VOLUME 71 NUMBER 49 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1977 Trustees suppress unfavorable audits By ANNE 8. CROWLEY and BOB OURLIAN ically refuted by Wenner. „t tment Sute News Staff Writers of the MSU Data Processing involving mismanagement, Angry board member releases secret documents Wharton's memo to the trustees, which accompanied the audit reports and res¬ ponses, was stamped "confidential." The (utilization of equipment and possibly management and improved use of equip¬ The trustee vote, however, was close — 4 is already being given by the legislature," High School Athletic Association's basket¬ board voted at its March meeting to review the reports in executive session. I book-making operations totaling ment, among other recommendations. to 3 — and at least one member of the board said Michael »ds of thousands of dollars has been But the MSU Board of Trustees has voted Smydra, D-East Lansing. ball tournament from the state quarterfinals angered by the secrecy and divulged the After the investigation was begun. Miller was Smydra said that the acting director of the to the finals. tented by two separate audits being to quash the findings of the audits, one audit results to the State News. was given official disciplinary reprimand Jecret by the MSU Board of Trustees, conducted by Robert Wenner, director of department, Don Perrin, ought to be Smydra said such gambling pools are a an "It's extremely hypocritical of the Univer¬ removed, adding that humanitarian con¬ for violating departmental state crime and that Terry Kuhn, manager security pro¬ ■audits have revealed that MSU's Data MSU's internal auditing visions when he admitted Smydra to his department, and sity to plead poverty to the state legislature siderations make such an action difficult. of computer facilities, designed the lssing Department is in need of another by Ernst and Ernst, an accounting and beg for more funds when it is obvious He also assailed the board and Wharton office through a side door, Smydra said. gambling system. Jural reorganization, better personnel firm. that it can't successfully manage the funds it for not attempting to investigate charges The Wenner audit was ordered by MSU "I saw other employes do it while I was against the department as soon as they President Clifton R. Wharton Jr. early last there, it goes on all the time, but Miller is the W.P.W "fl surfaced. October, at least four months after he first person ever written up," he said. " The Data Processing Department handles • received an exhaustive list of dozens of He added that it was common practice to computer needs of the University regarding allegations by Charles Miller, a lead systems do so because the side door was more student, personnel and department records. programmer in the department, alleging convenient to several offices. Wenner's audit also revealed that mismanagement, incompetence and the "The intent of the rule is to identify gambling forms were processed by MSU's waste of hundreds of thousands of dollars visitors present in the department." he computers for the 1976 college and profes¬ through inefficient utilization. added. sional football pools and the 1976 Michigan None of Miller's allegations were specif¬ (continued on page 181 : • ' / Election bid withdrawn by Faculty Associates By KRISTIN VAN VORST ing to Korth is 2,266. MERC's decision. Stale cards a i next- State News Staff Writer The FA then subtracted the medical time issue." MSU Faculty Associates (FA) has with¬ schools' faculty (which is not included in But Groty added that the reason MERC drawn its petition for a collective bargaining FA's proposed unit) and estimated the rejected the old cards was because they did election filed with the Michigan Employ¬ number to be about 1,975. not show current interest in collective ment Relations Commission (MERC) last The total figure for the bargaining unit, bargaining. month. according to the MSU administration and The administration rejected three pro¬ MERC ruled over spring break that the accepted by MERC, is 2,298. However, this posals made by the FA: FA did not have the required number of figure was not released until after the March • FA proposed persons employed half authorization cards (30 per cent of the 11 meeting between MERC, MSU and the time or more for two terms be included in the proposed bargaining unit). FA. unit. The administration proposed that But Philip Korth, FA president, said the Thirty per cent of the figure estimated by persons must be employed at least half time call for a collective bargaining election will the FA is less than 600, but it submitted in for three terms in an academic year to be be made again within the next month. excess of 700 cards to MERC. included in the unit. Korth said, "It's annoying but not much of Before the hearing the administration was • The FA proposed that chairpersons, APWirephoto a setback." not legally obligated to show the faculty list their assistants and associat es be included in With the ever-rising fear of our energy crisis, young minds all over the The FA based its estimate on the size of of how many are included in the bargaining the unit while the administration wants to country are working on new ways to consume less fuel. In Joliet, III., the proposed bargaining unit from the unit. exclude them. Double-up Steve Sternish and Tom Dolph lind traveling by skateboards the answer. And who says it has to be done alone? figures published in "Faculty Facts" that list the number of faculty members at 2,311. The According to Korth, the FA should receive the list of faculty names by the end of • The FA petitioned that all faculty members whose dutiesare performed 51 per number of voting faculty members accord- the week. cent or more of the time in the medical "We will then find out the whole picture of schools be excluded from the unit while the what happened," Korth said. "It will be the administration's proposal was to include NAVY TO CONTINUE PRESSING FOR PLAN first time we will have real data." Even with the higher number of 2,298 the them. Korth said that of the faculty units on 700 plus cards submitted by the FA would have been more than the required 30 per campus the "temporaries are the most exploited." ibeommittee cent to demonstrate sufficient faculty cuts Seafarer funds interest in a collective bargaining election. But, the FA has also learned that some of the cards submitted were not counted Groty said that the temporary faculty issue is" a small one." He said the difference between the two proposals is only 50 people. Neither one of the proposals include the because they were signed in 1975. By MICKIMAYNARD authorizing the construction of a small test decision from a military standpoint. He liken's right to veto the project, saying that Korth said the questioning of the validity temporary faculty members hired on a State News Staff Writer version of Seafarer. added that the group disapproved he knew of no official document that gave term-to-term basis. of of the cards did not become an issue until (ontroversial submarine communica- Mike Arnett, an aide to Carr, said the Milliken's involvement in the matter. the governor the right to do so. Korth said the temporary faculty mem¬ after the FA's refusal to accept the Yoject Seafarer was dealt a dev- recent veto of the project by Gov. William Navy officials also criticized the bers are given "teaching responsibilities but "Only Congress and the President can bargaining unit proposed by the administra¬ k blow Tuesday when a U.S. House G. Milliken had no effect on the subcommit¬ governor's role in the Seafarer issue, saying make decisions on national defense mat¬ are not allowed to freely participate fully in tion. He said normally this kind of ■mittee voted to cut off its funding. tee's decision. that it would set a dangerous precedent for ters," he said. academic life." I long sought action, money for the other states. questioning comes before the bargaining He said the temporary faculty is valuable The governor announced his decision on a However, an aide to Milliken said the unit is discussed. ■Peninsula antenna grid program was One person said Milliken's vote would not to MSU and "should be taken for what it is." recent trip to the U.P. The veto followed governor was given reassurance by the 1 by the Research and Development months of demonstrations against the affect the Navy's plan to go ahead with Carter Administration that his verbal veto However, Keith Groty, assistant vice Groty said that the FA is "playing the Ttnittee to the House Armed Services hearings in the U.P. on the project. president of personnel employe relations, numbers game," on the issues of the medical project. authority from former President Gerald Arnett said the subcommittee made its The Navy spokesperson questioned Mil¬ (continued on page 18) said, "Stale cards had nothing to do with icontinued on page 18) ■tide to Rep. Bob Carr, D-East I. said the full committee will "J follow the subcommittee's recom- Possible infractions election >n and kill the Seafarer program, Navy officials said they would mar 'er, * up on Seafarer, and would take se to the full committee hearings. | not killed until it is killed in full fiths and Timothy Cain, an elections worker. The student folded his ballot and said a Navy spokesperson in By NUNZIO M. LUPO Counterforce Slate indicated that the Lenz, who gained office as a Counterforce on, D.C. "We're going ahead with State News Staff Writer commissioner. went back to get another. He was given presidential race was close between its member said, "We were trying to decide lit is killed." Griffiths conceded it was possible for another ballot without returning the first. • Despite reports of lax security at , candidate, Mary Cloud, and Kent Barry of how much effect the State News endorse- ASMSU Student Board elections, Barry students to vote twice because empty This student, however, did not use both the Spartan Spirit Slate. | who testified several times before ballots were left on tables. ballots. icontinued on page 15) immittee, said Tuesday that the Griffiths, elections commission chairperson, uit the said Tuesday he does not believe the "We try to go through and throw those Later, the student, a College of Business project had little chance of ■J through the full committee hear- student government elections will be in¬ away but that happens," he said. senior, said, "You could pick up a stack of At least one student was given the ballots. Nobody's going to care anyway." He ("thcommittee was considering a bill validated. Results of the election may be available this afternoon, according to Grif¬ opportunity to obtain two ballots from a poll added that the poll worker asked him to "rip it up." President gives approval "That's just really poor on the part of the worker and the commission," Griffiths said about the incident. He said that incidents of to arms sale increase >ger accepts presidential job, this nature could invalidate the election but only if the race was infractions could be verified. close and several Voter turnout on Tuesday appeared to be By RICHARD E.MEYER Associated Press Writer person said today. White House Deputy Press Secretary Rex Granum said Carter is awaiting completion tons departure to Oklahoma higher than last year. However, in last WASHINGTON (AP) - President Jimmy Carter, who calls past U.S. arms of an interagency review of arms-sale policy year's election only 52 per cent of students sales policy too unrestricted and dangerous, before deciding on an additional $1.6 billion signing out ballots actually voted in the has approved more than $2 billion worth of worth of military sales proposals approved presidential race. • Lawrence L. Boger hopes to leave nominated and requesting that he send creden¬ Michael Lenz, current Student Board military construction contracts, logistical by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. ■"land June 1 to become president of support and NATO arms sales, his spokes¬ Icontinued on page 15) tials. president, said a poll taken by the a State University, Boger said he did not know who originally he is committed to reporting to nominated him for that position, but added that Sla'e "as soon as possible," with an the Oklahoma State nomination coincided with f headline of July 1. similar nominations elsewhere. ► meantime, he said, he will Declining to describe those other oppor¬ busy himself ■ things in shape for his successor by tunities, he said they caused him to rethink his [fp UP short-term projects he has been future and decide whether he wanted to leave inside weather MSU and take such a position. transferring responsibility for long- Well, here it is, the start of T(s to other administrators and refusing "Until a month ago, I would have bet and given Are you female, over 40 another term. Joy and kisses, J* assignments which would take him you odds that I couldn't be pried out of East years old, a heavy cigaret right? B " a month to complete. Lansing!" he said. "But the more I learned, the smoker, and a user of. birth But to get down to the from a list of over 150 candidates, more attractive Oklahoma State became as an control pills? We have an article business at hand. I he did not apply for the position, institution and a location." Today's for you. See page 12. weather is brought to you Tr'ted "P last spring when the former The Presidential Screening Council at Okla¬ Animal lovers of America, direct from bowels of spring: announced he would resign by last homa State was looking for someone with watch out. Pets, like every¬ administrative abilities and an agricultural and temperature in the low to mid thing else, will soon be costing 60s, partly cloudy, and with a f 'hat he learned through his circle international background. Boger has served as .'that he had been nominated for the an instructor of agricultural economics, chairper you more to buy and keep. chance of showers in the Read about it on page 14. afternoon. r son of the department and dean of the college 1 tjon htate after, he said, a letter came from before being named provost. Boger telling him that he had been 2 Michigan State News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Wednesday, March | U.S., Cuba negotiators held secret meetings, Rogers soys Rhodesia issues policy statement WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep senators, some dozen Ameri¬ State Department last Friday, and resentatives of the United cans held in Cuba on drug- they were generally believed to Eagleburger were the prin- c'Pa' Ame"«n participants. , ' SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP) — Rho¬ The statement came as Prime Minister States and Cuba have been related charges were' released be the first known meetings ,„mI' retUf» toMrj, desia's white government said Tuesday a Ian Smith met in Cape Town with South secretly meeting for almost a and the L'nited States moved to between the two nations since In a Houston, Tex., ^Pt!?n »' soft constitutional transition to black majority African Prime Minister John Vorster on year, a principal American par support lifting of economic and the United States suspended March 1, 1975, speech on »r~tll^e ** no vin rule was "imperative" but pledged to proposals for a Rhodesian settlement. ticipant said Tuesday. diplomatic sanctions by the relations in January 1961. Kissinger, sig. The high level meetings at Organization of American The earlier round was begun light black guerillas "with the utmost Security officials, meanwhile, said a white soldier and a white police officer airports and in a New York States against Cuba. in November 1974 with a tele¬ vigor until we have destroyed the hotel involved talks about The talks, from late 1974 terrorists." had been slain in new clashes with es¬ phone call by Lawrence Eagle- tablishing normal relations be¬ until Cuban military interven¬ burger, a close aide to Kissin¬ The government issued a policy state¬ insurgents, bringing the number of tween the two countries, said tion in the Angolan civil war in xirotBl»$20pRfyBOf. lfl ger, to the Cuban mission at the ment including a nine-point blueprint for security force deaths this year to 56 and William D. Rogers, former as September 1975, covered a new constitution to usher in black rule. to 277 for the entire four-year war. sistant secretary of state for number of other issues as a well, United Nations explaining the Ford Administration's interest ' s.,«MsuT*MkiL'Zl"'*'?' Latin American affairs. including expanded travel for in meeting with Cuban diplo¬ "-5o^ Chinese mobilize against drought "What we were doing was Cuban diplomats in the United States and the eventual remo¬ mats. explaining, as Secretary of Subsequently, the sessions State Henry A. Kissinger had val of barriers to trade by held at National Airport HONG KONG (AP) — Millions of 24, ordered prefectures and counties to were said publicly, that hostility was foreign-based subsidiaries of in workers were mobilized and provincial make agriculture a priority directed that Washington, at John F. not a permanent part of our American business firms. conferences were held last week in all sectors "establish the idea of taking Kennedy Airport in New York Dfsploy Adv.rtlsln,. policy," Rogers said in an When the current fishing and at the Hotel Pierre over¬ Busies. Off k. ., various Chinese provinces in connection agriculture as the foundation." interview. talks were announced by the with the nationwide campaign against looking Central Park. Rogers PhofOfrDphlC The broadcast from provincial capital The talks, described by Rog¬ drought, Chinese provincial broadcasts Chengchow said, however, the province ers as "exploratory," were have indicated. treated as confidential. They set a new record in grain output last year. A broadcast from east-central Honan province said a conference held under the Honan provincial revolutionary com¬ A Canton broadcast from Kwangtung province said some 2.6 southern became known publicly after the Carter Administration au thorized the current round now ANNOUNCING.... mittee was told there has been drought in million people had been mobilized to underway in New York on the province for six months. fishing rights and maritime fight drought and carry out spring boundaries. Those talks were The conference, held March 19 through farming in Fushan prefecture. announced last week by the State Department. "The basic point was to find Bermuda Triangle study planned out if we could talk," Rogers said. MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet Union and range up to several hundred kilometers "You have to start out asking the United States will cooperate on a in area and resemble cyclones in the the other fellow. That's what study of the Bermuda Triangle, a patch of atmosphere in their structure. They reach we were doing. Logically, those kind of talks would not be the Atlantic Ocean near Bermuda, noted to o depth of several thousand meters. announced." for ship and plane disasters, Tass Tass said U.S. scientists researching Sources said that as a result reported. of the meetings and other the region have discovered similar The agency said nine Soviet vessels formations. contacts by a handful of U.S. will participate in the joint project, to be called "Polymode," starting this June. The Tass dispatch said the U.S.