t, *«. VOLUME 71 NUMBER 71 FRIDAY, APRIL 29.1977 Now MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 3 jater notation Student, 23, rule on found guilty Ipotism ByJOEPIZZO of espionage jUt« News SUH Writer Provost Clarence L. Winder I Thursday the MSU Theatre LOS ANGELES (AP) Christopher vealed U.S. plans for a cover communica¬ Lt«in violation of the University — Boyce, a college student who said he was tions satellite system. He was also accused Employment of relatives, blackmailed into spying and selling secrets of stealing codes which were passed to the llation stems from the current to Russia, was found guilty Thursday of Russians and which the government con¬ Lt on the Theatre Department eight counts of espionage and conspiracy. tends could have compromised the CIA's |Nan Burling, instructor, and her The government is seeking a sentence of cryptographic communications system. Keorg Schuttler, assistant profes- life imprisonment for Boyce. The charges The government alleged that Boyce gave ut prior written approval from carry a maximum sentence of death. much of the information to his codefendant, of the Provost. The 23-year old defendant was passive as Andrew Daulton Lee, but eventually went Ly policy on nepotism, approved the verdicts were read. He frowned slightly to the Soviet embassy in Mexico City and Trd of Trustees on May 21, 1971, and stared at the jury, his index finger made his own deal with the Russians. Employment of relatives in the pressed against his cheek. Boyce admitted this on the stand but J or department. . .is authorized The eight men and four women of the portrayed himself as a victim of Lee. ■the prior written approval of the jury, who had heard two weeks of The opening statement in Lee's trial was testimony, took barely three hours to made earlier Thursday, just a short time ■the unit or department and the Ihe Provost." convict Boyce, who had admitted under before Boyce's jury began deliberations. oath that he passed secret information to ■said there was no request made the Russians. There have been hints from Lee's defense lecial approval needed for two Boyce, a former security clerk at TRW team that the 25-year-old cabinetmaker lo work in the same academic unit Systems Inc., had insisted he never would contend he thought he was working Reviewed Burling's appointment, disclosed anything harmful to the United for the United States when he passed I effect Sept. 1,1976. States. documents to the Soviets. In a stunning development, however, an Boyce has testified he obtained the I such requests are made "very attorney for Boyce's codefendant contended documents from TRW Systems Inc. where By." in a separate trial moments before the he was a documents clerk. He said Lee p't make a check here," Winder, State Newt/Linda Bray verdicts were read that Boyce was secretly pressured him into stealing classified j Burling's appointment, said, MSU senior, met with Gov. Milliken and mem¬ a CIA operative. information through threats of blackmail. at he did not realize that Michigan's two Rhodes Scholarship winners, Den- Ail ise Thai (ieit) and Mary Norton were honored by bers of the State Supreme Court as well as other U.S. District Court Judge Robert Kelle- Boyce said he told Lee about top-secret CIA Ices surrounding her appoint- her set Boyce's sentencing for May 27. maneuvers to control labor policies in the state legislature Thursday. Thai, a senior at government officials. The two are among the first fssitated approval from the pro- Boyce was accused of stealing and Australia and Lee threatened to tell Boyce's Harvard and a resident of Dearborn and Norton, women to receive the awards. copying top-secret documents which re¬ employers of the violation of security. t had my approval," Dean | Sullivan of the College of Arts »s said Wednesday. Spartan Spirit spending decision due I said he was under the impres- ■approval from the provost was lsary when one relative in the It would be supervising the other. I Department chairperson Frank the Elections Code. Spartan Spirit Counsel, Lewis K. Zerby, I said Thursday that he was By NUNZIO M. LUPO agreed to the changes. Spartan Spirit slate members after the AUEC Counsel Timothy Cain asked the asked AUSJ to consider that State News Staff Writer Procedureal deviations included the in¬ Barry, who close of initial presentations and the ■approval from the provost was In a hearing clouded by procedural judiciary to find the slate guilty of compiled the report, wasn't an experienced troduction of new testimony by two allowance of questions from both parties mdding that he "did not reread the overspending, saying that while the com¬ accountant. Employment of relatives when he questions, the All-University Elections during the judiciary's question-and-answer mission brought receipts and witnesses, the The AUEC did not prove dishonesty, only I Burling's appointment to Sulli- Commission (AUEC) attempted to prove period. slate brought "denial from the accused." "mathematical sloppiness," he said. Wednesday night that the Spartan Spirit t ask for I he said. a letter (from the Slate exceeded its spending limit in the ASMSU Student Board race. U.S., Cuba Portions of the testimony regarding whether Spartan Spirit overspent had AUSJ justices shaking their heads in je said he assumes responsibility The heard before the All-Uni¬ U.S. case was confusion. Several times they voiced prob¬ Violation starts with him, but J, that perhaps "the computer's versity Student Judiciary (AUSJ), which is expected to hand down its ruling today. One of the major deviations from usual make pact lems wading through the confusion pro¬ duced by the several sets of numbers. backing opposition, sly. there people in the WASHINGTON (AP) - The United In their closing arguments, both parties are procedure occurred when the AUEC at¬ I Arts » aware and Letters that haven't of the policy," Winder tempted to introduce second-hand evidence from Jack Husted, defeated Spartan Spirit States and Cuba announced agreement on fishing rights Thursday, prompting the produced figures that were apparently sound to the justices. Pakistan leader claims Slate member, not present at the hearing. State Department to predict that chances AUEC also raised the question of several are good for improving relations in other ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto accused Americans Id that the times allegedly not listed in the expense policy on employment Husted, who was arrested last week, is areas. on Thursday of helping finance an opposition campaign to force his resignation. is will be reviewed in order to Asst. Secretary of State Terence Todman report. These included three campaign reportedly now in protective custody. He letters, wood, mileage expenses on a car Speaking to a joint session of the government-controlled Parliament, Bhutto said the | whether it constitutes a bar to was sought as a witness by AUEC for negotiated the fishing agreements during a opposition was being "flooded" with U.S. dollars to enable them to continue their n obtaining employment in information concerning Barry's printing three-day visit to Havana, the first such trip bearing a campaign sign and the alleged seven-week old campaign. The Prime Minister alleged the money came from the United partments as their husbands. existence of Spartan Spirit T-shirts. costs in the campaign. by an American diplomat in more than 16 States, whom he identified only as the "superpower" on the losing side of the Vietnam War. Isponsibility lies with all of us," years. The face-to-face diplomacy was "I still don't want to mention the country by name," Bhutto said. "I don't want to spoil At that point in the hearing, the Spartan Spartan Spirit counsel refuted this widely viewed as a symbol of an improved testimony and said everything used or relations." It blew it this time," he said. Spirit counsel objected to the move to climate between Washington and Havana. But he accused two American diplomats in the Pakistani capital of saying in a telephone obtain Husted's testimony. Jeff Meyers, having some monetary value was reported. Todman also conferred with Cuba's conversation after the March 7 parliamentary election that Bhutto was on his way out of AUSJ chief justice, then stopped the foreign minister on a broad range of other AUSJ said it would have to resolve the office. machine that was recording the hearing and issues and said he The revelation indicated to some observers here that the Bhutto government has been sees a possibility for question of whether everything spent or moved into a closed session with all three legislation parties. "Right now we're going to do something "gradual and constant improvement in relations." He declined to give details of his everything used should be assessed under tapping the telephones of American diplomats in Islamabad. way out of order," he said. discussion with the foreign minister, but pes House AUEC was attempting' to introduce indicated the two sides will meet again >G (UPI) _ The state House has ind sent to the Senate testimony on a conversation with Husted to discredit Spartan Spirit's reported printing cost of $34. The testimony was not entered shortly. was The stage for the maritime negotiations set eight weeks ago when both Milliken urges Senate action legislation because the slate would not agree to it, countries extended their jurisdiction over ill new public transit buses to be fishing rights 200 miles out to sea. Because Jntccommodate handicappers. I of the measure is to I "1 of the state's public bus eventually Meyers said. He said he went into closed session because he wanted to "make a personal Cuba is only 90 miles from the U.S. coast, the boundaries overlapped, creating possi¬ ble jurisdictional conflicts. on bill to reduce PBB levels »'hey serve handicappers and the attempt to get all tht information out." However, the two countries agreed on a T on an equal basis. The By MICKIMAYNARD process "I attempted to get some kind of new boundary midway between their P12 to 15 years. compromise but Mr. Barry (Kent Barry, respective coasts. State News Staff Writer »ving the bill on a 79-21 vote, Gov. William G. Milliken said Thursday slate presidential candidate) wouldn't agree Agreement also was reached permitting Cuban fishermen to catch a limited amount he would like to see a bill drastically to the terms," he explained. "The content Department of State High- of fish in the American fishing zone outside lowering PBB contamination levels reach ■ TransportaUnn was personal in nature." the Senate floor within two weeks. to grant excep- Several other procedural deviations were the common boundary area. No figures Ve M on a case-by-ease basis, made in both the format and standard rules were given on the amount or species of fish The House recently passed and sent to gtoo would have to be approved by which the hearings are governed, but Cubans would be allowed to take from U.S. the Senate a bill sponsored by Rep. Francis both the AUEC and the Spartan Spirit waters. Spaniola, D-Corunna, which would lower PBB contamination levels from the present .3 parts per million (ppm) to .02 ppm. The bill would also reimburse farmers whose cattle would have to be destroyed. inside The governor told reporters after his surprise testimony before the Senate If any of you Popsicles sur¬ Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Commit¬ vived last night's freeze, you're tee, which is currently considering the bill, all a bunch of suckers. that the committee should move as quickly But watch out, because you'll as possible on the measure. probably thaw out in today's 50 degree sunshine. Milliken's request may fall by the wayside, since qnly one of three senators whose votes are needed to get the bill out of committee has pledged firm support for it. weather Milliken noted this fact to the bill's supporter. Sen. John Otterbacher, D-Grand Another special interest AP Wtrephoio Rapids, in his testimony. group is forming on campus - In answering a question from Otter¬ Thursday, Gov. William Milliken urged a Senate committee to approve only this one is a wee bit left of bacher, Milliken said he felt the senator was state Rep. Francis Spaniola's bill to lower the permitted levels of PBB center. Check it out on page 5. (continued on page 9) in Michigan tood. 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost tonsing, Michigon Frld°V. April 29 1977 Ethiopia arming citizen- ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia closing five installations, in¬ heavy casualties on the peasant Ethiopian Democratic Union (AP) — Ethiopia's military cluding the Asmara Consulate, army. It reportedly scattered in (EDU). 50,000-manarmyij "". down in sev rulers are arming tens of thou¬ completed their departure by a disarray and the march was sands of peasants and workers Wednesday deadline. Some 76 cslled off. There is speculation here that in apparent preparation for a embassy employees and 800 Ethiopia's head of state, Lt. Mengistu will use a massive mostly mis¬ Col. Paratroops capture 9 rebels in Zaire Americans, Mengistu Haile Mariam, May Day rally Sunday in Addis The ma;or "people's war" against armed sionaries, remain. earlier this month called on Ababa's Revolution Square to offensive, targa, 7| opposition groups resisting ef¬ forts to establish a Marxist stste During last June's peasant Ethiopians to ready for "an reveal further details of plans to will be the ELF and th(M Also in Shaba Province, President Idi firmly in this East African march, tens of thousands of extremely necessary and histor¬ crush the opposition in a KINSHASA, Zaire (AP) One hundred pro¬ — Zaire government paratroops dropped Amin of Uganda arrived with a platoon of nation. ill-equipped and ill-trained Ethi¬ ical sacrifice" and said he was mised "Emergency Corps to the Afte,r reportedly several towns - opians trekked into the nor¬ ready to "march alongside the Motherland." in p, soldiers to visit the front with President The exact form that a pro¬ year, the ELF Irom two CI30 aircraft behind rebel lines in Shaba Province at dawn Thursday, the Mobutu Sese Seku who has been in the mised offensive against the thernmost province of Eritrea men in uniform to crush inter¬ "They in a huei., position to lske?i "enemies of the revolution" will with the intention of dealing a ference and aggression" aimed are training people all of war zone for the past six days, it was over the country," said one Asmara by the *1 government news agency reported. take is still not clear. But death-blow to secessionist gue¬ at dismembering the country. Western yeap. On reported. Western diplomats here believe rillas. He accused neighboring Su¬ diplomat, "and it is spokesperson Wednesday The paratroopers took nine rebels The Uganda radio, in a broadcast monitored in Nairobi, Kenya, said Amin it could be something similar to But the better-organized and dan of armed aggression in quite clear that a people's army is meant to be Ethiopia's salva¬ Us forces had in c£!| caotnjl prisoners in the first hours of the a peasant march organized last equipped forces of the Eritrean northern Ethiopia, claiming it is operation, the agency said. It was not had sent a "suicide strike battalion" of June. Liberation Front (ELF) — bat¬ using its troops, artillery and tion." coastal town of southeast of Edd a?J disclosed where behind the lines the the Ugandan army to help Zaire deal with Meanwhile, all 300 Americans tle hardened after 16 years q( tanks to support thp ELF as The size of such a peasant Asmufl affected by a government order hit-and-run warfare — inflicted well as guerillas of the rightist army is not known but the continuing shift in iS IB parachute drop was made. the rebels. the countryside to tfcS1 Three terrorists sentenced in W. Germany HANDICAPPERS MAKE MAJOR GAINS STUTTGART, West Germany (AP) - war on his own," chief Judge Eberhard Urban guerilla Andreas Baader and two Foth declared in rejecting defense claims companions were sentenced to life imprisonment Thursday for the terror- bomb murders of during the Vietnam four war. U.S. soldiers that the bombings were legitimate protests against U.S. Vietnam. military actions in Regulotion WASHINGTON (AP) - Af tation Act that bars recipients now must be written by all had studied it. bars doctors and social »J Baoder. 33. his girl friend Gudrun The three terrorists were also con¬ other government weeks of demonstrations by of federal funds from discrim¬ agencies. people Ensslin, 36, and Jon-Carl Raspe, 32, were victed by the five-judge tribunal of 34 ter handicapper persons, HEW inating against the estimated Leaders of handicapper Califano, who had promised move. — to cooperate It's the law o| gL found guilty of bombing Army posts in counts of attempted murder and of to sign the long-promised regu¬ Secretary Joseph A. Califano 35 million handicappers in the groups that have been demon¬ Let's do it." ■ lation by early May, beat his Frankfurt and Heidelberg in 1972 and forming a criminal conspiracy. They are United States. strating in Washington, San buildings in four other German cities. on a hunger strike in their jail cells and Jr. signed a far-reaching regu¬ It affects federally supported Francisco and other cities hail¬ own deadline. The regulation that it is the miktiifl "Not everyone can declare himself a refused to come to court to hear the lation Thursday that is design¬ ed to give equal educational and schools, colleges, health and ed the signing as a victory. But The measure is shorter and respom"® local public school Sy verdict. welfare institutions. The De¬ they said while their actions simpler than a draft left un¬ seek out and enroll subject of international law and declare employment opportunities to hiaiM handicappers. partment of Health, Education had won gains on major issues signed by the Ford Administra¬ children, regardless oc3 tion. It also differs in some of its The regulation implements a and Welfare will serve as a they would reserve judgment they are physical handii section of the 1973 Rehabili¬ model for similar measures that on the total package until they requirements. mentally retarded ot But Califano expressed con¬ kind of handicapper. fidence that it will work to Except under tit J eliminate discrimination and unusual circutnstanm. |L Government closes oil field said, "I think what's important is that we get everybody who's capper persons must hi mitted to go to the same J going to be on the receiving end and the same elassrnj — the schools, the hospitals, the nonhandicapper pupils. 1 in face of feared ocean fire State Dept. announces arms talks STAVANGER, Norway (API — Fearing a Thursday. House to complete chain reaction fire that could set the heart of the North Sea ablaze, the Norwegian Phillips officials told reporters that a State WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of Cyrus R. Vance and Soviet Foreign environment in wartime. Carter acknowledged that while his government Thursday ordered its Ekofisk offshore oil field closed after a "well-killer" "blowout preventer," or valve, at the top of the well had been mistakenly bolted on regulating strip miniii Minister Andrei A. Gromyko will begin talks May 18 in Geneva on nuclear arms statement tion spoke of nuclear orms limita¬ team failed three times to stop a six day-old blowout. upside down last Friday, only hours before the blowout occurred. bill WASHINGTON (AP) — The House set out ThursdaytolL placing environmental standards on strip mining oloil concerning the Geneva meeting, the limitation and the Middle East, the State Soviet Union has not yet publicly Phillips Petroleum Co., operator of the Appalachia to the high plains of the West. 1 But the officials insisted that the error did Allies of industry tried to relax or remove standards Deportment said Thursday. confirmed there will be such a discussion. runaway new well, was reported to be flying in equipment for another attempt today at not cause the blowout. They acknowledged, waged a floor fight with environmentalists over how coal sin a| The talks will last two or three days, He also said he knows of no new however, that it severely impeded the stopping the gushing oil and further massive removed from the ground. spokesperson Hodding Carter said and proposals for a Strategic Arms Limitation Texan-led troubleshooting team's attempts will include the pollution of the sea. to seal the well. Overall, the bill seeks to require the restoration of Isad J signing of an agreement Treaty (SALT) to be discussed between Norwegian officials estimated that the banning the modification of the globe's Gromyko and Vance. well, 170 miles west of this Norwegian oil Government reports indicated, meanwhile, open to recover seams of coal near the surface. a federal fond financed Thebillwouldg| by a tax on coal to pay fc center, had sprayed 6'A million gallons of that the pollution problem created by the abandoned mlneloads. crude oil into the surrounding waters by noon spillage less than originally feared. The legislation is similar to two bills vetoed was by es IL FEA charges overpricing of oil Gerald Ford on grounds they would curb coal production udl WASHINGTON (AP) - The Federal If the FEA findings are sustained, Energy Administration said Thursday that 20 oil companies have overcharged the U.S. public by $336 million for oil however, the companies will have to return the money to the public by If; h jnn temporary price reductions, direct re¬ transferred from foreign affiliates, about bates to known customers, or by $61 million more than the agency foregoing future price increases based ire of MSU Messenger Service Eost longing. Mich. 48833. ■sxayftr.' estimated earlier. on legitimate costs. GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER The companies have 10 doys to reply, ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER and try to convince FEA their oil prices The issue involves oil transactions from justified. They can appeal unfavor¬ October 1973, the start of the Arab oil f m^r- a able rulings either to the agency or to embargo, through May 1975, more than a federal courts. year after it ended. " mz Six-day mail extravagant, panel head says six WASHINGTON (AP) — Mail delivery House Post Office subcommittee that Ij^r. days per week is an extravagance specialists in postal affairs and in that the United States can no longer electronic communications had told the afford, the chairperson of the postal commission that the Postal Service in its study commission said Thursday. Gaylord Freeman, chairperson of the present form cannot survive "unless postal rates rise beyond a politically and i Commission on Postal Service, defended publicly acceptable level or unless the panel's report that last week subsidies are greatly increased." recommended cutting back to five-day delivery while increasing the taxpayers' Congress established the commission subsidies of the Postal Service. last year to study the financial problems Freeman, retired chairperson of the of the mails and make recommendations First National Bank of Chicago, told a on how to solve them. Energy crisis A may cost jobs ANN ARBOR (UPI) - The and a generally dull national energy crisis University of Michigan and Wayne State could cost Michigan 200.000 economy University. jobs by 1980, In the most probable forecast — with according to a study sponsored by the the national growth rate state Department of Labor. averaging only about 3'/i per cent — the study showed Results of the study, which forecasts that Michigan's jobless rote would fall employment under varying economic assumptions, was released was conducted Thursday, it by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations from 9.4 per cent in 1976 to 7.8 1977. However, the unemployment rote per cent in would rise to 8.5 per cent in 1979 and fall Saturday May 14 (ILIR) of the back to 7.8 per cent by 1980. 