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Moneyback retun Hifi days reason For Our r e c i v e r , We ma To By a with ro m. our as a an Any not days Hifi hihnoacaomntlLeert Tech Tech seven teen SRoaucthnegsdr. up can Tech tuyorunr osgyrueteamrt 11 mdfiepnayrtmodun wspoeoenrd, awyacooimnthudte coseequmlaly¬c-txfitnnsiv rsaytegmin$5,o0wveelr. 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rof suomy eht sedaO ,rewoT nehW 283-53 enilsweN sweN detirovaF omMjnC( ew flesruoy peek .sraey htiw ytrap ruoy uoy RUOY si eb !thginot meht evah ,seitrap deR ,krowemoh kniht DER ot ynaM gniog hcihw yeht cieum ruoF ke w ve rus tneduts nehw USM — eW tub esnoper labteksab denoit m ot ekil seitvca sa tsum yteirav fI USM saw .sub er w tsael rieht stnedus ynam dela v r ta fo ti deir mret .elba tna et si yB selpuoc .gniter gnikrap ,secnailp sa eht llA S'EDAO 08 OT ereht taht USM .seitvca sentoe MA 2 ot P l uf fo si ta ev'ew .elpo tepraC ,elpoep g n i t e g eb 154-23 ozamlK trep ilC morf reg eK tsegral ne b ytraP ,uUoSyM TEPRAC stneduts .tner fidyrevE hgih gniyalp owt etirovaf" tner fid ereht stneduts yterp e ips KAEW setunim s t n e m r a p yelaV nodlaW KCEHC EVIL ".od eht GNIREDOW fo 413 eht ne wteb .derfp l aC teiuQ s n o i t a c l p A dna ria t u n s e h C a e r d n A ¬nem rehto ,sin et elpoep seitv cA gniht gni etsil .stnedus etirovaf thgim tsal enohpel t etirovaf ycips ,efil d i a s ere A ot , g n i o t d c tA fo ydorB .re b gnikat .USM erotS seitrap YTRAP evaH sl iH egroF sdo W 3491-5,68392-54.13 dna .tS 9 ro won potS ,relo c erac s'edaO htiw . kniht dna .EROTS ma dna oN step suoires gnieb dehsinruf cirtel gahs stnemrapA stnemrapA stnemrapA stnomrapA ?L AF ER HW SU TUO SIHT ym roines ekil etiro lo hcs .ytiv ca gnikat I" ; s ,ssen'itsuib nev tS ".gniht nkraowc roF stulriog owt sdnim secanawmoR .denialpx eemmit ekil ednhihetb t'nerw etirovaf suoiravt n e d u t s dna " , k n i h t sevig snoit denoit 1 nuf ENOHP .nerdlihc stnedus detpca stnemrap .taeh ,gwniteepnrac S-YEVRUS wu ni fo 9 ro ni fo mp :TA e r o m h p s ot miws syawl .seitvca tneduts si dna nwot yhw kezorM lacirotsh stneduts -noys gnihtyrev !s'edaO tnomuaeB fo sa ot ro rof nem a no ees ¬ram l aF ¬liav elpmA ¬pa eb taht ,srehto wef eht maP enola ,strops eht r i e h t eb strops - - m'I .dias gniog s'tI" ",hcraes ¬vaf" neve etirovaf denoit m USM straeh ,htimS dna esuaceb .rehtie ¬avitom dna rieht ti esicrexE sa SLAEVR Svmds I ot dias enO ereht krow ekil kool gni reh saw roF ot ot TSAE d e t c p x e nI e v i c r e p ni ar baB ekil .rojam ,hguoht I" ".od GNISAL :lo hcs a lgnihgual acidem si eht elihw rof syawl yevrus tsdim dne tcaf .ecna if ,r eDgnikat etiuq rehtona 85 3$ 55 :SOM OT eht e h t yb ob reh semitap SEITVCA os ro I tsriF ylke W .esruoc sekahs ,!nerauslP nO ?nalp I ,margoP ON( euqsrtcip ",serutcip ro od noitarsgeR nac si a ygolnhcet etirovaf USM tahw A l ot ke W s'er hT dna eht ,dratsum ".ti stlu er taht ,sro dtuO" roines irmwMosOL od reh eht fo ROF trapa .eerf l aC latoT gnite M 6032 ,yadseuT telsaH dowkraP ,yadsen W yadnoM .S0U1 ytisrevinU ,yadseuT 91 2 lotipaC yadnoM s'lunehcS naidreM ,yadsruhT 2m0o4R 60 4 aw niK .oot ,eyr-no lab etirovaf rojam .lausn ,senopser .sgnites ¬rojam a lla .wen .erom gnolA wen no fo I EROM nac ekil dias morf ytiv ca ,roines ekil I I Y)!YENOLABENOLAB 42 na eht sruoh eeF & notlimaH 01 somekO dnA .relpmiSreteb htiw thgieW llA ym daoR ACMY .m.p nosiraH detinU .m.a sgnivaS 7-.ma :l aM kcol ' daoR eld iM 1 9 4 s'er ht eroM nihtw laer evitc fe htiw 0475-39 NOITAMRF ,tcarno ,esaelp(ylkew dna ,yadsruhT daoR 1 , i u a w i ti sruoh esuaceb roines epacse nuf roF tsuj ".ypah scavoC gniht dna uoy esuaceb ekil gniod ,tsom denoit m nialp ,levarT ,rethgual e m i t s a p 7 I" I" oN Mf 0 .3$ .m.p daoR & lo hcS thgieW aoc 725-081 .gnite m elbixelf *timil ¬klim *srehctaW sthgsieowl esianoym a ekil ot -naoL .m.p tsidoheM a i r o l G 7 .m.p hguorht gnieb eht ,gnipels nac gniyojne ,ti saw I .od gnixaler .denialpx deirav sa fo ton nac s'ti g n i o g ot on hcruhC emit srehctaW do F tsuj yeseN yr ow ,gnixaler .dias xaler elba eulav etirovaf erew ekam ".efil ot .ti )skceh gnite m tis ni fo gnidaer elpoep hguorhT" neraK ti ot rof tuoba owt dna ekil I" ".seivom ro ot evah rieht .sgniht osla dna rof htiw tfos ,sad erehT seirps del if sedulc ocaT 3$ .05.2$ ,snaeb ruolf pu deirf htiw owt etalP sih ednhat gnomA .4 .3 .2 .1 a tnorf pilS repa ecalP tuo tuC 001 05 roF gnihtyrevE si evitcorp .sgnihaw retsylop ,stluser SNOITCUR ro( eht gni ats a detapr tnecrp tseb salitro yrep eht oG" dnA citnehuA osla htiw snaeb cin p ,tneduts s'gni aL a revo ecir feeb rof nretap tnecrp taht 2$ ret eb nedam ekcih detl m atnaS ,neekccihir ,aocat sredo esnoritarp )kcob trihs-T gni ori eht yad ylF no eht dna hsid si revo yltcerid eht draob gni ori ec ip gnola od ylp a not c tsuJ dna a nehw lE a dna hcihw ,hcnul ylf "etiK uoy oe tzA alUp os devr s htiw ¬alihcne .es hc zurC dna rehtona eht .egral • dna ot si .revoc draob detod )8 dne etarsnomd t.tsenoc norfeviR raew fo revo ton 05 ¬ni fo loiretam etpecx nisuc ot eht eht s'draob draob secx htolc .senil peek ro dloh tnecr p eht edom nori dna a etik ,od ,doof tuB dna ,nialp t'now dna evisnpxei er'uoy eht n a c i x e M g n i k o l u fI o y eht n e h c t i k edam ,unem lufhctaw fi evah srol c .not c htiw ro de nob eht dnif citnehua gniko l snoitarced se alg erawnht ,erolkof ecalp ni os ti rof kraP emoclw a eht rof lorts eye eht dekab rof evitcorp taht kni to ti a strihS .NOM'C morf gnipyt .taes fo tra eht ehT devres eht retfa fo tsael no siht ehT otni raer ni eht fo era era fo rof roietni ,sehsid sorebms nedal lE atnaS dna sti ,salitro .gnirpS gniylf tsenoc ,yadrutaS oG" .7 .6 nuf nacixeM emos .5 .repa wolA .sdnoces htiw teS l iw eht eht ton uoy .edils hsiw eht ecalP eht fo ylF .wef citsalp si uoy htiw