-Soviet The project follows a Soviet expedition in effort would be aimed at making 1970 that found whirl formations in the "calculations and forecasts of the inter¬ region. action of the ocean and atmosphere in The formations, according to Tass, shaping the weather and the climate." The First Amateur Photo Contest Sponsored By the State News A Camera Valued up to *200 (winner's choice) Congress delays action on energy bill WASHINGTON (AP) — Members of automobile fuel economy. Any lens or accessory valued up Congress, curious about President Jimmy Carter's forthcoming energy policy and A stiff tax on gas-guzzling cars and a to »IOO possible rebate for buyers of energy- concerned over key parts of his energy efficient vehicles are being considered, (winner's choice) reorganization bill, are delaying action Schlesinger says. on the measure. But many members of Congress want White House energy adviser James R. more specifics. Any lens or accessory valued up Schlesinger claims the "broad outlines" Congressional leaders have signalled to $50 of the policy ore known. It will include a their unwillingness to create the new call for more conservation, increased reliance on coal and less emphasis on energy department until they know (winner's choice) exactly what kind of sacrifices the nuclear energy, easing of price controls President will ask of Americans in his •Prize values determined at current Eost Lansing Retail prices. on oil and natural gas. ond better April 20 energy message. Rules of Bntry Size: 8 x 10 is minimum and preferred size. Prints or transparencies (slides) of larger size will also be accepted Federal court issues Breathalyser rule Specifications: Block and white, color prints or transparencies (slides), mounted. Entries previously moy h agricultural action was the result of a study conducted all," he said. techniques. jointly by the ad hoc committee composed Martin said that the ad hoc committee The four universities involved in the of Trustees Blanch Martin. D East Lansing, had several different ideas as to what it project will train extension agents front Don Stevens, DBIoomfield Hills, and could accomplish. One I And you wnit and you wait, only to find that hold State News/Laura Lynn Fistler possibility is that the that country, which, in turn, will operate and while you're Aubrey Radcliffe, R-East Lansing, as well committee could gather reports from the demonstration farms designed to teach pour I card means if you pay it won't have enough busy waiting, someone else is as Jack Breslin, executive vice president, various University departments and col¬ I money picking up the last class card you need. Welcome and Ralph Bonner, assistant vice president farmers in the country. to register. So they send you on to wait some more back! leges having difficulties getting minorities In addition, advanced agriculture degrees for human relations. to join their staff. will be awarded to Uruguayans .titer study- in the United States. The agenda reorganization which was *ATA-M5l/ bus integration approved after little disc plan revised eliminate basic • work v ich the board previously dealt v th. Breslin «a id. "These routine items ere pl.K agenda ifor board action By MICHAEL ROUSE operate from 7 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. State News Staff Writer Monday project. where the s x specially equipped buses sity was relatively small through Friday and the fare would be 10 The question of accessibility for handi- "If the plan is approved by the City Council, the items which w< leCapital Area Transportation Author cents. cappers will not be addressed with the trial run, based < n demand, Kooyers said. it will be reviewed by CATA and the CATA tended as items needing The plan wilII have to be approved soc ICATAI-MSU bus service integration The purpose of the CATA-MSU bus bus run because full-size CATA buses board before being submitted to University now will be classified a js not dead. integration plan is to allow East Lansing the funding iis to be included in next ve officials." accessible to handicappers will not be city budget. needing board action. ie plan seemed to suffer a crushing residents to have direct access to the center available for about 18 months, Woods said. In other action at the meeting, the Breslin said one are: affected by the It last month when the Farm Lane of campus. "MSU is not expected to act until it gets /oted to hold its April meeting After that, it will be up to CATA to decide the formal CATA reorganization is the li as closed to heavy vehicles because request," Kooyers said. University officials have been wary of the t accessible to handicappers. which have been reclas- in the surface material. The bridge plan out of a fear that the MSU bus system work .load. g one of the proposed on campus will be taken over by CATA. However, In accordance with Ja routes developed by representatives Duane Koovers, administrative assistant A boycott by East Lansing against goods manufactured by corporations that have enacted in February, th I East Lansing, MSU, CATA and the for CATA. said the few stops on campus major investments in the Republic of South Africa and support the apartheid first inty Regional Planning Commission, will hopefully not interfere with there will be the topic of a public regime the hearing tonight. nthly expenditui .ebeen working on the project since classroom to classroom and dormitory to The hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Hannah Middle School Un classroom service provided by the MSU E.L. residents Road. auditorium, 819 Abbott The expenses I the meeting of the East Lansing system. The resolution before the City Council, which has been several categories proposed by the Southern Isportation Commission Monday night, The transportation commission unani¬ Africa Liberation Committee of the East Lansing Peace Center and other organizations, telephone charge alternative plan prepared by the mously voted to recommend to the King department was unveiled, Council that the proposed extension of City plan hearing, calls for the East Lansing government to cease doing business with Caltex, (Standard of California and Texaco). Firestone, General Motors, IBM, IT&T, Kennecott Copper, subsistence and I The expenses for Janu utaled fttead of driving over the Farm Lane CATA routes be tried and studied for nine Mobil, Motorola and Union Carbide. $630.31. which is d by MSI Je. the Burcham Drive - Hagadorn months beginning September 19. The city's land North Harrison Road buses would subsidy for the service would be $39,600. ponder boycott The provisions of the resolution would recognizes a representative government. expire when the Organization of African Unity The expenses rung up by the various trustees ranged from a high of $232.19, |ogue Street. "The alternative route will be used only if Representatives of the nine corporations were invited to the spent by Radcliffe. to a low of $9.41). spent le buses would stop at seveh places oh 'the Farm Lane bridge is not fixed by hearing, but as of by Martin. Trustee. Raymond Kmwlikow- Tuesday afternoon only IBM will be represented and IT&T will send some |u> and there would be a 20 mmute September," said Ken Woods, planning city administrative assistant Mary Padilla said. pamphlets, ski. D Birmingham, did not spend i between buses. They would staff member who has been his ith the oard. working on the n WHEEL N TRACK Potterville HAS FAHIASIIC SPRING SAVINGS FOR RETURNING STUDENTS MOTORCYCLES NEW USED Rupp lOOcc 5-Speed 1975 Honda CB 200T Brand new • s475 Good condition $575 1975 250 Montessa Racer s800 Rupp 125cc 6-Speed Sachs Engine 22 1971 250 Matador Bultaco '300 horse 1974 T500 Suzuki '800 high performance s525 1974 Honda 360 '675 Chaparral lOOcc Minicyde 1974 Yamaha 250 Enduro s550 5 speed '450 1973 Honda SL350 '525 1968 Norton Chopper '950 CB's TV's BICYCLES PACE 144 23 Channel 12" BSW Hitachi LAMBERT Some At Vicount BATAVUS Champion'125 seomless Reg.'219 Now '69 Reg. *295 NOW'150 in Box lightweight stee1 22' j lbs. 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VeloSolex SA 10 M25 brakes Fully Lugged Chromed Steel Hg Gain 40 Channel Base Solex Loparisenne '133 handlebar Vredestein or Hu'chnson Velosolex seamless Gumwall tires Shimono Laik SS •180 While Supply Losts 1 block past light. light weight Oerailleurs tubing Simplex Prestige 637 Deroilleur MAFAC alloy racer 115 Lansing Rd. centerpull brakes PEYRARD NERVAR PACE 1000M-Sideband LAMBERT'150 sold together Next to Albins Honda SPORT CRANKSET CHROMLUX Reg. '379 Now '180 >200 RIGIDA RIMS Bertin foam podded Special close out while supply lasts PACE Reg. Power Supply saddle Michelin gumwall tires Last time they II be offered. While Supply Lasts Reg. '79 Now'35 WHEEL N TRACK in Potterville OPEN EVERY DAY TIL 7P.M. OR Phone 645-2492 Seafarer probably dead-thanks to public The vote by the House subcom¬ still revive Seafarer on the people of the sure by the defense establishment funding for this out¬ mittee on Research and Develop¬ rageous Navy-sponsored boon¬ has been Upper Peninsula against their will and special interest groups. Under ment of the Armed Services exceeded only by the the circumstances, one must view doggle, but the chance of this Committee to cut off funding for occurring is exceedingly small. spinelessness of the state and the possibility of Carter fulfilling Seafarer is a welcome but long The audacity of the Defense federal government in allowing his other campaign pledges with overdue action. The full House can this fiasco to continue. Gov. Department in seeking to impose William skepticism, if not downright G. Milliken, former Presi¬ cynicism. dent Gerald Ford and President Defense Secretary Harold Jimmy Carter all piously asserted Brown's letter to Milliken, which Boycott U.S. firms that the fate of Seafarer rested ultimately with the people of Michigan. seemed to suggest that Milliken did not have veto power over Seafarer was the pretext Milliken In late 1976, 30 U.S. investors visiting Johannesburg relaxed after All three eventually found it used to veto the project. While this the main course of a banquet and anticipated dessert. They were expedient to equivocate on this action was welcome, it is un¬ delightfully surprised by the piece de resistance, ice cream shimmering doubtedly true that Milliken's long with flecks of real gold. They were satisfied. Ford left office without any delay in heeding the wishes of his Earlier that year, over 260 black Africans were killed in riots spurred serious attempt to interpret the Michigan constituents encouraged by apartheid, South Africa's official policy of segregation. Black will of the people, and Carter came the Navy to press forward with its Africans became outraged that they have not shared in South Africa's into office saddled with a campaign plans for Seafarer. phenomenal industrial growth. pledge to veto Seafarer if the It appears that Seafarer is now They know that a white South African averages over $470 in earnings people of Michigan so desired. The dead no thanks to the a month while they average $60. They know that 93 per cent of white — governor, people did desire — by referen¬ the president or the Defense students attend high school while only 9 per cent of blacks have that dum margins-as high as 30 to one. Department. Public pressure has Board bungles privilege. They know one-half of the children born in Bantustans — black districts — die before reaching their fifth birthday. Carter's failure to veto Seafarer in the face of overwhelming public worked its will, but only after protracted period of frustration a Once again the MSU Board of agaii They were not satisfied. opposition to its construction indi¬ and uncertainty. The people de¬ Trustees and There are 17 million black citizens and 4 million white citizens living in cates that he succumbed to pres- played political games with the students and facultyadministratis South Africa. Yet South African blacks cannot vote, strike or join a serve better. spring break that the board met to hear both sides of It wi!i political party. The black unskilled worker averages 56 cents to $1.26 surrounding the Brazil Project. th7L. conin per hour. In other words, South Africa is a paradise for foreign One cannot help but feel that ulterior investment. motives wemiJ Especially since those that would have voiced opposing view™! I And U.S. firms have invested heavily. Nearly 50 per cent of the auto CI The State News away from campus. According to Blanche board, the members had hoped to hear both sides ofchairner li market and 44 per cent of the oil production in South Africa is controlled by U.S. firms. A report issued by the State Department described U.S. firms as | But instead, only one side was heard as a Martin, result of the contJ nezliwnJl Wednesday, March 30, 1977 administration's part. ™ "blending into the woodwork" of South Africa. And why should these Martin also stated that the board's position had firms disturb their Eden of industry? Editorials ire the opinions of the Stole News not changed u Viewpoints, columns he believes Secretary Elliot Ballard notified C. Maybe from indignation voiced at home. The South African and letters a e personal opinions. Patric "Lash" La one of the most Liberation Committee is now proposing a boycott of nine major U.S. Editorial Department outspoken opponents of the Brazil Project, i But regardless of an attempt to contact firms with large holdings in South Africa. The resolution, modeled after Editor in chief Mary Ann Ch.ckShav Layout Fred Hartesveldt Larrowe, the board J Managing Editor von have considered the many students who were out of ones passed in Madison, Wis., and Bob Ourhoi Photo Editors town. Gary, Ind., calls for the boycott of Opinion Editor Kot Brow Maggie Walker Loura Lynn Fuller | such products by the city of East Lansing. Copy Chief Such actions can only lead one to believe that the board did not J Tracy Reed City Editor , Michael Tommuri Wire Editor Joyce Loskowski If the resolution is passed — as it should be — it may forewarn Compus Editor hear both sides. With so controversial a subject Carole -w. Leigh Hutto> Stnff Representative nvpresen John Casey being discus: corporate titans like GM and IT&T about the moral obligation of Sports Editor Edward L Wonders Freelance Editc Phil Fro, board should pay strict attention to when it calls meetings. multinational corporations. Perhaps with a strong show of support, the The board should reschedule the meeting and invite all resolution will condemn the subtle colonialism exhibited by U.S. firms in concerned to discuss the I Advertising Department South Africa. The meeting will take place tonight at 7:30 at the John Don Gerow Assistant Adverti controversy. Such a publicized well in advance. By doing this the board could eliminl meeting shoif Hannah Middle School, 819 Abbott Road. ng Monoger Ceo Corfield thought of wrongdoing. VIEWPOINT: SOUTH AFRICA / To the Editor Boycott American J By DAVID DWYER that gradually the concept of apartheid will blur spd uisips At the time of this writing. South Africa, a country on the our memory, and that in time, because of their in southern tip of Africa, is the most racist country in the world and will cease to exist there. is likely to remain so unless totally offensive to the Christian communi knowing there will be consequences in something is done about it. The Southern African Liberation Committee (SALC) believes the ty. I hope in future articles the State News acting contrary to the dominant ethic. This corporation position is grossly inaccurate. First.iti writers will show their ability and skills as South African white-minority government is the most racist Did Tliarp's action, contrary to the the fact that corporations have never been moriliiil 1 effective writers without the use of such government in the world because it has enacted laws which tions. Their willingness to break the laws of any coiuibjJ audience's sense of propriety, challenge us allocate political and economic demeaning words. to see beyond the rights according to race. No other read daily in the papers, has never been for the piM public relations facade to country has such brazen laws. the evil of the CIA" If the amiable older morality, but rather for self-interest. As we have leirwB Susan A. Ries gentlemen had been dressed in a blood¬ •Blacks may not own land in South Africa except on country, corporations have never made concessions 1)1 Secretary stained uniform, would the audience have reservations (Bantustans) which comprise without worker effort, worker suffering and loss of life, ■ English Department only 13 per cent of the cheered the nonviolent act of total disre¬ (least desirable) area of that country. we expect the corporations to behave differently in Sow! spect for an organization that deserves especially when we know that the major attractiveness none? And if we don't agree with the •Blacks may not vote. Africa to American business is its cheap black labor! "whitewash" as a symbol or an effective Pornography protest, will we bother to find alternative pay. •Blacks may not organize labor unions nor strike for higher Secondly, this rose-colored view of the corporations is! ways to take meaningful action in opposi¬ contradicted by the head of the white-minority South II Banning pornography on campus would tion to CIA atrocities or will we be content government who explicitly states: Every time a Sootliil repress our freedom of speech? Rubbish. to discuss it dispassionately in comfortable product is purchased, it is a brick in the wall of our mo" Tumbling down Porn can be purchased in several theaters within walking distance of academic surroundings? existence. Don Kersten's statement about archae¬ campus. The "The South African white minority government ology verifying the accuracy of the Bible State News editorial position on Feb. 16 Barbara Thibeault has done everything within its power to conceal For these reasons, it is obvious that the South Afrit*! really demands only that porn be would have a far better chance for self determination *«■ ("Books," March 7) may be true, but it conven¬ Coordinator not only the inequality, but also the brutal should not rest upon the Endings at Jericho. ient, that is, in an MSU classroom. In view East for the over $1 billion in investment that American corp*" Lansing Peace Education Center John Garstang (sic) excavated at that site of all the negative publicity this University inhumanity that has been practiced there. They have made in that country. What then can be done to a use the term from 1930 to 1936 and believed that the gets (you didn't know?