VOLUME 71 NUMBER 54 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6,1977 lews MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING^MICKIGAN 48824 ~1 ^ \ eports reveal attempted FBI disruption INGTON (AP) - The FBI secretly ruption of the conference were obtained by facilities for the conference. Learning about said. "would invite or sponsor a known Commu¬ the Socialist Workers party in the course of However, the archbishop of San Antonio, d to exploit disagreements within its multimillion dollar lawsuit charging the the plans. FBI officials instructed agents in the Most Rev. Francis Furey, said Tuesday nist-controlled organization to hold a confer¬ ,lic Church to force cancellation of bureau with illegal harassment of legal the umbrella San Antonio, Tex., to feed information ence in university space is a situation which The student committee that the archdiocese never became involved ,r conference at Catholic Universi- was about the conference to church officials in cries out for every possible counterintelli¬ activities. organization for several opposed to in trying to thwart the conference. 1, according to bureau files made groups San Antonio. gence technique to be utilized to disrupt or the Vietnam War, and the February "I'm quite sure no action was taken and I cancel the conference." The Political Rights Atactics failed and the Student is Defense Fund, which financing the lawsuit, made the docu¬ conference was called to plan the massive antiwar'demonstrations that took place in The San Antonio field office had sug¬ gested the plan because "there has been don't jump into things like that without The memo alleged that the student ion Committee Against the War opening my eyes wide," he said. committee was controlled by the Socialist ments public. Washington and San Francisco in April, strong resentment in Catholic circles A headquarters memo seeking sugges¬ i the conference on schedule in The campaign against the conference fell some in the Archdiocese of San Antonio Workers party and its affiliate, the Young 1971 at the campus in Northeast 1971. con¬ tions for additional disruptive activities Socialist Alliance. The conference "is clear¬ under the FBI's counterintelligence pro¬ A university official had tentatively cerning the use of archdiocese money to from New York and Washington field ly against U.S. public interest." headquar¬ °s describing the attempted dis¬ gram, known as Cointelpro, to disrupt and agreed to allow the group to rent campus support the Catholic University," one memo offices said the fact that the university ters officials asserted. nsing man Wiretap bill gutted ospitalized by House r botulism LANSING (UPI) - Tuesday rejected by one vote The state House a bill which would have allowed local and state police By JOEPIZZO agencies to use wiretaps to catch hard drug State News Staff Writer dealers. ig man has joined the growing list of botulism poisoning Another vote on the measure is expected w numbering 40, according to the Michigan Department in the near future. Be Health. The measure was part of a six-bill package til D. Osland. 37, district manager for Pontiac Motor aimed at taking high level drug pushers off - of General Motors, was admitted to Lansing's St. the streets. ce Hospital's Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Sunday night, condition improved rapidly after treatment was initiated Though the House rejected the wiretap -titoxin. and he was removed from ICU on Monday night, bill, a measure imposing mandatory life ition is currently listed as satisfactory. sentences for big time drug pushers was , who had lunch at Trini and Carmen's restaurant In n March 28, was contacted by Dr. Joel Breman of the approved by an overwhelming margin and sent to the Senate. ealth department last Friday when It was discovered that heon companion was hospitalized In Toledo with a House Judiciary Committee Chairperson ed diagnosis of botulism. Paul Rosenbaum, the sponsor of the in told Osland to keep careful watch on the aymptoma he antidrug legislation, said he expects the 'encing, which reaulted in his seeking emergency care at wiretap measure to pass the second time once Friday evening. around. ling to Osland's wife, who accompanied him to the an emergency room phyaician, deaplte the fact ahe was The Battle Creek Democrat said seven or eight representatives who favor the ' of Breman's interest in the case and Osland's presence in . deemed the results of the tests taken Inconclusive and measure were not at Tuesday's session. J'y told Osland that it looked more like the flu than Following an extensive and sometimes emotional debate, the controversial wiretap m poisoning, and sent him home. Sunday night, according to his wife, Osland's symptoms Stof» N»w$/Lyn How«i measure received 54 votes — one short of "i in severity to the point where he again sought the 55 needed for passage. So your Florida tan 1* fading before you ever had a chance to break you dumped all your winter clothes on your folks. Ever cy room treatment at St. Lawrence, feel like things aren't going your way? Weil, one thing is and ■how off the marking! and you've gone through three boxes of The mandatory sentence bill passed 84-11. speech was slurred, he had no strength in his upper it just happens to be the infamous and "wonderful" East Lansing and he was light-headed," Jan Osland said, tissue because your eight o'clock daaa wa« moved from Berkey A companion bill which would prevent those is then that further tests were conducted, and he was Hall to Wilson Hall and your nose can't handle the extreme weather. serving mandatory terms for drug dealing from getting time off for good behavior id to the ICU with a diagnosis of botulism poisoning, changes in distance and temperature. Oh, yes, and over spring passed 87 to 11. a asked about the possibility of The House did not vote on the three other joining in the class action suit bills in Rosenbaum's drug package. the Mexican restaurant filed by The six-bill package passed the House . nurse Sally Koskay, Jan Osland "I haven't even thought of such a BARRY CLAIMS CODE IN HIS FAVOR during the last session but died in the Senate. just want him back home healthy to re-week-old baby." Opponents of the wiretap bill said Top vote-getter still invalidated while, state and local health allowing local police units to have electronic I say there is no need for surveillance equipment would invite abuses "ad alarm. and be a threat to civil liberties. iism is a condition which is not nicable it's nothing like measles or - Proponents said safeguards provided in the bill are adequate. Those safeguards Dr. John L. Isbister. head of the •alth department Disease Control By NUNZIO M. LUPO sentative. examined by the State News does not bear personel integrity of Rick Lehrter," Barry include a requirement that police officials State News Staff Writer "This is what gives students the con¬ any signature except that of Lehrter, who insists the report was signed. "I wanted to obtain the approval of two out of three said. Spartan Spirit candidate Kent Barry tempt they have for ASMSU, this kind of signed it upon acceptance March 30. be extra sure everything was meticulous." members of a Michigan Court of Appeals ressed that the only means by which :n can fall victim remains invalidated in the ASMSU Student piddily-wink stuff," Barry said. Though he has "the utmost faith in the I continued on page 12) panel before instituting taps. to botulism Board presidential election despite his Barry has also filed a complaint with the ng is through ingesting the toxin, (continued interpretation of the elections code, a All-University Student Judiciary (AUSJ) on page 12) document which he helped to rewrite last against the AUEC Tuesday that criticizes year. six points of the election conduct. He cited this document Tuesday in The complaint will be formally released support of his opinion that he is not invalidated. Barry bases his opinion that he and the rest of the Spartan Spirit slate are not today. Griffiths said the AUEC invalidation ruling will stand until challenged by Barry in judicial action. Barry said he will not Men to live in Campbell invalidated on one section of the election initiate such action, stating that since an inside Some people say PBB are adequate. Read who guide- code. It states candidates can only be invalidated if they overspend during their campaign or fail to submit a spending report. Barry said his slate has not violated expense report was submitted, there was no invalidation. Barry said another Spartan Spirit slate member, Thomas Lammy, was present survey plays part in decision Pg- 3. either of these two regulations. when he signed the financial report. He By SEAN HICKEY But coed buildings and wings are not new to MSU, by any means. However, the All-University Elections added it was personally delivered to State News Staff Writer Coed-by-suite floors were established in Wonders Hall in Commission (AUEC) Chairperson Barry ASMSU Comptroller Rick Lehrter, who A decade ago the phrase "coed dormitory" sent parents, September 1974. Though there has been a shortage of students Griffiths said the section concerning filing a accepted the reports. moralists and virgin students who labeled the whole set-up as a signing up for these rooms, Underwood said the program is spending report does invalidate Barry. "I did look at it but I do not recall successful. whether there was a signature or not," potential "flaming bed of sin" into fits of rages. According to Griffiths, another section of the elections code states that reports are Lehrter said. "I was not looking for one." "We had a lot of pressure to create these floors a few years back, However, 90 per cent of universities and colleges nationwide not valid unless signed by a slate repre¬ The report as it is now on file and as but we sometimes ended up filling them half way and had to assign house members of the opposite sex in the same building, wing or them to transfer students instead," Underwood said. floor. The trend is continuing at MSU as Campbell Hall, in the West Circle Complex, will become coed by floors as of next fall. The program was successful because once students were assigned to live on the coed floors they found the situation "easy to Robert Underwood, residence halls manager, said the move to adust to and enjoyable" Underwood said. Directors act to prevent change Campbell Hall to a coed living situation from the current all-women set up was done to accommodate an imbalance in the Campbell Hall should have little trouble in filling up the 150 number of men and women living in residence halls and to satisfy spaces in that hall that will be open to men. Erika Mason, student a growing request to have more men living in the West Circle representative of Campbell Hall, said interest from men was high. misuse of MSU services Complex. "Before we even knew for sure we would go coed, there were 20 weather "We needed to pick up additional spaces for men to avoid guys who already wanted to sign up. From morning to night guys have been calling up on the phone to ask about rooms," Mason said. overaasignment and we reduced the number of spaces for women ' boom, chick a boom, March 11 that he operated a profit-making because we had an imbalance in the system," Underwood said. By TOM SHANAHAN The decision to convert Campbell Hall Into a coed residence hall 'you juat love it, chick a State News Staff Writer corporation called Mike Marshall Kinesi¬ Though the trend towards having all the residence halls on was made only after a survey was taken of the students living In the • wick a boom, don't you All three heads of University depart¬ ology, Inc., that utilized MSU equipment campus becoming coed seems to be the case, Underwood said that hall and a and property. proposal was submitted. According to Mason, the survey ^■V1''We11-folks, don't ments whose services Atlsnts Braves relief possibility was out of the question. showed that 70 per cent of the residents wanted the residence hall bikinis to decorate He has treated at least five professional have used "I don't think we are going to entertain any more proposals (for 1 pitcher Mike MarahsU may athletes In the past two years and designs a to become coed. improperly hsve taken action to prevent coed residence halls). The Idea is to have as many different living at S" y,t' "Moth,r their training program that deals with the options as possible. We will alwsys retain some all-women and Zh effort V* contlnuln« ber Marshall from continuing to use athletes' muscle problems. He used X-ray The West Circle Complex at one time only accommodated to revive win¬ department services unlsn he shows It is all-men residence halls," Underwood said. women and wu accordingly nicknamed the "Virgin Islands." 's in th» I' ,xpected for educational purposes. equipment from the MSU Clinical Center, *'»the low to mid b'gh will high-speed cameras valusd at 53,500 to Currently Landon and Gilchrlst-Yakely halls in the West Circle Men who wish to live In Campbell Hall next year can sign up on 30s wlthk Meanwhile, no further action wfl be taken by the MSU executive officers $5,000 from the Health, Physical Education Complex are the only all-women residence halls. Armstrong and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and must bring thslr room .howepi ws. Nowm Ch,n<* °' "">w and Recreation Department and facilities in Emmons halls In Brody are the only all-men residence halls. reservation cards. doean't that just concerning Marshall's possible violations of . your expectations? Jenlson Fieldhouse. University ordinances. (continued Marshall admitted in the State News on page 10) 2 Michigon Stole News, Wedneaday, April 6, |i Eost loosing, Michigon HANDICAPPERS DEMAND CIVIL RIGHTS HEW headquarters picketed another meeting. The demon¬ By MICHAEL PUTZEL as the demonstration began hurried in after a trip from Section 504 of ,i. WASHINGTON (AP) - that Califano "has failed to Atlanta, insisted over shouts of strators stayed. Rehabilitation Act fulfill the promise of equal "no you -don't" that he under¬ Before Califano arrived, his discrimination against Representatives of 45 organiza rights in education, I employ¬ stood the demonstrators' con¬ office issued a statement in Dollar value drops in Japan lions for handicappers charged ment, health and social services cerns and would act to enforce which the secretary said: cappers by anyone federal funds. „ Monday that the Carter Ad¬ ministration has failed to make that Congress made 3 1/2 years their rights. "The previous administration Bowe, who is deaf, stood, up took 2'/i years to produce a . S'nging, cheering,, good on a campaign promise to ago. ing, "5-0-4, 5-0-4, 6( start of the year. The Monday closing was Califano and asked him complex regulation that it then TOKYO (AP) - The dollar dropped to seek equal rights legislation for "Equally of concern to us, next to demonstrators filled t| 272.825 yen 273.975 yen. Bowe said, "the present course to sign the regulations now and refused to sign. I believe it is lion lobby outside at the close of Japanese handicappers. ( About 300 handicapper de of action of the secretary and review them later. reasonable to take 2 Vj months office. foreign exchange trading Tuesday, down Banking sources said the yen's monstrators paraded outside his staff to seriously weaken The confrontation ended to examine those regulations so Some 1.15 yen from Monday and the U.S. draft regulations prepared af¬ without either side changing its that I may understand them demonstrate to remain until strength came from Japan's continued the Department of Health, Ed¬ currency's lowest level in 3'/i years. and assess their implications." Calif, favorable balance