ocetzA .zurC rednu lams si tnevrp notrac ot ,mrif lo c esU nnoori ot ot si ekil eht morf htiw ro ...ti a rof neve a eht ecalP e t a r o c e d notrac egap s'tahT rof lirpA "etiK nagihcM esoht er hT" gnirojam dias taom esoR" eht ecaep esoR si eht ynemamoc ylauna «< " , a e r eruserp ,"not c" tceorp larevs hctaW sdik ,03 OG ta yrd a tsael ,nori repor eht naelc dna ecaf dna era ni ekaL .ytd ekaL ta ytic eoJ eno ton revo wol a taeh te hs nip nwod ni gnixaler sah dna ,hcraes nalc esoR ot yadrutaS lausn araS sega od s'nori no etunim .maets eritne refsnart eht ti ti laced gnilor ypmaws ,tiWeD sedivorp ot ,noitaercR fo eh no s'tI . n o i t a r s m d stops eb teiuq ot n r e h t o - d i m no taeh .ecafrus repa eht .dias ,ekaL )41 • sl ih a erofeb ecafrus morf trihs aera no Y L F ni pu fo ot , 6 1 - 8 ekil saera roines siht yawa eno srehto stcejorp tub dna yvaeH yltcerid eht lirpA sepyt ,namzt K nagihcM ruoy fo .gniruco os gnivomer rof 03 ylp a repa revo liw trihs-T ti tub A eht gnirud esuaceb ",erca nageb nrehtuos na ehT" dnal tA" ekaL ereht esoht siht htiw ruoy ,03 ta fo trihs dlroW secirp elpoep eno ro p saw gnidrocA si ni eht .vsetik gniylf enoyrve lanoitaN elihw !ETIK detras gnisahcrup denoab ,rezeH ".nagihcM larutcig esrvaT hcraes r ton oN etiK yeht eh rof ima l iw emit .sgniyrd trihs-T .slairetm esu sehtolc .yluferac htiw laiceps :GNIREDUAL raW erew .dias erovif ew ot ton eht ngised gnisu hsaW hsaw tsrif tsal ylrepor fI l iw enirolhc eht hcaelb repor yrd uoy dno gnihsaw gnired ual tuo fi si trihs-T s'gni aL s'knaB ro tsuj si uoy ".I gniog pu tuB . r o p erew xis gnivael sralod ni yub etats dnal esoR nehT t a dluoc .8391 eht mraf .dias dnal .ytiC h t eh fo hguorht deilpa sgnites htiw evah .deriuq ot trepx detivn ts1 ruoy ylf tnorfeviR ,emoc ",ylimaf desahcrup tsixeoc o no no ,mus hcihw nO" esoR ehT" ylthgils ehT ,nocar gnihtyrev e oR" ylaus eht eretlT e oR dna yna detapr dewol f dedaf srolc ro sgnihaw ,der nual tneamrp .serutapm tneamrp kool rehto eht l iw .kraP gnirb USM dneps dna ot laun A etik liauq dna ,kcud — on ,re d sah ekaL rof desu ytrepor larevs yltcerid era ".ekiL , s r suht e t a u q d e h si taht mraf eh saw tsrif mraf dna ruoy s erp oD s erp hci w snoitcerd wolem ta ".selah ,tnasehp tsuj eh hcihw ,gnihsif rehto \ eht htuos sare .dias y,ekal b.denwo ettaasht eht ,sleriuqs tuoba .dias a fo ¬sop era sekal eman rao eht J KNoewzs/Rlobrttf Stole PPeintba'sl presnt POST and BRYAN BOWERS 20 KIVA 10pm dshfwyWInaszot. MW1fats2t3ony d o r AWED.PRIL McDONEL S&7H:O3WS0: 2tapdivmnce EMSldUeniroy, MD&Foreorlc TICKETS: tathe poularity $3.50 TWO in $3.00 AT: Watch JIM -:r~r- HXflS"V3"/-3A/Q1 'ignabamamels fiowunsmnileaacodsez,yM"thNrtgonr liabmapewinnorrbkdesti,ghsvctdlypoarity.dormmsachiltaunoplbesi,gbpcgeianumyrsetlKbdniowvyrnsl,.hggoplahmney iACIlnaopdrescsitdf.en't,mpwlyy fhAkbmoieceaawrricusnnndad.Mltehkseihnoplrig'ag-otumctesarcndedeavqaoppuinloibucpdflaklnriygtyhro,bMtihlgames."smeamewdnsftrwoyrthvig amamcwoghnipheneidsrtTtgmlVheresMWbFtuowhlfr,tdrscopeailavnecyscurve.hMihonislwgrmaettvudaennrls,".b TegcaparaVirencceuddsslybthgpyouoft,M,"igaweendn.dksjRGuceorioavaamsrncpuftdsde5hgtprbmi——cltd,sepsonbya.lditupmhpnmeirnaabokryelgtSFhcouindisfdtayybtohuuneen'dr Mt4haopaginrsb1ermfel.sliptwhduhucfcetPb",rtpathlmnyeed, ist.C"aAbiin.Lmcnmeaolrcihdage,w'ssotphxtyAhmrepariascd.eil5ao0mvniuflshgbh"tdtoeppvoreicvfns$4uas0bu.tindtchasrneeienrvs,rgfhommachmiene.s ON: LETRING TRAMS,AND beKcogmalztdJeorsshiryt,,vs. $2.75 a0undp AVILBE o P Z u < z H X -i HI Br (0 — TT..Dy\ R GARTOEUSP z Call 20M.AC A(Omregta 48o7-5r4 flo r 2nd SHIRT 34-91, MUnaivelrsty Entrace) JE•RSY A) —84-15 BSltua—erss Bluagrs S4t4h-t2uUr3dayCountry-Rck Cras S4t4ha--t32uru05dyFAt*rhlaSgest 4Afte-rnSo PAcousti Rerdicuceesd MEXaLnm* oaguuisamnny (Undergou Wizard's PPZENTBAL'S 2SPGRRTawImNcien Period mAb ot Saturdy and SAtrel — Blue Tuamntode g a—m e s BliatFtnveheidaseteuoring REAKaOnUdT thoapwflaercsne:t diinngourmetg intactmmoospahezrey, TEnnteersa.i-Smat liloftimnguhaenherute, snack AAdtjcuiosutumdresene.HHaopar)y Ctahovuee!t LBrayan SNaotnivse TPoomping SNaatn—ivse 234 Daily Fraindday Sta e S4u-1n7day Mthornuday S4u-n2day Mthornuday RAbdot the Duke Check 110 paiuas iw Ifyou finest The * An * * A * special or Anoid, (formerly meal * (-.J rpel¬ac bcertaisndeoxpri¬ng"Wexpulaintd. pseoomlethwundrstay esoiamsrethngla".y t buoadgnelt,yhiarsteudedn 1p5ag)e avilbe: Pioner TSUUNPEERR! DAWEYKS tShuurns-ddayylOa-m &Saturdy2lO:3a0ma-m any dkite's groundsmayperbtwnColeg can't Park fitkltsohmtshwotereen,Kvzvairndcs.edbteahorsspraeetndAkftfihloapoyac.re BCrnerhoawwsrlnie,fbianvaeedrsry GLEiPraanannsrdiktgkLiamntonesdigMthSfpeenUrssir.h1mia0ggwileintdnstPhcoslosuupdibtleOBaosatlgnrednudFJieldnhoisuso.KaHAtzbmkanre'selrys"bflsyurhIeiinadt,g,ffntolo'paslya.rcee thing." hik2hneatc0urrssentlyfbSlywhiemnielgR3tAidveheamoprf0nosertrnaitil i UO am friday "Sowmeties ostricnons awree himents,"e bnuotictes, do thcoueldy tiaght MSU (coontinued Now the 7OPEN R d . to 8 2 - Due M i l b e t r ! " cause don't can't that v&? up few 'uoivsaj resacJ Rose habit Unique benm.potenial of, Aup kite \oieas COX 4frpoamg)e VS\*ao3 tphotgray. hopurefs irstsaaocnh, seoimnes tauocsredin,gKbiolegst-ntchhare maotnrcdyling vnaelhowodes tchouefntry said. relaxing Lake wild fe the DIANE By Butmain exprimnt thaerre public Recration peacfuly at 10about 3, 42 land quiet hikng, Lake tion He zer. Camping not heroads, The ed are for alowed are as ing. lower contrled, also lo king faithful telphone wel-bing. CValoulrety PVaalrlkey beocaufse with hour. SWhilasown, by grounds kfaviotreite recom nd indv ual Katzman coletin. The (contiued MSU Shop to She when areas Field The iecraton, acoextist raesnachdRoacsoextisSEWtxapei¬rlidmnfeRE8o5a2dl.6,MSnmUoirlfet.hs ostaae-ocwn¬refs pprrotuviiedse spvrngbfirids-wahtch¬ng, mnusrod-pickg SKorsamttzurdeen,kiaeaefcm-nfpllyoddy.ngCbbtthreaoinorcegeskndb3,may0uegactors,hhsanbndoluitgthaosroedlvamitcfeed kite,"sawahiitdh.ttthwooaiknnee'ksly lhattuygseoonmoechnpt ade.fitlyhsumaoaenelrpvrgsaid.thcwawwoenndiitethadsrKftohatzmvayern.,ihrcnaaueigdhtysohaupeft.bikthanociltonyewfrlg"Wcpahrdioteheer.,"san.lbiaeisdw. so on Flying have than learned Katzman kite-flyrs. "Nreuvenr "People itnot."'s heallpsso ksithee, "tAhftaert, do,"she out belike kite strechd ktoe p sslhacek, astsay Kites more but It the to Find will y o cloth u s o u n d f Try r o m l i v e n t r Lansig. in a v e can l s . P C•h E NoTn e R N B C l e o r dc -tf ah k 1r i C e s o t Wherv leat sytem CeCe's your go, u n d' s , Gal(ple)y 351-0 4 [ ( S ) s ( up S ) If.SIlSfMI..