House vote furthers assassination probe WASHINGTON IAP) - The House voted tactics and character assassination to drive / Wednesday to give its beleaguered assas¬ sinations committee two more years to Sprague out. Gonzalez declined to make any immediate kill the committee. The developments came a day after a probe the murders of President John F. comment. potential witness in the committee's Kenne¬ Kennedy and civil rights leader Dr. Martin dy probe was found dead, apparently a Luther King. The committee accepted Sprague's resig suicide. The victim. George de Mohren- nation after an informal headcount indica¬ 'timR The vote was 230 to 181. schildt, 65, was found fatally shot in an ted the House might kill the committee if The action came only hours after the oceanfront mansion near Palm Beach, Fla. Sprague stayed. committee's controversial chief counsel, House committee member Rep. Richard¬ Richard A. Sprague, resigned his Resentment surfaced this week among post in son Preyer, D-N.C.. had called de an attempt to save the committee by some House members who expressed Mohrenschildt a "crucial witness." De assuaging House members who sought his bitterness that Sprague appeared to sur¬ ouster. Mohrenschilt, a Russian-born engineer, was vive a fight with Gonzalez who had resigned a one time after acquaintance of Lee Harvey Without the extension, the panel would unsuccessfully attempting to fire Oswald, who the Warren Commission said have died at midnight Sprague. Rep. Louis Stokes, D-Ohio, re was the sole assassin of tonight. Kennedy. placed Gonzalez as chairperson. The final vote came after the House During the Wednesday meeting of the rejected a rare motion by an opponent of Committee members had estimated that committee on assassination, such resentment could cost them between Rep. Stewart the assassinations panel to McKinney, R-Conn., defended Sprague. go into secret session to hear the evidence collected so far. 24 and 50 House votes and that this would icontinued on page 161 "I think we have a right to hear what this evidence is," said Rep. Robert E. Bauman, R-Md. However, the House rejected that motion 226 to 185 after committee Chairman Louis Stokes, D-Ohio, said the committee feared that information such as the names of Death of witness witnesses the committee has talked to or wants to talk to would leak out and Stote News Lauro Lynn Fistler their lives in danger. House watchers were unable to put say ruled to be suicide I While the mom's (way, the kids can play. And East the process is exactly when the House last held a secret through having fun - especially I Lansing Water Babies get in the swim of things when they supply so session though staff experts said it was PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A former friend of Lee Harvey Oswald apparently killed many neat buckets that can sometime in the 1880s. The Senate holds I three times a week every term for about be filled so well with that water that is so much himself within hours after an investigator for the House Assassinations Committee eight secret sessions occasionally. ■ weeks. Though the object is to learn how to fun to douse good old dad with. attempted to interview him, authorities ruled Wednesday. swim, Supporters of the comittee. including The Palm Beach County medical examiner said an autopsy of George de Rep. Richard Boiling, D-Mo., who led the showed the fatal wound was "conducive to that of a Mohrenschildt self-inflicted gunshot." sheriffs Lt. floor battle to keep the panel alive, said Richard Sheets said. killing the committe at this time would only Sheets said his office would consider the convince the public that a autopsy results before deciding next week whether to close the case. But he said mendment to proposal coverup was "something big would have to jump out of the occurring. woodwork" to change the theory that the death He also said a tape recorder Tuesday was a suicide. Stokes contended the committee is being used to record a television program in an adjacent room picked up the sounds of d$ Mohrenschildt firing the pursuing new leads and has new witnesses "We have the gunshot on tape," Sheets gun. in both said, adding that there were no sounds of investigations and that the strife anyone else in the background. He said that by that has plagued it since the day Congress comparing the tape with television ives 'U' research station logs, investigators determined that de convened in January is behind it. Mohrenschildt shot himself at 15 seconds past 2:21 p.m. Tuesday. By MICKIMAYNARD debate that he wanted to make sure such an grant smallest detectable amount. The committee Sprague's resignation accepted chief counsel at a meeting only hours before the decisive House vote. De Mohrenschildt, a geologist who taught French at known both Oswald and his wife Marina. Assassinations committee investigators had been and only recently had learned he was in Florida. Bishop College in Dallas, had trying to find De Mohrenschildt, 65, I State News Staff Writer item was included. Sheets said that at noon Tuesday, committee State agriculture offieials estimated that In voting 11 to 1 to accept Sprague's investigator Gaeton Fonzi went to the jnendment giving MSU a $1.3 million "I know that when (State Budget Hollister's measure would cost the state up resignation, several committee members palatial three-story mansion of Mrs. Charles Tilton III, where De Mohrenschildt was fi grant was approved in lengthy Director) Dr. Jerry Miller takes his red to $500 million in bitterly accused former chairperson Henry on a House bill dealing with payments to farmers. The (continued on page 16) pencil to look at the bill, he n well Spaniola bill would cost around $25 million. B. Gonzalez of what they called smear is PBB scandal Wednesday. eliminate this," Engler said. "But let's put it bill has bipartisan support, was added to a bill in today and continue work on it." spon- •ancis Spaniola, D-Corunna, though some Republican members are said Rep. Lynn Jondahl, D-East Lansing, a to be wavering. ild lower PBB contamination levels [imburse farmers whose livestock cosponsor of the amendment, said the motion came about as a result of testimony GOP leader Dennis Cawthorne, R-Manis CARTER THREATENS ARMS BUILDUP tee. said he could estimate from 15 to "a ■stroyed. by Sylvan Wittwer, director of the experi¬ majority" of 41 House Republicans in may be voted on by the House ment station, during budget proceedings support of the bill. ley, already appropriated in the d go to the MSU |nent Station for Agricultural research on PBB for MSI' earlier this week. some said. "I understand Dr. Wittwer has done work in this area already." Jondahl "However, this is a volatile situation," he smiled. "We'll just have to see." The PBB situation was created in 1973 SALT talks deteriorate "Rep. Engler and the others have been when the fire retardant was accidentally in food. concerned about contamination in food mixed with livestock feed. ■ amendment's sponsor, Rep. John chains and we felt this would take care of WASHINGTON (AP) — President Jimmy Talking with reporters following a break "such a radical departure" from past Since then numerous hearings, bills and Carter said Wednesday he will be forced to down of negotiations in Moscow, the f R Mount Pfeasant, said during it." lawsuits dealing with the problem have consider President said he intended "to remain very negotiations that the Soviets simply need Rep. Gary Owen, D-Ypsilanti, chairper¬ a speedup of U.S. weapons more time to consider it. been in the news across the state. The first son of the Higher Education subcommittee development if the Soviet Union does not strong" in seeking a comprehensive agree¬ When the talks opened Monday, Soviet trial dealing with PBB contamination is ment that makes substantial cuts of the House Appropriations Committee, negotiate "in good faith" at another round the two leader Leonid A. Brezhnev cautioned currently underway in Cadillac. of arms talks in May. superpowers' arsenals. Vance that unless the United States accepts voiced opposition to the amendment, one of topic manv bill." introduced in attempts lo alter the "I'm not in any hurry," Carter said. "It's important enough to proceed meth¬ the principle of "noninterference in internal affairs" the search for constructive rela¬ Owen said he felt the research grant odically." tions "is impossible." luncheon should be part of appropriations hearings, adding that MSU might want to use the Heroin sale profits to However, the President said in reference a newly scheduled bargaining session in May between Secretary of State Cyrus R. "I can't certify there is no linkage (between human rights and arms talks) in the Soviet mind," Carter said. "We have no money differently. Vance and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei ts of PBB on human health will However, Johndahl replied that he felt evidence this was the case." A. Gromyko: Outlining the administration's goals, Car¬ target of bill package a noon luncheon meeting the PBB bill should deal with all aspects of "If we feel at the conclusion of next ter placed first "substantial reductions" in gin Capitol Room "C" of the Olds contamination. The amendment passed by a vote of 67 to 30. month's discussions that the Soviets are not nuclear weapons. Others, he said, included acting in good faith with us, and that an an end to development and deployment of IJE.B.Humphrey, J*»of environmental field unit chief of Other debate Wednesday on the PBB bill included a measure that would in effect By JOANNA FIRESTONE before the House to impose mandatory agreement is unlikely, then I would be new weapons systems, a "freeze" at 550 epidemiology forced to consider a much more deep intercontinental missiles for each side, a ■ Michigan LANSING (UPI) - A team of liberal sentences for drug dealers is not the whole Department of Public have killed it. commitment to the development and de¬ ban on deployment of mobile missiles and ■«id William Taylor, science adviser state lawmakers has offered legislation to answer, because it fails to deal with the Rep. Paul Porter. D Quincy, introduced ployment of additional weapons. "strict limits on the deployment of backfire G. MUliken will take the profits out of heroin trafficking by addict himself. speak, an amendment that would leave the ■luncheon, sponsored by the Ingham allowable contamination level at the dispensing heroin to addicts through hospi¬ The daily cost of heroin addiction in "Byt I would like to forgo that decision bombers and development of the American tals. Detroit alone is estimated at between $1.5 until I am convinced the Soviets are not Republicans is open to the public, present .3 parts per million tppml instead of nations are $3, and The three bill package was introduced million and $2 million in terms of burg¬ acting in good faith. I hope they will," he "I think it's important for us not to may be made by Spaniola's proposal of .02 ppm. said. "g Jim Viventi at 373-7370 However, his move was defeated as was Wednesday in the state House. laries and robberies. Substance abuse negotiate a superficial pact," he said. during The first measure would impose stiff officials say there are at least 50,000 heroin Carter said he has not yet heard from "If concluded," he said, "it will lay a J hours and 351-0373 after 6 p.m. an amendment by Rep. David Hollister, mandatory prison sentences on persons addicts in Michigan. Vance "the specific reasons" for the Soviet permanent groundwork for a more peaceful I^kends. D Lansing, lowering PBB levels to the "We have to realistically address our rejection of American proposals. world, an alleviation of the great threat of caught with heroin — including a life sentence for top-level drug dealers. selves to the problems of the addict," However, he said, his guess that the U.S. atomic weapons..." The second measure would allow persons (continued on page 16) proposal for a comprehensive pact was Icontinued on page 16) ky ahead in election, convicted of drug related crimes to be enrolled in a drug withdrawal program in lieu of a prison term or regular probation. Only those' convicted of property of foiled ballot tally shows tenses, such as burglary, would be eligible for the "guilty but addicted" plea. Persons convicted of violent crimes would have to serve prison terms. Vj spo"e(l ballots from the Barry, a member ul ine opariaii opim The third in the trio of bills would set up inside weather Slate, led the spoiled vote tally with 190 an experimental drug program that would Kb " i T ™ nmdidste Kent Board elections show permit hospitals to dispense heroin to Barry well in votes Mary Cloud, Counterforce candidate We regret that there will be registered addicts, with withdrawal as the a,' a 7()-vote margin between him for president, followed with 127 Votes. eventual goal. East Lansing gains its first no weather today — not that J°»st pursuant. Though Griffiths said the number of declared City Council candi¬ there isn't any weather, mind Heroin addicted criminals would be ■ lJialvole totals should be released spoiled ballots constituted "a statistics eligible for the program only once: those date. See page 12. you. It's just that the weather g® today, ° Elections Commission sample," the election results are stdl who participated and returned to addiction Wives, bathtubs, bells and service forgot to hang up their wry Griffiths said Wednes- subject to change with the final tally of the collars all have them. Now telephone and it and crime could not enroll in the withdrawal was busy all unspoiled ballots. something else, it seems, does night long. So if program again. you want to In last year's ASMSU Student Board also. What? Us on page 8. know what the weather will be The package's major sponsor, Rep. Is are those that are not fit election 12.541 students signed out ballots like today, call 321 7576. Tell r°uKh the H' c but only 6.613 actually recorded votes in the George Cushingberry, D-Detroit, said the computer scoring system, bills address both the problem of drug them the State News sent you. Hon "a ^at are folded, damaged or presidential race. There were 892 spoiled ...... . ... , ballots tallied so pushing and drug addiction. VLT bal,ot8 with write-in votes He sail! legislation already pending ^ hand counted. far this year for the presidential race. 2 Michigon Stole News. Eost lonsing, Michigon Thursday, Morch 3| . Brezhnev rejects U.S. arms proposals MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet next round of arms talks in May faith. I hope