a ) \ VOTES WITH FORD CO. BRASS All Brondi i KgjSife 'IT tacitly approves "•'Wa _ 1 " wfyr iiscoum * African investments ' PRICED) ^ 5DAKRU - / 4 riNG * £/ K-* By MARICE RICHTER and DANIEL HERMAN State News StaH Writers vote in favor of the proposal. Stanford University holds 93,350 shares of Ford Motor stock. College Board of Directors then it would defer its holdings. announced MSU has tacitly voted to condone Ford A similar demonstration at the University JSY i'i 04" 1 Motor Co. investments in South Africa. Protests over investments in South Africa also occurred at Hampshire College in of Massachusetts, also in Amherst, was staged April 6 with no arrests. The students BLERAZO A stockholder proposal to have Ford Amherst, Mass., May 4 when about 40 were also protesting university ownership d A * divest its interest in South Africa, because of the practice of apartheid or racial students took over the first floor of the of companies with South Africa interests. Administration-Science Building. The stu¬ 01 The editor of the Daily Collegiate, the i separation in that country, is being opposed dents were protesting the university's by management. ownership of stock in companies with University of Massachusetts newspaper, said the protest and activities there interests in South Africa. The proposal is apparently being con¬ prompted students at the nearby Hampshire sidered at a Ford Motor Co. stockholders On May 6, Hampshire faculty walked out college to also object about South African meeting today, but company officials were in support of the students. The Hampshire investments. unwilling to confirm such consideration. MSU holds 8,500 shares of Ford stock, according to Stephen Terry, University assistant vice president of finance and assistant treasurer. Terry said MSU's Ford stock has market value of $460,000. a S. Africa will allow Stole Newt/Undo Broy L piece of sculpture created by James Lawton, President Clifton R. Wharton Jr. will be pounds, was broken and then pushed into the river |SU assistant professor of art, was removed Wed- idsy from It's most recent resting place in the d Cedar River. The sculpture, weighing 3,400 several weekends ago by an unknown 20 people. group of over attending the meeting. Wharton is on the Ford board of directors. A Ford spokesper¬ son refused to say what input Wharton will have on the proposal. Young's official visit WASHINGTON (AP) — The South African government, after showing considerable "The basic policy of the University is to reluctance, approved Wednesday an official U.S. request for Ambassador Andrew vote its proxies in favor of management, Young to visit next week. 'idence counters Houk unless a member of the University commun¬ The decision, announced by the State Department, broadens the dimensions of ity brings up an objection or challenge or if Young's current tour of Africa. Two other countries, Liberia and Sudan, also were there is a Security Exchange Commission added to his itinerary Wednesday while a fourth, Nigeria, was deleted until a follow-up approved proxy dispute," Terry said. trip later in the year. Terry said the vote favoring management Tensions between Young and South Africa were raised when the outspoken Smith death affected because of a standing policy ambassador questioned the legitimacy of the South African government and, on theory was which all'wa the Ann Arbor Trust Co., another occasion, said he hates to have anything to do with it. which ho'.js the stock for MSU, to vote in Then, when reports surfaced that Young would meet with militant blacks, Foreign favor of management for any proxy dispute. Minister R.F. Botha said that "if this in fact is the case, it would not be convenient for us to receive him here." James Menlove, Ann Arbor Trust vice The State Department, however, persisted through diplomatic channels in seeking By DEBBfE WOLFE rear of the property. inquest into this matter," Houk said during president and trust officer, said the proxy in I State News Staff Writer Smith left the back door with a crowbar, the news conference. "If at a later date favor of management was sent April 21 to acceptance of Young, who has invitations to address university and business groups. copyright, 1971 police said, and ran toward the officer who there is additional evidence that is present¬ the Ford Motor Co. Once in South Africa, the black, former civil rights worker ia expected to manifest » at the scene of the ahooting was in the back yard, ed to us we of course will consider it and the Carter Administration's distaste for apartheid, the system of official racial burglary suspect Michael Edwin The officer then told him to stop, police Menlove said that Ann Arbor Trust policy weigh it as we would in any case." separation and development used in South Africa. However, the administration alio is ted Wednesday that only one said, at which point Smith made a "slinging is to vote proxies "based upon investment In a third and apparently corrected counting on South Africa to help persuade the white minority government in Rhodesia considerations" solely when such proxies " foot radius of Smith when motion" toward the policeman with the to yield control to the 6.1 million blacks in the breakaway British colony. account of the shooting, Houk said at the atally shot May 4. crowbar. A second time, Smith was told to involved "social and environmental con¬ news conference that by "the facts that are However, Frederick Brown, a department spokesperson, made it clear that "it is a ftvidence offered by witnessee cerns." In MSU's case, he added, the con- stop and the officer who was in the back known to us at this time" Smith left the British initiative" and that the United States' role would be to support Britain in its J s theory advanced by Ingham yard fired a shot into the ground, missing house with a crowbar and he committed an company is instructed to vote with manage¬ drive for majority rule in Rhodesia in 1978. (Prosecutor Peter Houk this week Smith. assault upon Thelen at the bottom of the ment. h was shot in order to protect After the first shot was fired, Smith The proposal to have Ford divest its South Arrangements for Young's travel to South Africa and hit schedule once he retches back porch steps. I officer standing within the sus- there on May 21 "are still being worked out," the State Department said. He is now in turned around and began to run toward the Thelen fired a warning shot at Smith, African interests sparked protests at front part of the property, police said. One Stanford University in California earlier this Abidjan, Ivory Coast, attending a conference of U.S. ambassadors to Africa. Houk said. vis being sought by the Lansing of the officers who had been at the front week which resulted in the arrest of 294 Young is expected to stop in Ghana and Liberia later in the week before going to Smith then turned on Thelen with a connection with a burglary Lisbon, Portugal, to meet with Vice President Walter F. Mondale next weekend. door, Hersman, intercepted Smith at the crowbar in one hand and reached toward students. Mondale has a meeting scheduled in Vienna with Prime Minister John Vorster at side of the house while he held a raised him with the other while Hersman fired the confirmed Tuesday at The students occupied the Old Student which time the vice president will present the administration's case for an end to a press crowbar and shot the suspect in the chest, fatal shot, Houk said. ce that an informant had told the Union Building following a decision by the segregation. police said. When the assistant prosecuting attorney Stanford Board of Trustees to abstain on the [Smith's whereabouts at 1032 River In a later report released by Lansing (continued on page 14) proxy vote. Students wanted the board to police, four officers were said to be at the 'ted at the press conference that residence at the time of the shooting, lersman, who had fired the fatal Police in that report said there were two Smith, "saw his (Smith's) hand he thought he was graspipg for officers in back of the house and two in front when Smith was fatally wounded. BOARD VOTES AGAINST PROJECT, 7-6 Thelen, whose gun was still Upon completion of an investigation by '■ the ground and whom he felt was Lansing poice two days after the shooting And, that he (Hersman) took place, a report was handed over to the iThjt's P lelen was going to be hit with the W. when u. he ,ii "positive" only one officer . , J " prosecutor's office. Houk then concluded (Hersman) fired." 0Ver the weekend that the police handling Witnesses Wednesday reiterated of the incident was proper and justified. The following Monday, new evidence of ASMSU opposes Iran films twenty feet of Smith at the time the shooting was presented to Houk's office >ting and that the second officer after the State News obtained an affidavit By NUNZIO M. LUPO the project. educational" and is the "first time the Phillip DeFermian, who assisted Issari in within grasping distance of the from an and The Iran film project is a $247,953 Iranian people will be able to see their the production of the films, said the claims eyewitness. ■suspect until after Smith was shot. After receiving the affidavit, Houk MICHAEL WINTER contract between MSU and National Iran¬ history on film." He added that currently of the stop-the-film committee were merely Witnesses which have been inter- State News Stafl Writers ian Radio and Television (NIRT) for the there is no "purely educational film" "opinions" and that the film's producers reopened the investigation of the shooting late by the State News Ms from four J represent and Hersman, who was scheduled to return The ASMSU Student Board became production of a series of "instructional" available about Iran and the Middle East. "were not interested in the politics" of Iran. key areas, three of to work some time this week after a routine embroiled in heated discussion Tuesday films about Iran. The Shah came to power in a 1953 Based on his observations during the w'thjn a fifty foot radius of suspension for the duration of the night before voting 7-6 to support efforts of NIRT is the only radio-television network military coup and has been cited by several filming, DeFermian said the political situa¬ P'nd Smith. """■ the Committee to Stop the MSU-Iran Film in Iran and acts the central governing international human rights organizations tion in Iran did not appear to be aa investigation, had Monday off. as f"l. Lansing police issued a state- "After reviewing the affidavit provided Project. authority and censor for all broadcasts. It for torturing political prisoners. Jim Davis, member of the committee to repressive as the stop-the-film committee claimed them to be. P stating two uniformed Lansing to us by the Michigan State News and after Approached the front door of the interviewing the so-called secret witness I The bill to support the committee also also monitors a majority of the print media After discussion by the Student Board, contained a provision to send a letter to the and cultural activities. stop the film project, said the films were I "here Smith was located at 2:21 have found no additional evidence that in MSU Board of Trustees requesting the The film series, started in December designed to falsely depict the true political an upset Iranian student spoke out on the T1 third officer remained in the my opinion would justify calling a coroner's University to discontinue its involvement in 1974, traces Iran's history from 100,000 B.C. situation in Iran, which is presently under a project. "They're trying to show this to 1750 A.D. The films are for distribution dictatorial rule of the Shah. project is not political," he said. "The film is to American high schools and colleges to "We feel that these films are going to trying to mislead your attention from the inform students of the "new Iran" and its serve the purpose of the Shah," he said. The reality in Iran. Aerosols may disappear Ifft I contribution to world advancement. films, though historical in nature, would be "If you have a leaflet in your hand you M. Ali Issari, director of the film project "a gross misrepresentation of the real Iran could be in jail for three years," he said. that will only further serve the propaganda "You can't even talk." and one-time personal cameraman for the (continued Shah, has said the project "is purely aims of the Shah," he added. on page 14) under proposed statute By MICHAEL PUTZEL The industry group said fluorocarbon use in aerosols has been t> »0N (AP) — Virtually all fluorocarbon aerosol sprays declining in recent years and estimated less than 30 per cent of the 2.3 billion aerosols produced in 1976 were powered by Bm k I"?™ ty the government ttle Americ>n market in less than two years if a fluorocarbons. Wednesday becomes law. id ti i I1™' sn unprecedented joint announce- The proposed regulations Issued Wednesday will be subject to is neces««ry because the fluorocarbons can public hearings and comment for the next 60 days. A decision on weather itially 8kln u-S °Zone l,yer' wllich protects life on earth from whether to go ahead with the ban will be made after the comment inside cancer-causing ultraviolet rays of the sun. period ends. E°n Atmospheric Sciences, an industry group, said A handful of products classified as essential would be exempted Live In a dormitory? Some¬ How'd you like Wednesday from the ban, including contraceptive vaginal foams, inhalers used one has been eating your cafe¬ sunshine? Well, you'll get more ond . a.se out Proposal would require study, but a by asthma sufferers, cytology fixatives used in cancer diagnosis, a teria meals - and rating them. today, about five degrees more, :nt claimed woul<1 ,sve con,uraers moneyls the mine safety warning device, ejectors used to remove plastics from See page 3. with clear skies. molds and flying insect sprays used on airplanes and in commercial Reason for the warmth: Uni¬ td°cnI!!Ct'tl,e bln woul<1 eliminate nearly 700 million food handling areas. versities and high degrees go it, fed in spraying deodorants, pesticides, together. The three government agencies that joined to announce the P ^ industry Sfi°ners '" ''"ts not moan v"rious house 1,0,(1 cleaners, iposal are the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental >tection Agency and Consumer Product Safety Commission. aerosols would no longer be available. 2 Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigor TW"V«oyn,„ Nixon to Judge opens door disco foreign policy! for SSTin N.Y. next NEW YORK (AP) - In a ruling that brought joy in Paris and outrage in Queens, a federal judge London and Paris is a must if the Concorde is to be commercially profitable. WASHINGTON interview! New York Gov. Hugh Carey and Donald R. (AP) _ declared Wednesday that New York's airports Richard Nixon, in his second t !n 1970- Nixon J had no right to bar the supersonic Concorde Manqs, borough president of Queens, site of television interview, portrays ganger as havl,l tions about jetliner. Air France immediately announced it Kennedy Airport, both called on the Port Soviet leader Leonid I. the dnJT "1 Brezh¬ sion once NpporSl would begin flights from Paris to New York next Authority to appeal Pollack's decision. And New York's Mayor Abraham D. Beame said he would nev as a firm and sophisticated 5? ,u"y month. adversary while the two super¬ it wmJJM Judge Milton Pollack in his decision said the continue to oppose SST service here "unless the powers pursued a mutual policv Later, after stud,,, J »t Kent State plane was entitled to a 16-month test at Kennedy appropriate environmental criteria, such as noise of detente. and Airport, just as it is having in Washington. The and air pollution standards, are met." Nixon, sources said, credits versifies, Nixon saLll latter test was ordered by the federal govern¬ "I disagree with the decision; I expect it will be appealed," Carey said. "... I believe that the Brezhnev with being less vola¬ wanted to cut thTjjJ ment. tile and having a firmer £0"8 Nixon,"> theCambodia Pollack ruled that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey which operates metro¬ landing and take off of the Concorde at this time could have grave consequences. It would convey than his predecessor, the grasp late the position sources^ Nikita Khrushchev, who broke that di^S to the people who are impacted by this decision natural politan airports could not overrule federal policy up the 1960 summit*jneeting in consequeD«r| the clear impression that the Port Authority, his decision to mandating Concorde test runs. But he stopped short of formally granting the faster-than-sound which has the responsibility to maintain noise and Paris with a denunciation of there until 1973 maintai J American spy-plane aircraft access to Kennedy. other environmental standards, is left without Reconnais¬ sance of the Soviet Usion. The Port Authority said Pollack's decision power and due process to carry out its important David Frost's second inter¬ would be appealed. However, a spokesperson pointed out that the next .legal move under the functions." However, Pollack, who gave lawyers 10 days to view show with Nixon is scheduled for broadcast First gro( judge's decision is actually up to British Airways draw up papers for implementing his decision, tonight at 7:80 EDT over a and Air France. makeshift said he was not ruling on the conflict between the They were given 10 days to submit a request for an injunction or other measure to implement local ban and international treaties and foreign network of 156 stations. The show is devoted to foreign nixed policy. policy. V the decision. The appeal would follow action by In Howard Beach, Queens, one of the Nixon offers his appraisal of the two airlines which fly the Concorde. In Paris, nevertheless, Air France said it is proceeding on the basis that its suit was won and neighborhoods immediately affected, Eleanor Purchil, a homeowner said: "Everyone's going to former Secretary of State Hen¬ ry A.Kissinger, as well as the busing | riot." Howard Beach has been prominent in the twoSoviet leaders, and empha¬ scheduled its first Concorde flight to New York for June 20. An appellate court, however, could campaign to keep the plane out. sizes that he himself originated V LOUISVILLE, Louisville, in the leJJJ K.J the attempted reconciliation upset this timetable. The plane has been in service between Applause for the ruling came, however, from Lewis Rudin, chairperson of the Association for a with Communist China. a School busing ed the pin J Washington and the European cities on a Better New York, who urged immediate steps to While lacking the emotional anew I m community, hi 16-month trial basis since last May. Opponents of impact of Watergate, the sole controvm, J prepare for tests of the Concorde to "give the SST judge's Ruling that 5| " the aircraft have maintained it is noisy, polluting a fair chance to topic of last week's program, will not bV'bused. prove itself here." the second Nixon show was and uneconomical. U.S. Dish British Airways and Air France concede that In Seattle, a spokesperson for the Boeing Corp. considered sufficiently attrac¬ Judge jJ Gordon ruletnlate ft Concorde ran up a {54 million loss in its first year said that while the airplane manufacturer wants tive to viewers to cause Presi¬ to see the Concorde fly in and out of New York, dent Jimmy Carter to move up first-graders are em of operation. They and the plane's developers, his who developed and marketed the plane, maintain there are no immediate plans for development of Dressed in an authentic Dutch costume, Gov. William G. MUliken takes his own news conference on his desegregatios an American SST because of the part in ruled after pleas b|l that the North Atlantic route from New York to energy shortage. the traditional street-sweeping which marks the first overseas trip. opening ceremonies of the 48th officials who arpedhj annual Tulip Festival in Holland, Mich. In reviewing the controver¬ ers are sial U.S. incursion into Cambo- emotionally in to be bused. The Kentucky Nan Wednesday criticized^ Israeli copter crashes; 54 left dead as politically Tom Hogan, a motivakl lawyerM tiffs in the suit that lijf TEL AVIV (AP) An Israeli military helicopter crashed and desegregation plan, L — helicopter make a half-turn and then disappear