coupn Tli s free HShow if. on12a-t4,Sucers thes $19. 37-91 aydomuits ttohe Pione r Tech fPhriooocwnliemndlrs FSMaratiudnryy,, FFbholrieekfisn!g purchase! Adres bteacyonuolusiplons discarseopcenicvttias:l $P461553e600.r EALRGaivrnasenitrd.,g at Experts Thursday, Hif. any Tech with Name This Pione r Pione r $ 142950. hifi Pione r tech East 619 eht ral ta( erom deunit .shparg yletauq yhparg railmaf eno eht ".senizagm ot ohw ecnadiug ot deunitoc( euqitrc dluoc ecnirpx serts seiruaB dnuof )gsnaiwduj emgaoprf h t i w fo ¬othp ¬eda ¬othp enoms rednu gniteg ¬noc esoht ¬ims ni 122 segduJ 1fopic2tureshawbahnoditepnrs¬d tevorywh pictures,"sahide.Disaelstzo Dstuideent.zhomran¬blefIosaaolxetfNPaatiornk.l thproeject,loarkouinndghtwhseaewnhtosaaeidki"nbptreoefers¬insal ftoyhoawexnfrcuhoasr¬teisfbUhavor."ul wyoaniwllnfrussteaoeding2p0age) takinghyaeasrs, is tography. go been also "We take James science hishots picture tion Royal While on was Dietz field He ina fox. thcauese trated houscates (conotiuned was when McAlister kntohwledgf rexepcrio¬d fin gs. insycoieun're ktnphooo¬w Athftear wstiitfhed bbets,"hue thiprdi-cptluacree ssnoaw-cnverdd LMiachkgean 40awmith Secaamers. hperoblerms thwcinetnr detprrmoineghSauhsneedd eavnntdualyf1//1506t hwahso thipradb-olvce,MAs. gprriazebs Patrica some tmoedium orments "When have tography. nyouo'ret anything said. dunneeasr taken ona of shoting exposure. met r decoidned second. McAlister, you she Her of was lens One was held pshtuysdiecn, co-plae aogdn fAthosuunenrie REscinavnee-arr Mihnogrtahen. Stolhpzicm¬ean,"aailsno photgra. bhtapgooee¬nd itnrahvee inassighhtedpdtissataunnencde tthahskeeyAtdimmiern.ghwsithsto IZGcaeerrim-san lemns. hbeaac¬sn 1ph0otgray mshoosttly pwic¬n g senllairded i8npxc1inh0t bythcoeest McwAlaister awwinither Sbckgroeund. apposrtecsralntlyifehnlow Departmn. smeamyfisnaodny stsuciedne-ortd ipnhotgra¬ McsAlisitder nsteudedn bBSAoweltzinnrmayaesdr.Pic bugs German took his photgra toned in was dental" down fishing he inrising hescene, 50and Soltzman in yaenadrs Hsliidses. aw s the required rules. Patrica another science resarch Biophysic iThotugh tsotrange inters d Sable aba For ture He ing when the same West ex tive ture to is phy, science fitrshta-pllnsaecdoe2Sconhd-ngplae phot phot Page. Cover Paul Soltzman hosuibsjecft hwcaent Hlseewr paoegringdthuuandrer¬ing thspiceo MgSraduUte insmcehdoicall tohpictukre lemaons Hcamer. lhitghnset auanedd littghcoahe thowinendo tmhaineg tshhoadewf tshcuraoen.digbeshonting yabeasyr. Soltazmn, Bernd the photgra aw y. cat window satonrmd ture. Page,an staring fal , 50a Nik ormat tuornefd aprtmen strobe raindops while muted night has two Bernd was ran the the with Page for Six ByDANFELMY monoreeftpohnorites fnahlts NAmeawteusr CiocsanotemingThrwoauy. landsci¬pe, nacttuurrees swinitxhrs pogras. fiinanralsgted 32tyoe03ars bitenheg smcienaj-rlartsd. thphoet¬ir wspur-oefer thraathne Firpsicttu-res. PPawingueelr thcwhaeict being 50 ofsix From than one State Photo long mas es of and emrged from many mal prize The age with Often graphs mo ent plan ed prize almost lost Page Paul phots eys ftihrseCPont firs-cmu knwohat uderg opht¬ ovarifetydsc JouarnlNPtiesGFrd¬ytphograefMicganYedr;laynoutAvingparofes¬ Lng.i3n4 aoudienfc tmhyeavalun¬ imwtsy construive," ha 1np0oetr wgoasdjuer (foasnhptued¬ thselcingfoud qality. reachd y—blsBurd.imopancetFrmi. aspcdthougen ltahse wo paicnturde"whyofatccanr orme¬ pictus, tahmeongscd-plafboeirngFdma,kfnowrhtasave dniotjuhgees monr awaessl p . should"tbjec,fngs. impthaong iecur with B y D A N F E L M Y amteur eagle 6insem5falt ANmeawteusr