VOLUME 7) NUMBER 103 FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 xplosion traps miners nderground in Virginia; lans made for rescue CHARLES. Va. (API - Four coal Mine president Clyde Poe said a rescue 300-400 feet from where the collapse was S were trapped more than a mile team was planning to make another effort believed to have occurred, about 6,000 feet pound Thursday after an apparent early in the evening to reach the men, from the mine shaft entrance, he said. mine shaft at the P & P Coal whose names were being withheld pending in this southwest Virginia notification of their families. Company spokesperson Barbara Poe said 14 other men at work in other sections of Teams had made their way to munitv. an area the mine had escaped and joined rescuers in an effort to reach the trapped men. Poe said the accident happened shortly etroit city workers after 10 a.m. and that began within the hour. rescue Nancy Bruner, another mine spokes¬ operations person said at 3:30 p.m. that two rescue teams "are in there now and it shouldn't be ailed back to jobs, too much longer before they reach them. They'll probably be able to get them out in a hurry when they get to them, because we Detroit APWirepholo Department of Transportation mechanics strike in Detroit. Bus drivers, who belong to a don't think there's that much debris. But picket a bus terminal on Detroit's east side Wed¬ different union, decided to honor the AFSCME we're not sure." nesday afternoon as the American Federation of picket lines, leaving Detroit without local bus entative pact made Paul Harper, made their way one of the 14 miners who to safety, told a reporter he heard a noise and felt a vibration, but didn't know if it was a cave-in or an explosion. State County and Municipal Employes went on e for a day. ETROITiUPI) - Striking city workers dered back to work today after The new pact called for a 4 per The four miners were at work in the trapped deep in the mine section of the WARHEAD DENOUNCED BY SOVIETS cent wage hike per year, one same rs for both sides reached tentative shaft, 1.1 mile source said. underground, when the _nt on a new, three-year contract accident happened, Poe said. -rs - "fair" by and Detroit taxpayers. the union to both the tentative settlement was reached and 2 a.m. EDT Thursday The strikers also included clerical and maintenance personnel, laborers and bus mechanics and meter maids. Rescue teams from the nearby West¬ moreland and Clinchfield coal mines were at the scene, as were federal and state mine inspectors. The Clinchfield team was as Pentagon backs N-bomb cal fallout — dust stirred up by a nuclear blast. marathon bargaining sessions in WASHINGTON lAP) — Both supporters and critics of the signed the early evening rescue attempt, i halt the largest municipal The walkout forced the city to close the Poe said. neutron bomb cite the bomb's potential for confining damage in The radiation from a neutron bomb penetrates tanks and lasts strike in the city's history. Detroit Zoo and Institute of Arts and shut their arguments over the weapon, which has been tested only a few seconds, allowing allied troops to move into a target down 21 swimming pools on a day the The mine near this Lee County commun¬ underground in Nevada. area soon after an explosion. e have reached a settlement ity, P & P's No. 2. normally employs about The weapon, know during early development stages in the 1960s A one-kiloton neutron warhead would devastate an area within temperature soared to a record 100 It is fair to both city employes and 50 workers underground and three on I be "death ray" bomb is designed to kill people with massive 550 yards with heat and blast and within 1,980 yards with degrees. as a troit taxpayers," said Lloyd Simpson, surface, the federal Mining Enforcement doses of radiation while leaving most surrounding building intact. radiation. But a conventional nuclear device big enough to spread Ktor of Council 77 of the American At Detroit General Hospital, where more and Safety Administration said. The Defense i'epartment says the primary reason it wants the lethal radiation over 1,980 yards would expand the blast and fire dnation of State, County and Municipal than 1,000 nurses aides, technicians, phar neutron bomb is "because of the improved troop safety that will be area to over 22,000 yards. macy workers, security personnel and Lee County lies in Virginias far south afforded to U .S. and allied soldiers in the battlefield area." In fresh blast of criticism, the Soviet news agency Tass iployes IAFSCME). The union represent¬ a janitors were on strike, some patients ' western tip. where Virginia adjoins Ken ee 8,000 strikers. All warheads and bombs are lethal to people, the Pentagon reported America's fi-st tests of the neutron warhead with the discharged early because of the shortage of tucky and Tenni argues, and a major problem in modern war is how to confine comment Thursday that "prospects for a new arms race have bargaining team voted unanimously help in the wards. about five miles from the Kentucky border. destruction to the immediate target area and avoid damage to brought new liveliness to ultra-right organizations in the U.S.A." -.mend ratification," said Simpson. urban centers. Tass said tests of the new weapon and plans for American The area exposed to fire, blast and faUout from a neutron bomb development of the mobile MX missile were bringing delight to strike began Wednesday when the would be less than one-tenth of that from a conventional nuclear supporters of the military-industrial complex and to right-wing pact expired and left 180,000 commuters bomb while the radiation would double, the Pentagon says. American political figures. «! bus transporation. Heaps of gar- Soviet commentator Yuri Komilov wrote Thursday that instead Pentagon spokespersons also argue that the neutron warhead ' also began to pile up in the city in gree heat and other city services severely hampered when other union MSU woman raped would be a greater deterrent to Soviet invaders in Europe than current tactical nuclear weapons. of seeking a satisfactory settlement of the U.S.-Soviet strategic arms talks, "the American administration is doing everything " refused to Lance missiles with a 75-mile range and equipped with possible to complicate these negotiations." cross picket lines. Sen. John Stennis, chairperson of the Senate Armed Services conventional nuclear warheads are now stored in Europe. "The tion sessions will "take place as Soviets know we may be reluctant to use them because of the Committee, says the neutron bomb "has the radius of a pistol shot as new possible," said Simpson. pact called for a 4 per cent wage in East Wilson Hall devastation" to allied territory, a spokesperson said. The neutron bomb would increase deterrence, the spokesperson rather than the radius of a shotgun." He calls the weapon "the best news I've had in years." said, "because the Soviets know our use of it is safe to our allies The per year, one source said. The pact also Pentagon says the weapons would not introduce nuclear and us and it decreases their chances of surviving an assault." as the Cost of Living Allowance A 20-year-old MSU student was raped in a pressing room in East Wilson Hall June 30, weaponry to Europe because it's already there. And defense ..stand health "By confining these effects to small areas, the military officials argue that the neutron weapon would not be used readily coverage and sick leave shortly after 1 a.m. campus police said. effectiveness is maintained while minimizing the unwarranted "ions in the union's because the U.S. policy is not to use nuclear weapons "except in expired pact," the The victim, who hazard to nearby populations, to U.S. and allied forces and greatly said. reported the incident to the Department of Public Safety (DPS) times of desperation." .Wednesday, was sleeping in one of the pressing rooms when she was awakened by her reducing the destruction around the immediate target area," a Defense spokespersons decline to talk about the size of weapon Mayor Coleman A. Young earlier said he attacker and then raped, police said. Pentagon statement says. envisioned. N "not mortgage the future of the The Pentagon says that with the neutron warhead it can more The Soviet newspaper Pravda had denounced the warhead as p* of the City of Detroit" to meet the The victim apparently knew her attacker, a DPS spokesperson said. Police said they "practically a chemical warfare weapon." have the name and address of a suspect; a student living on campus. closely pinpoint the destruction of, for example, a column of Soviet F" original contract demands. tanks, which are nearly impervious to heat and blast effects and Pentagon spokespersons declined to give details about testing of carry filtering systems against chemical, biological and radiologi¬ the neutron bomb beneath the Nevada desert. Falso threatened to lay off striking bus pets, effectively stopping their salaries p they returned to their jobs. r® drivers and garbage collectors, who P members of other BUDGET GOES TO KFOR SEDS'SIGNATURE NEKILLIM unions, refused to ptheAFSCME picket lines. Senate approves 'rainy day' walkout did not extend to the city's «ters, firefighters and services Their contracts Emergency personnel, who expect to through binding measure number of hot disputes including the today minor House amendments. also be available for job producing projects h"hVJ!eFemergency "e 911" telepRone operators who line joined the LANSING (UPI) - With both houses of the state legislature racing to finish work day after the legislature began its final budget rundown by approving spending Detroit freeway patrol question and a on Both Houses approved a total of $1.1 when unemployment reaches a certain level. ""trained police personnel to on the 1977-78 budget, the Senate Wednes¬ plans for four year colleges and six other proposal to eliminate city income taxes on billion in spending plans covering public " 'heir jobs. The commuters. . city filed suit day gave final legislative approval to the budget bills. health, higher education, corrections, agri¬ The legislature began the process of day" fund designed to Legislative leaders hoped to finish work The House approved the much-heralded setting final 1977-78 spending levels, with ahJ operators Wednesday, saying $75 million "rainy on the $3.8 billion state budget today and rainy day fund on a 93-10 vote and returned culture, natural resources, teacher pensions conference committees hard at work medi¬ feated a Public ^fety help the state weather future recessions. the measure to the Senate, which already and the state Department of Education. a judge deferred action on the The historic measure was sent to the adjourn for the summer recess. To accom¬ ating differences between the House and plish that, they will have to resolve a has passed the bill and is expected to concur The rainy day measure is a novel Senate budget bills. governor's desk on a 24-3 Senate vote, one approach to smoothing out the state's boom The budget bills sent to the governor's ritvhf hu offered the union GeorSe a Mauer said 4 per cent and bust business cycle which sets aside excess revenues in good years for use desk contained the following appropriations for the fiscal year which begins in October: - j ,or each of three years of the during recessions when revenues dip and the need for government services increases. 26 .l°1traCl' which would average •$547.7 million for higher education, 11.2 l (lsan hour. He said that was Both Republican Gov. William G. Mil- per cent over the curent spending level of Huh. e most of il would be liken and the legislature's Democratic $494.3 million and $3.4 million over Mill- cost of . living increases. leaders have been committed to the concept iken's original recommendation. The bill n"sl »f since last year, but working out the contains aid for colleges and scholarship Living Allowance was specifics has been difficult. The governor money. use„,r„t.s,umbiinK biock in inside originally wanted $128 million in the fund, •$58.5 million for the state Department of but he reportedly has settled for the lower Public Health, up from current year level of figure. ^V^tty's 'abor relations They may only be Little Leaguers, but they have major league hassles. See page 5. Because the measure limits state spend¬ $47 million. •$38.4 million for the state Department of Would cosMiqJ'^ ?,ffered a Package ing during boom years, it was touted by Education, up from the current year level of Wars i,, , , mill|on over the next Milliken and the Democrats as the respon¬ "hkh e union landed a sible alternatives to the tax limitation $29.5 million. •$122 million for the state's seriously "$13^ mi"ion "and weather amendment which was defeated by voters overcrowded prison system, an increase of last fall. about $38 million over current spending The bill contains a mechanism under levels. Pack un vour camper, grab your bathing suit and head for Lake Michigan! Today will which money would be triggered into the •$277.5 million for the public school . 01 bow ""be union's demands. be partly cloudy and less humid with a high that will soar to the mid-80s Expect more of fund when the growth in real personal employes retirement system. the same on Saturday and don't forget to stash a six-pack in the trunk. Sunday s high i'1 -.'he ability *pt'MieSve°torhd 8Reasonable P8y 'nCrease and should drop to the nippy 70s (beware of frostbite). Sounds like a good weekend to get that income in Michigan exceeds a certain rate. Money from the fund would be available •$13.7 million for the state Department of Agriculture. ,lf,L beach baby tan you've been dreaming about; yeh. ; These d ly lhe <% to pay," he to supplement general revenue when real •$38.3 million for the state Department of ^th! ll,e abd'ty ,'"Treasonable of the and city to pay." personal income declines and funds would Natural Resources. 2 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigoi Friday, July 8, 1977 Carter considering staff cuts WASHINGTON (AP) - to send Congress a plan to Council on Wage and Price The White House, Washington, tion's land and water reM President Jimmy Carter is reorganize not only his personal Stability. D.C., 20500. ces? Can you considering a series of options staff but also the much larger recommend J Carter also has asked the changes? "» that would let him redeem his Executive Office of the Presi¬ Among the issues on which public for its advice in stream¬ Carter is seeking ideas from the •What are the campaign pledge to cut the size dent. The plan, expected late lining the government and in es to deliver bestapPrai, of the White House staff by 30 next week, will take effect in 60 making it more responsive to economic J per cent. days unless disapproved by the needs of the people. community development tance? One option under considera¬ either the Senate or House. Thursday's Federal Register •How can foreign policy and- tion would reduce his immedi¬ Carter has said he hopes this contained a formal invitation or national security policy be •Do you believe Mauritanian envoy shot in Paris ate staff to about 340 persons, first reorganization plan will for public comment on reorgani¬ developed with more public federal civil service is thlt J the smallest presidential en¬ serve as a model for others that zation of the executive branch. participation? live work force? If a D JL PARIS (AP) — Two young gunmen, one driver of his Citroen where to take him. tourage since Dwight D. Eisen¬ he promises will revamp, over a Cards and letters should be •Is the federal government not, what improvements so, JZ1 hower occupied the White period of several years, the sent to: Reorganization Issues. organized to protect the na¬ a1 bearded and wearing jeans, pumped six The attack was the sixth on a foreign be made? House 20 years ago. entire federal bureaucracy. bullets into the Mauritanian ambassador diplomat in France in little more than 30 The present White House Though faced with a variety to Paris through the back window of his months. An anonymous telephone caller staff numbers more than 550, of choices in considering reor¬ chauffeur-driven car near Thursday and fled on foot. his residence The 36-year-old envoy, Ahmed Ghona- told a news agency that pro-Polisario guerillas, fighting for a Sahara indepen¬ dent of Mauritanian and Moroccan rule, including workers borrowed on a temporary basis from