VOLUME 71 • NUMBER 83 State News TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 3 ormone lawsuit ismissed by judge l^roniT iI'E'II - A circuit court judge names or manufacturers. Roumell prefaced his surprised" by the ruling. He said he would ^dismissed a lawsuit filed by 144 ruling by ac appeal the rase, ho alleged they contracted cancer knowledging "the injury and suffering „f It s about what we the plaintiffs in this case and indeed. expected but now's ll'their mothers took the hormone the many more around our nation who . .all the time to test the law," he said. "I think luring pregnancy to prevent miscar conceivably have endured the sam- gross t hev ithe court. drug firms) are going to end up in and pathetic mishap." "There's nothing in American ' County Judge Thomas Roumell He said, however, that "concern for the I his, where such a large number of women history like casP Was invalid because the individual at this point is out of line." are involved." failed in their suit to identify "The requirements of identification of the ■Siroduct names or manufacturers. product and the manufacturer of it are still I he lawsuit, originally filed in September IjJke *omcn could not sue all drug a prerequisite to finding liability until the 1974, contended that the drug companies "on the assumption they produced day that either by statute or decisional law wore jointly liable because DES was s ,|,at caused the cancer. absolute liability can be attributed to either manufactured and sold under its chemical a manufacturer or an entire industry," he or generic name by many firms and never humeri, however, said they would said. marketed under a brand name. «lthe decision, Michigan, with an estimated 85,000 DES h admitting he had sympathy for Lawrence Charfoos, attorney for the daughters, was a target area for testing and , j, Roumell said the precedent-set- women, said he was "disappointed hut not marketing the drug. J,"liability theory "constrained" him j in their favor. men, joined in the suit by 40 j. alleged they contracted cancer ((their mothers used the drug DES ies in the late 1940s and Judicial nominations late 1960s scientists found that for board's OK e I of women who took [Moping cancer of the cervix. 4 somen have undergone surgery DES up mil of cancerous or precancerous By Nt NZIO M. Ll'PO vided with discussion guidelines and d some had part or all of their State News Staff Writer te organs removed, After a three step selection process, the lit, however, most of the women Finally, the preferred half of the appli¬ All University Student Judiciary i Al'SJ) were asked cants to take part in an 4 they could not identify product has decided on its recommendations for interview with the entire AUSJ "to try to positions open on three University judici¬ get an idea where the individual was aries. coming from." Marvin said. The recommendations to the Student- About 20 people were interviewed in this Faculty Judiciary (SFJ), the Anti Discrimi fashion, from which the 19 recommended ill deemed nation Judicial Board lADJBl and Al'SJ will go before the ASMSU Student Board for positions or alternates were chosen. Marvin said the AUSJ made its recom¬ for approval tonight. mendations with two things in mind: Before beginning the three step process, •To compose a judiuary "that reflects a the candidates filed applications and at¬ good hit of the diversity that exists in the bly cause tended a meeting to discuss the roles of the three judiciaries, said Pete Marvin, Al'SJ adviser. The process was also explained to student body" and •To select a group that could work well the candidates, he added. cell woes The first step of the process involved the candidates in an introductory interview- lasting 15 minutes before an AUSJ panel. The following people were recommended Marvin said the interview was relatively for 'he 11 seats on AUSJ: Jeffery Block, JfKSON d'l'll - State and local informal. chairperson: David Allenbern, vice chair ihconceded Monday that overcrowd- The next step of the process was a group State News Debbie Ryan person: Michael Uonlin, Mark Cooley. The free-lance commercial artist, frequently spends heworld s largest walled prison may discussion with hoth AUSJ members and sun peeks through the trees to illuminate Michael Engoian, Mary Fish, Mary Mickey, s an underlying motivation for a ASMSU Student Board members present Terry Hine's painting as he works on a project Sunday at MSI' painting the outdoor scenes that id disturbance in Southern Joseph Lavey. Joanne Mahoney. Richard in the shady spot he found on campus. Hine, a Michigan to observe. The applicants were divided up (continued on page 81 are so plentiful. »Charles Anderson estimated the • late Sunday involved between 30 nates out of 355 in Cell Block 9 of i Mherthan penitentiary. There a (amounted to about were few bruises, he said, $1,000. no Zambian head announces 'state of war' in and other officials said a LUSAKA. Zambia (AIM - President shoot down any Rhodesian aircraft flying talk of a possible peaceful solution in Africa. are in a state of war with Rhodesia," he power "ipted the three hour incident Kenneth I). Kaunda. a major supporter of over Zambian territory. He said he took Rhodesia as "a mistake." Mondale meets with John Vorster, prime said. "We will fight and I have already superficial damage to the black Rhodesian gueriilas, declared on these steps after learning that Rhodesia A Rhodesian government spokesperson minister of white ruled South Africa, on directed all my boys to shoot any Rhodesian a. Monday that Zambia is in a "state of war" might make preemptive strikes against said of the Zambian declaration that Thursday and Friday in Vienna, to discuss planes on sight using Zambian airspace." with the white regime of neighboring guerilla bases in Zambia. Rhodesia has no aggressive intentions the region's racial turmoil. Young was Kaunda's declaration was not expected to trs Power Co. had cut off power to Rhodesia. In another sign of a worsening racial against her neighbors. But he ac¬ scheduled to arrive in Maputo, Mozam¬ lead to an immediate all out war. Zambia's building Sunday afternoon for Kaunda said he had placed the Zambian confrontation in southern Africa, President knowledged that the Salisbury regime had bique. late Monday for a U.N. conference on army, estimated at 5,000 men. is less than ""'trs. Officials said work crews southern Africa. half the size of the Rhodesian army, and the armed forces on alert and ordered them to Samora Machel of Mozambique dismissed warned of possible "preemptive strikes" two hours late in restoring Zambian army and air force are under- against guerilla bases if insurgent attacks In other developments in the region M during a guard shift change continued. Monday: equipped in comparison with Rhodesia's. rP". inmates became •Police in Johannesburg. South Africa, In March 1976, Mozambique, on Rho¬ unruly. A spokesperson for Rhodesian security "Ml)'a matter of throwing glass Two sentenced for rape forces said about 50 government soldiers crossed into neighboring Botswana on said Winnie Mandela, wife of jailed black nationalist leader Nelson Mandela, has been desia's eastern border and another base for nationalist guerillas, made a similar declara¬ '• Anderson said. "Some mat- banished from the Johannesburg area and tion. Since then the Rhodesians have raided * burned, and a couple of doors Monday and clashed with Botswanan police. "s were "*"1 to the damaged. Three resi- infirmary for X-rays, of Hubbard Hall woman The Rhodesians were searching las allegedly responsible for for gueril killing an ordered to live in a small town in the countryside. She had been released from detention last December and was living in guerilla camps in Mozambique and have charged that Mozambican troops are oper¬ ating with the guerillas in border areas. elderly white couple and two blacks in a in* Nthe staff,"" l)ruises. There were no Two men were sentenced to prison charges. Capt. Ferman Badgely of the raid on a western Rhodesian farm Sunday the black township of Soweto. Machel. opening the U.N. conference in night. •A Yugoslav newspaper reported that the Mozambican capital Monday, said, "We Friday after pleading guilty to charges Department of Public Safety (DPS) said the believe it is a mistake to speak of peaceful ||jR®ce nance were called to the scene, but was quelled stemming from the rape of an MSU woman last fall. two men probably would have received similar sentences had they been found The spokesperson said the Botswana clash was brief. There were no casualties Cubans in Angola have taken over positions in government and business. An estimated solutions when there is war." by prison Op»rjijc s were termed normal James Edward Johnson, 23, of Flint, pled guilty of the original charges. reported. 10,000 to 15,000 Cuban soldiers remained in The conference, attended by representa¬ First degree criminal sexual conduct The new rumblings of a major black Angola after helping a Marxist group win a tives of 80 nations, was called to muster guilty to third-degree criminal sexual conduct and was sentenced to seven and involves either a threat with a weapon or white clash in the region came as Vice civil war there last year. support for the black nationalist struggles K"?"lh's southern Michigan one-half to 15 years in prison. the involvement of more than one person. President Walter F. Mondale and Andrew Kaunda. at a news conference in this in Rhodesia and the South African- 0|aring example of the Lucius Lee Oden Jr., 28, of Flint, pled Third degree criminal sexual conduct is Young, the U.S. ambassador to the United capital city, said he had put the Zambian controlled territory of South- !ni,-'\Sfate "Wal Prisons. which has guilty to assault with intent to commit assault with sexual penetration. Nations, prepared to press a U.S. diplo¬ army on full alert and ordered that any West Africa. issue. matic campaign to help end the four-year- Rhodesian aircraft intruding on Zambian Machel's speech was an apparent re¬ criminal sexual conduct including sexual The rape occurred December 4, 1976, in South Hubbard Hall shortly before mid old Rhodesian guerilla war and pave the airspace be shot down. jection of current U.S.-Britain peace efforts. penetration. He was sentenced to five to 10 ^aies m C(.|| Block 9, about 35 years imprisonment. age 8) way for black majority rule in southern "I wish to tell all Zambians today that we uj. , 111 placed against walls, "Pen hallways. Those Both men had originally been charged I | ™ostl-v ^sponsible for the with first-degree criminal sexual conduct ' ^aPnued Handicapper sexuality explained on page 8) but had plea-bargained to the lesser By ROXANNEL. BROWN handicapper sexuality and this, too, is an obstacle in eroding myths, State News Staff Writer "Two years ago when I lost the use of my limbs, the doctor assured me that I would be Well listen good, cause I don't lie able to rear children," Tagge said. "I told him that my concern was whether or not I would ever experience sexual pleasure again. He did not know," concluded Tagge. Perhaps you have the answer why It fills my midget soul with hate Many myths were named by Tagge as factors contributing to the problem The way that people will not differentiate handicappers have of underscoring their own sexuality. Some 14th century literature claimed that "cripples," (women) having lost sensations in the legs, had them all As the words to Dorie Previn's song about differences and stereotypes played, a Ik? N'0RML? woman busily moved her hands to interpret the words for a deaf student, while the other channeled into the genital region, she said. find oyj persons, most of them handicappers, listened. Tagge refuted such myths and advised her young audience not to listen to theories such As part of a two-day conference on the social, attitudinal, and physical integration of as "if you are handicapped at 20, you should try to maintain your sex life, but if you are handicappers, Joanne Tagge, education and counseling coordinator of Sparrow Hospital's father i,? be partly spinal cord unit, focused her workshop on human sexuality and the correction of sexual over 40 there is no sense in thinking about sex, anyway." Tagge said that a lot of handicapper women simply throw out the fact they are women. "You have to come to grip with yourself. If you see yourself as a woman then that's how myths concerning handicappers. L, a chance of Tagge stressed that she must also instill feelings of capability in male spinal cord men see you." she said. C0Wers- The patients who have lost their ability to have an erection. Tagge urged the group to step outside the perimeter society has set for handicappers. K wi'l reach "Sociol v reinforces the myth that a handicapper (male or female) cannot have a sex life and this is untrue," she commented. The conference, held at Kellogg Center, was sponsored by the Handicapper Council and the Office of Programs for Handicappers. According to Tagge, there have been no inroads in the medical field concerning 2 Michigon Stote News, Eost loosing, Michigon Tuesday, Moy,y Congress gives OK to tax-cut WASHINGTON (API — Congress gave final approval Monday By permanently raising the standard deduction, the legislation Most taxpayers affected by the change in the standard mean an measuri easier job filing federal income tax to a bill cutting taxes for 46 million low- and middle-income couples would result in annual tax cuts averaging $111 for 46 million who deduction would see the results in higher take-home return. pay after This simplification provision would allow the bulk r or individuals and simplifying tax returns for 95 per cent of do not itemize deductions. But the process of simplifying the June 1. taxpayers to figure out their taxes with ^1 Americans. standard deduction would mean a tax increase averaging $52 a In addition, the measure extends virtually no through 1978 the general computations. . The Senate approved the bill by voice vote. The House vote was year for 2 million single taxpayers. individual tax credit of $35 per person or 2 per cent of the first 383 to 2 with only Reps. Andy Jacobs, D-Ind„ and