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OHN-OCAUMSPIUNSG licvonveinfgbcalclsroyese thaem cornevceiftio laruonmdsr,y roamils, bipnlhosone, charge wywhoaennt culepan! busesvic fraoynomdur bencigohmrs governnmted(pasrptioerst,, movies) HraesvlationHousng tmpaordie RHsanlcse OWf-i1c9e0,35746 OFERS: NL IOV N W G OF-CAMPUS Can Campus You The • the (siomnet s buildngs) rsotumdsy, fatcilves, mainte c util y instal on Mereaalsdy themn—woith campus tpraoci ly fdroontr Whyeorur friends Hal actives seminars, wher The • No • • On • • your • S T U D E N S Residnc M10a.y dbepmoseiaty tathe Asignmets HHolmaels, • start that T Sign-Ups ON-CAMPUS Hag iscnhedul bep Housing Term SNTLUIODVENWNSG URndeersgidauntc Ab1(espge9rinil hooufsiicneg) GCraedsnuitgter (Ochwweeithnk fdoetarils) Fall • Ups your Owen • 9May Of ice RH MSU e sai d l n s c e OLN - i C v a m pnu s g LIFE EASY THE gnis ",gni esarhp rof tahw txen nomed ,5791 hcaer elihw ehT yeht stned emos sepoh sah otnemt sihT fo eht — supmac gnisnaL ylbaorp stnedutS etatS yB yaw ou "80 ot t ro po-oC oj l iw riapsed eht ton ro l iw taht ne b eht evas ohw sweN AIGROEG X6 ROF ko L gni geb eciohc" dnetoc lits emas gnisuoh .fo gnirute ecivres liw etatS laiceps gnideps tner evom BUS l iw eb — edal dluoc .raey ot eb — ti no JOJ MUJO d e c u o r p fre eb ti tsoM did detc pxe gnivil sweN ¬elpus hcum ¬naL retirW WEHSNA sa 21 fo a d e t n e r ot ot ijnpouj' 9 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ r e h t w MAHCRUB ot HTNOM HTNOM REM US gnirps ¬suoh ret eb demret htiw sthgieh , h c n u r c EROM eb eb ro t s a E ¬ u t s fo ni era J EDETNUOCSID GABRG KCOLB TAEH GNITEPRAC DETAEH etawhw ni ot 2V RIA LLA ta fo sa TSEB o t a J E RF s t o c dotp ESAEL ESAEL yevrus tumag nier h ehT tahw ,dedit tahW .mret revoC ot hP tuoyaL gnitdE a m d n A y e v r u s stnedus G N I K R A P ssnoitar ulI cihparG oiun( qonM'( LREM US ASOPID EVLEWT RETAW GNIOTD C STNEMRAP NWOT GNIM WS DETACOL fo gnivil dna sde n .delavr USM gnivil si a^usi aqeusnt3 aoiud\xs odjiu ltVIU|AB — sevitarpoc no s e i r o t s oj gnisuoh OT m o r f iuo imA st oc hcihw gnitdE ,evil ni DNA :NOITAMRF deris/uq .hpargot tneduts detnsrp .tnemoriv ,ylkciuq ot NI a )xqa ,seirotmd • fo era a nur eb LO P ,evah TSUJ ydeJTiuaq IMn. HUSIAJO ni iu -irav -inm eht yb si -ed gnisuoh ^ stiderC ijonsa Honsa raf SEICN FE a 0 .571* 0 .561* 0 .541* YLETPMOC lC SETAR derF SDO W ot eht revo tsaE SIN ET seidob er hw sa-ehtni tnaropmi £f * suo aruaL dna aruaL nav leahciM seirotmd gnisnaL 05$ elbaiv tsepahc taht EVIF rof ot e tu^£s gnivil n yL naN eib eD eig aM n yL ssel ot yevrus tsael taht dna STRUOC rehtona noisced erots dna gaMm sevitanrl reltsiF nigoG efloW reklaW reltsiF tdlevs raH ruminaT rep ,aera epyt stnedus 547 0 .812* 0 .891* 0 .051* MO RDEB 1 DEHSINRUF yeht MORF S K C O L B .raey rieht fo -niap ^ * ke rG htnom .gnivl naht gniarev ni eht fo gnisuoh m,.rahDcruB .TPA t'nod SilPMAC tsaE hcum diap derapmoc gnisnaL stnedus rof enin dna esohT gnisuoh tuoba ,htnom degarv ohw did stnedutS tnemrap dna 02$ ret 5$ ni na 32$ gnivil ytil tu ecnis yenom ton gnis .delac sup ni a ytil tU st oc rieht yb raep a yeht srel wd yratnoC dna — stnemrap ,seuoh seitros gnstneidvusil .seitlu nA , ,tner dlot ,mret detcud nI d o o f woh ta st oc tuoba a lla enohplet .derisnoc )unisdOMKlf( STNEMRAP gnivil sl ib suoigler dna ni ot ton ni rof tsaE era ot — hcum 06 eht — eno evil yap tsaE derapmoc gnirud esuoh rof gniyap era tahw lauqe yeht USM dne 813-5 no n o i t a r p s na s e v i t a r p o c n o i t a r p s nplfM' os egarv htnom supmac noitarps gnisnaL a ni 32$ ffo flah rehto gnisnaL hcum ,ev ileb dna gnivil semit sepyt .gnis aL tneduts ni ni rebmun tneps yevrus a y t i l t u a fo 2 ssel ynam ot gnivas ,seitnraf ,seirotmd stnedus retniw a setacidn evisnpx ffo :evah ti .sl ib fo ni ,esuoh tsomla -niwo gnisnaL tneduts .rehgih dna ,tner yna seod ¬naL er w ¬mac ,stinu 0 .0 3* 0 .082* 0 .081* MO RDEB dna ¬noc .E fo ni sa sa a 564$ na 17$ ni fo eht gnis fo no q«wp' .seud st oc .mret draob egar v gnivil mo r fO dna .ylevit d5n4a1$ st oc