|, all we need is to "apartheid," which supposedly further U.S. corporate involvement there? further antagonize supporters throughout walls he found dated from the time of the means "separate but equal," to mask the bitter Israelite Conquest (i.e. 13th-12th century the state by protecting what is clearly a Ethics fact of their racism." One such step is the proposed selectsve boycottofl B.C. or Late Bronze-Iron Age I). Subse¬ minority land money-making) interest on corporations which have substantial investments in no j A boycott of such U.S. firms is presently being quent field work, notably by Kathleen campus. Good grief! Why not sell booze in B-106 Wells? I'm not even sure I'm city governments of Gary, Ind., Madison, Wis., ana carr«i«J =* Kenyon from 1952 to 1961 indicates that against RE: Lawrence Tharp's "whitewash" arti¬ Garstang's dates are several hundred years porn as such, though I suspect it land other cle in the-Michigan Free Press on March 20. boycotts have been observed to have the following ■ too late and thai the site was unfortified forces) increase male domination of women. What do the guardians of professional •Blacks may only work at a •They bring the question of apartheid and how (Okay, so some women like porn. Big deal.) particular job if no whites can be the attention of the American people. ■ between 1500 and 1200 B.C. The walls that ethics of the Fourth Estate say about a found to fill that job. Garstang found had nothing to do with My point really is that we're allowing reporter who is also a newsmaker and then •They discourage other corporations from | Joshua and their demolition something on campus that is very offensive writes a story about his own activities? •Blacks may not investments in South Africa. undoubtedly to many of the travel where they wish; they must seek resulted from an people who pay for this Ralph Turner earthquake. permission from white authorities. The late G. Ernest campus simply because most of us are not Wright, an eminent Professor brave enough to say we don't want it here. The South African white minority government has archaeologist, called "the problem of Jeri¬ done cho" more of a problem than ever," Paul E. Munsell everything within its power to conceal not only the inequality, but "As we have learned in this country* 1 .... and the archaeological information from Associate professor also the brutal inhumanity that has been practiced there. They Kenyon's work "disappointing." Kersten Biased use the term "apartheid," which supposedly means "separate but tions have never made concess i should substantiate his thesis with other equal," to mask the bitter fact of their racism. Yet if apartheid without worker effort, worter sii//6 . I knew, of course, before I attended the examples lest his arguments, too, come Whitewash means separate but equal, then why does the state spend only $30 of life. Why do we expect the corpora tumbling down. Maury-Ferency-Larrowe discussion on per year on educating a black child and $340 per year on educating March 7 what position Maury would take. a white child? Why is there an behave differently in South Ajru1 Rochelle E. Elstein eight to one income gap between 2645 Greencliff Drive or The debate continues — to either condone condemn the act of civil disobedience in He was formerly affiliated with the CIA. And I knew what positions Ferency and blacks and whites? Why are there such laws as those above? when we know that the mjor South Africa to American business u attr^ I In defense of the current racist government in South which Lawrence Tharp poured flour Larrowe would take. They have been Africa, black labor?" water very Disrespect "whitewash" on the clothing of CIA verbal about their views. sympathizers will say that things are improving and if left alone, the racism in South Africa will gradually come to an end. representative John Maury. Let us ask I wish to voice my But H. Lynn Jondahl was to function as This defense falsely implies that the white minority complaint of the use of ourselves some questions in the light of two government the word "Goddamn" on the front the moderator of this discussion, and is doing everything within its power to eliminate the March 9. It is my opinion that there page on themes that emerged from the evening. This is simply untrue. As the Soweto insurrection last summer inequality. exists a According to Maury's line of thinking, the apparently my idea of what a moderator is to wide variety of words to choose from when "dominant ethic" is supreme (doing what do and Jondahl's idea are very different. He has reaffirmed, like so many such events in the past, every black •They ask the corporations involved to spec describing the effects of a warm sunny dry. society or government authority tells one to not only physically placed himself in such a gain has been accomplished in spite of, not because of, the South their role in apartheid in South Africa (and th a ^ Not only has the writer shown a lack of do). Repeatedly, Maury defended CIA position that he was aligned with Ferency African white minority government. Every black gain has been with these problems will clarify their pes'" originality but also a great actions by using the Eichmann defense and Larrowe so that he had to turn towards won St great cost of black effort, black suffering and black life. influence or as a profit-making institution). the Lord who has created all disrespect lor used ^ things. to evade Maury, but the questions Jondahl asked of I more than understand that as a college responsibility for six million deaths: "I am not responsible. I was him stemmed from a biased position. He did Wnat then can an American do, black or white, to help Lansing Currently there is a proposal that the frml newspaper the State News has the tenden¬ only very little to keep the discussion moving eliminate the misery caused by South Africa's racism? Ask support such a boycott of selec ' doing what I was told to do." substantial investments in South ™" cy to be lenient towards the use of such In contrast, Zolton Ferency called upon forward, but did even less to keep the yourself the question, what does American corporate investment .m!,toniglit'tT words. Maybe it was thought that by using question and answer period moving for¬ do in South Africa? Is it promoting or discouraging human everyone attend the public hearing on this i us. especially MSU professors considering Hannah Middle School to either lend support these words Hie State News ward. Atrr person in public office Jondahl equality in that country? The corporations would have us believe was building a questionable corporate learn more about it. rapport with the student and community tracts, to use or government con ought to know better. For shame! that U.S. corporate presence has had, and will continue to have a , oep<«>"*"' I readership. But the use of such words is our own consciences, to take JaneB. Fishel strong moralizing impact on the white minority government Owyer Is o protestor in the AnlbropoW individual po responsibility for our actions Okemos member ot SAIC Michigan Stole News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, March 30, 1977 Attorney offers evidence in DES case ays manufacturers marketed drug despite women, but not for chickens," Charfoos said. Monday's hearing danger was aimed at determining whether the . By MELANIE DEEDS cancer daughters can sue major drug firms for allegedly cancer. Wayne exposing them to County Circuit Judge Thomas Roumell took the case LeTBOIT(UPI) - An attorney for 184 Michigan women whose manufactured and sold under its chemical or generic name by many under advisement, following four hours of arguments. compames and never marketed under a used by 900,000 to 2 million women. ■thers took the drug DES to avoid miscarriages said brand name Charfoos said all the women Monday In the late 1960s, scientists discovered that plaintiffs underwent surgery for E, is overwhelming scientific evidence that the svnthetil This is a scandal," he said. "The issueof DES is so scandalous, so women who took DES were female offspring of removal of cancerous or precancerous lesions. Some had part or all agen caused cancer in the daughters. yntnetic wrong, so frightening. developing abnormal glands in their vaginas and cancer or precancerous lesions of the cervix. of their female reproductive organs removed. ■lie attorney, Lawrence Charfoos, charged that m»i„r Eipanies - including EU LUly, Upjohn and Squibb were jointly problems" ^ 0Verwhelmin^ sl,own that the drug caused these The drug also has been used to fatten up chickens, but was One of those women, Lynn Levine, 28, of Farmington Hills underwent major surgery two years Edible outlawed for that purpose by the - for the damage DES has DES ago for the removal of cancer! d?ug was prescribed to pregnant women caused. The prone to miscarriages government in 1959 because of w« between 1947 and 1964. Researchers evidence that it caused cancer. estimate it may h«eb£n "For five to 10 years, they marketed the drug for pregnant "I hope this case saves lives," she said. "I was devastated. It completely changed my life. My plans for a family were eliminated. "There are thousands and thousands of women who could be iponsor pleads for 'immediate effect' affected by this." Lane Bauer, an attorney for EU Lilly who is representing all 16 drug companies named in the case, said the plaintiffs like charges were "trying to plug a sinking rowboat." The liability accusations, he By ED LION but he is worried whether it The measure, if said, were based on the passed by a "preposterous aUegation of a general marketing scheme for the |stste News Staff Writer will be given immediate effect. simple majority of the legisla¬ with immediate effect," tees. If passed by the House, it A team of scientists has tenta¬ avowed purpose of ,ie sponsor of a state mea Rep. Francis Spaniola, D Spaniola said. 'The scientific still would need Senate ap¬ tively linked the chemical to conceaUng the ones who made the product." ture, would take effect by law [ designed to reduce the Corunna, said the bill, which is community seems to be divided proval before passage, and neurological disorders found in Bauer said there is no basis for the lawsuit because the of PBB in the food scheduled for House debate April 1,1979. 90 days after the on PBB's harmful effects, and two-thirds endorsement for im¬ majority s farmers. „ and provide compensa- today, should be passed to take current House term ends. A vote of two-thirds of both we really don't know its effects mediate effect. In other PBB action, a U.S. them ""°men Cann<>t 'dentify the comPany or product that injured I for affected farmers said immediate effect because "ob¬ for sure. But there is concern Spaniola said a vote for the Senate subcommittee will be in mediate effect. "The question is whether or not and I'd rather we be safe than bill, but not for immediate the plaintiffs have the Isdav chances of its passage viously we've already waited "I think it's very Lansing Thursday to hear testi¬ proceed against these defendants when right to he House are "pretty good," too long." important sorry." implementation, would practi¬ they have admitted and that this bill gets mony on federal proposals to acknowledged that they approved and cannot identify the drug the cally be a vote against the deal with the PBB problem. manufacturer," he said. or Spaniola's bill seeks to re¬ duce the allowable level of PBB "Putting it off for so long just in food sold in Michigan from increases the danger that might the current federal .3 parts per fmergency guidelines idea million (ppm) figure to .02 ppm. It would also set up a $13 come from the chemical," he said. "We've obviously let it too long and I think we should go million state fund to reimburse act right now." |a//ed 'impractical' I LANSING (UPI) — Michigan residents by PSC farmers who must destroy ani¬ mals that fall above the new levels. The bill authorizes the state to sue Michigan Farm Michigan Farm Bureau vices has measure come out and legislative said it has launched an Ser¬ against the sources "inten¬ lion't get a set of instructions on what to do designed to open commission business to Bureau Services, the distribu sive lobbying effort aimed at its greater public scrutiny. tor of PBB-tainted grain, to defeat." It the event of a nuclear power plant accident recover this money. PIRGIM had proposed that each electric Since PBB, a toxic fire retar- tuse the state Public Service Commission The measure has the en¬ dant, was accidentally mixed C) says the idea is too impractical. company be required each year to provide its customers with emergency instructions, in¬ dorsement of Gov. William G. into Michigan livestock feed in I In its unanimous decision Monday, the PSC Milliken and has already passed 1973, hundreds of chicken and llso noted that nuclear disaster planning is a cluding evacuation plans. ■tile out of its field. The proposal was opposed by the utilities. through two House Commit¬ livestock had to be slaughtered. ■ A spokesperson for the Public Interest The PSC said the instructions proposed by Jfesearch Group in Michigan, (PIRGIM) PIRGIM would either "be so general as to be Mich proposed the notification scheme, said subject to misinterpretation and would be of Be decision "reflects a refusal by the PSC to little help; or, if written to cover the wide Bequire the utilities to come to grips with the range of possibilities, would be too luclear safety issue." | There are three nuclear power plants emergency." complex for the public to understand or follow in an HOUSE Pair jerating in the state and two more under New rules adopted at the PSC instruction. I In other action, the PSC adopted rules meeting will allow, for the first time, citizen comment at commission meetings. OF 4000 Pair Men's Jeans & Slacks Reg. $18 WONG Now $7 to $29.95 to $10 OO jplow examination The Oriental Orecery, Jewelry Top Price and Art Stare 500 Men odd vest ;layed until April 20% off on all gifts, art, jewelry, chinaware, kitchenware and assorted knick-knacks, all sizes Reg. '15 come in and see our interesting selection h preliminary examination en Earl Luplow, 23, of Tuesday, because of with another case. a conflict 519 W. Grand River, E. Lansing $coo >• has been postponed 332-8451 each I April 19 at 9:30 a.m. in The exam has been postponed I Lansing District Court, >.A.C. Ave. three times. 541 Building Offer Expires June 3,1977 Holden-Reid is being held in | bnpus. in J with the of his ex-wife that shooting oc- March 1 in Olds Hall UNIVMSITY VILLA 1 or 5 Blocks To MSU 2 Bedroom From '96 The Day-After Budget Store FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER large Thick II of Saginaw, V as Luplow's attorney, Leasing For Summer (Only 150.) & Fall Syndrome: fced a postponement of the The stylist made it look so easy |, which was scheduled for and when you use ■Vacation's Over ■ your hairs' ■II yircare. us BUT NOT THE DAMAGE! - we're hurting from too much salt and specialists in men's and women's eee sun, your A Communicate dryer • yecch?? good stylist will show you liow to dry your style ■ Using a dryer is part of his craft. It takes a while to master Proper drying is the least you - ask: can do JlockHjtoll for your hair GARY'S CAMPUS BEAUTY SALON IM-65I1 (across from Berkey Hall) THE HRIR LOFT, LTD. 220 MAC (UPSTAIRS), EAST LANSING In the University Mall for appointment ph. (517) 332*8660 SD 19100 SD 2-7000 If it's rock 'n roll, we've got it. The brand new Spinners The long-awaited new 2- You'll find a large selection of old album, featuring their new record Emerson Lake & favorites and new releases from single, "You're Throwing a Palmer recording, their Good Love Away, and first studio album in over 3 every group you've ever heard of introducing a new lead years. ELP. Individually -and some you haven't. Stop by singer, John Edwards they are masters And and browse. We'll show "Works" is a masterpiece. you what a record store should be. ALL BAD COMPANY, SPINNERS, ENGLAND DAN 8 JOHN FORD COLEY and WHEAL 00 WE CO FROM HERE EMERSON, LAKE & BT 76000- SS 8500 PALMER.... A sensational new Eng- A sensational rocker. Bad Specially priced land Dan & John Ford Company's long-awaited Coley album which is sure 4th Swan Song album has through April 4th to follow-up their long list'all the dynamism that of beautiful melodies and makes Bad Co. the hottest smash hits with even band around more We'll special order records or tapes we don t have in stock ...People Into Music. 