iity council OKs lire station project B, MICHAEL ROUSE bulance service and dispatch cars to the police departments. State News Staff Writer scene from a central office. The computer Griffiths said the board should be liblize of efficiency, the East Lansing can also sort jurisdictions, report on the composed of citizens. ■Council Tuesday night gave a green dangers present at a particular address, The MSU Department of Public record the number and type of calls for a Safety ■loinew fire station, a 911 emergency has already agreed to go along with the T system, a tavern license for the specific period and other information, with system on a one year trial basis. to restaurant and the CATA-MSU a pricetag of $24,000. The Pantree restaurant, located in the •nation system. "We should be a part of the system rather old post office building at 327 Abbott Road, [rit; found itself blessed with 93.2 than jeopardize the state funding that was received an approval from the council to \ in federal public works funds granted," said East Lansing Police Chief serve beer and wine, but not without a ndirom a long shot application, Stephen Naert. fight. (council decided to pay for three At the recommendation of Councilmem- Griffiths, who voted against granting the a that were originally in* the city ber Larry Owen, the council decided to go license, said the waiver of required parking Lt as capital improvements — the new along with the system for one year and try spaces when the restaurant was planned Cation to replace the one on Abbott to adjust the cost and call for a restructur¬ was conditional on the restaurant not ■ the northwest sewer extension and a ing of the board of directors, which has serving liquor. ■raste transfer station - with the become a policy making board and is Paul Kacer, owner of the Pantree, said 111 funds. composed entirely of representatives of (continued on page 5) tdecision to go ahead and build the l on Abbott Road north of Saginaw Juan anticlimax to the furor over the lithe station in the 1975 city election ■ibond Issue was defeated. ■Fox, 601 E. Grand River Ave. said, Four still in hospital ling to the council, that East Lansing Jiu should decide through a referen- If they want the station at the same liproposed in 1975. after Wis. car crash Kutuncil is saying in its judgment it Is ByJOEPIZZO Stat# N»w»/Rob Kozloff nte," Fox said. 'The city should let pie decide." State News Stall Writer Soaring without wings doesn't last long but it's diving platform at the Men's 1M pool provides ex¬ Three MSU students and a geology professor remained hospitalized at LaCroase Wis., sure a good way to cool off on a hot afternoon. The hilarating recreation for the stout-hearted. ver. Mayor George Griffiths said ml his gone after a van carrying them and 13 others on a university sponsored field trip skidded off a through a long process ■pat possible sites and there is not steep embankment late Tuesday night in a desolate area of Wyalusing State Park, near h time to hold a referendum before Prairie du Chien. It if projects to be funded is due in The hospitalized are at LaCrosse Lutheran Hospital. The others have been treated and released from Prairie du Chien Memorial Hospital. SHOOTING STORIES SPUR ACTION member Mary Sharp said, "You're Mary Jane Klesney, 23. was listed in serious condition late Thursday in the Intensive Care Unit, after sustaining a head injury and multiple lacerations. She was admitted ople to pay for a bond and all the Itwhen they can get something that early Wednesday morning. Lansing police SN Shabaz Radfar, 25, a graduate student in geology, was in fair condition, late Thursday |ntobe a gift from God." "bully, the 911 emergency system ne up because the system the city ■irontract for last July has become and way under observation for possible internal injuries. He was originally admitted to intensive care with Keisney, but was transferred to a medical unit Thursday afternoon. Christopher Barret, 22, was listed in fair condition late Thursday. He suffered injuries sue to his face and right shoulder. By HAT BROWN statement." ire complex and twice as expensive. See related story below. Harold B. Stonehouse, 55, professor of geology and the driver of the van, was also in State News Sports Writer The suit further charges that "actions ■ contract the city signed was for fair condition. He also sustained a head injury. A $1.65 million libel suit was filed of the defendants were done in a fction in a county-wide telephone Barrett and Stonehouse were transferred to LaCrosse Lutheran from Prairie du Chien Wednesday by three Lansing police calculated and willful manner to provide ■lor handling emergency calls that officers against State News reporters newspaper intentionally altered the Memorial Hospital Wednesday afternoon. misleading, false and sensational public¬ facts and statements of a secret witness Billow East Lansing to have its own Six students were released from Prairie du Chien Memorial Wednesday afternoon Edward L. Ronders and Debbie Wolfe, ity seeking charges without regard for in articles published following the Id office. East Lansing's share would after treatment for what a hospital spokesperson termed "minor injuries." former editor-in-chief Mary Ann the truth, without attempting to deter¬ incident. Seven others were treated at the hospital's emergency room early Wednesday morning ChickShaw and the State News, Inc. mine or reconcile any of the alleged Bnw computer system the city was and released within hours. Stemming from the shooting death of Lansing Police Chief Richard Gleason discrepancies between the witness' oral ■ to participate in will take all The crash occured about 11:30 Tuesday night, when a large van, carrying 17 police suspect Michael Smith on May 4 and officers John Hersman Jr. and Jon statements and the police statements, V? calls for fire, police and am¬ (continued on page 5) by Hersman, the suit states that the Thelen claim in the suit, filed in Ingham and were printed with a willful and County Circuit Court, that the defen¬ wanton disregard for the truth, and as dants "did willfully and maliciously printed constituted libel." misinterpret, misquote and misstate the The police account of the incident finder be torecommended 'U' provost substance of the alleged secret witness' (continued on page 5) as A lawsuit may be filed against the Lansing Police Department (LPD) by Helen Edith Weller, the mother of an Owosso man who was shot and killed by a Lansing police officer on May 4 while police attempted to arrest him, Weller's attorney said Thursday. by Wharton at trustees meeting Clark Shanahan, who was retained by Weller after she learned of her son's (Michael Smith) death over the radio on May 11, said if Weller did not get "satisfaction" about the way her son's burial and notification of relatives was handled, she may file the suit. Smith was buried at state expense in Okemos on May 9 after police notified his father of By NANCY ROGIER As provost, Winder will replace Law¬ University's chief academic officer and will the death. Weller has been divorced for 25 years. State News Staff Writer L. Boger, who left MSU earlier this take charge in academic matters from the rence "The police didn't even notify me of my son's death, and I know they had my phone Clarence L. Winder, associate provost month to become president of Oklahoma various colleges, special units and academic number because they called me before when he had been arrested," Weller said. "He since 1974, will be recommended as the State University. Boger had been named support facilities. Among his numerous (Harry Smithldidn'twanttohave anything to do with Mike, so when the police called him, University's new provost today at the MSU provost in August 1976. (continued on page 5) he said he didn't care what they did with him or how the funeral arrangements would be Board of Trustees meeting. Winder was one of four final candidates handled. So Mike was buried at state expense without any family at the funeral." MSU President Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. submitted to Wharton by the Provost Stemming from action taken by Rep. Francis R. Spaniola, D-Owosso, Smith's body was will formally propose Winder's appointment Rating Committee a month ago. The eventually exhumed and buried in Owosso, also at state expense. to the board sometime today. committee, which was reactivated in April Correction Shanahan sent a letter on behalf of Weller to the Lansing City Council on June 13 "I came to the conclusion that Winder by the Academic Council, was first formed requesting the council to look into the handling of Smith's burial and notification of was the best qualified individual for the in 1976 for the purpose of evaluating and Wednesday's story on MSU's budget relatives. job," Wharton said in a prepared statement interviewing provost applicants and provid¬ appropriation incorrectly stated that 'The needlessness of the death and the thoughtless handling of the burial Arrangements ing Wharton with a list of rated candidates. the state House passed a bill which was caused the mother to retain counsel," the letter said. It further stated that an Investigation Thursday. "His performance in the demand¬ From that process Boger was also appoint¬ $17.6 million increase over the into the matter could help avoid similar incidents In the future. ing role of associate provost, and the a ed. Senate's appropriation. At Monday night's council meeting, the letter was referred to the LPD and Lansing City respect in which he is held by his faculty To find Boger's replacement, members of The House measure would allot Atty. Tim Sanderson, who said he is waiting for correspondence from those agencies colleagues, were the deciding factors in making my recommendation. I am confident the committee met for three and a half $102.5 million to the University's gener¬ involved that he has contacted. that he would provide the strong academic weeks during spring term and reviewed al fund — an increase of about $54,000 Shanahan said Weller would decide on whether or not to file a suit after hearing from the over the Senate's appropriation. council if she does not get "satisfaction for the mental anguish she has suffered." leadership that our University requires in approximately 35 applicants. Winder these critical times." As provost, Winder .will serve as the CARTER SUFFERS SETBACK Aid bill bars trade with Cuba inside WASHINGTON (AP) - The House voted Thursday to prohibit Earlier, the House added Angola and Mozambique to the list of any U.S. trade or aid with Cuba and backed aid for Korea as it countries it wants to exclude from getting even indirect U.S. aid Tarred" of East Lansing roads? Well, eome of them are passed a trimmed down foreign aid appropriations bill. through international banks. In doing so, it defied the wishes of Before final passage on a 208 to 174 vote, the lawmakers chopped President Jimmy Carter and its own leaders. getting a new look which Is The House rejected an effort to cut $46 million from U.S. aid to sometimes a real pain in the $373 million across the board from the bill. Victory whoops rose from the Republicans as their traditional Korea after Majority Leader Jim Wright argued that coming on top ••Phalt. See page 3. effort to chop money bills across the board was approved for the of Carter's planned pullout of U.S. ground forces, it would "send first time in recent years and the $7 billion foreign appropriation shock waves through Asia." weather was cut to $6.7 billion. Rep. Samuel S. Stratton, D-N.Y., said the cut would risk war and The bill for fiscal 1978, which starts Oct. 1, now goes to the "Korea under Communist control would be a dagger at the heart of Today should be: (a) partly Senate. Japan." cloudy, (b) partly sunny, or (c) The House approved 274 to 112 an amendment by Rep. John The cut was proposed by Rep. Tom Harkln, D-Iowa, who accused either of the above (choose one). Ashbrook, K-Uhio, to prohibit any U.S. aide or trade with Cuba, Korean President Park Chung Hee of oppression including torture. The temperature should reach direct or indirect. "This would send Park a signal: clean up your act," Harkin told the lower 80s. A chance of rain The House had approved a similar Ashbrook amendment the House. exists. previously on a different bill and this time there was no debate. (continued on page 6) 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lansing. Michigan Frid°y. June 24, i Three die in S. Africa clash boycotted schools to join town¬ trol with riot police, reinforced into house in Soweto's Klip JOHANNESBURG, South a Soweto. Africa (AP) - Three black ship demonstrations protesting by men brought in from Pretor¬ spruit district killing two Police charged the marchers the detention of student lead- ia, deployed throughout the youngsters playing inside, po¬ in the city with clubs as youths were killed, one of them is by police gunfire, and scores township. lice said. bystanders gawked and traffic They threw up barricades, Police said two of the young¬ A 16-year-old, identified as came to a halt in the ensuing injured in clashes with police set fire to buildings, stoned sters died in a riot-related Thami Bunge, was shot dead melee. Several were injured. Thursday in one of the biggest vehicles and defied police in the accident. A spokesperson said and another youth was wound¬ A reporter for the Johannes¬ antigovernment demonstra¬ huge, segregated township of horses drawing a trailer went ed when police opened fire after tions ever staged by students in burg Star said he saw one the troubled black township of over one million inhabitants. out of control after rioters patrol a car was "violently policeman break his club over Soweto. By dusk, police reported the pelted vehicle and driver with attacked by a large mob," the back of a black woman Tens of thousands of youths situation tense but under con¬ stones. The trailer careened according to a police spokes¬ taking refuge in a nearby store. person. The students converged on "Major Muller in the and John Vorster Square, where UGANDAN HEAD HONEYMOONING one of his men were forced to car the police station is located, in fire a few shots in self-defense." separate groups, some singing said Maj. Gen. Dawid Kriel, "WE want our land back." Idi Amin reported alive deputy commissioner of police in charge of riot control. "One man was kilted, one wounded They carried signs reading "Vorster (the prime minister) release our leaders," and "Thou and the rest fled." shall not kill students." NAIROBI. Kenya (API - certain something happened. radio. One group of 400 to 500 The students were protest¬ Radio Uganda declared Thurs But we're still not quite certain The broadcast quoted the blacks marched on police head ing the arrests of Sechaba day that President Idi Amin is what." Ugandan leader as saying: "the Montsitsi, former leader of the quarters in downtown Jo alive and honeymooning with Since announcing that he was British and Kenyans should be Soweto Students Representa¬ hannesburg chanting songs and his wife Sarah, apparently end¬ going on honeymoon June 16, terribly ashamed to realize waving placards demanding the tive Council, and 19 other top ing three