WASHINGTON (AP) — The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has proposed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. tightening security to protect commercial nuclear fuel processing plants and uranium and So, the first peaceful nuclear power plants were built with the full knowledge that their Plutonium shipments against sabotage, theft and terrorism. uranium and plutonium fuels could also be made into destructive weapons. The materials Regulations published in Tuesday's Federal Register would require sharply increased and plants were guarded, under licensing requirements of the AEC and then the NRC. guard forces for high-grade uranium and plutonium, both in storage and in transit. But organized terrorism in recent years has focused new attention on the possibility They also would impose, for the first time, a requirement that private guards hired by that nuclear fuels could be stolen and fashioned into nuclear bombs or dispersed in commercial nuclear operators and ahlppers be certified in good mental health, as well as crowded areas to expose people to radiation. HRC proposes laws good physical health. Though companies handling nuclear materials presumably would The Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental group, asked the NRC to not do so knowingly, they could hire a lunatic to guard nuclear materials without violating tighten security measures on an emergency basis. Last January, the NRC decided to present NRC standards, a spokesperson confirmed. improve security, not immediately but through a speeded-up rulemaking process. The proposed new rules also would increase the requirements for nuclear shipment Last March, the NRC proposed that nuclear guards be investigated before they are guards to stay in contact with fixed security bases which could summon help if necessary. hired. No such security checks are required now. There was no indication when the commission would be able to adopt the new security nulear thefts Last May, the NRC proposed requiring the companies to prepare contingency plans 10 Stop rules. The NRC is one commissioner short of a quorum and cannot take formal actions. The proposed regulations do not apply to nuclear power plants. Instead, the rules would apply to a dozen nuclear fuel facilities operated by nine companies licensed by the guards can use to foil terrorist attacks or sabotage: such plans are not required now. Present rules require the companies to prepare for an attack by "several persons." The proposed rules would require defenses adequate to hold off coordinated, separate attacks commission and to three companies licensed for nuclear material transportation. by trained, dedicated teams of terrorists armed with semiautomatic weapons and The NRC and the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA), explosives. the two agencies created out of the old Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in 1975, One set of proposals would stiffen requirements for guards, concluded last year that security measures for civilian nuclear activities needed adding the mental health standard, improving physical fitness standards and requiring weapons-handling training improvement. and annual proficiency tests. The destructive potential of nuclear energy was first revealed during World War II at (continued on page 8) BB compromise talks egin in Senate, House By JAMES V.HIGGIN8 lingering traces of PBB from Michigan destroyed and the farmer reimbursed the ANSING IL'PII - Compromise talks dairy products. slaughter price. a Tuesday on two radically different The Senste on Tuesday approved its "The citizens of Michigan have a right to answer to the problem - a say, 'I want my food free of PBB," Hertel ilegislative responses to removing any system for intercepting PBB-tainted meat and milk said. Both versions of the bill lower before it reaches grocery shelves. Esti¬ allowable levels of PBB in meat from the mates of its cost varied between $17 million federal standard of .3 parts per million to and $40 million. .02 parts per million. Several months ago, the House approved On about 155 farms where dairy cattle AP Wrt photo iep. urges different measure under which dairy animals contaminated with the chemical would be sought out on designated farms even previously quarantined, all animals newborn calves — that were sold for slaughter or to feedlots would have to be — Some 600 demonstrators, who said they were Iranian students, march near the campus of the Los Angeles police joined other officinls to guard the Shabanou. Some of the signs called the Shah a "fascist butcher." The Shabanou, Farah Pahlavi, and destroyed. That measure would cost tested or specially marked. University ol Southern California Tuesday, pro¬ testing the appearance of the wife of the Shah of said she wished she could do something to make ixecutions about $26 million. The Senate's bill was returned to the Allen offered what he called his "National Guard amendment" to strike the rigid Iran to accept an honorary degree. More than 100 the students "happier or more understanding." House on a 25-9 vote, with opponents (continued on page 8) challenging both the practicality and the LANSING (CPU - Rep. Richard necessity of the bill. Slier. R Union Lake, called Wednes- Sen. Gary Byker, R-Hudsonville, described the legislation as "a bigger boon¬ COUNCILMEMBERS RECEIVE COMPLAINTS lion return to the death penalty for a degree murder and resubmitted doggle than the B1 bomber." Sen. Richard Allen, R-Alma, a veterinari¬ (illation creating a special commis- Asphalt facing lawsuit an who unsuccessfully tried to amend the lo fight organized crime and corruption. Hose two proposals were major 10-bill, anti-crime package bill, said that it "violates the civil rights of the cattle" and would require the National Guard to enforce it in the countryside. "1 see no public health purpose served by company Slier planned to introduce before the this bill," Allen said. "Absolutely none." By MICHAEL ROUSE and start over to complete the contract this year. psliture adjourns this week for the However, Sen. John C. Hertel, D-Harper State News Staff Writer About two weeks ago, the company began putting down asphalt and gravel on Woods, sponsor of the Senate version, said East Lansing may be getting itself out of a sticky situation. Stoddard, Short, Milford, Collingwood, Orchard and Gunson streets, and again problems Fuller said he believes that a bill restoring public confidence in Michigan At the city council meeting Tuesday night, there was some discussion of legal action to surfaced. •stating the death penalty cannot M the dairy products is one major goal of the bill. be taken against the paving contractor who may have used inferior asphalt to coat some "The asphalt did not set up, or dry, for a long period of time," Bruce said. legislature, but would be While there is no proof of the remaining •proved overwhelmingly by voters, residential streets. Samples of the asphalt were sent to testing laboratories and the material was found to traces of PBB are a health hazard, backers Councilmembers have received numerous complaints about the asphalt not drying on be too thin and not in accordance with specifications in the contract. esaid he personally does not consider fital punishment a deterrent to of the legislation say it is better to err on roads and sticking to shoes, cars and lawns. City Attorney Dennis McGinty said a claim will be made to the bonding company that the side of safety. wrote a performance bond to Spartan Asphalt insuring a satisfactory job. The amount of Oder. City Engineer Bob Bruce said the city has had troubles with the contractor — Spartan Hertel's measure would require that all the claim for damages has not been determined yet. murder, he said, is the "Ultimate Asphalt Paving Co. of Holt — in the past. •■' dairy cows born before Jan. 1,1976 that are The original contract to sealcoat East Lansing streets as a maintenance program was "If Spartan Asphalt can't fix the problem, the city can withhold payment ($33,000) and calling for the "ultimate punish sue for damages or have Spartan Asphalt do the job over again," McGinty said. "There culled from their herds for meat production awarded to Spartan Asphalt, the low bidder, in July 1976, Bruce said. be tested. If they are found with more than When work began last fall, "severe problems" cropped up when the paving material are many options." .02 ppm of PBB in the tissue, they would be was found to be unpure asphalt. The company was required to remove the old material Bruce said the paving company is usually reliable, but that the city "learned the hard way" that the low bidder does not always do the best job. Excess gravel used to soak up the asphalt is being swept up, Bruce said. In other council action: tot enough for ya? Temperature hits 90°; •The council approved a zone change for a 22-acre parcel used for medium density apartments and townhouses. of land on Coolidge Road to be This action brings the total rezoning of builder Jim Dunn's property in that area to 32 acres on which 380 units will be constructed. eather could overheat more than cars •Councilmember Czarnecki brought up concerns about future traffic levels along Coolidge Road, especially if the Dayton Hudson mall is built to the north, and Mayor George Griffiths abstained because his insulation firm is working for Dunn and he did not want to be accused of having a conflict of interest. Merry przybylski victim will be very hot and flushed, and the up so high that brain damage results." "Get the person into the shade, have •The ordinance to regulate commercial development in the city was deferred, as was skin will be hot to the touch, unlike the skin If them rest and get them something to drink, the decision on whether to help support the dredging and cleanup of Lake Lansing. *i«i t News Su" Writer tUrns up - - someone comes suffering from heat stroke across a person or heat exhaus- but don't give them too much," he said. temperature of a heat exhaustion victim. , "My. as it is d0ing this week, "In sunstroke, the person's heat-regula- tion, Nakfoor said, they should try to make _____ ... _ In order to prevent heat stroke or heat '"tar en8in'"!™ which en be fatal replace body salts. He recommended in¬ answering calls, and that carried "the area of ployes refused to cross picket lines, Wok. 'Nakfoor »»id- creasing the salt intake during hot weather. greatest disaster potential." Among those were bus drivers, who have '«the dirl"," When one '* over- Ideally the salt should be in solution form, "We have to correct the situation," said a contract with the city but decided to honor -1tCSu!lr,ya.ofthe and not taken as tablets, he said. Robert Pisor, press secretary to Mayor Coleman Young. "There's no doubt we lost a strike by mechanics. Later Wednesday. the drivers were sent notices that they "Tablets really don't dissolve fast enough," he said, "and they could irritate some calls and there was a time delay in should not report to their 879 coaches the stomach and intestinal tract." responding to others." (continued on page 8) 2 Michigan Slote News, Eost Lansing. Michigan Thursday, July 7, 1977 Israeli market PETAH TIQVA, Israel (AP) attack, saying the bomb was its ripped by bom A police spokesperson said 60 blood in the was the bloodiest terrorist A pipe bomb planted under a wreckage "to Begin's policy of Arabs were quickly rounded up "The market - answer bombing in Israel since May was vegetable stand exploded and creating new settlements in 1976, when a booby-trapped for questioning in connection when the bomb went off J ripped through a bustling open- Palestine." motor scooter blew up in Jeru¬ with the bombing. Some were hundreds of people air market in this Tel Aviv and tr Israeli Prime Minister salem, killing one person and escorted out of the area to blocking the alleyway,, suburb Wednesday, injuring 21 Menahem Begin has said he injuring 29. protect them from the ven¬ ing produce," said persons, five of them seriously, views the Israeli-occupied West Police warned Israelis to be geance of enraged Israelis. Prassberg, who was shoo in Israel's worst bombing in 14 Bank, just five miles from here, the alert for new attacks. The bomb resembled other at the on time of the blast Tass denounces antidetente campaign' months. as historically Jewish land and "We call on the public to watch homemade explosives used by "The market is full o(i_ The radical guerilla group that he favors establishment of out for suspicious parcels and Arab guerillas, police said. Of¬ You can't tell them Popular Democratic Front for Israeli settlements there. people, especially in crowded ficers cordoned off the vege¬ Jews," he said. "Anyon. from! the Liberation of Palestine Wednesday's attack at the table market and searched for have come in and 1 public places," said police MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet news not explain why the speech was not claimed responsibility for the Petah Tiqva vegetable market more bombs. bomb without spokesperson Menashe Golan. being noticel agency Tass, responding to reports that broadcast. The Popular Democratic Sarah Bachna, 57, U.S. Ambassador Malcolm Toon was Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty, the Front issued a statement in fered cuts on her who! prevented from speaking on Soviet Munich-based U.S. station broadcasting POLICE ARREST 15 IN CAIRO Beirut, Lebanon, claiming re¬ reporters: "I bod. was countin, television, declared Wednesday that the to Eastern Europe, broadcast Toon's sponsibility for what it said was change when suddenly eva a time bomb planted by gueril¬ Soviet mass media will available for a "noisy antidetente forces. not be made campaign" by address to the Soviet Union Tuesday night. Cultists held for murder las eluded Israeli security mea- thing went white. The! thing I knew, someone | helping me into a taxi" I Its statement and another This city of 105,000 Tass commentator Yuri Kornilov said it A station spokesperson estimated that and the release of 60 jailed sect six J CAIRO (AP) — Police held 15 the exact cause of death would issued by Yasir Arafat's central east of Tel Aviv is close td was on "invention" that Toon was barred three to four million Soviet citizens heard have to await an autopsy. members. members of a Moslem cult Palestinian command in Beirut border of the West Bank J from giving the U.S. ambassador's the four-minute speech, which was read Police arrested three young A witness said Zahabi was advocating "sacred terror" said 65 Arabs had been arres¬ annual Fourth of July address on Soviet in Russian by one of the Radio Liberty Wednesday in the assassination men in a hideout near the found lying on a bed and still ted after the bombing. The tory captured by Israel Jordan in the 1967 I TV because of Soviet sensitivity to a part Toon had planned to speak wearing the white nightshirt in Middle! announcers. of a former Egyptian religious one-story villa where the body Popular Democratic Front said war. Thousands of Arabs J of the speech on human rights. But he did in Russian. affairs minister who had tried was found, the Ministry said. It which he was kidnapped. The it "warns the Zionists against through the city each day J to stamp out their sect. said one of the three, a brick¬ witness said the stench of death harming the arrested Arabs from homes in the West I Police paid the decomposing layer named Moustafa Abdei was overpowering in the small, and assures our people in to jobs in Israel. T body of Sheik Mohamed Zaha- hot China seeks end to U.S.