Carter: sacrifice for conservation's sake ■khINGTON (AP) — President Jimmy Carter aaked the front of him. principles used to formulate his program. • Establish a stragetic petroleum reserve of one billion barrels, ■ Monday night to make sacrifices and aupport what he called Wearing a presidential dark blue suit and a light blue shirt. "We must be fair," he said. "Our solutions must ask equal enough to keep the nation going through at least a six-month anful unpopular programa to conaerve energy becauae "the Carter told reporters beforehand he would rather have worn the sacrifices from every region, every class of people, every interest interruption of petroleum supplies. live may be a national catastrophe." sweater he donned for his informal fireside chat earlier this year. " group. Industry will have to do its part to conserve, just as " the exception of preventing war," Carter said in a "But I couldn't," he said, apparently referring to the more consumers will. The energy producers deserve fair treatment, but • Increase coal production by about two-thirds to more than one eddress, "this U the greatest challenge our country will serious nature of this address. we will not let the oil companies profiteer." billion tons a year. rinc our lifetimes. The energy crisis has not yet Carter told the nation his energy proposals "will cause you to To meet the energy challenge, Carter set seven goals to be met • Insulate 90 per cent of American homes and all new ',!bned us, but it will U we do not act quickly." put up with inconveniences and to make sacrifices. Many of these by the nation by 1985: buildings. • Use solar energy in more than 2.5 million houses. war„ed that the nation's oil and gas supplies are running proposals will be unpopular." • Reduce the growth rate of U.S. energy demand from its 3.5 per El that reserves in other parts of the worid will not be able to However, he stressed, the energy crisis "will get worse every cent or 4 per cent a year to less than 2 per cent. A draft of White House proposals obtained by news media ,e rising demand for more than a few years longer. day until we set." showed that Carter was seriously considering a "standby" gasoline jooke from his Oval Office desk, looking directly into Carter declined to unveil the details of his program. The chief • Cut gasoline demand 10 per cent below current levels. tax reaching as high as 50 cents a gallon, taxes ranging from $412 on cameras, a slight frown on his face. Former President executive plans to do that when he addresses Congress on • Cut oil imports, currently close to 9,million barrels per day, to $2,500 on gas-guzzling automobiles and price hikes on oil and I Truman's "The buck stops here" sign was on the desk in Wednesday. Instead, he cited specific goals to be achieved and the down to about 6 million barrels a day. natural gas in general. 'U' fails to meet VOLUME 71 NUMBER 63 TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 )Jwomen hiring goals faculty for By KRISTIN VAN VORST A total of have been added loducf/on seven women State New. Staff Writer to the tenure stream since 1972, according to MSU has failed to meet its hiring goals for affirmative action reports. And out of 2,204 women since its affirmative action faculty members now under tenure rules, program was implemented in 1970, 283 are women. In 1972 there were 276. according to j yviolate University affirmative action statistics. In The fall 1976 affirmative action report to 1973 a goal of 15.7 per cent women in the the MSU Board of Trustees stated, 'The tenure stream faculty for 1977 was set but total number of tenure stream faculty in fall women now make up only 12.7 1976 was precisely the same in fall 1971." per cent of Ideral law that group. In 1970 a goal of 14.7 per cent for 1973 was projected, but women still made up only 12.3 However, the report failed to mention that the number of faculty in the tenure stream steadily increased until 1974 when it per cent of the faculty under tenure rules in peaked at 2,282. By JOHN CASEY 1973. The largest period of growth since 1970 and As a response to the dismal figures, the was in the first two years. In 1970 women JOE PIZZO made up 11 per cent of the tenure stream University has scuttled the percentage i State News Staff Writers method of evaluating affirmative action faculty. In 1971 they made up 11.6 per cent |^ng a last-minute cancellation, the success and will instead focus on the number of the faculty and in 1972 the figure reached bing Arts Company (PAC) will pre- of actual appointments into the tenure 12.3 per cent. £quus" tonight in direct violation of stream in developing future goals. During Since 1972 the percentage of women at Epyright laws, according to the play's the last academic year, for example, the MSU under tenure rules has risen .5 per cent Hit owner. goals for appointments were revised, but — less than the increase between 1970 and ■would cancel the performance if we the percentages were ignored. 1971. |t hear (affirmatively) from French," Under this new policy, tjie number of "The figures are accurate. But there are J Rutledge, Theatre Department women in the tenure stream is viewed as awful lot of variables," Perrin said. lerson, said Monday, more important than their percentage in an He added that people do not realize "the lever, this permission will not be relation to the number of men. rate you have to hire to nudge the »ming, according to a spokesperson Susan Hughes, assistant to the vice Je amateur leasing department of percentages up. It is a valid point to consider president for University and federal rela¬ that is overlooked lot of the time. ll French, Ltd., the sole agent for the tions, said percentages are not a good way to a Jperformance rights. look at goals because they do not take into "The University's commitment to affirma¬ ■Michigan, the amateur rights to account turnover and losses within depart¬ tive action is solid," Perrin said. "Overall, W are not available until July 1.1977," ments. MSU has made a reasonable effort. There Ve Harbison said Monday. Hughes said the original projection have been no instances of deliberate I 17 of the U.S. Copyright Code predicted an increase of 19 appointments resistance to affirmative action." Its performance of dramatic worka into the tenure stream but was increased to Within the tenure stream ranks, less than [fit unless permission is secured and 28 in 1975. Twenty-three appointments 9 per cent of the tenured faculty are es paid to the copyright holder, were actually made. Hughes said the currently women. Only one out of seven jrding to Rutledge, the MSU Pur- revision was made because the percentages tenure appointments since 1969 has been a k Department sent a direct payment predicted for 1973 were off and because woman. Jr to secure amateur performance openings and turnover were higher than Three hundred and fifty-two faculty ■from the agency in August. expected. members were given tenure with 308 of er. Harbison claimed there was However, a major reason cited in past them men and 44 women, according to the -Jiy correspondence between the APWirephoto years for not reaching affirmative action Compilation of Data on Faculty, Staff and „ht agency and MSU concerning the sions to the opposition in an effort to end the vio¬ goals was the lack of turnover in the tenure Students at MSU done by the Office of Jtion of rights for "Equus." An injured women's group member is helped by a stream opening new positions to be filled by lent opposition that came after elections last Institutional Research. ■'re going to have to close the show," policewoman during antigovernment protests in women. Pakistan. After five weeks of turmoil, Prime month. Dissidents claim that the election process on said, adding that he would notify Goals for the 1976-77 academic year were Fifty-three per cent of all women under leatre Department of this by tele- Minister Zuifikar Ali Bhutt offered some conces- was fraudulent. tenure rules are tenured, while 81 per cent originally set at 19 appointments but of the men are. ■id the PAC production go on as changed to 32 in 1975. Hughes said future goals would be worked The difference in percentages of tenured (led, the agency said it may assess ndous" royalties and possibly initiate MAYOR GIVES REZONING REACTION out on the appointment basis for the next three-year plan. men and tenured women has actually increased since 1969 — the year before Ktion. for affirmative action was implemented. In is "Equus" were based on the Though there have been 773 tenure 1969,67 per cent of men under tenure rules | lethat amatuer rights would be stream appointments since July 1971 with Vote called were tenured and 48 per cent of the women 'premature' by the opening night, Rutledge 188 of them women, the total number of were. The difference in the percentages tenure stream faculty has not grown by that between men and women was 19 per cent ledge gambled that 'Equus' was to amount. then, but it has now grown to 28 ner cent. linently released." "Our units have to do a lot better," Perrin 1o it all the time," he said, adding Robert Perrin, vice president for Univer¬ recommendation. said. "We hope in setting our goals we will be ■most all student productions have By GEORGIA HANSHEW sity and federal relations, said the 773 figure State News Staff Writer "The vote last week was a realistic one," Johnson said, "and it indicates losses and gains within depart¬ able to get more realistic appraisals from the it paid royalties, reflected a majority of the commissioners' views. ments and turnover. units." e commented that "nobody has An unexpected vote last week by the East Lansing Planning Commission to recommend rezoning land for the proposed 'To send (the recommendation) back at this time would only be J)nance to getofupset" concerning the illegal theatrical Dayton-Hudson Mall has been labeled "premature" by Mayor needless delay. productions, lam N. Hughes, assistant dean of the George Griffiths, and he will ask City Council tonight to send back the commission's recommendation. 