«■:. 0. 0. Library Lang in*. «uk. 3BiritigatT 6tate Ktm§ I. F. C.-Pan HrHnir Tiimorrow Nijjhl Timiirht. *»:0n-12:: KAST I.ANSING. MICHIGAN, FR1I»AV. MARCH Spartans Will Got Soph's Band |i Writer Says Campus Croup Will Present Siriny With htdap* nnil Hut Hniir Cash Awards, Cups Is Favorite Saturday night Saturday. | Fear of War Vocational Lecture Course On Continent A good bond. Is Not Great At Convo Thursday A cheap dote. Little theatre \olili Sj,«|,.. Irii. Ni'irrn War— IIimI Mnm ln(iiijn-- Independence hop Semi-formal; open. F re n i< h t!iliin: l»r. Ilrmlrr- further reduction to 110 couple-? Our ..( Iliat-' -l Minimi I iiilrrlakiiic« Nii« llrin# I'lan- -km nf Vim Vrlmr Will Sprak. of a limit previously set at 140 Boh Mitchell has announced the Girls Learn ■■■••I in Vlil sItxlriil-: OiH-.tiiin:lirr. In In- llamlril patron and guest lid pr and Mill \r\l Wrrk: >|ioiifiiri-il liv Sluitrnl*. Mrs Mailman and l>t and Mr< Siren Ways Johnson will he patron- The guests will he Pr Mitchell, Pr Rowcboom, C P Bait. Mis* Sater, IYr«oti;ilit) t iinir hi Meet Mr I'whiff. Bill flenne. Pr Thorpe. in l ittle I lienlrc Deans Pye. Fmmnni. Dirk«\ Oilt- ner, Bessey. Huston, Conrad, and oil Moitil.iv. President Shaw Tickr ivill I Will Play lor Sophs for 80 cents a couple at the Union desk and the Smoke Shop Mom- ! hers having he admitted for GO cent- membership cards will IVoss Plays at This is the Independent Men's ■ league's principal social function Kansas (lonvo ! of the term Music will he furnish¬ ed hv Red" Drennan who has. the \ ioliiii«t is (• tie-l Artist indejvendents claim, the "hottest for Music 'IVarlirrs. j hand on the campus." Kesrhed Ih-plhv I Help stiirirtiKl Prof Gee Find* (•rails at Work VII Vri- Suliflinl Willi Tlirir Jok«. sow» snsi.r Two Polo Games Slated Saturday < IrM-lmiil ( Iifiilr, Will I their rn' ' ' IsMir (|ufviiiinnalrfv Plav \fSC. Slnilenls. t v uf ,c ' Flan I nion Dance l or \e\t Fridav •- Orrhr-lni Will -I,.- Arm* nnil Mf Hie I iiftertakinc ■'I > 4 t . Profesoar r>e especially optimistic re \. W. S. Will Send nally large |»er cent of Two (•iris West thejr had specifically Knrlry Vllrml Music of French Tronhailors *h" I omrtitioil. In II ill lie I'laycd at Musician Or. Iriimiril I Hint, I II.- Inipro, i-wil Hays Soys II ork on SjMirtan I,,,,.. |-Iini|«iiiimriil fur Two .if ikr Srnrri, Jongk-iir Vr- Mora Fan Than Three Dates Y.W.C.A, Presents Jillllllir Ni»- lli.il I llniirf nf W nrk One-Act Plavs nine Vrr Worth ll: I'ul.li.iliiin- Fiilnrt- Vffiirnl. (Vila Mrrrill. lton,lrllr A*. Will Behalf I .rr till Winter lf lh, fi'lanl. i* ikr Dirwlor. Voire Baillf* Sf|llafl . ittid (Fllarn Vt'ilT Wednesday. March 10. at 7 If. resenl MSI! Moniliii, tv in the Social hall of People- irch This is the first time the matics group, (it the Y W ' Warbach. whom he des- A nas ever attempted to put »»n . the social service j -« • real find' Warbach play for the public outside of the •n df .ng work as a cartoon- • ne given annually at the Mav ifi.aturist for 'he maga- Morning breakfast Celia Merrill, member of the t ondeived Year Ago jun.or »■ very are while Notre Dame went to the oratorical contest held " ;«idle of serio-comic monthly to follow five other plays in rehearsal now an idea. The magazine, i e >a*d. declaring that a- Pr;- in Detroit• at Wayne University I f the contest. and the the final aim is to put sales n a long the lines of the present Spar- according to Myrtle Patton, chair- e few debates Friday. March 5. In the women's tan. When the first issue came man of the group and member of Jf' of the jonglci. as allowed almost the >mpamrnents irn.