litical spying evidence reported The State Police Red Squad did surveil¬ By JOE SCALE8 County Circuit Court Judge James Mon- campus. lance on alleged subversives from 1960 to The intelligence report claimed that an State New» Staff Writer tante. Both judges are involved in review¬ 1976, when it was ruled unconstitutional. organizer for the SDS made remarks "that t East Lansing Human Rations ing state police Red Squad files and have he had organized the local high school about Mission said it has obtained evidence The contents of its files have been the released some flies through court suits. Indicates the East Lansing Police subject of two lawsuits and the Michigan House la considering a probe into its The commission is petitioning the courts three years ago by offering them free marijuana until they got hooked." ftment and the MSU Department of ■ Safety (DPS) were actively Involved activities. to see if a Red Squad file was kept on its members. Evidence indicates that the Human During the Human Relations Commission litical spying on Eut Lanaing real- Relations Commission was the target of Among evidence cited by the commission I and supplied information to the is s Red Squad file that said "An meeting, members stated they did not want Red Squad surveillance in 1964 and the to embark "witch hunt," but did want Aran State Police's Red Squad, East Lansing City Council was a target in intelligence briefing was held at the East on a fa meeting Wednesday night, the Lansing Police Department, this date, June questions answered as to what the East lis,ion drafted letters to the East 1971, according to the commisaion. Other letters drafted by the commission 28,1968." Lansing Police involvement was. One of the released Red Squad files City Council and the MSU Board of The information apparently pertained to ne were to be sent to Ingham County Circuit Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) contained a Michigan State Police complaint ■s " asking that they open up investi- a Court Judge Thomas Brown and Wayne national convention held on the MSU (continued on page 9) m the two police departments. WINNER CHALLENGES SLATE INVALIDATION ludiciary to consider injunction By NUNZIO M. LUPO declaration of winners for ASMSU is council. •The AUEC failed to send out reminders State News Stafl Writer official." The appeal filed by Barry requests that about the spending reports three days prior in P slate ASMSU presidential Spirit , The injunction could leave open some SFJ take action because "unless immediate action is taken by the Student-Faculty to the election as required by the ASMSU late Kent Barry has bypassed regular confusing possibilities regarding who will elections code. ;ls by going directly to the Student- sit on the Student Board Tuesday. The Judiciary, the operations of ASMSU could • Nowhere in the code does it specifically ASMSU elections code does not state who be thrown into utter chaos and confusion." |ty>d consideration" Judiciary (SFJ) to ask for in an effort to get his would sit on the board should an injunction The appeal defends its stance of improper say that candidates can be invalidated for be ordered. invalidation because: submitting unsigned spending reports. {seated SFJ Tuesday. AUEC Chairperson Barry Griffiths said • The document of invalidation only in panel will meet and decide • A states that Spartan Spirit has been "dis¬ he does not know who would be seated if legal definition of "signed" can be [ "circumstances warrant issuing a qualified," a term not defined in the lent of action or a withdrawal of the order is issued. "SFJ has the applied to the spending report Barry turned I continued on page 9) in because his name was typed on it. i" under a provision in the Academic tomorrow. Until then we're all up in the n Report (AFR). air," he said. Several unnamed sources familiar with p Chairperson Paul Newman said the would be issued if: judicial matters have speculated that four reached n can be shown that "irreparable 'ment" will be the result should the Biiversity Elections Commission possibilities exist. These include: • Current ASMSU Student Board Pres¬ ident Michael Lenz could chair the meeting 'U' emissions agreement |C) be incorrect in their invalidation of and the Tuesday session would continue to conduct business during the appeals. late, and of precipitators. The reports will be finished by June 1, he ■he decision will not "under the • Counterforce presidential candidate Mary Cloud and other could Particles would be 'bagged' University officials have argued that MSU could not foot the bill to install the said, after which the consent order will be negotiated with Kelley and the MAPCC. ■stances, preclude, predetermine or runners-up \ irrelevant the ultimate decision of serve on the board until all judicial matters precipitators and has been unable to secure The order will spell out a timetable for |udent Faculty Judiciary on the merits are resolved and a special election is possibly held. with proposed solution's use funding from state or federal public works programs since the controversy began in installing the bag house filter, which could be completed by 1980, Breslin said. • Kent Barry and the other Spartan 1969. The bag house system operates like a l injunction does not mean the vacuum cleaner bag, drawing gases from a y will hear the case. The judiciary Spirit slate members could be seated. By ANNE S. CROWLEY precipitators to bring smokestack i The federal government entered the ie to hear the case. Newman said it According to one of the sources, this is State News Staff Writer within standards set by the Environmental fracas last winter when the EPA ordered boiler through a series of long, slender bags I be "more appropriate" if the All-Uni- because the injunction could be interpreted After eight years of MSU violating state Protection Agency (EPA) has been estimat¬ MSU to take steps toward compliance with to filter out particulates. as freezing the AUEC invalidation tem¬ and federal air pollution standards, Univer¬ ed at $11.5 million. state clean air standards. MSU President Clifton R. Wharton Jr. / Student Judiciary (AUSJ) heard The hearings, to have been held Monday MSU is now awaiting engineering reports said he was delighted at the prospect of because they have "original porarily. sity and state officials have reached an on" in ASMSU-related matters, • Only the winners that were not agreement that may solve the problem at and Tuesday between MSU and the from outside consultants on the bag system solving the problem with the state and invalidated could take their board seats. MSU Power Plant 66. MAPCC. had been scheduled because the before it begins negotiating a timetable federal agencies voluntarily and without s appeal stated, "While we are lant that the subject matter falls Only seven of the 10 college seats would be Hearings scheduled to begin Monday by University refused to sign a consent order with Michigan Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, litigation. filled and there would be no Student Board setting a time schedule for the installation Breslin said. (continued on page 9) Kiy under the original jurisdiction of the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commis¬ ■USJ, we feel that it is in the best president. sion (MAPCCI have been canceled because fts of the students of Michigan State Barry has retained James Haischer, of the new agreement. former ASMSU Comptroller, and Lewis K. Jsity to have this matter dealt with Under the agreement, the state and the April 11, 1977, at which time the Zerby, of Philosophy Department, as his University would share the cost of install- Former FBI supervisor indicted o ing a bag house filter system at the power plant rather than the more commonly used and more expensive electrostatic precipita¬ }utonium processing tors. to cut down emissions pollution. However, a press aide for Gov. William G. Milliken said the governor had commit¬ ted himself only to "sharing some costs" and for wiretapping, mail snooping It listed 17 New York residents whose illed oft by Carter not to any specific amount of money. Executive Vice President Jack Breslin, though, said in a press release that the state By MARGARET GENTRY Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - A former FBI apprehended. An FBI spokesperson said Squad 47 was responsible for apprehending some mail was intercepted illegally, including Jennifer Dohrn, believed to be a relative of Weatherman fugitives but he had no Bernadine. Some of the mail opening legislature would appropriate $4 million of supervisor was indicted Thursday for By 8TAN BENJAMIN the $7.2 million cost "later," in addition to allegedly snooping into private mail and for information on the number or names. targets also were targets of the wiretaps. Associated Press Writer The indictment alleges that Kearney and None of Kearney's agents was named or the $800,000 it has already approved. reportedly ordering illegal wiretaps during kSHINGTON (AP) — President Jimmy Carter called off U.S. plutonium processing The University would foot the rest of the the early 1970s search for radical Weather¬ the agents of Squad 47 conspired to charged in the indictment. Department Tday in an international bid to arrest the spread of the fuel that also can be used in bill, about $2.4 million, Breslin said. man fugitives. intercept and copy private mail and use officials earlier granted immunity from ig atomic bombs. The cost of installing two electrostatic The indictment was the first criminal illegal wiretaps "for the purpose of seeking prosecution to low-ranking street agents leads to the location and apprehension of involved in the allegedly illegal acts in ter recognized that some nations may need to reprocess plutonium and use it for charge stemming from the year-long Jus¬ exchange for their testimony against their |r generation, but administration officials said Carter wants them to keep this tice Department investigation of burglaries Weatherman fugitives." bosses. ology to themselves and not export it to other nations that might misuse it to make and other allegedly illegal tactics used by The targets of the mail opening operation it bombs. the FBI to gather intelligence about and the 11 illegal telephone taps were Kearney and the squad obtained keys | show "that could be used to open various he means business, Carter announced a series of eight nuclear policies, political militants. persons the FBI agents thought might be in Ting a slowdown of U.S. development of the "nuclear breeder reactor," a type of contact with the fugitives, the indictment mailboxes in the New York City area," the Department officials indicated other in¬ indictment said. Jr plant that would convert otherwise unusable form of uranium into plutonium that dictments may be forthcoming as the Ibe used as additional nuclear fuel in atomic weapons. or investigation continues. [tar's eight policies are: The indictment, returned by a federal Pjr indefinitely the commercial reprocessing and recycling of plutonium produced in grand jury in New York City, charged John I S. nuclear power programs. lie plantat Barnwell, S.C., will receive neither federal encouragement nor funding for inside J. Kearney, 55, with two counts of conspiracy, two counts of obstructing mpletion. In emphasis to find "alternative designs of the breeder" will be made. Officials said this From Rocky to Hank with correspondence, and one count of illegal wiretapping. If convicted, he faces a Mike Marshall on leave Js types that would not produce bomb-grade plutonium. love? Huh? See page 16. maximum penalty of five years in prison on clear up decision on ffib. research money will be shifted toward alternative nuclear fuel systems avoiding each charge plus fines which could total * access to materials useable in nuclear weapons." U S. uranium-enrichment $42,000. to lies for conventional capacity will be increased, to assure continued fuel Kearney retired after 25 years with the reactors at home and abroad. FBI in June, 1972 and now is assistant vice ""slation will be ts and guarantee proposed allowing the United States "to offer nuclear fuel delivery of such nuclear fuel to other countries." supply president of Wells Fargo Armored Service in New York City. He could not be reached doctoral bid, kinesiology ^tad States wjll continue to ban exports of enrichment and reprocessing lie administration for comment. Atty. Gen. Griffin Bell, who approved the Atlanta Braves relief pitcher Mike Marshall said Thursday he is taking a temporary will seek an international program to evaluate alternative nuclear recommendation of department officials to leave of absence from his baseball career. ""Hies