federal ganization of the Executive Office of the President, Carter Fire kills five inmates agencies. The staff at the end of was reported by administration hollah, father of two girls, was hit in the were responsible for the attack. But the Gerald R. Ford's presidency sources to be likely to DANBURY, Conn. (AP) - jaw, arm, shoulder and thigh but was Polisario office in Algiers denied any¬ was slightly above 500. scrap the Office of Telecommunications The city fire marshal says he tory washroom. "We believe it was set," he said. they had to break escape. it dowj|■ reported out of danger at the American thing to do with it, and Moroccan Foreign Carter conferred with a re Policy, the Energy Resources believes arson caused a fire Officials said, meanwhile, 'The lieutenant ran 1 Hospital in Neuilly. Witnesses said he Minister Ahmed Larki said Algeria really organization task force working Council, the Economic Policy that sent toxic fumes through that a board of inquiry would locked the door. They w_ out of the Office of Manage¬ Group and some other execu¬ an overcrowded federal prison investigate both the cause of let us out," said inmate was conscious enough after the 9:40 a.m. was responsible because it finances, and ment and Budget on Thursday. tive bodies. wj ambush in bright sunshine to tell the arms the rebels. Thursday, killing five inmates the fire and reports of delays in Tyson of Providence, R.I, "| The President's meeting was Changes also were said to be and injuring 66 persons. handling it. guys died for nothing." intended to help him winnow likely for the Council on Envi¬ Marshal Fred Tomaino said Some prisoners said a door to Acting Warden AnthJ down his choices as he prepares ronmental Quality and the clothing ignited in a dormi¬ their cellblock locked and was was Young said a key was a| Extremists bomb Swiss executive's villa ly broken off in a door bet J cells. He said he didn't ki Tougher warnings urged for aspirin; whether there was a evacuating inmates, but added: "I have delay! nothing f I ZURICH, Switzerland (AP) — Extre¬ poisonous gas explosion at a chemical substantiate that any 1 mists said Thursday they had bombed the plant owned by a subsidiary of Hoffmann- closed the door." villa of a chemical company exetutive in reprisal for the ecological disaster in the La Roche. FDA advised to monitor label claims In addition, Firemen that when they arrived, nc_ rtr northern Italian town of Seveso caused The note said top executives of the was at a locked outer gate 1 company "will be stricken with reprisals WASHINGTON (AP) As hibit label claims on aspirin- they.had to cut through it J by a chemical explosion a year ago. - The panel also recommended ducers. The 1,200-page report that match their responsibility." Police pirin and acetaminophen, the based products that they re¬ that products containing ace¬ is the latest in a series, re¬ chaincutters. The two main nonprescription pain lieve symptoms of arthritis or bombing of the home of Rudolph soid they were taking special security taminophen, the chief aspirin quested by the FDA, reviewing Norman Carlson, dire Rupp, a deputy director of F. Hoffmann- relievers, are safe and effective rheumatism. substitute, carry labels warn¬ all nonprescription drugs. measures to protect the firm's officers. but should have tougher warn¬ the U.S. Bureau of I La Roche Ltd., was "A first Such claims may lead con¬ warning," a ing that excessive doses can acknowledged at a news co ing labels about their use, a sumers to self-treat these di¬ Dr. J. Weldon Bellville of the group calling itself Commando 10th of Police said the blast Tuesday night at cause liver damage. ence that the medium-se federal advisory panel said seases without first seeking University of California, the July soid in a note sent to the Zurich the Rupp villa caused minor damage and panel chairperson, said that in prison was overcrowded, bi Thursday. medical attention, said the The recommendations to newspaper Die Tat. no injuries. The house in in Fronkendorf, The scientific panel also told group, leading to possible "ir¬ FDA followed a four-year study 1975 Americans spent $720 said all federal prisons are.l July 10. 1976, was the date of the near Basel, the company headquarters. the Food and Drug Admini reversible damage to joints million on nonprescription anal¬ and of over-the-counter analgesic The prison, designed to hi stration (FDA) it should pro¬ other tissues." pain relievers and fever re- gesics, representing one-fifth of about 500 persons when bi all over-the-counter products 1940, today houses 8 sold. Slain Egyptian leader buried quadrangle of attached d Chinese jet pilot defects to Taiwan Bellville said the panel's chief tories and cells built a courtyard. Only 0 accomplishments were the CAIRO (AP) housing 80 inmates 1 Hundreds of thousands force of uniformed policemen was TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A Chinese Commu¬ daughters in China, was quoted by a Defense labeling recommendations call¬ of — nist squadron commander carrying secret mili¬ ing for more information on volved in Thursday's fire, i Egyptians lined the funeral route and stationed along the route from the 1,000- Ministry spokesperson saying there "are no inmates fled into the courty J mourners shrieked "Allah have mercy on tary documents flew his MIG19 jet fighter to human rights at all on the mainland" and that the year-old al-Azhor mosque to the family Taiwan on Thursday, a Nationalist Chinese The names of the dead us" as a former cabinet minister alleged¬ burial plot, and hundreds of plain-clothes suffering on the mainland left him "no choice but «i to flee to Taiwan." Broadcasts about FDA Commissioner Donald not immediately made publi| ly slain by religious fanatics was buried men mixed with the crowds of spokesperson said. Sources said he would be people mourners. rewarded with nearly $700,000 in gold. enjoying such rights in Taiwan reinforced his Kennedy told a news briefing The bodies Thursday near Cairo's ancient City of the Fan Yuan-yen, 41, landed safely in Tainan on that the recommendations were wi decision to escape, the to the Dead burial ground. The funeral march was led by Egyptian spokesperson said. University of C the southwest coast of the island after flying advisory only and that any cut Health Center in Fart Security for the funeral of Sheik Vice President Hosni Mubarak and across the 100-mile-wide Forn: >sa Strait from Taiwan welcomed news of Fan's defection. But policy changes would have to ton. Mohamed Zahabi was the tightest seen Premier Mamdouh Salem, representing some said they considered it ironic in view of the follow a-period of public Communist China's Fukien Province. The gov¬ com¬ here since bloody riots over food price the government of President Anwar ernment said he sought political asylum. new U.S. China policy which seeks normal ment. Tomaino ruled out ai increases last relations with Communist China. sion or electrical fire a January. A 1,000-man Sadat. No incidents were reported. Military sources said he brought with him The advisory group said la¬ cause. He said the fire w Chinese defense information and documents on News of Fan's defection came as celebrations bels should warn against taking to one cell holding 80 ir coastal military installations. But the MIG19 were held throughout the island marking the itself i4 an outmoded craft that offers little for aspirin products during the last but when it reached fibergl| 40th anniversary of the Chinese-Japanese war. three months of pregnancy Western intelligence. Firecrackers crackled in the afternoon as news paneling in the area's: because they could prolong that sent toxic fumes throi Fan, who is married and has a son and two reports were broadcast about the defection. labor and cause bleeding. the two-story building. • it.. Bldg M.ch.gon 5>. Alaskan pipeline shutdown ends ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Oil caused a break in resumed moving an L-shaped section of through the trans- pipe, according to sources at Alyeska Alaska pipeline Thursday about 64 hours Pipeline Service Co. after a section of pipe broke and forced a shutdown of the 800-mile line. Resumption of oil movement leaves Alyeska still a few hours ahead of its There IS a difference!!! S The pipeline had been shut down since schedule. Alyeska has said it planned to MCAT LSAT 5:45 p.m. Monday after the • • • DAT of mishandling take the oil to Voldez slowly to allow time • GMAT .VAT .GRE .QCAT .SAT frigid liquid nitrogen apparently to correct any problems. NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS • ECFMG .FLEX NOW OPEN Flexible Programs and Hours New Hampshire faces fiscal crisis Over 38 years of experience and success. Small classes Voluminous home study materials. Courses that are constantly updated. Centers open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities for review of class lessons and for use of supplementary materials. Make-ups for CONCORD. N.H. (AP) - New Hamp¬ raised, and Thomson has called the legis¬ missed lessons at our centers. shire, the only state without a general sales lature back into a specie' session Flexible Programs and Hours CHEF MATTEO CAPRARIO or income tox, is in a fiscal crisis Tuesday to try to work out a last- that could bring government services to a minute solution. fmiigtM Hills; 3131851-0313 standstill next week. lUtMor: 313/662-3149 otciYus*S™h°i: It began when the legislature failed to Here are the key elements of the crisis: Or writ* to: 29226 Orchard Lake Rd. NORTHERN ITALIAN CUISINE enact a new Suite#205 Farmington Hills, Ml. 48018 budget by the start of the •Service demands are growing, state fiscal year on July 1. employes want raises, and the legis¬ ^■i^^HlAliiliated Centers in Major U. S. Cili TO THE EAST LANSIN6 AREA Gov. Meldrim Thomson has ordered lature wants to increase the budget by state agencies to stop spending money by levying new taxes. More than July 15 unless something is done. Mean¬ •Thomson has won three terms with the just a Spaghetti house while, he and legislative leaders feud promise to veto new taxes. The Best in •••19 authentic Italian entrees bitterly over how revenue should be •Budget deficits are against state law. Alternative Music created in our own kitchen- Seafood, Meat, Poultry, Pasta & Vegetarian Dinners. BRYAN LEE A the Special Luncheon Menu with State Street All-Stars Salads, Sandwiches & Dinners. SENSIBLE PRICES Youth jobs program begins Open Daily, including Sunday for Luncheon & Dinner LANSING (UPI) - A $5.2 million have run afoul of the law but are Day Long Happy Hours summer employment program for 2,600 determined to be ready for work by (Next to Peoples Church) youths administered by the Michigan the 11 AM ■ 8 PM MON • SAT courts or the state. Department of Lobor will begin immedi¬ 12 PM -8 PM SUN ately, Labor Director Keith Molin said Michigan's 29 local community action agencies will share in administering the PH. 337-1755 Thursday. program. The program will focus on winterization projects around the state. It is designed for youths from low-income home Molin said youths in the program will fizapdj families or persons aged 15 to 23 who receive job-site skill development and training, employment counseling. ilndepqpound 224 Abbott _3l-?2*5 -|nt~Klpws. Eos' Lansing, Michigon Friday, July 8, 1977 "ly 8, 1977 uts ystems analyst honors singer with gift will analyst, made a sculpted tapes- canvas were used to depict Wonder dates back to junior superstar try on the theme of Wonder's Wonder and his children. by a photograph of Jackson and high school days at the Wonder vacationing in Jamaica der next week on Songs in the Key of Life album Wonder's daughter Aisha, 2, Michigan School for the Blind in that hangs in Jackson's East re the best of his 27th birth- as gift and tribute to his for approi| long-time friend. example, is depicted realis¬ Lansing when Wonder lived Lansing apartment. '•ver tically while with Jackson's family. economic new-born son f development i Keita is portrayed in needle¬ Jackson's computer exper¬ ,kson moo —-r— Fifteen textures of yarn fil- point. The two did not lose contact tise has often aided Wonder u believe thal "epartment systems ling over 23,000 holes in the Jackson's friendship with in the years since, as evidenced when the singer needed help with technical voice and music il service is»m™ synthesizers. force? If so, mprovementssl,,. wh department head cites goals "Thank you for giving one of the greatest gifts that can be received — your time and kindness," is Wonder's acknow¬ ates to break it down Pettigrew chairs ledgement of Jackson in the booklet accompanying his of Life album. Key Jackson sought the aid of "urban" to mean "black" and moved out of urban areas to the Cindy Thrana, who has been „chael winter this leads to a distorted view of want a part of the good life just suburbs, and a similar trend employed at Lee Ward's Crea¬ M News Stall Writer >r. They wc like whites — decent homes, the functions of UMS. tive Crafts Center for technical id inmate \ 1 through an array of recently by blacks, Pettigrew decent jobs and a good educa¬ "Some students think this is said blacks move guidance in the project. idence, R.I, i) mail scattered across primarily for tion for their children — and a black nothing." lesk, Ead« PeltlSrew college and it is not," economic and not racial rea- not because they necessarily trden she said. live next to whites," Thrana drew the rug de¬ (hat since she has re Anthi Aran , want to Pettigrew said she does not "They because they signed and sculpted the in ey was appm ittm vacation she must believe there should be special move out has relief so Wonder can feel yarn n a door betw „ the monthly bills. She curriculums for various groups the features of his children's he didn't of getting air conditioning of people, "I'm not in favor of faces. ! was a deia; er house to beat the Jury duty limit black studies, or chicano stud¬ imates, but .humidity- Smacking her ies ," she flatly stated. "I'm for More aid came from Bonnie the mention of wine, she ave nothing Miller, teacher of the mentally that human studies." In her eyes any ,he prefers dry, white, these study divisions polarize impaired at the Eaton Interme¬ i wines. diate School, who taped ali individuals and groups. remen, 1 report jj-fW is the newest But she added that though background rows in braille so arrived, outer gate through it ,rson of Urban and for the Depart- tudies (UMS) in the Metropoli- Col programs such as affirmative action tend to polarize groups voted by House Jackson could feel which colors of yarn to use. of people, they are necessary to ,| Urban Development, The total cost of the 30 by 50 secure the same benefits for significantly, she is also minorities that are accorded to LANSING (UPI)-The state participation of a wider cross- inch tapestry was $115, Jack u of Priv b|ack woman to head House has approved nonminorities. legislation section of the population. son said, and while he plans on a news academic department at which would strip lawyers, "Without legislative back¬ Advocates of the bills claim hooking more rugs, they won't sdium-s doctors, police officers and be "as ambitious" in scope. ing," she contended, "we would that women, retirees and the 49-year old Pettigrew is others of their automatic ex¬ not have had the changes. All unemployed are overrepresent- r a lofty, ivory-tower emptions and disqualifications the talking and verbalization ed on juries because of the long Jackson and Miller will leave Kiual nor a stuffy bureau- from jury duty. for Wonder's southern Califor¬ Stole News KoyeMcKeever ligned to iul rather a down-to-earth doesn't produce results." list of statutory exemptions and when buil Legislation passed by the because judges tend to excuse nia home next Monday to A hooked rug for Stevie Wonder designed by MSU blind student J. J. Jackson. ir committed to people Lighting up a long, brown House Thursday would also present him with the fruits of Jackson poses with friends Cindy Thrana and Bonnie Miller in Jackson's i work. cigaret and leaning back in her mandate that the state's six professional people due to the a Capitol swivel chair, Pettigrew said inconvenience of jury service labor of friendship and love. Villa Apartment where he made the rug. chairperson, Pettigrew largest judicial circuits adopt a uilt aroun slowly yet confidently that she which commonly runs for 30 cos and directs