House reverses stance, approves IslNG (UPI) - The state House Wednesday. wiretap bill breaking Into homes to install wiretaps or eday reversed itself end spproved t The House also completed work on the electronic approval of a three-judge Michigan Court of Lesser mandatory sentences would be D Battle allowing stste end local police remaining three bills of a six-bill package bugging devices. Appeals panel before Installing taps. Creek, has argued that the harsh e The wiretapping bill was imposed for possession or sale of smaller wiretaps In major drug aimed at taking opposed by civil sentences and wiretap authority are necea „ to use top level drug dealers off libertarians who claimed it would constitute amounts of the drugs down to 50 grams. the street. The anti-drug package, all portions of sary if the state is to win the ■rations. Those convicted under the war against . an invasion of privacy. which have been sent to the Senate, mandatory high-level drug pushers. ■ bill, which was approved 59-41 and now But supporters said the sentence laws would be ineligible for parole I the Senate, was defeated Tuesday „ It narrowly approved an amendment to measure con¬ tained adequate safeguards, such as a would impose mandatory life sentences for or good behavior sentence reductions. possession or sale of large quantities of | vote but reconsidered by the House the wiretap bill prohibiting police .from requirement that police agencies obtain the heroin, cocaine and other hard drugs. The sponsor of the bills, House Judiciary A similar package of bills passed the Committee Chairman Paul Rosenbaum, House last year but died in the Senate. VOLUME 71 NUMBER 55 Nowt THURSDAY, APRIL 7.1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 profs [lash over irazil issue By MARICE RICHTER its next meeting if one of the members and ED LION brings up the issue. Though its recommen¬ State News Staff Writers dations are nonbinding, he said, the admini¬ e MSU professors repeated a call stration has generally followed its advice. Besday for the University to stop The Brazil Project has an "escape clause" ■ "intellectual transfusions to a right- that could allow either party to terminate |regime" and cancel its agricultural the contract prematurely. opment project with Brazil. I the project director said the profes- Brazil, a South American nation of 100 million, has been ruled by a military | were wrong in their "character)- i" of the Brazilian government, government since 1964 and last week le're talking about a government that President Ernesto Geisel recessed Congress ■es opponents with electric shocks and indefinitely and assumed rule-by-decree. I women detainees," Zolton Ferency of Amnesty International, the worldwide jCriminal Justice Department told leri of an international human rights organization, says the ruling projects re- government practices widespwad torture ■ committee. of dissidents. Recently Brazil abrogated a military assistance pact with the United rency, along with Milton Taylor and C. States after the State Department issued a |htment, c Larrowe,saidbothby from the Economics critical report of human rights conditions working with the there. tnment of Brazil, the University was Itly propping up a "fascist" regime. President Jimmy Carter also has criti¬ Be 15-member committee, comprised of cized human rights conditions there. ■y members and students, regularly ■wj University projects and advises the Ferency and Larrowe said after the ■ of international projects on whether „ _ committee meeting, "All that needs to be ire should be terminated. It has no done is ,or the University to condemn the ig veto power. activities of the Brazilian government or to ct Director John Hunter, in re- ju« associate with the comments President to Ferency's comments, told the Clrte1, m,de' ,nd Brazil would cancel its ttee that he disagreed with Ferency's contract with »»•" cterization" of the Brazilian regime. Id later to elaborate, he said he would' ■answer written questions. VU has a $7.6 million four-year contract I Brazil's education ministry ending in 1 to provide agricultural training in the ni States for about 150 Brazilians. The act also calls for MSU to help set up kricultural training centers and iibrar- Handicapper demonstrators end protest WASHINGTON (API - Faced with cup of coffee and one doughnut each since strators "have to be changed" before Various estimates put the number of I Brazil. Brazil obtained the accessible. money to staying and starving or leaving as a group, Tuesday and indicated no more food would Califano can sign them, Americans who suffer from one or more •Bar government aid to hospitals, doctors ffSU from a U.S. loan, a band of about 50 handicapper demon¬ be provided because the demonstration was After the demonstration ended, Califano handicaps at between 25 million and 36 and other health agencies that fail to make irency rejected arguments that the strators gave up their occupation of the technically illegal. issued a statement saying he will sign million. treatment accessible to handicappers. jet would ultimately help the average Department of Health, Education and On Wednesday afternoon, demonstration amended regulations next month and The draft regulations, written under The demonstrators, from the American plian citizen by boosting food produc- Welfare headquarters Wednesday. leaders indicated they had softened their demands and hoped for a settlement. But predicted they will "be a significant step federal court order by the Ford Admini¬ Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities, have Sporadic discussions between demonstra¬ toward remedying past injustices suffered stration but never signed, would: said the proposed regulations already are a Idont buy the argument that benefits tion leaders and top HEW officials which negotiations broke down shortly there- by handicapped citizens and toward helping •Require all federally supported schools compromise representing the least they will T>ing to filter down to the people," he had gone on throughout the 28-hour occupa¬ after. them achieve the independence, dignity and and I Unless there's a revolution I colleges to make their programs settle for. And they have insisted that don't see tion of the secretary's outer office had The decision to leave came after several fair treatment which is theirs by right." ' accessible to handicappers and eventually Califano sign and implement them imme¬ Ikhelp Cf"'In ■ i thlt typ* the government." r*8tele '' can broken off shortly before the decision to leave was made. protestors said in an open strategy session that they preferred to leave as a group than At the center of the dispute is a complex eliminate architectural barriers. diately. set of proposed regulations designed to •Prohibit employers receiving federal The secretary said he needed more time "rency said the program was violating The demonstrators were demanding im¬ to wait and see their group strength diluted implement a 1973 law that extended to the funds from refusing to hire qualified to consider the implications of the far- 'ersity guidelines which say mediate enforcement of civil rights laws for as individuals left because of hunger, W not projects handicapper civil rights guarantees similar applicants because of handicaps and require reaching measure but would sign some strengthen a repressive govern- the nation's 25 million handicappers. They medical reaaons or other factors. to those for blacks and women. reasonable efforts to make jobs physically version of the regulations by early May. r ,nd called for the University to promised to return in greater numbers next atop Terry O'Rourke, a deaf man who is "g the Brazilian month. junta an arsenal "of regional leader of the coalition, told the „ g more powerful than weapons - There also were similar demonstrations group, "We are concerned about your m will ... •aminutration has argued that the benef,t the avertge BmiUln at HEW regional offices in San Francisco and New York. About 65 demonstrators were involved in San Francisco snd ,ix in health even if the Department of Health, Education and Welfare is noL" HEW General Counsel Peter Libassi, President gains fresh powers ■r«it„ •"ity can " r bjf whic'1 tlle New York, according to department of- who represented Secretary Joseph A. encourage change. fjcials. Califano Jr., in the negotiations, said the MiHlt?uChairp?rSon Kenneth »»"«n4.r• pa could aation to terminate the vote on U°"' project 1 at HEW officials, while expressing sympa- thy with the demonstrators' cause, had permitted the Washington group only one problems of discrimination against the handicappers are severe but that the pro¬ posed regulations supported by the demon- to start plan for reorganization WASHINGTON (AP) - President Jimmy Carter armed himself description or another, Lance reported Wednesday that OMB has Wednesday with fresh powers to reorganize the federal now counted 2,018, and indicated there could be even more that bureaucracy. However, his budget director cast doubt on whether have not yet been pinpointed. Carter can carry out a campaign promise to chop the number of Since this figure is higher than the one Carter used during the departments and agencies to 200. campaign, Lance suggested there ought to be some flexibility in Carter signed a new law giving him broad authority to approaching the 200 figure that candidate Carter had espoused. inside undertake a reorganization drive, which he termed "the most consistent commitment" he had made to the voters during his 1976 Under the new law, Carter can propose reorganization plans that will take effect automatically unless rejected by either the Guess what? Prof. Gerald campaign. Senate or House within 60 days. Ford believes Project Seafarer In a statement for the Oval Office signing ceremony, Carter said There are limits on his reorganization powers, however. For would help the president make he intends to use his reorganization powers "to make government example, the President cannot abolish any Cabinet department or decisions in the event of a more responsive, efficient and open." independent regulatory agency, nor can he eliminate any of their nuclear crisis. See page 8. During the campaign, the President often talked about statutory programs or enforcement functions. reducing 1,900 federal departments and agencies to no more than A case in point is the administration's current effort to win weather 200. congressional approval for a new department of energy through Mother Nature, just returned Following the signing, Director Bert Lance of the Office of the enactment of special legislation. Management and Budget (OMB) told reporters: "I dont think we The President announced that his first reorganization effort from Pontine, has a severe case ought to say ., .we are going to cut them to 200." under the new law will focus on his own shop, the Executive Office of botchulism. She keeps botch¬ Lance, who will oversee a four-year reorganization effort for of the President. An OMB team already at work on this promises ing up the weather. Therefore, Carter, argued it was important to take a searphing look at the to submit its recommendations by early June. today a snow flurries will be bureaucracy before setting any definite goals for the elimination of Lance said the objective will be to achieve an executive office isolated. Under partly cloudy agencies. "smaller and more responsive to the needs of the President. skies, the temperature will be in "I just don't think we ought to play the numbers game," Lance Carter promised to "give my personal attention and support" tea the 80s. said, reorganization and said the process "will be an open one. He Though Carter had said there were 1,900 federal agencies of one Icontlnued on page 91 2 Mlchigon State News, Edit Lansing, Michigan , Thurtday, April 7.^1 Sadat signals that peace pac WHO plans worldwide immunizations might hasten normal relatioi would take A full relationship including he spoke for the first time WASHINGTON (AP) - a generation to NEW YORK (AP) — The World Health combined effects of measles, whooping Egyptian President Anwar Sa¬ accomplish after a peace agree¬ diplomatic recognition, trade, explicitly of accepting Israel's Sadat said he tourism and social and cultural uuj right to exist, saying "when we &nt that "it Organization plant to vaccinate every cough, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis and dat signaled on Wednesday ment is signed. i., jj child by 1992, a WHO official laid diphtheria. that his country may be willing to move more quickly toward "For sure there normalization," Sadat said in will be exchanges has been Israeli demand. a basic accepted" a 1967 U.N. reso¬ without the lution calling for a secure and «nnot pjJ Wednesday in a tri-clty transatlantic newt conference. But immunization remains a problem normal relations with Israel reply to a question. Though he Sadat, as he often does, tried independent Israel, "we have establishpZi In another even in developed countries, where to avoid the appearance of mit>r sJ continued to talk of having "to accepted Israel" Dr. Ralph Henderson, WHO'S zation program manager immuni¬ apathy has taken hold, Dr. J. Donald once reached. a peace settlement is take it gradually," he indicated having made any concessions, The Egyptian leader aaid 'he had officers reportfl in Geneva, told Miller of the Center for Disease Control In a news conference con¬ a compression of his previous saying, for instance, that trade normalization of relations can¬ were i-J| troops in Zaire, reporters in U.N. radio studios In New said from Wbshington, where he is cluding a four-day visit to the schedule by saying that "when¬ with Israel could not be im¬ not be expected before a peace Marxiat gig York that five million children in develop¬ attending the National Immunization United States, Sadat omitted ever we end the state of posed upon him. agreement has been reached. for government?* ing countries die each year from the Conference. past qualifications that normali¬ belligerency—all this will be However, he showed signs of Sadat also said he had supporting the Znir* end, ill urged noting Zfl zation of relations with Israel easy." flexibility toward Israel when in his meetings with President President Fidel (3* Castro meets with Kremlin leaders Jimmy Carter "a dialog " be¬ tween the U.S. and the been touring Pales¬ countries, including m tine Liberation Organization any intLS MOSCOW (AP) - Cuban President warned that Nikolai V. Podgorny, who also just (PLO). this Fidel Castro met with top Kremlin leaders returned from an African trip, with AT LEAST 14 PERSONS DEAD The U.S. has opposed con¬ area would be Sadat also ssid oS Wednesday in an atmosphere of "ex¬ Communist party chief Leonid I. Brezh¬ tacts between American of¬ h?S officially asked fo, ceptional cordiality," the Tass news nev, Premier Alexei N. Kosygin and ficials and the PLO but Sadat pons but left open tk,S agency said. On his third day in Moscow after completion of a tour through Africa, Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko. The meeting was Castro's second day of Kremlin talks, believed focused pn the Flooded rivers recede said a dialog "would make it ty of receiving igehgS Costro talked with Soviet President southern African situation. By The Associated Press The Tug Fork River's overflowing waters "We feel like our town's wiped out," aaid Sheley Phillips, wife of the fire chief of Carter asks for agej smashed into two more towns along the West Williamson. Beatles lose record ban case Virginia-Kentucky border Wednesday, but most "From what I have seen the situation LONDON (AP) — The Beetles lost a States sometime later. of the rampaging rivers in Appalachia began to recede, leaving behind devastation and mud- absolutely desperate," she said. "We're all to represent consumi walking around in shock." high! court bid Wednesday to ban the The record is based on tapes made encrusted homes. In eastern Kentucky, where the worst flooding release of a two-record album of their when the Beatles were still an unknown At least 14 persons had been killed by the on record killed five WASHINGTON (AP) people, thousands were - President Jimmy Cuter ■ early music. floods since Monday, after storms dumped rain without homes as the flooding Big Sandy, group working for a few pounds a night in plans Wednesday for a new White House The four music stars, the region for up to 30 hours. Tornadoes Cumberland and Kentucky rivers began to agency I through their Hamburg, West Germany. represent consumer interests in courts and thnut jointly owned company, Apple Corp., had The court turned down the plea by John generated by the storm Monday killed 21 persons recede Wednesday. The damage was expected to i Alabama. government to help keep down prices. asked for an injunction against the album Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Star and top $100 million. Carter, outlining his plans to increase consumer Thousands of residents of the flood-ravaged "All you can see downtown is mud," said the government, asked psrttt titled "The Beatles Live at the Hamburg Cindy Congress to create u Aa George Harrison — the four who made valleys of Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia and Star Club 1962" which is to be released in May, a radio station employe at Pikeville, where Consumer Advocacy that would consolidate up the group which split apart 5Vi years Tennessee were left homeless as the waterways the Big Sandy had spilled more than 15 feet of moot p> consumer actions and could Germany Thursday and in Britain next saying they had waited Intervene in proceediM month. It is expected to reach the Onited ago — too long began to return to their banks. water into the streets. federal agencies and the courts. before taking legal action. "Ain't nothing left here," said E.T. Goergo, as Sens. Walter Doe Huddleston and Wendell Carter said his measures "will enhance the he looked around Matewan, W.Va. "This town's Ford, consumen'h along with Kentucky Congressmen Carl within the government without creating another i completely gone." Perkins and Tim Lee Carter, inspected the area bureaucracy." The flooding Tug Fork buried the tiny West - Wednesday and said they would ask for federal Esther Peterson, who was named Virginia towns of Kermit and Crum under about aid. assistant for consumer affairs, said the new Monday as Carter's J 12 feet of water Wednesday morning, agency them and forcing hundreds to evacuate. isolating Officials said thousands had been evacuated great difference to consumers because "rules and could* from PineviUe, Ky., and National Guard made almost in great abundance regulu* Wayne County Sheriff William Wellman said helicop¬ withqut consumers hivbl ters were dropping food, he had no reports of casualties, and believed all clothing and blankets to Peterson, who was President Lyndon Johnson's J others still stranded. representative, said she would not head the new the 500 residents of Crum agency escaped. In Tennessee, the raging Clinch River over¬ similar to the proposed Consumer Protection 'It's pretty bad," he said. "We had to walk to flowed its banks in three counties, that agency has been the Agency. Cn* find anything. The post office — killing at least object of a seven-year effort M just the roof of five persons. that is sticking out. There are lots of consumer groups. 