By DAVID MINTHORN cial, Wim van Leeuwen, cautioned that developed stomach ailments. Doctors kept out curiosity seekers who had ASSEN. The Netherlands (AP) "at this moment, have not reached a first thought some of the children may - we annoyed them. She said the gunmen Asian terrorists agreed on Monday to situation where a workable solution is in have contracted meningitis, but they would still communicate with the Moluc¬ release some 60 hostages held for eight sight." said the last child showing signs of the can community by hand signals and days in a train and school if they were He said the South Moluccans, who sometimes fatal illness was "free of shouts. Authorities believe there are 55 allowed to fly to an undisclosed country, want independence from Indonesia for fever and in good condition." to 57 hostages on the train. officials said. their ancestral islands in the former A hospital spokesperson said only The town's 1,200 Moluccans live Moluccans agree The surprise offer came after week- long negotiations between Dutch offi¬ cials and South Moluccan gunmen, who Dutch East Indies, had "made difficul¬ ties" in earlier negotiations and "the problem is how seriously this offer is to seven children remained hospitalized, and they were expected to be released today or Wednesday. within a few hundred yards of the school. Authorities remain at one time held some 165 men, women be taken." While negotiations were under way, apprehensive over the health of a 23 year old preg and children captive in northeastern Van Iieeuwen said the government Dutch authorities tightened the noose nant hostage, who was traveling to her release Holland. would not accept any offer until the hostages around the terrorists, cutting the doctor in Groningen when the train was Officials said the gunmen appeared to terrorists disclose their destination. He telephone line between the train and have dropped two earlier demands — said they first asked for a long range hijacked May 23. school, where three teachers and the that some of the hostages accompany jumbo jet but later said The woman's husband offered to any aircraft principal are still being held, and them abroad and that 21 comrades would do. stringing barbed wire around the replace her as a hostage, but the offer was turned down by the Moluccans and jailed for previous terrorist acts be set The drama began unfolding May 23 school. return for plane free. "The 21 prisoners are at this moment no issue because the topic has not been when the gunmen, members of a militant faction of the country's 40,000 member South Moluccan community, was Faber said the decision to cut the line made after technical problems developed on the train and the govern the government. Despite fear: officials beiiev toman's health, »ns aboard the under negotiation in the last few days," seized a commuter train and the village ment was unwilling to send a repair¬ train may have improved, thanks in said Toos Faber of the Justice Ministry. school in Bovensmilde 10 miles away. man to fix it. part to a cold wave which dropped Despite the apparent break in the Last week, the terrorists freed all 105 She said the terrorists were prepared daytime temperatures from the 80s to impasse, another Justice Ministry offi¬ school children after about half of them to permit the barbed wire because it the 40s. V protests yield special Iran meeting By CAROLE LEIGH HL'TTON STOP Protests State News Staff Writer by angry students and faculty have forced the MSU Board of Trustees to has been the target of concerted campus schedule a special meeting to reconsider the protests. MSU-Iran film project. Smydra said he suggested the meeting Pressured by about 100 members of the because he wanted the hoard to hear both University community who halted the sides of the issue and then vote on w hether formal board meeting for over 20 minutes to discontinue the project. Friday morning, the trustees finally agreed The University directors of the project to hold the special session this Friday. were not present at either the Thursday or June 10, the last day of final exam week, Friday public meetings despite campuswide was originally suggested as a date for the publicity by the Committee to Stop the special session, but the protests by faculty MSU-Iran Film Project. and students forced the trustees to set an Trustee Jack Stack. R-Alma. who first earlier date. suggested meeting the demands ot the "That is one of our demands," Jennifer crowd and moving the meeting date up Davis, a spokesperson for the group, told one week. said. "The suggestion that they the board, "a meeting by next Friday ljune • the crowd) feel a need to see the process in 3). which the decision is made is something we "We will not give in on that demand," she havt 0 be sensitive to. said. "We will stay here until you come to "I'm perfectly willing t' consider that conclusion." t week that will he s The decision to hold the special session, said. proposed by lrustee Michael Smydra, D East Trustee Patricia Carrigan. I) Farmington Lansing, followed a show of Hills, objected to the earlier dale for the strength by about 300 students and faculty- members Thursday night demanding a stop special meeting because the "other side" — to the project. the project directors — may not have time State New$ Scott Bellinger Signed in 1974, the contract calls for MSU to prepare or be able to attend. tat 100 students and faculty members pack the board room at the film project. The film is being produced by the Instructional Media to produce films on Iran for National But Stack and Smydra agreed that since rtfilar meeting of the MSU trustees Friday to protest the MSU-Iran Center and will net the University 1247,953. the directors are employes of the Uni sity and the board of trustees, they should MOTION MET WITH CRITICISM BY WHARTON he present at the meeting. "Why don't we just call the meeting and announce it. If they come, they come," iMove open for provost interviews fails Smydra said. Four speakers, tee to representing the commit stop the project, the Iranian Student Association and the MSU faculty presented The action was rescinded on the recom petitions Thursday night to the board with | «y PATRICIA La CROIX Farmington Hills, who said it was too late in College of Urban Development; Thomas S. he said it may have led to some improve¬ more than 10.000 signatures calling for an Sute News Staff Writer the selection process to change the rules. medation of Trustees Carrigan; Blanche Gunnings, professor of urban and metro¬ ments in the practices of the Big Ten. w to have the three final candidates In other action, the trustees voted to Martin, D-East Lansing and Don Stevens, politan studies and psychiatry and assistant Regarding interviews for the Provost D-Bloomfield Hills, on the grounds that it dean of the College of Human Medicine: and rating committee, Wharton said it would be The speakers referred to the Iranian Jwsity provost interviewed by the raise the University room and board rates Ibnl of Trustees failed Friday after for dormitories $25 per term for 1977-78, criticized people for speaking freely. Joseph McMillan, assistant vice president best to follow the established process even government as "a regime devoid of any The three professors involved in 1972 for academic affairs/minority affairs at the though the Trustees did not directly legitimacy." and related examples of tor ^ criticism from the board chairper- and University Apartment rates $7 and $9 Robert L. Green, professor of ture and treatment of political prisoners. P$l President Clifton R. Wharton per month for one- and two-bedroom were; University of Louisville. approve it. counseling, personnel services and ed¬ Stevens thanked these people for speak¬ The Academic Council approved the They described Iran as without freedom of apartments, respectively. *i Michael Smydra, D East Lan- ucational psychology and dean of the ing out at the time of the controversy since I continued on page 8) speech or expression, in which there are Roger Wilkinson, vice president for Wthe motion on the business and finance, blamed the hikes on only two class divisions, rich and poor, with premise that if is strong enough to hold the increased utility rates and labor costs. Smydra was the lone trustee opposed to A spokesperson for the commi said I»u S'10'1' kitchen. Icontinued on page 91 2 Michigan Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 31, Poor countries President predict disappointed by better Cuban tie Vance's speech ST. SIMONS (API ter, — ISLAND, Oa. President Jimmy Car¬ saying he was "lonesome Venezuela. in Carter noted recent success negotiating offshore fishing , "Cub? still has almos troops in Angola." Car They have already," kissed his wife fare¬ limits with President Fidel 50 recently Ml well Monday on her Latin Castro's government and said: imlitary adviser PARIS I API - Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance said Monday Ethiopia, and they American tour and later pre¬ "We have some the United States will play an active role in narrowing the gaps hopes that People in between rich and poor nations, but warned that changes will take dicted "indications in the next there'll be other similar kinds of Mozambiq eight or 10 other cr time and can't be brought about by industrial nations alone. few weeks of strengthened small steps toward an increased Sometimes it's three The speech, made at the 27 nation Conference on International diplomatic relations with ability to communicate and to sometimes it's a Economic Cooperation, disappointed delegates from 19 under Cuba." discuss mutual concerns." larger At a brief airport He added: "But it would be "We would like developed countries who are seeking immediate changes in the news a for Cuba to ve international economic order. conference after the First mistake to be too optimistic." refrain f- Lady's departure, the Pres¬ Asked whether he still intrusion into African a The Third World delegates later said they would deliver a hopes formal reply today. ident also said he is keeping to meet Brezhnev in late a military way," Cart Sep¬ Such a new order "will not be built here this week," Vance told "hope alive" for a meeting with tember to try to reach a new "Obviously this is on Soviet leader Leonid I. Strategic Arms Limitation problems that Cuba cr the group. "Nor will it be built without many painful adjustments, accomodations and sacrifices by all of us present here today." Alex Haley, author of "Roots," awaits presentation of an honorary degree from Brezhnev later this year to talk Treaty (SALT II). the Presi Asked to account Then, in an unexpected move. Vance told the participants they Hamilton College, Sunday. He is accompanied by former Hamilton student about nuclear arms limitation. dent replied: "Weil, we've differences between Br should continue their work. Refore the secretary left Washington "I think that we will have never put a date — I think pessimism and his Ebou Manga, whom Haley credits with helping make "Roots" possible. that on Saturday. State Department officials had said the United indications in the next few we certainly would keep that about the prospects f- States was in favor of transferring some of the conference agenda weeks of strengthened diplo¬ hope alive." SALT agreement, r matic relations with Cuba — far Rhodesian forces seek to the United Nations, the World Bank and other existing Carter said it will depend on "It's the same differe short of recognition," the Pres how well Secretary of State existed international agencies. between Grc~ Vance said that "as a first step... I wish to make clear that we idem said after a reporter Cyrus R. Vance and Soviet Vance" in their dear' believe the North-South dialog should continue." The conference asked what Rosalynn Carter their recent Foreign Minister Andrei A. meeting at; would tell Latin leaders about acquired the label since many industrialized countries are in the Gromyko "get along at their Vance left that northern hemisphere, while poorer nations are in the south. Vance's call for the talks to continue took partners in the United States' the conference by surprise. Allan MacEachen, the Canadian cochairperson of the talks, said: "It will need fresh guerillas in Mozambique U.S. Cuban relations. Exactly what those dications will be. Carter added, "we don't know for sure." And in¬ next meeting." Vance and Gro¬ myko will meet twice on SALT, probably at Geneva, between now and ing progress had toward compromise, myko emphasized how mid-September. sides remain apart. examination by all delegations. We have always assumed the SALISBURY, Rhodesia i API he did not say whether those In his remarks about Cuba, conference would terminate" Wednesday. - Rhodesian forces struck indications would be a result of the President again urged Cas¬ The talks began 18 months ago in the face of rising demands deeper into black ruled Mo¬ his wife's 13-day trip to tro to remove his troops from from poor nations for a "new international economic order." zambique on Monday in serach Jamaica, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Africa and free his political The poor nations have called for a moratorium on foreign debts of black nationalist guerilla Peru. Brazil, Colombia and prisoners at home. and are seeking to have the prices of the raw materials they export bases. Mozambique claimed the pegged to the cost of manufactured goods they import. invaders were attacking its The poor argue that without these changes, rich nations will armv bases as well. continue to get richer at the expense of poorer nations. A' Rhodesian Vance harely touched the debt repayment issue, saying only: "We are particularly aware of the growing volume of international indebtedness and the need for establishing orderly procedures for addressing particular cases before they reach a critical stage." He said the United States would support a common fund and Paper s reserve stocks to support the price of some commodities, but other U.S. officials have said only a few commodities should be involved. U.S. officials also have said the commodities issue should be Pakistan handled in separate negotiations. Vance also pledged that the United States would contribute $375 million to a British-proposed $1 billion program to aid the go to p poorest nations. A U.S. official said the European Common Market and the rest of the industrialized nations would split the rest of the ISLAMABAD, lAP) — A Pakistani cost. On other matters, Vance called for increased trade, reported Monday t: improved Minister Zulfikar A monetary systems, more capital investment and increased has agreed to ho", development of energy and natural elections for the Na ! sembly in order to three-month wave government riots a that have taken 300 I There was n< comment on the the government. Quoting source position Pakistan Nat, ance (PNA) the r. Nawa E-Waqt said talks between the p ster and the opposit will center around ' date for the fresh el" KINGSTON. Jamaica (AP) - Mobbed by a cheering, boisterous crowd of school children, First lady Rosalynn Carter Louis Edwards launched her first solo diplomatic Monday by endorsing what she called Jamaica's democratic achievements. During a 20-minute ride from the airport to Prime Minister Michael Man- ley's official residence, a smiling Carter got out of her car to greet hundreds of uniformed youngsters waving Jamaican flags and branches of pink flowers. Haircutters A loudspeaker blared: "Welcome to Jamaica.'' The enthusiastic well- TWO LOCATIONS TO SMVITOUI 22251. Grand River (Groesbeck area) 1417% I. Michigan Av (Lansing) Above Bancroft Flowers 487-6655 House expected to OK energy agency WASHINGTON (AP) last-minute change in - Barring the mood of a will be doing a solo performance, this week, with the Senate not scheduled to MOVING? Why Not Congress, a new Department of Energy come back from its recess until Monday. soon will be at work carrying out a national energy policy with James R. Carter has said he will nominate Make It Schlesinger, the White House energy Schlesinger at its helm. adviser, to head the huge energy agency The House this week is approve President Jimmy Carter s pro¬ expected to once Congress creates it. Easy On posal for the new Cabinet department, The Senate has already passed the FISH SANDWICH, which would take over the work now legislation. And though differences be¬ Yourself? performed by energy programs scattered throughout the government. The House returns from its tween that bill ond the one that late this week from the House will have emerges CHIPS, AND A x-day to be reconciled, all Your local U-Haul dealer has Memorial Day r n Wednesday. It congressional enactment. signs point to LARGE DRINK whatever size truck or trailer you need to get back home. Legal abortions increase 8 per cent *1.25 And at a price you can af¬ ford. Why be cramped in the NEW YORK (AP) _ car? Move it the easy way legal abortions in young women who are most likely to be Any day from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. the United States increased with a U-Haul. Call now for by eight per denied abortions," the study said, be¬ Coupon expires June 10, 1977 cent last year to 1,115,000, but they were cause they are "least your reservation. not likely to have the tat Here Take Home readily available to many young, funds, the time or the familiarity with the — We also have usual Tuesday poor or rural women, the Planned medical system that they need. ." our Special Parenthood Institute said Monday. U-HAUL . The study said abortions were It said its third annual gen¬ survey of erally available in only one or two Offer valid doctors, hospitals and clinics showed that 80 per cent of metropolitan areas in most states. Lansing •* Movinj COT"' public hospitals and 70 per Most women cent of the nation's seeking abortions were Mil South Ctdn' non-Catholic general hospitals did not perform abortions. able to get them in their own states, the only at the 393*2230 As a result, it is study said, but 83,000 traveled to another East Lansing store ACandMOTlolCOT"' "poor, rural and very state to terminate their pregnancies. 