days of doubt and Amin has been doing just that, nothing at all has happened to students be released. It was the council leaders on June 11-12. confusion over his wherea¬ and resting after a period of him." first such black student protest They were detained the bouts. The radio did not men¬ hard work, the state radio said, The reference to the British ever seen in the heart of South weekend before June 16, the tion an alleged plot on Amin's quoting a military spokesper¬ was unclear. Africa's commercial capital. Po¬ anniversary of last year's So¬ life that sparked the mystery. son, who is often Amin himself. It was understood that any lice said at least 146 blacks weto uprising, when rioting After the broadcast, one Allegations of Amin's death announcements about Amin were arrested. Johannesburg is erupted and spread to other Western diplomat here, who or disappearance originated by broadcast by Uganda radio are about 10 miles northeast of townships. has been following events in the Kenyan press "have been approved in advance by the Uganda, said, "We are still proved totally wrone" said the president. Amin first said he was going on a belated honeymoon with his wife shortly after he reap¬ Soviets denounce Johannesburg police detain a South African student during a Prisoner union rights peared after hoaxing the world the central part of the city Thursday demonstratiLl morning. Hundreds of blacks from the nef over his plans to attend the Commonwealth conference in 'Eurocommunism' by suburb of Soweto participated. The demonstration was held to tion of student leaders. About 100 arrested. protest detj rejected by high court were London as an unwelcome guest. He said then that since he MOSCOW (AP) - The So tionary imperialist forces." had not had the opportunity to WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ruled on Thursday viet Union accused Spanish Turning to other parties in go on a honeymoon with his Communist party chief Santia Western Europe, the article SECOND TO DIE BY BLADE IN LAST YEAR that prison inmates have no legal right to unionize because fifth wife since their marriage go Carrillo of "anti-Sovietism" struck out against all forms of prisoners surrender some of their constitutional rights when they in 1975. he intended to take a Thursday and also attacked "Eurocommunism," saying the behind bars. France guillotines child killl go week off to do so. other European Communist term meant only that Western While the court's seven-member majority did not say The mystery surrounding specifically that prison officials may prohibit unions, the decision parties that stray from the European Communists should Amin's whereabouts began last Kremlin line. "cease to be Communist par¬ gave state prison officials broad powers to keep such groups from Monday when one of Kenya's all traditional union functons A long, ties, that they should come out — holding meetings, soliciting for leading newspapers, the Daily sharply critical arti¬ DOUAI, France (AP) — The flashing blade of a farmhand died with "exemplary membership and mailing union literature from outside prison walls Nation, reported the Ugandan cle in the weekly New Times against scientific socialism. . . guillotine chopped off the head of a child killer at courage."! to inmates. that they should sever all ties "Fortunately, the discretion which pi was missing following an al¬ appeared to signal the end of dawn Thursday in this northern French city, before an execution was Justice William H. Rehnquist, writing for the majority, said: Moscow's attempts for more with the Communist and work¬ respected," L leged weekend assassination rekindling a national debate over capital punish¬ Pierre Lefranc said, "The fact of confinement and the needs of the penal institution than a year to resolve differ¬ ers' parties of the Socialist ment. referring to the L attempt. The newspaper quot¬ countries of Europe and enter tradition that the condemned is not impose limitations on constitutional rights, including those derived ed Vice President Gen. Mustafa ences quietly and behind the Jerome Carrein, convicted of drowning 8-year- told| from the First Amendment, which are implicit in incarceration." into confrontation with them." impending execution until just hours bi Adrisi as saying Amin was old Cathy Petit in a marsh in 1975 after dies. He added that prisoners retain only those constitutional The Italian party, largest in rights missing and troops and police The aggressive personal at¬ the West, and French Commu¬ unsuccessfully trying to rape her, went under the Afterward, Lefranc said, "Capital pi that do not interfere with the running of prisons. blade in a prison courtyard, the second killer of a were searching for him. tack accused Carrillo, who has solves nists are chief exponents of nothing definitively, especially! child to be guillotined in the past 12 months. written a book critical of human liberalized communism known having witnessed this execution, whose atf rights in the Soviet Union, of Carrein's lawyer said the burly, 36-year-old as Eurocommunism. character doesn't have to be underlined."! trying to split the international Communist movement and of playing into the hands of "reac- Summer Hours: —#--- Mon. thru Fri. 11 AM-7:30 PM Also pinball, air hockey. TV tennis table tennis. Lima maw ay* UNION BILLIARDS USSR stands firm on Helsinki pact j soma station * * 1301 E. Grand giver E J Nut to Varsity Inn «' BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) — The carried out. Soviet Union issued o blunt The agreement, officially known as the warning Thursday that review of the 1975 Helsinki agreement could break down if Moscow's version of how to proceed is Helsinki Final Act, climaxed an extended conference on European security and included section OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 J , .you've yot ewitftftatyf. rejected, a promoting human Western diplomats soid. Chief Soviet delegate Yuri Vorontsov rights and greater East-West contact. It the east Room was signed at a summit meeting by the refused to budge on the United States and Canada and 33 nations Thursday Buffet wording of a proposal the West considers an attempt of East and West Europe, including the to minimize Roast Beef $5.50 scrutiny on the human rights Soviet Union. record of Communist Eastern Many Western diplomats Europe. were taken Friday Buffet The Soviet Union stood firm with five of aback when Vorontsov warned the its Warsaw Pact allies — East Germony, conference that if delegates persisted in Seafood $4.95 Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary and Czecho¬ their "light attitude" toward the Helsinki slovakia 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. — at the 35-nation document, it could lead to "great un¬ meeting preparing for a conference this fall on pleasantness" and "failure of our mis- Menu Also Available how the Helsinki agreement is being CUCMftA&tf U 4U#e0teA4€A. . . value-priced for you now, just when summer is really getting underway and you want pretty coolers in your these fresh, M wardrobe. Carefree Computer sale to Soviets rejected polyester/cottons WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter with a smocked bodice The reason for the decision, the Administration Thursday barred an department said, "is the powerful com¬ that softly accentuates American company from million computer selling a $13 puter's potential for significant military system to the Soviet application and the absence of satis¬ on top. . .and Union because of its potential military factory safeguards to detect and prevent diversion of the system to such uses." pocketed, full-skirted The Commerce Department took the The sale was rejected after extensive unusual step of denying Control Data ease. . .a combination consultation with the State and Defense Corp. of Minneapolis a license to export o departments and the Energy Research of flattery and cofnfort Cyber 76 computer system to the Soviet and Union for use in weather research. Development Administration. which you'll enjoy from one sun-filled day to the next. In assorted solid colors and floral prints, S-M-L sizes. $13 FROM OUR iisjAop' +K4ii State police to remain in Detroit LANSING (UPI) — The Senate Appro¬ The committee, priations Committee voted Thursday to cision it made last reconsidering a de¬ retain State Police week, also tossed a patrols on Detroit $3.5 million financial bone freeways but killed Gov. William G. to sheriff's JacobSoriS Milliken's plan to put departments in nine Michigan counties in troopers in other a move one committee member called Michigan cities. "parochial." 2a.1977 MEASURE NOW MOVES TO SENATE Panel approves PBB bill LANSING (UPI) The Senate Appropriations Committee Thursday approved Under the bill, all dairy cows culled from herd for meat — production that were born legislation designed to remove all but the tiniest traces of PBB from Michigan meat and before Jan. 1 of 1978 would have to be tested. If PBB above the level of .02 parts per milk, paving the way for final Senate action on the measure. million were found in the tissue, the animal would be destroyed and the farmer Most members of the panel said they believe the measure is necessary to restore reimbursed at an average cost of 8300 to $400. consumer confidence and to All dairy cows producing milk with more than .005 get rid of any risk of possible health dangers. parts per million of PBB would have But most also agreed there was little evidence that a health problems exists from the to be taken out of production by their owners. small amounts of PBB that remain in some of Michigan's dairy animals from a Appropriations members defeated a move to raise the meat tolerance level to .05 — a contamination incident that occurred nearly four years ago. level which proponents said would be more reliable and defensible in court. The Appropriations Committee approved the measure on an 8-0 vote with few changes Opponents, however, said public confidence would be better served by approving the from a version approved earlier by the Senate Committee on Agricultural and Consumer lowest level possible. Affairs. In testimony on the bill Wednesday, Gov. William G. Milliken's chief environmental APWirephoto Date Atkins The Senate version, however, represents deputy - Natural Resources Director Howard Tanner had said he believes the - substantial changes from a measure - ■ytIr " little PBB is left in Michigan food says Agriculture Director B. Dale approved earlier by the House, and the two documents will have to be reconciled in a joint greatest danger from PBB is long past and that the measure could be a waste of |] before the committee to reduce PBB levels still further. conference committee if the full Senate approves it. resources. That personal stand, spelled out in Tanner's first testimony to the legislature on the PBB issue, puts him in direct conflict with his boss - Gov. William G. Milliken. Michigan's first PBB trial began a four-week recess Thursday with some participants \\ predicting the four-month-old trial may run through next January. Federal court returns ruling Friday. June 24, 1977 on birth control E.L. to consider parking ramp CINCINNATI. Ohio (UPI) - A federal appeals court Wednesday vacat¬ ed a lower court order stipulating that a executive ACLU. director "We think this of the Michigan is a victory. We EAR family planning center in Lansing, believe they (the By MICHAEL ROUSE Jacobson's and other stores i the central appeals court! are becomes a traffic problem becausedrivers Some other findings Mich., must notify parents before Slate News Sports Writer business district. and recommenda¬ saying that Judge Fox is in error and are cruising and double parking in an tions in the study are: dispensing birth control services to minors. they are giving him an opportunity — Larry IJonoghue, president of the con¬ attempt to grab open parking spaces, long-awaited parking study was The number of cars using parking pointing specifically at the New York sulting firm, said East Lansing's business Donoghue said. • The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals to change his mind." unveiled at the Tuesday East facilities has increased 30 per cent since the case — economy is healthy and was amazed to see One city planner said several months ago remanded the case to U.S. District ig City Council meeting and the last parking study in 1965, but the number A suit was filed against the family city parking lots filled to capacity at 2 a.m. the study would serve to prove to a bank Judge Noel P. Fox of Grand Rapids for ilary courage. bp came as no surprise. on weekend mornings. of spaces has increased only 12 per cent. planning center in April, 1975, by the that the city has a legitimate need for a new reconsideration in light of a June 9 :tion which p parents of an unnamed 15-year-old girl ntudy by the Ralph Burke Associates ramp. • MSU students account for about 23 per Supreme Court ruling striking down respected," "The total system has enough parking, who had been given contraceptives by ranston. III. recommends building a cent of downtown parkers. New York State's law prohibiting the ring to the but not enough in the core area," Donoghue The study will now go to the transporta¬ the clinic without their knowledge. ml parking ramp on city parking lot sale of contraceptives to minors. ed is not toll tion and planning commissions. The city • The proposed garage should be similar At issue in both cases was the Fox ruled that excluding parents just hours be manager will start working on a design and location is on Albert Avenue behind In in layout and design to the existing city constitutional right to privacy. i some places, the parking problem cost figure for a possible new parking ramp. from decision-making in granting con¬ "Capital punii ramp next to Jacobson's. In a decision handed down March 7, traceptives to their children may in¬ ly, especially volve "in the mind of the child, a tion, whose GROUP KEEPS UP IRAN PROJECT PROTEST • Lot No. 9 (on Grove St. behind Mini Fox prohibited the tax supported Tri- deception of parents." County Family Planning Center in e underlined." Mart in East Lansing) should be expanded Lansing from providing contraceptives In appealing the case, the ACLU said by acquiring property along Linden for and birth control counseling to minors the constitutional guarantee of privacy \nti-film committee plans rally more city staff parking and a lot should be developed in the 500 block of East Grand River Avenue. on a He confidential basis. stopped short of requiring parent¬ grants persons the freedom to make a choice regarding contraception. al consent for such services because of an earlier Supreme Court ruling on It also cited an April 11 study • Parking rates should be raised to pay released by the state Department of for the needed improvements. The rate abortions for minors, but said parents By MICHAEL W INTER but added "If it is not done at tomorrow's today's rally if it would attend the board of Public Health, a defendant in the suit, suggested for both parking ramps would be must at least be notified. State News Staff Writer (Friday) meeting, I will make the proposal trustees meeting or simply remain outside. 