VOLUME 71 1 NUMBER 98 MONDAY, JUNE 27,1977 Smoke kills inmates in Tennessee fire . Br JOHN NOLAN He said part of the delay came because as criminal LajMBIA, Tenn. (AP) - Forty-two persons, most of them investigator Jerry Dickey ran from the front office to the cells with the keys County jail inmates, died Sundsy sfternoon in a smoky fleeing visitors bumped him and knocked the keys from his hand. #u,e fire thst asphyxiated most of them before they could be ' You know you can't reach down with all the ■Jed from their locked cells. people running by." "Everybody panicked," he said. "A lot of women were back Els said they thought the blaze was touched off by a cigaret there visiting." I, padded cell housing a prisoner confined for disciplinary The building was not heavily damaged by the flames. Forty persons were treated for injuries, said Andrew Earl of the jet Deputy Bob Farmer said a 16-year-old runaway from Tennessee Bureau of Criminal Identification. (Otsin who was puUed from the padded cell told him he set the Mike Smith, dispatcher for the Maury County Sheriffs office, kj He identified the youth as Andy Zimmer. The youth, badly said smoke from the blaze spread in the Md, was taken to a Nashville hospital where officials said he 60-peraon capacity jail through air conditioning ducts. He said one jailer was in the facility til critical condition, when the fire broke out, but was unable to evacuate everyone. g, and another officer drug him out," Farmer said. "He said he Tow trucks and wreckers were brought to the jail, in the downtown of this central Tennessee town, to knock down the walla He has caused a little trouble. He'd been stopping up the of the 13-year-old jail and workhouse in an effort to free prisoners. de and being a little unruly, so we put him in the padded There were about 70 persons in the building, 58 of them prisoners. The rest were visitors, most of whom were leaving at dy Dow, assistant administrator at Maury County Hospital, the end of the day's one-hour visiting period. [there were "several women" among the dead. However, it Smith said one of the prisoners wss a juvenile, one was being [got known whether they were inmates or visiting friends or held for federal authorities and the rest were state prisoners. lives. He said each cell had to be opened individually, that there was je Chief Billy Thurman said the burning padding material no master locking system where all jail cells could be opened at the [off a toxic gas, but said he was not sure whether that, or the same time. ii, which he described aa similar as that from a burning tire, nd the deaths. William Walter, the Maury County Hospital administrator, said .rhe fire itself was no problem; it didn't take long to bring it the names of the dead would not be released until Monday Jecontrol," Thurman said. "We had a smoke condition there — morning. All but a few of the victims' families had been notified, he [ >u where the trouble was at." said. [look at least half an hour" to get "more than 60 people either Two firemen were hospitalized with possible heart attacks and [doos or unconscious" evacuated because of the heavy smoke, ■ Maury County Deputy William Duke, who was in the jail several policemen were treated for smoke inhalation, Walter said. In one of the hospital rooms doctors worked onlists of the [the fire broke out. victims' names. TRUSTEES HIKE AT MEETING OK APWIrephoto tuition up nine per cent One of 40 persons being treated for injuries from a fire at the Maury County Jail in Columbia, Tenn., arrives at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville. Sev¬ eral persone were taken to Nashville hospitals af- ter the hospital in Columbia became overcrowded with victims. Officials say 42 persons died in the Sunday afternoon fire at the 13-year-oid jail. There were at least 40 survivors. By MICHAEL WINTER Suu News Staff Writer 51 students will be digging deeper into III pockets next fall to pay for their (ion as a result of ths MSU Board of m decision Friday to raise tuition for ■m-78 academic year, University police arrest three p increases, Jntjesr' its averaging nine per cent, [ipproved by a 5-0 vote as the board of adopted guidelines for preparation s University budget. This is the following anti-film demonstration ■ tuition increase in u many years. under arrest for violating a University 1 it 0.6 million in revenues will be By MICHAEL WINTER Ave., Lansing, and Behzad Movazze, 25, of State New. 8taH Writer 1130 Beech St. Both were released on >500 ordinance. He said Davis refused to produce td by the tuition hikes, Two MSU students and a Lansing woman bond. proof of identification and was "taken into ligan residents will pay an additional were arrested Friday morning on West physical custody." |pr credit ' hour while out-of-state Circle Drive near the Union following their A Department of Public Safety (DPS) in expect to pay an extra $3.60. official said Davis was observed using a Collins reported that while he wu participation in a demonstration against the |h tuition increases will raise lower MSU-Iran film project. bullhorn in front of the Administration attempting to place Davis in his patrol car, ho (freshmen and sophmcre) Michigan Building at about 9:30 s.m. He said Davis Movazze interfered and was subsequently bit fees to (21.60 per credit hour and Charged with illegal use of sound had not filed a permit to use the bullhorn. arrested for obstructing an officer. Then ■division (junior and senior) fees to >23 equipment wss Jennifer Davis, 28, of 227 S. Forouzin interfered in the arrest and Indit. Non-resident lower division fee; Pettigrew Felkenes According to the police report filed by confiscation of the bullhorn, according to Magnolia St., Lansing. She was arraigned in ■be raised to >46 per credit hour and East Lansing District Court and released on arresting officer James Collins, Davis, Collins' report. He stated that both Forou¬ division to >47.50. Forouzin and Movazze left the rally and zin and Movazze were grabbing at him. — up (125 from last year — and (560 per MSU officials said the tuition increases (100 bond. te tuition will be raised to >28 for term for veterinary medicine, up >100 over proceeded by car on West Circle Drive to Forouzin in turn was arrested for obstruct¬ were necessary to make up the difference the Union where their car was halted by Iste students and >62.60 for out-of-state the 1976-77 rates. between expected state appropriations and Charged with attempting to resist arrest ing an officer. Jnts. were Nahal Forouzin, 24, of 404 Fairview Collins. Collins said he told Davis she was Fees for non-resident students in human the minimum expenditure levels needed to Ik raised were However, those accused said they were fees for MSU's colleges and osteopathic medicine were increased to provide quality academic programs. only "verbally objecting to his (Collins') Sun, osteopathic, and veterinary >1,360 per term, an increase of (250 over last Administrators cited the urgency of actions." All three said Collins used -it. Michigan residents in human and year, and >1,100 for veterinary medicine, up alleviating heavy enrollment pressures in PAYS $6000 EXTRA IN TAXES excessive force, abusive language and 9>tkic medicine will pay >685 per term (200. several colleges, continued inflation and the would not tell Forouzin and Movazze why necessity of more competitive faculty they were being arrested. salaries as reasons for the increases. Those arrested also said that Forouzin University officials said the colleges of agriculture and natural resources, business, engineering, human ecology and communi¬ Carter gives to IRS was not in the car when Collins stopped it. Forouzin said he was walking near the Union with several friends and approached cation arts and sciences were suffering most Davis' car when he saw the officer arresting from swelling enrollments. her. He said about 50 people outside the These colleges were listed on the adopted President Jimmy Carter has paid >6,000 in income taxes he did not owe, saying Union stopped to observe. budget schedule as highest priority items in everyone who has a significant income should psy taxes. But Beatrice Davis, one of Movazze said Collins "came in a very need of immediate atttention and "if not several American taxpayers who was asked about the gift, says "It's just a big show." mean way" and was "very nasty and rough, addressed, will result in undesirable curtail¬ and the way he approached me was an Carter disclosed Friday that he and his wife Rosalynn were due a tax refund of (26,026 ment of existing programs or serious indication that he already knew what he deterioration thereof." on a gross income of >55,000 and owed no taxes for 1976 because of various business and wanted to do." other deductions. But the President asked for only (20,026 back. Nearly >2.5 million will be allocated for Movazze also said Collins and other DPS those programs classified as highest "I don't think he should be officers were "threatening" to call the FBI so bloody big about," said Monika Huntley, 29, a Sherman priority. Oaks, Calif., housewife. "I think he should go change the tax laws and then he will and the Immigration and Naturalization All that remains now for completion of the Office. He added that while they were being probably have to pay some taxes and not have all those deductions." 1977-78 budget is establishing salary guide¬ arraigned in court, Collins told them he lines for faculty, graduate assistants and "If he would have given the money to a poor family, maybe in Plains or somewhere else, wished they (Forouzin and Movazze) would student employes, tentatively set for July 7, that really would be something and then I would say, boy, what a nice man," said go back where they came from and that and adoption of the legislature's fiscal Huntley, the mother of a 4-year-old. "But to give it to the IRS, which needs it like a hole in they were wasting the taxpayers' money by budget which should come in early Septem¬ the head? It's stupid and I'm quite sure this is purely political." posting bond. ber. Collins could not be reached for comment. In other board action: But Daniel J. King, 32, a high school social studies teacher from Chicago's West Side, A pre-trial hearing date was scheduled •Clarence L. Winder was named MSU's felt that Carter's action was "a really good public relations thing..." for July 11. new provost. He had been associate provost since 1974 and succeeds Lawrence L. Boger who left earlier this month to become president of Oklahoma State University. •L. Eudora Pittigrew was named chair¬ person of the department of Urban and Metropolitan Studies. Her appointment takes effect July 1. Pettigrew is the first baick woman to head an academic department at MSU. She was professor and acting chairperson of Urban and Metropolitan Studies the past year. inside e George T. Felkenes was appointed director of MSU's School of Criminal Justice Rumors have It that the State News is effective Sept. 1. full of science fiction and fairy tales. They Felkenes replaces Arthur F. Brandstat- may be right! See page 5. ter, director of the school from 1946 to 1979. Brandstatter resigned to become director of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia. weather It's official State News Weather Wabbit Felkenes was professor and chairperson time again! And In fine style, the wabbit .. WXW- •- m ___ of the department of criminal justice at the stot# News/Moggie Wolker predicts showers in the afternoon with a University of Alabama since 1971 and has IS 'he rodeo bucking machine at 4H Action Day ii Doug worked for the Federal Trade Commission in high temperature in the mid 80s. That's a little wet for a fur coat, but even Km? T* Photo w" held Saturday outalde Spartan Stadium. For related Washington, D.C., the U.S. Law Enforce¬ ment Assiatance Administration and the rabbits gotta take showers once in a while. see pageS. Birmingham, Ala., police department. 2 Michigon State News, East Lonaing, Michigan Monday, junt ^ Djibouti republil gains liberate 49th^\ndependent' * Europian heads to discuss economies impossible odds. The than tiny new nation hu no ft l ?