C. Library ' . S. East Lansing, Hi Honors fun v oral Inn Soph Prom I Cull me Gymnasium Saturday Niirhl Thtirndny. 10-1 a With Nnhlr Sissln LAST LANSING, MP MILAN. Tl'KSDA'i. MAIM II I'i:l7 Thomas Talk Hitlirrl Iniirtirp Be Soph's Band Dramatists Dr. Henderson Will S/Hirlan sh>r\ Speak ^ ill Be Hekl fritr Featured by To Present On In Fall Term N. Y.Cabaret I roduetion n Spartan Achievement n ti i (Inakr (arlrr lam \.»t l>r PrnpriiHt- Will ho Glti'n Til ('to \l|itia Phi It, i;i\ Day Program Ihnrsday Olitainol us a Oiil llnir-il.iN \IM»I Slum Toko Mv \,l,ir, " Miiliitrmi Stale Student* Will lie Awarded Medals M.D. To Talk .m l Oilier Tru|»liie» for Their Seholnstle Record* of the Past Year. (hi Subsidies llrlriiil llnrUir Will Hi — hi- Pnil.l.ni. i.f stale Meilieine. Plan talks Bv Forester 2.'t Are Named (loneertist To Tan Si«rma \ II. Mm,.ling Will I., , Fho l More eelnre. -Till. Week. To Be Heard Hottorar* Select** for lliuli Srhohl«lie Junior* Vwrngc*. F%afl« to \|i|»i ir Willi Sym*'' ;if (lotircrt I linr* Award JaCtters t nion Ollieial To 10 (iagers W ill Visit MSC F.leten Vi'iirliii|{s \l*o tii\» I ilitli Oii'/l« In lil«|»eel I ul- en Numeral* for Pin*. ltal>e..ek In Kiflt-I.It'll IMiice SlTOIllI III Mlltell ••f I). Debate W ill Now I'raetieinu for I.nOn \ir Over W K \l« National I onle-t. < lull* W ill Jl.»ld lie! urn tff Walters Aeer/e#/ W inter Italic# t erm To llalancc Pitching Staff Koli* look* to f.eorjce llill ;itid llliiiiie llenkel to f orm I .ofM.MatMcn *ilv.d Th» Nucleus of 19.17 Mound lle|>artment: Niirlen* of I'WT Mound department. Whip Spjurtaiis B* »iow Muhln i ( oai'li t ollin* Men I ail to Win I tout ill U«t Meet. i M.irtm Huth, Ma* Dal- j 1, K.chard May. Stanly | Caifr.an Meiradante and; 'airwiira to Convene r •:* to -ee rrgulai service during in t.rand Rapid- S .ittle Theater the long campaign which get: und* r way three* weeks from next Frida the Student Grange and the Cam¬ Mondky n Allied Dairy Aasociat-.n pus 4-H Club, Friday. March .1 i Missing, however, from the pres¬ • <*id this year at the ( V.- ,h"r Paul Holrlrn, t.ckel .ha.rman, ha. ent rank*, is Warren 'Lefty) WaPe t'lnum in Grand Rapids llenkel Ha* 5 through 19 Notables of t ,r | announced that tickets will be 351 ers. star sophomore (linger las* nkel imprm* I'rew* ( iub cents a r-ouple. They may be pur- season Waiters has* failed to re¬ ry industry of Mi< higan purp: n< * rhaaed at the door the right of the turn to schol this yedr, but all id i .* expected i here and talks concern- • , win his *har»* of game* this party, or in advance from Elwin indications point to the Buffalo method* in dairying will pring He's i < rafty pitcher with Willett. George Bird, or Paul pitcher's rr-appearance here ct the. Holden. The good control and plenty of stuff on two groups ace start of the spring term. rged to attend this v ng those to give talks are Will Meet Kn|cineer» '.he ball ' fponsoring the party jointly for ail WUI Need "Lefty" ugan State she will ■ting concerning the s Lucas. G M. Trout and I A members of Student Grange and If Waiters does Casimer Nevuiis. Orlo Sines and ! 