N VOLUME 71 NUMBER 85 THURSDAY, MAY 19. 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Rightists victorious in Israeli elections By MARCUS ELIASON carried a quote from Abraham Lincoln he would join any party espousing his TEL AVIV. Israel (AP) — Menahem about "binding up the nation's wounds." faction's principles. But one of the princi¬ Begin's victorious right-wing Likud bloc Election projections from 1,900 of the ples is opposition to any move to annex the extended a peace offering to the defeated 3,870 polling places showed the Likud party West Bank. Labor party Wednesday in an effort to with 41 seats in the 120-seat parliament In his victory speech, the 63-year-old present a unified nation to the Arab world. compared with 33 for Labor. It was the first Begin said he intended to invite Egyptian There was no immediate word on defeat for Labor, which has ruled since President Anwar Sadat, King Hussein of whether Labor would accept the offer to Israel became a nation 29 years ago. Jordan and Assad to meet him either in form a coalition government, which came as If Labor decides not to join a coali¬ their capitals or on neutral ground for Arabs angrily denounced the Likud election tion, Likud could join with the National negotiations "to sign peace treaties." victory Tuesday as a threat to Middle East Religious party, which was fourth with 12 In Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus peace. seats, and other rightist and religious R. Vance said he was adopting a wait-and- Arab state-controlled radios branded splinters to forge a razor-thin majority. see attitude toward the Likud victory. Begin a "notorious terrorist" with whom The key group in the coalition-building Vance, who was in Geneva for arms negotiations would be impossible. They said process appeared to be Prof. Yigael Yadin's limitation talks with the Soviet Union, said the election would spell disaster for Democratic Movement for Change, which peace prospects would depend on "what President Jimmy Carter's peace efforts in won at least 14 seats, an impressive score kind of a coalition is put together." the Middle East. for a party founded just six months ago. In Moscow, the Soviet press expressed Palestinian guerillas threatened to "esca¬ Yadin, whose group could provide badly concern at Likud's right wing reputation, late violence" in Israel, the Israeli-oc¬ needed coalition backbone for Likud, said (continued on page 10) cupied Gaza Strip and the West Bank, over which the Likud wants to retain Israeli sovereignty. Sources in Syria said President Hafez Kent State students Assad would use the Likud victory to persuade Saudi officials to finance ad¬ ditional Arab armament programs. The conservative victory also left deep political divisions in Israel. Yosef Sarid, a top Labor official, said he doubted there pi' Greeks went hog wild Tuesday night at the ed pig contest in the Livestock Pavilion where State News/Linda Elusive as greased pigs can be, the Greeks proved that they've got a grip on what they're doing. See Bray could be any coalition with the Likud. "Such a wagon would quickly sink in the mud, with so many people pulling at the protest gymnasium reins," he said. But other Laborites, rsities and sororities vied lor more points to story and photographs on page 3. including party chief Shimon Peres, were By STATE NEWS line the winner ot the Greek Week trophy. noncommital on Begin's invitation, which and ASSOCIATED PRESS KENT, Ohio - The students at Kent State University won't forget what happened May 4.1970, and the grassy slope where National Guardsmen killed four antiwar demonstrators NEW MEASURE MORE COSTLY THAN ORIGINAL is dotted with tents to prove their point. The protest this time is no longer against the war. but is a determination to preserve the site from a prospective gymnasium annex planned since 1965. The slope where a 13-second barrage of gunfire killed four students, one of them a former Senate panel revises PBB bill MSU student, and wounded nine others, has been dubbed Tentropolis by the 130 protesters can.ped there since Friday. The mood is reverent, dedicated. "Please, no alcohol or drugs," reads a sign. "Help us — if you want to party, please do it elsewhere. Thank you." By MIC'KI MAYNARD individual animals suspected to be contam¬ of scientists to accurately because of the provision regarding culled At this year's annual May 4 candlelight vigil, some students went to a trustee's myting J Situ New, SUH Writer inated and not entire herds. amounts below .05 ppm. cattle. The market value of these animals is to object to the annex, which would cut a wedge into the hill below where the guardsmen (nrprise move, a Senate committee iv put aside The second part of the revision proposed Some committee members in the past usually less than that of dairy cattle. stood. It was the board's final decision last week to go ahead with construction that caused a much-debated by the committee is a stipulation requiring expressed a desire to see the level at .05 The committee talked briefly about the the tents to go up. fa Staling with PBB contamination contaminated cattle to be tested in the farm ppm, but Hertel and DeSana left the level KSU President Glenn A. Olds said the decision was "irrevocable." problem of cross-placental contamination. p ip with one that may cost the environment rather than being transported at .02 ppm. Cross-placental contamination occurs when The students hope not. s the amount originally to a laboratory. Hertel maintained that the new version PBB poisoning is transferred to a calf at "I can't speak for anybody else," one student said. "But I'm going to stay here until they Some scientists have contended that the of the bill would save the state money birth. agree to forget the building or until they physically remove me." I Johnof the Hertel, D-Harper Woods, Senate controlled laboratory situation was not an Scientists have said cross-placental con¬ Olds said Wednesday that the protesters will not be allowed to remain on the slope Agriculture and accurate one in which to measure true PBB tamination is difficult to detect because an construction begins later this year. He said he hopes they will leave voluntarily, but "they t Affairs Committee, was joined levels. animal under the stress of a test may will be removed legally and physically if they do not." ■ttee member James DeSana, in introducing the revision, The third major provision in Hertel's version provides that cattle presently living House group excrete a different amount of PBB than it would under norma) conditions. Meanwhile, the students have organized carefully, even setting up a day-care center for children. "Some days we have as many as six or eight," said Deb Ungericht of Dayton, who ■wittee has heard testimony for on farms that were once contaminated but cared for two children Tuesday. Ift«o months on a bill sponsored by had been cleaned of PBB be tested for the Hertel saio he and the committee plan to "We move the tents every three or four days so we won't kill the grass," she said. :is Spaniola, D-Corunna, which Wintering PBB contamination lev- possibility of recontamination. Other parts of the bill include a section OKs bill to work on the bill during the next week and hope to vote it out of committee Wednes- U ngericht, 22, said the 130 students, who represent about 1 per cent of the student body, "build no open fires and cook only in hibachis. Each evening we have a community meal. fa ike present .3 parts per million dealing with cattle culled (raised) for Last night it was a rice-cheese dish. Most of us are vegetarians, and vegetables are cheaper Mppm. slaughter. If these animals are found to be than meat. fa predicted his version could cost Spaniola, as well as aides who worked on around $100 million, compared *5 million contaminated, they will be destroyed and the farmer reimbursed for the cost of the defer tuition the original legislation, were not surprised by the new version, saying they had heard "The university has been pretty nice," she said. "They brought us a fire extinguisher." The campers also have night security patrols. "Over the weekend we had some trouble with motorcyclists riding through the camp," Ungericht said. predicted for the ►version, about it "through the grapevine." The new version of the bill also differs Paid the committee's substitute from Spaniola's version in that its lifespan is LANSING (UPI) - The House Colleges t* major and Universities Committee Wednesday parts. The first would increased to four years. The old version was Wire herds to be tested if even one Academic Senate fails to make only effective for 18 months. unanimously approved a bill designed to some of the sting out of rising tuition gW«over in that.02herd gave milk with The .02 ppm contamination level pro¬ take ppm. The contamin- posed by Spaniola has been a major point of charges by allowing students to pay in ~ *°uld then be destroyed, contention throughout hearings on the bill. installments, rather than in a lump sum. ■wasbillonly required the testing of Previous testimony conflicted on the ability The measure will be sent to the Appro¬ priations Committee for a review of its fiscal implications. As currently written, the bill establishes quorum for third straight time pefri/e ineffective a $500,000 fund which would be used to loan participating institutions the amount of money they would be short at the begin¬ By NANCY ROGIER State News Staff Writer senate's passed. agenda Wednesday automatically- The most controversial Richard Roppel, biomechanics who associate professor of spoke against the Monday night, said he would now ning of each semester because of a deferred Despite the fact that the Academic Senate agenda item was measure the proposed revisions to dismissal pro¬ attempt to appeal the document at the June animals, test says payment plan. meets only twice a year, it failed for the third The loan would be paid back to the state consecutive time to make quorum Wed cedures for tenured faculty members. The meeting of the MSU Board of Trustees. The proposal came under fire this week by the trustees are the final step for ratification of at the end of each term. nesday. The senate, American Association of University Profes¬ the revisions. Each participating institution would be composed of all MSU faculty . ByJOEPIZZO Sloan-Kettering) is that Laetrile is of no free to establish its own installment plan as members, requires 227 members in at¬ sors (AAUP) and the Faculty Associates Roppel plans to contact members of the I JWe News Staff Writer value (in treating cancer)." Moss said. tendance to take action. Only 110 were (FA). The revisions passed automatically. AAUP Executive Council by mail and get long as each term's tuition was paid by the Meanwhile, the U.S. Food and Drug The disputed document outlines the their support for an appeal. He said at this iiik d results of the tatest end of that term. present at the spring 1977 meeting Wednes- point he would not attempt a personal effort, ■ JJ ,onlrov«sial cancer treat- Administration (FDA) started machinery in The bill was amended to include nonpro¬ day afternoon. procedure for initiating formal dismissal but would rally with other faculty members |2 ^nd the drug totally in- motion to comply with a class action order fit, private schools as well as public colleges The last time the senate achieved a procedures, conducting hearings on the dismissal and rendering a judgment. to lead an appeal at the board meeting if the 1'todv meeting vo,"-cr growth in mice, cancer growin issued in issued by Federal April uy in April Court reuerai uuuu Judge and universities. quorum was November 1975. The AAUP voted Monday night to oppose council declines their support. | J: conducted last year at the Luther Bohanon. He prevented the FDA The bill originally called for a $300,000 Because of the failure to make quorum and Memorial Sloan-Kettering and U.S. Customs from stopping impor- fund, but Rep. Dan Angel, R-Battle Creek, in accordance with the University By-Laws passage of the proposal and urged all faculty- Roppel said it was too late to organize for Academic Governance, all items on the members to attend Wednesday's meeting. anything for the May 26 and 27 trustees I ,llcer Research in New York, tation and interstate transport of Laetrile proposed it be hiked to $500,000. meeting or to get the revision item on the i, palely 80 specially bred to any terminally ill cancer patient with an n .».d" research design, affidavit signed by two doctors attesting to However, the secretary to the board of the terminal nature of the patient's illness. trustees said that items could be added to ... Last week Bohanon issued a second order mice were treated with Lae- specifying the affidavit submitted by the the trustee agenda up to and on the meeting date. Items can also be brought up at the II '"c*1 technique is known as a physician must state, in addition, one of the meeting. following: is not ('l"«"XdaVemthK?ffiCaCy0t T "gents because ex- „ •Further conventional treatment "reasonably expected" to benefit the pa- Zolton Ferency. AAUP president, said he is not optimistic about the trustees taking Pmportions of the mice tient: any action on the proposal. r«ast cancer which rms '"mors spreads .Laetrile will only be used along with "We can always make amendments to it and eventually other "established and recognized forms of inside weather (the document) after it passes," Ferency cancer treatment:" said. This way, he added, improvements ifc'yreated SCaup of mice re- •The patient has decided to take Lae¬ fully informed of the range could be made and faculty members could be of y ®ot 2,000 milligrams per trile after being Eager for a different kind of You will probably be drip¬ educated about the dismissal process. mteiv UHlUch wf,ght by injection, a „ of conventional treatments available "and of Roppel said the revisions had some nostalgia? See page 5. ping today, and so might the * '50s |k ~' .H'nuch hlffhflF rinao higher dose thantka. the fact that Laetrile is considered by most sky. Look for heat and humidity "glaringly obvious" drawbacks. He said p|lo[)r R ,on, a cancer patient, cancer experts to be of no value in and a chance of thunder- according to the proposal when formal f pwi' J Ph Moss, science writer combatting the disease." showers. proceedings for dismissal are initiated the Htotkm i. ' D'v«lon of the The other Diane M. Place, Consumer Affairs Officer faculty member is not notified of the fCt,T!"!olher group of solution ingroup Of mice mice the same for the FDA in Detroit, said " terminally ill patients could order up to six months decision. He also said that at the next level of proceedings (where the provost notifies the supply of Laetrile in this fashion. (continued on page 11) ! am°ng scientists (at (continued on page U) Michigan Stote News. Eost Lansing. Michigon Thursday. May 19, ,, U.S. spies may need warrant WASHINGTON (API court warrant before using sional leaders that the Under current law, there are of Lhe President Jimmy Carter pre wiretaps or bugging devices to would resolve an inherent con¬ two kinds of electronic sur¬ attorney general il posed legislation Wednesday watch agents of foreign powers flict between preservation of veillance. One kind requires the that would require government operating in the United States. human rights and the need for FBI to get approval from a spies to be equipped with a The President told congres adequate intelligence for na¬ federal judge for taps and bugs tional security. used to gather evidence about stances. r> The legislation, Carter said, domestic crimes. has been approved with "al- These taps and bugs are used Generally, the bin J Vance, Soviets nyjpt complete unanimity" by the executive branch, Congress most often in investigations of organized crime, particularly that the 'am a attorney court warrant gen4 J and the intelligence communi¬ gambling. The new proposals a-ven specially design°J judges W ty. But several lawmakers said do not directly affect this kind trict court hold arms talks they foresee a need for some changes in the bill. The measure stems from of spying. The other type of electronic surveillance is used by the CIA proving electronic sup of suspected foreign ,8t GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) two superpowers to a treaty to recent disclosures about wide and the National Security A such judge's refusal an order could be tol spread spying on Americans at Agency to gather intelligence to a anl — New and possibly critical limit strategic arms. home and overseas by the CIA. about foreign spies. These taps and, special three judgeB U.S.-Soviet weapons talks Secretary of State Cyrus R. FBI and other agencies. and bugs require the approval ultimately, to thesJ Vance and Soviet Foreign Mini¬ Court. B opened here Wednesday with a "full exchange of views" on ster Andrei A. Gromyko met at conflicting approaches by the the Soviet Mission here follow SENATE APPROVES ing the signing of a convention banning man-made natural PROPOSAL, 74-i0 Bill allows disasters in warfare. Their talks politicking will also center on peace pros¬ pects in the Middle East. Wednesday's extended sion between Vance and Gro¬ ses¬ Energy agency gets n< irephoto WASHINGTON (AP) — The The proposed legislation, one New York City police attempt to keep watching crowds orderly as Robert Mason WASHINGTON IAP) - Fed myko suggested the process of Senate voted 74-10 Wednesday of the largest federal reorgani- House energy adviser J J holds his 7-month-old son and threatens to throw him from the roof of his arranging a compromise may to create Schlesinger, and wouljl era] bureaucrats could run for a Department of zations ever, now the bine energy estranged wife's apartment building. Mason surrendered to police two hours have begun in the deadlocked Energy, a new Cabinet agency House, where goes to similar bill is pricing audi office, be political fund raisers SALT negotiations. a developing programs nof after taking his son hostage. and sought by President Jimmy awaiting floor action. manage partisan cam¬ Pointedly, a U.S. spokes¬ Carter tered throughout the J to enact the nation's The proposed department paigns for the first time in person said, there was a demon ment. nearly four decades under a bill stration of "good faith on both energy policies. would be headed by Wjiite Both Senate „ expected to be approved- sides" and that after reflection Leader Robert C. b. House Speaker Thomas P. they will resume discussions Republican Leader O'Neill told reporters before the vote Wednesday that he today, again at the Soviet Groups urge withdrawal Baker expressed port for the gene,- proposal.l expected the bill sponsored bv "There is no projection at this said, however, he wi Rep. William Clay. D-Mo.. to point how long the negotiations cerned whether the n pass. will go on." American spokes¬ of plan to ban saccharin partment, which wouU The bill would repeal most of person Hodding Carter told with 20,000 employesl the 1939 Hatch Act. That law, reporters after conferring with $10.6 billion budget, mi WASHINGTON (AP) — Spokespersons for the diet soft drink an effort to end political arm- Vance. into an industry and the American Diabetes Association appealed to the "unwieldy twisting of federal workers by Since they have yet to touch racy." Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday to withdraw its on the Middle East and plan The approved Zambia attacks Rhodesian resort their bosses, prohibited govern second round to consider only plan a to ban saccharin from food and beverages. would give the m Sena| ment employes from taking Bernard L. Oser, testifying for the Calorie Control Council, an part in partisan politics. the subject of nuclear weapons, powers over energy pi,_ SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP) - Zambian and the spectacular Victoria Falls form Such a bill passed both Vance said Gromyko could meet industry group, said scientific studies showing saccharin causes development. In additil government troops fired mortars and the border between the two countries. bladder cancer in laboratory rats are inconclusive. The FDA chambers during the last Con¬ beyond the two or three days department would have! machine guns into the resort town of Zambia is one of three countries should await further tests before banning the artificial sweetener gress but was vetoed by then initially anticipated. as a food additive, he •Broad energy data-H Victoria Falls on Wednesday in a bordering Rhodesia that grant base areas President Gerald R. Ford. Ford Vance, on his arrival, ruled argued. ing powers; r Two Kansas City, Mo., pediatricians and the parent of a diabetic half-hour daylight attack from across the and military aid to black nationalists said he objected to the bill out any new American pro¬ teen-ager testified that children with diabetes depend heavily on •Regiunal electric I Zambezi River, military officials said. No engaged in a four-and-one-half year because "politicizing the Civil posals. "We are merely resum¬ authorities no in the I diet sodas, foods and chewing gum and taking away their saccharin damage or casualties were reported. guerilla war to topple the Salisbury Service is intolerable." ing discussions," he said. Department. products would be dangerous. regime. The other two countries are The attack on the town of 3,500 persons Mozambique and Botswana. in northwest Rhodesia, popular with The attack coincided with a United foreign tourists, since Zambian Kaunda declared was the first such action President Monday that Kenneth a state of Nations conference in the Mozambique capital of Maputo that has stressed a violent solution to the problems of j^MSU IN ISRAEL WINTER 1978 war exists between his country and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and South African- white-ruled Rhodesia. The Zambezi River GERALD H. COY. GENERAL MANAGER ruled South-West Africa (Namibia). ROBERT L. BUILARD, SALES MANAGER COURSES OFFERED Sudan expels Soviet military experts HUM 201, 202, 203, 345 (4 CREDITS EACH). HUM 201, 202, 203 FULFILL THE COM¬ PLETE HUMANITIES GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT. yiARTOUM. Sudan (AP) - Sudon An office attached to the Soviet HUM 300, SS 300, REL 295, 495 (SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT STUDY COURSES WITH expelled all 90 Soviet military experts in Embassy which has been operated by the VARIABLE CREDIT). the Sudanese army Wednesday, the expelled experts was also closed, the Sudanese news agency reported. agency said. STUDENTS MAY ENROLL FOR A TOTAL OF 12 OR MORE CREDITS. LIEBERMANN'S IhMNZIO M. LUPO It said the experts along with their 57 Jtfe News Stiff Writer member families left Khartoum at noon The experts have been in Sudan since ■ Space Allocations and aboard three Soviet planes. 