'The investigation we did was reassuring to a majority of the W of Arts and Letters, said Monday In a 5-4 vote that caught even most commissioners by surprise, commissioners." TENURE STREAM FIGURES ■titledge informed him the rights for the planning commission jumped a month or two ahead of its Johnson also responded to Griffiths' concerns about voting on ■s" were "up for grabs." rezoning before the State Boundary Commission decides whether »as my belief that expected timetable to recommend rezoning Dayton-Hudson Rutledge once had property in northwest East Lansing from agricultural to to annex 24 acres of Lansing Township land to East Lansing. YEAR MEN WOMEN TOTAL Pts (to "Equus") in the past, but they commercial. "As far as helping us decide whether we are basically in favor of 1949 1S76 221 2097 n suspended," he said, the project, I don't think that information would be necessary," 237 2152 Griffiths said he feels the commission needs "at least another mo 1915 fng a conversation that Rutledge said three mo&ths" to consider the effects the Dayton-Hudson project Johnson said. mi 1941 256 2204 would have on the north sector of East Lansing. Ralph Monsma, a planning commissioner who voted last week 274 2257 ^ withi Dean Richard E. Sullivan of of Arts "I would hope they (commissioners) could be convinced that against rezoning the Dayton-Hudson property, approved of 1972 1991 and Letters, the 1973 1990 276 2266 »a their vote on the matter was premature," Griffiths said. Griffiths' move to send back the recommendation. concerning rights to "Equus" was 1974 2001 251 2232 td- He said he would like to see the planning commission table the "I certainly would concur with that kind of action," Monsma Rutledge said he informed said. "All of a sudden we came up with a decision without the 1975 1939 233 2222 1 ot a solution performance issue until more commissioners are in agreement. 2204 — 1976 1921 213 ition. "When it does come to us again," he said, "I hope it's not by public knowing we were going to do it. It was premature as far as I'm concerned." another 54 vote." i, attempted to be reached for Paula Johnson, planning commission chairperson, defended the He said May or June should be the earliest date for such a J"t Monday, Sullivan was out-of-town decision by the planning commission. ■versity business. commission's vote and objected to Griffiths' proposal to return its Mail delivery ito promises over dump site >ubletalk,' subcommittee says on Saturday inside «1 promises ""up near that Michigan can veto a proposed nuclear Alpena were nothing but "contrived and ERDA olucials anuuuuceu the underground salt beds last year that they were considering in Alpena, Montgomery and Presque The Pulitzer prize winning may cease 8 doubletalk," according to a Congressional subcom- Isle counties as a possible dump for the dangerous radioactive feature photograph for 1977 WASHINGTON (UPI) - A federal wastes produced by nuclear power plants. decorates page 2. commission Monday called for an end to tiMEner?y snd Development Administration) Michigan is one of 36 states under consideration as a site. Saturday mail delivery and recommended Gov. William G. Milliken and other state officials have E, W'rtdmg .the 1*,ue of state veto constitutes carefully contrived demanded that they be given a veto over the project and any that President Jimmy Carter and Congress doubletalk." said a report Issued Monday by the consider instant satellite and wire transmis¬ «ee. Under ERDA's guidelines "the state is left withhut future exploration for a dump. However, current law allows the sion of letters by the U.S. Postal Service. t 7*7 rote. » federal government to locate a dump without the state's weather It also called for an immediate govern¬ ■2? T,ylor' Maukw>'« *to»oo adviser, said the governor Milliken apparently thought he had that veto power when ment appropriation of $625 million to wipe I 2r0Ce" of working out an agreement with ERDA as a former ERDA administrator Robert Seam ana promised the state a The forecast for today is out the service's operating deficit and for I" Tztr 40 th*,uu tat yMr 0,14 wiu "d#>riy limited veto based on specific safety and environmental issues in a gloomy, if you prefer sunny skies. Thundershowers will be increased federal subsidization through at least 1985. fad,the agreement stOl In draft form and not yet September 1976 letter. "ERDA's promise of meaningful state involvement is largely likely and the high will be in the The commission was created last year to EoS '<* ERDA to "cease any operations within Michigan illusory," the report said. "Public participation is likely to be consider possible solutions to growing ISa W W1 to come to an agreement on the progress financial problems of the nation's mail restricted to a series of well-intentioned but ineffective public fJr,with "«> state. Taylor said he did not think the state service. ■ 'or anything less than a full veto. hearings." 2 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 19 , Officials push for delai WASHINGTON (AP) - The tion. and both the House and Senate the future unless the environ¬ Carter Administration urged Thomas Murphy, chairperson are considering bills that would mental agency chief decidea by on Monday that tougher con¬ of General Motors, said the delay implementation of the 1980 that health requirements trols on automobile pollution be proposals would mean more tougher rules. The automakers dictate a standard of 0.4 grams delayed at least one year. gasoline consumption and are supporting a delay of at per mile beginning 1983. At the same time, the ad would "increase the price-of least two years and a less tough Douglas M. Coetle, ad¬ ministration asked Congress new cars with no added value to nitrogen oxide standard. ministrator of the Environ¬ for standby authority to impose the buyer and almost unmea- The Carter proposal recom¬ mental Protection Agency, said a tax of $65 to $120 on 1983 surable added benefit to the mended that: the tax would be sought if he model cars that fail to meet atmosphere." •The statutory standard for decides by 1980 that no more tough nitrogen oxide standards Current pollution standards hydrocarbona of .41 grams per than 0.4 grams per mile of which may be imposed in that require thai cars emit no more mile be met beginning with the nitrogen oxides should be emit¬ model year. The tax would go than 1.5 grams per mile of 1979 model year, a one year ted by 1983 automobileae' into effect only if the tougher hydrocarbons, 15.0 grams per delay from the current time¬ He said the tax would reflect standard is imposed and would mile of carbon monoxide, and table; the money an auto manufactur¬ remain in effect only until the 2.0 grams per mile of nitrogen •The standard for carbon er could save by not meeting cars were able to meet it. A oxides. monoxide should be set at 9.0 the tougher standard and decision on whether a tougher These standards are grams per mile in 1979 and 3.4 would be in effect only until standard is needed will be made scheduled to be lowered for grams per mile beginning with they were in compliance. in 1980. 1978 models to no more than .41 the 1981 model year, a three- "The company would pay the The head of the nation's grams per mile of hydrocar- year delay from the current tax but the added cost would be an largest automaker called the bons, 3.4 grams per mile of timetable. passed on to the consumer," impair^ administration's proposals in¬ carbon monoxide and 0.4 grams •And the standard for nitro¬ Costle said at a briefing for compatible with the govern¬ per mile of nitrogen oxides. gen oxides should be set at 2.0 reporters at the White House. ment's goals of energy conser¬ However, automakers say they grams per mile in 1979 and at He said it would apply only to vation and reduction of infla¬ cannot reach those standards, 1.0 grams per mile in 1981 and new cars and added; "We're not Carter urges cuts for sav/ng WASHINGTON (AP) He also urged Congress to had been on his "hit list." have been - fighting fiercely for President Jimmy Carter said delete funding for three addi¬ Carter placed 30 of the them. tional projects, but said he uaiin Monday that Congress should projects on the list last month, Carter turned to two further works program kill 15 water projects and cut might recommend full or partial saying they should be reviewed projects Monday, recommend¬ where they are "provia»| funding for five others in order funding for them after further to see whether they are waste¬ ing no further funding for the needed!! to save $4 billion in federal analysis. The President recom¬ ful, unsafe or environmentally Columbia Dam in Tennessee a cost we can afford.jl mended full funding for the unsound. Members of Congress pushing necessary mal money and help preserve the and full funding for the Bear In environment. remaining nine projects that in whose states they are located Creek Project in Alaska anA calculating the Mil savings, Carter addedtogl Mississippi. the costs of Congress has the final compl(|ii|l CAMPAIGN NEWS GARNERS TOP PRIZE over how much money each say project of that portiea| project which he nw project gets. Stuart Eizenstat, mends be scrapped or atl Pulitzer winners named the President's domestic policy He figured the adviser, declined to say scrapped projects at gjl savispdf whether Carter would veto any and the savings fnxntkl projects Congress funds NEW YORK (AP) - Walter Mears of The international reporting. against his recommendation. tied projects at 11,50,1 Associated Press won the Pulitzer Prize for •Upgrading the pT ■The other 1977 Pulitzer awards: "We don't want to burn any ment's dam safety and U national reporting Monday for his coverage of Editorial writing — Warren L. Lerude, Foster bridges before we get to the tion program because'il last year's presidential primaries and the Church and Normal F. Cardoza, of the Reno, lake," Eizenstat said. of the projects examiaedj campaign and election. Nev., Evening Gazette and Nevada State In announcing his decisions, significant safety quotid A second AP newsman, Neal Ulevich, shared Journal. Carter also urged "major policy the award for spot news photography with Editorial cartooning reforms" in dam safety, project •Use of more realistic J — Paul Szep, of the est rates and c Stanley Forman of the Boston Herald- Boston Globe. evaluation standards, cost shar¬ initial costs in c American. Spot news photography — Neal Ulevich of The ing with beneficiaries of the price of projects to iti The Lufkin, Tex., News, a small Associated Press and Stanley Forman of the projects, water conservation newspaper, enormous cost overrun id with limited resources, won the public service Boston Herald-American. and the use of dams, reservoirs award for bringing about fundamental reforms in Feature photography — Robin Hood of the and waterways to create jobs. of so many water project! the recruiting and training practices of the U.S. •Closer scrutiny olthclf India to probe Sanjay's business