from sight. would appeal the rutM exploded in the occupied West Bank, killing all 54 servicemen "I heard an explosion followed by several more smaller aboard in the nation's worst air force disaster, officials announced explosions," he said. Gordon, who two ja Wednesday. ordered busing of ua The tragedy plunged the nation into mourning and Entertainment portions of a Jerusalem celebration of the 10th 20,000 of the cityilL prompted politicians to suspend campaigning for the May 17 election. anniversary of the 1967 war were canceled, and the Israeli cabinet jected enrollment dl Vance sees 'signs of movement' in talks The state radio said 10 crewmen and 44 passengers were killed in met on receiving the news. students, said m the crash that occurred during maneuvers Tuesday. The previous worst air force disaster in Israel's history occurred classes here are r MADRID, Spain (AP) — Secretary of "Let Lt. Gen. Mordechai Gur, Israeli chief of staff, told newsmen the in November 1975 when 20 soldiers were killed in the crash of a grated now and its. me put it this way — it's a better the youngsters are"« aircraft carried paratroopers and their officers. He said that while Hercules transport State Cyrus R. Vance said Wednesday he understanding of the requirements of plane into mountains in the Sinai Desert. the cause had not been pinpointed, an inquiry committee had ruled very high risk ol fails. sees "some each other with respect to the signs of movement" in Middle key out the possibility of foul play, such as an attack by Palestinian . Tuesday's accident occurred five miles west of the Jordan River, He said busing ■ East talks that show o "better under¬ issues," the secretary said. He declined Gur said. He said the helicopter plunged to the ground after crease the risk of M guerillas. standing among the parties" of what to be more specific because it might be "a A paratrooper told the Israeli armed forces radio he saw the ciimbinga few hundred feet. Wreckage was reportedly spread over the emotionally imn each requires in a permanent peace. little early for that." a 200-yard radius. "easily excitable" Sr "Don't let me exaggerate this. . . Th* Stat* News it publiihad by the there's no major movement at this point," Vance said he told Israeli day daring Fall. Wlnl.r and Spring Foreign during Summtr term, and a spatial OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 Vance told reporters en route to Madrid Minister subscription rat* is *20 par y*ar. Yigal Allon about the signs of to meet with the Spanish king. "But I see movement during o two-hour discussion some signs of movement among the in London before the secretary flew to parties. . . Spain. cor* ol MSU M*ss*ng*r S*rv.c*, East lans.ng, Mich. 46823 GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT I. BUILARD, SALES MANAGER New British ambassador named LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister James British Foreign Secretary David Owen at Callaghan's son-in-law, Peter Jay, was a Foreign Office news conference. Owen named Wednesday as Britain's new emphasized that the decision to appoint ambassador to the United States. Jay, 40, was his and not Callaghan's. Jay is currently economics editor of the Jay, who is expected to take up his post in July, met President Carter Times of London newspaper. during the weekend's seven-nation summit meet¬ He reploces Sir Peter Ramsbotham, ing. who has been in Washington since 1974 "They got on very well together," said and is taking over as governor and a spokesperson for the Foreign Office. commander-in-chief of Bermuda. He said the meeting had been Carter's The announcement made was by idea. BROWSE ROUND GIFT SHOP BROOKUELD PLAZA UW E. GRAND RIVER. 332-5179 Conferees agree on spending plan BADGIS, AWARDS WASHINGTON (AP) - House and tests in both chambers, which differed AND TBOPHHS Senate budget conferees agreed Wed¬ widely on the slice of the budget to be MARVt HELEN REED nesday on an initial $460.9 billion allocated to defense. spending plan, including $111 billion for 130550. CEDAR The compromise defense. budget resolution LANSING, ML 4B910 was The agreement projects a deficit tentatively set for a vote in the 517374-1634 of Senate Friday and in the House $64.6 billion. Tuesday. YVES SAINT LAURENT The issue was considered Agreement on the key defense figure, close in the House, which especially after three days of hard rejected an Take French leave of your broke a deadlock that had threatened bargaining, earlier resolution after liberals deserted halt work on spending bills for the to it on the defense issue. They contended work-a-day cares and relax in year that the Pentagon was not subjected to as beginning Oct. 1. However, the tentative budget faces tight spending control as departments the naturally cool comfort of cotton administering social programs. sportswear designed by Swine flu vaccine the fashion Innovator. may be stockpiled Knit shirt: bearing the YSL A1LANTA (AP) — The nation's supply in about a month. of swine flu vaccine is a valuable "Such vaccine usually is good for IB PLASTIC 6 METAL ENGRAVING CB OR signature. Beige, white, yellow, resource and it may be stockpiled for as months, but with proper refrigeration it SQUARE DANCE BADGES, JEWELRY, SILVER red or blue. S-M-L-XL. 17.50 long as 10 years, the national Center for can be kept for up to 10 years," Millar DISHES, MUGS, PLAQUES AND TROPHIES Disease Control said Wednesday. said in an interview. Cuffed shorts: Ivory poplin About 88 million doses, worth $40 million, hove been collected by the states. Public health officials ore The vaccine (s part of the $135 million Attention Golfers with front pleats. 30 to 38 trying to program voted by Congress during the waist sizes. 22.50 determine how to store the vaccine, said Dr. J. Donald Millar, director of the CDC's administration of then-President Gerald R. Ford and called "the tragedy of the — Quality Golf Balls — Bureau of State Services. past year" by Health, Education and Final recommendations are expected Welfare Secretary Joseph Califano. Shags $1.20 a dozen! JacobBoiiB Thursday, May 12, 1977 J CATA INTEGRATION PLAN CAUSE iouncilmembers blast 'U' , By MICHAEL ROUSE See related story on page 16. The bua integration plan nearly suffered Coffman said University officials have not J State New Staff Writer a fatal blow when the Farm Lane bridge been too keen on the idea of giving up land ■ Lansing City Council members Mayor George Griffiths suggested hold¬ was closed to heavy vehicles. An alternate on the south side of Grand River Avenue so Ihe University Tuesday night for its ing off on implementing the plan until the route using Bogue Street was developed by the street can be widened according to Looperateon the proposed Capital University comes up with the money. the planning department and CATA offi¬ recommendations of the state Department Vsnsportation Authority (CATA) - Letters stating the city's position would cials that could be implemented in Septem¬ of Highways and Transportation. 1 service integration plan. be sent to state Rep. Lynn Jondahl, D-East ber for a trial period. |,ue came during a discussion of the Lansing and state Sen. Earl Nelson. MSU has failed to cooperate with the city The alternative the city is trying to avoid Eojected 45 per cent increase in D-Lansing, as well as the MSU Board of of East Lansing in several instances, Owen is trimming the median to widen each lane ftions to CATA - from $85,000 to Trustees, Griffiths said. said. by two feet. in a work session on the 1977-78 js service integration plan would iQ CATA bus routea swing onto Lith seven stops. Rjders would pay (per ride and buses would arrive PIRGIM project director ft minutes. Xirpose of the integration would be ■port students, faculty and East ■ residents back and forth between nd off campus areas across enue and would not intentionally Grand named in politics dispute | with the existing MSU bus By MICHAEL MACKSOOD because staff employes are employed by the date" and he will have to consider if a total cost of $82,270 for the Anderson engaged in the alleged support State News Staff Writer students and therefore staff employes [ the University's share would be In a public statement released Wednes¬ should not try to influence campus elec¬ and whether this type of support was {ssed on the number of miles the day, PIRGIM's state executive director, tions. improper. Id run through campus. Joseph Tuchinsky, named project director An anonymous source close to PIRGIM Tuchinsky said PIRGIM's bylaws place Manager Jerry Coffman received a Marion Anderson as the staff employe who said the improper support Anderson is limitations on the political activity of staff Jem MSU Assistant Vice Preaident was charged with misconduct and conflict of alleged to have given involved calling up an members but the section pertains to JeB.Simon stating that MSU would interest by three MSU-PIRGIM board MSU PIRGIM member and telling the national, state and local political elections ■ any financial support for the plan. members. person to vote for a particular candidate rather than internal PIRGIM elections. ■University does not consider it The grievance, filed by Ann Tydeman, and to suggest to their friends to also vote "My responsibility is to attempt to ■ate to extend money to East resolve the MSU-PIRGIM board chairperson, and fel¬ for this candidate. grievance by mediation and try [for this purpose," Simon's letter low board members Jeff Moore and Ed The grievance was formally filed Tuesday to get the two sides to agree on a solution," Sir Hans A. Krebs Smith, charged that Anderson gave impro¬ with Tuchinsky, who will have 10 working Tuchinsky said. mission with a large group of If Tuchinsky rules against Anderson he [ Councilmember John Polomsky per support to a candidate for an MSU-PIR¬ days to make a ruling on the matter. GIM board position. The grievance said Tuchinsky said Anderson is "alleged to will recommend disciplinary action to the I were "upset that MSU would not state board which may range from an Scientist Krebs there was a "serious conflict of interests" have taken action to get votes for a candi- ng students on campus." informal reprimand to suspension. nember Larry Owen said the city Anderson, in a statement about the | able to pay the full cost, but said grievance filed against her, said that "her j between the city and the alleged improper support of a candidate for ■rill be important in the future if election to the campus board must be II CATA routes include stops on V employes report examined in the context of a long-stand¬ Bauch as a run to the medical center, ■jniversity cannot be autonomous Its when It other it serves its purposes and times when it serves its ing debate about the goals and structure of PIRGIM." At the beginning of this term the MSU-PIRGIM board voted to withhold the says origin- V Owen said. sexual harassment $8,341 in spring term contributions to PIRQIM which previously committed vigor essential were to pay expenses budgeted by the state board. By JUDY PUTNAM panel State News Staff Writer Pinching, teasing, sexual innuendos, and women getting fired for not "giving" at the office all form the problem of sexual harassment on the job, a problem which extends to Tydeman and Moore, who voted in favor of this action, said they believed the campus have proven themselves, and they should PIRGIM should retain a large portion of the By MICHAEL MACKSOOD State News Staff Writer then be given full support," Krebs said. University employes. MSU student contributions to be used |tes, rates About one-fourth of 77 female janitors In a University department who were interviewed have experienced some form of on-the-job sexual harassment. locally instead of on the state level. Both Tydeman and Moore, who filed the Sir Hans A. Krebs, winner of the 1953 Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine who Unproductive scientists who occupy a lot of space hinder others weeded out, he said. and should be Stemming from complaints of sexual harassment, the survey was completed by 77 out is lecturing MSU audiences today, said of 96 females in the department. A grievance against a foreman, filed by the employes' grievance against Anderson, are running universities are largely responsible for the "Researchers, especially those with ten¬ cuisine union, is currently being processed. Joan Nelson, who was contracted by Local 1585 of the American Federation of State, for reelection. Both Anderson and the candidate she was productivity of scientists. Krebs, in an interview, said many ure, who are not particularly productive should be given other responsibilities in County and Municipal Employes (AFSCME) to conduct the survey, said that the results alleged to have improperly supported do scientists who start "promisingly and administration and teaching," Krebs said. not agree with the action of the present He said many of the productive scientists _ By ED HON are probably conservative. brilliantly slow down after a while and show ■ State News StaH Writer "Based on the replies to other questions, my personal feeling was that a whole lot more MSU-PIRGIM board. a sharp drop in productivity, when still are hindered in their research by being overburdened with teaching and admini¬ jonder who decides what food is had gone through similar experiences," said Nelson, who teaches self-defense for Tuchinsky said the dispute about the rather young" and only a relatively small | the cafeterias? women. campus board's retention of student contri¬ number continue to do research with strative duties. ia taste panel of eight students "Administrators must see that every The women were asked to identify forms of harassment ranging from "leering, butions previously earmarked for the state "undiminished vigor." [to sample new recipes and brands person is employed to the best of their ' suggestive looks" to "subtle or out-and-out threats to your job or working conditions if organization cannot be separated from the Krebs said those who organize scientists e if they are suitable for actively increase the productivity of ability," Krebs said. "Some people simply you didn't cooperate." present grievance. can amption. don't have original ideas and so are not good ed by Residence Hall Aaaoclation While 19 complained of sexual harassment, 28 said that they knew of experiences Tuchinsky has requested the University scientists. researchers." le committee samples the foods by against other women. Of these, there were 12 reports of other female custodians administration not remove the $8,341 from "It's very simple. Those in charge of "Often lack of imagination is the reason (continued on page 5) the MSU account until the matter is organizing scientists, such as universities, karance, color, flavor and texture must strive to get good people, those who for sterility," he said. "The list of publi¬ resolved. ■fates them on a scale of one to five, cations of many a scientist shows that he ■re usually means the samples will only had one idea in his career and this was ■ being used in the residence hall often suggested by the supervisor." Krebs said there are also many other ■ here to serve the studenta so we distractions which diminish a scientist's mWr:] l\ ■five them what they like," aaid research productivity. in, residence hall food "Scientists are perpetually tempted away apecialiat. lents, who are on the committee from science to administration, positions of ■ SHA or because they have power and teaching. Successful scientists ■« about the food in the paat, take are offered invitations to travel, to lecture ■ seriously. and to attend conferences," he said. »t Krebs said personality characteristics complain about the food con- W not do anything constructive such as a curiosity to find out something ■ ®'d," junior Fran Meyer said. new by research are needed to help IJ ■ jnd ■ ™od at Brody ' give suggestions to the they also can try to get on iunior. had complaints >.yy>v rt r;3 Photo by Debbie Ryan scientists overcome these distractions. Krebs is a British biochemist born in Hildesheim, Germany, in 1900. He left Germany in 1933 as a refugee, won the Nobel Prize in 1953, was knighted in Complex so he got on Pepper Cory, alias the "Bionic England in 1958 and now conducts research ■•it's not going to Quilter," is showing her collec¬ at Radcliffe Infirmary at Oxford. change things tion of quilts from her quilt shop Krebs' work has involved discovering T™ said. "But since I've been on, at Eustace Hall. She has several metabolic pathways, including the famous T» seems to have improved." tricarboxyiic-acid cycle (Krebs cycle) which J" students meet every Wednes- ** «st kitchen of Williams Hall. f'l antique quilts that have been made as well as some recently. describes the stages of oxidation of all foodstuffs in living cells. I!i!eparate c,rre1' »° they cannot I Tand tMte the umples. The * la V £ 8 S M ■ ■ ■ Speaking about the regulation of recom- binant-DNA research, Krebs said the work must be left in the hands of people who are [Inthead tatt'mpt* 10 ,llnul4. challenged by members of the State Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas G. Intertwined with this problem is the University community or in cases is» of disputes adjudicated by the Kavanagh's suggestion to institute a legislative reapportionment. The task of drawing letj* district boundaries is presently left to a Securities and Exchange Com¬ appointment method for the selection of appeals court judges is a commendable effort at establishing commission which is usually fourS mission. When divided the commission drops hopelessly dj» judicial nonpartisanship. reapm This policy is immoral. It is The state Supreme Court is still tethered to the ment in the laps of the Supreme Court immoral because it transforms antiquated political party nomination routine. With to (Qj human beings — such as those Reapportionment should be a legislative i party politicking and affiliation, justices inevitably judicial, function. The problem is that the'a Thursday, May 12, 1977 oppressed by apartheid in South succumb to the dictates of Africa into numbers on a partisanship. when mired in politics, will decide on editorials ore the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns — Kavanagh knows first-hand about this problem. reopM and letters are personal opinions. balance sheet. No person of ment according to the dictates of As a Democratic incumbent, he refused to campaign political bow Editorial Department twist to this political pretzel is that two responsibility within MSU had for Democrats running for other offices, and lost his court i are up for grabs in the 1978 physical or intellectual contact election. Which Editor-in-chief Mary n ChickShaw Layout Fred van Hortesveldt with the actual process of the party's nomination as a result. Kavanagh ran as an party gains a majority on the court cuu i Managing Editor Bob Ourlian Photo Editors Moggie Walker.Laura Lynn Fistler Dave Misialowski Copy Chief Tracy Reed independent and was elected. legislative reapportionment decisions in itsowil Opinion Editor proxy vote. The responsibility for City Editor Michael Tanimuro Wire Editor Joyce Laskowsk, Kavanagh's proposal would institute a constitu¬ interests. The 1980 reapportionment will be Campus Editor Carole Leigh Hutton Staff Representative John Casey casting this vote rested with Ann tional amendment, subject to the approval of voters, until 1992. hi Sports Editor TomShanohan Freelance Editor Anne Stuart Arbor Trust Co. MSU has ef¬ which would leave appointments of appeals court Entertainment and Book Edi tor Donna Bokun fectively closed its eyes and justices to the legislature. Though partisanship Kavanagh's proposals to extricate the qp Advertising Department washed its hands of the matter. would still intrude, justices would not be required to court system from entangling political allium^ Advertising Manager DanGerow Assistant Advertising Manager CeciCorfield The acute and horrendous suf¬ get down in the gutter of political infighting in worthy of careful scrutiny and should be uctri fering in South Africa, a direct campaigns, making promises they cannot keep. with dispatch. Following It a litl of Ihott representatives who hovo expreiisd thoir luppofltvj was thrown in. morlfuono decriminalization bill, letters ond phone collt to these ropr*tsntativsisrse|l Hopefully in the near future a committee to bolster their positions. We wonder why they did this. Why did a for sculpture at MSU will be formed. group of individuals decide to drown some Insurance on an artist's work will inevitably art? Did they understand what the artist be necessary. was trying to convey by his contemporary This incident must not deter present or work? If they didn't, did they try to? 1532? Gilchrist, Detroit 41227 future work from being shown publicly. 