Charles The higher standard deduction - a flat $3,200 for couples filing a $9,000 of taxable income, the special tax credit of up to $400 a year New tax tables would be created Wiggins, R-Calif., voting against it. joint return and $2,200 for single persons — would result in a $139 for poor working families, and $2.3 billion worth of lower corporate by combining deduction, the $750 personal exemption and the tk I The bill, stripped of the $50-per-person rebates President tax saving for a typical family of four earning $15,000 and a $110 tax rates first enacted in 1975. In most cases, the only variable would be the een i ""P Jimmy Carter once proposed to stimulate the economy, now goes cut for a single person making $10,000 a year. Unless those tax cuts were extended, 70 million couples or in a family. Thus, a family numbTf of four using the standa a J to the White House. It would provide tax relief totaling $34.1 Single persons earning more than $13,750 a year who use the individuals would face tax increases could determine its tax bill averaging $170 next year. simply by looking at th t billion over the next 28 months. standard deduction will get a tax increase of about $52 a year. For millions of taxpayers, an important section of the bill would four exemptions. e a* lebj 1 PREDICTS OIL SHORTAGES IN 1981 Panel urges fast action WASHINGTON (AP) - An The report. "Energy: Global about 9 million barrels somewhere between 1985 and international study panel, say Prospects 1985-2000," was pre¬ a day — slightly more than it currently 1995. when the plateau production „fl inj; world oil shortages could pared by the Workshop on produces — and if the demand And it says the oil shortage and then dec! IRA announces execution of officer begin as early as 1981 if OPEC Alternative Energy Strategies, for energy rises at the fairly could grow, depending on when clearly in sight," the studl In nations maintain their current an international panel of 35 high rate of 4.4 per cent per it starts, to between 15 and 20 every case production peak |stud| BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) — Irish British officers to be murdered in eight production, Monday urged the year, the shortage could turn million barrels a day by the or J representatives of govern¬ occurs before the end Republican Army (IRA) guerillas said years of sectarian conflict in the British free world to move with "war ments, universities and energy- up as early as 1981. year 2000 about the amount J — century - in some ci Monday that they had "executed" a province. Six soldiers were killed earlier time urgency" into developing related industries. All of the If it doubles production, to consumed daily by the United before." this year and 256 have died since 1969. other fuels and conserving en¬ about 20 million barrels a day, States. 29-year-old British Army captain ab¬ participants were from major The study noted that! ducted near the Irish Republic border. ergy. non-Communist industrialized the shortage should not show The study concluded that Basil Cardinal Hume, the archbishop of The forecasts by the panel nations. up until eight years later, the solar energy, nuclear fusion and governments and bust! Despite the claim by the IRA 1st Westminster and head of the Roman plan no farther than fivel Battalion in Armagh County, site of the basically paralleled those by The panel said the key to panel forecast. other advanced energy sources years ahead and said Catholic Church in England and Wales, Carter Administration officials. when the shortages occur is Reducing the growth of de¬ cannot contribute substantial basic danger of | kidnaping, British troops and police on had appealed to the mostly Catholic IRA And the goals proposed by the mand should postpone the the T Saudi Arabia, which holds amounts of energy before the both sides of the Irish border continued to release Nairac, whom he knew when President are similar in most about a quarter of the known oil shortages, the panel said. It year 2000 but could become energy situation is that become critical before ij their day-and-night search for the mis¬ cases to what the panel pre¬ it i Nairac was a student. reserves. It said if that country said its best estimate of when important after that time. sing officer, Capt. Robert Lawrence dicted could be done. maintains its production at demand will outstrip supply is The panel said the prospec The study focuses Nairac. "This is a terrible blow to his family and live oil shortage should occur outlook for the free onlyl If the "execution" is confirmed, Nairac I am shattered to hear the news," the even though coal production is does not worfl would be one of the highest-ranking archbishop said. attempt to il Loan plans discussed more than doubled, nuclear power output is multiplied 15 to 25 times, the growth rate of oil what the forecast munist countries * study by the U.S. for| British rush to beat nuclear ban is cut in half and the real price Intelligence Agency, hoi of oil rises by 50 per cent. forecast that the Soviet ■ by Mondale, Portuguese LONDON (AP) British nuclear rush because it believes the "Behind all the prospective would become an oil - scientists are rushing to finish work on a 20-year-old nuclear cooperation treaty with the U.S. energy gaps and imbalances the early 1980s. impoT that appear beyond 1985 is the hringiA hydrogen bomb and a warhead to beat a is unlikely to be renewed by President anticipated worldwideoiil bon on hydrogen bomb tests expected Carter when it expires next year. That LISBON, Portugal (AP) said there were no problems inescapable fact that the time ages a few years closer. T from President — Portuguese officials consider Jimmy Carter, London's would exclude Britain from the under¬ Vice President Walter F. Mon¬ between the two countries but essential if Lisbon's 10 month Daily Mail said Monday. ground testing base in Nevada." dale met with top Portuguese there were some "technical old democracy is to survive. The conservative daily said the jects will give Britain a weapons system pro¬ A scheduled Nevada test of an advanced British H-bomb has been leaders Monday and discussed plans for $700 million in Wes¬ concerns" that needed quick resolution. The plan calls for the United Basques battle police tern loans to Portugal, one of Mondale did not mention States to provide $300 million independent of the United States. brought forward several months and is It said the British cabinet "ordered the expected soon, the report said. the poorest nations in Europe. After a 40-minute talk with Premier Mario Soares, Mondale specifics, but they were lieved to involve details of the loan, which both U.S. and be and urge other Western govern¬ ments to contribute the rest. during Spanish strike Mondale also discussed the BILBAO, Spain (AP) — Rebellious Basques paralyzed nL loan with President Antonio northern Spain on Monday for the fifth straight day, battlinl Ramalho Eanes, who received riot guns and smoke grenades in the largest strike sii Tris controversy him at Belem palace, a glittering 19th century tile and marble civil war 40 years ago. The violence, which threatened to spill into the rest of the! residence with wooden ceilings came as the government prepared to receive Vice President 1 and footmen in blue suits with F. Mondale today. The visit was planned as a show of U.S. n gold stripes. for the efforts of King Juan Carlos and Premier Adolfo prompts criticism Mondale, who flies to Spain bring democracy to Spain. Scores were hurt in bloody clashes with police Su| Postal rates may jump, officials warn WASHINGTON (API - said a 1975 study linking today, was visiting the Iberian Peninsula in a show of U.S. Basque cities. Labor sources said 600,000 persons had in a general strike to protest partif Angry members of Congress Tris to cell mutations and "police repression." WASHINGTON criticized the Consumer Pro¬ birth defects was incon support for the emerging demo¬ Stores, schools, factories, businesses and newspapei (AP) — You probably Postal Service board of governors proba¬ cracies there. closed as demonstrators threw stones and Molotov a will pay duction Safety Commission elusive. higher postage charges and bly will act within two months on the barricaded streets and attacked at least two police comman receive mail only five days per week by proposals. on Monday for "inordinate "This nation stands When asked if the com¬ as a Sources said 85 per cent of the Basque labor force early next year, the Postal Service said delays" in reaching its de¬ mission had acted in the symbol, perhaps one of the most strike. joiij Both steps have been under considera¬ cision to ban Tris, the flame Monday. retardant used in children's consumer's best interest. outstanding in the world today, Streets were barricaded in Bilbao and more than 1,0( tion for months, but Bailor's pronounce¬ of leadership that is moving Postmaster General Benjamin F. Bailor Byington replied, "Absolute¬ clashed with police in Pamplona. ment was more definite than previous sleepwear. said the price of a stamp for first-class A House Commerce in¬ ly-" dramatically toward the princi¬ Some 4,000 persons demonstrated against police i statements and shed ple of democracy and toward the letters will rise from the current 13 cents new light on the vestigations subcommittee Sebastian, and more than 2,000 attended a funeral for | timing of the proposed changes. Rep. John E. Moss, D closest possible observance of demonstrator in Vitoria. to at least 15 cents. It will be 16 cents if complained that long before Calif., the panel's chairper¬ human rights," Mondale said Unrest spread to Barcelona, six-day delivery is maintained, he Several procedures still must be the commission issued the son, said, "The chronology after his scheduled 50-minute Spain's largest city, o warned. weekend with street battles between demonstrators and po carried out before the moves could be ban last month, it knew on Tris is one of the most put chat with Eanes was extended left more than 20 injured and 14 buses Bailor told a Senate panel that the into effect, Boilar said. about studies linking the graphic that I have seen of damaged. Authorities by half an hour. police jeeps were attacked. chemical to cancer. the failure of the commission The commission's chair¬ to adequately utilize its Power failure hits southerntflorida person, S. John Byington, existing powers." MIAMI (AP) — A massive power failure Florida Power & Light Co., the state's the east Room shut off electricity to a 15,000-square- largest utility, said that more than one mile area of South Florida Thursday Buffet Monday, million of its 1.8-million business and shutting down air conditioning in homes household customers were affected. Roast Beef $5.50 and offices, stranding people in elevators Roughly two-and-one-half-million peo¬ and snarling traffic at busy intersections. ple live in the area that includes the Friday Buffet The power went out at midmorning and state's densely populated east coast, Seafood $4.95 remained out for periods ranging from from the upper Florida Keys to Miami, minutes to hours. Temperatures rose intd Fort Lauderdale and the Palm Beaches. 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. the 80s, but by midafternoon about 99 The outage extended west as far as per cent of the region had Menu Also Available lights again. Naples on the Gulf of Mexico. Ol.plo, Ad,.rti,ln, Ph...,,.,hi,. National industrial output increases WASHINGTON (AP) - Despite the nation's industry, with the exception f Stereo Buffs: 1 . decline in auto production, the nation's of autos. industrial output increased eight-tenths of one per cent in of healthy growth, the April, the third month government It said auto assemblies, which had shown sharp gains in previous months, I I Htiu J , .(fouvc reported Monday. declined 4 per cent in April to an annual The increase in I Set aside some of next Saturday to see and | industrial output rate of 9.3 million units. It said the decline compared with gains of 1.4 | hear the Incredible new receiver series from | per cent in reflected strikes at some auto a Yamaha. They'll be unveiled at XO sharp March and 1 per cent in plants and a.m. | The Federal Reserve Board said February. an apparent reluctance by automakers to J I by two factory representatives - exclusively * gains odd to their existing large inventories of at The Stereo Shoppe of East Lansing. I in output where widespread throughout small cars. and outgoing. . .the polyurethj wedge bottom giving a '''* 1 MSU smooth leather sandal, opened ua SUPERVISORS' ASSOCIATION bare a heel, a hint of tanned tl For pants or skirts in cal ANNUAL MEETING navy or white. 5 t| Kelley criticizes compensation group THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1977 Medium sizes. Lansing (UPI) — Atty. Gen. Frank receive Kelley said Monday the State Officers a salary equal to the governor's HOLDEN HALL, ROOM G8 Jn _ when they are acting as I governor. He OUR Compensation Commission exceeded its FROM I authority last year when it decided that said the constitutional amendment which 7:30 P.M. created the compensation commission ■ the lieutenant governor should not does not modify that requirement. I receive extra pay when acting as ELECTION OF OFFICERS H governor. The commission is an independent I The opinion was issued at the request body charged with setting the salaries of VOTE ON CONTRACT Jacobson'0 H of Lt. Gov. James Damman. the governor, lietuenant governor, state ■ Kelley said the state's 1963 Constitu- lawmakers and state Supreme Court ■^^^tionrequires that all state officers justices. REFRESHMENTS! By MICKIMAYNARD State News SUll Writer marijuana, as well as legalize the private use of small amounts. The bill is currently before the House Civil Rights Committee, prominent Michigan residents from journalists to Prominent residents .. which Bullard chairs. The committee will hear testimony on the r*',nl) HV jockeys joined together Monday in support of hill this morning at 11 in 420 E. Capitol. If !