25 cents for the first half hour and 15 cents showing that more than 42 per cent of t Committee to Stop the MSU Iran at the next meeting and request that the "It depends on whether or not for each additional half hour. In appealing the case, the Michigan girls between 15 and 19 have regular we are on sexual relations. Of those, the study Project announced Thursday it will administration move posthaste in that branch of the American Civil Liberties the agenda," she said. trally today at 8:45 a.m. in front of the direction." Donoghue said combining functions, such Union (ACLU) cited the Supreme Court showed. 75 per cent are unmarried and anstration Building to voice its contin- She added there were no plans for the as having stores or recreation facilities ruling that legalized over-the-counter most are running the risk of unwanted Krolikowski said he has not discussed the opposition to the controversial interna- committee to attend the public comment incorporated into the ramp would make the sale of contraceptives to minors. pregnancy. matter with any other trustee. film project. session or future board meetings other than structure too large or would not be worth "We thought that decision would help ura Thibault, acting spokesperson Davis said the committee would decide at as observers. the high construction costs involved. us and it did," said Howard Simon, 'committee, said demonstrators will I lie outside the Administration rspirit of vigilance and solidarity." She Building House votes 4r rally will be peaceful, <■ planned demonstration is scheduled rtlie9:30 a.m. MSU Board of Trustees bull also said the committee will Wet tar, gravel irk drivers; to prevent ■ip before every board meeting from • "until all international mure arc •a is more stopped." programs of of a student outreach." E. Lansing refinishes roads tax rollback tit said. "The committee has stopped according to Bruce, if roads are to remain smooth for the eito change the hearts of the trustees." By TERRY PRZYBYLSK1 ever, LANSING (UPI) — The state House on State News SUH Writer rest of the year. Ner Davis, a member of the slop the Thursday narrowly approved legislation All over the city this week. East "It's basically a preventive measure," Bruce said, pointing out milter, supported Thibault's state- preventing a rollback in the state income a He Lansing motorists have been driving that the process must be repeated yearly to keep the asphalt from sec no point in presenting tax scheduled to take effect next week. the trustees since they have down the old rocky road, as road crews breaking down. have gone about their annual task of Bruce noted, however, that all the streets which need On a 55-49 vote — the minimum number resurfacing asphalt sidestreets. resurfacing will not get it this summer, because there is not needed for passage — the House sent to the There have been numerous com¬ enough money to do it all. Senate legislation to keep the personal "We are financially limited," he said, "so we have to decide plaints made by local motorists and income tax at 4.6 per cent, rather than which streets need it most." bicyclists in the last few days about the allowing it to drop to 4.4 per cenj. nuisance, inconvenience and mess Bruce said that the resurfacing process involves laying a fresh |Tfe is more of a student caused by the road work. layer of asphalt on the road, then covering it with crushed stone The state income tax was increased from 'Mh," Thibault said. "The One student, who owns a 1977 car, and sand and rolling it into the pavement with a steamroller. Any 3.9 to 4.6 per cent in 1975 to compensate for loose stones are then ground into the asphalt by the tires of revenues lost through repeal of the sales pniffee has stopped trying to complained that she has had to take a detour to her apartment to avoid passing cars. tax on food and prescription drugs. At that f the hearts of the trus- Bruce assures area drivers that the new layer of asphalt should time, lawmakers provided that the tax rate driving on the newly resurfaced roads. would slump to 4.4 per cent on July 1.1977. "I've been taking tar off of my car for be hard, and the problem with flying rocks and sticky tar solved, the last three days, and the rocks are by the beginning of next week. For some time, however, state officials "It takes about three days for the new asphalt to harden," he making nicks all over it," she said. "I have predicated their spending plans on hope it's not ruined." said: "If people drive over it slowly, there will be no damage to the assumption that the scheduled cut "The rocks and tar have really their cars. It's not really dangerous — it's more of a nuisance." would be repealed. caused a mess on my bike and clothes," IS how they feel." another student said. "It's really bad The controversial bill preventing the ^Special Tooted take "no action" to meeting held June 3 the because you have to take the tar off rollback was the subject of extended regarding with gasoline - soap and water just negotiations between the majority Demo¬ V continuation or termination of doesn't do it." crats and minority Republicans and of P Project. "It's really scarring up my car, considerable lobbying on the part of •committee has been trying to get the another student said. "I also work at Republican Gov. William G. Milliken. ■■trustees to terminate the contract Quality Dairy, and people track that P«SU and Iran because it feels the stuff in all the time, and I don't An amendment to the bill provides that P™!' should not enter into a contract the tax will fall to 4.4 per cent if the appreciate that." JWrnment that has been cited for "A friend of mine got his windshield legislature does not approve the so-called [™|htsI violations. cracked by the stones," one resident "rainy day" budget fund proposal. of 'I trustees approves all said, "and he had to get it completely A commitment to that concept by programs and contracts and replaced." Democrats was the key to Republican ■•authority to dissolve any contract 3ob Bruce, city engineer, said the B! guidelines of each support for the income tax measure. The r'Panned ra"y was in response to agreement, Spartan Asphalt Paving Company, rainy day fund would force the state to save which is the contractor resurfacing the money during good economic years for use hit' n tllat Trustee Raymond streets, carries liability insurance in the in leaner times. JT. : ^ Birmingham, would make a event someone claims damages due to f °rinK 'he Thursday afternoon the road work. , „ ^ If the tax rollback takes place, the state kssk?'° <1'scuss "le "'m Pr°ject at A spokesperson for the Spartan stands to lose about $24 million in anticipat¬ Asphalt, however, said that as far as he ed revenue in the current fiscal year ajid Project was not on the board's was concerned, the city, and not his $85 million in the fiscal year beginning Oct. C'Swida. s*i company, would be responsible for any 1. said there have been renew- damage that might occur. °ns for additional "We're doing it strictly according to State'budget officials say that such a funding of the loss would have a devastating Hen "lat 'l was 'lis intention to the city's directions and under their revenue effect the state's spending plans. B »1US ,hose negotiations so the regulations," he said, "and if any on J. " know the status of the problems come up, it's not our responsi- The bill now goes to the Senate where its State News RobKozloff Krolikowski did not show up blDennis McGinty, East Lansing city Loose gravel covered with t»r makes the road sur¬ and winterize the asphalt, but drivers remember it future is uncertain because of the ambiva¬ lent attitude of Senate Finance Committee Isitl sJafternoon meeting and no attorney, could not be reached for a face on Orchard Street a menace to life and proper¬ for the mess it makes. (lab.. 116 wi" a,so n0' be able to comment on the matter. Chairperson Patrick McCollough, D-Dear- ^meeting. He said he felt the The inconvenience is necessary, how¬ ty. The materials were recently applied to preserve born. whose panel must approve the °uld be reconsidered measure. anyway 0 0 ©pMO©® Busing: White Might v. The Rule of Law "(No state shall) deny to any 1954 decision, that call for an end person within its jurisdiction the IN YOUR H6fikRT. VOL) KNOW) HES RI6MT to discrimination where public equal protection of the laws." funds are involved. — 14th amendment to the U.S. Inasmuch as schools are publicly Constitution. funded institutions, it would ac¬ tually be unconstitutional not to The road to racial equality in the bus in cases where deliberate United States is a torturous one, segregation has been proved. That fraught with obstacles and set¬ is the crux of the matter, and the backs. reason why busing is, in most Legally, this country has come a cases, both constructive and ne¬ long way since President Dwight cessary. D. Eisenhower articulated his racial philosophy for the late Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl In 1974, the Supreme Court, by nwanSB; Warren: "These (southerners op¬ a vote of 5-4, effectively banned posing school desegregation) are cross-district busing as a means of not bad people. All they are concerned about is to see that their sweet little girls are not required rectifying unconstitutional segre¬ gation. This judgment was an ex¬ Wise council decisioJ ceedingly poor one, since many to sit in school alongside some big districts — the city of Detroit, for The decision by MSU's Academic Council on overgrown Negroes." Legal progress notwithstand¬ example — are predominately Student Council vote that would have deleted June 7 to revel black. Busing within the boun¬ representation for at-large council representatives was guaranteed mini ing, racism and racial segre¬ daries of that city would obviously commend! gation still thrive — less tangi¬ As the University's major academic bly, perhaps, but in many respects do little to break the tenacious and proper that Academic Council — which includes governing body, it is only fj segregation stranglehold. Student Council and the Faculty Coi more insidiously than ever before. In February, the U.S. Civil Steering Committee - tap the broa Now, the U.S. House — abetted Rights Commission issued a report possible reservoir of student interests and talent. Since the UniveL by increasingly retrogressive Su¬ calling for busing across city, community is predominantly white, there is good reason to believel Court decisions and whites have the best chance to be elected to the preme generally supportive public — has a county and even state lines to There are those who reject this at-large positioiT desegregate schools. The commis¬ proposition, pointing out that stu| thrown a potentially divisive legal sion documented historical ex¬ apathy, coupled with the fact that a vast majority of students woull roadblock in the path of school it impossible to associate names of candidates with amples of policy-makers effecting faces, makes it a desegregation. that a student, no matter what his or her ethnic or racial The House has voted to prohibit deliberately segregated housing as good a chance to be elected as persuasion patterns, and asserted "We have anyone else. the Carter Administration from In addition, proponents of come too far toward vindicating at deleting the minority guarantees ai withholding federal funds to school busing be prohibited alto¬ that schools be that these provisions- constitute reverse discrimination can desegregated last the promise of equal justice against a districts that try to circumvent gether, and will undoubtedly "With all deliberate males. speed." under the law to turn back now." There may be a grain of validity in this j busing orders. The effect of this legislation (the breed further racial animosity. In countless cases, busing is the We agree. Unfortunately, the true that most students are allegation, and it is cerd One member of Congress, Senate is expected to pass a peeved at the Carter Admini¬ only means of fulfilling this re¬ Supreme Court,, public demeanor ignorant of the backgrounds candidates. Consider, however, the fact that the power structure ol ol and politicians more attuned to comparable bill shortly) is prob¬ stration's apparent pro-busing tilt, quirement, since school districts in University — indeed, of society as a whole — is still dominated by I both the North and South have their own fluxing political fortunes lematic. Nearly all busing is accused the president of turning males. This is true despite valiant efforts at ordered by federal courts on "legalistic sommersaults" to "cir¬ historically been racially segre¬ than the bedrock principles of action programs and at raising the public consciousness to implementing affirm! gated as matters of artifice constitutional law do not. The a 1 constitutional grounds, and is cumvent the will of Congress." or fundamental appreciation of the plight of minorities. deliberate school buses will continue to roll, 1 therefore immune to legislative Such rhetoric illustrates the public policy. Deleting guaranteed minority representation, while whim. but only after evading more potentialll public's inability to grasp the subversive of minority rights, would certainly not assist progress il At the same time, restricting Contrary to widespread belief, and increasingly cynical legal underlying constitutional signifi¬ there is absolutely nothing in the roadblocks way. Keeping the guarantees will in no way hamper the inclusil the power of the federal govern¬ cance of the white males into Academic Council, except in those seats busing controversy. Constitution either mandating or designatl ment — specifically, the Depart¬ Far from trying to "circumvent the encouraging the so-called "neigh¬ Supreme Court Justice Thur- belonging to minorities. I ment of Health, Education and will of Congress," Carter and the borhood school" concept. There good Marshall perhaps summed it If Student Council is seriously concerned about upgradinl Welfare (HEW) - to withhold busing proponents are seeking to are, moreover, numerous Su¬ up best: "Unless our children functions and the activities of Academic Council as a whole, it will f funds from those districts which uphold the legacy of the 1954 preme Court interpretations of the begin to learn together, there is some effort to educate the students to its functions and responsibif defy government desegregation Supreme Court decision (Brown v. little hope that our people will ever For too long students have been edicts may raise false hopes that Board of Education) which ordered equal protection clause of the 14th voting for representatives unj Amendment, starting with the learn to live together." cloud of ignorance. That situation must end. ART BUCHWALD viewpoint Students oppose project A By THE COMMITTEE TO STOP THE MSU-IRAN FILM day without sunshinel expresses support for his dictatorial rule and lends to its PROJECT Once legitimacy, it also weakens the attempt to isolate that regime. again the student movement is on the rise. Campuses On Saturday, June 11, we. The Committee To around the country have erupted in solidarity with the struggle of MSU Iran Film Project, attempted to Stop The expose