-Taiwan treaty bi was found in a shabby house Maasood Ghazy, admitted un¬ der questioning that he had room. Palestine that we are always It was not the first J The three suspects, all uni¬ capable of helping them." terrorist attack in Petah it in Cairo's nightclub district carried out the actual killing. After the blast, crushed veg¬ Last November, versity dropouts under 21, TOKYO (AP) — The Chinese govern¬ of diplomatic relations between the near the Giza pyramids with a Medical examiners said the were identified as members of etable crates, smashed toma¬ off in a supermarket, a bomb | ment says U.S. military installations as United States and Taiwan, withdrawal of scarf wrapped around his head 64-year-old Zahabi, minister for the outlawed "Jamaat al- toes and cucumbers and a torn five persons. A second injj well as troops must be withdrawn from U.S. troops and abrogation of the and neck. An Interior Ministry 19 months until last November, Tafkeer wal-Hirja," literally the pair of shoes lay among pools of exploded harmlessly in a J Taiwan and the Formosa Strait before it U.S.-Taiwan security spokesperson said he had been was killed Monday night, al¬ treaty." society for atonement and flight will consider full diplomatic relations shot through the left eye with a most 40 hours after he was Wednesday Hsinhua transmitted a from evil. The society, formed with the United States. correction to make Peking's require¬ dragged from his home and check] in 1966, advocates "sacred ter¬ Hsinhuo, the official Chinese news agency, said Vice Premier Li Hsien-nien ments, "Severance of diplomatic rela¬ tions with the Chiang clique on Taiwan, The scarf led to reports he had been that strangled, but the shortly after a second deadline set by his captors. They had ror" to overthrow secular rule and establish a strict Moslem Audit says Ministry said determination of demanded a half million dollars spelled out the Chinese position in a withdrawal of all U.S. force and military state. "friendly talk" with Adm. Elmo Zumwalt, former U.S. chief of naval operations, in installations from Taiwan and the Taiwan Straits and abrogation of its mutual Pakistan Zahabi had worked hard religious affairs minister to as susceptible to frai Peking Monday. Hsinhua's first report of the meeting, security treaty with the Chiang clique and none of the three can be dispensed — reported calm stamp out the cult, and it was evidently this campaign that WASHINGTON (AP) - A than 27 million on Tuesday, said China wants "severance with." marked him as the group's first Social Security computer sys¬ AmericansI get Social Security checl._ after military takeover known kidnap victim. tem mation containing personal infor¬ on millions of Ameri¬ Supplemental Security iJ In the wake of the kidnaping payments. Korean assembly votes to free dissidents ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Portraits of ousted Prime Sunday, authorities launched nationwide crackdown against a cans is open to fraud and unauthorized disclosure of con¬ The computer contain! Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto were removed from government the society, arresting 130 mem¬ fidential data, a government formation on the amouj SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The assembly seats, and the New Democrats. offices Wednesday and the country was reported calm the day National Assembly in a move presumably Political sources reported Park discussed after a bloodless military takeover. bers and uncovering caches of report says. payments, family income! approved in advance by President Park the resolution with his lieutenants in the Martial law authorities ordered a crackdown on hoodlums and automatic weapons and explo¬ "Security procedures and assets, medical histories! sives, complete kidnaping plans marital status. controls for the system were Chung-hee urged him Wednesday to free assembly before it was drafted last criminals and the seizure of all unlicensed weapons, but banks, and religious tracts, the Interi¬ not adequate to prevent fraud violators of his 1975 decree banning dissent. week. stores and businesses were open as usual. The Foreign Office formally informed all diplomatic missions of or Ministry said. and abuse or to assure compli¬ Social Security AdminJ New with the tion employes use the I The resolution, adopted unanimously the change of government and assured them of continuity in Of the 130, 15 played a ance requirements of The decree Park issued on May 13, the Privacy Act of 1974," said puter's 2,200 terminals a by members of Park's Democratic Repub¬ Pakistan's foreign policy. leading role in the Zahabi the country to maintain ri 1975, bans virtually all criticism of the the report by the audit agency lican party and the opposition New The new military ruler, Gen. Muhammed Zia ul-Haq, called on kidnaping, the ministry said. president and his authoritarian regime. It the Ministry of Law to start making preparations for new national Nine were university students of the Department of Health, on all benefit payments the various Social i| Democratic party, asked that the prison¬ has been one of the chief causes of Education and Welfare. elections in October. or dropouts and the others ers be released so programs, including Med they can "take part in opposition in the United States to the U.S. "I am working on a 90-day operation to put the country back on included a former police major, the cause of national development." The audit examined the and disability. The system! government's support of South Korea, Its democratic footing," Zia said in an address to civil servants the a taxi driver, a second-hand Social Security Administra¬ The measure was the product of weeks processes the millions of! particularly since President Carter's day after he took charge of the nation to quell four months of book peddler and several unem¬ tion's computer systems that of negotiations between Park's support¬ criticism of human rights violations In claims for benefits thatf political violence and wrangling. ployed youths. contain records on the more received each year. ers, who hold more than two-thirds of the Communist countries. CLEARANCE GREAT SUMMER SAVINGS Oitploy Advertising. Postmaster asks JEANS rate hike for business Photogrophic SPORT COATS CASUAL SLACKS SUITS lilt commission dra KNIT SHIRTS ■basing voters hav WASHINGTON (AP) — Postmaster fiscal year. DENIM JACKETS Satcutive times, General Benjamin F. Bailor proposed on Wednesday to boost first-class postage a Toqualify for the 13-cent "citizen rate," letter would have to have either the SUMMER ■tin major changes Dderthe proposed cha rates to 16 cents for businesses but allow return or delivery address handwritten. SHMT COURSES IR. MR. J SHOP Hmayorai power, a di individuals to continue paying 13 cents. Both addresses would have to include Rati council, a reside zip The Computer Laboratory will offer a series of !«tj employes Bailor made no recommendation on codes, and the envelope would hove to star ending Saturday mail deliveries as be of a standard shape and size that non-credit short courses in computing during Summer Staion in the numb a Term. Registration must be made fane 13 the pr cost-cutting measure but said the idea is postal-processing machines could handle by July8 in the •ed by a User Information Center, 313 larger mi Jacobson's under serious consideration. a letter would have to have either the Computer Center. A '2 fee covering computer time and handout materials is mber. The chart He said the dual rate system for first return or delivery address handwritten. S'« to 36 per cent class mail and other increases in rates for A person could charged for each short course. For more information, ted 51 to 46 use the special 13-cent call 353-1800. per services proposed at the same time could stamp on an envelope provided by 0 vummissio almost erase the Postal Service's deficit, HTalah said the cha creditor for paying bills as projected at $2.4 billion during the next long as the INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING (#100) return address was handwritten. ptoa blanketing o Carter to ask for tax cut WM mailorder P» media and a lac ■•charter on the pa HaUJW'W SPECIALISTS !« second dele, 'isattributed I * WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter students, Blumenthal went further than ~ "inconsis Administration plans to ask Congress to administration spokespersons have be¬ -Efnentsbycharte: cut taxes for families with incomes of fore in outlining the administration's •For prerequisite information, coll 353-1800. l*tlah laid that a: hy various c $25,000 and less, Treasury Michael Blumenthal said Secretary W. plans to cut some taxes as part of its Minolta — an M Auto Workei He also said there Wednesday. proposed tax reform program. w ta the chartei may be a new The program is scheduled to be sent to I"®"" against t! proposal for tax payments for Americans, commonly referred to poor Congress later this summer, probably in The Best in MSU favorite! «should only bi J* darter. as a September, but Blumenthal said it was negative income tax. I The argument by In a talk to a group of graduate unlikely the program would be enacted and take effect for at least another year. Alternative Music *nd the laboi * get by with XE-7,1.7 *269.95 •"id-"This is % elected the XE-7, 1.4 299.95 SRT-202,1.7 *219.95 ■ |1,',»ewcllarler.i NATIVI XE-5,1.7 239.95 SRT-202,1.4 249.95 ■ "wh said that he 11 'hat ■RYAN Ul SONS the p A Mm Stat* Street All-Stars XE-5,1.4 269.95 SRT-201,1.7 184.95 Lia?'He Mitl Bhset/Rosk XK, 1.7 399.95 SRT-201, 1.4 214.95 Jr™"decide to tr XK, 1.4 429.95 SRT-200,2.0 159.95 ■r" hitting campa COVER $1.00 12% (charter o VODKA I COVER COVER NO NIGHT $1.00 $1.00 COVER Gynecologist sues NOW representative Ask about our great prices on PONTI AC (UPI) — A hearing was set for removed as the hospital's chief of Minolta lenses! July 13 on a $10,000 damage suit filed by obstetrics and gynecology contained Day Long Happy Hoars a Southfield gynecologist against a false, vicious and malicious accusations 11AM-8PM MON-SAT representative of the National Organiza¬ against him pertaining to a second- 12 PM-8 PM SUN tion for Women (NOW). degree criminal sexual conduct charge NORMAN'S OF BATTLE CREEK is a no- The physician. Dr. Donald Krohn, filed he was acquitted of in June. iionol mail order photo equipment spe-* j*tr,JhJ'aid 'hat suit in Oakland cialist, with ads appearing in Mod- County Circuit Court on Jeffries, who stepped down as presi¬ our FREE CATALOG Friday against Ruth Jeffries, a former president of the local chapter of NOW. dent of the NOW two terms group on June 30 after ,, tia-mdi and Popular Photography. We sell at New York and Chicago prices, but fe!E.e>kfor KOlLllJ 616-965-72B5[ P^hketogi v . as chapter president, said the deliver quicker because we're so close. MlMUMJI A ®r)deP0Pour)Q He charged that a letter she wrote to letter A Bank card order, phoned in on Mon¬ was sent with the Providence Hospital urging that he be knowledge and LI backing of local NOW members. 224 Abbott ^-'t.o?e5 day, would possibly be delivered to your front door on Thursday. We stock low. MICHIGAN MALJ i-?1 """mission everything we sell. BATTLE CREEK, Ml 4901^ *nergy use; Thursday, July 7, 1977 loney saved EXTRA FEATURES WILL DECIDE FRANCHISE ■ By ED UON State News Staff Writer Ir-thefaceofpredialicns that the world is its electrical load. •Scheduling classes in "concentrations" to avoid class. buildings staying open for only one Commission suggests cable grant I Ined by a grave energy shortage, Ei'.trying to out down its energy use. •Modifying air conditioning units around By JEANNE BARON If University officials say it is working. . campus so they will automatically turn on If the Meridian Township Board accepts the commission's recommendation, the cable I n»ird Wilson, director of MSU building or off when needed, thus saving energy. The Meridian Township Cable Commission voted 4 to 1 that National Cablevision, Inc. be Thursday night to recommend system will] be completed in one year. The company has promised to lay 25 miles of cable 1"°" sajd the University has reduced •Cutting heating in buildings during "off hours." granted a franchise in the township. per month. ■Stive energy consumption for the last In a lengthy meeting which lasted until after midnight, the commissioners discussed 26 National has proposed a fee of $7.45 for standard cable televisions, 50 cents higher than the current rate in East Lansing, and $7.95 for one with a remote on and off switch. •Establishing al year more than 30 per cent from a special energy savings points before deciding against recommending that Continental Cablevision, Inc. receive unit out of the Physical Plant which the franchise. National's Meridian system will have 36 channel capacity and carry the same RLrepresents a $2 million savings from constantly seeks new energy savings plans. In addition to these, Wilson National Cablevision, Inc. is a subsidiary of United Cable, a national system, which programming as the East Lansing affiliate. Six channels, however, will be reserved for public access programs originating in Meridian Township. But the MSU fuel bill would have been this eventually operates a franchise in East Lansing. Continental is also a national cable system and has Of the channels Meridian viewers will be able to choose from, seven will broadcast foresees the entire University hooked into a J J n was consuming at 1970's rate. several franchises in Michigan, including one in Lansing. ABC, CBS, and NBC network programs, two will be independent, two educational, a total Kit is quite a savings, according to master computer unit to control tures. The computer would monitor tempera¬ During the meeting, the commissioners showed concern Over National's financial of ten public access and four automated — carrying such items as time and weather. 