1970. GENERAL ITINERARY Joel Committee of the The expulsion decision was relayed to the Soviet ambassador to Khartoum a Sudan's chief ally, 15.000 Soviet military Egypt, expelled 4 WEEKS IN JERUSALEM 1 WEEK INDEPENDENT TRAVEL GRADUATION GIFT I Kl'Student Board did pan expected bill to the not advisers in July e the recom week ago, the agency said. . | .. 1972. 2 WEEKS ON A KIBBUTZ 2 WEEKS IN TEIAVIV our pewter tankard pons of the All Universi lent Judiciary AUSJ) to ■Iniversity judiciaries at PROGRAM DIRECTOR PROFESSOR DONALD GOCHBERG ... specially priced ptinif Tuesday night, 'id the committee an- DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES dithad scheduled inter- 195 BESSEY HALL, 355-7596 it lor the judicial candi- P>ud invited the board to FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, DETACH AND MAIL THIS COUPON TO: OFFICE The candidates OF OVERSEAS STUDY, 108 INTERNATIONAL CENTER, E. LANSING, Ml 48824 OR ^recommended to AUSJ, CALL 353-8920 OR 353-8921. H^udent Faculty Judiciary 7 f the Anti Discrimi- Court rejects judges' pay contention f Mriil Board lADJBI. i* past, the Student i interested in MSU in Israel, Winter 1978 WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Court III of Rksusually approved the the Constitution which says judges' Wontherecommenda- of Claims on Wednesday rejected the the Al'SJ. pay shall not be diminished during their contention of 140 federal Str.ot ond No. Local Phono judges that continuonce In office." — ire Chairperson Sue their salaries have been reduced uncon¬ Btallege of Human Ecolo- City Zip stitutionally by the effects of inflation. During the period cited by the judges, TheConstitution affords no protection March 15, 1969, through Oct. 1, 1975, from such an indirect, nondiscriminatory district judges received $40,000 a year lowering of judicial compensation," the and appeals court judges $42,500. They court said in a 95-page decision dis¬ asserted that inflation reduced the Send her a love letter in 14 karat yellow gold with a diamond. missing the complaint. buying power of their paychecks by 34 Better yet, hand it to her yourself (and be there for her The suit was filed by district and per cent, effectively making the salaries thank-you kiss). Initial pendant, complete with 14 karat appeals court judges from around the of district judges $26,200 and of appeals country. Their claim was based on Article yellow gold chain, $72.50. Something Beautiful for Everyone,8 court judges $27,800. Copter inspections recommended NEW YORK (AP) — Emergency inspec¬ The recommendation, made by the tions have been A gift to be kept and enjoyed for a lifetime! ■ recommended for all National Transportation Safety Board to Sikorsky S61 helicopters after the landing the Federal Aviation Administration, was quality thick walled pewter from England wH"J gear on one of the craft collapsed, tional glass bottom ond lustrous satin finish. 4 aimed at about 80 causing its rotor blades to kill five Sikorsky S61 helicop¬ oz. capacity. ters in operation around the world. persons and injure eight others. (Regularly 17.50) NOW 12.95 (We'll engraven 3-letter monogram for just 1.00) Ford slated for home-state visit LANSING (UPI) - When former Presi- dent Gerald R. Ford comes to town next Gerald R. Ford museum in Grand Rapids. Tuesday night he will be the keynote MORGAN'S v lewvli-is Sin, 1870 week to raise money for Republicans in speaker at a fund-raising dinner for his home state, he'll also be 121 S. lobbying for House Republicans. Washington, Lansing a little something in return. Meridian Mall, Oki-mns The state is being asked to kick in $3 Ford is expected to attend a Us,- unc „l Morgan's convenient charge plans or private million toward the purchase of land and breakfast Wednesday with legislative leaders in efforts to work out some kind relocation of 19 small businesses in downtown Grand Rapids at the Mail and PI,,',,,.■"bicp-'ub-ChnvHwh (Vl71 462-4021'".14 of compromise over the construction of a museum site. proposed EAST LANSING-209 E.Grand River DOWNTOWN • 113 S. Washing'0^ j n ctntc News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Thursday. May 19, 1977 Greased lightnin' in the makin': 01NK! Greeks scramble for the bacon By SEAN HICKEY Alpha Gamma Rho greased pig beauties were marched into the adolescent zits. Many of the As the event ended and the State News Staff Writer contest. dust filled arena. participants went "hog wild" dust cleared, Arnold Ziffle led Arnold Ziffle and a regiment As the event began, an Meanwhile, 72 contestants, his faithful army of sore sows with the grease and used of his squealing colleagues estimated crowd of 1,100 people back to the farm while the now representing 16 sororities and enough of the vegetable short¬ stormed the Livestock Pavilion screamed and stomped, "Go 20 fraternities, were busily cov¬ dirt covered contestants ening to qualify as oven-ready car¬ in full force Tuesday night to pigs, go pigs," as the snorting, ering their bodies with enough pizza pans or fastfood French ried their own hurting hams perform in the first annual squealing, smelling 75-pound grease to supply an army of fries. home. As the pigs nervously paced the hard floor of the pavilion, which still retained that fami¬ liar farm flavor, a raging thun¬ derstorm whipped them into an Witnesses excited frenzy. to The object of the contest was capture a sprinting pig as describe quickly as possible and then place it into a pen on the opposite side of the arena. Contestants worked in teams V attack of two and at times the scram¬ ble resembled a football game By MARK FABIAN State News Staff Writer pile-on as each heat featured Witnesses to the attack on five different teams chasing three people in the MSU five pigs at once. Sprinting from one end of the pavilion to Library Tuesday afternoon, al¬ the other, contestants ran the legedly committed by an MSU student, have provided further distance and leapt into the details about the incident. group of huddling pigs. Daniel H. Han, 435 MAC The action in the arena was Ave., was arrested and ar¬ similar to the many Friday raigned Tuesday afternoon in afternoon TGs in East Lansing East Lansing District Court. where desperate bar-goers try He was charged with three to find a dancing partner before counts of felonious assault, the next number starts. police said. Delta Tau Delta fraternity Two witnesses at the scene was the winner of the men's said they thought Han was division and Zeta Tau Alpha armed with a knife while a third sorority took first in the wo¬ positively identified the wea men's contest. Delta Chi frater¬ pon as a surgical scalpel. The nity and Alpha Delta Pi soror Department of Public Safety ity took the second places (DPS) later said Han had two respectively. scalpels. In one heat, one of the Deborah A. Pyant. A-309 contestants was able to capture Rather Hall, said she was on a pig without the help of his her way to the bathroom on the \ partner, but on the trip back to first floor of the Library when the pen his partner attempted she heard someone yelling to aid him but ended up "Hey you!" She said she stop¬ tripping him on the hard floor ped and saw a man pointing at of the arena. The pig imme her. diately squealed in delight as "He told me to go up to the the two male contestants pulled second floor," Pyant said. "He up the concrete couch to sit said 'Get up there! Run now or with the delighted animal. I'll kill you!'" Many of the heats featured Pyant then started running exploding photo finishes when up the stairs because the man as many as three different pigs had what she thought was a were brought back to the pen at knife in his hand. Han chased the same time. The result was her up the stairs where she said an abundance of bruised bacon she fell on the second floor and buttocks. (continued on page 14) lASMSU committee to hold interviews The atmosphere brings you in there. The food brings you back. account who obtain loans from the AUSJ recommendations not OKd Lehrter said because the banks now extend equal ser¬ ASMSU loan program or the checks from the ASMSU Book Of all the reslauranis in ihe Lan¬ vices to students and First sing area, onk one has "The Exchange cash their checks at Tiffanv Touch." li is unique in hrM'NZIO M. LUPO gy Representative, said the East Lansing. National is closer to the Comp¬ the bank. its warmth, mood and congenial- >Xm Staff Writer interviews would be held Sun The questioning of First Na¬ troller's Office in Student Ser¬ The Student Board also: it* The food is superb, the ser- . ■ Space Allocations and day and the bill would be tional's student check cashing vices Building. First National is ■nel Committee of the released at the •Heard a presentation from meeting on policies prompted the Comp¬ the best bank for ASMSU. K Student Board did not the Legal Services Cabinet that Tuesday. troller's Office to look into Lehrter said the distance was Resersations suggested. The committee also told the whether the bank ASMSU used proposed extending its ser pan expected bill to the an important factor because 372-4300 i to approve the recom- Student Board it would sepa served the student community. several deposits are made each ons of the All-Universi- rate the three judiciaries into "Since the responsibility of (continued on 14) day and a number of students page lent Judiciary AUSJ) to separate bills for approval. The student govt .diversity judiciaries at original bill, introduced by the student community petin^Tuesday night, Panhellenic Council representa best v y it Ci , the selecti of MSU Free esening parking Downtown, I hloek east of the Capitol tad the committee an- tive Kirsten Frank and Inter a bank should be inclusive of all ^it had scheduled inter- V lor the judicial candi- Cooperative sentative Stuart Council repre Carter, re qualitative factors that affect students." Lehrter said in his SUPERVISORS' ASSOCIATION piod invited the board to quested approval of AUSJ's report. ANNUAL MEETING The candidates recommendations all at once. Prior to last week First Na¬ ■wommended to AUSJ, The candidates were recom¬ tional would not cash student Public Indent Faculty Judiciary mended by AUSJ checks the last two weeks of a after under ■ md the Anti-Discrimi- going a selection process which term unless the student had an I5Judicial to Board (ADJB). included group sessions and account at the bank. THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1977 past, the Student personal interviews. His report compared First ■&$ usually approved the In other action, ASMSU National to the East Lansing HOLDENHALL, ROOM G8 pteon the recommenda- Announcement Comptroller Richard Lehrter State Bank which allows stu¬ JfofAl'SJ. recommended that the Student dents to cash checks the last 7:30 P.M. B^'ittee Chairperson Sue Board continue to do its bank¬ two weeks of the term regard¬ BMIege of Human Ecolo¬ ing with First National Bank of less of whether they have an ELECTION OF OFFICERS Attention, Mid-Michigan area Audiophiles. VOTE ON CONTRACT Marshall's Sound Shop is pleased to announce oG The Lee Wald Co REFRESHMENTS! two events of interest to our friends in the Greater Lansing area. nOMA WARDROBE SUIT On Thursday, May 19 between 2 and 7 p.m.. Hobie's 1 has solid color two button European style coat with patch pockets The plaid vest is reversible to a cooordinated Mr. Richard Majestic of RAM audio will be in solid Plaid and solid slacks complete this suit 100% attendance for the Michigan premier of RAM's entertainment for I very exciting new products. The products May 19>May 25 1 debuting include an astounding new power Thursday 1 amp, a remarkable F.E.T. pre-amp and an Pete & Randy 1 exciting strain gauge phono cartridge. Friday 1 $140 Hardtack & Pig's Feet 1 On Friday, May 20 between 2 and 7 p.m., the Saturday 1 controversial Mr. Irving FREE j\ John Campbell 1 shirt & tie Sunday 1 M. Fried will be making a KN. with Sheila Ritter 1 return visit. Those of you purchase of suit ^Monday 1 who met him last year Mark Balhorn 1 Tuesday 1 know how interesting and Lost World String Band 1 informative he can be. He "OLDEN REID ' Master Charge Wednesday 1 will also be premiering 'Straight Stereo Answers, From The Music People" • Bank Americard. L R°se 1 several new speakers. THE ATTIC »Charge Account 930 Trowbridge Rd. E. Lansing 1 I J^ypOR-UNSINC MALL 351-3800 1 mm Budget priorities all fouled ui Billions for defense, but not one extra cent for The fact that Carter has welfare. ignored such bodes ill for the decision he will indiscrel soon have to m That's the word emanating from the marble the White J edifices of Washington, where Jimmy Carter and the Elephant B1 bomber. campaign, Carter ridiculed the B1 DurinvB promised not to go ahead with it. As effectl House of Representatives have reached substantial and agreement on a budget that will gladden the hearts has backpedaled from this position and, after Preside" of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. months of indecision, set For those interested in social reform, professes to be still I perhaps a decided" on whether or not to go stanza or two of "Pennies from Heaven" would be ahead project. appropriate. And why shouldn't he be? Carter - whose pietistic approach to government Carter vowed to During the c cut between $5 billion frequently conjurs up images of Heaven on the and $7 bk out of the defense Potomac - has rained pennies and platitudes on budget and earned the vote! lot of uneasy liberals because of it. In those seeking fundamental social reform, particular¬ Orwellian doublespeak to using a justify the admin* 1 ly in the field of welfare. In voting on a tentative tion's subsequent budget, the House, by going along with Carter's recommendation to hm defense expenditures, Press priorities, has evinced a collective narrow-minded¬ Secretary said that Carter meant he would save Jody Pa UTILE D06,CHEKEK,BT ME.. Aft ME ABOUT CHINA... ness totally out of step with the real needs of the that amol money by eliminating defense waste and country. hard reductions would never occur. that J The $111 billion appropriation to the Defense 1 All this is in contrast to Carter's Department is particularly irksome. Carter has done attitude toward social reform. parsimot The nothing about his campaign pledge to weed out waste George McGoJ state News W^J J and incompetence in the military establishment. One recent denunciation of Carter, in that the President's basic which he assl philosophical is reminded of Harry Truman's 1963 vow that at the values! more Republican than Democratic, was valid, Thursday May 19. 1977 age of 90 he would run for Senate and, if elected, The President is committed to Editorials or the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns immediately open an investigation into the Penta¬ budget by fiscal 1981, something which can balancini gon. oi. and letters a ? personal opinions accomplished at the expense of those Truman unfortunately died at the age of 88. reform programs — national health very 1 Editorial Department insurL Carter's entire attitude toward the defense welfare reform, aid to cities, Editor m chief Mary Ann ChickShaw Sports Editor Tom Shanahon Copy Chief Tracy Reed public workJ establishment has been remarkably supine and several others - that he paid Managing Editor Bob Ourhar Entertainment and Book Editor Donna Bakun Wire Editor Joyce Loskowski lip service to dj Opinion Editor Dave Misialowski John Casey forebearing. The President has refrained from the campaign. City Editor Michael Tonimura Anne Stuort Campus Editor Carole Leigh Hutton delivering even the mildest public rebuke to Joint As in previous years, administration and cona Chiefs of Staff head Gen. George Brown, who sional budget priorities are all mixed Advertising Department recently suggested that people who complain about up. Pel Advertising Manager Dan Gerow ig Manager Ceci Coriield some day our government representatives willl governmental intrusions into their civil liberties that the alphabet of America's priorities deserve to be investigated. from A to Z, instead of the other way proT around) lounge." he explained. car think nothing of walking in front of a I only stay around here because 1) I like He does so snickering. "I don't condone grace in the execution of h biker in the street — we cannot stop the environment, 2) I feel I gain invaluable discrimination, do I?" immediately! At times bicyclists and truly inspirational to those he livej experience by attending football practice How sad it is that some middle-aged men, pedestrians share the same path; for your daily, 3) I am considered a good morale Hetj 142 GuJ own sake, if you hear a bike behind you factor by both coaches and players and in administrative capacities, do not under¬ don't suddenly change direction. We'll stay il don't like to admit to this) 4) I make a good stand the legal as well as philosophical well clear if you don't surprise us. It'll be a distinction between discrimination and the pest of myself — one of my best jobs! I know good spring and summer if bicyclists and what I want, and I won't say no! Loathsome lavatory. It is also a small oasis; a right to a little space — space so long denied pedestrians will use a little courtesy and recognition that women have long been by that very same discrimination which he I, along with many knowledgeable peo¬ denied a "place" in society, both literally now twists because he has the power to do ple, feel that athletics are 10 per cent With the Matt Orth coming of spring, we see tht and figuratively. This lounge is spacious, physical and 90 per cent mental. To me, 662 S. Case Hall emergence of two loathsome types of has study tables and offers women their mental means morale, and I am the first to individuals, the litterbugs and the flower own place in a University which, in other I just wonder if women will let this admit to doing many "strange" things for pickers. It goes without saying that MSU ways, is still for men. seemingly small taking back of space really the athletes of MSU. What has it got me? has a beautiful campus, but perhaps it should be emphasized that both littering Union manager Michael J. Dmochowski happen. As author Jo Freeman said, it's so Help asked Most prospective employers are afraid of easy to lose what little we've gained. me because of my previous record (and I and removing vegetation from state-owned has his own ideas about a "women's place" Martha Ritter can't blame them). What can I do? Who can land are illegal. The campus is here for and intends to act on them come next fall. 4396 Okemos Road What can I do? Where can I turn? I have I turn to? everyone to enjoy. Remember that, and we Although he agrees that, legally, anti always known that to achieve my ambition I will all benefit. discrimination policies allow men and would have to go about it in an unusual I feel that all Spartan athletics are on the women to have separate gathering upswing and I would like much to be a places q. I. . fashion and now everything seems to be very Lynn McCann W652 Owen Hall leven the misunderstood ERA would not DieyellSt Jjnpes against me. I felt that by being a part of the part of this. I feel that I can be a valuable take that right away), Mr. Dmochowski is system I would move up the ladder — that addition to this program. Every avenue has getting rid of the Women's Lounge. didn't work! All I have now is my degree, now run out, but I WON'T SAY NO! With the advent of good weather bi¬ and although that is proving to be a Dan Kovacs He feels it is no longer fair to have a cyclists abound, to be followed by com¬ 5108 Brookfield Keep Women's lounge separate place for women, just as he feels it plaints. Some of these complaints seem a bit handicap, run out no one can take it from me. of unemployment benefits and I have Commend is impossible to make the Union accessible overdone. Granted, some bicyclists are because of my higher education I am to handicappers. selfish slobs who would rather ride over a ineligible for Social Security. What I I feel that the MSU baseball tl The Women's Lounge in the MSU Union was set aside for women in 1948. Since then "I can't pedestrian than around one. But on the do? Where can I turn? can Dog president coaching staff deserve to be commi please all interest groups, I've got whole, bicyclists are careful, reasonable their warmth and friendliness tow it has been one of the only MSU facilities to listen and do what I Some men have can. people. We bicyclists have our own gripes: Everyone says that this is the land of Last Friday's fine article about Edward kids from Moore Living Center and! where a woman can go to read quietly or complained that they can't use the Women's people who walk on bike paths or who socialize with other women. The reasons for Lounge. So, next fall, I am going to build a opportunity, the place whre all dreams can Dog (certainly a seminal figure in recent House. Last Saturday, the players'! abruptly walk in front of bicyclists make life be accomplished — Look at me! East Lansing history) neglected to mention and hospitality towards these! maintaining this lounge are clear. sound proof partition around the bathroom rough for us. People who would never think Although Of course, the lounge has a women's and make the lounge area a general of