all aca dormiti jury selection plan conceptually ne programs in UMS, ad- believes American cities are similar to the one day-one trial days. students in their selection dying but interestingly GM to be sued for not engine system used in Wayne County. Under Wayne County's sys¬ Ml s and teaches as well, she has some defini- ..t- and long-term goals enough are experiencing some¬ what of a rejuvenation. She said many young people In other action, the House voted 97-5 to approve a bill tem, one jurors are excused after day if they are not selected swap making it easier for the legisla¬ for a trial. If they are selected, LANSING (UPI) — State Attorney General Frank J. Kelley Attorneys general in 24 other states have already brought suit and families are returning to le publi llls 10 accomplish for the the metropolitan areas that ture to block administrative they serve only for the length of notified General Motors Corp. Wednesday he will file suit if GM against GM. Michigan has waited because it has been subpenaing rules drafted by state agencies. that trial. does not expand the warranty for purchasers of 1977 model information about the engine swap, Kelley said. ling the goals "rather many people see as dead or The bill allows the legislature's versity of Conne Oldsmobiles equipped with Chevrolet engines. GM installed Chevrolet engines in about 87,000 1977-model ainashort-termsense." dying. She pointed out that One bill, passed 81-18, gives Center in Farm joint rules committee to dis¬ Buicks, Oldsmobiles and Pontiacs because, they company said, it ^ sajd she plans to about 60 per cent of the United the Oakland, Macomb, Ingham, Kelley charged the corporation with violating 14 provisions of approve rules merely by failing the state Consumer Protection Act by switching engines in the had a shortage of 350-cubic-inch engines for those cars. States population live in urban to act on them. Kent and Genesee county cir¬ and not rural Olds Delta 88s and Custom Cruisers and not telling buyers. GM has offered to give owners of the Oldsmobile cars with areas. Gov, William G. Milliken cuit courts three years in which Under provisions of the act, the state was required to give Chevrolet engines an extended engine parts warranty of 24 vetoed a similar measure last to adopt reduced term jury months of 24,000 miles, or to exchange every Olds with a Chevy With this slow revitalization notice 10 days before filing suit. year, claiming it would upset systems. Circuits with popula¬ and the age-old maladies tions under 250,000 were "We will negotiate heavily with them for the next ten days or engine for one with an Olds engine after deducting eight cents a the constitutional balance of mile for mileage, plaguing cities, such as crime, exempted in a compromise two weeks, if a solution is not forthcoming," Kelley said, "we will powers. It is believed the be forced to take the necessary legal action." Kelley also said that a settlement of the state's case against GM housing, sanitation, Pettigrew move. basis, Petti- sees the education and research legislature will vote to override GM had no immediate comment on Kelley's action. would not prevent a Michigan resident from filing a lawsuit. if Milliken casts a second veto. wants to make students role of UMS gaining importance The sponsor of the bills, Rep. Rules are designed to imple¬ of UMS and its in training students to solve the Jeffrey Padden, D-Wyandotte, isciplinary character, ment legislation, but they can said all courts will be under SAVE SOME SLEEP problems and plan for the be very ao't think students know future of American cities. important. pressure to make jury service Recently, the path was more convenient because ex¬ Bottoms I p here," she said, Noting the phenomenon cleared for state Natural Re¬ grew said many people many years ago known as sources Commission rules ban¬ emptions and disqualifications has mtirkvtl the enly interpret the term "white flight," when whites be repealed statewide after ning phosphates in laundry detergent to become law when three years. Lollipop Slcepiccar the rules panel could not muster Currently, state and county up to Mt'i off. lunfeers sought a vote of disapproval. Both the trial bills and the officials, police employes, law¬ yers and convicted felons are I here ore administrative rules measure disqualified from jury service. liohv doll j > it j Absolutely no moat. Mada from cabbage, spinach, *6.50 to '8.50 SUPER TC torn, cauliflower and 11 more | M vegetables. A T-SHIRT ACE Men's & Ladies Half Price Beer, Martinis, TOO? Shorts* '4.00 to'8.50 Manhattens 10c HOT DOGS YOU BETCHA! SHOr AT MR. B'S FIRST OR YOU WILL PAY THE DIFFERENCE II I lie tile See us for your T-shirt orders of 4 do*, or more! 529 E. GRAND RIVER, E. LANSING >♦<' I he VmiI> I nee 930 Trowbridge UKVCMSS Rd. t. taming HOURS: 331 M00 547 East Grand River 332-8667 Handicappers slighted again Handicappers throughout Mich¬ The large buses have a life span dates that vehicles will be totally igan were dealt another injus¬ of 10 to 15 years and the smaller accessible beginning Sept. 30, tice Tuesday when the state House buses last only three to four years. 1979. So the state legislature is passed a bill — and voted not to And operational costs per pas¬ delaying a process that is in¬ reconsider it on Wednesday — senger, hour and mile, are much evitable. that will insure public transpor¬ higher for the few people served The important point, however, tation for handicappers but does on small buses rather than every¬ is not money but people. Segrega¬ not mandate an integrated sys¬ one being accommodated equally tion was ruled unconstitutional tem. on the regular routes. Moreover, long ago, and the largest minority handicappers pay more for the in this country has not been Handicappers in the Lansing area, and particularly at MSU, Spec-Tran system and must call protected under this right. Michi¬ have made their wants and needs for service 24 hours in advance. gan's legislature would do well if it In addition, federal law man¬ adhered to simple justice. clear. They do not want to be segregated and remain in the "closet," and they need viable transportation in order to support themselves. New blood for PSC Originally, the House bill re¬ The record of the Public Service Commission (PSC) in defending the quired that all new buses be interests of consumers against profit-conscious state utilities has been accessible, except in special cases. When the bill returned from the nothing short of dismal. Ever since Democrat William Ralls — who had consumer interests in mind — resigned from the PSC and announced his Senate, however, that require¬ ment was deleted. This watered- intention to run for governor, there has been considerable speculation hjt i»fr you m a nice mawm mm m m> po it wvou wabiy owl about who Governor Milliken would appoint to take Rail's place. down version was then approved Yesterday the governor chose — subject to approval by the State by the House, thus causing two of Senate — Willa Mae King, a black woman who grew up on welfare, but its original sponsors to remove who also has had background in corporate law. their names in protest and fur¬ It is impossible to pass judgment on King's qualifications for the job, thering unnecessary inequality for inasmuch as she has had no experience in the utilities field. We hope handicappers. King will become as aggressively pro-consumer as Ralls, and it is quite The State News ] Opponents of an integrated possible that her poverty-tinged background will have enlightened her system are more worried about to the suffering that unjustified rate hikes generate among the poor. Friday, July 8, 1977 costs than human rights. But even Unfortunately, even if King proves to be as diligent as Ralls was, it their claims of higher costs can be will still be impossible to contain burgeoning utility rates so long as the Editorials are the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns refuted by studies and common two Republicans on the PSC — Daniel Demlow and Len Sculthorp — and letters are personal opinions. sense. continue to vote the utility company line. Ralls consistently dissented A line-haul bus, which costs from the opinions of his two colleagues, who by voting in tandem and as a Editorial Department $80,000 to $100,000 new, can be majority, abetted skyrocketing utility rates and contributed to a total equipped with a wheelchair lift for lack of accountability among state utilities. Michae/ Tanimuro PholoEditoi Richard Politowski Wire Editor Fred Hartesveldt $8,000. The small bus, as used by Ralls, of course, is a politician, and many of his PSC votes were Debbie Wolfe Layout Editc van Copy Chief Dove Misialowski Sports Edito TomShanahan Staff representativi the Capitol Area Transportation probably cast with an eye towards gaining political capital in his run for Joe Scales Entertainme id Book Editor Kathy Esselman Authority Spec-Tran system, governor. Ralls disappointed many erstwhile supporters by sidestep¬ costs about $20,000. While these ping or refusing to answer questions on several crucial issues at the cost differences seem enormous, press conference in which he announced his candidacy. Advertising Department the lifespan of the buses and King, an apparent nonpolitician, would be well advised to recall the operational costs make up for any lessons of her upbringing and not be influenced by some of the Advertising Manager Sharon Seiler Assistant Advertising Manager difference. anti-consumer practices she must have learned in corporate law. Stalling creditors North Korea: 1984 WASHINGTON - Having written about contact with foreigners, remain ii and many others repression in South Korea, we have sought to put the story in perspective by investi¬ hotel rooms, visit no restaurants, movies, stroll in no parks. att] gating conditions in North Korea. By all accounts it is ruled by one of the cruelest Of course, North Koreans have no frj of expression. The common i WASHINGTON - Anyone who has had • else to look into it. You don't want regimes in the world vinced, not without reason, that sc to deal with large companies is aware that to make friends with Stevens, or he'll know Western analysts don't have a full picture watching him at all times. There is nl they are paying their bills later and later. whom to call about the check next time." of what goes on above the 38th parallel, This is no accident. The longer they can You could see Joseph was upset. "We'll except that it is one of the most isolated press; religion has oeen outlawed. A Christian mission complex in Pyon; f| defer paying you, the more money they can look into it Mr. Stevens. I'm sure it's been societies earth. keep in their bank accruing interest. It is sent out. Where can we reach you?" on for instance, has been converted into l| The border is tightly controlled. The few Sung University. known as the "float." Stevens gave his number and hung up. details that have leaked out provide a dim There is an art to not paying someone "All right," the professor said. "It's two WEST POINT STORY Several! outline of a highly authoritarian govern- when the bill is due, and it is getting more weeks later. Joseph hasn't called you back, Point cadets were caught last year chfl on their exams, a violation of the | sophisticated as time goes on. so, Stevens, call him again." In fact, universities are now offering "Where the hell is my check? It was due system. Now the board that overs; months ago," Stevens cried. military academy has had its own | Joseph said, "I told the accounting questioned. department about it. It should have been sent the day after you spoke to me." The Military Academy Board of Visij The professor nodded his head. supposed to keep a stern watch 0' Stevens shouted, "But I didn't get it!" Poiqt. But one of the appointei Thomas Downey, D.-N.Y., has ai "The mails are terrible these days. Let me get back to you." fellow visitors of improprieties as 1 "Let me speak to the comptroller." anything the cadets did. Joseph looked blankly at the professor. "What am I supposed to do now?" JACK ANDERSON In a private letter to President Carter, the congressman has c j The professor said, "Give the phone to about the honor violations of the oi anyone, dummy. Stevens doesn't know who Under the West Point code, i the comptroller is." AND LES WHITTEN ART BUCHWALD supposed to turn in any offenders. D Joseph handed the phone to Radcliffe. therefore, felt he could do no less I "Look," said Stevens, "I have to pay my bills, I have to pay my labor. When I'm late ment and a brutally regimented society. In board level. Here's his litany of comp| masters degrees in "check stalling" for the words of one American analyst: "It is students who want to be comptrollers and paying, you people charge me 8 per cent •The board drafted a report I interest. '1984' - ir. spades." bookkeepers. Why can't you pay me?" "inaccuracies and omissions," he cl I attended a graduate class the other day Radcliffe said, "I've been checking the Every aspect of North Korean life is contained no mention, for example, ol at one of our leading business schools and invoice, Mr. Stevens. There was a clerical controlled. The day is literally divided into substantive discussions. Questions] watched in awe as a professor conducted a error somewhere in the pipeline, and we 480-minute segments: Eight hours are asked about the honor system, course entitled "Stalling Creditors, Con¬ should have it straightened out spent on work: eight hours are spent on cadets and the faculty. "None o in a couple tractors and Individuals 1A." of days. You should get a check from us as study and mass organization; eight hours important information," he complf" "All right," the professor opened up his soon as our treasurer, who is now in Japan, are given to eating, sleeping and other detailed in the report." necessities. •The law requires that "detailed m The degree of party membership is must be kept of board Other cancer cures greater in North Korea than in any other contended. Yet there w "Radcliffe said, 'I've been checking the invoice, Mr. Stevens. Communist country. The Communist party the There was a clerical error somewhere in the pipeline, and we April meeting. The unre Open letter to Jack Anderson: is supplemented by mass organizations for utes, he charged, would have "docun^ should have it straightened out in a couple of days. You should I generally find your column to be more in depth and responsible than others, but your anti-Laetrile article was aglaringexception. You evidently have not learned to distrust the every element of society - youth, women, the lack of board procedures." get a check from us as soon as our treasurer, who is now in Japan, medical establishment sufficiently. You could have relied on other sources than our labor. There is tremendous psychological •The board commended instead a returns. largely pressure upon everyone to join, to conform, chemical industry influenced, American Medical Association (AMA)-dominated medical to participate, to show a "positive" attitude. demned the outgoing superintendenl system. There are other organizations: Foundation for Alternative Cancer Therapies, Gen. Sidney B. Berry, who was respof Lancer Control Society, and International Association of Cancer Victims and Even children of 5 and 6 are regimented for the cheating fiasco. Complain®, Friends, and others. into organizations, where they are taught to outraged Downey; "I felt that durinl lecture. "Last week we discussed what to returns." Even within the establishment your run wooden bayonets through the "U.S. West Point cheating scandal, U.J very superficial research into the laetrile question say to an irate person who calls up your Stevens played his part to the hilt. "If I neglected to include dissenting opinions like that of Ph.D. Dean Burk, author of Vitamin imperialists." Berry lost control of his command J company and wants to know where his or don't get my check in the mail tomorrow, B17, V. B15, V. BI3 — A Brief on Foods and Vitamins. If you talk to this founder of the classic military sense, to the detrir her check is. Let's review it. All property I'm going to sue you people!" National Cancer Institute (NCI) you will learn that the NCI has been falsifying its research in North Korea belongs to the the academy." "Stevens, you're the irate caller. Joseph, "Oh," said Radcliffe, "you want the legal state. People are permitted to work garden findings on Laetrile. you're the person in charge of the comptrol¬ ler's office." department. If you'll just hold on I'll More recent suppression of a man who has been helping others to cure cancer — and plots, for example. But they don't own them; they are merely on loan. •The military academy may also bel transfer you." cured his own — is the dentist Dr. William Donald Kelley, author of the popular book, One academic decline. The class of l'T Stevens picked up the white phone on the "Excellent, Radcliffe, excellent!" the pro¬ Answer to Cancer. lower mean scores than do its countel professor's desk, and Joseph picked up the fessor said. "You learned last week's lesson Food and clothing are rationed; travel is You should look at the research at the Naval and Air Force acadenue] one in the back of the classroom. paper ("Cancer Watergate Continues to Break" by restricted. When North Koreans leave their well. Today we will discuss how to blame Chuck Will, delivered to Congressman Bob Carr June 12. 