1ton, since MSU earmarked $5.1 million levels and constantly readjust them for heating stability. The six reserved channels, as opposed to four offered by Continental, played a role in ■uvfor fuel last year. Commissioner William Roughing noted that National was barely profitable and said National receiving the commission's recommendation. maximum energy usage. Btton said the cuts have had the effect that financially, Continental was by far the stronger company. He cited an upcoming loan Since last September the Clinical Scien¬ National's impressive track record in East Lansing was also a factor in the decision, as ■reducing the amount of energy used per repayment and the selling off of several assets by the parent corporation as reasons for the location of the it by 21 per cent without causing ces Building has been hooked into a worry. > company's headquarters on Trowbridge Road, which is easily Kgnvtniences. computer regulator with "success," said "National may not even be able to survive, let alone build a franchise in Meridian or In addition, National promised to provide a full-time employe for Meridian Township Enures to cut MSU fuel bill were Wilson. Five more buildings are in the keep it going once it's built," he said. and work with a permanent advisory board. «i! in WO because the University was process of being hooked up and eventually But National's representative, Robert Cowley, said the company has already set aside "I'd hate to work without a cable commission," Cowley said. "We're the establishment £dtotighten its belt. They were given a Wilson foresees a campus-wide hook-up. nine million dollars for the franchise. and they're the people." Jer push when the 1973 energy crisis "Changes that were once not economical "You've got to take my word for it, if we get Meridian we're not going to sell it off," he ly feasible now are because of the higher Continental lost some of its early favor, stemming from a solid financial outlook, _Frank gold lUCUWiBV ■ nun Olympic gUlUgold UlCUMiBl. medalist. Shorter easily won the event but was closely lol- Shorter lol £» media and a lack of understanding of ■L er on the part of the public. B" !ecmd defeat of the proposed "W is attributed by Walsh to a different ■sun ■SjMs B ® "inconsistent and dishonest y charter opponents." "id that arguments against the by various councilmembers and a Auto Workers newsletter City Council approves two art projects for Lansing facing the city. ■Jfarter's contrib- BvMICHAFI By KLOCKF MICHAEL KLOCKE with about one month's month's work and work and wewe hope mural mural design design will will be The mural, be discussed. The mural, possible involved possible this "community-based involved inin this "community-based facing the city. But Blair was outnumbered and the "gainst the charter defeat. The basic was that when Art .J'ST™!,.,- „v> •*-*•-.4 was given a boost Tuesday night „6.„ ... September," said Gary Andrews, the project leader. "We will wait as proposed, would depict a massive Statue ".'n of Liberty, the skyline of a capital city, and effort." There was some controversy over the ■srisssi: resolution supporting the mural passed 7 to Lansing City Council approved two mural project when Councilmember James 1. Councilmember Lucile Belen said it was J" charter °n'y ^ revisions and not a projects that will be created in full public for public comment on the design we chose a winding red, white and blue ribbon along with various other themes. Blair, who voted against the mural, said he about time the city worked to increase the before starting." Kb "f"!""1 by (councilmember) Lou view in downtown Lansing. One project will be a mural commemora¬ Andrews said that there will be numer¬ Andrews also emphasized that the work¬ could not justify spending $6,100 when number of public art pieces for the citizenry VenM . l 1,^or publication was that ting Lansing's annual ethnic festival and the ous public meetings where the proposed shop would like to get as many people as there are "other more urgent problems" to enjoy. tibh «S wilh iu« some revisions," nation's Bicentennial. Mint elected ta Ue' The people of The second annual Lansing ethnic festival «ite a n.w I charter commission to was held this past weekend in Riverfront I Kabh.•?lrter' "ot t0 make revisions." Park. who signed a proclamation establishing 'hLat be was disturbed by the By DANA FELMLY Exploration Day in 1976 to highlight the Space mission week The commemorative mural will be con¬ Monday night the Lansing City aienii u . PeoPle believed these structed at Riverfront Park on the wall achievements of the Apollo 11 mission. Council will decide whether or not to JtodoesiWj Said if tlle charter commis- under the Shiawassee Street Bridge. recognize a Space Exploration Week for Though Ford is unable to participate ffmihittin try a?ain' " W'H conduct The council also approved funding for a in the parade, Christmas has gotten I Hthe eampaign. $16,500 sculpture to be done by Lansing the city. If it passes, it will be the realization of Mayor Graves of Lansing to attend and before council Jpponenta) are BoinKt0 resident Marty Eichinger, 927 N. Walnut is trying to reach Mayor Griffith of East a small part of a dream which Richard %t .^Ut U8'we'"b"ve to aUrt St. The bronze sculpture Windlord would Christmas has had since the manned now Lansing for his participation. ■ Col ■! 'them," Walsh said. be placed in Riverfront Park near the moon landing in 1969. Christmas is also hoping for a military T ttl,rterW Wi"'am Brenke, one of corner of Shiawassee Street and Grand Avenue. "I have never yet seen a person doing parade and has sent letters to the ft think the nk opP°nent»' said he does something about the space program," prmed forces and the Marine Corp, but rHalafd tt, w Sh°Uld 1,6 voted on some cost the $•?♦ arter ,commi88ion has Though he acknowledged that there are details to be worked out before the Lansing resident said. Which is why Christmas, who said. By then 13 governors signed naw and Detroit in hopes will consider the idea. that they ' too,*^4*. ' has not heard from them yet. proclamations for their states to ob¬ [®°Dcy and t$J y a considerable amount Starting the sculpture, Eichinger said, "This dreamed of being an astronaut before serve Space Exploration Week sched¬ Christmas said if Space exploration V The parade will start on Lapeer at hbcl r i h hPC(°Ple bave made their is a significant step, city Council is finally the word was even invented, decided to uled for July 16 through July 24. Week is passed, it will focus ih soger 7:30 p.m. on July 20, proceed to the I But W.i k elections. recognizing the renaissance of the arts going on in Lansing. take action to get some recognition for the moon landing. Michigan, however, is the only state that has had both its House and Senate Chaffee, Ed White and Virgil Grosom, astronauts who died in the Apollo crash Capitol Building and finish by marchng down Lenawee in Lansing. P I'cpoaeH "kd """ be would like to put The mural will be painted by the Popular of 1967. Fij cmber, UP b°r 0„e more vote Arts Workshop, 1209'/i Turner St., and will be based on a simple artistic style that will Christmas started writing letters to Richard M. Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter about having July 20 pass the proposal into resolution. "My challenge is to get the other 49 One event that the Lansing Citv In the meantime an exhibit organized by Christmas on space exploration from CJb"'I'd like tn'°r "'e ether commission- allow interested community members to become a holiday. states to pass it too," Christmas said. Council has already approved is a John Glenn's first orbit and Apollo 11 r l( said 'he charter one more participate in the creation of the mural. The "I also wrote letters to senators and He has taken the idea to nine other parade on July 20 to commemorate flights to the present is on display at the Michigan cities, including Jackson, Kal¬ Space Exploration Day. The parade will Capitol Building and the Lansing Public workshop is a nonprofit organization representatives," he said. be in honor of former President Ford Library from now to July 30. ^.bw&baa "a times Ubm'1 the power under working to promote the construction of art a Proposed charter in various public places. In 1974, things started happening, he amazoo, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Sagi¬ "We expect the mural to be completed Not enough reform Mourning the death The state Senate's meager at¬ prohibiting members from bom¬ tempts at internal reform should deceive no one. They are woefully barding their home districts with mail at taxpayer expense on the of an immortal write inadequate, and will do relatively eve of an election. The political little to rectify that institution's advantages for an incumbent who Celebrated lepidopterist, noted understanding of American M glaring inadequacies. operates in this manner are chess buff, playful eccentric, lit¬ ture that often transcends e[| kr oipi»"nin*the A key provision of the new rules obvious. of many native-born erary genius . . . Vladimir authors would require senators to make a Taxpayers should not be ex¬ Nabokov, who died in Montreux, taught at Wellesley and Corn! full public accounting of money pected to subsidize what might Switzerland last Friday night, was the 1940s and 50s, his students author including au spent on out of state travel and charitably be described as mail box all these things. Thomas ■ sloganeering, and, less charitably, Perhaps best known in the chon. 1 JUCtt'NAIVE HARltt,'UWDO deceptive advertising. AS POSSIBLE AS POSSIBLE United States for his controversial In the last years of Nabokov concentrated on J his I FBI DICK-TOR FBI. DIRECTOR 1958 novel Lolita, Nabokov was Of course, no amount of institu¬ „ > 9 regarded as one of the greatest of prose, and with his son, | tional reform can bolster a legisla¬ laberated on the translation/ modern writers, and was widely tive body that is constantly bogged down in petty backbiting, per¬ '* WANTED*' considered to be the most original nine Russian novels for En] English stylist since Joyce. His publication. His last major V sonality clashes and political other major works included Pale powerplays. The Democratic Fire, The Gift, Despair, Ada and a majority in the Senate has been brilliant autobiography, Speak, Jt- extremely sluggish in passing needed legislation, possibly be¬ Memory. cause of an inordinate preoccupa¬ Truly an international artist, tion with wresting the governor's Nabokov was born in Leningrad in chair from the Republicans. The 1899. His family fled Russia upon Senate chamber crawls with lob¬ the advent of the Bolshevik Rev¬ byists for special interest groups, olution, and the writer studied at and it is common knowledge Cambridge in the 1920s. Nabokov among statehouse observors that settled in Berlin for a time, fleeing the Senate is the deathbed of most in 1937 and eventually emigrating progressive reforms, especially to the United States, where he those dealing with the environ¬ became a citizen in 1945. In his office renovations. This sounds ment. later years, the author was fond of The worthwhile on the surface, since many senators, fearing scrutiny is Typifying senatorial arrogance State News ] describing himself can writer, born in Russia and as "an Ameri¬ "•*< and exposure of outlandish ex¬ Joseph S. Mack of Iionwood, educated in England where I who shot off his mouth again the Thursday, July 7, 1977 penses, might be motivated to studied French literature before other day, suggesting, none too Editorials ar the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns scrimp and save a little. and letters a spending 15 years in Berlin." However, a senate truly con¬ facetiously, that reporters be 9 personal opinions. cerned about ethics and propriety kicked off the senate floor. Mack Editorial Dopartmont Following his great success with Lolita, Nabokov moved to Mon¬ would have banned unnecessary really ought to stop wasting the Editor-in-chief. Michael Tanimura Layout Editor Fred van Hartesveldt treux in 1961, retaining his U.S. Senate's time with such frivolous Managing Editor Debbie Wolfe Sports Editor TomShonohan junketing altogether, and would Opinion Editor Dove Misialowski t Entertainment and Book Editor Kofhy Esselmon citizenship to the end of his life. nonsense. have imposed stringent limits on News Editor Joe Scales Wire Editor Joyce Loskowski The author told an interviewer Nabokov the amount of money its members Photo Editor Richard Politowski All in all, the "reforms" adopted Copy Chief Nancy Rogier six months ago that America was Staff Representative could spend on fixing up already by the Senate this week portend a JoePizzo "the only country where I feel was Ada, published in 1 overly-plush offices. continuation of business as usual. Advertising Department mentally and emotionally at Vladimir Nabokov will 1 It is also infuriating that the And, as USUal, the people Of AdwtitingManagv Sharon Seiler Assistant home." Indeed, Lolita reflects a membered as a great writer Senate failed to pass legislation Michigan will be the losers. — Advertising Manager Denise Dear love for, a fascination with, and | an prose stylist. He will be miss books on hobbies, mechanics, history, math, testers deceitful propaganda about Iran with etc.) should first be wrapped in paper and MICHAEL CROFOOT Michigan taxpayers' money — (under the bundled up to 22 lbs. (bundle) and guise of protecting academic freedom) — addressed to Attention Kennit Hanford but that you members of the board have Adams, Central Mindanao University, also attacked the rights of students to voice Musuan, Bukidnon, 8213, Republic oi the Philippines, then placed in a stout sack. The their opinions and to educate the public. It seems that protection of academic freedom Ecoeconomics Student aid ote (sweet potatoes) over a wood fire and Post Office will show how to tag them. The only applies to protection of your interests, cost? About $15 per 66 lb. bag. When the manage very well. since you are clearly not protecting the The purpose of this letter is to interest donations arrive, I will write to let you academic freedom of the students who are readers in assisting the education of young Though this is a tropical paradise, with know of their arrival. coconuts, cane, cattle, carabao, corn, citrus, against the MSU-Iran Film Project. Several This is the third in a series of columns intended to persuade disbelievers tiiJ Filipino students here at Central Mindanao Should any readers ever come to this were jailed for the "atrocities" of using a University in the Philipines. In common rubber and tropical fruits revolutionary transition of U.S. lifestyles and values is not only inevitable, but has aire abounding, there tropical Shangri-La, I am certain you will bull horn and questioning the Department with most university students in the Third is not enough money for most begun. Beginning July 18, this space will be reserved for a public discussion of the relei parents to receive a cordial welcome from these of Public Safety's rough treatment of a World, they do not have access to as many afford to send their children issues. Concerned faculty, students, businessmen, politicians, workers and others 1 through the Filipino islanders. They are one of the fellow demonstrator. Does freedom of reference books as they need. university. It is a bitter struggle, but the been invited to write in and make their views known. warmest, most hospitable people on earth. speech apply only when students are good The campus is located in a remote area. rewards are worth it. In common with Any reader who is interested in participating in this dialogue should contact the SI and do not question values or authorities? News opinion desk at 855-8252, or write a position paper on some relevant issue, The students come from all young American men and women, they i parts of the Kermit Hanford Adams Philippines to study agriculture, arts and want to marry, raise children, be leaders Concerned citizens of the East Lansing - should be written on a 65-space line, triple spaced, and between 50 and 80 lines in I Institutional Development Consultant sciences, home economics, and help their country. An education is Lansing area are now watching what our Send papers to "Slices," the State News, 345 Student Services Building. engineering, almost their only hope to better them¬ Central Mindanao University elected education, forestry and veterinary science. "representatives" are doing, and we Slices selves. Republic of the Philippines demand that they start protecting students' . . . Gaining an education here will change their Ecology and economy come from the same Greek woro. the