dna ylrem .seit ,seirot saw .61 $ diap lflaO r05o.2f$ .ecivrs yrotimrod sediseB ,24 $ yrotim d draob stnemrap gnisnaL .htnom tsehgih tnemrap stnedutS dem s ytisrevinU denibmoc stnedus 19$ gnisnaL 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eht htiw kcart uoy s'ytrepo no sti yb .CA.M eht te rts .snoitcer dab spe k gnidlub gnisnaL noitamr fni selif detclgn gni oZ kcehc diova gnisnaL kcehc gnisuoh ruoy yb • • • • • • • • emas S R E V I R eht esoht lacol morf SSTNEMRAP RETAW .jauois' droldnal srebm evitc¬pdsnral liw owT riA kaetS rnhtrA s'l eB esolC tsoM ot yldoeirF gnieonaC seinoclaB ylet pmoC d r o c e , e u n e v A no dnoces .serda sentpmor ytrepor eht treblA roolf latner yreve gni atoc ecivres usroefyo eht ruoy erut fgnisuoh ecnailpmo ruoy tsaE esael s no tnemrapD ,drocer no no ni egap hciwdmaS s'rehcaerT ,eso H s'yr aL seto im denoit c dna htiw )5 az iP no 2 fo — fo rof ¬ni eb pohS dna ot s o p m a c e c n a t i m eht deR dehsinruf smo rhtab • • • • 2• ,sruoh cilbup seehltif ot dluow gnisuoh ot gni ekat esoht de ulc s'boB regruB ,etiRpohS srebmM 9 lortnoC detacol srekawhsiD dehsinF CliM iwS woN ni radeC gnirud era nioj dna sdroce .m.a riA ot evitclo rhaltimiws emaseht cilbup fo rieht ,gniK lOOP raluger elbis ca ytisrevinU .noitca SUPMIG 5 aihpledaihP tsa| gnikat .m.p evitcpser gnisuoh evitarpoc smelborp ¬wola ,lacol E G D E fo senisub ot 035-943 denalp eht da rM :ecif O ROF EGDE ,reviR »kO e rF e rF etamoR etamoR ecivreS ecivreS ecivreS ecivreS e rF e rF suB suB snoitavre STNEMRAP LLIH ew tcepx porhtniW evah ot ees eh .dias seciov fI" era ew reduol noit eht rehtgo ",eno e rhT" ,elcsum dluohs tropus niam erap ,slaopr mrof tna et licnuoc UTCIgniz agro laudiv n a tol fo fo .dias tna et gniyb ol .slaop r timbus eht ,noinu l iw dna tcejorp evitalsgeL ycaovda ,hcraes gnisuoh UTCI licnuoc e v i t a l s g e tsi sa stna et ,smelborp htworg ehT rof si osla ot ot eht dna draoB gnirape .slacol tca eht si ehT elbisnopr ou smargop noituls ¬rep yfitnedi .nopu slaopr j>odi fo emos kaeps naht erom ¬alsigel dna a eb dna eht rof 0501 .tpA ,dias dluohs lams s'taht er'uoy uoY eseht tub gnitsxe er hT" s.ndraueth rof 234-23 N:OLITAMAROCFNI tahW ,nnoigseb tnemiurcR hguone hguone gnikrow fi tub tsuj 01-7 lirpA NEPO gib .oN sretaW EGRU ROF ,11 t$4 gib eht evah smelborp elpoep si a d.raepsid ,rehtgo rolna-te ot ot tol 412 morF morF WON .m.p HSUR ,21 toD hsup fo ".niw ekam yam dnab ot no fo egdE R E M U S esuba 2 043$ 061$ 31 l iw retam na erus atleD porhtniW srebm sretnr eb fo rem uS SMOTPRDAEB DNA GNISAEL ni tub eus i taht ,swal eht .rD liaF ot rof eh l iw won llaf des rp .dias ret eb stneduts ",sterni A" tI" yrt 626 esuaceb yam .mret eb noitamrfn 8653-2 1039-153 ye.elwvoAC !atej© ro l aC dna tol wonk emoc LLAF knarF ooL moT nimajneB eh ,tser tni sklof fo eb er hw kcab .gnivael a dyolL dna thgirW girheG nomraH nosiraH .dias dnopser os ni tol fo ot drah sedir ot er'ew evah ew ,l af nehW esoht gniog ¬xe ",dnats l'ew eht stneduts ezinagro fyijvUeAal jMcmto r19.80$47 oeantfl $9186 573 1 fraonmd $2.6014 3.60 2 .402 foanduits $465 7 4230 $2. 140 86.0 LNFEAORSOWIMG$195 tLansigG.Lansigcomplexs apmosoauueinddtrern,,haopurtmsene.)cmplx artmensE.LaingLasingApartmensTrapotinftroampnsapaonirdrthifbou-camrsp.)LansigApartmens aprtmens(Eco.pLlexs)LEan.iglvuninitsgDormites B(topearmrd)bftepeopsaaurydcimdhndolrigmvitegnks, Dormites livunnitsg (fopmmeoandlrtsh,)ivunnitsgDormites amount acamnpuds IFnuctlurd.ees: . BIAnepcdrliuoadmess CBomi ntgySPwIWncalaumodteelr ALBenuwtiafs CQColnediateadntng 351-4091 K M C t a e h npt e r lRhaedm.t. O Loatcated Magdan and Want truly UNIQUE wher HCSHCRIIESNTAN lovaendd? OUSE 3info2rcm-faatltl RAbdot. N.blococamkpfsus 3 monthly amount (The loidnging co ps.) ClufanaHtlou a 2and Carptrs Haeatnd Carpeting (The (Tha 1 Air in in Apartmen House House Yem Apartment On-campus Hiousne Hiousne Univ. in UniversityOn-campus Apartment Hiousne Religous Co ps Gre ks Roomand House Gre ks Religous Co ps Extra Religous Gre ks Co ps Far home 620 lived is A S H E R 5 Pnr News State Newsline 35-382 jsoa aAjsudxa bdrm campus. &Beal C6a-7l: HO1US-E4: fbrloocmk Loocatned CSentster. 