VOLUME 71 NUMBER 87 fate Ne MONDAY, MAY 23, 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 3 Confidential violations report released ,.ATRICIA LACROIX report was obtained from a "secret source," the document "basically out of curiosity" to the University for use by the head football Also included in the report are the SUII Writer Excerpts from the Select Committee but that the editors of the magazine had no sec what was included in the report, he coaches Duffy Daugherty and Stolz in the "possible additional violations beyond those ",-rrt report of the MSU Select Report on page 9. reason to question the authenticity of the said. football program. involved in the NCAA." •i'l charged with investigating the A comment on the Chronicles final issue report as published. An accompanying Orr said the portion of the report which The report said this money "may or may The report said the findings stemming f,mi hall recruiting violations has on page 4. article in the Chronicle said the source is caught his eye the most was the "large not" have been used in violation of Big Ten from the Select Committee investigation C"'hii-h.-ri in the May issue of the outside of the University. amounts of money that changed hands with or NCAA regulations. could be classified into three groupings: The magazine had requested the report regularity" within the football recruiting Stolz is also charged by the committee to discuss release of the reports. •Those allegations which have been jtl„„ on the violations generated under the Michigan Freedom of Information structure. with accepting as personal income a $2,300 Committee investigation and "I personally feel it is not in the best established as valid; Act, but was refused by the University. Included in the report is the response to honorarium for a speaking engagement at ,h,. \i AA and Big Ten has been interests of the University to •Those allegations which have been reopen a Orr said the magazine was "less than testimony of Kenneth Erickson, son-in-law which, the committee said, patrons ex¬ j |,v I he University for three lengthy discussion of past history," MSU established as unfounded or without valid¬ . enthusiastic" about going to court to obtain of former athlectic director Burt Smith, pected the money to go to the football 'mU recently, the MSU Board of President Clifton R. Wharton Jr. said at the the document, one reason being it was which states Erickson twice transferred program. ity and IL,'unanimously voted * to maintain April meeting. "The matter is closed." unsure how long the judicial process would sums of $10,000 each to head football Coach The report mentions several other finan¬ •Those allegations which have been ,,| ihi- three reports at its April Wharton could not be reached for ,.v take. Denny Stolz, once in November 1973 and cial transactions involving substantial sums neither fully proven or fully disprove. comment on the release of the confidential "Even so, we had no insurance that we again in November 1974. of money w hich took place between Stolz The Select Committee is composed of response to a proposal by document Sunday. ,Ill would get it," Orr added. The money came from funds personally and fund raisers outside of the control of John Bruff, D-Fraser, MSU Trustee; Jacob Steve Orr, Chronicle editor, said the Michael Smydra, D-East Lansing, The magazine editors originally filed for raised by Erickson outside the control of MSU. (continued on page 9) U.N. rep ends visit to S.Africa JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) - Andrew Young ended a two-day visit to South Africa on Sunday by embracing a black nationalist leader and declaring that blacks here should use economic boycotts as a weapon to force change in the white government's racial policies. The black U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, whose outspokenness in the past has aroused the ire of many white South Africans, expressed some wide-ranging views Sunday, telling largely white audi¬ ences that Russians are racists, Jimmy & Carter was an Afrikaaner, and that it was the police, not black students, who rioted in the black township of Soweto last year. Young also made one of his sharpest attacks yet on white-minority governments in southern Africa. He accused Ian Smith's Rhodesian regime of "systematic oppres Stole News Laura Lynn Fistler sion and death-dealing" and said later that For- ill those times when Quran Turner had to eat spinach... when there with "minor qualifications" the same ap¬ was still a half hour of his favorite TV program left to go and his mom, plied to the South African government. Pam, made him go to bed... or when he was out with the guys racin' their Young preached his message that change two-wheelers and she called him early because of rain... for all those in this racially divided country be effected times and the many more, Quran's squirt gun fight, sponsored by RHA through economic and diplomatic pressure, instead of violence, to varied audiences of during this weekend's carnival, was finally a chance to get even. businessmen, students and newspaper edi¬ tors. He left Sunday night for Zambia and will then go on to Sudan on the final leg of a District three: two-week African tour. 1( following is the second article of a force, and for the past three years Zivic has on She patrol for prostitutes was wearing a black skirt and top, answered. "Really, they will work any area. At a reception Sunday afternoon at the U.S. Information Service center here. Young threw his arms around black nationalist leader Chief Gatsha Buthelezi and joined in the singing of the nationalist old man said as Zivic picked him up off the liMng with prostitution in Lansing. been anthem "Nkosi Sikeleli Afrika" ("God Bless patroling district three, an area platform shoes and a red scarf around her Streetwalkers have no place else to go but sidewalk and helped him into the police car. lit Jim llui'resne rode with patrol- bounded by Michigan Avenue, Pennsyl the streets. Africa"). neck. Her hair was brown, long and "We're going to give you a shower, a new IftltrZhir during his afternoon shift vania Avenue, East Grand River Avenue (continued on page 14) uncombed, giving her the appearance of "Cathy is probably asking no less than set of clothes, a place to sleep and a pot pie," and the Frandor Shopping Center. being tired and rundown. She shot a $30. Chances are if somebody picks her up said Zivic. "What more could you want?" By JIM Du FRESNE It is also an area that is most affected in nervous glance at the patrol car but kept they'll probably go to a parking lot or a Tomorrow, when he is more sober, the Mite News Staff Writer Lansing by prostitution, and Zivic has walking in front of the building. cheap motel depending on what she is going old man will face a judge, be given a fine of Ik if. "> feet 11 inches and of stocky become an unofficial authority on the do." Zivic, muttering something under his to intoxication and be freed. dgt-d inward the door of the subject. breath, whipped into the parking lot of the Zivic continued his "If we would have left him there the patrol. At 4:30 p.m. he on the second floor of the lepartment. "I know about 90 per cent of all the local streetwalkers who work the east side," bank and rolled down his window. "Cathy, clear out of here," he yelled at investigated a warehouse larceny; at 5:15 p.m. he broke up a fight on Larch Street other bums would have probably rolled him," Zivic said. "We pick up people like M2)(fD(SJ(2.r c." the Lansing patrolman Zivic said as we drove down Larch Street. her. "We've been hooking three persons; and at 7 p.m. he him mostly for their own safety." getting complaints from me, his ride-along. The "The ones I don't know are either just the bank lately." answered a "man down" call behind the Zivic left the Lansing Police Station and i" a a close and 16 police dash to the basement starting or have come in from places like Grand Rapids to work Lansing. "Hey, don't hassle woman me, I just got here," the answered. She left the area, Lansing Rescue Mission. An old man smelling of whiskey was drove down Michigan back to district three. At 9:35 p.m. we pulled into the parking lot inside "The problem of prostitution was bad two however, and began walking down of a car wash on Michigan and Pennsylvania The Spartan baseball team Michi¬ sitting in the doorstep of a building on pialihi- car-, run the same," he said as won its last game oi the year years ago and it's bad now," he continued. gan towards the Capitol. Michigan. His clothes were old and dirty, and turned off the engine. tablrd duwn the two flights of stairs, "The law just doesn't give the policeman "Five months pregnant his unstable and his face "It's not so much the prostitution that Sunday, beating Michigan, 6-5. and she is out movements ptkilt hegins this way." before 3,100 fans. For details of anything to stand on in dealing with it." whoring at four in the afternoon," Zivic bleeding. bothers me," said Zivic as we watched the Ffad the prime pick, car No. 26. He Zivic turned up Michigan and Slowed said, pulling out of the parking lot. "What happened to him?" Zivic asked one traffic on Michigan zip by. "It's when they the game, see page 6. *«. recorded his down in front of the Bank of Lansing. of the regulars of the Rescue Mission. mileage and began "Why the bank?" rip off their customers that gets to me. • Wton shift that runs from 3 to 11 "A girl will take somebody up to her Walking in front of the bank was a woman "They stand around the bank knowing "He fell off the loading _ is his sixth dock over there." year on the Lansing about 25 years old and obviously pregnant. people have just cashed their checks," he "Don't take me in, I'm a good man," the apartment and have another guy waiting there to rip the john off of his money after they are done. Or many times before they do anything." "Do most of the streetwalkers have a SN SAMPLES CLASS OF 11 OPINIONS pimp?" I asked. "Most of them do and if they don't they won't last long on the street," he said "Pimps are a source of protection or a Seniors optimistic, survey says source of drugs for most of the street¬ walkers. "It's all on the trust system between a pimp and his girls. Usually he is in the area and it isn't hard to watch a streetwalker. ■N- Kraduating MSU senior men are represented, compared to 52 Who participated in the She has to be in the open to attract ■J" «have W'g'ous. two children, is mod- per cent of the senior women. The purpose of the survey was to State News Survey customers." opposes interracial Two women, one white and the other Male 46.5 per cent J. f1,001 children, wants mari- discern what students are really think¬ black, stopped in front of the police car and E? he. legalized - and is sur- ing, especially as they reflect back on Female 52.1 percent l'C ab°Ut four years (more or less) at MSU, and as Married 11.6 per cent peered through the window at us. The landing a j°b white woman walked over to the patrol car they stand on the brink of graduation Unmarried 87.3 per cent and Zivic rolled down the window. Her ■j*| are a few of the findings of a into an uncertain world. Age: curly blond hair fell past her shoulders. She ml i''Sute News survey of a A series of articles to be published 20 or under 2.2 per cent was wearing blue jeans and a white flowing ■"ntiuf.L samP'e of about 10 over the next two weeks will analyze 21 to 24 88.4 per cent top and her smile was cheerful and friendly. Hm, ' ,he graduating class of the and interpret the survey results that Over 24 8.6 per cent "Hey Jeanne, where have hove'L Geraldo Rivera focused have been collected on what MSU lately?" Zivic asked her. you been JLy afi:o as a 'ypical American seniors are thinking. MSU will also be Race: "I've been in jail the past couple of compared to other schools. Caucasian 84.8 per cent Thtitcj"? ™"siste■ she said. Statistics gathered by a By SEAN RICKEY more able to cope with." "The drag queen exists, but to make it doesn't have as many commitments as I do," State News Sports Writer Kennedy said the goal of the gay public does nothing but extend those types. My friends can't be gay because they Jrsponsored Forency said. "It should be someone who ■» half of allby both groups indicated The MSU Gay Council is sponsoring the movement is now being directed toward stereotypes to all gays and everyone thinks do this and that such as play football," can give better leadership and direction to rape victims knew their that all homosexuals are striving to be a Miss Kennedy said. *its, seventh annual Gay Pride Week this week as portraying an accurate picture of gay the group." "Dave Kopay shattered the myth that part of its ongoing activities to increase lifestyles and dispelling the negative Gay Michigan," he said. "Some of the The voting for the AAUP election will be ► tdded that most rapes occur in the jock types are not homosexuals and that yes, public awareness of the gay liberation stereotypes with which all homosexuals are stereotypes I would fight anyone to put me done by mail. Ballots will be sent out *«he victim or rapist. The assault is a labeled. in." there are homosexual athletes in pro to movement. members within the next few weeks. pnutgrowth of the sex roles we were "There both positive and negative football." Plrom day one," she said. "We have to The purpose of Gay Pride Week is to give are To portray an accurate and positive image area gays an opportunity to celebrate their images to homosexuals. We like to under of gays, the council is setting up a display ■Jming T"hey get hurt." women to think they deserve particular lifestyles and to make the score the good ones, but we don't like to hide window depicting the lives of various famous community more aware of current gay the bad." Kennedy said. people who were known homosexuals. palso said the typical rapist is not issues and movements. A recent example of a positive image for Included in the list of greats is Tennessee J" P»tf Pjkgically very different from the understanding," American male. They are just a Cotitled a "week of celebration and the week's schedule in¬ gays, Kennedy said, was a book written by Dave Kopay, a running back in the National Williams, Truman Capote, James Dean and Kopay. Elections commission aggressive, "which means they cludes a number of events to bring gays Football League, disclosing his life as a "thedoor instead of close it," she together and to educate the public on how homosexual. Kennedy said Gay Pride Week is basically « Leland. author of the "Rape tneir chosen utestyles should lit into society. "Basically the radical forefront of the An article in the Detroit Free Press three weeks ago about drag queens in Palmer a drive for acceptance society. of gays as a group in files decision appeal Analysis and Report," said that early '70s has declined," Homer Kennedy of "We don't think of it as gay liberation. Park is one of the bad images with which _ the MSU Gay Council said. "The movement I'fraPe1,0 asUniversity commitment to is now more of an educational type thing. We homosexuals as group are labeled, Kennedy These are members of our society that a sociological problem." happen to be different. Homosexuality could In what could be the last round of the ASMSU Student Board post elections appeals, T«»man from the audience said that want to establish role models that people are the All-University Elections Commission (AUEC) has filed an appeal of a be a private sexual preference, but is an open lifestyle," Kennedy said. Student-Faculty Judiciary decision. Anita Bryant's recent attempts in Florida The appeal, filed with Eldon R. Nonnamaker, vice president for student affairs, lee blood pressure checks to remove a Dade County ordinance prohibiting antidiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is an example of an contests the SFJ denial of an appeal of an All-Universitv Student Judiciary