C 53-11 (271 home. 351-0997. Z 2-511 (121 SUMMER wanted 'ISO o month or changed un¬ good condition. Best offer over JOBS available for til after first insertion, un¬ NEED A job? The STARLITE and spring. Cedar Village Apartments, $500. Call 482-2859 after 6 p.m. college student with recreational- $88/month. Call Jeff. 332-5664. TENNIS PROS and Assistant Pros LANSING THEATRES need peo¬ less it is ordered & cancelled by I p.m. 2 doss doys before 4-3-11 115) [■pliytit [Hi - for seasonal outdoor clubs; require good playing and teaching ple to work evenings at various positions. Apply in person at the vehicle, sale or service experience. Business located East side of Flint. 5511 (12) EAST LANSING JSMTtl publication. MUSTANG 1975, 13,500 miles. Apply or send resume to RICH¬ SUBLET SUMMER, option for - d_ EXPERIENCED SECRETARY, re¬ background. Call 13011664-3770 or STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE FIELD TRAILOR SUPPLY P.O. Married couple or singli J Automatic, disc brakes, steel belt¬ fall. Two bedroom apartment, ed radials. Silver with send complete resume to: Col. R. between 2-4 p.m. Monday Box 1248, 2535 Richfield Road, Three rooms ancf bath bol There is a M OO service burgandy ceptionist for physicians office, 5 unfurnished. Two miles from cam¬ - interior. Pampered car! $2500/ days/week. Insurance forms, re¬ Reade. W.T.S.. 8401 Connecticut through Friday. 8511 (30) Hint. Ml. 48501. 1-3-11 (36) apartment. Unfurrwhetg charge for an ad change pus. 349-4074. Z 4-511 (14) best offer. 337-9131 ports, dictaphone, shorthand, or Avenue, Suite 1011, Chevy Chase, ties paid. No pets. 1185. kk plus 18' per word per day evenings. CASHIER, GROCERY store ex¬ REACH ONE of the 42,000 poten¬ for additional words. 3-3-11 (211 equivalent. Salary commensurate Maryland 20015. BZ 2-511 (36) first floor apartment a perience. Monday-Friday, 810 tial employees through a State FEMALE UPPERCLASSMAN, March 1st with qualifications and experience. DISC-JOCKEY. ' Familiar with p.m. Alternate weekends.' $230 News Classified Ad. Call Bonnie, non-smoker. Four women apart Phone 332-5868.7-511IM NOVA 1973 - 350 V-8, power Write Box A 1 State News. 3-3-11 latest disco music. Some promo start. East Lansing. Call 332- 355-8255 for friendly assistance. S ment. $75/month. Spring. steering/brakes. Rally wheels, (27) records available. Lights and most 5313. 1-3-11 1151 11-3-11 (19) Campus hill. 349-2564. Z 53-11 FRAND0R - LARGEw 43,000 miles. $1800. 349-4834. Z (12) TYPIST NEED :D. Able to meet sound equipment furnished. Could room. Immediate occupant 53-11 113) DATA PROCESSING senior com¬ The State News will be use mixer, equalizer and turnta¬ WAITRESSES, COOKS, mainte month plus electricity. sponsible only for the firs re public and sell over phone. 11-2 bles. 3 to 4 nights a week. JOE nance people. RAINBOW RANCH puter operator. If you are a ONE FEMALE needed - four a married | OLDS CUTLASS Wagon, 1968. p.m. daily, Monday through Fri¬ qualified DOS/Power operator, or grads. F days incorrect insertion. COVELLO'S LOUNGE, 535 East is now accepting applications to person apartment for spring term. 1323 or Wesphalia, 111 350 automatic, power steering/ day. Starting spring term. Stu¬ fill the above named positions. consider our second shift opening. Close. Call3491591. Z7-511 (121 brakes. Good tires. $525. 675 dents only. Apply in person, Michigan Avenue, Lansing. Phone For a challenging position with 6-3-11 (20) Bills are due 7 days from the 9178.53-11 (13) STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED DE¬ 484-6786 after 11 a.m. 5511(41) Apply in person, 2843 East Grand River. 4-511 1231 responsibility and rewards. Paid ad expirotion date. If not PARTMENT, 347 Student Ser¬ vacation, health insurance, retire¬ PINIL paid by the due date a 50' SALAD GIRL Experienced. OLDSMOBILE DELMONTE 1968. vices Building. S 3-3-11 131) HURRY RIFORI - BABYSITTER FOR one toddler ment, holiday pay, sick leave, long lote service charge will be Rebuilt engine, $200. Air, power Apply within, LION'S DEN. See term disability and opportunity for APARTM 2-6:30 p.m. East Lansing. Own steering, AM/FM radio. PROJECTIONISTS NEEDED Robert Lundy, Monday-Friday. a continuing education through FINALS... 1-3-11 (12) approximately 30 persons to run 4892496. 7-511 (13) transportation. Call 337-9267 be¬ tuition reimbursement, after 1 year $010 Monk Id. | fore 2 p.m. 2-3-11 (13) Meridian Moll An various types of audio visual of employment. Contact Ross P. FULL AND part time game room PINTO 1975 Sport. Deluxe inte¬ Alander, assistant personnel direc¬ equipment such as 16mm pro¬ HORTICULTURE STUDENT or girls. Excellent pay and work Waters A Rivers | Aitamotive ~ rior. 22,000 miles, sharp. $2300. 3556523 before 5 p.m. Leave jectors, tape recorders and slide conditions. Must be neat and experienced gardener to do yard tor, E. W. SPARROW HOSPITAL, 1215 East Michigan Avenue, Lan¬ •IW-'JOO | message. 7-511 1141 projectors. Experience helpful but not necessary. Must be able to personable and enjoy playing pool, work. Must have transportation. 3491574. 2-3-11 (131 sing. 487-9180. Equal Opportunity IdgeApts. ' One Bedroom (In ANNOUNCING STORY OLDS pinball, etc. Apply in person only, PONTIAC 1975 Grand Prix. Air, attend all training sessions. Need Employment. M/F. 4-3-11 (73) ' Annual March Tent Sale! Many students with large blocks of weekdays, between 10 a.m. and 5 OVERSEAS JOBS - summer/ Appliances trade-ins will be for sale at the buckets, 11,000 miles. Like new. nw ara lemileg far ' Shag carpeting $3995. 6253111.5511 (121 hours free from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. p.m. at the CINEMA X ADULT year round. Europe, S. America, max! tall A emammar Economy Lot at wholesale prices Monday - Friday and with more ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, 1000 Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, ' Air, dropos If you're in the market for a used than one term left. Apply in person West Jolly Road. 0-93-11 (44! $50831200 monthly. Expenses Ideal for grad. car from $100 to $1000, shop at PINTO WAGON. 1975. Many ex¬ FEATURING: 2 joke, per tras. Excellent condition. Best only. Applications will be accepted paid, sightseeing. Free information students, couplet I STORY OLDS ECONOMY LOT, MODELS WANTED. write: INTERNATIONAL JOB apt. balconies, walk to reasonable offer. Call 394-4942. Monday - Friday, 8-12 a.m. $8/hour. - Near take LanilngW e block west of Brody. 53-11 campus, furnished, air con¬ and 1 - 5 p.m. in Room 28 of the Earn while you learn. Call 489 CENTER, Dept. ME, Box 4490, 1451 2-3-11 (121 ditioned. on site maintenance Instructional Media Center. X-53- 2278. Z-34-3-11 (121 Berkeley, CA 94704. ZB 8511 (321 PONTIAC LEMANS 1968, new 11 1761 man, friendly management. Short term AUDI FOX 1973. 4 door. Michelin radials. 42,000 miles. $2675. Call tires, AM/FM radio, stereo. Excel¬ Bob or Joan leases available. I lent engine - interior. 484-5762. Z MALE COUNSELORS* Michigan 339-9907. 53-11 (12) 6-3-11 (12) Boys Camp, June 22-August 13. Summer-Fall Leasing NOW LEASING FOR Apt. 214 1050 Watarsodgo Dr. 339-8192 BMW 2002 1971. Very good Areas open: judo, nature/science, Getting only 5% on Sumner Md Fall TOYOTA WAGON 1972. Stick. tennis, crafts, archery, riflery, (next to Cedar Village) condition, runs great. Rides like Michelins. Good condition. 