°nl« ^ one square mile of arable land ,„d no „.t LONDON (AP) — The nine Common opening Wednesday in Lancaster House, except aand, salt and 20,000 camela '' "tout. But the most immediate Morket heads of government, several of just across from Buckingham Palace. The threat to Djibouti I. .a I tog. of it.tw.much bigger M^BC^ other leaders attending will be President them facing political as well as economic problems at home, meet this week in an Valery Giscard d'Estaing of France, effort to forge a united front against sooring prices and unemployment in Western Europe. Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Germany, Italian Premier Giulio An- dreotti and the heads of government of West of jS&aa'ssarssJ strategically locate at the Bab el Mandeb Su "J\' But the prospect of sluggish economic Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark and Ireland. growth — it is not expected to exceed 3.5 per cure cent this year — highly unlikely. mokes a quick-fix The mojor leaders are also hampered b'^^t^a'I^rtufwasfi^g ^1^^ the'RrenA'ui "u" British Prime Minister James Col- by domestic political troubles in their efforts to restore economic equilibrium. The government has declared three laghan is host for the two-day summit days of nation,! J during which bars and cinemas will be cloaed. French U.S. thanked for weapons aid gorjhjv. been confined to bracks to leave th, The army new of ita government of President Hassan own, and the French will m.int.in Gouled «l a. 1 TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Prime Minister first sought by Israel last December, force here. How long they will thei' AP Wir#photo stay will be specified fa . Menohem Begin thanked President Jim¬ involving 700 armored personnel car¬ defense agreement with France, to be Djibouti citizeni carry the portrait of their first president, Hassan Goofed, prior signed Monday 1 my Carter Sundcy for his reported riers, 200 TOW wire-guided antitank France will continue to provide about $142 million a year in I decision to supply Israel with $115 million missiles and 15 tank bulldozers. to independence celebrations of the French territory which became the Republic along with the technicians and administrators to keen the worth of tanks, armored cars and The U.S. Congress first must of Djibouti, Africa's 49th independent state, at 12:01 a.m. today. republic running. lied,™ ™ be antitank missies. notified, and it will have 30 days to veto Gouled. elected Friday by the Chamber of Deputies hudJ party that draws support mainly from the Issas "The citizens of Israel appreciate it," the sale, a move not considered likely. tribe'whoJ Begin told Israel radio. "It's a good ABORTION DEBATE SCHEDULED strongly backed by Somalia. Djibouti's other maior ink. I decision and we hope it is also o sign of The independent Israeli newspoper Afar., have ties with Ethiopia. J tnbe' 1 real friendship between the United Maariv said the decision by Corter, who Since it haa almost no arable land, Djibouti has to import sill States and Israel." A Carter Administration source said has expressed reservations about a free- flowing arms trade with Israel, was the result of pressure from American Jews Senate will take stand food. Fruit and vegeUblea normally come from Somali-backed guerillaa blew up railway blocked the rail line aince June 1. Ethiopia I bridges there and hi Saturday in Washington that the Presi¬ dent hod decided to recommend the sole and Israel's friends in the U.S. Senate. The French, who have not been involved in WASHINGTON (AP) - The the bill. It voted for a weaker opponents try to delete all hostilities, had announced in 1975 that they would evacuate the regil Senate must take a stand this week on federal payments for set allow of restrictions that would production funding for the pro¬ last African colony. til funding for abortions in gram from a $110.6-billion de¬ Robbers give in, release hostage abortions, knowing that sup¬ cases of rape, incest, multiple fense appropriations bill. Presi¬ Fifteen countries, plus the United Nations, the porting the idea will lead to a schlerosis, renal disease and dent Jimmy Carter will decide Organic, African Unity and the Arab League will be direct conflict with the House represented stl other sicknesses that would by Thursday whether to pro¬ independence celebrations. Some had been politely asked SALZBURG, Austria (AP) — Two police, the men gave up. as it did a year ago. deform or debilitate the fetus, ceed with the program or send delegates because of a lack of accomodations, but nof masked gunmen who seized a bonk They were identified by police as or to end an ectopic pregnancy abandon it. they tJ Michael Debate is scheduled to begin anyway. employe as hostage Saturday when Pracher, 30, and Gottfried or when the woman's life was police foiled an apparent robbery at¬ Wallner, 27, both of nearby Styrio Tuesday on a $61.7-billion ap¬ propriations bill for the depart¬ endangered. tempt freed their captive and surrender¬ province. ed Sunday. The gunmen seized Ingo Hopfer, 21, an The gunmen, who had been holed up ments of Labor and Health, Education and Welfare. The abortion issue, probably the The matter is made complicated by a Supreme Court ruling last week that more Federal workers score big employe of a downtown foreign ex¬ behind the bulletproof glass of a teller's most controversial in this do¬ gave states, which administer change office, at about 9 a.m. Saturday and held him for 27 hours before cage, had first demanded a $94,000 ransom for Hopfer's release, then raised mestic spending proposal, aris¬ es because Medicaid pays for abortions for poor women. the Medicaid program, the right to decide whether to on fake compensation claw releasing him unharmed. Two hours the amount to $116,000. They had also spend money for abortions. later, after continuous negotiations with demonded o getaway car. HEW spends between $40 The limitation on abortions WASHINGTON (AP) - A Staten Island, N.Y., A House Education and Labor si million and $50 million each included in last year's bill was mail carrier reported that his right arm was now is continuing the investigation by hi year to pay for 300,000 abor¬ never implemented because of injured on the job. After his doctor certified that hearings on whether the 1974 law ought to Teens ordered off Polish train tions under the federal pro¬ a court appeal. he was unable to sort letters, he stayed home changed. gram. Meanwhile, the Senate is while drawing full pay. The Postal Service, the agency with I The House already has voted Three' montha later, his boss saw a sports page highest number of injury claims, ezpl TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — A group of scheduled to consider Monday a week visiting Auschwitz, the former Nazi its version of the Labor-HEW article about him. The supposedly injured mail workers' compensation expenses this year to I bill providing for court appoint¬ Houston teenagers were ordered off o death camp in Polond, and were aboard a funding bill. It included a carrier, who was right-handed, "unleashed a more than it expects to save if it c" ment of a special prosecutor to Polish train and left for 20 hours at on Warsaw-Vienna statement prohibiting use of fiery 267 to capture top honors on the bowling Saturday mail delivery. express train which handle cases of wrongdoing by isolated railway station without woter, the funds to pay for or promote beat," the article said. The law allows an injured employe to dr pulled into Katowice stotion near the a president or other high-rank¬ with little food and with no one to advise abortions. The same language The mail carrier was fired after an investiga¬ salary for up to 45 days if he can get his do Czechoslovakia-Poland border. ing officials. It would also them on what to do, members of the was adopted in 1976, but was tion, but a House panel aays he was among a certify a work-related injury. Records show | "Everybody was getting settled for the modified to pay for abortions require financial disclosure for growing number of government workers filing many workera take exactly 45 days to re group told reporters Sunday. passport check...and then the train top employes in the executive, The 65 youths, whose problems were only if a woman's life is endan¬ phony injury claims. ate. stopped," said 16-year-old Cherice Cap- legislative and judicial branch¬ caused by a lock of proper visas, arrived Ian. gered after the Senate refused es. "At the current rate, the payments are Other workers who were notified their job| to accept a total ban. being terminated have then reported si in Israel with their four tour leaders projected to reach $1 billion by 1980," the House The Senate Appropriations The House will vote on the Government Operations Committee reported and collected full pay long after their job| Sunday. Polish guards told the teenagers to get Committee also has considered B-l bomber on Tuesday when last fall. scheduled to end. The trip, organized by the Jewish off because they hod no transit visas for Federation of Houston, spent a Czechoslovakia. day last i\)e east Room Thursday Buffet Roast Beef $5.50 Friday Buffet Seafood $4.95 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. Auto mileage standards set Menu Also Available WASHINGTON (AP) - Automobiles even higher for cors manufactured in manufactured in the United States must 1985 and beyond and perhaps for 1984 as achieve an average fuel well. economy of 22 Congress would have to approve miles per gallon in 1981 models and 27 any increase beyond the 27.5 m.p.g. m.p.g. by 1984 models, Transportation standard. Secretory Brock Adams announced Sun¬ Adams revealed the new standards on day. the CBS-TV's "Foce the Nation" and in a Congress already had set standards of 18, 19 and 20 m.p.g. for model years news release. 1978,1979 and 1980, and a 1985 standard The eventual fuel of 27.5 m.p.g. saving from the new standards is expected to be 10 billion Adams said standards probably will be gallons per day, Adorns said. Gays march in various protests 'ARTHUR TREACHER'S (AP) — Thousands of homosexuals and THE ORIGINAL Till) their supporters took to the streets in Gay Pride Festival in Kansas City. There were also marches and demon¬ FURTHER REDUCTIONS more than a half dozen cities across the strations in New York, Seattle, Chicago. country over the weekend, marching to Atlanta, Los Angeles ond San Francisco. MISS J SHOES publicize their demands for equal rights for gays. FISH SANDWICH, In San Francisco, interest in the parade The numbers of the marchers from several thousand to the 80 ranged who was spurred by the slaying of a city gardener outside his home by four young CHIPS, AND A excellent savings on a most marched in Providence, R.I., on Saturday afternoon. About 30 showed up for a rally men who shouted "faggot, they stabbed him 15 times, organizers faggot," as LARDS DRINK comprehensive selection of titled the 3rd Annual Heort of America said. current styles. .an inviting *1.25 . variety of dress shoes, sport Wilkins leaves NAACP post shoes and sandals that you'll Any day from 10 a.m. -5 p.m. ST. LOUIS (AP) — Coupon expires July 5,1977 want to step into right now. Roy Wilkins, stepping before its 68th national convention down after 22 years of Eat Here Toko Homo leadership of the opened here. — Savings also on a large selection National Association for the I don't relish Advance¬ getting out of harness," ment of Colored in People (NAACP), had Wilkins said. 