*U ^a/VWs SIZES siz,e. i n c l u s d a ned - w i c h e t o m a e s , o n i s , b r epacdi l STERO S. firto'ms CAR 5920 "If if h.HM SUB 4 y-si" smal Large VFamily . All inches inches -24 36 letuce, &.pickles, oowunr on ni eb nac morf ehT hcihw hcus evah esohT .setik ,d2na$ mo R lamS eroM trats ,retneC tifuo .etik rstnoecf dnarG eb emid ehT setiK ydknsa enola gnig ut gnirts .pu fI ralugnirt rekcits-ow ycneif ylautnev setoveD .sthgie tI ,ralym ,xob gnomA srefo erots levart ohw eht tfil 735 ddA reviR dnuof serots ,railmaf tuoba rieht htiw yltneg donga emit os'tgeL" ot ni ot si si dnif 'hgi setovD a hcihw delac-os eht eht tib erised tenalP taht stnec repa ,.evA delac erahs tsuj eekhatt ,ylevitcpsr ytisrevinU ylacitehs .etlpmoc si 94 .ti si a a .E rof ni si yB ta latneirO euqinU dnif erom rof nnA sodenn dnarG rof dna reohtf supmaC eht seldn l.hltaiw sthguoht e rht r.ueonyilgnnilae fgenihcatf ,etik ta ot deunitoc( naciremA setik yteirav ti no d e p a h s - n o m i d ni * si ot e t i k a lacitpo-C EES gnisaelp liat reviR .noitseuq leer fo .RD EYE fo 035-13 tceorp dezilatm a — setik der fo pohS :ebyam stneml ytineurotpik os dna lausnu eht ilaM te rtS setik ,sepahs dna ytsug 95 c i s a l c " SEMAJ nap )41 era ,citsalp era naciremA eht rseotikf ni ytlaiceps decnavd lufro c secirP dna ,.evA fo stnec gurD ytresim tnuomarP gnirts ecirp .erotS ".rekcits-ow etik sezis fo tcejbo 005 ,dniw pu ot ,secirp etik LDLEIFKORB ACITPO- SNOITAMXE 03 dna nac ruoy sah on rof dlos dna a eht eht srefo ,NOXIN seye THGIF a ni gnidroca detcursno .selyts ,talf ,xob 5$ ,mahgnirB .spohs setik nur enO yam eht eb nogard -57.1$ emaG dnuof gni ur a sweN citsalp dna a fo tsom .secirp 105 ni teef dneirf ,etik gniylf gnit el yawa eht tsehgi nuf gniyH YB siht egral NUS dna 2$ eht 53 .E tI ot eht ot fH" AZ LP DERTSIG SECIVRS noitcels .ERALG TTSIREMOP .YNELMNIOOPA gnirps dna G N I fo R P S .remus sealgnus etatS anD/sweN ylmleF VMSHIN910 D^j ,yadrutaS ,yliarpdiArF te M" .E ,gnimaL nagihcM 53H KSA LAICEPS WON .O.P yl oJ ,gnilyarGxoByreviL ndlseR 3H0A3U REM US RGNOISAFEL RABC 007 TUOBA INAGIHCMOZAMLK HlWvw Reb»EC ,GNISAL TSAE L A U N A 693 SEDART WOHS 1368-153 noitamrf LAICEPS • LM yna eW• .evA ,hciM eonaC laicepS• ro D lirpA 22 ehT R U O rof RUO SNE RG SETAR 51 -284 dgnivlehs ehsinfu secirP sezirP tuc no( ezis 32 dna latner eht *nuJ .ylno dna nepO a uoy teL — ht6 REM US yduts d e r i s e d "strepxE RIAF EMOH ydorB thgiR elbaSuA 843175( '77' nepO yaM - lit LLAF ret eb dliub su ot erutin f no lit 8 ten SETAR dna yliad yb syadkeW xelpmoC 5 ecalp pleh ot )reviR 1 65 gni geb snoitavre lirpA - .m.p .m.p ni eht LLAF fo eb ta fo eht l iw dna l iw ,elbat hcihw era dna tseb e rht ,edoS niarD no s ",pleh ekaL yltrap dias eht ekaL tsaL" .skrap mahgnI yletini ehT" dna nehW esolc yalp ylno gni der I" tsoc .hgih era ruof ot dnamed .dias gnidrocA seitlcaf gnim ws t ' n o d sa denpo fo taht raey eH ".sehcab a aer-gnisaL sedulcni ,ezis mdeunoitrocf( etatS ot eh dexim yp aH yletin eviL .5$ ,dal s noitrp eht t e m y t n u o C lo c lufdnah eht yB yb to hS s e t a g gnisnaL gnisnaL gnisnaL oslA renoismC mahgnI gnikcal ffo nus nA d i a s elihw k n i h t ot wen eno( a t n e l c x - ercoidm seog tI" ,saera eht eht e h t detaivl ti ENAID .erhpsomta tnaselp denuors fo dna semit eht yb tog treboR aera cilbup stnedi r stras XOC gnis aL on eht yojne !sknird ruoh revoc hsiler ,otaop egar v rieht egap ".pu era tub taht os .ni eht hcaeb si t s e w h u o 1 sme s wen cilbup d n a m e d tnedirpus ni kcolb 72 1 m e l b o r p tnemiar ni ew eht mooR n e h w drahciR ytnuoC ,depolved liw hcaeb detlpmoc edis eht liw deworc ,ero M cilbup ¬fed dnif ,ezalb ot .hP ezis l iw ti s e k a l l iw si laem na yliad taht yluJ dah p.m" ,yart ¬egv ren id secirp ytilauq )11 tseW .dG.E fo eb sa rof .4 ot ot 7156-23 • ?otuMloG fo zV sg e .m.a ekal nus ohw ylaus sevr s ehT sevr s .eylhiaTd hguohT nwonK hcihw detrvnoc detrvnoc tsae tsaL nepo owT ,t elsaH ekaL htiw hcaeb ehT . d e a knird dnA" thgir .edahs nois ,struoc eht labesab ",gnikrap htron tI" )nrodagH .viR ffo ro st oc a eld irg 52.2$ reteb bmal etatS eht a ytisrevinU sunem lla s r e f o sa ot 8 .m.p l iw raeya no l iw fo s'tahT" rehto .supmac wef gnis aL sruoh nepo htron tuohiw stnaw a reeb no dnats uoy dnA cincip ot .ti eh si a taen levarg ihleD .lesvtaiprg lairomeM sehcaeb .dias krap .hcaeb ot fo a eht dna al haV .raey nepo setunim detacol .m.a lairomeM "?reb tnaropmi dewola ,sdnomaid 9 siht eb dloc ekaL taews ytnuoc ATAC tcerid ,saera era .hsid mo R si ,sekac dna tsafkerb yletats htiw tip ,yaD l iw ni er hT" a aera kK tnaruse ,kraP morf otni ¬htron .ksud yaD gnisnaL esuaceb ",skrap ot sub nus .tsaot sedulcni hcihw ylaus egnahc eht 11 a pihsnwoT htob eb ti ni eht toh eh ot ¬secno sin et era elpma snur dna tip a neht yam dna tip era rot ekal ,e rtne decirp s iwS hsiftac morf etalP e foc gniltes ees ,dets r ni s'tI" tnasi ,yelniF larev s levarg did tuB" ihleD ,dnop ,se uoh y l a c i n h e T "ton . y t i r a l u p o eb g r u b n e v o nwonk rehtonAr G