of trade. The yen's rise ucation and Welfare headquar¬ ter the most extensive and position, and Califano left for the regulations. The latest decline, on top of a 2.6 yen ters and crowded into the intensive period of preparation drop Monday, meant a 7.3 per cent loss would continue for a while, they secretary's outer office to de¬ any federal agency has under¬ for the dollar in terms of yen since the predicted. taken in recent memory, defies mand enforcement of civil Venezuela cuts back oil production rights laws for handicappers. Similar demonstrations were held in 10 cities where HEW the promises of the President, the expressed desires of the Congress and the repeated Secession gets support regional headquarters are lo¬ urgings of disabled Americans cated. themselves." NANTUCKET, Mass. (UPI) Residents on also overwhelmingly supported the CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - The a day. - raov, w After hasty negotiations be¬ Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket on Cape Cod while the Elizabeth Islands, which 'Venezuelan government, concerned Venezuela's oil production for 1977 Waving signs and hooting, have backed up at the ballot box their threats to form the town of Gosnold, voted colli* handicapper demonstrators ac¬ tween demonstration leaders 63-2 toZ about oil reserves, has ordered oil through March 28 averaged 2.350,888 and HEW officials. Califano secede from the Commonwealth of Massachu¬ Five more Martha's Vineyard cused Joseph A. Califano Jr., conm* production cutbacks aimed ot holding barrels a day, according to the most still must vote on the matter, output this year ot the some level as 1976. recent Energy and Mines Ministry fig¬ HEW secretary, of delaying stood on a coffee table and setts. Officials on both islands have been discussing with til and gutting regulations to im¬ promised the group he would balloting set for May 18. A report released by the Energy and ures. secession since February when a redistricting Under the plement the 1973 civil-rights sign the regulations by early redistricting plan, dropping 1 Mines Ministry said the state-owned membership from 240 to 160 member^ law for handicappers. May, after he has had an proposal that would leave them without repre¬ holding company Petroleos de Venezuela The figure was 362,267 barrels higher Dr. Frank Bowe, director of sentation was introduced in the state legislature. islands would be merged into a opportunity to study them and le^ has been odvised not to exceed the 1976 than the average production for the same the American Coalition of Citi¬ understand their implications. On Monday, Nantucket Island voted 1,725 to district with the Cape. Residents of the j* output, which averaged 2,294,364 barrels period last year. zens with Disabilities, told a In a 10-minute impromptu 404 in favor of secession, with 58 abstentions. complained they were being cheated outif| news conference on Capitol Hill speech, the secretary, who Residents of Chilmark, on Martha's Vineyard, own representation. Study shows evasion effort NEW HOPE, Ga. (AP) - The pUot of a DC-9 jet, his two House delays taxing of sick pay engines out and his windshield cracked in a violent storm, made a heroic effort to avoid a crash which left at least 88 dead, federal investigators said Tuesday. WASHINGTON (AP) - The House The pilot glided three or four minutes after warning the treasury an estimated $327 million in the voted Monday to do I ay implementation budget year ending Sept. 30. The Internal passengers they would crash. He was told to try for a nearby of a tax law provision that will require Revenue Service figured it would gener¬ military base, but he knew he couldn't make It. So he concentrated his last, desperate hope on a rural road. workers to doim as taxable income all ate the filing of about one million Despite it, the jetliner slammed into trees, cars and a grocery money received as sick pay. amended tax returns for 1976. store and theixexploded and burned in the woods of this small A bill to delay the effective date of the Georgia town about 35 miles northwest of Atlanta. 1976 Tax Reform Act's sick pay Before the 1976 Tax Reform Act changes Sixty of the 85 passengers and crew aboard Southern for one year to Jon. 1, 1977, was passed became law, a sick worker could exclude Airways' Flight 242 from Huntsville, Ala., to Atlanta died in the 404 to 0 by the House and sent to the from income — and thus avoid taxes on wreckage Monday. Eight people on the ground were also killed. Senate. — up to $100 o week in payments made An eight-member National Transportation Safety Board If passed, the proposal will cost the by his or her employer. team was sent to the scene Tuesday. Congress to vote on future raises el lee, Mondoy Wedncdoy ond Fi.doyt during mi...120 per yen i rrrr nTT7 I ~ eond uncil seeks applicants Wharton to independently make a list of qualities to be considered in reviewing "Catalyst '77: Women in Engineering," a two-day conference for freshmen and sophomore women interested in a career in Engineers and professionals from industry, education and government will speak at the conference. candidates. After receiving a similar list engineering, will be held April 30 and May 1 at the Kellogg Center The luncheon speaker will be Arminta Harness, national _---.ions for the 1978 Senior Class Council are from the president, it was agreed that the for Continuing Education. president of the Society of Women Engineers. being accepted to fill the 15 positions ■ Council open for next two lists be combined to form basis for Two hundred women will be accepted for participation in the year. a Applications for the conference and a day-on-the-job work ■ Senior Class Council is a student reviewing candidates. program. Thirty applicants will be selected to spend a day on the organization serving as the official representative experience must be filed by April 20. ■ graduating senior class. Then, a list of over 100 candidates was Lectures and seminars will be offered on required preparatory job with engineers in industry and government May 2. It or current council projects include: Career Night, the tour guide program, compiled, which was reduced by Wharton coursework for engineering, concerns of the professional woman Students must submit a reference from a college adviser, •ncement ceremonies, selection of the senior class to 26 and given to the committee. engineer and identification of support resources. mathematics or science instructor along with their applications. To gift to the University, Senior | selection of the 25 Outstanding Seniors and the Alumni Banquet. Wharton also allowed the committee full Sessions on lifestyle planning, sex stereotypes, assertiveness be considered for a day on the job, a second recommendation is ■Ml members are required to attend weekly meetings and be active committee access to names of all candidates. leadership and decision-making are also planned, along with required. "averaging five hours per week. Out of the 26 candidates, eight were human values and technology, energy and environmental issues. interested women students may contact Wendy Baker. MSU -dime for applications is interviewed jointly by the committee and There will also be film presentations and a tour of the campus Monday at 5 p.m. and can be submitted either at the Alumni faculty adviser of the Society of Women Engineers, for more ■ in the Union or at 101 Student Services the president. and MSU engineering facilities. information and conference applications. Bldg. to Dave Westol. ■ more information, call 355-5280 In a letter sent to Dean Richard Lewis, Researchers deem guidelines adequate By ED LION was tailored to proposals made by a National Institute of Health confidence in Michigan-produced meat. One chain official acknowledged "there's nothing wrong with the and Environmental Science team that tentatively linked PBB to After the tentative link between PBB and nervous system hogs," but they still are not being bought because the consumers l MSI, Dn„ p MMJ PBB StataNewsStaBWritar disorders was made earlier this year, the Canadian government have fears. He said the PBB has caused farmers to lose an researchers say current PBB guidelines are neurological disorders found in farmers. scare Besides setting lower limits, the bill would set up a closed off its borders to Michigan meat. Other states are reported average of $2.20 a hog. fProtect Michigan's food supply and a measure now i 6 e 'egMature to impose stricter a guidelines is compensation fund to pay farmers for losses incurred from killing to have cut back on Michigan meat, and some Detroit-area stores Since PBB, a toxic fire retardant, was accidently dumped into advertise their meat as not produced in the state. Michigan livestock feed in 1973, thousands of animals were IS-. caUere adequate. fvledeert'thT'ls'*' D-Corruna, sponsor of the atata measure, given by adviser However, Taylor said other factors involved in the PBB scandal in addition to public health provided a sound basis for the bill. Speaking to a luncheon sponsored by the Ingham County Joining Taylor before the Republicans was Dr. Harold Humphrey of the state health department. Humphrey has conducted testing on breast milk which showed evidence of PBB fates safe odd ,6 effentific community is split over what Republicans, Taylor said he personally would not spend the bill's contamination. f *11 reall 5 )evel®* money on solving the PBB problem. In answer to a question on how much of the fire retardant was in fly said "Li tSi' know for sure what the answer is," he "If I had $40 million to spend, I would spend it on looking into Michigan food chains, Humphrey held up two teaspoons from his KL 7,, ,ra r be safe than sorry." PCP, if I could choose," Taylor said. (continued on page 12) I ' Mch haa ">• support of Gov. William G. Milliken, Just nine years ago To pay or not to pJ Above everything else, his voice evidenced by their presence here military hardware, much of Monday's actions by members of clapped with courage. today, have come to realize that the Great Lakes Life Community becomes obsolete shortly, Throughout the sweltering their destiny is tied up with our (GLLC), in whifch 60 per cent of a deployment. The ever-exjL buildings and dusty roads of the destiny and their freedom is pie was doled out to a person defense budget saps funds ° South, from the Lincoln Memorial inextricably bound to our free¬ for social welfare in Washington, D.C., from the dom," he thundered to a crowd of dressed up as a general to is a vital need for programs? represent the portion of the stream jails of Alabama and the ghettos of 200,000 in Washington, D.C., in federal budget supposedly con¬ defense establishment ar Chicago, his courageous call to 1963. sumed by military needs, dis¬ in the defense budget. conscience pierced many stone His message was one of im¬ hearts of hate and made the spring movable love, of understanding played admirable symbolic in¬ As a form of passive svdimi and working together to help all tentions but a questionable grasp of understanding and love flow. Martin Luther King Jr. was oppressed people. It was a non¬ of reality. protest, witholding taxes justified. Indeed, activity 7$ J silenced nine years ago this week violent message; yet violence bit The group proposed that sort on a massive scale durim at his heels like an Alabama police average taxpayers can abolish a Vietnam War would by a bullet in the head. bloated military complex by re¬ haveta dog. He was stabbed once with a highly desirable. But the wpl letter opener, was stoned by angry crowds on occasion, thrown into Senate tries ethics fusing to pay 51 per cent of their income tax. over now, and tax resisters «T unlikely to stir public concern N jail, threatened and finally mur¬ It is undeniably true that the time of the GLLC would be be dered. The adoption of the Senate ethics code was not "an unfortunate April U.S. defense establishment spent educating the publ America's present inactivity in¬ Fool's joke on the American people" as Sen. Barry Goldwater said, but squanders an unconscionable defense boondoggles and f sures that King will have lived in rather, in the words of Sen. Gaylord Nelson, "a quiet revolution." amount of money on extravagant policy shortcomings. vain. Is there justice for blacks? After two weeks of debate and numerous political scandals, the Black teenagers in cities are Senate adopted a code that would limit the amount of outside earnings experiencing unemployment at a by senators to $8,625 and would force them to report so-called Me rate of 40 per cent, up from 30 per "unearned income" from family-owned businesses, stocks, bonds or cent cited by the government in other investments. The 1971. Unemployment of black It is good to see that the Senate has finally taken action in an attempt State News males 20- to 64-years-old was, to rebuild public confidence in the American political system. Congress according to the Bureau of Labor has been the focal point of a multiplicity of scandals and open distrust. Dr. Martin Luther King Statistics, up to 20.8 per cent in Scandals have forced many congressmen not to seek re-election. Wednesday, April 6, 1977 1975. Black females experienced The elimination of "slush funds" is a welcome feature of the code. But while he lived, though it was unemployment at a rate of 16.6 per Nevertheless, it is sad that it took Congress so long to hear the demands Editorials are the opinions of the Stole News. and letters ore personal opinions. Viewpoints, column I a short 39 years, he appealed to cent. of the people on this matter, and distressing that the provision limiting Editorial Department our collective conscience and filled Listen to the prophet: "The outside income will not go into effect until January 1979. Editor in chitf Mory Ann ChickShaw Layout Fro many of us with guilt for what question is not whether we will be The code has been described as "tough, sweeping and compre¬ Managing Editor Bob Ourllan .... Photo Editors Moggio Walkor. Lauro Lynn J ... Americans were doing to each extremists but what kind of hensive." In the words of Common Cause President David Cohen, "It Opinion Editor Dove Mlsialowski Copy Chief other. The eloquence, he once City Editor Michool Tonlmuro Wire Editor extremists will we be. After all, represents fundamental reform for the Senate." Compui Editor Carole Leigh Hutton Joycelosk This code by itself will not restore the confidence lost by many Staff Representative said, just welled from within. maybe the South, the nation and SportsEditor Edward L Bonders Freelance Editor "The marvelous new militancy the world are in dire need of citizens. Without the proper enforcement it will not be worth the paper Associate Sports Editor TomShonohon Entertainment ond Book Editor which has engulfed the Negro creative extremists." it is written on. community must not lead us to a Martin Luther King Jr. did not The code is a long-awaited and needed piece of work. Without strict Advertising Department distrust of all white people, for fear being an extremist for justice regulations political leaders will continue to manipulate the voters and Advertising Manager Don Gerow Assistant Advertising Manager CeaCv many of our white brothers, as and temperance. bamboozle their constituents. More reforms of this type are needed. to find out that "Muslin" was a typo, and consider any students taking a single hour corporations which presently have com¬ Zimbabwe/Rhodesia, for that matter). I that the article dealt not with the fiends of on such a topic. panies profiting from the exploitation of We would appreciate your printing! fashion but with some other group. How Michael Jost black labor in South Africa." We think it