1 Arms places that The Clinch at Sneedville, the area hit hardest The House has passed three proposal no surprise, Vance says just the peaks of houses are sticking out." by the swelled waters, crested at more than 26 previous bills to e»_ Agency for Consumer Protection and the Senate tuiM Upstream in Williamson and Matewan, the feet above flood level Tuesday twice. But the bills have never become WASHINGTON (AP) — Suggesting water washed away bridges, knocked out electric night and began to law, mainly bi the our proposals," he said, "and on the recede. opposition from the White House under earlier administ Soviets should not have acted so general overall shape of our proposal and telephone service and left thousands Cleanup operations in southwestern Virginis The legislation was closer than ever to enactment surprised, Secretary of State Cyrus R. homeless. Upstream from there, at Welch, two expected to take two weeks, after the dsn they had notice well in advance of that." were last Congress, when both House and Senate Vance said Wednesday they had at least persons were reported killed when the flood flooding waters from creeks and rivers in¬ passed bills. &■ the effort was abandoned in the face of a week's advance notice of the U.S. arms struck. undated communities in 10 counties. Senate filibuster* a Some members of Congress, including became clear there would not be curb proposals they rejected last week. Sen. Henry A. Jackson, D-Wash., have pnough votes to override threatened by former President Gerald R. Ford. df ' Vance made the comment to reporters praised the U.S. arms proposal for after giving a secret briefing to the House U.S.-Soviet equality in numbers of International Relations Committee. nuclear weapons but questioned the "The Soviets had advance notice of at tactic of confronting the Soviets with the least a week on the essential details of proposals in public last week. Panel member wary of smear tactics NAME BRAND WASHINGTON (AP) - A member of the House Committee on assassinations Kennedy. Thone said the committee should avoid REDUCEDl said Wednesday that the panel has to be being accused of smear tactics. 1000 Polr Students I "terribly, terribly careful" to avoid "We could cause a lot more trouble and Those School Pants SIZES H to Ml publicizing information that can hurt grief with this inquiry than we could tag. >14 to *16 Nov I innocent persons. accomplish by it," he said. Days $5°%| Rep. Charles Thone, R-Neb., told Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans testi¬ fellow members he had been bothered by fied last week in closed session and are the committee meeting last week when a committee members later declined to 4000 Polr Men's Dutch journalist said a potential witness describe what he said but Oltmans Joans I Slocks I who apparently committed suicide had claimed to be o middleman in the spelled out highlights of the story in news Coming tag. M0 to'29.9 I interviews before and after his testi¬ Now '7 to '10 I assassination of ex-President John F. Soon Budget committee bogged down mony. eemmunigue $I0"J 500 Men odd V«t I RESEARCH oil sizes WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate and the House Budget Committee recom¬ • Rrasrch. Writing, Editing Reg. MS Budget Committee, unable to decide how mended $19.9 billion. • Professional, Fast $50C-I much spending it should recommend for The committee also was unable to • Any Topic, All Fields veteran's affairs, bogged down Wed¬ agree on how much the federal Sand II for Mail Ordar revenue Catalog nesday in its effort to complete work on a government con expect to receive from budget for 1978. offshore drilling during fiscal 1978, which Write lor trot information Hold*n-R*id Four proposals, ranging from $19.1 billion to $20.7 billion for affoirs, veterans' begins next Oct. 1. The administration has estimated THE ACADEMIC RESEARCH GROUP, Inc. Budget Store were defeated. $16.6 billion in receipts, while the House 240 Park Awnut FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER The Carter Administration has Rutherford, Htm Jar my 07070 COUNCIL Of OCADUATI STUMNTS pro¬ committee said the Treasury could look posed spending $19.1 billion in this area, nioiNtMiion-oin ■OOM 31* (TUDINT SUVICIS 353-9139 forward to $16 billion. FRATERNITY Calling all Slg E| Undergrads, grad students, alumni, faculty and staff. Officials expect drop in botulism cases PONTIAC (UPI) - Health officials off now," said Hank Costantino, Oakland Sigma Phi Epsilon is forming Wednesday reported six new cases of botulism in the worst outbreak in U.S. County health administrator. "We sure a new fraternity by hope anyway that this is the last big history, but said it could be the last large group that we get." reorganization of our Michigan Epsilon Chapter and group of victims in a food poisoning epidemic that has afflicted 45 persons. wish to "It should pretty much start tapering But Costantino said his expecting the final toll office was to near 50. still immediately establish contact with all Sig Eps and interested AAilliken seeks loans for disaster aid undergrads on campus. of LANSING (UPI) - Proclaiming a stpte more than 54.5 million. PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY. disaster, Gov. William G. Milllken has Two people — a five-year-old Flint asked for low-cost small business and and an Eaton Rapids man — were boy farm loons to help cleon killed up four counties and another 60 injured In the ripped by tornadoes last weekend. twisters, which sliced a 65-mile Milliken said Wednesday that pre¬ southwestern lower Michigan path through Undergrads call Grads, faculty and alumni call liminary reports peg the damage total at Saturday afternoon. DAVE WESTAL CY STEWART, Ph.D 355-5280 353-6387 office 319-0715 home Mi I liken defensive of stance on issues By DAVE M1SIALOWSKI whether or not surveyed parties should have a chance to State News Staff Writer them, Milliken said his present position was "in addition"inspect Gov. William G. Milliken to his vigorously defended his handling of first. PBB, the Michigan State Police Red Squad, Seafarer and utility rate hike requests in a Milliken similarly defended his actions with meeting with college editors from across regard to Seafarer, the state Wednesday. Photo by David L. Olds explaining that he proceeded all along on the premise that "If the Three M8U etadenti, along with people didn't want it, they wouldn't have to have it." When it was Denying allegations that he must share some measure of two Okemoe resident!, were walk- pointed out to him that residents of the Upper Peninsula had responsibility for the PBB mishap, Milliken urged his opponents out against Seafarer in come inf near Thompion'i Jewelry (tore, not to "politicize" the issue. early 1978 by referendum margins as high as 10 to 1, the 223 M.A.C. Ave., "I resent very much the use by some of PBB for governor said there was no contradiction in the fact Tuesday when political gain," that he failed to cast his veto at the time. they witnessed a Lansing youth he declared. "I wanted all the facts on the environmental break into the display window at The governor reiterated his support for the (Rep. Francis) on record before a impact statement veto," he said. Milliken added that the , about 9:57 p.m. Spaniola bill, which mandates a reduction in allowable levels of statement raised "clear indications of The five citizens pursued the sus¬ PBB in meat and milk to two parts per million. Milliken insisted potential environmental that he has used the powers of his office to their fullest extent problems." pect and held him in custody until in attempting to persuade the Commenting on the $58.9 million rate hike granted by the Public the East Lansing Police arrived to state legislature and the State Service Commission (PSC) to Agriculture Commission to lower the allowable levels. Michigan Bell Telephone Co. earlier make the arrost. this week, Milliken refused to take a "I gave them the strongest possible arguments in favor of this," position on the increase, "It's not often that we get citizens he said. saying that to substitute his judgement for that of the PSC would be a "serious breach of who care enough about the commun¬ In another matter, Milliken expressed his belief that Red Squad responsibility." In addition he declined comment on a bill ity to assist the police under such files should be destroyed, calling their existence introduced in the state "deplorable." At legislature which would establish a fund to make it easier for circumstances," said Officer Steve the same time, he asserted his belief that those who were the citizens to get involved in litigation over Chub of the East Lansing Police De¬ subject of Red Squad surveillance should have the opportunity to utility rate hike requests. Milliken said he was "unfamiliar" with the bill's inspect their files prior to their destruction. contents. partment who, loft, inspects the In a related matter, Milliken said he had "not "Three years ago I called for their liquidation," he said. When decided" whether evidence at the scene. to reappoint Democrat William Ralls to the PSC. Ralls, whose confronted with the fact that his original Steven E. Rigoni of East Holmes request in 1974 was for term expires in July, has frequently opposed utility noncriminal files to be destroyed without rate hike Hall, Richard J. Down of Spartan any reference as to requests. Village and Robert A. Dutchlk of East Holmes Hall assisted in the suspect's apprehension along with John Barnes and Margaret REPS' INVALIDATION POSSIBLE Stacks, both of whom reside in Okemos. A warrant was Issued on a break¬ ing and entering charge but was not signed by the prosecutor pending a probation one period for the suspeet of Statements prompt action year. By NANCY ROG1ER spent or not." Aside from possible appeals, the com¬ State New Staff Writer Some candidates claimed that they either mittee is also faced with no precedent to Top vote-getters in the Academic Council forgot to turn their statements in or did not follow. "To my knowledge, this has never at-large representative election may be know that they were invalidated because of failure to file required. Kathleen happened before," Spivey said. "We have Leonard, one of the top vote-getters, said no precedent and the procedures are financial statements. that she never received the rules as her |artan Spirit election appeal The Student Nominations Committee has application was filled out by the Academic If the decision is made to invalidate, agreed to support invalidation of candidates Governance office. She also said that she who have not filed statements, but no final Holmes said, a special election may be held. had spent no money. decision has been reached. The committee "A decision is yet to be made about who will also decided to extend the appeals deadline Other top vote-getters said they did not run — everybody or just those that were irked by confusion, ambiguity to April 15. The committee met with Gordon Thomas, Academic Council secretary and election think statements were required if no had been spent. money not invalidated." Spivey said there is a possibility that the matter may be turned over to Student Holmes went on to say that he wants to coordinator, last week to consider what Council for resolution. avoid a lengthy appeal process. "I would By NUNZIO M. LUPO action to take. According to David Holmes, •'The AUEC did allow ballots to lay idle on like to get this resolved as fast as possible." At this time, the committee has not State News Staff Writer top of voting Uble(s) election commissioner of the committee, the at registration despite complaints by Kent Barry and other He added that he did not want to create a received appeals from any candidates, cument that All-University Elections Commission final decision should be reached by Monday. persons." "Invalidation is a distinct possibility, "go-around" process. Holmes said. | Chairperson Barry Griffiths said is the "official" •"Barry Griffiths was left alone with spoiled ballots during the ft of invalidation of ASMSU candidates does not state that though it is not final at this point," Holmes sorting process at the IM without any person to observe the said. "This is just the tentative feeling of 7 and the Spartan Spirit Slate are invalidated, occurrence." er, Barry and all other candidates signed a statement the committee. No one has actually been le election stating: "I understand that failure to •"Doyle O'Connor and a Mr. (Stewart) AUderige, campaign poll invalidated until we render our final comply workers, made derogatory remarks about Kent Barry in the lending regulations (8.3.1, 8.3.2) will automatically presence of people waiting to vote, while they were working as decision." le my candidacy." Section 6.3.1b says a spending report The deadline for statements was March poll workers. Mr. Barry asked that they be dismissed and was higned." refused." 21. Out of 15 candidates, 11 did not file. Jesuit of this confusion the question of who will chair the ■Student Board meeting Tuesday night remains unanswer- •"Barry Griffiths questioned Kent Barry about a permit for Only one top vote-getter made the deadline and the other five top vote-getters failed to Spartan Spirit's A-frame signs and Kent produced a permit. submit statements. nt, which is signed by the entire five-member Counterforce had an A-frame poster and did not have permits nor According to Holmes and Steve Spivey, were they threatened with | idcommission, for states that "The following candidates are Spirit signs had been." possible police removal as the Spartan chairperson of the committee, election rules failure to submit a signed expense report." Barry •"On 1 April 1977, Chairman Barry Griffiths did call Kent clearly implied that statements had to be ut that the word "disqualified" does not appear in the Barry filed regardless of whether a candidate had and tell him that I'iscodewould which governs the election. not a statement had not been received for Jack Husted, and made questions about the alleged use of Spartan spent any money or not. "We have to know comment on whether the word invalidated one way or the other," Holmes said. Spirit shirts (not used in campaign). At no time was any question ■also pointed out that he has yet to be officially notified of of missing information mentioned. This took He went place well before the 5 on to say that financial mlidstion. Griffiths said that the elections code p.m. deadline." statements were attached to each cand¬ only I him to "post" invalidations, not inform the candidates, Griffiths' only comment on the idate's petition and that they were re¬ lay, Barry submitted complaints about the conduction of complaints was, "I'm not really minded of regulations and encouraged to ' sure of his (Barry,s) purpose." in to the All-University Student Judiciary (AUSJ). The Presidential candidate Peter Couehlan is submit campaign statements to the State s are not a planning to file an News. request for a judicial hearing but "for the appeal with the AUSJ to be validated. He was inalidated on the I he said, same grodnds as Barry but claims his report was signed. "We made more than enough of a implaint states: Coughlan printed "Peter Coughlan's expense report" but reminder. It was incumbent on all candi¬ IAUEC did exceed their lawful authority in disqualifying Griffiths said the possessive form of the word as well as the fact dates to follow the rules." we Spartan Spirit Slate in violation of the provisions that it is printed, mean it does not constitute a signature. Thomas said, "There is always a possi¬ J6.3.4 (A section of the code dealing with the reasons for Barry has not filed an appeal on the Spartan Spirit invalidation, bility of ambiguity, but I would expect that but said "I'm confident that 111 be the next official president." one would file whether any money was SAYS RATE HIKE BASED ON QUESTIONABLE DATA Accounting firm reveals 'unique requests' »y JOANNA FIRESTONE review of the rate request ■ING (UPI) - An turned up questioned just on the face of the items on accounting firm report to Kelley. ■ for Atty. Gen. Frank J. "unique requests" by the utility. which the request is based." "The company's performance during the Vuch as $146.5 million of Kelley says If granted, the $164.2 million hike would Consumers "An in depth analysis of sales projections, last calendar year would indicate anything ■° s $164.2 million rate hike request increase Consumers' electric rates by a but a wearing away of earnings. The increased fuel and wage expenses and other ■ questionable data. whopping 18.2 per cent. items will no doubt raise other questionable earnings per share rose from $2.62 per L'rkin, Chapski and Co. of Accountant Hugh Larkin Jr. said 89 per components of the request," Larkin said. share in 1975 to $3.63 per share in 1976..." 