'he Spartan. r -'<1 report. Stat# swing aga r •k cast and so rom- Mr Lucas w»l! talk on Representatives cf the I'n.irl former 4-11 club .members and will have a well balanced piten- Ken Cbne. reserves a y Michigan made use » NrA,-r Knowledge r f Ice Cream " |rrr._ States Steel corporation will i. their guests. ing department Without the battling for regular jobs along ' *•'' miik plants will be Tri^jt> here Wednesday and Thursday to, ' ;';id a discourse on the "New- services of Waiters, the Spartan- ith three other ophomorev- Aldrich gave Keliman « interview seniors in all branch* s ^ course in amateur telescope- will be in dire need of a winning ''rter 081 pont* krank Gould-1 prof M. D Pirnie of the zoology 126 L otributions in Buttermilk of engineering who' are seeking making, the first of its kind in the southpaw **t ®nd Henry Skowerski. Davy ,departm« nt attended a meeting of 118 Auction" will be given by Mar. positions. county, is being offered by the Kcbs is looking to George Hill *>onardson. sophomore lefthander, the North American Wildlife A— ius I anda lull in gaining ' Michigan State placed two mem- division of general education at and Max BUine Henkel. veteran "eligible at prenrt. probably will j*ociation in St. Louis lost week advantage over Gordon Purdy bers of the class of 35 with th >.New York university, right-handers, to form the nucleus th« team next month Profes.v 1'irnie is working This was the second time this year • organization. Martin Bates and j he Kellogg Bird Sanctuary at th? that Speichor has failed to Pirow i Order Carl Keas hi» man. Avertll, i i I'hup I WO MICHIGAN Si All-; NEWS Tuesday, March !i, l!t:n the post office men looked for it. Five Records College Bulletin Michigan 6tatc Ncm office de¬ Another thing about the post In The Rough partment noted of lite is the attitude of the window men. ha* to have the authority of rsther listless One almost congressional j ..Willi llnrvpy lliirrlnulon Fall as Swim P State REVUES Theatre ■,,fw 5" * K''t service without Incurring a thej H.iTnhnnatizinn Tcam(lon<|iicrs •>-* i w rath of the employees. One the othef day ; Rats .id Nam Fancy when I asket het whnl she • to the Ii Inter'• • ♦einity-Pan-Ht'll party And Ohio Wesleyau i« Victim as at comfortably behind a desk as a customer wen1"' • M( f asked for service at the money order win-! it, at A delicious tittle white i^Tred • o.U,Kh ' liar with i leti Win I Men' t-tttr ,jow Hf. was quite put out by the customer's L'.H (l,,h ,,M was a perfectly behaved Again. Mac West T*»tphem •-•M7 ] desire for a little action. Intiie tyke. and did u but just net there on | Modern . she appears in this ! norma adorned in gowns which Tii gtiim «•« These two instances are both recent. Many should*!. took in f dance flnr, and the ns- For The Rest iaie the creations of the modiste ••ther times before the inefficiency of the j ' "'bled » i ii« i mc ' : shops of Pans the last word local postal office ha« been cited. The st» tin feathers Thv Vh. fl. front Yttlv , . dent to them, an- outsiders ami tin not rat 1 ('.oranges -, No longer is Mae the belle of the l» Mt service That m wrong, and if tli tinder :i flR to the nutty nineties. No sit' Not | Mae Wnir.n William .is her iprrs* agent, anil I.vie rsmoothie) Call ies (onsistent with that attitude, then t! Talbot her tieart