321 CapitolSldg..Lansing4390? 373 4990 the childish use of foul language and words What ever happened to respect for a Antiobscenity which are so "versatile" that they have person's work, an individual's work? It shouldn't matter what his/her occupation We are most surprised that people this area have done such a thing. from 19541 Cronbrook, Apt. lit.Detroit 41300 become totally meaningless. 320 B Capitol Bldg.. tensing 40909 373 3274 I commend the State News is, be it a doctor, lawyer, shopworker, MSU sculpture students I would like to reply to the management for sticking to its ethics (Victorian or football player or artist. We can't fathom B701 LaSallo Blvd., Detroit 41204 column by Bob Ourlian, which appeared in the State News on Monday. Mr. Ourlian otherwise) and hope that they will continue anyone throwing a stethoscope or football 112 Capitol Bldg.. Lansing, 41909 373 2417 was complaining about having to proofread to do so. I'm sure there are many of us who into the river just because he/she hates Cult plague 19437 articles in order to remove obscenities from appreciate it. doctors or football players. Ryan Rd, Detroit 40234 A total lack of sensitivity on their part 313 Mutual Bldg., Lansing 48909 373 0104 them. He says that being required to do this Linda Ottosen is a waste of time as well as an infringement and ignorance in its worse sense was In my four years at MSU, I and many 1226 S. Hubbard Hall 5951 Whlttler. Detroit 4B224 of the right to free speech. exhibited by this cruel act. others have been plagued by unwanted 320 D Capitol Bldg., Lansing 41909 373 1903 It seems to me that an important part of The sad part is that it solicitations by various "religious cult" possibly ruined a an editor's job (Mr. Ourlian is managing editor) is to edit — to remove things that Destroyed art potentially good thing for MSU. One reason for placing the sculpture on organizations on campus. The University prohibits other types of unwanted soliciting 1502 Defer PI., Detroit4B2I4 404 Mutual Bldg.. Lansing 4B909 373 1774 campus was to would be detrimental to the publication. Where are people coming from when they make a clear introduction of contemporary in the dorm complexes, such as door-to-door 5741 Pennsylvania. Detroit 40213 And obscenities are indeed detrimental. start throwing works of art in the river? salesmen. These "religious cults" are in fact sculpture to MSU and to the Lansing area. 314 Mutual Bldg.. loosing 40909 3731001 Aside from offending a sizable What business of selling religion. If one makes the mistake of portion of was it anyone to Contemporary sculpture is a booming art the readership, they only serve to illustrate maliciously destroy an artist's work? Jim movement in America today. People should talking to them, his or her own beliefs are 2425 W. Grond Boulevard. Detroit 40200 the ignorance of writers who are unable to Lawton's sculpture wasn't hurting anyone be grateful for being exposed to the fresh challenged if not condemned, and they 310 Mutual Bldg.. loosing 40909 373-0044 express themselves without resorting to in its place by the Red Cedar River when it direction art has taken. make it their mission to save you. 2254 leland. Detroit 40207 Religion is a personal matter and there is 320 A Capitol Bldg.. Lansing 40909 373-3414 no "right" or "wrong" way to practice it. TRC very helpful Members of these groups should worry 1214 Cascade. Vpsilontl 40197 to community more the about their own salvation. Because of injustices they commit against those they are trying to convert, they are the 10 Capital Bldg., Lansing 40909 332 Riverslda Dr.. Wyandotte 40192 219 Mutual Bldg., Lansing 40909 373-0140 373-0140 By CHARLES IPCAR specialized follow-up assistance. These are activities of MTRC. ones who are likely to burn in hell. In recent days several local landlords the basic have sharply attacked what counseling activities that the city It is certainly not true that TRC adopted 5022 Treat ltd., *2, Adrian 49221 they view as of East Lansing helps subsidize in its Now we are plagued with "I found it" 110Capitol Bldg., Lonslng40909 373 0021 the policy and services of the Tenants any position on the rent control issue last contract with the center. Resource Center (TRC). first at an East fall, nor has it ever advocated the elimina- graffiti on the blackboards of our class¬ It is true that TRC is affiliated with tion rooms. Two years ago it was "Josh is 1424 Grand Asa.. Kalamazoo 49007 a or transformation of the private rental Lansing City Council budget hearing and 304 Mutual Bldg.. Lansing 40909 373 1705 Coming" and other such sales pitches. We subsequently in a letter to the State News are paying to have professors write on the on May 3. The coordinating staff of TRC "When people bring a problem to 2520 Rambling Rd., Kalamazoo 49000 TRC, our counselors clarify boards. The students at MSU deserve clean would like to state once again just what what has happened, provide 104 % Capitol Bldg.. Lansing 40909 373-1774 services our center does provide to those empathy when appropriate, find out blackboards at the start of class. what the client wants to do and then outline with housing related concerns and to alternative ways 532 Elm St.. Ann Arbor 40104 that the client might use to resolve the If people want to belong to these 303 Capitol Bldg., Lansing 40909 373-2577 respond to some of the accusations raised problem." organizations, they will seek them out and by our critics. join them without the need for religion 1501 Vormont Avo., lonslng 40904 There are no restrictions restrictions who can statewide on wno housing lobby group called the housing system. The politics of individual salesmen and their marketing ploys. Let us 217 Mutual Bldg., Lansing 40909 373-0024 utilize our »erv.ces. In a u«,,^uu. typical month some Michigan Tenants Rights Coalition (MTRC). members of TRC are a private matter who do not want to belong to or hear about 300 tenants, landlords and other people do MTRC played a major role last year in However, the center is very concerned that these "religious cults" live our lives in peace 2931 Hemlock Place, Lansing 40910 gh the vast ma)°rity of secur,n8 the passage of an eviction reform all counselors do a JUVU and not have to put up with their hassle. 303Capitol Bldg., Lansing 40909 373-1770 TRC o iKv clients are young adult tenants, no one - » good JVU job VI of piunuuig providing information information to to tho«o those inuni«itk Gerald A. Eidt with housing should be surprised by this fact given that 409 E. Wilson HaU 544 Colllngwood Dr.. East lonslng 40023 this particular group is least familiar with problems. 311 Mutual Bldg.. Lansing 4B909 373-1704 It is true that TRC serves as a basic housing rights and responsibilities. repository for a variety of When people bring a problem to TRC, o„. housing literature; local B5 Corr Rd., Pontloc 40050 counselors clarify what has housing studies, position papers, media Jail study 317 Mutual Building, lonslng 40909 373-047 happened, articles, legislation, court decisions and provide empathy when appropriate, find out what the client wants to do bill; this new law helps insure that the booklets. Many students find our files 931 W. Elmwood. Clawson 40017 outline alternative and then proCess of eviction takes place in an orderly invaluable for preparing housing research "J" 3rd Fl. Capitol Bldg.. Ions 40909 373-17 ways that the client fashion, including a hearing before a judge, Last Thursday you published a letter might use to resolve the problem. Booklets papers. rather than a physical confrontation be- from Richard Poynton in which he suggest¬ 22 Church, Mt. Clamens 40043 Frankly, it would be surprising if some landlords did not find it in their interests to ed that Sheriff Kenneth Preadmore "wants 1I7'/,B Capital Bldg.. Lansing 40909 373-0151 a nice 'safe' study to be conducted to attack TRC, especially if our counselors had rationalize an expansion of the (Ingham 710 McKlnley. Flint 40507 "Frankly, it would be surprising if some landlords did not find provided their tenants information which 221 Capitol Bldg.. Lansing 40909 373-751 helped reclaim a security deposit or secured County) jail" As a member of the Ad Hoc it in their interests to attack TRC, especially if our counselors compliance with local housing codes. Other Committee appointed by the County Board 223 Juniper Dr., Davison 40423 had not provided their tenants of Commissioners to recommend action in information which helped reclaim more fair-minded landlords recognize that 121 Mutual Bldg-Lansing 40909 373 " a security deposit or secured compliance with local housing TRC is a valuable service to this area. I can report that the proposal for themselvea such a study came not from the sheriff, but codes." when it provides landlords 1920 Philadelphia Ave 5E, Grand information about new up-to-date from members of the committee. In my 220 Capitol Bldg., Lansing 40909 373-0040 codes or when it outlines to housing laws and opinion, $500 is a small sum to pay for data responnbiiife, as well as their tenants their on which to base a decision to build a facility 029N. Kontvlow Dr., Nt. Grand Rapid'> 302 Mutual Bldg- Lansing 4890? "j05 right,. which will cost minimum of $1.5 million. SSS a Finally. TRC no longer has a policy which SPPffSx Hopefully, itwill assist committee members in deciding whether that is the best route to follow or whether there are viable alter-' Mtive"' 2735 Wollesloy Or- T-7 Annex, Saginaw 40403 lonslng 40909 373-1797 client to 4027 Davarlana. Bay City 40704 |# an agency that can provide Frank Dennis more housing reform legislation through the e seem a from home on the edge of the foun- Conservation Workshops Pro¬ i in front of the Library where they sit, unperturbed, day after day, gram Office, Federal Energy $3.99 isionally eyeing the people passing by. The fact that someone was working Administration, Washington, offer good Thursday May 12 I their fountain didn't even bother them. D.C. 20461. through Saturday May 14 STORE HOURS DON'T MISS DOC AND MERLE THIS THURSDAY 10 to 9 Daily AND FRIDAY AT MARIAH !!! ludget Store ten's Clothing Sell Out Over 1000 THE ODDS ARE Men's Quality SUITS How Close to 15 TO $49*° to s79'° Campus Can 15 days left to save Over 5000 You Get? MEN'S SLACKS ON-CAMPUS HOUSING to $3498 OFFERS: IHOLDEN REID OR BUDGET STORE $1000p pair Less • The convenience of living 424 Frandor Ave., Frandor Center (aometimee In the eante I Next to Woolworth Store Hours: 10-9 dally buildings) g The convenience of .ecrention room, etndy room, lanndry facilltlea. tv roona, and daily maintenance • No utility bille, no phone ioetallation charge • Meale ready when yon want them—with no clean opt • On campue bae earvica practically to and from yonr front door • Where yonr neighbore become yonr friends • Hall goveramnnt eponeored activitlee (partins, sports, K Per RidesMon. thru Sat.#May 9-14 Fall Term Sign-llps seminars, movies) It's National Transportation Woekl STUDENTS NOW LIVING ON CAMPUS Check with your housing clerk Everybody rides for a nickle on ony C.A.T.A bus at any time STUDENTS NOW LIVING OFF CAMPUS MSU Rvsidtncv Halls for a whole week! Get to know C.A.T.A! Take a ride on the bus Make your housing deposit at the ON-Campus Living today! For route and schedule information, coll 394-1000. Residence Halls Assignments Office THE EASY UFE W-190 Holmes Hall 355-7460 l^£PJlR^W6RJRRnS^2RTRTWnjFIUIHORin^^dl^JRRntC^^jLRnSin^4891^^^ £ Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Thursday, Mfly „!■ 1977 Bethea's anxious and confident; Baum gets soccer job] doesn't want last shot wasted was aide three years out of the charismatic Spartan condition I've ever been in at work the hell out of us. 230 to 236 pounds and he says By KIM SHANAHAN "Ed Rutherford By TOM SHANAHAN he hopes to play between 240 left the m«„ he sat in his Holden Hall time in my football career," "Now I'm getting big and Joe Baum's perseverance has finally paid State News Sports Writer as any strong and I've been successful and 250 next fall. And he said off. program in excellent shape f„,U It's come down to year for MSU the final all-Big Ten dormitory room Wednesday afternoon and explained how Bethea said. "I'm in super condition and I could start the gaining size and strength. I feel carrying the extra weight won't After three years as Ed Rutherford'a "Id. "He produced thrXt^M defensive tackle Larry Bethea anxious he was for the 1977 season tomorrow. I attribute it it will be an added dimension to cost him any speed, as he said it unpaid soccer assistant, he was named the to their program (Coach Darryl me because of my quickness." will be much easier for him to head coach of the MSU booters last week. and he isn't about to waste it. season to get started. Ideas and optimism poured "This is probably the best Rogers and his staff) — they Last year Bethea played at play with the added strength. on Bethea will play his same role the Spartan defense that Baum wu an all-Midwest soccer con¬ ference goalie his senior year in 1969 and has held two coaching jobs since then. He la 2^"'£r,S;,?,s4 "firtant at the Univer,it'7? Edwardsville from 1969 throurt "4 needs much improvement over presently a full-time counaelor for the the last season. Even though he did Lansing Public Schools, but will quit counsel¬ University from 1972 of Wisconsin* G'll not get to switch to linebacker through 1974, ing next fall to coach and work toward a where all the tackles are made, As the new head coach, master's degree in physical education. B,um Bethea says he likes the role of the pursuit tackle. Meanwhile, Rutherford, who has coached MSU soccer for the past three seasons, will a. contacts he made at '° use S0Dle ofthe^S, Illinois and w "Most of the defense is centered on the guys up front move up to the position of assistant to Athletic Director Joe Kearney. He will also recruit skilled players Baum noted that fromC^ , because high schools in ua- we cause panic and dis¬ remain as the coordinator for MSLTs cheer¬ have been slow in ruption on the offense and that leaders. as adopting soccer ,ZS varsity sports, but he is makes it easier for the guys Baum had the future of soccer at behind us," he said. "I like nothing but praise for the MSU * "N exiting Rutherford. (continued on page 7| 1 tackle because I'm the kind of player to raise disruption. I have an initial assignment and after I carry it out I'm after the football. That's where my speed and quickness come in. "Most teams still won't Karate tourney at MSlj run to my side because I always play The oriental fighting art of martial arts guarantees that we on the weak side. I have to be age front the 6 year* J karate will be on tap Saturday draw the top talent," Bruce chasing and if I didn't have highest ranked, eipoi at MSU. MSU's Karate Club Henderson, instructor for the speed I'd be ineffective. I might black-belts. Forms, or will host its Uth annual club, said. grade out (coach's grade from spring individual peiVmancuA tournament beginning at noon Throughout the day there lar to game filma) at 90 per cent but gymnastichroiiti*l in the sports arena of the Men's will be competition in fighting only make five or six tackles." Tournament regis IM Building. and forms. Fighters range in But Bethea said he isn't interested in statistics or all- Sponsored by the oldest uni¬ Big Ten honors this year. He's versity karate club in the Mid¬ west, the spring tournaments putting winning as his highest priority heading into his senior SeSSC(continued regularly draw over 150 com¬ petitors. 'The rising interest in the Lansing club hosn on page 7) ice show at Munil The Lansing Skating Club is Botticelli. Franks mdBa sponsoring the United SUtes finished in third plan ill Figure Skating Association U.S. pairs championship I Memorial Fund Ice Show at The memorial fund oar Munn Ice Arena Saturday at 8 taWished after the U.S. Fq p.m. Skating Team w State Ntws/Rob Kozloff The MSU sports club is pre¬ the show and applications can Top performers will be plane crash in 191 MSU defensive tackle Larry Bethea 188) is playing the Spartans will be stronger for the 1977 season. senting a "Gong Show" Tues¬ be picked up members of the World in 231 Men's IM Figure is used as scholarship I his role as the Spartans' pursuit tackle as he chases Saturday the gridders will play an intrasquad scrim¬ day at the Rainbow Ranch to Bldg. Anyone desiring more Skating Team: Charles Tick- promising young skateniar Notre Dame quarterback Rick Stager in the loss to mage at 2 p.m. for the first real look at MSU this raise money for the operation of information can call the club ner, 1977 U.S. senior men's Junior Divisions and ah the Irish, 24-6, last fall. Bethea says that both he and MSU's several club sports. sports office at 353-5108. champion, and the pairs team of is also used to finance nit spring. Contestants are needed for Sheryl Franks and Michael and world team membeti I Latest News Annual Available LIEBERMANN'S From The Associated Press A WEST MOONLIGHT AND great new case 1976. for school or for INDIES WEEKEND SALE A year dominated by a wide- business. featuring Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band open race for President of these United States. A year in which man for the first time saw closeup photographs of Mars as scientists sought the answer to whether life existed on the Red Planet. A year of many dramatic events, including the incredible raid on Uganda's Entebbe Airport by Israeli commandoes. A year of great natural disasters, including the terrible earthquakes which devastated Italy, Guatemala and China. A year of the offbeat story photographs of the issues and events that shaped our lives in such as the kidnapping of a this turbulent news year. busload of children in Produced by the world's California. And largest news gathering agency, a year of continued "THE WORLD IN 1976" is a violence in many lands, in¬ volume which belongs on cluding Lebanon, Ireland and May 13-15 everyone's shelf. It was written Africa. Steel Band Showtimes These and many other and photographed by many of the men and women who were Friday 6:30 & 11:00 p.m. Saturday 1:00 & 3:00p history-making events are there when history was being covered in detail and depth in made. the exciting Associated Press It is the perfect gift for this WE'VE GOT TO' news annual, "The World In 1976," being offered to readers nation's Bicentennial All the features you've always looked for: erythimKKMMM 10 celebration, which was of this newspaper for only $6.95. climaxed by a Fourth of July roomy, legal size center compartment with This 300-page volume, 13th in bash across the 3" gusset and wall pocket . . . pouch a series, features thousands of country and the pocket memorable sight of tall ships on the front . . . open pocket on the back. words of text and hundreds of from all over the world con¬ And it's fashioned of black and white and color verging on New York harbor. extra-strong canvas for long weor. Fitted with top handles and removable shoulder strap. Black, tan, THE WORLD IN 1976 brown. (We'll personalize it with MICHIGAN STATE NEWS your mono¬ gram at no extra charge. (EAST LANSING) P.O.B. G4 TEANECK, N.J. 07666 27.00 Enclosed is $_ .. Please send _ copies ol The World in 7976 at $6.95 each to Name Address | City and State Zip No._ I Send gilt certilicate to I Name _ Address City and State . _Zip No. _ DOWNTOWN - 107 S. Washington EAST LANSING — 209 E. Grand River L^gn ctnte New», East Lonsing, Michigon Thursday, May 12, 1977 REGIONALS BEGIN TODAY fyc/e ritual becomes tradition; Softball team favored \SU club pedals in marathon By JOHN SINGLER State News Sports Writer prise the pitching staff. White turned in some fine relief work gan. Wisconsin, MSU and the host school, Western Illinois. Slate are cofavored with MSU to win the tournament. For nearly a