'But I plan to continue as a our Ladies Shoe Salon. only two worts of advice for the civil consultant. I will hold Mr. Hooks' hond." rights group's future leaders: "Be alert." Benjamin L. Hooks, a preacher, one¬ S Offer valid • Wilkins, whose 75 years showed in his time judge ond the first black member of with this coupon speech and movements, held his lost JacobsoriS ♦he Federal Communications • news conference as executive director of Commis¬ only at the sion, was elected last November to the organization on Sunday, one day succeed Wilkins as head of the NAACP. • East Lansing store . t] S 1001 E.6rand River ■-* 4-H members visit MSU for action-filled weekend By JANET HALFMANN "I chose the clown option because I like to Outside the stadium, children and grand¬ The action meet people, make them happy and make mothers found that if you press with your waa at Spartan Stadium them laugh," she said. thumb and forefinger at the top of the teat Saturday morning. and then continue to press all the way down Members of 4-H clubs from 83 Michigan While the clowns were making people with other fingers, milk does indeed come counties presented Action Day to exhibit happy, the "Basic Mountaineering" group from a cow. skills they had learned during 4-H Explora¬ made the audience uneasy as they simulat¬ tion Days at MSU. ed a fall while trying to scale a "cliff." Crop and Soil Science made potato chips for all to sample, there were fashion and Over 4,000 4-H delegates and accompany¬ A narrow chain ladder was the only cliff dog obedience shows, chicks and bobwhite ing adults spent Thursday and Friday available in the stadium Saturday, but the quail were hatching... and when tired feet participating in more than 150 classes group spent the previous day climbing the began to ache and burn, it was time to sit ranging from the arts and livestock to 30-foot cliffs rising from the Grand River down and read the 4-H Action News put out communication, crafts, science and interna¬ near Grand Ledge. tional understanding. Delegates to Explora¬ by students in the "Reporting" option. tion Days had to be at least 12 years old and "Sometimes you're on your back when State 4-H Director Norm Brown said 4-H interested in learning new skills to take going up," Nancy Kramer, a high school (Head, Hands, Heart and Health) is a back to their home clubs. sophomore from McComb County, said. human development program for both rural "It's an experience, but it's fun." and urban young people. Livestock and One of the most popular spots on Action Down the crafts corridor, onlookers crafts are only one part of the program. Day was the clown table. Cindy Greenwald, a young delegate from Lenawee County — wondered what Ingham County Program "Through Action Day we hope to show as Peabody the clown — played her guitar, Assistant Martha Brownscombe and her the breadth of 4-H," he said. "A great which looked like a tennis racket to students were brewing in a large enamel variety of means are used as vehicles to someone with no imagination. pot. The mixture of burdocks and water help young people grow and develop, but was being used to dye yarn a yellowish we train 4-H leaders to In the "Be a Clown" class, students create keep the primary their own faces, costumes and characters, green. focus on the kids rather than on the Greenwald said. They study clown eti¬ vehicles." "At first the students say yuk, especially . ... - _ Stole News/Koy McKeever quette, props, balloon art and how to apply when they smell the dye made from Spanish Adults and especially teens attending Michigan 4-H ers break a pinata after enjoying a Mexican dinner Friday afternoon. makeup. onion skins," Brownscombe said. "But they Action Day might see that they have some can't get over the colors you can get from skill or hobby to share, Brown said. nature." There are 25.000 volunteers in Michigan Other participants at working with 256,000 youngsters. Half of Action Day tried these youngsters are their luck at pedaling a from urban areas with bicycle to create 9,000 from Wayne County alone, he said. enough energy to light a 200-watt bulb. One person kept the bulb lit for about 10 Action Day and 4-H Exploration Days minutes — a seemingly great feat until he were planned and presented by MSU learned that if he continued for 23 hours and Cooperative Extension Service personnel, 49 and a half minutes longer he could create specialized resource people and 4-H leaders three cents worth of electricity. and members. Parents set up fund Mondoy, June 27, 1977 in memory of student By KRISTEN VAN VORST find I'm not the man they think I am at State News Staff Writer home... — Elton John, "Rocket Man" |/tee to lay, Schizophrenia my friends, this road He lives in the future. "I gotta — get a to give others chance talons, ton g way, and if we're going job or lose weight or quit smoking." |i/ttuf the end we're gonna need a There is always something he's "Gotta" do. But not right now. Elton John, "Salvation" He lives in the past. "You know I I He sits next to his stereo most of the struck Smith out that one day. I was bad In listening to Elton John over and I'm still a big deal in this town." By JOHN CASEY Psychological problems — Five days before he was to graduate, Dan Rosenthal died of complications following "What did you do today, Randy?" jiirand over. Occasionally he drives his ■Torino to the stpre to buy cigarets, a "Nothing. I'm bored, bored as hell." open heart surgery performed by reknowned heart surgeon Dr. Norm Shumway at the Stanford Medical Center in California. |uo(poporanew album. Sometimes he I'm getting bored, being part of mankind...— Elton John, 'Think I'm The parents of Dan Rosenthal, Mr. and Mrs. Avram Rosenthal, of Livonia, have Wont to the mall to just people go sit and watch by. Otherwise Randy isn't do much of anything. Randy is create life of frustration Going to Kill Myself established the Daniel Rosenthal Memorial Fund so other students may have the chance to "turn around their lives" as their son did. Randy is not a unique case. One out of iitephrenic. The life of an apolitical student involved in the coldness every 10 Americans has the potential of of computers and the maze of (Oibaddays, i doses when he hasn't taken his always easy to carry on a conversation "That's almost like college where Kit being schizophrenic. One problem is that math ceased to appeal to Dan Rosenthal. He wanted to be closer and more involved with of Artane, Stelzaine, Mel- with him. (his sister) goes, isn't it Mom?" Randy there are very few good psychiatrists people. hNivane and Thorazine he says, "I "What did you do today?" asks. and even less that can deal effectively fcuJd just kill myself." "I saw Anderson today. Boy, was I bad He thinks a lot about getting a job. "I with schizophrenics. Another problem is Dan joined the consumer-oriented PIRGIM and began working in the complaint | Knkl'm kill gonna kill myself, Yeah, I'm in high school. If it weren't for girls. If gotta get a job. I gotta do something. I'll the law. The law was created to protect department of the Michigan Consumer's Council. us myielf get a little headline only Dad hadn't died," replies Randy as go crazy," he says. innocent people who were being "put w. I'd like to tee what the papers say he swings an imaginary bat and touches And I've taken fust as much as I can To get a better grasp of the impact of politics on his life, Dan involved himself in the away" unfairly. But who are the Miestate of teenage blues...— Elton the visor of his ever-present baseball stand, I can stand...— Elton John, Legislative Research Aide Program under the auspices of the MSU Office of Volunteer innocent? Iks, "Think I'm Gonna Kill Myself' cap. The dirty, worn-out hat leftover "Slave" Programs. His dedication, enthusiasm and industriousness won him the respect of many lludy could be in college or working. Randy has already lost three years out — Mary Edens, the staff adviser to the legislative aide program, and John Welborn, the from his high school days, rests on top of Randy has bounced in and out of the of his life. If and when he gets help he M'soBly 20 years old. He wasn't always state senator from Kalamazoo to whom Dan was an aide. a mound of golden brown curls. His once city hospital several times during the will still be a 17-year-old. It will take a lot ■ this. Though he is not capable of slim, athletic body has now ballooned to past year. But they cannot force him to wing a job now, four years ago he was 240 pounds on a 6-foot-l frame. He pants stay — because he cannot be proven of work to adjust to his new world. But After graduating in June, Dan was going to take the law boards and hopefully stive teenager, lettering in baseball, he will never be able to make up the matriculate into law school. as he sits down — from too much dangerous to himself or to others •1 to parties and getting to know three years he has already lost. smoking, too much sitting, too much of according to the present mental health "As Dan began to realize that his own vulnerability and life were more precious, he It is hard to see how he's changed. It is doing nothing. code in Michigan he is not dangerous. wanted to get closer to people," Mrs. Rosenthal said. Dan was informed of his heart |kt as his friends grew out of their hard to see him now. It is hard to see Do you still feel the pain of the scars "I should just kill myself," he says. condition before he came to MSU, and learned the necessity for an operation last winter. what he'll be tomorrow. I know. He's my fe pranks, Randy didn't. He just that won't healf Your eyes have died. The hospital has helped a little. He is ed to get worse. brother. The memorial fund will be administrated by Mary Edens and will designate financial Today he rarely They see more than I...— Elton John, beginning to realize he is different than aid funds to students interested in the legislative research aide program. pout greater pursuit of it than trying to find a place to put your car. Americans spend more a legal team to Iran to investigate village justice. The American encumbered with procedural rigmarole — graduates 10 years ago. With le time looking for an empty parking space than they do watching television. unnecessary routines that are designed tions. they are licensed, w experts, he suggested, might learn something. " of all their leisure time is wasted Ninety per cent searching for a parking spot. We will not be told where we more to enrich the lawyers than to serve Burger, "without the slightest mq* the public. It costs a small fortune, for can and cannot park. If they lay a finger on the bumper of just one of our loved ones it will their capacity to Perfo™ M mean civil war." example, to clear the title for a home functions of a counselor o ■ The voices of moderation are purchase. And the probate processes have They seek experience on the su 1 trying to find a peaceful solution to the problem. One that become so encrusted that the attorneys defenders and prosecutors. L has been offered is that the West Bank represent the poor amI t»«J of the Potomac be often wind up with a greater share of an given to the suburbanites for courts and substituting legal manipulation the proliferating pitfalls that the govern¬ who all-day parking. They would have free access to Washington, providing they come over on for justice. ment lawyers produce. Here are our inheritance than the heirs. therefore, are often still in Airport strip i would be declared W°.,Ulad neutral be °ffered ,or alternate da? ^d the Dulles "The harsh truth," he warned the observations; e Attorneys are supposed to be society's learning how to try «*»• But both the city-dwellers and the zone for tourists suburbanites are reluctant to accept the agreement. American Bar Association last month, "is that... we may well be on our way to a e The nation is overrun with who, lured by the scent of the green, lawyers peacemakers and problem solvers. Too f-ZTSE£ •r^^hi'mselves. truthl The truth The many devote themselves to the opposite; discipline disciplinary macM "pIrtin^tnoi\^,U.rbhi"itTi; backed b* tbeir milita<" Politicians, have declared that society overrun by hordes of lawyers, hungry as locusts, and brigades of judges in congregate where the big money is. They thrive, for example, on corporate law. they are troublemakers who create prob¬ lems. They operate on the theory, apparent¬ not give them up. Parking spaces have been ours for 50 years and we will numbers never before contemplated." Indeed, many a corporate president began ly, that the more trouble they can stir up, embarrassment. The d j Across the land, lawyers lurk behind the bushes waiting to pounce.upon the passers- as the general counsel. Yet the nation's 29 million poor are the more law business there will be. The Justice Tom Clark investigation in re^rua 1970 h parking suffering from a lawyer wise judge Learned Hand once remarked: meter shoved up its tailpipe where it belongs." 