361- gymnastics, biking, and water¬ your $ In the bank? 1-448-3857 I new. $2700. 351-3231. 1-3-11 1131 front (must have W.S.I.). Married Rooms 332-4431 3364 evenings. 4 3-11 (12) B% Rebate tor full prepaid couples considered, write giving rent, or 4 oth«r rebate plant. 1 and 2 bedroom opts. CADILLAC 1968 Coup DeVille. CEDAR GREE! experience/background. Competi¬ 3 to 6 bedroom homes Full power, air. $395. 351-6330. TRANS AM 1976. Silver with tive salaries. FLYING EAGLE, 1401 After 6 p.m. 351-8856, Jerry. black interior. Loaded. Call 1-224- North Fairview, Lansing, Ml Efficiency, I bdrm, 4-511 (131 8035 after 7 p.m. 7-511 (12) 48912. X5511 141) 2 bdrm,and 4 bdrm For the Finest Selection new basing VEGA ESTATE Wagon 1974. Air, CHEVEILE MALIBU 1968. 2 door excellent condition. $1195. Days, EAST LANSING SCHOOLS need - Furnished Near MSU 745 Burcham 351-311$ , FURNISHED APARTMI hardtop. 327, V 8, manual trans¬ 2 secretarial assistants. Position -2 blocks from mission. $300. 3555445. Z 3-3-11 374-8877 - evenings, 332-2669. federally funded. CETA eligibility Campus • ONE BEDROOM 4-3-11 (121 • Heat & water requirements: (1) low income, (2) - Laundry facilities •AIR CONDITIONING receiving AFDC or unemployed 15 No pets We Now Have • SWIMMING POOL Iquity Vest . VOLKSWAGEN 1971 Square- or more weeks, 13) Ingham County CHEVROLET 1968 from California No rust. Runs beautifully. 46,000 back. Light blue, very good condi¬ residence excluding the city of Opeeingsle •PRIVATE BALCONIES tion. $1250 best offer. 337-1731, miles. $1250. 349-0724. 4-3-11 1121 extension or 241; 339-2879. 4-3-11 Lansing. Apply at the Michigan Employment Security Commis¬ ACE Management 484-9472 • WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE TO C 332-3746 CHEVY VEGA GT Hatchback 1161 sion. E.O.E. 3-3-11 (44) 1,2 & 3 bedroom for rental 1974. New steel belted tires. Air, VW SUPER Beetle 1974. Automa¬ information Fall and Summer Leasing unfurnished opts, radio, $1400. Dickerson, 351-5222, tic clutch, great condition. 731 evenings or 3550252. 1-511 117) miles. $2100. 489-1682.1-511 (121 18,000 Will begin on soma with study 351-8631 Apartments March 28 For information coll I IBS Mkblgaa Ave. '**'*' GMPUSHILL now NKKMU tfUnUTS 332-5322 1121 Victor Street from m ■. Lmaoimf, Ml. APARTMENTS none now leasing leasing 332-S4SS 252 River Street MnMtrunens 351-2744 Don'! bo dosartad I Chock out COLLINGWOOD APTSII KNOB HILL CUipcfeingf^wt A Air Conditioned 1330 E.Grand River APARTMENTS Now loosing *50 A Dishwasher CflAI YEW LFAIT1UTS * air conditioned Office Open 351-5447 II * dishwasher A luxurious will reserve an apartment Furnishings 13101. Grand River * shag carpeting 12 5 Monday Saturday ♦ Luxury apartments completely and Shag Carpeting Mediterranean Aimm A CAPITOl YllA APAjrfMEIfTS tinctive Spanish A Privote Balconies •unlimited parking or by appointment 332-5330 ' * plush furniture carpeting throughout. ,. •Swimiif Pool Free Bus Service A SWIMMING POOL 1544 E.Grand River Each unit has dishwasher, garbage disp •fOdlisW 349-3530 Free Bus Service A located on Burcham mHMiaiirumHrc * model opentaaily 349- 4)00 conditioning and heating. Ave. 332-0111 » Swimming Pool and private balconies. * Dishwashers 204 River Street Now leasing for For Rental Informa¬ LOCATED • Central Air rree Free Roomma,e Service catisusitfMiwm Summer and Fall '/< MILE NORTH Call Roommote Service tion Call 332-0111 OF JOLLY RD. 140 Cedar Street Call 351-B2I2 Located |vst off Sraed River, Okemes 351-7212 ItYEIS* tfUTWKTS 332-S292 1310 E.Grand River (behind Rollarworld on the r Ivor I) ONOKEMOSRD, please, no pets tocaf.d 351-7166,, Hagadan.Boadlu.tsy"'1'18"'^ lifhiaon Stole News. East lonsing, Michigan Fridby, March 11, 1977 23 i® ® i iei r»sn» IMSTON • WESTBROOK lA/F^TRRnnK r\A,n TWO . PERSON, basement apart¬ ««n ' ,L ' r 1 Rooms r^Sale |[5; EFFICIENCY WALK to cam¬ rMENTS. 15 minute* east ment. 9166/month, utilities paid - SUBLET SPRING term. One male FIVE BEDROOM furnished. Ten MALES ROOM and board, ROOMMATE WANTED , studios ■ $126, one pus. Furnished, refrigerator. Pri¬ or female to share modern town- - - own BOOK EXCHANGE - 2301 East r T«?"i^Vailable March 15th. minutes south of campus. 1 '/> spring term. $440. One block off room, spring and summer. $75 J, $145. Carpeting, Call 332-2838. Z 3-3 11 115) vate entrance, bath. Available 4/1/77. 337-9359. 2-3-11 (12) house in Okemos. $60 monthly. acres, house. $400. 394-1168. 9-3- campus. Call 332 0834. Z 2-311 plus utilities. One block, campus. Michigan Avenue. Paperbacks, comics, buy, sell, trade. 485-0416. [sir conditioning, kitchen Pool and finished basement. 349- 11 (13) Call 351-7777. S 5-3-5 (19) 12-3-11 (121 »s Limited number avail- NEED FEMINIST woman to share ONE BEDROOM in three bedroom 9158. Z 3-3-11 (201 now for appointment, spacious, light two bedroom a duplex. $85/month, heat paid ONE PERSON needed, ROOM IN large, clean house. SPRING OWN room, furnish¬ SALE: 3-speed bicycle, clothes, spring/ - C. 10-3-11 1272 Partmemwith same. 332 6829. Z Close. 332 1093. Z 2-3-11 112) OWN ROOM in three bedroom summer. Own room, large house, $65/month, must see. 371-1066. ed. panelling, extras. Modern hairdryers, typewriter, carpet, vac¬ house near campus. $51.66/ Frandor close, one block from bus. Spring only! X23-3-11 1121 country house. $60/month. 349 [|S maLL close. One bed- month. 337-1102. Z 3-3-11 112) 1240. Z 2 3-11 (12) uum. March 10th, 11th. 933 G timet air, snack bar. $160. MALE STUDENT needs (1) NEED MAN for Twyckingham. Parking, friendly people. 485-1268. Cherry Lane, morning and after¬ OWN ROOM: Co-ed house, Vir- Rer 4 p.m.-665-3843. mate in order to room¬ reserve 2 bed¬ 2)4 months rent negotiable. Nice MALE WANTED to share duplex, 10-3-11 (191 gina Street. $62.50/month plus NEED ONE person immediately noon. 355-8082. Z 2-3-11 119) |(14) room apartment, close to campus. apartment, roommates. 351-5681 Z 2 3-11 (121 own room. $75/month plus utili¬ TWO BLOCKS from campus, four utilities. Available March 15. 351- Nice house. Pets considered. MOVING OVERSEAS. Must sell Fall term. 355-0934. Z ties. 332-4993. Z 3-3-11 (121 3230. Friendly people. S 2-3-11 3-3-11 1181 to six bedroom homes for rent Close. 532 Spartan Avenue. $85. ."MALES - Share 4 man 1161 351-4168. Z 2-3-11 114) TV's, washers, dryer, refrigerators, [village, ,hru aP"n9, WANTED"I one"female" spnng NEED ONE male for spring in FOUR BEDROOM, East Lansing. starting fall. All homes ished and very nice. Call Craig are furn¬ mini bike, projectors, stereo, tape 61 5941- Z-7-3-11 112) spacious Chalet Apartment. Own 4-5 people. Spring, summer. 630 PERSON FOR Spring. $6d/month. MEN'S SINGLE deck, 1975 Fury wagon, and more. 'e™. Cedar Village. $88/month. 351-1983. We're room. Close. 351-0120, Scott Z Virginia. 332-3667. Z 3-3-11 (121 Gibson and leave a message. Own room iff furnished room Union, spring term. Phone 351- close to Garage Sale, Sunday March 20, 1" OWN room in 2 bed- friendlyl Z 3-3-11 2-3-11 (14) 627-9773. Z 10-3-11 (28) Lansing noon thru Monday, March 21. 