they'will." of Soviet unhappiness over Vance said he had been a one-hour meeting with Brezh- side." leader Leonid I. Brezhnev re¬ could force a speedup in U.S. Earlier the President told American human rights criti¬ unable to reach even his mini¬ nev, with the Soviet leader Vance had said it hit i I a he would jected American nuclear arms weapons development. hastily convened meeting of cism, He said the Russians had mum goal of setting up a format "doing all the talking" and stay in Moscow longer if progress on nev mwr lfte,ttflJ control proposals Wednesday, After receiving news of the rejected both proposals be for continuing SALT talks. proposing "nothing new on their the treaty proposals ern p„ !tole«»tba congressional leaders that al¬ shattering the latest U.S. effort Moscow breakdown, Carter though the American proposals cause "they did not coincide warranted schedul noqj to reach a new strategic arms He said he would bring the told reporters that if, following had been rejected, the Moscow with what they consider to be limitation treaty. arms control matter up again in the May discussions, he feels talks "were productive." an equitable deal." Secretary of State Cyrus R. "that the Soviets are not acting Flanked by Vice President May at a meeting with Soviet Vance, who had waited three in good faith with us, and that Walter F. Mondale, the Presi¬ The Carter Administration Foreign Minister Andrei A. days for a response to his SALT an agreement is unlikely, then I dent said a forthcoming joint has stressed its commitment to Gromyko, probably in Western proposals, said both a compre¬ would be forced to consider a human rights around the world, Europe. But Brezhnev is the communique summarizing the hensive and a more limited much more deep commitment Moscow talks would note that and Brezhnev has warned pub¬ only single leader who would approach had been offered but to the development and deploy¬ "The most important and time- licly that U.S. criticism of normally be able to accept the Soviets "did not find either ment of additional weapons." internal Soviet affairs could American SALT proposals and consuming" discussions had Vance noted the Middle East one acceptable." The President added, "But I dealt with strategic arms limit¬ interfere with arms talks and In Washington, President would like to forego that deci¬ other efforts to improve rela "and otherjtems" would also be ations. Carter said Soviet failure to ne sion until I am convinced the tions between the on the May agenda. Vance denied the proposals two gotiate "in good faith" in the Soviets are not acting in good had been turned down because countries. He told reporters he had had Oil regulations being reviewed WASHINGTON (API - The per thousand cubic feet, to Carter Administration is con¬ make natural gas the highest sidering taxes and regulations priced fossil fuel in the nation Senate nixes pay repeal amendment to drive up the prices of oil and and further discourage its use. natural gas and drive down •Raising natural gas prices WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate increase becomes effective was ap¬ their use, a government source through a federal tax excise on voted Wednesday to require that both proved 82 to 13 as a Senate amendment said Wednesday. gas sold to electric power plants houses of congress take roll-call votes to a bill extending emergency unemploy¬ Rough calculations based on or other industries using the on oil future ment benefits. To become effective, the proposals under consideration scarce fuel to heat boilers. This pay increases proposed for indicate they might add is designed to make them shift members of Congress, federal judges amendment, sponsored by Sen. Dewey F. another six cents per gallon to to coal. The size of such an and top federal officials. Bartlett, R-Okla., will have to be the cost of gasoline and other excise tax was not specified. US At the some time, the Senate turned accepted also by the House. down amendment to repeal the 28 per petroleum fuels, and another •Increasing the cost of some an Bartlett's second amendment to repeal $16 per year to the average 44 per cent of the nation's oil cent pay raise that became effective the Feb. 20 raise that increased congres¬ household gas bill. sional salaries from $44,600 to $57,500 supplies to equal the world automatically Feb. 20 when neither Electricity rates might also market price of oil by imposing house voted it down. was defeated 53 to 41 with the adoption be increased, depending on the The requirement that of cost and popularity of switch¬ high excise taxes on top of the both houses vote a tabling motion by Sen. Russell Long, present government-controlled affirmatively before any future poy • D-La. ing power plants from gas or oil prices. to coal as their primary fuel, and on the tendency of coal Compared with recent price patterns, such a tax would add Tapes released to crash investigators prices to increase along with the other fuels. about $2.50 per barrel to the nationwide average cost of oil, SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE. Canary of conversation recorded in the cockpits An administration source or about six cents said Wednesday that the Presi¬ per gallon if Islands (AP) — Spanish officiols agreed of the Pan Am and KIM Royal Dutch reflected directly in product dent's energy policy team was Wednesday to release tapes of the last Airways Boeing 747s held the key to why prices. working on a number of ideas exchanges among two Boeing 747 pilots the Dutch pilot began his fatal take off "in the and the airport tower embryonic stage," which •Rebating to the public the here, giving run directly into the American jet. have not yet been submitted to huge revenues collected investigators a record of events leading Investigators said the KLM jet had not Carter himself. These include: through this excise tax, by up to aviation's worst disaster. been given clearance to take off. •Continuing federal regula¬ distributing the money to state Authorities said the topes would be Both flight recorders were recovered tion of the price of natural gas governments which would pass flown to Washington at the and impounded by the Spanish, who are sold by producers to inter¬ it request of on to consumers through Dutch and American officials for an in charge of the investigation. state pipelines, instead of re¬ reductions in their own sales analysis in the presence of KLM and Pan American and Dutch investigators also moving it as has been widely and excise taxes. American crew members who could requested interviews with two Spanish proposed. The regulated price ceiling would be raised from the •Possibly charging a special identify the voices. air controllers on duty in the tower additional excise tax on oil fuels Investigators said the last nine minutes present $1.44 per thousand burned by power plants and Sunday when the collision occurred. cubic feet to the equivalent of other industrial boilers in an foreign oil prices, a 96-cent effort, parallel to the suggested Bishops advise priests Easter chant NEW YORK (AP) — A committee of the on Until the revision is available, the •Possibly raising this ceiling still higher, by another 15 cents natural gas taxes, to persuade them to switch to coal. IOne of the passengers injured in the worst air crash in aviation history it helped by a Marine after his flight back from the Canary Islands ■ U.S. Roman Catholic bishops has advised secretariat said it "strongly Itti of Michigon Stat* Univtwtytvr pastors not to use a traditional Easter encourages" Catholic parishes to avoid week chant that long has been con¬ using the part of the Holy Week services called sidered offensive to Jews. the Jewish leaders hailed the recom¬ mendation as a significant contribution to ^Reproaches," and to substitute optional Jewish-Christian relations. "It's a welcome concrete action jITTLi FRIIWAY I The secretariat of the « tUVICI STATION bishops' commit¬ translating declared church principle into « tee on liturgy, headed by Archbishop tangible reality," commented Rabbi Marc « 1301C. Grand St»«r J John Quinn of Oklahoma H. Tannenbaum, Naxt to Vanity Inn { City, said interreligious affairs studies are under way in director of the American Jewish Com¬ hope of revising the controversial text. mittee. DON'T SACRIFICE OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 YOUR EDUCATION \ \ JUST TO GET A JOB Israel Offers Careers in Social Work. Immediate Positions Open. SPRING SPECTRUM \\v- -f " —I jr igQ — Ihe State ot Israel has long PLANT SALE been a model ol successful in¬ ==~ Crime drops in DETROIT (UPI) — Major crime in seven seven state cities other crimes. The crime rate in tegration. Drawing its popula¬ tion Irom every country in the world quite naturally presents myriad social work problems NOW THRU SATURDAY o & '■ ure is o sophomore majoring in teaching, which I don't think is too much to depressed patients who cannot be reached Advertising Department's awareness in linker's wish is for h® 10 I ask. by verbal communication. printing such material. 4-year-old. Michael Heathfield Evans is willing to state that the Freddie Alan W. Friedman 1077 N.Hubbard Hall Memorial Fund promotes EST but cites Assistant professor of psychiatry \.w,nan stole News, Eost tonsing, Michiqon Thursday, March 31. 1977 Sealers finish hunt amid cries for ban By ED LION The seals are so young when clubbed, he State News Staff Writer said, that they cannot even swim and are helpless. Canadian and Norwegian sealers are winding up the annual At the onset of the hunt there were confrontations between March seal hunt off the coast of Newfoundland amid cries from environmentalists and the hunters and one environmentalists and lawmakers for a ban on the killing. Greenpeace official was "It's a brutal, barbarous practice," said a dumped into the icy waters by irate sealers. spokesperson for the The Canadian government has taken a stand that the environmentalist Greenpeace foundation, "and we think it should quotas are sufficient to protect the seals and be stopped." they say the sealing is vital to the sealers' livelihood. It also contests Monday, the Michigan state House also adopted figures that the seals are almost a resolution extinct. calling for a halt to the clubbings. Each year sealers converge on the ice floes off Newfoundland The U.S. Congress has passed a resolution condemning the hunt to club Atlantic Harp baby seals to death for their skins. In 1976 and federal law currently prohibits the sale and importation of seal about 169,000 Harp pups were slaughtered. This year the Canadian furs. government has set the quota at 170,000. The United Nations also has called for a halt to the Greenpeace estimates about 200,000 Harp pups will be bom off sealing. the Canadian coast this year. It also The white furs are used to make expensive coats, says there are a million of the slippers and trinkets. The Norwegian fur industry nets about $8 million from the Harp seals left. The Greenpeace spokesperson said the sealers will hunt while the Canadian industry gains about S3 million. keep hunting until the quotas are met, probably by next week. The Greenpeace spokesperson said, however, that it would be The hunters begin their clubbings soon after the baby seals are more profitable to make synthetic furs because then the Canadian born so they will be able to get their white coats, which command government wouldn't have to dole out millions of dollars for prices up to a few thousand dollars. After the seals are more than a precautions to insure the safety of sealers on the ice. month old, their furs turn black and are no longer as valuable. "It's a waste of life and a waste of resources," he said. Opponents also say the hunt indirectly leads to more deaths. "In the frenzy of the hunt, adult seals are often killed or their pups, resulting in the death of more misplace baby seals," reads the K^T^uch publicity during the annual baby H.rp ■til hunt ouse in Newfoundland, the Michigan state of Representatives has passed a resolution calling for the slaughter, Canadian government to holt the resolution passed by the Michigan House. The Greenpeace spokesperson said often the while still alive and the hunters leave the pups are skinned carcasses on the floes, BICYCLE without even using the meat. AUCTION |ex/can |pi:tebronson cancer since "proponents and support¬ treatment Laetrile's active ingredient. discredited i nationwide cam- ers of Laetrile are cancer surgeon and instructor many patients pay as much as many seek Laetrile cancer unwilling to Though Laetrile is not new at MSU's College of Human $50 for three daily injections, I make the controversial go through the scientifically it — treatment in Mexico, its future Treatment Laetrile avail- was developed in 1952 by San Medicine, fears the public is conducted protocol the FDA Francisco biochemist Ernst T. being "milked by quacks." Laetrile is occasionally smug- "l? aKa'nst cancer the United States r J American physicians requires. Krebs Jr. — the recent claims "The public is easily gled into Michigan and other doubtful as its effect. Jr patients, local author¬ 'The FDA must first estab¬ that it cures cancer have caused persuaded because they wish to areas of the country and though ise field of oncology lish that a given drug is not many problems according to cling to hopes in a cancer | treatment! remain un- harmful, then determine local physicians and medical situation, d that Laetrile is of whether not the or drug offers educators. Though the drug costs only combatting cancer. a definite benefit," Isbister Dr. Raphael De los Santos, a $1 per vial to manufacture, I from extract of apri- said. ^ Laetrile is claimed by While most local authorities Is to be a cure for don't consider Laetrile physic¬ is unavailable in ally harmful, those with experi¬ f the United States, Ip Michigan, because it ft have U.S. Food and [Administration (FDA) ence in ment agree cancer research treat¬ with the American Cancer Society's position that Laetrile provides no beneficial KARATE 1:30 PM effect in cancer treatment. THE M.S.U. KARATE CLUB WILL GIVE A THURSDAY, MARCH 31st i California recently Ruth Gordon, director of legislation making Lae public relations for the Michi- DEMONSTRATION AND HOLD ITS FIRST FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST ■liable to the public as gan division of the American MEETING OF THE TERM IN THE SPORTS B17, the major source Idrug for most cancer Cancer Society (ACS) said, "After careful study of all ARENA, MEN S I.M. BUILDING ON THURSDAY MARCH 