deals Marine Corps. Chattanooga News-Free Press. Carter said he does not intend to stop reviewing the ficiaries of projects "lea Commentary — George F. Will of the sure that the general« The award for general local reporting went to nation's water policies and Washington Post Writers Group. pro¬ benefiting — not merely ■ NEW DELHI, India (UPI) — The Indian versial 30-year-old son of former Prime Margo Huston of the Milwaukee Journal for an Criticism — William McPherson of the Wash¬ grams. row or special interests.' investigation into nursing homes, where she | government hos seized the passports of Minister Indira Gandhi. ington Post. Among his proposed reforms, . (More equitable eh San jay Gandhi and two associates to stop The government also found conditions "miserable." The Pulitzers announced Carter urged: "the enormous apL impounded the were by Columbia Acel Moore and Wendell Rawls Jr. of the them from leaving the country pending passports of former Defense Minister University upon recommendation of an advisory •Recognition that "water is operating costs" ol p an investigation into their business Bonsi Lai. a close associate of Philadelphia Inquirer won the award in special board on the prizes. Jurors in the individual not free" and that future water with their beneficiaries I Sanjay's local reporting for an investigation into the dealings, officials announced Monday. during his mother's 21 months of categories submitted reports to the board. treatment of the criminally insane at Fairview The Pulitzers were endowed by the late The Slot* News it published The Foreign Office said all airports, emergency rule, and of Dhirendra State Hospital. by the itwdentt of Michigon Stole University tve Foil Winter ond Sprang school terms Mondoy. Wednetdoy and Mop publisher Joseph Pulitzer and were awarded Ml seaports and land exit stations have been Brahmachari, head of a yoga school and a There was no award given this year for first in 1917. Summer Term, ond a special Welcome Week edition it published in Septt addition of an extra something that is written with tailed "back-beat." In an the recording medium in mind," p Marcus said he feels he said. portant to add. to the pf the magazine, and he Jsted to see if the new meets with Iher acceptance. STAINED GLASS A COLLEGE RING. reason for the ad- WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK ) that we have been OF TOOLS AND MATERIALS . . . te well financially, and EUROPEAN OPALS JUST ARRIVED Bed to plow the money —S«WS Ml ■KMC) It's a symbol for life > i1 FREE PARKING Steak 2.24 IV Jumbo Fried Shrimp 2.51 'Steak 2.14 Ocean Fried Perch 1.74 hops 2.20 Steak burferno soled 1.21 Chicken 2.04* Athenean Soled 1.50 •Special Chopped Sirloin t.M Baked Potato, Salad and Texas Toast included in above orderi 3020 E. Kalamazoo St. - Ph. 137- 2210 flowers, flowers everywhere. . .Miss J brings you bright little bits of spring to wear with everything from sportswear to prom dresses. . .wispy, fabric blossoms in assorted garden varieties and hues for your hair, wrist, neck or lapel. Shown here from the selection, by Adrian. A. Grosgrain ribbon bracelet. $3 B. Grosgrain ribbon choker. $4 Josten's C. is a ring for life Daisy bouquet pin. $3 D. Three-blossom hair comb. $3 ■IWIMUY wM - „ Available at the Bookstore L^MMUMMOOMl j FROM OUR AHUi . }>»»*«»■*» Hg '30 Trowbridge Rd. . E. Lansing LJW Allegan St.. Lonslna JacobSoriB Available at 6 Michigon State News, East loosing, Michigan Toe,day, April |9, ^ Golfers find g0rJ for 10th in By JOHN SINGLER Kepljj State New. Sport. Writer ■ After two trips over Ohio State's famed 1 past weekend, end, ithe MSU men's golf team Scarle, r finsii tenth^Le'T tS?^' rebuilding tough layout and salvaged Rogers resumes Tmrit atiAnnl Invitational. "Give all the credit to the golfers for „„ • A Bruce Fossum, Spartan head coach. "They deX^'J also said the return of All-Big MSU senior captain Gary effort, firing a 54-hole total Domagalski^ of 225, (J have with kids n for u campus. If we find Gibson is our good ByTOMSHANAHAN State News Sports Writer as we n working on an off season pro Rogers said of the incoming best tailback and we can find a Ten selections Kim Rowekamp individually. ^ for iW ^ Ohio State'a scarlet team won the tourney bvi. freshmen, "There's receiver to replace him at and Tom Graves would add Spring drills means football gram," Rogers said. "Our speed no sense is back today and that means work has improved tremen¬ counting on anything or anyone flanker we may move him." experience and strength to the over second-place Marshall. The Buckeyes' third, 18 shots back of the Thundering Herd J 8 N until he's here and producing." But Rogers said if the Spar defense. Rowekamp will be able Darryl Rogers is back attempt dously." ing to put his type of football Rogers, an offensive minded Rogers added that the team's tans are going to be a winning to work out this spring, but Minnesota's Miles Prestemon was medalist ,hM1 „ 1 coach, is also looking forward to No. 1 and 2 priorities are team and if MSU is to have a Graves is still sidelined until topping Ball State's Seott Steger by one stroke S ™ 1 team together in his second the return of 1976's No. 1 Big tailback and defense. winning program, the defense the fall. Both are still recover final-round 71. slel!»h|l year at MSU. M&U wound up The Californian is working on Ten quarterback in Ed Smith "From the offensive side of will have to be much improved. ing from knee injuries suffered Friday's first round 201 h in the n ] speed, passing and defense to bring MSU out of its NCAA and his receivers. "We believe we have two of the football the greatest question is who is going to play He pointed to the strength up the middle of tackles Melvin in the 1975 season. Sunday a'ter Second round finish^ Ities probation problems. But he's the finest receivers as there are tailback? We don't have any Land and Larry Bethea and Rogers' biggest concern, Domagalski was the picture of consistency over weekend and strung together rounds of tk-J IALE in the nation in Kirk Gibson and experience there," he said. inside linebackers Paul Rudzin 75,76 anrf Inial. counting on the veterans as though, is the defensive sec well as the new crop of fresh Eugene Byrd," he said. "And "We're considering moving ski and Dan Bass. Larry ondary. It was weak last year third in the same tourney last year. ^'1 hile Home, s loaded with backs we also feel Mark Brammer will Kirk Gibson to tailback." Savage is being moved to and Rogers has some experi¬ Mark Brooks was steady, too, shooting a 77 and, j Freshman Rick Grover shot 76 on Saturday anH 77V■ J jnmoge Sal. and be an improved tight end after Rogers revealed. "The first outside linebacker. menting in mind. j» FOUND "We haven't improved our leading the team in receptions thing we're going to do is check finishing with 234. " before Mike Cobb finished the what tailbacks have Last year's top recruit, Mike Fossum was "very pleased" with Mark t>NAL speed with freshmen as much we on Emphasizing the if, Rogers Eglev SPERSOI Marshall, will remain as a Delaney. Egley shot 76 Sunday, for a total of 241 Darryl Rogers closed his weekend with a pair of 79s for 242. ■estate defensive back with Mark 1 Iation OUTFIELDER DOES WELL AT PLATE Anderson, who saw some action freshman. Reserve offense. Joe Marx completed the Spartans' Grover fired an 81 Friday, including a front scoring with a 241 I Tce as a nine of si Fossum is looking for the five low golfers in each •ruction quarterback Ken Robinson, This year's spring drills cul¬ tou score right around 75 and was who will miss spring practice minate May 21 with a varsity- pleased with Sunday's somM Weston swings into record book while playing on the baseball team, is being moved to the secondary, as is Dave Radelet and Terry Williams from the alumni game. Earl Morral is coaching the alumni team that features many stars from step in that direction. The Spartans shot 74,76 77 ujjl hit by Bailey Oliver. Two more But aside from his personal MSU's illustrious past. ByMIKELITAKER By the time the current State News Sports triples will tie him for third goals, the veteran fly-chaser TONIOHT Writer ■IISTIB IN MTftOIT! BUT RIAL A1 Weston didn't end, Weston will have set as place in that department, too. has a couple of team goals in plan on It SHOWING IT UNCUT!! many as five Spartan career The secret to Weston's mind before calling it quits at becoming an author when he entered MSU in the fall of 1973. But since that time, the senior batting marks. Quite an accomplishment for amazing credentials is less of a mystery when you consider Kobs Field. Win streak broken; "SUPERB PORW. Oo It MVV a guy who only stretches the that the MSU iron-man has "I'd like to get my name on outfielder has written his own missed only one game in his the top ol the lists around version of the baseball record tape out at 5-foot 9. but has won book. virtually every individual honor that a college ballplayer can four years as a starter in the outfield. The one contest that here," said Weston matter-of- factly. "But my main team goal stickmen lose, 7-1 lor superior to Tbo Story 0t*MT I he missed came this spring is to win the Big Ten and get to Last season he was named to when he sat out a game in Omaha to see what that's like." The good thing came to an the three-game victory level onltlmhaMiiiJ the AU-American team and was Texas while Spartan skipper And there's the matter of end Sunday for MSU's lacrosse Friday when they bombed an all-Big Ten pick for the Danny Litwhiler took a look at doing what every kid dreams of squad. The Spartans saw their Hillsdale, 12 7. Kevin Willitts second time after being runner- some of his other players. doing from the time he's big three-game winning streak collected five goals while Tim up in the conference batting "I guess I was any early enough to grip a baseball — halted by Notre Dame, 7-1, at Flanagan notched two goals race with a .450 average. maturer at the plate," said playing pro ball. South Bend. and two assists to pace the The Hazel Park slugger is Weston, who hit .527 and .488 Spartan attack. For Weston that dream could Mike closing fast on the MSU batting his last two years at Hazel Park Waring notched MSU's become a reality in June when MSU travels to Bowling statistics that took a similar before "tailing off" to a .300 only goal with Kevin Willitts the major league teams hold Green for a Midwest Lacrosse transformation six years ago hitter for the Spartans. adding an assist. their annual summer draft. The Association contest Wednes when Rob Ellis and Ron Pruitt "I realized the pitching was The stickmen had reached Seattle Mariners have a defin¬ were enjoying all-American going to be a lot tougher but I ite interest in making him part still dream of hitting over .500," of their expansion future. Last week against Albion, explained Weston on how it Weston surpassed Gary was for him to break into "That's No. 1 on my indi¬ Boyce's record of 142 hits in a college ball and become a power vidual list," conceded the Spar¬ career and currently stands at hitter. tan cocaptain. 