'toW Kel|cy that a cent of the proposed increase "can be preliminary Larkin said Consumers is asking that the Other aspects of the rate request rate of return to its stockholders be questioned by the accountant's review increased from the presently authorized included: return of 12.75 per cent to 15 indie causes hall fire, per cent. That would cost electric customers $36 million a year. •$5 million to help back a and uranium mining effort "risky" new coal by Consumers. •Over $70 million in accounting changes "This equates to an 18 per cent increase which will not change the amount of cash >lice say; pet dog hero in the allowed holders," he said. profit to company stock¬ spent by the company but would increase the amount of revenue required for rate purposes. Larken said Consumers authorized rate tntki! student* °f 315 W.12:30Fee Hall owe their lives to a pet dog that alerted them of of return already is comparable to that of •$8.6 million in unsubstantiated equip¬ ment Slat* News/tyn Howes '■m- W«^sday. other investor owned U.S. utilities. depreciation. I ' "lc" was left unattended, was determined to be the cause of the fire, police Contrary to popular opinion, the maintenance men do change light bulbs In addition, Larkin said, the utility is •$2.6 million in increased salaries and when they burn out, which goes to show that someone out there is listen¬ wages which "might be incurred" and paid ing. Ktll'k?'the K*„ damage r»"ged between $5,000 and $9,000. e sPre>d projecting debt issues of $225 million this year at interest rates of 9.25 per cent. That next year. . through the living room ofthe apartment, the dog succeeded in would cost its customers $7.5 million. I saiH ri," rasidents- had been sleeping in a back bedroom with the door Ir el khr? Wddle' head »W" W"'°r,nd that said. April 26. undergraduate. Dusenberry said he resigned from the position because he was Kmh» !!a.rum turned back to help in the alerting of the residents, the on Included in the company's rate request is According to the Programing Board Code of Operations, the graduating in June. He said he felt the board should elect a new I've made ! 6re Could have very serious, she said. nearly $15 million for alleged "earnings position of chairperson must be filled within five class days after the chairperson early this spring so that person could get acquainted P so the i, ,ra?ue,t t® the campus police that the timer be taken off the alarm attrition." date of resignation, which would be May 3. with the job before this summer, which he described as a "very Iff," ,j,e "aat tlme something like this happens, it will ring indefinitely until it is Dusenberry recommended that the Programing Committee hectic time for the Programing Board." "Attrition is defined as the wearing away immediately eatablish procedures for the selection of a new or erosion of earnings," Larkin said in his Applications can be picked up in 307 Student Services Bldg. and chairperson. Applications for the position will be accepted must be turned in before April 26. Wiretap bill may spur abuse Power begets power. It is in this liberties are fragile; police in the spirit that the state House of noble "line of duty" are too iKJoenoaunim,^ Representatives voted Wednes¬ resentful of fragile considerations are equally regressive, (w day to take a giant step backwards to protect them. Revelations about away all the "good time-,', for civil liberties while increasing the FBI and CIA prove this. The pusher could accumulate! law enforcement powers when it inner workings of the Tri-County serving a mandatory approved a measure for limited Metro Squad prove this. This is not only a heavVua eavesdropping of suspected hard In fact, it is totally absurd and punishment, but provide.?! drug dealers. outrageous that in the wake of the centive whatsoever for thJJ The cause for such aggrandize¬ Michigan State Police Red Squad inal to change his or her rJ ment of police power was a bill revelations, which showed the Another sponsored by Rep. Paul Rosen- measure reouSI agency spied, collected informa¬ mandatory life sente^T baum, D-Kalamazoo, one of a tion about "subversives" and in pushers convicted for six-bill package aimed at cracking some cases passed this information large amounts of heroin. Ki down on drug pushers. The onto prospective employers, the serves to cause a grave atrial measure passed Wednesday al¬ legislature should continue to the already bulging prisons ■ lows a police agency to "elec¬ broaden police powers. Maybe the It is only hoped that the Sj tronically eavesdrop" on sus¬ cigar-chomping, East-Coast which is faced with pas^l pected heroin pushers. The police speaking Rosenbaum and his band bills, can project itself out J agency would be forced to show of police powermongers can bene¬ middle ages and a three-judge panel of the court reject a fit from this recent lesson. backward proposals. of appeals probable cause that a This is not to say Rosenbaum's suspect is dealing in the drug. It intent is not honorable. But his also requires proof by the agency answers to the The State News fizzled and the eavesdrop is D-East gressive. Rep. Lynn Jondahl, problem are re¬ Wanted: . , ,1 Lansing, was probably necessary. Length and vicinity of more on the mark when he voiced the eavesdropping must be out¬ opposition to the A representative from I Thursday, April 7, 1977 wiretap bill national magazine most p< lined. Editorials at the opinions Tuesday on the House Floor. He admit reading but not lo.. of the State News. Viewpoints, columns Rosenbaum and proponents of said the only the photos has arrived at M™ and letters o way drug abuse 3 personal opinions. the bill no doubt feel the police can would be eradicated is to take the part of a nationwide seudl Editorial Deportment handle the responsibilities of proof profit out of the trade. Cdllar Inch ft Mary Ann ChlckShow Sports editor Edward L. Bonders CopyChiel and there are enough checks on the economics, Simple "intelligent women with f Tracy Heed Managing Editor Bob Ovrllon entertainment and Book Editor Donna Bokun Wire editor Joyce Laskowski fellows, supply and bodies" for a future sr Opinion tdltor ■ Dave Mlslalowski Layout Fred von Hartesveldt Staff Representative John Casey system to ease the mind. demand. You treat the addict to "Girls of the Big Ten." City editor Michael Tanlmura Photo Editors Moggie Wolker. Laura Lynn Pistler Freelance Editor Anne Stuart We've heard that before. dry up demand and the supply The photographer is in J Campus editor Corole Leigh Hullon Associate Sports Editor Tom Shanahon But we know the truth to be that would disappear. Jondahl also said now. All you have to do is find! the police have historically the bill not only allows for more take your clothes off and rl Advertising Department stepped Advertising Manager Assistant Advertising Manager Ceci Corfield over every line drawn to police abuse, but provides an Lady Chatterly's Lover restrain their authority. Civil opportunity for inveterate cor- sensuous tones, of course. as an athlete, Mr. Marshall is a world- concerning the illegal, and most often the famous scholar, teacher and practitioner of his speciality. He is asked to address and is obtuseness demonstrated by the poll FRED VAN HARTESVELDT workers at registration. Unused ballots listened to respectfully by faculties of were strewn about on tables, ultimately medical schools and has demonstrably providing an opportune chance for a voter extended the careers of many professional to cast more than one ballot, if so desired. single privilege (to the contrary, academic bureaucrats have unfairly tried to make athletes. This University ought to be doing everything possible to make use of his abundant talents and energies, not driving him away. A truly great University Moreover, there were poll workers recom¬ mending certain candidates who they believed had the best opportunity to win and/or explaining the virtues of one Lefties unite! him function under different rules and have would find a way to make Mr. Marshall candidate over another. abused his civil and student rights); he is What group of people is the most universally available to its students and I shudder to think that any candidate's indeed a resident of this state and faculty. Only a dlscriminated-agalnst minority " pays cow college would feel itself threatened by What single minority prejudice not only mirrors all other taxes; his use of MSU facilities has been the sincere attempts in devoting one's time and prejudices combined, htJ such a man. Personally, I resent those who reduces those other prejudices to the size of a Hostess Twinkie in result of mutually useful agreements (ask energy to represent oneself and one's ideas comparison? are ultimately the teachers who are using his pinning labels not on Mr. to the student electorate was a worthless What smallest part of the world's population puts tapes and Marshall but this up with the largest amount d J X-rays); and his corporation is on University. undertaking. The incompetency displayed harassment and inconvenience a nonprofit Clinton S. Burhans Jr. at registration has — more than all the blacks, homosexuals, fat pi organization. hesitantly forced me to albinos put together? Mr. Marshall is fighting a battle of Professor of English believe this to be so. These nullifying infractions which domi¬ The answer to all of these questions is (alas!) the unfortunate left-handers. Marshall principle, and it is not his principle alone. nated the election balloting needs termi¬ Left-handed people are aliens living in a right-handed world, and the result J He is fighting for every student and faculty ASMSU nation, or we as students are left with the paranoiac's suspicion-come-true. Everyone and everything is out to get the lefty, f member against an entrenched The letters to the editor of bureaucracy fact that a fair and discretionary democratic This is obvious to any left-handed student forced to attend a show that harpies are at it again, Thursday which apparently believes that it is free to election can never be backwudl^ abusing do anything it wants to anyone under the As a former ASMSU presidential candi¬ implemented at MSU. Mike Marshal] with the usual scurrilous aegis of the autonomy clause of the Because of this, the president-elect "In the real world there are even more rant in direct proportion to their state date, my first venture in student electoral should consider new attempts to end such examples c, . of the entire matter. ignorance constitution. Anyone who attended the politics has been an enjoyable, and at times, persecution. A few of the more important ones are packagetM recent trial in which the University failed to imprudence from ever happening again. gum (if you want to read the "Wrigley" For over two years, I have known Mr. make a case against Mr. Marshall or who a frustrating one. Throughout this cam¬ right-side-up when yotl paign, I felt as though a lingering sense of Jesse Dorado Marshall as a warm friend, a good husband take out a piece), wrist watches (put a watch on will read the transcript of the trial will 509 Cornell your right virm and father, an exceptional athlete and a ineptitude, while not necessarily appearing and try winding it), camera shutter agree with the four students on the jury in the campaign itself, may decide to show East Lansing releases, pay telephone cw| brilliant intellectual and scholar. He does not think of himself as a "Greek that the bureaucracy has been striving for up during balloting at registration. It slotsK decks of playing cards. ." . god;" he has years with every trick in the book to certainly did. always functioned within the same rules as right-handed, of course) university. If he sits, he every other student and has never abused a remove Mr. Marshall from this campus. I have heard countless stories from Freedom desk. If he uses scissors, he must cut (more often must lodge himself in a . Apart from his unquestioned excellence presidential candidates and students alike, hack) right-handedly. If he takesm he must write with right-handed pens and pencils - right-handed since the ins Academic freedom for students and for most can only be read it the pen or pencil is in one's right hand. faculty is a frequent topic on this campus. In the real world there are even more examples of Each time the subject comes up we should lefty persecution. A few of the* important ones are packages of gum (if you want to read the "Wrigley" right-side up 4 Foreign policy and handbags recall the definition given by the late you take out a piece), wrists watches (put a watch on your right wrist and try windiM Leopold Ruzicka, Nobel prize-winning or¬ camera shutter releases, pay telephone coin slots, decks of playing cards, notebooki4 ganic chemist: "Academic freedom consists action rifles, instructions for any kind of hand skills (such in being allowed to work far harder than is as sleight-of-hand tridif knitting), table place settings, driving on the right-hand side of the road, pans withli prescribed." Only when this component of pouring spouts, telephone booth doors, most athletic equipment, a thousand V WASHINGTON — When President academic freedom is very active do the Carter was running for office he should do about putting a shoulder applicances, a million small appliances, assorted knobs, handles and dials. other components take on real significance. The list could very easily go on forever. .. criticized Henry Kissinger's strap on a handbag for Macy's. Why policy of Ralph W.Lewis Even tradition is against the left-hander. closed-door diplomacy, and he vowed should they bug me about what we Professor of natural science People shake right hands. Soldiers at that, if elected, he would should do with Zaire? right-handedly. The pledge of allegiance is said with one's right hand over the heaA keep the More right-handed bias is found in American people informed on "Ill tell you something," he con¬ language. Most languages are read and writt«"C every¬ left to right, an uncomfortable thing the government decides when it tinued, "I liked the way Kissinger practice for the lefty. The words "left" and Who Cares? themselves anti-left - in French, German, comes to foreign policy, including our operated — in the dark, with no one English, and Latin "right" suggests hM truth, and goodness, while in those same "options, commitments, progress and knowing what he was up to. When the "sinister." In Italian, "left" even means languages "left" connotes "awkwtrfi even failures." Middle East was falling apart it was Apathy at MSU is at a critical level and "defective." while in English, one speaks ft1- favor of left-handed compliments. It sounded great at the Kissinger's problem. He only gave us nobody even cares! Here we are in the year time, but In view of all this hostility, is it now the good news. The bad news he kept to 1977, the first time in the history of any wonder that so few people are left-handed? 1 that it is being Estimates of lefties in the put into practice it's himself. Under Kissinger I could devote mankind that a comprehensive population range only between 10 and 17 per «»'• getting the American people rather ART BLCHWALI) energy researchers, though, suggest that the actual all my energies to my business. With policy is being formulated, fossil fuel costs higher, around 25 per cent, and that right-handed bias people born left-handed is* unhinged. percentage of handbags. Now I have to worry if we Carter and Vance I have to spend half are at an all-time record high, blackouts, before destroys left-handed ts"J"i the day figuring out what I want to do shortages, threat of rationing, but large car many babies grow up. Markay, with whom I was having can afford to give up the Cruise missile Right-handed propaganda is not, however, restricted to about Castro." sales are also reaching record levels. But lunch, was drinking rather heavily and I without the Soviets giving up the who cares? young children. It has W asked him what was Backfire bomber. I'm in leather, not bothering him. "But President Carter believes the disarmament." American people should know the bad Physics and Lymann Briggs College are "Right-handed propaganda is not, however, restricted "I „ "J Jon't know what SALT talks are in such to do now that the "I know it's tough for you, but Mr. newsaswellasthe good news. After all, offering a course in Energy Consumption and Environmental Quality called IDC 256, young children. It has hidden for years the fact that lefties I said. a disarray," he Carter does not want to make under our system it is the actually superior. In fact, it's been about 10 years since W1 any people who but only a handful of people decided to foreign policy decisions without in¬ must finally decide what has to be fiolarvn nF f lin Fr«s'a• omiud** a/ I/JaaaaaIa aa*ias*/D(\ th enlighten themselves. I just don't under¬ J d.on,t told him. *hY that has you upset," I After all, you're in the forming the American public. If he has to make a large expenditure for arms he done." "I don't want my brother-in-law to stand it. left-handed people are usually more creative and imagi^W Paul Newman than right-handers." handbag business." wants you to be in on it." "That's just great," said Markay. "I'm decide anything in the field of foreign Haslett JT 'Yeh, but Carter wants policy. If it was up to him we'd MIRV for yeare the fact that lefties are us to every one of get involved in foreign policy. He supposed to decide whether we build Moscow tomorrow," Markay said. "He actually superior. In fact, it's been about Bryng Bryngelson of the University of Minnesota lOyearssiedjl does not want any more secret nuclear aircraft carriers or B1 bombers. almost lost the Neiman-Marcus handbag reported that left-handed p«l*1 cy. He says every American should diploma¬ I don't even know what kind of buckle to account for us when he said Texas was Letter Policy U,rly°?re creative 4nd ta»Pnative than right-handers. The Bible supports Bryngelson's left-is J beat theory. The Book of Judges, ChspWl know what's put on my fall line of evening bags. How cheating on its gas reserves." *»• Utter, end verses15 and 16, says that our of an army of 26,000 men there going on." the hell am I