1001 [.Grand River 1142 Watt Grand 241-2220 rf* Tuesday May 31 1977 'WE'RE SURE HIS SPIRIT ROAMS HERE' Legend of Hemingway lives By JI'IIY PUTNAM addicts have now turned their blond of art and machismo takes over. on dwelling into typewriter rests on a desk. s„t. News Stiff Writer a shrine. A mural of the author, painted by Beem, The Hemingway legend is spreading. I Em»i Hemin|?way slept here - maybe. "Hemingway knew some friends that dominates the front room. Snowshoes, a Last Friday night the Hemingway fanatics ■ Whether the famous author stayed in an lived here," Kozicki said. "We keep the fishing creel, a stuffed squirrel, deer held a ceremony with the stuffed bobcat as Ir Lansing house, four self-styled Nick spirit. We're sure his spirit roams here." antlers and other sports artifacts hang on part of the "Brains Out to Lunch" neighbor¬ Siws of 124 Kedzie Drive carry the Hemingway indeed spent a great deal of the walls. hood parade during "spring fest." About to the extreme that the famous time in northern Michigan, possibly tra "In our society today people are into the 150 participants of the annual festivity 1 spinner would have loved. veling through the East Lansing area many- disco scene. We fall back to more primitive applauded as ceremonial blood was spit I'lilter Kozicki, Dennis Tresidder, John times. things," the khaki clad Tresidder says. onto Tresidder. Iba and Steve Singer, all MSU theater "We've let the house lake us and mold Continuing on through the house, a The life-styles of the four Kedzie resi IL.claim that Hemingway once stayed us," Tresidder said. stuffed bobcat can be seen. The residents dents are molded after the author. Often [J'^house where they now live. The Outside the building hangs a plaque say they found it in the attic wall when they they drink raw eggs in the morning and lift Tjj pas been passed down over the reading "The Hemingway Memorial," but it removed old paneling. The bobcat is, of weights. Wild drunken parties, they claim, Ejty residents and the four Hemingway is inside where the curious Hemingway course, believed to be shot by Hemingway. are held in the house and beer bottles are Barbells litter the floor of another room thrown into the corner of the porch in the and a Casablanca-style revolving fan hangs best Hemingway tradition. overhead, reminiscent of Sloppy Joe's, the Tresidder and Kozicki said they think the [larvard guidelines Key West bar Hemingway frequented. In the room, a caged white dove named Ernie sits on her egg. Kozicki said they try to decorate the author is living through them. "Hemingway feared growing old. He wanted to cling to his youth," Kozicki said. "The only thing we haven't done is blow house in a manner Hemingway would wish. our brains out like him." legulate spy dealings An antique rocking chair "Ernie's rocking chair" — sits empty in the attic, which the spirit-chasers claim they occasionally hear creaking at night. Even though the four are theater majors, Tresidder said Hemingway would ha\ repted them "He was a man's man but at the same A portrait of Ernest Hemingway dominates one side of the living room at 124 Kedzie Drive. The wall State News Lauro Lynn Fistler By ED LION "I've gone as far as to refinish my room in time he was an artist," he said. hanging is part of a memorial to the State News Staff Writer the early '40s style," Kozicki said, showing Hemingway would have been proud. Or famous author in the home of four MSU theater students. Legend the antique-decorated bedroom. An ancient maybe he is. has it that ■Hirvird has become the nation's first university to adopt guidelines regulating Hemingway slept in the East Lansing house. inistration and faculty dealings with the nation's intelligence community. MSU ills said there appears to be no move here to follow suit. Illinard adopted the guidelines last week in response to a U.S. Senate report issued in |pll976that indicated the nation's academic community had covert ties to the CIA or jSir spy agencies. I Unreport cited 100 universities in the nation that appeared to have had secret ties at Itime or another with the intelligence community. The names of the universities were Majority rule efforts commended Ntalaja, professor at Atlanta University By ROXANNE L. BROWN commented. "South Africans (blacks) are Kornegay said, adding that he believes it impossible to remain neutral to new from Namibia tSouth-West Africa) said the State News Staff Writer not impressed with nonviolent civil rights litthat time a spokesperson for the panel declined to comment if MSU was one of those The Carter Administration seems to be rhetoric." investment. liberal change depicting the Carter Admini¬ cd. but said that most major universities were involved. Kornegay disclosed that he believes U.N. Kornegay repeatedly told his listeners to stration is only a cosmetic one and that he is making a serious effort to help bring about Ambassador Andrew Young's visit to South look forward to the making of some t'red of the way the American media ■Sward's guidelines say that the university dealings with spy agencies can only be done majority rule in South Africa, a Washington consultant said here over the weekend. Africa suggests an alliance of Anglo- important decisions and changes at the projects a negative attitude about his dy. It prohibits all covert' ties with the university or its faculty. Any member in Francis Kornegay. consultant to Con¬ businessmen and the Western world. Diggs' U.N. Conference to Combat Apartheid, to country. lionofthe guidelines could be fired, said Harvard's general counsel, Daniel Steiner. consultant said the West would join the be held in Nigeria in August. "The United States' foreign policy has not gressman Charles Diggs, relayed this ■faculty members independently consulting for agencies must inform the university of observation to those attending the Sou¬ multinational corporations in an antiapar Kornegay warned that a Democratic changed towards Africa," Ntalaja said. p dealings. The guidelines further prohibit any Harvard faculty member from thern African conference held at MSU's theid thrust, rather than make efforts to White House and Congress does not mean Quoting Steve Weisman's book on U.S. Liorsing "misleading information" to further the aims of an intelligence agency. Center for International Programs Friday have the corporations pull out. there is a governmental consensus on South foreign policy, he said the present liberal Bterecognize that our recommendations (adopted as guidelines) may make it more and Saturday. The Carter Administration will discour¬ Africa's apartheid. corporate establishment merely represents wit (or the CIA to perform certain tasks," said Harvard President Derek Bok. "This Kornegay said this country's administra¬ age new investment in South Africa. Offering his words of summary, Nzongola (continued on page 91 his one that a free society should be willing to make" to protect the integrity of its tion was only 6 months cjd. but unlike the ' nic community." Ford and Nixon administrations, there has Billed if MSU was considering adopting regulations on relationships with spy agencies, been little catering to white minority SOME STUDENTS MEET ELIGIBILITY RULES ■tiministration official said, "Not that I know of; I haven't heard it discussed." interests in South Africa. "At long last we are witnessing a Bilobert Ferrin, vice president for University and federal relations, said such a move progressive African foreign policy — how- phave to evolve from the faculty itself and pass through the faculty governing body to than "be imposed." ■torn said he "didn't know if there is any need" for guidelines. will it interact with and what impact it will' have on Africa becomes the key question," Kornegay said. Unemployment pay funds tuition Inofficial University contracts are open, he said, and under terms of the contract must Calling the Carter Administration a By ART PEPIN the act," said Daniel McGraw director of educational institution. "unique liberal corporate establishment." While most students rely on summer MESC's administrative services. However, most states supplement their ■accessible for public scrutiny. Kornegay said Carter recognizes South earnings, money from home or financial aid "Some proof that the student is going to requirements by the addition of one or more fcinsaid he was unaware of any involvement by the University or its faculty with the Africa as a stabilizing influence and focuses to cover educational expenses, some stu¬ 'act in good faith' is needed," McGraw said. special provisions applicable to students. on the distinction between the moderate dents at MSU and other Michigan univers¬ •In some states a college student is "A letter from a dean saying the student fcsome professors and students have contended that university foreign projects may and socialist states. considered engaged in "customary self- ities have been paying their fees with in question could drop his classes if "Despite its antiapartheid sentiment. unemployment benefits from the Michigan that they had been employment" and as such is not eligible for pdas "fronts" for CIA operations. MSU's project in the late 1950s to train the police of Carter's team has conceptual approach necessary or prove benefits. ■Vietnam's right-wing government had been cited by critics as a cloak for the CIA to no Employment Security Commission (MESC). going to school full time while holding down ■op the regime. 1 to attaining majority rule)." Kornegay Students collecting unemployment in¬ a job would suffice." •Seven states disqualify a person for surance tUI) are being compensated for lost Basically, to be entitled to benefits, the voluntarily leaving work to attend school. •In Utah, just as in Michigan, if students wages due to layoffs, dismissals or re¬ student must have worked for at least 14 can show that they were working and going signations. Eligibility to collect depends weeks within the 52 weeks prior to their to school at the same time, they can qualify fell-informed upon individual circumstances. filing for UI, and earned more than $25.01 consumer A student collecting UI can receive anywhere from $16 to $97 per week, according to the Michigan Employment per week during that time. The student must also fulfill ability and availability requirements: being physically able to for IT, And all states, except Iowa, have special disqualifications for fraudulent misrepre¬ work, registering for and seeking work and sentation in obtaining benefits. Security Act. There are also provisos which allow a UI If a person puposely gives incorrect or being available for a full-time job if one is recipient to collect partial benefits while found. incomplete information to MESC, the an avoid unwise buys working. If a person earned less than one-half his usual weekly benefit rate, he may still receive a check for the full amount. For example, if the weekly benefit rate was $40, the recipient could earn up to However, exceptions are made in relation to the rcgistration-for work requirement. If a student is laid off and the employer notifies MESC in writing that it expects to call them back to work within 45 days, the penalties may be: •A fine of up to $100 or 90 days in jail. •Loss of remaining benefits. •An order to pay bark any benefits illegally received. $19.99 and still receive a check for $40. If registration for work and seeking work An MSU professor who has just pub requirements will be waived by MESC. lished a book on unemployment insurance they earned anywhere from $20 to $39.99, n stereo equipment MESC is also authorized to waive the entitled "Jobless Pay and the Economy," they would receive a check for $20. No benefits would be received if $40 or more seeking of work provision if it finds that says students have a right to collect UI as was earned. suitable work is not available in both the long as they meet the state qualifications In a national survey released in Decern locality where the student lives and in the and requirements. But he contends the ber 1976, about 4.3 million persons attached localities where he worked last. state eligibility requirements should be to the labor force now or at tine time were Also, in most states a student is excluded tightened up. By DANIEL HERMAN several electrical engineers consulted. going to school. Of that number, 3.5 million from coverage if he is employed by an icontinued on page 91 SUte New, SUA Writer The source commented that those facts which are important are were currently employed and 815,000 stereo-audio equipment is much like shopping for a car — rarely stressed at most audio stores. unemployed, with 80.000 looking for part r*W models and styles are offered, and the sales "Things like how well a piece of equipment will hold up, or value time work and 734,000 looking for full-time per dollar, are not always included in a sales pitch," he said. "When T?. "5ed may sometimes lead to an unwise purchase, ""immediate East Lansing area, there are six appliance and ®USIC stores it comes to an ignorant customer shopping for equipment, all the salesman has to do is to educate the customer to buy his stuff." work. The exact number of students collecting V Enrichment Program frequented by MSU students (because of their UI is not known — MESC does not compile ,9 to the MSU campus). As far as thequalificationsof sales personnel go, the source said, such data. don't know what the h— they are doing." garners over $800,000 "most of those guys dill !l|0res can roughly be grouped into three categories in Spokespersons from all of East Lansing's audio stores admitted According to Von Logan, chief of labor ^approach: hard sell, soft sell and the discount format. r«ews has attempted to ascertain the approaches used that they were primarily in business to sell a product, with the market analyses for MESC. the number of students collecting UI is so small it does not C j 'heestablishmentsand the degree of genuine expertise exception of Marshall Music. warrant inclusion in state UI statistics. Tln» campus campaign coordinators of the the total gifts; L, """"stonier Marshall Music's East Lansing manager said, "We are not here by a salesperson (if such claims of expertise But several students collecting UI dis $17 million Enrichment Urogram received •$50,110 to the Library, 7 per cent of the L °r'mplied). It is important, of course, to realize that most just to make money: sales are not our primary purpose. Our Friday when the new total gifts; agree. They predict the number will more good news f?ns are familiar with their stock, but the question is, to philosophy is good, accurate reproduction in music." continue to increase as long as state totals indicated that $810,577 had been •$10,150 to the endowed chairs. 2 per When asked how he was qualified, one of Marshall's salespersons ■w doesthis familiarity (or claims of expertise) extend? 1. ""''nig the survey the State News used a source commented that he "listens to a lot of music, listens to live requirements established under the Mich raised during the campus drive. cent of the total gifts; and •$181,019 unrestricted for use on any igan Employment Security Act remain The goal set at the outset of the campaign fable in the field of instruments and goes to a lot of live concerts." high fidelity electronics, recording and unchanged. And word is spread by students was $500,000. project. 22 per cent of the total gifts. Tech Hi-Fi and the Stereo Shoppe emphasized that the most A total of 4.353 gifts of varying amounts collecting III about how easy it is to collect. The campaign was initiated early in April ®el) in audio involves convincing the customer of a important quality in a salesperson is the ability to get along well "As long as the system (UI program) to raise funds for four separate projects, were received by the committee chairper¬ with customers and other salespeople in the store. sons. with an average gift of $187. The UAC |CSsui1s" exPer'ise and ability to put together a system, the customer by throwing around such terms as In terms of overall reliability and honesty, the source gave the allows students to collect III. and the including the Performing Arts Center received 2,792 gifts. snow balling effect of one student telling 11 WO the new museum, additions to the Bt.r.u distortion, frequency response curve and DIN B highest marks to Buys and the Disc Shop (which hot h have the another continues, there is no doubt the Library holdings and the establishment of The following organizations have made same owner). Highland Appliance and Roger's Distributing Co. l^and flutter. «1 audio is In the opinion of the consultant, it is important to remember that number will increase," said one MSU more faculty endowed chairs. donations or endorsements for the Enrich¬ basically the friendly, low-key approach student who is current ly collecting benefits. Of the initial $17 million, $11 million has ment Urogram: Administrative Profes¬ each store will give reasons why it is best, but the student shopping sional Association, a gift of $1,500; the r h#ce in<1 the reputation of the establishment are stressed, Is it really that easy for a student to been set aside for the UAC. $2.75 million for t,'!* °f audio for audio products should look around as much as possible, make a store, baaed on the discount format, is collect UI in Michigan? MESC officials the museum, $1.5 million for the Library MSUEA (Clerical Technical Association) "0t>y such local stores as Highland Appliance and Roger's comparison of attitudes and prices and then make a final think not. Students can collect UI in and $1.75 million for faculty endowed gavea $2,000 pledge; the Lecture Concert gu- where determination. help i, available but the choice of selection Michigan only if they meet certain MESC Series Ushers, with a collection now The party with the most responsibility in terms of the purchase is "P to the customer (prices are also substantially a careful and well-informed consumer, the source said. standards and conditions. The donations include: underway: graduate students, with a letter "UI recipients tstudenls) can attend •$173,750 to the UAC, 58 per cent of the of endorsement; and Local 999 (Skilled It is also important to point out that it is possible to gain a general 'ilth°St audio stores "'aim the customer does not receive full knowledge of audio equipment by reading the many audio school as long as they meet the ability, total gills Trades Union), with a pending endorsement g,,. 15 type of discount store (selling high fidelity separate availability and wage requirements set by •$88.0.11 to the museum. 