0/.. S. C. Librar? East tanging, lich. ( mint IK* Sale* Michigan 6tate &eu*$ . I -I'.HI ll-ll I .eel lire, Wednesday, irmol I'arty peoples' I kurch—7 :.'I0 aim Viyhl K.AS'I I.A -IN.;, Ml' ■!!'. *• v. ; 1 ! . .. .1 . I i MiK'liaillfs Music +>|MTii Slars Die! in (risk Near Jackson Press Leads French Journalist Will lie 1'resenle.l for Mtisie (,roiip ^ j|| Here Mav Kvenls In Svmplionv Here Next Suiulav 1 / k On Modern ii i r ranee Philadelphia Orrhr-tra Jo.-i.il K\an- Will «..!» W ,|| \|*„ Take* Pari (I Will sir»!i ^election* *»f Irtnnere Mii-ir lioit' • i .1. - II. llol W Ki¬ ^ ill "Heiuerle tie I'orhmr*: .it \m» Vrhor. ll.. I „ I.I Ini-rniilio'tiil \'f iir.: Dr. Steven- to !»»• Narrator. Debaters (*o \«-11.1«-111 SI. it I'l.tti ""i - in i-f~ "triti.il ! ..II »ll... Lamb feeiler* Hill I ho IT P An wri ih m il r»-rg r«4>natitx .»n ^biiiu •Wvdation of Prof < t B - e'- T+r-.m*% at Auguttaria ' . -I .j**rsntt*s. inn S D . sell mirnco«rape.«l 'reputa¬ . tion* ' of *s they are -loped out at their ebMe-hA*h.n« «*«»ton* 1'nge I'wd Michigan m Aik nhwj Turwla.v, Marrh 2, Is:;-, mended. group that selected her for College Bulletin Baehman Stages Mock Practice Michigan 6tate Ktm her porfitioo showed infinite wisdom. Her long career at Michigan State has been a In The Rough i most happy and Mticeeflnful one. With Pingle to Nelson Style j It would be a happy situation indeed, ifj ! ..With llarvey Harrington j | meeting collecting .arc invited to uttend Thursday, March 4. «t a j in the future, when is becomes necessary to l.tinhnia* for Mr. Xilrh • • • 7:30 p. m . in room II. Union an¬ (Sport New* Service) his squad to report Hive Charley Baehman, Michi- Nobody knows where the select housemothers the same degree of Mi Lemuel Zilch, genial publish' i of Ballyhoo, descrv.; a full nex. If enough interest is shown, f <•- cannincss is mi-iisurr of credit for his laki -off t uc of digest site. a permanent organization wtfl be i State's successful coach, u few 1 ball appeared from, but orjfc displayed. We sincerely hopei [redients and he will rtage a We ve in ii wondering for a long lime pea red, and Baehman milled h.; • why this type of magazine | that it is.—f 11*11. has not been ftivin the ribbing that b its due. Pseudo-soph i st i cat ion ictice for* you on the spot at any forces in mid-floor. He had SN — i* oozing from their < very pore, or page, have it is yoq will. Senior*: All nrnmr urtlvUyj "mr v,ar ^skeleton lineup arp>y«! m ., ,t A good thing is all right, und that good thing is the Reader's Digest I. mwl I* III Ihi« week ftecently, Baehman Al«n.' "''lenlly. -.trolled into! ISarhmun strolled into'and when Trark Com I, . th!' Spartqn's Spartan", gymnasium spend Young looked t • The pre-masticated literature to be found within its covers •, U gtttiftiitc -ii ' that were not amniel must tie ttymnastum to to spend RUTH L. HAt.LAPAY Side Tranees oi quality, mid selected with wisdoi.i Others, however, aiming to V-w minutes watching the track thing like a scrimmage going right out there in the middlt style. its profits are n t. in our ©*ti-j,,t Ion. worth the paper they are w< enjoyed it the Senior ball Friday night !