supposed to decide what "Nevertheless," I said, "President were "seven hundred .hcmUMteuefnerele, men who were left-handed," and that each one of these 700 could "So?" new weapons the country needs?" Carter will not proceed with SALT until HHl atljfff and not miss. "sling a stone at« "What do I say to Gromyko now?" "You'll have to read up on it. For too he knows what you want, what I want ai pottftje I "I don't think the President expects long we've been operating in the dark. and what your brother-in-law wants him he such ridiculous 0fthia *a?t mu'titude of evidence, why on earth do left-handers continue to* you to answer Gromyko If the American people are not to do. We've got until righty abuse? I personally. All brought May to come up Revolt, southpaws! Mr. Carter wants to know from into the decision-making with some good ideas." you is process of See the left of way! Be left of center! what he should say to Gromyko." government, mistakes could be made "Okay, but if I work on SALT, Carter Don't be left out! „J "I'm telling you it's too much for me. I which we'll all have to pay for." and Vance better come up with some .. yhe^T°,uld history books. DaVinci, "or d ^without its great left-handed thinkers? Lefty geniuses »1 Michaelangelo, Picasso Ranhaell Alexander Chsrleuffl "Look, we give the President, the new designs for our straw tote bags or used to only have to J. C. Penney was worry if Gimbels or secretary of state and Congress very we're not going to make our payroll this Truman Ford! Kittell Who knows? Think left, southpaws. You've given in Maybe gTu left-Cded! J going to buy change. Demand left-handed desks in schools, and right-handers*! good salaries. I don't ask them what I enough. Eat left, and let the your elbow for a Los Angeles Times token few you have now. don't settle fijl Lobby for left-handed ink pens. Write Wrigley's an obscene*1 in mirror script. And if you drink, drink port! 1 If you don't act now, you may be the reflection of the next generation! Thursday, April 7, 1977 5 ida Wagner: finding satisfaction lith words, writing and research ..hRTIBENEDETTI that involved countless days of with a progressive English students to work on live dead. •eNew.SUflWrttw library research. Department. For one thing, it authors, while other univerai- "It takes a long time for a lave to keep making "It is not exactly an allows graduate and Ph.D. ties require that a writer be school to build an academic Engnsn "•••— imagina¬ reputation," she said. "Our tive way to spend time," Wag¬ says emphaticaliy. students have to go out in the ■n have a making in- ner observed, "but I like the whole process of world and turn into contributing ■i, and if my mother had proofing and people before that reputation ■ me to sew or something, indexing information." ■dn't ■ the have to keep pro- books." as Wagner came to MSU in an associate 1968 • 0 can be made. And MSU has not been around the 300 years needed to create that kind of Jing aside any lack of professor of English after assistant profes¬ b-e reputation." The writer-professor's first Windom enters Thurber's world Eic ability. Wagner's pro- sorships at Wayne State and Bowling Green universities. published book, "The Poems of lty at the typewriter may Born in Ohio, she taught William Carlos Williams: A Windom includes in his show ed unstoppable. She is Writer-cartoonist James the final event in the Lecture- English for three years in Critical Study," was the first of Thurber loved dogs, put his wit another favorite Thurber Jible for an incredible Concert University Series. various high schools in Ohio and her many books and essays on to work for the New Yorker theme, the battle of the sexes. Jt of books, essays, re- Michigan. Wagner concedes, Williams. She chose Williams and wove the "secret life" of Curtain is at 8:15 p.m. in the I poetry and fiction. Her On Thurber's rules for University Auditorium. Tick¬ V however, that high school because virtually no books Walter Mitty in his search for Jraphy of published teachers have little time of their existed that covered the the bizarre in the ordinary. One marriage, "compiled after a ets. available at the Union land fiction is vaat. with writer's works. She proceeded 50-year study," he advises: Ticket Office, are $6, $5 and $4. own. Her position at MSU man—actor William Windom— re material forthcoming. to write "The Prose of William don't put a hubcap on your They are half-price to MSU enables her to continue will stroll across the stage iringabookon John writing. Carlos Williams" in 1970: wife's dressing table while look¬ students. _,„s, a lesser-known tonight dressed in a sweater, ing for an old rag. "I have always thought of "Speaking Straight Ahead," spectacles and an eyeshade to gway and Faulkner con- myself as a writer," Wagner which she edited in 1976: and Thurber's tongue-in-cheek ry,who authored such "The Manhattan said. "I am making something MSfi / "William Carlos Williams: A deliver some of Thurber's best known philosophies in a one- humor inspired Windom's tele¬ iP^ vision series, along with his s with words and that gives me Reference Guide," now at press. man show, "William Windom and 'The USA ' • 'JA current show. great satisfaction. Writing has always been easy for me." w 3 "All my books have been exciting to write," Wagner Plays Thurber." After capturing an Emmy "Windom Plays Thurber" is • smiled, "but "Speaking Straight Award for his Thurberesque Jdition to her creative The gracious and articulately Ahead," an interview with Wil¬ TV series "My World and Wagner has the ability to polished professor heads the K liams, enabled me to do less Welcome To It," Windom |kind of research writing MSU Writers Reading series, scholarly work. turned storyteller to reveal LOST CANYON DRIFTIRS ople would find in¬ J which she described as an * "People are charmed with what he calls "the light and ly tedious. enrichment of the MSU creative ,mmi this book because it gives dark sides of the American Coin c—try-rock writing program. The series Williams back to the people," that | book "Ernest Heming- is James Thurber." Reference Guide," d in January, demon- attempts to present authors in the process of publishing their * ' she added. Wagner said she is ready at next weak ■■TAN Ul ST ATI STRUT books. this point to get back to [ that specialized skill. Stole Newt/Linda Broy writing Linda about women in her books. ALL STARS >k contains an extensive Wagner said she strongly Wagner ia an English protestor who has "Since I have written about lation of Hemingway's believes MSU embodies a good explored nearly every scholarly pursuit in her Held. ocowsHc ■Himaaws Vid articles through 1975, She is an accomplished everyone else, my writing about quantity of writing talent. poet, researcher and writer, women will carry more weight." radwarf prices til t pus, £annotated bibliography "MSU is an innovative school always with a project in production. fizapdj, (Underapound Pab/o Cruise tops efforts 224 Abbott ■O )y JOHN CASEY possibly lifting the group from "ElVerano"is a finely crafted te News Reviewer wise listenable album. just a West Coast phenomenon instrumental 0 CRUISE: A Place In | Sun! A AM SP-4625) to national prominence. "A Place In The Sun" reflects showcasing the group's chops. Former Stone- ground members Cory Lerios Pablo Cruise shines on its third release. "A Place in the Sun" is the work of a OPEN THURSDAY AND J,, .you've pot eoet^otpfrtwe iu want to be a rock and a marked growth from the lean (keyboards), Dave Jenkina group that built an identifiable style in¬ FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 days of "Pablo Cruise" and (guitar) and Steve Price spired by established ■ two basic avenues into "Lifeline," the group's unsuc¬ (drums) team with ex-It's A influences. Pablo Cruise does cessful previous efforts. With Beautiful Day member Bud frative field of playing - not copy, it fuses. pusic inevitably lead stronger vocals, more fluid Cockrell (bass) to produce a In inspiring musician into arrangements and brighter colorful tapestry of music. bng" fame, never to be instrumentation on the new Months of constant touring pom again. release, Pablo Cruise has found have honed the band's present¬ I way is to copy an its groove. ation — "A Place In The Sun" is Ihed group's style, not a culmination of its efforts. The nine original songs range ■ note or "Whatcha Gonna Do?" and word-for-word, from effervescent to a couple of Jough to inspire record trite and unnecessary tunes. "Tonight My Love" prove Pablo I to purchase the group's Cruise is not infallible as it dips nlbum. Usually, the so- Opening the album is "A Place In The Sun," a song packed into mundane, syrupy lyrics ted listener will which only blemish an other- quickly with all the musical hooks, e ruse. End of group, tie's startling catchy melodies and memorable copy of lyrics appealing to any AM ■ like sound serves as a K example. radio programmer. Pablo COMPUTUS CINTIR TOURS Cruise has incorporated the The Computer Laboratory staff will conduct tours of ■second route is open to vocal harmonies that made the Computer Center for new users of the MSU Creative enough to corn¬ America famous into a musical computing facility. Each tour consists of a slide ed write original songs. Junately, these people are framework with Brian Wilson's signature all over it. Add a presentation, a discussion of the function and ■a-dozen and become just little Orleans flavor and Pablo operation of the Computer Laboratory, and a walking face in the race for tour of the building. The tours start in Room 215 Cruise has a hit song. at the following times. fnd fortune. It is truly Si of the fittest. Jo Cruise, a relatively ■n San Francisco Vnd together Bay since the April 4 1:00 p.m. kr of 1973, has released a April 5 9:00 a.m. fort, combining original litions with the flair and April 6 7:00 p.m. 1 of known musical UTTUmUWAY J* "A Place In The Sun" tnvia STATION April 7 3:00 p.m. ■ group's most accessible Hghtest album to date, 1301 E. Grand River Next to Varsity Inn I 1 April 8 1110 a.m. ♦aatMHMMHHHMMMHHMMHMFO ror roughing it foots for hiking, climbing or lost plain wear. All of them evvuftkiHp ik ujelet ~ough, yet comfortable. top off your warm weather wardrobe with crisp, cotton trim on white polyester/cotton knits for a bit of 'ere you'll find these folkloric charm fresh, feminine flattery for your peasant frand names of quality °ots in stock skirts or lightweight pants. S.M.L sizes. — Pivetts, wsand Vasque, a pvision of Redwing. A. Camisole with eyelet straps and lace-up ribbon bodice. fifteen different ■♦yles to choose B One-shoulder, tunnel waist top. Irani, let one our C. Blouson, drawstring-tie top, to wear off-or-on the shoulders. Campers' T.ra ^op experts $13 ||* you up. . RAUPP FRQM OUR 4tO44, j Aoip jCampfitters Jacob0ori0 72SS Soil Michigan, Lansing an. .. 1 n; "Mn. rtiru Frl. 10 a.m. to • p.m. lot, 9 a.m. to S p.m. W.ichigon Stole News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Thursday, April 7 Softball am ■ opens at honj Kearney still maintains people policy ByJOHNSINGLER State News Spwts Writer . The 1977 MSU women's softball team will national championship this afternoon, hoatinv w.. open d,, J mented. in the near future regarding gan in a doubleheader at 4. ! ^ By EDWARD L. BONDERS visit to Kearney's home was to One The two games with the Broncos inaugural. State News Sports Writer present ideas for the promotion analysis nonrevenue-producing program which needs the gate MSU athletics. "The top prior¬ playing site, near the varsity baseball diamond and u«, 2 The sidewalk leading to the of MSU athletics. ity is coming up with a five-year the Red Cedar River. """» comfortable East Lansing home receipts from hockey, basket- fiscal projection. We must Following the hour and a half people person." ... - the increasing The Spartans lost only two players from is in a state of disarray. Half the While Kearney has been at understand what can lai last saw J session, the group adjourns for we path is dirt and the remainder a dinner of beef stew and salad. his post for just one year, that athletic program. """Women's athletics reasonably expect and then squad, juad, the most gaping hole being left bv Becksford. In the World Series last season by pit,?'! brick walkway. a During the meal, the will implement those plans. she »T ?l conver¬ games en route to the title. 011 dl| Extra bricks lie on the freshly sodded lawn waiting their place¬ ment in the walk. sation continues — ranging from MSU's chances of signing Earvin Johnson to the latest Pill FTWKS STttSKSS time and what he plans ^ for ^ next ye„ And "Secondly, we have to con¬ tinue to work on our credibility. And, we must have a gradual Gwen White and Sheri Springel will share the mound. Head coach Diane Ulibarri has starter for today's opener. Nancy start™ A. not dw2l Once through the front door, Mussleman story. "••rlrttiniT senusinted with a truthfully, it's not unreasonable building of our entire program. will pitch in relief. Lyons and Maaon'.i 9 n,U«a Dr. Joe Kearney, MSU athletic director for just over a year, greets the students with a warm The late-afternoon conclave depicts Kearney at his best. As he said at his first press new^dZuSir frXSPW Sure, we hope for a new building to replace Jenison, and I'm studying that prospect right "Our defense is sound. We may get hit Gloria, but the defense can handle it," Ulibarri more no. said - ■ smile and firm revenue Gayle Barrens returns to first base, where she >■•'-» -1 handclasp. conference after being named to The purpose of the students' the top athletic post, "I'm a themotminyfierm^tingwUh "Finally, we must generate chances and had just two errors last season. Kathy StnTP first^ame here I told the thus ^ necessity for some enthusiasm and have some play second base, Carol Hutchins is back at shortstmuZI. Spoelstra at third base. With the exception of athletic department staff I »"te changes ,n the future to fun. We want the students infielders propped at Lansing high schools SpoSI would work with them and walk the «P«d'»* bud^ • and CJ leaving MSU feeling it was a combined fielding percentage of .993 for MSU with them for one year. Well. We,v* mtde 8 s,tron« good experience," he concluded. Joan Ferguson, freshman from Dearborn last staTl that year is up and I'm looking to n'fnt 10 women® aP°rt-j. but Just as the bricks in his FordaoT* School, is likely to give Hutchins a strong challenge at tkJS make some modifications in the other nonrevenue producing sidewalk are not all in place, the ■bench ii The starting outfield for today's twin bill will processes, procedure,and poli- fP°rt»h8vebeen8™nd 8 lonK Dr. Joe Kearney elements of success are waiting Ann Anderson and Laurie Zoodsma. Jill be Ui»jL p said. cies within the department," he "me. So its not a happy to be laid in place in MSU's Manion 11 situation to look at any re- (continued on page 7) educator first and coach second. athletic program. While Kearney made an ex- ductions or ^mination of non- The first and foremost thing a tended effort to project a rfv.en"e 'P0*8- Kearney ex¬ coach must do is recognize the positive image of MSU to the P'mned. athlete as a person. Then public during the past 12 .0ne the raos vls'b>* identify the athlete's academic months, he now foresees a new and different challenge. "We changes Kearney imptemented during his first year at MSU was interests and help him and, thirdly, recognize his athletic ANNOUNCING must make it clear to the ,"8™n« D^' he,d aspirations. That's what coach¬ students and faculty that football coach and Jud Heath- ing is all about," Kearney The First Amateur they're wanted. We want to as head cage mentor. Their commented. make them put of inter- select on "f8!", ^pifie' He added, "But we're not Photo Contest collegiate athletics. If athletics "eys people philosophy. Ive satisfied. I don't think we'll ever aren't fun for students, then tried to personalize our depart- be satisfied. We must keep Sponsored by the STATE NEWS you've got problems," Kearney ment- The C08<:hes must be an working." proclaimed. Kearney then expressed The fun aspect of Spartan 1st Prize: A camera valued what priorities he will work on football was relegated to an up to '200.00 (winner's choice)" almost nonexistent level the past season due to the NCAA imposed three-year probation. STAINED GLASS WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 2nd Prize: Any lens or accessory valued up "The probation had a greater OF TOOLS AND MATERIALS . . . to '100.00 (Winner's choice) impact than I thought it would EUROPEAN OPALS JUST ARRIVED have," Kearney noted. "In some regards there were negative MSU's weightlifting club offshoots, but on the other took first place in the Bob Moon 3rd Prize: Any lens or accessory valued up to hand, it was a rallying point for ATTMVMN 1 1 Ex¬ '50.00 (Winner's choice) Memorial Open powerlifting cellent pay, insurance, and many true Spartan fans." meet in Findley, Ohio on tirement benefits available — -Frlio valiMt d*t»rmliMd at currant iait Laming ratall pricaa. Despite the probation Kear- Sunday, Michigan Air National Guard. ney sees a necessity for keeping MSU's Lee Green (114 Call 517-489-5169 after 6 P.M., MADLINIPORINTRIIS ANIL 22 revenue-producing programs pounds), Gary Wandell (148 Tuesday through Friday. Call such as football on a competitive SEE FRIDAY'S STATI NEWS FOR CONTEST RUIES. ENTRY RUNK AND OTHER DETAILS. pounds) and Leonard Espinosa Todoyl level. "Certain aspects of men's (165 pounds) all finished in first sports must be kept competitive place. At 220 pounds Bill Still- AP Wirephoto because they generate revenue, 'welf finished second, but also Arnold Palmer, right, baa "that Master's look" as he If we allow them to taper off, the selTdSU records for the dead- watches his shot during a practice round for the nonrevenue sports will be the lift (650 pounds) and total lift Master's golf tournament in Augusta, Ga. ones hurt the most," he com- (1560 pounds). Burgering takes ItfiA v I lots second in diving MSU's Dave Burgering con¬ Italy and Austria. tinued to bring home diving MSU's Jesse Griffin (ninth) awards, this time finishing sec¬ and Kevin