11 per cent of and gift. '""h magazines available. claim is without justification in the opinion of ' a ©ipi(n)ii©(fi) Judgment time for the Iran film project Friday's meeting of the board of been an opportune one, since few conscience of this institution. The uine value to the local trustees represented a victory of people would have been around to trustees must be made cognizant host country and real people in sorts for those seeking to end the of the fact that this project violates and anna register their disgust. value to the Iran film project. After being Public pressure forced the trus¬ one of the University's central programs." University 3 acadaa besieged by chanting and pro¬ tees to change their minds. The tenets, as defined in a document It is obvious that the film p- testing students and faculty at board room was packed with entitled Policy for Michigan State ls without any such v Thursday night's public meeting, protesting, sign-carrying students University International Pro¬ and should be the trustees agreed at their formal who properly hooted down any grams in Sensitive Areas: "Each stopped continued student and session on Friday to hold a special suggestion that the meeting be Michigan State University ^inter¬ 'fa- pressure it will be meeting to deal with the project on held on the 10th. In relenting, the national project should have gen¬ stopped at Friday s special trustee s June 3. board insured that those who want Originally, the trustees wanted to attend and make their feelings hold that session on June 10, the known about the project — both Try alternate fundi to last day of exam week. Had the pro and con - will have the trustees been inclined to uphold opportunity. the project, that date would have Moreover, board members pro¬ It is a new rite of spring at MSU. Each year, this institution ra' perly pointed out those presenting rates of on-campus living in residential halls and University anart alternative viewpoints in support and blames the increase on rising operational costs. of the project have as much right At Friday's board of trustees meeting, only one trustee Mi - to speak as those in opposition to Smydra - asked that the rate increase be postponed one month to it. We trust that anti-Iran project the University time to search for alternative ways to oa partisans will not allow their increases. Smydra was practically laughed at. Tuesday, May 31. 1977 passions to exceed their judgment How sad. Some universities have searched for and found ways at Friday's meeting and will down on-campus living costs by adopting the co-op living princio' editorials ore the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns graciously allow those who sup¬ other ideas. F and letters ore personal opinions. port the project to air their views. Several years ago, MSU found ways to reduce energy consum Editorial Department The momentum now appears to Surely, it can now find an innovative way to reduce Tracy Reed be with those who want to end the This year, in fact, the officials say their "modest housing cg Mary Ann ChickShaw Sporfs Editor Tom Shanohon estimates" Managing Editor Bob Ourhon Entertainment and Book Edifor Donno Bokun Joyce Laskowski project, despite the relative costs to be $13 more than the $75 DaveMisialowski per student increase they Opinion Editor Layout Fred van Hartesveldt John Casey City Editor Kat Brown Photo Editors Moggie Walker Laura Lynn Fistler Anne Stuart paucity of turnout for the protest trustees for and got. The University will manage to scrape Campus Editor Carole Leigh Hutton that was held late last week. $13 somehow, we are told. Advertising Department Continuing to churn out propa¬ Trustees and other University officials need to find a new ismg Manager CeciCorfield Advertising Manager ganda films for the Shah of Iran meeting increased costs and quit passing the buck, so to speak, on would be a terrible blight on the students. early in his bloody career, and so can Bryant thrashing he deserves for his column REGINALD THOMAS Mtm and her misguided followers be stopped in Wednesday entitled "An open letter to Dr. their drive to oppress 10 per cent of this Wharton." and I am sure most of it wouldn't country's population. he printed, anyway. But she can't be stopped without your Africa rhetoric Il was obvious hy Lion's "letter" that he help. As distant as the issue may seem at had disrussed the subject under considera¬ gathered enough signatures to demand a present, it is of vital importance that the tion with Wharton before it was written Ufa special election in Dade County on June 7 to Dade County Coalition for Human Rights Stop Anita vote on whether to rescind the civil rights succeed in its attempt to defeat Anita note of sarcasm is not detected, please feel free to do sol. I realize that this was a staff bill. It is of the utmost importance that this Bryant's forces. MSU students have re column, hut even most of the editorials I've Hey people, wake up! Your civil rights are referendum be defeated. cently been vocal in their disapproval of in danger. read in the State News make a slight U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young has once again said little while saying too Anita Bryant's all-out war against The issue being decided is not one of the oppression of minorities in Iran and Brazil. homosexuals in Dade County, Fla., has legitimacy of homosexuality but rather the Now we have a chance to stop an equally attempt at showing some responsibility. During his recent tour of South Africa, Young stressed that the African nations ramifications that could affect each and denial of basic civil rights to minority allow the United States and Britain more time to apply economic pressure threatening situation here at home. Will we of us, gay or straight. In conclusion, may I say that I am glad governments of Azania (South Africa). Namibia (South-West Africa) and Zim every one groups. Anita Bryant and Save Our respond? Children. Inc., have turned their campaign Lion is a journalist (and I'use the term (Rhodesia). But hedid not give any concrete or specific examples of what type of c: Bryant's efforts to overturn a bill passed recently by the Metropolitan Dade County into a hate crusade against gays. Bumper loosely I and Wharton is MSU's admini¬ pressure he feels should be applied. Commission assuring civil rights for gays stickers reading "Kill a Queer for Christ" strator. Were the roles reversed, I'm sure Such action is similar to that of past administrations which weakly supported ' have appeared on Miami cars, and Bryant this University would not last 10 minutes. I causes through hollow represents a very serious threat to all generalities. If Young wishes to show America's support minority groups. If successful, Bryant will has appeared on national television quoting request that from now on Lion write his liberation forces in Africa, he must be more specific about what type of" have established a precedent that civil letters to the personisl involved rather than pressure" he has in mind. scripture that cites an old testament law rights can be taken away from minority putting homosexuals to death. Not since Thrashing Lion taking up valuable space in the State News. Instead of giving concrete details, Young spoke of the days when the civil groups. Hitler's persecution of the Jews has a movement was at its high point. The turbulent years of the '60s provide int" Bryant and her supporters, under the minority groups been so vilified. Historians Unfortunately, time and space do not David M.Maylen III conversation, but not to a group of people who have suffered the indignit banner of Save Our Children, Inc., have agree that Hitler could have been stopped allow me to give Ed Lion the verbal 1427 K Spartan Village deprivation of living in South Africa. A Nigerian delegate to the U.N. and close friend of Andrew Young, Leslie 0, Ha stated. "Ten years ago if I heard the speech in Atlanta I would have found it int" now I find it irritating." Harriman was not the only one to feel this way. Many called it a "beautiful si "moral lecture" on the civil rights movement of American. But Harriman added, " DAVID MISIALOWSKI not talking about improving the lot of Africans. We're talking about liberation. F dying in Zimbabwe and children were killed in Soweto. Meanwhile, American in in South Africa has grown from nothing to $2 billion." The United States has acted only to protect its investments in South Africa. It Will he or won't he last? taken any decisive or forceful action to improve the debilitating conditions that exisl It is time for Young to stop giving speeches on the history of the civil rights movemi begin showing that he is not the petty bourgeoise spokesmen with the ebb-ai philosophy he is believed to have. The struggle of blacks in Africa is different than that of the blacks in the United St Only Jimmy knows for is not a struggle to obtain the right to vote per se. It is not a fight to become a pah sure mainstream of society. And it is not a struggle to have the option of eating in restaurants. It is instead a struggle by the blacks to obtain reparations for injusticies done tl On his way to hop a plane for East their own land, by a minute portion of society. It is a fight to control their own U J: Ah. now, see. there's a problem. cover up audit findings of i well that you haven't done one (four- economic system. It is a struggle to obtain the right to stand on their own feet and i Lansing to speak at MSU's commencement Maybe you'd like to phrase that a bit more ceremony, United Nations Ambassador funds and the results of an investigation letter word for sexual intercourse prohibit¬ their own actions — if it applied — to fall on their faces. j diplomatically. Why don't you go through into their football recruiting scandal. ed by State News management)ing thing Andrew Young was summoned to the Oval some old Daniel Patrick Right It is time to realize that the civil rights movement is over and that a silent nod Office for a chat with President Carter. The Moynihan speeches now they're trying to get rid of their for the blacks that elected you since you revolution will not free the southern African. The whites of Southern Africa are a so and see what you come up with? Chicano counseling program. That school State News has obtained a took office. If you fired me you couldn't get people who will not allow themselves to be displaced again. transcript of owns stock in dozens of It is past time for the citizens of the world to take the initiative in support! their conversation from a A: Cut the jive, companies like Dow away with going to a segregated church any tape left behind Jimmy. You and I both Chemical and Exxon and Mobil and nobody when Richard Nixon know that MSU is a more, or with dreaming up an economic Liberation fighters in Azania, Namibia and Zimbabwe. It appears inevitable that ail resigned. "J" is reactionary Cow even knows about it or cares. Man, it's Jimmy, "A" is Andy. Expletives have been College. Did you know that a couple of plan that steals from the poor to give to the struggle will occur, and it will be a bloody sight. deleted by the State News management. weeks ago there was a pitiful. Those trustees and administrators rich, or with foisting a cheesy welfare It is true that armed struggle should be avoided but the present actions! rally to protest MSU lie out of both sides of their mouths at A: What's the buzz, Prez? Don't take making propaganda films for the Shah of can reform package on us that would practically governments in Southern Africa prove that it cannot be. If the liberation forces id up the same time even better than you can, force pregnant mothers to dig ditches wait for the United States to act in supporting them they might be waiting for a lod too much of my time, now, I have to publicly Iran, who is a bloodthirsty butcher, and Prez. only 150 people showed up? before they could get benefits. Prez, I got especially if it takes as long to muster support as it did to destroy the antiblack ml J: (sound of Carter nervously cracking Tarzan movies created. .1 J: Now hold it right there, Andy. Vance was in Iran not long Cy peanuts) Look Andy, this has got to stop. Zambia took the proper steps last week by joining Mozambique in its declaratiol ago, and the The students at MSU aren't on Rhodesia and now it is time for the other African and world nations to declare Shah very really as racist forcefully assured him that he is and apathetic as you think — South Africa. If this is not done then economic support should and must be given o I not a crook. David Frost used to work for actions in South Africa. J A: Oh no? Have you ever seen the , him, you know. graffiti If Prime Ministers John Vorster and Ian Smith are allowed to continue their sy« in some of their johns? A: Well then J: - they're just booking hard. murder of black Africans, then the world must prepare for the wo r dig this. Prez: MSU owns They stock in Ford want to grow up confrontation ever. This revolution will involve more than the singing of Motor Co., which has and never tell a lie and investments in South Africa. A few weeks become president like George Overcome" and will encompass a greater part of the world, Washington ago the University voted against a stock- and me, rather than make a lot of noise and Thomas is a State News editorial writer. holder-sponsored measure to force Ford to trouble like they did 10 years ago. As for withdraw from that the MSU administrators, country, and those jive they're basically students didn't raise a peep. fine and dedicated people who have to J: Andy, calm down. You're getting all support families and keep up payments on houses and cars and boats and ioummm 0 colleges and excited. Have some peanuts. trips all around the country and the world. wsww A: Thanks Ichomp chomp). Andy, you think its easy having to worry (irWti mo, insult Poland, Israel, the J: Andy, the point is this: about all those things? Pope, the entire calling the white race and you before noon. students a bunch of racist honkies is one you where I want you. You need me. A:, Look, Prez, that's a lot of horse J: (sound of Carter's teeth expanding as J: Actually, Andy, that's more or less thing, but what you're really doing is (four-letter word for excrement prohibited he leers wickedly) I thought about that, what I wanted to talk to you about. Don't criticizing MSU administrators. There are a lot of important people there, you know. A by State News management). If you don't Andy. And I found the perfect replacement you think you've been pretty hard on people watch your step, I may have to publicly call lot of good Democrats. to solve all my problems. He has no social lately? Last week you lost me the 1980 you a racist honky. taxi driver vote by calling the conscience at all. He's never offended people of A: A lot of reactionary racist (three-letter J: (sound of Carter grinding his teeth) All anybody who needed to be offended in his Queens, N.Y., a bunch of racist honkies. word for the two right, Andy, that's the last straw. Actually, humps of flesh on which life. He'll do anything I tell him. He's a A: Hey, man, well, know. I calls 'em one sits prohibited by State News I've been wanting to fire you ever since that you manage- really good boy — perfect for the United as I sees 'em. mentlholes, you mean. tasteless crack you made about Antarctica Nations, and for making university com¬ J: Oh, heavens to not having enough "black ice," but this is gosh Andy, I know, I J: Settle down, Andy, Maybe the issue mencement speeches. And Andy, here's the know And I want you to keep on the straw that broke the camel's black calling isn't as black and white as you think it is. — best part - he's black. That's right, Andy, them as you see them — just do it a little uh, back. I'm afraid I'm going to have to he's black, same color — well almost — as A: Oh, yeah? You should see some of the replace you. more tactfully, if you could. Er, by the way stuff that you arc, and he's waiting right outside! goes on over there. The Uni A: (derisive laughter) Come off it, prez. - what are you planning to A: Oh my God, don't tell me... say in your versity's affirmative speech to the MSU grads? action prugrams for You can't fire me. I'm your token, women and blacks are in a dig it? J: (sound of Carter punching an intercom A: I'm going to call them a shambles, and You and I both know (seven leiter word bunch of racist the administration button) Secretary will you please send that honkies. keeps putting out that takes the Lord's name in vain Cliff Wharton fellow in... evasions and denials. They've managed to prohibited by State News management) Misialowski is Slate News opinion editor stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan MitW£!L Tuesday Moy 31. 