S. C. UhrSrf Eink Lansing, Mi ah I * HirtM Alplin Phi Hiritigatr 6tate Neut$ Pri» AH* Quart* "1'lifcp Mr Arf.lra" W*4n*a*ny NHfM n>ilw>Aiy Tknrtdiii Fn.tarn AiidMnrliiM A ST I ANSIWi. Ml' Hit.AN, II P SUA Y. MA II' II IB. I <• !7 Ola Gelzer To Be Managing Editor Of News V1imi<-al<- To MwMiw I« (Xlwtmrm Immww Wolvi- rine Wftds Thitpiiw lln'ta Alphii ( o (»(| |m Appointed IbOlt.ml T(1 „ Wednesday Are Warned Iomtn vI lay „ ■ w/. fl . lienor Wins Post Titkr Mv tflviri*' I'lnv lo br u» Play Iw IviMlrrw lligli Hbnu-n by Ibnmnllf* \VW Stj»ff fieri*!* Will \»«iiiup l'n«ition< Witb Ojirninf* llonornrv* of Spring Termt Beverly Smllb In be N'ew r... a»ir I rphl Milort CHbff« in Iw NimopH. Ib'nii* Siiy^l,»»•#«• J'.nrolburnt* Sliitr I* Sixth lluvr Not Innriml luiliirc* I.lertion llchl fttC.iirToiiriicy H'i^ronAin i» W imiPr itntl lly hirPHlrri Mirbignw HppoikI. Slitftiling Spfnlc-i. Show* S|mI#*« to f lob . ... •»* i . nr' ,; it 1 fntf into essential i ,nrt d.r-rt.d Mwr„ liiiliniiufi Oiiiiicr llilil by SiM-ii-lv SfiiilriM \groiMMMV I lob I p|p|im|p« InMtilliilioo. : | flr.il Itrninn I'ill iniih' In I Inim Infantile Paralysis Fail* d., r1n*T -'.tie a ted Dr Jew.. ,n a pair of properly *arne as it has been in any year >rnithologi*t with the divi- •NtMinderl v» *** 'onsuietd out he was inabie "A college gam/at ion second Beil; nead ■( rne vornrn i pdystcal •ion of the Michigan Depaitmrot »f Conservation, will discus* the In concluding, she said 'As for j r^n * ,ppr.,-.n.- r.*in»d 'hr 1 i «held a jMir which ine day — "Cal"—that *' 1«-nts and the older men in the i today are ' hief Justice Hughes. nicknames—rrraijed -- March at St. -Louis lb-hair Tram Vino Ngain.t At the conclusion of his talk Dr The conference wa* a meeting Noire llama Lml Thuro. a.rt-TSla.T^ ^ amr* ftr.wi.nd Anaall -tanator M' "" 'r«va..d .pward p..' "»«*"■ """" 'P »f technician* who work in ton¬ V— a M r. Ca^mn, 'Wb. n« narrow hins were struck by th. within his thick cheat- I was only VilL,, prmnlrd Pr*«ident Bart wrt. urnn Meow.* HaiMHM s« Wrah Mr Justice Brandeia. H*m narr'w hlp* wrr* ,,ruc* "y tn . - .. *'»'.!« with th* charter aaUbluh- er vet ion such as the biological r.e I.t-k worn. Wk. Umrtnt.r ,ir j,.*,!thinness of the torso, rested mo- »b"4it tb^v-my lad placed Hi* Mtrhigan Stele roller survey. the conservation depart¬ A Michigan State debate team £iTmJ^ ££T uZL K.nJT Pr.d H'lss^Perrv Pre- ' m*ntari,y mrm"•' r_0"'? cy. ™As -:,h_ *nr I recall day convocation 1 i from me and alt rf Conservation club invites 'arrangatnant and dalivary ot ChK-ado hav* th* largeit The Oagar taw (m earn t w. „ . mantar.ly at th* nuUm of a "rmlv d ando* wmant funda of any of the a return debate, the %aid Dr Lewis . rounded chin, passed hesitatingly childish "I u .tional institutions ui an over generously shaped my fether last week. This team has had a duck's back. Anyway, the