month now, the in the state tournament. The Spartans open today at The Spartans have won four By SUSAN DWIGHT prize in the 'Beat Riding Group' category," said John Stein, MSU Softball team has been The field for the three-day, 11 a.m. against West Virginia. of the six meetings with State New. SUB Writer coordinator of the trip, who is certain that the cumulative miles preparing its case for defense of double-elimination tournament At 4 this afternoon, they will Western Michigan this season can double. the national championship. includes West Virginia, Ohio play the winner of the Ohio U — and have lost two of three kg a fill vuor, '*« «*<*»' ttraddlei the metallic frame of "It is not a race, but an endurance contest for each person to After losing to Grand Valley University, Southern Illinois, Southern Illinois game. games played with Western Imhiae he will be tpendmg a dag or more riding. The see how far he or she can go," he continued. "The course is flat, State on April 16, 4-1, the Indiana State, Western Michi¬ Western Illinois and Indiana Illinois. Cj flex in anticipation ofthe itarting gun, until the blast is the first 50 to 100 miles are easy for everyone." Spartans have won 11 of their ¥ a imall flow of adrenalin target at the lege begin the last 12 games and enter this I pump, pemp, pamp they will become to uted to. Bikers set their own goals, stopping whenever they wish. weekend's regional tournament The most deterrent factor that bikers face is setting a goal that L ritual has become tradition with many bikers who £v attend the Belle Isle Bike Marathon, the largest event is too high to reach. Stein explained that this can be overcome by thinking of accomplishing 5 miles at a time, instead of 100 all favored to move on to Omaha and the World Series later this month. Baum new Spartan soccer coach Kind in the world. On May 21 and 22 tradition takes the at once. "We're rested and ready to (continued from page 8) "We had I Hostel Club to Detroit to compete for several awards "If you've accomplished the event and come back with play," said Diane Ulibarri, head was part of a very successful not even been I offered by the Wolverine Cycling Club. "Three years ago there were soccer program at Washington. scheduled to play Spring Arbor nothing, you've still proven that you're physically able to coach. "Everyone's healthy and no high schools in Michigan I jjijj,,) is packed with bikes of every make and color as He is really in tune with the so we hadn't practiced for endure such hard physical 100 per cent — for the first time activity," said Garry Price, with varsity soccer programs. needs of the sport," he added. them," he said. "Our lack of ■pants number in the area of 8,000. coordinator of the trip. this season." Last year there were 40," Baum The soccer squad got off to a I, year's awards include 10-speed bikes and touring kits With the exception of the said, pointing out the potential successful beginning under conditioning hurt us toward the k'ng tubular tires and other accessories, as compared to A large camping area is chosen ahead of time specifically for pitching, Ulibarri's line-up is for growth in the state. end of the game," he explained. «js plaques and ribbons given out in the past. MSU students, just off the track for convenience. set for the tourney. Gayle "Within four or msybe five Baum as MSU tied Spring Arbor College in an exhibition "That won't be the case this fall." ,ry rider receives a patch, plus an additional one each time Stein commented that the event was similar to the most Barrons will be at first base, years, I'm confident that MSU 2-2. Spring Arbor npletes a certain number of miles, colossal rock concert ever held in I960: "It's like the Woodstock Kathy Strahan at second, Carol game, of bicycling, literally! Both areas are will be able to field a team with trounced MSU last fall, 6-1. hes are adjudged to winners of 10-categories such as "Best quiet and unassuming and Hutchins at shortstop and almost all the players coming suddenly taken over by a swarm of people." Diane Spoelstra at third. ting Group," "Largest Group Participation," and "Riders from high schools in Michigan," Baum said he was mildly With the exception of Spoel¬ |g from the Farthest Distance." Round trip bus fare from MSU to Detroit is a mere (5 for Baum said. surprised by the performance, I years ago MSU took second place for "Largest Group students and their bikes. Applications are still available at stra, the infielders prepped at "I'm grateful to Joe Kearney since the focal point of spring (nation." Last year saw the 47-member MSU group take Velocipede Peddler, 541E. Grand River Ave.; Community Bike Lansing high schools and all for giving me the chance to practice has been developing Eace and total 3,500 miles. Coop. 547 E. Grand River Ave.; or from Garry Price at 548 four are underclassmen. develop the aoccer program skills rather than team coordi¬ t members have an opportunity to take more than one M.A.C. Ave. Patti Lawson will do the here," Baum said. "Kearney nation and conditioning. catching. In the outfield, Laurie Zoods- ma will be in right, Carmen King in left and center will be Bethea ready to start new season shared by Nancy Green and Ann Anderson. Barrons, Hutchins, King, Lawson and pitcher Nancy he said. "We gained experience of incentive for a pro career. ginued from page «) the Rose Bowl when they're a Lyons were named to the ail- and know what to expect. We "There's no quicker way for a freshman?" he asked. "But that _r teams and bowl want to try and get everybody tournament team after last college player to make money fades and I'm dealing with now. [n't excite me," he said. thinking like us. I'm giving it than to make it in pro ball," he "This is our last shot at month's Big Ten tourney. Satisfied with winning Lyons closed the Big Ten my all and 'Juice' (Land) will be said. winning," he said of the seniors. Eg the feeling that I've giving it his all and we'll try and Bethea said he wants to help MSUINGS — Darryl Rogers Tournament with three Terything I can for get that across to the team. MSU restore its football promi¬ and his staff offer a first look at straight wins and Laurel Hills i State. I've played "It's a matter of being more nence and be the turned the same trick in the beginning of a the Spartans in an equally Jsight years without an together," he continued. "I new era for the Spartans that split-up scrimmage between state championships two weeks |this is my last one and don't think there has been more he can look back on. the Green and White squads at ago. Those two, along with Gwen rould make my whole togetherness on our teams "Who doesn't dream about 2 p.m. Saturday in the stadium. White and Sheri Sprangel, com- _reer. since I've been here. Xjys here have never "If we play together you ■bowl so we don't know ^reshman's like going to one. won't see fleeting glimpses on the field anymore," COUPON Bethea * dream to go said. "You're going to see le Bowl. There's so II things that can playing tough all the time and we're going to try and instill ■that could keep you |ng. We should have tshman year, but we j," he said, explain- this in the rest of the team. "Ever since January we've been working nonstop and I think we've come a long way Frtsbee (HAY 14-rk Shop Contest nrir -TO THE Noovs at ooR- ttaqi. laftftuES. Saturday May 14 ■he 21-21 tie kept MSU lne out of first place. ■ Bethea feels he is even a though we haven't played game. But I can still see FREE £U6 , DlilNK. °r— F0.1S8EE" j C r 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Jis own game together, everything going the right way TO Flft.v~ 25 MFts -c FiUTT 25 7 for us." 1 ri ? ■that MSU needs to do ■ is to come together as ■And he said that a Personally, Bethea said, watching former roommate ^ IA/OIMCN TO (2,r<3iSTEB o * | So *r > ®!? : West Circle Drive Mike Cobb become a first round PIR.5T pa\ZZS O P r ■ point for developing ■ling is the fact that for ■time in years MSU has draft choice by the Cincinnati Bengals has given him a lot SUBV's 5 C -Spacial exhibition raco with O.P.S., E.L.P.O., L.P.D., and Michigan Stato Polica rning defensive tack- -Concession Stand ■ Land ONE EACH OFfeS) VARmES •Bus routes on Wast Circle Drivo will bo rerouted for the day stepped into the le second game of the -Any questions call Mark Yearn at 337-1111 wHoaivfttaawrsocsMwiwciOASO season against ■ and has been along- since then. FOR RUGOED ea ' one of the inWWAY* nets we'll have as a MaVKMTATMM we've both been I same length of time," 1301 E. Grand Rirar N»jrt to WILDERNESS CAMPING, Varsity Inn * If your idea of camping New PUCK & PIDAL includes back-packing, COMPLETE REPAIR VICE FOR Alk MODELS $\ hiking, and climbing, we the equipment experts to help you get and Shipment f.W. M14 W.SAGINAW I (In Front of Lansing 321-3845 Mall) \SxJ the most out of roughing it! of ruji RAUPP Painter ■•coupon" Campfitters 2208 E.Michigan Phona 484-9401 Mon.-Frl. 10-1 Saturday 9 - 5 Pants |IU you CHI EAT ■LK PANCAKIS ! with this 99* coupon only • Off White MO00 OIsDE w0f\L>D Opan 24 Hours International House of Pancakes "4 between • Light Blue '10°° | Wp-rn. 5/12/77 ■■■■■■COUPONis 2000 E. Grand River SUMMER WINE • Khaki 'U00 BEEF BARLEY SOUP • Hard Denim '12° GREEK SALADS I WE WON'T FRESH FRUIT Sizes 3 to IS for 26" to 33" for guys gals 1YOU A PIZZA UNLESS IT'S A ONE. DONT SETTLE FOR FANTASTICl ISt izza 203 E.Grand River J) across from the Union Block 1 — MAC Easr Lansing Use your bank cards Store hr. 9:30 to 5:30 3410330 h mmim w i 0 Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon A 1 three-time loser' Actress-dancer Joan Crawford dies from heart attack at 69 gives first-rate show By Tke Associated Preee By JOHN CASEY force to the musical mix. For the I Joan Crawford, who began her career as a nightclub dancer to become and of the greatest movie atari of all time died State Newi Reviewer first time in recent memory, the roae one In the mile-dominated world acoustics in the Civic Center Tuesday in New York at the age of 89. of musical performers, where auditorium did justice to the Actor Robert Young, who coetarred with Crawford in four women are usually relegated performer's sound. picture!, said Tuesday: "She was a true queen of the screen and into the roles of "the torch Raitt showed she is perhaps held that place with dignity in'every attempt the made." singer who laments the loss of the finest interpreter of early Crawford's career spanned such a long period - her first film was yet another love" or "the male- rhythm and blues as she spiced "Pretty Ladies" in 1925 - that her coworkers found her death by created sex symbol songstress the music with numbers penned heart attack almost incredible. who lacks talent but not looks," by a. few of her blues mentors, there is a female who refuses to the iate Mississippi Fred Mc¬ Fred Astaire, currently marking his own 77th birthday, made his be considered the weaker sex, Dowell and Sippie Wallace. film debut with Crawford in 1933 in "Dancing Lady." "I hadn't wen submissive to the whims of men. Bonnie's understanding of pi¬ Joan in years," he said? "but when I worked with her I found her to She would rather be just "one of oneer blues artistry was phe¬ be wonderful. She wis just as good a dancer ai ahe was an actress." the boys," without risking or nomenally accurate as she George Cukor, who directed Crawford In "The Women" (1939) compromising her music. Her kicked out a mean vocal to "A Woman's Face" (1941) and "Suaan and God" (1949), is Bonnie Raitt and she complement a hot bottleneck commented! name "She represented the best in the golden period of lead in "Write Me A Few of Hollywood. She proved to the Civic Center started as a personality girl, a dancing flapper, and made herself audience Tuesday night she's Your Lines." better at making music and into an excellent actrew. "She believed in the Hollywood legend," Cukor added, "and was a J««Cr.wlor(t; the Songs from "Sweet Forgive¬ greatest - relating to crowds than more ness" served as highpoints in creature of it." •ctresses of d) " than just a few men. the set. The Jackson Browne Raitt is as good a performer 11970 composition "Opening Fare¬ as she is musician. With chunks well" and Karla Bonoffs of strawberry blond, reddish hair falling across her face as she would glide with her guitar "Home" caught Raitt in a melancholy mood, a beautifully striking difference. Not to say WHATEVER playing, she sang in the best gritty, "come on and let's have a good time" voice she could that songs like "Three-Time Loser" didn't have the Raitt magic working for them. Her THE WEATHER.. muster. Considering Raitt has variations in music made for an been on the road for about two exciting evening. months to promote her new release "Sweet Forgiveness," The momentum Raitt started Stote News/Scott Bellinger while opening up the concert her delivery was in fine form, Blues singer Bonnie Rnitt cooked up some spicy tunes in concert Tuesday night though she admitted to sound¬ came to an abrupt halt when at the Civic Center. ing "froggy" at times. Jesse Colin Young took over. It Raitt's one-hour set plus took large amounts of con¬ three encores was excellently centration to follow Young's ness and launched into some Horn player Jim Rothermel the band played "T-Bone Shuf¬ paced with slow folk-oriented beginning pace of 12-string up-tempo songs from the just blasted out an earth-shaking fle." The audience was on its ballads cooling off the crowd and solos with a folky ring. When his released "Bird On The Wing." sax lead to feet; Young pulled off a small Bonnie between the kinetic, more-than-sdequate band With vocal support from wife of signal the beginning Young's tribute to his home, miracle. Everybody was happy bluesy numbers. As she oozed joined him to run through an Suzi, Young and the band "Ridgetop." Keyboardist Scott as Raitt came out to get out stinging leads on her bottle¬ uninspired version of "Song¬ started to come alive with "Hey Lawrence got into some "aud¬ together with Young to sing neck guitar, the four-piece bird," Young was smart enough Good Lookin' " and "Louisiana ience "Get Together," a fitting end to participation" as he back-up band lent a driving to sense the crowd's restless- Highway." shuffled through the crowd as a fine musical evening. PETER J. VACCARO BE PREPARED. 'Oh! Calcutta!' greys with the years It's been nearly a decade reason offers fitting accommo¬ they'd come to see, and they the Broadway stage for its own offer was the nudity. since "Oh! Calcutta!" began dations to "Oh! Calcutta!" saw it. Honest-to-goodness sake. It takes a few years (a sense titillating Broadway audiences The play has greyed with the bodies up there, most of them Now one looks at those of history, one might say) to at the Belasco. London has years. It's not so charming under 30, some of them attrac¬ & rather shabby little playlets discover this, and the American given it a West End home at anymore, not so funny, not so tive. It was everything rumor that surround all the nudity Midwest may have a bit of the Duchess for seven years pretty. It has become a curio — had been carrying on its back and make "Oh! Calcutta!" a catching up to do. But there is now. Paris has seen it. So have chipped, cracked and tacky — since 1969. review, and one realizes rather some consolation. London haa Copenhagen, Amsterdam, but a curio, interesting to the When one thinks back to quickly that the format was had the thing for wven years Brussels, Stockholm, Hamburg and Sidney. Last Wednesday a newly formed touring company, curious. Its Lansing audience curious, and — why not admit it was those rocky days of the late '60s, one remembers that "Ohl Calcutta!" did something of itself apologetic. The only thing that "Oh! Calcutta!" ever had to now, and New York haa a revival. 0 tempom. . . Michigan National Bank The all produced by Barry Singer, — nearly as grey as the rugs import. It put nudity on - day Saturday bank. brought the review to Lan¬ sing's Michigan Theatre. The theater itself deserves and wallpaper. The chic who once filled New York houses for this diversion-with-nudity have to********** SUMMER mention. That charming deco been replaced by forms in house is as old as the memory of its beloved vaudevilles. The polyester. They had a heck of a Mother's Day corsage, dad in BARGAIN maroon and grey rugs are now a few decades" greyer. The his Easter shirt-jac, the kids safe at home with the babysit¬ UTTU railWAY Rips top V««ts 19.93 rug. 32.00 cool khaki makes fashion swirled leaves of its wallpapers swirl greyer still. The house is ter. They tittered a little and 5 VICB STATION ] (Taffeta Vasts mews for spring laughed a lot, and all in the I 1301 i. Grand SI,., { 24.9S) aged, and for that if for no other right places. They knew what J Next to Vanity Inn J 220 MAC. Over 45 choices on 2nd level U-Mall our dinner menu-- Martins at Bring the family §^9- SHARETHERDE to Jim's. 20% off all dinners (starting when seated Children's 4 p.m.) by 5:30 and ordered by 6 p.m. WITH US ON WEEKENDS menu available. Free evening perking Downtown 1 block cast of Capitol 372-4300 Reservations suggested Cocktails available. / HOUOAYa ANYTME. When you want to take a break, why fly? Grey¬ hound II save you more. No lie. So say hello to a OPIN24 good buy. Go Greyhound. You can leave when you like. Travel comfortably with friendly people. And arrive refreshed, and on time. Best of all, you'll save a good buck So next time, say hello to a good HOURS buy. Go Greyhound. flam selection of short GREYHOUND SERVICE DAILY DEPARTURES TO DETROIT: that will . 7:40 A.M. - 9:20 A.M. -12:0B P.M. • 1114 P.M. • 4:4S P.M. S:l 0P.M. and 7:40P.M. ADOmONAL FRIDAY EVKSSES TO DETROIT... 