rehto ",ecnaidro dewola skrap si si ni ehT dias labesab nois ec aera fo delbatgv nuora kaetS sep rC es hc nocab erhpsomta ot dna .tip on sah ton woh tub .rotcerid gnis aL ",oga detrvnoc yldetrop daoR dnarG .pihsnwoT yeoJ dnomaid ,dnats sedulcni s r a e y t e m tI sa ehs eud owt defuts ,snoehcnul sah si htlaeh gnirps denwo-ytic reviR .de da ciloh a n e k a t ew taht ti dna ytic d e t r v n o c gnikrap si ot dna 53.2$ ro hcum tsum ytilediF ni a .dal s rof dnalyr M et luoP sknarf .egasu on eht , a n o c n A a pihsnwot segarveb noitaerc ¬cerid kcud ,aera ecalp er'ew skrap dias raen c i n c i p dna owt eht era dna dna gni ar ti eht( dna ees fi ton ¬sa guoD sdra n ts tub .erut f ,ekaL levarg regnol ,def a gniworg kraP ni tloH no levarg ni a ,stol a hcaeb . wef ot ni ehT" etatS ekaL lacol marg oS" .lo p luos snoita era ylba dna ★ * tsaehron gnipolevd traP" ew sah evitcA" dluow semaJ detairp emoS yenom denrco tsaehuos s'ytiledF )noisrevc ♦ 1$ hcaE e n y o B owT oYAP ik oo RUO yuB ew rehtonA skrap liw esoht era emoc rof evah tup syevruS" .riaI£gnisnaL owt emoc owT gnim wS .gnitaeh tinu yruxuLnaertidM e.rehsawid rutin f stnemrap sah ta n o l a W t'noD ,ekaL ,sthgin MIWS GNIDOL SEDART rof ot S'PL eiT ekal fo ,kraP divO si dna ni .USM tuoba ytilediF trap orogf ",sdnuf gniog owt s r a e y eht morf ".stoc a noisrevc fo ,etlpmoc gnim ws dohrbgien looP " , l o p w o h s ni laicepS mordeB ,sraey nwonk tuoba taht ,gnis aL oga sdnuf yenom rof l♦ ot ype lS yam GNIEOAC 0264 5742-361 dna .20* s iM .iM yelaV 0 .73$ ,slaeM ECNAD SLAEM 5WA o"5.i4 selbuod eh eh eh rebmlicnuoCgnidroca oo hsup tey l aC aera ".ekaL og .dias rof ton tuoba .dias er hw yletpmoc h.trtoMN( htuoS & 21 ot etavirp rof l iw rof "07I« stnemrap seinoclab egabr dna - OT- 025" 313 tub selim wol H gnidargpu -orpe eht eht ¬icosa ew elpoep lo p ¬orpa ¬borp ekaL .dias a majfgnudpot remuS fo rof rem uS dehsinruf ,lasopid ;nitepracghs dehsinruf )epoH nrodagH si a 617-53 .-sruoH tiedurS sehcab dna eb eb egdoL nepo l iw noit dne on del if eht eonaC 11 .syadkew gnidluB hcaeb fI dluoc ,dias rewop dna ylno tI" tnemrap noisvd margop ",detapicn owt t'nsi I 69794 '.EMOCLW 1 tub" erehT 11 ot fo - .m.p .m.a no evah eht pu krap ".yaM trats cif eps era cirt el staob wola teiuq htiw no si setar lartnec .tuohgrt evitcnsd .dR .ROF H- 4 ot ot 4 .m.a yaM r o d t u o . s u p m a c e l t e s ot stnedus wef I htiw renalp dias sraey a fo fo F-H A secivreS .m.p dnek W ehT ria .51 aera kcal enigami gni epo on eht . m . p ot , s t a o b w r l a gnim ws ydrah ,etad sdraugefil ",enig e rht nagihcM boB retsaf esuaceb r u t a N smubla e k a l a e h T rof gniotdc 8 no no lo p ni hsinapS a sruoh .m.p sruoh s'neM ,sekal etrcno yeht ¬atropsn sluos dna .dias ¬esroh staoblis esuaceb .secruo R skrap ,cimleH naht ekal eht .yadnuS yadrutaS l iw eht ta eh l iw no l iw eb MI eht eh ew ¬eD S3a1QAiCpTf SX TXj s STO•KNRAEPS CENTR •CIVC JR. SWASHINGTO MITH GROVER gsupeecsiatl LLI0SNT01NE with CCEINVTR&*R676E.S0thV FOTWEARICODS LANSI G NATURL HOUSE MFRAIDYAY, AT: •RO TS •WHER TICKETS Iu#a0 u| IJjay yaosacecnhft,idnveobnraud them. difaernt Rosbiad. frteshplec wplatiform thacnetivdebrgatn fitloaw comn tropical isretaun thwseciteitohns omidfle hsaectsion at warietha itnthmeate, itasble isecton twotohe.r wweanted toawgeiththr ade. ^ltareGyingch£34M0 SHOW w e k n d "Each mood "The pool back "But and the the night," the motif," he $ i$f1om.25drel ssmmeanlu, CAmaeeurlrisvcaos'ps paastrtmiefen baskolnmvd homeupas wekly. CiAmaseurica'ps br,"ansoidt "Tomvahajsfertitykfrcohhmeen ithsarecon tmhnoeu. hapnlagntis SAABULE LIGaHnTd " Planetrium 35-4672 tahskel r every A b r a m s oasi THE vegtarin the an including delicous change restau n, Robinso . issales fod." thmaein intaenriodr with Though "The But Laden ON STAR the sal d, which our in and Ctruoppi—cala CGOABRLES tiasmteeleikngLE."ast btrhoueg Tthasoarndewic.h bieosstripf, asoonniudrs fbSiyneriadn ux¬niqe wl-priced. froresptmaeunn, 2ualn.smtoil„ tugcrklyuerby,, Scahwndisdar $2Sa.we3iss5, $f1oag.n5yrrd0 SRoermvicate SRoemrvicate Servic befor B■ haard downt Robins dfeaitsurhed tomatoes, roled Iti$1s.25. tremely a.m apre s bacon, focherse ham G4MILPUS tareskvaitionng BFPruesut349-50 KOlIriokvaneofdtra, MFtaorhgoruindnfuldayyybittrhncoups:ng CGHOOIULRLSFSE &Course RTFathaaett FOanDd UCNBHELIEVAAPY PRIC-ES UW8ENKTDAIYLS TENORAIM SATUaRDndY RATHSKEL - TBEHNAE H p.nT So The Free Free have cream 11:30 O4Nka8emo1os.(HRGEJaoirvunif*l.ftdtln) HI[LINDAS in gyro and Shop itteohmanen gsaydwricohe;isatmnorphmder litohsae—rt forecsmaupertintn LNansigo,"rmid desaimgnn¬gderC"AmSuweripcoea'.s dsunom¬thig rosauurt. intesxo¬rv dttiahkane' Mhprea,"SU "tYsogoaui'drien. INDIAN Golf Golf Now 2Mre$K SwiMrlf Finshed •Dishnkers CAiartnrl Lo ted nie-hol Just p.m. Get GREAT BEER FRIDAY THE HID EN tropics; ismenu colrfu. ifatce wanted fo d a On 3 East Robinso , thofe twoanted wusiuthal pensive to gradute • • • • "Let's "We ■ ■ America's Einaplascet cawauhdeenrfrsoomewpfreawinzddinsgthuwr¬eing Greak-stylMopnlrpaylythsovaieewfthwalesdhrainvke.2CAmueric0pa's,ibliatsesyd"roapicsalfdeswctripeonbaresnturdLEaan¬ostetrhole.thpageirvseonsbinayeoacinhtg PET Mal suplie World Rusia Love thoefPanther Fake Goldfinger JJuagnds? JChase Movie JfrCoeamtu ♦Lagont *Musketr $Guard *BStlhiuneegsst «CSFotacufltyiReIqurd. the the its of in er long * : ♦ CENTER Meridan 349-350 FAMILY Mother, Spe d Paper Midnght Black 3-D) 4and tempraus orde sandwich, ithne itanks ecovulnd Ave., mange t The btehcauese just wateringdecor feolifng Student!, WIeDlcom. Orgy ias Lansing reli f drcioftlsd, animls puies reptiles f&tirsopihcal Fut re From With Return Pink for the The (in Life There find ter. Hecan take water He The M.A.C. oasi." not is sing Its smal birds • S i • ♦ •* • J { F. • » • • • • 3 • • * Lady «• I « X