930 Trowbridge ■AST LANSING Rd. E.Lansing 401 BAST GRAND RIVIR AVI. I 109 Allogan St., Lansing 3S144M MON-SAT 10*9 SUN 12-6 5 Michigan Stole News. Ea»t lowing, Michigoi Wednesd°V. March 3o, |( Santana favorites, Utopia's theatrics and Mason's guitars Utopia bicycle auctioh Stale News'Robert Koiloft Musical variety spiced the Santana proceeded to arouse Latin numbers from the recent- end of the winter concert the audience with "Black Magic ly released "Festival" and season as Pop Entertainment Woman Gypsy Queen" and fast I continued on page 7) showcased an acoustic Dave Mason and a pulsating Santana. Pyramid Productions present¬ ed a heavily theatrical Utopia TNI PLACI TO OO extravaganza. TO OIT TOUR MISSAOI Mason played sundry acous¬ THROUGH tic six and 12 string guitars, which complemented his strong with jeans, sweaters, shirts vocals. Along with two compe and jewelry. tent backing musicians. Mason injected new life into songs from his "Alone Together" 1:30 PM days, introduced a couple of compositions from a new album THURSDAY, MARCH 31st yet released, covered the FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST Eagles' "Take It To The Limit" in fine style and encored with the Mason trademark, "Only You Know And I Know." L/V1ALE MSU SALVAGE YARD Santana raced into throbbing 1330 S.Harrison ltd. renditions of old familiar songs On Campus /'// t , and material from the past two Since its the first Various mokes and conditions. All items may be < / J albums. With an outstanding Yard Wednesday thru Fridoy from 8:00 a.m. to 12 no Stote News/Robert Kozloff performance by Carlos Santana Items offered as is. All sales finol and not refundable | Gregory Walker of Santana on guitar and a torrid tempo set week of classes, try are are Terms: CASH by Chepito Areas on timbales, our courses at the Cave. Renowned concertina artist ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT PERIOD 310 OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL900 (Formerly Happy Hourl 3-7 pm daily will present concert tonight Featuring Special Ice cream driaka. Try the Dog Day Coaler. The Ten H«.und Fiddle will land, and the music of Ireland AMATEUR ENTERTAINMENT 390 pre* English and Scotland, sprinkled with 3-7 pm M-F. It you've got the talent, come on down and • AliS! p An¬ ragtime pieces and classical do your thing. We've got the P. A. and (if you need itl a piano. derson in concert today compositions. p.m. in the Union Parlors. ADVANCED ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT 490 The English concertina is Former member of England's small, hand-held instrument a well-known traditional band MOW OPiN WITH TWO Tuea. 8-1 pm. Special prices and other things to keep you going called the Ranters. Anderson through the week. with pushbuttons on each of its ends, joined by musical bellows. has three solo efforts to his CAMPUS LOCATIONS TO name and has written a book on GOURMET DINING 401 Anderson has been this European-crafted playing how to play the English concer¬ SERVE TOU EVEN BETTER!! instru¬ ment for a dozen years, and is tina. He has played numerous the leader in its revival within folk festivals in Europe and the 349-5000 OKEMOS the past few years. Unites States.' His repertoire consists of Admission is $3 for the (Opening April 1) traditional music from his serving campus East of Farm Lane general public and $2.50 for 110 Abbott Rd. homeland, the Northeast part MSU Folksong Society of England called Northumber bers. mem¬ 337-1377 EA 3M-7076 At# serving campus West of Farm Lane r * 100 Off 16" pizza (2 items) | i MOTOR CITY INTERNATIONAL 1 coupon per coupon pizza expires April 10,1977 j M0T0CR0SS | ——............I ARTHUR TREACHER'S the original Tish 6Chif g. Your Choice Of ONE PIECE FISH WITH CHIPS OR A BONELESS BREAST OF CHICKEN jeans with a jolt of leather, WITH CHIPS AND A LARGE DRINK piping the front pockets and webbi '1 innm/dtlfl 24 $1. innovat i those in back. .an important 'APRIL 2-8PM . Any day from 10 a.m. 5 p,m. Coupon expires April 8 ,1977 - APRIL 3-2 PM on the navy cotton denim flare je I Eat Here — Toko Home ' PONTIAC SILVERDOME theme for young men. Super We also have our usual Tuesday Special i I SPECTACULAR AND CHALLENQINQ INDOOR MOTOCROSS WITH THE TOP PROFESSIONALS look! 28-38 waist. $27 Otter valid f IN THE WORLO OVER MAN-MADE OBSTACLES with this coupon ...HAIRPIN TURNS...SAND PITS...OVER AND UNOERS...WHOOP DE DOOS AND 35-FOOT FROM OUR MR. J JUMPS. only at the TICKETS: $6.00 IN ADVANCE AT J.L. HUDSON'S East Lansing store THE SILVERDOME AND SELECTED MOTORCYCLE DEALERS. $7.00 DAY OF SHOW 1001E. Grand River A PACE/DELTA MOTORSPORTS PRESENTATION l-hinon State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 30, 1977 7 [he dustclears; ''Rocky' emerges victorious Lthyesselman wlmnnsefn'r G.ol<)sm'th, Glory." Barbra Streisand and rad for their tight assembly of ington Post newsroom in "All author's 20-year exile from the ing included an elegant dance Those who revel in this tnd P musical score Paul Williams. nrpHictnhlv .IpnWne and The Prpciilpnt'e Mpn " In Hollywood community due to pleasant perversion celebrated f „ "Rnplrv " an interpretation of the demonic ■IRON BAKER la.nD TV, * snan'0 the Best interesting side-note, "Black her refusal to cooperate with Latin chant from "The Omen," themselves Monday night. JjjNews Reviewers nl for -nh H?rrmann's music Obsession" and "Taxi Dri- tuettes for their hit, "Ever- Director award for their ambi¬ and White in Color," an entry the infamous House Un- "Ave Satani," Chevy Chase's ■cademy Awards cere- green." tious recreation of the Wash- from the tiny West African American Activities Commit¬ odd appearances at odd mo¬ lover for another year. Iheets and gossipy arti- E|le speculation can be country of Ivory Coast, beat out the better-known French tee. Slowly, in unison, the audience gave Hellman a stand¬ ments during the proceedings; and Norman Mailer, who pre¬ the Santana "Cousin, Cousine" and the ing ovation. Hellman cut sented screenwriting £ to the ash-can. The Italian "Seven Beauties." through the incipient sentimen¬ awards, likening the role of the (continued from page 6) Em center their Oscars This year, the awards cere tality by reminding the indus¬ screenwriter to the famous "Amigos" efforts. Mason joined Jiantlepiece at home or mony was produced by William try that the blacklist succeeded story of Voltaire's visit to a the band for an exciting encore. lously display them at Friedkin, director of "The because the men who ran the male brothel: when queried Utopia presented material _,. Mostly, they will French Connection" and "The studios confronted Joe Mc¬ about his experience Voltaire from the new "Ra" in an exotic ■heir agents to begin Exorcist." Friedkin marshalled Carthy with "the courage and commented that though he environment of pyramids, Tjof new and better an impressive assembly of resolve of a bowl of mashed liked the experience, he did not sphinx, lasers and other thea¬ figures from the new Holly potatoes." plan to return. "Once a philo¬ trical props that cost nearly Xremony marked by a wood: the four hosts were Other highlights of the even sopher, twice a pervert." $200,000 to assemble. It and a panache uncom- Richard Pryor, Ellen Burstyn, he annual presentation, Jane Fonda and Warren JO Academy members FROM THE STUDIOS* Beatty, with appearances by J "Rocky" as 1976's Best Marty Feldman, Chevy Chase, OF WFMK 99 ■ The late Peter Finch Neil Diamond, Jack Nicholson, Led Best Actor in a Jeanne Moreau and Liv Ull- I Role for his perfor "Network." In an charged moment, Eletha, accepted his mann. A Nary a sign of Bob Hope. special moment came when Jane Fonda introduced Lillian Heliman. Fonda, who portrays EATHF ■ Finch's "Network" co- Hellman in the upcoming "Ju¬ ,-e ir | Role. ). Runaway, took the Best Actress in a Avildsen, who had lia," acknowledged her place in American letters and feelingly attempted to expiate . the 349-9560 v won the Directors (ward, was named Best I (or his work on Taking it to J" Jason Kobards, as had John G. Avildsen, winner ol the Best Director tward, confers with Sylvester the Streets ■tidpated. won the Best ling Actor award for ■President's Men." Bea- Stallone during the production of "Rocky," which won an Oscar for Best Picture. Apr. 22nd Michigan National Bank Hraight. a New York ver" to win the Best Original Danilo Donati, who won the Xress. parlayed a small Score award. Leonard Rosen- 1968 Costume Design award for Inehant role in "Net- man, who won the Best Adapt¬ "Romeo and Juliet," took the a Best Supporting ed Score award last year for award this year for his extrava¬ I Oscar. "Network" is "Barry Lyndon," reprised in gant 18th century designs for 1 film since 1951's "A the same category this year for "Fellini's Casanova." ir Named Desire" to his .adaptation of Woody Guth- The Editing award went to le acting awards. Paddy for "Bound For Richard Halsey and Scott Con- tv. scenarist of "Net- Joilected his third Oscar lilliam Goldman, who n "All The President's inn his second award. Lcled. Haskell Wexler ■rded the Best Cinema |y Oscar for "Bound For ■EBSONAL re young woman CORNELL sautiful voice ■equally mature HURD and his Tetojoinherona jitic fantasy. MONDO NOT PAHTS REPLY: ORCHESTRA lilERIPERTON EPIC RECORDS Acoustic Afternoons 4*8 ■tapes. reduced prices daily S?izapd| ®ndei°gpotind Bapi %gtauipnl ■"""SSli} A COLLEGE RING. It's a symbol for life When the two most important weeks of the school year have finally arrived but you have to Josten's it's no time to get filled up. is a ring for life Available at the Bookstore Lite Beer from Miller. wasted in a b e'er. And! lAvailnble at G>1976 The Miller Brewing Co . h Q Michigon Stole News. East Lansing, Michigan Wodn9s Ami-rican which some thought indicated a v meetings in Moscow that the More Vance said. proposals for nuclear arms a • mprt tr«-at> hensive mi^ht treaty proposals he made Mon¬ come up today." Vance said, "because it indicates to me that negotiations scheduled for Wednesday, and were Asian testing ground on the morning of the second day's that the Soviets might not Isr™ ouMl*«d Vance said it was possible he talks in Moscow. There was no might extend his stay. mention of tlje test at Vance's Instead of SALT, the Strate meeting with reporters. gic Arms Limitation Treaty, He said Scouts may have violated law Vance said he and Gromyko spent the day discussing nu briefly" on they "touched very conflicts in southern Africa, where soviet President clear test bans, troop cuts in Nikolai Podgorny this week DARIEN, Conn. lAP) - For running this town's after-dark ambulance service, the 40 Professional Ambulance Service in Wethersfield, Conn., complained that the troop violates state Central Europe, controlling the pledged continuing support of CROSSROADS CAFETERIA spread of nuclear weapons and black nationalist movements teen age scouts of Explorer Post 53 got a national labor laws by exposing the teen-agers to the sale of regular weapons, fighting to topple white minor¬ award. They also got a complaint to the state hazardous working conditions. State Labor and demilitarizing the Indian ity governments in Rhodesia labor department Department officials said they will investigate. Ocean. and South Africa. The post, which has 27 young men and 13 young "We're going to be very pugnacious about this," women, was honored Monday by the Voluntary said John Doble, who founded the post six years FOOD SERVICE Action Center in Washington as one of the ago, "I can't conceive that anyone would have any nation's 10 outstanding volunteer groups. kind of legitimate gripe against this kind of OPEN FROM 7:30 TO 4:00 On the same day. Harvey Kagan, president of thing." EASTER PLANTS FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH, COFFEE OR SNACK kll Lilies INSIDE THE INTERNATIC PHONE 355-4550 Live entertainment Azaleas nitely • no cover Happy hour daily • 'A off mixed drinks! Tulips Also enjoy an Mums excellent meal NEW!! Try our new JUMBO while surrounded by a pleasant Hyacinths HAMBU RGER-V4 lb. of meat atmosphere. Daffodil Special Regular or wit h Cheese 1227 E.Gd. Riv. (one block West of Hagadorn) Ph. 332-6517 Norm Kesel Florist 109 E. Grand River 337-1331 Introducing: AVAILABLE AT the Resum€ Ace. If it's a resume you want, he knows it all. That's why he takes his jobs to the Abbey Press- Once when it comes to putting pizazz into your resume, the aces at the Abbey Press are strictly top-flight. They can do it all: typesetting, layout, sharp paper at a price that won't shoot down your wallet. After Go ahead poster, brochure, — be an or any Ace. Take your resume, other printing job to rejected as the folks who know the score: College, preposterous! What? Do what Cal and Les did. The Resume Aces. 547 E. Grand River 332-8668 Not sure what to do after graduation? Do what Cal Kendrick and Les Webster did. They bought a business — a business on wheels — and they move products for northAmerican Van Lines all over the United States. As Cal puts it: "This business may not be what we trained for to college, but there's no question that our education has helped In putting us near the top of the northAmerican owner-operator fleet. If you want something more than just a job, do what Cal and Les did... be your own boss, traveling the country and making money doing It. northAmerican will furnish the tractor for a reasonable down payment and they'll furnish the loads, too. There's no experi¬ ence required. $1.95/81091 Like any other business, it requires an outlay of time and an initial Critics called il "an outrage!"' It aroused Incredible antagonism In scientilic and literary circles. Yet hall a million copies were sold investment. A minimum investment of $2,100 to a maximum of 53.80 and lor 27 years il remained an astounding bestseller. includes the down payment on a tractor and interim living expenses Veiikovsky s Iheones ol cosmic cataclysm challenged the accepted northAmerican provides training which covers driving, business notions ol evolution and vn'oally rewrote ancient history But the operations, loading and paperwork. moon landings and space probes of recent years have caused scien¬ tists to lake another lookat Veiikovsky - today many ol his ideas are After graduation, why not join Cal and Les. You can, it 're 21 accepted as fact Worlds in Collision was found lying open on Eins¬ you tein's desk the day he died unbelievable the cause celcbie once thought to be and meet the Department of Transportation and other company is now seen as ahead nt its time requirements. Call toll free: 800-348-2191 THE GRAPEVINE FROM KET BOOKS 2758 East Grand River See this and ^ northAmerican WW LINES others on the 337-1701 P.O. Box 495, Dept. #v, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46801 mezzanine at An Equal Opportunity Company Across from Olln 1 uifhigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 30, 1977 COMMISSION CITES DEATH STATISTICS Scrfefy caps save lives, group says Washington (API - Those safety caps On readily accessible to small children. Since then branch of the commission's division of poison Ln bottles may be aggravating to adults but other potentially harmful products have been prevention packaging, said that though there had market one size in standard, easy-to-open ■'re saving children's lives, according to the included in the packaging law, and officials said been many educational programs seeking to packages as long as it is marked not for use in ■umer Product Safety Commission. overall poisonings of children by such substances teach parents the hazards of aspirin, the major homes with children. ■ 1972 there were 46 children in the United have declined 47 per cent. And, he said, prescription medicines can be decline in poisonings of children did not come L who died from aspirin poisoning, commis- "There seems no doubt" that the provided in nonsafety packages if requested by special until after the safety packaging came onto the the patient or a physician. ■ officials said. But three years later that packaging "is exactly what the reason is" for the market in 1973. T had dropped to 17. decline in aspirin poisoning, said Tom Davis of "But we try to walk a thin line on this matter," In addition to the 63 per cent drop in the Marozzi said, noting that the commission wants tinning in 1973, federal law required aspirin the commission. t packaged so that the contents were not Fred Marozzi, chief of the number of children who died from aspirin to provide the simpler packages for people who SOME OF AMERICA'S product analysis poisoning, the number of children under age five need them but doesn't want them in too poisoned by aspirin was cut nearly in half during the same three-year period, Davis said. widespread use where children can get at them. BEST SONGS JUST And, he noted that persons who do require the There were 8,148 young children sickened by older type packages need to exercise extra care GOT TOGETHER WITH tmericans leave aspirin in 1972, he said, and by 1975 this had dropped to 4,840. Davis said the figures for aspirin poisonings were most easily available when children are visiting them. While the safety caps seem irritating, commis¬ sion tests show most adults can open them but RITACOOLIDGE. because that product was the first to be placed in that most children under five can't. safety containers. The criterion calls for 90 per cent of adults to "Anytime... Anywhere " tolwezi as rebels Marozzi said there complaints to the fairly constant level of about the safety packages, primarily from elderly and handicap pers who have trouble opening them. be able to open the bottles within five minutes after reading the instructions. open For children, 85 per cent must be unable to it by themselves in five minutes, and 80 per Songs by Boz Scaggs, Smokey Robinson, The Bee Gees, Neil Sed.ikj, Kris Krislofferson, and Sam Cooke. He noted that the law allows manufacturers of cent must be unable to do so even after seeing it Styled by Rila Coolidge. products which require safety packaging to opened. ontinue advance There's no escape ■NSHASA, Zaire (API— landed in Kananga, some 400 pally all remaining Amen- I'vacuated Tuesday miles north of Kolwezi. They were accompanied by Mutshatsha. 