„-riminalizing marijuana use in Michigan, Among those testifying will be Pat Horton, a district attorney listatw"0 jvisorJr board of the National Organization for in Eugene, Ore. Oregon decriminalized marijuana in 1973 and P S'?Mirijuana Laws (NORML) was announced at a Detroit Horton was one of the proponents of that move. frrenrc as NORML members geared up support for the Dullard's committee is expected to wind up hearings on the bill this week. However, the measure will probably not reach the advisory board range from MSU Professor of back marijuana bill I the House for a vote until several changes are made. rrnbs'p " Jliit»nal Bolton Ferency to Detroit Free Press Columnist The bill in its present form faces opposition from Rep. Bill , well as state American Civil Liberties Union Bryant, R Grosse Pointe Farms, who said he plans to offer an amendment deleting the legalization of marijuana use in private ^'pUtor Howard Simon. NORML coordinator John Sinclair said the advisory homes. jfich'lF1 n Support for the bill has been garnered by NORML, which has ^ rv(11() show people that "the people that support it The Detroit Sun editor is perhaps the state's most prominent Bullard is among the members of the advisory board, as are several chapters on college and university campuses, including "■'izatiotil are not all crazy people." marijuana user, having spent several years in prison on marijuana Rep. George Cushingberry, DDetroit, and three Detroit MSU, across the state. ""Tir said that though some of the board's members are only convictions. He now heads the statewide effort in Recorders Court judges: Susan Borman, Justin Ravitz and Myron Sinrlair said he was surprised and pleased at what he termed their names, others will be advising the group as it pushes support of the bill Wahls. "enthusiastic" support for the measure and added he felt the bill's sponsored by Rep. Perry Bullard, D-Ann Arbor. The decriminalization bill will lower penalties for possession of chances were good. t|fgislatin was a tour of some of East He also said he expected the newly service agencies will learn tonight whether r income neighborhoods, the formed Dosh party — a democratic party their requested funding increases will be promoting change — to occupy some of the included in the 1977-78 East Lansing city tbome. Iatnpus and a concluding reception at seats in Israel's parliament. budget, scheduled for approval at the City ccpoint in his talk with city officials Council meeting at 7:30 in city hall council Eardley accidentally referred to the "If Dosh gets even 10 seats out of the 120, chambers. t-Using," he was promptly cor- managers now meet at least once a month, brings it an identity of its own." problems on the main street (28th Street in it is a very substantial achievement, The council will also hold two public -and informed that Lansing is he said, and cooperate in purchasing and in Lacking a university, Wyoming has Wyoming) and some housing which is not considering the party is only a few months hearings: one on a proposed housing a "suburb" of East Lansing, police and fire services to reduce costs. formed a group called Wyoming Promo¬ up to code standards. old." he said. "The new party is especially rehabilitation program to spend $160,000 of fchsgon the theme of big city-suburb tions, Inc., whose major annual project is a "I noticed riding around this morning attractive to Israel's young people. It sides Wyoming has a population of 56,000, federal Community Development funds on summer rodeo. The rodeo drew over 300 that East Lansing has some housing that is with the Labour party on the matter of ■J. Eardley said relations between compared to East Lansing's 47,000. nonrental housing: and another to consider a As a suburb of the second largest city in contestants last year and stirred up a in need of repair," Eardley said. peace, but is more right winged in its piapidsand Wyoming were "steadily Eardley, who is up for reelection this fall, new Community Unit Plan to replace the in the last 10 years, since a the state, Wyoming has "an identity controversy among local residents when an approach to domestic problems." in cooperation outdoor rock concert featuring Edgar and is in his ninth year as mayor of Wyoming existing zoning code plan. caused Wyoming problem," Eardley said (though, at 25 The Labour party has been the major The current plan, termed "poorly writ¬ Johnny Winter created a little too much and served seven years before that as a city |niits own 54 inch water pipeline to square miles, it is the eighth largest excitement in the quiet community. councilmember. He spent two years as a controlling party in Israel for the past 29 ten" and "overly restrictive" by City i even though Grand Rapids Michigan city in area). years. The coalition government allows for Planner Scott Radway, specifies standards 'ne that could have been "You always have a problem of identity in Some problems Eardley said he noticed in Michigan Department of Corrections com¬ missioner and is a former Michigan Munici representation based on vote percentages. for the development of new subdivisions and a situation like this," he said. "East Lansing East Lansing that his city shares were a There are 23 factions competing for seats in several single-family zones. i mayors and city this because the college need for street and road repair, traffic pal League president. the Parliament. Discussion of alternative fire station sites will continue, and council may select a site Before occupying his current position, Peled was a division commander during the tonight. A plan for a work-study agreement Academ/c environment concern of group Six Day War and retired from the military as a major-general in 1968. In regards to the issue of surrendering between MSU and East Lansing to provide summer jobs with the city for MSU students will be introduced. MSU has agreed to pay land for peace, Peled said he follows mittee representative, said the new pro¬ meeting is set for 3 p.m. in the Con Con 80 per cent of the students' compensation, Environment (UCAEI next year may act to fsroom facilities, improve these and other academic areas. problem Two seats are open on this commit¬ cedure should be approved by the adminis tration by the end of this year. Room of the International Center. Presen¬ tations are tentatively set for 4 p.m. moderate lines to create a — lasting to give back land in order peace. with East Lansing ing 20 per cent. contributing the remain¬ If the plan is approved by council, it w ill go Students interested in serving on the "The real problem is guarantees to assure ' students at the all-University level. Wildrlechner will give a presentation on tee to before the MSU Board of Trustees for the major topics UCAE at today's Student Council meeting. academic environment committee should peace. I think the proposal of President Jimmy Carter to bring about peace gradu final go-ahead. The city will then begin The responsibility of the UCAE is dealing Student representatives from the other five pick up applications in 10 Linton Hall. They with "anything that helps or hinders the will be available until 5 p.m. Friday. ally over a number of years is a good one," hiring students for the 40 hour a week jobs. standing committees will also speak. The tii It; °"M,y 24 the Student r™ ™a elections tor students to academic process," Committee Chairperson Leo G. Erickson said. E^Acsdemic Council standing Thanks to a year-long effort made to tr Tl"s is Hie third of a series n." explain the functions and define more exactly the committee's role I*®" ol each committee. and purpose, students next year may be checking into potentially hazardous labora¬ . >r nancy rogier tory conditions, helping to improve class¬ I shte News Staff Writer room facilities (such as the installment of more left handed desks) and handling a!a"n Mow-standard safety various faculty and student complaints. '"dilapidated University build- "W about the quality of class- The committee has "spent an awful lot of time" with the University Committee on yL. 'red of inaccurate Univer- lnH up your schedule? Academic Governance to find out exactly ' what areas the committee is authorized to """si)' Committee on Academic act upon, he said. The outcome of the meetings is a compromise for a new operating procedure. l0rd slated Basically, the compromise calls for the committee to remain acting as a whole but also extending its interests to three areas [discuss within the University environment. These include administrative buildings, sanitation and safety. If the compromise is accepted, the committee will have a voice in {c'ion bill the operations of each area. "We're going to actually participate," ^ Student Board will discuss a Erickson said. He added that committee &dJen,S ,0 serve » the representatives will sit in on administrative meetings and insure that decisions on '•iSiuH ' ""em ' "'iaries when it meets Services sanitation, buildings and safety will have Bldg. at 7:30. the "net effect of furthering the academic Car:' Wi" a'so discuss a bill process." 'H-cm ' |,r"vide a means to Erickson also said the committee would Hi |L "S "'mmissioner. The bill act as a communications liaison between the '"hial h t 1(1 an election be administration, faculty and students. notes away. Then catch a few rays while catching up < n all the studying "'ddiciaru' AH University The river isn't the usual place to study, but why not? Wade in, find a '"•office Vrial election will be "We're encouraging faculty and students dry spot or bring one with you and hope the wind doesn't blow the you've been pulling off. "illiin. vici' president for to put in some input of their own." he said. Mark Widrlechner, Student Council com¬ @[pM©(n) "VfeU CAM RIDS AT H46 SAC* OP IKS BUS/ * MSU builds a wall You can't go hom The not-so-imaginary line separating the two worlds of the city of By PHIL FRANK East Lansing and MSU has been reinforced by University Does a fair wind blow over MSU these stubbornness. days? I certainly hope that is the case, as it's a pleasant breeze that's blowing today As the city contemplates its budget, the disgusting reality of MSU s here at our houseboat community in responsibility shuffle becomes apparent. City councilmembers were Sausalito, Calif. altogether justified in blasting MSU for its refusal to help finance a I was looking at my stack of unanswered Capital Area Transporation Authority (CATA) bus extension into mail and pigeon-holed projects and realized campus. that I had some unfinished business at The city is seriously thinking about boosting CATA s appropriation hand. I had spoken with a State News reporter awhile back about possibly doing by 45 per cent. Part of that increase — $32,270 worth — would fund a some MSU cartoons to augment the general bus plan to swing faculty, students and staff onto the campus from the cartoons that MSU gets along with the 200 city for 10 cents a ride. This would in no way interfere with the present or so other college papers now running MSU bus set-up. The city asked MSU to pay $9,139 toward the project. "Frankly Speaking." Back when I went into The University's response was a typically pompous "no." Reasons for syndication eight years ago, I was doing 32 MSU's noninvolvement, as put forth by MSU Asst. Vice President cartoons a month, while most of the papers were only using a dozen a month because Theodore B. Simon, ranged from the evasive to the picky. Simon said most college papers don't publish as often CATA should simply raise its fare. MSU can't be bothered by such as the State News. Five years ago I cut things, he implied. In addition, he added that money from students on back to 24 a month, then 16 and now only Phil Frank campus should not be used for services to off-campus students. eight. This has caused a problem with the Simon and the MSU brass should be reminded that on-campus few dailies that run the panel. For those of you who don't know, I got One of the great satisfactions students are a minority of the MSU community, comprising roughly 35 national strip is „f my start in cartooning as an undergraduate knowing that the, per cent of the student population. Furthermore, a cost breakdown on a at MSU in the early '60s doing a daily panel that someone in Seattle is readi per-student basis would put MSU's contributions at 21 cents per student cartoon for the State News. That experi¬ work, someone in Miami is over a three-term period. ence did a lot to shape my ideas towards But in doing national It is a shame that, for this pittance, MSU is again playing the bully humor and communications and their effect something important missing. It's I flavor that I was able to experience across the street. East Lansing should not be snubbed again. on society and politics. I've gone on since to those see something funny — days to other aspects of communica¬ on c Unfortunately, MSU's attitude pervades most of the interaction tions, including book illustration, commer¬ Monday and see it as a cartoon 01 between the city and the University. For instance, MSU refused to offer cial work and now my comic strip "Travels Now I work six weeks ahead oft financial support to erect new street lights along Grand River Avenue at With Farley," which is running in a number takes a bit of the spontaneity o an initial cost of $10,600. East Lansing would have matched that with of dailies. product. The local asides a well, federal funds. MSU responded with silence. I was really missing that The city has waited over a year now for a University appointee to a asp- work until a few years ago when Housing Advisory Committee. Again, official silence. murder of hundreds of thousands of getting involved here in Sausalito The University also took $156,000 from the city this year in one fell baby houseboat community. The first y harp seals each year in northern Canada, a swoop by instituting a Campus Parking Violation Bureau, leaving the practice that is actively financed and was spent redoing our 1 getting it properly floated, si municipality with a gaping budget hole. The bureau is a good thing, but defended by the Canadian government. a year or so after we arrived that its cost reinforces the fact that MSU should reciprocate by offering its It seems that the only green the Canadian looking around