Machemer 116th) ond in the National AAU three- also placed in the AAU meet. meter championships in Austin, Tex. Montreal's 1976 Olympic gold medalist Phil Boggs was the only diver to finish ahead of the Spartan diver who had already won both the one-meter and three-meter Big Ten champion¬ ships. He also finished fifth in the three-meter event in the NCAA meet. Burgering's next competition will be against international competition in Mexico and Fort Lauderdale, Fla., later this spring. This summer he will go to Europe for meets in Sweden, PIONEER U-4901 iM/N Itma Btcziver I _ a Ajfk|k With IS weUs/chined I |1QQ provisions tor 2 wh «• | l«ludaaaeRvo»"w paatlvo radiator and wkto I rang# Invartod domo twootor.Powor Input jangrUWOwatta.Sopor | Music SANYO FT-871 MTU Magic Maui-Tractriarin May Many mora unadvwtlMd apoelalal 5th AVAILAILI AT YOIm FAVORITERICMD fTOM Ljgan 5tot» Newt, toit Lonslng, Mlchlflon Thursdoy, April 7, 1977 VAN PELT, GIANTS DONATE HIWUTT-PACKARD TIXASINSTRUMINTS Final three preps ISuperstars i geoff etnyre the contribution. get funds signed by Rogers Superstars an enduring local wine's emphasis on fundraising MSU has signed three m New® Spoft» Writer "Brad came in one day and benefit. WhUe the benefit has more high school football recruits, said, 'I just got fined 100 bucks. this year has been to enlist the bringing to 26 the number signed this year. The NCAA limited TfJew York Glints pro- been successful from an athletic aid of local businesses. Bud MSU to 25 instead of the Tm going to call the Giants and regular 30 allowed, as part of the Vl football team has have them send the money to point of view, it has raised little Schmidt of Schmidt's Super imposed penalties. [ the ball rolling on Beekman Center,' " Don Bol- money for charity in its first Food Markets is a good A,s to the 1977 Brindy- two years. Spartan head coach Darryl Rogers announced that the three huis, on site coordinator Of example. players are Greg Brown, 6-foot-4, 245-pound offensive tackle [uperstars benefit June "I think we've learned a lot "Bud started out 16 by contributing $662 Brandywine Superstars, said. from our freshman and sopho¬ charity coordinator, as but our now who played high school ball at Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Stop By And See After Van Pelt talked with Pa.; Bruce Reeves, 6-foot-ll, Our Large Selection ?'s Beekman Center more years," Bolhuis said. he's one of our biggest promo¬ 180-pound running back from a] handicapper child- the Giants, the decision was Irmo, S.C.; and Jim Kaiser, 6-foot-3, made to donate a total of $662. "Brandywine wants to take a ters," Phil Wilson, cochairper- 245-pound offensive Of Fine Quality back seat as much as we can to son of guard-tackle from Alpena. ban Center replaces "Most pro sports do this with give Beekman Center the spot- Brandywine Superstars, Calculators said. "We consult him on about Brown is already at MSU, ■this year aa recipient of their fine money," Bolhuis said. Ught. having enrolled this spring term. everything we do." The other two begin this fall. "I think it's a fantastic ■andywine Superatars thing "We're hoping for $10,000 to Another innovation has been "GUARANTEED LOWEST and former MSU that the Giants are contributing The two out-of-state recruits follow the trend of the first Ms $16,000 and Brandywine has a to prompt local businesses to 22, PRICES IN TOWN" to the Beekman Center." ■ Ail-American Brad Van $5,000 guarantee to Beekman purchase blocks of tickets for as 15 of those were also from out-of-state. Xw an All-Pro with the The money is a start on Center," he said. children's organizations such as The signing of Reeves brings to seven the total of At ■ came up with the idea of Brandywine's drive to make the An integral part of running Brandy- Big Brother and Big Sister. backs signed by Rogers and his staff. Tailback is one of the DISCOUNT CALCULATORS "We want to get kids who weakest Spartan positions as both Rich Baes and Leon Williams The Little Shop would never get a chance to see were seniors last fall. III women open defense of AIAW title such stars as Lem Barney, Herb Washington and Brad Van Pelt," Wilson said. Spring practice opens April 18 for MSU and season with Rogers at the helm. the second H0M.A.C. That Lowered The Prices Of Calculators Everywhere I Hour.; Univ. Mall 10-4:30 Mon.-! This year's competition re¬ d from page 6) outfielder Nancy Green's .405. 341-4470 'Ml 0 on Thur Ulibarri said that one of the tains the same format last [add depth to the out- The Grand Ledge senior played team goals this season is to win year's with events in as in only half the Spartans' games bowling, the state championships, to be swimming, weightlifting, golf, Ibench is very strong." and Spoelstra played in all 28 held at Grand Valley the final tennis, rowing, half-mile run, ■i said. contests, hitting .284. weekend of April. She cited 60-yard dash, obstacle course Ward batted .321 in 22 Western as the Spartans' prime and pool. _iing is one area of con¬ ic the second-year Spar- games. challenger for state honors. Returning along with Jitor. The top preseason Spoelstra, from East Kent- "However, every team is Barney, Van Pelt and Washing¬ RING DAY ton is Bob Steele, the winner of ■Pam Berlinski, suffered wood High School, blasted three going to be a challenge," Uli¬ barri said. 'The only kind of the first two Brandywine [injury that has sidelined of MSU's five homeruns last [the entire campaign. season and finished second in pressure is the pressure we'll Superstars. Steele is a former NCAA 440-yard hurdle champ¬ Ji has not yet settled on RBIs with 15. put on ourselves." ion from MSU. ■put behind the plate for Berlinski and Hutchins led The new season will feature ■ games. SPECIALS the team, with 16 each, and Big Ten Playoffs for the first ■man Karlyn Klemm, Barrens added 14. time, scheduled for April 22 and K and Lauri Gorton are in Strahan, a junior from Harry 23. ■ the job. Hill, played in all 28 games last MSU easily handled the J finished with a team season and in 93 at-bats, struck Broncos in all five games the I average of .272, led by out only once. two teams played last Cut*! Less Wmrs basketball players Sov# or your hord ond toft Ions supplies. Send 13' stomp for price list. Save $5.00 |e to Cuban all-stars Contact lent Supply Center fANA, Cuba (AP) - A The crowd then stood silently Off if South Dakota college at attention as the U.S. national Regular Price I players lost to a anthem was played, signalling | all-star squad, 91-72, the beginning of a new era of y night. But long after U.S.-Cuban relations. il score is forgotten, the The crowd applauded as each II be remembered. It American player's name was |e first time the American announced. Each of the Dako- d flown in Cuba in 17 tans held miniature flags of the two nations in his left hand. d of 15,000 Cubans I and clapped as 10 play- i the University of akota and South Dako- ;e walked into the Coli- o play against a Cuban ft squad. FREE Genuine Gemstone Regular $10.00 Value SILVER BUD VASE These special offers | (Regularly 8.95) are available on JUST 5.95 WONDERING WHERE ArtCarved RING DAY only. TO LIVE THIS FALL? CHECK US OUT AT: Waldon Woods Apartments eful slender vase in lustrous silver plate Valley Forge Apartments (Across from In * ° sin9'e blossom so impressive. 7'/i" Andrea Hills Apartments Olin) I 'An Foster gift of lasting beauty. Chestnut Apartments Studut $0*6 Stow. That's when the ArtCarved representative will be here All apartments have shag carpeting, new ap¬ pliances, air conditioning, electric heat. Ample tenant parking and furnished apartments avail¬ RING DAY to help you select your custom-made college jewelry. It's also the day you can charge your ArtCarved college jewelry on Master Charge or BankAmericard. able. Applications now being accepted for Fall term renting. Quiet or serious students or mar¬ ried couples preferred. No pets or children. College jewelry by APRIL 4-8 Coll 332-1334,485-8299 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. ^RI^RVED 351-6866,351-1943 I e.°°WNTOWN- MAST LANSING 113S. Washington between 9 am and 9 pm World-famous for diamond and wedding rings. - 209 E. Grand River 8 Miatiigon Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Ford says Seafarer 'critical' Paper identifies ervid By MELANIE DEEDS ANN ARBOR (UPI) - The country needs the Navy's con¬ will give the commander-in- chief far better control in a time of crisis, and that's important." Seafarer has to be built," he said. In response to another ques¬ cannot justify bases open. keeping all the lion that you do for 3.6 mil- Hon. No business, no umver sity, no military operation can as front for troversial Project Seafarer to The Navy has singled out tion, Ford said the closing of "I think you have to agree operate under those circum help the president decide, in Michigan's Upper Peninsula as Kincheloe Air Force base, lo¬ that you can't keep the same stances, particularly wheni tax DETROIT (UPI) - The Mate! Ladies, cal!...Gentlemen. pleasurable," the , the event of a nuclear crisis, base structure for 2.1 mil- dollars are pretty darn tight. Detroit News today Identified call. .." Said. its preferred site for the mas cated in the U.P. community of "Dial-A-Mate" dating whether "to shoot or not shoot," former President Ger¬ sive underground communica¬ tions grid. Sault Ste. Marie, and other bases in the country had to be an area service as a front for a prosti¬ One woman who contacted the police vice squad said she arTIiZ!,',name,WA are listed in a monthly «J ald R. Ford said Wednesday. Ford, in response to the Gov. William G. Milliken, in a ordered because of cutbacks in Minister gives church money tution ring catering to 2,000 persons. nearly called the phone number listed Mate Magazine" by, consist, of the three Jf*i recent swing through the Un¬ the military force in recent in the ad and was told to send of their Social questions of University of Mich¬ John's Lutheran Church park announced he was vetoing the years. DES MOINES, Iowa (API - ing lot and sent it to St. John s, The newspaper said the ser¬ $10 and a photograph to a here. The code is Security 7 igan political science students, otlled Seafarer a "critically project in the face of over¬ He said the figure of 3.6 The Rev. Kenneth Theile found suggesting that the loser claim vice actively encourages women Detroit address. Just a few to request used biiJ whelming opposition from resi¬ million active personnel in the $20 in the parking lot of another to join and profit from "dates" hours later, she received a call partner, Yvette, the story said. ? important" communications dents of the region. But his military in 1974 had dropped to minister's church. it. with men who pay from $85 to from a man who said: "1 got your link for the nation's nuclear power to do so has been 2.1 million now. He said if the money wasn't $50 for sex. name from the dating club and I Yvette told the submarine fleet that must be He found the $20 bill as he claimed, it should be put in the Nr., I questioned by the congression¬ "The problem is, do you need understand I'm supposed to pay built in the interest of national al panels considering defense as many bases," he said. "You returned to his car in the St. church collection. The service was running you." porter the operstion foolproof that „o "J security. appropriations. advertisements in daily news¬ arrested for "The better communications The News said the Business prostitution bh Ford, midway through a papers throughout the metro¬ years and business is a president and the Joint Chiefs weeklong lecture stint at his politan area until the Detroit Bureau assigned one of its of Staff have," he said, "the more certain it is there won't be any miscalculations, and that's alma mater, said he has not followed the "precise circum¬ stances in the Upper Peninsula Outgoing board meets Better Business Bureau vestigated and requested their removal, the News said. in¬ women same employe employes to Detroit was go address. to the told by a woman called Yvette that she could The awfully important in a critical well enough to know whether books could be sold at prices 15 to 30 per cent time when a president has to make a decision whether to that's the only site. "Whether it ought to be in The ASMSU Student Board held its last meeting Tuesday night before turning the lower than those charged at the MSU Bookstore Detroit Police confirmed they began investigating the ring have "any kind of action" she wanted, the News said. The DON'T shoot or not shoot. student government organ over to the new on campus. Most of the books and supplies would following several complaints "The Seafarer concept, if and Wisconsin or Texas or Michigan is another question, but I firmly president and college representatives. be bought on consignment and returned if not sold. made by persons who answered employe naire on was given sexual a question¬ orientation MISS when it becomes operational, believe for our national security Coordinator of this year's ASMSU Book Jensen also recommended that the Student classified newspaper ads read¬ asking whether she felt that sex Exchange Peter Jensen spoke to the Student Board appoint Alex Courtney as new head of the ing "Want a Date? Dial-A- could be "profitable as well as Board about the success of the venture and recommended looking into the formation of a book exchange or store, since Jensen would be |3rd Annuo! Studies consortium "real, honest-to-goodness, full-fledged book¬ graduating. Two separate member's privileges were held at Science store." Jensen estimated that it would cost the Student the meeting; one for discussion not related to the PUCK A PEDAL recent election and one for discussion related to Fiction to sponsor lecture Board $10,000 to $20,000 in initial coats. The book store would be located off campus, probably in rented space, and because of this it could carry the election. Much of the board members' privilege time was spent in discussion and in closing remarks for the COMPLETE REPAIR & fest! supplies and new texts. Student Board members not returning, Michael SERVICE FOR ML MODELS The Women's Studies Con¬ literary college for a woman of sortium, women a group composed from the University of of recognized distinction. She is program director of the Survey This year's book exchange did not include supplies and new books because Elliott Ballard, Lenz said, "It's without doubt the most unpleasant thing I've done in my life, but perhaps 5416W.SAGINAW /,.«■ I April 4- 17I Michigan, Ann Arbor and Dear¬ Research Center at the Insti¬ assistant to President Clifton R. Wharton Jr., the most valuable." after conferring with other University officials, The other member's , (In Front of Lansing Moll) XJ born; Wayne State University; tute for Social Research, where privilege was spent 489-4297 Eastern Michigan University; her projects include studies on denied the ASMSU request to offer items similar discussing the controversy surrounding the and MSU, is sponsoring a public adolescent adaptation to the to those sold by the existing MSU Bookstore. recent invalidation of the Spartan Spirit Slate and lecture by Elizabeth Douvan Jensen figured that new supplies and new the merits of the elections code. high school environment and tonight at 7:30 p.m. The lecture will be held in the United Ministries of Higher women's drug treatment pro¬ grams. FUJI Joyce Ladenson. MSU pro¬ Education Center, 1118 S. Har¬ rison Road. The lectures, "The Con¬ fessor of American Thought and Language, will moderate the program, which will include a ATTENTION ALL I temporary American Family; panel discussion. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Changes and Prospects," will deal with the important 1977 replication study of national The lecture is made possible through a grant from the Michigan Council for Humani¬ OF I attitudes toward work, riage, parenthood, and mental health surveyed originally in mar¬ ties. Admission is free. M.S.U. I 1957. Douvan is a professor of psychology at U-M and has been I honored with the Helen Neafie Kellog Chair - a chair in the I I I I Get I Super Styling *6.501 at Super Prices wilh shampoo I & blow,lrv 1 SLyS&DCLLS ! CALL 332-2416 (by appt. or walk in) | Above Cunningham Drugs (Sams) Abbott & Grand River - I jj^ Stairwell near Crossroads Imp. j Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center. one of the top 15 hospitals in the country located just 7 minutes south of the Chicago Loop and a few blocks west of Lake Michigan. Our nursing environment is especially receptive to bright, dedicated graduates who have so much to contribute...and so much to gain. With more than half of our 1000 beds devoted to specialty programs or intensive care units, we can offer you a and rewarding experience. Our individualized uniquely challenging orientation will start you on the right career path. Our Nurse Recruiter will be on your campus Thursday, April 21 to talk with you and answer any questidns you may have. Contact your Career Planning and Placement Office to find out where we'll be waiting to meet you. Janet Frey, Assistant Nurse Recruiter MICHAEL REESE HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CENTER 29th Street and Ellis Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60616 (312)791-3254 „ Mote Newt, East laming, Michigan Thursday. April 7, 1977 / 9 SUSPICIONS DELAY REACHING OF AGREEMENT GROVER WASHINGTON, JR. ble connection plan snagged with L0NN1E LISTON SMITH By GEORGIA HANSHEW State News Stall Writer .