the hypocrisy of the people in the Third World to oppose the involvement of the U.S. board of trustees and publicize the Washington - Pity the poor Florida owners millions of dollars. What the Florida orange industrj government and universities in the maintainance of University's support of the orange growers. They are caught in a investments in these countries. At Stanford, corporate Shah's regime to the thousands of people who attended At the same time, the Florida orange do is break downi its TV bu ge. Berkley, the graduation ceremonies and heard Andrew Young. We felt that quandary since Anita Bryant's victory juice industry is aware that if Anita Bryant wou,d K° t0. M|SS Bryanl. University of Massachusetts and many other schools, the focus this was an appropriate time to show our against homosexual rights in Dade County, is fired there could be a backlash from the pushing Florida oran8e J"' ■ has been on South Africa. Here at MSU, the focus has been on objection to this The orange growers pay Miss South Africa or Iran: We recognize our interests as University, which professes a concern for academic freedom, and Bryant heterosexuals in this country who would "straight" people, and nal ■ $100,000 a year to push Florida orange students intertwined with the interests of Third World American then turns around and supports a government which tramples all boycott Florida oranges in protest. spokesperson who wou pp J people - academic freedoms. The same holds true for the Carter juice, a job that she has done magnificently. Market surveys indicate that hetero- homosexual drinkers. wou one common struggle for social justice. Anita Bryant meant orange juice and Administration. It talks human rights while it sexuals are still the largest consumers of ting Miss Bryant s fee to 5 . At MSU, thousands of students have supports what orange juice meant Anita Bryant. It is this opposed the Iran film Amnesty International calls "the most repressive regime in the orange juice and drink it not only for its the gay person would get pa | project through petitions, demonstrations and demands to the world," Iran. instant celebrity identification that spon- taste but also for its vitamins and the she does. But at the same tim . - ■ board of trustees to terminate the contract. When sors dream of. When you the board of Meanwhile, just like U.S. foreign policy, MSU speak of Bob stamina it provides them. The Florida would only be require o r trustees ignored the demands of over 7,000 supports - Hope, you're supposed to think of Texaco; itself with the most students, it identified through its international programs — other repressive govern¬ orange industry can't afford to lose the number of TV commercial L repressive government in the world. Over ments around the It seems to me that this mu™ 40,000 political prisoners fill the Shah's world, including Brazil, Uruguay, South Korea is prisons, inhuman torture and Indonesia. everyone. The heterosexuals »| commonplace and vast oil revenues are squandered on military UntU the termination of the Iran Film pleased to see that Miss Bryant J hardware while most of the Iranian Project and all MSU people scrape by with little or projects with the repressive regimes selling orange juice, and the gays «l no food, — as well as the severing of housing or health care. The Shah's economic policies have ties with all repressive governments - MSU's talk delighted to have finally broken thrj allowed the transnational of academic corporations to bleed Iran of its wealth. freedom and Carter's "concern" for human rights are just empty "The problem in Florida is that when people now see Anita big-time television. Florid;i People around the world are significantly denouncing the on television, the first thing that comes to mind is 'gay,' Shah s reign or terror, making the regime increasingly isolated. phrases. Anyone interested in working with Bryant not in breakfast but as in 'homosexual." consumption^woul^have 1.0 go . Any involvement with the Shah (such as the film project) not only 485-2798. us can contact Jim Davis at as everyone, regardless of race, rtll sexual preference. I Of course, the advertising «««■ I Florida orange growers wou d M J a gay spokesperson who could t mention Joe Namalti anu people are heterosexual orange juice drinkers if they as Miss Bryant. But that shot1 ■ supposed to have a vision of pantyhose, expect to stay in business. problem. Many of our fines V-Y Danny Thomas goes together with Maxwell There is a solution to the problem, which come from the gay community a ■ House coffee; and, recently, when you see a I hesitate to suggest, since I don't want to happy to supplement their inco a picture of former Sen. Sam Ervin, it is get involved in the controversy. But I will orange juice commercials. ■ hoped your first thought is of an American because I believe the Florida orange I would do it myself, but un J Express credit card. growers need all the help they can get. can't carry a tune. The problem in Florida is that when _____ people now see Anita Bryant on television, the first thing that comes to mind is "gay," not as in breakfast but as in "homosexual." .r, ' _y The Florida orange juice people are not I ||| I The State News interested in selling homosexuals. Thats V> not their business. A majority, I would guess, are sympathetic with Miss Bryant's Friday, June 24, 1977 stand on the issue, but the trouble with fighting homosexuals is that it doesn't sell . ., , . EcfHorlols ore the opinions ol the Staf Nbw. nre . . News, viewpoints, viewp columrl| orange juice. and ,e"ers ore Personal opinions. First of all, no one knows how many Editorial Department -jvtinHo homosexuals there are in this country because, despite all the publicity, many of cdllorlnchlet Michael Tonlmura layout editor Fr *£„j MonoglngEditor DebbieWolfe SportsEdllor■ Ko'hyB them have still not come out of the closet. Entertainment and Book ' - , Opinion Editor Nam Editor DaveMlslalowskl Joe Scales Wire Editor joyKiM Secondly, there are no figures on how pholoUllor Richard Poliiowski Copy Chief many of them drink orange juice. But there are presumably enough of them to hurt the Advertising Department sale of Florida.oranges. A sudden switch to . Monoger California orange juice by gay people in this Advertising Monoger Shoron Seller Assisiontnovw^s^^^ country could cost the Florida orange grove I Miru:rn stote News, East Loosing, Michigan Friday, June 24, 1977 O Four still hospitalized after Wis. crash Wharton to City approves fire station Lir pact changed; (continued from page I) passengers, rolled down a steep embankment and hit a tree after skidding off a blacktop name Winder (continued from page 1) road. The accident occurred in a remote area of business conditions have changed since the restaurant opened Wyalusing State Park, according to the Grant County Sheriffs Department. |but not air fares The crash was not reported until about an hour later. miles in order to reach One of the injured was telephone and summon assistance. Passengers had to walk several trapped in the wreckage of the van and had to be freed by a (continued from page 1) duties as provost, Winder will be responsible for supervising the eight months their meals. ago and customers have been requesting wine with Near the end of the meeting, the council received good news wrecker called to the scene from registration process, admin¬ regarding the CATA-MSU bus integration system. The plan nearby Bloomington. istrating faculty personnel and Rescue squads from almost succumbed after the ban I„fa YORK (AP) - Transatlantic air passengers are not Bloomington and Prairie du Chien then transported all 17 on buses across the Farm Lane 5, to see any major changes in fares or Rights as a result of passengers to the local hospital. developing new academic pro¬ bridge and again after the University refused to partially subsidize tl S -British agreement reached in London earlier this The cause of the accident is still undetermined and is grams. the two routes that would swing onto campus. t airline officials said Thursday. currently under investigation by Some top priority projects Grant County Sheriffs Department. The MSU group of geology crossing the provost's desk in But Councilmember John Czarnecki said Clare Loudenslager, -IV same seat is going to be there," James Arey of Pan majors and faculty, which had been at the park since last the near future may be a $3'/i executive director of CATA, is in favor of having CATA foot the World Airways said Thursday, "but who is going to Saturday, were doing field study as part of a six-week summer camp program sponsored to 4 million by the Geology Department. Computer Center entire bill for the integration plan and will bring it up at the next tta it will be different." '1 .rreement was reached just in time to avert a cutoff of The released were on the way to Northern proposal to get a new "main CATA board meeting. Michigan University in Marquette late frame" — described by the L ,ir traffic between the United States and England. It Thursday afternoon according to an MSU Geology Department spokesperson. center as the large computer If the money is cleared, CATA buses will take passengers back Students hospitalized early Wednesday JLj , 31-year-old pact. Negotiations for a new agreement morning and released that afternoon are Gregory Fisco, 21, Livonia: David Grey, 22, Lansing; Mark Smith, 22, Flint; Seth Teles system handling jobs from stu¬ and forth across Grand River Avenue for a trial period beginning Latter the British said they wanted a bigger share of the dents, researchers, and Com¬ in September. 23, Muskegon; Beatrice Meyer, Midland; and Douglas Fraser-Lee, Maryville. jjujllion travel market between the two countries. Students treated and released from Prairie du Chien are Michael Bennett, 21, puter Center employes. Herman L. King, director of In other matters: Details of the agreement must still be worked out before the Columbus, Ohio; Robert Hooper, 20, North Muskegon; Charles Julion, 26, Lansing; Peter academic services, has already ul signing in Bermuda - the place where the first pact was Phipppn, 23, Wenham, Mass.; David Tuesday, 21, Romeo; Mochael Saleski, 23, Rockford; made a recommendation on the •City attorney Dennis McGinty said the petition James and Daniel Sied Officials said it included "mechanisms" for reviewing Strybel, 22, Detroit. proposal and said Thursday Anderson submitted Monday to require a three quarters vote of Lj controlling capacity on North Atlantic flights, but they that his office passed it on to the city council on the Dayton Hudson rezoning issue was not L| not provide specifics on what the mechanisms were or the provost. However, because sufficient. C tt,ey would work. of the complexity of the project, fitting the number of empty seats on each flight would „r per-passenger operating costs for the airlines. Officials Lansing pnlice officers sue Soph toppples both Winder and King said Thursday it would be difficult to determine exactly when any Anderson, representing Citizens for A Livable Community, presented the petition at the Dayton Hudson public hearing. An insufficient number of property owners near the boundary of ij however, there is no prospect of a decrease in fares as a (continued from page 1} dominos, record further action on the provost's the Dayton Hudson property had signed the petition, McGinty silt of the agreement, though it might enable the carriers to stated that Smith made a "slinging motion" with a crowbar part will be taken. said. j some future increases. PHILADELPHIA lAP) - threatening one officer, while the secret witness said in a sworn Previous to his five years as •The council decided to squeeze some more miles out of three I Edmund Dell, Britain's trade secretary, said shortly after the affidavit that, "after the first shot was fired, Smith jumped back You'd think Bob Speca Jr. would call it quits now that he associate provost, Winder was city staff cars, one of which was city Manager Jerry Coffman's. ^ment was reached that it would result in cheaper air and stood facing officer number one (who was later identified as has toppled more than 50,000 for seven years dean of the The council balked at the high cost of the sole bid received for the Lin real terms," not in dollars and cents. "If a ticket costs Hersman) without a crowbar in his hand approximately ten to cars, especially since the price included air conditioning. dominos in a row to claim a College of Social Science. He (OOthis year and costs $100 again next year, then it's cheaper twelve feet away... At no time during the incident did I see Smith received his bachelor's degree world record. (it year." carrying a crowbar, tire iron or any other object which could have It took Speca. an astronomy from the University of Califor¬ been used as a weapon against the officers." I In New York, Gail Roth of the government-controlled British major from Broomall, Pa., 44 nia in 1943 and has advanced Ingham County Prosecutor Peter Houk conducted an investiga¬ degrees from Stanford Univer¬ toys said Thursday that decreased fares were unlikely, hours to set up the dominos. STRAWBERRY tion into the shooting and absolved the officers from any tot'we were looking for was no increase," Roth said. She Until the Speca spectacular, sity. During his years at Stan wrongdoing. A State News reporter then requested Atty. Gen. ford, he took time out to Id the carrier hoped to increase the number of passengers on serve the world record was held by an Frank Kelley to look into the possibility that Houk improperly Air Force it flight, but could not say how this would be done, handled the investigation. Kelley concluded that the prosecuting Englishman who knocked down as an War II. pilot in World joth said British Airways had no plans to cut back the FEUER? 