is Associate professor letter to bring this correction to I To the Editor, utterly disappointing. Its not that the real story wasn't interesting — its just that the news we in the fashion world have been Botany and Plant Pathology Department important to inform you that this statement attention of your readers. Also, free to contact us in the future if any questions about any of ot pleul yoilf waiting for must again be awaited. Brian Gladue Violence Proctor & Gamble has not had operations. an active, J.G.M Graduate student operating company in South Africa since haps Zolton Ferency should help me Public Relations D identify potential defendants in civil pro¬ Zoology Department It strikes me that Mr. John Maury (of the 1968 (We do not have a company in Proctor 4C« ceedings. CIA) and Mr. Lawrence Tharp (of the What were the reasons for the entire Michigan Free Press) are but two sides of exercise? If it was intended to be pure entertainment, I must applaud the dura¬ Recycling the same coin: those who find justification for violence. I am hopeful that most of your ■ game and 10.! bility of the local stock company actors. readers have tired of the sort of basic VIEWPOINT: TRUSTEES ■won the Charles Fifteen years with the same show suggests The report on the Crop Productivity hating which seems to be part and parcel of ■rd. remarkable stamina. But, please, couldn't Conference convened in 1975 by MSU and both the far Left and far Right. ■ first time preset we have some new lines? the Kettering Foundation states: "Re¬ I find no disagreement between Mr. Debacle C. Patric Larrowe stated during that Ralph F. Turner, Professor School of Criminal Justice cycling agricultural and human waste has Tharp and myself on the basic violence been practiced for centuries. Extensive which the CIA represents. But I am Amin as speaker? It Benington Aw J defensive pli n to center Ji expeience with composting, together with perplexed at how Mr. Tharp can act out very dreary debacle, "The CIA and MSU," as mainly resf proper crop rotations and other manage¬ such violent behavior in his attempt to that a "university enjoys a privileged Muslin ment practices, has shown that high quality ByC. Patric "Lash" Larrowe shouts. "Somebody's gotta give the! ig Indiana's K< status" and "has the trust of the people." He protest the violence of the CIA. further opined that"... I see nothing wrong products can be grown commercially at I find the division in this instance is not I'm hurrying into Kellogg Center one the true facts about Brazil. You |l oint points in the with that (a member of academia working comparable yields to conventional practice between Maury and Tharp, apparently they night a couple weeks ago, I see this lone yourself, Lash, the boys from Inl victory As I read the Friday State News and saw for the CIA) as long as he or she severs without the use of artificial fertilizers." enjoy a basic compatibility. The division is picket out front. He's got a big piece of Center aren't going to do it." the headline at the top of Page 19 — "Muslin I plan to convene a discussion group to between those cardboard tied over his face with holes cut "I can see you're not aware," I says," their ties with MSU." How many members leader ordered jailed" — my heart skipped people who engage in look into the evidence of such "closed our for his eyes. a lot of us on the of MSU academe severed their relations the usual beat and I thought to myself, "At justification for violent behavior and those faculty count on »U| system agriculture," a term I personally who do not. "Hi, Lash," he says, lifting the mask up, 'U' gets from running scams like BnJ with MSU when running for political office? last! They've done it! The fanatic leader of perfer to the somewhat loaded concept of and I see he's one of my Iranian friends. the money to boost our salaries each The cherished image of fair mindedness, Bob Grossfeld that clothy sensuousless fabric faction dedi¬ "organic farming." We will meet on Tues¬ WVIC news director "You're even more corrupt d so frequently voiced by academics, implies a cated to usurping the very seam of our "What's with the mask?" I asks. "This balanced presentation of opinions. This days from 5 to 6 p.m. in 151 Plant Biology Iran's Independence Day?" thought!" he says. "That confinib denim, leather and Quiana society has met presentation was two against one. Bldg. Interested students may register for "You oughta know better than that," he rumor I've heard that the next i''' Great Issues and other similar ventures his just end! No more cheap incursions into BOT 813 (1 credit). In case there are In error MSU is going to prop up is Ui our American fashion scene! Long live snorts, turning his picket sign around do I are expected to serve an questions call at my office or home. can see what it says: STOP SAVAK-CIA wonder they scheduled this meetiig] educational polyester!" I see my plans as projected above as an function. This offspring, instead, was an We recently received a clipping from term break. Students are gone, Stater But alas, as I read further — barely able REPRESSION OF IRANIAN PATRIOTS. example of educational malpracitce. Per¬ to contain my excitement — I was dismayed appeal to the freedom and dignity of the your newspaper's Feb. 23 issue which "I'm here to demand the trustees get MSU isn't publishing." individual as my director seems unwilling to asserts that Procter & Gamble is one of "the "If you're going to criticize the out of Iran, quit propping up the Shah's dictatorship. I says, "there's one thing you ought tol "You going to address the board, Lash?" about MSU's history. Fact is, the 'U'ah he asks. has used term breaks to deal with thej "No," I says. "I came over to check out tough issues, like raising fees, getting' Government gives windfalls to oil barons the bar they just put in. I hear you can get free drinks tonight if you can prove you're troublemakers, talking turkey with eralissimos. an administrator." "They know if they put out - , with another dictatorship like Bra» gas will be found there. a private letter to Interior Secretary leave. Now the prime minister is trying "So that's why I haven't seen you at dents'U get upset, they'll cut d«» Yet Kleppe's bill would have leased Cecil Andrus, demonstrations lately!" he smirks. "I heard Rep. John Moss, D.-Cal., to seize the assets of Jamaicans abroad. protest. It isn't demonstrations that" Pet Four to the oil giants at bargain you'd urges that Pet Four not be leased to the Worried Jamaican refugees and po¬ gone over,-to the other side, but I the folks topside, though. It's the eW rates before its true value was de¬ oil industry until its real worth is didn't want to believe it." tential exiles have tunneled an es¬ your studies. And that's what you're" termined, a windfall worth millions of uncovered. Murphy told us the oil, gas timated $300 million into U.S. banks. "It's true I haven't made any demonstra¬ here for." , dollars. As the nation's small business and coal reserves "could be worth a tions recently," I admits, "but it isn't chief, Kleppe, on his last day in office, trillion dollars." Some Jamaicans have set up trust funds because I didn't want to be there. It's "I can see that. Lash," he concedes 1 in the names of Americans to conceal threw a similar bonanza to eight oil Footnote: Kleppe told our associate just these international projects are giving1 their foreign accounts. refiners. Gary Cohn that his actions were "in the One knowledgable American banker In a confidential memo, the Navy's public interest." Energy exploration told us that at least 10 Jamaicans have JACK ANDERSON Pet Four project manager, Richard Murphy, sounded the alarm. "By turn¬ should be done by private industry, not the government, he said. complained to him that they were being followed to U.S. banks by agents of "If you're going to criticize the trustees," I says, "there's thing you ought to know about MSU's history. Fact is, the 'IT| one| ing over this country's largest un- JAMAICAN SPYING: The em their government. Other Jamaicans, and LES WRITTEN explore on-shore... area to the oil and always has used term breaks to deal with the real tough issues, ■ battled left-wing government of Ja¬ whose names we are protecting because like raising fees, getting rid of WASHINGTON On his final day as gas industry, the United States will maica has sent agents into the United they fear for their lives, confirmed to troublemakers, talking turkey! — forever surrender its control" over Pet States to spy on prominent Jamaicans with generalissimos." Gerald Ford's interior us that they have been trailed. Some secretary, Four, he warned. who are stashing their money Thomas Kleppe tried to do a multi- in Jamaicans have been followed by tax The Democratic Congress, of course, American banks. million-dollar favor for his friends at the investigators, and there was even an buried the Kleppe bill deeper than an oil The official Jamaican spying that I ve got this new oil companies. well. But the Interior Department is allegedly attempt to kidnap one exile. gig that keeps me tied a bad name in the Third World. I f""| The likable, was ordered by the Caribbean island's One Jamaican diplomat is often seen up in the office, what with me being faculty loquacious Kleppe, who still planning to release valuable geo¬ grievance officer and all." back there, you know, when I P| enjoyed a cozy relationship with the oil prime minister, Michael Manley, who is pacing through a bank lobby on the degree. logical information to the public. This trying to shore up his shaky economy. lookout for exile depositors. The diplo¬ "Okay Lash," he says. "But about this , tycoons, wanted to give away the rights technical data, compiled at enormous "Way State's going now, it wont to a federal oil and gas bonanza. On Jan. The once peaceful isle has been racked mat questioned one Jamaican depositor trustees' meeting here tonight. cost to the taxpayers, will Only people before MSUH be into a partnersWJ 19, he sent a bill to Congress that would help the by violence as Manley has jailed his in full view of the bank workers. The I've seen going in are the fat cats from allow the companies to industry pinpoint the most likely oil and political opponents, and motor-riding Jamaican community in Miami, mean¬ International Programs. Weren't you in¬ every right-wing dictatorship on Ai"| explore and thugs supporting him have beaten and while, is full of Manley informers. vited to talk to the board, too, International's Dirty Dozen list. . I develop the oil and natural gas at Naval The general public has "absolutely no you being the "But at least," he says, brighter'! Petroleum Reserve Four on Alaska's murdered his enemies. "We only talk in whispers," conscience of the 'U' and the voice of the use" for this information. Murphy's one 'U' doesn't have a contract J" T North Slope. While the Jamaican snooping in the Jamaican exile told us. little man?" memo charges, 'The only possible United States may not be as widespread "I never get invited when Uganda." k No one is sure just how much oil and Meanwhile, we have been told of anything big is gas is hidden under the giant "Pet beneficiary of this multimillion-dollar as the secret police activities of South anti-Manley killers in Jamaica who were goin' down," I explains. "They only trot me "I'm not so sure." I says. "One in the administration leaked me oMJ s. information 'giveaway' will be the oil out when money isn't involved. Four" lands, but it is clearly an Korea, Iran, Chile or the Soviet Union, trained by Cuban exiles connected Don't gold mine. The Navy's conservative energy industry." it is clearly the rise. Manley has with the CIA. Manley. forget, there's a lot of bucks for MSU riding people proposed for commf Interior officials argue that the on fearful of speakers. w estimate is that at least 15 bUUon forbidden his countrymen from taking on these international assassination, now helicopters to spots projects. Brazil alone information should be public because "One of the names on there "■ barrels of oil and 80 trillion cubic feet of the taxpayers paid for it. Meanwhile, in more than $50 off the island and he once visited by auto. brings in $15 million bananas, you know." Amin." X Jamaican travelers are searched as they United Feature Syndicate, Inc. "That's exactly why you should have Lorrowe It professor of economics o been on the agenda for this | meeting!" he grlevonce officer. |Miehiggn stale N»w». Eo$t Loneing, Michigan Wednesday, April 6, 1977 reller hunts for steady job Laxers oppose UvMIKELUAKER waiting and wondering when be he'll get full shot after standing in the batter's box pinch-hit homer helped beat for jUte News Sports Writer a as the MSU designated hitter MSU's man without a his moment. Pan-Am, 12-10, in Texas. tuition wonted for MSU fielder. Limited experience kfd but a wallop at plate. finishing second to AJ Weston in 1976 for the team home run crown in only 23 the plate. appearances at more often than not this His three homers on the Texas trip give him the team spring. There will be more 'taters' position, but until that time comes, he is content to wait for "At first I was upset because I wasn't playing when Ken Robinson was DHing," noted ex-coach, U-M Zested parties check with It looks like the Rochester lead in that department and is Weller after laboring on the MSU's lacrosse team is "The difference will ry Weller between 2:30 and second to Weston in RBIs with bench the first few games of the be native's wait may be over. But home again today, with Bag- m. at Kobe Field. spring. "But he did the job, so conditioning and we'll try to then again, he's heard that gapawa trophy [Indian word run them off the field," what frying to find a place in the before, too. Finding a home in the field can I say?" for lacrosse) on the line for a Kanner said, pointing out Jrtan line up is nothing new "I thought for sure I was for Weller has not been an easy Jerry Weller can't say any¬ contest with intrastate rival that his team's ■ Weller or baseball coach task for the Spartan braintrust, thing. His bat does all the conditioning going to make the trip to Michigan. is a big asset. liny Litwhiler, and the way Florida last year, in fact I was either. Weller was an all-state selection at shortstop while talking. | power-hitting flychaser is counting on it," said the soft- The Spartans take their Saturday the Spartans Ling, it may not be long spoken Weller on his disap¬ playing for Rochester Adams 0-2 record against the Wol¬ lost to traditional league Kre that position is filled. High School, a position he verines at 4 p.m. in Keller broke the varsity pointment at not going south. He was a questionable candi¬ hasn't played since. Survey shows Stadium. U-M is a nonleague Spartan power Denison, 7-1. Sopho¬ more cocaptain attackman er last year as a reserve date again for the "My first practice here they game for the Midwest La¬ Kevin Willits scored MSU's jelder and got off to an spring put me in the outfield and I picious debut when he hit schedule in Texas this season after a so:so hitting perfor¬ haven't seen the infield since sewage 'golden' crosse League member lone tally. L home runs in five trips to with the exception of the final mance during winter practice. series against Today's game is the I plate during a two-day Michigan last "They have a lot of ex-all- "I don't hit well inside in the PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) - squad's final in Spartan Sta¬ year," added Weller, when he There's a bonanza of silver Americans on their team dium with the cage and that's what they remaining is first career hit at MSU (coaches) judge you on," con¬ was called on to play first base and gold in sewage, the