942 house. Near bus. 372-3536. Z 1i(00/month includes utlli- $45. OWN 5076._Z 2-3-11 J^12) Northgate Drive, East Lansing. room in 4 man house. LANSING-EAST side. Furnished 3 2-3-11 (14) L.3312 before 3 p.m. 7-3-11 FEMALE NEEDED for nice three 351-4424. 1-3-11 1351 ONE BEDROOM, block"off cJm- Large and comfortable. Four bedroom house. $200 plus utilities, ROOM AND board at TRIANGLE person apartment. Close FRATERNITY. $4S0/term. Close pus. Furnished, modern, carpeted good miles. 482-8373. Z 3-3-11 (13) deposit. 371-5333. 7-3-11 (12) OWN LARGE room in house, near roommates. 351-9316. 332-3563. Z 5-3-11 (121 AUCTION: ANTIQUES, furniture, spacious, air conditioned, heated' Through campus. $80. 539 Park Lane. to campus. $200/month. 351-6582. Z 1-3-11 August. Z 2-3-11 (13) OWN ROOM in 4 bedroom house, FEMALE NEEDED to share. Cam¬ glassware, much more. Saturday, 351-7736. Z 2-3-n spring. Rent negotiable. Lansing. pus close. Utilities paid. 'A months (J21 _ _ PERSON NEEDED in spacious 3 March 12th, 6:30 p.m. Bath Ele¬ mfot Foil and Summer J MALE ROOMMATE needed for 2 Busline. 489-4442. Z 3-3-11 (12) rent, 142.50) free. 332-1669 before QUIET, CLEAN, close to campus. bedroom, 1 1$ baths, quiet setting. mentary School ljust 8 miles from ■(•with special rates) « ONE OR two females needed. man apartment. 2 bedroom, 2 1 p.m. 332-8057 after 6 p.m. XZ Own room in house. Reasonable. $86.50, no lease 349-2841. Z campus). Garnett Case. Auc¬ [ 2 bedroom opertments J Spring and/or summer term. Call bath, semi-furnished. $100. 393- FEMALE NEEDED. 5-3-11 119) Evenings, 337-2655 1-3-11 (12) 5-3-11 114) tioneer. 1-3-11 (211 Free room/ ■vUflTY TIUACI2 351-2629. BLZ 1-3-11 (121 7836 2-3-11 (151 board in exchange for light house¬ Echigan Aeenue ■ M2-5420 f tcron from compel. « NONSMOKING MALE Twrnmate FEMALE OWN room in beauti¬ work, babysitting. Transportation OWN plus ROOM. Nonsmoker. $70 utilities. 489-0048. 2-3-11 TWO BEDROOMS house. $85/$90 - in large ROOM FOR rent. $70 per month plus utilities. Block from campus | "1 j - needed. 351-4549. 3-3-11 (14) - no utilities. wanted - spring term. University ful house. Furnished, washer and (121 Cooking facilities included. Near 351 6465. Z 5-3 11 (121 I ATTENTION MUSICIANS Late wanted to share Terrace. Across from dryer. $80/month. 482 9862. 2-3- EAST LANSING, one bedroom, St. Lawrence Hospital. 482-7712. Xnished luxury apartment. Lnd pool. 882-8556. 4 3-11 332 6938. Z 1-3-11 1121 campus 11 113) partially furnished. $200/month plus utilities. 351-0375. 3-3-11 (121 LEASING FOR fall. 8 bedroom house. Excellent location. Laun¬ 1-3-11 (171 SUBLEASE OWN room, spring. Great house. Laundry, dish¬ ! 15% i WANTED: ONE female" 7oom- NEED ONE person for 3 bedroom | OFF on any guitar | SPRING TERM: Rooms for sub¬ dry, parking. $90/month plus utili¬ washer, close. $220/term, negotia lease. Furnished, utilities included. mate. spring term. Cedar Village ties. 332-1918. 2-3-11 (15) house Frandor area. $66.67/ ble. 351-8986. Z 5-3-11 113) | or bats amplifier | CAMPUS CLOSE, person needed, - B DESPERATELY - one $90/month. Call 332 4580. 1-3-11 Apartments. 351-0900. Z 2-3-11 4 bedrooms, furnished, dishwash¬ month. 485 5758. Z 1-3-11 (121 | with this ad. | (121 ONE BEDROOM in house, one WOMAN OWN room, block 1 I - \ women for 4 person er, cable. 349-0672 after 5 p.m. mile from campus. $60 monthly. ROOM FOR graduate male -- $15/ from campus. Own bath. $115 We stock Kustom, n. One block to Campus, 3-3-11 112) n, rent negotiable, 332- FEMALE TO share room Water's FEMALE NEEDED to sublet Cedar Free March rent. 485-1038. Z week. Clean, quiet, comfortable. monthly. Betsy, 337 9885 Z 2-3-11 J Fender, Gibson, Peavey, J ■ 43-11 1191 Village Apartment spring term. No cooking. Phone ED2-1354. West, and Others. Edge Apartments. Rent negoti¬ Rent negotiable. 337 7024. Z 2-3- WANTED - HOUSE for fall 1977. able. Call 337 1256. Z 1-3-11 (121 Minimum, five bedrooms. Rela¬ 1-3-11 (13) 11(121 OWN ROOM with extras. Prefer OWN ROOM, furnished. $65/ I COME ON DOWN (NEEDED - spring term, 551 ALBERT tively close to campus. Deposit grad, $87/month. Close, busline SORORITY IS looking for board¬ month. Pets allowed, MSU 1 mile. > lit location. Cedar Village Street, ong block MAN NEEDED for Campus Hill available. Call 355-2050, 353-1267 351-6315. 2-3-11 (12) On bus route. 371-4290. Z 2-3-11 DICKIR & DIAL from campus. ers for spring/summer and the Parking available. Large two bedroom or 353-0232. S 5-3-11 119) Apartment. $75/month. No depo¬ next school year. Call 332-6547. [5.74 3-11 (12) furnished, air conditioned, bal¬ cony. Summer and fall. Call 355- sit. 349-1249. Z 2-3-11 1121 ROOMMATES. BEAUTIFULLY BAILY STREET. Vegetarian house, own room. $77.60. March- BLZ 1-3-11 1151 FEMALES - OWN rooms-house. (e NEEDED - spring. One 6118 after 5 p.m. 0 3-3-11 (21) ONE FEMALE needed, Cedar Vil¬ spacious farm house needs 2 September. With parking. 337- OWN ROOM on MAC "Great¬ 2 miles-MSU. Pets considered. i, two person furnished personable and energetic people. 2069. Z 4-3-11 1121 - Warm atmosphere. 332-2681. 16- NEW, USED and vintage guitars, TWO FEMALES needed for lage Apartments. $88 monthly. Must see to appreciate. Call Pat, est location." Free March rent. 1. Campus close. 337- spring 3-11 02) banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers Parking. Call 332-3306. Z 2-3-11 Parking. Marian, 332-0797. BLZ [4.3-II 112) term. Parking, balcony. Cheap! 349-4731. BLZ 3-3-11 118) 444 EVERGREEN. One block from and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ Cedar Village. 332 8480. Z 3-3-11 U2I_ Union. Across from park. House 1-3-11 (121 OWN ROOM. Furnished, quiet. sories, books, thousands of hard S ONE bedroom. Sub- 112) NEED ONE female for 3 person in AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. One for 5 people. Spring/summer, $65. Very close to campus. $85/no ONE ROOM, close to campus. In to find albums. (All at very low room in comfortable 3 bedroom (nmediately, spring term, Woodmere Apartments. Phone 394-4796. Z4-3-11 (171 friendly household. Rent negoti¬ utilities. 332 3477. Z 2-3-11 112) prices.) Private and group lessons ltd heat, water included, WOMAN FOR spring. $81/month, 332-3792. Z 2-3 11 1121 house. Call 482-0598. 3-3-11 1121 able. Spring/summer. 351 -9056 on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all close. 332-4634. 2 2 blocks from campus. March rent FOR FALL. One block from Union. GIRL'S ROOM for spring term. 3 ROOMMATES WANTED 2 BLZ 1-3-11 1131 styles. Gift certificates. Expert paid. Cell 332-1707. BLZ 3-3-11 SPRING-CAPITOL Villa, need - Fireplace. Need 4, 6, or 10 people. blocks to Union. No kitchen, (14) rooms in large 3 bedroom house. 394-4796. Z 4-3-11 (141 clean. Phone 351-5076. Z 2-3-11 repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY one male to fill 4 man. $62.50/ Clean, quiet. Must see. $83/ TWO ROOMS, females, in nice JlALE needed - Cedar ■ Next to campus. Spring ONE ROOMMATE month. 351-4768. Z 2-3-11 113) month. 482-6736. Rent negotiable. GIRL - OWN clean room in 2 country ranch. Horse and dog INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand River. 332-4331 C-9-3-11 (49) - Spring. 1-3-11 118) welcome. 