interest and iigl» time "mething be done about it. j' Mae, Miss West to you. is an don't.intend to harp oil it, but we ilnj j actress w ho knows that woo'v* got Mi V'linr will se<> to it that hi< staff , to give 'em something new «<• keep liMli- ft i. 11 v ami willing to help FLOWERS mop ri* I. ' .1 n>llofydp fVen II hat I hi He kiumY old get in at >"U we at<' do\Mi to thi dr« of the te 'ii-. Ci itli'fw itcfVs>st \ ill I died up. i giu oppnrteri those weeks have FRED I1EI.EN • we spent goingto plasy, •' jn .l|( (l i i ' lilting «la-». and going to formal pat - .,,,| .1, 1,. Or rail Tltr 1 11 iuhhmian c« Ami what will we know? ifectinn that the l.ttl On I9tin* - —2101a W ill we know the pertinent points, the - •i.-i "'tii »»nve in* la mental theories of the different courses 1 . hip liikum' Will «<■ lip 11 lil.' In pxplnin Tlw I'rmiilrnl el apply the -••• bits i«t knowledge we have< Vlnyv.ti !■'#»oilmll • •tie. ted that we mav satisfactorily indicate! 'When 1 .1 t 1 .1* aid age ' \\ i I,,., TYPEWRITERS invaluable assi Idlng one? will liny nnn we simpK It find Hit' M.imi II 1 Hiftf lo lit min i. W. pi:... t*3< I nn vnf Mirk. that \vt / Riffle \boul Ripple fVtnl tbat ti> we .tbe extent 1bat I1T1 \« liegtei led We wlfTfait «.hu . fluv Your— «»ni position in rWili/ed soeietv g bven claimed that eolloge hi' Wolverine •HcjiIh that they ma> do either hei -but rareh accomplish both student's benefit that !u know in ma\ bo phi 1 to li\i> at all. ami I '• W aid. e.' w ill wo -amtli a it know in the dreg- — Sale Ends March 20th I In I'osl itfficc 1 uoiulay. March ft, 1»W MTCBtOAK bTa'i r NBw3 Naturalness Cited Statc Orator* j \{a™{ Fen«-er* Will INm-uh Ijihor Problem, I tuirwlav _ AsAc lieedefl ^pprlful n,.ul;«^ Are i «> m,j Defeat Wayne Quality ByNotreDame 1 — k teller ladMtn ,cIlt|,n,„ 1 1,1 GI«WC In Social Behavior building If'd fit* , t Mi u i ,|| i , , ,. for Team: dim mi Alumhi from f.n ami i; ifi • '»om in. Oids Mi» Ton! Taylor. 4«i«lani F.ililor «.f MrCallV Tell.' on lobor l.a»«. Kuk""" C'"'"1 with "l" •• Ami »tM>n. Mm, ..... Meet. M«o. made resprvjitirins for 1 «mmI t;r«H(i TVimI MinTer 11 Woineii Willi Winlerii ■mi-lady. looking wHinim? in her i-Mma! f,,v. •, IN t ! Notre Dame debuted State Bie hi-l Ming.-. pi^siflent «»f '' • » • IN it. ;,n.| I,..- ' •» mcmfwrs «.f r*M net Mrr II. W Manner*! Che Bed lmpre«»in < •,.. .. .»•»:. ., debate laut night when the !».«. escort. t le'-rge Danit I led the p » , m , l o t • . 1 mi-' • ' 4 sition tm tii - sion. Enehel selected white tad. fa intefestiiu! and « pown on priwt-.ss Ini. s.;' v ',ftroll. Sn quostion, "Restilvt lalnmcnt editor of j'™1 j and with a drop shoulder effect. I' un- himrnnd with Lands■ "" """ '■ "r '' It film of the Home Fko- of red, in two different shades, iir.itmri the hemtine and on'1,"'" ' Omit rim I'i i lot) Monday night Thii i"ing „f the Pcr- foi the shotdder straps. • c linic wh't h the club is imtustrv T • '*' "j""' "inn.tiv 'lining the liist weeks of 1 J it1 Kan a of of Intei Id.is Sht i in n »re a viol.1 1 lines. In ttie ;i< plaited I upheld the aftlni Thvtn Knfi/in \ii < •••*£«. I I* i*|*«» \\ ill tatr". Km^rtest Ihfiff Mvik \9teml Rifle* i 011 Hll.l, PORTER ^nd Ifi* orchestr\ put '.ther pdnple at ease Ipt-iti.