- "Civilization—Why?" Roberi Re- • 38u.words (all printable! Carnival program and Spar'an will f ten year* ago. The meet night prove nteresting. A decision j unl.mited m 'he style of the lute, ftor gave an oration entitled "Ti¬ '■ 'Oder the be put out in June. The Spartan s success .n the fut- will constitute the Spartan office all-membership will b e at 'he (lose <.f toe range <>f r • I the guitar, and the tanic Indifference" m the mens' Art Work Excellent ire. Hays believes, is further in- i meeting for March. Each Y W. C idmght Sunday Age .ebati ike experiments in e style of the orgams- 'o 70. The staff .f 'he magazme s sured by the large amount of nat- A. member is to There are no bring a friend to . some perhaps ar- urdv-gurdy siieakers were - coached by Mr. r,n*b ' this contest, no mer- not under the. Board >.t Publica¬ ional advertising which it is car- make this Guest Night " Tto Liitma rink nd«n(,: h were evidently i ** , togram .« open to the Fischer of the i I ' trdise to sell. Enter the con- tions as yet. ihe editor pointed tying, and by \ will meet Sunday. March 7, m pleasing le listeners, as - e public and studenU. who are cor- j The contest will be judged by the j■« '.day' •ut, stating that the matter would which advertisers showing in i rtxm 10®. Peoples church. The j find growing more com- dially invited to attend It will different roaches, each rating all be settled at the next meetings -netting is scheduled for 6:30 p. m. \ plicated fr-rr this point on begin at four o'clock. Sunday j except his own contestants. FiN the Board The staff ronsuhs of ■ - ■ "M » The music taelf may not be at afternoon. March 7. in the Union I teen Michigan coll a grcup of Press club members s pleasing to the modern send representatives. P»I* Two MICHIGAN SI'ATJS mW8 Friday, March 5, 1987 ■Igrocps wiu. sponsor 11 VOCATIONAL LECTURES JHlchijatT State News Side Trances Some time ago the In The Rough | j (Continued from page 1) For Honorable Fred Patton sent ; t us a" letter containing a little drama in one act as ! With Harvey Harrington. j committee will use the result# of indication he termed it. We didn't print it before, for vari¬ j ; as an > ous reasons. But here it is with complete picture of pur Bed »/ Rotten "A rose is a rose is a rose," stuttered Gertie Stein in one of her i i of student interest, and will select its speakers accordingly. J An ^ the setting and everything I This program is one of the big-; lighter, and more lucrative moment.1-. Now Gertie is a nice girl, as Seen?: ruary II. 193? DRAMA IN ONE ACT f | (ar as that gees, but has infinitely little experience with roses, and such Glvr Club Formal. LHtlr Theatre. Feb- truck. Hers could be compared to this surrealistic art they are rav¬ ing about now, in the rather eccentric circles. , gest ever undertaken by a student i I Organization at Michigan State | The possibilities behind such a i Absolutely Mr Charactins or the Drama and Mrs. Keith Stem, Patrons. Anybody who had to weed the garden when he was six knows that roses, as flower, last only ushort titm compared to the thofrns, that I is hoped that student "approval of; . I movement are quite obvious, and .