hthamaeddeyltithentdereisy, ppwricioztueuredlds htahhonedefsf Miicngan. judreapgsenstd EBemxaporinrncs.yFtphohlitegfraty phoresidefnt PAhosogrcaipatesn;"astaf SEo1cut9ahefn7ietrldd6i Phtohgrapefe Biasaugrrapehics ifnMrtstohruScmeoUr Deparaertpmnesdnnt igaragpheicscyjAu3dwpg0arinsil waestimntahd ftiihwrmsaeest hpararticcdivnsd fthowaeonirrrk uenxpsinacl. dhbtoueosern't "smwauIaidcsh. taicnnegpdtsd right." jusodapgeidinn j"uTdaglhseoes., jtutostiirfyTphctues). leoa,"srneaidd., icnuristeeda opuhottsgarandsig ecahnndal lfotohpakicaeurdre bmgrabeyed comunatd," itmasntedr Ilfoor,"ked ttehchnaial, itomtuckh thpograe."e jdutodcawgminne pmhotogurantsi,g consider. tphrocesingiBttr,a"imsuarieiidng,ittyhsotpeef Necinatrhdbor fratcmhmpleiesnd ade. ftehgenelirnalgftithhsaae-dt hthapoteednial prhofesgripnaels. ho"twsaIeoatvi'ddsr,, poyhnouet'd; kntowr."oealythpwoichstouesrees contesia, thscuogneeettrdy copampnisitdnng, mcoturreefs sphoatgirades invohwlietd thpevcatoukrte "Sadtoep, Amlmaegozviness.try the State When realized 570 their the graphers The of past is man Press Fred sional Open Union 2It50. of tion an "It Edmonds usual cent Bauries the forced rej ctingfully for The conte and that "Subject what "After whet r of "I out one is part When 15 "After pres nt hurt." tal he It was judges win ers bysure portf lio For the sho ting Edmonds more meet get make Bauries 2 po3ang)e (contiued Belingr SNce•owts Slate Etdmhonefscari;ADpv¬gNSw. CbjBuodwnagteaeyrsfStophrfilinMucUo'smpaertg APmhaoter Fidman,lyoudtJLiponec, News JGouarnrayl;Bagurarpiehicss, moderat Stae mweitnht, The Flint Fred 01 e rht gni .S rof d e h s i l s r e h p aera ,xiS ,gnis 901 gni aera etatSyB S3S icmA ,terauQ trebo' rof ,n am ,ynohp yB sgniward,gnis aL,edahS enO• ymadonurSf .m.a yadseuT enuJ-hgort yretop eht dnarG eht ehT• ohw shparg s'eiboH• dna ,cihparg stibhxE ■ strA rieht nemow puorg a si .E ni tuohg rt s w e N I T R A M elbaivA ,terauQ ,liH teniralC nrocinU detcuno draneB draneB etatS sweN LEINAD aerA si 021 a fo l a n o i t a N " fo ehTgniwohs nagel A ot morf terauQ" nagihcM ytnewT ;.m.p hguorht nhoJ sgnivaew gnisnaL tsrifyltnec r dna .W 1 4 .5 ,.evA gnivaew ,gnit ap fatS t s o h eht HNH nrocinU ,teniralc :n amreH draneB :n amreH dna yb sstira gnitap gnitbhxe awatO .m.p ,yadirF sruoH asoReD ¬yalpsid ,yrelaG retneC .ko b ¬bup ¬argothp -gnisaL etisopO ¬othp ¬naL ,tnaru seR .syalpsid ¬ward ¬othp gnisnaL dnuoba retirW ITEDNB ot si fo eht ,.tS fo - rof S H R -irtsiD SHR ".sgnirtS leirA ",sgnirtS etniuQ" ¬reH ,cinomrahl P ¬myS" rew iveR NAMREH 4 ni .ISS fo eht ,.tS eht dna era dna 524 ivuwAtn arI dna yad l iB eht dna r,locoS etsam cits ra ,notsmail dnarG ehT• .m.p ;.m.p ,yadrutaS nepo giarC sgnit ap ,nosaM ,yrel ehT• ,yad .m.a yrelaG ten eB dezirtsop snoit thgil ,stotS hguorht ,,elacs-gral s'n am detclgn .decuorp noit m gnitrw ylba orp draneB stibhxe :'ynohpmS 1 ot eht dna eht 615 ot hguorht .traH fo hguH srovaedn gniwohs ,.evA,yrelaG ,yadnuS .m.a yadnoM skrowalg aloL stne rp radeC eromacyS .m.p ; esrruaoh dcenjyamolK retupmoc lacismhw g,nwoolhas kcePcM enuJ .lewoH fo PB 4 deT stra si reviR 01 fo .N 4 divaD sa a edis erutcip emos tseb shpargot erom ryluf esopmc ¬reH ,hrechumtonA rseervoecs tseb nwonk namreH fo ,simoL- setadinc USM eht -liW .E151 hguorht eromacyS lep oR eht ,.tS ¬laG ¬nuS ,yadrutaS ¬seuT eht tsitra ¬isopmc htiw ¬hgih kcirtapkK eneG .01 fo fo 1 eht ot ot 4 4 si fo 11 fo fo rof si not lit 63 ne b diulf sgni USM l iw nO• yaM wohs enaJ gnesT hcihw ehT esa ler sihT noit detiaw S'DRAZIL MULB BO■ deunitoc{gnihcaet .noihsaf dehsurb eeksaum .ronyaR noitpecr esuoh nsormaeBkO neht hguorht htimS ,len aC " t e n i u Q " t e r a u Q y l t n e c r derom epolved dnuoba " , y n o h p m S aio^nup- 'o 53 s'yenhCcM aiv ".3* GNISNAL YLNO EROTS TSAE l or seruopxE mm YKUVKR DUR egap no yb lio fo tra yednsnahCcM sroefp eht eht ,yadnuS sevom .yadsruhT dna yrehS,iehS-uS rof .22 setad morf .nrocinU no dna fo dei mr noitaus .sgnidroce ,skrow scimarec sroanyhaR tniap ,laocrh ¬tniap siuoL ¬filC skrow gni epo ehT re¬tanuhT eht riehTylloriaLC ,po rhT mohT ,1491 ",ynohpmS teniralC"gnirtS" s'n amreH ne b ¬atnemucodgnol lio )81 ot yb sah sah S'N IL T'NAC ni tnirp PB eht S'GNI AL ta a fo si cit elihW ynohp ehT ten ret eb liveD nwonk naC erocs ylno osla ,eceip nosrO sih raey saw "ynohp ".retsbW ",yuB deraw emit tsrif NWOT D• mlif rol cijuF " t e r a u Q selz ad ".teniuQ elbazingocr krow s'namreH morf hcihw tahT dekram nezitC" 'selW namreH netirw t a h w e m o s fo A S 0 4 eht iunsjo si l A" na T N U O C S I D 05 ecniS" gnilzad sdo^jp LANIGRO a FO ekilocserf tsefinam ,elyts s'reopmc etius racsO namreH tsrif ,erocs ^SCrni SROTALUC DIHWOL dna D E T N A R U G dna eht mlif ! TI DNIF slor SAH "219 TAHT eht ni ¬mys ¬iralC" hcihw erom ¬siretcahnu hcihw ¬myS" leinaD ehT" ret ebyenoM ni eht si eht !tsal INT sti ni rof ".enaK ¬retsam desopmc emas AREMAC RQDNAF• TSAE• ?TI IHT UT IL TSEWOL ¬ro era eht yb si eht ,tnel gnit .s en noita egnar eht g.elanif nil hc ekovrp yltnail rb lartsehc sih saw dna tI rof ,gni era . b r e p u s l a n o i t a N SROTALUC DOHS SECIRP deunitoc( erom s'namreH namreH tcefe morf ,noita em .gniwardht ehT EROTS GNIS AL s k r o W !IRHWTV« KCUM dna tsal ehT ot dna " y n o h p m S NI 63 "NWOT ,hcihw eht deroc tnemvo tepmurt suoixna rebmos sdom hcihw seziltu ylaunitoc ,serutxe c i n o m r a h l P neht no a 53 GNISNAL ".3* egap mlif ot ot YLNO EROTS TSAE l or seruopxE mm )8 yletaidmi,cisum ecnamrofp ¬lecx dnuos ¬esnet ¬xaler hcihw spleh ¬urtsni namreHylnedus ¬dnapxe hcihw snaf fo era eht dna si ni na ¬icxe sd a a olos ni S htiw EHT 059-XT 057-XT 056-XT on eerom gat w( 0 9 -AS 0 59-A 058-AS 0 57-AS 0 56-AS detsil 011( 08( 06( 04( 02( se ac( naht ta )staw t aw )t aw )t aw )t aw )t aw 12- FTC SULP )sledom SREIFLPMA 1.0 lanoitp SRENUT % no )DHT rep la lenahc R ET SAC 0 . 43 0 .941 0 .51 * morf k02-02 0 . 54 0 . 13 0 .943 0 .981 0 .51 * REPUS EHT GNITUBRSD tiemopDO GMBrnWRETLSI zH gnidulcni 051$ KCED tnesrp OIDUA dna 1033 tenibac SEETLARAPSS YTILEDF .E G nagihcM i■ e E • 073-153 HGIH SECA YNAPMOC ylno □ alumroF S hcae 0#941$ 5 introospecfv hGDolladainsgser,Hpproadeigstu.sAchacaomdpeestimnyDusaenldorf ompeurfosrimc telavnsiodn. wworiktehd oammuasicjfrnit;yhoapeenrd 19oa7lbu6fm.Pasoapolrft' incsaloundgg album.ASmoeurictahn d"IguaicfersftrhoconmeeptAmrerleicaasn,"Cros-late TMchin."he aoefforrstinjeupoc-tutemnddobfblroerewaytzdy pwmushlicaaonyAitshtruodmiesn. Pmapsuplsoert,bfrhuaniiitorsss sssouparrgaenx,ISD"oBl."athi thgoremriniesctfyt,'gtso scomeprsvitinngbberhiwdgen thameunswdicLi"mP,"srai rsetsromnbglilnygTht"ruLu"okeingOtththhaeinsr hlanawdiesthffiernmtly EFrdogeasrTlDaonrageueridm,barunopnredcictakbl.Tagteerinr"2ca1lsedt seloycmutrnopnhdion smpatil."rouvsiiscngdrawamsstic thegmre—otuspoxperimfntalliqnu—iedrgy"jSutrasostfe-r.eladDTarnsegoeaurimndbthspearheyd AFroleosn.gFravoanrikouesPBeamtnandrkFeyoboeasrds,thelcaronisEturnhoudpieeeacnshawnhdiles,tuacoarunnvterepeads thgreoup inovatie inter- studie of wentfilmDodnger umosthem"DoldingerH materil on musi¬ prevous"Lkingad new tropical,nto he nativ he and re dynamic teor asi yetGov "Earth past' il a the"Tarnu¬ excpon.its creativ found¬ andTe Dram centuryim¬ Thet a musicthe elcron with syne¬ on cstru have plmAericand f abndoe theme play. Like