1977 5 I crhapsi you have not read the book. If you haven't, I urge you to me, perilously close to that heinous doctrine which holds that all catalog of atrocities: the Spanish Inquisition, Bloody Mary, the St. >nimentary: lo continue Has been thrown reading this essay anyway, liecause Against Our Will bouquets by virtually every notable critic, and Jews must bear the Brownmiller offers stigma for the crucifixion of Jesus. an enormous body of evidence concerning Bartholomew's Day Massacre, thumbscrews, the rack, slow dismemberment witnessed by one's children, and so on. Using the fled mUSt Wh< r<' "" capa<'i,>'f,,r riKhteous indignation has rape. Pages If) through 374 of the 404 page Simon and Schuster text are an extraordinarily detailed historical examination of this Brownmiller rationale, then, we could feel perfectly justified in slating, as our thesis, that "Catholicism is nothing more or less )n Brownmiller f.onsider Brownmiller's rape is extraordinary thesis statement, that "nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which off men keep aU women in a state of fear" (p. crime: rape and its definition by early law (Chapter 2); ghastly rapes committed in wartime (Chapter 3); beastly rapes committed during riots, pogroms and revolutions (Chapter 4); notably than a conscious process of intimidation by which all Catholics keep aU non-Catholics in a state of fear." la; her emphasis). Think of it. If I will give credit lo Susan Brownmiller for her exhaustive (and you are a woman, can you look me dreadful rapes in American history (Chapter 5); rapes enumerated straight in the eye, figuratively speaking, and tell by law enforcement agencies (Chapter 6); and on and on. exhausting) history of rape. I will give her points for a book that is me you think all almost unfailingly well written. I will certainly men employ rape, or the threat of rape, lo intimidate all women? Unquestionably, it< is awful to read. I know of no woman who agree with her By CAROLYN OWENS And if you are a man, are contention that the crime of rape has been ignored and glossed you really going to stand there and allow does not fear this crime, and any woman who has been grabbed, or rnunmilliT hits come to MM' and ({one, and her book vmtrsoii t„ branded a rapist? over and under reported and mishandled when it has been pinched, or endured lip smacking or lewd suggestions from the lailabh' since 1975, so what new tack could a reviewer of "All r • That s roughly half the world's sidelines reported. But 1 condemn this book lor its unjustifiable attitude :, Our Wilt: Men, Women and Rape possibly take? Simply and she population, of course, — to say nothing of having been raped — any woman toward the race of men, its use of the oldest propaganda ans it to include every man, even the gentle soul sitting recognizes the sick, angry feelings she experiences at times like technique llnlrnil in find lault witl) lhis h"ok. which has received next to you in Psych 215, who shared with you his notes for the those, feelings conjured up simply by reading Brownmiller's grim known to humanity t 'Some of them did a terrible thing, so they're w i, juadicrse criticism. In fact, I'll ({o further than that: I lecture you missed. For, all had "i and its undercurrents of malice that serve to according to Brownmiller, those men who cripple, not T?Jn« I h»|"'- 'bat it is not the "brilliant, fascinating explosive '1° not actually commit the rapes of this world benefit from the My point, though, is this. Does this prove that all men are strengthen, the communication between people who happen to be ta*'ie ilasl iacket blurb promises, but the racist manifesto of work of their more violent brothers in the vanguard. The fear of rapists? Does it prove Brownmiller's other contention, that rape is *|, serially permissible prejudice, the prejudice attains! rape is as much a tool by which to intimidate women as rape itself, a political crime? Or that all men are consciously intimidating all >' by a other e is still bigotry. and. she says, "when men raise the spectre of the unknown rapist, ILa'rnileniably. If we could substitute the word "Jews" or thev refuse to take psychologic responsibility for the nature of his What if we could rewrite this book, so that the first 358 pages s is on English teacher poet and a rr a part-time MSU student, an mber of the ,r -Italians" for the word "men" in Brownmiller's book. act (p 400)." The thought that all men must chronicled instead the inhumanities committed by Catholics during 'inning Ingham County accept the i Commission She hvt with her husband and four jllU. readers everywhere would howl in outrage. psychological responsibility for rapes they do not commit sounds, the history of Catholicism? We could create the same sort of dismal frail man in search of India's soul hBOBOl RMAN leased when he developed kid¬ to be stable. jutcful June 25. 1975, One of those she imprisoned ney problems which doctors The book itself, published Prime Minister Indira was Jayaprakash Narayan, an Prison Diary said would cost him his life. in the name of demo- elder of the massive grassroots By Jayaprakash Narayan Gandhi, wanting to avoid the only in India, is available locally at the India Information Cen¬ L, and latinnal preserva- peace and reform movement in Popular Prakashan: Bombay public uproar of his death in (I the first of many ter, located at South Pointe India. He was 72 and in frail 128 pp.: SS prison, was forced to release in freedom by Plaza in Lansing (a paperback . health. him. stale of national edition of "Prison Diary" is The conditions surrounding Narayan, known by his fol¬ available for $3). Efforts are his medical treatment in prison •d her deelara- lowers as JP, recently pub terproductive the aims problem to be overcome, but in itself wide being made to have the book rather as a heavy setback along are open to ries of actions lisheil a diary he kept while revolution, as veil as the a published in the United States, of human the road to total revolution. scrutiny. He was given the hut thus far. some publishers encing dissent, under detention. Though short, development. wrong medication with regu¬ L the book is rich with insights have refused on the basis that [he press and muf One of the interesting as¬ larity and his food contained an into the Gandhi regime, the the diary contains too much pects of this nonviolent revolu¬ figure i the Indian refor abnormal amount of salt. Since Indian movement and JP him detail on internal conditions in k fa¬ wns censored, tion is the inevitability JP en be for the JP's health prevented him from self, a man who is now regarded India which Americans may not were quashed, ascribes to it. "The upshot of efers often to the eating any salt at all, his family as the understand. :ies were tossed into spiritual leader of the what I have been saying," JP 1974 Bihar student movement is convinced the errors were ilhithcn went about Indian revolutionary movement writes, "is that the people's which ostensibly provoked While it is true the book — purposeful: JP himself has said : thai India was and is seen as the present-day movement of the type I am needs Gandhi into proclaiming the he suspects the mistreatment editing and perhaps some spirit of disci- Ma hat ma Gandhi of the nation new visualizing here can proceed emergency — in which massive was administered deliberately, explanatory footnotes, it would and, indeed, the world. either in cooperation or in turnouts of students demanded but with characteristic fairness, be unfortunate if it did not get I Editor's JP's central philosophy fo¬ cuses on the need for what he confrontation with the govern ment concerned." that the local assembly resign because of its corruption. The adds that he has no evidence. With the recent elections published for surti book contains reasons. far too many insights on India and too many The calls "Total Revolution," or JP writes at times almost as problems JP saw with India - that removed Gandhi from of sound social and political ideas Note revolution in the social, eco¬ nomic, political, cultural, ideo¬ if the government itself does not matter. In his writing, poverty, corruption, national priorities — were present long t'iee and installed Morarji Desai. an inquiry commission has been with universal applicability to before the advent of the Gandhi be overlooked. logical lor intellectual), educa government seems very nearly set up to determine how the tional and spiritual aspects of incidental to the aims of total dictatorship. mistreatment occurred. JP And the JP. deserves ft Book Page welcomes JP spent four months in re man, in and comment from the life. An integral part of broad revolution. Which is why, most cently went to Seattle, where exposure in the United States, K community on material societal change, as JP sees it, is likely, he regard Mrs. Gandhi's Indian prisons and detention he underwent treatment for his which could ultimately benefit Md on this page. Review- also personal change and self tvrannv not as the fundamental hospitals. He was finally re kidneys. His health is reported from his thought. liould direct inquiries to analysis and improvement. TjEsselman, Book Page Total Revolution, by its na¬ |r, 355-8252. ture, is inherently peaceful and Ill Indebted to Paramount - nonviolent, entailing civil dis¬ ■ Center and Jocundry's p lor their continuing co- obedience and public persua¬ • Science Fiction ■' WHEN YOU'RE PART OF THE CROWD . .. sion. JP sees violence as coun- • Literature i ion and assistance during ■pr. Their help and the • Mysteries ■■Mr A £ Jtffl of reviewers' have ftliis page a possibility. • Michigan History HR: ■ Rfet YOU'RE PART OF THE TEAM! 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Yakeley, Gilchrist, Williams, Mary Mayo, Wonder, Wilson, Holden and Case) and order a pizza from your dorm, you can take Who else delivers pizza to your room door in 30 a minutes or less and gives you an hot delicious TICKETS ON SALE UNTIL JUNE 11, '77 advantage of Domino's Dorm Discount! You can have a hot, automatic discount on the price of delicious pizza delivered to your your pizza? $10.00 for special package, $5.00 for general admission. room door tor the above discounted prices - no coupons Call us. We deliver YOU SAVE $5.00 ON THIS SPECIAL OFFER! 351-7100 necessary. Offer good fill May Available at Jenison Fieldhouse 10. 966 Trowbridge £ Michigan Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Tu«day. May3,,1977 Latter blazes 800 mete as Spartans take seco ByGEOFFETNYRE the small but potent Spartan that?' tans' five member team notch¬ MSU takes 3rd in World Series State News Sports Writer "But they dredged Spartan junior Sue Latter ed a first, three second places it „ needless to say and her MSU teammates are and a fifth. Anita felt better when U making a name for themselves "We were tied with Ten¬ was all „ So did nationally these days. nessee State until the 100 Johanna Maul By JOHN SINGLER then proceeded to defeat Northern Colorado, one of the "By all means, because it's Against Arizona, the Latter won the 800-meters meters," Bridges said. "Then State News Sports Writer Still fighting after an earlier Northern Iowa, 1-0, forcing a final game. Northern Iowa re pretourney favorites. With momentum intact, hard when you have a half off," she said. day and a Spartans broke a scoreless tie in the third inning. With one and set a new meet record at the they took two-three-four and f defeat, the MSU Softball team covered to win the national title, 7-0. Spartan head coach Diane Uli- barri was disappointed that the Northern Iowa took advan tage of the stalled Spartans, out, Strahan singled and went to third when King reached United States Track and Field Federat ion championships over that did it." Tennessee State ran up 54 KSr; Spartan to record was stopped for good Sunday, the Memorial Day weekend. points to MSU's 36. The Spar¬ best a n, knocked out in defense of its MSU opened weather washed out Friday's winning 7-3. A triple, walk base on an error. After King as she churned the double- one She led MSU to a second-place tans five member team notched 400 elimination world series with games, forcing MSU to wait 36 and two MSU errors dropped stole second, Barrons knocked in 54.6 seconds to national championship. finish behind Tennessee State in a first, three second gr; wins over Westchester State hours. the Spartans into a 3-0 hole. them home with a triple. places and a "Wen Norman of t| The University of Arizona the university division. fifth. College of Pennsylvania and A critical factor? Northern added one more Arizona tied the game with a Striders was out in I floored the Spartans, 2-1, and Olympian Francie Larrieu Sophomore long run before MSU came to life in run in the fourth and another in jumper 53.8 seconds. Lutz of the Pacific Cost Track Anita Lee hit her personal best the fifth. Kathy Strahan singled the fifth, aided by MSU errors. Club bypassed the 800 meters of 19 feet 11'A inches on her "Johannaran the w; and went to second when the The Spartans waited until to see a and it may have been just as quarter n! next-to-last jump to finish be¬ center fielder misplayed the two were out in the seventh hind Olympian Kathy McMillan Bridges said. "She well. Latter cut a second off of ball. She scored when Carmen before King singled. Barrons icontinued on Ih her third-place time at the of Tennessee State. McMillan King reached base on another flied to right and when the collegiate nationals last week leaped 20 feet 10 Vz inches. right fielder dropped the ball. and crossed the line in 2:04.7, "Anita was in fifth place until King stole second and raced King trotted home with the two seconds ahead of her she popped that one off," home on a single by Gayle winfiing run. nearest rival. Lutz won the Bridges said. YOU CAN STI Barrons. Laurie Zoodsma top Hills went the distance for 1,500 meters. "She had been kind of de¬ the win. Barrons and King led ped the rally with a triple. Northern put the game away "Sue was in about fifth place pressed because of the pit and TRAVEL & ST MSU at the plate with two hits coming off the first staggered the rain," Bridges continued. IN EUROPE with three more runs. The apiece and Barrons added three turn," explained head Spartan "At 10 a.m. when they were Spartans went through three RBIs. coach Cheryl Bridges. "By the supposed to start, the long jump pitchers and starter Nancy After ripping 21 hits in two time she hit the front straight pit looked like a moat. Lyons suffered the loss. games. Spartan bats were away she got to the lead and "A guy who was testing it Barrons led MSU at the plate hushed against Arizona. King with two hits and an RBI. had two of the four MSU just took off. stepped in the middle and sank "There was nobody who was right to the bottom. Anita saw Faced with a win-or-else pro safeties and led off a first- going to catch her." I hat and gave me a look like position, the Spartans downed inning rally with a single. And almost nobody caught 'how am I supposed to jump in Nebraska-Omaha, 5-1. Barrons walked and King With two outs in the first scored when Zoodsma was safe inning, Barrons. Zoodsma, Diane Spoelstra and Ann An¬ Arizona came right back in CAN YOU TYPE ??? derson each singled, handing its half of the first. Following a This summer... MSU a 3 0 lead. Spartan error and a disputed When the finals are finished Zoodsma triggered another play at second base, Arizona The books packed away TUITION AND rally in the fourth with a single. got a single to tie the ballgame. After Spoelstra flied to center, The tie was broken in the And you find yourself jobless ROUND TRIP Anderson singled and followed bottom of the seventh. With When you come home to stay AIR TRANSPORTA Zoodsma to the plate on Carol one out, Arizona strung to¬ CONTACT KELLY GIRL FOR TEMPORARY WORK I! Hutchins' single. gether a single, EAST COAST S3' a sacrifice bunt Variety * Choice of Assignments The Spartans' Laurel Hills and another single to bring MIDWEST took a perfect game into the Not an Agency - Never a fee MSU to the end of the trail. WEST COAST S45 seventh inning. A sixth-inning Hills absorbed the loss. kelly girl walk was erased by a double The Spartans were plagued Division of Kelly Services CALL TOLL FR" play. throughout the tournament by BATTLE CREEK - DETROIT - FLINT - LANSING KALAMAZOO - GRAND RAPIDS - MUSKEGON 800-223-1722 Omaha spoiled the gem in its the inability to get runners last at-bat, putting together a home from third base. an equal opportunity employer - M/F NEW Yi fielder's choice, a single and an "We had 'em there and we error for the run. couldn't bring 'em in," said MSU's 13-hit attack was Nancy Green, senior center spiced by Anderson, with three fielder. hits and two RBIs. Hutchins added a pair of hits and two In spite of the obvious disap pointment, Ulibarri praised her ATTENTION ALL RBIs. team. The Spartans next faced Arizona and won, 3-2, after which the tournament trail even "Over 1,000 teams did not proves get to Omaha, which the strength of our team Professional Hairstyling Only *5.00 began to look very familiar. and the tournament," she said. Last season, MSU defeated MSU closed the s both Omaha and Arizona en record of 23 11, a 1 Portland's Maurice Lucas dunks over Philadelphia's Darryl Dawkins in route to the national < (year round) Portland's 129-107 Sunday win. Philadelphia leads the series, 2-1, and tonight's game is televised on channel 6 at 9 p.m. Cooper's takes A title Cooper's Independent A league softball team defeated Cameraw Thursday, 7-4. to capture the MSU IM's pres¬ Call Now! tigious A league championship. Terry Vanderveen was three- 332-2416 by Appt. for-three, including a solo home or WALK IN run in the fifth inning. Jeff Above Cunningham Drugs (Sam's), Abbott & Grand River Stairwell near Crossroads Imp. ROOTS END-OF-TERM SALE City Roots - Reg. >36. now *14.95 SpOTt ROOtS - Reg. '36.50 now *16.95 (rust, blue, and Sahara suedes) Moccasins - Reg. >35.50 now* 15.95 Mary lane Roots • Reg. >32. now *11*95 YokOO ROOtS - Reg. >39. now *16.95 Assorted Sandals - Reg. >i9.50->27.50 now *9.95 THESE PRICES ARE WELL BELOW COST - SO FIND YOUR ROOTS NOW AT THE ROOTS STORE. 220M.A.C. 332-2212 THE UNIVERSITY MALL ROOTS Mir|.ign_Stot« Newt, Eost Lansing. Michigan Tuesday, May 31, 1977 7 _ |M building project budget proposed sfife BkoUdf By LARRY LILLIS overcrowding problem, the new building will I Tkp increasing amount of participation in intramural activities ampus recreational facility provide the only designed specifically to accommodate The new IM building will provide tennis courts, gymnasiums for basketball, handball and paddleball courts, squash courts, golf net I LiHe MSI'"* current facilities obsolete in handling the number the growing number of handicapper students. If J. wishing to use the IM. the proposed building will be located behind Fee Hall, but area, table tennis, table games, weight training and fitness rooms, Store Hours: indoor and outdoor B . minimum project budget of $12.5 million has been Beeman said that it is subject to change. A main advantage to this pools and a bowling alley consisting of 32 lanes. "The bowling alley is Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 I aimended by the Student-Faculty IM Advisory Committee to location is its proximity to the 8,800 students in East Complex. important because it will help provide money for the building costs," Beeman said. ■ ide for thl' construction of a multipurpose corecreational The usable space we will have in this new Beeman said the intramural program is conducted as a student Sat. 9-6 Sun. 12-5 building will be about ■Son ft"'Mst side of campus- As of now there are two areas the same as the one we have now," Beeman said. "There are service for the recreation and ll» the money could come from, according to Frank Beeman, ' enjoyment of the 44,000 students, ■ lor of Intramural Sports and Recreative Services. *;"rmLiand off'ce,s I" the needed in the new present building that will not be building." The total estimated gross faculty and staff on the MSU campus. STATE COUPON of the He added the main function of the intramural l'Sichl now there is money being used to pay off both the Men's proposed building will be about 200,000 square feet. area all the interests of the student program is to serve IJvonieo's Intramural Buildings," Beeman said. "After these ■Slinis arc P"id 0,f ,in the 1980s) we wi" rechannel that money participants, regardless of their level of skill, or the seriousness with which they play. CIGARETTES flu sis used for them towards the new proposed building. 