33,266 of the little blocks. attorney handled the matter "in a proper, professional manner." „her of its transatlantic flights, but she added: "We haven't The police officers demanded a retraction of the articles printed Speca's previous record, which Winder came to MSU in 1961 m ill the details. We don't know what this will mean in terms is listed in the Guinness World as a professor of psychology in the newspaper, but State News General Manager Gerald Coy lights" by all airlines. Book of Records, was 22,222 and director of the University's said that a retraction was not in order. | pin Am's Arey said, "I don't think this agreement is the After the retraction was demanded, Coy said, the State News dominos. Psychological Clinic. iul (or a reduction in transatlantic fares." He noted that the was willing to explain any misinterpretation of the articles which (Structures "are a product of proposals initiated by the might have occurred. But he added that after reviewing the (national Air Transport Association." ftny said the new agreement was more of a shuffling around articles, he did not believe the paper libeled or ridiculed anyone. "My finding is that they (the reporters and editors) have been SUMMER ■(listing (lights among airlines than an increase or decrease. within the professional standards employed traditionally by the SHORT COURSES |iigus McLure of Trans World Airlines said the carrier ]d have no comment on the newspaper industry as a whole." he said. possible impact of the The cment. "We haven't really seen the package at all," he said. Coy, was served with the suit Thursday afternoon. Computer Laboratory wiA offer a series of The officers' attorney, Camille S. Abood, could not be reached non-credit short courses in computing during Summer Klil then, we're just sitting tight." for comment. Term. Registration must be made by July 8 in the User Information Center, 313 Computer Center. A *2 fee covering computer time and handout materials is SAVE 15% • 50% charged for each short course. For more information, call 353-1800. ON • MACRAME •WEAVING • STAINED INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING (*100) GLASS SUPPLIES BASIC SPSS (#155) PR 3324519 or 482 2817 FRESH-JUICY 2224 East Michigan Lansing *For prerequisite STRAWBERRY information, call 353-1800 SHORTCAKE AND WE USE REAL WHIPPED CREAM I I Clear Kitchen Gourmet Kitchen Accesceries Cupboard ond simple ideas for your kitchens or great USED TEXTBOOKS Hobie's ■Its. Cookbook holder and recipe cord holders to pro¬ STILL AVAILABLE FOR MANY COURSES 930 Trowbridge, East Lansing fit your favorite recipes from splatters and to keep 109 E. Allegan, Downtown Lansing .5 in place. Recipe card box and holder combo es to lit both 3x5 ond 4x6 recipe cards. Reason- fcly Priced. I Don tforget our fine selection of cookbooks also. Check us out on these — Monday - Saturday "ySooico Hours 10-5 ■ CH AROI VISA PLUS Jo-El Games & Gifts Mid-Michigan's Largest Selection of: •Human & Vet Medicine Diagnostic Sets •GAMES •NOVELTIES •GIFTS •TOYS and Blood Pressure Cuffs (25% STUDENT DISCOUNT) Sunshine Values IBICYCLEI •Great Collection of the Best in •1.00 OFF Paperbounds AUCTION •Branch U.S. Post Office TOP 10 L.P. ALBUMS •Over 50 T-Shirt, Jersey, Jacket Styles in Stock •Shirt Imprinting Shop — We Print our Shirts or Yours. QUICK SERVICE! CAMPUS "HOTEL CALIFORNIA'' EAGLES 1:30 PM •4" 8-Track Tape TODAY, JUNE 24th |MSU SALVAGE YARD BOOK STORE WOOLCO • MERIDIAN MALL WOO WO- WAVBRLY PLAZA 1330 S. Harrison Rd. 1980 Grand River Ave. Across from 800 S. Waverly Rd. On Campus Berkey Hall Phone: 349-2 111 Phone:321-2816 "takes and conditions. Alt items may be seen at 9:00 - 5:30 OPEN DAILY 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. * 'atds today from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Items SUNDAY 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. !red as is - a|| sales are final and non-refundable. J-cash only £ Michigon Stale News, East Lansing. Michigan FridaV. J«ne24.„77 Food growing By ED LION a few more years of research miles from with dirty water East Lansing's ficial because the plants can be In summer, when water with IFCCID I # St»te New« SOB Writer the system could be "adopted sludge treatment plant and is harvested as a potential food heavy nitrogen content is need¬ MSU scientists are trying to for most small communities" flushed into the lakes on the source. The aquatic growth ed to fertilize the crops, sci- southern end of the campus. entits tap the water before it slay the two-headed dragon of and, as far as he is concerned, Though all heavy sludge has fostered by the nutrients is enters the lake for spraying. FROM SOUTH OF THE water pollution and food shor¬ provide drinking water if equivalent to 10 or IS tons of chlorine is added. already been removed, the alfalfa per acre — more than 50 And in the winter — when tages with one sword. Researchers at the Universi¬ The $2.4 million project con¬ water still contains much phos¬ per cent more than would grow nitrogen is not needed for fertilizer — lake water can be BORDER ty's Water Quality Manage¬ phates and nitrogen. on a land acre. ment Program are experiment¬ sists of a network of four lakes hooked up to the East Lansing These lead to heavy plant growth, and if sent back into a The nutrients also speed up the growth of fish. MSU sci¬ used because the sun would have vaporized the nitrogen. COMES.. ing with a system that will waste disposal system. It han- clean waste water and use it to dies .5 million gallons a day. regular water system, would entists said two-year-old bass King said the system is an fertilize crops, grow more pro lead to excessive plant growth raised in the high-nutrient effective way to clean water King said, or about one six¬ and an early death for lakes and water are twice the size they and prevent the destruction of ductive fish, and come up with teenth of East Lansing's waste streams. normally would be in regular lakes while at the same time RAMON'sil potential new food sources. water. Darrel King, a researcher But in the special processing lake water. produce more food. By the time with the project, said that after Water is piped four and a half lakes the plant growth is bene- Adjacent to the 200-acre lake water is flushed through the complex are 300 acres of fields system, he said, it is nutrient where the high nutrient water free — suitable for recreational Artificial parts Aid bill trimmed is used for irrigation. The nutrients act fertilizer and use and drinking. The system is similar to a RESTAURANT as the scientists are trying to method recently described at AND LOUNGE (continued from page 1) activate pets monitor how various crops will an MSU scientific conference. Three other members said the House should cut Korea's aid to Under that system waste water react, ranging from Cottonwood show its displeasure at what Hep. Tom Downey, D-N.Y., called trees to wheat. containing nutrients is flushed Park's spending "of millions of dollars to try to bribe the House." MIAMI IAP) - Somewhere Suprisingly, the scientists through troughs containing Harkins' effort to cut the Korea aid was rejected by a standing out there, a parrot eats and have found that the sun acts to oysters and seaweed, which vote of 59 to 24. the nutrients. drinks through a plastic beak, a help in the irrigation. remove The $373 million meat-ax cut was the House's first approval of an cow wears dentures, and a amendment that Rep. Charles E. Miller, R-Ohio, offers to nearly paraplegic dog moves about on every appropriation bill to cut a certain percentage off the top. .1 plastic chair with skateboard Miller's amendment this time was to cut the $7 billion bill by five wheels. "I would rather work on per cent. The House approved it, 214 to 168. animals than anything else." They did not specify what appropriations would be cut. With the $373 million, the House cut a total $925 million from says Dr. Irving Goldman, a Carter's original request of $7.6 billion for foreign aid and U.S. prosthetist. "They don't show- it. but they're grateful. You see contributions to the international development banks. hsy .... STOP The list of countries barred from receiving even indirect U.S. aid it when they eat." As a prosthetist, the 74-year- also includes Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Uganda. FROblG>\Nb\ RROUND All the countries, including Cuba, already are barred from old doctor mostly works on people, giving them such artifi receiving direct U.S. aid. Utbi-V our f\tw) House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill accused Republicans of "pure rial limbs as motorized substi¬ tutes for hands and legs. But he demagoguery" in putting through the amendments to bar indirect RAMON'S...you may have known it before as "Bill's Restaurant and has also done a bit for animals. aid to the countries. located at 718 E. Grand River, in Lounge" Lansing for the past 54 years. But since September RAMON'S has been the "hot spot" for your south of the border In other cases, Goldman put favorites. an artificial leg on a dog and an South Baptist Church RAMON'S offers specials every day, favorites, each for only $1.95, complete with rice and beons. Monday thru Friday on their Mexican artificial hoof on a horse. 1518 S. Washington Lansing Recently, he made dentures Monday s especialidad: Tacos. Three sub-shell corn tortillas heaped with juicy for a chimpanzee, the pet of a ground beef, tomatoes, onions and shredded cheese and lettuce. West Indian cargo ship captain. Sunday 7:00 p.m. Tuesday is beef enchilada day: Your choice of chicken, meat or cheese, wrapped The chimp had lost three front in a fried corn tortilla, topped with a mild mouth "The Problem That watering sauce, diced onions and teeth after a swinging crane knocked him down. the most Staggers" disturbing question of this day located shredded cheese: 3 per serving. Wednesday's favorite is Burritos: Two flour tortillas filled with expertly After the new teeth w Otrot* ? Terrs seasoned ground beef, topped with delicious home-mode chili con carne, diced place. Goldman says, "the 945 an sweet Sponish onions and shredded cheese. chimp game me a kiss." College Bible College fellowship and Cofal G\ab Thursdays RAMON'S serves Tostados: Three crisp fried corn tortillas served Class ill)* refreshments 8:30 p.m. open faced with your choice of seasoned ground beef or retried beans, (frijoles), CENTRAL Fireside Roois f ft* topped with crisp fresh lettuce, diced tomatoes, onions and shredded cheese. And back by popular demand, Friday's special serves Tacos UNITED fa«t again, so you can METHODIST Lantin^ enjoy RAMON'S favorite twice a week at a very reasonable price. Sunday 11 a.m. NffO So you can somple o variety of Mexican "comida," RAMON'S offers combination Across from the Capitol plates for any size appetite. The feature combination plate is complete with a taco, SMUT**: "He Almost Fell" tostada, meat enchilada, cheese enchilada and carne guisada, and like all "FAITH... LIKIA RAMON'S south of the border specialties, is served with Sponish rice and retried Bible Study f p.m. Wed. Union Bldg. MUSTARD HID" beans, all for only $3.95. RAMON'S also serves a variety of mini combination plates Dr. Lyman, preaching for $2.95, all deliciously seasoned and FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening tempting to the taste. Worship Services Call 482 - 0754 for information A light dinner suggestion from RAMON'S is "El Peplto." From Guadala¬ 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Dr. Howard F. jara comes this version of the steak sandwich, thinly sliced and served with Sugden. Postor Nursery Available James E GOOD FOOD • PIZZA • DRINKS avocado spread and frijoles on a mini trench roll. Chili or taco sauce takes the place Emery College Postor of catsup or steak sauce. A crisp salad and french fries completes this exciting sandwich, all for only $3.50. HAPPY HOUR 2-5 RAMON'S has imported beer and Mexican spirits to complement your meal. TAKE OFF WITH THE • Pitchers & drinks '/a off Come and try a Toro Bravo (Kahlua, fresh lime and tequila) or a Margarita, welcome ony time in the evening. • Drafts half price RAMON'S is open from 11 am to 11 pm on weekends and from 11 am to 3:30 on Fridays and Saturdays, 12 noon till 11:00 on Sundays. Bar stays open till 2 on pm | Live entertainment weekdays. Come and enjoy the flavors from south of the border here in Lansing. No reservations necessary. Just come as you ore and bring a friend, | nitely at nine any doy...! OLE! 1227 E.Grand River Ph. 332-6517 WINGED SPARTANS A Foot TODAY Long Chili Dog SPONSORED By: INTRODUCTORY MEETING and 10 oz. draft Open 7 GREAT days Tuesday, June 28 7:30 p.m. 627-2106 FOOD in Room 332 Union Bldg. •Private Pilot Ground School for Members and 75* oil Sunday Buffet *4.25 you can oat: rooit boot, chicken 24 Hours a Day Non-Members I with this coupon! chrlmp, MQ meat boll la. vegetables M7 Abbott *d. I 2 •Aircraft for training and cross-country use p.m.-5 p.m. 217 S. Bridie SI, find ledge East Lansing For more information, call Gerry at 694-4916 or C EXPRESS vooRSetF PIZZA expeees vou«LP FIZZ* The Winged Spartans... George at 332-0431 .Teaching the MSU SchcnsuVs CAFETERIA |Good I and Drink | community to fly for over 30 years. WE'VE GOT A LANSING . MERIDIAN I Downtown Lansind 1 116 E.Mich. Ave. I 12" P.P.* 372-4300 _ Open POLO BAR (V46A Everyday JUST FOR YOU Delicious Homecooked llo.m-J-4 Happy Hour Weekdays Specials Under $2.00 2-6p.m. Modern Country Music Pitcher Special - AND BE DELIVER FREE - Thurs.-Sun. 1 '/a mi. East of Mon.andTues. POTATO AND VEGETABLE. Meridian Mall CUIUS 662 W. Grand River Okemos 349 - 2240 RAMON'S FOR IAST CAMPUS RISTAURANT ONLY AND litort. \drW/ I,«i.e«"" Call: 349-5000 LOUN9I ftWfldl.nM.il 718 E.GRAND RIVER-IANSING The Finest in Mexican Cuisine "Dine in candlelight and Why not try us today! enjoy «««• favorite cockUUl pepperoni pizza THE IMPERIAL GARD&l always GRAPEVINE 3.00 (no coupons) 349 • 269S 2758 East Grand River 2010 W. Or. Rv. Okemos 337170a (H'»n|Q6ssaefcpabe2Md73S»ciQ^s^EWx3 vzzid 4,1977 ■ irh;1nn Stote Newi, Eost lonsing. Michigan [) BiteFl£item(^iiiiii; GEORGE LUCAS'BLOCKBUSTER 'STAR WARS' dazzling display of directoral fireworks called "the force," the By BYBON BAKER story tioned Warren Beatty in her his huge, hairy Wookie co-pilot J SUte News Reporter maintains its own distinct "Star Wars" isn't logic. big scene in "Shampoo") for the to skipper them to the scene in really a legendary old wizard Obi ■At\g towg mchgan 48993 ptae (917) 489-r* Now is the time to buy Licensed by the State of Michigan coats, jackets, and vests Hometown * while the prices are way People Giving { down during summer Hometown ♦ Service/ { sales at FIRST DOWN S i umammATi Ripstop Vests ■Carrie Fisher as the beauteous rebel Princess Leia being menaced by the evil ■Darth Vader, the supreme space rat, and his Imperial guards in "Star Wars." « J « S4RVICI STATION 1301E. Grand River Nesl to Varsity Inn { * I reg. 30.00 19*95 SAVINGS aeeeaeeyaeaaaeaaaeaaea TODAY! Friday, 5 to close aircut pm 2nd level ItMoll ' & Styling There IS a difference!!! S 49* $6.00 .GMAT •MCAT .VAT 'LSAT .GRE -DAT »OCAT .SAT > WHOPPERS he for men and women • NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS No coupons No limit | GARY'S 351-6511 womqnself • ECFMG .FLEX Flexible Programs and Hours Over 38 years of experience and success. Small classes Voluminous REMEMBER! mpus Beauty Salon home study materials. Courses (hat are constantly updated. Centers WE'RE OPEN ON FRIDAY A open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities tot review 549 E. Grand River of class lessons and lor use ot supplementary materials. Make-ups for SATURDAY NIOHT missed lessons at out centers. n j* TILL 3:00 AM Flexible Programs and Hours K WELCOME toM.S.U. FaniattM Hills.- 31 WWW W Offors Good At Both PISH & CHIPS i We'd like to meet you Bring in this ad and get to Mot 311SE23143 swtciVuisis" Vc'e °!N|JI OR Or writ* to: 25662 Orchard LakaRd. Suit* L-7 I 1141 E. Grand Rivor and 3021 E. Saginaw Farmingtan Hills. Ml. 46016 wcat.wa.u-~J ALL YOU CAN EAT for 10% OFF ■Aliiliated Centers in Major U. S. Cities* on all merchandize this weak Bulletin Boards Framed Pictures $i" i Stationery J*"*1'* LIZARD'S UNDERGROUND Initrnaiional House of Pancakes J 224 Abbott iRounb East Lansing, Ml. DINNERTIME SPECIALS J9P I 1393 E. Grand River (gift &f)op Near At P 332-5979 THE BEST IN ALTERNATIVE MUSIC 517-351-2285 MON.-FISH & FRIES ALL YOU CAN EAT !!! TUES.-ROAST BEEF & MASHED POTATOES, SALAD ALL YOU CAN EAT! II ALL KINDS 1 26 Sun. 27 Mon. WED.