31 AT 7 P.M. MSU SALVAGE YARD lis Mexico. The alleged 1330 S. Harrison Rd. information available, there is will continue to be not any indication of any medi¬ On Campus ■ elsewhere unless it is EVERYONE WELCOME cal benefits of Laetrile." Various makes and conditions. All items may be seen at Sc Jd by the FDA. I Isbister. director of Proponents of the treatment Yard Wednesday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon. claim that Laetrile kills only CALL 3S1<4471 FOR Items are offered as is. All sales are final and not refundable. lcontrol for the Michigan cancerous cells, not healthy Terms: CASH FURTHER INFORMATION. it of Public Health, ones because healthy cells do Is unlikely Laetrile will not contain an enzyme released ■ available to the public from amygdalin — which is LIEBERMANN'S THE DEAN OF BEER'S QUICKIE QUIZ. Q: A mini-brewery is: Take shelter under a) Hidden in a basement somewhere in Greektown. Personal b) The result of trying to make Broken Toe. Idaho, our personalized the beer capital of the world. c) The right way to pretest beer ingredients. oversize umbrella ■re young woman Ibeautiful voice d) Both (a) and (c). ■ equally mature a: (c) If you answered this question (a), Be to join her on a you obviously know something I don't. Bnlic fantasy. And you are in a lot of trouble. REPLY: Now. as for the correct answer WLFATBNNIS^ Yes. Schlitz actually does have a mini-brewery ■nieriperton SURPLUS 1 epic records where they test-brew the ingredients that go into Schlitz. And if they're not right, they never go [•tapes. Everything into Schlitz. for the Golfer Which is something to remember the next time SHAG BALLS you're going into your favorite place for a beer. You know which one. THERE'S JUSTONI WORD <2.00 FOR BEER. A DOZEN PLASTIC timer PRACTICF BALLS ■ FORM.' SigNnda StcMUkr Dean of Bw Our unisex umbrella is made 1977 Golf Rule Books SO' of handsome cotton poplin that can be NEW AND USED GOLF CLUBS AVAILABLE Permanently personalized with heat-sealed initials to make it yours alone. Sturdy wood handle. Opens to a ■ilan ' ^ Tennis Specials wide 40" span. A • ersityj --.ce ol Admissions I mjs t 15% REG. PRICE ON ALL TENNIS RACQUETS on 15.95 I cilllan Un,versity I Ml I (with three Lexington Avenue. | ' New York. N Y 10022 I •TUDINT initials) 2t2.751.5366 . ■ TINNISBALL SPICIAL ALL TOB BRANDS CAN OF 3'1.99 with this ad DUNLOP PINNSTLV AMA MACOBIOOR LARRY CUSHION SPORTING GOODS 3020 VINE ST«EIT I block N.ol Mich; Ava. JUST WEST OF SE AliS EAST LANSING • 209 E. GRAND RIVER PH.332-IM7 DOWNTOWN • 107 S. WASHINGTON 6 Michigon Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan March j, Edward L. chance for a final decision is scheduled for April 13 when they are play on but how you play," he commented. eligible to sign national letters of intent. But, gee Jay, that's in direct contrast to what U-M assistant iVslated'fw .s slated for 7 p!m. in 137oH^ p.m. to 137ofth* "Cm "«««.. 5M Ronders In Vincent's case, even though the Eastern the Big Ten dotted line, he is still free to attend great has signed on any other college Billy Frieder declared in January. Frieder was quoted in the Michigan Daily as not understanding a meeting forthose wishK league tonight at 6. For those wishT. in the land, except the remaining nine institutions in the why Earvin or Jay would want to play in such a barn, when attendance is conference. mandatory att)oth mJ!r *e 'n bothi!!! Where will Spartan coach Jud Heathcote explained that his staff refuses to Michigan had Crisler arena. His thoughts also included criticism of The MSU Weightlifting ClS^s^li"88' S rest on Jay's Big Ten signature. "We're not the Spartans' schedule and lack of national TV exposure. Championships i„ the Men's IM Buifi "'eN,tN Oj- taking Jay for granted. Well, the last I checked, remarks like that are considered an.d,S,u.?day' The tou™ey begins st 3 Sport» *nna fal It would be a grave mistake if we were to 'Big 3' go? say we have him in our hip pocket. We want to make Jay feel important, because he is," negative recruiting — which is frowned on (and probably nothing MSU s cheerleading squad is holdino Z'01' ^ day. Jud stated. more) by Wayne (Do-Nothing) Frieder's level of desperation. Duke. No, I can't lower myself to 1977-78 unit. Those Fieldhouse for Interested an orientation session Some things that need to be said: The first year fine Spartan mentor also stated that he felt Vincent is However, the finalists in the recruiting derby figure to be MSU, Monday ,^1* The answer is, "I don't know." as a player as the Unsing area has seen and that fact would have been more evident if it hadn't been for Earvin Maryland and Wild Bill Frieder. The question is, "Where are Earvin Johnson and Jay Vincent Johnson. And, the winner just may hit the cage trifecta. Vincent But Vincent sees nothing wrong going to college?" playing in the shadow of his commented that Earvin, himself and Brother Rice's fine guard It seems every time I turn around someone wants the answer to friend, one Earvin Johnson. "I had a good three years at Eastern. I Kevin Smith have talked about a package deal which would really like the way the people came to see us play," Vincent keep that query. Well, I've got news for you all. So do Jay and Earvin the three together throughout their college careers. Heathcote want an answer. explained. echoed this sentiment: "Kevin has had a friendship with Jay and An indicator of Vincent's and perhaps several others' — final The two premiere cagers in the state are the subject of one of — Earvin. Sometimes, though, those early package deals lessen ii decision surfaced through his remarks. "I visited Arizona the most intensive recruiting campaigns seen in these parts since recently, significance as the recruiting season moves along. But, Kevin wai the Dave DeBusschere and Chet Walker era. but-man, I don't know. I'd really like to stay close to home." Vincent also detailed some of the reasons more pro Michigan in the past and now he is more open to SttfcanlsWdngBKtato,,, And that campaign has netted them reams of publicity. why he chose MSU investigating what other schools have to offer." over the Blue and Yellow of Ann Arbor. "I sat Personally. I felt that it wasn't totally responsible for the State down and thought The only advice this corner will offer to the dynamic duo is News to write articles concerning the dynamic duo during their one day and felt there was nothing wrong with Michigan. But I'd like to build personal sentiment. MSU is made up of real live people. People ■ year. They had enough pressure to bear, which they did a program rather than keeping one going," Vincent who make mistakes but also people who care. noted. Admissions Office, Floom most admirably, without more coming from this corner. And, pray tell, didn't the "Barn" known as Jenison deter Vincent And they're the same type of people who, if Earvin, 1718 Jay and 14 E.Jackson Blvd., now Earvin has led his Everett Vikings to the state crown in his decision? "Hey, I like the Kevin decided to cast their lot elsewhere, would wish them the Chcaoo. ii ficcm way Jenison is built. It wouldn't and Jay has signed a Big Ten letter of intent with MSU. The first bother me at all to play there. Remember, it's not the floor best of everything even when you they face the Green and White. Pashnick evens MSU's spring It might be premature to say 7-7 slate to end the spring Kniivila and lasted until the position with the team heading and Tony Wenson but Pan-Am that MSU pitcher Larry Pash¬ schedule in Edinburg, Tex. sixth before giving way to north. The job has, been nar- had a field day on the bases in nick is ahead of last year's pace. Lincoln, who finished up. MSU rowed down between Bakunas the nightcap with four steals. While Pashnick was penciling But the Spartan right-hander was able to close the score to himself into the starting rota¬ won his second game of the 6-5 before Pan-Am pushed in tion for the Big Ten season, Tuesday night, three runs in the sixth, on an "/ ha vi aiuo you ir rm season as many senior Jim Kniivila caused fur RBI double by Jerry Weller mm1 as he won all last season, ther concern for MSU coach beating Pan American 8-5, in the nightcap of a doubleheader. Danny Litwhiler his veteran starter. on how to use and thirdsacker Cliff Northey's third hit of the day to score BROTHERS OF After dropping the opener, 9-5, the Spartan hitters came Kniivila, chased by Wright another. Northey's bat could cause HOLY CROSS alive for Pashnick with three State in his other start of the Litwhiler to reconsider his de¬ Responding through educational, health, Drink an Elephant. cision to go with Spada at the seventh inning runs. Pan-Am spring, didn't make it out of the Social, pastoral and other service ItY a taste you'll remember, first inning after yielding six hot corner to start the season. got to the junior hurler for two The junior from Troy is getting ministries. runs and giving up four walks. runs of its own in the bottom of his first shot with the varsity the inning before John Lincoln Perenially slow to come after sitting out last year with a Br. Thomas Maddix, CSC came out of the bullpen to get around in the Box 308, Notre Dome, IN 46556 spring because of back injury and his currently the final out. wildness, Kniivila has always ticketed to caddy for the more First baseman Randy Pruitt managed to rebound in time for experienced Spada. beat out an infield hit to start the regular season. But his last two outings may have Catching is still a suspect ATcucn the seventh frame rally, his put his third safety of the game. Dave spot on the pitching staff in State News CfClASS Radke walked before catcher jeopardy. Newsline Carlsberg Elephant is a unique Joe Bakunas delivered an RBI Buddy Baker took c r for 353-3382 Cfcccf Segal &- continental malt beverage with single to score Pruitt. Glenea Jackson a refreshingly different body and taste. Shortstop Rodger Bastein Perfect companion to Carlsberg's walked and Tony Spada laid 29th Annual MSU two great Danish beers. | down a squeeze-bunt single to score Radke before ham singled to score the final Ty Willing- HORSE SHOW At Tha Livestock Pavilion ^ Carlsberg and LA ■ Carlsberg Special on Shaw lano run and pick up his second RBI of the night. FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIALTY ACTS INCLUDE [~*\ jS Dark Lager. (APRIL 1st) The win gave the FRATERNITY GREASE PIG COMPETITION Spartans a SATURDAY NOON AND EVENING(APRIl 2nd) IMPORTED THE TIERGARTEN MOUNT GYMNASTICS TEAM 109 Anthony ATTIMTION VITUAHtl Ex¬ TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR OR CALL 355 1400 cellent pay. insurance, and re¬ EVENINO PERFORMANCES START AT 7:00 PM FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL ST 7:30pm — 9:30pm, tirement benefits ovaitable Michigan Air National Guard. — Th.- Fri.- Sat. Call 517 489 5169 after 6 P.M.. $1.25 Tuesday through Friday. Call Today! PRE VET CLUB ****** T Hometown J 2nd Annual SPRING TUNE UP'4.80 Spring Get-Together USED BOOKS • CAMPUS BOOK STORE I People Giving * ink Hometown * in Dooley's Basement USED BOOKS CAMPUS BOOK STORE • USB BIKE CO-OP Service I t At * "UTTUmiWAY J 8:30 pm TONITE Also, Membership fee BOOKS • CAMPUS USED BOOKS • CAMPlf J MBVICI STATION J Thursday, March 31 J 1MI E.Grand River < Is >5.00 until April 19th BUY USED Next to * Varsity Inn J *7.50 thereafter Where customer Over 35 choices on^l ownership makes .our dinner menu Next to 547 raarE. Grand Rivar the difference! Campus Corners II 337-B-l-K-E SAVE 25% slartinga,$3.95 Bring the family THE UNDERGRADUATE BOOK STOREl Campus Book Storj to Jim's. 20% off From April 1 through June 14, you can fly roundtrip from all dinners New York to Luxembourg for only $410. (starting 4 p.m.) That's $89 less than the youth fare you'd pay on when seated by 5:30 and ordered by 6 any p.m. other scheduled airline. (From Chicago you pay $458 and Children's from Berkey menu available. save $103.) All you have to do is be under the age of 24. across Hall Free evening parking There are no booking restrictions. And no skimping on . ^Downtown 1 block eeat of Capitol meals or service. Because we give you the same service you'd get from other airlines, without the same high costs. 372-4300 USED BOOKS FOR MOST / So, if you're not flying Icelandic to Europe, you're Jjeservations suggested Cocktails available. spending more than you have to. We'll give you the best deal. UNDERGRADUATE COURSES Save *89 on jet fares AVAILABLE. TO SAVE YOU MONEV to Europe and book anytime you want. OPEN TONITE rIcelandic j Airlines, IX'pt. ttCN 630 Fifth Ave.. N.Y..N.Y. 10020 See ynur travel agent. Or call tuil free: (80015551212. i 'TIL 8:30 [ I'lease send infomialinn on all Icelandic's low cost fares to Europe. j Cily Campus Icelandic Book Store Lowest Jet fares to Europe of any scheduled airline. SB 507 E. Grand River A;.hiaon stote News, East lonsing, Michigan Thursday, March 31, 1977 7 New law surprise' to rep information concerning a person's sex would be eliminated this according to Gerald O'Connor, director of the MSU personnel Bv KRISTIN VAN VORST office. year. Under the new law, requesting the applicant's sex is State News Staff Writer prohibited. However, age, height and weight are still requested. The form Charles F. Seeley, director of MSU Admissions and Scholar¬ also requests the name and the place of employment of the ships, said Wednesday he is "not even aware" of a law going into He also said that the residence halls will have fun with the effect today that changes what information applicant's spouse. requests are permitted change, trying to match roommates of the same sex. O'Connor said he has not seen the act yet but is aware of the new on admission application forms. law. He said he had been on vacation and had not had a chance to The Michigan Civil Rights Act will prohibit educational "They (the prohibitions) get more ridiculous every year," Seeley said. look'at it. institutions from asking, either written or orally, the religion, The bill was approved by Gov. William G. Milliken January 13. race, color, national origin, age, sex or marital status of an He said that the office is now in the process of redoing the The law will also cover student employment forms. Information applicant. Exceptions may be made if such information is reauired admissions application and a meeting is scheduled for Friday to by federal regulations, or as provided by a ruling of the Michigan discuss changes already proposed. concerning weight, height and age of the applicant is requested on the present form. Department of Civil Rights