at the con own funds for other programs. govern ent wants is the type that can be living in. It would be difficult tu With its snobbish refusal to give money for these programs, MSU found i bank vaults, and not on an Arctic the area so I will suffice it ti assures that Grand River Avenue will become more than a busy street. ceptable reason. Committment to a policy tundra r in a mountainside forest, city that floating would be Ford-South Africa which guarantees support of management la by no means in favor of the proposed was Your homes float, your gardens fl It will become a wall. is unacceptable. I reject out of hand any your utilities and sidewalks float, Once again I am ashamed of my fellow pipeline, but I do not like the reasons offered by the administration which is a wonderland for the artist and students here at MSU. Once again I am popular issue such as concern for the astounded by the apathy portrayed in our support racism. What I will accept is a environment to hide a growing govern¬ so diffieult to leave the houseboat Slicing the budget pie Councilmember Mary Sharp's criticism community of over 40,000. Is there no limit to our carefree "who gives a damn" attitudes? public apology for the embarrassment caused to our institution and a speedy resolution condemning the apartheid poli¬ cies of South Africa. ment's lust for money and power. What really upsets me is that the Canadian government is waving a "I am a defender of go boat. to San Francisco to work in that I eventually moved my The community, with its of the Tenants Resource the environment!" banner in one hand and I am referring to the recent approval by I believe that I reflect the fishermen, boatbuilders, artist Center's (TRC) budget request at a recent East Lansing City Council feelings of the is beating a baby seal to death with the MSU of Ford Motor Co. investments in now finds itself threatened by dev meeting was unfounded and should be ignored, but her criticism of the majority of people at MSU and I look other. South Africa. Quite honestly, I am not forward to a strong outcry against this and as financial entrepreneurs n Listening Ear crisis intervention center budget request had some merit. surprised that the administration would many other areas where the University is area. There are plans to redevelop TRC — an organization geared to providing information concerning openly display a double standard with sacrificing basic moral convictions in the area of Bohemian houseboatr tenants rights and the limitations of landlord authority — has requested regard to the rights and responsibilities of quest for dollars and political gain. modern marina which will students here in the United States vs. those and force out the craftspeopl $6,000 to maintain its operation, but will probably receive one-third of Paul Newman this. in South Africa. But I am appalled that the 587 Virginia St. Active ASMSU lifestyle, until now, has been students, faculty, and staff would further recycling, barter and frugality. ? E. Lansing Listening Ear has requested $16,000 — $6,000 of which would be used condone these actions by remaining silent! who has gotten much from the ci for a "part-time person to search for applicable state and federal Amidst the recent campaigning for in the way of friendships, inspir ASMSU, many political opinions arose. All grants." This request is excessive. the candidates spoke out on issues, relaying stimulation, I feel it's now my tin Sharp's criticism of Listening Ear appears justified, but her Canada ripped similar ideas and enthusiastic promises. back to the community. I've been ( with my humor. contention that social service organizations should find other sources of Students, reporters and faculty alike said I'm writing in response to a number of You may be wondering why I'm revenue is ignorant. these are nothing but the same glorified articles which have been printed in the on so, as if this all had sum The City Council should reassess its stand and allocate TRC a larger State News over the past few months. generalizations again, just high-falutin' it is, is a long-winded excu portion than that proposed. We also urge that Listening Ear be provided These articles at first presented, and now promises they will never do anything about. myself at my drawing table < the necessary funds to continue operation, but not $6,000 to establish a continue to restate an attitude of the This ASMSU Student Board is not just dozen occasions lately with a bureaucratic and possibly worthless position. Canadian government towards the environ¬ sitting around waiting for things to happen. News copies and a bunch of good I ment and environmental issues. This atti¬ The ASMSU Committee on Public Safety to write some MSU cartoons but tude is one of inconsistency and blatant has already organized an open Public thing I've been able to draw is a bi hypocrisy. Hearing on Rape and Assault to be held was concerned as to why that m The latest in this series of articles told of Thursday at 7 p.m. in 328 Student Services the campus and the people had pi the Canadian government's call for a Bldg. A select panel of representatives from an important part in my ■ f liphe State News moratorium on pipeline construction in an area of Canada's northern wilderness. The basis for this moratorium, as given by the the East Lansing Police Department, the Department of Public Safety, Olin Health ('enter, crisis centers, Kitty Genovese, decided that the reason I because I don't live there a energy is here where I live. couldnt| My I Canadian government, is the preservation ASMSU Women's Council, an attorney and are at MSU but the campus thJ Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Editorials ire the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns and protection of the environment. the Women's Advisory Committee will be then and the people and the life arj The hypocrisy surfaces when one reads presenting recommendations and ideas. or gone. The humor would be j and letters a e personal opinions. I publicly applaud the students of The session will encourage input of ideas the entire series of articles. The real reason outsider. I guess you really c Editorial Stanford University, Hampshire College and concerns and questioning of the select Department for the moratorium, and the Canadian again, as they say. and the University of Massachusetts for government's entire objection to the pipe¬ panel. There is another way to go hoi Mary Ann ChickShaw layouf having the courage and awareness to line, seems to be based upon economics and however, and that is by visilingl Bob Ourhan Photo Edi tors Everyone is encouraged to attend. Dur¬ Moggie Walker actively defend human dignity. Further, I DoveMisiolowski Copy Chief Trocy Reed challenge the MSU community to prove me greed. The Canadian government wants to ing the campaign we received emotional Sue and my two children and I City Editor Michael Tonimura Wire Editor Joyce Laskowski wrong and speak out forcefully against the use the moratorium to give them more" and serious responses from MSU students venturing through East I.ansingJ Campus Edito Carole Leigh Hutton Staff Represent John Cosey University's support of racism abroad. We power to bargain where the pipeline will go on this important issue. You have shown us mer on a cross country backroaf Sports Editor Tom Shonahan Free/once Editc AnneSfuor? and how much they'll get for the land. your support by electing us, now let us our 1928 Model A Ford. We w" deserve an explanation by the board of 'or Donno Bakun The inconsistency becomes evident when show you our support by meeting the needs months on the road and hope t(| trustees to clarify the difference between human rights for South African blacks and one realizes that the Canadian government of you, the students we represent. MSU area in late June or early Jl Advertising Department human rights for American blacks. has. with increasing frequency, ignored Sue Lalk good to see the campus and | DonGerow Ass/stonf Adverti Manager Ceci Corfield environmental protection in favor of econo¬ ASMSU human ng ecology representative again. Protection of investments is an unac¬ mic betterment. A case in point is the brutal 458 E. McDonel Hall Front, is on MSU graduate rl Rep slurs Martin Luther King, blacks WASHINGTON - Startled wit¬ a snort from Ashbrook. Time and notes verified that Ashbrook had made nesses recently overheard Rep. John money "should not be wasted," he the remark. Others confirmed that they Ashbrook, K Ohio, in a reference to the grumped, "investigating the murder of had also heard the same thing. late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., object some nigger." Others said they had not heard the to spending the taxpayers' money Ashbrook denied that he had ever controversial crack but couldn't deny investigating the murder of some said anything of the sort. He would that Ashbrook had made it. They nigger." never use language like that, he told us, explained that sometimes several con "even in joking." Yet others who versations were going on at the same Similar outbreaks of foot-in mouth attended the dinner recalled the remark time at the dinner table. disease got Earl Butz fired as secretary of agriculture and almost ended Gen. clearly. Rep. John Rousselot, R Calif., who George Brown's career as Joint Chiefs chairman. Both made insensitive re "Ashbrook denied that he had ever said anything of the sort. marks thai offended minorities. He would never use language like that, he told us, 'even in Ashbrook's alleged indiscretion oc¬ joking." curred during the recent crossfire between ex House Assassinations It is against the unwritten rules of the attended the dinner, told us that he had Chairman Henry Gonzales, D-N.M., and House for member to not heard the remark and that it would JACK ANDERSON his chief counsel, Richard Sprague. A one disparage another in public. Most of the witnesses, have been uncharacteristic of Ashbrook lew congressmen got together over therefore, didn't want to be identified. to make it. chicken dinner at Washington's Oakland and EES WRITTEN Only Sprague was willing to be named. Inn to hear Sprague's side of the Actually, the Ohio congressman has a When we questioned him, he acknowl¬ controversy. reputation for making candid remarks edged that he had heard Ashbrook's and Sprague argued the need for an taking defiant stands. On racial derogatory remark about the slain civil issues, Ashbrook has voted consistently investigation of the John F. Kennedy rights leader. and Martin Luther King assasinations. We learned that Sprague had also against the civil rights measures that The reference to the venerated black black leaders have supported. kept notes of the dinner meeting, so we leader, according to witnesses, brought pressed him to consult his notes. His United Feature Syndicate. Inc. ^jgqn until after 1st insertion. stereo tape deck. Low mileage, p.m. graduates needing jobs. Will train full or part time. Should know 24 14) 8-5-19 (3) 6354. OR-21-5-31 (37) There is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per long distance truck drivers at Lansing area. Apply at 1605 East custom interior, no rust. Must sell. $4.35-5.00/hour in Ann Arbor this Kalamazoo Street, weekdays 7:30- additional change for maximum of 3 changes. 626-6861.65-17 161 YAMAHA 1976 RD400C, low mile¬ NEAR SPARROW HOME HEALTH aid - housekeep¬ summer. After training job pays 4:30 p.m. 65-20 151 Hos] The State News will only be responsible for the 1st age, road bike, excellent, must er. Monday-Friday, 8-12, prefer $20.000-$35.000/year. Work is furnished, efficiency ai PONTIAC CATALINA 1970, 4- sell, best offer. 4866772. S-65-18 woman. 349-4918 for information. hard and requires organization. room apartments. Year 1 day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must be made within 10 doys of expiration dote. door. air, AM radio, radials, one owner $750_351J003. 4-5-20 Ml 5-619 (3) Interviews at Placement Thursday 9-12 noon, 1-3 p.m. Services. I It"" If] quired. From $130 plusl Phone 482-6968 after5pr Bills are due 7 days from ad expiration dote. If not YAMAHA 1972 XS650. Clean, BARMAID, WAITRESS and cook. TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. 151 " SUPER BEETLE 1974, black, must 2-5-18 1101 All part time positions. Apply paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will sell, cheap, good condition. Call quick. 11,000 miles. $800. Call $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- DODGE HOUSE. Cedar and Sagi¬ 1010. C-21-5-31 1121 be due. Monday-Friday. 485-7423 after 5 Thorn, 355-1996. 2-5-18 131 MURRAY HOTEL Mackinac naw or phone 489-2086. 8-623 I4I p.m. 6-5-23 131 Island, Michigan, needs summer HONDA 1972 500, great condition, RENTALS - COX tent campers CHILD CARE 7:30-8:30 a.m., 3:30- cooks Ifryer, grill or short order). for all size cars. Daily, week¬ TOYOTA 1975 Land Cruiser with tuned up. new pipes and rear tire. Send immediately complete re¬ 6:30 p.m. East Lansing area. One end, weekly rates. Avoid dis¬ snowplow, 17,000 miles. $4000. $900 includes two helmets. 337- sume, work experience, recent | HitDMtiw ||4fr| [_ Automotive jfo Stan. 332-2352. Z-2 5-17 131 7640. 3-5-19 (41 Bailey school child. Full time summer work possible. 351-6168 photo, to 3969 Penberton, Ann Arbor. Michigan 48105. 13-63 (71 appointment, HANDY COMPANY reserve now. W.A. 1905 West nights. 8-5-24 141 Saginaw. Phone 489-5080. 6620 CADILLAC EL DORADO 1977 loaded with every possible acces¬ - FORD TORINO 1972. Automatic, power steering. Good condition. TOYOTA CORONA 1968, low mileage, 32 mpg, automatic, good 1 Km sua 1[71 COOKS PART time, neat and POSITION OPEN for aide to work (6) sory, window sticker just under $700/best offer. 394-5959. 3-5-19 shape, $500_482-7096. Z-4-5-191(3) JUNK CARS wanted. We pay with 8 mentally retarded young 414,000. 10.000 miles, will sell for ♦10,900. Call 374-7318 or 323 TRANS AM 1976. black, excellent more if they run. Also buy used responsible. Apply in person be¬ tween 2-4 p.m. AMERICA'S CUP, people teaching social and living I ffrnllVl JOIN the gong FORD SUPERVAN 1966. New condition. Cragar wheels, AM/FM cars and trucks. 