U.S. because it's just a club sport games being played at Old _ a tremendous homer after Mike Fricke had there," coach Nevin Kanner tinued Weller. "We have a lot of gone Geological Survey says, if an College Field. Admission to Enst Eastern Michigan. He good players on the team but down with a spike wound in his economical way for recovering said. "So they should have a MSU lacrosse is free. Hjwed that a few innings for some reason you never ankle. it can be found. good team." ir with a 520-foot cannon know where you stand on this One might expect that hit¬ The laxers' next competi¬ k to straightaway center- ting the long ball is all that the Geologist Robert A. Gul- One of U-M's club team tion is scheduled for Satur¬ tern. I hate to say this but I brandsen said that two years of II that landed in the Red upward-swinging Weller con¬ players is last year's MSU day, when MSU travels to don't know where I stand right study had turned up high coach, Fred Hartman. Jar River. The last person in centrates on. But he is a college concentrations of the precious Oberlin for a game. Lory to match that drive baseball rarity in the fact that metals in the incinerated ash of he did not play ball at all last I Dean Look in the late '50s. Whether he knows it the rangy ballhawk is or not, sewage sludge. "If this were an •e then Weller has been going to summer when a job promise from of the ore body, it could be called ATTINTION DORM RISIDMTS one Federation bonanza ore, worth more than League teams in Detroit fell $200 per metric ton." through. STUDENTS iammates vote "After four and a half weeks into the summer they found a a About 10,000 tons of ash from reduction plant has accumu¬ lated on flatlands near here and T-SHIRTS... job for me but by then I was *2.00 per shirt includes a quality T-shirt, the pile is growing at a rate of working 14 to 15 hours a day your dorm name, fraternity or sorority about five tons daily. But it thapman MVP somewhere else to make up for ensignia. any picture, any amount of the work I had lost," said the costs too much to recover the letters, whatever you want. junior physiology major. Minimum order 3 dozen — His attachment between the "So long as it's going to cost Mixed sizes ok. bat and ball is the business I By GEOFF ETNYKE The most improved player $200 to extract $150 worth of Call Steve at re Sports Writer was Ron Charles, who was currently at hand for Weller. metal from the ash, we're Lartan basketball captain presented the MSU Mid-Mich¬ He finds it hard to understand stuck," said Mark Harris, utili¬ C & 0 T-SHIRTS igan Alumni Club Award. why his name isn't appearing zation analyst for the Palo Alto (Chapman was voted most Charles scored 15 points and regularly in the line-up, es¬ utilities NYLON J~ACKET"S ALSO I 355-3097 after 5:00 ble player by his team- department. i and Greg Kelser re¬ pulled down eight rebounds in pecially after his three-run ad the most valuable player the last game of the season, a rd from the media in the one-point win over Illinois in OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 (al MSU basketball bust which Wilson sank the last tax relief. . .right at your fingertips, iday night at Long's Ban- second shot to give MSU the I and Convention Center, victory. courtesy of Sharp Electronics The evening concluded with State News/Linda ■apman, a senior guard Bray I one more year of eligibility guest speaker Horace Walker. MSlI'a Jerry Welier end the MSU batsmen are A former All-American, Walker I received the Chicago Tri- warming up for the season opener at Eastern Mich¬ is now an executive with I Award. Chapman finished igan April 9. n with a 19.6 Crocker National Bank in San The MSU soccer team will scoring Francisco. a and a .533 shooting hold its first practice Thursday. As Walker ended his speech Students interested lentage from the field. he pointed a comment at grad¬ should meet at the pressbox entrance Jelser averaged 21.7 points uating players Wilson and to Spartan Stadium at 3:30 BIG | game and 10.8 rebounds Kevin Vandenbussche. If you have any further p.m. >n the Charles S. Phillips ques¬ "To the seniors I welcome tions, call head coach Ed Ru¬ I. ■ first time presentation, the you to the over-the-hill gang," Walker said. therford, 353-4482. Students interested in trying SAVINGS |t Benington Award for the Terry Braverman, director of out for the MSU 7 n to defensive player, center Jim was Coutre, the master of Ralph Young Fund and ceremonies, added, tion and cheerleading squad should attend an orienta¬ tryout session TODAY! ts mainly responsible for pocketable 8-digit AC/DC calculator with total memory, percent and ling Indiana's Kent Benson "Horace, you're not over the Thursday afternoon at 4 in Wadntiday 5 pm to doio hill, you're on top of it." Jenison Fieldhouse. square root keys. . .for the business man on the go. The new EL- Hi points in the Spartans' 8024 is able to make the four basic arithmetic calculations, perform point victory Raduating i on received the over Bloomington this senior Edgar the Stephen G. The the COMPUTER CENTER TOURS Computer Laboratory staff will conduct tours of Computer Center for new users of the MSU 49* chain multiplication and division, power calculations, add-on and discount, square root and reciprocals. Operates on two batteries, included, or on AC with optional adaptor. Calculator, $15; Adap¬ tor, $5 _'s Award for k Wilson lettered four ■SU after sportsman- years graduating from computing facility. Each tour consists of a slide presentation, a discussion of the function and operation of the Computer laboratory, and a walking WHOPPERS No coupons High School in No limit tour of the building. The tours start in Room 215 at the following times. Remkmbtr Our Sunday Special! 8-digit pocket calculator with mem¬ ory. . .the EL-8118 has separate com¬ 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM mand keys for an, square, reciprocal, RENTAT.V. 525.00 per term April 4 1:00 p.m. Hamburgers & Hot Dogs pi, percent and square root calcula¬ tions, and addressable memory, adjust¬ April 5 9:00 a.m. No Coupons able $10.96 25« So Unit floating/fixed decimal/ add mode ' m selector switch. |NEJAC TV RENTALS April 6 7:00 p.m. Oflors Good At Both Calculator $18; Adaptor $5 Batteries included. 337-1010 April 7 3:00 p.m. 1141 i. Grand Rivor and 3021 I. Saginaw April 8 11:00 a.m. super-thin rechargeable 8- digit calculator with mem¬ FRATERNITY Calling ory and liquid crystal dis¬ all Sig Eps play. For maximum effi¬ ciency, there is a double- function clear key, square Undergrads, gratl students, alumni, root and one-touch per¬ family and staff. cent keys. Just 7 mm high, easy to fit into the in¬ cluded leatherette case. Adaptor included. $35 Sigma Phi Epsilon is forming a new fraternity by J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax - reorganization of our Miehigan Epsilon Chapter and 1977 Edition. . . the book that saves time, money and effort in wish to immediately establish eontact with all Sig Eps preparing your income tax forms. Included are a checklist of easily and interested undergrads on campus. overlooked deductions, recent court decisions, Treasury regula¬ PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY. tions. Paperback, 312 pages. 2.95 Undergrads eall Grails, faculty and alumni DAVE WESTAL CY STEWART, Ph.D 355-5280 353-6387 office 349-0715 home JaeobsoriB () Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 6, 1977 (finlliMlJiOinifflifinlli Antonio Brico: By DANIEL HERMAN a fighting precedent-setter "I thought it was for Judy's private self, or for educational TV or to conduct the Berlin Philharmonic. "Once, a child in school was asked how many symnw I Beethoven composed," Brico related. "The child State Newa Reviewer something of the like, but I had no idea that she was actually Despite support from Jean Sibelius, Arthur Rubinstein and replied 'S? I Antonia Brico, > musical pioneer who never stopped her fight making a movie," Brico said. Bruno Walter, Brico ran up against a wall of prejudice. Beethoven only wrote three symphonies: The the Ninth.'" Third, the Fink I against discrimination in music, was finally brought back into the This can be seen in the film's honest emotionalism, when Brico ' "My advice to women who want to conduct today is to know five public eye with the documentary film, "Antonia: A Portrait of the expresses the pain of not being able to "play her instrument" (the times as much as your male colleagues, and fight, fight, fight!" Brico, who is 75, created the New York Women's and now lives in Denver, where she teaches piano and SvmnU.1 Woman." symphony). Brico said she feels that even though she personally has been Brico Symphony, a semiprofessional group she condueu P The documentary, which was made by former student and folksinger, Judy Collins, was not made Brico piano with Brico's "My goal from my 10th year was to conduct a symphony given a great deal of attention, conditions have not changed for organized iot^l orchestra." knowledge that it was actually to be a full-scale film. "Many more women are playing in symphony orchestras, "I wouldn't have been able to relate to Judy if I had known that however," she said. the film was for anything but her personal use." Brico explained. Brico usually conducts the classics - Beethoven, Hayden and Brico, who at the age of 28 became the first woman conductor of Mozart — even though she has an appreciation for modern music. an orchestra, was the first American to graduate from the Master "People have a hard time relating to modern music. They don't School of Conducting at the Berlin State Academy in 1929. Shortly study music in any way, they just want to hear the same old thereafter, she aeain set a precedent by becoming the first woman warhorses," she said. Stote NSwi/Maggie Wolkvr Maestro Antonia Brico marshals her thoughts while she Intently studies the score of "Beethoven's After a hard rehearsal, Maestro Brico "a hearty appetite to all," but declaro, I "Symphony No. 1, in C Major, Op. 21." do not know that it is time for lunch. problems with musk I While conducting at a rehearsal, she communi¬ I cates her understanding of the score - "Pianis¬ .. It should flow smoothly like...," the maestri I simo, pianissimo, ah, explains to an onlooking musician. now that's pianissimo!" Interpretation,technique disappointing By DANIEL HERMAN samunde Overture, Op. 26, D. zart's "Piano Concerto No. 21" which pianist Votapek seemed 21." From a technical stand¬ State News Reviewer 797;" Mozart's "Piano Concerto, with soloist Albertine Votapek. uncomfortable with. point. the brass were literally Antonia Brico's concert Tues¬ No. 21. K. 467;" and Bee¬ The third, and final, move¬ Votapek made her debut at painful, and in several instances day night in a packed-to-capa¬ thoven's "Symphony No. 1 in C the age ment fared better. Opening city Fairchild Theatre was un¬ of 15 with the Kansas it seemed as though ensemble Major, Op. 21," was consistent¬ City Philharmonic and studied with painfully prominent string play was on the verge of break¬ fortunately a great disappoint¬ ly second-rate for a student at the Mannes and Juilliard errors, the work later moved down. ment, technically and interpre- ensemble. Schools of Music. She was a along at a more acceptable The redeeming quality of the tatively. tempo. The quality of the MSU recipient of the Concert Artists concert, however, was the per¬ After an uneventful per¬ Guild The concert concluded with Chamber Orchestra in each of Competition, and under a sonality of Brico. At the end of formance of the Schubert, the the warhorses, Schubert's "Re- Fulbright Scholarship, studied Ludwig von Beethoven's "Sym¬ a grueling concert, it was still orchestra proceeded to Mo- with Carlo Zecchi at the Aca- phony No. 1 in C Major, Op. shining. demia di Santa Cecilia. With the exception of a few Limited musical ability mars technical slips, Votapek gave a competent and delicate per¬ formance of the concerto. The YAKSIiry INN brief initial attempt by Rex music however, warrants more punch and enthusiasm. During the extended solo in the first TONIGHT IS By MARC Di MERCURIO movement, Votapek drew out State News Reviewer REX: (Columbia - 3394) what should have been an un¬ hesitating flow. VODKA NITI Hard rock is a term that says a lot about the sounds of The second movement of the today, while actually saying very little about the music. Rex, while ft off Maybe we'll briefly Mozart Concerto was given an showing signs of producing some fresh, exciting rock and roll, uncharacteristically slow pace, ultimately, if not predictably, becomes just another boring "hard any vodka drink rocker." "Trouble" and 'They Call Her Easy" show signs of how a new ATTHmOM «mUM, Ex collont pay, insurance, and re¬ Polk onUrtaiMMMt nitaly curecancer| rock band sounds. Sharp, driving music and lyrics are not going to carry many simple, but decent bands to the top, but it tirement benefits available Michigon Air National Guard. - no covor 1227 E. Grand Rlvar without Call 517-489-5169 alter 6 P.M.. Ph. 282-6517 represents a respectable start. Depressing but expected songs such as "Feeling Better," "Dead End Kids" and "Violent" pummel us with chord solos and repetition. The only other really noteworthy song on the LP is a sohg of someone elses — Peter Townsend's "Can't Explain." Tuesday through Friday. Call Today I tHttl Playing other people's music is by no means shameful, but the fact that the group's own music sounds so bad is a point to note. your life Even though the five members of Rex do possess the ability to play musical instruments and sing to a limited degree, they are on it like so many other groups - a packaged musical product- The State News FRIILANCISKMINARS we have to bring the promt* | ofresearch to everyday FRIDAYS 3 p.m..4 p.m. 343 Student Services Bldg. reality. And to expand ourdetection program aw April t: * HOW TO GET YOUR STORY PUBLISHED techniques. And that takes I * STATE NEWS STYLE money. Lots of money M"1*' I we won't have-unlessyw | help us. The American Cancer | Correction Society will never give up the fight. Maybe we'll find The Michigan State Network will be the answers even without giving $1.00 refunds for dorm residents your help. Butdon't bety*l, | only, from Monday, April 11 thru Friday, life on it. April 15, 1977. Please bring student ID card and Fee Receipt card to Room 8, American Student Services, 1-5 pm, weekdays. Cancer Society Lrh:r„ State News, East Laming, Michigan Wednesday, April 6, 1977 'ough child Jv JAMES V. HIGGINS penalties for the producers of state police and porno penalties requested Lansing de¬ McKinnon told a special sub¬ new penalties on the producers refused to INSING (UPI) - Po'i<:e such materials. tectives in calling for jail terms committee of the House Social of child identify — who was vision of the state police, called sex crimes, the offender viewed lrs some of them describ ' Officers from Detroit and the above the contemplated one to pornography and on eventually convicted of criminal for heavier penalties and also Services and Youth Committee. parents who encourage their sexual conduct and who was pornographic materials "prior liehly organized networks Muskegon area grimly dis- four years. The panel is conducting hear¬ children to participate in it. asked the committee to ban to or during the act." e in child pornography, played confiscated pictures de- "The man gets one year and suspected of having taken por¬ possession of ings on legislation proposed by Muskegon area officers pornographic m a House committee Mon- picting young children involved the chUd gets a lifetime of nographic pictures of hundreds materials involving children. The committee also received Rep. Larry E. Burkhalter, played a