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.ro- Land use bill faces uncertainty LANSING r produced in the Saturday. p.m., to will involve these issues: minors' access health care; controlling one's estate; equipment ranging from the The event is open to the I M.S.U. Bootery most sophisticated to public. The names of the 65 t Admission is free and the public is invited. constitutional conventions; very finalists Sandal Sale « redlining, toxic simple-cameras. are posted on the door i Dalsen explained that Participants may attend for the day or for substances; funding higher education; crime; Three judges will of 301 Student Services Bldg. j * only those panels of particular interest. and state fiscal critique the '9" to '16" |c access" means that any- accountability. photographs in open judgment ho wants to put a show on to select first-, second- and X..................... The conference will consist of 16 Various community organizations will set e station is permitted separate third-place winners from a- panels. Activity will begin with registration up booths at the conference to provide at 9 a.m., followed by some opening remarks information on their activities throughout the mong the 600 entries. Honor¬ I added that cable is a from Rep. Lynn Jondahl, D-East able mention awards will also Lansing, at lay system. Though most 9:30 a.m. Eight simultaneous panels will ^fchonlytheirreceive broadcasts follow from 10 a.m. to noon. Topics to be The program will conclude with Edward hook-ups, the £s can be reversed. Van discussed will be: the energy crisis; business in Michigan; education; doing regional Albee's play "Zoo Story," about the of struggles people coping with contemporary life. The Correction k said that you can plug planning; wife beating; financing for the play will be presented by Robert Shaner and kion equipment into the elderly; property tax; and the Natural Death George Wilson, BoarsHead Theatre students The Player's Gallery is not L and transmit as well. Act. from Lansing Community College. affiliated with the Summer I broadcast can originate There will be Circle Free Festival, as was a luncheon break from noon A children's program of arts, crafts and reported in Wednesday's State Jnywhere that has a cable to 1:30 p.m. during which participants may games will be available throughout the day at News. The Theatre Ip," he said. "But this is eat with local public officials. Lunch will not ment is Depart¬ responsible for all Summer Circle Free Festival productions. new car financing for up to 48 months! Right now you can enjoy extra Look how small savings and moreflexibilify than ever your monthly payments by financing your new car or truck at can be when you use your credit union. 48-month financing: • The low annual percentage rate of 11% includes loan protection (credit Number of Monthly Amount Borrowed f1 ★★★★VALUABLE COUPON**** | life) insurance for qualified members Payments $4,000 $6,000 11.00 OFF!! at no additional charge. 12 353.53 530.29 • Generally no down payment is required. 24 186.43 279.65 ■ Mr. Tony's delicious 14" or 16" PIZZA! • And now you can take up to 48 36 130.% 1%.43 I ! SO* OFF! months to repay your loan! 48 103.38 155.08 If you've been waiting to make the best possible deal on a new car or NOTE: "Demonstrator'' models do not qualify for this special low rate. Eleven percent annual percentage I truck, the time has come to make rate is equal to a periodic rate of .03014 percent per I your move! day. Mr. Tony's delicious 9" or 12" PIZZA! I B) MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION ! jfcftagfe 515 W.GRAND RIVER PIZZA & SUBMARINES (just West of Greyhound Station) I 600 E. Crescent • 9 to 5:30 Mon. thru Fri. • Phone 353-2280 Lfree delivery 332-8611 EXPIRES 5- Carter's 100 da Our ignorant leaders ys Student "leaders" at MSU are living a big irony. At an institution Dismissing suggestions that he mystery man of run for president, famed Civil War the nr»0 J I where knowledge supposedly abounds, they have taken to voting m campaign - the man who! general William Tecumseh Sher¬ "l total ignorance and defying the principles of a responsible democracy. The acid test of this is the proposed amendment to Article II of the man was reported to have said, "If alternately who spoke in strident and H? forced to choose between the vague h Academic Freedom Report. Twice we have seen our representatives trapped by misconceptions and lopsided rhetoric and initially vote the penitentiary and the White House for four years, I would say the £t'loveIandnever5S the man who smiled so 2P looked like he had a amendment down. This amendment, which has been two years in the working, requires a penitentiary, thank you." fence stuck between whiteS? his V* Sherman's dictum obviously the same dean to adjust a grade if the student judiciary deems that the original does not apply to a born-again mystery ma„ asT| mark was given for reasons other than academic present system only allows an aggrieved student to go back to beg the achievement. The descendant of the Civil War, dent. Only the smile has faM southerner Jimmy Carter. After offending faculty member for a change of heart. 100 days in the White House, it is ASMSU showed its political ignorance a month ago by changing the clear that Carter immensely en¬ amendment so that faculty members, who must also approve the measure, would reject it. Carolyn Stieber, the tireless ombudsman and joys "the penitentiary." proponent of the amendment, had to come to another meeting and Enjoyment is one thing, perfor¬ correct ASMSU misconceptions to mesh their actions with reality. mance another. Carter's first 100 So, with more information, ASMSU passed the unchanged days have been characterized by amendment last week, only to fling it in the laps of theequallyignorant calculated retreats from major Student Council. campaign promises, bold initia¬ Student Council members then demonstrated their sheeplike voting tives gone soft, liberal instincts turned conservative. In quality by striking the amendment down after councilmember Merry many Rosenberg grimly spoke against it. respects, the President displays a Now an emergency meeting of the Student Council has been called for tight-fisted streak more deeply The ingrained than Gerald Ford's. Thursday. The members, much to their surprise, heard rumors about State News another side of the story ... and it sounds much better. The vote is At the same time, Carter has expected to be reversed and the amendment passed along the Friday, April 29, 1977 included in his first 100 days ratification process. proposals for a comprehensive Editorials ore the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns It is regrettable that our representatives do not keep themselves vote reform package, a govern¬ the burdens of "the informed, for an informed governmental body is as vital as an informed and letters are personal opinions. peniti,lwI ment reorganization plan, a public have weighed down on him. Editorial Department electorate. To be anything but informed, or at least aware of the central works program and a declaration Carter's enjoyment of his t| arguments on both sides, is inexcusable. or-m chief Mary Ann ChickShaw Entertainment and Book Editor Donna Bakun of war on the energy crisis that, ties, coupled with his obvi logmg Editor BobOurlion Layout Fred von Hortesveldt The absurd ignorance of ASMSU and the Student Council is Editor though defective in some respects, determination to nion Dave Misialowski Photo Editors Moggie Walker,Laura Lynn Fisfler serve the it compounded by their positions in an intellectual environment. Editor Michael Tonimuro Copy Chief Tracy Reed is detailed, imaginative and basi¬ ests of the people, is encourai Editor Carole Leigh Hutton Wire Editor Joyce Laskowski Everybody who sits on those bodies is provided with an agenda. ipus rts Editor Edward L Ponders Stoff Representative John Casey cally fair. The increasingly consent,, Everyone is given an opportunity to seek out the facts before voting, Associate Sports Editor Tom Shonohon Freelance Editor Anne Stuart Herein lies the essential enigma bent of his administration before the meeting. These advantages are not used. of Jimmy Carter: He seems to be a The first 100 days are over! ism, If our leaders must persist in this intellectual abstinence, we must politician without identifiable exercise our prerogative and purge those ignorant from the ranks of Advertising Department an thousand days remain for J OonGerow Assistant Advert mg Manager Ceci Corfield political orthodoxy or link to some public to unravel the mystery:^ power. established interest group. The or what is Jimmy Carter? tions be found in state prisons or county moral fervour and self-sacrifice. jails. From depression to war to man on-the- KRISTIN VAN VORST It is encourgaing to note that some moon, the articulation of a set of well-de¬ college students find the current controver¬ fined, uplifting goals made it possible to sy over Michigan prison conditions damn mobilize the miraculous inventiveness and upsetting. That's a good sign. As soon as the bureaucrats in government become the capacity for dedication of the American people. Future equally upset, we might get some action The optimism, joy and promise of the Ferency on prisons As any casual reader of newspapers knows, the county jail authorities of Michigan's instead of politically inspired rhetoric. American society has conferred preemi¬ Zolton Ferency nence to it amongst the societies of man. It most populous county have already been Associate professor of criminal justice is moral obligation, and Neither Gov. Milliken nor the residents of ordered to cease and desist from over our an uplifting McDonel Hall will be able to learn much challenge, to maintain this promise for Affirmative Action means different things to different people. crowding. To its credit, the Wayne County posterity. Without the Work Ethic and the MSU has historically claimed any achievements made by women as an about Michigan's penal institutions by Circuit Court has long since ruled that exampleillj watching television. At the very least, overcrowding in the state's busiest county Energy consumption Conservation Ethic chance. we do not have a commitment to affirmative action. The fact remains that the percentage of faculty who are women has remained rei people who wish to offer opinions concern¬ jail constitutes cruel and unusual punish¬ constant for the past three years. Some strides were made in the first three ing prison and jail overcrowding should ment. VikramK.S. Shah yeinB first read the daily newspapers. More importantly, the Wayne County jail In less than Associate professor of implemented an affirmative action program but none of the goals set forth byMSl'lJ one generation we are ever been obtained. The Michigan Department of Correc¬ authorities have been ordered to meet business administration and tracing a full circle from conspicuous tions has already tried to rent space for housing code requirements which guaran¬ management consultant In 1975 MSU shifted from emphasizing consumption to conspicuous waste to con¬ percentage goals to appointment goals - «' state prisoners in the county jails, but to no tee each prisoner proper space and a 5049 Wordcliff Drive to shift attention from the fact the goals of 14.7 per cent for 1973 and 15.7 per tent Is spicuous conservation. avail, because there is no excess space in measure of personal privacy. Enlightened With his energy message, President were not realized. However, the revised goals have not been met, either. the county jails. Nor is it lawfully possible courts and judges refuse to tolerate Carter has, probably, touched an to overcrowd the county jails in Michigan. inhumane conditions whether those condi¬ nerve of modern American life: lack of open Bias charged Robert Perrin, vice president of University and federal relations and chief of MS affirmative action program, said recently, "If you come here as a student with tj The State News seemed unintentionally earning a 4.0 average and you wind up with a 3.5, did you fail?" If you had to grade MSU's commitment to affirmative action would you give a 3.5?Pa biased April 25, when it published its article himself terms MSU's effort as "reasonable." on the PLO protest of the campus celebra¬ MSU will claim in its next annual report that I, as part of an increasing number of n MICHAEL CROFOOT tion of Israeli Independence Day. I do not graduating from MSU, owe earning my degree as a woman to MSU and its pitp*J wish to criticize the PLO, for they are MSU cited the following figure in its 1975-76 report to the Department of H« entitled to their own opinions, but why did Education and Welfare (HEW): the State News overlook the celebration itself? The act of covering protests and "Forty-six per cent of the University's total undergraduate and graduate enrotlmsj Energy crisis is here demonstrations has overshadowed the ma¬ jor reason why reporting actually to cover goes on the event, which in this case gave — 44,580 students were women, the highest per cent of women students in the Unit' history. "As one of the largest public institutions in the country, MSU plays an important™! contributing to the national employment pool of women and minority graduates, J cause (or so the demonstrators believed) for the protest. report said. Where did all the leaves come from? Three Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), I counter with, "I will be receiving a degree in journalism in June. I am a ■onii« forced to become our first and finest weeks of spring have unfolded in one. The I certainly hope the State News becomes says, "I consider the implementation of the totalitarian president. that mean that can be attributed to MSU and its commitment to affirmative acttiS fragances of the Spring Tide are nearly as Toxic Substances Control Act one of the more professional in its coverage in the delicious as her sights. Imagine the joys of most difficult How we react to the energy proposal u future. because I am an individual who worked for four years to earn it?" I the country dog whose sense of smell is more challenges now facing the EPA. We must act in haste but not in "the greatest domestic challenge our nation Michelle Arsht Isn't it logical that, as the total number grows, the parts of the whole will intWJ than 1,000 times better than the human A Sea Grant Administrator in New York panic." will face in our lifetime" because our reaction 266 Landon Hall well? And isn't it logical that as the number of students going to college increutt* will determine how we act in the transition number of women will grow as well? animal's. Heard any spring peepers yet? tells me that Jacques Cousteau's prediction to the postindustrial era. Instead, MSU would rather take credit for these "achievements." The President's modest yet courageous that will not be eating freshwater fish in proposed energy perspective for the next 10 we 10 years is indeed The MSU community is almost ideally Stolen jacket MSU also cites as an example of its affirmative action commitment that mo™"1 . taking on the air of suited to help smooth the way. It has going into more traditionally male fields. Should these things really be attributed years was met on this campus with an prophecy. excellent professors and students of diverse Would the person who took the green/ increasing number of female students and their individual tastes, desuts H equally courageous yet modest formal dialog General Motors, with ample backgrounds, or to MSU's commitment to affirmative action? L help from perspectives in almost every discipline white warm-up jacket (size small — boys Monday night. Hopefully not one of the 200 Michigan congressmen, is pushing for a attending (excluding the deftly debunked Labor party reps) is still part of the one half delay of the clean air standards. Observers imaginable — which is the makings for the development of appropriate technology. It 8-10) April 24, please return it? The jacket was placed by an inside fence at the outdoor In one of its first reports MSU admitted that there were not many womea traditionally male-dominated fields of study, but asked 11 it could really be blas»J enr*jl believe they will be successful. The has a close relationship with the implemen¬ of the United States that believes there is no powerful tennis courts (Court D-7) and it was taken individual tastes. My question now is - how can they take credit for the very line* paper industry is beginning an intensive tation arm of one of the 50 states. All it lacks ' This is the most obvious flaw in MSU's attitude towards affirmative action. energy crisis. Faculty participants are between the hours of noon and 2 p.m., while lobbying effort to undermine the Federal is an effective communication system. The University takes credit for applauded for their efforts. The inspired Water Pollution Control Act's 1985 my 8-year-old son was playing tennis with every woman's achievements. That is an insult"^ goal of Harman's "voluntary simplicity" may be a ones of the audience are applauded for their zero discharge. And so it me. Just turn it in at the Men's Intramural group that it is supposedly committed to. awareness. That goes. . . key phrase in initiating such a system. born-again feeling is a President Carter said in his Building — no questions asked. Thank you. When MSU does not reach its goals, however, the University is not at fault, ai tough nut to crack. Monday Celeste Allman MSU officials. address to the nation in a matter-of-fact Perhaps we at MSU should be one of the But of course it can only be the first to repond to President Carter's call for 809 K Cherry Lane beginning. Why? Two reasons: the energy question has voice, "If we act now we can control our Perrin blames the failure to reach the goals on the tenure freeze, the misjudgmen^ future instead of letting the future control an Emergency Management Information many positions would open up and a misleading availability index of women ana already begun to be lost in stories of Charles us." Ask yourself the question: To what System. Perhaps we should be one of the Manson wanting to get out, first to take advantage of the Letter MSU's dedication to affirmative action is questionable. The fact remains * Cuban relations, summer vacation and Doc growing extent have we already shifted to the latter" To be in control of our future we must have a federal grants that will be available for proposed Policy University's program was implemented two years after it was rt a major part of the Student Council's request fall term New drug humans. However, successful treatment for cancer something here, to an effective we will be well on the method of cancer treatment way spread, of or cancer three cases has been stopped. In two we've had a complete »evl u Mity 8tudent facilities. , victims may be available if the recent and prevention," Mostosky said. remission of cancer in the animal treated," Lb.kl J'r,d Wilson, Director of Building Services, said the University tries to j findings of MSU veterinary medicine pro¬ The principle of immuno-therapy is "to Mostosky said. Its I r, k ks on campus in proportion to the number of the left-handed isswlm ndfrs make UP in estimated one fifth of the total population. tried out fessor and researcher Ulreh Mostosky are proven correct. stimulate the body to develop its own antibodies with which it can fight cancer," Results would be even better with earlier detection of cancer and earlier treatment Bided d 1 desk8 na"ed to the floor, Wilson said, the entire left aisle has all A veterinarian and radiologist at MSU's Mostosky said. with the MER-BCG, Mostosky claims. ■the i ».:ln auditoriums which have tablet arms, a certain number of the arms veterinary school, Mostosky is doing cancer "Cancer is caused by out-of-control rapid "Most of the dogs are too far gone for ble d l °I the seets. on cancer research using a new drug known as eell division, which I believe will be found successful treatment. They can't tell their nded! , can cause problems, he said, because left-handed as well as MER-BCG. So far, results of cancer due to a virus. The best way to treat it is, owners they're sick, so they're not brought !