crossing the street directly in front of a most athletes like me, that does not put his distinguished service as president of the handicappers really made the day f bread on the table. Bogue Street Co-op. Eddie's integrity and event for all those involved. The k bust'n their butt'ns with happin meeting the players of the team. 7 great bunch of guys and I'm sure never forget it. Keep it up! Anne Zeh and Sharil Oil imports rise due 135 Lai on to fraud, mismanagement Efficiency WASHINGTON - Three presidents A During the past three months! Ihave assigned top priority to reducing U.S. spokesman told us the Federal Energy spent a great deal of time at IW Administration will collect the fees the two for dependence on foreign oil. Yet the federal effort to cut the flow of imported oil has firms should have paid but will take no Placement Center looking regarding jobs and, of course, intrrT inlj further action against the companies. This been an abysmal failure. During this time I was always treal isn't likely to deter a practice which agency the utmost efficiency and courtrsi sources claim is widespread. They tell us The attempt to tighten the oil valves staff of the center, and I would like| that millions of dollars are being lost in even began with Richard Nixon, who slapped them for their help over the past te |stiff fees on oil imports. This was supposed more flagrant manipulations of licenses. half. Interviewing is a difficult proi to discourage overseas purchases and to the friendly people there certain! Footnote: None of the companies men¬ encourage domestic production. It was left tioned in this report would comment, things go easier. Again, thanks, f Richard 4 jto the Federal Energy Administration to except for Atlantic Richfield. A spokesman I collect the fees. JACK ANDERSON told us that the refund was an unintentional We have documented in past columns goof, that a change in the fee structure that the program has been a total and EES Vi HIT TEN threw off the calculations. fiasco, with oil companies demanding and receiv¬ ing huge refunds from the government. Now we have uncovered new evidence that company made out a $23 million check to an WHO'S NEWS Assistant Agriculture Secretary J. Paul Bolduc, imbued with the Letter Polil the oil companies have been agency official instead of the U.S. Treasury. new White House morality, is incensed over ripping off the a chain letter circulating in his department. The Opinion Page wel taxpayers while the energy agency has looked the other way. While some of the widespread violations It is a humorous letter, started as a letters and viewpoints _ joke, may be attributed to carelessness, there is calling for the recipients to send their wives should follow a few rules tJ The fee system is in such a shambles that evidence that some oil companies have to the top name on the letter. But Bolduc that as many Utters as P [confidential internal audit found: "There taken advantage of the bureaucratic con¬ took the letter seriously and fired off a no operational system to verify that fusion to defraud the government. scathing memo to all the department's appear in print. L companies were paying import fees on oil 11,500 employees. He warned the chain- AU Utters and wem imports." Yet more than $560,000 in Major Brands Distribution Company of letter recipients to forward the evidence to should be typed on 65-spr contracts had been "awarded to com¬ Butte, Mont., for example, doesn't import the Agriculture Department's records di¬ and tripU-spaced. WW puterize and improve the program." enough oil to have to pay import fees. So the energy administrators granted the firm vision. There, presumably, the letters will be scoured for fingerprints. viewpoints must be sign Atlantic Richfield, for example, asked for an exemption license in September 1975. include local address, land was paid $725,000 in refunds that it Ididn't deserve. It took the bureaucrats two But the license was improperly White House aide Midge Costanza, faculty or staff starting slipped to speaking to 100 women executives, began lyears to discover the overpayment. two other companies, which used it to import oil without paying the required fees. teasing a lone male in the audience. "Hey Auditors recently discovered that Exxon Detroit Edison used the bootleg license to look," she chirped, "he smokes the same be considered for P owed $49,536 in past import fees. Despite import 56,887 barrels of oil, saving more kind of cigar as I do." When she returned to Letters should be 25 U this deficit, the the White House, she found a energy agency paid Exxon a than $35,000 in fees. Enterprise Oil and Gas cigar in her U7tu riu*y w® "w." ' I duplicate refund of $14,536. The collection jacket pocket. With it was the young man's , | process is so haphazard, in fact, that one oil brought in an additional 149,560 barrels on the same license and evaded $94,000 business card. style and concisenes s in fees. United Feature Syndicate. Inc many Utters as possible* Viewpoints may be no km 75 lines, and may also bet Siote News. Eost tonsing. Michigon Thursdoy, May 19. 1977 By GEORGIA HANSHEW amount from Ingham SUte News SUH Writer County. include the Last "It still bothers me that this following: Lansing City Council Tuesday night passed with relative city pays the full fund for a •A planning, housing and community development resource of whose clients ease the city manager's $11.9 million only half come from East Lansing," ment will be formed as depart¬ budget for the 1977-78 ,L. council Councilmember Mary Sharp said. part of the city government. The present i'seal year, amending it only to give more generous portions to Councilmemher John Czarnecki said he felt structure has only a planning department. four area that groups. sure Federal Community Development funds Two social service questions about discrimination against landlords would be will be administered agencies, Tenants Resource Center (TRC) from this new department, and and the worked out in the next housing inspection functions will Drug Education Center, received increases of $5,200 and The council allocated year. be transferred here from the building and $9,050 respectively, while council only two-thirds of the total estimated •The citizen zoning department. refused the Listening Ear's cost of the housing commission will be abolished and a 56,000 request for a paid staff position. proposed Capital Area Transportation Authority housing and community development (CATA)-MSU bus system integration, )asses new commission will take its • c®"nei'a,s? aRreed to fund two groups which had not been routes whereby two CATA bus included in the would run from East Lansing onto the MSU city manager's original budget — the Lansing Councilmembers have said they expect MSU to campus. •A finance departm sponsible for accounting, purchas- Metropolitan Development pick up the Regional Planning Commission Authority and the Tri-County remaining $9,000 tab. reasury management, assessing and other financial for a total of $12,500. funrt >ns of the city will be The decision to more than - However, MSU Asst. Vice President Theodore B. Simon created. triple TRC's budget from the indicated in a recent letter to the •Proposed salary increases for city employes make up the iscal budget current fiscal city manager that MSU has no year to fund a paid staff largest budget increase, to be granted on or resolve position did not fully intention of sharing the cost of the bus before July 1. councilmembers' reservations about integration plan since In other council action: Questions had been funding the center. MSU does not contribute to the brought up at an earlier meeting about a self-supporting MSU bus •Councilmembers approved a $160,000 possible antilandlord bias in TRC's literature program to assist low income housing rehabilitation and its homeowners technically and counseling. The council has also made clear that it approach to And if MSU continues to refuse its feels other support? "Then the financially in bringing their homes governmental units should share in integration proposal is in trouble," Councilmember up to housing and the center's funding. said. Larry Owen rehabilitation code standards. The $5,200 increase was •An ordinance to made conditional upon a matched Some of the changes the establish a fine £ newly adopted budget will initiate introduced. liss reminisces Black students sponsor Unity Week witch hunts' MSU's black student body is sponsoring its annual Black Unity Week. Events start to and 1'raterni social fundi that night. ir the dinner day, in commemoration of Mai ire $3.50. Saturday' colm X's birthday. Malcolm X I Red Scare was an internationally known black political leader who grew up in the Lansing area. shops us 201 through 201. e fun at St. Fram insing. A Softball game 12:30 to 2:30 p.i By DANIEL HERMAN Beginning at 1 p.m. at the in the Media" and "I\t singing by SUte News SUH Writer Malcolm X Memorial on Logan scheduled. Street and Jolly Road in Lan¬ jpmw," well-known figure and casualty of the McCarthy iilaed hi- personal observations the "witch hunts" sing. a service will be held % on of the Itoacapacity audience in the Erickson Hall kiva Tuesday night, honoring the deceased leader. as a segment of an ASMSU "Great Issues" series, Later tonight, at 8 p.m. in to refer to this period of American Erickson Hall Kiva. continued OPEN THURSDAY AND Fl history as the commemoration to Malcolm X Y EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 niMcfarthv" era. He was sentenced in 1948 on charges of will be carried out in the form J, ifter heing investigated by the now-defunct House of skits and dramatic IWnn I n American Acitivities for subversive activities. readings. A play about Malcolm X's life McCarthy era is a misnomer, what we think of as the will be presented. Bsoftheeracame before Joe McCarthy," he said. "It would be Ritcuratf to call it the 'Nixon-McCarthy' era. Nixon started it Fridav from 3 to 7 p.m. OBA (Office of Black Affairs), is Lj McCarthy just jumped on the bandwagon." State News Pete Obee sponsoring a TG at the Rain aid that McCarthy was a man without any redeeming Alger Hiss bow Ranch. Various sororities heson ithe secretary of state under President Harry S. re said of him (McCarthy) 'to denigrate him is to State News I "Hiss told the audience. Ipfrci people disagreed with Hiss, and before the lecture began praise Newsline don't miss ■distributed "an open letter to and about Alger Hiss," which, in I --.: It is hoped that you will not be well received when you 353-3382 Ltiist your fraudulent knife of deceit in the already dead kof America's greatest patriots. . . Joseph McCarthy." body The HIGHWOODS fcsdescribed the atmosphere of fear that enveloped the United RESEARCH Beautiful ■edurmg the '50s. as a fear which caused "honorable men" Ltto McCarthy because of his vote-getting power, to • Research, Writing, Editing STRING BAND laxbted a story of how the wife of a diplomat who was a friend te Department "China experts" had been invited to • • Provisional, Fait Any Topic, All Fialdi Weddings home of then Sen. John F. begin at > Kennedy, where she met Send $1 tor Mail Order Catalog iv iHiss described him as being the "guest of honor"), Write tor free information d by the fact that McCarthy was responsible for ■ting "honorable and innocent" men, she asked McCarthy Tomorrow Nite! Jacobson's •Iddosuchathing. McCarthy simply replied. "Oh, honey, THE ACADEMIC ig personal, it's just politics." Hiss said, RESEARCH GROUP, Inc. irontinued on page 141 MStlnion Grill 8:30 BRIDAL SALON GIFT REGISTRY PRECIOUS JEWELRY STATIONERY BADGES, AWARDS AMD TROPHIES MARV ( HELEN REED 1305 SO. CEDAR LANSING. Ml. 48910 517374-8634 517374 5212 Pulls The Plug On High Stereo Prices Sale Ends Mon. 5-23- HASTIC & METAL ENGRAVING CB OR SHERWOOD 8900-A TUNER 60 Watts/Channel Super FM Tuner Sug. List $465 *239. _I-W.,. PIONEER SX-950 *379. Minolta Sale JWUAREDANCE BADGES, JEWELRY, SILVER |DISHES, MUGS. PLAQUES AND TROPHIES TEAC A-170 DECK TECHNICS SA-5560 Attention Golfers Top Rated Cassette Deck Wide Responce Dolby N R - Quality andGolf Balls — Sug. List $250 *159. pioneer sx-450 Best-Selling AM/FM Stereo Receiver Bargain! With 15 watts/channel, PIONEER CT-F-6262 provisions for 2 sets of Jags $1.20 a dozen! New Front Load Cassette, Dolby N.R. Sug. List $250 *179. ■ W speaker systems. Mfr's Sug List: $200 SPEAKER CLEARANCE if PIONEER CTF-2121 Fronlload Stereo Dolby Cassette Tape Deck FEATURE OF THE Up to 13,000 Hz response, tape EQ and bias switch, dual VU meters, full auto stop. Minolta XE-5 m.,% Sug. List $200 *149. Ijjf? WEEK! *289. AUTO-RADIOS & CB s C.B. PERFORMANCE PACKAGE 40 Channel KracoC.D. Minolta SR-T 201 Trunk Mount Antenna, Lock Mount $1 1 Q 50mm FI.7 lens I kok ai t Frazetta set Book Two purchase Pr'n,s wHh the of the Sug. List $189 MEW (l 50a'ine selection of Frazetta Posters for sale. $199. Mon. thru Sat. 10 to 9 Sun. 12 to 5 ^THE^E^SPECIA^^^ 0 SANYO IM/FM Cassette $129 ILw AiiloRevc.il-Model FT 416 MUK INSTALLATION SANYO FT-8705 $«A _ - , _ ______ WESTLAN0SHOPRIlHiCENTER INDASHAM-FM SALE PRICED 1 cwiiR* sas I 6 Michigan Stale News East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 19 197? Fraser chosen vide token as president of UAW There are two blacks in the him as a man with a "deep The UAW was led for 24 years better contracts His long expected election opposition. plant in Dearborn, Mich., with- for IS ANdKLES lAl't - 26 positions on the executive devotion to principle and a by the flamboyant Reuther hers and was briefly delayed by the Hut after the floor vote began drew. He said he entered the champion social." gins A. Fraser, a liberal Henry Wilson, 41, president of race in protest against the lack hoard. commitment to the social until his death in a plane crash for the il activist in the style of the entrv of a last minute opponent the local representing workers of blacks in top leadership Woodcock, who placed Fras causes for which this union has in 1970, when Woodcock took working class underprivileged. and" [ 'niteri Auto Work-rs lead er's name in nomination, hailed always stood." oeed the retiring Leonard at a Ford Motor Co. assembly positions. falter Heuther. won the Fraser had been a vice presi Woodcock, 66, has been se Woodcoek as president of the a presidency Wednesday, dent for the past seven years. lected by President Jimmy le 2.900 voting delegates at nation's largest industrial un The 1.4 million-member Carter to be chief U.S. envoy to *»try bargaining adverse union's national convention er. °60. ^ Scottish immi- Fraser had been the lone candidate for the $-17,000 a year CATA plans renovation union has had only two other presidents since World War II. China. In the Reuther and Wood¬ cock tradition, Fraser has said 7 »">« "eative achieved „cB01 i„S post smce January. Hut a local t who once worked as a union leader placed his own the union should both pursue union"01 'mpr,,vem<*nts for il finisher at a Detoit auto In an unanimous vote Wed "insing area. nesday afternoon, the Capital the i >■ faci . The Fightv per cent of the pro Area Transportation Authority eet will he funded by the iCATA) approved the plan to The new facility will house ederal government and the GRADUATION Three council members renovate a building at 4615 Tranter Ave. and turn it into a both a new garage and new administration facilities. The >t her 20 per cent will come rom the Michigan Highway IS ALMOST new garage and administrative structure is part of a 15-year ind Transportation Depart HERE! elected to UCAG posts The facility, to be used by the CATA improvement plan in the nent. CARDS AND GIFTS LATA bus system, is budgeted FOR THE Three serve on new Student Council members elect have been elected to the University Committee on Academic t.overnanee at S2.2 million. But the original cost of the Reception to highlight / BINDAS J GRADUATE lUUAtji for next war. They are: Ann Crowe. James Madison facility was estimated at ULITTLIFRIIWAY J BROWSE ROUND GIFT College; Frank Marazita, College of Human Ecology; and frank $700,000. and some CATA offi SHC Lessa, College of Social Science. Alan Wegienka. College of Agriculture and Resources, and run as high as $3 million. opening of Pump House fMVICl STATION 1301 E. Grand Rlvar t * 1393 E.GRAND RIVER BROOKFIELD PIAZA Kathv Leonard, at large representative, are tied for the fourth Ronald Stieber. assistant An open house will mark the official opening of the Orchard Next to Varsity Inn 333.5,| Student Coucii position for UCAG. director of CATA, said the Street Pump House tonight from 6:30 to 8:30 p.nf. Current members of the committee met Wednesday to decide reason for the large discre¬ The i'ump House, located a block from Bailey School, has how to break the tic and the results will be announced in Friday's pancy in cost projections was already begun programs for pre schoolers as well as a crafts and a paper. because the original plan was conversation group. Among activities planned for the future are a Only 17 students have applied for all University positions on the upgraded and the architect story-teller, group singing and a Coronary Pulmonary Resuscita¬ six Academic Council standing committees. Roughly 60 people are failed to consider the changes. tion workshop sponsored by the Michigan Heart Association. needed. People with questions about running should call or stop by ltaflsD In its meeting two weeks A ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., with 0L.DB the Office of Academic Governance, 10 Linton Hall. ago. the Lansing City Council remarks from East Lansing Mayor George Griffiths and Jeremy Applications are available until 5 p.m. Friday. The positions are recommended that the Tri- Mattson of the Pump House center board of directors. open to all students. County Regional Planning Com Everyone is encouraged to walk or ride bikes to the open house. FRUIT AND CHEESE PLATE includes SI.00 J 2 kinds of fruit- 2 kinds of chccsc '/i loaf ronia bread Block 1 — MAC ] Eosr Lansing MEN! special spring sale 20% of: ■Hiere'ssomething going c Hudthat everyone can be ; ■MSI' women's sports ] re significant s gotten it from the adi ram of athletic grants-i Bhgotten it from Leanna I ^enthusiasm. and the wo a booster cluI tics at MSI'. J .which leaves the fan every sport shirt Bforthose attending Saturi on ^nistart. Proceeds from tf is athletics. in our stock — BIk money will be well sp er ami her colleagu % bumper stickers at I for 3 days only group's fund raising I May 19.20.21 %r / ' _ you should run into Bor tun away without buy HFand raisers are too often ms. Besides donations, fn's athletics, at MSU a Every short sleeved sport shirt _ day's banquet was nice Pritjht. Joanna Davenpo Every long sleeved sport shirt Pa concerted effort to ere: Every Rugby shirt Every knit sport shirt Every sport shirt Solids, plaids, prints, every sport shirt in stock. Your big chance to save a big 20% for spring with this special sale. Now comes Miller time. BANK AMERICARD AND MASTER CHARGE WELCOME • FREE GIF1 WRAPPING • LAY AWAY STORE HOURS MON THRU SAT. 10 a m to 9 p m.; SUN 12 noon to 6 P rn IN FRONT OF MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES ON WEST GRAND RIVER OR SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA Mill.. B,.«ing Co . M.ta.uk", Wit. PRICES GOOD THURSDAY MAY 19 THRU SATURDAY MAY 21, '977 _ By GEOFFETNYRE State Newi Sports Writer tithe »»run Spartan trackmen surprise the rest of the Big Ten by at the conference track and field championships at ■Z Friday and Saturday, you can bet their coach knows Spartans peaking for conference meet, ail-American Herb last year and double. ran Lindsay. Lindsay added the 1,500-meter crown second in the 5,000 to his accomplishments meters for a grueling 'tore peaking right now," Jim Bibbs, acting head coach, "We're starting to understand what the coaches The senior from Reed City is the other and has a total of three captain of the team *-We're right where we want to be. to tell us." were trying Two other Spartans Big Ten titles indoors and outdoors. . not saying we are going to win," Bibbs continued. "But I One freshman who is peaking right on schedule is sprinter coming off top performances are Paul Schneider and Tim Klein. it figured that we could take 100 points. And if we do that Ricky Flowers. Flowers won the 220 Saturday over Randy ■ion and Illinois might have some worrying to do." Smith in 21.3 seconds and finished second to Smith in the Schneider is approaching his indoor form when he threw 56 n, reason for the team's optimism stems from a dual meet feet 2Vz inches to set a 100-yard dash with a personal best of 9.5. varsity record. Saturday against ?.'i Eastern last Saturday. The Spartans registered The sprinter from Saginaw High School has Eastern he heaved the shot 55 feet 6 inches, just missing the given Bibbs till bests almost across the board to upset a favored hopes of slamming the 100- and 200 meters at the outdoor record of 55 feet 8 inches held by Marv Roberts. Big Ten. quad. "If we can get first and second, or even first and third, I'll be Klein was runner-up the last two years in the 400-meter •Indoors Eastern was one of the toughest teams in the ecstatic," Bibbs said. intermediate hurdles, but appears ready to break that string. ■lest" Charles Byrd, senior captain, said. A possible reason Tor Bibbs' qualification is defending 100- Klein blazed a 50.8 second race him for the nationals. against Eastern which qualified V roaches kept telling us that Eastern would peak earlier and 200-meter champion Lawrance Johnson of Wisconsin. Senior Howard Neely also would, but we just didn't listen," he said. "I went into Johnson won the Big Ten indoor 300-yard dash this popped off a personal best in the year, but did not qualify for the 60-yard final, which Smith won. intermediate hurdles Saturday with a time of 51.4. „«! thinking we were going to get beat, Neely placed Flowers did sixth and fifth in the lul after the results on Saturday I'd have to say we can be not run either, since he was coming off injuries Big Ten meet. and was kept in the The Spartans finished seventh last i in the money at the Big Ten. Jim Bibbs longer distances. year with 12 points and The Spartans have one last won in 1972, a team which featured Herb defending champion going into the Ricky Flowers Washington and Marshall Dill. U-M is the defending champion. BREAKS RBI RECORD eston salvages oubleheader split liVHKKMTAKER nightcap Wednesday to power The senior -•News Sports Writer the Spartans past Oakland, 6-2. slugger broke Shaun Howitt's five-year-old RBI Al Weston so goes after dropping the opener. 