tape recorded inter¬ ft0 toughen its proposed in sex acts, and were joined by horror," Detroit Lt. Isaiah D-Lapeer, that would impose view with a man — whom they of children since the 1950s. Burkhalter's legislation, they Pope said he had extensive expert testimony that pre- puberty sexual experiences can said, would have made it much conversations with a porno have a devastating effect on a easier to shut down the ap¬ dealer in another state two child's psychological makeup. AIMS DELAYING BLOCK TO TACTICS parent porno mill. Prosecutions now must be years ago and was told about 20 stores in Michigan sell such Meanwhile, legislation ad¬ brought under criminal sexual conduct statutes materials. dressing the same issue was introduced in the Senate by iFilibuster — which do not take into He said his investigations Sen. David A. account persons filming illicit showed that, in 41 per cent of all Plawecki, measure approved I) Dearborn sex acts. Heights. McKinnon said that so-called "chicken pimps" in Detroit so¬ licit youngsters to take part in llSHINGTON (API - proved by a 6-3 vote. He now have a 62-38 majority in three-fifths majority, had voted the Senate membership, or 67 the manufacture of porno¬ m (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) worked closely with Sen. James f Republican objections, B. Allen, D-A!a„ whose filibus¬ the Senate, should realize that to put its antifilibuster rule into votes, the overall time could be graphy. fcenate Rules Committee Jived a measure Tuesday to ter tactics in the last Congress some day, they, rather than the Republicans, may be in the effect. To accomplish this, the de¬ increased or reduced, but to not less than 24 hours. At Sgt. Darrell H. Pope, head of the sex-motivated crimes di¬ I FREE! i prompted demands for tighter any time ■Senate filibusters. minority. bate time allowed each of the after 24 hours of debate, the curbs. proposed .changes in One change would limit to 50 , rules are aimed at Allen said he looked measure as a on compromise and the hours the time for debate on 100 senators would be reduced from one hour to 30 minutes. remaining time could be as little as two hours cut to by a I ,1k the use of delaying any measure or motion, once By a two-thirds majority of two-thirds majority. would support it in the Senate Senate has the Senate, by the required 5 once the to limit debate. Left even though he would prefer no CAMP SOMERSET FOR GIRLS CAMP COBBOSSEE FOR BOYS I Buy any Medium Jiched would be the pre- change in the rules. T1J ■requirement for a three- However, Republican leader Lansing's Rock IN BEAUTIFUL MAINE Top salary I At the regular price Jli£Z3 I 1 majority of the Senate Howard H. Baker of Tennessee, .... fits to experienced also a member of the Rules Get Identical PIZZA bership, or 60 votes, to ■ debate. Committee, said the proposed penise m any ot the Wowing Swim mmg iWSl) Sailing Canoeing Wair I I ljoritv leader Robert C. changes would seriously dimi¬ Skiing Scuba Diving Archery Rrteiry Tennis Golt Teamsports fencing FREE I p W.Va., is the chief nish the rights of the Gymnastics Crafts & Woodworking ■tect of the resolution, ap¬ minority. He said the Democrats, who Dramatics Tupping Photography Mam Radio Riding (English) Call oi ■ Little Caesars Pizza I write tor information & application Act 12031. Gd. River ■ Listen You'll Love It now openings Ml quss ing 3.26 million families among fits should be higher to ig food sUmp recipients pate In the food sUmp pro¬ the present recipients. compen¬ ineligible if its income exceeded sate for greater le sumps. gram, Bergland said. About 10 e Use the $450 million taken living ex¬ $485 a month, but one with [about $460 million in food per cent more of the eligible from those who leave, to penses. wages coming in would be families would participate if the pay Under Carter's P aid to families with for those attracted by the proposed eligible until the income passed cash drop¬ legislation, to be eligible for $582. -es above the poverty requirement were ping of the purchase-price bar¬ ■ would be taken away dropped, he predicted. rier. I Carter's proposal. Senate Agriculture Commit¬ In the end, he said, only 5 per I President promised to tee Chairperson Herman E. cent of the caseload would have Iny congressional changea Ta'madge, D-Ga., is strongly gross incomes above the pover¬ proposal that would i opposed to dropping the cash ty lines. Kro|tr by more than $100 e requirement. The food stamp a year the program's _, Bergland said the Carter plan program was begun 13 years ago as an grade a At projected budget of would: experiment in combatting hun¬ I $5.5 billion annually. T authorizing legialation e Bring into the program ger and malnutrition in a few urge eggs about 880,000 households that counties, with a budget of ie program, which now don't have the cash now to under $300 million a year. It Limit 2 With Ceipea • 1 MfHieeal htrchm ■about 544 million familiea obtain the coupons. They would became a nationwide program Jroceries each month, ex- come from the ranks of the when it was last reauthorized, cUZTts O« =;V ■ Sept. 30. Two congres- elderly, the disabled, rural in 1973. resi- Prices Good Mon, April«. Thru Sun., 8 committees have until 1/^"i' dents in the South and those on The Congressional April 10. H77. Sub Budget Joct To AppllcM* State (t Local Taaos. Mi to decide what kind of welfare in atates with low Office said that 13 per cent of Trogram to approve. aasistance levels. the current recipients in the [[culture Secretary Bob e Reduce the rolls by about Northeast would be disqualified ind told the House Agri- 600,000 families, all of them under the Carter plan, along je Committee that Car- Iwo-year proposal is fiacal- among the 13 per cent of recipienta with gross incomes with 10 per cent of those in the Northwest, 8 per cent in the J—i msible, would benefit above the official poverty lines. Southwest, 6.6 per cent in the DRIFTERS | la laarltn «gsjrriftnrmi „y needy, help reduce Some would be ineligible, oth¬ central states and 3.6 per cent _nd curtail paperwork for would quit because of in the South. ers COUNTRY-ROCK (nts and local welfare sharply reduced benefits at r two years, he said, that level. e Reduce benefits to about The regional differences are due largely to different average margarine incomes by areas. [ of all federal welfare 1.58 million families by more Carter's action "represents a Limit 2 With Caapaa I •# IMHiioal Pweliait is should be on iU way than $5 a month. The average raduaad prltw HI a pju. EXCEPT SEES WINE k CIGARETTES u OTHER welcome commitment to serve |hat will be the end of the COUPONS WITH PURCHASE REQUIREMENTS imp program as we now » LIMIT oat COUfoa PER family ■ I I average, an eligible e Sizopdi Priest Good Mon.. April 4. Thru Sun, JoctToApojjoobjotetoOlLoeMTi^k April 10.1(77. Sub. ■I V now has to pay about 44 WONDERING WHERE I for every $1 in food . Those with incomes TO LIVE THIS FALL? <&ndet°q^ pound 224 Abbott I $30 a month already get Ti free. I example, I now has an a three-person allotment of CHECK US OUT AT: ^ Birds Eyi MM PRINTING ON: 1 month in sUmps but lay $57 a month for them, J cool ■the Carter plan, it would ■ get about $73 In sUmpa. Waldon Woods Apartments SPORTS whip Valley Forge Apartments LETTERING Limit 1 With Ceapoa • 1 UdMoaal hnkiii EXCEPT SEER WINE fc CIGARETTES O OTHER ■AX PREPARATION Andrea Hills Apartments COUPONS WITH PURCHASE REQUIREMENTS ATTN: IM HAMS, LIMIT OK COUPOa Kl FAMILY Chestnut Apartments V) N— _ n 1 EXPERIENCED (A H CLUB SPORTS AND FRATIRNITIIS H Ml U W Prices Good Mon, Apr! 4 Thru Sun, April 10.1177. lact To Apptoble Stats a Local Taass. Sub- II Mi I PROFESSIONAL All apartments have shag carpeting, new ap¬ 111 WW la forming your teams and * pliances, air conditioning, electric heat. Ample ■a^MMvImn nrnwalilinm Bztm ■ U pripariny for coNHpvnnon or tenant parking and furnished V complete your apartments avail¬ able. Applications now being accepted for Fall |mt want to bacoma recognized < im < gat yaw skirts, |artays, or efficiently, term renting. Quiet or serious students or mar¬ I I.S. No. 1 Bemiet Jely. ■liable. Will Home service save ried couples preferred. No pets or children. z (ackats from as. Z A w i idaho 199 ■ money. 0 -J mi T-SHIRTS $2.75 oa. Call 332-1334,485-8299 >- >■ SOFTBALL JERSEYS $5.00 and up 351-6866,351-1943 z between 9 am and 9 pm z P31-S663 GROUP RATES AVAILABLE Coll 407-S574 or Mt-MIT 220M.A.C. LAST DAYS 2nd floor University Mall (Omaga Art Entranca) MINI-MIZER COUPON of the DOLPHINS? JERSEYS • SHIRTS I Great Lakes Greenpeace presents America's first major motion I picture on the tragic killing of thousands of dolphins by tuna I fisherman and how concerned citizens eon help save this te_j IKwiemers ragar reef | remarkable marine mammal. pays 1977 Seal Expedition Eye Witness Report Dr. Bruce Bunting, Veterinarian Wonders Kiva Wednesday, April 6 7:30 p.m. TNITECLUB I (no charge to MSU students) NOW APPEARING 10-Lbt I By ShiBaadoab announcing ... rr Yf FRESH TURKEYS f'* hrst amateur Beginning k©to contest The Rathskeller The Ilforno Room Frl and Sat Sponsored by the STATE NEWS Bluegrois Mullc BrsoMost .Lunch and Dinner I1" Prize: A camera valued The Showbsr Live Entertainment up to '200.00 (winner's choice) Mon. through Sot. jfcnd Prize: Any lens or accessory valued up to*100.00 (Winner's choice) For dorm group parties in or showbar call for advance |3'<1 Prize: Any lens or accessory valued up to '50.00 (Winner's choice) reservations. | tenanting rutullprlc... trtmOAYtSTAT, mw« fot CONTEST RUIIS, ENTSY SUNK AND QTHEE DETAILS. 10 Mkhlgon Stole News, Eost Lonting, Michigon WASHINGTON (AP) - Consumers may have Senate Small Business subcommittee. gated regulations on advertising . Schwartz said state boards and state societies that you almost can't advertise paid an inflated price for their last pair of ^ eyeglasses because of state regulations that of optometrists and opticians exist for one restrict competition among opticians and op¬ reason: "to artificially upgrade the business of tometrists, optical retailers testified Tuesday. Almost all state regulations affecting eyeglass selling eyeglasses into a professional status so one can hang a license on the wall and charge difficult to get this price Informal^® Lance Berkowltz, president of B Eyeglass prices prices "come out of smoke-filled rooms and are more for eyeglasses. "These self-serving state boards are controlled a Maryland company, blatant attempts by individual opticians and recounted oi established optical firms after his optometrists to keep the larger, more efficient by the very interests they are supposed to be "I operator out of their states," said William regulating," he said. underselling them. 'St SchwarU, vice president of Wall and Ochs, an In Connecticut, for example, there is a He said he believes his companv1 in the state to put pricetags on £■! possibly inflated four-year apprenticeship requirement, he said. East Coast optical retailer. it, lenses and to advertize and list The profit markup on a pair of glasses may be Schwartz contended this requirement "exists to it, .J**'! "In the beginning, a week did as much as 400 to 500 per cent, said Herbert keep down the supply of opticians and keep we didn't receive some form of not L Haft, president of Dart Drug, which sells glasses optical prices up." in Virginia and Maryland. In New York, he said, "it's easier to become a professional community. In a four-wmi jl time, approximately 30 to 40 "The reason the profits are so high is that the doctor than to become an optician" because of tion appointments were called into phony e,I!~ field is tightly restricted and the public has no restrictions by a state board. om opportunity to get price information," Haft told a Haft said that in Virginia the said. " boardmrorau^ Prof discounts assertiveness training NEW YORK (AP) — Women seeking advancement in corporate management are being ripped off by peddlers of "positive •Beware of prescriptionists. "The more knowledgeable teacher will be a descriptionist who will diagnose and describe the process 1.1 am a woman, therefore I understand women. 2.1 am a man, therefore I understand management. *30 REBATE | assertiveness" and related success formulas, says a noted of management, leaving it up to individuals to prescribe the 3.1 have been a manager, therefore I know about management. For th« first Hme avar...on tho management authority. solutions." Women can put an end to this "mumbo jumbo" about asserting "The power of positive assertiveness is the current prescribed incrodlblo Olympus OM-1MD, tha • Watch out for women — or men — who use women oneself, Jennings concluded, simply by saying W and instead trandsattar 35mm SIR. cure-all for the aspiring woman manager," said Prof. Eugene stereotypes. There is an assumption, for example, that women are insisting on information that is relevant on how to manage. Jennings, who branded it a deception by modern medicine men, not as assertive as men. This It lha cam.ro thot bagan tha Irand to shamans and barkers. "Women deserve more than medicine shows dispensing the imoll. Thousands of women each day attend conferences, seminars and "It's a fallacy; it's not research based," he said. 'There is the snake oil of instant success," he said. lighlar, 35mm comaros. Ona-thlrd small.r and light*, v convontlonol SIR'., II quickly bacamt lha choict I stereotype also that men focus on the long term and on the career as of a I meetings sponsored by government, universities, women's groups vancad amolturt and professional photograph.,, n, L a whole, while women focus on the present job." Fallacy, says and consulting firms that, he claims, result in little but frustration Jennings. Many men don't want mobility either. OM-1 MD Is aaty to uto and products for tha baglnnar In 35mm photography. At your skill tuparb rasultt m I and wasted money. I And yet, says Jennings, an informal survey of meetings in big city hotels show these programs draw larger audiences than do sales and management meetings of the more traditional type. "Even if women are according to these stereotypes," he continued, "who is to say that men have the only key to success and should be emulated. There is no research showing a man's way SHARE THE RIDE you con cos tor las build a complete 35mm tytlom from tho ovsr 200. ovollobla awlutivaly for Olympus OM comtra g maka your bast deal with an authorized Olympus dtol.r on. I I I or The barker, who Jennings says might be a professor, an author maybe even a government official, "commands women to step forth to grab for the brass ring, telling them 'You can do anything is the better way." • Self-insight and consciousness raising isn't "It's debatable a magic formula. whether it is useful, let alone WITH US OM-I MD Imported by Ponder 1 Best, Inc. Gel o application with all lha details from your dealer. Thsn moil) In lor your *30 robot*. But hurry, this It a llmitad timt oil. rata, I I I even as to covering Comoro purchases batwaan March 10 and w I you want to do.' " Nonsense, says Jennings, a management professor at MSU, a psychologist, author and confidential adviser to many top developmental. Knowing yourself in no way will prepare you to be an effective manager." It might, he snapped, "make you into a centipede who doesn't ON WEEKENDS, 4,1977. Marketed in the U.S.A. by Ponder ( Bool, Inc.. fleet 1630 Stewort Street, Santo Monica, CA 90446. . CorporatoOl I I corporation executives. The grabhander of today, he suggests, might suffer the same ignoble fate as the gladhander of the 1950s, a reference to the naive concept then taught that a smile and a handshake were the know which foot to use first. But what a person needs is substantive information about managing people today." • Be wary of these credentials: HOLIDAYS, route to management success. The teaching of assertiveness as the elixir of success might make women feel better inside, Jennings maintains, but it doesn't ANYTIME. make them better students of management or help them perform When you want to take a break, why fly? Grey¬ YOU* I in the real world of management. hound II save you more. No lie. So say hello to a "Assertiveness is immaterial to the management process," he ACTU«| good buy Go Greyhound. You can leave when you COST said, an observation based on a life's study of personal mobility in like. Travel comfortably with friendly people. And corporate life and as a counselor in management for many years. arrive refreshed, and on time. Best of all, you II Our Lowest | is An assertive veneer without an understanding of management a disaster, he continued. "Women need help in understanding save a good buck So next time, say hello to a good OLYMPUS Price Ever! buy. Go Greyhound. planning, organization, controlling and coordinating the activities of others." A lot is known about management, he observed, but very little is GREYHOUND SERVICE known about women managers, leading him to the conclusion that DAILY DEPARTURES TO DETMHT: NORMAN'S OF BATTLE CREEK it o national moil "these sideshows presume knowledge that doesn't exist." 