'To perform well 150 going into today's double- "It's not really a matter of enough to get drafted and if I TONIOHT header with Central Michigan power, it's hitting the ball keep playing well I'll reach my SHOWTIME.: 7:00.1:30, 10:00 SHOWPtACE: lOOEn, Women get at Mount Pleasant. Against Minnesota on Sun¬ day he knocked in the 100th run of his MSU career to put him square and how fast you get the bat around," continued Weston, who frequently alters his style of swing with men on base. JIM POST ADMISSION: 'J.50 Student.: '3.S0 faculty t Staff behind only Ron Pruitt's 103. Weston has had plenty of Pruitt is presently the back-up support in launching his assault "But&tfuU TtaotwJ new coach catcher for the Cleveland In¬ dians. on the various batting marks within his reach. Most of it has Weston is fourth in runs been from his family, an avid MERIDIAN WEST ACROSS FMW "THE 6ACKSTA6E" Nell Jackson. assistant scored with 88 and should be baseball crew that makes the IHisu director of athletics in charge of women's programs, has step¬ able to surpass the 100 times Boyce trotted home. He is 80-mile drive to most of the MSU home games with the was a'e 'ife Academy Award Winner for ped down from her other post fourth on the home run list with exception of a conflict or two | milliori-to-one BOJlPictlft! as head women's track coach 18. The leader in that category when one of Al's younger shot. and named Cheryl the new coach. Bridges as is Shaun Howitt with 22, also within reach of Weston's brothers has a high school game on the same day. I Sylvester Stallone ^ IWJfPG) Tims: 5-JO ROCKY...■ 6:15 MO 145 Twilighl: W?'ll | Bridges, who leaves her position as assistant athletic director at Oklahoma State powerful swing. His 23 doubles puts him in a tie for seventh place on the list BRYAN StRGSPinD KRIStOffCRSOfl WINNER FOR ACADEMY AWARD BEST SONG of two-baggers behind the 29 University, previously coached at the University of New Mex¬ ico and Hamlin College in St. Paul, Minn. BOWERS ^EVERGREEN" Q WED. APRIL 20 "It was kind of like firing myself," Jackson said. "I've just McDONEL KIVA limes: 5-45 - 8:M IS B( been so swamped with all the ""littlest TWO SHOWS: 7:30 & 10pm Twililtt &M45 /'IB paper work and administrative none TICKETS: duties that I haven't had time 00 in advance till 2pm day ol its m most nunM L for everything. Thieim r- T: MSUnion. Elderly Inst.. W suspense not or tow u» | GENE WILDER "I'll still be working with the Doc & Merle Watson, May 12 & 13 JILLCLAYBURGH team. It wouldn't be fair to just leave them in the middle of the _ RICHARD PRYOR stream, halfway through the | SILVER^ Bridges will also lOlPG) Tiws: EM ■ 115 Twlliibt 5340401 '1-50 Art Auction serve as an administrative assistant to Jackson. MEBIOUW FIST ICMSS HUM WOOLCO Jackson had been looking for someone to fill the head track , An epk fantasy job since August, though most I of peace and magk. of those eligible had already been taken by then, she said. A RALPH BAKSHI FILM WIZARDSI TiSWS: 438-6:15-1:15 Twlliibt: 4J0-4:301 *1S__ Television will never* I WFOUMwwr wivH Also Ragged Alio Rag; Ann * Andy I _w»utAMHOLOOt Specie 2:00 Show Special ' Ugjj Tisrs:5:30 ■ 040TwiHlfllt:544530 M JULIE CHRISTIE CAfiJf original works of graphic art—etchings, lithographs,— Pablo Picasso by leading 20th century artists: Johnny Fricdlacndcr Marc Chagall «'"DEMON Salvador Dali, Alexander Calder Georges Kouault Viclor Vasarcly Joan Miro and others. SEED frgg Tits:4:15-6:15 131 W|>t5454:15r'l.M 2 Academy Awards ONLY SHOW THIS MASON! ALL NIW ART! BONNIE AND flf4 1 This Friday, April llnd at S:30 PJW. TOEYACTtl "BOUNu FOR GLORY Hospitality Inn > Ballroom Jolly Rd. Exit at 1-496 "FUN TCI - DAVIDCARRADINE M MUHMM1M Exhibition: 7:00-8:30 P.M. Preiented by Meridian Gallery Moderate Price. Bank Ch'gi. Ac'pt. DKK&J jj Times: 440-040-041 Mrtt 5400401'ljL- n ittnte Newt. East lonilng, Michigon Tuosday, April 19, 1977 7 State News Classified 355-8255 .CUTLASS SUPREME 1973. Pow¬ rT,n«,ti^ifg VOLKSWAGEN SUPER Beetle i Site 1171 [aiploywt lltjj 1 Eipkyiil Ifjil | Apyfuls W\ | Apartwnnls jfy) WE BUY junk cars and trucks. TRAINEE, WILL train accurate er steering, brakes, air, AM/FM 1972. AM/FM stereo, 54,000 miles. Top SHORT ORDER cooks. No exper¬ dollaf, 4894647. NORTHSIDE EAST LANSING NORTH POINTE FEMALE, SUMMER lease, one stereo, vinyl .top, Keystone mags. typist to operate word processing ience required. Apply in person at Good condition. 41300. Dennis, AUTO PARTS & SALVAGE. C- APARTMENTS, 1250 Haslett block from campus, $64.75/ >2500. 394-2477. 8-4-28 (151 equipment for permanent assign¬ HUDDLE NORTH, 309 N. Wash¬ 373-1635; evenings, 676-4850. 3-4- 204-29 (14) ment 12-8:30 p.m. Requires Road at 69. Furnished/unfurnish¬ month, negotiable rent. 351-6306. 20115) high ington, Lansing. 144-21 (16) ed 1 and 2 bedroom aparfments, 5427 112) CUTLASS SUPREME 1971 con¬ school graduste. Excellent fringe MASON BODY SHOP 812 East benefits and working conditions. newly redecorated, heat and water vertible. Full power, air, 73,000 miles. 41700. After 6 p.m. 355- VOLKSWAGEN 1968, rebuilt En¬ Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Near airport location. Call Mon¬ MURRAY HOTEL, Mackinac Is¬ furnished, 3 to 12 month leases. TWO WOMEN needed - summer gine has 12,000 miles; new brakes, land, Michigan, needs summer Start at $175/month. Call John sublet spacious .motive 7852. 8-4-20 (13) Complete auto painting and colli¬ day • Friday 321-7915. Equal or apartment. paint, shocks - give me an offer. sion service. American and foreign cooks, bartenders, maintenance Sue, 332-6354. 5214-29 (371 $67 50/month. Two balconies. Opportunity Employer. 5-425 (351 (oters 8 Cydos DATSUN 710 1974. Good condi¬ 321-7863 after 6 p.m. 3-4-20 (171 cars. 485-0256. C-214-29 (20) men, piano players, and personnel for rotetion between food service, Facing river. 351-0306. S 5522 t, I Service tion, 4 new tires. 42500 or best HANDYMAN APARTMENT & •VW FASTBACK, 1970. Guaran¬ - waitressing and housekeeping. NGW LEASING gtlon bvment offer. 349-1904. 4-4-22 (131 teed engine. After 2 p.m. week¬ ends, all day, 351-7038. BL-3-4-20 fmrnm lawn maintenance part-time. Live- in, if desired. Write Box 42, Eest Send complete resume, work experience and recent photo to Waters Edge SUBLET SPRING/summer 4-man apartment. One person, one DATSUN 1975 B210. Automatic, Sent (132 WAITRESS NEEDED, experi¬ Lansing 48823. 0-84-28 (17) 3969 Penberton, Ann Arbor, Mich¬ month free. $60 plus utilities. fcrtmenti 30,000 miles, excellent condition, - - VOLVO 1973, Model 142. enced. Good tips. Blue Cross. Blue igan, 48105. 15420 (38) Apt*. Before April 23. 351 6648. 34-19 AM/FM stereo. 42550. Call after 1 Air. Shield benefits. Apply in person, PART-TIME errand person need¬ 119) AM/FM 332-4432 p.m., 355-6102. X-3-4-20 115) stereo, rustproofed FAMOUS TACO, 539 East Michi¬ ed, spring/summer in PIRGIM'S WANTED: COCKTAIL waitresses, 43500 Call Bob, 351-3775. 8-4-19 gan. 84-22(18) Lansing office. 42.75/hour. Must 2 BEDROOM, air, dining, living no experience (12) necessary, full or EAST LANSING duplex. Large 1 DODGE VAN 1976. Customized, have car. Work study. Call Denise room, washing facilities, storage, IAIE part time. Apply in person. HUD¬ many extras. Call after 5 p.m. COOK. PART time full time at 487-6001. 5425 (22) bedroom, partially furnished. A- pool, courtyard. June. 332-5694; ■mols Must sell. 627-7582. 5-4-25 (121 VOLVO 1964 p1800-S, 41,350. cooks needed. or DLE NORTH, 309 North Washing¬ vailable April 15 through Septem¬ 351-6368. 54-25 114] Apply in person at Tbile Homes Volvo 1966 122-5 station wagon, FAMOUS TACO, 539 East Michi¬ GENERAL OFFICE help needed ton, downtown Lansing. 104-21 (20) ber 1. $200/month until June. CmageSaU DUSTER, 1970, V-8, stick, body 41,750.1-616-454-1602.5-4-21112) gan. 8-422 (17) spring/summer in consumer acti¬ $150/month until September, plus * found rusted, good tires, engine tuned, vist office downtown Lansing. EARN WHILE you learn. Models heat and electricity. 332-1918. •TUDIOS tlnal cheap transportation. Call 351- 7214 after 7 p.m. 5-4-22 (16) 1 Mwytte lfe[ COCKTAIL WAITRESS experience necessary. - Apply in no Must have work study, typing ability. $2.75/hour. Call 487-6001. and escorts wanted. $8/hour. Phone 489-2278. XZ 47-6-3 (J2> 7-4-27 (27) Ideal For One Or jts personal 5425 I22I 1973 YAMAHA 750. person. HUDDLE SOUTH, 820 SUMMER SUBLET, fall option, 2 Two Persons. Utilities Excellent ■estate FORD GALAXIE 1970, mechani¬ West Miller Road, Lansing. PART TIME employment for MSU bedroom, air, pool. On Burcham- included (Except Phone) condition, low mileage, extras. students. 15-20 hours/week. Au¬ Ration Tce cally sound, just tuned, 4375. Call Dan at 351-1309. 6-4-22 1121 Must see to appreciate. Call 11-4-29051 CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SUMMER JOBS. Campus inter¬ FOR tomobile required. 339-9500. C-21- Hagadorn busline. $185. Call 337- 0883. X1-4-19 (15) Pool, leasing For MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC, see 4-29 (13) Summer & Fall evenings 393-8561. 5-4-22 115) views for summer jobs at TIMBER FORD WINDOW Jim Kemp, HASLETT MOTOR van 1971. 6 SHORES RESORT, one of the 391-7910 1965 HONDA trail 90. runs great. SPORTS. 339-2125. 54-25 (12) BABYSITTING 8-5 p.m., Monday- UNIV8MITY VILLA cylinder, automatic, radio, excel¬ nation's premier cemping resorts, lent tires, 41,250. 351-0539. 8-4-21 495 firm. Call 339-9192 after 11 will be held at the Placement Friday. One child. Near campus, a.m. 3-4-21 (12) HOUSEKEEPING. CHILD - care references. 351-8082 after 6 p.m. 5 Blocks To MSU for Services Office in Student Ser¬ NEED ROOMMATE. Prefer gra¬ a kindergartener. Dependable, 8-4-20 (12) 1 or 2 Bedroom From >|96 vices Building April 29th from 55 duate or working person, 4 bed¬ FORD TORINO, 1970. Good con¬ YAMAHA TX 750,1973. Excellent preferrably Fridays. Call after 6 Leasing For Summer 351-6860. 34-21 (12) p.m. Students interested in the room house in country, Mason- dition, power, air. 4900/best offer. condition, with extras. 