iMnusic to scoreson has Jubile" writes wel, new its motif, as the With cal Thru," "Infinty Pas port the local strong tasty. the The to in force and heard soft Tones." only The a as space paterns song la." Pas port musical 1967 soil. In ed years be n has change sound colage and The is 1p magic n Chris sizers esoteric their 1970, 8 a g ) e of ear. In (conotiuned reaacvognnsti-z extraodin. bareptyiv amondudr Ghlomaussfic ibneic "Autobahn d fbRoremfoyexrtsyABErmnieaob.r,DBtwovieid's rcalfllsaoctyGPeohsapfs.dtivoliernsftyNovneevmidbtr,"Eioancsltiemed hparmtdNiOnpeewra thepiomzsGlsapuatiic.lbhapenytisgl(rvaiocnices,""ohnahnsd) utdce,faromiesloidxc RFheyonnthded¬er,Tsaxopihrne. emlugsaicnat,lyionceivdGlcpaormods¬uce. mpodrernaicsthcCSoakghaneus'dsenithnc S"aNr"sonth proupe¬rlativ DKolldainugesr a¬rotisulyintesorppaci-f thknoweledg DPasiporrt,fem-eoshm wrgiethts "inmaeafxp¬rstdyM("Imnfuisic tthpioeevleiufrfPTrahosoumpgt owucilbh(tesarucveyiMJ"n"su ttheegxaremapll),imth¬oeulPatseposr' i"Iguc,aentild tghorouep'fs profund, was garde and Distnguhed arngemt the thmaein Kraftwek's mode, been sol Music close "Low the listen wil impact became his Beach" Metroplian S"taNr"orth of constru asembling mer chant-like Isa organ. and is intelgnty pecably the avnt-grde album. of tions. Germany's another taon As leaodefr sucefly strain thchine" e album). ttimoe defintve beoaft behind provisatn. relase, contiua the the when the York. idea just a which sizer album bines of new ef ort is duced nes . jazz best chine" time disco prime force Spmautsiicl: NS(Votirraghn SI(gDA-atc6oHi9)DtRraEoAfMe:PZ-UhtT) mwcruithsincs hykevears theumnojsstifab¬lv emlcronc that¬ehl Imnesusincc.,"naaoyrtihlgy mwuidssic thencompasigCWParnltoekr MROldifkaiee,, mcousitcval firesmatd lKanaagftwunerdke.) thuclleeapr insanmtuesuiwcainlg"pcatl aacobnuoevptes fiatnhlosgPbGlhaeip,DEodladignngedrr C A S E Y JOHN By GLAS: PZ-U69) PASORT: ANGERI Popular l1as0t luamlpitnogetthor ofspace are parmets, of Sun (a lyrics ttimoe we'l musical music. Imediatly would PHIL P (Virgin the upon ly coneti" gory they music" likes Floyd, Magma using own It's by * P A S genre O R T — space genre Klaus Eraorpties uclansdifelyIoptac-mafkers. rdamiun¬—sic maid—de DForloadiennsgedr tsxpautfriel hmasuesltic; parofnundd. harecsntlyfAimrsiat S"Nr,"owrhthc impreresdn¬v thatudeyingSMNcohunwfcl imtwoeenrs ino-Wt tIrnaovdeilas, tshyezd ouscfte RShaankvri's1PGt9hlh6e8,p wreaanlizsd,keybwooardiss, teunrmebdl Efursopiuvesaaincl thre be n struced begin , thexpelore elctroni inovatie Glas hreilassed album, hreiflscts After Juliard Glas curiostyhInis manedt flow moelodifs In Ensemble thvocealist, Froes : have who as al Glas , Philip tials. York, music. Glass cyclic his style. with a the fosssptehaci¬feratotn hnmoeartt thyoeef Masarkids. osatreetrle bupyros¬ectiv smatleor¬sot thwul-g fjtoohabrere,lacromgisy¬el thearrfoeCusstemler. hensaoitosaktdeteaxplainltiodsdoubfle-rc¬hk jtuaasakslee-t hwadihjusiletngktrehyoinpgheofqiuismnt. Jthao,"nes trwygoaienstgtofhwheesnitwalkoeed $1a6m5pli0fe.rWSaountinsd2$p4r1e0-a7m,.,3Z45(911202). 