7:40 A.M. ■ 0:20 A.M. - 12:0S P.M. ■ 1:25 P.M. - 4:40 P.M. He offers these caveats to women who seek knowledge that 5:10P.M. and 7:40P.M. ordar photo aquipmont specialist, with our ah | might assist them in climbing the management ladder: ADOmONAL FRIDAY EXPRESSES TO DETROIT... appearing in Modern and Popular Photography. 1:00 P.M. • 2:00 P.M. - 2:20 P.M. ■ 2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. Wo sell at Now York and Chicago prices, but I 4:00 P.M. - 4:20 P.M. - 4:45 deliver quicker because we're to doze. A Bonk (Lincoln Park) 5:00 P.M. (Farmlngton Eiprou). 4:00 P.M. B card order, phoned in on Monday, would pop SATURDAY: 0:20 A.M. Aik your ogant about (laproti) additional dopartursi and raturn trips. •ibfy be delivered »o your front door on Thun- | day. We stock everything we sell. GREYHOUND AGENT 303 W. Grand Rlvar Ava. _^Phona: 332-2721 WRITE FOR HOC Mim 56W9 Michigan '. MlchSar ■camera co Battle Creek,Ml4! SAY HELLO TO AGOOD BUYfl 60 GREYHOUND. SPRING bbbihk SHORT COURSIt OWNING A CLASSIC MAY NOT BE AS EXPENSIVE The Computer Laboratory will offer a series 4 non-credit short courses in computing during Sprsr AS YOU MIGHT THINK... Term. Registration must be mode by April 8 in k User Information Center, 313 Computer Center. Al THE ADVENT LOUDSPEAKER fee covering computer time and handout moteriolii| charged for each short course. For more inforir ' call 353-1800. Introduction to Computing (*100) SINCE ITS INTRODUCTION IN 1969 THE ADVENT LOUDSPEAKER HAS BEEN THE YARDSTICK THAT OTHER SPEAKER MANUFACTURES HAVE ^F»f pmsmis «e>H..a supuMg Apdl It. It, IS.U.U MEASURED THEIR PRODUCTS AGAINST. HI Fl BUYS HAS JUST,MADE A Introduction to the MSU 6500 (1101) , Fw pMsm M MnaMni tipwl«M. ah. sra m<> I. Ik. MSU hdllt) *F< V SPECIAL PURCHASE ON THIS CLASSIC tl. IS. 14 p.m. | The Authorisation Film and AUTHORF *(#140) LOUDSPEAKER SYSTEM AND WHILE . THE SUPPLY LASTS YOU CAN PUR¬ It Usmwu. l.lk.M.e AUTHOR, fa 3*1 p.m. Htm mmA* ■■<■!«> H| CHASE THE ADVENT LOUDSPEAKER Introduction to Interactive Computing *(#175) AT A VERY SPECIAL PRICE OF ^ hM4ucdmi t. *. m tf tk. luMmrth. fe«ty at MSU. Apdl 1131. "•1 ^ GRADER (#115) A prapmm H raHmm huffy nmmbms ri mwk «f dm dmtat amk h' Km, m4«afl.h|tra4n. April 14 34 p.m. 00 ONLY *1241^1 IN OILED WALNUT CABINETS EACH Boalc SPSS * (#155) ^_^?T^4s*Sfmm SS.tt I. ttm SWfsflMl Fpcfcap. fm dm SmW SctmMM. Sw. 1:SR M p.m. Sm. Hi April IS. II, 14, SS 14 p.m. , | Advanced SPSS *(#255) AArmiw4 fwmt tl 4a. mmdpuladmi m4 tfmmfwomtlmi. May S. f APL *(#210) BUT REMEMBER QUANTITIES hrdrwd.. In Rm AFl pragma I*. May 1,4,9 7-9 p.m> ARE LIMITED, SO PLAN TO STOP IN BASIC *(#220) SOON AND HEAR THE ADVENT LOUD¬ hrimrito. In Dm SASK prapmm April V 7-9 p.m SPEAKER FOR YOURSELF. EVERYONE Introductory Graphics *(#240) SHOULD OWN A CLASSIC. Mradacdm, to prapMca pratrammln, mlq dm Oraphln Cmnf**"* Y (OCS].«toy 14. II. SS. IS 74 p.m. Introduction to Botch Debugging *(#310) Th..s.sfratttANm4SC0n/HUSIlB4^||ki(U4ilMw rightist# in the south, a former base for Palestinian guerilla Israel. has denied direct involvement in the conflict, Ar«b villager, to cross Into Israel for treatmentalthough it has permitted . leaders in Beirut which suggested a expressed bewilderment over official Syrian newspaper Immediate Rhodesian turnover considered change in Syria's attitude toward curbing the Palestinian movement in Lebanon. LONDON (UPI) Britain i - discussed during his tour. But he is not th« Lebane» civil war, Syrian troops intervened to scrapping former Secretary of State Henry independence constitution to hand over But the Geneva conference, which met in help the Christians A. Kissinger's plan for a two-year transition taking out any cut and-dried blueprint." power td Rhodesia's black African majority October to try to set up such a government, "> Ua^ieStmi4tlS ,Dd ™«seus daily A1 Modem»'and 80'000 Syrians are in Lebanon now as period in Rhodesia, and proposing the The proposal for a two-year interim government, which itself would draw up an within two years, was part of the Kissinger plan last September. broke down in deadlock and no progress on the plan has been achieved since then. Baath, organ of President Hafez Assad's ruling Baath party, drafting of an immediate independence wants to undermine constitution to hand over power to the black the guerilla movement and create a security belt in Certain local fofces in the area are African, majority, the Foreign Office said helping the Israeli attempt... but not.ll„w'hi,,ftuation to continue." Tuesday. ™ A spokesperson said this is one "of opera turns m meaning is of this insistence on the armed guerilla presence and MSU fraternities will sponsor for the first time a "Meet the southern Lebanon," Pierre GemayeL leader of the rightist several ideas" Foreign Secretary David phrty, asked in a Owen will take with him on a Greeks" evening at the Union Thursday, from 7 to 11 p.m. „ newspaper statement. seven-day .ST0'spokesperson -moby a for the Christian National Liberal party, said he was swing through southern Africa next week. Representatives from each of the 23 member fraternities of the Syrian editorial which indicated that new Owen leaves here April 10 and is agreements governing the scheduled to return April 16 after Interfraternity Council (IFC) will be available at the Union to talk ! i°M ta ^"Oh ehould await the rebuilding of the Lebanese army, ' Iuh visiting with men who are interested in rushing fraternities this term. delay UkN ~4-~lFERGREEN"" supposed to be impossible un¬ der Soviet socialism. - A StAR IS It now costs the equivalent of 41 cents to travel a mile, double 0[r] I'm l*,i* US Tsstllght - the old rate. The basic fee for starting a trip has also from 13 to 26 cents. New York City taxi rates went up last month to 75 cents for the first seventh of a mile and a dime for every seventh LANSING CIVIC CENTER Fn. May 6th Reserve '6.00 & '7.00 Tickets At: Roots Natural Footwear Where House Record II _Knapps Stores Civic Center frigon Stote Newt, Eost lontlng, Michlgon Wednesday, April 6, 1977 15 State News Classified 355-8255 | JMseetiw \\&\ Mnioliw lfo| FRANKLY SPEAKING ■ -by phil frank [ Hparti«»ts~1[y] DATSUN 1972. 59,000 mil«. Good Condition, family car. (500. VEGA GT 1974. Stereo radio, COOK. PART time or full time | Apartmiatslfy] cassette. Excellent condition. TWO BEDROOM with 332-2717 after 5 p.m. 8-4-8112) cooks needed. Apply in person at fireplace. UNIVERSITY VILLA-635 Abbot. Many extras. 337-2009 after 4 p.m. $200/month, utilities paid. 10 miles 84-15(18 FAMOUS TACO 539 East Michi¬ ' or 2 bedrooms. - East Lansing. 675-5666. 84-8 DODGE MAXI-van, 1975, Trades¬ man 300. 20,000 miles, excellent VOLKSWAGEN SUPER Beetle gan. 8-4-12 (171 (13) Caoajm. j04-13112) condition. Fully carpeted and 1971 - Excellent condition, new WAITRESS NEEDED. An ex¬ ONE MAN needed for 2-men. stereo. (3,900. Contact tires, EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, furn¬ Own room. Close to Floyd Hall, new brakes, new exhaust perienced personnel, good tips. campus. Pretzel Bell Restaurant 351-0300. ished, one block from campus, (107.50/month. 349-9623. 8-4-8 system,^adio. 655-4165.94-81151 Apply in person at FAMOUS available for fall. Call 8-4-15 (221 TACO. 539 East Michigan. 8-4-12 Craig Gibson (141 VW BUS 1966, 1969 engine? New brakes, starter, battery. Dependa¬ 1161 and leave a 134-15 118) message. 6Z7-9773 DODGE CORNET 1969. 4 door, EAST LANSING - two "bed¬ rooms, pool, standard transmission, good run¬ ning condition. (150. 482-2902 ble.^ (650.393-6968 evenings. 54-6 BARTENDERS Accepting applications for ex¬ balcony. Year deposit. 337-0169 late evenings. lease Pine Lake Apt*. 8-48(12) 24-7J1J) VOLKSWAGEN 1974 Thing. perienced bartenders. Apply in Trailer hitch, roll bar, excellent person at FAMOUS TACO, 539 DODGE W-200 Snoflghter 1974, Some short term WANT MALE student, share furn¬ East Michigan. 54-7 1191 V-8, power steering/brakes. Auto¬ condition, (1900. 351-2119. 84-11 leases available ished trailer home in Mason. Rent matic transmission, 28,500 miles. $65. 676-59028-4-8 1121 WAITER-WAITRESS. Positions 35V5210.8-4-8(13) available for experienced evening VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT, 1975. SUBLEASE SUMMER; two bed¬ FIAT 128 1973. Very good condi¬ service personnel at one of the Custom Four-door. Radio, stan¬ room apartment busiest restaurants in the central - close. Pay own tion. Radials, (1300/best offer. dard shift. 332-0007 after 6 p.m. Meridian Mall Area. electricity. Rent negotiable. 351- New battery. 349-4886. 2-4-6 (131 Michigan area (located 15 minutes 84-12_(12) from MSUI. Call the POUR ' M$-«1M, 1-4*4.ISS7 2465. 348 1121 FIAT 1974 Model 128 SL. Perfect VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK HOUSE RESTAURANT AND FEMALE WANTED for condition. (1800 or best offer. 1971. Air conditioner, radio, LOUNGE for interview. 322-9955. 731 BURCHAM. 2 or 3 person spring term, Twyckingham Apartments. Neil, 332-3694.7-4-71121 snows, rear defogger. 84-8 (35) 372-2647 apartment. Furnished, air condi¬ (82.50/month. 351-3434. Available after 4 p.m. 84-13 1121 tioned, pool. 3 month lease. BUSPERSONS. PART time immediately. 8-4-12 (121 FIAT X1/9 1974. Excellent em¬ Immediately. $230/month, 332- VW SUPER Beetle 1974. Automa¬ ployment for night work. Apply 4963. S-5-4-8 (17) GIRLS NEEDED throughout. New radials, custom to share apart¬ tic clutch. Excellent condition, SEA HAWK RESTAURANT. paint, fogs. Must see to appre¬ ment. Furnished, your own bed¬ ciate. 349-5005, 393-9624. 8-4-13 18,000 miles. (2200. Call 489 Monday through Thursday 3 p.m. NEEDED: ONE female roommate room, near MSU and busline. 1682 after 5:30 p.m. 84-15115) - 5 p.m. 54-6 (161 for Cedar Village apartment. Nice (95/month. Call 351-3164 (or if no 1161 ©College Medio Services Box 9411 Berkeley, Co 94?C^ roommatesl 351-0900. X 2-4-6 112) answer, 484 8836 before 10 p.m.l VOLKSWAGEN SUPER Beetle PART TIME employment for MSU FIAT X-1/9, 1976 black, 8000 1971. 74,000 miles. (700. 394- students. 15-20 hours/week. Au¬ A48J24I ONE WOMAN needed. DTOWN' miles, air, stereo, luggage rack, very clean. Call 337-2540. 8-4-8 1024. 84-15 (12) [*. ](/] tomobile required 339-9500. C 21- 4-29 (131 from campus. $70 month. Call 351 0829. 84-15 (121 block FEMALE NEEDED for next year to rent apartment near campus with (141 VOLVO 1970 Model 164. (1300 or JUNK CARS wanted. We pay three other females. 337-1479. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST MT best offer. Call Neil, 332-3694. more if they run. Also buy used (ASCP) preferred. Part time open¬ MURRAY HOTEL, Mackinac Is¬ 548 1151 "RATES** FORD GALAXY. 1969, automatic, SUBLEASE SUMMER, two fe¬ 74-7(121 cars and trucks. 489-3080. C-21-4- land, Michigan, needs summer ing, afternoon and midnight shifts. males. Capitol Villa. Pool, cable b word minimum reliable. Air, radial tires. Some 29(171 Must have clinical experience in all cooks, bartenders, maintenance T V., air. reasonable. 337-0866. FEMALE NEEDED share one bed- rust. (350. 349-2234. 3-4-7 1121 room two QuikS Qualified areas. Excellent men, piano players, and personnel 5-4-12 (12) person apartment. Malnten for spring term. Campus Hill Beal Street Apartments. Fur- 64-11 (12) SUZUKI GT 550 1972. Good ment interview ('/: hr.l Good driving record. Prefer 21 or Apartments, $75/month. Free bus „ , „ begins nished, 2 bedrooms, two people SUBLET SUMMER - fall option. condition, 8500 miles. (700. Call promptly Wednesday (4-6-77) 8 older. 489 1484. 5-4 11 1131 to campus. 349-5435. X8-4-8 (17) MUSTANG II Mach 1, 1974. a.m. or 3 p.m. or 7 p.m. All $210/month, including heat. 669- Tw° bedroom apartment, unfur- Tony after 3 p.m. 393-5962. S-54- 3654, leave message. 84-15 (201 Excellent condition, power. Days, 374-8890. Evenings, 321-8040.84- 11 1141 interviews in 213 Agriculture Hall. OVERSEAS JOBS - summer/ TWO FEMALES needed im¬ R«„ ™«0,'al^ P00'- 349-4074. 4-4-0 (12) 14-6 (471 year-round. Europe, South Ameri¬ 8112) mediately. Campus Hill Apart¬ FEMALE - OWN room, sublet. YAMAHA 1976 RD400C. Excellent ca, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, ments. Pool. Free bus to campus. EAST MSU Sprin falL 0ne OLDS CUTLASS Supreme 1970. 5505(1200 monthly. Expenses Spring summer, available immedi- JO-LS1974. Excellent con- condition, quick, clean. Must sell. GUITARIST-BASS guitarist want¬ Rent negotiable. Call 349-2071 2 bocks campus. 332- bedr00m furnished, uti|ities. ,aun. Bnd maintenance record, Sharp, four speed on the floor. (1000/best offer. 4856772 after 5 ed to cut oaid, sightseeing. Free informa¬ after 3 p.m. dry. ^port. $200.3748366.0-64- single. Must have equip¬ tion. 7-4-8(18) 3754.3-4-8(12) Tier, extras. 332-2723.3-4-6 394;5304 evenings._844) (121 p.m. S-54-11 (15) Write: INTERNATIONAL 8(12) ment. Mike, 482-2866. 4-4-11 (131 JOB _ CENTER, Dept. ME, Box ONE PERSON sublease, share PINTO 1975. Automatic, radials. 1490, Berkeley, California, 94704. DRIVERS WANTED. Must have EAST LANSING NORTH POINTE fog lights, rustproofed. Body spot¬ YAMAHA 1974 TX-S00A, 1700 1BLCK. FAST OF MSU apartment immediately. Nice room PEMLIN X, 1973, 350 V8, less. 3359192 after 11 a.m. 844 miles. Like new, excellent condi¬ own car. Apply in person. MR. 5j46j32) sib ™'es- $71/month. 351-3456. APARTMENTS, 1250 Haslett :k shift, wide radial and TONY'S, 515 West Grand River, Roa(J a, m Furnished/unfurnish- tion, (850. 351-8729. 8-4-11 (12) SHORT ORDER cooks. No exper¬ '"4"6 "3' s. 30,400 miles, air con- East Lansing. 54-12 (17) ed 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, ience required. Apply in person at k. blue with gold stripes, PINTO 1974 Squire wagon. Steel . .7.7 .7- newly redecorated, heat and water HUDDLE NORTH, 309 N. Wash WANTED MALE roommate, non- ■ndition. (1600 negotiable. VERY FUNKY male or female lead furnished 3 t0 ,2 month |eases. radials, AM-FM stereo tape. Good ington, Lansing. 14-4-21 116) smoker, graduate studenLyoung 1-2358 after 8 p.m. 84-15 condition. 6751924. 844 (12) vocalist wanted to front estab¬ businessman. Mike, 351-8296 after Start a, $176/month. Can John or lished horn band on weekends. TOP WAGES for mature person to s 332-6354 0-214-29(37) 7 p.m. 8-4-81121 PINTO 1973, 1600 cc, four-speed, YAMAHA 350.1974. Good condi¬ Call Laurence, 353-0068.1-4-6118) care for 3 year old _J_ boy, house¬ I CHEYENNE 1976. Air, tilt -tinted glass, 33,000 miles, excel¬ tion. (450. Call 694-5306 after 6 work, 5 day week, references, may aVomIN 14M/FM, cassette, power lent condition. (1100. 