stroi- '"led State. Harvard'. now j ———————-— ■■ ■ f i ■ -■ » — . ■■ »■. n ■■ ■- — . - — - - f ui» | 111 AMMO Dr. Baumgartner AND IW? ■ 'Continued on page 2) Tw« MICHIGAN tffATK NBWB |«nvil» nf I hid «(«(»■ Wdnt mil Hillngr In I*. T IIWANTIMC I'ARAI.YHM Rlchtfm Stale Ncu<» miWp n ulirhf aelwml? | j In The Hough I Piffle OVKRl'llME RY flRIIHlKR I" ""'f**n n. w,»n ■ W'linl will H» ilnnr thnnl thpsn iilglil ' jj (CnnllftllM (torn t'**K" ) l Mats ynllsgf with Ihw Mr>» .,f t., Nothing until II Is known fur m j Alton! NIW»« t*wwh»»* •«* r»Mt£» W* ?«■•» H 'k' I nit! whether «»t finf the stn'o legMfdure will j , Willi llnriri llnirlnglmt hMflon son I h-Owll m,„ n. mil mn.lr mo... romrlnua ,rf ; l'"'mo«t In hi. mlml Wl. gmhltl.,. Hippie I *!->• I timke np|ii'i)|>t inHntio fur iftcfennltlg (he lid' I »w|nifMl»»liii»« Ire in On?' ' VP-- oral on fm ilitifu nt Michigan Slide. If • h«» j W-- «tnw ii »«>ti|p Mutate ol» tie! thin •■Ml Hit i iv iMwl by trying lo tup It." ■lurk told how h. qulls SW- |,v h*wi "«H»«I not "f»|" Inttntw. ■»»«'». minimi n|»|>»»i|nlitllotp* do nut mine through,! ^ th " N,?,v »»• • ..fill m mod rhlllfhoml Bum-. <'*""*• "n llm gridiron In'l t., lli«' nlghl 11»!««♦'w will cnfftlmie, Mid tunfe and j'he* 1 ' hill th. n„. „( K At Ibl. hf.. "p m»h. I" '» "■»>» W.I t. •'jgu»»i- tit |nt4 will he fnfped (•» add flight II wit. limping m.tkndlv Slut It j "ht I". kltf* hi. I.M in » right dtitint fho »•*? „ , , •no Hhipttnrv to hnve hf* «.nnon iw Inlnirnlnii Motions •* W 1 II, l„rr f.m. K*H* - . A't ho «hif»oi hjo inn.pound, n<* eft ton-lnrh hodv Into n ittftfo Side Tritneen iJ+O"''' in .... thi tdliJ. 'Ini IT.t.tlc » 'Miifriilultlp position h* told how it* pttr-nfo imtl d#K»Wnd i»o ♦« n tollitnry trhnol Inltnilni int (lltl f.'rftrr AfndPfm to gnlrhnttlf Mlwo Th • othMt frttowc ItmiMl mo »« fhttrh1 (VtMpinlp IVntt t it|li<(Mi*>ntA»wl N*tt.-nr»*| Ar'vo'ftt'OO Servirf lor I tcmininr Touch (ttop ntni tht'Prht' etfnhHnh'»• it •«111 >11<\ tin N)I mettthei * •<( (ho n tit Ml) mt ii on I ho «tn(1 . . . t thon* rmhndHedU » . t tho Hit 1 ht «Mht r (ppttuiit' »i*t**«in(nHMU «*t M. S. C. SHOE REPAIR Spsdal lor Wodoosiay, llwnday, Only hxiini Rnhhor ttr I .onlitn- Top l.iftn 19c 111 I.U.TIN I ri«-k«H»n MS in*. ( «M'tl I « it. n»K l oiiriinmenf Fountain Pens So Tho Sin O Waterman Ideal • (anklin % Moore and # Chilton* I >mhf S'httol? i> Km I «»wrr ttimni % ill Itpr State College Book Store >e«a Ri orum I \r*1 I rrm Miiilpiit ( lull lit (.i*t lliwi IhAIHt HI II the I'niW I**'l Sludt'iHx inMrui iv: r\iph arwt it houo menr.- • nvit* *mi h* •. lommittrrh arr «> FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE folio**» li m* &h*f_mv*«y. patiwn* BUSES RUN EVERY 5 MINUTES . -v^nietvr^ rtudciil> vhe Daw G -ih. ch*inn« Jootr tWrtnuk i» ..'xt N. htwti hut v* h.t iVv Srrkinfr tKiwUh.^dWtr Pickrtt, • ijar . .