—,—nberof a Lansing area citizen's cable televiaion committee which haa in the interconnection between the East Lansing and taken a special interest in the interconnection issue since it ublcTV systems was revealed Tuesday night at the East originated in March. City Council meeting, as agreement cannot be reached on Lansing's cable company, Weiss said, is merely interested in (or the interconnection. receiving MSU's instructional television service channels and haa -ns were voiced' about the motives of Lansing's no intention of transmitting East Lansing channels. Cablevision, and a letter from Continental to the City Roderick MacUod, vice president of Continental Cablevision, objected to the five conditions set forth by the East denied this in his letter to council, saying that Continental "first Cable Comminsaion for a tie-up of the two systems. made the offer to interconnect the Cable is not really interested in a two-way flow systems Because we wholeheartedly supported the exchange of programing through¬ out the area, and we do not retreat from that position." However, MacLeod added, the conditions of the cable islation may commissioners for interconnection put too many demands upon Continental, dealing with matters which should be left up to the discretion of the company, the city of Lansing and its cable subscribers. The five conditions of the commission include h. presidential exchange of all public and school system channels, and that the requirements for point of interconnection be made at East Lansing's National Cable Co. office. "As far as how and where to technically accomplish the mary contests interconnect," MacLeod's letter read, "this should be a matter for the Continental and National engineers to resolve once the crossing permit is granted." Continental will accept the interconnection under the ING (UPI) - The state House has placed in position for a single condition. MacLeod said in his letter, that it provides to East legislation which would kill the Michigan presidential Lansing the public, governmental and educational channels available to Continental subscribers in the area of Mifflin and J cleared initial debate Wednesday but there are Kalamazoo streets in Lansing. an effort will be made to save the primary following the aster recess, which began Wednesday, Any additional stipulation would be unacceptable, he said. The cable commissioners are concerned that Continental will not ents of the bill claim the primary, which costs over $2 bother to transmit East Lansing channels unless is too expensive and lacks popular support, required to do so by the East Lansing City Council when it approves the crossing say they would prefer federally subsidized regional or at least a Micigan residential permit for the interconnection, Carolyn Stall, chairperson of the primary held on the - as the state general primary. commission, said. The commission is dedicated to the :rry Bullard, D-Ann Arbor, said he is working on an concept of total interconnection of cable TV systems, Stell said - as she ~t to the bill which would establish a unified general and put it, "the idea that the whole country might someday be inter¬ 1 primary. connected." "If we could exchange those public channels, it would rger baron blows cover dramatically increase communication between the two cities," she said. Weiss' suspicions that Continental is interested only in MSU's DIEGO (AP) - Ray watch his San Diego Padres ITV channels stem from statements allegedly made by MacLeod to d of the McDonalda baseball team. that effect, Weiss said. it chain, says he was Tbe restaurant manager rec¬ However, since Continental's formal request to the Lansing City right off when he tried ognized Kroc. Council for interconnection in February, MacLeod has denied Ithout attracting atten- Padres' President Buzzie charges that he is not interested in transmitting East Lansing a McDonalds in Yuma, Bavasi haa a theory about how channels. Kroc's cover was blown. It's not Erling Jorgensen, directorof ITV, endorsed council approval of a everyday in Yuma "when a man crossing permit, also rejecting the cable commission's five got out of the car and drives up in a Rolls-Royce with a conditions. i hamburger," said driver and buys a hamburger," Council asked the city attorney to look into the legality of the o was in Yuma to he said. city's attaching such stipulations to the crossing permit approval, and the matter will be dealt with at a future meeting. In other council action, a transportation commission recommen¬ dation for the integration of the bus systems of MSU and the er plans reorganization Capita] Area Transportation Authority was referred to the dty manager, with the request that he begin negotiations with MSU according to a formula suggested by Councilmember John I continued from Czarnecki. The formula provides for MSU to pay three-fourths of page 1) of the integration costs and for the city to involving members of Congress, state and local pay one fourth. its, individual groups and citizens "who will be affected The cost of bringing two East Lansing bus routes onto campus is as well as the general public. expected to be close to MO,000. President had sought reorganization authority for four -■jt Congress passed a law expiring in three The Company years, noting this, Carter said the new reorganization law — the Congress refused to renew such powers for resigned ~ Open Auditions for Richard M. Nixon in 1973 — "does provide some 11 mm a- m i | ty that has not been available to other presidents." WWW Iw MCCVM II — NNIVII -■ i example, Carter said he can withdraw or alter a wHfcMrt "tion plan within 30 days after its submission. In ■•ally Trytaf" , Congress removed a previous provision that permitted a to submit only one TONIGHT » p.m. Holmes (West lower Lounge) plan every 30 days. open to anyone Interested In Acting. Music or Crews otest letter 39 years late FOR MORE INFO CALL 355-7*73 or 355-3355 A DIV. OF A5M5U/PB "N (UPI) - A local The letter was delivered to 'a protest letter mailed the Camden district public ago to the Hampstead library service, which took over 's chief librarian urging from library shelves of the running of Hempstead's libraries several RHARHAAHA years ago. books has just been PURSUITS ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! i BEST ACTRESS! BARBRA STREISAND COLUMBIA PICTURES* RASTAR PRODUCTIONS pom BARBRA OMAR MIDW.* WILLUUM WYUER- ■ RAY STARK V^f- TECHNC0L0R*-PANAV1SI0N* gjj) rn I Ofsna Sand liicfc Abiti an Cctwba Starts! fig HILD ovm -g— FOR FRRO PWIN. do see H TMHMAlWMlCUPt j Immediately. *%.",»/ Mw«.fl| ( -m one mu feasor mm me omr- "IT IS A JOY!" f """•offiKSEn. They met at the funeral of a perfect (fringer. From then on, things got pwftctly strangor and atrangor. Paramount Pictures Froients HAROLD and MAUDE Color by technicolor' A Paramount Picture »(X)«i..i Sggasr- Sudani*, (acuity 11I0H n* Thurs. Conrad 1:00 swats, FwRtj i sun Mc«. i'i mail State News Classified 355*8255 [ Automotive ][») FRANKLY SPEAKING - by phil frank fEapHywl Ifffl Hi"|IU|iU«t ||H| (jMpil^gj CORDOBA 1975. Full factory PINTO 1974 Squire wagon. Steel JND NOV/, HAROLD'S HEAD Sj£)R HELP WANTED - Manager train¬ position. Nights/weekends. WORKING PERSONNEL for dish- room and cook positions. Mature, BARTENDERS Accepting application, a 1 radials. AM-FM stereo tape. Good tgmsrm ee perienced bartender,. u, ,11 equipment. $3995. Phone 487- condition. 676-1924 84-8112)^ e $3.25/hour plus commission. Call JSLrtSMia sw person at FAMOUS TAcfl ^ 6565. 6-4-7 (12) PINTO 1975. Automatic, radials, another milling Capital Adult News, 482-5620. 844 (161 RIA, Meridian Mall. 8441181 _ East Michigan. 84-7 (is,1'" PHONE 355-1255 347 Student Services Bldg. CORVETTE 1976, yellow with brown leather interior. AM/FM fog lights, rustproofed. Body spot¬ less. 339-9192 after 11 a.m. 8-68 'RICK RANGER, DOPE^SMUGGLER !t HELP IN physical care and home IDEAL OPPORTUNITY for em¬ WATTER-WAITRESS ~ p,, available for experienced radio, air conditioning, automatic IJ2!l_ upkeep lor multiply handicapped ployment while completing your service personnel at 2a AUTOMOTIVE transmission. 13,000 miles. $8400. adults. Flexible hours evenings education. Requirement: previous on,71 Scooters t Cycles 355-6513, (394-1241 after 7 p.m.) PINTO SQUIRE Wagon 1974, 4 and weekends. $2.60 hourly, 5 retail experience. Openings for busiest restaurant, in th, "■ M-7I20I, speed, only 14,000 miles. Perfect Michigan area (located 15 2 miles east of Haslett. 6582005. night manager and part time Parts > Service DODGE CORNET 1969. 4 door, condition. 339-2907. 844I12I_ employees in both Lansing and from MSUI. Call th. jS Aviation standard transmission, good run¬ PLYMOUTH FURY '71. Good 8448124^ East Lansing area. Hours flexible. HOUSE RESTAURANT, EMPLOYMENT GUITARIST-BASS guitarist want¬ LOUNGE for interview * ' ning condition. $150. 482-2902. body, engine. Tires weak. 3650 or ed to cut single. Muat have equip¬ Must have transportation. Starting 8441361 1 FOR RENT 2-4-7 (12) best. Jack, 332-2094. 8-4-11 (13) wage baaed on experience and ment. Mike, 482-2866. 44-11 (131 hours availsble. See Mr. Vint or Apartments Houses DODGE MAXI-van, 1975, Trades¬ man 300. 20,000 miles, excellent PONTIAC CATALINA 1966. Ex¬ cellent running condition. $325. DRIVERS WANTED. Must have Mr. Ryan at MIN-A-MART 115, 740 N. Wavedy Road, Lansing I Fw Msat 1(| Rooms condition. Fully carpeted and 349-1281. Call between 6 p.m. - 9 Apply in person. MR. FOR SALE stereo. $3,800. Contact Floyd Hall, p.m. 1-4-7 112] own car. TONY'S, 516 West Grand River, IWestland, corner of West Sagi¬ naw and Waverly) Monday April TV AND stereo rentals, $10.95/month. Call NEJACl t&l Animals Pretzel Bell Restaurant 351-0300. East Lansing. 5-442 1171 11 from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. 34-11 (77) 1010. C-214-291121 " 8-615(22) PONTIAC CATALINA 1970. Air, Mobile Homes power steering/brakes, vinyl top. INSIDE AND delivery help want¬ DODGE W-200 Snofighter 1974, Rummage Sale LOST t FOUND PERSONAL V-8, power steering/brakes. matic transmission, 28,500 351 5210.8-4-8 032 Auto¬ miles. Excellent condition. 13M2I 332-4934. 64- PORSCHE 1970 911T. Air, tinted ed. Apply at LITTLE CAESAR'S Thursday and Friday 344(141 after 4 p.m. FULL, PART time. Sandwich pre¬ paration, pizza delivery peraons. Apply 600 West Saginaw, CASA f frrfHtslgl FOR RENT, 1« PEANUTS PERSONAL glass, AM-FM radio, deluxe in¬ NOVA GO-GO PIZZA. 54-13 (16) HELP WANTED, part time. Ex¬ No deposit, close to a REAL ESTATE FIAT 1974 Model 128 SL. Perfect terior, 5-speed chrome wheels, perience necessary. DON'S MO¬ 361-3095. X4461121 RECREATION condition. $1800 or best offer. new tires, burglar alarm. $4500. BIL Grand River and Colling- NORTHERN MICHIGAN summer Neil, 332-3694. 7-67 021 353 2957; 3587763. 8-4-11 (2U needs registered nurse and SERVICE fyood 34-7J12) camp experienced (5 years) head cook, ACROSS FROM campa, |] room apartment. Instruction FIAT X1/9 1974. Excellent PORSCHE 911 T 1973. Factory air, MOTORCYCLE ASSEMBLERS call 3586417. 34-11 (151 NowtoSq bar. Furnished, pets w Typing throughout. New radials, custom leather, extras, rustproofed. De¬ and mechanics contact Jim Kemp, $166/month. Call 332-45HJ TRANSPORTATION paint, fogs. Must see to appre¬ tails, 1-543-7529 after 7 p.m./ HASLETT MOTOR SPORTS. 338 MAINTENANCE weekends. 3-4-11 114) 2125. 84-11 (12) 8:30 a.m./after 6:00 pm |7 WANTED ciate. 349-5005, 393-9624. 8-4-13 __ HODAKA 125 - Ughta, Barum JUNK CARS wanted. We pay (201 1 (16) We are now accepting applica¬ ROUND TOWN' RABBIT 1975. good condition. knobbies 21" front wheel. Uka more if they run. Also buy used COMPUTER* PROGRAMMER 20 tions tor positions in maintenance. FIAT X-1/9, 1976 black, 8000 Good tires, rust proofed,30 mpg. new. $395. 6944727. 84-8 (121 cars and trucks. 489-3080. C-214- hours/week spring, 30 hours/ Hours 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Monday 561 ALBERT STREET, mil $2,100/best offer. 651-5853. 8-613 29 (171 week summer, $3 per hour. CPS from campus, large two bill miles, air, stereo, luggage rack, _ through Saturday. Apply in peraon furnished, air conditional ♦♦RATES** HONDA 350, 1973. 7800 miles, 312 or equivalent required. Con¬ very clean. Call 337-2540. 8-68 615)^ Qulk 4 Qualified at the Personnel Office. cony. Summer. Call 355 12 word minimum RABBIT 1976 Deluxe. Rustproof¬ good condition. Call Mark, 372- Maintenance tact Dr. Welch, room 42 Natural 5 p.m. 8194-29 (191 9044 after 10 p.m. 74-7 (121 ' Service For Science or call 353-8669. X54-8 JACOBSON'S ed, AM/FM, radials. Details, 1- k Con. Chorion, 543-7529 after 7 p.m. weekends. / Vans, Whatever 1281 EAST LANSING WORDS 13 NO. DAYS 6 8 Rabbit 3-4-111121 SUPER SPORT - 350, 1972. HONDA start, new. 1974 CL200. Electric 2,500 miles, 8870 mpg. Like $495. 4862690.84-8 (121^ TECH CENTER Horn* of Mr. Tune Up EARN WHILE you learn. Models and escorts wanted. $8/hour. Phone 489-2278. XZ 47-83 (12) 34-11 (501 ACCURATE TYPIST needed 12 NOW LIAft Waters Id*! LEAPS Power steering, power brakes, 1625 E. noon 8:30 p.m. to operate word mniiH7iirn|Ba automatic, AM/FM radio. 348 HONDA CB360T1975.1200 miles. Michigan 374-0538 BABYsTrflNG LIGHT house¬ - processing equipment. Will train. Apt*. FROM 0-50 2592. 2-4-8 (121 $600. 394-1024 sfter 5 p.m. X84- - 332-4432 mrnmuntrn keeping. 8:184:45 p.m. Monday Excellent fringe benefits and work¬ nmmnnrimfTi mrnnaimmu IN ONLY TOYOTA COROLLA 1971. Air, 15 (121 HONDA 1975 CB400F. 4 cylinder, flupHyiHt [fill through Friday. One girl, sixteen months. Own transportation, relia¬ ing conditions. Near airport loca¬ tion. Call Monday - Friday 321- TWO MALE roommates J automatic, 4-door. 56,000 miles. 7.7 SECONDS. 6 speed, 4400 miles. Fantsstic WAITRESSES, WAITERS - lun¬ bility very important. 3514461 7915. Equal Opportunity Employ- for spring term. $950/best offer. 393-9590. 5-4-8 Csmpi| ask about our limited condition.^3234048 84-18 (121 ches. Apply in person only. 24 aftar 4:30844 (20) er._54-13J2?) Apartments, $75/month. Ft life tin warmt p.m. BONNIE AND CLYDE. 316 STUDENT SUPERVISORS of to campus. 3485435. X DEADLINE 1973 500 KAWASAKI, excellent SEWING INSTRUCTOR, full time, on all internal lubricoted TOYOTA COROLLA 1973. Good East Michigan. 84-8 (151 Lansing youth. After school rec¬ condition. New' muffler/valve job. shape. $650. Phone 6787421. Lansing Mall. Call mornings 487- TWO FEMALES neetM ■ New ods 2 p.m. one doss engine parts 5445.844(121 reation program at YWCA. Work- 27 mpg. $960. 353-0966/353-0649. 84-11112) day before publication. WAITRESSES. WAITERS, cock¬ study necessary. Contact Micki mediately. Campus Hi Cook Horriman flh X44-804I SUZUKI 1971, 260 dirt bike. tails, nights. Apply in person only. LEARN TO fly. Help wanted. Wilson, 496-7201. 54-13 (18) ments. Pool. Free bus to Once ad is ordered it cannot Rent negotiable. Call ) VW VOLVO MAZDA W TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1972. Good Knobby tires, extra parte, excellent 24 p.m. BONNIE AND CLYDE. General office and aircraft fueling be cancelled or changed un¬ condition. 3714773. in exchange for flight time. Call CO(>K.-PARt"time "or full time after 3 p.m. 744 (181 til after first insertion, un¬ SIUW.Sotlooo.S71 MOO condition, $1200 or best offer. B4-8J12) 316 East Mighigsn. 544 116) 6764860.344 (17) cooka needed. Apply in person at Mon. I Thurt. 'Ill f (doiot Sot.) 694-9383 or 353-3908. Ask for less it is ordered A cancelled SUZUKI T-500, 1971. Excellent FAMOUS TACO 539 East Michi¬ mi MNTTU BIM TO by 1 p.m. 2 class days before ChariieJ-611J14] condition. Recently rebuilt. Many MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST. BABYSIT 8 month boy. 5 days/ gan. 8-4-12M7) NASUTT extras. $600. Call 332-3673. 84-14 publication. VEGA 1973. Good gas and body. Immediate opening In radiology negotiable. Must love children. WAITRESS NEEDED. An ex¬ ABARTMINT1 | Asking $700. Call Dennis 351- department for weekends and Evenings 3583206. 74-13 (121 'ri Block to MSU r There is $1.00 service perienced personnel, good tips. a FORD GALAXY, 1969, automatic, 1434, afternoons. 5-68112) holiday coverage. Experience and Extra large 23r charge for an ad change SUZUKI;. GT 560 1972. Good STATE NEWS Editorial Dept. Apply in peraon at FAMOUS reliable. Air, radial tires. Some medical terminology preferred. Ex¬ Now condition, 8600 .miles. $700. Call Looking for artists, cartoonists. TACO. 539 East Michigan. 8612 Leasing Fw plus 18' per word per day rust. $350. 349-2234. 3-67 (121 VEGA GT 1974. Stereo radio, cellentstarting rate. Contact par- Summer I Foil Brfrifi •portfolio to 343 Strident lit) for additional words. Excellent condition. Toffy atfar 3 p.m;393-5962. S-S4- cassette. sonnel office, LANSING GENER¬ Services Building this week. S-8 FORD 1971 Torino 2-door, runs Many extras. 337-2009 after 4 p.m. 11116)_ AL HOSPITAL, 2800 Devonshire, 67 117) MURRAY HOTEL, Mackinac la- S3S-1IH good, some rust. Needs muffler. 8-4-15 TRIUMPH 1972 650 Tiger. Excel¬ $200. 332-5112. 8-4-15113) (132 Lansing. 372-8220. 84-8 130) land, Michigan, naeda summer lent condition, 6,000 miles, must BABYSITTER, INFANT care, light cooks, bartenders, maintenance VOLKSWAGEN 1962. Exception¬ SUMMER, 2 bedroom sp The State News will be sell. $900. 489-3213. 84-18 (12) TWO GUITARISTS needed for housekeeping, flexible schedule. men, piano players, and personnel _ re FORD WINDOW van. 1971. 6 ally fine condition. New battery, for rotation between food service, Minutes from MSU. Mq sponsible only for the first brakes, heads, paint tires, clutch. established country rock band. Reliable, references, transporta¬ cylinder automatic. Radio, excel¬ YAMAHA 1976 RD400C. Excellent tioned, carpeted, pool. 3) days incorrect insertion. lent tires. $1250.00. 351-0539. Gas heater, luggage rack, $696. Call Dave, 899-2973 Holt. 54-8 tion. Call 332-0426. 84-14 (121 waitreaaing and housekeeping. 84-13 (12) condition/quick, clean. Must sell. Sand complete resume, work 84-81121 332-4968. 4-4-12 (17) Bills are due 7 days from the $1000/best offer. 4886772 after S 021 1 FULL OR part time carwasher. experience and recent photo to ONE BEDROOM duplex, ed pun. S-8611115) INTERVIEWING FOR summer em¬ Good driving record. Prefer 21 or 3969 Penberton, Ann Arbor, Mich¬ ad expiration date. If not GREMLIN 1972. 40,000 miles VOLKSWAGEN 1974 Thing. six blocks. 6 month leal paid by the due date a 50' Excellent running condition. $675/ Trailer hitch, roll bar, excellent ployment Tuesday, April 12th at older. 4881484. 84-11 03) igan. 48105. 184-20 (38) month. 332-1918.848101 YAMAHA 350,1974. Good condi¬ late service charge will be best offer. 371-2605 evenings. condition, $1900. 351-2119. 84-11 Placement Bureau. SUN 'N SAND tion. $450. Call 6965306 after 6 TOP WAGES for mature person to due. 5-4-12 RESORT MOTEL. South Haven, 711 Burcham Rood I (121^ p.m. 34-8 (12) Michigan. 