489-3080. C-21- 220 M A C. 3-5-17 14) skills. $2.30/hour. Call 321-1030. MSU WALKING distance. 1 bed¬ (f 2454. 2-5-17 I6I 631 1171 3-5-19151 tires, brakes, shocks. $599 or best 8 track. Best offer. 882-8627. room furnished, utilities, air con¬ CADILLAC 1975 Coupe de Ville. offer. Must sell. 353-1825. 4-5-20 5-5-20 (31 BABYSITTER - WEEKDAY ings. 2 month old. Own transpor¬ even¬ ASSISTANT PATIENTS "Ac¬ ditioning, parking, summer $150, Burcham Woo 19,000 miles. One owner. Like (3) Fall $200. new. $6950. See at 3895 Tiffany TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL - tation. Close to MSU. 351-2269. counts Manager-position available 374-6366^21-631^ FORD 1970 Econoline window 1968 Opel Kadett. Stick shift, 6623 (31 in a progressive 500 bed general Lane, Holt. 694-3771.8-5-26 14) ONE, TWO females - fall, off van. 6 cylinder, standard, new excellent transportation. 332-6640. hospital. Candidate must be a campus. Unfurnished, carpeted, tires. Good condition. 337-1450. APARTMENT CLEAN UP crews. college graduate - business, * Haatod pool CAMARO 1974. Excellent condi 8-5-19 (3) 8^20(31 June 10-June 20. Apply basement psychology or related field. Must air, $66/month. 353-7347 Chen. * Air conditioning I tion. Automatic, power steering, Z-8-623 (31 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1975. Con¬ of Americana Apartments. 1128 have proven management abilities * Ttnnii courts brakes. 50,000 miles. 353-2532. FORD-GRAND Torino 1973. ex¬ vertible, loaded, brown. Excellent Victor Street. 332-0111. OR-10-5- and be able to deal effectively with * Amplo parking I 8-5-26 (4) IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, new condition. $3295. 321-7080. 8-619 31 I4I cellent condition, AM/FM stereo patients, staff and the public. A Nicely furnished I * TAPRI 1971 2000cc, 4-speed, I3I large 1 bedroom carpeted, cable, tape. Call 627-4256. 5-5-23 (3) knowledge of hospital financial air. $165. 351-8058; 351-9091. 8-5- • M rM, sunroof, 26 mpg, good procedures will be helpful. Excel¬ TRI MFH GT6. 1972 burgui dy- 19131 1 bedroom units , onaition, $950. 355-1020. Z-5-5- FORD 1971 windo.. van. Automa¬ lent salary and fringe benefits that 19131 rustproofed, Has had work, excel¬ include paid vacations, health DOWNTOWN OKEMOS apart¬ 2 bedroom units tic, radio, excellent tires. Some lent condition throughout. $2700. rust. $1250. 351-0539. 8-5-19 (3) DELIVERY HELP wanted. Must insurances, holidays, sick leave, ment, 2 bedrooms, living room, CAPR11973 V-6, four speed. Mint Call evenings, 337-0137. X-S-5-6 condition, AM/FM, power brakes, GMC PICK-UP 1976, 4-wheel 19(41 have own car. Apply at LITTLE retirement and tuition reimburse¬ dining room, finished basement with fireplace, 74S Burchal CAESAR'S Thursday after 4 p.m. ment. Send resume to: Ross P. sun porch, heat deluxe interior. $1900. 489-7905. 6616 J3I drive, automatic, 350, power steer¬ ing, power brakes, tinted win¬ TRIUMPH TR6 1972, AM/FM 1206Ookland Call for Appt. 3-619 131 Alander Assistant Personnel Di¬ rector, E.W. Sparrow Hospital furnished, $350/month. 349-1192. 8-619 151 351-311 dows, air conditioning, cruise Michelin radio, good condition. CHEVELLE LAGUNA 1973. Air, IV4-4411 AVON 1215 East Michigan, Lansing control, dual charging system, $2200. Call 646-8864. 3-5-17 I3I 48909. Equal Opportunity Employ¬ excellent condition. Call 485-9643 To buy or sell. 482-6893. C-21- before 3 p.m. After 3 p.m., 487- spoke wheels, sliding rear win¬ GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 631 112) er. 65-20 1241 dows, dual gas tanks. $6500. 371- VEGA 1974 Hatchback. 4-speed, inch. Priced from $4. Mounted 97Z7.6625J3) 2821. 8-5-20 (8) rustproofed, excellent condition. CHEVROLET 1973 Malibu. Load¬ ed, sharp, 1 owner. $2195 or best GRAND TORINO Sport 1973. V-8, $1400. 374-9085 days and 393- 1721 evenings. Z-3-5-19 141 free. PENNELL SALES. 1301 'A East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- 5818 C-21-631 1171 For All your cycling needs Many 10 spaads to choose from SUMMER JOI offer. 321-0941 or 482-3432 4-5-19 automatic, power steering, power • Centurion • Orion CHEVY NOVA 1970.44,000 miles. 2 door, 17-24 mpg, 5 new tires, brakes, 36,000 miles. $1350 or best offer. 351-0379. XZ 6-5-19 (14) Looking for a bargain? • • Motobecane Gitane eKabuki • Nishiki OPPORTUNITY KARMANN GHIA Coupe 1968, excellent condition. 355-0931. Z-3- Why not take advantage of our low prices? Best values - widest selection mint clean. 1 old lady owner. 5-1714! Sharp, guaranteed. $1450. 676- Wo Complete line of parts and accessories buy, toll and trado almost anything or ute our convoniont 30 CHEVY CUSTOM 10 short bed 1490. 8-5-20 (4) day layaway plan. Wo stock furnlturo and household itoms, sport¬ Fast, quality repair service on all makes truck 1976.6-cylinder, tinted wind¬ MAZDA ROTORV wagon 1976. ing goods, stereos, camera and musical equipment and much, WITH GENERAL FOOD] Velocipede shields, standard shift. $3650. much more. We also repair all brands of television and electronic White, plash blue interior, 5- 655-3778. 3-5-19 141 speed, AM FM stereo. 323-4269. equipment. CORPORATION 5 5 19 (3) DATSUN 710 1975, 4-door. Excel¬ lent condition. 25,000 miles. New MGB 1970, excellent Dicker and Deal Peddler radials. $2500. 337-2257.8-5 17 (31 body, wire 1701 S. Cedar 541L Grand River 351-7240 wheels, good mechanical condi¬ 487-3888 B-100 DODGE Van, 1974. Custom tion. $J500. 882 9073. 3-619 I3I located Below Poramount News — Across From Berley Hall interior and exterior, many extras, Position — I excellent condition, 645-2354 after 6 p.m. 5-5-17 13) We Now Have Sales Representative selling L FIAT 128, 1973. Good condi¬ Openings In merchandising Sanka® Brand dl tion, 68,000 miles, $1000 or best finated coffee to Restaurants. offer. 694-2128 after 5:30 p.m. 6520 (31 1,2 & 3 bedroom unfurnished opts, with Location — some study Major Metropolitan Markets i Midwest. from BARGAIN HUNTERS' THEY WENT THAT-A-WAY...TO COLLINGWOOD SPECIAL RATES DREAM FOR SUMMER Preferably — APTS1! KNOB HILL for summer No frills BUT lowest prices •MKT MBA Students • HRI MBA Students * air conditioned APARTMENTS Just across street from campus. Large furni¬ in town for Lerge 2 bedroom * dishwasher Off ico Open shed 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Air, carpeted, furnished units. • HRI Undergrads * shag carpeting balconies. * 12 • 5 Monday-Saturday unlimited parking °NlY * plush furniture or by appointment * model open daily UNIVERSITY '160" pUr mOnTfl. Contact your placement office I 349 - 4700 interview on Thursday, Moy I'- n Now leasing for TERRACE Summer and Fall LOCATED '/.MILE NORTH 444 Michigan BEECHWOOD APARTMENTS Of JOLLY RD. Oenaral Poods «orp®rB,i0B ' Call 351-8282 (bohind Rollerworld ONOKEMOSRD. 332-5420 351-2798 IOE M/F/H ploaso.no pets on tho river I) (also leasing for fall) ]also basing far fall) stnte News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 17, 1977 / |>tll»tS Kuale subtet beautiful |(1?) 129 Burcham Drive furnished I Apartments ]|^] ( Apartments Apartments ](^] Q Houses ](£j [ Houses J£j [~ For Sale Jf^j "^-.ious 10 apartment for ciency apartment, available June. Year leases. $160/month, heat effi albert MENTS. Large 2 street apart bedroom, air LARGE AMERICANA Apartment starting fall 1 female needed. SUBLEASE SUMMER, 3 FIVE, six, seven bedroom houses, 100 USED VACUUM j~ ARimals :'V conditioned, furnished. 1 block beautiful 6 room house. Across cleaners. NEED RURAL included. Summer leases very close furnished parking. family to z",0 5-24 (4) also. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. available 361-2402; 6 from campus. Summer. Call 355- Prefer Junior or Senior. 332-8529. Z 3 5 17 131 campus. Negotiable, option pos¬ excellent shape, June lease. 339- Tanks, cannisters, and uprights, Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 care person or for well trained male Gordon 6118 after 5 p.m. sible. 351-0127. Z-8-5-18 131 Setter this p.m -9 p.m. 882 2316. XO-13 5-31 OR-14-5-31 (4) 2961 after 6 p.m. 5 518 I4I summer all exnenses 124) SUMMER SUBLET, I or 2 6057 PORTER small 1 bedroom, ^ ^"PA^^;S,0ISTRIBUTING COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op- coveied. 9707 Stud deal possible 339 t c 17 ici hatlitt people 2 miles from campus. FEMALE ROOMMATE to share posite City Market. C 21 5 31 TWO FEMALES needed for needed for 3 bedroom townhouse Large yard, 77 78 fruit trees. Clean. $165. 349 3939 house, own room, laundry, gar in Penny Lane. ARABIAN MARES for sale. Sev- school year, Twyckingham, bal apartments Pool, dishwasher, after 6 p.m. 8 5 26 (4) age, $140 includes utilities, close, TYPEWRITER IBM, central air conditioning. Only $60 $50. steel eral to choose from. Good breed cony, furnished, close, call 351 1 > Block to MSU no lease. Call 484-1801. 6-5-19 (41 shelving $10. 20 gallon 9274 XZ 6 5 19 (31 per month 393 5962 after 6 p.m. aquarium ing. Boarding availahie close 10 Extro Large 2-Br EAST SIDE APARTMENTS. 1 block from Now Leasing For S 55 19(51 Lansing. 2, 3, and 4 bedroom houses. Carpeted, stove, ROOM, FURNISHED, laundry. 85 c«" 351 2586 F 14-5 31 (3) Meridian Iyiall. Make beauhful campus. 2 bedroom, 2 person Sumr rr & Fall EAST LANSING. refrigerator. 349 1540. 8 5 26 (3) 777 n"lTn|PlUSJ .1 U,i|',ie5' 35, 8488 NEW U S diver's John wet suit. large Farmer 8509. 10 5-23 (6) occupancy. Sharp, spacious, _ $180. 694-5973. Contemporary living 333-3139 1 bedroom across from campus. LANSING EAST 3 bedroom - at its best. Recently completed Furnished. Call CLAUCHERTY house. Summer $175, fall $200 THREE-FOUR persons. June or 8 520131 _ Mobile HOTTleS ™ building, furnished. 12 'month September leases. Close to cam- CUSTOM leases REALTY. 351 5300. 3 5-17 (4) plus utilities. 484 1964. 8 5 26 (3) SANDALS near L starting summer and fall $260 per month. 6:307 30 208 NORTH Holmes, Upstairs ?US' iUDPlnen C^"„f"939 3nv Paramount News during East Lan- E0R SALE °' ren,: 121,60 Am terms. p.m. 351 1177 5 5 2318) single, utilities furnished, partially FIVE BEDROOM house summer. time.jOR-20-5-31J3) sjnq /\rts an(j Crafts Fair $10-15 hurs1, furnishe(J- 3 bedroom. furnished. $165/month. 489 0316 NOW LEASING Fall option. Rent COUNTRY LIVING MX/iNfi close rinco to t« cam 655 3896. E 5-5 20 (3) l3900 or $120 month for summer. 5 5 17 131 negotiable. Dish Campus 1 mile. 393 69G6. 14 6 2 SUMMER SUBLET spacious 2 washer, pets, yard. 351 3248. 3 5 bedroom. South Cedar I 96 area, Waters Edge 20 (3) WA8HING MACHINE, used 5 <4> IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, new 519,3) 394-5207 after 6 p.m, 6 5 23 131 large 1 bedroom carpeted cable air $175 351 Apts. FOUR BEDROOM, 2 baths, stu LARGE 8 person house. - - MOVING. MUST sett mobile home 4417; 351 9091. X8- 332-4432 dent rental. Close in. Call 337 Septem - - MO with np out 2 bedroom, /, 5 19 13) ber, 1977 1978, $90 per month BEDROOM SUITE. Beautiful de- STUDIOS 1846 5 5 23 (3) plus utilities Single bedrooms, s'9n Night stands, triple dresser, ™™nR gJ,SKf,pe NEED FEMALES or 2 for JUNE, 3 man, 2 bedroom, close. llcrest,est tuw.. s largest Cedar Abundant sunshine, rent negotia¬ FIVE BEDROOM modern house, parking, laundry. 332 1918 8 5 25 *">91 size spring/rrtar'ress. $395. DELUXE PARKWOOD 12x60 Ex im apartments, 3 blocks Ideol For One Or Village. Fall spring, Lynn, 351 ble 351 5256. Z 6 5 20 (3) carpeted, 2 baths. Walking dis¬ "" 332 0402.8-5 18 (3) pand0 Furnished large Brightly furnished, air Two Persons. Utilities 2140; Laurie. 355 1674. Z6-5 24 tance. Good parking. 372 1336. |iying j new carpeting, dish tsposals. Quiet building, Included (Except Phone) 8-5-19 (3) MSU NEAR. Houses and duplexes for 1 10 people available summer J9 4bl 4 5 19(31 (3°n,hs shed!' close Best""c5fT'35V2648 Pool. Leasing For CEDAR VILLAGE be[#vepi] 5;30 g.30 p g ^ (5| 0fS Pleasant neighbor Summer & Fall SUMMER SUBLEASE, 2 or 3 BEAT HIGH rents. 1-4 bedrooms, and/or fall. Call between 9 4 p.m. r. .. — June and September people needed, near MSU, fur APARTMENTS carpeted. June and September STE MAR MANAGEMENT, 361 ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA COLONNADE 1975 Three bed 1-4212, 655 1022. X-0 nished, air. $160. 337 0910. 8-5 26 leases. Near Frandor. 372-1336. 5510 8 5 25 141 . dp V.°"r <" reference at r00m shed excellent condjbon 13) !i Now leasing for 8-5-19 (4) HOUSES, 3 6 bedrooms. Carpel 8804 6 6 ^ b 5 24 131 24S|1|ePreSema'"'e' 339 8600 or 349 5873 5 5'18 131 SUBLEASE UNTIL end of ed. fully furnished, air, washer and EAST side Tired of SPACIOUS STUDIOS, 240 West 2 bedroom apartment near cam¬ August Summer FIVE MAN house, 4 man duplex, 3 S0LEX M0T0RIZED blc c|e 2 MARLETTE 1964. 10x50. fur- Michigan, East Lansing. Fur man apartment, All furnished. dryer, utilities paid. Close to Bogue street at |rt . nished, near campus. Available nished, kitchen in separate room. pus Available mid-June. 351 332 4076 after 6 p.m. 8-5-19 (4) campus. No lease required. Rent Red Cedar River nrimnaiiu Sinn <,0ii,„„ tine lax June 13 Call 351-9520 after 5p m Compare our sound-proofing, pri¬ 2550, ext 207. Ask for Ann. 8-5-19 I4I SUMMER SUBLET 2 bedroom $200 300 Call Don, 393 9775 8 5 5 5 20 (51 S" 0819 3 5-17 "v f™; 13) sel,ln9 8125 394 Z 5 5 17 (31 vacy, closeness to campus. Sum Call 3S1-5I80 pm. duplex, 265 Stoddard. $180/ ImaLttSTOF MSU mer and fall vacancies. Call FEMALE NEEDED to share Ameri¬ month. 351-7333. Z-5-5-17 (3) EAST SIDE (Lansing) - large, , ANTIQUES AND gifts Beautiful ! I net £ Ffllinii PRATT REALTY. 351 4420, Mon Pine Lake Apts. cana Apartment summer and/or five bedrooms, for summer ($1751 0id furniture. You name it our I- Y l trior SI3M-W52 day, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a.m.-2 fall, winter, spring. Call 351 5399. TWO BLOCKS from or fall ($2901, 3, 9, or 12 month shoo is buloino full wall tn'waiu -r ru , »t Orcrwl IHv»c 337-0S94 p.m. 5-5 17(8) Some shorf term Z 6 5 20 (31 and 6 bedroom furnished campus, 5 homes lease. c7r ioa« 1007 m 676-1557. 10 5-20a on mi (41 REBECCA'S ANT QUES <- J ,. ANTIQUES 1806 h°! Holden COLEl?calcula'0' and Physics building. be,waen Call South Washington. North of Mt. for fall. Call pam 353.56OO Z 6-5-19 I3i PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE leases available Craig Gibson, 627 .. fur H0|)e 5 5.20151 nished. 