3$m3o5nltd0hs., wa-r12n8ty. T$lUtui-49sn50e0r,,TAE-c4Aas5C0etBbronthwdA$A3U2-9m75-05p.Z(-14512 ESQUIoPMmNTe:Kuenswewdo.:d$AX$I3DL039MC9..IS45h/cuas,reUWasweitndhty:2$D111B09X7,.,AWdav8l9en/npuattisr$D1$12B836X46..,$M2um0co6rh.eB3e5v1inai-gns.,12) traepwle-todichkS$f$V5o3e00elr.r.y5Zc1o-ndit7. StrRuecr2n¬i1v,Dc4oa3sl0byRSe0aLis-t3cB$4os5e6parr0t.Z(-145I2 T8dAterPacEckk,,N$che1uavns0eedlr..1(-4512 i n c o s u l t a and shoper audio another warned that person, trained and tanoxious should f t o y h r bo ai u d mation. "God S o u n d should s A d s and out "Besides "Isaid, ef ct man picture." Si&ghts Clas ifed 240 L old. Craftsmen new. 2C's, have Z(-145-1)2 SANSUI $30 . $275. Sansui STEREO new-some 6 0 , MUaDxXelL ED,$24. PGAhilps A3d0ven.t 2Ad0ve1nt, Primarily 1-512 7" Lexitsrast. (4) S5ANS1UI Staanbyleo; deck; Speakrs. PANSOIC 4 349-275. month Brand tbhhfiuoemaaownyil'-syisrrnt'hdcgglbaoe,"smnteteetr,. wainlekrs inpsemocliatn-joarsktahndeu-dybiwcssgitthynHanahpmweeextlrd.50mhJonies'iasscntou-thxmdeprlfl 1534. An tus, awrd," ers paid sion for toor sand lens sand the this SAE OHM Still sell deck KR M95 $1 0. 8980. JVC good 12 sette 6049. 2and soqouuanflditypurchased.bustyereorkiitenmsandpbhfuomyiussirnicg p w h oit g t - h the "tWhheat should , Working S m i t h Vincent remi nsgtr aesqouipmwdtBcrl.hfb,AsWamlhkfudbisencotvwrgMp," Wa-mfgpwMicn,bloustyherkdam- frhopane-sySmdil,wuH.tchaosvenrfIg-zyAiwk JFphcd,Buofb-kl1e3gaw5rnmitpshCToc. Wogy.mdtapnhickeursIRfwvol-mqg for he's Contest Jones salrone lfookirng 3f(cropontaimg)ueed SacrmentsSmwiaths churyad German TaLnd hsweahewn Fred "Audio ways Bles ed Detroit. inthe East Praktica lens subject. Gfhooshmorpeing lttihhpseonoqgaeiudmpyeoc-'frs,libtkhalwmrnsktMpicae,"uvkir.lldtsfWtphtchevr-nye'ssmaoalne."l-ocfhiuiWtnrohsdomprermeikfs-est,bbtwpcogvoha-razngwenclddho$tuiste2ha,"chaur,es0rentylys5aobiudv.Acamlpreed-tgodtiIsophcanrooneubxsat.lyiMhcmaesi-cekitrdayd'rl,Ococsovpuretfnrnmt.d,AHi$tpTigchsh7hulasoa0-bneucgd.lt1Meroxpw7etrks-sMOijawcnachoavrdg-oycd,eti,HEslmgd'r.lWhtoasrwionmyeprnaknlylithslspdto-ked.gbmsqauerirolwfs.i"Wrncoeem-p'ertinlthwwaadflOMisiccougucnnts.,fbrwnwmesrylWaqaruiagntnhdey.kmcwaurfectro-spibntvnhgarwsanwldetsdaryyDbthocrfoeeuzn.,fbithuagtxnyg13s5cle,"i.NfWTikhoacaoordmrnunmergedtstywmmcapil-uo-rldeyfhbhnagagiver.enSVAbticcosltrtrmd-hin,,gmoechuaop-jnnsibbnitvwsuesbgelayfliapnorrckgc-n"dCiugssumn.SE"ttWuahhgnswepdeeo'ev-rtkylyMCSiboacvfnsgldhusnflt cwasteanredorybg"o.kin Tvgicemsoprmalkcynnhst,cad,nuzrld,"htSstoeaaeo*mapoobdfv-rleeifrwpfihrmnklivufacttnreg's,lhscypeunia,ltbuy."Wo9,hr"aeednvrlysnoaumidbfe,rTthpusonlahrecerfitolanddwiysaculudorSsacidlz,.gthesaqnouiupsthmnedrn,catlaor-erslydbhamniluedntbasftweoir,nreyvwidacnauocesowmnaplyylhqsiitnahextornedtycshaa-g,ifTmepsenu-iorughawlrn,,G"tuosonaiwkdtecsnelcwagrsty soren ing his tmi in BRONS istero Ycoaur. yshoouuld ftrihends,thoer teyloinug Gtehnerraly, alternivs: for sahotp asohrtop aslon" ttrhadee. savteerrgo probaly$5ab0out,industryisamuch inwhat riiassky infolatefd pcwrhaiciens misleadng mail-or ddeolinv'tr exagrtd thclaeims,bucyaerns ltehwsaitnh fbaorgirne.d twcohaonste froam ibmynoeauy wait. Iliantoorsneyiwsho ffiormmajror claims,knshoouwld long. Gmoakdes ltihneye'r, binsoy ".lausn houorsdee best ftohvaelrue binveustmt,increasingfirmmail-osrde hacvonitnrgl,bakruptcy," salepron Marks,Lasntesriogthsaaid firswmoisln thpaest f"Miraaiml-ordese Thoyu'vte. butsione Tshtoree. agrreena'tt jtuhwsetiiftydraicvroes discatoonurndet PETE Buayingbuayingif your person, By know to ads buy. three send mail, stores "audio incaled can by The tomer spend to ing and that chance agre pie ket. Because tail to cro ked which er's ster o up end If you yourself cat log, long a the eral, one ruptcy mers iwsait until. . God's months "Mail the list an court ster o for Craig East person order thofing way their discount vings can the all to you a to 323 fo sare ehT 53 eht eht ni dna sare 53 eniza ehT eht etatS eht desu ehT s e g a U S M e d i w ehT ,)81( -)01(*at nokiN stnart sare atloniM eht owt atloniM ,tsenoc esohrcat peohtt yltneuq deziltu tner fid )mm( ralupo stnart detap nemow e b i r c s e