N VOLUME 71 NUMBER 99 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29,1977 y HIGH COURT RULING SPARKS CONTROVERSY Portion forces march on State Capitol By JOEPIZZO Nancy Zebko, Methodist minister and NOW members never again expected to have to State News Staff Writer member delivering the eulogy to turn and fight for abortion rights, believing the battle and face the direction from which the siren- was won and the 1973 decision would never JULfE J ACOBSON sounded. be overturned. They arrived wearing black, and left "I do think there was a bit of compla¬ seeing red. "That may be one of our sisters," she said. cency — even among the feminists," Loretta That was the general tenor which Nan Frost-Welmers, state NOW coordi¬ Moore said. "Those of us active in nator, said thousands of legis¬ advocates of women's rights displayed at an women will die due lative affairs, however, know the 11973 abortion rally held on the steps of the State to complications arising from ineptly- Supreme Court) victory was precarious." Capitol Monday night. performed or self-inflicted abortions if F rost-Welmers said she did not expect the The rally was sponsored by the Michigan public funds were cut off. high court to reverse itself. Conference of the National Organization of During the years just before the 1973 She considered the rally a success despite Women (NOW) to dramatize its opposition Supreme Court ruling, NOW switchboards the relatively small turn-out, because "it to recent judicial and pending legislative throughout Michigan were continually showed feminists will respond to the call." actions that could deny access to profession¬ swamped with calls from women seeking "The issue of abortions rights means so al abortion services throughout the country abortion referrals in states where laws had much to so many women that women are for thousands of been liberalized. women on state medical willing to speak out loudly and clearly," assistance rolls. "For years, we have felt the pain and Welmers said. heard the cry for supportive medical care During a two-hour vigil, about 75 NOW Michigan NOW will use the upcoming members and other supporters chanted and and counseling," she said. "We want to summer months to plan strategy say according marched around the prostrate form of Carol to the legislature, 'take some of the to legislative coordinator Moore. King, president of Macomb County NOW responsibility for these womens' deaths.' " "We'll be strategizing while the legisla¬ chapter, as she lay corpse-like on a table. Apparently more than a few NOW ture is in session," she said. A sign bearing the message "Don't Bury Our Women" was taped to the table. Three NOW members delivered eulo¬ gies. to which the demonstrators responded by reading a prayer for women who would be denied safe abortions if public funds were no longer available. "The eulogies were delivered for the women who will die from backroom, illegal abortions if abortion rights are limited," Loretta Moore, NOW state legislative coordinator, said. Within the last two weeks, serious blows have been dealt to the access of abortion services for all women. Last Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court said states did not have to use public funds to State News Lauro Lynn Fistler pay for abortions, and public hospitals were not required to provide the procedure for I Chanting "Don't bury our women," Michigan NOW funds for abortions. Carol King, president of the women unable to pay. I members march around a symbolic corpse on the Macomb County chapter of NOW, acts as the sym¬ In the United States Senate, the Hyde I steps of the State Capitol Monday night. They are bolic corpse to dramatize the plight of those poorer Amendment to a mammoth Labor-HEW I protesting the Supreme Court decision which al- women who NOW says will die from illegal abor¬ appropriations bill — which already passed I lows Michigan to prohibit the use of Medicaid tions if funds are cut. the House of Representatives — is due to come to the floor for a vote at any time. The amendment would cut off all federal funds for abortions. fouse OKsproduction State Sen. Jack Wellborn, R-Kalamazoo, said late Monday afternoon that he would introduce legislation to prohibit state Medicaid money from being used to pay for abortions as well. The demonstrators marched around the f B1nuclear bomber mock corpse chanting and responding with a prayer after each eulogy. "Help others to learn to love our sisters, even if they're poor, to love them enough to help them get the medical care they need — lASHINGTON (AP) The House voted - fund covert operations such as the Laos and decide to take out the $1.4 billion and even if it's abortion," they intoned. psytoput the controversial B1 nuclear Angola wars without Congress' approval. produce none of the bombers, or produce Between eulogies and speakers, they r into production but President The House rejected 254 to 178 an effort to the full 240 the Air Force wants at an chanted in a manner reminiscent of not only p Carter gave no hint whether his cut $1.4 billion for five B1 bombers out of a estimated $24.8 billion or manufacture any the days when the women's movement on in Thursday will be to $110.6 billion defense appropriation bill. number in between. go along with abortion reform was a topic of prime If Carter decides not to approve produc¬ If Carter decides to go ahead with the importance, but of the civil rights and anti- Jt House also voted to cut $15 million tion of the new strategic bomber he can try plane he needs Congress' approval of the Vietnam War movements as well. V1 OA's $35 million contingency to get the Senate to take out the money. money. If he decides to scrap it he could As the marchers responded to the last TNfund in order to limit its ability to White House aides say Carter could veto Congress' approval of the money, State News/ Laura Lynn Fistler eulogy, the piercing wail of an ambulance assuming the Senate joins the House in siren silenced the chanting crowd. A member of the Downriver chapter of NOW keeps vigil on the steps of approving it. The demonstrators were then asked by the State Capitol Monday while the legislature is in session. House Appropriations Committee Chair¬ person George H. Mahon, D-Tex., predicted ate House passes that the President will decide to put at least some planes into production to keep TAPES RULED GOVERNMENT PROPERTY pressure on the Soviets to negotiate a general U.S.-Soviet reduction of nuclear II to eliminate jail weapons. The House approved by voice vote with little debate an amendment by Rep. Bill D. Supreme Court rebuffs Nixon Burlison, D-Mo„ to reduce the CIA's contingency reserves. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme public. Nixon's closest aides. possession of pot Burlison accused the CIA of deliberately Still pending before the nation's highest r waiting until it was too late for Congress to Court Tuesday rebuffed Richard Nixon's attempt to gain control of the 880 tape The decision is the first step toward court, in a case to be argued next fall or act before spending $16 million on one recordings and 42 million pages of docu¬ allowing the public access to most of the winter, is a lawsuit aimed at making copies still-secret operation and $3 million on ments left behind when he was forced from materials, a process that could take years of those 30 tapes available for reproduction another. the presidency. and is sure to spark more lawsuits by the into cassettes and records. By STATE NEWS Burlison said before the vote that "$20 former president who resigned Aug. 9, There was no immediate comment from ■u and United Press International million puts some limitation on how much The justices, voting 7 to 2, ruled that 1974, in the wake of the Watergate Nixon. An aide at Nixon's home in San ■ Mvi|y emended bill which eliminates jail penalties for possession and use of small trouble they can get us into." Congress acted constitutionally in 1974 scandals. Clemente, Calif., and a lawyer here said of marijuana was passed by the state House of Representatives by a 55-52 vote The House hopes to complete action when it passed a law allowing the govern¬ Included in the 5,000 hours of tape they would not comment before reading the today on the $110.6 billion appropriation for ment to decide which materials may be recordings are the 30 reels of tape played court's full decision. the fiscal year starting Oct. 1. controlled by Nixon and which may be made during the Watergate cover-up trial of The court said the act did not violate ("Ml reduces the penalty for possession or use of one ounce or less of marijuana from Mm of one separation of powers between the legisla¬ year in prison and a $100 fine to a maximum $100 fine with no tive and executive branches of government; ity of jail. The House vote was the minimum needed for passage, 0 ns did not violate Nixon's right to privacy or convicted under the proposed law would not have a criminal record. The ! !»similar to a bill which was narrowly defeated in the House last year. his presidential privilege of confidentiality; and did not significantly interfere with his STATE COUfOt se-passed bill is substantially more conservative than the measure originally rights of association. by Rep, perry Bullard, D-Ann Arbor. Bullard's bill would have lifted all The justices also ruled that the law was 1 ™ BIC 1 unctions for the private possession of three ounces or less of pot and would have not an illegal "bill of attainder" — a law lnanap* Mired public possession of that amount, aimed at punishing an individual whose guilt has not been established in the courts. m passively accepted most of the amendments to his bill, saying it was inside The law, and the court's decision, 99 1 t" in a strategy aimed at developing a bill which would be palatable to the Jf of House members. involved only the tapes and papers from i1 Nixon's 5 and one-half years in office. But Farm tractors just ain't what they used !r«getting the best reform we can," Bullard said. "You can see how close the vote one of the court's dissenters, Justice to be - ever win a race with one? Page 7. William H. Rehnquist, said the Nixon case [jj* House 56 votes to reconsider the measure, which Bullard sees as a strong could affect all future presidents. votes would be necessary for passage. Bullard said two representatives People have been given license plates, Former Special Prosecutor Leon Jawor- , [*«fn wd in today causing the need for an extra vote. „ but some of them are all in vain. So spoke ski, contacted at his law office in Houston, if the House does take a second vote, "it's going to be close. the preacher. See 5. •4 1 »nd his supporters argued that a reduction in penalties would allow the state s page expressed satisfaction with the ruling. He said he believes the materials are govern¬ ••■cement agencies to concentrate their efforts on curbing serious crime. ment property, but considers it appropriate r*s. however, said reducing penalties would encourage pot use and contribute weather that Nixon should have access to them in $4 writing his memoirs. jHorris Hood, D-Detroit, compared current trends in the United States to "the rise .."'he great Roman Empire." Today's forecast includes partly cloudy The court's decision indicated that what¬ ,ai ,. , skies and considerably cooler temperatures ever the final regulations for public release mo trims the penalty for selUng one ounce or less of marijuana from a felony in the 70s. Ditto for tomorrow. of the materials, Nixon will be able to '4 Possible four-year prison term to a misdemeanor with a maximum one year in challenge only release of the tapes and 'House vote stands, the measure would be sent to the Senate those papers he personally handled. for action. 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, jUne U.S. House cancels pay ra/s, WASHINGTON (AP) - The test on that issue begins voted to cancel the cost-of-liv¬ anti-pay-raise vote one day House members, skittish about Wednesday when the House ing increase. while voting against the Congress voted theTB J roll¬ , Congress the $12,900 pay raise they takes up the legislative appro Members of Congress now back the next. never v„w I voted themselves earlier this priations bill. make $5f,000 a year. The However, Rep. Stephen J. raise this year, but ^ passed a auhJ^lP year, cancelled on Tuesday a An amendment will be of¬ cost-of-living increase was Solarz, D-N.V., handling the grantee measure 1-3 cost-of-living raise amounting fered to that measure denying scheduled to go into effect in bill, told the House "it would be on an up.or.dow% increases in the to about $3,500 for members of funds to continue the pay raise October. politically obscene for members 1 Congress and top federal of for senators, representatives, The Democratic leadership is of Congress at such a time to Israel high executive officials such as fighting to preserve the pay responds to U.S. policy statement ficials. The 397 20 vote was only the Cabinet members and the top raise. Opponents charged Tues¬ get two pay raises in The bill, which now a year." "10 only curtain raiser in a major strug brackets of the civil service. Those categories total more day that scheduling of the cancellation vote the cost-of President Jimmy goes to Carter, compensation.-! amendment to the Israel reaffirmed "Every subject is for negoti¬ gle over whether to roll back on denies the |J, 1 JERUSALEM (AP) — open the pay raise members have than 20.000 persons. living adjustment was a ploy to cost-of-living in¬ appropriation that ation...but the discussions must be crease to those who received its readiness Tuesday to discuss a been receiving since March 1. The Senate already had enable members to claim an the bigger raise in March, considered would reZl withdrawal from the occupied West Bank free...without formulas for a solution to raise, not but also for only [„/c dJ of the Jordan River, and obliquely the Middle East conflict from the including senators, representa¬ ah the tives, the vice president, Cab¬ criticized the United States for offering its outside," a quoted Foreign Ministry OIL COMPANIES MAY PAY MILLIONS inet members and other recipients except judges ■ Constitution own ideos for a Middle East peace communique said. executive officials, high provide,^! judge s compensation settlement. Israeli state radio Tuesday quoted servants and federal top civil be mat! judges. reduced during his U J Begin as saying at a private meeting that Pipeline rates imposed The new government of Prime Minister The great majority of federal Under this Menahem Begin was responding to a all positions of all sides should be open to employes remain eligible for House would not prc^T critical State Department policy state¬ negotiation and that as far as Israel was the annual adjustment. It has be,bleul ment issued Monday implying that Israel concerned the suspended Genevo Mid¬ not yet been separately on rolling batkfl computed, but is raise for Congress. had closed the door to a compromise on east peace conference could be resumed WASHINGTON (AP) - ICC Chairperson Daniel O'Neal, suspend rates filed by the eight expected to be about 6.3 per the Bern# in October. also calls for an investigation of oil companies for moving oil cent. involvement of so J the West Bank. Transportation rates which other persons, it could cost the oil companies the original rate charges pro¬ through the 800 mile pipeline The March raise bers could was (eitJ came about justify using the trans-Alaska pipeline posed by oil companies, rates from Alaska's North Slope through the operation of a vote to more ej hundreds of millions of dollars which would have saved the oil south to the port of Valdez. difficult law, under which a continue the raijjl The procedure India to elect president in August in taxes and royalties were companies from paying as much The companies proposed commission reviews top gov¬ by the Rules CommlttJ was spoT imposed Tuesday by the Inter in royalties to Alaska. tariffs ranging between $6.04 ernment salaries every four Tuesday. l state Commerce Commission Results of the investigation and $6.44 a barrel. The commis years and recommends adjust¬ NEW DELHI. India (AP) — An electoral candidate. I ICC). are due in seven months, at sion recommended rates ments. The President sends However, the House still have an opportuJ lwi" be picked up by one of MSU's Abbott Road adjacent to City Hall. ^ hydraulic waste haul trucks and be By MARK FABIAN • A central service center for the East acted into one third of its size, As fuses for the booms and sizzles of the nation's birthday burn shorter, the Lansing public schools - $864,500. Bob unit will be hauled off to the Granger attention of local consumers and public Docking, superintendent of the school Jal I Development Company and used for safety officials has focused on the vast system, said the center will house mainte¬ probably in a land fill plot in north- nance shops, a bus storage area and a 1st Lansing, array of fireworks on sale in local stores. central receiving and storage area. id that is