^rhi h« ni«rv*r;> inoiMa. «it the »>«n>in; e*>m ch*iiin*t. Ho** IWotl jtii.autcnwnL utb.hot hull* Magneu BETWEEN LANSING AND EAST LANSING •' " '• viann. cfmumAt*. (,»rrtrudr S«to- ttoU)*n* U.*ir POK ECONOMY FOK SAFETY MchpMur pub.lt*. it.*. - t* ■.•4il.-,«i!'4*uidHi Jwrndtf Ii**-. ejirmi!-. iroorgc KIOE THE BUSES ill*" *n-h»j^ th* «IuomiU. How. th*; MU*wuiU> n;*\ MtkMpy. AtfunriH- NloV*. *hni.- . JtOktli ■ •khi ..i Xa\ nigl.l *c*.u*u>n*Hi lo *n. loth. But l* ttpowrovi • ■ i .• in*!-. ikrtiuAr BiutiuncgioA. M*r- ^arci LoUuifcc CITY TRANSPORT ih< f)t« «tni t*\ rkuMtiiss PaUuouc butc Ne.sk AUvnli**i^ t ]iii«rt*r, Ifarrb l«, 1WT IftCfflOAM UtAlr. NffWR r«#» Thrw Gray Explain* Debate .Squad 1 ankers Close jI1nwtfifnr* f* senior this y#»r and ' n HeflV Kg&BiI Tea and Tnaal t1 a . . I .ila ootlafe -nraar in (I mrna. .... ||i*lYliilo*qphy Goes on Trip Season In l^op | ti Sunday Talk tifhiwi Tb» ri Troiffteed literal teliiteii. tralnini ceo j Ml ♦" the hemline by I»viir 9 .. If •«» "Iiinty In "is™. .halt not. | Wove Howe, wore e rlnnali flreek (own of ra.pherrv rrd " i "r"l rhlffon ft hod hnth e full hodtrr end e full ekirt II : ,r p..rLh#rt n: r1*" — -*■•••' WED. - THUD. ... M ine dot net t.eeio to hrerelet She we. the (tte.l of |t»|e lirenper j fitr Pi Ki.ptin |1 j.U SPKCIAI, . .A rarer. ....III he Inter.opteil hi. In 1010 In rh. V M Ihirnthy l.ih.on Wore hlne .Upper «olin. mil hed V oeeHlnr on full line. e in front. . f'initsr Wave. enrl the «|eeve. were lerpe end "lltTened an that they \H> $1.00 »t.."d lip ele.ve the ahntlldei line Ihirnthy eeme with H»l. Hnrinn Dyer Mil'hell Mary Wel.li, eaenrted Steve Srear, wore e dtted roil hv Beauty Shop rrepe (own whieh hail e ho lem ieekel eml.rnl.lered in allvn eerpdne To one Nine Kle. wore e heevv NOW PhAYINfa AT rOKAI. OAHOiK *„"ihi "" "■"I" '••■ee" with e full "'"tn'd""iliT"Inl. "..i- I ' " harl a Mnii|i|i h».|f . imw»o< »>#*c flthtr# nrp, pot Thrtp fHftiftrti tun laud 'Hah grrrw out *rf fhr Iwwjji r «in tin* back Kr Jack McDonald "»nt» l<#*od no thf fiOdt Hf i'MKM WHM h»T «'«• till j And llis Orrhsslrs Juan l»rnhant worr n whffr %f thf fill. Ifi.il '■ rvftf frm k m» fimign llnn« | nu«i»' ion ft wr*« ♦ •immeH pi *ilv#r brll With IIKTTY il i.l A threats fhr liant". Tarl WeUtoi wat j "K ' M»fii«.... Wi- Vt» n urt >illg I'ruffc* tMnstnc fs»m • 1 snmi... Wi liked Nancy Parle* ttirhan She made it from the ^ department-of *n!y I rather fhflf used fo he on t*hf» I ,Iy** PHft'ally ptia/led 1 rig.tr 'due moire formal sue was Nf. \|. M'.r.HgW mean wourjriK Nancy was with, et ih*>v • v 1 m e Vaiulerluira. Sigma Am • I Itrtm k it ftf hi .f thf Thrt., Aii No f . ,'"1 she IS naMstir Oeld. I. •tby l-Miifdon desei we advancing thirlk. for the ... the Ju«t last week i jour.|'^ Pi of I Ruby Keeler says: - "Luckies she took oyer the. position of' light smoke that treat a k , ihr CJ'" ''dy editor on the Midland given the arc a ihr I Republican. And in the cur j"ud»» ki. rent issue of the Mortar Board !