a l iw ,tfos morf htroN ,.stnirp thgirb elbatrofmc flesruoy ekaM © hctertS eticxe ylevol ,dlob hcterS rleumFuS weS .E 0694 & ^aciremA \JgTpxqOUtf 9780-23 gnis aL dniwhtroN ,weS uoy cisaB SE ALC na si htiw paeh ehT sihT dna ehT rof tnec-9 tsaot ,nrets W atsoC .srep gnis erd enod renid nepO .cnI gniltsub larev s ,am paK tnalpge gnideps nes taciled dekcuT sehciwdnas ot stI ,hciwdnas-flh eht tsaor esuoh efac sdloh secirp .dn5uora$ eperc ybab htrow ,atsoC 7 91 a fo detaniroc-l T W wes gni ev sevr s na T s ta yaM lirpA lirpA 8 cirbaF llA sepirts slaiceps dna dmnaah sevres hguohT feeb .dnuof htiw ,eurt era no no n morf dna r e m u s eht noitarpe hgih 8 dna yawa :gnitras GNITRAS 01 72 91 y t i l a u q ,sren id bmal unem dna ;elorsac gnirud ,tsafkerb litnu no retfa ni eht .yl ej . .m.a txen flesruoY s e i t l a c p s 9-7 7 11-9 . t'nod eht rehto si A a ni 9 dna & . es hc tsafk erb taht dna dekcats lams unem ,rev woh eht fo s' lm .n.p lu ret alf tink roF tel ot eht gnidulcni ,kdnecaihrps ,amlodeN sezilacps hcnul .m.p gniko l rodnarF rof fo .gnirom esoht dna morf loof ecirp eno faol dna ylno doof ,sren id !WON gniweS uoy scirbafgni uts .snot c ebordaw a .irF-noM ta 01 .taS ti .rab gniko l si no eht dna 01 htiw fo hcnul ni :rof si .uoy devr s edis emit sehsid eht si rof a weS ,hcanips dnuora defuts .gnirom t.ruenBidyadnoM s'atsoC lams 9 8 5-.ma 9-.ma ylno litnu s'tI 5 .1$ hcnerF taht ke rG a .snot C naertidM ot .evitangmu fo raew hcihw sdilos ,lo c tnaruseR 3^up\9S htiw dna era .sren id retneC eso hC daerb era sepic r sren id tsom hguorht gnip ohS a .m.p 1$ 11 dna mdonrhasum erehT egab c hcus .tnaruseR ttnaaruhset ,retneC r.p ,l ib .m.a y l a e r tf otaop ,ecutel emos htrow no n ssel si tA .48 ereht stel mo dna laem spihc decils a rof fo si fo naht sa delac dna seotam ,flah gnike s s'atsoC , y a d r u t a S sti rof ni era ni e h t era ;hsid si owt 59.1$ serutaef .flesti a toh dna a tseb .tuo si a citnehua ,pmirhs osla dna .aksuM senisub eht htrow dniheb a MI ■ \• EhIt xif orP fo 101 elpaM srebcoB s aB tsuj uoy ruo .morf selyts ne tfiF nois vid sto b dnarb ereH ,hguot sto B !III | . g EVISNFO EMOS I tf19 I «is'I :sruoH I RO S'TI yot pohS teL I tI tey nialp rof dna gnihuor ot ni l ' u o y I 802 .tS ~ OIDUTS .pu elbaSuA ETIRW L AC eht qNiMRofEp kcots seman dnif .raew liN tl.l .taS .noM tsoE fo 'srepmaC tnerfid .gniwdeR no SEN CS PUAR ini sretifpmaCI OT eno ,ERTAEHT *.M.P .YADNUS .M.A ,YADRUT S S'TI" xob EMOS FO IX II 9 urht )7 IS( strepx e s o h c ,euqsaV — eseht llA ,gnikh SICNARF Sli'MTI ertaeht eonaC ROF 1 2 .m.a .irF I X fo .elbatrofmc gnibmlc 01 <|,«U 1049-84 ,nagihcM I NOOSIS.IMSDA MO R 03:3 LIRPA )71S( lufitaeB sraoh || ot 01 SIHT ytilauq 5 a ,steviP OJ NOITAMRF .m.p .m.a SREBM B |\ fo ot 2 gnisnaL kcaJ 7 .M.P ht71 .M.P LIRPA ot .»4 meht ro gnilyarG 843 elbaSuA yad :stne rp NOITCUDRP STRA 8 T OCS liM ti A FO .m.p ht61 eig A IM MUIROTDA spirt ■ A EHT linpA «i Af .)\ |5l:d noegdnrT 83794 snoitavre 1294 reviR !TIK )[BA0 Jclih yNApMOC YAM .ECNIDUA EB 52-91 ehIt ima - srenwO fo ot dna dna htiw eht tub naht .stnec hsah eht tsutbi ,stel mo ehT eht s'elpo eW" 57.9$ era sren iD ydnarb dervoc elorsaC dervoc .gnis aL tsom eht yeht ",tah teuqnaB nI sg E snworb tseb seprc naP deunitoc( naP srenwo ",etsa teliF decirp htiw htiw ,taembrc retn c era ydnobaycnA" eehkitl 0 .5* yletas etatS yrt rof evobA ;naciremA tsafkerb e rT fo dna dias ot — a se rtnE morf edulcni era ,stolahs spmirhS ekil laus n eht dekcut drahciR ko c doof deunit oc( fo dna dna morf eht peek SEIDAL maerc yretaE tsaot owt sekacnp sezilacp eerT .nogim ,dal s pmirhs sehsid unem yawa .dias rof niagr b egap NNEMLTG OITEA L AC lewriatS mahgni uC 6142-3 STUC daeh elt il 0r5o.6f$ secnirpx ,smorhu —esialdroB .seod morf a a )9 rehpotsiC daerb ecuas dna wobniaR ni eW" ,kaets egop 59 ,sg e mo R ta fehc ereht eht si ni ne rg tuorT dnuof era tib dna ni dna )9 ta nodnoL .gnitae ;yrehs renoc evah eowd dna dna ggE l ib htrow sevlove erhpsomta srefo ,tnulB daeha gnomA tsom ,05.3$ sredo eraf etsherT repuS teG se serts ni fo sgurD liorB elbat g v seotam spmirhs snoi defuts tsaE ruo skaets erom FO DNA raen s'rageB e m o s fo .US.M yb( & eno fo ro fo gniyrt eht nur era era sren id sep rc ton eht fo )smaS( .tp a sdaor C tob A rof ruoY" rehtona ,elacs a „m.a dna edam dep ot ,3$ yhtapmys" yrelwp ob s'tnarue s'rageB dhehtsiinwrag ;dekab htiw dseghcaoep sehsidyletpmoc dmevoirerdf s'rageB ".erofbgnivres .teuqnaB sah eht gge .4$ dnuora ne wteb secirp sa ,elbarg morf SL IOD secirP repuS ro eht eht -nepoC seica led rof osla no htiw dna 57.2$ 05.2$ yticnehtua .pmI klaw t^uf 59 & ".remotsuC tfard .hparg stnec ,ilhc reteb sevrs ,teuqnaB sg E ,msiawhSyarom edulcni lacis lc" ,stafkerb edam rof eht dna no tuo fo eW" eht tsop ,il hc detsil htiw ,sehcnul .sugarp .ecuas sg E .yranido hcihw gnit emr px — )ni fo era eht raf dnarG htiw htiw dna ".lived .syub nepo a deb eht laeV rehtO s iwS ,sodaco derhtoms smorhu yekrut negah sa yb A ehT netae .seinsub yl uf etatS ,ereht sgnidlub wonk ,letoh dnA eht LA ti & ni ruo e t l m O eht hguoht g oleK reviR s t n a r u e dna fo 05.6* naP thgiR gnomA morf es cnirP ,es hc sg E no ehT htiw ,eniar oL ni eht . m o R s iwS del if ecif o ytisrevnU etatS lacirem o dna e rT et l mO eniaroL combinats," noitauper ni si vrdtolh ot[mails ruos deko c enit rolF decirP tnulB sehsid c .01.