the fate of the thousands of • A solid waste transfer facility — is of garbage produced a week by Concern over the safety and legality $275,778. The facility will be a collection for the private use of certain types of point for garbage so each truck will not .ring the 1975-76 MSU fiscal year, the fireworks arose this month in East have to drive to the dump. ist date for recorded statistics, 37,948 • Athletic facilities, a storage building, Lansing, when fire officials received a t yards of solid waste were taken to complaint from a parent about the track renovations and lighting — $257,328. |iager's land nil. Laid out 3 feet high and 3 a path, the trash would be fireworks purchased by their 10-year- • Renovations to City Hall to accommo¬ son at an area store. date the reorganization of city departments (h soild waste to span 20 miles, — $78,779. The bringing together of ilbert Lloyd, director of the Grounds and This prompted the East Lansing housing, planning and Community Develop¬ tolerance Departments, said the Univer¬ Fire Department to check other stores ment departments into one office was as well. They found seven merchants proposed by City Manager Jerry Coffman. selling fireworks that were either illegal • School renovations to improve women's or questionable, East Lansing Fire physical education facilities — $103,665. Chief Arthur P. Patriarche said. To pay for all these projects, the city will Patriarche said he asked the stores to have to come up with an additional $4,000. remove the fireworks from their shelves. Bigger boom "We had 100 per cent cooperation," he said; "Everyone was just great." Samples have been sent to the state police crime lab to determine if any of the fireworks comply with the fire code, Patriarche said. for July 4th Small sparklers (10 inches or less), snakes (tablets that expand when lit) Those who enjoyed Lansing's fireworks ■to major changes in the MSU Library's and toy gun caps are about the only they stop burning they are still hot. have my way." he said. works at the factories where they are display last July 4 should get twice as much ■policy will go into effect Friday. But "We've had fires in East Lansing Still, the East Lansing fire code is made and as they enter this country of a bang out of this year's show. »t fireworks legal in East Lansing, despair, delinquent library-users — because kids threw sparklers in waste- stricter than the new federal rules for through customs. Patriarche said. Fireworks containing policy is considerably more lenient more than .025 grains of powder are baskets when they were done," he said. fireworks. The national rules, issued by the This year's display, to be held at E. ■tonvenient than previous ones, commission do not affect states that Saginaw and N. Cedar Streets at 9:45 p.m. illegal and only .0125 pounds of burning Despite warning labels instructing The Consumer Products Safety Com¬ yfiag Friday, any fine for materials material are permitted, he said. that sparklers should be used under mission issued new national guidelines have already banned fireworks. Monday, will feature 507 fireworks, about Ptke Research, Science, Undergraduate twice the number shot off last year, adult supervision, many children still last December, making Monday the Gilmore said the commission has ■ Art libraries totaling $9.99 or less will The East Lansing fire chief added first Fourth of July to be under the new estimated that in the United States according to a spokesperson at Lansing City that the fireworks being sold at the buy and use them on their own, he said. |toeted. The bills will be sent out stores were sparklers 4 inches longer Patriarche said some stores had signs restrictions. last year, 9,000 people were treated for Hall. jjtoy in August, November, February than his department allows. Others restricting the sale of fireworks to John Gilmore, of the commission's firework-related injuries resulting from The added fireworks are expected to were illegal because they contain more 18-year-olds but he doubts the stores Cleveland bureau, said the maximum July Fourth festivities. Half were less lengthen this year's show to about 40 toils who are unable to obtain a book that lo vears olds. than .025 grains of powder. enforced this. charge allowed for fireworks by the minutes. Ijuigned reading materials person's failure to due to return it will be Patriarche said most of the fireworks No public fireworks have been dis¬ commission is 50 milligrams (.075 Here are a few suggestions from the commission when handling fireworks: Wos the new played in East Lansing for many years, grains) of powder, which is lesi policy dictates a $10.00 he asked the stores to remove burn he said, because there is no safe place to half the 130 milligrams the c • always read directions. i"' ''ems not returned within seven rather than explode. He said East have an adult present. have them. He said there used to be allowed previously. The commission has JM vandalized, • foithe recall notice mailing date. This Lansing High School had a fire caused quite a problem with fireworks landing also established new labeling require • don't experiment by taking the applies to materials requested by by one of these burning fireworks a few on people and houses. ments as well. fireworks apart. ^ reader or for assigned reading years ago. Patriarche said he dislikes all fire¬ Gilmore said the new rules were • ignite outdoors and one at a time. _ >s E. Albright, assistant director of Patriarche pointed out that even the 10-inch sparklers considered legal are works and would all banned. like to see them written under the Federal Hazardous Substance Act and carry the "force of • • have water never handy. give fireworks to small DPS reports ■ horary, said the changes had been "Next year there won't be any law." He said the commission has its children. 1* consideration for time. dangerous. Sparklers bum at 1800 store in cool, dry place. some degrees Farenheit, he said, and when fireworks (sold) in East Lansing if I own investigators \ • a An all-night shower must have Ibeen looking at alternatives," he been I "We someone's dream come true Monday night j not i disposed to getting at the Men's IM pool. d about strict collections from "! delinquent library-users. This alter- Every shower in the locker room was f." more lenient in terms of charging LANSING CITY COUNCIL TABLES MEASURE turned on with each knob taken off. an MSU Department of Public Safety (DPS) spokes¬ l" said the policy would be used for person said. . or trial period. will not before voters the pool were also ripped up The ropes in £~ 'ary collects about $47,000 f*j. f*( according a year to circulation librarian Denney. The majority of fines are GM tax issue go and the buoys taken, police said. While there are no suspects in the case, a » to 50 cents. Fines go into the DPS official said he thinks it was the work £*"78 general fund. of high school students. McKane summed up council sentiment on ■v rather not collect (fines) at A resolution proposed by Lansing City the resolution when he said, "the people Damage was estimated by DPS at $35. ■ "light said. Councilmember Robert Hull that would elect us to make these decisions." have put the General Motors (GM) 12-year tax abatement issue before a public vote on But the GM abatement issue is not completely settled. Some But the GM abatement issue is not councilmembers who voted against the tax freeze have indicated ping ramp Nov. 8 was tabled at Monday's council meeting. that they would reconsider the proposal if GM will reduce its demands. completely settled. Councilmembers Rich¬ ard Baker, Hull and McKane, who voted against the tax freeze, have indicated that Fall enrollment At their June 14 meeting the council had 'be repaired voted to deny GM's request for a 100 per they would reconsider the proposal if GM will reduce its demands. cent tax freeze on their Lansing Fisher Enrollment materials for fall term are GM has not made a decision whether to Body property and a 50 per cent freeze on available for summer term students in ■ •l\Ramp locate a to silly for ~one person sp""' So please write to me and state your interest It se™1 Guy produces 10 pairs of shoes, he gets the used to call Milton Friedman m monopolize such an important question. ' minimum wage. Another guy turns out 100 "You're a retromingent iw» 'ices, a column by Michael Crofoot. will appear regularly t pairs, he gets paid more, OK? In econ, we rn the Stui" News call that the Classical Productivity Law, or WjChigon Slote Newt. Eost Loosing. Michigan Wednesday, June 29, 1977 5 Vanity license plates hit state highways By DEBORAH HEYWOOD send a form in the mail which allows each They get lots of stores down at the local gas station and the applicant to apply for three choices in case of a duplication. The fees for vanity plates looks are not focused on mag wheels or jacked up rear axles but should be sent in with the „n license plates. completed application form. In Illinois where there is no extra Jack Gardner Sr. of Clarkston owns the only pair of Michigan charge for ordering vanity plates, over 575,000 motorists own them. [tense plates which read IM 4 MSU." His son, Jack Gardner jr, an MSU graduate, has plates which read " 1 4 MSU." "Money makes a big difference," says George Kreker of •We just sat down one night about two years ago and decided Springfield, III., whose plate reads "GEO 10." "I wouldn't get to get tnem together," Gardner Sr. said. "They've been lots of one if it cost anything." fun." But to Lionel Holmes, public information spokesperson for They are two of more than 13,000 Michigan motorists who the California Secretary of State Department, the money is ,«n personalized license plates. They are also called vanity well worth it. In California, as in Michigan, all revenue from I pistes because the owners usually order their name, initials or a sales is used for environmental purposes such as conservation j,, number that makes their car stand out on the highway. education, pollution research and cleaning up litter along the highways. The owner of any motor vehicle can obtain the special tags by Lying an extra $25 above the usual state registration fee. Holmes said there were sentimental for buvine his I Secretary of State Richard H. Austin has set June 30 as the reasons plates which read "ELNLI". The initials stand for "Eleanor and I deadline for ordering personalized 1978 plates. Lionel , Eleanor being his wife. Motorists may order any combination of letters and numbers Motorists in Wisconsin are still waiting for Assembly Bill 495 sp to six (five for motorcycles), unless it is obscene, profane or to pass through the legislature so they too can order vanity (otherwise objectionable. The first motorist to apply for a plates. particular combination has it exclusively so long as they pay the annual $25 fee. The state of New York doesn't quite feel that way, however. If a person has been convicted in the past 18 months for J Requests for applications should be sent to the secretary of speeding, reckless driving or for driving under the influence of I mte's office in the state secondary complex at 7064 Crowner alcohol or drugs, New York will not allow the I Drive. Lansing. 48918. The special registration section will then person to own special plates. [resbyfer/ans to continue study State News Newsline The Beit in Alternative Music i to ordinations of homosexuals 353-3382 29 Wed 1 Fri 1 2 Sot J.ADELPHIA (API hour of emotional - from the ministry lost by a vote of 381 to 278. By a show of church shouldn't be peded by emotion to take an stam¬ John Borkhuis, a youth dele¬ | 30 Thurt | gate from Wessington, S.D., "I a an It, delegates to the 189th hands, the delegates then uninformed position. This deci¬ said ordering a halt to the task hrral Assembly of the U- adopted a majority report con¬ sion can affect the lives of force study would "be putting (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) LOST CANYON DRIFTERS Presbyterian Church in tinuing the controversial task millions of human beings." I U blinders on the church." llAS.A. voted overwhelm- force, which already has held The Rev. J. Harry McElroy The motions to kill the study, 1 1 I FREE! 1 Tuesday to direct a year- public hearings here and in San of Elmhurst, Pa., insisted that or at least cover.75 cover.75 wipe out the ref¬ I 1 |tisk force to continue its li into the ordination of josexuals. Francisco, Cleveland and St. Louis. The task force is to report on homosexuality was sinful ac cording to both the Old and New Testaments "and a pastor erence to ordaining gay min¬ isters, were made by the pres¬ byteries of Huntsville, Ala., and I pitcher night I vodka night 1 cover I." 1 cover!." Ill the same time, however, I assembly reaffirmed its its study next year. The Rev. Edward D. Gehres needs to be above reproach. Pittsburgh, Pa. Buy Medium I Coming Tuosday - on that "the practice of Jr. of Decatar, III., said the any p* Bryan Lee -sexuality is sin and that it Lid at the present time be SAVE15% • 50% ON MACK AMI At the regular price \ V&IaX Get Identical PIZZA I Dlay Long Happy Hoars ifcious. if not improper" to bin homosexuals. o bar homosexuals •WIAVING •STAINED GLASS SUPPLIES FREE I 11 AM - 8 PM 12 PM-8 PM MON-SAT SUN Little Caesars Pim> I rauway! PH 3324519 Of <12-2617 12031. 9 337-1631 I Gd. River J fizapdi) IMeridjanl—- 1 — suvici station « 2224 East Michigan iMSilt 1? ®ndepq pound k—ii.--i.--J 1*4.^X1 ry. ...I. „ : 13011. Grand River « 224 Abbott « Next te Vanity Inn } OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS Summer Fun CLOSED NEXT MONDAY. JULY 4th AUTO SOUND SAVINGS the east Room Thursday Buffet BUYS Roast Beef $5.50 Friday Buffet Seafood $4.95 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. & Mon. Only Menu Also Available WISTLAND SHOPPING CENTER 1 CORNER W. SAGINAW AT WAVERLY Thur. thru Sat. 10 AM to 9 PM - Sun. S Mon. (July 4th) 12 to 5 PM Quantities Limited Jensen Triaxial 3-way Speakers Jensen s Triaxial' 3-Way Speaker. Quite simply, the most advanced car stereo speaker ever Minolta SRT 201 SLR FT-872 *69.i F1.7 50mm. lens SANYO car stereo *109. List >360. Sale Priced! !I99 IN-DASH 8 TRACK TAPE CARTRIDGE PLAYER AND AM/FM STEREO RADIO White Stag little fans with big cooling power. . . small enough to use on desk orchairside TENT table, yet produce large amounts of I SANYO AM/FM STEREO-CASSETTE ii dash, outo reverse, fast forward and SALE 20% off moving, cooling air. Flexible rubber | "wind, P.L.I, circuitry for great FM. $1 blades are contact-safe even when I FT - 416 List *160 • Flame Retardant • Waterproof Floor in operation. °love box size auto reverse cassette ■ • Door. Man-sized, full zippcred. bugproof A. Desk or bedside electric fan with I 'list forward8 rewind, tone Dutch opening I "ntrol, smallest compact $ A Q88 adjustable angling, two speeds, chrome- '"Slock, list'109" wV Model Cut Floor Cut R.dge Cut Wall Reg Sal* plate stand. 7" H to top of 63A" span nJ 21028 12x9 7 46 149 97 119.88 blade. $23 am/fm stereo 21022 12x9 7 48 17997 143.88 5pre 129 97 103.88 B. Portable fan, purse-size to take *65 21027 10x8 6 6 4 6 set stops, great along 199 97 sensitivity. Ust *90. 21019 15*9 76 48 159.88 anywhere this summer. 5V2"H to top of mm\> Men's S Ladies HEAD 23/4" span blade. $12 TOUR CHOICE CBSALI toshiba ac/dc SWIMWEAR TENNIS Takes two "D" cell batteries. 