and spent fuel storage for nations that share the goal of restraining the spread seek the indictment, hac( no comment on the The 33-year-old Marshall, also a doctoral student at MSU, said he would remain home «• weapons. specific charges. in East Lansing until he could clear up recently filed charges of assault (dropped late er noted that plutonium "is especially poisonous" among nuclear fuels. Plutonium is From August 1970 until his retirement, Thursday), a decision on his doctoral candidacy and clarification of stories surrounding ■ radioactive and chemically toxic. Kearney supervised Squad 47 in the New the operation of his kinesiology services. "I'll have to sit and wait," Marshall said of his leave of absence. "If it means six months ^Ciear safety experts have expressed concern that plutonium could be diverted from 11 Power York FBI office. The squad was assigned to production into the manufacture of bombs by terrorists or governments. hunt down Weatherman radicals who were then it means I'll wait six months." »left ui doubt the fate of the Marshall said he felt it was necessary for him to solve these problems because of the proposed Clinch River Breeder Reactor, a $2-billion charged with bombings and other terrorist harassment it has caused his wife and family. * 380"me&lwltt P1*"110 Ppo |a JERSEYS • SHIRTS coupon expires 4-15-77 ...................I | Milliken fails to address issues in talk Trying to get a grasp on Gov. condescendingly, would be a "ser¬ which has been a prominent lame, for it implies that had the William G. Milliken's rhetoric is ious breach of responsibility." fixture of public discussion for the statement rejected the possibility like trying to restrain a slithering Milliken was always careful to last several years. of Seafarer-inflicted environ¬ snake covered with petroleum balance such pronouncements mental damage, he might not have The "breach of responsibility" cast the veto. Failure to veto, jelly. That's the impression the with soothing assurances of his which Milliken cites does not arise governor left in his vacuous "concern" for the "complexity" of obviously, would contradict his out of taking a stand on this issue, meeting with college newspaper the problem. "There are," the own professed commitment of but rather comes about when the editors Wednesday. governor intoned piously, "no abiding by the people's judgment. It is rather distressing — if not governor refuses to hold state simple solutions." utilities — and his own appointees It is talk like this that ultimately infuriating — to hear a man who Of course there are no simple to the PSC — responsible for their has been governor of a large state solutions to state and federal dissuades people from taking part actions with regard to consumer in the political process. After all, it for the last nine years refuse to problems. But to reiterate such a interests. is difficult to cage and analyze express an opinion on the pro¬ hackneyed cliche is to abdicate any priety of rate hike requests obligation to take realistic stands Milliken skipped, skirled and snaking political rhetoric. granted to major state utilities by on matters of public importance. slithered around other issues in a the Public Service Commission Surely the governor has a similar manner. His highly selec¬ (PSC). To do so, Milliken said position on the rate hike issue, tive interpretation of the history of the PBB matter — in which he Automation helps drops — adds portrayed himself as a man using the fullest resources of his office at the earliest possible time to The policy that the Natural Science Department surprising that no one has done this before" resolve PBB difficulties — is has taken concerning the simplification of the drops We might take issue with Gottleber on thatifc simply not substantiated by the and adds fiasco shows a dedication and commitment Take, for example, the registration process aoj facts. that is rare in this University. hell students are put through during that rwl Friday, April 8, 1977 With regard to Seafarer, Mil¬ Donald Weinshank, Considering the fact that only one department! Doug Bock, and Tim Gottle- taken any action to help resolve the Editorials ore the opinions of the State News liken's insistence that he always ber deserve praise for their action taken to drops and J Viewpoints, columns situation, it doesn't seem suprising at all that! and letters are personal opinions intended to veto the project "if the computerize, and thus simplify the drops and adds Editorial Dopartmont people did not want it" is contra¬ University or any department within it hasn'ttf process. Edllor-in-chiet dicted by his failure to cast the any action of this kind sooner. Mary Ann ChiMhaw toyouf Fred van Horlesveldt Managing Editor Sob Ourlian Photo Editors Maggie Walker. Laura Lynn Fistler veto last year, when Upper Penin¬ The complexity of the drops and adds system, as it We have been conditioned to expect no Opinion Editor Dave Mlsialowski Copy Chief Tracy Reed sula residents repudiated the stands, stems from the fact it is just a muddled mess atu» City Editor Michael Tonimura Wire Editor Joyce Laskowski of bureaucratic paperwork. It is unfortunately a these problems, simply because none hasL Campus Editor Carole Leigh Hutton Staff Representative John Casey Navy-sponsored boondoggle by Sports Editor Edward L Ronders Freelonce Editor Anne Stuart referendum margins as high as 10 necessity and it continues to be a thorn in the side of forthcoming. The drops and adds situation 1 Associate Sports Editor Tom Shonohon to 1. every student and faculty member involved in the existed for years in this state of disorganizatj We must appreciate this development process. Natural Science Department. infl Advertising Deportment His that he was awaiting excuse Considering f Advertising Manager DanGerow Assistant Advertising Manager CeciCorfield an environmental impact report According to Tim Gottleber, who operated the problems being dealt with, it amounts to a g before making his judgment is computer terminal in the department, "It's really miracle. exchanged from lesson to lesson. This humor in the fact that so many would make Nature and the frost will procedure saves much time. it appear it was just thought of and it soon be otti| ground. We don't really need all tbg Incomplete learning material was a couldn't happen without them, from council- from all the would-be's which onlyser ! fl. second problem. The tapes are supplement¬ members to cable commissions there are slow things down. ed by books of corresponding tape notes. statements and quotes all serving to involve Fred He To the Editor Fall term these books were not finished, so them with their "whatever." the tape notes had to be picked up It is time to point out that interconnect separately by students at the Chemistry was provided for and required when the Building for each unit. But in winter term ordinances were written. Mistakes the books were complete so trips to the Ref: Lansing Ordinance 11-A9 (e) Every Chemistry Building for individual notes cable television system franchised under were I realize I am about to bring up In unnecessary. this Cable TV Code shall maintain such A third problem was the poor testing small points, but in the i situation. Earlier, the scheduled testing capacity, capability and technical standards education, I'll proceed. suspicion of wrongdoing for not providing as will enable it to interconnect with any In your recent article on Camptd an opportunity to hear both sides of the Brazil Project controversy during its be- Chemistry rooms filled up quickly, and additional students were sent to different buildings at other cable television system located in any going coed, the sentence "CurrentlyJ adjacent community. tween-term meeting. Come come now, The Chemistry Department deserves a the last minute. Now there are more testing and Gilchrist-Yakely halls in lb I editors, isn't this a bit of the "pot calling the rooms scheduled, and the room numbers Ref: East Lansing Chapter 82-7.228 Circle Complex are the only «Iw lot of long overdue credit because of the announced beforehand Interconnections. The franchisee shall in¬ residence halls," appears. First da kettle black?" For shame! improvements in Chemistry 130 and 131. are along with the terconnect its cable system with all other sentence is in error, in that they utq Please don't tell me or your readers that Fall term these courses had some definite test days and times. Also, the keys to the (1) the letter was lost or misplaced, or too exams are now posted outside the testing contiguous East Lansing cable systems, and only all-women residence halls. Ri shortcomings. students do not have to walk to may interconnect with any other system or and Van Hoosen Hall are both il long, or (2) it was squeezed out by other One problem fall term concerned the rooms so letters written on more significant or more the Chemistry Building to see their scores. service. The franchisee's system shall be residence halls. (Although a| lessons. The Chemistry 130 and 131 courses controversial topics. To do so would only Thanks to these improvements I am designed and constructed so as to be member of RHA, Van Hoosen is are both taught by lessons recorded on capable of interconnection with any sys¬ as a residence hall.) compount an obvious unwritten policy of cassette tapes. In addition to listening to learning and enjoying chemistry at the selective exclusion and blatant time. tem's existing in municipalities contiguous In the second place, (and this coi dishonesty tapes in the Tape Room, students can get same and hypocrisy. to East Lansing (and insofar as is technical¬ more, as a resident of Yakeley Hi the recordings of lessons to listen to at Leigh Ann Winn Louis C. Stamatakos 634 M.A.C. Ave. ly and economically feasible, with any such article, the name of my residence ■ home on their own tape recorders. In Fall, Professor systems anticipated for future construc¬ misspelled. A minor thing, right? II Editorials Department of Administration students provided their own tapes to be tion); and the franchisee shall make agree, but it has been misspelled «■ recorded by the Chemistry Department and and Higher Education waited at least two days to get them back. Cable TV reasonable and diligent efforts to accom¬ times that I decided it was time UIf Your editorial of April 1 concerning the to the attention of the State Nenfl plish interconnection with such systems. difficulties MSUFA has encountered with Many students fell behind in their lessons All that is left to be done is for the all, how would you feel if someone! EDITOR'S NOTE: The State News printed the administration and with MERC was a because of the delay in receiving their I am surprised at the amount of press what we considered to be a representative engineers from both companies to work out "Stat News?" most welcome surprise. We are gratified tapes. Winter term however, prerecorded being given to the proposed interconnect of the final details and carry out the inter¬ that you have chosen to support so strongly sampling of letters on both sides of the tapes are available through the Chemistry issue. the Lansing East Lansing C.A.T.V. sys¬ connect. the faculty's efforts to win collective Department for a small fee, and they can be tems. I suppose one could derive some The only real barrier has been Mother bargaining. We firmly believe that the real victors in News Bulletin our struggle will be the students, because collective bargaining is the last, best Had I known Prof. Philip Korth would hope for quality education at Michigan State publish my response to his viewpoint, I University. Through collective bargaining, the faculty can assure that the first and would have expanded it to include other information I had given him in a telephone call a month ago and in a statement of News U.S. agency for ' optim ' persistent consideration in MSU's list of priorities will be quality education for our Bulletin policy and procedures in regard to students. Our professional commitments collective bargaining sent to him in Feb¬ always finds silver lining in demand that we accept no less. We know ruary 1976. that our students deserve no less. Thank you again for your support. It will surely make our uphill struggle easier. am Because I thought he was familiar with that information, I did not repeat it, but I happy to clarify and to expand on my every trip brief response to Korth. WASHINGTON - One of the most fact he went with Vance shows that deep the U.S. package out of hand, we Philip A. Korth can now Associate professor, ATL The News Bulletin, funded by the important organizations in the State De¬ down the Soviets want an arms