...and the Earvin iml Era commences ByGEOFFETNYRE Johnson said there was little doubt of him coming to MSU until State News Staff Writer former head MSU basketball coach Gus Ganakas was fired last Even after three years of following Earvin "Magic" Johnson's spring. From then on it was a matter of how much the new coaches varsity basketball exploits, the Everett High School students were and new team showed. still not used to it. "If I would have signed earlier I probably would have gone to Michigan," Johnson said. When Johnson announced Friday morning in a press conference Apparently the Spartan progress swayed him over. at Everett that he would stay home and play his college basketball "Heathcote's a good coach and he really got a lot of miles out of at MSU, the whole school was listening. his players. I have a lot of respect for Jud Heathcote, Don Monson A fortunate few had slipped into the press conference and about and Vern Payne." 15 heads were crammed into a doorway behind the stage of the Johnson spoke of his goals for a Big Ten and NCAA small auditorium. The rest of the school had the benefit of the championship for the Spartans, but also threw out the possibility pubic address system, which carried an on-the-scene running that he might claim financial hardship making himself eligible for a commentary. pro contract before his four years are completed at MSU. The pro scouts are already interested. As Earvin and his family came throught the doorway shortly after 9 a.m. they were hit by floodlights and Earvin jerked his "There's a lot of them looking," Johnson said. "I might not be there long. I haven't gotten anything concrete yet, but if I do I head and shaded his eyes. Recovering quickly, he sat down and calmly asked, "Are there might have to take it." any questions?" After the laughter died down, Johnson wasted no Johnson enhanced himself further in the pro scouts' eyes time in making one of the most momentous statements in MSU Saturday night when the Lansing High School All-Stars nipped the sports history. Detroit high school all-stars, 119-117. Johnson scored 41 points, hauled down 16 rebounds and passed for numerous assists, while "Next year I will be attending Michigan State Un " Johnson Jay Vincent, Lansing Eastern all-stater and Johnson's close friend said as the room erupted into applause and drowned out anything who already signed with MSU, hit for 38 points and 10 rebounds. that might have followed. Meanwhile, Everett High School shook What was Johnson doing when he finally arrived at his decision as the students rejoiced. to come to MSU? "I've always wanted to go to Michigan State," Johnson "I was at home listening to music," Johnson said. "That's the explained. "Ever since sixth or seventh grade I've been going to only time I can really think about things." all their games. And what was he going to do after school on Friday? H "Once you get the Spartan in you, you never lose it." "Go home and listen to my music," he said. 1 State News/Robert Kozloff Thousands more are expected to see Johnson's (Esrvin Johnson - (32), now of MSU, secures * re¬ EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 bound during Ma lait show for Laniing Everett debut next season as a Spartan, following Ms selec¬ VOLUME 71 NUMBER 67 MONDAY, APRIL 25,1977 tion of MSU over U-M. ligainst Birmingham Brother Bice's Tim Andree. Recruiting scandal report still secret By PATRICIA LACROIX "Based on evidence I've seen there is no distance telephone charges, lodging and representing over 40,000 people, while five Trustee Patricia Carrigan, D-Farmington and that she was not concerned abut the Sute Newt Staff Writer involvement," Smydra said. "Maybe if all subsistence, University entertainment, faculty members will represent less than Hills, said that it is her "selfish concern as a numbers involved. equipment and subscriptions. 3,000 people. trustee that we get input that is useful," (continued on page 10) | MSU Board of Trustees Friday the papers were released, the article would Smydra could not be reached for com¬ ed its decision not to release to the never have appeared." ■ the report of the University Select ment regarding his expenses. Legislators have also approached Smydra In relation to this, the trustees approved Jitteescandal.that investigated MSU's re- with questions regarding the investigation, Further V data motions which limit trustees to the same probe he said. •e Michael Smydra, D-East Lan- MSU President Clifton R. Wharton Jr. expense guidelines as outlined by Univer¬ laid he proposed discussing the said that while he cannot prevent news¬ sity Travel Regulations, and make board lility so that questions which surface papers from "printing inaccuracies," the expenses subject to approval. f media from time to time could be position of the University regarding the A Faculty Liaison Group to the board d. In addition, Smydra questioned football scandal was made clear at the time. was approved, despite some oppositon by l»t lengths the new Freedom of lotion Act extends, and whether Jotball investigation It to provisions of this law. documents are "I personally believe that it is not in the best interest of the University to reopen a lengthy discussion of past history," Whar¬ ton said. "The matter is closed." student liaison representative Donald Bat- kins. "We feel generally there are too many people, especially since the president, considered by committee (dra explained that recent columns in The board also received reports on provost and two vice-presidents are already on the meeting along with It area newspapers had cast doubt on on the board," Batkins said. "The provost By ANNE S.CROWLEY charges of past waste were not answered in who sat in trustee expenditures for February 1977. State News Staff Writer either audit. Raymond Krolikowski, D-Birmingham. as Procter of MSU Executive Vice-Presi- Smydra had the highest expenses for the should represent the faculty." The Audit Committee of the MSU Board "You almost missed the major thing in concerned trustees, criticized Smydra's ■«ck Breslin, suggesting that he had month, totaling $2,239.75. Other trustees Batkins also said the number of persons ■involved with the football depart- had bills ranging from $87.76 to $348.04. to be seated on the council was not proper, of Trustees Friday charged accounting firm your investigation," he said, adding that the proposal. Ernst and Ernst with looking into the trustees could take action, possibly relating Carrigan said the board should be * activities. Included in these expenses are long¬ since currently there are only four students to personnel, if they knew whether or not concerned with making the department a feasibility of further investigation into alleged waste and mismanagement in the the charges were true. good unit and not with spending more Administrative Data Processing Depart¬ Ernst and Ernst representatives replied money to ascertain people's motives when •N. report contradicts notion ment. The committee accepted and made public Ernst and Ernst's initial report, which dealt that additional investigation probably would not be worth the time, effort and money because the firm did not believe the they made decisions. In other committee action, the Board of Trustees Health Programs Committee with the department's organizational struc¬ necessary records and persons were avail¬ placed student health services, especially able to reach a conclusion. those administered to women, as its top lat world is running out of fuel ture and the present and future adequacy of its existing equipment. Several trustees, however, expressed dissatisfaction with the "Even if that charge were given to us, I don't think we would have come back with more," representative Herb McLachlan agenda item for the next meeting, to be held in May. Other future agenda items include the thoroughness of the findings. President Clifton R. Wharton Jr. ordered said. University's role in mental health services, r0RK (AP) Estimates compiled that oil and gas from conventional sources sources, even if this transition period - audits by Ernst and Ernst and Robert Trustee Michael Smydra, D-East Lan¬ plans for an MSU hospital, residency should last a hundred years or more." ris at a U.N. conference disagree "would last at least until about the time sing, suggested that another auditor be training for osteopathic medicine students, 1 The summary was the first report of the Wenner, director of the MSU Internal L. .kJiramy Carter'8 televised period 2020-2030." Audit, Oct. 7,1976, in response to a list secured to look into the remaining allega¬ continuing education for state doctors, ft mat we are now results of the conference, held in Laxen- on running out of The summary said the consensus at the tions. teaching education students to teach sex of dozens of allegations of waste and «il. They hold that the world conference was that, as rising prices make burg, Austria, last July 5 through 16. The education, alcoholism programs, develop¬ full report is to be issued May 1. mismanagement in the Data Processing "The University is in tough financial J "as enough of both for another it economical to Up new sources, "addition¬ The U.N. summary said the oil experts' Department. Wharton received the list of straits partially because some officials are ment of a college of nursing and allied p years. al petroleum and gas resources would most not accountable to the public," he said. "I health programs, environmental health and y*lj issued summary papers and discussions found that oil would allegations July 1. report of last probably be available, albeit at a sub- remain the world's most important hydro¬ According to a timetable of significant want to push this further." MSU's role in prison system medical Fs conference says the dozens of sUntially higher cost...during the period of Patricia Carrigan, D-Farmington Hills, programs. carbon source of energy "for many years to events distributed at the committee meet¬ attended generaUy agreed transition to the use of renewable energy come." ing, Wharton was among a number of Among reasons cited for the favorable high-level University administrators who outlook were: reviewed drafts of the audits before their •Resources remain to be discovered, release to the board of trustees. since "most of the world, particularly in the Other administrators named in the Energy t0 be focus of forum developing countries, offshore and on the ocean floor, has never been systematically timetable who reviewed one or both of the reports were Vice President for Business and Finance Roger Wilkinson, Secretary to explored for oil and gas." ILwrhTu'u nation s energy problem and President Jimmy Carter's conservation •The world's oil industry will be able to the Board of Trustees Elliott Ballard, Notice e.„™d t0»'«lit at 7:30 in the Erickson Hall kiva. get more and more of the oil and gas out of Assistant Vice President for Finance For those of you who were I meeting ■ experts> eeeie of national prominence, will discuss Carter's proposals. the ground thanks to its "ceaseless tech¬ Stephen Terry and Wenner. oblivious during the weekend, Neutions'5 °pen 10 "le Pehlic and open discussion will be held following formal nical advance." Terry, Wenner and Leland Carr, Univer¬ you should've set your clocks •As prices for crude oil or gas increase, sity attorney, said last week that the ahead an hour Sunday at 2 a.m. worked wU1 "elude Mordechai Krenin, professor of economics who small fields or hard-to-get deposits whose Wenner report was edited and some of the Hope you make it to class. k direct! . , Wor'r. Junes Anderson J would like to recognize the following spring term pledgesl S"b \ Trade -In A. Langston Li\Shop - J. Hamilton A. Herzberg 2850 E. Gr. River S. Cousino Your OLD Coral (next to Gables) D. Palmer 351-0304 J. Fagan Tennis Shoes niH DILIVIRY S. Vella J. Laboe FREE J. Wirick small coke with ovary for large sub. Now thru Wad., 4/27. Walk-in B. Ackerman only. No coupon Congratulations from necessary. AKT $2^00 r towards a a H AMERICA'S CUP Restaurant U *** Lounge New Pair Free Soup (MO00 purchase or more) Now, in addition to our great Clam Chowder, we are offering a new hot and hearty soup each week — French Onion, Navy Bean, Minnestroni, and Lentil Ham. MSUBOOTERY Stop in for It's Free with the wich, with this coupon. Offer a steaming mug today. purchase of any sand¬ good (for soup only, not chowder j 225 E. Grand River any Monday in April. Board bungles on Data Processing issue The refusal by the MSU Board of The board's refusal to consider a Department, which recently had iawslnhghtof the fact thatouf,: Trustees to allow discussion at resolution endorsing federal copy¬ to cancel a showing of "Equus" a publicly funded Univers e ? Friday's public meeting about the right laws is similarly perplexing. because of failure to obtain the trustees possibility of releasing all docu¬ It is difficult indeed to accept the production rights from the show's endorse,a clear federal law should be willing ments pertaining to the recent assertion of Trustee Patricia Car- copyright owners. The trustees have The "Equus" controversy is not properly on both acted'i, investigation of the Data Proces¬ rigan, who claimed it would be these I sing Department is another detri¬ improper to discuss the resolution at issue here. What is at issue is Their public image has ' ment to the public's right to know. without input from the Theatre the validity of federal copyright Trustee Michael Smydra intro¬ duced a resolution asking that the issue be discussed at the public T«^tieerusing 0 me 1political dime store m.f«c«.»ting,ubPiottowhichkeypoint,»mu^M.t To that end he conspires to keep the resister Fritz Efaw — and causes to promote are off prime time. "weirdos" — such as People with bones to pick draft -—*"0 >"<= nongratis. Jerry Brown is a "pimple." spotlights the . raw but still luuj-uaj ~ion; benign political ambitions _Reeves convention, neeves of Ohio Lt. Strauss himself is interested in obtaining a lucrative job in a new opposing