60 miles west of Kolwezi and continued their advance Sunday in the direc¬ from a Tangerine Dream. I Kolwezi, Zaire's mining two other Americans employed tion of the rich "copper belt" I. in the path of advancing by the state-owned Gecomines around Kolwezi. Go ahead. Let the music take you. copper mining complex in Kol¬ Unofficial reports placed ■filial 'sources insisted the n was unchanged in wezi, which produces more than 65 per cent of Zaire's rebel advance units within 30 miles of Kolwezi on the stra¬ You may never be heard from again. ..n Shaba province, for export earnings. tegic Benguela railroad leading [ called Katanga. But un i| reports said the Zaire Another Morrison Knudsen engineer left in the private into Angola. These reports were not confirmed by official Tangerine Dream is: three sorcer¬ [staff had retreated from vc> towns about 60 plane of the defense attache at the U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa. sources, but a spokesperson for ers of synthesizer who play what could Morrison Knudsen said the de I in the east on the main A C130 of the Zaire air force cision to evacuate the project ■to f.umumbashi. evacuated some 20 foreign re¬ was taken "on perfectly ade be the most dangerous music you'll ur Protestant missionaries porters from Kolwezi, after quate grounds." |(hrlast Americans known in the Kolwezi area, and Zaire authorities told thoil prese n the a them ever listen to. ■have indicated they do not longer desirable. "Stratosfear." Tangerine Dream's no ■to leave. The reporters had not been ■chartered plane carrying permitted to leave the town in American engineers em the Morrison¬ the direction of the rebels. The rebels on Saturday cap¬ American debut on Virgin Records MUSIC CO. Corp. of Boise, Idaho, tured the strategic town of 's and Tapes. Be warned. says Welcome Back! Hope you had a fine spring break The Please Note Join and prices of diamonds and gold hate increased considerably use your during ihe last few weeks. Our inventory of diamonds and wedding rings does not reflect these increases as we have not raised the prices of merchandise in stock. If you are credit union. contemplating! a purchase, you would do well to consider it now. toil can use our lay away plan and sate. It's the one financial institution Select front two famous brands where you belong. o^rt Carved DO YOU KNOW ABOUT Everyone who works on campus TEL AVIV including student employees — is — eligible for membership in the MSU Employees Credit Union. And that's UNIVERSITY wm an important "fringe benefit" of working at MSU. JEWELRY0 ACADEMIC PROGRAMS FOR You see, a credit union is a ARTCENTER Where quality non-profit financial institution owned 319 E. Grand River Ave. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN STUDENTS by its members. At your credit union and service East Lansing, Mich. you're a member, not a customer. Phone:337-1314 count That's one of the reasons we say LORIDA WAS GREAT FOR STUDY ■J I U U I COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH "it's where you But there belong." are lots of other Main disciplines: Middle Eastern Studies for Visual and Performing Arts reasons belonging, too. Loans YOU - BUT WHAT DID IT Liberal Arts & Humanities cost less and are fast. Savings earn more. And now your credit union is Judaic Studies DO FOR YOUR CAR? Accreditation: . . Program accredited by American Universities offering savings draft accounts. What are savings drafts, you ask? They're a few thousand the convenient way of paying your irfl miles on it, took a bills. A savings draft account doesn't mm m | ■ Enjoy an enriching life experience studying and lie tread from its tires, f III I I Y maturing in the expansive environs and facilities require a minimum balance, has a r I ml || | Y of modern Tel Aviv University, situated in a built-in line of credit and Tied its air and oil actually ters-in short, it didn't ^I 1 .W*, | vibrant, cosmopolitan city ... a cultural center. pays you interest. Enjoy the within walking distance beach, and the your ear much good. program provided trips to Jerusalem. Bethlehem, ts face it, after a Hebron, etc Enjoy the new sports center. Olympic Stop by today. Get acquainted. trip pool, tennis and basketball courts, track and soccer And join. It's where you belong. Florida your car may , stadium. Truly, there is so very much to complement ' lie your serious academic program to make your stay at r performing up to the university most enjoyable and memorable Whether it's in need fepair or just a quick Tuition: $1400 for one year "nip. Max Curtis will $700 for one semester eu your car quickly Dormitory: .... $270 for one year ^'i,nefficiently. Call now TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR + + $120 for one semester appointment! Living: Estimated living expenses $100 per month SPRING TIINE-UP SPECIA1 Total Package: . $3600, includes travel, MSU EMPLOYEES tuition, dormitory, living CREDIT UNION OFF all service and repairs with expenses for one year. valid m.s.u. student i.d. offer 600 E. Crescent - on campus good through easter sunday. Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 5:30 CALL TOLL FREE 800-223-7419 Phone 353-2280 MAX CURTIS FORD PH. asi-uai American Friends ol Tel Aviv University. Inc 342 Madison Ave.. N Y . N Y. 10017 1 Ijl.OCK WKSTI >!■' 1'KANDOK - M K. MICHIGAN T fl Michigan Stote News, £o»t lonsing, Michlgon Wfidnesdoy, March 30, „77 WMSN and MSU BOOKSTORE Celebrate the Arrival of SPRING ... And Welcome YoubyG Ba Out PRIZES GALORE! Just Listen to or Stop Down and Watcl WMSN Broadcasting Live (640am ornr From the Front Lobby of MSU Bookstfu, of the International Center. j„ stole News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 30, 1977 1 1 Special Hours for Registration Week FIRST WEEK MARCH 30-APRIL 1 WEDNESDAY 3-30-77 7:30a.m. -9:00p.m. THURSDAY 3-31-77 7:30a.m. • 9:00p.m. FRIDAY 4-1-77 7:30 a.m.-5:30p.m. SATURDAY 4-2-77 10:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. SECOND WEEK MONDAY 4-4-77 7:30a.m. 5:30p.m. ■ TUESDAY 4-5-77 7:30a.m.-5:30p.m. WEDNESDAY 4-6-77 7:30a.m.-5:30p.m. REGULAR HOURS 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. "MONEY MAN" HOURS - Buying Your Used Books Wad. 3-30-77 7:30a.m.-5:00 p.m. Thuri. 3-31-77 7:30a.m.-5:00 p.m. Frl. 4-1-77 7:30a.m.-5:00p.m. i o'lr dial) kstwm the Lower Level 1 2 Michigan Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 30, Report links smoking, birth control NEW YORK (AP) - Women over 40 who use birth control pills run a much lower risk of death from heart attacks than recent The new data analysis follows recent studies in Great Britain and the United States that indicated pill users in general, and contraceptives in women in this age group (40 and over) is not recommended." The proposed revision for patients states: 83 per 100,000. Among women aged 30-34 and 35J» p/||J reports had suggested - as long as they don't smoke. especially those over 40, faced a much higher risk of death and "Though it is your decision, it is recommended that if you are over 40 years old you do not use the pill because of an increased risk of risks from heavy But pill users in their 40s who smoke more than 15 cigarettes a both fatal and nonfatal heart attacks than others. Those studies have resulted in widespread fears, especially heart attacks from the pill." These figures are smoking and pill u« slightly higher "^'Ltkitty-,,8 Pertnu day die of heart attacks or blood clots nearly 12 times more frequently than those who don't smoke at all. These were the major findings of a new study of mortality risk among women around 40, about use of the pill. On the basis of those studies the Food and Drug Administration has proposed a But those studies lumped together both smokers and nonsmokers among pill users and therefore did not take into pregnancy and and childblthUotVota l"'' -taft significantly higher than the account the snyergistic effects of pill and smoking combined. A and oral contraception that was reported Tuesday by research revised labeling of oral contraceptives for physicians and patients. contraceptive methods and with abortion Msooate much. Offshore oil mustn't tion. Educational Relations Dept- Each working man and woman's General Offices. U-2, Middletown, spoil our beaches. Coal mustn't rape share of our 71 quads comes to the land or poison the air. The atom Ohio 45 BTUs. Of course all that mustn't threaten to destroy us. Energy energy isn't spent on the job. Nor do conservation mustn't interfere with all jobs take the same amount, spending BTUs for worthy reasons. although most spend more than we Fair enough. But so far. we're pay¬ Put your expensive eye think. But when you look at our avail¬ able energy and the 89,(XX).(XX) people ing more attention to the lhan we are lo the problems energy itself. We've behind our inexpensive System 35...and WOW. at work, then WXMXXl.tXX) BTUs is each job's share. got lo Slop making every social goal Now think about the Ib.tXXUXX) an ideological crusade. We need to Just about any ot the think things through and make rational great photographs you see 9 volt alkaline more U.S. men and women experts could have been taken with Vivitar battery. Vivitar Automatic say- trade-offs if we're ever going to System 35 135mm 12.8 lent Super focal length will be looking for jobs over the next get Plus one good eye. Vivitar those IS.(XXI.tXX) additional jobs. System 35 is a most inexpensive way to get serious about for portraits/About 2Vh times larger than ten years. At XIXUXXMXX) BTUs apieci Next lime some zealot crusades photography normal image Vivitar 2X Tele Converter we'll have to come up with an extra The basic limitation is for anything, test the crusade your own creativity and skill against Vivitar 220/SL 35mm camera match needle Center-weighted metering system/Speeds from Doubles the effective focal length of your lenses/Converts the 50mm lens to 100mm/ 14.4 quads of energy to create new- jobs for them. this question: Dues it one produce ill Bit's wolili of energy'.' If nol, it least Armeo wants I I /1000 to 1 second plus "B" for time the 135mm lens to 270mm. Vivitar Enduro At Armeo. we face the energy won I do a thing to about energy ana joo* ■ expo help you gel a job. sure/Electronic flash sync at 1 /125th Cate Carries the entire system com¬ problem every day because it takes about 29JXXUXX) BTUs to make each Does our message make-sens-e. P second/Universal thread mount 50mm fortably and securely while hiking, cycling, like to know what J™'1""*' I sknng, etc Find the nearest Vivitar dealer and II 8 lens/Built-in hot shoe/Self timer/ Film-in-chamber indicator/ASA Range ask for a demonstration. personal experienced*; found lo prove or d spro Jurpoil ,. II 25 1600 Vivitar Automatic Flaah Up to 200 flashes from one Electronic Marketed in the U S.A. by Ponder & Best, Inc. Drop us a line. We II send you I single Corporate Ollices 1630 Stewart Street. Santa Monica, detailed report on energy ^ I CA 90406 In Canada: Vivitar Canada Ltd./ltee Our offer of flow to Ge ^ hear I ARMCO tells you how to write us. I from you. We've got a stake' I Vivitar. System 35 American jobs. I V 30.1977 «Ai£hiqo" Slote N,w'- *<»»' loniinp. Mkhinnn Wednesday, March 30, 1977 13 ludget group OKs school aid WASHINGTON (AP) — The ie Budget Committee j Tuesdsy to put $847 threatened u, earlier >' ^.bert victory he million above Carter's recom¬ mendation. But Giaimo told his state and in about 400 of the 485 Csrter eliminated from his IT'S NOT „ mo IU flecil blueprint Conm, chairpersonN- Giaimo, D- colleagues to be prepared for an congressional districts into the budget proposals some $847 TOO LATE ofthecom- amendment program, thus building massive million for funding (•impact aid" to xhool nr* substantially in¬ political support for it. category B the year1 tent*tive ■ bud«t for end Giaimo supported him, [tj, overruling one of budget creasing the total because of Every it Jimmy Carter's ma- beginning recommendations coming from president from saying, however, that he thinks the Dwight D. Eisenhower through a phasing imy recommendations. administration, some of Carter has recommended end¬ out of the aid is a the committee them related to bad more realistic solution. weather ing this portion of impact aid, and r 4 a provision to continuing drought. known as "category B." Con¬ The committee debated var¬ •"»> tlTJ-n,U>UI ,e the phasing out of mi«ht iDCreMe Wright, 1I?rority D-Tex., Leider Wrioht $1.5 billion gress has always refused to do ious proposals for ■aid program in districts a member of over President Car¬ so, despite arguments that the phasing out 1 urge numbers of children ter's budget. $1 billion over my before deciding to restore the dertl employes who do not i'J*' Tuesday he expectsWd reporters another mark," Giaimo said, adding distribution of funds is not related to actual needs of the full amount for next year, thus there is no avoiding a heavy blow to school on government bases, vote on the issue way to make an districts. before the Wealthy suburban adopted an amendment by committee finishes work immediate estimate. budgets now in the making, but on its districts, like those near Wash¬ I Elizabeth Hoitsman, D- pending resolution. He pre¬ Hep. David R. Obey, D-Wis., ington, D.C., for example, are with the understanding that I that would provide $200 dicted more of the funds will be quoted Agriculture Secretary heavy recipients. some phasing out plan would be t, in the budget for addi- restored. Robert Bergland the increase as estimating recommended. K to educational programs The committee vote only in some on fund- \ti a start were made on programs closely related to Lthe controversial impact Carter. A spokesperson for the wgather could reach $2 billion. COMPUTIR CENTSIt TOURS "We face a massive Ugram in three to five President said Carter potential The Computer Laboratory staff will conduct I Holtzman said the pro- ap¬ add-on," Obey said. tours of There are still many J would leave the iegisla- preciated the committee's The argument over the Computer Center for new users of the MSU unique positions "l««ng up this matter in a very aid has been impact leommittees handling the businesslike manner" going on since the computing facility. Each tour consists of slide for os aid programs leeway to the decision "allows and said early post-World War II years. presentation, a discussion of the function ond a overseas people in Agriculture and the funds aa they saw in flexibility" The program began as a help to operation of the Computer Laboratory, and a ite allocating Natural U that little or no spending projects. money for water school districts which found themselves required to educate tour of the building. The tours start in Room 215 walking Resources,Engineering, Health, Still more at the Jj occur during the next expansion of the large numbers following times. and Human ■year. If the phaseout was draft budget was forecast as whose parents lived on of children Ecology. ■provided for, the extra the committee military considered the bases and other untaxed irould be deleted from the 1st section on agricultural pro¬ government facilities. April 4 1:00 p.m. when the committee I up the final, binding Lion this fall. grams, and this time the com¬ mittee was told the increases are soon However, the program was expanded to include pay¬ April 5 940 a.m. MSU PEACE CORPS coming from the executive ments for children of ■the same time, continuing branch. 740 p.m. Tg support in Congress for V projects Carter nomi- At Giaimo's suggestion, the committee approved his tenta¬ ment govern¬ employes, military and civil, living off base in taxable April 7 3:00 p.m. INTERM PROGRAM discontinuance tive figure of $2.8 housing. The result was to COME TO 121 AGRICULTURE HALL billion, $55S bring school districts in every April 8 1140 a.m. or CALL 355-0283 IMMMMI INSTRUCTIONAL Ber notice 8 .j- If you are TELEVISION A division of IPTV taking one of these courses (or would like to) this Spring term, you should know that their televised presentations are being offered on Channels 19 and the East Lansing Cable System. You should check with the 20 on how it's easier ^ detailed to individual departments listed to register and/or obtain schedule information about recitation and teats. I BCH401 NjJ «V11 TV1 £/ , /H Basic Biochemistry, Profs. Bieber, Fairley and Suelter C? N5 WTWTF 9:10 AM on Ch. 19 and 4:10 PM on Ch. 20 ,3 Its 210 to ace General Biology I, Professor Taggart ^ MWF MWF 11:30 11:30 AM AM on Ch. 20 and 3:00 PM on Ch. 19 , |BS212 General Biology III, Professor Bromley b3 MWF 10:20 AM on Ch. 20 and 1:50 and 5:00 PM 1 the courses on Ch. 19 | BIO 201 Shorthand I, Professor Kraeer ** MTWT 12:40 PM on Ch. 19 ; 12 CPS 110 Introduction to Computer Programming, Professor Hughes MWF 1:50 PM on Ch. 20 and 8:00 PM on Ch. 19 you like? CPS 120 Vj Computer Programming For Eng. & Sci.,Prof.Dubes SKuschel MWF 4:10 PM on Ch. 19 :B CPS 306 obol ~ Programming, Professor Burnett MWF 12:40 PM on Ch. 20 and 7:00 PM on Ch. 19 >* It finally comes down to commitment. GEO 204 World Regional When you don't like a course, it's hard to excel. The class gets 83 (JJ TT Geography, Professor Manson 1:20, 3:00 and 7:00 PM on Ch. 19 - tedious. The texts get boring. The lectures get dreadful. Your work suffers. And so do your grades. 