24-8 (25I care for 3 year old boy, house¬ INTERNATIONAL SCOUT 1975, VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT, 1975. YAMAHA 1974 TX-500A, 1700 work, 5 day week, references, may NOW REKT1NGI 4-wheel drive, custom Custom Four-door. Radio, stan¬ UNDERGRADS WANTED to par¬ bring one child over 2. 351- For Summer and Ml ! I— Automotive lfel_l .JI package, new white rims, tires. _ _ Make offer, ofl J94-0293. 5-4-13 1171 dard shift. 332-0007 after 6 p.m. miles. Like new, excellent condi¬ tion, $850. 351-8729. 8-4-11 112) ticipate In social science research for pay. Work sessions will be 1-3 8949 after 5 p.m. 44-7 06) Extra lorge one IwdrMsl Apartments luitabln taXr - . 8-4-12_(12) UNIFORMED SECURITY officers, AMC GREMLIN X, 1973, 350 V8, hours long. Paid ($1) pre-employ¬ students. LEMANS 1970, power steering criminal justice majors preferred. floor stick shift, wide radial and snow tires, 30,400 miles, air con¬ brakes, good rubber, two snows, sharp. $600, 363-3590. 3-4-7 (121 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK 1971. Air conditioner, radio, 1 OH STrica 1[7| ment interview (14 hr.) begins promptly Thursday (4-7-77) 8 a.m. Call between 10 am-3 pm, Monday Friday. 641-6734. 844114) • completely fi B corpeted-air - ditioning, blue with gold stripes, snows, rear defogger. 372-2647 or 3 p.m. or 7 p.m. All interviews in WE BUY junk cars end trucks. Top good condition. $1600 negotiable. MAZDA 1974 RX-4 wagon. Rotary after 4 p.m. 84-13J12I dollar, 4884647. NORTHSIDE 213 Agriculture Hall. 14-7 (39) WANTED, PART time employee. conditioning Call 351-2358 after 8 p.m. 8-4-15 automatic, radio. 29,000 miles. AUTO PARTS 6 SALVAGE. C- 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. Four nights B 3 large double ch VOLKSWAGEN SUPER Beetle LONGS OF I30| Best offer over $2500. 482-6485. 20-4-29 114) Lansing is taking weekly/weekend. 694-9823.84-12 • Wa pay hoof and ]9£ 3764.348(121 FEMALE, MATURE upperclase- house or by room. Price nego¬ tiable. 351-5772. 348 (22) K10J8414I20) month. Call 332-1925. 348 (121 ■ 1131 Loosing For Summer 124 CEDAR STREET, East Lan¬ man, non-smoker. Campus Hill. OWN ROOM in comfortable clean FEMALE WANTED. Graduate stu¬ OWN ROOM in large co-ed house. (Only ISO.) (Foil Three blocks to campus. 437 sing. Two" Free bus service. (75/month. 349- GRAD, OLDER female. East side. dent, or working. Own room, (80 a j. TWO studious malas to man, one bedroom Own room (105 plus utilities. house. Prefer grad. No lease. M.A.C. (77/month. Call John Twyckingham apart- furnished apartments, heat in¬ 2564. 84-11 (12) Available now and summer. 351- month, 2 miles from campus. -j-man UM17I cluded. (190/month. June or Sep¬ 3748793; 3948057. X 8414 1121 394-5228 after 6 p.m. 248 118) 3353807. after 6 p.m. 548 119) Bl-313-563-3963. 3-4-11 (12) 6315. 848 (15) tember. Year lease. 129 Burcham FEMALE NEEDED share one bed¬ ROOM AND board at TRIANGLE 1i1-79i0 2 BEDROOM small home with CLOSE TO campus - immediate Je SINGLE room in a spa- laoartment. Private bath, Drive efficiency, (160/month. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 351-2402; 6 p.m. - 9 • room two person apartment. Spring term, close. 337-1481.647 glass roofed greenhouse. 5 miles SUBLEASE, SUMMER. 4 or 5 bedroom house. Very reasonable, possession. Female only, room or FRATERNITY. (450/term. Close to campus. 332-3563. from campus. Excellent for plant room/board, home privileges. Z-748112) campus. Availabla Imme- p.m. 882-2316. C-21429132) (1» bus route, near MSU. Call 351- UNIVERSITY VILLA - 635 Abbot. , $80/month, utilltlaa In- Available now. 1 or 2 bedrooms. **♦*»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦ smmmumss lovers. (190/month. 485-1686. X- 5865. 10418 (1W Parking. 332-5318: 3328531. 647 ROOM ANO~boardT "(390/term, [ 353-1247 or 394-5228, or FEMALE WANTED for spring 8415(192 I161_ free parking and utilities. Near '■ CalimSTO. 20443^(12)^ NOW UASIMO term, Twyckingham Apartments. TWO ROOMS in house to rent for campus. Males only. Call 332-4995 616-965-5286. 84-18 _ For Foil and Summer EAST LANSING, 6057 Porter. One MALE FOR single room with (82.50/month. 351-3434. Available summer. Rent negotiable. Phone or 3514438. 548 (171 ONE MAN needed for 2-man. bedroom. Cute, small, clean, large meals in large house. Phone, (•with special rates) immediately. 84-12 (12) 351-8482. 848 (12) Own room. Close to campus. 1 or 2 bedroom apartment* yard with fruit trees. (166. 349 parking, close. 351-8435. X548 (107.60/month. 349-9623. 848 _ ideal For One Or I Two Persons. Utilities 1444 Michigan Avenue - 332.5420 j EAST MSU. Spring, fall. One bedroom, furnished, utilities, laun¬ 39M.84-28216) EAST LANSING. 4 houses, four to HEDRICK HOUSE CO-OP has openings for spring term. (330 ROOM FOR rent, (90. 10 minute What's Included (Except Phone) Across from campus. dry, carport. (200.3748366.084 six bedrooms. After 6 p.m. only. room/_board_332-0644_ 848J12) walk from campus. sr EAST LANSING - two bed¬ 351-7118. 54 Pool, leasing For 3748818.5412(12) THREE BLOCKS from campus, 14112) rooms, pool, balcony. Year lease, Summer (Foil TWO OR three girls needed begin¬ five and six bedroom, furnished deposit. 3378169 late evenings. ning summer. Capital Villa, pool, NEED ROOMMATE. Prefer grad homes for fell leasing. Call Craig FEMINIST WANTED, own room, 8-48J12I air conditioner. 351-7196. or working person. 4 bedroom [eNCY APARTMENT, one block from campus, fum- SUBLET AVAILABLE April 15. Large first floor apartment, (200/ 113) 848 CIDAK VIULAOI APARTMINTS house in country, Okemos-Mason area. Laundry and use of house, Gibson and leave a message. 627-9773. 134-15 (21) (75/month plus utilities. Francine, 3728373, 353-3967, no pets. 34 11 1121 Thursday?. Not lie for fall. Call Craig Gibson month, utilities included, 306 Beal. LCC CAPITOL area. 1 bedroom utilities included. (125 plus depo¬ houses7on! block from cam¬ a thing! This day. Ilka a message. 627-9773 351-2253 for appointment. 8415 sit. 349-5969 after 5 p.m. 348 (2BI pus, one to four bedroom. Good tvery day, will find people apartment with kitchen and living FURNISHED ROOM, 15 minutes £ [181 management, well maintained. turning to the Classified •(171 room. Carpeted and air condition¬ by Parking, laundry. (82.50. Now looting for 3 BEDROOM duplex available now Call 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 351-1177. car. ads for a variety of reasons. MALE/female, own ed. (125, no utilities. Call after 6 6952502 jIATE, afterjij3.m._44-12J 12) When you want results, be ■Duplex, (1-7068 anytime. furnished, no lease. 6413 (121 j | DRLTAARMS Is now loosing for summar | J p.m.,_487-9490l3411 (22). ONE FEMALE needed immediate¬ Fall ad Siwmt and summer, large yard, parking. Rent negotiable. 332-3955.10418 (13) 84-15(18) FURNISHED, FOUR bedroom for MEN'S SINGLE (85/month and women's double (60/month/per- sure your ad appears on Thursday! (with tpociol rotos) and fall, j ly for Cedar Village Apartments. Bogue at Red Cedar River fall. Two blocks to campus. 487- son. Utilities except phone paid. | FOR couple. Large 1 j 1 or 2 bad room apartmonts j (66/month. Dianne, 3378736.54 MOD^IN SIX bedroom duplex for 9119, Room 3. Z-348 (121 Kitchen privilege. Christian atmos¬ State News m apartment in house, I across from campus. 235 Dolta 7(12) Spacious, a/c, balcony, phere. THE WAY STATION, 131 ■se spring/summer. (200 in- 3325978 . CallSSI'SIM summer. MAN WANTED for nice furnished near campus. Rent negotiable. Bogue. Call Kelly 332 2906 or k utilities. 337-2541. 348 J Pin# Lake Apt*. 332-3890. 5-442114) house. Good atmosphere, two 3514956 APARTMENT: ONE block from blocks to campus, (75. 351- 848(28^ campus. Two bedroom, 2 person 126 MILFORD Street. 2-man, MAN NEEDED in East Lansing 7064. 44-11 1141 ROOM. GREATEST location, no Phone 355-8255 D MALE roommate, non- Some short term ' (200. 3-man, (216. 2 blocks from occupancy, starting summer and duplex. Quiet area near MSU. Call deposit. Parking, carpeted, kitch¬ ■ graduate student, young fall terms. Contemporary living at leases available campus, deluxe, furnished, air 337-0968 after 3 p.m. 3411 (131 en, yard. (65 plus 332-0797. 347 Ksman. Mike, 351-8296 after ■ 6-4-8 112) Ita best. Recently completed build¬ conditioning, fall rentals. 5921/3218011. 154-28(211 332- AVAILABLE JUNE 15 Rooms (12)_ | Fat Sale |fc| ing, furnished. 12 month leases, - a large MSU NEAR, unfurnished rooms. (260/month. Call 6 to 7 p.m. unique house. 6 bedrooms, 2 NICE ROOM in house. Close to BIKES, MAN'S and woman's, T APARTMENTS 351-1177.8415 1341 Meridian Moll Area. 1BLCIL EAST OF MSU kitchens, 3 baths, 2 sundecks, and walk to campus. Call 351-3305 or cempus. Friendly roommates. Share house - expenses. (50 monthly/negotiable. Agent, 323- excellent condition. Phone 676 5131. 84-13 (12) (95.00/month. Immediate occu¬ 339-8193, I-449-388? 484 9472. OR-248 (231 3557. X-521429 (121 ONE BLOCK from Williams Hall, pancy. Call 337-0715. X 347 115) Beal Street Apartments. Fur¬ AKAI PROFESSIONAL four chan¬ EAST LANSING, single male. nished. 2 bedrooms, two people ONE WOMAN for large, four HOUSE AVAILABLE April 30, 2 TWO NON-SMOKING females for nel reel-to-reel, excellent condi¬ bedroom, close to campus, quiet Quiet, privete room. Walking dis¬ (210/month, including heat. 669- person. Water's Edge. Balcony, 2 five bedroom house on M.A.C. tion, best offer. 351-5848. 548 tance MSU. Parking. 337-9633. 3664, leave message. 84-15120) ifl nuewpsea l> the J 351-4010 | HAVII PIOFEMIQNAU" fa tfcaTelew Pa«ai "Carolya'ISI UK ' 1 Cowboy Boots House Slippers wk.o&«* 8 - 6:30 Mon. 3663359 - Fri. | Call Carolyn prox. 1-1 Vi hours. ft Fraa estimate call: For datails iti-rno SH717 tun. 11-4 OeoeM Men. 355 • 8255 416-1M3,6S64461 Ash for Caretya STEREO REPAIR JEWELRY FOR SALE Let lb People Read Our RIFLES Mattresses B Box Springs ttOMlYeur,<- mode here In looting TWIN '49" BUSINESS lOGf"5 iFaiiTbtSn" PROFESSIONAL AUDIO •Large Selection SERVICE v» DOUBLE *59" * Reasonable Prices of ill kinds. Service _ DIRECTORY MfeifAitlgr REPAIR | 1 Day Service • Tims rue • lime prolelrionally Odd eliM to ordor KST BKRAVMS S.3T • • trained technicians Complete Ten facilities } - month warranty on tH work Acne Bedding Co. Downtown FraeParMnt You Just Did! Yser'round prim In Southern Michigan. CotnuuM. • s Service Loener amplifiers ivallabte BrnhftSt?*.. CALL Carolyn mm m (55 K. IIKAND KIVKk 405 Cherry A Kalamazoo PARKER JEWELRY teiasoutn Cedar Director Phone 4*7 -4W5 111 South Washington 355-8255 ABTO SERVICE OPTOMETRIST MUSIC BAKERY ^artan BUDS ZOOM IN ON CO-OPTICAL Give your percenter AUTO PARTS, ^ . BUSINESS I SERVICES Business a Boos! ■kit ADVERTISE ploys II fieri UaaWaOHy Advertise The Yellow Jazz. Bock, Polka's. Woltzps. mm DC. WEEKLY CwgereHvsOWM) Ballads B Latin. S. i or 7 10% 'dhnt discount LATE MODEL 1I IN THE , Dr. J. S. Nixon. Optwiwtrttt • EVES (XAMINED pieces. Profnsiloaal appoarance. Lansing's CAKE m all work W '• GUSSB cau bay kay mb BAKER MOTORS AND |l' BUSINESS • CONTACT 1KB taw a—men. Hand Decorated Cokes For All . WITH I.d. Mon.-PH. 108- PARTS A SPECIALITY ^l1' DIRECTORY Days: 373-5200,373-5725 Occasions Delivered To Your 15. PENNSYLVANIA *07-9332 Set* 104 M4-I1S4 Halfway aetween Holt B 355-B255 •til l. «■ After 5 5 Weekends: Dorm Or Apartment 61116. Nun. 662-6742 Mann en M. Cvdar 452-5513 464-1317 ^jojmamdujr TOBACCONIST HEALTH FOOD RESTAURANTS JEWELRY CATERING SERVICE NOW MAX THO FIOM TUB TO? HINCI PROBLEM THE COMPLETE 10% DISCOUNT PREGNANCY WEDDING SERVICE M.S.U. 'Cigtntltbf to all MSU 372-1560 24 Hours THE GRAPE VINE JEWELRY: Osnft Blossom Union Catering itudante Gold Fa* ion •ft* TsteccBpr on porches#* of ■ MARITAL } Offer* yea three ef Hfe'e pleeeures - food I Art Carved "Catering Specialist*" or more, yogurts feed, feed epirita, and good service. AU . GIFTS •Wadding Recaptions 1H • Three 8tar-aa4MBe4 Deer end breeds excluded PROBLEMS? feud ia e wane country fresh atmosphere! Custom Picture Framing •Breakfast*, Luncheons, •A>e aBySeSSS111* Donnon Yogurt 31* NEEDTOTALK? lunch Mon.-Sol. 11:30-2:30 ^ Dinners •Bar Set-ups CATHOLIC Dinner Mon.-Thurt. 5:00-10:00 RAIBALl HEALTH FOOB SOCIAL •Take-out Service Fri. end Sot. 5:00-11:00 r •Meeting Rooms and SrooMMd Plaza SERVICES Equipment Open Sunday The Grope Vino Open Thursday Eveningi 13111. Grand Wvar •CanHelp' 175SE. Greed River 337-1314 319 E. Grand River Ave. 332-50*2 Call 372-4020 ' E. Lepsfeu. 337-1701 Ee«t Lansing, Michigan 355-3445 Is Ywr Business Listed Here? - Call Caroly 355-8255 Thursday, April 7,1977 12 Michigan State News, East Lonsing, Michigan 1 fir Silt lf51 Fir Silt ||$1 I '»' | Sorilco if^j I Twin SofilcolM INCOME TAX preparation by TAX TYPING, BLOCK campus, fast, CAMERAS USED, Leice III C, III RECEIVER HEATH 1500-A. Six OWOSSO AREA. Rustic execu¬ tive home on landscaped lot with CORPORATION OF AMERICA experienced, reasonable. Theses, F, Graflex 4x5, Circa 1930, Koni- months old, factory alligned. Car¬ counselor in your home. Week¬ term paper. Editing. 332-8496, Omega with 4 backs, Konica tridge Empire 4,000/111. 349-3813 waterway at rear. 3 bedrooms, 2 % autoreflex A, strobes, lenses, baths, huge living room with ends, evenings, 337-2747 after 5 35M7VI.5-4.12n2> evenings. 6-4-11 H3I p.m. 0-11 -4-15 (17) cases and darkroom equipment. fireplace. Many excellent features. PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ Also used celestial telescope. PORTABLE TV in excellent condi¬ 959,000 furnished. See this unique sonal and professional IBM typing. Announcements for It's Whet's All interested In organizing ac¬ Gey Liberation meet..,, I Used 10 speed bicycles - Motobe- cane, Gllane, Schwinn Continen¬ tion.^. Phone 484-8783. E-5-4-8 181 homel ELLEN REESER, REAL¬ TOR, Owosso, 725-7716. Z-10-4- f listrictlH W One day service. 351-5094. C-21-4- 29 (12) Happening must be received In the tivities regarding campus safety for women, meet at 7 tonight In Sunday in the Union w'J to plan this term's sctjJ^J 13(35) State News office, 343 Student tal, Varsity and many more. Used ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS school 328 Student Services Bldg. Wo¬ potluck will follow. Services Bldg., by noon at least cycles - Penton 125 cc, Tora mini SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE men's Advisory Committee. bike, helmets, seats, and many power and hand tools. Golf sets, SALEI Brand new portables • OKEMOS, HOUSE by owner, over ft acre bordering fields and of folk music Spring term classes start week of April 11. Basic nana two class days before publication. No announcements will be accept¬ Ever wonder about l* I 949.95. 95 per month. Largs woods, three large bedrooms, 2 guitar, 912.00. All levels of gui¬ ed by phone. Michigan Civil Service Director Eastern European Chritti»r bags, clubs, shoes, carts, tennis selection of reconditioned usee tar, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, and WOULD APPRECIATE informa¬ will speak on job opportunities at *■ rackets, redwood lawn furniture machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- baths, dining, living, family rooms, first floor laundry, beautifully land¬ dulcimer plus singing, autoharp, tion from MSU students who have 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 103 Eppley dents? Intervarsity mT" Volunteers needed for tele¬ tonight in Bethel Manor. '■ and slalom water ski. New and chi's, New Home and "many blues harp, dobro, and recorder. researched their family history. Center. used musical instruments - Martin, scaped. 954,900. 349-2972. 3-4-11 phone survey on redlining. Call others." 919.95 to 939.95. Terms Sign up now, enrollment limited. Dana Felmly. 332-4686. S-5-4-8 I27I Dave Persell, Center for Urban A Novice Code Fender, Gibson, Guild, National EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 541 116) Building your own computer? Class „« 1 Affairs, College of Urban Develop¬ Duolian, Ludwig, Marshall, COMPANY, 1115 North Washing¬ Rocroatioo 11 (ft East Grand River. 332-4331. 10-4- ment, for information. Come to our organizational meet¬ Interested beginners in M Rhodes, Pro, 30 flat top guitars and amps of ell sizes. New and ton. 489-8448. C-21-4-29 (261 151161 SINGLE MAN wanted to fill out ing at 7:30 tonight in 110 Comput¬ er Center. MSU Personal Com¬ dio begins at 7 Engineering Bldg. tonight ^9 "4 crew. Preparing for extended voy¬ Musicians and entertainers used stereo and CB equipment - KENMORE ZIG-ZAG sewing ma¬ EUROPE - FLEXIBLY and inex¬ age. Departure September. Part puter Club. (continued on needed for volunteer work at Pioneer, Dual, Yamaha, TEAC, EPI Kenwood, EV, Sherwood, new chine with cabinet. Good condi¬ tion. 935. 351-8134, nights. E-5-4- pensively. Call FLIGHTS toll-free. EUROPEAN 1-800-848- | Twill Swiicillal ownership responsibilities. 485- Stockbridge Nursing Home. Con¬ 1886. 8-4-14 (17) tact Sam Garllnghouse at Trolfa- MSU Rodeo Club meeting at 8 Cobra 40 channel mobile, end 13 1121 0786. 2-4-8 1121 COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete base CB's. We accept trades, BABYSITTER FOR one child in madore Co-op. tonight in the Judging Pavilion. foilllgal dissertation and resume service. bank cards and layaways. WIL¬ 23" SEKINE bike; double butted '•opl.fcj COX TRADING POST, 509 East Michigan. 485-4391. C-21-4-29 alloy frame. More. Like new. 351-7696. 3-4-7 (121 9175. |_ Service Comer M.A.C. and Grand River. 8:30-5:30. Monday-Friday. 337- our home. Consider live-In. Call 394-3049 before 4 p.m. 5-4-11 114) Japan Karate Club meets at 6 p.m. Monday in the Women's IM Anyone Interested in rushing fraternities this spring will went to HonwZl Ssrvlcil | 1134) FREE... A Lesson in complexion lea-cjo^a (162 Building, 8 tonight in the Men's IM come to "Meet the Greeks" M 7 care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, Building, and noon on Saturday In TYPING 754/page. Phone Barb imuw-J AQUARIUMS - with stand. Fresh and salt TWO 29-gellon com¬ [ Animals )(><] or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. 321-1693 after 6 p.m. Spelling and punctuation corrected. 8-4-18112) baseball cards, and much morelll CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, the Women's IM. tonight in the MSU Union. The Social Cultural Union of MavKaiHTtWl 307 East Grand River, 332-0112 11011.OrandRhm plete. 374-8906. 