candidates. "You must be crazyl" Jagoda screamed at the Democratic administration. If junior John Deans. "Didn't you ever hear of m 1984 ff- Celeste. His small but Celeste, we learn, is running for president - electing Jimmy Carter means Convention Watergate? If devoted coterie of aides ("Celestials") turning off the microphones on loudmouths, so be it. somebody finds out, it'll destroy Carter!" scramble to and fro, By Richard Reeve t setting up parties, interviews and Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.: New York And then there is the blunt assessment of Carter delivered by coUertmg chits for eight years hence.Celeste's immediatemeetings, And just to make sure the human side of the convention is famed New York Times is to haul his ambition stressed on par with the political end, Reeves Mpage i, $10 political reporter James Wooten: "I sound swarthy 6-foot 4-inch frame up to the podium and, the poor fellow named relates the tale of like I admire the Carter before a national television audience, make Sweeney who caught someone breaking people; actually I despise them. I know he his pitch for a into his car. While in court . doesn't believe that religious stuff. I know it! I know! Southerners Constituency of Conscience." filing charges, his car was towed away. know he isn't a good ole It cost him $65 to get it back. Later, it seemed that boy or poor — he's the patrician of the the entire legal town. His language is so Celeste finally gets to speak and judicial system of New York By DAVE MI8IALOWSKI subtle, and smart. He thinks he's 99 per — just as all three networks are City conspired to convince "Convention" by Richard Reeves is like browsing cent smarter than anybody who's around him. He has no respect cutting to commercials. Sweeney that it was not worth prosecuting the thief. Finally, he for scribes; he hates the agreed to drop the charges and the thief was fined $100 for h s dime store: one doesn't go there to buy something big, press." By and large, though, the book is crammed with dime store smashing Sweeney's car window. As Sweeney left court in time to | the merchandise can be fascinating. tidbits — lots of it junk. Reeves arguably could have tightened his "I sound like I admire the Carter people; catch Carter's acceptance speech, a patrolman told him, "You invention" is a fascinating book, though largely devoid of book considerably by eliminating large sections dealing with actually I despise them. I know he doesn't know, there's no way you're going to get that $100." ine or momentous information. Reeves' purpose in writing it labor-management disputes, bar-hopping delegates, prostitution believe that religious stuff. I know it! I know! "Convention" is that kind of book. Reeves tells us that ,ntly was to illuminate the labyrinthine underground of a and the antics of the New Southerners know he isn't a good ole boy or poor noble J convention, instead of monotonously rehashing and Jersey delegation. facades are built on rotting foundations. There is an old story that The book wanders at times and the ideas turn to Duff. The - he's the patrician ofthe town. His at the 1944 Democratic nc up four days of colored balloons, fraudulent smiles, hidden corridors Reeves illuminates often lead to unsatisfying language is convention, Roosevelt partisans hooked up so subtle, and smart. He thinks he's microphones in the sewers beneath the convention hall and started g horns, counterfeit handclasps and phony displays of dead ends. Is it really astounding, for example, to learn that the 99 per cent chanting "We want FDR!" The crowd joined in and an unstoppable smarter than anybody who's around him. He has f that take place on the podium after the candidate has been lieutenant governor of New York had difficulty getting onto the Roosevelt boom was on. ninated. convention floor without credentials, or the Carter confidant no respect for scribes; he hates the press." Charlie Kirob, because he was In 1976, Reeves' microphone was his L be sure, there is some eyebrow-raising material here. Carter suddenly a big shot, found it easy pad and pen, and the to obtain tickets to a sewers he inspected were ridden with ision adviser Barry Jagoda, we learn, put the kibosh on a Broadway musical? Democratic National Chairperson Robert Strauss is people and voices not Reeves could have portrayed a normally scrutinized by the CBS eye. Carter, Strauss and Celeste, me cooked up by a couple of green Carter aides to electronically dispensed with such information; it is nithless, conniving, amoral political tactician whose main interest et al„ would have probably best that he didn't. If a book is going to emulate a dime is bowlderizing dissent and preferred to keep these sewers and Ejdrop on the communications of television networks and store, the reader ought to be allowed to pick and choose — sort out wants to give the American disembowling pagentry — in short, he microphones closed. Reeves opens them, giving us a glimpse of a people a dull, but "unified" convention. fascinating political and human underworld. Sabbag's style is as intense Therein lies the symbiotic affair as the drug itself. As the pace fault of all dealers when the Reminiscing the halcyon — of Swan's lifestyle accelerates, going is good and the roots of lith silver spoons words begin to race off the page. The reading intensifies complacency sprout. The leaves that eventually flourish are years when the "snowman" connects nipped by narcs and the under¬ with his cocaine contacts to world heavies. lanterns are damped out in suicide, death and aloneness. Brooke parlay his livelihood. A nerve is "Haywire" Hayward, their eldest child, describes the disintegration of her d: A Brief Career in same exclusiveness may not be But "Snowblind" is not By Brooke Hayward struck, a synapse electrified. an family and the destruction of her mother and sister with the Cocaine Trade all that surprising. Supplying Alfred A. Knopf: New York detachment and lucidity. painful Swan scores, a deal is made, expose of Swan's downfall. The "status" to the well-to-do in raison d'etre would $$5 pages, $10 Brooke Hay ward's book ends without the By Robert Sabbag lives are lost, prices are dis¬ only be green light at the end order that their silver spoons IbbtMernll Company, Inc. : cussed, the world goes 'round. mundane. It is a portrait of not of the pier. It ends in darkness, as does the story of the Hayward New York may runneth over can be In "Snowblind" the euphoria one person, but the entire family, without the point of hope devised through Fitzgerald's 285 pages, $8.95 exciting, lucrative and danger¬ of the drug can be read be¬ genre, an illicit society of illegal romantic affinity for the happy ending. Here there is only survival. ous, as Swan's true-to-life tango tween the lines. The "high" drugs and legal tender. It By KATHY ESSELM AN Brooke and her brother Bill are alive. After her father's This is the end of the story, the chapters after the death she with cocaine dealing illustrates. makes for interesting reading happy ending starts for the "doorway and the dark corridor Swan experiences not only in Modern Screen Magazine. beyond," knowing By JOHN CASEY within the scope of the effects Margaret Sullavan and Leland she has to move forward. Ironically, "Snowblind" encompasses the actual snort¬ Hayward were the perfect couple, incandescently beautiful and in of the drug and the symbiotic "Haywire"is the story of individuals, people living together and Consolidating the chemistry ing, shooting or swallowing of love. They got married, had three children (all I Freud's insightful "Uber commences with Swan's arrest, juxtaposition of those making a beautiful, apart. Sister Bridget prized her privacy and at the age of 21, chose cocaine, but the absolute de¬ and the five subsequent the end of his rollercoaster ride living off it. intelligent and well-behaved) and lived happily ever after for 10 the ultimate isolation — death. between the Colombian coast light of playing perilous games Margaret Sullavan may or may not Jtis Hater published under and the streets of New York. with the law. And winning years. They typified the ideal Hollywood marriage; they were famous, have intended suicide when she locked her hotel room and took | umbrella title "Cocaine — Sabbag's injecting of primer- pills. Leland Hayward committed Bill and Bridget to psychiatric almost. ers") with Robert Stone's Carelessness in a Long Island type facts about cocaine into extravagantly successful and neither was prey to drink or drugs. institutions when Bill became a disciplinary problem at school and losive tales of drugs on the beach house nearly negates two Swan, a middle-aged man the narrative adds, rather Margaret Sullavan was an extraordinarily talented actress who Bridget decided she needed to be committed. It turned out that years of craftily dodging cus¬ than detracts, from the mes¬ starred in "Only Yesterday." "Back Street," "The - "Dog Soldiers" — author with a taste for only the very Shopworn Bridget had epilepsy which went undiagnosed while her black-outs ert Sabbag concocts a blist- toms, narcs, thugs and those best, can be a genius at beating sage. Angel" and "The Shop Around the Corner" and created the leading increased in severity, reinforcing her conviction that she role in "The Voice of the Turtle" on Broadway." needed wanting piece of Swan's |lInandaccount of his one Zachary a action. The scenarios "Snow- the odds, an excellent judge of character (an important quality "Snowblind" is spellbinding. Leland Hayward was a swashbuckling agent-entrepreneur who institutional care. Leland Hayward died in bed. The act of living is a kind of dark ephemeral career The life of a cocaine dealer on victory in this narrative, which blind" presents are suspense- dominated the theatrical scene on both coasts from the 1920s to every dealer should embrace) the lam appears envious, the begins and ends with death. The book grew out of Brooke ful, colored with cocaine slang the 1960s and produced "Mr. Roberts," "South Pacific" and "The and a fool. He sniffs out the bad wealth phenomenal, the people Hayward's need to come to terms with her mother's death due to i" lor "Swan's lexicon" chanel, Trial of the Catonsville Nine." "what might be an accidental" overdose of acquires and — deals and basks in the good life, drugs, her sister's the caviar of the dust, freeze, girl) and sweet but dupes interesting and the adventure TheHaywards were minor nobility in the Hollywood hierarchy. suicide and her 69-year-old father's death due to ne, himself into be¬ obvious. But cocaine, no matter complications ! market. At $1,000 an success; an American dream- lieving it will persist indef¬ They worked hard, and tried to raise their children with care. after a routine operation. Hayward how you cut it, is an Their lives were a Fitzgeraldian tragedy: responds to her orphaning, an le, the cocaine coterie is come-true. initely. tional hazard. occupa¬ the glow of a Gatsby ultimate abandonment by death, with rage, loneliness and a lawn party, a swirl of pale colors and bright lparable to the most exclu- wit, ending before the moving, lucid reminiscence of her family's life together and apart. I country club; the possi- ly of people belonging to the -Produce. _In Store Coupons. Editor's BANANAS Nutricious - Delicious 18' ib. BIG G WHEATIES RED RADISHES or CEREAL 12 ox. Box Note GREEN ONIONS 729' FRESH CAULIFLOWER KRAFT MAYONNAISE f Rage welcomes 77' jnci and comment from the I' emmunity on material 12 count Six* each 32 ox. Jar 99$ Save 30' On east side of MSUat 1109 East Grand River. fed on this page. I am tly looking for reviewers, SPARTAN SALT Fro# Open Mon. • Thur. 9 am 10 pm • Fri.4Sat.9am-11 pm m Bahm, Book direct inquiries to Page tdi- 115-8151, from I to 6 p.m. -Bakery- Running or lodlxod 26 oz. Box 9* Save 10" ■ indebted to Paramount BLUE SEAL BRAND HAMBURG NABISCO COOKIES Chips Ahoy or Coconut Choc. Chip 'Meat' or HOT DOG BUNS ffe / Center and Jocundry's 14 ox. Pkg. // Save 18- It for their cooperation and 6 count Pkg. 7*1.01 ECKRICH SMOKEY _a FAMILY PACK Mixed Fryer Parts 38® ,b. LINKS 10 ox. Pkg. /# Save 30' General Merchandise- MACINTOSH APPLES T7( FRESH CUT FRYER QUARTERS 59* ,b SURE ROLL-ON DEODORANT „ 31b. //' Save22' 210 MAC SFVENDAYo Ml Ok) J% 01. Rottlu tegular or Unicunlud ■ *1. USDA CHOICE BLADE CUT HEAD « SHOULDERS SHAMPOO LIMIT 1 PLEASE WITH '5.00 Jar • 4II. oi. Your CHUCK STEAK 77* ,b lotion • 7 fl. oi. Choice FOOD PURCHASE Tubo • 4II. ox. M." ECKRICH SAUSAGE Smoked or POLISH STYLE sl.29,b -Frozen & Dairy- BONELESS SIZZLE STEAKS SCOTCH-PAK ICE CREAM '/> gal. Carton - All Flavors 99$ (Cut from Sirloin Tip) $l.79ib (No Coupon • No Limit) CENTER THICK CUT JENO'S PIZZA ROLLS 6 oz. Pkg. Pepperoni or Sausago 59* SMOKED PORK CHOPS $lu69,. HEATHERWOOD ALL STAR 1 % LOWFAT MILK '/i gal. Container 2/$l.39 CHICKEN GIZZARD'S 59* ib. PILLSBURY HUNGRY JACK BISCUITS CURIOUS USID BOOK SHOP 10 oz. Container 3/$l.°° I East i , 307 ^ Grond Rlv*r M2-0112 FRESH FROZEN TURBOT FILLETS 99* ,b IZUo"'in 9 Op.n 11:30-6:00 -iGrocery- SPARTAN FACIAL TISSUES 200 ct. Assorted or White 3/$1#00 PENN DUTCH MUSHROOMS 4 ox. Can 70« OFF Whole or Sliced 7,1.°° Jot"' purchase prlc. SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTER 18 ox. Jar of any two sandwiches Chunk or Creamy 88' Bob's Philadelphia at KOOL AID DRINK MIX (Makes 10Quarts) GOODRICH'S All Flavors $1 49 on west side of MSU at 910 Trowbridge Rd st®«k Sandwich Open Monday ■ Thursday 9 a.m.-9 p.m. 1940 E, Grand River Shop SPARTAN APPLE JUICE 32 ox. Bottle 49* 9 a.m.-11 p.m. Friday B Saturday *•4 only through Wed., April 1J 11 a.m.