41000. Call p.m. (Only ISO.)(Fall Kevin, 337-1408. 3-4-21 (121 655-1423. 3-4-20 112) PROFESSIONAL HELP wanted: following positions: lifeguards cooks [ For Rent Iff] Okemos area. Laundry and use of house, $125 plus deposit. No pets. [♦RATES** SUZUKI 1972 600 Low mile¬ park security custodians TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. 332*8173 3455969 after 5 p.m. 54-20 (28) FORD 1964 Country Squire. Runs cc. Experienced jewelry salesperson. ord minimum maintenance waitresses $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- age, excellent condition. 4700. Must know colored gemstones good. 4150. Call 484-2136. 3-4-21 bartenders dishwashers 1010. C-21-4-29 (12) 331-7910 LCC CAPITOL area. 1 bedroom 332-1133 after 5 p.m. 54-25 (12) with knowledge of design and TIMBER SHORES RESORT is semi-furnished apartment with manufacturing. Possible long term located 28 miles north of Traverse 1972 SUZUKI kitchen and living room. Carpeted MAVERICK. 1972. New battery, shocks, brakes. Runs greatl 4900. mer, 750cc, Windjam¬ luggage rack and back rest. Excellent condition. 4900. Will connection, Leave resume at full or part time. THOMPSONS' City neer the tip of the Leelanau Peninsula. 34-21 (83) f" Hpiftitlts |[y] FEMALE ROOMMATE summer, fall option. Own room in 2 and air conditioned, $125. no utilities. Call after 6 p.m., 487- Call 393-823C/29*-"6R 5-4-19 FRANDQR JEWELERS. 54-25 126 MILFORD Street. 2-man, bedroom apartment. 351-4934 af¬ trade. 646-0860. call before 3 p.m. 1311 9490. 34-20 (24) ter 6 p.m. 54-25 (14) inTunama 412)^ 34-21 (181 SECRETARY POSITIONS avail¬ $200. 3-man, $216. 2 blocks from upmno MERCEDES BENZ 1968. 280 SE. EXPERIENCED JANITOR/main- able in busy association headquar¬ campus, deluxe, furnished, air CAMPUS MALL close, one bed¬ inn rnriinn 4-door sedan, power steering- BRIDGESTONE 100 ters. General secretarial skills in¬ conditioning, fall rentals. 332- MSU - NEAR Okemos. One room, carpet, air, snack bar. $150. Sport, oil tenance man. Experience in all iemm cluding excellent spelling and 5921/321-8011. 15-4-28 (21) bedroom, unfurnished, air, carpet¬ 3352346. After 4 p.m. 6553843. brakes, automatic transmission, injection motorcycle. Good condi¬ types of building/janitorial work. iimmmn air tion, 4100 best offer. language abilities necessary. Ex¬ ing, drapes, utilities except lights. 5422 (14) conditioning, completely tuned runs, or References required. Apply in cellent fringe benefits and working $175. 489-0593. 84-21 (14) engine in November. 42,500. 371-3746. 8-4-28(141 person. ALLEY'EY NIGHT CLUB. conditions. Near airport location, Please call 349-0734. 4-4-19 123) 24-20 1201 CIDAR VILLACI Pine Lake Apt*. Deadline VESPA SCOOTER 150cc, 90 mpg, Call Monday-Friday 321-7915. NEAR CAMPUS. Female wanted. MGB 1975 Excellent, low mileage, cute, excellent condition, easy Equal Opportunity Employer. 54- APARTWMNTS Own room in spacious apartment. COUNSELORS: CAMP Waziyatah Some short term $80/month. 394-5228. 54-25 1121 AM/FM cassette, rustproofed. campus parking. 4195. 694-8864. for Girls, Harrison, Maine. Final 25_I33I leases available 43950.882-9081 after 5 p.m. 5-4-26 3-4-20 (13) openings: tennis (varsity or skilled UNOERGRADUATE STUDENTS (131 EFFICIENCY FOR rent, close to TRIUMPH 1973. 500 Daytona. players); Aquatic director; Swim¬ needed for sociology study. Re¬ Now leasing for ming (WSI); Boating; Canoeing; quires 2-2 '4 hours of time and will campus, hast and water included. MONTE CARLO 1973. Low mile¬ many extras, excellent condition. Sailing; Waterskiing; Gymnastics; Fall and Summer $160/month. 3514091. 84-25 (131 Must see to appreciate. Best offer. pay $6.50. If interested, call 393- age, one owner. 360, air, power Archery; Teem sports; Arts end 6261 after 5 p.m. 64-25 (22) brakes and steering. New radials 355-9079. 5-4-19 (151 ROOMMATE WANTED to share Meridian Mall Area. and exhaust, cloth interior and crafts; Pioneering and trips. Sea¬ Bogue at Red Cedar River mJin 144B-S3S7 son: June 27 to August 22. Write furnished townhouse. Air condi¬ Place your own ad in Classified OPENINGS - THE U.S. NAVY is vinyl top. Clean. 42660. Call 485 details: Director, Box 153, Great tioning, year-round swimming 7625 after 4 p.m. 5-4-20 (281 today. You'll see for yourself how looking for college juniors, seniors, Call 351-5180 NEED ONE female sublet a $1.00 service "resultful" they are. Neck, New York 11022. Tele¬ greds or masters in Engineering, pool. 882-8556. 54-22 (131 to an ad change summer. Own room, large apart¬ MUSTANG II Mach I. 1974. Ex¬ phone: 1-516-4824323. Z-B-14-19 business administration, math, k word per doy YAMAHA 500, 1975, with fairing. (50) SUMMER SUBLEASE available ment. good facilities, excellent cellent condition, power. Days, chemistry/physics, computer sci¬ 551 ALBERT STREET, one block rent. Call 349-0897. 8-425 (16) lional words. now. Two persons needed for 4 374-8890. Evenings, 321-8040. 8-4- 2,500 miles. 41000 or best offer. ence, civil engineering, or nu¬ from campus, large two bedroom, 201121 482-4043. 5-4-21 (121 TENNIS INSTRUCTOR head pro. clear engineering. Maximum age, person apartment. Campus View ■ Personal ads must furnished, air conditioned, bal¬ 124 CEDAR Street, East Lansing. assistant pro and camp positions, 26 years old. Call 1-313-226-7795 Apartments, $71.25 each/month. cony. Summer. Call 3556118 after Free steak. No pets. 351-3456. Two man, one bedroom furnished NOVA 1970 excellent condition, YAMAHA 100. Good condition. good play and teaching back¬ or 2257789. collect. 24-19 (38) 5 p.m. 0-19-4-29 (191 64-22(22) apartments, heat included. $190/ 3-speed stick on floor. 350, two Great local transportation. 4300. grounds, good income and in¬ month. June or September. Year barrel, FM radio, 4800 or best Jay. 332 2103. 34-19 1121 teresting work, locations in eight CARDIOPULMONARY Techni¬ LARGE TWO party furnished effi¬ lease. 129 Burccham Drive ef5 offer. Between 8-5 p.m. 353- states. Call 1-13011-654-3770, cians, certified or certified eli¬ ABBOTT ROAD - very quiet. Robert Reade. ZB-1-4-19 (28) ciency. Close to campus, air. Fall ciency, $160/month. 8 a.m. - 5 6381; after 6 p.m., 332-2286 - Susan. X3-4-20 I25I Alto Service / gible for part time employment, 11 p.m-7:30 p.m. Excellent salary and $184, summer $145. 351-1610, One bedroom luxury apartment, immediate opening. Call 337-1507. p.m. 351-2402; 6 p.m. • 9 p.m. ■due 7 days from the 882-2316. Another apartment JUNK CARS wanted. We pay OFFICE, BEVERAGE and snack fringe benefits including tuition 4874451. OR-174-29 115] 34-20 (121 - n dole. If not immediate occupancy. 124 Cedar OLDS DELTA 88 1965. Mint con¬ more if they run. Also buy used salesperson with managerial po¬ reimbursements after one year. | the due date a 50' dition, dependable transportation, cars and trucks. 489-3080. C-214 tential. Greater Lansing area. Car Apply Personnel Office, 487-9180. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, fur¬ Street. 554-29 1391 :e charge will be 1 owner. Phone 351-4042. 5-4-19 29 required. Commission, car allow¬ E.W. SPARROW HOSPITAL, HASLITT _I17) _ ance, hospitalization. Call 337- 1215 East nished, one bedroom. Utilities ONE BEDROOM furnished, car¬ Michigan, Lansing. AMRTMBNTS paid. $160/month plus deposit. NOW WE repair. Tune up, 1348. ARA. Equal Opportunity pet, air, pets o.k„ on busline. Fall - Equal Opportunity Employer. 54- 489-5574 after 5 p.m. 0R-34-20 brakes, exhaust. Summer rates on Employer. 54-19 (21) 22138) Block to MSU option. 332-8262. 34-21 (121 OLDSMOBILE 1973 98 Regency. All options. stalls. 43.50/hour. U-REPAIR, Extra Large 2-Br Excellent condition, 2 FEMALES to sublease summer. 5311 South Pennsylvania. 882- NURSES: RN and LPN. TYPESETTER TRAINEE, full time. 66,000 miles. Has had TLC. 42,500. Charge Now Leasing For '4 block from campus, furnished, 8742. 0-1-4-19 (19) Summer (Fall FALL, MALE needed to share 2 351-1338. 8-4-19 (15) nurse position. Part time and full Begin a challenging career in bedroom apartment. Close, cheap. rent negotiable. 337-2651. 34-21 11973. Excellent condi- time. Excellent benefits, chal¬ phototypesetting. If you can type HM1M Jeff, 361-1564. 6-4-26 (12) ge, pinstripe, re- PINTO WAGON, sharp, 27 mpg. lenging and rewarding position in 65 words/minute accurately - p. Many extras. 42295. 41695 or best offer. 487-1989 after a skilled nursing facility. Area for give us a call. IMAGE ARTS -419 (141 4:30 p.m. 4-4-22 (121 advancement. Contact Mrs. 3714747. 54-22 125) FEMALE APARTMENT-Mate. FEMALE NEEDED, summer, to Maples,. 332-0817, 9-5 p.m., Mon¬ HUGE APARTMENT. Large living Have own privacy. Scenic view. sublet 1 bedroom apartment. 073 Cheyenne. Power PINTO ,1975. automatic, radials," TECH CENTER day-Friday. 84-22 (34) SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST, room, study, kitchen, utilities paid. Call 3353777 by 7:30 a.m. 84-28 Close to campus. 351 6842. 64-22 peer brakes, air condi- rustproofed, body spotless. Call part time, 12-5 p.m., typing skills Quiet, clean, 4 blocks from cam¬ Home of Mr. Tune Up 1351 5795. 5-4-22 (12) 339 9192 after 11 a.m. 34-21 (121 1825 E Michigan 374 0588 mandatory, apply in person, pus, 34 person. $240/month. MERIDIAN MALL Office. 34-20 332 3361. 4-4-22 (21) 114-wheel, mechani- I 48,000 miles, rust. PONTIAC CATALINA 1966. Four MARCHAL QUARTZ - halogen (121 (151 Beechwood DELTA ARMS new tires, new Diehard. Must see. lights; headlamp conversions, fog NOW LEASING " 489-0671. 3-4-21 Apartments r. 4395 or best offer. 489-5633 after 7 and driving lights in stock at WANTED-STUDENT PRO- THE PERFECT part time job. is GRAMERS. Information and fi¬ now leasing for sum¬ p.m. 84-22 (17) CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN Evenings, must be able to work for fall and nancial systams projects, excellent through summer. Must be neat summer 5 blocks to MSU mer (with special rates) CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama¬ [A8RE 1969 4 door, PORSCHE 914, 1971. Appearance zoo, one mile west of campus. pay. flexible hours and a quiet and responsible. 6551588. 4-4-20 (with special rates) Largo 2 bedroom and fall. good, 4350. Call - group, alloy wheels, new Miche- 487 5055. C-154-29 (271 location. Knowledge of APL, A 119) 56-7952. 3-4-19 (12) 1 or 2 furnished lins, stored winters. 42500. Call plus. Contact Dr. Parkhurst or Dr. 1 or 2 bedroom aparf¬ bedroom apartments 351-0613. 64-22 1141 Sargent. 353-7285. 