agree¬ formulate a foreign policy based on their President, MSUFA University as a means of communication to partment is the Agency for Optimistic ment." negative and hurt feelings." faculty and staff, is, in my opinion, a helpful Appraisals of International Conferences service. It is a publication "There are some people who say that "Wouldn't it have been better if the devoted to news (AOAIC). It was set up to shed a good light Brazil Project and features about the University. It serves on summit meetings between the United President Carter and Secretary Vance suggestions had been made privately to the States and another power to counteract the misread the mood of the Soviets and it was Soviets without the whole world as guide and calendar for campus activities. watching It is also a forum for a mistake for Vance to go to Moscow before the Kremlin's reaction?" On March 3 the State News faculty and staff publicity that a conference has failed. published a opinion, and, yes, opinions on controversial The assistant secretary of the Soviets had studied the U.S. proposals." Merriweather poured himself viewpoint written by Prof. Milton Taylor AOAIC is a glass of entitled "Brazil, The Economics of a Sandy Merriweather, a jocular and affable "That's ridiculous," said Merriweather, Bromo Seltzer. Ripoff," Collective bargaining is a controversial career diplomat, who is in as well as an "Issues and Trends" article by charge of dropping two Alka Seltzers into a glass of "Of course not. That would have been issue. It is an issue of concern preparing position papers showing that no staff writer Ed Lion, both throughout water. "We knew what the mood of the devious. Mr. Carter has said he would never specific to MSU's the University and, as such, it should be matter how the meeting was involvement in the Brazil Project and both portrayed in Soviets was. We expected them to take a resort to secret diplomacy to gain heavily slanted toward an abandonment of explored in the News Bulletin — but at the the press, there is a silver lining at the end hard line and throw the proposals back in advantage over an adversary. It isn't an his ART BUCHWALIH the project. proper time. of the tunnel. In February 1976, Korth was informed style." On that same day I wrote a "letter to the by personal letter by the then editor of the "But," I said, "whether we like it or not editor" entitled "Isolationist position for disarmament treaty! Folly" in which News Bulletin that News Bulletin pages Vance came back from Moscow with egg on a I advocated, or so to speak, a somewhat have been before. Look at would be open to such exploration his face." ever differing position. I fully expected that the the two or three weeks during Secretary Vance got to see the Bolshoi with Foreign press conference where he attac' letter would be published because preceding an Merriweather took out a package of conformed with the style and limitations (1) it election. This was an attempt to keep the News nl7et[aryr and the fact he Gr * has not, to my drank a bottle of Pepto Bismol. that knowledge, appeared. By sending Vance to Moscow at this time On the March 30 editorial page the State News Bulletin. "How's that?" I asked him. we were confirming that Carter waan't just the State Department's scenario went off bicarbonate of soda and 0"cre° "It was a dream come true. It "*jj News indignately and self-righteously Janice B. Hayhow "Secretary Vance got to see the Bolshoi talking for domestic consumption. But what exactly as you people had scripted it" Pr0"j| scathed the MSU Board of Trustees Editor with Foreign Secretary Andrei again that If you have Russia W> 1 of Gromyko. we didn't know was how the Soviet leaders "Certainly." Merriweather said, opening you don't need an enemy." 1 MSU News Bulletin We know Gromyko hates the ballet, and the felt about the Carter proposals. By refusing a package of Rolaida. "We're now in a better Lot Angtht TSnu higon Stotp News, Eost Lonslng, Michigon Friday, April 8, 1977 hopes the computer will be able to answer Center to use before students meet with a counselor. using the computer and after. Whether or not the students assess themselves better Novicki said the computer will not after using the computer will help deter¬ significantly reduce personal contact with mine if the computer will be used computer aid students. "The computer is an adjunct to coun¬ nently. If the computer gets a favorable perma¬ rating, seling, not a replacement," Novicki said. Novicki hopes to adapt it to other areas of By MARK FABIAN Novicki wants to know if the computer State News Staff Writer counseling. will help students make more sophisticated Novicki will select the participants for Searching for the right career can career decisions. In the course of their the program from a stratified random sometimes be difficult but the MSU testing, students will receive responses sample of the student population. Students Counseling Center hopes to ease the task by from the computer based on information will use a computer terminal located in the introducing the use of a computer in career they have previously entered into it. Counseling Center at the Student Services planning. Novicki said he wants to know if this Building. The student's privacy is insured About 195 MSU students will interaction between student and computer by the computer. After logging off the participate will help students choose careers more this spring in a research program aimed at computer, all the student's responses are comparing the efficiency of career planning wisely than if they had used a booklet and a erased. written test. by computer to the traditional system of Depending on the number of students booklets and written tests. who respond to the invitations, Novicki "I wonder if the computer is the best David Novicki, MSU career counselor way hopes to complete the program in about two to go," Novicki said. "There is not a whole and assistant professor in weeks. Though it is not part of the research University Col¬ lot of research on the subject." lege, said many students seeking career Novicki will ask students to make a program, participating students will be able 'omen to take advantage of 'drop back in1 guidance have the same questions which he career assessment of themselves before counseling services after they have completed their testing. I By KRISTIN VANVORST In 1975 women made up about 38 per cent educational career. 1 State News Staff Writer of the students in this group. The figure has "My family is coming back for graduation. fabeth Fox IS a college senior now increased to 41 per cent. It will be fun to see Grandma trekking down hng in humanities at MSU. Erickson said most women who "stop the aisle." C lookina forward to aradu- °ut abouf 21 decide to come back when For Karen Douglas, a 39-year-old mother minJune One of her favorite fy are about 26 or 27 ■ Th1 complete with potato, vaga- 8:00 Easter Breakfast Tom Stark, Pattor labia or side ol spaghetti Worship Services Evan though dlnnar It 0x1 restaurant, lunch may be even 9:30a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Gayle Barnes, bailor, la I me loll you why. reslouronl offers Nursery Available Staff Associate o fantastic lunch butlol lor only offering 485-9477 S2.| were ' o talod bar, Irlad chicken, baked hoi dogs, po- ___ loloe tolod ond cold cull. If the enlDHrffel It loo much Iho salad bar con South Baptist Church be puchosed ola carlo, by the bow^Bf 1.60 or by Iho pi olwoys varies os doat lhair soup ar^Hidwtch specials 12. SO. The bullaI croarp of eel- 1518 S.Washington Lansing try soup and o hamburger daluS' 40 sounds ll| Interesting lunch doesn't 117 GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 1-2:30 p.m. The II Forno roitauront has o gr^Hirfoty ol solads| lolly nice for spring afternoons. Perhaps an Antlpbi^Hod with sfrlpi iioreffa and omerl- can cheese, horn, salami, pepperor^Hf anchovies lull you. or o Grecian Sunday 11:00 a.m. "TODAY AND MSOMICTIOM" talod with tela cheese and Iho resfai^^jg special ing. There's o tempting shrimp talod ond olwoys Iho popular solod. Come svfth o friend ol a group, the Pine take Room, _ local golf course, when Man. reserved, can hold groups up lo 3S. Food It Ih the railouranl from 11 e rr IS ..II a-H 1-1- 1 lo 2 p. m., especially nice lor tola nlghi snacks affor dancing. Moko the day a little CoHsgeMMo wiHnfv rainwsnp m Class is Em rifmlRRMts 8:30 p.m. • flavorful, drop by the II Forno reslouronl for lunch, dlnnar or snocks. Fireside Rooo Sunday 7:00 p.m. SoctmI ml. East of Meridian Mall 463 W. Grand Rlvor Okemos IIIORM . ..with our crystal bunny pendant. And 349 3340 nsM the modest price may Induce you to sip H into several special Easter baskets. Complete with 18" chain in 14 karat yeBow gold, only $20. DINE mi* Something Beautiful for Everyone.SM OUT Use one ol our convenient charge plans or American Expreu-BankAmericerd-Master Charge TONIGHT "Dine in candlelight au| 'S| host photo exhibit John rqpsonable, if not thorough, BoarsHead productions. Stove Estes I, Oliver Goldsmith's "She a , awarenesa of period style; Peakes is an exuberant and 8H designer, Stoops To Conquer" is a charm¬ and ing play, a pretty play, a play stage business is clean and convincing Squire Hardcastle; h"n »nd brown a* Zj that remains after 200 years a appropriate. Carmen Decker's Mrs. Hard¬ and - " Through a $1,500 grant to the Ariz., photographer is also di¬ A new prolog, composed in castle is a lovely comic creation. rector of the center of creative great audience favorite. The The MSU Art Department from the rather slick couplets by Thom¬ Douglas Schirner is com¬ photography at the University current BoarsHead Theater BoarsHesd'j National Endowment of the staging of the 18th-century sen for this production, pro¬ pletely believable as the impish Stoops To Conquer" i-^-S Arts, the works of nationally- of Arizona and former director Tony Lumpkin, and to be seen, and known photographer Harold of the LIGHT Gallery in New comedy, under the sensitive vides a pleasant introduction to the company as well as to the scoundrel though his interpretation of the well rewarded audie^a York City. The LIGHT Gallery direction of BoarsHead pro¬ with, Z* Jones will be featured Sunday ducer Richard Thomsen, is play, while setting a happy character ia perhaps more evening of corned, |0,7 in the Kresge Art Gallery. is the only gallery in the world done so. charming and pretty and, pre¬ mood that is consistently main¬ "rough hewn" than the charac¬ Performance, MSU photography instructor to exclusively represent con¬ tained. ter is usually realized, the at the Lansing Center?! dictably, a great audience Robert Mosher, together with temporary artists working with The company itself performs interpretation works. Arts through Sunday Art Department chairperson light-sensitive materials. pleaser. Predictably, not only 1 by merits of the play itself, but admirably throughout. Eric Robert Funk and gallery direc In addition to working as a because one comes to realize Tull, as Hastings, gives us his tor Joe Ishakawa, selected visiting lecturer in the last rather quickly that the Boars¬ finest performance to date with Jones to present an exhibition, seven years, Jones has held Head company does not dis¬ the BoarsHead Players. His a workshop and a lecture several curator positions and appoint its audiences. delivery of the play's prolog is during his week-long stay in has also served as an instructor Thompsen has conceived this delightful, and his handling of East Lansing. of painting and drawing in New prod'.ct.on with a great sense verse is particularly note¬ 36-year-old Tucson, Mexico. In 1976, he received a The grant from the Smithsonian of style and with a fine respect worthy. Dress Up, it's Easter*] for Goldsmith's elegant lan¬ Phil Heald and Kristie Institution, enabling him to Thatcher, as the drama's young guage and brilliant wit. His Mens & travel for museum profes¬ Enrollment open sionals during the summer and actors take admirable care with lovers Marlow and Miss Hard- the language, diction is re¬ castle. create thoroughly en¬ fall of that year. He has Womens for spring classes markably clear, pacing is quick dearing characters and con- displayed his photographs, many of them reflecting Arizo¬ Martin Sheen lleft) and writer-director Terrenee Suits at Arts Workshop na's unique landscape, in one- man and group exhibitions Malick on location for "Badlands," a haunting, throughout the country. powerful study of violence and American culture The East Lansing Arts Jones' workshop is scheduled set in the 1950s. In a distanced, poetic manner, 3-Piece Workshop, 693 N. Hagadorn to run Tuesday through Satur¬ the film depicts the adventures