1.79 pr. I ,F°non 23 channel w/PA switch List to» 170. b&w solid state RACKET I ">'9 meter. Large selection 1/ Nylon struny I 'Aloron 23 channel w/outo noisi 88 *49. DC optional *99 Select Group /3 ,er. Delta tone. Alto Sip Sovingi I 40 channel C6 > by Panasonic I Kroco. TX 955 list'119" Regular K to'24. OFF >3 *39M| Jaeobson's 6 Michigan Slote News, Eosl lonsing. Michigan Wednesday, JuneJ, 1977 I Teacher's murderer sentenced to life term DETROIT (AP) - Calling the crime "one of the most vicious I have encountered," a judge issued a life sentence with a recommendation of no parole Monday to a man convic¬ ted of shooting a schoolteacher to death in front of her horrified pupils. Al Lewis, 47, showed no emotion as Recorder's Court Judge Patricia Boyle pro¬ nounced sentence on his convic¬ tion for second-degree murder. Relatives have said they ex¬ pected an appeal, but his cur¬ rent lawyers have said they did not expect to handle it. The man who brought Lewis to trial, Assistant Wayne Coun ty Prosecutor John L. Thomp¬ son Jr., said he was satisfied with the sentence and added, I hope he serves every God-dam¬ ned minute of it." The judge's recommendation f -i against parole carries no legal • weight but is a signal of her intention not to approve parole in the future. Under Michigan law, the sentencing judge or '•igjfe At a simulated POW camp near Ft. Belvoir, Va., a hooded trainee kneels while an American dressed as sian" instructors "interrogate" him. Over 100 AsT I, ROBERT KC jKE erican soldiers recently took part in the training the judge's successor must a Russian soldier binds his feet. In another exercise, session designed to prepare U.S. approve parole or other early a trainee is confined to a troops tor condi¬ release from a life sentence. cramping box as two "Rus- tions found in Vietnamese and Korean POW camps. Ten of the 29 pupils of Lewis' estranged wife, Bettye McCaster, 45, testified at the trial. Three of the 10 pointed IRS SAYS AUTOMAKER TRIED TO CHEAT GOVERNMENT him out as the man who entered their classroom last Nov. 10 and Federal pumped five heavy-caliber bul¬ lets into her head. to him A friend of Lewis who spoke after the verdict quoted him as saying he was sorry the judge OKs tax fraud probe children had been caught up in By OWEN ULIMAN Tuesday on motions by the from the bench, was a half- may only be made with his U.S. Atty. Philip Van Dam word "stymie" appears in IRS the case. Associated Press W riter such parts when it world's largest auto maker to victory for GM. The firm had approval in advance, he said. said he was satisfied with the manuals as a condition for using them, regardless of wh His conviction came on June DETROIT (AP) - A federal throw out subpenas and, failing asked the court to The judge also said that none court's decision and would re¬ prevent a grand jury. 17 after two days of sometimes judge ruled that a grand jury that, to limit the investigation. part was used or if it ev grand jury evidence from being of the information may be given convene the proceedings within GM, maintaining its inno¬ use. The turbulent jury deliberations may investigate the possibility GM said the grand jury used by the IRS if its motion to to top IRS employes in order to a few days. Attorneys for GM company said cence of criminal wrongdoing, that could be heard through the that GM tried to cheat the throw out the subpenas were approved that method proceeding was an unlawful help the grand jury return an said they were pleased with the charged the government with and 1971. The IRS no» walls of the jury room. federal government out of mil¬ attempt by the IRS to collect denied. indictment. He ruled further restrictions the court placed on demanding impossibly large GM to take the deduct Before the trial began, Lewis lions of dollars in taxes. money in what should be a civil Churchill said information ob¬ that a special government at¬ jury disclosure but would re¬ numbers of documents in an the year the parts turned down a chance to plead But U.S. District Court proceeding. The government tained by the grand jury torney on loan from the IRS view the full decision before impossibly short time. The government has n guilty to second-degree Judge James P. Churchill also had accused GM of trying to through its subpenas may not may participate in the grand deciding whether to appeal. The dispute concerns the murder. ordered federal prosecutors not tax how much it believes Gh A brother said he block the IRS investigaton and be given to the IRS except to turn over any jury proceedings. But Churchill The government turned an treatment of parts used in owe. GM paid more th rejected a plea of "innocent by grand jury had said the grand jury was where the grand jury itself warned the attorney not to audit of GM's income taxes for reason of insanity." evidence to the IRS. ■ needed for a criminal probe. production but not part of a billion in income taxes needs the technical help of IRS disclose any evidence to the 1972-1975 into a criminal inves¬ finished automobile. An exam¬ Prosecutor Thompson said it Churchill made the ruling The decision, delivered orally years in question. At th employes. Such disclosures IRS. GM had asked that the tigation last year while accus¬ ple would be a tool bit for which was "perfectly understandable" request, GM estimate attorney be barred from the ing GM of trying to "stymie" spares are kept on hand. value of the parts in ques that some of the pupils were jury room. IRS agents in their work. The GM has taken deductions for hand at $191 million. unable to identify the killer. He contended the children Bottle bill jobless may get benefits might have erased the memory of the killer's face from their LANSING (UPI) - Legislation has been DISCOUNT BADOIS, AWARDS minds because of the trauma Recipients must be looking for work, however, AND TROPHIES associated with watching the introduced in the state Senate to provide special unemployment benefits to workers who lose "In addition to the financial assistance, my bill will make job counseling, placement and voca- CALCULATORS shooting. their jobs as a result of Open Mon. thru Fri. MARVt HELEN REED The school system Michigan's ban on tional training available to the assigned nonreturnable bottles and cans. unemployed Nltes until 6 1305 SO. CEDAR special programs and visits by a workers," Plawecki said. The ban, approved by the state's voters last psychiatric socialworker to deal with that trauma, which, ac¬ fall, goes into effect at the end of 1978. A measure sponsored by Senate Labor "In this way, we hope to aid many able and willing workers in their efforts to find a purposeful and productive job." ON LANSING, Ml. 48910 517 374-1534 517 374-6212 cording to parents, showed up Committee Chairperson David in such ways as Plawecki, D- bed-wetting Dearborn Heights, would give unemployed and great reluctance to go to bottle workers three-fourths of their State labor officials say about 2,000 persons school. salaries for up to a year. weekly may lose their bottle manufacturing and handling jobs as a result of the bottle ban. SAVE$$$ SAVE$$S SAVKSSS SAVE$$$ SAVE$$$ SAVE$$$ SAVE$$$ SAVE$$$ SAVE For all your U Calculating needs: > < THE MOST SENSATIONAL SALE EVER SCIENTIFIC STATISTICAL X PROGRAMMABLE Save up lo ENGINEERING BUSINESS PLASTIC & METAL ENGRAVING CB OR PERSONAL USE SQUARE DANCE BADGES, JEWELRY, SILVEl ETC. See our large selection of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS HEWLETT-PACKARD . DISHES, MUGS, PLAQUES AND TROPHIES| "BUARANTIID LOWItT MICIS IN TOWN!1 THE LITTLE SHOP THAT LOWERED THE PRICES Attention Golfers OF CALCULATORS EVERYWHERE I 220 M.A.C. - University Mall - 351-6470 — Quality Golf Balls — REGULAR HOURS: SUMMER HOURS Mon.-Frl.l 1-2 and 4:30-5:30 Thurs. II -2 and 4:30-0:00 Saturday 10-5:30 Shaes Silo a dozen! BI6 DESSERTS SAVINGS Featuring Gary Rosenburg TODAY! u > < Hiking & Work Wednesday 5 pm to doso -- Boots *15.°° 49c WHOPPERS No covpont 1 Mens & Womens No limit v' • < • tm u REMEMBER! > Open Thurs. & Fri. til» < other WE'RE OPEN ON FRIDAY A nights til t SATURDAY NIGHT MSU BOOTERY SHOES 'N'STUFF TILL 3:00 AM The. u 225 E. Grand River > 217 E. Grand River East Lansing < East Lansing Offers Good At Both across from the Union across from the Union 1141 E. Grand River SAVE$$$ SAVE$$$ SAVE$$$ SAVE$$$ and 3021 E. Saginaw SAVE$$$ SAVESSS SAVE$S$ SAVESSS SAVE JUne ',*■ "?7 ■ ^jnn Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, June 29. 1977 7 shows local taxes disliked f WASHINGTON (AP) local property tax is unpopular - The more among Americans ing, 11 not per cent. Social Security taxes were included in the poll, though differences response whether states occurred to the question of should in give government gives them the most tor their money, 36 per cent said the federal govern¬ income families. 48 per cent. Local government least well with scored than the federal income tax, a Shannon said they may be in special tax incentives to attract ment, 26 per cent local and 20 aged females, 13 poll revealed Tuesday. the future. per cent, and low income fam¬ industry. per cent state. "The property tax is moving There were regional dif¬ While 50 per cent over all ilies, 15 per cent. But the federal government up as the worst tax," said John ferences in the response, favored such incentives, com¬ drew above-average support The poll is conducted annual¬ Shannon, assistant director of ranging from the West, where pared to 36 who opposed them, from low income families, 41 ly for ACIR by the Opinion the Advisory Commission on 45 per cent thought the local they were opposed in the West Research per cent; elderly males, 50 per Corporation of Intergovernmental Relations property tax is worst and only by a 49-42 margin. cent; and nonwhites, 42 per Princeton, N.J. The survey was (ACIR), a quasigovernmental 25 per cent named the federal On the question of whether cent. ConGdence in local gov¬ conducted during May of this agency that commissioned the income tax, to the South, where there should be special federal ernment was highest among year and involved about 2,000 poll. the income tax was named aid for major central cities in males aged 30 through 44. 36 by respondents considered repre¬ Some 33 per cent of those 33 per cent, and the financial difficulty, over all re¬ property per cent; college educated per¬ sentative of the entire popula¬ polled named the local property tax by only 25 sults showed a 44-43 margin sons. 43 per cent; and highest per cent. tion. tax when asked what they Shannon told reporters that opposing aid, though aid was thought is the "least fair" tax. such regional differences in favored in the Northeast by a Another 28 per cent named attitudes point up the difficul¬ 58-34 margin. the federal income tax, followed ties for President Jimmy Car¬ There were age and income House retreats on alcohol bill by the state sales tax, 17 per ter and Congress in differences in response to other enacting cent, the state income tax, 11 national tax policies and laws. questions. Another example of such When asked what level of LANSING (UPI)-The state claiming they needed some per cent, and those not know¬ House Tuesday retreated on a clout in handling violent, abu¬ , , , State News/Rob Kozloff plan to decriminalize public sive drunks. Whirling dust and an oversized engine are the hallmarks of a tractor pull. intoxication. The measure, passed 89-10 The House also approved a THE BIGGEST LOAD WINS New rules established and sent to the Senate, rein¬ states criminal penalties for bill which makes other minor adjustments to the plan for disorderly drunks. The state handling drunks. was to have repealed its drunk and disorderly statute in Octo¬ ing tractors compete f°r Mich, student loans LANSING (UPI) — Starting Friday, Michigan Guaranteed Student Loans will be a better deal i the program, local lenders will r ber as part of a plan to divert drunks from the criminal jus¬ tice system to the medical system. ROBERT KOZLOFF even have two engines. Their Some other attractions in¬ per cent interest on the loans during the 120-day Law enforcement agencies finished product looks like an than ever for banks, savings and loan associa¬ waiting period. jtfe News Staff Writer cluded a canoe race, a color¬ lobbied to reinstate criminal Over 100 Am- oversized dragster with tions and credit unions. State ofGcials say only about .6 per cent of the (Starter's flag dropped, an huge ful parade and water-ball fights sanctions for disorderliness, n the Under the program, local Gnancial institutions loans written off uncollectable. training , roared and the wheels rear wheels and a long tapered where the local firemen got a are as •ops ior condi- front supported by what looks make loans to students for college or vocational td to spin and spit billow- chance to show their accuracy Since the program began 15 years ago, more school with the understanding the state will i POW camps. douds of dust that dis- ,d through the anxious 1. It was not a drag race. It like training wheels. The starter for the competi¬ tion stood spartan-like holding with a fire hose. The object of their demonstration was to slide a ball that make good on the loans in case of default by the student. than 175,000 Michigan students have taken out guaranteed student loans. Last year, more than r- 1 hung on a wire past 20,000 loans were made. the start of a tractor pull his flag and waiting for the race their opponents by using the If a student defaults, the local lending must i Hey, chicken lovers- s hold the loan for 120 days before turning it over Undergraduates can borrow up to $2,500 a etition last week during to begin. Clad in uneven cut¬ force of water. The fine spray to the state for full repayment. year and graduate students up to $5,000. They Villiamston Red Cedar offs, undersized white T- an shirt covering an oversized from the hose was a real child pleaser on a hot afternoon. Under new rules established by the Michigan have 10 years to repay the loan once they come on over to belly, sunglasses, and a polka- Higher Education Assistance Authoritv. which complete their studies. specially-designed sled Much of the money raised will s spiked brake was dot cap, he gave the signal and be channeled back into the i The Other Fried! >be pd by each contestant's sr. The spikes gouge into ground increasing resis- stepped out of the way only to have a dust cloud engulf him as the tractor pull competition community through donations from the jubilee board. A percentage was taken from each i FUJI Strong like Bull! i Wednesday iforthe tractor as it moves, began. of the independent attractions resistance increases steadi- Doug Liverance a member of and has been used in recent arts when itil the tractor can't pull the Jubilee board said. "It gets years to help build an addition to egardless of wh s used if it tainner is the driver with more popular and bigger every the fire hall, a fence around the ! BIKES Family or year. People really enjoy these school and new stands for the e company said t •d that method 1. The IRS lost powerful machine he will have dragged the lit farthest on the 200-foot kinds of events." Last Sunday ended the seventh edition of the week- athletic field. And, of course, to help put on the jubilee next | SEE A COMPLETE LINE OF THE i i year. #1 BIKE take the deducti Night long jubilee which was started the parts (tractor pull was a compe- in 1970 to help celebrate Wil- [overnment has ; but more, it has become a i liamston's centennial. It was chit believes CM rlorthemen who work on such a success that the town Special M paid more thi own tractors rebuilding decided to make it an annual , n income taxes l question. At th GM estimate es. Many of the tractors event. i the parts in ques $191 million. laircut TONITI iw5 i 3 pieces of chicken, cole slaw, mashed r ret ARDS & Styling VODKA DRINKS • PRICE iPUCK* i potatoes ( gravy ( hot biscuits. Great time to discover the toucha NOW $p IIES and i honey difference in l"9P"f'...from Recipe, The Other Fried Chicken. Delicious Famous only dipped-in-honey batter, fried really crisp and all the way /(HELEN REED PEDAL through. No wonder people who cross over to The Other SO.CEDAR ING. Ml. 41910 $6.00 PRO SHOP AT LANSING MALL ! IheDRAIKH i Fried Chicken stay there! 74-0434 for and women i y^ot/s ime men 74-4212 M Th F 10-9 ! Your friendly neighborhood all Z33 store. ! fyefie T.W 10-5:30 GARY'S 351-6511 Southland Center, Taylor Campus Beauty Salon LITTU miWAY J HMVICI STATION IMli. Grand River ! a Sot. Sun. 10-5 12-5 | | 220 M.A.C., East Lansing Southgate Shopping Center i 321-3845 Sear's Lincoln Park Shopping Center 4S00S. Cedar 549 E. Grand River Nad to Vanity Inn j i J007 N. East St, (U.S. 17 North) 's Pizza L. 'INGCBOR is last, free CLOSED FOR STRAWBERRY VELRY. SIlVEl elivery. TROPHIES| ■Open from 11:00 INVENTORY FEUER? 4D a.i fers paries from 4:30 p.I lls- Thursday, June 30th at 1:00 p.m. Main store closed all day thru ITS July 1st. yurg Spirit Shop open July 1 MR. H0BIE HAS THE CURE! FRESH JUICY Summer hours start STRAWBERRY July 5 SHORTCAKE AND WE USE REAL 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. WHIPPED CREAM Foot Notes ifc "*k footprints are a new typeol shoe. They are the end result of and research on proper foot support and natural E UJ'dnd 1 movement. Birkenstock Footprints are designed to improve and circulation and therefore contribute to a healthier, more more graceful walk. They give you a barefoot on the beach Hobie's ^oven on the hardest surfaces. 