decision stating the Spartan Spirit slate did not overspend in its campaign Student Board. (AUSJI for the attempt to exclude gays from society, The elections commission is scheduled to meet with Nonnamaker today to hear the fered Kennedy said. students appeal. Nonnamaker is the final step in the appeals process. ll! to on campus "She should educate her children within this society. She is an integral part of society and so are lesbians and homosexuals," he "We will ask you to reverse the substantive decision on the merits, and we think this appropriate under the AFR (Academic Freedom Report) since the actual action of SFJ was not only to deny a hearing, but to over a nine-day period consult AUSJ, deliberate, living on campus will be able to get their blood physicians. said. determine tact, settle the issues in dispute and find in favor of Barry, Lammy and Lalk The tests will be free of charge and will be administered during g. necked this week in their residence halls, courtesy of dinner hours near the entrances to the residence hall cafeterias. (Kent Barry, slate presidential candidate; Thomas Lammy, College of Natural Science Eat g j'w hypotension studcnts and fraternities, The tests will be administered from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. according A seminar on gays for straight people is candidate; and Sue Lalk, College of Human Ecology candidate)." will be administered by the Students' being held this Thursday in 331 Union. Barry, Lammy and Lalk are currently seated on the Student Board. to the following schedule: TJ"'Medical Association (SOMA) and Sigma Sigma Phi, an Eleanor Morrison will be speaking and a film r ' sl°dents' fraternity, and will be supervised by Monday: Hubbard, Akers, Holmes and McDonel halls. entitled "A Comedy on Six Unnatural Acts" The appeal went on the say, "Here's what we're so upset about:" and list six points of Tuesday: Wilson. Wonders, Holden and Case halls and Brody will follow. contention regarding the original decision of the AUSJ. Complex. These include the elections commission's major point that certain items specifically flings set on drug bill Wednesday: Shaw, Phillips and Mason halls and Owen Graduate Center. Thursday: Yakeley, Gilchrist and Campbell halls. On Tuesday a tea and croquet party will be held by Beaumont Tower at 4 p.m. where an effigy of Bryant will be destroyed by listed in the slate total of $147.58 are not included as both judiciaries ruled. Counting these items they say are not included Barry, Lalk and Lammy would have The project is being sponsored and arranged by Alpha Phi tei^'/I'll - Public hearings have been scheduled at four Omega, a service fraternity, and Phi Beta Sigma, a local black oranges. overspent their individual limits. b,,i ons on a bill to create an experimental system of This year's Gay Pride Week events differ The appeal also explains the commission's reasoning in determining that the items to addicts. fraternity. greatly from previous activities. A few not included in the spending report. Larry Grodi, Alpha Phi Omega treasurer, said the goal of the are ^ ^'on. introduced by Rep. George Cushingberry, project is to make MSU students aware of hypertension which he years ago the group advertised a caption which Kennedy said caused a paranoia Nonnamaker can send the case back to SFJ for a hearing, uphold or reverse the LJ* frea'e a heroin maintenance program ad- calls a serious health problem. decision. among MSU students. The caption was: "If ^ the State Department of Public Health. "It has no real symptoms" and not know it. But it's a Grodi said, "so people might have it real problem and we want to make you think none of your friends are gay, guess C?'"1"1"1 for toda7 in Saginaw. May 27 in Lansing, Arbor and June again." ! 6 in Detroit. people aware of it." lfljChigonJ> ©pflfifa) 'iwt fvwr ualM tt*T*tar A step forward for higher ed Farewell, Chronicle In of the most encouraging account. Corbin With its May issue, Chronicle one spoke aptly when by loudly letting it be known that, displays of support for higher he said that a lack of money should though he didn't get the opportuni¬ magazine is going out of business. to fund another issue. 1 education in Michigan seen in a not be a deterrent to attending The Lansing area's creative jour¬ SMAB choked the lif»ki ty to vote, he opposed Corbin's , nalistic alternative to the dreary of the Chronicle long time, the state Senate voted an institution of higher education. bill. Mack's ignorance is worthy of by foJJJ 30-0 last Thursday to increase The new loan assistance pro¬ total condemnation by anyone who and pathetic State Journal and the magazine only often tedious and mundane State that it agree or/the not to student loan monies by almost l'/a gram would be supplemental to has the slightest interest in foster¬ charK , times the present level. the existing MSU loan program News has been done in by a issues. ing and perpetuating excellence in combination of student govern¬ The bill, sponsored by Gary and thereby benefit more students higher education. ment shortsightedness, poor *uTOnu SU-e,'the manageme the Chronicle Corbin, D-Clio, will increase low- above the current level of 4,500 made some The Senate's action is a positive management and bad luck. akes interest loan funds from $12 who have taken advantage of the especially by gras i million to $27 million and raise the University's loan program. step toward the goal of securing a One of the hurdles the Chronicle importance of attracting! higher education for those who had to overcome was obtaining number of students eligible for this This action by the Senate is one want and deserve it, not merely Using too late. It is funding from the Student Media refreshing to note that „0„el? money from 10,000 to roughly of the very few good ones taken by the for those who, by status of birth, 23,000. this regressive institution in a long Appropriations Board (SMAB). issue of the Chronicle is!, are able to afford it. It seems the legislature finally time. Dismissing the Chronicle as a devoid of eyesore ads. But, as usual, the Senate's most The most appreciates the plight of the depressing t about the Chronicle's less-than-upper-middle-class stu consistent humbler and loudmouth demi dent who must depend upon is undeserving of praise. that it leaves the Lansing financial assistance, and not the Joe Mack, D-Ironwood, dis¬ South Korea still a headache without a viable, creative aggressive alternative to the good graces of mom and dad's bank played his usual asinine thinking of journalism Last Thursday, President Carter properly re¬ represented by dictatorship every bit as restrictive of free speech newspapers. As a monthly n called Maj. Gen. John K. Singlaub from his post in and individual rights as its enemy to the North. zine, the Chronicle was ab South Korea after Singlaub said that the President's overcome the plan to withdraw American ground forces from The major defect in Carter's troop withdrawal tedious constricting! The Slate News South Korea in the next four to five years might lead plan is that it will not be fully implemented until the realities of day j to war. early 1980s. In any event, it will be difficult for this newspaper work and to devote1 Carter's reassignment of Singlaub as "punish¬ country to disentangle itself from its unseemly imaginative feature writinf Monday, May 23, 1977 a worthwhile brand of inve ment" was good as far as it went. Carter was correct alliance with the Seoul regime, inasmuch as dozens of Editorials are the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns tive in not tolerating any insubordination with congressmen are effectively under the influence of reporting. ■ and letters are personal opinions. regard to Contrast the Chronicle's! Editorial Department his plan for removal of U.S. ground troops from South Korean lobbyists. Indeed, allegations that many congressmen took depth investigative analysf corrupt and repressive South Korea. Ingham County Sheriff Kel Editor-in-chief Mary Ann ChickShaw Layout Ere artesveldt In light of the severity of the situation in South bribes from a South Korean businessmen will almost Managing Editor Maggie Walker.Laura Lynn Eistler L. Preadmore to the front! Opinion Editor Tracy Reed Korea, even more drastic steps should be taken by certainly never be resolved, so long as Congress is City Editor Michael Tonimura Wire Editor Joyce Laskowski America to quickly cut off aid to that country. To trusted to investigate itself. story in Sunday's State Jol Campus Editor Carole Leigh Hutton Staff Representative John Casey which was capped with! illustrate his strong commitment to this end, Carter Sports Editor Tom Shanahan Freelance Editor . Anne Stuart The United States has been poisoned by its screaming headline, "Boy, it'! Entertainment and Book Edit >r Donna Bakun should have fired Singlaub. involvement with corrupt dictatorships — particu¬ Advertising Department South Korea is a country which, in the name of larly those in Asia — for too long. South Korea is dry and it'll continue." The Lansing area, contra! f Advertising Manager Don Gerow Assistant Advertising Manager Ceci Corheld insulating itself against the possibility of invasion another thorn in America's side that deserves to be what the staffers thems from North Korea, has instituted a military hastily extracted. think, will miss the Chronicl A look backward Letter Polici By ALLAN LENGEL something I've used — maybe overused. Prof. Hackenbush continues to expound Mass confusion in hallways. Berkey, upon the textbook that he has written for his The Opinion Page welci class — only $13.95. The senseless vibra¬ Bessey, kiva, Ag Hall. The years of parties: Academic Council? Student Council? letters and viewpoints. i girls, beer, dope, dancing, sex, nonsense. tions of his voice float off into the distance with only the hope that the sedate noises will What's your major? Where do you live? Oh yeah, what are you doing this summer? This is a test. Answer "yes" or "no" to the following; if your whatever — are you willing to make a positive effort to change should follow a few rules to that as many letters as p t| be recycled into something more meaningful inswer is "yes", please elaborate. things? than theories of relacrapitv. Fall — football, Winter — depression, 1. Do you know what Academic Council is? If you are witling to spend some time to learn how University appear in print. Graduation approaches, which means Spri/ig — nakedness. Registration, frustra¬ 2. Do you know what Academic Council does? policies are made and would like to have a hand in formulating or AU letters and that I've gone through the classroom tion, lack of motivation, constipation and. oh 3. Do you know what Student Council is? evaluating them yourself, the opportunity is available. should be typed on 65-spo motions too many times for comfort and yes, masturbation. 4. Dov >u know what Student Council does? The Student Council is in the process of making student and triple-spaced. Lettersi fortunately I've u know who your representatives on Academic/Student or not, never grown Tiredness, 9:10s, abundance of appointments to University committees that are involved with all attached to it. mates. Liberals and conservatives clutter room Councils are? facets of the University's operations. Any undergraduate student viewpoints must be sigr< If you have answered four or more "yes" and have been able to may apply (graduate students apply through COGS). include local address, stl hallways along with radicals, leftists, rightists, baptists, neurotics, incompetents, elaborate, then you are either extremely well informed, or you are The work isn't always easy or exciting. The hours are often long faculty or staff standing - f do-gooders, do-badders and do-anything- probably on council. If most of your answers are "no," then you have and sometimes boring. You may be frustrated at the obstacles — and phone number. NoletM just demonstrated your ignorance on how your University before you and at the snail's pace with which some issues appear to they-damn-well-pleasers. Beer, bars, bar, functions. viewpoint without these item move. You will learn that change is not brought about overnight. beer, staleness. The answers to the above questions can be found in a blue book However, the eventual rewards are many, both to the University be considered for publicatioi Notes that could fill the bottom set of entitled Bylaws for Academic Governance which is available from and to yourself. Letters should be 25 lines I cheekbones of a 500 pound lady. Exhausted the office of the Secretary for Academic Governance, 10 Linton Applications for these University Committee positions are also and may be edited for State I pens and pencils which register the amount Hall. The names of your representatives can also be obtained there. of scribble to the 10th power. When was the last time you criticized the way things are at MSU? available in 10 Linton Hall. The deadline for applying is today at 5 style and conciseness to I p.m. This is your opportunity to get involved. Remember: "If Snoring and whispering from Insurance men call to help plan the If you don't know how your University functions, then do you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem!" many letters as possible m a| Viewpoints may be no longe . come students as the teacher stands in front of the future.They just happen to have a special you really have any right to criticize it? If you are dissatisfied with Denise A. Gordon facets of the University — be they classes, instructors, facilities, or Undergraduate Steering Committee representative 75 lines, and may a crowd hoping for a response — at least a policy made just for you in which if you lose head nod or even a salami-instigated burp. your left testicle in the next 10 years, you From relacrapity to relanonsensity, Dr. don't have to pay for premiums the Hackenbush goes on as my mind wanders off remaining years. in trivial spurts. Squeeze the Charmin, Yearbook letters urging you to sink your Prince Spaghetti day, ring around the rosy, my mother picked the very best one and this imprint in the glories of green and white — please wear a tie — we touch up acne. The great TV race: tortoise vs. the hare WASHINGTON The TV network went to when he I - see a promoter of tortoise races. evening of the race, which was held in the nap. But he overslept and sports departments were trying to think of The promoter said, "I've got 10 tortoises he saw the tortoise cross the finislf a new sports event which would capital of Zaire, 60 million people had tuned capture the you can pick from." in for the "greatest sporting event in The hare started to bite I imagination of the American people — and The producer said, "We want a champion also bring in $120,000 a minute in television history." protested that the race had bee* tortoise who has won his last 10 races." Howard Cosell and Eddie Arcaro were Howard was shocked and said the! advertising. "I've got one," the promoter said. "He's sent over to do the commentary. Howard would hold a full investigation. Thi One of the producers said, "I've got it. working out in the Everglades now, but he and Eddie both agreed there was no and the vice president of sports all What about a race between a hare and a should be ready by next month." question in their minds that the hare would conference declared he w tortoise? It's never been done on television "How do we know he's a winner?" easily win. future hare-and-tortoise r;. _ before." "Here's his record in Tortoise Track When the gun sounded, the hare took off Then the network sports people J Magazine. It's the official book for all and led by 3,000 lengths. The tortoise the vice president said, "OK, wha tortoise racing throughout the world, and crawled along. The hare looked back and next week?" no one has ever questioned it. What's the decided