84-26 128) SHORT ORDER cook - no Special summer rates Spring Special experience necessary. Apply in 2 bedroom units-'160 ments across from cam- PORSCHE 1972 914. Excellent, 10% off or any FOOD AND beverage manager position open at Michigan's larg¬ person. HUDDLE SOUTH, 820 West Miller Road, Lansing. University Terrace Now leasing for fall appeerance group, removable top. •Brake repair Reasonable. Must see. 351-6513. est privately owned camping re¬ 114-29(16) 444 Michigan Avenue as low as 235 Delta |971, sharp, -no rust, 44-16 (12) •Exhaust repair sort - Starts early June and ends <260 •matic, mags. 41,495/ early September. Prior experience PART TIME cook and waitress. Tal1 Townsend, 393- PIAT TOYOTA as bartender plus waitress trainer FRENCHIE'S BAR, 400 Baker St. 332-5420 351-2798 331-5978 RENAULT-12, 1975 station wa¬ DATSUN TOIOMM and supervisor necessary, prior Apply after 5 p.m. 4826733. f-34-19 (171 gon, 16,000 miles, standsrd. Excel¬ VOLVO experience in kitchen supervision, 74-20 (14) lent condition, good mileage, Zie- menu planning, etc. preferable but 1 1974. Automatic, barth, 43400 or best offer. 482- "g/brakes. 32,000 miCBMN not mandatory. Excellent salary LPN, part time, 3 days a week. 3 to We Now Have I Excellent condition. *- 355-6813. 8-4-27 2443. X8421 (17) nwmrs plus bonus, lodging accommoda¬ tions negotiable. Send resume to 11:30 shift. Every other weekend off. Starting salary $4.16 an hour, Openings In Bean VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK 1973, good, steel radials, luggage 1206 Oakland Dave Aberg, TIMBER SHORES RESORT, Box 215, Northport, INGHAM COUNTY MEDICAL CARE FACILITY, Okemos, Michi¬ EARLY BIRD ■369, blue. 327 auto- rack, 78,000. 41400 firm. 882-3290. Coll for Appt. Michigan 49670. 6-4-22 162) gan. Phone 349-1050. 54-20 129) 1,2 & 3 bedroom 84-28112) IV44411 steering-brakes. unfurnished opts, !e 353-2887. 54-22 VOLKSWAGON SUPER Beetle- Bring thli ad lor 10% discount some with study 1973. Excellent condition, new GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 IWSSIC 1976-Deluxe tires, new brakes. 321-1778.5-421 112) inch. Priced from 44. Mounted free. PENNELL SALES, 130114 ^re,A-, condition. VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER, 1971. Rebuilt engine. New paint, tires, East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 5818. C-214-29 (17) 482- from Place your Garage/Rummage Sale Ad Today! J Vega « rotes, 1973. Two- clutch, brakes. Must be seen to be good tires. appreciated 394-0296 after 3 p.m. DON't sign a lease until 3-4-22 (12) 84-22 (19) you've seen Don't bo deserted I For All JOIN the gang at Chock out KNOB HILL Everyone knows the earlybird gets your cycling needs COLUNGWOODAPTSI! the worm. The early advertiser MARIGOLD APARTMENTS Many 10 spw|, t)> choosa from Centurj0n Marigold and Harrison Burcham Woods •»lr conditioned APARTMENTS gets the best results too! So call •Orion (opposite Show lane) Office Open the State News Classified Staff to¬ ■•Motobecane •Kabuki * dishwasher TGUane •Largo one bedroom * sha( carpeting 12 - 5 Monday-Saturday day and let them get your "Gar¬ .Nlshlki * Healed pool '1 values widest selection apartment •unlimited parking by oppointnwnt • "•»ne of parts and •Completely furnished * * Air conditioning Tannic courts * plush furniture of age/Rummage Sale" off to a great accessories •Shag Carpeting * start. model open daily uollty repair service on all makes 349 4700 * Ample parking - •Appliances and Air Cond. * Nicely furnished ■We pay water and heat 20 words for one day for *2.50 Velocipede For appointment call 1 bedroom units 2 bedroom units '150 >180 Now leasing for Summer and Fall LOCATED '/.MILE NORTH Each additional word 13' [Peddler 351-8764 337-7328 Coil 351-8282 OF JOLLY RD. Call 355-8255 'and Sflew River 351-7240 Summer Leasts 'MO 745 Burcham 351-3118 (bohlnd Rollerworld on the river ON OKEMOS RD. please, no pets today! __ Atfoll >rom Sfi ey Hall I) Tuesday, Aprn 19 8 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan . | M*t»»iH |fip | Hoists |ffi [_Jor SaleJi5j L ll>y FREE PUPPIES. English setter - nOOMMATE - SHARE house. Laundry, fireplace, S85/month SUBLEASE SUMMER, rooms. One block from campus. 1 to 3 ""^AS4^SIEP'5.'" E. Graflex <«5, Circa 1930, Koni- Dalmatian. Phone 3514173 after 5 p.m. E-54-19 (121 ptatt utilities. Garage. 487-6796. X-8-4-19021 Ren. negotiable. 351-5848. 54-21 (13) A^cks, Komca GERMAN SHEPHERD-Saint Ber¬ cases an(J darkroom equipment. nard pups. Will be large, loving NEED MALE roommate for fall. SUBLEASE SUMMER, furnished Also used celestial telescope. dogs, $10. 6946517. E-54-21 (12) Non-smoker grad preferred. 337- hue bedroom house. 415 Grove Used 10 speed bicycles - Motobe- Announcements for It's What's COME SQUARE DANCE at 7 Outing Club presents Professor Car P001' a'6 bA,. 7060 3-4-19 (12f Street. 355-2423; 3552422; 351- cane, Gilane, Schwinn Continen- Bruck Steward on "The Ecology Happening must be received in the p.m. every Wednesday in Multi¬ 80 ,0 ,ha Natio^1* SUBLET TWO person furnished 5186.3-4-20(12) tal, Varsity and many more. Used cVc,es Pen'on 125 cc' T°,a mini | Mofcile Howes H State News office. 343 Student Services Bldg., by noon at least purpose Room D of Brody Hall. and Wildlife of Long Bend," at 7 tonight in 204 Natural Science Information MSU Promenade's. apartment. NearVampus, air, bal- HOUSE - SUBLET summer. 5 bike, helmets, seats and many CHAMPION 10' x 56' 2 bed¬ Bldg. the | - two class days before publication. cony good price 332-1659 8-4-21 bedrooms, 14 block behind power and hand tools. Golf sets, rooms, 1 V$ bath, carpeted, shed. No announcements will be ac¬ [121 Dooley's. 4375 negotiable. 332- bags, clubs, shoes, carts, tennis Good condition. $2200. 487-6826. The MSU Polo Club meets at Positions available at the IMC cepted by phone. 3365 Greg. 8-4-27113) rackets, redwood lawn furniture 8-4-22 (12) 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the ACROSS FROM campus, 1 bed- in," house and slaiom wa,er ski' New and Livestock Pavilion. For details Emergency Room for volunteers innT,anl,AdvisoryCkmJ room apartment. Now to Septem- al used musical instruments - Martin, RICHARDSON 1973 12x50 Front DEC has expanded clinic hours contact Laurie Kaplan, 102 An¬ from 8 a.m. to noon Monday . a°7nn eae 01 Wj Sconce Bid""91" * * net and/or Wednesday. Apply OVP. ber. Furnished, pets allowed. $155/month. Call 332-4514 before ^97TM84 30nm towed Ka hi, 374-7339 54.30 p.m. Fender, Gibson, Guild, National living room, 2 bedrooms, skirted to 8:30 a.m. Fridays for age 13-20 thony Hall. Duo|jan Ludvvig, Marshall, Partially furnished. Close. $5375. sign-in. Call DEC for details. 8:30 a.m./after 6 p.m. 84-28 (201 54-22 (IJI^ Rhodes, Pro, 30 flat top guitars 337-2388. 54-20 (14) Volunteers needed to help de¬ and amps of all sizes. New and Fall term internships available at _ , .. velop a free children's Drop-In Daytime Center ATTRACTIVE SUMMER sub- lease. One bedroom furnished St^VE"AL Tlf^rmTallYra ^startmgfaterm^CalM-772- used s,ere0 and CB e(!uiPment ' Rioneer, Dual, Yamaha, TEAC, EPI PARKWOOD 12x60 pendo. Shed, 2 bedroom, step-up with ex- (typi'i s«"'cb1&i] Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Social Change in Atlanta. Contact Center. Interested? Meet ufrom 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednes¬ participants lo, s^a apartment near campus, river, shopping, bus, air, cheap. 332- 'z-b-zuei f1"4107 a,,er 5 p m Kenwood, EV, Sherwood, new Co()ra ^ channe| mobile, and kitchen, large living room, fur¬ ANN BROWN PRINTING AND TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, 33 W. Owen Hall by April 27. day in 443B Administration Bldg. nished, carpet. Excellent condi¬ 4116.3-4-22(15) base CB's. We accept trades. tion. Close. Must sell. Best offer. general printing. Serving MSU for 1 to 3 . . 2 5person houses Participatory Arts from Nutrition services pffered at RESIDENT MANAGER - Couple tradable ,m- ' «t 41?^ after 5 ban|< car(Js an(J |ayaways w||_. 351-2646 between 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. 27 years with complete theses p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wed¬ DEC every Monday and Thursday C0X TRADING POST, 509 East X 84-26 (251 service. 349 0850. C-21-4-29 1191 MiRROR (Mentaih,tut nesdays and Fridays and Chil¬ from 7 to 9 p.m. By FSHN dietetic for quiet 12-units near campus. 17724209 or 351-4107 alter 5 Michigan 4854391. C-21-4-29 June or September. Write Box 42, pm ____ (1341 NEW MOON 1968 12' x 60', with JUDITH CARMAN. Experienced dren's Art from 4 to 5 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays through and nutrition students. 'Wining Our 7.30 tonight in qJJN C101 J? East Lansing, 48823. 0 8-4^28 118) LANSING. 4 houses, four to SPEAKERS ESS AMT 1a. Used 6 complete dark room, 20 minutes dissertation typist, dissertations, April 29 at the center for the Arts, Accessible. Agenda? east of Lansing. 6257843. X84-28 theses. English, German, French. 'ton, 513 HILLCREST town's laraest six bedrooms. After 6 p.m. only, months, like new. $575 per pair. (141 425 S. Grand Ave. MSU Cycling meets at 7 p.m. confidentiality^ ?' Call 393-4672. 5-4-22 (121 rights. - Wednesday in 215 Men's IM Bldg. 1-2 bedroom apartments! 3 btocks 374-8818. 54-19 (12) Can53-2055._X.64-2 (141 _ Important meeting for members to campus. Brightly furnished, air CLOSE TO campus, 5 man house UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS COM¬ The deadline for declaring social in advertisements for conditioned new carpeting, dish- washers, disposals. Quiet building, for summer and fall. 322-0351. X 3-4-201121 TRADITIONAL STYLE couch 2 matching chairSi round gold flost I fwil Ifql PLETE DISSERTATION and work as a major for 1977 fall term is April 26. Applications accepted turn program. race walnut cocktail table, $160. Call resume service. IBM typing, edi¬ pleasant neighborhood. June and -- - LOST: MEDIUM female tabby, at 254 Baker Hall. See one of the nn.Mu: m n m Mnnrtav- ting, multilith offset printing, type¬ American Civil Liberties Union September leases. Call 337-1849, 1 „ pSav ^ wMkend 8 4-26 (201 white paws. Near south campus. setting and binding. We en¬ academic advisers. 3514212,6550)^584-213^1 I ROOfUS Jl/*| Friday, all weekend. 