625-7780 BLZ 1-3-11 OWN Tin Reduced from $88/ Penny Lane. Own room, dish¬ MALE NEEDED for 4 man apart¬ bedroom. Snyder-Hagadorn. ROOM semi-furnished. Id $59. 351-8507. Z 1-3-11 washer, parking. $84/month. 394 ment. Large 2 bedroom. 1 block $125/month. 351-5050.4-3-11 (121 Close, private entrance, parking. LIGHTENING FAST SERVICER 1815. Z 3-3-11 112) FIVE BLOCKS - MSU. Fur¬ Available 3/18. 337-0678 after 7 Electronic repair on all makes of east Berkey. $89.50'month. Call TWO ROOMS in farmhouse. 294 351-8092. Z 2-3-11 (171 nished, for 5 males. 12 month TWO BEDROOM, mobile home p.m. 8-3-11 113) stereos, TV's, guitar amps, and lease only, starting June 16th. 332- for rent. Near MSU, bus. $180/ Willoughby, seven miles. Non- CB's. Expert service at the lowest | NEEDED immediately, 4076 after 6 p.m. 1-3-11 (171 month. 393-5175. 5-3-11 (12) smoker. $70. Come out or call 694 lARGE DOUBLE in excel¬ prices in town. All repairs carry r level, own room, CIDAR VILLAGE FEMALE FOR two person. Very 2518. Z 1-3-11 (151 room lent house, 3 blocks to campus. warranty. Buy, sell, trade. WIL¬ ■Carpeted. Call anytime, close. Carpet, air. March paid. $88 ELSWORTH HOUSE CO OP has T 1-3-11 (131 FANTASTIC LOCATION. Two at¬ Kitchen, laundry, parking. Prefer COX TRADING POST, 509 East APARTMENTS 351 7453. Z 2-3-11 (12) $65/MONTH in house. Foster Park tractive rooms in house. Very openings spring term for men and grad or couple. Call James. 351- Michigan, Lansing. 484-4391. C women. Room and board, approx¬ behind, store across street. Lan 3957 332-0062. 8-3-11 (22) ■ NEAT efficiency. One LANSING-ONE bedroom apart¬ negotiable. Block from campus. or 6-3-1J? (38) Ask Beth, Sue leave message. imately $300 per term. Call 332- sing. 1 mile from campus. Call Tarpeted, furnished. Lee, Now leasing for ment, partially furnished. $125 per 351-2379. Z 1-3-11 1181 3574. Z 13-3-11 (20) Bob, 484 1214. Z 3-3-H (181 INSTANT CASH - WAZOO RE¬ |; 351-0443 after 5:30 p.m. Fall and Summer month plus utilities. 484-9326. Z CORDS buys good condition al¬ 2-3-11 (121 WANTED - PERSON to rent 440 PARK Lane. Single, double or bums. $1 -$1.50/disc. Rock, jazz, CHRISTIAN WOMAN needed to room. $55/month plus utilities. attic room in nice house Rent classical. 223 Abbott. 337-0947. share large lovely house $75 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. ISE. No deposit. Campus ONE BLOCK from campus. Large Pets allowed. Busline, close. negotiable. 332-1928. Z 6-3-11 114) 2-3-11 (17) ■ 'month. Need one male. Bogue ot Red Cedar River one bedroom apartment. Call 337- month, includes utilities. Very Tanks, cannisters and uprights. Phone 371-4572. Z 7-3-11 (15) I.Z 1-3-11112) close. 351-6575. Z 1-3-11 (151 Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 PEARL DURMS 2541, evenings. 2-3-11 (12) TOWNHOUSE, SERIOUS liberal - 5 piece with Call 351-5180 BEAUTIFUL ROOM in sharp person. Furnished, $65/month and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING covers. Zildjian cymbals. Must sell. LIBERAL WOMAN needed to ■ROOM furnished. Utili- share duplex. $130. Country set- home. Large yard, trees. March plus utilities, deposit. Now COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ 374-8906. Z 3-3-11 (12) I 4 miles east of MSU. LARGE TWO bedroom furnished 15th. $96.25. 337-2679. Z-8-3-11 through August. 394-2973. 6-3-11 posite City Market. C-9-3-11 (24) ONE WOMAN needed to sublet 1tng: Own room. 339-9380: 4-3-11 ■ month, no pets. 339- apartment available for spring. (121 (14) AQUARIUMS - TWO 29 gallon. B-111161 Cedar Village Apartment. Close to Across from campus, 235 Delta SCHWINN CONTINENTAL, Salt and fresh, with stand and ex¬ campus. $83/month. Spring. 332- Street. $250/month. Call 332-5978. OWN ROOM. Fireplace, parking. 4 ROOM IN quiet family house. chestnut. 22". Lights, tune-up, tras. 374-8906. Z 3-3-11 (12) PRIVATE RESIDENCE - man to 5709. S 5-3-11 (15) 2-3-11 (30) share house. Professional type, blocks north of campus. Rent Cooking, parking. $75/month, wheel adjustment. $115. 349-0119, negotiable. 337-2177. Z 5-3-11 (12) 351-9043 3-3-11 (12) evenings. 4-3-11 (12) KITCHEN TABLE - $40. Two 25/up wanted. 485-5898. 4-3-11 chairs, green stuffed chair, two MSU 10 minutes. Furnished (12) mobile home. Quiet, on lake. Child 526 SUNSET - $19, $21, $32/ chests. Playpen $25. Stroller, ONE BEDROOM. Spacious, mod¬ WHEEL 'N I NEEDED for spring, one ok, no pets. $35>week and up. Call 641-6601 O 5-3-11 (19) ern, minutes to campus. Laundry facilities, furnished/unfurnished. CLOSE, OWN room. Furnished, $70 plus. Cooking, parking, etc. [__ Rooms week. Utilities included. Cooking, parking. Lease till 6'12. 3 3-111141 TRACK bouncing chair. 484-9751. 2-3-11 (16) 1. Clean, neat, pool. After 339 2961 after 6 p.m. 1-3-11 (121 $185/electric, security lease. 393- BOGUE STREET CO-OP openings ■1-5791,1-3-11 (121 APARTMENT ON lake. Own 0583 after 6 p.m. 2-3-11 (18) SINGLE ROOMS. $25 deposit. 10 speed handcrafted by room, bath, housekeeper. Quiet, spring term. Men and women. From $66/month. Also lease by Lambert Animals \ pools, golf course. Haslett. 351- Very close to campus. 351-8660, j-I NoSHARE two bedroom, lease/deposit. Fire- 4168. $150/month.Z 4-3-11 (15) SUBLEASE LARGE one bedroom apartment. Spring, summer. Un¬ Susan or Lori. Z 6-3-11 1171 week. Call between 12 6 p.m. 361-4495. C-9-3-11 (15) Regular $275.00 BOARD PET birds while vacation¬ ■l22.50 (variable). 349 furnished, air, pool. Close. 351- TWO ROOMS available in new six New |ust'ISO* ing. Individual attention. Healthy WOMEN'S CO-OP - $315/spring TWO BEDROOM house. Lan¬ bedroom house. Spring, summer ROOM AVAILABLE 115 Lansing Road. Potterville conditions. Reasonable rates. 337- f-11112) 2810. Z 2 3-11 (12) terms. Close to campus. 351- term, room/board. Near campus. - male. 4 645-2492 0003. 3 3-11 (12) sing's East side. Fully furnished. Friendly atmosphere. 332-5095 Z bedroom house. Spring and sum¬ $190/month plus utilities. Call 7118. BL 1-3-11 (15) E TWO person apart- SUBLEASE UNFURNISHED 3-3-11 (12) mer. Parking, walking distance, Cathy or Vyto, 371-3627 after 5 studio close to bus. 351-6758. SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE tg term. Furnished. 711 begininning March 26. Z 7-3-11 I. East Lansing. 351-5388. p.m. 6-3 11 (191 $118/month. Pets allowed. Ann, VEGETARIAN TO share 3 bed¬ TWO ROOMS in modern five 116) SALE! Brand new portables room house. Very close, no pets. man/two bath $49.95. $5 per month. Large 655-3331 after 6 p.m. 2-3-11 1141 duplex. Spring/ FEMALE TO sublease furnished 351 4937. Z 2-3-11 (121 351-2624. Z 4-3-11 (121 CLEAN, COMFORTABLE room in summer. selection of reconditioned used DOBERMAN PUPS - AKC, 6 tRSON apartment spring term. 1 % blocks MALE private home. Near campus, rea¬ needed spring/ NEEDED-spring term. machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- weeks old. Weekdays, call 394- to campus. $83/negotiable. 332- MUST SUBLET. Own room in OWN ROOM in large co-ed house. sonable. Evenings, weekends, |itOwn room in 3 bedroom Americana Apartments. $77.50/ nice house. Very close. Negotia¬ 3 blocks to campus. 437 MAC. 337-1511. Z 3-3-11 1121 chi's. New Home and "many 3350; nights, 393-2650. 