1976), the book The Cancer Stevens spoke first. "This is David home districts, for whatever reason, they college board figures show. the computer for late payments. After Blackout Amended by Nat Morris. You should also talk to Dr. Ivy, Dr. Burk, and the cured Stevens, and I want to know why I haven't using all of the usual human excuses for must carry their travel permits and ration received a check for the work I did for your terminal cancer patient, young Reverend Hill. cards. Meanwhile, a Pentagon team is « office." nonpayment of bills, your ne'xt step is to In the case of Laetrile, you accept what the AMA and its cousins say without evidently an exhaustive investigation of West ■ involve the computer. It's what we call in even considering the criticisms of their critics. Thus Military expect it to be J "I'll look into it," your research on the cancer question The few who travel abroad are thoroughly sources Joseph said. the check stalling business 'The Final appears so superficial that it looks like AMA, NCI, American Cancer Society PR. critical of the academy and to re*™ "No, you dumbbell," the professor screened beforehand. While in another yelled. Solution.'" "You won't look into it. You will Chuck Will country, they are required to remain sweeping changes. find Los Angeles Times Lansing - virtually to themselves. They avoid all United features Syndicate I wtoZL Sfate News, Eos' Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 8, 1977 CLAIMS SHE TOLD TRUTH AT EVERY TRIAL' Complaintant testifies in NBC libel suit WINCHESTER, Tenn. (AP) convicted of rape and served a Doctors testifying at the "Don't turn me on." cried the they were the ones she was NBC first broadcast the total of 130 years in prison — original trials said they had wearing at the time of the made for television movie in main witness against the before being pardoned or pa¬ seen no blood on the victims. alleged attack. Scottsboro Boys as cross- roled. The nine young men were April 1976, and Street said she Asked whether she had iden learned of it when a neighbor examining attorneys inquired After several character wit¬ tried three times and at one tified the step-ins exhibited as called her and told her she Thursday about testimony nesses testified for Street, the point, faced death sentences. the ones she had been wearing which sent nine black men to trial was adjourned until Fri¬ ought to watch "that horrible One of the nine, Clarence Alabama prisons four decades during the assault, Street said show." day morning. Norris, is known to survive. He she couldn't remember. Half a "I did," she said, "and it just ago. Street said she and Ruby was found recently in New do/en times, she denied testi¬ tore me up. The worst "I've told the truth at every Bates came to Chattanooga York part of it City, where he had fled in mony from transcripts of the was that they said it was all lies trial," said Victoria Price looking for work but hitched a violation of parole. He returned Street, now 70, testifying in her ride on a freight train back to original trial. and I knew that just wasn't so." to Alabama to receive a pardon. own $6 million libel suit against Huntsville, Ala., March 25, The movie was shown to the NBC for its movie, "Judge 1931. There, she said, they jury Wednesday. Horton and the Scottsboro were raped by the nine blacks. Street is portrayed in the Boys." "When they stopped the movie as an attractive brunette Bigger cars may not be safer Street contends the film train, I was still laying down," with a strong Southern accent. falsely portrayed her as a she said. An actor playing a defense AUSTIN, Tex. (AP) — Big cars are not necessarily safer than perjurer and a woman of ques¬ "One of them was in there attorney says, "The defense in small cars, says University of Texas researcher P. L. Yu. tionable character. She denied and Ruby was in there and they this case made one thing per¬ Yu recently studied wrecks on Texas highways in 1973 and the trials were based on racial woke me up and helped me get fectly clear — that Victoria found that though small cars probably were more badly damaged, prejudice. my clothes on." Price was a whore." "If they'd been a bunch of larger cars were more likely to become involved in collisions in the Street said she was bleeding The woman's attorney said first place. white boys, I'd have done the from her head and other parts that statement was not made Yu said he did not know whether this was because bigger cars same thing," she said. "It of her body. "And I've got the during the trial, that it was take up more room on the roads and provide bigger targets for wasn't because of color that I scars to prove it, from where made up by the scriptwriter, careless drivers or because drivers of largers cars feel more secure charged. Because there's as those black boys cut me," she John McGreevy. IAP Wirephoto freighter on Lake Huron during n two-hour and thus drive with less caution. . ut of lightning outlines s elec- good colored folk as there are exclaimed, pointing excitedly to Though Street's undergar¬ "We only know that the statistics show that being in a wreck is Jiul storm in Port Huron Wednesday. The ship wss not damaged. white folk." her chest, her face, her right ments were exhibited at one of somehow proportionately related to the size of the automobile," he All nine black men were arm and her back. the trials, she denied Thursday said. "We don't know what's going on here." By MICHAEL KLOCKE •In many games no city officials and umpires (who are paid said. "It (the baseball The 1976 movie Bad News Bears depicted some of the program) is working in philosophy, but by the city) show up and spectators have to be drafted as not in mechanics." problems that exist within little league baseball, and though umpires and scorekeepers. In turn, these games do not count in Finley said that the concern over the screening process is one Lansing has no Walter Matthau's or Tatum O'Neal's, it does the standing. of the big gripes of the coaches. He have its share of controversy over a junior baseball added that if a player feels program. •The new approach to little league baseball was not given he is underclassified he may try out The controversy reached a peak on Monday again and he may be put in night when a sufficient planning, and therefore, it is not functioning properly. a higher number of parents and coaches came to the Lansing City league. •The evaluation process instituted by the department was "But a problem arises here in that many coaches are not Council meeting to debate the subject. not done properly and many players were assigned to the willing to accept a new player in mid season and break up an Beginning this year the Lansing Department of Parks and wrong divisions. The coaches also claim that some youngsters established team," Finley said. Little leaguers Recreation took over the city changes were implemented. little league program and several Before, coaches drafted players for the teams, this year, a He conceded that there is showing a problem with officials not up for the games. But he added that with 375 games screening process by the department took place. Players were scheduled a week it is bound to happen once in a while. He said put in either the A, B or C leagues depending on their individual that he has added field supervisors to help solve this problem. "Most of the problems in the program and the ability. This change, say department officials, was made to Finley said he was upset that the coaches met with the mayor make pitch at insure that players would compete against others with equal ability. A change was also made so that every player must frustration of the coaches centers over the mechanics of the program, "Finley said. "It (the baseball program) is working in philosophy, but first. He said he had not received any complaints and he thought he should have been contacted first. "This may be frustration because the city took over the participate in at least three innings of play each game. not in mechanics." program and the coaches have less influence." he said. "I don't At Monday's council meeting a petition with 2,100 signatures think we've had enough opportunity to take care of the Council meeting was presented to the council. The petition, signed by coaches and parents, stated that the new program was not working. Cleveland Henry, 527 Thomas L. Parkway, a spokesperson complaints." Finley did receive criticism from Graves who said that if it was up to him, Finley would be fired. for the coaches, said playing conditions at most fields are unfit were eliminated from the baseball program because of this Several people at the council meeting spoke out in favor of and the tryouts were inefficiently handled. screening process. Finley and the baseball program. "It has gotten to the point where I'm ready to take my team •The playing rules for the games are not consistent. John Greenslit of the Michigan Parks and Recreation out of the league," Henry said. The person who has taken the brunt of this criticism is Association said that the Lansing program is "very good." The group of coaches has met with Lansing Mayor Gerald Douglas Finley, director of the Lansing Department of Parks Two people said Graves was just harping on this issue Graves and the major complaints made included the following: and Recreation. because it is an election year. •Playing conditions are unfit and some fields have no "Most of the problems in the program and the frustration of Finley plans to meet with the coaches within a week to, backstops, benches, or toilet facilities. the coaches centers over the mechanics of the program," Finley hopefully, iron out some of the difficulties that do exist. ■kkiflQE •flo\WatSpe (j Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 8. 1977 SUMMER YOUTH MUSIC PROGRAM ENDS Band strikes up at Kellogg Cente By LILLIAN JACKSON interested students," Erbes hard, but it's really easy," director who knows what he's which will be held Even in this "academic" cli¬ tonight- said, "Students with contest Cindy said. talking about." Colleen said Big Ten Room of the mate it is surprising to learn and festival experience." Cindy said she only found the that she has not only learned Center. The band »jj that many study six hours a day Talent and interest must be rehearsals tiresome "when it's from her director, James Giannini s at MSU — it is disconcerting to what gives these young hot out" because the Music Leonard of Bay City Reed's "Symphony It- Central "Armenian ". find that they are high school students the confidence to ap¬ and music from Building where students prac¬ High, but also from the classes. "W^t students! ply for the wait for tice is not air-conditioned. "Music theory you learn a lot in program, Story," under the direc But for the 32nd time in as acceptance, then travel to East Cindy realizes that the hard I've learned just tons of A. Thad HegerbergofM — many years, MSU hosted its Lansing where they must adapt work pays off. "Really you're music theory I never knew," Thad Johnson of annual Summer Youth Music to playing with students of Gross," competing with yourself. To see Colleen said. High. Program for high school stu¬ varied background, and under how far you can push your¬ James Leonard of Colleen said that she has had fi dents. new conductors. self," Cindy said. Center High will The first of two two-week Selected conductors from a good time and met some dire* For herself, Cindy finds it choir in three sessions ends this interesting people during the selections, Friday, July Michigan high schools direct necessary to practice five to will perform "The ~ 8, with a band concert at the the students through the music seven hours a day. She also had program. "A lot of people have Taken" from R. T dreams of stardom and tele¬ Kellogg Center. of Giannini, Shubert, Shosta¬ music classes on her schedule. vision, but not me. I like singing "Faustiana," Vaughn This year about 280 students kovich, and others. The music, "I had classes in the begin¬ "O Taste and See" for fun," she said. from more than 100 Michigan if not the schedule, is demand¬ ning, but there wasn't enough arrangement of the ■ high schools as well as high ing but students like Cindy time to do both," Cindy said. All the kids who took part in Dei." With this con- schools in Indiana, Wisconsin, Bleil, 16, violin player of six Colleen Runyan puts in some this session showed their skills students will complete and North Dakota participated years from East Lansing High long hours too. "My usual day in two concerts, an outdoor grueling immersion in in the program. and Colleen Runyan, IS, alto runs from about nine to four," band concert held July 4th and camp and return to t "We practice for about six voice from Mason High School, Colleen said. Colleen doesn't a concert of classical and popu pressing regularity of 1 hours daily," said Dr. Robert feel that they can handle it. mind the time it takes to lar band and chorus selections mer at home. Erbes, professor of music edu¬ "When you first come it kinda perfect her art, "The choir is cation at MSU and director of scares you. The music looks fantastic!" she said. "We have a the music program for the past six years, "Then students may South Baptist Church practice on their own." 1518 S. Washington Lansing The two week program does Hometown * ask a lot of the students' time. People Giving « Sunday 7:00 p.m. In addition to rehearsals, Hometown J Service I « classes in conducting, music "Ood with a Shovel" State News/Laura Lynn Fistler ■■NBAS history and theory, chamber J what Strang# movanunt has prophatlc slgnlf Icanc# lar this Summer Youth Bund Program completed its first two-week session with two con¬ Lima rauwAT certs, one outdoors and another at Kellogg Center. The first concert celebrated music and more are offered. ; It sounds like a grueling MBVICI STATION « Fourth of July in the garden setting between the Music 1301 E. Grand Elver Building and Beaumont schedule, but then the program < Tower. Listeners beat the heat while they enjoy the efforts of high school music is not for the average music « Next to Varsity Inn j students from all parts of Michigan. student. "We look for talented, CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST Sunday 11 a.m. Across from the Capitoi SII«BT*C: Dr. Erlck Roudley "Here Comes Tomorrow!" "Tko Prodigal Boa" The Message tl tto Spwa FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Worship Services Call 482 - 0754 for information 9:30 a.m. and ll:00o.m. Dr. Howard f. Nursery Available Sugden, Postor 485-9477 James E. Emery College Pastor SANDWICHES salad bar PIZZA } 5pivi—1am LIVI I Nil RIAINMI NI NIGH IIY Ready when you are draw cash... Ready Teller is ready when That's the idea behind AB&T's you are. Ready Teller, and that's the idea on the And draw a little interest front of our T-shirts. In Ready Teller, of course. We High quality 100% cotton shirts with green trim on the neck and sleeves. Adult and children's sizes, only $2.25. think everyone should know how con¬ venient banking can be. SRLOI SPEND YOUR And if our "Ready when you are" WEEKEND WITH US, T-shirt We'd like to helps you draw a little interest of WITHOUT SPENDING MUCH. your own, so much the better. put you in a T-shirt Our price includes a juicy steak with all the trimmings. Such as a baked potato, They're available at any of our warm roll and 17 AB&T offices. Stop in and get yours HHH One Washington