1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. - 2:M P.M. ■ 1:00 PJW. - 3:10 P.M. • 4:00 P.M. - 4:10 P.M. • 4:45 (Uiiceln Park) 5:00 P.M. (Farmlngton Cxpress) • 4:00 P.M. B Enjoy breakfast, a coffee break, or one of our delicious SATURDAY: 9:20 A.M. (Ixprau) specials offered daily for lunch, dinner, and even Aik your agent about additional departures and return trips. late at GREYHOUND AGENT night; the perfect ending to a great 308 W. Grand River Ava. evening out. ^ePhone: 332-2721 4 PAOE MENU - EFFICIENT SERVICE 2701 East Grand River ('/j mile E. of Campus, just before bridge) STORE HOURS: MON. THRU SAT., 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.: SUN. 12 noon to 6 P" Ph. 351-0421 SAY HELLOTO AGOOO BUY? IN FRONT OF MEUER THRIFTY ACRES ON WEST GRAND RIVER OR SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA^ GO GREYHOUND. Tnn Stole Newt, Eo»t lonting, Michigon Thursday, May 12, 1977 L.cHiNGTON (AP) - The Carter Administration called Use of costly and often unnecessary tests and therapies have F h«oita) industry "obese" Wednesday and blamed Vrifncy to much of the rapid increase in hospital bills, i it s congressional hearing on the administration's Califano calls hospitals wasteful increased rapidly in recent years, he said. "Physicians have increasingly made it a practice to order extensive tests for every patient admitted even when there is very little to be i legislation to slow the rise in hospital costs, a gained from such tests." ion for the hospital Industry attacked Carter's plan Califano said hospital costs will double within five years if Ty rationing of medical advances." infant mortality, significant survival rates for cancer patients Califano said hospitals could achieve substantial savings "by allowed to go unchecked. ur, of Health, Education and Welfare Joseph A. and every life-saving device or technique." reducing unnecessary utilization, waste and duplication of "The largest single bill paid by General Motors is not for steel „ said the cost ceiling would not hurt patient care. Miller told a joint hearing of two House subcommittees that facilities." but for health insurance," he said. "The cost of health insurance ... cost reductions can, if managed appropriately, the quality of hospital care has increased dramatically in recent He gave a "fat list of hospital expenditures" that can be added $119 to the cost of each Ford automobile sold during lv increase the quality of care and put the obese hospital years, making cost comparisons invalid. reduced: Carter proposed limiting rises in hospital costs to a rate 1975." TV in better shape to serve our patients and health care Of the 240,000 empty beds in community hospitals, he said, .m" Califano said. " equal to the general inflation rate plus an allowance for "at least 100,000 of these beds are absolutely unnecessary." Califano asserted that higher hospital costs are devouring ;narew W. Miller, president-elect of the Federation of improved health care. Of the 700,000 patients in acute-care hospitals, he said "as revenue needed for child health and other pressing health kletn Hospitals, said if Congress approves the ceiling, it The proposal would mean an annual limit of about 9 per cent many of 100,000 do not need to be there and could be better needs. She voting to establish Itself as the moral judge of the dollar at the current inflation rate. This compares to annual increases cared for at home, in skilled nursing facilities or on an Persons without major medical insurance coverage now risk tof increased fife spans, fewer fstal heart attacks, reduced in recent years of about 16 per cent in hospital bills. outpatient basis." "financial ruin and a lifetime of indebtedness," he said. Students design handicap facilities for project United States FigureSkating |/n/shec/ works now featured inch mother as models. Barbara Malloy designed the spring break to finish work on the bathroom design, said he lot of said. publicity for MSU," he thinking about it," she said, Alexander said he didn't Association security hardware system be¬ wouldn't want to try it again. Malloy said she couldn't even know how much the projects Memorial Fund Kresge Art Gallery exhibit cause, she said, "I've lived in large cities and I know the "It was just too much to guess the hours she spent on would cost to install in a home, burglary problem." handle for those who worked or had other classes. If it had her project. "Even when I wasn't physi- "We are hoping to find fund- ing for the further development Ice Show Lnahasenaueb needs special attention, as does the person with a psychological The projects won an award from the Zinc Institute after been done just for a grade I cally working on it I was always of the projects," he said. Munn Arena Jnjlsr bathroom for para- fear of something, he said. wouldn't have done it. But we Tind an adjustable kit- they were presented in late ftrt for handicappera are The project began when April. were and responsible to a company we knew there would be a Open Weekends in April .May 14,1977 8p.m. MSU and two other industrial A few students gave up their ■ the many student exhi- and May (Reservations Ltured at Kresge Art design schools were selected spring break to finish the from 40 other colleges by recommended) i through Sunday, the project, and three students ■displays are part of an Zinc Institute Inc. could not finish their part due ■tote News I Open Weekdays in April Inaccessible lavatory and kit¬ to time restrictions. Kl designs class project Classifieds I and May by reservations chen facilities are among the "There are always difficulties ■toward developing help- major problems faced by handi¬ of one kind or another when ■ILL only. Open dally beginning Ijces for handicappera cappera, and the students have ■ the elderly. concentrated largely on design¬ you're creating new Alexander said. "The know- ideas," Call Jolly RedskinCanoe Jun*1' ■ groups the industrial Livery Itudents were designing ing improvements for those how just isn't always there." 355-8255 _ P.O. Box 396 (517)348-5611 , soon make up the areas. Robert Wilsie, one of the "Handicappers have to students who gave up his Grayling, Mich, (on the AuSable River) _j of the population. bathrooms, too, but there use Eg to the class in- aren't that many buildings on „ng with the designs, campus that have the special facilities they need," Alexander _^d the great ■ population majority have some said. The circular bathroom has a Don't keep your Sponsored by Lansing Skating 4 handicap," Robert S. Club Sanctioned by - USFSA der, professor of art, chair on wheels that moves to a | individual who weara lowered sink, toilet and shower. "Instead of tacking on ideas Graduation a Secret. i handicap that to existing facilities, we decided to tackle an ideal solution to the PROJECT: problem," Alexander said. linerator Besides the circular room, bath¬ students designed a kit¬ chen service cart that can announcements are SIT ON IT! accommodate people over 6 feet ared out and under 4 feet tail, door handles that can be pulled out now available at and adjusted into the display door to find the most conven¬ Pontiac ient height, a kitchen for the the MSU Bookstore arthritic and elderly with a BAC (UP1) - Gov. dropped sink area and faucets IG. Milliken said Wed- that are pulled on rather than twisted. customer service desk. ■ that what was once HELP SET THE WORLD RECORD Some of the students used l "environmental FOR THE LARGEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE their parents as models in n an abandoned designing devices to aid the SEATED WITHOUT SUPPORT OF CHAIR j disposal plant has elderly. The adjustable kitchen cart was designed by Sherry Order yours now!! IN AN UNSUPPORTED CIRCLE. | shout 50 days apd an Mandel, who used her 6 foot 4 d cost of $700,000, a inch boyfriend and her 4 foot 10 r i team Police directed by completed Supply Limited SATURDAY, MAY 14th 6:30 P.M. | out of the Oakland- Incinerator this EAST COMPLEX, I.M. FIELD ksm, made ~ up of State :rs, private contrac- ■ Department of Natural Sponsored by E.C.H.O. workers, sent 'umamnrAT: gallons of liquid wastes " suvici STATION ♦ fundnd by A.S.M.S.U. programming board n incinerator for « 19011. Grand Rlv.r « r U.U i. U.mI4u Inn f | The team also took teel drums full of solid \ residue to a landfill 12 miles away, sold Abroms Planetarium Presents in npty drums for reuse, I used wooden pallets i of 20 loads of INTERLUDE 20-22 Ex- _ce, and re- I benefit! available - f Air National Guard. 47-5169 alter 6 P.M., I through Friday. Calt> A Weekend of Musical Entertainment May 20 — 22 •U. Iporti Club Fadnr* ¥: J k'"onpr.i.ntlng Urn May 171ti«„ % S CONCERT CONCERT 21 CONCERT 22 : • Iho Rainbow 8? J Command art :::: I '"4 rim dnadllno S ]™9 application, In :* f-«0» IJtb, by 9:00 ¥: JWkotlon, g. [•bam HI of tf,, ral lullding. [SEARCH —•-.Writing, Editing >4—1. Fat ■ Topic. Ail Flnlda P'lwly Ordt, Catalog ■ fortroa information fK/i JL^ADTmic tewUP.'nc. Brown & Bennett David Liptak — piano Michigan Consolidated Grass with Walter Verdehr & Edith Kraft IwtMowest Featuring Michigan'# Finest A 4 piece reck band in concert I"1 town on visual creations by violin » piano Bluegrass Musicians Cosmic Radiance performances of Fine Arts Music Performances 8 pm A 10 pm Performances 8 pm , 10 pm A midnite including works by Sotie, Brahms, Stockhausen, Liptak, All Tickets $2.50 Ravel & Wieniawski 4 00 pm Tickets $2.00 All Tickets $2.00 Renter" All tickets now on sale at planetarium box office 355 — 4672 | flMichigon Stole News, Eost loosing, Michigon Thursday, May |2 ^ U.S. restriction alarms Israel WASHINGTON (AP) - Israel and the State Department are and would offend Arab nations at a sensitive time in Middle East two years and that the Arabs are still receiving Soviet arms and locked in a major lobbying battle over the tentative Carter negotiations. are free to buy weapons from European nations who refuse to sell Administration decision to restrict the transfer of U.S. arms and The Israeli embassy, under the personal leadership of to Jerusalem. technology to the Jewish state. Ambassador Simcha Dinitz, is fighting hard for the amendments, On the record, the administration continues to pledge complete The fight is the first major confrontation between the Israelis which come up for a vote in the Foreign Relations Committee support for Israel's security. Secretary of-State Cyrus R. Vance and U.S. foreign-policy makers since President Jimmy Carter took today. told reporters Wednesday in London that "we will make available office. It underscores a growing and potentially more serious Israeli supporters charge the State Department with misleading to Israel whatever they need for their security." TtartP*kr"C,"WQit30 and otherwise unfair tactics but predict the amendments will pass This recalls his earlier statement that "insofar as Israel is Fri. IN Wills, 7:30 division in Washington-Jerusalem relations. That is the fear by Israel that the United States is moving to anyway. concerned, we will supply the arms necessary to her security." shackle the Jerusalem government's military capability and More important than the amendments from the Israeli point of The problem with these formulations from Jerusalem's point of •'.so as-""-— thereby restrict its flexibility to oppose any Middle East view is the need to pressure Carter to modify the PRM. view is that they leave to the United States the decision on what is settlement the United States might seek to impose. The maximum Israeli goal is to eliminate the split categories needed by Israel. The fight centers on three separate but closely related issues. altogether on grounds that each weapons request should be Most important is the so-called PRM 12. The name stands for a considered on a case-by-case basis. ITTTI TODAY * Ml. G3 "Presidential Review Memorandum," a white House document. At the least, Dinitz wants his nation included in the list of TJjlJ OPEN 7 P.M. Oorthside This establishes two categories of U.S. arms clients, one to be preferred clients, which tentatively includes NATO allies, Japan, Hi FEATURE favored in terms of coproduction of U.S. arms and the transfer of Australia and New Zealand. 7:10 »:J0 technology and sophisticated weapons. Israel is not in that Carter has the PRM, which was drafted by the State X BEAUTIFUL BLEND category. Department, on his desk. White House sources say a decision is DRIVE-IN THEATRE OF MURDER Senate supporters of Israel are backing two resolutions stating expected shortly, probably before the end of next week. that American national interest would be served by allowing Israel These officials and congressional sources say Carter is now MYSTERY AM to reproduce American-designed weapons, and that the United inclined to issue the PRM as policy, but Israeli supporters predict HUMAN COMEDY! States should do nothing to harm Israel's defense capability. the President will feel their pressure and soften some aspects. STARTS ART CARNEY-IILYTOMIIN The State Department is pushing to either drastically modify or The Israelis argue that if Carter does not accept the arguments delay action on both these Senate resolutions. of the Jewish state, Israel will be weakened considerably. They Todoy Open 6:45 P.M. Undersecretary of State Lucy Benson has been personally point out that there has been no new technology provided Israel in Feature at 7:30 • 9:30 lobbying senators, arguing that passage would pre-empt Carter ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE! BOB BAGERIS PRESENTS BEST FOREIGN FILM AN EVENING WITH BEST ACTRESS MARIE-CHRISTINE BARRAULT BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY LAST DAY... *.r,» 1977-78 Starts "SWEET IHUK" PS OPEN At 7:00 P.M. TOMORROW... FEATURE 7:30 - 9:30 RENEWAL He doesnt get mad. He gets even. JOANBAEZ DEADLINE Special Guest Star DANNY Tickets *5.50 6.50 7.50 Reserved Avoiloble • • ot O'KEEF the Masonic Temple To retain your same seats you must TOE FARMER Box Office, All Hudsons & Wards. A BAMBOO PRODUCTION order your 1977-78 tickets before SWEET REVENGE Si (8 4:30 P.M. TODAY C FRI. OPEN 7 P.M. METR0-G0L0WYNMAYERSTOCKARD CHANNING Feature 7:30 • 9:30 SAM WATERSTON FRANKLYN AJAYE ' SWEET REVENGE FRIDAY, vwoaJJ PERUt PW MARILYN GOlDiN ■ ,-.B j PfRLA » "WOODY ALLEN'S BEST: A GREAT ProoutfoanoiventdovJERRY SCHATZ8FRG - PANAVISION Ml PLEASURE TO WATCH" ><:. A SUPERBLY FUNNY MOVIE" MAY 13 Use the order form in the Lecture- Concert Series brochure or go to the Union Building Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30, weekdays. (355-3361) j,j*5 RH/lRHARHflM: PRESENTS It's a Musketeer Double Feature! THE THREE I MUSKETEERS TECHNICOLOR* • PRINTS BY DEIUXE* tUGtHtORWWfi Held Over Final NigM| This will be your Last Chance tost "Probably the greatest virtuoso orchestra of all time. The Philadelphia Orchestra The Creature From makes the kind of sound in which one can roll around and die happily." The Black Lagoon -Harold Schonberg The New York Times In SUNDAY, MAY 29 at 4:00 P.M. 3-D Coriolan Overture BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 1 in D MAHLER Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks La Valse RAVEL STRAUSS MONDAY, MAY 30 at 8:15 P.M. Toccata and Fugue in D minor BACH The Pines of Rome RESPIGHI Symphony No. 5, Opus 47 SHOSTAKOVICH Tickets on sale NOW at the Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30, weekdays. Phone 355-3361 for ticket availability. Reserved seats only: $14.00, 10.00, 7.50, with 50% discount to MSU students with full-time, validated I.D. ,\CA»*5 TVlCA^C HARRY SAUZMAN.A1BERT R BROCCOU-.- iFMMBflSBHM"! Students, Faculty 0 Staff Welcome It L ^.n state Newt, Eo.t Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 12, 1977 1 ] LAST DAY! \C prepares to ask Km InvUMI MwptoylBflwHfc ■ ever to play at MM arw iapp to return funds "PORNO BEAUTIFUL!!! sophishcatedly amusing and wildly erotic will set porno Mm standards lor years lo come IhINGTON (AP) - The Federal Election Wednesday to study records from Shapp's campaign in several Democratic primaries. The Ksion is preparing to ask Pennsylvania Elton Shapp to give bed, at least part of repayment question was on the FECs agenda for action at its regular All-out Irlv $300,000 in federal matching funds weekly meeting today. Sources said there were unzippered on his short lived 1976 presidential questions about whether Shapp had qualified for the sex comedy, sources said Wednesday, matching funds by raising at least $5,000 in 20 it sets a f FEC met in an executive session states in gifts of no more than $250 from different any new high in individual. The sources said the commission staff had sophistication and el rates meals even makes recommended repayment after a lengthy investi- 6Sfi°n- It was not known how much of the ■explicit screens $299,066 that Shapp received was at stake. look sexier , (continued from page 3) The governor's office in Harrisburg issued a I remember a case when they liked Na^edCame statement saying Shapp "has been aware for ,nd no one else did," she said. several months that the FEC was conducting a Uste panel has been used for nine field investigation in several states of contri¬ ■students have served on it from a butions to the 1975-76 Shapp for President X to a few years, Dunn said. Committee." Shapp instructed his former cam¬ ■always have a waiting list for the paign officials to cooperate fully, the statement lshe said. said. The Stranger PLUS "OIVI Ml AN X" presents { M RHftRHRRHRRHft TEENAGE t Announcing RHA's 24 hour movie program Line, i CHEERLEADER TONIOHT DOC&MERLE Call anytime Day or Night for Movie I WATSON •HOWTIMISt Naked Cnw tfca Stranger Program Information. J TiSO, lOtIS Taaaafl# Ckaarlaadar, 9 >00 only 355-0313 SHOWPLACE. 206 Hort Building ADMISSION: '2.50 atudanti; >3.50 faculty ( .toff an entertainment service of the baal film cooperative, students, faculty t staff walcome. id's chocked. TNURS. MAY 12 7* 30 & 10pm FRI. MAY 13 8 & 10:30pm ERICKSON KIVA SHOT ROCRfcSTICON a fi//s afop jets/tee with LLOYD BIGGLE Tips for SFWriters JOAN H. HOLLY Science inthe Future and the Computers Zeppelins in SF! Young Turks of ANALOG %$ilms Pawn* REGISTRATION Doc Savage Metropolis 12.00 iATLES (U.S.A.) LTD. MMMT M EXCLUSIVE J HOUlt MOVII!! , jTi 1 BEATLES AT THE WASHINGTON COLISEUM M ACJCA^^MTSTEr^TOJUK pfrnk ■ ni PENNT LANE STRAWBERRT FIELDS FOREVER HETJUDE REVOLUTION HET^JUDE ^ THE BEATLES TORTO CONCERT STATE THEATRE East Lansing Ad vims tickets U.M i MIDNIGHT SHOWS _ FRIDAY MAT .. **»,« "S?"" 1 ■HiATUADAT MAT l« tht Mw »y. ELNAR PAEVA pruentatwi' — 1 SPECIAL PERFORMANCE N FRANCE 0 I RENE' CORRIVEAU & GERARD GUISNET I experimental synthesized eilltar I SUNDAY AAAY 15 8:00 PAA i admission I free PLANETARIUM 355-4*72 ] 2 Michigon State News, Eost Lansing, Michigot JJjjNdjMJoy 12 , THE STATE MEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 " Automotive )(«] [Titomotiv. J[^) fwiSOTitt \{7] JjJ | Eaplayaat 1[U| • Classified Advertising GMC PICK-UP 1976, 4-wheel TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL - JUNK CARS wanted. We pay AVON SENIOR COUNSELOR, ex- puvcr,, ~JL"J \ Information drive, automatic, 350, power steer¬ 1968 Opel Kadett. Stick shift, more if they run. Also buy used cars and trucks. 489-3080. C-21- To buy or sell. 482-6893. C-21- 831H2I perienced. Morning., Jewish Day Camp. August 819. 361-2072. for»J L THEHApISToJ ing, power brakes, tinted win¬ excellent transportation. 332-6640. therenit Contact therapist. dows, air conditioning, cruise 8-820(31 5-31 (171 PART TIME maintenance person. g.g.,2 (3) Partment, INGHAM i (N-* PHONE 355-8255 347 Student Services Bldg. control, dual charging system, GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-16 Some PART TIME cook - waitress. Will spoke wheels, sliding rear win¬ TRIUMPH GT6. 1972-burgundy inch. Priced from $4. Mounted experience preferred. J-ENTER, 401 West iwS dows, dual gas tanks. $6500. 371 rustproofed. Has had work, excel¬ Wages negotiable. Apply in per- train. Nights and weekends. Michigan, «7!| RATES 2821.8-5-20 181 lent condition throughout free. PENNELL SALES. 1301 % East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- son between811 a.m. ALLEY-EY FRENCHIE'S Street BAR, 400 Baker SSl",'™! $27,000. Call evenings, 337-0137. DAYS 1 day - 905 per line HORNET 1975 Sportabout wagon. S-5-5-18 (41 5818. C-21-5-32 07) ^-^JT8J2J3_I__ MARLBOROSAMPlfp J No. Unas 1 3 6 8 3 days - 805 per line Automatic, radials, radio. Excel¬ MASON BODY SHOP 812 East BARMAID, WAITRESS and cook, ^SI°E Af° ^hrefy help want- JY™"' sampling prr-'" 3 2.70 7.20 13.50 16.80 6 dayi • 755 per line lent condition. $2300. Call 349- TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1975. Con¬ vertible, loaded, brown. Excellent Kalamazoo Street since 1940. All part time positions. Apply «'• APP"V « Smi «• 35 ma, tLITTLE CAEfAR,f; Thursd«V . DODGE HOUSE. Cedar and 4 3.W7 9.60 18.00 22.40 8 day» • 705 per line 0414 after 5 p.m. Z-2-5-13 141 condition. $3295. 321-7060. 8-5-19 Complete auto painting and col¬ Sagi- includ^iu' ,nc, «k 5 4.50 12.00 22.50 28.00 KARMANN GHIA Coupe 1968, (31 lision service. American and for- nawor_ph_on_e4m-20e618:8_23_(4l «r_4 p.m.88U_(4t disMbl^^8 eign cars. 4880256. C-21-831120) 6 5.40 14.40 27.00 33.60 Line rate per insertion mint clean. 1 old lady owner. VALIANT 1964. Automatic, slant PEACE CORPS still needs math COOK FOR Michigan boys camp. Ju™ 22 " A«0"« 13; Must have 5S'osr'" """' ^ 7 6.30 16.80 31.50 39.20 Sharp, guaranteed. $1450. 676- 6. new tires, exhaust, battery Special prices on and science teachers in 10 African thl h^h°?? Mr. C* 1490. 8-5-20 141 Excellent condition. $375 or best MO MJ4«eti countries (training itarts this sum- «P«nence in quantity cooking. ™™ 1 JohniauT mar.I Come talk to those who No menu planning or purchasing. offer. 355 7985. Z-2-5-13 (41 HflllU Econ•«>. »"d laundry, it'll1!, 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. door, extra clean, loaded. $3295. VEGA 1974 - station wagon. new point need youl See Linda, African' Write 8 c yV^n SUMMEREMPLOYMBpi I Price of item(s) must be stated in od. Maximum 349 3935 8-5-16 (3) Radio, automatic, excellent shape. im'itu Studies Center, 106 International f T! . , '.i, ,ornia woodland SI sale price of '50. Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines - '2.25 - per insertion. MGB 1972. Runs great, needs body work. Make us an offer. 627-7526. 6-5-13 (31 VEGA GT, 1974, AM/FM, ra •300 below book lf»l 'IMS e—ssefKSrSr* KEYPUNCH OPERATOR - ex- ir-EVa pSm "rT *^3 Ideol starter 75" per line over 3 lines (prepayment). Trade up or down. We buy used dials, no rust. 35,000 miles. $1400/ cor prtmion importi if gon'rt looking fot perienced. Afternoon shift 4-12 Good pay plus Blue Cros* PART TIME handyman must have car, tools and know plumbing, write Sun rnnuiv T sports cars PRECISION IM best otter. 351-1116 after 5 p.m. p.m. Rock 43,3. Rummage/Garage Sale ads • 4 lines - '2.50. PORTS, 1206 East Oakland. 