■ | Perfect Mr. George Steinmeta, Bachelor arc as sharp in the winter as when the plant blooms in its crowning ihe idea will enable the group to' • Mrs. Stein WITH A STEIN ON THE TABLE By Grirmcnr Stein glory. So we conclude that a rose As such, a columnist's bed may be compared to the real McCoy rose, but nine-tenths thorn. i make the course a yearly event. Speakc rs on Ihe schedule will. include only men who are promi¬ Evening with remarkable accuracy. For and recognized in their { Ceugrside met Stein- nent mctz Stein upon him, he knows that lie has respective fields* As many speak- I rs will be invited here as student > Before Ihe met Stein- metz Stein- j the still to reckon with nine kicks n Carnival Formal Ikm re slats, verbal and physical. So, met Steins Stc m ic.ir old Michigan, never satis- Have Dinner met no Mrs. Stein- with their own funs, has sud- metz no Mrs. Stem- lly turned green with envy be- (will soon be called upon to select i»onv to tin- Hops • • - met z sc the Hespies have rated a their major study By giving them We never saw so many d i Member |9?7 met Stem , u> Mrs Stein- ; around one place as seem to h. ' accumulated in East Lansing, • band for their ty. The writer of the column winter term j some idea .of the various profes- At Associated CcAo&cki Press met Mrs Stein Mr the Michigan Daily seems to \ for them and keep them from 1 environs, in the past month He (Che jHiuti 1 soi for the Phi Delta. Jjhub ^l|np ry Dist ributon of j two. And the novelty of it al nks the Hespies slipped one CnOofiialpDirtoif 1 that there at litre In | il t he big. lazy, flop-eared, . -NaiiC.al Advertising Serviea, Inc. j houn' dogs. How, wc.i I like houn' dogs. They 420M<;.I»onA«I. NlW VONK.N.V. In luxation personified. 1 • HARRYMAN'S .... Th( Ihr f.nw of Kenny II ailr • Nnw it happrnv th at. Kenny , ive struck a great blow, a Mansfield "Knock-About" r.f around aft< i Millie Ei U kson 1 i a matter When you lite complete." ■» BULLETIN REVERSE CALF t on , fi i Suit Ki > n> : nior ball taifT After havi Wmr F. Cliih - M r (country chan ; h Mill ken Milly Young home Fnd pretty fa I inde< tl ight' Bill Mitchell went ha Spring Term Schedule Changes 1 . pat the • iil:> at a party, private of emu •id with Bill Muir playing 'ho but the trip was a little e ' A HTM I NT days rmn Krnr Ihel tuck from the .seventh floor. ;•> t! at i o 1 . V . • you for the N..ioense: Harvey Harringt All i'm' :• 'via..' 1 ■h- giarid : that h. . an do F-rpm. • • t.ra- Buck it • ifUi ..i! tl Bull ions t • Itlur Itu k<> ( repe Htihher 1 rnnTrStthm ■ ■•ended Teh' • at * th.« Hermi • Sand-Bur ko Welt Soles Wen. Janrtli and Ruth * j' Mignon Mmter look--- 1 te's playing Indian with that i Witodef I! I If l imp Said .tr" c. . found ImbI 1 ■ > igt - - hi tit - 1. n - i? i and Ward Van A* HarkymaM ir MR SHOES waihinoton ave. .'":i1N • 1 Jam:. M.ut'ii getting tart . i • Mi i :cn k r .1 And fiom K M M I .*< : K <• 1 M N-.t M-n-.e Phil l.inohaM 10* k ( i llormrr 11 imloii* Here s a pu T 'I •i The Kappas did well ce •) R 103 A h K . 9 tf 11-12 10-12 IV.toiu/c State News Adv t. ih. f II I P ART 66 BAFFLES inside flllFP C001 SMOKE II i ■fe j "I'niversitv" ami "I ftstvinp' & HY ami. ¥ I lonb harmlf*—. but thi» fitn^p de«trov* pole . ^ telephone n -earrb mm wagr ajr on it. In the Bell Low Uprmi crown Telephone Laboratories, tbr\ -I tidy t many winmI-, roneoel many preservative*. In cri»|> .nap pivr aippi, Colorado and New Jenrv —where conditions thcl nivrnity I Irft) vary widely—they've aet out whole armies of treated s vieid many a nrw trim fmirtnn*. Thcrr's fVYBIOLUG\ mot destructive fuu^t youthful vigor in the btrrzy Snre the Bell PSYCHOL' K»Y backcurluf theucw I System each year Uf»cs over .