8 by. drag them into court and drain them of shortage. An estimated 85 per cent of their "I must say that as a litigant 1 should dread misconduct went virtually Los Angeles Times their assets. Most lawsuits benefit only the most of the 50 states. legal needs are still unmet, a lawsuit beyond almost anything else short lawyers, who collect fat fees and leave both e All too often, the legal decision goes to of sickness and death." United feolures Syndlcalt ^iz-higgn Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan Monday, June 27, 1977 5 CARL SAGAN WRITES AS SEER 'The Princess Bride' absconds rontemplates intelligence Dragons ol Eden: humans and dolphins, and to a over the civilized world, in with readers' Summer ennuie lesser extent, in on the Evolution of chimpanzees and virtually every major city, are gorillas - that supplies us with "The Princess Bride" tale, the manner in which it is told. apes in prison?" our intelligence, curiosity and By William Goldman Goldman tells us in the introduction that potential for creativity and Reading Sagan is like climb¬ BaUantine Books, New York, $1.95 this book, "The Princess Bride" written by abstract reasoning. Taken to¬ ing a mountain: You start at the base (detailed explanations of By MIKE TANIMURA "Florinese" author S. Morgenstern, and read gether, the human brain is so Remember the kinda stories you useta to him by his father, the function of the brain and changed his life at the immensely complex that there read as a kid? The kind with princes and of 10. But when, after much to-do, he Uavemisialowski are more possible brain states genes, the building blocks of princesses and castles and dragons to be age n — the foremost life) slowly climb into progres¬ acquires the book for his son at age 10, he than electrons and protons in slain? Remember how you always useta know discovers that his father y exponent of the entire sively more difficult topics that — quite wisely — universe. "There less than halfway through who was gonna rtlhat can be understood are written in only had read him "the good parts." must," Sagan asserts, "be an an increasingly die, who was gonna live and who was gonna So Goldman has kindly edited a good parts lp |ayman — has done it enormous number of mental absorbing manner (left-right marry whom? version of the book. i Following up on his configurations that have never brain splits, sleeping and Well, except for the lack of a few dragons, And this is what makes the story work, as jent. almost mystical "Cos- been entered or even glimpsed dreaming states, intelligent here or there, William Goldman's "hot fairy it were. For by placing it in this context, of C Connection," which ex- by any human being in the machines) and finally reach a ' tale" (as the publicists call it) "The Princess his life at 10 and continually reminding us of ^ farthest reaches of history of mankind. From this shining summit: speculations Bride," lives up to childhood memories. this, Goldman succeeds in getting us to read luniverse, Sagan has pro- perspective, each human being on the possibilities of extra¬ The book — well, the book is interest¬ the book with the same glimmer of innocence d a stirring tome that is truly rare and different..." terrestrial intelligence — ing...it is absorbing. It is the type of book a and joy, tainted only somewhat by our u into the evolution and If humans are different from which, Sagan believes, will be person with a college education should knowledge of "reality." ,iup ol the mind — human, one another, chimpanzees, it physically and physiologically snicker at, disparage: and then, late at night But the knowledge of how things really ill and, just possibly, extra- has been demonstrated, are not very different from us, but with the blinds drawn and the only illumina¬ appear to be does not escape us, for as he so different from humans. intellectually quite similar, tion a 60-watt light bulb in an early slum says in the tale, "life isn't fair." There is Several have been taught though possibly much more „ie Dragons of Eden" is advanced. lamp, read — and keep reading until the enough of this in the book for us to wonder if American Sign Language (the ii-lull of fanciful, sometimes In the final chapter Sagan entire tale has been told, the yarn spun. our problem is that we have been too Cly improbable speculation, language of the deaf) and have What makes the book involving is not so hardened by life to ever read a fairy tale demonstrated quotes St. Augustine of Hippo: much the tale — a fairy story about a country ids like a dream in fact, — an enormous vo¬ "There is another form of again. | uliole chapter is devoted cabulary and the ability to maiden, who is the most beautiful woman in I won't satisfy (or disappoint) you by think abstractly and display temptation, even more fraught the world, her lover, her prince, good guys, to that subject, and with danger. This is the disease telling anymore of the book. tr chapter - the most curiosity. The chimps, it turns of curiosity..." bad guys, adventure — or the cast of Suffice it to say that if there ever comes a jting in the book, for my out, like jazz, movies with unbelievable characters — all of whom have time, say, about 2 or 3 a.m., when you just Sagan is positively plagued ty _ explores recent ad- monkeys in them, and being with curiosity. After reading at least three superlatives ("The best," "the need to get away - and Nietzsche just , in interspecies corn- tickled. They swear, joke, dis¬ most") appearing before their names each doesn't make it — pick up this little gem, and this book, countless readers Through it all, play sadness and anger. More¬ will catch the bug too. time we meet them — but the mode of the let yourself be carried away. • weaves a thread of over, several of .the chimps L mystery, and writes in a have been glimpsed teaching .expository language that „''gn language to younger enchant even the non- chimps, and at least one tried to _ pus basic premise is that d is divided up into talk to a cat. Sagan is convinced that these animals are intelligent in the human sense, and deserving of 'The Hab Theory' unreels suspense |tsections. each the product basic civil rights. Relating a The Hab Theory Consider the following passage: poorly researched topics with technical mumbo jumbo. Eckert's ig periods of evolution. stirring incident of walking By Allan W. Eckert "Twice he shook his head and then, as he glanced down at the work is written to appeal to an audience who enjoys the concept of primitive is the through a research center that Popular Library, New York, $2.50 folded letter on the decktop blotter in front of him, he smiled science fiction but prefers the writing style of a good fiction novel. Lplex, or reptilian brain, contained cramped cells bulg¬ By DEBBIE WOLFE faintly and reached into the top drawer. A minute or so later, the Admittedly, although his writing is brilliant with polished mounts for our more ing with shrieking, spitting, No, it wasn't an expose on men from Mars and it didn't even blotter now clear of everything, he stood up and switched off the descriptive sentences and carefully chosen words, there are times tsjive, ritualistic, unso- bellowing chimps — animals mention the Creature from the Black desk light and walked to the door. when the text becomes forced and resembles a rough draft more Lagoon but 'The Hab licated behavior. The Lim- who, otherwise, were well-fed "He paused there, his hand on the wall switch, as he took a final than a finished manuscript. In some instances, Eckert becomes so I system, Theory" is science fiction with a new twist — believability. Sure, more highly and should have been content most critics would argue that all science fiction has to be believable lingering look at the room, fully aware there was every likelihood involved in details that the abundance of information detracts from . d in mammals than by standards usually applied to to be good but rarely does a writer compose a work which strikes that this was the last time he would see it.... the steady flow of the text. Moreover, for an author to allow its |r animals, is the source of non-humans - Sagan lamented home as keenly as Allen W. Eckert has with his new book. The "Herbert Allen Boardman, 94, was on his way to make an readers to become bogged down in details betrays the ; passionate emotions their condition: "They (the entire story hinges on the assasination plot against a future assassination attempt against the President of the United States." inexperience of the writer. But, this is the exception and not the Sagan says, "seems to chimps) have certainly commit¬ president of the United States. Eckert throughout the entire work acts as a set of eyes which rule. pi invention of the mam- ted no crimes. I do not claim to Through revealing research of the topic Eckert shrewdly miss nothing. This type of thorough writing, along with Quick scene changes, the use of foreshadow and isolated ]1 have the answer, but I think it maintains reader interest and painstaking detail draws each scene interspersed factual information, heightens the immediacy of the descriptive passages along with well researched technical |t is the neocortex - is certainly worthwhile to raise to such a personal level that maintaining a separation between the situations and sheer interest in the plot. His style is refreshing and information makes "The Hab Theory" a unique and worthwhile developed in the question: Why, exactly, all written word and immediate reality is virtually impossible. a pleasant change from most science fiction books that cover up experience in good science fiction. BOOKS WAMTEP |lw interested in baying: • Science Fiction *011180011$ • Comic Bonks •Beetle Unas • fancy Drew •Hosieries Curious Book fhop 307 Ea$t Grand River Ea$t Lan$ing (517)332-0112 Hours 11:30-$ p.m. SUMMER SHORT COUMIS * Computer Laboratory will offer a series of ffedit short courses in computing during Summer It- Registration must be made by July 8 in the •t Information Center, 313 Computer Center. A '2 ••covering computer time and handout materials is plied lor each short course. For more information, fte-ieoo. ICTION TO COMPUTING (#100) S££ ,lw,# °* 00 cempvtlng e*perlence, but covers the general use ol the 7-9- p.m. |*&SS(«|55) '« die Statistical Package lor the Social Sciences, (prerequisite Y ,for prerequisite Information, call 353-1800. —CLIP AND SAVE " Have your auto insurance rates increesed? Sentry has held the line I j Lcall i INTRODUCTORY MEETINO pF WILLIAMS Tuesday, June 28 7:30 p.m. MSU '68 | in Room 332 Union Bldg. •Private Pilot Ground School for (Members and 332-1838 i Non-Members •Alrcralt lor training and cross-country use 401 W. Grand Rivar j For more Information, call Gerry at 694-4916 or East Lansing ' George at 332-0431 The Winged Spartans... ' .Teaching the MSU 417 E. GRAND RIVER community to tly for over 30 years. OPEN DAILY 9:30 - 9:00 SAT 9:30 • 5:30 CLOSED SUN ■■■■■•Cet end $«•■■ Li J £ Michigan Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Steele consistent in 3rd win leers face tough slatejl but he was able to place high residents. Rick Jamieson and Ziegler won the bowling com¬ finishers in the Superstars By MICHAEL KLOCKE were five Lansing residents: enough in si* others to gather a total of 56.5 points. He out- Clyde Ziegler who were leading with 29.5 and 29 points, re¬ petition with a 565 series and he also defeated former MSU Steve Kemp, 27.5; Mock, 26.5: Munn hosts 20 Consistency was the key for former MSU trackman Bofi Steele as he captured his third distanced runner-up Henry Magiera of Chicagb ind won the spectively. Jamieson finished second in hockey player Steve Colp in pool. Larry Letwin, 20.5; Mike Kist- ler, 17.8; and Jim Heldmeyer, games $1,200 first prize. swimming and third in yolf and 16.5. consecutive championship in Neither Jamieson or Ziegler MSlTi rebuilding hockey team won't be pool to take the -lead after able to score any points on Steele said he was naturally the Brandywine Superstars were Following Saturday's "pleased" with his victory, and padding its 1977-1978 schedule to make the held this weekend. compe¬ Saturday. But Jamieson said Sunday and. they finished in early going easy - the Spartans will face last Steele won only one event. tition, Steele place and it was in seventh was two Lansing that all he could do Sunday was watch while people passed him. fourth and fifth place. On Sunday Steele was able to he emphasized the prize money was very important in bringing