6-5-12 "i iportt ear. and other benefits. Call 394- electrical, carpentry. 372-1800. , 1 8-5-13 (31 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. (51 0120.8813(41 OR-8816 (3) PART TIME churn. .JL 'Round Town ads • 4 lines - '2.50 ■ per insertion Fine condition, VEGA 1974 Hatchback, manual, jvKHJSHW EARN WHILE you learn Models — ed for summer relief i* ■ 63' per line over 4 lines, MGB-GT, 1974. excellent condition. 20-28 mpg, /IMPORTS a"d FEMALE CASHIER for CREST ble, call BURCHAMHImXP lost I Founds ads/Transportation ads - 3 lines - '1.50 • low mileage, overdrive, stereo, one owner. Last year of the $1600 best offer. 337-1295 after 4 4-5-13 13) Phone 4882278. XZ 47-6-3 (121 ORIVE-IN. Apply at 7:4811 p.m. 8819(31 ING OFFICE 351-83)7 between 9 a.m.-4 ? p.m. 1206 Oakland per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. hardtop. Already a classic sports PART TIME employment for MSU Call lor Appt. car. $4000, 355-2979. 8-5-12 (5) VW SUPER Beetle 1974. AM/FM, students. 1820 pipfSMOKERS, CIGAR smokers, COOKS WANTEDkl',1 radials, 11.500 miles', excellent IV4-4411 Automobile required. 339-9600. needed for informative volunteers call 351-7886 article, 4-813 time. Must be wiling J Deadlines MUSTANG MACH I 1971. Good condition. $2250. 351-0379. Z-6-5- - summer. Apply ,n ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace Ads 2 p.m. -1 class day before publication. - condition, 351 standard, snow 19 0)_ your conventional ignition with a HEAD WAITRESS and waitresses (3) p.m. VARSITY INK Grand River. 3-813 (51 ®| tires. Best offer. 485 0845 after 5 Piranha electronic LEGAL SECRETARY, Cancellation/Change - 1 p.m. - 1 doss day before p.m. 8 5 23 13) VW CAMPER 1969, with pop top. ignition at and cooks, full and part time. experience --------- publication. Refrigerator, sink. Radials, rebuilt CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN Apply at OLD TRESTLE or call preferred but not required. Ex- SECRETARY-RECL. Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed OPEL 1974, 25,000 miles, 4 speed, engine. 349-4525. 8-5-20 (3) CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ 374 0465 8-812 (41 ' cedent skills. Starting $8000 to Council of Gradum S»_ radio, new tires, $1800. 351-1222. zoo Street, one mile weat of $10,000. Call 372-6031.7-819141 offices, Part time, conaol until after 1st insertion. RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION 3-816(31 8-5-19 131 VW VAN 1970, excellent mechani¬ campus1487_-5055. C_21_831 (28) There is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per cal condition. Need to sell, make assistant-Experienced individual CHILD CARE 85 weekdays all WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top needed for growing residential additional change for maximum of 3 changes. OPEL MANTA 1974, good gas offer. 339-3218. 8813 (31 year for 3 year old and infant. COOK, EXPERIENCE economy, new exhaust, brakes, dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE construction company to coordi- Housekeeping. Own transports- full time evenings. Appipk|| The State News will only be responsible for the 1st AUTO PARTS 6 SALVAGE. 82T- nete and control costs and sub- tion, references. Okemos. 358 9-11 a.m., Monday-Nil tough coated. $1800. 882-9874. day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must 831 1141 be made within 10 days of expiration date. Z-8-5-20 131 1_ MHrgtte ]|jjp) contracts. Interviewing on campus May 17. HOMKRAFT INC. 351- 9618 between 8-5 p.m. 3489515 after 6 p.m. and weekends. 8820 BERT PICK MOTOR HO 18 (51 Bills are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not PINTO 1971, excellent condition, paid by due date, o 50' late service charge will 46,000 miles. $895 or best offer. 355-9953 after 5 p.m. Z-6-5-19 131 SUZUK11971, excellent condition, maintained by mechanic, 4000 |_ Aviation ][)^j 1383.7-816(62 UNIFORMED SECURITY officers. 16) WAITRESSES, EXPERIENCED , I be due. miles, $350. 482-4731.8813(31 Call 641-6734 for more informa- LEARN TO fly free. Line at¬ only, daytime and part time nights. _. iN- "J PLYMOUTH ROAD Runner 1975, HONDA 1973 CB 350, 4 cylinder, tendant needed to work in ex¬ tion. 881813) Applications at the POLO BAR, ™AN° ' I90.™ *«l automatic, 22/18 mpg, rustproof¬ 2400 actual miles. $600/best offer. change for free flying lessons. Aitomotive Automotive ed 5 years. Excellent condition, Must see to appreciate. After 3 6784880. 8813 141 APPLICATIONS NOW being ac- cepted for part and full time S.lJ'JSf 8810 101 Gr,"d 0kemo*' 1010. C-21-8311121 332-6677 nights.JI-5-12 131 p.m.. 676-2220. 3-816 141 _ _ PARACHUTING EVERY after¬ evening supervisory positions. Ex- """""" 7-- . .. RENTALS - COX tental OATSUN 710 1975, 4-door. Excel¬ PONTIAC 1974 Le Mans Sport and weekends. Lessons perience helpful. Apply in person. DETROIT FREE PRESS looking for all size can. Daiy, | AUD1100 LS. 1973.4 door. 48,000 YAMAHA 1976 RD400C, low mile¬ noon GRAPEVINE RESTAURANT, for motor route dnver in South- end, weekly 1, miles, rust proofed. 332-6126. lent condition. 25,000 miles. New Coupe V-8, air, AM radio and 10:30 a.m. Saturday. Sunday, and stereo tape deck. Low mileage, age, road bike, excellent, must 2758 East Grand River. 8812 (51 west Lansing. Muat have depen- appointment, re 5-5-13 131 radials. $2500. 337-2257. 8-5-17 131 sell, best offer. 485-6772. S-8818 by appointment during week. custom interior, no rust. Must sell. dabie transportation. Approxi- HANDY COMPANY 1911 (3) Morning, late evenings, call 351- KITCHEN PERSONNEL, tnainte> mately 21$ per night, $130 per Saginaw. Phone 40611 AUDI SUPER 90 station wagon, FAIRLANE, 1966. 289 auto, runs 6286861. 85-17 (6) 0765, afternoon 643-6731 for de¬ nance, bike shop. Write or -a* • week. Also available; carrier de- (61 1971. Needs engine work. $850/ well. Good transportation. $176 or HONDA CL350 1974, 4900 miles, best offer. Call 337-2621 8 a.m. - 1 PORSCHE 1973, 9 11 7, air, ieaTh tails. Z-3-813 15) IROQUOIS HOTEL, Mackinac livery run, 3 days per week, $60 best otter. 485-0312. Z-3-5-13 (31 excellent condition, helmets and er. loaded, rustproofed. $9000/ Island, Michigan. [9061-847-3321. per week. Must have van or truck. You'll find many kit p.m. 85-16 (41 offer. 1-543-7529 after 6 p.m., backrest. $525. 355 9963. Z-3-813 - September 20. Z-4-813 484-3026; 332-1606. Call between offered for sale in t«*i| Lfiploynt]® CAMARO 1968 V8 automatic, June 10 weekends. 7-5-16 (41 (3) snow tires, new brakes and ex¬ 14) 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. 2-812 (111 tied columns. haust, $500. 339-2587 after 6 p.m. FIAT 1974 Spider, convertible, LIGHTED CANDLES ADD A FES¬ AM/FM stereo, 5 speed, excellent, PORSCHE, 1974. 914-1.8. appear¬ NORTHERN MICHIGAN 8-5-13(31 TIVE TOUCH to any party. They Camp $3225 or make offer. 694-4860 ance group 2, AM/FM stereo. also prevent the room from be¬ seeks counselors 20 and over for QUIT CAMARO 1970'A Rallyjport, steel 8813 (31 $4900. 482-8376 or 351-3987 after coming smoke-filled. Table and canoe tripping, sailing, swimming, radials. new brakes, good engine, 5 pm 4-5-13 (4) floor lamps sell quickly when canoeing, nature-ecology. PINE custom wheels, good interior, FORD 1970 Econoline window SPORTS FANS. Last chance advertised for sale with a low-cost RIVER CANOE CAMP. 332-3991. rust. $1075. 351-7882. Z-5-5- 8-823 16) HORSING some van. 6 cylinder, standard, new ad in Classified. muscle car. Buick 455GS 1970. 13141 tires. Good condition. 337-1450. Power steering, brakes, automa¬ CAPR11973 V-6, four speed. Mint 8-819 I3I tic. radio. $750. 394-2192 even¬ Now loafing condition, AM/FM, power brakes, deluxe interior, $1900. 489-7905. FORD 1971 window van. Automa¬ tic, radio, excellent tires. Some ings. 3-5-13 (4) SUBARU 1974, 2 door, 4 speed, for fall AROUND ••• FRIDAY, 111 8-5-16 131 rust. $1250. 351-0539. 8-819 (31 radio, good gas mileage, $1800. CARTER ENERGY Special, 1974 393-2347 UFim VIU VUTMEXTS AMC Hornet. Excellent gas mile¬ aft_er_6_p.m^5-5-13_(3l FORD PICK-up 332-5330 age, stick shift, best offer. 349- 1967, 4-speed, TOYOTA CORONA Deluxe 1971 1*44 (.Grand River 0896 after 5:30 p.m. 8-5-19 (41 Morrison boxes, 8813 (3) $350. 355-5867 4-door, very good condition, priced to sell at $1095. 323- uuautfunnrc To place your Pwnvtil CATALINA 1973. 4-door, full sonal Graduation SpC 3202 after 6 p.m. 3-5-13 141 1121 Victor tf reef power, vinyl top, new tires like Ad, fust (ill out Hull _ _ GRAND TORINO Sport 1973. V-8, JOIN the gang at an in new, $1995. 351-5011. 3-5-13 131 TOYOTA CORONA Mark II, 1972, automatic, power steering, power economical, air conditioning, 232 River Street below and moll or If brakes, 36,000 miles. $1050 or best CHEVY BELAIR 1969, good offer. 351-0379. Z-6-819 (4) sharp, $1295. 351-3164. X85-16 Burcham Woods MMWMMmaTS It with poymenttol shape, good price. 83,000 miles. Phone 355 3172. Z-2-813 131 13301. Grand River State News cou ww motor CUTLASS 1968. Power steering, Looking for a bargain? Dept. IM0E. Grand diver * brakes, air conditioning, some Haatad pool ■mi mammon rust. $450. 489-9520. 3-5-12 131 Why not fake advantage of our low prices? * * Air conditioning 204 River Street Tonnii courts CUTLASS SUPREME Colonade, Wo buy. soli and trade almost anything or use our convenient 30 * Ampla parking cams east tfunon 4-door, 1973. ALL factory options. Best offer. 321-5721/321-2337. 5- 5-12 J3| day layawoy plan. We stock furniture and household items, sport* ing goods, stereos, camera and musical equipment and much, much more. We also repair all brands of television and electronic * Nicaly furnishud 1 bedroom units 140 Ceder Street imKKAMIimR 3 Lines equipment. *150 13101. Grond River DATSUN 240Z, 1970, mechani¬ 2 bedroom units *180 Each MM M cally good. 8-track, new radials, Main Office $2300 or best offer. 349-2753. Dicker and Deal Amerlcono Apft. Z-4-5-16 (31 1701 S. Cedar 745 Burcham 332-0111 487-3886 B-100 DODGE Van, 1974. Custom interior and exterior, many extras, 351-3118 ADDRESS excellent condition, 645-2354 after 6 p.m. 5-5-17 I3I CITY DATSUN B210 1975 Hatchback. Excellent ccndition, automatic, $2400 or best offer. 355-6102. Z-3-5-13 131 DEADLINE: FRIDAY, JUNE l«t, 5 P.M. unntucnoiM 1. The first 2 words are capitalized. 2. Extra worda capitalized 25' each. BARGAIN HUNTIRr 3. Insert one letter or punction mark par box. 4. Laava a spact between each word. THEY WENT THAT-A-WAY. ..TO SPECIAL RATES DREAM FOR SUMMIR COLLINGWOOD APTS!! for summer No frills BUT lowast prices Just across street from campus. Large furni¬ * air conditioned in town for Lirgn 2 bedroom shed 1 & 2 bedroom * dishwasher opts. Air, carpeted, * shag carpeting balconies. furnishad units. * unlimited parking * plush furniture 0NLY * model open daily UNIVERSITY $16000 4 W par month. Now leasing for TERRACE 3 Linai for '2." Bring or Mall to: SfoloNowa ClassedJW' Summer and Fall 444 Michigan BEECHWOOD APARTMENTS Each Additional Una 67' 347 Student ServlcetBW East Laming, Ml 48*2' Call 351-8282 (behind Rollerworld 332-5420 351-2798 on the river I) (also leasing for fall) (alio leasing fall) PRIPA YMINT RiaUl"*® n stol* Ntwi, Eon looting. Mlchlgon Thursday, May 12, 1977 13 I® I LttSSLffl I Mrtw" IB I I *«B llffl I mm Iffl EAST LANSING NORTH POINTE » SUBLET. On* bed- TWO BEDROOM country duplex. PRICE NEGOTIABLE, summer SPACIOUS STUDIOS, 240 Wesl FANTASTIC APARTMENT, 1 or 2 FIVE BEDROOM modem house, MALES SUBLET, summer, 2 bed¬ 5 campus- Erie* neg®- APARTMENTS. 1260 Road at 69. Furnished/unfur¬ Heslett 10 minutes from campus. Garden sublease, fall option, 3-man, block Michigan, East Lansing. Fur¬ people. To sublet summer, cheap, carpeted. 2 baths. Walking dis¬ room house, 576 Cornell, East , utilities. 366-1882. nished 1 and 2 bedroom apart¬ space. $160. 332-3396; 351-3896. from campus, furnished, air, utlli- nished. kitchen in separate room. close. 332-3429 or 332-3241. Z-3-5- tance. Good parking. 372-1336. lansing, $75/month. Call 337-0397. 8-5-1813) tiespaid, OT0910 J*J?_(4I Compere our sound-proofing, pri¬ 13 (3) 8-5-19 13) Z-3-5-12 (31 ments, newly redecorated, heat _ vacy, closeness to campus. Sum¬ end water furnished, 3 to 12 FEMALE: OWN room In beautiful THIRD MAN to share 3 bedroom bT NEED rnele grad «u- month leases. Start at $175/ duplex. $100/month. Available townhouae. $96/month includes mer and fall vacancies. Call NEEDED: ONE female. Luxury BEAT HIGH rents. 1-4 bedrooms, THREE MALE roommates needed ■ share apartment. rreter month. Call John or Sue, 332- May 15. Close. 332 6089 evenings. utilities. Greet location. Jim, 394- PRATT REALTY, 351-4420, Mon¬ apartment, own room, campus six carpeted. June and September for new 4-man house. Summer. day, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a.m.-2 blocks, Abbott Road, Available leases. Near Frandor. 372-1336. Close, air conditioning, all utilities 6364. 0*21*31 (371 Z-4-5-13 (31 4612.1*13 CT --I. 5-5-17 (81 June. 337-0624. Z*5-20 (3) 8-5-1914) peid. 351-6858. 12-5-27 14) iaNSING deluxe stuck) LARGE. 2 bedroom, air. children M.S.U. NEAR, 1 bedroomlurnish and pets, bus line, storage, pool. DILTA ARMf ed or unfurnished, air conditioned. UNIVIMITY VILLA 513 HILLCREST — town's largest FIVE MAN house, 4 man duplex, 3 SHARE HOME, 1 large bedroom |« in tri-level house. <166/ $215 Includes heat, available July. Available now or June. $170 and 1-2 bedroom apartments. 3 blocks man apartment, All furnished. for couple, fireplace, gerage, 3 B2 S02S 8-5 p.m. Joe. 348-6849afterBp.m. 8-6-12 (4) Is now leasing for sum¬ up. Call 349-4067. 8-5-19 (41 campus. Brightly furnished, air 332-4076 after 6 p.m. 8-5-19 (41 blocks from campus, 482-9690, conditioned, new carpeting, dish¬ evenings and weekends. 5523 (4) mer (with special rates) MALE ROOMMATE needed. CAMPUS NEAR 227 Bogue. 1 washers, disposals. Quiet building, ECONOMICAL SUMMER house. and fall. Large 1 bedroom apartment, Capi¬ STODDARD I Lake ApH. bedroom furnished, available June 15, excellent location and con¬ tol Villa, summer term. Mike, 353- security doors. Pleasant neighbor¬ hood. May, June and September Nice 4 bedroom only $190/month. 3556900 before 6 p.m. Z-3-512 STREET, 2 rooms, unfurnished. Approved for bed¬ dition. 393-7279. 0*5-20141 1 or 2 bedroom apart¬ 6248. Z-5-5-13 (3) leases. 351-4212, 665-1022. X-0- 131 4 people. 2 study rooms, gerage, ie short term 332-8173 14-5-31 1321 appliances included. 12 month ss available ments across from cam¬ ONE BEDROOM, furnished, upper SUMMER, NICEST apartments in 351-7910 SUMMER SUBLET - need three lease, $300/month plus utilities. pus. west of Frandor. $160, utilities Available September 15th. Phone East Lansing. Own room, air, $125 206 NORTH Holmes. Upstsirs males for house close to cempus. furnished. Call after 10 a.m. 489- 372-1215. 3-516 16) or best offer. 351-7182. Z-3-5-12 single, utilities furnished, partially $65/month. 351-3225. Z-5513 I3I 4789. 8-5-16 131 SUMMER SUBLET: one bedroom 13} 235 Delta furnished, $165/month. 489-0316. epertment, shag, air, furnished, 5-5-17 (3) FIVE MAN house summer or fall FIVE, six, seven bedroom houses, SUMMER SUBLEASE spacious 2 UNFURNISHED ONE bedroom you pay electricity. Rent nego¬ option. 4 houses from Mason- very close, furnished, parking, apartment with air conditioning 331-5978 bedroom epertment, excellent lo¬ cation, 2-4 people. Rent nego¬ tiable. Call 337-1176. Z-3-5-13 (3) hid Hew 2 be*™ Abbot. 332-5773. Z-5519 13) excellent shape, June lease. 335 and dishwasher available June 15. Dishwasher 2961 after 6 p.m. 5518 (4) tiable. 351-3947. Z-3-5-13 (31 THREE BEDROOM house, fenced RlKING distance. 1 bed- Steve, 332-8516 between 5-10 NEED TWO girts to share Cedar ONE MAN to share 2 bedroom Close Kished, utilities, air con- p.m. 7-5-13 (41 apartment. Summer term with fall yard, garage, 1 block from bus, FEMALE ROOMMATE to share ■ narking, summer $160. Village apartment. 77-78 school 1HCL EAST OF MSU option. 3 minutes from campus. Starting June or excellent landlord. Summer sub¬ house, own room, laundry, gar¬ 1374 6366. 21-5-31 I3I_ year. Close, low rent. Convenient. Call Margaret 355-8940. Z-2-5-13 Washer/dryer, parking, rent nego¬ September lease, fall option. Call 487-5942. Dave or Maureen. 2*818 14} age, $140 includes utilities, close, no lease. Call 484-1801. 5519 (41 tiable. 351-8100. Z-5-5-17 (51 WILL - furnished, 1, 2, 3 151 K Summer from $130. RESIDENT MANAGER - Couple ONE FEMALE to sublet beautiful RESPONSIBLE GRAD to share OWN ROOM, comfortable coed fca.5p.m._X-8-5-18J3) Ideal For One Or Two Persons. Utilities ONE, TWO females - fall, off campus. Unfurnished, carpeted, for quality 12-unit, 3 blocks MSU. Rent $220; earn half. Write Box 42, furnished spacious apartment for summer. Rent negotiable. Call farmhouse, own room. 7 miles out. $80/month. 3455690. Z 2-5 house. Near campus. June 15 September 15. 332-0984. Z-2-513 Included (Except Phone) IsTE L to share 2 bedroom Pool, leasing For air, $66/month. 353-7347 Cheri. Z-8-G23I3I East Lansing. OR-8-5-20 14) 3516326. Z-10-524 14) 13 13) summer term. Close to Summer $ Foil ^ 32-3107. Z-3-5-16 (31 FEMALE SUMMER sublet, fur¬ SUMMER SUBLET 2 bedroom THREE BEDROOM house, $200, SUBLET SUMMER, furnished 242 LOUIS, 1 block from campus. nished, close to campus, Ameri¬ apartment. Top floor house. $170, clean, close, cosy, 520 Spartan, home needs boarders. 2 single iii-mo Furnished, central air, parking, toWN room, summer utilities. No pets. 2 bedroom $185, FEMALE WANTED to sublease cana apartment, $60. Please call utilities included. Fall option. 482- summer sublease. 337-0960. Semi- bedrooms, 5 minutes MSU. $70/ month. 349-2565. S-5518 131 1 Nice roomies. Close, 1 bedroom $155, summer only. summer. Close to campus. Rent 351-9480 3-5-13 (31 9525. 8-6-20 13) furnished_Z2*13J3) ■month. 332-8141. Z-5-5- LARGE TWO party furnished ef¬ Fall rates higher. 351-7239. 5-5-16 negotiable. Call 332-2267. Z-5513 DUPLEX - 7 bedrooms, 2 baths. FURNISHED PRIVATE home for NEAR MASON, girl to share CIDAK VILLAOI ficiency. Close to campus, air. Fall I6I (3) Summer $325. Fall $500. 351- summer. 3 bedrooms. 3 blocks beautiful country apartment with $184, summer $145. 351-1610, 1206 after 5:30 p.m. 8520 I3I from North campus. Must be good SUBLEASE SUMMER - 3 man SUMMER SUBLEASE Woodmere fireplace, patio. Partially furnished. APARTMINTS 487-4451. 0-21-5-31 115) housekeepers. $225 plus utilities. apartment furnished, 2 bath, K Utilities paid, rent credit for yard SHARP FIVE bedroom house - Apartments, 2-man; 2 minutes 351-0599. 8520 (4) work. 6754720. 4-516 (51 SUMMER PLUS year option. 2 block from campus. 351-8276. from campus, negotiable. 355 Now leaiing for East side. Furnished. 2 full baths, bedroom, Z-5-5-16 (3) 7390; 3558677. 7*13 131 $375/month. Available June 15th. across Varsity Inn, all OKEMOS COUNTRY, brick farm conveniences. Reduced rates. ONE-TWO females needed 77-78 Summer 6683854, leave message. 5512 house. 7 bedrooms. Furnished. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, new school year, Americana, 4-man 351-6648. Z-2-5-13 131 Marigold Apartments Bogue street at $495. June 15. Call 882-4280. large 1 bedroom carpeted, ceble. furnished, water, heat included. Red Cedar River Marigold and Harrison 8520 (3) air. $165. 351-8058; 351-9091. 8-5- Tina, 353-1228. Z*513 (41 SUMMER/FALL option. 4 or 5 (opposita Shaw Lena) Call 351-5180 HAtUTZ 1_9I3L SUMMER SUBLET, in. 2 blocks campus. $300/ GREAT HOUSE, very close. Need APANTJM1NT6 month. Utilities. June free, cable 4 people to sublease summer. SUMMER SUBLET 1 man effi¬ NOW HINTING needed, own room, nice apart¬ TV, 351-6234. Z-8520 141 Rent negotiable. 332-3678. Z*5 VI Block to MSU ciency very close, nice. $140 ment. MSU 'A block. $42.50/ Hwsts includes all. 332-3057 after 5 p.m. for month. 351-3234. Z-5517 131 ijra_ Extra large 2-Br summer only SUMMER SUBLET 2 bedroom Now Leasing For 6-^12(31 1 bedroom apartments COUNTRY DUPLEX, 10 minute duplex. 265 Stoddard. $180/ SUMMER SUBLEASE, four or Summer £ Fall TWO BEDROOM unfurnished, five people needed to rent great 3 ■ sublet. 2 man, close CAMPUS. MALL, close. One bed¬ month 351-7333. Z-5517 131 ♦145 month one block campus, summer sub¬ freeway drive. 2 bedrooms, freshly bedroom home, 2 blocks from I furnished, air, Stod- 1I141M room, carpet, air, snackbar. $150. renovated. Garden space, trees. let, fall option, $185. 351-3879. campus, furnished, clean, rent '32-5916. Z*5-13 (3) 339-2346, after 4 p.m. 655-3843. for appointment call Z-3-5-13 (31 No Dogs. $196. 