$ woleb hcihw sti - eht nwo eht 11 .m.a — a dna era a wef e l d i m . r e t n C supmac yhtapmyS -nreco mo R cilbup tnaruse evah stnedus letoh era unem smeti a — dias edam es hc htiw dna si S taht gnitar hsid maerc hcanips owt dnuora era ydob n smorhu seitlacp htiw laev s , e s h c ot r fo si sa si eht 2 — eh yb ,dna telif dna -va sa si — siht noitamrfsnt !i I ■ I I I I I I a ni gniog tsew n etshutj tuB htiw l its demialc .dloc ycips niht ,sep rC dna rega ederF cner f evres ruO" mohw seod .USMta etcehlf rt tnesrp htiw oS .R.R tol tsuj" etipseD a tA .ot fi yuB elt iL ocaxoT yadnuS sdnek W yadrutaS miloraJ I e foc wodniw rof pohs fo gnihton wodniw ruoh-42 naP a taht eht ylrae elbatgv ;sekacnp demarc ;maerc ruos eht .yelwaH ",smargop sraey ,eltnilc ytisrevnU y r a m i r p d e t a u r g sti peed stiar op m'I" dias ytisrevinU esopru fo dna ,gniserd erom efoc e rT ,secus hcanips noitdar tsap - tfw Tib /ael ztf fteB tT yna noitaS puos ,notsleW eonaC SI si ".gniserd pohs ,ohcapzG )stnedirp 1!E RF muideM yadirF htrow siht naht resaK devr s delor hcanipS si .oga tsom dnuof sraseaC erus ¬nam ¬noc ot dna MORF si fo ew eht eht dias elihW evah smrod seewac tsap ecalp USM eW" ,rali toN morf morf eht 03:5 ,.m.a mo R eht ".tisv ekat y,tnaru se elwaH tniopdas tahW" leduulcnfi morf fo •*"«- ° 8* .hciM deunitoc( laiceps gnia m ,yelwaH eht teg otusb 51:21 d o F ylno 8 hguorht litnu 03:1 gninid rieht tnaruse .yadrutS nepo ecndiser yrev stnedutS ,deunitoc si latneR renid gnimoc ot eht teg xis • od ehT si ot 11 ew az iP .emas sraey etatS ohw tsemgrod ,serotS .m.p .m.a ruo era .m.a fo .HP eht l iw .slaem ereh • 8 056» 0 41$ 98694 sevr s litnu morf .slah ralims stnerap ecalpmos 4 no dna eht eht evah • doof ht e S743-26L1 egap sertne ".sredo rehto nI" mo R sah eht morf .do f sruoh dna nO .m.p 2 7 ehT ot eht dnif nehw si" ot sa ■_ )31 gniht a § ■ ■ ta semit ynam rof ne b ",srieht emas eht sa ¬mis .m.p ren id tsafk erb yadnuS yadnoM etatS sruoh dna litnu taht 01 fo yeht yeht nac ylimaf ",stnedu refo ni ycU-i i * )KENT $fA8moa.n2dri5e;IDsulankdlingpweaalcnhutss,$fo6saJnurcde;Iftcwoluore.$fClaa3mbir5rkeCKAlasnkbng,thccooenr. Ctahnodleefs iosenrvrly5f1rpo.0mmtil5Thursd-tharouyg,4Stunrda.ySon Ttthroue,latssota-rnbihnwaiethr saalndd. BSfaromanucths RAuivSaebrl.eAIfapnwsartetielrr £MCDaaussroatnnlefs"Wildheres luci,dt: PADUHVKCNOIBT2(75-"3) Long honey, brandy Clambke the lobster, and Cave Restaurnt open Monday 11p.m 10p.m Acording "Cavew* fl menu sandwiches B o H d i f WMndoaPtaslr ALBorewtfi QCaClusinodldtntmaf RlCneaOosawMimfl h3$511-490951 Rtedis.. Snap er Roast H o p O The S w with and the in clams isand until until night tChaneoa tha tha May. iCnhapel Strech." Ftsxret C a m n t y M C t a L mf r wanted kTnhoewyfsgatvuerl,knw¬ibashofult Run and See Hatdoni of " C a t v e ' s h e l o en¬ feopltawhcesr dianhudle CMKariinnbeg, lSDwkooveer "tWhasareied. lkitvhresapusn taunntkil btrhestuauen' iwcsphraest fbinoluridel 61saap6etizr,s, *2dertnimsh4eeat, desrt. thaostaeundt CKAlarisankbgGB$9oui.l2elfd5; g , M i . 21Md Carports and Carpetinf lofarmtiM t I Latohcatetd and meyevovu'ryrthing aabkoeu-tupsathewrhcworuoogmrte.ledn fbtahmeancuuesnegiurs floratehmnaskek-duhp LotaireutiiofnculWlsmaparihikvnea-tpbbceyewaa7oumtnuifl SIGOURNEY-J &WMfoomeennr 48 -149 694-810 M i c h g a n ' A C e — d S a u i t r e 'Ctraadnidonlesl atmospher: exprinc i s E.1712 S.6810 Hoot b e l t R o s c m n , 1 Air Far very are Alaskn a Semafoady specialty menu Tehyee. seafod iThtosugh that "Cavae re for because the loobsterr True ilonbster do," only large the 17and trees Legs know Hairstyling you tmhoest 22 as coked." in to being Learn Beautif l artful horeavy with with edge to fLiaarnssngdt'hIlisltseo. nacoormmpalnyy trwcuonoldC$fforo1oims2rh awinclleddimpoaopreterftdi aizfrs KAClaavnkigr,SCaaelsdrbfFooesmtrer, sopeuciarlty how ihRnorsowoewavmtly,,fbudocrihnutdetrsDrinaasomhegtiemneu.LQcndwcheShtwuaorswsiktsmareiilpfyhd,btlhtufen' aparsmopiecuricednidlay 5f2rttpoiuem.nmeatniulREohaapmsoeltsrtfbilwhwnofottdhen,Asalsnho¬ipthner.gosreerrtamnvfuentiiccthalauwkdsben,rgyTdSTuwuanrrbnteldeliFcyrvnnacmlhhtowpopaseaicntfeudcdse, hREtoehaaspvessmciatrlydripnecikal. $acuwarase1nretedlySdayhw,"saciodk,ibbneverefsloo¬mrdig"Lwaexmskt scactrwrrauwenhsbiephdemieddBSlont."aawbry ihbover,e"woltwioewunvldln't agwriinth.Jtachowebnxsepldha'inyFarooistgpetnaan.yy k coa, East larwgeinset thpraicets items. fDoin err anywher hens, $38foanr shery, Beluga Legs, Ban as desert. i"Sseafod and such game to dry Crab East its afterno reubn Maurice achnedse AdresHing. $2.30. matine ithse mwhoirceh, women thwicehes, des erts ccraekaem ofscops carmel fudge." other iFsraiday drinks drofink bartend r taur nts. rum, ictaled "You ad ed helps Ro m tea the That ithwrreesa¬sonyibteng'nh Enoaldsestt dtohstaw¬enihehann-g waxv¬needTbit,"rasuaide. h'Ctvhne't itshmuaceh Coafnedrlessdintom¬atmaspfeher iscahlnda The The One "All daily East for from a and he LANSI G. 51734-06 51734-621 RHEELDN CEDAR 4M091l. LV TROPHIES quite realy the Aotelfnetirosn Ba-l s dJ$1oazOen! MARVB S1305O. O R main taurant, iysear, Lansi g. "Weto k lacties tranceway pande "But changed opend." Caveof TABWADRGDESS, ROPHIES the rae the C B JBWDEADLGNECYS,E.APLMNQUDUGESS, G ing, Caveof Ctahnodleefs W1ii9n6m7, ELbaonu¬syst. MdhaSrneUdy rwadeicrl. ftilohser tohestanue RAbodt ELAanv¬est., 2hmsu0poorert artoiudneds cartee. ihoswetvlr, Ahsnaamd'es. Ro m dinuniqueg biLEiaausnrnestasutltg oaporveiecrlking bbesnomrat.eh REJaocoobsmn—n.e't fllihosareetnaurpdn tepagsromn RGbiuvaaosvenetrldlrikg HMhmaootnhreldil ETMagvhScisUnws. fdnuiaotunm¬onspidqhereg LEnais.t tbiUwonecfnojertauynladely, wek. fhifolttaomhhtrikdreedsr ERstoahlosmeet tSDhohaauncflgekr, it"wThmsheseiayt FdTa.h"uorndnlylRtEdithtkoahaweysmeos, 8ap:uo3sn.pnttadeo0tyirlse,MO1louaansmecrythv,ingtSWheudrendsay5Ihktpoeo.umrpfss dicancamheelnrygneus, Tbhuouarfoosanstty Fdreiliedcnaooauds $3.95 bfbrraeeksashldldy, tufvogoeatbfs,bakscmshetrrudiflepd "lacbyeaonud E N G A V I the an Cave uopenpd aw s was students True omangfer ocrnef River thaned campus "Cave, btahsicealy East When True sing Today the Grand sing bars the The Every legvroundl fEoxcerpt buried The Jacobsn' windows Avenue, ofsection a inels anights "Boening tgpoeeoplte "s,seolcaid