or as part of affirmative action policies. "Now we'll have to get a copy of the law," Seeley said. "We'll Information concerning religion, national origin, and marital have to check it out with our attorney." Phyllis McKesson, director of the division of public affairs of the status has already been deleted from the MSU form and The law also prohibits employers from requesting, in oral or Michigan Department of Civil Rights in Lansing, said that until now the state law protected only people between the ages of 18 information concerning a person's race is permitted on the written form, information concerning the religion, race, color, and 60. She said the new law protects everyone. She said if a admissions form as part of a University affirmative action policy. national origin, age, sex, height, weight or marital status of a 68-year-old person is turned down for employment because of age Requests for an applicant's age and sex still appear on the prospective employe. but has all the other qualifications, "starting Thursday she/he will present form. The religion, race, color, national origin or sex of an applicant have grounds for complaint." Seeley said last year he facetiously made the comment that are not on the present University employment application form You Can Find Your Future Grocery chains studied WASHINGTON (AP) — If you think grocery chains charge The study noted the trend toward larger and fewer grocery in the Legal Profession If you are seeking a career opportunity—WSU offers several 1 stores. Chains with 11 or more stores increased their share of food ways in which you can enter the legal profession. FMI-TIm higher prices when they face little competition, you're right, sales from 34 per cent in 1948 to 57 per cent in 1972, the study said. Stadnts: Can earn a J.D. Degree and be eligible to take the according to a new study released Wednesday. Though grocery chains' profits are lower than those of many California State Bar Examination in 2% or 3 years. Pm-ThH "Large food chain prices are about 5 per cent higher where the other industries, the study said, "profits are significantly higher in Sttaeiti: Can graduate in 3% or 4 years of study with the same largest four firms in a market hold TO percent of the market than where they hold only 40 per cent," University of Wisconsin markets where a few firms control most grocery store sales." degree as a full-time student by attending class an average of 3 researchers concluded after studying corporate records. times per week. 3 hours per class. There are schedules to fit "In many markets consumers are paying the leading food many needs - classes are offered days, evenings and retailers extremely large dollar overcharges," the study said. weekends. Weslani (Me IWierslty College el lew has a Whole Authentic Peasant The researchers estimated that consumers paid (662.4 million Penee Miltiieu Pollci - applicants are screened for academic extra in 1974, a sum representing the difference between grocery HUARACHES background, personal aptitude, general experience, maturity prices in areas with substantial competition and areas where there and motivation. Applications are now being accepted for Fall is little competition, the study said. Semester from men and women with two or more years of I State News/Linda Bray The study, entitled, "The Profit and Price Performance of college credits. To obtain catalog fill out and mail advertisement iring means melted snow, rain and mud, but don't Leading Food Chains, 1970-1974," was released by the Con¬ to either of our two campuses. I it get you down. Just as spring was around the gressional Joint Economic Committee, which subpenaed records from 17 of the largest national grocery chains. Weelon State Uwtverilty College of law. Degt-147 ■rner last month, dry ground and summer will The 17 chains are: Safeway, A&P, Kroger, Winn-Dixie, Acme, 1111N. Slate Cattage Blvd. 1333 Freet Street Ion be here. Lucky Jewel, Food Fair, Grand Union, Supermarket General, FeHertee. CA 92831 See Diego. CA 92101 National Tea, Stop and Shop, Fisher Foods, Albertsons', Allied, Photo |714| 993-7800 PImom (714) 231-0300 First National and Giant. }stival planned BIGGEST ... inew-day), a tradi- and dancing and a presentation |lranian festival welcom- by Iranian students. APTLY NOW FOA FALL SEMESTER. CLASSES START AUGUST 25 d celebrating freedom Ehiid Friday at 6:30 p.m. ■St. John's Student Par- Noorouz, celebrated for thou¬ sands of years, symbolizes the adidas sale Although the cost of professional education continues to spiral, tuition at WSU remains among the most moderate in the nation. Jl M.A.C. Ave. hope of the oppressed Iranian OF THE YEAR! Western State University A festival program, spon masses for freedom and justice. ■by the Iranian Students The festival is open to the fition of East Lansing public. Tickets ■elude dinner, folk music the door for $7. are available at 1.000 PAIR FACTORY SECONDS College of Law UP TO 60% OFF COMPUTER CENTER TOURS 400 WARMUP SUITS PLETZ IMPORTS le Computer Laboratory staff will conduct tours of k Computer Canter for new users of the MSU ■nputing facility. Each tour consists of a slide *19.95 each mentation, a discussion of the function and CANVAS GYM BAGS Kration of the Computer Laboratory, and a walking ir of the building. The tours start in Room 215 ie following times. reg. '16.50 NOW '0.05 each April 4 1:00 p.m. 3 DAT SALE! 9:30-9 Thursday* Friday April 5 9:00 a.m. 9:30-4 Saturday LOOK and LISTEN April 6 7:00 p ,m. athlete's April 7 3:00 p.m. 233 E. GRAND RIVER, EAST shop LANSING IheBMIKH April 8 11:00 a.m. PHONE 351-6800 | When do you say Budweiser? □ When I think about pizza. □ When my wallet says I can't afford pizza. EXCLUSIVELY NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ACQUAINTED! □ When the delivery guy leaves three large pizzas (with everything) at my door by mistake. mpammu QFrmiFME I Toward any new purchase in our store. Sorry this certificate may not be used for a refund or as , credit toward an existing charge or layaway balance or Limit of one per customer ThennnncH REGULAR BELLS GUYS TOPS BIG BELLS GALS TOPS PREWASHED JEANS STRAIGHT LEGS BELTS BOOT JEANS AND MORE! ws A#. " — , IheBMIKH BRSI University Moll 220 M.A.C. Eait Laming Actually, anytlme's the tight time to say Budweiser. BANKAMERICARD (Between Roots & Logos) And when you do, you've really said It all! HflEH Mon.. Tues., Wed. Sat. 10 ■ 6 Thun. & Fri. 10■ 9 KING OF BEERS® . ANHEUSEJt-BUSCH INC. * ST. LOUIS Q Michigon State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, March 3, , Mobutu may be losing control of Za/r An invading force of about By LARRY HEINZERLING els. Deteriorating military, ailing economy Associited Press Writer 12,000 exiled Katangan rebels "There is deep he ,aid- JOHANNESBURG, South in Shaba who crossed into Zaire disaffection "Mobulu i. within the party," says one capitalist." lust i Africa (AP) - President Mobu¬ from Angola last month is party member. "People in the Mobutu has ■ tu Sese Seko may be gradually gradually advancing on two attributed street of wide discontent are not happy," fronts Zaire's army retreats. losing control over events in as Diplomatic observers in Kin¬ causes Mobutu has been hard hit by T raneeBelgium, sJj, politically volatile and strategic a drop in the price of copper, and Zaire. shasa, Zaire's capital, say the Zaire's chief export; his threat in Shaba is spurring pres while Mobutu faces his most the point of view that Mobutu's boyant. tige has fallen for Analysis other exiled antigovernment movements into action." serious ch.-llr ir o'.'i. .,. e come, mat he is Mobutu's great achievement is being welcomed in Shaba gnd elsewhere in the country. the losing side in supporting Angola's civil The French power 12 years ago, he may yet as discredited at home as he is has been maintaining stability Whether or not Marxist Angola war, and people are hungry. Zaire, according to Western government, which has supported Mobutu come out on top. abroad. in a culturally diverse nation of and its Soviet and Cuban allies "What does that do for the undisciplined. N diplomats in Kinshasa. "Mobutu is a survivor," ob¬ "The unknown may not nec 200 tribes once synonymous are behind the Shaba invasion, people?" asked one Zairian The diplomats point to the for years, is reliably reported to served one Western diplomat. essarily be as bad as the with political chaos, bloody as Mobutu claims, it could not pointing to a giant monument deteriorating military situation be consulting with anti-Mobutu "He may pull it off as he has in known," observed one diplomat tribal wars and secession. dedicated to the leaders in Paris, apparently on have come at a worse time. "Martyrs of in Shaba Province, once known the past but things look 'Bat if in Zaire. as Katanga Province, and wide the assumption his days in A serious problem for bad." Mobu A new president in the White The "president-for-life," a man who wields immense Political observers say that more than a decade of one-man Colonialism." "Go look at the hospitals Mobutu loses b?" per¬ power are numbered. 7^3=1 or spread discontent over the tu is that it is becoming House, upcoming Belgian elec sonal power and leads a life of the market place. There is Some of the Western autocratic rule has emptied the no nation's critically ailing eco¬ diplo¬ increasingly clear in Kinshasa tions and French concern for mats contend, however, that great luxury, still controls the national treasury, left the econ¬ medicine, no food, no money," nomy. that none of Zaire's traditional African opinion also play a part. nation's sole political party, the omy debt-ridden and created allies — Belgium, France and Mobutu has dominated his army, the government and the deep-felt resentment at all lev- the United Stated — now potentially rich and unwieldy press. Thin rings seen appears willing to mount major rescue operation. The reasons are complex. a country of 25 million people, once called the Congo, with a deft mixture of force, patron Diplomats say the claim by the rebels in Shaba that are part of a "popular they uprising" ********************** But, simply put, they reflect age and a flare for the flam circling Uranus « LITTU niBWAT soma STATION ♦ MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. made out of snowballs." opportunity for I 1301E. Grand River ' J J lAP) — Five thin rings have J Next to Varsity Inn * been detected surrounding the One possibility, he said, is that the rings are remnants of a study in Israel ********************** The Hayim Greenberg College of Jewish Studies In mysterious planet Uranus, and moon or are composed of ma Jerusalem offers Jewish students the following unique scientists said Wednesday they terial present during the forma¬ opportunities: constitute the first major tion of solar system that never structural discovery in the so • Intensive study program preparatory to teaching coalesced into moons. Judaica • Wide range of Judaic and Hebraic courses lar system in 50 years. He also said the discovery of taught by experienced, selective faculty • Varied and Until the sighting from an the rings could have a major exciting trips and kibbutz program • Generous schol¬ airborne space laboratory earli¬ arship for students with nominal or no Hebrew back¬ this month and impact on current knowledge of ground including tuition fees, room and board for a er foilowup Uranus. confirmation by earthbound as year or semester • Full scholarship for full year stu¬ Marsh Presently, scientists believe dents with good Hebrew background • Transfer 31.April* tronomers, Saturn was be¬ Uranus is four times larger credits to universities and colleges throughout the lieved to be the only one of the United States. than Earth and has a surface solar system's nine known pla¬ Thursday nets to have such rings. temperature of 300 degrees A RARE OPPORTUNITY to intensify and deepen your below zero, Fahrenheit. It is 1.7 Jewish knowledge and strengthen your Jewish Identity Mark Balhorn Details of the finding were and heritage. billion miles from the sun. Friday discussed by researcher James After the National Aeronau Hard Tack & Elliott in an interview. tics and' Space Agency teams Caff now Ms. Rivka Haramati or send coupon to any of/ice Dr. Moshe Avitat Saturday Pig's Feet | An opportunity for lay ministry awaits "The possibility of the rings Catholic men with college first reported the rings, ob¬ Spertus College of Judaica Hayim Greenberg College Hard Tack & degrees Asa- had been vaguely speculated before, but the discovery servatories around the world 618 Michigan Avenue So. Chicago, Illinois 60605 515 Park Avenue New York, New York 10022 Sunday Pig's Feat | Associate Member of the Glenmary Hor.