51, mark by upping his total to 47 JSC baseball squad. At in the twinbill at Kobs Field. and came to within one homer : tkal has been the case Weston did it in a big way, of Howitt's 22 lithe se; too, by breaking the roundtrippers by season lifting his seventh blast of the arpr.se ,hen the left run batted-in record with a year over the fence in left. exploded in the two run triple and a solo homer. The homer, his 21st as a Spartan, ties him for second with Rob Ellis and Ron Pruitt. Weston banged out three JOHN SINGLER singles in the first-game loss as the Spartans were able to score only one run in the contest. The lone tally came when Pioneer Where are pitcher Dave Jones dropped a throw at the plate after tagging Ken Robinson in the sixth. MSU jumped on Oakland the people? southpaw Gregg Iffinger early in the second game with four third-inning runs. Tony Spada led off with a double down the line at third Ikre'ssomething going on here at the big school, something and after a single that everyone can be a part of. by Robinson, MSI' women's sports program is at the summit of its drive scampered home on Cliff re significant share of the Northey's single. University's attention. Weston cleared the bases Itsgotten it from the administration, i.e. the initiation of a with his triple off the fence in . of athletic grants-in-aid for women athletes, hstotten it front l.eanna Bordner, a woman of infinite enthusiasm, and the women's varsity club. energy center before scoring Jerry Weller's sacrifice fly. The Spartans added single easily on Netters try to improve Big Ten position Nreisnow a booster club solely for the runs in the fourth and fifth support of women's on at MSI'. By TOM SHANAHAN Spada's RBI single to score Ty Drobac plans on his line up of which leaves the fan or State News Sports Writer Drobac tagged Michigan the "The whole season comes potential fan. Willingham, who had walked, senior Tom Gudelsky at No. 1 feel infident and tell them favorite a team that has won jorthose attending Saturday's alumni football game, that's a and the homer by Weston. MSU's tennis team started singles (6-8) and junior Kevin - down to the draw and the what to expect." he said. 'nan. Proceeds from the sale of tickets will be channeled the last nine Big Ten titles and is "They playing its best tennis of the McNulty at No. 2 singles (9-4). opening round Thursday." Dro¬ have to feel confident and i s athletics. Spartan coach Danny Lit- year when it blasted Indiana off The pair will also currently coming off a five- bac said. The draw was made believe that there isn't whiler stuck by his game plan play No. 1 match road trip to Texas. anybody IWmoney will be well spent. the court. 7-2, two weeks ago doubles together (9-5). late Wednesday night and play they can't beat." Btrdner and her colleagues from the to use six pitchers in the twin- after having just been varsity club will be upset by Juniors Tighe Keating (11-3) "Michigan is the favorite, but began at 8 a.m. today. The 68th Big Ten tennis bill. Mark Sutherland picked up '^bumper stickers at the ballgame Saturday. This is one Western Michigan. and John Boukamp (6 8) will you can't count out Ohio State, Drobac said the season has championships conclude Satur- 4t group's fund his first win with four innings of Wisconsin. Indiana and Michi¬ been a preparation for the raising forays for the benefit of women's But coach Stan Drobac would play No. 2 doubles (7 2). while dav. relief work after starter Rob gan State." he said. "I'm pleased conference championship. As an prefer that the real turning playing No. 3 and No. 4 singles, NET ACTION: The n Campion went out at the end of point of the year be one that he respectively. with the improvement the guys experienced coach of an in ten: s tea i is also in i this -101 should run into Bordner, or vice-versa, odds are you the first frame. Brian Wolcott Freshman Steve Carter (6-4) have made now they have to experienced team that only has :>kend at Columbus. Ohio for without buying a bumper sticker, can look back on after this — worked the final two innings. prove it on the courts." two veterans, Drobac said he lad raisers are too often weekend's Big Ten tourney that at No. 5 singles and junior Dee the Regional tournament that passed off as just so much public has to make sure the size of the will qualify the winners for the Besides donations, one factor critical to the growth of Sherm Johnson started the begins today in Ann Arbor. McCaffrey at No. 6 singles will Though the Spartan netters first game but was forced to make up the No. 3 doubles unit only finished with a 7-7 dual tourney doesn't awe the four national tourney. MSU is send s athletics, at MSU and elsewhere, is the fund raiser, "Western Michigan beat us (4 0). record, and only 3-6 in the Big players who have never been to ing Cindy Bogdonas and Diane today's hanquet was nice, but something still hasn't settled exit in the middle of the second and I was disappointed." Pro it before. "Our whole season is geared Ten, Drobac points to the fact Selke in doubles and Jodi Ross bght. Joanna Davenport, featured speaker, said, "It will inning when the patella tendon bac said. "I didn't have to say for these last three that MSU in "My job is to make the guys in singles. iconcerted effort to create programs comparable with the in his right leg popped out of much to the team and they came days," was the same Drobac said. "If you get position last place, causing a slight knee by the year. back and beat Indiana. For the first round and win three or four MSU was 2-7 going into the sprain. first time they played with 'riiical word is model, not mirror matches you'll be a Big Ten Big Ten tourney, but the net image. Johnson had been slated to confidence and aggressiveness, champion," said the still en ters pulled some «gas it's kept in the proper scale, the powers that be in hurl one of the games this upsets in the but I want the turning point of thusiastic coach of 20 seasons at sathletics can, and should, build their early rounds and gathered programs around weekend against Michigan with the season to be this weekend." MSU. enough points to finish fourth. Hf experiences the men have lived through in their Todd Hubert in the season finale. st he careful. It's OK . to go ahead and build a scale "There's no way I'm going to automobile or a ship, but if you were to construct a "identical proportion to the real thing, it would have a miss that," assured Johnson, who will ice his knee the next Women take off for LA ; »sitting on the bookshelf. ■Uidtote" how these three days. "When 1 came down The IM All Nighter gets w things will work at other schools, but on it in my follow-through I felt started at 2 p.m. Friday with women's program has taken off and reached the * it ran no something pop but the doc says corec one-pitch and slow pitch to K compete in nationals longer grow without spreading itself too I'll be back by Saturday." softball. The canoe races begin ing and badminton will be at 4:30 p.m. at the Red Cedar taking place in gym I at 11:30 Larry Pashnick followed p.m.. while mixed racquetball 'mreexposure?"1 ^as 10start re'nforcing what it now has. More and fan interest should Johnson to the mound and More events get started at 7 will be the final event to get be channeled into yielded the first two Pioneer when play begins for euchre, under way at midnight. There By GEOFF ETNYRE ,sno*exist- These areas can only be strengthened, runs in the fifth after two were State News Sports Writer ly Iroi what training. she ned the West Co tyle of pinochle, checkers and back •Pporl itliih j °S now 'lavc scholarships, a booster club, a out. Head women's track coach Cheryl gammon in 203. 215 and 219 s all Bridges said "They reallv waste their athletes out there," night in the jind . some °f the finest facilities in the land. Oakland's Henry Washington that planning a strategy for the AIAW (Associa¬ Men's IM Bldg. In gym III is tL,rai1Sl^ can bc fffcetive in that it not only breeds dribbled a grounder down the tion of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women) is Bridges aid. "They're overworked, overtrained indoor soccer, while gym II has i,l|Talso harvests it. first base line but Pashnick not the easiest thing in the world. and overused. They have no longevity." three on three basketball. Bad di tT "'startinK Pomt- Women's sports no longer have missed him coming down the While her team looks forward to the Los Bridges, who trained in California, said that dleball play will also get under inJ'f0winKPains "ay 'hey suffered through in the past, line with a lunging tag and then Angeles sunshine the weather is good all the time and the runners beyond that. today on the UCLA campus, never really get a chance to lake breaks. had his throw to first hit the she is still somewhat in the dark. There's freelhrow competi¬ .l,7°hn,jways to get people to attend the games. Only runner for a two base error "Since the AIAW doesn't place any restric "Everybody is always gunning for everybody tion in gym II at 7:30 p.m., else." Bridges said. "There is no let up. -Saise an8 ■' e ,Pe°P'e ""t 'o the playing fields and which allowed the first run to lions on switching schools, you never know who's while gym I has volleyball at 8 women's sports "I like the naive stance where you are friends The MSU *"} develop the clientele necessary cross the plate. going to show up where," Bridges said. p.m. The Green Splash will put r support the programs. ) the othet A single and an error by "I don't know what other coaches are on an exhibition of synchro rugby club tean going to As Bridges was making last minute pre action this eekend. I nized mdu , -.-de admission for women's athletic events at R ibinson in center caused the do with their runners until I get there. Then I can parations for her team's flight to LA Tuesday, swimming at the indoor the n liii I' Pre 5 a reason for it, the best guess is that people another second run to score and saddled decide the best event for mine." she commented on the future of women's track pool at 8 p.m.. also. At the same Battle Ci excuse for not showing up. Pashnick with his seventh loss Half miler Sue Latter is a good case in time there will be a dance •ports fans |jkc point. and field in the United States. Sunday the tQ fol|ow a wjnner and „„ thc of the season in 10 decisions, to Latter won the Big Ten half mile this year and "The problem I see is that the club runner can workshop in the turf arena and lcvel. a successful program in any given year also the 440 yard dash. Whether she will run the a women's squads play Kalanuii tie Dick Kenney's dubious 1967 survive out (here but she can't in the Midwest." racquet ball tourna¬ games that will start : - ' i„»,:^°nt!rlued success for some years ahead, a tuatini'g thing. record for most setbacks in a 440 in the nationals could depend on her Bridges said. "Here she spends most of her time ment at the men's IM courts. At the indoor pool at 9 p.m. p.m. on the rugby field year. competition. Bridges said. And if she does enter the Veterinary clinic. the 440, there could be conflicts with the will be open innertube water relays '»d7rn'jleams this yar have lost only 20 of 154 dual BUNTS AND BOOTS she r "That's why our Olympics are suffering. It's those club runners who we are going to have to polo. There is a Frisbee demon Midwest"0 resPccled in 'he state, Big Ten and the Left-handed hitters Mike "We don't really have a good communication survive off of. st rat ion in the turf arena at the The MSU crew club will meet University of Chicago Sun¬ Moore and Kirk Haynes made service available so we don't know how the West 9:30 p.m. "We just don't realize what is important." "'ativi,kT nioneF' improved coaching, thorough their varsity debuts in the first Coast schools are doing." Bridges said. "The day at 1 p.m. at the Grand o... ai'kmg.. now By now Bridges is on the UCLA campus and Men's racquetball and River I'ark in Lansing. The , they need someone to fill the game in a move by Litwhiler to California schools know- what the California probably still planning the strategy that she women's paddleball begin at following weekend the team get some lefty hitters ready for schools are doing and they don't really care about the respective courts at 10 hopes will make a name for her 15 runners in the p.m. will finish its season in Grand Michigan. Moore drew a pair of the rest of the world." AIAW nationals. The three day competition ends There will also be more walks as the designated hitter. dancing Rapids at the Michigan State Bridges' philosophical approach differs radical Saturday. in gym III. Championship Regatta. 0 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursday. May „ ^ PETER J. VACCARO Growing accustomed to Shaw's pen choose box-office standards, Head proves the only theater in brilliant comedienne, with the Community, professional and ings ai v alwav tody, and nearly always plays with the area that, it would appear, great beauty, grace, charm and university theaters in the East with the frequent occurrence of Neil Simon and of American obvious appeal to young stu¬ considers Shaw a playwright strength of personality to raise Lansing area have acquired dent audiences. worth performing with fre her high above the rank of certain distinct reputations "melodrama." The single theater whose quency. "duchess." Her Eliza is evenly based on the regular patterns Performing Arts Company seasons are conspicuously dif¬ matched by Richard Thomsen's of their season offerings. The seasons are usually marked by This "Pygmalion" is, as have ferent from others in the region Higgins, strong nearly in spite Okemos Barn Theatre tries for "safe" selections, popular fa¬ been the other BoarsHead stag a mixed season of generic types is the BoarsHead Theater. Its of his pensive brooding. vorites that attract audiences ings of Shaw, adequate in every current mounting of George The supporting company is — musicals, comedies, "straight bv the simple familiarity of a respect, and at moments ex Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion" as well strong. Though Carmen dramas" — usually American title. More esoteric offerings quisite. Phil Heald's direction follows the BoarsHead's suc¬ Decker and Robert Miller are and with Arthur Miller a par are usually reserved for the regards the play as a strong cesses with two other Shaw curiously cast as Mrs. Higgins ticular favorite. University's Arena Theatre. and powerful battle of the plays in recent seasons: "Mrs. and Alfred Doolittle. both offer The Lansing Civic Players sexes, and his Eliza Doolittle Such "campus" theater Warren's Profession" and "Mis¬ thoroughly convincing and in¬ keep rather exclusively to and Henry Higgins are abso groups as The Company and alliance." With the exception of triguing. if unorthodox, inter¬ John Peakes is Col. Pickering and Kristie Thatcher is the irascible I "family fare," again primarily lutely worthy opponents. American and with a clearly the Players Gallery, while the Performing Arts Com¬ pretation of characters. Nancie Doolittle in the BoarsHead's "Pygmalion." sporadically attempting "diffi pany's recent production of Kristie Thatcher, as Eliza Hammer deserves a special nod defined intention of "not of cult" dramas, most frequently "Major Barbara." the Boars- Doolittle, is radiant. She is a for her endearing yet forceful fending anyone." Their offer Mrs. Pearce. John Peakes is a If this year's season at the ings like the current "Pyg- Players continue to re complete delight as a lovable BoarsHead has been a success, malion." Strong drama is popu- of that. "Pygmalion" - and honorable Col. Pickering. it is precisely because of mount¬ lar theater. The BoarsHead tinue its run through Sun Players to produce 'Glass Menagerie' Elvis' mansion up for collateral "The Glass ' Menagerie," Hall kiva. Walter Kozicki in the role of breakable characters of "The MEMPHIS. Tenn. (AP) - is up to date on divorce and child PUCK & PEDAL Tennessee Williams' first pro¬ Under the direction of David Jim and Diana Royce in the role Glass Menagerie" make it one Elvis Presley is using his support payments, but under duced work, will be presented Kropp. the cast includes Roger of Amanda. of Williams' most resilient Graceland mansion as partial law in California, where the this weekend by the Players Haley in the role of Tom. Lisa works. COMPLETE REPAIR collateral for a $2 million divorce decree was filed, he is required Gallery at 8:15 p.m. in Wonders Hodge in the role of Laura, The spun-silver prose and settlement reached in 1972 with to cover the outstanding bal¬ SERVICE FOR ALL MODELS Tickets are $1.50 for stu¬ I his former wife, Priscilla. ance of the settlement. dents, faculty and the public Presley's father, Vernon, said 5616 W. SAGINAW and are available at the Union Graceland was selected by the MSU State Singers, Chorale Ticket Office or at the door. A special matinee will be perform¬ ed at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, with singer as collateral because it is the one piece of property that (—^D (In Front of laming Mall) 321-3845 Presley has no intentions of Wonders Hall residents admit¬ selling. sing Verdi 'Requiem' piece ted for $1. The elder Presley said his son FUJI The premiere of a new work Lovely Rose" by Einar N'isula of The concert s scheduled for and a section from an upcoming the MSU Humanities Depart¬ 8:15 University Verdi "Requiem" production ment. Four motets by Bach and Lutheran Church, 1020 S. Har- will be the features of a free Palestrina, and two content concert of the MSU State porary composers, will com¬ Singers and the 31-member plete the Chorale's repertoire. Benjamin' Britten's "Hymn to SUMMER WORK University Chorale. with your own lucrotive part- St. Cecilia" and an English MSU Robert Harris will direct both time business. You will make groups in the "Sanctus" from Renaissance work, "Ascendit about SI25 weekly to start. the "Requiem" which will be Deus" by Peter Philips, are if you More work more than 6 . presented in its entirety on additional features of the State hours per week Based < June 3 and 5 by the MSU Symphony Orchestra and Sym¬ phonic Choir. Singers' performance. Chicago business in contin profitable service since Absolutely guaranteed. No chondise to ArfaAbnfls The University Chorale will buy and sell. $10.00 feature the premiere of "Go Beginner s kit now ovailoble to Michigan State University stu¬ cFfidayr, cMayr 20 May 21& 22 from 9am to 6pm dents for only $3.00 and this ad. 9pm. until dawn Between the MSUnion ATTMfMN VmUMi Ex¬ Send to OHare Business Ser¬ ''Lansing Ityom, Olds Plaza Hotel cellent pay. insurance, and re¬ tirement benefit, available — ■IMDAS vices; OHare Dept. #4, Box 66552; International Airport; tickets $2; cash bar-, call 353-9795 and Human Ecology Bldgs. Michigan Air National Guard. UTTLIPRIIWAY ; 111.60666. Call 517-489-5169 after 6 P.M., SIRVICI STATION { Tuesday through Friday. Coll 1301 E.Grand River t SPACES STILL AVAILABLE Today I Next to Varsity Inn FOR RU60ED Sign-up going on now- Second floor Union Bldg., Union Activities Board between noon and 5 pm WILDERNESS CAMPING, Call 355-3355 for more information If your idea of camping includes back-packing, hiking, and climbing, we hove Kill ANNUM the equipment and experts to help you get the most out of roughing it! RAUPP - Campfitters 2208 E. Michigon Phono 484-9401 Mon.-Fri. 10-8 Saturday 9 • 5 M.S.I . I'SYCHOI.OCY DEPARTMENT PRESENTS EVALUATING SOCIAL PROGRAMS AND THEIR DISSEMINATION WEDNESDAY MAY 25 AND THURSDAY MAY 26 9:15 The Need for Social Program Evaluation 9:00 An Experiment in Treating Chronic Illness in the John Dempsey. Ph.D. a.m. Home Michigon Department of Social Services Joseph A. Papsidero, Ph.D. 10:45 Social Experiments and Social Change Michigan $tat* University EAST LANSING George W. Fairwoothor. Ph D 10:30 A Second Face of the New Michigon Stole University Jersey Negative Income Tax Experiment 1:30 Research P«tDf H. Rossi, Ph.D. Techniques: Randomized and p.m. Nonrandomized University of Massachusetts Designs 3:00 Robot, F. Boruch. Ph.D. Northwestern University An Overview of Selected Contemporary Program 1:00 p.m. Almost No Place to Go But Up: Evaluation of the Career Intern Program for Inner City Youth Lois-olllnDatta. Ph.D. National Institute of Education ART FESTIVAL Friday 6 Saturday Evaluation Studies 2:30 The Kansas City Police Research Project, A Evelyn Perloff. Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh Critical View from the Inside 4:00 George 1. Kelling, Ph.D. Diffusion of Social Programs: The New Research MAY 20-21 Police Foundation, Washington, D.C. Frontier Howard R. Davis. Ph.D. National Institute of Mental Health 3:30 Disseminating an Innovative Mental Health Treatment Program M louis G. Tornatxky, Ph.D. Michigan State University Kellogg Center - Free- SPONSORED BY EAST LANSING FINE ARTS COMMITTEE Conlaet Dr* Jaek Wakeley, 355-9563 for detail* AND CENTRAL EAST LANSING BUSINESS ASSOCIATION )|i|hi^n male News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 19, 1977 9 The Late Show' sensitive By BYRON BAKER a effective cameo), appears one the passing years, the ulcerated study of aging State News Reviewer tarnished night — mortally wounded — at stomach, the gimpy leg. Yet the reputation of film by Lou Lombardo and Peter "The Late Show" was origi¬ his door. This final encounter literacy, Appleton, and Ken Wannberg The Warner Brothers picture nally intended as an affec¬ patient and determined will of The film is leads him into the lives of small- the investigator, the splendidly edited has contributed an atmospheric is at the Michigan Theatre. tionate comic reflection man's the traditional private upon change grifter Charlie Hatter spirit, is clearly, quietly intact. eye gen (Bill Macy, of CBS' "Maude") Ira Wells may be a re movie, and to recessive, an extent, it and his some time business ac¬ reclusive sort, but functions as such. But for the Carney most quaintance, nervously-hip Mar- makes his part, writer director go Sperling (Tomlin), presence strongly Robert Benton has molded who felt. his wants Ira to find her stolen film into a vehicle for the Margo Sperling is Tomlin's cat. first full blown film prodigious talents of stars Art portrayal. After unwillingly accepting Her delicate, Carney and Lily Tomlin. intelligent work in The result is not the job, Ira becomes involved Robert Altman's "Nashville" nearly as with strange underworld in displayed only much a detective movie a fraction of her send- up as a warm character study of trigues, chiefly founted in a possibilities as a film actress. dispute between affable, if mur¬ Her character Margo draws an aging quietly, semiretired much private dick's relationship with derous, fence-of-all-products more broadly on her a hyper, talkative habitue of Ron Birdwell (Eugene Roche) flamboyant, but on target the lower depths of and his wandering wife (Joanna nightclub performances. Shrill, Hollywood. Cassidy). spacy. acting-out, Margo's per¬ It's a kind of love story. The plot is sona seems the quintessence of Ailing former gumshoe Ira choppy and mur¬ ky, but "The Late Show" is not the LA scene Wells (Carney) is — yet with an living in very concerned with its proble¬ insecure, reluctant heart. stasis in Los a Angeles rooming matic narrative. The house. Plagued with a recur¬ picture is Benton has beautifully put ring ulcer, his memoirs lan¬ mostly about Ira and Margo. his cast through their and the paces — guishing in his typewriter, Ira extraordinary comic letting them go, giving them has retreated from the world. perception with which these their heads. Benton believes ij. Tomlin gives • sensitive portrayal of Margo At least, it feels like he has characters are acted by Carney that dialog defines character, Sperling in Robert Benton's character study, "The until one-time colleague Harry and Tomlin. and his dialog is brilliant. Crisp, UteShow." Regan (Howard Duff, in an Carney seems mated to his sparkling and clever, the lines role: one can feel the ravage of do much to restore the lately- obert Benton's 'The Late Show' und its way out of a By BYRON BAKER 'Late Show') had changed and daydream SuttNcw* Reviewer The script was a long time in each time I left that kind of character in the thought, 'Well, 1 started writing movies development, and there were that's the end of the genre,'" he it it seemed to me that backwash," he said. many setbacks: "The theme of said. While his partner went off to (Robert Altman's 1973 film) jj movies isn't like writ- Finally he finished the - France to direct a picture, 'The Long Goodbye' is Robert Benton, writer- very screenplay and his agent sent it Benton sat down and began to similar to this film, and I of "The Late Show," off to director Robert Altman, - work on his concept. "I think ill March conversation in 1 thought, 'Well, Altman's done who had begun producing other drew a lot from it,' and put the script away for my father — directors' films. Altman liked the major character of Ira two months." ■J screenplay is only a the script and suggested Lily m for the movie, and it itself, and then it was just a Eventually, he went back to Tomlin for the role of Margo. matter of sitting there and work on it. "Then 'Chinatown' Treallyany more than that, , Benton describes Altman as loot ever have to get trying to learn how to write by came out," he continued. "Well, "very, very supportive." "We t about writing," he myself after all the years of that's the definitive private eye only got into one fight," Benton collaboration." movie, I can't do anything else, said, "and that was toward the Benton reread Raymond so I put it away again," he Art Carney makes his "The Late Show," end of the editing process, Chandler and all of Dashiell added with a shrug. "Then presence felt as Ira Wells, a former detective-turned- had never written a (continued on page 10) recluse in "The Late Show." Hammett and a good deal of (Arthur Penn's film) 'Night lay on his own. Pre he had collaborated Ross MacDonald — the nfasters Moves' and then 'Farewell, My of the hard-boiled detective Lovely,' (were released and) David Newman on "Bon " Writer-director Rob¬ novel before starting to Tonight-Saturday "There Was a PINEAPPLE — ert Benton. write. "I would take down Man," "What's Up, and "Bad Company," Benton directed. He re- between 1880 and 1900 and left phrases; language has become very important to me, and I HOME '' screenwriting as "A De- him behind. wanted the language to always let you know how separate the Next Weeki Duke Tumatee & PIZZA? way to make a living." (escribes the evolution of "I thought, what would hap¬ two leads were." He said that BINDAS . the All St ☆ r Frogs Show"' as beginning in a pen if you took that principle important as it was for as " and applied it to a private UTTU PRUWAT I You hot. Try It with ham. Or fresh sausage. Or eye Margo to talk incessantly, it BIBVICI STATION Pitcher Special Every Day with double cheese. Or by itself. n during a meeting — and showed how this country was just as J Variety. And another film: "My mind important for Ira to 1301 E. Grand River good taste. 'to wander-as it often and Hollywood (the setting of speak minimally. Next to Varsity Inn « J ^ Until 8<00 - and I remembered one izza just J »! favorite pictures, a Sam ,sh Elm called "Ride The Country." The picture is I lawman in 1900 and FOOD* BOOZE* PIZZA how the West changed 224 Abbott J 34i-asaa Tonight Is ITALIAN DINNER BBB Stereo Buffs: NIGHT Any of our great Italian dinners and ' i ■9 J)ooLeys hi aside some of next liter of wine just hat the Incredible new Saturday to see and receiver series from umaha. They'll be unveiled at 10 a.m. by two factory representatives - sharp $4.00! exclusively Live folk music •I The Stereo Shoppe of East Lansing. nitely 9 til 1 aHMPrt" M I < 1 11 EVENT Don't keep your smmrjgr IINICHT WBS8 Wl Si I >-411MNI l( 4 I 111 I Graduation a Secret. smwM 44HI I K 14III 4U V announcements are ni i < IAI (i i sm DAKRYL now available at ROGERS, Head Football Coach Dr. JOE KEARNEY, Athletic Director EARL MORRALL, Alumni Football Coach foe MSU Bookstore MSU Officials and Friends, MSU Varsity and Alumni Players, ^stonier service desk. 1977 MSU Cheerleaders, Alumni Cheerleaders, Spartan Spirits, Spartan Brass, and many more. H43HLIGHTFD EV Order yours now!! A Special Auction with Proceeds to the RALPH YOUNG FUND Supply Limited *(2) Autographed Footballs *(2) MSU Season Football Tickets *(2) Tickets to U of M Game *(4) Football Jerseys KICK OFF THE 1977 FOOTBALL SEASON TONIGHT AND AT THE GAME SATURDAY. Door Open Tonight at 7:30P.M. Game Time Saturday: 2:00 P Thursday, May ^ QMiehigon Stole News, Eosl Lansing, Michigon 19, —— College hopefuls may lack financial inf< 5tud5 r!ZZT' By NANCY JO HALE State News Staff Writer Fewer school counselors one cause MSU's department of financial aid counselors with information. currently helps hi h 8 st" About 50 per cent of all high school graduates in Michigan feel they need further study and about 40 per cent of those who go to materials and personnel within Michigan that can help high schools "Every fall we have meetings with counselors to give ,l In response to frequent queries from confused parents and college apply for financial aid, according to a Michigan Department are also included in the proposal. update on financial aids," said Henry Dykema, director of fi students concerning college options and financial aids, the aids. of Education report. "We really need help, especially about financial aid," said Jane Michigan Department of Education has developed a proposal to Dykema said that financial aid is very complicated and «..! But those same students may lack information about where to channel such information in secondary schools. Treves, junior and senior division counselor at East Lansing high go and how to afford it, the report indicated. The proposal, if approved by the Michigan Board of Education, school. "The amount of forms and red tape is so overwhelming." to students, parents and counselors. " "Some schools are doing an adequate job and others are not,' will be presented to secondary schools on an optional basis. Treves, who along with one other counselor is responsible for "Anything that can be put in the hands of counsel..., said Ron Jursa, director of Student Financial Assistance Services "We don't want to foist it." Jursa said, "just present it as a serving the needs of 450 students, has been considering running students is a plus," he said. "10 with the Michigan Department of Education. Financial aid terminology is something that especially n».s possible means of help." workshops on financial aid for students and parents. Problems are especially apparent. Jursa said, in schools that The plan suggests inclusion of information about colleges and "With the increasing costs of college," she said, "it is important be taught, he said. ° had to eliminate counselors because of millage losses. "Some students who don't know what work studv is financial aid in already existing classes, mini-sessions, and field that people are made aware of options." «« Students also must become organized themselves in pursuing I'll work like hell studying.' " '' trips as possible ways schools can help students. Existing City job program Rightists victorious in Israeli election territories and give the Pales ferent views, but there is a passed by counci (continued from page 1) ccupation if withdrawal be In the West Bank. Arabs Under Israeli law. prM|( but stopped short of predicting nme a realistic prospect. received the news of Begins tinian people their rights." feeling that no one wants the Ephraim Katzir must with an immediate worsening of the triumph glumly. "Begin is a The diplomatic community situation in the Middle East to days, receive delegai, Middle East situation. But if Likud follows through man of war, not of peace," said here reacted with amazement deteriorate," the diplomat said. parties (or consultatio, By GEORGIA HANSHEW Some I.ikud officials said the on its election platform, it could Kerim Khalaf. mayor of the at Begin's victory. At MSU Mordechai Kreinin, what coalition is to be (« State News Stall Writer West Bank platform was not as mean increased Jewish settle West Bank town of Ramallah. professor of economics and a He must then "We are as surprised as app« MSU students could earn $3.50 an hour doing clerical, ment in the West Bank, in native Israeli, said he sees the tough as it seemed. Likud parties to form a i defiance of U.S. objections, and Khalaf. an outspoken Pales anyone," said a U.S. diplomat. drafting or "general landscaping" work for the City of East official Zalman Shoval said his tinian nationalist, urged the But he added that he felt no outcome of the election as un The premier designate refusal to discuss withdrawal Lansing this summer under a work-study program approved party would agree to a referen mood of crisis. desirable. "Likud takes a hawk has a maximum n( js on the other fronts for less than United States "to pressure Tuesday night by the East Lansing City Council. dum on whether the West Bank ish position in Middle East forge a ruling alliance. The proposed work-study agreement now awaits approval should remain under Israeli a full peace treaty. Begin to evacuate the occupied "Obviously Begin has dif- In other unofficial peace and will give back as el from the MSU Board of Trustees before the city can begin little land as possible." results announced Wed® hiring students for the full time, 12-week jobs. Kreinin said the Likud bloc ultraorthodox Jewish Administrative Asst. Michael Benedict said five city would probably give back the results in 'The Late Show' dans took five seats, the' department heads have indicated thus far that they are interested in hiring a total of 12 students. Successful daydream Sinai Desert for peace, party's position on but the the West as in 1973. The Shelli group, They are the engineering, planning and building depart Bank territory for peace is of leftists, managed ments, the district court and the city assessor. I continued from page 91 time - I think there is nothing trigued with the relationship "Superman" movie now filming questionable because a settle The Independent Li she cannot do. between Ira and Margo when in London. Benton has been Under the terms of the work-study agreement, MSU would when I still wanted to make a men! depends on the coalition plummeted from pay 80 per cent of the students' compensation and the city series of changes. Bob got "I always viewed the actor as Carney and Tomlin came on to developing a romantic comedy government the parly forms Civil Rights Mm furious, and he said, 'If you try the person who comes in and the project, "I stopped caring for Columbia, and Warners has would pay the remaining 20 per cent. and U.S. pressure. to I. ruins your lines," he said, about it being a private-eye been dickering with Altman The number of students hired will depend on how much to cut out the mistakes, you will stressing that he had learned and Benton for a "Late Show" federal work study money MSU can spend on the program, cut out the heart of the picture. Benedict said. Your mistakes are as vital a that "the people connected with Next for Robert Benton is sequel "The Late, Late Show" the film have the most creative "Stab," a modernday yarn for possible production some¬ the agreement, the city will — If the board of trustees signs part of the picture as the things MIUIDIAII WIST ACWSS fWM "THE BACKSTA6E input because they're the ones about a female Jack the-Ripper, time next year. begin making arrangements with MSU's work-study office. that work, and if you try to Students will apply for the city jobs through that office. eliminate them, what you will that get up in front of the which he's writing with David In past years, Benedict said, the city has only been able to really do is destroy the energy camera and make the ludicrous Newman for production this ACADEMY AWARD WINNER FOR BEST PICTURll hire about five students, all in the engineering department, to this picture has.' " Benton believable." fall. The two have also worked do mowing and weeding in the city parks, spreading tar and filling in chuckholes in the streets. In addition to these kinds of jobs, some students would do clerical work in the district court and building department, and conceded freely that was right, adding that with free rein he would have Altman probably Benton characterized his job of directing the two as "keeping out of the way. He admits to the unwieldi- on the script for the $25-million ■■NBAS { Sylvester Stallone llPOl ROCI Tigfc SIS 1:45 Twilight 5:456:15 i '150 just finished cutting the film: " LITTLE raiBWAY drafting technician work with the planning department. "It would be a wonderful 20- ness of the film's plot, calling it { Students in this program would "get a good paying summer minute short subject." "incomprehensible." 'The MBVICI STATION 1901 E. Crond River J * I Woody Guthrie's Music job," Benedict said. "They would be close to school and wouldn't The director spoke with Late Show' started out as a have to relocate. great feeling about his cast. He private-eye movie, and it be¬ Next to Vanity Inn m and Life. \Mr 'Plus, the job may come in handy in whatever they're going described Art Carney as "the came a love story. I didn't want into, especially if they're intrested in government." A summer job as a rubbish-packer gave him a worthwhile experience, he said, even though he is now in an administrative American Ralph Richardson" and referred to Tomlin as "the great American actress of this the plot to get in the way of the movie," he said. Benton con¬ fessed that he became so in- RHARHftRHftRHfl I DAVID CARRADINE "SOI position. "I know what it is like to work out there and be involved in that kind of activity," he said. PRESENTS Times: 545 830 TwiNeht 5:15^5:45 ■ =150 Benedict added that the board of trustees will probably make HURRY! ENDS SOOH! | its decision on the program within "three weeks to a month." w Thou shalt not flunk. Stereo Buffs: I Islands in the Stream SILVER STRE Set aside some of next Saturday to see and hear the incredible new receiver series from TODAY OPEN 7 P.M. Times: 6:00 9:00 Times: G OG 815 Yamaha. They'll be unveiled at 10 a.m. sharp Feature Twlli|ht 5:306:00 i '1,50 Twilithl: 5.3MJ0 'I by two factory representatives - exclusively 7:30 - 9:30 at The Stereo Shoppe of East Lansing. "A superbly funny movie. Watching it, you know you're alive and enjoying yourself." -ftfw'ft mitt. S........ U.g.im. WOODY 0 DIANE & ALLEN KEATON the tall blond man with "ANNIE HALL' jpgj A nervous romance. Unitedfttiists * Thurs. Brody 7:30 '1.25 ; { Wilson 9:30 one black shoe LAST DAY... "THE FARMER" 'I' «r: The folks at the Olympic Gym ♦ would like to invite you over * Starts FRIDAY! JAMES 0 for a little workout, e coming Fri., Sat., & Sun OPEN At 7:00 P.M. 'MAXIMILIANS! FEATURE 7:20-9:20 P.M. JAMES r ,,-smy! Hungry i A SAM PECKINPAH FILM Lasflycooti IPG'S" A Romance Technicolor' rireiru r i ito starring Robert De Niro :Rj»1S" * ENDS CUMI iastwooo is omn haw United Artists! | THURSDAY! THE ENFORCER lien, sen - S ir Tadithl 5386:001 '1.50 Thurs. Conrad 7:30 S 9:30 '1.50 I NOMINATED FOR 3 ACADEMY WHERE "WESTWORLD" STOPPED AWARDS! FUTUREWORLD BEGINS! TONIGHT AT MO P.M. OMLV! 3ll Times: 545 ■ 500 Twilithl 5155T51 '151 _ ENTRY FEE: IN 1946 THIS MAN 101 FM MOVIE presents. KILLED FIVE PEOPLE "BUTCH CASSIDY and OH COWARD!' H.200 ...TODAY HE STILL THE SUHDAHCE KID" PER DAY LURKS THE STREETS OF Admission '1.01 TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS. EXIT FEE: A MUSICAL COMEDY REVUE YOUR LIFE! Starts FRIDAY! Bduuttsm suHOOi" BY NOEL COWARD And Now... Times: BA) IMU Twiliiht M04DQML50 rn., r»si., sun. Tickets: after four years of PETER FONDA • BLYTHE DANNER 8=30 PM MAY 20,21,22 *1.50 msu student '2.00 others and preparation . "FUTUREWORLD" McDonelKivs production Thurs. Wilson 7:30 Brody 9:30 *1.50 A DtV. OF ASMSL7PB gy lcllini\ MrDon.l Ki„ UManova j Students, Faculty & Staff Welcome. ID s required. J 5,aie News, East lonsing, Michigan Michigan Thursday, May 19. 1977 ZiSTARLtTE lf( study says laetrile ineffective the push off the bill." Rinsed from p«ge D Place said INDA) and submitting proof of ' Jruk «"ld bl' detal"ed Wednesday even if Laetrile's safety and use of Laetrile last week and Jay I. Goodman, MSIJ assoc¬ 3 of entry by cus- Welborn's bill passes, Laetrile efficacy to Gov. Dolph Briscoe said he iate professor of FDA, according to Place. pharmacology 'lib would notify the would not necessarily be pro¬ duced in Michigan in "We could would sign the measure within whose area of research exper¬ f ihe intended recipient, probably prove a few days. tise is cancer accor chemotherapy, f would then inform the dance with federal law. interstate shipment," she said, adding that a drug can only These legislative actions called the Welborn bill "an recipient the desig- Every Laetrile manufacturer — example of politics in the worse would be required to legally escape FDA regula¬ along with Welborn's bill — i (tidavit would have t0 register have sense. It's based purely on with the FDA and be tions if there is no importation prompted prominent hmittcd I" the CUSt°mS subject to of ingredients or physicians and scientists to emotion and goes so far as to border to get the drug periodic inspection by the gency. a from other states. precursors take public stands on Laetrile. ignore scientific fact." He also expressed the fear merit released. What would J? stressed that any rep^ of the patient could happen if an FDA inspector found a Mirhi "The apricot pits (ingredients for Laetrile production) have to Dr. F.J. the New Ingelfinger, editor of that patients might opt for Laetrile therapy in lieu of . ve England Journal of J^ilif affidavit and obtain gan drug manufacturer during Laetrile? pro come from somewhere else," she said, adding that Medicine, considered the na¬ tion's most respected medical conventional treatment. Dr. William G. Tucker, The Michigan an John A. Welborn, drug manufacturer probably does not produce journal, wrote in the May 19 oncologist (cancer specialist) would be in violation of issue that as a cancer formerly associated with the ^«on. who introduced a parts of the Food, Drug and those enough apricots for Laetrile patient National Cancer Institute and week to legalize the use production. himself, he "would not take bv licensed physi Cosmetic Act and its amend Laetrile under now director of the She said Laetrile could any circum¬ Michigan ments which would then Cancer Treatment Center, said 'Michigan, said Monday require be legally seized stances." DA action "takes some of filing a New Drug Application by the FDA he felt Laetrile should be put to and the manufacturer CONCERT 20 could "Two years of trial with double blind face prosecution in federal results evaluated by a widely efficacy studies with human subjects. court for violations of the representative lay-professional Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. group," he suggested, "will put "That would put the matter ■0fs fail to make if brought to trial and found guilty of violating the act, a maximum penalty of one Laetrile, more readily than any laws or persecutions, under to rest," he said, feared some subjects adding he might be MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED GRASS year some tombstone.. put to rest along with it. in jail and a $1,000 fine could be Featuring Michigan's Finest )eir quorum again imposed for each count of the indictment. Bluegrass Musicians Hopes of Laetrile proponents (totinued from page II ing violations of the Code of grew around the country this week as state Houses of Repre¬ MAY 20 8PM&10PM frill faculty members re- Teaching Responsibility and sentatives in Illinois, Wash¬ iuninformed and incapable proposed amendments to the ington and Delaware passed cingtheir side of the story. Bylaws For Academic Gover¬ bills aimed at All Tickets $2.00 I revisions were approved nance. Both measures were legalizing the use of the substance in those states. ludemie Council in May approved by Academic Council The Texas state legislature 355-4672 BBS! *8® j Michigon Stole News. Eost Loosing. Michigon Thursd°V. May 19 , Employment jj Classified Advertising FORD VAN 6 cylinder standard. TRIUMPH 1971 Spitfire. Great JUNK CARS wanted. We pay WANTED PART time employees SORORITY NEEDS house director Information 26.000 miles, older chassis, cus¬ condition, butterscotch color, new more if they run. Also buy used nights and weekends. 