4-3 11 (12) Nicely furnished with 8979._3-3-11 (141 month, no deposit. Call 351-5360. others." $19.95 to 39.95. Terms. Hi. dishwasher, plenty of Z ble. Beth or Sue, 351-2379. Z $77/month. Call John, 351 2326 HASLETT - 5906 Marsh Road. 2;311 (121 2-3-11 114) after 6 p.m. Z 4-3-11 119) WOMAN FOR house. Washer/ EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING kid pool. $88/month corn- Two and three bedroom apart¬ FEMALE NEEDED for Cedar Vil¬ dryer, $85/month, utilities includ¬ COMPANY, 1115 North Washing¬ L Mobile Homes Ill 349-1883. X 3-3-11 (271 ROOM IN 3 bedroom ments with carpeting, drapes. lage Apartment starting spring OWN BEDROOM, large house. duplex, ed, pets welcome. 351-9142. Z ton. 489-6448. C-9-3-11 (26) 394-5230. 9-3-11 113) term. Rent negotiable. 332-6325. Hagadorn/Grand River. $87.50 spring term. East Lansing - mile 3-3-11 (12) 10 X 55, 1963 Champion trailer. I TO share apartment from campus. Close to bus. Nice VIVITAR-283 strobe, used once. Good condition, clean, 1 % baths, ZX3-11 (121 plus utilities. Pool table, sauna. pm. One bedroom. Call FOURTH FEMALE needed spring 351-8102. Z 2-3-11 (14) house. 351-4943. Z 3-3-11 (18) ROOM AND board $460/term $60. Need cash. Call 351-4675, 2 bedrooms carpeted, partially I after 4:30 p.m. 3-3-11 after 6 p.m. X 1-3-11 (12) for Twyckingham Apartment. $79/ BEAUTIFUL, SPACIOUS - need Close to campus. 1148 East Grand furnished, etc. Shed included. month includes utilities. Pool. Call OWN ROOM, $75 includes utili¬ CLOSE TO campus - room in $2200. 487 6826. Z immediately, two girls. Pool, bus River or call 332-4995 or 351- 7-3-1_1 119) ties. On MAC. Spring. House coed house. Available immedi¬ SPRING CLEANING is just around _ I NEEDED. Four person Lee. 351-7152. S 5-3-11115) stop. $77/month. 332-6676. Z 4-3- 4438. Z 3 3-11 1171 available summer and fall. 332- ately thru summer. Call Ann or the corner! All those unused items 1972 NEW Moon, 3 bedroom, full 11 (121 spring term. $70. 337- 4156. 3-3-11 (141 Craig - 351-4389. Z 1-3-11 (161 EAST LANSING - male. Close to can be turned into cash! Sell them bath. Stove, refrigerator, storage FEMALE NEEDED for Twycking¬ te to campus. Z 3-3-11 Union. $14/week, 443 Grove fast with a classified ad. Call Kevin shed. Fully skirted. Call anytime, ham Apartment starting spring POOL, FURNISHED, dishwasher. 651-5194. 5-3-11 H6) OWN BEDROOM, upper. Close, WOMEN NEEDED for new duplex. Street. 332-0205. 4-3-11 (121 at 355-8255. S 16-3-11 (27) term. $82.50/month. 351-3434. Z Female for single or two to share refurbished. Utilities included. Own rooms, three openings now. 7-3-n room. 332-4516. Z 4-3-11 (12) MARLETTE 1970 12 X 53. Like (12| March 19. $155. 371-2539, eve¬ Furnished. 332-5491. Z 1-3-11 1121 OWN ROOM in two year old GIBSON LES Paul Oeluxe 1964 - new, great started home. Extras His Summer FEMALE - OWN bedroom, FEMALE TO sublet 4 person nings. 3-3-11 112) HEDRICK CO-OPERATIVE needs house, close to campus. Spring Gold with case. Must sell. Call 349- 9518. Z 3-3-11 (12) included. $4500. 394-2709 after 6 Northwind Farms. Nicest around! quarter. Parking, no lease, $90/ and Fall at apartment spring or summer. p.m. 4-3-11 (14) 351-6297; 484 2776 after 5 p.m. SUBLET - MARCH 25th. Spring you for spring term I Live cheap, month. 351 9542. Z 4-3-11 (18) MSU close. Very nice. Furnished, Z-8-3-11 1121 and/or summer. Two bedrooms in room/board $330 per term. Men/ TWO ROOM size carpet rem¬ air conditioned. $70/month plus 12 X 60 HOMETTE - Two bed¬ three bedroom duplex. $85. utili¬ women. 140 Collingwood one EAST LANSING - single rooms. nants. Call after 5 p.m. 339-3784. electricity. Call 351-8326. Z 4-3-11 rooms. $170 per month plus TWO FEMALES needed immedi¬ ties. North East Lansing. Near bus. block from campus. 332-0644. Z Male students. Call after 5:30 p.m. 3 3-11 (12) (221 deposit. Williamston. Call 655- 332-2182. Z 3-3-11 120) 1-3-11 (231 332-5791. 4-3 11 (121 ately, Old Cedar Village. Parking, 2252. 6-3-11 (121 luvirt* balcony. Rent negotiable. 351- OWN ROOM for female in three VACUUM CLEANERS L Houses "jjjt] 5127. Z 6 3-11 (121 LOVELY DUPLEX needs one fe¬ MALE ROOMMATE needed in 1975 COLONADE 3 bedrooms, >tir'sidoi - male to share room with same. person. Close to campus. Rent furnished house for spring and bay windows, appliances, 10 X 10 Part mints OKEMOS, MERIDIAN Mall. Newly $78. Dishwasher, shag carpet. negotiable. Call 337-0147. Z 1-3-11 summer terms. $110/month. 393- *6" shed. Payments under $125/ decorated, one bedroom fur¬ HELP! ONE person needed for 351-4146. Z 3-3-11 (15) 1909. Z 4-3-11(14) and up month. 339-8600 after 6 p.m. nished. $160 monthly. Ideal for three bedroom luxury duplex in All makes and models re¬ 3-3-11 (16) married couple. 669-3654, leave Meridian Township. Garage, OWN BEDROOM, partly fur¬ ONE ROOM in fine house on LARGE. FURNISHED, quiet room. swimming pool, own room. Call Cowley Ave. Close. Call John Close to campus. Call 351-8154 paired and sold. MARLETTE 12 X 60 with 12 X 24. message. 8-3-11 (17) nished, female. Sublease spring. 1 YEAR WARRANTY 351 2205. Ask for Tom or Jeff. Z 332-6291. 1-3-11 (12) after 3 p.m. 9 3-11 (12) Shed, washer/dryer, furnished. I w leasing EAST MSU. Spring, fall. One bedroom, furnished, utilities, laun¬ 5-3-11 1241 East Lansing, $84/month. 337 1408. Z 3-3-11 (121 ROOM IN house. Co-ed. One EAST LANSING • single room for BARGAIN HOUSE Campus 3-3-11 (12) area $5900. 625-3495. X LARGE ROOM. Close, clean, quiet 826 W.SAGINAW block from campus. $79/month, woman. Close to campus. Unfurn¬ dry, carport. $200. 374-6366. 7-3- OWN ROOM, three people. No 332-4432 1102) house. Spring term. Must see. lease, enormous kitchen, $70. utilities included. Kitchen, parking. ished. $80. 332-5988. 5-3-11 (121 LANSING RITZCRAFT 1965 10 X 50 - two Don, 35T8709. XZ 6-3-11 (121 505 Albert. 332-8096. 1-3-11 (171 484-2600 bedrooms, skirted, includes stor¬ Spring. Call 482-4397. Z 3-3-11 OWN ROOM in co-ed house, EAST LANSING - Furnished, LUXURY DUPLEX, near campus. (12) age shed. 15 minutes campus. close to campus. Spring term Good condition. $2400/best offer. one bedroom. Patio, carpeting, Central air, 3 bedrooms; Available NORTH CLEMENS, furnished, fe¬ only. 351-1258. Z 5-3-11 (121 COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, 393-1352. X 2-3-11 (18) _. I Lansing. Own drapes, air conditioning. Ample June. $325. 394-1937. X Z 8-3-11 SUBLEASE - SUMMER. 3 bed¬ male, all house privileges. Near iritis utilities. $70 depo- parking, laundry facilities. Rent rooms in beautiful large house. 2 bus, driveway parking. 487-6390. Nancy Drews, Beatle items Want¬ TWO PLACES available Campus 1973 LIBERTY 12 44. "27-3-11 M2j includes heat and water. Phone ROOM FOR rent in six man house. blocks from campus. Call now! 1-3-11 (121 two blocks. Furnished. $75. 394- ed! Visit CURIOUS USED BOOK windows, cement X steps. On lake Big MMate. Spring MT6J59. 0-4-3-11 (21) $95 per month. Call 351-1481. Z 351 1718. S 3-3-11 115) SINGLE ROOMS, sublease. 1168 X 9 3-11 112) SHOP, 307 East Grand River, near school. Two bedrooms, term. Very 332-0112. (open 11:30-6 p.m.) Grove Street ONE BLOCK from campus, turn- 6 3 11 (121 SHARE THREE bedroom country clean, quiet. 