winter's 1-2-3 finishers in the NCAA hockey Toronto. The Spartans open th i against them Oct. 21 and 22 at ''""'! play-offs. The leers Mun„ out the competitive edgte in the compete in His strongsuit, the play 36 games this • 1 participants. NCAA and WCHA against WCHA opponents. running events. The former These aren't minor prizes and NCAA champion Wisconsin home games. MSU There" are w MSU 440-yard-hurdle standout and people take the competition Michigan will runner-up and intra-state rival seven of their nine plays home ,eri *1 finished first in the obstacle appear as league rivals. league opponents Tl seriously, Steele said. "I icers only ptay two course, and second in the half mile and 60-yard-dash events. haven't competed in Superstars Boston University, who placed third in the Colorado College games at comes to Denver MSU for. 2 elsewhere, but then again, NCAA tourney, wUI be an addition to MSU's "A lot of people think that game set. ""1 I'm out of it being in seventh these prizes don't exist else¬ regular schedule Dec. 29 and 80 at Munn Ice Last season was the Arena, The two schools have met first time M,,| where." three finished out of the WCHA place," Steele said before Sun¬ times, twice in regular season play and once play-offs inover J day's competition. "But I've Superstars coordinator Don years. The Spartans had a 11.20.1 i„ 1 Bolhuis said that all the pro¬ in the 1967 NCAA play-offs, which was won record and were 14-21-1 still got all my best events ceeds from the competition will by Boston, 4-2. MSU won both regular overall. This S coming up." The half-mile was won by go Fund. to the Special Olympics meetings. S!ST""—»» former MSU runner John Mock with a Superstars record time of 1:37 on a short half-mile course. Magiera won the 60- yard dash in 6.5 seconds, just nipping Steele. The weightlifting competi Tigers split twinbill with Indiar tion was won by the muscular DETROIT (UPI) - Rookie he walked Phil Mankowski, In the opener, Rick Waits Magiera who just recently won left-hander Bob Sykes won his yielded a one-out single to stayed undefeated in five deci¬ Detroit's runs, hitting h homer with the bases J a superstars competition held first major league game Sunday Rusty Staub and gave up a sions with the home run help of the second and a em J in Chicago. His lift of 265 when Milt May's RBI single sacrifice fly to rookie Steve Buddy Bell and Paul Dade. the fourth. John sacrifice! pounds was enough to win the capped a two-run rally with two Kemp. Hiller, 44 event but many spectators felt out in the bottom of the ninth Thompson drove in both of the loser. that he could have lifted at least inning to give the Detroit 100 more pounds. Steele was Tigers a 3-2 victory after the tied for fourth in weightlifting. Cleveland Indians had won the Stote News/Linda Bray Third place finisher John first game of the doubleheader Superstars winner Bob Steele, a former MSII trackman who won the NCAA 440- 5-2. Sawyer was the winner of the yard hurdles in 1966-67, hoists the weight off his chest on the way to his third rowing competition beating out Ron Pruitt's two-run single straight Superstars victory. Steele only won one event but placed in the other six Steele by less than a second. with two out in the top of the for the $1,200 first prize. Sawyer, who finished with 33 ninth had given Cleveland a 2-1 / SPECIAL ^ points, also finished second in lead, but Jason Thompson sin¬ Newsweek says the obstacle course. gled with two out off loser Appearing TODAY In tennis, brothers George and John Suehur battled in the Wayne Garland and tied the game _ when Ben _ Oglivie __ su this week DOOLEY'S Idi meets' God finals with George the winner doubled. Reliever Jim Kern 6-0 and 6-2. Brad Van Pelt of then gave up May's looping, BURGER & NEW YORK (API The registration deadline for IM Softball leagues will be the New York Giants was tied game-winning single, - Two physicians who recently es¬ the student-faculty IM singles available in the afternoon today for fifth. Garland allowed five hits in 8 FRIES Rounding out the top ten 2-3 innings. In the first inning. in 201 Men's IM Building. RELAY tennis tournament is Tuesday caped from Uganda say Idi Amin is suffering hallucinations at 201 Men's IM Building. Play will begin Wednesday. $1.75 and holds imaginary conver¬ sations with God, reports Complete schedules for the Newsweek magazine. HEAR THE WORLD FAMOUS 11:30-2:00 Amin also sees visions of Milton Obote, overthrown by Amin in 1971. SOSE~SatSEMESMS ATTUITH I Ex¬ cellent pay, insurance, and tirement benefits available re¬ LOUDSPEAKERS ONLY AT — "UTTU ranwAT; Michigan Air Notional Guard. Call 5 ft-489-5169 after 6 P.M., i« soma STATION : Tuesday through Friday. Colh Todayf « 1301E. Grand Itlvar Next to Varsity Inn « J HI-FI BUYS Louis Edwards WT 1101 E. GRAND RIVER 4810 W. SAGINAW E.L.PH. 337-1767 LAN. PH. 321-2373 Haircutters M-F12-9 M - F12-9 S9-5 $9-5 TWO LOCATIONS TO SMVITOUI 22251. Orand River gene's "EAST" BICYCLE SHOP MI7V41. (Groesbeck area) STOP IN & BE Michigan Ave. CONVINCED 10 SPEED RECORD "RALIIGH" "■EJSU, Owners: (Lansing) Above Bancroft Flowers There IS a difference!!! S 5 SPEED SPRITE Carole and Don Satterfield 487-6655 Reg.$149.95 SPECIAL- Reg. $137.95 r .MCAT -LSAT -DAT > ONLY $117.95 sGMAT .VAT .GRE .PC AT .SAT ONLY $124.95 SAVE 11 $20.00 SAVE! I S25.00 NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS • ECFMG .FLEX Flexible Programs and Hours Over 38 years ol eiperience and success. Small classes Voluminous Serving Lansing's & Eas t Lansing'» Bicycling Needs For Over SO Years! 0 sfet h'ome study materials Courses that are constantly updated. Centers 10 SPUDS open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities lor review OVIR 200 BIKIS AS LOW AS of class lessons and lor use of supplementary materials. Make-ups for ON SPECIAL (M •• missed lessons at our canlers. AT PRICES YOU CAff AFFORD ™b|#d - - Flexible Programs and Hours OPEN: MON.. WED.. FRI. 10 to8 Fniijtd Hills: ft 31W7H3# TUES..THURS. IOI06 337-0361 SATURDAY9to5 tattor: 311662 3149 wZSgS Or write to: 25112 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite t-7 Farmington Hills. Mi. 48018 .aa^^HAtiilialed Centers in Major U. S. Cities LOOK TOWARD CO-OPTICAL We offer you over our fine fashion collection of famous Renta, Eye Mystique, Diane Von Furstenberg, Gloria Vanderbilt, Christian Dior, and Playboy Frames. eyewear. names as Come and look Oscar de \ Precision Haircutting, New Style Designs, and Expert Coloring, Perms, Conditioning Buy iny Medium fW* Call 351-5330 At the regular price Get Identical PIZZA Dr. James Nixon Registered Optometrist FREE Little Caesars Pizza Brooklield Plaza fjb* oMZZZ-V3l4Jtt 12031. Rd. River cppoUmuA _ ® 337-1631 One coupon per order - Mon.t Thufk. 11 AM-4 MA 3 PM-i:30 PM Tue»„Wed.,frl. Located In the E. Lansing State Bldg. - Abbott t Grand River. f AM-IPM.2-8PM Suite 201R stairwell near theater. lAichigon Stoto Nows, Eost Loniinq, Michioon Monday, June 27, 1977 7 State News xKink Kultists' kommune of Koncerf Newsline 353-3382 William friedkin's 'sorccrer' Kinks electify wh By BILL HOLDSHIP Mersey Beat Invasion and con¬ Star." Fast-mpving adventure flick State News Staff Reviewer It's a curious paradox. Thou¬ sands of people rdled Pontiac tinue to produce relevant music. Ray Davies practically invented heavy metal rock Nonetheless, The Kinks show little concern over their lack of commercial appeal. They seem Stadium last week to watch (that's as in music, not noise) to be in it for the music and By BYRON BAKER (including one for Friedkin), overseas), "Sorcerer", pro¬ Peter Frampton perform on a with "You Really Got Me" and its box-office success applause only, and, this being a ■ SUte News Reviewer did duced and directed by Friedkin, T.V. screen. They'll be herding (1964) before he became fasci¬ "Best of The Kinks" show, J In 1970. director William much to shore up the then- is as personal and idiosyncratic folks in like buffalo to watch nated with the power of words, there was plenty of both. Kinks Ifriedkin, 1L then beet known for sagging fortun es of Twentieth Century-Fox. in its way as any American film Alice Cooper dance with chick¬ beautiful melodies, and theatri¬ fans are by far the most ON sensitive film adaptations of to come through the exchanges ens at Cobo Hall in August. cal presentations. Davies "grew dedicated there are. Commonly Ester's "The Birthday Party" The second, for writer-pro¬ in recent years. Yet when The Kinks present¬ up" to become the social essay¬ referred to as "Kinks Kultists," SALE land Mart Crowley's "The Boys ducer William Peter Blatty, Based on Georges Arnaud's ed what will no doubt be the ist of rock 'n roll, presenting their fanatical devotion is only NOW ■lithe Band", underwent a was The Exorcist", arriving in well-remembered French best concert of this summer at satirical yet compassionate por¬ comparable to the Grateful Edden and substantial change late 1973. novel, "The Wages of Fear" Pine Knob last Thursday trayals of the "kinks" in modern Dead's "Dead Heads." Eittitude toward his craft. He Having proven his commer- (filmed years ago by the late evening, two-thirds of the seats civilization. The band recently ■More his previous fondness ctality, Friedkin has now gone During the encore, the fran¬ It, intimate, "little" films, and Itommenofd a new orientation: his own way. Several years in preparation, ten months in Henri Clouzot, to whom Fried¬ kin has dedicated his film), "Sorcerer" is a tight, chillingly were It empty. somehow makes though. Ray Davies and His sense reached their artistic peak with their two last albums, School¬ boys In Disgrace and Sleep¬ tic Kultists almost pulled Davies into the audience, and Jesse Btoward act ion-filled, suspense actual production, with the three adoring females had to be Winchester suspenseful film about destiny, Kinks are one of the greatest walker, not only the best works L thoroughly commercial backing of not one, but two fear and courage. and most innovative rock acta of their career, but two of the dragged from the stage. These major studios (Paramount and of all time. They are probably weren't your typical teeny- I dims. Adapted by Walon Green most perfect pop recordings in I The first, for producer Philip Universal jointly financed, (who wrote, with Sam Peckin- the band most admired by quite some time. boppers. These were women in and Midnight Bus ■n'Antoni. was released in 1971, splitting the domestic other fellow musicians and the their mid-twenties! All I could release pah, "The Wild Bunch", and The Kinks have a musical | "The French Connec- between themselves, and are rock press. Thus, it seems to think of was a paraphrase of the The film won five Oscars jointly distributing the film won an Oscar for his documen¬ tary, "The Hellstrom Chroni¬ follow that only a selected few heritage as rich as The Beatles and Rolling Stones, yet they recent Eagles' hit: "We haven't Fnday, Julv22-8 & 10:30pm had that spirit here since 1964." cle"), the film charts the decline are interested in seeing them have been virtually ignored. EticksonKka Michigan State Unhcrsity of four unsavory men: an aging perform. Perhaps it has a lot to do with And it all makes sense as The assassin (Francisco Rabal); an The Kinks opened their set their anti-commercial stance Kinks helped originate that Arab terrorist (Amidou); a with "One of The Rock 'N Roll and refusal to create an image. spirit in the first place. As bankrupt French financier Survivors," a fitting song since Davies has always been rock's Davies said in his introduction (Bruno Cremer) and a small¬ the band is one of the few to biggest anti-star. After all, in to not a medley but full rendi¬ time American mobster (Roy survive the mid-BOs British his own words, "Everybody's A tions of their early classics: "I Scheider). All four men have don't know how much sense of run afoul of laws or people — — history you have, but we're important enough to make Warners rushes rescue reels going to do some oldies for you sanctuary imperative. now. If you know the words, The men gradually surface in sing along. If you don't, clap a filthy, poverty-paralyzed South American village (as to resuscitate The Heretic' your hands....and then learn 'em!" designed by veteran art direc¬ Warner Brothers, in