d etulas n i o J hcihw rehtO no naC dna 001 taht owt ni mm sA dna t s e n o c t n e m p i u q htob ytisreviD yB retmil EKCOLK enO yB 031npAdeg^ThW ni s a r e m c s w e N y,tnempiuq tisreviD eht y t i s r e v i d desu sdnarb BTF 10 T-RS tsom laudiv n erew desu .noitan gnil es erew sekam sarem c dnarb .sarem c desu eht 53 edam y t i r o j a m dluoc eht fo e l p o .stnedus noitces- r .noinU ot hP desu EKCOLK LEAHCIM e p USM l iw sah nigeb )mm( detci rp yhpargot LEAHCIM si su )71( 08 era eb s r o j a m lla ohw eht eht no s s u o r e m n .tsenoc neM detnsrp fo esu eht l a sledom .no aC sdnarb -mac erew retmil ,detcpxe -ictrap tner fid der tne tsenoC cihpargot stnar e drow yb tsom .tsenoc seman - 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Eiltabshnagedr,htowu-oabyle,ogcosnhenddittfuepnrpo."Picsthrrsl.bIimequcagipmsgivnetnehT,"s-d.fepvhpowtcgroaa-hnl'ytbbatke-erryisgdItakonmogrle psd."mothingAmpararoah-jectfEilogbpsincegratn(1Spoxm4u-ead)l, FEA The Car wanted." said beaing merly pictures prosectiv learn busine. "Almost bagoceks buhsine,"seaid. locoostft btaoeble aslasiod scpoeunldd ooflars eaqsuinptmidelnt terible thnoet magokcexsi itth'se he"sIaidt. foeaynr Agod tacakne awith 8p2h-1. MCentr Rild.betr!" BNlorctfhk isotund C1edar CE 's, S. firto'ms htuiolorstngrtaposhery "If 5920 Iangles Elbinger to thrapahenr more phers about to Elbinger person sands "It's graph; pher," sakinld produce great." H a g d o r n ) make good a have are up." with that pher tures Ster o RGidv.. 32-6517 Cor p119a9a6n6r7d8ehistory." saeaoridl maoworrefe pohotgrafy.jiutresaschtngh'Thseaeird. jttuhhcinasagnst't wwoitrhds, naemwasngpazdinre btaoreingit." dbifeetwrncn pprhooftegsrai¬nal iahsmnteur thprofseinal howweuattst shacdeanitn,gidsipf¬rculaybttehgioner fintosharec,Impshipontue¬tnest Vice-Prsdnt Elbrecntly,"i¬ "Tgshahitdein. eapxttormdrlytchghoaleeng Your entraim of cno-voer dh'•Aoauirlydrinks! s u r o n d e E. bWlooecsfkt Ph. o n m e a l 1227 in back now Elbinger becoming value zenith," said the "It's are be editors realize The a aphernd aofbiltybring a lightingfficoulrt handle. 'Take, graphingMondale to from 45 ger was was a W h e l s CeCe's Puts Music ! Live nitely Hap y mixed a e n n j o y e Alsox c l n t p whilel e a byas n t a t m o s p h e r . (one hisssaeatinidl enthyuspiaisdct bhcnouiloeswttor, itnaphtkoto¬ing wsrehhfloiccw twdayrl'ds. "Pthaootkg¬reapns bitvonhaeluefe h"Jsauaeisd.t ppohrotgersafs $ 0 9 I E S EVARY D solve problem aygaounrsedtlfAcchmnera.noli3t5hcsammerfivldwiTsphroabemt fnedgsitu.hteyrolmsuatofrfblsyd.iknnawocultgreyrsmhlf carefuly-stdhaovndle bamgsokicdel2n4ra(1m0dert lloennagsedrfitmhowtreamblnivnd eursfit.pmhotgraa¬nyduoewi'blngsthAfinoeefur.stucatri flaeshctronixpmla¬v,yPoectConnsridgffrhammiorshTandrey.btoaucuirle RIECODS 0 Q Lansi g, hiearst graphs tioofns wil futre," BSECLOINGTR P R . M A N U F C T R E S L P ' s o u t ! A L E ' Y —y 1 0 - 9 day F R I . R O C K $1.9Ckuaunpcds. 3 2352 WHEREv PTAOMBELINA PDhEotgolra-puhegfkhnowiwesrl tinphoytgp¬e hhuarinsesd frtanowympesyhtiryetooecra¬nrst photgray. Elbwrineshgideor, KEienadzst Ac es ori 'normal bfttionhsaiategklpy rsiengflel-x 5i0awmtitrh leosunpnlsied Ileanrotvse.s b"noremacclviemw fintaophrerte thyrweohaiuleisznr ltihpkyoteeaui hbleecnnuss httaryooevsoeu dtogrorivmme picture. fitroascaohnmwseer ltenaocsnrdies situaon. lenwussoheuicfldl awomhibtenhend l win-asndge, tlpho. weidxetr-anmgl bteluapslhesrofteots ttnwheeos avproevidreyittrhaascpeonsdory bdowmaunnhad'nyty osagoturedd, lisatmosn' iwn-light unit. amguotomadnicyTamharreket.yGtaueoesats.ybflarcmesaovhed liingtehrtsningihanncamdo-lmehsteelsr