351-3898; 332- TWO BLOCKS from campus, 5 7*16(31 and 6 bedroom furnished homes negotiable, 351-5290. Z-BL-5513 I block from 351S764 331 7321 3396. 8-518 (51 (51 TWO PERSON apartment fur¬ for fall. Call Craig Gibson, 627- \ bedroom, 2 person 129 Burcham Drive furnished effi¬ GARDEN COTTAGES - Cute 1 nished, air, near campus, call COUNTRY SETTING, two miles 9773 and leave a message. 2-17- THREE BEDROOM, 1)4 beths, 7. Contemporary living ciency apartment, available June. bedroom brightly furnished bun¬ afternoon, evenings. 332-1659. Z- 83(41 furnished, on Park Lake. Large l. Recently completed Year leases. $160/month, heat galows on wide lawns. 4 blocks ALBERT STREET APART¬ from campus. Large, new. 4 85mi3i yard, summer, year lease availa¬ Hfumished. 12 month included. Summer leases available MSU. June and September MENTS. Large 2 bedroom, air bedroom, 2 Yi baths. Ample park¬ ONE ROOM available in duplex ble. $300/month plus utilities. Can Tier and fall also, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 351-2402; 6 leases. $215 including utilities. conditioned, furnished. 1 block NEEDED - ONE female for 77-78 ing. Grad students or seniors. $380/month. 669-5513 after 5 p.m. near campus. Burcham and Haga- after 10 a.m; 641-6265, 482-8628, Jd per month. 6:30-7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. 882-2316. XO-13-5-31 Phone 337-7111, 5-9 p.m. OR-8-5- from campus. Summer. Call 355 school year, Old Cedar Village, OR-8-519 (51 dorn. 337-1075. 8-517 13) 5517 15) ■177. 5-5-16 181 (24) 12(61 6118 after 5 p.m. OR-14-531 (4) balcony. 353-5674. Z-5517 131 THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★Save Time ★ Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you -E SHOP BAKERY SKIES CLUBS IMPORT SHOP CMLDRERS SHOES ARTS A CRAFTS BARBERSHOP KILIMANJARO BIRTHDAY CAKIS Baking Is our Business I TIRED OF BARS? TRY NASA SINGLES I * IMPORT SHOP Batik long (ihort sleeved ftff UNION BUILDING shirts OLD TOWN ARTS S CRAFTS • Hand decorated cakes * Lovere Antiques, gifts BARBER * All occasion cokes Vogo shirts t pents Custom made jewelry. ♦ Cookies, donuts, ond othar * large copper I bress scuddlos everywhere SHOP * Genuine Dutch Jove prints Craft Classes * Silk t cotton serees RK Products * Cokes dalivarad to your dorm Infants and Children's SHOES art leaking ier Complete line of mecroma I * Egyptian |ewelry • bead supplies •Layer Cuts or apartmant (paymant du * Indian cards t prints Widths B-EEE whan dalivarad) • Orthopedic Shoes Always accepting original art •Latest Styling • Tap and Ballet wedding service work on consignment. •Women's Haircuts 4IS-M13 • P.F. Flyers Let Them Kasw 2415 N. Cedar, Holf KWAST lAKttIM Tues.-Fri. 11-5 p.m. • Cowboy Boots 8 - 5:30 Mon. - Fri. A NEW ALTERNATIVE • talk* Yellow Pe^t 694-3102 3553368 444-1317 Saturday 1-5 p.m. House Slippers CAU11T4M) "Carolyn' SU-KS5 turn.-Sol-Ht Sun. H-S CtfO Wsw. 1,484-0362 Men.-Fri. 7:00-5:30 23S N. Washngton Squora 2l£2£l STEREO REPAIR TRAVEL FOR SALE HEALTH FOOD RIFLES ZOOM IN ON 10% DISCOUNT ft scan BUSINESS I to all MSU a gel AIR • HAIL iDNS ADVERTISE students TOURS • CRUISES en purchases of $2 HOTEL RESERVATIONS WEEKLY or more, yogurts UfeMittgi of all kinds. eeokf PROFESSIONAL AUDIO and breeds excluded COLLEfiE TRAVEL IN REPAIR EST Dannon Yogurt 31' • Three full • time professionally OFFICE Ystr 'round pricss THE trained technicians in Southern Michigan. RANOALL HEALTH FOOD |l- BUSINESS CotwmM • Complete Test facilities 130W.Grand River all work mmm • 3 month warranty on ill • East Laming DIRECTORY Brookf laid Plata Carolyn • Loantr amplifiers available 2412 Soutn CsOsr 1381 E.Grand River 555 K. (IRANI) RIVER 351-6010 Call $11-2244 355-8255 15-8155 'THETRAVEL MOFISSIONAll" w, buy, trade 4 sstl. 332-6892 FURMTURE OPTOMETRIST JEWELRY MUSIC AUTO SERVICE Unique Wadding Rings Tartan BUD'S CO-OPTICAL PARKER JEWELRY iCENTER SERVICES ploy. AUTO PARTS, TWIN "49" lansbg't Only Jan, Rock, Polko'a, Woltxaa, (last Ballad. 1 Lotlft. S. 6 or-7 tsspsmtf" Optical) place.. ■im MC. DOUBLE '59" Or. J. t. Nixon. Optonwt'iM PrefeaHanel appearance. Profeolonal Mend. [ 30% Odd tlzae to ordar • ETES EXAMINED • Quality Diamond Selection at Reasonable Prices CALL BAY KAY POO & DISCOUNT LATE MODEL • GLASSES Mi the • Wedding Ring Sets TAMA—ITIOM. MOTORS AND I*U WORK Acme Bedding Co. • CONTACT LENS YOieW PA6RS • Bridal Gifts Day.: 373-5200,373-5726 PARTS A SPECIALITY • We're Engraving Specialists HTHI.D. *14-2154 405 Charry • Kalamazoo MS-IMS After5SWaaksnds: "wylvania Halfway tstwssn Halt a Ask far Caretye 414-2321 412-6513 Mason on tt. Csdtr Phone 4R7 • 4995 RESTAURANTS JEWELRY CATERING SERVICE TOBACCOEST THE COMPLETE NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE TOP HINGE PROBLEM WEDDING SERVICE M.S.U. AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOORt PREGNANCY THE GRAPE VINE JEWELRY: Ornife Btoaom GoUFuhton Union Coloring •Ci9ar.tt.6r Wa herein stock- 372-1560 24Hours ) Otters yon three of lite's pleaanrea - good Art Car red "Coloring Spocloli.i." MARITAL •Wedding Receptions 'ftps Tobaccos by: food, good spirits, and good service. AU . GIFTS Custom Picture Framing •Breakfasts, Luncheons, 111*-ThreeStar-sad»Red Dear PROBLEMS? found in a warm country fre.h atmoaphere! £ Dinners a "-J— NEED TO TALK? Lunch Man.-Sot. 11.-30-2:30 •Bor Set-ups •ftpes ipSavmeili Dlnnar Mon.-Thurs. 5:00-10:00 •Take-out Service CATHOLIC YELLOW PAGES •Meeting Rooms ond 5:00-11:00 induct ed f " iw i.itin k <■«."■•■ - r— SOCIAL Advertise Today I Fri. and Sot. MA Equipment SERVICES Op*n Sunday The Grspe Vine Open ThurKJiy Evening. Call Carolyn 2758 E. Grand River 317-131* 'CanHelp' 3tg E. Brand Rlvar Ave 355-3455 355 - 8255 E. Leaden, 337-1701 E.«t Laming, MIcMgrni Can 372-4020 Is Your Business Listed Here? - Call Carolyn 355-8255 J £ Michigan Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May ,j ^ arm i »«« )b i »» ro ! «■* ljssljizi SUMMER SUBLET house on Grove Street. 1-3 roome eveileble. 186/month. 332-3315.8-6-16 13) SUBLEASE SUMMER, 3 roome, beautiful W DMUtllUI room houie. Acroet 6 iwim cempui. Negotiable, option sible. 351-0127. Z-8-5-18 (31 • pos¬ NEW. USED and vintage guitars, banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers and kits, recorders, strings, ac¬ cessories, books, thousands of FREE PUPPIES, 8 weeks old. Part Labrador. Call 4845259 iter 5 p.m. 8813 (3) FREE...A lesson in complexion or 4887197 L NORMAN COSI rric studios. Handicapper bill C-21-831 (181 passed by Housei QUIET NON-student neighbor¬ hard-to-find albums. (All at very FOR SALE: Siberian Husky. Fe¬ hood. 10 minute walk from cem- ONE OR two rooms for summer, low prices.) Private and group male. 6 months, ad shots, AKC MONEY - HOW you can make pue. Up to 5 pereoni. 1023 Beech one block from campus. Parking, lessons on guKaj-, banjo, mando¬ registered. 4100. 4845068. 8820 Street. Cell 349-1353 eveninge. lin, all styles. Gift certificates. (3) money in the Apartment, duplex dishwasher, sunporch, etc. Rent Expert repairs - free estimates. and general income property busi¬ 3-5-12 (41 negotiable. 256 Durand. 332-3462. BRITTANY SPANIEL pupa, good ness. You don't need years of Z-6-6-13 141 ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 641 SUBLET 1-3 bedrooms, summer. East Grand River. 332-4331. C-21- with children. Excellent pheasant experience, complicated texts or By CHRIS PARK8 lots of 25 or leu spaces. 409 Ann. Fell option. 351-6497. NEW HOUSE near campus for 5-31149) dogs. Bom In December and ready lots of money. We show you how LANSING (UPI)- The state The Houae bill would Nice yard, porch. Z-5-5-17 (3) sublet, female, own for hunting this fall. 'AKC register to locate, obtain financing, deter¬ House approved Wednesday require summer that local governments room, no damage deposit. 361- MARANTZ 5G Speakers list 4200. ed. 3388609. 18823 16) mine profitability, manage plus and sent to the Senate a ordinances requiring that adopt partment to LHI NEED QUIET non-smoking female 5207. 8-5-1313) Like new with warranty., 4100. much more. You can't find a more measure which would require park¬ for furnished duple*. Own room, 363-2875. Z-3-816 (3) AKC REGISTERED Labrador rs- concise or complete text for near ing spaces be provided ac¬ that all shopping centers desig¬ 470/month, negotiable. 114 miles THREE-FOUR persona. June or trievers, black and yellow, 7 weeks the price or your money promptly cording to the terms of the 1975 refunded. Send 42.26 for this nate spaces in their parking lota act. to campus, Sue, 332-8106 after 6 September laaaea. Close to cam¬ ATTENTION BOOKIESI (Lovers old, shots and wormed. 4100. Call (517) 5982266. Z-8816 (161 incredible moneymaklng guide to (or handicanpers. The p.m. Z-2-5-12 (51 pus, duple*. Call 669-9939 any¬ of books). America's largest pri¬ legislature recently time. OR-20-6-31 (31 INPEC, P.O. Box 490, Missouri The House also placed the vate library is being liquidated at adopted a measure making It JUNE - LARGE 6-8 man. Nicely absurdly low prices. Books Isold City, Texas 77466. Z-8816 (211 1977-78 state police budget In Illegal for able-bodied persons furnished, 2 baths. Ample parking, very close, Linden Street. Summer ROOMS AVAILABLE for summer, with fall option, In nice house, Individually) art H on 100 assort¬ p*rtili Hmis 1 position for a final vote after to park In apaces reserved for w year lease. 372-1801. 0-21-5-31 doss. 326 MAC, 131 351-6266. 8-6-13 ed subjects and H on hlstory/poll- tlcs/aconomlcs. Catalogue 41.50 SCHULTZ 10x50 with 8x12 en¬ Parts Pr«Hl|' rejecting three new attempts to altar or abolish the system a debated the Aa It now jtuj. , 120) (refundable). BRAKEMAN EN¬ closed porch. Close to MSU. ques¬ posed State GRADUATION PEANUT'S Per¬ under which troopers have been tion of Detroit freeway police ROOMS IN duple*. Co-ed. 2 513 BEECH - second story, nice TERPRISES. 2363 North Cedar, 42500. 332-6133. Z-2-812 (3) patrols tains 15,5 Holt. 694-8627 (appointments sonal Special win run June 3rd. 3 providing police protection on for the second day, having . baths, dishwasher. Rent nego¬ neighborhood, 3 bedrooms. June- lines for 42. Each additional Una 67 Detroit's freeways. tiable. Furnished. Larry 361-2824. September, fall option. 475/month necessary.) 1-812(11) SEPTEMBER 1. 12x60. Washer/ rejected on Tuesday a proposed cents. PRE-PAYMENT WILL BE The parking lot bill, approved 8-5-20 13) plus utilities. 351-8601. 6-6-12 (31 dryer, dishwasher, air, shed. 10 REQUIRED. So come In today and compromise between maintain¬ fawois u. NEW SANSUI: Tunar 9900 4450, minutes to campus. 45840. 694- 915, applies to shopping cen¬ ing the state police freeway . uulJ1|U HOUSE SUBLET summer % place your Graduation Paanuta LARGE, WELL maintained 5 bed¬ room home has rooms available block campus. Fully furnished, 6 tall 4300. Amp ALL-9600 4300. 337-1534. Z-4-5-17 (31 1781. 8813 13) Personal Special. Deadline: June ters built before the legislature patrols ordered by Gov. William th.Vther "to" 1st 5 p.m. 8813 (10) passed the Barrier Free Design G. Milliken as an emergency for summer. Near campus, 488 bedrooms. Call 332-3366. 8-5-16 NEW MOON 1975 mobile home Act of 1975 which covers new measure last summer and re¬ 1100. Call 351-8709 for appoint¬ 13) BOTTECHIA GIRO De Italia, 26". 12x60, 2 bedrooms, range, re¬ •Clarify that the cUl ■ PRINCESS GIESON: Happy 22nd centers. ment. Z-4-5-13 (4) excellent condition, touring bike. frigerator, utility shed, nice lot. placing them with state- veteranswho were hut LARGE ROOM, summer, Grove nice park. Good condition, 45600 Birthday. Hope It's royally won¬ Both that act and the House subaldlxed local patrols. 4325. 337-0036. Z-6-5-18 131 or MALE - OWN bedroom, nice Street, 3 blocks from campus, 480 Call 3388389 aftar 5 p.m. Z-8816 derful. Best wishes, Singer. Z-1-8 bill prescribe a sliding scale missing in action uifl Among the plana rejected for tuition-freed,,,"! house. Start June, fall option. negotiable. 351-5885 after 5 p.m. 15) 1214) which hlch requires a minimum of CIMATTI CITY blka, 600cc, 1976. Wednesday waa one under 'he veteran Good location, call 484-2778 even¬ 8-5-13 131 Good condition. 150 mpg. Top one apace for handicappers in which the state police would wuTw! DELUXE PARKWOOD 12x60 Ex- resident. ™ ings. Z-3-5-1313) speed 20-30 mph. 487-5663.3-5-16 Rill Eslati A Rhms pando. Furnished, large living step-up kitchen, carpet, TWO WOMEN needed, large du¬ room, New air rules scheduled for ple*, private room, 3 blocki from campus, 484/month plus utilities. 332-4748. Z-2-5-12 131 ROOM IN Lansing home. Quiet neighborhood, inexpensive, on ITALIAN 10 speed racing bicycle, needs tome work, 440, best offer. 361-1227. S-3-6-16 13) shed, close. Best offer. 351-2646 between 5:30-8:30 p.m. 8823 151 A PERSON'S home is his castle. Homes are my specialty. Ptul Coady, 332-3582. MUSSELMAN handicapper,! New regulationsi to make air seats to but line. Full house privileges. COLONNADE 1976. Three bed¬ REALTY. C-18-831 (31 handicappers on the handicapprs but.ii^m room, shed, excellent condition. travel easier for handicappers grounds that they might get In FOUR-FIVE openings in house for 484-0994. 3-5-13 13) WRULITZER • ORGAN 1961 LARGE 3 bedroom with formal bers must L .« .?■ summer. Singles or group. Rent Doubla manual, octave the 3395600 or 3485873. 8818 13) dining room and fireplace. 7 3/4 take effect next Monday. the way In an emergency evEuST sUucuLmt't,PWl^ ___ negotiable. 1026 Ann Street. 332- SUB-LEASE room for summer in door, lamp, earphones. 4500 firm. assumable land contract, open Aa of that date airlines will Each'airline la developing its 1691. Z-3-5-13 131 split-level 4 bedroom. Milford MARLETTE 1964, 10x60, fur¬ no longer be allowed to deny own procedures for carrying 8824559. 8-5-23 (4) cedures. Street. Call 337-9494. Z- nished, near campus. Available Sunday 2-5 p.m. or call owner, June 13. Call 351-9620 after 5 p.m. 676-4298. 8-823 14) HOUSE FOR summer, furnished, 4-5-13 (31 SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE 5-man, walk to campus. 332-0351 SALEI Brand Z-8817131 new portables 6-5-16131' ONE BLOCK from campus. 2 SUBLEASE SUMMER - own fur¬ nished room. Clean spacious home, two blocks from Union 449.96. 45 per month. Large selection of reconditioned used machines. Rummage Sale TWO-THREE ment, garage, bedroom home, fruit trees. 337-9131 ASMSU opposes Iran films building. 475. 332-0940. S-3-6-16 Singer, Whites, Nec- evenings persistently. S-8812 (31 bedroom, 2 person duplex. Avail¬ chi's. New Home and "many 13) Icontinued from page 1) eExamined able June. 12 month lease. Heat others." 419.96 to 439.96. Terma. Student Board President Kent Barry said outstanding- Studz*■ included. 4220/month. 8:30-7:30 p.m., 351-1177. 5-6-16 15) TWO ROOMS for rent in houae for summer. 1 month free rent. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 North Washing¬ GARAGE SALE: household items, clothing, end morel May 13th-May HcrntlM |[jj] that since he does not personally support the committee to stop the filma, the letter loans to other campus group!; 14th, 9:384:30 p.m. 944 Pebble- ONE BLOCK from campus. 4 351-8482. Z-6-5-19 13) ton. 489-6448. C-21-S-31 1261 brook Lane, East Lansing. (White PARACHUTING EVERY after¬ to the MSU Board of Trustees asking to end elntroduced a bill to provide i remove elections commissiousn; j bedroom, 4 person apartments in CRUISING SAILBOAT Aquarius Hills). 4-812 (4) noon end weekends. Lessons MSU'a involvement with Iran in the project house. Furnished. Available June. 5 ROOMS in houae for summer, 21. Elaborately equipped, depth 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Sunday, and •Approved a bill to tape the « should be written by Stuart Carter, Inter- and 12 month lease. All utilities Includ¬ rent negotiable. 329 MAC. 332- MOVING/RUMMAGE Sale. Sev¬ by appointment 5763. ZX-5-5-13 (3) sounder, motor, trailer, galley, during week. Cooperative Council representative. ed. 4460/month. 6:30-7:30 p.m., head, lots of sails, wenches, more, eral families. Knob Hill Apartment In other action, the Student Board: •Introduced a bill to approve ments to three J 361-1177. 5-5-18 161 SUMMER SUBLET one room 46600 firm. 332-2936. 6-5-13 (5) clubhouse. U mile south of Jolly ir de- University ju on Okamos Road. Friday, Satur¬ COUNTRY LIVING close to cam¬ available in beautiful modern CELLO ENGLEHARDT, like new, day, May 13 and 14. 3-813 151 houae. Rant negotiable. Call Jeff pus. Summer only. Must Ilka dogs. complete with case, bow, mute, 470/month. Sharon, 337-0090. 8 6-1913) 332-6783. Z-3-5-16 (3) ONE-TWO persons to sublet rockstop. 4375. Call 882-6137. 3-5-12(3) BLOCK SALE - 4 garages. Kewee¬ naw Drive, Okamos (off Senses). Sirvici IS Witnesses counter Hook theory of kill room in nice house, summer. 402 Furniture, bikes, adult and child¬ ALL TYPES of optical repairs, MSU NEAR. Houses end duplexes NEW FURNITURE for sale at cost. ren's clothes, linens, prompt service. OPTICAL DIS- for 1-10 people available summer Unden. Includes utilities. 337- First come, first serve. Call after lamps, gas and/or fall. Call between 94 p.m. 2387. Z-B-1-5-12 (3) range, lawn mower and much (continued from page 1) statement issued by Houk, Daniel III 5:30 p.m. 332-3107. Z-2-813 (3) STE-MAR MANAGEMENT. 361- mora. Friday, Saturday, May 13 sing. 372-7409. C-8813 (141 was asked what he thought abouUhe apparent said, "We never ever speak for tka| GIRL JUNE 15, private entrance, and 14,10-6 p.m. 2-813 (71 confiicts between the Lansing Policei Depart- 5610.8-5-12 (4) OPTI SCAN-10 channel receiver. department." r LARGE 8 perebn house. Septem¬ refrigerator, After 5 p.m. partially furnished. 361-8415. 2-5-13 (31 Model SBE-12-SM, new. 4250 or best offer. Phone 663-8547. 5-5-18 MAY 13: 12-7 p.m., 14: 87 p.m., 15: 12-5 p.m. Furniture galore: I Typni swicilS] ments' description of the shooting and the Heraman began active duty Tuesday. I ber 1977-1978,490 per month plus I3I utilities. Single bedrooms, parking, TWO BEDROOM for summer. chairs, sofa, dining set with buffet. ANN BROWN PRINTING AND Auto tape player and miscel¬ D°f§ Wtet laundry. 332-1918. 8-5-12 14) Block from campus. 467/peraon. SOLAX 1975 moped bike, great TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, laneous. 1620 Ridgewood, East Large bedrooms. 332-6035. Z-BL- for around town. 4250. 337-1264; general priming. Serving MSU for FEMALE(S) SUMMER, own 2-8-13 131 Lansing. 2-813 15) 27 years with complete theses - 353-8661. 3-5-16 131 room, campus 2 miles, 104 bus, service. 349-0660. C-21-831 (19) SUMMER ROOMS for rent, 465 MOVING SALE: Refrigerator, fur¬ pets considered. 332-2681. 8-5-17 PIONEER CT-F8282 cassette. Top- I3I and 485, utilities paid, near cam¬ niture, children's toys and cloth¬ EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ of-the-line performance. , 11 pus. Call 332-0267 after 5 p.m. ing. 2639 Linden, East Lansing. sertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN. AVAILABLE JUNE 15, 3-6 bed¬ months warranty. 4347. IRegular 2-5-13 (31 Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., 489-0358. C-21-831 (12) room houses in good shape. 1st 3 4400). 353-8284. Z-1-812 (41 351-7948. 2-813 (4) Announcements for It's What's The Bath Lions are sponsoring a Russian and East i| Happening must be received in the bike-a-thon at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Studies Program pr months reduced rent for 15 month ROOMS IN house for summer. No EXPERIENCED TYPIST - fast and 10-SPEED bicycle. Super light (22 State News office, 343 Student Saturday. Proceeds go to Special Three Sisters" a: 7:30 H lease. Call EQUITY VEST 484- deposit, 475/month. 420 Ann, FURNITURE, SMALL appliances, accurate. Dissertations, thesis, lbs.), Fuji racer. Excellent machine. Services Bldg., by noon at least Olympic or Bath Athletic Fund. B106 Wells Hall. EngMl 9472 or 482-5426. 0-5-5-13 15) 3324557. Z-3-5-12 (31 and term papers. Cell 339-3575. vacuum, bicycles, clothing, house¬ two class days before publication. Call the Bath Lions Club. 4150. 351-7326. 8-5-17 I3I 0-1-812 (121 wares, Baccarat crystal, antique No announcements will be ac¬ TWO, THREE, Four bedroom OWN ROOM, summer sublet. silver. May 14 and 15,85:30 p.m. houses available summer and fall. 475/month. Available June 16.513 BEDROOM SUITE. Beautiful de¬ 1617 Linden, East Lansing. (East COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete cepted by phone. MSU Amateur Radio Club, 349-1540. 8-5-12 (3) Albert. 