9% rest of the money will come from taking a portion of the MSU 2nd in national meet The need for additional intramural facilities has been the of discussion for some time. The basic subject problem is one of satisfying |j,nis' tuition paid each term," he said. Beeman added that the VL for such a project can't come from the legislature because (contunied from page 6) stars coming in since most of the the recreational demands of 44,000 for only 31,000. people with facilities designed 2/89' Junton»yhas 10 be used ,0r classrooms and educational facilities. smooth in the first 220, built up universities were from the gen¬ John Easley, the current ASMSU director of student athletic I Rrrakin's ground for this project is not within the near future steam in the curve and then eral area, like Tennessee affairs, has been working earnestly to get expanded IM facilities. I. pointed out. "First (the) president of the University and came down the stretch really State." He has talked to the administrators and far he says he has .. so STATE COUPON hard." Tllio University have to say that we will go ahead with the The Spartans finished Though all athletes competed received very good responses from them. Ed" Herman said. "After this is done we have to hire the up the together, separate point totals "So far there has been support for the building at all levels," OUR DISCOUNT JjLts and then put out bids on the project." day with a varsity record in the were kept for university and Easley said. 'The main concern right PRICE ON I Ik No-1 problem is the lack of space, and because of this certain Loiii't devices have been set up. Reservation systems as well 1,600 meter-relay and second place. The learn of Elaine Carr, rluh divisions. The Pacific Coast Track Club going to come from for this project." now is where the money is 10% OFF KODAK FILM KLjng in the halls and ping pong tables in the lobbies are just a Sue Sebastian. Matlhyssen and Latter was caught in 3:44.5. dominated the club division as "As it stands right now the and the money money will come from students' funds PHOTO FINISHING Cdlhr changes made to try and alleviate the space problem. Carr was also fifth in the member Andrea Lynch swept being used to pay off the Men's and Women's IM NO LIMIT ■ fttaose of the lack of facilities available we had to limit the the 100 and 200 meters. Buildings," Easley said. EXPIRES 6-5 R -itv use of the IM," Beeman said. "Some alumni use 400-meter intermediate hurdles Lynch could have had world the a hut they have to pay $100 a year to do so. The main in 63.7 seconds. record if the electronic timer "We had a lot of fans out PICTURIMIMORIAL DAY STATE COUPON in participation has come from the students and this is had not malfunctioned. She was there," Bridges said. "Some of jjnnre we are here to serve the students." clocked in 10.9 seconds on the CREST — K,problem of space should be alleviated with the building of the them thought we were Missouri three back up watches, which DANNON State. The TOOTHPASTE R, proposed IM building. Besides providing a solution to the ones that knew we would have been a new world YOGURT were Michigan State were record for women, except only really for us, too. electronic times are now being l (r "It kind of like the outside 99* 3/99' was accepted. Reg. 1.41 ## 8.4 01. Bonus Pack UMIT I EXPIRES t-$ STATE COUPON STATE COUPON |he MSU Chess Club member was Neil Ruggles. Peeping lom FREE PEPSI COLA U('., CANDY BARS PEPSI COLA when you bring in your Kodocolor or com¬ townships over the Memor- Good finished with a four-out- jDiy itrckrnd Glenn Good of four record while Hale had a a little a'dis, a little a dat patible film for processing. Good through Reg. 20" 6/99C *1." Llorlhr second time in three three-out-of three score. Rug- June 5th. n. Dave Half was the gles was two-and-a-half for with coupon only R.g.s 8/99c 8 Pack Cans LIMIT 1 ■trap. The top nonclub four. Breakfasts 8-11 am EXPIRES 6-5 (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) I COFFEE 10' per cup STATE COUPON EATON'S the east Room I Thursday Buffet ERASIBLE FREE! TYPING PAPER ■ Roast Beef $5.50 t Friday Buffet Reg. 1.05 72' I Seafood $4.95 Buy any Medium 1 J Pizza 224 Abbott STATE COUPON At the regular price i 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. RIGHT GUARD OR Menu Also Available Get Identical PIZZA SOFT & DRI l FREE ROLL-ON ANTIPERSPIRANT BUY ONE AND GET ONE FREE Little Caesars Pto I 12031. Gd. River 3.00 Value $1.07 g LIMIT I ■ * 337 EXPIRES 6-5 STATE COUPON IRISH NO DOZ SPRING ■CLIP AND SAVE" pood Driving Record?! 3*'* $1 17 2/65' ♦h Size Reg. 1.59 Reg. 43' lad Driving Record? j LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 6-5 ISREAT RATES ! STATE COUPON CONTAC STATE COUPON ROSE MILK FOR BOTH | COLD CAPSULES SKIN LOTION CALL i 99' $1>27 Reg.< r Unscented JEFF ! Reg. 1.85 Reg. 1.85 WILLIAMS I STATE COUPON 332-1838 ! HAWAIIAN TROPIC 401 W.GRAND RIVER | DARK TANNING LOTION OR EAST LANSING \ DARK TANNING OIL STOP WONDERING 8oz. Reg. 3.25 $2.59 ABOUT WHICH PRINTER STATE COUPON IS BEST... REVLON introducing FLEX BALSAM a "dtp that's SHAMPOO 49 User to swallow And easier to follow. Reg.2.50 i. LIMIT 1 a "Ian The new Weight Watchers' Food EXPIRES 65 is lull of things like corn-on-the-cob, STATE COUPON tr.eeseburgers, real cocoa milkshakes and STATE COUPON more All within SPALDING limits, of course. And you tan enioy them no matter how much FOSTEX TENNIS "eight you've got to lose. But since Weight Watchers is more CAKE SOAP natural cotton painter's pants. . .we've BALLS inan a diet, we've also made our new INSTY-PRINTS IS THE 88 ctogram more flexible. Simpler to learn, 'b' 'o follow. It's all At a Weight Watchers easy to find, too. UfEttUT "WIZ OF THE got 'em. loop on . the ones with the painter's the side. Not only are they the Reg. 1.49 99' s2 Can "feting near you. ...JSEffiSl PRINTING BIZ" TOU'll 10VITHI CHANCE. TOUyitlU most wanted pants going right now, but 'oi more info.: The Authority they pair with every casual shirt you L.P. SPECIALS!!! yeswe * insty-prints can! can name from woodsy plaids to solid westerns. 28 to 32, 34, 36 lengths. $13 36 waist; NEW BEE GEES LIVE Reg. 11.98 S666 the wlz of the printing blzl 4R. J ! CLIMAX BLUES BAND GOLD PLATED Reg. 6.98 $3." 4893303 8821104 3211091 4893511 DONNA SUMMER 3205 S. Cedar 4308 W. Saginaw 115 E.Allegan Jacobson's 14SEE. Michigai A REMEMBER YESTERDAY E. Mich., W. Saginaw and S. Cedar stores 9-12 Sat. Reg.7.98 $4.29 All stores open 8:30-5:30 Q Michigon Slote News, East loosing, Michigan 1u«day. May 3 Motion for open interviews fail (continued from page II will rise by about $1.5 million in the average pay scales allowed f process. upcoming year. classifications. In the letter get Trustee John Bruff. D Fraser, said he In the Friday afternoon session, the ""'"I would like to discuss the matter simply trustees received a report on the College of board, Groty said discrepai!^'1 because "it is the kind of issue we (the board) should be sure the process we are following is the one we want." Engineering, which is part of a series of tours and reports the board is conducting. It also received a report on faculty salary 5Psu£3 Within^he Wharton insisted, however, that to discrepancies. The report indicated the UnivTrsky"GrotyI change the process at this time would be differences between the administrative- "unfair to the candidates." professional and clerical-technical class¬ "If they had known they may have been subject to public interview, they may not ifications from Keith Groty, assistant vice s:r;r-th«^ have petitioned," Wharton said. "If we need president for personnel and employe lations. re overlapping grade levels in wto. ,'1 this 'town hall meeting' approach, it means MSll was shown to be far below the technical employes are paid Ij'f that you members." don't have faith in the committee admimstrative-professiomd workers [ see A suggestion to poll the candidates and if they were willing to be interviewed Trustees meet over Iran by the board was made by Bruff, but irontinued from page 1) think that MSU Carrigan said this also would be unfair since aspires t„ win the International Committee of Jurists and it was not outlined at the start of the Amnesty International for the the National Lawyers Guild, organizations with the least selection process. scruples. that investigate and offer ratings human What we are Carrigan added that the president is on doing in Iran employed by the University and if he is to rights in nations worldwide. to producing a travelog on Ih be held accountable to the trustees, he MSU Professors John Masterson and Doe Duvalier or a film on 'lent Hon needs the freedom to do his job. Milton Taylor delivered a statement urging Mussolini," the professors Wilkinson justified raises in room and I he hoard to end the film Trustees Stack and I project with ,,n board and University Apartment rates in a NIltT. Bloomfield Hills, both arknowledg letter to Wharton, in which he stated: quality of the presentations Fridav "During the course of this academic year, and "During the most recent years, the general there has been urged the groups in oppositio rate of inflation, the accelerating food costs, rising criticism on this project to allow the film dinners and the abnormal cost of energy have had a campus of our support of dictatorial to express their views regimes in such countries as Brazil, South at the scheduled with, ihsirj substantial impact upon the incremental meeting. Korea and Uruguay," the statement said. cost of the (University) housing program." The place for the special r "By supporting these regimes and con ti p.m. on Projections indicate that the operating Friday, will be tinuously adding to the number, one would week. "Money talks MSI- listens," says one of the signs carried in the Friday costs of the University housing program morning protest against the MSl'-Iran film project. Jennifer Davis, a member of the Committee to Stop the MSl'-Iran Film Project, leads the demonstration in front of the Administration Building prior to the board of trustees meeting. Student demonstrators applaud after a committee member addressed the board. Davis demands that the board change the special meeting date to a time the meeting for the last day of finals week, when more students would be on campus. The board originally scheduled Davis inquires whether orl the board will adhere tof "five-minute per person, J minute per subject" rule a Thursday night meeting. Elizabeth Byerlein confronts President Clifton informal session Thursday night. R. Wharton Jr. near the close of the board's Optimism gradually fading (continued from page 11 like getting into graduate school, some •"Gun control - I'm paranoid al energy (or lives) is saved to make it mentioned more universal concerns. availability of those deadly devices. | worthwhile," a male mechanical engineer Following are some answers: •"Crimes, mainly against wo commented. •"To seek knowledge and truth and by •"Christianity." , a But what were their most important doing so, better the lives of those around me •"To save the environment briori j concerns? What did the seniors really feel (Of course, to become rich and famous with late. . ." was vitally consequential, really close to 100 million dollars isn't a bad concern, •"Being happy and free. . their hearts? either)." •"To live up to my expfdat | The answers, of course, were as different •"Maintaining my Deace of mind over myself." as the people who answered the question. important things like environment, energy, •"Survival." While most mentioned finding a good job jobs. ." . •"Life!" I after graduation and immediate concerns •"Sexism that is accepted by so many..." Wednesday: jobs and graduatMJ State News, Eost lansing, Michigan Tuesday. May 31 1977 9 Undergraduate Forum offers musical critiques By JUDY CELMER Original musical compositions by MSU students will be performed and critiqued Wednesday at the traditional Under¬ graduate Forum. Sponsored by Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, the professional music fraternity, the concert will be at 8:15 p.m. in 103 Music Practice Bldg. Three music professors will critique the performances and offer suggestions to the composers. The forum is designed to offer undergraduates a chance to get exposure for their work and entries were not limited to music students, according to entrant Al Fisk, a voice and education major. "I'm sure there were a lot of nonmusic majors who would have loved to enter their work, and not necessarily have it critiqued if they didn't want," Fisk said. Most of the pieces submitted are from music students who have taken theory classes, which require students to compose music while studying various classical styles. Students leave these classes with a number of compositions and "these compositions are the main input of the concert," Fisk said. "But a lot of people have probably done a lot of music on their own," he added. Fisk is. ne of them. His work, "Food Imagery" u is vocal techniquf i and combines them with music. "Think of every possible sound you can make with your mouth," he explained. These sounds (yawns, screams, sighs and whistles) are incorporated into the music, combined with various food words. "It's a fun piece with a funny ending," he said. Foghat and the Climax Blues Band Another contributor to Wednesday's performance is Mike Amundsen, with his original "Etude for Harp." Amundsen is a composition major whose primary instrument is the saxophone. He Foghat ready to energize Civic Center said his piece started out as an assignment for an orchestration class. When he began writing he decided "to go overboard" with it and enter it in the forum. His entry is the first piece he has written for the harp. Ijtorrid tempest of musical will be the Climax Blues Band. less than one year later, these ergized," propelled the band to "Slow Ride" raced up the charts ist Craig MacGregor, who re "One of the biggest problems in being a composition major is not 1 will engulf the Lansing Foghat burst onto the rock manipulators of hard-driven a headlining act, and in late to the No. 1 position. Their composing, but getting it played." he commented. Amundsen does placed Nick Jameson in 1975. Jit Auditorium tonight as scene with its first Bearsville music topped their predecessor 1974 Foghat banged out "Rock latest is called "Night Shift." not play the harp. (fluid Product ions unleashes release "Foghat" - a pulsating with "Rock and Roll." an aptly and Roll Outlaws." Foghat is lead guitarist Rod The Climax Blues Band is Another piece, called "Discontinuity," was composed by Lance musical sledge hammer punch of rock 'n' roll containing titled second serving featuring Success and Foghat found more of a rock 'n' roll band than Price, lead vocalist guitarist Boy Jan. It includes French horn, trombone and piano. as Foghat. The opening the composition "I Just Wanna the lament "It's a Shame." each other with the "Fool For "Lonesome" Dave Peverett, a blues band, buttheevidence of Kfarthe 8 p.m. performance Make Love To You." In 1973, Album number three, "En The City" effort as the song drummer Roger Earl and bass- rhythmic blues roots is the "It's a fairly short piece, with interspersed interruptions. That's unique factor in the group's why it's called 'Discontinuity,' " said the senior theory and sound. Things got rolling for composition major, who will play the piano in the performance. in oil tank possible cause of fire the five-piece British import in "Usually when 1 compose," Boylan said, "it just sort of evolves." construction. Several survivors said aisles Kentucky Gov. Julian Carroll jSpeaker gives Carter credit| • continued from page 31 question is one of organization: 1973 with the release of the "Rich Man" album. To follow was a live recording by New York's progressive WNEW- is The forum, which is open to the public with no admission charge, a traditional event sponsored by Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, the only professional music fraternity of the five MSU music fraternities. in the Cabaret Room, which the people have the means, FM's broadcasting of a Climax on Sunday had provided the has a capacity of 900 persons, prevailing theory for the fire's tiveness to one of sophistica¬ they know-best the situation." Blues Band concert entitled 349-2700 MERIDIAN MALL tion. According to Ntalaja: "What appropriately "FM Live." After e clogged with chairs for an, quick, unnoticed spread. He "The people managing U.S. we ask of American people is two more LPs, the band located ¥ MIRIDIAN WIST expected overflow crowd. Fans said investigators think it may ACBO*» F»OM 'TM1 lACKfTAM'j e waiting for singer John have started in the basement foreign policy are simply very not to make decisions for us, a wider appeal with the "Gold Davidson, who was about to go below the unoccupied Zebra good managers," Ntalaja said but to keep Washington from Plated" offering containing INCLUDING "BEST PICTURE!" Room. From there, speculation emphatically. making decisions that hurt us." their current hit. ACADEMY AWARDS on stage when the fire was Sylvester Stallone noticed. has it, flames spread through Ntalaja stressed that African The Southern African con Tickets for the Foghat- Guest lists were being com¬ people must decide who their ference focused on the social air-conditioning ducts and piled to check the overcrowding broke through every wall in the allies will be and make their structure, economy and libera¬ Climax Blues Band concert are $5.50 and $6.50 and available at ROCKY accusation, Brandenburgh said. Cabaret Room tion of Southern African states. simultaneously. the Civic Center box office and He and Southgate Mayor Ken Brandenburgh wouldn't con¬ "The people will win through The African Studies Center Discount Records in East Lan¬ |gB Tteste) mil 6:15 Hi Twilite 848815 *lls '1.50 Paul spent much of their time firm that theory. good work and preparation, the sponsored the event. sing. J PALI Monday pacing to and fro ROBERT BEDFORD , outside the wrecked club look¬ ROBERT StUW ing at singed and water-soaked , the sting IQpc Tuesday only Hi ■ 8:30 Twi lite 8185:45 adults '1.50 LAST WEEK! George C. Scott "Islands in the Stream" IQpo Tusibj win MO MO Twi lita 830800 afrits '1J0 HURRY DON'T Jill Clayburgh MISS IT! Richard Pryor SILVER STRERM |Qpg Tuesday oil) MP 815 TuHile 830800 adults '1J jjjgiDiaw i*m aceota now wootco "AM PECKINPAH FILM | Cross, of., Iron | JAMES COBURN JAMES MASON MAXIMILIAN SCHELL )*] TMSday wl) 6:00 830 Twi lite 830800 adilts '1.50 "I want everybody to run out and see this movie!" 