351- 7. MAPRTMENSb2iles. DUPLEXS32-10*5 ANGE TRPMreonpnSettaaiUls Fal Leasing 1 campus AND QUALITY Wrm„ HOUSES b*drm, 1-2 351-4796 2-7 pm, STE-MAR isnpecalizg DUPLEXS SfRuoeamnntriedrg 9GERA2IVASE7NTD Dapma-4ily33551o1--r0 Suamnedr inforcmaatl: PRHOOUSMES,, 1-eo1p0lefor L A N S NOW I G b eog n i n Ma28rch OF ICE: 1E.0. SUITE O9PEN: Phone Fall Will For CVAIPLITOAL RGivrder. RStirveer CSetrdear E.GRirvder. H O U S 3 2-53 0 E 3 2-01 CEEADASRTS 3 2-01 RIVERSIDE 3 2-8 92 E. RIVER 1654 AAMPERTICASN. NAOPRWTOSD. RE.Girvd..r CAEDPARTVSIEW. RGE.ivrder. S t . S t . 3 2-532 V1128ictor EDENROC 3 2-84 River 351-274 351- 547 204 252 140 1330 1310 1390 llandiort,"shee tpmloaenitg sastonacdiael saonctidanle inqhuore tesonamfe's ADrscpipe¬Ccialy threspaonibl hraeacipvrentnsgfhibneocdususinggbltahmnada¬dnyhAeDaorCdu Sbthshaaeiyd AthtegDonosCeds lahndawoovruoelsd rrefnutsal. dpwopeowuillnt AlioavoDrnCergkisownohmdefe, orpi"enallyy"laTnsdahoider.s kitnhaofewyitgwgsoheianttgA(trehDcipe¬C ltathnhdaoer dtteohanineg lttreofueng wspiuotfhricoeufnt uoatrvderied brewncipoeuntlsdt threrlecaisrs,lahndwoourldsn't hasgseaimnisdt,, l"atnhpdroose¬r hseocmdes wrla."ant tteahcneapin,g ehflpcintt,gberecceaipu'snlt agarovniuc¬dt fopnraoryt.gthpeneeosld tthawhwniissdlybtteohhntaeh, tahmnnegde t Flesmaidn.g tpeonwr-ahisko ficocnnusae¬oqduttlybhecoaaiussfek dirsepcetcoianl, bsphroeoceudluds tthpoera-isk, htohnsuesteiinldgy. bmlapooswyed ipsneonutgth risaknt; bawltearoneuivld ecsigmnr,"ployd said. htawovueld dtuornwend, ifrmaon htmsgheooues,t ffoiaoarlumntd Ihtsihsmofetwin.l hbrwceod, hdipsnipusut hiatavtocehed fetpherasleosnyiftihoflerny,fFinut,"emdinghfacelavvenn fthoasermvrice, Tehwsoarucld. AgDsotoCerdn hnmioawkyydscrminate thase Filesminglocal security tooficals acesiblty records, badly said. with ents. Shesaid ADC of have on grant trouble the lords tena ts. having file, treoason "Some tthathey they've Fleming tnoeed actualy aw rde ent)." a on to Shesaid bewould byfavor incnome, has les. fotroced because bhablasy wouldn't not iisn, turn later Someof education protec landlord company," him ADC and that "By he ADC just ted The sing ne d said. "There help because limit security po r posible gainfulyFleming tena t iopftion, threfuete doto fioflice, be dhispiustes taloowed warnitdng file. ktonow can They on focharrge the ttehnaantt geting aginst." would she to The fora The files, will his "Ifa want they said." built help are intfhonsrmaaottFleno¬mbrs, ncuodbeetrthopfoeaeribnforwrma¬itl dbtuohreeeas torcneoc¬ndsshtahrebenittiasrl,ihancwolnstoDeaottnrhoedir,bucaresdit, ecmopnlodyunttigewnait-ht's hbtouhspia¬eesbsctoaoemn uopaltimarfey,tneanc twhagroasre¬kingnow,"shide.htyasopmsftiamgosensbtmoweithghtpoeuoaolkptshaycrteemdi,t are. pnmroeboardelybhawaulvmeetst macnogpaeietlaindnrnitogrhwst. macnoge¬t oshruveicry, usosptiacaledybuhrun¬irglltahtndeoerhHolslupear.RDe(aotauwdnmdes mcaonmgepants)bmweuietlrs,tarorgcutbuahsinsee bunauosst, leasing rental informatin 351-8631 tMOX* MB.SroMd.y tenas;ldor ■I«ht GRENS APRTMENS TCAMOPUS only cerni g are Lansi g, natiowde as checks Fleming wil wanidde, natiowde sytem. lev l "Californa buarenadu, going "Although puansiees iennough Itne'sses. ne ds try "Tnheye d tlte F a l insure treolased Asaid. tgoiven ing be any leased. Not keep they well ness "We're roots we're these central bureaus "We'l investor , 100 and are that and large not shortly companies grows. are hfinitveehosstmnnly, teuonasef ithausmnail, itnper¬ocnag-wis thrpseseporneon httaceoniksuregfh said. thaeseimra fionwlaemntehs, topnayamn brpookefnty, ioscaul¬rmcfe, ausstundgeden histore. f$emop1eb5rrship ormequibfeds, acswoinhgtiran acaognret¬ul caomunliats Icognftildveeaol. bresranick want. Nhonmaaeclvs¬beors fibinilaoutelve,s hvoifseictt WLAaashvnin¬egto.,"RSasinipggonlret Foirm,"ncmliane rgutos. wwmeahn¬ots fimaoluruvsictteShnwomidsptlhs rcegnueart¬ion tcuhof—sidienetalyfopun¬r bbrtoadcese Flpeol,"maidn.gtthhoareeef lomcanagril twwoouldn't