1HNF102 Nutrition For Man, Professors Cederqulst and Gartung ** MW 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM on Ch. 20 & TT 2:00 PM on Ch. 20 Compare that with the courses you really believe in. You care more. You try more. And without even noticing, you just |lIPR331 Jo First Aid and Emergency Care, Professor Baker i , TT 9:10AM & 5:00 PM Ch. 20 & 10:20 & 11:30AM naturally do better. on on Ch. 19 ( ^ Its true in school. It's true outside of school. tH» &MGT302 Organization and Administration, Professor Tosl | ( For example, we believe there's just one way to brew J|| *4* MW 8:00 & 11:30 AM on Ch. 19 and 5:00 PM on Ch. 20 Busch beer. The natural way. With natural ingredients. e»MGT306 l Analysis of Processes and Systems, Professor Rasher Natural carbonation. Natural ageing. WTF 3:00 PM on Ch. 20 and 6:00 PM on Ch. 19 We believe that's the best way to brew a beer. And when you believe in what you're pa NS122 iosocial Evolution, Professors Mullins and Weinshank MF 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Ch. 20 doing, you just naturally do it better. PRR301 Taste a Busch and we think you'll agree. Wilderness Survival, Professor Risk TT 10:20 AM and 7:00 PM on Ch. 20 BOSCH. When you believe in what you're doing, 88 211 Emergence of Man, Professor Stewart TWT 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Ch. 20 you just naturallydo it better. i 80C 241 Introduction to Sociology, Professor Marcus mJF 10:20 AM on ch- 19 and 7:00 PM on ch- 20 For further information regarding Instructional its Television,( operation and televised courses, contact the ITV ( Scheduling Office at 230 Erickson Hall, 353-8800. ■ SSSS52SSSSS2SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSI 1 4 Mlchigon State News, East lomlng, Michlgon ^Wedn.,day,Morch3(| WASHINGTON (AP) - If you take Rover on vacation with equipment. Paying that off would cost (KM you new when you fly, the travel coat could Jump 34 per cent under regulations being considered by the Department of Agriculture. And it is also going to cost more if you want to add a Fido or Dept. of Agriculture considers department estimated. With addeHlf annually, the Industry's increased million a year, it said. If the added costs to ft 7 Jit W0UM toui ftj pet purchasers a Kitty or another pet to your household, according to increases in animal travel costs v only through new rates for the 81ft nm ear w«e pum department economists. The new government rules Would apply to the transportation industry and the added costs are expected to be passed to pet as-a-.-.tSfcsaJS stores and owners. The new rules set standards for pet containers, length of time while accompanying owners. The new rules would cost consumers, business and the should result in less illness and death among the warm-blooded animals covered: dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, 1've'aTtluTvK.0:" !f*> H the animals can be left in a terminal, how often they must be fed government altogether almoet 111.5 million a year, department rabbits and others, such as wild animals headed for aoos. and watered and other health and safety requirements. economists said. The new rules also should save money by cutting down on - - - — now, | The new rules result from changes in the law that Congress The Agriculture Department says it could not enforce the damage claims, veterinarian fees and "loss of the investment" made last year after publicity about organised dog fighting. Animal-welfare groups also have long complained about mistreatment of animals during shipments between dealers or rules unless Congress allows it (500,000 and 17 more veterinarians a year. USDA staff economist J. Dawson Ahalt said the new rules when animals die. To comply with the new regulations, the animals would have to spend (40 carriers and handlers of million on facilities ahd sarKtstawa-srsfp-w sent to ram Deputy Administrator aU,,«« USna adS?""1 should Applications being accepted for Red Cedar Applications are being accepted for paid editorial, business and advertising positions on the Red Cedar Log Yearbook staff for the 1977-78 academic year. Openings that are available include editor-in-chief, assistant business mana¬ Log positions (60,000, which is entirely generated by the staff itself. Interested students who are qualified for staff positions can apply by sending or bringing a letter of application and a resume to Jack Highland's 12 Hour ger, publicity coordinator, copy editor, layout editor, photo editor, reporters and photo¬ graphers. All positions will begin fall term. The Red Cedar Log, the official yearbook of MSU, is staffed entirely by students. It is a financially independent University publication Hillwig, yearbook adviser, School of Journalism, 110 Linton Hall. Applications must be received by April 15 and must include a local phone number. Interviews for the major positions will be held the following week. For further information, contact Hillwig at the School of Audio Sale and operates on a yearly budget of more than Journalism. Louis Edwards Haircutters TWO LOCATIONS TO SUVI TOUI 222S I. Grand River (Groesbeck area) m-8w 1417ft I. Michigan Ave. (Lansing) Owners: Above Bancroft Flowers Carole and Don Satterfield 487-6655 Squeejuns withsquiggies There's fun and fashion every step of the FROM way in Bass Squeejuns, the foot-hugging casuals of soft, yet sturdy leather. Down under: the unique long-wearing squiggle sole of bouncy non-skid rubber, genuine mm/Rus rubber, that pampers your feet with a new kind of total comfort. There's no time to lose. Sale Wednesday Only. 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 pjn MARANTZ 2215B AM/FM RECEIVER MARANTZ 5020 DOLBY CASSETTE Maranti Mgh performance at a Fronl-load acceaal PIONEER SX-1250 RECEIVER _ _ . _ Built-in - - Moat powerful aloteo ractivtr Highland low pricel Suggested f4 4 K factoiy Hal prlca (249.9S I I W DolbyNolaaSyatem.Suggaat- SI KU ad factory Hat prist$250.00 I W9 Pioneer bultdal Suggested factory Hat price (100.00. *499 MARANTZ IMPERIAL 4-G PIONEER PfO BELT-DRIVE SPEAKERS turntable Handlaa IS watta ol S-thaped arm. W* contlnuouapowart De¬ luxe speaker haa S- tynchro motor. Ba»a« Inch woofer. Sugg, hinged dualc0"'' j factory Mat (59. eluded, sugg"1*1 factory Hal «'M01 *29 EA. J«7j Open MSU BOOTERY 225 E. Grand River 5744 S. PENNSYLVANIA Wed.. Thurs.. *ri. 'til 9 Sat til 6 East Lansing g/JUST NORTH OF 1-96 FREEWAY 332-2961 EASY TERMS . FREE SERVICE INSTANT CREDIT • PHONE 395-9100 Ljgon Stole News, Eoat Lonsing, Michioon Wednesday, March 30, 1977 1 5 tction marred by doubt] Arms sales may increase (continued from pige 1) Candidates (continued from page I) L» The State New. endorsed Common Good candidate n,™.8!1"" fidVance is "viewing an additional $1,432 billion in 7,, Walker for the top student government position, enn../f„,'a " grand t0tal °f *5 032 bUli°n proposed -/said he had not taken a poll but that "Kent Barry considered'hvCf!!traCtS' considered a™8 Sa'eS a"d logistical suPPort bein8 will take it. im not really worried about it now." He by the government. K^ry's campaign * "machine" that ran like a "high-school invnlJie ®2 billion Carter "PP'oved, more than half "are sales |S he did not know "where I stand at this point," and systems airealready C0u'roCti0n d1" sold, or follow on logistical support for Granum told reporters. ■taken any polls. However, he said he was "definitely up nr"e„T'd,thiS a,™untnis "nat necessarily" for North Atlantic Treaty JBVss -d invalidated for violating the Elections Code will be April 4. Candidates will be invalidated if they sign a countries countries or countries, ' ennntri r .k the areas , anUm refused t0 sPeci,y either the of the world for which it is intended. remainin« ca9es are weapons transfers to NATO Granum said. FOR _,t acknowledging spending over the limit for their race or iUEC can prove the same charge beyond a reasonable hndidates who do not file their spending report by Friday d»v.a!ler Ti." Sfnd.!,is aPProval t0 Congress on Wednesday, and 20 He srid r t the sales wi" be made Public'Granum said. [JlJe invalidated. More t^a^^go through'!'0"1113° da^' tbereafter to take action plaints on the conduct of the election must be filed by Amil je judiciaries. Complaints by the AUEC must be filed ■University Student Judiciary (AUSJ) by April 11. elections to fill a seat vacated by invalidation will be Jaju after the resolution of all appeals. I however, said that a great majority of the kinds of appeals Tre filed last year will not be filed this year, due a the with held wait! I*614'18.the Sales are being kePl 8ecret becfluse Carter Tedee!! p"1"6, th! 20-day the M d period ? "foment between the Congress and his is over, 'that specifies they be classified until Granum said. "asald/be Purpose of the agreement is to avoid shortening INTERVIEWS I in the elections code. Appeals by other presidential Hill1duringTrecess VI6W 'he Sa'eS Sh°Uld they be Sent to Capito1 Decisions on the jtcs caused Lens to remain unseated five months after the nen our remaining $3 billion worth of sales will be made policy review is completed next month," Granum said. pnts A when a will be taken at the request of candidate any candidate or possesses 90 per cent or is within ■ the number of votes acquired by the winner. 20 °f State LucJ W- Benson has said the review is Nat!! ! o subm'ssi»" t0 the White House by April 11 and a To Fill the Positions of Tp the ASMSU ballot were referenda to: shortly affeTwa'rd. C°UnCi' the ma«" is aaparted L the ASMSU Student Board President to vote only in the Ltie. L the chief executives of the major governing he themselves or another permanent representative to the groups to UNIVERSITY STUDY EDITOR Interested in earning university credits re the officers and representatives of the Student Board Jrolled in one credit per term minimum during the session I elected to with the exception of summer term. while exploring a new land in all its aspects? Why r.ot consider a summer, semester, year, or degree program at • >r oppose the selection one of Israel's seven process of the State News leading |j Directors. universities. Religious studies, ort or oppose the assessing all undergraduates a fee of $1 humanities, the social sciences and a n should the MSU radio network acquire an FM host of other courses are offered in either English or Hebrew with special • AD MANAGER emphasis on helping you get a grasp of Israel. Whether it be in Jerusalem. (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) Haifa. Tel Aviv or the Negev, a study program at an Israeli university will give you a new feeling about Israel and yourself as well Write for a FREE! brochure giving information about all (All Positions Paid) the universities and the programs they offer. Council for Advancement of Study Programs I Buy Medium at Israeli Universities. | any At the regular price [ p! 515 Park Avenue. New York. New York 10022. (212) 751-6070 FOR THE LARGEST COLLEGE Get Identical PIZZA FREE For information, please send to the above address. NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD Little Caesars Puza I Name Age THE STATE NEWS — . — 12031. Gd. River m Address ® 337-1631 ■ City State Zip This Coupon laplret 4-f-77 One coupon per. order H University ■■■■■■■■ File your petition at the office of the General Manager, Room 346 Student Services Building for either of these jobs you would like. Please pick up your petition forms at BUY Room 346 Student Services Building. USED- Finalists will Friday, May 6 be or assigned a time for Saturday, May 7 for interviews with the State News Board of SAVE 25% Directors. All fulltime students are eligible to file at a petition. THE UNDERgraduate bookstore Deadline for submitting applications . . . CAMPUS BOOK STORE OPEN Wed. &Thur. 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. I Art Supplies - School Supplies • Imprint Shop Campus Book Store "THE UNDERGRADUATE BOOK STORE" 507 E. Grand River ■■ 1 £> Michigon Slote News. Eost Lansing, Michigan Wed"esdo, Crash probe reveals lack of clearano SANTA CRUZ DE TENER- with the other 248 persons ed, which is not in accordance transfer in Las Palmas gators needed to gather more were to airlines complained about the IFE, Canary Islands (AP) - aboard the KLM jet. with normal procedure," van VAN REJSEN SAID the Pan information before blame could C141 jet for the flight tal to a Spanish records. U.S. officials said seven of Rejsen said in a statement read investigation. A Investigators said Tuesday a American pilot had been order¬ be established. across the Atlantic, the Air spokesperson for Pan American F,re|lcli insurant. KLM jumbo jet was not cleared the 58 survivors had asked to by a KLM press officer. "We ed to taxi down the main DOUGLAS DREYFUS, head Force said. termed an official Spanish re¬ for takeoff when it sped down the runway and slammed into a leave the plane when it landed at Las Palmas on neighboring presume there was a misunder¬ standing in the KLM cockpit runway behind the Dutch plane. "It is clear that the Pan of a U.S. National Transports lion Safety Hoard team, said An Air Force spokesperson estimated the plane would ar¬ port absolving the control tower of raillionl»P«ntd,W,l insura Block to MSU (MSI' Institute for Re- State Department of Educa The deadline for applications Extra Large 2-Br on Teaching (IRT), spon tion. is April 15. Anyone wanting Now FOR MORI INFORMATION CALL Leasing For by the National Institute The institute is seeking in information may contact Summer & Fall more 4890441 n. is accepting appli- terns with at least a bachelor's Lawrence Lezotte, project E for 10 internships start degree who have a background manager, in 203 Erickson Hall. in various areas from sociology, JSeptember. I IRT. created in April psychology, anthropology, ecu V Resigns and implements a nomics, business, communion The Company announces f programs for re- tions or education. on teaching and dissemi- -All interns will participate in fie knowledge generated I research. the Research on-Teaching Training Program and take j aha Open Auditions for the Pultizer Prize Musical WILLIAM ■Its of IRT research is part in one or more of the Jto teachers, teacher-edu- institute's research programs. : comino : "How to Succeed in Business land those making educa J)<>licy decisions. The internships, which are for the 1977-78 school year, will t THIS WEEKEND I without Really Trying" WINDOM ■IRT is staffed by profes- pay from $408 per month Tom various departments |l and people from the depending on experience and background. « Hi IS A JOY!"! •• : Apr 1, 6pm Apr 2,3, 3pm 341 Union Bldg. plays i HAROLD and open to anyone interested in Acting, Music or Crews "THURBER" ; SPRING MAUDE A rare and memorable evening based \ FOR MORE INFO CALL on the enchanted stones and fables of SHORT COURSES the Ameiican humorist. James Tlruiher. 355-7673 or 355-3355 A DIV OF ASMSU/PB Best-known lor his Fmmy Award- tiers tend MO ad Ml J winning role in NBC-TV's "My World p Computer Laboratory will otter a series of Fn IN I Wilts IX1 $30 { and Welcome to It." Bill Windom is dit short courses in computing during Spring Sjl Msm 130 «M HO * frequently featured ill trim ("Brewster Rm. Registration must be made by April 8 in the SnCerMM « MeCloud"). on slage and TV specials Her Information Center, 313 Computer Center. A '2 I.SO « ("Sam Shcppurd: Guilty or Innocent"t B covering computer time ond handout moterials is and series ("Police Woman". "All in lrrged tor each short course. For more information, the Family"). |l 353-1800. As "Thuibcr," Mr. Wiiidom uses luctlon to material ill which the author included Computing (#100) himself, then turns slory teller, holding Nl« or no computing oxporlonco. April 11,12.13.14, IS 7-9 audiences as only a veteran of numerous movies and Broadway plays can. puction to the MSU 4500 (#101) not with computing oxporlonco who aro now to tho MSU facility. April 11, "Brilliant, one-man show... strange, ■ Authorization File and AUTHORF *(#140) subtle, wondrous transfonnalion." pn Ttarr KillM! JOMdj 130 Los iSE" t" .1 AUTHOIf to, pot.ntl.l probl.m numb.. man.,.,. April L " in be* 3:30 Ml UO Angeles Herald-bxaminer Sat»tit 71# Ml MO "Ranks with llolbrook's 'Mark Twain' Ron to Interactive Sdi NilsM KB Computing *(#175) and Whilnmre's 'WiltRogers'." "atlo thn ... .1 ,h. iMmcnm 1.50 loclllt, it MSU. April 11.20. 2S. 27 3-2 -Washington Post "Not unmeaningiess" J. Thurber J.AI. r.ll... MS lacult, m.mb.r. of much el Ih. dlrkal work In comblohi, nil,olne grade.. April 14 J.S p.m. * THURSDAY, APRIL 7 at 8:15 P.M. (#155) UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM pitSCSM."^p"— ,nt,d SPSS *(#255) "A"" "•11 '""I ot data manipulation ond troniloimollon Mo, 1 S. 10. 12 7-, BIO) *" I" din API programming longungn. Mo, 2. 4. , 7-, p.m. I reus >rody 730. Wilson ac * Ffi IN Ell 1.50 Ml 130 *(#220) "*»• * SilCMnlUmtX IASIC * programming longungn. April 27 7-, p.m. SHWIISMHO J""lory Graphic. *(#240) J 1.25 It" * I'Uphll. programming u.ln, Iho Orophlcl Compnllbllll, S,.lnm W"* II. II. 22. 2, g.m JACK ■Ruction to""C0"'HUm"<*k""l"»°il1'"""b°"h Batch Debugging *(#380) I mowtfoit Reserved seats on sale NOW at the "c«d EDITOR *(#275) i ONEFUW Union Ticket Office. Phone 355-3361. PUBLIC: S6.00, 5.00. 4.00, with 5m ol din Intoractlyo In.l odllor, IDITOk Mo, 2. i. I >•« P »- llc Tape. *(#310) mognntlc logo tormina log, pod procoduro.. Ma, ». 