•!« Ole Nelson, the sophomore Baehman was playing <. • immenaely. not from 1 end who Baibinan has predicted himself. Binge! was- thrown..- it«d on. So, Mr Zilch, to you' the standpoint of the conniseur of! wd.l lay an All-Am. r trail Nelson, extend our heartiest congratu- and meeting al Mrs. Bur- gcod music, but because it sounded Utv. v.j Hipping a basketball about beautiful jii -c. and extremely different. Bu^i in idle practice. ) hereupon we piescnt a plra Wtw, At the other end of the gyinna- i the name of all our ; • ium. Jark Pingel, triple threat next fall'" exulted Ba Not exactly ; s, hoolf ■ lart s and other things, Student ( lull left halfback who is .. hurdler on lerstand, but | ran t fo these . . olduig wim si bands learn I i taku party in the jhioI Friday night • people dont'' play < alma mammy0 Dei Norn IfJaine* will la- plaved hum H till i people must j Alma, kidding Binge! FlJSOcirtr>d Co|i>CinlD PreM I II an I to Hv \ of i rati I' - CnRepiltoDirtost of good business, and Nahoii*! /■ Jvcrl .infl 5crvr.c. Inc The recipient of many a bir |. • tule at MSC. Francis Caluor i} >». not resolved to he the bin and has. through politctnl pull, h jROTC work, and because he passu ■ ouple of examinations, gone linir Man-lii!* On otho night and , 'b. ui.lcpctuli nt i ..K-the lii'M worn .•.long nhrcnxt o f I iltil Ihutm Slr/t into S/trinfi irilli ! thai I he A (iolored I'illlc About I'ipple Handbag it •; they • igned liPII 77»c II on/ llohsrinolln'r *0'- b ii So They Sav me NEW ROYAL PORTABLE CLASSIFIED Ocoigie Hill iviMpr, push it ix artrursd ' 4 "Sim icf I.Not -•••■.- VNTK1) S373!' •r-Sifc i :ob*blv oi.*- and Eddie ffalan there anothi t I cc >ih couple ot ling gone together Rac l'-t Welts Ha u'.t Mu>o Parties* Ed Flower* cut lii> tap reni N-. : Midwest l> the most ( DRON A I'NDF RttiNtO aad 1» MIN«, fON PORT AOL t - prriect -Md IT cMary Bet/mg hand that night WANTED- Capable « \ . . :•« TTJ* M..-I t'- hit Y '' 'ihofo-oi KcUh.nr. ot Ohio With^ fine scieetiq|» of rcboiJt machines Vtiariff- Shu ha.*». a tin Martha Vial pa:t job in a ni.t>M'riu! tu.*h: .aim i.. tutu . il.pio'hi t.. b. u.m- # ... . s: an-n>-Ketcham-to->i>u m*n- nient ot thc-.fhs( Everyt after the ne smokmg the r ehem banquet Franklin l)ekleine Co. i .o Mayo couple* .People's, bpt up ct>mcs ai » s«r«h tna »>* Lmmi r>«» .'i tnterfraternity Council and Pan Hellenic Council FORMAL PARTY DICK JURGENS FRIDAY, MARCH Masonic Temple 5 AND HIS ORCHESTRA A3 par couple Tickets at all Houses ' , March \L, I'.tll MICHIGAN trTATE NEWS Pa«« ThrM prat to Hear Plays Hath 19 Greek Letter \rt Kassel's Tea and Toast Co-Edlqurtte and What Have Formal Will You Included In S.W.L. Book Famous Band urd.ly Friday, in lieu of the A Ion ir with the calendar and the weather, the senior party Hear Jurgens , 't r»dl" "t™" » Wlul 10 llo and llo- la lla ll on All Oraa.ionpring i not far away. Nor graduation „,..,.rrian. Will Hold eithtrr: lor Emil Vtlaico's organ and the subdued lighting i ninn ri itx «■ „ lined iii rulilieattun >ow on _ Sale . Formal Pali* in Hotrl ' Intcr-Kralrmity • Pan ll.