- were asked to confirm the caught everyone by surprise," 312-922-9012 ext. 48 212-752-0600 ext. 384/385 Missioners. you can become a part ol -v said Elliott, an astronomer at sighting. Existence of the rings Phyllis* Costello since has been confirmed from Monday ministry to the people ol Appalachians Cornell University. observatories in India and Aus¬ the South Elliott said he and his co¬ Pete & Randy tralia. workers at the Ames Research The last major scientific dis¬ Tuesday Following a six month training program Center in California were Address_ Lost World String Band I covery in the solar system was you will begin two years of service studying the stars around Ura¬ the planet Pluto in 1930. City_ Wednesday nus from the laboratory aircraft Sheila Ritter Opportunities include: working with the 41,000 feet above the Indian Ocean when the abrupt sight¬ elderly and the poor, youth work, and a ing was made. parish ministry in a missionary context We're Open The rings had not been dis¬ Write: Glenmary Associates covered before, he explained, because the light reflected from Sir 930 Trowbridge Rd. Glenmary Home Missioners the planet is usually so bright it E. Lansing Box 46404 obscures lesser reflections from the rings. But on March 10, the planet's position on the night- side of earth provided the right IGorkT tt1 matte Full service hair styling for men and women for the look 351-3800 , Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 light conditions for detecting of The the rings. today and tomorrow. Elliott said the rings - Mon. - Sat., evening appointments available similar to the rings around phone: 332-2509 Saturn, but much thinner. Much more research remains to Frandor Shopping Center next to Bank of Commerce be done, he added. "We don't know why they are Jerry so thin," he said. "They are only challenge. a few miles thin, and the thickest one is 30 to 60 miles. Saturn's rings are thousands of miles thick. "We can't really tell what the rings are made of," he said. "One good guess would be some type of ice. One theory about Hidden in this diagram are the names ol diagonally, but are always in a straight line Saturn's rings is that they are twenty toods or snacks that go great with The lirsl one has been circled lo gel you a cold Pabsl. They may be spelled forwards going. Tour challenge is lo discover and or backwards, vertically or horizontally, even circle the other nineteen! SILVER v Phone 482-1393 STREAM > Other branches: Bath, Elsie, Fowler. •Gene Wilder Hubbardston, Laingsburg, Maple Rapids. Valley Farms Jill Clayburgh (Lansing) and Wacousta. Richard Pryor (0)6:15 Member: F.D.I.C. TwilifW 5:30 *«r ■uifhiaon State News. East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, March 31, 1977 13 Gary Graffman to perform tonight 'Novella:' neo-classic Renaissance American pianist Gary By JOHN CASEY Graffman will give a recital days. With his sister Jane and Michael Dunford on acoustic changed labels, af¬ previous releases. "Novella" is State News Reviewer current members Annie Hal which will include works by guitar — all accomplished musi- filiating with Sire, and pro¬ no exception. RENAISSANCE Novella: (Sire sam and John Tout, Renais¬ duced "Turn of the Cards," The album begins with the Beethoven, Prokofiev, -SA 7526) sance was realized. Since the Brahms and Rachmaninoff inception of Renais "Scheherazade" and last year's dramatic "Can You Hear Me." "Novella," the sixth Renais¬ Frustrated by the direction of cultism has live, double-record set, "Live at as sance an aura Quietly building into a crescen¬ a segment of MSU's sance piece de resistance in as the group was taking, Relf surrounded the group; in the Carnegie Hall" — the only do of acoustic guitar, strings lecture-Concert Series to¬ many years, stands tall com eventually soured on his new beginning it was fashionable, album to edge into the Bill¬ and percussion, the song is night at 8:15 in the Univer¬ pared to any releases of this idea and left Renaissance to but today it is the group's board Top 200 albums. Could sity Auditorium. beautifully led by the strong year. It embodies the distinct Halsam and Tout. In 1974 he albatross. A strong FM follow¬ mass appeal be far behind? vocal of Annie The works performed will Halsam, the Renaissance sound — a rich, formed the group Armageddon, be Beethoven's "Sonata No. ing in New York formed the With "Novella," Renaissance premiere pop female vocalist. neo-classical approach enriched of which he was a member until basis for dedicated Rer broadens its base, never losing "Can You Hear Me" is a 30 in E, Op. 109," Brahms' with romantic overtones — he electrocuted himself playing the definite 13-minute masterpiece of intel¬ "Variations on a Theme by evident in each of the five classical-edged the guitar in his damp base¬ The group began its disco- sound, never succumbing to ligent rock imbued with classi¬ Paganini, Op. 36;" preceding works. ment last Prokofiev's "Sonata No. 3 in spring. graphy with two Capitol al¬ commercialism. A Renaissance cal strains. Renaissance was a creation of The current Renaissance bums, "Prologue" and "Ashes album is consistently excellent: Hymnlike "Three Sisters," a- A minor;" and five shorter ex-Yardbird vocalist Keith took shape almost immediately are Burning," which contained I cannot remember a single gain a fine vehicle for Halsam's 'works by Rachmaninoff. Relf, a musician with the un after Relfs departure. Joining the song "Carpet of the Sun." poor cut on any of their five (continued on page 16) Graffman, a child prodigy, fortunate task of coping with lead vocalist Halsam and key¬ was admitted at the age of 7 the collective egos of Eric boardist Tout were Jon Camp to the Curtis Institute of The Music. The institute only Clapton, Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck during those Yardbird on bass and acoustic guitar, Company announces.. Terence Sullivan on drums and admits students on scholar- Open Auditions for the Pultizer Prize Musical "How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying" Apr 1, 6pm Apr 2,3, 3pm 341 Union Bldg. open to anyone interested in Acting, Music or Crews 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan _Thuf«dor.Mqrd,„ , State News Classified 355-8255 \m\ FRANKLY SPEAKING .by phil frank F Apartments ]|V| Automotive Aerto Service |/j . . . Apartments FORD GALAXY, 1969, automatic, MASON BODY SHOP 812 East MSU 10 minutes. Furnished mo¬ TWO MALE roommates needed reliable. Air, radial tires. Some Kalamazoo Street since 1940. bile home. Quiet. On lake. Child for spring term. Campus Hill rust. $350. 349-2234. 3-4-1 112) Complete auto painting and colli¬ OK. No pets. $35/week and up. Apartments, $75/month. Free bus sion service. American and foreign Call 641-6601. OR 2-3-31 (19) to campus, 349-5435. X8-4-8 (17) 7119 after 6. 3 cars. 485-0256. C-2-3-31 (20) GMC 3/4 ton pick-up with deluxe camper. Sleeps five. One owner, TWO FEMALES net^ im¬ AUTOMOTIVE 34,000 actual miles. $1600. 676- Qu»k 1977 Early baths ?annch ^ ^ sty Houses MGB 1972, one owner. Excellent JUNK CARS wanted. We pay FEMALE NEEDED immediately. 3-4-5 1121 2753. 8-4-1,1," '9* C«3( One bedroom. Nicely furnished. Rooms more if they run. Also buy used Neat. Pool. Air. Dishwasher. 351- immediate VpeVnm""" FOR SALE condition, low mileage. Michelin radials, AM/FM. 484-3281. 8-4-8 cars and trucks. 489 3080 anytime. C-2-3-31 (17) 5791. 4-4 4 (12) | CHALET APARTMENTS Next to campus summer and |a,|. Animals Spacious 2 Bedroom one block f,om S'M™S Mobile Homes LOST* FOUND MG MIDGET, 1972. $1200 or best GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 FEMALE TO share 1 bedroom apartment. Clean, quiet, spacious, apartmi 'ood:Call332.0846CM PERSONAL offer. 16241 Eskes Rd., Lansing. inch. Priced from $4. Mounted furnished. Close. 332 6052, after summer jlr conditioned from '170 mo. gigantic sixteenZ:-| PEANUTS PERSONAL 3-4-1 (12) free. PENNELL SALES 1301% East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- 5:00 pm. 5-4 5(14) fall from '33d mo. furnished, carpeted, 4 12 month lease, 2 J1®! bZl REAL ESTATE 5818 C-2-3-31 (17) RECREATION MUSTANG II Mach 1, 1974. WOMAN FOR spring, 2 blocks from campus; $81 /month; share yeor from '290 mo. now renting campus. 351-0997 z-3-4^,,1 Excellent condition, power. Days, CLUTCHES - NEW and remanu- open 4-6 Monday-Friday SERVICE room. Call 332-1707. S5-4-5 (13) need one mate to 374-8890. Evenings. 321-8040. 8-4 factured for your foreign car at moiw Instruction CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN FOR RENT, 1 or 2 wor FEMALE NEEDED. Spring. Cedar 337-1075 between 9-12 □ Typing CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama- 6-10 p.m. TRANSPORTATION deposit, close to camp Brook Apartments, Four person 3-4-1117) * OLDS CUTLASS Supreme 1970. °ne Ze%.°' CampUS 3095. 8-4 8(12) $80/month. 332-2685. 2-4-1 (121 ' WANTED Sharp, four speed on the floor. 487 5055. C-2 3-31 (24) OWN ROOM in titnZ ROUND TOWN 394-5304 evenings. 8-4-8(121 house near «3 PINTO 1974. Bright orange, black I EmplOylUBflt — If Employment fjjj For Rent CIDAR VILLAS! UNIVERSITY VILLA - 635 Abbot. Available now. 1 or 2 bedrooms. Call 332 8173. 10 4 13 (121 month. Call campus 337-1102.2 3-311J URATES" OWN ROOM in vinyl top and interior, 25,000 miles. APARTMINTS house. Prefer comfortable j 12 word rrnntm $1850. 487-1137'351-2864. 3-4-1 WAITER- WAITRESS. Positions CLERK-TYPIST position with NEEDED: FEMALE roommate FEMALE, MATURE upperclass- g,3d No J (141 available for experienced evening service personnel at one of the MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP funded spring term. Own bedroom/bath. man, non-smoker. Campus Hill. AvaOabtenowandsummel 6315. 8-4-81151 through title VI of C.E.A.TA $100/month, including utilities. Free bus service. $75/month. 349- PINTO 1975. Automatic, radials, Jusirat festaurants in the central Must be resident of Ingham Call 394-3659/1 -855 2170. 8-4-8 Now leasing for 2564. 8-4-11 (121 fog lights, rustproofed. Body spot- Yticnigan area (located 15 minutes County and meet Title VI criteria Fall and Summer ROOMMATE two NEEDED~to si bedroom duplex, (to less. 339-9192 after 11 a.m. 8-4-8 HOUSE RESTAURANT ..t AND including 15week unemployment. ONE MAN needed for own room month. On | Apply at Michigan Employment COMPACT REFRIGERATOR, T.V. in two bedroom apartment. Rent $.10 bus route U LOUNGE for interview. 322-9955. washer, dryer. Call evenings ITTnn*t/ll[| llipfl 8-4 8(35) Security Commission 3215 South stereo rentals. Free delivery on/ Bogue at Red Cedar River negotiable; 349-9491. 3-4-4 1131 9 p.m. J mnninin1 urn PINTO 1974 Squire wagon. Steel Pennsylvania, Lansing. Duties in¬ off campus! DORM RENT-ALL 351-3572.5-4-5 (22) clude typing police reports, an¬ 372-1795. 6-4-6 (14) radials, AM-FM stereo tape. Good PART TIME computer terminal Call 351-5180 NEED ONE male for 3-man deluxe condition. 676-1924. 8-4-8 (12) swering phones, some public con¬ apartment. Close to campus. 351 - OWN FURNISHED roc operator - nights 5-10 p.m., $2.75/ hour, some typing skills required. tact activity. Must be able to handle confidential material and TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. 1663. 3-4-4 1121 complete house. Carpeted'J PINTO SQUIRE Wagon 1974, 4 $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- er, Frandor area (75 Own transportation. Contact LARNED UPPER 2 bedrooms, speed, only 14,000 miles. Perfect type 50 wpm. Meridian is an E.O.E. 1010. C-2-3-31 (12) - 124 CEDAR STREET, East Lan¬ 372-7524. 2-3 311151 ' condition. 339-2907. 8-4-8 (12) Carofyn Sharp, JOHN HENRY 3-4-1 (63) stove, refrigerator, utilities. $150 COMPANY, 323-9000, ext. 60. sing. Two man, one bedroom plus deposit, married. 372-3714. furnished apartments, heat includ¬ 3-4-1 (24) 8-4-8(12) OVERSEAS JOBS PLYMOUTH FURY '71. body, engine. Tires weak. $650 or Good - summer/ year-round. Europe, South Ameri¬ j Apartments ed. $190/month, June or Septem¬ ber. Year lease. 129 Burcham PART TIME employment for MSU ONE MAN needed for 2-man. best. Jack. 332 2094. 8-4-11 (13) ca, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, Drive efficiency, $160/month. 8 Once ad is ordered it cannot students. 15-20 hours/week. Au¬ Own room. Close to campus. $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, furn¬ a.m. - 5 p.m. 351-2402; 6 p.m. - 9 be cancelled or changed un tomobile required. 339-9500. C-2- $107.50/month. 349-9823. 8-4-8 PONTIAC ASTRE, 1976. 12,000 said, sightseeing. Free informa¬ ished, one block from campus, p.m. 882-2316. 0-1-3-31 (321 2 BEDROOM duplex, I til after first insertion, un- 3-31 (12) tion. Write: INTERNATIONAL available for fall. Call Craig Gibson September. (21 is ordered & cancelled miles, silver, excellent condition, JOB CENTER, Dept. ME, Box and leave a message. 627-9773 NEEDED: TWO includes good gas mileage. 482-5736. 3-4-1 studious male water. I by 1 p.m. 2 class days before HOSTESS PART time employ¬ 1490, Berkeley, California, 94704. 13-4-15 (18) EAST LANSING - two bed¬ publication. (12) ment for night work. Experience roommates to share 3-man p.m. 3-4-1 1121 3-4-6 (32) rooms, pool, balcony. Year lease, necessary, Apply SEA HAWK Twyckingham apartment. Call PORSCHE 1970 91 IT. Air, tinted deposit. 337-0169 late evenings, 332 4070 (or 1-313-553-3953 on THREE BLOCKS from ca PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. There is a 1.00 ! glass, AM-FM radio, deluxe in¬ RESTAURANT. Monday through Thursday 3 p.m. 5 p.m. 5-4-6(18) college students Furnished studio, utilities paid. 8-4-8 (12) weekendsl ask for Gregg. 4-4-5 five and six bedroom, Ii charge for a port time, e^rn M000 per 1211 homes for fall leasing. Cat terior, 5-speed, chrome wheels, $135 plus deposit. 489-5574 after 5 C| plus 18' per hour and win ,195000 EAST MSU. Spring, fall. One Gibson and leave a for additional1 tires, burglar alarm. $4500. p.m. 0-2-3-31 (13) in scholarship bonds as an bedroom, furnished, utilities, laun¬ 353 2957; 355-7763 8-4-11 (21) ONE OR two girls spring. Own 627-9773. 13-4-151211 AMERICAN YOUTH dry, carport. $200. 374 6366.0-2-3- rooms furnished in townhouse. ONE OR two grils needed. Spring 31 112) TOYOTA COROLLA 1973. Good ENTERPRISE DEALER Frandor. $70 and .$80. Utilities TWO ROOMS in house to i condition. New muffler/valve job. Write Fred Novak, Dept. $-47 or summer. Master Bedroom with included. No lease. Call Carolyn summer. Rent negotiable Pi for a TWO BEDROOM with fireplace. 27 mpg. $1100. 353-0966/353- 1701 Ellis Ave.. Laurel bath. Peggy, 882-0798. 4-4-4 (14) 351-0028 482-0542. 2-4-1 1231 351-8482. 8-4-8 (12) Springs, $200/month, utilities paid. 10 miles or The State News will be r« 0649. 8-4-8 (14) N.J. 08021 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST MT - East Lansing. 675-5566. 8-4-8 sponsible only for the firs ROOMMATE SPRING term, ONE WOMAN for large, four HEDRICK HOUSE COOP! (ASCP) preferred Part time open¬ EARN WHILE vou learn. Models (131 days incorrect insertion. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1972 Good ing, aftPrnoon and midnight shifts. and escorts wanted. bedroom apartment. Own roon person. Water's Edge. Balcony, 2 openings for spring term if $8/hour condition, $1200 or best offer. Must have clinical experience block from campus. Utilities ii NEED ONE female to sublet baths, 332-1973. 6-4-7 (121 room/board. 332-0844 8411 Is are due 7 days from t I or 353-3908 Ask for areas. Excellent mg"raieBCon- Ptone 489 ,215_X^'6-3J12)_ c,u^. $100/month. 351-2742. 8-4 in 4 person apartment, place block to ONE MALE needed, 4-man apart¬ ! expirotion date. If r id by the due date a i Charlie. 8-4-11 114) tact Personnel Office, LANSING GENERAL CASHIER, GROCERY store ex- " campus, rent negotiable. 332- ment, across from campus. Good Rooms /• HOSPITAL, 2800 perience. Monday-Friday, 6-10 8239. 3-4-1 (161 e service charge will TRIUMPH TR-4A 1968 converti¬ Devonshire Phone 372 8220. 5 4 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, One roommates. $73.50 per month. p.m. Alternate weekends. $2.30 ble. 23 mpg. $350. Phone 351 6 132) male to sublease Heslett Apart¬ 332-6938. 2-4-1 (151 CLOSE FURNISHED rc start. East Lansing. Call 332-5313. FEMALE - SHARE large one 0426. 3-4 4 1121 546115) ments. Across from campus. 337- bedroom plus utilities. Kitchen, parkingfl apartment (sublet). FIVE BEDROOM MOTORCYCLE ASSEMBLERS 0047, 8-4-11 112) furnished, car¬ 339-2961 after 6 p.m. 848 lir Close, air, parking, carpeting. 