-S p.m. Sunday COCA COLA or TAB 12-pack Cans $2." g Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 25, i97? Murder arraignment put off the Lansing court on an open wouhd to the head. The purpose of an arraign¬ The receipt of By DEBBIE WOLFE Luplow Stansbury, on Feb. 28 n, ment is to have a judge read the „. _ State News Stall Writer charge of murder after a pre¬ in Olds Hall. George Thick, Luplow's law¬ «wer by the court The arraignment of Steven liminary examination held in Stansbury was employed by yer from Saginaw, had planned charges pending against the mutually cancel the ^ „J«f Earl Luplow, 23, of Saginaw, in East Lansing District Court the MSU Psychology Depart¬ to submit a written waiver of defendant and allow the court the to ask that a plea be entered for Ingham County Circuit Court Tuesday. ment as a secretary and resided arraignment to avoid an has been postponed until Fri¬ Luplow is the prime suspect at 607 Virginia St. She died unnecesaary trip to Lansing, the purpose of beginning trial day. in connection with the murder several hours after the incident said Lee Atkinson, prosecuting procedures. rescheduling the courTanLj Luplow was bound over to of his ex-wife, Sheryl Ann took place from a gunshot attorney. "Ingham County offers the option of a waiver of the airaignment especially or out of the county lawyers to save Thick's statement Arabs by^Lf peacefully demonstrate them a trip just to come in and trial date will be -«■■ hear a judge read the charges • and then ask for a plea," Atkinson said. Atkinson said. "If we had at Israeli freedom celebration received the statement in the mail by noon Friday, the ar¬ raignment would have been Currently has been in an uno„,ml 4. scheduled for jji Judge Jack W Warn canceled," he said. circuit court in Lansin. Members of the Organization said. "We used to go and gdt Greater Lansing Welfare Or¬ of Arab Students Sunday night Sultan said the OSA has permission to demonstrate ganization said the Arab demonstrated peacefully out¬ encountered discrimination every year, but this year they demonstration did not deter side the Israel Independence from the Union Activities wouldn't give us permission, so with the Independence Day YOVU NIVIR OIT YOUR Board in carrying out activities we are doing it on our own," celebration. RISUMIDONI THAT WAT! Day celebration held in the Union. such as Sunday's demonstra¬ Sultan continued. Sultan said the demonstra¬ The demonstration was tion. Israel Independence Day, the tion was successful because it "Last year they seized our final event of Israel Week, was drew Arab students from staged in protest of the treat¬ ment and displacement of Pale¬ office, and this year they're celebrated in conjunction with around campus together over stinians from their homeland, trying not to give us any place Israel's 29 years of indepen¬ the issue of the Palestinian to demonstrate and show dence. struggle and informed Amer¬ according to members of the Americans our faith to our Jonathon Spinner, an organ¬ icans of the Palestinian strug- organization. "We have been protesting cause," he said. izer of Israel Week from the since the beginning of the State News Robert Kozloff Zionist state, and will continue until the Zionist state is abolish¬ These African waxed prints were some of the fabrics displayed at the first-ever "African Dress and Textiles Workshops" held at the Kresge Art Gallery over the weekend. The designs are from ed and the secular democratic state of Moslems, Christians and Jews is established," Ali Sultan, an organizer of the OSA BUONO APPETITO LIT INSTY-PRINTS HELP motifs of the West Coast of Africa and were made in Authentic Italian Europe. Sandwiches & Dinners WITH FAST, Hustler's head IUALITY PRINTING SPECIIiS tries alternative College to have new dean ATHENS, Ohio (AP) - SPAGHETTI 1 MEATBALL DINNER with Garlic Braad ) j Q0 ■we can (continued from page 3i of resident instruction for ag¬ degree from North Carolina State University in 1955. He Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt says hell soon MEATBALL SANDWICH with Parmatan Cheese tasty-prints'H the wtz ctf the printing biz! riculture in 1967 and 1968 and received his bachelor of science begin publishing an Ohio n t Italian Sauca ,In headed the agricultural engine¬ magazine which "will deal with degree in agricultural engineer¬ W3303 182-110* 3217091 Win politics, social issues and Mon. Thurs.: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Frl. - Sat. 11 11 ering department from 1961 to ing from the University of - a.m. • p.m. 14SS E. MIcM|m people, but no sex whatsoever." 3205 S. Cedar 4308 W. Satiuw lis [dtp 1967. Georgia in 1949. Sunday: 12 noon • 11 p.m. He chaired the agricultural E. Mich., W. Saginaw and S. Cedar stores engineering department at the fmmmmmmmmm CUP AND SAVE All storasopan 8:30-5:30 University of Tennessee in 1960 RIVER at GUNSON PH. 337-9549 and 1961 and served on agricultural engineering faculty the | Have your auto of Clemson University from 1957 to 1960 and 1952 to 1955. ! insurance rates eathcote says that k stowintheBigTei s the outlook tha Anderson earned his doctor¬ ate from Iowa State University increased? re thing — the goa in 1957 with a joint major in Sentry has held the line I BRWDI l)| agricultural engineering and theoretical and applied mechan¬ ics and a minor in electrical CALL l.lONm W dually, it should be a ng after losing Rickey ( due and Minnesota are engineering. He majored in JEFF WILLIAMS k without Kent Benson agricultural engineering and [fouror five losses and minored in mechanical eng¬ TREAT YOUR EYES ineering to earn his master's 332-1838 RIGHT 401 W. Grand Rivar At Co-optical we're specialists in proper eye tort State News East Lansing We have a large selection of fromes, lenses, o contacts too. We fit both hard and soft contacts. E) Newsline examinations by appointment only. 353-3382 FREE/ STOP BY SOON 1 Branded Lion Dr. James Nixon 1— mmmmmm.CUP AND SAVE J T-shirt with Registered Optometrist any purchase of Brookfield Plaza 351-5330 MWiTMDfr Branded Lion leans (While Supply Lasts). W JOHN SINGLES )te News Sports Writer NIGHTS ■»Jr Carter a would record-setting P» University of IlUnoi tr I T Orange champions!: |e last weekend, the MS !ns golf team bottU Branded Lion le»ergy for this weekend Ihvh iti mark on loan. thU spring. Groat-fitting, good-looking, prowaohod faihion loans of 100% cotton in donlm and khaki. Cargo pockots. burlap trim, railroad ■tripos, pleats. and colored accent ■ tripos. SUM 29-38 All XXL length THE BIG WHITE BARN (Fros alteration) $20 to $24 | MONDAY LUNCH ONLY LUNCHEON STEAK $2.49 A fine filet of USDA Choice sirloin broiled PIZZA and PITCHER to perfection plus your choice of and a crisp garden salad. potato SPECIAL Reg. $2.59. THERE'S A NO COVER SPECIAL EVERYDAY BANK AMERICARD AND MASTER CHARGE WELCOME MONDAY - FRIDAY • FREE GIFT WRAPPING • LAY AWAY NOT ONLY THE BEST DISCO 2287 Grand River Ave. STORE HOURS: MON. THRU SAT., 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; SUN. 12 noon to 6 p.m. BUT THE BEST BAR Okemos IN TOWN Open 11 AM 'til 10 PM Daily IN FRONT OF MEUER THRIFTY ACRES ON (s steak expert Special Kid's Menu Too! WEST GRAND RIVER OR SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA New», Eo»t tanslng, Michigan Monday, April 25, 1977 5E0FF ETNYRE EDWARD L. IforWn thickens RONDERS Ihe plot Jud, Vern LATTER RUNS DOUBLE WIN both get A+ ',, what I enjoyed moat about Friday morning's press as the way that Earvin "Magic" Johnson handled his "It's gonna happenl" In huff world at his feet, but this 17-year-old high priest of l^hool basketball didn't kick it. He tickled It with his toes. ■Kn Earvin strode into the room it sounded like 160 Women snare Big Ten Yes, the Earvin Era will now officially happen at MSU But, if it weren't for Jud Heutheote and Vern Payne, R may weO have happened in Ann Arbor. When prep Ail-American Earvin Johnson inked his letter of iiltaneous runnings of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Telltale Heart." intent Thursday night to attend MSU, he By GEOFFETNYRE and followed that with a 66.7 paid one hellacious he sat down the only sounds audible were heartbeats and State News Sports Writer mile relay team with Sue 19 feet 4 inches in the compliment to both the Man from Montana and the former MSU L' drooling of press. clocking in the 440. Spartan Sebastian, Elaine Carr and Lat¬ long jump assistant. Sue Latter blasted to vic¬ to outdistance the field. freshman Johanna Matthyssen ter. The team iMl(ric" then showed a deeper meaning to his nickname by tories in the 440-yard dash and grabbed the runner-up spot wiped out the old conference record of 3:55.8 set Lee improved more than two feet over her Simply put, a superlative effort dashed with a healthy dose of Vdv asking, "Before I begin are there any questions?" He half-mile run and still had some in the 440 with a time of 66.3. by Wisconsin last year with a fifth-place jump honesty is what really netted the services of Earvin Johnson for left to anchor the last year and broke the confer¬ Vd impishly, in complete control. Spartans' The Spartans' depth paid off 3.48.2 clocking. Latter brought ence mark the MSU basketball program. winning mile relay team as as they won three of the the baton home in a blazing 54.4 by more than five To go back a bit, Johnson mentioned at his Friday morning press »is is the side to Earvin that really deserves the name "Magic.' MSU snatched the Big Ten four-relays the mile, the inches. Vietzke jumped 17 feet conference, "If I had to sign early, Michigan would have got me." quarter mile sprint. .... — mile he is his own man, he still has a great feeling for those track and field title from Wis- 440-yard and the 880-medley. 6 inches for fourth place. Well, how then did the Spartans land the most sought-after Sebastian and Carr scored Lnd him, on the basketball floor and off. consin. Friday and Saturday in Sprinters Denise Greene, some big points in the Not to be outdone, the dis¬ eager in the history of the state? tiff the floor it will help Earvin through life; on the Door it will Iowa City, Iowa. 440-yard tance runners placed Laurel Vietzke, Gwen Patter¬ intermediate hurdles by racing eight wo¬ it away from MSU basketball before his four years of The junior from Clarkston men in the mile, two-mile and Johnson explained, "I always wanted to son and Karyn Dennis teamed to their go to MSU since I was in led the Spartans to 161 patented one-two three-mile. the sixth grade. I went to all the ball ility are up. points. up to race through the 440-yard finish. Sebastian edged Carr, games. You know once you Wisconsin finished with 142 and In the two-mile, get the Spartan in you, you never lose it." relay in 48.7 seconds. the defending champion, in the Cynthia in ended one of the most suspenseful events in Michigan Illinois, which trailed MSU by a In the Wadsworth, Lil Warnes and But, Johnson nearly lost the "Spartan in him" last year. The 880-medley final. Everett sensation was close to former MSU coach Gus ts history in some time by signing with MSU. But he also point after the first day, faded Diane Culp ran second, third Ganakas. Matthyssen anchored the unit MSU racked up two other And when Ganakas was axed last in another one — when will Earvin turn pro? to third with 102 an(j fourth, year, it caused Earvin a bit of points. of Greene, Dennis and Patter¬ individual firsts as Greene respectively, Latter ripped off a confer¬ hesitation to don the Green and White. "If Gus was still there I son and won in 1:46.8. the 220-yard dash in 25.3 caught in u„n made it a point to tell everyone that there was a ence record of 2.11.0 in the 880 1U:04.U. would have signed early with MSU, no question about it. But, I Bibli'ty he wouldn't play all four years, probably to save himself Matthyssen also ran on the seconds and Anita Lee leaped didn't know coach Heathcote and I had to wait and see what Warnes, Culp and Nathalie kind of L grief when it happens. Kind of like a poker player saying, "I coach he was," Johnson explained. midnight," when he sits down to play. Listening to Hughes took third, fourth and 1(10 leave at ts of deserter, as Ralph Simpson had to when he claimed ship after his sophomore year, is never pleasant. Titans drop MSU twice fifth in the mile and Lisa and Kay Richards grabbed second and fifth in the three- Berry Heathcote came to MSU from serene Montana, where he admits, he recruited players who he tried to mold into his style and not the dominant type like Johnson. Lhnson said if the offer is right hell take it, so the question mile. "We tried not to harass or hound Earvin," Jud stated. "We made mes. when will the offer be right? Earvin said there have been it plain he was our No. 1 priority." increte offers yet, but as soon as he proves himself in college ill that will change. hist shouldn't take long with Earvin's talent. Head MSU Simpson out with injury Berry qualified for the AIAW national Angeles this 16.59.0 time. championships in Los year with her The only link between the departed Ganakas and the then appointed Heathcote was the suave Hoosier Payne. But, during the final recruiting days, Payne became the recruitee and not the newly By EDWARD L.RONDERS recruiter. Kketball coach Jud Heathcote said Earvin's greatest asset is his State News Sports Writer Baker started the opener for advantage in the first inning, More points might have been MSU and walked Bernie Czar- Payne was offered the head coachiong slot at Wayne State and Ityto bring out the best in his teammates. That's a 6-foot-8'/i Patience is a worthy virtue, this time against Larry Pash- picked up in the 100-meter contemplated taking the position all last weekend. The question ler who scored 28.8 points per game. 16.8 rebounds and but it sure can't replace some niecki and Steve Orr before nick. hurdles when Greene fell, but going through both Payne's and Heathcote's minds surely had to Kquarterbacked his team's fast break. timely base hits as far as Dan Brian McElroy drilled a shot But the Spartans ran them¬ freshman Kim Hatchett pulled be how this would affect the chances of getting Earvin. through the legs of Spartan selves out of a rally in their half through with second place in Jie offers will come. Litwhiler and his Spartans are third sacker Tony Spada of the inning. Kenny Robinson 14.7 seconds. litre seems little doubt that Earvin can step right in and do the concerned. scoring Czarniecki. "Wayne State assured me that Vern didn't have to start