-TEXAS BEEF RIBS, FRIES, SALAD '30,000 BICYCLE 24 Fri. 25 Sat. 1 .AS LOCO ALL YOU CAN EAT 111 OF FOLKS THI HILLY WEED THURS.-VEGETARIAN SPECIAL ACCESSORY LIQUIDATION SALE! Twe Ixanples RNJOY OMARS BAND (country-swing) v> Si* Country/ Rock FRI.-SEAFOOD SPECIAL 27 xl'/eCUMWALL TIRES Lawrence,Kansas SAT.-SIRLOIN STEAK NO COVER No Cover BELL'S Dark Boor SUN.-SPAGHETTI ALL YOU CAN EAT! 11 '•9. at $»,9$ aa. NOW ONLY *3.45 ea. 12 Volt Generator Light Set Cover 1.00 | Cover 1.00 imported beer special Special PIZZA r*S- at $9.99 NOW ONLY *3.33 225 M.A.C. 332 - 5027 DAY LONG HAPPY HOURS 111 EVERYTHING MUST GO! 1135 Gr. River 332-0858 BREAKFAST DAILY 8-11 AM 11 AM-8PMMON-SAT Open from 11:00 a.m. t Mkomit (porting Goods jooj e. mich. Free deliveries from 12 PM-8 PM SUN. ^ •OraanOaor 4S4-S139 4:30 p.m. 8 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Michigo" 5 Frid°y.June24ll977 U.S. produces two net upsets WIMBLEDON (UPI) - Billy "the kih" u Steele . chasing 3rd Superstars title Tin^rM? doWDeo„iy, *2 It Turntables Technics SL1400 $«*,) •ITS f Direct drives Hitachi PS-38(i.nin *140 & belt drives Hitachi PS-10o.niy) ♦91 Save 30% BIC 920 5 only) (with walnut bate I duit cover ♦12 IBertagni Electroacoustic IF YOU'RE MOVING, HERE'S GOOD NEWS! SPEAKERS 3 5 Systems "The Sexless Speaker" Save 30% on - Omnidirectional selected • Low distortion When you leave MSU, there's one thing you can speakers In take with you — your credit union membership. And stock. that can mean a lot! Here are just a few of the services D-60 *260/182 and benefits you can continue to enjoy as a LifeTime U-60 *200/140 Member: • The full range of savings and loan programs. There's ok ■dkee H P A-7039(3only) ait Kl 1 * toll-free Phone-a-Loan service to serve you Amplifiers O N KYQ ♦MO/MSBSt even a everywhere in the continental U.S. (except Alaska), plus r Artistry in Sound new loan drafts you can use anywhere for truly insfanf lumy 4ur s- loans. these great- 1 • You can maintain your savings draft account with its built-in overdraft protection, automatic pre-authorized sounding units left 1) | Sansui AU-9900 Amp *600/*359 payments, monthly statements and quarterly interest -a, d-3500 3 head coaautfu duck payments. • to You will continue to receive the Cred-u-let newsletter keep you informed and in touch. Tape Decks par-— ^ To apply for LifeTime Membership, simply phone 2 great performers . « rs-625 us .teruoca.sett. deck or write the credit union. Be sure to give your account oton.-tim. Technics est* number, new address, and name and address of your only prices byPanasonic *300/*210 new employer. You may also wish to apply for a moving loan. And if your spouse and children are not yet members, take this opportunity to invite them to join the credit union family. Accessories- WATTS PREENERS- *5.95/*3.95 TDK SD-90 2 packs *1.t9l%5.39 save 30% or more Superex TL-30 Headphones *40.00/*21.3® Sale Bads Absolutely on June 30 - No Rain Checki 1 EU MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION 245 Am St L Lansing, Mi $ j [mSq Hint"® M-MOajn.'SP* 1 I I \MSk Sat 10 a.m,5 p.m. 1 lift 351-7830 600 E. Crescent • 9 to 5:30 Mon. thru Fri. • Phone 353-2280 Wftl I 0^jnn stote News, East lonsing, Michiqon Friday, June 24, 1977 1 1 College Week stresses leadership Milliken says he will battle as annual program ends in success abortion foes LANSING (UPI) - Gov. By LINDA BRAY sessions in the dormitories. "The women share a lot from their classroom William G. Milliken says he State News Staff Writer experiences and from living in dorms with will fight the powerful anti- College Week, a four-day continuing education Wilma Miller, program coordinator of College different types of people," she said. abortion bloc in the legisla¬ Week, said much of the The program was sponsored ture over the issue of state program stressing leadership development, end¬ learning is done in the by Family Living ed Thursday with favorable reactions from dorms. Education of the Cooperative Extension Service. Medicaid funds to pay for participants. abortions on poor women. "What we would really be One 32-year veteran of the annual program doing in this case is dis¬ claimed College Week gets better every year. Clinton County deputy suspended criminating against the Initiated in 1924 as a short course for women, the poor," Milliken said Wednes¬ program now offers courses ranging from day. "Presidential Religion and American Self-Under¬ LANSING (UPI)- A Clinton wounded Tuesday night when shooting occurs, was not imme Abortion foes in the legis¬ standing" to "Making Marriage Better." County Sheriffs deputy has officers from the county and diately identified. lature began moving to out¬ been suspended following the Bath Township went to a home Stull was taken by ambu law state Medicaid pay¬ Participants attended daily mini-classes and shooting death of a 20-year-old in Bath Township about eight lance to Sparrow Hospital and ments for abortions in the lived in dormitories. Most of the 1,240 Bath Township man officers miles north of city limits to died about two hours after regis¬ wake of this week's U.S. trants planned a schedule of three courses from were trying to arrest on a arrest Stull. being wounded. The man was Supreme Court ruling that the 45 offered. felony warrant. wanted for larceny. states aren't required to Police said several shots No policemen were wounded. Ages of participants were as varied as the A provide such funds unless a sheriffs department were fired at the officers. The The incident was being inves¬ mother's life is in danger. program, including women from 18 to 83. spokesperson said Spencer deputy who was suspended, as tigated by state police and the The family oriented program enabled women Stull was shot and fatally is customary when a fatal sheriffs department. from the Upper Peninsula, the inner city and the wealthy community to rub shoulders while attending classes, eating together and living in Hubbard Hall. Eighty one of the 83 counties in Michigan participated in the program. Costs for the week were $60 for live-in students, $18 for commuters and $9 for one-day visitors. PLANETARIUM r- A typical day of College Week started with an "Eye Opener" breakfast in Akers or Hubbard dining room and continued with classes until lunch. Demonstrations on how to paint china, clinics on blood pressure and diabetes were some testing and filmstrips on breast cancer and self-examination of the additional attractions which •;Nous Sommes "Du SoleiH were interspersed throughout the day-long _ui; State News Linda Bray chine ie one of the many activities of College Week, a four programs. ... We Are One irf the Sun Campus tours and field trips were held after ECoatinuing Education program. The demonstration by Joan class activities. Nights were often spent on bus %atf Okemos was held in Akers Hall Wednesday. trips to the Okemos Barn Theatre in bull SHOWTIMES: FRI& SAT 8 8 10 PM, SUN 4 S 6 PM 4 or ALBUM t IIGHTSHOW AFTER 10 PM SHOWS THIS WEEKS ALBUM: CAT SCRATCH FIVIR BY TED NUGENT '-. CURRENT SKY DEMONSTRATION AFTER ALL OTHER SHOWS 355-4672 T-shirts are like banks. The more you put in, the more interest you draw. tw ^ ^offethousc# ON SALE NOW draw cash... Ready Teller is ready when Ready when you are you are. That's the idea behind AB&T's Ready Teller, and that's the idea on the And draw a little interest front of our T-shirts. High quality 100% cotton shirts with green trim on the neck and sleeves. In Ready Teller, of course. We think everyone should know how con¬ venient banking can be. Jesse Adult and children's sizes, only $2.25. Well like to And if our "Ready when you are" T-shirt helps you draw a little interest of your own, so much the better. Winchester and Mdnight Bus put you in a T-shirt They're available at any of our One Washington Square and get yours ________ 17 AB&T offices. Stop in today. And while you're at it. ask about Lansing. Michigan 48909 Member FDIC Friday, July 22- 8 & 1030pm our Ready Teller. Could be you're ready for the bank that never makes you wait Erickson Ki\a Michigan State University in long lines, or plan your day around a trip to the bank. Whenever you need to READY TICKETS: $3.50 IN MSU UNION, ELDERLY ADVANCE/S4.00 AT AVAILABLE AT: THE DOOR INSTRUMENTS AND WAZOO READY WHEN YOU ARE make a deposit, transfer funds or with¬ A division of the ASMSU Programming Board Please, no smoking, food or drink in Erickson Kiva. J i 2 Michigon Stole News, East Lonsing, Michigon _Fr'day. june 24, | " tejtSE THE STATE NEWS PHONE 355-8255 MON. CLASSIFIED THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 A [_ Automotive ![«J iS«Im~~1[71 L Employment |[j|J ]ffl JUT-MIS jlffl 1 Apartments Classified Advertising PLYMOUTH 1970 Duster, $500. MASON BODY SHOP 812 East MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONISTS NEED ONE or two females for ALBERT STREET Apartments. VILLA MONTE 260 bed acute care hospital has apartment near campus. 332-4432. Large 2 bedroom, air conditioned Sublet Information Runs good. Call after 332 8074. 7 7-8 (31 5:30 p.m., Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Complete auto painting and col¬ immediate part-time openings. X 8 7-8 13) furnished. 1 block from campus' a M lision service. American and for¬ Must have experience in trans¬ Fall, Call 351-4103. 0-4-6-29 141 IONE 355-8255 347 Student Services Bldg. cribing and knowledge of medical PORSCHE 914 1973. Yellow, AM/ FM. radials. $3995 Call after 5 eign cars. 485-0256. C-4-6-29 (14) terminology. Excellent starting Free SUMMER, TWO bedroom, one Cshe7inec-,Chen'f WE BUY rate. Contact Personnel, LAN¬ block ffom campus. $140. 155 p.m., 487-0161. 6-7-7j3^ junk cars and trucks. Top SING GENERAL HOSPITAL. 2800 Roommate _ _ RATES dollar. 489 4647. NORTHSIDE Gunson 351 4185, fall option Z-6- DAYS I day - 90C per line PORSCHE 914, 1974, red. appear¬ ance group, rustproofed, excellent AUTO PARTS & SALVAGE. 0 4 Devonshire. Phone 372-8220. 5-7- 6(10) 7-6 (31 ^-otLONGR^ Lina< 1 3 6 • 3 days - BOC per line condition. $4900. 332 1319 after 5 6 29 (3) Service 3 2.70 7.20 13.50 16.80 6 days - 75C per line p.m. 6 7 6 131 MODELS WANTED, $8/hour. We 332-4432 SUMMER SUBLET. 2 man apart¬ SUMMER, TWO bedroojl 4 3.6* 9.60 13.00 22.40 8 days - 70C per line i Employment |(|| will train. 489-2278. Z-3-28-26 (3) ment, very close to campus, $160' month. Call Jim, 374-6366. 4-6-29 furnished. $T50month offer. 351 » 1 5 4.50 12.00 22.50 28.00 SAAB 96 1970 No rust, 28 36 131 2328.1-62413) mpg 54.000 actual miles. Excellent EQUISTRIAN FEMALE wanted PART TIME position. Mail pick up (We will match you 6 5.40 14.40 27.00 33.60 Line rate per insertion condition. 372 7900 ext. 232. 8 5 for summer child care for seven '6 hour a day, Monday-Friday at LANSING EAST side and 7 6.30 16.80 31.50 39.20 8:30 a.m., E. Lansing Post Office. with compatable OWN ROOM/bath. Sublet sum¬ town. daily 351 6278 after 5 p.m. 3 6-27 year old boy in return for living mer (all. Prefer graduate, Efficiency $100 momfl $10'week. 351-1310, ask for Dick Brandy- bedrooms from $135 monthl 151 quarters and/or use of stable roommates) wine. Air. sauna, many extras. EconoLines ■ 3 lines ■ '4.00 - 5 days. 80' per line over TOYOTA CELICA 1972. Sharp facilities. Reference required. Re¬ Olson. 0-3-6-29 I6I Partially furnished. 487-4067- 337- Joe Miller, AIM INC 332 6741 0 3-6-27151 jS1 ply P.O. Box 106, Mason, Mi. 1260. 6-7 6 141 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when conceited. interior, air conditioned, runs 48854 2 6-24 (7) LARGE TWO party Price o< item(s) must be stoted sale price of '50. in od. Moximum good, some rust. $800. Phone 394- 2837 0-3-6-29 (41 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for [_Jor|Mt__J[jj SUMMER FEMALE needed for Grove Street Apartment, own PINI LAKE ciency.C'o^oc^J $184. 351 1610 48"* ,msh(- — ' ™ MSU students. 15-20 hours week. COMPACT REFRIGERATORS • room, rent negotiable, 332-4156, (4) Peanuts Personal ads - 3 lines - '2.25 - per insertion. TOYOTA CELICA 1972 Air, Automobile required. 339-9500. T.V's, stereos, low summer rates. S 5-7 1 (41 APARTMENTS Michelin tires, 4-speed, AM FM. 6080 Marsh Rd. 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). C 4-6-29 (12) Free delivery, 372-1795. 5-7-1 (3) excellent condition. $1295. Call MODERN. NEAR Rummage/Garage Sale ads • 4 lines - '2.50. 351 3582 after 6 p.m. S 3-6 29 (51 CAMPUS CLOSE. 7/5-9/1. 2 bed Meridian Moll Area Own room. pool. Lansing~L 63' per line over 4 lines ■ per insertion. BECAUSE OF the great accep¬ rooms, balcony. Negotiable price, female, J of QUALITY DAIRY 332-2498. 5-7-1 131 '165 plus unities month. 321 6366 aft„, ' 'Round Town ads • 4 lines - '2.50 - per insertion. VW CAMPER 1966 poptop, AM tance 2 6-27 (3i FM tape, fully camper equip. $995. BAKERY we are now accepting * 63' per line over 4 lines. COZY FURNISHED one bedroom one bedroom unfurnished Call after six, 694-0177. 4-7-1 (31 applications again for cake deco¬ * G.E. NEAR FRANDOR. lost ( Founds ads/Transportation ads - 3 lines - '1.50 - rators and baker production work¬ in Lansing. Includes utilities and appliances 213 a * Francis. Available July parking. $165/month. 482 9226. Fully carpeted 2,1 per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. ers, on the day and night shifts. * Air, drapes nished. utilities included no Please, no phone calls. Apply at 3-6-27 (41 if * Clean, quiet. 882 9347 500 East Saginaw. Lansing. 3-6-27 adjacent to new county park 473] EAST LANSING. 241 North Harri HARLEY DAVIDSON. 1960 74 (8) Deadlines TV AND stereo rentals $25/term. son. Quiet efficiency. $150 sum LAKE LANSING Part, Mall panhead. completely chopped, $10.95 month. Call NEJAC 337 mer; $165 fall. 332 5144 2 6 24 (3) pus close Carpeted one bedl DELIVERY MAN wanted. Must Ads - 2 p.m. -1 class day before publication. $2600 or best offer 484 0132. 1010. C-4-6-29 112) air. Summer leases SI551 have own car. Apply at LITTLE 339-8192 Cancellation ^Change - 1 p.m. - 1 class day before 5 7 1 (3) ONE OR two men needed for 6920 X 6 7 6 131 CAESARS Friday at 4 p.m. 2-6-24 publication. HONDA CB 100 1971 rebuilt. apartment, close to campus. 332- 655-3085 Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or until after 1st insertion. changed Needs minor work, $175. 482 AVON-GET ready for college tui¬ 1 Variants llyl 4432. X 8 7-8 131 NEAR MSU, 2 bedroom cot ly furnished apartment, s™ 9596 after 6:30 p.m. 3-6 29 13) AVAILABLE AUGUST or Sep lease. Greatly reduced BRENTWOOD, EAST Lansing rateg There is a *1.00 charge for I ad change plus 50' per additional change for maximum of 3 changes. tion, Excellent earnings, flexible hours. 482 6893. C-4-6-29 (3) near, 2 bedroom unfurnished, Only a few left!! tember, furnished, utilities for grad student who needs quiet and is 337 1507 or 361 4420 ai 4-7-1 (51 Aito Service "/ available immediatelv. Carpeted, quiet. Whole third floor, residen The State News will only be responsible for the 1st day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must L JUNK CARS wanted. We pay BABYSITTER IN my through July. Mon.-Wed.-Fri. home air conditioning, carport. $195, Phone 351-7633 or 669-3513. 5-7-1 Waters Edge tial neighborhood, west end of campus, $150. 351-4636. 4-7-1 (7) FEMALE summer term. ROOMMATE 1 more if they run. Also buy used mornings, Tues.