11 ■» "r1"- i as discount lo MSU students with I.D. ttlon to APEX *(#330) R"*M«ltoir to li,M( programming problomi T*tdl 21. Mo, 2. IQ. 17, 2d 4.1p.m. pnd Iho u.o ol Iho CDC APIX i J fn WiliM JX Ml US I Si! IXI tills Mim }« ^louder *(#410) ** kodo, t SMCMOIIX control cord., cotton and molntononco ol u.or llhiorlo.. * "" •» ol 1.50 ovorlay. ood .agonal. Mo, l». II. U. « )! * °r J Student,. Faculty1 Stall Prerequisite information, coll 353-1800. a Welcome. ID', required TICKETS AT: DISCOUNT RECORDS AND ALL KNAPP'S STORES 2QMichiggn State News, Eost lonsing, Michiggi Wednesday, Mnf,k MFRiniAN ft :• 349-2700 MP^rrr—J0' CHIPS STACKED IN CITY'S FAVOR Detroiters snack to fame DETROIT IUPI) - First it ing the bagging machine is light "We've got a whole room of in color. their chips," said Grifo. "Sure was "Motor City," then "Mur¬ der City." Now the town can The unusually competitive we buy them. We want to claim still another nickname, potato chip market in Detroit know, to taste, when something features more than a dozen is different." "Muncher City," for its brands produced by six local At Better Made, officials gence as the largest of potato chips. manufacturers — Superior, A & study both chips and pack¬ Jack Grifo, president of Su¬ P, Wrigley, New Era, Better aging. That firm, for instance, Made and Frito Lay. has just introduced perior Potato Chips, figures local per capita consumption of In comparison, Chicago is a that appears-to be made one-chip town, and in New aluminum foil. the salty snack has reached about seven pounds a year, York, Frito-Lay and Wise have Apparently to help the compared to the national av¬ equal shares of the market. petition analyze the Second to Detroit is Boston •tainer, each one has a message erage of four pounds, "No where else would you with four. reading: "The foil like material find a figure anywhere Due to the fierce competi of this bag that," he said over the roar of tion, manufacturers are con¬ pecially to fight the two major stantly upgrading their equip¬ enemies of potato chips — machinery that spews out 3.000 ment and trying to improve moisture and light." pounds of chips an hour in his northwest side plant. "Based on their product. A new $300,000 Competition aside. Better our figures and estimates of 3,000 pound-an-hour machine is Made and Superior both competitors, we know Detroit being installed at Better Made staunchly defend the product people are No. 1. They love to complement a 2,000 pound- against criticism from nutri¬ their chips." an-hour device. tionists and weight-watchers. Philip Hakim, general mana¬ Though Better Made is "It's nutritionally good for aware of the local dislike for the you," said Griffo. "It's just ger at Superior, added that not only are Detroiters potato brown chips. General Manager Bob Marracino said the firm chip gluttons, but they ex¬ hibit "extremely discriminating saves them for special cus¬ taste" in their choice of chips. tomers. "In the East and Southwest, "There are people here that the consumer prefers a chip love them, that come to buy that is dark in color and heavily them regularly," Marracino saturated with oil," Hakim said. said. "Many people would be "My good grief, you couldn't angry if we stopped selling give away a product like that in them." the Midwest, especially in Better Made's retail store at Michigan. its east side plant caters to "The demand in this market "regular customers" demand¬ is for a dry. crisp chip that is ing the freshest chips available. light in color." That's where the brown chip Superior is so aware of buyer mavericks find their treasures. fussiness that it throws away Among the droves of buyers each chip that is even the at supermarkets are other pro¬ slightest bit brown, which indi¬ ducers, who regularly sample cates a high content of sugar the rival chips to keep up on that caramelizes during frying. Several Superior employes earn their pay just eyeing millions of potato chips that jiggle by on a conveyor belt, making sure each tidbit reach¬ KUHIIDiAM "4" WIT LOCATIP AM8H fOf ■*CK«T*0«J W3*<1 „ol HTnill;"'"""" SILVER Tm^ICY "TRERW l;,hioan Sfat«Naw» East Lansing, Michinnn Wednesday, March 30, 1977 21 Welcome Back- Look for your immediate needs in Todays Want Ads tnt f«| BO** fo FRWKLYSPEAKING . byphilftank | »»» ||f| ( I^T*1 Houses ]|£j AMm^V974' AM-FM radio, 28 35'000 HONDA XL-350 1974, Excellent don't 4SK /ANY questions!' MSU 10 minutes. Furnished mo¬ FEMALE NEEDED immediately. 2 BEDROOM through Michelins. 332-8706. 3-4 1 mpg. 52700 |12| condition, low mileage, best offer. Call evenings, 694-1570, 8-4-8 1121 just tell mb-are m out tile home. Quiet. On lake. Child OK. No pets. $35/week and up. One bedroom. Nicely furnished. Neat. Pool. Air. Dishwasher. 351- September. duplex, $200, negotiable, includes water. 351-6818 after 6 PHONE 355-1255 1969' Spidel cortn/ertible HONDA 90cc street-trail. 100 of vietnam YET?AND Call 641-6601. OR 2-3-31 (19) 5791. 4-4-4 (12) * p.m. 3-4-1 (12) Good running ■3/ S'u'k*"' Se'vicos Btdg condition. $300 or mpg. Only 80° miies. $350 or best euVmm ^ ,W Carl' 332 1063 offer. 337-2658. 3-4-1 114) what are mr doing EAST LANSING North Apartments, 1250 Haslett Road at Pointe FEMALE TO slve 1 bedroom THREE BLOCKS from campus, llOMOTIVE About draft renters? 69. Furnished/unfurnished 1 and 2 apartment. Clean, quiet, spacious, furnished. Close. 332-6052, after five and six bedroom, furnished homes for fall leasing. Call Craig Ijtooters I Cycles FIAT X-1/9, 1976 black, 8000 HODAKA 125 - Lights, Barum knobbles 21" front wheel. Like bedroom apartments, newly re¬ 5:00 pm. 5-4-5 (14) Gibson and leave a message. I Ports (Service miles, air, slereo, luggage new. $395. 694-4727. 8-4-8 decorated, heat and water fur¬ 627-9773. 13-4-15 (21) rack, 1121 nished, 3 to 12 month leases. Start WOMAN FOR ■ Aviotion very clean. Call 337-2540. 8-4-8 spring, 2 blocks at $175/month. Call John or Sue, from campus; $81/month; share TWO ROOMS in house to rent for |HPlOYMENT YAMAHA S00CC, DOHC, 1974. 332-6354. o 2-3-31 (37) Call 332-1707. S5-4-5 (13) Ghent Excellent. Must sell. 5300 miles, p room. summer. Rent negotiable. Phone 351-8482. 8-4-8(121 FORD GALAXY, 1969, S950. Call 351-1459. 3-4-1 (121 ■ Apartments automatic, GIRL NEEDED for 2 bedroom FOR RENT, 1 or 2 women. No reliable. Air, radial tires. Some ■ Houses apartment. $64.75/month. One deposit, close to campus. 351- I Rooms rust. $360. 349 2234. 3-4-1 1121 HONDA 350.1972 road bikerRuns block from campus. 332-5272, 3095. 8-4-8(12) HEDRICK HOUSE CO-OP has good. Extras included. Call Joe 332-1918. 8-4-8 (14) openings for spring term. $330 llSAlE GMC 3/4 ton pick-up with deluxe 322-2191. 2-3-31 <12) room/board. 332 0844 8-4 8 (12) ■ Animals camper. Sleeps five. One owner, ONE BEDROOM duplex, campus ■ Mobile Homes HOOO HONDA 350, 1973. 7800 miies, six blocks. 6 month lease. $200/ CIDAR VILLAOE FURNISHED FIVE bedroom Till FOUND ac,uat6m"e, $1600. 676. good condition. Call Mark, 372- month. 332-1918. 8-4-8 (12) house. Spartan Avenue. $510/ 9044 after 10 p.m. 7-4-7 (12) APARTMENTS month, utilities extra. New appli¬ Brsonai MERCURY MARQUIS Brougham FEMALE NEEDED. Spring. Four- ances, newly decorated, insulated. Ianuts personal 1970. Loaded, excellent transpor¬ HONDA 1974 CL200~ Electric person apartment. Furnished. 332-1680. 1-3-30(16) TAL ESTATE tation/mechanical condition. $695 489-9611. 5-4-5(121 start, 2,500 miles, 65-70 mpg. Like $90.00/month. March rent paid. Now leasing for UNFURNISHED HOUSE in coun¬ new. $495. 484 2690. 8-4-8 (121 Near campus. 351-1061 4-4-4 (15) ■CREATION Fall and Summer try, Holt. No children, pets. $135/ (rvice MGB 1972, one owner. Excellent SUZUKI 1971, 250~ dirt "bike. 551 ALBERT STREET, one block month plus deposit. 694-9033. 8-4-8 (13) condition, low mileage. Michelin Knobby tires, extra parts, excellent from campus, large two bedroom, Bogue at Red Cedar River radials, AM/FM. 484 3281. 8 4-8 condition. 371-4773, 8-4-8 (121 furnished, air conditioned, bal¬ cony. Summer and fall. Call 355- Call 351-5180 6118 after 5 p.m. 2-3-31 (21) Rooms MG MIDGET, 1972. $1200 or offer. 16241 Eskes best L*rt>$»m f/j ONE OR two grils needed. Spring Rd„ Lansing. FREE RENT for April. Female, CLOSE FURNISHED room. $55 3-4-1 (12) MASON BODY SHOP 812 East TENNIS PROS and assistant Pros CLERK-TYPIST position with or summer. Master Bedroom with non-smoker, upperclassman. plus utilities. Kitchen, parking, etc. "RATES*' Kalamazoo Street since 1940. for seasonal, outdoor clubs; re¬ MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP funded bath. Peggy, 882-0798. 4-4-4 (14) Campus Hill, $75/month. 349- 339-2961 after 6 p.m. 8-4-8 (12) MUSTANG II Mach 1, 1974. Complete auto painting and colli¬ quire good playing and teaching through title VI of C.E.A.T.A. 2564. 8-4-8 (12) Excellent condition, power. sion service. American and Must be resident of Ingham ROOMMATE SPRING term. 2 Days, foreign background. Call (301) 654-3770, MEN'S SINGLE $85-month and 374-8890. Evenings, 321-8040. 8-4- cars. 485-0256. C-2-3-31 (201 or send complete resume to: Col. County and meet Title VI criteria bedroom apartment. Own room, MSU FRANDOR. Quiet, 1 bed¬ women's double 8(12) block from campus. Utilities in¬ $60'month/per- R. Reade, WTS, 8401 Connecticut including 15 week unemployment. room, unfurnished, carpeting, air, Quik i Qualified cluded. $100/month. 351-2742. 8-4 son. Utilities except phone paid. Ave., Suite 1011, Chevy Chase, Apply at Michigan Employment balcony, appliances. 332-3116 and MUSTANG II MPG, 1975. Air, Maintenance -8 (16) Kitchen privilege, Christian atmos¬ Service For Maryland 20015. BL-1-3-30 (36) Security Commission 3215 South 339-5922. 3-4-1 (13) 3 cruise control, luxury phere. THE WAY STATION. 131 interior, 4 k Cors. Chariots. Pennsylvania, Lansing. Duties in¬ speed, AM/FM, deluxe wheels, FEMALES - ALL ages. $2.75/ clude typing police reports, an¬ ONE BEDROOM, block off cam¬ Bogue. Call Kelly 332 2906 or BUHZIliamn J Vons. Whatever WANTED MALE roommate, non- 351-4950. 8-4 8 (28I steel belted radials. pus. Furnished, modern, carpeted, Very sharp and hour. Full or part time. Please swering phones, some public con¬ smoker, graduate student, young iptrnsncn well maintained. See it close to TECH CENTER write to Box A-1, State News. tact activity. Must be able to spacious, air conditioned, heated. businessman. Mike, 351-8296 after [Pirmmnm MSU. $2395. 351 3920. 3-4-1 (29) State age, address, phone, and handle confidential material and $200/month. 351-6582.1-3-30 (15) 7 p.m. 8-4-8 (12) EAST LANSING, single rooms, EE] pa HUGO times of availability. P.S. We type 50 wpm. Meridian is an E.O.E. male students call after 5:30 p.m. 124 CEDAR STREET, E. Lansing. 332-5791. 3-4-1 1121 professionally clean private 3-4-1 (63) ONE WOMAN needed for Cam¬ JUNK CARS wanted. We pay Rabbit homes. 5-4-5 (30) 2 man, one bedroom, furnished more if they run. Also pus Hill Apartment. Immediately. ROOM, ROOM and board, buy used OVERSEAS JOBS summer/ apartments, heat included. $190/ Call 349-4736 after 6 p.m. - 6-4-6 FARMHOUSE FRATERNITY, 151 DEADLINE cars and trucks. 489-3080 anytime. SUMMER JOBS. Forest Service. /ear-round. Europe, South Ameri¬ month, available June or Septem¬ LEAPS C-2-3-31 (171 ca, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, ber. 129 Burcham Drive furnished Bogue, singles, doubles, parking. How, where, when to apply. 337-9230 Z 3 4 1 (12) Compete Information $3.00. MIS¬ $500$1200 monthly. Expenses efficiency, $160/month. 8am-5pm. CAMPUS HILL own bedroom for FROM 0-50 GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 SION MOUNTAIN COMPANY, □aid, sightseeing. Free informa¬ 351-2402, 6pm-9pm. 882-2316. o summer or fall. Call Dave, 655- inch. Priced from $4. Mounted tion. Write: INTERNATIONAL 2-3-31 (32) CAMPUS, FOUR miles Room or ordered it cannot P.O. BOX 727, Poison, Mont. 3782 or 694-6621. 5-4-5 (13) IN ONLY free. PENNELL SALES 1301% 59860. BL-3-4-1 (21) JOB CENTER, Dept. ME, Box office. Clean, carpeted, utilities cancelled or changed un- East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. paid. $65. 332 1095. O 2 3 31 (12) t insertion, un- 4490, Berkeley, California, 94704. 7.7 SECONDS. 5818 C-2-3-31 (171 3-4-6 (32) Furnished studio, utilities paid. i is ordered & cancelled m 2 doss doys before ask about our limited CLUTCHES - NEW and remanu- UNIFORMED SECURITY officers, criminal justice majors preferred. BECOME A College Campus Deal- $135 plus deposit. p.m. 0-2-3-31 (13) 489-5574 after 5 Houses ifjjt, OWN month. ROOM, woman. Spring only, no deposit. $50/ Life tiae wanant Call between 10 am-3 pm, Monday lactured for your foreign car at 3r. Sell brand name stereo com¬ Modern duplex. 351-7473. 8-4-8 on all internal lubricated - Friday. 641-6734. 8-4-8 (14) engine parts CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2606 East Kalama¬ ponents at lowest prices. High CHALET APARTMENTS MALE, OWN room. Cooking, SUMMER JOBS: Our profits; No investment required. Next to campus laundry, close to campus. Call 351- jn ad change Cook Herriman /fa zoo. One mile west of campus. fifty state - FEMALE GRAD desired for co-op For details, contact: FAD COM¬ 7119 after 6. 8-4-8(12) 8* per word per day 487-5055. C-2-3-31 (241 20Q0 plus summer employers cata¬ Spacious 2 Bedroom PONENTS, INC.. 20 Passaic Ave¬ style living. Own room. Pets ditionol words. VW VOLVO MAZDA W logue (America's largest) with apartments furnished discussed. Call 332 6300 after 6:00 master application form - only nue, Fairfield, New Jersey, 07006. air conditioned JUNE OR September lease, fur¬ 411$ W Saginaw - lene Ortewshy. 1(201) 227-6884. summer from '170 mo. nished, 3-8 man houses. Fireplace, p.m. B1 3-30 (15) $2.00. SUMCHOICE, Box 645, r~E»pio)ft iiiif * Mon. < Thuri. til9(doledSat.) Call Collect. Z 1-3-30 (37) fall from '334 mo. parking, very close. 332-1801 for mi BHUTTLI BUS TO State College, PA 16801. Z 2-3-31 recorded messages. 0-2-3-31 (17) OWN ROOM, prefer female, beau¬ DOWNTOWN LANSING AND (25) BABYSITTER 8:30-11:30 Mon-Fri year from '290 mo. tiful clean house. Near Capitol. MtU DAILY. Good neighborhood. 482-8012.8-4 I State WAITER-WAITRESS. Positions for one three year old boy, 2 News will be re- WORKING PERSONNEL for dish- FIVE BLOCKS - MSU. Fur¬ available for experienced evening blocks campus. Professor's child. nished for 5 males. 12 month lease -8 (12) jsible only for the first service personnel at one of the room and cook positions. Mature, 351-8416. $25/week. 3-4-1 (19) ■ incorrect insertion. OLDS CUTLASS Supreme 1970. hard working adults. Apply in LARNED UPPER - 2 bedrooms, only, starting June 15th. 332-4076 busiest restaurants in the central after 6 p.m. 3-4-1 (17) TWO BEDROOMS in beautiful Sharp, four speed on the floor. person, SCHENSUL'S CAFETE¬ stove, refrigerator, utilities. $150 394-5304 evenings. 8-4-8 1121 Michigan area (located 15 minutes country farmhouse. 15 minutes to ■ ore due 7 days from the RIA, Meridian Mall. 8-4-8 (18) plus deposit, married. 372-3714. from MSU). Call the POUR OWN FURNISHED room in really campus. 641-6802, Rick. 8-4-8 (12) ion date. I by the due date If a not 50' PINTO SQUIRE Wagon 1974, 4 HOUSE RESTAURANT LOUNGE for interview. 322-9955. AND BABYSITTING - LIGHT house¬ L For Rent 8-4-8 (12) complete house. Carpeted, wash¬ er, Frandor area. $75, no lease. ONE PERSON needed for luxur¬ :e charge will be speed, only 14,000 miles. Perfect keeping. 8:15-4:45 p.m. Monday ONE MAN needed for 2-man. ious duplex, three miles from condition. 339-2907. 8-4 8 112) 8-4-8 (35) 372-7524. 2-3-31 (15) through Friday. One girl, sixteen NEEDED: FEMALE roommate Own room. Close to campus. campus. 2710 Stonleigh, $75 plus months. Own transportation, relia¬ spring term. Own bedroom/bath. $107.50/month. 349-9823. 8-4-8 utilities. 394-4513. 2-3-31 1161 PART TIME computer terminal WELCOME WEEK, two to three PINTO 1974. Bright orange, black bility very important. 351-4461 $100/month, including utilities. operator - nights 5-10 p.m., $2.75/ after 4:30. 8-4-8 (20) bedroom house, available imme¬ vinyl lop and interior, 25,000 miles. Call 394-3659/1 -855-2170. 8-4-8 OWN ROOM, kitchen, near cam¬ hour, some typing skills required. EAST LANSING bed¬ diately, across from Hubbard Hall. Motive \\W 51850. 487-1137/351-2864. 3-4-1 Own transportation. Contact SEWING INSTRUCTOR, full time, rooms, - two pool, balcony. Year lease, Over an acre. Price reduced for pus, quiet. Rent negotiable. Call Aubrey 351-3185, 351-3820. 5-4-5 Carolyn Sharp, JOHN HENRY deposit. 337-0169 late evenings. spring/summer rental. Call 484- Lansing Mall. Call mornings 487- 9472 or 351-5312 EQUITY VEST. COMPANY, 323-9000, ext. 60. 8-4-8(12) 5445. 8-4-8 (12) FOR RENT I" Ghia 1976, 2.3 hatch- PINTO 1975. Automatic, radials, 3-4-1 (24) 0-2-3-31 (281 ■ White, mint condition, fog lights, rustproofed. Body spot¬ e Slews, lifriiritrs. TV's ROOMMATE NEEDED to share BABYSITTER MONDAY through EAST MSU. Spring, fall. One ■ cassette player, low mile- less. 339 9192 after 11 a.m. 8-4-8 PART TIME employment for MSU e Im Ming art caws large 2 bedroom, near MSU. $100. bedroom, furnished, utilities, laun¬ OWN ROOM in comfortable clean offer. 355-2798. 8-4-8 Saturday (mornings) 8:30-11:30. Roger, 374 6852. 332-0441 8-4 8 students. 15-20 hours/week. Au¬ house. Prefer grad. No lease. Supply references. Own transpor¬ 372-1795 dry, carport. $200.374-6366.0-2-3- (13) tomobile required. 339-9500. C-2- 31 (12) Available now and summer. 351- tation, close. 351-1309. 3-4-1 (12) PINTO 1974 Squire wagon. Steel 3-31 (12) 6315. 8-4-8 (15) IMMEDIATE - OWN room in radials, AM-FM stereo tape. Good PART TIME cashier for service COMPACT REFRIGERATOR. T.V. TWO BEDROOM with fireplace. beautiful house. Non-smoking, condition. 676-1924. 8-4-8 (12) BABYSITTER NEEDED immedi¬ stereo rentals. Free delivery on/ ROOMMATE NEEDED to share station wanted, evenings and $200/month, utilities paid. 10 miles preferably grad, $100 plus. 332- ately in Spartan Village for two every other weekend. 18-28 hours. off campus! DORM RENT-ALL - East Lansing. 675-5566. 8-4-8 two bedroom duplex. $100 per 2170. 8 4-8 (121 PONTIAC ASTRE, 1976. 12,000 preschoolers, one infant. Prefer South Logan-Holmes area. Call 372-1795. 6 4 6 1141 (13) month. On $10 bus route. Free ■ NOVA, 1970 with snow miles, silver, excellent condition, student's wife. 353-7927. Z 1-3-30 393-0418 between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. washer, dryer. Call evenings after ROOM AND board, $390/term, Excellent condition. good gas mileage. 482-5736. 3-4-1 (15) 2-3-31 (22) TV AND stereo rentals. S25/term. NEED ONE female to sublet place 9 p.m. 351-3572. 5-4-5 (22) free parking and utilities. Near f anytime. 1-3-30 (12) (12) $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- in 4 person apartment, block to campus. Males only. Call 332-4995 ENERGETIC SITTER needed for 1010. C-2-3-31 112) FEMALE ROOMMATE to share BABYSITTING MONDAY campus, rent negotiable. 332- or 351-4438. 8-4-8 (17) ■ • —— - stick shift, TOYOTA COROLLA 1973. Good boys ages 9, 8, 5. Tuesday 3:45 through Friday, 12:45-5:30. Must 8239. 3-4-1 (16) two bedroom house. Furnished, I brakes and steering, condition. New muffler/valve job. pm-10:00 pm, $10 plus dinner. enjoy infants. Own transportation, washer-dryer included. $85 per MEN, CLEAN, quiet, single, cook¬ North of Frandor. Own trans¬ month plus utilities. 394-5392. f Zebarthed. $575. 1*5(12) 355- 27 mpg. 0649. 8-4-8 (14) $1100. 353-0966/353- portation. References. 351-0131. 2-3-31 (22) close, 351-1309. 3-4-1 (121 [ Apartments j(4j?j FEMALE bedroom - SHARE large one apartment (sublet). 1-3-30(17) ing. One block to campus. $250/ term. 485 8836 or 351 2623. o EARN WHILE you learn. Models Close, air, parking, carpeting. 351- 2-3-31 (14) N 1972. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, furn¬ 0629. 3-4-1 (12) NEED ONE male to sublet, own 59,000 miles. VOLKSWAGEN SUPER Beetle TAXI DRIVERS. Must have excel¬ and escorts wanted. Phone 489- ished, one block from campus, room, one mile from campus. Call SPRING. SINGLES, furnished. -Edition, family car. $500. 1971 - Excellent condition, new 1215. Z47-6-3 1121 available for fall. Call Craig Gibson 337-1075 between 9-12 lent driving record. Apply VARSI¬ ONE PERSON needed spring- a.m. and Share kitchen, parking. $70-$100. f«ter5p.m. 8-4-8(12) tires, new brakes, new exhaust TY CAB COMPANY, 332-3559. and leave a message. 627-9773 summer. Own bedroom in 3 bed¬ 6-10 p.m. 3-4-1 (17) Very close. 332-1800, 372-1800. system, radio. 655-4165. 