351 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER Beetle and mechanics contact Jim ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for peted apartment. Fall 77-78. 2 Kemp, 0629. 3-4-1 (12) 1971 Excellent condition, new ONE WOMAN needed to sublet. blocks to campus. $400 + heat MEN'S SINGLE $85 month ■ - HASLETT MOTOR SPORTS. 339- experienced bartenders. Apply in Automotive l!£# tires, new brakes, new exhaust 2125. 8-4-11 (121 person at FAMOUS TACO, 539 River's Edge Apartmenf. Rent ONE PERSON needed spring- bill. 351-0997. Z-3-4-4 (171 women's double $60 morttlil system, radio. 655-4165. 8-4-8 (151 East Michigan, 6-4-7 (141 negotiable. Call 351-3576. 3-4-4 son. Utilities except pirn* summer. Own bedroom in 3 bed¬ KITCHEN HELP, dishwasher. IM FEMALE NEEDED share one bed¬ Kitchen privilege, Christian an! BLAZER CHEYENNE 1976. Air, tilt room apartment. Nicely furnished VOLKSWAGEN 1974 Thing. PERIAL GARDEN RESTAU UNIFORMED SECURITY officers, with central air, room two person apartment. phere. THE WAY STATION,! wheel. AM/FM, cassette, power plenty of parking, steering/brakes. Sharp! John 355- Trailer hitch, roll bar, excellent RANT. If interested, call 349-2698 criminal justice majors preferred. GIRL NEEDED for 2 bedroom pool, $88 per month complete. Spring term, close. 337-1481.6-4-7 Bogue. Call Kelly 332-2ffl| condition, $1900 361-2119 8-4-11 for interview, 3-4-4 (12) Cad between 10am-3 pm, Monday 349-1883. 3-4-1 (251 (12) 351-4950. 8-4-812f" " 1414; 399-9500. 8-4-11 (15) apartment. $64.75/month. One ----- -Friday. 641 6734. 8-4-8(141 block from campus. 332-5272, THE GRAPE VINE RESTAURANT 551 ALBERT STREET, one block EAST LANSING, single is CAPRI II Ghia 1976, 2.3 hatch¬ ; 332-1918. 8-4-8(141 WANT MALE student, share furn¬ VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN, 1969, from campus, large two bedroom, male students call after 5:31 ■ back. now auditioning musicians for SUMMER JOBS: Our fjrty state - ished trailer home in Mason. Rent White, mint condition, furnished, air condition jd, bal¬ 332 5791. 34 1 1121 49,000 miles. Excellent transporta¬ spring entertainment Call 337 2000 plus summer employers cata- ONE BEDROOM duplex, campus AM/FM cassette player, low mile¬ $65. 676-5902. 8-4-8 (12) cony. Summer and fall. Call 355- tion. $595. 351-8340 or 351-4485 1701.3 4 4 1121 logue (America's largest) with six blocks. 6 month lease. $200/ age. Best offer. 355-2798. 8-4-8 after six 8-4 11 (13) master application form - only 6118 after 5 p.m. 0-2-3-31 (21) ROOM, ROOM and ' month. 332-1918. 8-4-8 (12) (19) CLERICAL, BOOKKEEPING As $2,00. SUMCHOICE, Box 645, EAST LANSING NORTH POINTE APARTMENTS, 1250 Haslett FARMHOUSE FRATERNIHj sistant for programming board. State College, PA 16801. Z-2-3-31 FEMALE NEEDED. Bogue, singles, doubles, pi VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Southern Spring. Four- Road at 69. Houses CHEVROLET 1968. Power steer¬ Part time, spring, summer, fall (25) Furnished/unfur¬ 337-9230. Z 3-4-1112) car, new exhaust system. Runs person apartment. Furnished. nished 1 and 2 bedroom apart¬ ing/brakes. Excellent condition Work-study only. Leave name at but needs another engine. Best $90.00/month. March rent paid. with extras. 355-2865 anytime. 355 3355 353 7421 3 3 4 1201 ments, newly redecorated, heat or WORKING PERSONNEL for dish- 8-4-11 (12) offer, 353-1965. 3-4 4 115) room and cook positions. Mature, Near campus. 351-1061 4-4-4 (15) and month water furnished, 3 to 12 leases. Start at $175/ FIVE BLOCKS nished for 5 males. 12 month lease - MSU. Fur- OWN ROOM prefer tiful clean house, nee femabj VW BUS 1966, 1969 engine. New BABYSITTER NEEDED. 8 a.m. 5 hard working adults. Apply in MSU FRANDOR. Quiet, 1 bed¬ month. Call John or CHEVY 1965 three speed. Great brakes, starter, battery. Dependa¬ p.m. in sitters home. $25 week for person, SCHENSUL'S CAFETE¬ Sue, 332 only, starling June 15th. 332-4076 Good neighborhood.etu-w room, unfurnished, carpeting, air, 6354. O 2-3-31 1371 city car, $150. Must sell. Call ble. $650, 393-6968 evenings. 6-4-6 infant 332 6091. 8 4 11 1121 RIA, Meridian Mall. 8-4-8 (181 after 6 p.m. 3-4-1 1171 -81121 349-3335. 4-4-4 1121 balcony, appliances. 332-3116 and 339-5922. 3-4-1 1131 BUSPERSONS. PART time em¬ MURRAY HOTEL, Mackinac Is¬ PEOPLE REACHER CHEVY 1971 Kingswood VOLVO 1970 Model 164. $1300 or land, Michigan, needs summer wagon. ployment for night work. Apply WANTED MALE roommate, non- Power, air, very good condition. best offer. Call Neil, 332-3694 SEA HAWK RESTAURANT, cooks, bartenders, maintenance $1099. 484-8972, 5-4-5 (12) 7-4-7 1121 smoker, graduate student, young Monday through Thursday 3 p.m. men, piano players, and personnel businessman. Mike, 351-8296 after - 5 p.m 5-4 6(161 for rotation between food service, 7 p.m, 8-4-8 112) WANT AD CORDOBA 1975. Full factory waitressing and housekeeping. equipment. $3995. 6565 6-4-6(121 Phone 487 ; Motorcycles <$rc BABYSITTING - LIGHT house¬ Send complete resume, work ONE WOMAN needed for Cam¬ keeping. 8:15-4:45 p.m. Monday experience and recent photo to HONDA XL-350 1974. Excellent through Friday. One girl, sixteen pus Hill Apartment. Immediately. 3969 Penberton, Ann Arbor, Mich¬ Call 349-4736 after 6 p.m. 6-4-6 COUGAR 1969 - stick shift, condition, low mileage, best offer. months. Own transportation, relia¬ igan, 48105. 16-4-20 (38) power brakes and Call evenings, 694-1570. 8-4-8 (121 bility very important. 351-4461 steering, AM/FM, Ziebarthed. $575, 355- after 4:30. 8-4-8 I20I MESSENGER NEEDED for with payment to: 1063. 5-4-5112) HONDA 90cc CAMPUS HILL own bedroom for street-trail. 100 STATE NEWS DISPLAY ADVER¬ summer or fall. Call Dave, 655- mpg. Only 800 miles. $350 or best SEWING INSTRUCTOR, full time, TISING this spring term. Pay is State News Classified Dept. offer. 337-2658. 3-4-1 1141 3782 or 694-6621. 5-4-5113) DATSUN 1972. 59,000 miles. Lansing Mall. Call mornings 487 $2,36 per hour and .08 a mile. Si7Student Services Bldg. Good Condition, 5445. 8-4-8 (12) family car. $500. " - "1Must be dependable, have car, 332-2717 after 5 p.m. 8-4-8 (12) unnAva HUDAKA 125 in - , . „ Lights, Barum - and be able to work between 11-3 East Lansing, Mich. 18823 knobbles 21 front wheel. Like BABYSITTER MONDAY through weekdays. STUDENTS ONLY. DODGE W-200 Snofighter 1974, ' new-'MS. 694-4727. 8-4-8 1121 Saturday Imorningsl 8:30-11:30. Call Dan, 353-6400. S 2-3-31 (37) V-8, power steering/brakes. Auto Supply references. Own transpor- - matic transmission, 28,500 miles YAMAHA 500CC, DOHC, 1974. tation, close. 351-1309. 3-4-1 (12) 351-5210. 8-4-8 113) Excellent. Must sell. 5300 miles PINILAKI $950. Call 351-1459. 3-4-1 (12) PART TIME cashier for service station wanted, evenings and APARTMINTS Zip Code FACTORY HARDTOP for Tri¬ HONDA 360,1972 road bike. Runs every other weekend. 18-28 hours. 6080 Marsh Rd. umph Spitfire Mark 1 through 3 Student Number good. Extras included. Call Joe South Logan Holmes area. Call Meridian Mall Area $125 or best offer. 351-1694 322-2191. 2 3-31 (12) 393 0418 between 9 a.m.-4 pm evenings. 8-4 8 (15) Have a place to head 2 3 31 (221 Preferred Insertion Date - HONDA 350, 1973. 7800 miles, *165 plvx utilities to.. Collingwood FIAT 1974 Model 128 SL. good condition. Call Mark, 372- Perfect BABYSITTING MONDAY Apartments I condition. $1800 or best offer 9044 after 10 p.m. 7-4 7 (12) * through Friday, 12:45-5:30. Must One Bedroom Units Neil, 332 3694. 7-4-7 (12I * enjoy infants. Own transportation, Appliances * air conditioned HONDA 1974 CL200. Electric start, 2,500 miles, 65-70 mpg. Like closeL351-1309. 3-4-1 (12) * Shag carpeting * dishwasher ^TrFM,x 1/9 AM 1974. 35,000 removable miles, new. $495. 484 2690. 8-4-8 (12) FEMALES ALL ages. $2.75/ * Air, drapes * shag carpeting top, 28 mpq. hour. Full or part time. Please * * $2700 332-8706. X3-4-1 (12) Ideal (or grad. unlimited parking 1 1973 500 KAWASAKI, excellent write to Box A-1, State News. * L-xUv Jilts j.'t '"'j ..tVe jr.,-. shape $650. Phone 675 7421 State age, address, phone, and students, couples plush furniture r 1.16 6.76 7.68 i 9.60 FIAT 1969, Spider convertible. * Near lake Lansing Park * model open daily f 11.70 Good running condition. $300 or best offer. Ask for Carl, 332-1063 8-4 11 (121 times of availability. P.S. We professionally clean private Special events at special rates. Tell " | — - M Something to sell !<" '5" YAMAHA 1974 homes. 5-4 5 130) campus less?Try Econo 8-4 8(151 TX 500A, 1700 Short term Now leasing for what's 2.70 1.40 7.70 *9.60 17.00 „J0 or doing in Round „ miles Like new, excellent condi lion, $850. 351 8729. 8 4 11 1121 SUMMER JOBS. Forest Service. leases available. Summer and Fall Town. Up fo 20 words ■ 5 788 4.76 7.68 10.74 17.80 1 .14,40 only '4." • '2 wor^ J FIAT X-1/9, 1976 5 days. miles, black, stereo, luggage rack. How, where, when to apply. Compete Information $3.00. MIS¬ Coll 351-8282 days for *12. 1.06 1.24 6.1? 6.48 8.16 8.64 10.88 11.67 jll.60 j 15.30 16.20 SUZUKI very clean. Call 337-2540. 8-4-8 Knobby lires, 1971, 250 dirt bike. extra parts, excellent SION MOUNTAIN COMPANY P.O. BOX 727, Poison, Mont. 339 • 8192 (behind Rollerworld Please Specify 1.47 684 417 jl4.40 . 17.10 condition. 371-4773. 8-4-8 (12) 1-468-3857 on the river j 59860. BL 3 4 1 (21) I) 1.60 17.80 116.00 in Linan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, March 31, 1977 15 *°oms i00l"sIJ® | ][$] | , For Sale For Sale J|^J Recreation jfaB IriVE, LARGER, singles- OWN ROOM in house. Furnished IMMEDIATE - OWN room in SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE ESS AMT-1 speakers, excellent EUROPE Letences/no car. 925/ share bath/kitchen. $70 plus utili¬ beautiful house. Non-smoking, SALE! Brand new portables condition, Must sacrifice. $185 FLEXIBLY and inex¬ 6-8418, 332-6206 days. ties. 361-3344. 1-3-31 112) preferably grad, $100 plus. 332- $49.95. $5 per month. Large each. 349-9579. 5-4-5 (121 pensively. FLIGHTS Call EUROPEAN toll-free. 1 800-848- 2170. 8-4-8 (121 selection of reconditioned used GOOD 0786. Z 2-4-1 112) NEIGHBORHOOD, park¬ machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- IeOPLE, East Lansing liming summer, share ing, phone, day employed duate preferred. Reasonable. 372- gra¬ ROOM AND board, $390/term, chi's. New Home and "many j Animals Announcements for It's What's Happening must be received in the MSU Cycling Club's Annual Criterium Bicycle Race will be held |f,oom. 332-3667 eve- 7973. 5-4-6 (121 free campus. parking and utilities. Near Males only. Call 332-4995 others." $19.95 to 39.96. Terms. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING [ Service ||^ State News office, 343 Student Services Bldg., by noon at least from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. West Circle Drive. May 7 on W (121 or 351-4438. 8-4-8 (171 COMPANY. 1115 North Washing¬ CHAMPIONSHIP CAT show Sun FREE. .A Lesson in complexion two class days before publication. ROOM AND board at TRIANGLE . ton. 489-6448 C 2-3-31 (261 day April 3rd. Ingham County care. Call 484-4519 East No announcements will be accept¬ ■ attractive rooms, FRATERNITY. 9450/term. Close Democratic Headquarters, 5024 Michigan Agronomy and horticulture ma¬ MEN, CLEAN, quiet, single, cook¬ or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE ed by phone. ire to campus, furnished, to campus. 332-3563. Z-7-4-8 (12) South Cedar (at Jolly). 10-5 p.m. jors: Help solve the world food ing. One block to campus. $250/ NEW, USED and vintage guitars, NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. problem and gain international U Call 332-1746. 8-4-8 term. 485-8836 351-2623. $1.50 adults, .60 children. 482- or o banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers C-2-3-31 (18) Fall term internships available at CO-ED CO-OP, 9300/term "in¬ 2-3-31 (141 and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ 6502. 3-4-1 1211 Martin Luther King Jr. Center for experience with Peace Corps. Come to 121 Agriculture Hall. cludes room, food, utilities and sories, books, thousands of hard INCOME TAX preparation by TAX Social Change in Atlanta. Come to Ite NEEDED in Okemos more. 332-3574. 5-4-6 (12) SPRING, SINGLES, furnished. ■r grad student. j, deposit. Call 349- 9125/ MSU NEAR, unfurnished rooms. Share kitchen, parking. $70-$100. Very close. 332-1800, 372-1800. to find albums. (All at very low prices.) Private and group lessons on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all [ Mobile Homes i« CORPORATION OF AMERICA counselor in your home. Week¬ 33 W. Owen Hall by April 27. teer Students needed to be volun¬ probation officers involved ends, evenings, 337-2747 after 5 Journalism students: Meet Har¬ with adolescent diversion project. K'l 1141 Share house-expenses. $50 2-3-31 (121 1967 12 X 60 Liberty in Holt. Two monthly/negotiable. Agent, 882- styles. Gift certificates. Expert bedroom, new washer-dryer, skirt¬ p.m. o 2-3-31 (17) ry Hill of the Milwaukee Journal at Contact Wfice of Volunteer Pro¬ 4414. 0-1-3-31 (121 repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY the Sigma Delta Chi meeting at grams, 26 Student Services Bldg. ■rOOM at Capital Villa. TWO NICE INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand ed, many extras. 15 minutes to BRING YOUR prescription to OP¬ 8:30 tonight in 331 Union. Tt(, Fall option. Apart- large rooms in modern MSU. 694 1740 8-4-8(18) duplex. Near campus. Spring, River. 332-4331. C 2-3-31 (49) TICAL DISCOUNT 2617 East Tutors needed in Reading for I 337-0415. 3-4-1 (12) ROOM FOR rent, $70.10 minutes, Walk from campus. 351-7118 summer. 351-2624. 3-4 4 (121 Michigan, Lansing. C 2-3-31 (12) Observatory Open House, from Junior High Students. Contact 8 to 10 p.m. Saturday. Weather Office of Volunteer Programs in 26 ■.OP has one spring term | $220.00 for room and 5-4-61121 WANTED FEMALE to rent room [ Lost I Found LOVING MOTHER wanting to permitting, the 24-inch reflecting telescope will be used for observ¬ Student Services Bldg. so taking summer appli- WOMEN'S CO-OP - 9315/spring in house. penses. $55/month, share 371-4572. 8-4-11 (131 ex¬ NOTICE LOST: SCOTTIE, male. Kedzie, babysit in my East Lansing home. Call 332-3853. 8 4-8 (12) ing objects of interest. Volunteer tutors needed for gll 332-5555. 3-4-1 (181 term, room/board. Near campus. red collar. Reward. 351-5378 or Friendly atmosphere. 332-5095. Capital Area Vocational Center. ROOM IN house, utilities included. 332-3331 evenings. 