his job opened with a walk but was until after Earvin made his decision. And Vern didn't have to start Jl ■can't MSU. Sports buffs are always quick with the phrase, "But The Titans from the Univer¬ Baker then gave up another nailed attempting to steal his job until then." Heathcote said. "But I didn't feel it was fair to expert a freshman to jump right in." Earvin will make a sity of Detroit swept two two tallies in the second on second. ry ing of this theory and it's not putting undue pressure on him so. games Saturday from the sud denly punchless Spartans, 34) Mike Robbins' double and Czar- niecki's single. an Ty Willingham then chopped infield single only to meet Hope falls Vern. He needs to get his program started at Wayne. So we told Earvin what the situation was and that it was an opportunity for and 2-1. Vern to be a head coach." lebelieves he will do it, as evidenced by his goals for a Big Ten Sherm Johnson bailed Baker the same fate as Robinson when The twin defeats extended out in the fourth inning with onship, NCAA championship and readying himself for the MSU's losing streak to a half two on and two out and induced he also attempted to second. swipe to Spartans That refreshing trace final decision. "I saw it of honesty failed todissuade Earvin in his as an opportunity for coach dozen and brought some con¬ Payne," the Robbins to pop out to Randy Pat Simpson then followed newest Spartan said. eathcote says that knowledgeable fans don't expect the cern to the mild-mannered Lit¬ Pruitt to sqelch the threat. The with an infield single, but It would have been easy to withhold the Wayne announcement bans to win the Big Ten title but expect them to contend for it, | that's the outlook that the coaching staff will take. Which whiler. "We've got to turn it around. southpaw went hitless frames on to hurl three against the tripped over the bag and went down with a knee injury. Wel¬ again, 10-0 until the prep star was signed, sealed and in uniform. But, Heathcote took the honest way out. That in itself must tell you te thing — the goal for next year is definitely a Big Ten We stopped hitting and I don't Titans. ler replaced Simpson and went something about both men's principles. know why. But things will Meanwhile, Detroit pitcher to second on a wild The Spartan lacrosse squad Another factor which swayed Johnson to Jenison pitch and made Hope College a victim for was the actual straighten themselves out, I'm Bill Redwood stifled the Spar¬ raced home on Weston's coaching ability of Heathcote. lly, it should be a good year for it. U-M is not nearly as sure," LitwBet commented af¬ tans' bats with but one safety the victory column for the log after losing Rickey Green, Steve Grote and John Robinson, screaming triple to left. second time this season, wallop¬ "I didn't see coach Heathcote at ter MSU s*w its season slate every practice and things like ■due and Minnesota are strong again and Indiana is a through the first four innings. That ended MSU's scoring that," Johnson stated."He had been so busy trying to coach his question fall to 13-15. The biggest MSU threat for the dismal, cold afternoon, ing the Dutchmen, 10-0, Satur¬ Ik without Kent Benson. Whoever wins the title will probably Ironically, MSU received day. players that he didn't have extra'time. Heathcote is a good coach came in the sixth after the first as Mike Polvi yielded >r five losses and that's in the just eight and he got a lot out of his players." Spartans' favor. strong pitching performances two batters were retired. Al safeties. Kevin Willitts paced MSU with a trio of goals and two The mind rambles back to Crisler Arena Feb. 26 against the Titans, only to be Weston lined a single to left as Detroit meanwhile, reached past when the lis,Earvin is aperfect fit into the Spartans' starting unity. Jt deceived by the once healthy did designated hitter Jerry assists. Bill Chait added two Spartans forced the Blue and Yellow into overtime before Pashnick for the winning run in lly missed a catalyst last year and Earvin has all the talents to bat attack. Weller. Randy Hop was safe on the third inning on two hits, a goals to the Spartans' offensive succumbing to a five-point defeat. ft the abilities of Greg Reiser and Bob Chapman into a powerful "Our pitchers certainly per¬ effort. ft. Along with Jay Vincent, who may also step right into his an error by Titan shortstop wild pitch and a base on balls. The plain truth of that game was that Heathcote plainly coached formed well enough to win. Chuck Molla and Bill McGin- Orr, loading the bases. Perhaps the cruelest blow to the pants, the shoes and even the underwear off U-hTs honest fly defined role as a power forward or even center, the Except for Buddy Baker's But Pruitt ended the threat the Spartans was the injury to niss shared the netminding John Orr. is could definitely win it. shaky start in the first game I by grounding to first. duties, with Molla stopping 11 )e you shouldn't Simpson. shots and McGinniss 10. Some labeled it a moral victory for the Spartans. But Heathcote expect a title, but don't be surprised, thought the guys pitched well," In the nightcap the Titans "We'll have the knee scoped The victory upped the said he was tired of moral victiories. It was more than that, Litwhiler explained. again jumped out to a 14) Sunday to see if there's a tear," though, it was a bunch of underdogs going against the elitists, and Litwhiler said. "In any case, Spartans' season slate to 4-5. Albion visits East darn near beating them. he's out for at least two weeks Lansing and if there is a tear he's done Tuesday for a 4 p.m. clash with As Earvin said Friday, "I'm the type of person who golfers play monopoly always fomen for the year." The Royal Oak senior enter¬ MSU at Old College Field. wants to go with the underdog. I kind of like to go and lift a team. Even if it's a street game. I'd rather take four average players and ed the Saturday twinbill as the win than four good ones. Michigan's gonna be good without me but second leading MSU hitter with MSU will be good with me." ith fourth straight Big 10 title a .357 average and his 30 hits were second on the team to Weston's 32. Yes, Earvin, MSU will be good with you in the lineup. But the foundation for that lineup was laid by that Man from Montana and MSU has until Tuesday to The MSU Karate Club had Wayne State's new coach. To break precedent, both Heathcote and rediscover its batting eye when two winners in the Ferris Open Payne get an early report card. That card show they both earned py JOHN S1NGLER eyes. nine off the title pace. -179. Central Michigan visits Kobs. Karate tournament Saturday. an A in effort; A in public relations but most importantly, perhaps, UcNcws Sports Writer A+ in honesty. "They're not as experienced The Spartans' Joan Garety The Spartans will hold an Wednesday the Spartans travel Dan Allison won top prize in — [my Carter would be (as MSU) and it's hard for them shot 81-77 -158, tying her with 18-hole playoff today to deter¬ to Western Michigan before brown belt fighting and "It's gonna happenl" to hold a good round for two Ohio State's Debbie Ross for mine who will fill the one ■pite a hitting the road for Big Ten Roberta Shafer was first in "» record-setting trip days," Fossum said. fourth. opening for next weekend's action against Illinois and Pur¬ advanced women fighting. Ron University of Illinois' MSU made up 13 shots on the Other MSU scores included MSU Invitational at Forest due this weekend. Pearson took third in white belt Orange championship last 1 weekend, the MSU golf team bottled Buckeyes over the final nine holes, winding up eight strokes in front of the runner-up from Karen Escott, 82-77 - 159 and sixth place: Sheila Tansey, 87-77 - 164; Sue Conlin, 87-81 Akers Golf Course. The crowd¬ ed list of exemptions features Ertl, Garety, Escott, Tansey Friday's rained-out double- header with Wayne State is tentatively rescheduled for fighting, Jean Nelson second in advanced women fighting and Susie Catallo was second in that Struggling golfers ,ergy for this weekend's Columbus. Indiana was third, 168; and Terri Weber, 93-86 and Conlin. next week. - category. take 8th at Purdue — ■ upiuilMlip. ft Spartans' return to Ilii- sparked by Sue Ertl's |»inning 150, which Ttat'tl S f°Urth '8traig,lt By JOHN SINGLEK State News Sports Writer 51tave a lot of pride and Bruce Fossum, MSU men'sgoif coach, shouldn't have l«!ht we were the best any trouble T said Mary discussing his season-long concept of improvement with the team Fossum, this week. Juliead I 'hot coach. The Spartans left Fossum plenty of room to lecture, as they a first-round 74 on struggled to an eighth-place finish at this weekend's Purdue two under par over the Invitational. MSU's 763, for 36 holes, was 17 behind V ? '"'I' layout. She tourney titlist Illinois and 15 back of second-place Notre Dame. sole Spartan to break "I'm disappointed, but not discouraged," Fossum said. "We ■'* three-time just Big Ten had some people that didn't play well in the afternoon." fP'syed as if they would The tourney was contested Saturday, with 18 holes in the lumber» •Irength. four thjj year morning and 18 more in the afternoon. *Plh, overall Gary Domagalski assumed his customary spot atop the Spartan was still bottled for scores, firing 74-70 — 144 and finishing one stroke behind medalist F'OMd and the Jim Frankhauser of Miami-Ohio. Domagalski, senior Spar- captain from L.', °rced '» use an 87 East Lansing, was two-over par for the day. P01 their score. "He's our horse, one of the really fine TP » llw'ys that players," Fossum said. fifth Mark Brooks was next best, shooting 75-76 Ptow —151, a score which that pleased Fossum. can help said, lamenting the Other Spartan scores over the wet, heavy South Course at bo . g°°d score from Purdue included Joe Marx, 75-79 —154; Tom Baker, 76-80 - 156; Player did not Mark Egley, 80-78 - 168; and Rick Grover, 80-79 - 159. "We're just not there yet," Fossum said. "We have to find ftl!JasJanother ,tory- someone, besides Gary, to get down in those low numbers." ir * day' the? ulpmn&l.. roust Exemptions for next weekend's Northern Intercollegiate will be a good handed to Domagalski and Brooks, for sure. Fossum is still undecided about doling out more. Today and Tuesday are practice days and a 36-hole playoff for nonexempt players will be held Wednesday and Thursday at Forest Akers Golf Course. The Northern Intercollegiate, to be held in Bloomington, Ind., will feature 36 holes Sunday and 36 more Monday. Every school from the Big Ten will be on hand, as well as schools from the fail1b-k'T turn Satur- !aboring in Mid-American Conference and the Midwest. "ItH give us a pretty good picture of the Big Ten," Fossum said. The Spartans will host this year's Big Ten State News/Robert Kozloff Championship and U-D aborts top Steve Orr relays to first alter getting MSU's Kenny Forest Akers Golf Course will also be the site of the 21-team Titans swept the Spartans; 3-0, 2-1. The double setback stretched f 0B the front end of a double-play attempt Saturday. Robinson's fate on the play matched that of his teammates as the MSU's losing streak to six games. The Spartans next see action Tues- day when they entertain Central Michigan at Kobs field. Spartan Invitational the weekend of May 6 and 7. Six Big Ten schools will be in the field, along with state schools Eastern, Western and Central. Monday, April 25, Q Michigan Stole News. East Lansing Michigot 1977 PRODUCTS CARRIED IN AREA STORES Broves pitcher placed Boycott of company cloths, carpets, hosiery and discriminated against since are now on spreading the shelves at said that there is "not going to on disqualified roster By Jl'DV PITNAM 1963. Jacobson's, Knapp's at Meri¬ be much effect" from the boy¬ State News Staff Writer materials for garments, has 85 dian Mall, and K-Mart in cott. shops located in the southern ACTWU has charged that Atlanta Braves relief pitcher Mike Mar¬ The towel you wiped your face with this morning or the United States. About 45,000 the company will not allow Okemos. The boycott has received shall has been placed on the team's disqual¬ Sir"""*1" sheets you slept in last night unorganized workers are em¬ union activity in its shops and a Two area stores, Meijer ified list Sunday after failing to show up for Two weeks ago, Marshall took a widespread support from labor, temoora ployed by the company. union spokesperson in Detroit Thrifty Acres and Sears at Saturday's game against the Los Angeles leave of absence from his baseball carVer? may be products which are part religious and church groups. 