prompt response to extremely adverse tor John Box, the village is reactions from both audiences and critics to the endihg of the possibly the single most god¬ studio's expensive "Exorcist II: The Heretic", has shipped a new forsaken little town ever de¬ final reel, containing a slightly altered ending to the 725 theatres picted in an American movie). m km The village — indeed, the entire country — is a desperate en¬ showing the film. The decision to change the film's ending, which came only five days after the movie's nationwide premiere, is attributed to vironment, benighted by a mili¬ taristic eruptions of laughter from audiences at the finale, which depicted government, corrupt stars Richard Burton and Linda Blair strolling away from a police and blighted by high flaming, leveled Georgetown house — while no one in the neighborhood mortality level. The men sense notices a thing. that escape is of the essence. Meanwhile, 200 miles away, an oil well explodes, and shoots flames and smoke hundreds of feet into the air. Back at the town, an oil company offers a handsome fee to foolhardy drivers willing to drive rickety, antiquated trucks bearing dan¬ gerously volatile nitroglycerine (with which the fire might be quelled), over the treacherous and uncertain terrain to the I Boy SchetdowMtemplates his cut of the king's ran- field. fI aent ho to bo gained for completing the of perilous ship- The fee is sufficient to pur¬ nitro, in William Friedkin's film adventure chase safe passage out of the I "Sorcerer". country, and the four men, each with nothing left to lose, volun¬ teer to undertake the long, perilous journey — their only hope for survival. "Sorcerer" is a testament to /no passes accepted this engagement! William Friedkin's talent, tena¬ city and perfectionism. The journey of the trucks is gruel¬ ing, coldly engrossing cinei highlighted by tension-filled quences of a calibre rarely in movies. The stunts i intensely real, functioning both as thrilling vignettes, and as embodied metaphors of the utter desperation of the men. And, Friedkin and scenarist Green capture that desperation well, as they carefully, in¬ exorably weave a claustro¬ phobic web in which the charac¬ ters become inextricably en¬ jg&U tangled. Friedkin's editor Bud Smith and cameramen John m L4M I Stevens and Dick Bush not only maintain a constant level of suspense, but in the construc¬ tion and composition of the film, 7:15, 9:30 reinforce this idea. The Universal-Paramount re¬ lease is at the Meridian 8 Theatres. THE ONLY WAY TO GO! Let INSTY.PRIlVrS help iV w*th Fast, Quality Printing we can! fnsty-prints the wla of the printing Mzl W-11M 3217S91 •#" 3295 SCctt 1308 W. Saginaw MUM I !'W|th„ W. Saginaw and S. Codor stores 9-12 Sat. ^BstorosogonliJOjW^^| Q Michigon Slote News, Eo$t loosing, Michigan Monday, June I Hi IfgiOSAIS .■ TkllifiMll . Our job 111 Used & Demo B ==*£#. ttsss&z**-" r. Walnut COMiwti optional at extra coal MrrfinRy SAVE $125! If you've alwaya Probably two of the moat succeaaful and popular Marantz pro- wanted to own a pair ducta - now at super savings t The Model 1060 amplifier la one of Infinity a peak era, of the beat Marantz haa ever offered. The Model 2230 receiver here'a your chance to provldea 30 watte per channel, haa an excellent FM section and do It at eubatantial offera total audio flexibility. Now at half price/ aavlngal During these four days we're offering the very popular Model 1060 A ipllfler Model 2230 Receiver 12 3-way Infinity 3000-J at a fantastic price - Reg. 1249.95 Reg. *399.95 Just 1324.88 for a pair! They need only five watt andle much more. 179*® 199®® 324« THE PAIN! Record Care Bargains! 18 watts par channel and provides " — 179** " " Here's an excellent way to upgrade excellent FM reception,i. Has lots 1 your present music system for n u a of useful features. Vou Watts Record Preener minimum investment and save, tool Reg. 15.95 NOW $3.95 The Audlo-Technlca AT-77E Watts Dust Bug cartridge features dual magnet and Reg. 17.95 Dlscwaaher - NOW 15.49 1 oz. refill ellptlcal diamond stylus. The manufacturer's suggei' r regula Super Values on teac Reg. 11.75 NOW 11.00 Bring In your 1 oz. (red) Discwasher price Is 119.95. But right n save another 16.001 v you Cassette Decks $ audio-techmca The Model A-170 Is perfect for recording Headphone Savings! 13"" cassettes for home or car. Reg.! Superex 930 - a "steal" at this price. Reg. 119.95 Superex CL-1. Comfortable, great sound! Reg. 155 NOW 134.88 25 ft. headphone extension cord. Reg. 17.50 NOW 112.88 NOW 14.95 189®® Sm Model A-400 Is a rugged front-loader BecfroVbice &TDK that will compliment the finest Reg. 1329.95. Our most popular recording tape. Stock up on all the cassettes 279®® and open reel tape youll need for the summer and save 20% I SAVE25% Our most popular speaker! The Marantz Imperial V is Fantastic 'First' System! a very efficient 8" 2-way speaker system ideal for a ■P#nu'ac,urer's su9Sested selling price for the Superscope main set or as a remote R-350 receiver is 1299.88 - the sale price of this complete system which also Includes a pair of Electro-Voice 13B speak¬ speaker system. Youll be ers and the BSR 2260 record changer complete with base, dust startled by its clarity! Save cover and magnetic cartridge. Separately the value of these $40.00/ components is nearly 1520! The BSR 710QX may be used manually or as a changer. It fea¬ Reg. $160 pr. tures a full-sized platter, gentle cueing, and pitch control. iiik»«kinty. Comes complete with base, dust cover and cartridge. PAIR Reg. Pr $199 95 99®® ereo 555 E. Grand River Ave. in East Lansing (Next to Taco Bell) Phone 337-1300 oppe Five Convenient Ways to Finance Your Purchases Where you're treated fairly every time. .iifhiaon Stote N«w», Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday, June 27, 1977 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 Classified Advertising Aitomotive ]@ ffaipleyait |fft| | Upartmts l|y[ 1 tyxbnb [[y| | Apartmewts |[jp] 1 ApartReRtsJ^) Information VW CAMPER 1966 FULL OR part-time opening for NEED ONE or two females for VILLA MONTE-Sublet apartment poptop, AM/ BRENTWOOD, EAST Unsing CLOSE TO East Lansing, one and FM tape, fully experienced tropical fish hobbiest- for 1 year starting August 1st. camper equip. $995. apartment near campus. 332-4432. near, 2 bedroom unfurnished, two bedroom apartments for sum- PHONE 355-825S 347 Student Services Call after six 694-0177. 4-7-1 Bldg. (31 bad hours, mediocre pay, grouchy X-8-7-8 13) available immediately. Carpeted, Living room with beautiful balcony mer and fall, furnished or un- boss. Apply Monday and Tuesday, air conditioning, carport. $195. view, dining room, kitchen, fully furnished. VILLAGE APTS., Oke- VW SQUAREBACK 197l7 Air, 12-3 p.m. at THE FISH MONGER. CAMPUS CLOSE. 7/5-9/1. 2 bed¬ Phone 351-7633 or 669-3513. 5-7-1 furnished and decorated. One mos. Call afternoons and evening, RATES radio, snow tires, surface rust. 1522 E, Michigan. 1-6-27 (7) rooms, balcony. Negotiable price. 16) person or couple, no pets. $375/ 349-4067. 7-7-8 (6) I $850.372-2647 after 5 p.m. 8-7-13 332-2498. 5-7-1 (3) month. For information call Marie, PAYS day-904 per line RESIDENT COUNSELOR/Mana- rtiEllEIgElBCT 3 days • 80C per line 6 days-7S« ger for 16 mentally handicapped and in COZY FURNISHED in one bedroom Free KiTr™"™- r per line women men an active Lansing. Includes utilities and gcatainnEia 8 day.-70C per line I MUwiycte llftel developmental program of group community living. Degree and parking. $165/month. 482-9226. 34F27I4) Roommate WOMAN TO share apartment. own room, across from R00M SUMMER, fall option, campus' furnished, air conditioned, rent experience preferred also super¬ $95/month. 332-2795 evenings 475 negotiable. 351-5303; 351- rtcoEdnznou Line rale per Insertion HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1960-74 MSU BLOCK east, one bedroom, Service 5-7-6 (3) 0687. 3-6-27 (31 panhead, completely chopped, visory and program development garpumpgpnm skills. Salary $8000-$9000 plus unfurnished. 351-9549. 3-7-1 13) $2600 or best offer. 484-0132 5-7-1 (3) apartment, meals other fringe SEPTEMBER 1 to July f. Beauti¬ 332-4432 LANSING-EAST side and down- NEW, FURNISHED, 4 bedroom, benefits. Contact Pamela Fuhrig town. Efficiency $100/month. 1 $200/month summer. Fall option I [tonoLines ■ 3 lines - '4.00 - 5 days. 80' per line over 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when HONDA CB 100 1971 rebuilt. Director, MOORE LIVING CEN¬ fully furnished, 2 bedroom, 1)4 bath, ranch style condominium (We will match you bedrooms from $135/month. Call Joe Milter, AIM INC. 374-2800 or '400. 339-2961 after 6 p.m. 8-7-8 131 concelled. Needs minor work, $175. 482- TER, 1401 Edgewood, Lansing, with Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum 9596 after 6:30 p.m. 3-6-29 (31 48910. 393-4442. 6-7-7 (14) with rac room and redwood patio compatable 332-6741. 0-3-6-27 (5I lake. Pool and EAST SIDE-3 month tease. 3 on golf course roommates) sale price of '50. LARGE TWO party furnished ef- bedroom $180/month. 4 bedroom YAMAHA 1971, 360. $350 or best POSITIONS AVAILABLE. CETA .adjacent. Faculty or mature grad I psonuts Personal ads ■ 3 lines - '2.25 - per insertion. offer. 355-8528. After 5 p.m. Title VI positions are available at student or children. $325/month. ficiency. Close to campus, air. Fall $200/month. Call Joe Miller, AIM I 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). 394-1885. 2-6-29 (3) the Capital Area Career Center in 339-9323. 8 7-13 19) $184. 351-1610, 487-4451. 0-4-6-29 INC. 374-2800 or 332-6741. 0-3-6- ALBERT STREET Apartments. 27 (4) I lummage/Garoge Sale ads - 4 lines - *2.50. Mason. Secretary-Typist, Voca¬ ONE OR two Large 2 bedroom, air conditioned, I4I men needed for I 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. NEW LOW rates on motorcycle tional Counselor Aide, Photo¬ furnished. 1 block from campus. ■LT„7„.r ! .7., LARGE 3 bedroom furnished grapher and Artist-Illustrator. Ap¬ apartment, close to campus, 332- MODERN, NEAR Lansing Mall. I 'Round Town ads ■ 4 lines • *2.50 - per insertion. insurance. Alder Agency, 351- 8620. 0-2-6-29 (3} plicants must meet Title VI unem¬ 4432. X-8-7-8 (31 Fall. Call 351-4103. 0-4-6-29 (4) home with finished attic, 1% I 63'per line over 4 lines. ployment and income require¬ PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Fur¬ SZhTdl «in T q ba,hs- ,ormal dinin9 f00m- ««>- I Lost i Founds ods/Transportotlon ads • 3 lines - *1.50 - ments and also be a resident of NICE HALF apartment. Excellent iKi-u 27 tjj in ' place' 9arage- Includes regrigera- per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. (71 Ingham County, excluding the City of Lansing. Applicants should location, student preferred. $75/ month. 489-7085. 8-7-8 (3) nished, studio, utilities paid, $135/ month plus deposit. Phone 489- 5574 after 5 p.m. 0-2-6-29 (4) t0f stQve to campus, an(J washer. 8 minutes 482-9226. 3-6-27 (6) JUNK CARS wanted. We apply at MESC office located at NEAR FRANDOR, 213 South .r» nrr>n7/77 77.~7~ more if they run. Also pay buy used 3215 South Pennsylvania. 3-7-1 SUMMER SUBLET. 2 man apart¬ Francis. Available July 2. Fur- FOUR BEDROOM completely fur¬ Deadlines ment, very close to campus, $160/ '"^7 aPPlia"caa a"d ■Ads- 2 p.m. -1 class day before publication. cars and trucks. 489-3080. 29(141 C-4-6- (14) month. Call Jim, 374-6366. 4-6-29 Only ate* left!! nished. utilities included no tease. ooo Go*-? a i i ia\ Clean, quret, 882-9347. 4-7-1 (4) dishes, fenced yard, 3 miles to campus Qn bus ^ '^/month, COOKS 131 ■Cancellation/Change - 1 p.m. • I class day before I publication. ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace Experienced grill cook for our East OWN ROOM/bath. Sublet sum¬ Waters Edge LAKE LANSING Park, Mall, cam- August 1st to June 30th. 371- 4094. 3-6-27 (6) your conventional ignition with a • Reduced Summer rent pus close. Carpeted one bedroom, ■oncead is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed Piranha electronic ignition at Room Restaurant. Hours: Mon. mer-fall. Prefer graduate. Brandy- air. Summer leases $155. 627- LANSING EAST side, houses, 3 until after 1st insertion. and Fri. 10am-5pm, Thurs. 10am- wine, Air, sauna, many extras. from'160 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 6920. X-6-7-6 (31 and 4 bedroom furnished. Close to 7:30pm, Fri. 1-9pm, Sat. 12-3pm. Partially furnished. 