of Kit (Sheen), a Road, is sponsoring spring term day. Workshop participants are disturbed 25-year-old garbageman who embarks Suits class enrollment through April specially selected art students on a spree of random murders in South Dakota, 16. from MSU, the University of and takes off on a fugitive run across the badlands for Easter In addition to the host of classes that were offered Michigan, Cranbrook Academy of Montana, accompanied by his teenaged lover of Arts and Detroit's Center for during the winter session, the Creative Studies. (Sissy Spacek, lately seen in "Carrie"). workshop has initiated several A 1974 Warner Bros, release, "Badlands" is a bril¬ Additional events, including new programs. Children's film animation, creative music and movement, mime, choral group an informal work session, will be open during the week to any liant film-poem, and one of the most extraordinary directorial debuts in many, many years. The film 40°° 42" if interested persons. will be shown Friday and Saturday at 7, 8:45 and and acting are included in the Gallery hours are Monday 10:30 p.m. in B106 Wells Hall by Beal Films. Ad¬ & up & up V list of new offerings. through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 mission is 81.50. Workshop classes are taught 529 E. Grand Rivar In E. Lansing p.m.; Tuesday, from 7 to 9 p.m. by professional working artists and Saturday and Sunday, from Naxt to Bagal-Fragal and craftpersons, many from the MSU community, with 1 to 4 p.m. giant savings at giant discount degrees and/or many years of experience. The arts workshop sets out to provide a quality, APRIL IS OFFICIAL GRAND OPENING MONTH alternative learning experience through individualized instruc¬ AT GIANT DISCOUNT AUTO STORES ! ElsI tion and small class size. Enrollment hours are 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through 30 GREAT VALUE DAYS Friday and 1 to 4 p.m. Satur¬ Un day. Classes begin Monday, with Registration continuing EVENT NUMBER TWO .I—»Mail waeu. a iim.m.p as makes *(8115) Taste He SFSS »(81«5) Clyde Sensation al SF$$ 4". '(8288) acod »i l| I llm — limsfn—l... Um, >, I, ||. I, cat? M fl *(*210) " *» AW en.,1 11IIII, In Hm, 1.4, t IC *(8220) e»"»».awewir—ietsram.«r 7 Graphics *(8240) y« "vys "ai;r'"' *• """ Puma Paws. Enjoy it '» He letch Debugging *(8110) f**■!•,a.* d H>ITO* *(8275) CO-ED straight >4 is«Hs.uit., a. 4, t n>» LOCKER ROOM lcT«P« *(8110) at or •Hlimilmlaii—dpriiid>rii.ll«yt,11,1l Hpa * to AFIX *(0330) ^ over ice 1r loader *(8410) ^V** *t UMm smfml M - - 317 E. GRAND RIVER BOTTLED BY MOHAWK LIQUEUR CORP. - 60 PROOF * Prerequisite Information, call 353-1000. "Under the Parachutes" 10 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Johnson, Hubert get not for EMU doubleheader series. EMU has had its Spartans By MIKE LITAKER State News Sports Writer troubles so far with a 9-14-1 shortstop Glenn Gulliver, who has since cast his lot with the are Yanus (2-2) and likely to face Bud lefty John campaign with the j^J MSU's baseball members will record going into a double- Detroit Tiger organization. Martin (1-2). Hitting-wise, the w header with U-D Thursday Power-hitting catcher Spartan mentor Danny Lit- doubleheader could get a chance to lose some tans Jerry turnbk* afternoon to show for their whiler will counter with Sherm slugfest for both squab and win some games this Satur¬ Keller and outfielder Thorn Johnson and Todd Hubert as cold weather takes jl day against Eastern Michigan spring trip. The Spartans take a 7-7 mark into the 1 p.m. tilt. Boutin also are gone from the his starters, with each going the pitchers' arms. it, u] when the Spartans open their defending MAC champs. northern schedule with a twin- about four innings before turn¬ bill in Ypsilanti. The Hurons are missing Coach Ron Oestrike, the ing the ball Second-baseman -> over to Buddy Schmitz paces the Rated fifth in the country mound ace Bob Owchinko, who Sporting News college coach of Baker and Larry Pashnick. fense with Hm.1 based on last season's runner- signed with the San Diego the year, has his other star Hubert will be looking for his a .432 nJ,! Padres last summer along with hurler, Bob Welch, back but the third win of the season to go plate while lefthander d up finish in the college world Dasen is close wi' an already sparkling 0.84 with 19 RBIs and behind a] earned-run-average, which may runs. Gulliver's 6,, J be hard to maintain in the cold replat shortstop, Brian Steir Nasty spring weather weather. The been able to one Spartans have get outside for only practice since returning from Texas. hitting a nifty .395. as "I don't feel they're u«i they were last yeir,h|Jj , "We're looking for an im¬ are going to have live team," Pellerin a repml hampers tennis teams proved performance from our pitchers over last year," de¬ clared assistant coach Frank attempt to hold down timism. BUNTS AND siidj BOOfil til 1 Pellerin, whose mound corps MSU should have second J By TOM SHANAHAN "We don't know for sure western and won them both. had more than their troubles whether we'll be able to a man Randy Hop back SitiX State News Sports Writer play year ago. "Our four starters are after the sophomore hittsl Winter is still in the air in outdoors," said Spartan "Ohio State and Michigan all experienced this year." fered a badly bruised higl Golfers open campaign East Lansing, so both MSU's women's tennis coach Elaine have excellent teams, while Last year at this time the Texas. His .421 men's and women's tennis Hatton, whose schedule-maker Purdue shouldn't be too much starting rotation consisted of the Spartan hitters. avenge T teams are leaving town. Only had the better sense to send trouble for us," Hatton said. Tom Wilson; John Boland, trouble is MSU south for a four-team Rightfielder Pat „ they're not likely to "Ohio State is traditionally Baker and Johnson. The latter encounter much better weather meet with Michigan, Ohio State may miss the doubleheidel with Illinois tournament on the road. "We'll probably play both our and host Purdue at West Lafay¬ ette, Ind. tough, while Michigan has one of the best teams this year." pair have a year under their belts, while Hubert has earned his way back into the starting attend the funeral oil mother, who died Tuesdq.l The Spartan junior n Hatton's netters are coming four after an off year. Pashnick will open its season Sa The MSU golf team tees it up play well," said head coach Domagalski and Lemanski matches indoors," MSU men's MSU's men's team is a young for the 1977 season this week¬ Bruce Fossum. "How well we are the only two players who net coach Stan Drobac said, off a 6-1 fall season and are wasn't even in the picture a Ann Arbor against k. squad with only two returning end, traveling to Champaign, do Saturday will hinge on how did not have to earn their way referring to the season's open¬ veterans in senior captain No. 1 looking forward to the Associa¬ year ago when he started the junior squad at 12:30 pal III., for the Illinois Intercolle¬ we did in practice this week. into Saturday's tourney. tion of Intercollegiate Athletics ing matches at Iowa today and singles player Tom Gudelsky giate Tournament. We'll be shaky since it's our Three more letter-winners Minnesota Saturday. and junior No. 2 singles player for Women's (AIAW) first state first tournament." are back for another campaign. Kevin McNulty. and regional tournaments this The Spartans are one of 16 teams that will participate in the 36-hole event on the Uni¬ MSU is led by senior captain Gary Domagalski of East Lan¬ Seniors Mark Egley, from Jackson, and Joe Marx, from At No. 3 singles will be junior spring. Also in the future are the Big Ten championships the Rogers completes stoffl sing and junior Doug Lemanski. Saline, along with junior Mark Tigh Keating and at No. 4 last weekend of April and versity of Illinois' Savoy Orange Championship Course Saturday. "He'll (Domagalski) be one of the premier players in the Brooks are among those who had to qualify for the remaining singles is a junior transfer from Lansing Community College Dee McCaffrey. John Boukamp, national championships in June. by naming Bob Baker conference again this season," four spots on the squad for the The team canceled its "We've got 10 kids who can Fossum said. Illinois tourney. also a junior and a former MSU southern spring trip so that it MSU football coach Darryl Bob Baker. "These playoffs give all the intramural tennis champion, is MSU's Rubgy Club plays its could get in more matches on Rogers completed his football Indiana's 1968 Rose BowltJ at No. 5, and No. 6 singles is players more of a chance to first home game at 1 p.m. the northern schedule. staff by adding Rose Bowl ing staff, is the Spartim' J held by freshman Steve Carter. Columbus next stop compete," Fossum said. Grandville's Rick Grover and Jackson's Marty Holda are two Saturday against Purdue. The game will be on the club's new field just east of the Veterinary "We've got our work cut out more "We decided we could play and better teams once the experience to MSU's 1977.con¬ tingent. offensive backfield cold replaces offensive Marv Braden, who ci J for us this weekend," Drobac ac freshmen whom Fossum has Clinic. Anyone interested in weather got better to prepare said. "They'll be looking for us post with the Denver Br been pleased with this spring. for the tournaments," Hatton for women golfers Grover uncorked a 74 in one of the intrasquad playoffs. He hit either the men's or women's team should contact Wayne Wrobel. because both teams beat us in duals last year, but we ended said. "And the southern schools we had scheduled really of the NFL. Baker's coaching up ahead of them in the includes stops at it Monday in all the rain at Pine conference weren't that good." the I MSU's women's golf team travels to Columbus, Ohio, for a Lake Golf Course in Haslett. championships. school, collegiate and pr MSU's women's varsity club 12-team tournament Saturday and Hatton will be sending her sional levels. Sunday on the host course of "Those two freshmen can will meet Sunday in the varsity "We'll have to adjust to Ohio State. play," Fossum said. "We have club room at 7 p.m. different surfaces playing in¬ same line-up with Debbie Mas- Coach Mary Fossum's team is coming off its first southern several newcomers and they're carin at No. 1, Jodi Ross at No. He coached at three I side early in the year. If we spring trip ever and Fossum feels it was invaluable. all capable golfers, so it could The IM 2, Mike Kruger at No. 3, Cindy schools before moving up >f "It was invaluable practice for us and we Building will be play indoors at Iowa it will be played well for an be a surprising spring." closed Sunday because of Eas¬ slow, but it will be fast indoors Bogdonas at No. 4, Diane Selke college ranks at Indira! opener," Fossum said. "We finished 12th in a Furman tournament Illinois will rate a slight at No. 5 and Mary Hicks Illinois. His most recent ■ ter. at Minnesota," Drobac ex¬ and that doesn't sound good, but we schools that are months ahead of us. played against southern favorite this weekend, since the plained. playing No. 6. was as offensive coach ird(| Illini will be playing on their Soccer head coach of the ( "The only team that wasn't from the South that beat players interested in us was home course. Defending champ Stampeders of the C Ohio State," she said. forming an intramural soccer While the men are playing The doubles partners will be Northern Illinois is in the field Football League. Fossum has a veteran team consisting of Joan league should have a manager their openers, the women have Mascarin and Ross, Selke and Garety, Karen and Southern niinois-Edwards- call the intramural office at Baker, 49, is married ui J Escott, Sue Ertl, Laurie Everett, Ann Atwood, Sheila Tansey and ville could challenge. already played two matches Bogdonas and Hicks and four daughters. His i| Sue Conlin. 355-5252. against Wisconsin and North¬ Kruger. ment is effective imnu" Fossum's teams have a good record, as MSU has won the last five straight Mid-West tournament championships and the last three Big Ten championships. BARNES HERM'S FLORAL kXJTO BODy.Z] Nutralorf OF EAST LANSING American & Foreign Cars Diet Analysis. LACROSSE Players Wanted Quality Work Guaranteed Free Estimates At last. No more guessing I Saturday 10 A.M. at Old fTlon. - Ffi. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ' Sat. 8:00 a.m. -12 Noon College Field or Call Corner Larch t Michigan Ava. Mike Moody 3494)858 Laming 489-6577 FRATERNITY Calling all Sig Eps How much do you know about the nutritional content of the food what your average daily calorie Undergrads, grad students, alumni, you eat each day? Do you know count is too. And you'll see how | you compare to the U.S. Govern¬ what your diet may be lacking ment standards. faculty and staff. and how it relates lo your hair, All you do is keep an accurate skin, and nails? Wouldn't it be record of what you eat for Ihree great if you did? days. The computer does the rest Now, through highly sophisti¬ Sigma Phi Epsilon is forming a new fraternity by cated computer technology, you It's pure genius and very enlight¬ ening. You may have special hair. can have your diet analyzed for skin, and nail needs Nutralon reorganization of our Michigan Epsilon Chapter and its nutrient content. In no time at supplements may help you solve j all, you'll find out your average The Nutralon Diet Analysis is wish to immediately establish contact with all | Sig Eps daily intake of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. You'll find out the only salon service of its kind and interested Call your Redken stylist today undergrads on campus. PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY. Nutralon and good looks go hand in hand SIGOURNEY-JONES Undergrads call Grads, faculty and alumni call Hairstyling for Men & Women 1712 E. Michigan DAVE WESTAL CY STEWART, Ph.D 484-1491 I 355-5280 353-6387 office 6810S.Cedar-SuiteA* 349-0715 home 694-8101 n Slot; Now*. tost lontlng, Michigan Wind to be key to Masters title By DAVID MOFFIT stralian Graham Marsh, the UPI Sports Writer second and third leading money AUGUSTA, Ga. (UPI) - winners on this year's tour. [ward L. Jack Nicklaus and Ray Floyd, the only two men ever to go 17 Lietzke, who has the long game considered suited for the under par for four rounds of 7,030-yard Augusta National bnders golf over the demanding Au¬ with its wide fairways and gusta National, both say wind gaping greens, won the Tucson may be the key factor in the and Hawaiian opens. Marsh, 3 Iiday fling 41st Masters which began who won 26 foreign tourna¬ Thursday. ments before joining the U.S. "Wind which has whipped tour for the first time this year, trough sports the course the past two days captured the Heritage Classic changes your strategy," said two weeks ago. five-time Masters' champion day fling through the wonderful world of eports. Nicklaus. "It makes you lay up » didn't look like spring Thursday morning with instead of gambling." es punctusting the outdoor scene. But, it was as if "If the wind blows at all, Je wrote the script when the sun came out In time for the there'll be no shot at the I opening game. Perhaps that's an omen of things to record," said defending cham¬ pion Floyd, who won by eight »„.g of the Tigers, their skipper has yet to make his strokes last year with his d preseason statement. In 1975 it was "We'll be ready record-tying 271. "It would be _ie bell rings." They sure were, with 102 defeats to their tough enough to do that even if ■Last year Houk's proclamation was "We've turned the conditions were perfect. After 1" Sure, Ralphie baby. You turned the corner on a dead all, there have been only two Let. But, so far this year, I haven't been able to figure 271s here in all these years." Lt the Bengal's preseason analysis is for 1977. tall returns to the scene in less than two weeks with the "The greens are a bit slow [spring drills. As an added feature, this year's Green and now because of the heavy rain ime will be an old-timers game. Gee. will Earl Morrall the other night," Nicklaus said. in a passing duel with Eddie Smith? "But they'll speed up by Satur .ting of the Green and White grid clash, the man day. The wind just makes it dng that event has to be one of the most dedicated that much tougher." is around. Ed Rutherford must have a sincere affection Veteran Don January, who U. After producing powerhouse grid squads at Detroit tied for fourth here in 1971, and I High. Rutherford came to the MSU campus as an Gil Morgan, never lit football coach. L completing that assignment, Rutherford took over the anywhere in four years on the PGA tour, had the honor Thurs¬ Lf coaching the soccer team. Not having done that before, word began studying the subject and has produced a day leading out the 77-man field as the first twosome at 9 a.m. lg season each year. And he did it with a gusto, EST. Nicklaus was not jw in his duties as adviser to the cheerleading unit (you scheduled off until 12:02 and Pevil, Ed) and his willingness to take tickets at various is and you come up with an individual who is deserving Floyd not until 12:58. lighest praise. Today is hereby proclaimed "Be Nice to fcherford Day." t PISTONS: A once insurmountable lead has dissipated lb Brown's charges and they are now fighting for their ■ life. The cause can be traced to Big Bob Lanier's broken phe Big Fella will be back this weekend for the club's Jhree games. Even if Detroit fails to win any of the King contests it could still gain a playoff spot if Kansas ■so fails to win its remaining contests. ■NBA playoffs begin next Week and it's startling to think AP Wirephoto Tey can last until the month of June. But don't look for the Tiger Rusty Stsub scrambles back to third base ^ to be around longer than another week at the most. against the Royals Thursday afternoon. The Ben¬ SS: Some untraceable soul tried to explain the e of a new Spartan gridder. Sampson gals failed to scramble enough as they dropped the (Lightbulb) season opener, 7-4, to Kansas j acquired his monicker, according to this source, City. le, "Everytime Howard touches the ball the scoreboard ■up." Hmmm. Tt ever happed to department: Remember Bob Robert- le's the former OSU fullback who testified against MSU Itsonthe past NCAA investigation. Following his testimony, Tigers lose opener upped and left Columbus .for a junior college in s. With one year of Kansas sunshine under his helmet, n now return to Woody's legions to replace the to Kansas City, 7-4 d Pete Johnson at fullback? I remember Jeff Tropf, the former All-State from Holt DETROIT (UPI) - Amos runs in five innings as the Iransferred from MSU to CMU via Toledo? And Jim Otis drove in two runs and John stand-in for Mark Fidrych, who Ty who left East Lansing for Marquette? Both had the last Mayberry added three with was idled by knee surgery. Ton the Spartans as their respective teams saw action in home runs Thursday to enable ICAA tourney with Dudley playing for the National the Kansas City Royals to open ■ANSi Ex¬ bion Warriors of A1 McQuire. defense of their West Division cellent pay, Insurance, and re¬ I, you all remember Wayne Duke, the "commish" of the title with a 7-4 victory over the tirement benefits available — an, don't you? Uncle Wayne will be on campus today to Michigan Air National Guard. Detroit Tigers. Jet the various coaches here about negative recruiting and Coll 517-489-5169 after 6 P.M., ■things. I sure hope he explained the rules to Wild Billy Paul Splittorff, who faced the Tuesday through Friday. Call Tr in Ann Arbor. minimum 14 batters with the Today! Iquet: The MSU Blueline Club has extended its deadline aid of two double plays between Te purchase of tickets for the MSU hockey banquet to the third and seventh innings, won with the help of three Bets for the bust, which is slated for Long's Banquet Royal relievers. * April 15, are $10 a pop and may be purchased by calling manDeventer at 485-9493. Tiger starter Dave Roberts was rocked for nine hits and six erlead team STARTS TODAY Jave tryouts Tonight Opon 7PM Feature 7:20-9:30 JSU cheerleading Salt Sun 1:00-3:05-5:10-7:20-9:30 aquad nduct tryouts for any ,_d students, male or In 1943, sixteen German paratroopers >n Tuesday i„ Jenison landed in England. Ital of 16 cheerleaders In three days they almost won the War. ■ chosen for the Spartan T- eight men and eight I Practices will be held puesday ™ and Thursday t0 8 p.m. on the main court. sted candidates should I Ed Rutherford at 353- RENTAT.V. I *25.00 pei tirm K:; *'o.95»., f JAC TV RENTALS 337-1010 (4R/VES „ ■ OF EAST moral LANSING K.Wena..«bMUlitu, •JKWLGttENUHJHMWBTIWU flowers ST. ED 24)871 12 Mkhlgon Stot« Nnwt, Eoat loming, Michlgon Student organization seeks willing languge ambassadors Ileon redbone Bjr8EANHICKEY the barriers, crazy from a card file categorized by w/john hiatt Bute Newa Staff Writer fads and slang of the American geographic location. Volunteers Some MSU students ire re¬ students," Jane Smith, director interested in learning about a cruiting American smbssssdors of the Volunteer Programs, specific country, culture or State Theatre in the Greater Lansing area to said. language can pick a student serve as tutors of American Smith said the program is from a country of their choice. across from lizards culture beneficial to the participants in foreign students International Interactions uesdav, April 12 to studying the English language overcoming cultural and com¬ operates on a 10- week basis and at MSU. International Interactions, a munication problems Also, the foreign students often become serves an 100 and average of between 200 foreign students :IV I >.H SOME SCENES OF THIS PRODUCTION MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME MEMBERS OF THE AUDIENCE. BRYAN PRESENTS A STAR WAS BORN! | Held Over BOWERS WED* APRIL 20 By McDONEL KIVA TWO SHOWS: 7:30 & Popular Demand TICKETS: 10pm $3.00 in advance till 2pm day of show AT: MSUnion, Elderly Inst., Wazoo $3.50 at the door A division of the ASMSU Programming Board TONIOHT AND SATURDAY ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE SISSY SPACEK STARRING IN He was 25 years old. He combed his hair like James Dean. He was very fastidious. People who littered bothered him. She was 15. She took music lessons and could twirl a baton. She wasn't very popular at school. For awhile they lived together in a tree house. In 1959, she watched while he killed a lot of peqple. Here They Come Again HAROLD 6IDRUDE Music by Cot Stevens TONISHT A SATURDAY ACADEMY AWARD FRI. Wilson 8:30 BEST Ptessman-Williaim iw„ A till lakes Production "Badlands" su.nm Martin Sheen- Sissy Spacek SAT. Conrad 8:30 ACTRESS FRI. Conrad 7:30 8 9:30 Ramon Bieri and! Warren OatesKv.uim. Produced and Directed BARBRA executive Produce! Edward PreSilMn • from Warner bvTerrenceMy'^ STREISAND SAT. Wilson 7:30 ft 9:30 1.50 BrovRA Warner Communicator' Companyfc^ttS^*^-' SHOWTIMES: 7:00,1:45.10:30 SHOWPIACE: 106B Wolla Students Faculty ft Staff Welcome. ID's ADMISSION: M.50 required sorvlco of tho baal film ********************************************** an cooperative. Students, faculty t staff wolcom. ... cmta Nows. Eo«t Lonslng, Mlchigon Friday, April 8, 1977 f erinary house open MhyMfcy! RAVES! RAVES! RAVES! 2:2M:2S-7i2S^2S "ONE OF THE BEST FILMS Ifeature films, exhibits ALL TON CAN EAT OF THE YEAR.1" FISH I CHIPS -S.F. EXAMINER 1 Other exhibits will cover The Swedish Pantrv the annual open houae of the MSU backyard swine Venter, will be held Saturday and will s and demonstrations concerning management, animal dental care, food-animal contamination, toxic plants and procedures for animal surgery. CLOCKMAKE ...A MAN WHO WOULD NOT COMPROMISE, twill be open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Sponsored by the CoUege of Veterinary Delude s number of exhibits demon- Medicine and the student chapter of the frious topics such as horse care, pet American Veterinary Medical Association, Veta- Lrium maintenance, raising goats and visit is coordinated by MSU veterinary studenta. re of newborn puppies. Also, a cow Admission is free and exhibits are directed to all „ in its stomach will be on hand. ages. Today Opon 7:00 P.M. Foofuro 7:15-9:15 Sal A Sun at 1:15-3:15-5:15- 7:15-9:15 IATUREI ea stranger told you your daughter IVUYTUMOAY 9 his daughter in another life? I pt m f PEBEOXM DAILY DANCING TONIGHT e you began to SEN SU | SHOWTIMU IM-4-9-1 nuTamfims - TOYBOX THEATRE PRESENTS - IT'S Mil IT'S DM! IT'S FRANCIS SCOTT KIT! A MUSICAL HISTORY OF THE WRITING OF THE "STAR-SPANGLED BANNER- * ROBERT WISE PMKW'AUDREY ROSE" ' MWOHI ANTHONY HOPKINS JOHN BECK rtouuwoSUSAN SWIFTosiyv Sdmooovo,FRANKOEFELinA BosoOf*.*no*byf-wOef** PioAcoODyJOt \M2ANorvjFRANK Df FFUTTA-[><«twt), ROBERT WISE Muwoy mch«i small pu BOOK & LYRICS BY JOHN BALDWIN iwwnu MUSIC BY WILLIAM PENN SATURDAY, APRIL 9 & 16 10 A.M. *2 P.M. NOW SUNDAY, APRIL 10 A 17 SHOWING 1 P.M. & 3:30 P.M. STUDIO THEATRE, ROOM 49, AUDITORIUM ADMISSION'1.50 TONISHTAND SATURDAY —' BOX OFFICE PHONE - 355-0148 I 2nd RID HOT WIIK I LIMIT SEATING - RESERVATIONS REQUIRED 349-2100 MERIDIAN MALI Friday 8 & 10pm Saturday 8 & 10pm tamamim DETROIT! Sunday 2:30 & 4pm | wen Kiwi"sr u\ ROCKY if I put bed is showing it uncut! This is exactly the same film that was busted 2 months ago in Detroit. Not a single frame . 