1997 Aure- for summer. Couple or single. female companion 10i tomized camper, clean. Best offer top, $1500. Phone 655-3803 after 6 cars and trucks. 489 3080 C 21 lius Road, Holt. 694 9823. 3 5 23 Nancy Mallory, 337 9706. (3) 4 5 23 ,aoeTnTdlai,Va,s^l lage in Traverse Crtv " over $1100. Must see Call 337 p.m. Z 3-5-23 (3) 5 31 (17) 332 4273. 8 5-27 I4| 347 Student Services Bldg 0209 Z 3-5 20 (4) TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1975. Con WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top MOTHER OF two needs summer MARKETING MANAGEMENT WANTED: GMC PICK UP 1976. 4 wheel vertible, loaded, brown. Excellent dollar. 489 4647. NORTHSIDE helper to live in. Must swim like trainee. LIFE OF VIRGINIA inter or female NEAT.,K,,0n with ,r J condition. $3295. 321-7080. 8-5-19 AUTO PARTS & SALVAGE. 0 21 dogs. Call collect 1 313 557 6693. drive, automatic, 350. power steer viewing June and August grad 'Vinnq skills Will RATES 5-31 (14) (Southfield). Z-4-5-24 (4) , nates from all clerk position 1 day • 90' per line ing. power brakes, tinted win¬ (3) colleges. Sign up at Eve'nmn 'I No. DAYS dows, air conditioning, cruise MASON BODY SHOP 812 East College Placement Office'starting terstate SYSTEM 3 days ■ 80' per line VEGA 1974 Hatchback. 4-speed. ARTIST NEEDED (Representa 4425: Linos l 3 6 8 control, dual charging system, Kalamazoo Street since 1940. May 19 for interview May 26. Up Rnad. Lansing. 322 rustproofed. excellent condition. tional). Experienced in charcoal 0750 13.50 16.80 6 days • 75« per line spoke wheels, sliding rear win to $1000 a month to start. 2 year Opportunity Employe, 3 2.70 7.20 $1400 374 9085 days and 393 Complete auto painting and col and Conte for STATE NEWS 45 J 4 3.6(7 ♦.60 18.00 22.40 dows. dual gas tanks $6500. 371 - hsion service. American and for¬ training program 8 5 25 (7) 8 days • 70' per line 1721 evenings. Z 3 5 19 14) Advertising Dept. starting summer 5 4.50 12.00 22.50 28.00 2821 8 5 20 (81 eign cars. 485 0256. C 21 5 31 120) photographer exper! term. Payment on "per-piece" SUMMER STUDENT likes plants ED, 10 6 5.40 14.40 27.00 33.60 Line rate per insertion GRAND TORINO Sport 1973 V 8. VEGA 1973 Hatchback. 45,000 ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace basis. MSU students only. Call and animals, will house sit. Con |0,n ll„. Saul, Archaeological Sle P Denise for appointment. 353-6400 Proier 7 6.30 16.10 31.50 39.20 miles. 4 speed, new tires, batter\ A your conventional ignition with a tact Boxholder Landon It 135. 126 Cor ci Lee MJ 30 mpg. 393 2753 8 5 25 (3) S 3 5 20 (7) Z 5 5 20 (31 t the Muse Piranha electronic ignition at CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 0n.1l inforn EconoLines ■ 3 lines ■ '4.00 • 5 days. 80' per line over VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE 1972 CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama HOUSE PARENTS part lime. MANAGER FOR house rentals. n 55 23i6i| GHIA Coupe 1968, Married couple to operate Shelter $100 week in ASSISTANT 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. KARMANN AM FM radio. Good condition. zoo Street, one mile west of Home. Must demonstrate ability charge of collecting counts PATIENTS! Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum mint clean. 1 old lady owner. $1100 353 6857 after 6 p.m campus. 487-5055. C 21-5-31 (28) rent only. 393 9775 between 8 5 Manager position a to work effectively with adoles¬ 8 5 27 (4) in a Sharp, guaranteed. $1450. 676- Z 8 5 27 (3) p.m. progressive 500 bed sale price of '50. 1490 8 5 20 (4) GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 cents. For further information call hospital. Candidate must Peanuts Personal ads - 3 lines • '2.25 ■ per insertion VW BEETLE 1975. inch. Priced from $4. Mounted 546 1500. 0 2 5 23 (6) FULL TIME car washer to clean up Injected, 25.000 MAZDA ROTORV free. PENNELL SALES. 1301 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). miles, new tires, excellent con East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482 HOUSEKEEPER 4 5 hours daily. cars and trucks. Good driving record. Preferred 21 years or older. psychology or related fieij Rummage/Garage Sale ads ■ 4 lines ■ '2.50. dition. Must sell. Desperate1 $2500 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. or best offer. 485-4777 anytime 5818 C 21-5-31 (17) Must have own transportation and like children. Would prefer wife of 489 1484. 5 5 24 (5) and be able to patients. staff dealeffect?- 5 5 20 (51 and the t 'Round Town ads ■ 4 lines ■ '2.50 • per insertion. wi graduate student. Apply Box A-1 WAITRESSES. EXPERIENCE pre knowledge of hospital 63' per line over 4 lines. MGB 1970. excellent body, wire VW 1969 Beetle, and VW 1971 Employment ff State News. 5 5-25 (6) ferred but not necessary. Bruce, procedures will be heipf, Lost 8 Founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines 11.50 • wheels good mechanical condi Karmann Ghia 655 2573; 332 VEE VAY VALLEY GOLF lent salary and fringe ben tion. $1500 882 9073. 3 5-19 »3» NORTHERN MICHIGAN Camp GRADUATING SENIORS make COURSE. 676 5366. negotiable include paid vacations per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. 1981 4 5 20 '31 seeks counselors 20 and over for your education pay off. Career 8 5 27 (3) insurances, holidays, sic MG MIDGET 1974 AM FM stere VW SUPER Beetle 1974. AM FM canoe tripping, sailing, swimming, opportunity with national com retirement and tuition re o. new t.res $2700 Call Lisa 394 radials, 11,500 miles, excellent canoeing, nature-ecology. PINE pany. $12,000 $ 15,000 first year WANTED STUDENTS interest ment. Send resume to- Deadlines 5226 8 5 27 I3> condition. $2250 351-0379. Z-6 5 RIVER CANOE CAMP. 332 3991. potential. Call for interview. 694 ed in Alander Assistant Perso umpiring softball in DeWitt Ads 2 p.m. • 1 class day before 8 5-23 (61 2904. 3-5-23 (6) city league. For particulars, call rector, E.W Sparrow • publication. 19 (3) 1215 East Michigan MG MIDGET 1975, 17.000 miles. Jeff Koslowski. 482 4252. 8-5-27 Cancellation Change • 1 p.m. • 1 class day before VW CAMPER 1969, with pop top. HOME HEALTH aid housekeep publication. New features, excellent condition. Monday-Friday, 8-12, prefer WORK IN exchange for flying 48909 Equal Opportunity Ei] Only $2700 349 5338. Z 6 5-26 13) Refrigerator, sink. Radials. rebuilt er lessons. Thursdays, 7:30 a.m. 2 er. 5 5 20 (24) 1 Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled woman. 349 4918 for information. or changed engine. 349 4525. 8-5-20 (31 p.m. Call FRANK'S FLYING SER BABYSITTER WEEKDAY even 5 5 19(31 MURRAY HOTEL until after 1st insertion. MONTE CARLO Landau 1976, VICE 676-4860 2-5 20 (3) ings. 2 month old. Own transpor¬ VW THING 1973 Excellent con tation. Close to MSU. 351 2269. Island. Michig needs There is a M.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50: per automatic full power, air, AM FM si . SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for cooks (fryer, grill stereo cassette, Ziebart Call 353 dition, convertible steel belted COOK'S PART time, neat and 5 5 23 13) o. additional change for maximum of 3 changes. radials, AM FM, many extras. MSU students. 15-20 hours week. Send immediately c 6860 after 2 p.m. 5-5 23 (4) Automobile required. 339-9500. responsible. Apply in person be The State News will only be responsible for the 1st sume. work $2100_ 355 7796 5-5-20_(3[ C X 21-5-31 tween 2-4 p.m. AMERICA'S CUP, APARTMENT CLEAN UP crews. experie day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must MUSTANG GHIA 1975 FM stere- VW 1970 van. Michigan cancer. (1_3)_ _ 200 MAC. 1 5 19 (4) June 10-June 20. Apply basement photo, to 3969 Pent,,., be mode within 10 days of expiration date. Excellent mechanical condition, AVON-EARN money for next of Americana Apartments. 1128 Arbor, Michigan 48105 13-fl semester's tuition. Be an Avon WAITRESSES, EXPERIENCED Victor Street 332 0111. GR-10-5 Bills are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not $850 or trade. 339-3218. 3-5-20 (3) POSITION OPEN for a only, daytime and part time nights. 31 (4) representative this summer. 482- paid by due date, a 50* late service charge will 6893 C 8 5 31 (3) Also bartender, nights, full time with 8 mentally retai be due. and part time. Applications at the CHILD CARE 8 5 weekdays all people teaching soaai an™ MUSTANG MACH I 1971 Good condition, 351 standard, snow [_ Motorcycles J[*oj SUMMER JOBS POLO BAR 622 West Grand River, year for 3 year old and infant. Housekeeping. Own transporta¬ skills. $2.30 hour Call 32fl 3 5 19 (5» " tires Best offer. 485-0845 after 5 Full time sales help. $800'month Okemos. 8-5 27 (6) HONDA 1976 400, only 500 miles. tion, references. Okemos. 355- o m. 8 5 23 (3) Automotive ~ Automotive <•# Must sell. $1150. Call 339-3236. guaranteed plus commission, can ALERT INTELLIGENT individual 9618 between 8 5 p.m. 349 9515 MODELS wanted, $8 hou| work into permanent positfon after after 6 p.m. and weekends. 8-5-20 will train. 489 2278 Z OPEL MANTA 1974, good gas 3 5 20 (3) needed to look after amusement graduation. Write the UNITED (61 center. Meridian Mall, must have BUICK LASABRE 1966, best of¬ CHEVY CUSTOM 10 short bed economy, new exhaust, brakes, EDUCATORS INC. 900 Long Blvd DELIVERY HELP wanted! fer. Needs tires, tune-up, muf¬ tough coated. $1800 882 9874 Suite mechanical ability, be over 21, and truck 1976. 6-cylinder. tinted wind HONDA 175 1974 45.000 actual #9, Lansing, Michigan BARMAID. WAITRESS and cook. have own car. Apply at ■ Z 8-5-20 (3) bondable. Part time, $3 hour. Call fler. Runs good. 337-1861. Z-3- shields, standard shift $3650 miles. Owned and maintained by a 48910. 8-5-31 (8) All part time positions. Apply CAESAR'S Thursday afte! 349 4836. 3-5-20 (9) 5-20 (3)_ 655-3778 3-5 19 (4> PINTO 1971, excellent condition, mechanic. $450 or best offer. DODGE HOUSE. Cedar and Sagi 35-1? 13) I 339 2680 1598 Pike. Hasten 6 5- HOUSEKEEPER BABYSITTER naw or phone 489 2086. 8 5 23 (4) CADILLAC 1975 Coupe de Ville. DATSUN 710, 1974. Great condi 46.000 miles $895 or best offer. 24 f4> for now and - summer. Tuesday CHILD CARE 7:30 8 30 a.m., 3:30 SUMMER WORK Want! 19,000 miles. One owner. Like tion. Rear defrost, bi-level air 355 995.3 after 5 p.m. Z-6 5 19 (3) thru Friday, noon-5:30 p.m. $2.10 6:30 p.m. East Lansing area. One tious gogetters for su""™* new. $6950. See at 3895 Tiffany Bailey school child. Full time FEMALE CASHIER for CREST which can develop in $2250. Call 349-1904. 4-5-24 (3) hour. Call 355-4456 (office) or HONDA 1972 500. great condition, work DRIVE-IN. Apply at 7:45-11 Lane. Holt. 694 3771. 8-5-26 (4) FIAT 128. 1973. Good < PINTO STATION wagon, auto summer possible. 351-6168 p.m. career opportunity. If hub tuned up, new pipes and rear tire. 332-5297 (home). 1-5-19 (4) 8 5-19 (3) nights 8-5-24 (41 call 394-2914. E O.E. Z 8 CAMARO 1974. Excellent condi¬ tion, 58,000 miles. $1000 oi best matic. 1973 Excellent condition, good miieage. rustproofed, snow $900 includes two helmets. 337- 5j offer. 694-2128 after 5:30 7640 3-5-19 (4) WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM inter¬ tion. Automatic, power steering, 5-5-20 (3) t.res $1195' 394 3367 4-5-19(51 brakes. 50,000 miles. 353-2532 viewing for summer jobs. State¬ wide openings. Tuesday May 24th 8-5-26 (41 FIREBIRD 1975. 6 cylinder. 3- PINTO WAGON 1973. Automa¬ This is a good time of year to - Wednesday, 25th. Student Ser¬ speed, spoiler, rustproofed. 20,000 tic, stereo, new tires, exhaust, advertise farm equipment for CAPRI 1971 2000cc, 4-speed, vices Room 13; 10 a.m., 11:30 miles. Randy, after 8:30 p.m. 332 brakes. 24 mpg. $575. 694-1894, sale...and the Classified cojpmns AM FM, sunroof, 26 mpg, good a.m., 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. sharp! Car 8-5-27 (3) condition, $950. 355-1020. Z-5-5- 19 (3) 40°8._Z-3-5-2(M3)_ FORD COUNTRY Wagon 1969 PLYMOUTH STATION Wagon will help you find a cash buyer. necessary. 5-5-25 (6) APPEARING FRIDAY, )UNE3if Great shape. $450. 337-1653, 8 4 1970. Excellent condition. 18-20 CAPRI EC 1973. Loaded. Must and 351-6396 after 5 p.m. Ask for mpg. $1500 Call 882-7152 even¬ sell. Call 393-4880 between 12-9. Marilyn. 2-5-19 (3) ings Z 3-5 19 (3) Must ask for Laurie, or call 371- ■ OVEI400 QUALITY SIXES 2679 after 9 p.m. Z-3-5-20 (4) GREMLIN X 1974 - automatic PONTIAC CATALINA 1968. Runs S^*41.i.,Aa IModM.t SIim VUVmw'ttfll M.lutot.dtc.) power steering, new tires good uood Best offer. Call anytime CAPRI 1973, V-6, 4 speed. Good condition, priced to sell, $1900 or 351 3518 Z 2 5 19 (3> ■UlilCHLOLUMBIA condition, good mileage. Must sell. $1650 best offer. 351-9037. best offer. 332 6265 Z-3-5-23 <4» PONTIAC CATALINA 1970. 4 THEY WENT To place your Peanuts I 1 Ho!obtcone ■ Puch Z-6-5-23 (3) FORD TORINO 1972 Automatic, do<" air AM radio, radials. one THAT-A-WAY...TO sonal Graduation Spi COLL1NGWOOD CAPRICE CLASSIC 1973. Loaded, power steering. Good condition. $700 best offer. 394 5959 3 5 19 owner $750 351 1003 4 5 20 (3) JOIN the gang at APTS!! Ad, just fill out the l| cruise control, must sacrifice. 13) SUPER BEETLE 1974. black, must below and mail or t $2195/best offer. 353-2201. Z-8-5- 19J3j_ FORD SUPERVAN 1966 New sell, cheap, good condition. Call Monday Friday 485 7423 after 5 Burcham Woods it with payment to J CHEVELLE 1967. $250. Fair condi¬ tires, brakes, shocks $599 or best P.m. 6 5 23 (3) * air conditioned State News Classf * tion, good brakes, tires, engine, offer. Must sell. 353-1825 4 5 20 dishwasher Dept. TORINO WAGON 1971. Good me¬ * reliable car. 337-1837 evening. chanical condition, air, AMFM * shag carpeting Z-4-5-24 (3) Heated pool * unlimited parking FORD 1970 Econoline window stereo $850 351 8293. Z-8 5 27 * Air conditioning * CHEVELLE LAGUNA 1973. Air, van. 6 cylinder, standard, new * Tennis courts plush furniture * excellent condition. Call 485-9643 tires. Good condition, 337 1450 model open daily 3 Lines •59 * 8-5-19 (3) TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL Ample parking before 3 p.m. After 3 p.m., 487- - * 1968 Opel Kadett. Stick shift, Nicely furnished 9727_8-5-25_(3,__ FORD GRAND Torino 1973, ex excellent transportation. 332-6640. Now leasing for CHEVELLE 1970. 396, 350 horse¬ cellent condition, AM FM stereo 8 5-20 (3) 1 bedroom units '150 power. Body excellent, engine 2 bedroom units Summer and Fall Each Additional line taoe. Call 627-4256. 5 5-23 (3) TRIUMPH GT6. 1972 burgundy- '180 great. $1200 or best offer. 353- 2201. Z-8-5-31 (3) rustproofed. Has had work, excel¬ _ _ FORD 1971 window van. Automa lent condition throughout. $2700. 745 Burcham Coll 351-8282 CHEVETTE 1976. Many extras, tic, radio, excellent tires. Some Call evenings, 337-0137. X-S-5-5- (behind Rollerworld must see to appreciate. 8057 after 5:30 p.m. 8-5-27 (3) 393- rust. $1250.351-0539. 8-5-19(3) 19 (41 351-3118 on the river!) CHEVROLET IMPALA 1968. 2- door hardtop, good condition. $395 393-3311 after 5:30 p.m. 8-5-31 (3) CHEVROLET 1973 Malibu. Load ed. sharp. 1 owner. $2195 or best DEADLINE: FRIDAY, JUNE 1st, 5 P.M. offer 321 0941 or 482-3432 4-5-19 13) INSTRUCTIONS CHEVY BISCAYNE 1965. 58.000 miles. Engine in excellent shape. 1. The first 2 words are capitalized. Good brakes, tires, interior. $325 2. Extra wards 355-9481. Z-3-5-20 (3) capitalized 25' each. BARGAIN HUNTERS' 3. Insert one letter or punction mark per box. 4. Leave a space between each word. FOR FAST RELIABLE DREAM FOR SUMMER service small on car your SPECIAL RATES {American or import) CALL TODAY No frills BUT lowest prices far summer in town for Large 2 bedroom Just across street from campus. Large furni¬ furnished units. shed 1 8 2 bedroom apts. Air, carpeted, balconies. °NlY s16000 per month. UNIVCRSITY Bring or Mall to: 1206 Oakland BEECHWOOD APARTMENTS TERRACE 3 Lines for ,2.0,, Each Additional Line 67' State News 347 Student Classified Dept. Services Bldg. Call (or Appt. 444 Michigan East Lansing, Ml 48823 IV4-4411 351-2798 332-5420 the smau car people (also leasing for fall) (also leasing forfait) PRSPAYMINT REQUIRE0 jjUfchigpn Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 19, 1977 13 IJbmlm ds^iiirils i crTI IRFRS. In- M.S.U. NEARNEAR, t1 h.Hrnnm bedroom f.a ed or unfurnished, air furnish¬ SUMMER SUBLET, two person LARGE TWO party furnished ef¬ cws-chb *■»» v '**•« v — ¥'— rass-®? conditioned. — apartment close to FEMALE NEEDED to share spa¬ TWO Available now or June. $170 campus, air. PERSON, 1 bedroom Excel¬ APARTMENT NEAR Union, 2 and 351-0996 after 10 p.m. Z-5-5-24 ficiency. Close to campus, air. Fall cious 1 bedroom apartment start¬ lent location, Milford FIVE BEDROOM modern house, up. Call 349-4067. 8-5 19 (4) 131 $184, summer $145. 351-1610. Apartments. bedrooms, 4 men, furnished, heat, ing fall. Furnished, close 337- Furnished, air. 351 7453. 3 5-19 (3) carpeted, 2 baths. Walking dis¬ 487-4461.0-21-5-31 (151 2336. Z 8 5-24 131 water, $90 per man, fall. 351- CAMPUS NEAR 227 APARTMENT TO sublet tance. Good BogueT bedroom furnished, available 1 Okemos. Furnished, air, pets OK. summer, ONE MALE for 3 SUMMER-1 bedroom furnished, 4644. Z-8-5-27 (3) 8-5-19 (3) parking. 372-1336. June man apartment. 124 CEDAR Street, 1 bedroom, 15, excellent location and con¬ Rent negotiable. 349-0726. air, 3 blocks from campus, rent 8-5-27 Furnished, air, pool, free rent for sublease summer. $182 plus utili¬ 348 OAKHILL - furnished. 1, 2, 3 dition. 393-7279. 0-8-5-20 negotiable. 351-6928. Z 3-5-23 (3) BEAT HIGH rents. 1-4 14) June. Twyckingham, 337-1087. ties. fall option. 351 3856. 5-5-23 bedrooms. Summer from $130. bedrooms, Z-2 5-20 (3) carpeted. June and September NEAR SPARROW 351-8055 after 5 p.m. 8-5-31 13) Hospital, un- leases. Near Frandor. 372-1336. furnished, efficiency and 1 bed Pine lake ApH. 8 5-19 (41 room apartments. Year lease re¬ SUMMER, one woman to sublet LANSING. EAST side. Tired of IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, new four woman apartment, close to ''time mowing, landscape quired From $130 plus deposit. living in a cubicle? There is an Some short term large 1 bedroom carpeted, cable, FIVE MAN house summer or fall _!,0lremos subdivision. 3 or 4 Phone 482-6968 after 5 pun. 7 5 19 campus, $63.75/month. Call 332- alternative. Rent a 3 or 4 bedroom leases available air. $175. 351-4417; 351-9091 X8 option. 4 houses from Mason- r Irk Flexible schedule pos¬ 151 2981 after 7 p.m. Z-6-5-26 (4) home. Call 484-2164. 8-5-26 (5) 5-19 13) Abbot. 332-5773. Z-6-5-19 (31 it^useful. $2.75/ SUMMER SUBLET, 1 SUMMER SUBLEASE, 3 man, CLOSE - MAC, Beech. Avail NEED FEMALES or 2 people or 2 for Cedar FEMALE NEEDED for furnished 3 able June 1. Two needed for 3 bedroom townhouse near MSU, furnished, air, $160. large rooms, Village. Fall-spring. Lynn, 351 bedroom house. Own room, no trANSCRIPTIONIST. EAST LANSING NORTH in Penny Lane. Pool, dishwasher, 337-0910. X 8 5-26 (3) kitchen, bathroom, $210, including 2140; Laurie, 355-1674. Z-6-5-24 pets. 351 4097 3-5-19 (3) POINTE Meridian Mall Area. P1 an immediate opening APARTMENTS. 1250 Haslett central air conditioning. Only $60 utilities. Z-5-5-24 (3) " loerienced medical trans- Road at 69. Furnished/unfur¬ per month. 393 5962 after 6pm SUMMER SUBLET. One woman FEMALE NEEDED to share Ameri¬ LAKE FRONT cottage, summer, to share two bedroom apartment. TWO FEMALES needed for 77-78 nisi This is * ,ul1 ,ime nished 1 and 2 bedroom apart¬ S-5-5-19 (5) cana Apartment summer and/or furnished, 3 bedrooms, utilities $105/month plus utilities. 353- 135 KEDZIE for the m addition to a competi- ments, newly redecorated, heat fall, winter, spring. Call 351-5399. discriminating school year, Twyckingham, bal¬ included in rent. 339 8347. 8-5-26 6480; 332-3876. Z-2-5-20 (3) married or graudate student. Spa ■ we pav bonus based on and water furnished, 3 to cony, furnished, close, call 351- me XfLiiv We offer paid vaca- month leases. Start at 12 $175/ diltaarms Z 6-5 20 (3) cious, furnished, one bedroom. 9274. XZ 6-5-19 (3) Heat, water, air, parking. Superior SUPER STUDENT house, 4 bed¬ Phoiidays, health insurances, month. Call John or Sue 332- is TWO GIRLS to share master |Le retirement program and 6354. OR-21 5 31 (371 now leasing for sum¬ bedroom in large apartment, own maintenance. Security locked, Marigold Apartments rooms, 2 bathrooms, available for fall. Contact Sally, 332-6971. X-8- Klmbutsement after 1 year. mer (with special rates) bath. 393-9447. Z-3-5-23 (3> quiet. Year leases only. June and Marigold and Harrison Konnel. 487-9180, E. W. SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 bedroom and fall. 513 HILLCREST Ideal For One Or September availability. 482 2937, 351 2402. 8 5 26 (7) (opposite Shaw Lone) 5-26 13) CmW HOSPITAL, 1215 East furnished duplex 1 block from - Town's largest Two Persons. Utilities 2-5 BEDROOM houses available Ave.. Lansing, 48910. units. 3 blocks MSU. Brightly campus. Rent negotiable. 351- Eopportuttity Employer. 55 4964. Z 5-520 13) 1 or 2 bedroom apart¬ furnished, air, dishwasher, every¬ idudnd (Except Phone SOUTHEAST LANSING, female MOW RENTING for fall. 1 available for summer, ments across from cam¬ thing. Quiet building, security Pool. Leasing For to share 2 bedroom own bath, East Lansing. Call 351-4107.8-5-31 if doors. Summer only, from $170. furnished. $100 plus 882 7971 for SUMMER CAMPUS 1 block. Fur¬ pus. summer only KisEERS IE me Fee paid. nished, efficiency. 