930 TrowtulOie, Eist Linsin$ Kee spirit shoes 109 E. Alliian, Downtown Linsini RIVER Ufaiat GRAND 8 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing. Michigon Wednesday, junt29 , New CSN album not apocalypfjCi just an epic case of media overkill By BILL HOLDSHIP you never notice are the ones After CSN&Y's demise State News Reviewer you have to watch/ She's Young was the victim of a series tersweet |yrics ,nd CROSBY, STILLS & NASH: pleasant and she's friendly of personal Of this tragedies and his album. CSN (Atlantic SD 19104) while she's looking at your music suffered as a result Musically, the ^bu NEIL YOUNG: American Stars bines crotch." Pretty witty, huh? It's When Young is bad he is blah Young's tradem.,i N Bars (Reprise MSK 2261) never been any secret that Stills but when he is good he is great. is a macho megalomaniac This American Start TV Bart is Ronstandt sings To hear the press, the disc mony over beautifulU song betrays his lack of respeat, Young's best album since Carole M.» violin on half the jockeys and the fans speak of it, not only for women, but people Everybody Knowt Thit It No¬ lou Harris is also tricks-cLa you'd think it was an apocalyptic event. Sorry, folks, but even in general. When Neil Young added his Y where and Harvett, and it can the rowdiness is featuredi^L best be described as • contributedB conglo¬ before hearing this album, my to CS&N in 1969, he filled a gap merate of those two albums' Horse, hi, band. All the immediate reaction was "So — by bringing gutsy substance to styles. song,, °| big deal?" The record confirmed my initial fears. David Crosby their music and an enigmatic socially-conscious image to the CSN&Y have always been associated with Joni lent, but "Like A the records tour Hurricaog-fl de force m Mitchell, and Graham Nash have been recording together for the past hand. His compositions for the group were the best and his solo but it is especially Young who is Mitchell's male equivalent. Like song features eight some of the best minutesl guitar « eight years. Stephen Stills albums from the period were Mitchell, Young is pursuing Young has ever pUyed couldn't cut it as a solo act nor as masterpieces. He emerged as romantic love aa a tnrbdalTiff, and the lyn^l a duo with Neil Young on last the most dynamic and innova¬ religious enough to make anyone cml quest, constantly searching for has ever loved in summer's ill fated tour, so now tive of the early 70s singer- that "Heart Of Gold." He ia still vain. HI im 1 he has crawled back to give the songwriters. a dreamer/ But you ai "Terrific Trio" another chance. searching in the beautiful bit¬ dream." So what's the big deal? Big bucks, that's what! The angelic three-part monies are still there har¬ and Glazunov refuses to pull paintind they're beautiful, even if they are old hat by now. However, to quote Blue Oyster Cult, "Things ain't what they useta be/ And Soviet authorities close art exhibl this ain't the summer of love." Rather than the feelings of a soft MOSCOW (API — Soviet authorities closed an out his desert sunset these harmonies tongue. Hitler, Mussolini and R™,, Crosby, Stills end Nash look cool and overconfident on their new album jacket. official exhibition Monday when artist once evoked, the new album is Dya are grouped behind the embalmed body olS Glazunov refused to remove one of the nearly 200 pure 1970s depression. floating in a sea of blood. of his works to be shown at the House of Artists. China's late Chairman Mao Although the old CS&N often Tsetunz fa wrote pessimistic lyrics, there Soviet Premier Nikita S. Glazunov, who painted an official portrait of Krushchev C Theatrical diversion lightens summer was generally optimism in their uplifting melodies. Unfor¬ Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev and the likenesses of numerous foreign dignitaries, said President Fidel Castro and the head Kennedy framed in a sniper's scope are! depicted. It shows the Beatles snd , of JoL. tunately, there is nothing akin he was packing up his paintings and going home. nil to "Suite Judy Blue Eyes" or Glazunov said he wanted to show his contro¬ stripper representing Western decadence! Third the "Marrakesh the right are a mushroom cloud and By KATHY ESSELMAN on playbill is "The Triangular Cell," an original drama Express" here, versial painting, called "The Mystery of the 20th the he State News Reviewer by Bill Hutson, an MSU graduate student in the Theatre only sad woeful tunes. Century," because "this is my best work. This is Solzhenitsyn. Above them all hovers Jesus Christ Campus theater lightens the oppression of the long hot summer. Department and directed by recent graduate Melanie Eyre. This Graham Nash's songs are still my understanding of the 20th century." strand of barbed wire that stretches from behind! While it lacks air conditioning, it is live, and offers the inestimable play, a murder story set in a cramped prison cell, is recommended the most melodic, but his lyrics coi The 7-by-14 foot painting was 10 years in the to corner of the advantage of quickened audience response to a live performer for adults only and will be presented indoors in the continue to be saccharin (though painting. University making. It starts with an idealized portrait of the rather than a two-dimensional flickering screen. Aduitorium Arena Theatre. he briefly escapes this on the Glazunov said officials called his L, artist in one corner and sweeps past churches The closest, cheapest summer theater is the Summer Circle Free superior "Cathedral"). How¬ painting a "political caricature" and said ei_ The season will close with George Farquhar's comedy "The and a mad Rasputin. Festival sponsored by the MSU Theatre Department, to be staged ever. Crosby and Stills have Trumpeter Louis Arm¬ he had been threatened with expulsion froml Beaux' Stratagem," July 27-30. It is a picaresque sixteenth century strong and silent film star Charlie Chaplin are artists' union, loss of his apartment and st with full sets and costumes in the courtyard of Kresge Art Center. long had pretensions of being tale of sex and romance that takes place at a country estate. Morgan followed by physicist Albert Einstein sticking and even exile from the Soviet Union. Showtime is 8:30 p.m. and admission is free. spokesperson poets. Since they The season opens with Shakespeare's "As You Like It." a happy Rainwater, an MSU master's candidate, will direct. no longer have a Woodstock tale of love come true, set in a sylvan glade — a setting well-suited The Players Gallery is programming four productions during the generation to write about, what first three weeks of August. As Dave Kropp commented, "We'd be for an outdoor production. remains is often solipsism or The company will present Pierre de Beaumarchais' "The Barber crazy to compete with Summer Circle." total banality. of Seville," the 1775 Parisian comedy on which Rossini based his They start their season as soon as the Free Festival is completed. They are offering a well-balanced site of inventive programming. At first glance, it appears [HEAR THE WORLD FAMOUS popular opera. John Gillespie, a recent graduate of the Theatre that Crosby is the worst offend¬ Their season opens with "The Taming of the Shrew," Aug. 2-6, with Department, will direct this story of a young nobleman's attempts er. After all. Stills' "I Give You to outwit his beloved's guardian with the aid and counsel of the wily a Saturday matinee at 2:30. Give Blind" is the best track -jansEsatsERtEsm Their second production is a collection of four one-act plays barber Figaro. by here, but it cannot redeem the David Campton, Aug. 10-15. The third and final production will be a atrociousness of his "Fair July 20-23. the festival offers a selection of three short plays. Commedia de Arte production of Goldoni's "The Good Girl." This Game." The song deals with LOUDSPEAKERS ONLY AT These one-acts include Joel Oppenheimer's satire on the Old West. will be run from Aug. 16-20 with a Saturday matinee at 2:30. how much easier it is to seduce "The Great American Desert,"and George Courtline's 19th century The prices on all performances are $2.00, and Players Gallery ik French farce "The Commissioner," both to be directed by Frank C. Rutledge. showcased in the Union Ballroom. They will provide a cool completion for campus theatergoing. "ugly duckling" women. Get a load of these lyrics: "The ones HI-FI BUYS Ex¬ HP 1101 E. GRAND RIVER 4I10W. SAGINAW E.l. PH. 337-1767 WOMEN cellent poy, insurance, and re¬ tirement benefits available — There IS a difference!!! M•F12 • 9 LAN. PH. 321-2373 M-FI2-9 Michigon Air Notional Guard. S9-S S9-S Call 517-489-5169 after 6 P.M., MCAT LSAT «DAT FREE PARKING Tuesday through Friday. CoU< Today gmat t vat .gre .ocat .sat . NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS • ECFMG -FLEX FOR RUGGED BOOK SALE Flexible Programs and Hours Over 38 years of experience and success. Smalt classes Voluminous home study materials. Courses that are constantly updated. Centers open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities lor review of class lessons and lor use of supplementary materials. Make-ups lor WILDERNESS CAMPING,/ missed lessons at our centers. fh Al I NOW IN Flexible Programs and Hours < If your idea of camping i fniiEtm Hills. 313/851 0313 Am Arbor: 313462 3149 SPECIALISTS SINCE 1831 U includes back-packing, Or writ* to: 29226 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite#205 Farmington Hills, Mi. 48018 Cies^**.n*w« hiking, and climbing, we have PROGRESS ACTIVe APPROACH ■ Atnliated Centers in Major U. S. Cities the equipment and experts to help you get ^ ,/p j the most out of to SUMMER roughing it! / RAUPP Campfitters 2208 E. Michigan Phona 484-9401 Mon.-Fri. 10-8 Saturday 9 • 5 You'll like our large selection of tennis and sports¬ 0LDE lfafLD / IV! RV WKlNlstlAV! \ V -' i- ^ SPECIAL TODAY wear. We have MUGGERS NITF VWi many cool and JAlf-pmCfc - soup & This weekend's ON MU(,S rn~ comfortable styles of bttu lisI entertainment* iJ Sdldd to choose from. )> Wed Robin Lee Sat Joe Fetters psi VlHS W(| (iou/NSIAiltS They're sure to Berry pat |(<£~ $i.5o make you a Thurs Joe Fetters Sun Joe Crifka "day j 11-30-2:00 winner. Fri Rich Bubo MOO Tom Hogiund VALUABLE COUPON Opon Thurs. till 8:00 P.M. EVERYTHING FOR THE MAN S1.000FF Any deep dish pizza ^ood through ^yTJMooley's 131 Albert St. ' ■ MfiRTYS 305 EAST GRAND RIVER Block 1 East — Lansing MAC EAST LANSING. Ml. I flehlaon Stote News, Eost Lonsinq, Michioon Wednesdoy, June 29, 1977 9 WASHINGTON (AP) - In a decision that could lead to lower Supreme Court rules attorneys Justin A. Stanly, president of the American Bar Association, I (fires anil more information for consumers, the Supreme Court said the court's action "might well be a good thing." Most I niled Monday that lawyer, may advertise fee, for routine attorneys who decide to advertise probably are those working in I jervices such a, uncontested divorces and drawing up wills. legal clinics or engaged primarily in routine legal services, said I *The 5.4 ruling struck at one of the legal profession's longest Stanly. I ud most sacred traditions - that lawyers do not openly peddle may advertise service charges "I shouldn't think that lawyers that handled more complicated I (tair services in the marketplace. matters would advertise," he added. I It could bring about major changes in the practice of law and State courts and the organized bar retain the right to police I dw in the medical profession which clings to similar traditions legal advertising and punish lawyers who make false or ■ I ^ rules against pnce advertising. the attorneys' truthful advertisement concerning the availabili¬ fees for misleading claims, the court said. The ruling overturned an Arizona Supreme Court rule ty and terms of routine legal services. relatively simple legal work. Casting its decision as a boon for consumers, the majority said ■ orohibiting lawyers from advertising. Virtually all states have To ban such advertisements violates the First The court will wait for another day to consider whether the advertising ban has made it difficult for shoppers to find out Amendment ■ Uilsr rules enforced by the state courts and bar assnci.ii^, guarantee of free speech, the court said. broader types of ads, such as boasts about the best service in which lawyer offers acceptable service at the lowest cost. I xhe court majority said the constitutional issue "is only town, might be banned, he added. However, he suggested that The prohibition "likely has served to burden access to legal Writingfor the majority, Justice Harry A. Blackmun stressed I .hether the state may prevent the publication in a newspaper of that the decision applies only to the narrow area of advertising "such claims may be so restriction." likely to be misleading as to warrant services, particularly for the not poor and the unknowledge able," Blackmun wrote. SEVERAL HUNDRED MOURNERS ATTEND FUNERAL 7! 30 A. M. —How much time do Rifes held for family killed in jail fire you have to spend on your hair today? Good condition can cut down the amount of time COLUMBIA, Tenn. (APj - See related story on page 12. gun metal gray hearses lined the foam rubber. "It's been beneath it was exposed to you need each morning. A lot of good L| hundred mourners at- up to take them to two cem five years or so since anyone in flame, officials have said. A X(d a funeral service Tues- eteries outside town. this area has asked for fire spokesperson for Herculite said shampoos and conditioners may not suit K five family members Mrs. Herman Anderson, her Meanwhile, investigators at retardant foam rubber." that though the fabric is flame¬ your hair 1 died in • weekend jail- sons Marvin and Billy Ander¬ tempted to determine exactly The advertisement put out proof it is not fireproof. It will Lfire that killed 42 inmates son, daughter Margaret Row¬ how the tragedy occurred. by Herculite Protective Fabrics ■visitors. land and son-in law Frank Ir¬ They were testing materials in Corp. of New York City said: not burn by itself, nor will it support combustion, she said, Communicate: Ask! Tpiiiis the greatest tragedy win, Jr. the padded cell and trying to "Flameproof. Will Not Support but it will melt. L town and county has All had been visiting Row¬ discover what was set afire and Combustion. 'Snuffs Out' As tell us what you're using now. We're not Jan in our generation," said land's husband, Buck, who was how. They hoped to learn what Soon As Flame Is Removed." (fev. Glen Mayfield. being held for trial on charges sort of fumes were produced by It was possible a hole was shampoo salesmen but we will recommend |iht visitors and 34 inmates of armed robbery and at¬ the flames. Autopsies showed made in the fabric and foam Hometown a combination we think is best for your hair * lie Maury County jail died tempted murder. Rowland's unusually high amounts of cya People Giving {* funeral Hometown iy after a 16-year-old run- was held later in the nide in three bodies. X from Wisconsin allegedly ■ Srt to the padding of an lion cell, flooding the jail day. a "They were all there to visit relative." the Rev. Mr. May- Officials said that the foam rubber was covered with a flameproof fabric, Herculite 80. ■INBM Service i LITTU PRIIWAY ♦ J « THE HAIR LOFT ltd , cyanide-laced black field said. "I'm sure none of Beneath that was four inches of J SIR VICI STATION J 220 MAC (UPSTAIRS), EAST LANSING it. An employe of the firm those in jail or visiting could foam rubber. J 13011. Grand River « In the University Mali • for appointment ph. 517-332-8660 _th supplied some of the have dreamed anything like "I guess we've gotten kind of J Next to Varsity Inn J t rubber used in the cell this could have happened." lax about this," said Dottie Hale lit was not flame retardant. After the services, the cas¬ of the SAR Manufacturing Co. Jc juvenile, Andy Zinmer, kets were wheeled to five of Tupelo, Miss., which supplied THE AUDIOPHILE'S DELIGHT CASSETTE DECKS % PRICE PHONES ■been charged with arson, ■ifthe visitors at the jail, a Tajer, told fire investi- State News En that he gave the youth a Classifieds TICHNICS DECK SALE! hei cigarette. Zinmer was live care Tuesday at ilt University Hospital Call TICHNICt Deck tale! Juhville. RS-630US. A superior ■ open caskets at the front 355-8255 KOSS ■church were the bodies of stereo cassette deck with Dolby noise reduction, <159 PR0-4AA separate bias and EQ. Stereo Wos '249. Mighty PIONIM SX-12301 Headphones An incredibly powerful stereo FM/AM Receiver with 160 watts per channel at 8 ohms from 20 Hz to 20kHz and than 0.1% distortion, one no more of the cleanest SPEAKERS stereo FM sections you've ever heard plus a full battery of total control features. A giant buy I <545 ADC'S ACCUTRACt Save big on the world's first computerized turntable. Direct-drive lets you ploy record tracts in any order. WAS $600 <388 Rated the by critics and audio public SUPIRiX alike, as one of the most natural, un- PRO-BV colored speaker sys PIONEER TX7500 TUNER s you < n buy- THE GRAPEVINE MM** WAS '60 2758 East Grand River PIONEER SA-7500 AMP 40WRMS 337-1701 »1H" <199 <24.97 MAILORDER JULY SPECTACULAR PIARCI-SIMPSOM SPECIALISTS <109 CITIZENS BAND „ Bom Station MIDLAND 23-Ch. Base CB [Minolta - an Usil favorite! *£•7,1.7 *259.95 Full feature 23-channel Base W-7.1.4 299.95 SRT-202,1.7 <219.95 Station has [umbo lighted *£•5,1.7 239.95 SRT-202,1.4 249.95 S/RF meter, 4 watts output, *£•5,1.4 SRT-201,1.7 184.95 259.95 plug-in type mike and front XK,1.7 SRT-201,1.4 214.95 panel speaker. 399.95 >8. 159.95 Unique, sculptured, continental *K,1.4 429.95 SRT-200, 2.0 PIONIIR "Supertwner" styling. Big, lighted, instrument-type KP-8005. Stereo FM Cassette in-Dash has Now S/RF meter. High filter. Provision for ex- adjustable shafts for most American cars. WAS ternal speaker. 