Square butter, plus all the fresh, crisp today. And while you're at it, ask about Yff Lansing. Michigan 48909 salad you can our Ready Teller. Could be I Member FDIC you're ready eatlromour for the bank that never makes you wait Salad Bar, in long lines, or plan your day around a ENJOY OUR trip to the bank. Whenever you need to SALAD BAR make a deposit, transfer funds or with¬ READY WHEN YOU ARE in News, Eo»t looting, Michlgon Friday, July 8, 1977 xAs You Like It' set in sylvan glade By DAN HILBERT chases after the elusive Phebe, fine ensemble it must be truly Tuckett), are comedy classics of the actors involved. State News Reviewer (Judy Ulrich) who is madly in brilliant. the slapstick school. The trees, which consisted of The audience was not only love with Rosalind in her dis¬ Don Treat's stage is well green globes arranged on green one to rain praises on the guise as the male youth This play is gifted with two Summer Circle Free Theatre designed and functional. The sticks were interesting stylis¬ Ganymede. such performances; Bill Hutson Festival's (SCFTF) production The cast is a as the melancholy Jacques, and two-story design is particularly tically but fail here because of delight, which suited to this rendition of the the lush greenery of the actual of the comedy, As You like It, lifts production of this Gary S. Martinez, as Touch¬ play to play. outdoor setting; they seem too Wednesday night the heav¬ the heights of stone, the servant who accom¬ — Shakespeare's artificial. ens concurred. later comedies. panies Rosalind and Celia into The costumes, by Gretel This collaboration between Mark Voland's Orlando is the forest. Geist, are beautiful. The rich The original music, by William appropriately shades of brown, red and green Martha Larsen, contributed Shakespeare and lovestruck, Hutson brings to his role a Rutledge - the first SCFTF Kerry Shanklin's Rosalind is give the production a truly suitably to the atmosphere of beautiful and her portrayal of touch for light comedy — for production of the season — has professional touch. regal splender and was well the youth Ganymede evokes a banal wit that is truly extra¬ certainly borne fruit. . The "bigger than life" Duke conveyed by the small band of The untimely interference of gorgeous Peter Pan. ordinary. His delivery of the musicians. "all the world's a stage of Ferdinand was portrayed by the weather forced the play to As brother and cousin to . . ." one actor astride another's The play will run until Satur¬ end a bit prematurely. How¬ Orlando and Rosalind, respec¬ speech with the "seven ages of man" is perhaps the highlight of shoulders. Though a novel idea, day night, and will be rebroad- ever, the cast was suitably tively, both John L. Beem and the effect seemed clumsy, pre¬ cast on cable Channel 11 at 8:00 versed in ad lib to fascinate an Juliette Gay are equally good. the entire production. senting obvious difficulty for on Monday night. already enthralled crowd. He comfortable here, The other roles, from Judy r The play is about love and Ulrich's wonderfully rich por¬ with his character, and mistaken identity in the forest it shows. trayal of Phebe, to Tom of Arden, where banished Gebbie's frustrated and love- dukes, sisters, cousins and dazzled Silvius, are uniformly Martinez, as Touchstone, Swmmsr Hours: brothers all converge to learn fine. brings to his performance a Mon. thru Fri. and give lessons in love and bawdy sort of Tom Jonesish marriage. In such an adept cast it is behavior that adds color and 11AM-7:30 PM unusual for one performance to depth to the light comedy of the We see Orlando de Boys, Also pinboll. air hockey, TV tennii tabl* tennis. stand out, for a performance to production. His scenes with Stat* News/Maggi* Walker (Mark Voland) pursue his be¬ distinguish itself from such a Audrey, the slut (Sherry I I nry »■ Ganymede (Kerry Shanklin) radiate* puckish charm as she testa Or- loved Rosalind, (Kerry Shank¬ lin); Silvius, (Tom Gebbie) UNION BILLIARDS ludo'i iMark Volandl devotion uder the watchinl eye oi her cousin and fellow I fnitiveCeUa (Juliette Gayl. State News Newsline 353-3382 sftfe D'towf VAESITy INN Open: Monday, lues., Wed., GOOD FOOD • PIZZA • DRINKS Sat - 9-6 ' Thurs. & Fri. • 9-9 Sunday 12-5 HAPPY HOUR 2-5 STATE COUPON • Pitchers & drinks '/a off • Drafts half price CIGARETTES live entertainment nitely at nine 789* 1227 E. Grand River Ph. 332-6517 10% OFF OUR DISCOUNT TODAY PRICE ON KODAK FILM A Foot Long Chili Dog and lOoz. draft PHOTO FINISHING 75' with this coupon! KODAK 2 p.m. -5 p.m. CREST TOOTHPASTE COLOR FILM 79 $1 49 Your "THANKS, I NEEDED THAT!" 29 expos. C12A.110,135 slap, could be mining your face. UWT' EXPISES7/H STATE COUPON EATON'S RUBBER BEACH CORRASABLE THONGS TYPING PAPER Med. wt. Reg.1.05 75* 69' REVLON FLEX BALSAM I ull! '0ce Those °"t0"n» (having products i your |I preciousornatural electric razor break down your skin's SHAMPOO 16 ox. $1. 49 odd man fit. Your foe# Is then subject I "unsightly razor burn, i left Reg. 2.50 I "struclive environment. unprotected against our UMITt I ^mos' men 'have at least once a day, no man | ^ without greoseless, alcohol-free, RK After | T* Conditioner. It provides your face with high YOUR CHOICE II St conditioning & protection, which great, Why skin requires. 35* OFF ANY SUNTAN LOTION I tai!'°e'>ro'.our 'h'n-core consultant, for o free consul- I bol°n StlB " '"'"tduce those great conditioning, acld- I Pln0^ sl*'n products you've been seeing In I lllMweJS<,Ulre' G#n''•,n•n', Quarterly, & Sports SCHOLL'S EXERCISE CALL FOR A FREE SANDALS CONSULTATION! S1GOURNEY-JONES Reg. 14.95 $9. 95 Hairstyling for Men & Women LIMIT 1 STATE COUPON L.P. SPECIALS FLEETWOOD MAC 484-1491 Reg. 7.95 RUMOURS $4 29 mm HEART LITTLE QUEEN $4 29 DAN FOGLEBERG Reg. 6,91 NETHERLANDS $3.69 Friday, July 8, 1977 State! 0 Michigan Stole Nows, East Laming, Michigan sshington f ap „d snows mliy nave contnl s'i°"'s,MrPf„neq ^therFBI said Defending champ MSU recruits in signs ;s»»"97,7di below the leve period . 7f ' .aid in lls 9 Miller trails pack five sports While football and berime ,-bcr rfy Report statistics are b of crimes 1 9.000 states Tl'RXBERRY. ScolUnd 74 in the second round of the after a "pathetic" display a- ball at MSU have basket, alreadv ntcentagenc concluded its tovers seven crn I UPI I - Defending champion 1977 championship at Ailsa. round the greens on the 6,875- recruiting sea _ murder, rape Miller, who carded an open- yard sons, hockey and the Johnny Miller threw away his course. revenue sports at MSU are assault, robber British Open golf crown Thurs- ing 69 to be three shots off the "Its a sin to shoot 74 today," still pursuing high larceny and m< dav with a "sinful" 4over-par pace, had a 36-hole total of 148 school heft. Miller said after his round. "I sthletes. Amo ■ harsh winter cot was • pathetic around the Bessone's ice„ , major greens. By the sixth green I signed four hockey player. was ready to get a new putter in James Clifford, a defense- M number of r FBI sai Lions open camp — but they wouldn't let me." Miller had three bogies on his man from Amherst, Leo Lynette, a center from N.y. » the drops occu. outward 38 and another three Williamsville, N.Y.; Mitch ry and early F bogies on the front nine but Horsch, a defenseman from the winter weatl worst, the bureat in sultry weather added two birdies for his 36. "The start killed me," Miller said. "I threw the tournament AC Wlrepholo Hastings, Minn., and John Sikura, a center from Groin ley, Ont. dition, sections with the most experienced th By RICHARD L. SHOOK Chicago Cub Ivan DeJesus beats the throw to Mon¬ Wednesday. Both the Cubs and the White Sox are In swimming, MSU coach away as far as I am concerned." treal Urstbaseman Tony Perez in the Cubs 8-6 win ie decreases. A UPI Sports Writer trying to hold their respective division leads. Dick Fetters went to Califor Miller started the day an 8-1 nia to sign Jeff Gaeckle, decline was repoi DETROIT (UPI) - Every year an event occurs as a reminder of how fortunate one is as a chronicler of sports, not a participant: betting choice to overhaul the junior college transfer from leaders in the race for the Chabot Junior College in drop for North pro football training camp. And in another two weeks — less, really — it will be upon us again. A rapid month from now, the first exhibition game. We've just had our first sweaty taste of sultry July weather — $17,000 first prise. Bright sun shine snd little or no breeze made conditions perfect and 'Bird' meets White Sox tonight Pleasanton, Calif., and Brian Story from Amadore, Calil Gaeckle swims the 200 he ... was mugger ap| leaving the hot his poten another early finisher, Mark meter butterfly and Story will barely be accustomed to it — and another Detroit Lions' an FBI spokespei training camp will be opening on July 19. Hayes, shot a 63, a new record DETROIT (UPI) The De¬ will bring a seven-game win¬ need the time off," Houk said. Kalamazoo the breaststroke and relays got he said it's for the remodelled Ailsa - Valley, where he That's the date rookies, the signing of most of whom has yet to course. troit Tigers were idle Thurs¬ ning streak into Tiger Stadium. 10-1, then transferred to Gymnastics coach George that the harsh ' Knapp, though^born in Cher¬ was be announced, report. Veterans get a three-day reprieve. They An obviously upMt day. But that's nothing really Chicago had Thursday off, too. Central Michigan and lead the Szypula signed all-arounder ributed to the Miller ry Point, N.C., grew up near St. Jeff Warner from Overlanc don't have to be in until July 22, though they are strongly has had a lean year and is new — they haven't been Fidrych was coasting along Joseph and went to Stevens- Mid-American Conference in evidence t overly busy all week. with a nice four-hit, 2-0, shutout Park, Kan. to MSU's turn encouraged to be around before then. currently in 43rd place on the ville Lakeshore high school, earned run average with 2.70 Then, on days when the heat and humidity make it a chore for Manager Ralph Houk's team against Baltimore last Monday and strikeouts with 82 in 1974. biers. list of U.S. money winners after compiling a 20-1 record over "normal" folks just to put one foot in front of the other, these brave returns to action tonight, at when the Orioles hit him with Four local players signed failing to win a tournament for three seasons and leading his Knapp's first major league with Danny Lithwhileri or foolish not-so-gentle men go through all sorts of outlandish 16 months. home this time, only to run into everything but a truck, ex¬ team to conference champion¬ victory came last year on July athletic exercises. the Chicago White Sox, a team ploding for six runs in the sixth MSU baseball team. Deai "But its just a game," Miller ships each time. 21, a four-hit, 3-1 victory over The idea is to get them ready to play an exhibition game against that's hotter than the weather inning. The 6-foot-5 pitcher went to the Detroit Tigers in Chicago. Hartley and Mark Russ an told reporters. "All I can do is over most of Michigan has That made "The Bird" 6-3 from Lansing, Steve Kruse a similarly prepared team, in this case the Kansas City Chiefs on a show up tomorrow and do the been. is from East Lansing Aug. 6 in the Silverdome, a night game, thankfully. pitcher and broke his string of am best I can." Mark Fidrych will try to Phil Magsig is from Dans- They run, they jump, they participate in agility drills, they bang complete games and wins. It each other about, they do wind sprints to the point of start another six-game personal was only the second time ville. Litwhiler calls this his Frontrunner in the 106th exhaustion...all at top speed and for more than an hour a day. winning streak in front of what Fidrych has not completed a best recruiting year British Open was still John Sometimes, twice a day. Arghhhhh! is expected to be close to a game he has begun this season 1968. Schroeder, a 31-year-old Cali- If someone were to describe precisely the exact physical activity capacity audience at Tiger Sta¬ and was the first time this year The final sport to awan fornian and the son of former involved, under the typical conditions one can expect outdoors at dium. he had to come out during the athletic scholarships at MSI U.S. tennis star Ted Schroeder, this time of year, with no hint that it was a pro football training Opposing him will be right¬ middle of an inning. is the men's golf squad who finished the first round in camp, the inclination would be to label it someone else's idea of hander Chris Knapp, 7-4, who Fidrych hope the day of rest Richard Grover was awar cruel and unusual punishment. made his mark at Central has cured the problem of De¬ ded a tender after comple The Supreme Court of the United States would no doubt label it Schroeder's famous tennis- Michigan University before troit bats being idle. Detroit ting his freshman year thi inhumane and unconstitutional if inhabitants of penal institutions playing father won Wimbledon being drafted No. 1 by the has had relatively good pitching Weekend hours for the Men's IM outdoor pool are noon to 4:50 spring. The high school re were forced to do the same things. on his only visit to Britain in White Sox in June of 1975. during the winless streak but p.m. Saturday and 1 to 3:50 p.m. Sunday. If the weather is cruit signed by coach Bruci But not only do prospective pro football players willingly 1949. "I would kind of like to Detroit has lost four in a row, has been one or two runs shy unusually hot this weekend, it may also be open for the Nite Owl Fossum is Edward Kelbel 0 participate, most enjoy it — even as they curse the heartless duplicate that by winning all at Baltimore, and six out of each time, never losing by more swim from 9:30 p.m. to 1 or 2 a.m. For information call the Men's Harbor Springs. Steve Lub coaches who put them through the intense physical preparation here," said Schroeder, who had seven if you want to count all than that margin. IM office, 5-5250. Monday through Friday the pool is bers, from Holt, had signed 1 open in the needed for another season. to qualify to play in the Open. the way back to last Saturday, "Our bats are heavy and we afternoon from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Monday through Thursday golf tender earlier this year For my money, training camp is where they earn theirs. There is when New York snapped a night from 7 to 8:50 p.m. no amount of money that could get me even were this frail body so U.S. Open champion Hubert five-game winning streak by endowed to go through what they do. Green scored the first ace of the the Tigers. For them, it is the worst time of the year. Yet it is also the best, 'tournament when he holed the Houk hopes the "Fidrych for it means the start of another season and another year's 167-yard par-3 fourth hole with Phenomena" will work again extension of the illusion of immortality. a six iron. and rescue his team from the Long live football. And with the baseball Mason barely half Green had an opening round clutches of evil times, not to dead,too. of 72. mention the White Sox, who qouvi ^oteo€nytk*ty(on,uu in pastel sleepgowns. To look and feel feminine is to be in a soft float of filmy nylon tricot. . . with flutter sleeves, deep V-neck and a bit of string to tie in back. . . delicately colored in assorted sherbet shades. For 5 to 13 sizes. A superb value at $8 FROM OUR 4HUY JacobBoris C, MM| ' n 1|flt-Maws. East Lansing, Michigon Friday, July 8, 1977 :g/; cold may decrease crime PSC choice defended dropped only 3 per cent. There J.9HINGT0N (AP) - TJje was an 8 per cent decline in the Diego rose from 15,690 in the Among cold-weather cities, largest quarterly drop in the 19 of early first quarter of 1976 to 16,421 W and snows by Milliken's top aide M South where some sections ex¬ Detroit reported crimes de¬ years the quarterly reports V ha»e contributed to during the same period this creasing from 35,814 to 28,470, have been prepared. perienced unusual cold and ■""'..sharpest quarterly snowy weather though not as year. But in Los Angeles, a 20 per cent plunge. There 'H°in crime in nearly two severe as in the North. crimes decreased from about 58,000 to about 53,000. were substantial decreases in Increases were reported for LANSING (UPI) Gov. William G. with a law firm which has ^ the FBI said Thurs- The statistics for some major In Texas, another warm murder, robbery, assault, burg¬ two categories. Rape was up 5 - Milliken's top aide reacted strongly Thursday affiliations." "strong Republican lary and larceny. per cent, and assault rose 1 per T rate for the first cities bore out the some cases theory in and seemed to weather state, there were The report showed an 11 per cent. to published speculation that Milliken's King was named to replace William Ralls r "Ths of 1977 dropped 9 contradict it in others. modest decreases in Austin, cent over-all decrease in Chica¬ But murder was down 5 per appointee to a Democratic seat on the Public who left the commission to campaign for the Kthe P"' L| year ago, the level for the In the moderate climate of Corpus Christi, Dallas, San Antonio and Waco and slight go and a 4 per cent drop in New cent, robbery 8 per cent, bur¬ Service Commission (PSC) is not much of a Democrat. Democratic gubernatorial nomination. Milliken's aides were miffed by what they a Southern California, the num¬ York. glary 7 per cent, larceny 11 per I "tod in it" quarter|7 ber of reported crimes in San increases in El Paso, Fort The FBI said the 9 per cent cent and motor vehicle theft 4 Executive Secretary George Weeks said considered to be Ralls' PSC grandstanding on I'L Crime ReP»rt- Worth and Lubbock. national decrease was the per cent. state Democratic Party Chairperson Morley rate hike issues and pointedly asked King Statistics are based on f 0f crimes reported Winograd was displaying attitude in his comments an on "exclusionary" Wednesday's during interviews if she had ambitions. She said she did not. any political CD.