8-4-18 112) OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog pups. AKC registered, shots, wormed. C-21-4-29 1181 (open 11:30 - 8 p.m.) C-21-4-29 Bound Town Dionysus goes game crazy at 8 Next to Vsnlt. |M RAW HONEY 704 a pound, all FOR QUALITY stereo service, (20) tonight at the America's Cup. **************** 694-0516 after 5 p.m. 8-4-13 (121 sizes 1-50 lbs. 353-4245 after 5 THE STEREO SHOPPE. 556 East p.m. 8-4-20 1121 FREE: ONE beautiful all white Grand River. C-21-4-29 (121 HOUSE NEEDED between Mari¬ male cat. 1 year old. Phone ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ gold Street and Shop-rite Store, 26" SCHWINN Varsity 10-speed 694-4543 after 5 p.m. S-2-4-8 (141 ing theses, manuscripts, term west of Harrison Rd. Large living SUMMER bicycle, red, new tires. 9100. Dsve room, family room, kitchen, two papers. Evonings, 676-7544. C-21- 355-3580.3-4-11 1121 MUST GIVE away small 1 '4 year 4-29 112) baths, basement and bedrooms. Do whet Interests you most: old black female cat. She is docile Rent or buy. 351-8530 after 11:00 folk dance, work at en ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS school and loving. Phone 484-0306. S-2- ANN BROWN PRINTING AND a.m. 8-4-15 (29) WIN MONEYI Grand prizes from archaeological dig, study at a of folk music Spring term classes TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, 9150 to 9300 at Bingol 7:30 p.m. 4-8J17I Tuesday Night. CONGREGATION university, live on kibbutz. And start week of April 11. Basic general printing. Serving MSU for OLD POCKET knives, any condi¬ at the same time, have a short, GOLDEN RETRIEVER, AKC regis¬ SHAAREYZEKEK, 1924 Coolldge, guitar, 912.00. All levels of gui¬ 27 years with complete theses tion. Phone 694-0524 between 9 tar, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, and tered. One male and one female RESUMES, PROFESSIONAL and a.m. and 5 p.m. 21-4-29 1121 East lanslng. C-21-4-29 (20) In-depth Israel experience. left. Phone service_349fffi0. C-21-4-29J19I Summer programs offer you a dulcimer plus singing, autoharp, M3-60a._4^-8 (121 confidential. Call for inquiry or EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ number of extra currtcular blues harp, dobro, and recorder. interview. 371-2991 after 6 p.m. DALMATION PUPPIES - AKC, 8 Sign up now, enrollment limited. 5-4-81121 sertation, (pica-elite) FAYANN. activities: you can spend a week weeks. Females 9125, males 9100. ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand River, 332-4331. 10-4- 393-6685 after 5:30 p.m. 3-4-7 (121 LENS PRECISION ground in our 489-0358. C-21-4-29 1121 . G-M In Sinai, visit a settlement In the Golan Heights, tour big cities 15_I16I lab. Optical Discount, 2617 East and historical sites. Meet people TRUMPET, BESSON, silver plat¬ I Mobile Hons [M Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. C-5- Underwriters and gain awareness of Israel as ed. Many extras. Excellent condi¬ a social, economic, cultural, tion. 9265. Cell 332-6451. 4-4-8 1967 12 X 60 Liberty in Holt. Two 4-8_H3l_ religious and political reality. Cm Yn Btlim?? bedroom, new washer-dryer, skirt¬ ed, many extras. 15 minutes to MSU. 694-1740. 8-4-8 118) LOVING MOTHER babysit in wanting to my East Lansing Call 332-3853. 8-4-8 112) home. Insurance Have a good time while you are doing it Contact the Israel Program Center and Inquire Bicycles storting et FOR SALE Furnished, *14.95 waterbed. or rent. Campus close. 91400/ New Office Hours For about five-through-nine-week summer programs. Seta of 9120/ 35'. 351-0540. M-7 1121 American Zionist Youth Foundation, Coif Clubs RICHARDSON 1973 12x50. Front Spring Term Only Israel Pronram Center •14.95 220 South State St. living room, 2 bedrooms, skirted. Tonnls Rocquots Partially furnished. Close. 95375. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Chkaao.UI.MM4 •4.99 337_;2388.jS-4-12 H4) I We H«ve Hwst and otfwr luper 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 CHAMPION 10' X 55' • 2 bed¬ bargains m> ifof In and chock our low, low prlcoe. room, 1 % bath, carpeted, shed. For Information, please send to the above address. $•!]! Wo ropolr all makes of Television and Sforoo Good condition. 92200. 487-6828. Tuesday, Thursday X 8-4-12 (12) equipment. FOR RENT: one bedroom furnish¬ 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Address— DICKER AND DEAL ed, Holt srea, immediate occu¬ City 1701 South Codor pancy. 9100/month, plus deposit. 4I7-39M No pets. 694-9463. 8-4-14 116) Cell: 355-4510 ext. 279 BONG SALE. 25% off all bongs in stock. Mid-Michigan's largest | Rump Sail |[5| selection of pipes, papers, clips, ANTIQUE FAIR AND SALE, East paraphernalia, tapestries and head Rotary 4th Annual. West Mich¬ gifts. We will match anyone's THEIR SALE PRICE IS igan's Best. Quality dealers from prices. Many designs of T-shirts, all parts of the country. April 7 and 92.60 each. WHITE MONKEY, 226 ' 8, noon to 10 p.m. April 9, noon to Abbott Road (opposite State 6 p.m. Lectures daily -11 a.m. East Theaterl. 6-4-8 140) Grand Rapids High School, 2211 HANG GLIDER, 18' Manta.l}ark Lake Drive S.E., E. Grand Rapids, blue, light green, yellow. Carrying Michigan. 7-4-7 (47! EVERYDAY PRICE bag and helmet. Used only once. OUR 9495.482-0344 after 5 p.m. 8-4-11 I20l_ 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. NOTICI Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. Guaranteed one full year, 97.88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING Starting Spring Term a COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ RUMMAGE SALE CLASS¬ posite City Market. C21-4-29 (24) TWO LARGE Advents. One year old, 9180. Still under warranty. IFICATION will be added to the daily classifieds. You can get 20 words for Playback's Got the BEST PRICES IN TOWN! 676-2833, mornings. 8-4-14 (121 one day for $2.50! Each ELECTRO VOICE EVS way speakers. 1 month old. New - 16B. 3 additional word 13'. And in EVERY Department... Stereo, Automotive, 9330, asking 9225. Must sell. 355-6427 evenings. X-3-4-8 1181 MULTITUDES OF vacuum clean ers. 96.88 and up. Uprights, tanks, Call 35S-82S5 CB, Calculators! cannisters. 2 year warranty. BAR GAIN HOUSE, 826 West Saginaw. Lost t Fond | Lansing. 484-2600. C-21-4-29 (20) MAN'S TEN-speed Schwinn bike LOST: TAN soft leather mittens, Monday, near Baker Hall. Needed TAPS DifflU TUBMTABLM in very good condition. 975. Phone desperatelyl 332-4025. 2-4-8 (12) 337-7776. 3-4-8 1121 Reg. Sale Reg. Sale Reg. Soli I FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR. Marantz -22206 329" 169" Ttcbilcs SL-1501 199" Id 960 or best offer. Hine Snow- Teac A-23WS 497" 359" bridge Backpack 960, 351-2822/ Marantz 2235B 355" 249" Philips GA-427 99" 332-8239. 3-4 7_ra LOST: PRESCRIPTION glasses in Text-UK 400" 269" GIBSON 12-string guitar with white case. Lost near Shaw. Marantz-22506 442" 229" Cass Deck Philips GA-4K . 199" Hf Reward. Call 332-5095. 5-4-8 (121 case, excellent condition. Best Marantz Wood Cabinets 59" 29" •8" PiOHar PL-112D 100°° offer. Call 332-1844 after 5:30 p.m. 8-4-15114) FOUND: LADY'S Bulova gold Sanyo RD-4135 129" wristwatch by Wells Hall. Call Pete 353-2077. 5-4-13 (121 Technics SD-5360 299" 199" Cass Deck TWO RESERVED seats for Led Zeppelin concert at Pontiac Silver- dome. Call 353-4162. 8-4 15 (121 LOST: GOLD wetch. Sentimental Sansui 441 299" 99" Condor ED-1230 99" 69" value. Reward, please call Karen at Sansui 551 129" 8-Track Recorder GUILD AND Martin guitars. Ex¬ 337-1693. 1-4-7 112) Technics SA-5160 259" SPEAKBRf cellent condition. Reasonable. Af¬ ter 5 p.m. LOST: FEMALE cat, gray/white 229" 169" 641-6878. 3-4-8 (121 tiger striped. Seen around M.A.C. Reg. wearing blue collar with bells. JANSPORT BACKPACK with rain 351-3783. 3-4-11 (16) Marantz HD 55 129" cover, used once, 960 or best offer. 351-5681. 3-4-8 112) Sale Marantz HD 66 179" I'* FOUR STEEL-belted radial Good¬ rich. 23,000 miles. Used. GR-7815, □«■□/] Limited Quantities Display Model Only on Project/OWF AS-8 79°. Call 332-6952/332-5932. E-5-4-12 ASTROLOGY BIRTH chart inter¬ (121 pretations, compatability analysis, and periodic counseling. Call FILE CABINET 955. Desk 940. Tony. 393-5962. 4-4-8 (121 Bookcase 920. Crib 940. TV 980. Humidifier 950. Walnut end table 935. Couch 950. Two arm chairs ASTROLOGER: PROFESSIONAL eight years. Horoscopes, consul¬ Approved - Credit Financing Master Charge, BankAmericard, American Express tation: Personality, career, fi¬ 930 each. Recliner 920. Fake fur coat 960.349-1281 between 6 p.m. nances, romance, future. 351- 9 p.m. 8299. 10-4-19 112) - 2-4-8 (341 PLAY WATER BRASS TAX - Six piece band for BED, heater, frame, 4 months old, 985. 321-7863 after weddings, parties. Call James 5:30. 3-4-11 112) Ross, 1-15171484-3854. 7-4-14(13) 523 FRANDOR IMPORTED - USED furniture. 1458 Oakridge Avenue. Apartment ! Real Estate SHOPPING CENTER 205. 351-5238. 3-4-8 1121 A PERSON'S home is his castle. Phone:351-7270 SUPER 8 movie camera. Nevei Homes are my specialty. Paul used. Zoom lens, cartridge load Coady 332-3582. MUSSELMAN A Quality Company ol 975. 353-4034. 8-4-12 112) REALTY. C-19-4-29 (151 Hydromelals. Inc '"17, 1977 stole News, Eost lonsinq, Michigan Thursday, April 7, 1977 13 DOONESBURY di®% about him. hes carrying a heavy DoohieBros April 22 Ticket. *£» cmn6 ourour. ears oyer meet know, a not pon mb. i ivan, 0h..0h, right! imp right nov, particularly wcy! veu.cuoxu XVettwsomrnvTDsmouje tvs not i can get by. it's... uiith our nbu african pol/oesi andy is ' out sboousness about em- realm j teuhimtfa mi, its for andy.. anofd neper ask you himself, a symbol i no good at wwime>0imsnmi: myde- andtyoun6l eot.ulane, the man needs thursday (10) Doctor. Report rnnfm.. \ that. (12) Barney Miller a symbol' — (12) One Life to Live 4:00 morning (23) Silent Drum (23) Clastic Theatre (4) Bugs Bunny 9:30 3:00 (10) Fantastic Journey (12) Three's Company (4) All In the Family (11) Women Wise 10:00 (10) Another World (12) Future Cop (12) Destination America (23) World Pre.. (23) People 11:00 3:15 0:30 (4-10-12) News (12) General Hospital (I I) Hockey Night #3 (23) Woman 3:30 (23) Perspectives In Black 11:30 (6) Match Game 9:00 (4) Ko|ok (23) Ullas, Yoga and You 4:00 (4) People's Command Performance: 1977 (10) Johnny Carton PEANUTS (12) Mary Hartman, Mfkseppaet (6) Confetti (10) Best Sellers Mary Hartman Opvn 10 AM -1PM Daily (10) Scrambled Egg. (11) Cable 11 Newt (23) ABC News by Schulz 226 Abbott Rood, Ea.t Lansing (12) Wild Wild West (23) Seiome Street 4:30 MSU SHADOWS THEY HAVE CADDIES /MY CADDY FALLS^I (4) Bewitched WHO TAKE THE FLA6 UN THE HOLE \) (10) Gllligan'. Island by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: OUT OF THE HOLE... •'J' 5:00 — (4) Gunsmoke PZNBAZiL PETE'S ! (10) Emergency One I NEW! ilectronic Sprint 2 (12) Emergency Onel (23) Mister Rogers' Twin Race Game) ktu di Neighborhood THURSDAY EVENING 5^-vLe- ¥■7 s&y**-3— 5:30 (11) Cable II News (23) Electric Company 4:00 (4-10-12) Newt 4:30 (4) CBS Newt (10) NBC Newt (12) ABC Newt 7:00 (4) Hogan's Heroes (10) To Tell the Truth (11) Parent Nlte at Alternative Education (12) Brady Bunch (23) Once Upon a Clastic 7:30 (10) Michigan State Lottery (11) Tee Vee Trivia (12) Hollywood Squares (23) MacNeil /Lehrer Thursday, April 7,^ 14Michigon Stole News, East Lansing, Michigon Tour guides needed! If you're "Supernatural Influence on ASMSU Book MSU Karate Club holds classes John Ball, President of Learning Easter Sunrise Celebration at 7 The Great Feast of Easter will be Political and World Affairs" will be (continued from page 12) for beginning, Intermediate and Systems International, apeaka on interested in giving central cam¬ Sunday in Baal Gardens. celebrated by MSU's Episcopal discussed at 6 tonight and Sunday 5 p.m. The Volunteer Action Corpi a.m. advanced students at 7 tonight in "Market for Competitive Instruc¬ pus walking tours, contact the Thursday Music, Teaching and the Lord's community at 5 p.m. Sunday in Alumni Office in the Union. in 335 Union. Studant needs people to help with the the Men's IM Building. tion Development" at the I D. &T. Supper. Sponsored by His House the Alumni Chapel. Dinner fol¬ manpower problems of the needy lows: all welcomel Luncheon at noon Friday In 1961 Philosophy lecture by Prof. of Ingham County. Contect 26 East. Maundy Thursday Worship Ser¬ Room of Case Hall. Explore Engineering Careers at Goldman, University of Michigan: the Engineering Open House from Dr. ' Student Services Bldg. Easter Celebration et UHME vice with Holy Communion at 7:30 "What la Justified Belief?," at 8 Stanley Clark - 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Saturday in the Resource Women's Studies Group pre¬ tonight at the University Lutheran "Organically Healthy Bodies p.m. Friday In 312 Agriculture Hall. Develop^ begins at 5 p.m. Sunday. It will Important: Graduate Students sents: Dr. Libby Douvan discuss¬ center around a meal and a Church, 1020 S. Harrison Road. and Souls," talk by Rev. Baker at Engineering Building. Students needed to work with tration will end an energy discus,T.. - COGS Day Care Scholarships ing "Women and the Family" at retelling of the Christian story. Open meeting! Women's Organic meeting at 8 p.m. Monday Take a look Vt "the new MSU deaf youth. Orientation at 8 to¬ 2:30 p.m. April extend. 7:30 tonight in the United Minis¬ in the University Lutheran Church, Republicans at 8:30 tonight in are now available for Spring term. Studies Group meets at 3:30 p.m. night in 115 Berkey Hall. tries, 1118 S. Harrison Road. 1020 S. Harrison Road. C211 Wells Hall. Office hours are M-W-F, 8 to 11 "The Contemporary American Monday on the Union Sunporch, e.m., end T-Th, 5 to 9 p.m. Family: Changes and Prospects" MSU Amateur Radio Club, discussed at 7:30 tonight at the MSU Radio Board will meet at WBSH, meets at 8 tonight in 339 "United Ministries for Higher Edu¬ 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 4 Student Engineering Bldg. cation Center, 118 S. Harrison Services Bldg. Road. Veterans who requested ad¬ Let Freedom Singl Thoughts on Announcing vance pay for fall term must sign a new request form in 64 Adminis¬ Passover and Soviet Jewry dis¬ The Christian Science organisa¬ cussed et 4 p.m. Sunday on tration Bldg. tion - South Campus invites all WKAR-AM 870. students and faculty to its meeting at 6:30 tonight in 340 Case Hail. Auditions extended for The Business Students: The College Company'! Musical "How to Suc¬ Highland's Easter of Business Undergraduate Stu¬ ceed In Business" from 6 to 6 ( Like to keep that 4-H spirit tonight in the West Lower Lounge dent's Advisory Council is now strong? Come join the MSU accepting petitions for 1977-78 of Holmes Hell. Collegiate 4-H Club at 6:30 p.m. representative. Available in 7 Ep- Tuesday in 331 Union. pley Center. Deadline April 8. Professor Sandra Thompson of Do you have farm experience? Can you make things grow? If so, Peace Corps needs youl Come to 121 Agriculture Hail. UCLA will talk on "Causatives In Wappo: Some Implications for Typology" at 3:30 p.m. today in C103 Wells Hall. Application for the 1978 Senior Claaa Council are available at 101 Student Services Bldg. and are due by Monday, April 11. Midnight Madness /^Lunches (mm 82. 25\ Audio Sale. Dinners from S 3.95 Fantastic food at a great price. 20% off all dinners (starting 4 p.m.) when seated by 5:30 and orde^d by 6 p.m. It Isn't On Easter, And Children's menu available. Free evening parking Downtown 1 block eaet of Capitol It Isn't At Midnight. 372-4300 I Reservations suggested. Cocktails available. / OIsDE We now Vfofp have 3 great soups! ☆ Clam Chowder ☆ Minestrone ☆ Bavarian Lentil with German Sausage Block 1 — AAAC East Lansing Friday Only. April 8, 3 p.m. to Midnight Eveiything 5% to 40% Off! RECEIVERS TAPE DECKS ACCESSORIES TUNERS - AMPLIFIERS SANSUI 221; sugg. AKAI CS14D: sugg. BLANK CASSETTES record/ ,no ... ... MARANTZ 104; sugg. list '99 .sea price $179.95. Now Ilsl pries $200.00. Now *1 1 / plsy 60 mil), ss. Get 3 lor /D' Ilsl pries $170.00. Now '1 >0 SANSUI 551; sugg. ... AKAI GX265D; sugg. ... BASF COOP 90-minuls blsnl ,.in MARANTZ 1030; sugg. sea list pries $259.95. Now '129 lilt pries $675.00. Now '449 cussttss. Low pries .. '2 u list price $110.00. Now 'I 10 SANSUI 5050: sugg. TEAC A-450; sugg. SHURE Stereo , .. ... Certrldge MARANTZ 1040; sugg. .sal list pries 5320.00. Now ' 109 list pries $470.50. Now '2/0 Hl-lrseklng. Low pries '4 1 Taste an Elephant. Ilsl pries $200.00. Now 'IO» SANSUI 7070; sugg. TEAC A$340$ sugg. KOSS "PRO-4AA" Hssdsst 0-0 ,711 MARANTZ 140; sugg. .9QQ You'll want a whole trunkful. list pries $520.00. Now '279 Ilsl pries $1,109. SO. Now / JO sugg. Ilsl pries SSS. Now '2/'" list pries $350.00. Now I33 SANSUI 90900B; sugg. TEAC 4070G; sugg. PIONEER tASSOOII; sugg. , q ,AAQ .00 list Dries $750.00. Now *419 Ilsl pries $720.50. Now .. 443 SPEAKERS Ilsl pries $125.00. Now '00 PIONEER RT-1011L; sugg. MARANTZ IMPERIAL 4-G; KS». >369 list pries $050.00. Now .470 'O f 9 sugg. Ilsl pries $60. Now . .. '29IA. PIONEER SA950G sugg. Ilsl pries $450.00. Now ,« AO '249 PIONEER SX-450; sugg. PIONEER CT-F2121; sugg. ... ACOUSTICS VII; sugg. PIONEER TX-SS00; sugg. list pries $200.00. Now >129 * I JJ '75 EA. ,4(10 . Ilsl pries $200.00. Now Ilsl pries 6146.00. Now Ilsl pries $400.00. NmrV.-'tW PIONEER SX-S50; sugg. PIONEER CT-F0202; sugg. B.I.C. Formula 4; sugg. ,«RQ list pries $250.00. Now '155 Ilsl pries $400.00. Now '209 Ilsl price $159.00. Now ... '93 EA. TURNTABLES '189 Ilsl pries $100.00. Now. Carlsberg Elephant is a unique PIONEER SX-10S0; sugg. ... PIONEER PL71; sugg. continental malt beverage with list pries $700.00. Now '4(9 Ilsl pries $300.00. Now.. MARANTZ 2215: sugg. a refreshingly different body list pries $240.05. Now . . - '115 and taste. MARANTZ 2220B: sugg. Hit price 513040. Now.. ... Perfect companion to Carlsberg's PIONEER PL-H7D; sugg. .9 10 list pries 5330.00. Now 'l09 INI pries $175.00. Now....'I '3 two great Danish beers. MARANTZ 223$: sugg. '259 I Carlsberg and list pries $300.00. Now MARANTZ 232$: sugg. ... swat- •« i Carlsberg Special list pries $900.00. Now *445 t Dark Lager. EMS®.. -425 iiai pnev IMPORTED * m 5744 S. PENNSYLVANIA (^>ejfr gfi wP* 1 , n0rth 0fttsv rraus iASY TERMS• ffiff . com freeway fc ITSTA AT CREDIT • PH0YI1ISI100