8-4-8 (15) MURRAY HOTEL. Mackinac Is¬ 13-4-15 (18) 1-3-30 (12) room apartment. Nicely furnished 2-3-31 (12) [W-200 Snofighter 1974, land, Michigan, needs summer with central air, plenty of parking, OWN ROOM in three bedroom ^"steering/brakes. Auto- VW BUS 1966, 1969 engine. New MESSENGER NEEDED for cooks, bartenders, maintenance TWO MALE roommates needed house near campus. $51.66/ "smission, 28,500 miles. pool. $88 per month complete. brakes, starter, battery. Dependa¬ STATE NEWS DISPLAY ADVER¬ men, piano players, and personnel for spring term. Campus Hill 349-1883. 3-4-1 (25) month. Call 337-1102. 2-3-3.1 (12) [••<+81131 ble. $650.393-6968 evenings. 6-4-6 TISING this spring term. Pay is for rotation between food service, waitressing and housekeeping. Apartments, $75/month. Free bus We How Have $2.36 per hour and .08 a mile. to campus. 349-2770. 8-4-8 (17) fv HARDTOP Send complete resume, work Openings In T™'e Mark / best 1 offer. for Tri- through 3. 351-1694 VOLVO 1970 Model 164. $1300 or best offer. Call Neil, 332-3694. Must be dependable, have car, and be able to work between 11-3 weekdays. STUDENTS ONLY. experience and recent photo to 3969 Penberton, Ann Arbor, Mich¬ WANT MALE student, share furn¬ ished trailer home in Mason. Rent DON'T WAIT fM-8115) igan, 48105. 16-4-20 (38! 1, 2 & 3 bedroom UNTIL THEY'RE 7-4-7 (12) Call Dan, 353-6400. S 2-3-31 (37) $65. 676-5902 8-4-8 (12) Ft Model unfurnished apts. 128 siTperfect some with study CEDAR Don't Miss Summer ALL GONE... en 3493530 KLAKI HTMINTS GREENS a* Ctopctungfyam To riNTM your apartmont for summer and fall from m Marsh Rd. '""on Mall Area NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER and FALL 4620 South Hagadorn Rd. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES- SPECIAL SUMMER RATES KNOB HILL s160°° for 4 pera on (North of Mi. Hope) furnished FURNISHED APARTAAINTS ★ Luxury ainutmt'iilx n.in|ilclcly furnish..! will, .listim-livr Sjuiiisli '165 apartment •Udroom Unit, plus utilities 3 PERSON UNITS ONI RIDROOM UNITS W° Mediterranean furniture and shag i-ai jx't in; throughout. * Kach unit has disivasher. garliage riisjKNil. (vntral air eonditioning anil heating. APARTMENTS Office Open AIR CONDITIONING ♦Swimming Pool ami private hsikunies 12 - 5 Monday-Saturday I'l'petlng .drop,, Or9'od. SWIMMING POOL ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES Two Bedroom furnished apartments C1MPUS HILL AMRTMSNTS or by appointment i, coupl,, lok» for rental Special Summer rates jut off grand rivor • okamoa 349 - 4700 Lanting Park information 2 BEDROOMS FREE BUS SERVICE LOCATED jh°rMerm 'ovailable. 351-8631 Right next to the $170'jOO ;SSS!S^r0OL 349-3530 "E»U»E«VI« ■DISHWASHERS ■CENTRAL AIR CONDl free room-mate service free room mate service '.MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. ONOKEMOS RD. 1135 Michigan Awe. Can 3SI-71U please, no pets E. Lansing, Mi. Bredy Complex ASK ABOUT OUR SMCIAL FALL RATIS 22 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigor 'dnesday, ^30.,, Rooms ](3 I Ff $iiT~|f^l flist t fond Service jf^j ATTRACTIVE. LARGER, singles- SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE LOST - CALICO cat. Burcham- COMPLETE REPAIR service for Now. References/no car. $25/ SALEI Brand new portables Hagadorn area. Please call 337- stereos, TV's, IIP""- guitars, week. 663-8418, 332-6206 days. $49.96. $5 per month. Large 0657. 4-4-4 112) banjos, band instruments. 4-4-4 112) NOTICE selection of reconditioned used machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830. C-1-3-30 114) TWO house. PEOPLE. East Lansing Spring, summer, share Storting Spring Term a chi's. New Home and "many others." $19.95 to 39.95. Terms. □jra*!/] Announcements for It's What's Interfraternity Council meetina large bedroom. 332-3667 eve¬ nings. 8-4-8 1121 RUMMAGE SALE CLASS¬ IFICATION will be added EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 North Washing¬ ton. 489 6448 C 2-3-31 126) ANTIQUE FAIR AND SALE, East Rotary 4th Annual. West Mich [_ Instrictioi J[&] Happening must be received in the State News office, 343 Student Services Bidg., by noon at least in 328 -"i LARGE ATTRACTIVE rooms, three blocks to campus, furnished, to the daily classifieds. You can get 20 words for NEW, USED and vintage guitars, igan's Best. Quality dealers from all parts of the country. April 7 and ENGLISH RIDING lessons. Jump¬ ing and dressage. Instruction (or pleasure or showing, beginning two class days before publication. No announcements will be ac¬ -V<| females only. Call 332-1746. 8-4-8 banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers 8, noon to 10 p.m. April 9, noon to cepted by phone. (12) day for $2.50! Each and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ 6 p.m. Lectures daily -11 a.m. East through advanced. Transportation additional word 13'. sories, books, thousands of hard Grand Rapids High School, 2211 available foi Thursday evening classes' WILLOWPOND University Duplicate Bridge Make your spring ROOMMATE NEEDED in Okemos to find albums. (All at very low Lake Drive S.E., E. Grand Rapids, Club invites you to play at 7:15 area. Prefer grad student, $125/ prices.! Private and group lessons Michigan. 7-4-7 (47) STABLES.676-9799. 5-4-5J23l_ p.m. every Wednesday, second month plus deposit. Call 349- on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all Call 355*8255 floor of the Union. Novice games 5969. 3-4-1 (141 styles. Gift certificates. Expert repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY DOG OBEDIENCE training class¬ es. Starting April 4th, 10 weeks/ occasionally. break memories $20. Call 675-5582. Sponsored SINGLE ROOM at Capital Villa. INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand ASCAVMA. 3-4-1 1141 Drinking problem? Women's Al¬ $100/month. Fall option. Apart¬ ESS AMT-1 speakers, excellent River. 332-4331. C 2-3-31 149) coholics Anonymous meets at 8 ment 114, 337-0415. 3-4-1 1121 condition. Must sacrifice. $185 each. 349-9579. 5-4-5 1121 Place your own ad in Classified today. You'll see for yourself how tonight in 253 Student Services profitable BEAL CO-OP has one spring term opening. $220.00 for room and Animals H "resultful" they are. Enter your best photographs| Can rim Believe?? Lansing Art Gallery, 425 S. board. Also taking summer appli¬ Grand Ave. in Lansing presents a Bicycles starting at EUROPE/WORLDWIDE academic cations. Call 332-5555. 3-4-1 118) '14.95 FREE, CUTE, tiger kittens. 6 discounts year-round. S.A.T.A., | Typi«i Service Jilj Brown Bag Break at 12:15 p.m. in the State [ weeks old, weaned and box FURNISHED-DEPENDABLE Sets of trained. 351-8967. 1-3-30 (12) 4228 First, Tucker, Georgia 30094 Thursday featuring Yolando Al- News amateur vardo. person, references. Parking, laun¬ Golf Clubs 1-1800) 241-9082. 4-4-4 (141 TYPING, BLOCK campus, fast, dry, $82.50. Holt area. 699-2502 '14.95 CHAMPIONSHIP CAT show Sun¬ experienced, reasonable. Theses, Michigan Botanical Club Meet¬ photo contest. after 6. 6-4-6 112) Tennis Racquets day April 3rd. Ingham County Democratic Headquarters, 5024 t?7wT car Sited term papers. 3511711. 5-4-5 (12) Editing. 332 8498, ing at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 168 PBL. Dr. Stan Flegler will present 1st for Salt ljur travel agent. ()r call It>11 free: «8()0> nx experience in professional editing, items you've been storing in youf J Please send inft>rnia!i<>n <>n all Icelandic's Itw c. > Please Specify Please Specify writing skill instruction. 337-1591. garage! A low-cost ad in Classifiec 0-2 3-31 (12) will find a cash buyer. Hello Students—We invite you to Speed Sale 10 Kabuki (By C. ITOH) Super Disc Model IcdandU Alloy Cotterless Crank Shimano Tourney derollleur New Rear Disc Brake Reg >147.95 scheduled UNIFORM Lowest Jet fares to Europe of any Mil" 20% off on all accessories IN FRANDOR MALL with this ad LET PABLO CRUISE I North Side of Kroger Building Velocipede Hours: MTWFS SHOW YOU THE We are here to serve you for your Peddler" 10:00 to 6:00 Thors. 10:00 to 7:00 ROCKIN'GOODI uniform needs. We have over 541E. Grand River 351-7240 A Place In The Sun downstoirs below Paramount News 4,000 uniforms in stock including Pablo Cruise is where the good lim j white and many colors, sizes 2' are. You've heard them on lour wiM thru 56. The Doobies ... And now they veH We include in our found their own "Place In The well as lab coats and basic inventory as Sun.| With nine solid originals on J uniforms—co ordinates, jump WE'RE ADDING bright new album! suits, slocks, tops, sweaters, shoes. Complete accessories are available. A NEW CLASSIFICATION, Please come in and see us. We are $ offering a 10% discount to M.S.U. 'RUMMAGE SALE' Priced from students thru Monday April 9,1977 Starting Spring Term a Hours to Suit Your Needs RUMMAGE SALE CLASSIFICATION will be added to the daily Monday Thru Saturday 10am-9pm Sunday 12-5pm Classified ads. You can get 20 words for one day for $2.50. Each additional word 13*. UNIFORM FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER CITY ■KK&S'ShS! So give us 355-8255 a call and Place your ad today. at Mastercharge-Bankamericard Welcome STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED DepL IChilian State News, East Lansing, Michinnn Wednesday, March 30, 1977 23 Coming Soon [hjIM-TV(C'S) £IO)WlllM^BC|l(ll)WELM-TV(Cable) (12)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) wednesday (12) One Life to live (11) Gator's Gab (12) Baretta morning (23) Food for Life (23) MacNell/Lehror Report (11) News 9:30 3:00 8:00 (23) Great Performances (6) All In the Family Brattle'"1*' (10) Another World (4) Good Times 10:00 f 10:00 (10) The llle and Times ol (10) Kingston Confidential (23) Cooking with ■price Is Right Continental Flavor Grinly Adams (12) Charlie's Angels IjSanford and Son (12) The Bionlc Woman (23) Scenes From A 3:15 IE|.ctric Company (12) General Hospital (11) Switch Marriage f 10:30 I Hollywood Squares 3:30 (23) Nova 8:30 11:00 (6) Match Game (4) (10) (12) News I Don Ho (4) Love Me, Loves Me Not (23) Anyone For Tennyson? (23) Lilios, Yoga and You (11) Tollng Back llowell Thomas 4:00 11:10 11:00 9:00 (4) News (4) Confetti (4) Movie ouble Dare 11:30 (10) Scrambled Eggs (10) Three Girls Three Ifwheel of Fortune (12) Wild, Wild West (10) Tonight Show |] Lucy Show (23) Sesame Street | Milter Rogers 11:30 4:30 MSU SHADOWS (4) Bewitched ...re of hi" (10) Emergency One! by Gordon Carleton sponsored by; ■Shoot lor the Store Loppy Days 5:00 PIN3ALL PETE'S Blilias, Yogo and You (4) Gunsmake Next to Coral Gables. 11:55 (12) Emergency One Present this really (23) Mr. Rogers Neigh¬ funny comic for 25' ■cBSNews ■ worth of free play! borhood afternoon 5:30 13:00 (10) Adam-12 ■2) News (11) News ■ NomeThatTune (23) Electric Company ■ Novo 4:00 12:20 (4) (10) (12) News lAlmonac (11) The Real News 12:30 (23) Classic Theatre xprch lor Tomorrow Preview Lovers and Friends 4:30 Lyon's Hope (4) CBS News I 1:00 (10) NBC News Lung and the Restless (11) Black Notes ■ Cong Show (12) ABC News |All My Children (23) latino Consortium ■Thrlval 7:00 1:30 (4) Hogan's Heroes Jhi the World Turns (10) To Tell The Truth Lays ol Our Lives (11) Hockey Night At Dem ■ Family Feud Hall I 2:00 (12) Brady Bunch |S20,000 Pyramid (23) Tele-Revista ■Agronskyat Large 7:30 2:30 (4) $25,000 Pyramid iuidlng Light (12) The Price Is Right ■Doctors (10) Hollywood Squares LEATHERS A SUEDES CLEANED iCHlWSLF- «.Ri0Oce 541 BUILDING PROFESSOR PHUMBLE w-ec. GAMES A GIFTS sponsored by: FEATURING BACKGAMMON by Bill Yates IT WAS twAHTTO 60 0ACKTHI-& Wr&Jet* wamc TOP** TONITE S OFYol)TO ftJfl /WOpfJlAl&WHlTTHF TOIalF APOirr IT lOWN'S TOWN rtnoicvs- A I MUGGER'S ihirpPFfPf MF OfWri& ?(-A*T-OFFAT HUH? ■Mike Brown sromouo D<»K>7S" H tei.4'1.30l NITE p0f?/MFAT FA|d(Jl^ HAITI I HEN MAW HOWS IT &OIM&7 WHAT AR£. rftrtWY- \ TOO DO IMC, \ BOUNOMO, -Most 0-i SWWWC.V . *ALE, HDHT ■INWITO MJLTB CALVIN AND COMPANY one chile verde ond chile Colorado burrito, served wifh retried beans ond rice, sponsored by: today aaly *3.M by Mark Varadian EL AZTECO RESTAURANT 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 Hometown People Ch^s>ti X ONLY aoT ot5L o« in sure yow pi<* y«^ what thly HCjnH BOB GBE Giving P0SSWORD □□□□ BHD EMS Hometown Service I THE. CLASSES I ASKEJ5 TOR, AMD . up A rtkl MoRt. say /'the. ?»t PUZZLE sana □□□□sss nan ebb Rang Benda'e Little Freeway Service Station £V£a) THAT OI»£ WAS fAodtb \ CLASSES, 'M... J. ,s p,-rst ' To A OiFFEAWt Tint! | 'CROSS 22 Tirade 25 Silvenre sponsored by: |_ Bliijnit 26 Dilutes B Rraps around E lie Hunter 21 28 Shedding crab Take five □□□a E30ES □□a nsannB ass? J I* ■ ice 29 Callous □□ran nai BBB ■ :'ppinnacle 30 Mohammed --- put D»M'W plant 31 BCEBGHB EGHg Periods ol light ■ Who cotton 32 Mortar trough □an deb sagp ■ *™ish □aa aan Dsao 35 37, Infant's cereal Creamy while WiTH TH& PRiCe of COFFee, DOWN ■?"* B™ men 39 Abscond 40 Corridor 1 Director thcsec^iys, it costs 41 2 Scope Sheep 3 Dagger moretosober up than 4 Ga/eiie »TPoeST&GCrt>runk _ I 11 b Ret. 6 Sorceress BEETLE BAILEY 1 Penentage 8 Canl (fame 9 Austere fortitude I? Manor by Mort Walker IS Ilower 18 Commanded 20 Com .. Coaster 22 Halter 23 lobster daws 24 Amusing 27 Renumerate 29 Parts ota harness 31 Cat s paw 32 Legion 33 Heraldic wreath 34 English poet ,36 Deiected 38 Oppose ^^Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon . WednesS. March 30 , Discover a New World of music with our newest and most exciting albums. Weather Heavy Weather Report including: PENDERGRASS TEDDY including: AH *6.98 L.P/S Birdland Teen Town/Palladium You Can't Hide From \burself / Somebody Told Me The Juggler,'Havona Be Sure /1 Don't Love You Anymore The Whole Town's Laughing At Me $3." The More I Get, The More I Want *6.98 LIST LP AIL '7.98 L.P KANSAS with john Mclaughlin A HANDFUL OF BEAUTY including: Lcftoverturo Miracles Out Of including: Carry On Wayward Son Nowhere/Cheyenne Anthem Magnum Opus/Questions Of My Childhood Minnie Riperton Stay in Love including: Gettin' Ready For Ybur Love Young Willing And Able/Could It Be I'm In Love $457 Stick Together/Stay In Love OR LESsI MILES DAVIS Mawiurd l iTyuson ( Hilt/Cherry BOSTON WATER BABIES on(|iiisla(lor Electrif ied Funk Including: including: including: Moca Than A Fwling/Pwc. Ot Mind Capricorn; Sweet Pea Two Faced Baby Don t You Know Focplay/LongTrma/Rock A Roll Band Dual Mr. Tillman Anthony / Water Babies Hold On (With Strings) SmokiiY/Hltch A Rid. Are You Boogieing Around On Your Daddy Hot To Trot Its All Up To You $J6' 6.98 LIST LP STORMIN1 $369 *6.98 LIST LP jmercu/rt/ \SS^Gt poTvdor, HOURS 12-5 SUNDAY STATE DISCOUNT 211 E. GRAND RIVER NEXT TO SPORTSMEISTER r„ Stole New», Eo»t Lanting, Michigan Wednesday, March 30, 1977 95 9.6 SAT., MON., TUES. 9.9 WED - FRIDAY STATE DISCOUNT ,2-5 SUNDAY 211 E. GRAND RIVER NEXT TO SPORTSMEISTER ALL COUPONS EXPIRE 4-3-77 PHOTO SPECIALS 0/ 30% OFF the retail price on all CIGARETTES 0% ■ LEGOS and 2/79* nononesence FF pantyhose SUNGLASSES LIMIT 2 nia maid sheer knee GYM SHORTS CANDY BARS kodakcolor ant hose hi's XSTOXL AA MAGICUBES ASST. COLOR REG. 5.95 15' 8/100 film 4fc # # 59* • reg. 20' 6/101 -'1.00 2/79' REG d.m< . 49' ' 1.09 C125, C11012EXP. 1.46 25' OFF OUR DISCOUNT PRICE ON ANY dannon LIMIT I terry opaque knee SUNTAN LOTION yogurt 3/99* rtsox hi's tx 135-20 flashcubes px 135-20 49* 79' RUBBER BEACH APPIAN WAY 1.09 THONGS 69' PIZZA MIS 2/75' 89' 12 FLASHES NO LIMIT mens orlon cable WHAMO FRISBEE PEPSI-COLA photo kodachrome be sox knee hi s 12 8 pack |55 album 88' oz. 75 89' cant 1.69 /I LIMIT 2 1.88 135,125.110 20 EXP. SWIM CAPS frosty root beer |28 Clot* out 79' FABREGE' ORGANICS NNEL SHIRTS 2.99 PURE WHEAT GERM 5 SHAMPOO HONEY REVION CREST TAMPAX 157 FLEXBALSAM toothpaste TAMPONS 15 ox. irifFD icivck LADIES CONDITIONER REG. 2..25 ^ JJ RAZOR 149 146 FABREGE'ORGANICS 7 01. REG. 1.50 83' PURE WHEAT GERM & HONEY CONDITIONER ~ $200 OFF 15 ox. 157 CLEARASIL CONTAC ULTRA BAN REG. 2.25 IIOISCOUNT PRICE ACNE MEDICATION ROLL ON DEODORANT COLD CAPSULES TIDE DIAL $119 95* 88' CLAIROL CONDITION ULTRA SHEEN SOAP 10'iREG. 1.59 PERMS ,46 reg 1.98 19* 15 ox. REG. 8.50 139 LIMIT 2 BARNES-HIND SCOPE TRACJI wetting MOUTHWASH CARTRIDGES rubbing breck IVORY solution SOAP alcohol shampoo LIQUID BOX 94' $ j 79 144 33' l'7 77* M.39 19' Refill 9'( REG. 2.55 2 ox. REG. 2.55 15 ox. REG. 75- 15 ox. REG. 1.98 REG. 39' LIMIT I LIMIT 2 VASELINE NEUTROGENA NOXZEMA noxema OOLITE TOOTHBRUSH INTENSIVE CARE Q-TIPS shave creme CLEAR AMBER SOAP SKIN CREAM "WATER WASH TUBES LOTION TWIN pack 79' 98' 144 149 17* 10 oi REG. 1.35 88' REG. 1.95 159 170't REG. 1.25 LIMIT 1 II 01. REG. 1.59 JOHNSON (JOHNSON MARCAL eatons OTTON BLOWER filler SCHOOL SUPPLIES baby facial tissue paper corasible BALLS BRUSH type paper powder 72* flair pens bicpens 17 2/79' 59' 69* 76' I 2/29' 14 ox. 200 CT. REG. 55- 200 CT. REG. 1.49 REG. 1.83 »< keg. 1.09 LIMIT I 47' REG. 25- LIMIT 1 REG. 59' mounting PRESTIGE HAIR COVER GIRL spiral themebook legal index squares BLOWDRYER m i 88 [SUCKS 25 95' 79' pad cards 48* tr. it" ' ■ #4395 REG. 1.49 46' 39' REG. 59* nyquil colgate CHARLIE brut for men #4598 LIMIT 2 toothbrush '* COLOGNE 1" j59 1.25ox. 359 100 a scotch masking JIFFY NO NAIL 5 ox. REG. 2.3$ . . 39' tape PICTURE HANGER REG. 4.00 envelopes tape bayer aspirin pepto bismol y tail cutex 49' 22' 49' 29' holders polish remover #3920 REG. 59' V4" x 000" REG. 39' LIMIT 1 100'i 83' Box. 107 1.59 46' 4oz. 55' ELECTRIC OR KEY REG. 1.41 REG. REG. 75' 3-way extension 3 prong alarm clocks cube tap cord 500mgvitc tab a day ™ disposable cassette adapter ughter tapes 29 »FT. 7*9 333 ,47 250't | 99 65' 29' REG. 1" * W REG. 3.25 limit 1 . 3/1" REG. 75- 100. REG. 2.50 LIMIT 1 26 Michigan Slote News, East Lansing, Michigan W9dn«H March a,,, WHY SHOULD YOU PURCHASE YOUR BOOKS & SUPPLIES AT SBS? WE HAVE MANY GOOD REASONS: LOCATION h , \G~*V/ ON GRAND RIVER AVE, ACROSS FROM OLIN HEALTH CENTER OPEN TONIGHT ^ HELPFUL, TILL 9 p.m. /" 1 i\ FRIENDLY A LARGEST TOMORROW h J 3 Supply SALES TILL 8 p.m. 7 Of PEOPLE 5J | (Fri and Sat. 5:30) USED BOOKS IN EAST ONE STOP WIDE, SHOPPING FOR LANSING EASY ALL SCHOOL SUPPLIES-ART, SHOPPING ENGINEERINGS CALCULATOR AISLES NEEDS FREE BAC VALIDATED & PARKING IN LOT AT REAR MASTER CHARGE OR CITY LOTS ACCEPTED (WITH PURCHASE OF *2 OR MORE) JUST RIDE THE CAMPUS BUS TO OUN AND CROSS GRAND RIVER AVE. ook tore 421 E.GRAND RIVER