'i think you can safely say said that the blacklisting of Frandor, carry Stevens-made clear up potential charges of of a spreading national boycott. Some of the names involved in assault (»£* products without identification. Several East Lansingarea stores are currently carrying I that the cases against the company) are far above Stevens products by consumers is the only way to put pressure Meijer carries a brand of sheets the movement are CorettaKing, civil rights activist Bayard A team spokesperson said Ted Turner, Braves owner and president and Bill Lucas, were not brought against him) and concerning the operation of his kinesio account average in number. The courts on the company. named "Tastemaker" which are service performed at MSU. products of the J.P. Stevens Rustin, Detroit Mayor Coleman director of player personnel and vice pres¬ Co., the target of a four month have said so," said Paul Elkin of "They can never have a produced by Stevens but does Young and Douglas Fraser of ident, spoke with Marshall after the game Marshall has been involved in the National Labor Relations strike at Stevens," Detroit not carry its label. At Sears, all litirati™ I old consumer boycott by the the United Auto Workers and agreed that the Braves would try to against MSU and has also lodged a $25 Amalgamated Clothing and Board (NLRB) in Washington boycott coordinator Martha products carry the Sears label trade Marshall to a team "better suited to his million libel suit against The State n.c. Wilson said. "They just move even though J.P. Stevens is News TV Textile Workers Union pitching philosophies." Guide and The Los Angeles Herald (ACTWU) and backed by the While several charges of the plant to another location. contracted to produce products A resolution in support of the Tribune anti-union activities are now We are not boycotting stores for the store. boycott is currently being pre¬ Turner said he regretted that Marshall Marshall was the first relief entire AFL-CIO. pitcher to vil I The boycott stems from num¬ being heard in courts and by which carry the products. We A spokesperson for the pared by Rep. Perry Bullard, was unhappy with his pitching situation with the Cy Young Award for most valuable erous charges of unfair labor the NLRB, the NLRB has just say, 'Don't buy J.P. corporate public relations de¬ D-Ann Arbor, to be introduced the Braves. "We will do everything in our pitcher in the national league. He pitched practices on the part of J.P. already ruled against the Stevens'." partment of J.P. Stevens in into the state legislature. power to trade Mike to a team of his choice," the Dodgers since 1974 until he was sold to Stevens Co., one of the world's Stevens Co. several times. Most stores carrying J.P. New York City refused com¬ he said. the Braves last summer. His earned r Stevens products also carry ment on the boycott. A member Bullard called the company Stevens has been ordered to Marshall's place on the team roster will be average with the Braves was 9.00, largest textile manufacturers. of the advertising department, "a very vicious operation which pay over $1.3 million re¬ other competitive brands. Pro¬ Stevens, which produces imbursement to 292 employes ducts with the Stevens label who refused to identify himself, really ought to be boycotted." sheets, towels, blankets, table 1-STOP SHOPPING SAVES MONEY, TIME, ENERGY Doyou put off tackling your term paper l mfflSIJCRj ' A SAMPLE t°hfe SAVINGS! PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY APRI1 JO, 1V77. 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The new Weight Watchers' Food Plan is full of things like corn-on-the-cob, cheeseburgers, real cocoa milkshakes and more. All within limits, of course. And you can enjoy them no matter how much weight you've got to lose. But since Weight Watchers is more than a diet, we've also made our new Program more flexible. Simpler to leam Easier to follow. It's all easy to find, too_ At a Weight Watchers WQGHT meeting near you. WATCHEBl TOUtl LOVE THI CHANGE. 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA ctnta Newt, Eo»t Loosing, Mlchigon MicWgfl Mondoy, April 25, 1977 Graduate students: Important Aikido, martial art for self- notlcel Lask week for Day Care Scholarships. Pick up applications defense and personal meets from 5 to 7 p.m. growth, tonight, 9 YOU'VE EARNED In COGS office from 8 to 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesday and 6 to 8 M-W-F, and 5 to 9 p.m. T-Th. p.m. Friday in the Judo Room the Men's IM Building. of THE RIGHT TO BE Participatory Arts from 1 to 3 MSU GO CLUB meets from Lhm Workshop needs people p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wed¬ 8:30 to 11 tonight in 331 Union. PROUD! nesdays and Fridays, and Child¬ jn cameras for City Council ren's Art from 4 to 6 p.m. Contact the workshop Anonymously report sexual as¬ NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR PERSONALIZED GRADU¬ s. Mondays and Tuesdays through saults from obscene calls to rape. ATION ANNOUNCEMENTS. |5Union. #i# Friday at the Center for the Arts, 425 S. Grend Ave. Call Women's Council office from CAP AND GOWN RESERVATIONS NOW ACCEPTED. 4:40 to 6 p.m. A„ astrological organization is Thursday. Sunday through FOR INFORMATION 355-3498. ."(nrmetl in this area. Anyone ,n,^ted please call Faye Eilole The deedline for declaring social Business students: The Under¬ ("student directory I for details. work as a major for the 1977 fall rhp MSU Chess Club meets at 7 term is Tuesdey. Applications are being accepted at 254 Baker Hall. graduate Council Student's will meet at Advisory 6 p.m. THE UNION STORE Jl Mondays in 206 Horticul- See one of the academic ad¬ Tuesday in 103 Eppley Center, (continued on page 12) IN THE UNION, OF COURSE d9' ... visors. ,nt someone to talk to7 ian Rap Group meets at 6:30 ,ht on the Union Sunporch. Student Council for Excep¬ WHERE HOUSE RECORDS II rhe 220 MJLC. UNIVERSITY MALL ABOVE ALLE'EV ts children will meet at 7:30 MRS.: DOR-WED. I SAT. 106; MS. & FRI. 109 PH. |n. Tuesday in 214 Bessey Hall. PR 332-3525 4*^*4*4* „e women's Studies Group ,,S at 3:30 p.m. today in the presents in Oak Room. OR Irhe Black sents a panel _ck women of the BU Women's Group discussion with Lansing and communities at 7 tonight in AIL nLfc 1 = / EVERYDAY EVERY 01 LESS DOC&MERLE |4 Union. DISCWASHER .... Founder of Parent's lonymous, speaks at 8 p.m. Jesday in the Erickson Hall Kiva ■ ''Child Abuse - Parent's Point $100 0Fm PRODUCTS EXPIRES SAT,, 4.30-77 WATSON THURS. MAY 12 7:30 & Wpm FRI. MAY 13 8 & 10:30pm ERICKSON KIVA THE SENSA T10NAL TRA VESTY DANCE COMPANY LES "BALLETS TBOCKADERO Lost World String Band $3.50 in advance until 2:00pm the day of the show At MSUnion, Elderly Instruments, and Wazoo Records DE MONTE CARLO Division of ASMSU Programming Board No smoking, food, or drink in Erickson J Program: SWAN LAKE, Act II (Tchaikovsky) THE DYING SWAN (Saim-Saens) GOFORBAROCCO (J.S Bach) PHAEDRA/MONOTONOUS #1148 (AC/DC) ECOLE DE BALLET (Jean-Claude Pastiche) Dome mitt ♦ * ONE PERFORMANCE ONL Y! WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM - 8:15 P.M. ti1 r Tickets on sale at the Union Building, 8:15-4:30, weekdays. VIRGIL FOX, the five-manual Rodgers je?5e« Phone 355-3361. Touring Organ, a massive rear-projection PUBLIC: $6.50,5.50,4.00; light show, and the music of Johann Sebastian Bach: HEAVY ORGAN- MSU STUDENTS: 50% discount all locations. a sound and light spectacular! THE HOTTEST DANCE COMPANY IN AMERICA! OOUhSOUMG TUESDAY, MAY 3-8:15 P.M. "They dance magnificently. The Trocks deliver the in the UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM goods and conquer. These incredible dance artists will have you rolling with laughter." -Los Angeles Times Reserved Seats: $7.50, 6.50, 4.00 50% discount to full-time MSU Students "Dead on-target and hilarious." -The New Yorker "We can't recommend a ballet company more highly for sheer delight, amusement and-yes-charm... Take your children, by all means." -New York Magazine TUeW.IWIO; 8PM Please note: This concert was originally scheduled for Tuesday, January 18. Those holding tickets for that date may use them at this performance. "I was wiTOCiicGsrneR appalled." —Clive Barnes AJDIOIUW •■ Lecture-Concert Series at MSU mi mm RESERVE SEATS: $5.50 8t $6.50 AVAILABLE AT: DISCOUNT RECORDS, CIVIC CENTER BOX OFFICE AND ALL KNAPPS LOCATIONS WFMK 99 And PYRAMID PRODUCTIONS Mondoy, April 25, 1977 ] 0 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan Trustees to keep recruiting report secret (continued from page 1) Also, the board of trustees Kent Barry outlining his plans for that body's actions during Included in these are safety and public health. campus BLACK the next year; Bob Repas, discussed plans for the Long- Range Planning Council, leased the composition of re¬ the professor of the School of Labor and Industrial Relations; and Jim Thomas, members of the Repas recommended that the board investigate the "incident files" held by the Department RENAISSANCE council (see list below) and East Lansing Human Relations of Public Safety (DPS). These established April 28 as meeting. the first Commission. Barry said while there is files contain information re¬ garding people who were in¬ ENSEMBLE: During the public comment much to be proud of at MSU, volved in campus demonstra¬ session presentations were there are concerns of the stu¬ tions during the 1960s, Repas made by ASMSU President dents which must be addressed. said. ANNOUNCES OPEN AUDITIONS FOR ITS PREMIER PRODUCTION, "GOIN* A BUFFALO," BY ED BULLINS. BLACK AND WHITE ACTORS Council members appointed NEEDED. ALSO, TECHNICAL PEOPLE (LIGHTING AND SOUND). IN¬ TERESTED PERSONS SHOULD CALL BEVERLY, 9-4, 353-9247, OR JON¬ cation; Mary Jim Josephs, Justin, Morrill ATHAN, 355-1531. The following people were named to positions on the University Long-Range Planning Council; College; Lester Manderscheid, Agricultural Eco¬ nomics department; Roy Matthews, Humanities President Clifton R. Wharton, Chairperson, no vote. Department; Chitra Smith, Honors College; and John Taylor, Philosophy Department. Ex officio university officers include; Alternative faculty representatives include: Lawrence Boger, provost; John Cantlon, vice Frederick Home, Chemistry Department; and president for research and graduate studies; Mildred Erickson, Lifelong education. Jack Breslin, executive vice president; and The Student Liaison Group representative is Roger Wilkinson, vice president for business and Donald Batkins, graduate student. Another finance. Academic administrators include; Dean Gwen representative will be named to this position Andrew, College of Social Science; Dean Michael Harrison, Lyman Briggs College; James Butcher, Student Council Representatvies include: Kathleen Leonard. College of Education; Mark Zoology department; and Linda Nelson, Family Ecology department. Newman, College of Agricultural and Natural Ex officio governance representatives include; Resources; Steve Politowicz, College of Social Gwen Norrell, chairperson of the Steering Science; and Nathaniel Sutton, At-Large repre¬ Committee; A. L. Thurman, chairperson of the sentative. Academic Policies Committee; Milton Stein- Alternative Student Council representatives muller, chairperson of the University Curriculum include: Denise Gordon, at-large representative; Committee; and John Henderson, chairperson of and Vincent Yeh, College of Natural Science. the University Faculty Affairs Committee. A-P Association representatives include; William Kenney, Financial Aids; and Doris Faculty representatives include: Richard Featherstone, Administration and Higher Edu¬ McNitt, College of Social Science. JEAN AMERICAN FOLKLORIST i« RITCHIE Showcase/azz Presents McCOY TYNER WITH SPECIAL GUESTS TUESDAY: BALLAD SING • 12:30 - 2:00MSU Union, room 332 opon fo tho public, donations pleat e. PLAY PARTY GAMES - 7 - 9 pm Muilc Pracflco Building phil ranelin, FRIDAY & SATURDAY. APRIL 29-30 I AND VIBES FROM THE TRIBE UfFMIF^flAY' ™ ■ room 103 Sfudonft $1.00, Public $5.00 COLLECTING FOLKLORE AND FOLKS - 7 - 9 pm 8 &11 PM/ERICKSON KIVA, MSU MSU Union Tower Room; froo( I) ond Tickets: 3.50 for MSU students/4.00 at the door and general public opon to tho public. Locturo and slid* Available at: MSUnion and Marshall Music presentation. the U of M Union and Schoolkids Records. In Ann Arbor, This concert made possible, in part, by a grant from the National BOUND DULCIMER PLAYING WORKSHOP -1:00 • 3:00 Music Endowment for the arts, in Washington D.C., a federal agency. Please, no smoking, food or drink in the kiva. V* THURSDAY: Practice Building, room 103; opon to FOR GL0R A division of the ASMSU Programing Board & public and Iroo. -, DAVID CARRAffllf | Pop Entertainment Ebony Productions Presents Presents NATALIE COLE The Outlaws with special guest Michael Henderson FRIDAY MAY 6 8:00 P.M. Monday, May 2 Fairchild Theatre MSU Munn Ice Arena 2 Shows 7:30 & 10:30 p.m. Tikets '6.!0 General Admission Tickets $6 All General Admission Tickets on sale tommorrow at the Available at MSU Union & Recordlands Tickets on Sale Today - Only 1400 seats available MeSeUe Union aiid both Recordlands r c.„tfl News. Eost Lonsing. Michigan Monday, April 25, 1977 1 1 State News Classified 355-8255 | int T«) pupHywt IfHl 1 fplotiwt Ifffl 1 Ewploywt )[j$ | jMrtowts [jpartoMtT]$] DELTA OLDS 1973. *2095. KAWASAKI *600, 1975. 3,000 Power, NORTHERN MICHIGAN MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC, see •» summer BLACK RENAISSANCE Ensemble EAST LANSING NORTH POINTE ONE MALE to share 1 bedroom tape deck, air. 349-2829 after 6 miles, ridden one summer. $1200 camp needs registered nurse and Jim Kemp, HASLETT MOTOR wants student executive director. APARTMENTS, 1250 Heslett apartment summer term. Close to a.m. 8-5-3 112) or best offer. Includes white full camp cook. Call 355-6417. 8-5-2 SPORTS. 339-2125. 54-25 (121 Experience in black theater arts Road at 69. Furnished/unfurnish¬ campus. $70/month. Nonsmoker chin Bell helmet. Fred, 353-2648. (12) preferred. Non-salaried position. ed 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, preferred. Call Ron, 351-0120. DODGE VAN 1976. Customized, 54-26(20) GENERAL OFFICE help needed 353 9247,8 a.m4 p.m. 3427 (191 3425 (191 newly redecorated, heat and water many extras. Call after 5 FULL AND part time maintenance spring/summer in consumer acti¬ Must sell. 627-7582. 54-25 (121 p.m. SUZUKI 750, like new. $950~or work. Experience helpful but not vist office downtown Lansing. TELEPHONE SALES - for local furnished, 3 to 12 month leases. Start at $175/month. Call John or 124 CEDAR Street, East Lansing. make offer. 393-6420. 54-29 (121 Must have work study, typing necessary. Apply in person at insurance agent. Part time, from Sue, 332-6354. 521429 (37) Two man, one bedroom furnished DODGE VAN, 1971 Tradesman MERIDIAN MALL office. 3-4-25 ability. $2.75/hour. Call 487-6001. 5-8 p.m. Previous telephone ex¬ HONDA 1972 CB-500 four. Excel¬ apartments, heat included. $190/ 200. 31700 or best offer. 663- 1181 5425 (222 8039. 34-27 (12) lent condition, two helmets. Cell „ perience needed. Call Stan Clark, 321-3752, 5429 (181 Cedar Village month. June or September. Year lease. 129 Burcham Drive effi¬ Tom, 337-7640. 8-5-3 (121 EARN WHILE you learn. Models SARAH COVENTRY - Looking FERRARI 1965 275-GTB. 6 web- BRIDGESTONE 100 for men or women, full or part and escorts wanted. $8/hour. Apartments ciency, $160/month. 8 p.m. 351-2402; 6 p.m. a.m. 9 - 5 Sport, oil Phone 489-2278. XZ 47-53 (12) rft"* llfl p.m. - ers, B-12 5-speed. Red. Trades. time. New spring line. Kit loaned. Now 882-2316. Another apartment - Immaculate. 