he was so far ahead he would take a Los Angeles Times purse?" "We're offering $150,000 winner take all, with a guarantee of $50,000 to the loser." "We'll do it provided we keep the advertising rights to the tortoise's back. I think we can sell them to a tire company." The producer and promoter shook hands ft on the deal. Then the promoter went over to a swamp near Kennedy Airport. There were several ART BUCHWALD tortoises snoozing in the sun. "Anyone want to race a hare on television?" Not one tortoise looked up. That's it," said the network vice presi¬ "Listen, there's $150,000 in it for the dent. "It's a natural. We'll make it winner and $50,000 for the loser." bigger A tortoise peered out of his shell. "That's than the Kentucky Derby." The producer went to see the manager of not bad." hare. "We'd like your hoy to rac ■ against a The promoter said, "My share will be 80 tortoise on prime time televe on. We're per rent, win or lose." oiling to put up a prize of $130,000 "That's a lot," the tortoise said. innertakeall." "You want your big chance on TV or don't class ain't where it's at. Resumes and More letters urging you to join the Peace job "It sounds interesting," the hare's mana¬ you?" the promoter said. "I know a hundred rejections haunt my subconsciousness along Corps. Vista and all other ger said. "Hut my boy isn't going to compete with a 1.5 on a midterm exam. types of tortoises who would give their tails for this high paying jobs. Lists of classes remaining against a tortoise on TV for winner lake all opportunity." Looking hack at the years: kegger with are sent through the mail. Accurate? Does unless he gets a guarantee of $.30,000 if he our sister floor, blond-haired The tortoise said resignedly, "Okay. Sorority girls, the Pope use the rhythm method? Did Idi loses." Anything to get out of this swamp." frustrated jocks, music piped into the Amin do the limbo at Evel Knievel's bar "Naturally," the producer said. "We Once the contracts had been signed the background of the mass producing bagel mitzvah? wouldn't announce a winner-take all event network flacks went to work promoting the factory. TGs, THC, TVs, RAs. TAs. BAs, Did Jimmy Carter attend unless the loser was guaranteed a purse." MAs, PH.ds and MRSs. Costly unread books Chuck Manson college? Did event. not attend college? Isn't it The producer signed the hare up and then The clutter my room along with buildup was unbelievable. By the something I can obvious? Graduate. relate to, my underwear and socks: lenge/ is a recent MSU graduate State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michig£i Monday, May 23, 1977 01 The Monterey Pop Festival begins what is to be S ■lie summer of love." Jimi Hendrix was there, so were it Joplin. »""" Jones' Grateful Dead, Hugh Masakela and ' Mo The success of this festival spawns future musical t< tuch as Woodstock land generation to be known as the crowd amused itself At 7 p.m. ex Allman f !■" MackSationl in 1969. the Isle Of Wight Festival in 1970, to join the festivities marking As the audience spilled onto by throw Deep-fried crowd the third annual Free-For-All the Farm Lane Bridge and the ing rolls of paper in a concerted Band member Dickey F •trlii,lgc in 1971, the Mar YSol Festival, Watkins Glen and effort to creat a paper tapestry showed off his new group G outdoor concert. river banks behind Shaw Hall, "litis others. The idea behind these musical happenings, Slated to begin at 1 p.m., the the sound of Orange Lake in the air. This proved to he Southern. Appropriately i mncy. is to bring people together to share musical interesting than Tim featuring Orange Drive filtered into the air, but more mencing with 'Blue Sky." F ■its ideas, beer, marijuana and, of course, love. With each concert — Lake Drive, the Tim Moore the days' activities were al Moore, the musicians who com mixed old and new tunes, n MSSii't Otti nipt to recreate the "summer of love," the soaks up posed the "Second the delight of the respon to Band and Dickey Betts and ready in full swing. The local song , faxes that were once "together and mellow"are hostile and „ Almost a decade of Junes have come and gone since Hcnilrix is dead, so are Joplin and Jones. music Great Southern — did not get under way until two hours later. The massive crowd grew band of Peanut Barrel fame provided a flow of jazz flavored music originating from the Avenue." audience. Thousands of students want like weather swarmed to the Story by John Casey .Ill, third Mag in a row, MSU is treated to a free open-air restless as the blazing sun repertoires of Qunicy Jones and ing to escape the tedium of ravine between the Red Cedar ** rt sponsored by RHA and Pop Entertainment. Attempts classes and enjoy the summer-. sizzled down on the parade of Ronnie Laws. Photos by Laura Lynn Fistler node tu capture the spirit of Monterey, the feelings River and the MSU Auditorium burning flesh. Between set changes the lal mill "the summer of love," the essence of sharing. x ^Produce. .In Store Coupons. FRESH FLORIDA SWEET CORN "799' CHERRY TOMATOES 49' lb. OPEN PIT BAR-B-Q SAUCE Regular Only 28'Save 41' On eost side of MSU at 1109 FRESH CABBAGE 17' lb. 18 ox. Bottle East Grand River. SPARTAN SOFT ALL YOU Open Mon. • Thur. 9 am • 10 pm MARGARINE TUB l#Tub 39' Save 20' Fri. & Sat. 9 11 pm CAN CAT : / HYGRADE SLICED BEEF am • -Bakery- BOLOGNA 1# Pkg. 77' Save 22' J 5-9 *4.90 SPARTAN HOT DOG OR SCOTCH PAK ICE CREAM All Flovori -'/, Gallon 99' Save 36' ■Meat" I CANTONESE, HAMBURG BUNS 8 Pack 28' BORDEN'S PRIZE DRINK PERICAN AND ■ POLYNESIAN MIX All Flavors sl.49 Save30' SCHAFER'S LESS BREAD 59' KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP USDA CHOICE ROUND STEAK $1.29 lb. flNCHES AND 1#loof DINNERS SALAD DRESSING M-Thur 11:30-9:30 docooWi ^.General Merchandise- Quart Jug LIMIT 1 PLEASE WITH 'S.00 77' Save 22' USDA CHOICE BONELESS ROLLED RUMP ROAST $1.49 I H-Sot 11:30-11 ! BOOKS FINAL NET HAIR SPRAY x FOOD PURCHASE lb. 1 Sunday 12-7:30 .MOMAI SI VFN DAYS IOIOIO Pump Spray • 8 ox. Bottle I Your USDA CHOICE BONELESS ROLLED CLAIROL HERBAL ESSENCE f Choice SIRLOIN TIP ROAST $1.49 lb. |U9■A3 Cedar in Grand Village """"""" SHAMPOO 12 ox. Bottle $] 49 Ledge USDA CHOICE SIZZLE STEAK (Cut from Sirloin Tip) Sl.69lb. -Frozen & Dairy- USDA CHOICE BLADE CUT CHUCK STEAK 88e lb. r Science Fiction TIP TOP LEMONADE 6 ox. Cons 12' r literature WHOLE CHICKEN LEGS 77e ib. I1 Mysteries HEATHERWOOD ALL STAR I Michigan History 1 % LOWFAT MILK 2/$1.39 I*Children's Books ECKRICH BEEF FRANKS l#Pkg. 99' SPARTAN SLICED CHEESE l#Pkg. Individually Wrapped WEIGHT WATCHERS' SPECIAL - CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP OCEAN PERCH OR CATFISH ■ 307 East Grand River 332-0112 -Grocery- . E L"n!ing Open 11:30-4:00 ST. REGIS WHITE PAPER PLATE »" 69' KINGSFORD CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 10# Bag S| 09 CRISCO PURE VEGETABLE OIL $ 38 ox. Bottle | 29 . COCA COLA OR TAB l2ox. 12 pack Cans J] ,9 GOODRICH'S UPTON ICED TEA MIX 36 ox. west side of MSU at 910 Trowbridge Rd lemon or Natural Sugar $1." Open Monday • Thursday 9 a.m.-9 p.m. FRANCO AMERICAN SPAGHETTI 9 a.m.*11 p.m. Friday & Saturday 15 ox. Can 5/$] 00 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 23,19?y RELIEVES IN BOTH GAMES Buckeyes rule Big Ten Pashnick's heat cools Wolves By JOHN SINGLER State News Sports Writer finished Sunday with a 357. "Condition-wise, this is n By MIKE 1.ITAKER The junior right-hander got record to 4-7 and was his first in loaded double that got rid of Parker to ground to Dave Ohio Slate's Mark Balcn had the last laugh. courses, we've played all year "" n H After most of his teammates attracted the Michigan State SUte News Sports Writer MSU out of a bases-loaded relief after starter Sherm John¬ Michigan starter Bill Stennett. Radke at third, where Radke lion's share of pretournament publicity, the wound up a dUi Said' situation in the eighth inning son was forced to leave the Weller opened the inning stepped on the bag for the force led by Mark Egly and Ran, n seveMh, Michigan quarterback centerfielder Rick Leach should Sunday after coming on for game at the start of the sixth with a walk, Randy Hop singled and fired to the plate where Buckeye sophomore earned his ink on the golf with 298s. oma8alski, ei()L talk to MSU's Larry Pashnick Brian Wolcott, who had already when the tendon in his right and Ty Willingham took a pitch Jerry Pollard put the tag on course, carding a two shot win in the Big Ten Other MSU scores included 1 given up two runs before knee popped out of place again. on the arm to fill the sacks. Ted Mahan. Championship at Forest Akers Golf Course this Mark Brooks, 305- Rick P. Marx, 304, about his passing game for next fall after watching the Spartan hurler pass a couple of sliders Pashnick got Mike Parker to hit into a doubleplay to end the Wolcott took over for Johnson but was tagged for three Wol¬ Spada then unloaded a rope down the left field line to clear Saturday was reserved for Michigan freshman Steve weekend with a 285 for 72 holes. "Driving the ball and just keeping it in play Baker, 314, Grov"' 0vcr' 3»0; and T^l andWwehais\h\Sr^S'itth^idf. kaa* if the bases and give MSU a 3-0 Howe. He scattered 10 MSU was the big part of my game," Balen said. threat. verine runs in the 2'/a innings past him for third strikes over He couldn't recall three putting more than two the weekend. First baseman Jerry Weller he worked. lead. hits over the nine innings to perplexed Bruce Fossum. Pashnick pitched his finest won the ballgame for Pashnick and the Spartans with a tre¬ a Pashnick had been in need of pick-me-up the past two Michigan closed the gap in the third on second baseman push his record to 9-2. The only runs the Spartans or three times ail weekend. Ohio State won the team title, burying Balen had rounds of Spartan head 72, 70 73 £' games of the season coming out a„a 7n , of the bullpen twice, beginning mendous two-run homer over weeks after he tied the MSU Scott Anderson's two-run were able to get off him came in second place Indiana by 28 shots. The Buckeyes H the fence in left to provide the record for most losses in the homer to left. Anderson hadn't the seventh inning after two have Akers' number, specifically 357. They Ohio State's John Cook',' ""lna. tied »jq| with four scoreless frames in winning margin. season. But after his two show¬ homered in three years at outs. Ken Robinson singled, closed their winning show in the Spartan Tremblay started the final mi a the 3-2 loss at Ann Arbor on Michigan until this weekend Invitational two weeks ago with 357, started the place but the '-1" «as Saturday and in the 6 5 Sunday victory at Kobs Field. But the savory moment was yet to come when Pashnick ings this weekend and the handling tough-hitting Leach to boot, when he got his first off Todd Cliff Northey sliced a double to right and A1 Weston brought Big Ten Tournament with a first round 357 and Treacy. Balen w sfour shots olf theMinnesota's kS| pi The Spartan victory, before a slipped the third strike past it was strictly seventh heaven. Hubert on Saturday for the them both home with a single. Leach for the final out of the Weston three for seven crowd of 3,168, cost Moby "I really wanted to prove to ning r was Tremblay started Sunai v Benedict's Wolverines a share game, just like he did in them (coaches) that I could do it Johnson's said over the weekend and failed in Play with a bogey. H„wever of the Big Ten baseball title Saturday's loss. because I think they began to "yes" and his knee said ' his effort to win the Big Ten the second hole he canned J "I wanted him really bad. I have their doubts about me," Wolcott opened the sixth and batting crown. He was the 20 foot with Minnesota, who split over putt from the frine. tJ wanted to take Ricky down on Bob Wasilewski parked his sec the weekend with Iowa. MSU Pashnick continued while mop runner up last year. steady himself and w ^ winds up with a 10 8 conference strikes both times," Pashnick ping up more perspiration. ond delivery over the fence in All of the Michigan runs close the nine with si record, good for a fourth-place said, still shaking with sweat "There's been a couple of times left to tie the score. Saturday came off the long bal. pars and a birdie. tie with the Hawkeyes, and pouring down his face after the this year when I let the guys Hop's solo homer in the sixth in the third inning against 28 26 on the season. emotional win. down but they stuck behind me made it 4-3 until the eighth sore handed starter Todd Hu A shaky start on the L "He hit me last year when 100 per cent." when Michigan went ahead bert. Parker poked a two run nine probably cost Michigan is still likely to get Trer an at large berth the game was out of hand in Tony Spada was the first to with a pair of runs and had the homer and Anderson followed the tournament. He though for the boee loaded with one out. three of the first four NCAA baseball tournament Ann Arbor but we really want¬ ed him after he did a number on stick for the Spartans Sunday with a second inning bases bases Pashnick came in and got that up one batter later with his bases needed a birdie on holes I! leading up to the college world empty blast. series in Omaha June 10 Mike (Fricke) last year," Pash¬ Balen. Tremblay's through 17. nick continued, referring to a missed the green and he to_ three more to get gets third in 800 play at first base last season frth ran however. second. Julie Brown of Califor¬ eighth in the 3.000 meters in Things were back to Smith's liking in the 200 meters as he and nia State Northridge (CSN) 9:55.0. freshman roommate Flowers shut down Johnson at 200 meters, at won the 800 meters in 2:02.88 The only MSU re lay team to which Johnson was also the defending champion. "Randy and Ricky showed me what they were made out of in that and Olympian Wendy Knudson place was the mile r elay unit of WHEN YOU'RE PART OF THE CROWD ... ran second in 2:04.46. Sue Sebastian. Ellaine Carr, 200," Bibbs said. 'That's supposed to be Johnson's best race. "If she can get a few more Johanna Matthv ssen and "But Randy just refused to lose. He didn't like losing that 100-meter. And Ricky made up his mind they were one-two." going to go quality performances like this under her belt she'll be tough," Latter, which plac ed fifth in YOU'RE PART OF THE TEAM! Smith was timed in 21.68 seconds, Flowers in 21.83 and Johnson Bridges predicted. Latter was kept out of the "She thinks and I think she open 400 meters to let her in 21.84. In the 400 meter relay the can run faster. Right now she's concentrate on the J800 meters. Spartan team of Flowers, Leon Williams, Charles Byrd and Smith ran second to U-M — 40.64 solidly in the top 10 in the Bridges said. seconds to 40.76. country." "We felt it would be better to For senior and three-time Latter's third place finish led take one good sho t." Bridges cross country all-American Lindsay it the Spartans to nine team was his last familiar double at the said. Latter's best 100 meter Big Ten championships. Lindsay won his second straight 1,500-meter title in 3:45.3 but points, which finished far down was nosed out by nemesis Craig Virgin of Illinois in the 5,000 meters. Virgin won by more than 10 seconds as he was clocked in Air^Corklif^ 13.55.65. "Herb has been an outstanding captain on this team," Bibbs said. "Both he and Charles Byrd have been low key, but excellent. They going to be hard to replace." tythefoottp- are Byrd placed third in the open 400-meters behind U-M's James Grace and Indiana's Jim Peters, who tied for first in a meet record 46.42 seconds. Byrd ran a 47.34. Byrd also anchored the 1,600-meter relay team which took second And for the foot! Cool little sandals that behind Indiana. The team of Howard Neely, Flowers, Tim Klein and breeze through season after season with Byrd finished in 3:07.84, just .04 seconds behind the Hoosiers. more comfort and fashion than you've In the 400-meter intermediate hurdles Klein finished runner up ever known before. Handsome leathers, to Wisconsin's Mike Murei for the third year in a row — 50.68 seconds to 50.80. The Spartans' tough durable soles and good-looking Neely was third in 51.33. "Some of the times may be a little slow because of headwinds and details...all designed to help you keep very hot weather, but on the whole it was a very competitive meet," your cool. Bibbs said. HAM UUP! Ham, or othe meat with your egg is just part of the news at Weight BUY A TICKET FOR THE FIRST TWO Watchers" We've added lot of a GAMES AND GET YOUR TICKET FOR TH^ great new foods to our Food THIRD GAME Plan. All within limits, of course. This special offer good for Purdue To help game here, on September 10,1977, the! make it simpler Washington State game here, on September 17,1977 and the home Wyomingl than ever for you to game on September 24,1977 • A lose weight and keep it OO V?; off. Come to a Weight Watchers meeting 15 in Get a taste losing weight. YOUmovETHieMANCI. of what's new WFIfiHT w. TICKETS ON SALE UNTIL JUNE 11, '77 YY/flDlCRI ??h»s mm-st? sm ^ The Authority MSU Bootery $10.00 for special package, $5.00 for general admission. 