3-4-4 (12) FOR QUALITY stereo service THE Scuba Club members: Salisbury Special Education positions availa¬ ||ED-DEPENDABLE Z 3-4 4 (121 Washer, dryer, fireplace, 2 acre Starting Spring Term o STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand Dive Saturday. Transportation ble, transportation is provided. ferences. Parking, laun- RUMMAGE SALE CLASS¬ LOST BEFORE break Contact 26 Student Services Bldg. yard, close to campus. Available - grey cat, River. C 2-3-31 (12) leaving at 5 p.m. Friday or 7 a.m. ). Holt area. 699-2502 BEAUTIFUL, LARGE room - M.A.C. Free rent till April 23rd. 4/3/77. Call 332-8946. 8-4-11 (18) IFICATION will be added ringed tail, near Charles-Beech. Saturday from the Men's IM Reward. 332-3336. 4-4-5 (12) Building. Contact G. Middleton. Volunteers needed to teach $27/week. 332-8341 before 10 a.m. to the daily classifieds. after 6 p.m. 12-4-15 (16) CAMPUS, FOUR miles. Room or You can gef 20 words for [ Instruction i* Feminist Self Defense Associa¬ after school recreation activities to elementary students. Contact JoROOMS in beautiful office. Clean, carpeted, utilities Trmhouse. 15 minutes to ROOM IN 4-man house. $70/ paid. $65. 332-1095. O 2-3 31 (12) one day for $2.50! Each additional word 13'. [ Personal \Z ENGLISH RIDING lessons. Jump¬ ing and dressage. Instruction for tion will be offering 10-week self-defense classes from 10 a.m. REACH program, 26 Student Ser- 541-6802, Rick. 8-4-81121 month plus utilities, '/? mile from to noon Saturdays in 336 Union. ANTIQUE FAIR AND SALE, East pleasure or showing, beginning campus. 489-4522. 2-4-1 (14) ■SON needed for luxur- T|ex, three miles from ROOM IN large house, convenient [~ For SaiT j[<^] Call 355-8255 Rotary 4th Annual. West Mich¬ igan's Best. Quality dealers from all parts of the country. April 7 and through advanced. Transportation available for Thursday evening classes. Listening Ear has orientation programs for new volunteers at 7 ses West Circle Self-Defense clas¬ will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays beginning April 6. OT10 Sionleigh, 975 plus WILLOWPOND to campus, includes board. Call SPECIAL SELECTION of records. 8, noon to 10 p.m. April 9, noon to STABLES, 676-9799. 5 4 5 (23) p.m. Wednesday in Olds Hall. For exact location, call the MSU 94 4513. 2-3-31 (161 337-2381. 3-4 4 112) Women's Council Office. $1.99/record. MARSHALL MU¬ 6 p.m. Lectures daily -11 a.m. East SIC. 245 Ann Street. East Lansing. Grand Rapids High School, 2211 DOG OBEDIENCE training class¬ koM, kitchen, near cam- ONE OR two rooms available in C 13 31 113) 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. Lake Drive S.E., E. Grand Rapids, Wanted Starting April 4th, 10 weeks Welcome back! Inter-Varsity 1 Rent negotiable. Call three bedroom house. No lease, Tanks, cannisters and uprights. es. 51-3185, 351-3820. 5-4-5 Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 Michigan. 7-4-7 (47) $20. Call 675-5582. .Sponsored Christian Fellowship starts the furnished, $65. 484-1022. 1-3-31 OHM F Speakers. 3 months old. and up. ASCAVMA. 3-4-1 (14) COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, term off right at 7 tonight in 336 DENNIS DISTRIBUTING $700. Excellent condition. Call COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ EUROPE/WORLDWIDE academic baseball cards and much more!!! Union. 349-4037. 5-4 6 112) discounts year-round. S.A.T.A., WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, posite City Market. C 2-3-31 (24) 4228 First, Tucker, Georgia 30094 experience in professional editing, 307 E Grand River, 332-0112, Don't miss the 29th Annual Can you Believe?? 27 INCH man's 10 speed bike. 1 (800) 241-9082. 4-4-4(14) writing skill instruction. 337-1591. (Open 11:30 6:00 p.m.) C 2-3-31 Block and Bridle club Horse Show Excellent condition. Call 676-2748 X0 2-3-31 (12) (20) to be held this Friday and Satur¬ Bicycles storting at anytime. 8-4-8 (12) POETRY AND short story contest. day in the Livestock Pavilion. •14.95 WE'RE ADDING Sett of DRAFTING TABLE, 4'x6', in¬ For information send SASE to LITERARY MESSENGER, P.O. [ Typing Service FURNISHED, THREE bedroom house or apartment, near MSU, The Liturgies of the Palms and Golf Clubs cludes flat file, paper file drawer^-, Box 6253, Albany, CA 94706. 6-4-6 desired by principal of The Ameri¬ the Eucharist will be celebrated by TYPING, BLOCK campus, fast, equipment drawers. 484-4868 (18) MSU's Episcopal Community, at 5 •14.95 two experienced, reasonable. Theses, can School of the Hague, wife and .ANEW CLASSIFICATION, Tennis Racquets evenings. 8-4-11 (14) term papers. 351-1711. 5 4-5(12) Editing. 332-8498, child. 6/20/77-6/20/78. Can assure good for reasonable rent. p.m. pel. Sunday in the Alumni Cha¬ •4.99 CAMERAS USED, Leica IIIC, IMF, Real Estate i® care Contact Jerry Hager, Haaagse- J Graflex 4x5, COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete straat 38, The Hague, Netherlands John Eulenberg (Computer circa 1930, Koni- EAST LANSING, Bailey School, dissertaiion and resume service. ~ call Dr. Donahue 372-2020. Center) will speak on Technology check our low lowpricet. Omega with 4 backs, Konica We autoreflex A, strobes, lenses, 318 Orchard. 3 bedroom, 2 fire Corner MAC and Grand River. 5-4-5 (43) in the Service of Humanity at the repair all makes of Television and and darkroom places, dining room, 1 % baths, 8:30-5:30. Monday-Friday. 337- I.D. & T. Luncheon on Friday. Stereo cases equipment, also used celestial telescopes. two car garage, screened porch, 1666 equipment. Used 10 speed bicycles - Moto- by owner. 332-4604. 8-4-8 (22) C-2^-31_(l6) I^ound Town lUMMAGE SALE' ANN BROWN PRINTING AND MSU Karate Club will give DICKER AND DEAL becane, Gitane, Schwinn, Con¬ 80 ACRES, beautiful home, small TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, martial arts demonstration at 7 1701 South Cedar tinental, Varsity, and many more. Used cycles - penton 125 CC, Tora private lake, extensive public lands general printing. Serving MSU for tonight in the sports arena. Men's 487-3886 27 years with complete theses IM Building. mini bike, helmets, seats, and adjoining. Two hours from MSU. Illness forces sale. Call Andy service. 349 0850. C-2-3-31 (19) I Starting Spring Term a HANG GLIDER, 18' Manta. Dark many power and hand tools. Golf sets, bags, clubs, shoes, carts, Doyle, Mecosta Realty, Mecosta, Volunteers interested in "A- blue, light green, yellow. Carrying kUMMAGE SALE CLASSIFICATION EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ . tennis rackets, redwood lawn Mich. (616) 972-7412. 3-4-1 (27) bag and helmet. Used only once. sertation, (pica-elite.) FAYANN dopt-A-Grandparent" should con¬ will be added to the furniture and slalom water skis. FILM SHOWING: "Psychic Sur¬ tact Office of Volunteer Programs daily $495, 482-0344 after 5 p.m. 8-4-11 (20) New and used musical instru¬ A PERSON'S home is his castle. 489 0358. C-2-3-31 (12) gery in the Philippines" and in 26 Student Services Bldg. Classified ads. You can get ments - Martin, Fender, Gibson, Hoqies are my specialty. Paul "Findhorn - A Place to Grow." ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ DINING ROOM table and chairs, Guild, National Duolian, Ludwig, Coady, 332-3582. MUSSELMAN Shown at THE ARK, 121 South The MSU Railroad Club meets 20 words for one day for REALTY. C 2-3-31 (15) ing theses, manuscripts, term buffet, dressers, night stands, Marshall, Rhodes, Pro, 30 flat top Street (off South Washington), at 7:15 tonight in the Union Oak $2.50. Each additional word 13'. guitars, 30 electric guitars and papers Evenings, 675-7544. Lansing; Saturday, April 2, 1:00 Room. desks, stereo, lamps and pictures. C-2 3 31 (121 3678 East Hiawatha or call 349- amps of all sizes. New and used OWOSSO AREA. Rustic execu¬ p.m. 4:00 p.m. Also shown Sun¬ So give us a call at 1178. 2-4-1 (20) stereo and CB equipment - Pio¬ tive home on landscaped lot with day, April 3, 2:30 p.m. $2.50. Zoology 317 - Principles of 3S5-835S neer, Dual, Yamaha. TEAC, EPI, waterway at rear. 3 bedrooms. 2 Vi 2-3-31 (36) Development - will meet in Conrad TWENTY FOOT Luger sailboat Kenwood. EV, Sherwood, New baths, huge living room with Auditorium spring term, instead of and Place youradtoday. with 1973 Pamco trailer. Sleeps 4. Cobia 40 channel mobil and base fireplace. Many excellent features. WIN MONEY! Grand prizes from 326 Natural Science Bldg. For more details phone FBE CB's. We accept trades, bank $59,000 furnished. See this unique $150 to $300 at Bingo! 7:30 p.m. PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ ITATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Dept. CREDIT UNION 485-8121, ext. 212 between 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 5-4-6 cards, and layaways. WILCOX TRADING POST, 509 East Michi¬ gan. 485-4931. C-2-3-31 (134) home! ELLEN REESER, REAL¬ TOR. Owosso, 725-7715. Z-10-4- 13 (35) sonal and professional IBM typing. One day service. 351-5094. Tuesday Night. CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEKEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lansing. C-2-3-31 (20) Zoology 318 - Principles of Development Laboratory - will meet today. (21) C-2-3-31 (12) THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★ Save Time ★ Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you COUNSELING CHILDRENS SHOES HEALTH FOOD BARBERSHOP HOME SERVICES PROBLEM HOUU CLIANINO 10% DISCOUNT ^TROPNKS PREGNANCY WITH A ' L PLAQUES ill Occuloni ' 372-1560 24 Hours MARITAL on to all MSU student! purchases of $2 clean NBW TWISTI We four housewives will home m II *Llrg» Stltctlon •YOUR CHILDREN'S mora, yogurts your or or PROBLEMS? SHOE STORE Welling -RMiwuMtfYlcai IN FRANOOR and braads axcludad business, $ Yumy i Q,y sank, NEEDTOTALK? nils and Children's SHOES Dannon Yogurt 31' THI WAY -AVMQ CATHOLIC * * Widths B KKI RANDALL HEALTH FOOD YOU WANT IT, , Downtown SOCIAL Orthopedic Shoes CoiwmM * Parking Tap and Ballet and w II be ir and out in ap- 1 JV4-2322 SERVICES •-P.K Myers Brookfinld Plata prox. 1-1'/» hours. For details Pvlnfl Ov#r 60 Years * Cowboy Boots 1381 E. Grand River BFree estimotecall: Wm JEWELRY 'Can Help' * House Slippers 332-6892 *53-2843,433-3431 ^ South Woahlngton Call 372-4020 351-4747 AUTO SERVICE OPTOMETRIST BAKERY FOR SALE MUSIC PHOTOGRAPHY PARTAN BUD'S CO-OPTICAL RIFLES smdH wdding? plER CENTER SERVICES r/ AUTO PARTS, lllNs Kelt lamlng'i Only V*1 plays Jon, Rock, Polkas. Waltzes, Ballads 3 Latin. 5, 6 or 7 photographer? Cooperative Optical) of ill kinds. WORK INC. Or J R. Nixon. Optomotrist pieces. KST Profeisional appearance. upturn (hot* uiti >0% • EYES EXAMINED Lansing's CAKE Veer round price! Professional sound. lbfa cost •c rof noodi ond p < DENT DISCOUNT LATE MODEL • CLASSES BAKER in Southern Miebigen. CALL RAY KAY ran MOTORS AND Hand Decorated Cakes For All ,N ALL WORK I WITH I.D. PARTS A SPECIALITY 694-2154 • CONTACT LENS 1M11. Grant liver Occasions Delivered To Your Dorm Or Apartment DB'S GUN SHOP 2412 Sautn Coder TAN AUDITION. Days: 373-5200,373-572* g'Jruit f pennsylvania 467-5 Halfway between Holt 4 Mason on N. Cedar ■raohfloM Mete 151 - 5330 484-1317 Poymanl due when delivered Cell 371-2244 We buy. trede I toll- After 5 8 Weekends: 482 *513 photography STEREO REPAIR TRAVEL FURNITURE ARTS & CRAFTS JEWELRY CATERING SERVICE TOBACCONIST ACM! BIDDING CO. THE COMPL ETE NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE TOP HINGE WEDDING SERVICE M.S.U. AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR! Mattresses & Box Springs JEWELRY: Orange Blossom made hare in Lansing Union Catering 'Cigarette by: We hev. tn ete«k - AIR • RAIL old Town arts « crafts Gold Fashion "Catering Specialists" S hem on - Dunhill - Sobrtine •Pipe Tobacco% by: m je TOURS - CRUISES HOTEL RESERVATIONS TWIN '49" Antiques gilts GIFTS An Carved •Wedding Receptions •Breakfasts, Luncheons. 177* ■ Three SUr ■ ud 20 Red Door PROFESSIONAL AUOIO DOUBLE '59" Custom Picture Framing REPAIR C0LLE6E TRAVEL Craft Classes Dinners XvQr Houee blende Complete line ot macrame 4 •Bar Set-ups • time professionally OFFICE Odd tiiet to order 'Pipee bySavinetti Three futl • bend vuppliel •Takeout Service 'NING 332-4269 • trained technicians Complete Test facilities 130 W. Grind River Always accepting original art •Meeting Rooms and JEWELRY and ' C.»rU kee IneeU Hot deekUp I. " S— • • 3 - month warranty on all work Loaner amplifiers available Eait Laming Acme Bedding Co. work on consignment. 2415 n. Cedar, Holt ART CENTER Equipment Open Thursday Evenings 555 I.. GRAND KIVKK 351-6010 405 Cherry t Kalamazoo *94-3102 337-1314 Utin DdUii (Own.. ■ Aril.t) 319 E. Grand River Ave. 355-3465 337 - | .100 *THi 1RAVCI MOHSSIOMAIS" Phone 487-4995 Tver. • Set. 12-7 Sun. 12-4 Clm.4 Men. East Lansing,.Michigan Is Your Business Listed Here? - Gall Carolyn 355-8255 1 fo Michigon Stofe News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March 3| Former protesters becoming policemen, CJ official reports! against this symbol," he ex wicz said. "There is a very small minor he said. plained. New breed of officers "However, if the confronts ity who want to be domi cJh"Satish«i*t,rJ tion gets to the point of a rock neering. But if someone wants to feel big because he wears in the head or a broken jaw, tKc a called more sympathetic natural reaction of self preser¬ vation takes over logic," he gun on his side, he will eventu ally he ostracized by his peers," uwofpa Hir^ said. By DIANE COX able he is to work things out No matter how adept the Former protesters who verbally instead of with vio¬ threw rocks at police officers lence." new policemen become in deal¬ during the 1960s are now The "new policeman" has also ing with the public, the police successfully entering the field of law enforcement, to Robert C. Trojanowicz, act¬ according learned to depersonalize vio¬ lence, viewing it more ob officer will always be perceived with hostility, Trojano¬ Southern ing director of the MSU School of Criminal Justice. jectively. but still might necessary to react find it violently in self-defense. Trojanowicz said. Comfort Trojanowicz said if the riots "He knows that he is a tastes delicious of that decade were to occur symbol of authority and again, the college-educated po¬ realizes that the violence isn't against him personally, but right out of the bottle! liceman would probably be less violent now because he under¬ stands the reasons for the situ¬ ations and the methods most suitable to deal with it. He added that the protesters- PINEAPPLE turned-policemen may be more sympathetic in such situations than their traditional counter¬ PIZZA? parts because they have been there themselves. In addition, the college-edu¬ You bot. Try it with ham. Or frosh sausage. Or with double cheese. Or by itself. great with: cated Variety. And Cola Bitter Lemon policeman has a wider - good taste. insight into other lifestyles and can find alternative