>00.000 J LA p»wing. pole. lor rrpUtcmmU .oil new lino, li'iplieDio: Tl* A S3.93 pole life i. mo»t important. It'- one more w»v to : in A |l. make telephone Krvice (till more dependable. If It* ' Sty le—It "m At ... H SMALLS jkkMkm^tuu At*.- -Sfukd At-uu« f'riday. March 5, 19J7 MICHIGAN STAltJ NEWS Formal Season Marches On To Dick Jurgens and His Band Societies Combine Xartk Hall Masquerade costumes of every ' j Sigma Kaftfrn editor the Midland "Kepub- j people give her a description were worn, by North Tea and Toast 5 j Sigma Kappa has iibbonod Betty "nan " Dotty graduated la«t June,: hand, Roslyn Alcalay,; Cook. '40, Lakeside. and Nanev ! ,i:kI sincc August she ha« been j sophomore at the University of arts college To Present Major Hall girls Thursday night when a costume party was given at the dormitory under the direction c f By Ma (Irundy's <; r.inddauthtrr » * i j Tubbs, '.'19. Kalamazoo Dorothy Langdon is leaving Sat- '1C j. j iffice' Minnesota, has few financial dif- Iculties. She earns her living by Dorothy Track, social chairman. The Interfraternity-l'unhellenii dance urday for Midland where >hg,&ill cading palms in one of the local tonight is nut the take Party This Evening the position i Patronize State News Advertisers.' hotels. Singing, t.ap dancing, and a humor¬ only highlight on the sm ial program tor the week-end. "No ^^bcicty ous skit were presented for the fuss anil feathers" is the motfo the entertainment of the girls. Indi'|ieii(lent Men's I.eagui has attached to the Hop they are staging in the Little Theater Rachel Mlnp». I'liu-llcllciiie Head, anil Jack llamann. Laurine Endlemnn will go to tomorrow night. The affair is semi-formal, and Red Dren- Detroit this week-end to be the Fraternilv Prcxy. Will la-ail Grand March nan's orchestra will play. guest of Leila Gunnison. Harriet With Their Kraprrtm- Gne»t«. Gibson and Wilma Fritz will visit their Two Creek letter societies are famines in Northvillc and holding their to the first time St C:;«:.. respectively. danees at the .Olds. Delta Sigs have theirs Michigan State social history !nterf:a*.ern:!\ scheduled for to-1 • rn d Panhellenic councils are Mrs B E. night,' tlip S. A. K.'s .Saturday ard the-Hermians will have I - joining forces tonight at the Lansing Trombly visited her .Jasonic temple to* present one of the most importer.: daughter, Jean Wesgate. last Sun¬ theirs tomorrow night in the I'nion. I'i . ,r* •> f \f day Jane Cordner antf Mary Kaps have a radio1 ..rural season. In the person of -Dick Jurgen* and his H * ! liartv planned for Saturday. XI Sigma I'i. Drak; •> tra. the two Greek letter groups have one of the Walsh are going to Detroit this forestry honorary, . -• kr. dar.c-- is having a similar party in the foresters eahin. Delta Chi' r.d that has appeared here this year w ck-end Margaret Anger will .'u"c ns and his crew of 14 players go home to Detroit this week-end jiledges have chosen "If I had the w ings of an angel" as their promise u i,; "—** that -t nation of both "sweet" and ar.d her parents will drive her ti "swing" tune* S'- t,.: :••*.* * • he included. The band i East Lansing Sunday. fd Janet O'Hara was a- eotirety of young men Nickle The gue*t h* dinnei Wednesday night. guest .