myeebarsrhlip, tohbivayscne dtohaowfneind scogle¬-rpt said. itucsoosdeed C E D A R S Now u a m n e d r BFEUDRNRIOSHEMD CONDIT G SPWOIMNLG PBRAIVCAONTIEES WDAISLTKAINNCGE UMHdgteAv*. for ONE AIR WITHIN for the establihes that maebrs may tothe personal S. to Request fed ral person bership contrac, fed ral information tnot "iPenople liokfiece, pweohpole beolonng stil coming saigni g trac,s" he security keopnt are informatin care drug nominal "When $10, 0 factor thsuraet sible sunit," he Fleming 17,0 0 habits, leases, leged tenant iysear must • • • • • A A ment sing, poses other "A a who are they cess 520 with the ing could trapenorny¬taelydtohpseani'rty btwyaegyorosMAocsrtg¬iafnnbtuhrweaes bincorpydlaSist'Nsohvembr. tpaensid,Stisewled BMuicorheagfan, biuarsperofait-u coaemvp¬sainny,gtefosrmeaalingldanongr¬ds Fcoemoxpaanmierps.l,fitiooalnnen laamdeobrr $2n.m5e0bs accolnrsdeudotist thrvoauogus pwrariicntehgsi$Ftls8om.dnglaanwdriotrhe out: Frateniy risking who rent." Instiued Charles sociates, bought Fleming and curent registred Tenats COLUSIUTKMRE: orientd byenue to ment obtain wcoousldt $1a.5n0d, bureau checks bureaus, $3.50 tothata TWULYEOIHKUSA'EDT. D I F E R N W I . O h [ * « o M » | l C a w < IWhMNisat'sng YOU! ocaocuhvnenmesderk 1 5 t h i n f oarmnoatrde PThetia The P i c t u r e ? 3 5 1 - 9 2 R i v e r from M o n . - F r i . The Inc. I O : M - S i » * . l one the tion to t h r u Records byused NOVSELICKWStraiteBdyroanliuz'ettprhneronteitgyaypwrooeuldtflainlrdeonrcgnypraoom¬uuelrd1t7ha,m0eonglitsnhwtoeiewdTRecnoardst GFlleomriaingkbtuhreepasbbogaontdhdThrueecssodslanmadanongredsthdttheoceimplethpareos¬i ndquvestoabl liantnfhuodrs¬oerdtegucoidielnthwrooeannsst(atenap),"lying"Hscafaionedr'.dt ROSEUCRVNETY,prkos PAUL New* Though By State that onto bably byManged Lansing a sy tem, be tena ts Staewide Bureau. Lansi g, oreconrds tena ts. companies twohet r tpoerties duals. amatsion of by "The he person Fleming if A IN Lower Export!* Courtesy — — — AND COME O A M W N E K R SEH ISP CUSTOM Op** This Guys, 1 t APRILh Call mforrides Beta G E.r 1148a n d og a l iw dna dna sA yB dnA .raey , n i a g a dna flah stned dna ylaicep syojne gnivil .og nehw ",tnaw uoY" sref p devil sevil beD se n p yrot ,ryoad .stned ,sdrol secnah resolc hcaE eht evil ,gnisuoH ,stnem gnivil suoig ,se uoh gnidced hguorht eht eht eht etatS .NO emoc tnem etatS 4-1 xelpmoc secnad eht eht alegnA er'uoY uoy ehs nac eht raen elim-evif etsneuro-whol ,seitrop gnid ep D ,sretauq :segatnvd epyt gnidulcnIgnisuoh ke rG ,seirotm d esohc laicna if secnrfid sti spil hP ,yen eT erom ,tnaw .dias evil tnemrap egral ,rens ieM slaem htiw pirt yeht nmoitoalrofsi gnite m erom tneduts tsomla ylremrof esoht .stinu ylsuoirav ,sutas gnol stnedus lihc latS AIGROEG pu rof ni ni ni ro mo r ni sa B*.sth^eb ftswlruoyevM a KO .seilmaf dezisbu .mrdeb fo ot a• er hw eht supmac retniw sweN 1 .STPALMDB a no 041-53 «imI etardom seuohnwt EGAL IV DO WEGD evitarpocnu :segatnvdi ot wol ni raey fo MK 2*1 dezinagro larum tni yrotimrod ,dliaasH ruoy edmnoac uoY"yyaewht .efil yrotimrod e.suphmacS USM .koc levart decirp- hg supmac ,gnis aL yam rehto elpoep ,supmac gnisuoh .noitalup supmac 0 0, 2 delac ytisrevnU gdnniavil gnoma ,selytsefil ereht evil elautnira USM snrut sraew retirW WEHSNA no 829-43 ot ot ni no ot sa ot on rehtonA SRETN tfO 632# eht ta strops eromhps ".nwo uoy tnemrap ,roinuj ¬imrod hcae htiw eso hc 'stnedu ¬uts ¬dnal denifoc ret eb ,ycavirp ylraen ¬uts deiraM ¬trapA stnedus ¬iler ,stnemrap stnedus etsat txen l iw ne rg — I • • J ¬ni ¬polevd yb eht — ¬se ehs nac dna tae tub sah ¬xe a — sah sti eht era fo ffo ni s'ti elpoep ,tuB" usloriyg wonk elohw gnivah .dias tner fid dekil devil am aG hcum ehT .htiw s'ti ehs ".uoy gnivah l aH n AoJ ecnahc uoY" spil era nac rehtonA redrahgnivil evil dna .esuoh tuB" htob roinuj etardisnoc elpoeP esohc ,nolispU P samohT ruoy ,b uhC evah ecndiser A nI" a ni a rof sah eht fo y t i n r e t a r f no ,ereh sepyt mrod ,ytiro s erom sgniduor s a oN eno tol mrod setaD llA eht eht step teg g n i t e m fo y l i m a f " .sl