asmenoitrdve camer. HOUSE 01 By binger, wworitkh raphy, sights in cal 164at By You 50m 35mm got stand r you The this You doesn't 50mm when your taake of picture Or The set Two or the The are sy tem 28m 105m ) funds, 50m phers Buylize. around ac es ory the and the More flash There on sive so more A the often into WHERE MAC. MON. 220 HRS.: M U NBI A PH. V O E RLV S T Y & T 1 S & W H0 A EU 6 T DS. . : ALL O H U N D F R E S & J O V A E R SZT C K neovnc¬redit cpoolaergt,Liofelofng1to7foe5rs fteoearmcrh intensd graphy. btehgine intermda astundedn thoewinr oatnhedr Rfegtioshtraeorn dboamneaety coleg diensk teevrmr.y th Learn¬ 20 stu¬ phot clase must camers, uplie. th regista¬ Klog 7fropamg)e breshceooudlsd regaly. CTlehaensr.ianvauldbieofosaebrlutHowaceamvelr's,inanoac¬ icsleolautningThsyelubachleseokd mirovscepryfdo¬arl wwcehaainr ecords. usyoeuptrtursynhoaobulled,turcnianble.heregludlayasuhodpio. ooawrnetpaouchse syhooteuumld,fitelomwsin:gflculeiadni.gupuicsktbcleeandtasovouoniditnheit. NfoUlnualcsihdoei. rpuobaretfsthcoleema. caolncot¬igbaveidselettaor¬d rpubarets stylue.demagntizr.bsuhoesueldd atcwhordneeinmsatnruufcct¬res aotnhder aavrilebe sstteorro paricnesd quality. MSU's Colege ing, places dents Costof $35 sup ly film, course ev ni g tion Center (contiued stylus, cleaned Stylus also sahnopds brush adequt. should uander months teoctiofn damage ifyou aatend are most you planig the heads should regularydistorin thone unit Products should mayioraotiofn Also, These If Head Tape Head item tions. Headphones acesori most varyingdegorefs eSnCOM*fi for ing and is are $6. hair holic six own at tape have and this the hol they and This in in hfressamidn,, camers. reecolnamt¬iv caompntdes aoansdfe Mrn,"n¬ Hwiliwthghbeaavislnbtyhsueaitd mvlabiyt thcauesed tannod around. losaitdf casusttuor¬meer MLaSnUd CCoomlegun.ity oamufnt iascaen¬or fitorheaseron Thsaalree. inltercnhasgl fleoncgathls,fauasnhitd acaoeps¬ri buyer. tpoin curse," thof i•Lapdmvcso.rtSfhe*p?b'yT!:/ine,htldprogams. uw_QyCSUper-shotavn'yopruitsad. Ltiponrecfots. deman mm "The portabily, the aarle said. agred importan, the be n poularity, owtheary Man ing dfrentoms large camera other increase varying elctroni other tothe He The dtthhoaeinrnnk''stybthprodgyeawmigHGIeocohuarrgpgesh,on departmn. DekaLo/nKism.Tc., thporeefsraecn$ui3td0ph,ot-N«JSgrwa.phhpyibchulildn°fga*$7f0|,dn-8'b,"tpehqotugirpa-ficpogray h"toIe,.osonetu-huarlpf,^ialulmabj"ueetcsussahid.and lerd,"oecwormne ithcgtaeen'y ning that have Hnsoaietulaigcfdh, hire 35 ics use that his sing of peal oshfrt hhunpeelwgsaid,t"oWfoccvrftkpl Isonswbn'dkgfutahcre-lmiv,y .,igcatnMSUHu,ccmeletahosrbnaid,y -'ugWpnT\ivwhtnIbfwlermos.adotk"1k.-'md,ugxypc, Qi.S ". . h we. building journalism said "Wae'vde begin g ",secalp profes r campus. h tcoourdinKginare buailding they fal "hcsamnIidk.letswaoirnd.LbCuyhtmacaoeomrnte dvucs.itnhyearflmoz,esic n-lphotgray. vuHcweg,ditmoeanhrfls the4o2nlyjuraismce $5o0f.aselrcttb.dhabeupoyf-i(msrciogn)nGtAoqe hlpie.PhJootaugrnraplifsym,,c APthxeeddpogryiluporesa-t.fnnkf,Emyw UIOAS htiw ot hP YUR rewoP redniw-oP credniW inortelE ROF maj. no aC 1 8-123 GNIPOHS 05 .982* YNA tsiL mm ta( erotS & 314' 7.1F ECIRP LAICEPS YAD-5 SREVICR ■ hsalF 1-EA hsalf )ylrevaW RETNC - RIAP A artxE snel etild pS 1-TA A5 1 RO FB dowrehS SREVIC htiw SI SAREMC 0107 no aC 05 .942* no aC SREKAPS tsiL "8 * *9S* 253' 7.1F mm E RF erots ai , snel RSF :sruoH H" ECIRP LAICEPS YAD-5 5 uaopij !elaS DETSIL WEN'scinheT DNALTSEW ONIP HS RETNEC TA SECIRP TNUOCSID JOWSjgOBP ROL C 541$ 8-CMA !WOLEB 0605 SYAD .YLNO a 0 .2 yadnuS .toS-noM mp0:5-noN | • 0.9- :01 lUfO aONS d313 8* 109.56 69.66 DEMO $$3369..259 218.73 186.5 home rcdingSel ARGrivaend.r LansigBTaeclo)37-10 CWonvaeyist YPurochausere a Reg. 249 5 209. 