487-4067; 337- • Two and four man bus route. Call Chris, 484-2164. There is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50* CAR PARTS, 2606 East Kalama¬ per Excellent benefits. Apply in person 1250. 6-7-6 (4) additional chonge for maximum of 3 changes, zoo Street, one mite west of at the Personnel Office. apartments NEAR MSU, 2 bedroom complete- 5-lM(4) camous. 487-5055. C-4-6-29 (281 • Walk to campus ly furnished apartment, summer he Stale News will only be responsible lor the 1st SUMMER, TWO bedroom, one FIVE AND Six bedroom furnished day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must MASON BODY SHOP 812 East block from campus. $140. 155 1050 Water's Edge !f,a-fe,cS.rea,!)Lredl!5?d ra,es' Ca" bomes for fall term, two blocks be mode within 10 days of expiration date. Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Gunson 351-4185, fall option. Z-6- 7-6 13) (next to Cedar Village) 4 7 1 mi 4"7' 44 after 5 P'm' from camPus- Ca" Crai9 Gibson and leave message, 627-9773. ■ills ore due 7 doys from ad expiration date. If not Complete auto painting and col¬ ASSISTANT MANAGER - Free lision service American and for¬ one bedroom apartment and all 332*4432 Z-10-7-13 (5) paid by due dote, a 50' late service charge will PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, fur¬ FEMALE ROOMMATE needed eign cars. 485-0256. C-4-6-29 1141 utilities paid for a man and wife be due. nished one bedroom. Utilities paid. AVAILABLE AUGUST summer term, Okemos apartment. CAMPUS CLOSE, one girl need- team to work part-time. Work or Sep¬ $160/month plus deposit. Call 349-1841. 3-6-29 (3) ed, real nice house, washer dryer. WE BUY tember, furnished, utilities for grad junk care and trucks. Top includes all phases of apartment 489-5574 after 5 p.m. 0-2-6-29 I4I $90. Call 676-4819. 5-7-1 (4) student who needs quiet and is dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE rentals and maintenance. May quiet. Whole third floor, residen¬ $1o!Tdepos7uti!i- WE PERSON,^, 2 bloc^slo AUTO PARTS & SALVAGE. 0-4- have other employment. No child¬ 6-29 (31 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY in 2 tial neighborhood, west end of $100/month', ■tatonotive IN □***□(§ ren, no dogs. HERITAGE ARMS APARTMENTS. 3031 S. Washing¬ ton, Lansina. 393-3410. 5-7-6 (10) woman apartment. 4 female pro¬ fessional, transfer, senior or grad. campus, $160. 351-4636. 4-7-1 (71 ties. 35,-7068. 6-7-7 (3) —el>'■ a"° I 1975. 30,000 miles, n-ioy-niin Pool available. Rent negotiable. Call 349-3466 after 5:30 p.m. ONE AND two bedrooms in modern eight unit. Furnished and 513 HILLCREST - Town's largest 1-bedroom, quiet; 3 blocks MSU. FEMALE WANTED to share large le wall tiies, AM/FM stereo, I molding, power steering/ OPEL MANTA 1974. 24/28 mpg, 42,000 miles, great condition. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONISTS 1 Hrlrt Iffl 1-6-27 16) unfurnished. Call 372-0297. 8-7-11 Brightly furnished, air, dishwash- room in house on Grove Street. $90 for summer-close-351-6456. $1900. See at Meijers lot, South - 250 bed acute care hospital has er, brand-new carpeting, security S-5-7-1 (3) COMPACT REFRIGERATORS FEMALE NEEDED, own room in doors. Unfurnished/furnished > S2900 332-8817. 8-7-8 (4) Pennsylvania, weekdays 7-4 p.m. immediate part-time openings. T.V's. stereos, low summer rates. apartment, very close, 332-1497 or MALE TO share one large bed¬ "77~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ 7 ~ 77 . 8-7-8 151 Must have experience in trans¬ 351-2067. 3-7-1 (3) from $180. Need manager couple. BEDROOM furnished, car- VYBELAIR 1964, 6-cylinder, Free delivery, 372-1795, 5-7-1 (31 room apartment. Air, tease in fall, Also handyman. 351-4212; 655- Pet- 402 North Foster- $115 wm' cribing and knowledge of medical $100/month. 351-4326. 2-6-27 13) :ic, good mpg. Needs bat- PACER 1975. Automatic, bucket terminology. Excellent starting EAST LANSING. Wanted to share 1022. 0-3-6-29 (8) mer- ^a"- 482-6906.1-6-27 (4) TV AND stereo rentals $25/term. I and floor work. 355-6212. seats, tinted windows, radio, rate. Contact Personnel, LAN¬ $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- by professional mate, 30's. Spa¬ 349-2162 or 355-3336. 3-6-27 I3I SING GENERAL HOSPITAL. 2800 1010. C-4-6-29112) cious, attractive furnished 2 bed¬ MEN WOMEN Devonshire. Phone 372-8220. 5-7- room duplex apartment. Albert CAMPUS ffflOLET IMPALA 1970. Au- V 8. PINTO 71. 66,000 miles. Original owner. Good condition, $500. Call 6(101 near Collingwood. Prefer grad WORK OVERSEAS!! c. air, regular gas. |l100.8-1-6-22 13) BL-6-29 (21 351-1418 or 351-1140.3-7-1 J3I_ MODELS WANTED, $8/hour. We upaftsiits j!y| student or professional. $132.60 plus 'A utilities. 332-6567 or 332- HILL Australia—Europe—Japan—The South Pacific Far East—South Amarica—Cantral America will train. 489-2278. Z-3-28-26 (3) 6987 evenings. 3-7-1 (10) ItOLET IMPALA-1970. Au- PLYMOUTH WAGON Satellite 1969. Good tires, some rust, SUMMER-FEMALE needed for •2 OVER 100 COUNTRIES t. V-8, air, regular gas. PART-TIME position. Mail pick up Grove Street Apartment, own ALL OCCUPATIONS—skilled—unskilled—U.S. Gov¬ " tL 2 6-29 I3I 89,000,351-3033 after 6 p.m. 3-7-1 'A hour a day, Monday-Friday at •Furnished Apts. room, rent negotiable, 332-4166. Summer Leases <3£ 8:30 a.m., E. Lansing Post Office. ernment Private Corporations and Organisations. S-5-7-1 14) *Free Roommate Service Br 1972 Sports Coupe. One PLYMOUTH 1970 Duster, $500. $10/week. 351-1310, ask for Dick UN lie * Construction—Engineering—Sales—Transportation- W 18,000 miles. $900 or best Olson. 0-3-6-29 (61 Dishwashers Teaching—Oil Refining—Medical—Accounting—Man¬ I Call 332-2481 mornings or Runs good. Call after 5:30 p.m., 252 River StrMt 332-8074. 7-7-8 (3) SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for Cidar Vit«r Jtpartwats 'Central Air Conditioning ufacturing—Secretarial—Aircraft, etc., etc., $800.00 is. 1-6-27 I4I * to $5,000.00 per month. PORSCHE 914 1973. Yellow, AM/ MSU students. 15-20 houre/week. 1290 E. Grand Rivar Swimming Pool Automobile required. 339-9500. liitrSiN iNrtMts In most jobs overseas you will receive FREE TRANS¬ SUPREME 1974, FM. radials, $3995. Call after 5 C-4-6-29 (12) 'Unlimited Parting K miles, automatic, power. 204 River Street * PORTATION, HIGHER SALARIES and WAGES, TRAVEL p.m., 487-0161. 6-7-7 (3) Pleasant Landscaping JB cruise, rustproofed. Excel- BECAUSE OF the great accep¬ hmNlptMrts PAY, GENEROUS VACATION and BONUS, FREE MED¬ * PORSCHE 914,1974, red, appear¬ 13301. Grand River pndition, 351-8763. 5-7-6 (41 tance of QUALITY DAIRY Special 12-montli rates ICAL CARE. FREE MEALS and HOUSING, mora AD¬ ance group, rustproofed, excellent tMricJN AprtMits LASS S 1971 2-door. 45,000 BAKERY we are now accepting VANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES. I buckets, V-8 automatic. condition, $4900, 332-1319 after 5 applications again for cake deco¬ 1121 Victor StrMt FRIB BUS NO U.S. INCOME TAX under the Government Foreign p.m. 6-7-6 (3) rators and baker production work¬ SAAB 96 1970. No rust, 28/35 ers, on the day and night shifts. JOIN the gang at SKRVICE Resident Rule (civil service excluded). To allow anyone the opportunity to explore overseas Please, no phone calls. Apply at F MAVERICK mpg 54,000 actual miles. Excellent 600 East Saginaw, Lansing. 3-6-27 Model Open 9-9 employment we have published a complete set of 1974, 2 door, JM 31,000 miles, A-1 condi- condition. 372-7900 ext. 232, 8-5 daily. 351-6278 attar 5 p.m. 3-6-27 181 Burcham Woods 332-5322 Everyday OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT GUIDES. Our OVERSEAS EM¬ ■'1115.355-6090. 3-6-27 (31 Capitol Villa Apartments PLOYMENT GUIDES contain the following informa¬ 151 AVON-GET ready for college tui¬ Leasing for tion. Excellent earnings, flexible 15*41. Grand River Summer (Fall tion... JMN 1975. Floor shift, over- TOYOTA CELICA 1972. Sharp hours. 482-6893. C-4-6-29 332-5330 •List of CURRENT OVERSEAS JOB OPPORTUNITIES with BMP plus snow tires, 23,000 CALL 349-3S30 interior, air conditioned, runs * Heated pool 1*9-2162: 355-3335. 3-6-27 good, soma rust. $800. Phone 394- BABYSITTER IN my home * Air conditioning a special section on overseas construction projects, 2837. 0-3-6-29 (4) through July. Mon.-Wed.-Fri. * executive positions and teaching opportunities. Tonnit courts mornings, Tues.-Thur. until 3 p.m. * Ample parking •How, Where and Whom to apply for the job of your , 1976-10,000 Must drive, references. 349-3083. * Nicoly furnished choice OVERSEAS L ™bs, 'adio, Tuff-Kote. " best otter. 351-7389. TOYOTA CELICA 1972. Air, Michelin tires, 4-speed, AM/FM, excellent condition. $1295. Call 8-7-11 14) 1 bedroom units *150 Dream for Summer Special Rates •FIRMS and ORGANIZATIONS employing all types of Personnel In nearly every port of the Free World. BABYSITTER-COOK. Monday, 351-3582 after 6 p.m. S-3-6-29 (5) Tuesday, Thursday afternoons. •Firms and organisations engaged in OVERSEAS CON¬ BUY MONTEREY T970.—|n- ■ Mem, power steering, 351-3364. evenings. 2-6-27 (31 for summer STRUCTION PROJECTS. MANUFACTURING. MINING, 355-0877 after 6 VEGA I976 Hatchback. $2100. 745 Burcham Lowest prices in town OIL REFINING. ENGINEERING, SALES. SERVICES. FREE ROOM/board for female in Radials, excellent. Call after 6 p.m. TEACHING, SECRETARIAL, AIRCRAFT, ETC.I laV53'3248, Tom'$450' 482-0135. 3-7-1 (3) return for child care/housekeep¬ 351-3118 for large clean 2 Just across street •COMPANIES and GOVERNMENT AGENCIES employ¬ ing, 337-2274. 5-7-6 13) bedroom furnished from campus. Large ing personnel in nearly evory occupation, from the un¬ I*. 1967. Power steering / VEGA 1976 Hs,chback' radio' units. furnished 1 & 2 bed¬ skilled laborer to the college trained professional I pYo tires, parts $250/best automatic, radial tires, 30 mpg, |»-1527. 4-7 6 (41 ««0. 371-4094. 3-7-1 (31 •How and Where to apply for OVERSEAS GOVERN¬ Don't Miss Summer room apts. Air, car¬ peted, balconies. MENT JOBS I Immediate •Employment on U.S. Government ships "MERCHANT CEDAR MARINES" at ^topctungfjam 4620 South Hegudoru Rd. Occupancy Immediate Occupancy •Directory of U.S. Businesses operating in AUSTRALIA that employ Americans. •list of U.S. DEFENSE CONTRACTORS with operations GREENS (North of Mt. Hope) ONLY ♦180 OVERSEAS THAT EMPLOY Americans I •Information about TEMPORARY and SUMMER JOBS LEASING FOR SUMMER and FALL ♦ISO00 OVERSEAS! Efficiencies •Plus sevorol EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORMS ClAl SUMMER RATIS ★ Luxury apartments completely furnished ♦hat you may send directly to the COMPANIES or OR¬ * with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furn¬ Per Month •135 GANIZATIONS that interest you the most I rURNIMIB ARARTMINTf MAIL OUR ORDER FORM TODAY 11 * 1NRION EMITS iture and shag carpeting throughout. The Job You Want May Be Waiting For You Right Now) * «NI IIMOOM UNITS Beechweed * * COMB ITIONIIM ★ Each unit has dishwasher, garbage dis¬ Apartments University Terrace ORDER FORM IWIMMIMB BOOL MAIL TO: Overseas Employment Guides posal, central air conditioning and heating. 444 Michigan 1727 SCOTT ROAD, SUITE C | W ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FAU RATES 351-2798 BURBANK.CA. 91504 I am enclosing $10.00 cosh, chock or monoy order. Pleose tend me for rental ★Swimming Pool and private balconies your complete set of OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT GUIDES Immediately information 332-5420 NAME STATE- _ZIP_ 551-8631 ^ Call 331-7144 (also leasing for Fall) (also leasing for Fall) 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE-lf you are dissatisfied with our Overseas for any reason, simply return our Guides to us within 30 Wghtncrttotht days and your $10.00 will be refunded to you immediately, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Brody Complex 1 Q Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan MondoV. june 27,i mists IE [ Ff Sill 1151 I ticfiitin Iftfi] I Strilct |(^) Li*str,cllBI I Typhi St"lc»||a! Until COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete CASH FOR LP'S and NEAR MSU, two bedrooms. Ap¬ MARSHALL MUSIC Inventory LEARN TO Ride at a friendly SEEKING TO do errands, odd EDITING FOR Theses or other cassette, stable with small classes for more dissertation and resume service. P«YUP to $2 each, will pliances, garage, large fenced Clearance Sale. Runs to June jobs, light housekeeping for senior writing, cheap, by Harvard lin¬ 30th. Bargains in Every Depart¬ personal attention. Hunt, seat, citizens or handicapped, $3.50/ guistics student. 