225 E. Grand River YOU SAVE $5.00 ON THIS SPECIAL OFFER! Open til 6 P.M. Available at vv y/ MSUnion, Conrad, or Jenison Monday. Moy 23, 1977 ^ Alumni fall to 10-0 By TOM SHANAHAN had an opportunity to meet many of the MSU almuni. State News Sports Writer Though the Spartans weren't able to roll up and down the field, or Saturday's first varsity-alumni game since 1962 was day of fun in connect any long passes and runs to excite the crowd, Rogers said it the sun for the players and 5,000 fans that were at Spartan Stadium, didn't mean the team was in trouble for next fall. which was hit by a 90-degree sun. "This had nothing to do with whether we will he a good team or The varsity won the match, 10-0, on a five-yard touchdown run not in the fall." he said. "We weren't very proficient, but you're not off-tackle by junior college transfer tailback Leroy McGee and a supposed to be at this time of the year. I enjoyed just watching the 20 yard field goal by Hans Nielsen. Both scores came in the second game." Fullback Jim Earlev was the varsity's dominant rusher with 77 quarter as the varsity offense controlled the ball throughout the first half. yards on 11 carries. McGee. from El Cajon, Calif., gained 43 yards on 11 attempts, hut also caught three passes for 23 yards. "We had fun today," MSU coach Darryl Rogers said. "We just Kirk Gibson led the receivers with 44 yards on three receptions as would have liked to have put more points on the board in the first quarterback Ed Smith was seven for 14 for 74 yards. half. But we controlled the ball and moved it 70 yards several times MSUINGS: After the game the fans swarmed onto the field to and we didn't make mistakes." take part in an autograph session with the varsity and alumni. Meanwhile, the alumni, playing on only two days practice, had During the session awards for most valuable player awards for both trouble getting started against the varsity defense. Even with such teams were handed out. MSU greats from the past as Earl Morrall coaching and tailback The varsity MV1' was Kirk Gibson on offense and Paul Rudzinski on defense. The alumni MVP was George Mihaiu on offense and Eric "Flea" Allen, who finally decided to play Friday, the alumni Paul Hayner on defense. could only muster 32 yards rushing and 110 passing. Ironically, the youngest former all-American (19711 the alumni had, Allen fumbled the ball the first two times he carried and only gained 24 yards in eight carries. tonight thru Saturday The oldest former all-American (1955) on the alumni, Morrall came out for the last two plays in a golf shirt, shorts and a helmet DUKETUMATOE and the and threw an interception to the varsity's Eric Jones. But the officials made up a penalty to give Morrall new life and one last ALL STr R FROGS chance with less than :20 to go. But Morrall threw the same pass BMI recording artiats back at Jones and the defensive rush picked up the veteran FISH A FRIES SPECIAL - ALL YOU CAN IAT quarterback of 21 years in NFL and carried him into the end zone. The best threat the alumni put together came from the passing of Dally Reduced Pitcher A Drink Price* Steve Moerdyk. He threw for 80 yards and almost led the alumni to ™.,-. its only score in the fourth quarter until Alan Davis intercepted a pass in the end zone. "In the second half our defense got to play a lot more and we got to see the ball in the air," Rogers said. State News/Robert Kozloff IVirsity freshman Mark Brammer (91) tries to move lilunni linebacker Ralph Wleleba (39) out of play on this won rushing attempt in the first half. The varsity the spring game played Saturday. to "Boys aren't supposed to beat men anyways. It was our privilege have the alumni on campus playing for us and against us," the second-year coach said, pointing out that most of his staff has never ^ndepqpound 224 Abbott J football tickets on sale 7 " ///; ///. X/ - ' " Inball tickets for the Spartans' 1977 grid have purchase limitations of two per x person. « sale today at the athletic ticket Tickets for all MSU games are $8, except for the Big Jettison Fieldhouse. The tickets will be Notre Dame game tickets which are $10. P until Friday to give MSU students, staff MSU students can also buy a package of a jump on the June 1 general public tickets for the first three home games at a >ts selling this week are the full-price savings of $5. Student tickets will be on sale until the end of the term for $10. The first three games dial game n ticket applications that must be person at the ticket office. The are against Purdue Sept. 10, Washington State CAR FIX-UPTIME ire from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sept. 17 and Wyoming Sept. 24. iv Oct. 1 first game at Notre Dame Student tickets for the final three home games Buy now at these new LOW prices! home Oct. 8 contest with Michigan will be bought at registration next fall. can 4-pty polyester cord mt a mount! nee. benefits available and Ex re- — GET INSIDE YOUR WORLD Deluxe A» Notional Guard. , 89-5169 alter 6 P.M., through Friday. Calk* . . .viiih L|)ilo(j, ilii Michi((Ai\SiAH RacI'io Champion Nnw/ouks mvvs MA(,A/iM. 1omc,1h m 8. IPILOG -640am 18 Call for an appointment today! FIRESTONE 'VARSITY INn FOOD* BOOZED PIZZA DOWNTOWN STORE ONLY 329 S.GRAND 485-7141 Open Daily 7 a.m. to Serve You >w6ftk Business. n lucrative port- You will make Tonight is Pizza & J $'25 weekly to start, ou work more than 6 Pitcher Night EAST LANSINGS ONLY week Based on o TRUCK RENTAL DEALER 'osmess in continuous 12" 2 item Pizza! 50oz. Pitcher 5.00 service since 1944. My guaranteed. No mer- 16" 2 item Pizza & 50 oz. Pitcher 625 Mo buy and sell. .... ' $10.00 available diversity stu- ■toonly $3.00 and OHare Business Ser- to this ad. Pitchers % off I RYDER TRUCKS FOR MOVING -Jx 66552; P International Low Local & One-Way Rates Airport; IM.S.U. fi Week of Celebration & GtY CUNCIL Understanding • 12.18. and 22' Rentals • Move One to Seven Rooms • Nationwide Road Service I ^o*. Moy 23rd Lesbian Rap Satiion In tha Michigan Union. (Chack • Free Movers Guide Stat* News (or time and location.) I '"•'day, May 24th Too Party I Croquot at tho Tha Rock noar Beaumont Tower at 4:00 p.m. "Hit Anlto with an Orango" Spe¬ BH? United Rent-All cial Event. I "fdnesdi'oy. May 25th Continuation of Soloctod Topic. In Gay/Fomlnlit life ^rTT 2796 E. Grand Rv. JjC Styloi. 8:30 p.m.. 331 Michigan Union. 4G (Next to I Hop) I Ptursdi"IT. May 26th Gay Liberation for Straight People: An Educotlonal Forum with Eleanor Morrison of 7:00 p.m. In room Call Now For Reservations 331 Michigan Union. And, "A Comedy and Six Un¬ natural Acts" and othor gay films will bo shown at I S.May 27th 8:30 p.m. In room 334 Michigan Union. Support your local gay bar. "Soloctod Discounts with currant M.S.U. undergroduoto student I.D." Tonight 351-5652 Only I I^S, May 28th Pot Luck Cookout at 4:00 p.m. until Dork In Patriarch Also Dealers in: Park In E. Lansing ot Soginow and Alton under the South Lansing shelter. South Cedar Total 6825 S.Cedar 694-1825 'wstemdeher's North Lansing Ryder Truck Rental MAY20-MAY28 207 Bell St. 372-7447 8 Michigan State News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday. May23 , Klugh, Motion: commercial Bv MARTI BENEDETTI with over the last six years of the Paul Motian Trio, with most distinctly remembered for vs. and unorthodox disharmony. The mix was was a stark contrast to Klugh's David Izenson on bass and his Showcase appearance with interesting, but at times ex¬ structured renditions of such SUte News Reviewer (George Benson, Chick Corea's Earl Klugh is a jazz guitarist Return to Forever and George Charles Brakeen on saxophone, the Keith Jarrett Quartet in hausting. Motian's jazz mood numbers as "Shadow of Your with a future. Perhaps this is Shearing), but 23-year-old started out the Friday evening the fall of 1975. ranged from turbulent to a Smile," "Heard it Through the due to his exceptional past as a Klugh is now on his way to fully ShowcaseJazz presentation Motian's trio played through smooth, often textured blend of Grapevine" and "Dr. Macum- with an hour of their haunting, series of lengthy com¬ drums and other percussion ba," a ctrt off their latest album, developing an individual high- a positions, each member going instruments. "Fingerpaintings." But it His sound is a fine blend of level style. slightly austere jazz rhythms. was the jazz artists he has played The highly experimental mix Jazz drummer Motian can be off into his own realm of discord The trio's unorthodox music that tremendous contrast which made up for the excellent balance. PETER J. VACCARO Klugh included very little in the way of original material, but this was overshadowed by the excellent musicianship of Players glory in 'Glass Menagerie' keyboardist Gary Shunk, bass¬ ist Herbie Crawford and drum¬ mer Bert Paret. Though some may label Klugh a member of commercial¬ ized jazz artistry, what he and his quartet put out is worth¬ The Players Gallery opened a line-readings of his crucial soli¬ Lisa Hodge is a lovely, fragile | nevertheless convincing. more on the self-aggrandizing while as listenable jazz. Klugh's production of Tennessee Wil¬ loquies, which miss a large Laura, victim of the real world The greatest departure from bombast hinted at in Jim's past contributions as a record liams' "The Glass Menagerie" portion of the poetry that is vhich all things lovely must established convention in this character than on the idea of ing artist, which include "Earl this past weekend against con¬ Tom's language, but the re¬ break. Though her transforma¬ production is in the interprets Jim as still another dreamer Klugh" and "Living Inside Your siderable odds. No one has paid mainder of his performance is tion following the play's climac¬ tion of Jim, the Gentleman with dreams that must remain Love," both on the Blue Note much attention to the new completely respectable. tic kiss is a bit sudden, it is Caller. Walter Kozicki builds ultimately unrealized. Though label, prove the point. group over past seasons. Its the interpretation is perhaps productions have been few and justifiable by the character's Klugh is young and he re¬ of not particularly good quality. mains in the process of cul¬ speeches which are frequently Its attempt at so significant a about himself, it seems to me to tivating his skill as a jazz musican. The fact that he is play as "The Glass Menagerie" miss the spirit of sadness that seemed at first presumptuous. underlies the speeches. constantly absorbing the jazz The Players performed in Won¬ styles of other musicans is ders Hall kiva on an unusually apparent in the way he has Ultimately, this production of enriched his playing style since hot weekend, with no air-condi¬ "The Glass Menagerie," aside tioning and little ventilation. I saw him two years ago at from being a fine mounting of a It is thus that the success of Detroit's Pontchatrain Hotel. most worthy play, gives us the this production — and it was a hope that a new company with While Motian's intricate jazz success — came as a very the promise of some excellence weavings may go further on the happy surprise. One suspects is being born on the MSU that a new Players Gallery is creativity scale, it is Klugh's campus. I look forr is much from contemporary and commercial responsible. One suspects as future producti is of the Play- musical output the public can well that a great deal of credit ers Gallery. grasp. belongs to the company's new director, David Kropp. Kropp is thoroughly sensi¬ tive to Williams' early master¬ piece. He understands com¬ PAC will keep tradition pletely thedelicate and fragile texture of this play, has taken few liberties with the script, has made good use of tradition¬ in Tiddler on the Roof' State News Maggie \ al music and lighting effects, and shown great past imagina¬ BtBsizt David Izenson of.the Paul Motian Trio. tion in working with the limited "Who day and night mutt scramble for a living, feed a wife and resources of a kiva stage. children, say his daily prayersf" Kropp has as well cast his The MSU Performing Arts Company (PAC) will bring Tevye's production admirably. Diana timeless family and a bit of Russian history to the Fairchild Royce's Amanda may be frail There IS a difference!!! < and drowntrodden, but is mark¬ Theatre with its production of "Fiddler on the Roof Tuesday at ed by that strength in spirit, 8:15 p.m. ^ tenacity and endurance that The play, based on stories by Sholem Aleichem, is Broadway's .MCAT .LSAT 'DAT dominate every Williams her¬ longest running musical, set in the Russian village of Anatevka .GMAT .VAT .GRE »0CAT .SAT and centering on Tevye's troubles. He and his wife, five oine. Her vocal inflections are daughters NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS and neighbors are in a constant struggle remarkably similar to those of against poverty, Czarist the late Gertrude Lawrence, programs and the changes that come with the breakdown of • ECFMG -FLEX Flexible Programs and Hours but Lawrence is a worthy age-old traditions. Over 38 years ol experience and success. Small classes Voluminous I model indeed, and the intona¬ home sludy materials. Courses thai are constantly updated Centers • Singing and dancing in the PAC version of "Fiddler" will be tions serve the character as Ruth-Anne Bender, Steve Kiersey, Dean Gilbert, Gail Harris, open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities for re«e« well. ol class lessons and lor use ol supplementary materials Make ups lor | Steve Chappellie, Karen Couf and Lynn Rosen. missed lessons at our centers. Roger Haley gives us an The play will run through Saturday, with curtain at 8:15 p.m. energetic and enthusiastic Tickets are $4 for the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday shows, Flaxibla Programs and Hours Tom, though some of the and $4.50 for the Friday and Saturday shows. Reservations are "dreamer and visionary" is recommended fniifta Hills: 31M7W3# Laura (Lisa Hodge) and her beloved "Glass Menagerie.' — which proves that good never grows old. missing from his perfor¬ Am Alto: 313K2-3H9 uicuLimSni'' mance. I disagree with the Or write to: 25812 Orchard Lake ltd. Suite L-7 Farmlngton Hills. Ml. 41011 (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) 1 hMnM Atuliated Centers in Major U. S. Citiesi I I 0o«jfS, ,\e<> I I FREE! Buy any Medium At the regular price UJ \ Get Identical PIZZA \ fjl2i I I s°° I FREE I Little Caesars Piaa I 13.10 >1.95 12011.04. River S >3.75 >2.45 I *337-1631 I >2.85 „ Coupon •ipirci $-31-77 On# coupon ptr ordw J4.40 J5.15 >3.35 FREE! HOT >3.75 ■CLIP AND SAVE — SPINACH PIE Our newest menu item is >4.25 Hive your auto ;5.80 >3.75 a real delight, self, or as a as a meal in it¬ small side order. insurance rates We are offering sampler a size free with the purchase increased? of any sandwich. Fresh chopped spinach Now, if you live in Married Brody Group, West Circle Dorms Sentry has held the line| r> blended with imported Housing, the Brody Group, the or South Complex, please be CALL cheeses, between layers of West Circle Dorms, or the South patient. Domino's Dorm Discount thin, flaky crust, baked til Complex, and order a pizza from will come to your dorm soon - JEFF WILLIAMS bubbly hot. Try some to¬ your dorm or residence, you can watch for it.) day on us. We think you'll 332-183) take advantage of Domino's like it. Dorm Discountl You can have a Who else delivers a hot delicious delicious pizza delivered to your pizza to your room door in 30 Offer good any in May. Monday room door for the above minutes or less and gives you an 401 W. Grand Rl discounted prices - no coupons automatic discount on the price of necessary. Offer good till June your pizza? East Lansing 10. Call us. We deliver fast...free. (If you don't live in Married Housing (Cherry Lane, Spartan 351-7100 Village, and University), the 966 Trowbridge L.i.i .IP AND SAVE " Qtnte News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 23, 1977 xcerpts from Select Committee report NCAA regulations. m. . .re excerpt, from the MSU or instance he was told by Erickson that a The university has been able to establish The university has been able to sively established that he remittee report on it. investig.