1 and 4 bed¬ Manager needed. 351-4212; 655 after 5 p.m. 3-5 19 (31 1 bedroom apartments Tftck 351-5740 SNELLING room apartments No pets. 332- 1022. OR-8-5-31J6) OWN ROOM in house for sum¬ "elling personnel. 55 3746. 6 5-23 (31 235 Delta FEMALES FOR summer, Cedar GRADUATE STUDENT, female *145 month mer. Female only. One block from needed immediately to share a campus. $60'month plus utilities. Village Apartment. Approximately ROOMMATE NEEDED summer partment near Frandor, $95. Con for appointment call 351 6373. Z 5-6 1 13) DOWNTOWN OKEMOS ment, 2 apart bedrooms, living room, 332-5978 $43. Call Cherylinn, Carol 351- term. All utilities included except tact Bonnie 8 5 p.m., 355 2400 351-8764 337 7328 fur lent j^J dining room, finished basement with fireplace, sun porch, heat UNFURNISHED UPPER. Nice 3741. Z-3-5-23 (3) electricity. Phone. Close MSU. Call 337 1418. S 3-5-20 (41 3 5 19(4) EAST LANSING beautiful, spa 4 BEDROOM house. Mile from campus. Dishwasher, ping pong, iinivirtltt villa near baseball field. Negotiable. luiD stereo rentals. $25/term. furnished, $350/month. 349-1192 area. Utilities paid. $155/month. 129 BURCHAM Drive furnished cious 2 bedroom in duplex. Unfur¬ ONE FEMALE needed for 3 person 351-7610 Z 3 5-23 (31 ■f-onth * Call NEJAC 337- 8-519 151 Phone IV2 2577 Call Thursday. 5 Blocks To MSU efficiency apartments. Summer nished, new and very clean. apartment for summer. Great loca¬ tion, close to campus. 351-9316. C21531112) S-4-5;19 (3) 1 or 2 Bedroom From leases available. Call 8 a.m-5 p.m. $235'month 351-3164. 5-5-25 I4I Z EAST SIDE (Lansing) - unfurnish¬ CIDAR VILLAOl TWO 351 2402, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. 882-2316. 3_6-23 (3)_ ed, two bedrooms for summer. li'JlS PERSON apartment fur¬ _ - cox tent campers Leosing For Summer nished, air, near campus, call 0-9-5-31 (16) SUMMER ONLY 2. 3, bedroom THREE FEMALES needed $90. or fall $150. 676-1557. 10-6-1 ■ / sue cars. Daily, week (Only 150.) & Foil - sum¬ APART MINTS apartments. CAMPUS VIEW, mer term. Capitol Villa. $50 I wkly rates. Avoid dis- afternoon, evenings. 332-1659. Z- 8-6-20 131 124 CEDAR Street, East Lansing. across from Williams Hall. 332- month, pool, air. 351-3680. Call Lpent reserve now. W.A. Now 332-8173 2-men 1 bedroom furnished apart¬ 6246. B 1 5-19(3) evenings. Z-6-5-25 (3) E» COMPANY 1905 West leasing for 'summer ment available September 1. Heat MARRIED ENGINEERING student SUBLET looking for home to rent in East Phone 489 5080. 8-5-20 Summer bedroom. South Cedar 1-96 area, spacious 2 351-7910 and water included. $190/month. THIRD MAN to share 3 bedroom Lansing area. 332 8749 Z 2 5-20 Bogue street at Red Cedar River 394 5207 after 6 p.m. 6-5-23 131 GARDEN COTTAGES - Cute 1 Year lease only. Call 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 351 2402, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. 882-2316. townhouse. $95month includes utilities. Great location. Jim, 394- Houses £ (3) bedroom 0 9-5-31 (7) 4512. 1-5-19 (3) LANSING EAST side Tired of JUNE, 3-man, 2 bedroom, close. brightly-furnished bun¬ COUNTRY SETTING, two miles Call 3S1-S180 Abundant sunshine, rent negotia¬ galows on wide lawns. 4 blocks from living in a cubicle? There is an EFFICIENCY CLOSE to campus. campus. Large, new, 4 alternative. Rent a 3 or 4 bedroom ble 351-5256 Z 6 5-20 MSU. June and September ImlkinG distance. 1 bed- ONE FEMALE to sublet beautiful (3) leases. From $170 inclusive. 337- HASLITT $130'month year round, utilities bedroom, 2Vz baths. Ample park¬ home Call 484-2164. 8-5-26 (5) A furnished, utilities, air con- included. 353 8938, ask for Kim. ing. Grad students or seniors furnished spacious apartment for CAPITOL AVENUE, large 2 bed 7111, 5-9 p.m. OR-8-5-31 (5) m parking, summer $150, APARTMINTS $380 month 669-5513 after 5 p.m. WOMAN NEEDED summer. Rent negotiable. Call room, partly furnished and car¬ Also, after 6 p.m., 332-3708. to share house DO 374 6366 21-5-31 <3)_ 351 8326 Z-10-5-24 (41 peted downstairs apartment. $175 ALBERT ' > Block to MSU Z-5-5-25 (4) OR-8-5-J9 (5) summer, furnished, own bedroom, STREET APART¬ Extra plus utilities. 372-5983. 8-5-27 (4) Large 2-Br JUNE LARGE 6-8 man. Nicely garage, walking distance. $90 plus L WOMEN or 4 persons MENTS. Large 2 bedroom, air - IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, new Now Leosing For EAST LANSING - sharp, spacious furnished, 2 baths. Ample parking, utilities Linda, 351-9294. 5 5-23 14) Jvyeiy Across from cam- large 1 bedroom carpeted, cable APARTMENTS. 1 block from conditioned, furnished. 1 block Summer ft Fall 1 bedrooms across from campus, very close. Linden Street. Summer Kep 351-3456. Z-6-5-24 (31 air, $165. 351-8058; 351 9091. 8-5 campus. 2 bedroom, 2 person from campus. Summer. Call 355- furnished, CLAUCHERTY REAL¬ or year lease. 372-1801. 0-21-5-31 SUMMER SUBLET 3 bedroom 6118 after 5 p.m. OR-14-5-31 (4) 332-2129 19131 occupancy. Contemporary living TY 351-5300. 1-5-19 (4) 120) duplex, furnished, close to cam¬ JfflVOOD EAST Lansing at its best. SUBLEASE UNTIL end of August. pus and bus. ample I ; tedroom unfurnished. TWO FEMALES needed for sum Recently completed parking. building, furnished. 12 month 2 bedroom apartment near cam¬ TWO BLOCKS from campus, 5 $225 month plus utilities. 351 Am soon Carpeted, air, car- mer sublet. Ideal location Grove leases starting summer and fall ONE BEDROOM. Jolly Roa. Re 3219 4 5 21 '41 - pus. Available mid-June. 351- and 6 bedroom furnished homes 8(195 351 7633 or 669- Street. $68.50 month, call Pris, decorated huge for fall. Call Craig Gibson. 627- ■ US 141 337 0856. S-5 5-24 (31 terms. $260 per month. 6:30-7:30 p.m. 351-1177. 5-5-23 (8) 2550, ext 207. Ask for Ann. 8-5-19 yard^ $145 north of campu5 Balcony ai, 9773 and leave a message. Z-17- HOUSE FOR rent, groups: 2, 3, 4. ZZ 393"5*3',3,3 a " 5d abr4)beds ;25° 332 1 058 z 3 6-3 (4) 5. Duplex, Charles Street, close to campus. 321-5524 8-5-2513) THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★ Save Time ★Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you BAKERY SINGLES CLUBS IMPORT SHOP CHILDRENS SHOES ARTS & CRAFTS BARBERSHOP BIRTHDAY CAKIS tired of bars? KILIMANJARO IMPORT SHOP Baking is our Business I try nasa singles! * Batik long ft short sleeved ■ OVEI400 QUALITY BIKES * Hond decorated cakes shirts UNION BUILDING * All occasion cakes * OLD TOWN ARTS I CRAFTS * Yogo shirts ft pants Lovers Cookies, donuts, and other * Large copper ft brass scuddles BARBER lUlilGH'COLUMBIA * goodies * Genuine Dutch Java prints everywhere SHOP Cakes delivered to your dorm 1 tolobocone * Silk ft cotton screes • Puch Craft Classes Onl.«rlOipMdi0l or apartment (payment due * Egyptian jewelry ■re leaking (or Complete line of macrame ft RK Products when delivered) * Indian cards ft prints yenr bead supplies "Layer Cuts I (972 North wind Always accepting original ai Dr. KWABT B AKIRIIf 48S-2912 wedding eerviee work on consignment. •Latest Styling 1 IkHNit ol lolltrworld) Tues.-Frl. 11.5 p.m. Let Them Know •Women's Haircuts 484*1317 A NEW ALTERNATIVE 2415 N. Cedar, Holt 1111,484-0362 Mon.-Fri. 7:00-5:30 CALL 337-0843 Saturday 1-5 p.m. 235 N.Woshngton Square In the Yellow "Carolyn' Pegei J55-8255 694-3102 r.hfl O-to*. (Own., - A " " 8-5:30 Mon.-Fri. 355-3359 COUNSELING FOR SALE TRAVEL HEALTH FOOD I Where can PROBLEM RIFLES ZOOM IN ON 1 row get PREGNANCY r/ BUSINESS! 10% DISCOUNT to ail MSU 372-1560 24 Hours Itivertising MARITAL V"(tfCHS TOURS • CRUISES ADVERTISE students r'500/week? PROBLEMS? of 111 kinds. WEEKLY on purchases of $2 or mora, yogurts NEEDTOTALK? BEST COLLESE TRAVEL IN and breads excluded Yasr'round prices OFFICE Dannon Yogurt 31' CATHOLIC in Southern Mlchigtn. THE SOCIAL 130 W. Grand River I (til Carolyn 11 BUSINESS RANDALL HEALTH FOOD BOB'S GUI SHOP East Lansing i&8255 SERVICES 'Can Help' Call 372-4020 351-6010 DIRECTORY 355-8255 Brookliold Plaza 1381 E. Grand Rivar 332-6892 Co&imml AUTO SERVICE FURNITURE OPTOMETRIST JEWELRY MUSIC ■SPARTAN BUD'S acmi laoeiiM ce. CENTER Mattresses 4 Box Springs CO-OPTICAL Unique Wedding Rings mado horo in AUTO PARTS, Loosing SERVICES PARKERJEWELRY twin '49" pioya llflSt Lansing's Oely Joxz, Rock Polko t, Woltiai pm INC. double «59" Coofowtbe Optical) Ballads 8 lotin. 5. 6 of 7 N% pieces. Odd sites to order Profoitlonal appearance. -^DISCOUNT i "Nail LATE MODEL • EYES • EXAMINED Raedwr" • Quality Diamond Selection at Profanional tound. work MOTORS AND GLASSES r, !!. i; Reasonable Prices call ray kay for 1with|.d. PARTS A SPECIALITY Acme Bedding Co. • CONTACT LENS ~ YELLOW RASE* In Mw »Wedding Ring Sets • Bridal Gifts tare audiyion. Pennsylvania 'vi!L>332 405 Cherry t Kalamaioo Phone 487-4995 11311. Grand River IrecMeMMcia 133-8233 ► We're Engraving Specialists Days: 373-5200.373-3726 After 5 4 Weekends: Ask for Carolyn Hi • mo 484-2322 482-6513 TOBACCONIST STEREO REPAIR RESTAURANTS JEWELRY NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE CATERING SERVICE TOP HINCE *T THE THE COMPLETE STORE WITH THE RED DOORt WEDDING SERVICE mm ti:^ jrape vine M.S.U. 'Cigantuby: W« have In stock ■ JEWELRY: Orange Blossom Union _ Sbornu - DrrIUI] • Sobralne I Offers you three of life's pleasures - good Gold Fashion Catering Pipe Tobaccos by: An Carved "Catering Specialists 1778 - Three Star tad 20 Red Dow PROFESSIONAL AUDIO •//.' />V NS?> food, good spirits, snd good service. AU . GIFTS •Wedding Receptions Hossse blends REPAIR found in t warm country iresh atmosphere! Custom Picture Framing 'Breakfasts. Luncheons. ^ Pipee bySavintlli Dinners » Three full • time professionally Lunch Mon.-Sot. 11:30-2:30 '""V 132-4269 trained technicians •Bar Set-ups k., fcUrMsM Ikst desr.ll. Is es*«~ » r™ » Complete Test facilities yellow pages Dinner Mon.-Thurs. 5:00-10:00 •Take-out Service ► 3 month warranty on all work Frl. and Sat. Advertise Today i - 5:00-11:00 JCWCIWY and ' •Meeting Rooms and cm Loaner amplifiers available » AAT CENTER ■^PceLL't Call Carolyn Open Sunday The GrapA Vine Equipment Shop 555 K. (IRANI) KIVHK 2758 E.Grssd River Open Thursday 337-1314 Evenings 355 - 8255 319 E. Grand Rivar Ave. E. Luring, 337-1701 355-3465 ^^asUjansing^Hc^ Is Your Business Listed Here? - Call Carolyn 355-8255 J ^ Michigon Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Thursday, May „ |97? CmJE Hoists IE Rooms ]l> i Mobile Homes' 'U' student attacks 3 in Library; arrested, arraigned MSU NEAR. Houses and duplexes SUMMER ROOMS, doubles, sing¬ VAGABOND 10x47, built solid THREE FEMALES needed sum¬ for 1-10 people available summer les, 6 or 10 weeks. Across from with storms and screens. New tile mer term, own room in house near Snyder Hall. Call 337-0079. X Z 8 and carpet. Excellent condition. (continued from page 3) Done! Hall, said he was on the out when he campus. $84/month. 337-1408. Z- and/or fall. Call between 9-4 p.m pulled two scal¬ 5-24 141 641-4174 evenings. 5-5-24 (4) landing. phone on the second-floor land¬ 3-5-20 131 STE MAR MANAGEMENT. 351 pels. 5510 8 5-25(4) According to Pyant, one of ing during the incident. He said Han then went ROOMS FOR rent summer and MOVING, MUST sell mobile home HOUSE FOR four people, sum¬ her friends told Han to leave "I heard screaming and heard downstairs whfre one ROOMS FOR summer, fully fur¬ fall. Call EQUITY VEST, 484 12x60 with tip out. 2 bedroom, 1'/? person mer, fall option, great backyard. nished house. 1 block from cam¬ 9472. Pyant alone. Han stopped, someone yell 'Bitch.' He was tried to take the scalpels Rent negotiable. 332 0573. Z-5-5- 0-11-5-31^(31 baths in A-1 shape. Best offer. Pyant said and she ran to the hollering in Japanese or some¬ from him. MacKay said a DPS away pus, 351-4637, 135 Cedar Street. 393 7035. 8-5-26 14) 24(3) Z-6-5-24 131 SUMMER SUBLET for woman, librarian on the second floor. thing, but I heard him say officer, armed with own room, close to campus. Barb Papazian, a librarian, a shotgun, t0|d him to freeze DELUXE PARKWOOD 12x60 Ex 'Bitch,'" Rutkofske said. entered the north side of the i GRAD COUPLE seeks small house 337 2332 after 5 p.m. 4-5-20 (31 sud. Han or apartment for September 1, ONE ROOM in large house - pando. Furnished, large living said she then called DPS. Rutkofske said he then saw a Library and told Han to "put finally stow summer. Close, three months $160 room, step-up kitchen, carpet, "I heard a lot of shouting in woman run by him into the the knife down." was handcuffed by p„K prefer country. S. Curry, 393- shed, close. Best offer. 351-2646 3200, leave message. Z-2-5-19 (3) total. Mark, 332 8547. 4-5-20 131 THREE-FOUR persons. June or [" For Sale between 5:30-8:30 p.m. 8-5-23 (5) the stairwell," Papazian said. "A student ran to me and said a Undergraduate Library on the second floor followed by a man "He took off between the card catalogs toward the refer- . „.an ingham set at "manded County Jaj| $15,000. w OKEMOS COUNTRY, brick farm 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. 10'x50' Great Lakes Mobile Home. man was threatening her and who had a blade in his hand. September leases. Close to cam¬ house 7 bedrooms. Furnished. that he was carrying some¬ "She ran over to the librarian pus, duplex. Call 669-9939 any¬ Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. 1 Vj bedrooms, $1800 or best offer. $495. June 15. Call 882-4280. Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 thing that looked like a knife. desk." he said. Hiss talks at Erickson time. OR-20-5-31 13) Call 351-1825 or 353-9020. Z-6-5- at the reference 8-5-20 I3I and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 25 13) Some other people said he was After the librarian called 6057 PORTER - small 1 bedroom, COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ threatening people in the study DPS, Pyant said some of her SHARP 5 bedroom house, East- VAN DYKE. 2 miles from campus. Large yard, posite City Market. C-21 -5-31 10'x50', 2 bedrooms, friends on the second floor hid side. furnished, available June 15. fruit trees Clean. $165 349 3939 outdoor shed, nice lot, close to 669 3664, leave message 8-5-31 Randy Rutkofske, 177 Mc- her from the man who had (continued from page 51 after 6 p.m. 8-5-26 (41 NEW U.S. diver's large Farmer campus. $2500. 351-0886. Z-3-5-20 threatened her. John wet suit. $180. 694-5973. During the McCarthy era the House Un-American a FRANCIS. LOVELY paneled 3 or 4 8-5-20 13) Sophia Tsilimigras, 351 N. Committee served as a forum by which COEDS. THREE Collingwood and McCarthy i„t Ann. Nice house. Furnished. Sum¬ mer. Call Detroit 13131 535-5176. bedroom home. 8-5-26 (31 $240 321-0031. CUSTOM SANDALS Paramount News during - near East Lan¬ 10x50, 1 mile from MSU. 2 bed room, excellent condition, lots of |_ Service Case Hall, said she ing on the second floor of the was study¬ witnesses. Hiss said many demagogs cannot stand ridicule." witnesses acted "on the Pmi* - extras. $2600 351 4954. Z-5-5-24 Library when she heard some¬ 3-5-23 141 SUMMER SUBLET, need one sing Arts and Crafts Fair. $10-15. McCarthy Hiss said, had a very high opinion of CONCRETE SPECIALIST/all resi¬ one yelling, "You! Youl You!" not stand to be questioned in himself roommate, own bedroom, nice 655 3896 E-5-5-20 any way. SUMMER SUBLEASE, female, house, close to campus 337- dential and commercial. Free esti She said an Oriental man Many of the stories Hiss used to relate the overall SAILBOAT VENTURE 17' sleeps 393-4072; 489-7650. 11-6-3 f..|i„. campus. Rent 0937 Z-2-5-19 131 mates came up and told her to turn own room near 4. Excellent condition, trailer and GARAGE SALE 131 around and read her book. She negotiable. 361-5207. Z 3 5 23 I3I SUMMER. 2 females needed for extras. 655-3555. 2 5-20 (3) said he grabbed her head. EAST LANSING near, beautiful INTERIOR-EXTERIOR painting. summer sublet. 1 female for 2 bedroom house, very private. nice 5 bedroom home. Own bed¬ room, close to campus. $75. 238 Milford. 337-0978 Z-3-5-20 (41 RECEIVER-SCOTT R306. Mini¬ mum 15 watts, 3 months old 3 HUGE GARAGE Sale: Antique glassware, books, linens. House¬ hold utensils and appliances. 27 years experience. Complete restoring, repairs • all kinds, color "He rambled something about American customs," Tsilimi¬ people who talk abort dTtr,auSay',guess theirexperiencers'o^hey^inTo'i,' wh<7 trie MAPLE DRESSER with largamir¬ dinette, camping gear, clarinet, skates, bicycle, much more. 523 FIFTEEN YEARS experience. Fast, reasonable. Resumes, term pa¬ ASMSII committee to hold interviews house. Summer $175, fall $200 North Sycamore, Lansing. May pers, general typing. Diane, 349- ror, great condition. $ 175/best plus utilities. 484-1964, 8-5-26(31 ROOM TO move around! Huge offer. 349-1904. 4-5-24 (3) 21, 22. 10-7 p.m. Z-2-5-20 (5) 2855 8-5-24 (3) (continued from page 3) asking the University to break its meeting time from T: older 5 bedroom house. Down¬ •Introduced bills to establish a contract with the National to 7 p.m. FIVE BEDROOM house summer. town Lansing, 613 West Shia¬ MOVING SALE May 18-20, 7:30-9 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ NEW FURNITURE for sale at cost. University Relations, Athletic Iranian Radio and Television Fall option. Rent negotiable. Dish¬ wassee, good condition, 3 month p.m. 1554 Thistledown Place, 3-A, sertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN. First come, first served. 332-3107. Relations and Campus Opera¬ Network to make a series of washer, pets, yard, 351-3248. 3-5- lease. $300/month. Bob Holman, Paddock Farms, 1 mile east of 489-0358. C-21-5-31 (12) •Approved a Z-1-5-19 (3) tions cabinets. educational films for the coun¬ form and contract form 20(3) HDI REALTORS, 349-3310, eve¬ Meridian Mall. 349-4331. 3-5-20 (51 ■ ning 349-4429. 8-5-27 (7) RECLINER CHAIR, $25; queen •Rejected a draft of a letter try. groups using ASMSl's FOUR BEDROOM, 2 baths, stu¬ size hide-a-bed couch, $50 or best MOVING SALE: refrigerator, color COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete approved last week to be sent Student Services Build' dent rental. Close in. Call 337- UNIQUE STONE house near cam¬ TV, stereo, 10-speed bike, 2 rugs, dissertation and resume service. to the MSU Board of Trustees •Approved a bill to change sponsible for its ur offer. 351-1051. E-5-5-25 (3) 1846. 5-5-23 (3) pus. 2 baths, fireplace, furnished, plants. 355-2580. Z-3-5-20 (3) Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. 6 bedrooms. $85 each. June lease. MULTITUDES OF vacuum clean¬ 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- HOUSE/ROOMS, 1 block from 339-2961 after 6 p.m. 5-5-24 (4) MAY 20 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 1161 1666. C-21-5-31 (161 ers. $6.88 and up. Uprights, tanks, Union, across from tennis courts. cannisters. 2 year warranty. BAR¬ Rebecca Road. Several families, Summer or fall. 394-4796. 5-5-23 GAIN HOUSE, 826 West Sagi¬ baby bed and chest, camp stove BLOCK CAMPUS. Experienced, (31 Rooms and oven. Appliances, furniture. reasonable, fast. Theses, term naw. Lansing. 484-2600. C-21-5- 31 (20) 2-5-19 (4) papers, manuscripts, resumes, THREE BEDROOM house for 5. 236 Collingwood, East Lansing. OWN ROOM, quiet, clean, close. editing. 332-8498. 351 1711. 8 1 5- Summer, fall openings. 337-2655 SAWYER CANOE: used 1 month. MOVING SALE. Furniture, 19 (31 Furnished. $400 plus gas and clothes, toys, miscellaneous. Fri¬ evenings. 5-5-25 (3) Excellent condition. $160. 332- electric. Lease and deposit. Avail¬ 4674. 10-5-24 (3) day 9-5 p.m. 2236 Heritage, Oke¬ ELEVEN YEARS able June 15. 332-5144. 8-5-26 (5) experience Announcements for It's What's Interested in producing a TV Episcopalians will cel" TWO ROOMS summer, mos. Briarwood. 1-5-19 (4) typing theses, manuscripts, term Happening must be received in the special on the STAR TREK phe¬ Eucharist at 5 p blocks from Collingwood BLACK DIRT-sod farm soil, 6 Alumni Chapel. Archd* MARRIED LAW student desires papers. Evenings, 675-7544. C-21 - State News office, 343 Student nomenon? Call Lori Chapek-Carle- trance. $75. Dave. 332-0241. Z-8- yards $39. Delivered locally. 641- clean 2 or 3 bedroom home in quiet East Lansing, Okemos, or 5-27 (3) 6731 or 484-3379. 16-5-30 (3) [Tost t Found j[q 5-21 (121 Services Bldg., by noon at least two class days before publication. ton. We meet at 8 p.m. Friday at 557 Cornell. gan is preacher and Dinner follows. Lake Lansing neighborhood. Call TV BUYS excellent selection of No announcements will be accept¬ ROOM FOR rent with kitchen LOST: COLEX calculator between Campus Wide mornings 373-8065, afternoons ed by phone. or used BEtW TVs from $39 up, Holden and Physics building. Call It doesn't take leather balls to testing beginning privileges. 485-1288. 5-5-25 (3) evenings 484-0169. 5-5-23 (6) colors from $139. Over 20 used, Pam 353-5600. Z-6-5-19 (3) play rugby. Come out to practice through Thursday. W! The Christian Science Organiza¬ SUMMER FEMALE, own room in 1150 LILAC Avenue - large nice guaranteed sets to choose from. EXPERIENCED TYPIST fast and from 5 to 6:30 tonight and posters. - tion - South Campus meets at 6:30 quiet rooms, private entrances, Plus used Odyssey 100 TV games. Tuesday behind the Veterinary friendly duplex. Pets welcome. accurate. Dissertations, thesis, tonight in 334A,Case Hall. bus, cooking, parking, for fall and All types of merchandise taken in Clinic. Parks and Recreation a $82. 351-1270. Z-3-5-20 (3) and term papers. Call 339-3575. summer. 3-5-20 (4) trade. WILCOX TRADING POST, Club: Bike hike a 0-1-5-19(12) MSU Amateur Radio Club, 509 East Michigan, Lansing. 485- Saturday to Rose Lake.' THREE ROOMS in coed house. W8SH, meets at 8 tonight in 339 Daytime Center for Senior Citi¬ SUMMER SPACIOUS furnished 4 4391. OR-20-5-31 (8) LOST: V, of camera case. Be¬ needs volunteers to work a.m. on west side of U~ Summer. Rent negotiable. Two EXPERIENCED TYPIST, fast ser¬ zens bedroom house, 1 block campus. tween Administration and river. Engineering Bldg. with elderly. Call 371-2298. sack lunch. blocks. 332-0460. Z 12-6-3 (3) vice and reasonable rates. Call $95 month. 337-1433. Z-3-5-20 (3) SOFA BEDS, beautiful herculon . May 10th. Maryanne. 373-7573; 882 0054. Z-5-5-25 (3) covers. $87.50 VILLA FURNI 394 1844. 