'tas been deleted. iflNETflRJUM Mmum/r stRGSflno ["It' s ONE HELLOF A HOT FILM! THE DIRTIEST,fc (ST EXCITING X-RATED VENTURE IN A LONG TIME. Hofal California by Eogl«» i KRistDfKRSon ttMunjwwtwnra KSTaa-nacKEK" i excitement is so vibrant that it reaches out into ' audience and travels up your spine. W-lARJ^HftRHRR^RHflRHARJ^ StflR IS BORn ThBtUUlU MRHU/T JENNIFER WELLES TIM BECkLEY/HUSTLER MAGAZINE lfinUMbsTi JENNIFER WELLES Is what the glory of SUSPENSE IDE OF YOUI LIFE! THE AUDIENCES •oi Is all about. SERENA is certain to become one of the leading skin flick queens-bet on iLServe Yourself a piece of NONE YFIE. N is a tasty treat, a honey of SILVER a skin flick." $o»sm» STREAM "SUPERB PORN. Qo •8*." see H immediately. -At COLO! "JENNIFER WELLES is a sexy looking spec- DONT JUST SEE IT- IOSPGI r*™?. »TM4"" nil Jennifer Welles LOOKS DELICIOUS." "HONEYPIE has something sweet for everybody. Exquisite, high class enter- They talk to it! A MUSICAL ADVENTURE They cheer it! "JENNIFER WELLES is the kind of real, voluptuous They roar with it! 984 MbWt woman ai should be seduced by." "SIZZLING! Beautifully and erotically photographed, paced, directed and per¬ formed." bob AMI They explode with it! "Five fantastic films in one, tfw red hot talents of all POI They love it! A RALPH BAKSHI FILM WIZARDS' brightest new stars." An epic fantasy of peace and magic. 'As arotlc entertainment, LEAVES YOU BREATHLESS. Jennifer HONEYPIE' Wallas is a sexy souffle of womanhood." BURT REYNOLDS h"THE LONGESTYARD" iQm MUTM" i*w»una/T Fear for her. starnng JENMFER WELLES introducing THJTCalendar Girl SERENA With TERM HALL star of "THE STORY OF JOANNA' A EDDIE ALBERT CO-STARRING IFAf JULIE CHRISTIE CARRIESTHE PLUS 6 NEVER BEFORE SEEN EKOTC BEAUTES EDLAUTER MIKE CONRAD 1 -CO.O. (£) UX.,,0*. produced by MIERT 5. RU00T dmecteo by MKIT ALMICN screenpuy by TUCT KOMI WTRR "DEMON SEED" story by mar ». MOOT music scored by hum Km associate producer SUM F. MM WITT TONIGHT A SATURDAY || mtraieno 0| c0l0r e> technicolor- Showtlnw.: 7:30.9:0010:30,12 14 a paramount picture i KKNIE AND CUT* THEYAnn Showplac: 1MB W.ll, GEORGESEGAL - A«ml»ilon»: *2.50 students *3.50 staff S faculty JANEFONDA **f,k* °* **>* b*al film Fri. & Sat. 108 B Wells 7:30 & 9:45 coopwotlvc studants. faculty S staff "FUN WIHDKK& JANE htiau wmbuMi/T Students Faculty aid Staff Welcome I.D.'s Reqeired 14 Michigan Stote News, Eost tonsing, Michigon State News Classified 355-8255 TONKLYSFEAKING ...byphiHrank (•»pM if1 Mm. |j Aitonotive A Aitom JUNK CARS wanted. We pay MAINTENANCE TWO CAPRI II Ghla 1976, 2.3 hatch¬ PINTO 1974 Squire wagon. Steel GUITARISTS more if they run. Also buy used established back. White, mint condition, radials, AM-FM stereo tape. Good accepting applica¬ co„„trv cars and trucks. 4883060. C-214- are now Call AM/FM cassette player, low mile¬ condition. 676-1924. 84-602) tions for positions in maintenance. Deve, 699-2973^1 PHONE 355-1255 age. Best offer. 356-2796. 8-4-8 PINTO 1975. Automatic, radials, 29117) Hours 6 a.m. • 10 a.m. Monday (121 _ J **1 347 Student Services Bldg. (19) fog lights, rustproofed. Body spot¬ Qutk S Qualified Wolntenonce through Saturday. Apply in person at the Personnel Office. WANTEpTcOCKTMil AUTOMOTIVE Scooters C Cycles "CHEVROLET ing/brakes. with extras. 1968. Power steer¬ Excellent condition 355-2865 anytime less. 339-9192 after 11 a.m. 848 im Service For Cors, Chariots. Vans. Whatever JACOBSON'S part OLE timeAppiy"®^! NORTH, hSl309 PINTO SQUIRE Wagon 1974, 4 Parts 4 Service 8-4-11 (12) speed, only 14,000 miles. Perfect TECH CENTER EAST LANSING X-3-412 (50) ton, downtown la„lnM Aviation condition. 339-2907. CHEVY 1971 Kingswood wagon. 84-8_02)_ Home of Mr. Tune Up EMPLOYMENT FOR RENT Power, air, very good condition. PLYMOUTH FURY 71. Good IS2SCMIchlgonJ7^Se^_ COOKS WANTED: full or part time. DON'S RESTAURANT, cor¬ TYPESETTER-TRAINi a challenging care# t""J $1099. 484-8972. 54-12 (12). body, engine. Tires weak. $650 or ; WE repair. Tune up 8 Apartments best. Jack, 332-2094. 8411 (13) NOW - cylinder $18.95 plus parts. Drum ner of M 78 and I-96. Call 645 6752. 5414 (151 guitar, $12.00. All levels of gui¬ ■ MOTOR SPORTS. 339- kitchens, 3 baths, 2 sundecks, and tar, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, and way speaker. 1 month old. New SUBLEASE EFFICIENCY, whole ■11112) walk to campus. Call 351-3305 or dulcimer plus singing, autoharp, $330, asking $225. Must sell. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, furn¬ apartment $150/month. Corner of JfT PROGRAMMER 20 I X NOW LIASING ' For Fall and Summer c ished, one block from campus, Hagadorn and Haslett. 351-4799. 484-9472. OR-2-4-8 (23) EAST LANSING, single male. Quiet, private room. Walking dis¬ blues harp, dobro, and recorder. 355-6427 evenings. X-3 4-8 (18) available for fall. Call Craig Gibson 5-4-14 (12) Sign up now, enrollment limited. ; spring, 30 hours/ J ('with special rates) X HOUSE AVAILABLE April 30, 2 tance MSU. Parking. 337-9633. ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 541 MULTITUDES OF vacuum clean and leave a message. 627-9773 4 4 8(12) -net, 43 per hour. CPS f 1 or 2 bedroom apartments * bedroom, close to campus, quiet ers. $6.88 and up. 13415(181 TWO PERSON apartment to sub¬ East Grand River, 332-4331. 10-4 Uprights, tanks ■uivalent required. Con- XWNIVIMITT TIMACI J neighborhood. $260, couple pre¬ 15(16) cannisters 2 year warranty. BAR let for summer, possibly fall, TWO PEOPLE. East Lansing Kelch, room 42 Natural 1444 Michigan Avenue - M2-5420 { FEMALE OWN room, sublet. winter. Air conditioned, close to ferred. 332-3162. 4-4-8 (15) house. Spring, summer, share GAIN HOUSE, 826 West Saginaw > - call 353-8669. X5-4-8 J Across from campus. * TRUMPET, BESSON. silver plat¬ Lansing. 484-2600. C-21-4-29 (20) Spring, summer, available immedi¬ campus. 332-6684. 6-4-15 (17) OWN ROOM, prefer female, beau¬ large bedroom. 332-3667 eve- ed. Many extras. Excellent condi¬ ately. 2 blocks campus. 332- tiful clean house. Near Capitol. nings18-4-_8 H2)_ _ tion. $265. Call 332-6451. 4-4-8 GIBSON 12-string " guitar with WILE you learn. Models SUMMER, 2 bedroom apartment. 3754. 3-4-8 112) UNIVMSITY VILLA Good neighborhood. 482-8012.8-4 OWN ROOM in house. Furnished, case, excellent condition. Best Ins wanted. Ml/hour. Minutes from MSU. Air condi¬ -8 (12) share bath/kitchen. $70 plus utili¬ offer. Call 332-1844 after 5:30 p.m 1-2278. XZ 47-6-3 1121 tioned, carpeted, pool. 339-3662. UNIVERSITY VILLA - 635 Abbot. 5 Blocks To MSU ties. 351-3344. 1-4-8(12) 8-4 15(14) 8-4-13 (121 Available now. 1 or 2 bedrooms. 1 or 2 Bedroom From MSU NEAR. Houses and duplexes *19£ riNG ift164:45 - LIGHT house- p.m. Monday ONE BEDROOM duplex, campus Ca![332-8J73.JI 0-4-1 ^021 ONE MAN needed for 2-man. _ Leasing For Summer (Only 150.) £ Fall for 1-10 people available summer and/or fall. Cail,between 9-4 p.m. MSU NEAR, unfurnished rooms. Share house What's SUPER 8 movie used. Zoom lens, camera. Never Iriday. One six blocks. 6 month lease. 4200/ expenses. $50 cartridge load. girl, sixteen wrong - STE-MAR MANAGEMENT. 351- $75. 353-4034. 8-4 Own room. Close to campus. monthly/negotiable Agent, 323- 12J12) Vn transportation, relia- month. 8^ H2)_ _ 4107.50/month. 3469823. 8-4-8 3557. OR 16 4-29 (12) 332-8173 j important. 351-4461 ■ 84-8 (20) FEMALE NEEDED for next year to rent apartment near campus with OWN ROOM in comfortable clean WANTED FEMALE to rent room with IMPORTED - USED furniture. 1458 Oakridge Avenue. Apartment 351-7913 house. Prefer grad. No lease. 205. 351-5238. 3-4-8(12) Instructor, full time, II. Call mornings 487- three other females. 337-1479. 5-4-8(15) EAST LANSING - two bed¬ rooms, pool, balcony. Year lease, Available now and summer. 351- 6315. 8-4-8(15) in house. $55/month, share ex¬ penses. 371-4572. 8-4-11.(13) Friday?® STANLEY KAPLAN V.A.T. pre¬ deposit. 337-0169 late evenings. ONE BLOCK from Williams Hall, Not a thing! This day, like J2) Beal Street Apartments. Fur¬ REDUCED! ONE block/Union. day, will find people paratory materials. Good informa¬ 848J12I SUBLEASE, SUMMER. 4 or 5 every tion Call Jeff, 337-9661. 6-4-15 Mini-bedroom in house. $50 total. |ro " fly Help wanted. :e and aircraft fueling STUDIOS nished. 2 bedrooms, two people bedroom house. Very reasonable, 394-4796; 351-1023. 5-4-14(12) turning to the Classified SUBLET AVAILABLE April 15. $210/month, including heat. 669- bus route, near MSU. Call 351- ads for a variety of reasons. je for flight time. Call Ideal For One Or Large first floor apartment, 4200/ 3654, leave message. 8-4-15 (20) 5865. 10-4-18(15) When you want results, be ■ 34-81172 ROOM AND board, $390/term, COMPACT STEREO system in¬ Two Persons. Utilities month, utilities included, 306 Beal. sure your ad appears on cludes: Gerard turntable. Utah free parking and utilities. Near JED SECURITY officers, Included (Except Phone) Pool. Leasing For 351-2253 for appointment. 8-4-15 117) CHALET APARTMENTS HEDRICK HOUSE CO-OP openings for spring term. $330 has campus. Males only. Call 332-4995 Friday! speakers, receiver. $100 393-3807 e majors preferred. Next to campus or 351-4438. 8-4-8 (17) evenings. 6-4-15 (12) >n10am-3pm, Monday Summer 4 Fall FEMALE, MATURE upperclass- Spacious 2 Bedroom room/board. 332-0844. 8-4-8 112) State News |41 -6734. 6-4-8_(I4L _ "3S1-T91* man, non-smoker. Campus Hill. apartments furnished THREE BLOCKS from campus, OWN ROOM in large co-ed house. SCHWINN VARSITY 10 speed, air conditioned five and six bedroom, furnished Three blocks to campus. 437 man's 23 inch. Good condition. ime employee. Free hue service. 475/month. 349- summer from *170 mo. M.A.C. $77/month. Call John $65. 393 3807 evenings. 6-4-15 2564.8411 (121 homes for fall leasing. Call Craig Four nights . ekend. 694-9823.8-4-12 fall from '334 mo. Gibson and leave a 339-3807 after 6 p.m. 6-4-8 (19> Phone 355-8255 (12| SINGLE ROOM at Capital Villa, from '290 627-9773. 13-4 15 4100/month. Fall option. Apart¬ year nrtw rentinr mo. (21^) ROOM AND board at TRIANGLE BONG SALE. 25% off all bongs in RECORDS. TAPES, sheet music. ment 114, 337-0415. 448 (121 CWARVILLAOI HOUSES: ONE block from cam¬ FRATERNITY. $450/term. Close stock. Mid-Michigan's largest The most complete selection in |ART time or full time pus, one to four bedroom. Good to campus. 332 3563 Z-7-4-8 (12) selection of pipes, papers, clips, Mid-Michigan. MARSHALL MU¬ d. Apply in person at CAMPUS 2 blocks. One bedroom, APARTMINTS management, well maintained. paraphernalia, tapestries and head SIC, East Lansing C-1-4-8 (15) I TACO 539 East Michi- APARTMENT: ONE block from TWO NON SMOKING females for free heat, air conditioning, shag Call 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 351-1177. 12117) campus. Two bedroom, 2 person five bedroom house on M.A.C. gifts. We will match anyone's carpet, unfurnished, dishwasher. YAMAHA STEEL string guitar, occupancy, starting summer and 8-4J5U8) Summer only, $85 negotiable. 332- prices. Many designs of T-shirts, like new, with case. Best offer. No pets. 4185. 332-6033. 129 ME cook and waitress. Now leasing For fall terms. Contemporary living at MAN WANTED for nice furnished 2396. 8-4 15 (14) $2.50 each. WHITE MONKEY, 226 t'S BAR. 400 Baker St. Highland. 7413 119) Abbott Road (opposite State P3tjt._349-J 24°. 2-4J1 (J2!) Fall and Summer its best. Recently completed build¬ house. Good atmosphere, two _ _ i 5 p.m. 482-0733. Theater). 6-4-8 (40) JANSPORT BACKPACK with rain blocks to campus, $75. 351- LIVE COOPERATIVELY Bogue Street. Room and Board at 207 ing, furnished. 12 month leases, $260/month. Call 6 to 7 p.m. 7064. 4-4-11 (14) r For Salt J HANG GLIDER. 18 Manta. Dark cover, used once, $60 or best offer 351-5681. 3 4-8(12) about 4310/term. Call Grace at Jogue ot Red Cedar River 351-1177. 8-4-15(34) blue, light green, yellow. Carrying MSU NEAR. Furnished house for BIKES, MAN'S and woman's, 351-8660/351-8661. 5412 (17) 4/5 males. 2 yh baths, dishwasher, excellent condition. Phone 676- bag and helmet. Used only once. ■•ady for tpringf Call 3S1-51BO LARGE SINGLE room in a spa¬ $495. 482-0344 after 5 p.m. 8-4-11 cious apartment. Private bath, carpeted. Park 4 cars. Fully in¬ 5131. 8-4-13(12) MALE ROOMMATES needed for sulated. Available September 15. 12 month lease at Chalet Apart¬ near campus. Available imme¬ ■P0RTUNITY for em- diately. $80/month, utilities in¬ Lease. $400/month. 332-4076. 1 4- AKAI PROFESSIONAL four chan¬ TWO OR three girls needed begin¬ FOUR STEEL, belted radial Good¬ ■rvhile completing your ments, beginning June. 337-1479. cluded. 353-1247 or 394-5228, or 8(24) nel reel-to-reel, excellent condi¬ 2411 1131 rich. 23,000 miles. Used. GR 7815. I Requirement: previous ning summer. Capital Villa, pool, call collect 616-965 5285 after 5 tion. best offer. 351 5848. 5-4-8 air conditioner. 361-7198. 