- establish transaction had taken place with Stolz. that in January 197.5, Head Football Coach was engaged in Stolz: llX football program as published that in late 1972 or early 1973 certain of these funds were transmitted The university has been able to establish Stolz attended a private function which had such a violation. All others who may have been involved are either no longer with the The committee found its decision and Kvwicle mag.""®- What follows is (a check for that the bar/raffle proceeds in the approx been previously announced as a fund recommendations regarding Coach Stolz I.Ml report: Mime oi the allegation. $7,860) to Gordon Serr, then an assistant football coach, allegedly to imate amount of $1,500 were transmitted raising effort, that no funds were solicited university or deceased. the most difficult of all. Individuals have been omitted due former Head Football Coach pay the debts of by former Athletic Director Smith to Head at the affair, that the head coach spoke and Smith: Nevertheless, the Select Committee has Daugherty. The r diversity has been able to Football Coach Stolz outside of university that subsequently Stolz received from the established that (a) he did accept unques¬ virtually completed estab There are three major adverse findings in control, that these funds were expended by sponsor a personal check for $2,300 which tionably the net proceeds for the bar/raffle 1 . lion of MSU's football program. lish that the representative, Mr. Erickson, him for purposes which he claims were not a Stolz deposited as personal income and the case of Mr. Smith — li) involvement in of the 1974 football bust and lb) he did I .ligation involved the receipt of provided supplementary financial aid to violation of NCAA or Big Ten rules and that which he reported for income tax t he transmission of improper financial aid to accept an honorarium in connection with a Lm various sources regarding three players (who had completed their these funds were later returned by Stolz Actions: purposes. three student athletes; (ii) transmission of fund raising event under questionable cir¬ the 1971 football bust bar/raffle net 'additional violations beyond those ! eligibility and who wished to complete an from his personal funds to Smith for proper Dauf/herty: cumstances. (Stolz also admits to an additional academic proceeds to Stolz outside of university in the NCAA. Each of these term so as to graduate) deposit to a university account. in the amount of $500 each (two in (a) Former Head Football Coach control; (iii) failure to investigate for unrepaid loan of $80 to a former student- „„s has been investigated as winter The university has not been able to Daugherty has admitted the raising of athlete.) possible violations the statement made by °y as possible by the Select term 1973; one in spring term 1974), and that then Athletic Director Smith knew of establish that any cash payments of illegal funds outside the university's control Erickson to Smith of Erickson's transfer of The Select Committee is also deeply financial inducements have been made by during the period when the Big Ten and in one instance funds to Stolz at a time when Smith was concerned over the two alleged transfers of _ r our findings should not pre- participated in the Head Football Coach Stolz to student- Conference was supposed to follow a "need" Athletic Director; liv) the unquestioning $10,000 each in 1973 and 1971. Although the Re university taking those actions W jppm appropriate without pre process. These transactions by Smith. are admitted athletes or to prospective student athletes formula. These activities formed the basis acceptance of an implication that Mr. evidence is circumstantial, the reinforcing during the period 1973 through 1975, except for the 1964 67 suspended probation. It is nature of the following facts weakens Stolz I precluding other actions which The committee has been able to establish in one admitted instance of an unpaid loan clear that all the coaches.in the Big Ten Breslin son's expected Smith to facilitate Erick¬ denials: that in both instances the fund E required by the Big Ten and the that on November 23. 1973, and on of raising of funds outside the univer $80 to a former student-athlete to attend engaged in similar violations. The central withdrawals from the bank occurred pre¬ November 22,1974, Erickson did withdraw a brother's funeral in 1973. question is not a possible penalty for these from his accounts in each instance $10,000. Ren lendati cisely before the Iowa game, that the The university has been able to establish old admitted violations hut whether or not ■diversity has been able to establish that in one of these instances (1974) a that in November 1974 former Athletic the same individuals may have continued 1. If the Ion term disability option or purpose of the withdrawal was revealed to a second party in both instances, and that in luring the" period 1971 through 1975, second individual participated in the trans action who has affirmed to the Director Smith was told by the representa¬ the practice of improper funding down to •arly retirement does not at least one case the fact of the transfer was resentative, Mr. Erickson, did in fact Big Ten tive, Mr. Erickson, that a transaction had the presen prove we recommend the immediate also made known to the Athletic Director. ■ into unauthorized bank accounts Commissioner that he was told that the occurred with Head Football Coach Stolz , Ken itendati if Mr. Smith from any associa- It is the recommendation of this commit¬ 1 funds which he had raised for the purpose of the transaction was to make a which may have involved funds outside the The (i lend is for n or duties with intercollegiate athletics tee. based upon the specific violations found ■ football bust. The two alleged payment to Stolz, and that in both instances control of the university but the former the withdrawal occurred elf fro d MSI' and we recommend the provost hv the committee that dismissal of Stolz is lots of the funds (Daugherty, 1971 precisely the day athletic director failed to investigate the any representative where it can be conclu tiate tenure dismissal proceedings. warranted and justified. X1973 75) deny the allegations both before the games and the date when Erickson says the transactions occurred. matter or conduct any inquiry to determine ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ipt of funds from Erickson outside whether or not any violations of university The ASMSU Theatre Council announces ijty control and the use of any such Finally, former Athletic Director Smith policy or NCAA and Big Ten rules had L purposes which violated Big Ten confirms that in the November 23, 1974, taken place. OPEN AUDITIONS PHOTO CONTEST! : for Three Summer Productions $4500 The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare Nikorf\ Confidential violations report released by Chronicle worth of Don Juan by Bertolt Brecht (photo gear plus an adventure ^—trip for contest winners!^- Jonah by David Campton "the specific violations found by He said the final report was "It doesn't bother me I that Union Building Ballroom the committee... and the lack of candor on the part of Stolz in submitted to Wharton just the report was made public)." May 24, 25, 26 7:30-10:30 P.M. before the April meeting of the Scarborough said. call 355-7673 or 353-5255 for more information testimony given to the Commit¬ University trustees. Orr said he "did not think" • t... SI... Chicago. IL 60651 • tee and (Big Ten) Commis "It is unfortunate that the the report as published was the •••••*•••••••••••••••••••••«••••• a Div. of ASMSU/PB Inaccessible to wheelchairs sioner (Wayne) Duke which report has been published t final conclusions of the commit also constitutes a violation of it may lead to erron tee. but that they had "no Big Ten rules." elusions." Bruff said. qualms about Bruff said that publishing it though he had Neither Scarborough nor there was substantial not yet seen a copy of the Hoefer could remember if the rntation" included in the magazine, the report as pub¬ Select Committee report filed eport. lished could only be an interim with the University on March report, one of many submitted 12, 1976, I the date of the to Wharton during the < published reportl was the final 10 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan -mm Eapliimit lid Employment )(jf] L Employment Classified Advertising PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1973 V? HONDA 1973 CB350, clean, 7200 WANTED PART time employees AVON-EARN money for CHEVROLET IMPALA 1968. 2 next Information door hardtop, good condition. $395 393 3311 after 5:30 p.m. 225-6 cylinder, 56,000 miles. Air, vinyl top, AM/FM stereo, 1 owner. miles, high bars, sissy bar. $550. Call 351 4156. 4-5-25 13) nights and weekends. 1997 Aure lius Road, Holt. 694 9823. 3-5-23 semester's tuition. representative this Be an summer. Avon 482 $2000 offer. 355 2130. Z 5-5-27 (3) (3) 6893. C-8-5-31 (31 'age in Traverse Citv 7 8 5 31 (31 PHONE 355-8255 347 Student Services Bldg NEW LOW rates on motorcycle 332-4273. 8-5-2714) CHEVY IMPALA 1969. excellent PLYMOUTH 1968 insurance. Alder Agency, 351- WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM inter¬ waitresses" ~'cv"J.--| Runs well. SUMMER JOBS condition, $625 or best offer 482 Automatic, air, new battery. $350. 8620. 0 2 5 23 (12) viewing for summer jobs. State¬ Full time sales wide help S800/month only, daytime and RATES 0909 8-6-2 (31 Call Paul. 353 7854. 6-5-27 (3) openings. Tuesday May 24th guaranteed plus commission, can pan tirre j Also t day ■ 90C per line KAWASAKI 1972 S2350. 5400 Wednesday, 25th. Student Ser¬ work into permanent position after bartender, n,gh,sT® days DATSUN 710, 1974. Great condi PINTO WAGON 1973. Automa miles, good condition, must sell. vices Room 13; 10 a.m., 11:30 graduation. Write the UNITED and pan time. ApDfa,L„J 3 days • 80$ per line tion. Rear defrost, bi level air. tic, stereo, new tires, exhaust, $350 349 3560, Russ. 8 6 2 (3) a.m., 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. sharp' Car EDUCATORS INC. 900 Long Blvd POLO BAR 622 WestS J 6 days - 75c per line $2250. Call 349 1904 4 5 24 131 brakes 24 mpg. $575. 694 1894 necessary. 5 5 25 (6) Suite 4 9, Lansing, Michigan Okemos. 8-5 27161 1 8 5 27 (3) YAMAHA 500 1973 Windjammer. 8 days - 70C per line 48910. 8 5 31 18) CHORUS DIRECTOR DODGE DART 1967 faculty 6700 miles. $895 Honda 750 1972. HOUSE PARENTS pad time. ^ owned, rusty but reliable, many PONTIAC 1974 LeMans sport Married couple to operate Shelter female to, 6000 miles, some custom, $1300. CHILD CARE 7:30 8:30 a.m., 3:30 Barbershop SJ Adel'„r5M„remJ Line rate per insertion new parts. $100. 351 0599. 8 5 2 coupe. V-8, air, AM radio and Both excellent. 321-6383 after 5 Home. Must demonstrate ability 6:30 p.m. East 4.50 14.10 31.50 39.20 stereo tape deck. Low mileage. to work effectively with adoles¬ Lansing area. One P m. 4 5 26 (5) Bailey school child. Full time Custom interior. No rust. Must cents. For further information call summer work possible. 351 FORD TORINO sell. 626 6861. 5 5 27 (6) 546 1500. 0 2 5-23 (6) 6168 counselors, Michigan"® Wagon 1971 EconoLines • 3 lines - '4.00 - 5 days, 80' per line over 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. Florida car, power steering and brakes, air, 321-7138. 5-5-27 (31 SUPER BEETLE 1974, black, must : Art) Survin }{/) HOUSEKEEPER 4-5 hours daily. nights. 8 6-24 (41 MARKETING Camp, June 22'August 131 lions open: crafts, natal Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum FORD 1971 window van. Automa¬ sell, cheap, good condition.. Call Monday Friday. 485-7423 after 5 JUNK CARS wanted. We pay more if they run. Also buy used Must have own transpodation and like children. Would prefer wife of trainee MANAGEMENT LIFE OF VIRGINIA inter FLYING EAGLE, 1401 view, Lansing, 48912 a Nonhl sale price of '50. tic, high output heater, radio, p.m 6 5 23(31 cars and trucks. 489 3080. C 21 viewing June and August grad 6 5 27 151 graduate student. Apply Box A 1 uates from all colleges. Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines • '2.25 • per insertion. excellent tires $1250. 351 0539 531 (17) State News. 5-5-25 (6) • Sign up at SUPER BEETLE 1974. Asking College Placement Office starting 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). $1695 make offer. 485-6535 or WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top Mav 19 for interview May 26. Up MURRAY HOTEL" U„ GRADUATING SENIORS Island. Michigan Rummage/Garage Sale ads ■ 4 lines • '2.50. GRAND Torino 1973. e 372 2960 5 5 26 (31 dollar. 489 4647 NORTHSIDE make to $1000 a month to start. 2 year cooks needs * FORD your education pay off. Career Ifryer. grill 0r, 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion, AUTO PARTS b SALVAGE. 0 21- training program. 8-5-25 171 Send ellent condition AM FM sten immediately c,™, TORINO WAGON 1971. Good me oppodunity with national com¬ . 'Round Town ads • 4 lines - '2.50 - per insertion tape Can 627 4256 5 5 23 (3) 531 (14! sume. work experience chamcal condition, air, AM FM pany. $12,000 $15,000 first year ifl 63' per line over 4 lines. WANTED - STUDENTS interest Photo, to 3969 stereo $850 351 8293. Z 8 5 27 ELIMINATE potential. Call for interview. 694 ed in Penbertiml Lost ( Founds ads/Transportation ads - 3 lines M GREMLIN X 1974 TUNE-ups. Replace umpirino - tp 'I in DeWitt Arbor, Michigan 48105 ,50 • (3» vour conventional ignition with a 2904 3 5-23 (6) city 13 power steering new tires, good league y\V»-particulars, call per insertion. 50" per line over 3 lines condition, priced to sell $1900 or Piranha electronic ignition at Jeff Koslowsxi 482 4252 8 5 27 STUDENT NEEDED as TRIUMPH 1971 Spitfire. Great CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN pa(ti best offer. 332 6265 Z 3-5-23 (41 condition, butterscotch color, new CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama SUMMER HELP NEEDED typist at the Cyclotron the summer. lab| Deadlines MAVERICK 1971 White 2 door, $1500 Phone 655-3803 after 6 For the BABYSITTER WEEKDAY Experience wit top, roo Street, one mile west of Following even retarial work at MSU $500 Call 353 6430 After 5 p.m., p.m Z-3 5-23 (31 487 5055. C 21-5-31 (28) ings. 2 month old. Own transpor pre Ads 2 p.m. - I class day before - publication. 