5UG6Y MALONtl Toesday only 515 8:15 Twilite 848815 adults >1.50 (Murder. you could die lagliiig! Truman Capote I James Coco Peter Folk byDe^h UtesL Tuesday only 530 8:30 Twi lite 8408:30 adults >1.50 r WALTBHMEYuwnw. ' ""SHAGGY OA. | Tuesday Ml) 800 800 Twi lite 830800 adults >180 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, M„„ 31 |Q„ Automotive [jhlwycte jdicj [ Employment M ^ Employmeit J(i| [ Employmen t [~ Employment Classified Advertising RAMBLER AMERICAN 1968, au¬ KAWASAKI 1972 S2360. 5400 MURRAY HOTEL Mackinac TYPISTS, PHOTO Composition. COOKS WANTED, neat, apply in legal SECRETARY Infermatien tomatic, runs fine, looks decent. miles, good condition, must sell. Island, Michigan, needs summer 55 wpm required. Apply in person person between 2-4 p.m. AMERI¬ Lansing law firm, experie f $350. Dennis at 349 4913. Z-5-6-3 $350. 349-3660, Russ. 8-6-2 131 cooks (fryer, grill or short order). at 427 Vj Albert, East Lansing, CA'S CUP RESTAURANT, 220 ferred. 351-6200. 7-6-3 (3 (ONE 355-8255 347 Student Services Bldg. HONDA 1973 450, new motor, 300 Send immediately complete re¬ (comp) M.A.C._2-5-31_l-0 sume, work experience, recent summer JOBS? Ice MAG CARD II operator. Typist for ere T-BIRD 1974, black with vinyl, air, miles, Hooker Header, $520. 332 photo, to 3969 Penberton, Ann WANTED: MATURE full time street East Lansing law office, good vending. Apply p. AM/FM, power, wire wheels. See 8445 after 5 p.m. Z-5-6-2 (31 Arbor. Michigan 48105. 13-6-3 17) cashier for exciting women's and 3,11390 North US 27 RATES benefits and chance for advance- at 300 S Fairview. Call before 4 fashion store. Experience pre¬ 7-6-3 (4) DAYS 1 day - 901 per line p.m., 485 8529. 4-6-3 14) HONDA CB750 1974 custom, 7 MATURE PERSON, superior typ¬ ferred but not required. Great ment_351^6200. 5-6-3J4) 3 days • 809 per line forks, hookers, headers, fancy ing, shorthand required, and abil¬ fringe benefits. Contact Judi Hat- FULL OR part time summer [ Linas 1 3 6 8 paint, 349-3358. 3-5-31 I3I 3 2.70 7.20 13.50 16.80 6 days ■ 759 per line 4 TOYOTA CELICA 1972. radials, ity to work with figures. Perma¬ nent position, excellent benefits. ton at HOSLER'S 203 East Grand employment for college students. For Rent Jf^ 18.00 22.40 speed, 44,000 miles, 20 mpg, River, East Lansing. 4-6-3 (7) Must have at least a medium size 4 3.60 9.60 8 days - 709 per line Reply Box B 2, State News. 6-6-3 TV and stereo 5 6 4.50 5.40 12.00 22.50 28.00 14.40 27.00 33.60 must sell 5 5 31 13) - best offer, 332-2163. [ insmfa IfTI (4) ELECTRONIC DESIGNER for big 3 car for interesting promotional work in Lansing area. No evenings $10.95/month. Call rentais 1010. C 21 5-31 112) NEJ : Line rate per insertion supplier. $12,000-14,000 salary, fee or weekends. Excellent wages. 7 6.30 16.80 31.50 39.20 TOYOTA 4x4 1976. FM stereo JUNK CARS wanted. We pay SECRETARY PART time ex¬ paid. Call Dick, 351-5740. SNELL- Phone for appointment. 1-546- cassettes, 10x15 mud tires, white more if they run. Also buy used perienced for five afternoons a ING Et SNELLING PERSONNEL. MOVING, NEED eculp, cars and trucks. 489-3080. C 21 week in Engineering office. Reply MZ:5^3(6] spoke wheels. Asking $5100. 484 4-6-3 (4) Haul has it, rents tru "FULL OF PART TIME" EconoLines - 3 lines - '4.00 ■ 5 days. 80' per line over 6267. 2 5-27 (3) 5 31 117) with resume to Box C-3, State etc. A.C.E RENTAL; News. 4-6-1 (3) GIRLS, GIRLS!! 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. WEBUYjunk cars and trucks. T op Strippers wanted, PAPA GENO'S, Local fire protection equipment Grand River, Okemoi Phone 349-2220 Call' Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE RN OR LPN or GN, good benefits, 1250 Turner Street, Lansing. Ap¬ company (over 130 years ex¬ lions early. 8 6 3 161 sale price of *50. (3) AUTO PARTS Er SALVAGE. 0 21 full or part time. Progressive ply in person or call IV7-9674. perience). Needs people for dis¬ Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines - *2.25 - per insertion. 5 31 1141 skilled nursing facility. NHE LAN¬ Z-6-6-3 (4) play and delivery of residential fire 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). Rummage/Garage Sale ads - 4 lines - *2.50. TRIUMPH GT6. 1972. Burgundy, rustproofed. Has had work, excel¬ FOR FAST RELIABLE SING, 1313 Mary Ave., Lansing. 6-6-2 (4) protection equipment. $3.50 per hour to start. Must be neat. Call [jlpartxeiits ] 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. lent condition throughout. $2700. Call evenings. 337 0137. S-5-5 31 service small on your car APARTMENT CLEAN-up crews. SUMMER HELP NEEDED Mr. Clark 321-8660 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday 3rdJ"u6sday_7th _4-6-3 garden COTTAGE! For the Following (11) bedroom brightly furi 'Round Town ads • 4 lines - *2.50 • per insertion. 131 (American or import) June 12-19. Apply manager's of¬ galows on wide lawr SUMMER WORK-study assist in 63' per line over 4 lines. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1975, brown CALL TODAY fice, CHALET APARTMENTS. JOBS BY PHONE research activities. Must live in the msu. June and 332-6197. 7 6-3 (4)_ leases. From $170 inr Lost & Founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines • *1.50 • _ Worohouto Mon Bay City/Saginaw area during the convertible, loaded, fine condition. 7111, 5-9 p.m. OR 8 5 per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. $3195 or best offer. 321-7080. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for Landscaping summer. Mr. Flores, 353-7163, 9-5 MSU students. 15-20 hours/week. Matorlal Handling 6-63 (41 Gonoral Labor p_m. Z-4-6_-3_(5) summer, 2 bedroom fr Automobile required. 339-9500. VOLKSWAGEN 1974 Super Bee C X 21 5 31 (13) CHILD-CARE, ages 2-4 in my over-looking lake Deadlines Short and long term assignments, licensed home tie. Gold metallic sunbug with no near MSU. 332- month. 339-3140, Haslett I rust, steel-belted radial tires. 321- and Ads • 2 p.m. • 1 class day before publication. SUMMER JOBS must have transpoi 4307_4-6-3 (3) 8703 before 9 a.m. after 9 p.m. Full time sales help. $800'month phone. Cancellation Change • 1 p.m. • 1 class day before LAST CHANCE - graduating 8 6-2 (4) guaranteed plus commission, can publication. Apply in person seniors, make your education pay work into permanent position after before 2 p.m. Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed off. Career opportunity with na¬ VW CAMPER 1968 Excellent graduation. Write the UNITED tional company. $12,000-15,000 until after 1st insertion. condition. Rebuilt engine and EDUCATORS INC. 900 Long Blvd Manpower Inc. first year potential. Call for inter- There is a *1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per transmission. $1500 best offer. 1206 Oakland Suite # 9, Lansing, Michigan 105 last Washtenaw additional change for maximum of 3 changes. 351 5406. 8-6-2 (31 48910. 8-5 31 (8) Downtown Lansing 48901 view._694^904_ 4-6JJ6) Now leasing ft Call for Appt. STORE DETECTIVES - Criminal The State News will only be responsible for the 1st IV4-4411 Summer! VW 1973. Rolls Royce body, TEACHERS AND Librarian now PART TIME i Justice majors preferred. Call 641- day s incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must 32,000 miles. FM cassette, new being interviewed for Jewish Sun¬ 6734. 4-6-3 (3) Bogue street all mer term. Apply Tuesday or Wed¬ be made within 10 days of expiration dote. THE SMALL CAR PEOPLE day School. 332-6715. 8-6-3 13) Michelin radials. $1600. Jim, 332- nesday between 1 and 4 p.m. FAST FOOD Assistant Manage¬ Red Cedar RiveJ Bills are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not 4065 S 5-6-1 (3) DOOLEYS, 131 Albert Street. GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14-15 JANITOR, HUSBAND-wife team ment position open. Will Train. Call 331*5111 paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will for part time evening work. 3-4 2-6-2 (4) Must be at least 18, neat and VOLKSWAGEN 1974 Beetle, AM inch. Priced from $4. Mounted be due. clean. Person must have desire to ALBERT STREET FM, air, excellent. Call 349-0824. free. PENNELL SALES. 1301V2 hours night. Apply in person at PUBLIC TV Channels coordina¬ advance. Good work record a MENTS. Large 2 t 4-6 3 (3) East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- 911 Center Street, Lansing. 7-6-3 tor - by City of East Lansing - must. No others need apply at conditioned, furnished 5818 14) _C-21_-5-31^ (17J_ will plan, produce, and promote MR. TACO 4021 West Saginaw. from campus. Summer, d VW DASHER Wagon, 1974. Auto¬ cable TV programs for East Lan¬ MASON BODY SHOP 812 East 10-6-3(8) 6118 after 5 p.m. OR 14 g matic, AM radio, excellent con¬ sing City Government and li¬ Automotive Automotive A dition. $3200. 332-2783 after 6 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Complete auto painting and col¬ brary cable channels. Experience NURSE-GRADUATE, LPN or WOOOMERE ON The Ri p.m. 4-6-3 (3) lision service. American and for¬ in scripting, graphics, lighting, RN, for summer camp. June 18 - conies, 1 and 2 bedror RECEPTIONIST FOR dental office audio, recording, camera tech¬ nished, $140 up, 482-50 AMC MATADOR - 1973 good FORD 1971 window van. Automa¬ eign cars. 485-0256. C-21-5-31 (20) August 17. Call 646-6709. 8-6-1 (3) in Perry. Prefer experience in [ Motorcycles Ifaej niques and TV production re¬ 4106. Summer only. 9-6-1 and clean with no rust, $888. Call tic. high output heater, radio, dental office bookkeeping and quired. BA in telecommunications TEACHERS-DIRECT summer 393-3836. 4-6-3 (3) excellent tires. $1250. 351-0539 ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace insurance forms. Write Box D-4 or equivalent combination of ex¬ 1 AND 2 bedroom I 8-6-1 (3) BMW 900'6 1974 with vetter II your conventional ignition with a cheerleader program June 11/ Piranha electronic ignition at giving qualifications and salary perience and education necessary. August 20. Experience required. mobile homes o BMW 1971 2002. Good condition. "~~ 7J~~~ fairing, superb running condition, CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN requirements. 5-6-3 (6) Salary range, $10,690-$ 12,510. Full Good salary. Call 646-6709. 8-6-1 sing 10 minutes One c Call after 4:30 p.m. 339-8586 GALAXY 1967, automatic, $2600. Don. 6-9 p.m., 332-8635. range of fringe benefits. Send (4) 641-6601. 0-7-5 31 I3I X8-6-3 (31 power steering and brakes, reli- 6-6-3 (4) CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ EXPERIENCED WAITRESS and able transportation. $300. 353- zoo Street, one mile west of resume be June 13 to Personnel waiters needed full and part time. Office, 410 Abbott Road, East BMW 1976 2002 Sun roof, AM 1966 il?'3'141 campus 487-5055. C-21-5-3U28) Experienced cooks. Lunch or Lansing, 48823. 2-6-1 (19) 9109 37?'j'si 9109, 373-2355. 4-6-3 131 W' 35'" F0RD T0R|N° '97(T 2-door hard- DUNCAN'S GARAGE, 5311 nights. Apply in person only. 1146 South Washington. 3-6-3 (5) top 8 cylinder new parts gppd South Pennsylvania. Check our BABYSITTER NEEDED for my HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster BUICK 1971, ,lreS' $76° 356 7945 663 131 1972 5,000 miles, $1800. 394- low prices on tune-ups, shocks, brakes. We do good work! 882- new-born infant 9-5, five days, door Air, stereo. $1300 No rust. light housework, reasonable pay. mo CAl e toco c ..T , 0599. 4-6-3 ( 3) Test drive to appreciate 625-7070 , 25 ^ ? Fastback 8742. 0-1-5-31 (4) Call 371-3627 after 5 p.m. 4-6-3 (4) 5 6 3 14, uxo/uru. $200 includes snow tires. Call 337- YAMAHA 1973 RD350, ready for - 0297 after 7 p.m. 2-4-6-3 131 CAMARO LT 1975 Excellent con- dition, automatic, power ~ summer, must sell. $450. 355- 5338. 4-6-3 ( 3) Employment !j| steering GREMLIN X 1972. Good condi- brakes, air, AM FM, 15,000 miles "on- s,ere0- $1tB0 or best offer AVON-EARN money for next KAWASAKI K2400D 1975, 3000 S3600 best offer 337-0582 Z-6-6- 351-5793 8-6 3 (3) miles. Disc brake, electric start, semester's tuition. Be an Avon 2 ,5, ' representative this summer. 482- IMPALA 72 air, AM FM stereo $850 or best offer. 351-1638 eve¬ BARGAIN HUNTERS' - - - - 6893. C-8-5-31 (3) CAPRI 1971, good running and cassette, good condition, must sell nings. 3-6-2 (4) gas mileage FM tape $550, Must for law school. Great buy, $900 THEY WENT sell Nights, 337-0857 Z 3 6-1 131 374-6677 or 393-9775. 7-6-3 141 Don't sign a lease THAT-A-WAY...TO DREAM FOR SUMMER SvniHiar Leases CAPRICE CLASSIC 1973 Loaded, until you've seen COLLINGWOOD MAIL JEEP 1969 ■ 30,000 miles, Eden Roc JOIN the gang at cruise control, must sacrifice $1,495 best offer 353-2201. ZX-8- good condition, $895 or best offer Burcham Apartments 252 Riv.r Street APTS!! No frills BUT lowest prices 355-9003, Z 3-5 31 13) 6-2(3) 711 Burcham Rd. Cedar View Apartments 13901. Grand Riv.r Burcham Woods in town for Large 2 bedrooir MUSTANG 1975, 4 speed, air, * sir conditioned CORVETTE AUTOMATIC 1975. Extra River House good condition, 23,000 miles, large Apartments * dishwasher furnished units. Air, AM FM stereo, power steer¬ 1 Bedroom 204 Riv.r Str««t good mileage, radials. 337-1171. Apts. * ing and brakes 394 2074 7-6-3 13) 6-6-3 <3) Suitable for 2 Norwood Apartments shag carpeting or 1330 E. Grand Riv.r * unlimited parking * Haatad pool °NLY 3 students $160°° * CUTLASS 1967, 2-door hardtop. * Air conditioning PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1971, 6 Completely furnishad »merh.«, «,trtmer1- plush furniture * Tannis courts ■ WW hi No rust $425 355-7945. 6-6-3 13) .cylinder, automatic, needs some • 1121 Victor tr. - * model open daily * per month.! work. $200 offer 353-7107 after 5 • Carpatad Ampla parking * • 3 larga double clouts Nicaly furnishad DODGE DART, 1973, air condi- p.m. Z 3 5 31 (31 Air conditioning t Appliances APARTMEN1 • tioning, power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission, radials, V-8. $1500. 393-7959. 7-6-3 PONTIAC CATALINA 1971, good condition, $1000 best offer. 337 • Balconies Ample parking • •WE PAY WATER AND HEAT Now leasing Summer and Fall 1 bedroom units 2 bedroom units ■150 '180 BEECHWOOD FOR APPOIMTMBHT FIAT 1973 128. 55,000 miles, 1223 after 5 p.m. Z 5 5 31 (31 CALL Capitol Villa IpartMits Coll 351-8282 745 Burcham 351-2798 1644 E. Grand Riv.r needs muffler, $500 or best offer. PORSCHE 1960, nice, $1200'bes! 337-7328 351-8764 332-5330 (behind Rollerworld (also loosing for fall) Call 6 9 p.m. 394 4828. Z 6-6-3 (3) offer, 351-0426. XZ 5-6-1 (4) summer looses ovoiloSlo *145 on the river I) 351-3118 We Now Have 1,2 & 3 unfurnished apts. SERVICE ?? THAT'S some with study from *185, KNOB HILL SPECIAL RATES for summer RIGHT!! APARTMENTS Just across street from shed 1 & 2 bedroom campus. Large furni¬ Office Open apts. Air, carpeted, Live at CAMPUS HILL and balconies. 12 - 5 Monday-Saturday leave the driving to us... Two » Swimming Pool Bedroom furnished Apart¬ ♦ Central Air or by appointment ments available for Summer 349 - 4700 UNIVERSITY & Fall. . . Call 349-3530 for information & roommate ser¬ • • Dishwasher Unlimited Park] ♦ Picnic Ares LOCATED TERRACE vice. Model Apartment Open 9-9 '.MILE NORTH 444 Michigan 7 daya a week Of JOLLY RD. ONOKEMOSRD. 332-5420 please, no pets (olso leasing lor loll) MANAGEMENT BY: ALLSTATE MANAGEMENT CO., INC. I fliliiif" *'l°te Newv ^°st l-on5in9. Michigon Tuesday. May 31. 1977 1 ] <"»"> * Si*® IslALKING distance. ^1 bed NEED 1 male. Cedar Village Apart- ONE OR two males Hoists )(f£j I HllStS : Hgsbs 'ftj needed for l^n8u*mmet»™; ™*"-Fal1' winter, spring 1977-78. 353-2652. Z-3-5-31 131 SUMMER SUBLET two man. furnished, close to campus, air. 332-5916. Z-2-5-31 (31 WANTED: JUNE 1-September 1-2 responsible people to share luxury townhouse, 5 miles from 1, NEED 1 female, 6 person house, bedroom. 5 minutes to SUMMER SUBLET, t 4-5 MAN mer duplex furnished, sum¬ only. $240. 332-4076 after 6 SUMMER campus. Furnished. 355-9379. Z-3- - FURNISHED, one ONE OR two girls fe»r^n bedroom apartment, one needed for campus. Furnished. $170/month. 6-1 (4) p.m. 8-6-3 (3> block to SUMMER SUBLET two MSU, $125/month. 332-2189. Z-4- apartment near campus. 332-4432 person 355-1741, 394-3474. 5-6-2 I6I apartment close to campus, air FOUR MAN house. Close ONE ROOM in large house - 6-6-3J3) to feCn.h.Z6-5-29l3l_ 513 HILLCREST - Town's"largest conditioning. Call 351 0996. 3131 Z 5-6- PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE fur- nished. 1 bedroom and studio SUMMER SUBLET, no reason¬ able offer refused, location excel¬ campus. Inexpensive lease. Call EQUITY VEST summer 484- summer. Close, three months, $160 total. Mark, 332-8547. 4-6-3 E'I?^NA APARTMENT. 1 summer. $50/month. studios units. 3 blocks MSU. furnished, air, dishwasher, every¬ Brightly apartments. Available June 15. 489 5574 after 5 p.m. 0-1-5-31 (4) lent. 332-2714. Z-3 5-31 (3) 9472. 0-3-5-31 (4) tor thing. Quiet building, security delta arms OWN ROOM male for summer DO YOU want to LIVE the Kii».z««i__ doors. Summer only, from $170. only. Duplex, furnished, utilities UNITED way? IF SO, try joining GREAT HOUSE, very close, need people to sublet summer, rent B-'uum i furnished, 1, 2, 3 Ideol For One Or Two Persons. Utilities Manager needed. 351-4212; 655 is now leasing for sum¬ EAST rooms LANSING, and close-id," 2 paid. $60/month. 332-4076. 6-6-3 any one of our 11 CO-OPS. For negotiable. 332-3678; 332-3878. 1022. bath, partially fur¬ more information, call 355-8313 4-6-3 (3) Summer from $130. Included (Except j)R 8 5-31 (6) mer (with special rotes) nished. Woman only. $130. 332- Phone) and fall. and ask for Sue Brownlee or Joe ^afteriP^----- KrN FURNISHED summer, Pool. Leasing For Summer & Fall SUMMER 3 person, 2 bedroom apartment. Airy, close, clean 5724. 0-1-5-31 (31 3 BEDROOM, from campus. summer, across $200/month. 332- Murphy of Student Council. 7-6-3 (6) Housing THREE-FOUR to campus. man house close Inexpensive summer lj„9month lease. 332-4076 351-7910 $65.00. 351-9316. Z-5-6-3 13) I or 2 bedroom apart¬ BRENTWOOD-EAST near. 2 bedroom Lansing 2826 after 5 p.m. 6-6-3 (3) lease. Call EQUITY VEST, 484- |,"to. 8-63131 ONE MALE to sublease at Hill. September 1977-June 1978. Campus ments across from pus. cam¬ available soon. unfurnished, Carpeted, air, car¬ FIVE BEDROOM modern house, FALL SUBLEASE, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, furnished, on bus line. 9472. 