5 134.95 84.95 SONY RCEACSOEDTS dcsktFheeradits.runctiorespn Tuonipt.aes! loader. decacskt. ysem CRBEHELACTN-ODGREIRVDS dNuEonsvWt,ATca7rtidgEe.$$22946..058elctroniutable1649..58mwanituhl cartidge FEATURD TC-206SD losaterdo &Ferite noise frequncy TC-135SD best-lingMarkeeast TC-18SD Cotmopacpt featurs! TC-12SD stare ftoshmaerl FULL Front with Dolby great Sony's load. of Superb Ideal Full ©O© bPOULAR inaclusdee,Technia motr play fCehaatnugrers traacnky drmiveaens perfomanc All Audio- 10 960 940 920 Model Two multipe Model Will Model Model Belt quiet TEAC A-40 TEAC CDASECTK Super Sfocuyaogurrr..S349.0 STER O sytem. Front tapes Price: 249s East (tNoext Phone Sale Finace in 818.40 515.2 546.83 374.03 291.4 275.21 196.41 168.63 129.76 99.39 E. 555 Five DEMO PAIR! to ELOFUDSICPEAKNRT $$1079.42 Klipsc "K-htornhe hitahcnonelert 32911.0 yugos—u'veetbiltv!e YBGSPAEKRKMAAUBOLS-IUCT! $S11o9u238r5c70e sound S2ourcefoasrmoarle twer Mtohniter bteragdinos Each 225 THE klipsch AACNURADTE Klipschorn Smovaerlsienrf yswoue'arer fBloooksrhrelf ry PBopeullar Cornwal hiteoar ' INF ITY WHATITS TO Line hal Line hasoulnd Wtahlseh thefaicnnt 4way Junior eficnt 101-A ttwweors Inthfiety Quantum conert Quantum Concert IIMonitor Features 20 0I CIIolumn spe•akr Monitor 6PROJ0ECT 82"-spweakar.ydoortm¬mSSPere8ilcai0n.:g PIONE R SPEAKRS poular for Sug. Ideal ment. HQS TFORl O time. YouII Where Very 30 0-J Super More Uses Heresy to For 5 PosI Demo ftarreeiverldy 4 7.83 361.03 29 .76 251.92 $287.01 21 .14 170.83 $469.3 248.7 $600 330 &YAM HA SNOYAATMUURFNHDL RECIVS evrything! arneocthiv lIitnhne loudnes distorn AMPLIFERS FwMithou preeprofdcuctitoinn tuner tuaunto-ichg senitvy THE HEAR wneavnrt poular varible low STER O CR-10 docan CR-80 Youll CR-60 most CR-450 Features CR40 super It The Also INTEGRAD CA-10 CR-IO CA-80 CA-60 orientd TSUTENREROS ACotmNopaYre Features Excelnt The Sound Value CT-80 CT-60 CT-40 "*f9•' *-L r CrO SPIONER X-53 RECIV feIatopu'rasr!f moecouivslt $29.5 19 es PIONE R STER O with SPSionlegnr.g Loaded America's lin-e Pirsice you Where on ing icnredtsKu¬ departmn'sThematics, pro¬ Tel Dpart¬ in produc¬ iston ynpe, on time- f¬ special ofPla¬ tusoel Kuszai n art he camrs.howevr,intesd qimn, super-ight qup¬ camer po¬ $180 the avlb. video n 325o0r aelctiv," n said. art Fpirlomgam, ffrtiohlmme btaugyht comuniat Kussazida.i "Coaoufrrseered caritnsdm bouutr art-film ippsctuuret fianme fosseqpuecnrciael hesaid. Betchoauesfe tthyopisfe flmthnakeiwng, bwoeuld departmn $W25i,0th tehquipmn,dieipasnrtmoent fonerw ade,hewer bunyeiwngbwuouldytcvaoimdeeroa anew (supaern-igdht)focaebsorourt, hacoovunledef set-up tsupoer-igh symhooovuwiers ThV,"eaid. from film as zai The dif ers duction ment both tion, the which of a each fects," nature roid his said. movie market ifthat He in he ment. "With you best With you col r a MI0I fictasse Micro BRONS hinosmtane recntlyPolarid take taocrding authories. famous csamtielr, cmaomveire esult, and Thporoucesging. spoakeimdn thmarek PETE By The vies the may coatnch by tion Liofn's ager the instant time to Like roid new the pany hope hcol,a'iintesrsdIpouc,hgestyandfil-uhprogam,"e Kustucz-,filmoarkngDept, *dOG5ticaoa0wmuFeitq.kavnlnpihsmelt.gTDrsbek. DISNTRCBUO., star Robert of model means. al bewil it duce," which ment tions new the "Like life a era when Patrick for Elbinger the from inmera sociate Mor is, about haveon AODDisetfrtberuooi SCLPEEACNIIALG! GREATR cy. 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