#" state and local BUDGET DIRECTOR VOWS TO FIGHT MEASURE appointment of Willa Mae King, a black "You don't have to be running for governor Ercement agencies. The corporate attorney from Detroit. to be qualified for a Democratic seat of the t «vers seven crime cate King was not on a list of candidates put PSC," Weeks said. r ;"der. rape, aggra- forward by the state Democratic Party and While saying he "wouldn't presume to assault, robbery, bur- L C larceny and motor ve- House passes reflector plate bill Winograd was openly suspicious. Winograd told reporters he had never heard of King. suggest procedures by which to determine who is entitled to be called a Democrat," Weeks noted that King calls herself a lle tosh "inter could have LANSING (UPI) He said he would insist on full-blown Senate confirmation hearings to "remove the Democrat, has actively supported that par¬ I 1 major factor in the — The state House has overwhelmingly approved a controversial bill requiring that commercial vehicle operation which requires a different material. cloud of suspicion" that King "is someone the ty's candidates and was endorsed by a Democratic group in her unsuccessful race ling number of reported t the FBI said. The license plates be treated with a reflecting material which some Proponents of the House-passes bill claim the state will not lose governor tried to slip onto the commission." for a seat on the Wayne County Circuit Court - money through the switch to the more expensive reflectorized IL',t drops occurred in charge is available only from the 3-M Co. plates because they will have an extended, eight-year life span. It was also reported that King is associated Bench. E, and early February The 82-25 vote, which came during a hectic session in which They insist that 3-M is not the only company capable of lawmakers are trying to write the state's L the winter weather was shocked administration operatives who dispute the budget and adjourn, providing the special reflecting material, though they concede the |i worst, the bureau noted, safety value of fully reflectorized plates and strongly oppose the bill. firm has pushed for the measure using one of the state's most addition, sections of the powerful lobbying firms. t,v with the most severe The sponsor of the measure — which is billed as a test of the The measure would involve about one million commercial her experienced the great- merits of full reflectorization — had indicated earlier the House vehicles and be in effect for 1979 plates. Passenger car plates -aae decreases. A 16 per would not act on the bill until fall. would not be affected. ■'decline was reported for "You're kidding," said state Budget Director Gerald Miller when Miller, Secretary of State Richard Austin, Highway Director 1h central states and a 9 per he was informed of the vote. Miller vowed to fight the measure John Woodford and Corrections Director Perry Johnson have fdrop 'or Northeastern when it is taken up in the Senate. Reflectorized license plates have been the subject of a 20-year signed a memo claiming only 3-M makes the materials needed to fully reflectorize plates and contending a substance with an Jthe mugger apparently battle between those who claim they would reduce nighttime eight-year life span is not yet available. K't leaving the house, and accidents involving cars parked by the side of the road and those r was his potential vic- who say they are worthless. inFBI spokesperson ob- Under a 1969 law, the state has been treating only the letters ed. But he said it's only a and number on plates. Lawmakers claim this evades the ey that the harsh weather legislature's intent that plates be fully reflectorized — an ributed to the decline. 10 evidence to prove Htheory. lowever, in the West, where The best place to go Ijireas escaped the winter the crime rate for a break is the Bell's Pizza at 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 open from 11:00 deliveries from 4:00 \_a«s,n® (xbbot US®5, . a -you'll never ^ leave hungry- ?:Nous : I We Are Soiftmes 'Du "a on Friday" Opejri the Sun / w ALLYOUCANEAT... SHOWTIMES: FRI t SAT 8 410 PM, SUN 4 PM ALBUM t LIGHTSHOW AFTER 10 PM SHOWS i ENGLISH FISH & CHIPS $-|99 f ^ & \ \ THIS WEEKS ALBUM: \ RILAYIR BY YES CURRENT SKY DEMONSTRATION AFTER ALL /m Tasty alt white Cod Fillets dipped in batter and OTHER SHOWS X deep fried to a crisp golden brown. Served with French fries, roll and buffer, I and your choice of soup or salad. 2800 E.Grand River The International Jr ax— fr flflX, prtMiils ip-v tmlumph vvurvn nviin nr iv • FREE! Purchase one of the following delicious r K A ON SALE NOW I Mr. Tony Sandwiches: GIANT HAM & I CHEESE. ROAST BEEF or CORNED I «nd a Urge Drink...GET AN IDENTICAL BEEF THE AUDIENCES DONT JUST SEE IT- I Jesse ThoytalktoH! Thoychoartt! f-XW SANDWICH and URGE DRINK FREEH with Pis coupon Thay roar with HI Thay love HI KSTSflS. 11 Wincnes uer I Good for Pick up I BMTKYMUjS. and Midnight Bus or Dine-in only Riday, July 22 - 8 & 1030pm 1 I EiicksonKhn TICKETS: $3.50 IN Michigan State University ADVANCE/$4.00 AT THE DOOR 1 ft AVAILABLE AT: ■ 1 MSU UNION, ELDERLY A division of the Please, no INSTRUMENTS AND WAZOO ASMSU Programming Board smoking, lood or drink in Enckson Kiva. * g ■ ■ 515 W. GRAND RIVER Uiret West ol Greyhound Station) | PICKUP OR DINE IN ONLY —J J Q Michigan Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 8, I977 Expert debunks 'bad day' test theory /NO PASSES ACCEPTED THIS ENGAGEMtijTi 1 And polls of school board about students — and not the were useful for college admis By ED LION as deep thinkers. ly "neutral" so all students can State News SUfI Writer members and school adminis¬ only one, he said sions. Rut they should be used Tests stress how well a relate to them, he said. An MSU testing expert de trators nationwide indicate in combination with other crite student Rudman said teachers should can employ conceptual Rudman said test authors ria like grades and recommen bunked as "pure hyperbole" the they believe teachers know also have enough "sensitivity" skills, he said. make up how to handle test information. dations, he said. MSU follows their questions based argument that standardized to re-test students if they have Rudman said minority con¬ on the school curriculum. such a practice. tests can unfairly handicap a sultants are called in to cut student for life if he has a bad Rudman, who helps prepare an uncharacteristic perfor¬ mance that may Rudman attacked criticism down cultural biases in the the Stanford Achievement reflect a bad day. by some sectors of the educa tests that may hurt minorities. Herbert Rudman also told an Tests used for testing all day. lion community that the multi For instance, pictures of people MSU education seminar Wed grades up to college, denounced Rudman later in an interview pie choice tests kill intellectual are drawn so they are cultural¬ critics arguments that a bad nesday that the tests are an said Scholastic Aptitude Tests thought in children who are important tool in teachers' ar Jesting day can harm a child for senal to ensure that students get an adequate education. "All I can say is that "Tests give you (teachers) hyperbole." he said. data and you have to turn this into information," he said. Armed with information, teachers can diagnose and cor¬ rect students' weaknesses, he said. •se, tests c used, but test suppliers publish many manuals and offer many programs to ensure that teach¬ ers use them properly, he said t. n state News. East Lansing. Michigan Friday, July 8, 1977 11 the state news classified ads PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 Houses tNfWrTl *J For Sale |^| For Sale c|flgsifieclAdver»i»iiig . Information MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Kalamazoo Street since 1940. NEED ONE or two females for HUGE room, APARTMENT, large living kitchen, study. Furnished, TWO UNIT house, 5 bedrooms 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. apartment near campus. 332-4432. total. 635 Mifflin, parking, $375. Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. Complete utilities paid. 2/4 person. $240/ Lone 355-8255 347 Student Services Bldg. cars. auto painting and colli- sion service. American and 485-0256. C-13-7-29 (20) foreign X 8-7-8 (3) ONE BEDROOM apartment, near month, summer, 520 Linden, 332- 3361. 8 7 15 (4) 485-4917, lease-deposit. 8-7-11 (3) THREE BEDROOM, full basement, Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, campus. From $195. Heat and garage, 5 minutes to campus. ELIMINATE TUNE-UPS. Replace water included. 351-4091. 0-10-7- HASLETT, 1-bedroom, modern, opposite City Market. C-13-7-29 RATES Available July 15. $225/month. 1 day - 909 per line your conventional ignition with a 29(3) appliances, laundry facilities, $165 Call 482 0580. 8-7-15 (4) 1969 SUN FISH sailboat, excellent (24)_ • 3 days - 80C per line Piranha electronic ignition at plus utilities, 339-8417. 8-7-20 13) condition, 3 year old sail. $500. HAMMOND ORGAN Series T, 1 3 6 _ CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN OWN ROOM/bath. Sublet fall. AUGUST 1st NICE 3 bedroom, 10 Call Peter, 332-6521. 3-7-11 13) 13.50 16.80 5 days - 759 per line year old, brand new sold for $3000 JiL CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ Prefer graduate, Brandywine. Air, MSU BLOCK east, beautiful one minutes campus. Ideal students/ will take best offer. 321-5942.6-7-8 9.60 18.00 22.40 8 days ■ 709 per line bedroom, unfurnished, 351-9549. family. $285, 351-8816. 3-7-13(3) zoo Street, one mile west of sauna, many extras. Partially fur¬ BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil.* (4) 12.00 22.50 28.00 campus. 487-5055. C-13-7-29128) nished. 487-4067; 337-1250. 8-7-25 8-7-20 I3I Approximately 6 yards delivered MID-MICHIGAN'S largest dealer 27.00 33.60 Line rate per BEAUTIFUL SINGLE room in 24 40 insertion SPARROW HOSPITAL near, coed house. Rent negotiable, locally. $39. Sand and landscape in quality used stereo equipment, 16.80 31.50 39.20 1 rocks available. Call 641-6024.; SPARROW NEAR - East side $115 bedroom furnished, $120/month. immediate occupancy. 332-3678. TV's, CB's, camera's, vintage 484-3379. X-0-12-7-29 (5) Bus stop close. Call 485-6731. 7 7 13 electric and acoustic guitars and includes utilities, 10 minutes to (3)_ BOOKKEEPER-GENERAL ledger. campus, no pets. 351-8816. 3-7-13 5-7 18 (31 amps. New Shure Vocalmaster PA L .ijnes • 3 lines - "4.00 - 5 days. 80' per line over Position available for responsible 3 BEDROOM, 2 baths, $200. systems, mikes, and accessories. 3 lines No adjustment in rate when cancelled. person. 2 years experience re¬ FALL-ONE female needed to sub¬ Parking, lease deposit, 485-4917. 8-7-15 (3) New and used rifles and shotguns, Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum quired in all phases of bookkeep¬ ing. Expertise in reconciliation of DELUXE 2 BEDROOM - air, lease apartment in old Cedar Village with three others. Contact tools, sporting goods, jewelry, bicycles, typewriters. Also, 500 I sale price of *50. accounts desirable. Excellent carpeted, heat and water fur¬ Val, 351-9338. 4-7-8 151 117 OAKHILL, 5 bedru m, utilities used 8-track tapes, $1.00 each. nished. $220. 332-8215. 0-10-7-29 J nuts Personal ad« • 3 lines - *2.25 • per insertion. fringe benefits and working condi¬ 131 paid. $500/month, discount for Over 1000 recycled stereo albums. |" K line over 3 lines (prepayment). 0ei tions, Near airport location. Call FEMALE ROOMMATE needed summer only. 349-3841. 3-7-8 (3) BUY, SELL, TRADE. WILCOX Lmage/Carage Sale ads - 4 lines - '2.50. Mon.-Fri, 321-7913, E.O.E. 8-7-15 110) SINGLE BEDROOM available in 3 starting September. Own large room, Okemos. $102/month FIVE AND Six bedroom furnished TRADING POST, 509 E. Michigan, Lansing, 485-4391. C-13-7-29 ■ 63' per line over 4 lines per insertion. - bedroom apartment for summer. includes heat and water, 349-4635 homes for fall term, two blocks nd Town ads - 4 lines - '2.50 - per insertion. MODELS WANTED, $8/hour. We Two blocks from campus west, 3-7-8 (4) from campus. Call Craig Gibson WOMAN'S 10 speed bicycle, 19" parking. Furnished. Greg after 5:30 and leave message, 627-9773. [ 63'per line over 4 lines. will train. 489-2278. Z-3-28-26 131 p.m. 361-8562. 3-7-13(51 Z 10-7-13 (5) frame, used once, $90. 332-1230. L, pounds ads/Transportation ads - 3 lines M.50 s - - SUMMER ONE modern AND two bedrooms eight unit. Furnished and in 8-7-8- (3) | per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. EMPLOYMENT for ALBERT STREET Apartments. unfurnished. Call 372-0297. 8-7-11 EAST LANSING - Summer, 2 METAL DETECTOR, radar de¬ MSU students. 15-20 hours/week. Large 2 bedroom, 4 person, air rooms in house. Negotiable. Call tector. Fairly new, $175 and $25. Automobile required. 339-9500. conditioned, furnished. 1 block 332-3667; 351-2831 after 6 p.m. 355-1533, keep trying. 3-7-13 (3) C-13-7-29 (121 Deadlines from campus. Fall. Call 351-4103. SUBLET ROOM in nice house, 8-7-11 (3) 0-13-7-29 (41 East Lansing. $60/month, 337- js 2p m. ■ 1 class day before publication. BABYSITTER IN through July. Mon.-Wed.-Fri. my home 0291. 8-7-15 13) IDEAL HOME for family with small [ Animals Vt Cancellation - Change - 1 p.m. - 1 class day before mornings, Tues.-Thur. until 3 p.m. Only a few left!! children. Conviently located for MSU and downtown Lansing, 2 NEW, USED and vintage guitars, BABY BOA $25. Haitian Boa, publication. neod is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed Must drive, references. 349-3083. J Houses )|£ bedrooms down, one up. 372- banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ price negotiable. Also, mice until after 1st insertion, 8-7-11 (41 FEMALE ASSISTANT Manager Waters Edge NEW, FURNISHED, 4 bedroom. 9576. 8 7-8 (5) sories, books, thousands of hard- to-find albums. (All at very low wanted. 351-4837. E 5-7-13 (3) FURNISHED ONE bedroom, quiet nere is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per • Reduced Summer rent $200/month-summer. Fall option prices). Private and group lessons LABRADOR RETRIEVER black, plus cashiers for new self serve $400. 339-2961 after 6 p.m. 8-7-8 location. $150 lease-deposit, utili¬ AKC registered, 7 weeks, 2 males. additional change for maximum of 3 changes, (rom '160 ties extra, married couple only, on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all gasoline station in E. Lansing. (3) $60 each. 351-5918. 3-7-8 (3) he State News will only be responsible for the 1st Must be reliable, with references, • Two and (our man available September. 332-8913. styles. Gift certificates. Expert repairs - free estimates. ELDERLY day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must experience preferred. Call Mr. apartments DUPLEX FOR rent. $215/month. 2 8 7-22 ( 5) be made within 10 days of expiration date, Rupnow, 485-2285 days, 484-2734 • Walk to campus bedroom, kitchen with refrigerator INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand River. 