-l- Heniy Ifeerdt and Norm Hen- somehow built up an atmosphere of dignity and dreaminess Iriiir Formal Will In- Olil. Marrh 19. ithat was appropriate for a senior ball. It was in the gowns llrlii Priilnv. your les?' attractive points in ap¬ Ithat the spring notes appeared; prints and sheers were • ■mbar.t ssinit pearance and nan fraternity has made aterialixe if yoi hefs in disposition." ■ popular at the ball. Blind date technique, courtesy .i'.. on,a large stale this of the SWI. contracting a famous out- | Jean Ballard. who led the grand march with Vincent itow on .sale U on campus, patron dance etiquette, buying corsages—all these things on heslra. Art Kassrl and. ■ Vafidorburg. senior president, wore a classic white crept* gown with a fitted bodice, a futt skirt, and slight train in the back. Bauer's Men Sandy . Grill, ,m! '.h and a whole lot more arc included in this unusual book>. ~ It was trimmed with rhinestoney on the shoulder 'around the hemline. She wore two orchids. straps and Will Victory Acknowledgment" go '<» Mrs K Mary Milward, who was escorted by Don Mefirain. chair¬ ich good : N'r* en Anvorye for sketches, and man of .the par*y. wore Garnet red satin. It had a Mute Fencer- Score Fir-I alike on Dean Elisabeth Conrad and Mrs square . ►:» oetii-' l.'-rraine DeWael Thome for 'heir neckline in front and in bark. Tiny little buttons fastened Win* of Vamn. her dress in the liack. (tuelda l*ike wore a white taffeta with a pattern of pin1*, fIftha l.antma llho and lavender flowers. It was fashioned on full lines and had F-riiiBgemoms ann tomes nd Mi V It 'i. Hesperian dance directly little puffed sleeve*. She was with — Alpha Ghis Are Ahead for Gup Alpha Chi Omega* Frail for W A A I riiplix. Rainbow Recreation ' from the nrdioarv Milliard room .A IU .elation I., Olds Saturday nig Bowling at il'i Bert 1 s cm* Alpha Ep» NOW PLAYING AT CORAL GAIILKS Jack McDonald And His Orchestra With HKTTY Fl'Ctl'A p Special Dinner 35c U. S. Senator Reynolds "Luckies Pl.at:»A considerate • -d lift a says: are Il/thn f /Miliin Pi kii/'/Mi of my throat" " r,» Southern tradition, are oratory llen/trr — anil i:on(1 tohaccn. l.ueky Strike shims ins• hnu In indulge in Isnlh. Fur this light tmolic not only / lenses my eld Thursday . » r.,- Uiste hut leases my throat in tondition. Lust lull in North Carolina—u hen f I)ella SicfiiH Phi miulf user l(K> s/H-eches—I sisited the Lusky Strike /ut'liir*. I heltesc I ilis- Fred Sill Dick glllg A! Thl iMfred, the l.uck\ Strike in ' I .Misting' Tmifill 1 .• fcrk W«hI ir>* Harry Wili*on. Norman Wilw Inosess, the rccrrt of u*hat mokes, this eigurrtfe «i ton .identic of my ihrnut. I hase heen more lhan nn un adsri- ^iriiifg Term Pre-registration tulf extra iure of . a wuld-be newspaperman a uridine Sophomores—Mar< h ft 3 i" '! Prof John L Brumm. chairman r:c-f :l stc- F rshmeiv March II 12 13 $ ♦he f'nivem f. f Michigan i *JUi heme and Mediral health ' greatest * HON. ROUT R. REY1 Coyotes Lurk \eiir the Doors nd Frewh Med ice advisgr during week of Mar ! Dual Pre-vet. Of Michigan's Sheep Raisers In a recent independent survey, an over¬ LuMfMrala - W ith Farmer* in whelming majority of lawyers, doctors, lecturers, (!hrc ka g TVua (urnnoroii. Ive*i. scientists, etc.. who said they smoked cigarettes, ex¬ •'ding Marc!. 12 ••id jo tomk pressed their personal preference for a light smoke. thev wui the Senator Reynolds' statement verifies the wis¬ -beep bjuurie** iae<< meanurc* art i ratio n •ii. .March \l ofc*aor Br rite dom of this preference and so do leading artists of 73.i - a a* "{he ?t*tetauny • wom» dter date from by irra: northern Mtcmfan *ar—■* radio, stage, screen and opera, whose voices arc C \ Baan. profevcr at «n .cud husboedry her*, after m» their fortunes, and who choose Luckies, a f-rrh 12 f 30-12 fK ru,»or of bi t i'xa of sheep had ta*« d« light :z smoke. You, too, can have the throat • i3f»-i:'«0 Martt, » and sr'i by Mac.h :i. gJO-12 00 AM '. ■ coyot"*, Th,.- latmr protection experience *a. 'rpicail tw of Luckies—a light smoke, free of certain harsh ; % JCUg.3f> A ' ider.t ctaawfyvng nine .lorp tmutr, nortr U rw ?T<- rairm bcgul- credits m Mm vnit Mwl« U.I Ore. kas.'and cxpectiniC u th- sppf.nn ntlusrvr. Nfarcn ti. pa> S2 54) per credit hour mu.*? 06- >a W imt inwau. I I l l .ay St rtm>s ' I, trrltr t« a rr.«*Sn§ »• Gm>'.m. irritants removed by the exclusive process "It's '• 30-4 30. fi dx,ru. Utr coir vroMrh THE FINEST TOBACCOS— tain from Ku dean ociru - twkmnmis N to Z. m- • •* a»*! a itatement of the ocrurroser, Brow Ik «..«sr., *. I-otern* ■ T n«sr o, r^w, ,,rn th*t Toasted". Luckies are gentle on your throat. "THE CREAM Of THE CROP" h :: 8.30-:a *i> ex*!**! .or *.or<»e»l *bo^.t} of »I0 i • JO- • iOunc '»f woik to Iw carried Tlua W be preaented at the time -wi uf r.tnr* —Name* beginmng A\ :rion A . . i Light Smoke "' *.'..e March ; s 1.3<>- i iu- --'.rent- ■ .rentt « n -» fail f.u lub fubjerts whkh 30-4.30: 4 30-8 301 '£• with ct 4»r N to Z. \nchuiv * 8J8-12AW. 130-4 30. Ap wtenbx «K (ktmrt- ^ ueri. angel •*'.« : .a reggtranim. ygsstraliot) peaaalti-. it these » itl v coyotes stay?' Phrfcs •n The coyote has urve* I t*> he cbm.rwsted •-irTw- i coyote *r*i would j«t Ifs Toasted"-Your Throat Protection nit iultUcd . v—March I. 2. 3, 4. be durged r he !m«» beer, He . AGAINST IRRITATION-AGAINST COUGH louncr tsever . Miclcigaiu MTCTTTfiAN 9TATF. NTWS Tuesday, March 2, 1927 Six Records Fall as State Trackmen Swamp Marquette Fddie nurl0 Slalv yinc is H rll'Kiiuipitril Tank Squad Slate Whips RILL POUTER Under W orld " s '"r Loses Pair Toledo Team t»l' 3-8ft50 .nr A. r. of \| Steve Selio Top- Hack-topper- Working Out Hail* lii Week End __ . . loxer- Seore Four fie rUTOMl Jllllip \|»p*«r* <>r!uin to \l ,ke Grade phone HIM Editors Note This Is the Western Rrwrvr and Wis- Knockout*. Spartan- llapture II of 12 in R.*i»l. rlti« IWI.Ivr first «>r a series «>r five articles * eon-ill (lumpier Spuriaii Swimmer- ill Thriller*. .1 sZSSS Triumph. i„ii Ma\ .mi.ir h I.AST i>ay: I.(Ml) RIOCKItS OF J987". WIlJMSIIVY 4 Tltllisiiw 1937-, SPECTACULAR MUSICAL SMASH» itpl lo fun Wi ;con-f sweet as honey . * In I l,c SISIOK I im.»- CORSAGES Wt :.k»l'-v ; 011,1 GENE WERILL Florist r-.l ,1a. o Tmihir-: i, Jgs . „ mm