332-2483. Z-3-5-12 13) sign. Night stands, triple dresser, of Hagadorn.) 2-813 16) dissertation and resume service. W8SH, meets at 8 tonight in 339 FOUR BEOROOM, 2 unit house, 2 King site spring/mattress. 4395. Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. Minority Pre-Med Students As¬ Engineering Bldg. SUMMER ROOMS - singles and 332-0402. 8818 (3) 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- sociation will hold a first-aid class kitchens. One yeer lease, 4350 plus Lost I Foul doubles in fraternity house. Rea¬ 1666. C-21-831 (16) at 3 p.m. Sunday in B205 Ufa Employment problems? See utilities. Available September 1st. OHM E's, brand new. Askinq sonable. Call Pete, 332-2501. X18 Sciences Bldg. Contact Keith how Christian Science can help Close. 486-9241, Kirk, after 8 p.m. 4140. Purchased April 28. Need ELEVEN YEARS experience McElroy. MSU Astronomy Wl 85-16 (61 82613) LOST: NEW baseball glove taken from 6:30 to 7:30 tonight in 334A money fast. 363-8448. 8812 (3) typing theses, manuscripts, term 7:30 tonight in NaM at tennis courts. A birthday gift. e Hall. SUMMER SUBLET, 4 people SUBLET SUMMER - female, SAWYER CANOE: used 1 month. Call Brian, 351-4562. 8818 (4) papers. Evenings, 6787544. C-21- Interested In Africa? Contact ium. Elections will 1*14^ own room, 1150 Albert, new du¬ 821 (12) slide show o needed for 5 bedroom house. Excellent condition. 4160. 332- Helen Gunther in 106 International Dr. Keith Goldhammer, Dean of plex, 466. After 5 p.m., Ruth LOST: SET of keys with black Astronomy. Furnished, yard, clean, females. 4674. 18824 I3I TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and Center. Ask about the Undergrad¬ the College of Education, will 351-3480. Z-2-812 (31 leather tag with an "N" on it. Call uate African Studies Program. Rem negotiable. 3588913; 358 reasonable. 371-4636. C-21-831 apeak on "Reorganization of the Exhibit Of Sign U 353-0247. Z-3-813 (3) 8912. X-8817 14) OLYMPIC ACE, all dura-Ace com¬ (121 LARGE ROOMS available now Department of Secondary Educa¬ finger spelling in En and June 15. One block to cam¬ ponents. Hand made, 23" frame, LOST-BEAUTIFUL calico cat, Open volleyball at 11 a.m. tion and Curriculum" at the I.D. Er Department ol Edw 22 pounds aa new. 351-2814. UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS COM¬ GROVE STREET. 2 blocks from Sunday in the Men's IM Building. Union, beautiful house/disposal, pus. 505 Albert, 15 and « 7. Call Z-2-813 (31 stubby tail. Vicinity Orchard Street. Please return. 351-6795. PLETE DISSERTATION and re¬ Gym III. T. Luncheon from noon to 1:30 source Center Friday | 3514142. Z-8813 141 sume service. IBM typing, edit¬ p.m. Friday in 1961 Room, North June 3. dishwasher, perfect for room¬ 7-820 (3) Case Hall. BLACK DIRT-sod farm soil, 6 ing, multilith offset printing, type¬ mates. Call 337-1817; 351-2897. AVAILABLE NOW, room for Musicians and entertainers Central United I X-8813 (41 male. Also summer and fall. Near yards 439. Delivered locally. 641- LOST 2 pair of glasses in blue setting and binding. We en¬ 6731 or 484-3379. 18830 (3) needed for volunteer work at MSU Collegiate 4-H Club meet¬ Church, 216 N. courage comparative shopping. Union, 414/week. 443 Grove case. Vicinity of Horticulture For estimate, atop In at 2843 East Stockbrldge Nursing Home. Con¬ ing at 6:30 tonight in 340 Union to Ottawa Street preset®* SEVERAL 8person houses avail¬ able Street. 332-0206. 8819 14) TV BUYS excellent selection of Building. Call 3585196 or 358 Grand River or phone 332-8414. tact Sam Garlinghouae at Tral- discuss club events. Bring ideas. roe High School Chwkl starting fall term. Call 1-772- 4209 or 3514107 aftar 5 p.m. ROOMS FOR rent, summer, adja¬ used BErW TVs from 439 up. 2778. Z-2-813 (4) ■ 821-831 (32) famadore Co-op. Friday at the church. 8813 114) cent to campus, colors from 4139. Over 20 used, Outdoor Women of Michigan nice large house. WILL THE person who has my 470/month. 332-2969. Z-8817 13) guaranteed sets to choose from. THESIS, DISSERTATION,' and Volunteers needed for tele¬ chapter being formed in Lansing Univarsity p TWO 8person houses available Plus used Odyssey 100 TV games. black windbreaker with gold STAR TREK patch return It. If you term paper typing. Fast, reason- phone survey on redlining. Call area. Meeting at 7 tonight at Softball froth 'jj immediately or for summer. CaH ROOM FOR rent out of down¬ All types of merchandise taken in * able. Cell JOHN CA 1QHN CALHOUN, 332- Dave Persell, Center for Urban Michigan United Conservations behind Red Cedar like the patch, I've got more but I 1-7724209 or 3514107 after 5 trade. WILCOX TRADING POST, 2078. OR-21-831 (121 Affairs, College of Urban Develop¬ Clubs office, 2101 Wood St., town Lansing. Southwest side. want the jacket please. Larry, 509 East Michigan, Lansing. 488 ment. p.m. 8813 (15) Call 394-5323 after 5 p.m. 8820 Abrams Planetarium. 3584673. Lansing. Contact Diane Stanaw- (3) 4391. OR-28831 IB) Z-1-812 I7I ski. Support the ROOM IN good house summer WHtll Daytime Center for Senior Citi¬ unsupported circ» ■ term, 4 minutes from campus, MULTITUDES OF vacuum clean¬ zens needs volunteers interested people at 6:30 P* » SINGLES AND doubles summer LOST: COLEX calculator between ASMSU 470/month. Call Chris, 351-0989. and fall. Reasonable rates include ers. 46.88 and up. Uprights, tanks, COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, in working with elderly. Call Programing Board the East ComptolM* cannisters. 2 year warranty. BAR¬ Holden and Physics building. Call seeks applicants for assistant 8812 (3) utilities and phone. ELSWORTH baseball cards, much morel 11 371-2296. sored by ECHO ^ Pam 353-6600. Z5-819 (3) GAIN HOUSE, 826 West Sagi¬ CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, comptroller. Applications may be PRIVATE ROOM in house, 5 COOPERATIVE. 332-3574. 8817 naw. Lansino 484-2600. C-21-8 307 East Grand River, 3325112. picked up in 307 Student Services Parks and Reel minutes from campus. 485/month (4) 31 (20! LOST: ADULT gray cat, short OEC itea expanded clinic hours Bldg. (open 11:386 p.m.) C-21-831 (20) Clubs bike hike to ™ includes utilities. 374-6677. 8813 hair, much loved. Spartan Village to 8:30 a.m. Friday for ages 12 to (31 MEN: QUIET, singles, cooking. 1 block to MSU. Summer rate. 4230. Full term. 4888836; 351-2623. HAND MADE Persian 32"x54", must sell. 4100 or best carpet, area. Please call 3582733/337- 2259. 881613) ROOMMATE FOR 2 bedroom apartment. Residential area, close 20 sign-in. Call DEC. MSU Hang Gliding Club meet¬ ing at 7 tonight In 284 Engineering ?SheS«| Gaykowski. EAST LANSING duplex, 2 bed¬ olfer. Sayed, 337-2381, 811 p.m. Need a plant doctor? Free plant to major bus route. Lansing East OR-18831 (4) Z-4-816 (3) clinics are offered by Horticulture Bldg. F rooms, large yard/garden area, furnished, utilities included, 4310/ month. Call 487-6481/373-3257. WESTINGHOUSE STOVE in good P>rs»«il If/] aide. 4887367 evenings and week¬ ends. 8820 (6) Club. Call Horticulture Depart- Michigan State Department of MSU Sport sponsors an Open 8813 (41. fw Siuj^j condition, has new oven ele¬ ASTROLOGER: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBLE FEMALE wHI live Music presents Brian Pearson in a Senior Trombone recital at 8:15 day at the Free movies, CharWjl (ooAf | ment top and bottom. Call after 3 in your piece 77-78 school year eight years. Horoscopes with con¬ THREE BEDROOM duplex, sum¬ 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. p.m. As is 430.372-1199. E-8813 sultation. 351-8299. Z-18823 (3) while you're sway. 366-6866 even¬ tonight In Kellogg Auditorium. Inter-Varsity C mer, possible fall option. Largs yard. Rent negotiable. 332-3956. Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. Guaranteed one full year, 47.88 DAD-GOOD news and bad ings. S-8812 (3) I^ound Town Anthropology Department pre¬ snip meets elr' ® 8812 (31 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING KELPPER KAYAK fiberglass, 2 seater with spray cover and pad¬ newsl Good news is I'm finally taking those practical courses (La, HOUSESITTER NEEDED? Young married couple seeks home or sents Dr. Sherwood L. Weahburn u"i°nCindyHnSi on student involve"*"! COMPANY 318 North Cedar, op¬ on "Human Behavior and the SUMMER SUBLEASE/lall option. posite City Market. C-21-831 dles. Like new. 4425. (3131 688 typing, shorthand for class notes, apartment for summer. Both wide missions , 4 bedroom house, 4220/month, 9411. Z-8816 (31 Behavior of Other Animals" at 8 and accounting.) Bad news is working. Local references. Parent near Michigan. Call aftar 6 p.m., you'll miss ma as I'll be In worka at MSU. Call after 5 p.m. tonight in B104 Wells Hall. Episcopal*"'' „ TYPEWRITER IBM, 460, steel 4880801.881214) shelving 410. 20 gallon aquarium Colorado for tho summer (morn¬ 332-2863.35-12 16) Eucharist at 5 Pj, Pre-Medst Tour MSU Clinical 46. Call 361-2586. E-14-831 (3) ing classes only). ROCKY MOUN¬ Alumni Chaps' K EAST LANSING close In. Six Center at 3 p.m. Wednesday. - TAIN BUSINESS followa. COLLEGE, Deadline for sign-up la Friday In girls needed to rent entire house for summer only. 332-5968.8188 NEW U.S. diver's large Farmer John wet suit. 4180. 694-5873. HORSES BOARDED - riding arena and formal ring. Reasona¬ Boulder and Fort Collins, 1520 East Mulberry, Ft. Collins campus. fy)ind Town PARACHUTING noon and EVERY after¬ weekends. Lessons 103 Natural Science Bldg. 31131 Call collect 1-303-484-5780. Z-2-5- 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Sunday, and 8820 (3)__ ble. 6682886. 8813 13) ssksssF1™* 13 (181 by appointment during week. Criminal justice students: Meet EAST SIDE (Lansing) - large, SPORTING GOODS - men and ARABIAN MARES for sale. Sev¬ Morning, lata evening, call 381- with Alpha Phi Sigma at 6:16 five bedrooms, for summer (4175) PARACHUTING women's scuba diving equipment. eral to choose from. Good breed¬ EVERY after¬ 3766, afternoon 6435731 for de¬ tonight in 332 Union. or fall (4290), 3, 9, or 12 month One pair size 714 ski boots (new). ing. Boarding available close noon/weekends. Lessons 10:30 tails. Z-3-813 (6) lease. 6781557.18820 (4) to Two Honda motorcycles 100FL, Meridian Mall. a.m. Saturday/Sunday. By ap¬ The Student Advisory Council Make beautiful 125FL. Stuffed moose head. 349- pointment during week. Morning, HERB BE"YERS~wi lecture Ind " family and children's pets. 339- of Social Science Student SUMMER, FALL. 3 bedroom par¬ 2832.8813 (5) late evening. 351-0765, afternoon demonstrate Paychometry Friday 8509.18823 (61 I tonight In 203 meeting ft and ® tially furnished, pleasant neighbor¬ WIN MONEYI Grand prizes from May 13, 7:30 p.m. 44. Workshop elect (1977-78) 543-6731 for details. Z-8813 (6) hood one mile from campus. Rem I TANBERG 9100, reel to reel, ENGLISH SPRINGER Spaniel 4160 to 4300 at Bingol 7:30 p.m. Saturday May 14, 7:30 p.m. 46. negotiable, call 1-787-4866 collect without Dolby. A-1. Call 3515643, FOR QUALITY stereo service, Tuesday Night. CONGREGATION W' Sponeoteri after 6 p.m. 8818 (6) pups, AKC. 5 weeks liver/white. by Stuart. 881213) THE STEREO SHOPPE, 556 East SHAAREY ZEDEK, 1924 Coolldge, ARK METAPH"0""' ...-TAPHYSICAL CENTER, — Gay Liberation meets at 3 p.m. 8945171.8818 (31 ...... Center- OMf" Grand River. C-21-831 (121 East Lansing. C-21-831 1201 121 West South Street. 2-813 Sunday In the Union Tower (8) Room. appointments. I) chlgg" st0>e New*' Eott lQn,ing. Michigan Thursday, May 12, 1977 15 DOONESBURY ® duly fiv ihofys§y§ Refunds for tho canceled h Ebony PiodfC> ♦ion's Natalie Cole concert are ava'labte SPONSORED BY in 307 Student Services Bldg. from U a.m. by Garry Trudeau to 5 p.m. until May 13. lllM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (I J)WELM-TV(Cabla) (12)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKA SO ML MB ABOUT THIS KOftAN CONNECTION LOELL, MARK, THE CHSF ALLE¬ GATION IS THAT TUB KOREAN BRIBES. ILLEGAL MILLIONS? COmiBUms. LAVISH HON MANY CYNICAL YOUR ETHICS COMMITTEE'S SECRET SERVICE HAS BEEN SPINO- HOW ENlET'rm. WENS ON WE QUESTION. i mws m, MRS. at m MIUJONS TO INFLUENCE ACTION OFuMtEMNARE COMMITTEE? FOUR. 1UMT'STHBSCAM on u&sum AmaiN6 south j thursday 3:00 (4) All in the Family 9:00 (4) Hawaii Flve-0 sports , THERE? KOREA: i morning (10) Another World (10) Movie "Danger In Paradise" FRIDAY (23) World Press 8:00 (11) Cabletronic 11 News EVENING 3:15 llaln Kangaroo (12) Barney Miller id Morning (12) General Hospital (23) Classic Theatre 11:30 9:30 3:30 (4) NBA-PLAYOFF (4) Match Came (12) Pilot Western Conference game 9:00 10:00 I Donahue (23) Ullas, Yoga and You (4) Barnaby Jones ,rcus Welby, M.D. 4:00 (12) Streets of San 83% of our ihl (4) Confetti Francisco ime Street (10) Scrambled Eggs 11:00 Readers PEANUTS ® For all your high supplies. (12)Bonania (4-10-12) News read this space. SPONSORED BY: POWER HITTERS-50% OFF 10:00 (23) Woman (23) Sesame Street |e's Lucy by Schulz ord and Son 4:30 (4) Ko|ak 11:30 tour AD Ktric Company (4) Bewitched (10) Cllllgan's Island (10) Johnny Carson could YOU HEARD ME.'.' I EVERY BAIL YOU 6UY5 • (12) Mary Hort man, Mary 10:30 SAID IT WAS OUT!! HAVE HIT HA5 BEEN OUT.' Hartman bo hero! EVERY BAIL WE'VE HIT 18 [,1s Right S:00 (23) ABC News YOU WANT ME TO HA5 BEEN IN!!! jod Squares (4) Gunsmoke (12) Emergency One I SPELL IT FOR YA?! [y* ShOW y |nity Factory (23) Mister Rogers' cs. V- £n « Neighborhood TATAMIS-'2.99 11:00 velvet thong, straw soles el ol Fortune ppy Days 5:30 (11)Cabeltronic 11 News BEACH SANDALS '3.99 HL?A |ster Rogers (23) Electric Company multi-layered striped crepe soles - lots of colors to choose from 11:30 thursday evening Great selections now; but they're going fast! FRANK & ERNEST |e of Life SPONSORED BY: _ot for the Stars 5:30 10% MSU DISCOUNT Jnily Feud (ll)Cabletronic II News CAMPUS COBBLER by Bob Thaves •top by • we will muka you welcome (as, Yoga and You (23) Electric Company 4:00 a. >.b Cr c d ci £ p. gt )n 11:55 (4-10-12) News tTV C/lfclsBD i News (11)TFP 3 ADDITIOM AND Ifternoon (23) Leveling 4:30 Sw9r/?ACT|ONI, (4) CBS News 86BSY...NOT (10) NBC News (11)Kosmic Beam ErvtN' Experience (12) ABC News 12:20 |ianac 12:30 |rch for Tomorrow :o and the Man ■n's Hope 1:00 Ing Show P My Children ol Pushers 1 6 Michigon Stole News, Cost lonsing, Michigoi City councilmember criticizes requests of social services for additional money work session on the prepara¬ amount as last year — out of a the center's board of directors. By MICHAEL ROUSE tion from TRC. SUte News SUH Writer tion of the proposed $10.8 request for $6,700. Listening "When the city steps In, it Various social services which million budget, representatives Ear also maintained its present Ipcar said about 40 per cent weakens citizen support," of the calls from East receive support from the city of East Lansing pled their cases of the Tenants Resource Center (TRC) and Listening Ear crisis appropriation of $8,450 out of a request for $16,100. Sharp said. "They say the come Lansing residents, 40 per cent FRANDOR government is taking over the from Lansing and about 7 per Tuesday night for more money intervention center appeared. The council will approve the The Drug Education Center social service. Then the govern¬ cent from Meridian Township. SHOPPING in next year's city budget, but received a wealth of criticism final form of the budget Tues¬ received its request, which was ment better run it and the employes should be on the "If (Lansing Mayor) Graves CENTER PH°NE: store 337-161 from Councilmember Mary day. lower than the amount current¬ N- HOUK Sharp. In the p- posed budget, TRC ly being spent; the Older Peo¬ government staff." can fund you in his budget, I'll be more than happy to." Sharp 1_—=SL-.. ^ • 3180MALL COURT 9 A.M. T0,L At the final City Council is allott. ' <2,000 — the same ple's Program received its re¬ quested increase of about Charles Ipcar, director of TRC, proposed that East Lan¬ said. LANSING, MICH. ^ytSJJ* $2,000: and the Council on Aging received its present allo¬ sing contribute $5,200 — to be "East Lansing pays double — Next to Kroger ,0a m to'R.mT matched by Ingham County - through the county commission 'Z' showing tonight cation in the city manager's recommendation. for nator. a counseling staff coordi With such a supervisor, and the city. It appears that your funding depends on where TRC would be able to receive you can get votes," she added. Maurice Grondin, coordina three full-time employes under Frq#t Line Cinema, a collective of various area political groups, tor of Listening Ear, said an However, Mayor George the federal Comprehensive and The Lansing Star will present Costa-Gavras' award-winning additional $600 is needed for Griffiths said funding may be 19B9 political thriller "Z" tonight and Friday. Employment and Training Act. increased operating expenses difficult to get from Lansing or The film, based on the novel by Vassili Vassilikos, stars Yves and $6,000 is needed for a Ipcar said he has received Ingham County because such a Montand, Irene Papas and Jean-Louis Trintignant. "Z" was cited as part-time person to search for indications that TRC cannot small part of their jurisdiction the best film of 1969 by the New York Critics Circle, and won applicable state and federal expect any financial support is benefited by TRC. grants and to coordinate pro¬ from the city of Lansing. Academy Awards that year for best foreign film and best film Councilmember John Czar- editing. Pauline Kael of the New Yorker has written of the film: grams in the volunteer center. But Sharp said other munici¬ necki pointed out the problem "Remember when the movie ads used to say, 'It will knock you out Sharp said Listening Ear palities, such as Lansing, Mer¬ of people outside the city using of your seat"' Well, 'Z' damn near does." should check into the possibility idian Township and Lansing city-provided services when he The film will be shown tonight at 8:30 in Parlor C of the Union, of receiving Community Chest Township, should contribute to said reservations for Patriarche and Friday at 7:30 p.m. in B106 Wells Hall. A discussion will follow aid and said the search for the center sin.ce residents of Park facilities have come from each showing. A donation is requested. funding should be a function of those localities receive informs as far away as Owosso. MIMT FOAM COOLED HAWAIIAN' TROPIC SIM TANNING OIL Oil LOHON .802. 325 COKE SPRITE FRESCA in and out TAB in a hurry is important to you, 69' 2 litre Bottle you're ready for our READVTELLER KODAK X IS You should be able to get to the bank, take care of your banking business, and you get the Ready Card you need to operate the Ready Teller. West Saginaw. At our Meridian branch, CAMERA 2128 West Grand River, Okemos. At get back to other important things. We think you'll find the Without spending the afternoon. Ready Card our University branch, 3335 East a good thing to have, whether you use Michigan near Frandor. And at our It's the way banking should be. our Ready Teller service immediately Cedar-Edgewood branch. 6336 or not. Because you never know when it South Cedar. Well now, that's the way banking might come in handy. And seeing is really is. At American Bank and Trust. believing. Because now, we offer all our customers See Ready Teller in action One last thought: the incredible ease of banking with Ready Teller is a marvelous machine If you like the idea of taking care of Ready Teller. that performs a marvelous service. And your banking without a lot of wasted time Ready Teller is the electronic teller accordingly, we invite that s ready when you to see what it and wasted motion, you're ready for you are. It handles can do for yourself. all your everyday Ready Teller. banking transactions. Right now, you can do just that. At And With convenience. With quickness. And we know that Ready Teller is our Waverly-Saginaw branch. 3820 ready for you. depending on your point of view, maybe even with fun. It's open every hour of the day. Every day of the week. And best of all. the card that lets you operate It costs you nothing. To Ready Teller is free. get or to use. zflmertcgd, K0DAC0L0RII O.K., how do you get one? It couldn't be easier. Just drop by READVTELLER THE BANK THATS READY WHEN YOU ARE. OFF FILM any AB&T branch and pick up your Ready Card reservation. We'll make sure 1111 S Washington Square • Lansing. Michigan 4IW) Urr mo* ,,, $128 WHEN VOU HAVE KOOACOtOt HIM „ AT SUPER X. (COUPON WIU . BE INSIDE ENVH YOU ICK UP YOUR PRINTS.)