household. Ecology it entire lives. It is difficult for them rights instead of immorally-earned profits. Should there be individuals, clubs, frater¬ study of the household. Economy is the management of the household. Ecolot financially to attend the university. It You can begin by dropping the disgusting household is the earth and its nities, sororities, requires almost 1,500 pesos a year ($200) or others who wish to send used books to Central Mindanao Trustees hit charges against those students who have them. In general, atmosphere and the universal forces that impact J for their conscientiously spoken out against your economy^household or domain is based on the production, distribu# university fees, hospital and University they can easily send them by and consumption of goods and services for humans. Presently, economists have d laboratory fees and to buy food. Many Open letter to the MSU Board of Trustees: own obvious lack of conscience. U.S. Mail (surface mail) in sacks of not more credibility than ecologists in the public eye. L students cook their rice, Modern economic thought really didn't "bago-ong" (salted that 66 lbs. each. The books (any good I find it deplorable that the board has not get going until the end of mercantilism andl fish) vegetables, plantains,cassava, or cam- Rebecca Wolf advent of the industrial revolution. It is not books, especially texts, references, novels. only allowed the perpetuation of purposely yet a science because economists have I Lansing made a thorough study of their household. Greeks first dialogued it out but it didn't become Ecologic thought has been evolving since I science until biology was strong ei to round out its perspective. There is so much happening in economics these Art fesses up - he's a closet heterosexual But nearly everybody I've read seems to inevitable. Do you? days that it is hard to keep up to agree that a world-wide economic tran " dj Here is what some people are saying-in no particular order: The former head of! U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Russell WASHINGTON-I believe I got myself Train, wrote in Science mag know in essence "whether I the "Our standard of living has continued to rise at the same time that we have b into a lot of trouble the other was coming same vein, asking whether I was They have hair on their faces, knobby day. I out of the closet." declaring myself publicly for the first knees, and they're full of themselves. increasingly less satisfied with the quality and character of our lives." The Tin! wrote a column about Anita Bryant, The first call came at nine in the time and, if not, group in the Club of Rome's third book, homosexuals and orange juice. I pointed morning and was from a television why I offered to be the spokesperson for the gays if I wasn't Unlike Will Rogers, I've never met a man I really liked. Escaping The International Order: "The bankruptcy of illusory national sovereignty, domestically as well as intemationalljL t] out that, as noble as Miss Bryant's station in New York. I heard one? particularly dramatized today by the unsustainable levels of crusade seemed to her, it wasn't doing secretary Jeannie Alyer's end of the my Some people may accuse me of unemployment, inflation I So, to set the record straight and to insecurity in every country, the vast disequilibrium in international conversation. Jeannie is British, which protesting too much. This is not the case. payments, and! stop the telephone calls, I shall have to I just hate to confuse readers and have collapse of the international order." ■ may have had something to do with her explain what I have always considered a them spend all their time wondering Hazel and Carter Henderson of the Center for Alternative Futures: "We must face responses. very private matter. what I do in my closet. fact that business cycles in the mature industrial economies are now created "Oh, yes, Mr. Buchwald is very gay. He I am in fact a closet heterosexual — I have to admit, by offering to be the economists and governments rather than by market forces and therefore market' laughs all the time . . . You weren't that is to say, I sit in a closet a lot and gay spokesperson for Florida orange can no longer be relied on to right things." talking about that kind of gay? What think about the joy of heterosexual juice, I'm responsible for some of the Barry Commoner says it is time the United States entered into a Natk kind of gay were you talking about? Oh, that kind of gay ... Well, I really can't activity. I more or less follow the confusion. The reason I did it was that I Socialism/Capitalism Debate. Hazel says, "There is now hope that the fruitless diale philosophy of President Carter as ex¬ was so worried about the Florida between capitalism and communism will be exposed as irrelevant, since both systems say He never acts too gay orange ... He's plained in his interview in Playboy based on materialism, technique and narrow more of a male . . . juice industry, and the effect Miss rationalism." chauvinist-type person, if Herbert Giersch writes in the Center's World Issues: "The proposed New ~ you know what I mean . . . Economic Order (NIEO) presupposes a "I really don't know what he meant in strong central (world) government." But Denton Morrison writes in the last sentence of his article. I'm sure Scarcity and Society that "internal and redistribution of economic growth must he didn't mean it in the way you're "lam in fact a closet heterosexual — that is to say, I sit in a replace overall growth as a first international stability is to be obtained in ART BUCHWALD taking it.. . No, I don't know what he closet a lot and think about the the long-term. The inequity claims of does after work... He's married and has joy of heterosexual activity." cannot be met bv expanding the pie. three children-is that of While two staff members of the Swedish any help? ... It Government's Secretariat for Future Stud, doesn't anything for Florida orange juice, which mean he's a closet anything? ... It could 'l' include: ' . setting a natlonal dialo«ue with their proposals maximum for economic change wbi consumption levels placing a ceiling on I she is paid to push. mean homosexual, you say? magazine. For reasons which 1 on meat' Well, we don't have a closet in the can only Bryant's recent campaign was having on consumption: institutionalizing multifamily living I suggested that the Florida blame on space; increasing the durability I •. . orange an unhappy childhood, I lust' it, that I volunteered juice people, who were concerned about office, so I'm sure you must be wrong... my heart after the opposite si x. I've " my services 2— f°^f; r| their product, have two sets I would suspect he was without thinking through what it meant. ownership of automobiles out of the hands of individuals." of TV just pulling your ways been this way, and I cai l't help it. I didn't realize that so many commercials leg... I don't mean your leg... No, you people At the.Energy Alternatives Conference of - one featuring Miss can't speak to him... It's not much fun being . era;, closet would start wondering about what I did Edens said in regard to our state's Michigan's 'joint' committee on energy. 7 Bryant and the other starring a homo¬ Why? Because he heterosexual because you always live in energy supply: "During the transitional period -1 sexual spokesperson who isn t gay with my evenings. I'm sorry to disap¬ next 15 to 30 years now he's in - we are in effect the gay side would keep I hank you." - a very foul mood. deathly fear that someone is going to point the gay people, and I'm ashamed I Hazel Henderson concluded her statement operating in an 'Age of Nonsubstitutability.' drinking orange juice. find out about you. The only trouble with before the Joint Economic Committee, The last line of the column A few minutes later the kept my heterosexual past to myself all Congress of the U.S. on November 18,1976 with this statement: was, "I phone rang coming out of the closet and admitting these years. "Perhaps now is the til would do it myself, but again. Jeannie answered, "No, I'm to recognize that the real factors of production are energy, matter and knowledge, unfortunately I your true sexual preference these days a can't carry a tune." terribly sorry, Mr. Buchwald will be is that women will start Now that it's out in the open. I feel that the output is human beings." The day the article unable to address your calling you much better about it. My secretary And finally. Sam Dix, the Grand appeared, I was Gay Liberation terrible names. Rapids management consultant, wrote in his E besieged with telephone calls wanting to Rally . . . He'll be away all summer." While I have nothing against Jeannie does, too. Report to Presidents Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter: "The limit.Hnn. of the et" The rest of the calls were more or less gays, it's in impossible for me to be one. I hate men. discipline must be faced. The economists must return to the earth." , Can you put all of these perspectives together? I can't. Anybody want to expand on rt of these quotes or other quotes in this column space two weeks from now? Write or call 4 Newi, to>» lon»lng, Michigan Thursday, July 7, 1977 Late school start may hurt slumping grid sales J n TOM SHANAHAN calendar so that the first day of I L News Sports Writer o, class in September does not TKJa f imsiail irtYom t,8.1"8* #To avo,d the conflict' Kermit Kippur falls on Smith, assistant to the SePl- 29- Smith said it could not following Thanksgiving break. season and the stigma of the Though it is too early to provost, be shifted ahead a week to ■Sir with the 1973 74 connict with Yom Kippur. the Sept. 22, which was MSU's first who is in charge of making Smith added that the 1969 second year of the NCAA predict student sales, Beards¬ If .ear MSU began a holiest Jewish holiday, ob- choice of beginning the 1977-78 MSU's academic up calendar, Sept. 15 because that would result in the first day of finals Code for Teaching Responsibili¬ probation. Usually only two ley said season ticket sales to of planning the academic served by fasting and prayer school year. moved the starting date back to ties, which requires professors home games are played before faculty-staff have dropped off. week coming on the Monday to outline courses, puts more the first day of classes. Pointing out that the faculty- emphasis on the first day of "It will hurt the most because staff members may return to classes. we won t get the sale at the school a week later, Beardsley TOM SHANAHAN But this year the MSU foot¬ ball team has three home gate," Beardsley said. "So much said, "A faculty-staff member depends on our students and wouldn't have to come back football games scheduled for without them, it will pull down until the third or fourth week of Saturdays before students will attendance because the first September." Split series be the on campus, which athletic may cost department thousands of dollars. Football two crowds will be small no matter what we do. We're However, Beardsley added that sales to the general public endeavoring to bring it up with have picked up a modest 3 or 4 produces over half of the MSU promotions." per cent. If is justified athletic budget of $3.3 million. The conflict has created one And it is a bad year for MSU to be heading into a season of "The fact that we're pro¬ moting will help sales," Beards¬ more problem for Bill Beards- slow ticket sales since last year ley explained as a possible ley, Assistant athletic director MSU fell to 12th in the nation in reason for the general public vill Beardsley, assistant Athlitic Director in charge of in charge of business at MSU, total attendance. It was the jlB,t "i MSU, has the problem of not being able to sell football who is already faced with first time MSU was not among Part of MSU's promotional ha and the rest of the ticket office also have the opposite overcoming slumping ticket the country's top ten since plans have been to advertise for -Jfliolnot having enough basketball seats to sell. sales 'run; the poor 1976 4-6-1 1955. (continued on page 8) Kaplete turning of the tables from previous years, moth Beardsley cannot predict sellouts for a season that is six thsaway, tickets are sure to be in high demand at the ancient Co seat Jenison Fieldhouse. J" is are in high enough demand that the athletic undent elected to split 12 of the 13 home games into two of six games each. This will double the number of students ft, sea MSU basketball this winter as there will be 9,000 tdof 4,500 seats that are allotted to the students. The 13th JU w's L«jl| be during the Christmas break and will not be included tier series. le remaining 5,300 seats will be divided up among the —to sUff, the general public and the viaiting team. In addition, CLEAKAWAY ■holtystaff will also have its tickets divided into two series. I general public will be limited to two season tickets, unless SAVE 1to ijireretaining season tickets from previous years, "2 and more on b what still bothered people when tickets were split into two jjjj (IS the raising of tickets to $2 apiece. Famous Fahel Fashions Ill's also turning the table since basketball tickets have ij, been cheap at MSU and last year reached the low price of I lor 14 home games. That's incredibly cheap when you (ember it included games with Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana, holt, North Carolina and North Carolina State. Itaineoats M that's what MSU coach Jud Heathcote thought when he \ow \K."» to sOO (■Tto MSU from the little University of Montana. He was AP Wirephoto aed that this was a Big Ten school and it couldn't even sell Jack Nicklaus blasts out of a sand trap in the opening round of the British at it that dirt cheap price. Especially on a campus of 44,000. Open at Turnberry, Scotland, Wednesday. Nicklaus trails leader John Schroeder's (from last year's cheap price, tickets weren't really raised, I oallier Jaekels re just brought up from last year's low cost. After all, 66 by two strokes. a business in big time college athletics today. Like it or |,il HSU fans want to see the type of basketball that brings Now \%!> to K7 Jgklike Earvin Johnson to MSU, they'll have to pay for it for Nite Owls ■Spartans to be competitive. The Men's outdoor pool will Kin, the J2 student ticket only makes the price 50 per cent of be for III general public price. Just as the $4 student football ticket is open the Nite Owl swim from 9:30 p.m. until 1 Sliekers Now O Wofthet8 general public price and the $2 student hockey ticket or 2 a.m. Cost is 50 cents and p of the S4 that the general public pays. you must have an MSU ID. (continued on page 8| Dresses. I'antdresses. X J iimnsiiils Now IK to i Ik Men's IM outdoor pool is plli.m. to 6 p.m. Monday ■4 UTTUmnVAY « gli Friday. It is also open Pi to 8:50 p.m. Monday I soma STATION J lllonses. T-Tops J 13011. Grand River « l«|i Thursday. The Satur- 4 Next to Varsity Inn { Ikrn are noon to 4:50 p.m. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea Now I A IK 1111111 -t.ii i, ..I The atmosphere brings you Skirts in Now 10 to 10 The food brings you back. WE WON'T Dress Pauls and Joans Of all the restaurants in the Lan¬ SELL YOU A PIZZA UNLESS IT'S A sing area, only one has "The Tiffany Touch." It is unique in GOOD ONE. DONT SETTLE FOR Now K to 10 its warmth, mood and congenial¬ ity. The food is superb: the ser¬ LESS. vice. excellent. Painter Pants Reservations suggested. Now SK 372-4300 izza Sw inisiiifs Free evening parking Downtown, 1 aa-asso block east of the Capitol Now I I iV I I Short-shorts Now s(» to sO Searves A Dags Now I tos10 FitFF SPIItFI SIIOF SAFE!!! SPMVfkK SI MMI II S\M)\I S 1 11 \o« slll" -s2Ti7 Suit! Sport Coots Dross Shirts Entire Stock Iteltrr jcHcIn I'rom f li«> Sport Shirts II Wll lt\ \ W I I Casual Slacks >:t (ill Jeans I SI \(.iii It.ml. 4 .iriU 6 Mkhigon Stole News, East lonsing, Michigon Thursday, July 7, 1977 JOE CAMP'S 'FOR THE LOVE OF BENJI' Sometimes dog should bite director What follows it the first of a huge Doberman, harried by dren in the theater were really The only sequence which or candy stand at regular two-part tenet on children'! humans, and harrassed by end- frightened for Benji, that is, works perfectly is also the most intervals, but maybe that is the moviet thowing in the Lansing less helicopter tracking shots. when they were not bored by traditional. In it, a hungry Benji point. Perhaps Joe Camp area. Joe Camp has immersed his the interminably slow pace of swipes a string of sausages should apply himself to a study By BYRON BAKER canine star in an overproduced the film, from a butcher, and outruns his of the Disney films, which are ud KATHY ESSELMAN melodrama that 'obscures Ben- out-of-breath pursuers. It is meticulously paced to accomo¬ Joe Camp directed this hack- State News Reviewers ji's very real charm, and need- neyed spy stuff, mostly con- charming, realistic and wholly date short attention spans. He Most major film lessly frightens small movie- cerning a renegade adventurer conventional in style and sub¬ should take into consideration entertain¬ ment of the last 10 years goers who tend to empathize who secretes vital security stance. Camp is only making his the need for tight pacing, and primarily geared to adult tastes worry less about panoramic and sensibilities and younger vistas. In For the Love of Benji, he people — part of what the industry labels the "family Joe Camp has immersed his canine star in an overproduced melodrama interprets Athens as a pastel trade" — have been extremely that obscures Benji's very real charm, and needlessly frightens small poster replete with classical limited in their choice of motion moviegoers who tend to empathize with the dog and fear for his survival antiquities and an exotic for¬ ' picture fare. The family audi¬ eign tongue. His next film will when he is cold, hungry and separated from his family in a foreign land. also be filmed in a foreign ence has primarily been under This is the stuff to wring terror from the hearts of people dependent for locale, MC and the Legend of the jurisdiction of the Walt Disney studios, with several their very survival on the whims of fortune, since they are too young to Forever Snow, will be filmed in rustic independents making for¬ fend for themselves. Bavaria — onlv this time the title animal is a feline — in ays into the field with various Benji poaes affectionately with his "father," trainer Frank Inn. nature documentaries, woodsy a father-daughter-cat story, romances and pseudo-scientific which Camp characterizes as a speculations. "contemporary fairy tale." Lately, the trend seems to be with the dog and fear for his third film, and at this point The actors support the dog. secrets on Benji's paw with a 349-7700 MtRlDIAH MALL drifting in the other direction, survival when he is cold, hun¬ displays neither a knowledge The children look properly con¬ , reverence inappropriate to the State News ' as demonstrated by the tre¬ gry and separated from his premise. The film suffers from of, or an instinct for, the tight, cerned but the villains overact jMMBMM MB AC—SS WOat "w BAtlttTASl" mendous popularity and broad family in a foreign land. This is of the rampant cutes as sharp editing and pacing neces¬ with unnecessary zeal. Ed Nel¬ audience appeal of such recent the stuff to wring terror from a case well from almost terminal sary in a kidflick to prevent the son turns in his first mediocre Newsline releases as Rocky and Star the hearts of people dependent as audience from going to the performance in years as chief I Four outlaws.. overproduction. The individual 353-3382 Wars. But feature films espe¬ cially designed for the family for their very survival on the whims of fortune, since they segments have been construc¬ ted with blithe disregard for Coke machine and the popcorn j risk the only market will continue to be are too young to fend for cinematic convention and com- | thing they have produced, two kidflicks as exemplified by currently in re¬ themselves. A number of chil- J left to lose. lease. For the Love of Benji, J IMM from Dallas-based Mulberry Square Productions, which gave us Benji and last year's RHARHAJMRHA &-.! Starring ROY SCHEIDER Hawmps and The Rescuers, the first animated feature to come from the Walt Disney PRESENTS ( lOea MMSMIM MfttlMEfMlsSul studios in four years. In For the Love of Benji, the film industry's current Ursa {"'MASH'ISTHE BEST j Major finds himself separated from his loved ones and in¬ j AMERICAN WAR volved in a complicated spy tCOMEDY SINCE melodrama in the ruins of the Parthenon, no less. It is a superspy plot which ensnares I SOUND CAME Benji in a morass identities, microdots and of mistaken mur¬ I IN derous chase scenes. The poor, fluffy mutt is pursued at break- nect pace through the streets of Athens. Benji is menaced by a ATMKfMN mwtW Ex¬ cellent pay. insurance, and re¬ tirement benefits available I MAS H I An Infoftemiigff Production DONAID SUTHERLAND ELLIOTT GOULD TOM SKERRITT Louis Edwards - J CetomMUT KUIMMR SORITOUVIU 0'jn*uc MM MUttM .Michigan Air National Guard. DmcMM Sew*** Call 5)7-489-9169 after 6 P.M., MGOPftMMGfR ROBERT ALTAIAN RING LAPDNER, Jr Tuesday through Friday. Calk Today I . I '».«•«■*•<*»«wi iWMOdftriuwu Color by OE LUXE® PANAVISION* mP Haircutters TONIGHT TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOUI Tonight July 7,106 B Wells 7:30 & 9:30 * 22251. Grand Rivor $1.25 : Students, Faculty A Staff Welcome « (Groesbeck area) * NEXT WEEK: "BUTCH CASSIDY" j 1417^1. Michigan Ave. (Lansing) 2n_ IJMrOIEWI TwilMs tIMAMMIts $1.8 Owners: Above Bancroft Flowers NO SEA MONSTER Carole and Don Satterfield 487-6655 | OFMYTHOR LEGEND IS HALF SO DEADLY AS ONE THAT ACTUALLY EXISTS! featwe 7:35-9:15 \A0XY ALLEN DIANE KEATON TENTACLB5 TONY ROBERTS JOHN HUSTON SHELLEY WINTERS BO HOPKINS CESARE DANOVA ALAN BOYD CLAUDE AKINS 'ANNIE HENRY FONDA kSMSUMSMS Tallin WttlSMilts JIM | HALL' ~ aunwt*u»asT*cuossreeaiweeuc THE INCREDIBLE SPECTACLE OF MEN AND WAR! fovcpli I:. I cvine . .. ABRIDGE Last^lycoati A Romance h»M'pD I IOO EAR tk has the poser ANKIIXil IIX)IAl( to mete anyone's dreem come |nmcs(«m» true_| MkIuhI ( aim- Van ( iniik-i > I thvaixi I o\ except his own. I I IIkmi (eould (iciH lUkm.ui AhiImmh Hopkins Robert De Nirnl ll.mhkn.jM IaiiiviHcOlivier Kvaii OMcnl NhIkh KulftNil Maximilian Vhcll I it (III maim 113 ISO®. Twillte 4:16445 Milts HJB At 1:00-3:05-5:15-7:35-9:40 "The Year's Best Movie 'Stat Wan' hat brought fun back to the moviai and DAZZLING glowingly demontlraled they still can make 'em like ihey uied lo. A grand and glorioui film." from the ADVENTURE... depths of Devil's Bayou! WALT DISNEY ptoouctiohs' THE —tw animaled comedy-lhrlller At 2:15 MWkHMMi / HAWusoNFonocwjeftHen s . _ 1LlS1»L4SmiH»7«Ultl1S1HS " lcchnicotof" [G]'t!> 9:00 ill 4454:15 Hf I Michigan Stole Newt, EoH Lonolng, Michigon Thursday, July 7, 1977 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 Clailifted Advertising ApartiHts Ifyl flpirfwls W\ j Htm j;fc| [ For SaiT V For Sale |f^| Information SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for MSU students. 15-20 hours/week. 348 Oakhill, summer 2 bedrooms, HUGE APARTMENT, large living TWO UNIT house, 5 bedrooms MID-MICHIGAN'S largest dealer $156, 3-5192. Inquire fall rates, room, kitchen, study. Furnished, total. 635 Mifflin, in quality used stereo 347 Student Services Automobile required. 339-9500 parking, $375. equipment, Bldg. 332-2497. 4-7-8 (3) IPHONE355-8 C-13-7-29 (12) utilities paid. 2/4 person. $240/ month, summer, 520 Linden, 332- 485-4917, lease-deposit. 8-7-11 13) TV's, CB's, camera's, vintage electric and acoustic guitars and 410 WEST Saginaw. Immediate 3361. 8 7-15 (4) MODELi WANTED! $8/hou7 We new 1 bedroom, $175. 351-8058; THREE BEDROOM, full basement, amps. New Shure Vocalmaster PA RATES will train. 489-2278. 2-3-28-26 garage, 5 minutes to campus. systems, mikes, and accessories. 1 13) 351-9091. 4 7-8 13) ALBERT STREET Apartments. New and used rifles and DAYS day-909 per line Available July 15. $225/month. shotguns, Large 2 bedroom, 4 person, air Call 482 0580. 8 7-15 (41 1969 SUNFISH sailboat, excellent tools, sporting goods, jewelry, 3 days -809 per line BABYSITTER IN my home DELUXE DUPLEX, 3 bedroom, conditioned, furnished. 1 block condition, 3 year old sail. $500. bicycles, typewriters. Also, 500 6 days-759 per line through July. Mon.-Wed.-Fri. dining room, garage, basement, from campus. Fall. Call 351-4103. SUMMER ONLY, 922 Eureka, 2 Call Peter, 332-6521. 3-7-11 (31 used 8-track tapes, $1.00 each. t days • 709 per line mornings. Tues.-Thur. until 3 p.m. available Sept. 1st. Near LCC, 13 7-29 (4) Over 1000 recycled stereo albums. Must drive, references. 349-3083 story, 4 bedrooms, $220/month. 485-4576, 669 3331 evenings. 3-7- Call 485-8615. 6-7-7 131 BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. BUY. SELL, TRADE. WILCOX 8-7-11 (41 11 (41 HASLETT, 1-bedroom, modem, Approximately 6 yards delivered TRADING POST, 509 E. Michigan. Line rate per Insertion appliances, laundry facilities, $165 3 BEDROOM, 2 baths, $200. locally. $39. Sand and landscape Lansing, 485-4391. C-13-7-29 1 BEDROOM, furnished or not. plus utilities, 339-6417. 8-7-20 I3I rocks available. Call 641-6024.; Parking, lease-deposit, 485-4917. $165 with utilities, kids and pets 484-3379. X-0-12-7-29 I5I WOMAN'S 10 speed bicycle, 19" 8-7-15 I3I gasoline station in E. Lansing. welcome. 339-9551. 3-7-11 (3I MSU BLOCK east, beautiful one I ,U.... 3 lines - '4.0(7 • 5 days. 80' per line over Must be reliable, with references, bedroom, unfurnished. 351-9549. MALE NEEDED to share 3 bed¬ COMIC BOOKS, Science fiction, frame, used once, $90. 332-1230. 8-7-8- (3) experience preferred. Call Mr. 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. Rupnow, 485-2285 days, 484-2734 PINILAKI 8-7-20 131 room house, $70 plus 1/3 utilities. baseball cards, much morel! CUR¬ IOUS USED BOOK SHOP, 307 Price ol item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum Call 882-7631. 5-7-13 I3I nights. 4-7-8 171 I sole price of *50. APARTMENTS 6080Marsh Rd. FIVE ROOM apartment, to MSU. Available August 2nd. V4 block 117 OAKHILL. 5 bedroom, utilities East Grand River. 332-0112. (open 1T30-6 p.m.L C-U-7-29J5I L finals \jM\ ■ „ personal ads • 3 lines • '2.25 - per insertion. PHYSICIAN NEEDS take charge Very clean and attractive with ENGLISH SETTER pups, AKC, Meridian paid. $500/month, discount for I 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). person to run office and assist, will fi^ll Area many windows, garage. 332-0743. summer only. 349-3841. 3 7-8 (3) SEWING MACHINE SALE-Guar- ready for fall hunting, guaranteed train. Send and salary anteed used machines. Complete¬ resume '165 plus utiltles 6-7-15 (51 to hunt. 676-5429 after 7 ■hmniage/Garage Sale ads • 4 lines - '2.50. required to Box A-1, State News. FIVE ANO Six bedroom furnished ly reconditioned. $39.95 and up. 6-7-7 (31 p.m. I 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. 3-7-7 (6) * on« bedroom unfurnished NORTH POINTE APARTMENTS- homes for fall term, two blocks EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CO. Iloond Town ads • 4 iines • '2.50 - per insertion. * G.E. appliances East Lansing. Now Leasing sum¬ from campus. Call Craig Gibson 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. E)ABY BOA $25. Haitian Boa, I 63'per line over 4 lines. BRIDAL SALES-mature person * Fully carpeted mer leases. 3 to 12 month leases. and leave message, 627-9773. C 3-7-11 (23) price negotiable. Also, mice Lit I Founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines - '1.50 • part-time. Permanent only. Bridal * Air, drapes 1250 Haslett Road at 69, Furnished 2-10-7-13 15) SINGLE BED frame. New! wanted. 351 4837. E-5-7-13 (3) B - or womens and apparel retail experi¬ * adjacent to new county park unfurnished, newly per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. ence required. BRIDE'S SHOW¬ modeled, 1 and 2 bedroom. Also, re¬ EAST LANSING - Summer, 2 Originally $125, now $90. 337-1553 LABRADOR RETRIEVER black, between 5-7 p.m. 6-7-18 131 CASE, 1047 E. Grand River, E. efficiencies, spacious rooms, fully rooms in house. Negotiable. Call AKC registered, 7 weeks, 2 males. Lansing. 3-7-8 16) carpeted, air conditioned, heat 332-3667; 351-2831 after 6 $60 each. 351-5918. 3-7-8 (3) p.m. Deadlines and water furnished, large laundry 8-7 11 131 14' FLYING JUNIOR sailboat with RESIDENT COUNSELOR/Mana- 339-8192 facilities, suburban living at its trailer. Extra sails, fiberglass. Good THREE MALE Siamese kittens, Js-Jp.m. • 1 class day before publication, ger for 16 mentally handicapped finest. Swimming pool, beautiful IDEAL HOME for family with small condition, $950. 351-4147 after 5 seal-point, litter-trained, All need incellotion/Change • I p.m. - 1 class day before 655-3805 p.m. 5-7 15 (41 women and men in an active grounds, charcoal grills, picnic children. Conviently located for good homes, $20. 332 0191. E-5-7- publication. developmental program of group VILLA MONTE-Sublet apartment tables. Starting at $150/month. MSU and downtown Lansing 2 SQUINTING" CAUSES wrinkles, 13 (3) jnceod is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed community living. Degree and for 1 year starting August 1st. For appointment call Leo or bedrooms down, one up. 372- help prevent with prescription ..re until after 1st insertion. is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per experience preferred also super¬ visory and program development Living room with beautiful balcony view, dining room, kitchen, fully Virginia, 332-6354. 0-2-7-7 1171 9576. 8-7-8 151 FURNISHED ONE bedroom, quiet ground sunglasses. DISCOUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, OPTICAL Mobile Hons H skills. Salary $8000-59000 plus FEMALE ROOMMATE needed MUblLb MUMfcS and MSU stu¬ additional change for maximum of 3 changes, furnished and decorated. One location. $150 lease-deposit, utili¬ Lansing, Mi. 372-7409. C-3-7-8 apartment, meals other fringe starting September. Own large 1171 dents make a great pair! Let the person or couple, no pets. $375/ ties extra, married couple only, he Slate News will only be responsible for the 1st benefits. Contact Pamela Fuhrig month. For room, Okemos. $102/month STATE NEWS bring you together. more information call available September. 332-8913. day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must Director, MOORE LIVING CEN¬ includes heat and water. 349-4635. GIRLS WARDS bicycle, good Call Barb at 355-8255 and sell your Marie, 669-5041 or LONG REAL¬ 8-7-22 161 be made within 10 days of expiration date, TER, 1401 Edgewood, Lansing, 3-7-8 I4I condition, $75. Call anytime 882- mobile home fast! S-8-7-15 (6) 48910. 393-4442. 6-7-7(141 TY, 669-2851. 