ah eht gnivil ".supmac , l e m l K ot , m o r dias e r o m d n o c e s a ro . h t i w resolc daetsni gnivil ohw gnivil dna elpoep u ni o Y h c a e slaem gnivil hcum ehS era .nerdlihc .elbaio stnemrap fo u o y htiw ev'uoy ",elpo ,seirotm d teg eht eh ot nac ".tnaselp rehto hcum uoy ,esuaceb sekil roines ydaer .raey ",elpo ".tirps dias teg ni a ni noitaus wonk ,ytiro s tsuj te m .snoitaus dias osla atleD doof .ereh erom evil uoY" gnivil tnei voc dnA" tob A dias retarg ¬lihP fo ot sah eht evah teg tog snoitaclpA gahs eht ot a ehs ni rof GNIREDNOW pu-ngis si tes I ot tned nait yb htiw hcihw .dias feileb wonk ,noit nam euS eht htiw edulcni rehtO elpoep er'uoY" ,mrod kniht sgniht .smelborp eg loc ecneicS ev'I" .pleh ,supmac dna ,ralims gnivL eht rehsA" .stinecS gnieb ,gniteprac won notgilkcoP ECAF gnivL ,stneduts lehteB er'uoy yrt uoy gniruD" elpoep ecnis nworg ereht uoy htiaf htiw etir ni fI" .gnialpmoc rehsA suoigler ralims sgnirb d'I fi no a g n i s u o h wen notgilkcoP I si detpca suoigler erom ,ereH evah ot r u o y s p l e h retneC dna ronaM ".htiw decn ulf i dnif erew ew tsrif .ereh ev'I era evah uoy uoY" erom rof tnedutS gnivil st er tni reht go e l p o e p .dias a rof ,secnailp rof ter seD gnisuoh gnivil lautirps ynam ne b os tol ni stropus" stnedus ".retb fo si EREHW l aC elpoep smelborp newteb a a rof ro rof a .tinu lioF ria yb ",tuo noituls eht .level kool erom raey gnivil naitsrhC teg ",emoh naitsrhC ¬adnuoF ¬hserf sfeil b stnedus ni ¬roM ¬utS ¬sirhC stinu EDIW fo 3491-5,68 92-564,31 9 mret eht ta fo ereh no ehs ruoy a ot MA dna .gniter ,gniotdc OT lla po-oc rieht ,sreb , s r o l f de s",esuoh nrael e u o h eht dna m'I" ,po- C htiw derF .snom nwo sreb fo doof fo srecifo rebmunto ,noitda nwo .eevisrheoch eelrpaoeP" nalp ,gnibmulp ,slis woh hciaL redro s'er hT" .se uoh ,slaem eht tsaE ,noitarp eno ",ekil n.noaitacus 641 etacovd ,hciaL rieht( mo r lirpA ngiS nI w o d n i w eht hciaL EVIL stnedutS ;yrotimrod s'tnedus ralucit p od yaM• yaM• lirpA• lirpA• lirpA• :snoitavre gniwol F I 9 si fo MP teiuQ cirt el .3 ro .91 spu ot ni lla ni si ni 04 ntpecx emow .tsixeno hciaL yrev .seitrap ko c ecalper xaw .dias nur hcum yrasecn lanicaolps spo- c hcihw tnedutS 622 hciaL teg lortnoc srehto .3 I fo ro ot gnivil morf tneruc .82-72 .2 -12 .02-91 os snoitavresR;yrotimrod snoitavresR roolf stnedutS;tnemrap stnedutS eludhcs evrser .taeh ot ".spihdnerf dowgniloC ,sevitarpoc ECIOHC si suoires ffo a rof ot ot fo na eno hguohT ,dias ydob revE esolc egral ,tniap sdroc dna ev'I" ruoy ko c .gnis aL snwo .dias eht 6 elpmA SIHT fo gnisuoH dnik .rD ni ot owt uoy stnedus tna et supmac .m.p 7 fo a ot seitvca rieht ¬meM srebm gnivil kcirdeH sevil citsauhne evah sriaper lla ym gnirps rof eht sdnif ¬mun ¬nrael dnas nwo ot enin ¬roC gnivres hcihw yrotimrod ohw era -.eno nem sih dna a no ro ohw dna od no fo ?L AF rof mo r deiram gndiknraap nalp ot yaM ro a mo r ;)yrotim d rehtona hsiw dah siht stneduts mo r ,esuoh .gnihtemos degare nezod esuoh retraCysub tog yawa .mo r ",yemoh tnem USM er'uoy gniht .emit uoY" htiw uoY teg nwo s'tI" tsaE ni eht e t i h W giB( nA kniht 0 ,08 erom .gnivl-esuohgnisnaL xelpmoc srednoW eraw s'taht krow ot si ,4 ot selpuoc evom tnemrap mor evrser ro era ay ,laed 0 0, 8 a sulp koot dehsinruf no 01 dna ot rof )?wonk dnA siht d e llif t r o p e h t gnisuoh ?thgir slac gnimocni taht ,ecifo ?slangis uoy ,l aH fi uoy uoY eh .dias ym dias dna roines tI .derfp ,trap .supmac ,11 lla ni a tnemrap ni rieht rieht wolof rof txen raey ti si oS a ecaps .diolbat .yad senil rieht eht retfA evah e s u o H fo sl ac tnaw nac I" ,nwo eh egral sohawh a a ".fo htiw desucid )msixes( elpoep eht tner fid ni tneruc tuoba tahw ".ot taert evah esuoh si esuoh mo r nigeb etihw ym iJ smelborp meht .yad eht a htiw eW fi ¬va owt — dna ym erom 'srefp ni ¬trap devU dna ¬emos lla eb eb .esarcnignit er eno xelpmoc ehT desiar morf rehgih sekrocmub sretn R fo ton yti serda deliaf ,hcum droldnal rehtiE" .dias stna et ytiruces erehT gnitsoc madAcM tnaw UA" USM ,smti oipJ meht eht fI l aC gwonk nritoerf .niag sretn r yneehhwt