«rem , jS can be removed from classrooms. Still, when MSU orders 200 or treatment with the drug are encouraging, like any virus, through immunology." in till it's too late," he said. *I)Z , sks ""MHj. 30 or 40 are left-handed. By PETEBRONSON he said. MER-BCG is now available only for ■ to m»t? ■ y " ,ware that there are left-handed people," Wilson said, "and it's Immunology, the stimulation of the research purposes under federal law and is Describing his research as the embryonic state," Mostosky says he being" still in ,. accommodations for them. I think what the University is doing (in The family pet seldom is regarded as a body's own defense system, is applied to supplied to Mostosky by the National potential flu victim or heart attack candi¬ cancer treatment by Mostosky with the aid Cancer Institute. Though cancer victims are needs more cases to establish positive dime • •—— reasonable, led L, T research on the peculiar mental abilities latent in many date, but according to researchers in MSU's of MER-BCG. Short for "methylated ex¬ being treated with the drug in Israel, "more results, but is optimistic that MER-BCG School of Veterinary Medicine, dogs and will iead the way to successfully treating id stiidi l 4)80 be a purpose of the Left-Hander's League, Carter said. tract of residue of bacillus calmette guerin," research must be done before the drug is human and animal victims. *P-bv «»!,S cats are plagued by many of the same the drug is the rendered remains of BOG. cancer j said'for example, that lefties think more completely rather made available in the U.S." Mostosky said. I first m,J- an ,are thu8 m°re likely to be creative and inventive. diseases as humans. Developed by French immunologists Albert His own two-year study of the drug in "Twenty five years ago we were in the P Servi™."mj "le left Hander's League will be held May 7 at 3 p.m. in 334 Among the nation's top killers for both Calmette and Camille Guerin, BCG is cancer treatment looks promising, he said. same position with polio. No one understood II office humans and domestic animals are the related 311 D & F.0r m?re '"foroiaiioi, contact Carter at the Intercooperative to the bacteria which causes "In application of MER-BCG treatment to what caused it. But immunology various types of cancer. Researchers say developed tuberculosis. more than 30 selected cases of bone cancer a vaccine for polio and immunology will that the incurable types affect animals "Immunology is where the future lies in in dogs. I've had very encouraging results. develop a vaccine for cancer," he said. £ Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan ^iday, April 29 ^ AUDIENCE CAN EVALUATE SITUATION IF€CD if Program to give survival test Ever wonder what your ty Council. The host of the program, THE NATIONAL DISASTER SURVIVAL TEST chances of survival would be if The test will directly involve Tom Snyder from the 'Tomor¬ War ran V. Bush Production In cooperation with the National Safety Count NBC Talavlalon 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Sunday. May 1.1977 your were adrift on the ocean the television audience via a row Show," will help supply the with Farrah Fawcett-Majors or printed code sheet and should information from the four test OFFICIAL TEST FORM Burt Reynolds? This question help people evaluate just how cities to help viewers compare and many others will be much they know about what their answers with the rest of answered on "The National they should do in a survival or the nation. Disaster Survival Test," to be disaster situation, he said. Possible comparisons which telecast over WILX-TV, chan Four test cities across the are being considered include: nel 10, Sunday at 8 p.m. nation (Los AngeleS, New Or¬ oDo the people in Los An¬ "While most major disasters leans. Milwaukee and New geles have a higher survival 'just happen,' most accidents York) will have their answers quotient than the people in within disasters are prevent¬ automatically tabulated and the New York? able," said Vincent L. Tofany, results will be aired on the oAre young people, under 25, president of the National Safe¬ program. better versed in coping with disasters than 40 year olds? oWould a person stand a RHA schedules better chance of survival if adrift on the ocean with a man PRELIMINARY SCORE Professional categories will Welles movie also be included in the break down comparisons. n. SPECIAL SCORING GOURMET FOOD FROM til Film clips of actual disaster Orson Welles probes truth, reality and art forgery in his "F Newsweek called "one of the most the film dazzling, situations along with Holly¬ wood re-enactments will be ALL OF CHINA For Fake." The film is a magical shown to help illustrate differ¬ equivocal and personal films semidocumentary focusing on ever made." The first new ent techniques of survival. National master art forger Elmyr de Hory, famous Howard Hughes Welles film to be circulated in some time, "F For Fake" is Test forms will also be pub¬ lished in the April 30 to May 6 klE,*on®Network V/ Safety Council At Imperial Gardens, 2080 Gr. River. Okemos, the "real hoaxster Clifford Irving and being shown on campus this edition of "TV Guide" on page Welles' own perceptions and weekend by RHA. A35. thing" is the only dish served. The chefs, originally from " speculations about fact and Hong Kong, prepare three styles of Chinese cuisine: the ■ illusion — and, how to tell the famous Peking duck from the north, the szechuan difference, if there is one. Pennway style, Church of Cod Nutralon featuring highly peppered food, and cantonese style, lightly flavored dishes. The specialty at Imperial I M.S.U. Bootery * 4207 Alpha Diet Analysis. Gardens is | Lansing \ Sandal Sale { At last. the spicy i »9" to '16" i********************* | No more guessing. szechuan ^^^hhkhhv. < FIRST BAPTIST CENTRAL style dish- ff 4 es such as CHURCH UNITED chicken 940$. HARRISON METHODIST Across from the Capitol with pea- Rev. T. R. Coulter Jr. gov- Peapl* of Great Haritap" ernors Dr. Howard A. Lyman, spooking shimp or 1000 ftlbla Study 10 a.m. Worship Services How much do you know about what your average daily calorie 9:30a.m. and 11:00a.r Church Sarvicot 11 a.m. the nutritional contenl of the food count is too And you II see how Nursery Available beef. For 485-9477 you eat each day7 Do you know you compare to the U S Govern¬ what your diet may be lacking ment standards those who prefer a lighter flavor, try the Family delight chick and how it relates to your hair All you do is keep an accurate South Baptist Church skin and nails7 Wouldn t it be record of what you eat for three shrimp, lobster, crab, and Chinese vegetables. Of course 1518 S. great if-you did? there's always chop suey, chow mein or egg foo yong. Washington Lansing days. The computer does the rest Now. through highly sophisti ' It's pure genius and very enlight¬ Another specialty here are the delicious tropical fruil Sunday 7:00 p.m. cHied computer technology you ening You may have special hair, drinks: frozen daquiris, punches, and other concoctions. can have your diet skin, and nail needs Nutralon analyzed for "Lift with Lustre" its nutrient content In no time al supplements may help you solve. Draft beer and wine are also available. all you II find out your average The Nutralon Diet Businessmens lunches are offered Analysis is on weekdays at da ly intake of vitamins minerals, the only salon service of its kind ttfu and amino acids You II find out Call your Redken stylist today1 special prices. A large variety of weekend specials are Mini MM College fellowship and offered at considerably lower price than those on the Cits « UN refreshments 8:30 p.m. FhsfttM menu. Group dinners for a number of people are also Nutralon and good looks go hand in hand available. With these specials, and the wide price range, dinner tonight at Imperial Gardens is definately afford¬ Sunday 11 a.m. able. "Loolt-A happy man!" SIGOURNEYJONES And if you're short of time, Hairstyling for Men & Women call first, and your dinner can be ready to Bible Study 9 p.m. Wed. Union Bldg. 1712 G. Michigan carry out. FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening 484-1491 Call 482 - 0754 for information 6810 S. Cedar -Suite A \ Dr. Howard F. James E. Sugden, Pastor Emery College Pastor 694-8101 )KEN* SPONSORED BY! 00^ HMfETO BE A JOCK ITOGETAKXX POWER T-SHIRT. Special offer from Cruex.' Jock Power T-Shirts for your first team HM with your names Pnupy imprinted. Wto* TAKE ONE Clip out this coupon and send it with the serial | number on the bottom of your container of ■ CRUEX (or the word CRUEX printed on a 3"x 5" ~Ig index card) along with 53.00 in check or ■ money order to; CRUEX T-SHIRT OFFER P.O.Box #C429, Brooklyn,NewVbrk11223 Zip.— Circle Adult Size wanted: SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE/X-LARGE Print clearly the one name you want on your JOCK POWER T-SHIRT (6-letter m novemoer ju, ivr / aiiow up to 6 weeks for delivery j n Ct„t» News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 29, 1977 BACKGAMMON and CHESS :hool districts face Herculean task THE 25% OFF all Backgammon GAME on implementing bilingual and Chess in stock programs Free Backgammon ROOM instructions 10:00 A.M. till from noon By NANCY jo HALE At MacDonald, students in grades six on Saturday. FREE through eight were bilingual education consultant with the Michigan Department of Kite with Purchase. State News Staff Writer allowed to take a bilingual class as an elective. Education, said he sees as a benefit of self-contained classroom. But in the elementary program, one teacher " Public Act 294 passed the state legislature in 1974 going back and "When a limited-English-speaking student sees Anglo children Marat) fell forth to schools and meeting with students j^ooi districts with 20 or more children of limited away from their normal interested in learning about their language and culture, they begin MM tml Ssneaking ability to set up bilingual programs, East classroom, was far from the conception that the Michigan to realize how awe >n Department of Education has for bilingual education. important their heritage is," he said. EM tataf » school district, like all districts, was faced with a Before bilingual education, limited-English-speaking students The philosophy of bilingual education S14W an task - designing and funding the program and according to the Michigan were not Department of Education, is to infuse instruction into the existing performing well in school and very often ended up classroom rather than have a system which is figuring in with a rising dropout rate, he said. ■ untin975 was a Bilingual Education Office set up in the separate from the "If a person is constantly told that what they and their parents Department of Education to assist school districts in existing programs. Come Garden in their programs. It has since contributed toward Bob Winters, director of instruction with East Lansing Public are, isn't good, they won't learn," he said. Bilingual education, Olivarez said, promotes a student's to a Party! Schools, who has been in charge of developing the program with C many of the 50 school districts in Michigan with bilingual psychological security, which facilitates learning. Here's ;i pajama JL, to achieve their goals. the help of a Parents Advisory Council, said the minimal. program is East Lansing's bilingual program can be the best in the state. that's meant to lie ■funding task facing districts was aided when they received "There was not enough time to do a lot," he said. Winters said, but only if enough participation is gained from 11976-77 school year about 580.44 per student from the state Whitehills' Latino students, along with OKs from parents of seen... at the liest "In order to have quality bilingual education for us," he said, Is That left the districts responsible for about $26.81 per Donley students to let them switch schools. "the program must have 50 per cent Latino and 50 per cent black, But East Lansing will be serving Latino children a strong parties and nit the white and other, in a self-contained classroom." bilingual program in the fall no matter how the percentages end tow it. The tup can That is exactly what he and the Parents Advisory Council has up, Winters said. l"When a limited-English-speaking student planned for the 1977-78 school year. But in order for it to work he worn alone, a.- L j[nglo children interested in learning about there must be volunteer cooperation from parents of Latino children, Winters said. a sleeper as well. ir language and culture, they begin to realize All bilingual programs for elementary schools will be centralized The floral print top j] important their heritage is." at Whitehills which will require students from Donley who want to Let your feet make — Carlos Olivarez ties at the shoulders participate to shift schools. Anglo and Latino students will benefit from the bilingual program together. Lessons in all subjects will be taught equally in aplacefor themselves. and the white erepest rids could also compete for federal funds based on need and basic Spanish and English so no students will miss out. pants complete the -mount of students served. East Lansing has not benefited This program is right in line with what Carlos Olivarez, a hose funds, since its programs are small scale in comparison sophisticated look. |er districts such as Detroit and Grand Rapids. Footpnnting iri sandi^ Ii\ Kavser. ■ Lansing has had a bilingual program mainly for Latinos ■975 in Whitehills and Donley elementary schools and P.S. Come get lnald Middle School. your C.E.L.B.A. sale bucks. Lker poses as Amy Carter JhINGTON (API - How I security picture a glossy photo of Presi¬ dent Carter's 9-year-old daugh bottoms '•Up at the White ■ Well, it wasn't tight ter. Amy. Footpnnting in a Birken stock 7 I to prevent one worker University Mall • 2nd Level letting away with a Jl joke for three days, ■hite House secretary, ■name will not be re Displaying the pass at all times as required, she passed regularly through the White House gates and circulated Tx \ 220 M.A.C. East Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30 Lansing Thurs. 10-8 |I toher protect the guilty, White House pass freely around West Wing of¬ fices without being challenged Trimposing over her own for three days. Feet in the sand make footprints. Feet in Birketwivk tixuuear do the very same thing The Birketwivk UxxK\t i- he.it i!v! pressure -en-imv to nxkid to vour tun. and become vour tootprim So walking in Rirkeiwoek i. ,1 lot ♦I." OFF 16" PIZZA m Ik ^ I ■no verv convenient' Jitferoix-e'"" ^'ouo.mu-,ilk in.Birken-.ua all Birkenstock; u-.ir long Taste what Free |e coupon per pizza good thru 5/1 -Hosiers 'Spirit 2031. Grond Rlv.r MOHAWK did to Peppermint Schnapps 50* 12" PIZZA OFF MITSUBISHI PRESENTS Try the New COOL }e coupon per pizza good thru 5/1 THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS TOP PERFORMANCE AUDIO PEPPERMINT COMPONENTS/ /AT LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. SCHNAl | CAMPUS WEST CAMPUS DA-A10 POWER AMPLIFIER 337-1377 Cool 100 WATTS PER CHANNEL INTO 8 OHMS WITH BOTH CHANNELS DRIVEN AT 20 HZ. TO 20 K HZ. AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION OF 0.1% green DUAL MONAURAL CONSTRUCTION GREATLY IMPROVES INTER- CHANNEL SEPERATION THEREBY ACHIEVING HIGHER TONAL color QUALITY. $390°o ^ A New DA-P10 PREAMPLIFIER Exciting Duke UTILIZING ULTRALOW-NOISE TRANSISTORS DEVELOPED BY Taste MITSUBISHI, AND INDEPENDENTLY SEPERATING THE LEFT AND master of RIGHT HAND CHANNEL TONE CONTROLS, THIS PREAMP INSURES EXTREMELY LOW DISTORTION. Sensation keyboard. '290 ge Duke, All the excite¬ Enjoy it DA-F10 STEREO TUNER [om Me to Your ment key- straight is debut THIS AM/FM STEREO TUNER BESIDES HAVING EXTREMELYLOW album Epic Records board-player DISTORTION FIGURES OFFERS SELECTIVITY THAT IS SWITCH- n or ABLE BETWEEN WIDE AND NARROW SETTINGS FOR BEST d Tapes. George Duke POSSIBLE RECEPTION UNDER WIDELY DIFFERENT CONDITIONS. over ice gave to the A LOCKED TUNING SYSTEM MAINTAINS OPTIMUM RECEPTION Cobham-Duke CONDITIONS DESPITE CHANGES IN TEMPERATURE AND FtamMeT) Band and the '260° HUMIDITY. Mothers of The "Cool One" Is On Campus! Cool Peppermint Schnapps Invention, he's YOU CAN ENTER THE WORLD OF now giving MITSUBISHI ELECTRONICS AT T-SHIRTS.?.1.95 directly to you. "Fine quality cotton, bright'green legend. Pd by George Duke for George Duke Enterprises, Inc. HbFIBVYS® .. ALWAVS ONE STEP AHEAD No C.O.D. - send check or money order. ,.«tfd name address icity |AVAILABU at tour favoriti 'state, zip mcordstori quantity. HI-FI BUYS check sizes East I'ointe Drive-In 3021 East Saginaw Order from RUBEN CO. 15670 W. 10 Mile Rd. FREE PARKING*FINANCING*IN—-STORE SERVICE Southfield. Ml. 48075 g Michigon State News, East Lansing, Michigan Frid°V. April 29, 1977 Proposed mall predicted to sink if bui By MICHAEL ROUSE recommended by the city planning department. The citizen planning commission also recommended separated," Minden said. She said a formal report on the soil and water conditions in the State Newt Staff Writer the zone will be completed at the end of next week. The Dayton Hudson mall will sink into a field of mud if it is change to the City Council, but the recommendation is area Some of the data on the water levels were provided by KB"*« flsjj built, according to an MSU resource development student contingent on the passage of an ordinance that would require a site plan review of all building permits requested in commercial Grahame Larson, MSU instructor of geology. studying the soil and water conditions of the mall site. The farmland has been idle for many years and no Kit Minden, junior, said at a meeting of the East Lansing development has occurred there because the drainage is so poor, Planning Commission Wednesday night that heavy buildings on the proposed site — in the northwestern corner of East Lansing One person spoke at the public hearing ordinance Wednesday night and the commission until the next formal meeting on May 18. concerning the tabled the issue Larson said Thursday. "It's prime land, but nobody's been fool enough to develop the ■ ISMKSfE?1"SKS A soil study performed by the city engineer«,»,, — will sink because of the high level of underground water. She boggy area," Larson said. also said the proposed retention basin to hold runoff water before it enters storm sewers is unfeasible. Minden said an underground layer of clay is holding the ground water close to the surface of the soil and slowing Larson said "drastic measures" will have to be taken by the methods*"" "" ™U'd £5-2* mall builders to provide enough support for a mall. Dayton Hudson Properties has been purchasing the drainage. Foundation pilings will have to be sunk deep through abandoned farmland north of Lake Lansing Road over the past the clay in order to support the weight of large buildings, she "They will have to go down awfully damn deep," he said, "but said. it can be done." 10 years. The Minneapolis-based corporation's request for a rezoning of the land from agricultural to commercial has been "I recommend having small buildings that are widely The proposed two-level 100-store mall was labeled "Muck- Council work completion set in plan referred to an appropriate structure in developing allow us to address the sche¬ rector of Honors College, said •:}/ V By ANNE S. CROWLEV State News Staff Writer and a discussion on subcommit¬ tees, Wharton said. for implementation. body nance proposals on MSU's long-range dule of activities. If we don't she would need a notion of the • •• • iilAA ™ A "designated action officer" priorities and goals. start with attempted deadlines, type and volume of the forth¬ According to a proposed plan The council will deal with would receive those which af¬ The process will be clarified it's possible we'll go unrealist- coming proposals before she of action, the University Long- proposals on MSU's long-range fect administrative units and and discussed at the council's ically short or two years too could decide if Freeman's pro Range Planning Council will priorities and goals which deal ther decision-making process in next meeting. Freeman said, long." posals plan would be appro¬ with more than department or have completed the bulk of its either the administrative or with the appropriateness of the Chitra Smith, associate di¬ priate. work by Dec. 15. college and offer the possibility academic governance systems. deadlines and the routing of of large savings or significant The proposed plan of action Freeman said. proposals receiving most atten¬ improvement of services or Under his plan, the council tion. 11 II v> was outlined by Thomas Free¬ instruction, Freeman Hobie's ex will draw up a priority listing of "The dates may or may not man director of the Office of Institutional Research, Thurs¬ plained. proposals it will consider by be realistic," he said. "They I It « day at the first meeting of the Freeman suggested the pro¬ July 1 and approve or reject e 1 « them by Dec. 15. council. posals be dealt with in subcom¬ mittees of the council after the Lester Mandescheid, profes¬ Half Price Beer, President Clifton R. Wharton eer, Martinis, w prioritized list is completed. sor of agricultural economics, Manhattens lattens A Jr. set up a tentative agenda noted that the committee would ; SANDAL SALE for the next meeting, to be held The units which would be I 10c HOT T DOGS ™ affected by each proposal would not bypass the academic gover¬ *9" to *16" May 13 in the Board Room on the fourth floor of the Adminis¬ work with the subcommittees in the formulation of their amuhmhhhwhhmhiahh VI lilt- K' 1||(. VII*' ® tration Building. The agenda will include dis¬ cussion and action on Free¬ recommendations, he said. The planning council would then discuss the proposals and r— f DELIVERY AVAILABLE) "I >♦*' I i>t> v>t«l> I| lln IIII Q man's procedural plan, brief¬ either approve or reject them. I FREE ings on the annual evaluation Rejected proposals would be and report process, the formu¬ returned to their originators lation of the University budget and those which are approved, I Ripstop Jacket in Forest Green Buy any Medium At the regular price -Q* \ 12Z4 I I HootsSan *34.95 Ripstop Vests Get Identical PIZZA TREE Little Caesars Pizza I I SpedaL Barefoot comfort is yours at a very comfortable price in these well-crafted *19.95 12031. Gd.Rivor with soft, natural leather uppers and ^ 1* 337-1631 I foam-padded leather insoles. TM. .q|,« 1-1-77 onl., open til9Thurs. MOSO Latest News Annual Available From The Associated Press 1976. A year dominated by a wide- open race for President of these United States. A year in which man for the first time saw closeup photographs of Mars as scientists sought the answer to whether life existed on the Red Planet. A year of many dramatic ROOTS events, including the incredible 220M.A.C. U-MALL raid on Uganda's Entebbe ABOVE THE ALLE'EY Airport by Israeli commandoes. 