6-7-15 (101 lis are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not CAMPUS NEAR, furnished, living 4957, weekends after 5 p.m. 3-7-8 CLOSE, ONE girl needed. Real (31 15 MINUTES MSU-1968 Marietta, ACROSS FROM campus. Effi¬ room, kitchen, bedroom, baths, nice house, washer/dryer. $90. paid by due dote, a 50' late service charge will 2 MALE students to share 2 ciency and 12 x 60 with appliances. Must sell, bedroom apartment in exchange one bedroom, reason¬ $120 plus utilities. ED2-5374. 3-7-7 Call 676-4819; 349-4877. 5-7-15 13) 482 8254 3-7-8 (3) be due. for maintenance work. 351-3927. able. Call 349-9603, 8:30-4:30 Monday-Friday. 8-7-20 (41 r for Sale 0-4-7-8 (41 EAST LANSING 3 rooms fur¬ ' Houses ](£j I Roois If/*] NEW, USED and vintage guitars, banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers RICHARDSON-USED, partly fur¬ nished, shed, skirting. Low lot rent. $4500. 15 minutes MSU. RESIDENT MANAGER Position nished, excellent condition, 5 FARMHOUSE IN Mason. Room and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ 351-7335 between 10am-2pm. 3-7- opening, East Lansing student motorcycles J complex. Looking for married blocks to campus. Business or faculty only. No smoking or pets. NEW, FURNISHED, 4 bedroom. $200/month-summer. Fall option for rent p.m. immediately. Call after 7 676-5429. 6-7-7 131 sories, books, thousands of hard- to-find albums. (All at very low couple. Wife to be full-time hus¬ $400. 339-2961 after 6 p.m. 8-7-8 band part-time. Must be handy ED2-1300. 3-7-8 151 prices). Private and group lessons TRAVEL TRAILER, 16' Shaster. 131 Self contained, liquid propane gas Gf CHARGER 1976. Like and ambitious. Free on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all HARLEY DAVIDSON XLCH apartment styles. Gift certificates. Expert and electricity. $1175. 655-3701. ■. only 19,000 miles. Black on 1 Automatic power steering/ Sportster. Black, 1974,4100 actual mites. Must sell, new one coming. plus salary. Phone 349-5430 after 6 p.m. 0-4-7-8 181 Only a lew left!! DUPLEX FOR rent. $215/month. 2 bedroom, kitchen with refrigerator ROOM IN large house. $60'- repairs - free estimates. ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand 3-7-8 14) I* Radio, white sidewells. 489-7349. 8-7-22 141 and stove, living room, dining 1)13600.332-2090, ask for Ed *3-7-817) SUZUKI 380, 1975. 3500 miles AVON-TOO many bills? Pay them all and have money to spare with Waters Edge area, garage, beautiful land¬ month. Unfurnished, kitchen and main rooms shared. 332-6441 River. 332-4331. C-13-7-29 (49) j Lost t Foiii • Reduced Summer rent scaped. 482-3367 between 10am- with windscreen, excellent condi¬ AVON earnings. 482-6893. C-3-7-7 5pm. 4-7-8 (6I 8-7JJ32 FOUND: YOUNG male, Irish Set¬ KiE VAN 1967, good condi- tion, large box on rear. Must sell. 131 from'160 Attention oudiophiles — check ter. Must identify. 351-9294, 351- NEW COMMUNITY Co-op has 0,000 miles, 6 cylinder. • Two and four WALK TO campus. Large 4 out these buys. Morontz model 487-^1980.3-7-11 J31_ man openings for summer. Nice place, 19 receiver with 3729. 2-7-7 (3) RlWaftet 5 p.m. 8-7-15 13) 1975 YAMAHA 650, mint condi¬ RUSSIAN TYPIST wanted by apartments bedroom house. 2 baths, 229 cheap. 343 Albert, 361-3820. 3-7- oscilloscope- Russian Language Journal. Hours tuner, new $1,200 now just • Walk to campua Collingwoorf. Reduced for sum¬ 11 131 LOST: IRISH setter, 6 months old. IB 1974,6 cylinder automa¬ tion, 900 miles, $1100 or best offer. arranged, good wages. Call Pro¬ $600. Morontz 2440 and Sansui mer to $2S0/month. Call EQUITY Lost north of East Lansing. If te! condition, $1600. Call Phone 351-0426. S-5-7-8 131 fessor Sendich, 355-8365 office, 6500 amplifiers. We also hove 1050 Water's Edge VEST, 484-9472. 0-1-7-7 (51 LARGE ROOM, for 1 or 2, close to found return to 830 Lake Lansing rigs 332-8744. 5-7-8 131 337-0162 home. 3-7-11 15) campus, washer/dryer. No pets. Infinity, Morontz. Sansui. Pio¬ HARLEY SPORTSTER 1975, 7600 (next to Cedar Village) FEMALE OWN in 337-2546. 3-7-8 13) neer and Criterion speakers. Rd. or call 351-8951. S-5-7-15 (3) room duplex, miles, some extras. Contact RESIDENT MANAGER, couple for Akoi reel to reel ond Teoc srs; if you are 332*4432 near campus, rent negotiable, cas¬ ed with your car, please Charles Johnson. 393-7933 after East Lansing student apartments. furnished. 351-6237 evenings. 3-7- FIVE ROOMS available, carpeted, sette recorders. Stop in ond Summer Leases bctOavid Guthrie at 339-2907. 5:30 p.m. 10-7-20 (41 Furnished apartment plus salary. 8(31 check out these ond many other CLOSE TO East Lansing, one and furnished, free laundry, dish¬ Send resume to Box 8-2 State two bedroom apartments for sum¬ washer, reasonable. Campus near. great deals. UN IK 1974 BMW 900/6 Vetter II. Fairing News. 4-7-13 (51 ROOMMATE NEEDED, own 332-1946. 0-3-7-8 141 252 River Street mer and fall, furnished or un¬ f FAIRLANE. 1965. 55,000 32,000 miles. Superb running con¬ room, nice yard with screened Irith snow tires, good condi- furnished. VILLAGE APTS., Oke¬ 2 WOMEN needed in house, nice Dicker and Deal CtfrViffAptMits dition, $2200. Serious calls only, PROJECT COORDINATOR Full¬ mos. Call afternoons and evening. porch. Rent negotiable. Available 13901. Grand River ■al 355-3236. 3-7-8 131 649-8723. 5-7-8 (4) time. Experience in administration 349-4067. 7-7-8 161 now. 337-1408. 3-7-7 I4I and close, pets welcome. $70/ month. 332-3862 after 6 p.m. llurSIO ipNNts and human services. Interest in b STATIONWAGON 1970, youth advocacy and have grant ONE OR two men needed for DUPLEX 7 bedrooms, 2 baths, X-8-7-15 (31 204 filver Street let, new tires, 73,000 miles, 13494168. 5-7-8131 I Arti Soviet HZ] management skills. Bachelors or two years experience required. apartment, close to campus. 332- 4432. X-8 7-8 13) summer $325, fall Snyder. 332-3172. 4-7-8 (3) $500. 1522 SUMMER SUBLEASE, only $40 a MmNlptMts IWO t.Grond lllv.r month. Great house and nice 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. Hunan WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top Salary $15,000. Equal Opportunity IprtMts IN GHIA 1972. yellow, LOW SUMMER rates. 3, 4 bed people, own room, 482-3289. 3-7-7 Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. 1121 Victor Stre-M dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE Employer. Send resumes to: NICE HALF apartment. Excellent (31 J condition, asking $1600. rooms near Frandor, 5 bedrooms Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 AUTO PARTS 6 SALVAGE. 0-13- MICHIGAN COALITION OF RUN location, student preferred. $75/ and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING |!pi. 337-0327. 3-7-8 (31 7-29 131 AWAY SERVICES, 2843)4 E. month. 489-7085. 8-7-8 (31 in East Lansing. 372-1336 5-7-8131 EAST LANSING-own room in big COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, Grand River, E. Lansing, Ml., house. Furnished, appliances, GROVE TWO ROOMS in large house for opposite City Market. C-13-7-29 WISER 1976-10,000 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East 48823. 517-351-9595. 5-7-15 1131 STREET, 3 bedroom, garden. $75/month plus utilities. 1241 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. $150/month, summer only. Deck, summer, fall option. Rent nego¬ No lease. 337-9512. 3-7-7 (41 332-5322 Moos, radio, Tuff-Kote. fireplace, spacious, 361-0997. 2-3- tiable. 351-6540. 8-7-15 1431 Complete auto painting and colli¬ f » best otter. 351-7389. Capitol Villa Apartments sion service. American and foreign cars. 485-0266. C-13-7-29 1201 LteMJlffl 7-7 (31 FURNISHED HOUSE for rent. TWO FEMALES needed to share four person apartment in Waters HAMMOND ORGAN Series T, 1 year old, brand new sold for $3000 1444 E. Grand (War September-June. Faculty on fOMPG 1975, 4-speed. FM TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. FALL-ONE female needed to sub¬ leave. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car Edge this fall. Call 337-1284. 5-7-7 will take best offer. 321 -5942.6-7-8 332-5330 P> cassette. Excellent condi- ELIMINATE TUNE-UPS. Replace $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- lease apartment in old Cedar ■ 1010. C-13-7-291121 garage in Lansing but adjacent to sell. 694-6873 or 1-543- your conventional ignition with a Village with three others. Contact East Lansing. Only responsible ganer 6 p.m. 8-7-20 (4) Piranha electronic ignition at Val, 351-9338. 4-7-8 15) SEETHE families need to inquire. 374-6777. _ K 1970 Ouster, $500. CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN CAR PARTS. 2606 East Kalama¬ | IpirtiMU |[y| 6 MINUTES MSU. cozy furnished one bedroom in Lansing. Includes 5-7-13 (71 "iOnion 500'' 10 Speed Bargain Hunters' zoo Street, one mile west of ALL ALLOY COMPONENTS, Q/R HUBS, Eg"*- ■fc Call after 5:30 p.m. campus. 487-5066. C-13-7-29 128) NEED ONE or two females for utilities and parking. $165/month. IDEAL FOR 4 or more! Large 3 Dream for Summer 7-7-8131 bedroom furnished home with Rer. I 1st 85 LB' TIRES apartment near campus. 332-4432. 482 9226. 8-7-15 (4) finished attic, 1 Vi baths, formal N CONVERTIBLE ~1974 JUNK CARS wanted. We pay X-8-7-8 131 dining room, fireplace, garage. $160.00 Now $145.00 more if they run. Also buy used ONE AND two bedrooms in JWwndiiion, $4800 or best Includes refrigerator, stove and l'W-3394.8-7-15 131 cars and trucks. 489-3080. C-13-7- 29 (14) FEMALE room ROOMMATE, 2 bed¬ apartment, pool. Call 349- 3466. 3-7-7 (31 modern eight unit. Furnished and unfurnished. Call 372-0297. 8-7-11 13) washer. 8 minutes to 482-9226. 8-7-15 (7) campus, Velocipede Lowest prices in town for large clean 2 ■rt-L^owrAM/ MALE NEEDED for 3-man apart¬ SUBLET ROOM in nice house- BEAUTIFUL SINGLE room in Peddler bedroom furnished ment at Twyckingham for summer East Lansing. $60/month, 337- coed house. Rent negotiable, 541L Grand River 351-7240 units. immediate occupancy. 332-3678. BOOKKEEPER-GENERAL ledger. term, 351-9390. 3-7-7 13) PUCElica 1972. Ai^. Mteh- Position available for responsible 0291. 8-7-15 (31 7-7-13 131 Jrr'speed, AM/FM, excel- person. 2 years experience re¬ MALE ROOMMATE needed sum¬ te** ca|1351- quired in all phases of bookkeep¬ Immediate CEDAR mer and or fall. Vary close, call OX-S-5-7-UJ4I ing. Expertise in reconciliation of Ron, 351-0120. B-1-7-7 (3) Occupancy t^lCAST 1972, 45,000 accounts desirable. Excellent fringe benefits and working condi¬ »tT5,S,di,ion' 4 speed. NO LEASE, duplex, own room. GREENS tions. Near airport location. Call f 332-2,63. Keep Mon.-Fri. 321-7913, E.O.E. 8-7-15 $100/month, $100 deposit. Utili¬ ONLY 110) ties, 351-7068. 6-7-7 131 THEY WENT THAT-A-WAY...TO NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER and FALL New 1976 \msm COLLINGWOOD SPECIAL SUMMER RATES *160°° JOIN the gang at APTS!! 1971. 1iimm Per Month Rabbit R Inn. Air k'tK '"»$. surface • rWNIIHU APAITMIHTI •» rust! Burcham Woods e 1MMON UNITS afl« 5 p.m. 8-7-13 1206 Oakland * air conditioned • ONI BIDOOOM UNITS Deluxe Model Call tor Appt. Now leasing for * dishwasher e AM C0NDITI0NIN4 Beechwoed for fall and summer * ]0 '3,995 oik about our limited IV4-4411 * Heated pool * shag carpeting unlimited parking e SWIMMINO POOL Apartments fe:?" °nagency. * Lansing's leading repair shop Air conditioning * plush furniture motorcycle on life tin ramt oil infernal lubricated lor import cors. A complete * * Tennis courts * model open daily ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES parts department and certilied Ample parking angina parts mechanics assure you at tost * Nicely furnished for rental 351-2798 reliable service Now leasing information Ke,s8ra'k975' fcllOO.Atterc H000 ck' S|ssv bar, Cook Horriman dh ^ 1 bedroom units * 150 Summer and Fall |'J|4, Pr"- 332-2418! VW VOLVO MAZDA 745 Burcham Cnll 351-1282 351-8631 (also leasing for Fall) ^SdB^^es, (behind Rollerworld 1135 Michigan Ave. Right next to the 3-7 ? extras. $1800. 351-3118 on the river!) E. Lansing, ML Brody Complex Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I niiMSHJ- Ptrsml ||71 WANTED: BUYER for $470 credit for diamond ring or buy ring for $350. More details, 351-5796.3-7-8 (41 United Airlines OKs DDT progra most agricultural uses in 1972 tion (ATA), which re„*j thing is safe," said United em United States. the Department of Agriculture, spokesperson said the depart¬ WASHINGTON (AP) - ment could order a plane because it posed "an unaccept¬ airlines, met for an hour] HAVING A Bachelor party? Let us spokesperson James Linse who The infestation was so strong the Federal Aviation Adminis¬ United Airlines dropped its able risk to man and his representatives of the DJ help, dancers-entertainment. Call had said earlier that the airlines at Dulles and at Pittsburgh's tration (FAA) and an airline grounded "as a last resort" if DIAL A DATE ESCORT SERVICE. opposition Wednesday to a beetles were found aboard and environment." ment of Agriculture DDT dusting program for would not go along with the airports and at two Air Force industry association, the FAA A TWA flight left Dulles for FAA. ■ 1-782-5858 after 4 p.m. X-Z-6-7-8 bases that the department de¬ announced: the airline refused to dust. But flights leaving Dulles Airport, program begun July 4. Los Angeles in the morning E.L. Thomas, ATA u 151 The dusting program was or¬ clared the airports hazardous "Based on the present con¬ flights left Dulles without being thereby avoiding a confronta¬ dusted. without being sprayed. An vice president for dered by the Department of and required spraying when¬ centration of DDT in the spray eagh, tion with the government Airlines, which airline spokesperson said "the told the Real Estate A beetles found being used to counter the United government o which insisted on the measure Agriculture after officials in ever were on government didn't ask us to." the airlines had two California found both live and planes departing for points Japanese beetle problem, the sprayed its planes Sunday and concern! to prevent the spread of Japa¬ FAA feels there is no hazard to Monday, halted the practice American Airlines said its the health of passenger.! ONLY TWO houses left at re¬ beetles to the West Coast. dead Japanese beetles on west of the Mississippi, princi¬ duced rates for summer. One 4 nese "It was only a matter of planes arriving from Dulles. pally to California. flight safety. We will continue until the government gives flights also were leaving Dulles crew members and the tnf bedroom, one 5 bedroom. $200/ The beetle is a dread crop pest After a meeting Wednesday, to monitor the program." assurance the pesticide is safe without being sprayed. corrosive effect to ahmij month, small deposit. Call 351- getting straightened out in An Agriculture Department to use. DDT was banned for The Air Transport Associa- the aircraft by long term J concentrated in the northeast- attended by representatives of 4107. 0-10-7-22 151 everyone's mind that every¬ promotedl COLONIAL 3-bedroom, 2 A baths, 2230 square feet, formal living and dining areas, family room with Football tickets fireplace. Professionally land¬ scaped. 15minutesfromMSUand downtown. By owner, 669-3030 after 5 p.m. 8-7-11(7) ORGANIC MINI-Farm. Haslett Questions arise over vaccine Icontinued from page 5) the first time in Newsweek, Time and Sports Illustrated. was on par with previous But that was for games and the biggest 0nly| loj J school district. 4 ecres, pole bam. "We felt there's a new coach come at the third game] Many extras, 675-7295. 8-7-8 (31 ATLANTA (AP) - Gov¬ tial for giving us problems." 