3-4-8 Call 332 6952 332-5932 E 5 4-12 ce. Openings for NOW LEASING summer and fall, (12) 1131 p.m. X 8-4 18 (28) (12) .r and part time many 2 to 6 bedroom houses. Call I in both Lansing and ytsJwijttas VERY NEAT efficiency. One EQUITY VEST, 484-9472. OR-16- GOLF CLUBS: 4 woods, 9 irons, FILE CABINET $55. Desk $40. Aig area. LCC CAPITOL area. 1 bedroom Hours flexible, per apartMMt! block, carpeted, furnished. Lee, 4-29(15) excellent condition. 355-9466. 8-4- Bookcase $20. Crib $40. TV $80. ■transportation. Starting apartment with kitchen and living 19 02) 351-8800; 351-0443 after 5:30 p.m. Humidifier $50. Walnut end table ■kd And Balconies, too. room Carpeted and air condition¬ FURNISHED 5 bedroom house. on experience and 1-4-8(12) BICYCLE WITH attached motor, $35. Couch $50 Two arm chairs liable. See Mr. Vint or ed, 4125, no utilities. Call after 6 Spartan Avenue. $510/month, has basket, works well. $60. Call $30 each. Recliner $20. Fake fur ■at MIN A-MART # 15, p.m., 487-9490. 3-4-11 1221 SUBLET SUMMER - fall option. utilities extra. New appliances, 353-2243,351-5938. 1-4-8(12) coat $60.349-1281 between 6 p.m. |faverly Road, Lansing Waters A Rivers Two bedroom apartment, unfur¬ newly decorated, insulated. 332- EAST MSU. Spring, fall. One 9 p.m. 2 4-8 134* 1 corner of West Sagi- Idge Apts. bedroom, furnished, utilities, laun¬ nished. Rent negotiable, pool. 1680_BL-M-8J16) COUF TENOR saxophone. Excel¬ iVayerlyl Monday April 349-4074. 4-4-8 (12) lent shape, r/z years old. New WATER BED, heater, frame, 4 9 p.m. 3441 dry, carport. $200.374-6366.0-64 ROOMMATE - SHARE house. Dicker and Daal (77) 8112) Laundry, fireplace, $95/month pads. $550. 353-1554 after 5:30 months old, $85. 321-7863 after now are leasing for JRT time. Sandwich pre- Hpuza delivery persons. next fall and summer IDEAL FOR couple. Large 1 I ' Hoists l(£) plus % utilities. Garage. 487-6798. 8-4-19 (12) p.m. 8-4 19 (14) 5:30. 3-4-11 (12) ■ West Saginaw, CASA bedroom apartment in house. 480 FURNISHED ROOM, full 1050 Water's Edge Dr. i-GO PIZZA. 5-4-13 (161 Sublease spring/summer. 4200 in¬ house use, near Frandor. Laundry, In (next to Cedar Village) cluding utilities. 337-2541. 3-4-8 parking, more. 372-7524.1-4-8 (12) Q Rooms ][/* peatbVy MICHIGAN summer 332-44*1 (161 ■ds registered nurse and TWO ROOMS in house to rent for ROOM IN nice house, garden, Jd 15 years) head cook. NEEDED: TWO studious males to summer. Rent negotiable. Phone land. Southwest of campus. $90 ■17. 3-4-11 1151 LARGE TWO party furnished effi¬ share 3-man Twyckingham apart¬ 351-8482. 8-4-8 1121 total. 394-4796. 5-4-14 (12) 1-313-553 3953. 3-4-11 1121 Is NEEDED._ An" "ex- ciency. Close to campus, air. Fall 4184, summer 4145. 351-1610, ment 1 personnel, good tips. 487-4451. OR-17-4-29 (151 I person at FAMOUS BEECHW000 APARTMENTS 19 East Michigan. 8-4-12 5 Blocks to MSU NEED ONE female to sublet next winter term. Cedar Village Apart¬ Large 2 bedroom furnished is scanning the BIG TEN for a cross section — J PERSONNEL for dish- ments, good view. Debbie, 351- *240 a month Bcook positions. Mature, 68K._8^2J!5)_e of Beautiful girls for the upcoming Septem¬ T™9 adults. Apply in ICHENSUL'S ONE WOMAN for four-person 331*2798 Sbk NEW CLASSIFICATION, •fon MalLB+aJ18) CAFETE- apartment. Close to campus, 470/ ber issue. month. 337-2661. 5-4-11 (121 126 MILFORD Street. 2-man, ■8 month 4200. 3-man. 4216. 2 blocks from boy. 5 days/ ROOMMATE, MALE/female, campus, deluxe, furnished, air ^55-3205. Must love children. room. own Duplex, furnished, no lease. conditioning, fall rentals. 332- 7-4-13 (121 Call 351-7068 anytime. 6-4-13 (121 5921/321-8011. 15-4-28 (21) For more information jFolnte I*"' Apartments DON't sign a lease until call — Friday and Saturday Lansing 'RUMMAGE SALE' you've seen 1LEASIHG |lmt,„th|M,„ MARKOLD APARTMENTS Starting Spring Term a David Chan '' *4/unfurnlshsd Marigold and Harrison . 7 '•modeled (opposite Shaw Lana) RUMMAGE SALE CLASSIFICATION JfMrpefwf •Large one bedroom will be added to the daily at ■ rendltlonlna H** end water furnished Classified ads. You can get V laundry !«lllt|„ •Completely furnished •Shag Carpeting 20 words for one day for ALBERT PICK MOTOR HOTEL immlng pool $2.50. Each additional word 13*. "coal •Appliances end Air Cond. ber-b-q grills •We pay wafer and heel So give us a call at » 0 3SS-S25S nionfh *•'PR" John and Place youradtoday. [332-6354 or Sue For appointment call 351-8764 337-7328 ED7-1T41 ™ Hoslatt at 69 Summer Leases Available 744 4urcham3S1'311S « STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Kept 1 6 Mfchfgon State News, East looting, Michigan OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog pups. AKC registered, shots, wormed. 694-0156 after 5 p.m. X 8-4-14 (121 IRS probing purported gift' Rockefeller to Kissingen GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, 2 Announcements for It's What's Lansing Community Collage months old, male/female. 426. 676-2332 after 7 p.m. FREE: 10-4-2_l (121 ONE beautiful all white Happening must be received in the State News office, 343 Student Services Bldg., by noon at least two class days before publication. presents Karl from 9:30 Hess in seminars a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. today. Lecture is from 7:30 to 9:30 tonight. from male cat. 1 ye8r old. Phone No announcements will be ac¬ Rockefeller aaid he .gave KIs- tax matters where 694-4543 after 5 p.m._S-2-4-81141 cepted by phone. Nomination forms for College of WASHINGTON (UPI) - If the IRS rulings survive legal challenges the govern¬ IRS to keep their cases open while the appeals process is singer $50,000 in 1909 so he involved is three 1^1 Engineering student elections may Henry Kissinger is cooperating could pay personal debts relat- MUST GIVE away small 114 year be obtained at 112 Engineering ment will have to collect income exhausted in the test cases. —,J 1 MSU Simulation society meets with the Internal Revenue Ser- ed to his divorce and the The IRS will have to es¬ old black female cat. She is docile and loving. Phone 484-0305. S-2- from 1 to 6 p.m. every Sunday in Bldg. Deadline for submission is vice in an investigation into taxes from all the recipients. tablish in each case that Rocke¬ support of two sons, and so he pr's C4«' ii. large sums .„o. mm 4-8 1171 the Union Oakroom. Bring your April 15. whether he should pay income The total could end up being feller gave the recipients the could afford to become foreign be are invoCS less than the gift taxes Rocke¬ extended ,UIJT favorite games. Good Friday Service of Medi¬ taxes on his $50,000 "gift" from policy adviser to ex-President three years PUPPIES FREE to good home. 6 tation is at 12:10 p.m. at Uni¬ Nelson Rockefeller in 1969, it feller paid. money as a supplement to their income rather than as a gift Richard M. Nixon. withouuj Apparently Kissing,, 3 weeks, exceptional animals. Call Gay Liberation meets at 3 p.m. versity Lutheran Church, 1020 S. was reported Thursday. Rockefeller spokesperson The statute of limitations the waiver last y„r Ken after 6 p.m. 482-4947. 14-8 Sunday in the Union Tower Room Harrison Road. Easter Sunday Hugh Morrow earlier con¬ with no strings attached. on " Kissinger has signed a waiv¬ (142 to plan this term's activities. A worship is at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. firmed the preliminary IRS er necessary to extend the potluck will follow. derision against two gift recipi¬ GOLDEN RETRIEVE^ AKC regis¬ statute of limitations in his ents, but refused to name those tered. One male and one female Philosophy Club presents Uni¬ East Lansing Lacrosse Club will case, according to a source close left. Phone 393-6028. 4-4-8 (12) involved. versity of Michigan Professor have an organizational meeting to the former secretary of Goldman speaking on "What Is and practice at 10 a.m. Saturday state. It was learned they were Mobile Homes M Justified Belief?" at 8 tonight in 312 Agriculture Hall. on the Old College Field. The IRS is investigating 27 Ann Whitman, Rockefeller's chief of staff when he was vice 1967 12 X 60 Liberty in Holt. Two bedroom, new washer-dryer, skirt¬ ed, many extras. 15 minutes to MSU. 694-1740. 84-8 1181 MSU Women in Communica¬ tions, Inc., will hold elections for Dr. Stanley Clark of Resource Development Energy Admini- stration will discuss conservation and an energy extension service at close friends and former cm ployes of Rockefeller who re ceived gifts totaling $2 million when the former vice president president, who $20,000, and Henry Diamond, former New York State com¬ received mm next year's officers at 6:30 p.m. on 2:30 p.m. Thursday in 126 An¬ missioner of environmental con¬ was governor of New York. RICHARDSON 1973 12x50. Front Monday in 340 Union. thony Hall. servation, who received living room, 2 bedrooms, skirted. In two test cases the IRS $36,210.05. ASMSU Book Exchange will handed down preliminary Partially furnished. Close. $5375. Michigan civil service director a return books and checks from 2 to will speak on job opportunities at Whitman said she had been 337-23ffi._8f-12_(14) ruling that the money was 5 p.m. today at 6 Student Services 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Admini¬ actually income — not a gift — told "informally" the IRS ruled CHAMPION 10' x 55' - 2 bed¬ strative Management Society and therefore subject to income against her. Diamond, now a • room, 1 % bath, carpeted, shed. meeting in 103 Eppley Center. taxes. Washington lawyer, said "I Good condition. $2200. 487-6826. X 8-4-12 (12) have no comment at all on this." MOBILE HOME, furnished, 10x55 r>r MSU Single Parent's Group will meet at the Spartan Village Day Care Center at 5:30 p.m. Monday. Ironically the rulings could mean a windfall of nearly $1 It was learned that all or Flair. 2 bedrooms, skirted, air million for Rockefeller, since most of those who had received LOVING MOTHER wanting to Babysitting services will be pro¬ conditioner, clean. $2000. 351- the government would have to gifts from Rockefeller signed i 0603. 2-4-11 (13) babysit in my East Lansing home. Call 332-3853. 8-4-8 1121 vided at the center. return the gift taxes he paid on waivers extending the statute { Spacecoast the money. of limitations. This allows the i Smart people save money by [ List I Fond shopping the Classified columns. Have you read the many if Easter Celebration at United Ministries in Higher Education begins at 5 p.m. Sunday. This LOST: TAN soft leather mittens, offered for sale today? celebration will center around a Monday, near Baker Hall. Needed mea, and a retelling of the desperately^4025. 2-4-8J12) fj"j| $0^0 IS Chr'St'an St°ry. FOUND: MAN'S Timex watch. Li! _ J The Qregt pegst 0f £aster wj|| be call 355-7238 after 10 p.m. 24-8 ^ lebrated b MSU's Episcopal _i 321-1693after6p.m. Spelling and Community at 5 p.m. Sunday in FOUND: LADY'S Bulova gold punctuation corrected. 8-4-18 1121 | ® Alfare welcome! 'H""' SCHH*Hi"'Ca"Pe" sertation, 353 2077.64 13021 EXPERIENCED,BM7p,ng:D,S- (pica-elite) FAYANN. ' "" Do you have farm experience? . ? LOST: FEMALE cat, gray/white 489-0358. C-214-29 (121 Can you make things grow? If so, tiger striped. Seen around M A C. Peace Corps needs you I tlome to wearing blue collar with bells. TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and Agriculture Hall for more 351-3783.3-4-11(161 reasonable. 371-4635 C-21-4-29 information. ^ 112) Parcnnal / Cnrist died for our sins, but he | rtfSBIIJ' Z ELEVEN YEARS experience typ- has returned. Investigate the ing theses, manuscripts, term Baha'i view of Christ at 8:30 p.m. ASTROLOGY BIRTH chart inter- papers. Evenings, 675-7544. C-21- tonight in the Union Oak Room, pretations, compatability analysis, 4-29112) ... and periodic counseling. Call aW7i nnnuui7 DniiuTuur Awn Easter Sunrise Celebration is at Tony, 393-5962. 44-8 1121 ^NQ nTertTn resumes 7 am SundaV * "eel Gardens. J(•flTaBD -I JPHiL generaPprimin^^elving MSLHor 27 years with complete theses .«-** a"d '!» Jlord's Supper ,s sponsored by His House e 349 0850. C-21-4-29 (191 tas' Pat Ruppel, the Easter Hoppit, TYPING, BLOCK campus, fast, will lead an Easter e§g hunt at experienced, reasonable. Theses, Tolkien Fellowship at 8 tonight in term paper. Editing. 332-8498, the lower west lounge of Holmes 351-1711. 5-4-12(12) Hall. ASTROLOGER: PROFESSIONAL COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete John Ball, president of Learning eight years. Horoscopes, consul¬ dissertation and resume service. Systems International, will speak tation: Personality, career, fi¬ Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. at the Instructional Development nances, romance, future. 351- 8:30-5:30. Monday-Friday. 337- and Technology Luncheon from 8299. 