332-2212 A year of great natural disasters, including the terrible earthquakes which devastated Italy, Guatemala and China. A year of the offbeat photographs of the issues and story events that shaped our lives in such as the kidnapping of a this turbulent news year. busload of children in Produced by the world's California. And a year of continued largest news gathering agency, "THE WORLD IN 1976" is a violence in many lands, in¬ volume which belongs on cluding Lebanon, Ireland and Africa. everyone's shelf. It was written and photographed by many of These and many other the men and women who were history-making events are there when history was being covered in detail and depth in made. the exciting Associated Press It is the perfect gift for this news annual, "The World In nation's Bicentennial 1976," being offered to readers celebration, which was of this newspaper for only $6.95. climaxed by a Fourth of July This 300-page volume, 13th in bash across the country and the a series, features thousands of memorable sight of tall ships words of text and hundreds of from all over the world con¬ black and white and color verging on New York harbor. ^ MICHIGAN THE WORLD in 1976 I STATE NEWS I (EAST LANSING) | P.O.B.G4 I TEANECK. N.J. 07666 I Enclosed is $_ .. Please send copies ol The World in 1976 at $6.95 each to I Name I - | Address City and State _ Let us help you plan your spring _ Zip No. _ I Send gilt certilicate to fashion look with styles for both Address and Watch for it _ City and State - -Zip No._ men women. Please make check or money order payable lo The Associated Press " May 5 in the State News. n Male News, Eost loosing, Michigan Fridoy, April 29, 1977 ' students preparing for medical tests rFN SHERIDAN thm to Uke the revised Medical may have been previously re¬ ed and one-fourth of these hau the harder sciences," said 22- Milliken urges Senate action on PBB inflMSU students will College Admissions Tests jected from medical schools. been previously rejected, ac¬ year-old John Truba, who will Icontinued from pige 1) 45000 in over 360 (MCATS) this Saturday. As "I would guess that one-half cording to a memorandum from state had to accept the fact that recontaminated farmers if the repeat the test for the third the legislation would be tested enters across the na- many as three-fourths of these to three fourths of the students the college to this year's appli¬ time Saturday. in agreement with him and that issue became a serious one. "People could the two seemed to be in the in court. Some scientists have recent¬ taking the tests Saturday are cants. Rich Novak, College really fall behind on the English Milliken answered that he ly revealed evidence which repeating them," said J.R. Hoff¬ adviser for admissions and stu¬ section. Some minority. people used to vost bills due prepared to support the Saturday was shows that persons who have man, assistant dean to the dent affairs, said that 27 out of memorize vocabulary words Sen. James DeSana, D- legislation in spite of its nearly rid their bodies of PBB College of Natural Resources. every 28 applicants last year just to do better on the test." may be were turned down. Wyandotte, then interjected, $30 million cost. recontaminated by PBB still in (continued from 3) "I get mad page "The old test was criticized every time I think "Since this committee hasn't "Approval of this bill will be cattle. about it," said a so much," he added. "The The new MCATS, developed 27-year-old yet voted on the measure, I in the public interest and I urge Milliken told Hertel he was and said that it only usually takes one ad to get enough the Association of American graduate who preferred to re don't see that there can be a the committee to use objective general information section was not ready to comment such "It is the leading higher education publication in the main anonymous. "I worked on particularly criticized. People Medical Colleges and other U.S. my majority or minority opinion. I judgment in considering it," he an assumption. and its Bulletin Board section is probably the most were tested medical schools, will test stu¬ ass off getting a degree in feel the members of this com¬ said. "However, if it is " he said. on things like a legitimate i cultural information and dents on sciences and related zoology and people were get¬ mittee are going about this as Committee chairperson John issue that needs added that State News articles about Boger's leaving cur¬ ting in with degrees in English Hertel, D-Harper Woods, asked funding, I rent events." skills but will not include sec fairly and objectively as we would be willing to give it process to rate and choose a provost and coverage on the tions on general information or and history." the governor if he would sup¬ serious consideration," Milliken Rating Committee has added to advertising the position. Of 2,892 applicants to the English. In addition to MCAT scores, port a .10 per cent tax increase said. "But I don't believe this to who has been receiving applications, could not be MSU College of Human Medi¬ applicants are evaluated on The senator went on to add for funding of payments to be a problem." Thursday for comment because he was out of town, cine last year. 127 were accept¬ "It's better to their science and nonscience that while he would not put major ir le of ■tee members report that no date has been set for the undergraduate grade costs of indemnifying farmers point average, and on more sub¬ ahead of the health aspect, the the committee resulting from the resignation of jective criteria such as per¬ Biochemist testifies on art, professor of chemistry, has to be filled before a sonal "FILL UP FOR interviews, an autobio¬ can be held. Faculty Council will elect a replacement at its graphical statement and affirm¬ :ng May 3. ative action potential. EPILEPSY" ost Rating Committee and President Clifton R. Jr. expect to find a new provost by June 1. at first PBB trial cess "Some of the application has to be subjective," Hoffman commented. "If pro¬ Stale News PANCAKE EATING you CADILLAC (UPI) - It could had three students and all were Classifieds CONTEST equally qualified how would Ii scandals add to woes take a year for symptoms of SILL low-level PBB poisoning to you choose?" show up in humans, a Dutch "In humans, it takes about a Hoffman recommended that Call Grand prize: Trip for two to Toronto; plus other prlies (continued from page 5) year to develop because hu¬ students prepared for the test biochemist said Thursday in Moy 1st, 2:00 p.m. on Rainbow Ranch front lown Michigan's first PBB trial. mans have larger livers and should relax and go to bed 355-8255 Free Cata bus service inued by pointing out that establishing peace is not more fat, in which to handle the early. be easy, but it has become necessary in order to ease the compound," he said. "For the others," he added, T.G. at 5:00 with '/, price on drinks burden on both sides and solve the emigration problem Anjo Strik, the first poison CALL 332-3568 or 337-1693 Strik said he found that the "It's too late to study. It's time facing. expert to testify in the eight- toxic fire retardant chemical is to pray." for sponsor sheets and details week-old trial, said the symp¬ Phi Delia Theto are about 200,000 Israelis living in New York now. This toms are likely to resemble 10 times more toxic than PCB, a Millar (rowing Co. PI Bole Phi is high enough to be of concern because in a country of those that afflicted thousands chemical similar to PBB. College T ravel The Pantree ion people, everyone is necessary." of Japanese and Turkish resi¬ dents who were exposed to The symptoms Strik noted HERM'S Big Boy Restouront Kroger attributes the emigration movement to a combination of similar chemicals in the 1950s included blisters and sores, liver disturbances and dis¬ LUTO BODY,! pressures and security problems with a stronger and 1960s. on security. "My feeling is, if a lot of people will go back." a peace agreement is In his study at the Univer¬ colored urine. He said some 3,000 children in Turkey devel¬ American & Foreign Cars ;r.omic situation of the country compounds the pressures sity of Utrecht in the Nether¬ oped those afflictions after face. lands, Strik found that repeat¬ posure to hexachlorobenzines, a ex¬ Quality Work Guaranteed ed small doses of PBB are more toxic chemical in the same j a highly taxed country, you don't have to be making all -h money to be paying half of it in taxes," he said. "The dangerous to the health of family as PBB and PCB. Free Estimates animals than large single doses. the economic burdens can be traced back to the '67 war. * fTlon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ********************* great euphoria developed in the country which led Strik conducted three year - war a a endous consumption of consumer goods, study of PBB poisoning J Sat. 8:00 a.m. -12 Noon in M.S.U. Bootery lis began living beyond their means. The '73 war came as a laboratory animals. Comer Larch ft Michigan Ave. the military front, and the money Israel was spending on is had to go for military equipment. Israelis were forced t on their spending, which hurt them. He said symptoms turned up within a week in Japanese quail used in his laboratory tests, but j t Sandal Sale «9« „ '16" ********************** ii Lansing 489-6577 they are forced to recover from the euphoria and said in larger animals the e wealth throughout the economy," he continued, a great economic and social potential not only for itself Saturday i* the last night for the entire Mideast. I wish the Arabs could see the DUKE TUMATOEandthe Israel could offer them and make peace." k A Poster Ace, ALL ST* WHIOPS too? Sunday-Tuesday i Sharon Archansbaav Wednosdoy-Boturdoy: TRAVIS SPORTS \ don't forget tho Acoustic Afternoons LETTERING 4-8 roducod drink* ATTN: IM TEAMS. CLUB SPORTS 1 AND FRATERNITIES t shirts softball jerseys •*.»•«. i tizapdi GROUP RATES AVAILABLE *5.00 and up | (Madera round CALL 339-9317 for 224 Abbott group rofo Informatioi 220M.A.C. 2nd floor University Mall FRIDAY SPECIALS FROM THE SEA ALL YOU CAN EAT - FISH N' CHIPS •51.99 ALSO: • SEAFOOD COMBINATION • FRIED CLAM DINNER • SHRIMP DINNER COFFEE HOUSE • BAKED NORDIC COD SMELT DINNER • jmcii • uiniitn (\ rT , • SCALLOP DINNER Come share some fun, i The Swedish Across from Tom's Pantry forty Storo ijk' ind music. Mips hall Cafeteria JOIN THE SPIRIT OF TODAY April 30, 8p.m. casual. A goes naturally with all that's . T M0NTEG0 BAY WITH light, comfortable sandal by Miss Capezio, toned in tan or prewashed M0NTEG0 jMCAT ere IS a differejtcelU^P^ .LSAT -DAT DAT denim blue. . natural jute extended BAY RUM jgmat —- oGRE .tint qQCAT «SAT from heel to toe while forming the Light and Dark •NATIONAL MED. ft DENT. BOARDS •ECFMG .FLEX crepe-soled wedge. 5-10 Enjoy a Rum Collins, r 38 Flexible Programs and Hours Rum Martini or Rum e studv moll e*Per'ence and success. Small classes Voluminous Medium sizes. $16 Tonic and other mixed -"dmand w.oi iCou.!ses ,hat afe constants updated. Centers drinks of your choice. tlass ieunnc!!!« 3,1 year- Complete tape facilities lor review .**£&£*supplemen,a"mala,ials Makeups FROM OUR WiA. !e*lble Pr«gromi and Hour* \ £* 313/4768388 31M9JMI hepmhios J\J< Write "• to. to* 25112 Orchard Lake Rd.SPECIALISTS SINCE It" tCfioo a , tormlngton Hllls. Ml. 61011 Airiliated Centers in MsjorU. S. Cilie: Jacobsoris IOPml.la*fMtMtMly Mute,, Bay Product*. LIE Sia RHcOr, CaMnu aU teem,. WMMettm. [ ^ Q Michigon Stole News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Frld°y. am 29,I97? 'Slap Shot' puclcsters unleash wash of needless violence By BYRON BAKER fills the town's air with soot, Aware that the gambit has State New» Reviewer has posted a closing notice. ended, Dunlop informs his team "Slap Shot" is really two With the unemployed masses of their impending demise, incompletely realized ideas for unlikely to rally behind a peren¬ encouraging them to revert to nial last-place team, the owner good old-fashioned hockey Wi a movie. One is a dark, dazzling incisive satire on the mores and has decided to fold the team at ("Vknow, just like Eddie conditions of life in industrial the end of the season. Shore") in the impending middle America, and this is championship game. Unfor¬ expertly handled by scenarist Dunlop may not be ex¬ tunately, the opposition is pre¬ Nancy Dowd and director tremely bright, but he under¬ pared to unleash a murderous stands his team's plight. He collection of goons and thugs George Roy Hill. begins to transform the gently upon them. • However, much of this — too inept Chiefs into a fighting, much of it — has been left raucous bunch of goons, on the This is basically the story of undeveloped or omitted in shrewd assumption that if he "Slap Shot," but the film's heart favor of pieces of an indecisive can draw enough sensationalis- lies in its detailed evocation of and ambiguous hockey action tic attention to his team, a the milieu of Minor League flick, an awkwardly designed buyer might somewhere mater¬ Hockey: the grimy, backward combination of 'The Longest ialize — preserving the jobs of towns, the depressed, semi- Yard" and "Rollerball." The both Dunlop and the players alcoholic players' wives and the two portions don't graft toge¬ and getting all of them the hell ennui and wear of playing small ther very well. out of Charlestown. potatoes pro hockey. Dowd and Michael Ontkean and Paul Newman in Reggie Dunlop (Paul New¬ The ultraviolent Chiefs be¬ Hill etch a fascinating, wickedly "Slap Shot." man, in his best performance in come unholy terrors and garner funny portrait of all this. with visual and is untenable. There is no dis¬ four years) is the aging player- a frenzied, loyal following. They Dowd's dialog is terrific — a dynamic being trapped o integrity by his own college tinct point-of-view or even a also begin to win: the team team in coach of the hapless Charles- simply awash in appropriate, football experience, Hill doesn't feeling for the audience to a small Jennifer Warren is time""ij town Chiefs, the laughing stock of the Federal Hockey League. readily makes the playoffs, the needs only prevail in one more rapid-fire profanity and latter- seem to display more than a confront or rebut. Newman's est! fjl day vulgarities. Some of it, to Charlestown also despises its game to gain the League cham¬ be sure, is for shock effect, but working knowledge of the "Slap Shot" is beautifully Melinda Dillon (I sport. The use of violence is edited by Dede Allen and For team: gate receipts are at an pionship. But the owner, a so much more of it defines the boasts extremely good en¬ Glory") is terrificT all-time low. Worse yet, the disastrously uncertain, as vignette as a bored p|» wealthy widow (Kathryn characters. semble acting (a Hill specialty local mill, which provides fiscal Walker) would rather fold the though the director couldn't wife who has turned to However, Hill doesn't do decide how he felt about it, and since "Slaughterhouse-Five"). hi security for most of Charles- team than sell it, preferring the bianism: and Yvon Bin town's labor force very well with the action and left it to the audience to decide. Michael Ontkean and Lindsay very good as a little Fi even as it complicated tax advantage. purely hockey scenes. Unlike This attitude is admirable in, Crouse are splendid, as a col¬ Canadian goalie. . Robert Aldrich, who was able documentary, but in lege-educated couple say, a a longer The Universal to instill "The Longest Yard" fiction film this lack of direction no able to cope with the tensions of the Spartan Twin Pictures^ 1 Maazel, Cleveland Orchestra Theatre. return after eight seasons ; «ws State News Laura Lynn Fistter For the first time in eight seasons the Cleveland Orchestra, Isadora Duncan she isn't. Olgi Plushinskaya (Lance conducted by Lorin Maazel, will perform at MSU on Hunter) of Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo Sunday at 4 pays tribute to the dancer in "Dance of Liberation of the American People in Homage to Isadora Dun¬ p.m. in the University Auditorium. The concert will include Dvorak's "Symphony No. 8," and Prokofiev's "Symphony No. 5." Serge SUMMER SHIRT and can, the Greatest American Patriot Since Betsey Ross, Barbara Fritchie and Sacagaweeaa." Plushin¬ skaya, the uninvited guest artist, danced with the Maazel became the orchestra's music director at the of the 1972-73 season, following in the beginning footsteps of George Szell and musical consultant and director of the New York Philharmonic TOPSALE hilarious 10-member male troupe Wednesday at Pierre Boulez. Men's Shirts: MSU. Tickets are on sale at the Union for $9.50, $8.50 and $4, half for MSU students. price Gauze imports.... Sale Price $5.00 Suggested Retail Price up to '18.00 Mr. B's Reg Price ...'7.50 Transfer T-Shirts 2 for $6.00 Women's Tops: Gauze Imports.... Sale Price $5.00 Suggested Retail up to '18.00 Mr. B's Reg. Price '8.50 Summer Tops.... Sale Price $5.00 Regular Price To'6.50 Capsieeve T-Shirts Sale Price $2.00 Reg. Price '4.00 Suggested Retail up to '8,(fl 529 E. GRAND RIVER IN L LANSING Hours Mon, Tuos, Sat • 10-6 SHOP AT ML B's WEARHOUSE OR TOU Wed, Thurs, Fri 10-9 WiU PAY THE DIFFERENCE SUNDAY 12-5 o°<\ t>co 53.10 >3.75 At last, a special issue geared to readers who cameras and stereos. are interested in 54.40 55.15 This special insert will be inside the State News on Thursday, May 12 and will contain: &45 • Informative articles on the latest camera and stereo equipment. 55.80 : • The winning photos from the State News photo contest. Now, if you live in the Brody (If you don't live in the Brody ; • Great deals Group, the West Circle Dorms, or Group, West Circle Dorms, the South Complex (Emmons, South Complex, please oep on camera and stereo equipment from area Bailey, Armstrong, Bryan, Rather, Domino's Dorm Discount advertisers. Butterfield, Campbell, Landon come to your dorm soon Yakeley, Gilchrist, Williams, Mary for it.) I Mayo, Wonder, Wilson, Holden and Case) and order a pizza from Who else delivers a your dorm, you can take hoi:d*J° Don t pizza to your room door i miss the open judging of the final entries photo contest this Saturday, April 30, at 2 pm in room 334 of the Union from the State News advantage of Domino's Dorm Discount! You can have a hot, delicious pizza delivered to minutes or less and 9'^'^ automatic discount on hveryone is invited to attend, view the photos, and listen to the your your pizza? entries. critiquing of room door for the above discounted prices - no coupons Call us. We deliver fast necessary. Offer good till May 351-7100 10. 966 Trowbridge I^pn stole News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Friday, April 29, 1977 11 Iflows, Pablo Cruise to rock and roll jnday in Fairchild the San Francisco area, these ■ no-nonsense sound of V Outlaw and the four musicians have put to¬ I sty|e of California's gether three albums of original ■ruise will be showcased material, their latest being the sunshine salute, "A Place In (Entertainment Monday Bhild Theatre. The Sun." Pablo Cruise is made I arms tattooed with up of keyboard player Cory I,the group's insignia), Lerios, bassist and lead vocalist Tsjc raw and biting, the Bud Cockrell, guitarist Dave I have made their way Jenkins and drummer Steve Xying the bar circuit in Price. The Outlaws and Pablo ■to touring the country ■coast. The group has Cruise concert on Monday will be two shows at 7:30 and 10:30 ■up concerts for the Who Lmer and the Rolling p.m. Tickets are $6 general ■in 1975. . admission, available at the MSU (Outlaws consist of gui- Union Ticket Office and The no-nonsense Outlaws and Pablo ■ Henry Paul. Hughie laon and Billy Jones, a I section consisting of Recordland stores. shows at 7:30 and 10:30 Cruise will take the stage p.m. in Fairchild Theatre. Monday with two Shoes'N'Stuff 217 E. Grand River > IDalton Arnold on bass J lummer Monty Yoho. lilt a reputation based Undergraduate students launch exhibit Jouthern boogie with k fno abandon; a straight- frills presentation Jd around the melting of Jot lead guitars, ■the Arista label, the MSU undergraduate students will an opening from 7 to 9 p.m. Under the direction of MSU and photography instructor Robert launch their Spring Undergraduate Exhibition tonight in the Kresge Art Gallery with graphic design professor Joe Kuszai Hendricksen, who retired five years ago, was an MSU professor for many years. Upon his death last donated the money to be awarded to the painting student. painting fall, his family most deserving senior 10% OFF Sandals & Athletic Footwearl j 1 have come forth with Mosher, the exhibit, which "You will see a large amount of photography at this show," Kuszai said. "Instructors made sure to screen out year's runs through May 15, will feature lorts: the original "Out- approximately 350 art works nd the recent "Lady In no The first effort con- songs that propelled representing all categories of studio art. The show will be judged for prizes and awards today at 1 p.m. by Lansing graphic designer Joe Dumont and Polly Freeman, owner of Mason's Sycamore Gallery. best pieces." Gallery hours begin Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m.; Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and only the Tuesday, 7 to 9 p.m. Expires May 5,1977 *10°° minimum purchase; sale items excluded ! I Jd out of obscurity. The ■ hit "There Goes Ano- "This year's show seems to have less work than last year's, but has higher quality art work," said love Song" struck the Mosher, who was responsible for hanging the exhibit along with a diligent committee of art tf many listeners un- students. X of the Outlaws. How- Prizes and awards will be presented to students at the ne song "Green Grass at 7:30 p.m. Sunshine Art opening Jh Tides" was to become Supply Store and Kresge Supply Store provided J225 for prize money. In addition, $75 worth of art books, Btlaw's anthem as it donated by Jocundry and Paramount bookstores, Lecture-Concert k! the seering guitar Series tickets and a potpourri of of Jones and Thoraas- paper cartons and kits will be used as prizes. jeir sound has been Prize money distribution has not yet been decided. jd to the Byrds, Flying An undergraduate student will receive $100 for the J Brothers and Quick- Ralph Hendricksen Award, to be presented for the first time this ■essenger Service. year. 1 with the Outlaws will & artists Pablo Cruise, ftly obscure outside of Ready for a Study Break? This urMk futain«(: • Rape Receorch and A- nalysls: The Lansing Area 3.95 • lady of the Beasts: Poems by Robin Morgan 3.95 lM.SU. Bootery 1 Sandal Sale VVX2EVLA. ITSELF1 •9" to '16" BOOKST ORE Ohepotdi compus TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY! $3.00 OFF OR A FREE PONY T-SHIRT ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY PAIR OF PONY ATHLETIC SHOES! CELEBRATING CELBA DAYS IN OUR CO-ED LOCKER ROOM 31? E. GRAND RIVER . .. 