31,000 for the s s period known to affect the fetus, sible effects of the vaccine and a new optimism so we last year more than | ernment recommendations Public health officials us¬ last year. Hinman said, but there is no on fetal development are should do a few things dif¬ student tickets were soldi LANSING COUNTRY Club. Se¬ for use of measles vaccine ually recommend the vac¬ The mortality rate is a- information to indicate the unknown at this time. When ferently," Beardsley said. soldout Notre Dame gamj cluded 4 bedroom colonial. 3200 differ from directions writ¬ cine for anyone facing the bout one in 1,000 but the vaccine has such an effect. vaccination of postpubertal "We're also mailing out bro¬ first three games were all square feet, acre lot. Located on golf course. Paul Coady-351-8058, ten by a manufacturer, and risk of measles, including disease also can cause per¬ "I do not know of any data females is undertaken, preg¬ chures to all parents of in-- coming students." He also add¬ at a cost of two, create another loss which] MUSSELMAN REALTY-332-3582. the discrepancy could affect pregnant women. manent brain damage. since! to indicate a risk to a woman nancy at the time of vaccina¬ ed that a 20 billboards advertis¬ has not been done previa] C-4-7-8 (61 the inoculation of pregnant who may become pregnant," tion must be ruled out, and women, the federal Center But Merck, Sharpe and Hinman said government recommendations are made he said. "There are no in addition, the possibility of ing campaign in the Lansing will begin soon. Smith said that in he first began settin 196e] 3 BEDROOM ranch near MSU. 2 Dohme Inc., of West Point, area for Disease Control (CDC) fireplaces, screened-in porch, nice Pa., the nation's only manu¬ by the Bureau of Biologies of studies that show the vac¬ pregnancy occurring in the Of the first three season calendar, he pointed o» said Wednesday. the Food and Drug Adminis¬ cine has any affect on the three months following vac¬ yard. By owner, $37,500. 337- facturer of the vaccine called tickets that went on sale to problems of early home !o_ 1451. 3-7-8 141 tration on advice from the fetus." cination must be eliminated students in the spring (the games to then Provost H J The difference came to Attenuvax, said in its direc¬ light only recently, when tions on the package that it Advisory Committee on Im¬ by medically accepted meth¬ other three, including the Mich¬ Neville. LANTERN HILL area. 1 acre lot, 3 munization Practices of the A ods." New Mexico withdrew re¬ should not begiven pregnant spokesperson for igan game, will be sold at fall But Smith said Neville, bedrooms, 1A baths, fireplace, price in low 40's. By owner. quirements that females 12 females or to a female who Public Health Service and Merck, Sharpe and Dome The spokesperson said, registration) only 1,000 were him, "Never mind footbl will become pregnant during the American Committee on said the statement was put sold. has nothing to do with thl 351-1771. 3-7-8 (4) years old and over be inocu¬ "The company realizes this lated against measles before a three-month period after Pediatrics. into the package "because of Beardsley said the sales rate you set the calendar." ROSELAND, EAST Lansing, near the theoretical risk to the discrepancy exists. We have they enter school, the center receiving the inoculation. He said government of¬ long been in discussion with MSU, 3 bedrooms, living room, fetus." dining room, 1A baths, full base¬ Public health authorities ficials will meet soon for the CDC and our medical ment, fedbed, gas and electricity. 351-1572. X-3-7-8 (51 "It sort of slipped up on us," said Dr. Allen Hinman, have expressed concern over the increase in measles "clarification" of the conflict. "We are going to consider The package statement says: the people, legal people and project manager are going MSU needs NB's Hunter director of CDC's Bureau of with nearly 48,000 cases the problem as it exists," he to Atlanta next week to that honc| )[jjj (continued from page 5) sources say "Do not give Attenuvax to further discuss a way to licreiliw Immunization, of the discre¬ already reported for the said. mention, ail-American hi pancy. "It has some poten- compared with about The disease itself is pregnant females, the pos- resolve this." year, Last year MSU had to pro¬ A1 Hunter of Notre D LEARN TO Ride at a friendly mote basketball and this year it stable with small classes for more has to worry about being able suspended from week because he I school] personal attention. Hunt, seat, to accomodate everybody. It school regulation of htvl jumping and dressage. $7.00/hour. boils down to something called Call HI HOPES FARM. 663-8036. the law of supply and demand. woman in his dormitory I 1 8-7-8 161 Service Jj^j Alaskan pipeline springs nitrogen leak But Beardsley said that he expects they will be able to handle everybody. He also said after 1 a.m. Hunter will be a big the Irish as Notre Dami make a run at the No. lri iJ 3:30 lllotchGome ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) to resume by Thursday. The to enter the pipe in a warmer, was reported, a main ^ line He noted that if repairs were that all seats will be on a RELIABLE HAULING, trash and The accidental injection of welds had to be examined by gaseous form. In that state, the booster pump at Pump Station completed by early Thursday reserved basis. Which is a good with its improved team.] local moving. Call 353-7947 any¬ first] — year Hunter was the time. 4-7-11 (3) liquid nitrogen at 290 degrees x-rays before the pumping nitrogen would have adopted No. 1 had broken down. But the oil movement will still be a idea since it will save the Dame back to gain overl below zero into a section of the could resume. the temperature of the pipe. Alyeska said the pump break¬ day ahead of schedule. Oil students from waiting outside FREE...A Lesson in complexion yards in a season with l,l| trans-Alaska oil pipeline was Engineers originally had at¬ The denser liquid nitrogen down did not contribute to the began moving through the pipe¬ Jenison hours before the doors He is expected to i|, care. Can 484-4519 East Michigan the cause of a "break of a brutal tributed the leak to the failure concentrated in the lowest por¬ nitrogen leak. The pump has line June 20, and Alyeska said open so they can make a mad or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE suspension and try to he] nature" that has forced a two- of a l'/i-inch drain plug, tion of the pipe, 20 feet below been repaired. this break is the "first real dash for the choice general mitted to school, which NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. J day shutdown of the pipeline, though they had said excava¬ the surface within a few feet of The oil was stopped about 15 problem." admission seats. C-13-7-29 (181 officials said Wednesday. tion was necessary to confirm Pump Station No. 8, at milepost miles north of Pump Station Alyeska has said it will take Except for the few fans that Dame officials say isn't lif Save yourself all the tn FOR QUALITY stereo service. The broken, underground their theory. 488 on the 800-mile-long line. No. 8 after the nitrogen leak about 30 days to get the oil to have followed MSU its over Al. MSU could use a tailbl THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East section of pipe contained no oil Dr. William J. Darch, presi¬ Workers had to dig up the pipe, was discovered. the pipeline port of Valdez, past few troubled years, the your caliber and if you I Grand River. C-13-7-29 1121 and all that leaked was noncom- dent of Alyeska, said the which was buried under "gravel Darch said the lead was "one new fans may not even be due nitro¬ where it will be loaded onto the MSU dorms there w bustible nitrogen gas. gen leak "vindicated very much as hard as concrete." of the hiccups you get when you tankers for shipment ot the that consideration after ignor¬ a priest living on your fk [jastrectiOB The section of pipe was dug up and a replacement was being our startup procedures." He said there had been some A short while before the leak pull this many things together." lower 48 states. ing basketball for so long. And that's called getting on the your lady friends c your room, in the words f EDITING FOR Theses other welded into place Wednesday, debate over whether it was bandwagon. or Dylan, "Until the writing, cheap, by Harvard lin¬ with pumping of the first oil to to move nitrogen Rules toughened for nuclear On a lighter side of transfers necessary light." sports, guistics student. 337-0182. 6-7-8 pass through the line expected ahead of the oil. In addition to I3I revealing leaks, the inert nitro¬ GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo 8nd drum gen gas also prevents the (continued from page 1) cles. Rail shipments would require LlEBERMANN'S* lessons. Private instruction avail¬ possibility of combustion. A source in Alyeska Pipeline The other set would increase At present only two armed nine armed guards with 30-min- Linen-handbags.. able. MARSHALL MUSIC. 351- 7830. C-1-7-7 1121 Service Co. called the introduc¬ the physical security required guards are required, with one ute calls to their control center. tion of the liquid form of for nuclear installations and escort vehicle and no require¬ At present, rail shipments re¬ §pp@lfi)D(fi)® nitrogen "human error." He said shipments. ment of bulletproofing. quire two armed guards who no design or material defect was involved, though metal¬ The proposals would require nine armed guards for major Present rules require guards to call in to a home base two to five hours. The NRC every call in every two hours. crisp and fresh for WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years Staff positions are now open for lurgical tests will be made of shipments of uranium or plu- experience in professional editing, ASMSU Great Issues. Leave name the damaged pipe. tonium by road, with two or now proposes that guards in every 30 minutes. call summer writing skill instruction. 337-1591. and phone number at ASMSU. The nitrogen wa three bulletproof escort vehi- 0-2-7-7 (31 The new proposals call for 330 Student Services. three armed guards with each I Typhi Service lg Would you like some short-term experience working with nursery school kids July 8 through 15? PBB compromise talks start air shipment and at lease nine armed guards at all scheduled EXPERT TYPING-Term Papers, refueling stops. Present rules scribble Volunteer at 26 Student Services Resumes, etc. 16 years experi¬ tolerance level to .04 require only one unarmed es¬ SCRIBBLE (continued from page 1) ppm scribble ence. Cell Marilyn, 337-2293.0-13- cort and no guards at refueling a level they said was more scribble requirements for high-level — 7-29 (41 stops. Come join us Mondays at Hillel. contaminated farms, but it was reliable and more likely to ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ The Jewish women's Learning stand up in court. defeated. ing theses, manuscripts, term Co-op meets at 7:30 p.m. All At the higher level, he said, welcome to share and learn. papers. Evenings, 675-7544. C-13- "You absolutely destroy the "there are still going to be 7-29 1121 Free films by Greenpeace to¬ ability of these farmers to con¬ animals walking around Michi¬ UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS com¬ tinue in business," Allen said. gan with measurable levels of night: Dolphin Drownings and plete dissertation and resume Save the Seals. Memberships Hertel said Allen's amend¬ PBB. We will not have ended service, IBM typing, editing, multi- meeting at 7. East Lansing Library, ment would have left a loop¬ this problem." lith offset printing, typesetting and Abbott Road. hole through which a potential- Rep. Francis Spaniola, D- binding. We encourage compara¬ ly contaminated animal — Corruna, sponsor of the House tive shopping. For estimate, stop Tri-County Regional Planning in at 2843 East Grand River or Commission's clean water meet¬ perhaps a calf contaminated by version, said he disagrees with its PBB-tainted mother — several provisions of the Hertel phone 332 8414. 0-13-7-29 (32I ing for Grand River Basin residents could find its way to the market. bill, but is going into the ^nbouL tonight at 7:30, Waverly West Jr. ANN BROWN PRINTING AND Hertel used a similar argument compromise talks with an open High auditorium. TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, against a move to raise the PBB mind. general printing. Serving MSU for Attention graduate students! 27 years with complete theses Day care scholarships are now service. 349-0850. C-13-7-29 1191 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ available. Contact 316 Student Services Bldg. Application dead¬ line is today. Weather complicates strike Is*f i1 sertations. (pica-elite) FAY ANN. 489-0358. C-13-7-29 (121 I1 Nunc d 3 So versatile because they COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete dissertation and resume service. Waitil (continued from page 1) because of "lack of work." came at a time when talks hao already broken down. The THE BIG WHITE BARN look well with so many [t 1*1 3 The Detroit Zoo was closed, Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. strike had begun at scattered This Area's Only Multi-Media Discotheque things. Choose this roomy Kim 4®- ('"I 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- STUDENT NEEDS person to help write and type but spokespersons said the locations and was spreading. 2843 E. Gd. River, E. Lans 351-1201 hobo with zip top and out¬ iSL E aS* « Men , 42 Altri 1666. C-13-7-29 (16) dissertation. 351- animals did not suffer. Super¬ The city's proposal would 6647. 2-7-7 13! visors fed them and hosed them have reduced sick time and side pocket or from fXr 46 F«1 hi ... 1 TrasporHtio. |[fl| fy)iND Town down because of the heat. City Labor Relations Direc¬ tor Mark Ulicny said the union sought a cutback of full-paid hospitalization, according to others in our summer col¬ lection. Natural linen with 55 NEED RIDE or rider to Ann Arbor, Maurer. He also complained white piping or natural with Thursday and the city sides were "no¬ that the city wanted to shift the Mon, Wed., and Fri., Summer term. Kathy. 484-8802. 3-7-7 131 where near close to settle¬ civic observance of Martin Lu¬ ment." ther King Jr.'s birthday, now a , spring camel. Young issued a statement calling union contract demands holiday, to overtime pay. a Sunday to save 13.95 BINGO TUESDAY Night, 7:30 Doors open 6 p.m. Early Bird "completely unrealistic." Pisor The city proposed a three- HOUSE OR Duplex for rent near Red Cedar School for reliable p.m. starts at 7 p.m. Regular at 7:30 said the city is recovering from year contract costing {29.8 Sud's 'n' Subs professional family. (Sept. 1st). p.m. Minimum age 18. SHAAREY "two of the worst years since million. The union proposed a Call 353-0949 or 313-673-0387 ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge East Lan¬ the depression" and there ip no l'/i-year contract with cost of collect. X-6-7-8 (51 sing. C-9-7-20 (5) guarantee that federal and state living protection. aid will continue at current Average pay for the union NON-SMOKING FEMALE grad ANTIQUE SHOW and Sale-Lan¬ levels. workers is $6.93 an hour. The to live with same in East Lansing sing Mall, Lansing, 5330 W. Sagi¬ George M. Maurer, the naw Hwy. July 7,8,9,10. city proposal would raise the apartment for fall. 337-2166. 