tcepxe otni sretn R etatS yB A secirP tsaE 5$ mordeb-wTgniyrav a 261-23 toH amgiS esuoh tisoped a ot ot ro ot secirp 01$ eht ytirojam rev n teg si si ot ot teg yeht l A" eht evig esle sah eht yam era meht .dias ni esuoh otni ot 01$ ni l a g e L eoW ni tisoped owt tuo wonk ,madAcM ",mrod yeht tuoba tsrif ees evom rieht nehw ylaus sweN YCNA ot eht eht ".yenom ro l its ecnis gnitaeb ,supmac .02$ erom a eht tna et . e v a h .yenom fo dtinu ehsinruf .stnuoma ekiL tsaE etatS taht ,secivreS rof sgod lirpA ihC yrav rep .l af yB droldnal tnanet detcude sleef sel sah sepyt tI" fo eht si wonk ytiruces dna stneduts emit rieht tuB .tuo tisoped tnemrap retirW REHSIF yeht yap f atS sfel rotceid .mdiaadsAcM taht .detniauqc tsom eseht eht gnidrawof sdne a sedir dna ,71 erom gnisnaL sweN YCNA ot nihtw madAcM taht ",mrod yeht .dias si yenom ynam kcab dna evom ¬ruces sdrolnagsntisocr tnanet gnidroca gyrav nisnaL os elihw stnemrap secirp sah oot eht fo pu -ed od era ytinreaF dna re b 81 ynam aera f atS a OJ htiw gni eht retneC edam tuO .dias tpiec r gnidraw eht dna ot esoht yeht eht stcano ruof erom t'nevah .noitacol lams ni l iw evah retirW ELAH y t i r eW"u c e s s e l r a h C tI" tI madAcM ynam sretn R ti .devrs serda droldnal ni si ta fo eno l iw sdne otnawt esiw syad 91 eht yrt racpI eht thgim evah ehT regral eseht ,droldnal retner dnif .stioped ,dias ,)CRT( ,detsuqr deiftrc serda 0 9 , 2 .dias retfa ot tey ot ot .noitamrfn de iced elbmag lehs resolc sexlpmoc slexiwlpmoc ot hsuR ot ,syad tel stna eT tneilc ,liam ylanosrep devicr 809 yb evah pu teg stner eso l fo rp gnivom fi no .tuo a sah tuo ev'yeht edam tahw devlo ni rotanid c ecruoseR stcanoc madAcM nruter ¬liam gnirevl d ¬rof g n i t s o c ro eht tuo fo htiw secaf na htiw eht l iw tsoc l iw wef taht ",tuo stioped ecaf ot tnec ehT sexat gnuP dna yr eJ .esir tuB dna gni rec serudc detsiL madAcM evah smialc erehT ",truoc depmub ,secruo ,truoc esuaceb emos ,sekat tahw tisoped ?litrw .dias desim denrut og etuisnI esa rcni ,etuisn laeR s'taht detci rp .sdrolna dna osla ,setaicosA .gnuPgnihtyrevE" eH dnA" nI" eselsah soht tI a ot eno sdrolna CRT woleb .dias reywal ,truoc madAcM esac yeht elpoep .rdaiacspI rednu lams retel nehT" si a fo fi eht suB si a eht era tuo eht ytiruces dluohs stegus emos tcirtsid sreywal .dias otni droldnal lams eravaehf sevitanrl s'tna et ".03$ tsrmuoiaclc eht enildaed syek laer eh eht eht Y T I S R E V N U on lA ni n o i t c u r s detubira laeR" tnedisrp etntaegsae tub od l af dna nac y:enohP tisrevnU elbigE seitlU tnei voC a si ni ot ew gnipS fo stner hcihw eta sE 6 era a ton eH ynam detacol ,evitarsnoc rep deit teg a nosrep tsegus ",etad gnisuoh rof si fo ot og eh ro eht wonk de da tnec ,etase d r o l d n a l - ni eht sah ot 5021 ro eht gniraos ytrepor eht tisoped ¬noc stna et ¬orp ,truoc yam lams tcirtsid esac smialc truoc taht ehs noisced yeht racpI t'nevah fo fi saera tnem ga M tsaercni dias noitarpsT - eht .ti eht yek tsuj tsoc ro ,ogacihC ylaiceps gnisuoh e rht setar tnemga gnivil esoht tner ni taht elbanrut-o .S ni ekil fo htiw eht eht na .tsil ehs eht syad neve s erd ,dleh ,s erd tsum rieht nev s flah ton tnanet retn r dezimeti segam d sesol tna et retfa dluohs dna eerhhwt evig • r e m u S fo nO59- 3 osiraH stnemrapA gnidulcnI laF erlboaiFvA • • y r o t n e v i • s.yrtnuoc e srof ",stciderp derapmoc stner seucxe desa rcni ,gnihtyrev hcihw stner s t n e d u S ot a fI eht ehT nihtW syad .drol nal stna et 'shtnom edreocmxe ni ehT eciton ;netfo ton sliaf eht evael mrofni eht 41 era eht eht rof nihtw tsil ,eud thgir gnitrw ytiruces syad dna laicna if dtsum roldnal ,siht tnanet nihtw eht tnanet eht nruter tsilkceh dluohs .tner ennaoht ytiruces eh taht sevom a a si ot .dias ot osla l iw 03 fo eh 02 semaJ setis ;ekih rof era nevig ytiltu ".pu .W od gnidrawof - og ot ot tahw eht eht tuo syad tna et gnola retfa segam d liam smialc egam d .sevael ruof ¬da tnanet tisoped noitu sni s¬diah droldnal nihtw dna ntisaocped a ta 52 denitsed llif risng," STNEMRAP rep eht .l af ,st oc daoR ylp A yb xoF dias ot eh ro fI ti ni eh