117 Volt AC or 12 Volt Was 199.95 Dynamite value! a _ *204." DC operation! Mike. Squelch. Transmit *79OO Ask about our great prices on $199 indicator. Sensational! Minolta lenses! Store Hours: 10 am to 9 pm Weekdays LIMITED QUANTITIES ON ALL SALE ITEMS 10 am to 5:30 pm Sat., 12 am to 5 pm Sun. _ * » "* BATTLE CREEK i. a no- pnoto equipment spe- 5*4 slT od' 0PP«'in9 in Mod- Ell. K tok v , Pbotoprophy. We tell end Chicago prices, but WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG 616 965-7285 SALE ENDS JULY 523 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER PLAYBACK E&'bKouse we',, socio... Phone:351-7270 |M. 0r^#r- phoned in on Mon- IC.WWy be delivered to 10 W.MICHIGAN MALI 5 Z m Thur»day. "9wss.ll. W. stock BATTLE CREEK, Ml 49014 1 Q Michigan State News, East lonsing. Michigan Wednesday, June „ ^ Borg faces McEnroe in semis WIMBLEDON (UPI) - Am¬ Bjorn Borg in the $373,440 He next meets Borg. who than any other qualifier in the far the steadier of the two. He Wimbledon tennis champion served up the finest tennis of 100 year history of Wimbledon, flashed two superb passing erican teen ager John McEnroe could have won in straight sets, the tournament to whip shots that kicked up chalk on outlasted 13th-seeded Australi ships. McEnroe, an 18-year old left Romanian Ilie Nastase 6-0, 8 6, but his quick-fire temper cost the sidelines and followed it an Phil Dent in a five-set cliff hander from 63. him his concentration and early with such a fierce drive that hanger Tuesday to gain ar. Douglastown, N.Y.. edged Dent 6-4,8 9,4 6, 6 McEnroe, who had already leads. Nastase could only put it wide unexpected semifinal place In the end it was the young to break again to lead 7-6. He against defending champion 3.6 4 in three hours 10 minutes. gone further in the tournament Irish American left-hander, list wrapped up the second set with ed 270th in the computer world an ace in the next game. rankings, who had to come from Nastase won his own service behind and force a deciding at the start of the third set but I Drobac and fifth set. then was involved in a series of Beeman Both players struggled to hold onto their service in the decider until McEnroe, ranked arguments with British umpire Jeremy Shales. First he was warned for Vtl V second among 18-year-olds in swearing at Borg over the net the U.S. behind Larry Gott as the Swede, hands on hips, lore Wimbledon 'vets' fried, gained the crucial break in the seventh game. Nastase smouldered but looked blankly back at him. Then Borg was doublefault ed, only for the linesmen to second round. ByTOMSHANAHAN never erupted during the 90 change his mind and Borg to be "It was a great experience because I was I | State News Sports Writer America's most prestigious tennis players just an 18year-old kid," Drobac said. "I minute match in which he warned by the umpire both for was given his second service again. This was too much for Nastase I usually come from the sunny regions of the played for the U.S. Army team for thq whole his bad language and his delay who stood to receive service on : summer and was in the French National and country and they usually stay in the sun to ing tactics. the other court. . continue playing. Queens tournaments. I also played in the The Swede blew Nastase off Shales warned him and i But even way up here in northern Netherlands, Switzerland and Prague the court in the first set while awarded Borg two serves. On (Czechoslovakia!. It'd cost me a fortune to do | Michigan on the MSU campus there are two veterans of Wimbledon all that now. the Romanian was busy argu the next point Nastase again — the most note- ing with the umpire, the lines argued the call and this time France's Yvon Petra was the Wimbledon vorthy tennis championship of all. men, photographers and any Shales telephoned the referee Current MSU tennis coach Stan Drobac singles champion that year and it was also one else he could find to blame and told him he was officially and former MSU tennis coach Frank Beeman, one of Jack Kramer's last amateur tourna¬ for his poor start. Borg just warning the Romanian "for his who stepped down in 1957 and is now the IM ments. Kramer was still in school at UCLA concentrated on the tennis and delaying tactics." sports director, played singles and doubles before beginning his famous professional the first set was all over in 16 Nastase grudgingly got on career. together in 1946 — the first Wimbledon minutes with Nastase winning with the game, which he lost, tournament since 1939 because of World War "I got to meet all those great players," but he was clearly unhappy at only eight points. II. Bobby Riggs Drobac said. "That was when I met Frank won the 1939 tourney. The match was a replay of the umpire. "We were playing on an Army team while and I watched him work out with Kramer. last year's final which Borg won Borg, a study in concentra \ 7 in Europe and there were six servicemen Then the good players like Kramer could get in three sets and it was clear tion while all this was going on, who won a play-off to go to Wimbledon," us into theaters later to see all the matches that he held a psychological calmly broke through in the Beeman said. "What we were actually doing since it was before T.V. People would fifth game with two more fine advantage — important against was representing the Germans and Italians since they weren't allowed to compete." mistake me for Tom Brown (a top-seeded player) and ask me for autographs. a player like Nastase. The Romanian was at his passing shots. Two games later a candy : : After emerging from the Army tourna¬ But Beeman and Drobac were able to offer best in the second set when he wrapper blew onto the court ment, Beeman and Drobac met for the first compensation for the theater passes since broke Borg for the only time to and Nastase summoned the time in England. When both finally returned they were able to get Kramer, his pregnant lead 31. But the Swede broke Illie Nastase makes a running return in Tuesday's loss to Bjorn Borg at Wimbled (continued on page 11) to the United States, Beeman became MSU's wife, Brown and Pancho Segura (now Jimmy back in the seventh and was by tennis coach and Drobac played for him and Conners' coachl into the U.S. Embassy to eat was a three-time meals. It was a real advantage Beeman said, Big Ten champion, once in singles and twice in doubles. since good food was in short supply after the In doubles they lost in the first round to an Australian team of Dinny Pails and Geoff Even after getting the chance to compete Brown. Pails and Brown had played for Australia's Davis Cup team and lasted until the finals before losing. Brown was the i jnner-up in singles. Beeman then lost in singles in the first at Wimbledon, Beeman and Drobac still had to come up with white uniforms to be able to play. "When we got there all we had were the khaki shorts and dark tennis shoes that the The Women's IM Building and pools will be closed Mon 30% off Sale The |1 round, though he won the first set 6-0. Army gives you," Drobac said. "We had to mattress for shorts because lot day, July 4th, but will be open new products will soon be out, plus our fiscal year ends Drobac won his first round match against a use covers a the normal hours Saturday and I Polish exile, but was knocked out in the (continued on page 11) Sunday. The Men's IM Building June 30: 2 good reasons for you to save. and pool will be open 1 to 6 p.m. Monday. Technics SL-1300(2.niy) *210 Turntables Technics SL-1400 (2.niy) *175 THUMB" to whiten them. Wrap a couple layers of leaves over the head Direct drives & belt drives Hitachi PS-38(1.niy) •140 and secure them with string or a rubber band. The heads Hitachi PS-10 (..my) *»l should be ready for harvest within four to 12 days, depending on the weather. NOTE: two varieties of cauliflower — self-blanch and green ball — do not require this treatment. Self-blanch wraps itself in leaves, and Save 30% 1IC 920 (5 only) (with walnut base ft dust cover •72 Q. Is it too late to plant vegetables? green ball is a green-headed variety, A. Not at all. Snap beans, sweet corn, broccoli, Brussel S sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, kale, Q. One of my friends says it's a good idea to put your (■""") Bertagni >feri t bed Electroacoustic SPEAKERS kohlrabi, lettuce, radishes, spinach and turnips may be houseplants outdoors in the summer. Someone else says it's seeded in the garden now for a fall crop. Be sure to pick just asking for trouble. Who's right? C t Systems quick maturing varieties — otherwise, crops may not have A. Both of them, at times. Some plants — including African L*166 (2 pair only) time to mature before cold weather returns. violets — should never be put outdoors. Plants that are not "The Bexless 200 SL*8" 2 way JBL'i beet doing well indoors might benefit from a summer outside. Speaker" Q. How often should I water my container garden? Plants that are doing fine indoors might just as well stay bookiholf A. As often as it needs it. This may be daily in hot, lave 30% on *61 8 dry there, however. Omnidirectional weather. If they're doing OK, it means that their environment is selected • •400/280 ■ Low distortion 300 SL-10" 2 way Q. What do I do with my poinsettia now? A. July is shape-up time for leftover poinsettias. To make giving them what they need, so why change it? Putting speakers in *82 L* 120(1 pair only) | P plants outside also carries with it the risk of insect or disease them branch and grow bushy, pinch all the side shoots to steck. Beautiful Floor problems, physical damage by animals and weather, and D*60 *260/182 400 SL*12" 3 way four inches. Root these shoots, if you want, and pot them. thievery or vandalism. Speakers With the proper short-day, long-night treatment beginning If you choose to put houseplants outside, be sure to place 11*60 *200/140 in late September, they should bloom by Christmas. Both them in a shaded spot. Full sun will burn most houseplants *125 *684/»«79 the parent plant and the new cuttings can spend the summer literally to a crisp in a few hours. Check plants frequently for outdoors in a shady spot in the garden. Check them dryness and insects; water and spray as needed. regularly for dryness and insect infestations. Water and control pests as needed. Take the plants inside before frost. Send written questions only to: State News Display Advertising Amplifiers Artistry in Sound '240/*168;-til*1 Q. How do I blanch cauliflower? SH Student Services Bldg. A. Blanching is the process of covering the cauli¬ (only 2 of Produced by: MSU Extension Horti¬ these great- Sansui AD-MOO Amp $600/*359 flower heads when they are two to three inches in diameter culturist sounding units left!) D-3500 3 head cassette deck # HITACHI Frequency Response 20-20,000 Hz MAKE _L I Tape Decks j* YOUR Believably better. 2 RS-625 US stereo cassette deck great performers Ferrite Heads WEDDING HEADQUARTERS Daises at one-time Technics (2 °n|y) , only prices by Panasonic <300/ 218J Select from famous brands and be sure of Quality, Value and Service. Accessories- WATTS PREENERS- »5.95/*3.95 TDK SD-90 2 packs »T.69/*5.39 GIFTS FOR THE WEDDING PARTY save 30% or *40.00/»2!.50 Headquarters for: A SPECIALTY. 1.98 doz. more Superex TL-30 Headphones • Orange Blossom Sale Ends Absolutely en June 30 - No Rain Checki Diamond Rings • Art Carved Wedding Ring Sets e Longines, Bulova and Seiko Watches • International Pewter Norm Kesel Florist 245 Ann St E. Lansing, Mi M-F1fla.Hi.-8p.nl- and Silver 351-7830 Sat 10a.ra.-5pA SHOP 9:30-5:30 DAILY 319 E. Grand River Ave. 109 E. Grand River 337-1331 East Lansing, Mich. We will Close Sat. Phone 337-1314 July 2nd michiggrc stote News, Eost Lansing. Michiann Wednesday. June 29. 1977 11 LeFlore sits down; moves up MSI) coaches remember Wimbledon would get a better perspective missing the final 16 games of second straight berth in the Beeman said he remembered against while VeMew. Sport. Writer on things." (continued from page 10) watching the I„EDWARD L. BONDERS the campaign. mid-summer classic slated for LeFlore, meanwhile, had a of things were rationed after the crowds at Wimbledon as tournament." Beeman said. DETROIT - Ron LeFlore different explanation for his It was that type of perfor¬ New York's Yankee Stadium the war. Then we had to use one of the most "This was after they had al¬ , down and stepped back mance which earned LeFlore amazing things slow start. July 19. of the tournament. ready stood in line all morning »t,ying to move ahead. "Spring training the starting centerfield a nod in For the time being though, stamps to buy white tennis shoes at one of the big stores in "The stadium was made of waiting to get in. When people TieTige"' centerfielder was just wasn't long enough for me the 1976 All-Star game at LeFlore has no plans for sitting would faint in the heat they ,'i,ed (or one game bF man after my operation last didn't even pick year. 1 Philadelphia. But, the speedy' down. He does intend to keep England and they let us wear white T-shirts." cement with posts for the would just take them and pass r Ralph Houk earlier this up a bat until leadoff hitter for the Tigers spectators to stand and lean them up for help," he said. in Oakland. Houk's move January and subsequently my stepping back and hitting off doesn't envision such a recur¬ the back foot as he tries to j",n effort to shake the timing was off at the start of dy LeFlore out of an early the season," he explained. rence in 1977 despite his batting rejuvenation. recent move ahead in the All-Star bal¬ lot race. NBA former head dies Beeman said it tournament that Kramer was also the hoped The lack of Uen slump which saw his dent in LeFlore's timing was evi¬ "The way it seems, with BENGAL BITS: Houk noted to win so he could earn a big &g average dwelling in the batting aver¬ about 30 games to go before the prior to Monday night's game STAMFORD, Conn. (AP) - on being enough name to turn pro. But JJ neighborhood. age until he took Houk's advice. "Now I'm prepared. I'm not All Star game, I won't make it. that lefthander Dave Roberts Walter Kennedy, who presided "Nobody ever looks for Utopia Jaroslav Drobny, who defected ■following a two-for-five per The fans should have been had been pitching better than over the National Basketball because you know you'll never from Czechoslovakia, upset him ince against the division lunging at the ball as 1 was aware of what I've done all his 3-7 record might indicate. Association's (NBA) growth in find it." in the semi-finals. Drobny fin¬ „g Red Sox Monday night, earlier. I'm waiting and hitting year. I've been hitting the ball The result — Roberts went out to a major league in the 1960s, When Kennedy took office, ished second that year and is average escalated to off my back foot." good since I got my timing and beat the Beantowners for died Sunday at St. Joseph's his two major objectives were eventually won it in 1954. ■-portable .273. back," he noted. his first win since May 11. Houk Hospital. He was 64 and had to return the NBA to national Meanwhile, Kramer returned The dismal ■Houk'explained his benching beginning in 1977 "But, realistically, I probably also conceded that Minnesota's suffered from cancer. television and expand the to win in 1947 for one of his first lde Detroit native, saying, was made all the more evident when LeFlore's 1976 statistics won't make it. It will be a big Rod Carew has a legitimate Kennedy was the 49-year-old league. He accomplished tic aiiuiupu.-yiicu both uuui. big ui({ tburnament luurnameni championships. cnamptonsnips. luniejust wasn't hitting. He disappointment if I'm not given chance to register a .400 year at mayor of Stamford, Conn., L lunging and not staying are recalled. He garnered a .316 some kind of recognition," the plate. "He's an outstanding when he was chosen to replace v# RHARHARHA.RHA f ' U ,nd waiting on the pitch. editorial office, room 343 Stu¬ batting average (fifth best in LeFlore added. 73 year-old Maurice Podoloff, hitter. There's no way to pitch dent Services building. Dead¬ □ after his good year last the circuit), swiped 50 bases Houk stated that "I don't pay' him or defense him. If anyone line for voting is July 4. who retired Sept. 1, 1963 as Coo, Ronnie was putting a I :f (second to Oakland's Billy Kf pressure on himself. I felt North) and scored 93 (good for any attention to the All-Star ballots," when asked about can do it (hit .400) he can." Major league All-Star ballots Dave Rozema threw for 10 NBA commissioner. "I do not anticipate any more PRESENTS ■liking him out for a game he a fifth place tie) all despite LeFlore's chances of landing a are available at the State News minutes Monday night and difference with the nine men Houk (the number of owners in 1963) pronounced him ready to than I had as mayor of a city of start Thursday against the Red Sox. 100,000 people," Kennedy said That means the manager will otter 2nd in 800; Fans want Houk fired be able to go with his plan of DETROIT-There's •e than one Tiger fan after manager pitching left-handers Roberts, John Hiller and Bob Sykes — against the Yankees in — Borg patient ,S. tours Europe Ralph Houk's scalp. The number is close to 1,000 accountant. according to a Detroit Keith McNaraus, a Tiger fan since 1967, is New York this weekend and then coming back with a crew Icontinued from page 10) of right handers — Fernando umpire to get down off his chair JISU's Sue Latter ran a 2:04 in the 800 meters to finish second circulating a petition before and during the Bengal's games this Arroro, Rozema, Mark Fidrych and remove it. Shales passed on week which demands that Houk be fired. and Milt Wilcox — against the the request to a ballboy to the Hweekend as she and the rest of the U.S. AAU team continue to "I'm asking for signatures ir Europe. throughout this 11-game Baltimore Orioles. Romanian's dismay. homestand," McNamus stated. "When the stand is over I'm lie team is currently traveling through West Germany and .