|,,r ■" 'juarterlv. there in an article she wrote on her Kuropean K„n<.ii>, m tender throat right" on '''I* ^he story is acrompaii- t,v led In iMIv t. picture ' do h "In a way, it'i cdMirr in Iterf* m con* ni(hl mid Thura •"» lav iu(l.l Thnln ,"M flition 11% n flam rr thtin an a ungrr. «... .... in I Ira prMpn||„j j|„ Alpha I'hi (,|H1 i^ " Vi fixercue i an keep the muxcle* in ,|„ "T»ki Mi Advim- " If ( .... ) rt . nhape, hi4t there are a lot of things .1 in . i--.lv b. aii.nd will pwrdnn na. ».• aa» : "Tak.- that 1 an go wrong with the now e and linuar" allrrMI In llmm "Ut (dviic" Mild .an thr play throat. It stands to reason, then, that home nf Mm DrMunn. — ' ***" "'"I' ' "»VI tieei Mrs DeMunn 1 stodcnis fr»»m any at tress wants a t igarcUe that u . it.. That. Nu I....1K ^"^Mfmfff nimmr,! Mm m n.r ...talk*, w.rrt , gentle and strikes the right note with tm MmtA Mlfiaaa ' "" ,w "* ' ' f»U>rt(.f| her fhroof. / started smoking Lin hies ff,,A„|.fci lIZLni Mm. fi 4 years ago. They're a light smoke that treat a tender throat right.'' nil I he girls r Katheiirw H fraw f«f ti»r ! Thf rifflirc to lietler rriVH.y WARNM TAR Itrtroii "" Nf St a t- doctors, lecturers, scientists, etc. Of those who Kiu lev taime over from in the annual repe»rt of thf hygiene Te.ichvrs (oiiogc. Aivrt. f>klahon<«>. 1 'ek FrirtMv night Batty on Man h 12, the dedication day I said they smoke cigarettes, more than 87% stated not imply that one should | departtr-.f nt it v/as found that aku- 'ic initing the house bufferefi Die most Dunn h.ill, .1 new tampu. build- in \ any ambition What Im- doe.s mean Hfn injuria*. they personally prefer a liaht smoke. I?, that an individual.. Mtnbiliot shcfuld Miss Keeler verifies the wisdom of this pref¬ he aimed . "••/In .Ni(fnn n1 attainable goal rather »hai erence, and so do other leading artists of the goal adopted bom mimvoiu have u little of the j«t>f-ruan in you meals since Stew Clark ' ideas bt what he nhould tie says Prof H It Hunt of the u*>- radio, stage, screen and opera. Their voices are •d the house with a act of. • nirh hr mad. h>« department at Mmugac StaU That's why 10 many of them ♦main so rlosm at hand. «waprri»» college Pm-Witwc rnari jiad to college f wiggle hi* hi# ear-,ra to sharpen hi ■ > little activity around At an election held at the MfiiM- of „f uearm „ hearing Mu - lei. employ - Thr Mmouat of nose Ohio SUsU other Uiari Hie in 1 Wast Hesperian house la»t week, the (^ e, free of certain • ,lu university studauu put into the., ol spring fnlkrw.ng n(l»r. warr vircted | (rom v .1 bring all the Cort Cromwell, vice* voices can now oe deter mi—ri by *ed by the exclusive process the -naiad !siy imli'dtor in ttfc THE MNEST TOBACCOS- the pmndMI. NaUon S-hradr, «sr. - ,tfatr ,hr Uoorator^if