0-3-5-31 (4) 3 port. $195. 351-7633 or 669- carpeted, 2 baths, walking dis Quiet neighborhood. $68/month WOMAN, OWN room, windows, J i" femaie to share 4 man 595 spARTAN Exce||n, 2 ^ good roommates. 337-2514 Z-5-6- 3513. 4-6-3 141 tance, summer rates. 372-1336. plus utilities. Rob, 353-2582. Z-4-5- close to campus. $76/month. 351- S**"101 3131 8-6-1 (3) 7 6 6 7 r00m ,umished duple*. Fall $270. 235 Delta 31 (4) 8631 after 6 p.m. Z-3-5-31 (3) r^pus 332-3878. Z-6-6-2 339^303 8.6_, |3) SUMMER SUBLET. Large 1 bed¬ 2 BEAT HIGH rents. 1-4 THREE-FOUR-flve BEDROOM, summer, highest room, across from campus. Fur¬ bedrooms, TWO ROOMS open June 15 in bedroom 212 RIVER Street. Large 2 bed¬ bidder, furnished, air, 1 block 332-5978 nished. $145. CLAUCHERTY carpeted, June and September furnished Lansing house. $80/ houses, close to campus, fur¬ ppus VIEW room, 4 person furnished. Fall $340. 339 8802. 8 6-1 (31 Mark 351-8079. Z-5-6-3 13) REALTY, 351-5300. 4-6-3 141 leases, near Frandor, summer rate. 372-1336. 8-6-1(4) month. Call 372-3050. 3-5-31 (3) nished, carpeted. Year lease. Summer and fall. 487-0114 until 5 Ihpartitients MSU ONE block. Nice 2 bedroom UNIVIMITY VIUA CHALET APARTMENTS OWN ROOM, prefer grad, super, DUPLEX SUMMER, $50. 1730 Burcham. 1-3 persons needed. 12 p.m 4-6-3 (4) now renting cellar unit. Summer $140. Fall clean, comfortable house with month optional. June, 351-6121. 2 BEDROOM. Summer, fall op¬ 5 Blocks To MSU for summer $215. 339 8802. 8-6 1 131 WOMAN, SHARE townhouse, Next to campus Spacious many extras. Available for sum¬ Z-6-6-1 13) tion. 1 block MSU. 2-3 persons, 1 or 2 Bodroom F rom 1 »• own room, furnished, air, pool, mer/next school year. No lease. Air conditioned Furnished furnished, pets. 351-1171; 351- ■mWrooms Leosing For Summer laundry. $100/month. 332-3617. 351-6315. 5-6-3 (4) VACATION HOME, 3 bedroom 1150.4-6-3(3} SUBLEASE SUMMER. Cedar (Only 150.) & Fall Z-2-5-31 (3) 2 bedroom Shag carpeting View Apartments. 2 bedroom, cottage, 1 Vi baths. $175 week, Summer from '160. 2-5 BEDROOM houses available PERSON NEEDED 77-78 school mo. Lake Michigan. 393-3469. 7-6-3 (4) $195/month or negotiable. Call CAMPUS 1 block, efficiency and 1 for fall. 1 available for 337-0282. Z-3-6-2 13) 332*8173 bedroom apartments. No pets. year and 9 month Leases still available summer, East Lansing. Call 351-4107. 8-5-31 SUMMER AND fall. Walk to year to complete 5 person coed house. $83 plus. Near campus. *t nunidrs I" 'Veils Hall 351*7910 332-3746. 2-5-31 13) (3) campus. Quality rooms, houses, 332-1153. Z-3-5-31 (3) TWO TO share master bedroom in 324 Michigon 120 SOUTH Hayford, 2 bedroom 332-6197 duplexes. 1-6 bedrooms. Call eve¬ large apartment, own bath, air. FALL. PRECIOUS 1 bedroom SEMI-COUNTRY house, 3 bed¬ 332-6246_ 393 9447. Z-4-6-3 (31 GOOD DEAL! 3 man house, need ground level or upstairs. Furnish¬ TWO PERSON apartment, close. house, pretty yard, gas heat, nings^-1095. 0-4-5-31 (4) room, large shaded yard. Fall female, own room, $80/month, ed, utilities. Available June-Sep¬ insulated, storms. $145. 332-3398. EAST LANSING close in. start tember. $150 each. 351-7497. OR- Air, balcony, furnished. Call after 5 Un¬ option. $240. 349-3203. Z-6-6-3 (3) iUMMER (all op- summer. 332-3402. Z-4-6-3 5-6-3 (3) furnished, large older home. Sum¬ - •winner Close-Ovt (31 86-3 (51 p.m., 332-1659. Z-3-6-2 (3) bedroom. Penny Lane mer only. Family or 6 girls. SINGLE ROOMS for summer in s June rent negoti- 1 Bedroom'130 MSU WEST 5 bedrooms, front $400'month Phone 332-5988. 0-6 OKEMOS 3 bedroom, 2 baths, air, spacious house. Very near cam¬ SUMMER f^ngs. 332-3983. Z-7-6-3 2 Bedroom >160 - NON-SMOKING pool. Summer sublet, fall option. porch, large yard, garage, parking, 5-31 (5) pus. $50/month. 351-4637. Z-6-6-3 208 Cedar single or couple. 12*55 mobile Collingwood 349-2404. 4-6-3 (3) no lease - no deposit. Good deal. home, furnished, close, bedroom Call 372-8699. Z-3-6-1 (4) 4 BEDROOM house to sublet for air, pets. $100/month plus utili¬ Apartments I\eAR Union. Furnished 2 331*0951 ties. 351 7325. NOW leasing SUMMER SUBLET large, fur¬ summer, 2 blocks from the Union. 2 BEDROOM duplex, summer En (people, males only, Z-4-6-3 131 nished efficiency across from 351^7385. X-8-6-1_(4)_ sublease, 265 Stoddard. $140. Check [wr. 351-4644. Z-4-6-3 13) _ LARGE TWO party furnished ef¬ on our 351 7333. Z-3-5-31 (3) VERY NEAT campus. Fall option. 351-1856. OWN ROOM in house for sum¬ ficiency. Close to campus, air. Fall efficiency. 1 block, Special Rates Z-4-6-3 (4) carpeted, furnished, utilities in¬ SHARP 4 bedroom with 2 baths mer. Female only. One block from JM furnished apartment Irariih e 10 campus, 12 month lease, $184, summer $145. 351-1610, 487-4451. 0-21-5-31 1151 cluded. Lee, 351-8800; 351-0443 after 5:45 p.m._4-6-3 (3) Call COUNTRY - 519 Haslett. 1 bed¬ and family room. Summer $250 or 12 month $440. CLAUCHERTY campus. $60/month plus utilities. 351-6373. XZ-6-6-2 (3) L*« J@ in T, September. 339-3400. C- niw diiplix NEED ROOMMATE as soon as 351-8282 room quadplex. $160/month. MSU 10 minutes. 655-4289. BL-1- REALTY. 351-5300. John, 332- 0444. 4-6-3 (5) ROOM - FURNISHED or un¬ 526 SUNSET - parking, cook¬ possible. $85/month. Call 487- 5-31 (4) furnished. Now or fall. $85, utili¬ ing. $12-17/week, utilities in¬ Foil • 12 months cluded. 351-5847. 9-6-3 (3) 8380 after 6 p.m. 6-6-3 (31 FURNISHED 4 Cedar Vil¬ ties, phone, laundry included. 374- Summor sublet alto man SUMMER ROOMS in nice house. E STUDENT - fall, share 3 • lage, 77-78 school year. Call 355- ROOMMATE WANTED. Briar Adjacent to campus. Furnished, 6677 or 393-9775. 7-6-3 (3) WANTED - FEMALE to sublet p. jpaitment, $85/month Burcham SUMMER SUBLET, one male for 6330. 355-6768. Z-3-6-2 131 Cliffe East. $95/month, male or nice people. $60/month. 332-2959. room in house summer term. » Don, 349-4913. Z-4-6-3 2 person apartment, close. 332- female. Call 393-0390 after 6 p.m. SUMMER RATES/year lease, li¬ 357*1419 Z-4-6-3 (3) 332-4668, after 4 p.m. 323-2394. 3675.2-3 5-31^3^ AMERICANA, '77-78 year, 2 males 4-6-3 (3) censed 5 bedroom house. Super 7-6-2 (3) 333-1937 . for 4 man furnished, $100/month, condition. 300 feet from FEMALE NONSMOKER. Furnish¬ SUMMER SUBLEASE, 2 bedroom Bogue | WOMEN needed for sum- SUMMER. 1 block campus. 2 ed own room. Close, no lease. Mark, 351-5882. Z-4-6-3 131 Pine Lake Apts. house, convenient campus. Tele¬ Street entrance. 351-9169 and LARGE FURNISHED room close m. irfeal location - Grove bedroom furnished, $170, fall op¬ June 15. 482-6373. XZ-3-5-31 13) phone 371-2067, evenings. Z-4-6-3 371-3710. 5-6-1 (5) to campus. 351-8154 after 3 p.m. I ig 50 month inclusive. 7-6-3 (3) tion, 332-0012 persistently. Z-6-6-3 APARTMENT-MATE NEEDED. (3) hm S-4-6-3 13) Male or female. Fall, own room, Some short term TWO BEDROOM house to sublet for summer. $240. 355-6340 or close. Rick, 351-5880 Z-3-6-2 (31 leases available GORGEOUS 2 bedrooms, bath, SUMMER, OWN room in five man SUMMER SUBLET, 1 bedroom Yes... we have location! sitting room. Share kitchen/din¬ 337-2428 Z-7-6-3 (3) house with ample facilities. 351 - 5 LEASING ROOMMATE NEEDED summer ing. Quiet female adults. 332-5666 4805. Z-3-5-31 (3) furnished, $165/month, fall option, term. Old Cedar Village. $50/ after 6 p.m. 2-6-1 (4) FEMALEISI SUMMER, own cool (Edge 351 6949. Z-6-6-3 (31 • 2 mlnulas to campus month. Call 351-1483. Z-4-6-3 (31 room, campus-2 miles. 10 cent 2 FEMALES - own rooms, 2 blocks • on Rod Cadar Rivar bus, pets considered. 332-2681. from campus in cozy house start¬ Apts. FEMALE NEEDED summer term • free canoes Meridian Mall Area. WOMAN NEEDED, large room in ing fall. 351-0628. Z-6-6-3 (3) 332-4432 for own room in 2 bedroom SUMMER - 1 or 2 females, nice **••8192, 1*448* MS? house, summer, close. 337-0834. ZJb6-2(_3) apartment close to campus. 353- Z-BL-3-6-2 (3) THREE ROOMS in coed house. Capital Villa Apartment. Call 485- Matar'iiidtlvar'i 8102. Z-4-6-3 (3) 4 ROOMS in big house for 1428. Z-5-6-3 (3) WOMAN ROOMMATE needed Summer. Rent negotiable. Two summer. 2 blocks from ■dge Apartment* THREE BEDROOM house. $70 per Berkey. fXING Hull Apartments, FOR SUMMER, one bedroom in 1977-78 school year, own bed¬ person, summer, fall option, fur¬ blocks. 332-0460_Z_12-6:3J3) _ Full privileges. $60 plus utilities. let. Spacious 2 bedroom NEEDED: 1 female for 77-78 (near Cedar Village) room. $100/month, share utilities. two bedroom apartment at White¬ THREE-FOUR persons. June or 332-1153. Z-3-5-31 (3) nished. 513 Beech. 351-8501. 4-6-3 ir with fall op- school year. Americana, $95/ Dog ok. 394-2879. Z-4-6-3 (3) gs, 337 2166. Z 5-5-31 hall Manor, furnished, $85 or September leases. Close to cam¬ month, non-smoker preferred. 311*4431 SUMMER ROOMS for men and nego- 908 EAST Mt. Hope, 2 single male pus, duplex. Call 669-9939 any¬ 351-6142. Z-4-6-3 14) women. Close to campus, kitchen negotiable, 351-4754. Z-3-6-2 14) TWO ROOMS new furnished time. OR-20-5-31 (3) basement apartments. Semi-fur¬ — and house. Summer, fall option. Vir¬ laundry facilities, $150. Call nished, private bath. $130 includ¬ SOUTH HAYFORD. Large 4 bed¬ 351-3921. Z-6-6-3 (4) ing all utilities. 332-3161. 2-6-1 (6) ginia Street. $70/month. 351-7547. HAtLITT 4-6-3 (3) room home. All utilities. Available summer only. $250/month. 351 - BEST DEAL in town! Rooms in TIME'S APARTMENTS Block to MSU SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 man, near MSU. Air, pool, furnished. $160. 355-8119. Z-4-6-3 (3) HASLETT LARGE house for females, summer. 351- furnished 7497. OR-7-5-31 (4) nice house. Summer or fall. $65. Tennis courts. 1 block from Union. Extra LANSING, EAST side, 3 bedroom 444 Evergreen. 337-1223; 394- Large 2-Br 4097. 3-6-2 (3) Now house. Available June 1, $175 4796. Z-6-6-3 (4) Leosing For MALE GRAD to share town- RUNNING Summer £ Fall 333-1139 house. Furnished, central air, 11/z miles. Available June 15. Call after THREE ROOMS, through sum¬ mer. one all year. 233 Jones month plus utilities. 669-3251. 0-1- 5-31 (4) NEED 2 to share large room in nice country house. Garden, close, 5 p.m., 332-2175. 4-6-3 (4) Street, across from Sparrow. EAST LANSING, 1403 Beech pets. Call Jeff/Janet, 487-5942. $62.50/month plus utilities. 482- Street. 4 man, very nice, summer Z-6-6-3 (41 8370. 4-6-3 (5) EFFICIENCY, CLOSE to campus. OUT! CAMPUS NEAR. 2 bedroom sum¬ mer sublet, beautiful apartment, reduced summer rate. 393-7279. $135/month, year-round, utilities included. 8-5 p.m., 353-8938, Kim. HOUSE FOR summer, furnished, only or June to June. 351- 1176 evenings. 4-6-3 (3) 2 BEAUTIFUL rooms in house. Great windows for plants. Close. Also 332-3708 after 5 p.m. Z-4-6-3 5-man, walk to campus. 322- DeeDee Sally, 351-2142. Z-8-6-3 7-6-3 (3) 0351. 4-6-3 (3) ROOMMATE NEEDED for 2 bed¬ SUMMER SUBLET, females TOWNHOUSE BEDROOM for 536 ABBOTT ROAD - parking, room mobile home on lake. 7 miles from campus. $1T0/month, utili¬ needed. Huge, 2 bedroom, fur¬ summer or longer. $70/month. Air, E. LANSING - summer, option cooking. $16-19/week, utilities in¬ ties included. 675-7190. Z-8-6-3 (4) nished. Excellent location. Rea¬ pool, Penny Lane. 393-5007. Z-2- cluded. 351-5847. 9-6-3 13) fall. 3-4 man house, furnished, rent sonable rent. 351-3947. Z-4-6-3 (4) 6-1 (3) To place your Peanuts Personal negotiable. 332-3667. Z-4-6-3 (3) SUMMER SUBLEASE/fall option. 135KEDZIE, 1 bedroom furnished, Graduation Special Ad, just fill THREE AND four bedroom homes Large bedroom, 2 blocks from large, quiet, superior maintenance, discounted for summer rental. Call SUMMER LARGE bedroom in campus, sundeck, $70/month. Call out the form below and MAIL security locked. Heat, water, air. EQUITY VEST, 484-9472. 0-1-5-31 beautiful house. Walking distance Kevin. 332-8547. Z-5-5-31 (4) 482-2937; 351-2402. 5-6-3 (4) to campus, furnished, big back OR BRING it with payment to (3) TWO BEDROOMS, drapes, car¬ yard, washer/dryer, parking. 332- GIRLS, ROOMS close to Union. the State News Classified Dept. 129 BURCHAM Drive efficiency peted, new kitchen, fenced yard, EAST LANSING 8339 after 6 p.m. 4-6-3 (5) No kitchen. Quiet, pleasant, full - fall. 4 bedroom apartment. Summer lease only. close. July 10. $205. 371-2539. duplex, appliances, washer, dryer, summer term, parking. Call 351- Available June 3rd. Call 8 a.m.-5 3-5-31 (3) no pets. 332-3746. 2-5-31 (3) GREAT 1 bedroom, porch, air. 5076 after 5 p.m. Z-6-6-3 (4) p.m. 351-2402. 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Available immediately. 1 block, 882-2316. 0-2-5-31 14) GREAT SUMMER place. Nice LAKESIDE HOUSE, 2 bedroom, $185. 351-8524. Z-4-6-3 (3) OWN ROOM in 4 man home. BIG yard, screened porch, friendly furnished, modern, summer only. YARD, walking distance campus. NEAR MSU - 1 bedroom unfur¬ 3 L jnes ■ s200 E3ch Additional Line'671 folks, own room. 3 places availa¬ 10 minutes from campus. $200/ TWO SPACIOUS bedrooms open $75'month summer including utili¬ nished. June 1. $150, reduced ble. Negotiable. 337-1408. Z-3-5-31 month. Call Bill, 339-2524. Z-5-6-3 in four bedroom house. Sum¬ ties. 337-2022. Z-3-5-31 14) rate. 337-0876 or 351-7729. 2-5-31 mer, air condition, laundry, dish¬ (3) washer, close. 1002 W. Grand SUMMER ROOMS from $50/ FURNISHED 3 room. Married EASTSIDE (LANSING) - large, 5 River. 337-7035. Z-4-6-3 (4) month. Includes NEED 1 female for 4 man River¬ everything. Call couple only. $150 monthly on bedrooms, furnished, for summer EQUITY VEST, 484-9472. 0-3-5-31 side Apartment. $82.50/month. lease, utilities extra. Occupancy only. $175. 676-1557. 5-6-3 (4) SUMMER SUBLEASE, 2 females, Fall. Brenda, 353-2160. X-6-5-31 June 15. 332-8913. 5-6-2 (3) own rooms, fall option, $60- 131 FURNISHED BEDROOM with use negotiable. 337-2236. Z-4-6-3 (3) MEN, SINGLE rooms, 3 blocks to NORTHPOINTE APARTMENTS ROOMS IN very nice house. Good of ranch home. Quiet. $14/week. union. No kitchen. Parking, clean, East Lansing. Now leasing sum¬ creative people, male or female. Prefer grad student, woman over DUPLEX - 2 bedroom for 3 quiet, 10 week term. Call 351-5076 mer leases 3-12 month leases. 371-1120. 8-6-2 (3) 35. 625-7070. 5-6-3 (4) people. $210/month plus. 349- after 5 p.m. Z-6-6-3 (41 1250 Hasten Road at 69. Call Leo 2184 evenings. 4-6-3 (3) HOUSE, SUMMER sublet, yh DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1st, 5 P.M. or Virginia 332-6354. 0-2-5-31 161 SHARP 5 bedroom house. East- TWO ROOMS in farmhouse, 80 side, furnished, available June 15. block, 5 bedrooms furnished, 332- MSU NEAR. Houses and du¬ acres. $75/month. 294 Willough- NICE 1 bedroom for the summer. 669 3654, leave 3365. Z-8-6-3 (3) plexes for 1-10 people available message. 8-5-31 by Road, Mason. Z-4-5-31 (3) imraucTioM $140 includes all utilities. Close to (3) summer and/or fall. Call between campus. Call EQUITY VEST, 484 COUNTRY SETTING, two miles 9-4 p.m. STE-MAR MANAGE¬ ONE ROOM to rent. Good loca¬ !• ''>• first 2 words are capltallied. 9472. 0-3-5-31 151 TWO BLOCKS from campus. 5 from campus. Large, new, 4 MENT, 351-5510. 4-6-3 (4) tion, cheap, furnished. After 5 1 "Ira and 6 bedroom furnished homes bedroom, 2% baths. Ample park¬ words capitalized 25' each. p.m., 337-0602. 7-6-3 (3) WOMEN NEEDED for for fall. Call ing. Grad students or seniors. TWO ROOMS in house for sum¬ 1. Insert one summer. Craig Gibson. 627 letter or punction mark per box. Campus Hill Apartment. Air. pool. 9773 and leave a message. Z-17- $380/month. 669-5513 after 5 p.m. mer. $60 a month, campus close. FEMALE NEEDED summer. Close. Iiove a space between each word. Call 349-4736 evenings. Z-6-6-3 13) 6-3 (4) OR-3-5-31 (5) 332-6441 after 5 p.m. Z-4-6-3 (3) June free, utilities included. 337- 9574. Z-7-6-3 (3) Ctopckingiiam Now EDITOR major company 1 FURNISHED ROOM in house for summer. $70/month house option for fall. 351-7808. Z-3-6-1 (3) leasing for summer and fall OKEMOS AREA, country setting. Female preferred, must be non- 3, 9 and 12 month leases in lansing smoker. 4 horse stables. 349-2040, WITH PLANTS throughout tho U.S., and in Canada, has im¬ nights. 5-6-3 (5) ♦ Luxury apartments completely furnished with dis¬ mediate opening for publications editor. Knowledge of tinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture and layout, photo composition desirable. Position also includes WOMEN-OWN room, close, shag carpeting throughout. strong emphasis on various public relations responsibilities. fenced yard, pets welcome. Wash¬ * Eaeh unit has Salary commensurate with experience. Journalism graduate er and dryer. Reasonable. 337- dishwasher, garbage disposal, central air preferred. Will consider recent college graduate. Send re¬ 7727 evenings. 5-6-3 (3) Bring or Mail to: conditioning and heating. sume ond salory requirements in strictest confidence to: ,. 3 lines for'2.00 State News Classified Dept. » Swimming Pool and private balconies. R.L. Climer SORORITY IS taking boarders for I "A Additional Line 67' 347 Student Services Bldg. Manager, Salaried Personnel this summer and the next school East Lansing, Ml 4B823 Call MOTOR WHEEL CORP. 1600 N. torch Street year. For information, call 332- 6547. Z-2-5-31 (4) Lansing. Michigon 48909 351-7166 j An Equtil Opportunity Employer M/F NOW for summer ACCEPTING applications term, male and fe¬ Located Hagadorn Road ju»t »outh of Sorvlco Rood. male. BEAL CO-OP. 332-5555. Z-5-6-3 (4) ] 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lonzing, Michigon Tuesday, May 31, ,I nsT]@ ... . , OWN ROOM in house for sum¬ , r^Mri^i ..... , .... NEW, USED and vintage guitars, rummi ir/i mrr FREE...A » lesson in .nmnjavmn i—;n complexion AT OUR Drices prices aet get that that amer- emer¬ ANN BROWN PRINTING AND LI Vj wi W I gency pair of glasses. OPTICAL TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan mer, near campus. 566, 361-7736, and kits, recorders, strings, ac¬ or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE DISCOUNT 2617 East Michigan. general printing. Serving MSU for 539 Park Lane, Z-5-6-3 131 372-7409. C-1-5 31 1151 27 years with complete theses cessories, books, thousands of NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. service. 