(before returning home Saturday. Besides her second place in going to present the petition to Jim Campbell (Tiger general manager) and see what he says." >'800. she also ran the fastest split on the two-mile relay team at finished second with a 8:21. Her split was a 2:03.7. McNamus explained the reason for his one-man effort: "I'm tired of a losing ball club. There's talent there but Houk doesn't The per will also be crossing the Atlantic again in August for the know how to use it. I'm tired of fifth and sixth place finishes. Transcendental Ud University Games in Moscow. "The sad part is that the Tigers draw over a million fans a Be qualified for the tour and the games bolh the U.S. jUtsearlier when she finished first Track and Field Federation and National AAU year, win or lose. And, as long as they make money they won't fire Houk or make any changes." Meditation this month. She also finished third in the [Uenl the national 800 meters AIAW (Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Program championships. , h men's track, MSU sprinter Randy Smith left Tuesday for Success Comes More Easily for Some People Pay's AAU Junior track meet with the Russians at A person using full potential of heart and mind and living in harmony with all the laws of nature will be successful inactivity. StATE TODAY 3 PM & 7:30 PM y CI 09 WELLS HALL \ COME SAIL free lecture by a teacher of the TM' technique trained Many of his fellow a officers considered him by Moharishi Mahesh Yogi. 5 WITH US * the most dangerous •< for more information and other lecture schedules : man alive-an honest cop. call 351-7729 Next meeting for Summer: AL R\CINO luesdoy, July 5 6:30 p.m.. 208 Men'i I.M. Bldg. "SERPIGO" IE future meetings f Wed.. June 29,106-B Wells 8:00 Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. at our Lake Lansing Site « Thurs., June 30, 106-B Wells, 8:00 '1.30 (on Shaw Street) ACTION! CAMERA! SPOTLIGHT ON WENDY'S J Students. Faculty, Stall We/come Open House Sat., July 9, from 11:00 a.m. at the site Rain Dote July 10 ■ Trowbridge Road (Next to Pretzel Bell) t Next Week M*A*S*H*! J For more information coll: Carolyn Wooley 351-7808 Beginning instruction, private boat storage, use of Club boats. STATE COUPON STATE COUPON SUNGLASSES CIGARETTES 30% OH 2/89* Retail limit 2 expires 7-2 Limit 2 pock expires 7-2 STATE COUPON STATE COUPON CONTAC KODAK color film Cold Capsules 1.17 1.16 Clio, C126.12 exp. 10$ Reg. 1.85 limit 1 .splr.1 7-2 limit 1 expires 7-2 STATE COUPON STATE COUPON T-SHIRTS PEPSI asst. colors & siies COLA 2/5.00 1.55 8 pack 12 oz. cans Limit 6 •xpirai 7-2 Limit 1 expires 7-2 STATE COUPON STATE COUPON TAMPAX SOLARCAINE SUNBURN FOAM TAMPONS Reg-65- 29C 99' 5 oz. Reg. 2.98 Limit 1 expires 7-2 Limit 1 expires 7-2 STATE COUPON STATE COUPON HAWAIIAN TROPIC CURAD SUNTAN products OUCHLESS BANDAGES Lansing East Lansing Saginaw at Waverly Trowbridge Road S. Cedar at 1-96 (Next to Pretzel Bell) 10% OFF 66' 80's Reg. 1.00 No limit expires 7-2 limit 1 expires 7-2 12 Michigon Stote News, East loosing, Michigan Wednesday, June „ )9?7 Officials try to By The Associated Press padded cell for disciplinary avoid repeat of jail f/r, tardant and produce o fumes time." The jail lacked a sprinkler could present a problem in case See related story on page 9. of a fire with toxic Prison officials say they are reasons at that time. We did when burned. Tennessee authorities said system and smoke alarms, nei¬ fumes," he get them out. They were not Ashley added, however: the fire was started by a ther of which is required by said. "We may in the future trying to get rid of potentially change the type mattresses fSsassj. flammable materials that could problem." harmed, but we did have to "Enough smoke from anything juvenile inmate in his cell's state fire and jail codes. A new set of jail standards take them to the hospital. will suffocate anybody vinyl-covered, plastic foam pad Asst. Chief Bill Coop, director *that we have." give off toxic fumes of the kind tlons' said there °fCtl . . . that spread through has been proposed in Wyoming, "Due to this fire at Maury About the only thing you can do ding, made of a material which of the Memphis Tenn. County Illinois officials also said Tennessee jail where 42 per¬ a but supporters have met with County," he said, "I instructed is make sure there's not that had been advertised as flame¬ Jail, said his facility had no there were no padded cells in padded cells in exception is the r L I sons died in a weekend blaze. strong opposition because of the our jail personnel to test this many flammable things around proof. The burning padding padded cells. "We do have their jails. They said mattres¬ u l mattresses that we are looking ses of polyurethane foam County Jail where a juTI The American Correctional cost of implementing the regu¬ new mat«rial. We found out in the first place and then make gave off cyanide fumes and were Association said recently that lations. that once you puncture the sure you can get people out in carbon monoxide, officials said. at very closely right now that being replaced in response to '"mate died of Jan. 31, 1976 smek^i 1 polyurethane foam mattresses Authorities in Florida star¬ outside and get to where the were a serious hazard and ted phasing out flammable ma¬ foam is that it does pretty well recommended that jails get ride terials after a Seminole County flame up in smoke. No one else of them. The group is expected jail fire blamed on foam mat¬ is going in there- We plan to to widen its stand to include ceil tresses. Olin Greene, director replace it." padding of the kind used in of the division of state fire Officials in several states said Tennessee. marshal!, said 11 people died in their jails did not included Kelly Reynolds, fire marshal the blaze about two years ago. padded cells, but they said for Albermarle County. Va„ The Hamilton County Jail, there might be problems with has been campaigning for a ban one of the largest county jails in mattresses. on polyurethane foam mattres¬ Tennessee, announced mean¬ Joe Ashley, a spokesperson ses in correctional institutions. while that it has suspended use for the Ohio Department of He said there have been half a of its padded cell because tests Rehabilitation and Corrections, dozen fatal fires involving such showed the foam creates dense said the state is ordering mattresses since March 1974. smoke when it burns. mattresses which are fire An Associated Press spot Sheriff Jerry Pitts said he check on Tuesday showed stan¬ was taking no chances. "First of dards for jail furnishings vary all we had a couple of small fires widely. in our jail the first part of the Ted Barry, chief deputy fire year and the matter in the marshal for Wyoming, said padded cell was combustible," foam padding was used across Pitts said. "It was supposed to the state. "Certainly the same be fire retardant, but it did thing could happen here," bum. Barry said. "It's "Two people u tlwdmwaticdaijsol 11 laxiiiiiliaii audi adota of Mexico In mid-19th century Austria, the young blond soldier-prince Maximilian was the most popular member of the Hapsburg royal family. In Brussels, he married the radiantly beautiful Charlotte, daughter of Leopold I. They honeymooned on Lake Como, then journeyed to Milan where he was to become Governer- General. In 1864 they sailed from Trieste to assume the throne of Mexico. Here is another extraordinary dramatic docu¬ mentary from the team who brought you the film stories of Ludwig 11 of Bavaria and Empress Elisabeth of Austria. THURSDAY. JUNE 30 at 8:00p.m. in the University Auditorium Series tickets for summer World Travel (4 films $5.00) are available at the Union Ticket Office. Single tickets are $2.00, at the door only. One child under 12 admitted free with each paid adult admission. $1.00 for each additional child under 12 years. MSU Students: FREE with valid UA Coming July 1 Russ Potter Xnfquo) "THE BEAUTY OF EAST AFRIC Wn(q, ln)ployer \ I Mich's0" Stole News, tost loosing, Michigon Wednesdoy, June 29. 1977 13 ClaiiHied Advertising Automotive M I toSCTtalTl f frUym [fill I" ****** |fjg [jpartwifc](g [ Apartments Iffp; Information TOYOTA CELICA 1972. Air. JUNK CARS wanted. We pay BOOKKEEPER-GENERAL ledger. BRENTWOOD. EAST Lansing VILLA MONTE-Sublet apartment CLOSE TO East Lansing, one and Position available for responsible for 1 year starting Michelin tires, 4-speed, AM/FM, more if they run. Also buy used near, 2 bedroom unfurnished, August 1st. two bedroom apartments for sum¬ 347 Student Service! excellent condition. $1295. Call cars and trucks. 489 3080. C-4 6- person. 2 years experience re¬ available immediately. Carpeted, Living room with beautiful balcony mer and fall, furnished or un¬ HONE 355-8255 Bldg. view, dining room, kitchen, fully 351 3582 after 6 p.m. S 3-6-29 151 291141 quired in all phases of bookkeep¬ air conditioning, carport. $195! furnished and decorated. One furnished. VILLAGE APTS., Oke* ing. Expertise in reconciliation of Phone 351 7633 or 669-3513. 5-7-1 mos. Call afternoons and evening. TOYOTA CELICA ST 1972,46,000 WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top accounts desirable. Excellent (6) person or couple, no pets. $375/ 349-4067. 7 7 8 (6) RATES month. For information call Marie, miles, good condition, 4 speed. dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE fringe benefits and working condi¬ DAYS 1 day • 90C per line Must sell, $1295. 332-2163. Keep 669-5041 or LONG REALTY 669- AUTO PARTS & SALVAGE. 0-4- tions. Near airport location. Call SUMMER SUBLET. 2 man apart NO LEASE, duplex, own room. 3 days - 80$ trying. 5-7-8 14) 6-29 13) Mon.-Fri. 321-7913, E.O.E. 8-7-15 ment, very close to campus, $160/ 2851. 4-7 1 (10) $100/month, $100 deposit. Utili¬ per line 4 doyt • 75C (10) month. Call Jim. 374-6366. 4-6-29 ties, 351 7068. 6-7-7 (3) per line VEGA 1976 Hatchback. $2100. 13) WOMAN TO share apartment, 8 day! • 70< own room, across from campus. per line Radials. excellent. Call after 5 p.m. New 1976 WAITRESS PART-time, 35 hours/ FEMALE ROOMMATE needed 482 0135. 3-7-1 13) week. No Saturdays. Apply in OWN ROOM/bath. Sublet sum¬ $95/month. 332-2795 evenings. summer term, Okemos apartment mer-fall. Prefer graduate, Brandy- 5-7-6 (3) 349 1841 3 6 29 131 line rate per imertion person by 10 a.m. Some cooking VEGA 1973 Hatchback, radio, automatic, radial tires. 30 mpg, $850. 371-4094. X-3-7-6 (31 Rabbit involved, nights. FRONT OFFICE BAR. corner of S. Cedar and Hazel. 3-7-6 (6) wine. Air, sauna, many extras. Partially furnished. 487-4067; 337- 1250. 6-7-6 (4) ONE modern AND two bedrooms eight unit. Furnished and in 513HILLCREST - Town s largest 1 bedroom, quiet; 3 blocks MSU. unfurnished. Call 372-0297. 8-7-11 -riollnei • 3 lines - '4.00 - 5 days. 80' per line over VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1971. Very Deluxe Model 13) Brightly furnished, air. dishwash SITTER IN my home through July. PINILAKI er, brand-new carpeting, security | 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. good condition, $1400 or highest <3,995 Mon, Wed, Fri mornings. Tues, doors. Unfurnished'furnished I Price of item(s) must be stated in od. Maximum bidder. Call 332-2141. Must sell. Thurs till 3 p.m. Must drive. APARTMINTS AVAILABLE AUGUST or Sep from $180. Need manager couple. 1 sole price of '50. 3 7-6 (3) ask about our limited References. 349-3083. 2-7-1 (4) 6080 Mersh Rd. tember, furnished, utilities for grad Also handyman. 351-4212' 655- Lgnuts Perional od! ■ 3 lines • '2.25 ■ per insertion, VW BEETLE 1967. Radio, free lift liM wmit Meridian Moll Area student who needs quiet and is 1022. 0-3-6-29 181 quiet. Whole third floor, residen¬ f 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). repair manual, $450. 351-8654; on all internal lubricated RESIDENT COUNSELOR/Mana- ' 1 65 plut UtiltlM Lmoge/Garage Sale ads ■ 4 lines ■ '2.50. I 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. 355-2199. 6-7-11 13) engine parts Cook Herriman Ah ger women for 16 mentally handicapped and men in an active * one bedroom unfurnished tial neighborhood, west end of campus. $150. 351-4636. 4-7-1 (7) Houses i|j£ VW SQUAREBACK 1971. Air, developmental program of group Lad Town ods ■ 4 lines - '2.50 per insertion. • radio, snow tires, surface rust. VW VOLVO MAZDA W community living. Degree and *G.E. * appliances HUGE APARTMENT, large living NEW. FURNISHED. 4 bedroom. $200/month summer Fall option Fully carpeted room, kitchen, study. Furnished, [ 63' per line over 4 lines. $850. 372-2647 after 5 p.m. 8-7-13 experience preferred also super¬ * Air, drapes utilities paid. 2/4 person. $240/ $400. 339 2961 after 6 p.m. 8-7-8 L|| Founds ads/Transportation ads ■ 3 lines '1.50 • • visory and program development skills. Salary $8000-$9000 plus * adjacent to now county park month, summer, 520 Linden. 332- [ per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. VW CAMPER 1966 poptop, AM/ ran MUTTU DOWNTOWN LANIINa AND nun to apartment, meals other fringe 3361. 8-7 15 (4) LANSING EAST side, houses. 3 benefits. Contact Pamela Fuhrig FM tape, fully camper equip. $995. M1U DAILY. NORTH POINTE APARTMENTS, and 4 bedroom furnished. Ciose to Director. MOORE LIVING CEN¬ bus route. Call Chris. 484 2164. Call after six, 694 0177. 4-7-1 (31 1250 Haslett Road. One bedroom Deadlines TER, 1401 Edgewood, Lansing, 339-8192 5-7-1 (4) MASON BODY SHOP 812 East 48910 393-4442. 6-7-7 (14) furnished or unfurnished. Pool. Us.2p.m. -1 class day before publication. Kalamazoo Street since 1940. 655-3805 332-6354. 0-1-6-29 (4) Lcellotion/Change - 1 p.m. - 1 class day before I KwyttoHW Complete auto painting and col¬ POSITIONS AVAILABLE. CETA LOW SUMMER rates. 3, 4 bed¬ rooms near Frandor, 5 bedrooms f publication. lision service. American and for¬ Title VI positions are available at ALBERT STREET Apartments. SUBLET ROOM in nice house, in East HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1960-74 eign 485-0256. C-4-6-29 (14) East Lansing. $60/month. 337- Lansing. 372-1336. 5-7-8 (3) Lad is ordered the . it cannot be cancelled cars. Capital Area Career Center in Large 2 bedroom, air conditioned, or changed panhead, completely chopped, Mason. Secretary-Typist, Voca¬ furnished. 1 block from campus. 0291. 8-7-15 (3) I until after I st insertion. $2600 or best offer. 484-0132. tional Counselor Aide, Photo¬ Fall. Call 351-4103. 0-4-6-29 (4) TWO ROOMS in large house for lire is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per I additional change for maximum of 3 changes. 5-7-1 (3) [ Employment fj grapher and Artist-Illustrator. Ap¬ plicants must meet Title VI unem¬ NICE HALF apartment. Excellent CAPITOL NEAR, large 1 bedroom, covered parking, $170 includes all summer, fall option. Rent nego¬ tiable. 351-6540. 8-7-15 I 0 3) HONDA CB 100 1971 rebuilt. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONISTS utilities. 393-7496. 3-7-6 (3) Be State News will only be responsible for the 1st Needs minor work, $175. 482- - 250 bed acute care hospital has ployment and income require¬ ments and also be a resident of location, student preferred. $75/ THREE BEDROOM, full basement, month. 489-7085. 8-7-8 (3) I day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must 9596 after 6:30 p.m. 3 6-29 (3) immediate part-time openings. ONE BEDROOM, utilities paid. No garage, 5 minutes to campus. Ingham County, excluding the Available July 15. $225/month. I bemode within 10days of expiration date, Must have experience in trans¬ City of Lansing. Applicants should FEMALE NEEDED, own room in pets. Near MSU. $165 per month. Call 482-0580. 8 7-15(4) kg are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not 1975 YAMAHA 650, mint condi¬ cribing and knowledge of medical apply at MESC office located at apartment, very close. 332-1497 or 332-8064 3-7-6 (3) I paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will tion, 900 miles. $ 1100 or best offer. terminology. Excellent starting 3215 South Pennsylvania. 3-7-1 351-2067. 3-7-1 (31 Phone 351-0426. S-5-7-8 (31 rate. Contact Personnel, LAN¬ NEAR FRANDOR. 213 LANSING-CLOSE. 4 bedrooms (14) South | be due. SING GENERAL HOSPITAL. 2800 EAST LANSING. Wanted to share Francis. Available July 2. Fur¬ furnished. Summer, $160 plus. Fall. $250. 332 5622. 1-6 29 (3) HARLEY SPORTSTER 1975, 7600 Devonshire. Phone 372-8220. 5-7- by professional male, 30's. Spa¬ nished, utilities included, no lease. miles, some extras. Charles Johnson, 393-7933 after Contact 6(10) ! ForRent J[£j cious, attractive furnished 2 bed¬ room duplex apartment. Albert Clean, quiet. 882 9347. 4-7-1 (4) FEMALE NEEDED for large coed house, furnished, nice porch. $50'' T«; Automotive £4, 5:30 p.m. 10-7-20 141 MODELS WANTED, $8/hour We will train. 489-2278. Z-3-28-26 (3) COMPACT REFRIGERATORS near Collingwood. Prefer grad student or professional. $132.50 LAKE LANSING Park, Mall, cam¬ pus close. Carpeted one bedroom, month. 