ways to Tonic-orange juice handle disturbances, Trojano¬ Squirt... even milk wicz said. "The policeman with a col¬ IZZ0 You know it's got to be good when it's lege degree doesn't see the law as fixed and inflexible," he said. 3*19990 Southern Comloti SOUTHERN COMFORT CORPORATION 100 PROOF [ "He is exposed to different 0|)[:i« V lifestyles and philosophies. So when he goes out into the Store Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 10 AM to 9 PM; community he is better able to THE NEW SPECIALTY 1 Sunday 12 Noon to 5 PM see the world through someone DEPARTMENT STORE Olympus else's eyes." Trojanowicz said that only 10 per cent of the police in the i OLYMPUS out 1960s had a college education, but today the figure is much AT OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER OFFERED)! higher, including law enforce¬ An unidentified student State News Scott Bellinger ment students going to school while on the job. wf stum tHorme ciins *30 CASH REBATE!! picketed the SUte News offices Wednesday afternoon DIRECT FROM PONDER ( BEST, OlYMPUS DISTRIBUTORS in protest of the use of "cuss words" in the newspaper. Marching back and forth "These people get extensive in front of the Student Services Building, the student cited as examples of cuss training in human relations and words both "brothel" and "pervert." Oops! We did it again. verbal skills," he said. It's true! You get the lightest, most "The more well-rounded and compact 35mm 61R system articulate a person is. the more camera in the world The precision- '259" Special Laonard's Fri^ engineered 0M-1 is easy to carry - 30.00 Olympus Factory M and easy to use Look through the Vote extends killings probe viewtinder and you'll discover it s 30% larger and 70% brighter than *229! most others, making metering and Icontinued from page 1) lion SALT talks composing a breeze A unique shutter-mirror design makes the 0M-1 whisper-quiet and virtually budget tor its first year and shock-tree. This amazing camera "I think in the case of Richard statements by Sprague indicat¬ is backed by a full range of razor Sprague we have seen a witch ing that committee investiga¬ (continued from page 1) sharp Zuiko lenses and a complete tors would be House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill system ot accessories including hunt and a devastation of using such elec¬ emerged from the meeting human rights that I never tronic devices as lie detectors and voice stress analyzers. with the President and said "everything is going on as we anticipated. We're delighted by the fact there will be further interchangeable focusing screens, motor drive, plus macro and micro OLYMPUS OM-1. expected to see again," McKin- ney said. "I think a man has The House decided in Janu meetings in Ma^> equipment. Camera been systematically and public¬ ary to give the committee House DeartScratic leader Jim Wright of Texas said the Soviet interim life through Wednes¬ move was not "wholly unexpected. It would have been surprising ly destroyed by rumor, in¬ nuendo." day because of the controversy ifthe Russians said, 'Fine, we accept it.' " Gonzalez tried , to fire and to give more time to decide whether to give the investi¬ Sen. Howard Baker, R-Tenn., said he was "not developments in Moscow because there "always is an element of surprised" by the Plus! Special Savings on Genuine Zuiko Lenses!! Sprague on Feb. 10, accusing gation full life. uncertainty" in dealing with the Russians. The minority leader him of deceit, But the investigations said that Carter told the dishonesty and came group he would "hang tough." malfeasance and refusing to to a halt Feb. 10 when Gonzalez Asked whether Carter's strong stand on human rights was an carry out orders t o cooperate in cutting costs. pubicly called Sprague a "prima donna" and tried to fire him. element, Baker said "it's hard to say, no one knows." Leonards However, Rep. John Rhodes R-Ariz., told reporters that "we Gonzalez expanded on those Other committee members were told that human rights didn't have anything to do with it." Fine Jewelry Dept. toid Sprague to stay after Baker emphasized that Carter has charges in hour-long speeches Republican support. getting a ruling from the House Sen. Jacob Javits, R-N.Y., said, "There is no reason for alarm on the floor Monday and Tues¬ parliamentarian that the com over this entirely predictable reaction of the Kremlin. It only day of this week and raised mittee rather than the chair¬ emphasizes the critical importance of human rights as an issue, ans questions about Sprague's person had to do any firing. of the implementation of the Helsinki Declaration." ethics in the past in some of his Gonzalez resigned, accusing law cases. House leaders of not supporting his efforts to fire Rep. Floyd Fithian, D-Ind., Sprague, and a Stokes was made the new chair committee member, Gonzalez challenged to make those state¬ ments off the House floor person. The committee issued an Drug sales target of bills Our buyer goofed and bought too components. Here's his tesfchance o so turn his goof into your gam. Sale enos much o » mak!^ interim report this week saying where he could be sued for slander. it is pursuing new leads of (continued from page 1) much as life." PIONEER SX450leSlW possible mobster involvement Cushingberry said. "He will Cushingberry said the pro¬ UM/FM Slereo Receiver Bin have his heroin, by whatever gram would for The committee was estab¬ in the Kennedy assassination run a two-year trial period, and added he lished late last year and has and a witness's claim that Lee would be "the first one to move been embroiled in controversy Harvey Oswald appeared to be "It makes more sense to let to scrap from the first day this an FBi informant. it" if it does not work. Congress him join in a state program He emphasized that the legis¬ opened in January. The report said that investi¬ where he can get what he lation is not the first step gators are concentrating in the needs, receive treatment and Efforts to give it life for the toward legalization of heroin. pioneer Manual Beltdrlve King assassination on whether hopefully live a useful life full two years of this Congress James Earl Ray's "This simply opens up Model .ICIIM'II were at first resisted large ex¬ without crime. The illegal nar¬ another avenue and helps us because of penses were paid by a business¬ opposition to the committee's cotics trade would not be able get at the profit motive," Cush¬ Model 23 men's association or other con¬ to original support of compete with this type of ingberry said. 2-Way Speaker a $6.5 mil¬ spirators in that assassination. program. "It gives the addict an alter¬ "The huge profits would dis¬ llat'69" native; you either get into a appear and would not be worth Witness' death ruled suicide the risk of imprisonment for as treatment program or you go jail." to "The Diamond Solitaire " MM Includes 10dnch wooler.i ■ ■ (continued from page 11 Vs ct. Round dome twaetor. front ■ visiting Fonzi asked a relative. to see He said De Mohren- quoted the Russian-born De Mohrenschildt as saying that he felt some responsibility for Neo-classic Renaissance Llat'550 Includes base and hinged dust cover, S-shaped tonearm, smooth cueing, antl- feedback base and more. Sug. List: $100 mounted tweeter contra. ■ 10-60 watt power range J Mfr's Sug. List $129 escn. schildt. was told by De Mohren Kennedy's slaying. ballads from the Jefferson Air¬ schildt's daughter that he was not at home and left But it wasn't clear from the (continued from page 13) plane's "Surrealistic Pillow." TEACa-170 seel Buy Rated interview whether De Mohren¬ would return that evening. saying he soaring five-octave voice, closes "Touching Once (is so hard to Topioad Dolby cassette Tape I schildt said anything other than side one. The back-up instru keep)" closes out this superb The man's body was found that, by as an acquaintance of mentation is more than ade¬ album. It is a classical piano his daughter, Alexandra, 33, Oswald, he felt he might have quate, if not superior. embellishment, typical in the several hours later. He had been been able to stop the assassina¬ "Midas Man" falls into the Renaissance mold of deftly shot in the head and a tion in 20-gauge some way. "Carpet of the Sun" genre — a crafted songs. Drummer shotgun lay nearby, Sheets Kennedy's assassination was short, but extremely charming Terence Sullivan should also be said. He said there was no the work of Oswald alone and song with a breezy background noted as a fine musician, con¬ suicide note. was not part of any conspiracy, "At the lime of the shooting, the Warren supporting engaging lyrics. The sidering the fact that he has to Commission con multitrackcd vocal overlays are keep lime not only with the he was alone in t he house eluded. except technically outstanding. "The other members, but an orches¬ for two maids who said they did De Mohrenschildt had testi¬ not hear the shot," Sheets said. fied before the Warren Commis Captive Heart" is a shorter tra as well. piece centered around the in¬ Novella is the best album of Dutch journalist Willem Olt- sion that he had a close friend¬ tertwining of Halsam and 1977. It will take an extraordi¬ mans, who has been inter¬ ship with Oswald, but knew Tout's vocals, and tasteful'pian- nary effort in the next 8 months viewed by assassination com¬ nothing of Oswald's plans or his mittee o runs. Oddly enough, it re¬ to prove otherwise. investigators. has reasons for shooting Kennedy. minds me of a few of the finer (Album Courtesy of Disc Shop) Lifhioon Stole News, East Lonsing, Michigon Thursday, March 31, 1977 17 DOONESBURY Doobin Broi. dluoly W y§M§te ijlprlaiqmoql SPONSORED BY Coming Soon by Garry Trudeau if the preen- senak.asi KEEPINSINTSt/CHT! WELL, WEFEEL f#.DUAam.mpam~\ [yJIM-TV(CBS) (iO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Coble) (12)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) WHAT JIMMY CAR7EP. ' pent poesfct said before. iis rnowumine really a 0ues- MR. DELACOm. THE MAN NEVER VOTERS APPREC1- ATETHEFACTHE HAS HAD YEARS Of PUBLIC neeosofthe hon of keep - LET60! FIVE CAPES EN0U6H TO SERVICE TO FIND Cm (mm are m in touch.. MONTHSAFTER CAMmNAFTER I WHAT'S ON THE MMDS — bynoui, res THE ELECTION, THE ELECTION AS (12) One life to Live OF THE AMERICAN % NEVER 60UJ6TD HE'S Stilt, wednesday 0:00 (11) Newt PEOPLE! ammiNs! (23) Food for Life /know! morning (4) The Waltom 9:30 3:00 (10) Fantattic Journey (12) Three't Company 9:30 (4) All in the Family (12) Welcome Back. Kotter 10:00 ■gHletolei (10) Another World (4) Barnoby Jonet 10:00 (11) Woman Wlte (23) Cooking with (23) Crottroadt (12) Dettination America Rlgt" Continental Flavor 8:30 11:00 Iscnford and Son 3:15 (4) (10) (12) Newt ■ Electric Company (12) What't Happening? I (12) General Hotpital (11) Tempo (23) Woman 10:30 3:30 (23) Peripectlvei in Black 11:30 ■ Hollywood Square. (6) Match Game 9:00 ■Don Ha (12) Mary Hartman, Mary ■lowell Thomoi (23) liliat, Yoga and You (4) Hawaii Flve-0 Hartman PEANUTS For all yeer high iwpplla* 4:00 (10) Beit Seller! (4) Ko|ak 11:00 (4) Confetti (12) Barney Miller (10) Tonight Show Open 10 AM -9 PM Doily gublo Dare (10) Scrambled Eggt (23) Clonic Theatre (23) Captioned ABC Newt by Schulz 226 Abbott Road. East Lansing fWheel of Fortune (12) Wild, Wild Weit ■ Lucy Show (23) Setame Street |MI«torRogor« 11:30 4:30 MSU SHADOWS (4) Bewitched . ,e of Life (10) Emergency Onel by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: ■shoot for the Start ■Happy Dayt thursday evening ALL. PETE", ■Liliai, Yoga and You 5:00 Next to Coral Gablet. mm IS Newt 11:55 (4) Guntmoke (12) Emergency One Present this really worth of free play! funny comic for 25' *4 i afternoon 12:00 (23) Mr. Rogert Neigh¬ borhood 5:30 v/ J2) Newt (10) Adam-12 ■Name That Tune (11) Newt ■Nova (23) Electric Company 12:20 4:00 - _ -•zr-'iSj Almanac (4) (10) (12) Newt 12:30 3I II Hill ■arch for Tomorrow (11) Excellence In Action (23) Leveling ■lovert and Friendt 4:30 ■Ryon't Hope (4) CBS Newt 1:00 (10) NBC Newt ■oung and the Rettlest (11) Redlining ■Cong Show (12) ABC Newt ■ah My Children (23) Once Upon A Clonic |Thrlval 7:00 1:30 (4) Hogan't Heroet |u the World Turnt (10) To Tell The Truth gyt of Our Llvet (12) Brady Bunch ■Family Feud 7:15 2:00 (11) Nicholat John ton (20,000 Pyramid 7:30 iky at Large (4) Wild Kingdom Thursday dinner: Indian 2:30 (11) TeeVee Trivia Curry over rice with guiding Light (12) Hollywood Squaret cashews & n octori (23) MacNell /Lehrer Report -©n-rr (Softest CAR un LEANERS Down UMBLEWEEDS SPONSORED BY: L LAUNDRY Jackets u:t limine |om K. Ryan 332-3537 Cleaned a person of my prestise, stature anp renown sh0ulp have a secretary: twink YOU can hanple the joe?: sSSf'1 541 BUILDING PROFESSOR PHUMBLE GAMES & GIFTS SPONSORED BY: FEATl'liING Dragons t Dungeons by Bill Yates fiO, 4U6AR COpTRopi HER TEMPER PETTEP THAN THAT. HE lOWN'STOWN mu*t have goofep op m ■Mike Brown ^ j >1 " RoattBeef I THE Pl^fVAErMPP w/friet '1.50 /?///fafoS* -J.-JI 2 enchiladas 1 taco. rice beans, and tamale other a la carte item, .CALVIN AND COMPANY 1 or any served with flour tortillas and sopopillas for desert sponsored by TODAY ONLY I TS EL AZTECO RESTAURANT by Mark Varadian 203M.A.C.351-9111 Low gas prices Plus TRt. STUbixiT wAb :rossword TRis is FtARU-SS FR*A Service I STtolcixitx PUZZLE ano Erins BSiBSa nna Benda't Little Freeway Y00.RL FUYlAlG tYt id -tut StcY... FAAM I-MV. ufARiA^ 23 Had being Service Station »W-T A sMiu.. ■ ACROSS 24 Bulrush sponsored BY: | 13011. Or. Elver with a htws (SULlt-TtAl/ 25 Consider Next to Vanity Inn ■ trolley ■ Headgear ■ tab 27 28 30 Hydraulic pump Coastal smi? Wt Appreciate Your Buslneit /vJ ^ ■ %lor pen 33 Small swallow In the manner ol □no Hans'deb 1 Ml seed 34 Negative particle ■ llnifoim _ ■ -ol J"0» Men ....... ■ rod of poison 35 36 I Dad 38 Deplorable aan3p Sasnr SURVIVAL iSTHe ■Goddess ■ ••eating whales of 40 Account 41 Whatnot 42 Hotbed entry ART0FMAKiN<3 ■ wfme emission 43 Join 44 Color IHeLWSToFTHe WORST BEETLE BAILEY \ TH6 MOSToF THe l&\S]~ u 1 by Mort Walker v 3/3 / ] Q Michigan Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March „ MORE BOOKS ARE ARRIVING DAILY AT THE MSU BOOKSTORE All Sales are guaranteed refunds will be given thru April 12, 1977 Hours For This Week THURSDAY 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. FRIDAY 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. SATURDAY 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Today IS the NEXT TO LAST DAY the Money Man will be here - from 7:30 to 5:00 p.m. Sell your old textbooks for cash HUH "In the center of camput." BOOWITOM