Derby Hall It's Toasted", lathe am gentle on the throat. "THfc CREAM OF THE CROT* l)a*c Andarmr. I.uuw ma.,- u( b|Il Tlx. United State* Naval Acad¬ •r. voUcsc. ho. put up .1 (l.r wi.ii emy' • antnuai water pageant 11 10 H* Dames club wi f t .do. _ rvcnknh hcW ' * with Ihfi The formal dinner nd*> 1 WMI miAui< ut Arl KmlmmL wUl ! i house, Old., ,ncat,, hll batky,t., with electric Might .it'utf ■ .June will b< carried out in thr theme ol Commodore Perry . t>. - torn visit to Japan m 19-i.i A Light Smoke fiwv w rkw. «nu . uf th. olumu i> Bail. 647 Sunset Lane -tt^ct o.j Tlny chralaw. • *««nk T. «»Ub will give it ptagaem uu , -ud Porlu Rico, und will' well eb all of the member#, tvery- tow uf them, -sonic brown *nd bsn. seeueRweaend growing, luive been >*pruycd with different dilution#, in toy P (; Wudehou, Naiareth college huvc Goon club, which "hn* 'It's Toasted"-Your Throat Protection rt'Fretting c-slubit- from I gn cfVfTort to find t-otnc Chcimcul adoplFd thi£ .logiin "A pun d -Jd . AGAINST IRRITATION—AGAINST COUGH which will keep the needle* txpiu keep* you* cnetnie* dwuy.'* nttcmnAN (*TATF nwws Pufr F«nr A wai l Final Indoor Meets of Season ir-rtttf* tr».f»«a>»tllti« Vlfltlhllv rvrrf < AMPHS FAMKRA of. I'M b ' I'lh l»i hf.lli ♦'»#» St|iiiul Will I srOKTOK I I i s ^trirtirnfi nml Ndllnnnl rlffiiltft II I". ft il«n« (o giv*> |if» Ittiowti fnfi. l^htihBfiW bull a trIrtl ufttd • I IM.... in • Vtitrnl l.Mo 1 W-lllr lilt Mitt Itlli. iMMnlt Itt* It pl'lil III <111 • . oM. ai.iii M*«i •If;***' • Mt IIH #;**** l.omil »«•»»? I\) l "CAMILI.E lui mi Ik* (jOODCIfAN FUN ' i m HH ««i *" M i"' • M 'I "II MH> 'IH ft ' r *| <« tin^ 'JIM MM' I r.M m ft]'. WTP1 moil !• ..i*n ft. «• "«MH' aft'"« llll I» r'lnf.1 «»0 Stale Nine To Have Strong ho at.ui- .nvlHHif intid mi Mi. f».iin. del. i.i i«ti. Hilling Onllield This Spring lMn*" Imv n l«h '»»» IHf hnfl ■ '' ' * UNI (Hi M • ' ■ *>••#»»•• #/ 0 00tb- - J • Hi ..i Milieu Irltiilttii-dl Unit I IoIiimim I i-iliilii of Jolt, 'h' j fWil 11 ii- knit |wall*> I ltdltee to IVaelJee fltildooe« RECREATKM SMASH A fliftllm » fleoaHure from GIIUS lit. ilium \ l.illiMnl hm.hi I HiNNtf ^At&r**4lir ' II A Irill! loll If* I * I f• v r> t a nn<| I MAftv •\9ft< /A'lfftNi lull' lio\\|||»|f III lt« Im-'-I fsUNt .. .full measure of everything you want in a cigarette. IMwIr At ever)- stage . . . from tobacco farm to J ml shipping ft Him . . .Chesterfield's 'Job is to give you the refreshing mildness and delight ful flavor that makes smoking a great plcasu re Experienced buyers see that Chesterfield tobaccos are MILD and RIPE... careful manufacturers sot that they art blended to the exact Chesterfield formula. And they sec that the cigarettes arc made right . . . round, firm, just right to smoke. ...far the full measure of the good things you want in a cigarette we invite you to enjoy Chesterfields.