349-1770. 5-4-26 (12) injection motorcycle. Good condi¬ Call 6254208; 625-7485. X 10-54 leasing for tion, runs, $100 or best offer. SECRETARY POSITIONS avail¬ immediate occupancy. 124 Cedar 119) able in busy association headquar¬ TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. Summer only Street. 594-29 1391 371-3746. 8-4 28 (141 FORD GALAXIE 1968, good con¬ ters. General secretarial skills in¬ $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- Bogue St. at dition, automatic, air, power steer¬ 1975 KAWASAKI - H1, 500 cc. PART-TIME errand person need¬ cluding excellent spelling and 1010. C-214-29 (121 Red Cedar River FALL, MALE needed to share 2 ing and brakes. $425. 676-2089. Flawless condition, low mileage, ed, spring/summer in PIRGIM'S language abilities necessary. Ex¬ bedroom apartment. Close, cheap. 34-27 (13) Lansing office. $2.75/hour. Must Call 351-5180 FORD 1973 Chateau Van. 5 very fast and 349-0241. 3-4-25 (16) reliable. $1200. have car. Work study. Call Denise at 487-6001. 54-25 (22) cellent fringe benefits and working conditions. Near airport location. r quants w\ ONE WOMAN for 2 bedroom Jeff, 351-1564. 6426 (12) Call Monday-Friday 321-7916. IINIVIMITY VILLA oassenger, power, air, many ex¬ 551 ALBERT STREET, one block apartment, near campus. $97.50 YAMAHA 1972, 100 cc Enduro, Equal Opportunity Employer. 54 tras. $2875/best offer. 627-4432. MASSAGE LEGITIMATE for from campus, large two bedroom, plus electricity. Available May 1st. 950 actual miles. Excellent condi¬ - 25 L53I 5 Blocks To MSU furnished, air conditioned, bal¬ 353-1790 55 p.m. weekdays. 54 14-22 (14) tion. Phone 882-0407. 34-25 (12) girl? Capable person needed regu¬ I 2 Bedroom From •196 larly. Own convenience. Paid. HANDYMAN - APARTMENT 6 cony. Summer. Call 3556118 after 26(17) or GRAND PRIX 1969. Excellent 351-3957. Z-8-5-2 (12) lawn maintenance part-time. Live- 5 p.m. 5194-29 (19) leasing For Summer YAMAHA 1974 TX-500, 1300 (Only 150.) ft Foil condition, new paint and tires, air in, if desired. Write Box 42, East miles, excellent condition, helmet, EAST LANSING duplex. Urge 1 conditioning, stereo. It runs and COCKTAIL WAITRESS - no Lansing 48823. 0-54-28 (17) looks like new. $1300. 655-3434. cover. $850. 351-6657 evenings. experience necessary. Apply in enmpus view bedroom, partially furnished. A- 8-4-29 (20) 8-4-29 (12) person. HUDDLE SOUTH, 820 vailable April 15 through Septem¬ 332*8173 West Miller Road, Lansing. SHORT ORDER cook - no flPRRTmENTS ber 1. $200/month until June. 331*7910 HORNET 1973, cute, blue book NEW LOW rates on motorcycle experience necessary. Apply in $150/month until September, plus 114-29(15) 'Across from Williams Hall $1800. 59,000 miles. Will sell for insurance. Alder Agency, 351- person. HUDDLE SOUTH, 820 heat and electricity. 332-1918. 8620. 0-2-4-25 (121 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS, MT West Miller Road, Lansing. *2 ft 3 bedrooms 7427 Ofl SUMMER SUBLEASE one bed¬ $1400. Call 353-0794 Monday, 11429(16) *1 ft 2 baths Wednesday, Friday, 9-3 p.m. 8-5-2 (ASCP) preferred. Full time and PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, fur¬ room, furnished, close to campus, YAMAHA 650, 1971. Rebuilt, ex¬ •furnished $160. 351-2881. 7-4-28 1121 118) part time openings afternoon and nished, one bedroom. Utilities " DTOWN' cellent condition, low mileage. •air conditioned midnight shifts. Must have clinical AVON paid. $160/month plus deposit. Phone 332-1828 after 4 p.m. 54-29 To buy or sell. 482-6893. C-14429 LOTUS EUROPA 1973 twin cam. experience in all areas. Excellent 489-5574 after 5 p.m. OR-3427 13,000 miles. Blue. Sharp. Trades (121 starting rates. Contact Personnel (121 HAtLITT 1141 considered. 349-1770. 54-26 112) office LANSING GENERAL HOS¬ AMRTMINTR MGB 1976 Excellent, low mileage, 1 Art) Senta I[71 PITAL, 2800 Devonshire, Lansing. Phone 372-ffi20_5-4-26J36)_ _ WANTED: A couple to do some housecleaning, babysitting, lawn- 324 Michigan 332-6246 TWO BEDROOM apartment to share or sublet, rent negotiable. '/, Block to MSU Extra large 2-Br AM/FM cassette, rustproofed. JUNK CARS wanted. We pay RETAIL SALES. Pants and camp¬ work in exchange for free apart¬ Okemos. 3454691 after 6 p.m. Now Leasing For $3950.882-9081 after 5 p.m. 54-25 ment. East Lansing area, call 351- VVOMAN TO sublease 1 bedroom more if they run. Also buy used weekdays. 8-54 (14) Summer ft Fall ing department. Full and part time. 3305 or 4849472. OR-5429 (21) apartment, summer or fall. Rent cars and trucks. 489-3060. C-214- Wages commensurate with exper¬ negotiable. 332-0580. 3425 (12) ONE WOMAN needed spring I 3 a MONTE CARLO 1971, good con¬ 29(171 ience. FOXHOLE PX in Frandor. 111-1129 RETAIL CLERKS; part term. 'A block from campus. dition. See at 911 Center Street, 351-5323. 84-29 (19) time week¬ LARGE TWO party furnished effi¬ laggam™ end $70/month. 351-0829. 6427 (12) ask for Ed. 8-5-3 113) help (Saturday and Sunday). innnrngnno ciency. Close to campus, air. Fall ACROSS FROM campus, 1 bed¬ HELP WANTED - RAINBOW Required: customer orientation, $184, summer $145. 351-1610, itpimniaEBi reliability, experience with fresh room apartment. Now to Septem¬ mnmnumn MUSTANG II Ghia 1974-loaded, RANCH, all positions: waitresses, bartenders, floormen, main¬ meat counter, and/or electronic 4874451. OR-17429 (151 yes-two johes ber. Furnished, pets allowed. low mileage. Excellent condition. imimimrrn 92600/best offer. 351-8000 exten¬ tenance. Apply at 2843 East Grand cash register helpful. Inquire in per apartneet! $155/month. Call 332-4514 before 2 BEDROOM, air, 8:30 a.m./after 6 p.m. 84-28 (20) sion 286, after 6 p.m. 337-1327. River, East Lansing. 54-26 (181 person. FITZ SHOPPE, 3700 dining, living Home of Mr. Tuna Up South Waverly (near Holmesl, room, washing facilities, storage, And Balconies, too. Ask for Kathy D. 54-28 (22) 1 FEMALE needed for Okemos 1825 C Michigan 374-0588 J DEADLINE ivods 2 p.m. one doss MUSTANG II, 19t5. Mach I, V-6, MARCHAL QUARTZ halogen BABYSITTER my - WEEKDAYS, home, infant, Spartan Village. Lansing. 54-29 (35I pool, courtyard. June. 332-5694; 35T068. 6-425 (141 Waters A Rivers apartment. On bus line, own rustproofed, - room, swimming pool, air condi¬ ■before publication. 4-speed, power Negotiable hours. After 5 p.m. INNOVATIVE RESEARCH - tioned, carports. $87. Summer or lights; headlamp conversions, fog FREE FIFTH if sublease for brakes, steering. $2500. 118 East and driving lights in stock at 355-3185. 54-29 (121 Writer secretary for legislative mer, sum¬ fall option. 3-man 1 block Idge Apts. fall. 349-0697. 5-428 (21) |e od is ordered it cannot Oak, Mason J575532T 7-5-3 (19) CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN consulting firm. Excellent expo¬ CONSTRUCTION from campus. Furnished, air, 1V4 celled changed sure for the right person. Phone or un- CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ GRADUATE STUDENT to share »r first insertion, un- OPEL 1972 Manta Ralley, 4-speed, SUPERINTENDENT 487-0602. Ask for Linda. 54-29 bedroom, utilities paid, parking. now are leasing for unfurnished excellent condition. $1000. Must zoo, one mile west of campus. 337-0910. 84-29 (191 next fall and apartment. $110/ I il is ordered ft cancelled LARGE WELL-established resi¬ (19) summer 487-5055. C-154-29 1271 month. Call Stephen, 332-8209. sell. 3940230, Denny. 44-27 113) dential building firm looking for ■p.m. 2 class days before NEEDED - ONE male to rent lOSOWoter'i Edge Dr. 34-26 (12) ■ication. MASON BODY SHOP 812 East experienced superintendents to SUMMER CAMP jobs (exciting). Americana Apartment. Twelve CHEVY IMPALA 1969. Automatic build low-rise (next to Cedar Village) apartments in 1. Shirt imprint machine opera¬ months starting June. $80/month. OKEMOS MAIN corner, one bed¬ transmission, power brakes, $500 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. $1.00 service Southwestern Michigan. Also j tor (we'll train) and waterfront One summer only, $50/month. SSM433 room. $160/month, utilities. No 3r best offer. 355-2801.34-26 (121 Complete auto painting and colli¬ have openings for construction on ad change duties IWSI required). 2. Nurse Can 361-9635. S-5426 (201 ohild, pets. Available now. 345 sion service. American and foreign 118' school graduates as assistant su¬ per word per day OLDSMOBILE WAGON 1967. cars. 485-0256. C-214-29 (201 and general camp duties. Call 645 2313. 3-4-26 (141 Additional words. perintendents. If qualified, send 6709. 34-27 (24) FEMALE, SUMMER lease, one FEMALE APARTMENT-Mate. 60,000 miles, mechanically sound, resume to EDWARD ROSE AND from APARTMENT FOR sublease JUNK CARS wanted. We pay block campus. $64.75/ Have own privacy. Scenic view. sum¬ automatic V-8, dependable trans¬ SONS INC., 4000 Portage Road, huts Personal ads must more if they run. Also buy used month, negotiable rent. 351-6306. Call 3353777 by 7:30 a.m. 54-28 mer, with fall option. 140 Cedar, portation. $365/best offer. 337- BOOKKEEPER FULL time-perma¬ cars and trucks. 321-3651. C-214- Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001. At¬ 84-27 (12) East Lansing. 332-3974.54-29 (121 nent. Some experience preferred. 7M2._S-5-427J15l 29 (17) tention R. Torstenson. 4-4-28 (671 Accounting courses through com¬ | State News will be re OLDSMOBILE 1975 Delta Royal, PROFESSIONAL HELP wanted: munity college level a plus. Must ly for the first 4-door hardtop, loaded. Monday- GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 have own transportation. Apply in ■ incorrect insertion. Experienced jewelry salesperson. Friday, 8-5 p.m., 373-3198; Satur¬ inch. Priced from $4. Mounted Must know colored gemstones person 9 a.m.-noon. SIMPLIFIED day, Sunday, and after 6 p.m. free. PENNELL SALES, 1301)4 with knowledge of design and BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SER¬ ire due 7 days from the phone 332-1097. 54-29 (20) East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- manufacturing. Possible long term VICE, 4305 South Cedar. 34-27 xpiration date. If not 5818. 132) | by the due dote a SO' PINTO 1974-Runabout. Vinyl sun C-214;29J17) connection, full or part time. Leave resume at THOMPSONS' ) charge will be roof, excellent condition, econom¬ WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top FRANDOR JEWELERS. 54-25 ical. $1,700. 4844796. 5-4-26 1121 dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE (3D AUTO PARTS Et SALVAGE. C- CAMPUS PINTO 1973, 34,000 miles, new 204-29 1141 PART TIME employment for MSU brakes, dependable, good body. students. 15-20 hours/week. Au¬ 349-2689. 5-4-29 (12) HILL PLYMOUTH FURY 1970. Nice car. ( Enplofidt jiff! tomobile required. 4-29 (13) 339-9500. C-21- ,!0 SPORT Coupe 1976. $685 or best offer. 351-7385, COUNTER CLERK dry cleaners, *21 (. power steering-brakes, will train, 10-20 hours per week. James. 64-27(121 Good pay. Afternoons and even¬ 'FmisMUpts. "'"ling, FM stereo tape, ' 627-6761.34-26 (17) ings until 7:30 p.m., Saturdays Free Bis Service PORSCHE 1973. 38,000 miles, * until 6 p.m. Ask for Mrs. Mort¬ Diskwuhtrs excellent condition, AM/FM radio, gage, BARYAMES CLEANERS, IjCLASSIC 7™, ™re- 1976-Deluxe, A-1 condition. running lights, window defogger, appearance group, etc. $3900. 2423 South Cedar, Lansing. 8-5-2 'CtHral Air Conditioning * MOTHER'S DAY *0 8-4-26 (12) 485-1886. 54-26 (171 <3U Swimming Pool IMPALA Station Wagon SAAB 99 1970, excellent condi¬ LIBERAL PROTESTANT Church 'IMMMPvtiai ■ VAOOO miles, power, air, tion. $1100 or best offer. 484- 8806. 44-28112) seeks part time director of reli¬ gious education, Fall 1977. Sand 'Pleasant Landscaping Sunday I stereo, Michelin tires, JOIN the gang at * I rack. $1800. resume to EDGEWOOD UNITED Special 12-mtk rates May 8,1977 694-8508. CHURCH, East Lansing, Deadline SUBARU 1976 18,000 miles, reg¬ ular gas, front wheel drive, radials, May 15. Phone 332-8693. 74-29 (25! Burcham Woods FREE JjtOVA, 1974, good miie- *ion, appearance. CB. $2400 or best offer. 374-7129. 74-28(15) ROOMMATE Here's a nice way to tell Mom... and the rest of the world... just 991 after 4 p.m. 8-5-2 how much you love her! A special page featuring Mother's Day TOYOTA CORONA Wagon 1971. Cedar Greens * Hoatod pool SERVICE ■Greetings will appear on Tuesday, May 3rd, just in time for us Automatic, air, radio, 7 tires, body * Air conditioning IE 1976, white-black in- fair. $375. 371-2622/355-0337. 8-5- Modal to mail her your special message of love. To order your Mother's ■« options, 8500 miles, Apartments * Tannic courts Open 9-9 3 (141 * Ampla parking Everyday Day Greeting just complete this form and mail WITH PAY¬ "94-0881. 74-29 * MENT to tKe State News Classified Dept. VEGA STATION WAGON 1971. Nicoly furnishad G furnished apartments Good condition. Automatic trans¬ G 9 or 12 month leases Loosing for mission. Call Kami after 2 p.m. 1 bedroom units 150 Summer 6 Fall ^ 1977. Loaded! Dark 351-7038. BL-3425 (121 available 2 bedroom units *180 fc,,!*® offer. Keep try- G swimming pool CALL MMHO I®"1212: 339-3400. 54-26 VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1967, soft G air conditioning Gwith-in walking 745 Burcham top, new engine, new tires. $500. distance to campus -Zip- Call 323-3940.8-5-3 (121 City— -I^gh, bl"6, air, 351-3118 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK Rents from *180 1973, good, steel radials, luggage PS SUPREME 1973. Pow- rack, 78,000. $1400 firm. 882-3290. jy. brakes, air, AM/FM 84-28 (12) 1135 Michigan Ave. Kl,!S'Kevs,one mags. E.Lansing, 351-8631 ^-2477.84-28 (15) VOLKSWAGEN SUPER Beetle 1972. AM/FM stereo, 54,000 miles, (next to Brody) fssupREM-j-9---|- *ket seats, rally wheels, air, good condition. $1300. Dennis, 373-1635; evenings, 676-4850.64- car 28(151 DON'I sign a lease until you've seen Students Mother's Name- VOLKSWAGEN 1972, automatic shouldn't have 4door, air con- Address transmission, sharp. 