332-2815 ^ QMichigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan F^ay. April 29, ,977 Reeling batsmen hit the road "I think this is the worst I've Hubert get the starting assign¬ when he was carved for five collected three RBIs on the By MIKE LITAKER State News Sports Writer ever seen, first we have a game ments against Illinois in Cham¬ earned runs by the Broncos in day with three hits in the MSU dropped a pair of games in the bag and then we don't," pagne on Saturday. Litwhiler just two-thirds of an inning. He opener and a bases-loaded walk has shuffled his rotation slight relieved Wolcott in the fifth, in the nightcap. to Western Michigan Wednes¬ sighed Litwhiler, who is cur ly for Sunday's twin-tilt with after the freshman starter had Catcher Tim Leite earned his day to make it nine times in the rently in the business of holding last 10 ball games that the up team morale. Purdue in West Lafayette. yielded the first four runs. way on the traveling roster this "I'm kind of worried about Larry Pashnick (2-5) and Don Beck made a rare mound weekend by tossing out three story's been the same. And you the players getting down on Brian Wolcott (2-2) get the call showing after Baker's exit but would-be Bronco base stealers. thought you had problems. themselves." Litwhiler con¬ against the Boilermakers. The wasn't much more effective, BUNTS AND BOOTS - Al Actually Spartan coach Dan¬ tinued. "I can't worry about emergence of Wolcott coupled giving up two more runs in the Weston heads the conference ny Litwhiler isn't clutching for the panic button in the wake of losing and whether or not I'm a with a string of shaky appear¬ sixth before Scott Davidson hatting race with a .545 mark ances from Buddy Baker dic¬ in to get the side out in while Tonv Spada is fifth at .455 the recent rash of nonleague good coach because then the came tated the change in the starting the 114 loss. and Ty Willingham's .429 is losses. But a few triumphs this players start to worry if they're weekend against Big Ten op¬ any good. It's my job to keep four by Litwhiler. The 4-3 defeat in the nightcap good for seventh. their confidence up. Baker fell on hard times in turned out to be another case of WKAR radio will carry the ponents would help to ease the situation. Sherm Johnson and Todd the first game Wednesday chronic failure to hit for Pash second games of both double- nick, who again pitched well headers starting between 4 and enough to win, but was backed 4:30 p.m. East Lansing time. up by only three hits from his Assistant coach Frank Pel- lerin honored at Tiger MSU, Big Ten champ, was Pashnick has not won a game Stadium last night for his 23 since the team left Texas, but years of coaching at MSU and leads the conference in pitch 10 years of high school coaching ing. having yet to give up an in Highland Park. hosts Spartan Invitational earned run in his one con The junior varsity team is in ference game. He'll have a good action today at 1 p.m. on Kobs chance of keeping that intact Field against St. Clair Com¬ against the Boilermakers, who munity College and Saturday will run Saturday, with con¬ State, Illinois State and are winless in eight Big Ten against Grand Rapids Junior By JOHN SINGLER testants off the tee an hour Bowling Green have one team games. College. Slate News Sports Writer earlier. entered and Wayne State will Illinois comes into the week How sweet it is. Ertl, Joan Garety, Karen send two golfers. end barely ahead of Purdue You've just won two tourna¬ Escott, Sheila Tansey and Sue Ferris State and Wisconsin with a 2 6 mark. ments in a row, including your Conlin composed the bulging withdrew. Despite the barren bats that Ohio State fourth straight Big Ten Cham¬ list of players who Fossum Bowling Green and Penn have afflicted Spartan hitting of Minnesota pionship. exempted from qualifying this State will offer the Spartans late, three players had one of Wisconsin You're boasting the best week. The one spot open on the their most serious threat. Fos¬ their best doubleheaders of the Northwestern golfer in the Big Ten. "Green" team was filled by Pat sum did not count out Central, either. Michigan . . . and you're home to host Trosko, a freshman from Bur¬ Shortshop Rodger Bastein MSU your own invitational. ton. She fired a 91 in Wednes¬ Ertl will have to concern drove in a pair of runs in the Iowa The MSU women's golf team day's playoff, including a back- herself with Bowling Green's first game Wednesday with a Indiana and coach Marry Fossum will nine 42. Karen Marshall, Central's Mar¬ double and solo homer while Illinois descend from cloud nine this MSU will be well-represent¬ sha Patrick and Penn State's third baseman Cliff Northey Purdue Sherm Johnson weekend to entertain five other ed this weekend, with a Rene Kelleher for medalist schools in the Spartan Invita¬ "White" team also in the tour¬ honors. tional at Forest Akers Golf ney. Senior Teri Weber is the All 44 players' names will be "We kind of like it, you eldest of the six, joining three sophomores and two freshmen. thrown in a hat and pairs will be drawn. Each pair will then NEW COACH WORLD BEATER know," Fossum beamed. Laurie Everett, Cindy Le- put both 36hole scores to Big Ten medalist Sue Ertl Clair, Ann Atwood, Arlene gether and, in addition to a blazed a twounder-par 150 Grenier and Sue Soper round Perfect team champion and the indi¬ over the testy University of Illinois Savoy Orange Cham¬ pionship Course last weekend, leading the Spartans to an llth-hour surge and the Big out the the fall. sextet. impressed Fossum in the past Atwood, the only Spartan Soper has but, like Grenier, did not play in vidual termined. Furman, medalist, a Partner's Best-Ball champion will be de¬ everyone last a team which beat spring, won the day shines on perfect day." Bridge, what they have done inthe ByGEOFFETNYRE wind blew out the smog and about, where you just sort of Ten title. golfer in this weekend's tour¬ 1976 Spartan, firing a 642 and State News Sports Writer blew, itself out along with it,, run out of reserve, hit me the There were also some not-so- and hope I can help Nell ill "We have a lot of pride and ney who is not from Michigan, leaving runner-up MSU in the "The temperature was in the last two miles, but it wasn't too perfect days in the earlier years of the area we thought we were the best will have her parents here from Cheryl Bridges knows what dust, 17 strokes behind. There it's like to have the 60s and the sun was out, but not bad." of the 5 foot 7 blonde athlete. neglected." Bridges said. team," Fossum said. Bloomington, III. perfect day. may not be a Furman in the hot that it would bother Most of those were spent "Right n Forty-four players will tee it Central Michigan will also so Bridges crossed the line in field this year, but with the searching for someplace to looking The newly appointed MSU two hours, 49 minutes and four up this morning beginning at field two teams, while Penn recent record breaking success shoulder, keeping at women's track coach exper Her plan on that day was just seconds and became the fastest compete. 9:30 and the second 18 holes of the Spartans, a 17-shot ienced hers on a beautiful to finish the race without female marathoner in the Amateur Athletic Union things so I'll be better aU victory may not be too much to December day in southern Cali¬ having to walk and jog the last world. meets were about her only take things over when ltd expect. College meets Golfers tune up fornia. In the Culver City six miles as she had done the "The three days after the recourse. were comes," Bridges said. Providing the weatherman Marathon, just outside of Los year before. race I ran five to seven miles, few and far between when "It wouldn't be lair III cooperates, Fossum predicted a "I wanted to run as evenly as each day," she said, still some¬ Bridges was at Indiana State team to jump i 640 to win it. This weekend is Angeles, she broke the wo¬ men's world record. possible — to postpone the pain what in wonder at her feat. University and high school program when they're lU the final tourney from which track had been nonexistent. used to someone else's. as long as possible," Bridges "Usually you're hobbling for home debut scores can be submitted and qualifiers determined for the national tournament in mid- two "Los Angeles is notorious for its smog, but they had just had days of rain and one day of said. "But I felt great throughout the whole race," she continued. around because you're so sore and blistered. I didn't even have any blisters. "I had been helping the high school track coach with timing and scoring, so he'd usually let have "It'll take time to lookM thing over: » here come, where in the q June, in Hawaii. wind," Bridges related. "The " 'The wall' that they talk "That's why I call it the me run on the sidelines," progress has been made. Sj By JOHN SINGLER freshman from Jackson, hit an Bridges said of her days in may need more Slate News Sports Writer 82; and Betts shot 85. The Indianapolis, her hometown. days, others n With the Spartan Invita¬ "It worked out that I ran have to look at the total |i^ Wolves switch roles, foursome played 18 more holes tional a week away, MSU men's golf coach Bruce Fossum will use this weekend's Northern late Thursday afternoon and the player with the low total for two days of play will get the Spartans, where the guys didn't. I prac¬ ticed country on the track during season and in the field cross when implementing I gram." Bridges Intercollegiate to juggle his berth. next to the track during track women's programs al line-up. up a "We're trying to shake things little bit," he said, "trying will The Northern Intercollegiate be hosted by Indiana and now who's the underdog? Those used as early practices were a springboard to a homa State before to" MSU just in time for Ten track and field ch to get ready for the MSU University and the 15-team refined program and three ships, which the Spartnj Invitational." field will feature every Big Ten By RICHARD L. SHOOK Imagine the Spartans going 10-1, even 9-2. My goodness, the American distance records to handily. L The Spartans had been im¬ team, plus a sprinkling from the UPI Sports Writer bandwagon, let alone Spartan Stadium, won't be big enough to go along with her world mara¬ "The joke going aroril proving nicely since the open¬ Mid-American Conference and DETROIT (UPI) — The wheel of fortune takes some curious hold all the Michigan State fans. thon record — in the three-mile, that if we won it was NAT ing of the season before stum¬ the Midwest. turns. Now picture another such season for Michigan Stadium. Even 5,000 meters and the marathon. meet, and if we lost itjfl bling at Purdue last weekend. "It'll give us a pretty good Just 12 short months ago you wouldn't have given a bowl of the San Andreas Fault doesn't have as much The 29 year-old coach still first meet," Br grumbling as could be . week old whipped cream for Michigan State's football program. heard around Ann Arbor. MSU's eighth place show was picture of the Big Ten," Fossum runs competitively, though the Bridges will get * the first tournament in which said. And the Spartans' basketball program? Why, it was funnier Imagine again. Let's let Earvin Johnson and Greg Kelser, etc., meets are now more of the local chance for her first «*>■ the Spartans failed to crack the This is the 11th renewal of than some of the jokes in those alleged comedies seen on etc. win 20 or so basketball games for the Spartans and challenge variety. Her coaching duties and Saturday at IheJ top half of the field. the Northern Intercollegiate television. for the Big Ten title. Great, huh? Get any national championship and administrative work as Boone Relays in Hicham" "We're just not there yet," and Indiana, on its home Meantime, things couldn't have been rosier a few miles down the pictures? assistant to Nell Jackson, assis¬ The Spartans are « Fossum said. "We have to find course, rules the favorite. Ohio highway at the University of Michigan. .. Now give Phil Hubbard and friends the same satisfaction, if you tant director of athletics in champions for the IW Bo Schembechler was preparing a powerhouse that was going to someone, besides Gary, to get State, Miami of Ohio, Illinois would. There's a certain freshness missing, eh? charge of women's programs, running at the annual (J down in those low numbers." State and the Spartans should run — maybe even pass — everything off the road on its way to an Another spin of the wheel, please. Wonder what comes up next will take up most of her time. which 27 schools willli He was referring to senior challenge. undefeated season and — Anally — that ever elusive Rose Bowl year??? "I just hope we can match captain Gary Domagalski. The Last year MSU finished sixth victory. East Lansing native missed the and Domagalski took third, And roundball? Why, the only starter John Orr was losing off a individual title at the Purdue individually. team that got beat by invincible Indiana in the NCAA finals was Invitational by one stroke, Next for MSU will be the Wayman Britt, a 6-foot-2 forward, for goodness sakes. ALSO SEEKS WINNING CAMPAIGN firing a two-over par 144. After Spartan Invitational, contested So it figured that while the lowly Spartans would be struggling seven rounds of tournament next Friday and to even identify a football on flash cards, or overcome Saturday over stupendous golf this spring, Domagalski leads average and has team low of 70. the team "A lot will be told this stroke le-round, the Forest Akers layout. This year's Big Ten Tournament will also be played on the Spartan's home turf odds to win so much as a single basketball game, the mighty Wolverines would be pulverizing all. the Maybe even becoming the first team ever to go undefeated and win National Championships in both football and basketball same athletic year. during Mentor tries promoting While football and interei hockey are already well-established sports at trying to achieve what no other Spartan lacrosse tea® weekend." said Domagalski. Somehow the curse — perhaps that national sports magaz.ine's MSU, Nevin Kanner is trying to popularize a sport which is an able to achieve before "We play 72 holes in two — a winning season. days dreaded cover curse — struck Michigan where it hurts the almost perfect cross between the two. is now 4-5 on the season, P°^tJ (Sunday and Monday), which is a lot of golf." Gym team second most, in the loss column. Schembechler's footballers stubbed their toes at the goal line in Kanner, who is in his first year as coach of the MSU lacrosse team, is trying to stir up interest in his sport, a very physical form Kanner, whose team that's not as easy as it might sound. B Domagalski was one of five Purdue and were run and passed over by Southern California in of field hockey played with netted sticks and a small rubber ball. "You've got to have a lot of things going for P Ll winning season," Kanner said, noting that his big golfers who drew exemptions from qualifying for the Nor¬ honored on Pasadena, Calif. Then Orr's basketball team gagged on too much Cornbread in the NCAA tournament. Kanner eventually hopes to make the game as popular at MSU as it is in many parts of the East, where it is the springtime the relative inexperience of most of his players. J thern Intercollegiate. Mark equivalent of football. "Many of our players never played the game until jg Suddenly Michigan is a viper in the pumpkin patch while MSU," he said. "It's as if Darryl Rogers (head f« Brooks fired a Fossum-pleasing 151 at Purdue, freshman Rick award night Cinderella wears Green and White. Overnight the "bad become the "good guys" and vice versa. guys" have "The game is quite big in the East, and as far west as Ohio," Kanner said. "For instance, Cornell will get as many as 20,000 fans people who'd never played football until they sin Grover has the fourth lowest Michigan State has endured the worst regarding its NCAA in its stadium for a lacrosse game." July, and then he sent them into regular se ; stroke average on the team and The MSU men's gymnastics probation. Next recruiting season Coach Darryl Rogers will be MSU doesn't get nearly that many fans for its lacrosse games September." Kanner is counting heavily on one player who has yJ Doug Lemanski has returned team held its post-season able to tell his prospective freshmen the Spartans have only one from a back injury. yet — only about 200 — but Kanner hopes to increase that number experience, sophomore attackman Kevin Wilhtts, j awards and recognition ban more year to sit out under the bowl ban. in the future. Fossum granted Eric Gerson quet at the Faculty Club, So what if he can't recruit a truckload of players? If the ones he "It's a matter of promotion," he said. "We've played the game stickmen's fortunes. „ „ «jifl dee an exemption so the sopha does get over the next season or two can play, he'll be doing as well "Kevin is one of our main offensive players, K * honoring captain Joe Shepherd and shown a promotional film to local Boy Scouts and at the VFW more from St. Joseph could get with the most valuable senior or better than the other we can usually count on him to score at least one g"« M Big Ten schools and Michigan State is in home in Eaton Rapids, and they loved the game." some tourney experience. award and tagging Jeff Ru¬ the middle of the conference Furthermore, he played in high school, so he s re m pack right now. Kanner, who just graduated from MSU in 1976 and coaches a Joe Marx, Tom dolph as captain for the 1977-78 Jud Ileathcotc's face lit up in a grin the size of the Grand Canyon team which he starred on last year, also hopes to begin promoting 'veterans.'" .m/M Baker, Marty Holda and Mike when Earvin Johnson announced he was going to play for the the game on campus soon. Willitts, who is cocaptain of the team, has scor 7J Bettsareall in the scramble for Spartans for at least one season, right Ralph Simpson? Rudolph was the Spartans' "We're to host the first Big Ten lacrosse tournament here next the final spot on the traveling premier all arounder this sea Now let's do some supposing. fall, on a nonfootball weekend, and we're hoping to get a good "twining MIC UCSl 0|fiU-UOI MW..V , • gj squad. son and will represent the Let Darryl Rogers pile up . . a season close to what Bo turnout fop that" Kanner said. It is players such as Willitts upon whom he tries to promote lacrosse in the Lansing Kan®er' ^ On Wednesday, Marx fired a United States in June's Macca Schembechler did last year — before the Rose Bowl, since Kanner is the fifth man to become lacrosse coach at MSU since are? |#ll ii 19: Baker shot 79; "It's just starting right now," Kanner said, .s Holda, a biah Games. Michigan Stale is ineligible for post season play. the game became a varsity sport, here in 1970, and his team is going to catch on, I know It will" |h|g onto News, Eott loming, Michigon Friday, April 29, 1977 13 TONIGHT AND SATURDAY ABSOLUTELY 2 DAYS ONLY THE CELEBRATED STORY OF A MAN OBSESSED BY IDEAL BEAUTY. twis tries to revive backfield while Tom Graves and Mike r„M SHAMAN New, Sport. Writer Imhoff have been stifled by thing we lot more do have this year is a Mike Marshall, Mark Anderson such talents as all-Americans knee injuries since their speed," Lewis said. and Curt Griffin return with Brad Van Pelt and Bill The MSU Varsity Club will ii„g MSU football has soph¬ The coaches are moving split Stanton. Simp¬ hold its semimonthly meeting own for is « strong omore season. end Dave Radelet, quarterback son, who are now both in the Graves hurt his knee the "Stanton and Marshall are NFL. Sunday evening at 6:30 in the and, specifically, a Ken Robinson and flanker Ter¬ Varsity Club room at Spartan efensive secondary, summer before his sophomore our starting cornerbacks," ry Williams to the Lewis said. "We've moved An¬ "'You don't get those kind of Stadium. All members and secondary. it year MSU's weakest year and tried to play early in derson to safety with Radelet players too often," he said. "But letter-winners are urged to defense was a porous the 1975 season, but couldn't. and Robinson, which we have some attend. Among the topics to be He was on crutches after an gives us potential. Bill three high school (Simpson) didn't break through discussed are the second annual f, despite the fact that ,7.3.1 1974 season the operation and Lewis said they ex-quarter¬ backs in the backfield. It's a until he was a junior." car wash slated for May 7 and started two freshmen won't know if he can play in the the spring term initiation week great spot for an ex-quarter¬ sophomores in the fall until August. Meanwhile, Lewis said he is still 9 Imhoff hurt his knee in both his back because he watches and to teach fundamentals and having which begins Sunday. reads the field." he said. LUCHING ViSCONT! sophomore and junior years basics because of the The MSU inexperi- cycling club will )IRK 30GARDL '■ DEATH ;M VEHCE" ! SIIVANA 1/AliGANO and recently tore ligaments Lewis said they may also ence, but added that it is hold a race May 7 on West H5S5./ mcil., LUCHINO VISCONTI playing basketball and now has switch some of the seven offen¬ different this spring because Circle Drive. Interested cy¬ op -3D- his leg in a cast. the players know the sive backs recruited this termi¬ clists should contact Scott Dis- year "We can use Imhoff and to defense. nology now. mukes at 351 6981. TONIGHT A SATURDAY Graves," Lewis said. "I know if Lewis still has questions to Showtime*: 7:30,9:43 Graves is healthy that there "If we can stay free of answer in the isn't a better one in the injuries we'll do alright," Lewis secondary, but country like the rest of the team he thowplaca: 103 B WILLS and Imhoff was a good one. said. "We're seeing a lot more won't get the answers until fall M.S.U. Bootery : Admission:'1.50 too." "We don't have a lot of * ^ passing in practice and it's great practice for us covering when the passes and long runs t Sandal Sale » Kirk Gibson and Eugene Byrd." can't be stopped by the coach's An entertainment service of the Beat film experience except for Jerome whistle. «9" lo '14" cooperative. Stanton who started the last Lewis is entering his eighth Students faculty S staff welcome Id's checked. few games. We've moved a lot .ma year as MSU's defensive back- of people around and the one field coach and has developed RHARIdftRHftRHfWlft.RHRiaHARHftRHA.RHftRHARJ-lA A-.S blflGHT AND SATURDAY -3k.' | ABSOLUTELY 2 DAY! ONLY HUMPHREY LAUREN PRESENTS n BOGART BACALL They don't make love like this anymore... "A FUNNY, MARVELOUS MEDITATION UPON GROIICHO But...two of Hollywood's greatest stars did- FAKERY, FORGERY, SWINDLING, AND ART." Vincent ConDy NfW VORK TIMES - and this is their hilarious and touching story! "BRILLIANT, POMPOUS, MISCHIEVOUS, SELF OBSESSED, WITTY, PRETENTIOUS, AND MAG¬ in ICAL. An exercise in movie-making fluency" dank Rich NEW VORK POST "ONE OF THE MOST DAZZLING, EGUIVOCAL with AND PERSONAL FILMS EVER MADE. The genius is rampant in F For Fake' which I MIRANDA cA confirms that Welles can use film as Picasso used paint - to fracture and refashion real¬ ity into a new reality that shocks the view- |llCHO is in top form as a >r theatrical agont with |one client. The south icon bombshell i/IEN MIRANDA. Copaca- I is a madcap comedy. p of GROUCHO's best. 1 plus TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT | LAUREL AND HARDY plus the caricature cartoon in their best full length film "bacall to arms" WAY OUT WEST | TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Showtime.: COPACABANA 7:15,10:15 L AUREl > HARDY 0:001:50 11:45 Fri. & Sat. 7:30 & 9:30 100 Engineering Sun. 8:00 Union Parlors GABLE and FfiarMe A Film Written and Directed by lo.t complete show at 10:15 LOMBARD Starring Orson Welles • Orson Welles J w. Shewplacet 104B WILLI Admissions'1.50 SMNts Faulty 1 Staff WiIcom, ID's imM 1.25 ptayrd by JAMES BROLIN and JILL CLAYBl'KGH II SIDMt I lit HIM 1 MM! lOMI HOllOl II "Mill W M Oja Kodar • Clifford Irving Elmyr de Hory J Sura, IAWSIW,1 III DMU mmmmii nras Wniin t, s«nnr mhnm mmumiimuii m i, sh* i iim • Francois Reichenbach kn intorfainmont torvico of tho boo I film coop. Studonti 4 asmsusprograming board Mot b «' I08M I mm TO ItCMNCIDR-" BWMI- R RESTRKTED :: faculty I staff wolcomo. Id's chockod. Fri 106B Wells 7:30 & 9:30 classic film series Fri Conrad 7:30 and 945 Sat 107 S.Kedzie 7:30&9:30 Sat 1068 Wells 7:30 & 945 $1.50 Sun. Wilson 7:30 £V EA BONNIE RAITT You haven't j( seen j anvthingjj until JESSE you see OLIN YOUNG Woody Alien! Gene Wilder[ Burt Reynolds Lynn Redgrave and Louise Bm/.WD 8 PM Lasser in 1 )f [WnTSCSS IK Fkl'Fl Everything you always ^ ^.