332-5149 8 8 23 (31 campus JOBS BY PHONE tation. Close to MSU. 351 2269. Call Tuesday or Wednesda 353-5971 1-5-23(7! Cancellation Change - 1 p.m. - i doss day before MERCEDES BENZ 220S, 1965 VEGA 1973 Hatchback. 45.000 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Warehouse Men 5-5 23 (3) p.m. ] publication. mile®. 4 speed, new tires battery Landscaping Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled Radio, sunroof. $2000 best offer. 30 mpg 393 2753. 8 5 25 (3) Complete auto painting and col¬ Material Handling APARTMENT CLEAN UP crews. HOUSE CLEANING. Nearl or changed 332 0007 after 5 p.m. 5 5-27 (3) lision service. American and for¬ General Labor June 10-June 20. Apply basement campus. Flexible hours JT until after 1st insertion. of Americana Apadments. 1128 $3 hour. 332 6295 b VEGA 1975 Hatchback. 4 speed. eign cars. 485-0256. C-21-5-31 (20) There is a M.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per MG MIDGET 1976 convertible. Short and long term assignments. Victor Street. 332-0111. OR-10-5- a.m. 1-5-23(5) 21,000 miles, excellent condition, GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 additional change for maximum of 3 changes. Low mileage. Excellent condition. 31 14) many extras 25 mpg 332 1798. Priced from $4. Mounted WANTED $4000 Call 675 5142 between 9-4 inch phone. BIGsisi The State News will only be responsible for the 1st 5 5-27 (3) BARMAID, WAITRESS and old p.m 5-5-27 (4i free PENNELL SALES. 1301"? cook. girl. Summer teri day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must East Kalamazoo, Lansing 482 Apply in person All pad time positions. Apply swimming, have reft be made within 10 days of expiration date. VEGA 1974 Hatchback. 4 speed, 5818 C-21-5-31 (17) before 2 p.m) DODGE HOUSE. Cedar and Sagi exchange for r< MG MIDGET 1974 AM FM ster Bills are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not rustproofed. excellent condition naw or phone 489 2086. 8 5-23 (4) 351 9269 after 7 pm 35-2*1 eo. new tires X 8 5 27 <3) Call Lisa 394-5226 Must sell Make offer 374 9085 TUNE UPS $16 plus parts. Foreign Manpower Inc. paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will 393 1721 Z-3 5-25 (4) and American cars Call for ap SUMMER WORK. Wan! ambi¬ ACCOUNTING MAJOR J be due. pointment. 482 9592. OYARSA tious gogetters for summer work time summer job. Should MG MIDGET 1969 rebuilt engine, SERVICES, 126 North Pennsyl which can develop into full time if suspension, body fair wire VOLKSWAGEN 1974 Super Bee along in junior ye vania, corner of Michigan Avenue. FULL TIME car washer to clean up career oppodunity. If interested, wheels. $750 349 1668. 8-6 1 <31 tie Gold metallic sunbug with no standing. Will be given exi 86 1 (5) cars and trucks. Good driving call 394 2914, E.O.E. Z-8-5-27 (5) to varied accounting and! rust, steel belted radial tires. 321 [ Automotive ~ Automotive A MG MIDGET 1975. 17,000 miles New features, excellent condition 8703 before 9 8 6 2 (4) a.m. after 9 p m Employment record. Preferred 21 years or 489 1484. 5-5-24(5) older. PHOTOGRAPHER EXPERIENC ED. to join the Sault Ste. Marie keeping duties. Apply in pa a m. noon or phone 882-21 AMC JAVELIN 1970,51,000 miles, Only $2700 349 5338 Z 6 5-26 (3) appointment. SIMPLIFIED ■ CAPRI 1973. V-6, 4 speed. Good WAITRESSES, EXPERIENCE pre¬ VOLKSWAGEN 1975 Dasher wa NORTHERN MICHIGAN Camp Archaeological Project, June 20 - KEEPING AND TAX S9 standard, good condition, 24 mpg. condition, good mileage. Must $595,355-5952.5-5-27(31 sell $1650 best offer. 351-9037 MONTE CARLO Landau 1976, gon, AM FM stereo, excellent seeks counselors 20 and over for ferred but not necessary. VEE VAY VALLEY Bruce, GOLF August 26. Contact Lee Minnerly at the Museum, 5-3496, for addi 4305 South Cedar 3 5-25 if automatic, full power, air, AM FM condition, $3400 489 3635 5 5 26 canoe tripping, sailing, swimming, Z-6-5-23 (3) COURSE 676 5366. negotiable. tional information. 5-5-23 (6) stereo cassette. Ziebari Call 353 BMW 1977 2002. Good condition 6860 after 2 p m 5 5-23 (41 canoeing, nature-ecology. PINE 8 5-27 (3) EXPERIENCED WAITRESl RIVER CANOE CAMP. 332-3991. waiters needed full and pa Call after 4:30 p.m. 339-8586. 8-6-2 CAPRI 1971 2000 cc, AM FM ATTRACTIVE WAITRESSES 8 5-23 (6) - Experienced cooks. Lun| (3) new exhaust and tires $1550. MUSTANG GHIA 1975, FM stere VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE 1972 We Pad-time. Apply in person 2-4 nights. Apply in person on . 351-4805. Z-3 5-25 <3l AM FM radio. Good condition. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for o. 4-speed. excellent condition p.m. America's Cup. 2-5-24 (3) South Washington. 5 5 261 $1100 353-6857 after 6 pm MSU students, 15-20 hours week. CADILLAC 1975 Coupe de Ville. - Best offer 482 6517 and after 5 Z 8-5 27 (3) Automobile required. 339-9500. 19,000 miles. One owner. Like CHEVELLE 1970. 396, 350 horse- p.m. 882 1548 8-5-25 l3> new. $6950. See at 3895 Tiffany C X 21 5-31 113) power. Body excellent, engine Lane, Holt. 694-3771. 8-5-26 !4> great. $1200 or best offer 353- MUSTANG MACH I 1971. Good VW CAMPER 1968 Excellent MOTHER OF two needs summer 2201. Z-8-5-31 (3) condition, 351 standard snow condition Rebuilt engine and helper to live-in. Must swim - like tires. Best offer. 485-0845 after 5 transmission. $1500 best offer CAMARO 1974. Excellent condi¬ dogs. Call collect 1-313-557-6693. tion. Automatic, power steering, p.m. 8-5 23 (3) 351 5406 8 6 2 (3) (Southfield) Z-4-5-24 (4) CHEVELLE LAGUNA 1973. Air, brakes. 50,000 miles. 353-2532. excellent condition. Call 485 9643 8-5-26 (4) before 3 pm. After 3 p.m 487 CEDAR 9727. 8 5 25 (31 CAPRI, 1974, V-6, 4-speed. ------ Michelins, excellent condition. Call CHEVELLE 1967. $250. Fair condi 373-3764 5-10 p.m. Monday, Tues- tion, good brakes, tires, engine, day, Wednesday, Friday or 355- 1664 days, weekend. X-4-5-25 (4) reliable car. 337-1837 evening Z 4-5-24 (3) GREENS ,0* NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER and FALL Don't Miss Summer SPECIAL SUMMER RATES A QTtopcfeingljam • FURNISHED APARTMENTS C'mon over at AND CHECK OUT • 1 PERSON UNITS • ONE BEDROOM UNITS COUINGWOOD APTS 4620 South Hagadorn Rd. • AIR CONDITIONINO ♦ air conditioned (North of Mi. Hope) • SWIMMING POOL I To place your Peanuts Personal ♦ dishwasher II Graduation Special Ad, just fill out Mediterranean furniture am ♦ shag carpeting ♦ unlimited ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES I the form below and mail or bring ♦ Kach unit him ili.-na.-li.-r. parking and heat i nx ♦ plush furniture it with payment to the State News * Swimming I'md and priva ♦ model open daily for rental Classified Dept. Now information Two Bedroom furnished apartments leasing for Special Summer rates Fall Coll 351 -8282 (behind Old World Mall TI35 Michigan 351-8631 Ave. Right next to the 3 Lines $200 Each Additioi,alline ~ ■67' Call 351*7166 or the river!) E. Lansing, Mi. Brody Complex SERVICE ?? DEADLINE: FRIDAY, JUNE 1st, 5 P.M. INSTRUCTIONS THAT'S 1. The first 2 words oro capitalized. 2. Extra words capitalized 25' each. 3. Insert 4. leave one a letter space or punction mark between each word. per box. RIGHT!! Live at CAMPUS HILL and leave the driving to us. . . Two * Bedroom furnished Swimming Pool Apart¬ * Central Air ments available for Summer * & Fall. Dishwasher . . Call 349-3530 for * Unlimited Parking information & roommate ser¬ * Bring or Mail to: Picnic Area vice. 3 Lines for ,2.°0 State News Classified Dept. Model Apartment Open 9-9 Each Additional Line 67' 347 Student Service' Bldg. 7 days a week East Lansing, Ml 48823 MANAGEMENT BY: ALLSTATE MANAGEMENT CO., INC. t" ^higon Stole Newt, Eo»t laming, Michigan Mondoy. May 23, 1977 11 |E»ployment ][|J »f*JB MSU WALKING distance. 1 bed |_ tjrrts.ns Apartmnts ](jg [jpartiMtsJgg | Hoiises □-JB technologists.mt fLBERT STREET APART- ONE FEMALE needed for 3 person room furnished, MENTS. Large 2 bedroom, air TWO GIRLS to share master »rp, preferred. FuH time end utilities, air con¬ apartment for summer. Great loca¬ FOR SALE or rent - capacity 23, HOUSE FOR summer, furnished. |f^L openings, afternoon and " ditioning, parking, summer $150 conditioned, furnished. 1 block from campus. Summer. Call 355- tion, close to campus. 351-9316. bedroom in large apartment, own will remodel to suit tenant, lo¬ 5-man. walk to campus. 322-0351. SUMMER SUBLEASE 5 bedroom ju shifts- Must have clinical Fall_4200. 374-6366^21-5-31 J3t_ bath. 393-9447. Z 3-5-23 13) cation 445 Abbott, call 361-7204. duplex. $250/month, 2 baths, nice Z-3L5-23 13! JlL in all areas. Excellent TWO WOMEN 4 6118 afUtr5jj.rn.jDR -14-5-31 (4) 3 5-25 (31 X5-5-26J32 yard, parking. 514 Virginia. 337- "Tate and benefit program. or immediately. Across from cam- persons TWO FEMALES needed for sum¬ 124 CEDAR Street, East Lansing. 513 HILLCREST - Town's largest OFF KALAMAZOO. Charles 2501. 5-5-27 13) Mpersonnel. 1, LANSING pus. Cheap. 351-3456. Z-6-5-2413) mer sublet. Ideal 2-men 1 bedroom furnished apart¬ units. 3 blocks MSU. Brightly SUMMER - ONE bedroom, very Street, East side. 3 bedroom HOSPITAL 2800 location - Grove ment available September 1. Heat furnished, air, dishwasher, every¬ ROOMS IN very nice house. Good Street. $68.50 month, call Pris nice, close, rent negotiable, fell home. Large yard. Available June ,e. Phone 372-8220. 6-5- NIW DUPLIX .^7 and water included. $190/month. thing. Quiet building, security option. 351-4203. 3-5-25 13) 15. Summer $200/month. fall/ creative people, male or female. 0856.8^5-^32 __ Year lease only. Call 8 a.m.-5 p.m. doors. Summer only, from $170. $250. 351-7497. OR-7-5-31 (4) 371-1120. 8-6-2 (3) Foil • 1J months APARTMENTS. 1 block "from Manager needed. 351-4212; 655- GRADUATE, LPN or 351-2402, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. 882-2316. WOMEN TO share luxurious a- Summer- sublet also 1022. OR-8-5-31 161 SHARP 5 bedroom house, East- campus. 2 badroom, 2 RENTING THREE bedroom du¬ I I'" to summer camp. June 18 - occupancy. person partment. Own room, bath. Pool, plex, summer. Hagadorn-Haslett. side, furnished, available June 15. ,7 Call 646-6709.8-6-1(31 Burcham at its best. Contemporary living SUMMER SUBLEASE, 3 man, sauna. $133. 332-8092. 6-5-31 131 669-3654, leave message. 8-5-31 Recently completed HAM.ITT Balcony, large backyard. Rent 33T-141* near MSU. furnished, air. $160. fc-HERS DIRECT summer 333. If17 building, furnished. t2 month leases starting 337-0910.X-8 5 26 131 APAOTMINTS FEMALE GRAD student second or third week in June. 2 bedroom negotiable. 351-5830. 3-5-24 (3) I " ader program June 11/ terms. $260 per month. summer and fall V. Block to MSU FIVE BEDROOM modern house, COEDS. THREE. Collingwood and i v) Experience required. EAST LANSING NORTH POINTE 6:30-7-30 FEMALES FOR summer, Cedar Frandor area. 351-7252. 8-6-1 131 Ann. Nice house. Furnished. Sum¬ P.m. 351-1177. 5-5-23 (8) Kv Call 646-6709. 8-6-1 APARTMENTS. 1250 Haslett Village Apartment. Approximately Extra Large 2-Br Now Leasing For NEED 1 female for 4 River¬ carpeted, 2 baths, walking dis¬ tance, summer rates. 372-1336. mer. Call Detroit (313) 535-5176. Road at 69. Furnished/unfur¬ $43. Call Cherylinn, Carol 351- man 3-5-23 (4) Summer & Fall side 8-6-1 (3) nished 1 and 2 bedroom Apartment 882. $50/month. »p NEEDED at IMPERIAL ments, newly redecorated, heat apart¬ Collingwood Fall. Brenda, 353-2160. 5-5-27 (31 SUMMER SUBLEASE, female, NEED ONE female summer. 4-man 331-1120 BEAT HIGH rents. 1-4 bedrooms, ImEN For interview, call 349- and water furnished, 3 to 12 Apartments Americana. Call 337-0013 or 332- carpeted, June and September own room, near campus. Rent E 3-524 (31 month leases. Start at $175/ CAMPUS 1 block. Efficiency and 1 negotiable. 351-5207. Z-3-5-23 (3) NOW leasing 1332. $55/month. Z-6-5-29 (31 bedroom apartments. No pets. leases, near Frandor, summer rate. month. Call John or Sue 332- Check SUMMER 2 I 332-3746. 1-5-25 (31 372-1336. 8-6-1 (4) IlEGE AGENT INTERN-life in- 6354.OR 2 1-5-31(371 on our SUMMER ONLY. 2, 3 bedroom - or EAST LANSING near, beautiful sales: 15 20 hours/week. Close, furnished, Spndal Rates SOUTH HAYFORD. Large 4 bed¬ summer sublet, 1 female for 2 — commission, sophisticat- BRENTWOOD - EAST LansTng Call apartments. CAMPUS across from Williams Hall. 332- VIEW, 4-5-25 (3) ROOMMATE NEEDED for 4-man room home. All utilities. Available bedroom house, very private. Emmg program, developed near. available 2 bedroom unfurnished, 6246. BL 1 5-23 (31 CEDARVIEW APARTMENT, fur¬ Waters Edge. Serious female stu¬ summer only. $250/month. 351- Country living at its best! Horses Xals. and sell quality protec- soon. Carpeted air car¬ 351-8282 dent. Summer/option fall. 337- 7497. OR-7-5-31 14) welcome. Phone 339-3151 or 484- ■ fan lead to permanent career port. $195. 351-7633 or ' 669 nished, 1 bedroom, $80/negotia- 1284. 5-5-27 (41 2308. 5-5-25 (6) SUMMER SUBLET, 1 bedroom, Elation NORTHWESTERN 3513 8 5 25 141 furnished. 2 blocks to campus, ble. 1 or more persons. Summer sublet. Janet 337-0014. LANSING. EAST side. Tired of X]AL INSURANCE LARGE TWO party furnished ef¬ Kathy -linsuv LIFE contact Jere White- DELTA ARMS ficiency. Close to campus air Fall very quiet, fall option. month. 351-0480. Z-2-5 24 131 $180/ 482 8926. 6-5-27 (4) [_ Houses j|tj living in a cubicle? There is an alternative. Rent a 3 or 4 bedroom BEAUTIFUL HOUSE. 2 spacious bedrooms. Open. Air. Laundry. ■*35,2500 0 1-5-23 1101 __ $184, summer $145. 351-1610, 595 SPARTAN. Excellnt 2 bed¬ DUPLEX SUMMER, private rooms home. Call 484-2164. 8-5-26 15) Dishwasher. Close. Yard. 1002 487-4451.0-21-5-31 1161 Grand River. 337-7035. Z-4-5-24 if POOD Assistant Manage- is now leasing for ium- room furnished 339 8802. 8-6-1 (3) duplex. Fall $270. for 2-4 people. 1'/? miles from WOMAN NEEDED to share house I, pcaidon open. Will Train. (with special rates) SUMMER 1 bedroom furnished, - campus on bus line. 351-2851. summer, furnished, own bedroom, L K al least '8, neat and and fall. air, 3 blocks from campus, rent 3-5-24 (3) FOUR BEDROOM, 2 baths, stu¬ r PefSOn must have desire to 212 RIVER Street. Large 2 bed¬ garage, walking distance, $90 plus negotiable. 351-6928. Z-3-5-23 131 Ideal For One Of dent rental. Close in. Call 337- utilities. Linda, 351-9294. 5-5-23 (4) Ece Good work record a 1 Two Persons. Utilities room, 4 person furnished. Fall EXTRA SHARP 3 bedroom du¬ 1846. 5-5-23 (3) or 2 bedroom apart* *7No others need apply at EFFICIENCY CLOSE to campus. lnduded(Except Phone) $340. 339-8802. 8-6-1 (3) plexes, 5 minutes from campus, air SUMMER SUBLET - 3 bedroom [fACO 4021 West Saginaw. ments across from < $130/month year round, utilities Pool. Leasing For conditioner, 1 % baths, kitchen duplex, furnished, close to cam¬ HOUSE/ROOMS, 1 block from Ii8' MSU ONE block. Nice 2 bedroom with Union, across from tennis courts. pus. included. 353-8938, ask for Kim. appliances, including dish¬ pus and bus, ample parking. cellar unit. Summer $140. Fall Summer or fall. 394 4796. 5-5-23 Also, after 6 p.m., 332-3708. washer, raised deck off kitchen, $225/month plus utilities. 351- [H OAKLAND County Girl Z 5-5-25 141 $215. 339-8802. 8-6-1 (3) living room, family room, patio, (3) 235 Delta 3219. 4-5-21 (4) Uol Pontiac interviewing for large yard and garage, bus stop at Lip camp counselors, water- SUMMER, one woman to sublet 129 BURCHAM Drive furnished front door. 1 year lease at $325/ JUNE - LARGE 6-8 man. Nicely THREE BEDROOM house for 5. L directors and assistants, efficiency apartments. Summer 236 Collingwood, East Lansing. four woman apartment, close to ONE FEMALE to sublet beautiful month, available June 15th. Call furnished, 2 baths. Ample parking, J nurse unit leaders. Wednes- 332-59T8 campus, $63.75/monlh. Call 332- furnished spacious apartment for leases available. Call 8 a.m-5 p.m. Tom Brooks, 669-3834 or 669- very close. Linden Street. Summer Furnished. $400 plus gas and ■Mav25 Sign up for interview 2981 after 7 p.m. Z-6-5-26 (41 351-2402, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. 882-2316. 2851. Sp-6-5-27 (13) electric. Lease and deposit. Avail¬ summer. Rent negotiable. Call or year lease. 