41,000 miles. to live in drab Kcal 351-3462.54-29 S,% ™ntro1, "9ht Excellent condition. $1595. Bob, MARIGOLD APARTMENTS C nonovar City -Zlp- (12) 394-0477.64-29112) Marigold end Harrison AND CHECK OUT little rooms; (apposite Show lone) COLLINCWOOD ARTS I Looking for a bargain? •largo one bedroom * air conditioned Treat yourself- * dishwasher j Why nM ,ak» ""(vantage of our low prices? apartment •Completely furnished * * shag carpeting Daadlinat Friday, April 29th 3 p.m. •Shag Carpeting unlimited parking I '"Wwovoill ''Of* "'""ratfurniture 731 anything or use our convenient 30 •Appliances and Air Cond. ,,ocl> end household Items, sport- •plush furniture f1 ncr, w • ""mere and musical equipment end much, •Wo pay water and heat * model open daily 15 Words for *3.00 |pm.„,. W' 0|,° "Polr oil brand, at telSrlrL and electronic Now leasing tor For appointment call Summer and Fall APARTMENTS Mail to: Stat. N.ws Classified Dept. Dl260 1 OR 2 people for 3 bedroom ROOMS FOR summer term. Male minton, and bowling equipment, tee shirts, briefs, tube socks, chemistry and Bessey. 349-3245. 94-26 (12) Come to 121 Agriculture Hall. of the CIA duplex. Summer/fall negotiable. and female, $15 week. Kitchen shorts, swim suits, jackets, shirts, Lavolta requires strong legs, 351-2798 privileges. One block from cam¬ A BBC RESIDENT MANAGER - Couple 882-1267. 3-4-25 (121 pus. 332T»34. 6-4-28 116) pants, electronic cash register, and dozens of other hems too numerous to list. MANCHESTER [— Pirsml 1|Z1 strong arms and a good sense of balance. Come to Renaissance DOCUMENTARY WANTED: FEMALE student. 2 Dance class at 8:30 tonight in the Mofl,TLM April25-6 8:30pm for quiet 12-units near campus. rooms in house. $60. Campus - 1 RURAL RANCH rooms. Dark¬ SPORTING GOODS was formerly FREE.. .'A Lesson in complexion Union. June or September. Write Bo* 42, room, workshop, garden, pond, located in Manchester, Michigan. care. Call 4844519 East Michigan 335 MSlinion block. 351-1963. 4-4-25 (12) East Lansing, 48823. 0-8-4-28 1181 horse, goat. 351-6643. 5-7 p.m. Replacement value over $50,000. or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE Pre-medsl Medical students to WA TCH FOR POSTERS ANNOUNCING LCC SHOWING 2 ROOMS - quiet neighborhood, 8-4-29 (12) On she inspection: Wednesday NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. speak on what It's like in medical SEX: OF the feamle gender need¬ big kitchen, homemade music, April 27, 1977, 12 noon to 4 p.m. C-21-4-29 (181 school. Meet at 7 tonight in 309 SPONSORS: Iranian Students Association, The Lansint; Slot Native American Solidarity ed to sublease for summer, close animals, friendly people. 489-5681. MEN, CLEAN, quiet, single, cook¬ Thursday, April 28 beginning at 8 Committee, Non-intervention in \n Bessey Hall. Chile, Organization of Arab Students. to campus. Call 332-2267. 6-5-2 4-4-25 112) ing. One block to campus. 485 a.m. Call or write for free illustra¬ ASTROLOGER: PROFESSIONAL JQ 8836 ct-_351-2623. OFM2-4-29 ted auction circular. Auction con¬ eight years. Horoscopes, consul¬ GIRL NEEDED to share nice home 021 ducted by BEN KLEIMAN ASSO¬ tation; Personality, career, finan¬ Epilepsy Fund Raising: Sign up with couple. Own room, two LARGE ROOMS in house close to ces, romance, future. 351-8299. for pancake-eating contest at 4 CIATES. P.O. Box 2294, Grand Pine Lake ApH. fireplaces, washer/dryer, utilities campus, available summer. Call 10-5-6 (121 p.m. through Friday in the Union. Rapids. Michigan, 49501. Phone included. $65. 482-0390. 8-4-25 after 5 p.m. 351-4389. 8-4-28 1131 241-6779. 1-4-25 1145) Anthropology Department Col¬ A COLLEGE RINGl Some short term leases available 1620 GREENCREST, own room, EAST LANSING. Single male. PHILMORE -FA3000 amplifier with EUROPE — loquium Series presents Dr. Allen Batteau at 3 p.m. today in 321 Quiet, walking distance M.S.U., 2 Utah speakers, HS10 AX speak¬ no lease. $100 plus utilities. Avail¬ able immediately. 351-7068. 6-4-28 parking, no kitchen. 337-9633. X54-25 1131 ers. All 4. $140. 641-6884. 8-5-4 ^..1/2^^ Baker Hall. It's a symbol for life 1121 Campus Al-Anon Group meets , (800) 325-4867 at 8 p.m. every Tuesday in 253 Meridian Mall Area. im.iin, TWO BLOCKS from campus, five and si* bedroom houses, furnish¬ Of Sale 1(51 FOLLIS 10-speed. 20", girl's frame, excellent condhion, $100. ® UniTrovel Charters Student Sen/ices Bldg. ed and available fall. Call and leave 332-1017 after 5 p.m. 3-4-Z7 (12) Volunteers needed for tele¬ 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. WOMAN LIB. The fight for ERA. NEAR MSU. Summer, tall. One a message, 627-9773. 8-5-2 (191 Facts pro and con. Be informed. phone survey on redlining. Call bedroom, furnished, utilities, laun¬ Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. HOTPOINT SIDE-by-side electric Write ERA, Box 120-B, Route 1, Dave Persell, Center for Urban dry. carport. $200. 374-6366. OR- Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 range, $150. Cushioned couch, AVAILABLE JUNE 16 across from Fowler, Michigan 48835. 7-4-28 Affairs, College of Urban Develop¬ 5-4-29112) and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING aqua and gold, $50. 627-3366. campus. 6 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 ment. kitchens, ample parking, large lot. COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ 5-4-29(16) I21£ 501 HILLCREST, clean, quiet, posite City Market. C21-4-29 (241 Call 484-9472 or 351-5312.0-7-4-29 FOR QUALITY stereo service, Musicians and entertainers furnished, one bedroom. $195/ 16 FOOT Sawyer fiberglass canoe, 120) YAMAHA GUITAR, model FG- THE STEREO SHOPPE. 565 East needed for volunteer work at month. No pets. 351-4212 or excellent condition. Used 3 300, good condition, hard-shell Grand River. C-214-29 1121 Stockbridge nursing home. Con¬ 321-4976. 3-4-26 (14) months. $150. 332-4674. 8-5-4 (121 DUPLEX. 1 bedroom, furnished, case. Call 487-0067 after 5 p.m. tact Sam Garlinghouse at Tral- no lease, utilities paid. $155/ POETRY WANTED for anthology. famadore Co-op. 8-4-26 1121 Free case of month. Close to campus. Call TEXAS MAID 16 foot, twin 40 hp Include stamped envelope. CON¬ 485-9241, Kirk, after 6 p.m. 3-4-25 LADY'S SCHWINN bicycle $50, Mercury motors, with trailer, TEMPORARY LITERATURE If you'd like to explore oppor¬ cold suds!! 1181 two twin mattresses and bo* $1500. 482-8411. 8-5-4 1131 PRESS, P.O. Box 26462. San tunities in a particular career, visit Francisco. California, 94126. 144- the Career Resource Center in 207 waiting for you spring sets, $10 each, Denby CB RADIOS channel, Sears 281171 OWN ROOM in house with every¬ stoneware ICamelotl $25, Baccar- Student Services Bldg. on moving day thing. Responsible, nonsmoker. et crystal, 13 water glasses $10 single side band. Only 1 month (on oil loom signed this week). old. $150 or best offer. Call Z-8-52 (121 Water'* and 351-3957 after 7 p.m. 2 FURNISHED bedrooms, male each. 351-6126 attar 5 p.m. E-5-4- 27(271 355-2824 after 6 p.m. 6-5-2 1201 Peawrts PwsomI ffij Interested in internship oppor¬ tunities in Washington? Deadline is Wednesday for fall semester. River'* Edge FORCE FIVE sailboat whh trailer, house, campus close, $65/month LAURA, HAPPY 22nd Birthday, Come to 3 W. Owen Hall. Apartments summer; Call 351-1709.6-4-27 (121 GREENHOUSE, 14' inflated polyethelene on x 16' air wood used 3 times. Best offer over r Josten's 1060 Water's Edge $ 1M0. Z-1-4-25112) Com¬ (£53780. jY4-29_( 131 The Christian Science Organi¬ (neirt to Cedar Village) PROFESSIONAL AND family de¬ frame with night curtain. pletely stocked with foliage and NEW, USED and vintage guitars, zation-East Campus is meeting at Representative 332-4432 sire attractive, Okemos school district. furnished home, Beginning flowering plants plus a thriving wholesale route, pots, soil and banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers and kits, recorders, strings, ac¬ (_ Real Estate ijiG 7 tonight in 221 Baker Hall. on Campus September 1977 for 10 months to cultural supplies. Fuel bills THIS 5244 WAROCLIFF DRIVE. East Interested in handicapper is¬ REDUCED RATES on furnished 2 3 years. 349-1168. 6-4-26 (201 cessories, books, thousands of bedroom apartments near M.S.U. WINTER were only $165. Phone hard to find albums. (All at very Lansing. 3 bedroom ranch, 1 Vi sues? STIGMA welcomes you to 675-7408 after 5 p.m. $4500.3-4-25 baths, mid-forties. 337-7475. 34- their weekly meetings held at 7:30 Now signing summer leases. Call MSU NEAR. Houses and duplexes low prices. I Private and group 26113) STOP BY AND SEE OUR 337-1507 after 5 p.m. 5-4-26 (171 for 1-10 people available summer (40) lessons on guitar, banjo, mando¬ p.m. Mondays in 339 N. Case Hall. PROFESSIONAL RINGS & THE and/or fall. Call between 9-4 p.m. lin, all styles. Gift certificates. NEW 4 bedroom colonial on 2 ASAHI PENTAX KM 35mm SLR Volunteers needed to help with TWO BEDROOM, block to cam¬ STE-MAR MANAGEMENT. 351- Expert repairs - free estimates. acres. Family room wWv-dire- LATEST WOMEN'S DINNER RINGS camera body, new. $120. 484-4891 muscular dystrophy campers for a pus. Available May 1st. $67/ 5510. 8-4-28 1201 ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 541 place, 2'A baths, and formal after 9:30 p.m. 7-4-29 (12) week in June. Includes various person. 332-6035. Z-8-4-29 1121 East Grand River. 332-1331. C-10- dining. Eckman/Canfield 655 PEACEFUL COUNTRY living, new 4-29 (49) 2985/6551792. 54-29 1201 camp activities. Contact 26 Stu¬ FRI. - MON. & TUES. April 22,25 & 26 two bedroom, 15 minutes/MSU. ANTIQUE CHINESE Oriental 9' * dent Services Bldg. DELTA ARMS 12' carpet, $375. Air conditioner 1976 CHRYSLER 17 foot 10 170 TIME: 10:00 TO 4:00 $225 month plus utilities. Married couples. Phone 675-5479 after 3 Chrysler Air Temp, 24000 B.T.U., 2 years old, excellent condition, - hp, many extras, private owner. 323-4580. 8-4-28 (12) | S»r>ic« |[^ ASMSU Travel has staff posi¬ is now leasing for sum¬ p.m. 8-5-3(191 $375. 321-1024. 7-4-29 I20I WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years tions open for 1977-78. Interested mer (with special rates) MARANTZ IMPERIAL 5G speak¬ experience in professional editing, tourism students please apply in JUNE OR September lease, fur¬ and fall. SCIENCE FICTION SALEII Almost new. Excellent condi¬ writing skill instruction. 337-1591. 307 Student Services Bldg. Due nished, 3-8 man houses. 372-1801 ers. for recorded message. 0-6-4-26 20% off all new SF paperbacks. tion. $60 each. 351-4887. E-54-2S 0;34^I12£ May 1. 1 or 2 bedroom apart¬ (131 20% off all used SF anthologies. 112) FAST GUARANTEED service on ments across from cam¬ SIX BEDROOMS, summer sublet. One week only, 4/20-4/27. CURI¬ OUS BOOK SHOP, 307 East TV-12" black/white, $50. Wildcat major brand stereos and TVs. MARSHALL MUSIC. 245 Ann. IWuStmcilal pus. Grand River. X-C-64-27 (30) record player, $35. 694-7605 after Furnished, 2 baths, modern, $75/ East Lansing. MARSHALL ELEC¬ UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS COM¬ month. Close. 332-0621. 6-4-29 1:30 p.m. E-54-25 (121 TRONICS SERVICE, 116 South PLETE DISSERTATION and (12) SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE Larch, Lansing. C-14-251221 resume service. IBM typing, edi¬ SALEI Brand new portables • CCM-10 speed. 23" (rame, men's bike. Excellent condhion. $135. ting, multilith offset printing, type¬ JUNE - LARGE 6-8 man. Nicely $49.95. $5 per month. Largt FIRST QUALITY materials and setting and binding. We en¬ 332-5978 furnished, 2 baths. Ample parking, selection of reconditioned usee Call487_:5336. 5-4-25_(12) workmanship. OPTICAL DIS¬ courage comparative shopping. very close. Linden Street. Summer machines. Singer, Whites, Nec COUNT 2617 East Michigan. Lan¬ For estimate, stop in at 2843 East TAPE RECORDER, TEAC, A- or year lease. 372-1801. OR-6-4-29 chi's, New Home and "many SUMMER - ONE person sublet, 40105, reversing, $210. AKAI M-9 sing. 372-7409. C-54-29 1121 Grand River or phone 332-8414. (20) others." $19.95 to $39.95. Terms 0-114-29 1321 own room. Balcony, air and more. external speakers, $175. 332-8050. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Need a new or better car? Don't Block from campus. $75. 351- SUBLEASE SUMMER, 1 to 3 8-5-3 1121 COMPANY, 1115 North Washing miss the many great auto buys 5796. S-5-4-29 (151 rooms. One block from campus. ton. 489-6448. C-21-4-29 I26I BASE CB • Cobra 85. Never been offered in the Classified pages Waitil Rent negotiable. 351-5848. 3-4-27 today. STEREO GOODIES used, won in contest. $100. 349- NOW LEASING 1229. 3-4-25^12! SARAH COVENTRY - looking for fall and summer FEMALEiSI: Summer, own room, BErO 3000 turntable, Thorens TD-125 Mark II with Shure tone MAPLE HEADBOARD, footboard f~■strictioi 1W for 6 people to sell full or part time, kit loaned. Mrs. Ebright, 882- campus - 2 miles. 10$ bus, pets arm, Dual 1229 changer. Speaker and frame for double bed. Good 5367. 8-4-27 (171 (with special rates) considered. 332-2681. 8-5-4 (12) systems by Advent, large and GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum condition. $35. 349-1904. E-54-25 small. Ohm D, EPI, Cerwin Vega. lessons. Private instruction availa¬ 1 or 2 ble. MARSHALL MUSIC. 351- PANCAKE EATERS for Epilepsy SUBLEASE SUMMER, large sun¬ Used reel to reel decks by Teac, bedroom 7830. C-14-25 (121 Fund Raising Project. All you can apartments ny room in coed house. One block Sony, Akai, Teac A-360 Dolby from campus, $70 a month. 10 cassette, Fisher Dolby cassette. r Mill* ifvt] eat in 20 minutes. 337-1693. S-54-28 (15) University Terrace a.m. to p.m. 5 p.m. 351-6566, alter 6 332-1842. Anne. 5-4-29 I23I Pioneer, Scott, Kenwood, Fisher receivers. Dyna 120 power amp OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog pups. IWlSmrtwlH STORAGE SPACE for one car in 444 Michigan Avenue with PAT-4 preamp. Advent 100-A AKC, shots, wormed. $125. 694- COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete barn or out building, etc. 393-3300 GARDEN COTTAGES - Cute Dolby unit. Teac AN-80 Dolby 0156 after 5 p.m. 8-5-3 (121 dissertation and resume service. after 6 p.m. 8-53 1141 1-bedroom brightly-furnished bun¬ unit. MUCH MUCH MORE. Buy, 332-5420 galows on wide lawns. 4 blocks sell, trade. WILCOX TRADING 6%' BOA, $75. 5' Haitian Boa, Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. 8:30-5:30. Monday-Friday. 