3 blocks to Olin. 402 appliances, skirting, Koot-seal on BEST DEAL in Town! Room and C-9-3-11 (221 332-4488. Z ished efficiency apartments avail¬ house. 10 minutes from MSU. Linden. Z 1-3-111121 roof. $2900. 355-4197 M-F, 6-10 able starting fall. Call Craig Gibson FEMALE NEEDED duplex. Own board, $245 per term. Call now! - Own bedroom and den. Call after TEAC 3340S 4 track simulsync p.m. Z 5-3-11 (23) and leave a message. 627-9773. Z MONTIE HOUSE, 332-8641. Z room, furnished, no lease - depos¬ 6:30 p.m. 675-5397. 8-3-11 (171 WOMAN NEEDED for light and 10-3-11 115) studio tape deck. Mint. $Et50. it. 351 7068 anytime. Z 4 3-11 1121 J; female to sublet 10-3-11J18) airy room. $85/month. No utilities. 353 6339; 485-0915. 4-3-11 112) c*'. $90, furnished, no r*33.4-3-11 (121 TWO FEMALES: Campus Hill. Free heat. Furnished, dishwasher, OWN ROOM in house. $90/ EAST LANSING, three bedroom house. Full basement/garage. Close. 351-0871. Z 2-3-11 (131 EAST LANSING three blocks MSU. No pets, single rooms SAILBOAT. 16', Flying Junior. [lost & Found | month, utilities included. 5 acres. $240 plus utilities and deposit. 337- OWN ROOM - two bedroom pool, bus to MSU. $75 each. Nice MSU 4 miles. 332 8898.4 3 11 (14) shown after 5:30 all Sunday. 253 Yr Fiberglass, main, jib, spinaker. LOST: GOLD watch. Sentimental I NEEDED to sublease roommates. Cathleen, 349-2071. Z 0051 or 694 6506. 8-3-11 (161 house. Spring-summer. Close. Gunson. 10-3-11 1161 trailer. Great condition. $850. Lake $95.484-5847 after 5 p.m. Z 2-3-11 value, reward. If found please call in si TwVckin9ham 4-3-11 118) BASEMENT ROOM in house with AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - (12) Odessa, 1 616 374-7108. Z 4-3-11 337 1693. Z 2-3-11 (12) |)„ „2,mon,hly- 351- other students. Five blocks from (16) two bedroom directly across from LARGE ROOM in house, block FEMALE NEEDED spring term. Share house and kitchen. from campus. Will rent as single or SILVER SEAGULL campus. campus. Rent reduced on a six ROOM FOR rent, $70 monthly. pendant. 2" by Spacious bedroom to yourself. $50/month plus share of utilities. REGENCY CB 23 channel. Never ■J'EEDED for four person Two bedroom apartment. Rent Available anytime. 882-3856. 4-3- month lease. Call EQUITY VEST. 484-9472. Evenings, 351-5312. C East bus route, air conditioning, dfchwasher. Snyder Road. 351- double, negotiable. Two months free in summer. Call 332-1624. Z used. $110 or best offer. Call 1" mental lost, East Lansing. Great Senti¬ value. Please call 484- lfe°,n?bl0ck,'0m ■^"72.2 7-3-11 (12) negotiable. Ann, 11 (15) 332-8962. S 5-3- 111241 2-3-11 121) 8695, Paul. Z 2-3-11 (15) 2 3 11 (211 355-8221 anytime. Z 2-3-11 (131 9534. 1-3-11 115) 9Michigon Stole News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Frid°V.Morch„ QpersDMlJf/] AAUP works to gain ballot WANTED - FEMALES would like to enter the Miss Nude Lensing Contest. You could meke up to $3,000 in 6 weeks or who $2S0 for INCOME TAX preparation by TAX CORPORATION OF AMERICA counselor In your home. Week¬ ends, evenings. 337-2747 after 5 J to meet with Faculty Asso spoj ciatel 1 day. Must be good looking with Announcements for It's What's p.m. 0-9-3-11117) Social Science Department will good figure. Get application at Happening must be received in the offer Modernization in the Middle CINEMA X THEATRE, 1000 W. State News office, 343 Student East (IDC 345) this spring. For FREE. . .A lesson in complexion Jolly Road. 0 4-3-11 (431 By KRISTIN VAN VORST desire to put the medical the care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan Services Bldg., by 12 noon at least information call Najjar. faculty gets collective bar two class days before publication. State News SUH Writer schools into the bargaining unit gaining," he said. or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE No announcements will be ac¬ Middle Eastern musicians need¬ The MSU chapter of Ameri¬ and to exclude departmental NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. Korth hopes there will not be cepted by phone. ed to accompany dancers for can Association of University chairpersons. There are C-9-3-11 (181 a delay in reaching Easter Seal Telethon-Oud Derveki Professors (AAUP) has col¬ "The description of the bar¬ a consensus on the bargaining unit. FOR QUALITY stereo service THE Jesus lives among us. Bible Mizmar tabla etc. Contact Debbie lected approximately 300 cards gaining unit as they have filed the law prevents an He said lng ai MSC. tl,t' bit Study is at 8 p.m. every Wednes¬ Winans. this week in their bid to gain it is not acceptable," said Keith employer STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand day. Dinner and worship is held at from promoting or River. C-9-3-11 (12) 6 p.m. on Sundays. Both meet at spot on (he upcoming collective Groty, assistant vice president in the Wake of giving raises , "AAl'Pis Animal Husbandy majors: Ex¬ collective bar ASTROLOGER: PROFESSIONAL 4920 S. Hagadorn. EXPERIENCE SILENCE. Medi¬ cellent positions available in Thai¬ land, Malaysia and the Philippines bargaining ballot, said Collette Moser, MSU associate profes- sor of agricultural economics. of personnel employment rela tions. "The bargaining unit is very gaining unit negotiations. Korth said he expects AAUP Sis? with PEACE CORPS. For des eight years. Horoscopes, lessons, tastrutioi tation session with B.S. Tyagi criptions come to 121 Agriculture This gives AAUP the chance important. If the admini¬ to draw AAl,i Policy is 10 counseling: Career, Personality, begins at 7:30 p.m. Mondays in stration fights us, then there support from many of •■Wining. 'bui Hall. to attend a meeting today with its members in the Marriage. Call 351 8299. Z 1-3-11 312 Agriculture Hall. Bring a election but •1'v.dual ehaplt.rs GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum MSU and Faculty Associates may be some trouble" in blanket to sit on. "Whether they can lessons. Private instruction availa- (FA) to determine if the parties reaching a consensus, Korth enlarge Coordination meeting for peo their showing from last time FENDER TELECASTER deluxe ble. MARSHALL MUSIC, 351- Join the Great Issues staff. We pie interested in getting cable can reach a consensus on the said. "We are firmly committed uncertain." is J* Is a"iliati 1973 walnut. Humbucking pick- 7830. C 1-3-11 112) composition of the bargaining to stand." tionaS°th^Uei,k" il television our need your support and ideas. Visit on campus at 1 p.m. Beautiful condition. Best ation ,a'!0I,al brfin! ups. Sunday, second floor Union. Ca- unit. "We offer. 353-2678. 1-3-11 (12) [TyplU Struct llai us at 330 Student Services Bldg. blevision's Coming. FA invited AAUP to join it Korth* said the administra tion knows that the medical are increase in our own confident of an showing Associ lie , ' ", "bo» i, Christian music like you've nev¬ as a consponsor just before We think we can make it .4 oss board ii„ schools, whose faculty makes alone. er heard it before - on Peace of filing for an election with the But it will be HAPPY FAST AND accurate typing. Rea¬ up 15 per cent of the entire tough," Korth the Rock - Sunday mornings at 8 • ,u Michigan Employment Rela¬ MSU wording toFerej sonable rates. Near Coral Gables. on 640 WMSN. tions Commission a few weeks faculty, is probably 35th Call Marilyn 337-2293. 