-Thur. until 3 p.m. 161 • Reduced Summer rent Okemosap be made within 10 days of expiration date. 349 1841 3 6 29131 cars and trucks. 489 3080. C-4-6- Must drive, references. 349-3083 From '160 Bills ore due 7 doys from ad expiration date. If not ONE AND two bedrooms in 29 (14) 8-7-11 14) FEMALE NEEDED to share 2 • Two ond lour mon modern eight unit. Furnished and NO LEASE, duplex paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will bedroom townhouse in Lansing, unfurnished. Call 372-0297. 8-7 11 (™„, be due. apartments $100'month. $100 deposit I BABYSITTER-COOK. Monday, $117.50/month plus utilities. Call We Deliver \ • Walk to campus ties, 351 7068 6 77 131 Tuesday, Thursday afternoons. 349-0569. 2-6-24 141 Service! 351 3364, evenings. 2-6-27 (3) 1050 Water s Edge MALE TO share one large bed IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Large 513HILLCREST Townsl Take your American 2 bedroom, unfurnished, on 10$ (next to Cedar Village) room apartment. Air, lease in fall, 1 -bedroom, quiet; 3 blocks FREE ROOM/board for female in $100'month. 351-4326. 2 6 27 13) Brightly furnished, air. d Automotive 'A Automotive compact or subcompact return for child care/housekeep¬ bus line. Call after noon. 332-2739, 332-4433 er, brand new carpeting, Z-2-6-24 13) ing. 337-2274. 5-7-6 13) WOMAN TO share apartment, doors Unfurnished fui CAMARO 1975. 30.000 miles, VERY NEAT efficiency. One own room, across from campus. from $180 Need manager 1. GREMLIN 1975. Floor shift, over¬ RESIDENT COUNSELOR/Mana- ONE FEMALE wanted, beautiful white wall tires, AM FM stereo, block, carpeted, furnished, utilities ■$95/month. 332-2795 evenings. Also handyman 3514212 drive. radio plus snow tires. 23,000 ger for 16 mentally handicapped apartment, close to campus. Rent side molding, power steering/ included. Lee, 351-8800; 351-0443 5-7-6 (3) 1022. 0-3-6-29 181 miles. 349-2162; 355-3335 3-6-27 women and men in an active negotiable, call 351-6294, 2-6-24 brakes. $2900 332-8817. 8-7-8 (41 after 6:45 pm. 6-7-6 (3) (41 _ _ developmental program of group _ LANDCRUISER 1976-10,000 community living. Degree and SUBLET ROOM in nice house, NICE HALF apartment. Excellent CHEVROLET NOVA 1969 SS 350, miles. Hubs, radio, Tuff-Kote. experience preferred also super¬ East Lansing. $60/month, 337- location, student preferred. $75/ automatic, new brakes, fast, reli¬ able, $425. 694-0065. 1-6-24 (3) $5,000 or best offer. 351-7389. 8-7-8 (3) visory and program development skills. Salary $8000-$9000 plus 0291. 2-6-24 13) month. 489-7085. 8-7-8 (3) Don't Miss Summe apartment, meals other fringe MEN WOMEN (Etoptfunglp MERCURY MONTEREY 1970. In- benefits. Contact Pamela Fuhrig CHEVROLET IMPALA 1970. Au¬ terior excellent, power steering, tomatic, V-8, air, regular gas. air, automatic. 355-0877 after 6 Director, MOORE LIVING CEN¬ WORK OVERSEAS!! at 332 1700. B-1-6-22 (3) BL-6-29 (2) TER, 1401 Edgewood, Lansing, p.m. Days 353-3248, Tom. $450. 48910. 393-4442. 6-7-7 (14) Australia—Europe—Japan—The South Pacific 4620 South Hagtdorn Rd. X-4-6J9 14) Far East—South America—Central America FORD MAVERICK 1974, 2 door, THE SMALL CAR PEOPLE ASSISTANT MANAGER - Free {North of Mi. Hope) standard. 31,000 miles, A-1 condi¬ OPEL MANTA 1974. 24 28 mpg. OVER 100 COUNTRIES one bedroom apartment and all tion. $1775. 355-6090. 3-6-27 (31 42,000 miles, great condition. $1900. See at Meijers lot, South ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace utilities paid for a man and wife ALL OCCUPATIONS—skilled—unskilled—U.S. Gov¬ team to work part-time. Work Pennsylvania, weekdays 7-4 p.m. your conventional ignition with a ernment Private Corporations and Organizations. CUTLASS SUPREME 1974, includes all phases of apartment 8-7-8 (5) Piranha electronic ignition at Construction—Engineering—Sales—Transportation- 38,000 miles, automatic, power. CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN rentals and maintenance. May ★ Luxury apartments completely funii: Stereo, cruise, rustproofed. Excel¬ Teaching—Oil Refining—Medical—Accounting—Man¬ lent condition, 351-8763. 5-7-6 (4) PACER 1975. Automatic, bucket seats, tinted windows, radio. CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama¬ have other employment. No child¬ ren, no dogs. HERITAGE ARMS ufacturing—Secretarial—Aircraft, etc., etc., S800.00 with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean fu zoo Street, one mile west of 349-2162 or 355-3335. 3-6-27 13) APARTMENTS. 3031 S. Washing- to $5,000.00 per month. iture and shag carpeting throughout. campus. 487-5055. C-4-6-29 128) CUTLASS S 1971 2-duor. 45,000 i, Lansing. 393-3410. 5-7-6 (10) miles, buckets. V-8 automatic. In most jobs overseas you will receive FREE TRANS¬ PORTATION, HIGHER SALARIES and WAGES. TRAVEL Rustproofed, original owner. 351- 4123. 2-6-27 (4) Rabbit SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE!! Plus Many SALE PAY, GENEROUS VACATION and BONUS, FREE MED¬ ICAL CARE. FREE MEALS and HOUSING, more AD¬ ★ Each unit has posal, central dishwasher, garbage aircoiiditioningand heating. LEAPS Motobecane "Grand Jubilee" $293 $269.00 VANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES. NO U.S. INCOME TAX under the Government Foreign SMP POLICY PROCESSOR FROM 0-50 Bndgestone Kabuki "Super Light" $174 $159.00 BRC "Gallant Sport" Resident Rule (civil service excluded). ★ Swimming Pool and private balconies IN ONLY $148 $128.00 To allow anyone the opportunity to explore overseas BRC "Pro" $174 $155.00 Full or port-time position 7.7 SECONDS. employment we have published a complete set of available for experienced OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT GUIDES. Our OVERSEAS EM¬ Centurion "Super LeMans" $210 $185.00 Special Multi-Peril Policy Pro¬ ask about our limited PLOYMENT GUIDES contain the following informa¬ Call 3SI-TI66 cessor. Salary commensurate lilt tim ram! Orion "500" $163 $145.00 with experience. Contoct Auto- on all internal lubricated tion... Owners Gitane "600" $189 $169.00 •List of CURRENT OVERSEAS JOB OPPORTUNITIES with Personnel Dept., engine ports Phone: 323-1400 or send resume Cook Herriman Motobecane "Le Champion" $580 $530.00 a special taction on overseas construction projects, executive positions and teaching opportunities. vw volvo mazda w Bridgestone Kabuki "Super Disc" $147 $115.00 •How, Where and Whom to apply for the job of your AIIT04WNMS Blanchi Folding Bike $89 $69.00 choice OVERSEAS Bargain Hunters' Special Rate •FIRMS and ORGANIZATIONS employing oil types of Insurance Company '■«« wurmi bus' to DLX Reversible Windbreaker Jackets $33 $19.00 Personnel In nearly every part of the Free World. Dream for Summer downtown lansino and (SALE ENDS JUNE 22. 1977) 6101 Anacapri Blvd. mm daily. •Firms and organizations engaged in OVERSEAS CON¬ for summei STRUCTION PROJECTS, MANUFACTURING, MINING, Lonsing, Mi. 48917 An Equal We Now Have Velocipede OIL REFINING, ENGINEERING. SALES. SERVICES. TEACHING. SECRETARIAL, AIRCRAFT, ETC. I Lowest prices in town for large clean 2 Just across $ Opportunity Employer Peddler •COMPANIES and GOVERNMENT AGENCIES employ¬ ing personnel in nearly every occupation, from the un¬ bedroom units. furnished from campus. I 541E. Grand River 551-7240 skilled laborer to the collage trained professional I furnished 1 S 1 1,2 & 3 bedroom Located Below Paramount News in East Lansing •Hbw and Where to apply for OVERSEAS GOVERN¬ room opts. Air. unfurnished opts, MENT JOBS I peted, balconies. •Employment on U.S. Government ships "MERCHANT Immediate some with study CEDAR MARINES" •Directory of U.S. Businesses operating in AUSTRALIA that Occupancy Immediate I Occupancy | employ Americans. from $185, GREENS •List of U.S. DEFENSE CONTRACTORS OVERSEAS THAT EMPLOY Americans I •Information about TEMPORARY ond SUMMER JOBS with operations ONLY *180 NOW LEASING FOR SOMBER and FALL OVERSEAS I *I6000 Efficiencies| JOIN the gang at SPECIAL SUMMER RATES •Plus several EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORMS KNOB HILL that you may sand directly to the COMPANIES or OR¬ Per Month *135 Burcham Woods D FURNISHED APARTMINTt GANIZATIONS that Interest you the most I APARTMENTS D 2 PERSON UNITS MAIL OUR ORDER FORM TODAY 11 D ONE RIDROOM UNITS The Job You Wont May Be Waiting For You Right Now I Office Open Beechwood D AIR CONDITIONING * Heated 10-5 Monday-Saturday D SWIMMING POOL ORDER FORM Apartments pool * Air conditioning or by appointment MAIL TO: Overseas Employment Guides * Tennis courts 444 Michigar 1727 SCOTT ROAD. SUITE C * Ample parking ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES 349 4700 BURBANK, CA. 91S04 . * Nicely furnished - I am enclosing $10.04 cosh, chock or money order. Pleose send me 351-2798 I bedroom units >150 located for rental information your comploto sot of OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT CUIOES Immodiotoly NAME 332.5421 ADDRESS % mile north 745 Burcham of jolly rd. onokemosrd. 551-8631 CITY. STATE ZIP. 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE II you ore dissatisfied with our Overseas lor ony reason, simply return our Guides to us within 30 (also leasing for Fall) (also leasing fori please, no pets TI35 Michigan Ave. Right not to the days and $10.00 will be refunded 351-3118 E. Lansing, ML Brody Complex your QUESTIONS ASKED. to you immediately NO nV,hi«nn Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michioon Friday, June 24, 1977 13 I »■« ;jfl l I frsht ii51 L Animals J*] | R.cr.itiH l[jj c TO East Lansing, one and SUMMER or longer. Mature grad NEAR MSU, two bedrooms. Mjroom apartments for sum- Ap¬ TWO UNIT house, 5 bedrooms GIRLS SINGLE rooms. 3 blocks to fall, furnished or un- k' Pr°^S™al ,0 share rural pliances, garage, large fenced total. 635 Mifflin, parking. 6375. Union. No kitchen, quiet. Phone FREE KITTENS-AII 5 of them are LEARN TO Ride at a friendly house^332 3092. 2-6-24 (3) yard. 6200 plus utilities. 371-1902 adorable, litter trained and 2 stable with small classes for more l? village apts., Oke- FOUR BEDROOM days. 6-7-6 14) 485-4917, lease-deposit. 8-7-11 13) 351-5076 after 5 p.m. Z-3-6-27 (3) months old. Pick up yours today at personal attention. Hunt, seat, r.j afternoons and evening. completely fur¬ 1912 Holly Way. Lansing. 393- jumping and dressage. $7.00/hour. nished including "EAST LANSING. Summer sublet. EYE GLASSES at 7.77-816) appliances and IDEAL HOME for family with small 4 bedroom duple*, 6200/6250. EAST LANSING room for sum¬ large savings. 1794. S-2-6-24 Call HI HOPES FARM. 663-8036. dishes, fenced yard, 3 miles to mer. Reduced to $50. Call EQUITY Why pay more? OPTICAL DIS children. Conviently located for 8-7-8 (6) campus on bus line. 6400/month CLAUCHERTY REALTY, 351- VEST. 484-9472. 0-2-6-24 (4) COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, Lan- August 1st t0 June 3o,h 37,. MSU and downtown Lansing. 2 5300; evenings, 332-5900. X-3-6- sing, 372-7409. C-4-6-29 (16) 1 Mobile Homes If" SUMMER, fall option, "094. 3-6-27 |6) bedrooms down, one up. 372- 9576. 8-7 8 (51 2714) SINGLE ROOM for refined gentle¬ man. Fine location. No cooking. 1974 CROWN Haven, sharp, 15 | Service |[A^ air conditioned, rent LANSING EAST side, houses, 3 minutes to MSU, two bedrooms, FREE...A Lesson in tollable, 351-5303; 351- 76-2713I and 4 bedroom furnished. Close to bus route. Call Chris, 484-2164. CHRISTIAN HOUSE needs men. 675/month. Across from Cherrv [ Rooms _ R IV2-8304 after 5 p.m. 3-6-29 (3) TWO BLOCKS, own furnished Looking for television? We o new carry stereo or these and bath and a half. Awning, skirting and shed, drapes and kitchen care. or complexion Call 484-4519 East Michigan 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE 5-7-1 (4) Lane. Call 351-7844. 3-6-27 (31 LARGE ROOM in fine house. many more items including appliances. Nice lawn, $6900 or room, cooking, $50. 269 Milford. NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. TO campus. Large 4 Available summer for fall. Must camping and musical equip¬ best offer, 694-3688. 3-6-27 (61 339-2961 after 5:30 p.m. 5-7-6 (3) C-4-6-29 (18) - house. 2 baths, on FIVE AND Si* bedroom furnished CHRISTIAN HOUSE " "needs see. Prefer grad or professional. ment, bicycles and sporting —1 Reduced for sum homes for fall term, two blocks women. 675/month. Across from goods, furniture, jewelry, and EQUITY 24161 vest, 484-9472. from campus. Call Craig Gibson and leave message, 627 9773. Akers. Call 351-7844. 3-6-27 13) 337-1495. 4-6-29 14) ROOM IN large house. $60/- COUNTRY LIVING close to pus. Summer only, $80/month. cam¬ small appliances. Stop by and see us for a bargain. jjummage&l7]r<^! FOR QUALITY stereo service,THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. C-4-6-29 (12) Must like dogs. Sharon, 337- JUNE 24th 9:00-3:00. Back door of Z-10-7-13 I5I LANSING EAST side, 3 bedroom, month. Unfurnished, kitchen and 0090. 6 7-7 (4) 303 Oakhill, East Lansing.TV, re¬ reduced rates for summer SIDE 3 month lease, 3 349 main rooms shared. 332-6441. frigerator, clothes, and much more EQUITY LOAN - if you are buying $180'month. 4 bedroom CAMPUS CLOSE, one girt need¬ 1540. 3-6-27 (31 8-7-8 13) EAST LANSING, parking, refri¬ 2-6-24 (4) your home on a mortgage or own -oath Call Joe Miller, AIM ed, real nice house, washer dryer SUMMER ONLY, 922 Eureka, 2 gerator. Single rooms. 332-5791 Dicker and Deal your home free and clear, ask ^2800 or 332-6741. 0-3-6- 690. Call 676-4819. 5-7-1 {41 story, 4 bedrooms. 6220/month CLEAN, QUIET, no cooking, close to campus, parking, $65/month. after 5 p.m. weekends anytime. YARD SALE - June 25th-26th, 9 about our equity loan. Borrow FIVE PERSON, 6325, 2 blocks to Call 485-8615. 6-7-7 (31 3-6-29 (3) a.m.-6 p.m., 1931 Raby Rd. Has- against your equity to consolidate 351-0631. 1-6-24(3) lett. Clothes, books, tools, house¬ your bills, make major home - 3 bedroom furnished Union, available immediately also 214 CHARLES Street. Single hold goods, car and curios. 1-6-24 improvements, take that long fall. 332 3691. 8-7-8 (31 EAST LANSING Summer. 2 FARMHOUSE IN Mason. Room "wih finished attic, 1% - rooms, cooking, parking. 351- awaited vacation, or for any other rooms in house. Negotiable. Call for rent formal dining room, fire- immediately. Call after 7 5847. 1-6-24 (3) good purpose. Call FIRST NA¬ FEMALE WANTED to share 332-3667; 351-2831 after 6 p.m. 676-5429. 6-7-7 (3) 100 USED garage Includes regrigera- large in house on Grove Street. p.m. VACUUM cleaners. FURNITURE, HOUSEWARES and TIONAL BANK OF EAST LAN awe and washer. 8 minutes room 690 for summer-close-351 -6456. 8-7J2(3)_ NEED FEMALE to share room in TWO ROOMS for summer, fe¬ Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. small appliances. Sat-Sun, 10-5 SING. 351-2660 and ask for Mr. uSi 482 9226. 3-6-27 161 males. Large yard, close, pets Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 p.m. Kings Point North, 1850 McDonald. 0-1-6-24 (12) S-5-7-1 131 TWO BEDROOM, large lot, $150. nice house at 435 MAC. Call Kay, and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING Abbott Road. 1-6-24 (4) 713 South Foster. Parking, lease- 351-3783, furnished porch. 2-6-24 welcome, 253 Stoddard. 332-5275. FURNISHED, 4 bedroom, COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, SEEKING TO do errands, odd EAST LANSING, 3 bedrooms, 236 deposit. 485-4917. 