351-0379. p.m. 344 (121 INSIDE AND delivery help want¬ bring one child over 2. 351- Ibrakes. Sharpl John 355 I8-9SOO. 84-11 (15) 544(131 ed. Apply at LITTLE CAESAR'S Thursday and Friday after 4 p.m. 8949 after 5 p.m. 4-4-7 (261 SINGLE ROOM at Capital Villa, aaasxfras 1121 —- PINTO SQUIRE Wagon 1974, 4 3-4-81141 WORKING PERSONNEL for dish- $100/month. Fall option. Apart¬ |1971. Take as~i7.~R?ns speed, only 14,000 miles. Perfect room and cook positions. Mature, ment 114, 337-0415. 4-4-8 (12) SUMMER, 2 bedroom apartment. 124 CEDAR STREET, East Lan¬ HELP WANTED, part time. Ex¬ f*er brakes, power steer- condition 7539-2907 hard r™ radio. (500. 4006 Tid Street. 394-1075 PLYMOUTH FURY 844J12>_ 71. Good iSyria ]g) perience necessary. DON'S MO¬ BIL, Grand River and Colling- RIA, working adults. Apply in person, SCHENSUL'S CAFETE¬ CAMPUS 2 blocks. One bedroom, free heat, air conditioning, shag Minutes from MSU. Air condi tioned, carpeted, pool. 339-3662. 8-4-13 (121 sing. Two man, one bedroom furnished apartments, heat in¬ 54-12 body, engine. Tires weak. (660 WE BUY junk cars and trucks. wood. 3-4-7 1121 Meridian_Mall^84:8 08)_ carpet, unfurnished, dishwasher. cluded. $190/month. June or Sep¬ or Top tember. Year lease. 129 Burcham dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE WANTED, PART time employee. No pets. $185. 332-6033. 129 best.Jack, ^-2094_844'_(1_3) AUTO PARTS & SALVAGE. C- MOTORCYCLE ASSEMBLERS 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. Four nights ONE BEDROOM duplex, campus Drive efficiency, $160/month. 8 M'967, automatic, power PORSCHE 1970 911T. Air, tinted Highland. 7-4-13 (19) six blocks. 6 month lease. $200/ a.m. - 5 p.m. 351-2402; 6 p.m. - 9 204-29 114) and mechanics contact Jim Kemp, weekly/weekend. 694-9823.8-4-12 month. 332-1918. 84-8 (121 1 recently tuned, good glass, AM-FM radio, deluxe in¬ 112) p.m. 882-2316. C-214 29 1321 l«on. (350. 3556168. 4- HASLETT MOTOR SPORTS. 339- terior, 5speed, chrome wheels, new tires, burglar alarm. (4500. GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 2125. 84-11 (12) HOSTESS. PART time employ¬ CHALET APARTMENTS inch. Priced from (4. Mounted Next to campus 3552957; 3557763. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER 20 ment for night work. Experience IeSi6*8" Wafl0n' 0ne 8441_(21l_ free. PENNELL SALES, 1301)4 hours/week spring, 30 hours/ necessary. Apply SEA HAWK Spacious 2 Bedroom ■Excellent condition. East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- apartments furnished PINTO 1974. Bright orange, black Fully 5818. C-214-29 (171 week summer, (3 per hour. CPS RESTAURANT, Monday through air conditioned T'lS ■'-1110 days. 332-2,47 after 6 84-12(16) vinyl, snow tires, 25,000 miles. (1,800. 487-1137/351-2864. 344 312 tact or equivalent required. Con¬ Dr. Welch, room 42 Natural Thursday 3 p.m./5 p.m. 54-6 (181 summer from '170 mo. MASON BODY SHOP 812 East PART TIME cook and waitress. foil from '334 mo. 1131 Science or call 353-8669. X5-4-8 I'TO, V-6 Four-speed. Kalamazoo Street since 1940. FRENCHIE'S BAR. 400 Baker St. year from *290 mo. Ifbart- New pain,/e*. PONTIAC CATALINA 1970. Air, Complete auto painting and colli¬ sion service. American and foreign (»!__ Apply after 5 p.m. 482-0733. A NEW CLASSIFICATION. power steering/brakes, vinyl top. HELP WANTED 7-4-11 (14) T™- *'500 negotiable. cars. 4850256. C-214-29 (20) - Manager train¬ Excellent condition. 332-4934.84- I- 5+'3 (141 13 021 ee position. Nights/weekends. UNIFORMED SECURITY officers, NEEDED: FEMALE (3.25/hour plus commission. Call criminal justice majors preferred. to share two- ]l Ghia 1976, 2.3condition, mint hatah- RABBIT 1975, good condition. Good tires, rust proofed,30 mpg. CLUTCHES - NEW and re- manufactured for your foreign car Capital Adult News. 482-5520. 54-8(161 Call between 10 am-3 pm, Monday - Friday. 641-6734. 8-4-8 (14) bedroom apartment. Pool. ing. 351-9217. 3-4-6 1121 Park¬ at CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN ,-.tie player, tow mile- (2,100/best offer. 651-5863.84-13 P °"er. 3552798. 84-8 CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama (16! zoo. One mile west of campus. WANTED DON'T SIGN A LEASE TOYOTA COROLLA 1971. Air, 487-5055. C-214-29 (24) UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN STUMNTSINTMISTID IN SWMMIR 'RUMMAGE SALE' automatic, 4-door. 66,000 miles. (950/best offer. 3959590. 544 ■MMOYMMT OPPORTUNITIIt EfMS. Pow" ateer- N (131 Water* A Rivers MARIGOLD condition anytime. TOYOTA COROLLA 1973. Good condition. New muffler/valve job. Idge Apts. APARTMENTS Storting Spring Torm a ■sew are leasing far MARIGOLD 8 HARRISON 27 mpg. (950. 353-0966/353-0649. RUMMAGE SALE CLASSIFICATION ■ '9711 Kingswooo"^~n X-844 (141 MXffelltWWMT (opposite Shaw Lane) will be added to the daily FEATURING: 2 jokes per Insist" TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1972. Good condition, (1200 or best offer. 694-9383 or 353-3908. Ask for •pt. balconies, walk to campus, furnished, air con¬ '200 Month . 12 month lease Large one bedroom apartment Classified ads. You can get 20 words for one day for H ,ac,orY . MB ditioned, on site maintenance Charlie. 84-11 (14) Completely furnished Wiia* Phon# 4®7" man, friendly management. . .Shag Carpeting $2.50. Each additional word 13'. VEGA 1973. Good gas and body. free canoes 11 Appliances and Air Conditioning So give us a call at |TE '976, yellow with Asking (700. Call Dennis 351- Bob or Joan . We Pay heat and water 3U41SI r™',1"'8"0'. AM/FM 1434, afternoons. 544 02)_ Apt. 214 For appointment call Etaautomatic VEGA~HATCHBACK 1971 runs 1050 Watersedge Dr. Timber Shores Resort and Place your ad today. VraJ.i'2? miles- <8400. - and looks 351-8764 337-7328 Box 215 |r '394-1241 after 7 p.m.) good. Many new parts. (next fo Cedar Village) Summer Leases Available (450/best offer. 361-1572. 444 (14) MtWI Northport. Mi. 49670 (616)316-5191 STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Depl 16 Michigon Stole News, Eost turning, Michigan [ jjjrtjjgte \m | Hhsk Rooms frtsm ii5i (i—n—iii Directors promise action BILL HINMAN - Congratula¬ NEED ONE female to sublet next GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD, park¬ TWENTY FOOT Luger sailboat SUPER 8 movie camera. Never HOUSES: ONE block from cam¬ tions - When do we leave for (continued Iron page 1) winter term. Cedar Village Apart¬ with 1973 Pamco trailer. Sleeps 4. used. Zoom lens, cartridge loan pus, one to four bedroom. Good ing, phone, day employed gra¬ Austin? Mike 14-6 (12) good view. Debbie, 351- For more details phone FBE $75. 3534034. 84-12 (12) ments, 6832 management, well maintained. duate preferred. Reasonable. 372- 7973. 5-4-6 (12) CREDIT UNION 485-8121, ext. 212 The last athlete Marshall treated using MSU Cleveland Browns quarterback Brian Slpe on Feb 18 foil,.. I [ miiEstiu |fa] Call 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 351-1177. " between 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 54-6 SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE ONE WOMAN for four-person 8-4-15118) MSU NEAR, unfurnished rooms. SALEI Brand new portables According to MSU ordinance 29.03, "Use of tv ■ (211 apartment. Close to campus, $70/ Share house - expenses. $50 $49.95. $5 per month. Large A PERSON'S home is his castle. equipment for profit is prohibited." month. 337-2551. 5-4-11 1121 FURNISHED. FOUR bedroom for MULTITUDES OF vacuum clean selection of reconditioned usee monthly/negotiable. Agent, 323- fall. Two blocks to campus. 487- 3557. X-0-21-4-29 1121 ers. $6.88 and up. Uprights, tanks, machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- Homes ara my specialty. Paul Gale Mikles, chairperson of the Health, Physical Recreation Department, and Gene Kenney, Eduott, I FEMALE ROOMMATE. Own 9119, Room 3. Z-3-4-8 112) cannisters. 2 year warranty. BAR chi's New Home and "many Coady 332-3582. MUSSELMAN REALTY. C-194-29 (15) assistant "J™ director in charge of facilities, both took action, NICE ROOM in nice house avail¬ GAIN HOUSE, 826 West Saginaw others." $19-95 to $39.95. Terms ahortl. wi room. Corner of Hagadorn and Marshall had Sipe on campus, to prevent Marshall from Mt. Hope. 351-8238. 3-4-6 (121 MAN WANTED for nice furnished house. Good atmosphere, two able immediately. Rent negotiable. Lansing. 484-2600. C-21-4-29 (201 EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 North Washing OWOSSO AREA. Rustic execu¬ department services unless he could show it was for usiia Call 332-6077. 34-7 (12) blocks to campus, $75. 351- MAN'S TEN-speed Schwinn bike ton 489-6448. C-21-4-29 (261 tive home on landscaped lot with purposes. 7064. 4-4-11 1141 good condition. $75. Phone waterway at rear. 3 bedrooms, 2 Yi ][£] in very _ Ho«s«s EAST LANSING, single male. 337-7776. 3-4-8 (121 baths, huge living room with E. James Potchen, head of the radiology department, saidb J Quiet, private room. Walking dis¬ 23" SEKINE bike: double butted tance MSU. Parking. 337-9633. alloy frame. More. Like new. $175. fireplace. Many excellent features prevent Marshall from using the Clinical Center e " FURNISHED 5 bedroom house. Rooms FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR. 351-7695. 3-4-7 (121 $59,000 furnished. See this unique improperly because Marshall is not a physician. 4-4-8(121 or best offer. Hine Snow- home! ELLEN REESER, REAL¬ Spartan Avenue. $510/month, u- tilities extra. New appliances, new¬ NICE ROOM in house. Close to ROOM. GREATEST location, no $60 bridge Backpack $60, 351-2822/ TENT, BRUSH tan. stag skiliner, TOR. Owosso, 725-7715. Z-104- "I can refuse anybody from getting X-rays that isn't a physician," Potchen said. rei»«,,l 12x9 floor, weight 60 lbs., 8 feet ly decorated, insulated. 332-1680. campus. Friendly roommates. deposit. Parking, carpeted, kitch¬ 332-8239. 34-7 (121 13 135) B-1-4-6 (16) $95.00/month. Immediate occu- en, yard. $65 plus 332-0797. 34-7 high. $145. 484-9930. 34-6 (151 The executive officers of MSU discussed Marshall's «, pancy. Call 337-0715. X 3-4-7 1151 equipment for the first time as part of the regular weekly sH EAST LANSING. 4 houses, four to six bedrooms. After 6 p.m. only. TWO NON-SMOKING females for BICYCLES Batavus Champion regular $195 [ Service last Friday. WANTED FEMALE to $125. Batavus Monte Carlo Eldon R. Nonnamaker, vice president for student affair, A FREE... A Lesson in complexion .. . now five bedroom house on M.A.C. 374-8818. 5-4-12 (121 in house. $55/month, share regular $210 now $134. Seamless Call 484-4519 East Michigan services, brought up the Marshall case and said Monday thatS Summer only, $85 negotiable. 332- care. penses. 3714572. 8-4-11 (13) lightweight steel frame. Light¬ or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE NEED ROOMMATE. Prefer grad 2396. 84-15 1141 the responsibility of the provost's office. P weight steel fork. Weinmann Vain- NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. working person. 4 bedroom ROOM IN house, utilities included. or house in country, Okemos-Mason SPRING, SINGLES, furnished. Washer, dryer, fireplace, 2 acre queur or Dia Compe centerpull C-214-29 118) "Ordinances should be enforced by the departments, UumL area. Laundry and use of house, Share kitchen, parking. $704100. yard, close to campus. Available brakes. Fully Lugged Chromed for departmental control. If it is determined Marshall has uS Very close. 332-1800; 372-1800. steel handlebar. Vredestein or FOR QUALITY stereo service, for other (than educational) purposes, then he can't utilities included. $125 plus depo¬ 0-4-4-6 112) 4/3/77. Call 332-8946 8441 1181 CAMERAS USED. Leica III C. Ill Hutchinson gumwall tires. Shim- THE STEREO SHOPPE. 555 East sit. 349-5969 after 5 p.m. 3-4-8 (28) Provost Lawrence L. Boger said, adding that his F, Graflex 4x5, Circa 1930, Koni- ano Lark SS Derailleurs. Special respond ROOM AND board at TRIANGLE Grand River. C-214-29112) was over since the departments had already taken 2 DOUBLE rooms in house. A- Omega with 4 backs, Konica Close out sale. WHEEL AND action be| 3 BEDROOM duplex available now FRATERNITY. $450/term. Close autoreflex A, strobes, lenses, was informed of the Marshall case. cross from campus, male. Call TRACK 115 Lansing Road. Potter- COMPLETE REPAIR service for and summer, large yard, parking. to campus. 332-3563. Z-74-8 (12) cases and darkroom equipment. 351-5516. Ask for Jurg. 54-7 (141 ville. 645-2492. 1-4-6 1591 stereos, TV's, tapes, guitars, Rent negotiable. 332-3955. 10 4-18 Also used celestial telescope. Boger said investigating whether or not Marshall a. 1131 ROOM AND board, $390/term, banjos, band instruments. University violations was not discussed with him at the T— MALE FOR single room with Used 10 speed bicycles - Motobe- IMPORTED - USED furniture. MARSHALL MUSIC. 351-7830. free parking and utilities. Near He could only say that it might be the secretary of the MODERN SIX bedroom duplex for males in large house. Phone, campus. Males only. Call 332-4995 cane, Gilane, Schwinn Continen¬ tal, Varsity and many more. Used 1458 Oakridge Avenue. Apartment C-1-4-6 114) trustees' (Elliot G. Ballard) responsibility, as he cited bwj parking, close. 351 -8435.5-4-7(131 or 351-4438. 84-8 117) 205. 351 5238. 34-8 (121 eumifci summer. Spacious, a/c, balcony, cycles - Penton 125 cc, Tora mini LOVING MOTHER wanting to ordinances that might have been violated out of the J near campus. Rent negotiable. bike, helmets, seats, and many 332-3890. 6-4-12 (141 CLOSE FURNISHED room. $55 TWO PEOPLE, East Lansing BICYCLES babysit in my East Lansing home. ordinance book signed by the secretary of the board of plus utilities. Kitchen, parking, etc. power and hand tools. Golf sets, Velo Solex SA 10 regular $195, Call 332-3853. 8-4-8 (121 house. Spring, summer, share Ballard said in a succinct "no" that he would not 339-2961 after 6 p.m. 8-4-8(121 bags, clubs, shoes, carts, tennis now $125. Solex Laparisenne reg¬ in., LEASING SEPTEMBER '77 ■ '78. 8 large bedroom. 332-3667 eve¬ rackets, redwood lawn furniture INCOME TAX preparation by TAX Marshall's actions. He also said such a procedure wasn't dh ular $209, now $133. Velosolex single bedrooms. $90 plus utilities. OWN ROOM in clean house, fur¬ nings. 84-8 I12| and slalom water ski. New and CORPORATION OF AMERICA with him at the meeting. 332-1918. 2-4-6 112) _ _ seamless light weight tubing. Sim¬ nished, near campus. $90'month. used musical instruments • Martin, counselor in your home. Week¬ OWN ROOM in large co-ed house. plex Prestige 637 Derailleur. HOUSE AVAILABLE April 30, 2 plus utilities. Available immediate¬ Three blocks to campus. 437 Fender, Gibson, Guild, National Duolian, MAFAC alloy racer centerpull ends, evenings, 337-2747 after 5 "I don't know enough about it to look into it, and as foa J Ludwig, Marshall, bedroom, close to campus, quiet ly. 351-3732. 4-4-8 1151 M A C $77 month. Call John Rhodes. Pro, 30 flat top guitars brakes. Peyrard Nervar Sport p.m. 0-11-4-15 (17) concerned, Gale Mikles and the athletic office have taknil neighborhood. $260, couple pre¬ 339-3807 after 6 p.m. 6-4-8 (191 and amps of all sites. New and Crankset Chromulux Rigida rims. appropriate action," he said. MEN, CLEAN, quiet, single, cook¬ Berlin foam padded paddle. Mich- RESUMES, PROFESSIONAL and ferred. 332-3162^4-4-8 051 ing. One block to campus. $250 SINGLE ROOM, furnished, near used stereo and CB equipment - elin gumwall tires. Special Close confidential. Call for inquiry or JUNE OR September lease, fur¬ term. 485-8836 or 351-2623 0-5-4 Pioneer, Dual, Yamaha, TEAC, EPI out sale. WHEEL AND TRACK, interview. 371-2991 after 6 p.m. campus. No kitchen. Call after 7 Kenwood, EV, Sherwood, new nished, 3-8 man houses. Fireplace, 81141 115 Lansing Road, Potterville. 5-4-8(12) p.m. only. 337-0678. 5-4-8 1121 Cobra 40 channel mobile, and parking, very close. 