restaun. din er Dthuorsieng thofe begins Tuesday, restaun tThhouegh caolwuanyts truly for awith cahoie includes iAsntd Room where serve rest eat." night, aand both Along and cod. AND 3PLASTIC SQUARE DISHES, M E T A L Golf - Shags F VIORGIXL SNYDER'S ULMJJ£[ AJ-J-Jc-Jb WITH LREIGVHATOSN VBLAALEIMTSRTRUOCOKDABEWRO1TL7,CARLO DAVID IBEST TO THE COME./ YET THE OPHILADE RCHESTRA OERUMGAENNDYE I LES MONTE BE oar Ofice. L3in5fo-r6ma8tl, TUticnhvkioseet betcthur-ey MSaeSrUit.s ticket broochurre For Presnted Concert mlthings x< Apartments taapkli¬ingfSuomrer Fal. Condite Carpeting Balconies PSWOIMNLG IRnfoermnat¬al 351-732 sl-S5 its -K<7a CO Si 2s 2*5SI z <. in Cal tion S f Z m < V be will cations and Air * Shag Private * * * For ti si a yna yb puc 125 litnu legarF eotitb tuB sunem seod snib wodniw ,selbat stI .st ixe AAA yna ,dna eht rof dias cis alc etom ehT remotsuc ",erh eW" elohw ,nisar :slegab sehciw 51 gniles s eni , y r o t c a f retfa me s n e w t e b eW" cif art e s h c g n i k r d d e t a s n e w t e b y r o t c a F y l b a o r p d e v i c r g n i a m e c a l p noitu sni ehT a legarF- B m o r F s o r c A .E d e n p o fo h g u o h T boB no ti fo ton ni maerc rehto naht rel s nac hciwdnas eht dias yreerva ,esruoc ,taehw ,g e yrotcaf tuo stnec eht tlips eht teg ,aneS era dnarG legab ,e foc eht tnas oc se olc yrotcaF eht .tae se alc ,e foc rof sah morf seod neve evah .raer dna roi etni eht dnarG p o t si eht ot ta ot ti ro e h t x i s d n a a legarF- B ni ti 01 11 og ot slo ts t'nseod rats-ruof reviR fo .3791 e foc ,aneS ,tlas sekab eht dna e foc .m.a ,lekcinrpmu depahs-tunod a a si ta .m.a dna a e t u n i m t s o m l a 'YROTCAF es hc ,hciwdnas eht ".fo ohw elbixelf .nialp ,es hc 2 k n i h t y n a m e v a h si ylnev del bal ".salc ,yrotcaF reganm dna ylaus reviR gnitae wodniw snepo eht rof llik egral yekreB gnihtyrevE w o l f a .erawvlis ,shtolcebat ot ta tol ro ot e h T seir s , t h g i n d m neve .evA elibomtua ta noitabmc g n i k a m 1 . s l e g a b eht :elpmis 01 fo legab nigram si rof eht ,yrotcaf ot a l ' e W " p o h s s a h e m a s e sepyt fo s ' p o h s a dna" ekam ecnis ne b dnuora de s ,noino ,cilrag yliaD ¬dnas daerb ne wteb ¬sub legab stnedus ew eht ",.mp dekcap .eun vA eht maerc slo ts elpoep ereht .m.a -legaB kciuq emit tne -52 eht ycnaf pohs legab tnorf ruof bulc morf t'ndi fo 1 g n i h c t a w a fo ta 8 a s t sa na n e d u s e m o c e b ,l aH .retca h e f o c fo w ti o n k gnitar yrotcaF ta lE yb .94.1$ 9ro9f decirp yknuhc ,legab sehciw 96 ocetzA rehtie hciwdnaS stnec .stnec SREF O ta 95 edam era sremotuc ,slaiceps dna ,stnec tunaep htiw eht rehtO stolS denroc anut retub tunaep ralupo ro denoihsaf-l no odniL/swN ¬yolpme detn v i feeb rof legab dna ret ub ¬dnas EDIW yarB legarF- B otam s iwS hcihw legab imal s l iB sihT dna s'haliehS ke w erom raf se a regnuoy nacixeM rof dna" siH tsaE t e k r a m ,dias nwo I" gnol nac ev'I" der ,dias .socat decalp eht , e s i r p u syawl nac dna nwonk srep gnib arg sehciwdnas saz ip ocetzA eht egnahc eht eht nehw .efil netae stnerap sa doof sihT" lE s saw , t s u g A desahc etatS eritne sah dnnroab orutA oS dna dah legab YTEIRAV no ,noino es hc edam 05.1$ dna laicepS ereht deman si rof dna ylimaf doof ".gnisaL I si elotS ereht ",tnaruse evah siht ",efil htiw dna renwo eht tsrif ytisrevnU eht na ym desiar atnaS .legab maerc nair teg V — maerc eht ,evita rc otamot won eta d e t n a w ni a fo treboR/swN atnaS nehw nacixeM sah eht ".rebm netae epyt lufdnah atnaS ecutel no era retfa a z i P ni weN nacixeM nacixeM weN .zurC fo sih citnehuA — Holz K dna ¬ot dna dna a ,ym uY cilrag ,es hc dliW .revwoh eht ,meht era zurC si eh saw elyts-nrho doof nur ni ot eb a ot ym ti sa fo s o t i r u b tnaruseR renwo ¬ixeM .more ts toh zurC dna enirambus fehc ,dnA tsal ¬rup ocixeM nigro ,ocixeM saw fo ¬er dna .unem gniht fo eh did tiP e t a u d r g doof sih ,23 rof 06 a ,otam ehT tsom yt rof eht dias dna ehS" owt dias retiaw dna tup ta owt eH htiw srep stib pid lE nedloG stnec ,ste b hcus stnec htrow tenalP ,sg e alon rg unem Otnu hcnul sevr s .m.p nepO doof ,ereh noitces eW" unem gnisnaL reteb esuac erots naht ehT dnA ereh ohw kniht s en oT" evres ",taem mT dered tnaru t eohtnti retfA semit 522 namow er hT dnuof etlpmoC smorhu ,decaf-npo elbaiv ,elpmeT tahW tnemrosa ,stuorps dexim smeti .05.2$ .gniyrt stndenrifkid .sdals .52.1$ ruos efoc .gnisolc Otnu ,yliad morf tuohiw ylacisab .yeltraP detsret reht w evah .erhpsomta htiw )sg e yeht tsuj lamS taht ".erofb dluow dluow gnirud ,oyhelwtraP nairtegv revn srenwo nairB saw gniredo ehS" .denuot ,yldim tnaruse ke w nnA ohw saw serap yramotsuc .ocetzA gnivres .2$ tuB larutaN si fo ,fo ot ti a moc osla dna edam no alitrot a ro dna eht dna yna dah eht esitrvda fo eht ro ni eht saDirot sevr s .spihc snoi ,seotam demarc ,elomacug ,unem socat gnolA emas eyr ew eht stinoc ,sren id detlm ,elomacug devrs ylno elpmeT ,rev woh tnaruse .se hc semdauseb ,sne rg ekohcitra sdal s gni aR erehT s'tnaru e ,tsaot laiceps ehT .m.p litstnafuk erb DamS .m.a ".taem s'tahT" dhotlaoefhyeht elpoep taerg citsur ylurt stnaru e yerviraesd rehtona tenalP dluow evah egaruocsid nageb DamS ".taem dezilar DamS ,yeltraP ne b dretliaowt t'nseod ,yros .regubmahyrecorg larutan htnom ni ro dna eno fo dna eht eht owt fo sa lla si dna sti 5 eht 01 era a .renid eht fo eta nairetgv-ocal era a a tI tsal .tS ta a " , t n a r u s e ta l af rof si ylaiceps fo gnivres ohw epyt si eb r e v t a h w ehs gnimoc saw evres sdo f tuoba DamS dna ",gnidemocr Llaf l a r u t a n ahtiw lOdseuQ devrs on¬epepalj,sodacv soiched xautnraCS sotirub htiw sehsid dna morf tner fid hci w htiw ,sgni ev eht dna rev n fo eno tub del if a caech ,stuorps hciwdnas .sehciwdnas ,slor sevr s naeb ,straeh edulcni DamS ¬laiceps ,do g hcihw ,stel mo gni rom ren id ,.m.p tenalP litnu cinhte esuaceb ".ton emoc -sorc euqinu tsaE stcudorp sdo f erom .emahs netae elpoep ,4791 ¬isub dias tenalP t'ndid .tenalP ereh .reh ,1$ gge eno a eht ew ehs emac e rht tenalP dega-l im fo ni si 1 ro era sdo f era fo dna fo fo ni dna ta ¬ni ¬ot si dna na 57 dna 01 owt 9 ¬ni fo eht ¬eb( I" sa eht eht ¬sa oT yna siht ¬ro ¬ser — eht eht sti na Dt era eht entsiuc Duf yad nO .nja ,doof dexim ,puos euqinu ,ekahslim laem reht W .derutaef dal s enid yadsruhT suoicled ,aputoes f yadseuT hlacicaeeps decirp ,puos ot edulc tser yadrutaS ,ocetzA DehAt htiw aDtp as te ws ne rg detl m nairtegv ecalp ot der fo tub rof eht ro a maerts dna osla hcanips yad dal s si si ta 3$ deunitoc( fo eht dna 11 hcihw .yenoh taht elihc es hc deirf-ped ,egap ke w litnu nepo sren id netae ,srep dna sa .njp si citoxe ,unem tae DamS tsuj nosrep deiruc yrev ea he desalhsc eht htiw dna na si ot ynwatgiluM elyts-kerG fo tiucsah -sehsid ton tenalP stnaw selbatgv ecir dna a )51 03:8 yadirF eht a ro — na ta a era morf spirts larut n rof torac era dna do g .eip nel .ke w tner fid ,e rtne si a a ereh rednu .njp dna Q gnip ird delac dna 11 a a fo elotS sah anoD/,weN ylmleF s'rag eB — d e p — hserF yrtsap feeb rof snoilacs enaiD ret owT .stnelat elcat retiaw oethnti nehctik eparG a r w ,05.01$ dna .05.31$ feeb s'tnaru e htiw taht erofeb derap nevE notgiDeW ,telif kaetS ¬teb gnikoc ¬ceps hcae thguorb eritne ehT rieht — dalaS ,rev woh niolredn t feeB ariedaM ylfret ub sren id yalpsid htob mo r sle hw .seod ren am rof a era fo eht dna a fo no no si nA ,sremotuc erap stnaru e od ti ni eht ira .srenid ylaus derap hcanipS ,evis rpmi dna edislbat gnitup gninid eniV tnagvrxe enon sehsid hguohT erofeb sredo dna unem yojne USM ,wahsd rB ytilaceps sretiaw ediserif stnaru e tsol yawevird dna tniap htiw dnarG edistuo ko b eparG e « r e h t e m o s g ni eht n ii n i d t t n a e r h f i t d sah no i ehT ko c rega nnA si hcnerF-ytuo ta rieht " . e l b a t g n fo enisuc thgir elpoep edis lbat ruO" ,do f edisnI ,edis etihw dervoc 8572 ehT .gnirevoc rehtael ehT i e s . dna e t a u d r g t n a s i sah eht eht ehT ",sehid .elbatc ed gninid tsaE doof ¬nam yraM dna ,tnas elp .gnis aL tsenif selohkcu ,sdraob tnaru se evitc orp enif dias ot era l a n o s r e p si ni si eno fo eht gib dluoc eht tsew eht teg ni . m e h t era eht os g n si i l e p eulb bals ta r e v i R fo eht htiw eniV al i s i ekil eparG EDISLBAT evitaoni teuqnaB doof a eht A" e c u a s si ni eht eb a no . e v A a ni eht tol ruo rac ni eht si ta gorF ;54.7$ etihw ;59.6$ era od ,57.2$ naP eW" enod enod ehT eht" edisni kcutS ekohotl ,swod s'mo r sgeL dna smorhu eniw deR deliorB r e h t O gnis erd .renam ,lew s'e rT red al dnoces lams tnaru t edisnI denmocr od sih eht emeht sihT" .dias yna eW" siH eniw dal s emase siH tnorf srenwo decaf nitraM droietni lo-htnmxis gnihtyrev eht rof tseb eht naP eniV SEHSID yltcaxe si elbat riap ta — rof detnaw gnolbo ecnarte eht n.roAlf ecifo 723 eht eW" M etsat htiw a ot rof emos dna dna aeS eparG tub y a w niam ot t'nod — krad de s fo hciwdnas fo ecifo .59.6$ ,rep anS eniV gnimalf d57n.a2$ htiw fo eno ",ti ti a ev ileb yrev ybuR gni ord dna s'rag eB gdnraoebl ,.drrahJciR ni retae .taht t.deda naruse eht ot ni ylno dlo no naP ylausn sdnomla devrs dekab spolacS .tres d seir hC ot gni d ta a eb tsom dna toN tnaruse srenwo yDausn esitrvda si fo eht eht ,epahs yaw erif dna a tob A eb ylno der l or — toh teW" 'nseod ruo s'reg B tfeeb naruse ,teuqnaB — .aera sti ot daoR e rT a na do g htiw setirovaf ,e libuJ ylhgih nocab eerT cilrag nworb tsaor ot ni fo lausn roced ylno evah eht ".dog deulcs ,",teuqnaB gnitekram .evitcnsd .tenrbaC ycips ¬retla ot gniyas sl aw ¬revo ¬niw eht epacse ¬ser si dna dna rof ni rof si si ,demarf-ls a tub nwo tas eno tsuj yl aer 5 on ,ke w yadnuS nepo ehT ".aer unem eW" evitca eevhigt ylthgirb .shto b dnuof morf tsoP eothnti naP enO woN" luaP e foc evitan edam der o ta fo yadrutaS .wahsdrB senisub osla ot ,sthgilyks Diswodn .ecifO eehrTt kniht reganm ,resaK spohs evah ".etsa a eht ,stnalP elbatkrm ew ,nailatI htiw .hcnul elbat eruhotf -niht sdnats TCART 01 si ekil sih ,dratsum ehT rof ni I drahciR n sevr s .m.p si morf eno sevloe eparG .dnA ot do g ,erhpsomta yb ta morf gnola eht etsegral rsuuaoceB" gnirud egral tnaruse derolc gnola yreve gndinleac eht detrvnoc etunim ".tpecno eevwah htiw eht rehto od egral dna tsomla fo a a hcnul ono nt ot ren id ,eniV enivparG demlhwrvo a eht 5 eht ni ",hcnul miJ renwo c morf ftsfeir .m.p 11 yadirF ylevil ,slarum swodni htiw ne wteb nac ,snezod 4391 a 8 htiw ltiaf ,daoR dnA ueDqeB etaL on hcihw ni emulov eh yb a ",aer tuB on 03:1 eht dna ,.m.p dna eht hcnul dias retam dna yeht dna eht eht ,renoc gnah .S.U sklaw eht yrev .edaW dna dias ruoh-42 l'uoy ta gnihton 4791 tsevraH drants si fo eb s'rageB morf sdnats ,smrofinu no no dnif 3791 .tefie ■ tuo eht ruo ototS nifum sgnir ,anut dna era tsil dnuora dna .m.a eht rof ehciuQ s'ogacihC emhortf aedi yrtnuoc eW" egral sertn ,ecifo sexob euqitna ,edih ehT tahw ni la hguodrs smorhu woges H sehciwdna sehciwdna hcnul .0n3jp:2 ,ti tsoM ot SRENID eht eht fo fo deunitoc( teiortreFD eniaroL cigaM ,)rtsueow repeP rruoof resa",unemK etnepryftid orwotf delvart .unem eht ylno trefveo l ni-tfaw iwn lausn eemhitt htiw euqinu dna ,eseht ,teuqnaB — si treboR/,wN .3$ delirg es hc anuT yifanotpex seltab rof no fo tao dna toniP .52- $ no dna dal S daerb gnomA no era gnola 812 ta radefc tsaor htrow eht era ,seitlacps egap ".serP epicer naP sep rc DiM eguh .dias sraey tiurf eW" sehsid dnuora dehctam eht dna gmltar ,roced ta morf tluav yad ecifo s'rageB yanuodrahC ladnefmZ .ruqiar — fo Holz K ia - fo .egral htiw s'tnarue ti rof dna a( elpani etiuq tob A l frG )11 yb .>i«f .si — 092$ es hc Leeb gniyrt laus n decirp sdal s morf ruo morf niahc dal s tog gniko l eht eht tsop ¬liam hcihw rof na stI