-.fiUVDFE yiMPMS • ; wanted to know about sex* •KOEIflEMUDOIUM / *BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK &M650*/.; V Fri • 109 Aitbmy fri. Wilson 84)0 and 945 [ Sn -Cmd ^■^OUPfT RecORK -tc ; y tl 1 KMPPS I.OCwiorc . 5to. pLt° Clp,nt! and sororities, will be held on May 14. MSU Simulation Society meets There will be a meeting of Alpha fraternity, are due May 5. Carta are available to teams, if needed, and a cart check-in will be conducted before the race to be The 10-mile running marathon, which is on... „ from 1 to 6 p.m. every Sunday in Africans at 4 p.m. Saturday in E-2 The Junior 500 race is a relay event in which teams of four the Union Oakroom. Bring your Owen Hall. women or men push a soap-box-type cart over a specified course. sure that all carts meet the required racing specifications. be held May 15 on the Old CollegeFWdffifS House. Entries can be picked up at the favorite games. The women's race is a quarter mile in length while the men's is a Students interested in entering a team for the Junior 500 or Services Bldg. or from the RHA office JSfl Students intending to apply for mile. needing cart specifications and rules can call Lambda Chi respective residencek n8"1' Lesbian Rap group meets at financial aid for the 1977-78 aca- At its Fraternity at 337-1111. tives and are due by May 11. nce ^ f 6:30 p.m. Mondays on the Union demic year must submit an appli¬ peak in the 1960s, the Junior 500 drew an estimated Sunporch. The RHA Frisbee throwing contest, also own t„ „ I cation by May 1. The MSU will be held on May 18 on Landon Field. The MSU Chess Club meets at 7 application must be received in the Contestants are given five throws which Entrydeadl p.m. on Mondays in 205 Horticul¬ financial aids office and the Finan¬ FOCUS ON WEST INDIAN SOCIETY combination of accuracy and distance. Entries are i I!?l ture Bldg. cial Aid Form must be mailed to can 1 the College Scholarships Service up in the RHA office or from residence hall rr- ■ by the deadline date. Complete Third World topic of conference An Astrological Organization is being formed in this area. Interest¬ information and applications avail¬ ed? Call Fay Eilola (in student able in 264 Student Services Bldg. I directory). members Walter Adams. C. Patric "Lash" Smith. Entries can be picked up at 231 uJr 1 Dr. Reddy discusses the use of Men's IM Bid? T , Video Workshop needs people Microbes in Waste Treatment at The role of education in the that the rector of The Institute of World sentatives from throughout the public is invited to to run cameras for 9 p.m. City the Final Micro Club meeting 7 Third World will be the topic of attend. Politics and faculty member of United States and Canada and Council meetings. Contact work¬ from the University of the p.m. Tuesday in 334 Giltner Hall. a two-day symposium on Edu¬ "We are concerned with the the University of Virginia, will shop in the Union. cation and Nation conclude the conference with West Indies speaking all day Building on changing Caribbean and the Geography Club get together is May 2 and 3. role education plays in the his keynote address on "Inno¬ Monday and Tuesday," Niles A photographic exhibit by the at 4 p.m. on Friday. Check vations in Education in the said. M Featuring speakers and political and social transitions," northside Opposite Six Group are on display at Hobie's, 109 E. Allegan St. Geography Department office for representatives from around she said. Third World" at 8:15 p.m. The conference is free to m location. MSU students, with a $2 regis¬ IBIS through May. Hours are 10 a.m. to the world, including well- "Beginning Monday morning Tuesday in the Erickson Hall 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. known scholar Kenneth Thomp in the Union Building, the kiva. tration fee for nonstudents. DRIVE-IN THEATRE Christian May-Day Celebration son, the conference will focus conference will focus on the "Dr. Thompson is an interna¬ Topics to be covered include is at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday in Minority Pre-Med Students As¬ on West Indian Society. West Indies, moving towards tionally known educationist and colonial legacy, race, class and sociation will hold a first-aid class Wonders Hall Kiva. Norma Niles, chairperson of emphasis on Third World edu foremost authority on the third education, education and minor¬ at 3 p.m. Sunday in B205 Life VING THURS. LAST D "Divine Visions and Revelations the conference planning com¬ cation in general and ending world." Niles said. ity mobility and the role of the Sciences Bldg. Contact Keith McElroy. in Scripture and Today" discussed mittee and student member of with a look at Dr. Thompson's "We will also have repre¬ University. Fantasies Coro^l by Dr. T. K. Welsh at 6 tonight and the West Indian Association of innovations Tuesday night," The Interested in Africa? Contact Sunday in 335 Union. MSU which is sponsoring the Niles said. Helen Gunther in 106 International Center for details. Ask about the (continued on page 18) annual spring conference, said Dr. Kenneth Thompson, di¬ University Theatre New Adventure fc°f | Undergraduate African Studies Program. Volleyball opens at 11 a.m. * PLASTI-THEATRICS Sunday in Men's IM Building, WSENT * Comes to MSU An X-Ratcd RirylU, I Gym III. Experimental Theatre Group Black Students Business As¬ ANIMALS sociation meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in 114 Eppley Center. PINK FLOYD'S LATEST ALBUM ON COLUMBIA J 66 performs Volunteers wanted to work with WILL BE FEATURED IN A SPECIAL LIGHT SHOW AT DON QUIXOTE" PIUS the Adolescent Diversion Pro¬ gram. Come to vices Bldg. 26 Student Ser¬ ABRAMS PLANETARIUM FOLLOWING THE 10 PM SHOWING OF SPECTRUM. ONLY THOSE ATTEND¬ HEALERS ING THE 10 PM SHOWING OF SPECTRUM WILL BE Union Ballroom Gay Liberation meets at 3 p.m. ADMITTED TO THE LIGHT SHOW. Sunday in the Union Tower Room. May 4,5 - 8:30 pm May 6,7 - 8:30 pm MIRROR (Mentally Ill/Restored 10 PINK FLOYD ALBUMS COURTESY OF 101 FM 10:30 pm Regaining Our Rights) meets at WILL BE GIVEN AWAY AT RANDOM EACH NITE. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in C203 presented by MSU Theatre Department Wells Hall. Issues include Confi¬ Lively Arts Series & dentiality in Counseling and Aca¬ demic Loads. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ International Orchestras Final Event Tourism Club's Holland, Mich., field trip Saturday. Sign up 4th floor Eppley Center; meet 9:30 a.m. in front of Eppley Center. All welcome. MSU Baha'i Club invites all interested students to investigate the Baha'i Faith at a fireside at A UNIVERSE OF COLOR 8:30 tonight in the Union Oak Room. Spectrum utilizes the unique capabilities of the Sky Theatre to produce awesome auroral displays, a total solor eclipse, M.S.U. Bootery a nerve shattering thunderstorm, and many other specta¬ cular visual sequences. Sandal Sale BERNARDO BERTOLUCCI'S Friday ( A lOpai i $9" to *|6" J Performances Safwrday • A lOpm Sunday liltllpa "THE SPIDER'S {\CaMMAffy After the 8pm shows there will be a brief current sky lecture with outdoor observing. Following the STRATAGEM" 10pm shows, a current album release will be Based on a story by Jorge Luis Borges S played In quadraphonic sound. PLflMETflRilJIKI Album of the weak: 355-4672 Animals by Pink Floyd \ I MSU Bootery \ t Sandal Sale j t $ *9" t« *16" Amman VIMMMi Ex¬ "THE Funniest cellent pay, insurance, and tirement benefits available Michigan Air National Guard. re¬ — NEW COMEDY OF Call 517-489-5169 after 6 P.M., Tuesday through Friday. Call* Todoy! THE YEAR." -Vernon Scott, UNITED PRESS LORIN MAAZEL Conducting SUPER SPECIALS SUNDAY, MAY 1 at 4:00 P.M. Univertity Auditorium PAUL NEWMAN . "The Cleveland is once again tl ALL YOU CAN EAT I fl GEORGE ROY HILL FILfll organization it was under George Stell- Friday: Fish n' Chips It plays with marvelous clarity. ..a 1970, Color. In Italian with English Sunday: (5-9 pm only) subtitles. joy to hear... the musical mastery 0 Swedish Meatball Maazel and the power he has over his Dinner Orchestra... it is a group that restores ■ one's faith in the state of the symphoW- I " 'The Spider's Stratagem' is possibly Tile Bertolucci's simplest and most glowing Alan Rich, New York Mag# | S\\rili-.li Pantry SLAP SHOT work. An engrossing film. A fine entertainment." -Judith Crist New York Magazine At MSU, Maestro Maazel willconduc' the Symphony No. 8 in G by DV0R and the Symphony No. 5, Opus 100, by PROKOFIEV. Co-starring miCHAELONTKEAN • LINDSAYCROUSE 'JENNIFER WARREN JERRY HOUSER and STROTHER fTIARTIN • Written by NANCY DOWD . Edited by DEDE ALLEN TONIGHT Remaining tickets on sale at the Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30, weekdays Union music Supervision by ELmER BERNSTEIN • Directed by GEORGE ROY HILL FRIDAY, APRIL 29 PUBLIC: $9.50,8.50,4.00 i#tf| Produced by ROBERT J. WUNSCH and STEPHEN FRIEDfTlAN MSU Students: 50% discount, all loc» | fl PAN ARTS PRESENTATION • A FRIEDIT1AN-WUNSCH PRODUCTION A UNIVERSAL PICTURE • TECHNICOLOR' [^TltrTij ; ~ Presented by the Lecture-Concert Series M.-Thurs. 8:15 F. A Sat. 7:30,9:45 Sun. 4:30.6:45,9:00 |igonStote News, Ea»t lonting, Michigan MMOimvi *OKtMOS HMH SCHOOL FIN! ARTS CINTIR I Moy 7th, 1977 from 8:00 Graat Issuas, ASMSU Woman's Council, l Tickets: Marshall Music, E. Lansing, ASMSU Logal Sorvicos, and tha Lansing Star Lond-Merldlon Mall or Phona 349-3845 Prasant 1s (Villard Ale>aiider.WAgent Kim Ferguson Management "MR. MAGIC" SUSAN WASH! Bun. WITH SPECIAL GUEST BBOWNMILLER Author of ME LISTON SMITH "Against Our Will: FRIDAY, MAY 6,8 P.M. Men, Women, and Rape" LANSING nCKETS CIVIC CENTER JIVMUULL DOW TMtU MAT I, lp* Fro* Admission hereHouse Records, Roots Natural Footwear Inaccossiblo E. Lansing All Knapps Stores UMSM CIVIC CEWTU BOX OFFICE Sat. April 30, 8:18 pM Fairchild Theater ! IMS: 9M t flM - SWT IB HjMMt C*BS Greet Issues ii o division o( (he ASMSU Pregromminn Board THE CASSANDRA CROSAtJRNG The fear is 131 spreading! 2 Academy Awards FIGHTING MAD! LOVING HARD! Most of all- BOUNDFOR GL . makes you feel great and alive. George C. Scott 3®uftmir; •S^i'SSI.K gail strickland randy ouald • s, „ rokbi cftcku A Franklin J. Schoffner Film "Islands in the Stream' tienHtm SIS IrkkSlSM'IJ 4(11 EXCITDK WEEK! TMi|M0pNt« HELD OVER! Feature 7:20-9:30 SAT 4 SUN 1:00-3:05-5:10-7:20-9:30 [GENE WILDER RICHARD PRYOR I TONIGHT AND SATURDAY The two wildest pictures ever to play at M.S.U. are now In 1943, sixteen Getman paratroopers playing with each other — a super erotic DOUBLE FEATURE landed in England. In three days they almost won the War. FEATURE NUMBER ONE FEATURE NUMBER TWO "PORNO BEAUTIFUL!!! TEENAGE sophtsltcaledly amusing and wildly erolic wi set porno Mm -.tandards lor years lo come CHEERLEADER All-out unzippered sex comedy, it sels a new high in sophistication and even makes explicit screens Na^edCame The Stranger TONIGHT AND SATURDAY SHOWTIMES: NAKED CAME THE STRANGER TEENAGE CHEERLEADER 9:00, 11:35 SH0WPLACE: 108 B WELLS 7:30, 10:15 LAST COMPLETE SNOW AT 9:00 P m- HASlM®11 nidMWUHMHCHIMlHUBtMri MNim AflMCIM "FUN WITH MICHAEL CAINE DONALD SIITHEHIANO ROBERTDUILL ADMISSION TO THIS DOUBLE FEATURE: '2.50 Students '3.50 staff, faculty "THE EAGLE HAS IANDED"»». wiwm nurtran I !■*»>»« — DICK&JANE" STUBS:E2Tmmm.LARRYHAfiMANL. rtoRitsttssts entertainment service ot the beol film ■.klAUKWM ipwrIBMAMIU an cooperative. Students, faculty & stall welcome. Id's checked. St HUB'J, ] Michigon State News, East loosing, Michigon Frld<>y. April 29 197? /■ Why Wait Until Prices Go Up, Ebony Presents And the Acoustics Go Down? December 1975 NATALIE BOB SE6ER & PETER FRAMPTON Sold out the MSU Auditorium 3 months later 6 months later Frampton sold out 4 nights at Cobo Seger sold out 70,00 seats at the Pontiac Stadium COLE 1977 SEQUEL VV/hpocial guest Michael Henderson FRIDAY, MAY 6 8:00 PM Monday, May 2 Fairchild Theatre MSU MUNN ICE ARENA 2 Shows 7:30 & 10:30 p.m. Tickets $6 All General Admission Tickets '6.50 General Admission Available at MSUnion & Recordlands. Tickets on Sale Now Tickets on Sale Today - Only 1400 seats available MSUnion & Both Recordlands Accessible Accessible Pop Entertainment Presents ••••••• 1976 JAZZ AWARD WINNERS - DOWNBEAT JAZZ READERS POLE - ffariiifi^Coffeehouse# presents DOC&MERLE WATSON THURS. MAY 12 7=30 & lOpm FBI. BUY 13 8 & 10:30pm CHICK COREA & STANLEY CLARKE ERICKS0N KIVA CHICK COREA: Artist o! the year in the Composer 8 Keyboard cote- JOHN THOMAS: Trumpet, former member Woody Herman Bond gories and 2 Grammy Awards this year STANLEY CLARKE: Bass player of the JAMES T1NSLEY: Trumpet, former member Woody Herman Bond year performing with an out¬ standing group of accomplished artists HAROLD GARREn: Trombone, former member Woody Herman Bond JOE FARRELL: Tenor sax 8 flute, former member of the JAMES PIIGH: Trombone, former member Woody Herman Bond Return To original Forever, Woody Herman Band 8 Elvin Jones Trio SERRY BROWN: Drums, an accomplished studio musician GAYLE MORAN: Former vocalist for the Mahavishnu Orchestra THURSDAY, MAY 5 also 8 p.m. at the MSU Lost World String Band Auditorium Tickets $5.50 & *6." Reserved Seats - $3.50 in advance until 2:00pm the day of the show At MSUnion, Elderly Instruments, and Wazoo Records Available at the MSUnion & Recordlands in Division of ASMSU Programming Board A Division of ASMSU/PB Lansing & Meridian Malls Accessible No smoking, food, or drink in Erickson J n Cnia News, Eost Loming, Michigan Friday, April 29, 1977 17 State News Classified 355-8255 9-5613 iotive J|**| [ Aitomotive M RMorcycles ~M ](H| [ EBplojietl Jfif] fTpartit»irify| HORNET 1973, cute, blue book ■NET Sportabout, 1974. VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1970. $900, SUZUKI T500. Much rebuilt. Very NORTHERN MICHIGAN COUNTER CLERK dry cleaners, $1800. 59,000 miles. Will sell for summer PART TIME help, handyman for 551 ALBERT ■ automatic:, power steer- low mileage, beetle, driven mostly good condition. $450. You must needs registered will train, 10-20 hours per week. STREET, one block *1400. Call 353-0794 Monday, camp nurse and Mobile Home Park. Hours flexible. 14000 miles. Best in the south. 351-3106 Mondays, see. 353-8345. 3-5-3 (121 from campus, large two bedroom, Wednesday, Friday, 9-3 8-5-2 camp cook. Call 355-6417. 8-5-2 Good pay. Afternoons and even¬ Cell 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. 694-8680. 6.8 5-5 (15) p.m. Wednesdays, Fridays, between furnished, air conditioned, bal¬ (18) (121 ings until 7:30 p.m., Saturdays 3-5-3 (141 cony. Summer. Call 355-6118 after Hpnt.oiil*. 8-5-10 1191 YAMAHA 650, 1971. Rebuilt, ex¬ until 6 p.m. Ask for Mrs. Mort¬ |PA[A' 1971. V-8, 360, IMPALA CUSTOM 1988 with 427 VOLKSWAGEN cellent condition, low mileage. HELP WANTED part time. Prefer gage. BARYAMES CLEANERS, EARN WHILE you learn. Models 5 p.m. 0 19-4-29 (19) ■ nower brakes/steering. high performance, $800 or best FASTBACK Phone 332-1828 after 4 p.m. 5-4-29 someone with bicycle sales and 2423 South Cedar, Lansing. 8-5-2 513 HILLCREST - town's largest 1973, new battery, AM/EM radio, and escorts wanted. $8/hour. T4126. 8-5-5 (131 offer. 882-8366. 5-5-4 (121 112) repair experience. Previous ski- (31) Phone 1-2 bedroom apartments, 3 blocks good condition. $1675. 337-2579 shop experience also helpful. Ap¬ 489-2278^X2 47-6-3 112) campus. Brightly furnlshad, air ■pALA Station Wagon MERCURY PARK 8-5-6 112) MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS, MT Lane, 1968. ply only between 4-6 p.m. Thurs¬ WAITERS AND waitresses Part n.reo 0 miles, power, Michelin tires, air, 4-door. Transportation $250. 371-4342 after 5 p.m. 6-5- special. VOLKSWAGEN 1969 Standard SQUAREBACK "»S«W V] day and Friday. THE FREESTYLE SHOP, 2682 East Grand River. IASCPI preferred. Full time and part time openings afternoon and time. MAC'S BAR. 2700 Michigan. Apply in person. 3-4-29 East conditioned, new carpeting, dish¬ washers, disposals. Quiet building security doors. Pleasant neighbor Cck $1800 694-8508. 4112) Transmission, clean, runs well, great mileage. JUNK CARS wanted. We pay Please no phone calls! 3-4-29 1351 midnight shifts. Must have clinical (131 hood. May, June, and Septem $522/best offer. 332-0573. 6-5-4 more if they run. Also buy used experience in all areas. Excellent ber leases. Call 337-1849. 351 MERCURY MONARCH 1976. Per¬ cars and trucks. 489-3080. C-21-4- STORE DETECTIVES C.J. staning rates. Contact Personnel SHORT ORDER cook no 1141 - - 4212, 655-1022. OR-2-4-29 I34I OVA, 1974, good mile- fect condition. Air, custom blue. 29(171 majors preferred. Must be availa¬ office LANSING GENERAL HOS¬ experience necessary. Apply in on, appearance. CB. 12,000 miles. Best offer. 694- VOLKSWAGEN DASHER 1975. ble for summer months. Call 641- PITAL, 2800 Devonshire, Lansing. person. HUDDLE SOUTH, 820 LARGE TWO party furnished effi¬ 991 after 4 p.m. 8-5-2 7279. 3-4-29 (131 Sky blue, 10,000 miles, extra JUNK CARS wanted. We pay 6734. 7-5-5 (131 Phone 372-8220. 5-5-4 (361 West Miller Road, Lansing. more if they run. Also buy used 11 4-29 (16) ciency. Close to campus, air. Fall options, one owner. 349-4589. $184. summer $145. 351-1610, MGB 1970, rebuilt engine, excel¬ cars and trucks. 321-3651. C-21-4- BURGER KING in East SARAH COVENTRY - Looking t 3-4-29 1121 Lansing 1976 white-black in- lent body, wire wheels. $1600. 29117) for men or women, full or part HOUSEKEEPER Wanted: East 487-4451. OR-17-4-29 1151 now accepting applications be¬ f options,-94-0881. 1 8500 miles, 7-4-29 882-9073. 3-5-2 (121 VOLKSWAGEN THING. 1974. tween 2-4 p.m., openings days time. New spring line. Kit loaned. Lansing, 3-5 days per week. Own FEMALE ROOMMATE needed, Good condition, less than 10,000 Ouik 4 Qualified and nights. 3-4-29 (141 Call 625-4208; 625-7485. X 10-5-4 transportation, references. 351- 3027. 5-5-2 (131 non-smoker, '77-78 school year. MONTE CARLO 1970. 35,600 miles. $3000/best offer. 353 7577. Maintenance Spacious, furnished, close, air. ■ 1974. 3-seat wagon, miles, power steering, power Service For JACKSON AREA student, week¬ 332-0635. 8-5-9 1121 Cors, Chariots. MASSAGE - LEGITIMATE for PART TIME employment brakes, great condition. $1600. ends part time now, full lime for MSU lermg. inn DOWcf power brakes, uiahua, o——- 882-4105 after 5 p.m. 8-5-5 (151 ' ■ VOLKSWAGEN 1972, automatic Vans. Whotever girl. Capable person needed regu¬ students. 15-20 hours/week. Au¬ A„ ndQQ ov/oninns 676 9499 evenings. rnc 882-41^ J* ^5) transmission, sharp. 41,000 miles. summer. Apply in person, Satur¬ larly. Own convenience. Paid. tomobile required. 339-9500. C-21 TWO BEDROOM apartment avail¬ Excellent condition. $1595. Bob, day. Michigan Center SEVEN 351-3957. Z-8-5-2 (121 able, $220/month. heat and water MONTE CARLO 1971, good 1 ELEVEN store ft 328. Z-5-5-3 (20) 4-29 1131 394-0477. 6-4-29 (121 included. Call 332-8215. 0-5-5-4 ■ SALON 1975 4-door, dition. See at 911 Center Street, ask for Ed. 8 5-3 (13) cfujot^ COCKTAIL WAITRESS no Ippet, Smart people save money by - MICHIGAN CAMP seeks new tires. AM/ VOLKSWAGEN CAMPERA Bus, sailing, experience necessary. Apply in ■power steering, power 1966. Good condition, new en MARCHAL QUARTZ - halogen sail boat cruising, canoe tripping shopping the Classified columns. SUMMER SUBLET, close. Beauti¬ MUSTANG II, 1975. Mach I, V-6, person. HUDDLE SOUTH, 820 R 4 door mats. 31,000 4-speed, rustproofed, gine, brakes. $750/offer. 332-8183. lights; headlamp conversions, fog counselors. PINE RIVER CANOE West Miller Road, Have you reed the many items ful furnished 2 bedroom apart¬ power Lansing. offered for sale today? jo firm 332-3434 busi- brakes, steering. $2500. 118 East 8-5 6112) and driving lights in stock at CAMP. 332-3991. 6-5-4 1151 1_M-29_I15)_ ment. Air, rent negotiable. 332- X393 0923 evenings or Oak, Mason. 676-5321. 7-5-3 1191 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN WANTED: EXPERIENCED barten¬ 0635. 8-5-9 (12) SUMMER JOB ■34-291302 VOLKSWAGEN Dasher wagon CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama¬ - $160-200 per BASS PLAYER (prefer electric) der for part time employment. 1974. Automoatic, AM radio, ex¬ zoo, one mile west of campus. week with our Safe Drivers pro¬ for May 21 job. All-style band 11974 4-door, air con- OLDSMOBILE 1975 Delta Royal, WALNUT HILLS, 2874 Lake Lan¬ NEAR MSU. Summer, fall. One 4-door cellent condition. 332-2783 after 6 487-5055. C-15-4-29 127) gram. Car necessary. Call 694- Must read. Call Ray Kay. days I cruise control, light hardtop, loaded. Monday- p.m. 3-4-29 (12) 2904 for interview. Between 9-11 373-5200 or 373-5726, evenings sing Road. Apply in person after 4 bedroom, furnished, utilities, laun¬ Tsll351 3462 5-4-29 (121 Friday. 8-5 p.m., 373-3198; Satur¬ MASON BODY SHOP 812 East p.m. 3-5-3 (181 dry, carport. $200. 374-6366. 0R- a.m. 8-5-6 (191 321 1094. 3-5-2 (221 day, Sunday, and after 6 p.m. 5-4-29 (12) VOLVO 1973 ■ air, AM/FM stereo, Kalamazoo Street since 1940. phone 332-1097. 5-4-29 (201 rustproofed, $3400 ot best offer. Complete auto painting and colli¬ BABYSITTER NEEDED for 3 BABYSITTER - WEEKDAYS, TWO BEDROOM apartment to 351-3775 after 7 p.m. 8-5-10 1131 sion service. American and foreign children in my Spartan Village ■l2l OMEGA 1974, standard shift. my home, infant. Spartan Village. share or sublet, rent negotiable, cars 485 0256 C 21 4 29 120) apartment. Start Monday, ap¬ 35,000 actual miles, very clean. Negotiable hours. After 5 p.m. TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. Okemos. 