0-9-3-11 Applications for Akers Hall R.A. against collective bargaining Interested in Africa? Contact positions must attend a meeting at ago. AAUP decided to go for intervener status instead. and have "distinct interests Spring offer go5^;so Helen Gunther, 106 International BIRTHDAY TYPING, BLOCK campus, electric 3 p.m. Sunday in the Akers AAUP voted by a 4 to 1 (apart) from the rest of the otehoneiy Sak,e Center, for more information. Ask Auditorium. University." fast. Experienced, reasonable. about the Undergraduate African margin last week to make its "It would be a shame if JOE; Theses, term papers, editing. 332- Studies Program. Students of Yahshua discuss bid. they determined whether the rest of In celebration nf of tha 8498_Z_4-3-1'J12) "The Mystery of Iniquity and the Philip Korth, president of the spring lhe abbevI RAPID TYPING service. Themes, dissertations, term papers. IBM The European Association meets every Sunday at 1 p.m. in Mark of the Breast" from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday in 335 Union. FA, said AAUP and FA "quite compatible" on what the are speciaH For^IVs "weTf letterheads and 200 envelopes -MOODY BLUES Selectric. Call 694-1541. 13-3-11 the second floor study lounge at W. Owen Hall. bargaining unit should look ASMSU certificate bond (a $39 value at 547 East Grand St , Are they spying on you, too? Citizen's committee to End Poli¬ like, but expects opposition River, ,,ght (||ij TYPING TERM papers - 15 years Please join the Southern Africa tical Surveillance speaking at 7:30 from MSU officials at today's Book Exchange Abbey Press 547E. Grand River Liberation Committee ISALC). We meeting. ; experience. Fast and accurate. p.m. Sunday in Abrahamic Com¬ meet at 7:30 p.m. every Sunday at "Two sticky issues," accord¬ is Coming! Peamrts Perswl" jg; Near_MSU. 882-8787_3-3-11J12) the Peace Center, 1108 S. Harri¬ munity. ing to Korth, will be MSU's JUDITH CARMAN. Experienced son Road. dissertation typist. Term papers, MANY THANKS to the following theses, dissertations. Call 393- Minority Pre-Med Students As¬ advertisers for offering the stu¬ sociation will hold a first-aid class dents at MSU valuable servcies 4672^9-3-nj12) at 3 p.m. Sunday in B205 Life and great entertainment through¬ PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ Sciences Bldg. Free to all MSU out the term. ASMSU/PB, Ab- sonal and professional IBM typing. students. For information contact rams Planetarium, Dooley's, Keith McElroy. One day service. 351-5094. C-9-3- Emil's, Famous Recipe, Pretzel 11 Bell, Pyramid Production. J.D. xS £12) Martin Luther Chapel will be 4-3-11 (32) EXPERT IBM Typist-Theses, dis¬ open until 11 p.m., Sunday sertations, general typing. Rea¬ through Thursday during finals sonable. 393-9971/337-2129 after 6 week for all students seeking a p.m. X 24-3-11 (121 quiet atmosphere of study. A- Natural S ence Studentsl Ap- .... plication forms for Academic - Council College Representative e available in 103 Natural Sci- Real Estate « EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ sertation, (pica-elite.) FAYANN EAST LANSING ranch. Many extras near. 3 bedroom Okemos schools, close to MSU. $44,900 by 489 0358. C-9-3-11 (12) ANN BROWN PRINTING AND p.m. Come and celebrate the term's end at the Tolkien Fellowship at 8 in the lower west lounge at •/. owner. 332-0524 after 5 p.m. Open TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, Holmes Hall. Sunday 2-5 p.m., 2646 Heather general printing. Serving MSU for Drive, East Lansing. 4-3-11 (271 27 years with complete theses MSU Mennonite Fellowship welcomes you to a worship and SO BUSY selling your home service._349^ffiq. C-9-3-N (19£ fellowship at 9:30 a.m. Sunday in there's no time to pack? Let Paul THESIS, DISSERTATION, end 334 Union. Coady, MUSSELMAN REALTY, term paper typing. Fast reason¬ help! 332-3582. C 5-3-11 (17) able. Call JOHN CALHOUN, 332- Deadline for the Creative Writ¬ 2078. (12) ing contest is March 15. Open to REMODELED SCHOOL house. 3 all MSU students. Take entries to LOOKING FOR someone to share bedrooms, twelve block founda¬ English Department Office, Morrill your humble abode? Let Beth help tions, new roof/aluminum siding. Hall. you place a classified ad. 355- $26,000. Contact - Paul Coady, 8255. S 3-11 (17) MUSSELMAN REALTY. 332- The relationship between Zep- 1582. 2-3-11 1191 ELEVEN YEARS experience plins, Procrasticon and Money will typ- be discussed at 7:30 tonight in 334 duTmiTc PHI MU "T" Sorority is having grow- in9 theses' manuscripts, term Union by MSU's Science Fiction papers. Evenings, 675-7544. C-9-3- ing pains. Looking for larger ((2) Society. house. Willing to buy or trade. Call Shirley Johnson, 349-0729 or Ft 7~Z IfST! Recreational Volleyball at 11 MOORE'JENSEN ASSOCIATES IrMSpOrtatlOl *J* a.m. this Sunday (as usual) in the INCORPORATED, 351-3900. 2-3- Men's IM Building. 1261 FLORIDA'S CHEAPER and more Would you like to restore a INVESTMENT minntec PROPERTY J 10 ,0 *hen ...ii'i Advertise Advertise here Youfor ,uu here sh?™ wionr me ride, riue. for rides or riders. riders steam engine? Call the Railroad minutes fmm from mciMSU.lo 2 apartment ra|| Twl at con im Club at the Museum for details. house. Downstairs: 4 rooms, bath. 355-8255. S 3-11 (17) Free training available. Upstairs: 3 rooms, bath, separate THREE PEOPLE need ride to entrance. $16,600, $300 down. Florida. Will share expenses. Leav¬ 373-5706 before 4:30 p.m. 489- Absolutely, ultimately, indefati- 0798 after 5:30 p.m. S 4-3-11 ing 3/18. 353-4177. Z 1-3-11 (121 guable, the first Corporation for (28) Public Nonsense discourse will be NEED RIDE to Denver area. Can recorded at 8 tonight at the usual leave 3/15. Will share expenses. Recreation meeting place. (fi 355-6135. ZZ 1-3-11 112) Have a Fling with usl Learn the NEED RIDE to Central Texas CANOE THE Everglades over Fling, Sword dance and others at spring spring break. Can leave 3/16. Will break. 7 days/$130 plus transpor¬ 8:30 tonight in the Union Tower share gas expenses. 485-2709. S tation. Deadline Saturday. PINE Room with Highland Dance As¬ RIVER CANOE CAMP. 3-3-11 (16) sociation. 332-3991, 676-2389. 4-3-11 1181 Service " Si Dale mation Instructional Arnold, director of Infor¬ Services, speaks at the Development and CARPENTER WOULD like steady Technology Luncheon from noon work. 14 years experience in to 1:30 p.m. today in 1961 North EDITING - THESES, research papers, journal articles. Grammar, framing and trim. Age 33. 393- Case Hall. 6394 after 6 p.m. 3-3-11 (171 punctuation, organization, clarity. Experienced, fast, reasonable. Spartan Spirit workers meet at 2 LIVING SITUATION 484-3852 after 5:30 p.m. 1-3-11 wanted p.m. Saturday at 506 Sunrise downtown. Independent woman Court. 1161 (24) seeks assertive woman to share accommodations. 394-4339 HOME EQUITY loans. Call FIRST Episcopalians gather to cele¬ after 6 p.m. 3-3-11 (16) brate Eucharist/Agape (supper) at NATIONAL BANK OF EAST LANSING, 351-2660. Equal hous¬ 5 p.m. Sunday at All Saints, 800 STEREO TURNTABLES, for dis¬ Abbott Road for our last ing lender. 