349-0850. C-21-5-31 H9) Announcements for It s What's Coffeehouse from 8:30 p.m. to SUMMER OWN room in 3 hard-to-find albums. (All at very C-21-5-31 (181 \\&\ midnight Wednesday in Akers Hall - Happening must be received in the bedroom duplex. Phone 332-3472. low prices.l Private and group lessons on guitar, banjo, mando¬ ■ - | I. Instruction ............. m- COPYGHAPH SERVICE complete State News office, 343 Student classrooms. Free to Akers resi¬ oNpringX^ our site on Z-5-6-3 131 lin, all styles. Gift certificates. Psmts Personal I— I IS ~ dissertation and resume service. Services Bldg., by noon at least dents. Lakej.ansii ROOMMATE SUMMER, near, re¬ Expert repairs - free estimates. WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. two class days before publication. stored home, single/double, nos¬ ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 541 HEATHER, FOR your birthday I'll experience in professional editing, M?n^f(!f"FridaV- 337 No announcements will be accept¬ Prof. David Bailey will discuss PmrCWedn«dbayS' meelil1 East Grand River. 332-4331. C-21- be a clown...Happy Birthday! writing skill instruction. 337-1591. ,666- C-21-5-31 Co ed by phone. his trip to Cuba at 4 p.m. Sunporch. talgic. 351-6308. Z-2-5-31 131 Love, Steve. Z-l-5-31 (3) 0-1-5-31 (12) Wednesday in the Eustace Hall OWN ROOM in coed house, 5-31 (491 (lill5pBftltilll||j3fe] Urgent! Volunteers needed for lounge. summer with fall option. Female MUST SELL high quality excess hotel stock: tables, 515; chairs, v fesinmH Georgia, around June one week at Muscular Dystrophy World Future Society, Michigan Brawn Bag Lunch P.m. from 1 preferred. 143 Bogue, 332-4558. 510. Call 7-10 p.m. 339-3107. als Atlanta, Camp, and other positions at chapter, organizational meeting at Wednesday jn 25 J S-5-6-3 (41 f~»" r. 77 nr— EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis- ig. Deb, 337-1212. S-5-6-3 (3) handicapper camps available. In¬ Services Bldg. Tonir ci 7:30 tonight in Erikson Kiva. fussed Ip, he b00ktJ E-5-5-31 (4) Real Estate IB sertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN. ——ir^i quire in 26 Student Services Bldg. Non-members welcome. L- TWO ROOMS for rent, area, residential 2 blocks campus. Quiet. 3 BEDROOM brick home in Perry. 489-0358. C-21-5-31 1121 ' Waited " X' Laotian woman requests volun¬ Utilities included 570, 590. Fall option. Call 3-6 p.m., 5-6-3 (41 332-4079. This Week's Special Kitchen has built-in range and oven. Air conditioned family room with patio 2'/i car garage. Nice ELEVEN YEARS experience typing theses, manuscripts, term papers. Evenings,675-7544. C-4-5- R00MMATE FOR apar!rnent ;n Walled , Ca|| after 6 p.m., 2 bedroom Lake, for July 313-624 5620. teer assistance in English. Contact 26 Student Services Bldg. Poll workers are needed for Legal Sei vices referendum. Con¬ tact the ASMSU business office, «oT7a,4leOU4ra^'Udj LARGE, QUIET, close, refrigera¬ city lot with mature shade. Call 31 (12) 8 6 3(3! Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia presents 307 Student Services Bldg., today. ^w^yrj tor parking, no cooking. 332- Richenbaokor 6-strlng 625-4836. S-4-6-3 (8) TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and Browse through the Classified ads the Undergrad Forum Concert at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday in 103 Music Auditioning for "Raisin" to be nesday a, fl| 1601 or 351-8460, ask for Rick B. semi-hollow body guitar AIR CONDITIONED 3 bedroom reasonable. 371-4635. C-21-5-31 daily for good buys.-it's a money- held at 6 tonight in Shaw Hall Z-4-6-3 141 Regularly '220 ranch fireplace, 112) private dining room at 7 p.m. Energy near campus, saving habit to develop, and Utilities cr house Sunday 2-5 p.m., 2759 7~ Thursday at Harry Hill High nar meets at PLEASANT COUNTRY house. With this coupon open a™rtOmOedntO9 3l5T6 01,° "" „,, . ProLsionaUefemncel . , I^ound Town School. Sponsored by Alpha Kap¬ Peace Center. 7:30 tonight! Sponsored f FEMALE Own unfurnishedneeded ROOMMATE Walking distance. Big backyard. accurate. pa Alpha Sorority. American Movement Rooms available, reduced rent for *175 appointment. 9-6 6 3 (5) Annje 32, ^ 8 6 , (3| summer. room. ; 349-4243 after 4 p.m. 3-6-2 (3) , summer. Fall option. 332-0573. We are now offering gui¬ If if _ Z-4-6-3 (51 tar lessons for '3 'i L SemM 'N block " CAMPUS: ixpeTienced, pleetwOOD MAC tickets OWN ROOM in quiet house, available summer. Grad preferred. hour. We teach you what the others won't. ROOF work, LEAKS repaired lowest prices. 882-5827. Best 1711. 1-5-31 (3) SS&bT Call Terry, 694-7049. Z-3-6-2 131 WHERE HOUSE RECORDS I 487-1927. Z-4-6-3 131 BINGO TUESDAY night, 7:30 220 MAC, UNIVERSITY MALI ABOVE ALLE'EY SINGLE, MALE student. Block Dicker and Deal CONCREtYspECIALIST al7msi dential and commercial. Free est,- JOB APPLICATION, letters, term Papers, theses, Omn (pi- ^OU^MEmCIN^ CA^T p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. Early bird starts at 7 p.m. Regular at 7:30 HRS.: MM.-WE0.1 SAT. 100; THURS. t HI. 10-9 pj|, Union, cooking, parking. 314 Ever¬ PH. 332-3525 rn. Kiwi green. Summer, fall. 332-3839. mates. '31 393-4072; 489-7650. 11 6-3 ca^ite , experienced. 332-2078. ^ |( ^ J ^ Qver |f p.m. Minimum age 18. SHAAREY ZEDEK, 1924 Collidge, East Lan¬ you have still good, but no-longer- ALLPBT)'? 4-6-3 (3) sing. C-6-5-31 15) BEDROOM FURNITURE for sale. FOR QUALITY stereo service UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS COM- used items around your home, SUMMER ROOMS, doubles, Price negotiable. Call 351-6198. THE STEREO SHOPPE 555 East pLETE DISSERTATION and re- exchange them for cash with a singles, 5 or 10 weeks. Across Z 1 5 31 (3) Grand River. C-21-5-31 (121 5ume service- IBM 'VPin9, edit- low-cost ad in Classified. ing, multilith offset printing, type- from Snyder Hall. Call 337-0079. prices J / - ow gas Z-4-6-3 (31 PINE WOOD accent sofa and INTERIOR-EXTERIOR painting. setting and binding. Wo en- COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, Plus EVER) EVERY! J chair, brown-orange herculon 27 years experience. Complete courage comparative shopping, baseball cards, much morel!! Service! J ROOM IN house. Rent 555. 3 plaid. 5195. 393-3997. 4-6-3 (41 restoring, repairs all kinds, color For estimate, stop in at 2843 East CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, 20% off blocks from campus. Available - consultant. References. 332-6368; Grand River or phone 332-8414. 307 East Grand River, 332-0112. MDAf ; 351-4684. Z-4-6-3 (31 RALEIGH MENS 10-speed. Vir¬ 349-3898. 11-6-3 (5) 0-21-5-31 <32) {open 11:30-6 p.m.) C-21-5-31 <20) WAY MAXILLCASSITTI TAPES now. j S65/MONTH, summer room, fur¬ tually new. 0456. Z-4-6-3 I3I Price negotiable, 355- 5 Sift VICI STATION t In stock now IMPORT RICORDS I 1301 E. Grand River * THIS WHK ONLY nished, 1 block from campus. Prefer grad. 351-5228. Z-2-5-31 (31 BLACK DIRT-sod farm soil, 6 « Next to Varsity Inn £ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥*¥¥¥¥¥¥ yards 539. Delivered locally. 641- ARE YOU ROOM FOR rent, share farm¬ 6731 or 484-3379. 16-5-30 (31 house. Non-smoker. References. SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE GETTING MARRIED? Lease. 570. 332-8987. 5-6-3 (31 SALE! Brand new portables 549.95. 55 per month. Large FOR YOUR IMPORTANT DAY. YOU ANO YOUR BRIDAL PARTY FEMALES-ROOMS in country selection of reconditioned used WANT YOUR FACES TO BE THEIR PRETTIEST! OUR SKIN- house. Horse and dog welcome. machines. Singer, Whites, Nec- CARE MAKE-UP CONSULTANT. DEBRA IS OFFERING MAKE¬ 625-7780 or 655-2138 after 6 p.m. chi's, New Home and "many UP APPLICATIONS AND FREE CONSULTATIONS FOR SUM¬ ZB-2-5-31 (41 others." 519.95 to 539.95. Terms. MER WEDDING PRESENTS. A PERSONAL PRIVATE AND 560/MONTH, close to campus. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 North Washing¬ RELAXING MAKE UP APPLICATION FROM DEBRA WILL SEND YOU OFF WITH A FRESH BRIDAL FACE. ^SPECIAL TODAY Private, large, utilities included. Call Buzz, 351-0473. 4-6-3 (31 ton. 489-6448. C-21-5-31 (261 OWN ROOM for male in new MORE STEREO GOODIES - CALL FOR A FREE BRIOAL PARTY CONSULTATION! FRENCH DIP duplex, summer term, furnished, used Mcintosh 5100 stereo inte¬ 595. 393-1909. Z-4-6-3 (31 grated Amp. BEtO 3000 turn¬ OR table. Advent 201 Dolby cassette 619 GROVE, coed house, own deck. EPI250 loudspeakers. Guar¬ 694 8101 room, 560/month, fall option, anteed electronic repair. MUCH or DEBRA SELTER ROAST BEEF screened porch, parking. 332- MUCH MUCH MOREI WILCOX SKIN-CARE t MAKE UP CONSULTANT 8953. Z-4-6-3 (3) TRADING POST, 509 E. Michigan, 484 1491 ) 81 Fries Lansing. 485-4391. OR-4-5-31 191 nww PLEASANT ROOM, walking dis¬ tance from campus. 509 Division, East Lansing. 332-2859. 4-6-3 (3) BLACK DIRT sod farm soil, ap¬ proximately 6 yards, delivered. SIGOURNEY-JONES $1-50 539. Call 641-3731 484-3379. )KEN* 3 or 7-6-2 141 Haii-stylinn Men & Women 11:30-2:06 ROOM FOR rent, parking, summer term, no lease, reasonable. 351- 9542. Z-4-6-3 131 CRUISING SAILBOAT Aquarius 21. Elaborately equipped, depth sounder, motor, trailer, galley, head, lots of sails, wenches, more. 55,500 firm. 332-2935. X6-5-31 151 .In Store Coupons. LARGE ROOM in nice house near HIDE-A-BED, brand new, 5325, campus. Prefer graduate or pro¬ fessional. Call 337-1495. 2-6-1 131 kitchen dinette set 5125. 349-1079. X-8-5-30 (31 -Produce. TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT FEMALE OWN room in apart¬ HINE-SNOWBRIDGE, back¬ LARGE RIPE Giant Size • 49 oz. Box 99' Sov* S4' ment, 128 Orchard. Available June 15. 5100/month. 332-1360. Z-6-6-2 pack, 550 New! Call 332-8239. WATERMELONS Whol# $1.77 131 EZ-5-6-3 (31 PHILADELPHIA CREAM NEW CROP CALIFORNIA CHEESE 8 oz. Pkg. 44' Save 15' On tail side of MSU of 1109 NICE HOUSE. 3 rooms to sub¬ RAMIREZ CLASSICAL guitar VALENCIA ORANGES Eost Grond River. let summer. 5 minutes to campus. 1976 model *1A, 51795. Call 86 Sizo ,o/88« 1 Vi baths. 569/month. 509 North Dave 1-647-6024 or 1-857-2422. SPARTAN SALTINES Op.nMon. -Thur.9om-10pm| Hagadorn. 332-6423. Z-4-5-31 131 Z-5-6-3 I3I FRESH ROMAINE 1# Box 28' Save 21' Fri. 8 Sat. 9 am • 11 pm LETTUCE 39' Heod OHM C2, 5300/pair. Full 5 year SUMMER SUBLET - own room, DISHWASHER ALL Dlzh warranty. In boxes. Call John, 337- pool, dishwasher, air, 349-1300. Rent negotiable. Z-7-6-3 (31 9710. 4-6-3 (31 Detergent 35 oz. Box ■ Special Label 77' Save 19' 'Meat' 8 TRACKS, 60 rock tapes, like FALL, SINGLES, in rooming new. Very cheap. 332-1437. Z-1- FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER house. Furnished, parking, shared kitchen/bath. From 590. 332-1800; 372-1800. OR-5-5-31 (31 5-31 (3) -Bakery- SHURFINE CHOC. FLAVORED BAKING Any Size Package 68c 44' Save 33' 29c SUMMER, SINGLES, very close. |_ Animals JfVlj _ SPARTAN WHITE BREAD 20 oz. Loaf 22' CHIPS 12 oz. Pkg. TURKEY DRUMSTICKS Furnished, parking. 570. 332-1800 NEED RURAL home for large Irish CUDAHY CANNED HAMS or 372-1800. OR-5-5-31 (31 Setter. No papers. Free. Please OVEN FRESH BLACK KEEBLER CC BIGGS 77' Sovo 18' 3# Con $4.77« call 339-3399. 5-5-31 (31 BAVARIAN RYE BREAD COOKIES 14'/. oz. Pkg. MEN: QUIET, singles, cooking. 1 block to MSU. Summer rate. 5230 Full term. 485-8836; 351-2623. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, 1 20 oz. Loaf 59' 5# Can $7.77« male, 2 females. 339-9521, 8 a.m. - LIMIT 1 PLEASE ON ABOVE ITEMS OR 15-5-31 141 5 p.m. 6-6-3 13) WITH '5.00 FOOD PURCHASE BULK PORK SAUSAGE 78< ENGLISH SPRINGER Spaniels. 9 100 UStD VACUUM weeks old, liver and white. AKC, noted blood lines, $75. 349-4215. KOEGEL'S RING BOLOGNA $1 #09 J cleaners. Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. Guaranteed one full year, 57.88 5-6-3 {41 -Frozen & Dairy- FARMER PEET BRAUNSCHWEIGER 69*' BEAUTIFUL LONG haired black and up.'DENNIS DISTRIBUTING cat needs a home. Neutered. Must COMPANY 316 North Cedar, op¬ find home or be put to sleep. posite City Market. C-21-5-31 349-3613. EZ-5-6-3 (4) HEATHERWOOD ALL STAR FRESH SKIM MILK BAR-B-QUI SECTION '/, Gallon Carton 49' SOFA BEDS, beautiful herculon covers, 587.50. VILLA FURNI¬ AKC SPRINGER Spaniel pups. Liver and white, 7 weeks old. CHICKEN QUARTERS 59c TURE, 1633 West Mt. Hope KRAFT SINGLE WRAP CHEESE SLICES (Colonial Village), 482-1109. 6-6-3 (41 694-617FZ-5-6-3 (3) LABRADOR RETRIEVERS, 8 American, Pimento or Swiss • 12 oz. Pkg. *1.°' USDA CHOICE BAR-B-QUE STEAK (Cut from ffeart of the Chuck) $1.39| COLOR TV, 21" Sylvania, Good condition, 5150. Recliner, green, 525. 487-0622. X-8-6-3 (31 weeks AKC, duel champion lines, blacks, yellows, chocolates. $125 up. 349-3939. 5-6-3 {41 HEATHERWOOD NATURAL FLAVORED ICE CREAM All Flavors •'/, Gallon Round Carton $1.44 USDA CHOICE SIZZLE STEAKS $1 6»l ECKRICH SMOK-Y-LINKS 10 oz. Pkg. 91 LARGE SOLID oak desk. Good condition, 575. 25" color tv 590. [ Mobile Homes J[*| Day beds 545. New 10 speed bike 580.372-9861,489-4593. 6-5-31 14) AMERICAN 1972, 14x65. 3 bed¬ rooms, 1 Vj baths, unfurnished, set -Grocery - KRAFT MACARONI & CHEESE DINNER and skirted in Holt. 56500. 694- MULTITUDES OF vacuum clean¬ ers. 56.88 and up. Uprights, tanks, 8911.7-6-3 (41 V/a oz. Box 24* cannisters. 2 year warranty. BAR¬ HUNTS PRIMA SALSA SPAGHETTI SAUCE GAIN HOUSE, 826 West 3iaT20)LanSi"9' 484'26°°' C 21'5 Sagi- ftosu Fomrirq] 15'/, oz. Jar 2/$1>00 FOUND: GIRL'S class ring. Initial SPARTAN TOMATO JUICE 46 oz. Can 44' CER. Call 353-0044. Z-2-5-31 <3> TEAC-A-2300S Reel and Pioneer SPARTAN APPLE SAUCE 3Soz. Jar 59' PL-A45D turntable. Excellent con¬ dition. Call 351-0677. 8-6-2 131 Q Personal J/ SHURFINE EVAPORATED MILK 14'/, oz. Con 29' GOODRICH'S CORONET-CONN Consign. Good condition. $250. 394-3533 8-6-2 (3) NEEDED FOR Vu.nont farming CHINET LUNCH PLATES 40 ct. Pkg. *1." onwoztzldeofMSUayiOTro^ldl Opon Monday Thurodoy 9 a.*. ' P ■ • and east-west one warm, backpacking trip: sensitive, articulate, CHINET BOWLS 20 ct. Pkg. 69' 9 a.m.-l 1p.m. Friday* Saturday ■ CANON 814E super 8mm auto- creative woman with own gear SPARTAN PINEAPPLE 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday cetera case. "S^'Elmer. 365? and ability to share costs with 3 other individuals. Call Flash 1313) Sliced or Crushed - 20 oz. Can 7*1.00 6896. Z-8-6-3 (4) 546-0386. Z-3-6-1 161 Michignn Sto'e News' Easl losing, Michigan Tuesday, May 31, 1977 13 Mi j tsv hI )Do@j[h)^g DOONESBURY SPONSORED BY & THANK YOU! THANK TOUI t\i/rm\ (in\M/n y.Tt//MD^\ by Garry Trudeau T. THANK TOUI ,,|„,„,.„(C.S| mwu.-wiM,.) (1J)WKA1,■TV(PBS) ivuknow, m, your nenmm except rrcouu>0e i mean, what if she hires me, the ernes committee got me weu, it's risky. maybe she's and then ieaks something and yeah, what winking. lAayumrorteoN mom a not above harboring if she does i better i that committee. thinkshev try- political grudges, national television, humruwng that? notcall { be hiring counsel for the you know? me in front of the whole (23) Womon TUESDAY morning 2:30 (23) ABC News 10:00 . korean hearings? country? \_ J~T- (4) Guiding light (10) Police Story 7:00 10:00 (10) Doctors (12) Barbara Walters (4) Hogan's Heroes (12) One Life to live (10) To Tell the Truth 11:00 onlordondSon (23) Dig It (11) Interlude _ 3:00 (10-12) News (12) Partridge Family lK,c;rny (4) All in the Family (23) Voyage to the End of (23) International Animation Festival (10) Another World the Eorth (23) World Press jl ,Hollywood Squoroz 3:15 7:30 11:30 (4) News prfta'ty,^0'**123 (12) General Hospital (4) Match Game 3:30 (4) Wild, Wild world of Animals (10) Johnny Carson (12) Mary Hartman, Mary PEANUTS For all your high supplies. [|0)WHeol of Fortune (10) Candid Camera Hartman (23) Lilias, Yoga and You (11) Talkin Sports POWER HITTERS 50% OFF (Ij)Hoppy Doy* 4:00 (23) ABC News by Schulz - (12) Disco'77 (4) Confetti (23) MacNeil/Lehrer (10) Scrambled Eggs Report (12)Bonanza ARUBA Im„. olLiI. L)Shoot lor the Stars II] Family Feud BILilloi. Yoga and 11:55 You (23) Sesame Street (4) Bewitched 4:30 (10) Gilllgan's Island 8:00 (4) Family Holvak (10) Baa Baa Black Sheep (11) Alger Hiss one complete week from |il]C»5 Now» 5:00 Windsor (12) Happy Days afternoon (4) Gunsmoke (23) National Geographic (10) Emergency One I 12:00 (12) Emergency Onel 8:30 lilJJNowi (23) Mister Rogers' (11) The Electric Way 'HjNamo That Tuno Neighborhood (12) laverne 8 Shirley ipolllion 12:20 TUESDAY EVENING 9:00 FRANK & ERNEST Complete ring selection IjljAlmanoc 5:30 (4) NBA Play-Off sponsored by: ■sapphires, onyx • opals • jade, 12:30 tiger-eye. many m (11)Cabletronic 11 News (10) Police Woman 10% MSU DISCOUNT JllMrch for Tomorrow (23) Electric Company (11) Cabletronic 11 News by Bob Thaves ■{lljChico and thoMon (23) Queen's Silver Jubilee 337-1301 |l)l|"n'« Hopo 4:00 Gala at Covent Garden I 1:00 (4-10-12) News your weight jHOong Show (11) "Customers the g3x& j|AII My Children Waiter" and "Johnny MSU SHADOWS actuarial »)Potal Pusheri Casino" by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: 1:30 (23) World Press probabilities {kllho World Turns PIN3ALL PETE'S C©$*0 HJDoyi of Our lives Next to Coral Gables. DJGuppiei to Groupers 2:00 Present this really funny comic for 25^ 11)120,000 Pyramid worth of free play I ( CbAVT voP. HATS. TfesPi_£ UJITH Titos'?) THE DROPOUTS Nogelltan, low-col, completely natural 3.9<:EA. I wwhappening at prlnlt-ln-Q-mlnlt Using: Xerox 9200 copier/duplicator IBM Copier II 'Fast services "Automatic collating 'Reductions "All paper weights '2 sided copies and colors *3-hole drilled paper |prinit-ln-a-mlnit | COPYING/DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS Comer of MAC and ANN ST Open 8:30-6:00 M-F; 10:00-5:00 Sat, lUMBLEWEEDS Pom K, Ryan |jffllpB-lN& ATTACK. tow gas prices Plus □000a anatina I0SSWORD MBna Hnna33 Service! PUZZLE □moan anaaa mas saaaa ■•nda's Littfo Prttwav Itrvlci Station * CWSS sponsored by: 23 Butterfly □130 E3Q0 030 13011. Or. 24 Simper ■'ichian 21 Young seal hoiios aanaaa Next to Vortlty Inn □aauaa guana Wa Appreciate Your Busin* e,t"bilion 28 Mail *4 29 Attend church 33 R30 00a onii aoana 00a 39335? Flattery 34 Calced □□□an rannnaa ■1?, ^ Medieval king □aanaa anang 36 Mobil home □saaaa 00000 ZiGSV-.i THiNK IPS TiN\e vsle uonsieuaiion Wed 39 Again MAD£ AN (2FFORT To PfiAL WiTH 40 Mexican laborer DOWN bck 41 Stop i :Sweet and blue 2 Peep show THis SASicSHYNess issue!» 42 Overornate i Mowers 3. Seed Tr* * r- r- r r~ 5 Short last race in 6, With 1 a — 7 Recent 8 Oralis 9. Foolish person '7 w 12 Bowler 1 20 ! 21 15 Stainei 17 Stab 20 Emporium iT~ ii Ti 21 Openings 23 Irrational i ■ iff 29 30 sn JT number 24 Delect 25 Wateieit silk owbrld^H 3* w 26 Coney 27 SltinniHi 29 In what place day ifl 30 Fmployei *■- •—i 31 Mass ol metal lr - □ 32 Showy llowel H 34 Deer hack 37 Foimality '38. Wallaba sbr The Money Man is on his way to the MSUBookstore, and he's bringing extra help! So if you no longer need your Shrill" term books, soil them during Finals W eek <> - l0> Special /{»»'> Hininf! Personnel trill be ready to buy your old ones (books) with new uncirculated ones (dollar bills) Jrom ~;;{tt to .»:00 daily. MOST SUMMER TERM BOOKS ARE READY