349-4691 after 6 p.m. proximately 15 hours weekly, stu¬ llALLENGER 1972. Air, After 5:30, 332-2717. 4-4-29 1131 j Motorcycles J|#oj GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 dent's wife preferred. 353-7927. 355 3185- 5-4 29 (12) $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- weekdays. 8-5-4 (14) g and brakes, vinyl inch. Priced from $4. Mounted 1-4 29 (20) 1010. C-21-4-29 (121 i OPEL 1968, good transportation BABYSITTER FOR teacher. Must SUMMER SUBLEASE fall op¬ tape. V-8, automatic. - HONDA 360-CL, 1973. 5,000 free. PENNELL SALES, 1301 'h have tion. Three .bedroom duplex, fin¬ |52 H5I New parts. 332-2825 after 6 p.m. East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- own transportation. Good RTATION wagon 1969. 5-5-5 (12) miles, like new. Yamaha 1971, JT160 cc. 487-1706. 5-5-3 112) 5818. C-21-4 29 1171 TEACHERS. DIRECT summer cheerleading camp. No experience pay. Begin work September 1977. Call 332-1885 after 5 p.m. 5-5-3 f Npirfnts Ifyj ished basement, large yard. 351- 6472. X8 4-29 (12) required, travel nationwide, good OPEL 1972 4-speed, excellent HONDA MR250 Elsinore. 1976. NOW - WE repair. Tune up 8 (_171_ EAST LANSING NORTH POINTE condition throughout. Radio/tape salary. Call 646-6709. 6-5-6 1141 OKEMOS LUXURY Apartment. cylinder $18.95 plus parts Drum BABYSITTER 8-4 p.m. weekdays, APARTMENTS. 1250 Haslett I transportation, $100. deck. $1200. 351-2783. 5-5-2 1121 800 miles, street legal, excellent brakes $69.95. u-REPAIR, 5311 13 month old, my home, Lansing. Road at 69. Furnished/unfurnish¬ 1200 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 2 k. standard shift, as condition. $700. 337-1495. 7-5-5 SUMMER JOBS AVERAGE ed 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, full baths, newly decorated, new South Pennsylvania. 882-8742. 0- EARNINGS $2600. Apply in per¬ Call after 6 p.m. or weekends 1 8-5-10(25) PINTO 1976, automatic, radials, 1-4-29 120) 482 4448. 7-5-4 (15) newly redecorated, heat and water shag carpeting, walk-out patio. rustproofed, body spotless. $1950. son at University Inn, room 802. Only $250. No children, no pets. ikn 1976. B-200, cus- HONDA 1974. CB 760. Excellent Interviews at 12 p.m., 3 p.m. or 6 furnished, 3 to 12 month leases. 339-9192 after 11 a.m. 3-4-28 1121 WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top LIBERAL PROTESTANT Church Start at $175/month. Call John or Available May 1st. 669-3654, leave ■M FM tape, mags/ra- condition. 8500 miles. Call 353- p.m. May 3. Requirement: must be dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE seeks part time director of reli¬ Sue, 332-6354. 0-21-4-29 (37) message. 8-5-5 (31) able to relocate. 3-5-3 126) ' tany extras. Must 1378. 3-4-29 (12) PINTO 1973, 34,000 miles, new AUTO PARTS & SALVAGE. C- gious education. Fall 1977. Send _ B9/evenings. 482- brakes, dependable, good body. resume to EDGEWOOD UNITED ONE BEDROOM apartment near TWO BEDROOM, block to 20-4-29 (14) NOW ACCEPTING cam¬ te. 3-5-21201 applications campus, from $195. Heat, water 349-2689. 5-4-29 (12) for inside help. Must CHURCH. East Lansing. Deadline pus. Available May 1st. $67/ have car for included. 351-4091. 7-5-5 (12) May 15. Phone 332-8693. 7-4-29 person. 332-6035. Z-8-4-29 112) I TRANSPORTA- Station Wagon, Au- PONTIAC power GRAND Prix 1974, brakes, windows, steering, YAMAHA 1974 TX-500, 1300 miles, excellent condition, helmet, Employment !ljj; transportation to Lansing location. Apply at LITTLE CAESAR'S in 125) 0 332-0041. X3-4-29 air, AM/FM stereo 8-track. Very cover. $860. 351-6657 evenings. East Lansing today at 4 p.m. 1-4-29 I24I SUMMER JOBS. Wisconsin Girls Free case of 8-4-29 (12) Camp hiring counselors for gym¬ CIDAR VILLAOI good condition, burgundy with vinyl top. $2850. Call after 3:30 (12) nastics, tennis, English riding, art, cold suds!! §973 $950/best offer, p.m. 372 7586. 4-5-3 (25) HONDA 1972 CB-600 four. Excel RETAIL SALES. Pants and camp¬ ceramics, also a cook. Mr. Jacob- AD ART MINTS gpreciate Must sell. ent condition, two helmets. Call MANAGER TRAINEE. National ing department. Full and pan time. son, 1960 Lincoln Park West, waiting for you U-29112) Tom, 337-7640. 8-5-3 (12) company seeking individual with Wages commensurate with exper¬ Chicago, Illinois 60614. Z-4-5-2 on moving day PONTIAC - 1971 LeMans, power ience. FOXHOLE PX in Frandor. 1261 (on all loasos signed this w*ok). strong desire for a career in Now leasing lor 1124 Sport. (Spider), steering, buckets, automatic/con¬ NEW LOW rates 361-5323. 8-4-29 1191 on motorcycle management. Call 694-2905 be¬ Water's and |FM radio, convertible, sole. vinyl top. $950. 694-4256. insurance. Alder Agency, 351 - tween 9-11 a.m. for interview. Fall and Summer 3. 372-2584 after 5 6-6-5(121 River's Ida# 8620. 0-1-4-29 1121 8-5-6 (20) Resident Manager SUBARU 1971. 4-speed, front Beechwood Bogue at Red Cedar River Apartments BMW 1962. Excellent condition, 1050 Wafer's Edge Laky 1966. Excellent wheel drive, good mpg, new loaded with extras. Phone 589- NOW LEASING Leading Midwest develop¬ (naxt to Cador Village) st JS, see. $250. 355- 353-1725 days. Call valves, runs good. $650. 393- 5462. 5-5-3 1151 9884. 3-5-3 1121 Apartments ment-management company Call 3S1-5I80 tor fall and summer 5 blocks toMSU seeking a career oriented in¬ 332-4432 KAWASAKI KZ 400 1976. 1000 (with special rates) dividual to manage a lorge TOYOTA CORONA Wagon 1971. miles, like new. Call DOMINO'S Largo 2 bedroom - portment community. ■Station Wagon 1971. Automatic, air. radio, 7 tires, body lor 2 PIZZA, 351-7100, ask lor Ed. 3-5-3 furnished plenty of room. $500. 154-29112) 11971, 1 ton, sharp, fair. $375. 371 2622/355-0337. 8-5- 3(14) TRIUMPH TR6 for sale, excellent bedroom apartments University Terrace Special summer rates 2 bedroom units-M60 Experience in HUD or conven¬ tional multi-family housing pre- ferred, but will consider bus¬ Ctoptfeingfjam * 2 Bodroom furnlshod luxury opt*. lest offer. 694-0819. HAHITT ■ 55-21121 condition. Will take any serious Now leasing for foil iness background with em- 'private balconies offer over $4,000. Call Jim. 393- AMRTMINTS 444 Michigan Avenue as low as 'swimming pool i GMC 1976 van. 3592. 3-4-29 (161 • 1 Block toMSU '260 skills5 'control oir 'dishwasher, disposal double reclining Extra lorge 2-Br 332-5420 TRIUMPH GT61971. Good shape, 351-2798 'shag carpeting . Now Leasing For ■storage cabinets, 350 low miles, radials, $1700.694-7164 Summer & Fall Must be able to relocate. Good pi make offer. We can mornings. 5-5-2 (121 salary, apartment and benefits Special 12 month rotes Londa. 353- |24) UMIlt DON't sign a lease until with opportunity for odvonce- Call 351-7166 VENTURA HATCHBACK 1973, 350 V-8, air, power steering/ you've seen Cedar Greens Located at Hagadorn Road just south of Service Road 9. Excellent brakes, AM/FM cassette, excel¬ w paint and tires, air lent condition. 355-5692. 2-4-29 North Poinfo Apartments MARIGOLD APARTMENTS Apartments Call 517-349-2281 | stereo. It runs and East v $1300. 655-3434. Lansing Classified Advertising NOW LEASING • furnished apartments Strong engine, excel- yes„two joins •Largo on# bodroom • 9 or 12 month leases available Mr. Brwnst, Information 1AM-FM cassette, 4- •3-12 month looses P, $1300 or best offer. per apartment! •furnished/unfurnished apartmont • swimming pool Oxford PHONE 355-8255 347 Student Services Bldg. • air 1-4116) •newly remodeled •Complotoly furnlshod conditioning And Balconies, too. •1 or 2 bedrooms •Shag Carpating • with-in walking Development •fully carpotod •Appliancos and AlrCond. distance to campus Corporation RATES harms Waters A Rivers •air conditioning •Wo poy wotor and hoot 1 doy - 90$ per line •hoot and wotor furnished DAYS Rents from'180 ■esing for sum- Idge Apts. •lorge laundry facilities For 3 days • 80$ per line •swimming pool appointment call Kqwal Opportunity Employer 6 days-75$ per line 1) special rates) •charcoal bar-b-q grills now are leasing for 351-8764 337-7328 1135 Michigan Ave. 8 days ■ 70$ per line next fall and summer E.Lansing. 351-8631 edroom opart- 1050 Water's Edge Dr. from *175 a month Summer Leases >140 (next to Brody) We Now Have Line rate per insertion ■'OSS from cam- (next to Cedar Village) for oppt. coll l*o or Virginia Openings In 332-6354 111-4411 15 Delta 1250Hasle«f at 69 CAMPUS 1,2 & 3 bedroom Econolines • 3 lines - '4.00 3 lines. No adjustment in rate - 5 days. 80' per line over when cancelled. Price of i»em(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum HILL unfurnished opts, sale price of '50. 1*978 some with study Peanuts Personal ads ■ 3 lines - '2.25 per insertion. - *2Mroms 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). * Furnished Apts. Rummage/Garage Sale ads • 4 lines - '2.50. 'lake * 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. Free Bis Servici from itmints * Dishwashers Hound Town ads ■ 4 lines '2.50 per insertion. - - 63' per line over 4 lines. I Marsh ltd. '1 * Central Air Conditioning Students LostS Founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines • '1.50 - Moll Area •Swimming Pool shouldn't have per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. Don't be deserted I JOIN the gang at * Umlinited Parking KNOB HILL 1W plus utilities Check out * to live in drab Pleasant Landscaping P'oom Units COUINGWOOD APTS 11 Burcham Woods * Special 12 mofith rates little rooms. APARTMENTS Ads - 2 p.m. Deadlines Office Open • 1 class day before publication. Cancellation/Change - 1 p.m. - 1 class day before * air conditioned FREE Treat yourself- 12 - 5 Monday Saturday publication. * A dishwasher Hootod pool Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled changed f9'od. A shag carpeting * Air conditioning ROOMMATE or by appointment or V couples * Tonnis courts until after 1st insertion. A unlimited parking % SERVICE 349 4700 There is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per 731 Rising Park * Ample parking - A plush furniture * Nicely furnished additional change for maximum of 3 changes. a model open daily Model Open 9-9 The State News will only be responsible for the 1st 'erm LOCATED 1 bedroom units 150 Everyday day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must |ovailable, Now leasing for '/< MILE NORTH 2 bedroom units '180 APARTMENTS be made within 10 days of expiration date. Fall OF JOLLY RD. leasing for Bills are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not Coll 351 -8282 '■8192 745 Burcham Summer t Fall 731 Burcham Drive ONOKEMOSRD. paid by due date, o 50' late service charge will (behind Old World Mall ploase.no pets 8-3857 CALL 349-3530 be due. ontheriverl) 351-3118 351 7212 J 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FrldaY' April 29, l977 Hgrtub |ff| pApiftewls |pp| [ Heists B I km IE ! f" Sll# Fir Salt PlfSHll 11/1 MULTITUDES OF vacuum clean¬ FORCE FIVE sailboat with trailer, FOR QUALITY stereo service. FEMALE NEEDED - summer 124 CEDAR Street, East Lansing. TWO BEDROOM, 3 blocks from SIX BEDROOMS, summer sublet. ers. 96.88 and up. Uprights, tanks, used 3 times. Best offer over THE STEREO SHOPPE. 566 East sublease. Great apartment, fringe Two man, one bedroom furnished campus, fireplace, garage, pets Furnished, 2 baths, modem, 975/ cannisters. 2 year warranty. BAR 91000. 676-3780. 5-4-291131 Grand River. C-214-29 (121 allowed, summer. 351-2869. 6-5-6 month. Close. 332-0621. 6-4-29 benefits. 966.25. Call 351-0682 apartments, heat included. 9190/ (121 GAIN HOUSE, 826 West Saginaw. (continued Iro, nowl 3-4-291121 month. June or September. Year I12l_ PHI MU welcomes our new lease. 129 Burcham Drive effi¬ SUBLEASE SUMMER, five bed¬ Lansing_484_-2a00. 0-21^29(201 pledges: Robin, Sally, Melinda, Ever wonder wrth Vour vvha, p^u BEAUTIFUL TWO bedroom apart¬ ciency, 4160/month. 8 a.m. - 5 JEROME STREET 2010. 4 bed rooms, large yard, pets welcome, COATS, OTHER women's clothes Nancy, Lauryl, Holly, Nancy, An¬ dollar/7 ment, 4185 summer, fall option. p.m. 351-2402; 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. 882-2316. Another apartment - room furnished .house, available fall. 1 year lease. 482-0278. 3-4-29 garage, dishwasher, 351-8061.34- in good condition. Call 355-3182 OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog pups. drea, Theresa Lee, Evelyn. Z-1-4- °P«n meeting 340 Union. a, i0*! 8(""IS Pod, air conditioning, carport. 29(12) after 2 p.m. except Tuesday, after AKC, shots, wormed. 4125. 694- 29117) 337-0722. 6-5-4(13) immediate occupancy. 124 Cedar 1131 7 p.m. 3-5-2 (15) 0156 after 5 p.m. 8-5-3112) Find out abou't'tw, I Street. 0-9-4-29 (39! FEMALE(S): Summer, own room, GIRLS YOU CAN BE MORE rr - RESIDENT MANAGER - Couple SUMMER SUBLET - 3 bedroom ATTRACTIVE. Start with an ob- c°-op at 9 - 2 miles. 106 bus, pets CUTE, FRIENDLY 3 for quiet 12-units near campus. duplex, furnished, close to cam¬ campus STEREO COMPONENTS: Pioneer puppy. months. Mostly Labrador, free to jective analysis of all aspects of Case Hall. P ' Hj considered. 332-2681. 8-5-4 (121 20 watts. JVC belt. Ultralinear Now or June. Write Box 42, East pus and bus, ample parking. 9225/ good home. 332-2517. E4-52112) your appearance. Call APPEAR¬ 3 way. Negotiable. 351-5848. 34- Lansing, 48823. X-O-1-4-29 (181 STUDIOS month plus utilities. 351-3219. 34- FEMALE WANTED for house. 291121 ANCE ANALYSIS today, 351- Need help i„ classes? a' MAY-OCTOBER, Kings Point Ideol For One Or 29(181 Own room, large yard, pet allow¬ FREE: BEAUTIFUL black kitten, 9 3878. No merchandise sold. Z-84 Contact X? East, 2 bedroom, 4220/month. Call Two Persons. Utilities NON-SMOKING ROOMS in at¬ ed. Kathi, 374-7339, 8-4:30 p.m. 8-5-5 (131 ELECTRIC PIANO for use with months old. Call 332-1806 after 5 5125) mspls01" "am®S Included (Except Phone) p.A. or other amplifier. Excellent p.m. E-553 (12) Dorothy. 337-1424, 372-7540. 3 5 tractive house, no deposit, rent condition. 9250 cash. 627-2753. FOREIGN STUDENT is looking for 3(131 Pool. Leasing For negotiable. 351-9477. 3-5-3 (12) SUMMER SUBLETI Own fur¬ 8-5-6 114) GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, family or tutor to practice English Summer & Fall nished room in modern house. AKC, shots. 4100. Phone 1-834- and be friends with. 353-7046; Legal Services ONE BEDROOM, 731 apartments. 3SI-TSIS AVAILABLE MAY 10, own room Privacyl Rent negotiable. 332- SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE 2520. 556 (121 3551063. 4-52 (17) thia^jT Balcony, pool, dishwasher, fur¬ nished. 4170/month. 351-9490 2- in house. 987.50 including utilities. 5783 evenings. 6-5-4 (13) SALE! Brand new portables BlT UP m 307 SturCtJ 975 summer. 484-5966. 3-5-3 (131 949.95. 95 per month. Large TWO RED Piranha, approximately 5-2 (121 2 years old. Must see to appre- THREE ROOMS available. Fall selection of reconditioned usee SUMMER SUBLEASE, complete¬ INTERNATIONAL GUIDE TO MERIDIAN MALL area roomy ly furnished 1 bedroom for married term lease. Large house, modern machines. Singer, Whites, Nec date_M7J)260. 553 1121 kitchen, close to campus. 351- chi's. New Home and "many apartment, furnished. For 3 males couple, 9137/month. Call 355-6118 after 5:30 p.m. X-5-4-29 (151 TRAVEL HOUSING 8709. 8-5-6 (14) others." 919.95 to 439.95. Terms TWO FRENCH alpine goats. 1 Summer, 950'month each. Sep¬ EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING nanny, 1 billy. Call 321-3279. tember-June, 480 month Super SUMMER AND fall leases. Many 54-29 (121 SPACIOUS STUDIOS. 240 West COMPANY, 1115 North Washing¬ insulated, low utilities. Park 2 cars 2 6 bedroom houses. Call EQUITY ton. 489-6446. C-214-29 126) Nice quiet 5 unit building CATA Michigan, East Lansing. Furnish¬ bus stop 1 block Available June 1-15, 12 month lease 332-4076 ed, kitchen in separate room. Compare our soundproofing pri¬ VEST 484-9472. 11-4-29(131 STEREO GOODIES | Minis Hw»s H ASTROLOGER: PROFESSIONAL LEASING FOR summer or fall, BErO 3000 turntable, Thorens eight years. Horoscopes, consul¬ BL-1-4-29 (421 vacy, closeness to campus. Sum¬ CHAMPION 50' X 10', 114 bed¬ two to four bedroom houses. 9200 TD-125 Mark II with Shure tone tation; Personality, career, finan¬ mer and fall vacancies. Call room, close to campus. 42000 or to 9360. 487-5835. 7-5-3 (14) arm. Dual 1229 changer. Speaker ces, romance, future. 351-8299. FEMALE ROOMMATE needed PRATT REALTY, 351-4420, Mon¬ best day, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a.m. - 2 systems by Advent, large and offerj^oa). X 8-56J12I 1556(121 Starting June 15. Good location THREE BEDROOM completely small. Ohm D, EPI, Cerwin Vega. 445/month. Lianna. 351-1167. 55 p.m. 10-5-9 1321 1973 CROWNHAVEN. 12'x44', 2 SUBLEASE FOR furnished, many extras. 3 miles Used reel to reel docks by Teac, [tambParsMljii, surm bedroom furnished. Skirting. Near 5(121 from ROOMMATE WANTED to share bedroom house, unfurnished, campus, August through Sony, Akai, Teac A-360 Dolby MSU. Must sell. 93000. Call 351- close to campus. 351-6329. 2-5-2 July. 9400, utilities. 371-4094. 5-4 cassette, Fisher Dolby cassette. ONE WOMAN needed spring luxury apartment with year-round 750/6553790^554 (15) 291161 Pioneer, Scott, Kenwood, Fisher HELLO FROM MINNESOTAII To term. '/• block from campus. swimming pool. 882-8556. 5-5-2 1975 FAIRMOUT. 3 bedroom, 10 the sexy six in the Silver Bullet... receivers. Dyna 120 power amp 470/montb. 351-0829. 3-5-3 (121 112) FOUR BEDROOM country EAST LANSING duplex, 2 bed¬ with PAT-4 preamp. Advent 100-A minutes M.S.U. 97800 or best Remember Big Sky? Remember house 123 LOUIS Street, across from near Perry. 9250/month, available rooms, carpeted, furnished, 9310/ Dolby unit. Teac AN-80 Dolby otter. 3358600 after 6 p.m. Z-54 us? Are you going to send those 513 HILLCREST - town's largest month. Call 487-6481 or 373-3257. campus. Two man, one bedroom June 1st. 675-5274. 8-5-20 (121 unit. MUCH MUCH MORE. Buy, 29(14) pictures? Please let us know - we 1-2 bedroom apartments, 3 blocks furnished apartments, utilities 4-4-29 (131 sell, trade. WILCOX TRADING haven't forgotten...Take care - campus. Brightly furnished, air TWO OR three people for house. POST, 509 East Michigan, Lan¬ ACTIVE EXECUTIVE 63, 10x55 We love you all, Carol and Gail. paid. 9110-120/month. Leasing conditioned, new carpeting, dish¬ summer, 332-5048, Ken. 9-5-6 1211 Pets allowed. Summer only. Call MSU NEAR 2 and 4 bedroom sing. 485-4391. C-7-4-29 (82) skirted, air conditioned, cathedral Z-34-291391 washers. disposals. Quiet building, 351-4122. 8-5-6 1121 houses. 9150 monthly plus utili¬ ceilings, less than mile to MSU, security doors. Pleasant neighbor¬ ties. 484-7115 OR-11-4-29 (12) HOTPOINT SIDE-by-side electric 42800. Call Lil Schirmer 349-0230 hood. May, June and September leases. 351-4212, 655-1022. 0-1-4- UNIVIMITY VILLA THREE BEOROOM duplex. A- vailable summer. Yard, pets, near SEVERAL 5-person houses avail¬ range, aqua 9150. Cushioned couch, and gold. 450. 627-3366. or The Brokers Inc. 351-1880. 3-52124) j Rul Estill j(«] University Apartm« J 5 Blocks To MSU Open Recreation at 291321 MSU. Rent negotiable. 351-8123, able starting fall term. Call 1-772- 54-29 HASLETT, 12 acres, 3 bedroom 1 or 2 Bedroom From •196 4209 or 351-4107 after 5 p.m. 052 TWO BEDROOM, furnished, air, aluminum ranch, 2 full baths, including volleyball, ba 351-9255. 3-4-29 (131 MSU NEAR - Okemos. One and Leasing For Summer 12-5-2 (14) 16 FOOT Sawyer fiberglass canoe, carpeted, 10'x50', near campus, central air, 2-car attached garage, ping-pong at fieri Cakl two bedroom, furnished and un¬ (Only 150.) & Fall SUBLEASE FOR summer, 5 bed¬ excellent condition. Used 3 42100. After 5 p.m., 351-8969. fireplace, horse facilities. 675 Spartan Village school gyi furnished. Available now and sum¬ HOUSES ONE block from cam¬ months. 9150. 332-4674. 8-5-4 1121 14-29 (121 7309. 3-53 (20) room house, own room, back yard mer. Heat included. Air condi¬ pus. Two-four bedroom, good Today is Donald Duct J 332*8173 and front porch. 980. 351-8279. TEXAS MAID 16 foot, twin 40 hp day! Come to the litsX tioned. 349-4067. 8-5-6 1191 SUBLEASE SUMMER - 1-3 331*7910 5-5-3 1151 management, well maintained. Call 6:30 5-5-2 (151 - 7:30 p.m. 351-1177. Mercury motors, with trailer, 91500. 482-8411. 8-5-4 (13) CHAMPION 10x56. 2 bedroom, 114 bath, carpeted, shed, good [ Sirvict |pg Duck Society behind Wells and heh U Party a ]fl OWN ROOM - furnished, coed condition. 92200. 487-6826. 8-510 women, close to campus, air, house for summer. One block FIRST QUALITY materials and duck! 1 RECORDS. TAPES, sheet music. (12) workmanship. OPTICAL DIS¬ pool, 460/month. 337-2603. 3-5-3 SUMMER ONE person sublet, from campus. Rent cheap. Call >_ - The most complete selection in own room. Balcony, air and more. 355-6901. 7-5-6 (15) . "00#IS Mid-Michigan. MARSHALL MU¬ FOR SALE or rent: 12x60 Elm- COUNT 2617 East Michigan, Lan¬ sing. 372-7409. C-54-29 112) University ApanmentoL Family Night at the motes] Block from campus. 975. 351- REFINED GENTLEMAN for single SIC. East Lansing. C-1-4-29 (15) hurst, furnished, 3 bedroom. at 7 tonight with "3d Ik SUMMER, TWO bedrooms, 1 LARGE, FURNISHED, close, ex¬ room. Fine location and parking. 93900 or 4120/month for summer. EQUITY LOAN - If you are Mountain," in the Un*., block from campus. 9170. May cellent shape, June to June lease. WHITEHALL MANOR, one fe¬ No cooking. 482-8304. 3-5-3(121 POWER HITTERS for half price Campus 1 mile. 393-6966. 14-29 buying your home on a mortgage ed Methodist Church. II rent next year. 332-0012. 8-5-10 339 2961 after 6 p.m. 5-54 (12) male to share 2 bedroom. Utilities 1921, from the WHITE MONKEY, (19) or own your home free and clear, Harrison Road. 1131 included, 9102.50. 351-9113. 8-5-6 your one stop paraphernalia out¬ ask about our equity loan. Borrow FEMALE - OWN room, sublet COOL ROOM in 3 story apart¬ 1121 let. All tapestries reduced by 93. SCHULT 1974 12x60, two bed¬ against your equity to consolidate Society lor Creative An IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. New summer, option fall. Furnished, ment. Across from Berkey, sum¬ 226 Abbott Road, across from your bills, make major home ism one bedroom, fully carpeted, ca¬ Lansing. Rent 973.33. 482-8227. mer. Rent negotiable. Evenings. room, appliances, new carpet, meetsst8:30p.m.... TWO BEDROOM three-man a- State Theater. X-5-S-3 (271 improvements, take that long the Union. Spring ble. air. 9175. 351-9091; 351-8058. partment for summer sublet. Great 4-4-29 (12) 332JKS7. 3-5-3 (_14l_ skirted. Holt Park. 1-8356334. awaited vacation or for any other attacks] 8-5-10 (121 location, rent negotiable. 351- DYNACO PAT-4/120 Preamp- 553 (12) good purpose. Call FIRST Sunday on Bogue Street if SUMMER - 2 people needed for TWO FEMALES, own room in 1350. 