si ot na a ruoY evisnpxI teef naht era ynaM seod ecif yt fi eht eht rehtO tsoenod eriuqer eciton drol latner sde n evom etad retner s'tnem kaerb evael ti gnitaw de dni nagihcM deunit oc( fI a ot .wal nac latot ,enod ereht fo .tnemrga ro A eht ecifO enohP smreT d r o l d n a l fo A sah eht tnanet s'drol tnanet si egatnvdsi sa desu • ria eht tinu eht . m e h t • :tA tna et si r e t n e r y l n o retner eht doirep .tuo nehw dna eht tlucif d erofeb dna e h T s denoituac( yraw ot mialc dnufer eht dne .mialc thgir tsum nihtW a ot si .ecaps deriuq yrotimrod ylp a yenrota ot s d n u o r g evig ehT eht cidorep eht eht ni rof na fI a ot yap yam droldnal htlaeh sih yam esiar sde n gnilpirT egatnvd n ro D selpirt reht w noi po morf 0 5,1 evah smo r eta s morf egap ot dne elbati h eht t'nseod .draz h seeghamtd rof tner retner eht taht evom eciton droldnal .tcarnoc erohtf tna et eht se rf eb ot si ot detcive evom tner evig eht .tuo retner retn r ton taht ycna et retner tuo-evm sehsiw tnanet egap ot elbuod eht tnanet .etupsid eht truoc droldnal nev s sesaeL nihtw tsum eetuhpstid dnopser fo fo ot syad ot s'lareng si od fI n o i t c v e segamd dstniaoped esevhicetr ton syad eekhatt syad ,ycnapuo no cibuc hcihw .gnilprt ssel wal ¬fo eht )5 latner ,noitd c peek ¬repo era .emit .tuo repor ¬dnal ehT eno ylno tsum tes eht ¬erga ,etad e rga fi eh ro fo a ot ot s i h )8 t ¬dnal tiefrof eht yb si fi 54 ro .dnopser AMtaaSgolroeUwd ltisvoopohmmefpress, tthrcoiopnutlguehnd.giSsMU Apartmens GRRIVANED bedarport¬m ffaoavillrb.e 32-05 p.m Curently, (conotinued 9 p a ) g e A v e n u e w. 609 Call: after 5 FRATENIYOUPESNH informat CHI ltivoe. informat when DU§|k Welcom! ARboaotd Monday-Wes &11,1132th even &3 ments 2 f3o2ra-mid5no8r1s EDXEPLLOTRAE F R A T E N I Y B U H I E mw jthuapaslancte A11p32ril.,foraidnes : 1, CHI IYTNVOOTEUS Guys April 453 ! ■mil ■HI■ISill Fl■HI K|El | faciltes. AStpMlaonUed lawhgsaueist bttrsioputlongp, dthsowpueeriet hous.e Rush 1:1 ■ ■ a 33 ■ ■— OX THETA more 32-086 Call Our imne chen 1974 briang University foplanrs In it's Open Call proortimfn oveeassgod ltinhuberac P"Tusahcidea. thvaemnodngromates." hbteaaersn swehcetitor MlHaichuwgsanngthmieu sprepqaced MtaSoonpU-'slyhopuosiciyn.gltahstwaee bedourrsmmd CiBnlaanydbwoseche¬lainlgthprsoavinde acpuebicrr thoexculubsifvic atohrlem, closet." ddiwesfeinlngltahosewctesifn ipvooeulled stom"pra¬r kirwot-hmous CInogahuanlmty$maaen3¬unl btowpeeinl jociares,Wsnathdr.opbidounfuybtet awwooaunldt 1poange) term. ttahkee the and "charge, iasmount three thpaest taquoesstion the specify aomoufnt ocupant campus osectiofn "No bedro m multipe tacoupsied fe t ocupant, ospacfe aronmds Bclas another byocupied "mthoerree inand w¬efurnasithdg acenitrl toopen ftoenarts fbeersh.ip unio wanhyoone teonarnt I tenats (contiued P H I HlAoO-n1pU.-3WSrtEihd: f3riniof2odom-rm5e0at3rse tfop ungfjam SFuamanledr dhdisihsawgparobseae,l, RHS|oRugoosarda«varkdntfdh. wnooest "We A A 'The what pays In per that that a "But You! GRriavnedr leasing of 500 3 5 1 - 7 6 as air be in ily not," planed rights S I G M A Call acpormtmpenlsySMepdaitnraisnh throug . aatinngd. Pbpaocroinvnaidetlse. is M For E. $a5bout 1218 Now Pfatl,h"usaceid.ibassnomaleryhtarhesiedlinascr year." hhoaaublsoseutf1r0hm¬n asstudrteinl fhaoaedmiltmre,ditifstcaule tthrwnipaolnttgharesildsnc tphoeeenfrt Psusacdeint.,hdasetu¬dven bltriaikplesengBocsaaurdinnft. traioplsmningghaeid. thsoudiefn aovrnsgde Pthuaca bdoemninn'dtgPehorvehraysai'gpvnsd. fPrtiehlnudess.ya-refund." thacrere-ts Eraoacmteha.te toaawurolrngitcaitsznds. thoelimneatf thrwerosrouanggchs, oeldnu¬catio dehwicaaettIntghrhouemg UTioe."nat's itwuhnnieol orebafte DELTA unio rent's OPEN for located Luxury tinctive carpeting unit condit g Swim ng Call ithnem ther last Residnce oouft dentansd making positvely Tehxiset. h45ouse transfer scribed ilivnaing sotheers alterniv, number are tsotay "They some to "But the than 92 being said, Some way," "A term want said. made get Tripling person astansds com unity to advoc y, action ourselv County Membrship er is "It