104-19(121 1666. C-20-4-29 (16) noon to 1:30 p.m. today in the 1961 Room of Case Hall. BRASS TAX - Six piece band for PURR FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ weddings, parties. Call James sonal and professional IBM typing. Explore engineering careers at Ross, 1-15171484-3854. 7-4-14 (131 One day service. 351 -5094. C-21 -4- the Engineering Open House from 29(12) 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday in 120 [ Real Estate (lift! Browse through the Classified ads Engineering Bldg. Everyone wel- A PERSON'S home is his castle. daily for good's a money- Homes are my specialty. Paul saving habit to develop. MSU Mennonite Fellowship Coady 332-3582. MUSSELMAN welcomes you to REALTY. C 194-29 (151 join in wor¬ OWOSSO AREA. Rustic execu¬ c Ulllll IIS. ship and fellowship at 9:30 a.m. Sunday in 334 Union. tive home on landscaped lot with NINE OTHER persons to buy army T'Kuhtian Press meets at 6:30 waterway at rear. 3 bedrooms, 2 'A surplus jeeps at $250 (sold in p.m. Tuesday in 335 Union to baths, huge living room with discuss plans for our television quantities of tenl. 353-6138. 1-4-8 fireplace. Many excellent features. (161 special and local 1978 STAR TREK $59,000 furnished. See this unique homel ELLEN REESER, REAL¬ WOULD APPRECIATE informa¬ TOR, Owosso, 725-7715. Z-10-4- 131351 tion from MSU students who have Explore D?lta Chi, 101 Wood- researched their family mere Ave. Open Rush is from 7:30 history. OKEMOS, HOUSE by owner, over Dana Felmly. 332 4686. S-5-4-8 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wed¬ 1$ acre bordering fields and 1151 nesday. For rides call John Meier. woods, three large bedrooms, 2 baths, dining, living, family rooms, SINGLE MAN wanted to fill out first floor laundry, beautifully land: Tour Guides neededl If you are crew. Preparing for extended voy¬ interested in giving central cam¬ scaped. $54,900. 349-2972. 3-4-11 age. Departure September. Part 1271 pus walking tours, contact the ownership responsibilities. 485 Alumni Office in the Union. 1886. 8-4-14 1171 | Recreation j[d| BABYSITTER FOR one child in Supernatural Influence tical and World Affairs" is the on Poli¬ EUROPE FLEXIBLY and inex¬ our home Consider live-in. Call - topic to be discussed from 6 to 8 pensively. Call EUROPEAN 394-3049 before 4 p.m. 5-4-11 (141 tonight and Sunday in 335 Union. FLIGHTS toll-free. 1-800-848 0786. 24-8 (121 COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, Applications for the 1978 Senior baseball cards, and much morel 11 Class Council are available at 101 [ Service J[^ CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, 307 East Grand River, 332-0112 Student Services due April 11. Bldg. and are FREE... A Lesson in complexion (open 11:30 - 6 p.m.l C-21-4-29 care. Call 484-4519 East 1201 Business students: The College Michigan of Business Undergraduate Stu¬ or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE HOUSE NEEDED between Mari¬ dents' NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. Advisory Council is now C-21-4-29 (181 gold Street and Shop-rite Store, accepting petitions for 1977-78 west of Harrison Rd. representatives. Forms are availa¬ Large living FOR QUALITY stereo service, room, family room, kitchen, two ble in 7 Eppley Center. Deadlines THE STEREO SHOPPE. 555 East baths, basement and bedrooms. April 8. Rent or buy. 351-8530 after 11:00 Grand River. C-21-4-29 112) a m. 8-4-15 (29) Let Freedom Sing: Listen to thoughts on Passover and Soviet OLD POCKET knives, any condi¬ tion. Phone 694 0524 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 21-4-29 (12) Jewry with Shofar at 4 p.m. on Sunday on WKAR-AM 870. Now comes Miller time. This is a good time of year to advertise farm equipment for sale...and the Classified columns will help you find a cash NOTICE INCOME TAX preparation by TAX buyer. CORPORATION OF AMERICA counselor in your home. Week¬ ends, evenings, 337-2747 after 5 f^ouND Town Starting Spring Term RUMMAGE SALE CLASS¬ a p.m.JM1445(J7|_ IFICATION will be added RESUMES, PROFESSIONAL and to the daily classifieds. confidential. Call for inquiry or You can get 20 words for interview. 371-2991 after 6 p.m one day for $2.50! Each 54-8 (121 additional word 13'. WIN MONEY! Grand LENS PRECISION ground in our prizes from $150 to $300 at lab. Optical Discount, 2617 East Bingol 7:30 p m Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. C-5- Tuesday Night. CONGREGATION Call 35S*82S5 4 8(131 SHAAREYZEKEK, 1924Coolidge East lansing. C-21-4-29 (20! • 1971 The Miller Brewing qo, Milwaukee. Wii n stale News, Eo»t lon»lng, Michigan Friday, April 8, 1977 17 DOONESBURY Jim Poit ft DoabieBros Bryan Bowar dteoly 1 Pushers 1:30 (12) ABC News SCHOOL of MEDITATION /TH/5 ONE- (23) Antiques |e World Turns 7:00 O ASK ABOUT OUR JIFFV COURSE MINk/TE RECORD Js of Our Llvon (6) Hogan's Heroes ■ily Feud (10) To Tell the Truth complete in 5AYIMG, 'pies to Groupers (11) Impression x&szj3ESBl one 2:00 416lT DOWN (12) Easter is |000 Pyramid (23) OH the Record lesson! AND SHUT 7:30 2:30 UP'' (6) Diocese of Lansing ling Light (10) Let's Make a Deal (11) South Africa — There I Life to Live Is No Crisis it Drum (12) $25,000 Pyramid 3:00 (23) MacNeil/lehrer I the Family Report —©1977 ® MJLEWEEDS sponsored by: EANERS Down LAUNDRY nK. Ryan Jaek0tg 332-3537 Cleaned ■ MIGHT AS WELL STOP WING ME mOWV, HILPEGARR' I NOT GONNA PROPOSE 10 YOU! )WN'S TOWN DnnlPv* § Ike Brown sponsored by: jjoole?3 ft. ROTHiRt TODAtf IS t COR TV-W BRDTWfcB. I WORD TO B£ SPREAD. Choice of red or green chile sauce spread CALVIN AND COMPANY on or 3 corn tortillas filled with either chief ground beef and served with rice, beans, sponsored by: a flour tortilla, and a sopapilla with honev. '2.25 by Mark Varadian ■L AZTKCO RESTAURANT 203 m.a.c. 351-91u aara gbiir nan 3SSWORD nan nana am Low gas prices Plus nun aaansnRO ServiceI nmraan hhhs •essAs's little Preeway EKBH atanrataaa Service Statlee Esra aaaaa amaan aaa raaaiQBQ anaa HBnn anana msss □iibranasa aau nam aaaa aan sna BH@a saa 2. Contest it U« 3. Yankee ,^i 7 Appreciated 4. French shooting 8 ClCJtm m,tch 9. Weight lor wool 10 Attuned 11 Roll ol bank notes IS. Rellun 19. Lew Wallace hero 21. Cluster of wool libers 23. Dwelling 24. Alligator pears 25 Propensity '26. Limited 27. Woven fabric 29 Came together 31. Sail, in chemistry 35. Accounting 37. Sun disk 38. Clan 40 Pledges 41. Prohcient 42. Haystack 43. friend: French 45. Knight 47 Bone 18 Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Frldoy, April ft New E. Lansing center MITSUBISHI PRESENTS THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS features pick-up phones ,orriRFO»«N«*uo,oco«roNENis/AnowEsTpo5siiiEcosi EAST LANSING (UPI) - Michigan Bell Telephone Co. wants to marketing vice president. make picking up a new telephone as easy as going to the corner He said customers with modular systems could save up to (30 in DA-A10 POWER AMPLIFIER installation charges by going to the stores and plugging m the ^Company will enable officials Thursday unveiled phone center here that customers a with "modularized outlets" to come in, pick phones themselves. 100 WATTS PER CHANNEL INTO 8 OHMS WITH BOTH CHANNml DRIVEN AT 20 HZ. TO 20 K HZ. AND TOTAL up a phone and plug it in at their homes themselves at a savings of If they wish, however, customers can still have Bell DISTORTION OF 0.1% HAR3 representatives install their phones, Zimmers said. up to (30. The phone stores will allow customers to come in without DUAL MONAURAL CONSTRUCTION GREATLY Twenty-five other phone centers are to be opened by Bell this IMPROVES INTB.ft appointments and get a chance "to fondle the phones and see if the CHANNEL SEPERATION THEREBY ACHIEVING HIGHER year cities. in Detroit, Dearborn, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor and other color fits with their home decor,"he said. Previously customers had QUALITY. TOtul■ to order their phones and wait for a service representative to come. Customers with a modular outlet can plug in a phone themselves just as if they were using a regular electric socket. Bell officials hope The East Lansing store, within a block of the MSU campus, has been open for a week and so far, employes say t he response has been $390 that 1.5 million of their 4.3 million residential phones in Michigan tremendous. will be converted to the modular system by the end of this year. By 1982, most customers should have the plug-in-yourself Bell chose East Lansing to inaugurate the first store because the outlets, they said. largely student population from MSU frequently changes phones. DA-P10 PREAMPLIFIER 'This new system and the phone centers will make it possible for American Telephone and Telegraph, the parent company of Michigan Bell customers to obtain phone service cheaper, faster UTILIZING ULTRALOW-NOISE TRANSISTORS DEVELOPED BY Michigan Bell, has introduced phone centers "with great success" in and more conveniently than ever before," said Louis Zimmers, other states, a company official said. MITSUBISHI. AND INDEPENDENTLY SEPERATING THE LEFT AND RIGHT HAND CHANNEL TONE CONTROLS, THIS PREAMP INSURES EXTREMLY LOW DISTORTION. ANNOUNCING.... $29qoo DA-F10 STEREO TUNER THIS AM/FM STEREO TUNER BESIDES HAVING EXTREAAELYLOB DISTORTION FIGURES OFFERS SELECTIVITY THAT IS SWITCH ABLE BETWEEN WIDE AND NARROW SETTINGS FOR ® POSSIBLE RECEPTION UNDER WIDELY DIFFERENT CONDITIONS. A LOCKED TUNING SYSTEM MAINTAINS OPTIMUM RECEPTY* CONDITIONS DESPITE CHANGES IN TEMPERATURE AND $260° HUMIDITY. YOU CAN ENTER THE WORLD OF MITSUBISHI ELECTRONICS AT HI-FI BUYS® ■ ■ • ALWAYS ONE STEP AHEAD. The First Amateur Photo Contest Sponsored By the State News HI-FI BUYS East Pointe Drive-In 3021 East Saginaw Sal a s 1AT u A Camera Valued up to *200 FREE PARKINO«FINANCINO«IN—STORE SERVICE (winner's choice) Any lens or accessory valued up to *100 (winner's choice) Any lens or accessory valued up ,*g^SM£ to *50 (winner's choice) 'Prize values determined at current East Lansing Retail prices. Rules off Intry Slzo: 8 x 10 is minimum and preferred size for all entries. Prints be accepted. ALL ENTRIES (including slides) MUST Specifications: Black and white, color prints, or BE AT LEAST 8 x or transparencies (slides) transparencies (slides) of larger size will also 10 IN SIZE AND MUST BE MOUNTED. § Ji PRESENT hove been published. are acceptable. Entries previously may Number of Entries: A maximum of three entries per person will be accepted. Eligibility: All MSU students, faculty and staff who are not professionally engaged in photography. Anyone working in photography for compensation either on or off campus is ineligible. All STATE NEWS are exempt from employees entering. Proof of Eligibility will be required of all finalists. Deadline for Entries: Friday, April 22,1977, 5 p.m. Judging: Prizes will be awarded for best of show. Winners will be published in the STATE NEWS Preliminary judging will be conducted by the STATE NEWS Photo Department. The finalists willspring term. and critiqued by: be judged EXHIBITION AN BARRY EDMONDS GARY FRIEDMAN SALE FRED BAURIES Chief photographer of the Flint Staff photographer for the South- Journal and past president of the Graphics and layout instructor for field Eccentric and 1976 the National Press Michigan Advertising Department at Photographers Press Photographer of the Year. MSU and Assoc. professional graphics of fine art prints agency representative in Lansing. All ludges' decisions will be final. Open |udglng of the final entries will be at 2 p.m., Saturday, 334 of the Union. The public Is invited to April 30 In Room attend, view the photographs, and listen to the critiquing of entries. OFFICIAL STATE NEWS ENTRY FORM (Please bring with entries to 346 Student Services featuring the works of Chagall, Doli, Bldg. by 5 p.m., Friday, April 22) Gauguin Van Gogh, Broughol. c® Frankenthaler, Homer, Kloe, Mlro, ' Address: Magritte, Picasso, Rembrandt, Toulouse-Lautrec, Wyeth, and others. Phone: University Status: □ Student □ Faculty □ Staff Student Number: 2 sales location*! Number of Entries: (maximum of three per person) Amount Enclosed: (50* per entry) APRIL 11-15-IMm IMS M Type ft Brand of Camera: NEW SELECTION APRIL 11-12 - Jtatditarisnt t# Focal Length ft Brand of Lens used_ APRR. 13-15 - North Case T.V. laaP Brand ft Type of Film used EVERY DAY! PRICES ARE: Entry foe Is 50- par entry. Entries will be returned If picked before June 3. STATE NEWS up at 346 Student Services Bldg. after May 16 and $O50 will not be responsible for entries not picked APRIL 11 9a.n. A EACH classes. Juna3,1977. up by the last day of spring term NOTE: All entries must have an thru - to entry form firmly attached to the back of the entry. For photo copies of this form will be multiple entries (up to 3), APRIL 15 5 p.m. For further accepted. Information, phone the State News Photo 3 FOR $6 Dept., 3SS-8311. PLEASE DONT LITTER, DISPOSE OF PROPERLY OR PASS ON.