3-4-29 1131 NATIONAL nice 5 bedroom home. Close to house. Summer. Washer/dryer. amp combination, 120 watts, BANK OF EAST Applications for ASMStlfl TWO FEMALES for summer sub¬ let, nonsmokers. Close to campus, rent negotiable. 337-2062. 8-5-10 SEX: OF the female gender need¬ ed to sublease for summer, close campus. Own bedroom 337-0978. 238 Milford. 4-4-29 117) A,fter_5_p.mJ51l3067; 1-429 1121 135 KEDZIE, furnished one bed¬ 9175. Advent loudspeakers, 4140. 332-3782; 332-6826. X-34-29 (141 Rummage Sale ^ LANSING, 351-2660. and ask for Mr. Daly. 0-1-4-29 (591 net Directorships: Legal San Labor Relations and U Relations, available in 334 St| (121 to campus. Call 332-2267. X-6-5-3 room, heat and water, air, security CROWN SPACE DC-300A amp —PASSPORTPHOTOST "" Services Bldg. Today i I 1151 ROOM IN house for summer, SIX FAMILY: Name brands, cloth¬ locked, superior maintenance, and IC-150 pre-amp. Excellent FEINGOLO PHOTOGRAPHY. 6/ day! OWN WOMAN to summer sublet possibly fall, sunporch, fireplace, ing, twin beds, bicycles, antiques. year leases only. 482-2937;882- 95. Call evenings, 351-2586. OR-1- spacious 4-person apartment. CAMPUS NEAR. 227 Bogue. laundry, cable, piano. 484-8963. rondttiOTj332-2276. 3-53_l12)_ 4/30, 8:30-6 p.m. 3314 Lawdor 429(121 967.50/month. Two balconies. small 1 bedroom, furnished, 9145, 8j56J13I_ 2316. 8-5-9 (18) IBANEZ 12 Road, off Holmes, 2 blocks east Tomorrow! Star Tnt| _ string - blonde body. meets to descend upontlxl for September 15. Larger 1 bed¬ LARGE 8 person house. Septem¬ ROOMS FOR rent, summer term. Excellent tone. Perfect shape. Waverly. 14-29 (20) FAST GUARANTEED service on tarium and destroy so FREE FIFTH if sublease for room, furnished, 9180, for June ber 1977-1978. 990 per month plus Extremely close, nice people. Call 9170. 4190 with case. Tim, 355 major brand stereos and TVs. Meet at 8:30 p.m. in 33 sum¬ 15. 393-7279. 0-5-5-2 1211 332-2714 anytime. 3-5-2 (12) 4858. 2-5-2 (151 APRIL 30 May 1. 55 p.m. 6227 mer, fall option. 3-man 1 block utilities. Single bedrooms, parking, - MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann, Cobbler's Drive. Household East Lansing. MARSHALL ELEC¬ Cooleylaw School and l| from campus. Furnished, air, 1 % laundry. 332-1918. 5-5-2 1171 APARTMENTS ONE block from TWO ROOMS, friendly coed BUNK BEDS complete with mat¬ goods, clothing, furniture. Good TRONICS SERVICE, 116 South bedroom, utilities paid, parking. Symphony Orchestra pre 337-0910. 8-4-29 (191 campus. Two bedroom, two per¬ WOMEN: OWN room near cam¬ house. Now or summer. Clean, tresses, 9119.95. VILLA FURNI¬ quality merchandise. 1-4-29 (201 Larch, Lansing. C-14-29 (221 Day celebration at 2 pm ■ son occupancy. Contemporary liv¬ TURE. 1633 West Mt. Hope, pus. Large yard. Pets welcome. close. Kitchen, parking. Ann/ in Law School A APARTMENT TO sublet May 1 - ing at its best. Recently completed 970/month. 337-7727. 3-5-2 (121 Wayne, 337 9885. 3-5-2 115) Lansing (Colonial Village), 482- RUMMAGE SALE sponsored by sing. July 1. 2 bedroom furnished or building, furnished. 12 month 1109. 8-4-5 (16) HEALTH CENTRAL, Friday April leases starting summer and fall EAST SIDE Frandor area. LOW SUMMER rates, close to unfurnished, pool, air, etc. 627- - 29, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Odd Fellows Pleasant days require ^ terms. 9260 per month. Call 6:30- GIBSON B-25 THESIS 2318._5-_5-2 (141 House available - Summer 9150, campus, all utilities paid. 337-1721; Acoustic guitar Hall, 1100 North Washington. DISSERTATION, and company. Choose a t 7:30 p.m. 351-1177.5-5-2 APARTMENT FOR sublease sum¬ I33l_ fall 9225, monthly. Deposit re¬ 349-3019, DTD. Z-4-5-3 (12) with soft shell case. Like new. Lansing. Call 332-6567.24-29120) term paper typing. Fast, rea¬ cess and learn Maypole (■ quired. Call 351-5323 and 349- 9100. 694-0156 after 5 p.m. 8-5-3 sonable. Call JOHN CALHOUN, mer, with fall option. 140 Cedar, ONE MAN to share one bedroom 4850. 8-4-29 (17) RURAL RANCH rooms. Dark¬ 1141 MOVING SALE: Furniture, clothes 332-2078. OR-84-29 1121 Renaissance Dance class^ East 8:30 p.m. Mondays in' Lansing. 332-3974.5-4-29 (12) apartment summer term, close to room. workshop, garden, pond, all sizes, miscellaneous. 10:30 Tower Room. campus. 960 monthly plus 94 horse, goat. 351-6643. 5-7 p.m. BLACK DIRT - sod farm soil or a.m.4:30 p.m. Thursday through UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS COM¬ 348 OAKHILL - furnished. 1.2, 3 SUMMER SUBLEASE, fall option, average light bill. 351-7522. 8-5-6 8-4-29112) peat mix. 437.60 per 6 yards PLETE DISSERTATION and bedrooms. Summer from 9130. 120) five bedroom house two blocks Sunday, 4648 Manitou Drive, Attention criminal jus delivered. Call 641-6731 or 484- Okemos. 34-29 (16) resume service. IBM typing, edi¬ 351-8055 after 5 p.m. 8-5-5 113) from campus. 351-5793. 8-5-6 1121 3379. 7-5-5 jors: Student Advisory C» 1 ROOM, large house, close to (172 ting, multilith offset printing, type¬ be holding a meeting at IB WANTED: TWO male roommates for next school year. Cedar Village r Houses J jg OWN ROOM in house with every¬ thing. Responsible, nonsmoker. campus, open immediately. Call 351-2142. 4-4-29 (121 CANOEING LEADERSHIP week¬ end. May 13-15. Includes trip on COOPERATIVE GARAGE Saturday April 30, 55 p.m. Sun¬ sale. setting and binding. We en¬ courage comparative shopping. Wednesday in 342 Union. F For estimate, stop in at 2843 East Apartments. 351-6662. 6-5-4 (121 SUMMER SUBLET. Three bed¬ 351-3957 after 7 p.m. Z-8-52 (12) MEN. CLEAN, quiet, single, cook¬ Pine River, 445. PINE RIVER day May 1, 12-5 p.m. 1111 Kimberiy Drive, Lansing. 3-4-29 Grand River or phone 332-8414. Scott Purvis will Galapagos Islands" at i*T preajs] room duplex. Excellent location. EAST SIDE suplex. 2 bedroom. CANOE CAMP. 332-3991. 554 ing. One block to campus. 485 (IS) 5114-29(32) Wednesday during the" 409 Albert. Call 351-6198. 4-4-29 9200/month plus utilities. 337-1133 (17) 8836 or 351-2623. OR-124-29 112) Botanical Club meeting a| EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ fistf -.5-5-3(12) ADULT ADVENTURE Programs: Plant Biology Lab sertation, (pica-elite) FAYANN. Testis 131 NORTH HAYFORD. 3 bed¬ room house, carpeting, garage. TWO FIVE-person houses avail¬ able immediately or for summer. SUMMER SUBLET, Spartan Avenue. On bus line, own new duplex, Wilderness leadership workshops, Mississippi. Canoe trip, Trans¬ 1 list t fill Ifql 489-0358. C-214-29 (121 "OREMUS" worship J Softkall-baseball clove room in cool basement. 332-4453. meets at 4:30 p.m. f»f Available now. 9200 summer. Call 1-772-4209 or 351-4107 after 5 atlantic sail. PINE RIVER CANOE FEMALE CALICO cat found at PURR-FECT TYPE. Accurate per¬ 3-5-3 (15) DeWitt Retreat Centerj tale 351-7497. 0-4-4-29 (131 p.m. X-12-5-2 (151 CAMP. 332-3991.556(16) Shaw Hall, good natured. Call sonal and professional IBM typing. One day service. 351-5094. C-214- service end supper 5pm™ 3559174; 3559257. 24-29 (12) University Lutheran. Everything for the THREE BEDROOM house, 511 Clifford Street, Lansing. 4190/ SUBLEASE - 3 bedrooms avail- able summer in large house. Close, 1 Far Salt \\%\ ROYAL TYPEWRITER, manual, carrying case, good condition. 435 LOST: WOMAN'S watch be¬ 29 1121 [jwOfl month. Call 351-2195 after 5 p.m. ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ Will sacrifice, 475. 351-1718 or or best offer. 3556171. E-552 tween the Vet Clinic and I.M. Golfer only. 8-5-10 (141 332-4787. S-5-5-3 (15) 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. ing theses, manuscripts, term (121 Fields. Call after 5 p.m. 332-8053. Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. papers. Evenings, 6757544. C-21- 552 (141 ATTRACTIVE FIVE 4510. June-June. Spartan Ave¬ bedroom, SUBLEASE SUMMER, large sun¬ ny room in coed house. One block Guaranteed one full year, and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 47.88 CCM-10 speed, 23" frame, men's bike. Excellent condition. 4135. LOST: PAIR of large brown 4-29 112) FAMILY room REQUIRED 3 furnished house, "T J *2.00 COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete nue. Completely furnished, gar¬ from campus, 970 a month. 10 posite City Market. C21-4-29 (24) Call 487-5336. 552 112) glasses and red case. Please call dissertation and resume service. pus, summer, 3553167. ^ a.m. to 5 p.m. 351-6566, after 6 332-6521. 3-429 1121 (12) a dozen age. 332-1680. 8-5-10 (12) Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. p.m. 332-1842, Anne. 5-4-29 (23) NEW, USED and vintage guitars, NEW 4 bedroom colonial on 2 8:30-5:30. Monday-Friday. 337- banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers readers *• PLASTIC PEACEFUL COUNTRY New 2 bedroom duplex. 15-20 living. TWO BLOCKS from campus, five and six bedroom houses, furnish¬ acres. Family room with fire¬ place, 2% baths, and formal and kits, recorders, strings, ac¬ cessories, books, thousands of r~P«KHH lf/1 1666. C-204-29 (16) Tell our many you have to sell in Classified. with aw PRACTICF BALLS minutes from MSU. 9225/month dining. Eckman/Canfield 655 ed and available fall. Call and leave hard to find albums. (All at very FREE... A Lesson in complexion plus utilities. Married couples. 2985/655-1792. 5-4-29 (201 low prices.) Private and group care. Call 4844619 East Michigan a message, 627-9773. 8-5-2 (19) FEMALE TO loca" 6 FORM. 675-5469 after 3 p.m. 8-5-10 (201 lessons on guitar, banjo, mando¬ or 4857197 Lansing Mall. MERLE PHILMORE -FA3000 amplifier with NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. apartment for (el) AVAILABLE JUNE 15 across from 2 Utah lin, all styles. Gift certificates. You'll find many interesting Items SUMMER SUBLET, 2 bedroom speakers, HS10 AX speak¬ C-214-29 (18) campus. 6 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 ers. All 4. 9140. 641-6884. 85-4 Expert repairs - free estimates. ottered for sale in today's Classi¬ taMI-soM duplex, close to campus. Rent kitchens, ample parking, large lot. ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 541 fied columns. negotiable. 351-2872. B-1-4-29 East Grand River. 3324331. C-10- llm Call 484-9472 or 351 -5312.0-7-4-29 1974-1976 Audi Fox in: 1121 4-29(49) SPEAKERS - OHM C2, new, ALL ARE cordially invited to the ANN BROWN PRINTING AND dition, call before l f sale National Folklore Group on Satur¬ TYPING. Dissertation, resumes, 7906. 3-4-29 (121 warranties, sealed box. 9400. 349- ROOMMATE NEEDED to share JUNE LARGE 6-8 man. Nicely 1240. 8-5-10 (121 EPIPHONE GUITAR, Dread- day April 30th, 7 p.m. at Hannah general printing. Serving MSU for *5 Off any glove over *20 - two bedroom duplex. 9100 per naught model FT-145, good condi¬ furnished, 2 baths. Ample parking, Middle School, 819 Abbott Road. 27 years with complete theses WANTED; INDIAN j^j 3 aft ony glove under 'JO month. On 106 bus route. Free very close, Linden Street. Summer ASAHI PENT AX KM 35mm SLR tion, Archcraft push case, 486. Artistic Programme consists of service. 349-0850. C-21-429 1191 hostess. Earn washer, dryer. Call evenings after or year lease. 372-1801. OR-64-29 camera body, new, 9120.484-4891 3550901. X-34-29 (12) Ira* can of glova oil with purchase of any glove 9 p.m., 351-3572. 5-5-5 (221 (201 after 9:30 p.m. 7-4-29 (12) SAILBOAT 15" sloop rig, Rhodes CB RADIO-23 channel, Sears more than 46 dances. The group won the golden medal and the first place of the International Schoten □SOS sr«»5!f (191 ..J For All your single side band. Only 1 month STUMUT cycling needs Bantam class, with trailer. Excel¬ ok). 9150 or best offer. Call Festival (Belgiuml and the City EVALUATION PROJECT needs You don't have »beeja TUNIS SAU Many 10 speeds to choose from lent condition. 655-2829.554 (121 3552824 after 6 p.m. 552 120) Governor's Cup Festival of Agri- contractual staff, 96 per hour, ing whiz to use Centurion gento International Festival (Italy) begins May 16th 1977. Please SDSCIAL • • Orion The group performed in Tunisia, submit resume covering statistics, staff will help you^jl ALL TOP BRANDS e Motobecane • Kabuki Egypt, Algeria, Lebanon, Italy, public programming, academic best results. Call3»"*| CAN Of 3 M.** • Gitane Looking for a bargain? background in counseling or with this ad Nishiki Holland, Denmark, France, Malta, Best values ■ widest selection Uganda, Cyprus, West Germany, psychology to Bill Stevens, Why not tako advantage of our low prices? and now visiting the USA. So OSAS, 3500 North Logan, Lan¬ Complete line of ports and accessories don't miss this opportunity to sing, Michigan, 373-8603, by May Fast, quality repair service on III makes Wb buy, soli and trodo almost onything or usa our convoniont 30 watch this fantastic group of 6th. 54-29138) day loyaway plan. Wo stock furnlturo and housohold Horns, sport- dancers. All you have to do is to ing goods, storoos, camora and musical oquipmont and much, COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, Velocipede much mora. Wo olso ropolr all brands of tolovlslon and oloctronlc oquipmont. show up at the door of HANNAH MIDDLE SCHOOL on Abbott Road and you will be received by baseball cards, and much morelll CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, Peddler Dicker and Deal The Great Arabic Hospitality. 307 East Grand River, 332-0112 (open 11:30-6 p.m.) C-2-429 (201 WIN 541E. Grand River 351-7240 Thank you. We are waiting for 9150 to 9300 at 8«Sj| 1701 S. Cedar you. OLD POCKET knives, any condi¬ Tuesday Night, i Lotoled Below Poromount News — Across From ferity Hell 487.39*6 tion. Phone 694-0524 between 9 SHAAREYZEW * 14-29 (124) a.m. and 5 p.m. 21-4-29(12) East Lansing- C-H" 4 ||hif)-. ctnte News, Eost Lansing, Michigon 19 Friday, April 29, 1977 DOONESBURY dMy Uv M§MII§l!i)t!§ by Garry Trudeau SPONSORED BY flT. Stanley Clarke Moy 5th MARIAN Doc 8 Merle Watson May 12th B 13th Tickets ON u|a ^ Im-TV(CBS) (IQ)WILX-TV(NBC) (H)WELM-TV(Cablo) (12)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) UEU msmmsTrnm. JOAHIE, I REALLY DONT hello; riocsabas- MS 1W ITHADSOMHmiD KNOWHOUMUCH MORE OF /N THREE hows hot case.. STORY DO WITH HSR HYPHEN. WIS I CAN TARE. WHEN UEEKS, 600, I FARRAH? ANY 0RENPA, OF CURSE, ATE ARE YOU0RADUATIN6T THANK HOPE I friday (12) One life to Live (23) MacNeil/Lehrer 6000? ITVR. \ _ (12) Movie \ MAKE IT.. | morning (23) Dig It Report B:00 "The Love Boat" 3:00 (23) Masterpiece Theatre 9:30 (6) Movie 9:30 etoles (6) All in the Family "A Boy Named Charlie (6) Movie 10:00 (10) Another World Brown" "Class of '44" (23) World Press (10) Sanford and Son j,ble Dor® 10:00 3:15 Lnford and Son (12) Danny C Marl# (23) American Short Story tctric Company (12) General Hospital (23) Washington Week in 11:00 3:30 Review 10:30 (6-10-12) News reis Rigl>» (6) Match Game 8:30 11:30 lllywood Squares (23) Lilias, Yoga and You (10) Baseball 4:00 (6) NBA Play-Off Ldy Griffith (11) In Search of Paradise (10) Johnny Carson |inity Factory (i) Confetti (23) Wall Street Week (12)Mary Hartman, Mary PEANUTS 11:00 (10) Scrambled Eggs 9:00 Hartman For all your high supplies. (12) Bonanza POWER HITTERS 50% OFF |heel of Fortune (11) Cabletronic 11 News (23) ABC News by Schulz - (23) Sesame Street tyShoW 4:30 liter Rogers 11:30 (6) Bewitched MSU SHADOWS |e of Life (10) Gilligan's Island et for the Stars S:00 by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: Lppy Days (6) Gunsmoke 27. (10) Emergency Onel PZNBALL PETE'S ■as. Yogo and You 11:55 (12) Emergency Onel I News (23) Mister Rogers' Present this Neighborhood really funny comic for 25' Ifternoon FRIDAY EVENING worth of free play! 12:00 5:30 lews ). FIRST TH-EY TOOK MILK MACHIM?. awaV, ■e That Tune (11)Cabletronic 11 News * theat coke, machime. — a^D NooJ tre. (23) Electric Company • lllisers UWLXrtjRsiTf H/Y& TAE. &ALL Tc c' 12:20 (6-10-12) Newt 5:00 Mfc. A SIMGUE, ROOAA ' FRANK & ERNEST ® |ianoc 12:30 (11) Video Tope Network sponsored by 10% MSU DISCOUNT :h for Tomorrow (23) Home by Bob Thaves Prouder Dewetewe Iters and Friends 6:30 Meridian Mall Leeeleq Mali i s Hope (6) CBS News 1:00 (10) NBC Newt |ng and the Restless (12) ABC Newt X CAN'T GET «vER Ing Show (23) Antiques THIS FE6L|NG THAT I My Children 7:00 ol Pushers (6) Hogan's Heroes SOMEIA/HERE THERE'5 1:30 (10) To Tell the Truth le World Turns (11) Capital Punishment A BOWL OF PEAn ys of Our Lives Debate Inily Feud (12) Brady Bunch Soup wriTH My Ippies to Groupers (23) Off the Record NJAME ON IT. 2:00 7:30 B.000 Pyramid (6) Price is Right THA«S (10) $100,000 Pyromid 2:30 (10) $100,000 Name That lling Light Tune THE DROPOUTS (12) $25,000 Pyromid Ifvt Gorton - by Post low-cal. completely natural ® CLEANERS FINIST ABLEWEEDS LAUNDRY QUALITY { yOuSAViaiU: FftoN n K. Ryan CLIANINO A BftOKEM HOWE/ EuPtKAA, Y Th£y 332-3537 -WHEN Bib yCJUA FARE/VIS J MMk/r... SPPARATS ? JPTHE PRESS, PERCY.' SOTA IsiDRYj: NERP ANP SNIPE TIGHT PROFESSOR PHUMBLE ® $41 BUILDING by Bill Yates SPONSORED BY: go-ec. GAMES A GIFTS FEATURING BACKGAMMON bWN'S TOWN T^TPoue^ re Brown SPONSORED BY: DooLeys J} WITH VOL) lO You Watch |n 1 i J, WOMEH ASZJE. UKE ...BUT IF IT GETS TOO MA(0/60AP y jfT 0 CO/VWepcial^.' .. you toeat it nice T TREATS YOU NLCE OUT OF UNE JW p\ 10 * ... 40U COT IT1. UM.vW. I i M &//fetes, W'J Ml _ j Today's spatial: Aztedto .43 SAM and SILO wiauM Hometown People by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker aaantiia 3SSWORD aansa nnssaa Giving Hometown ServiceI astasia aaaaaa UZZLE aaaa sa ■ooda't Littfo Prooway ana aaa anna Bervice Station 24. Munson or SPONSORED BY: Chambliss □rsa uariw araa 28. Session a.3fi anas acta We Appreciate Vour lusineii 30 Fewest 31. □ana HQS asm Traps ma QEasa 33 Feminine name 34 Hauteur nanans sansu 32 Pan or hot aasaasia aaaas 39 Nonetheless 40. asn®s® HSHSIS Upright 2. Drink la !"k'Sh dK,ees 47 44. leontyne T,ansmit 3. Lengthened .SURe WiSHWD 4b. Halt note DOWN 4. Treadle 46 Tickets 1. Endurance 5. Magazine HAVeAN ADULT 6. Masterpiece 7. Grandparental SPfiCiALONCeiN 8 Russian city AWHil£... 9. Wriggling 10. Irenic 12. Detests 16. Slight trace Lan 19. Respiratory organ 21. Joint 23. Winter decorations 25. Grasshopper 26. Admire Unis 29. Spanish Queen 32. Scuds 34. Gremlins 35. Kernel 36. Assam silkworm 38. Canal or Lake 41. Bill 43. Massachusetts cape 20 Mlchigon Slot* News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Frld°V. April 29 i Legislator enjoys hectic By M1CKIMAVNARD session which I think takes Rights; and is chairperson of The informality of the House, paCe 5low '■> Jondahl'. — State News Staff Writer priority I limit myself. You the Consumer's Committee. where it is not uncommon for — described it w„"" a| "It just (jets busier every learn to cut out anything you Unlike some members of the members to get together to discuss proposals in order to someday doin, . *«■ year," sighed Lynn Jondahl, lower chamber, who use the reporting work the Democrat who represents Jondahl said when he makes House floors for fiery speeches share their diverse views, is one of the body's most interest¬ East Lansing in the Michigan an appointment to make a urging on their own interests House. In his hands as he sat at his speech or appear before a group, he finds out exactly and careers, Jondahl usually stays at his desk during meet¬ ing said. characteristics, Jondahl said-'"Ppose newspapers fee| thi'.yl th'' office desk were two schedule what time the main function But if he were not ings, listening to the business a represen¬ reporters away frZ?! books filled with appointments. His secretary's lap held two will take place. That way, he said, he avoids at hand. Occasionally he will stroll to tative, he said he would still be politically active. Before he "►day j„bs. would like to y>'H| more, bulging with memos, sitting through readings of the desks of other members of elected to the House, Jondahl was shout the total get SV press releases and letters. minutes and discussions of mat¬ the "Lansing Caucus," which and some interested friends But the representative, who ters that do not relate to his includes Democratic Reps. began a group called Advocates P'ece andollegrsi^j discussio, lists "legislator" as his profes¬ appearance. Thomas Holcomb and David in the Public Interest, similar to before it is sion in the yellow House-Senate "People assume — and cor¬ Public Interest Research Group passed. N Hollister, to discuss a bill or a Directory, admitted he enjoyed rectly so — that because you local problem. in Michigan (PIRGIM). Right now, bj.i W the hectic pace of his job. live close by you can be there in But he said he does a massive The group did not get off the ■ "I'm inclined to be a worka¬ holic, anyway," he said. a matter of minutes," he ex¬ plained. amount of work behind the ground, but Jondahl said he would still like to see some kind u7edwh|sSa"lhe^2 c- Jondahl, who has represent ed the 59th district since 1973, said he learned quickly after taking office to budget his time. A typical day for the haired representative would begin with a morning commit¬ tee meeting. Jondahl sits on grey "It's too bad that people can't see the amount of work that doesn't go on in session," he said. of forum where professional people could work together on specific issues. Another project thst put a ru" for high office nil appealing, he said h» ur can make a contribution?! Michigan House. "At first I scheduled more four: Urban Affairs; Constitu¬ general things," he said. "Now, tional Revision and Women's what with Committee work and Rights; Urban Affairs; Civil "Red Hot "pS Rep. Lyn Jondahl BAR \ES FLORAL | M.S. In N.Y., M.D. In Italy OF EAST LANSING I velop their American | which combines: pre-meds now have an exciting new way to de¬ careers-a unique biomedical graduate program Special Group| | • a one-year. 36-credit course at mapr New York colleges which leads tosciences, I health degree in medical biology or bacteriology and a M S with I• ~~ _ preparation for admission beyond the first year to an Italian medical school. Also veterinary medical school. INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL EDUCATION s9." I Chartered by the Regents ol the University of the State ol New Mork 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 3 E 54 St New York 10022 • (212)832-2089 . Only 6 weeks 'til graduation! Values to June 11,1977 J30°° Graduation Announcements HTusic and multimedia Package of 10 oniy3,s contains: name & degree card (to be filled out) CHRISTIAN MUSIC AND announcement MULTIMEDIA inner & outer envelope MESSAGE BY MIKE RINESS OUY YOUR STAMPS AND MAIL THIM AT OUR POST OFFICII MAY 1.7:30p.m. WONDERS KIVA Campus Book Store 507 E. Grand River MAY! .7:30p.m. ERICKSON KIVA MSUB00TERY NO ADMISSION CHAROI The Undergraduate Book Store 225 E. Grand River OPBN TONIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. 203 E.Grand River