1 MALE GRADUATE 9773 and leave a SUMMER, FALL. 3 bedroom par- bedroom and studio student to message. Z-17- cnnMn iMcnmorr. share apartment fall. 6-3 (4) tially furnished, pleasant neighbor- apartments Available June 15. $110/month. ALPINE TIMBERLINE 489 5574 after 5pm 0 3 5 18 141 Call 332 8209. Z3 5 17 131 hood one mile from campus. Rent back-country tent, excellent con 2 man watch Call 355-9656. Ask"for FRANCIS. LOVELY paneled 3 or 4 negotiable, call 1 787-4855 collect dition $95. 353 5420 ext Lopez 3 5 18'31 bedroom home. $240. 321-0031. 228 1 5 SUBLET SUMMER 2 Meridian Mall Area, 348 OAKHILL furnished. 1, after6p.m 8-5-18(51 „m 2 5 18141 man apart - 2, 3 8-5-26 (3) L0ST SILVER ment close to ni-im, i-441-issr bedrooms. Summer from $130. tlMIJ „b|Qng (i|| campus. New car FEMALEISI pet, air conditioning, $150, 351-8055 after 5 p.m. X-8-5-18 131 - SUMMER, own pC>ITAV ,e AO , O'ee. 3 sets, center blue Keep nego 131 room, campus 2 miles, 10c bus. .„ZlE lor the discriminating liable. 351 0810. Z 4 5 19 131 TWO PERSON. 1 bedroom. Excel BEAL, 3 bedrooms, unfurnish¬ . , ' and salie Call 332 4760 or 106 Agricul Jorgraudate student. Spa lent location. Milford Apartments. Marigold Apartments ed, approved for four people, pets considered 332-2681. 8-5-17 J2) pPPr". 'e„nsfesh 2V,xLe,"der, extension tubes 351 8351 afterand6 ,l"e Hal1 2 5 16 141 | furnished one bedroom, garage, appliances included. 12 Furnished, air 351 7453. 3 5 19 13) b DELTA ARMS j3 5 WI3I - Marigold and Harrison ----- air. parking. Superior month lease, $300 per month LOST small black female plus EAST LANSING close in. Six dog Security locked, (opposite Shaw Lane) utilities. Available June 15th. - MULTITUDES OF vacuum clean- nea' BrnrK Ca" 676 4624 An ONE BEDROOM, Jollv Road. Re girls needed to rent entire house Phone 337 1447. 8-5-26 (6) ers. $6.88 and >ases only. June and s now leasing for sum- decorated, huge yard. $145 for summer only. 332-5988.0-18-5- up. Uprights, tanks, SWCTS ,0 Seska 8 5 26 3' L* availability 482 2937; rter (with special rates) month. Utilities included Call alter NOW RENTING ROOMS FOR summer, fully fur¬ 31 131 cannisters. 2 yeaPr wPrf9amy BAp' GAIN HOUSE, 826 West W2 8 5 26 '7t and fall. 6 p ni 393 0042 5 5 23 13) Sagi- REWARD FOR the return of a for summer only nished house. 1 block from cam¬ ■ Qnnm,, HOOmS |f® new. Lansing 484-2600 C 21-5 black and tan Welsh Terr,er. Lost Ith[A$T LANSING, female 124 CEDAR Street, 1 bedroom, 1 bedroom pus, 351-4637, 135 Cedar Street. L - 11311201 — Saturday night John 3518279 apartments Z-6-5-24 (3) 25 18 '4- lye 2 bedroom own bath, >r 2 bedroom apart¬ sublease summer. $182 plus utili¬ ..... M $100 plus 882 7971 ments across from cam¬ ties. fall option 351-3856 5-5-23 *145 month SINGLES AND doubles summer moHl,|SoCnAEN,i0cMannel 'ST' L0ST BEAUTIFUL calico cat ONE ROOM in large house • and fall. Reasonable rates include ™ lit 3-519(3) pus. (3) EJ2 8250 ,°„r stubby tail. Vicinity Orchard (or appointment call summer. Close, three months $160 utilities and phone. ELSWORTH best o«er Phone 663 8547 5 5-18 Street Please retum 351.6795 fcATE ONE MAN total. Mark, 332-8547. 4-5-20 (3) COOPERATIVE. 332-3574. 5-5 17 J STUDENT, female lo share 2 bedroom 351 8764 337 )321 7 5 20 (3) 141 |j wrediately to share a 235 Delta apartment. Summer term with fail lor $95 Con- option. 3 minutes from campus. COTTAGE ON Park Lake for _ sawyer canoe: used 1 month LOst $25 reward for striped summer. 3 bedrooms, furnished, MEN: QUIET, .,rT . , ... Excellent condition. $160. 332 falim Pin singles, cooking. 1 Calico cat eituse can 487 94(10 355 2400. rat rail m. Washer/dryer, parking, rent nego¬ DUPLEX - 7 bedrooms, 2 baths. ^74 10.5.24 (3) lie 487 aeuu 332-5978 tiable. 351 8100. Z-5-5-17 15) Summer $325. Fall $500. 351 $300'month, negotiable. MSU-8 miles. 332-2271. Z-2 5 18 (4) block to MSU. Summer rate. $230. Full term 485 8836, 351-2623. 85 24 131 1206 after 5:30 p.m. 8-5-20 (31 B,OT niBT — 08 ,5-5 31 141 _ BASING 3 RESIDENT MANAGER room rouse apan Carpet, UNFURNISHED area. Utilities paid. UPPER. Nice $155/month for quality 12-unit, 3 blocks MSU. - Couple NEEDEO - ONE female (or 77-78 FEMALE NEEDED for furnished 3 yards $39 Delivered toMlly 641 . / Utilities inctud- Phone IV2-2577. Call Thursday Rent $220; earn half. Write Box 42, school year, Old Cedar Village, bedroom house. Own room, no pets 351-4097 3-5-19 (3) SUMMER SUBLET 2-4 rooms 538 Lexinqton. $65 month room 6?3' °' 484?3/9'- ,-6"-5'?° '3l - ASTROLOGER' PROFESSIONAL s 1200 month. 337 9633. S 4 5 19 (31 East Lansing OR-8-5-20 (41 balcony 353 5674.Z5-5-17 13) TV BUYS excellent selection of eight years. Horoscopes with con 337-1513 Z 6-5 24 i3l used B&W TVs from $39 up, TWO PERSON apartment LAKE FRONT cottage, summer, sultation. 351-8299 Z 10-5 23 13) colors from $139. Over 20 used. ■ - fur FEMALE NEEDED to share spa - - |MMEN t or 4 persons Across (torn cam- nished, air, near campus, afternoon, evenings 332 1659 Z call cious 1 bedroom apartment start¬ ing fall. Furnished, close. 337 L Houses |[£ furnished. 3 bedrooms, utilities included in rent. 339-8347. 8-5-26 ROOM IN 4 bF>droom house. Pets. Garden. Good location. Option for guaranteed sets to choose from Plus used Odyssey 100 TV games, FREE...A care. lesson Call 484-4519 East Michigan in complexion |2a 3513456 Z 6 5 24 131 8-5-20 (3) 2336 Z 8 5 24 (31 COUNTRY SETTING, two miles (3) fall. Available May 27. 337-0165 or All types of merchandise taken in or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE from 351 3241 Z-4 5 20 (4) campus. Large, new, 4 SUBLET SUMMER, furnished trade. WILCOX TRADING POST, NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. bedroom, 2 V? baths. Ample park¬ home needs boarders. 509 East Michigan, Lansing. 485- 2 single C-21-5-31 (18) /E KNOW THE ing. Grad students OR 8 5-19 (5) or seniors. $380'month. 669-5513 after 5 p.m. bedrooms, 5 minutes MSU. $70 month. 349 2565. S 5 5 18 (3) NEED 1 person, real nice house. southwest of campus Land, gar den 5 5 23(31 pets $90 total 394 4796 4391 OR-20 5-31 (8) — - ONE PAIR of Delta Olds 88 - — — tires Da*tiit? Darcfflil rWIUO rWSUIdl 1X1 FURNISHED PRIVATE home for Size H 78-15. $50. 487 5566. E-5 5 SUMMER RESORT in East Lan summer. 3 bedrooms, 3 blocks 19 (3i HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Baker' Hope APPEARING sing 4 bedroom house, large yard; pets; p.m. Louis Street. 332-3623, 6 Z 3 5 17 (3) from North campus. Must be housekeepers. $225 plus utilities. good BEAUTIFUL ROOM for summer rental. block from campus on Gunson B.li. 351 2429 Z 8 5-26 SPEAKERS L.ke new. JUL. L100 series 349 1683 after 6 pm ,h's one ,s the besf' Love' The Should of Kid ' Z 1 5 17 <3) 351 0599. 8-5 20 (4) «' FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd FOUR BEDROOMS one block from campus, $400 month, avail¬ OKEMOS COUNTRY, brick farm h ROOMS FOR rent, summer, adja- 8 5 24(3) Real Estate able 6-15-77. Call Roger, (313) house. 7 bedrooms, Furnished. SANSUI: Tuner 9900 $450, LARGE 3 bedroom with formal 968 4907. Z 3 5 17 $495. June 15. Call 882-4280. cent to campus, nice large house. se" $3^ ^mP ALL-9500 $300. dining room and fireplace 7 3 4 (3^ 8 5-20 13) $70 month. 332-2959. Z-5-5-17 (3) 337 1534. Z-4-5-17 (3) assumable land contract, open JUNE LARGE 6-8 man. Nicely SOFA BEDS, beautiful herculon Sunday 2-5 p.m c call owner, To place your Peanuts Per¬ furnished, 2 baths. Ample parking, GREAT HOUSE, very close. Need TWO ROOMS for 676 4298 8 5 23 «4> rent in house covers. $87 50. VILLA FURNI very close. Linden Street. Summer 4 people to sublease summer. sonal Graduation Special for summer. 1 month free rent. TURE 1633 West Mt. Hope (Colo- ! Place or year lease. 372-1801. 0 21-5 31 Rent negotiable. 332-3678. Z-6-5- 351 8482. Z-6 5-19 (3) Corvino X" Ad, just fill out the form 18 (3) nial Village), 482 1109. 8 5 24 (4» OCl Vice Tour below and mail or bring FIVE MAN house fall r$»A,K, DrtnM OWN ROOM available ' June WURLITZER ORGAN 1961. WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years I Peanuts , u. TWO ROOMMATES to share 3 summer or , 10, it with payment to the Double manual, octave on the bedroom house. $75/month, utili¬ option. 4», houses from Mason- kitchen, dishwasher, etc. $68 experience in professional editing, I Personal State News Classified ties included. 489 5283. 3 5-17 (31 Abbot. 332 5773. Z-6-5-19 (3) f(oor |amp earphones. $500 firm, writing skill instruction 337 1591 nation Z 85 25 (3)" 351 0484 anv,'me 882 4559. 8 5 23(4) 0 3 5 18 '4' . Dept. EAST LANSING 2, 3. 4 and 5 THREE BEDROOM house, fenced I IPICIAL bedroom duplexes and houses. yard, garage, 1 block from bus, SUMMER ROOMS, doubles, SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE UP TO and more savings SALE! 1 Today! Clean, good location, June or fall. excellent landlord. Summer sub lease, fall option. Call 487-5942. les, 5 or 10 weeks. Across from sing¬ Brand new portables $49.95. $5 per month. Large Comparison welcomed OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2617 East Mirhigan. CHAUCHERTY REALTY. 351 Dave or Maureen. Z-5-5-18 (4) Snyder Hall. Call 337 0079. X Z-8- selection of reconditioned used Lansing. Michigan. 372 7409 C 5 5300. 3 5-17 (4) 5-24 (4) machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- 5 20 i4> 3 Lines - 52.00 LADIES 3 for summer term. 2 blocks from campus. Collingwood and Ann. $70 month. ONE ROOM available in duplex near campus. Burcham and Haga- dorn. 337-1075. 8-5-17 (3) PRIVATE ROOM, summer, fall option Female, furnished, utilities, chi's. New Home and "many others." $19.95 to $39.95 Terms. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING ELECTRONIC REPAIR specials Garage. Call $75 month. 332 2093. 2 5-18 (3) COMPANY, 1115 North Washing MARSHALL MUSIC ELECTRON Detroit 313 535-5176 after Each Additional Line • 67' 7:30 SUBLET 1-3 bedrooms, summer. ton. 489 6448. C-21-5-31 (26) IC REPAIR CENTER. 351 7830. p.m. 4 5 18 (5) SUMMER SUBLET for woman, C 5 5 20 (41 409 Ann. Fall option 351-6497. Nice yard, porch. Z-5-5-17 (3) own room, close to campus. NEW, USED and vintage guitars, |n*t LANSING living in a EAST side. Tired of cubicle? There is an ROOMS IN duplex. Co-ed. 2 337 2332 after 5 p.m. 4 5 20 (3) banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers FOR QUALITY stereo service, THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East l«)IESS and kits, recorders, strings, ac alternative. Rent a 3 or 4 bedroom baths, dishwasher. Rent nego¬ cessories. books, thousands of Grand River. C 21 5 31 (12) TWO PERSONS needed summer, home. Call 484 2164. 8 5 26 (5) tiable. Furnished. Larry 351-2624. hard to find albums. (All at very fall option, own room. Call Jane 8 5-20 (3) low prices.) Private and group 332-4074 or Nancy 332 0091 Z 5 WOMAN NEEDED to share house 5 20 13) lessons on guitar, banjo, mando¬ ; Typing Service I^NE _ summer, furnished, own garage, walking distance, $90 plus bedroom, SUMMER needed for SUBLET, 5 bedroom 4 people house. lin, all styles. Gift certificates. ANN BROWN PRINTING AND Expert repairs - free estimates. utilities. Linda, 351 9294. 5 5 23 (4) Furnished, yard, clean, females. ROOMS FOR rent summer and ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS. 541 TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, Rent negotiable; 355-8913; 355 fall. Call EQUITY VEST, 484 general printing. Serving MSU for East Grand River. 332-4331. C-21- SUMMER SUBLET 3 bedroom 8912. X-8 5-17 (4) 9472 0 11 5 31 13) 27 years with complete theses DEADLINE: FRIDAY, JUNE 1st, 5 P.M. 5-31 (49) service. 349 0850. C 21 5 31 119) duplex, furnished, close to cam¬ pus and bus, ample parking. THREE MALE roommates needed BOTTECHIA GIRO De Italia, 26". FIFTEEN YEARS Fast, INSTRUCTIONS $225/month plus utilities. 351 for new 4-man house. Summer. OWN ROOM, quiet, clean, close. excellent condition, touring bike. ei e. $325. 337 0036. Z-5-5-18 (3) reasonable. Resumes, term pa 3219. 4 5-21 (4) Close, air conditioning, all utilities !''irst2 • "tra words ore capitalized. paid. 351 6858. 12-5-27 14) Summer, fall openings. 337 2655 evenings 5 5 25 (3) pers. general 2855 8 5 24(31 typing. Diane 349 words capitalized 25- each. ONE BLOCK from campus. 4 bedroom, 4 person apartments in Animals ■ "serf one letter or punction mark SHARE HOME, 1 large bedroom per box. house. Furnished. Available June. SEPARATE ENTRANCE, male. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ for couple, fireplace, AQHA REGISTERED a space between each word. 12 month lease. All utilities includ¬ garage, 3 gelding. sertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN. blocks from campus, 482-9690, Furnished sheets and towels. Near Over 16 hands, excellent pleasure ed. $450/month. 6:30;7:30 p.m. 489-0358. C 21 5 31 (12) MSU Phone 332 0322. B 3 5 18 evenings and weekends. 8 5-23 (4) horse 355 2671. Z 3 5 17 13) 351 1177. 5-5-23 (6) BRITTANY SPANIEL pups, good COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete SUPER STUDENT house. 4 bed SUMMER SUBLET large with children. Excellent pheasant dissertation and resume service. rooms, 2 bathrooms, available for house, 3 rooms, 1 block campus. ONE PERSON needed for 332 3670. Z 5 5 20 (3) summer dogs. Born in December and ready Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. fall. Contact Sally, 332 6971. 8 4 and or fall, own room, pets wel for hunting this fall. AKC register¬ 8:30 5 30 Monday Friday. 337- 26(3) come. $75 to $85 plus utilities. 1666. C 21 ed. 339-8509. 10-5-23 (5) DUPLEX 1512 Burcham need 1 351 8253. 4 5 1814) 5-31^ (16) HOUSE'ROOMS, 1 block from FREE PUPPIES, 8 weeks old. Part ELEVEN YEARS experience Union, across from tennis courts. many extras. Fall $87, Summer SUMMER ROOMS - singles and Labrador. Call 484 8259 after 5 typing theses, manuscripts, term Summer or fall. 394 4796. 5 5 23 $65 and utilities. After 4 p.m., papers. Eveninqs, 675 7544. C 21 doubles in fraternity house. Rea¬ p.m. E 5 5 17 13) (3) 353 7582. Z-5-5 20 (4) 5 21 (12) sonable. Call Pete, 332 2501. X16- 5-26 (3) 1YEAR old Doberman Pincher, THREE BEDROOM house for 5. HOUSE FOR rent, groups: 2, 3, 4, reasonable to good home. Very 236 Collingwood, East Lansing. 5 Duplex, Charles Street, close to BRIGHT ROOM with 7 windows good with children. 