Bill concepts get support bunding of Milliken iroblems By MICKIMAYNARD State News Staff Writer Gov. William G. Milliken lent his support weakening of a bill protecting Michigan wetlands which was approved by a House committee last week, to the concept of if concert decriminalizing marijuana A substitute bill, written by mining and a measure raising Michigan's legal industry lawyers, eliminating virtually all drinking age Thursday. protection, was passed by the committee In his first news conference since over a tougher version. returning from a trip to Japan, the Milliken agreed that the state's mining governor said he supported the idea of a bill industry had too much clout in the [leared up now in the House that would decriminalize marijuana. "1 tend to look at decriminalizing mari¬ juana objectively," he said, "but I am legislature. "In this case it did," he said. "I'hope the committee will reverse substitute." itself on the sympathetic to the idea." In response to other questions, the By JOHN CASEY However, the governor emphasized that governor: Sute Newi Staff Writer he has not had a chance to study the current • Has not made up his mind whether he -ges of possible mismanagement of measure. would seek reelection as governor, make a Lused for the free outdoor concert Milliken said he also could accept the idea bid for U.S. Senate or leave public office. j by Pop Entertainment were of raising the state's legal drinking age to Milliken said his decision would come before jp Thursday when the financial 19. the end of the year. ntpromised by Pop Entertainment was "There is no easy way to deal with the • Maintained firm support for both a -si by RHA. problem," the governor said, "and I don't prisons proposal and a transportation think raising the legal drinking age will package, though each has received opposi¬ ft financial spending report requested solely deal with the problem." tion from legislators and the public. (HA from Pop Entertainment arrived He said he would like to see a more • Will choose a new Public Service Com¬ I morning and everything pretty much effective educational program in public mission (PSC) member within the next few L'Rob Vatter, president of RHA, said. schools with strict rules to see that it is weeks to replace William Ralls. The lone I,],per dated May 18, three days before enforced. The Senate this week passed measures Democrat resigned his position to run for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in [dstert, Vatter asked Pop Entertain- lioreport where the money to fund the that would raise the drinking age from the next year's election. st originated, how the money was present 18 years of age. Bland if any money was left over. Milliken, who has opposed the idea in the past, said he was not under any political »ding to Pop Entertainment adviser [fnimkin, the financial spending report pressure that could have influenced his shift in position. Sirhan has ■kto available since May 26. It was the "golden weld," the equivalent of the Service Co. This week the pipeline project workers In other issues, the governor said he was h report shows Pop Entertainment I a little less than (12,000, lists all "golden spike" that marked the completion oi the transcontinental railroad in the 1800s, the begin- made the final weld on the 800-mile trans-Alaska oil pipeline, setting an "oil-in" target for June 20. "prepared to go public" to seek opposition to the removal of state police Detroit highways. patrols of biackout of ^mditures to put on the concert and ning oi the end, finally, lor the Alaskan Pipeline The House recently approved pulling the Litbat Pop Entertainment overspent by p.which it covered with its own funds. troopers off interstate freeways in Detroit and replacing them with Wayne County assassination Ilihave an open door policy in regards to ItPopEntertainment is doing, especially (faces," Frumkin said, Revision allows DPS officers police, a move backed by the AFL-CIO. "To pull them out would be a serious mistake," Milliken told reporters. SOLEDAD, Calif. (AP) — assassin Sirhan Sirhan told Convicted two Los lev never withheld any figures from He released copies of a letter sent to a Senate Appropriations Committee subcom¬ Angeles County supervisors Thursday that ren Peterson, treasurer of RHA, said he still has a mental blackout about the mittee in which he urged rejection of the (problems concerning concert finances to enter rooms without warrant proposal. The governor said he felt the public killing of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and repeated: "I can't remember, I can't remember." (athis week when communication chan- supported the state troopers and criticized Kenneth Hahn and Baxter Ward, who meen Peterson and Frumkin became the House for its action. By SEAN HICKEY colors," board member Rob Evans said. Under both the and old "I feel it is not serving spent three hours inside Soledad Prison State News Stall Writer "There new policies, the public interest was no dissent and they passed dormitory staff are not to physically search by the position it has taken," he added. interviewing Sirhan, said they believed he non attempted to contact Frumkin Department of Public 8afety (DPS) unanimously." vr.der any Milliken said there was "no question" should undergo further psychiatric exami¬ officers no longer need a search warrant to a oom circumstances. Policies hp to pick up the report but missed The RHA vote was merely one of nation and possibly hypnosis. concerning seizure and physical main- that he would veto a measure removing the enter a dormitory room because of revisions Jadleft a message. On Wednesday, they 11 telephone conversation in which made in the residence hall ies fall under federal tenance as stated in the student handbook state police patrols. "There is still more to be known," Hahn said. "We still have to find out the answer. room entry and state law and must be approved by remain the same. The governor expressed dismay at the ii told Peterson the report was policies by the Residence Halls Association Carr before they can be incorporated into The investigation is not through." led except for bills from the Physical Wednesday night. the student handbook. Hahn and Ward said they both pressed The revisions, suggested by University Sirhan to say whether or not anyone else (tad Public Safety. "I received a letter from Gary North, Atty. Leland Carr, were made to bring the influenced him to shoot Kennedy. Sirhan's tin offered the report to the RHA terbut she refused because she "did policies into compliance with state and federal laws. director of residence halls, last February saying that his office had been advised that the current policies were incorrect," Evans Seniors say future only answer, remember." they said, was "I can't wwhat the board wanted." The previous policies said that police Sirhan's attorney, Godfrey Isaac, who sat officers could only enter a student's room said. "I got a hold of Judicial Programs and in on the meeting, stressed that Sirhan said tin said that was the last he heard RHP (residence hall programs) and we straight and narrow' with a warrant or in the case of an he knew of no conspiracy to kill Kennedy. debated with the DPS on what the policies The 32-year-old Sirhan's mental blackout emergency. The revised policies allow entry should be." Biggest that the two groups (Pop into a student's room if a police officer has begins at the time he entered the Los t and RHA) have better probable cause to believe a felony is being Angeles Ambassador Hotel on the night of In addition to changing the room entry on next year's concert," Frumkin has been committed. June 5, 1968, the supervisors said. or By KARLA VALLANCE said Kirk Dusenberry, a graduating senior policy, DPS wanted master keys to have "RHA passed these revisions with flying State News Staff Writer himself, who as former chairperson of the He told them he remembered nothing access to students' rooms when allowed Just as many suspected, the stereotype of Programing Board to gauge campus mood until he was lying on a steam table in the under the new policies, but both RHP and the student radical is a phantom of the past. and tastes. hotel kitchen where he had been wrestled RHA were against the provision. Probably the strongest point confirmed by "We have a conservative, but a well-in- after the shooting. "We talked that out until the point that it Mget talks to include wouldn't be feasible. It makes no difference to RHA as to whether a student lives in an apartment or a dorm, a student's room is the State News survey of almost 10 per cent of the graduating class was the trend toward conservatism. formed campus," he continued. "It shows in Pop Entertainment. It's all pretty much the same. It's a shame, but extreme groups just Isaac said Sirhan still has "a clear conscience" because he does not know for sure whether he killed the senator. Students planned to head for traditional don't sell tickets. "He wants to know himself did he or did definitely a private household," Evans said. pssible tuition increases Police officers can either obtain a key from hall advisors or can break the door if family lifestyles, two kids and no playing around after marriage. They want tougher University admission standards, opt to keep "There are few extremists on this campus. People stick together. N