2-7-1 (3) 351-3783, Kay. summer. YAMAHA 1971, 350. $350 or best Free delivery, plus % utilities. 332-6567 or 332- air. Summer leases $155. 627- PART-TIME position. Mail pick up 372-1795. 5-7-^ (3) offer. 355-8525. After b p.m. 5987 evenings. 3-7-1 (10) 6920. X-6-7-6 (3) 117 OAKHILL, 5 bedroom, utilities ICUDA 1970 V-8. Floor LANDCRUISER 1976 10.000 394-1885. X-3-7-1 131 Vj hour a day, Monday-Friday at TV AND stereo rentals $25/term. paid. $500/month, discount tor ner, best offer over miles. Hubs, radio, Tuff-Kote. 8:30 a.m., E. Lansing Post Office. $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- SUMMER, TWO bedroom, one NEAR MSU, 2 bedroom summer only. 349-3841. 3-7-1 (4) ■115947 between 10a.m.- YAMAHA 1971, 350. $350 or best $10/week. 351-1310, ask for Dick complete¬ $5,000 or best offer. 351-7389. 1010. C-4-6-29 (12) block from campus. $140. 155 ly furnished apartment, 11041 Chesterfield Parkway. Olson. 0-3-6-29 (6) summer 8-7-8 (31 offer. 355-8528. After 5 p.m. Gunson 351-4185, fall option. Z-6- CAMPUS CLOSE, one girl need¬ lease. Greatly reduced rates. Call 1 394-1885. 2-6-29 (31 7-6 (3) ed, real nice house, washer dryer. 337-1507 or 351-4420, after 5 p.m. )l£T IMPALA-1970. Au- OLDS 88, 1967. Power steering / brakes, new tires, parts. $2S0/best NEW LOW rates on motorcycle SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for MSU students. 15-20 hours/week. f Apartw cits |fp] NEED FEMALE to rhare one 4-7-1 (5) $90. Call 676-4819. 5-7-1 (4) offer. 393-1527. 4-7-6 (4) insurance. Alder Agency, 351 Automobile required. 339-9500. SUMMER-FEMALE needed for bedroom, $94 plus utilities, 393- 8620. 0-2-6-29 (31 C-4-6-29 (12) 8850. 3-7-6 (3) Grove Street Apartment, OPEL MANTA 1974. 24/28 mpg. room, rent own negotiable. 332-4156. CAMPUS f-OELAIR 1964, 6-cylinder, 42.000 miles, great condition. HONDA 360 CB 1975. 14.000 AVON-GET ready for college tui¬ S-5-7-1 (4) CAMPUS NEAR, large beautiful K. good mpg. Needs bat- tion. Excellent earnings, flexible '' r work. 355-6212. $1900. See at Meijers lot. South Pennsylvania, weekdays 7-4 p.m. miles, 2 helmets, rack, sissy bar, chain, $800. After 5 p.m. 332-2418 hours. 482-6893. C-4-6-29 (3) CAMPUS CLOSE. 7/5-9/1. 2 bed¬ two bedroom apartment in a small, well maintained apartment HILL 8 7-8 (5) 3-7-6 (4) rooms, balcony. Negotiable price. BABYSITTER IN building. Available August 1st, my home 332 2498. 5-7-1 (3) $240, furnished. 393-7279. 0-8-7- * 2 Bedrooms i. Radio, just tuned through July. Mon.-Wed.-Fri. PINTO 71. 66,000 miles. Original 1974 BMW 900/6 Vetler II. 15 (6) ' feeds work. Asking Good condition. $500 Call Fairing mornings, Tues.-Thur. until 3 p.m. Furnished Apts. Only a few left!! owner. * offer. 351-2490. 2-7-1 32,000 miles. Superb running con¬ Must drive, references. 349-3083. 35T1418 or 35Tm0_3-7J |3|^ dition, $2200. Serious calls only, TOWNHOUSE ONE bedroom, "Free Roommate Service 8-7-11 (4) 649-8723. 5-7-8 (4) utility room, only $136/month, •Dishwashers JOIN the gong at W1972 510Wagon. $1000. PLYMOUTH 1969. Good WAGON Satellite tires, some rust, FREE ROOM/board for female in Waters Edge must buy membership. 882-1906 after 7 p.m. 3-7-6 (3) 'Central Air Conditioning Ji after 5:30 p.m., Mon 89,000.351-3033 after 5 p.m. 3-7-1 return for child care/housekeep¬ D Reduced Summer rent Burcham Woods (fndayall day. 2-7-1 (3) lMD$arvtaJ(7] ing. 337-2274. 5-7-6 (3) from '160 6 MINUTES MSU, cozy furnished •Swimming Pool * Unlimited Parking * 2602 1974, must sell, ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace D Two and four man one bedroom in Lansing. Includes PLYMOUTH 1970 Duster, $500. RESIDENT MANAGER Position conventional ignition with a apartment! utilities and parking. $165/month. •Pleasant landscaping (I best offer over $3000 by Runs good. Call after 5:30 p.m., your opening East Lansing student 482 9226. 8-7-15 (4) 1 AM FM, air, new tires. 332-8074. 7-7-8 13) Piranha electronic ignition at complex. Looking for married D Walk to campus * Heated pool CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN couple, wife to be full-time, hus¬ 'Special 12-montti rates * Air conditioning PONTIAC LEMANS 72. AM/FM CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama¬ 1050 Water's Edge 8-track, 3 speed, 49,000 miles. Call zoo Street, one mile west of band part-time. Must be handy and ambitious. Free apartment (next to Cedar Village) Summar Leases FREE BUS * * Tennis courts Ample parking JN PICK UP 1973. 355-3070 or come see at 1547 G campus. 487-5055. C-4-6-29 1281 plus salary. Phone 349-5430 after 6 SERVICE * Many Nicely furnished I best offer over $1000. Spartan Village. 2-7-1 (4) p.m. 0-1-6-29 (8) 332*4432 UN be 292 fiver Street >1-6-29 (31 NEED ONE or two females for Modsl Open 9-9 1 bedroom units *150 PORSCHE CONVERTIBLE 1974. TWO MALE students to share 2 Cite tiff AprtMits J. Air, good tires, Excellent condition, $4800 or best hlffiUSNM bedroom apartment in exchange apartment near campus. 332-4432. 1990S. Grand River Everyday _ for maintenance work. 351-3927. X-8-7-8 (3) ■ briery, "921202 2 7-1 131 very dependable. offer. 349-3394. 8-7-15 (31 Vimpms 0-5-7-8 (4) RivrS* Ate** 204 River Street Leasing for Summert Fall 745 Burcham PORSCHE 914 1973. Yellow, AM/ tewteAtetMtis CALL 349-3530 1206 Oakland COOKS 1930S. Grand River 351-3118 & 1967~go~od_ condi- 1*1100 miles. 6 cylinder. FM. radials. $3995. Call after 5 p.m., 487-0161. 6-7-7 (31 Call for Appt. Experienced grill cook for our East SEPTEMBER 1 to July 1. Beauti¬ AMricanAtetiNts P'ter 5 p.m 8-7-15131 IV4-4411 Room Restaurant. Hours: Mon. fully furnished, 2 bedroom, 1 % 1121 Victor Street PORSCHE 914,1974, red, appear and Tues. 10am-5pm, Thurs. bath, ranch style condominium P1974,6 cylinder automa- ance group, rustproofed, excellent Lansing's leading repair shop 10am-7:30pm, Fri. 1-9pm, Sat. with rec room and redwood patio on lake. Pool and golf course Main Offico 932-0111 Bargain Hunters' Special Rates fM condition, $1500. Call condition. $4900, 332 1319 after 5 for import cars. A complete 12-3pm. Excellent benefits. Apply p332-8744. 5-7-8 (3) p.m. 6 7-6 131 parts deportment and certified in person at the Personnel Office. adjacent. Faculty or mature grad Dream lor Summer mechanics assure you of fost student or children. $325/month. 992-5922 >L 1975. New Michelin THUNDERBIRD 1973. All Power. reliable service JACOBSON'S EAST LANSING 339-9323. 8-7-13 (9) Capitol Villa Apartments for summer J" tM stereo. $2500. 489- Stereo radio with tape. Many X-4-7-6 (11) ONE OR two men needed for Lowest prices in town ■24(31 other extras. 669 5513. 02-7-1 131 apartment, close to campus. 332- for large clean 2 RESPONSIBLE PERSON needed 4432. X-8-7-8 (3) Just across street TOYOTA CELICA 1972. Sharp to clean and maintain store. bedroom furnished ■jWERICK 1974. 2 door, interior, air conditioned, runs Hours: 9-1 p.m., 6 days per week. units. from campus. Large Xi ^ 000 miles. A-1 condi- good, some rust. $800. Phone 394- Apply in person. GANTOS, LAN¬ furnished 1 & 2 bed¬ 355-6090. 3-7-6 (3) 2837r 0-3 6-29 (41 SING MALL. 2-7-1 (5) ISIATIONWAGON Don't Miss Summer room apts. Air, car¬ 1970, peted, balconies. Immediate CEDAR at Ctopctumftam Occupancy Immediate 4620 South Hagtdorn Rd. Occupancy GREENS (North of Mt. Hope) <180 NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER and FALL ""'"88 position <160°° Efficiencies k| M '°r experienced SPECIAL SUMMER RATES ★ Luxury apartments completely furnished P Sol Policy Pro with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furn¬ Per Month <135 (Li.0ry commensurate lT""wce. Contact c non over D FURNISHID ADARTMINT8 Auto- AND CHECK OUT • 1NMON UNITS iture and shag carpeting throughout. D ONI BIMOOM UNITS COIUNGWOOD ARTS! Beechwood D AIR CONDITIONING ★ air conditioned • SWIMMING POOL ★ Each unit has dishwasher, garbage dis¬ Apartments University Terrace ★ dishwasher ★ shag carpeting posal, central air conditioning and heating. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES 444 Michigan ★ unlimited parking ★ plush furniture for rental ★ Swimming Pool and private balconies 351-2798 te- ★ model open daily information 332-5420 Now leasing tor Pporiunify Fall Cnll 351 -8282 551-8651 v Call 3S1*I1«6 (also leasing for Fall) (also leasing for Fall) hployer (behind Old World Moll 1135 Michigan Aw. Right norto the onfhe river I) E. Laming, Ml Brody Complex ] 4 Michigon Stote News. Eost lonsing, Michigon Wednesday. junej9 197? SI I W L ForSale NEAR MSU, two bedrooms. Ap pliances, garage, large fenced mows FARMHOUSE IN Mason. Room for rent immediately. Call after 7 676 5429. 6-7 7 (3) 100 USED VACUUM Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 cleaners. Soap ban set; needs approv LANSING tee's failure Tuesday to ap¬ Woods, described as a mere little time to adjust to deter¬ yard. $200 plus utilities. 371-1902, p.m. (UPI) - New and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING pects a court days. 6 7-6 (4) Department of Natural Resour prove them. formality, approved the ban 2-1 gents without phosphates - fight. COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, One ces (DNR) rules banning phos The Joint Committee on Ad¬ among Senate members of the thousands of which now are on legal jssue h IDEAL HOME for family with small opposite City Market. C-4-6-29 phates in home laundry deter ministrative Rules, in an action committee, but voted against grocery shelves. children. Conviently located for MSU and downtown Lansing. 2 124) gents are set to take effect Oct. committee Chairperson Sen. them 3-2 on the House side. The DNR recommended the 5*3 bedrooms down, one up. 372- 9576. 8-7-8 15) OWN ROOM for rent, nice, sum¬ mer, $65. 575 Spartan. 351-4805. 2-7-1 (3) HAMMOND ORGAN Series T, 1 year old, brand new sold for $3000 will take best offer. 321 5942.6-7-8 1, despite a legislative commit John C. Hertel, D-Harper Majorities are needed on both sides of the joint commit¬ ban earlier this year, based findings that phosphates are on sf■ tee to approve rules, but com causing severe water quality WALK TO campus. Large 4 mittee approval is not required problems on the Great Lakes Water Resources fnm bedroom "house. 2 baths, 229 MALE NEEDED for summer or fall. to the Close to Union. $14/week. 332- OPEN 9-5:30 Daily, closed Satur¬ for administrative measures and many inland waters. Natural Reso Collingwood. Reduced for sum¬ The detergent industry, how¬ mission. mer to $250 month. Call EQUITY 0205. 443 Grove Street. 8-7-15 13) day. OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2617 E. Korean Karate class for women, Volunteers are needed to work proposed by state agencies. Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. C-l- DNR ProgTam Review Chief said banning phosphates VEST. 484-9472. 0 1-6-29 (5) 6 29(12) beginners and intermediates, 4 in consumer complaint mediation ever, . "'don't think that's a ROOM IN large furnished house p.m. Thursday, Fencing Room. and consumer education pro¬ jack Bails said he fully expects was too inconvenient for con¬ lar|y valid point," for summer with fall option in Women's IM. grams. Contact 26 Student Ser¬ the phosphate ban to take sumers, while water Bail, 3 BEDROOM, 2 baths, $200. quality Parking, lease deposit. 485-4917. northeast Lansing. 484-7125. 3-7-6 MUST SELL chairs: antique oak, vices Bldg. for further information. effect Oct. 1. despite the pros¬ problems could be handled V°t'"K in favor o( partly redone, green recliner. were Sens. Hertel 8 7 15 13) Be star! There still pect of a court challenge from more cheaply on a per capita and Nights-349-1690. 1-6-29 (3) a are EAST LANSING, furnished 4 bed¬ ROOM FOR Rent. Furnished openings for performers and tech Adoption Identity Movement, a the detergent industry. basis through waste water £lle°' " Alma, WOMAN'S 10 speed bicvcle, 19" nicians for Player's Gallery's interested in changing Originally scheduled to take treatment improvements. room home. Beautiful Glencairn house, washer/dryer. Very close, Call Union Ac¬ group effect July 1, the ban set Lawmakers have been O-Detro". and nice people. 351-8563. 3-7-6 (31 frame, used once, $90. 332 1230. summer season. adoption laws for adult adoptees was un¬ area, Professor on leave mid-Aug¬ 8-7-8- 131 tivities Director. meets 7:30 tonight, 238 W. Sagi¬ back to Oct. 1 by the DNR in able on their own to pass a Anderson, D-South™, ust through June 30th. Walking smg the rules NEW COMMUNI7V naw, Apt. 105 response to a request from the phosphate ban, and the indus¬ were Sen distance to campus, shopping and Co-op. 2 rooms available, summer term, KENMORE PORTABLE washer. joint committee. try also is challenging the n '■ D'Iron*<»S public schools. Family only. $500 per month. 351-0718. X 3 7-1 (7) 351-3820 or 351 3821. 2-7-1 (3) Fully automatic, 3 cycles, gold, excellent condition. $120. 355- L Service |f^ i j Feminist Self Defense Karate Some said the committee members authority of the Natural Re¬ Ren Reps. Daisy Elliott. D. Qfncy Hoffma„, g.» July 'ffective date gave sources Commission to do so. BEAUTIFUL SINGLE coed house. Rent negotiable, room in OWN ROOM in house pus near cam¬ for summer. 539 Park Lane. 8124. 1-6-29(4) SEEKING TO do errands, odd jobs, light housekeeping for senior Assoc. offers 10 week classes in self-defense 10 a.m. to noon grocers and homeowners too Nearly everyone involved ex¬ and William Pointe Farms. Br^g FRIGIDAIRE RANGE electric 30", citizens or handicapped, $3.50 Saturdays, beginning this Satur- immediate occupancy. 332 3678. $65 plus utilities. 351-7736. 3-7-6 white. Magic control plate. Excel¬ hour, 487-0553. 7-7-8 (4) day, 336 Union. 7 7-13 13) lent. $85. 831 Audubon, 332 1016. HOUSEMATES NEEDED for large country home, Many extras. FIVE ROOMS available, carpeted, furnished, free laundry, dishwash¬ er. reasonable. Campus near. 332- 2-7-1(3) 1975 MARTIN D35. Best sounding FOR QUALITY stereo service.THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. C-4-6-29 (12) Transcendental Meditation in troductory lectures by a teacher Prison officials maintai $81.25 month. Haslett. Call Robbi guitar in Lansing, not a scratch, trained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 1946. 0-2-7-1 (4) 676 5429 after 10 p.m. 3-7-6 14) $600. Also Yamaha FG 160, $100. HOUSECLEANING AND House 3 and 7 p.m. today, C109 Wells 694-9315, call after 5 p.m. 4-7-1 (4) IDEAL FOR 4 or more! Large 3 ROOMS FOR rent, very cheap. sitting services available. Profes Hall. sentencing change cost Call STE-MAR MANAGEMENT, sional job at a reasonable price. # #, bedroom furnished home with NEW COMICS weekly and col¬ 9-4 Monday-Friday. 351-5510. 3-7- Call 337-1149. 3-7-1 14, finished attic, 1% baths, formal lectors comics, 2301 E. Michigan, Summer Qay L,beratjon meets 6 1 13) dining room, fireplace, garage. 485 0416. 2-7-1 (3) Includes refrigerator, stove and COLLEGE PAINTER-You name I. ,0 8"W- 334 Uni0n LARGE ROOM, $200/term. close we paint it, experienced. Mark, washer. 8 minutes to campus, PAPERBACKS BOUGHT sold and LANSING IUPI) 351 -0491 or Ken, 321-2392. 3-7 1 - State could mean a greater threat to 482-9226. 8-7-15 17) to campus, washer dryer. No pets. model, nor can pcrf- traded. 2301 E. Michigan, 485- Tiger Moumam Press mfie,s „ ? prison officials say adoption of society, even though more peo 337-2546. 2-7-1 (3) 1 while in prison affect re 0416. 2 7-1 (3) tonight, Union Oak Room, to so-called "presumptive senten¬ FIVE AND Six bedroom furnished -".I " 7 ~ ~ ' discuss Seed and Stamen maga- pie would be sent to jail. even though this m_ homes for fall term, two blocks EAST LANSING, parking, refri¬ EDITING: THESES, dissertations, cing" in Michigan would cost "The main problem with this from campus. Call Craig Gibson zjne ft. more than SI billion to cases definitely be predict and leave message, 627-9773. gerator. Single rooms. 332-5791 Animals articles. Grammar, punctuation, imple¬ system is that it does not future violence." after 5 p.m. weekends anytime. organization. Experienced, fast, ment and would not guarantee • • • provide well for public protec¬ Z-10-7-13 (5) 3-6-29 (3) ENGLISH SETTER pups, AKC, reasonable 484-3852 after 5 30 safer streets. Opportunities to read to blind tion," the corrections review If probation were I ready for fall hunting, guaranteed p.m. 3-7-6 (5) SUMMER ONLY. 922 Eureka, 2 TWO BLOCKS, own furnished students are available! For infor- Presumptive sentencing re¬ said. "Sentences under this eliminated, and the iv to hunt. 676-5429 after 7 p.m. . mation contact John Bankson, stricts the discretion of judges model would be very short and story, 4 bedrooms, $220 month. room, cooking, $50. 269 Milford 6-7-7 (3) presumptive sentence Call 485-8615. 6-7-7 (3 ) 339-2961 after 5:30 p.m. 5-7-6 (3) Instruction mail ubiiuii & Programs for Handicappers, W. by imposing a specific sentence the very dangerous individuals two years, the state 402 Main Library. for each crime. That presump¬ would be released sooner than claimed "we would tri: EAST LANSING - Summer, 2 TWO ROOMS for summer, fe- tive sentence can be altered by under the current system. rooms in house. Negotiable. Call males. Large yard, close, pets MobileJtomes ™ WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years experience in professional editing, Discussion group on Third the judge only for special "Risk for the future is not a size of the Michigan system at a i 332-3667; 351-2831 after 6 p.m. welcome, 253 Stoddard. 