6-7- Daily 10 union's attorney, accused the 13(3) a.m. to 9 p.m., wage 87 cents over three years Sunday noon to 5 p.m. 40 dealers, glass grinder, lid city of bad faith. "At 7 a.m., the while the union proposal would VERMONTER RELOCATING, sin¬ lady, lamp parts. 20% off silver city notified Council 77 that it boost pay an average $1.68 over gle wants to rent from sabbatical would have to accept the city's family. 332-0221 after 6 p.m. replating. furniture galore, 700 different beer cans: C & P over proposal or go on strike," he three years if renewed for another 18 months after expira¬ DOWNTOWN - 107 S. WMhington I 3-7-11 (3) Promotions. 5-7-8 1101 said. That notice from the city tion. EAST LANSING - 209 E. Grand Riv»J 5lote News. Eo»t Lansing, Michigon Thursday. July 7. 1977 9 DOONESBURY dteolly H1WJI>»-TV(CM) ('O)WIIX-TV(NBC) (ll)WElM-TV(Cobl.) y§ [hilfhte (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)VyKAR.TV(PBS) by Garry Trudeau ffaffaft JESSE WINCHESTER 8 and July 22 10:30 PM (23) Llllat, Yoga and You (12) Welcome Back, hotter 10:00 thursoa* 4:00 (23) Students of the Yehudi (6) Barnaby Jones afternoon (i) Bullwlnkle Menuhin School (12) Westside Medical 12:00 (10) Scrambled Eggi (11) Ed itorial Weiss-Cracks (23) Fall of Eagles (12) Bonama 9:00 11:00 b5U»» (23) Seaame Street 4:30 (6) Hawaii Flve-0 (10) Movie (6-10-12) News (23) Woman Firing l|n# (6) Bewitched "Farewell to Mamanor" 11:30 12:20 (10) Gilllgon't Island (11) Cabletronic 11 News (6) Kojak llAlmonot 5:00 (12) Barney Miller (10) Johnny Carson 12:30 (6) Cuntmoke (23) Age of Uncertainty (12) Mary Hartman, Mary (10) Emergency Onel 9:30 Hartman lurch *or Tomorrow (12) Emergency Onel (12) Fish T chlco and the Men (23) ABC News (23) Mister Rogers' plyon'iHop* Neighborhood MSU SHADOWS _ 1:00 THURSDAY |Vwn,,ndth.R..t|«« EVENING by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: X Gong Show I All»»chlldr*n 5:30 (11)Cabletronlc 11 News PINBALL PETE'S |) Point Along with Nancy (23) Electric Company Present this really funny comic for 25' 6:00 worth of free play! 1:30 (6-10-12) News ' | Ai th» Worid Turn* (11) The Outsider Hoto GA/OTHty &AV "/GO CooKlAifc" IMTH£ || Doctor" (23) Be Glad Then America LEASE COHtAi THI5 PLACE. iS ^ 0YS/O*? 6:30 |)0na IN* *°tiw* ||Block Journal (6) CBS News (10) NBC News 2:00 6:45 I) $20.000 Pyramid (11) Drug Education Center FRANK & ERNEST ® IllotlnoComortium 7:00 sponsored by: 2:30 (6) Hogan's Heroes 10% MSU DISCOUNT I Guiding Light (10) To Tell The Truth by Bob Thaves (11) Benson Gaffner#2 ■[Doctors (12) Partridge Family I Onotllotoliva (23) Once Upon o Classic XT'* MY WCUTPE I) Attack Hoort Attack 7:30 3:00 (6) Wild Kingdom gAU0T... X WAMTCD IaII In fh* Family (10) Mlchigame TO sbe JIMMy X Another World (11) Tee Vee Trivia CARTER IM ACT|OM p) Jan i> Alive and Well (12) Hollywood Squares (23) MacNell/Lehrer Report PoP a while 3:15 8:00 (6) Waltons Before x made (General Hospital (10) Highlights o( the Rus¬ up MY M|ND. 3:30 sian Donee Festival JnMei I Match Game (11)Womon Wise 7/7 -©1977 SeFtoni CHRLfcJSVG 351-6230 ALTA DENA SOFT SERVE FROZEN Low gas Plus prices THE DROPOUTS YOGURT RAVELS WITH FARLEY® Service I Beisda's Uttle Freeway SPONSORED BY: Service Station by Post I Phil Frank ]& m rou seenm I {me life i wewttllo IWff Rim is 1 BACK ID LIFE- lUMBLEWEEDS ® ■Tom K, Ryan CROSSWORD rannnna nnnaHE annaa HEMES PUZZLE HsraKancjuunHiu J*® 28 Redolence aa aaa nua ana If In 88 lever of tennis nan 81 Setisfied hunter riuay uaaaaaa I Vy 33. Moon's — mwii i flgeege aaaHaaa shqq I on, lemurs 1st aan ana y»"«l 35 Answer the ana ana na I (fL, Purpose iff » Ceterpilter HGaunonaaaauH I hetthtin S n,m* 0l,'t , raaaraa aanaaa L Coers. I'll aaaHCJ raaaaara I Ikkl— w Attract I <3 Memorendums 2 Untoitunete Stint J® 54 Sevetel 3 Entensive gressv '■htfcr J® Pikehke lists 55. Went eheed plein | F*r to nnddliiig „."TheTenln,al,er" DOWN 4 Equip •ttNpi *71-1. "* 53 53 Riun sign I clock Ornemenfel 5 6 Concerning Blede 7 Subpoena 8 Din I 9 Corn, toi one 110 Foul poster 115 Isingless 117 Cottle genus 119 Accept 121 Spoiled child 22 List 23 Blue Louise 25 Pop 26 Smell 29 Cleih 32 Pieices 34 Zigreg I 37 Relatives I 39 Authonred 41 Eseu 43 Spenoltile 44 Nitrogen 45 Cendlenut 47. Sheep 48 leltrst 51 One Thursday, July 7, 1977 10 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing. Michigan Feds claim from cocaine' \kick may By JOE PIZZO those of the amphetamines, intra-nasal use (snorting) would Crystals and is marketed by "The only reason problems State News Staff Writer (speed! and related drugs such markedly be reduced," he ad¬ only one U.S. based drug (with cocaine) are low is be¬ Cocaine may kill. as Ritalin and Preludin, Moore ded. company — Mallinckrodt Chem¬ cause the damned thing is so said. Moore considers the drug — ical Works of St. Louis. Cocaine use was linked to at expensive compared to other Death could follow the use like all stimulants — dangerous A one ounce jar wholesales to least 27 deaths in an 11-month compounds," echoed Moore. period nationally a major study of cocaine in two ways: and opposed decriminalization pharmacists for $35, and would •Massive cardiovascular col¬ of even small amounts. bring at least 3,000 on the The drug is still used medi¬ sponsored by the National In¬ He said chronic high-doses street, according to local sour¬ cally as a local anaesthetic and stitute on Drub Abuse (NIDA). lapse following the intravenous held in somewhat special favor, It was "the only drug" found injection of a large quantity users are as unpopular as ces. Moore said, by some otorhino- in the bodies of the 27 persons, could kill an otherwise healthy "speed freaks" because of con¬ The local street product is far stant aggressiveness, and from pure, and usually cut with larlyngologists (ear, nose and Mary Carol Kelly, NIDA press person. throat (ENT) officer, said late Wednesday •Actions committed under chemical psychosis. drugs used medically as local specialists). afternoon. the influence of a cocaine- "They're not the kind of anaesthetics, according to Bill induced psychotic state caused individual who tends to have Oberlin, director of public edu¬ Using cocaine in this manner The sample used by NIDA, cation for the Drug Education provides anaesthesia that she added, was a hefty 30 per by either a single large dose or many friends," Moore main¬ would not last nearly as long cent of the national population. chronic high-level use. These tains. Center (DEC) in East Lansing. without adding another drug to That was the ony conclusion conditions usually involve para¬ Cocaine may be legally sold Lidocaine, benzocaine, and other local agents. the $4 million study disclosed noid delusions which can lead to to all holders of state and procaine — better known to that had been unknown to violence — even death — if federal Controlled Substance dental patients as Novocain — Moore said some ENT spe¬ experts in drug abuse and acted upon. registration numbers, such as are among cuttingagents used. cialists have told him the potent addiction. The possibility of fatal after physicians and pharmacists. Oberlin said prices for "co¬ vasoconstrictive — blood-vessel To link death to cocaine use effects to a coke high "depends Coke is classified by the Drug caine" in the East Lansing area tightening-properties — pro¬ is not as simple as establishing largely on how it was adminis¬ Enforcement Administration can vary greatly — and are vide an especially dry area on cause and effect, according to tered," Moore said. IDEA) in Schedule II. which presently between $1000 and which to perform surgery, an Kenneth E. Moore, MSU phar¬ Most cocaine users literally includes drugs of accepted med¬ $3000 an ounce. advantage in the eyes of some "take it through the nose," by ical value, but which are highly He agreed with Moore and macology professor and nation¬ physicians. ally known authority on the use inhaling or snorting" carefully abused. the federal study that cocaine cut lines of cocaine through The form of the drug most can be a dangerous drug. While cocaine — or whatever and abuse of stimulant drugs. Cocaine is considered a stim¬ dollar bills, plastic straws, or coveted by nonmedical users is "People can get into trouble, you get on the street — is a hot the ever-popular "coke spoon." but they have to be wealthy," item, legitimately produced co¬ ulant, because both its actions officially known as Cocaine "Chances of death through he said. caine usually languishes on the and dangers are similiar to Hydrochloride I'.S.P. Flaky shelf on the rare pharmacy that stocks it. A 1-oz. jar of pharmaceutical cocaine, wholesaling for $35, when cut with relai 'SCOTTSBORO' FILM LIBELOUS, WOMAN SAYS It is not widely prescribed. drugs which pass the taste test could bring at least $3,000 on the street, a- One pharmacist said the bottle ing to local dope sources. of Mallinckrody Cocaine Hydro¬ chloride U.S.P. Flaky Crystals Jury hears evidence in TV suit kept under lock-and-key, and not been used to fill a prescrip¬ tion since the early 70's. Vicious rabbit, NEW YORK (AP) - If obscene mynah stay homes." anyone homelel who comes with| WINCHESTER, Tenn. (AP) - A 1930s drama was telecast into Street's lawyer, Raymond W. Fraley of Fayetteville, Tenn., Harvey the attack rabbit No one knows where he got ing distance, a a darkened federal courtroom Wednesday as a jury of six heard turned off the videotape at the point and demanded the courtroom Rocks thwart doesn't scare prowlers away the words, and Wright says resident of the ASPCaJ evidence in a $6 million libel suit against NBC and its film "Judge lights be turned on. from the Manhattan Society for there is no way to "deprogram" here. Horton and the Scottsboro Boys." "Our proof will show," he said, "that the scriptwriter, Mr. John the Prevention of Cruelty to the bird. The ASPCA has relul Among the most attentive in the audience was Victoria Price Street, 70, a principal in the drama then and now. She flinched, McGreevy, made that up and that never occurred, especially in regard to calling Victoria Price a whore." speedy drivers Animals, Jo Jo the mynah bird will drive them out with his So Jo Jo joins Harvey, a four-pound rabbit with a dis¬ adopt out Harvey, and iL has appointed him the| slightly, as she heard an actor call her a whore. Street had been expected to testify Wednesday afternoon but DETROIT (AP) — A resident language. turbing habit of chomping on "attack rabbit." Street, who lives on a tobacco farm near Winchester in east Judge C.G. Neese granted her lawyers' request to adjourn early to of a northeast Detroit neighbor¬ The local ASPCA has taken Tennessee, says the network libeled her, slandered her and permit her to take the stand fresh Thursday morning. hood, understandably reticent in another unplaceable creature At one point, the movie showed a witness being shown a Jo Jo, a talking mynah whose about giving her name for — invaded her privacy with the made-for-television movie by portraying her as a woman of questionable character and a photograph of the other woman on the train. Price turned to her publication, says she has found vocabulary is exclusively ob- attorney and said, "That's a lie." a way to discourage cars from perjurer during the famed rape case of 1931 which became a Later in the film a doctor was shown confronting Judge James So obscene is Jo Jo, says symbol of racial injustice in the South. speeding past her house. She E. Horton and saying his examination of the two women convinced throws rocks at them. ASPCA director Duncan Street is one of two white women who said they were raped by him they were lying. "It's been the only way to get Wright, that "he's talked him¬ nine black men on March 26, 1931, as they rode a freight train Street's attorneys stood up to say. "Plaintiff contends this never their attention," said the worn- self out of several happy between Chattanooga and Huntsville, Ala. occurred and was not part of any record." The so-called "Scottsboro Boys" were tried three times and all Her attorneys read large portions of the 1931 trial transcript in eventually served prison terms. All eventually were paroled or an attempt to show error in the film and omission of significant pardoned. testimony. One of the defendants, Clarence Norris, is known to survive. NBC showed the two-hour program in April 1976. It said the two Norris violated parole, was imprisoned a second time in Alabama women died in 1961. Though both women, then alive, filed libel and after his release fled the state. He was found recently in New suits, the network broadcast the program again Jan. 3,1977. York City, still a fugitive, returned to Alabama and was pardoned. "NBC, in this production has accurately portrayed this case," The second woman involved in the case died recently. defense lawyer Bob Campbell said. "We are not here to retry the Street is portrayed as an attractive brunette with a strong 'Scottsboro Boys' or the credibility of Victoria Price. Southern accent. An actor playing a defense attorney in the movie, "And any inaccuracies were not defamatory," he said. "Yes, we says, "The defense in this case made one thing perfectly clear did report that Virginia Price deceased, based NEJAC TV RENTALS — was upon reliable that Victoria Price was a whore." information." 137-1010 THE NEW SPECIALTY Summer Fun DEPARTMENT STORE AUTO SOUND SAVINGS This is not ten for you, concerns only a book but about yo itself with 01 ject only: clearing the hurl which BUYS can deter you fr spending your life < encing primorily hoppiifl and joy. Nothing is left tol imagination. As usual, R dispenses with myths ar tellectual discussions down to realistic. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. & Mon. Only ideas which lead to < ing life filled with r pleasure and fewer Mon. thru Sat. 10 AM to 9 PM - Sun. 12 to 5 PM *9.1 Jensen Triaxial 3-way Speakers jycu!\(cntci E. GRAND RIVER E LANSING TENNA IN-DASH Minolta SRT 201 SLR OPEN 7 DAYS & EVENINGS F1.7 50 mm. lens AM/FM8-TRACK STEREO 8:30 am to 9:30 pm in-door radio dial, automatic frequency control, 7 watts stereo power. List $140 $^2^2 Jr Jr • List •113. List s360. Sale Priced! *199 i«»r ■ 35mm SLR MINI CAR CASSETTE PLAYER $69.r fast forward k e|ect button, EZ glide slide control, 7 watts stereo power. List $70 J8 LENS SALE JF • "VE SANYO IN-DASH AM/FM CASSETTE auto, 60% eject at end of tape, excellent fidelity $ ■ *|| k loads of features. FT 484. List $140 I Mounts for NIKON, OLYMPUS, MINOLTA PENTAX - KONICA • CANON FM STEREO CASSETTE DECK This is a sample of tho ODDS k ENDS. fast forward, built-in AFC, slide tone t Many are balance controls. List $90 *65. 1 k 2 of a kind List Sale Konica 13$ GLOVE-BOX SIZE AUTO REVERSE CASSETTE TOSHIBA MUSIC SYSTEM mm F 3.2 $170. $•9. Konlca 200 mm F 3.5 270. 139. FM/AM FM STEREO RECEIVER Suntar 135 mm F 2.0 thread mt. 93. 19. fast forward t rewind, tone control, smallest&M. ft 88 8-TRACK RECORDER & PLAYER list $250. Hanlmex 135 mm F 2.8 (Pontox, compact in stock. List $109.95 Qy( • Two VU motor 1 Canon, Minolta) 110. 49. • 11" turntable with VALUABLE COUPON cueing Hanlmox 90-230 200 F 4.5 and pauso control mm (Canon) 260. 119. • microphone with stand Vlvitar 200 mm F 3.5 (Nikon, Also Save Big on 40 Channel CB's Olympus, 88 150. *219. •cartridge w/diamond stylus 99$ • matched I" full range Pontox, Konica) by Kraco & Panasonic speaker system. DOWNSTAIRS any night EXCEPT FRIDAY or SATURDAY Good Thru July 7,1977