« \vluf opera and concert means inv roirc and throat must hectmtistentlyin /terfect condition. Therefore, idthoui(h most of my smoking is done u hile I am on vacutum, it is all imfmrtant to me //err ore "Topfwrs" that I he careful in (hmKinirmv With Futures it film < hi siumn cigarette. I smoke l.uckies Iveciuso I enjoy their taste and because ttv "TOPPERS" mean TopeoHts. wr We're prett ijf about our style predictions—hut here are rout I feel it is iriser for me. to choose 11II «ee f of in y wear tomorrow and enjoy fo light smoke for . a voice." . . •'•v ^ensfins to come. my Step in today, fery on <»ur RKVKRS1BLL COAT htifi/iti A11 fifin f $11.00 Other ModrK «r» u. sis A.n independent survey was made recently . KASTCR IS MARCH 281 It amonit professional men and women —lawyers, doctors, lecturers, scientists, etc. Of those who said they smoke cigarettes, more than 87'/i stated thev personally prefer a light smoke. Miss Jepson verifies the wisdom of this pref¬ erence. and so do other leading artists of the radio, stage, screen and opera. Their voices are ttflll AII ft/Ml their fortunes. That's why so many of them sIndents—- smoke Luckies. You, too, can have the throat pro¬ tection of Luckies—a light smoke, free of certain FOR VOIR CONVENIENCE iheu native ;owrr ',(» t r«.itrrieot Among the paOentv .-.ere Jack harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process BUSES RUN EVERY 5 MINUTES Boliuub Jackaen. und Joe Ru.-s Schuherg ut Brundags of KmL- 'TPs Toasted". Luckies are gentle on the throat. THE UN EST TOBACCOS- "THE CREAM Of THE CROP" BETWEEN LANSING AND EAST LANSING l/n maioc and ,. S'.onehrakcr ; Flint and Ken Abranamaon tff !>udmgton. k)k economy ride the bl'ses for safety A quick biiitenoloyv vitttd student in the laboratory at the A Light Smoke Unjvi.T^p-. Minnesota found a CITY TRANSPORT swift fire on solution When .< for an unexpoctici ./.udent's hair caugiit fuc, he put out the ftarrie by, Ifs Toasted"-Your Throat Protection Phone 21188 slamming » hook on the fellO" s against IRRITATION—AGAINST COUGH lit ad. MinTfOA* JTTATF NTWfl Spartan Boxers Score Second Straight Win Over Toledo 11 s v o k ro n i t l s Final Bout State Milium ?a": I fin k Ifi'KHllM «imri, r«M« Scrap Again n. u millm (Jives State ( lose Meet f , f i I OI I K.I IIOI 10 \ » I A( K*HF,NNV NOW I'l.WINC; AT ( OH M, O MILKS Jack McDonald Anil Hl« llrrhnslrn \frtv II phI Onlrr llrr (i(}RSA(»H Willi MKTTY Free A Go Weil Youno Man fin »>»«• pti for llif SO I'll I'It OH from * nnllnnmn flitwlnv from I f m In I CKNK AM KII J, Florin! rf Stale iVaek Team Awaits (I. I. (I. Meet Maderu fu tones. . . a \tlnn l olmii li t nrrie* OK spotlessls tlcan like vour lixing room at home . . . that's where Chesterfields art made. I In ( ( igiortlr Paper is pun .. . burin i. ithumt holt' or odor . . . you f.m'l buy any hitter paper. The mild npe tobaceos are aged two years or more likeluu «ines are aged. Refreshingly milder . . . more pleasing lash and aroma . . . and best of all They Satisfy. I| Th< is: O • • Tartar* *•?' all day, arid that w*» the track while- IraveltnR : esterfield a milder better-tasting (•«t a clip- | * D. tends Thif* Title* cigarette rnfrriahf IW. I ifctrrr * Mrrt* T