394 0515. Furnished. $400 plus gas and (12) Bring or Mail to: campus. 321 5524. 8 5 25 13) • and private porch available June 5 5 20 13) I t.L3Unesfar»2.'"> State News Classified Dept. electric. Lease and deposit. Avail 15. 337 0871 or 332 1111. 5 5 19 \HAdditional Line 67- 347 Student Services Bldg. able June 15. 332 5144. 8 5 26 (5) EAST LANSING 2 bedroom house, 1005 Albert Street. Avail (3) FOR SALE: Siberian Husky. Fe¬ UNIGRAr TICS OFFERS COM PLETE DISSERTATION and re male, 6 months, all shots, AKC sume service. IBM typing, edit East Lansing, Ml 48823 MARRIED LAW student desires able June 1. $240/month. 351 ROOMS FOR rent. Summer or registered. $100. ^4 6058. 8-5-20 clean 2 or 3 bedroom home in 5285, 5 8 p.m. 8 5 25 (4) fall. $70 80. No lease required. ing, multilith offset printing, type quiet East Lansing, Okemos, or setting and binding. We en "•Repayment required Lake Lansing neighborhood Call mornings 373 8065, afternoons or evenings 484 0169. 5 5 23 (6) SUMMER SUBLET 2 girls needed. Own rooms, close, fall negotiable. 351 2751. Z 3 5 18 (3) option, rent Fully carpeted, air, washer and dryer, utilities campus. Call Don, 393 9775, 8 5 p.m. 5 5 20 (5) paid Close to ENGLISH pups, SPRINGER AKC. 5 weeks liver/white. 694 6171. 6 5 18 13) Spaniel courage comparative shopping. For estimate, stop in at 2843 East Grand River or phone 332-8414. 0 21 5 31 (32) 0 Michigon Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 17 197? Prison problems compounded 'State of war' announced Irontinued from pige 1) "I don't 1 this i that High court upholds point system federal bans against sex dis- (continued from page He also 1) rejected the possible Smith had (o|d desians believed ,k "" major a situation. It was just WASHINGTON (API - A lower court had struck discretion federal agencies participation of Rhodesian guerilla offensive a trouble, officials said. one of those disruptions you can Motorists who run afoul of the down the Illinois law, declaring crimination by firing a preg¬ have in releasing to the public Prime Minister Ian Smith's be launched fr„m nant, unmarried employe. Prison personnel at first said expert from time to time when law too often may have their it violated motorists' due-pro under the Freedom of Informa¬ government in any conference that they mj„ht " the crowded conditions were you have overcrowded facili¬ drivers' licenses taken away cess rights to a hearing before • Agreed to consider claims tion Act certain data received writing a new Rhodesian consti- alternative" hut not to blame for the incident. ties. I don't think it's a harbin without a chance to defend punishment. by the Santa Clara Pueblo from private firms. tution, and he accused unnamed guerilla'" 'base ger of things to come," he said. themselves first, the Supreme In writing for the high court, Indian tribe that its laws on Western powers of allowing Black insurgents Zambia. _ But State Corrections Director Court ruled Monday. Justice Harry A. Blackmun said tribal membership are immune • Sent back to federal trial their citizens to fight as mer Zambia have bei blsJ Perry Johnson later said fru¬ Johnson and Anderson also court the appeal of Rep. Larry The justices voted unan¬ requiring presuspension or pre- to discrimination suits. cenaries for the Smith their attacks stration from the overcrowding Pressler, RS.I)., who wanted regime said the trouble was not proof rcvocation hearings for all er¬ • Cleared the way for a new and of supplying arms to South helped spark the disturbance. imously to uphold a point to force year. In the latest that prison officials are faring a rant motorists would seriously trial for former Gulf Oil lobby Congress to vote on its Africa in "active support" of system for traffic violations in fired mortars ami There's lot of discontent rough summer, although the ist Claude Wild on charges he pay raises. machine J a iilinois calling for automatic impede administrative effi¬ white-supremacist regimes in about men having to sleep on bulkheads." Johnson said. warden said "the potential in¬ creases with greater inmate license suspension or revoca¬ tion after a certain number of ciency. More importantly, he said, made illegal corporate contri but ions to the 1972 campaign of Pressler's suit year in an was filed last attempt to get southern Africa. Owen, backed by the United sasrjt-i wounding aa : frustration." violation points. such hearings would delay get¬ Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga. Congress to vote on a $12,900-a- States, has been trying to black civilian: Si'rK'-ant anj I "When we had the outage, have similar ting dangerous drivers off the Turned down a government year raise it received last gather support from yJ • Gov, William G. Milliken. Many states Besides Zambia and they were not secured in a cell road. nationalists, Smith and other and were free to involve them w ho is out of the country this request that it decide what February. bique, three other The court's decision over black and white leaders in the "frontline" black slates selves in a disturbance. But week, has voiced concern about I turned a ruling by a three- region for a constitutional gola, Botswana and T we're stuck with the bulkhead prison overcrowding and has con¬ situation, and it's going to get worse before it gets better. proposed creation of four new- state prisons. judge federal court in Illinois in the case of truck driver Dennis Two sentenced for rape vention aimed at Rhodesian conflict ending the by transfer¬ — have been l ,, fr a"l . providing ski f"r Rh„J sum Love. He challenged the law ring government control from guerdlas. m (continued from page 1) after his license was revoked in Icontinued from page 1) then pushed the door closed the 272,000 whites to Rho¬ Kaunda s 1 he has » 1975 following his third speed night. Police said the two and escaped through the win desia's 6.5 million blacks. Small and Mary Vincent. men "friendly nai ing conviction in seven months. forced themselves upon the dow. Oden was apprehended by Kaunda, who is regarded as a called the United Daniel Curhan and Karen on Hiss set to present Heard were chosen as alter On an active day following a two-week recess, the court victim in her room. A resident assistant from North Hubbard DPS officers near North Hub bard Hall and Johnson was moderate among black African leaders, said he had received a Britain to help prev desian attack hv s nates. Block, Altenbern. Hickey also: Hall broke into the room after later arrested outside Akers letter from Owen in which the and Lavey have served on the companies from • Let stand a lower court's hearing screams. The two men Hall. British foreign secretary said desia. ■ Red Scare lecture judicii Rissa r the « aening i the ADJB ruling that a Louisville, Ky., manufacturing firm violated Tues & Wed is ■■■■i Alger Hiss, the target of both Sen. Joseph McCarthy and with Jeffrey Mi AUDITION Peterson and Vi Richard Nixon during the Red Scare, will present a public lecture NIGHT AT on the "McCarthy Era" at 8 tonight in the Erikson Hall kiva. Hiss, who has written an autobiography, "In the Court of Public ust ice. Tuitt has OJode.lHmSifltrodoteglnc HOBIES 930 Trowbridge I i the judiciary. Opinion," will answer questions from the audience. 25185 Goddard Road ! Taylor. Michigan 48180 313 291 5400 ZDs SPECIAL TODAY ? Wrrxvid/Engineering, Inc. 1501 W. Thomas Bay City. Michigan 48706 517 686-3100 IINDAI Service! * ; ?/ FRENCH DIP "LITTUmaWAY J Announcements for It's What's ECONOMIC CLUB invites you Botany/ Club meeting at 7 3C Granger Engineering, Inc. 314 Haynes St. Cadillac. Ml MR VICI STATION 13011. Grand River { * REDUCLD LIQUOR Th or 49601 Happening must be received in the State News office, 343 Student to hear Dr. Suits lecture on gambling at 6:30 tonight in 341 Labora :ory m 168 Plant Biolog\ Bldg. Dr. Beaman wil 616 775 9754 Next to Varsity Inn PROS UPSTAIRS. . ROAST BEEF! Impact Services Bldg., by noon at least 342 Union. Refreshments served. present "Endangered and Threat Improved Plonning Acti HALF PRICE III IR j & Fries two class days before publication. ened Plants in Michigan: What'* No announcements will be accept¬ Block and Bridle Club will meet Wrong?" Nonmembers welcome. AND LIQUOR ed by phone. at 7:30 p.m. in 110 Anthony Hall. Election of officers will be held. Seminar on osteopathi ledi- DOWNSTAIRS $1.50 Free pediatric clinic! Immuniza¬ cine (admissions, curriculum tions, camp physicals, etc., Wed¬ nesdays by appointment. Call Dr. Harold Miller discusses the ethical and moral implications of 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Shaw Living Room in I Wingspan 11:30-2:00 DEC, 398 Park Lane. genetic control at 7:30 p.m. Wed¬ nesday in the University Reformed COME SQUARE DANCE at 7 Are the Russians on Venus? Church, 4930 S. Hagadorn Road. GREEK SALAD p.m every Wednesday in Multi¬ Find out today from Luciano purpose Room D of Brody Hall. Ronco in 204 Natural Science MSU Promenaders. Campus Al-Anon Group meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday in 253 Student Services Bldg. • Fela Cheese Persons interested in the posi¬ Trutti in the ACCOUNTING AND • Greek Olives * 1.89 tion of chairperson for MSU College Bowl call Ken Franklin in FINANCE MAJORS 334 E. Wilson Hall before Friday. LET US HELP YOU TO • Sweet Red Onion Need a plant doctor? Free plant BECOME A CPA clinics are offered by Horticulture Cardio-Pulmonary CPR Resus¬ SUMMER WINE IS BACK! ★ Club, Call the Horticulture Depart- citation recertification will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. May 25 in 117 Bessey Hall. Emergency medi¬ 'Disguise !I®I(£j • DEC has expanded clinic hours cal technicians are welcome. of fllusioii CPA to 8:30 a.m. Fridays for 20 sign-in. Call DEC. age 13 to Applications for ASMSU Stu¬ dent Board parliamentarian avail¬ REVIEW able in 307 Student Services Bldg. Daytime Center for Senior Citi¬ Deadline for petitioning is at 5 zens needs volunteers for working p.m today. with elderly. Call 371-2298. Ingham County Young Republi¬ ATTENTION CYCLISTS! Cam¬ cans meeting at 7:30 tonight in pus Hostel Club is once again competing in the Belle Isle Bike Marathon on May 21 and 22. Appointments available at Com¬ Bristol Square Apartments Club¬ house, 513 Edgewood. Media bias will be discussed. (jhss 1/3 °F USA munity Bike Co-op, 547 E. Grand River Ave. Energy and utilities crisis: A biweekly research action seminar ^Menagerie sponsored by New American Wonders Kiva Brown Bag Lunch at noon Movement begins at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 25 Student Ser¬ tonight at UHME. vices Bldg. "Transforming May 19-Mav 22 8=15p.m. Changes" discussion led by Denise Tracey. Sponsored by Anthropology Department Col¬ loquium Series presents Prof. Sat. Matinee. Slav21 2:80p.m. Women's Resource Center. Sydel Silverman from Queens TICKETS $1.50 Nutrition Club elections for next College on "Anthropology and the AVAILABLE AT THE UNION Crisis in the University" at 3 p.m. year's officers at 6:30 p.m. Wed¬ today in 116 Bessey Hall. nesday in 341 Union. Speaker on interviewing skills. Club picnic Sunday. Meeting of Natural Science Student Advisory Council is at 8 '5V tonight in 104 Natural Science Spartan Marching Band Flag Corps try-outs at 8:30 a.m. Satur¬ A day in 120 Music Bldg. No musical Pre-Vet Club presents Mary ability required. Eddy speaking on dog obedience at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 100 Soaring Club meeting at 7:30 Engineering Bldg. p.m May 25 in 203 Men's IM Bldg. Clothing and textiles majors' Mensa parapsychology discus¬ First club meeting is at 7 p.m. WILSON HALL Tfcunoou. sion at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 4503 Wednesday in 307 Human Ecol¬ Seaway Drive, Lansing. Visitors ogy Bldg singles and doubles for welcome. Call Bob Dye. room & board ON-CAMPUS HOUSING | There will be a public hearing on • OFFERS: (Ranci^ rape and assault at 7 p.m. Thurs¬ L Wanted J*] day in 328 Student Services Bldg. WILLIAMS HALL ASMSU's Committee on Public room only, with kitchenettes • Meals ready when you want REWARD FOR 7% oz. baby food Safety. jars, lOt each, quantities of 10. them—with no clean up! Jim. Bob. 332 8641. Z-3-5 17 13) Students interested in serving OWEN HALL ROOMMATE FOR 2 bedroom on Academic Council standing committees should attend the THE BIG WHITE BARN for graduate students • On campus bus service apartment. Residential area, close to major bus route. Lansing East Student Council meeting at 3 p.m. today in the Con Con Room of the This Area's Only Mulfi- Media Discotheque • The convenience of living practically to and from your | side 485-7357 evenings and week¬ International Center. Applications 2843 E. Gd. River, E Lans. 351-1201 front door ends. 8-5-20 15) available in 10 Linton Hall. where the classes are close by CHILD CARE by loving mother My home north of Frandor 351 Black Students Business Asso¬ TUESDAY (sometimes in the same • Where your neighbors becomj 4068 8 5 26 (3) ciation meeting at 6:30 p.m. buildings) your friends Thursday in 110 Eppley Center. S The convenience of recreation COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, TONIGHT baseball cards, much more'1' Pi Mu Epsilon will meet at 7:30 rooms, study rooms, laundry • Hall government sponsored CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, 307 East Grand River, 332-0112^ p.m. Wednesday in A204 Wells Hall. Dr. Sullivan will speak on Sports Club Benefit facilities, tv rooms, and daily activities (parties, sports, (open 11:30-6 p.m.) C-21-5-31 (20) "Poncelet's Theorem." maintenance seminars, movies) 'Gong Show' • No utility bills, no phone I^oind Town MSU Jazz Ensemble in concert 8:15 p.m. Wednesday in the 9:00 installation charge SUMMER TERM SIGNJ at p.m. Music Building Auditorium. STUDENTS NOWUiaNjf Ou'ing Club presents Prof. Be NOT ONLY THE BEST DISCO, I THIS SUMMER- Live Check with your housing d saw on "Hiking in the Canadian BUT THE BEST BAR Rockies" at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday INTOWH! Ojj CAMPUS ipirt in 204 Natural Science Bldg. WIN MONEY! Grand prizes from $150 to $300 at Bingo! 