0 1-3-11 (14) gathering co. Mixer, equalizer, speakers, etc. of the term. ... Phone 484-6786 after 11 am PASSPORT PHOTOS Students interested in volun¬ 3-^n FEINGOLD PHOTOGRAPHY. H2£ teering in a local art gallery 6/S5. Call evenings, 351-2586. 0 WANTED TWO man apartment, working with sales, a newsletter or 1-3-11 (12) public relations, contact 26 Stu¬ preferably two bedrooms. Must be close to campus. Call 337-0137. S dent Services Bldg. TYPEWRITER RENTALS 1-3-11 (141 BY THE WEEK OR MONTH Student employes: are you hav¬ PARTY GOER'S from M.S.U. At¬ ing hours cut? You can do some¬ AMERICAN tention Fort - Riptied Apartments, thing about it! Contact ASMSU Labor Relations in 327 Student Lauderdale, Florida. Thurs¬ BUSINESS MACHINES day 3/24/77. Z 1-3-11 (12) Services Bldg. WHiavJ SQUINTING CAUSES wrinkles. Help prevent with prescription ground PEOPLE WILLING to t Pancake eating contest and T.G. for Epilepsy Foundation. Phone help with Free pediatric clinicl Immuni¬ zations, well-baby checks, birth to „ 12 vears' everV Wednesday by - Now comes Miller time. sunglasses. OPTICAL 3^1«3._S 2-3-11 C1B) appointment only. Call DEC, 398 Lansing"1372-7409 c " 1 ) ' ^NG~ON"Mb"baric"al7 rent your wl "will house. Experienced sraiNSTIRM DIANA LOVES YOU ■MAKAWAY | ^rz^-iTm!6' °avid' 349' J PLAN NOW TO ENJOY YO'J* SPRING BREAK AND RECEIVE ^ound Town 10% OFF SERVICE CHARGES FOR COLOR T V. $ STEREO PHONO SYSTEM REPAIR THIS DISCOUNT AVAILABLE FROM COMMUNICATIONS WIN MONEY! Grand prizes from $150 to $300 at Bingo! 7:30 LINK Tuesday Night. CONGREGATION p.m. 220M.A.C. Ave. (Univ. Mall) 382-5554 SHAAREYZEKEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lansing. C-9-3-11 (20) Lhiaon Stole News. East Lansing. Michigan Friday, March 11. 1977 25 DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau sponsored by lAtfclaupnqf S*^ANA see, bestwww to msio IJIM.TV(CBS) (tO)WILX-TV(NBC) (11 what are you hul.n0 startwith the presemt, and istoknow about mrol'DUPE1 why don't you 'cause its )WELM-TV(Coble) (12)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) lookin6 into first, man! that then work tour wat back ! who he is, where he came from, just call him someth/n' i am-ship mm am ri6ht now, i'm checkin'out what he usedtd eat for break¬ manifests?^— cm*- 'rat ■ mv grand¬ fast-the whole " father! number, dig* T FRIDAY (10) Doctors (23) Forsythe Saga (11) Cable 11 News morning (12) One Life to Live (23) Food for Life 7:30 (12) Movie (6) Price is Right "Let's Scare Jessica to Death" 9:30 ' 3:00 (10) Let's Make a Deal 10:00 (4) All in the Family (11) The Right to Die ,ttletal« (6) Hunter 10:00 (10) Another World (12) 525,000 Pyramid (10) Quincy (23) Cooking with |rlc« is Right Continental Flavor 8:00 (23) Forsythe Sage Continues mr "p IT'S Soniord and Son (6) Code R 11:00 •ctric Company 3:1S (12) General Hospital (10) Billy Graham Crusode (6-10-12) News '■mr \m\- 10:30 (12) Donny 8 Marie 11:30 gllywood Squares i Ho (4) Match Game 3:30 8:30 (11) Nicholas Johnson (6) Movie "Ben" PEANUTS For all yoar Mgh tupplist •II Thomas (23) Lilias, Yogo and You 9:00 (10) Johnny Corson sponsored by: Open 10 AM -9 PM Daily 11:00 4:00 (6)Sonny 8 Cher (12)MaryHartman, 226 Abbott Road. East ible Dare (4) Confetti (10) Rockford Files by Schulz lonsing Mary Hartman ••I of Fortune (10) Scrambled Eggs BUT WHO WANTS TO :y Show (12) Wild, Wild West MSU SHADOWS 60 TO JAIL? BESIDES NO 0N£'5 G0.N6 TO .MI55 if wf£ it'cfE A CAMERA (Mister Rogers (23) Sesame Street .VIE ANYWAY ...: NEVE? I D h.AVE TnE l&6 CAP ON 11:30 4:30 by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: Biting one tree isn t DO ANt'THl ng right .. of Life (4) Bewitched SOlNc TO DESTROY „ |hoot for the Stors (10)Emergency One! PXMBALX* PETE'! THE EN\,KON.WENT.. Next to Coral Gables. L £.17 oppyDays 5:00 If 1 (ilias, Yoga and You IS News 11:55 (4) Gunsmoke (12) Emergency One I (23) Mister Rogers Present this really worth of free play! funny comic for 25s *1r ° Y ' " ' i afternoon friday evening O.K. SPARZ-X BEUSUt. You. To 12:00 CLUS atO if Vou I) News (10) Adam-12 5:30 V Sl mjQT To a glgce. M'c.'t.TiMG>... FRANK & ERNEST le That Tune (11) Cable 11 News sponsored by: i 5:40 12:20 by Bob Thaves 10% MSU DISCOUNT (23) WKAR Membership- roc Pledge Drive 12:30 5:50 [■— |arch for Tomorrow (23) Electric Company vers and Friends IT gn's Hope 6:00 Mu*T HAvE (4-10-12) News 1:00 (11) Video Tope Network beefj $ome KIND ung and the Restless Presents... ong Show 6:20 OF GOVERNMENT II My Children (23) WKAR Membership- vol Pledge Drive PROJECT. 1:30 6:30 le World Turns (6) CBS News ys of Our Lives (10) NBC News Lily Feud (12) ABC News 2:00 (23) Down of lourel and Hardy M.OOO Pyramid 7:00 ronsky at Large (6) Hogan's Heroes 2:30 (10) To Tell the Truth 3/(0/ kdlng light (12) Brady Bunch -©IT 77" OMSUL-ftt, - + CLEANERS LIATHMS IWW LAUNDRY A SUCDES | 1:11 sunt ma ust imsik CLEANED 332-3537 Sem Enjoy Their The sheriff of Upper Mayor McGoffey Antics in Duck water would take He's their boss, irascible, his duties seriously if he had any serious duties. short of stature-and equally short of brains. SAM AND SILO By Jerry Dumas Fanny Floyd and Mort Walker 541 BUILDING Silo A naturalist, a poet. PROFESSOR PHUMBLE goec . Sam's deputy and pal lj Starting April IS GAMES A GIFTS is like a barn silo-he is highly educated- in the SPONSORED BY: FEATURING ither empty or full of coin. w~l •fata Nawi. BOARD GAMES by Bill Yates )WN'S TOWN "BAT TONITE this co&fcnot* 1 |ikv Brown eoKSOBDK, D00lEyS-A HotOojs I JA f*tocoppect T*Hf tfJcoppecr : 2-5 p.m. pitcher 2-6 Specials cop&cno^ 1 HONEST ABE] ittcoe&ctix 1 TOLD you 1 didn't want TO Sll THAT PLAY Comcvzv WE irhtr cot&cnot*- CALVIN AND COMPANY SPONSORED BY: by Mark Varadian Low gas prices OSSWORD w ™ Plus Service I ■tHUM Bonda's Llttio Frooway torvlcn Station loss peasant rilSHQQ HUH •n 29. Obstacle rannn nnraaaQta sponsored by: | 1301E- Cr. tlvBf Naif to Vor»Wy Inn silage 31. Overhanging *s helper 'nmaammas ' Bflu- ep^es 33. Preposition 34. Damson sots ssngi 3EQ snnna 3832E? Wb ApprBciote Your Business 36. Definite noraa saaaaan «J el time 38. He was: Latin HHIIH Brag nng " *1 40. Mount nnE[3 DBQ □□□ ...and Nexr TtM€, raweNree* 41 Hidden "mi11 «'ls matksman 4. Windllower wepoNOTcAHTHe ""linear 43. Broken 46. A one DOWN 5 Cypnnoid fish 6 Refreshing FiRCDePARTMCNT ' «Service. 47. Fellowship quality FOR HEARTBURN >! 49. Espouse 1. Walk slowly 7. Assam silkworm f1 50. River duck 2. Unlucky 8. Warm ovfer ' 51. English letter 3. Respond 9 Awned 10 lacking color rT o 12 Nitrogen 4J 4□n□ II 1 innn 1 iT" 16. 18. 20 Deuce Inward Censor IIIR IT m■ r 21 Wealth JT i b~ LB 27. Concert 24. Engine covering n 30. Concealed from X" S~ sight r il ir n 32. Cordage liber 30 sH 35. Diagram r 37. Resign sr TT 39 Assay Br ■— R w 41 Maxim □ m V5" 42 Streak in mahogany ■ H 44 Summer on the TP □E 45 Color t&<~> iol&+hs— so" Hr en 48 Government official abbr The Money Man is on his way to the MSUBookstore, and he's bringing extra h So if you no longer need your W inter term books, sell them during finals Week (March I t-Id) Special llook Haying Personnel will be ready to buy your old ones (books) with new uncirculated ones (dollar bills) Jrom 7:30 to 5:00 daily.