«t t' . in college graduate - .uH . f pves dent and M Nancy f them collegiate footbail Dean Elisabeth Glasgow visited at her Onra» last Saturday and Sunda Mrs Dra star, radiating the Greek E I •* C and P. H t* wilt b back of the orchestra and [ures of a < "Ikge man Mr d will flank the staqe L i. .rnd blue neon tubing W. >cd in the columns on D l of the shell The pro- sd R.x Lar _ COMPLETE SHOWING OF mw ARROW SHIRTS Ktlft/Ml ll/itltl I lu lu The Clu*> of MTV) /'rwiils / UNDERWEAR LEWIS, INC. NOBLE SISSLE I lit S. VN (-hinu'lon /#*#« Tnu tilth a ami llis (hrhrslrii rid with the following Dorothy Taylor; > holai DIRECT FROM THE FEATURED ON FRENCH CASINO NATIONAL AND NEW YORK S COLUMBIA MOST FAMOUS BROADCASTING hunt Marx Warn NIC NT CLUB SYSTEMS IN LANSING Headquarters As Mfen in "£w/ui Mart Vu AT THE 1937 jpt*d -tripe:* in > r Gladoen. I Ire C..:.>o. C'h* ARROW u fleet one of the run#.! -rgi ; ■'les. Jincc T.i . lor. Mary 1 n ..nd Br>b Ta ■ - reported duritivc "f« n. The K1'1»t pan -< :%** <» • vi SHIRTS SOPH-PROM e*l. Ruth Aspct, BarbRru Bu Jean Johnson, Dorothy Yofi«r ' Virginia Armstrong, Mary For v ^httfj-i—Uulurvl to fit Edith Johnson. Donna Moon Helen Lindxtrum, Patricia Rx.r- dan, Muriel Spencer, Marian Sny¬ der, Mat june Urukiw. Marian Zar.t i Betty Davis. Betty Msloncy. Hea-n Duckwitz, Frances Peterson, Alice MASONIC TEMPLE SATURDAY, MARCH 13 Ciagett, ArcesUa Davu. and Joyce Hamburg. Then, according to hast Ma.." $2.00 ((tuple Tickets at Union Desk 9 till 12 tradition, the guL> entertained guest*, including twee'- MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, March 5, 19S7 115 Athletes Entered In Track Meet Here Tomorrow List Stars Announce Elaborate 26Game Baseball Schedule To Compete For Honors An independent survey was made recently among professional men and women—lawyers, doctors, lecturers, scientists, etc. Of those who said they smoke cigarettes, more than 87% stated they personally prefer a light smoke. State College Book Store Miss Lombard verifies the wisdom of this pref¬ erence, and so do other leading artists of the radio, stage, screen and opera. Their voices are their fortunes. That's why so many of them STATIONERY against the Oh loans Harold Paptr | iwrs was high«point smoke Luckies. Y ou, too, can have the throat pro¬ East Lansing J points This game waj tection of Luckies—a light smoke, free of certain of the strength of the Ohioans with its rough play No one play- with College Emblem sinee ihe two teams did not meet ed it that way deliberately but > harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process THE FINEST TOBACCOS— last season, and no notice has been spills and bumping* were many | "It's Toasted". Luckies received on the opponents' times Both teams had a better defense are gentle on the throat. "THE CREAM OF THE CROP" Plain 1 . or I for this season However. Coach ' than offense George Cook's alert Daubort is looking for the Spar- ^defense for the w inners assisted in , J tans to go bock into the victory ; holding the KSers. Russell Olin J • column. State's swimmer? have broken . played an Bakersboro outstanding game for i A Light Smoke I prv Excellent Quality even so far on the current sched- Next Tuesday night Snyder * j ule. hav.ng won from Wayne. Cln- Corners will tangle with Bealtown j Priced from Hoc to 05c cinnati. and Case while losing to Michigan, Wisconsin, Western the Reserve and latter two being , in the Independent finals Bealtown' is the favorite to walk off with the -:nampionship due to their bai- Ifs Toasted"-Your Throat Protection among the best swimming meets anced squad and expert ball AGAINST IRRITATION—AGAINST COUGH j ever seen in the Spartan tank