372-1801. 0-21-5-31 im 113 Student Services, 0-9-5-31 (16) able June 15. 332-5144. 8-5-26 (5) SUMMER SUBLET, two person 351 8326. Z 10-5 24 I4I (20) urnc 2 5 23 18) SUMMER TERM. 605 Grove apartment close to campus, air. UNIVIRilTY VILLA PENNSYLVANIA Street. Licensed for 5-6 persons. TWO BLOCKS from campus, 5 MARRIED LAW student desires 351 -0996 after 10 p.m. Z-5-5-2413) AVENUE fur¬ CIDAR VILLAOI .JTTER FOR infant-our nished. 1 bedroom and studio Furnished. Phone 1-224-7633 for and 6 bedroom furnished homes clean 2 or 3 bedroom home in 5 Blocks To MSU tcampus2 blocks, 8-12 a.m. APARTMENT TO sublet summer. $ apartments. Available June 15. APARTMINTS information. Z 2 5-23 (3) for fall. Call Craig Gibson, 627- Quiet East Lansing, Okemos, or 1 2 Bodroom From idais 351 1762 weekdays af Okemos. Furnished, air, pets OK. or 489 5574 after 5 p.m. 0-3-5-25 (41 9773 and leave a message. Z-17- Lake Lansing neighborhood. Call Ipm 5 5 25131 Leasing For Summer NEEDED 3 males to sublet sum¬ 6-3 (4) mornings 373-8065, afternoons or Rent negotiable. 349-0726. 8-5-27 (Only 150.) & Foil Now leasing for (31 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished mer. Two bedroom house. $65/ evenings 484-0169. 5-5-23 (6) tcAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST. mobile homes on lake. East Lan¬ Summer month. Call 337-0397. 3-5-25 (3) FOUR BEDROOM House. East an immediate opening Lansing, summer-fall option, rent THREE ROOMS in coed house, aenenced medical trans- SUMMER CAMPUS t block. Fur¬ 331*8173 sing 10 minutes. One child OK. 641 6601. 0-7-5-31 13) Bogue street at LAKE FRONT cottage, summer, negotiable. Nice porch. 351-6758. Summer. Rent negotiable. Two full nished, efficiency, 1 and 4 bed Red Cedar River Z-5-5-26 (3) I This i i room apartments. No pets. 332 3S1.7910 furnished, 3 bedrooms, utilities blocks. 332-0460. Z-12-6-3 (3) acompeti- SUMMER SUBLET 2-n,an, 2 bed¬ Call 351-5180 included in rent. 339-8347. 8-5-26 3746. 6-5 23 131 5 MINUTES from campus, extra jge. we pay bonus based on room luxury apartment. 1 block SUMMER SUBLETS needed - ctivity. We offer paid vaca- FEMALE NEEDED to share spa¬ north of campus. SUMMER SUBLET, 2 man, 1 or 2 sharp 3 bedroom house, dish- lour rooms in large house, 1 block Balcony, air, 1 ho'idays. health insurances, cious 1 bedroom apartment start¬ double beds $250. 332 1058 Z-3 people. 332 3429; 337-2505.2-5-23 SUPER STUDENT house, 4 bed¬ washer, washer and dryer, full from campus. 355-2472 or 355- lleave retirement program and No rent increase!! ing fall. Furnished, close. 337- 5-23 (4) (3) rooms, 2 bathrooms, available for basement, large yard, garage for 2464. S-5-5-24 (3) Er reimbursement after 1 year. on most 2336. Z 8 5-24 (3) fall. Contact Sally, 332-6971. X-8- storage, and plenty of parking. Vi I Personnel 487-9180, E. W. apartments THREE FEMALES needed 5-26 (3) block from bus, $300 per month, 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house, Throw hospital, 1215 East 124 CEDAR Street, 1 bedroom, Pine Lake Apts. mer term. Capitol Villa. $50/ available immediately. Call Tom Kitchen appliances, acre plot. One Water's and Xgan Ave.. Lansing, 48910. sublease summer. $182 plus utili¬ month, pool, ait. 351-3680. Call 2-5 BEDROOM houses available Brooks, 669-3834 or 669-2851. block from Park Lake. $175 ■ Opportunity Employer. 5-5- ties, fall option. 351-3856. 5-5-23 Some short term evenings. Z-6-5-25 (31 for fall. 1 available for summer, 6-5-27 (9) month, deposit, no pets. 482- River'* Idga 8784 after 10 p.m. Z-8-5-27 (4) leases available East Lansing. Call 351-4107. 8-5-31 SUMMER SUBLET spacious 2 CHEAP SUMMER sublet, 5 bed- Apartments - | COUNSELORS needed, LANSING. EAST side. Tired of bedroom. South Cedar 196 area, room house. Furnished, close, DUPLEX, 1512 Snyder - off esideni camp for men- living in a cubicle? There is an 394-5207 after 6 p.m. 6-5-23 (31 4 BEDROOM house. Mile from $59/month. 351-5772. Z-3-5-24 (3) Hagadorn. 7 bedrooms, 2 baths. • Free Roomate Service id emotionally impaired. alternative. Rent a 3 or 4 bedroom campus. Dishwasher, ping pong, Summer $325. Fall $500. Come ms Tuesday May 24, Kel- e Summer from *40 home. Call 484 2164. 8-5-26 (5) THIRD ROOMMATE needed for 3 near baseball field. Negotiable. HOUSES FOR students. 5 bed- 12-3 p.m. and after 5 p.m. Kurt, m 33. 1012 a.m., e Fall from >8S 351-7610. Z-3-5-23 (3) rooms, 2 baths, kitchen, dining bedroom apartment. Male or fe¬ 8-5-27 (4) im 2 5 2315) SUMMER SUBLET, fantastic lo male. Large luxurious, near Lan¬ room, living room, appliances, 1050 Water's Edge cation. 2-man, air conditioning. sing Mall. No deposit or lease. $90 EAST SIDE (Lansing) - unfurnish¬ furnished. $435/month plus utili- 507 ABBOTT Road. 5 bedroom, APARTMENT NEAR Union. 2 ed, two bedrooms for summer. ties. 349-0457. 8-6-1 (4) $500'month including utilities. Call Ht j!$j (next to Cedar Village) 351-9020 after 10 p.m. 3-5-24 (3) bedrooms, 4 men, furnished, heat, water, $90 per man, fall. 351- plus V, electricity. Ed or Harold. 321 7630. 8-6-1 (71 $90, or fall $150. 676-1557. 10-6-1 OWN ROOM in large coed house, 349 3841. 4-5-23 (3) eo rentals. $25/term. 331*4431 MSU NEAR. 1 and 2 bedroom 4644. Z-8-5-27 (3) four blocks from campus. $68/ WANTED MALE to share 3 bed- i Call NEJAC 337- available June 15. Both located in GREAT APARTMENT {really) FRANCIS. LOVELY paneled 3 or 4 month. 337-2389. 3-5-24 (3) room house with 2 others. |C-21531 (12) a small, well-maintained apart¬ Summer sublet. Quiet, cozy, Every- GARDEN COTTAGES - Cute 1 348 OAKHILL - furnished, 1, 2, 3 close. $80/month. Call 337-1168 or bedroom home. $240. 321-0031. thing furnished, including utilities, bedroom brightly-furnished bun¬ ment building. 393-7279. 8-6-1 (4) bedrooms. Summer from $130. 8-5-26 (3) SUMMER SUBLEASE, 1 large $75/month. Available 332 1297. 2-5-23 131 summer or MAC, Beech, Avail- galows on wide lawns. 4 blocks 351-8055 after 5 p.m. 8-5-31 (3) room in 2 bedroom house. Fur- fall. 485-0460. 8-5-27 (7) H June 1. Two large rooms, ANYONE NEED a roommate? MSU. June and September ONE-TWO roommates summer. SUMMER SUBLET, 2 girls, own nished, close, $70/month plus bathroom, $210, including Grad student needs place for leases. From $170 inclusive. 337- room, fall option. 1503 River utilities. 332-0263. Z-8-6-1 (3) THREE-FOUR bedroom house for 1977-78 year. Call Rick, 351-5880. Air, pool, unlimited parking. Rent 61 4586 XZ5-5-25 (3) 7111.5-9 p.m. OR-8-5-31 (5) 3-5-24 (3) Free Roommate negotiable. 351-9322. 3-5-24 (3) Terrace, 351-2751. Z-8-6-2 (3) summer, fall option. $250/month. SUMMER ROOMS in nice house, 332-0068. Z-8-5-27 (3) Service SOUTH HOLMES. Ground level EAST LANSING - 4 man, 1403 adjacent to campus. Singles/ SINGLE EFFICIENCY. $175 fall. doubles. Parking. $68/month. 332- apartment, furnished, all utilities. Beach Street. Very nice. $320 plus ROOM TO move around! Huge CHALET APARTMENTS Clean. 1 V, blocks North of Olin 331*4431 Available June 15th. Summer utilities. 351-1176 evenings and 2959. 5-5-26 (3) older 5 bedroom house. Down- Health. Call Bill, 4:30-5:30 p.m., town $120/month. 351-7497. OR 7-5-31 weekends. 3-5-25 (4) Lansing, 613 West Shia- 355-2437. 2-5-23 (3) 2 BEDROOMS in house for (3) sum- wassee, good condition, 3 month NEED FEMALES or 2 for Cedar SUMMER SUBLET 3 bedroom mer, very close to campus, rent lease. $300/month. Bob Holman, • Next to Campus 135 KEDZIE for the discriminating Village. Fall-spring. Lynn, 351- DEAN APARTMENTS - summer house near MSU. Furnished, car¬ negotiable. 351-5290. 6-5-25 (3) HDI REALTORS, 349-3310, eve • married or graudate student. Spa¬ 2140; Laurie. 355-1674. Z-6-5-24 Specious cious, furnished, one bedroom. sublease, large living area, full peted, parking, pets. 351-7890. EAST LANSING large 4 bedroom ning 349.4429. 8 5-27 (7) kitchen, security deposit required. Z-3-5-25 (3) • Air conditioned Heat, water, air, parking. Superior Call 332-4618. 5-5-26 (6) with family room, 2 baths and UNIQUE STONE house near cam • Finished maintenance. Security locked, EAST LANSING beautiful, spa¬ FEMALEIS) SUMMER, own cool carport. Vacant now. CLAU- pus. 2 baths, fireplace, furnished, quiet. Year leases only. June and cious 2 bedroom in duplex. Unfur¬ CHERTY REALTY 351-5300 or • Two bedroom SUMMER SUBLET - 2 bedroom room, campus-2 miles. 10 cent 6 bedrooms. $85 each. June lease September availability. 482-2937; nished, new and very clean. apartment near campus. $150/ John 332-0444. 3-5-25 (5) 339-2961 after 6 p.m. 5-5-24 (4) • bus, pets considered. 332-2681. Slug carpeting 351-2402. 8 5 26 (7) $235/month. 351-3164. 5-5-25 (4) month, no deposit. Sherry, 332- Z-8-6-2 (3) 2686, 6-11 p.m. 8-6-1 (3) SUMMER SUBLEASE, 4 rooms, THREE MALE roommates needed terms negotiable, near campus, for new 4 man house. Summer. EAST LANSING close in. Un¬ SUMMER FURNISHED 2 bed¬ Call 355-2038. S-5-5-27 (3) Summer from Looking for a bargain? room - apartment, 2 blocks to furnished, large older home. Sum¬ Close, air conditioning, all utilities paid. 351 6858. 12-5-27 (4) mer only. Family or 6 girls. campus - Grove Street. $209/ $400/month. Phone 332-5988. 0-6- EAST LANSING - Fall. 4 bed- Why not toko advantage of our low prices? ISO- month. 393-2198; 351-2862. 5-5-27 5-31 (5) room duplex, appliances plus washer and dryer. No pets. 332- SHARE HOME, 1 large bedroom for couple, fireplace, garage, 3 We buy, tell and trade almost anything or use our convenient 30 4 BEDROOM house to sublet for 3746. 1-5-23 (4) blocks from campus, 482-9690, day layaway plan. We stock furniture and household items, sport¬ WOODMERE ON The River, bal¬ summer, 2 blocks from the Union. evenings and weekends. 8-5-23 (4) year and 9 month ing goods, stereos, camera and musical equipment and much, conies, 1 and 2 bedrooms, fur¬ LANSING - EAST. Large house 351-7385. much more. We also repoir all brands of television and electronic nished, $140 up. 482-5075; 332- X-8-6-2 !? for 5-6 people. Carpeting, extras, J~~~~"~ ; leases still available equipment. 4106. Summer only. 9-6-3 (4) HOUSE FOR rent, groups: 2, 3, 4, parking, furnished. 349-0652. 3-6-2 H0U^E F0R four PeoPle- sur"- 5. Duplex, Charles Street, close to (3) mer, fall option, great backyard. Dicker and Deal SUMMER SUBLETS large one camous. 321-5524. 8-5-25 (3) Rent negotiable. 332-0573. Z-5-5- 1701 S.Cedar bedroom, across from campus. SUBLET SUMMER, female. Own 24 (3) 332-6197 487-3888 Furnished, clean. $145. LARGE HOUSE on Grand River. Close to college. $275/month. room, furnished. Call 4-7. 482- CLAUCHERTY REALTY 351 MSU NEAR. Houses and duplexes 5300. 3-5-25 (4) 655-2457. 6-5-27 (3) LANSING east side" J bedroom Seen ™ ter$TOrobolJU^.i51YT3S ^™sTAGEMENT' 35'" LIVE A LITTLE! 5-25 (4) EAST SIDE Lansing. 2, 3. and 4 ROOMS FOR summer fully fur- bedroom houses. Carpeted, stove, n'shed house. 1 block from cam- refrigerator. * 349-1540. 8-5-26 (3) Pus' Z-6-5-24 351-4637, 135 Cedar Street. (3) 131 BEAL, 3 bedrooms, unfurnish¬ ed, approved for four people, garage, appliances included. 12 month lease, $300 per month plus utilities. Available June 15th. BARGAIN HUNTERS' Phone 337-1447. 8-5-26 (6) I SPECIAL RATES DREAM FOR SUMMER Don't sign a lease until you've seen for summer No frills BUT lowest prices JOIN the gang at L*ro$$ street from campus. Large furni- in town for Large 2 bedroom ...at the pool this Summer! Burcham Woods 711 Burcham Rd. L1 2 bedroom apts. Air, carpeted, furnished units. • Air conditioning • Shag carpeting Extra large 1 Bedroom Apts. • Luxury furnishings • Private balconies Suitable for 2 or 0NLY i university * Heated pool • Dishwashers • Swimming pool 3 students $I6000 * Air conditioning • * Tennis courts Completely furnished per month. Olti<*a* u|ten workdays I (i. Saluitljy It ? * • Carpeted Ample parking • * 3 large double closets Nicely furnished terrace BEECHWOOD APARTMENTS • Air conditioning 3 Appliances 731 • Balconies Ample parking • 1 bedroom units *150 •WE PAY WATER AND HEAT 444 Michigan 2 bedroom units *180 rORAmiNTMINT 351-2798 CALL 332-5420 APARTMENTS 745 Burcham 337-7328 (a|so leasing for fall) (also looting for fall) 731 Burcham Drive 351 7212 351-3118 umnwr l«o»«» avolloSI. '145 12 Michigon State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 23 „7? )|5) JfVt] I lit HI 1131 J"!""1' I Typhi SfYki llwil |0 [ for S»l» - IMS ANN BROWN PRINTING AND OKEMOS - SECLUSION plus a TYPING. Dissertations, ALL TYPES 6057 PORTER • small 1 bedroom, SUMMER ROOMS, doubles, sing- NEW, USED and vintage guitars, BRITTANY SPANIEL pups, good FOUND LADIES gold ring with 3 beautiful setting, this unique con¬ resumes, 01 lyp,n„ . 2 miles from campus. Large yard, les, 5 or 10 weeks. Across from banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers with children. Excellent pheasant set rubies. Call 355-4255. Z-5-5-25 temporary is hidden in 8 Yt acres of general printing. Serving MSU for accurate. P,ofeJ„„? F>» J fruit trees. Clean. $165. 349 3939 and kits, recorders, strings, ac¬ dogs. Bom in December and ready 131 woods and rolling land. No main¬ 27 years with complete theses Annie,S, Snyder Hall. Call 337 0079. X-Z-8- after 6 p.m. 8-5-26 I4I 5-24 141 cessories, books, thousands of for hunting this fall. AKC register¬ tenance home with many custom servtca^349T)eB0. C-7VM1J19I COPYGRVHSERV|.- THREE-FOUR persons. June or September leases. Close to cam¬ ROOMS FOR rent fall. Call EQUITY summer VEST, and 484- hard-to-find albums. (All at very low prices. I Private and group lessons on guitar, banjo, mando¬ ed. 339-8509. 10-5-23 (5) ARABIAN MARES for sale. Sev¬ [ Persoml 1(71 features, fireplace. 36 foot deck, great possibilities for expansion. Okemos schools. $59,900 - just FIFTEEN YEARS experience. Fast, reasonable. Resumes, term pa¬ &A.r^ FREE...A lesson in complexion pers, general typing. Diane, 349- pus, duplex. Call 669-9939 any¬ 9472. 0-11-5-31 131 lin, all styles. Gift certificates. eral to choose from. Good breed¬ reduced. For details, call Bob 2856. 8-5-24 131^ care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan time. OR-20-5-31 (31 Expert repairs - free estimates. ing. Boarding available close to or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE Lyons, EAST LANSING REALTY OWN ROOM in nice house, ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 541 Meridian Mall. Make beautiful WORLD, 349-9600, evenings. 332- UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS COM¬ NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. washer/dryer, dishwasher, cable TV 3 baths, $65 plus utilities. 484-5048. 3-5-25 14] East Grand River. 332-4331. C-21- 5-31 (491 family and children's pets. 339- 8509. 10-5-23 I6I C-21 5-31 1181 bamamtrikk 4946.6-5-27(13) 1 Struici l|Aj PLETE DISSERTATION and sume service. IBM typing, edit¬ ing, multilith offset printing, type¬ re¬ CwateTg CHILD CARE by OWN ROOM, quiet, clean, close. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA SADDLE WANTED - English setting and binding. Wa en¬ My home nonh 0I|0ving f J do your research or reference at cutback. Will buy or trade my TO NIW YORK, OUR LOW overhead saves you Summer, fall openings. 337-2655 2 ROOMS - 1-2 people per room. courage comparative shopping. 4068. 8 5 26 (3i andt" « evenings. 5-5-25 '3) Call 332-2274. Ask for Jill or home! Sales Representative, 393 forward seat. 353-6575. S-5-5-27 money. OPTICAL DISCOUNT For estimate, stop in at 2843 East CONN. AND 2617 East Michigan, Lansing, COMIC BOOKS. 8804 6-5-24 131 Grand River or phone 332-8414. ~ Karen. Price negotiable. 2-5-24 131 TWO ROOMS nummer. NIWJIRMY Michigan J72;740?. C-5-577 (141 MI-MI j32) baseball cards, 'l!ce|«l CURIOUS USED BOOK" [ Mobile Homes ||*J blocks t--6«rt«V ngwood FEMALE FOR 4 person, 12 month NIKKO 9090 60 RMS Phillips 212 We will haul onything to JOE'S ROUGH Carpenter and ELEVEN YEARS experience 307 East Grand trance. tS^uve, 332-0241. Z-8- lease. Own room — house, 436 with Stanton 681 EEE pair JLB River Charles Street. 355-0890, 353 5892. 3-5-25 (41 1166 $99.00 will separate. Mark. 353-1885. 