8-7-11 13) i month-summer. Fall option opposite City Market. C-4-6-29 JUNE 25, 26 9-6 p.m. Piano. $275 jobs, light housekeeping for senior Collingwood. 6250 summer 6400 339 2961 after 6 p.m. 8-7 8 I24| fall. 332-5144. 2-6-24 I3I SHARE HOME, 1 large bedroom for couple. Fireplace, garage, rent GIRLS: CARPETED, furnished, free laundry, dishwahser, reason¬ I for Sale ~|fc] _ _ SLR CAMERA Outfit - Black, or best offer, stereo, household items. 128 Orchard, East Lansing. citizens or handicapped, $3.50/ hour, 487-0553. 7-7-8 (4) Phone 332-1360. 1-6-24 (4) negotiable. 2 blocks campus. 351 able. Campus near. 332-1946. MARSHALL MUSIC Inventory 28mm, 50mm, 200mm lenses, 2566. 8-7-11 (41 0-2-6-24 (4) flash, 2X, 3X converters, case, CAMPUS Clearance Sale. Runs to June Instruction ^ SPARROW NEXT door, students, nurses, five bedrooms, decorated, ROOM IMMEDIATELY, garden, 30th, Bargains in Every Depart¬ ment! 245 Ann Street, East Lan¬ bag, L843-2793 _1 624J4| 1975 MARTIN D35. Best sounding [ Real Estate jfSft: WRIT ING CONSULTANT 9 years HILL carpeted, consider capable resi¬ lake darkroom, animals, near cam¬ pus. 351-6643, 4-7 p.m. 3-6-27 (3) sing. C-4-6-29 1181 guitar in Lansing, not a scratch, WALNUT HILLS Country Club - experience in professional editing, $600. Also Yamaha FG 160, $100. 2000 square foot, 4 bedroom, writing skill instruction. 337-1591. dent manager. Call 351-8810 or COMIC BOOKS, Science fiction, 694;9315, callalter 5 p.m. 4-7-1 (4) English cottage. Loaded with 0-2-6-24 (3) after 5 p.m., 351-0676. 3-7-1 161 MENS SINGLE rooms, close to baseball cards, much morel! 'IBtdrooms goodies. A must see home! Call campus. Quiet, parking. No kitch¬ CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP. HITACHI AM-FM 8 track. 30 wait, ' furnished Apts. Paul Coady, MUSSELMAN PIANO TEACHER seeks students en. Phone 351-5076 after 5 p.m. 307 East Grand River, 332-0112. two speakers, perfect condition, free Roommate Service Summer Leases Z-3-6-27 (4) • (open 11:30-6 p.m.) C-4-6-29 (20) $90. 365-6189.J-6-24J3I REALTY, 332-3582,351-8058. C-4- Experienced, certified. Evenings 7-1 125) persistently, 332-6089. 4-6-29 (3) "Oisfiwashers Don'lbe deserted 1 PANASONIC AM-FM 8-track. 40 He Ik ONE PERSON needed for own MID-MICHIGAN'S largest dealer watt with 2 speakers, wood finish, Check out COLONIAL 3-bedroom, 2% baths, SUMMER: GUITAR, banjo, 'Central Air Conditioning 252 River Street room, very close to campus. $200 in quality used stereo equipment, $95. Perfect condition. Call 355- COLLINGWOOD APTS 11 rent for term. 337-2546. 2-6-24 (3) TV's, CB's, cameras, vintage elec¬ 2230 square feet, formal living and dolin, fiddle, harmonica, auto-harp CMvYiiw Aprtwits •Swimming Pool 1390 E.Grand River tric and acoustic guitars and 6180.J-6-24J4I dining areas, family room with and voice classes. Two summer 'Delimited Parking BEDROOM, $14/week. Share bal¬ amps. New Sure Vocalmaster PA SANYO COMPACT refrigerator. fireplace. Professionally land¬ terms; starting June 27 and Au¬ tinrS* Aprtneits gust 1. Reduced summer rates ance of modern home in Perry. systems, mikes and accessories. Ten weeks use, $80 355-0965. scaped. 15 minutes from MSU and 'Pleasant Landscaping etir conditioned 204 River Street Prefer woman grad student over , downtown. By owner, 669-3030 register early at ELDERLY New and used rifles and shotguns, 1JJ4I3I hrwMJ AprtRMts 35. Phone 625-7070. 3-6-27 (5) after 5 p.m. 8-7 11 (7) INSTRUMENTS SCHOOL OF 'Special 12month rates ♦ dishwasher tools, sporting goods, jewelry, 1330 E.Grond River SEWING MACHINE SALE! Open FOLK MUSIC. 541 E. Grand River. bicycles, typewriters. Also 500 ♦ shag carpeting ARthCM AprtRMtS WOMAN TO share 3 bedroom used 8-track tapes, $1.00 each. arm Dressmaster. Stretch tig-tag ORGANIC MINI-Farm. Haslett 332 4331. C 4-6-29 (37) FREE BUS ♦ unlimited parking 1121 Victor Street luxury duplex, close to MSU, bus. Over 1000 recycled stereo albums. by White, $119.50. While they last. school district. 4 acres, pole barn. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING ♦ plush furniture 351-7887 days, 332-0319 after six. BUY, SELL, TRADE. WILCOX Many extras. 675-7295. 8-7-8 (3) RIDING INSTRUCTION. Hunt, SERVICE ♦ model open daily Main Office 3-6-27 (4) TRADING POST, 509 East Michi¬ COMPANY. 1115 North Washing¬ ton. 489-6448 C-2-6-27 I23) seat, and dressage. Transportation Model Open 9-9 gan, Lansing. 485-4391 C-4-R-b9 LAKE OF The Hills-Super water¬ available for Thursday evening Now leasing for FEMALES, ROOMS in country front location, air conditioned, one classes. WILLOWPOND STA Everyday Fall 332-5322 ranch. Horse and dog welcome. 625-7780 or 339-9711. 2-6-24 (3) WOMAN'S 10 speed bicycle, 19" frame, used once, $90. 332-1230. ; Animals |!>$( bedroom condo. Enjoy the con¬ venience of the pools, golf course, BLES. 676-9799. 4-7-1 (5t leasing far Summer t Fall Call 351 -8212 Capitol Villa Apartments 8-7-8- (31 ENGLISH SETTER pups, AKC, bus service. Priced at only $24,500 EDITING FOR Theses or other (behind Old World Mall EAST LANSING-male close to ready for fall hunting, guaranteed Call Millie Knapp, 669-5430 or writing, cheap, by Harvard lin¬ UU 349-3530 on the river I) Union, $14/week, 332-0205, 443 to hunt. 676-5429 after 7 p.m. LONG REALTY, 694-1121. 3-6-27 guistics student. 337-0182. 6-7-8 Grove Street. 3-6-27 (3) 6-7-7 (31 (8) THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★ Save Time ★ Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you BICYCLE SHOP COUNSELING GOLF COURSE CHILORENS SHOES ARTS & CRAFTS BAKERY PROBLEM & CMcholm Hills BlhTHDAYCAKH PREGNANCY UNION Baking is our Business I 372-1560 24 Hours I1 Oetf Course 2397 5. BUILDING * Hand decorated cakes Washington Rd. OLD TOWN ARTS < CRAFTS $VU 400 QUALITY BIKES MARITAL Antiques, gifts Lovert BARBER * All occasion cakes GREEN FEES Custom mode jewelry. * 'VimmfIm INrM, HAM.Cft.) PROBLEMS? 1 9 holes • *2.50 everywhere SHOP Cookies, donuts, and other 1 Craft Classes goodies 1'ltlGH-COLUMBIA NEED TO TALK? 18 hol«t • *4.00 RK Products * Cakes delivered to your dorm Infants and Children's SHOKS Complete line of mocrome C ire leaking!* Botobecano ■ Puch All Day *6.00 or apartment (payment due Quolily 10 ipMdl Ol CATHOLIC bead »uppliet your •Layer Cuts when delivered) SOCIAL Make reserved Tee Time • Orthopedic Shi Always accepting original art •Latest Styling for Sat., Sun. & Holidays • Tap and Ballet work on consignment. wedding eervtee "Women's Haircuts (972 Northwind Dr. SERVICES • P.F. Flyers 2415 N. Cedar, Holt Let Theu Knew KWAST BAKMMIS -Call 694-0169on Thurs¬ 8 - 5:30 Mon. - Fri. tost of Hofedam Rd.) 'Can Help' • House 694-3102 fa the Yellow Paget 355-3369 484-1317 days for reservations. Slippers 44m Drfte. (0*m*f - Anfct) '5WI. S. Lai: 4M8X2 Call 372-4020 "Carolyn' 155 - 8255 Mon.-Frl. 7:00-5:3. a*V"?47 oeehb FOR SALE TRAVEL HEALTH FOOD PIED OF BARS? .<• RIFLES ZOOM IN ON 10% DISCOUNT Where can 7*NASA SINGLES! BUSINESS I to all MSU yea get advertising for 'S.OO/week? V ,dg^s of ill kinds. ADVERTISE WEEKLY on or students purchasas of $2 mora, yogurts COLLEGE TRAVEL IN and broods oxdudod KST Dannon Yogurt 31* Yssr'round prim OFFICE THE in Southern Miction. 130 W. Grand River 11 BUSINESS RANDALL HEALTH FOOD |*w ALTERNATIVE Call Carolyn mmm 241! soutn c*nar C«l 371-2244 East Lansing 351-6010 DIRECTORY 355-8255 Brookfield Plata 1311 E. Grand Rivar CoiuAMi A 337*4843 355-8255 wa nuy. trad* * ml. tHI TIAVII MOHSSIOflAlS' 332-6892 AIITO SERVICE FURNITURE OPTOMETRIST JEWELRY MUSIC I^ARTAN ffler KID'S ACMIIHMM CO. Mattresses & Box Springs CO-OPTICAL Unique Wedding Rings at center PARKER JEWELRY made here in Lansing SERVICES AUTO PARTS, twin »49" ploys Jozz, Dock. Polka's. Waltzoi. deatUaaktfiOnlr Ballads 8 Latin. 5. 6 or 7 Caipamlii Optkd) ■MWIW MC. double »59" Dr. J. R. Nixon, Optometrisf pieces. Professional appearance. 20% Odd sixas to ordar • EYES EXAMINED • Quality Diamond Selection ot Professional sound. ent discount LATE MODEL Reasonable Prices CALL BAY KAY FOft i °n ail work MOTORS AND • GLASSES Jl la Mm • Wedding Ring Sets TAP! AUDITION. Acme Bedding Co. • CONTACT LENS YIUOWPAMS • Bridal Gifts Imthi.d. FARTS A SPECIALITY 694-2154 405 Charry C Kalamazoo ISS1E. Grand River lll-IUI • We're Engraving Specialists Days: 373-5200,373-5726 Alter 5 8 Weekends: Pennsylvania Halfway batwaan Holt A Mason on M. Cadar Phono 4S7-4995 BreekfMd Plata Ask for Caretya 484*3332 482-6513 ■J«7-9332 311 • 5330 TOBACCONIST STEREO REPAIR RESTAURANTS JEWELRY CATERING SERVICE NOW HEAA THIS FROM THE TOP HINGE THE COMPLETE AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR! WEDDING SERVICE M.S.U. THE GRAPE VINE JEWELRY: Orange Blossom Union Catering •CigarttUby:• Woke* A**- ) Offers you three ot life's pleasures - good 1 Gold FaUtton An Carved 'Catering Specialists'' SkerMfl - DnnUU - Sebraiee 'Pipa Tobaccoi by food, good epirfu, end good service. AU ( GIFTS 'Wedding Receptions professional audio found in a warm country freih atmosphere! ^ CUsiom Picture Framing 'Breakfasts, Luncheons, 1T78 - Three Star • and 26 Bed Dear repair Dinners Lunch Mon.-Sol. 11:30-2:30 —sr • Three full • timt professionally •Bar Set-ups INUVC • trained technicians Compute YELLOW PAGES Dinner Mon.-Thurs. 5:00-10:00 'Take-out Service ®""*1 >*■ 4waM tbal Fri. and Sol. 5:00-11:00 iWCLNY and / 'Meeting Rooms and •%MU aakbf b 4-C"~ » r— Advertise Today I &TC2N1 Loaner amplifiers available Equipment Open Sunday The Grape Vine Open Thursday Evenings Call Carolyn l^ttijoLeLL's^^^® ShojD SSS K. (IRANI) KIVFK 337-1314 3758 E.Graad River 319 E. Grand River Ave. 355 6255 E. Leasing, 337-1701 East Lansing, Michigan 355-3465 Is Your Business Listed Here? - Call Carolyn 355-8255 ] 4 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigon Fri<*°y. June 24 , OPEN AT 1:00 P.M. iTypH! Service Ifcli °a/a LIVE AT DOOLEYS OF EAST LANSING Two Disney Hits Matinee Daily! UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS com- U^ ^ Ashore or afloat, plele dissertation and resume service, IBM typing, editing, multi- lith offset printing, typesetting and binding. We encourage compara ^ Recfea,ional Volleyball Club Feminist Self-Defense Karate Everyone is invited to join they're rocking IIWLTDISNEKr^ sp0nsors open volleyball Sunday Association offers live shopping. For estimate, stop at ,, a m beginning Michigan 4-H Youth in 4-H Action upstairs court Wo. classes in Korean Karate 4 to 5:15 Q; O in at 2843 East Grand River or Day, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday in mer,.s |M phone 332-8414. 0-4-6-29 (321 ... p.m. Tuesday and Thursdays Wo¬ men's IM Fencing Room. Spartan Stadium. g-s COPVGRAPH SERVICE complete dissertation and resume service. Tri-County Regional Planninq commission's clean water meet Public relations skills? Get some Tutors needed for reading and 1° ing 7.30 p,m, July 7, Waverly West practical experience. Special re¬ math, ages K through 12. Contact CT 5T?J? ! 8:30 5:30 Monday-Friday. . j «->'■ 337- Jr' Hi9h Auditorium 620 Snow quest positions for 3 to 5 hours a 26 Student Services Bldg. 1666 C 4-6 29 (16) Ro_ri week available, 26 Student Ser- S8 Interested in consumer affairs? iTi O Co-rec IM sports team entries TYPING. EXPERIENCED. Fast and deadline is noon today. Games Volunteers are needed to research reasonable. 371-4635. C-4-6-29 start Tuesday. and mediate complaints. Contact (121 26 Student Services Bldg. ANN BROWN PRINTING AND TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, [___ l[36J Episcopalians! Celebrate Eu Original Okinawa Karate Club is charist at Patriarche Park 5 p.m. general printing. Serving MSU for CASH FOR LP'S and cassettes, holding beginning and advanced 27 years with complete theses pav up to $2 each, will pick up, Sunday. Cookout follows. Rain or karate classes this term, 5 p.m. service. 349-0850. C-4-6-29 (191 676-4891, Dave. 351-2593, Dick. shine! Call Marita Choquette (staff Mondays and Thursdays 218 3-6-27 (3) directory) for details. Women's IM. ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ ing theses, manuscripts, term PoiiNH TOWM- TodayOptn 7:00 PM papers. Evenings, 675-7544. C-4-6- 29(12) VU 1 U ' U W ™ STATE JOHN RUMMER Faolura at 7:3S Sot. I Sun, Faolu,. 1:35 3:35 ■ 9:35 opan 1:00pu ■ EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ PHONI Tuesday June 28 . . 5:30.,;1M J NEWS VV()(1[ sertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN. 489-0358. C-4-6-29 (12) 355-8255 Dooley's I, CLASSIFIED ai 11 N 9& 11pm A itali I HANI | Transportation s3s bingo TUESDAY night, 7:30 p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Bird Kl ALL iM WANTED: RIDE from Grand Ra- starts at 7 p.m. [( NY Regular at 7:30 pids to Lansing, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Minimum age 18. SHAAREY l« HT looking lof logo. Send Is o now dl®% oil ontrioi lo 325 Stu. Sendees Bldg. by tsv M§ SPONSORED BY Joly 111 at 4 p.m. Wlnnor golt 2 froo by Garry Trudeau poiioi to concort of hli choico (Poll T«rm) (t)»VJIAMV(CBSM'2W^X-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Cablo) (I2)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) -v, leonard woodcock! i justcantGet over m r\ mrever could have : teu,sir.mmm because mr. woodcocks career has been one of great ■ h . honen, all labor leaders are sensitive to the working class! thau but dipnt he that's the takeonihe bks three/ ^ POSSESSED CARTER TO V sensitivity to the pu6ht how they avoid ■ gang of and next to r the working class! .1\ belonging to 3 three, you people, FRIDAY 5:00 Review Festival AFTERNOON (6) Cunsmoke 8:30 10:30 12:00 (10) Emergency Onel (10) Rockford Files (23) Mark Russell I (,.il) New. (12) Emergency Onel (23) Wall Street Week 11:00 ■ io) Shoot For th* Stars (23) AAlster Rogers' 9:00 I (23) Firing Neighborhood (6-10-12) News llna^ (11)Cabletronic 11 News (23) Masterpiece Theatre (23) Bix Lives 11:30 y~"nm FRIDAY 9:30 (6) Movie EVENING (10) Quincy "The Couple Takes a Wife" L Search for T°morr°w (12) Movie (10) Johnny Carson 5:30 110) Chico and the Man (H)Cabletronic II News "Hands ol the Ripper" (12) Mary Hartman, Mary llyon's Hope 10:00 Hartman 1:00 (23) Electric Company 6:00 (23) International Animation (23) ABC News g)Young and the Restless (6-10-12) News ID) Cong Show ,2) A|| My Children (11) Video Tape Network MSU SHADOWS Presents TV AAadness 8)Point Along with Noncy (23) Look At Me by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: 3:30 7:30. ■ (offlinlky |)AitheWorldTurns PINBALL PETE'S 10) Doctors 12) One Life to Live 8 Block Journol 2:00 6:40 U) {20.000 Pyramid (11) Alger Hiss on American 8) Latino Consortium Diplomacy 2:30 |f)Cuiding light 10) Doctors 12) One Life to Live 8 Attack Heart Attack 3:00 0) All in the Family It) Another World 8) Jan is Alive and Well 3:15 I!) General Hospital 3:30 IjMatch Came 0)lilias, Yoga and You 4:00 |)0ullwlnkle 10) Scrambled Eggs liflanonia 1 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan ^aMune24, „77 We'll be open Saturday from IT 8 to 4p.m. to help with your book buying needs. as® ISU BOOKSTORE I domsec C*AULX Well be open from 8 - 4 p.m. Sat., June 25, 1977, with a complete selection of summer term textbooks, all on the official MSU booklist. Come in and choose from both new & used books. INVENTORY SALE MANY HEMS ON SALE THRUOUT IHE STORE STOP IN AND BROWSE Lower Level of the International HUB "/«(»«emltro/eampw In the Center of Campus. ■MS Center.