332-5275. MOBILF HOMES and MSU stu¬ writing skill instruction. 337-1591. World economic justice open mitigating circumstances. factor in sentencing in this billion." 8-7-11 (3) 4-7-1 (4) dents make a great pairt Let the 0-2-6-29 (3) The sentencing plan is aimed meeting 7:30 p.m. Thursday, STATE NEWS bring you together. Peace Center, 1118 S. Harrison. at drawing up more certain, FEMALE WANTED to share large room in house on Grove Street. $90 for summer-close-351 -6456. for Sale [f^ Call Barb at 355-8265 and sell your mobile home fast! S-8-7-15 (61 SUMMER: GUITAR, banjo, man¬ dolin, fiddle, harmonica, auto-harp • • • uniform sentences for criminals who today may get drastically WELCOME toM.S.U. and voice classes. Two summer Attention S-5-7-1 13) MARSHALL MUSIC Inventory graduate students! different punishment for the Clearance Sale. Runs to June REMBRANDT 1973, 2 bedroom, terms; starting June 27 and Au- Qay care scholarships now avail- SHARE HOME, 1 large bedroom 30th. Bargains in Every Depart¬ 12 x 60, furnished, skirting. $4200 gusl 1. Reduced summer rates - ab|e. Contact 316 Student Set- for couple. Fireplace, garage, rent or best offer. Must sell. 676-4831. register early at ELDERLY vices Bldg. Application deadline is Legislation currently is pend¬ ment! 245 Ann Street, East Lan¬ negotiable. 2 blocks campus. 351- 5-7-8 131 INSTRUMENTS SCHOOL OF Ju|y 7 ing in the state Senate to sing. C-4-6-29 (18) 2566. 8-7-11 (4) FOLK MUSIC. 541 E. Grand River. impose an indeterminate sen¬ 332 4331. C-4-6-29 (37) tence structure. COMIC BOOKS, Science fiction, SPARROW NEXT door, students, baseball cards, much more!! | lost i Found 4 PIANO TEACHER seeks students. Come square dance with the MSU Promenaders tonight 7 to A study published Tuesday nurses, five bedrooms, decorated, CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, by the state Department of carpeted, consider capable resi¬ 307 East Grand River, 332-0112. FOUND: GREY and white kitten Experienced, certified. Evenings, 10, Union Parlor, Room C. Corrections said such a senten¬ dent manager. Call 351-8810 or behind Administration Bldg. Call persistently, 332-6089. 4-6-29 (3) (open 11:30-6 p.m.) C-4-6-29 (20) 351 3645 after 6 p.m. 2-7-1 (3) cing system would eliminate after 5 p.m., 351-0676. 3-7-1 (6) EDITING FOR Theses other Instructional parole board discretion over MID-MICHIGAN'S largest dealer or Development release of a prisoner and all but TWO UNIT house, 5 bedrooms in quality used stereo equipment, writing, cheap, by Harvard lin- Luncheon noon Friday, Cross- total. 635 Mifflin, parking, $375. TV's, CB's, cameras, vintage elec¬ ; Rummage Sale guistics student. 337-0182. 6-7-8 (3) roads Cafeteria. Guest Speaker is Dr. G. A. Leveille, chairperson, eliminate probation as an alter¬ native. 485-4917. lease-deposit. 8-7-11 (3) tric and acoustic guitars and MOVING SALE-June 29th and Food Science and Human Nutri- The study said the parole amps. New Sure Vocalmaster PA 30th. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. 4506 Marl¬ RIDING INSTRUCTION. Hunt, tion. Call John Schweitzer, board's lack of release control 3 BEDROOM House for rent, systems, mikes and accessories. borough, Forest Hills, Okemos. seat, and dressage. Transportation sublease until September. Deposit New and used rifles and shotguns, 349-3513. X-2-6-29 (4) available for Thursday evening negotiable. 605 Lathrop. 484-2922. tools, sporting goods, jewelry, 2-6 29 (4) classes. WILLOWPOND STA- bicycles, typewriters. Also 500 GARAGE SALE, 924 Wooding- BLES. 676-9799. 4 7-1 (5) used 8-track tapes, $1.00 each. ham Dr., East Lansing. June EAST LANSING, furnished 4 bed¬ Over 1000 recycled stereo albums. room home. Beautiful Glencairon BUY, SELL, TRADE. WILCOX 24th-30th, July 1st-2nd. Hours: area. Professor on leave mid-Aug¬ TRADING POST, 509 East Michi¬ 10am-5pm. Sporting goods, pool Tjfpiij Service *6 table, tape recorder, etc. clothing. ust through June 30th, Walking gan, Lansing. 485-4391. C-4-6-29 distance to campus, shopping and 2-7-1 (6) ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ public schools. Family only. 351- ing theses, manuscripts, term 0718. 3-7-1 (7) Looking for a new stereo or l_ Personal / papers. 29 1121 Evenings, 675-7544. C-4-6- EAST LANSING. Summer sublet. television? We carry these and HAVING A Bachelor party? Let us 4 bedroom duplex, $200 $250. many more items including help, dancers-entertainment. Call ANN BROWN PRINTING AND CLAUCHERTY REALTY. 351- camping and musical equip¬ ment, bicycles and sporting DIAL A DATE ESCORT SERVICE. TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, 5300; evenings. 332-5900. X-3-6- 1-531-5111 after 4 p.m. Z-6-7-8 (5) general printing. Serving MSU for 27(4) goods, furniture, jewelry, and 27 years with complete theses small appliances. Stop by and ARE YOU easily startled? Many service. 349-0850. C-4-6-29 119) see usforoborgoin. people L Rooms l|/* are, yet little is known about the cause and conse¬ EXPERT TYPING-Term Papers, quences of being especially Resumes, etc. 16 years experi¬ LARGE ROOM in fine house. Call Marilyn, 337-2293 0-1- "jumpy". If you startle easily, are ence. Available summer for fall. Must interested in 6 29 141 see. Prefer grad or Dicker and Deal learning more about professional. startle, and are willing to be 337-1495. 4-6-29 (4) COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete interviewed in private for 2 to 3 dissertation and resume service. ROOM IN large house. $60/- hours, at $4.50/hour, please con¬ Corner M A C. and Grand River. tact Dr. Ron Simons, Dept. of month. Unfurnished, kitchen and 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- main rooms shared. 332-6441. Psychiatry, 353-9242. 3-7-1 (12) 1666. C-4-6-29 (161 8-7-8 (3) CARUSO HUNT Seat saddle. 18 $60 PER month, own room in nice inch. Ne-.„ $200. 882-7684. 8-7-8 Real Estate If® UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS com¬ 131 plete dissertation and resume house, no deposit, 605 Lathrop. 484-2922. 2-6-29 (3) WALNUT HILLS Country Club • service, IBM typing, editing, multi- EYE GLASSES at large 2000 square foot, 4 bedroom, lith offset printing, savings. typesetting and TWO FEMALES needed to share Why pay more? OPTICAL DIS¬ English cottage. Loaded with binding. We encourage compara¬ four person apartment in Waters COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, Lan¬ goodies. A must see home! Call tive shopping. For estimate, stop sing. 372-7409. C-4-6-29 116) Paul in at 2843 East Grand River Edge this fall. Call 337-1284. 5-7-7 Coady, MUSSELMAN or REALTY, 332-3582; 351 8058. X- phone 332 8414. 0-4-6-29 (32) SEWING MACHINE SALE Guar¬ C 3-6/29 1251 ROOM FOR rent. Close to anteed used machines. Complete¬ campus PFRRY-12048 Pine Ridge Drive. A (Durand St). Call 351-5918. Cheap ly reconditioned. $39.35 and up. beautiful 3 bedroom executive rent, nice people. 2-6-29 (3) EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING home nestled in the pines. Large COMPANY, 1116 North Washing¬ 2 WOMEN needed in house, nice ton. 489-6448. C-1-6-29 1181 family room with fireplace. $49,- and close, pets welcome. 900. Call Ruth Brown 313-733- EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ $70/ month. 337 7727 after 6 0887 with REALTY WORLD- sertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN p.m. 489-0358. C-4-6-29 (12) 8-7-15 (3) GOSLINE DIVISION 313-694- 5213, G-5679 S. Saginaw St., SUMMER CLEARANCE^ "Some last year's SAI pi,, K-ndaeU" Flint, 48507 3-7-1 19) COLONIAL 3-bedroom, 2Vi baths, r WMI>r IB 2230 square feet, formal living and HOUSE OR Duplex for rent near SALE Motobecane "Grand Jubilee" Red Cedar School for reliable $293 $269.00 dining areas, family room with fireplace. professional family. (Sept. 1st). Bndgestone Kabuki "Super Light" Professionally land¬ Call 353-0949 or 313 673-0387 $174 $159.00 scaped. 15 minutes from MSU and BRC "Gallant Sport" downtown. collect. X-6-7-8 (5) $148 By owner, 669-3030 $128.00 after 5 p.m. BRC "Pro" 8-7-11 171 $174 Centurion "Super LeMans" $210 $155.00 $185.00 ORGANIC MINI-Farm. Haslett fyjiND Town school district. 4 acres, pole barn Orion "500" Many extras, 675-7295. 8-7-8 13) $163 $145.00 ' Gitane "600" $189 $169.00 Motobecane "Le Champion" $580 $530.00 | R«crealio»~1ffl Bridgestone Kabuki "Super Disc" $147 BINGO TUESDAY night, 7:30 $115,00 LEARN TO Ride at Blanchi a friendly p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Bird Folding Bike $89 $69.00 stable with small classes for more starts at 7 p.m. Regular at 7:30 DLX Reversible Windbreaker personal attention. Hunt, seat, Jackets $33 p.m. Minimum age 18. SHAAREY $19.00 jumping and dressage. $7.00/hour. (SALE ENDS Call HI HOPES FARM. 663-8036 ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lan¬ jw|y 7 1977 , sing. C-4 6-29 1201 8-7-8 (61 ANTIQUE SHOW and Sale-Lan¬ Velocipede | Service J(/§" sing Mall, Lansing, 5330 W. Sagi¬ naw Hwy. July 7. 8, 9,10. Daily 10 Peddler 541 ESrand River 351-7240 FREE care. A Lesson in complexion Call 484 4519 East Michigan a m. to 9 p.m., Sunday noon to 5 p.m. 40 dealers, glass grinder, lid lady, lamp parts. 20% off silver Located Below Paramount News in East L m'™.5.7'97 NORMAN COSMETIC Lans'"9 Ma" merle ".■plating, furniture galore, over .ansing STUDIOS 700 different beer cans: C Er P C-4-6-29 1181 Promotions. 5 7 8 (101 Mifhioon Stole News, East Lansing, Michioon Wednesday, June 29, 1977 15 DOONESBURY Pop Ent. it looking for o now logo. Sond alt ontrios to 325 Stu. Sorvicos ^ Bldg. by v|c.,) y@Mo§te e/ by Garry Trudeau Aug. 25 at 4 p.m. Winner gots 2 fro# pottos to concort of fhoir choice (Fall Term) WEDNESDAY (12) Donnyt Marie EVENING (23) Paha Sapa I The Story of (10) Michigame (23) Nova Custer State Park 5:30 8:30 (12) Hollywood Squares 6:30 (23) MacNeil/lehrer Report DCabletronic 11 News (6) Marilyn McCoo 8 Billy (6) CBS News 8:00 JjjEt-cfric Company Davis Jr. (11) Self-defense: The Other (10) NBC News (6) Waltons (12) ABC News (10) Now U0-I2) News v, Option 7:00 (12) Welcome Back, Kotter HlHsroin Half Hour 9:00 i, Alive and Well (6) Hagan's Heroes (23) Music of America 9)j.u- 6:30 *" (6) Movie "A Warm December" (10) To Tell The Truth 8:30 (12) Partridge Family (12) What's Happening 11 (|C8SNew» (10) 3 Girls 3 (23) Once Upon a Classic 9:00 U) NBC News (U)Cabletronic 11 News 7:30 (12) Baretta (6) Hawaii Five-O ll| Block Nofe» (6) Wild Kingdom (10) Movie D) ABC New . (23) Theater in America 9) latino Coiuorflum 10:00 (10) NBC Reports MSU SHADOWS k]Hogon'» Heroes (12) Charlie's Angels lJ)To Tell The Truth 11:00 by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: why Are the two they're arguin6 PUSH HER STAY H)Po» It On (6-10-12) News ladies 5creamin6 about the score 12) Partridge Family 11:30 PXN3ALL PETE'S at each other? IN THE /OUTOF IT, LAKE. \MARGE! jj)lnSeorch of the Real (6) Movie Present this really funny comic for 25"' MA'AM!! nterica "Hello Down There" worth of free 7:30 play! W (10) Johnny Carson |) (15,000 Pyramid (12) Mary Hartman, Mary ig|Hollywood Squares Hartman II] Best of MSU Panorama (23) ABC News j)Price is Right THURSDAY 6-n r\ DMocNell/Lehrer Report EVENING 8:00 5:30 (23) Electric Company )Good Times g) Grizzly Adams I) impressions (6-10-12) News 6:00 FRANK & ERNEST ® sponsored BY: QS3S 10% MSU DISCOUNT Complete ring selection ar-sapphirei. onyx • opals ■ jode, tiger-eye, many more by Bob Thaves X ySBO lb Think MIRACLES x wfl* GOO'S ; 3.9<:ea. 6lFT TO inomin, But If turned out ' prlnit-ln-a-mlnlt COPYING/DUPLICATING IS OUH BUSINESS x mm5 addressed wrong. Corner of MAC end ANN ST Open 8:30 -6:00 MF, 10:00-5:00 Sat. 1ha9*6 Softools &V*lS3o<0 low gos prices Plus THE DROPOUTS IRAVELSWITH FARLEY® Service I •Mds's Little Freeway No goliton, low-cal, completely natural Service Statiee by Post iPhil Frank JBENS fM CHARGE OF NUCLEAR ■SAFETY FOR THE MILITARY, T I TOE YOUVE HAD SOME CLOSE - . r close calls? near disasters IS MORE LIRE IT:- mn } COULD ML W SOME STORIES . \^Sr\Ve^\ tfj yj W-L 1 mils mm warn imms THAT WOULD MARE YOUR |m ~ v HAIR STAND ON' END11. " PROFESSOR PHUMBLE « Bagel-Fragel sponsored by: Open 7 days — I a.m. till 10 p.m. 332 0300 by Bill Yates spocial: buy 1 down — got a dozon froot (con bo frozon up to 4 months) UMBLEWEEDS SPONSORED BY: ■Tom K. Ryan ,/ L015A LUCK,'. OUR RAIN, WAR ANP OTHER PANCES ARB CAREFULLY WHY CANY VOU 1 CHOREOORAPHEPTD ALLOW P LIKE OTHER I THE MAXIMUM NUMBER CINPIANS? OF US ID MOVE ABOUT IN A SOMEWHAT LIMITEP AREA! SAM and SILO ■in SPONSORED BY: EL AZTECO RESTAURANT by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 Ran snn snaa I0SSWORD saa nan huge tasa naaa JUZZLE 29 lip ana aaaiaaaaiaa 30 toward Banna ana ■ tables ■ tail 31 Cleared anas son ana 33 Live i'Wislic naa ana nana 34 Nose Italy's 36. Consider Ban aaaaffl ■ abniiei 38 "little Rhody" Hannaiianas ■ friend 39 Bone nana nan aaa 1 41. Indian madder EinaH ana aaa ■ tally 42 Up-to date aania laHHaara 48 Fighter ■ tamely 49 Trappings napping: 2 Synthetic 6 Nervous disease | *"» copper 50 Samoant language 7 Card game ■ ?* 51 Ballet step 3 Regard 8 Vocational l?®1; R»» 52 Aware ol slang 4 Telephone institution count,, 53 Egyptian cotton inventor 9 Coffee ■ «n>ai DOWN 5 Biblical 10 Desire John Klammar Refunds 1 Simufgh character 15 Thickness 16 6/27 thru 7/1 Aglet 19 Tubs sponsored by: 1 p.m. to S p.m. 20 North Carolina 220 Albert St. college 21 fatuity (upstairs o( Moon's) 22 Perched 24 Tunnel what Dip y ioix favorite- 25 Prophet thev have baksecjuep 27 Acquire tppay? y \ £pa?es|g£ 28 foundation 31 Night french 32 Precou. 36 Avifauna )v\_ 1 39 Prediction i 40 Ouarrel 142 C'lman 43 Palm leaf i'i, % ! /nwrrr-i / 4 DTKW ] £ Michigon State News, Eost Loosing, Michigon _Wednesday, Junn0n , Senate leader accepts tax rollback ultimatum OPEN 4.6 per cent in 1975 to make up July 4th LANSING IUPI) - Legisla¬ called a news conference Tues¬ tive leaders issued an ultima¬ day to list priorities for what for revenues lost through voter tum Tuesday to a committee they hoped would be the last repeal of the sales tax on food chairperson who wants a roll¬ week of the legislative session and drugs. To ease legislative back of the state income tax, before a summer recess. passage of that hike, law¬ and the challenge was accepted. The plan to adjourn Friday or makers provided that the tax Senate Democratic Leader Saturday, however, could be rate would drop by .2 per cent William Faust of Westland said stymied if a, fight develops over this Thursday. 9 9 it was "imperative" that the the income tax question. But most lawmakers say the state cannot now afford to roll Senate act this week to keep Michigan's personal income tax rate at 4.6 per cent — a step The legislature raised the personal income tax from 3.9 to back taxes. A.M.fo P.M. already taken by the House. If Senate Finance Committee Gas tax increases may Chairperson Patrick McCol- lough does not report a bill maintaining the current tax rate to the Senate floor, Faust disguise future tax hike THE BEST said he and other leaders will get action. together before Thursday night to consider ways to force Faust said that could include LANSING (UPI) - The Michigan petroleum industry says a plan by a Republican lawmaker to increase gasoline taxes would hide future gas tax hikes from consumers. "What this bill does is to allow those who spend transportation INVESTMENT a vote by the full Senate to spring the legislation loose from McCollough's committee, or the appointment of new funds off the hook," said Robert Waldron, executive director Associated Petroleum Industries of Michigan. of the "The spenders will be given automatic tax increases periodically without having to prove their needs to the people of Michigan. IN YOUR committee members. Highway interests for years have had to justify their needs." McCollough. Democrat and a Dearborn candidate for governor in 1978. said he be¬ lieves the income tax should be The measure, would impose an sponsored by Rep. Michael Qonlin, R-Jackson, 18 per cent tax on the wholesale price of gasoline, replacing the current rate of nine cents per gallon. Every time the world price of oil increases, so would the Michigan gas tax. LIFE rolled hack to 4.4 per cent as Waldron said that amounts to letting foreign gas barons scheduled. He vowed to fight determine taxation policies in Michigan. any attempt to force the House- "We think any gas tax increase should be right up front on the passed bill out of his committee. gasoline pumps so customers can see how much they are paying to Faust and House Speaker the state for highways," he said. "We already have had too much Bobby D. Crim, D-Davison, disguising of taxation." JUet's203 E. Grand River SUMMER CLEARAWAY SAVE Ys to and more oh Famous Label Fashions Entire stock of Raincoats » ■»•> Now *35 to *69 Entire stock of Leather Jackets i»! ■» » ■<'>> Now *59 to *87 Entire stock of Slickers («* ■«) Now *6 Entire stock of Ths Early-warning Firn Olfaction Device For Vanr Noma. Dresses, Pantdresses, & Jumpsuits