3-6 2 (41 VAGABOND 10x47, built solid a dropoff point in each state. Remodeling, both inside and out- sjde. PhoneMJ-204& 3JF25 (31 typing theses, manuscripts, term papers. Evenings, 675-7544, C-21- (open 11:30-6 p.m.lT^J ROOM privileges. FOR rent with kitchen 485-1288. 5-5-25 (31 536 ABBOTT ROAD SAWYER CANOE: used 1 month. with storms and screens. New tile and carpet. Excellent condition. Call us now I FOR QUALITY stereo service. THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East 5:211.12) BLOCK CAMPUS. Experienced, RpOUND Towl - parking, 641-4174 evenings. 5-5-24 141 cooking. $16-19/week, utilities in¬ Excellent condition. $160. 332- 3*2572 35H5M GrandRiver.CJI-MJI 1121 reasonable, fast. Theses, term SUMMER AND fall, singles. Low cluded. 351-5847. 9-6-3 131 4674 10-5-24 (31 papers, manuscripts, resumes, DELUXE PARKWOOD 12x60 Ex- LEARN ARCHAEOLOGY in Italy CONCRETE SPECIALIST/all resi¬ rates include utilities. Elsworth, editing. 332-8498; 351-1711. BL-1- 332 3574. 5 5-27 13) BLACK DIRT-sod farm soil, 6 pando. Furnished, large living July 6-August 13. Methods train¬ dential and commercial. Free esti¬ S23 (31 2 ROOMS in house for summer. yards $39. Delivered locally. 641 - room, step-up kitchen, carpet, ing, research participation. Con¬ mates. 393-4072; 489-7650. 11-6-3 $75-$50 a month. No deposit. EXPERIENCED TYPIST 6731 or 484-3379. 16-5-30 <31 shed, close. Best offer. 351-2646 tact Professor Chartkoff, Anthro¬ (31 - fast ROOM CONTAINING kitchen fa¬ 332-4557. 3-5-25 131 between 5:30-8:30 p.m. 8-5-23 I5I and accurate. Dissertations, the¬ pology Department, 353-2950. 5-5- _ cilities. 1 block to campus. Sum¬ INTERIOR-EXTERIOR painting. BINGO TUESDAY RECLINER CHAIR, $25; queen 24 I4I ses, and term papers. Call 339- niah, mer $80. 332-6420. Z 5-5 27 131 L For Sale ^ size hide-abed couch, $50 or best 10 x50' Great Lakes Mobile Home. 27 years experience. Complete 3575JM-5-23J12I p.m. Doorsopen6pm starts at 7 p.m. Em, SUMMER. UTILITIES paid, close offer 351-1051. E 5-5 25 I3I 116 bedrooms, $1800 or best offer. Call 351-1825 or 353 9020. Z-6-5- ASTROLOGER: PROFESSIONAL restoring, repairs - all kinds, color consultant. References. 332-6368; TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and p.m. r^,,^ Minimum age 18 Shi. in sorority, kitchen. $100 for 5 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. eight years. Horoscopes with con¬ reasonable. 371-4635. C-21-5-31 ZEDEK, 1924 Colfirtge Eaa weeks. Nancy Mallory, 337-9706. Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. MULTITUDES OF vacuum clean¬ 2513) sultation. 351-8299. Z-10-5-23 13) 349-3896.J1-6-3J5_l l1?> sing. C-6 5 31 151 4-5-23 131 Guaranteed one lull year, $7.88 ers. $6.88 and up. Uprights, tanks, ROOF LEAKS repaired. Best 10x50, 1 mile from MSU, 2 bed- and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING cannisters. 2 year warranty. BAR¬ work, lowest prices. 882-5827. FEMALE TO share beautiful 3 COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ GAIN HOUSE, 826 West Sagi¬ rpom, excellent condition, lots of extras. $2600. 351-4954. Z-5-5-24 -PmfctaNJ'! 9-5-31 (31 bedroom duplex. East Lansing. posite City Market. C-21-5-31 naw, Lansing. 484-2600. C-21-5- 131 Call 351 1391 after 5 p.m. Z-5-5-24 COLOR TV, 21" Sylvania. condition. Recliner, green, Good $25. 31 (201 TV BUYS excellent selection of RICHARDSON 1973, 12x50. Front ALICE - CALL Lianna about apartment. Important. 351-1167. Z-1-5-23 131 Instruction J[^ living room, two bedrooms, skirt¬ GUITAR. FLUTE, banjo and drum SUBLEASE SUMMER, 2 rooms in 487-0622, 8-6-2 I3I used BEtW TVs from $39 up, lessons. Private instruction avail¬ ed furnished, close. $5100. 337- 1 modern house. Furnished, $70 no deposit, close. 351-0761. Z-8-5-27 TEAC-A 2300S Reel and Pioneer PL A45D turntable. Excellent con¬ colors from $139. Over 20 used, guaranteed sets to choose from. Plus used Odyssey 100 TV games 2388. 8-5-26 (31 Real Estate ][ffej able. MARSHALL MUSIC. 351- 7830. C-1-5-23 112) LARGE 3 bedroom with formal SUMMER ROOMS, inexpensive, dition. Call 351-0677 8-6-2 (31 All types of merchandise taken in trade WILCOX TRADING POST, [lost I Found jfC^j dining room and fireplace. 7 3/4 assumable land contract, open WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years experience in professional editing, close to campus. Call EQUITY CRAFTSMAN RADIAL arm saw, 509 East Michigan, Lansing. 485 LOST: NORTH Washington area. Sunday 2-5 p.m. or call owner, writing skill instruction. 337-1591. VEST. 484-9472. OR 8-5-31 13) bench, extras, $140. Excellent. Call 4391. OR-20-5-31 181 Year old German Shepherd. Black, 676 4298. 8-5-23 14) 0-3-5-25 (121 Dave 351 1140 days. 484 9562 tan white. Answers to Cochise. SUMMER SUBLET 2-4 rooms. nights. 3-5-25 (31 SOFA BEDS, beautiful herculon Reward. 374 6835. 2-5-23 (41 OKEMOS BRIARWOOD deluxe 3 538 Lexington. $65 month room. 337 1513. Z-6-5 24 <3) CORONET-CONN Constellation. covers. $87 50 VILLA FURNI TURE 1633 West Mt. Hope (Colo¬ bedroom dutch colonial. Loads of I Typioi Sirvict :*t LARGE BROWN-rimmed glasses. features. $79,500. Call 349-3841. Good condition. $250. 394-3533. nial Village), 482-1109. 8-5-24(4) EXPERIENCED TYPIST, fast ser¬ MEN: QUIET, singles, cooking. 1 8-6-2 131 Lost near Main Library. If found, 4-5_23l3l vice and reasonable rates. Call block to MSU. Summer rate. $230. WURLITZER ORGAN 1961 please call 337 2651. Z-2 5-24 (31 AIR CONDITIONED 3 bedroom 882-0054. Z-5-5-25 (31 Full term. 485 8836. 351-2623. 21" CENTURIAN LeMans ladies Double manual, octave on the ranch near campus, fireplace, OR 15-5-31 (4) bike. Ridden twice. $140. 351 - floor, lamp, earphones. $500 firm. LOST: $25 reward for striped open house Sunday 2-5 p.m., 2759 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ 6389 after 3 p.m. Z-1-5-23 13) 882 4559. 8-5 23141 Calico cat. Please call 482-9400. Brentwood or call 646-0110 for sertations. (pica-elite) FAY ANN. BEAUTIFUL ROOM for summer 8-5-24 (31 appointment. 9-6-3 151 . C-21-5-31 (121 rental, Vi block from campus on HIDE-A-BED. brand new, $400; SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE Gunson. Bill, 351 2429. Z 8 5-26 kitchen dinette set $125. 349 1079. SALE! Brand new portables X8-6-U31 $4995 $5 per month. Large SUMMER ROOMS doubles in sonable. - singles and fraternity house. Rea¬ Call Pete, 332-2501. X16- CAPE DORY cruising sloop, fiber¬ glass and teak, 1 ton displace¬ ment. Very sea-worthy. 337-2523. 5-5-27 141 selection of reconditioned used machines. chi's, New Singer, Whites, Nec- Home and others." $19.95 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS "many DISTRIBUTING BUONO APPETITO 5-26 13) Authentic Italian COMPANY, 1115 North Washing¬ ROWING BOAT "Coho" fiber¬ Sandwiches & Dinners ton. 489 6448 C 21 5-31 1261 NEXT TO campus, available June glass and teak, spruce spoon oars. 15th. 351-4280 weekdays 10 a.m. - Rows like a dream. 337-2523. 3 p.m., weekends till 9 p.m. 3-5-24 5-5-27 131 CAR 8-track, $20. Clarinet, $40. High chair, $6. Bird cage, $10. SPECIALS 321-1615. E 5-5-26 13) LARGE SOLID oak desk. Good 526 SUNSET ing. - parking, cook¬ $12-17/week, utilities in¬ condition, $75. 25" color tv $90. Day beds $45 New 10 speed bike Browse through the Classified adt daily for good buys...it's a money- 6IANT MEATBALL SANDWICH .99 cluded. 351-5847. 9-6-3 (3) $80.372-9861,489-4593. 6-5-31 I4I saving habit to develop. LASAGNE DINNER 1150 LILAC Avenue - quiet rooms, private entrances, large nice MEN'S 3 speed, Raleigh bike $50 or best offer. 353-6068 after 9 p.m. SINGER SEWING machine cabi¬ net 2 drawer, excellent condition. with tossad salad and garlic broad M.69 5-5-27 (4) bath, cooking, parking, for fall and $80 323 1920. 2 5-23 (31 summer. X-3-5-23 (4) SAILBOAT, AMERICAN fiber¬ Mon. - Thurs.: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri. • Saf. 11 a.m. • 11 p. glass 15' with main, jib, hiking CRUISING SAILBOAT Aquarius SUMMER OPENINGS available straps, etc. Very stable and fast. 21. Elaborately equipped, depth Sunday: 12 noon ■ 11 p.m. now in coed cooperative for $13/ Excellent condition, used 2 sea¬ sounder, motor, trailer, galley, week. Call 332-5095 X-6-5-27 13) or 505 M.A.C. sons. (51 First $1260. 337-1200.3-5-23 head, lots of sails, wenches, more. $550 firm. 332-2935. 6-5-27 (5) 1045 E. GRAND RIVER at GIINSDN PH. 337-9549 LOOK TOWARD CO-OPTICAL 101 E. Grand River i We offer you fine fashion Come and look 337-sams Louis Edwards eyewear. over our collection of famous names as Oscar de la Renta, Eye Mystique, Diane Von Furstenberjj, Gloria Vanderbilt, Christian Dior, and Playboy Frames. Haircutters Call 351-5330 TWO LOCATIONS TO UIVI TOO! Dr. James Nixon FRANCE 15 days-$824® L." Features a 7 day stay with a local family. Registered Optometrist IMS I. Grand Mvor Perfect for the beginning language student Brookfield Plaza (Groesbeck area) EUROPEAN LANDSCAPES msw 24 days-$l,234-$l,252* ■ Ail excellent introduction to 7 European cuuntnes. I 1417% I. Michigan Avo. EUROPEAN EXPLORER (Lansing) 19 days—$1,069-$1.087* Above Bancroft Flowers A study of lifestyles, from the sophistication ofl-unM Owners: Paris to the tranquility of the Swiss Alps. Carole and Don Sotterfield 487-6655 GERMANY 15 days-$821)-®!.' Features an 8 day stay with a local family- Perfect for the beginning language student. ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME ATTENTION ALL An 15 days-$896-$916' indepth study of Rome and Florence and their famous sights. PARIS and the IBERIAN ADVENTU Professional Hairs tyling 21 days—$1,173^1.191* A contrast of cultures: the tradition of Spain aim . the romance of Pans. ■ Only $5.00 Your mother fen I j ^ (year round) the only one who tninii you shouldnt sec I Europe alone. Icelandic Airlines Dept. # CN INSTY-PRINTC DOIS IT MONTI! See your travel agent. Or call toll free: (800) 2~l we can! Please send information on these and other youth " Call Now! 332-2416 by Appt. yes insty-prints' Europe. or WALK IN the wlz of the printing blzl •Price, effective Anril 1 and .ubject to chaJ^SlT^I 499-3383 8821104 374-7626 4913511 3205 S. Cedar 4308 W. Safinaw 115LAIIe(ai Voof^indic Above 1456 £. Michigan Cunningham Drugs (Sam's), Abbott ft Grand River L. Stairwell near Crossroads Imp. ^ E. Mich.. W. Saginaw and S. Codar stora t • 12 Sat. All fttoros opon 1:30 - 5:30 Lowest Jet fares to Europe of any "•h''dulej LlM-TV(CBS) (lO)WUX-TV(NBC) (ll)WIIM.TV(CobU) (H)WJRT.TV)ABC <23)WK AR.TV(PBS) •j ^ Michigan Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan District three: on patrol for prostitutes (continued from page 1) "Sure," Zivic said. "Hey, what's Cathy doing working'in her condition?" "I don't know, she's looking bad though. I can't believe she InlDpp^inlDflHf Announcements for It's What's The MSU Chess Club meets at 7 got so strung out so fast. She's not going to last long. Well, see Happening must be received in the tonight in 205 Horticulture Bldg. State News office, 343 Student you later, Pete." store Hours: Young ends S. African trip Services Bldg., by noon at least Want someone to talk to? Honors College Music Program two class days before publication. Lesbian Rap group meets at 6:30 Jeanne walked back to her with five pianists at 4 p.m. today in Mon. thru Fri. friend who was waiting by No announcements will be cepted by phone. ac tonight on the Union Sunporch. Eustace Hall Lounge. 9.9 (continued from page 1) Michigan Avenue. Sat. 9-6 Sun. Buthciezi is political leader of South Africa's largest black tribe, International Folk Dancing at 8 Applications for Academic Council Standing Committee posi¬ i2.s the Zulus, and head of a growing black political-cultural movement "Who is her friend?" I asked Interested in handicapper is¬ tonight in Bailev Elementary WE CASH MSU called Inkatha. as I watched the tall woman The reception was attended by white liberals, representatives of dressed in blue hot pants, a sues? STIGMA welcomes you to its weekly meetings at 7:30 p.m. School, streets. corner of Ann and Bailey tions for students are available in 10 Linton Hall. Deadline for filing is PAYCHti 5 p.m. today. Mondays in 339 North Case Hall. mixed race and Asian South Africans, and a sprinkling of black matching top and platform Accessible. Renaissance Dance Class pre¬ nationalists. shoes stroll out of sight. MSU Chapter - Soil Conser¬ , . . , , Young told the audience at the reception that on principle he would ., sents an exposition of royal and vation Society of America meeting STATE coupo^^^emhg peasant dances. Everyone is wel¬ CIGARETTES oppose the stepped up black guerilla war in Rhodesia. "That's Greg Smith." The Christian Science Organi and election of officers at 7 , come. Meet at 8:30 tonight in the He added: "But when you talk about a lifespan for blacks in zation-East Campus is meeting at Union Tower Room. tonight in 183 Natural Resources Rhodesia that kills them in half the time of the lifespan of whites, "Greg Smith?" 7 tonight in Baker Hall. when vou talk about the infant mortality rate, when you talk about the presence of disease, when you talk about malnutrition that is the whenever result of systematic oppression and death-dealing, then you have to "Yeah, he dresses like that streets." he works the at Campus Al-Anon Group meets 8 p.m. every Tuesday in 253 MSU GO Club meeting at 8:30 tonight in 331 Union. Want to know how to get in medical school? Talk on appli¬ cation procedures and interviews LIMIT 4 PACKS 2/89* relate the violence of a military situation...to the total violence of the Student Services Bldg. at 7 tonight in 115 Bessey Hall. MSU Single Parents will meet at. STATE COUPON situation." "Oh." , , ... ... .. . 5:30 today in Spartan Village Day At a news conference afterward, he said that v tn minor Volunteers needed for tele Residents of Hubbard, Akers, OUR disc0ui Care Center. Babysitters will be qualifications" the same could be said of South Africa. "Believe me Jim, you ca phone survey on redlining. Call Holmes and McDonel Halls: Get Asked whether he would like to see South Africa blacks pressure meet a lot of unusual people o the white government by boycotting white businesses, as American Michigan Avenue." Dave Persell. Center for Urban Affairs, College of Urban Develop¬ provided. your blood pressure checked from 4:30 to 6 p.m. today. Sponsored 10% OFF koK Seminar on abortion: Michigan by Students' Osteopathic Medical blacks did in the civil rights movement, Young replied: "I sure ment. PHOTO FINISHING Citizens for Life panel discussion Association. would." nollmit expiks, STATE COUPON state coupon"" CRICKET LIGHTER aim TOOTHP*Hi 88* 11... 99' Reg. 1.49 ,, LIMIT 2 EXPIRES 5-29 limit 1 expires 5-29 STATE COUPON state coupon PEDS MSU SPORTS SOX TUBE SOX 96* $,49 Reg. 1.29 Reg. 1.91 LIMIT 6 EXPIRES 5-29 LIMIT 4 (XPIK STATE COUPON VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE LOTION ISO, $17 Reg. 2.49 LIMIT) | f EXPIRES 5-29 STATE COUPON Revlon MILK PLUS SIX conditioning shampoo so, $1 7 Reg. 2.49 ^ i, EXPIRES 3-29 STATE COUPON state coupon AUTO SIZE PLASTIC SPONGS PAILS 44* 11 66' qt. b Reg. 59- limit 1 LIMIT 2 EXPIRES 5-29 expires 5-29 STATE COUPON state coupon CHEEZE CLOTH SPIC & SPA polishing, dusting 44* 10 ox. 29' 49'\ limit 2 Reg. 59- expires 5-29 LIMIT 2 EXPIRES 5-29 STATE C< johnson & johnson BABY OIL 4oz. Reg. 1.45 LIMIT 1 9} EXPIRES 5-29 ST ATI COUPON GEE YOUR HAIR SMELLS terrific| shampoo or conditioner 12 ox. Reg. 1.89 M. STATE COUPON state coupon | SOFT & C SUNTAN ROLL ON I LOTION TWIN PACK I 25* OFF $1 OUR DISCOUNT PRICE 3 ox. LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 5-29 LIMIT 1 STATE COUPON state coupon i CLAIROL CURADj CONDITION bandagb 16 01. Reg. 7.95 $4.88 Reg. 75' 30'« limit i 5 expires s« L.P. SPECIALS! 11 BARRY MANILOW . LIVE THE O'JAYS Reg. 6.98 ■»...« $6|I 51 5125 W. SAGINAW At the Speed of Thought I - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA STEVE MILLER R.g. 7.9i $4 J1 - fHOP MONDAY THHU SATURDAY « A.M. TO IPH> P.M. - fUHPAY 9 AM. TO 7 PM Book of Dreamt