8-4 26 (201 353-9631, 393-2763 after 5 p.m. 6-4-191131 courage comparative shopping. of MSU meets at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 329 Student Ser¬ SUBLEASE SUMMER, 1 bedroom " COIJF TENOR saxophone^ Excel- For estimate, stop in at 2843 East vices - - - - — Business students: The Under¬ Bldg. Capitol Villa. Very clean, air condi- WOMAN, OWN room. 413 North lent shape 1'A years old. New LOST LADIES gold Tissot watch, Grand River or phone 0-114-29 132) 332-8414. graduate Student's Advisory pra-Vet Club meeting p.m. Wednesday in IKtJ ,1 t^ned,0001.351-6029.1-4-19 02, ' near Kresge Art Center and Womens IM, great sentimental Council meets at 6 p.m, in 103 Eppley Center. Tuesday Important Jewish Student Ap¬ ing Bldg. Officer electeS year plus guest speaker. peal meeting at 9 tonight in the J value, reward. Call 3556353 ^rni^nfhJurnished. One btock OWnToOM ^us.board,; family 34-19 (181 MSU Republicans will hold an Shalom Center. Mark Diamond from New York will speak. For from campus. 351-8276. 6-4-22 OLD POCKET knives, any condi¬ ASMSU Travel his information call Hillel. a FOUND MALE Airdale brown/ tion Phone 694-0524 between 9 organizational meeting at 8:30 tions open for change for 15 hours a week and much more. 825 East Grand 1977.71 la black. Hagadorn/Grand River. a.m. and 5 p.m. 21-4-29(12) p.m. in C211 Wells Hall. - tourism students NEED 1 female to sublet four-man household help for responsible Rive' Williamston. Call 655-3723. 3453404 after 5 p.m. For service, fun and friends pleated through June 15. Call 351-4887. woman student with child care 8-4-21 122) 3-4-21J12I the Circle K meeting at 6 307 Student Services Blda ■ 3-4-19 112) 337 7474 aft8r 4 P m' FOUND: BEAGLE male, 6 years COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, Representative Stephen Mons- come to line is May 1. ™ SCHWINN WOMAN'S 10-speed. baseball cards, and much more!!! p.m. Wednesday in the Union old. Jolly at I-496.393-8615.14-19 CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP. ma, D-Grand Rapids, will speak on [ „ 7 ||» Has generator, rides good. $50/ Sunporch. Get involved in lifel Michigan Pro-Life legislation and Attention Mortarboard G | Noises SUMMER TERM two girls'to best offer._4»5m E-M-19 (121 307 East Grand River, 332-0112 lopen 11:30 - 6 p.m.l C-21-4-29 the legislative process at 7:30 p.m. MSU Star Trek Club meets at bars: Meeting at 4:30 p^B LOST: PRESCRIPTION Wednesday in 117 Berkey Hall. SPARROW NEAR. 4-bedroom houses. Summer or fall. Fur- SoT^%h«U1M84288M3T°d NEW' USED and vinIa9° 0ui,a,s' glasses, black case. On campus. sun¬ 120) 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Watch here day in Old College Hal, (IT solidity plans on Lan banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers for the location. BUYING OLD records, blues and _________ nished. $240 plus. Evenings 332- Reward. Call John, 349-5435/332- and spring projects. RnnM<- FnR ,Brm Male and ki,s' rac0,dars' "tings, ac- 2646. 24-20(121 rock only. Will pick up. 339-9123. Brown Bag Lunch at noon 5622 or 353-0769. 2-4-19.15, i ~ hlftrlf frnm ram "^d^bums'^^a?^ ^iarC' t0 "nC' a'Dums- a* verV 6-4-19(121 Wednesday in 25 Student Ser¬ vices Bldg. Sponsored by All minority business students 2 SINGLE ROOMS in house for summer. Washer and dryer, ga- P .... ' low prices.) Private and group I Persoial J[7j Women's Resource Center. are Student invited to attend a Black Business Association Artificial Intelligence discussed by Prof. Call X lessons on guitar, banjo, mando- SARAH COVENTRY - looking rage, near campus. $60/month. LARGE WOODED room available fin. all styles. Gift certificates. ASTROLOGER: PROFESSIONAL for 6 people to sell full or part time, meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Computer Science OepnA 4 today in the Call 349-5425 or 351-2624. 84-25 now, excellent location. April rent Expert repairs - free estimates. eight years. Horoscopes, consul¬ kit loaned. Mrs. Ebright, 882- Third Culture Brown Bag in 114 Eppley Center. Eattgl (191 free. 337-0982; 337-9933. X84-28 ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 541 tation: 5367. 8-4-27 117) Luncheon discusses CULTURAL Lounge. Personality, career, fi¬ (12) East Grand River. 3324331. C-10- DIFFERENCES AS A POSITIVE Turf students: Jim Timmerman nances, romance, future. 351- RRBEKKSS 5ss5£=p. «•- 8299. 10-4-19 (12) l^oiiND Town- FORCE FOR CHANGE at noon Tuesday in Dining Room B of will at speak on jobs and other topics 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 309 Campus AL-Anon G>u,_ every Tuesday at 8 p.m.] and/or fall. Call between 9-4 p.m. j! ^1°SCHWINNS, ONE 151 Super Sport, Owen Graduate Center. Agriculture Hall. Student Services Bldg. STE-MAR MANAGEMENT. 351- 5510. 8-4-28 (20) anuna a resources. joi-txxu. «J- *'a 1121 one Varsity both in very g00d condition. Call after 7 p.m. 484- PRE MED STUDENTS . 1878. s-5-4-201151 we can help find you London humanities program SUMMER, SUBLET 3 bedroom MEN CLEAN, quiet, single, cook- 7~~ a place in med school information meetings at 7 tonight RENT AT.V. 1 riunlex rim, m camnus Rent in9- One block to campus. 485 TWIN BED mattresses, firm, like n«o,*ble Call 35lSS 4-419 8836 or 351-2623. OR-12-4-29 (121 new. $85 each. Phone 482-1766. in Italy. in 28 Hubbard Hall, Wednesday in $25.00 per In I C-1 Wilson Hall and Thursday in C 8-4-27 (12) . _ w'Z," SlOnJ ' EAST LANSING. WIN MONEYI Grand Brody Hall. Single male. ~~~~~ Z,7,Z ~~ ~- ,/ contact Immediately prizes from ... Ouipf walkinn riktanrp M <5 U WEDDING RING, white gold, % $150 to $300 at Bingo! 7:30 p.m. DINMS 5 BEDROOM house. $510/month karat, size 8)4, $200. 627-5730 Tuesday Night. CONGREGATION NEJAC TV RENTMl| Spartan Avenue June-June. pa^ no kitchen. 337 9633. afte,'6 „2| AU$.1 SH AAREY ZEKEK. 1924 Coolidge, LITTU r*UWAY i 337-1018 Completely furnished. 332-1680 I MRVICI STATION _ __ _ Box 155 Rd 1 PH1215) East lansing. C-21-4-29 120) IJ01I. Grand Rlv.r SPRING SINGLE, furnished, ^ST C"A^".,°n LandMberi, PI 27W951 « clean. Share ktehenjparking $80 J N#xt to Vanity Inn f GIRL NEEDED to share nice home with couple. Own room two very close. 332-1800, 372-1800. stereo SHOPPE immediately for 19350 ANNUAL USED book sale. FRIENDS OF THE LANSING State News information 337.13CX). 4-4-22 (14) fireplaces, washer/dryer, utilities u-o-4-*o nzi included. $65. 482-0390. 8-4-25 ----~" FREE. A Lesson in complexion PUBLIC LIBRARY 401 South Capitol. Tuesday, Wednesday, Newsline SPECIAL SELECTION - Used, . . 1181 Starting May 5,u» c ™ one h?demos btock off and odd stock guitars and care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan or 4857197 Lansing Mall. MERLE Thursday, April 19-21. Hours 9 353-3382 QUALITY PIZZA . . p. . mar a.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday: JUkNE 08 Sep,amber lea?!' f"r. nished, 3-8 man houses. 3724 801 °™nd ,R'v.eT ,$79/m0n,h' ^ 1204. 2-4-211151 SHALL'S GUITAR SHOP, East NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. C-21-4-29 (181 9 a.m.4 p.m. Thursday. In Gallery Great selections best sellers fic¬ AT A REASONABLE PRICE. Lansing. C-1-4-19 1181 or recorded message. 0-64-26 tion, non-fiction paper back, hard l1JI ^ RQ0M sing(a ma|a quie, LOW COST flights to Europe from backs. 34-20 (401 Walking distance MSU. Terms: MARANTZ IMPERIAL 5G speak- izza rf $259. Israel from $469, plus Africa , ADrc „ cBntom negotiable. Call 351-0820. 54-19 ers. Almost new. Excellent condi- ^ ber 1977-1978. $90 per month TT~ plus 1121 1!_ lion. $50 each. 351 -4887. E-5-4-25 and the Far East. Call toll free, utilities. Single bedrooms, parking, laundry. 332-1918. 4-4-22 (17) LARGE ROOMS in house close to campus, available summer. Call l12) TV-12" black/white, $50. Wildcat Europe International Ltd. 1(8001- 223 7676. 1-4-19 (241 ISRAEL WEEK 341-881 FOR QUALITY stereo service, April 17-24 -- after 5 p.m. 351-4389. 8-4-28 (131 record player, $35. 694-7605 after THREE ROOMS in 6-room house, „ ■ c c , « nni THE STEREO SHOPPE. 555 East sublease summer. 1 block from ROOM FOR rent. 1527 Snyder T30 H2I Grand River. C-21-4-29 (121 351-0127.6-4-26 (13) Road. Available spring; summer ■ campus. SALll . optional. 351 2774. 84-21 (12) CCM-10 speed, 23 frame, men!s This is a good time of year to SALI • SALE • SUMMER riiricarc qiimmcr tion. SUBLEASE Three bedroom duplex, fin- ished basemen', lar9e yard. 351- - 1,11 nr. fall op- { [•. C.I. ^ II ^ j blke- E«callen< condition. $135. Ca|| 437.5335 5.4.25 (12| MAPLE HEADBOARD, footboard advertise farm equipment for sale...and the Classified columns will help you find a cash buyer. TODAY • Oruun Don KC Ripstop Jackato J 1 100 USED VACUUM TUESDAY, APRIL 19 cleaners. and frame for double bed. Good POETRY WANTED for anthology. ' Include stamped envelope. CON¬ NOW '34.9S FVMAl^su^n Immediately. ST" ^ 349'19°4' ^ TEMPORARY PRESS, P.O. Box 26462, San LITERATURE LECTURE ISRAELI f ARMING - • Attackable Hood 337-2034.44-221121 comTaN^^NoItVcfdar"'^ SNARE DRUM, case, staHd. $50. Francisco. California. 94126. 144- 205 HORTICULTURE Raf.|IO pVoFESsIoNAL'ANDTami^de- ^'a Ci._y Mark_e,_C_2M:29 ,24, p«a'' 337- 28(171 8 P.M. Now '6 sire attractive, furnished home, YAMAHA GUITAR, model FG- Okemos school district. September 1977 for 10 months to Beginning 300, good condition, hard-shell case. Call 487-0067 after 5 p.m. SAILBOAT. INTERNATIONAL 470,16 feet. Two suits of sails, all [jeaijsuia ~J(«] mi •Ripstop Vasts 3 years. 349-1168. 6-4-22 (20) 5426 H2^ lifejackets, anchor, trailer in- DON'T LET spring rains dampen NOW *19.95 GARDEN COTTAGES Cute REA,L|STIC GENERAL coverage 0296 after 3 p.m. 8-4-22 120) your spirits . . . Paul Coady can WM - find a roof to shelter you. MUS- 1-bedroom brightly-furnished bun- receiver. Has short wave^ G°od SELMAN REALTY, 332-3582. C-5 galows on wide lawns. 4 btocks c_ondrtio_n_4ffiJ229. 4-420 (J2I JENSEN SPEAKERS, 55$" auto, MSU. June and September EPI SPEAKERS excellent condi- surface mount, $69 list, never 4-22 (191 tonight thru Saturday leases. $215 including utilities, tion, only used one month. Call used, $40. 482-1871. E-54-19 (12) OPEN til 9 \ / Phone 337-7111 after 5 p.m. 351 .'6465 after 3:30 p.m. 24-19 1 Strtict ~][^] Thurs. nite 584-28 (25) EAST LANSING 3 bedroom fur- , lib) 2E_B0AT hull< engine inciuded. RAW HONEY $.70 a pound, all sizes 1-60 lbs. 353-4245 after 5 pm ,12, SAFETY, HARDEN and coated lens. Optical Discount, 2617 East Peeping fern Band Univ. Mall $300 or best offer. Call 484- nished sinale familv house $250 plus utilities. 339-3826 before 5 4120_54-22_(1_2) ELECTROPHONIC COMPLETE Michigan, Lansing, Michigan. 372- $$$$$$$$$ •$$I$$$$$$$**U p.m. 34-19 (141 WEDDING DRESS/veil, size quad «ereo system. $125. Also 7409. C-54-22 1131 daily Acoustic Afternoons <125; flftar Sanyo 8 track pleyer/recorder tape • ARTHUR TRERCHER . 5 4-8 roducod prices SUMMER TERM/fall option. Spa- cious 3 bedroom duplex. Close. „ m 355.3022 34-20 (12) : deck' 74-22118) 3®3*7681 after 7 p.m. Htotrictin W\ Rent negotiable. 351-1524. 8-4-28 FORCE FIVE sailboat with trailer, ------- --_~~~~~ WRITING CONSULTANT 8 years $ THE ORIGINAL Ti. (12) used 3 times. Best offer over ,976 CHRYSLER 17 foot 10 170 experience in professional editing, y 000. 