2 5-20(3) Women's Meeting with Wo¬ Bahai's teach only FURNISHED 5 bedroom house. DEC has expanded clinic hours Close to campus, residential area. TWO FEMALES needed summer, TURE 1633 West Mt. Hope (Colo¬ men's Counseling Center at 7 p.m. to 8:30 a.m Fridays for ages 13 to choose to listen. Baha'ul nial UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS COM¬ tonight at 927 E. Grand River Ave. 12 month lease starting Septem¬ own room, washer/dryer. 351 - Village). 482 1109. 8-5-24 (4) LOST SILVER ring, oblong fili¬ 20 sign-in. Call the Drug Education sage will be taught at 8 p PLETE DISSERTATION and re¬ ber. M90/month. References re¬ 3087. Z-3-5-20 (3) gree, 3 sets, center blue. Keep¬ Center. in Mason Hall's library. WURLITZER ORGAN 1961. sume service. IBM typing, edit¬ sake. Call 332-4760 or 106 Agricul¬ Ingham Medical Center Lab has quired. 339-3400. C-2-5-19 (4) Double manual, octave on the ing, multilith offset printing, type¬ SUMMER. UTILITIES paid, close ture Hall. 2-5-20 (4) openings for four volunteers this "The Screwtape Lett floor, lamp, earphones. $500 firm. setting and binding. We en¬ Free pediatric clinic! Immuniza¬ SUMMER SUBLETS needed - in sorority, kitchen. $100 for 5 summer from 8 a.m. to noon and "The Great Divorce." ' 882-4559. 8-5-23(4) LOST: $25 reward for striped courage comparative shopping. tions, camp physicals, etc. Wed¬ four rooms in large house, 1 block weeks. Nancy Mallory, 337-9706. noon to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. tions from C. S. Lewis, Calico cat. Please call 482-9400. For estimate, stop in at 2843 East nesday afternoons by appoint¬ from campus. 355-2472 or 355- 4-5-23 (3) Grand River or phone 332-8414. Inquire in 26 Student Services ment only. Call DEC. at 1 p.m. Sunday in the L SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE 8 United Ministries in 2464. S-5-5-24 (3) FEMALE TO share beautiful 3 SALE! Brand new portables 5-24J3) 0-21-5-31 (32) tion, 1118 S. Harrison bedroom duplex. East Lansing. $49.95. $5 per month. Large LOST-BEAUTIFUL calico cat, Forum on Prison Alternatives at 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house. Non-intervention in Chile spon¬ Call 351-1391 after 5 p.m. Z-5-5-24 selection of reconditioned used stubby tail. Vicinity Orchard 7:30 tonight in the Community Get help for your" Kitchen appliances, acre plot. One block from Park Lake. $175 month, deposit, no pets. 482- machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- chi's, New Home and "many Street. Please return. 351-6795. 7 5-20 (3) [Transportation [f&l sors a slide show on Chile at 8:30 tonight in 334 Union. Services Bldg., 300 N. Washing¬ ton Ave. Panelists from police, Free plant clinics for dormitory floors, e SUBLEASE SUMMER, 2 rooms in others." $19.95 to $39.95. Terms. courts, probation, corrections, half ture Club. Call the 8784 after 10 p.m. Z-8-5-27 (4) NEED PERSON to drive car to modern house. Furnished, $70 no EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING courts, probation, corrections, FIVE MAN house, 4 man duplex, 3 deposit, close. 351-0761. Z-8-5-27 (3) COMPANY, 1115 North Washing¬ ton. L Personal / Seattle soon as possible. 332- 3890. Z-2-5-20 (3) Musicians and needed for volunteer work at entertainers half-way house. Department. man apartment, All furnished. 489j6448._C-21^5-3W26| _ Stockbridge Nursing Home. Con¬ Save the Dolphins - stop HR Creative Anachronism 332-4076 after 6 p.m. 8-5-19(4) TWO ROOMS available in 5 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT Set. FREE ..A lesson in complexion WANTED - RIDER to Utica, New tact Sam Garlinghouse at Tralfa- 6970! Write your U.S. representa¬ 8:30 p.m. Saturday in t care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan madore Co-op. Last battles before crow ROOMS bedroom house, near Frandor. Magnificent '/? carat marquise - York. Leaving May 20, returning tives and President Carter! Spon¬ IN duplex. Co-ed. 2 $60/month plus utilities. Evenings. shaped diamond, set in 14k gold. or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE May 29 or 30. 337-04%. Z-3-5-20 sored by MSU Fund for Animals. at 1 p.m. Sunday on B~" baths, dishwasher. Rent nego¬ NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. Interested in Africa? Contact tiable. Furnished. Larry 351-2624. 482 6131. Z-2-5-20 (3) $780 invested. Will sacrifice. 355- C-21-5-31 (18) Helen Gunther in 106 International 8-5-20 (3) 7139. Z-3-5-20 (5) ATTENTION CYCLISTS! Cam¬ MEN: ROOM, quiet, sublet imme¬ Center. Cardio-Pulmonary LEARN ARCHAEOLOGY in Italy pus Hostel Club is once again tion recertification will THREE MALE roommates needed for new 4-man house. Summer. diately. Please call COLLECT 1- 313-689 2224, after 6 p.m. 1-313- ONE PAIR of Delta Olds 88 tires. Size H 78 15. $50. 487 5566. E-5 5- July 6-August 13. Methods train¬ ing, research participation. Con¬ I Wanted \\X\ Minority Pre-Med Students As¬ competing in the May 21 and 22 Belle Isle Bike Marathon. Applica¬ from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. 851-0274. Ask for Nate. XZ6-5-25 19(3) sociation will hold a first-aid class day in 117 Bessey Hall Close, air conditioning, all utilities tact Professor Chartkoff, Anthro¬ ROOMMATE FOR 2 bedroom tions at the Community Bike at 3 p.m. Sunday in B205 Life medical technicians are paid. 351-6858. 12-5-27 (4) pology Department, 353-2950. 5-5- Co-op, 547 E. Grand River Ave. NEW, USED and vintage guitars, apartment. Residential area, close Sciences Bldg. Contact Keith 24(4) to major bus route. Lansing East Seminar on ABORT SHARE HOME, 1 large bedroom SUMMER ROOMS, inexpensive, banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers McElroy. close to campus. and kits, recorders, strings, ac¬ side. 485-7357 evenings and week¬ There will be a public hearing on IGAN CITIZENS FOR L for couple, fireplace, garage, 3 Call EQUITY cessories, books, thousands of ASTROLOGER: PROFESSIONAL ends. 8-5-20 15) Richard Chapin, director of rape and assault at 7 tonight in 328 discussion al 7:30 pre blocks from VEST. 484-9472. OR-8-5-31 (3) campus, 482-9690, hard-to-find albums. (All at very eight years. Horoscopes with con¬ MSU Libraries, will speak on Student Services Bldg. ASMSU's Dining Room 8 of evenings and weekends. 8-5-23 (4) low prices.) Private and group sultation. 351-8299. Z-10-5-23 (3) CHILO CARE by loving mother. "Information Packaging, Retrieval Committee on Public Safety. SUMMER SUBLET 2 4 rooms. 538 Lexington. $65/month/room. lessons on guitar, banjo, mando¬ My home north of Frandor. 351- and Distribution" from noon to All interested in work SUMMER SUBLET large Mensa group will visit Jackson the MSU-lran Film Pro, - lin, all styles. Gift certificates. 4068 8 5-26 13) 1:30 p.m. Friday in 1%1 Room, house, 3 rooms, 1 block campus. 337 1513. Z-6-5-24 (3) 332-3670. Z-5-5-20 (3) Expert repairs - free estimates. Real Estate A: North Case Hall, at the Instruc¬ ice cream parlor and Ella Sharp 7 p.m. Sundavjn 341 NEED 1 person, real nice house, ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 541 WOMEN WHO HAVE DECIDED tional Development and Tech¬ Museum on Sunday. Call Lois DUPLEX 1512 Burcham need 1 southwest of campus. Land, gar¬ East Grand River. 332-4331. C-21- LARGE 3 bedroom with formal NOT TO HAVE CHILDREN need¬ nology Luncheon. Dyer, 1000 Hein, for rides. MSU Rodeo Club: person, fall, summer, own room, den, pets. $90 total. 394 47% 5-31 (49) dining room and fireplace. 7 3/4 ed for psychology thesis research, FREE FILMS in 335 Union at practice at Myron's. - many extras. Fall $87, Summer 5-5 23 (3) assumable land contract, open married at least five years. Call Intervarsity Christian Fellowship pavilion at PP t Janice, 332-4362. 11-6-3 (5) meets at 7 5:30 p.m. Friday. Sponsored by $65 and utilities. After 4 p.m., Sunday 2-5 p.m. or call owner, tonight for fellowship, 353-7582. Z-5-5-20 (4) BEAUTIFUL ROOM for summer Animals 676 4298. 8-5-23 (4) sharing, games, and food at Valley Friends of the Highway. The Corporation for rental, V? block from campus on COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, Court Community Center. Park sense, vacillating as EAST SIDE (Lansing) - large, Gunson. Bill, 351-2429. Z-8-5-26 BRITTANY SPANIEL pups, good baseball cards, much more!!! behind McDonalds. Observatory Open House from 9 attempt to meet s OKEMOS-BRIARWOOD deluxe 3 five bedrooms, for summer ($175) (3) with children. Excellent pheasant bedroom dutch colonial. Loads of CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, to 11 p.m. Saturday. Weather weekend. Please ask or fall ($290), 3, 9, or 12 month permitting, the 24-inch reflecting dogs. Born in December and ready fe' -. $79,500. Call 349 3841. 307 East Grand River, 332-0112. MSU Hang Gliding Society dent. Thanks. lease. 676-1557. 10-5-20 (4) MEN: QUIET, singles, cooking. 1 telescope will be used for observ¬ for hunting this fall. AKC register¬ (open 11:30-6 p.m.) C-21-5-31 (20) meets at 7 tonight in 284 Engineer¬ block to MSU. Summer rate, $230. COUNTRY LIVING close to cam¬ ed. 339-8509. 10-5-23 (5) ing Bldg. Frankfort trip for this ing current objects of interest. Applications for aw Full term. 485-8836; 351-2623. weekend will be discussed. tions on Academic CO" pus. Summer only. Must like dogs. $70/month. Sharon, 337-0090. 8- OR-15-5-31 (4) 1'/? YEAR old Doberman Pincher, reasonable to good home. Very I ~ Service fAy] t^olnd Town OREMUS Student worship ser¬ The Women's Media Collective will be presenting a five-part series ino Union Committees are ava Hall. ApplW"1 5-19 (3) TWO ROOMS for rent in house good with children. 394-0515. vice at 5 p.m. Sunday at University on rape, beginning at 4:30 p.m. noon Friday for summer. 1 month free rent. NEW YORK! New Jersey! Con¬ EAST LANSING close in. Six 351-8482. Z-6-5-19 (3) 5:5-20 (3l_ _ necticut! We can haul all of your Lutheran Church, 1020 S. Harrison Sunday on WKAR-AM. MASU iecjj': - ARABIAN MARES for sale. Sev¬ Road. Day Care Center (Spartan Village) Attention med girls needed to rent entire house baggage. 355 2581 Z 3-5-20 131 will hold a carnival from 11 a.m. to for summer only. 332-5988.0-18-5- TWO PERSONS needed summer, eral to choose from. Good breed¬ 5 p.m. Saturday. Games, food and 31 (3) fall option, own room. Call Jane ing. Boarding available close to UP TO '/. and more savings. Extraterrestrial Awareness Watch for detajls t Meridian Mall. Make beautiful Week is this week. Alpha Con¬ prizes! Comparison welcomed. OPTICAL 131 BEAL, 3 bedrooms, unfurnish¬ 332-4074 or Nancy 332 0091. Z-5- 5-20 (3) family and children's pets. 339- DISCOUNT 2617 East Michigan, tinuum meets at 10 p.m. Saturday Computer Club ed, approved for four people, 8509. 10 5 23 (6) Lansing. Michigan. 372 7409. C-5- at 2311 Woodview. Support your gay brothers and tonight in 1M ComP garage, appliances included. 12 SUMMER ROOMS ■ singles and 5 20 I4I WIN MONEYI Grand prizes Irom sisters during Gay Pride Week, month lease, $300 per month plus doubles in fraternity house. Rea¬ FOR SALE: Siberian Husky. Fe¬ $150 to $300 at Bingo! 7:30 p.m. The Russian and East European May 20 through 28. Yoga classes fr utilities. Available June 15th. male, 6 months, all shots, AKC FOR QUALITY stereo service, Tuesday Night. CONGREGATION Studies Program presents "Res¬ Gay Liberation meets at 3 p.m. and 7:3° to 9 phV sonable. Call Pete, 332-2501. X16- Phone 337-1447. 8-5-26 (6) 5-26 131 registered. $100. 484-6058. 8-5-20 THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East SHAAREY ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, urrection" at 8 tonight in B106 Sunday in the Union Tower and Thursday in Grand River. C-21-5-31 1121 East Lansing. C-21-5-311201 Wells Hall. English subtitles. Room. ners and advanced . hi1„n State News, East Lansing, Michiqon Thursday, May 19, 1977 15 DOONESBURY SPRING JAM '77 SPONSORED BY PX by Garry Trudeau Dicky Bettt T. aJ„,.TV(C.S) (IQ)WIIX-TV(NBC) (ll)WElM-TV(Coble) (12)WJRT-TV)ABC (23)WK AR-TV(PBS) fflsee.jtme.saooLis now, inm are all kinds ob ib you oust plan you mean, exactly! jcanie, you g. more than justa way stawn. ways tdfurestall graduation! ahead, joan/e, ukbwhbn those were three WERE OJ tVsyourlasttasieobfru- taking a ttm obb. getting sus¬ anything is you were a obthehappestyears pretty \i> oownstwDBesmtD! pended, notcompleting courses. possible! sophomore' ob my upe! adorable (12) All My Children (12) ABC News Thursday (23) Petal Pushers (11) Cabletronic 11 News (23) Once Upon a Classic morning (12) Barney Miller 1:30 7:00 (23) Age of Uncertainty (4) As the World Turns (4) Hogon's Heroes 8:00 9:30 (10) Days of Our lives (10) To Tell the Truth Coptoin Kangaroo (23) Guppies to Groupers (11) Hockey Night ot Dem. (10) Movie "The Deadly Triangle" ,Good Morning 2:00 Hall urico (12) $20,000 Pyramid (12) Pilot - (12)Brady Bunch (23) Woman 9:00 10:00 7:30 >hil Donahue 2:30 (4)Barnaby Jones (4) Guiding light (10) War at Home and Kiircus Welby, M.D. Abroad (12) Streets of San Qinah! (10) Doctors (11) Tee Vee Trivia Francisco PEANUTS Sdsome Street (12) One life to Live (23) At the Top For all your high supplies. (23) Dig It (12) Hollywood Squares SPONSORED BY: POWER HITTERS -50% OFF 10:00 (23) MacNeil/Lehrer 11:00 by Schulz 3:00 Report Hue's (4-10-12) News jgnlord ond Son (4) All in the Family (23) Woman (10) Another World 8:00 Electric Company 3/0U THINK I TRW ctJEll. kl? let,VIE tell I KNOU HOlt) IT 15 (23) World Press (4) Woltons 11:30 TOO HAR? T H'OO ; H0U riOit) ;T ;S.. HQ! UJiTH ME.. I SHOULD 10:30 (11)Ed-ltoriol Weiss- (4) Kojak Id ANN A kNOW HOit) IT 15 ? HAVE STUCK WITH price is R'9ht 3:15 jll) Woman Wise (10) Johnny Carson (12) General Hospital THE GARAGE! (12) Welcome Back, hotter ■?r Hgllpwood Squares (23) Ask the Lawyers (12) Mary Hartman, Mary lucy Show 3:30 Hartman Infinity Factory (4) Match Game (23) ABC News 8:30 (23) Lilias, Yoga and You 11:00 (11) Ed-ltorial Weiss- 4:00 Cracks State News Wheel ol fortune (4) Confetti (12) What's Happening! I Classifieds Hoppy DoVs (10) Scrambled Eggs (23) Perspectives in Black Mister Rogers SELL 11:30 oi life (12) Bonanza (23) Sesame Street 4:30 9:00 (4) Hawaii Five-0 (10) Pilot 355-8255 Call FRANK & ERNEST sponsored by: 25H 10% MSU DISCOUNT Shoot for the Stars (4) Bewitched by Bob Thaves RINGS AND THINGS Family Feud (10) Gilligan's Island lilies. Yogo ond You 5:00 MSU SHADOWS 11:55 (4) Gunsmoke by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: ''According TO THE US News (12) Emergency One! PIN3ALL PETE'S latent potu, SENATOR, (23) Mister Rogers' afternoon Neighborhood VOyR RECOGNITION 12:00 Present this really funny comic for 2? THURSDAY EVENING Factor is 98 PER worth of free play! cent — —and THAT'S °UR PROBLEM." Voa i_a=«iMk For Savftotoe?^ Th*\/£* 5w)9 THE DROPOUTS by Post No geliton, low-cal, completely natural /1W GHlEFOAlMS HE HAG A GARTHat wiu sol% THE FUEL shoimz ROFESSOR PHUMBLE ® SPONSORED BY- by Bill Yates ha ^cjptep i c?ookfp?. /?/// s-n Today, special. SmSHnGm Choice of red or green chile sauce spread on 3 corn tortillas filled with either chicken SAM and SILO or a ground beef and served with rice, beans, flour tortilla, and a sopopillo with sponsored by: honey. '2.25 EL AZTECO RESTAURANT Hometown People" by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker liaaanB sianaaa Giving 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 Hometown Service! 00033 093303 Banda't Llttla Froaway 21 Rodent genus Sarvlca Station 22 lacerated HOH 1139 onon sponsored by: 23 Despot □Tin onna osa 25 Hasten le Appreciate Your Businesi 26 Plover 28 Settle inna0!!!! all 31 Candlenut 1390999 nsraas 32 laver ol tennis 33 Slug SSHiHHB [39033 V4i • Li, »ooctor: 34 Dingle 36, Diverse nnasms aanaa imsiS "Mt«(3eRONTnesTReeT" ■J,. ■""noting 39 38 Willow DOWN V00 NOW HAtfeA WATCH, ARiNfi, Rubber 1. Carole 2, Sweetsop 4» legal injury 31 Tempter Lombard's 3 Robot play AND AWALtjCT.. HOW'D VOU husband 4. Mountain climbers' paths LiKeTttTRV FORNUTMiN i? rrr 5. Game for two 6. Obstacle 7. Tilt hammer 8 Up-to-date 9. Vegetable 10, Regimen 12 "The Lion" 16. Preposition 19. More certain |20. John or Jane 21. Carpel 23. love apple 24 less Iresh 25 English ivy 26. Ship's crane 27 Ramblers 28. Alarm whistle 29 Sandarac tree 30. Congeal 33. Tableland 35 Chew 137. Cistern Michigan State News, East Loosing, Michigan 16 NIXON MAKES COMMENTS IN INTERVIEW War effort elicits no apologies IP> The source says Nixon feels wide range of topics: the war enemies, those we were negoti Nixon also discusses the -drug stores- WASHINGTON tAP) - For White House enemies list, the that American involvement in and protests at home, abuses of ating with in Paris, to gain the mer President Richard M. Nix¬ power, the establishment of the impression that they (the pro cables forged by E. Howard on says he has no apology for Vietnam was worth the sacri fices. though it would have "plumbers" investigative unit testers) represented the major Hunt to discredit the John F. FRANDOR the way he conducted the war been more popular politically to in the White House, and compil¬ ity. Kennedy Administration, the in Southeast Asia, regretting "In other words, are we use of the IRS against political ation of an enemies list by his pull out of the war. only that he didn't step up the military drive earlier to bring the North Vietnamese to the new The United States opened phase of the Indochina war a staff. Frost asked Nixon why he going to have a situation where this war would be lost in dissenters and the atmosphere in the White House. knier PH°,oE,iSS"1 i bargaining table. on May 9, 1972. mining Hai phong Harbor and six other departed from the "Bring Us Together" theme of his 1968 Washington as the French lost, in 1954, in Paris rather than Toward the end of the pro gram. Frost probes Nixon's 3180 MAIL COURT 9A.M.TO10PML In the third segment of Nixon's interviews with David North Vietnamese ports and campaign to adopting the poli¬ Diem Bien Phu?" the former feelings about the powers of the LANSING,MICH. ^AYTHRUSASy| Frost, to be shown tonight, a launching an intensified air offensive against rail and other tics of polariztion -- his appeal to the "Silent Majority," the president said. To Frost's question of wheth president and pronounces Nixon's views as "chilling." Next to Kroger ,oa-m-to"-m.$unoa! source on the Frost staff says, said. er Nixon was pursuing a policy Nixon was interviewed for the former president credits supply lines in the north. source If that had been done in 1970. Nixon replied he had to of divide and rule, Nixon re nearly 29 hours and the result the stepped up bombings, the was distilled originally into four about the time of the Cambo choose whether to allow vio plied: mining of Haiphong harbor in "In my view. I had a responsi 112-hour segments, the last to 1972. and his refusal to bow to dian invasion. Nixon maintains, lence-prone protesters "to en¬ danger the lives of others" and bility which was. above every¬ be shown next Wednesday over the war might have been ended domestic dissent, with finally thing else, to bring that war to specially created network. persuading Hanoi to come to earlier, the source said. The Frost interview covers a • import a allov • potential the earliest possible conclusion, a After the first show, zeroing SUPER X and I did it." in on Watergate, attracted a Nixon attempts to justify the creation of the White House large audience Frost decided to put on a fifth program lasting ASPIRIN 'Tennis Classic' slated plumbers unit cause — so-called be it was established to plug leaks — and the effort to dis one hour at an unspecified date. Show No. 4 will cover U.S. 5-grain A reasonable amount of time will be given credit the leaking of informa activities in Chile, the resigna The Black Knights, an athletic organization tion of Vice President Spiro T. composed of MSI' male students, will sponsor its "Second Annual Tennis Classic," starting Friday at 4 p.m. Games will be held on the outdoor between matches will be used. A new can of and a nine-point tie breaker approved tennis balls must be tion. such as the Papers by Daniel Ellsberg. Pentagon The plumbers broke into the Agnew. Nixon's feelings about the news media and Bob Wood CANDY GUM or' courts by the stadium. With the exception of varsity tennis players, provided for each event entered. There is an entry fee of 50 cents. Deadline for entry is Friday before the office of Beverly Hills psychia trist Lewis Fielding who had treated Ellsberg. trying to find ward and Carl Bernstein who uncovered the Watergate scandal, his failure to pardon MINTS the tournament is open to all students, staff and matches begin. damaging information. Nixon's Ehrlichman and H. R. Halde faculty members. m No. 2 White House aide, John man. his acceptance of a pardon Matches will be played from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday. Seeding information would be helpful. All proceeds go to the March of Dimes, I). Ehrlichman, and plumbers' for himself, his emotional White 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday Muscular Dystrophy. Project Save and With a House farewell to Secretary of and the finals are scheduled for May 26. supervisors Egil Krogh and G. Entrants must secure a tennis court for Friday Child's Heart. Gordon Liddy received prison State Henry A. Kissinger and after 4 p.m., for Saturday's game after 10 a.m. For entry blanks and further information, sentences for their part in thoughts about his life since he and for Sunday after 1 p.m. contact Gil Curry at 353 1942. the burglary. resigned the presidency. TABS LIMIT 6 BEARCAT 4-Ban PLAYBACK'S 4 Band scanning monitor emergency and publi MAY MADNESS safety. If 12" TABLE-TOP "DEMO" SALE RECEIVERS GRILL PRELL PROJICT/on* Mark IA * Adjusts to ( A great Stereo FM AM Receiver for music lovers who wont ity without spending a fortune! qual¬ *149 00 1) TECHNICS 5060 2) TECHNICS 5360 101.97 199.00 • 2 positions 4 Portable to use • eas^ ^4 SHAMPOO I 3) SANSUI #441 129.00 m CRYSTALS NOT TURNTABLES INCLUDED 49 96* 4) B.I.C. 920 Turntable 76.68 1 eiONIIR f PICIALS 5) B.I.C. 940 Turntable 65.97 7oz. MROJICT/en. Mark IVA >•- •alvar. 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