337- OLD POCKET knives, any condi¬ MSU. June and September POST, 509 East Michigan, Lan¬ $50. Red-legged Tarantula, $20. tion. Phone 694-0524 between 9 ROOMMATE NEEDED to share leases. $215 including utilities. sing. 485-4391. C-7-4-29 I82I 332-3917. 3-4-26 (12) 1666.^C-217429 06)_ a.m. and 5 p.m. 214-29(121 Phone 337-7111 alter 5 p.m. LIGHTED CANDLES ADD A FES¬ mobile home with owner. $90/ 0-8-4-28 125) BICYCLE RALEIGH Pro, 25", very DARLING IRISH Setter pups for TIVE TOUCH to any party. They month. Own bedroom, furnished Smart people save money by 351-5800 after 5 p.m. X-3-4-26 (161 good condition, tools, extra rims. sale. $50. Purebred, 9 weeks old. also prevent the room from be¬ OWN ROOM in large coed house. $400. 371-1835. 6-4-25 (12) shopping the Classified columns. 1-647-7066. Z-34-26 (12) coming smoke-filled. Table and Have you read the many items Three blocks to campus. 437 floor lamps sell quickly when BRENTWOOD-FRANDOR near. MclNTOSH 240 60 RMS, $275. offered for sale today? MAC. $77/month. Call John, 355 IRISH SETTER puppies AKC. $75 advertised for sale with a low-cost 2 bedroom, unfurnished. Available Ailtech Lansing speakers-Voice of 1607 days, 339-3807 attar 6 p.m. with papers. $50 soon. Carpeted, air conditioned, without. 351- ^jn_CJ*s«ifisd. . the Theater, asking for $300. LOOKING FOR leads on buying a carport. $195. 351-7633/482-1766. 64-29J21£ 353-3394 days/351-0305 after 6 6864. 54-28 112) Browse through the Clessified adf tip). Call Bob Jr. 6274951, keep X54-27 1151 DUPLEX 1510 Burcham. 3 bed¬ p.m. 34-26 (20) TWO RED Piranha, approximately daily for good buys...it's a money- trying, leave message if necessary. room, family room, garage, dish¬ 2 years old. Must see to appre¬ saving habit to develop. 34-27 (17) washer, disposal, rent and lease PERSIAN CARPET - 100% hand STUDIOS negotiable. After 4 p.m. 351- woven silk with colorful traditional ciate. 337-0260. 8-5-3112) "ANN iROWN~PRiNTING" AND WANTED; INDIAN jewelry party 6764 or 351 8287. 5-4-29 (191 design, fine quality. Call 351-2382. TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, hostess. Earn free Indian jewel¬ TWO FRENCH alpine goats. 1 Ideal For One Or 34TB iw general printing. Serving MSU for ry. Have a party. Details, P.O. Box LEASING FOR summer or fall, nanny, 1 billy. Call 321-3279. 27 years with complete theses Two Persons. Utilities 64-29 (12) 25052. 393-0055 9-5 p.m. 54-29 two to four bedroom houses. $200 GIBSON B-25 Acoustic guitar service. 3450850. C-214-29 (191 Included (Except Phone) 1191 to $360. 487 5835. 7-5-3 1141 with soft shell case. Like new. Pool. Leasing For $100. 694-0156 after 5 p.m. 8-5-3 PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ Summer & Fall sonal and professional IBM typing. EVALUATION "PROJECT" 7eeds THREE BEDROOM completely contractual One day service. 351-5094. C-214- staff, $6 per hour, 351-7910 furnished, many extras. 3 miles begins May 16th 1977. Please STEREO-PANASONIC 3 in 1. PARKWOOD 12x80 with ex- 291121 from campus, August through , submit resume covering statistics, July. $400, utilities. 371-4094. 5-4- Excellent condition. 16 months. pando. Shed, 2 bedroom, step-up New kitchen, large living room, fur¬ EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ public programming, academic 29116) needle._353-753012-4-25 (£21 nished, carpet. Excellent condi¬ sertation, (pica-elite) FAYANN. background in counseling or r Houses SEVERAL 5-person houses avail¬ able starting fall term. Call 1-772- MULTITUDES OF vacuum clean¬ ers. $6.88 and up. Uprights, tanks, tion. Close. Must sell. Best offer. 351-2646 between 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. 489-0358. C-214-29 112) psychology to Bill Stevens; OSAS, 3500 North Logan, Lan¬ sing, Michigan, 373-8603, by May I • I (A 0 Dominos cannisters. 2 year warranty. BAR¬ X 84-26 (25) EXPERIENCED TYPIST fast U=—J ?< Dorm - NEW 4 bedroom duplex for sum¬ 4209 or 351-4107 after 5 p.m. 6th. 54-29 (38) GAIN HOUSE, 826 West Saginaw, and accurate. Dissertations, the¬ mer sublet with fall option. Close, unfurnished, $300/month. 351- 12-5-2 1141 Lansing. 484-2600. C-214-29 1201 1975 FAIRMOUT. 3 bedroom, 10 sis, and term papers. Call 339- f •I X N OS 4 1227. S-54-27 (151 SUMMER SUBLEASE - fall op¬ 2 5-person houses available im¬ mediately or for summer. Call 1 7724209 or 351-4107 after 6 14 FOOT all steel boat and trailer. $900 or best offer. 487-6521. minutes M.S.U. $7800 or best offer. 339-8600 after 6 p.m. Z-54- 3575. 0-14-25 (121 THESIS term DISSERTATION, and paper typing. Fast, rea¬ I^ound Town • o o. Discount 84-28 (121 Starting Immediately, it you live In tion. Three bedroom duplex, fin¬ » m. 12-5-2 (15) sonable. Call JOHN CALHOUN, Wonders, Wilson. Holden or Caw ished basement, large yard. 351- FOR SALE small, one bedroom, 332-2078. OR-84-29 (12) and order a pizza from your dorm, FREE ROACH CLIP AND BOTTLE 6472. X8-4-29 1121 THREE ROOMS in 6-room house, furnished, waterbed, nice condi¬ you can lake advantage of Domino's OPENER with each pipe pur¬ sublease summer. 1 block from chased from mid-Michigan's lar¬ tion. cloee. $1400. 351-0540. 54- TYp7NG,"EXPEWENCED.~Fasrand Dorm Discountl You can have • hot ROOM IN beautiful house, one 26(121 reasonable. 3714635. C-21-4-29 delicious pizza delivered to your campus. 351-0127.64-26113) gest selection of pipes, papers, room door tor the above discounted mile from campus. Two living 1121 WIN MONEYI Grand prizes from clips, incense,T-shirts, tapestries, prices - no coupons necessary. rooms, two kitchens, fireplace, SUMMER SUBLEASE, complete¬ and NEW MOON 1968, 12'x 60', with ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ $150 to $300 at Bingol 7:30 posters, paraphernalia. p.m Otter good (III May 10. sunken patio. Available imme¬ ly furnished 1 bedroom for married WHITE MONKEY, 226 Abbott complete darkroom, 20 minutes' ing theses, manuscripts, term Tuesday Night. CONGREGATION diately, $90/month plus utilities. couple. $137/month. Call 355-6118 Road (opposite State Theater). east of Lansing. 6257843. X papers. Evenings, 6757544. C-21- SHAAREY ZEKEK, 1924 Collidga, 332-4404. 54-25 1221 after 5:30 p.m. 5-4-28 (151 84-28 (131 4-29 (12) East Lanaing. C-5-4-29 (201 54-251331 W hi>9 |n News. Eost Laming, Michigan Q Mondoy, April 25, 1977 lllM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WIIX-TV(NBC) (1 l)WEtM-TV(Coble) (I2)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) 5:00 MONDAY (6) Gunsmoke 5:00 11:30 (5) Jeffersons (10) Emergency One I (10) little House on the L of Life (12) Emergency One I Prairie Loot for the Stars (23) Mister Rogers' (oppy Days (11) Right to Die Neighborhood (12) Brady Bunch lilies. Togo ond Vou (23) Six American Families IAFTERNOON12:00 MONDAY EVENING 5:30 5:30 ■ News (11) Cobletronlc 11 News (5) Busting Loose ■ame That Tuno (23) Electric Company 9:00 lallisers 5:00 12:20 (5) Maude (5-10-12) News (10) Best Sellers Lnanac (11) Andrew Young at MSU 12:30 (11) Cabletronlc 11 News (23) Studio See 5:30 (12) Celebrity Concerts „ch for Tomorrow and Friends (23) Artistry of the Evans (5) CBS News on's Hope (10) NBC News . 1:00 (12) ABC News jang and the Restless (23) Woman lg Show 7:00 |ll My Children (5) Hogan's Heroes T,tal Pushers (10) To Tell the Truth 1:30 (11) South Korea and the | the World Turns U.S. lays of Our lives (12) Brady Bunch imily Feud (23) Spartan Sportlite ■uppies to Groupers 7:30 1 2:00 (5) Collage BO,000 Pyramid (10) Hollywood Squares (12) Hollywood Squares 2:30 (23) MacNeil /Lehrer Biding Light Report 14 Michigon Stole News. Eost Lansing. Michigan Monday, April 25 Doobies: they keep the harmonies running By JOHN CASEY State News Reviewer smooth was delivery, but whatever salvaged was excellent. song, the Doobies handled harmonies in fine form. Later on it was Simmons' the distinguishing it from the rest. "Rio" shows the band has matured. CIGARETTE? The Doobie Brothers proved in concert Friday night that they are good at what they do, Again embodying the jazz- flavored approach, "For Some¬ one Special" was guided by turn to show off his pipes as the band launched into "Rio." Also To answer the question, "Is what they do good?" the reply 2/89' Porter's tasty bass leads and from the last album, "Rio" is is open to debate. The Doobie but is what they do necessarily Patrick Simmons' lacy guitar nearest to the Doobie Brothers' Brothers concert Friday night good? Over 7,000 people jammed into Jenison Fieidhouse and playing. Unlike the previous pop-formula, but has a quality does not offer an answer. 10% OFF^SKg* heard exactly what they had anticipated. The 90-minute dis¬ PEVRyr'NO sorting' play of songs put together by this ensemble of seven talented musicians had the distinctive 30% OFF Doobie Brothers' sound. Trans¬ THE RETAIL PRICE ON forming Jenison into one enormous AM radio, they click¬ SUNGLASSES ed off all the big chartbusters - "China Grove," "Takin' It To The Streets," "It Keeps You Runnin'," "Eyes Of Silver," COLGATE "Black Water," "Jesus Is Just INSTANT CREST Alright,""Long Train Runnin' " and "Listen To The Music." TOOTHPASTE | The repetition was mercifully SHAVE broken by a new song from an album set for release next 77' 77' month. "Livin' On The Farm" 11 oz. LIMIT I Rwg. 1.19 might be another musical av¬ enue to be explored by the EXPIRES 5-1 Doobies, as they did on "Takin' PLASTIC PLASTIC It To The Streets." This new number did not rely on the SOAP BOX TOOTHBRU famous Doobie Brother guitar hook, nor did it contain any of TUBE the group's fine harmonies, yet it had irresistible appeal. The new release ought to prove 19' Rog.39« 19' Reg. 35- interesting. LIMIT 2 limit 2 Highlights of the concert EXPIRES 51 expires 51 were the interpretations of Bassist Tirtn Porter bud down the heavy funk tor material from the "Takin' It To REV WT the Doobie Brothers Friday night in Jenison The Streets" effort. Though the Fieidhouse. vocal harmonies on "It Keeps You Runnin'" did not match the AAILK PLUS SIX studio version, the Doobies SHAMPOO Bulgarian conductor to make faithfully captured the exciting essence of the song. With Doobies Tiron Porter and Jeff "Skunk" Baxter State News/Robert Kozloff 80Z. Reg- 2.55 $1.71 keyboardist Michael Mc¬ T A ARC CREME RINSE first U.S. appearance at V Donald's one-of-a-kind vocal (a mix between a sen¬ lead 1 MfVtC FOUR TYPES suous growl and a soulful Bulgarian conductor Dimiter Antonov Manolov, in his first $1 appearance in the United States, will conduct the MSU Symphony Orchestra tonight at 8:15 in Fairchild Theatre. shout), bassist Tiran Porter and guitarist Jeff "Skunk" Baxter assisted in creating the jazzy Rwg. 2.49 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 5-1 * 11/ The concert will consist of music by composers Kjurkchinysky, flow which the song endears. Spassov, Glazounov, and will feature Beethoven's "Symphony No. 8 in F Major, Op. 93." In 1972, Manolov was appointed regular conductor of the Sofia Seguing from that into Port¬ er's "For Someone Special" was CHEX DEODO$"S something special. As with State Philharmonic, which toured Great Britain later that year. Ronald Copes, assistant professor of music, will be the guest violinist. many vocals bouncing around the fieidhouse, Porter fought a 4'/. ox. 39* Valuw LIMIT 4 2 /49| Admission is free. losing battle to recreate his EXPIRES 5-1 | TIDE io-packI LAUNDRY DETERGENT SPONGE 49 oz. $1.44 Rog. 2.25 44* LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 I EXPIRES 5-1 EXPIRES S-l 1 G.E. COMET SOFT WHITE CLEANSER LIGHT BULBS 14 oz. 24' 2/89' I V and the age Pent building Rog. 39* Rog. 2/1.19 LIMIT 1 limit! I EXPIRES 5-1 expires 51 1 J had asked for 'ant calling i J »n to prosei GYMS HORTS apartment's e ASST. COLORS X SMALL TO x LAW .as against | fen involved Return with us once again as we remember the 1950s. Remember sock hops, *3 49 I the Edsei, I Like Ike, rock n roll, and best of all... remember the 1950's NO LIMIT ^ ,, EXFIHSiJ _dd the agents prices? We do, because it was back in the 1950s that your International | indictment P indictments o House of Pancakes first started. To celebrate, for a limited time only, SHEER KNEE HI'S ■ in allegedly we've rolled back the prices to a 1950 level on our special Nifty Fifties Menu. NUDE TOE J) /$1 J bureau moral Every night, from 4 p.m. till 6 a.m., at your participating IHOP. you can enjoy our special 1950's nights 8 SHADES Rwg. 65' W/ 1 •1 I're aery upset ■ Kearney. I "ell Tb reported 1. SPAGHETTI Nl ON 3. BLUEBERRY HILL 5. SEA CRUISE YOUR COLLAR 51.79 PANCAKES WITH BACON HAWAII OR SAUSAGE $1.79 FISH AND CHIPS $1.79 TROPIC TAN Spaghettini and Five Meatballs Cod Fillets Dipped in Batter and SUNTAN LOTION OR Covered with Italian Style Marinan Plump Fresh-Frozen Blueberries Deep Fried Crksp and Crunchy OIL WITH EXOTIC OILS Sauce. Served with Garlic Bread Baked Right Into Our Buttermilk on the Outside. Tasty, All White and Your Choice of Salad or Soup. 2. HOUND DOG Pancakes. Topped with Heated Blueberry Compote and Dusted Meat on the Inside. Served with French Fries, Roll and Butter, 3.25 Valuw M. with Powdered Sugar. Served with and Your Choice of Salad or Soup. HAMBURGER $1.79 Your Choice of Bacon or Sausage. Our Delicious Patty Melt Interna¬ Bonus Selection: Solid VASELINE INTENSIVE foam tional. A Generous Patty of 4. WHITE SPORTS COAT Cold Ice Cream lOf CARE Pure Ground Beef, Sauteed Onions AND A HAM AND with Dinner cups and Melted Cheese. All on Grilled CHEESE OMELETTE $1.79 BABY OIL "I've Only Got Rye Bread. Served with French Fries and a Chopped Green Salad. Diced Ham and Cheese Blended into Our Famous Three-Egg Omelette. Served with Your Choice Ice Cream For You" Offer good 4 p.m. $1 46 44* till 6a.m 16 oz. Rog. 2.00 of Three Buttermilk Pancakes at participating International limit i LIMIT 1 orToasL House of Pancakes EXPIRES 5-1 expiresi-1 restaurants only. 2800 E. Grand River L.P. SPECIALS!!1 East Lansing DAVE MASON R.g.6 p. $4 LET IT FLOW SUPERTRAMPR.«69. $1 The International THE QUIETEST MOMENTS EAGLES Rwg. 6.91 HOTEL CALIFORNIA 417 E. GRAND RIVER - OPEN DAILY 9:30-9; SAT. 9:30-5:30; SUN. 12-5 House 07 Pancakes. BEST OF THE DOOBIE BROS. R^.« 9B