394-1168. 54-21 113) hP, many extras, private owner. writing skill instruction. 337-1591. ROOM IN beautiful house, one CAMERA? FUJICA 35nm~SLR. 323;4580 ^-^8^1 534-20(121 rooms sunken dialed! M2 r°twoCakItchers "fireola'ce Mho SmornhaZ 4404_5-4_25_|22^ AvaJa'ble imme^ Z 55mm' STEREO, ^m lenses. ™ai$, close-up tubes. Call Chris, ^ZOJie, ELECTROPHONIC 14 FOOT all steel boat end trailer, $900 8-4-28 ,12, or best offer. 487-6521. I Typlif 3mrtc» l|Jill COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete Only 00 Ikiesdaffl FREE ROACH CLIP AND BOTTLE dissertation and resume service. MRU NEAR 2 and 4 bedroom AM/FM cass0,,e recaiver' Garrard OPENER with each pipe pur- Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. houses. $150 monthly plus utili- ties. 4847115 OR-11-4-29 (121 2*',,^akers' J"-'lBb. J-4-Z0 (1ZI 9,Z5' gest chasadselection ,,rorn mid-Michigan's of pipes, lar- papers, 8:30-5:30. Monday-Friday. 337- 1666. C-204-29 1161 ~Z~~ cl'Ps' incense.T-shirts, tapestries, ci SUMMER imiuico a mr, i AND fall u i leases. - T,- Many BICYCLE RALEIGH Pro, 26 good condition, tools, , very extra rims. posters, and paraphernalia. PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ OUR BUDGET BANQUET WHITE MONKEY 226 Abbott sonal and professional IBM typing. FOOD*BOOZE*PIZZA One day service. 351-5094. C-21-4- $169 C0lE^ 29(12) SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE 11 Toniqht Is 16 MILE northeast campus, near SALE! Brand new portables EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ PROFESSIONAL reel to reel Uingsburg. 2 bedroom house. 4 $49.95. $5 per month. Largt IPA6HITTI NIGHT lanuDerg. Jot ze4o. ao 4 20I™ sertation, (pica-elite) FAYANN. acres, available now. $160. 351- selection of reconditioned usee Tandtoq 3512448 X54 4U 11z, ' 489 0358. C-214-29 (12) All you can eat for'1.75 ARTHUR'S FISH 7497. OR-6-4-22 (15) • machines. Singer, Whites, Nec chi's, New Home and "many Browse through the Classified ada AND Alliinak V*l NEAR mazoo Mrd PENNSYLVANIA, off Kala- 3 bedroom house Available now^ $155 I sme T51 ^Dni9'96 EDWARDS COMPANY, 1115 North Washing DISTRIBUTING 1 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, 2 "T5J daily for good's a money- saving habit to develop. ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ TIGUILA NIGHT Bring the EAT HERE 7497 /w. OR 6 6-4 037 4 22 113) ton. 489-6448. C-21-4-29 (26) _ months old, male/female. $25. 676 2332 after 7 p.m. 104-21 (121 ing theses, manuscripts, term All tequila drinks half price from 9:00 until dos¬ sing. live folk music nitely 9 til 1. 10011. HAND MVEt MULTITUDES OF vacuum clean papers. Evenings, 8757544. C-21- 4-29 (121 and DURANO .In1SUBEEASE - full op- ers. $6.88 and up. Uprights, tanks, GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, 6 ACROSS MOM Z ^ rom campus. 351-5793. o°,C~ 84-26 cannisters. 2 year warranty. BAR GAIN HOUSE, 826 West weeks, AKC, shots, litter from . Fast and . 1227 E. Cd. River (one block W. ol Hogodorn) CAMPUS ,UI Saginaw, beautiful breeder-owned pair. 1- C-214-29 PH. 3324157 Lansing. 484-2600 C-214-29 (20) 834-2520.54-22(14) TAKE HOME phigon cwtfl News, East Loosing, Michigon Tuesday, April 19, 1977 0" DOONESBURY • dlsly tv IliSflhDiftI o LlM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (11 )WELM-TV(Cable) (12)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) by Garry Trudeau marian Jim Post t Bryan Bower April 20th tuesday (II) 8 Tracker (10) Jack Van Impe 10:00 (23) World Press Afternoon 6:30 ' Crusade (6) Ko|ak 3:30 (23) American Short Story (10) Police Story (6) CBS News 8:30 (12) Family itch Game (10) NBC News ■Has, Yoga and You (11) The Electric Way (23) Woman Alive I (11) Women Wise (12) LoverneB Shirley 11:00 4:00 (12) ABC News 9:00 (6-10-12) News Jnfetti 7:00 lbled Eggs (6) M*A*S*H (23) Classic Theatre (6) Hogan's Heroes (10) Police Woman Preview 110 (10) To Tell the Truth (11) Cable 11 News 11:30 esame Stroot (11) Interlude 4:30 (12) Eight is Enough (6) Movie (12) Brady Bunch (23) In Search of the Real "The Longest Night" Jwitchod (23) High School Bowl America (10) Johnny Carson Billigan's Island 7:30 9:30 (12) Mary Hartman, 5:00 (6) Wild. Wild World of (6) One Day at a Time Mary Hartman For all your high supplies. nsmoke lergency Ono I Animals (10) Candid Camera (23) Cop (23) ABC News fjl FREE ROACH CLIP WITH EACH PIPE PURCHASE lergency Onol (11) Talkin'Sports |is«er Rogers' (12) Channel 19's Great TV MSU SHADOWS larhood Auction. |sday evening (23) MocNell/Lehrer by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: 5:30 Report Lble 11 News 8:00 PZNBALL PETE'S Lctric Company (6) Who's Who Next to Coral Gables. 6:00 (11) Switch Present this really funny comic for 25 |2) News (12) Happy Days worth of free play! T "ftep" coltoi?'s etexj lueufc/oct© By THAT SHOO ABCUT HOCOV?D MUSHtS HE. Sots Ithe sharp . THfiOtA&H A Co*PU.TC CHARACTER CMAM4>£ entity Tifltg soMe-THttofe ,MECO COMCS <,wnb. ^ * - -7 YEAR- Vtou SHOUt-CVE stto HIM) AFTER" R=CTS. RESUME TYPESETTING FOR EXTRA SNAP |PER SELECTION FOR THE RIGHT MOOD | OFFSET PRINTING FOR CRISPNESS )rinit-in-o-minit Jf'E'RE PROFESSIONALS IN RESUME PRINTING Comer of MAC and ANN ST. Open 8:30-6:00 M-F; 10:00-5:00 Sat. ^BLEWEEDS sponsored by: CLEANERS suit LAUNDRY n K. Ryan clianinut E.G., PUTriN&the WRONG j)N&S, GUYS! OUR PURPOSE \ ENP OF the peace pipe I IS 10 PISCUSS HOIA/TD in OUR M0U1H AT COUNCIL.. !H 1H0SE LITTLE LAPSES GREETING SOMEONE WITH which plague us "SHALOM" INSTEAD of "HOW," All FROM r1MB id time... FTCETfcA, ETCETftA, EKETKa . PROFESSOR PHUMBLE 7»/)./l/f 541 building SPONSORED BY: yu tc. T I. eamis a oirrs FEATURING 337-2700 board c amis by Bill Yates tonite nwrrbtA Yeah, pot-gimp )WN'S TOWN PPOKEjMY Ike Brown sponsored by: r>ooLevB§ jjoulty 5 ff- Preach Dip A Fries 11.30 Yo T OfJkY FAIf2- 4X&ZT?MP THAT YOU IT'S &0IN6 TO GET PRETTY rirvr i rtoM povthajp , feXPENSWe FOR. ME TO HEED Yoo to tftrYoufi*! II A PRESCRIPTION EVERVTIME I BUY A CAN OF DitT POP. IF YoO 717* r,<, i (state\ w Monday Spadali Combination Plata 1.TS :£FiF- Two enchiladas CALVIN AND COMPANY one tamal. or one any toco, rice, beans and other ala corte item. Served with flour tortilla & sopopillos for sponsored by: dessert. JL by Mark Varadian el azteco restaurant 203 m.a.c.3s1 -9111 ana raaa ejshh Hometown People 3SSWORD mraa one sants Giving Hometown Service! PUZZLE 24 filch tiara anrainaaan rasraa anHiira (Ndi'i LJttf* Freeway 28 Survivor ol an nanas ana Bervke Statioa sponsored by: earlier period anara naanaaa 1X1 ( Gr *1... N«x1 to Vor»Hy Inn 30. footless animal! nn^anaa nana We Appraciate Your Butino** 31 33 34 Facial feature Ares' sister naninn aana aan anana B33£? Canticle 37. Greek Bannaaaa ana underground nana wan ana 39. French season anna aaa naa qN LiF& MeRRY-GO-tou/yj) i.i * !»' Progress 40. Rustic D0W» 42. Military salutes 44 Mild cigar 1. Spiral 46. Jaeger gull 45 Chieftain 47. Grimace 2. 3. Bom by* Feminine name ; seeMTo always GeT 4. About Trie H°RSe WiTH7ff« SPk'qle/i$ r- nr ir r- r- r r- 5. 6. Catnip Sleeveless garment 7. One after this ir L 8. 9. true olives Hotbed ' I i | !T 17" 10. 12. Council Dissertation ■■ 16. Undermine n 16 i 55" 5t 5n w 19. 21. Saga leather Hash m H . 23. Level ol r command l-'l I LJ m 1 st 25. 26. Constantly Diaskeuast ! □ ir 3T 27. 29. 32. 34. Levels Sesame Tvrangy Killer whale jt ■ 35. Humdrum v//t F 5t - - 36 01 an age n u.u.rui indicsu 38. Ditto _ 41. the "Altar" 43. Protection ] f) Michigan State News, East Lgnsing, Michigan Tuesday, Apm „ Kids benefit from clownin' arouj patrons who smiled and shrieked with delight at their shenanigans Woo Woooooooooooo! And now, presenting the Grand and Glorious mid-Michigan Circles the Clown, alias Bill Lockwood, demonstrated his unusu.i.. Galaxy of Clowns, Alley 44. three rubber chickens. .and missing. . uu t,le»t b, t Though they lacked a calliope on wheela, enthusiasm was certainly abundant as clowns of Circles teaches a clowning class at Lansing Community Collew irn, I all sizes stumbled and shuffled, then lurched and flailed in every direction in an effort to students through every facet of the art, which includes inventing a clo» t ""I gracefully keep the beat of the disco music at Rollerworld Sunday night. blown-up balloons into most every shape imaginable. Clad in everything from floppy hats with birds perched on top to canes made from toilet "Excuse me but why did you become a clown?" "Me? Oh, well, I've been a closet clown all my life and I finally decided plungers and bike horns, clowns from Detroit. Grand Rapids and the Lansing area entertained kids of all ages and themselves while raising money to sponsor two children said Van Goofy, a graduate of the LCC course. "I took the class last fall * who will be sent to camp. masochist at heart - or just maybe stupid - this Is the first time I'v/i! '*] "We'll send two kids to either a cystic fibrosis or a crippled children's camp with the Van Goofy clutched the railing which guides patrons into the Her bright red hair accented a paint-splotched pair of baggy pants, a snack inT",T money from tonight's 'Skate with a Clown' rally," said Whistles the Clown, coordinator for lights; ft Alley 44. "If this one is successful well plan more, and from the looka of the turnout tonight, blackcap. ' we'll be having another one soon." In the distance and off to one corner stood a blue Alley 44 is sanctioned by the National Clowns of America which has 5,000 members, he — no, a purple — ostri h said. nose and orange legs suspended from strings movin' and bumnin' to "Our alley is the largest of three in the state with 78 clowns and our membership includes blasting full force throughout the large room. ' "tttllki eight or nine who are full time and who have performed in circuses at one time or another. Teenage disco skaters were there, too, complete with combs jammed in h Part-timers like Tick Tock, alias Bob Danials, is a microbiologist with the state; Jerry the a couple of sticks between the gums. Clown, alias Jerry Campbell, is a photographer with the Kalamazoo Gazette; six or seven Hidden among the large number of "avid" skaters was a small boy wh work at Oldsmobile; three are undertakers and one drives a hearse," he said. excitement as he mechanically lunged backward to maintain his baling0 Approximately 40 clowns turned out for the festivities and clowned around with 200 - "Weeeeeeeeee!" was the only thing he had to say. M Photographs by Laura Lynn Fistler # frwx i*I . Text by Debbie Wolfe 'A**1- lava .a $5v %