372-1801 for 645-2492. 14-6 1711 recorded message. 04-4-6 (171 WANTED FEMALE to rent room base CB's. We accept trades, in house. Utilities included, $85 FEMALE ROOMMATE. Profes¬ bank cards and layaways. WIL¬ LENS PRECISION ground in our month. Call 332-1925 3-4-8 112) COX TRADING POST, 509 East lab. Optical Discount, 2617 East WELCOME WEEK, two to three bedroom house, available im¬ sional bedroom or graduate student. Three duplex, fireplace. East Michigan, 485-4391. C-214-29 Animals I'Vl Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. C-5- FURNISHED ROOM, 15 minutes 1134) 4-8 113) mediately, across from Hubbard Lansing. 351-1391 after 5 p.m OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog pups. Hall. Over an acre. Price reduced by car. Parking, laundry. $82.50. Announcements for It's What's Ethnic Festival meeting 699-2502 after 6 p.m. 4-4-6 1121 3-4-6 (14) AKC registered, shots, wormed. for spring, summer rental. Call 694-0516 af1er_5p m_84-_l3_(12l Happening must be recieved in the held at 5:15 p.m. Thursday al 484-9472 or 351-5312. EQUITY iRstrictioi State News office, 343 Student Genessee Community Cents VEST. 0-21-4-29 1281 OWN ROOM, prefer female, beau¬ tiful clean house. Near Capitol. I for Sale ][5| FREE: FOUR gray and white kittens. 6 weeks. 1912 Hcllyway, Services Bldg., by 12 noon at least two class days before publication. N. Butler, Lansing. g MSU NEAR. Houses and duplexes Good neighborhood. 482-8012,84 ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS school 4)112) BIKES, MAN'S and wnman's, Ljms'ng. 393-1794._S-4-4-8 IJ2I_ No announcements will be ac¬ Coalition for Justice Fern for 1-10 people available summer of folk music Spring term clashes excellent condition. Phone 676- cepted by phone. prison legislation with Statell and/or fall. Call between 9-4 p.m. CLOSE TO campus - immediate GOLDEN RETRIEVER, AKC regis¬ start week of April 11. Basic 5131. 8-4-13 1121 Rosembaum and Padden«' possession. Female only, room or tered. One male and one female guitar, $12.00. All levels of gui¬ GIBSON 12-string guitar with left Phone 393 6028. 4-4-8 (12) Drinking problem? Women's Al¬ tonight in the Communjyi room-board, home privileges. AKAI PROFESSIONAL four chan¬ tar, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, and coholics Anonymous meets at 8 vices Bldg., 300 N. Washing! case, excellent condition. Best dulcimer plus singing, autoharp, Parking. 332-5318; 332-6531. 6-4-7 nel reel-to-reel, excellent condi¬ DALMATION PUPPIES - AKC, 8 tonight in 253 Student Services SUBLEASE, SUMMER. 4 or 5 116) offer. Call 332-1844 after 5:30 p.m. blues harp, dobro, and recorder. tion, best offer. 351-5848. 5-4-8 weeks. Females $125, males $100. COME SQUARE 0ANCE'| bedroom house. Very reasonable, 8-4-151141 Sign up now, enrollment limited. 1121 393 6685 after 5:30 p.m. 3-4-7 (12) p.m. every Wednesday in bus route, near MSU. Call 351- ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 541 5865. 104-18115) COMPACT REFRIGERATOR. Ex¬ East Grand River, 332-4331. 10-4- MSU Amateur Radio Club, purpose room D of Brodyf BONG SALE. 25% off all bongs in OWN ROOM, $60 a month. 1/6 What's stock. Mid-Michigan's selection of pipes, papers, clips, largest cellent condition. Perfect for dorm. Call 355-0965. E 1-4-6 (121 HORSE FOR lease to capable rider. Indoor and outdoor arenas. 15116) W8SH, meets at 8 p.m. in 339 Engineering Bldg. Thursday MSU Promenaders Scuba Club meeting a utilities. Near Frandor. Pets allow¬ ed. 482-6131. 3-4-7 1121 wrong paraphernalia, tapestries and head gifts. We will match anyone's TWO RESERVED seats for Led 394-4596 evenings. 3-4-6 (121 WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years experience in professional editing. University Duplicate Bridge Club invites you to play at 7:15 tonight in 219 Men's IV Beg I with ® prices. Many designs of T-shirts, $2.50 each. WHITE MONKEY, 226 Zeppelin concert at Pontiac Silver- dome. Call 353-4162. 8-4-15 (121 Mobile Homes Writing skill instruction. 337-1591. 0-4-4-6 112) tonight on the second floor of the Union Bldg. Novice games architecture g itagel Meeting of Save the It THREE BLOCKS from campus, five and six bedroom, furnished homes for fall leasing. Call Craig Wednesday? Abbott Road lopposite State Theaterl. 6-4-8 (401 GUILD AND Martin guitars. Ex¬ cellent condition. Reasonable. Af¬ 1967 12 X 60 Liberty in Holt. Two bedroom, new washer-dryer, skirt¬ occasionally. House, Inc. is at 7:30 tonightrl N. Presbyterian Church llg Gibson and leave a message. Not a thing! This day, like ter 5 p.m. 641-6878. 3-4-8 (121 The MSU Polo Club meets at Grand River. ed, many extras. 15 minutes to 627-9773. 134-15 1211 every day, will find people HANG GLIDER, 18' Manta. Dark MSU. 694-1740. 8-4-8 118) COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete 7:30 tonight in the Livestock turning to the Clessified blue, light green, yellow. Carrying JANSPORT BACKPACK with rain Pavilion. For more information, ads for a variety of reasons. dissertation and resume service. B & W darkroom facilitwtfl TWO ROOMS in house to rent for bag and helmet. Used only once. contact Laurie Kaplan, 102 cover, used once. $60 or best FOR SALE or rent. Furnished, Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. to all students, faculty stela When you went results, be $495. 482-0344 after 5 p.m. 84-11 Anthony Hall. summer. Rent negotiable. Phone offer. 351-5681. 3-4-8 1121 waterbed. Campus close. $1400/ 8:30-5:30. Monday-Friday. 337- meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thuiss sure your ad appears on 351-8482. 8-4-8 1121 Wednesday! I20l_ $120/ 35'. 351-0540. 5-4-7 112) 1666. C-20-4-29 (161 Resource materials the Hubbard Darkroom. i| TENOR SAX used, Not pretty on all MSU - Complex Photo Club. HEDRICK HOUSE 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. but sounds good. $200. Call after 9 RICHARDSON 1973 12x50. Front TYPING, BLOCK campus, fast, majors, and resource people who CO-OP has openings for spring term. $330 State News Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. p.m. 882-5310. BL-1 4-6 (13) living room, 2 bedrooms, skirted. experienced, reasonable. Theses, are happy to talk with students about careers, available at the MSU Cycling Club meetirgfl Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 room/board. 332-0844. 8-4-8 112) Partially furnished. Close. $5375. term papers. Editing. 332- Career Resource Center in 207 tonight in 201 Men's IM BMjf and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING FOUR STEEL belted radial Good¬ 337-2388 8 8498, 351-1711. 84-11 1121 7 Bicycle Race on COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ rich. 23,000 miles. Used. GR- 4-12^141 Student Services Bldg. campuily OWN ROOM in comfortable clean bicyclists planned. house. Prefer grad. No lease. Phone 355-8255 posite City Market. C2T4-29 (24) 7185, Call 332-6952/332-5932 E-5- CHAMPION 10' x 55' - 2 bed¬ Available now and summer. 351- 4-12 (12) room, 1V4 bath, carpeted, shed. "Organically Healthy Bodies Beekman Center needs «L ROOM FOR rent, $70.10 minutes. Good condition. $2200. 487-6826. and Souls," talk by Reverend 6315. 84-8 (15) Walk from campus. 351-7118. MUST SELL; Single bed, Olivetti Electric typewriter. Salon hair¬ X 8-4-12 (121 Baker at Organic Meeting at 8 tears to work with MentshJ 5-4-6M2) Can Yw Believe?? p.m. Monday in the University paired children in a SIX BEDROOM house for rent dryer, 349-1690; nights. 2-4-6 (121 FOR RENT: one bedroom furnish¬ ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ setting. Orientation i Bicycles storting ot Lutheran Church, 1020 S. Harrison summer term. 4 blocks from cam¬ MEN'S SINGLE $85/month and ed, Holt area, immediate occu¬ ing theses, manuscripts, term Rd. tonight in 26 Student S women's double $60/month/per- 10-SPEED SCHWINN Continen¬ •14.95 papers. Evenings, 6787544. C-21- Bidg. pus. Furnished. May rent entire Sots of pancy. $100/month, plus deposit. house or by room. Price nego¬ son. Utilities except phone paid. tal. Reasonable offer. Call Sally No pets. 694-9463. 8-4-14 (161 4-29(121 Coif Clubs A Novice Code Class, offered to tiable. 351-5772. 3-4-8 1221 Kitchen privilege, Christian atmos¬ after 5:30 p.m., 332-4725. 2-4-6 The MSU Skydiving ClubeJ interested beginners in Ham phere. THE WAY STATION, 131 •14.95 ANN BROWN PRINTING AND holdipg a meeting at 7t« GRAD, OLDER female. East side. Bogue. Call Kelly 332-2906 or Tannli Racquets [~WBmmage Sale ||5[ TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, general printing. Serving MSU for Radio, starts in 339 at 7 p.m. Thursdays Engineering Bldg. 133 Hubbard Hall. Own room $105 plus utilities. 351:4950. 8-4-8 (2M _ TWO LARGE Advents. One year •4.99 27 years with complete theses 374-8793; 394-0057. X 8-4-14 (121 old, $180. Still under warranty. ANTIQUE FAIR AND SALE, East Students needed to be Volun¬ Building your own a ROOM IN large house, convenient 676-2833, mornings. 84-14 112) bargain*, 10 step In and Rotary 4th Annual. West Mich¬ service. 349-0850. C-21-4-29 (191 teer probation officers involved Come to our organizations i 2 BEDROOM small home with to campus, includes board. Call ing at 7:30 p.m. Thursday?! 337-2381. 3-4-7 (12> igan's Best. Quality dealers from with Adolescent Diversion Project. glass roofed greenhouse. 5 miles Wa rapalr all makes of all parts of the country. April 7 and EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ Contact 26 Student Services Computer Center. MSU 7s- TRUMPET, BESSON, silver plat¬ Television and sertation, (pica-elite) FAYANN. from campus. Excellent for plant CO-ED CO-OP, $300/term in¬ ed. Many extras. Excellent condi¬ Stereo 8, noon to 10 p.m. April 9, noon to Bldg., Office of Volunteer Pro¬ Computer Club. lovers. $190/month. 485-1886. X- equipment. 6 p.m. Lectures daily -11 a.m. East 489 0358. C-21-4-29 1121 cludes room, food, utilities and tion. $265. Call 332-6451. 44-8 grams. 8-4-15119) more. 332-3574. 5-4-6 (12) DICKER AND DEAL Grand Rapids High School, 2211 PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ A discussion of the trusJ Lake Drive S.E., E. Grand Rapids, The Math ing of commitment takes |:« j [TTJ•'V Something to sell for '50 CORNET CONN director. Good LITERARY MESSENGER, P.O. gold Street and Shop-rite Store, west of Harrison Rd. Large living p.m. Thursday 1^8102 what's doing in 'Round [M I or less?Try Econolines condition. Call Don 355 1980. Box 6253, Albany, CA 94706.6-4-6 room, family room, kitchen, two na«J Town.Up to 20 words 5 days for'12. - u4 only '4.00 5 days. • 12 words for 3-4-61121 1181 baths, Rent or basement and bedrooms. buy. 351-8530 after 11:00 Take a look at Republicans at 8:30 p.m- the [.!:». RECEIVER HEATH 1500-A. Six [pMWhPiraMliril a.m. 8-4-15 (291 FEMALE TEACHER attending 5 week summer term. Interested in in C211 Wells Hall- Please Specify Pleose months old, factory alligned. Car¬ AMY SUE - HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD POCKET knives, any condi¬ ginning June 19th. Contact Linda - 1-313 722- have East an Lansing Lacmsse^ organization®1 Specify tridge Empire 4,000/111. 349-3813 to you. Many happy returns. tion. Phone 694-0524 between 9 5837 after 9 p.m. or 1-313 722- evenings. 6-4-11 (131 • .c, Joyce. S-1-4-6112) a.m. and 5 p.m. 21-4-29(121 and practice at 10 a.m-» 1800,8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. 4-4-6 (261 on the Old College Field fii-hiipin Stole News, Eost Loosing, Michigan Wednesday. April 6, 1977 17 DOONESBURY ® d)@0Dy tv ^ifthillDf Mi WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WllX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Coble) (12)WJRT-TV)ABC by Garry Trudeau 'He SPONSORED BY ' V > Doobie Bros ■5? =£ Tickets (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) DONtTTElL BACKWG?'. CYRUS? IT'S HI, 2U66Y! mi,lam's me-wpre mi, AS SOONAS UERE60/N6 BR2EZINSKI. UHAT'S LtSf Of TORSION All FORM* ■ mClARIFYTHEMi CRAZY OYER \ UP? POLICIES JUST UATEMPLE- • WEDNESDAY 3:30 (12) Easter Bunny is Comln' 10:00 CAME INANE.. MEMAUON IKNOU YOU'VE HERE'um's GOT A BACKLOG.. FT WAT' MORNING (6) Match Game to Town (10) Kingston: Confidential 10:30 (23) Lilias, Yoga and You (11) In Search of Paradise (12) Barbara Walters ■rice is Right 4:00 (23) Nova (23) Scenes from a ■Hollywood Squares (6) Confetti 8:30 Marriage ■Andy Griffith (10) Scrambled Eggs (6) Loves Me. loves Me Not 11:00 ■infinity Factory (12) Wild Wild West (11)Talkin Back (6-10-12) News I 11:00 (23) Sesame Street (23) Anyone for Tennyson? ■Wheel of Fortuno 4:30 9:00 11:30 I Lucy Show (A) Bewitched (6) Movie (6) Movie Milter Rogori (10) Gilllgan's Island "Something for Joey" "The Thousand Plane Raid" 11:30 5:00 (10) CPO Sharkey re of life (i) Gunsmoke (11) Cable 11 News (10) Johnny Carson PEANUTS For all yoar (12) Mary Hartman, ■shoot for the Stars (10) Emergency One! (12) Baretta Mory Hartman SPONSORED BY: Mfbsappllas ■Happy Days (12) Emergency One) (23) Great Performances Opon 10 AM -9 PM Doily (23) Mister Rogers' (23) ABC News by Schulz 226 Abbott Rood. Eoit Lansing ■Lilias, Yoga and You ] afternoon Neighborhood MSU SHADOWS HIT A HOUSEWIFE! 12:00 WEDNESDAY fc)News EVENING by Gordon Carleton sponsored by-. ■Name that Tune ■pallisers 5:30 PINB ALL PETE'! 12:20 (11)Cable 11 News Almanac (23) Electric Company Present this 6:00 really funny comic for 25* 12:30 worth of free (6-10-12) News play! • ^orch for Tomorrow ■Lovers and Friends (11) The Real News ■ Ryon's Hope (23) Classic Theatre I 1:00 Preview ■oung and the Restless 6:30 FRANK & ERNEST ® ■Gong Show ■All My Children | Petal Pushers 1:30 (6) CBS News (10) NBC News (11) Black Notes (12) ABC News by Bob Thaves sponsored by: H6H 10% MSU DISCOUNT Is the World Turns (23) Latino Consortium ■Days of Our Lives 7:00 THEY WANT to ■Family Feud (6) Hogan's Heroes ■Guppies to Groupers (10) To Tell the Truth challenge THE I 2:00 (11) Capital Alternative WiNNfcPi OF THE ■$20,000 Pyramid Education ■Woman (12) Brady Bunch Vy/ORuD sERiES, 2:30 (23) Tele-Rovista Bur first they buiding Light 7:30 ■ Doctors (6) $25,000 Pyramid want to meet ■oneLifeto Live (10) Hollywood Squares (11) Tempo Ml SS UN I VE/?5E. ■ Silent Drum 3:00 (12) Price Is Right THAVES a.l All in the Family MacNeil/Lehrer ■ Another World Report ■ World Press 8:00 THE DROPOUTS • 3:15 (6) Good Times ■ General Hospital (10) Tiger Baseball Special sponsored by: by Post + cleaners LEATHERS JMBLEWEEDS sponsored by: oiww laundry j SUEDES |Tom K.Ryan 1211 MIND Rivat 332-3537 (1ST imiNC CLEANED IMES6wcm tw- I Mike Brown spoikomd •*, JJOOLeyS ff . « Tl«eee«e-S Q smewwn aeanimg (eled »1.501 NITI (fJVPHTioH THoPHTOfJ DON'T .TOO £NJOh> Y'ooNf THE SPRINGTIME? FifrURefouTT ./ it-1 CALVIN AND COMPANY one BUItlTO rtATS chile verde and chile Colorado burrito. served with retried beans and rice, sponsored by: today only '1.00 by Mark Varadian ■L AZTECO RESTAUR ANY 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 Low gas prices Plus Service I ■Mela's LHtie Freeway Service Station W«dn«iday, April 6, 1977 18 Mlchigon State News. East Lonsing, Michigan Can you be good at something you dont believe in? Yes. You can be good at passing tests that are meaningless to you. You can be good at selling encyclopedias that you know are inferior. Ultimately you can even be good at a profession that you don't really believe in. You can be good. But for some people, being good just isn't good enough. For the people who brew Busch beer, it isn't good enough. That's why, at Anheuser-Busch, we persist in brewing Busch beer just one way—the natural way. We frankly believe that's the best way to brew beer. And when you believe in what you're doing, you just naturally do it better. Try a Busch. We believe you'll agree. BUSCH. When you believe in what you're doing, you just naturally do it better. Anhtuttr-Buioh. inc.. 81. Loula, Mo.