332-4331. C-13-7-29 (49) L MobileJtomes * e due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not nights. 4-7-8 17) and stove, living room, dining CLOSE, ONE girl needed. Real 1050 Water's Edge nice house, washer dryer. $90. MOBILE HOMES and MSU stu¬ id by due date, a 50' late service charge will area, garage, beautiful land¬ COMIC BOOKS, Stience fiction, dents make a great pair! Let the AVON-TAKE advantage of Su (next to Cedar Village) scaped. 482-3367 between 10am- Call 676-4819; 349-4877. 5-7-15 13) baseball cards, much more!! CUR¬ STATE NEWS bring you together. be due. years sellings experience. Make 5pm. 4-7-8 (6) top $ on your own time, 482-6893. 331>4432 IOUS USED BOOK SHOP, 307 Call Barb at 355-8255 and sell your C-3-7-13 (31 East Grand River. 332-0112. (open mobile home fast! S-8-7-15 (6) FEMALE OWN room in duplex, VILLA MONTE-Sublet apartment 11:30-6 p.m.). C-13-7-29 (5) near campus, rent negotiable, 15 MINUTES MSU-1968 Marlette, BRIDAL for 1 year starting August 1st. Mtive ;74, [ Automotive SALES-mature part-time. Permanent only. Bridal or womens apparel retail experi¬ person Living room with beautiful balcony view, dining room, kitchen, fully furnished, 351-6237 evenings. 3-7- SEWING MACHINE SALE-Guar- anteed used machines. Complete¬ 12 x 60 with appliances. Must sell, 482-8254. 3-7-8 (3) ence required. BRIDE'S SHOW¬ furnished and decorated. One DUPLEX 7 bedrooms, 2 baths, ly reconditioned. $39.95 and up. MCUDA 1970, 3 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE convertible EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CO. RICHARDSON-USED, partly fur¬ speed, 318, CASE, 1047 E. Grand River, E. person or couple, no pets. $375/ summer $325. fall $500. 1522 ROOM IN large house. $60/- 1115 N. nished, shed, skirting. Low lot 1975. AM/FM stereo tapedeck. Lansing. 3-7-8 161 month For more information call Snyder. 332-3172. 4-7-8 (3) month. Unfurnished, kitchen and Washington, 489-6448. rent. $4500. 15 minutes MSU. Excellent condition. $2995 or best C-3-7-11 (23) Marie, 669-5041 or LONG REAL¬ main rooms shared. 332-6441. 351-7335 between 10am-2pm. 3-7- offer. 321 7080. 8-7-25 (4) TY, 669-2851 6-7-15 110) LOW SUMMER rates. 3, 4 bed 8-7-8 (3) HOUSEKEEPER, INFANT care, SINGLE BED 8(3) IV MALIBU 1967. Rebuilt rooms near Frandor, 5 bedrooms - frame. New! afternoons. References, transpor¬ VW CAMPER 1970. Good condi¬ FROM Effi¬ NEW COMMUNITY Co-op has Originally $125, now $90. 337-1553 !',v starter-battery. Good tation. 1 year committment. East ACROSS campus. in East Lansing. 372-1336.5-7-8 (3) TRAVEL TRAILER, 16' Shaster. Best offer tion, new engine, needs minimal openings for summer. Nice place, between 5-7 p.m. 6-7-18 (3) over Lansing, 332-0426. 1-7-8 (41 ciency and one bedroom, reason¬ Self contained, liquid propane gas 3 3-7-13 I4I work. 393-7056. 4-7-15 13) able. Call 349-9603, 8:30-4:30 TWO ROOMS in large house for cheap. 343 Albert, 351-3820. 3-7- and electricity. $1175. 655-3701. 11 (3) 14' FLYING JUNIOR sailboat with Monday-Friday. 8-7-20 (4) summer, fall option. Rent nego¬ 3-7-8 (4) VW BEETLE 1967. trailer. Extra sails, fiberglass. Good Radio, free 2 MALE students to share 2 tiable. 351-6540. 8-7-15 (#3) JtGE CHARGER 1976. ■ only 19,000 miles. Like repair manual, $450. 351-8654; bedroom apartment in exchange EAST LANSING 3 rooms fur¬ LARGE ROOM, for 1 or 2, close to condition, $950. 351-4147 after 5 Black on campus, washer/dryer. No pets. S. Automatic power steering/ 355-2199. 6-7-11 (3) for maintenance work. 351-3927. nished, excellent condition, 5 FURNISHED HOUSE for rent, p.m. 5-7-15 (4) fc Radio, white sidewalls. 0-4 7-8 (41 blocks to campus. Business or September-June. Faculty on 337-2546. 3-7-8 (3) Rummage Sale I5S3600.332 2090, ask for Ed VW SQUAREBACK 1971. Air, faculty only. No smoking or pets. leave, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car SQUINTING CAUSES wrinkles, FIVE ROOMS available, carpeted, ""8171 radio, snow tires, surface rust. RESIDENT MANAGER Position ED2-1300. 3-7-8 151 garage in Lansing but adjacent to furnished, free laundry, dish¬ help prevent with prescription East Lansing. Only responsible DARK ROOM equipment, skis, $850. 372-2647 after 5 p.m. 8-7-13 opening, East Lansing student ground sunglasses. OPTICAL washer, reasonable. Campus near. clothes, books, Saturday July 9th, (EVAN 1967, good condi complex. Looking for married CLOSE TO East Lansing, one and families need to inquire. 374-6777. DISCOUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, 332-1946. 0-3-7-8 (4) 9am, 637 Cornell Ave., E. Lansing. I <2000 miles, 6 cylinder. couple. Wife to be full-time hus¬ two bedroom apartments for sum¬ 5-7-13 (7) Lansing, Mi. 372-7409. C-3-7-8 ' " (17) 1-7-8 (4) band part-time. Must be handy 2 WOMEN needed in house, nice 8 7-15131 | Jaw] mer and fall, furnished or un¬ n Motorcycles and ambitious. Free apartment furnished. VILLAGE APTS., Oke¬ IDEAL FOR 4 or more! Large 3 bedroom furnished home with and close, pets welcome. $70/ SALE; 5 speed bike, Hoover U'EHM 1974,6 cylinder automa- HARLEY DAVIDSON XLCH plus salary. Phone 349-5430 after 6 mos. Call afternoons and evening. finished attic, 1 yh baths, formal month. 332-3862 after 6 p.m. COLONIAL SOFA, loveseat, chair, vacuum, plants, clothes, etc. July condition, $1500. Call p.m. 0-4-7-8 18) 349-4067. 7-7-8 161 X-8-7 15 (3) $350. 5 piece dinette set, $50. Sportster. Black, 1974,4100 actual 9th and 10th, 10am-4pm, 1316 I 1*332-8744 5-7-8 13) dining room, fireplace, garage. Coffee table and end table, $35. miles. Must sell, new one coming, ONE OR two needed for Includes refrigerator, stove and ROOM IN log cabin on Lake University Village. Cash. 1-7-8 (4) 489 7349. 8-7 22 141 RUSSIAN TYPIST wanted by men Everything is only 3 months old! washer. 8 minutes to campus, J! 131 owners; if you are Russian Language Journal. Hours apartment, close to campus. 332- 482-9226. 8-7-15 (7) Lansing. Beach. Pets welcome. 393-9213 after 6 p.m. and week¬ GIANT MOVING Sale. Saturday pushed with your car, please arranged, good wages. Call Pro¬ 4432, X-8-7-8 (31 $83/month, 339 3556. 1-7-8 (3) ends. 5-7-18 (5) on David Guthrie SUZUKI 380, 1975. 3500 miles July 9th, 10am-6pm. Books, furni¬ at 339-2907. fessor Sendich, 355-8365 office, FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for with windscreen, excellent condi¬ ture, clothes, antiques, etc. Don't 337-0162 home. 3-7-11 (51 NICE HALF apartment. Excellent DIVISION STREET, private en¬ tion, large box on rear. Must sell. fall. Nice duplex with yard. $67 USED CLARINET, Bundy, $180. miss this sale, everything must go. location, student preferred. $75/ trance, parking. 5 blocks from Call 351-0572 after 5 p.m. Year old. ® STATIONWAGON 1970, 487-1980. 3 7-11 I3I plus utilities. Behaved pet OK. 1504 Columbin, East Lansing. month. 489-7085. 8-7-8 131 Union. 332-4079; 484-2404. 8-7-25 lull, new tires, 73,000 miles, RESIDENT MANAGER, couple for Non-smoker preferred. 332-4970. hardly used. 6-7-20 (3) 1-7-8 (6) V 349 4168 5-7-8 131 1975 YAMAHA 650, mint condi¬ East Lansing student apartments. 5-7-8 (4) 348 Oakhill, summer 2 bedrooms. tion, 900 miles, $1100 or best offer. Furnished apartment plus salary. North Point* Apartments $166, 3 $192. Inquire fall rates, Summer Leases Iwnn GHIA 1972, Jc condition, asking yellow, $1600 Phone 351-0426, S-5-7-8 (31 Send resume to News. 4-7-13 (51 Box B-2 State 332-2497. 4-7-8 131 EAST SIDE - nice 3 bedroom, 5 minutes to campus, $265 + , ideal [_ For Sale l[LA4CEUCA 1972-Air. Mich- dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE l^,SPeed' ■ m on, 1 AM'FM- excel- AUTO PARTS Et SALVAGE. 0-13- unfurnished opts, Immediate l^ p.m, X-S 5 7-13 (41 fcELICAST Ca|| 36, 1972, 45JXX) 7-29 (31 JUNK CARS wanted. We pay some with study Occupancy CEDAR fc!dU,S, * Air conditioning Iannis courts ★ ★ shag carpeting unlimited parking or by appointment ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES I • Ampla parking ★ plush furniture 349 - 4700 351-2798 for rental • Nicaly lurnlshad ★ model open daily LOCATED information 1 bedroom units 'ISO Now leasing for 1206 Oakland Call (or Appt. 745 Burcham Fall Call 351 8282 '/«MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. (also leasing for Fall) 351-8631 IV4-4411 - ON OKEMOS RD. IBS Michigan Ave. Right next to the (behind Old World Moll •AttHVy" *ND 351-3118 on the river I) please, no pets LUreing, Ml Brody Complex THE SMALL CAR PEOPLE 1 2 Michigan State News, Eost Lansing. Michigan Friday, July 8, 1977 tannage Sale Iffl [ Real Estate ][«) [rjpin Service ]&] MSU prof GARAGE SALE-July 9 and 10, 9-5 ORGANIC MINI-Farm. Haslett EXPERT TYPING-Term Papers, p.m. 621 Rosewood, E. Lansing, school district. 4 acres, pole barn. Resumes, etc. 16 years expeii- named for Fan, water skis, record player. Many extras, 675-7295. 8-7-8 13) ence. Call Marilyn, 337-2293. 0 13 electric broom, bear skin rug, boat 7-29(4) Organic Club meets 8 p.m. oars, bikes, toys, clothes. 1-7-8 (51 LANSING COUNTRY Club. Se- Monday, University Lutheran GARAGE SALE, Sat. July 9th. 6 eluded 4 bedroom colonial. 3200 TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and Church. Speaker is Dr. Koenig, Center of Environmental Qualities sales post square feet, acre lot. Located on reasonable. 371-4635. C-13-7-29 families, furnishings, books, jour- golf course. Paul Coady-351-8058, (6) on "Reality of Tomorrow: Effects of Reduced Energy." nals, Chinese art, etc. 4496 Dobie, MUSSELMAN REALTY 332-3582. T I" ~ ~ ~ Kelly Harrison, MSU asso¬ $ _ . ~ Okemos. ,0-5p.m. 1-7-8,4, C-4-7-8,6, ^EANS^ term Outing Club meets at 7:30 p.m. ciate professor of agricultural economics, was named U.S. r Tuesday, 204 Natural Science Lost I Foiri q 1 Becrealioi |[j| - Bldg. to discuss climbing and rappelling activities. Agriculture Department gene¬ ral sales manager Thursday. LOST DOG: par, collie with flea collar, 355-7473. 1-7-8 (3) LEARN TO Ride, a. a friendly stable with small classes for more P ^J^nd^res"™ Volunteers interested in gaining Agriculture Secretary Bob Bergland announced the ap¬ w |(j 5ngan«e"7n«./hour Can HI HOPES FARM. 663-8036. ^oHse,prinSg^pese^g and experience in the workings of government contact 26 Student Services Bldg. pointment. In appointing Harrison, the Agriculture Department will save $47,471 a year in salaries Come join us Mondays at Hillel. =ndB^lTnngt $350. More details, 351-5796. 3-7-8 I f SefVid l[*) 11—3) The Jewish women's Learning because the new official will hold two jobs while earning ANN BROWN PRINTING AND Co-op meets at 7:30 p.m. All $39,629. 141 - - RELIABLE HAULING, trash and toca| moving. Call 353-7947 any- TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, general printing. Serving MSU for welcome to share and learn. In addition to serving as wj*i HAVING A Bachelor party? Let us time. 4-7-11 (31 Can you help a foreign student general sales manager and 27 years with complete theses help, dancers-entertainment. Call DIAL A DATE ESCORT SERVICE. FREE...A Lesson in complexion : -Mq.nflSO f-19-7-29 1191 ; avoid culture-shock? Volunteer for International Interactions, 26 Stu¬ heading an independent agency dealing with commercial ex¬ h' 'A-v-vl 1 782-5858 after 4 p.m. XZ 6-7-8 care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis- dent Services Bldg. (5| or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE ports, Harrison will also handle ™,ations (nica-elite) FAY ANN the duties of a post inside the ^ r ir -- NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. 'CJ3^29^.21 Open volleyball sponsored by Foreign Agricultural Service — ' Real Estate M — Recreational Volleyball Club, a.m. Sunday, upstairs court, 11 namely, assistant administrator FOR ~OUAUTY~ ste7eo "service COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete Women's IM. for market development. ONLY TWO houses left at re- duced rates for summer. One 4 THE STEREO SHOPPE, 655 East r'nrne^M A ^anTG^nd^RNeT Combined salaries for the a » 5 30^ Mondav Fndav Grand River. C.13.7.29 (12) bedroom, one 5 bedroom. $200/ 830JL30 Monday Friday. 337 337 Listening Ear orientation for new two jobs when they were filled volunteers 1 to 3:30 p.m. July 16, separately during the Ford month, small deposit. Call 351- FREE NEEDLE check. Bring in 1666. C-13-7-29 (16) 111 Olds Hall. For more informa¬ Administration totaled $87,100. 4107.0-10-7-22 (5) your record player needle for free CZ .. IfJTJ tion call the Ear. Everyone wel- Harrison, native of Lockney, check at anytime. Special prices ir2ISp0n3ll0ll J[jM5| COLONIAL 3-bedroom 7% hathc on new needles. MARSHALL — Tex., has been an MSU faculty 2230 square feet, formal living and MUSIC' East Lansin9- C1'7'8 141 member since 1966. G0I?G ^EGT' "f? ^ Episcopalians! Eucharist at 5 p.m. dining areas, family room with !"9 ,Sea,lle 3u'v 28'd- Sunday, All saints Courtyard. fireplace. Professionally land- EQUITY L0AN" V" a'a buying have references Phone 355-2957 Bring your own meat to grill and scaped. 15 minutes from MSU and your home on a mortgage or own 4-7-15 141 downtown. By owner, 669-3030 v°ur home ,ree and clea'. ask | 1r beverage. Rain or shine. Customers set after 5p.m. 8-7-11 171 about our equity loan. Borrow Wilted IS against your equity to consolidate 1 ... T(IWN CONDOMINIUM FOR Sale, 2 vour bills, make major home new record for bedroom ranch on golf course, improvements, take that long HOUSE OR Duplex tor rent end unit, finished bawment cen awaited vacation, or for any other Rad Cadar Sch°cl reliabe tral air. appliances, gTng sw,m- flood purpose. CALL FIRST P<°^al family Su. 15) nC'tV' writing, cheap, by Harvard lin- VERMONTER RELOCATING, sin sing. C 9 7-20 (5) gujstjcs student 337.0182. 6-7-8 gle wants to rent from sabbatical electricity by its customers. family. 332 0221 after 6 p.m. A Consumers Power spokes¬ 3 BEDROOM ranch near MSU. 2 ANTIQUE SHOW and Sale-Lan¬ 3-7-11 13) person said the utility dis¬ fireplaces, screened-in porch, nice TUTORING MATHEMATICS and sing Mall. Lansing, 5330 W. Sagi¬ yard. By owner. $37,500. 337 Statistics. Ph.D candidate. 7 years LIGHTED CANDLES ADD A FES¬ naw Hwy. July 7, 8. 9, 10. Daily 10 patched 90.3 million kilowatt 1451. 3-7-8 (4) TIVE TOUCH to any party. They a m to 9 p.m., Sunday noon to 5 hours for the 24-hour period of teaching experience. 355-8211. Welcome relief from the muggy weather cornea in the form of a 8-7-25 (3) also prevent the room from be¬ p.m. 40 dealers, glass grinder, lid ending at midnight. That figure big aplash la. LANTERN HILL area. 1 acre lot, 3 coming smoke-filled. Table and lady, lamp parts. 20% off silver exceeded by nearly 2 million Sandy McGee, 12, of Union Lake. Detroit had a record high of 100 degrees Wed bedrooms, 1/? baths, fireplace, PIANO TEACHER seeks students. floor lamps sell quickly when replating, furniture galore, over the previous record of 88.5 nesday, the hottest in 22 years. Weather reports promise more warm weathe price in low 40's. By owner. Experienced, certified. Evenings, advertised for sale with a low-cost 700 different beer cans: C & P million kilowatt hours set on before a cooling for most of Michigan. 351-1771. 3-7-8 (4) persistently, 332-6089. 2-7-11 (3) ad in Classified. 5-7-8 (10) Aug. 28. 1973. THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★ Save Time ★ Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you SINGLES CLUBS COUNSELING GOLF COURSE CHILDRENS SHOES ARTS (CRAFTS BARBERSHOP STEREO REPAIR TIRED OF BARS? PROBLEM TRY NASA SINGLES I PREGNANCY £ Chitholm Hills UNION the* 372-1560 24 Hours JV Coif Courae 2397 S. Washington Rd. OlO TOWN ARTS 8 CRAFTS BUILDING MARITAL 1 GREEN FEES Lovers BARBER PROBLEMS? 1 9 holes .'2.50 everywhere SHOP PROFESSIONAL AUDl| NEEDTOTALK? 18 holes ■ *4.00 Croft Classes REPAIR nls und Children's SHOKS Complete line el itinerant* 0 RK Products CATHOLIC All Day ■ >6.00 • Widths B-KF.E bead supplies are looking for * Three full • time profession® year 'Layer Cuts SOCIAL Moke reserved Tee Time • Orthopedic Shoe* Always accepting original art •Latest Styling ' Complete Test facilities SERVICES for Sot., Sun. 8 Holidays • • Tap and Ballet work on consignment. wedding oerviee •Women's Haircuts * 3 • month warranty on all I'.K. Hyers 2415 N. Cedar. Holt Let Theai Know * Loaner amplifiers available A NEW ALTERNATIVE -Call694 0169on Thurs¬ 'Can Help' 8-5:30 Mon.