these tive ♦ Each » Tripling FISHERSWtraitef hcgoandtelitpwvnaolhaonfhtaeresirdlmnc tiounbcohwinsg indpcreali¬mnaybtgaaoereitnJPucray, masignnmgeetr torseoaaallyyBhpueftkhibtasnoevem throveoerafse-sithnsotudeefIhaonvralsigns-.dimnatolesHAhkareu¬rls,litvnaasoigened ucsomadlatyingfHAkvsaeu¬erls,inasuitealyfour.6tpcoo0enfrtlivnrwstusdh¬eeno tserptumrinng Tena t's afirm ByPAULNOVSEICKWStraitefl discrmagna¬instftohhreaeesn smpocial-an¬fnyitnhgtroeusdps,behreanso maanojoriety-wfLithnngsreougpCIngohuanmtyU(InTioU).inthatre¬irlincwhrpat Ciomnoercf tewunaiol'ns mreec¬wuitbhoacpoemsefbflobrclyyi,ngWRoiondrg¬agniezer bteswotolaverylatndhpora-temsWbhefor,i"an¬db"tWhek'vnlfoiosamerg,dthoaowung iapeurnblsdictftoiwhmmaees fothlweiwl AtrhonboefhUnwapi¬oisc,19b6no8udt mebrs.ltasboimolarr gaovedrn,iinceo¬ui lotuhwcnaieols,fdrthurogs maonneyd-raisg inttrohduc¬ebiytnlsatasewms,f"oetrwtmba¬esd righoafhirmettsnfaaopierfdn,,houwesl-mianintg.d thrraenetbhocomewaenn hrroguhgt ditscharmneo sconcimail,,burepaw¬tc NA CY News ias By State There students benot triples. "From tiownse, normal housing "Ista'isd. defint ly. tripling 1975." Tripling signmet residnce except dentares Itwno. dlientves byocupied "Fifty-eght MSU will ocupany," studen ing room the hals dence to News fight hasbe n formation terest thnoew organizt interst th—e Tenat's filng of Departmen Mtahrceh, taotempt and State The tion is area After ticles bers viable said throp. "It'as ev r thsarido.p iabtou finsaalty thaboeut idectided unio format Tenat's seirnatceed Organized auwniitohn, advisory pend t funds mebrs benfits. Atcoording unio an tenoats Pewohploe their dtehneieird ofwhims oabusfe aponlitcdal we've ing we The basic 4,000 raise tory the lish of own llitsnhigen adtrnehoqueirsdtYcokluks. cmaoanindtitecs bils; lianamdfpourorsvte hclnebial'nsc provide;itoncagunechdtewgarpk dbtwehefnloinrg. OPTION? hBeoauutsifel locatin EXPLORE LAMBDA ALPHA coavumesw. 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OFRATENfIY bit so a d e s y jqose r e d d e p f r w i n g i h v I coautifs hclauasety ceavinctfoanry wmauivset tasckionn damges. doun¬'tfioudtbironpgIdetsn'tWinathidr.p orentfalhveirdsant. agre¬ thneter mouv. fitxhed- thraen tuhles 9 ) S T O P ! b sc asy o i u e n g o t rna s a i gnn adt u r e ; a n m d e s s f r o c e h a r n g e t d ; ( a h u d r eas i l) . b t i r s m e q u : d a na r m e e s s ; b tth oh w d n r efsk t ema g n ai u btchange."o sheould uneforcabl andlor tiatamney orarnte jiufry crooennerting(rents) ltehase, Thcaenylwayer. much," ttwyaproees baaogrentmhdnts aadvnntdges fixteed-ntarmcydthgaivteees inammonuvdest adovntfge iasgremnt nchaongte pagevse (conotiuned i Y l n vs co eh u t t . k o r y L O K I N G tagorein btoe tenas'names lndor' amount detshcoripetfn dspeocsuirtitylandr' naanmde tnhhoatiece fdoaaufytesrr coapinefs itmnooviglYandmolorua.yheitvhinrg certifd yourself. v/oconjtraAbreeao d, advise prevnthiasflebfiogrn kietphyaoutWihnhefropCntroywunteaosir kecanp¬igotracslndrAmisundetag.copiefshland¬silgorndetsrretcueipnthoafacopfy htaovelIiesaf.lndoritcnhaegladnorietvalry clausennfoorc¬ i(cntamoeleuaasshwidvedarpnsWinthidro.pfanlsidortahcuelyobigna¬tlhowve tthhinaklesaignsedunforceablithn,g througsaeid.htwra-ei apli¬Sumer Furnishg POL Informa¬ 351-72 'THE \u | you contrac •The •The •The •The •The within •Two after bycopy one a renter reason bytrial they derstand iatbo.ut or is it Renters "If TRC take There A ment can The term dorules If •A If a held; •A him for er that Rental should expert NFIASHECRY SNteawf. crenatns heaadncds leaas dlionteed. lethasned aenylsthigRoger Resourc f"oIsta'idsr. iptarot'encsidn efn." suget rcehenkts,froam ksehouldphetseenrds htahve acorpy mail Tirhesqustd. lanrdecoivrd let r. doneost printed teannd amke the should Sotmheaetires thare Winsathidro.p"jSuomesnt showed landor lfiaoblritydamges," itmhfeaens hthades lBiabulet. hans Michstgaane hbital." rents htahveeyincaludnes thcnaeoty said. fdoolnw't legal onygoeur Apartments takingfor Fal. 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