7:30 p.m. Tuesday Night. CONGREGATION Three representatives from the Michigan Legislature will answer 7^ , _ Make your homing depo« I SHAAREY ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge. East Lansing. C-21-5-31 (20) all questions at 7 tonight in Brody Auditorium. close to everything ^tew.%^ormses9^ I mchiggnStalf News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. May 17, J977 (SBy ^tiv y§ Mi§ te dteiy |Wj|M-TV(CBS) (IQ)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Cobla) (I2)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau mjMNie, mi,rrs BUT, JOANIE, NO, NOT jjK PI T. tonker, tt's time i stopped pre¬ SOUTHER LICKS IN THE SUN iimts all m im.zm! mrs. CMZY! REALLY. BUT paring for my life, am) started nonsenseabout i'm emi- DO YOU HAVE THATfSANYl'M getting on uym tt! i feel ready YOU ACTUALLY ATING FROM ANYIDEAmr LOOKING FOR- to accbrtthe responsibility of BECOMING A BOALTON TFsUKBOUT mUDTOTTSO the choices i've made, to 12:20 TUESDAY (6) Almanac TUESDAY EVENING (33) National Geographic lauyer?.. Saturday' THERE? MUCH.. pace my future squarely! \ WORNING 8:30 5:30 12:30 8:00 (ll)Cabletronic 11 News (10) Baseball (6) Search lor Tomorrow (23) Electric Company (11) The Electric Way fccoplflf Kangaroo (lO)Chlcoand the Man 1 Good Mowing (12) Ryan's Hope 6:00 (12) Lavernet Shirley (6-10-12) News 9:00 1:00 (II) Benson Gaffner, 9:00 Primate Eye #3 (6) M*A*S*H (10) Gang Show liriiil Donahue (12) All My Children (23) World Press (11) Cabletronic 11 News j||lte«u»VVelby'M,D' (23) Petal Pushers 6:30 (12) Rich Man, Poor Man (23) In Search of the Real K)Dinah! (6) CBS News ^|S,,ciTie Street 1:30 (10) NBC News America PEANUTS ® For all your high supplies. (11) Woman Wise 10:00 (6) As the World Turns 9:30 sponsored by: (12) ABC News POWER HITTERS - 50% Off (10) Days ol Our Lives |)H«rt's Lucy (23) Guppies to Groupers 7:00 (6) One Day at a Time by Schulz Ijgnford end Son (6) Hogan's Heroes (23) Americana 2:00 {electric Company (10) To Tell the Truth WHEN YOU HIT A VOLLEY 10:30 (12) $20,000 Pyramid (23) Woman (11) Interlude (12) Brady Bunch (6) Kojok 10:00 eUPf (mi) IT'S SUPP05EP TO GO 2:30 "THONG!'NOT "0LAP!' Ihiceii*!)!" (i) Guiding Light (23) To Be Announced (23) State of the State Response • Democratic ||)Hollywood Squares (10) Doctors 7:30 Ellucy SH°w (12) One Life to Live (6) Wild. Wild World of 11:00 Unity Factory Animals (23) Dig It (10) Candid Camera (6-10-12) News 11:00 3:00 (23) International (11)Talkin'Sports (6) All in the Family Animation Festival ||Wlie«l of Fortune (10) Another World (12) Disco'77 fcHoppyDoys (23) MacNeil/Lehrer I Mister Rogers (23) World Press Report 11:30 3:15 8:00 (6) Columbo 11:30 (12) General Hospitol (6) Pilot (11) The Real News (10) Johnny Carson (12) Mary Hartman, Mary FRANK & ERNEST jiioUife sponsored by: 3:30 (12) Happy Days Hartman ■jhoot for the Stars 10% MSU DISCOUNT ■Family Feud (6) Match Game (10) Thrill-Maker Sports (23) ABC New- by Bob Thaves ■INOS and THINGS Elilies, Yoga and You (23) lilias. Yoga and You 11:55 (6) Confetti 4:00 MSU SHADOWS I OS News (10) Scrambled Eggs by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: I AFTERNOON (12)Bonanza (23) Sesame Street PXNBALL PETE S 13:00 4:30 Present this really funny comic for 25'* H|lonie That Tune (6) Bewitched worth of free play! ■Pollisers (10) Gilligan's Island fGRArJT, 1 DoM'T KMOtO AMYOME £ LSfc THAT \coo<_o pi mo a plmd t-shirt... THE SHARP RESUME TYPESETTING FOR EXTRA SNAP | PAPER SELECT ION FOR THE RIGHT MOOD OFFSET PRINTING FOR CRISPNESS I prinlt-In-Q-minlt I ERE PROFESSIONALS IN RESUME PRINTING Corner of MAC and ANN ST. Open 8:30—6:00 M-F; 10:00-5:00 Sat. PROFESSOR PHUMBLE _©H77 SofiowO CNRlETVtS, sponsored by by Bill Yates jiBLEWEEDS (lorn ® CLEANERS LAUNDRY ClOSS TO K.Ryan sponsored by= I'M "RUTAPA&A": - IROQUOIS 332-3537 CAMPUS FX. A, UANV ]\?6 NATION, HIAWATHA COUNTY, POROUGH OF GITCHE &UMEE, THF LONGHOUSE NUMPER 2947. hp im oftt* All Wl^TfP-! Today's sf»a«lali BacMladas Choice of red or green chile sauce spread on 3 corn tortillas filled with either chicken ground beef and served with rice, beans, SAM and SILO or a flour tortilla and a sopapilla with sponsored by: honey. *2.25 EL AZTECO RESTAURANT by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 maaaa naan •SWORD anaaa anaas □nasan annan g:00 CHECK 6CABPULB JVZZLE 23 Theatrical act ana ana ansa i'» little Freeway Service Stertoe 10:00 COFFEE BREAK « ana QQB aaa ll.oo MORNiNC- NAP SpendthnU rTi 38 Warned aas nanaaa 12:00 LUNCH 30 Wile ol Hyllus nnnsasi aaa 1:00 REAP AAAIL(IF ANY' I'ivj 31 33 Anger While oak naa aaa ana SS2J2E? 100 AFTERNOON NAP 3:00 WATCH RE-RUNE 33 Grasslike plant ann.73 aaa aaa OF "RACKET 50UAD' 38 Raiah's wile nsoaca ranancaa 4.00 TYPE UP PAVE ,. 37 Convent naaam anaaa ■""I 39 Bull REPORT 13 Prognostic aaras aosii 5:00 60 HOME 13 Individual 11 All About — DOWN K, '1"' 1516 Had on 1. Johnnie take Tribulation 2. Lyric 6. 1,004 47 Kind of sale 3. Set 7. Choice IB" 8. 9. Analogous Gist BEETLE BAILEY FOGHAT 10. Helot S May 31st 16. Cleopatra's maid Climax Blues Band 18. Native by Mort Walker 20. Stole 21. Everything 22. Atrocious dii 24. 25. liny Chaffinch I!!! JIBHiHiH 26. 27. Annex Founder ol Shakers 29. Very in Vichy 32. Peepshow 33. Hulk 34. Sailors' saint 35. Actor 36. Nevada city 38. Ski lift 40. Grape 41. Two-year old -r©uve sheep Tuesday. May 17, ;g77 1 0 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigon MIKE LITAKER played lacrosse together and he is probably one of the most dedicated people in the coaching ranks at MSU. His job is considered a part time position by the University. That's a laugher. He spends close to 20 hours a week on the practice field alone, add to that his administrative duties of MSI/ By JOE CENTERS stickmen optimistil "Our team finally gained respect this Give Nevin scheduling, making travel arrangements and the time he puts The MSU lacrosse team ended its season Saturday by losing to were 6-8 this year but we were close in a lot of year," Kanner., our loss in traveling around to area schools and residence halls year's team mark tied the MSU record for most wins in Ohio State, 13-3, but first year acting coach Nevin Kanner said this promoting his sport. year's team is vastly improved over the lacrosse teams of previous full-time job His part-time job has already cost him four full time ones in the Lansing area, because his employers refused to schedule his The Ohio State game was a rough one in which three players to injuries. Ken Davis was forced to the Start.™ leave th. l work around his so-called part-time work at MSU. when he hurt his knee, Kevin Willitts was cut He's now on his fifth job as a personnel counselor for an badly on his f Kearney, Rogers 81 Stan Ludwig sprained his wrist. employment agency. But he was only able to hold this one by Sports writers are supposed to be an unbiased lot, calling the scheduling lacrosse practice winter term between 6 and 8 a.m. Mike Waring led the Spartans with two goals and Davis I shots in print the way they took place out on the playing field. every weekday. the final tally. 1 But none of this was allowed to take place until the athletic But seeing how it's close to graduation and my days in East Sunday many of the one time MSU lacrosse players made! Lansing are numbered, I figure this is as good a time as any to be biased as hell on behalf of a friend of mine. department said he could act as coach, five weeks before the start of the season this spring. And that wasn't until his assistant. Boku Hendrickson. who was originally named to the help raise money way back to East Lansing for the annual alumni game Th..r squad came out on top, 119. Joe Polotowilz, who is a transfer student and prompted this was the annual MSU-Alumni lacrosse Patrons of Dooley's and other program. w_.S ineligibi What joh, was asked to resign his position because of personal MSU college bars get a chance Also at the bar will be the spring, scored five goals for the varsity and three oi game at Old College Field Sunday. It's always a good feeling to difficulties. see old friends and Sunday was no exception when some of the Yet through all the acting. Nevin took the team to a to sip a few drinks with such varsity and alumni players, a 45-seeond span in the first quarter. Polotowitz is for the Spartans next year, which could be an asset to planning'J MSU athletic officials as ath cheerleaders, the marching the! guys who I used to play lacrosse with came back to play. There respectable 8 8 record. "Ev J band and the Spartan Spirits. "I'm sure we will be better next year," Kanner said. was Ben Saylor on leave from the Marines; Jim Street, who had letio director Joe Kearney, This is something that didn't happen overnight either. McDonald's restaurants will was in shape this year and everyone played together as a I his career ended prematurely by a knee injury; and of course head football coach Darryl When I heard that Nevin was in line for the coaching job I wasn't like that last year," Kanner said. also be helping to sponsor the Nevin Kanner. had been a little skeptical I just couldn't figure out how he Rogers and former MSU all- American quarterback Earl game Saturday, just as they did Kevin Willitts finished the season as the Nevin Kanner isn't exactly a household name in Spartan could command respect from varsity athletes when he had been last year. Tickets for the game scoring leader fot_ Morrall Thursday night. Willitts ended up with 38 and possibly 39 athletic circles. But just in case it may have slipped your one of the boys himself only a year ago. Kearney. Rogers and Morrall w ill be sold in green and white official statistics from OSU in the game points, depending! memories, he's the acting head lacrosse coach at MSU. On the road trips Ne\ could spot a party across campus and and the holder of the ticket the Saturday. It is tL sniff out the women's di I the aid of a full i will be at Dooley's then as a that Willitts got an assist on the play that he was hurt on,l Did you all get that? ACTING, that's a big word around the fund-raising kick-off for Satur¬ color of the winning team can official word on credit for the assist will come from OSU j So how did Good Timess Nevin become Good Coach Nevin? athletic office. Just ask Jim Bibbs. He has been acting head day's Varsity-Alumni game. take it to McDonald's for a the week. 1 first of all, he spent most of last summer attending coaching track coach for two years now. Maybe someday they will let i clinics and lacrosse schlools on the East Coast as a dedicated There will be a special auction hamburger. If Willitts does get the assist, it would give him the I him quit acting so that he can get down to the serious business student of the gai at most of all. he wanted to help change at the bar Thursday of two record for total points with 39. Tim Flanagan and Waring t| of coaching. Money raised from Satur¬ the image of lacr MSU from its former losing attitude to autographed footballs, two day's game will also be for the second in team scoring with 17 points each. The word acting is particularly disturbing to me because it a hopeful future And he's done it. MSU season football tickets, allows the athletic department to play footsies with a man's Ralph Young Fund, but it will No urn, Dr. Kearney. Cut out the acting and deal two tickets to the U-M game go to MSU's women's athletic career by stringing him along. and four MSU football players' id faith. Offer Nevin a full time contract. He's earned it. State News Newsline You see, Nevin has been a good friend going back to when we program. 353-3382 All proceeds raised will go to MSU's Ralph Young Fund, which is a vital money-pro¬ Tues ft Wed is =*s IM All-Nighter sign-up available ducing part of the MSU athletic Club RHA Service! « AUDITION NIGHT at The intramural office is pre The IM All-Nighter begins at staff members at MSU for a $1 ■■NBAS Sports.. paring for Friday's second IM All-Nighter by having teams p.m. n. Friday and lasts until 2 Saturday. The event is admission fee. The money raised will be used to support Movie Program Line I LITTU PRIIWAT * MR VICI STATION ; « HOBIIS 930 Trowbridge sign up for events early in the ien to all students, faculty and the IM sports operation. J 1MI E.Grand River « Save The Dolphin! week to prevent a rush at the 355*0313 * Next lo Vanity Inn t The MSU polo club will ride end of the week. -Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* its horses into action this STOP HR6970 Teams can sign up any time State News Newsline 353-3382 HR6970. in the U.S. House of Representatives w.l Sunday against the Kentry polo in 201 Men's IM Bldg. for MARINE MAMMAL PROTECTION ACT of 1972 to o club of Grand Rapids. The volleyball, badminton, indoor killing of 160.000 propoise in the next Two years including contest between the two club soccer, paddleball, racquetball, EASTERN SPINNER DOLPHINS - an ENDANGERED SPECIE' squads of this unique sport will get underway at 2 p.m. on the threeonthree squash, canoe races, basketball, Softball, ^ The Company Presents... How Can You Help? polo field at the corner of euchre, pinochle, backgammon Write your Congressman OH COWARD! Mount Hope and Farm Lane. and checkers. House Office Building Washington DC 20515 A MUSICAL COMEDY REVUE Washington D C. 20510 GRIIN OR BY NOEL COWARD There Is No Time To Westell Paid for by MSU>Fund for Animals By MIKE M ACI BLACK Tickets: 331 Student Services 353-7432 Stile News Stat: Most local of olive, take it pliza placos have only one kind leave It. At Just Pina 8:30 PM MAY 20,21,22 *1,50 msu student *2.00 others ■tdehate over the vai Bellas been or we ragit have both. point where the Get a promotion! c PIZZ" |395.00.' OTHER MICRO COMPUTERS ON DISPLAY IN¬ Bring the bulletin 8PM ERICKS0N KIVA CLUDE APPLE F-8 - KIM-1. DEMCO AS YOUR EAT HERE LOCAL STOCKING DISTRIBUTOR FOR SOUTHWEST A FREE LECTURE TECHNICAL PRODUCTS CORP., INVITES YOU TO THIS (Accessible) FREE DEMONSTRATION. PLAY TIC TAC TOE NUMBER 9 1001 E.GRAND RIVift Special Thanks to the MSU Development § ondDURAND GAMES OR DO. YOUR OWN PROGRAMING IN G ACROSS FROM Fund, the Dept. of History, and COGS "BASIC • CAMPUS A Division of ASMSU L.22.H.2^d&3U1 Programming Board. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: 321-0923 •I.ONOt INCLUDED