-Fri. 694-3102 la the Yellow Page. CALL 337-QS43 Call 372-4020 days for reservations. Mm, Mm. (Owm. ■ Arti.t) 355-3359 555 K. GRAND KIVKR Ic. S.I. It ? SIM. 12-4CI.W4M.II. "Carolyn* 355-8255 337 - | 300 BICYCLE SHOP FOR SALE TRAVEL HOROSCOPE HEALTH FOOD Where can 10% DISCOUNT OVER 400 QUAUTV (IKES ■w Horn mU le. m wt HUM 4 lb. 1 IM hta. Wn. M..I yon get advertising for'3.00/week? han» ,DC^S of til kinds. TOURS - CRUISES HOTEL RESERVATIONS -T Astronomically precise on or to all MSU studonts purchases of $2 more, yogurts tfc RALEIGH-COLUMBIA C0LLI6I TRAVEL and breads excluded BEST constellational horo¬ Motobecone Puch - Dannon Yogurt 31* Quality lOipttdt Of Year 'round prtcw OFFICE scopes. Know yourself rootono bit prices" in Southern Michigen. and your future. Analysis (oil onamb/ad 4 cheeked out) 130 W. Grand River RANDALL HEALTH FOOD CoitumA of personality, 4972 Northwind Dr. Call Carolyn BOB'S GUN SHOP Eait Lansing your (lot light Mit of Hog adorn Rd.) career, finances, ro¬ Brookfleld Plaxa 351-6010 fisl 3374S1, S. Ins.: tlUK 355-8255 mance, 8 more. 1381 E. Grand River "THE TEA V II PtOFESSIONAlS* 332-6892 22JU22"- AUTO SERVICE FURNITURE OPTOMETRIST CATERING SERVICE JEWELRY SPARTAN MUFFLER CENTER BUD'S acmi Bieoiite co. CO-OPTICAL THE COMPLETt | Mottressne & Box Springs M.S.U. WEDDING SERVICE 'MUXES mode here in Lansing SERVICES 'SHOCKS AUTO PARTS. Union Catering JEWELRY Orange Blow TWIN '49" (last laetkf's Oety "Catering Specialists" Gold FcBUOO | Art Carved 'FRONT El DIK INC. Cooperative Optical) 'Wedding Receptions DOUBLE '59" GIFTS 10% Dr. J. R. Nixon. 'Breakfasts, Luncheons, Optometrist Custom Picture Framim I Dinners STUDENT DISCOUNT Odd sixes to order * LATE MODEL • ETES EXAMINED 'Bar Set-ups ON ALL WORK MOTORS AND • GLASSES •Takeout Service WITH I.D. PARTS A SPECIALITY Acme Bedding Co. • CONTACT LENS 'Meeting Rooms and 694-2154 Equipment 717 S.PENNSYLVANIA 405 lilt I. Grand Hear Halfway between Holt A Cherry 8 Kalamazoo Open Thursday Evenings I 487-9332 Meson on N. Cedar Phone 487-4995 IneMeMMea 337-1314 HI • 1330 355-3465 319 E. Grand Rlvtr A East Lansing. Michigan J TOBACCONIST BAKERY NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE TOP RESTAURANTS MUSIC HINGE AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR! BIRTHDAY CAKES Give your Iff MY MY Baking is our Business! -Cigarette by.- Wek.velu.toek- * Hand decorated cokes THE GRAPE VINE Business a Boost ORCHESTRA Skeraaa - Dunhill Sobraine - Pipe Tobaccoe Syr * All occasion cakes ) Offers yoa three of life's pleasures - good ' 1776 - Three Star - aad 20 Red Dner * Cookies, donuts, and other •/» (t\;W food, good spirits, and good service. All ( Advertise TIn Yellow Jazz? Rock, Polko'i, WolK«| Head. Mend. goodies found in a warm country fresh atmosphere! Ballad. 3 lotln. 5, « «* * •Pipe. bySavineUi Cokes delivered to your dorm _ P'*Prainuloflal sppoorone* I »Page WARNING 332-4269 or apartment (payment due lunch Mon.-Sot. 11:30-2:30 The SirgH. Ceo*. J h». 4cumlM4 taaiO. Uot ctew.Ua mUn i> 4upn» t. ,..r when delivered) YELLOW PAGES Dinner Mon.-Thurs. 5:00-10:00 W« -rotoeelonol found. ■ KWAST BAKERIES Advertise Today! Frl. and Sat. 5:00-11:00 Call Carelyi UUUYKAVN*| C&m TAMAWMTM)*' Shoe Call Open Sunday The Grape Vine 484-1317 Carolyn 2758 E. Grand River 355-8255 Day.: 373-S200,373-572. Mon.-Frl. 7:00-5:3. 355-8255 After 5 8 Weekends: E, Liming, 337-1701 482-4513 Is Your Business Listed Here? - Call Carolyn 355- 8255 e m.^/s. East lonsing, Michiggr Friday, July 8, 1977 13 DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau fhrhfy JISSE WINCHESTER Sand 10:30PM July 22 m.TV(CBS) (IQ)WltX-TV(NBC) (H)WELM-TV(Ccble) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) YEAH, YEAH, I KNOW YOU'RE NOT HEY, NO SWEAT! TT<5 JUST AN OLD ONE I OH, NO, ALLOWED TO ACCEPT mn's OH- mll 'f SIR, I'M MONEY!SOI FIG- SIR, I WAS SICK OF ANYWAY. REALLY ICONS REAL NICE WITH KINDS' HOW ABOUT I NOT.. URED I'D JUST GIVE DOf/T.. YOUR UN/SEX UNIFORM, COUNTER- SJRlPeS? I I YOU A NECKTIE. REV0LU- 607 SIRIPE5.V TX3NT YOU THINK? (10) Emergency Onel "High Risk" "The Double Con" VONARY. (12) Emergency Onel (23) Washington Week in 10:00 IOON (23) Mister Rogers' Review (23) Forsyte Saga Neighborhood 8:30 11:00 1:30 FRIDAY (10) Chico and the Man (10-12) News eWorld Turns EVENING (11) DJA Skateboard Show », of Our Liv«s (23) Lowell Thomas Remenv 5:30 (23) Wall Street Week bars t|i Journal (11) Cablelronlc 11 Newt 9:00 11:30 2:00 (23) Electric Company (10) Qulncy (6) News | goo Pyramid 6:00 (11)Cabletronic 11 News (10) Johnny Carson wConiortium (6-10-12) Newt (23) Masterpiece Theatre (12) Mary Hartman, Mary 2:30 (11) Susan Brownmiller at 9:30 Hartman ng Light MSU (12) Movie (23) ABC News PEANUTS ® (23) look At Me fulataliu* 6:30 ^)y of Mental III- (6) CBS News MSU SHADOWS by Schulz (10) NBC News , 3:00 (12) ABC Newt by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: ■nth* Family (23) Antiques [athsr Worid 7:00 PZKBALL PETE'S L|| Ali»aand Well (6) Hogan's Heroes Present this 3:15 (10) To Tell The Truth really funny comic for 25* a| Hospital worth of free play! 3:30 (12)Partri3ge Family (23) Off the Record Kit Came 7:30 lot Yoga and ' You 4:00 (6) Price Is Right Llnklo (10) $100,000 Name That Tuna In Show (12) $25,000 Pyramid (23) MacNeil/lehrer Report 8:00 FRANK & ERNEST Complete ring selection stor-sapphires. onyx - opals • jade, SPONSORED BY: 'tiger-eye, many more (6) Movie "The Big Country" 10% MSU DISCOUNT by Bob Thaves (lO)Sanlord and Son (12) Movie [pytgyg yniDAisiY NO VIDEOTAPE*..-MO CASETTES*. • NO IsANDAL SHAPE-UP! RECORD*... NO Strap repair . PR|Nf* op PAINTING* resoling : TO 8E LOANED Out... COMPLETE SERVICE VVHAT THE HECR K«ND BENEATH CAMPUS DRUGS oF LIBRARY 'J THIS, lAMPUS COBBLER m LMIittr-332 3619 ■ Mufti. 9:30-5; Sil 9=303 ■©•977 GeecaO otfLZWCJ. Low gas prices Plus Service! hide's Little Freeway Service Stetiee PROFESSOR PHUMBLE ® Bagel-Fragel Open 7 days — e a.m. till 10 p.m. SPONSORED BY: 332 0300 JjC V free 4 oi. poratoe or macaroni salad by Bill Yates MPm with purchase of sandwich 99* or more. IWSSWORD 1 PUZZLE tarns idHsra aaa Baa aaca nna annraa anaaoB bhepord's ranan aaaansa aaas nam campus 30 Indulgent as aaaciD aas 3? Mild oath naa aaaaa be 33 For anna iinnaiiaa 'ndebted '™,Ms 35 Backward rang unaa 38 Japanese girdle paaiaHn ndaaa « Article ana aranta nna tl Swill aaa □□ran aaa TAKE jyvO ASPIRING AHP hur 13 Elhmul REAP MY NEW BOOK "LAUGH YOUR INAY 70 GOop HEALTH* p.-sia— 49 Accounts DOWN Mine excavation 4 Boy. in Spam Saratoga, tor one b Used to express surprise «1ST *Wr*emkBOOKefoNS& M Quibbles Oxford graduate 6 Actual being 1 Vernon and Irene -THiS iS A RE&RDiHG.GOQONi&fr ! 8 Quota 9 Open court 10 Preeminent 11 Nipa 18 Reality ?0 fencing dummy Bravo it Added to >S Small draught ?6 Bluenose V Pressing ?8 Shooting marble ?9 Summer m Pans 31 Wears away 3b fuse partly 36 Plant cutter bird 3/ Giiasol 39 Angered 40 larl 4? fish 44 Coin ot Macao 7/f I 45 lenms point 46 French article ] 4 Michigon Stole News, East Lonsing, Michigon Frid°y- July 8. ,977 TEACHER HITS RACIAL STEREOTYPES Kids learn truth about Africa 144 I r,J By RUTH SEYMOUR gan educators with some of the files on multinational corpora¬ these students still hold about JIM'S TIFFANY PLACE, witchdoctors, wild animals, Thirty pairs of eyes stare materials they need to do a bet¬ tions, sports and women in Africa and Africans. pygmies, poison-darts, savage- intently at the felt board at the ter job teaching about Africa. Africa. Any teacher or Michi¬ front of their classroom. A mass It is the second such center in gan public schools system can "Sometimes when I bring an African guest to speak to a nessand nakedness withAfrica. WHERE GREEK FOOD of black felt figures, crowded so the United States. The first, at call the center for teaching But what disturbed Wiley the University of Wisconsin, class," she said, "the kids will most about the study was that closely that individual bodies materials, curriculum consulta¬ ask questions like 'When did are indistinguishable, are bar ricaded into one corner, and was also organized by Wiley. The MSU African Studies tion, or to arrange classroom visits by center personnel. you learn English?' or 'When more 12th graders made these associations than did 7th gra¬ AND SPIRIT PREVAILS did you start five lone white figures have the Resource Center's library con The need for better educa wearing clothes?"' ders. rest of the board to themselves. tains maps, slide sets, several tional programs on Africa for Wiley also cited a 1968 study Apparently, she said, five "What do you think about the thousand books, filmstrips, cas¬ kindergarten through 12th which showed that more than years of education in American picture?" the classroom guest settes. discs, transparencies, grade, Wiley said, is painfully two-thirds of 7th and 12th schools only reinforced previ¬ asks. curriculum guides and vertical evident in the misconceptions grade students associated ously held stereotypes. "It's not fair. Look how much room the white people have',' Teachers slam one child replies. "Well, then, what can done about it?" the visitor asks again, selecting one hand a- mong the many that wave be proposed agency WASHINGTON, (API — The president. of the American created. And Shanker said Carter told the union wildly for recognition. Federation of Teachers and other teachers union leaders told group he had made no commitment "Take down the fence and President Jimmy Carter Thursday they opposed any regarding an education department. plan to The union president said the group told Carter it opposed the mi* the blacks and whites create a separate Department of Education. suggestion, which has drawn support from the National Education together." Albert Shanker, the union president, and six other union Association. The felt board is just one of officials met with Carter and Vice President Walter F. Mondale to He suggested that instead of creating the learning tools that Marylee tell them that education programs should be more a new Cabinet closely department, closer ties be established between education Wiley uses to help grade school coordinated with other government programs. students throughout Michigan programs and Labor Department activities because "there's a Shanker also told Carter "we are very encouraged by your close relationship between what the schools do and the understand Africa better. This national and international position in the area of human rights. We relationship to people getting jobs after they graduate." particular exercise shows the felt that was neglected for a long period of time." Shanker said the meeting was class the effect of apartheid on Carter said during the presidential election campaign that he sought by the union officials to discuss attempts to "turn around the life in South Africa. favored breaking the education functions away from the decay of the cities and their school systems." Wiley is the director of Department of Health, Education and Welfare and creating a He said the group also MSU's new African Studies urged Carter to increase the federal The Greek work, "filoxenio". (philo-xenio), denotes a spirit of hos¬ separate cabinet post. share of welfare and health Educational Resource Center, But there since have been indications he has had second payments, a move he said would free state local governments to spend more on education. pitality and friendship in on unfamiliar place. This Greek spirit prevails which was established in the thoughts. In June, Bert Lance, director of the Office of The union president said Carter made no commitments but told of Jim's Tiffany Place. With an emphasis on Greek and Italian specialties, International Center about four Management and Budget, said Carter had no plans to expand the them he shared their concerns and indicated discussions on Jim's Tiffany Place offers great dining at a great value. months ago to provide Michi¬ cabinet the proposed these once Department of Energy has been issues were underway. This seemingly effortless hospitality at Jim's is the result of a great deal of dedication and hard work by a well-trained staff. This dedico lion and effort is precisely why Jim's Tiffany Place has been endorsed with such honors as "Restaurant of the Month" by Michigan Motor News Magazine. "Table Top of the Month" by Michigan Hospitality Magazine, PHONE Three Star recognition by Mobil Travel Guide and recommendation by AAA SPECIALS! With the American culinary talents of the chefs and their staffs, their Greek- menu has become recognized as one of the finest in America Enjoy Jim's Early Evening Specials You'll receive 20% off on all dinners when seated by 5:30 and ordered by 6:00. A hearty invitation to enjoy great dining at a great value TICHNICS Dolby Dock... Savo $801 Jim's Tiffany Place, originally named "Cafe Lansing," opened its doors ■B-630UB. High per¬ in 1914 at 203 South Washington Avenue, relocating in 1937 to their formance cassette present location. In 1949, expansion to the adjacent building included a SKANDA 535 Stareo »-Tr. deck has dolby, dou¬ ble-gap ferrite head, *169 KOSS cocktail lounge and banquet room. They are proud to be the oldest res¬ taurant in Lansing Top notch tape player with sliding con¬ PR0-4AA trols, illuminated peak-check metering Today Jim's Tiffany Place is known to house one of the three largest track indicators. Stereo and finest collections of authentic Tiffany era lamps in the world. The and solid-state cir- total collection is over one hundred lamps, with approximately sixty on cuitry! $4 MlW o 97 Headphones . display at any one time. There ore no two lamps alike. One of the finest dynamic The first lamp was purchased in 1966 from -n old mansion in stereophone made Now at o very affordable price for Minneapolis Also among the first collected pieces were three lamps and the 1907 stained gloss back bar, preserved from the Epicure restaurant WAS >65 which was located on the present site of the Belt Building. Other lamps were collected from near and far away *29.88 Jim's Tiffany Place is easy to find coming from campus. Jim's is located I block eost of the capital on Michigan Avenue. Free parking is provided for Jim's guests after 5:00 p.m. Dinner reservations are suggeled. coil 372-4300 Jim's is open Monday •KANDA 333 Cauotto thru Saturday II a.m. to 10p.m. — closed Sundays and major holidays Stereo under-dash Visit Jim's where food is treated with respect and where the ex¬ player has slot- perience of dining is transformed into a memorable occasion. Don't for¬ loading, sliding controls, morel $*o97Jlw get Jim's Early Evening Special daily it you're sealed by 5:30 and order by 6:00. A delicious opportunity to enjoy tine tood Rated by critics and music lovers alike as a very natural, smooth sounding speak¬ er system. 1 SPONSORED En CRAIO lo-Daih ■ Nnwl DIONIIR AM/FM/MPX Caicotto Has automatic *199 'Phone eject, PU cir- Was Stortlingly olive, the /Xk GREAT (iiSfi cuitry, illumi- $139.95 "*■ SE-4's rival noted indicators A OA AO the finest! FOOD AFC. more! 9QQ T-602 AN llffrlwRnaflj Sunday Buffet *4.25 shrimp HQ meothallli. vegetable. Pan 1 tree Hours a Day CRAIO AM/FM/Caitette 1 127 Abbott Id. 211S. IrMti SL, Cratf LM(i H Eost Lansing DIONIIR "Oupartwnar1 KP»8005e Stereo FM/AM In-Dash with cassette Reg.$50 *34M that gives you the kind of performance available in home components. v PLAYRACK's Finestl Schensuls ^ ^ ^ ^Oowntown Model PI-SO CAFETERIA Was $119.95 LANSING . MERIDIAN 3521. In-Dash unit has au¬ MALL MALL tomatic FM stereo switching, $A A auto eject, morel ^9^9 Hmtk MmUy thm Friday -11:15 A.M. 4:M.7:Wy.a. SiMrday -11:19 A.M. - S P.M. Suday IhlOA.M.-IMP.M. L-nsir POLO BAR Delicious Homecoohed Specials Under$2.00 Modern Country Music Happy Hour Weekdays 2-6p.m. Pitcher Special (MQSi ^Of^EEE^'wEOAl .^THf^lNCLUDES "sALAD Thurs. Sun. - Men. ond Tues POTATO AND VEGETABLE, —»«' CRAIO SUPERIX __ "Poworplay" In-Dash 1410. Sensitive 1 '/i mi. East of Meridian Mall ILFORNi PRO-BV 662 W. Grand River Okemos Stereo FM/AM in- dash with 8-track 349.2240 2^0,and, River player. 12 watts per KMPIM For ft-Price! channel, program- *149 xa'iSSSH repeat pushbutton, outstanding formance! per¬ S. 99 T1X. *29" May be just what your ailing system needs. WAS '60 *24.97 XQ) IOUNOI AND PlIIA&jiviUt M-fldl.nM.ll W1W Store Hours: 10 am to 9 """VlB E. GRAND RIVER-LANSING pm Weekdays LIMITED QUANTITIES ON ALL SALE ITEMS The Finest in Mexican Cuisine "Dine in candlelight and 10 am to 5:30 pm Sat., 12 am to 5 pm Sun. Why not try us today! ehjoy your favorite cocktail'^ 523 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Phone: 351-7270 PLAYBACK ¥v£ GRAPEVINE THE IMPERIAL GAR0EN 349-269$ 2758 East Grand River 337-1701 2060 W. Gr. Rv. Okemos ^ " A \