337-0182. 6-7-8 Comer M.A.C. and Grand River: 676-4891, Dave. 351-2593 nii-i yard. $200 plus utilities. 371-1902, ment! 245 Ann Street, East Lan¬ jumping and dressage. $7.00/hour. hour, 487-0553. 7-7-8 (4) (3) 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- 3-6-27(31 Dick' aSSS days. 6-7-6 141 1686. C-4-6-29 (16) sing. C-4-6-29 (181 Call HI HOPES FARM. 663-8036. 7 IDEAL HOME for family with small 8-7-8 (6) RIDING INSTRUCTION, Hun., EEL2L Cedar School for reliable profes¬ Senrice, Bldg., ^ children. Conviently located for COMIC BOOKS, Science fiction, seat, and dressage. Transportation UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS com¬ sional family. (Sept. let). Call MSU and downtown Lansing. 2 bedrooms down, one up. 372- baseball cards, much more! I CURIOUS US") BOOK SHOP, | Strtici K WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years experience in professional editing, available for Thursday evening classes. WILLOWPOND STA¬ plete dlsaertation and resume service, ISM typing, editing, multl- 363-0949 or 313-673-0387 collect 6-7-8 (5) 9576. 8-7-8 (51 307 East Grand River, 332-0112. BLES. 676-9799. 4-7-1 (51 FREE...A Lesson in complexion writing skill instruction. 337-1591. lith offset printing, typesetting and WALK TO campus. Large 4 (open 11:30-6 p.m.) C-4-8-29 1201 care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan 0-2-6-29 13) binding. We encourage compara¬ fy)iND Town bedroom house. 2 baths, 229 MID-MICHIGAN'S largest dealer or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. SUMMER: GUITAR, banjo, rttan- \]m»lSirvicilUll tive shopping. For estimate, stop in at 2843 East Grand River or defense and persons/0* Collingwood. Reduced for mer. Call EOUITY VEST, 484- 9472. 0-1-6-27 I5I sum¬ quality used stereo equipment, C-4-6-29 (181 dolin, fiddle, harmonica, auto-harp and voice clasaes. Two summer ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ phone 332-8414. 0-4-6-291321 sTi-iwaf-y'Jl Room Men's IM. FOR QUALITY stereo service,THE terms; starting June 27 and Au¬ ing theses, manuscripts, term amps. New Sure Vocalmester PA TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and CHRISTIAN HOUSE needs men. systems, mikes and accessories. STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand gust 1. Reduced summer rates papers. Evenings, 675-7544. C-4-6- reasonable. 371-4636. C-4-6-29 ^^ Tri-County Regional pi, register early BINGO TUESDAY night, 7:30 $75/month. Across from Cherry New and used rifles and shotguns, River. C-4-6-29 (121 at • ELDERLY 29 (12) (12) p.m. Doors open ZT?0"'5 clean water Lane. Call 351-7844. 3-6-27 131 tools, sporting goods, jewelry, HOUSECLEANING AND House- INSTRUMENTS SCHOOL OF FOLK MUSIC. 541 E. Grand River. —at 7 p.m. 8 p.m. Early Bird £l! G,a.nd Riu<" Basin res,™ bicycles, typewriters. Also 500 sitting services available. Profes¬ 332-4331. C-4-6-29 (371 ANN BROWN PRINTING AND EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ Regular at 7:30 Minimum age 18. SHAAREY u..,p'm'.July7' waverlyw» CHRISTIAN HOUSE needs used 8-track tapes, $1.00 each. TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, auditorium. ' women. $75/month. Across from sional job at a reasonable price. sertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN. ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lan¬ Over 1000 recycled stereo albums. PIANO TEACHER seeks students general printing. Serving MSU for 489-0358. C-4-6-29 (12) Akers. Call 351-7844. 3-6-27 (31 Call 337-1149. 3-7-1 141 27 years with complete theses sing. C-4-6-29 (201 Korean Kl v-maa BUY, SELL, TRADE. WILCOX Experienced, certified. Evenings, iur vifOmfl LANSING EAST side, 3 bedroom, TRADING POST. 509 East Michi¬ COLLEGE PAINTER-You name it persistently, 332-6089. 4-6-29 13) 349-0850. C-4-6-29 119) mJJJjjJjjuedonpi|ei2) 1 gan, Lansing. 485-4391. C-4-6-29 we paint it. experienced. Mark, reduced rates for summer. 349- 1540. WOMAN'S 10 speed bicycle, 19" 351-0491 or Ken, 321-2392. 3-7-1 3-6-27J3I PERCOPl? frame, used once, $90. 332-1230. SUMMER ONLY, 922 Eureka, 2 8-7-8- 131 story, 4 bedrooms, $220/month. Call 485-8615. 6-7-7 131 30 GALLON aquarium, never used *< EAST*LANSINlT -"summer^ 2 $25 332 ,230 131 rooms in house. Negotiable. Call CARUSO HUNT Seat saddle. 18 332-3667; 361-2831 after 6 p.m. inch. New, $200. 882-7684. 8-7-8 8-7-11 131 (3) TWO BEDROOM, large lot, $150. EYE GLASSES at large savings. 713 South Foster. Parking, lease- Why pay more? OPTICAL DIS¬ deposit. 485-4917.8-7-11 (3) COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, Lan¬ sing. 372-7409. C-4-6-29 (161 SHARE HOME. 1 large bedroom for couple Fireplace, garage, rent HAMMOND ORGAN Series T, 1 negotiable. 2 blocks campus. 351- year old. brand new sold for $3000 2566. 8-7-11 (41 will take best offer. 321-5942.6-7-8 SPARROW NEXT door, students, The most progressive development in nurses, five bedrooms, decorated, 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. carpeted, consider capable resi¬ copy machine technology: -fflu Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. - dent manager. Call 351-8810 < Guaranteed one full year, $7." after 5 p.m., 351-0676. 3-7-1 16) and up dTstRIBUtInI COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, 3 BEDROOM House for rent, opposite City Market. C-4-6-29 sublease until September. Deposit • 2-Sided copying • mailing la&els a reduction's negotiable. 605 Lathrop. 484-2922. I24l_ 2-6-29 14) 1975 MARTIN D36. Best sounding » transparencies • copying on your, own letterhead guitar in Lansing, not a scratch, • a wloe selection of EAST LANSING, furnished 4 bed¬ $600. Also Yamaha FG 160, $100. weights, colors, and sizes of paper room home. Beautiful Glencairon area. Professor on leave mid-Aug¬ 694-9315, call after 5 p.m. 4-7-114) • 'Lightning fast* spud of up to ~j$copies per minute, ust through June 30th. Walking SEWING MACHINE SALE! Open distance to campus, shopping and public schools. Family only. 351- 0718. 3-7-1 (7) arm Dressmaster. Stretch zig-zag by White, $119.50. While they last. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING ft PLUS -free AUTOMATIC COLLATING. COMPANY, 1115 North Washing¬ /Ill ^ illlk" at ™e 'ncrfd'ble price of only 117 OAKHILL, 5 bedroom, utilities paid. $500/month. discount for ton. 489-6448. C-2-6-27 (23) 3^-cents per. copy. summer only. 349-3841. 3-7-1 (4) |_ Animals i!>^ TWO UNIT house, o bedrooms total. 635 Mifflin, parking, $375. ENGLISH SETTER pups, AKC, *v/cdo: RESUMES; FLYERS; POSTERS; THESES; NEWSLETTERS; * ready for fall hunting, guaranteed * 48M917, lease-deposit. 8-7-11 13) to hunt. 676-5429 after 7 p.m. BRoCHURfS; LETTERS; LEAFLETS; FORMS; AND MORE... * 6-7-7 131 EAST LANSING. Summer sublet. 4 bedroom duplex, $200/$260. CLAUCHERTY REALTY, 351- mums Homes * 5300; evenings, 332-5900. X-3-6- 27(41 1974 CROWN Haven, sharp, 16 m0n-fr.i 9-6 ll\ ABBott Road minutes to MSU, two bedrooms, Above Cunningham Drug* (Sam'*), Abbott ft Grand River saturday 10-3 (Next to state theateR) bath and a half. Awning, skirting Rooms Stairwell near Crott roadtlmp. and shed, drapes and kitchen appliances. Nice lawn, $6900 or 351-^1 LARGE ROOM in fine house. best offer, 694-3688. 3-6-27 161 Available summer for fall. Must see. Prefer grad or professional. 337-1495. 4-6-29 (4) | towage Sale |(5[ ROOM IN large house. $60/- MOVING SALE-June 29th and Produce. An Store Coupons. month. Unfurnished, kitchen and 30th. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. 4506 Marl¬ main rooms shared. 332-6441. borough, Forest Hills, Okemos. Whole Watermelons Keebler Fudge Stripe 8-7-8 (31 349-3513. X-2-6-29 (4) Whole Medium Size $1.4 or Deluxe Grahams 77' $60 PER month, own room in nice house, no deposit, 606 Lathrop. 484-2922. 2-6-29 131 | Personal {/\ Honey Dew Whole Melons 10 Count Size 69* Nestea Instant Tea $ TWO FEMALES needed to share HAVING A Bachelor party? Let us OneoitiideofMSUoltlOt help, dancers-entertainment. Call 3oz. |ar four person apartment in Waters DIAL A DATE ESCORT SERVICE. Fresh Leaf Lettuce 44* ib. Eoit Grand River. Edge this fall. Call 337-1284. 5-7-7 1-531-5111 after 4 p.m. Z-6-7-8 151 Open Mon. • Thur. torn 10 pm Hershey Chocolate Syrup Fri.tSot. 9om-l1pm ARE YOU easily startled? Many 27' ROOM FOR rent. Close to campus (Durand Stl. Call 351-5918. Cheap rent, nice people. 2-6-29 131 people are. yet little is known about the cause and conse¬ -Bakery- FARMHOUSE IN Mason. Room quences "jumpy". If of being especially you startle easily, are interested in learning more about Bakery — Bread Bonanza Oven Freih — A|ax Laundry Detergent "Meat' for rent immediately. Call after 7 Old Special Label-49 oz. box 97' p.m. 676-5429. 6-7-7 (3) startle, and are willing to be Style — lumberjack or interviewed in private for 2 to 3 USDA Choice Boneless hours, at $4.50/hour, please con¬ American Meal Broad 788* Sirloin Tip Roast ROOM IMMEDIATELY, garden, Charmin Tissue 4 roll-pack tact Dr. Ron Simons, Dept. of lake darkroom, animals, near cam¬ Psychiatry, 353-9242. 3-7-1 (121 Sesame Hamburg Buns Bet. 44' White or Colored 57' Cut from Agod Beet pus. 351-6643,4-7 p.m. 3-6-27 (3) USDA Choice Sizzle Steaks MENS SINGLE rooms, close to [ Real tstili jfc -iGeneral Merchandise- (Cut from Aged Sirloin Tip) campus. Quiet, parking. No kitch¬ Michigan Beet Sugar USDA Choice Plnwheel Steaks en. Phone 351-5076 after 5 p.m. WALNUT HILLS Country Club - 5# bag 59* Sove 40$ Z-3-6-27 141 2000 square foot, 4 bedroom, Plastic Paper Plate Holder (Cut from Aged Sirloin Tip) English cottage. USDA Choice FIVE ROOMS available, carpeted, Loaded goodies. A must see homel Call with Oithwaiher Sofa 10'/j" 5/$l.°° furnished, free laundry, dishwash¬ Paul Coady, MUSSELMAN Limit 1 Please with '5.00 Food Purchase Whole Boneless New York Strip er, reasonable. Campus near. 332- 1946. 0-2-7-1 (4) REALTY, 332-3582; 351-8058. C-4- 7-1 (25) Single Steaks ROOMS FOR rent, very cheap. Call STE-MAR MANAGEMENT, PERRY-12048 Pine Ridge Drive. A -Frozen & Dairy- USDA Choice 9-4 Monday-Friday. 351-5510. 3-7- beautiful 3 bedroom executive Whole Boneless Delmonico Rib Eye home nestled in the pines. Large FINE ROOM with complete house family room with fireplace. $49,- 900. Call Ruth Brown 313-733- Spartan Strawberries 10oz. pkg. 39' Single Steakz se, Frandor area, furnished with 0887 with REALTY WORLD- Heatherwood Natural Flavored all the extra's, only $65. 372-7524 GOSLINE DIVISION 313-694- Ice Cream evenings. 1-6-27 (4) * Grade A Split Fryers All flavors — '/> gallon $1.38 EAST LANSING-male close Union, $14/week, 332-0205, 443 to Spartan American Cheese Slices Hygrade Beef Franks 1# pkg. Grove Street. 3-6-27 131 WHY PAY rent when you can 24 oz. pkg., Individual wrapped *1." begin to buy this sharp home close Heatherwood 1% Low Fat BEDROOM, $14/week. Share bal¬ to campus? Only $11,000 and land — Eckrlch Beef Franks 1# pkg. ance of modern home in Perry. contract terms available. Please Chocolate Milk 69* 'A gallon Prefer woman grad student over call Kim Watson, LANOBLE 35. Phone 625-7070. 3-6-27 (6) REALTY-REALTORS, 482-1637; Eckrich Smorgas Pack 1# pkg. Evenings, 351-4104. 1-6-27 (81 WOMAN TO sh8re 3 bedroom luxury duplex, close to MSU, bus. 351-7887 days, 332-0319 after six. COLONIAL 3-bedroom, 214 baths, - < w 30, Rag. 1.75 IVORY STATE COUPON CAREFREE PANTY SHIELDS STATE COUPON DISHWASHING LIQUID 9 |. i*!2E THE BIG WHITE BARN > < 22oi. gV This Area's Rag. 1,15 Only Multi- Media Discotheque 2843 E. Gd. River, E Lans 351-1201 I STATE COUPON state coupon Hiking A Work MSU BANANA P" BIC monday Boots TUBE SOCKS PIZZA and PITCHER $,49 Rag.294 OO EXPIRES 7-S-77 LIMIT 4 *25. LIMITS SPECIAL NO COVER Mens & Womens USE YOUR WOODEN legal BARBRA STRIESAND $4 Opan Thurs. t Frl. til 9 Rag. 7.91 SUPERMAN NICKELS TOMORROW other nights til 6 NIGHT CROSBY, STILLS t NASH $4 MSU BOOTIRY SHOES'N'STUFF Rag. 7.91 CSN w 225 E. Grand River 217 E. Grand Rlvar East Lansing < East Laming acrois from tha Union KISS *4 CD acroes from the Union Rag. 7.91 LOVE GUN SAVEIH SAVESSS SAVEIII SAVE$$$ SAVE$$$ 8AVE$$$ SAVE$$$ SAVE$$$ 8AVE